Motions and Amendments for Debate on 29 October 2002

Motions tabled on 22 October 2002

Minority Party Debate

NDM1186 (South East)

1. The National Assembly calls on the UK government: a) to withdraw any support for a possible and threatened pre-emptive military attack against Iraq and to accept that such an attack may well be in breach of the UN charter; b) to work with other members of the United Nations to secure a resolution on the return of weapons inspectors to Iraq; and c) to use its influence to secure a resolution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people.

2. The National Assembly further believes that unilateral military action against Iraq would have a profound impact on the security of the Middle East and would have a significant impact on the economy of Wales and the United Kingdom.

NDM1187 Carwyn Jones (Bridgend)

To propose that the National Assembly:

Notes the Annual Report of the Welsh Administration Ombudsman for

2001-02, which was laid in table Office on 17 July 2002, with personal copies provided to all Assembly Members.

NDM1188 Carwyn Jones (Bridgend)

To propose that the National Assembly, in accordance with Standing Order 8.4 elects Pauline Jarman () to the Standards of Conduct Committee in place of (Plaid Cymru)

Amendments Tabled on 24 October 2002

To propose that the Assembly resolve to adopt the following amendments to Motions:

NDM1186 1. Jonathan Morgan (South Wales Central)

Delete all after 'The National Assembly' and replace with: ',whilst wishing to encourage Her Majesty's Government to seek to combat international terrorism through alliances and the United Nations, recognises: a) that the National Assembly for Wales does not possess responsibility for Foreign Affairs; and b) that the time and efforts of the National Assembly would be better spent on seeking to improve public services for the benefit of the people of Wales.'

2. Carwyn Jones (Bridgend)

Delete all after "UK government" in the first line and replace with: a) to continue its work with other members of the United Nations to secure a resolution on the return of weapons inspectors to Iraq and to ensure that any military action taken against Iraq is governed by the terms of the U.N. Charter; and b) to continue its efforts to secure a resolution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people.


Jonathan Morgan (South Wales Central)

Add new point at end of motion:

Notes with care the comments made by the Welsh Administration Ombudsman in the report.