
Anarchism .••.••.•...... p3 /Situationist ..... p7 Left Communist ...... p8 Labor •...... pll Economics/Women ...... pI3 History ...... p14 Prison/Psychology ...... p19 COMMUNIST- 19th and Early 20th Century Writings

Michael Bakunin: BAKUNIN ON 2.45 The best collection o£ Bakunin's writings. "At long last we are given the full range of Bakunin's rich anarchist insights •• ~ --. Edited by Sam Dolgof£. (405p)

Alexander Berkman: THE ABC OF ANARCHISM (FP) .80 Excellent ex~pt £rom WHAT IS COMMUNIST ANARCHISM? (86p)

PRISON MEMOIRS OF AN ANARCHIST 2.95 Moving testimony o£ a young idealist whose spirit survived nd bars. WHAT IS COMMUNIST ANARCHISM? 3.00 Concise description of anarchist goals and methods. (297p)

Emma Goldman: ANARCHISM AND OTHER ESSAYS 2 .50 Her most famous work, consisting of 12 essays; five are not included in RED EMMA SPEAKS. (27lp)

LIVING MY LIFE (2 vol; 4.00 ea. 8.00 Inspiring biography of this century's outstanding anarchist feminist. (993p)

MY DISILLUSIONMENT IN RUSSIA 2.95 Autobiographical account of her deportation to Russia in 1919 and her subsequent disgruntlement with the stifling and tyran­ nical hand of Bolshevism. Her revelations earned her the wrath of a leftist movement enraptured with the "proletarian" state. (263p)

RED EMMA SPEAKS 2.45 Comprehensive anthology edited by Alix .Shulman. Twenty-si x essays, many long out of print. (413p)

Peter Kropotkin : ANARCHISM (Black Mountain Press) .20 Reprint of his ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA article.

MUTUAL AID 2.50 His most famous work. Classic refutation to the claptrap of "social Darwinism" .. and its catechism of the "survival of the fittest." A forceful presentation of the importance of coopera- tion for survival and social growth. (400p)

KROPOTKIN'S REVOLUTIONARY PAMPHLETS 2.50 Essays clearly describing the fundamental concepts of communist anarchism. (307p)

Errico Malatesta: ANARCHY (Friends of Malatesta) (44p) .50

SELECTED WRITINGS (Friends of Malatesta) (23p) .60 (Both of these pamphlets are excerpted from the book LIFE AND IDEAS, which is now out of pr~nt) CONTEMPORARY WBITINGS Murray Bookchin: LIMITS OF THE CITY 2.75 ~at Bookchin has done is not ••• simply link the urban and so­ cial question; he has by contrast thoroughly integrated the two demonstrating ••• the difference between a ~adical and a revolu- tionary analysis."--D. Roussopoulas, OUR GENERATION. (139p)

LISTEN,MARXISTl (Times Change Press) .50 Thorough indictment of authoritarianism within the ~xist move­ ment and its repercussions among young workers. (SOp)

POST-SCARCITY ANARCHISM 2.95 Ten essays, most taking up the revolutionary potential of modern technology if it can be brought under human control and applied on the basis of human values and needs. (288p)

Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit: OBSOLETE 1.50 The nature and strategy of Bolshevik (read senile) communism and its crippling actions during the May-June events in France in 1968. This edition is half the u.S. edition price. (160p) and Albert Meltzer: THE FLOODGATES OF ANARCHY 1.50 The editors of London's BLACK FLAG magazine discuss anarchism relative to class struggle, reform, , etc. (160p)

Daniel Guerin: ANARCHISM: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE 2.45 Finest introduction to anarchism available. A short synopsis of anarchist thought along with its historical applications and contemporary implications.

Fredy Perlman: THE INCOHERENCE OF THE INTELLECTUAL (Black and Red) 1.50 Critique of C. Wright Mills and the dilemma of the radical in­ tellectual. Explores the problems of alienation of theory and practice, the prevalent sense of powerlessness, rationalization of the irrational and the incoherence of their retreat from reality. (117p)

PLUNDER (Black and Red) .75 A play that was performed by the Living Theater. (84p)

THE REPRODUCTION OF DAILY LIFE (Black and Red) .35 The everyday activity of slaves perpetuates slavery. And daily life under capitalism? You have the gist of what is tackled in this fine essay. (24p)

REVOLT IN SOCIALIST YUGOSLAVIA (Black " and Red) .60 Against whom are students and workers striking in a society where "workers' control" is official ideology? Exposes the gap between official ideology and social relations. (23p)

WORKER-STUDENT ACTION COMMITTEES (Black and Red) 1.25 Critique of the short-comings and the lessons to be learned from the May-June events in France in 1968. (96p)

Herbert Read: ANARCHY AND ORDER 2.95 Includes "Poetry and Anarchism," and 5 other essays. (229p)

Theodore Roszak: THE FROG IN THE WELL .15

SOURCES 2.95 Fine anthology of contemporary libertarian thinking. Includes Merton, Levertov, Brown, Goodman, McClure, Buber, Woodcock, Bookchin, Snyder, Rexroth, Laing and many others. (572p)

WHERE THE WASTELAND ENDS 2.95 Politics and the transcendence in post-industrial society. (45lp)

Michael Velli: MANUAL FOR REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS (Black and Red) 2.75 An absolute must for those seekers of leadership and all the rewards they will "give'~ the masses. A satirists delight. (287p) Industrial Workers of the World:


Syndicalist Workers' Federation (England): • THE BRITISH GENERAL STRIKE 1926 .30 Another workers' struggle betrayed by leadership.

HOW LABOR GOVERNED (1945-1951) .25 THE HUNGARIAN WORKERS' REVOLUTION (1956) .30 7 LENIN AND WORKERS' CONTROL .20 Sees the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks as counter-revolu­ tion. The aims of the revolution were crushed by Lenin and his cohorts, and the process is spelled out. (15p)

THE SOCIAL GENERAL STRIKE .20 A broader discussion ~f the reasons behind the fail~e of the General Strike in 1926. (15p)


Rudolf Rocker: ANARCHISM AND ANARCHO-SYNDICALISM (Freedom Press) 1.00 His classic discussion of principle and practice. (48p)

DECENTRALIZATION (Friends of Malatesta) .50 Excerpt from his NATIONALISM AND CULTURE. National-political unity as a hinderance to cultural development. (24p)

Debord, Guy: THE SOCIETY OF THE SPECTACLE (Black and Red) 1.25 Classic situationist tract.



POINT BLANK (Point Blank) 1.00 Collection of essays on workers, situationists, sexuality as a commodity, Spain 1936, problems of worker self-management.

Vaneigem, Rauol: THE REVOLUTION OF EVERYDAY LIFE .30 AS WE DON'T SEE IT (London Solidarity) .40 Concise statement of Solidarity's views. Includes their state­ ment AS WE SEE IT. (32p)

Barrot and Martin: ECLIPSE AND RE-EMERGENCE OF THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT (Black and Red) 1.65 French essays defining the modern revolutionary project. Iso­ lates many reactionary notions which riddle the left. (136p)

Brinton, Maurice: THE BOLSHEVIKS AND WORKERS' CONTROL (Black and Red) 1.20 . (See under Russia)

THE IRRATIONAL IN POLITICS (London Solidarity) .90 (See under Psychology)

PARIS, MAY '68 (London Solidarity) .90 (See under France)

Cardan, Paul: THE CRISIS OF MODERN SOCIETY (London Solidarity) .30 The interlocking crisis in work, politics, education, the fami­ ly and the sexes. (14p, 8 1/2xll)

THE FATE OF (London Solidarity) .30 Can a theory which set out 'not only to interpret the world but to change it' be dissociated from its historical repercussions? (5p, 8 1/2xll)


HISTORY AND REVOLUTION (London Solidarity) .90 Critique of historical materialism and the 'un-Marxist' in Marx. Can essentially capitalist conceptual categories be ap­ plied to pre-capitalist and non-capitalist societies? (35p, 8 1/2xll) 9 THE MEANING OF (London Solidarity) .30 Concise discussion of by the French economist.

REDEFINING REVOLUTION (London Solidarity) .75 (25p, 8 1/2xll)

Fore, Mark: STRATEGY FOR INDUSTRIAL STRUGGLE (London Solidarity) .60 (29p, 8 1/2xll)

Hunnius, Gerry: WORKERS' CONTROL 2.95 Broad collection of essays on varying aspects of workers' con­ trol in a variety of countries. (488p)

Kollontai, Alexandra: THE WORKERS' OPPOSITION 1.50 (See under Russia)

Pannekoek, Anton: WORKERS' COUNCILS 1.00 (108p)

Reich, Wilhelm: WHAT IS ? (Socialist Reproductions) (76p) 1.00 (See under Psychology for other titles by Reich)


SOCIALISM OR BARBARISM? (London Solidarity) .30 Redefinition of socialist objectives in light of events in the past 50 years. (21p, 8 1/2xll)



Bethel, T. N. : .CON~:E> . IRACY IN S:9AL . (Ap~alachian Movement Press) THE PITTSTON MENTALITY (Appalachian Movement ·Press) . .25

Carwardine, William: THE PULLMAN STRIKE (Charles Kerr) 2.95 Reprint of 1894 edition. Details the living conditions of railroad workers. This new edition contains Ci concise summary of the strike, his.tory ,o:f the, AR,U, . and Debs,' arrest and con- viction. (126p) , . -. , Chaplin, Ralph: THE CENTRALIA CONSPIRACY (Charles Kerr) , . 2.50 "':: H:b3t ory" o£ 'the ' IWw f~ " ' stiuggle to organize the loggers; l.n Washington, and t~eir. ,subsequent persecution. (80p) Dobbs, Farrell: TEAMSTER POWER '. ,'. 2.95 Sequel to the book . listed below. (255p)

I TEAMSTER REBELLION 2.45 The building ,of .the Team~ter Union as told by one of its major 11 I~ , , architects ~ - (195p) ..... j FARM ' LAB~~ ~RGANIZING i905 ~ 1967 .75

Fore, .,Mark: STRATEGY FOR .INDUST~J;AL STRUGGLE . (London Solidarity) .60 . -: .. ' Glaberman,Martin : PUNCHING OUT .10 What the worker wants and how they are sold out. (32p)

Harless, Rod: THE WEST VIRGINIA ESTABLISHMENT ...(Appal~chi~n ' Movemen't ': Pre"58 { , ".', ,'. , An exaIrlination of. its,. power' stru·c·ture. (lO~p) ,...... ' .. -:.," . ~ I Jones, Mother: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MOTHER JONES (Charles Kerr) 3.50 I , Fascinati.pg ac:count, of one of, th,e most legendary labor agi ta- I .' tors· in. ~erican hi'story . ~ . (~ ' 4~~) i I. Langer, Elinor: WOMEN OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY .25 I (New;, EnglahdFree' Pre.ss) Lens, ' sYdney: ' . THE LABOR WARS 2.95 I cit eis not -only, ,the bloody battles. th~uI).ions£ought, but the factional disputes within t~ese movements. (427p)

I Linder ,Wa1.ter:THEGREAT· FLINT ' STRIKE AGAINST ~ .40 (London Solidarity)

Lynd, Staughton: PERSONAL HISTORtE'S OF THE CIa .35 (New , Eng~and Free Press)

McWi l l iams, Carey: FACTORIES IN 'THE : FIELDS 2.95 Reprint o£ the 193gedition. Social history o£ California I agrictil tw?e. '(335p) ~ MOn.t.gorpery, David: . WII.AT'S HAPPENING TO "THE ' AMERIcAN WORKER? . .' . '('Radical ' America) .25 I Close look -at 'worker 'atti tudes today. - . (25p)

L .. ,LLU2Z Naison, Mark: THE SOUTHERN TENANTS FARMERS' UNION AND THE CIO (New England Free Press) .20

Nelson, Eugene: THE BRACERO 3.50 A novel. (309p)

Nyden, Paul: COAL MINERS STRUGGLE IN E. KENTUCKY (Appalachian Movement Press) .25

Orear, Leslie: OUT OF THE JUNGLE: STORY OF THE PACKINGHOUSE WORKERS (Charles Kerr) 2.95 Profusely illustrated and photographed.

Perlman, Fredy: THE REPRODUCTION OF DAILY LIFE .35 (See under Anarchy)

Powers, George: CRADLE OF STEEL UNIONISM (Charles Kerr) 2.00 The building of the steel union in Monongahela Valley, with an eye to the worker rather than glorification of its leaders. Illustrated. (153p)

Preis, Art: LABORS GIANT STEP: 20 YEARS OF THE CIO 3.95 (538p)

Renshaw, Patrick: THE WOBBLIES 1.45

Romanov, Paul: LIFE IN THE FACTORY (New England Free Press) .35 Written by a worker for workers so that each' might better understand the dissatisfactions of labor in the factories. (40p),

THE SOCIALIST AND LABOR STAR 1912-15 (Appalachian Movement Press) 1.00 A socialist paper in West Virginia and the supportive role it played in the mining struggles of its time. (7lp)

Tippet, Tom: WHEN SOUTHERN LABOR STIRS {Appalachian Movement Press)1.50 Four seperate pamphlets, SOLD ONLY ASA SET. Includes the struggle of the Southern Textile Workers, the strike at Eliza­ bethton, Gastonia, and at Marion. Reprint of the 1931 edition. (155p)

Watson, Bill: COUNTER-PLANNING ON THE SHOP FLOOR (Radical America) .15

Weller, Ken: THE LORDS TOWN STRUGGLE (London Solidarity) , .35 The crisis in production at Lordstown.

West, Don: ROMANTIC APPALACHIA (Appalachian Movement Press) .25 Or, poverty pays if you aren't poor.

THE WEST VIRGINIA MINERS UNION 1931 (Appalachian Movement Press) .25

WILDCAT: DODGE TRUC~ 1974 (Black and Red) .50 Dodge truck workers describe in their own words and in a pamph­ let they produced themselves, just what their 'wildcat' meant to them. Illustrated. (36p) 13

Asimov, Issac: UNCERTAIN, COY AND HARD TO PLEASE (NEFP) Ehrenreich, Barbara: WITCHES, MIDWVES AND NURSES (Black and Red) History of women healers. Lilith, Kathy: PROSTITUTE (Friends of Malatesta) (8p) Limpus, Laurel: SEXUAL REPRESSION AND THE FAMILY (NEFP) Piercy, Marge: THE GRAND COOLIE DAMN (NEFP) f Guerin, Daniel: ANARCHISM: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE 2.45 (See under Anarchy)

Woqdcock, George: ANARCHISM 2.50 Adequate history of principal anarchists and organizations. Its main strength lies on 19th century anarchism. This English edition is half the cost of the American edition. (480p)


Clegg, Ian: WORKERS' SELF-MANAGEMENT IN ALGERIA 2.95 Useful as an overview of political conflicts, but provides little idea of what self-management was or really meant for the workers themselves. (249p) CEYLON CEYLON: THE JVP UPRISING OF APRIL 1971 (London Solidarity) 1.50 The bloody events in which Britain, the U.S., the USS~, India, Germany, Yugoslavia, Egypt ... and especially, China, all provid­ ed aid and weapons to the government in the crushing of the leftist uprisings. (SOp, 8 1/2xll)


STRANGE DEFEAT (Point Blank) .50 A situationist look at the socialist experiment in Chile. 15


Brendal, Cajo: THESIS ON THE CHINESE REVOLUTION (London Solidarity) .60 How state capitalism in Bolshevik garb came to China. The end of the 'cultural revolution' and the emergence of a new class.




Brinton, Maurice: PARIS, MAY '68 (London Solidarity) .90 An eye-witness account. The reactionary role played by the French Communist Party clearly analyzed. (66p, 8 1/2xll)

Guillaume and Grainger: THE OF 1871 (London Solidarity) .30 The first proletarian attempt at total self-management. An analysis of the various interpretations--from Marx to .q:'rotsky-­ is provided.

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel and Gabriel: OBSOLETE COMMUNISM: THE LEFT WING ALTERNATIVE 1.25 Comprehensive and insightful look into the events of '68 by major participants. Also provides an interesting historical backdrop: the Bolshevik thread of consistency in its actions is clearly exposed. (256p)

Kropotkin, Peter: THE GREAT FRENCH REVOLUTION 4.50 Penetrates the surface confusion of this mighty revolution. Fine critique of the reactionary role played by the middle classes, as well as other counter-revolutionary forces inside and outside France. Marx, Karl: CIVIL WAR IN FRANCE (Charles Kerr) 1.00

THE PARIS COMMUNE (Freedom Press) .30 Includes essays by Kropotkin and Nicolaus Walters.

Perlman, · Fredy and R. Gregoire: WORKER-STUDENT ACTION COMMITTEES (FRANCE, MAY, 1968) Black and Red) 1.25



ARMED RESISTANCE IN WEST GERMANY (Anarchy) .60 Militant defence of the Red Army Fraction. (64p)

Ruhle, Otto: FROM THE BOURGOIS TO THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION (Socialist Reproductions) 1.25 " By a founding member of the Spartacus League. Panneokeok, Anton: WORKERS' COUNCILS 1.00 (108p)


HUNGARY Anderson, Andy: HUNGARY '56 (London Solidarity) 1.50 Must reading on the little understood eruption and appearance of workers' councils. (48p, 8 1/2xl1)

THE HUNGARIAN WORKERS' REVOLUTION (Syndicalist Workers' Federation) .30


Van der Straeton, Serge and P. Daufouy: COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN ~RELAND (Black and Red) .50 An histo.rical background leading us to the present situation in Ireland. (48p)


Hewetson, John: ITALY AFTER MUSSOLINI (Radical America) .50 Narrative account of little known role of the workers in mass a·ctions which overthrew Fascism. Reprinted from the 1945 Freedom Press edition. (40p)

PINELLI ASSASSINATO (Solid~rity Bookshop) .25 Detailed background to the Pinelli-Valpreda case: two anar­ chists victimized by repression.



From ZeIt to right (back row ): DR. A. A. ATABEKIAN, died in exile; MEYER RUBINCHIK, repented in exile; HERMAN SAN­ DOMIRSKY, in prison since 1935; PETROVSKY, fate unknown; N. K . LEBEDEFF, died in Moscow; EFFIM YARTCHUK. de­ ported in 1921 from Russia, repented; LEV CHERNY (TURCHA NINOV), shot to death in 1921 in Moscow by Che,.Ka; HERMAN ASKAROV, in prisons and exile since 1921; N. I. PAVLOV, repented in exile; VLADIMIR BARMASH, in prisons and exile since 1921; TANIA SHAPIRO, deported from Russia in 1922; A. M. SHAPIRO. deported from Russia in 1922; PROP. A. A. BOROVOY, died in exile in 1916; PIRO, in exile since 1926; LIDIA GOGHELIA, fate unknown; G. P. MAXDlOl"P. deported from Russia in 1921; S. MARKUS. died in Moscow: ANOSOV, fate unknown. (in front) , left Russia in 1921, dIed in 1936, in Nice, France.


Arshinov, Peter: THE MAKHNOVIST MOVEMENT 1918-21 (Black and Red-Solidarity Books) 3.25 One of the best accounts of this important--if usually ignored­ movement ~ Arshinov was a close friend of Makhno's. (284p)

Brinton, Maurice: THE BOLSHEVIKS AND WORKERS' CONTROL 1.20 State and counter-revolution: Bolshevik theory and practice in relation to the management of production. (86p)

Brown, Tom: LENIN AND WORKERS' CONTROL .20 (See under syndicalism)

Cardan, Paul: FROM BOLSHEVISM TO THE BUREAUCRACY (London Solidarity).30 Preface to a reprint of Kollontai's WORKERS' OPPOSITION, this pamphlet stands alone on two merits: 1) it clearly locates the degeneration of Bolshevism prior too, and despite, the Civil War, and 2) it clarifies how managerial bureaucracy: can arise. (17p, 8 1/2xll) .~


Kollontai, Alexandra: THE WORKERS' OPPOSITION (London Solidarity) 1.50 Fully annotated account of the anti-bureaucratic struggle of 1919-20 directed against Lenin, Trotsky and Bukharin, by a leading left-wing Bolshevik.


Mett, Ida: THE KRONSTADT UPRISING (Black Rose Books) 1.45 Full story of the 1921 events. This was the first proletarian uprising against the Bolshevik regime. Introduction by Murray Bookchin. (93p)

Serge, Victor:FROM LENIN TO STALIN 2.45 An anarchist turned Leninist tackles the scourge of Stalinism. (160p)

KRONSTADT 1921 (London Solidarity) .30 Eye-witness account of actions Serge tried to justify.

Voline: THE UNKNOWN REVOLUTION (Black and Red) 4.95 The first complete translation of this work describing the Mahknovist movement in the Ukraine, Kronstadt 1921, and other events of the Russian Revolution by this anarchist participant. " -- (7l7p) SPAIN


Leval, Gaston: COLLECTIVES IN SPAIN (Freedom) .15

Peirats, Jose: WHAT IS THE CNT? .50

Richards, Vernon: LESSONS OF THE SPANISH REVOLUTION (Freedom) 3.95 The anarchist role in the revolution and what went wrong.


Potter, Bob: VIETNAM: WHOSE VICTORY? (London Solidarity) 1.50


Perlman, Fredy: REVOLT IN SOCIALIST YUGOSLAVIA (Black and Red) .60 Against whom are students and workers striking in a society where "workers' control" is official ideology? (23p) ·'


Berkman, Alexander: PRISON MEMOIRS OF

. . ~ Darrow, "- . __- . _ C 1 .1.'_ ;:; I CRIME AND CRIMINALS

-Debs , Eugene: WALLS AND BARS Kropotkin, Peter: Anarchist classi'c published in 1887. man's inhumanity to man, and an e son life. An eloquent indictment 0

Serge, Victor: MEN IN PRISON Hardback.

Brinton, Maurice: THE IRRATIONAL IN POLITICS .90 How modern society conditions its slaves to accept their slave­ ry. Sexual repression and authoritarian conditioning in both western and eastern contexts. Includes liThe Russian Experi­ ence." (47p, 8 1/2xll) Brown, Bruce: MARX, FREUD AND THE CRITIQUE OF EVERYDAY LIFE 2.95

Reich, Wilhelm: DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM AND PSYCHOA~ALYSIS (Socialist ~eproductions) (7lp) 1.00 SELECTED SEX-POL ESSAYS 1934-37 (Socialist Reproductions) (135p) 2.00 SEXUAL STRUGGLE ·OF ·YOUTH (Socialist Reproductions) (96p) 1.75 tnQthe( oarUt boo --~~------~~~==------~------~

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