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FarlllS council • A $10,700 party rewardmg ..lpp :n~l( ~ to r11un,clp;ll bl.,h...IJ.., L1I.iJ tOmml ...;,lOnb I;' approved b) a maJon- narrows the field t'r of the Gro;,se POlJltl' Woods City Counul Pagl' 4A • The Gro"",e POinte ... Clmton to fill vacancy Ht'lu ...e DI"P(Nl1 Authonh (GP('RDAI I" wlthholdlIlg a .$2'),000 depo"'lt By Bonnie Caprara wuncll from 1968 to 1970, plaU'd on the land It o\', n... 111 Lpnox Staff Writer ,Jo...eph T Ll'oll,lrd \\ ho 1'0\\ n"hlp and I... beekmg up to 13\ "l'ttmg qu,lhfiLatlOlI" 1('tl'lIth rl'llrt'd ,1'" thl' $2'),000 III l'xpen"e" after de\ eloper to fill t1w \ ,It.lnl\ left b\ for Farm ...' dll PI till 01 1\llblil ...el n:ll'tano RIZlO defaultl'd on thl' pur ml'r Md)Or Ed\',~rd Ga'jfney Vile of 18 \l',II'>, ,lIld Myrna l h,I"'l' of till' .$2 ;) millIon propl'rty at on the Gro.,,,e POlntl' Fdrm" 1\1 SlIllth \~ho "el\l'd on thl' nl.ltlOl ,llld 28 Mde Road Pagl' lOA City Council, the LOunul Clt\< of Gro,>"e POlllte CIty alrl'ady ha ... a "hort h ...t of CouncIl from 1987 to 1995 • Elenwntan "'lhool pnnclpa)" and potentwl council member... alld ha ... hved III Hw F,lrm" tP.ll hl'l" gl\ P par ent-- advlle on how At ltb work be;,"'lOn on for 4 1/2 \ par,> to pll'pale a lhdd for kllldergarten MOlld,I), J'lII 20, the LOuncll All thn'p t,IIHlid,ltp» "md and hem to tell If a child I" lead) 13A ,Ign'ed It would narrow the they wpre not mtere"ted 1Il • The Gros ...e POinte War field of eight candidate" to beeklllg e1eltlOn later thiS Memona]'b Ski III program contmues tho"e who hdve either vedr to prO\ Ide fun-filled ;,kllng adventur- Ph,l l In, Il nnu' Mdlt'T ;,erved un a city council or • Other candldatl'" 8» of er ... to tpenagers III the commumt)' workC'd 111 city admllllbtra- pre;, ... tunc mclude Paul (' IE Honoring the King of dreams tlOn Graley, Edward F To celebrate the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., St. Clare "Whlchl'ver candidate we Lambn'cht III, SlOtt J of Montefalco Catholic School students gathered together on get wlll have to hit the Lupo, V,IIt' rI(' Moot and Ene Monday, Jan. 20. Members of the school's Diversity Club marched ground runmng," M 1\1I1ll lnto the church. carrying signs promoting the message of Dr. Councilman Tl'rry Dnvl" In ,III, "l'\pral of tlw LOUll- King. See story, page llA. '>,wl a rl'lIl,l rk p~hopd by lllllll'n "aid .i11of thl' candl- "l \ l'ra I ot hpr cou nlllllll'1l ddtL'" had "onwthll1g to Thursday, Jan. 23 Thl' utv lOllllUI a 1"'0 "bnng to till' Llbl" ' TIll' Fnend ... of the G Io..."e POll1te ex pre ...""d an II1tl're"t III Th" wllncil will alu'pt let Publlt Llbr.ll \ \\ 1111101dtill' lir"t of It-- lindlllg a c,mdldatl' who dId ter" of IlItl'rl' ...t until Fllday, Farms may patrol the lake ,III III t1a""lt book dl"lu"'''lOn" 111 tl1l' Gro,,"p not h,1\ e IIlten,,,t ru n .J,In 24, ,It 4 3D II m From P01l1tt' South High Slhool amphlthe- nlIlg for tounul III tl1l'n', till' LOuncil wIll By Bonnie Caprara CUII'llth, four publ" ...,lllt\ ofli all'r ,It 7 30 p m No\ l'mbpr \\ hen the term of rpVle\\ t1w Il,tt"I" dlld Staff Writer Lt"" ( ["''''l'd .Ill Illtl'rt ...1 In lWlng on 'P' the lurn'nt valant "'l'dt attt'lI1pt to lOllll' to ,I lon"'l'll Dr Enolh Br,ltt'r, profl'''''or of htl'r PUbltl ,>.Ifch pdtrol" III Gro" ...l' thl tli\l' t[',11lJ .Inl! "llOrl' [),Itrol pnd" .Iture at the lTnlvel;,lt) of MIlhlgdn, POlllte F,lrm ... nw\ lIkl'h ("dl'llll to "'ll" ,It It" Marth 10 regular FOIlLIIIl,' ",lid till' dl\l tl',lm and 'I don t "ant the publll to mephng '" ill Il'ad a dl"lU";'lOl1 on 'I\ledea' b\ thl Canadian bordpr b\ thl ..."'llllJll1l'r "Iwrp p.ltlol 1lJ,1\ atu.'pt per'>onnC'1 EurlJ)J(!e" . thlllk Wl"re trylllg to hand If no deliblOlI 1" made, the ....1)" .I pubhc ".Ifl't\ oflilPr from the elt\ of (;ro,>"e POll1te Gro.,,,e Pllk a candidate," Davl» council bald It would mter Thl' ledun' I" fn'e for Frlpnd" of the Publlt "afct'r oflicer Chfl ...f Ol1t,lIlll' I'olnll' Park ,1lId Gro;,.,e l'oll1te ShoreI', Gro..,"e POlntl' Pubhl Llbran .Ind "tu- ...ald vIew the top LOntender ... and J<, \\ orkJl1g on fOl mlllg ,I dl\ l' tl'am 11fund Illg ,1110\\., On the "hort Ilst are take It to a vote at a mcetmg denh NOll-lllemlll'r" may attl'nd for and a bhore Pdt! 01 for the dl'part Font.lllll' ",lid that the dive team Robert T Herdegen Jr, who before the councIl's 60-day $10 .\ttt'ndl'l''' nla'1 rej,'1...ter by tall l111'nt and '>hon p,lt rol 111.1) be called upon "erved on the Farmb city deadlme on March 7 Ing (3131 34,1.2074 Rep ...tratlOn I" "Thl" will "PT\l' t\\O malll purpo". for mut u,i1 d d b\ the other thre(' not m,1l1d.lton, but relommended l';" Fontame "aId "The fi rbt \\ ill be to ('I0""e 1'01l1tl''' that bord('r the lake Saturday, Jan. 25 prOVIde yC'ar round. Ice dnd wdter rC''> Thl' Farm" I" the only one of the Top candidates' views cue Right nov., the only re,>cue "er Idkpfront Gro" ...l' Pomtes that hab law The Gros"e Pomte Farm" Park" vices we have IS the Wayne County pnforLpment Jun ...dlctlOn on Lakl' St According to the quahficatlOns set by the Grosse and RecreatIOn Department Will hold Shenff',., Departmen",~hlCh keep,., a Cl,ur Jun"dlctlOn extends to the Pomte Farms CIty Counetl to find a replacement for Its Wmterfest 2003 at the PIer Park boat on Belle Isle, antYthC' l T R ('OR"t CanadIan border the seat left vacant by Edward Gaffney, to date, three from noon to 3 p IT' Guard In St Clair Shore'> Thl ... \\,1\ TIlt' \V,l\ nl' Count\ Shenff's of eight people who expre,,!>ed an mtere"t m fill10g the Tlw P\ l'nt, oppn to f'arm ...re"ldenh, "1"11 h,,\ (' ,I bpt tl'r l hM1U' ,It efll'lt Illg D, p,l!tnH Ilt h.l ... ofh,rt d tl) lm'nd tlw rl'Il1.1111dN of Gaffnl'v';, term art' mo"t Ilkl'h to bl Lon I" ...ub]t'tt to \\ [',Itlwr LOIHlItHHl'" ITIll ... pllhlH ... 1ft " d, p I!tllH I" 12') ,l rp...tlH th.lll 1 I' tn\' 1\ r "alu ul u" UW LOUIIUI i'Qr more mtormdtlOn, call (J1J) "Secondly, we'll be able to provtde foot Pursuit bolltfor Its naut)cal e>peJI'- In their letters of interest, here'.. W'ha~ each oF ot.he 343-2045 law enforcement to the shorehne atlOn!> The acceptance of the boat candIdates said he or she would bong to the councd Smce 9/11, there's been an emphaSIS needs approval from the Farms city Robert T. Herdegen Jr.: "About a year and a half ago I became dIsturbed WIth some of the conduct and Monday, Jan. 27 on border secunty " counul LocalMotlOn will present the "ec- dec;slOns of the prevIOus councd and determll1ed to once agam take a close mterest m ItS dIrectIOn In ond lecture In a four part ...erles tItled those 18 months, I have attended almost all counCIl "r mprovlllg the Envlnmment for Our meetings, although I have bpoken up o~ only two mat- Chddrl'n'» Health" .It the Gnlbbe ters m which I was a 'notified neighbor 1 am gener- POinte War Memorial at 7 p m ally up to speed on how the council functIOns and a~ The lecture wIll bp led by Dr Ruth weoll acquamted With the Immediate I...»ues facmg It Etzel, who will dl"CU"b children,,' ,>ll'>- cephblhty to environmental hazard" Joseph T. Leonard: "WIth regard to lIty busmess, T1cket;, are :\>5at the door For more I've been an active partICipant m the admlnlstratlve lOformatlOn, Lall (734) 62J-0773 reVlCW of LOuncil dgenda Item.., along \~Ith attpnd1l1g and partlclpat1l1g m the work ...hop ...e.,"ll1n" and rej,'U- The ('Ity of Gro,>"e POlllte City larly bcheduled meetmg" ofthe Clt) council A'> a re'>ult ('ouncd wJ!1 Ilwet In the City Il1Ulllll- of this Iam knowledgeable on many of thp I!>...ue", and pal bul1(hng at 7 p 111 there ~vould be no lost time to 'bnng ...on)('onc up to ...peed '" Tuesday, Jan. 28 , The GrO""l' POlllte Semor Ml'n I', Myrna M. Smith: "I VeT)' much enJo)ed be1l1g able CI ub \~III hold a ..,hort bU,>llle,,<;meet- to contnbute to the commulIJt) a ... a member of the 109 followed by a talk b) club pa"t See VIEWS, page 2A pre"ldcl1t Ed Oben, who will "peak on thl' VUltton Cup race to be held 10 Npw Zealand, at 11 30 ,1 m at the p~ III h\ ( lTfll ( unnmhham Gro""e POlnte \Var Mell10nal Three Harper Woods police officers received citations for brave a~d Call (313) 881 1)592 professional service while apprehending an armed robb;r. Fro~ ~i; Thursday, Jan. 30 are Ser eant Dennis Root, dispatcher Donna Root, ergea~ Gro ...... e POlllte Farm ...1\1,1) or I{ondld Burke a~d Police Chief Larry Semple, who presented the citatIons. Klwl"cr \HIl hold opcn offiu' tJllH' from 830 to 10 a m III thl' Fanm uty Home: Grosse POInte hall Three Harper Woods Wood~ For more IllformatlOn, call (313) Age: 15 885-6600 Family: Parents, Pam officers receive citations and Randy, SIster, Gma, eventually dlCd Root was aCCIdental- 25, brother, NIck, 23 By Carrie Cunningham INDEX ly bhot In the leg by anoth('r police Claim to Fame: In hiS Staff Writer officer and Donna Root received all freshman year at Grosse Three members of the Harper POinte North, Rennpage 6A Woods police Department received the radIO nW'>bage" about what was Opinion. IS manager of the boys CitatIOns for theIr dedicatIOn and pro happemng "Thl" bnng ... home how dangerous and gnls SWIm team!'l and Senlols 5B fe""lOnahbm m handling the appre- the Job can be," ...<1](1Police Chief plays wheelchaIr basket hen<;lOn of an armed robber 11-13A Larry Semple "It's the first hme 1Il ball With the Sterllng Schools Sprgeant Denms Root hiS wlfl" the hl ...tory of Harper Woods that Heights Challengers dl;,patcher Donna Root, and Ser~eant Obltuanes 15A we've had to shoot and kill someone Jim Burke performed With valor 10 a Quote: "Swlmmmg, bas- and the fir"t tllne on(' of our officers ketball and homework are BUSiness 14A precanous bltuatlOn Root and Burke cha"ed the armed robber, Ryan Earle, has bcpn shot" my life" The CitatIOn ... hlghhght thl' nwm Entertainment 9B who crabhed on the 1-94 PXlt of Allard See story, page 4A Burke shot at the arml'd rohlwr \\ ho See CITATIONS, pagl' 2A Classified ads 5C ~f;'"Buy it or Sell it in the , Weekly Award Winning Classifteds OrCM~NcWl " January 23, 2003 2A News " Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week

50 Years ago this week hon III bonds The company, conbl"tlng • Grosse Pomte pubhc The money wlll be used of 44 fifth-grad"n, from school officials expect to for capital Im~rovements Ferry, Mabon and Poupard reach a decIsIOn thll> week and to buy property for a elementary schools m the on whether to seek voter landfill Woodl>,IS working on a .30- approval for the purchase of • Parents on the tommlt- mmute opera under the au 1>- Country Day School proper- tee to bave Am,tm Pr('p pIce... of EdutdtlOn at the ty "chuol are f~ehng a httle Met, a department of the The property IS located Jumpy" but confident they'll Metropolitan Operd GUild, next to the High Sch()('1 on be able to keep the I>choolb Int Gra"be Pomte Boulevard doorb open next fall f'ounlry nflY flomml'-trfl- A spokesman for the torb exprebb a wdhngnebb to group "ayb budgpt and orga- 5 years ago thIS week "ell and want to move their mZdtJOnal plan" have been • Coffee lovprl>WIllhave a bchool to Cook Road m developed to keep the 25- chance to add to their mug Gro,,!>e Pomte Woods, oppo- year-old Cathohc bOY'b collectlOm, WIth th" arnval I>lte the Umveri>lty bchool operatmg for beveral of Stdrbutk;, Coffee to the School years to come Village m the Clt) of Gro%e • All residents are mVlted All that'b needed lb Pomte to attend dedicatIOn cere- approval from the The nat1On\',Ide ((Jffee momes for the Central Augul>tlman Provmclal house and mall order cham Branch hbrary thll> Sunday, Councd, which Will gather plans to move mto a bUIld Jan 25, from 3 to 6 p m m Chicago to deude on the mg at the corner of The bUlldmg, made pOSSI- matter wlthm d few week!> Kercheval and Notre Dame ble by gifts from D M Ferry • POinters deal With a bemg vacated b) La Strega Jr and the late Murray W record 40 4-mch total sno\',- c10thmg :,tore A preview of Grosse Pointe's new Sales, wdl serve a large por- fall for the area so far thIS • Saymg that Borders tIOn of the POlnteb and beabon Books w111help Improve a house admInistrative officeb 'n:asonably healthy" bUbl- Central Library • A $500,000 bond ISbue nebb chmate m the VIllage, to enlarge Pier Park I;, 10 years ago this week reprel>entatlves of the book This view of part of the reading room of the new Grosse Pointe Public approved by members of the • Dan Clark Ib appOInted store giant ba"ed m Ann Library Central Branch shows some of the comfortable chairs and sofas that Grosse Pomte Farms cIty to the Grosse POInte Park Arbor reveal draWIngs of will be available to users of the new facillty. The entire left wall of this room is solid glass. looking out over Kercheval Avenue. Recessed cold cathode councd elt) wuncl1 their nev. store III the CIty of Now the voters have to Clark WIll bervl' the Grosl>e Pomte lighting in the unusual ceiling treatment affords brilliant but glare-free illu- deCide remaining three yearb of Borders Books and MUblC mination. The broad expanse of paneling overhead is made of teak, which has been used extensively throughout the building. (Photo by Fred Runnells. If the two-year project Andrew RIchner':, term WIll be located In the bUIld goes forward, work wJlI Richner has reSIgned from Ing currentl) houl>lng From the Jan. 22, 1953 Grosse Pointe News.). mclude harbor Improve- the council to serve on the Jacobbon'b "tore for the ments and development of Wayne County Board of home extensIve sWlmmmg faclh- COmmlSSI(Jnerb • Major trlme contmue" tiel> on the south side of the • Wilber Ebton, editOrial to be a non-I"bue In Grosiie property writer for the Grabse POinte Pomte Shores. according to News, IS selected for mduc- 1997 statl'itlc;, releal>ed b" Views------tlOn Into the the department of pubht From page 1 re"ult of Illy Input. comllll ... rebulb werc' wOIth It 25 years ago this week Journahl>m Hdll of Fame In bafety ;,Ion...\\ ere formed. and the It I;' dl...o crUCial as a • Both the Grosse Pomte East Lansmg There ha ...n't been an auto (Clt, of) GrOl>bePOIntp elt" count,) turm'd the UJuncll member to be fulh Woods and City councils • The Woods Opera theft 111 the Shon'" ",mce Cou'nu I E\l'r) thing hdd FoundatIOn 0\ er to the com lI1formed about the ISiiUe'." approve the Grosse POlntes- Company II>preparing for Ib 1994. \',hen two \ ehlcll'b been done the same \\ <1) for munl!i SometIme... nn brought before the council Chnton Refuse Disposal premIer performance III were stolen ;,0 man, ,Pdr... and bome Idl'a...\\en' con"ldered ahr,l and to perbonally VISit the Authonty to Issue $1 2 mIl- March - Brad Llndherg new Idea" v. ere needed AI>a I>IV('to tilt' old guard. but thl' sIte of a proposed variance, which I generally dId Attendance IS an Important crltenon. and, al>a member of the (Clt> of) Grof,se PDlnte Clt) C~JUncll,I rard" mlsbed a meetmg - "Realtor:, always have their finger on the pulbe of the commumty as It IS VItal to our busmess I under- stand zomng and vanances and their Impact on proper- h value ..." ~;; 6}%itml/ ({15'ieJc&3 - BO!lllle Caprara M ~~and~tD~tMf1m&6e (f57~~~~ Citations p;;;a examples of what's best m law enforcement and are a genNal commendatIOn of what the) did SPECTACULAR "We tT) to rem force that the officer;, be VIgilant m what they're dOIng," Semple I>ald "We present them With thiS departmental CItatIOn for performmg their Job m REORGANIZATION an exceptIOnally dedIcated manner" City Manager Jim Leldlem hstened to the tape of the dll:>patcher dunng the SALE "hoot out and ...ald how calm and profesbJOnal the vOices ...ound "All three of you dId the Clt) proud," he said at the cesl>atlOn of the CItatIOn cer- emony OUR QUALITY NAME-BRAND MEN'S & WOMEN'S MERCHANDISE Gros~ Point~ News (USPS 230-400) Publl~hed every Thur~day By Anteebo Publishers 96 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 PHONE: (313) 882.6900 p, lIod".,l rO\la~e pa,d al Detro'l ""II hl~Jn lnd additional mallm~

ottl({'<;' ~lIh<" p"on Rate' H7 per year Via

m "I 10 Ihe Mtiro Mea S6'; OHI of

",( fro 1[( 11 I ()q\\~"TEP ,;, nel addreSl (han~es 10 (ro~!lP POlOle News 96 ~(r( hI val Crm<;.C' POInte Farmoe; MI 4RlIl, Th, dndlm' fo< new, wpy IS Monday ~ 00 p m 10 Inlj,tlR 1n~r1lon

Ad...t rll"'ln~ {Opy tor ~tlonS "6" and ( mllllll< 10 Ihe adveni<,n~ depart lOrn' hy I il 10 a m 00 Monday The H1CKEY's WALTON PIERCE df itrt~lnl 1m ~c1v("nl"'ln~ copy lor '" 1'01\ Ai<'; 011 P m Moodav 17140 KERCHEV AL AVENUE. GROSSE POINTE , ORRfI liONS AND ADJUSTM£NlS Re'pol1

l. 'd,"" MC< the fi.nd II", ~paper and ooly publK al'OO 01 an ~. tiI~;g;z IO-~ ~oJ. 10-0:80, ~fUb. 12-4 advrn'\('()1enl \hall (OOIl,lule f,nal ... 'cp4aocc oIlhe ~ s orcrr • January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Maura D. Corrigan reelected chief of state's highest court Maura D CorrIgan wIll great promise for our state future penalties While serve a second two-year JudiCial branch and for the CSES IS managed by the term as Chwf Justice of the people of Michigan Now state's Department of Michigan Supreme Court, Michigan cItizens have the InformatIOn Technology, followmg an electIOn last optIOn of streamhned Corngan has said the sys- week held by the Justices courts ~ tem's success "ISa top pnor- CorrIgan, of Gro&sePomte Court reform legislation Ity of thiS Court ~ Park, i:>ald~he appreclatpd charges the Supreme Court "We have already come a "hJ.\ 'Ob th" "U!ltWU,"J ,"vllfi- "'Ith ICVWWIJlg\.OWL Lun::-ul- lung WdY WWdlU feucldl LCI- dencp of my colleagues IdatlOn plans, CorrIgan tlficatlOn of Michigan's Bemg Chief JUi:>tlceISboth a added The Supreme Court CSES system, and the vast i:>upreme honor and a and the State Court majonty of Michigan coun- supreme burden 1 could not Admmlstratlve Office, the tIes have already committed carry out thli:>role Without Court's admlmstratlve arm, to tms effort, but we need all my collt>ugues'i:>Upport~ "Will be ready to help any counties on board," Corngan CorrIgan, the Supreme county that IS Interested In saId "If we are successful, Courfi:>62nd Chief JustIce, trIal court reform,~ Corngan not only wdl the state aVOId noted that many challenges said huge penalties, but we wlll lIe ahead for the state's judl- A contmumg challenge for have Improved tracklllg of Clary the Court IS Implementmg chlld support and a better "We have accomphshed a the federally-mandated way to find parents who try great deal m recent yeari:>to ChIld Support Enforcement to evade their support obhg- Improve court services for System (CSES), a computer atlOns" Michigan cltlzeni:>, but we module that permits track- Corrigan was elected to stIll have much to do,~ she mg of chIld support pay- the Michigan Supreme said ments on a natIOnal baSIS, Court III November 1998 for Pholo t>\ Br"rl Lmdlx rg In December 2002, the Corngan noted The State of an eIght-year term and wa~ A sunny day reveals the shadow of a construction worker on a cinder block Michigan Legislature MIchIgan faces over $142 first elected Chief JustIce In waIl of the year-round activities building under way at Windmill Pointe Park. passed legli:>latlOn permlt- million m federal penal tICS January 2001 Her second tmg i:>treamlInmg of trIal If all MichIgan counties do term as ChIef Justice WIll courb on a "local option" not convert by the Oct 1, run through 2004 bai:>Ii:> Although the 2003 deadlme Corrigan graduated Park plans projects for 2003 Supreme Court took no pOSI- If Michigan's CSES Ii:>cer- magna cum laude from tIOn on tbe bllb, the Court tified by federal authorItlCs, Marygrove College With a Library construction targeted for April ha:" long :"upported the lOn- the state could recoup $36 Bachelor of Arts degree m By Brad Lindberg Three Mile Park • Abo at Three MIle, cept of :"treamlined courb mIlhon In federal sanctIOns 1969, and cum laude from Corrigan "aid "I beheve that the state has already the Umverslty of DetrOit 81aH Wnter Dale KrajnJak, Clt) man- Krajlllak would ilk!' to that thl-. development holdi:> paid, m additIOn to aVOldmg Law School WIth a JUriS A string of recreatIOn ager, has three Ideai:>for Ini:>tall a i:>mall warmmg Doctor m 1973 Improvements WillhIghlight Patteri:>onPark, known com- structure next to the ICt> She served as a law clerk mUlllclpal constructIOn thiS manly as Three Mile Park skatmg rmk Lake Township to the Honorable John Gllhs year m Gros-.e Powte Park • "We're lookmg at creat- "Attendance at our ICt: of the Michigan Court of The city's mam recrpatlOn mg a wJid flower garden rink has exceeded atten Appeals, worked as an assIs- project, a year-round actlvI- along the park's wei>tsIde" dance dUrIng ,"ummer," he ties bUlldmg at Wmdmlll he saId ' Said "I'd lIke to put m a tant prosecutmg attorney In picks nel'Vtrustee Wayne County from 1974 to POinte Park, Ii:>on track to The garden Ii:> bemg gazebo With wooden benches 1979, and was apPOinted open MemOrial Day week- planned for more than around an earthen fireplace By Bonme Caprara However, that was not the There would be hot choco- Chief of Appeals III the U S end ei>thetIcreasons StaH Wnter case for Glenn Peters, who Attorney's Office for the Workers have nearly fin- "It WIll reduce mamte- late and coffee That's some- With a populatIOn of 80, It was appomted towm,hlp Eastern District of Ished the outer walls The nance COi:>ts,"Krajmak Said thmg we'll look at m fall " could almo'it be Said that the trustee on Monday, Jan 20 Michigan roof comes next "Instead of cuttmg all that rei:>ldenti:>uf Lake Town'ihlp Peters replaces Hendnck In 1986, she was promot- When the outer shell IS grass, we'll cover an entire Other projects take turni:>taking i:>eatsIn RIvard, who moved out of ed to Chief AsSIstant Umted complete, worl{Willbegm on hIll area With Wildflowers" To make way for construc- mUnicipal government the township States Attorney, the first mterlor features a gymnasl- • In the faU, KraJmak tIon of a new branch hbrary woman to hold that pOSitIOn urn, bathhouse, exercIse plans to alter the baby pool 1n Apnl, the city-owned for- Peters ISthe retired direc- In 1989, Corrigan became areas, meetmg rooms and, mto somethmg resembling a mer Jefferson Chevrolet Farms plans tor of personnel of Macomb the structure's mam feature, "splash pad" bUildIng on Jefferson and a partner 10 the law firm of LakepOlnte w1ll be demol- Commumty College He and Plunkett & Cooney, where a 200-seat audltonum "We're looklng at reconfig- Winterfest hIS Wife, Ehzabeth, have she speclahzed In htlgatlOn Tern Solomon, park duec- unng the pool and lnstalhng 1shed hved 1n the Lak.e 'Ibwnshlp and appeals tor has hned up supphers of In water sprays to save the C1ty offiCials gave then Jan.25 section of Grosse POInte In March of 1992, she was furnlture and cardlOvascu- cost of a lifeguard through- blessmg to the hbrary Shores smce 1985 They appomted to the MichIgan 1ar exerCIse machines Bnan out the summer," Krajmak board's constructIOn plans have three daughters and Gro""e POInte F..lrms re"l- Court of Appeals by Colter, city forei>ter, has i:>ald Llfe~ard" earn about last year i:>IXgrandchIldren dpnt" dnd gue"t" arp Invltl'd Governor John Engler toured the :"1te \~1th mem- $8 000 per summer The hbrary ant1clpa~eB start-up in April. W Kr6UztlP.k to attend the City of Grosse "He was chosen from a hst Corngan was elected to a bers of the beautificatIOn He Ba,d ,t w,l1 be lIke POInte Farms Parks and of possiblhtles," 'Ibwnsrup partial term on the Court of commiSSIOn "walkJng through a water SaId. Supervisor Richard Fox "We're trymg to figure out fountam," KraJnIak Bald Among other projects, the RecreatIOn Department's Appeals and then reelected regular street maintenance Said. m 1994 to a full sIx-year what type of trees to plant, Cost projectIOns range to Wlllterfest 2003 on how many and where to put about $60,000, IncludIng program WIJJ resume 1n Saturday, Jan 25, from "He was the favonte can- term them,~ Colter saId plumbmg mstalled by CIty spnng noun to 3 p m at PIer Park dIdate based on mtervlews After receiving the nomi- "We do an Inventory every natIOn of her colleagues, the employees Scheduled actiVIties and hIS expenence In the Also at Wmdmlll, the spring and analyze which Supreme Court appomted The pad Will feature mcJude an Ice fishmg con- township and the Village" wading pool wIll be reconfig- streams of water shootmg street WIll be undertaken,~ test, Ice skatmg races, a Comgan as ChIef Judge of ured to make It more acces- Krajlllak saId the 28-judge appeals court from numerous jets hockey puck shootmg con- "I thought tms would be a Sible test, and a chIlI cook-off con- great opportumty to serve and Its 250 employees m test the commumty," saId Peters, 1997 All chill cook-off entrIes who is a newcomer to munic- She served two years as must be preregistered at the Ipal government servIce Chief Judge of the Court of parks and recreatIOn office Appeals before bemg elected by 4 P m on Thursday, Jan Peters'term runs through to the Michigan Supreme School Students 23 All chlh cook-off entnes November 2005 Court must be at th'e recreatIOn budding at Pier Park by 11 45 a m the day of Wmterfci:>t o Featured attractIOns thiS year Include the SiberIan Expresi:>dog sled team, an Advanced AquatiCs Ice dlV- 109 and rescue demonstra- tion, and an Ice carvmg demonstratIOn by Emil

SZIkpala, the Chamsaw Hgh school JunlOfS and senKJ(S can earn college credrts through the Man of MIchIgan Wayne Colnty Community College DIstnct Middle College Wmterfest door prIzes Multicultlrcll Exchange Program (MCMEEP): M Ameocan Studies mclude a one-mght stay at based ClJIllClJum Boyne Mountam With a free round of golf or free lIft tick- ets, a hockey puck auto- Winter 2003 courses to begin graphed by DetrOIt Red February 3 through May 12, 2003 Wmg Darren McCarty, and 6:00 to 7:30 pm an autographed picture of ~ Monday & Wednesday DetrOit TIger DamlOn Easley Free Coney dogs, cof- fee, and hot chocolate Willbe at WCCCO's DovIintown Detrort Gampus avadable For more mforma- Free escorted Shuttle 8eM::e provided tIon, call (313) 343-2405 • The MCMEEP progM1lS a1 trIter-disclplnary cumcutum, offemg Dadd y-Da ughter cnbCaI studes wrthn the sooal soences, hunanrtIes and ItleraI arts The ntrc:lCix;tJon to Arnencat1 Studies class IS a Clittral studies based Dance in GPW = ;. '" • . ca.rse nfOl'lTled by Arnencat1 SIUo or yeJow gcId Students WI. ElI'YJCl9El the cnocaJ s1udy of VISUal cUture ttYou!;t1 a Wlde Dance on Saturday, Feb 8, ra"1ge of ~ and have the opportl.nrty to explore how Arnencat1 from 1 to 3 p m at the Lake [II expenence and dentrty are constructed by W>UaI mecia, r'd.JOOg Front Par~ actiVIties bUIld- act>stJsng, ftn, lelEMsl

,. 5 •• - f ~ t ft. fir f ' f ; ; if f ; f • f f f ( 'f f 5.....5 s ~ $ .. . . s s .CCC."",'C"S,CS,g",1"SrUtg'$ UP 5sts 11 f t "i ftiiiiIIII January 23, 2003 4A News Grosse Pointe News Pointer aims high in basketball and in life By Jennie Miller Staff Writer With the basketball cham- pionship game drawing clos- er, Tony Rennpage, a fresh- abilities might have been,» there IS gomg to be a team man at Grosse POinte North Rennpage said put together of North's fac- High School, IS practlClng But hiS case IS mild com- ulty and members of the \'. T' ", his moves pared to some mdlvlduals Varsity basketball team to 'I , ,> f ' These moves are typical diagnosed With cerebral compete agamst the " " . Challengers skills associated with the palsy. ,'r...,· sport of basketball drIb- "It's not so bad It's normal "We're gomg to put them :r-nu-r I billig, pa""m~, "huutwg, tv m",," Ill:' "alJ, r"f"lr,ng to "n "hcelchu"rs and see ho\\ ."~ rebounding, etc., however, hiS shghtIy slowed speech they do,» he saId Rennpage has to do all of and hIS need to use a walker ASIde from basketball, this whl1e maneuvering a most of the time around Rennpage IS the manager of - ,- wheelchair North North's girls and boys sWim In his second year on the But Rennpage IS able to teams, which he has been Sterhng Heights stand on hiS own, somethmg workmg smce Just pnor to Challengers, Rennpage IS that the wheelchair basket- startmg eighth grade. ~} nearly old enough and tal- ball team doesn't hold "As a manager of both the ~ ~ '<' ented enough to JOin the against him boy's and girl's sWim teams, "varsity" team with the "The only (requuement) to Tony IS Invaluable," said Photo by JennIe ~t.lIer older kids play on the team IS some- Sarah Booher, assistant Tony Rennpage, 15, is the manager of the Grosse Pointe North High School He looks up to the players, thing that doesn't allow you coach of the girls sWim team boys and girls swim teams. He also plays in wheelchair basketball competitions especially the captains who to play on a regular team," and Rennpage's Algebra with the Steriing Heights Challengers, have proven to him that a he said teacher "He ISan extremely around hiS dlsabillty to play dlsablhty ISnothing to stand Rennpage thinks the hard worker." mmg through hiS brother, stands and keep track of hiS He attends summer In one's way expenence IS thnlhng Workmg up to 15 hours a NIck, who swam m Grand brother's scores camps m Grand Rapids and Rennpage was born With "I'm trYIng to learn to be week, Rennpage keeps track Blanc and while a student at Rennpage plans to contin- at the Umverslty of IllInOIS, cerebral palsy, a condItIon hke the Globetrotters and of the sWImmers' statIstIcs North He IS now a coach of ue the managerIal work resulting from damage pass the ball behind my and hmes He helps out at the Lake Front Park sum- WIth the sWIm teams where he can play basket- mfhcted on the bram dunng back," he s8ld practIces every day after mer team and Pomte throughout hIS high school ball, football and learn how the birthing process He IS lookmg forward to school and during home Aquatics educatIOn to rock chmb It is conSidered a develop- JOlnmg the team of high meets and tournaments "I would go to hiS meets Followmg graduatIOn, he "Anything IS pOSSible,"he mental dlsablhty that schoolers, who were unde- "It's pretty time consum- when I was htUe and Wished hopes to pursue work m a said affects control of one's mus- feated last year and won the mg, but I enJoy It," he said I could be the timer," he Similar field m college and The time spent at school, cles natIOnal champIOnship "It's somethmg to look for- saId. as a future career workmg and plaYIng sports Some mdlvlduals who are "It'll be dIfferent It's ward to mstead of the pat- Rennpage's favonte gIft "I want to work for (MIke) doesn't leave much room for born WIth cerebral palsy are faster and more rough, but I tern of gomg to school, gomg was from hiS brother a stop- Illlch," he saId WIth a hope- Rennpage to do many other unable to walk, talk, eat or can't walt," he s8ld home, domg homework and watch and a shirt Just hke ful smile thmgs play In the same way as Rennpage IS also excited gomg to bed" the ones the timers wore at Sports are a maJor mter- "Swlmmmg, basketball most other kids to put hiS peers and teachers Rennpage became mter- hiS meets est for Rennpage, who finds and homework are my llfe," "It's so vast what my dls- to the test In the sprmg, e<;ted In the sport of sWim. He would then Sit m the any way he can to work he said Chylinski against $10,700 wing ding Pointes' new Rep. targets polluters By Brad Lindberg sponsored party on Feb 8 councIl, except for small Staff Writer The party, called a sums Issued to appomtees to Bill would double fines up to $100,000 Facmg cuts in state fund- Community AppreCiatIOn the Board of Appeals B B d LI db d d k people aren't breakmg the mg and long-standmg ReceptIon, IS held annually Novltke said, "I have tned y ra n erg VI es rm mg water to law" mumclpal problems that to thank city commiSSIOners to estImate what It would StaAffWriter f f h I about four mLllIonpeople" group 0 res man aw The measure would Roper's orgamzatlOn tal- won't go away on theIr own, and board members for their cost us for servIces rendered k hid - update a 30-year-old law bed nearly 15,100 permit- one member of a local city service With all of those commlS- ma ers as poo e ItS council thmks It'S wasteful "I thmk It'S a good appro- Slons. newly-elected clout to soak that hadn't been amended ted, mdustrIal discharges totalmg more than 52 bllhon to spend nearly $11,000 of pnatlOn," said Mayor Robert "You're talkmg a lot of polluters of Michigan water- smce 1990 taxpayer money on a party Novltke, who appomted hours and dedIcatIon ThIS ways "The fines were too low to gallons mto MIchigan water- "1 thmk we should start a many of the roughly 120 city should count Itselflucky On the day of swearmg-m be a deterrent," Gaffney ways durmg 2001 fund to bUild parking lots on prospectIVe guests "Once a to have that number of peo- ceremomes last week, a cho- Said DIscharges from wlthm Mack A.venue," said Grosse year - 1 thmk It's appropn- pIe wllhng to glve that kmd rus of "I da's" had barely fin- "You want a fine to be a Wayne County led the hst Pointe Woods ate" of tIme ThiS IS a thank you lshed echomg through the penalty, not a mere cost of With 87 percent of total CounCIlwoman Patty Votmg With Novltke thIS to them." lIO-member House of busmess," saId Rep Steve reported combmed ~ewer Chyhnskl, refemng to the week were counCil members Chyhnskl opposed sched- Representatives when Ed Bieda, D-Warren, a co-spon- overflows amountmg to 45 decades-old parkmg crunch Joseph Danshury Allen ulmg the receptlOn at a pn- Gaffney, the Grosse Pomtes' sor bIlhon gallons ' m the city's commercIal dls- Dlckm<;on,Thomas 'Fahrner vate club rather than a less new Repubhcan m Lansmg, Fellow co-sponsor Rep The number of Illegal d. tnct "We need to start look- and VlCkl Granger and Enc expenSIve mUnIcIpal facilIty mtroduced a bIll to double MorriS Hood III, D.DetrOlt, charges weren't mclud mg at alternatlves to our Stemer "We have a beautiful com- fines for poJJutmg said the legislatIOn IS a step because of their unreport parkIng situ;ttlOn We need Members of the Woods' mumty center here," Gaffney, of the Farms, toward cooperatIVe govern- nature to start now. many boards and commls- Chyllnskl saId called the bIpartIsan effort ment "One of the bIg problems Chylinskl was the sale slOns serve Without pay, She WIll not attend the by four Repubhcans and two "We're workmg together we have ISthat the state bas vote agamst a $10,700 clty- unhke the mayor and city party Dp.mocrats an "Important as a whole," Hood said not been domg an adequate statement It sets the tone ~Wlth the new reps commg Job of momtorIng (pol- for what I want to do I'm m, we're hopmg we can cross luters)," Roper saId "We're concerned about the Great party hnes to do thmgs that In a cnsls now" Lakes, St Clair River and are good for our state" Gaffney's reVISIonwould DetrOIt Rlver" "Why make It a partIsan funnel fines to the state gen- If Signed mto law by Issue?" Gaffney saId "It's eral fund Money wouldnot ConsuI~~ MichIgan's new, pro-eml!- the nght thmg to do It's a be set aSide for enforcement M~!~~g~~ ronment Gov Jenmfer fundamental nght to have "The money could be lost Support-InstallatIOns ? Flnolly, an affordable E.commerce solubOn Granholm, House Bill 4007 clean drmkmg water" In never-never land and not For the home that will compliment )'04.lr buslne-ss not comphcate It' would "Anythmg we can do to fund enforcement,» Roper (313) 640-0113 For a FREE Uve Demo. .. • Double mmlmum fines discourage pollutIOn IS said "Money such as thIS for polluters to $5,000, With Important," saId Cyndl www MacKethanConsultlng com should fund enforcement httpJlwww gros~~,nte com/demol a new maximum of $50,000, Roper, Michigan duector of Phlllp@MacKethanConsultlng com Grosse POInte com U.C We need cops on the beat to 3138840106 • Allow courts to fine Clean Water ActIOn, a Clt!- make sure vlOlators are offenders up to $50,000 for zens envIronmental group caught" each day an unlawful dls- With more than 750,000 Hood said stiff fines would. charge took place and members natIOnWide make polluters thmk tWIce' • Fme repeat offenders "We're commg out of an so dIscharges "never happen $100,000 each day of dls- era m state government m the first place." charge and sent to JaIl for where enforcement (of pollu- two years tIon law) has been extremely ADVIJPIISINIS Safe,solid and "One of the reasons I ran lax," Roper saId "That's for office was to do some- another SIgnal we hear m WOR«SI thmg to make sure Lake St. thiS bill (from) a bipartisan Clair IS pnstme," Gaffney group of lawmakers who CALL 313-882-3500 said "Lake St Clair pro- understand the need that Toreserve Display Advertlsmg ~aranteed. space by 2 P m Fndav



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more to hghten the state tax burden than John Engler Michigan made more progress m thIS regard than any other Reviewing major 10dustnal state, though we remam a relatively hIgh-tax one The governor's fiscal restramt assured Michigan a top- Engler's drawer bond rating The Judicial branch of state govern- ment will reflect Engler'S Impact for Tenure years to come The governor beheves that By lawrence W. Reed Judges and courts should mterpret the hen it comes to Michigan's law, not manufacture It, and he appomted 46 governors, few have had final year of the prevIOus admmlstrahon formula that dramatically reduced prop- many thoughtful and capable stnct-con- a memorable lmpact. of James Blanchard - a rare and erty taxes, and pushed a publlc-school- structlOnlsts to the bench Mlchlgan'b cur- rent Supreme Court, m whIch five of the W In the 19th century, Aust10 remarkable example of sustamed fiscal chOlce program that prOVIdes mcentIve seven Justices are commItted to thIS view BlaIr led the state through the Clvll War dlsclphne (The total state budget dou- for schools to compete for students He of the law, may be the finest m the nahon Then came Henry Crapo, who fixed the bled, but much of that was due to supported legislatIOn that put teeth m Thlb IS, In great measure, because of state's finances and stood foursquare Increased mfuslOns of cash from the fed- Michigan's anti-teacher stnke law and agamst government subsidies to pnvate eral government or the shift m educatIOn gave school boards more freedom to lOm- Engler's mfluence petItively contract for school support ber- busmesses In the 20th century, fundmg from local to state government) Gov Engler earns high markb for many Alexander Groebbeck bUilt a state hlgh- PreSident Reagan's finng of air traffic vices The Mackmac Center for Public Pollcy other achievements He took state gov- w'Iy "y"tE'ffi 'mo N-flt hflCk two att('mpt,<; controllers who struck illegallv m 1981 el llJlWllt vut vf the \\ arkcn, compCn'i'1tlOn to ban pnvate educatIOn, and G Mennen set a ~one that shaped pohcy for a decade helped to craft or advance many Engler InItiatIves, but we also had our disagree- busmess by selling off the ACCident Fund "Soapy" Wlillams ran an activist but LikeWise, Engler's move to abolish the He kept a lid on the growth of the state- remarkably clean admlnlstratlOn and General ASbistance program laId the ments We wlbh he had cut even more deeply mto state spendmg and done more employee workforce And he boldly exert bUilt the Mackmac Bridge foundatIOn for a new way of thmkmg to reform labor laws to make Unlons more ed executive authonty to reorganize state These high-Impact governors are now about pubhc assistance agencies and departments to make them At the center of the Engler welfare accountable to theIr members jomed by one more Gov John Engler No more accountable and effiCient one with more than a passing grasp of reforms, which helped spur dramatic Most Importantly, we regret the second term's turn toward dlscnmmatory tax All m all, a pretty good run Gov Michigan history can claIm that Engler changes at the federal level, was the Idea Granholm would do well to recognize the hasn't made a difference or that he does- that welfare reCipients have a responSI- abatements and subSidieS to busmess and the creatIOn of the semi-pubhc achievements of the Engler era and work n't rank among the most important of the bilIty to get their hves m order, regard to build upon and extend them, not undo public assistance as a temporary help, Michigan Economic Development Corp state's chief executives In many respects, them the state of MIChigan will feel IDSImpact and do their utmost to work their way off Rather than allowmg the state to pick the dole economic wmners and 10bers, we would for years and perhaps decades to come Lawrence W Reed I~ preSIdent of the Under Engler, Michigan also became have preferred more bubstantlal cuts 10 Engler met an mhented budget deficIt Mackwac Center for Publtc PolICy lfl one of the foremost states m educatIOn ever) one's taxes head-on. Rather than mcrease taxes, he MIdland The Center's Web ~lte contaWi> a reform He led a charter-school revolutIOn But even on that I'core the governor slashed spendmg m his first year Twelve wealth of wmmentary about poliCy 11l the years later, the state's General Fund IS that IS alive and well today, created a should have bubbtantlal credit No gover- nor In recent MIchigan hlbtory hab done Engler years, at www mackInac org lower In real terms than it was in the more eqUitable per-pupil school fundmg

DI~PlA) ADVERTI'oING PRODLJCllON EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED 13131882-6900 (3131882-30;00 (111) 882.&090 Robert G. Edgar (313) 882-0294 Barbara )azbeck Vethacki!' Peter J Bukner \d\"(rll"'lIl~ !\hnl~lr John Mmms "en Schop Pubhsher Margie Reins SmIth Mtlnl~H ....Im M Macke) \ ....,I..tanlln tht Editor and General A<;'slstant Editor I-eaturr tdltnr han \elardo Ad, l'rtl ...m~ M m lJl,U Pnldmlllm M,mdh" r Chuck Klonko, Sport_ ~Jltor Kdthleen M Stevenson Robert B. Edgar Manager " ...... l.,tllnl M m l~( r (313) 343 5590 Bonnie Capr.ara Staff V\.ntu Ad\ t'rh"'ln~ Rlpn ...... tnt It[\. I. Founder and PulJlisher Rosaltn Baltaur Greg Barlo",lewlCl (1Q40-1979) Brad Lindberg. ~tdff "'ro'" Mal) Ellen lander, Came Cunningham Siaff \'\nter Ida Bauer Ad\. l rtl"Ln~ HI. rr("t. nt 111\l Dav,d Hugh •• Juhe R Sutton Jennie MIller, "taft "'"t,r Mi"lame'1.ahone) rat Tapper Diane Morrill. E-AlloTidl A""'1"'1Jnt \d\ l rtl"Ln~ Rl rr""" nt 111\ t Pubh,htd Weekly by Penny Dernck "en LOng. \Iun! lr ....It. rbHI Anl~bo Pubhshen Madeleine Sona/ ~P("Cl ,I Writer 96 Kerc"eval Ave 1\d\ lTt''''In~ }{t. rn ...( ntlHI\ l ,~ ~"1- 11"ll r ...(I \11 (fl 1 Grosse Pointe News Belty Brosseau Proofreadt. r ClRCL l ATIO' • 1311134~ 5,78 l,)Tol Jarman Gros~ Pomte Fjums M148236 h.athleen D Bowlps In I '11 n I ( Iibert Gra} l"f'1 ~dl,,,r k.arla Alh .....ogl \1 m 1~t.r ~;H.il Lh kslra Vol. 64, No.4, January 23, 2003, Page 6A \l.h ul,,,m/o-. f{{'prl<.,t nlltJ'\." , \'''f 'f" r \ .. "' ...... Potty stop f all goes as planned, we will and a lovely paleslady carefully move into a new home sometIme explamed the exchanges, taxes, soon We have been workmg on refunds, etc , to be declared at the bor. IrenovatIons to our new house for der a few months and the major project IS Confidently, we set out to argue the outfittmg a new master bathroom ticket and find a restaurant Prepared ThIS IS a story about my purSUIt of a for battle, I entered the Bureau of new commode Traffic where I was greeted by a fnend. One of my adVIsers in home repair ly woman who declared my ticket suggested that we replace our ancient mvahd and, With a smIle, tore It up tOllet with one that has a three-gallon Hey, thIS day was gomg fine We tank Some brIllIant pohticos have enjoyed a wonderful repast and headed banned these tOIlets m the Umted home Stateb and one can only purchase a 1 6 Accordmg to the mstructlOns I had gallon tank III the states been gIVen, we headed through the tun- The problem, not so delJcately stated, nel for home Upon arnvlng In DetrOIt IS that most of the new commodes we were told to return through the tun- requIre two flushes to "do the Job." nel and declare our purchase on the Hence we are uSing more water than other SIde and please pay the toll once ever, so much for the theory of conser- agam vatlOn The traffic was startmg to pick up After conSiderable research, I deter- and we crawled mto Wmdsor to the mmed the only place to buy a large- Duty Free Shop After waItmg m a long capacity commode IS m Canada and hne, I was told that I could not claim a wasn't I fortunate to hve so close. refund because the commode wasn't A pal jomed me for the tnp across the purchased that day After a phone call border In search of the perfect toilet, to to the store, a show of a dnver's hcense Address comments to cartoonist Phil Hands at HANDSP@kenyon,edu be followed by lunch m some exotic car license, and vanous other receipts, i place m Wmdsor My frIend came pre- was directed to the cashier It appeared pared WIth Canadian coms for tolls and that my quoted refund was m Canadian meters We used the Canadian quarters currency If I wanted U S funds I must m the meter behmd the plumbmg sup- go to another cashIer, where my greatly Letters ply store The meter appeared broken diminished refund was dispensed In and flashed zeroes as we fed It money I could recognize locatIOn off, and"" a.., told It was her ThIS was my first foray mto a plumb- Back 1D the tunnel, we once agam E~~Jk9.~~:down Woods reSidents should own fault, wab at fault mg store m decades Never knew I amved for our customs inspectIOn We clean house the next electIOn Anyone who opens their car could be so eXCited about bathroom fix- were ordered to open the back of the car I am a reSident of Grosse Pomte Shoreb and a prIOr opportunity, mcludmg the door on a busy l>treet and tureb I not only found the large-capacI- so that our throne could be mspected mayor and other councl! does not make sure It 1:- ty commode, but dIscovered It came 10 a once agam After a cursory look, we Gro1>se Pomte Woods resl dent I am wrltmg to express members who are not With clear to do so IS at fault If It hlgh-nse style - two mches higher were asked where the tOIlet was made the times and draggmg the gets hit Use common sense than average - a welcome feature for I confessed to my Ignorance on thiS my extreme dl!':pleasure and dlsappomtment With the city down Insultmg the Grosse old folks who have had back and hip matter Another mspectlOn ensued and G. Miserendino Pomtes and callmg It a surgery It was determmed that my commode Grosse Pomte Woods Planmng CommiSSIOn, City Grosse Pointe Shores nursmg home shows that However, there was only one in stock had been complied In several countnes the letter wnter IS the prob- and It was chipped A new one had to be and therefore was conSidered a mutt CounCIl and Mayor The Woods IS holdmg up lem He has nothmg good to ordered No further fee would be charged and I Faultfinding say Yes people love the Woods branch library, a To the Editor: When we left the store we discovered could return home Somerset I know I do much needed Improvement ThiS letter IS m response a ticket on our wmdshleld and noticed I can onIy hope thiS mutt behaves Somerset IS a very large for Grosse POlnte Perhaps to the letters "Make moves" an officer wntmg tickets next to us We well and IS potty tramed shoppmg area With many' explamed that the meter wasn't func- the library should look for (Grosse Pomte News, Ja~ tlOmng properly and he mformed us another Grosbe Pomte 9), and "Enough already," stores - Offering from the Loft The Grosse Pomte Village that he could not Woods locatIOn to build that (Grosse Pomte News Dec could have done somethmg rescmd the tIcket and \\'ill use up more taxable 26) , to try to get another upscale If we wanted to con. property While I was readmg the store In their area but for test It, we should go As a Parcells parent. I latest one, I knew the some reason only known to to the Bureau of was at one pomt agamst the mmute I began readmg It Traffic up the street new hbrary at the Parcells that It had to be another let- the city It could not We Immediately went Site, but after seemg the ter from the same WrIter Jacobson's allowed Itself to to plead our case, beautIful plans, elevatIOn Does the letter wnter go under by not servlcmg Its filled out a wntten and Improvements to the realize what a big crybaby customers and meetmg theu report and were told drop-off, pIck-up traffic flow he IS? Does he also realize demands When a large we would be contact- I was hold smce he lost the electIOn store stops catenng to Its ed by mall The Woods seems to be here m Grosse Pomte Woods customers and does not pro- very "backward" on all new he sounds like sour grapes? Vide good servIce and good Five days later I Issues and opportunl ties, Does he reah ze all he does salespeople then the cus- received a ticket by mcludmg the rejectIOn of the and has done IScnttclze thIS tomers go elsewhere So mati, mformmg me proposed COSIrestaurant city? He finds fault With blame Jacobson's CEO, not that the meter was COSIISa very mce and up- everythmg out here Grosse Pomte not broken and I to-date establishment that Smce he IS so unhappy Move away letter wnter owed $12 would offer famIlies and here In thIS City, why doesn't Perhaps he should try Royal Two weeks passed young teens a Dice (hIp) he pack up and move? Oak We don't want hIm and the store contact- place to go COSIrestaurants The Grosse Pomtes have here Ifhe ISso unhappy With ed me to tell me my are currently m very upscale all been charmmg Cities the Grosse Pomtes I have a shmy new commode locatIOns and are a plus to ThIs ISwhat draws people to feehng no matter where he was In I gathered any commumty liv!' m the Pomtes We all goes to live and set up busi- another fnend and I suppose the Woods offi- know parkmg on Mack ness he Will never be happy, set out for WmdsoT Cials are waltmg for some- Avenue IS homble and we and I pity him He is a man With my ticket 10 my 1 t.,o\~ ~ou/,open UpJI\:iS the thmg more their speed, like all know somehow we all With too much spare tIme on pocket We picked up a "Colomal-themed manage to survIVe It hiS hands our porcelam pnze po\ice was a bad pa~word. McDonalds" to open In the The letter wnter's fnend G. Kravitz now vacant Harmony House who had her car door torn Grosse Pointe Woods

( ( - S.4 • » 5 32 & ,

speech them Examples hke King's "This call for a worldwide not be compelled to the Loving can help people draw on reh- fellowshIp that lifts neIgh- belief of anythmg by out- gwn out of their own vohtlon borly concern beyond one's ward force," Locke says to work for love and Justice tnbe, race, class and nation I am not an expert 10 God- I think the Constltutwn's Chnsbamty I have read IS 10 reality a call for an all- statement that "Congress books about Chnst and have embraCIng love for all shall make no law respect- mankmd ThIS oft-mlsun- I read the Gospels In my, as and each Say mg an establishment of reli- derl>tood, thiS oft mlsmter- yet, shallow knowledge, gIOn, or prohibltmg the free Jesus walts for souls to preted concept, so readIly exercise thereof" prOVides believe 10 HIS message of dlf>mlsf>edby the NlCtzsches other the necessary oxygen to repentance, equalIty, for- of the world as a weak and have faIth and make It grow To lIve If>to commUnicate cowardly force, has now gIveness and love He loves The supreme emotwn m summed up In the first epis- about our slmJlantieb and a In hiS study of Islam, "Why I souls mdlvldually WIth all become an absolute necessI- am Not a Muslim," Ibn communlcatmg IS love For ty for the survIval of man tle of Samt John Let Ublove quest for brotherhood These thClr fOibles, sms and subtle 10\ If. Warraq, quotes from John vanety He calls on each per- me, I have found that belIef When I I>peak of love I am one another for e God valuer" are eternally rele- In In Locke, one of the philoso- son to love each other as He God - my cabe Jef>US not f>peakmg of some senti- And everyone that loveth II> vant Chnbt - IS the most perfect phers whose Ideas msplred loves hIm or her mental and weak responf>e born of God and knoweth A belief 10 God should not way to tranbmlt love the ConstitutlOn, to under- I'm I>peakmg of that force God He that loveth not mean the creatIOn of a theoc- I have come to beheve m Everythmg ebe beems lIke score the pomt about how which all of the great rell- knoweth not God, for God IS racy ReligIOn mandated VIO- the&e Ideas I ask Jesus for- nOise Lov(' If we love one anoth- l" the nature of relIgIOn makes I!1veness for mv "inS rmo T gl01h h,n" """Il d" Lhe latp" It" VpfV"""pore It a Martm Luther Kmg I'> a er, God dwelleth 10 Ub and faith m lov~ that can only ItS coercwn by the state hope to emulate H101by lov- i>upreme unlfymg prmclple Impossible great example of how of lIfe hlb love II>perfected In us' germmate mternally, from 109 my neIghbor WIth Chnf>tlan wltnebS Cdn I>end Love Ii>bomehow thl' key Let Ub hope that thll> "plflt dn lOdlvldual's chOice In hIS "All the hfe and power of patience, dlgOlty and humil- a mel>bage of love to chdnge will become the order of the Ity that unlockb the door which or her heart Laws f>hould be true rehgwn conf>lsts 10 the the world Hlb faith, ground- day" In leads to ultimately reality - and have been - made to mward and full persua&lOn I pray that all people ed m love, undergirded hi;' ThIS Hmdu-Mui>lIm- Kmg's example I>hould uphold the tenets of our of the mmd, and faith IS not our world In every nation every actIOn, nonvIOlent yet Ch fibtlan -J eWIf>h-Buddhli>t btdnd a", an emblem to any- ConbtItutlOn, but forcmg faith WIthout belIevIOg can open their hearts and beckomng for JUbtlce He one who carei> about the fate behl'f about the ultlmdte rphglOn upon the cItizen", of And such ISthe nature of the have a faIth that allows limned the power of 10\ e m a reality IS beautifully of our world lie preached our country IS not one of understandmg that It can- them to love - not dIVide and hate - each other


i .I~\ ".' .. " ~",.,.,".~ .~.;..~:i'" J Grosse Pointe News I" "_- _. ~ _I, . .t' January 23, 2003, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page .: _.:=:I....:..:.: - .' ::-,=~.

0INTEAtD0 cfS _f~i by Ben Burns Blessed the DetrOit Mayor, sur- trYlOg to become legIsla- rounded by an enthUSiastic tors" chain saw crowd of techno fans, the He added that he IS happy New semor pastors, other people remember hiS mother pne&b and rectors hke to One suburbanite said of "for those thmgs that meant put theIr personal stamps the ear-nnged mayor, "He IS so much to her" on thmgs, and a few weeks so bIg I can't see over him or Ms Reynold& IS better ago, the Rev Bradford around him" known locally for her found- Whitaker at Chnst Church The Freep quoted Bury as 109 and long-time dlrectwn Grof>se POinte 10 the Farm'> saYing "ThiS exhIbit IS a of the Grosse POInte I. . 03 Imtlated a way for us to be entertam- Chlldren's Theater A mem- berVlce of mg, educatIOnal and ber of St Clare de "The Blessmg provocative We need to get Montefalco Pansh In the 'ANI> SPRING (Q\I1E::5 EV~N l-ATER. WHEN lHE. RJNk l5 RErnGElICI told her my bon form It ~ea School ... young Kurt Huebner, about had a t:eChno CD By Suzy Berschback 5 years old, son o£Peter and Art show Please {in£sh the sentence: Laura of the City amved Life Vigil You still have time to WIth lus teddy bear under The late Sally Reynolds' catch fanner GraBse Pointe one arm and a plastIC chain picture appeared on the South High School student saw under the other front page of The MIchigan Evann O'Donnell's photo- "If you he down WIth dogs, However, the good rector CatholIc Jan. 17, along With graphIC work at an art you'll go to sleep" did hIS duty, and there IS a photo of 7,000 CatholIcs III exhIbIt at the Traffic Jam & - Dante Spmdler now a "blessed" toy cham a packed service at the Snug on Second at Canfield m DetrOIt, south of the saw m a place of honor In NatIOnal Shrine of the Kurt's bedroom One won- Immaculate ConceptIon 10 Wayne State campus. ders what the Greenpeace Washmgton, D C Evann, who graduated In folks would say ~bout a The crowd scene IS from 2001, JOlned fellow employ- ees for her first show that blessed cham saw, toy or last year's Right to LIfe VigIl wIll be up through Feb 1 otherwIse Mass, which took place a "Happy the bnde who few weeks after Ms She has worked part time at hab a groom that &ays'I do '" Reynolds dIed of a heart one of DetrOlt's most mter- estmg eatenes dunng - Colleen Maher Photogenic attack on Dec 26, 2001 DetrOIt Mayor Kwame The newspaper reported Christmas vacatIOns and KIlpatnck Issued a glossy, the Mass and rosary follow- last summer colorful 32-page 2002 annu- mg resulted from Ms She studICd photography al report on the status of the Reynolds efforts and started under Ray Deeb at South cIty recently called "KIds and at the College for Colleen Maher With 50 people In 1981 at Cops Clean" There are at the natwnal basilica, the CreatIve StudICS and IS now least 33 pictures of "HIS largest church In North a student at MIchIgan State Bigness" m the pubhcatlOn Amenca It was expected to UniversIty Her proud par- ents are Chnstme Stelma "Better late than early" draw a SImilar f>lzed crowd _ Chnstopher \\TIHte Historical thIS year and James O'Donnell The newspaper quotes techno Father Michael BugarIn, Ben Burns of the Ctty of Speakmg of HIS BIgness, director of the Pope John Gro~se Pomte I~ dtrector of DetrOIt's mayor was a large Paul II Cultural Center, as the Journahsm program at presence at the preview saymg "I have to admit It IS Wayne State Unwerstty He opening of the DetrOit a powerful expenence to be can be reached at burns- Hlstoncal Museum's Techno at the shnne for the VIgIl ben@Comcast net or by phone "If you he down WIth dogb, MUSIC Exhibit last Fnday This humble lady from the at (313) 882-2810 you'll be scratched" night archdIOcese 'started' what IS - Sean Roarty The event marked the perhaps the most Important Christopher White takeover by Park reSIdent annual event for our pro-hfe Woods Winterfest Bob Bury as executIVe direc- cause" Several hundred is this Saturday tor of the DetrOIt Hlstoncal bishops and other clergy Socwty that funds programs take part 10 the services Grosse Pomte Woods resI- Sean Roarty at the staId, old museum in Reynolds' daughter Cmdy dents can regIstpr for the the Cultural Center on Connors now lIves m 2nd Annual Wmterfest, to be Woodward FaIrfax, Va And her son, held Saturday, Jan 25, by "Love all, trust my ElectrOnic musIc ongInat- MlchaE.'IReynolds, of Grosse calhng the Lake Front Park rd m DetrOIt and was bIg m office through Fnday, J an mom Pomte Woods, IS a local - Cassle Nuttmg Europe before catch 109 on 10 attorney and member of St 24, at 5 pm, at (313) 343- thIS country Crowd esti- Joan of Arc Pansh III St 2470 mates at last year's down- Clan Shores town Electromc MUSICFest In dlscussmg hiS mother's WlOterfest, a free celebra- ranged up to one mllhon role In launchmg what tIon of wmter, begIns WIth a Fnday's prevlCw event would become an annual chilI competItIOn at 11 30 marked a dIstinct change m natIOnal protest of the 1973 a m Wmners Will be atmosphere at the museum Roe v Wade deciSion that announced at noon as the dnvlOg bas!'>beat of "A fnend III need IS legalized abortIOns, Other scheduled actiVIties electrOnic sound welcomed Cassie Nutting playmg soccer" RE.'ynoldstold The MichIgan mclude _ Jonathan Mazur an eclectic crowd from the Cathohc he thought It was • 12 to 2 pm Lunch and Grosse PoIOtes, other sub- "a combmatlOn of my mom's refreshments urbs and the city of DetrOit, deep love for Mary, her orga- • 12 30 p mIce sculpt10g some of whom probably had nizatIOnal skIlls and her demonstratlOn Jonathan Muur never been In the place flalf for the dramatIc that • 1 30 P m "Score-a" Bill and Joan Gehrke, of motIvated her to prOVIde a competItIon the Farms, and Fred Marx, relIgIOUS response to the • 2 30 p rn ~ S Coast SUZy Berschback IS a freelance photographer In Grosse POInte Farms and co-author from Marx Layne Pubhc U S Supreme Court's takmg Guard ICerescue demonstra. 1880 1930 " She welcomes suggestwns for questwns to her e-mail of" Grosse Pam te - RelatIOns, represented one ofT their JudlClal robes and tlOn address at suzyberschback@Comcast net end of that spectrum and w ., r....- _ , ~ .".. _ - .....-__ ..". ------,..--.....-.....-.."...----.--~.~~~~.~.~.~._...~.~.~-~~_~~~~.~.~ ~.~.~ .., _. _~_. _.~.~._. _.~.~ .._._ .. _._. ------...---- __ • po ....•• -

January 23, 2003 8A News Grosse Pointe News Farms nabs rabbit on Brtarwood Place Legal there; The IIlcldent occurred the The mother of the pet's PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS mght of Jan 7 8 III the 400 City home owner went out to feed the block of Shoreham rabbit the mormng of illegal here CIrcumstances were ;,Imilar invader Wedne:-day, Jan 15, and amved at 5 16 P m When ture A 19-\ eecond floors of d hou"e PomtL' Farm ...Departmpnt of The mo"t recent vIctIm CIty pubhc ::,afety ofIicers in car theft, III the lirbt bloch of Flbher III Public Sdfpt) to a bu::.pected reported damage to hlb fir!.t "aw the "w,pect, a 28- Suspicious man the CIty of Gro,<;e PomtL' Oil dl unken dnvpr III a 2002 Lexu.., Rep,ur;, LO;,t ~900 year-old Detroit man, with attempt A group of men traveltng An unknown man hab Satulday, .Jan 18 bl.lck Ford ExplorL'r dnvlllg tht' haw rl'"tln~ on the han- on Lake"hon' at 3 20 a m Oil III dll UIU"1 Udl h leU 01 LUI arou..,cd "u"pIClOn" "t "''\(' 1'h" lP'-Hl!'nt Ipft th(' fir!' dlebar ot hlb bIke \\-hlle he gundy Chevrolet Capnce hou,;e m the 800 block of pldtl' on \\ lwn ,Ill' left t hp Sllnd.l\ ,Jan I~ wa~ ppdallOg on Neff near Otfiu'I'" ..topppd tl1(' Scammer watch Cla"blC arc "uspected Jl1 a UllIver;,lty 10 the CIty of hou"e at 1 45 P III The Clt) I\L.lck at 11 13 pm on Relll('lllbl'r Ihl' report t\'o 0 car theft and a theft attempt Grosse Pomte public ,afet\ dl'p.Jrtllll'nt ShOI e::. dn I Pion Ldke,hon' 'Iuebdame man returned (Suit)cased m"ked why he wa::. travellllg - BOll/III CO!JUI/ 0 On S,ltunl,l\ ,Jail 18 .It wa" parked III an adjollllllg the next day at 8 30 P m A ...ultca..,p llHlLunlllg ;'0 far out of hIS way wIth 4 'i6 pm. tll(' ow Ill'r of a parkwg lot The owner of and a"ked a chdd, who cloth IIlg ,ll1d a t,\I1ll'la 1\<1:- buch a heavy object. the man bU"'lllL'b" III tll(' 19400 blotk the car scared the man, who answered the back door, If taken from the back of ,I ;,ald he hked to nde on Neff 01 Mack bl Ldnl(' "U"pIClOU" hIS mother was home When pickup truck pMkpd III ,I dn The CIty officers reledbed took off w the waltmg North locker wlll'1l ,I pu ..ln patron tnl'd Capnce the adult female of the \I ew.l) of a hou"'e' II) tlll' 200 the man but held onto the to bulh hi'" 1\,1\ Into n'CPII The steenng column of hou!.e came to the back door, block of Kpn\'o ood Cou rt 111 ~aw unttl the man could room thief lI1g t bangl' for 'j, 1no the woman's car was broken the man wab gone GIO""l' Po 1Ilh' F,UIlI" "DlIll prove owner"hlp 1\\ 0 lOl'l\... Iwcan1l' Vlltllll" '1'1'11(' 1ll,ln) 11,1'- In ,I Two days later at 12 25 The SUf:>PICIOUS man IS tInH' betwPL'n 8 l'i ,lIld 10 25 In the meantime, City offi- II hill ...tud\JlIg 10 bl' lIfl' hun \. ru"hmg ottwr tu ...- pm, an employee of a ;,tore deSCribed as CaucasIan. P III on Saturday. Fdl 18 cer::. traced the blke'b tire gUdnl" at Gro ...... l' PUllltl' tomel::'," till' proprietor told III the 18700 block of Mack about 5 feet, 11 mche.;, tall, track" In the bnow to a dn- North Il1gh School on till' pollcL' 1Il Gro;,;,e POlI/te Farms III hIS early 30s, wearIng a veway III the 500 block of St P\l'lllllg 01 W('dnl'"d,ly, ,Ian TIlt' ..,ton' oWlH'r \1 ouldll 't reported a 1990 red PontIac buzz cut ClaIr They then trncked hi!. 1'i Lomph and tmll'd till' man Grand Am, left unlocked Purse found; footpnnb to a garage of Both g' rl" \1l'fL' l'nrulled III to ,J 1lP.1I b\ ,tOf{' WIth the engme runnmg, another house on the block money lost 1I1l'....l\lIlg da ..." I\ht'll. , (Ill') lJotlCl'd (hl'f I \\ .Itch wa" taken from th(' store'b where the re::'ldent con~ A pur,e belonging 10 ,1 bc.tl\l'l II till' Iwuri» of 8 and mg h1l11 (and) left WIthout parkmg lot Shoppers spot firmed a nllter saw wa.., Gro ..."e POinte \Vood" Il0m,ln 9 lO pill . .I tha'f enterpd the m,lk1l1g a punha"'L' or gOlllg The Capnce wa::, ..,epn fol- ml~::'lng shoplifter Wd'- found In ,I buI1dlllg III \\ ornl'lI , 101l'l'l room to thl' UJuntl'r: police '-70 pholll' Irorn lwr pur"e. wlllLh unknO\I n 111,111 got ,1\\ <1\ homp::, 10 thl' 300 block of Broken water CIty of Gros"e POlllte WIth c,l"h that wa" 1Il"ldl' tlw had bpl'n "tored lll",dL' ,I Poll(p ..,\1(1 thl' "U"pPLt Merriweather They turned Clght to 12 paIr" of women'" pur..,e wa" ml::'"lllg lockl'r TI1(' ,eclllld vlctlln \\-a, a bl.JLk l11,dl', () 10-6- him over to the CIty public pipe starts fire boot cut jeans he dId not pay Thl' pur"l' wa.., left on .1 lo"t "'everal Itemi» from <1 foot-a, WIth d mou ...t,lllH', ..,afety departmL'nt tablp 111 thL lobby of thp A broken water pipe may for on Fnday, Jan 17, at <,\\ 1111 b,lg left on a bl'lllh, \\ eanng ,I tan ha ...eb,llI C,lp be to blame for a hou.;,e fire about 2 20 p m bUlldmg bl't l\l'l'n 8:30 "nd Imludlllg '1>91) t,l"h. .l ,lIld gf{'L'll 01 t,1I1 Ul.lt Another wltnebb saw the 8 50 P m )\[,1I "h,d1 l"\eld.. LOlldwr III the firbt block of Ken wood Animal The pu rbe 1\,I" found 1'i In Grosse Pomte Farm,; on man, WIth Jeans III hand, get and Td 1,111 \ l1etkl.llP 1\lth llllllute., alter It I\d'- r('port Thursday, Jan 16 IIlto a Wattlllg car whIch hl'drt pL'IHI,lJIt cruelty I'd 1111'-:-lIlg III tilt' I1Il'II''- Snowblower The s~1ell of bmoke a"SOCI- fled westbound on Gro~;,e POInte Farmb pub- 1>.Ithrool11 III till' b,l ...ement 01 ated With an electrical fire Kercheval Place lic safet) otlicerb have no the bUlldlllg 20400 Mack snatched wa" commg from the hou.;,e The suspect I';' de"crtbed ;,u;,pecb III findlllg the per- as a clean-shaven, 30- to 35- Cnnllnal .lCt!llt\ umtlll- TL'n mlnute'- ,dtL'1 ,I a;, pubhc safety officers Ul'::' to bl' ,I probl':m In thp ..,on who decapitated a pet year-old black male who I" 1accident; Gro ..."p POlntl' \Vood ... man about 6 feet, 1 IIlch tall, 20400 block 01 Mnck III pullpd II1to hI;' garagL' III thl' welghmg about 190 to 200 multiple arrests Gro,,::.e POinte Wood, 600 block of Shoreham on • Panhandler - Pollce the afternoon of Monday, pounds and who was wear- A 45-year-old Warren ::.ho\\-ed the door to a pan Jan 1:3, a thll'ffollowed mg a black hat, a walst- woman was arrested on sev- h'lfidler workmg a pdrklllg At 443 pm. the hom(' LAZARE'S length black jacket and hlk eral chargl's aftpr bhe ran lot on Monel ny, .J an 12, OWllI.'r lll\l l'...lIgated a dlbtu r IIlg boots Into a car 1Il Gro%e POlllte \ '~, m-WI\'TER SlIE.\IHJ\(; "hortl\ bdore 5 p III TIll' bdllU' ,lI1d dl"tO"pred ;,Ollle- Farm" on Saturday, Jan 18 J11,111prOHl!"L'd tll It,)\ e the one h,ld ,toll'l1 hi" Torro CLEARANCE Public ;,afety oflicers C.!' In Ea<,tpomtc after the W.lrren WOllldll rdn repofted 11 "U"pICIOU... m<111 A fire III a fondue pot led • Dl,k and dd,h - On dnvlng away Il1 ,I gray her 1990 black To) ota IIlto ,I to a senes of events III a Thul ....d,I) .• Ian 17, at 11 42 1999 black Ford E).,plor('r Bllllk house In the 300 block of .l m, ,I thll'l ;,tole at /('d::.t that wa::. pdrked In till' Mernweather III Gros"e two PhI1llp, LOrnpact dl::.k -Meet of till' 300 block of Pomte Farms on Fnday, pl.l) er" 1rom .l ...ton', dtcord- Jan 17 Mora;.." Th(' df/vcr 1'>aId.,1)(' Meow motel All25-50!Ladles and Mens Shearlmgs In Slack Illg to af:>she attempted to pour bl,ILk 1ll,lIe 111 hi" late teen" poorly on cr]('" of bobnety fuel mto the fondue set or edrl) 20", \\ [Ii» dl'<.,cnbl'd hVll1g III thl' 2100 block of te"ts, but hpr blood alcohol Hollywood to "top u"lI1g her Next, a kItchen wall caught a" !) foot-lO, medIUm budd wntent W[h b('low the Ipgdl tirp as she took the blouse ,lfid Wl',lnng blup Jcanb \\ Ith home a" a half\\ay hou"e for limit Ho\\ e\ er, officerb off and dropped It on the "quarl' patchei» HI.' e",c,ub;,tance th.lt tc ...tl'd Pl)',)- Right along RIYrnlde Dr to Ouellette Ave Pubhc safety officers put un"'pe'L1fipd make and up to 18 cats on the proper- tl\ e for cocamc on thp dnver from Bn~ge or IUSllcft out of Thnnel the wall fire out WIth water modl'1 ty, police on The<;day, Jal' 313-961-4731. 888-IRARES A thermal camera detected dunng a "earch 14,

a BORDEN'S 19~ Choice $649 MILK LB T.BONE STEAKS___ LB. Slim& '/,% """.".,, ~2 ~~L Fresh Sweet Chol GRAPEF 3/99~ ce Sl::99 CoffeeCream...... 99~P1 RUIT __ NYSTRJP ~ULl OEN,&,Ll Bose $569 Ice Cream . , .... $2~t PEARS . . . 89~LB Whole NY Strlp-c:ut free_ Ll Mini For Chili CARROTS . 99t~~Coarse Ground Beef-!.4~9 -----.:....:....:...:..:....~2~9....1~!AIi. or_l2~ • LB No TIps PartyWlngs. _ $1491LB BAG $199 $169 La CORNISH HENS_{~ '?!L

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'1 , ( --.-~~

January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News News 9A Water main one of many Grosse Pointe Woods projects By Brad Lindberg any will over"hadow a new Iday ;,hoppmg "ea..,on Sry;" erb for a modern branch at heJd Staff Writer water mam down the Mack • The Gro;,;,e Pomte Hunt Mack and VernlCr Granger "aId "he need" The "logan for Grosse Avenue median Other proj('Ct... Illdude Club'.., new barn on Cook, Stemer';, budget proposal POlnte Woods m 2003 could CIty offi CIab, are fl'VleW- • Expan..,wll of ChrIst the Although the main project before pIannmg constructIOn ea;'IIy be "DIg we must" mg competItIve bid'" on thl' • Erl'ctlng a two ;,tory Kmg Lutheran Church at could co~t upward;, of $7 projects Stemer hald he But no matter how many two-year proje<.t and expect ;,enlOr utlzen a;,;,I"tl'd hV1l1g Mack and Lochmoor, and millIon, funding won't be wants conbtructlOn prOjec- constructIOn projects are work to "tart thl;, ;,pnng, <.enter by Sunn..,e • Re;,olutIon of a two-year threatened by antIcIpated tIons before naIlIng down undertaken, It's unlIkely wIth a break dUrIng the hol- Development' at Ma<.k and elTort by pubhc hbrdry lead- cutbackb m state revenue the budget Each year dur- shanng Ing the budget process, how- "The water maIn project I'" ever, they "hare the same ;,epdfate," ;,ald VIcky goal Use caution when venturing on ice Granger, head of the Wood" "I would not JeopardIze cIty counCIl con"tructlOn Gro;,i:>e Pomte Wood..,' mlra- By Bonnie Caprara call the Coa;,t Guard" <.au"'l' thp I<.e to ",hlft, dnd buddy commIttee We jJ bond It out "IIUltUlC 1m Staff Wnter However, If the lurt' of I<.e we'rp clo'>p to thl' DetrOIt • Alway;, tell someone With loan"," "pendmg," Stemer ;,ald A" the ..,urface of Lake St fi"hlllg or ..,katJng Lall"" RIver, whpre tlll'rl' I;' a cur wherl' you are gOlllg and Other proJect;, mIght feel "We're commItted to mam ClaIr freezes over, a local BllIn"kl ;'dld, "I<.e I..,not ",afp rent when you'l! be ba<.k the pmch tallllng mfrabtru<.tufl' pro- publIc safety ofticer urges for people unle..,,,, It I" four to BlIm;,kl ..,Uld 10LUl publil • Te of IOblllg ",ome :-tall' IIlg a constructIOn budget of "We don't encourage any- mg eqUJpmpnt or ndmg a londltIon" IIlg good" "tore.., or <.an be revenue," ~llld Enc Stemer, between $2 million and $4 one to go on the Ice," Gro""e "nowmobllp " madl' by h IIlg two "crew- chairman of the finance' millIOn, WIth roughly POInte Farms pubhc safety BIIIIl;,kl I('<'ollllllpndl'd BJlm;,kl ,11..,0 olTl'red thl' d 11\ er'> to the end;, of a plCce commltt('c "I don t "ee any $700,000 dedicated to stn l't Lt BrIan Blhn;,kl SaId "Our venturIng out no fartlwr followll1g ",afety tIp'" lor ven of lope "They allrm you to fnll'" " repaIr;, and mamtenance eqUIpment for re"cue IS lIm- than harbor", or b,n '" tUrlng on thp ICl' pull your",p]f out of the Thl' tnck WIll bc mam- Mo"t con..,trU{.tlOn projeds Itpd Otherwise, we have to "But bp aW "0 olll'n," VJndl'n Boom Itemb, "uc.h as d r('plac(' Wll! be Increased enfone- thl' St Paul Kmghts of returnable can" and bottl".., lm n"d b) V,lIlden Boom, lw "md ment dump truck for the ment of housmg codes Columbu", to do a lot colletected from tll(' St (1,1\.11 "'aId It W,h prlll1anh u:,,('d department of pubh<. "er- That I,',' a",, untIl i:>omeone pan..,h that th(' K of (' for K of (' projl'lt" "uch a" Vand('n Boom ;,aId the K VICC;"mIght be delayed "We're an agmg hOUSIng i:>tole hI;' truck planm'd to <.a;,h III ,md lOn- lh'!IH'rr ng d'l\ old b,lk"d of C I'" lurrently lookIng for "Anythmg we don't need, ",tock," Granger SaId "I don't Vanden Boom's JImmy tnbute toward It" "dllll,lr good;, to tlll' (\1 pUl hln Sou p d donatIOn of a truck To Wl' don't do," Stemer saId exppct ev('ryone to put on wa" ;,tolen from hlh hou;,e III shIp fund for tho"e "tudylllg Kltchl'n ,md Boy WIlle at tll(' help, <.all Vand('n Boom at "The Ia..,t thmg 1 \~ant to do new roof..<;or remodel, but m th" 5800 block of Fm mbrook to beLOme nun" ,md pill'''''' Samarrtdn Centl'r m 1:313) 4172698 I;' raJbe t,lAe;, " order to mamtam value of Stemer and Granger art' thl' home or neIghborhood, often at loggerhead" due, m we want to make sure thmgs G.P. Park hits back at domestic violence part, to the commlttpc" they look good" By Brad Lindberg ordllldnce nll rroflng ,I "t,lte j,lI! and .l m.l'"mum 'j,fiOO Under the new rule;" Park Staff Writer statute rpgardlllg a"''',lUlt fint' Dpd"on "aid the ~)3 dm officl'r" 1\ III "avp tl me pro- Arc you borcd ...comc shopping Flr"t time offender", of and battery IIlvolvlng "entenct' W,I" "'Ignlfillllt lP"..,mg labe.., through dome"hl vlOlenle In Gro"..,e donH'::,tlc relatlOn;,hlp" The "1\ plcalh, officer'> Lan De,NJIl rathpr than stand- *Giant Indoor Garage Sale * POlllte Park wdl be prose- ordmance b('come", efleltlVl' only makt' an arre"t for a Ing m 1mI.'downtown at the Sat. January 25th 9am-3pm cuted locally rather than Jan 24 11l1..,denll'anor lommltted 111 lounty pro;,ecutor's office CI(},Ir;I/~, Fllm;'lIr('. Ii,n. 1101/11'1,0111/(('1//1. through the Wayne County Dave lhller, Park <.hle! of theIr pre;,enle," Iw ''',lid The ordm<1nce cover;, ';\/1 I.I"{W\ of C/i;,hillg, H(/o~\ pro"ecutor pubhc "'afety, ",aId he ("dn t "With a 93-da) ml..,dt'- "pou;,e"', former "pou"es, Held at the Giving Tree l\Iuntcssnl"i Sl'honl "It';, more efficICnt and have a tally of ca"e,> that fit mednor, ;,uch a" tht' donll''' people who are or were dat effective to have these mat- the new law but added, "We tic vwlence ml"dt'meanor, Illg, th%e who have or had a n.llcalcd at SL Phtllllllc'na \ -l351:\ larscillc!oi ten, handled by our publIc get enough (<',l"e,,) that we pollee can make an arre..,t chlld III common, or couple!> ;,afety department and cIty feel It';, Imperative till' ordl ba;,ed on InformatIOn and who ;,hare or shared a attorney," Said Herold nance get pabsed " beltef that abbault and bat- houbehold Dea;,on, cIty attorney m the Flr"t tIme otTender::, will tery occurred" "It'" an addltlOnal tool to 2003 ~runl(Sliows Park be charged With a ml;,de SelOnd offcn"'"", whllh make ",ure Wt' follow ..,tnct Thl' change comes as Park meanor If lOnvlded, pt'nal art' Ielol1le;" \1 III be handll'd ('nfOrlement of domebtlc VIO- 1,1\1 maker", approved an tJe~ mclude up to 93 d,n" III do\'. nitm n, Dc,hon ",lid ]PfllC," Dl'd'>on ;,dld t Woods police search for Laura s tBrit£a{ Correction Est 1938 break-in YIn 'E;'(f(usive 'BoutUjue suspects '13rU£a£ & 'Evening Pronovias Couture By Brad Lindberg JanlUJry 9,10, 11 Staff Writer Two hou;,e-breakers St. Pucclii Couture remalll uncaptured follow- Marcn 6/ 7,8 IIlg another encounter III Gro"se Pomte Woods dUrIng JanStuart whIch one of the su;,pects knocked a 53-year-old 5lpnf200J female re::'ldent to the floor On Tuesday, Jan 14, at 'lly>lppmntment 10 13 pm, a man weanng a 46509 Hayes Rd , Shelby Twp , M\. 586-566-7800 black "kI mask burst mto a home m the 1900 block of Prestwlck "(He) stepped over (the LocalMotion woman) and walked mto the better health through fewer tOXinS hvmg room: saId an officer When the woman Pr~nli~ our third annual lecture IWM "'creamed for her husband, the IIltruder ran away WIth- 'MPROVING THE ENVIRONMENT out "teallng anythmg She wasn't mjured FOR OUR CHIWRBNS HEALTH CO ~pon,or('d by The Malilda R. Wil~on Fund & MIke Makow"kl, Woods Bon Secours Cottage Health Senlcel and !he dIrector of publIc ::,afety, saId Edith McNaugbton Ford Center for RadIation Oncolosy anythlllg can happen when thieves enter occupIed The !lecoDd in a &eriesof four l'VeDbI dwelhng::, "They're desperate, espe- Chlldren's Health and the EnvIronment CIally If they're drug prelOented by addIcts," Makowski saId The mtruder stood about Dr. Ruth Etzel ,I}-foot 10 and wore a black ~EnlJironmentalhazards "kl mask WIth what are among parents' top health appeared to be black make- concemsJor their children. " up around the eyes, the VIC- tIm saId He was weanng a Ruth Etzel, pedIatrician, will discuss dark-colored waIst-length chIldren's unique susceptibility to coat environmental hazards and how Pohce searchmg outsIde parents and practitioners can better the house dIscovered foot- protect chIldren's health by being prmts from two 8uspects Sale ends Saturday. February 1. aware of toxins in the envuonrnent The pnnts were SImIlar to and theIr BSSOC18ted risks those found at a break-m on delivery available throughout Mldllgan • 6 months same as cash Jan 10 In the 800 block of Shoreham dlred!oos 10sale: take 96 to Grand RapIds, exit 2BIh St. West, rontlnue west on 281h Sl to ceoterpoIl'M of MakowskI saId there are ~'s at Mal on the romer 281h Sl & East Be/IlIne The Grone Pointe War Memorial Ballroom no leads 32 Lake Shore Drlv., Grou. Point. Farms, Michigan "DetrOIt has been gettmg Tickets $5 at tfle door a lot of these In the last few Information months," he saId ",nterprnn~ IMJI. i\r~9.mo-~~~.1 BOO 878, 8000 (734) 623-&773 or http://www.1ocaJ-motion.org , -10A Obituaries

CatholIc Church BUlldmg and ChTlstlan Pomroy, She IS survived by her He was an aVId hockey fan Fund, 15020 Hampton, MIchael, Mark, BTlan and husband, Harry, her seven and loved hiS three cats Grosse POInte Park, MI Andrew Gerow and EmIly sons, Mark, John (Terry), He ISsurvIved by hiS Wife, 48230. and Zachary Mahrle Douglas (Mary), Steven Margaret "Peggy" Feldman, Arrangements were made (Reglna), DaVid (Margaret), hiS mother, Olga Prokopuk, Eileen Giffen Burns b\ Chah Verheyden Inc Paul (Joyce) and Matthew and hIS Sister, Lorrame (LaDonna), her daughter, Payne St ClaIr Shores reSIdent Memonal contTlblltlOns Elissa crvlcewill be by A J D""lllunJ & Sons and was an active alumna, held on Thursday, Jan 23, Funeral Home In Troy servmg on the Alumnae at 11 a m at St Paul Memonal contnbutIonb Board and as preSIdent of Lutheran Church, 3790 may be made to the the Alumnae ASSOCiatIOn Michigan Humane Society Dorothy Helen Amberg Henry J. Cornillie West Water St , Port Huron For more than 10 years, Arrangements were made Mrs Burns hosted Alumnae Mr CormllIe JOined the by Pollock-Randall Funeral Doroth y Helen ASSOCiatIOnmeetmgs at her US Navy durIng World War Home III Port Huron E. John Tamblyn wmter home m Tequesta, Amberg II, where he helped develop Memonal contnbuttOns Fla Former Grosse POInte Grosse Pomte Park resI- modern radar may be made to Blue Water In 1992, Marygrove Woods reSident E John dent Dorothy Helen Amberg, Followmg the war, he Hospice, 1422 Lyons St, College awarded Mrs Burns "Jack" Tamblyn, 85, passed 73, passed away on Sunday, earned hlb bachelor's degree Port Huron, MI 48060 away on Fnday, Jan 17, Jan 12, 2003, at St John the Mother Domitilla award III history from the 2003 Hospital for outstandmg service to Umverslty of Loyola Born III 1917 In DetrOIt, Born In Massachusetts in the college He then JOined the fanuly Gertrude Munro Mr Tamblyn wab a 1939 1929, Mrs Amberg received Devoted to educatIOn, firm of J C Cormlhe Co Grosse POInte Park rebl- graduate of Denison her bachelor's degree from Mrs Burns taught III van- ityand served In the Simmons College In 1951 ous parochial schools m the he worked With hIS brothers, dent Gertrude "Trudee" US Navy durmg World War She earned her master's DetrOit area, mcludIng St Charles, Bernard and Munro, 85, pabsed away on degree from Boston Paul Cathohc School m Robert and hIS blbter, Sunda, Del 22, 2002, at II He was a member of Umverslty Grosse Pomte Farms Josephine for the next 40 Gerard Edward Bon S~~ours Hospital Before she was mamed, She IS survived by her years Mahon Born III 1917 In DetrOit, Grohhe Pomte Woods Mrs Amberg worked as a daughters, Maura, Maeve He also ebtabh",hed Mrs Munro graduated from Prebbytenan Church for (Frank) Erbecker and Joan Former Grosse Pomte Gro!>se POlllte High School more than 50 years and a dietitian at Deaconess Cormlhe Concrete In 1950 Farms rebldent Gerard (Lyle) LaLonge, five grand- III 1935 member of Grosse Popmte Hospital In Boston With hIS brothers Edward Mahon, 78, pasbed FollOWIng her marriage and children, nme great-grand- Mr Cormll1e wa~ actlvel) She volunteered at the Semor Men'b Club chJldren, two brothers, away on Saturday, Dec 28, Chlldren'<; Hospital of He IS survived by hlb wtfe, move to MIChigan III 1958, mvolved In numerOUb 2002 In East LanbIng she was a kIndergarten James and KeVIn, and her Catholic chanties through Michigan from 1972 to 1983 Barbara. hiS children, John SIster, Joan Giffen Donahue Born m 1924 In as the manager of the gift Gordon Munro wah recog- children. Stephanie, John, teer at Bon Secours Hospital He is survIved by hl1>Wife He berved as combat MP for 12 years She served as A memonal Mass will be of 53 years, Mary Jean, hiS nized In 1983 a!>the top vol- JulIe, KatIe. MIchael and celebrated on Saturday, Jan In Europe dunng World War unteer of Children's Amy, and hiS SIster. Ruth EuchanstIc mInister at St mne children, Damel J II, and, upon hiS return, Ambrose CatholIc Church 25, at Our Lady Star of the (Nancy), Timothy P Ho!?pltaJ, havmg volun- Hoffman Sea m Grosse Pomte Woods graduated from the teered 8,000 hours of her He was predeceased by and volunteered at Defer (Chnstlne Hardy), Kathleen Umversity of Scranton, hav- Elementarv School durmg Arrangements were made M (Jeff Anatoyn), Joseph C time hIS brother, James G by Buehler Funeral Home m mg earned hiS bachelor's She was featured a1> a Tamblyn her chIldren's educatIOn (Anne), Mark H (Ehzabethl, degree m bw,me!>!> RoseVIlle good Samantan III the A memonal service Will be She enjoyed coolung, read- Thomas G, Gary F (Su1>an), Mr Mahon worked for Ing, art, traveling and tak- Memonal contnbutlOns Mary J alesrepre- From 1983 to 1993. Mrs 11 a m at Grosse POInte Ing care of her famIly and Margaret M (John) hentatIve and product man- College, PI ME MlsslOnanes Munro volunteered In Woods Presbytenan Church • She IS survived by her Kealy, 19 grandchildren, hlb ager for Burroughs :husband, RIchard M or the Hosplce of Michigan brother, Robert, and hIS SiS- Regina Gersch'b first-grade Arrangement." were made CorporatIOn DUrIng thl1> clabsroom at Kerby by Donelson, Johns & Evans •Amberg; her daughters, ters, Magdalyn AmbrogIO tIme, he made man) tnps to ;:Mary (Jerry) Edel, Heather Elementary School Funeral Home m Waterford Henry J. Cornillie and Mane Kraus Japan, Latin Amenca, :(Davld) Simmet, Ann City of Grosse Pomte resI- He was predeceased by From 1993 untIl her Memonal contnbutlOns :Amberg and Catherine Europe and Asta on behalf of death, Mrs Munro ran the may be made to MIchigan dent Henry J Cormlhe, 86, hIS brothers, Charles, the company -(Scott) Stafford, and her passed away on Sunday, George, FranCIS and St Columba Church Thnft Parkmson FoundatIOn or ~andcbildren, Megan, Marc In additIOn to Grosse Shop m DetrOIt Jan. 19, 2.003 Bernard. and hIS Sisters, Pomte Farms, Mr Mahon the chanty of one's chOIce .and Max Edel, Zachary, Born In Detrmt, Mr JosephIne Nelrmck and She was also a member of ':.Sarah and Joshua Simmet also hved In Allentown, Pa , the Detrmt Yacht Club Cormlhe had hved In Grosse Geraldme Vermeersch San Rafael, Calif, Western and Samuel Stafford Pomte smce the 1920s A funeral Mal>swab celc She IS survIved by her Mary Gildner A memonal Mass was cel- Spnngb, III and Littleton, dauthcr, Kathleen Munro After graduatmg from the bro.tcd on Wedne..,da), ,1an Colo durmg the courbC of -ebrated on Thursday, Jan (Charlet.) SkUplll, her Whitley UmversIty of DetrOIt JeSUIt 22, at St Paul Catholic hI'" career =16, at St. Ambrose CatholIC HIgh School m 1935, he Church grandchildren, Molly, Gro"se POinte Farms reSI- =Church He IS !>urvlved by hI!> chil- entered a JesuIt semmary In Interment IS In the St Melissa and Andrew dent Mary Gildner Whitley, : MemorIal contributIOns West Baden, Ind , where he Paul Columbanum dren, Ellen Mane Sullivan, Skupm, and her Sisters, 96, passed away on Monday, :may be made to St Ambrose remaIned until 1941 RIchard (ClaudIa), Jan 13,2003, at Bon Secour Arrangements were made Chnstopher (Robm Adele Segerlund and by Chas Verheyden Inc Barbara Bangs Place m St Clair Shores Kobayashi), Mary Catherine Born In Grand Haven. Memorial contributIOns (Ben) Pllypattls and Michael She was predeceased by may be made to Little her husband, Wilham D Mrh Whitll'y graduated (Z"uzsannai, 13 grandchIl- Sisters of the Poor, 4900 Munro Jr, and her brother, from MIsb Porterb High dren, a great-grandson, hiS • SOlnethillg To Navarre, Oregon, OH 43616 Edward F Ketterer School and the UniverSity of Sister, Maggi Mahon hiS SIS- and the Unlvensty of A funeral service was held MichIgan ter-m-law, Qumta, two DetrOit JesUIt High School, on Fnday, Dec 27, 2002. at She wa., employed as a .~...... r.~illk About nieces, and two nephews 8400 South Cambndge, St Columba Church III member of the Board of He was predeceased by DetrOit, MI 4822] DetrOIt EducatIOn for the city of I . DIRECTOR -- hi" Wife of 43 year<;. Arrangements \l.ere made DetrOit Mar) ann, and hlb brother, Mrs Whitley was a mem- Afraid To Say Wrong Thing Edythe E. Gerow Robert by Chas Verheyden Inc m GrObbePOlllte Farms resI- Grosse POInte Park ber of the Garden Club of Many quite close and canng doubts and feelmgs A memonal Ma..,h WIll be Grosse Pomte, the Engltsh fnends a\ Old a family whIch has dent Edythe E Gerow, 84, Memonal contnbuttOns The Imponant Ihlng IS to be with held thl.., ;.,pnng Speakmg UnIOn, the suffered a loss. or keep Silent about them. and to show that you care It IS passed away on Monday, may be made to the Grosse Memonal contnbutlOns Clrcumnavigator's Club and theIr feellngs. for fear "of saymg the very rare that an honesl dIsplay of Jan 20, 2003, at Bon Pomte Public LIbrary "'Tong thmg ., To begm WIth, thiS IS may be made to the enjoyed theater and the humamty Will be resented and mlSUI1 Secours Hospital BUlldmg Fund nOI an unusual reaction Often It IS derstood Absence or Silence, on the Amencan Diabetes arts Born In Bay City In 1918, because indIViduals have not come other hand. mIght be A..,..,OCIatlOn She IS survIVed by her to lerms WIth their own sentiments Ms Gerow graduated from about dealh Because they are Denby HIgh School She Daniel Prokopuk three nieces and one unsure of theIr feehngs, they are Sharon May Minnis nephew tcjk~ ..9(M worked as an office manager Harper Woods reSident - afraid lhelr word. WIll come out all Sharon May Mlllms, 67, of She wa!> predeceased by •• mixed up Bnan A. joseph Presid~ for PerkInS, Zebart and former Grosse Pomte Port Huron Twp, pa..,!>ed her husband of more than 30 Try not to worry There IS no one 16300 M ad< Avenue InternatIOnal and Ma..,..,('y reSident Daniel "Don" ,IW,ly 'HI Munday, ,Jan 20, - "nBht" altitude toward death and Grosse POinte. M,chlpn 48230 Fergusson Prokopuk, 50, passed away year<;, Bernard, and her :lOIn. III h. r homl' gnef Besides. many people are as (313) 881-8500 She wah a ffiPmbpr of on Sunday, Jan 19, 2003 brother. Henry Gildner confused and ambivalent about It as 8nan A. joseph ~"""r B"rt1 1/1 I!rlfi III Chol""cll, A memonal service Will be you may be In fact, It would not be 2&499 Schoenherr Bayvww YaLht Cluh Mr Prokopuk graduated Mr" MlIlIll/\ Wll... a ~alcs held at a later date at the amiss 10 share your concerns II Warren, Md'!pn 48088 Shp I'" "urVIV,d hy IJir from Denby High School and ,'." /II With Moak R('al Grosse Pomte Memonal might even Open the door for fanuly (586) 756-5530 daughtl Pi, ,J( "/III' (, attended Macomb members to express their own I" , ,t, .'-lh,. W,I/\ a nwmber Church ~ WindwW'IIu-M,llo<~n.,.r Pomroy and LY/lli K ( •• Ill'll Commumty College ,,f ", I'sud LuUll'ran Church Arrangements were made INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED "INCE 1908 h,'r hon, I-n'd M ""d. wl,t He was a retired operat- ""d LlkH Lollg" No :l4,1 In grandlhddn'II, \1.11111, 1/ by Chas Verheyden Inc J:)'t II', Ing' engmeer for Blue Cross and Henry Ford Hospital Grosse Pomte Park

City or(Jf)rosseJointe Jurn, Mlchlpn NOTICE OF ADOPTION AND SUMMARY OF Refuse authority land deal trashed ORDINANCE NO. 183 By Bonnie Capra,s h,lIll The authonty also has InCmeratIOn of solid waste Staff Writer Il"tlllb of the Clrcum- plani'> to sell the Site of its On January 13, 2003, the Clly CounCIlof the City of Gro~~e and the dIsposal of ash from A 100-acrp !>Mu.1 "I 1,1nd ..,t .. ncl'''' Wl're dl<;cub"ed III a former incinerator on LIpke POinte Park (lhe "City CounCil") enacted Ordinance No 183 the Grosse Pomte1>, Harper In Lenox Town...hlJ> molY hI clo<;rd"e"..,lon of the author- m Chnton Township, whIch (the Ordinance") 10 become effecllve on January 24, 2003, Woods, Clmton Township up for sail' - agam Ity'!. meeting on Thesday, the authorIty demohshed In which Ordinance prOVidesthat no person 'hall commit an and Mount Clemens Jan 14 2001, In the near future The a,~au1tor an a,~ault and banery on hiSor her ~pouseor former Members of the authonty The Grosse POlntes- RI7ZO.who made an ofTer !>ite.compnsed of 60 acres of 'pou,e. an indiVIdualWithwhom he or she has or has had a dat- currently dIspose of their Chnton Refuse DIsposal to purchase the property land With a 17-acre lake, has Ing relallon'hlp, an indIVidualWith whom he or ~hehas had a trash at the PIne Tree Acres AuthoTlty een Chnton Township, 4803 Th" ,ummary of the Ordmance l~ published pur,uant to Gaetano RIZZOdefaulted on an ahh (h...posal "ll<' SIxty Michigan Compiled Law, Section 1173(k) True copIe, of the found With regard to remrdl- percent, Mount Clemens the purchahe of the' $2 ,I) n,lI. acrrs of the sIte IS zoned for full IClltof the Ordmance and any law, regulalJon, code, or atlOn or future hablhty 1266 percent, Grosse POIn~ hon property at GratIOt and rei'>ldentlal use and IS cur- Clinton Township has enact- - other matenal adopted by reference In such Ordmance are 28 Mile Road rently coverrd WIth dense Woods, 948 percent, Grosse ed legl:ilatlOn for the Site to Pomte Park, 8]5 percent, :- available for IOspcC1lonor photOCOPYingat the Office of the "Due to unt'xpected cIr- weed growth and scatterrd be phglble for brownsfield Harper Woods, 8 6 percent, City Clerk, City of Gro"e POintePark, I51I5 East Jeffern>n cumstances at thr clOSing, It wooded lot~ The remaining - Avenue, Gros'C POintePark. Michigan 48230 CTltPTla and has assessed Grosse Pomte Farms, 7 17 does not llppear that the 40 acres of the proprrty are the property to be valued at percent, City of Grosse deal will bt' llhJp to clo<;ea~ zoned for commercial use $5 million Pomte, 3 84 percent, and Jane M. B'ahut, on~'lllally planned," GPCR. and are currentl) being used The authonty, formed m G PN 0 112312003 City Clerk. Grosse POinte Shores, 2 07 DA attorney John Gdloly for agricultural purposes ]962, was set up to handle percent • January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Schools 11A St. Clare honors the dreatn of Martin Luther King Jr. By Jennie Miller M a u r e e n Staff Writer Scanlon, sought A seventh-grader cap- to honor Dr Kmg JlHumani ty in general tured the SpInt of Martm and other!> who Luther KmgJr Day h a v e needs a reality check With the tItle of her paved the ... People need to essay, "DIfference IS way for What Makes Us D equality realize that we're not BeautIful" In the Rachel Elsey won presenta- all the same - we the seventh grade tIOn of the need to embrace the ebbdY l.UllLebl hclli by lhe "HU.Jlldil Rl/Sht" DIverSity Club at 8t Clare Hall of Fame," differences. " of Montefalco She touched the students on personal experIences honored such - ElIzabeth Van Horn, eIghth. WIth prejudIce and the mdlviduals as grade wmner of the DlVer~lty boundanes between differ- a boll t Ion 1St Club'b thIrd annual essay contest ent groups of people A n gel 1 n a The eIghth grade w1Oner, Gnmke, under- Ehzabeth Vall Horn, ground railroad Pansh's Deanng DetrOIt spoke of equahty conductor John P Dance wowed the audience and embrac10g dlf- D Parker, Melba With Its performances of ferences 10 her PatIllo Beals, who msptrahonal songs WIth essay, "Just Fmd was among the lyncs such as "Don't ever Some Space m Your first black stu- give up" Heart" dents to be St Clare also wplcomed Such was the mood of the enrolled m hIgh school, and Pastor Edgar Vann of the celebratIOn of Dr Kmg's former PreSIdent JImmy Second Ebenezer Church m dream on Monday mght Carter, reCIpient of the 2002 DetrOit, who challenged the Members of the DIverSIty Nobel Peace Pnze audIence to go beyond hav- First Lady Laura Bush contacts Club marched mto the "They are all commItted to mg Just a dream by havmg a church carrymg human digmty, plan to do better Academy kindergartners sIgns that carned human nghts and Pastor Vann brought messages such as DJustIce for all," one along Gwen Hardge, who Inspired by a book created by kindergartners in Peggy Varty's class dropped Jaws WIth her ren. at The Grosse Pointe Academy. First Lady Laura Bush sent a letter to "Justice for all,"' student said of the and "We shall over- mdividuais dltion of the class. "PrecIOus Lord," "You have a lot of creative talent. and I'm glad you are using it to come" honored These students, Members whIch was per- bring joy to others." she wrote. "Writing is a great way for people of all formed at Dr ages to express their feelings and can provide comfort, happiness and mcludmg Jeana Brown, of PraIse Him enter- Kelsey Hubbell, Patnck tamed the audiencE.' Kmg's funeral inspiration to those around you." The evenmg The book created by the students. entitled "If You Take a Flag to Hazelton, DeVIn Hubbell, WIth an mterpretlVe Miles Hubbell, TravIs Le dance to James commenced WIth School." was inspired by the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" series by Dthe audIence children's author Laura Numeroff, Flore, Emily Mazure, Ashley Taylor's "Shed a McBnde, Malcolm Oliver, LIttle LIght" Jommg m to smg "Let There Each child came up with three ideas for what to do with this flag and be Peace on Earth .. illustrated his or her own pages. Derek Bradford Jr and St Charles of Borremeo Varty entered the book in a Scholastics Books contest. results of which are due in April. Pictured are the authors of "If You Take a Flag to School." kinder- Geography Learn more about gartners Libby Elliott. Carmella Goree, Charles Becker, Tori Jones and Jack McCarthy. in the back row. In the front row, holding the book bee champion Henry Ford Acadenn~ and the materials received from the White House. are Sam Williams. St Clare of Montefalco Jared Brush, Sydney Chambers. Jack Weaver and McCalla Mecke. Cathohc School fimshed Its annual NatIOnal Geography Bee competitIOn on Fnday, If You Take a Flag to School Jan 10 Created by Peggy Varty's kindergarten class at The Grosse POinte Academy The school champIOn was Stephen Peck, a SIxth-grad- If you take a flag to school, you could take It In your car You could show It for show-and-tell er and Grosse Pomte Park If you take a flag to school, you could put It m the school's front yard reSident The second place And then you could say the Pledge of Allegiance winner was seventh-grader If you take a flag to school, you could dress to match it Zach Chopp, followed by Then, you could gIVe It to your fnend eIghth-grader Kelsey If you take a flag to school, you could "how it to your teacher Hubbell 10 thIrd place You could match It to our school band-aIds Other finalists were fifth- grader Jackson Robar, sIXth- If you take a flag to school, you would take care of It. graders Kelsey Wasserman You would treat people mcely and hope that everyone would coVyyou and James Wilkerson, sev. If you take a flag to school, you could match It to the bIg one on the flagpole enth-grader Joe Beels and And, you could Wish that your name was on the flag. eIghth-graders Tom Irvmg If you take a flag to scl:ool, you wouldn't leave It m the ram and Johanna Berger You would treat It a!>speCial ab you would treat a pet If you take a flag to !>chool,you ('ould pamt a rock to look hke It You could run WIth It If you take a flag to school, you could hold It whIle you fly a kite. And you could celebrate WIth watermelon If you take a flag to school, you could gIVeIt a bIg hugl You could hope that the school, would turn red, white and blue Henry Ford Academy, an mnovauve four-year publtc If you take a flag to school, when you go out on the playground, you could hIgh school that emphaSIzes the apphcanon of math, SCIence shde down the shde WIth It and technology, ISsponsonng a serIes of open houses You could match It to the grass These events wlll prOVideapplicatIOns and mformatlon And you could try to match It to the sunset about thIS umque educational OpportUOltv for Wayne If you take a flag to school, you could look up at It and then chmb up the County students enlenng Olnth grade 10 the fall of 2003.

flagpole to see all of the of Amenca Henry Fnrd Academy IS a I"HCnelSh,1'hc'\\cen Hen" rOld \I"seum And hope that It stays Just the way It IS' &. Greenfield Village(!) and Ford Mowr ( ampanv and I';; ch2rtcred by \\.ayoe CA>unry ReglOn.a~ I-dul:H1on~1 ~ef\lCe Aj:?;cnev Stephen Peck ULS competes at state theater festival Umverslty LIggett School students attended the EducatIOnal Theater From pre school through grade 12 Unlvemly LIggett School> outslandmg Assoclatlon and college preparatory l.urnculum ~mJII classes, talented faculty and unbealable InternatIOnal The"pIan college guidance program work together to prOVIde students With an Intellectual SocIety's annual state the- prohClency pla<.lng them at the top of any c1a adm"s '"'' o'~ 'c (monologue) at 1'13, ,84 44-14 Pnma" l.o...u and Up~r ,",ch""I< 1045 ( (lok Road

ADV1M1S1N8 u.rnt!\ll)' !Jf9rll \,;10001 Middle School OPEN HOUSE oJ.. ,1< l1IoJ",t< ""'hoot 'OjarJ 850 Bnan.htl Drive WO.«Sf Ie r«t, colo, m.;..... stY.r Sunday, February 2, 2003 Grosse Pomte Wood~. M,chigan 48236 CALL 313-882-3500 """""'"..u m- ""I" Toreserve Display Advertising 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. W'WWub ora space by 2 P m Friday

t January 23, 2003 12A Schools Grosse POinte News

SCHOOL N.OTES School system to cumculum Willbe presented to students wIthin the to the district's EducatIOnal GroBse POinte commumty," discuss K-12 science Plannmg LeadershIp saId Vlckey Bloom, the curriculum CouncIl later 10 February hbrary's executive dIrector and then to the Board of "With an Immediate connec- As part of cont1Ou1Og EducatIOn 10 March. tion to speclahzed tutors at efforts for inclUSIOnof pubhc their fingertips, students of op1OIOnat all levels of cur- Library gives Live all ages will benefit rIculum development, the Immensely from this ser- Grosse Po1Ote Pubhc School Homework Help VIce." System wIll hold a pubhc The Grosse Po1Ote PublIc Students can also access forum to famIlIarize the Library IS offenng a new Live Homework Help after commumty WIth the dr::lft of onlme tutonng ~€'rvIC€'. hbraI) hours b) ns.tmg thc the new K-12 sCience cur- called LIve Homework Help, Web SIte, www gp lIb ml us riculum giv10g students in grades and entenng their hbrary The forum IS planned for four through twelve Immedi- card number Thursday, Feb. 13,at 7 p m ate aSSIstance With theIr 10 Grosse Po1Ote South HIgh homework South Debate Team School's Wlckmg LIbrary. The subscnptlOn service The K-12 sCience commIt- Will allow students to con- qualifies tee Will present the product nect WIth expert tutors 10 The Grosse Po1Ote South of Its study and ItS recom- math, SCIence,SOCialstudIes HIgh School Debate Team, mendatIOns for the dIrectIOn and English VIa the represented by Jllhan of instruction for the dis- Internet, free of charge TletJen, Sara Farber, MIke Students qualify for math test tnct Live Homework Help IS McGUIre and Leigh Nineteen Grosse Pointe South High School students qualified for the The committee has avaIlable for use at the WedenoJa, quahfied to com- second part of the 46th annual Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition. focused on develop1Og a con- hbrary every day after pete at the 86th annual administered last month. The competition is sponsored by the Michigan Sistent, balanced and artICU- school from 4 to 10 p.m. MichIgan Intf'rscholastlc section of the Mathematics Association of America. lated program for all schools "The Grosse Pomte Pubhc ForenSIcs AsSOCiationState The students pictured are, from left, Alex Garbarino, Kirk Willmarth, 10 the dlstnct. LIbrary ISvery eXCItedabout Fmals on Thursday, Jan 9 Michael Arrigo, Stephen Oney. Denis Aleshin. Jordan Winfield, Myles Tal- Follow1Og this opportuni- the opportunities Live The state final competi- bot, Matt Stermer. Amy Reid. Jon Sierant. Katherine Wyman. Tim ty for public comment, the Homework Help WillprOVIde tion will run until Feb 1 Kaselitz. Emily Meza and David Minnick. Other students who qualified but are not pictured include Christina Jacovides, Cory Johnson. Stephanie Phow proHded bj Helene Romanelh Royer. Kellie Schott and Andrew Visger. More than 100 students. cast and crew from Parcells Middle School have been These students were among 1.237 others who qualified for the more dif- working since October on their school musical, "Grease," which will be per- ficult second part of the competition. The students with the top 50 scores formed on Thursday. Jan. 30 through Saturday. Feb. I, at 7 p.m. in the school will receive college scholarships ranging in value from $450 to $2,500. auditorium. Tickets may be purchased at the door or by calling (313) 884-2960.

Palmer nabs top prize in ULS geography bee Eighth-grader Ehzabeth Palmer recently won first place In Umver;,Ity Liggett School's 14th annual geography bee, ;,ponsored by the history, SOCialstudws and sCience departments ThiS event mvolved the entire ULS middle school and gave students the opportumty to showcase their knowledge Pnor to the bee, all middle school students took a geography quahfier test The students WIth the 19 highest scores partlclpated 10 the bee on Fnday, Jan 9 The top 100 scorers In Michigan Will participate In a state bee at Central MIchigan Umverslty The state wmner WIll be mVlted to the NatIOnal GeographIC Bee on May 20 In Washmgton, D C.

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.'*,,"'" 2 January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Schools 13A A parent's guide to beginning kindergarten~ By Jennie Miller "A parent can recognIze others want to go to the Staff Writer other behaVIOrs and skIlls m kitchen area or puppet Somewhere In Grosse their own chIld to determme stage Pomte, a parent ISobservmg theIr kmdergarten-readl- "Teachers plan actiVI- a five-year-old, wondenng If ness," sald Pam Cronovlch, tIes so that the cognitive, he IS ready to be enrolled m kindergarten teacher at SOCIal,creatIve and phys- kmdergarten Kerby Ical development of a Accordmg to local elemen- Among these read mess child IS nurtured dunng tary school princIpals and skills seen as pertment to the kindergarten year" kmdergarten teachers, there beglnmng kmdergarten are Throughout the first are nllsconceptlons about the ablhty to functlOn m a year of elementary edu- the appropnate tIme to do group, the ablhty to pay catIOn, kindergartners so attentIOn to an adult and fol. Will learn to master let- It l::tll'lueu'::t"aly tu knuw luw Oil eI.LlOll", UemOll"L1 d- Ler", "OUllU" dllll the all the letters and numbers," tlOn of some soclahzatlOn baSIC concept of pnnt said Kerby Elementary skills such as takmg turns, Students WIll work on School's prmclpal Deborah and demonstratIOn of some fine tumng theIr motor Hubbell, adding that what- fine motor skills such as skIlls as well as countmg ever !>klilsa child possesse"" holding a pencil or usmg and Simple additIOn ''It IS our Job to take them sCI!>sors "Thev also learn a lot nd move them forward" "Wherever you start, of sociahzatlOn skills," State gUldehne!> requlre we're gomg to bUIld from Hubbell said hat a kmdergartner turn there," Cronovlch said Seen by educator!> as Ive-yearb-old on or before Kindergarten teachers III pOSSibly the bIggest ec 1 and be toilet tramed the dl",trIct work With each advantage to the child But local educators ",ug- child at whatever level III dunng that first year, e!>tthere IS more on whIch order to Improve hIS or her acquIrIng SOCialIzation he deCISIOncan be bd<,ed alllllties skIlls comes naturally "Grosse when In a group With Pomte offers a one's peers differentIated Cronovlch stressed Photos by JennIe M.lIer curflculum," that shyness IS not a Karen Cole, extended-day kindergarten teacher at Mason Elementary School, said Elaine cause to hold a child reads a book to her class. Mlddlekauf, back, adding that mter- pnnclpal of acting WIth other stu- "A parent IS a child's first actIve learners," Mlddlekauf skIlls," Mlddlekauf saId. Mason dents III the classroom WIll teacher," Mlddlekauf saId saId "They explore the She also encourages par- . Elementary help the child to overcome "The best adVIce I would world around them daily ents to help children work ~ School "ThiS the problem gIve a prospective kmder- Parents can Incorporate on theIr motor skIlls by means that "It's a better place for a garten parent IS to read to SImple readiness actIvItIes catching a ball, Jumping, teachers sup- child to be," she said and WIth your chIld dally" Into everyday family skipping, uSing SCissors, port learners at Cronovlch has seen anoth- Cronovlch agrees and sees errands, tasks and rou- completing puzzles and all levels er misconceptIOn among thIS as the most Important tInes" stacking blocks "Some stu- parents when decldmg If a thmg a parent can do to pre- For example, chIldren can All of these actIVitIes are-' dents come m child IS ready pare a chIld for school practice number and alpha- worked on throughcut the" ready to read SometImes, a parent She also sugge<;ts making bet recogmtlOn, baSIC colors, year m kindergarten > and Write, oth- thmks that If a chIld IS held sure that a child has had Simple shapes, counting and AddItIOnal practice and ers want time back a year, hIS or her abIli- expenence dOIng actiVIties size comparIson help from parents prIor to 0 to explore the ty wIll always be at the top WIth a group of other chIl- "Takmg a walk around the enrollmg the child In kinder- block area or of the class But thIS IS not dren hIS or her age neighborhood IS a fantastIc garten and throughout the • the sand table the case "It helps them get off to a way to Increase a chIld's school year can only lead the . Some students "It puts an unfair expecta- good start," she said observatIOnal and language chIld to greater successes gravitate tIon on the child," she said Parents can also turn A kindergarten student in Karen toward the Parents can help their everyday actIVIties mto edu- Cole's extended-day kindergarten classroom com- chIldren be more prepared catIOnal experIences for This year, the district had just over 500 class at Mason Elementary School puters and the for the kmdergarten expen- theIr young children kindergartners entering the school works with a letter board to practice math and SCI- ence by working on some of "ChIldren are natural and hie alphabet recognition. ence center, these beglnmng skIlls system's nine elementary schools and Bames Early Childhood Center. chools hold The prediction is that these numbers indergarten will continue to decrease over the next information five years. meetings Phow by JennIe ~hller 0\ er the next several At right, \\l'cks, InformatIOn meet- Mason Elemen- IIlg~ Will be held at each tary School's Giving Tree Montessori School ,chool for parents Interested extended-day kindergarten 111 enrolhng a chIld In kindergarten teacher Karen Cole uses letter Open House Here IS a list of the meet- Sunday February 2nd 1-3 p.m. II1g" to be held at each boards to help children with ,dwol Giving Tree Montessori School: -Defer Elementary alphabet recog- ')chool Tuesday, Jan 28, nition. Member of the American Montessori from 7 to 8 p m m Room Society and The Michigan Montessori 201 Society. All head teachers are For more mformatlon, call the Defer school office at District offers extended-day kindergarten Montessori certified 412-4000 Our pledge: Help turn promise into fulfillment - Kerby Elementary ThIS year, a total of 84 students were "Some kids can benefit from a longer day," saId Deborah Hubbell, pnnClpal of ')chool Tuesday, J an 28, enrolled In the extended-day kinder- Programs Offered: from 7 to 8 pm. m the gym garten program that IS offered at Barnes Kerby Elementary School For more mformatlOn, call Early ChIldhood Center, Defer, Mason. There IS a fee to enroll a child In the .I Infant .I Toddler .I Pre-school the Kerby school office at Poupard and Kerby elementary schools extended-day kmdergarten .I Kindergarten 432-4200 ThIS optIOn IS offered to all Grosse For more mformatlOn, call KmderClub .I Elementary Grades 1 thru 6 -Ferry Elementary POinte parents lookmg for chIldcare at (313) 432-3067 For a detaJled CUrriculum guide, School Tuesday, Feb 11, optlOns who would rather have theIr RegIstratlOn WIll be held on Friday, • from 7 15 to 8 pm, In Room kmdergartner spend the entire day With Feb 7, at 8 a m at Barnes Early call 881-2255 107 a certified teacher ChIldhood Center In the gym For more informatIOn, call The program allows for more time to Doors will open at 7 a m Walk-m reg- (convemently located just off Mack Avenue the Ferry school office at focus on student ennchment and practlc- IstratIOn WIll be on a first.come, first- between Moross and Cadieux) 432-4100 mg soclahzatlOn skIlls served baSIS - Mason Elementary 4351 Marseilles School held Its informatIOn ntght on Wednesday, Jan 22 For more InformatlOn, call the Mason school office Emergency Medical at 432-4400 - MaIre Elementary Camp Algonquin School Thursday, Feb 6, at Technician Training 7 p m For more informa- Established 1975 tIOn, call the MaIre school office at 432-4300 Program -Monteith Elpmentary Accelerated Learning Program & Camp Fun School Wednesday, Jan 29, Boys & Girls 7-17 IIegiJIs M.... at 6 30 p m. y For more information, call the MonteIth school office at GIVE YOUR CHILD AN EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGE Fellraary ~ 2M3 432.4500 When Class meets every Monday - Tuesday Barn ~ • Poupard Elementary • OUTDOOR RECREATION School Wednesday, Jan 2~ BegIns W.vD3 ~ Ends OM)M)3 at 7 p m • INDIVIDUAL LEARNING For more mformatlOn, call Locabon Grosse POinte Pa~ PublIC Safety 1 the Poupard school office at • SPECIAL EVENTS 15115 E Jefferson Avenue 432-4800 Grosse POInte Pa~ • Richard Elementary • WATER SPORTS School Monday, Jan 27, at Cost $695 00 Includes tex1books and unrfonn shirt 7 p m m the school's hbrary. • ART PROGRAM $650 00 ~ paid In full by 1-25-03 For more informatIOn, call the RIchard school office at 140 ACRES IN WISCONSIN'S NORTHWOODS 432-4900 tAt recJlIJter plea8e eoDu.et -Trombly Elementary 3000 FEET OF PRIVATE WATERFRONT School Wednesday, Jan. 29, Alliance at 7 p m For more mformatlon, call (715) 369-1277 Mobile Health the Trombly school office at 432.5000 www.campalgonquin.com 248.852.6072 January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News _14A Business

Computers), such data Just another sad, bad all markets, with the Dow would have been unavaIl- Stock Market week, last week, brought slIdIng 198 pOInts, or 2 2 able low by the EarOlngs Report percent, to dObe at 8,586 Now, every market day at at a Glance The Nabdaq Compoblte Season : - _ _ """""S 7,,' : - r: .." ~. c;: , -' _ 4 - 415 on CNBC, the market The BIg 4 10bt 4 9 percent, lo<,mg 71 commentators mtroduce _f~day <:;Jas~,_1/~7/0~ _ of the Dow pomtb to fiIll"h at 1,376 "the WInners and losers of In tech and "dot com" btocks portfolIo stocks, but If all Dow Jones Ind 8,587 brought the the day," by Industry ~ector, m 1999 and 2000 were tech and telecom, the Nasdaq Camp 1,376 house down Diversification results would still have been with charb ~howmg bpecJfic • General Sume even felt they were The table at mIddle nght a dlbasterl stock perf 01 mances S&P SOOIndex 902 Electnc (GE, shows how mcreasmg the dlVerblfied by owmng differ- "But, Grandpa always ent-named funds sold by the Sector analY~ls has $ In EUROs 1 0669 about 2488, number of stocks (of approx- become bIg tIme st'cuntH'<; "~Hi npver to "ell hIS S S slId a 77, or Imate equal dollar amounts) same tund manager tJ,mub, Kresge stock He saId the Crude 011(801) 33 91 Munder, etc), only to find research reqUIrmg heavy 3 a percent m a portfolIo reduce.. the Investments In computers local five and dIme would Gold (Oz ) 356 60 last week), out later that the dIfferent percentage nsk to the entlre and databanks take care of all of us after he 3-Ma T-8111s 1 17% • IBM By Joseph portfolIo of a market decline "names" were all "clones" Dow Jones, the parent of was long gone, and our chIl- (about 81 30, Mengden owmng the very same 3O-Yr T-Bonds 492"10 In any bIngle stock The Wall Street Journal and dren too'" We all know not to put all stocks And all marched to off 638, or Barron's, publIshes Its week- But now-a-daYb, It'S lIke our eggs m one basket, but the same drummer, over the 4 0 percent), ly "u S Total Market the poker-playmg cowboy In • Intel ONTC, about the Enron famIlIes In chff Into the deep dark sea the movies sard, "You gotta below' Industry Groups," WeIghted Houston lost their Jobs, I[ . 16 34, down 1 08, or 6 2 per- by capItalIzatIOns know when to hold 'em, and Diversification I cent) and stock ophons, stock on mar- DiversIficatIOn means not when to fold 'em '" vs. Risk gIn loans, plus profit shar- only a Sizable number of dif- Dow Jones classifies the • MIcrosoft (MSFT, about market Into 10 major sec- Percent 51 46, down 4 46, or 8 per- mg, 40Hk)s and !RAs ferent stocks, but abo dlver- I ~, of Stocks I of Risk a tors, further dIVIded mto 89 Life expectancy In Portfolio I Eliminated I cent) Many mvestors tell LTS blfied by different sectors You could have had 15 or 20 sub-groups BC, (Before Good news No medIcal The sellIng spIlled over to they made a "paper killIng" exam reqUIred Your life 2 I 46% expectancy has mcreased 4 72°0 smce LTS first VISIted thIS subject on July 18, 1996 8 I 81% ,Invasion of the Big Alien Hairballs 16 93°0 Life Expectancy Ib ba<;ed store on eBay on mortalIty tables estab- I 96% By Michael Maurer 32 I (btores ebay com/blgahen- hshed by the Insurance I A few weeks ago I wrote a 64 catb..tore) mdustrv and the Federal column on dogs of all They carry BIg Allen Cats Govern~ent m Its Social _shapes, sIzes and breedmg, Pointers on merchandise, Jewelry, beads, Secunty and Medicare pro- and where you could find decoratIve art and other grams I I mformatIOn about them on Life Expectancy oddb and ends (Mostly oddb, The miracle of modern the Internet Technology Your Age Men Women If you get my dnft ) medlcme IS that our respec I (IRS) I also wrote about cats, Now (IRS) Fmally, If you WIsh to con- tlve generatIOns WIll hve but It was ObVIOUSI was a 50 I 763 I 814 By Mike Maurer tact the perpetrator of thIS man) years longer, on aver- 55 772 820 dog person when I saId, I sham, send an e-maIl to age, than theIr grandparent "Dogs have owners Cats 60 784 I 829 own, but they don't vocahze "mmlto catwoman@blgalIen- The Table, nght, shows I have staff" there Ib alwayb a baucer- 65 800 84 a bhaped crait In the VICInIty much (Except when you try cats" catwoman@blgahen- U S Life Expectancy sepa- So, agaIn In the spmt of I 70 81 9 I 854 The craft has been known to to sleep) cats rately for men dnd women, I faIr play, I've deCIded to 75 842 871 wnte more about cats thIS land In deserted fields Big ahen cat researchers What else could her e-mail by 5-year Intervab, from age name be, eh? 50 through 90 80 I 87 D I 891 week where the ('8ts can be seen have been toymg WIth the One more "finally" and I'll The data for the mterven- 85 90 2 91 6 SpecIfically, Big AlIen entermg and eXiting by Idea that the cats possebS I 109 years can be approxI- 939 947 Cats (blgahencats com) means of a long ramp that some kInd of telepathIC abIl- be done 90 I i Hey, I'm really trymg to be extends from the "ldp of the Ity I have gIVen upl mated b) extrapolatmg the senous here (Smcker) ship" ThiS IS difficult to test for A.. 1 reached the centenm- data presented In recent ~ear", mo"t of u-, have been ~onlhalant about Anyway, here IS what we (It lookb a lot hke the ship So, as of now, we know al mark of spam e-malls 1 Life Expectancy I" receive every day, I deCided extremely useful m plan- InflatlOn At 2-1/2 to 3 per- know so far and ramp from the bCI-fi very httie about their Inten From what's been mOVIe, "The day the Earth tlOns except to say that they to change my e-mail address mng retirement budgets and cent, It hardl) hurt,,1 observed, the bIg ahen cats stood stlll'~) appear to lrke It here They fro m establishIng portfolIo a'isct Your Januarv 200:3 US "marlto mmaurer@blZserve $1, WIth InflatIOn UJmpound- appear to range In heIght "Smce the catb do not are fnendly and playful and allocatIOns from about seven feet to the seem to be able to form the apparently harmless com" to As expected, the Life ed annually at only 2-1/2 really big ones, whIch can be sounds necessary for speak- Should I stop here? No "mallto mmaurer@htdcon- Expectancy for women percent for 10 year .., will b(' 20 feet tall. mg any human language, we Not until I grve you theIr nect com ~ exceeds that for men - by 5 worth only 77 6 cenb In Most who have had con- can only speculate as to dlsc!31mer The htdconnect address years at ago 50, but declIn- 2013' tact with these cats belIeve theIr ongrns and culture "Just so there are no mis- not only gIVes me a clean, Ing to 3 4 years by age 70 At 3 percent mflatlOn, that the smaller ones are However, we do belIeve understandIngs here, BIg unknown record m cyber Life Expectancy IS also your 2003 buck WIll only be actually kIttens that theIr craft IS probably Ahen Cats are not real All land, It costs me $2 less per useful III laddenng the worth 73 7 cpntb 10 yearb They seem to be attracted rebponslblp for the relent of the Images were created month matuntw& of a bond portfo from now' to human chIldren and other flurry of UFO "Ightmg" III usmg Photoshop Any Unhke myoid Internet 110, and m rebalanclllg port anImals, and they are very upstate New York, particu- resemblance to real people ServIce ProvIder, which gave folIos overweighted In eqUl ,]o.,eph NJellgaen I" a n.,1 playful, whIle the larger larly along the Hudson (or cats) IS purely COInCIden- unlImIted access to the hes because of fortunate dent of the City of Gro.,~c ones are more reserved and Valley where a colony of tal" Internet, I am lImIted to 600 pnce appreciatIOns POInte and formcr (hmrllw II shy around humans these cats was discovered" ThIS IS where the real fun hours per month Remember, the greatest of First of Mlc/llgan Let'., Accordmg to the Web SIte, Here IS the bIg questIOn starts LImited? Hey, If I can't do fear of most mvestors Ib that Talk Stock., I~ spolIMJred b, the ongm of the bIg ahen Why are they here? My recommendatIOn IS It m 600 hours per month, I theIr lIfe Will last longer the folloWln!? Gro<,I>C PO/nte cats IS uncertaIn Again, accordwg to the that you VISit the sIte and WIll soon need to have the than theIr money lI11'e~tnllllt related flrm~ "We are certaIn that the Web SIte, because of the lan- "chck" on ""Ightlngs~ for keyboard pried from my But, another bug-a-boo 1& John M Rickel. CPA. PC. cats did not evolve here on guage barner, It I" dIfficult some fun Then clIck on cold, dead hands that hIdden mon ..ter Rickel & BUll PC, and Earth Whenever there IS a to say The cab appear to "more slghtmgs" for more INFLATION !nuel>tment Coull<,cl !IlC sIghtmg of a big alwn cat, have a language of their fun Have a tech questIOn or The site also offers free subject you would ltke Ahen Cats screen savers addressed 1II thrs column2 and PC "wall paper ~ Want to comment or add Business Peo~le If you really get taken In your two cents worth2 My by BIg Allen Cats, so to new e-mml address IS JOHN M. RICKEL, C.P.A., P.C. Lorna Utley has been elected to a two- speak, you can VISit their mmaurer@htdconnect CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT year term on the Women's EconomIc Club board of dIrectors Utley IS dIrector of diverSity and philan- 63 KERCHEVAL. SUITE 100 thropy at General Motors She IS a reSIdent CAREFuu Y PRESERVING AND BUILDING of Grosse POInte Woods GROSSE POINTE FARMS. MICHIGAN 48236-3627 YOUR AssETS FOR Now AND THE FUTURE The Women's EconomIc Club IS one of the TELEPHONE 313/881-8200 largest busmess forums In the Midwest, EMAIL rlckel baun@home com INVESTMENT COUNSEL, INC. WIth more than 1,200 member:. Smce 1929 Alfred Fi.sher 111 has been appomted to Chns W. Walker - John R. Wdchli the board of trustees of Henry Ford Health Marshall C Downs - Richard K. Sunonds System. 19511 Mack Avenue FIsher Ib preSIdent of FIsher & Co, Inc He IIvPb In Grosse POinte, Michigan 48236 (313) 886-0450 Grosse Pomte Farms

The MIchIgan ASSOCIatIon of Certified PublIc AccountanLo:;has presented Richard Berschback With Its Accounting Educatur of the Year Award Berschback, a CPA IIvmg In Gros:.e ~a1 POInte Park, IS former chairman and cur- rent professor With the Walsh College of Accountancy and BUSiness AdmllllstratlOn CEstate m Troy In addItIon to membershIp WIth MACPA, By Alex M. Lucido Berschback belongs to the American Berschback InstItute of CertIfied PublIc Accountants AVOID CAPITAL GAINS TAX and the Amencan Accountmg As"oclatlOn He has bachelor anci ma:.tl'r's degrees In accountIng and MBA from the You can forget about the home If they are Single, or UlIIVl'r"li', of DetrOIt old, confUSing IRS regula- on the first $500,000 of prof- tions on tax breaks when rts If they are marned at the you sell your pnnclpal time they sell the home Maud Lyon has been promoted to semor home Forget about the Because a homeowner "Ice preSIdent for commumty and external once-In-a-hfetlme exemp- can use the exemption affaIrs for the DetrOIt Symphony Orchestra You'll Love tion of up to $125,000 In repeatedly, as long as he or Lyon had been the symphony'!'> vIce presI- the Way, profits for those over 55 she lives In each house for dent of the Max M FIsher MUSICCenter years of age Forget about at least two years, most will it Looks! haVing to buy or bUild never have to pay taxes on In her new role, "he Will head publIc rela- another house Within two profits from home sales ThIS tIons, educatIOn and commumty outrrach "r. years of the sale which cost change exempts over 99% efforts and oversee all rrntals, rrtall, cater- as much or more than the These ,evolutionary replacement one place seamless of home sales from capital Ing and conceSRlOns connected With the aluminum clOg-tree Qu1te~ng $y\lteffiS catch and route water one you sold In order to gains taxes Fisher MUSICCenter but divert Ieoves and pjne needles to the ground defer paYing capital gains Lyon Lyon lIveR m Grosse Pomte Park . /f there IS anything we can . !'Not an odd

--~_.~~--~------_.~~------~ - January 23,2003 Harner ''1T ds .Gr.o.ss.e.pO.in.te.N.e.ws r '"Ioo 15A Veteran June Teisan awarded national teaching recognition "A lot of people bay It'" like Teaching Standards, an By Carrie Cunningham Seventh grade science dOing four beparate mdbten, lIl"titutlOn created 111 1987 Staff Writer teacher June Teisan. left. For 16 years June Teisan program" at one time," on the recommendatIOn of a was named a National CarnegIe Task Force has taught beventh grade Tel"an "aid of the rpport Board Certified Teacher SCience, and last November The Ii r"t part of thl' These ideal!> mclude in November. Her intelli- knowledge of lIberal arts she was rewarded for her aCLOunt \" a" ,In anall'blb of gence and avid teaching valuable service by being TCI'>an\ dl'>CU""iOll With "tu- and SCience", awarenes" of spirit allowed her to ways of teachlllg and mOI1l- named a NatiOnal Board dentb of \', hat a unIt of receive the recognition. Certified Teacher learmng Will lowb on She tonng "tudentb' learlllng, The certlficatlOn Ib an IIltrodull'd probmg queb mterest 111 students' live" had learned at the end of a emblem of profesblOnal tlOn" In order to prepdrl' and human development unit for the third part She teaching excellence and Ib "tudl'nh for d lertaln "lice and methodb for teachmg d examined two "tudents meant to complement "tate of learning In addition to dlverbe range of students <;tudyIng food and nl1cro- ('('rhficatlOn Onlv 40r;, of wntlnv lhOlll 11 Tpl"an h,Hj TClsan was overjoyed orgal1lbmb tho"e who apply achleve it to Videotape hl'r talk With when she found out labt For the last sectIOn, Teisan IS one of 22 teacher" "tudent" November that she wa" Telban had to document how of early adolebcent sCience The bewnd part wab belected as a board teacher bhe contnbute" to the well- In Michigan and the only dl'mon"tratmg thl' contourb She feels happy that her bemg of student" outbIdI' teacher m Harper Woods to of an actual learnmg pro- ablhtlCs have been validat- the cla'>sroom She over"eeb receive the accreditatiOn ject Tel,,~m chobe a bClence ed d gardemng program con Secondary School pnnci Teiban had to complete an labor'itor) In veb t IgatlOn blbtIng of btudl'nt" plantmg extremely ngorou" applica- about how anlln,l1" In the pal Jame" Babcock lauded bulbb .lround the "chool, .lnd tIOn proces" In order to be arctic btd) warm Th1b bec Telsan and underscored the :,he hab dlded children 111 named a NatiOnal Board lion \~"" ,,1"0 vll!l'otaped Importance of her achieve- bulldlllg bird houbes She Certified Teacher She wrote Tel"an tI ,lckpd till' devpl- ment dho make'> i>ure she attends "She's a good teacher She a 90 page report comprised opment of t\~ 0 ;.tudpnt-. IJv at lea"t one athletic event of of four different partb and compal'lng thpir work bplore felt challenged to thiS," he every bport m which the completed a SIX part test a unit bl'gdn \\ 1th \~hat thPl' said "Not only does it give school competes you the credentials, but It "It's Important for them to also gives you a sense of HW High School learn jazz's rhapsody "ee your face outblde the self-sabsfactlOn 111 accom- clabbroom so that you can plishmg bomethmg on a By Carrie Cunningham HI' created a connect With them mSlde natlOnal level" Staff Writer lhronology of the clab"room," bhe bald The "mooth, "oulful Ill" life, ab v.I'll The i>lx-part test mcluded Telban wantb to Impart sounds of jaZl have blob- ab a l-ardboard computenzed promptb and enthuslasm to her students omed to hfe at Harper lh;,pla) an es<;ay and be on the cuttmg edge of :Voods Secondary School Born m "There'b really no way you SClence educatIOn The student;, have partak- 1920 m C.ln study for It," Teisan n m a Ulllt on Jazz hlbtorl', Kanba1o. elt), "aid "You either know your "I don't want to go stale I erformmg jazz mUSIC, wnt- Pdrker's material or you don't" want to stay relevant," she ng about jazz arlI<;t,,' !lve" mothl'r wa" By bemg named a Said "I want my last day of ',find making presentatlOnb "rt'lllPOUb, NatIOnal Board Certified teachmg to be as eXCitIng as on the rhapbody of jaZZ'b Indubtl'lOUb Teacher, Telban embodlCs my first day of teachIng, and .;tune ...and playerb and deter the valu!',;, an,d cntena of thiS was just a mechalllsm , Marchmg band and Jazz m 1 n e d I " the N at10nal Board of for me to have that happen" ~rchebtra lfibtructor Sean Folmar\', rote, [4;>enderel Said the unit allows and hlb father ttudents to bee how the died when he CITY OF HARPER WOODS \DUSIC jazz artist<; played 1b wab young WAYNE COUNTY. MICHIGAN often mextncably linked to He left high SYNOPSIS: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING the quahtles of their hves "chool and JANUARY 6, 2003 "It gwes deeper mealllng to worked With local Kansas The regular Cll)' CounCil meetmg wac;; called 10 order by Mayor Kennelh A Poynter at jazz than jUbt playlllg note" 730 P m on a page," he bald ''I've City group" ROLL CAI I An CounCil persons were prec;cnl enjoyed It a lot" HiS idol wa" Lester Young, MOTIONS PASSED Selllor Simone Clement;, I To recel've approve and file the minutes or Ute Regular City CoutK:\1 Meellng held on jUnlOr Crystal Norman and he was December 16 2002. and furthermore. recclve and file ,be minutes of the Planmng Harper Woods Secondary School students bring the passion CommISSion Meel1ng held December 18.2002 and the Library Board Meeting held earched Bilhe Holiday, mentored by and feeling of jazz music to life. Senior Simone Clements. left, Buster Smith O e\!entu,llI) dlblO\l'rl'd b\ Impreb"l'd that ..,he l,lllll' 111 dhlll''' 111 a Harlem lllght meeting I" hereoy adjourned at & 47 P m ,11 Baltimore, the grand John Hammond and made such a pre"enl-e," club and became entranced BeSOt ImONS PASSFD WIth the tunes of Art Tatum J) To approve the (ollowmg Item..; m the Consent: Agenda. d~ughter of a Vlrglllla blave Thereafter she eventually Clements said I) Approve !he Acrounrs Payable hmng fo< Check Numbers 65842 rhroogb 65950 UI 811(' was mObtly raJbed by pel formed buch famoub "She made a hfe for her- Parker eventually played the amount of $909 983 49 AS submJrted by Ihc: City Manage..- and further. authonz.e With a vanety of performers, (he Mayor and Clly Clerk to slin the hsung 2) Approve plymcnl 10 SlateWlde rplatlveb, a" her father songb a<; "God Blebb the self," Norman bald "She v.as Secunty Transport In the amounl of SIO 4J7 44 for pnsoner lodglng and nwnlenaf)(."C lficludmg DIZZy Gillespie for the month of Novembcr 2002 3) Approve paymenr number rwo 10 Grosse Polnlf:' dL"erted her famil) to play Children" and "Strange a gredt bll1ger ~ HI" bebop mUblC was first F-arms In the amount of $37591 18 for our annual lease paymenl (or the: new radIO 10 .1 band, and her mother Fruit,' a powerful bong The b'lrl" made a card syslem 4) Appro .. paymenr 10Anderson Eckstein & Westnck lne In !he amounl of 01' r('corded m 1944 $20 212 SO for pwfesslonaJ servlCCS dun ng the moolh of December 2002 for the fol \\,1" not around much She about I) nLlllllg board dlbpla) Lad) Da),~ lowmg projects 2002 Con",rele Pavemenl Repair "ISO 067 Boumemoulh He moved to Cdliforma In wab beset With feelings of Side b) "Ide v.lth her a.., Holida) \',a" kncm 11 On It ResurfacIng #180068. Kelly Road Park Lng Improvemenrs "'180073 and a Kroger 19 t), "uccumbmg to herOin Traffic Study "'IBO-{)75 "h.lme and lonelmebb grow mUh1cai bUCCl'''b v.ab a btnng were quott'b she m,idl dbout 2' Appro,e lIle proposed parkIng lot al 20830 Lennon as requtred by See lo-l~9(l) of u"e and buffenng a nervous llle City S .lomng Ordmance as recommended by the Cuy Planmng Commls~lon sub- IOI-(Up of i>elf debtructlvt' behaViOr, her bfl' breakdown Jeclto the conditions set forth In lhelf mlnules of November 20 2002 In 1927, bhe moved to New 1I1dudmg dnnkmg and Fre"hman Tlln Folmar He moved back to New 3' To accop< lIle folloWLnghigh bIds for lite sale of surplus Cuy vehIcles York City With the dreamb of drugb and m\!olvement With btucllCd Charhl' Parker, onl Eastside AutoClac;;slc-s 1995 ford Crown Viclona S 72700 York, where he agam thnved 1997 Ford Crown V,clooa S I 234 00 beLOmmg a bmger She firbt abuhlVe hUbbandb of the fir"t bebop jaZl .lrt1"t-, 1996 Ford Crown ViCIOOa S I 029 00 untIl herom eventually rav- 1996 Ford Crown Viclooa ~ aged him $190900 4) To adopt a resolutJon In 0ppolj;luon to Corneast Cable rate IOcreas.es 'That'" pretty much what killed hlm,~ Folmar SaId Kenneth A. Poynter, Mickey D. Todd, PolIce Briefs CIlY Cerk He dIed when he wa" 34 Ma~or Folmar hab great admIra- could not get a cabh refund Broken win- tIOn for Parker de"pltR hiS G PN 0112312003 Car stolen because the reglsterb were f"lliblht1Cb A man parked his car off line The man told her he dows He Iparned how to play a around 1 50 P m on Jan 14 would take her name down On ,J an 18 at the 20300 lot of hi" musIc by himself When he returned around and prOVide a free meal at a block of Wa ...htenaw. a '1 "aw how he had to work LAST DAY OF 2 20 pm, he found the vehl- later date or perhaps a woman reported that a man to get wh!'re he was,~ Folmar clp had disappeared CDs, refund for the cold fne'> she had been datmg for li\ I' "aid REGISTRATION tapes, a phone charger and The woman reached monthb had broken thp \~10- Thl' Jazz tuneb and lives of CD charger were mSlde the through the WIndow and SCHOOL ELECTION do\', " of her hou"e performers, With the buffer- vehicle The police entered punched the man The man He Jpft thp locat IOn 111 J mg and JOY embodled 1I1 NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION the car Into Its computer gav!' mformatlOn about her red Jaj.,TUar 111 an unknown th('m, arc ah\ e and well m OF THE ELECTORS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE system and the car bhe drove to dlrectlOn The POlllP arnved t he hearts and mmds of CITY OF HARPER WOODS, police at 11 12 P m on the at the "cpne at 1002 pm Sl'condary School btudent" WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN Embezzler "anw da\! TO THE ELFCTORS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. found Please Take Nolle< Ih.3Clhe Board of E

On Jan 16 at the 17700 The e,,,maud mIllage lhat WIll be leVIed for !he proposed bonds In 2003 block of East EIght MIle, a 0% Interest & und

they were cold TIm Nooce " gIVen by order of the Board of EducalIOIl of ScItooll>lslnct of die CIty of KOPKE Harper Woods Wayne County. Mo<:hlsan The man servmg her ... M f DOWNS frI-I'ff~ explamed to her that she 1iZI---.~ Claudia Mahon, Sec1'etary. Boartl of Educa'''''' Offices in Birmingham, Rlvervtew . Werren 1-888-234-2340 () PH OlfBl200J

....•...• • CCO 2 $ s $ 7 2 2 222 2 7 7 January 23, 2003 16A News Grosse Pointe News FCC revisits its telelllarketing rules By the Federal ======(DMA) spon!>ors the Communications 'We encourage consumers on ~:~;~~n:hlch :~~~~~~c: Commission Telem,uketmg ha" bepn both sides the issue to use do-not-call 1Ist DMA mem- 01 bers are reqUIred to use thIS around fOl detadpl-, .,l't thl' laht dozen year" have bel'n the cOlnlnission's processes to list You can regl.'>ter for free by maIling your name, Name: Brady an exp!o.,lve growth 1Il thl Age: 311"pooch" yearl- number of clad., "OllllLI be heard.' phone number, and "Igna- ture m a letter to "DMA Hometown: G I 0'" "l' tJon ..., nO\1 by l' lIlad ,1nd I.lX K. Dane Snowden Telephone Preference POinte Park .I:" well a" by tl'lephonp TIll' Chief of the Consumer & Governmental Mfairs ServIce, Box 643, Carmel, Breed: Mixed tl'rnl'r telp[l'.ukptlng mdu"tr) h.1" Bureau of the FCC NY 10512 Or for a $5 fee, grown fr o III a remark ,1bll' and more you can regl,>ter onlinl' at Nickname: Poochw $4.3'5 bIllion m ..,ale" 1I1 1990 w w w the tu '!>GO:) lJ,lh ,,1 lf1 tht ! 1"'+ Favol'itc sport: dOuUl UJl .... tJng to be placed on .,ear vlted ldll" frolll advl'rtll-l'r., dave Once you regl:-.ter, . But IIot .Ill lOn"umer.., dr<' that company'!> list The north, fl'tch and f'JUr ,wd tl'1l'lll<1rkl'ter., your name btay:" on thl.., list happ., WIth thpl-l' ...tau"tlc", telemarketen, must keep '>quare Congrl''''' created the for five year'> J): '" ~ Exampll'.... of Ulmpl,lInt., yOU 011 the list and may not Family: Human Mom Telephone COlll-umer Currently. the FCC 11>con- and Dad (David and fill'd With till' Fedl'I.i1 111 call for 10 year" "VIOlatIOns Plotl'LtlOn Act (TCPA) sldermg ways 111 whIch It Brady CommUnlCe rules can re~ult In Elizabeth Kovach " entul' 1991 111 r('~ ponbe to con can reVI1>eIt., telemarketll1g COIlH11I..,1-1011 (FCC) dre from fines for the caller," !>ays neighborhood, and pooch I-Ul1wr wnll'rn., about tl1I' rules to adequately protect pals Hershey, Patnot, O ...car, .h nx, Clwwy and .Jol", a bUb} mom trvmg to hOIll(' lIlcn' on whether It loves her neighborhood kId." a., wl'l! a., \oluntl'l'rIng ,1'" cr WIll- compames WIth whIch the lI11pll'l1Wl1ttlll' TePA restrict telemarketll1g call" plallll'd that lIlce ...... ant tl'le- wnbumer has an eXIstmg DetrOIt Thl' FCC\ TePA rull''' and. If so, how One po.,1>lblp Favorite activity: EO\I ling .It 1ll'1 __pl'cl,11 neighbor markptl'r 1'.111..,tIe up till' bUl-lI1e~:" relatlOn!>hlp and prohibit tl'll'pholll' .,obclta- change bell1g m\(':"tJgated I., fnend'> to "come and pl'! IIll" (,md of lour,,\', thl} do), lllle "0 th<1t .,Ill' could not thobe from tax-exempt, non- lIOn udl" to .,our home that of el-tabli:"hmg a digging and IYll1g In hl'r o\\n ."lIldbox, wIling lJl (1)(' rl'dch hpi eldpIl; lIlothN hdor I H d m .md aftl'r 9 profit orgamzatlOns, mclud- natIOnal do not-call lIst 111 sno\'" Jumpmg m a large pIlP of It t.., malll- north to run frel' at ,I .J III \Ilth 1l1l\\.Jntl'(1 llIU.,t gl\ l' hll- n,11l11', the tlOn:, tamed b} bome :"tate., Mo!ot disliked thing: TCmpe!.ltlHI'" .d)o\ l' GO l ,Ill., To learn more, you can nallle 01 till' l'ntlt., for which The FCC wantl- to hear degreel- and gOIng to hl'r fm OrItl' Vl tl 11Il,lrIan to get the ALl:OI d lIlg to K Da Ill' Ill' I" l,dlrng, and a tell' request a Fact Sheet from your comment., on and hUg "perl-(mab" takl'n lal e of SI1()\\ dl'n, tlll"f of the phonl> numlwr 01 addfl'"'' to the FCC explaInmg the gebted change'> to the cur If vou would Irke to "1//l11l/t \0111 ['1'1 ['o/nte! of ('1H1"UIIll'r ,1Ild cont.lct that entl!; rule.., at the FCC Web sIte rent TCPA rule" You Cdn file Interl'''t,' dcln ('/ ()/ mw/ a f\PI II Ol/t/II/I' flild phutl!M/(lph GlJ\ erllmellt.d Aff.ur" Furtlll'1 tl1I' I ull''' require (wwwfcc gov/cgb or by call- comments electrolllcally 01 to the Gro",,(' POinte Nell'" !if> K'!I hI I {fl, (;!(l.,.,( ['ulIll( BUrI'au ICGB) at thp FCC, tl'll' 1Il.11 ketl'l" to nMI nt,un a II1g (888) CALL-FCC m written form on or befon' Farm", .MI 1R2.Jh, or e IIIml to jJO"IIIIfI"t, 1"0~!(J"'" con.,unH'r., ilkI' the.,l' an' do-not c,dl li"t, ,\Ild <1:-' In addItIOn, the DIrect N ov 22 To file electl onlla I POllltCI/CU" (om (photo" IIlIl"t h( !Il~h !('''(JllitlOll) Ullllpl.llning to the FCC ~n[l\\ den ,.I)" lon.,unwrl- Marketmg As!>oclatlOn ly, yOU mu:"t accel-.., thl' FCC'b Eleetrolllc Comment FIling 8y:"tel11 through the FCC'., Wl'b I-Ite ,1t \IWW fcc go\!e file/etfl- htm!) To file b., paper, you can :"end Jour ~ comrnt'nt to the Oflice of tlll' Secretary, Federal ver'ZOnwireless CommunlcatlOnl- We never stop workmg for you!" Comml:""JOn, 44.'5 12th Street SW. Wa.,hlll/.,'ton, DC 20554 Your tOlnment mu.,t mclude the docket nUlIlbl'r (CG Dockl't No (2278) for Nights & Weekends proper fil1l1g emelted "\Ve encourage con"umer.., and I more Anytime Minutes. on both "Ide" of Llw I"'~ue to U nI use the comml ...1>lOll... processes to be heard,' ..,a}h The perfect addition for any family. Snowden Now with 400 anytime minutes • I, i ~"' r','\ • \':"'~ Park's old Nationwide Long ~~~~~~o~~A}.~a~clh~p~,~~ ~ ~ ~' fire truck and 1000 anytime mobile to mobile minutes put out to 0(1 tile primary line dlld ISO mob IE"10 mob IE'm nulp'J on (,.l(h addlllOn.all ne to (dll3ny of our 31 S millioll (Uilomer\ naiionw de on 0 II n,(l0113 mobli.lo mobll. I1Ptwork Mob,l.to mob Ip m nul.\ are not aVJI Jbl,'h,oughou' (h. Am~rJ(a I Cl10 '" n.two,k pasture Just $39.99 By Brad Lindberg monthly duel' Staff Wnter '/rllh cl nl'w I or ) i~iH flJ\!O T1t"r od ~'!,,.mE'fl1 Pl'f I r)!' on Amf'l (J ~(hCllf' rldfl~ )jq Qbuyer to Plus, add a line for $20 monthly access and make a ",ale The hard part IS findlllg a buyer get a $20 credit on your first month's bill So, when natlOllal adver- sm tl1>ements went unan- on the America's Choice !>\',ered, Gro:"se POlllte Park sm National Family SharePlan NOW JUST firefighters cast a Wider net BUY ONE thiS wlllter trymg to find fI S1/9 qq OnglOal '11(' (lms Apply) Motorola T720 - S100" Mail In "ad. In ~.bat. new home for theIr worn-out ladder truck GET ONE By turlllng to the Motorola Vl 20e Internet, the 30-year-old truck ha:-. gone from whltl' BUY ONE NOW JUST FREE! elephant to modest wlIldfall Motorola Vl 20e A collector from Rhode HURRY, OFFER ENDS 1/31/03 Island bought the vehIcle for ~o~!IR~~ 99 $5,500 wlthm a month of It" $29. belOg posted on eBa} With a new 2 year customer agreement on each phone on calling plans $35 or higher (wwwebaycoml, the online FREE! worldWIde flea market While supplies last Restrictions may apply. "We tried to sell the trmk 111 various fire "ervlce maga- Zll1e1>but had only one offer," TEST VERIZON WIRELESS MAS TME BEST NATIONAL WIRELESS NETWORK IN AMERICA Said Dave HIIIE'r, Park chlCf 8"1 don~lusll.lktourWOld for,t 11)'OO.. not lQOQosall5lieddunngyoo' first 15 d.lys ~mp~ relum of public safety "W£>deCIded )'OOr p/lOnt and pay fo<0ll1y thf semelhng prIce was (Ne~1 to Blockbusler) IMOlJel T Plaza} rrwelve Oaks sefV1Ce Dr (easel ne Plaza IUSI 3599 Grand Rrver E Mdlpieloalllnl Cdl. SNn:e 734 769 1722 311 859 7392 No~h 01 sear sl west 01 Evergreen) 5175465611 800 235 5667 248360 9400 ')ust about the rIght value .. 248 305 6600 248357 1558 8na rwood Mall FA~MINGTOII HILLS P1Il1HUrII1 Autllnm C111ut1r fMllIIIGTllllIllUS The new owner wanted to STERLINGHEKiHTS 4475 24th Ave (In Sear ~ WJI1g 3101 I Orchard Lake Ad Twelve Oaks Mall Mu~,1eLJlCltlW Cdlill CIy drIve the truck home to the Neill Genter CI ) IS W Cornpr 01 (lower level play are~\ 45111 Par' Ave 3103851231 BOO VIP PllJS 2488488800 Orcha'd Lake Ad PONnoWWATERF!MlD I'" 5H M 'i3 WImll HOWRl East Coast Hiller talked BRIGHTON Ulrr,a Pink Plaza) I ~e"eTown WI'" & 14 M'1e Rd I 454 Tele!lraoh Ad 29240 Van Dyke Muftl9le lJat_ CIIlnna BI59 ChalliS SUJle C 586997 6500 hIm out of It. cltmg the vehi- 1485189900 ,Across lrom 586751 0141 I 810227 2808 517 548 7705 (Off Grand R,ver cle's slow speed and low rn 1ro III 01 1ar~el) FENTDII Summit Place Malll I a,esrde Mall WMelJltops (n G,aM Alane Malll 734 287 1110 1 It would be a long 2',,1 S Laprer Rd 586 17l 4010 IT roy Spor1S Cenler) . 14411 Ford Ad cu.WSlllI '-B) RadioShack drive .. IOlion M,II 2 M,lcs N 148 ~26 0040 ...... pi ...... (JJj~1 We~1 01 Tel!'Qfaphl SOOTHFIELD CoIIIIIIIIIClltW USA The new owner decldpd to 3132184491 olthr Palace) 78117 Tele!lrap~ Ad WfSTLIIID BUSINESS CUSTOMERS. 248 280 6390 2483936800 Fa J1ane Mall (Soulh 01 12 Mile Ad I 3510~ W,rren Ad PLEASE CALL have the truck hauled home (3rd Floor NeKt 10 sear s) 2483583700 IS W Gomer ot Warren Fre.Klndslt Sortwllt UllfrHIl I Firefighters dev£>lop soft :~: 313441 0168 & Wayne Ads) 1.888.525,9464 oeeoG> l":'.::::::"I 734 m 7330 spot.ewww ,.monwnplm (om/b.slnelwOJk lor del .. ls limited 11m. only SE>.Worry f'te Guaranlte brOlhure 'nd our Rtlutnlhchangt poll(y tor full dflalls MotolOla ~ a req~terPd I,~mark of MolOloU (orporallOll ~ V.lilOli W"eltls 2003

•• 0. t • • • PS7 " PS? ?77????????????????????????? S R Section B ~Point~ ~ws w~ _.,... 2 A fa AMI 3 eatures , Book ... tum ...... __ ..... 4 Ski Hi: a winter legacy in the Pointes By Jennie Miller FfJday l1lght together," said available to a skier, wIth Staff Wnter NICole Hogan, 16, a sophomore access by chair 1Jft Despite the fng1d weather at South After the fifth and "Ixth and the prospect of frostbitten Parents are drawn to the lessons, skiers are conSIdered fingers and toes, teendger:,- In program because It IS a safe to be more advanced WIth Gros"e Pomte are stormmg the and orgamzed way for their turnmg abilItIes and are free hill" of PIne Knob on Friday chtldren to have a great tIme to skI the entIre area except Illghts on the slopes whtle bemg chap- for what IS called The Wall. The Gro:,-"e Pomte War eroned Only skiers who complete l\lemonal\ "Ski HI" program Lesbons are reqUIred by both the seventh lesson may tackle hdi:>been enabling mIddle and the War thIS hIll, and high "chooler" to battle the l\1emofJal and ,..------..., are expected to :,-Iope" for more than 30 years Pme Knob, m Bet\\een January ,md .I\Jarch "It's fun to ski be expert order for skIers skIers evel Y \ eul", more than a hun- to be allowed and snowboard The students dred kld:,- dre blhed out to on the hIlls Clark"ton every Fnday to with my friends are thrIlled to Accordmg to Improve their nnprove their "kung and bnow- Amy on Friday skIIng skills boardmg "kill" and hit the EI~engruber, hills with friend" nights," through the the War lessons offered Kid" love tl1P tnp" becaui:>e Memonal's - Hannah Kraus, 13, by Pme Knob of tll(> opportullity to ....kl and a"slstant dIrec- an eIghth-grader at Even students hang out with fnends at the tor of !Jfelong PIerce MIddle School who have only bame tmw learnmg, each '---- ...... been skllng for "I take any opportumty to go f>tudent IS a few years can skIIng." ..,md Kyle Duker, 15. a Issued a color-coded patch fol- become much more advanced frebhman at Gro""e Pomte lowmg a les~()n. whIch Identi- through these le'>sons South HIgh School fies the hIlls on whIch a stu- But "kung IS a dangerous "It'" fun to ski and snow- dent may skI sport, and chaperones are cau- board with my fnends on The 10 dl1ferent hills at Pine tIOUS when seemg these young Fnday mghts," "aid Hannah Knob are categonzed accordmg skiers fly down the hIlls. KlaUS, 13, an elghth-l,rrader at to level of difficulty. Last FrIday mght, Elrse PICrce MIddle School A ..,kJer, havmg passed the Amato, 13, an eighth-grader at Aaron Hynd'" 15. a fre"h- first two le~sons, may ski on Pwrce, was anxIOUS to head Photo b\ Jf nnL(> ~lll1pr man at South, bugged hl:,- gJrI- Above. a member of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's three different hills, usmg rope out to Pme Knob fnend to )OJJ1 the program "0 Ski Hi program takes a break before heading back up the tows to reach the tops "I am eXCited to ski WIth my chair lift to hit the slopes at Pine Knob. the t\\O of them could enJOY Followmg ~uccessful comple- fnends and take snowboardmg the tnp .. to!.(ethpl' tIOn oftlw t1l1rd and tourth lessons," she saId, Just before . It".l (un \\ ,1\ If) "'pl'IH! ,1 I('.., ..on ... "1" more hill ... ,lie boardmg the bus. The groups head out to Pme equipment Knob at 4 30 P m. on Fnday Dunng her lesson, Amato For a student rentmg skllng mghts, weather permlttmg buffered a fall and broke her gear, the cost IS $56 per triP Buses return to the War wrIst The SkI HI chaperones For a snowboarder rentmg MemOrial at 11 30 p m. and Pme Knob employees eqUlpment, the cost IS $61 Membership to the program came to her rescue For more InformatIOn about IS $27 per year. "The parents who were chap- SkI HI, call the Grosse Pomte Each tnp costs $43 for a stu- War Memorial at (313) 881- eronIng were wonderful," said dent bringing his 01' her own 7511. her father, Daniel Amato. "They really helped to make her feel com- fortable" HICKEY'S LIke any sport, risks are WALTON PIERCE taken and InjUries are bound to hap- ca~SINCE 1900 pen DespIte hIS daughter's mJury, Amato doesn't thmk negatIvely of the program. "I thmk the program IS ter- rific," he smd "It gives the kIds a chance b improve then skills and get out there on a Photo b, ,loomo 'lIlie. Above. a skier aims to tackle the next hill at Pine Knob. regular basis ,.

~.~~~IsHere! We are pleased to Announce The Addition of lilly Pulitzer Children's to our New Expanded lilly Pulitzer Department. Stop In And Shop As We Refocus To Serve Our Wonderful Community Better Photo by Scott Bft,n (313) 882-8970 17140 KERCHEVAL' GROSSE POINTE' IN THE VILLAGE Above. Ski Hi members gather around the binus th e parkin'"• lot of the War Memorial before heading out to Pine Knob. HOURS: MON. THRU FRJ. 10.6, THURS TILL 8, SAT 10 - 5.30, SUNDAY 12 - 4

.t _.i •••• i lili.1 •• 111•• g•• glg-l.jj.t••• 2.2 •• g.g-;.22.g-g-g-g .2.2.2.& --_&..,.,", '0

January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News _26 __ E_n_~ements Johnson earned an assocI- "entatlve with Merck ate's degree from Lake Lupo earned a bachelor'" ]ohnson- Hardman- Supeflor State UnIversity degree In finance from the She IS a lab assistant With UllIverl>lty of Notre Dame Lowry Luce Aurora m Green Bay, WIS and a Jun" doctor degree Luce earned a Bachelor of from Wayne State Mr and Mrs Charles Barbara and Bryan Arts degree III JournalI"m Unlver.,lty';, School of Law Stanley Hardman of Johnson of IshpemIng have from Indiana Umverslty He He I;' an dttorney with the Spencer, W Va have announced the engagement IS a news producer With law firm Lupo & Koczkur In announced the engagement of thClr daughter, Amy Lynn Johnbon, to JUStlll Clark CBS-affilIate, WFRV In Detlolt of their daughter, Gwendolyn Suzanne Luce, son of Cynthia and Green Bay Hardman, to T KHk Lowry Charleb E Luce of Grosbe III, son of Mr and Mrs POIntp Farmb An Augu ...t Thoma;, K Lowry of Gros;,e \Ii edd mg I" planlll'd DeSeranno- POInte Shore;, Scott Joseph Lupo and An AprIl weddIng I" Ermanni Julie Brennan Storen planned DOI1 DeSeranno of La" Hardman earned a bache- \'q.:;nc" Nt',. '1no "Il"m lor;, degree In corporate DeSeranno of Grm ....e POInte commulllcatJOn" from Elan Storen- Shores ha., e announced the Aline Ann DeSeranno lJ llIver;,lty engagement of their daugh- and Robert Anthony She I;' an account manag- ter, AlIne Ann DeSpranno, to Ermanni Lupo er with trawick Commumty Robert Anthony Ermanlll, She I" \Iiorklllg toward a 1,,1tl \ d Ild Bob Stal en of Concert... In Charlotte, N C bon of TJlnoth)' and Rhoda ma"tl'r'", degree III nutfitlOn Garvpnck of Gro;,,,e POInte Bloull\!ll'ld Jilll" haH Lowr) earned d Bachelor dt Wa~ ne Statl' UnIversity dl11101ll1U'd till' l'ngdgement Farms and Robert Ermannl Ermanlll earned a of Art" degree III manage- of Gro,,;,e POInte Park Ilf tlll'IJ ddllghtpr Julie nwnt from Brown Bachelor of SllPnce degree HI! I1l1dll "'ton 11, to Scott UnIversity and a ma"ter'i> A spnng 2003 ....eddmg I~ III bU...lI1l'''''' admllll"tratlOn J~N ph LlIp(J "011 of RobIn from Fern" State degree III "port management planned .\Ill! I LIIW 11l[Jo of Gro""e from the UllIverslty of Unlver ...lt~ POll1te 1',11 k .\ ~1.I\ \H,ddlllg DeSeranno earned a Mabsachubetts IIp h \IOrk1l1g on a ma ... I' pLll1l1ld Bachelor of SClCnce de/-,Tfl'e ter ... degn'l' 1I1 bu "111(' ..." ,lt ~t(,ll 11 .lltl'lllll'd Indwnd He I" an account executive III p;,ychology from Madonna Gwendolyn Suzanne \\I',II"h Col\l'ge l'nl\l'!--I!' ,Ind till' Kl'lIey Hardman and T. Kirk With GMR Marketlllg III Amy Lynn Johnson UnI\ eri:llt) and Justin Clark Luce "'ehuul of BlI"II1l'''" She I" a Lowry III Charlotte ph'lJ 111.1( lItlc.1I ...,lIl'''' reprp Wedding-s ------Bachelor of Artb de/-,Tfee III tured a bCOOP neck and Gro,,~e Pomte Farms Gmeiner- "paghettl straps The bodice Attendantb wore floor- Engh:-h/wntlllg Irom St wa" decorated With crybtal length A-lIne i>atm amcth)l>t Ldwrence UI1IVer"'lt~ He I" dean of ",tudenb' and ,1 and pearl bead;, Her veil drebbe" teacher of ...<'venth-grade Cowan wab held III place bj a crys- The be:-t man \Ii ,1... the Engh"h at the Gro ...... l' POllltp Ann P Jtncla Gmelller, tal beaded comb and she groom'b bruther, Daniel daughter of PatnCla M carned a bouquet of white Co ....an of Wabhlllgton, D (' Academ~ The new hweds tra\ eled Gmelner of the City of calla hhe" The bnde wab Groom"men \liere Geoff to Grand Ca) man I"I,1I1d GrOb"e POinte and thp latc p"corted down the 81<;le by Kenned'y of San FrancI"co, The~ Ii\e JI1 Gro:-",e POInt!' Dougld" W GmeJlll'r, mar- her undp, Skip Gmemer (;f WIll . Llttlelield of rlPd Michael Benedict Harn;,on Township BurlIngton, Vt, Stephl'n Woodi> Cowan, "on of Martha M The matron of honor wab Gmemer of St ClaIr Shore;" Cowan of Wood"tock, Vt KImberly G Rybzewskl of Jay Roble of Bo"ton, Adam ,ind Stuart A Cowan of Gro",se POInte Farms Zangerle of Cleveland and Weiden'eller- Brookl) n, NY, on Au!, 24, Bnde;,malds were Carne Matt Gardella of BObton J l 2002, at the Gro ...sp POInte Tigges of Harper Woods, U"hers were John Pdlermo McHugh Academy Chapel Deborah Gmemer of St of Bo"ton dnd Ed Sutt of The Rpv .John Hall otlill- Clair Shorei>, Sue Pliarskl of Newport, R I NIcholl' There"" ated at the 6 p m cerpmon), Dearborn Height", Rebecca The f1ng bearer wa" Weidenfeller, daughter 01 \\ h ICh \\ ab lollowed by a Rector of Monroe, La and Marty Gulewlcz of Dave and Kn ... \Vl'ldl'nfeller Mr. and Mrs. Michael reCl'ptlOn at the DetrOlt the groom'b bll>ter, KatIC Ea"tpomte of Lowell. marfled Mllhael Sean McHugh Yacht Club Cowan of Fort Colhnb, Cola The mother of the bflde Sean McHugh. bon of .Jack The bllde wore an Ivory The flower girl was wore a navy blue floor- anc Maureen McHugh of Bn,lIl Bartle\ of Grand Mr and Mrs, Michael Raplll ... Benedict Cowan batln A-hne gown that fea- Meghan Ryszew"k1 of length lace and chiffon dreb" Grosse POinte \Vood." on and a gardellla corbage July 19, 2002, at an outdoor TIll' \ 10 11111"t \\a", The groom's mother wore ceremony at Bl) thefield Canwron Wanw of Rockford a blue and beige sllk SUIt Country Club The bnde earned a and a gardellla corsage Bachplor of Art~ degrpe In The Rev Margaret \'0.,,,, ]uurnalI"lll and art from Nancy Simmons was the offiCIated at the 6 p m cere- \Ve ...tern Michigan orgalllst Wdham Berger mony, which was folllJ\Iicd by lTnl\er"'lt) and d mabter" wab the trumpeter a receptIOn '; dq.;flc 1n l'ducatlOn Irom the Weddinq Sh~& ElIzabeth Cronm \\ al> the lInl\ I'r"'lt~ of Ala ...ka Shp Je, bololb t SCfl ptu re reader;, The weddlllg pdrt\ IIldud ,In l'll'llll'ntan ...choo! ....ere Ann Jerome, Will ed the bnde S and groom 'b te,l(:lwr AtAssumption Center Littlefield and Ann bl blIllgs, WIlham Shui>tt'r. The groom e,]fned d Dmgeman Wendy Shubter, Enn Bdchl'lor of Art... degree fro111 The bnde earned a tllcHugh and Kathlel'n \Vl':-tl'rn MIchigan & Marchiori Caterin~ ~ Bachelor of Arts degree from WCldenleller, and nephew." Um\er"'lt\ He I" an Enghbh the UllIverblty of Michigan WillIam Jameb Shubter and tl'achpr 21800 Marter, S1.Clair Shores She I" a dl"tnct "ales man- Jo"eph DaVid Shubter ager WIth Coca-Cola SpeCial attendant" were Thl' nl' ....l~ 1\ cds toured Jewelers, Photographers, Enterpn;,e" Amy Vetvlck and Mar) The groom earned a Gange of Kalamazoo Jnd Ala ...ka Thej lIve m Ala"ka Bridal Salons, Tuxedo shops, Flower Shops, Travel Agents, 911 calls made by accident Bakers, Printers Grand Prize Give Away are real risk to public safety For many people, a wIre pemng "uch a., the NatIOnal Air & Hotel Honeymoon to lesb telephone I~ a ;,ource 01 ACCIdental 911 call", al.,o EUH'rgenc) Number comfort knowmg that emer- kno ....n a:- ulllntentlOnal 911 A.,"ocwtlOn, the A"boclatlOn Jamaica!All inclusive Resort gency help I;' as clo"e ah the calb, po"e a fI"k to public of Pubhc-Safet) phone'b keypad 1<;; oftpn a "afety becaube an cnwr ('om mu nlcatlOn... Officlalb- Donated by: mam reason for people to gency call center mUbt ~pend InternatIOnal Inc, and the Northwest Airlines World Vacations, have \IiIre!e"s phones and to time and rebourceb to deter K atlOnal A",,,oclatJOn of Couples Resorts and gIVe them to their chlidren mme whether the call ... are Statl' Nllle One One Unfortunately, between truly emergenclC" or mere!) Ad mlll I"trator ..., to take Seven Seas Cruise & Travel 25 and 70 percent of all fabe alarms Generally, a "tep" to addre"" thp problem wlrelc;,,, calls to 911 are accI- publIc safety operator ....111 of aCCidental 911 calls NORTHWFSr dental, by somp estimates, "tay on the line. or will dl:-- AIRLINES and the"c calls clog up the connect and try to call the Ah a re ...ult, wlrele"s carfl- ~ fd,.I/t/rA~. phone lInes at emergency caller back to veflfy any er", for example, have asked call centers and even Illhlblt emergency In C1ther ca"e, man ufactureri> either to the dispatch of emergency time that could be devoted turn olTthp 911 autodlal fea- bervlces to those actually m to a true emergency 110>wast- tun' before shipment of new ~ couples'resorts need ed, and a lIfe could hang III handhetb or not to offer the ACCidental 911 calls can the balance 911 auto{!Jal feature as an re"ult from a consumer Wireless phone u"ers can optIOn at all In fact, by Jan madvertently presslllg a key prevent aCCidental 911 call" 1. all hand"ets certified by on hiS or her handset that IS III "everal ways Lockmg the tl1l' Cellular \ automatically programmed keypad of a phone prevent" TelecommulllcatlOns and to reach 911 by way of speed aCCidental calb, as doeb Internet A""oclatlOn - a dial Many older Wireless turnIng off the automatic trade a,,:-oclatJOn for the phones are eqUipped With 911 featurf' - your user\ wireless Indu"try - wlil not \~ manual wIll l'xplam how thiS feature, and many came be factory programmed to .J February 27, Spm - 9pm preprogrammed With the Also, one of the benefit" of dial 911 feature turned on bUYing a newer handbet I" In addItIOn, many carners Tickets: $S.ooeach In the"e preprogrammed that very few of the ne ....er havp attempted to reduce hand1o>et", holding down one phones have thiS feature, the number of aCCidental 96 Kercheval, kl'y for a few seconds - gen, and If they dC', the u"er has 911 call" by prOViding thmr erally the "9" - activates to activate It, 1>0 aCCld<>ntal customprs With l'ducatlOnal Grosse POinte Farms the speed dial The older 911 calls are Infrequent With IllformatJOn through Illserts (Between FIsher & MUIr) Wireless phones With thiS the later model handsets III their monthly bills, or call 313-882-6900 ext 3 feature, espeCially those through duect With an open-faced deSign, The Federal maIlmgs/newsletters, and (Vendor Tables Stili Available) might bump agalllst an 1tem COmmunications through postmgs on theIr III the user's pur"e or pocket, CommiSSIOn IS workmg w1th Wf'b Sltps Grosse Pointe News activating the automat1c Wireless handset manufac- For more lllformatJOn, & dial Without the user even turers, Wireless carners, VISit the commlsslOn's CGB 9iOW toNNECnON being aware that thiS IS hap- and pubhc safety agencies Web Site at www fcc gov/cgb ,

~ &&..._~- c ._ pQ" • • • • •• • •• . h • • • .c•••• ~ ------_------•• -; ..... ---- .... IIIl$.. $.$ ..$IIl$.... ' ..a...$IIl....;II!I;IIIl.~ .. -!"II-....- ..------~ ..--- ...-- ....._...... -.'I

January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 38 COTS plans fundraiser at Traffic Jam & Snug The fourth annual ketlng manager for COTS offers classes and work- SOUpClty, a fundral~er for "A special thanks to Joe the CoalitIOn on TempOlary shops about normal growth Serventi. manager of and development, famIly Shelter (COTS), Will be held trattoria Andlamo In from 6 to lOp m Monday, dynamiCs and parentmg Grosse Pomte Woods This strategies It encourages Jan 27, at the Traffic Jam will be the third year he & Snug, 511 Canfield (at parent-to-parent support and hIS fnendly staff have through parent networks the corner of Second) m helped to make SoupClty 1 DetrOit and drop-in center and ~uch a great success ~ refers parents and profes- Gue"b will have thOlr fill TIckets Will be available of umque "oup" from the SIOnals to resources and at the door and free, lighted faCIlItates the creatIOn of area's be"t restaurant." The parking Will be available Whitney, th(' MaJe~tlc Cafe, new resources In the com- For more informatIOn, call mumtv L'nlvn StlLl'l, lhe TldffiL \dld) 13031-3777or go to The auctIOn wIll be con- Jam, Trattona Andwmo bethcot,,@aol com and Agave Hearty bread ducted by State of the Art, a ChIcago-based company wIll be from the Avalon Art auction: The InternatIOnal Bakery that speCialIzes In conduct- r'amlly Center of GrObse mg art auctIOns George Higgins will POinte and Hdrper Woods provide plano mU;,IC "We are eXCitedto host Will hold an art auctIOn of thIS mnovatlve auctlOn,~ For $20, "upporter~ of the collectible lithographs, etch- COTS progra'n can have all bald Diane Strickler. exec- Ings, watercolors, utive director of the FamIly the "oup the) tan eat, fine ~J1kscreen" and orIgInal OIls entprtamm('nt and a cash Center "The evemng by artISts such a~ Chagall, promIses fine art, delicIOUS bar All proceed" go to Mlro, Lautrec and Neiman COTS, \\ hlch provide;, tastes and time WIth fflends The auctIOn will be held on - all In support of quality 551,000 ~1H'ltpr mght", Wednesday, Feb 12, at a "('rve,, 110,000 rneab, filb programs for famlhes ~ pnvate club m Grosse The evening Will begin at more than 3,GOOJob" and Pomte Shores prm Ide~ more than 7,200 7 pm, With bidding begIn- The Famlly Center IS a mng at 8 p m AdmiSSIOnIS hour;, of lhlld car e each nonprofit organIzation that )('ar $25 a person A cash bar seeks to promote a deeper Will be available To make a "COTS I" ;'0 fortunate to understandmg of the role of reservatIOn or get more h;n e the "upport of these parents and others m raIs- great rc...,taurant~ m thl;, InfOrmatIOn, call the Famlly Ing healthy chIldren to Center at (313) 432-3832 fundrdl1'>lngeffort," "did bewrne canng, competent Among the supporters of the Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS) annual Gro""e POlllte \Vood;, re"l- and re"ponslble members of dent Beth McKeown, mar- - Margie Rems Smith SoupCity fundraiser are Stephanie and Bill Listman of Grosse Pointe Woods. at the commumty The center the left. and Dallas and Joan Kitchen of Grosse Pointe Farms. Super Sunday: One game, two winning recipes It..., tlll1e for my annual Suppr Bm\ I plcb To eat, vor as they devoured It on Aunt Honoria's saltmes, no less another tortilla, pre""mg that I" Cream Cheese & Way to go Aunt Ho Ho them together With your Thl" ~ear I \ e lho..,en two hand" S('t a"lde Reppat "Implt. rL'clpel-.to Pd..,,, Chutney Appetizer Lisa's Quesadillas the prolCS~ With the around on game day The remaining mixture You firl-.t II-.d cream chee~e 1 large onion. 1 8-oz. package cream chopped <;hould have enough fillmg appl't1zer th<1tII-.flavored cheese. softened to make five eIght-inch 1 tablespoon butter or With lurry and finl"hed 3 tablespoons sherry round quesadIllas \\ Ith ...harp Chedd,lr and olive oil 1 teaspoon curry 1/2 package (about To cook the quesadlllas, lhutno The reupe wal-. heat a large non-stick pan 1/4 teaspoon ground 11/2 tablespoons) g"lvpnto me by my fnend cumin that hab been (Ublng a Laura Donm'lIy FIIkll1 of Lawrey's fajita season- 1/2 cup shredded ing paper towel) rubbed With Gro"''''l' POll1teShore~ It sharp Cheddar cheese canola 011 Keep the heat OII/.,'lnatpd 1fI the kitchen of 1 whole cooked chick- on low because you want to 1 9-oz. jar Major en (from the grocery Iwr bplmed Aunt Ho Eo Grey's Chutney (Cross & thoroughly heat the inSide Thl' ulIlP.,ual combmatlOn deli), skinned, boned of the quesadilla WIthout Blackwell, available at and shredded 01 flavor ...Ib bure to please Kroger in the Village) burmng the outSIde of the the CUrf) 10\l'r 111 ) our life I I5-oz. can pinto tortlUa 4-6 scallions, thinly beans drained Carefully place a que- sliced 3 tablespoons (or sad1l1a in the heated pan more) sour cream and cook for 5 mInutes or ANNIE In a small sauce pan. 112cup shredded so then flIp It over and A LA heat the sherry over low Cheddar, or more (your cook for an additional 5 By Anme R~uleauSchenff heat and stir m the curry choice) mInutes or untIl golden and cumIn to dissolve. 1 teaspoon Tiger brown Hold cooked que- Remove from heat and cool sauce sadIllas In a low (250- completely before proceed- I teaspoon ground degree) oven (covered WIth mg cumin fOIl) until ready to serve. Combme the cream Few drops of hot Serve the quesadlllas cut cheese With the cooled sauce mto wedges and garmsh bplced sherry Mold the 112teaspoon red pep- With shredded lettuce, cheese mto a 1/2-Inch thick per flakes salsa, sour cream and shced CIrcle on a servmg plate Salt and pepper to avocado A hearty garmsh Photo b\ -\.nn Fnut.,. turns thiS appetizer Into a Loo"ely pack the Cheddar taste It doesn't matter who wins the game. Lisa's QU~- on and around the CIrcle of meal A pizza cuttet- IS a sadillas. shown at the top. and Aunt Honoria s great chOIce for clean-cut The I-.econdrecIpe cream cheese Top With The eaSlest way to keep Cheam Cheese &: Chutney Appetizer. below, will wedges Lisa's quesadIllas (because many people, half of the Jar of chutney thIS recIpe SImple IS to skm take the prize at a Super Bowl gathering. Il1cludlllg nw, don't care for and ;,pnnkle With the \~dl be a WInner at your and bone the cooked chick. Lurry) IS a dehclOub take sliced scallions Serve WIth Super Bowl party en while It IS stlll warm onIon and the pmto beans mIx and add more of any of on the ever-popular que- hearty crackers or grilled Bet on It Store the chicken tightly and mIx well Stir m the the seabonmg" to "Ult Jour __addla and ~ as created by pIta For the curry, I chose wrapped m the refngerator bour cream, TIger ~auce, taste Tiger sauce IS a ~auce my gal pal Lisa Gresens DetrOIt SpIce Company's until you're ready to shred cumin, hot sauce and red Spread about 3/4 cup of madp from peppers, spices Peacock restaurant blend the mixture on to an eight and "ugar that give It a Lisa combllle" shredded It's available at the Village It OtherwIse, begin by pepper flake" Stir the mix- cookmg the omon With the ture well to fully combme Inch flour tortIlla (or morp "nappy hot and liwpet taste chicken With whole pmto Market m Grosse POinte beans and bnngs It togeth- butter and the fajIta sea- the flavors Add the cheebe for a larger tortilla) and at thl' ...ame time You'll Farms find It at Kroger m the er WIth ..,our cream and a somng over medIUm heat and season WIth "alt and "pnnkle \\ Ith additIOnal Village unIque blend of bplces I brought the dIp for my In a small pan for 10 mm. pepper The texture ~f the "hredded chee1'>pTop WIth co-workers to taste because utes or so WhIle the OnIon mixture should be smooth It ma) qUIte po~slbly be I'm no Judge when It comes IS cookmg, prepare the and creamy but not wet the ta"tlc"t chicken que- to curry Those who eat chIcken and place It In a Add more "our cream If ,.,3dJlla ever curry raved about the fla- large bowl Add the cooked you need to Ta"te your AmericanLase~ NeW' insurance product will offer CE NTEt=lS Remove unwanted comprehensive travel protection hair.••FOREVER! h 0tI that prOVides read hIS or hpr policy care- On vacatIOn no one lIkes ance It can make the dlffer- gen~y 1 In~ legal assis- fully to double check ~hat It to thInk about an aCCident, ence between a vacatIOn me Ica an d h Ptk ... tortlng at... natural disasters, medical filled WIth unnecessary tance, emergency cash covers an w en Upper Up... $99 95 emergencIes or death And trauma and one that IS transfer, emergency pre- For more mformatlOn BikIniUne. $13995 yet, an ('mergency can - and worry-free - often for a frac. scnptlOn refill aSSIstance, about AAA Travel Agency'" Underarms . $169 95 often does - stnke m the tlon of the cost of the total pre-travel adVIce and lost Lower Legs. $23995 midst of a long-awaited trIp AAA Travel Agency tIcket an d pass port aSSIS- calltravel(800)InsuranceAAA-MICH,program,or vacatIOn, creatmg severe offers a new Insurance prod- tance. VISit your nearest agent Be Bock ...... $28995 emotIOnal and financIal uct - World Access Travel f prepared when an emer- th Regardless of the type 0 hardships for those who are Insurance - WI more corn- d t gency .otnke" ('specIally 131 Kercheval-on-the Hill I te t travel Insurance selecte , I ~ unprepared prehenslve trave pro c IOn hit on vacatIOn Suite 150 Almost any travel agent for Its MIchIgan customers IS Imperative that t e c len can relate a true-life story Grosse Pointe Forms about a chent who had to be World Access Travel alTlifted or transported to a Insurance WIll prOVIde gen- erous levels of protectIOn ho<;pltal for care while on CAREFUllY PRESERVING AND BUILDING vacatIOn Accordmg to the agamst tnp cancellatIOn U S Department of State, and/or mterruptlOn, emer- YOUR AssETS FOR Now AND THE FUTURE Guarantced Rcsults ,n Wn',ng • Frce Consultal'on medical evacuatIOn can "eas- gency medIcal/dental ser- INVESTMENT COUNSEL, INC. • FDA Approved • All Skln Types Ily~ cost $10,000 or more, vIces and related trans- • Booro Certtfied PhYSlClons• Interest Free Anondng and that cost IS unhkely to portatlOn, baggage loss, bag- Since 1929 gage delay, bankruptcy B. GIlMORE, M D. & L. I.ACMTA, M.D. be reImbursed by the Chris W. Walker - John R. Wclchli default, terrorism, bad patient's regular health Manhall C. Dowm • Richard K. Simonds FOTO fACIAL \"qfl f (:)'ilt) r .... '1J~ ....' •• y •• '.' .f Insurance prOVIder weather, burglary and more b~ow"" \00'\ 0(f'4"' "~0r\ 0"':1 \' •. t ~, .. \ More and more travelers In addltwn, World Access 19S 11 Mack Avenue .-~.- --;~~~:~~-:~:::-'.-~ - T' • . are beginnIng to recognize Travel Insurance offers a 24- Grosse POinte, Mtchapn 48236 (313) 886-0450 .. ", (l ! ( 1, the value of travel msur- hour. multI.hngual emer-

4 ------January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News 48 Churches The Pastor's Corner Be/air 1953 room house In Toledo for By the Rev. William C. DeVries Bandstand was stIll local By Helen Gregory under $3,000 First Christian Reformed Church Special Writer to PhiladelphIa and DIck My mother was a paragon of sound Judgment Clark wasn't ItS DJ yet Many of today's Grosse In 1953 Gro~~e Pomte WIth three daughters and one son, she had to be The top 40 wa~ easy IIs- Pomters were around m opened a new ~tate of-the- While I was growing up I did not appreciate temng Como, Clooney and 1953 If you were, do you art lIbrary bUllt by world- Smatra Rock and Roll her wise determmatlOn Now that I have pro- remember what It wa~ renowned archItect Marcel was banned on radIO untIl gressed mto parenthood and even grandparent- like? If you weren't, ) ou Breuer, who ~elected the hood, Isee much more clearly the sage quahty of mIght be cunous Let me Bill Haley and the Comets hit the chart;, WIth "Crazy, Calder mobile de~II,'lWd her pronouncements take you back speCIfically for the build Man, Crazy" In 1953, Harry Truman mg and completed hI'> It now ma kp<; pprff>ct "pnsp to mE' that If vou !l.'[t ,.,ffi~" 'Inri DWight n plan \\ Itll llP"lgHCI fUIHI "butt in" to the hne, you wl11 have to go all the Eisenhower became the In 1954 he released ture way to the back And It now IS clearly fair that If 34th preSIdent The Iron "Rock Around the Clock" and the floodgate~ opened Murra\ W Sale'> and you don't do your share today, you will have to Curt am, Cold War and D M Fe~r) ,Ir donated the Wmston ChurchIll do yours plus more tomorrow Likewise, If you pOSSiblenuclear attacks budding and ItS furm"h were everyday concerns receIved the Nobel Pnze mSlst on eat10g most of the cookies, you Wll! not 109", mcludmg art School children had air for lIterature Seven of get any of the next batch The Yankees \\ on the AdditIOnal fund~ came raid dnlls The the 10 best selling nonfic- SerIes. but the) alwa) b from ~ef\'lce group" like Rosenbergs were executed hon books of the year Be10g faIr IS not Just a convemence for the dId The Laker~ won the the JUnIor League of rals10g of small children, It IS an essential part Stalin dIed and the Soviet were rehglOus or m~plra tlOnal With the notable NBA ChampIOnshIp (~o DetrOit and mdl\ Idual of productive SOCial 1OteractlOn on every level It UnIon wa~ up for grab~ dId the) l, but the) \\ ere m donorb, along \\ Ith the The CommunIst party offi- and sportmg exceptIOns of IS no mere happenstance that equahty IS men- Mmned.poh~ m those da) ~ Fnend" of the Llbran CIally deCided they disap- a book on golf, "The tlOned 10 our natlOnal herItage before and even Kmsey Report on Sexual Top NBA pIa) er~ 111lght The total t(,,-t l11a\ be proved of Picasso's expect $12,000 a ) car mentIOned "ome\\ here, but as the baSIS for the pursUIt of happ10ess "Portrait of Sta!ln " The BehaVIOr m the Human Edmund Hillar) and I dIdn't find It When we become umnterested 10 fairness, our Korean War ended Female" and Polly Adler's happ10ess IS doomed to eventual defeat It also "A Hou~e IS I'\ot a Home" Tenzmg Norga) ""ere the McCarthy's House Un- first to climb E\ ere~t Whcn the ne,,",buddIng IS no mere happenstance that Jesus taught hiS Amencan Achvltles (she was a madam) The first Corvette rolled opt>ned, 16698 Grob'-c followers to love others as you love yourself Committee (HUACI was Simone De BeauvOIr mtro out Of 300 bUIlt that \ car, POInter'- \\ pre rl'i,'1"terl'd blackli~hng "pink-a" wrIt- duced the phrase Treat10g others fairly, Without seek10g person- each handmade, 255 arc born)\\ er'- Some 273,390 al advantage, IS the mimmal step, the opemng ers and entertainers """omen s hberatlOn" m "The Second Sex" accounted for toda) 150 book'- a )edr urculated door to carIng for others hp, \\ hlte extenor, black from the tollt'ctlOn of Charhe Chaphn left the Iri Januan the first It IS deeply unsettl10g then to see all the sym- I~~ue of lY GUIde came soft top, red \\ heel" and ')3,4'38 country Arthur MIller'" Intenor The ~tlcker pntC bols 10 our society today whIch reflect the false "The CruCible" opened and out m 10 cIties WIth was $3,498 plus $91 40 for Ld'-t \ear thtre \\( re faded, clOSing In 196 per- :'lard) n l\1cmroeon the proposItIOn that happmess IS bUllt on personal a heater and $14.1 11 for 161 72:3 book'- 111 the tol formances "Sherlock co\er April'" natIOnal advantage I witness when we speak pubhcly an AM radiO lectlOn ,md 28 :274 audlO- Holmes" \\ Ith Ba~11 relea"e featured De"l Jr that we praise fairness and Justice But when we World populatIOn ha'- \ I,-ual Itl'l11'-111 tll(' wllt'L Rathbone closed In three on the CO\er and bold tlOn llrtuldtlOll \\ a'- up to act 10 more hidden contexts, \lie display a deeply grO\\ n from 2 681 bdllOn The UK had a ne\~ queen 1,560,000 COpICbThe first growmg expressIOn of "Me fin,t " m 1953 to more than 6 bJl ')349;')3 Publlt wl11puter For the first time, the PIa) bo) magazme hit the \Vhen we drIve or shop or play our games or lIon toda) lI'-e. on" drcanwd of In coronatIOn \\ as tele\ lsed street In December \\ Ith the da) '- of l'!\I\'.\C tame tram our chIldren and grandchIldren our chorus Onl) a few )ears before, Manl)n Monroe on the Here m Gro""e Pomte llll the "cent' Jail' and ha" becomes "Me first" no one had a TV set, but cover m a plungmg neck- been mtTP,I,-mg loganth- Mom taught us that grabbmg food, buttmg 10 the Punch and Jud) by now mo~t households Ime - mode~t b) toda)'s mlcall) '-Intl' We had lme and shlrkmg our Job was not only impohte, had one Loretta Young standard~ • "ho\~ed mO\'IC" J a~ob~on's sold dresseb for $17 95 28,914 regl'-terecl borl(lII but wrong Dead wrong If we make a practICe of left the bIg ~creen to J D Watson and FH C and handbags for $7 95, er'- ~lore than half the shelvmg faIrness for advantage, eventually It sweep through a door on Cnth \\ rate a short article resldent'- art' Ldrd C,lrn TV "I Lo\ e Lucy" was so reduced from :j, 13 95 will find us out and everythmg Will begm fallmg that appeared In Nature Hou"es In the \Vood" mg hbran U'-l'T'- big that water pre~sure apart l\lagazme called "The "old for $20.000 to :-'la\be \\(' Lan ll'-e a ht dropped across tIme zone" The more faIrness we saCrIfice, the less hapPI' :-'lolecular Structure of $40.000 Hou~e" for "ale tIc more '-p,ICt' dunng commercIals a~ ness IS pOSSible NucleIC ACid" .. SClCnce along the lake dId not list people raced to the bath- changed forever The pub pnces After all If) ou }(JII UlTi rC(Jch HI!clI By the \"'ay, Mom had another saY10g that IS a room De~1Arnaz Jr was Ilc dldn t notIce untIl 1968. haw to ask. \ ou can't GreRon onhnc at hprcRo born the same day baby fair summatIOn of the dangers of th10kmg my \\hen Watson ...."The afford It To put thl" mto n@RP My Illi U~ or filld }I( r Ricky was born on the wants are more Important than yours She used Double Helix" added DNA another per~pectlve, m\ at Gro,,~e POllite Celltra! ;,how Amencan to say "I want doesn't get" to the language mother bought a four bed- Llbran , Once agam, she was rIght

First English Ev.lutheran Church Vernier Rd at Wedgewood Dr Grosse Pomte Woods LI'T., ,o~ ~'. 884-5040 iDe o~';. 8 15 am Tradluonal Service ~~~~~?i 9 30 am Conlemporary Service ...... '" SERVICES II 00 a m Tradluonal ServIce St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church Grosse Pomte Umtarian 9 30 a m Sunday School 375 Lothrop •• Chalfont. Church ~istnric Dr Waller A Schmld~ Pastor 881-6670 Rev Banon L Beebe, Assoclale Paslor 9:00 & 11 :15 a.m. Worship "Finding A Faith 1, ~ariners' Roben Foster MUSIC Coordmator 10: 10 a m. Education for All That Fits" J , OIlfurdy m Nursery Available 1030am Worship ~ Grosse Pointe Smce 1842 UNITED METHODIST ~ Rev Frtde!Idl HImls, Pastor 17150 MAUMEE 881-0420 Rev 1I01S111 Coller, Assoc. Pastor Rev John Corrado. MIOlSte, A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE .It- CHURCH The 1928 Book of Common Prayer Saint ~l A Fnendly Church for GROSSEPOINTE .' SUNDAY All Ages Ambrose 8 30 a m - Holy Communion 211 Moross Rd. UNITED 10 15 am - Adult Blble Study Christ the King Grosse Pointe Farms I*lPariSh 11 00 a m - Holy Communion ~ ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL 886-2363 CHURCH Church Sunday School \j/ CHURCH Lutheran Church ArnUATED WIlli THE UCC AND ABC and Nursery 20475 Sunningdale Park Mack al Lochmoor 9 30 a m Worslup near Lochmoor Club 2AO CHAlFONTE AT LOTliROP THURSDAY Grosse Pointe Woods 884-5090 1045am Sunday School Saturday Vigil Mass 12 lOp m - Holy Communion 884-3075 8 15 & 10 45 a m WorshIp ServIce at 4:00 p.m. SllDday Sunday Masses MtulJUrs' /)II HIUf PIDuJIIl the 1'unsul 9 30 a m Sunday School A STEPHEN MINISTRY "Doing a 180" Free Smued Parbltg. Ford Gtuage 800 a m Holy Euchaml RIll at 8:30 & 11:I5a.m. 1015 a.m Church School & B,ble Classes and LOGOS Congregation ~ Efller III Woodward & Jefferson l(}OO A M FAMilY WORSHIP 10 30a m Choral Euchansl 'The Rev. Richard W. Ingalls, ~urm ,sed NutSen' Provilled Sl AmlJtose Roman calholoc Church (CRIB ROOM AVAILABlE) Rector (Nursery AVallable) WII .. chnsnhekmggp ~ , 5020 Hampton Grosse Poonle Parl< 1(}OO A M CHURCH SCHOOl Kenneth J. Sweetman, Rev Robert D Wnght, Pastoc One bled< nodad Nursery 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Senwr High Youth meet Sundays at 6'30 p.m. .,.'.'iii. every second Wednesday at ('ill!5 l:)\\i Wednesday. 21336 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods The Tompkms Center at .W• IP.. Noon $em"" or 111 Wmdmlll Pomle Park II 00 - 300 • E.mall gpwpchurchOaol com. Web srte www gpwpc org ...... " Word and Sacrament ~ Phone: (313) 881-3343 Web Page: www.gpbc.org COME JOIN US Rev Gustav Kopka Jr. P!l 0 jefferson !Avenue Pa\tor Rev Henry L Remewald THE GROSSE POINTE MEMoRIAL CHURCH Pre;b~terian Church Christ Church Grosse Pointe Stt.tm, /0 StrW Chns". ,'" 1Ihdr, of'''' Cll) EstablIShed IBM The ~erian C11J1th (USA) Sunday, January 26, 2003 ., (Episcopal) REv. WILLIAM C. YEAGER, preaching 10:30 Worship service SATURDAY, January 25 a.m. "jOllrMy to ]oruth lArul" 5:30 p.m .• Holy Eucharist Peter C Smrth. preaching 9 00 & 11.00 a.m WorshIp Services Church School. Cnb - 8th Grade 10 lOa m - Chnsllan Education for Children, Youth & Adults SUNDA Y, January 26 8:00, 9:00, 11: 15 a.m.• Holy Eucharist Save the Da'es 8 45 a.m. - 12.15 p.m, Cnbffoddler Care 10:00 ~Annual Mt'etinK and Sunday School Sunday, Febnlary 2nd, 10:30 LIft. Sundey, February 9th. 4:00 p.m. 730 a m Ecumemcal Men's Fnday Breakfast (CrilI....r Ieddln c... W,OO Il ""-') F8ITlIIy Communion Sunday Muelc 5erIeI • The Nagy Duo

A STEPHEN MlNISTRV ucI LOGOS CoDpepdoD The Rev. Bradford 0 Whltlker. R«lor 8825 E. Jeffer80n at Burna, DetroIt 161Akaboft DrIft, G_ Po6DteF..- • lII1-53Jt 1be Rev. Manha E Wallacr, A~~IAlanll(l the R«tor Vlelt our webslte wwwjape 04'g 313-822-3456 www.pDdlllrc~ 6(I Grosae POlnle Blvd. OrOtOle Pointe Firms 313) 885 ....841 • wwwchriJlchurchgp.org

..... 5 ' ••• 552 - ' ~~------""''''''------~I

January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Seniors 58 Reliv,ing childhood fantasies

Recently Channel 56 The films that re"onated Ing the re ...t of theIr lIves The only reason I can see My only personal knowl- showed the old-time mOVIe, Senior Scene mO'lt were thobe WIth for such gowns was that edge about Welch came "SWIng TIme,» with GInger • GInger Rogers and Fred - I bpoke 01 beautiful the de"lgner wanted to about two years ago when Roger" and f'red Abtalre I Abtalre TheIr grace, pas- clothIng ab bemg part of prOVIde ballast for a finanCIal newsletter I fol- remembered the fir"t time bIOn and danCIng created the bpell of thobe old Granholm's shght frame lowed recommended sell. I baw the film, more than a an unforgettable memory 1110\ Ie" from the stIff WIntry wmds mg GE stock The edItor half century ago, and won I'm happy to report the I once read an llltervlCw of Lan"mg and Grand saId GE's stock earnmgs dered If I should watch It movIe wa" Just ai> charm- WIth Barbdra Bu"h abom RapIds were overstated and the Could It pO:"<,lbly live up Ing ab I remembered And the .....ardrobe dei>lgned for Grhholm IS saId to be stock overpnced to what I con"ldered per the moment when they By hel to wear at the Inaugur- totally unInterested III seems that GE, whIch fectwn? It firi>t danced together was Ruth al evpnt., for hpr hu<'band clothe" HE'r work uniform ha<; thOlI<;flncl<; flncl thnu- \NlICll I w d~ JJ1 Illy edrly a" bredthtaklng db when I She laughed and "aId that I:" a pantsUIt, WIth sweats sands of workers through- teen", eVL'ry Saturday onglnally baw the film Cain \\ Ith her ample figure, no for leIsure wear Totally out the world, consequent- afternoon my fnend" and I can only descnbe the deblgner could do much for understandable and SUIt- ly has a very large penSlOn I went to the CInderella emotIOn I felt as pure JOY With "porti'>, however, we her able fund GE mcluded the Theater on Jeffer"on In The two had gIVen them- want to be sure not to The pIctures I 3aw later But even HIllary ClInton earnIngs from the fund as Grosbe POinte Park I place too much ph) "ILal belve" totally to the mu,,1L of those events, however, understands our baSIC corporate earmngs WhIle bellevp the film:,...... e saw and were bpontaneom,ly stres" on grOWIng bodlC" i>howed her to be classy need to see even our hard- such accountmg Isn't rppre"ented the golden age WIthout that baLkground expreb<.;mg theIr JOY and handsome est workmg and bramIest fraudulent, It certamly of filmdom of learnIng, practice and Now I under"tand that You'd thInk that dress- publIc servants beautIfully gIves a mlsleadmg report MObtl) the) were SOphlb- expenenLe, dancer" trj mg "eemlng "pontanelty was mg the beautIful and "IIm clad for these speCIal of the firm's financial tKated comediCb In which to be spontaneoub would the re"ult of yearb of JennIfer Granholm would events health everybodj wa" beautIful or "'Imply be flaIlmg theIr be a dream for any deSIgn- Jack Welch, retIred CEO I'm sure Welch dIdn't hand~ome ,md \\ Itty \\ Ith le"'bonb, prart!ce and expe arms and bumpmg Into er of General ElectrIC, Ii>back order that partIcular "parklIng com'el "atum nence, plu" remarkable each other a" they tned to t,llent I'll admIt that her Inau- m the news agam He accountmg practIce, but he The dothlllg \\ a" "uperb ddnlC together I "ee now how Important gural outfit" may have announced he would head sUfl:'ly knew about It and the "ettmg" ta"teful Knowledge and expen- looked better In the flei>h an advlbory board for New All the Lh,lraltPrb "Pre Ilk It Ib that we encourage ence gwe us the freedom than m new"p,lper photos York CIty's new LeadershIp I dId sell half of my GE able, ('v en thL' bad guy ..., children to the often dull ulhmate!) to be truly cre- and TV "hot::, But the fab Academy shares (my ongInal 100 and "ltuatlOn" got n'''olved ta"k 01 ledrmng the bablc" atIVE' WhIlE' chddren dOIng flC'> looked ,,0 "tIff and The academy WIll offer had become 300 through With I:ood humor and rea 01 grammar dnd ...entenLe theIr own thIng I'" charm- "trudure, or to practice, heavr The amount of fab- trammg and support to stock dIVIdends) and made "onabll'nl'"'' mg, urge them to learn the nL In them "eemed eXLes- Improve the qualIty of the a nIce profit The 150 How \\ onderful to 11\e praltlu', prolctIce wh,ltever ba,>ICband then go on to "Ive CltY'b 1,200 school pnnCl- shares I stIlI own are now that kind of hIe, e\en tlw mUblcal lIlbtrument, or the next level and the next I read that Granholm pals about half the prIce of the though \\ e realized tholt to pIa) 109 a "port over and and the next, even If the) over until the mechaniC" Iretted to an aide that I wonder If he'll offer a ones I sold probabh nobo(h ddualh aren't chIld prodlgIl''' ma,be the blue dres" was heSSlOn on how to extract chd But Iwv maybe ,lre thlH oughly lodged In ChIld prodlgIe" also wdl be the braIn too'fu"sy She "hould have the labt dollar from New I WIsh I had sold them takmg lessons and practlc lIbtened to her l,'1lt feelings York taxpayeri>? all Emergency beacon program offered to seniors

Sl'f\ Ice" 10l OldPr both ('xtl'nor and mtenor normal mode or a!>oa fla'lh- on limIted mcomeb, so thIS Someone You Love Can Use, Our J(elp CltIZl'n" {saCI I" offerIng 11ghh It work ... \\ Ith all mg alert Once m"talled, the beacon wIll be Ideal for reblden!» an opportunItj to typl''' of "tructure:,. - hous- deVIce 1" undetectable It them It'" also ubeful for • Private homes • Full or part. purcha"e a 911 Emergencj eb, town home::" apartmentb, doe"n't change the decor of famIlIeS that live on tree- • Hospital or time covel'llge BealOn light bulb at a "lgnIf mobIle homp" or lommerclal your home hned streets Your house nursing homes • Bonded and insured ILant "avll1g". \\ hde helping properhe ... It 1" partIcularly wIll ...tIck out m case of Thp 60-watt bulb works local Iem InLOlIle senIOr" get hel pful 111 home" \\ Ith chIl emergency" • 24.hours • RN supervised the bame ab a conventIOnal a bulb for fn'l' Thl' unique dren or older pl'r"Onb The bulbb are avaIlable at lIght bulb, but b)' bWltchIng Registered Nurses bulb Iwlp ... 911 n,,,pondl'rb Made m the USA and UL the sac office at 17150 the lIght i>wltch on and off find a n'''ldenu' III an l'lller- te"ted and approved, the Watprloo, durIng the regular Licensed Practlcal Nurses gpncy bltu,ItlOn Emergencj Beacon IS recog- tWIce, It becomE'S a flaslllng Nurses Aides Signal for help bUbmeb" hour" Monday The En1l'rgencj Bl',lcon I'" nlLed by the NatIOnal Crum' through Fnday, 9 a m to The deVIce IS an a"set for d ne\\ "lmplt" ed"j to-u ...l' PreventIOn Council and 4 30 p m For mformatlOn, those who are elderly, med- homp "afd\ de\ ILl' It l,In bl' endor ...ed bj the NatIOnal Collisac at (313) 882-9600 Ically at rIsk or who have NURSiNG UNliMiTEd u"ed ,I" an onJlllan I1ght or TrolJpl'r~ CoahtlOn people INCORPORATtD famlhes WIth small chIldren sac IS a nonprofit agency It can bl' m"tolntly turned who know how Important a ServIng the Grosse Polo"" '" Eastern Suburbs s1Dce 1980 The 911 Emergency that helps semon, In the mto a fla.;hlllg, hlghh Vhl- few !>oecondbcan be (586) 777-5300 ble "Ign,ll for 11l'lp Beacon lIght bulb retails for Grosse POintes and Harper In an emergency, activate $1995 and IS available at a Woods maIntaIn theu Inde- TIll' Emergencv Beacon the Emergency Beacon b) reduced co"t of $10 per bulb pendence and dIgnity can direct emprgency fllckmg the lIght SWItch "on- Through a speCIal program, re'>pon"e tl'am" or concerned off-on-off,» fast The lIght each hght bulb purchased at npIghbor ... to jour re"'ldence Will contInUE' to flash, alert- $10 WIll finance the pur- and "a\ p preclOU" "econds or mg l'mergency peri>onnel to chase of the bulb for a needy l'ven minute" when you Jour locatIOn, untIl the seOlor In our area need help " .....Itch I" returned to "ofT" "We hope that ever) It can be ('ablly added to The Emergenc) BeaLOn Meals on Wheels chent wIll an\ ordInary 11ght bWltch \\ ork" \\ Ith dny hght h\'oOj ou can U"'l' It on your bulb," bald Mary Rose require" no "pecld] tool" and porch lIght, In a bedroom, In Nebon, saC's Meals on u"uallj takl''' Ie..." than live Jour yard or at any locatIOn mInute" Wheels dIrector "Man) of that provldeb a clear blgnal our clIents are very fraIl and The beawn can bl' u"ed on Your light can work m the Energy assistance is available to seniors

Service" lor aldN about the enerb'Y asslbtance CoordmatIOn, Mmor Home Cltlzenl:> (saC) Ii> admlm,,- program, contact sac's Repair, Escorted tenng the THAW prol,'Tam InformatIOn and AS'llbtance TransportatIOn, Loan Clo<;et It's about the people for low II1come "em orb In the department at (313) 882- and Meals on Wheels five Gro,,-;c Plllntl'''' and 9600 Harpl'r Wood.; sac IS a nonprofit agency SIngle re"ldent" WIth that helps senIors In the The people who live here, The people who work ~ere, These Incomes below $13, 290 and Gros"e POintes and Harper AARP meets are the reasons Father Taillieu and DeSeranno ReSIdences are two pl'r"on houbeholds WIth \Voods mall1taIn thplr mde- InCOmeb bplow $17,910 may pendence and dlgmty The on Jan. 27 places of graceful independent sentor living, be phgIble to recPlve help agency asslsti> semors \'

If you or someone you love IS In the market for gracious Announce your engagement retirement hYing, please call us for more information or a tour at 586-753-1182 and wedding Father Taillieu Residence DeSeranno Residence in the Grosse Pointe News. 18760 ThIrteen MIle Road 17255 Common Road RoseVille MI 48066 RoseVIlle, MI 48066 586-778-5070 586-776-8500 We have forms to fill out They're available In our office or you may send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope and we'll send you a form and an Instruction sheet. Announcements are free and we run them In the order we get them, as space permits,

Send to Margie Smith, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms, MIchigan 48236, VISit us on our web site at \NWIN stjohn org


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January 23, 2003 Grosse POinte News 68 Health Confronting cancer head-on Volunteers are needed Partlclpatmg m a chmcal tnal could By Karen M. McMenamin be one of th'e most selfless thmgs you for test for colon cancer Special Writer to find colon cancer at an ever do It has the potential of domg colonoscopy If you're fortunate enough never to The Van Elslander Cancer earher stage when It can be have received a d1agnosls of cancer, It great good that could benefit many Center at St John HospItal Stool samples will be col- memberb of the human family lected and analyzed by two treated more effectIvely can be difficult to understand what & Medical Center 10 Grosse Presently, colon cancer The STAR tnal ISone such tnal Pomte Woods and St John stool tests The first stool It's like to hear such news test Will attempt to detect accounts for more than 10 Newlv now gomg on This trIal compares two Macomb HospItal Webber genetic matenal from the percent of all <-ancer deaths dlagno~ed drugs, tamoxlfen and raloxlfene, for Cancer Center 10 Warren cells of the colon that can be and IS the second leading cancer their effechveness m reducmg the are seekmg volunteers to cause of cancer deaths mClde~e of breast cancer m post- participate m a study that associated With tumor cells patwnts Re1.earchers albo will look Tho::-emterested III learn- are often menopausal women who are at Willlook at the effectIveness mg the eligibility cntena of a new non-lOvaSlve test to for these abnormahtlCs from dlsbehev- mcreased nsk for the disease. The blood C(>I1"The presence of and partlClpatmg 10 the study Will tollow :l2,llllO women I dll- detect wlon pul.H.l" nud rebearch should wntact the mg colon cancers The Mayo these abnormal cells may They're domly aSSIgned to receive one of the suggest the presence of a St John HospItal & Med1cal drugs over five years Volunteers are Chmc-sponsored study uses Center Van El1.lander ternfied DNAtestmg to detect abnor- tumor or a precancerous shll needed. Center Oncology Research And mal cells that the body polyp The second stool tebt Another tnal, the Selemum and IS a Hemoccult te1.t that office at (313) 343-3166 or they're sheds III the lOdlvldual's Vltamm E Cancer PreventlOn Trial detects blood m the stool the St ,John Macomb hkely to stool sample HospItal Webber Cancer feel utter- (SELECT), IS evaluatmg whether The two hosp1tal cancer Study partlclpdnts then these two supplements can prevent Will undergo a colonoscopy Center Chmcal Trials office lyalone centers are the only ones m at (586) 5735127 even the development of prostate and other Macomb, Wayne or Oakland The results of the blood and cancers m men over the age of 55 stool tests Will be compared though counties to take part m the Both 8t John HObpltal & (and 10 Afncan AmerIcan men over to the colonoscopy resulu.. to health study Mechcal Center dnd St John the age of 50) Prehmmary studieS mdl- determllle If the findmg::- profes- match A small portIOn of Macomb HObpltal arc mem- sIOnals Th1s study will take up to 12 years cate thiS test could be 90- ber" of the MI<-hlganCancer to complete and WIll mclude approXl- percent accurate m detect- partlclpanu.. found to have and loved posItive screenmg test" WIll Re1.earch Con1.orhum Karen M. McMenamin mately 32,000 men m the Dmted mg colon cancer and polyps ones are be asked to undergo further Commumt} Chmcal right States, Canada and Puerto R1CO. Blood versus DNA (Bvm Oncology Program DNA colore<-tal Lancer want to do everythmg they can to doscopy m the past 10 years future to screen for colon better at detectmg colon and rectal screenmg tnal The..,e ho"pl beat tlus terrible disease Fortunately, Volunteers who partIcIpate cancer by a SImple blood and cancer than current tests Both men stool test rather than the tals hdve acce"s to more modern medlcme has come up with 10 the study Will be reque::-t- ::-tUdlCbth,m do mo<;tcancer many treatments and therapIes to and women between the ages of 50 ed to proVide blood and stool more mvaslve colono;,copy, and 80 are bemg sought for thiS trial. center'- m Michigan help those with cancer Some can samplE.';,before undergomg a ImprovlOg a doctor's ability As a member of the Michigan result 10 complete cures We also know that makmg certam Cancer Research ConsortIUm lifestyle changes, hke losmg weight, Commulllty ChOlcal Oncology BSC offers Meals for Homebound Program (CCOP), the St. John glvmg up smokmg and eatmg more through Friday, excludlllg Hospital and MedIcal Center Van Is there someone you chargl'd patlCnts and elderly frUits and vegetables, can help stave major holiday;, Elslander Cancer Center (VECC) IS know who Ib recuperatmg In the commumty dunng off certam cancers or reduce thClr The ;,uccl';," of the pro- mvolved 10 these and numerous other from surgery or an Illnesb penod::o of recuperatIOn or effects gram I., due to tht> quaht., oncology chlllcal tnals and unable to cook for him need We also rely on chmcal tnals to The Bon Secour1. Cottage and varlet) of nlPab pf()vld help us understand the disease and Among these tnals arc a broad self or hersl'lf? cd, along With the carmg range of cancer research studies. Or do you know an elderly Meal;, Program IS the onI} how it can best be treated Chmcal temporary meal ::-ervlce III "pmt and fnendlY touch mcludmg those that use new drugs, mdlvldual who needs help trials are carefully controlled studws the area. servmg mdlvldual" pf()vldl'd to the reclplent::-by surgical procedures and radlOtherapy With meals for a few weekb that mvestIgate a speCific questIOn for penod:" up to eight the voluntppr'" VI;,lt" In fact, both the VECC and the St until other arrangemenb about a new treatment At any given weeks John Macomb HospItal Webber are made? The program I;' open to tIme, researchers at hospitals across Celebratmg it.'> 27th year Balanced, health" hot Cancer Center III Warren have access re::-Idenh In the Gro""p the country are conductmg tnals for of provldmg "good help to meals ::-lOnbare from 6 awarded educatwn recogm- term problems, control and to 9 p m Feb 18, 20 and 25 new hope to patients 10 varIOus stages So whether your dlagnos1s IS cancer twn by the Amencan mOnitor blood sugar, and All cla1.ses take place m the of the disease. or you're enJoJlng blessed good DIabetes ASSOCiatIOn and recognize sIgns of high and Bon Brae Center Classroom, health, you may Wish to cons1der par- certificatIOn by the low blood sugar 22300 Bon Brae, St Clair Some of these tnals are preventive, ticlpatmg m a chmcal tnal If so, we'd MichIgan Department of An mdlVldual assessment Shores (at 10-1/2 Mile and That IS, they're a1med at findmg new certamly hke to hear from you Commumty Health by a nurse and dietitian, by Jefferson) ways to prevent the development of For more mformatIOn on how you The outpatient dIabetes appomtment only, 1S the d1sease. That means that you may can help, call the Van Elslander educatIOn program ISoffered reqUIred before the class For more mformatlOn or be able to participate 10 one of these Center Oncology Research office at to non-pregnant adults who begms to prereglbter, call Bon tnals even though you are cancer- (313) 343-3166 are referred by theu phySI- The fee 11.covered by Secours Cottage Commumt) free. And whIle you'll have to mvest a cIans The program helps many msurance plans Health PromotIOn at (586) certam amount of hme If you do par- Karen M. McMenamm I') manager people WIth dIabetes learn Daytime sessIOns are 779-7900 between 9 a m tiCipate, conSider thiS If you've ever of Oncology Re;,earch and Outcomes how to eat well while stay- offered from 10 a m until 1 and 4 p m weekday" l-}ada de')m' to changp the world and Management at the Van EI"la'1der make It a \wltpr place, tIll" lOuld be' Cancer Center She IS a re.,ldelll of the \vay to do It Gro"se Pomte Park



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, ... ------~------....-

January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Community 78 BSC offers support groups Bon Secours Cottage FacIlItated by a Bon Health ServIces offers to the Bereavement Secours Cottage hOClalwork- ]ocal commUnIty a varIety of Bon Secours Cottage er, thlh monthly hupport free support groups Hospice _ Staff from Bon group provIde" emotIOnal MeetIngh take place at Secours Cottage HospIce ;,upport, \ alidatlOn and Cottage HospItal, 159 facilItate evenIng meetmgs feedbalk to caregIver;, and Kercheval, Grohhe POInte that are dIrected at anyone lInkh them to appropnate Farmh, Bon Secour;, who ha;, encountered a re<,ource;, The group meets Hm,pltal, 468 Cadieux, the death as well as mdlvlduab from 1 to 2 30 p m the firht CIty of Grosse Pomte, Bon whobe spouses have died Tue;,day of the month at Bon Secours Nurhmg Care For InformatIOn on ;,peclfic Secour" HospItal Cl'nter',26001 Jeffer;,on, St meetll1g date" and ]ocatlOnh, Participant" ma) JOIl1at any ClaIr Shores, or the Bon call (313) 343-6051 tune For IllformatlOn, call Brae Center, 22300 Bon (313) 417-6814 Brae, St ClaIr Shore;, Cottage Hospital - Any '1dult \' h0 h:ls C'xpC'ncnced Dual Recovery Alcoholics the death of a loved one Ib Anon ymous (D RA) welcome to attend monthly Anonymous Thl;, free weeki) proj.,'Tam afternoon or evenIng hes- MeetIngs take place at 1 offer'i "upport and edulatlOn blOnb the third Thursday of p m Sundays In Connell) for people affelted by mental each month at Cottage Audltonum at Bon Secour;, dIm's" who al"o ;Ire ton Hospital For Il1fOrmatlOn or HospItal For more Illforma- frontlllg "ub"tance abu'>e to reglbter, call (313) 343- tlOn, call (313) 885-1888 I'>sues 1656 Tlw DRA program help;, Al Anon lI1dlvldual" recover from Breast feeding both chenllcal dependemy MeetIng;, take place from Connection and emotIOnal or po.)chlatn~ The temperature was below zero, but by keeping himself and his equipment 1030 a m untd 1 pm The Breaht feeding I1lnes" by focusll1g on warm, Monte Nagler was able to bring home this exciting shot of Pond Falls Saturdays In Conference taken in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. ConnectIOn I;' a Bon Secours relapse preventIOn and Rooms 1-4, first floor, at actIVely Improvll1g the qual- Cottage HospItal Cottage support group for mothers who breast feed Ity of their 1Ive;, The l,'TOUp Call the Women's meets from 630 to 730 p m A cold snap Alzheimer's! HealthCare LIne at (586) each FrIday In the Cottage HObpltal conference rooms For those of YOUwho 1Ive Dementia 7797909 for meeting time;, and dates In addItIOn, the For more InformatIOn, call In cold chmate~ or for thohe Bon Secour;, Nursmg Care (313) 640-2637 who live m till' bouth but Center - Commumty care- LaLeche League meets from travel to snow country, wm l,'1ver;,are mVlted to attend 7 to 9 30 p m every third ter photography can reward monthly sessIOns that focu" Monday at Bon Spcours Postpartum Blues you With fabulous "hotb for on COpIngWith the"e debili- Hosplta] For more Informa- and Depression your photo album tating condItion;, and place tIOn, call Mary Ann Godzwon at (313) 343-1705, All new mothers copll1g But cold weather photog- emphaSIS on caregwers car- WIth a range of emotIOnal raphy can pre"ent ) ou With Il1gfor themt-.elve;, MeetIngh or Deb Scallen at (313) 343- 1777 reactIOns whIch can occur bome problemh that make Photogrn.ph~/ are hpld from 4 to 5 30 p m followmg the bIrth of a chIld shootmg more dlflicult than the third Monda) of each Caregivers, Families are mVlted to attend month- dUrIng faIr wl'ather By Monte Nagler month In the In-SerVice ly bupport sebSlOns For WIllie photo!-,'Taphers who Room For information, call of Young Stroke more mformatlOn, call 1313) lIve In a very cold chmate (5861 779-7032 343-1777 are accu"toll1ed to ;,uch con- lJolkL't untIl Ju"t rl'ad) to lemh of workIng In low tem- Survivors dItIOn;" anyone uhed to more ~hoot Tdkl') our "hot;" then peratures, there are other temperate wpather can get place the battpry back 111 lon"lderatlOn;, A major one caught unprepared ) our pOlket to kL'ep It \\ arm I'" e....po...ure Snow co\ered Outdoor food storage tips Before bettll1g off to takl' There are precautlOn~ yOU ;,lener) Ih qUIte dIfferent photograph;, In \ en told "hould take too, for pho from the average ~cene and Many people prefer to Ube • Food mUbt be safe from placed dIrectly m the snow conditIon", yOUhhould "pend tographll1g 111 \ er) lold the meter can be fooled the garage or an outdoor anlmab Cover food WIth a Stir the food frpquentl) to .-;ome tllne pfl'panng \our \\ eatlll'r Dre,," \\ arml), In Remembrr that all meter;, area to store foods dUrIng "elUrely weIghted lId en"ure even coolmg eqUIpment and \our own la)!:'r", and make .,un' jour arc programmed to read the wmter month'i Outdoor PlastiC wrap and fOIlare not • Canned Items bhould c10thmg Almo;,t an) lamera dothll1g allowb 1'.1,,\ alce:":,, a\erage gray, ;'0 With snow food storage lan be safe and conSIdered 'iecure lids not be kept In the cold can be operated normall) tll to camerah and len"e;, Wear "ceneh, be hUrl' to overex convement • Be aware of the temper- FreeZIng, thaWIng and about zero degn.'e", but at tv. 0 [),llrh of gloveh a heavj po"e a btOPor two In order to A;, a general rule, do not ature change the hun may refreezmg may lead to dam- temperatureb lower than outl'r paIr and a thlll mner produce a good negative attempt to store food out- cause m a garage In 'iome age to the can thh, dlflicultlC;, may ;,tart to paIr Remove the outer When you come In out of doors unlebS outdoor tem- garageh, It may 1I1crease to • Eat stored food wlthm occur glove:" \\hC'n )ou'n' fl'ad\ to the cold, pay speCIal atten- peratures are below 40 above 40 degrees one or two days Why do camera:" functIOn ;,hoot The thll1 pair wIl] tIOn to your camera Water degrees Fahrenheit and you FahrenheIt on sunny days For more food safety ]ChS effiuently III the cold) ke,'p your hands warm yet vapor In a heated room con- plan to consume the food • Shallow pots (not more ISSUel>,call the Food Safety The most conimon rea~on I" \\ III endble you to work all denses on cold metal and wlthm two days. than 2 1l1ches deep) of hot Hotlme at (586) 469-5060 lObS of battery power lamer,' controb glass surfaces and your cam- The Macomb MSU ;,oup, stew, chIlI, etc can be Battenes not only operate In cold weathpr, you must era will become covered WIth ExtenSIOn's (MSUE) food the meterIng system but take "pecldl care With your mOI;,ture No damage WIll be safety staff has fielded many calls thiS wmter regardmg IT'S ~~~~::fBEAUTY WITHOUT THE BOTHER! al:"o operate the shutter on film Becau:"e It can beullne ~I()n(',Just be ;,ure to wIpe off outdoor food storage The mo;,t newer Cdmera" brittle, ad\ ante It carefully jour camera followmg are a complete ]ISt Facial Art Permanent Battene;, \\ ork by chemical .lnd hlow I) a~ \ ou run There) ou have It Dunng F ~ Q) of guldelmes Cosmetics realtlOnh which ah\ a) s pro- through the roll iturn off the next cold "nap get out • The outdoor tempera- ceed more "lowly at 10\\cr ) our power \\ Inder) and and hnap ~on1C'prlze-wIn- ture mU>.t remam below 40 Freo,:,,~"~,,~n.:':::"'_B,:,,~"~ temperature;, So]utlOn rewmd It tarefull), too mng shot>. i ~ l i 1~111 I MenllonThis Ad and Recclvea degree'i keep the battery 111 \ ou r Be:"lde;, the phY;'llal prob- S Call Pat Today I . I i ~ for More Information ~~9_~ ~l~o<~~~ (586) 596.4159 http I/faClaI_an tripod <.Om _. ~ Winter: A time to pay attention to safety ~~~~~~~

lNAPSU - \\llnter bnng;, dlrecth behll1d the bfllk of der or to the ;'lde 1\vlstmg WhIle treatment programs colder temperatures, snow, ) our iwad Good po~ture motIOns put htraIn on ) our wll! vary, ba"ed on the II1dl- and the hO]lday heason, a);,o I;' Important Sit back, and pace your~elf - VIdual and the type and makmg It an Ideal tIme to >.tr- thmgs you can do to manage about pam management, Have You Heard? stretchmg Stretchmg sary, be sure to lIft with) our your pam consult With your doctor or a GmetteLRO~IA~a,CCC~ allows the muscles to work legs, bendmg properly at the Speak WIth your phySICIan pam speCIalIst VISIt the Doctor ttf AudIoIofly more efliClCnt]y, helpmg to knees, WIth your leg~ apart for help m determmmg a Partners AgaInst Pam Web reduce the nsk of lI1Jury In and back 'itralght, don't pam management program site at www partnersagam- ''How Loud is the event of a fall Snow throw sno\\ over your ;,houl- that IS approprIate for you stpam com GROSSE POINTE boarders also 'ihould wear AUDIOLOGY Too Loud?" wnst guards made for snow- Everyday we hear a variety of parks and concerts and wear boardmg, use the nght Most frequently, basal cell carcinomas sounds al many dlfferenl levels If them I You will stili be able to hear eqUIpment and wear a hel- an tndtv1dual Is exposed to harmful Earplugs cut oul 15-20 decibels of appear where the skin has received slg- sound. sensitive .truclures of the loud sounds met, which Ih particularly Your Skin by Raechele Gathers, MD ntficant "un expo"ure, tncludtng the head, tnner ear can be damaged, caUSing Important for begll1ners neck, hands, back and chest. noise Induced heartng loss To • Wear earplug. or prolectIVe ear • HolIday dnvll1g "Over know If a sound Is loud enough to muffs when ustng a power lawn Caught at ItS earhest stage, BCC's are tnOW'el" power lools and noisy the nver and through the A red bump that Just damage your ears you n~ to know won't go away Or a sore treatable With a high level of success both the loudness level and the household appliance. llke a woods" can spell lower back While rarely fatal, If left untreated, the length of exposure 10 the sound vacuum that bleeds and won't ~ agree that over time. contin- pam for many dnvers To carcinoma Will become more extensive mll1lmlZe stram, properly heal These are two clas- ued exposure 10 noise above 85dBA • Read the labels SIC signs of a form of and may reqUire more radical therapies wiD cause ""artng I"",.. tn general for noise levels <-n alIgn your seat and elevate tncludtng "urglcal removal by a plastic or the loud er Ihe noise lh e less time appliance. chll the headrest until It IS skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma reqUired before hearing 108ll will dren " toys and any (BBC) Moh's "urgeon, With pOSSible need for occur product lhat gener- recon"troctlon of the affected area. a~sound In additIOn to the claSSIC symptoms To prolect your hear1ng foDow these above, BeC can also appear as a small To learn more about basal cell carCt- tip. from the Amertcan Tinnitus To see If loud notse ptnk or whIte bump, a red flat patch or nom'l and tts treatment, contact your der- AssocIation haa damaged your ADVIRJISaNe within a scar. matologist, or call us at EastSide hearing come to Dr. ~ Dermatology. Dr. Ltsa A. Manz-Dulac • If noise 18 100 loud for)"Ou to speak GROSSE POIN1E we.1CSt Basal cell carctnoma is the most com- at a normal COIlV'er'Satlonal level and AUDIOLOGY, 19794 Mack Avenue mon fonn of skin cancer, accounting for and Associates. be heard you ..hould wear earplugs In Grosse PoInte Woods for your CAll 313-882-3500 4 of five "kin cancers, Each year some EastSIde Dermatology has offices in m

...... " ..... -- .. - January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News 88 Things to Do .by Madeleine Socia Directly behmd the St 10 pm, Thursday, Jan 30 Concerts Saturday and 2 pm, Clair Shores Public $90 $27 ~ All events take place at Detroit Symphony Sunday Library, 22500 11 MIle • IntroductIOn to Word, 1- Grosse Pointe Artists the SOC office!> unless oth- Orcher.tra: • "Everest," 1 and 3 pm, Free (586) 771.9020 3 pm, Mondays, Jan 27- Association Art Center: erwise mdlcated Tnps • Mozart'.;, ReqUIem, With Saturday Feb 24 • 3-DII\1en;'1Onal mclude round-tnp motor ;,oprano K:lla Urb, alto • "Journey Into Amazmg Personal $90 ExhibitIOn, through coach transportatIOn, which Phyllli> Panlclld, tenor Caves," 4 pm, Saturday • Staymg Sharp While Saturday, Jan 25 Enrichment departs from the Service::. Jdme" Taylor, ba".., Alfred and Sunday Staymg Fit, • "LaChlu.;,a and for Older CItizens' Reiter and the Michigan • "Thnll Ride - The Artist Demonstration: Phase I, 1-2 15 pm, Fnend;,," a Juned "how iPa Neighborhood Club office.;" Stdte Ul1lver;,lty Chorale SCIence of Fun," 5 pm, The Progressive Artists TuN,day, Jan 28-Feb 25 tunng land::'la!w artl.;,t 17150 Waterloo 8 pm, Thur"day, Jan 23 Saturday and Sunday Club hosts Daphne Smith, 7 Phase n, 11 15 a.m -12 30 Carol LaChlU"a, opelllng PreregistratIOn Ib reqUIred and Friday, Jdn 24 DetrOit Stlence Center, pm, Fnday, Jan 24, pm, 'IiJesday, Jan 28-Feb Saturday, Feb 1 and run (313) 882-9600 5020 John R, DetrOit $7 EastpOinte Commumty 25 nmg through Sunday, Feb 830 pm, Satulday, Jan AARPIIRS Tax adulb, $6 semors and lhIl- Center, 16435 E Eight $40 23 25 Counseling for the 2 pm, Sunday Jdn 26 dren, agel> 2-12 $4IMAX Mile, Eastpomte Free St Peter the Apostle Elementary School, 19800 Elderly: free tax prep and Clark 21st Century Gardener: Wayne County • St Clair Shorp.;, - 9 III Gro~M' POInte Farm;" are 1 ,30 and 8 pm, Great Journey West" Presented by the DetrOit Community College: a m -1 pm, Wednebday.;" avmlabll' at the Art Center Thur"'da\, Jdn .'30 • "Shackleton's Arctic Garden Center, 9 30 a m - Regl~tratlOn IS no"," open for Feb 5-Apnl 9, St Lucy'., $15, Jur) Il'l', $11 fi "pall' 830 pm, Friday, Jan 31 Adventure" 1230 pm, Saturdayb, credIt and contmumg edu- Church, 23401 Jpflerson, fee Ca;,h A\\ ard" Sl'nd to and Saturda), Fpb 1 • "The LIOn Kmg," through Feb 1, Hlstonc catlOn cour;,es 10 Nursmg, St CI31r Shore" (586\ 771- Isabellp Goo"en, 1632 '3 Pill, Sunday, Feb 2 through Spnng 2003 Trlllity Lutheran Church, 8300 $15-$80 Slreenmgb hourly m the 1345 GratlOt, DetrOIt $15 E-Learmng, Tools & Toys, RO"h n, Gro,,'ic POInte • Gro"se PlllntclHarper DetrOit Symphony mornmg, on the half-hour per class or $40 for the PC TopiCS Software Woods, MI 48236 Wood", by appomtnwnt, In 1-5 pm, Wedne;,day Oflhe..,tra Hall, 3711 m the afternoon and ;,enes Preregl;,tratlOn Training, Personal thp afternoon, WedneHla)'" Woudward DetrOlt (313) evemng, 9 a m -7 20 pm, reqUIred (313) 259-6363 Fmancial Planmng, Saturda) 1005 Mar) land and Thur..,day", £"eb ') Apnl Free (:l13) 821-1848 567-5111 weekdayb, 9 a m -8 45 pm, Grosse Pointe Public Contmumg Health 10, SPf\ Ile;, for OldN weekends Henry Ford Schools Community Educdtlon, Fm,hlOn }.,~ue.;, Detroit Institute of Events Clt17en.., NelghbOlhood Club Arts: Inaugural ExhIbitIOn Museum & Greenfield Education: RegJbtratlOn Ib & De;,es & Sport!>, Career (31:l1 8829600 Motor,;, Center for Afncan to a "ce the Mawmb Ballet Dearborn $10 adult", $8 lfi Aquatic;" Arts & Crafts, PreparatIOn & Development Bnng a COP\ of \our 2001 Amencan Art, oppnmg Compan) productIOn of the .;,emors and children 12 and BUlldmg & Remodeling, SkIll", and more at the taxe" and all of you I formb, Saturda), Feb 1 and run- cJ<1..,;,llfaIr) tale 1" ;,pon under (313) 982-6001 Computer EducatIOn, Lutheran Ea::,t High School document.;, and relelpt;, nmg through Fall 200.'3 10 ;,ored by the St Clair Fmance and Law, Foreign E"ten::'lOn SIte, 20150 Kelly, a m 4 pm, Wedne"da) and Shore;, Adult & Commumty ~ Language", Home and Harper Woods See the Singles Thur.;,da), 10 a m -9 pm, EducatIOn, 11 15 am - 4 Assumption Cultural Garden, HumallltlCs, Sports brochure for tlme", dates The Single Way Events: Fnday, 10 a 111-5 pm, P rn , Fnday, Jan 24, motor Center: and Exercl::,e and more See and fees (313) 526-2795 Thl" II1terdenommatlOnal Saturday and Sunda\' 15200 coach depart,;, and returns • Kalo,;,olllatics ExerCise the brochure for ttmes, orgalJlzatlOn for ~JngJL> Woodward, DetrOIt $4 to St Margaret';, Church, Wmter Se::,slOn, through dates and fees 20090 ~ adult;, WIll ho,t a Game;.. & adults, $1 chJldren (313) 21201 13 Mile, St Clair Fnday, Maflh 7, times vary Mormngslde (313) 432- Grosse Pointe Park: Pizza NIght. 7 30 P m 833-7900 Shores $:l6 (586) 285 8800 $52 for two-day sessIOns 3880 • Robert Hutton Ice Rmk, Improving the $74 three-days, $94 four- Grosse Pointe Public 10 am -8 pm, daily, weath- Saturda~ Jan 25. at a Art Courses Environment for Our day:;, Twenty-five percent Library Internet Classes: er permlttmg 16200 Essex nwmbel \ home> $3, adult.;, Grosse Pointe Arti.!>ts Children's Health: A lec- senIOr discount All course" are held at the (313) 822-1681 and $1, ppr h>en or chlld , Association Art Center: ture on Ignonng PollutIOn • Free KlddlC Kalo/Baby Central Library, 10 • Countr) We"tern Lllle (586 I 776-553.'5 Non-Profit Life DI awmg. prp"ented by LocalMotlOn, 7 Slttmg, 930-10 am, Kercheval Dance, 7-10 pm, Fnday, plrltual • Beginner Internet, Jan 31 taught b\ Jack PLOtz,6 9 pm Monda\, .Jan 27, Monday-Thursday, for regis- Resources pm. Thur.;,day" 1005 Gro;,.;,e POinte War tered parent.., Non-regJ"- 1230 130 pm, Tuesday;, Tompklll::' Center, Mdf\ I.Ind Live model fee Ml'monal, 32 Lake~hore tered parent.;, pay $1 • Intermediate Internet, Wmdmill Pomte Park, Men's Friday (31.3 ) 82 1 1848 $.'i (734) 623 0773 • Kalo ExerCl;,elNautilus 2 30-3 30 pm, Tue"days 14920 Wllldlmll Pomte Ecumenical Breakfast: Artists Demonstration: Combo • Begillner Computer, $10 (313) 822-2812 Share food, fellow"hlp and <1 Film lpcture, Fnday.;, at 7 30 The Progre";,lve Artlbh $72, two ;,esslOns per 12 30-1 30 pm, Thursdays Grosse Pointe Woods: Club will ho"t a demon..,tra- Detroit Film Theatre: week • EmaI1 BaSICS, 230-3 30 • DetrOIt Symphony am, G PMemonal Church • J,m 24, Rl'v Ronald tIon b\ artl..,t Daphne • "Ru"'ilan Ark" $106, three be::'SlOns per pm, ThursdaYb Orche;,tra Day TriP, 1-6 Lund. ChIef Chdpl.llIl, Smith, 7 pm. FrIda~, .Jan 7 and 9 30 pm, Fnda\, wel'k Free (313) 3432074, ext pm, Sunday, Jan 26, $50 for re;'ldents or $52 for non De>trOlt Poilu> Chapl,un 24, at the Ea..,tpomte Jan 24 $124, four "e,;,;,lOnb per 220 COI p" Comlllulllt\ Centl'r, 164,3'i 7 and 930 pm. week Grosse Pointe War re"ldent" • ,lan 31 Dr ,lo\c<> E EIght Mile, Ea"tpomte Saturda), .lan 2'i • NautJlus Weight Memorial: • Yoga, 5 4.')-6 45 P 111 • PO\\ Thur"da).;,. Jan 23-Feb 27 Cagglflno, Dlrector- of Fn'e (,')86) 7780377 4 and 7 p m Sunda\ Tralnll1g Room, 8 10 30 • Step Into Your er ,1.111 26 am, Monda\' Thur.;,day and Rpallzc The PO"'.;,lbllItlC", $19 Epl"copal COmI1lUlllt\ 20025 Mack Plaza (313) Sef\ lle>'"of Dt'trOlt Benefits • "Talk to BpI" 5830 pm, Fllday $50 two Power of ChOice, 7-9 30, Winifred S. Malchie 7 and 9 .30 p 111 , Fnday, day;, per-week, $70 three Tue"da\ Jan 28 3432440 • !,'eb 7, Rp\ Wllham Bridge Benefit and Jan 31 day,,-per-week, ft,4 drop-m;, Power of Bplng, 7 9 pm, Seniors Yeager, Intt'lllll Pn"tor, G P Lunch: Noon, Thur::,day, 1,4,7and930pm, • Free Blood Pre'isure Tue;,day, Feb 4 Mem(Jrlal Church Jan 2'3, NeIghborhood Saturday, Feb 1 Screenmgs,9 30-10 30 am, $25 per cia::.,;,or $80 for Meet Your Pharmacist: • Feb 14, Re\ Eddie> Club, 171.50 Waterloo $15 1, 4, 7 and 9 '30 pm, Thursday, Jan 23 and the .;,erles Sponbored by St John Bra). Gro.;,,,e POlllte Fnlted Reservatwns reqUired (313) Sunday, Feb 2 Fnday, Jan 24 • Symphomc Rhapsodle,> SenIOr Communlt" CVS Church , 88'54600 DrtrOlt In<;tltute of Arts, • Cardiac RehabIlitation IntroductIOn and Mozart Pharmac\ and Way ne • Feb 21, Rev Robrrt SoupCity Sample 60Up6 5200 Woodward, DetrOIt St John HospItal at CapficclOsO, County CommunIty College, WII\::', Coordmator, from the \Vrutney, Ma.Je"tlc .$6 50 or ,$5 ,'i0 for DIA AssumptIOn 7-830 pm, Tup"da), Jan bnng your mpdlcatlOns for Marnage> Support MII1I;,try Cafe, UnJOn Street, Traffic members (313) 833-3237 7 4."i-8 45 am, Monday, 28 $15 reVIe\,> b~ a pharmacl;,t plus • Feb 28, Rl'v Fle>d Jam, Trattona Andlamo lMAX Dome Theatre Wedne~day and Fnda) • :\ImdO\\ Brook Thpalre blood pn'..,,,ure screenmgl>, Harm;" St Paul Lutheran and Agm e re"taurant~ and Adventure Serie!. Film 1 15-2 15 P 111 • Monda), Da) Tnp! CandIda," 1045 10-11 30 a III , Saturday, Church bread from the A\ ,lIon Festival: Through Sunda\ Wedne"day dnd Fnday a m 6 pm, Wedne;,day, Intefll,ltlOn,11 Bakpn dur Fd) 2 .' Jan 25 18300 E Warren, 16 Lake;,hore $5 131:l1 2 45-3 45 pm, Monday ,1an 29 $50 DetrOit Free (313) 343- 882-5330 mg till" annual bendit for • Dolphm..,," 11 a m and and Wedne'iddy 32 Lake.;,hore 8931 Lay Theological the CoalItIOn 011 Temporan 1 pm, J\1onda\-Fnd'H and Enroll through St John Pren'i,'1stratlOn reqUIred Senior He!lIth Fair: Eye Academy: "MOSES How • Sllelt('1 r COTS I, 6 10 P 111 , 11 a III , S,lturday Ho;,pltal & Medical Center, (3131881-7511 Can People of Fa'th Help • Monda). ,Ian 27, Traflic exams, blood sugar, bone • J,lfiL Goodall ~ Wild (3131 343-3157 Improve the QualIt) of LIfe : Jam & Snug,.'ill W Neighborhood Club: denSity and cholesterol test- Chlmpann>l;,: 10 am, 21800 Marter, St ClaIr Regl;,ter now for a vanety of Metro DetrOit," 730 pill, • Canfield, DptrOlt $20 (31 31 mg and blood pressure noon and 2 pm, !\londay- Shore::, PrereglbtratlOn IS of program" mcludmg screemngs, 9.30-11 30 a.m , Monday, Jan 27 St Paul • ')76-0219 Fnda), noon and 2 pm, requlrl'd (586) 779-6111 Duplicate Bndge, Kmttmg, Wednesday, Jan 29, Evan Lutheran Church, Line DanceJExercise: the Barber::'hop Quartet Calvary Center, 4950 375 Lothrop $,'5 1313) 881- 7 40 pm, Wedne"dayb, St SOCiety, Fencmg, Computer Gateshead, DetrOIt Free 6670 Clair Shores Parh and EducatIOn, AerobiC:;' and (313) 881-3374 AFT KOLA Theater SOW I RON RecreatIOn Center, 20000 more See brochure for Services for Older SEA NEWT Stephens, St ClaIr Shores times, date;, and fees 17150 Citizens Programs: Grosse Pointe Theatre: . Last week's S NAG $6 per clasb or $35 for G L 0 v E S Waterloo (313) 885-4600 • AerobiC ExerCise for "The LIOn m Wmter" 8 seven classes (586) 792- St. Peter's Learning Semors, 10-10 4.'5 am, pm, Thur::,da), Jan 23 - puzzle 5897 Center: Mondays, Wednesday" and Saturday" Jan 25, Fnr" Lakeshore YMCA Men's • Computer Classe.;, Fndays $2 Audltoflum, Gro..,;,e POInte Floor Hockey League: BegJnner Phase I, 9-11 • DetrOIt Symphony War Memonal. 32 solved Opemng" avaJlable for am, Mondays and Orchestra Maureen Lake"hore $14 (,313) 881 Sundays and Tuesdays, Wedne::.days, Jan 27-Feb McGovern Smgs, noon-4 See THINGS, page lOB begmmng Tuesday, Feb 4 Mandatory captam's meet- ACROSS o , mg, 7 pm, Wedne"day, Jan 29, Lake;,hore Farrllly TO BE LISTED YMCA, 23401 .Jeffer"on, St ~ r.;,~ ~r:"''' J C!al r :-:.hore" $57."i for 12 { ',..'f)'If; game.;, (.'586) 778-5811 in Things to Do or Family Fun hI • ~ 4' (.c:r ... History Fill out thiS fonn and send It to: ~.< ....(~ "'4 11'« Edsel & Eleanor Ford Madeleine Socia • 96 Kercheval • Gros'ie Pointe Farms, MI 48236 '1" ',,'.f"; ~l.J""'l'; House: orfax it to (313)882-1585 by 3 p.m. Friday. For more information, call (313)884-8691 • Tour" of hou.,p, ground", chlldr('n\ play- 1~ r:,"""''''4/ 'f' Event _ (;~' (")'f::t:" hrlli"p and powerhou'if',

20 ',,,,"'f~4 5'4'"" noon-4 pm, Tue"day- 21 'J' n r~ Sunda), on the hour, Sponsoring organization _ Y"JI.md 'rldfV: through Sunday, March 30 23 Hydr,,-<:.artNr $6 adult.." $') ~eOlor'i. $4 Date Time _ suffiX children, Sf) ground., only, 24 0>1J '(12131 $18 annual pa"s prrar.e) . • T('a Room, 11 30 a m - Place, including street address _ . 28 Catch sight 01 . 31 Ostrich s 230 pm, Tuel'oday Sunday . COUSIr\ 53 Fish part 8 Ir\ law 33 Made 1100 Lake'ihore . 32 Small d"o.s 54 Exam formal 9 'My COIJSln co~on candy R(';,(>rvatlOn'i reqUi rrd for . 34 Poolroom stJcI( 55 Pedal extrerT1l Vinny' slar 36 Most ludlClOlJs mO'it ('v('nts (313) 884- Cost _ . 35 Spea~er s lies 10 I/lIoody s son 38 Gas Ihlefs 4222 . platlorm 56 Chow down 11 Comedla~ devICe Provencal-Weir House, 37 Street.comer 57 Appellation Fou 40 Evergreen . ca. 1823: Gro"sf' POlfite . Item 17 Heston S OI'g 42 Our 11111fliers Contact person's name and phone . H,.,tOflC3! Society offer::, 39 Put Into words DOWN 19 Bothersome 43 Slalhon to a tours of the house and ca 41 Same (Prer) I Last few one foal 42 DictIOnary Irst- notes maybe 22 On mom s side « Out of harm s 1840 Log Cabm, 1.4 pm, il'gs 2 saharan 24 Got the ball wWof Saturday, Feb 8 376 Phone number to be published _ . 45 Empty out 3 Nevada erty rollln9 46 Emanahon Kprcheval Free (313) 884- . 49 PenodlC oscll- 4 Fairway angle 25 'I - Camera' 47 Quahog 7010 lallon 5 Some photog- 26 See 1B-Down 48 Hardy cal>- Selinsky-Green If this is a charitable event, what organization 51 Island dance raphy lenses 27 WeI~spoIrm, often 30 LOrlQlng will be the beneficiary? _ . CommISSIOn offers tours 1- ...... ------..J 4 pm, Wednesdays '

t January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 98 Broadway' s ~LaBoheme' takes opera to new level After havmg made a the puddmg The smgers In Luhrmann hab not compro Won,t cabe pxample 1" Pdnb m the early 1950s, ater, enjoymg Luhrmann's worldwIde stIr wIth hI" the lead roleb are youthful mlsed the mtegnty of m"tead of thl' ongInal 19th hIghly creative productIOn, AustralIan film, "StrIctly and good.looklng They also PUCClllJ'Swork The cast state of the Arts century GIven the endunng that concern IS pretty well Ballroom," and then cmat- have out.'>tandIng vOIces SIngs the ongInal lIbretto, c:haracter of Pan." archItec- forgotten II1g a highly bucccs"ful, ~ur- Luhrmann audItIOned In ItalIan The orche"tra ture, th(' mam dlfflrences WhIle It IS true and reali"tIc ~tyle mOVIemU~l- delIvers a fir"t-c!ab;' perfor- are m the mId-20th century Important to remember that cal In "MoulIn Rouge," Baz more than 3,000 people to find three beth of leads to mance But the staglllg bor- dothlllg, the big L'Amour nothmg can match the Luhrmann could not re~l"t rows a lot from the Illgenu- neon "Ign oublde the garret expenence of hearIng a trylllg hI:" hdnd at opera dlternate In nIne perfor- mances each week lty of New York mU;,lwl "tudlO wmdow and a free- great artlst lIve, unamph- productIOn techmques He pro<-eeded to create a They're also good actors wheehng treatment of sur- fied, III a hall WIth fine whole new <;tIr by prodUCll1g and m a standard theater Scene changes are madp title;, acoustIcs. that IS not always m audience VIeWActors pOSSIble 'La Boheme," the most fre- which IS much "maller than Thebe tran"latlOns of the WaIt III po;,ltlOn on btage quentl) perf 01 filed opera III the u;,ual opera house, the before the actlOn beglll~ It-aged have undeq;one a major acoustIcs and audIences After all, he rea;,oned, the tlfip;, easIly WIth the ~trug- update shouldn't put up WIth that art form In lid I,) \\ here Bebt of all, the perfor- MlInl The obvlOu:""olutlOn ghng artl;,b, laughs WIth For anyone \Ii ho knowb So why not enhance? i,'Tdnd opera onglllated wa;. mance 1<;neatly balanced 1" to c!o"e ,)our eyl':" and II,,- their effort;, to make jokes the WOldb bemg "ung III entertaInment for pveryone of their hard;,hlp;, and betwpen mUSical and dra- ten to great blllgmg "The Houston Opera mahc values It COmE'bto Luhrmannha;,upda~d Italian, the first lmpre"SlOn Sellout hou:,,(';,,lt t!w empilthlze:" With theIr of some of the projected (whIch uses amplIficatIOn) life on btage III a way that It the produltlOn III way" thdt Broddwa) Thedter "ugge<;t Impetuou;, romances tl an"ldtlOn" If,a "hock and want;, more presence for that h(' I:":"ucceedlng ThE're I;' a lot to be SaId oftE'n doeb not III a tradI- help It Without C0ll1pr01l11~ their vOIces It only worne;, tIonal Oppfa productIOn lIlg ltb Illtegnt) The "ettlllg then a really good laugh Seeing It I:"the proof of for thl" approach The pnvate jargon of 19th me that a new generatIOn century artlbt~ I;' wnverted should understand the mto the 1950'" jargon of our qualIty of un amplIfied o~ n pop culture smgmg" Young violinist, new 'old' symphony On the other hand, It 1;'d bawdy joke, for DIChIera apprecIate;, what pxample, when the artl.'>ts a productIOn lIke thIS can (hi-tract the landlord from do to mcrease the populan- add up to a stunning DSO concert collectmg rent b,) plymg ty of opera him WIth booze and flatter- "The more way" that peo- By Alex Suczek Jarvi picked up on edch III VIenna, Rott wab a "chol- OpIng a mU"lCdll'xpre""lOn mg hIm about hi" "ex ple become familIar WIth SpeCial Wrrter other'" lead" and performed ar;,hlp student at the that Wd'"In"'plred b) theIr apppal The effect I" hIlan- opera, the better," he saId MIXlllg dnd matchlllg With a ;,pontanelty that can Vienna Conservatory, where time;, au" and wonderfully con "If the Broadway La "electIOn...to Il1dke up a only occur With mUSICIans he was befnended b) fpllow E\ en Bfilhm;, ;,cem<;to \!ncmg It I" dn Important Boheme goes on tour, I'd good t.OnCl'rt program I'" a who feel the "ame about the student Gustav Mahler illt hke a gho"t through element of Luhrmann's brmg It to DetroIt" "peclal art III It"l'lf ,lIld IllU"ICand are totally com- He admIred Wagner, borne of the phrd"e" of the effort to make the "tory Of course, DIChlera IS Dl'trolt S~Il1phon,) fortabll' \\ Ith and Ill"com- ;,tudwd WIth Anton Ia"t mOVP!TIpntbut Rott totdl\) cf('dlbll' to a contcm- "tIll totally dedIcated to the Onhl'"tra MU"ll Dln'ltor mand of theIr performance Bruckner and compo;,ed hi;' dl'veloped thp Ilork dnd porar~, popular dudlCnce tradItIonal grand opera tra- Neeme ,Ian 1, 1'"dn .lClOm- In the "ong like :,ccond only bymphony at age 2.3 d dItIOn ''There's nothmg lIke brought It to pen"lvc HI" real acc:omplJ;,hment, pll"hl'd artl ...t dt It E\ er) movement andante, the Seekmg support m hlb tineVOIcesaIls 1I1l1"tVadllll Glu7mdn, wntrol of the orche~tra (or after a nprvou:" breakdown 3g(' the encore \\ .I" d "eg great mUbll over the orchestra" "tunnlllg thl' audlellt.e 1\ Ith the IIlU"ICl3n,,'remarkrble and the manu;,cnpt wa;, ment called' Dream"" from DIChIera sums up hIS a dazzling \ Irtllo"o tn>at- abilIty to re:"pond to hlb buned m the Vwnna hbrarv open-mmdedness on the Wdgner\ opera, 'Tn;,tan He I;' not Without CrItlcb, ment of tl1(' Tlhm kO\...k~ p\ ery lead) produced a where It lay forgotten untIl" III subject With the judgment und bolde' an arrang('- of course Dyed-m-the-wool VIOlin C'oncl'rto, and an ..pam Ie,,;, accompanIment only 14 years ago It reveab that "Opera really has to be ment b,) Swedl:"h compOber, opera f3n;, object to the 0\ erpO\I enng 01 chl' ...tral for Gluzman':, exqul<;lte per- a great talent and ..uggebtb tIed to where It IS per- Johann Svend"en It made bod, mIke" worn bv the perfiJrmancp of a gorgl'ou;, formance that WIth RotC;, unhmel) ,I formed" !ovmg lonc!u"lOn to a bnl \t'ad;, and the amplificatIOn 19th cpntur~ "\ mphon,\ Tempo IlldlcatlOn for the death, the world wa" hant mU"lcal evenmg of theIr VOlcei-and the the- Certamly Luhrmann has that \1 a" lo...t for 100,) ('dr'" thIrd movement Ib "VIVaCIS- depnved of much more Jarvi I:"With u;. onCl: dter orche<,tra In the pIt taken full advantage of the The combll1atlOn wa" noth- "1010: whIch I;' like gOIng great musIc that he lOuld more thl" week With perfor Even though the amphfica- Broadway stage for hIS Ing "hort of ;,p('ctacu I~h"n<:nh<:r~ JnU her ~U~'h dl'~u" IOJ1I~' R<:Ill:JleU -lA\1 '; ,OP\1 Respondlllg to the audl- III the Alps ApproprIately u,an Itin}' I,x.u,e, on 100ai mtere'lmg lollee Subtitled the' Ob<;esslOn,nIt dehghtful waltzes, all very \llumghl Itnn' RepeJled 4,0 ;\11,1(8 ,0 PM Tue T Sal) Beta Kappa He I" majonng I" a ;,erlC:"of brIef quotes remInIscent of Mahler and 9:30 A!YI PO~III".I' PO~III". 111 cheml"try from partlta;, and sonatas delectably VIennese 2:00 PM rHF LH,AI 11'oSIDFR of Bach, woven mto a mes- The mterestmg aspect of (Jilt \{\ Ro\( I ThonnOIl Pam IIOllltllll/(H] l( ('Ill It /",/~, Ril har" H"lIomn P, norwl Prot, (//on Jm /.. {'II \II~" \ Oni< , the feehng of Mahler'b ;,tyle r, • merIZing mUSIcal tapestry H,"" JL ImL \1~ 'Lli ,md III \1I..,n ,m uJ1llltmg 11.111 111"1' I'",II allomel' DJ\ IU Draper and Dougla, The Symphony III E IS that thlb s,)mphony was hour 01 pmlll\C ililludc' ,mJ IlJcJ' RLpL ltCJ DLll1J1'CI I,ll..e Jn m'lde 100' JI CUTTent leg,)1 l"ue, Michael Berschback. major by Hans Rott. whIch wntten before Mahlpr com- 12'0\\1( 1() 1'\1 II IOJ1K' Repeated 'i ,0 AM 10 PM Loyola UniversIty and an a:""ocmtl'<;' de~ee from the 10:30 AM \, \ I ERCOLOR \\ORK~II()P 3;00 PM THE EASTSIDE EXAMINER CookIng and H(hpltallty An \hO\\ (JIl"/ Rwu, /(()~"I/~ 4rrtlc Rm~of ufe De/mil loo Reno\l neu lo( II Jnl,1 (,lrol I JChlu'a demon,tr,lIe\ 110'1 Jllita KClrn mlef\le ....' Ill:ople of mtereSI from In"tltute of ChIcago (Ir",',11I SiDe PM POINn~'i OF HORTICUI.TURE , \ 11 t; h ," I 11 \t;' llonKulluJ1<,1 Co Ho,t, \111 Anthony & Jim Farquhar ",-,t ,( I ,'lit )'- SATURDA\I, FEBRUAR\I 8 12;00 PM nn. FCONOMIC CT l'ROF \11 \h )1,': ,t',.'-. 11;11~1 PI'. O•. fROIT ,hare lip' give, advice and mtel"lews local aulhonuc<> 6:30 P.M. on gardcnlng Repealed 8 AM ~ Gllrl/ The H"',oml'i< /('Hm" Ai/pam"'- Mawr GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL nil or /),'(mll 1C.lIUre, natlonallv kno\l, n gue't 'pca).,er, dl'lu"mg I-XOO- ..\11..\ - ( .S.\ I lUTTenl IOJ1le, m Ihe hu,mc\<' Ulmmumt) R<:pc,lIed , $40 per person. advance tickets only AM 10,01'''1 , SChedule subject to change wrthOutnol~ For !ur!tler Contact GP MemorialChurch. Pam Radlick 313-882.5330 ,r,formahon ca[ 313881 7&11 • , • . . .. e • eo .e -- - .. *-'..- January 23, 2003 108 Family Fun by Madeleine Socia Grosse Pointe News

Academic 5401 Woodward, DetrOit $5 pill, Sunday 315 E Neighborhood Club: Grobbe Pomte Farms (313) Grosse Pointe Pa'rk: adulth, $2 50 senIOrs and Warren, DetrOit $5 adu[tb, RegIster now for a vanety 343-2074 • Robert Hutton Enrichment ell'mentarylhlgh bchool stu $3 chIldren, 5 and up (313) of programb Illcludmg Mom ReflectIve Rmk, 10 a m -8 Kumon MathJReading: dents, $3 college <;tudentb, 494-5800 & Tot Exerc16C, Gymnastics, Events pm, dally, weather permlt- ASbumptlOn Cultural children under 12 free Henry Ford Museum Play Group, Tot and Pre K Harper Woods Public tlng Patterson Park, 16200 Center offen, these courses (313) 833-1805 and Greenfield Village: Sportb Skills, Library Book Club: For Essex (313) 822-1681 to buIld skills and confi- Detroit Institute of • "A New Way of LIVing," DaddylDaughter Dance, g-rade<; 4-6, 4 pm, • Tompkllls Center dence, 3 45-6 45 pill, Art,,: 10 a m -4 pm, featunng R BuckmlJl,',ter WInter Brpak Camp, Girl!> Thul~daYb, through Jan ActlVltlCb Wedne,',day<; or 10 amI Wedne"day and Thur"day, Fuller'!,> DymaxlOn Hoube and Boys Floor Hockey dnd 30 19748 Harper, Harper Karate for Kids, pm, Saturdayb 21800 10 a m - 9 P m Fnday, 10 • IMAX Theatre mot e See brochure for Woodb Free (313) 343- Thursdays, Jan 30-Apnl 3, Marter, St Clair Shore" a m -5 pill, Saturday and 9 a ill -5 P m Mondd,)'- tllnPb, dRtl'''' and fee.., 171,50 2,')75 all ages, 4-5 15 pm $80 per month plu" a $50 Sunday ,')200 Wood"" ard, Saturday and noon 5 pm, Watprloo (313) 885 4600 Grosse Pointe Public $45 reglstratlOn fpe 1586) 779 DetrOIt $4 adult!>, $1 chil Sunday 20900 Oakwood, Library Winter Film Sparmg Clas!>, all age:", 6111 dll'n or free for DIA mpll1 Dearborn $850-$1350 Fun & Games Festival: "Norman the 5 15-6 15 pm, Thur"dayi>, Attractions ben, (3~3) 833-7900 MU~l'um IMAX Thedtre, Grosse Pointe War Doorman," "Harry the Dirty Jan 30-Apnl 3 $45 Detroit Science :1>10.ldulb, $8 ~('nlOr" and Memorial: SkI HI Club, for Dog," "Whl,',t1e for Wllhe," WllldmJ11 POInte Park, Anna ~('ripp" Center: chtldren, 12 and under Due grade" 6-12, ..,kung ervatory: • DTE EI1l'fKj Spark" to the lirl'enfield Vlliage Knob, 4 ,W II ,jlJ P 1II. r.ly"WIIUU::' TdJpuk .. (313: 822 2?12 Dome.~tJc dnd PAotlt pldnh Theater Re..,tordtlon ProJect, thl' Fnddy'>, th Iough l\ldrch 7, • 4 pm, Tuebday, Jan Grosse Pointe Woods: lOam fipm,dally Belle • IMAX Dome Tlw,ltre Village will bl' dO~l'd Illclude., lound trrp Illotor 28, Gros!>e POlllte Woodb • 2nd Annual Wlllterfc:"t, bh" DetrOIt Adml""lOn I" • DI~ltal Donll' through Saturday, May 31, lOach tran"!)()rtntlOl1 Blanch 20600 Mack IIlcIudeb chlh cook-off, frel' through FrIday, ,Ial1 PI,llH'tanum 2003 1313) 9826001 ~27, Illdudp" War • 4 Pill, Wedm'sday, Jan refrebhments, Ice "culptlllg 31 Regular ddml,',~lOn l~ :1>2 'WlI1ter Nlght...," 1 and 3 Play Central: Thl' l\1emorwl [I) and PUll' Knob 29, Central Branch, 10 demonstratIOn, "corll 0 (om. adult" and gUided tour.." 'l> 1 pill, Saturday and Fanu[) ('pnter "pon..,or.., Student Card, two bkl Kercheval petitIOn and Coa"t Guard benlors and thlldn'n, 2 12 Sunday mdoor pia} for prp,'.choolpr", [e<;"on..,or onp ..,nowboard • 4 pm, Thurbday, Jan Ice rescue demonstratIon, (313) 8524064 9 a I~l -3 P 111 , l\londay- dtCOmpallled b\ a parl'nt, 1L'''Mln 30, Park Branch, 15430 11 am, Saturday, Jan 25 Belle Isle Aquarium: Fnddy, 1030 a m -6 pm, grandparent or carpglvpr, $43 ppr tnp I'.lthout Kercheval Lakefront Park, 23006 Dome~hc ,1Ild tropltal fj..,h Saturday, noon-S Pill, through Wpdnt'..,d,H, AprIl rental Fn'e (313) 343-2074 Jefferson Frpe (3131343 and aquatIc anllnal" 10 Sunday 5020 John R, 30 'j,S6 J)l'r tII]) \\ Ith "kl 2470 a III -5 pm. daily Bl'lle Dptrolt 'j,7 adlllt~, $6 • 1 ,3 P m 'l\Il!"day" ,Illd rl'ntal ~ • Indoor Ice Skatmg at I..,le, Detroit :1>3adult.." ~2 "l'lllOf:-' ,Illd chtldren, 2-12 Thllr..,dd\" Beaton ,~61 [WI tnp Illth ..,no\\ Grosse Pointe Farms: Ulllverbity Llggl'tt School childlen IJ1aJ 8iJ2 408a $4 Il\IA,X 1)0Hll' $4 plane Elpl1ll'ntary Slhool bO'\I d Il'ntal \Vllltcrfe..,t 2003 & ChIli McCann Ice Arena 5-7 Automotive Hall of LJrlum 1'313) f>77-8400 Prl'"cllOol Hoom, 19475 ~ 12 fm t \\ 0 "kl 1l',,~ol1" Cook Off Contebt Game", pm, Sunday~, through Fame: Detroit Zoo: Bedlon"fidd, !IMpel $12 for om' "nlJ\l boar d let' d,\ Ing/re"cue and Ice March 30 Free, WIth valid • C/a~"'1t Llr~ • \Vtld Wlntpr, fanllh on WOlJ(I.., Ip""on tarvlllg demon<;tratlOn, I.:e GPW park pa":,, Acro..,.., • TIll' Drl\ lng Splllt," enll d adlvlhp.." 10 ,1 m 4 • 9 11 am WedIlr"da,", '~2 Iul kl'~horp fi..,hlllg derby, ..,pon.,ored by from 1045 Cook Video p m through Frida, r'l'b Bm lIl'" r:dr!\ (,hildhood' Pf('rt'gl"tl atlon f('qllll cd the Gro..,se Pomte F drms 10 a m -5 p III Tl1l'~d:n 28 Centl'r, 20090 l\-!oflllng"ldl' 131'3)8817f>11 Boat Club, noon 3 pm, Theater Sund:n 21400 Oak\lood In • AntIC Rll1g of Ltfl' :1>2ppr VI"lt, pl I f,lIml) Kids Euchre Night: Fm Saturday, Jan 25, Grobse PuppetART: "Fm>blrd,' Dearborn $6 rldulf~, 'j,') .'i0 exhll)\t, 4 2 acrp" of arctIc 1.31 II 432 .38.32 agp" 11 17, 6 .lO 8 ,30 P III POinte Farm" PlCr Park, 2 pm, Satllrda\', Jan 25 ..,enlor,'" ~.1 fOI d1l1dn'n, .'i ,1Illl1wb and a dpar undl'r- Classes Wedne"da\, ,Jail 29, :350 Lake"hore Preregister DetrOit Puppet Theatre, 26 12 (,'313) 240-4000 II atl'r Polar Pa"'''dg"p Cl'ntral B~nndl of thp for the Chlh Cook-Off by E Grand RIver, DetrOit 'I>'i, Children's Mu<;eum • N atlOnal Amphlbl.ln Gro~!'le Pointe Public (710..,"l' POll1le Pubhl Thllr..,day, Jan 23 Free children, ,$7, adult" (,'3131 Detroit Public Schools: ('1lI1"1'T\ .ltlOn ('pnter School!> Community Llbr.lf), 10 Kl'nhl'\ dJ, 13]3} 343 240'i 961-7777 • IIlldgl'l\I

• DI"lO' ('I tlw Wllltl'r 12 lR) '398 mlO'~ (., mboll'l', KIllr!prmU"lh I"rom page 8B 0\\ n homl'" b, dell\ onng tan level 131'3) 883 776!) Sk\ I'lalwtdlltllll Shm\" 11 Do!>~in Great Lake .. Sport... dIld I-;'l'rll"l' ,1Ild 4004 I1wal", l\londay FrIday, from • ServIce WIth Love, pro a III 'lIld I p!ll Thur"d,I\' Mu ..eum: "\Vorklllg" ~hl' otlll'r ,outh .lnd p,lrent Oil the SOC Neighborhood \ Ide dally telephone I ea,,- ,1I1d Fnda\ ", for chlldrpl1, 4 In 1,111<1 Sed" Storll'" of l'I1tl'd 1IlIl'rl,,,t,, Sl'P tIll' Wayne State Club office, 17150 Waterloo surance call to "enlOr.., 12 Afnum Ampnlan" 011 thl' brudmn' for tlmp", ddtl''' Vniver!>ity/Hilberry No l'xpplIence needrd l313) 278 7796 9 ,I m 4 p m !\1ond,l\ (rn'dt L.lk<,..... through Apnl .11Id f< l" 20090 Theatre: "Thl' PhIladplphw Trallllng prO\lded (3131 FmJ[n 6134 Sl'wnd 2003 10 a m 'i pm, :'Ilornlllg"ldl' I,) 1.314,~2 Ston ' through Sdturda\, fl829600 • TRIAD, fight tfllne Dl't I OIt $,3 pl'r progra III Wednl'.,(1.1\ Sunda) Bl'IIl' '3SRO Feb I, R p 111 Thllr"d,l', agalll.,t .,ClllOr,', b) f:lClhtat. <.3 1 ~ 1 R 7.3 S 1()O ["It D('lrOlt 'i> J ddlllh, 'j;2 Gro ....e Pomte War S.ltllnL1\ 2 p rn S,ltllrd.I\" Retired Senior lI1g the exchange of mfOl- Dl'troit Hi"torical dlJ!drl'1l 'i-18 \\'pdllP"IJ,I\" Memorial: and \Vpdnl'"da\" 4743 Volunteer Program of matlOn between ~enlOr» and Mu~eum: ,m fn'l' 1'~1.3)8'i2 4051 l\loll11'rlD.llIghter Sdl Ca"" Dl'tlOlt 1>7'i0 '1>20 Wayne County: Offer:" a law enforLCment agpncle" • Frl'I1Lh AlIIl'lll.II1" Dr. (,harle .. H. Wright Dl,jl n,,(' \\'ork"llOp for age" (,31'3).'i772972 varIety of \ olunteer place- 13]3) 883-2389 pxhd)lt Museum of Mrican- 10 alld up, ]0 a III -noon, ment opportumtIes • Dl'trolt Sh Ie '1'11(' American History: Saturday, Jal1 2'i, Gr(),,~e • Keeplllg Independent 1930b, througil Sund,ly, • Elder Gl pm, Dance t1d"be~ for ages 3 1.3, l/lVlte" ) ou to bpend two to • Be a STAR III the Life With termlllally III patient!" pm ";"ttll d.l\ 'llid SUl1d'l\ W('dnl',dil\-Saturd:J~, 1-'> 4S4ipm, four hour" per month help of a Child, tutoring In math offering caregwer reltef Itlg "el1lOr" n'nlall1 111 theIr and readlllg at the elemen. (800l 397-9360

kathleen stevenson

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( '"

Section C CLHSSIFIED s Knights are kings of the Palace of Auburn Hills

By Dana Wakili Eagle" get the chance to thmg special" as they pu<;hed the lead to It looks bIgger than on TV, to run on the same floor and Special Wnter pIa) at the Palace jU"t hour" Lutheran East's Robert 14 at the end of the third and playmg m front of rebound around the same If you looked on the court before the Pli>tons played Carlisle said he had only quarter and defeated the 20,000 beats, even though baskets as Wallace at the Palace of Auburn the New York Kmcks? "een the Palace on TV and Eagles, 62-53 they're not filled, you can "We have our own Ben Hills, you could see him get- 'We actually made a few knew playmg a game there "It looh bll!!!er from the lust Imal!lne " Wfll1rtC'P,' Grp('r "''lId "HIS llllg I eaJy fUI Lhe gdllte, 11I~ pJ10 Ill' calls and we were would be special "Commg In, court, a lot bigger,' Lowe Carlisle Sald 'I thought I hair sticking ~tralght up and name IS CurtiS He plays "uppo"ed to play another I wai> overjoyed,' Carlisle s3ld It take" a little get- was kmd of speCIal I out m the familiar giant hke him, too You saw hiS team, ' "did ULS head coach said "I dldn t know how to tmg used to at fir"t We thought I was famous for a afro haIr, didn't you? If he sees Dean RI"tov"kl It ended handle It I was Just trymg struggl('d 111 the fin,t half mmute ' Ben Wallace looked a ht Ben, I know he's gOlllg to go up Luthl'ran Ea"t vo]un- to keep my compo"ure and then we brought It back up Thp Eagles might have tle shorter and It "eemed a crazy He's his Idol Before teerpd "0 m..,tpad of plaYing trYing not to be overexClted " after the halftime" lo:.t the game but they didn't little earl) for the DetrOIt we walked m, we saw that at our place, we thought It It was a httle exciting for ULS Thomas Greer led lose out on the expenence Pli>tons forward to be warm- sIgn nght there and we said, would be d great opportum- both team" as ULS lost a all scorers WIth 21 POllltS Pistons rookie Tayshaun Ing up CurtIS, stand nght next to t) for the kid" to come to the four-pOint lead m the "econd and Leython Williamb added Pnnce stopped by their lock- It He's like, YesT' He looked That~ becau"e It I'Ia"nt Palacp and play Ai> kid.., quarter and Lutheran East 19 Matt Machemer had 16 er room and cheered them Just like him" Wallace -- It wa" Umver"lty !{To\',lng up, thl'y've alway" went ahead 27-19 With 3 45 for Lutheran Enbt up after the loss The hallway leadmg to Liggett School'<; Curti" L(m e wanted to do bomethmg like left In the half "Even better becau:,e we The wmners got a VISit the Pistons' locker room has before the Kmght" game that The kid" that I've had But the KnIghts ended the stayed undefeated," from mjured veteran Don larger-than-hfe actIOn agaln..,t the Lutheran Eai>t that are ..,enlOr" have been half WIth a 10-0 run and a Rlbtovskl :,ald Reld posters of earh Pistons play- Eagle.., hen' for rou r • par.., "0 I 2927 lead 'We re 7-0 and the:,e kid:, Before they arnved, er and Lowe got hiS picture How dHl tl1(' Kl1lght.., and thought thl'. de"PI \ { d ..,omp- Thp\ ne. er trailpd ,lgmn haven t been undefeated 111 a RIl:>tovbkl "did he had to con- next to the Wallace poster long time And we've been vmce hiS team that they "It looked close,' Lowe play1l1g real good ba"ketball really were plaYll1g at the SaId WIth a grill "He IS my and plaYlllg together and Palace favonte player on the Ju:,t worklllg hard I don't "At first they didn't Pistons I can relate to him \\ <1nt to "teal the PI "tons believe me," Rlstovskl <;ald I try to play like hIm" motto, 'gOIng to work,' but "They never believe me Lowe also heard all of the that'1:> Whdt we have to do because I always procrastl. ULS fan:. calling him "BIg All mne kid" play and we've nate on certam thmgs as far Ben" when he was playmg got to come together, hope- a<; buymg them stuff and "It was really excltmg," fully 1Il the middle portIOn of whatnot, gettmg merchan- Lowe said "A lot of our fan" our 1:>ea"on becau<;e It's btlll dl"e And when I tolG them came out A lot of people "uch a long :,e,l"on, plaY1l1g we were playmg at the from our school came out, 20 game,,' Palacp, they didn't believe It our parents were In the Although the Eagle" were So we loaded up on the bus crowd It was a I1lce atmos- disappointed With the out- today, and they're hke, 'OK, phere" come, they liked playlllg on we're gomg to the Palace' It Both teams got to watch an NBA floor was a great game It wa" a Wallace and the Pistons , It's a big treat for them. ' good tlung for U1:>' beat the New York Knick:., Lutheran Ea"t head coach Greer :,ald It wab a great which wab motivatIOn for Gary Gutenkun1:>t said thmg for team morale not only the rel:>t of the "ea- 'They really enjoyed It, I "It grt" you really eXClted, son, but the rest of the thmk Of cour"e, It would espeCially the fact that we 1:>choolyear have been better If we ould wpre undefeated, so we had have won but they still a little somethll1g to prove to "We've got a whole sectIon enjoyed It It wa" I:>t1l1eXClt- these guys," Greer said closed off and we're gOing to mg for them to be here And 'We'd never played them It have some fun and enjoy the the fan" albo enjoyed It, a lot wa" a lot of fun, though weekend,' RIStovskl saId of our ..,tudenh are here a" And we're still undefeated ' 'The kids have exams so well ' As for Lowe, who was not nght before they take theIr Carlisle Said It was better only eXCited about playmg at exams, we thought they'd than he expelled the Palace and remammg have a htUe bIt of fun" 'When I got on the court, undefeated, it was a chance MISSIon accomphshed

Photo by Bob Bruce Harper Woods' Marcus Renwick. top. beat this Lutheran North wrestler. which helped the Pioneers beat the Mustangs 39-35, Harper Woods pins Eagles

By Bob St. John who beat Marcm, RenWick by VOId, and Shorter (130 Staff writer 1 44 Into the fir"t penod pounds) won by pin Harper Woods' wr('stling Dexter Shorter ( 130 Both Harper Woods team kept Its record perfect pound,,) earned four POint:, (Howell) and Lutheran East m the Metro Conference, With a 17-8 major decI"lOn (Lutheran Westland) com- beating Clty nval Lutheran over Alex KIdd, and Alex peted m team tournamentb East 42-20 and Macomb Goetz (152 pound,,) won a la:,t weekend, earning sever- Lutheran North 39-35 la"t 20- 12 major decl..,lOn over al degrees of success week hi" PIOneer foe "The team tournamentb "So far thing" are gomg "We don't have the largest glVe our guys more chances GROSSE POINTE FARMS-CITY the way we planned,~ team, but the guy" who are to wrestle .than indiVIdual Harper Woods head coach competing arp getting bet- tournaments," Schlhl said LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Adam Schlhl said "We're ter," Ea"t head wach John "I want our kids to get In as slowly gettmg everyone back Widmer "aId "We know many matches as po:,slble - OPEN REGISTRATION - from mJunes, which wIl] wlnl1lng dual mpetl:> II:>near- because It makes them bet- help us down the road" ly out of the questIOn ter" FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 7 TO 12 The host PlOneer<; had lit- becau"e we give up 'iO many The Harper Woods tle trouble oustll1g the pOlnt."- by VOId hut we can wrestling team Improved to BEGINS ON FEBRUARY 5TH AND 6TH undermanned Eagle .... celebrat(' indiVidual Wins" 3-0 m the Metro Conference, thank<; to earmng pOIl1t." Via In the PlOne~r:,' \', In over while Lutheran East fell to Where: The Pointe After, 19005 Mack Ave., several VOIds North, Kelll1l>d) \', on by VOId 0-2 Detroit, MI (one block south of Moross) In the matche" that mat and Bobby Monaghan (125 Coming up for the tered, the PIOneer,,' Adam poundb) captun'd a 7-4 decI- PIOneers IS the Port Huron DIGlOvanm (189-pound "IOn Team Tournament on When: 6:30 PM • 8:30 PM, Wednesday, February 5th c1asb) beat East's Matt Kldd (130 pounds), Saturday, Jan 25, and a tn- and Thursday, February 6th Goetz by pm at 1 08 of the RenWick 1140 pounds), angular meet on Thursday, first penod, and AntOlne DIGlOvanl11 (171 pounds), Jan 30, at Anchor Bay Who is Kennedy 019 pound;.,) Stevp OrJada (215 pound<;), Eligible: Boys and Girls ages 7 .12 pmned Steve Lyon In 20 'iec- and Jeremy Myers (275 Next for the Eagles IS a A player'S age is hislher age as of July 31, 2003 unds pound,,) each won by pin home tnangular conference East's Chns ,Jurczak 012 Ea'it \', asn't as fortunate, meet on Wednesday, Jan 29, pounds) pll1ned hiS PlOnerr IO'ilng 63-12 to North against Lutheran Westland $125.00 for the first child. Jurczak (112 pound<;) won and Lutheran Northwest foe, as did Tom Kempm"kl, $75.00 for each additional family member North girls overpower hockey rival ReqUIred There was plenty of scor- Chelsea Skorup<;kl, Freshman goaltender Dbcumenlauon An e~tra Copy of Player's Birth Certlficate, Proof of ResIdency, mg to go around last week Chn"bna Schroder and Angela Lee got her first Reglstral10n Fee Payment as Grosse Pomte North'b Mindy Dunn led the league start and earned the girls hockey team beat Norsemen With two goals VICtory Leagues Class 'A' - An mstrucllOnalleague for 7 & 8 year olds Farmll1gton Hills Mercy 10- apwce "Collectively, we are ail Class' AA' - for 9 and 10 year olds 1 111 a MIchIgan Metro GirlS LIZ Rabldoux, Klran very pleased WIth the way Class 'AAA' - and 'MaJOrs'. for 10, 11 and 12 year olds Hockey League game KIlaru, J('sblca Richardson thlllgs are gOlllg," said coach Fourteen North players and JIllian Zylmskl also TIm Van Eckoutc "We know Season PractIce begins approxnllately the first week In Apnl scored at least one pOInt <;cored for North there's always plerty to Games begm about May 1st and the season ends pr10f to July 4th Improve upon and each day I Farms skater third in nationals our kids are domg that We NEW! Returning Players Can Register On-Line! set five or SIX second-half , An outstandll1g long pro- champlOn<;hlp'i later thIS goals, and so far, we are on Logon to www.etearnz.comlgpfcll and follow the instructions, gram moved Ryan Jahnke of <;lason pace '9On-Line registration fees apply. Grosse POInte Farms from Jahnke, who used to tram "The semors are amazmg I Sixth place to thIrd place In at the St Clair Shores leaders on and off the Ice For quesl10ns & addll10nal the Semor Men's DIVISion at Figure Skatmg Club, now The youngers players see mformal1on (313) 438-6166 the Umted States FIgure trams With former Grosse the semors' commItment Skatmg ChampIOnships m POinte reSident DIana and follow their lead It all GP Farms-City Little League Baseball Dalla'! Ronayne 111 1Ust falls lIlto place after b- P.O. Box 38696 Jahnke's effort earned Spnngs, Colo that" i Grosse Pointe Farms, Ml48236 him a trIp to the world " January 23, 2003 _2C __ Sports Grosse Pointe News

t , South skaters tie Trenton • By Chuck Klonke Trenton scored the tYing thought they ruined the Sports Editor goal game with bad calls agamst Most hIgh school hockey The Trojans took a 1-0 both teams There were way teams would be delIghted to lead at 3 13 of the first pen- too many stoppages m play leave Trenton With a tIe od when one of South's There was no flow m the However, thIS year's defense men was caught second and third penods " Grosse Pomte South ~quad pmchmg and Trenton came Despite the penaltIes, was dlsappomted WIth Its 3- down on a 2-on-1 break each team had some good 3 deadlock With the Trojans "We played OK 10 the first chances m the second pen- last week 10 a MichIgan penod," Bopp said "It was- od Rutherford stopped Metro HIgh School Hockey n't our best penod, but I was SchmIdt on a breakaway League game !>atIsfied WIth the way we and albo made a good save "I guess It says a lot about played" on Tom Porter, who was set where we are as a team to be South contmued to hold up m the slot by Bnan OlbdppullIt,t!O WI tll t) wg Its 0\\ n In the second penod, (iathff Trenton," said Blue DeVils but Trenton caught the Blue Gngnon stoned PIOneer's coach Bob Bopp DeVIls 10 a bad line change Evan Owen on a breakway "Our players played a and scored a goal at 5 30 to wIth 23 seconds remammg great game, but It seems lead 2-0 In the penod almost lIke a loss We were Less than a mInute and a South defen~eman Sean lookmg forward to thiS game half later, South got on the O'Bnrn finally broke the as a measurmg stick for our scoreboard Jordan Wmfield scoreles~ deadlock on a fine team After the way we led a rush mto the Trenton mdlvldual effort at 201 of played III Trenton, I'm sure zone, split the defense and the thIrd penod The Grosse Pointe Hockey Association Warriors Mite House team celebrates our players know that shot the puck past the He took the puck at the in the dressing room after winning the Royal Oak Christmas Classic tourna- they're ab good as any team TroJans' goaltender red lIne, skated around both ment. In front, from left, are goalie Nathaniel Erickson, Christopher Walsh, In the state Not many "It was a great effort by of PIOneer's defenseman and Thomas Coon, Matthew Przybysz, Robert Coon, Phoebe Piku and Zachary Det- teams get down 2-0 m Jordan and a big goal for slIpped the puck past tUnger. In back, from left. are Brett Slajus, Kurt Hamel, Nicholas Dane. tourna- Trenton and come back With South," Bopp said Rutherford ment MVP Lucas Schomer, Anthony Saleh and Noel Fets. Not pictured Is David three goals to take the lead" Greg Smith played anoth- "Sean has been a pleasant Trudel. For years, the Trojans er strong game m goal for surprise for us thIS year," have been one of the best the Blue DevIls as he turned Bopp ~ald "I didn't know high school hockey pro- away 24 shots how much he'd play when grams 10 the state Trenton's South got another test on we pIcked hIm for the team, Mite Warriors win hockey title eight state champIOnshIps Saturday when the Blue but he has been very solid on The Grosse Pomte Hockey assists Matthew Przybysz opened the sconng WIth an are second only to DevIls hosted Ann Arbor defense He's played much ASSOCIatIOn MIte House made several key ~aves In undsslsted goal 22 seconds Cranbrook Kmgswood PIOneer The game ended m better than we had hoped Warnors ended 2002 on a goal mto the contest among Michigan schools a 1-1 tIe, but It was another for" high note by defeatmg the The next mght, a finals Hamel, With an assist The Trojans came mto the solId effort by the Blue After O'Bnen's goal, the Troy Coyotes 5-0 III the berth was at stake when the from Schomer, made It 2-0 game With South unbeaten DeVils Blue DeVIl.;,were hopmg to champIOnship game of the Warnors faced off agamst lesb than two mInutes later and ranked No 1 In the "We dIdn't have any let- escape With a 1-0 V1ctory, Royal Oak ChrIstmas the Royal Oak Red Wmgs In Before the penod ended, state m DIVISIOnII down after the bIg game but South picked up a penal- CLaSSICon New Year's Eve an excltmg, up-and-down Schomer scored another Trenton led 2-1 gOIng mto With Trenton," Bopp SaId "It ty and WIth only SIXsecondt'> mormng game GoalIe Nathamel una~slsted goal to gIVe the the third penod, but South's would have been mce to get remammg on the power The WarrIor~' champI- Enckson shut out the Red Warnors a 3-0 advantage Taylor Morawski bed the a wm, but we played hard play, PIOneer's Scott Thomas onshIp run was a total team Wings m the thIrd penod as Scholl' er completed hIS game only 58 seconds mto from start to fimsh and scored on a "hot from the effort. combmmg solId goal- the Wamors won, 3-2 hat tnck In the becond pen- the final penod Morawski's PIOneer played a great game pOint tendIng, balanced offense Hamel scored two ~econd- od With as::'lsts by Thomas hard shot from Just outSide - maybe Its best game of Grignon, who made 23 and tIght defense penod goals Saleh added a Coon and Hamel Saleh the blue hne seemed to fool the season" saves, was screened on the Head coach Doug Hamel goal, while ChTlstopher capped the scorlllg, as::'lsted the TroJans' goahe The first penod was an shot by Thomas and hi::' staff have stressed Walsh, Trudel, Schomer, by Walsh The Blue DeVils broke the excltmg up-and-down penod "It was a foohsh penalty po::'ltlOn play smce the start Plku and Przybysz collected Enckson wa::, In goal for tIe at 6 12 on Rob Porter's WIth both goalIes - South's for us to take," Bopp SaId of the season, and It paid off assIsts. the shutout shot from the slot, whIch Mark Gngnon and PIOneer's "And we almost kIlled It off" as all 13 skaters on the WIth a spot 10 the finab Schomer's SIX goals and was set up by Avery SchmIdt Joe Rutherford - makmg South's power play, which Warnor~ scored at least one assured, the last round- two assists m the tourna- and Morawski some outstandmg saves to has been excellent all sea- pomt dunng the four-game robm game meant nothmg ment earned hIm Most "1 was so Impressed WIth keep the game scoreless son, faIled to capltahze on tournament to the WarrIors Not surpns Valuable Player honor!> my players In the third pen- The second and thIrd pen- ItS opportumtles, includIng In the opener, the Ingly, the Royal Oak MIghty Brett Holman, Chns Plku, od," Bopp saId "They came ods became an endless a 5-on-3 for nearly a minute Warnorb opened up a four- Wmgs took advantage of the Bob Schomer and Mike out determmed to Win the parade to the penalty box, and a half m the first penod goal lead on Waterford en SItuatIOn and skated to a 5-3 Trudel are Doug Hamel's game It was the best penod whIch surpnsed both Bopp "I thmk we've arnved as a route to a 6-3 vlctory Lucas VIctOry assIstant coaches The of the season for us We were and PIOneer coach Steve team," Bopp Said "Everyone Schomer, Anthony Saleh Saleh scored hiS fourth Warnors are managed by defimtely the better team III Armstrong knows what It takes to Win, and Zachary Detthnger and fIfth goals of the tourna- Kathy Dettlmger and Jim the thIrd penod" "PIOneer's coach men- and everyone comes to the scored two goals apiece to ment and Schomer tallIed Dane Sometimes, however, JUS- tloned after the game that nnk expectmg to Win We're lead the way lus thIrd Robert Coon had The team IS sponsored by tIce doesn't always prev8.11 when our teams play, there all upset If we don't win." Nicholas Dane, DaVId the WarTlors' only aSSIst Hamel & BIggs, Schomer With four mmutes are usually only two or three South's only game this Trudel, Phoebe Plku, Brett The champIOnship game Tree Service and Plku remaInIng, South got an penalties m the whole week IS a key leaguE' contest SJaJus, Noel Fets and Kurt turned qUIckly In the Management elboWIng penalty that Bopp game," Bopp saId "It was at home on SatunJay Hamel each chIpped In With Warnors' favor Sthomer called "questIOnable" frustratmg to I,ave the refs agaInst Dearborn Divine Durmg the power play, call so many penaltIeS 1 ChIld Knights open 2003 with a victory and a tie in hockey By Chuck Klonke power-play goab," bald ULS 'We have a bIg game com- added a power-play goal mg up the a~slsts Stahl power play" Sports Editor coach Dan Barry mg up on Saturday agamst from Trevor Stahl and Steve capped the sconng WIth a Barry albo praIsed the TUning Ib everythmg m "Mott'b a good team They MarYSVIlle," Barry bald Molnar thIrd-period goal from work of defensemen Adam sports lost a clo~e game to (state- "Hopefully, we can keep "tDefenseman) J ustm Schafer and Russell Rock and Steve Berger There are tImeb when ranked) Clarkston last thmgs gOing" Rock had hiS best offenSIve Hauck recorded hiS first Umverblty Liggett School's week, bO I guest'>we bhould- Barry also hopes to have game m a long time and !>hutout of the season "Berger ha~ been a work- hockey team would have n't be too dlbappomted And Adam Serafino, who mIssed Byron Hauck made some big "He dIdn't face that many horse for us," Barry said been delIghted to playa 3-3 the kIds played really hard the Mott game With a foot saves," Barry SaId t'>hots but he made the bIg "He logs about 35 mmutes a tIe With Waterford Matt for Ub " Injury, and Joe) Cobb, who Serafino scored a goal In saves when he had to," game and IS domg a great However, la ...t week wa ...a After turmng the page on I" also Injured, back In the eath of the first two penod~ Barry SaId "We had to kIll Job Adam Rock IS also play- tIme when the Knights were 2002, thIng" have been lineup for Saturday's home agaInst Port Huron With off five penaltIes and he did Ing well and he's only a a little dl,',appomted With gOing better for the Kmghtt'> game Stahl and Justm Rock plck- a good Job agaInst theIr freshman" the deadlock In Its firbt game of 2003, Serafino had scored tWice 'We were ahead 3-1 With ULS blanked Port Huron 3- 10 ULS' victory o\er Port about four minutes left In 0 In a MIchIgan Prep Hockey Huron, so hi" lost'>Wd."a cru- the game Then we took our League contebt, then fol- clalone North holds on against Rice only two penal tIe!> of the lowed that effort With the tIC "We can't afford Injunct'>to By Chuck Klonke like to see us start burymg prnod and Matt scored two against Matt our key people," Barry saId took a 2-1 lead IOta the final Sports Editor teams once we have them penod He'babofacIngtheprot'>pect Grosse Pomte North's down" ULS crushes league foe of losmg leadmg scorer Cranbrook tIed the game hockey team ha~ been hav- North got a power-play WIth a power-play goal early Tommy RUb'iell for an unde- mg trouble sealIng the deal goal from Peter Baratta, a In the thIrd penod and then University Liggett "Wf' didn't Intend to bCOrc termined time after RUt'>...ell agamst many of Its oppo- shorthanded goal from Enc broke the deadlock when the School's basketba Il tpam that many pOInt... but has surgery on hl'i finger nents thiS season Dloskl and an even-strength Cranes capItalIzed on a went mto 11." game at the (Northwe~tl contInued to In the Knights' game However, that mIght be as tally from Robbie Floyd, but North mIscue Palace of Auburn Hill" pre" ... Ub and when we beat agamst Mott, the CorsaIrs much of a tnbute to the that was the extent of the undefeated after beatmg the pre' ...there were' a lot of scored the game'b firt'>tgoal, Lutheran Northwebt 101-54 layup ...," bald ULS coach Norsemen's foe::, as an Norsemen's offense "We made a handful of but ULS came back With the mdlctment of North's play earher In the week III a Dean Rlt'>tovskl "We'd get next three mIstakes In the game, and "We aren't burymg teams Brother RIce cut the lead Metro Conference game the ball to the center of the Ru...sell ...cored an even thpy cost us four goals," hke we've done m the past," to 3-1 WIth a power-play goal Thomat'> Greer led the court and make onp pas ...for t'>treng-th goal, ab'ilt'>ted by Lock saId "We had ample KnIght'i With 27 pOInts, a layup" SaId coach Scott Lock after late m the first penod and to Adam Rock and PatrIck chances take the lead, but \\-hIle Nick Boehmkl' and The KnIghts held a 50-20 the Norsemen split a paIr of the Warnor~ scored agam theIr goahe made the saves" Schafer Schafer scored games In the MIchigan whIle North was shorthand- Lcython WIlhams scored 16 halfbme lead whlle the Kmghts were Cranbrook scored the apIece and Maunce Taylor Inter'lcholastlc Hockey ed In the second penod game's fir::,tgoal, but North's ULS hosts Harper Wood" "horthanded, and Rus!>ell added 13 on Fnda) In a battle of League last week After Brother Rice got Bobby Scarfone and Jon All mne playert'> who unbeaten Metro Conference "But we're plaYIng good wlthm a goal, netmmder 'I1baudo scored In the first dre ed for ULS broke Into team ... Norsemen win teams that don't gIVe up Col1l1lChase came up bIg for penod to put the Norsemen the cormg column Larry Bflbkl and NIck Seven of our games that the Norsemen In front Janutol each won two e..ents have been tIes or losses have "Colhn shut them down Tony Mendez played a lat'>t wpek to lead Grosse been deCided by one goal I for the rest of the game after strong game for North on POinte North's sWlmmmg guess all these close games It was 3-2," Lock said Chase both ends of the Ice City of MIChigan ~rOS5.e Joint.e ~0005, team to a 105 5-74 5 ViCtOry can be a positive We'll know finIshed With 29 saves m Thmgs won't get any easI- over Utica Ford II In a hnw to play under pressure another strong performance er for the Norsemen m the NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bIds WIll be received by the Macomb Area Conference when the state tournament North spent much of the days ahead City al the office of the CIty Clerk, 20025 Mack Plaza, Grosse Red DIVISIOnmeet starts" second penod shorthanded "Now we start our two POInteWood~,MIchigan, until 10.00 am on Tuesday.February Bn'ikl won the 50 meter North dropped a 4-2 deCI- but allowed only one goal weeks from hell," Lock said 4, 2003, at which tIme and place the proposals Willbe publIcly free'ityle and the 100 butter- sIOn to Cranbrook "I thmk we played only "We play Clarkston on Kmgswood last Wednesday opened and read aloud for furnishIng the followmg Items Tow tl) Janutol's firsts came m five minutes of 5-on-5 hock- Wednesday and Cathohc but came back to beat ey In the second penod," Central on Saturday Then Truck Body - Jerr-Dan QUIckPick 40 or Equal Copies of spec1- the 200 indiVIdual medley Brother RIce 3-2 on Lock said "John Dallas dId next week, we have Port ficatlons and bId sheets may be obtained from the City Clerk and the 100 freestyle Saturday a mce Job of kIlling penal- Huron Northern on The City reserves the nght to reject any or all proposals, to North'b other Winners were MIchael Van Beek m In the Brother RIce game, tIeS He saw a lot of Ice time Wednesday and Trenton on waive any Irregulantles In the bIddIngand to accept any propos- the 200 freestyle, Stephen North had a 3-0 lead In the and played well " Saturday" als IIdeems to be In the best Interestof the CIty CormllIe m the 500 freestyle first penod and then had to All four teams are ranked and Jack GIbson m dlvmg hold on for the VICtory In North's game With In the state WIth CatholIc Louise S. Warnke, The VICtory gave North a "The good thmg IS that we Cranbrook, the Norsemen Central and Trenton holdmg I-I record III the MAC Red won and dIdn't blow the outplayed the Cranes dunng the No 1 spots In DiVISIons I G.P,N 01123/2003 City Clerk and a 2-1 overall mark lead," Lock saId "But I'd the first two penods and and II, respectively , , • 4 ...... • __ •••••••• __ ._. __ ...... 91112... ""-- __ ~~~ ~.l January.G.ro.s.se_p.oi.nt.e.N.e.w.s------£23,2003 Snorts 3C North's defense frustrates MAC White basketball rivals took the kIds a little while to "Alex IS one of our most pomts of the second quarter By Chuck Klonke WhIte champlOn"hlp thl" that ll1md,"et every tIme )OU get used to It, but now consIstent shooters," and came out of the first half Sports Editor ~ea"on, both team" are dan- "tep on the floor With a 17-pomt lead The 'The kId" really take pnde they're learmng It, and I Trombley saId of the sopho- Macomb Area Conferencp gerou" from three-polIlt more guard "He, DaVid Rambler!> had only one field III their defen"e You can thmk we can be competitive WhIte DIVI!>lOIlba "ketball range Klem and Zac Matthews goal m the second quarter notice It on the bench III ever) game we play" teams are havlIlg trouble 'In It" game bpfort' pla)- each gave us some excellent "We were really aggres- mg U", FI a"el Illddt' el!.:ht 01 Ever) body get-. excited That theory WIll be te!>teo lightlOg up the ~wreboard playoff the bench III both ~Ive on defense,~ Trombley 21 thrt'l' pomtl-r" ," Trombley when hl' "ee" "omebody thl~ week when North meets when they play Gro""e two of the MAC White'!>pre- game" ~ald "We didn't allow them POInte North "aid -WI' Ill'ld th('1l1to onh dOlllg the flght thl ng on to make any ea"y pa~-.es .. bea"on favontes on the road "Klem IS learmng borne "ThI" wa" a gredt \\ eek 01 one defen">e ' Bramo~ "wred 10 of hiS Tromble) bellevp" that The Nor"emen played mce moveb around the bas- pIa) mg team defl'll"p," ;\1dr\"\ lilt' al.,o managed ket and Matthew,', did a good team-high 14 pom!!> m the onl) one field goal from long thl empha"I" on defen"e Fitzgerald on Tuesday, and coach Matt Trombley "aid they'll meet Romeo on Job of fillIng m lor Marcell first half, lI1c1udmg a pmr of after the Nor~emen range ,,fu! girl:" ba;,. T) mrak, the only semor on ",wrcd onh one pOInt III the who led the Norsemen With a" erage of about 36 pomt" d ,Ire "ophomofl'" - tilt' play- ketball coach, I» a""I"t1ng the North "quad, contmued Tromblc) on thl' "0 It South swims to three wins South's 200 freestyle relay Gro"se POl/lte South'" Gunderson and Stevens won boy~ !>wlmmmg team swept the 200 freestyle relay The team of Richard, Dunawa), four events last week as the Blue DeVIl!>'dwers competed Casey Browlllng and Jenzen Blue Devil" unproved to 2-0 ab the B team III the 200 fim"hed second to Huron, m the Macomb Area freestyle relay and the quar- but the Blue Devl\;.,' team Conference Red DIVI"lOn tet of Dan Kastner, T) achIeved a state-quahfymg With a 118-68 vIctory over LattImore, Kwran Connolly- time of 13262 Huron edged Eabt DetrOit Ng and Justll1 Lmne fin the South team by 10 sec- It wa" a bUby week for the Ished second ond~ Blue DevIls, who also South won the 400 The meet consIsted of two defeated Ann Arbor Huron freestyle rela) WIth the slx-per~on heats In each 101 85 and Plymouth team of Alex GarbarIno, event Canton 108-78 m a non- Carlob PadIlla, SullIvan and South had three fim"hers league double dual meet Ty Wolfe III the top blX in the 50 South's 1-2 3 filllshes Kastner, WIth a SlOre of freestyle The Blue DevIb fimshed In overtIme Other members of the The temperatures may be upgrades and planmng for speCIal events planner and 19-1 overall and had a 14-0 Freshman Emily Blue DevIls' champIOnship below freezmg, but It's tIme the 2003 season grou nds/fael 11tles/equ lp- mark In the Macomb Area KoltuOlak hIt a buzzer-beat- squad were sophomores to thlllk about LIttle League PreparatIOns for the 2003 ment management Conference White DlvIslDn 109 shot to glVe South Itb Magb"e Colhson, Samantha Baseball m Grosse Pomte District 6 11-12-year-old The meetmg IS open to the South won Its labt 19 firbt victory over Romeo In John, Kahe Kal>chtz, Woods-Shores tournament, whIch WIll be pubhc and partiCipatIOn games after droppmg Itb the second game agamst Candice Keith, Margaret The Woods. Shores LIttle held at GhesqUlere Park In from members of the Grosse opener to Grosse Pomte L'Anse Creuse, Michelle O'Connor, Kelly Sprmgborn, League's board of governors July, will also be dIscussed Pomte Woods and Shores North, which all>owent 19-1 Flkan) hIt a ~hot at the Ann Stavale, Sharollda wIll hold its annual meetmg commumlIes IS welcome thIS season buzzer to force the overtIme Sterhng and freshman Juhe on Monday, Jan 27 at 7 p m ElectIOns for membershIp Key non-league vIctOries and Koltumak made anoth- Zaranek m the Woods CIty Hall coun- to the board of governors The Grosse Pomte Woods- for the Blue Devils were er buzwr beaten to wm the cIl chambers The city hall IS wIll also take place at the Shores LIttle League pro- agamst Farnllngton Hllb (.(lntest The team wab coached by located at 20025 Mack meetIng In additIOn to nom- VIdes a multI-level program Mercy (48-37) dnd Utica Glen Wllll8m~ Flkdny \',a" South'b lead- Plaza mees who have alread) for youths from the age" of 6 Elbenhower (25 22) mg "corer With 133 pomt" Agenda Items mclude pre- expressed an mterest 1Il through 12, who lIve m the South won "everdl do">e She Wd., al"o the top South's JV team has a 17- sentatIOn and approval of servlllg on the board, nomI- boundarIes of the Woods and games m MAC White pia) rehounder \\ Ith 116 dnd the game home wmIllng !>treak, the league's finanCial report, natIOns wIll be accepted Shore" a>. It won It-. 10th dlvl">lon ll'admg ~hot blockl'r \\ Ith 18 \\ hlch I" becond to the "chool dlbcus"lOn of off-field from the audience There IS T-ball for 6-year- III Koltumak fiIll>.hpd WIth record of 38 -.et from 1994- champlOn"hlp the lted rpbound" POlnt guard "tl eak overal1 IS second III St. Paul hoops governance to the league and Major and MmGr pro- 30-28 and 36-30 vKtone'-> Stephanw Ko"tlUh wa" the ">chool hl~tory to the 32- and perform mdlvidual grams for 9- through 12- over Romeo, 34 2.'5and 29 26 tL-am'" Il'ader m a",->I"t"(45) game stnng ~et m 1989 90 camp signup functIOns, such a" player year-old" agents, regIstrar, tryout Reglstration for the 2003 St Paul School III Grosse coordmator, safety officer, "eason wIll begm on Jan 30 Blue Devils are still struggling Pamte Farms WIll hold an By Chuck Klonke 2.'5-7at the end of the qUdr- for the Blue Devllb m"tructlOnal basketball Sports Editor ter Tim McConnell led Ford camp from Fcb 17 through George Pctroulea" I"n t It'" the ">,lmLold "tor): \\ Ith 17 pOInt", :\1Jke Zak 21 for boy" and glrls from complamlng, but thl' Vl'tC'r Pl'troulem, ~ald \Ve got the had 16, and Alan 1\Jr1 added kllldergarten through Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores an Gro""e Pomte South bn" fir"t ba"kct dlld then we 11 ('Ighth grade ketball coach can't help won- turnl'd tlw ball o'vl'f a couplL' Earher, South lo"t 69-40 The camp WIll feature top Little League Baseball denng what tl1(' Blue Devil,,' oftllne" ancl ml">">eda couple to EI"enho\'.l'r coaches from the area The record would be Ifthpy had of layup., All of a "udckn, It '''a" cXdctl) the "ame,~ "eS"lOn for kmdergarten n't opened the Macomb Area (Ford I ha., "cored l'lght Petroulea"> "aId 'We got through fourth grade WIll be REGISTRATION Conference Red Dlvl"lOn "tr,ught pom!." ' down 1Il the fir"t half We from 9 to 11 a m each day season agdlll"t three of the The Falcon,,' lead reached have to do a better Job of get- The ses"lOn for the upper Jan. 30, 6:30 p.m, - 8:30 p.m. t0f. team~ l/l the dIVISIOn 30 pOlnt" <45-15) at half tm/{ out ofthl' gate" grades IS from 11 a m to 1 There's nothmg you can hnll' The Eagle" had the hot pm Feb. 8, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. do about the "chedule, but That\ not a t) plcal South hand from the ficld, hlUm/{ All skills levels are wel- AT FERRY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL come our team needs "omethlllg team," "aId veteran Ford '>6pprcpnt of theIr field goal '"AGES 9 - 12 $125.00 to buIld on, and )OU bulld on coach .Inn Barker, who attempt." Ehl'nhow('r \'.a" The cost I" $95 per stu- Ws (wlI~"i," Petroulea" "aid mo\ed to \'.Ithln "IX wm" of rven more deadly from dent Checks "hould be '"AGES 7 - 8 $75.00 befor: Soutll droppl'd, a 71- fiO? for hI">c,lrpcr threl' pOInt range, maklllg madr payable to St Paul * AGE 6 $50.00 44 deCISIon to UtIca Ford II Tlwyv(' I-",('n u» a lot of 10 (1f15 att('mpt." and mUlled to athletic dIrec- last Fnda) trouble- oVPr the )('ar" I Butler led South ""lth 17 tor Ron Masters, 35747 '"Players age on July 31,2003* "ChIppewa Valle), hnvp a lot of rp"pect for pOInt,., Walden Court, New EIsenhower and Ford an' Gl'orgp and hI" program ~ BaltImore, MI 48047 probably three of thl' be"t Ford ha:-. at lea..,t a .'500 teams l/l our dlvl"lon, and rc'cord agalIlRt every MAC those are our first thrp(' t(,dm, but the two "chool" GPSA holds officiating class league games ~ that havp glvpn the F'alcon., The Gro"">pPOInte Soccer "hould be made payable to The loss to Ford kl'pt tiLl' the mORttroubll' arc' Dakot.l A""oclatlOn I" "pon"onng a MIchIgan Referee Blue Devils wmle,,>. In eIght i3 3) and South (16 14) 1"1FA->.anctlOned refrree Commlttep gameb thl" "ea'->on To South\ crrdlt, It con clf1"" on 1\1C"day evenlllgs There haR IlPpn a common tlOuC'd to pl,ly hard III the bl'glnIllng ,Jan 28 PartICipant-. mu"t be at theme III each of South'R "pcond half and out"cored lea:;t 13 years old Class size defpats, and FrIday'1. gan1l' Ford 29-26, although Barker The "Ix-werk class 1'.111 be I" limited so pre-reglstratlOn was no exceptIOn removed the preRs and sub- held at Grosse Pomte North ISreqUIred Brendan Butler hit a stltuted frl'ely after half- High School from 630 to 9 Jump shot for the Blue time pm To rej{lster, call Mary There w1l1be an addlbonal fee for late regiStration. DeVIls III the first 10 sec Butler Ipd South WIth 11 Laplsh at (313) 885-7523 or onds, but South had only pomt" and TIm Kasl'lltz There WIll be no class on Karen Ridgway at (313) 884- NO CANDY SALE one more basket the rest of added eIght BrE'tt Fragel Frb 18 7769, or send an e-maIl to the first quartE"r and trailed pulled down mne rebounds The cost 15 $43 and checks ref2kl@yahoo com or more information call: 882.2450

d •••• _ ••••••• d11 •• '.f. f ., ••••• *•• , •••• , *." ..ft ••• 1 ,cte et'6* ' •• '1., on. Crt« •• cO ••• to tc •••• OC •• d •• d •••• 1d ••• * •. 1 ...... A •• ~.~~~ January 23, 2003 _4C __ Sports Grosse Pointe News Second-period outburst carries South past Regina

GrOl>be POinte South's 5-3 also played well, turmng South answered 10 sec- South got outstandmg The Blue DeVIls put the and Vallee abo bcored for vIctory over Regma m a back 15 of the Saddlehtes' onds later when CaItlin penalty killing from Emele game away early ,vlth a the Blue Devlb Michigan Metro GIrlS shot<, Cory found Parker m front WIlliams, Amelia Altavena beven-goal firbt penod Hockey League game labt Reb'lna opened the sconng of the net and Parker poked and Katie McMillan dUring South spent the rest of the Katl Do ...,ch had thn'e week had everythmg one mIdway through the firbt It Into the corner for a 3-2 the third perIOd, espeCIally game workll1g on pasblng abbl..,ts, while Cory, Hillary would hope for In a contest penod durmg a power play lead for the Blue Devils when the Blue DeVIls were the puck and shorthanded Ingl'r ,md P fa:,t bkatmg, Turo, who fired a qUIck wnbt some patient passm!,' and each fimshed With two four goab and an ab..,lbt, Vallep e,ll h h,HI OI)L',' ...... 1"t bkillful puck handling and a bhot mto the net puck control by Lauren 3SblStb for South while Alta"ena colletted two Ctb Whitney Hughe ...... h<1red the between the opponenb, who untracked until early m the and Megan McCaughey. ered Bloomfield Umfied 10- Champme, Katie goaltendl ng dutlP... for were meeting for the first becond penod when Dou!,'hty until Vallee found some open o LewandowskI. McMillan South timE' th ...... p;'\ ....on o:corl'd on a lnvp-and-IW wIth space In front of the goal and The g,llue featured two of Sarah Parker put the puck mto the top the top goalleb In the lea!,'ue The play seemed to spark corner of the net ND basketball gets tough wins and the two lead In!,' bcorerb the Blue DevIls, who bcored Cory made It 5-2 late m By Bob St. John KWlCtnlewbkl had bevpn Other hLlIldout.... Wl'rl - the Saddlellteb' DameJle three more goals dunng the the penod WIth a slap shot StaH wnter reboundb, 3nd Llstenbee .Jonathan ,John",oll (lH9 Syrowlk and South'b next two mmuteb Only 20 that bounced In off a Reb'lna added mne pOllltb, two pound ). Rod S,lIlder.., (21') Heather Doughty beconds after DoughtY'b defender Notre Dame'b babketball team won two close games blocked bhots, and alterl'd pound ). ,lIld .JI'I ,IllI Rpgma's Jebblca Walter, goal, EmIly Shefferly scored The Saddelites scored the Nt Earher In t1w week, tlw ULS spikers look for better days players (Junior Ryan Gallub DetrOit Catholic Cpntral and In;,h 10bt to KlhtpOintl' Ea."t and sophomore Darryl an away game on Tucbday, DetrOIt and bedt RO\(II Oak Umverhlt) LI!,'gett one more week With the old, m a 15-6, 15-1 10Sbto a solid, Clements). but we had borne Jan 28, agall1bt Madl"'l'n Kiln ball Schoo)'b volleyball team we could have won our open steady Lutheran North other kIds step up and lead Helghtb Blbhop Fole) Our Illl'et \\ Ith E.I ....t opened the Metro er" squad us to the wm " DetrOIt W.l....thl' 10\\ POlllt Ilf Conference beabon With a The KnIghts had good bal- "We fell apart early and The Flghtm' Insh led by Wrestling Ilur ....e.l ....on ... Fook ...... Id pair of defeab labt week, but ance WIth their servmg could never regroup," Corbm 1>,X pomtb at the half and .. 1<:.1 t Dl'tIOlt W.I .... 1l'.I(h to coach Greg Corbm Ib confi- Meghan Doletzky led the Said "Our serves deberted stretched the marb'ln to 15 Notre Dame'~ wn ....tllng \\ n, tk and It wa ....t'vldl'nt dl'nt that the Kmghtb can do way WIth 13 bervlce pomtb, us as we managed only 11 pomts In the thIrd quarter team fim"hed thIrd III la ....t \\ l' \\ ('I I' n t . better In the weekb ahead mcludmg an elght-pomt run successful serves In the two Brother RIce stormed weekend'", Fenton Tlll' Notre n.lll11 "We ophomore Commg up for the had onl' I11dll jll!lnl'd hi .... light Grabbe POIntp South ..... Hl'nd cO.'>ed Douglab made sure the ClarencevJlle Ub the need for qu,lhty var ...1 'The\ C.lIllP .It u .... h,lrd reasonb the g.llne due to dl",clphnat) PIOneers wouldn't buffer a Head coach Llza Rogers ty alternate" at each weight ,1Ild \\Itb a high It\d of med ..UTt...... while JunIOr setback as he duplicated hlb dnd her PIOneers dIdn't earn "Our var"lty alternates clasb We need more than Int!'n"lt\,' j{,llllJll'l .....Ild ""ere called upon to help the Gilbl'rt Walkl'r and sopho- pnor performance, bconng the big pomts when they one per ...on bO that they can 'Tht.) \\ Pfl' out to prm l' th.lt team m beveral key weIght pUbh each other to bettpr l11on' D,tn HaITI!"> both had 18 pOInt...., and grabbmg 13 needed them In the thIrd tht'lr i',lrhl'l 1o"" to U....\\.1" ,1 c1al-oseh," bald coach Jose themsclve ...... anklt. JnjUrJt" whIch bide reboundb m Harper Woodb' game, spelling a loss IllI....t.lkt. Although \\e 10..t RamIrez 11lH'd them 74-56 v, 111 over Rogers' volleyball team thl' 1ll.ltth. OUI gu" .... l.lmp MakJl1g the varblty lineup •j h.l\ e to gwe our gUyb a Clm enceville dIpped to 2-1 In the I\1etro South "pened the touma ou t \ IdOl Ioth ....1nci' the" for the fir~t time was Matt lot ot tre(ht for battling Flowers stepped up hIS Conference and 2-4 overall ment With a 54-24 Win OH'r now hdll>Vl> that WP .Ire bpt Handley at 189 pound..,. and through home cham- had beveral oPPOrtumtwl-o to pIOn L'An..,p Crell ...l' North Thl' Uro ...... e POInte Blue bchool players In the metro- they held St Alphon"u" Saroo: "FranklC Ferretti, put thiS match away Had tomght. ,Jan 23, ,It LCN DImon ...... t'\ pnth gr.lde bOyb politan DetrOit area, and the scorele!>s 111 the extra pen ad Max Pearbon, TImmy QUInn b,l ....kl'tb,llI te.llll l....n'1 c31:,lly Grosbe POinte bquad camp St Alphonsus IS led by 6- and Peter Stearn pla)ed kl'y lilt Ilmdatt'd away With a 4941 overtime foot-5, 225-pound Timothy defenblve roles Trinity basketball loses twice 1"I ....t \\ epk, the Blue victory SmIth "We just kept wearing [)l'll1on ....t.lCl'd Dearborn St The Blue Demon.., got con- "Smith IS not only bIg and them down WIth our qUlck- By Bob St John I<:a'>tCatholic Alpllon ..u" .• In undefeated "ecutlve hteal~ from .Jlmmy btrong. but he has a weat ne"" Staff writer "WI' klll'w Ea"t Catholic eIght h gracl!' tl'am lea by Sam.." MH h,,"l Koltun and '>conng touch and he IS very "Wp kl'ep plaYing excel So far 2003 hasn't bepn would be hunh'T) after 10"lng onl' of the top jUlllor high Jame ....Co..,t.l m o\ertlme a" athletic," said Blue Demons lent Pighth-grade teamb that kind to the TTllllty Catholic the gami' bpfore. hut WI' It'd head coach JIm Saros "It's arl'. of course. bIgger than boYb basketball tpam thl'm :34-30 at the hale hke playlllg agamst a future u,,: coach Sara.., said "That Thl' Lancerii fell to 0-3 Pl'rfl'tto '>md version ofShaqullle O'Neal .. dunng the fir.~t two week.., of CITY OF HARPER WOODS one to two-year age differ- Bn,m Llovd led the After fallmg behmd 10-2, the month, thanks to la..,t POLICE DEPARTMENT ence I" a huge growth year LancC'r .... m ...conng 111 pach the Blue Demons decldpd to for kId", "0 usually we're week's 73-57 10"h to Warren g.lmp. nettmg 1:3 agall1 ....t De WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN take advantage of their glvmg away great blze De La Salle and 69-53 lObS Ln Salle and 16 agam ....t Ea ..t "Upl'rlOr qUickness and "We play five or "IX days a to DetrOIt East Cathohc Catholic Other.., who NOTICE ...pread the floor 111 a tena wepk and thpo:e playl'rs just "We camp out and played playprl well W('fP Ron AUCTION OF IMPOUNDED/ABANDONED VEHICLES CIOU"full-court prl' ....s hE'p gpttlng better and bet- prl'tty well 1I1 the fi r"t half Htldrpth and Lance .Jlmmy Saros It'd the Blue 111 both games, but a lack of lUf'll1nl to PA 1M In auellOn will ~ held on January ",0 200'\ al 1000 .. m It Woods ter Playmg primarily CaldwPlI f \l, n~ lo( aled at ~2'OO F 9 Milt Road "I (t:ur \horrl; MI 1M' foltowtna Demon" WIth 18 pOin t..". blX pig-hth-grade t('ams can only musclp 111 the low-post hurt ImroundrdlahaOOmeJ vthldrl; Will be 3lKl)('ln('d rebounds and five "teals help us when WI' play m the us m each game," coach Ron Volleyball 1m 1'Iymoo'h Rm:l< 4lJR V n .. P,1J4I>

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313-882-6900 ext 3 DEADLINES HOMES FOR SAlf Photos Art log"'~ Hpen <) ndo)' 9 d r~O"JDAYS 4 PM 815 Oul 01 Siole Property FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS 9 yen 10 REAL ESTAll: FOR RENT le,..J f) n'o ''''1 c!Qsea(l'e~1 709 Townhouse,/Condo, for Renl 816 Reol bla'e bcoange RnnALS & LAND fOR SAlf mu h week Kheduled odlfe t 11 KJ w Ih 700 Apl,/Flals/Duplex- 710 Townhouses/Condm Won'ed 724 Vacation Rental- RCS-Ori 817 Reol £,'alc Wanled TlbDAY 12 NOON pfepaym~' or cred i approvel Coil for role~ or Grasse Palnle/Harper wood, 711 Ga rages / M nI Storage for Renl 725 Renlal,/LeaSing 818 Sole or Lease CLASSlflEDS tAll ornER CLASSIfICA1IONSI 1m mo eo n founallon 701 Apl,/flals/Dup ex- lUES )AY 2 NOel" PhoneI."., ,an be busy"" Monday & Tuesday 712 Garages/MIni Storage Wanled North MlCh,gan 819 Cemelery Lol' Delra,,/Balonce Wayne County {r I ~o H I j 'r (I",p la1pt DeodhM1 p&.oHl call early 713 Indu'lrial/Warehouse Rental 726 Waterfront Rental 820 Bu, nesse, fa, Sale 702 ApI-s/F""'/ Duplex- PAYMENTS CLASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP We 714 LIVing Quarters 10 Shore 822 Vocal on Prope'''e, SI Cia" Shores//v\acomb County Pre~n!J$~I!!d 'elervt!' "'e g'" 10 clo~~fy ffic.h ad undef It) 715 Motor Homes F-or Rent HOMfS FOR SALE .... ,. [1 (Cpl " ~a Mm1f,>r{o d lDsh C~e<.~ a~pfOpr ote heed "9 The publ,~h~, re~efve\ ff,~ 703 Apk/flals/Duplex- 716 OHlces/Commeroal For Rent See our Maga.z nl!!'Sed 00 Your'tiome f1"(l~(' (Ie $2 tee lor d("(.1 ned ted, lU ds r gh' 10ed t or 'elPd od copy \ubm tted for Wanled to Rent 711 OH'ces/Co'llmerc 01Wanled fot un CIO$~,hed Real (dale od~ AD STYLES & PRICES e5ubl colon 704 House, -51 Cia" Ca"nty C RRfCTIONS & ADJUSTMENTS 718 Prope,ty Manage,.,en' ...... o,dAdl Uwods ~13 75 705 Hou~s - Gro'SSe Pomte/ Responslb.' ~ for da~d ed odver1l$ ng enor I~ 719 Rent w"h Opl 00 10 Buy LAND FOR SAil .d I OM 11 wQ d\ fl5' f'lO(~ Harper Woads Ahl e'" J' on~ ~ OC(e-pied I m led to el~er 0 c.an eel ohon 01 the cho ~ or 0 720 Room s For Rent B02 Com m ere fa I Property 706 Detroll/Ba'once Wayne County Mt'(HU eJ Ad. S2A J:r ~r column nth re rvn 01 Jhe port on In e r1 or Nol f (at on mlJ$1 721 VocalIan Renlal- flOrida 806 FlOrida Property £'or.Je A-1S S2;<, l:l~ per column n(h be 9 \len n 'mle lor rorrl!'(t ()O n~ follOWing 707 House, - SI elOir Shore,/ 722 Vocol,on Renlol-Qul of Slate 801 Investment Pl'operty uue We aHUm«! no re~pan, ty lor me $ome Pholo5lOnl S S O() {"Q(h I, dudes w~ ~f!'n I b' Mocam b Counfy 723 Vaca110n Ren'oi- 809 WaferlfOnt Lots of1erthc! fnt merton ~"XJI WEGpf)O\monfy 708 House, Wanted to Renl NO'thern M ch, on 811 lols For Sole

~ ~~ ~ rmmmmm!mJ3 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ..-1016 Lakepolnte Spa- ..-1312 Maryland- upper, 3 606 St Clair 1 bedroom ...BEACONSFIELD! GROSSE POinte Clty- NEFF Lane Apartment-, SPACIOUS second 4014 Buckingham, near CIOUS clean 3 bed- bedroom, washerl upper, hardwood Grosse POinte Park 1st floor flat Immacu- 2 bedroom, 1 bath, story 1 bedroom Mack, Detroit 2 bed room lower flat Car- dryer separate base- floors Excellent loca- 2 bedrooms Laundry, late 2 bedroom With central air close to apartment on Jeller- room upper, carpet, peted appliances ga- ment, two parking tion No pets $680 storage parking screen porch, garage, Village, carport, base- son & Maryland, alarm system, patio rage newer kitchen spacing in garage (313)885-4725 $7251 month basement Available ment lease no pets Grosse POinte Park $5501 month Immedl $7801 month Rangel refngerator In- l 768 Harcourt- FIrst (313}550-8233 now $9001 month $7251 month $6001 month, gasl wa- ate occupancy (313)821-2239 cluded $7501 month month rent half OHI El- BEACONSFIELD! Jef- Cathy Champion, (313)882-9972 ter Included Non- (313)882-2544 Call Andy, 586 292- Johnstone & John- smoking No pets Se- 1041 Beaconsfield 2 egant lower 2 bed ferson Great value' NEFF Road 2 bedroom 5292 Courville Abso- 0007 stone (313)549-0036 cUrity depOSit 1/2 bedroom upper, $6501 room, all the extras I Recently remodeled 2 duplex, all appliances lutely spotless 2 bed- month rent, plus first month no pets 1316 Somerset 3 bed Call fo, information bedroom Excellent GROSSE Pomte Park Included, fireplace room, dining room liV- month rent Referen- (313)8234071 room upper Ha'd $1,300, securtty condltlonl (248)882- Large 3 bedroom low- Near Village $925 Ing With fireplace, sec- wood floors all appli- ces reqUired Avalla 1077 Beaconsfield (313)824-2282 5700, (248)344-9904 er, remodeled, hard- 248-703-0114 tion 8 preferred ances ample storage wood floors, base- ble March Denms, large 2 bedroom up- 838 Neff near Village 2 BEAUTIFULL Y main NEFF, 3 bedroom up- (586)795-8707 basement No petsl ment, off- street park- 313 417-9027 9a m - pu With den and fire bedroom upper Appli- tarned Lakepomte per all appliances, smoking $850 Ing Well- kept proper- 5pm place Totally remod ances available lower, newly available garage, air freshly (313)8865829 ty $795 plus utilities UPPER 2 bedroom, ga- eled $1 000 586 (313)882-2079 2/ 3 bedroom units painted Immediate r} (313)590-7021 rage, 698 Neff $1,050 7030666 1460 Beaconsfield 3 Appliances washe~ occupancy $1 200/ 850 Neff, 2 bedroom up Includes grounds 8 Mile & Kelly Charm- bedroom lower dryer parking stor GROSSE POinte Park negotiable (313)882- 1112 Lakepolnte upper per flat Small cozy maintenance water, Ing clean 1 bedroom (313)824-9174 age $675 (313)881- 894 Beaconsfield 2 6631 2 bedroom flat appli- $790 Includes heat washer dryer, dish- $450/ month 4893 bedroom lower, hard ances $7501 month 1ST MONTH FREEl wate' Non smoklngl NOTIINGHAM, 3 bed- washer stove, refng- (313)300-4921 wood floors, garage & ImmedIate occupan Immediate occupancy pets (313)885-3926 EXCELLENT location 2 room, lIVIng room With erator Please contact private entrance from Al TEAl Charlevolx- 1 cy (313}886-7098 1249 Maryland, bedroom Refinished natural frreplace, din- Jac Purdon (313)885- 879 Beaconsfield- clean fenced In back yard bedroom $380 Stu 2 bedroom hardwood hardwood floors new Ing room updated 3749 1169 Beaconsfield, 2 bedroom upper New bath & furnace d,o $350 Includes floors dishwasher kitchen all appliances kitchen With new ap- beautiful updated 3 Nel"ly remodeled ap- Washer & dryer hook- VERNIER! Mack area, 2 heat, Available nowl washer dryer Included updated pliances 1 car ga- bedroom Basement pliances No pets up $750/ month Can bedroom upper, air (313)885-0031 Off street parking $825 bath, off- street park- rage, basement, sep- garage $800 Kathy $650 (313)331-3559 tact Pete (586)296 appliances fireplace Includes water subject Ing $6501 month arate utilities (not in- BEDFORD, 2 bedroom Lenz Johnstone & 0597 basement garage No to credit report 888 Neff, 3 bedrooms (313)727-7062 clUded) non-smoking, upper & lower Refng Johnstone 313-813 pets $800 (313)884 Cats okay air hardwood floors GROSSE POinte no pets employment erator stove water & FABULOUS newly re- 3619 5802 furnished appliances, Woods, 2 bedroom & prior reSidency ref- heat Included $840 & 313-802-5952 modeled 2 bedroom 1178 BEACONSFIELD $1 2501 month 1,100 square foot up erences reqUired, 701 ArTS/HATS/DUI'LEX $785 month 1 1/2 se- 2 bedroom flat- close to lower near Village AT KERCHEVAL (313)971-5458 per flat, fireplace, cen $8251 month plus de- DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY cUrity (586)772 3920 Village Fireplace, Gourmet kitchen bath 1 bed /Iv rm kIt, bath tral air & heat Private POSit (313)642-0004 hardwood floors, 89 Mapleton, small cape With JacuzzI and stall bedroom Sectron 8 CHARMING flats, 1 up- $480 r plus utilities basement All applian- washer dryer, heat In- cod newly decorated shower fireplace, ONE bedroom upper okay Chandler Park per, 2 lower, 2 & 3 Open House Sat ces Included Garage cluded $1 200 new appliances Non- sunken den private near VIllage Separate area Clean qUiet bedroom, $550/ Jan 11th l1am 1pm space available No (313)886-6226 smoking $1,0501 patiO, hardwood furnace central air, safe (313)331-3663 month Good credit a (248)426.6500 pets, smokers wel- month Call before floors mud room air, Shared garage base- must (313)2200164 2 bedroom upper f1at- come $8501 month 1212 Maryland 1 bed- 8pm (313)886-2689 washerl dryer Fur- ment (313)885 0793 stove refrigerator Security depOSit re- ClEAN,2 bedroom ap room upper Hard- nlshedl unfurnished 1: Utility room With wash AFFORDABLE town- PARK, large 2 bedroom ., pi lances lawn serv qUired Half month wood floors Very $1 5001 month er and dryer 381 Ker- house liVing In Grosse freel Call 313-410- apartment, central air, .. Ice on Neff In Detroit large unIt Off street (313)886-9497 15243 Mack, directly cheval Farms $725 POinte Woods 2 bed- 9841 $6501 month plus se- no pets $6501 month parking $600 plus plus ufilities DepOSit rooms 1 bath Private FURNISHED! unfurnish- cUrity 313-822-6366 across from Grosse First last & secunty utililies 586- 783-3550 GROSSE POinte, 2 bed- & referencE's 313 entrances, appliances ed- 757 Harcourt 2 POinte Completely (586}954-3564 room furnished car- PARK- 2 bedroom low- 1216 Wayburrl- 1 100 884-0773 included central air bedroom lower sun- renovated 4 Unit up- nage house AIr er, formal dining room DUPLEX. 2 bedroom sq ft 2 bedroom low- cable ready No pets room Short term In- per apartment brand 2 bedroom- Lakepolnte washerl dryer No basement, off- street central air basement, er Completely refln $8501 month cludes all lurnlshlngs new kitchens, ceramic lower air hardwood pets Security depOSit parking appliances Side by Side, 22110 Ished Hardwood (248)848 1150 TV, air garage base- bathrooms, new car- no pets appliances $1,500 plus utilities $600 alter rebate peting, new paint Va- Moross $825 floors new applian- BEACONSFIELD, 895 ment storage Fur- $750 References (313)882-3965 313-882 6861 cant and ready to (313)343-0622 Avail ces laundry room ga south of Jefferson nished $1 600 unfur able (313)881-3149 PARK. 2 bedroom up- move In No pets rage parking Plenty Super clean 2 bed- nlshed, $975 plus HARCOURT 952 upper 2032. 2034 Vernier per & lower $750/ Starting at $6001 EAST English Village of storage EffiCient room upper Hard. utilities (313)319 1,400 sq It New car- Grosse POlnfe Woods month Air conditIon- month, credit check upper flat $700 Mint furnacel water heater wood floors mini 8050 peting 2 bedroom Water Included $7501 2 bedroom, bath, central air enclosed Ing frreplace, carpet- Re/Max Capital Real condition central ,m blinds appliances off GROSSE POINTE CITY kitchen liVing room, porch, gas fireplace, Ing garage 908 Neff Estate Please call (248)586-1828 plus utilities street parking No Lakeland I Mack all appliances $895 garage separate (313}886-8694 Jeff, (313)642-1000 (734)287-5154 pets Includes heat, 2 bedroom appliances EAST English Vlllagt1 (586)412-5930 basement cat- fnend- 1405 Somerset- 2 bed- $640 (248}370-8865 $8501 month PARK. 3 bedroom up- 2 bedroom upper, very 3 bedroom lower 811 Neff- 5 room upper Iy Non-smoking $975 per Landlord pays clean garage $625 Hardwood floors new room central air 1 car BEACONSFIELD, soulh plus utilities Includes appliances, Day (313)833 8238 water only $8001 per month piUS utilit- furnace $725 garage Appliances in- of Jefferson Newly (313)884.2170 water heat $900 No Evening (313)331- month plus secunty Ies Relerences (313)882-0033 cluded $850/ month decorated 2 bedroom (313)402-6998 pets (313)882-0340 3923 1 month (586)709 (313)885-4685 (313)640-8099 upper, appliances In GROSSE POinte City 1 EAST EngliSh Village HARCOURT lower 2 2314 eluding washer and bedroom featUring hv- 2 lower flats 3660 Dev- spacIous 2 bedroom bedroom, lIVIng din- 700 APTS/fLATS/OUmX dryer No dogs $600 Ing room dlnmg room, SEEKING prolesslonal onshire and 5315 Ha hardwood floors l,re- ~ Ing aIr condItIOning 1'0INTES/HARPER WOODS (313}331-7330 kitchen and 3 walk In to rent very sharp low- verhlll 2 bedroom place $8501 month ~ Garage, no pets Non- BEACONSFIELD, south closets Tall ceilings er 2 bedrooml study dining spilt basement plus utilities smoking $1 0001 of Jefferson 1 bed- throughout Off street completely redone $600 (586)296 9420 (313}999 0844 VlllA(,r IIVINC, month (586)949 4095 Must seel $750 (I,\f.\ ,1'1 \11 \ I ~.\Ik ..J, P" 1l,<,I"I'l\'\'" ~~()(I'R (\il..,l room upper, heat & parking laundry, all 3 bedroom upper flat, EAST English Village 2 (313)821 1628 !JJ() Nfil I pp'. \I~, I'R"I '(1",,1,1111 ."0\111.1 electriC Included utilities Included 867 HARCOURT- 2 bed- 2571 Lakewood bedroom upper laun- ~OOM ~1f\11l"" fiR'" ROOM bet111 Hh lease $550 St Clair Available 1m room upper sunroom SOMERSET- 3 bed- $6501 month 1st dry appliances $7501 '" ,,1,1.1 dR". $ I (, ~() "" .. ','.",1 "".,1 \I. d, (810)229 0079 mediately $850 No fireplace basement, room upper In the month & security de- month heat Included II J(l] KI.\I!J.l..l.! 1"",1.1,.(" l l"d.'XI" ""T~' BEACONSFIELD- new- smoking no pets garage, central air No Park Bright new POSit Section 8 wel- h"'Hh. ROO\1 \Hh (If '\j (~\RMj' (f"T~\1 \I~ \\I\JitR d~""R (313)886-3164 Sf )IS ""d, ly refurbished 3 bed- (313)647-0226 pets, non-smOking kitchen hardwood come Non- smoking MUST see 1 to 3 bed )J!.I NIII I 1'1". 1\.,,' ) bl d.IX" pRol""""II, room upper Washerl $1 100 (313)874- floors, private balco (313)823-9696 GROSSE POinte Park 2 room flats In Alterl Jef- (f,,,r & CEN5ORSHP' We CORRECT1CJIIS & AD.J.JS1'NfNTS: Wo d Ad~ MONDAVS 4 PM Prepayment •• reqUired O'Jd,honal word, 65e each mult, week "heduled odverIJ""9 w,th Re,pon"b,hty fo' da,,,hed odverIJ"ng 0""" Svodoy 9"d MONDAYS 4 PM We accepl Vila Mo,terCard re"'IVe the nghllo d05"fy each ad Abbrevlctlons not accepted prepayment or "ed,t approval erfor 15 limited ~o either a cancellation of leo 10( Hal day do~ datesl Ca.h Che

r 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS 101 P'RAYERS 101 P'RAVERS 108 COMP'UJER SERVICE 114 MUSIC EDUCATION 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES 120 TUTORING EDUCATION GUITAR and bass o MARLY Malone- fine PRAYER of the Blessed Pray for us who have UPGRADES! ~ome net- EXECUTIVE assistant FRENCH tutorl transla- l Instructor Sean MSU Jewelry Claddaghs, Virgin recourse Holy Mary works New games working from Grosse tor Your home or ,"ANNOUNCEMENT~ camera's digital deVI- grad, (313)881-1890 thistles, CeltiC knots, Oh most beauliful flower place thiS prayer In POinte home available mine Aprenez Ie ces? Don t let PC crosses, wedding of Ml Carmel frUitful your hands Say thiS 3 to prOVide word proc- problems rUin your PIANO and Theory Les- Francais (313)683- bands, Communion, times 3 days publish essing services 099 IUSINESS Vine, splendor of family's Christmas' sons In your home 3800 Chnstenlng ~ It It Will be granted to Heaven, Blessed Certified profeSSIO- Please call for more (313)884-6245 lewelry com 877-627- Mother of the Son of youMJC information (313)417- hnda@grosse 5962 nals guaranteed re- MANUFACTURER'S God Immaculate Vir- sults Affordable rates 5787 pOinte com Representative Agen- GROSSE POINTE gin assist me In my Dean (586)945-1961 11 $ PARn P'lANNERS/ cy for sale Excellent necessity Oh Star of www dtcgroup net HELP'EIl S WOODSI SHORES customer base 12 the Sea, help me and o Llnle Uague cxecut,vt PARTY planning show me herein you SPECIAL SERVICES..I 109 ENJEITAINMENT successful years In board mettlRg, January Unique party favors are my Mother Oh I'lL drive your car out of bUSiness Profitable PIANO entertainment for all occasIOns Spe- 27th. 7:00p.m, at The Mary Mother of God state References Owner retlnng Call 101 COMP'UTEII SEIVIC.( CialiZing In theme par- -- Grosse POInte WoodJ Corporate private Queen of Heaven and ties & custom favors Days (586)322 3320 (8101984-1756 Community Center weddings Frank plays Earth I humbly be- TEEN computer whiZ Call, Do Me A Favorl Evenings (586)791 Flection of office .. musIc the whole world seech you from the available to assist you (313 )399-41 89 2306 PURL Ie INVITED knows (586)774-9966 bottom of my heart, to on your computer 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS succor me In my ne- $201 hour Steve 112 HEALTH & NUTRITION 101 P'RAVERS . cessity (request here) (313)884-1914 2 tickets- Stars on Ice, There are none that The Classifieds ... HOUSE calls. speCial front row February 8, Classlfleds THANK You St Jude for can Withstand your Massage for Women iI 730pm Sandy Work For You! prayers answered power Oh Mary con- AMTA certified, 1983 (313)886-7169 c....~t 'Ie"" MP ceived Without sm, (lBD Judy (313)882-3856 313)882-6900 ext. 3 ~~~_""5 __ w -----:~. -----~- ..

Thursday, January 23, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Classlfleds (313)882-6900 ext. 3 7C 123 DECORATING SERVI(f 200 HELPWANTED GENERAL 200 HELPWANTED GENERAL 200 HEl~ WANTED GENERAL 203 HELP WANtED 300 SITUATIONS WANTED 305 SITUATIONS WANTED 400 WALLPAPERING and DENTAL/MEDICAL IA8YSITTERS APPLICATIONS ac- EQUIPMENT mainte- HOUSE l- POINTE FARMS, MI 48B6 (313)881-3934 F-AX 11 ~-640- 1"'0'" 313-300-111118 200 Hm WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP'WANTED GENERAL 200 HEL~WANTED GENERAL or 800.475-88118 1- MAll 5) Ivntrn~)aol com DRIVER! companion call MondllY' saturday, available Dependa- lI.m- 8pm ble retired fireman ComlOgSoon Very fleXible hours -Real Estate As A Career" (586)556-5226 Get Anewers to All of These Question. and Morel 30S SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSE S Lc,freel ~~XN~Y~~R' Gro\\C POinte Farm\ en Kerlheval Ave (Jrolvnlmg@aol("om boxed never used 120. W'tN'tN educate (om ~; (313)882~900ext. 3 $249 (586}463-9017

.... ,. .... Classified. Thursday, January 23, 2003 8C (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News

412 MISCEllANEOUS SOO ANIMAl bOI AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE 6 II AUTOMOTIVE 4011 FURNITURE 41 S WANTED TO BUY ARTIClES ADOPT A PET CHRYSLER GENERAl MOTORS FOREIGN TRUCKS CRIB and changing ta- SILVER Moon fox lack- FINE china dinnerware, GROSSE POinte Animal 1987 Dodge lancer, 1991 Olds Cutlass Su- 1995 Saab 900 SE, fully 1998 GMC 17' cargo ble, natural finish et, excellent condition, sterling Silver flalware CliniC sweet Beagle new tires, leather Inte. preme Excellent con- loaded, $7,200 truck, auto, air wood, 3 years old size 81 10 $400 and antiques Call miX, female Stafford- nor, nice car $1,000 dition, low miles, new (313)882-1016 $8,200 (313)881- Excellent condition (313)884-4912 JanJ Herb (586)731. shire Temer miX, good (586 )484-5466 tires! battery $2,9951 5622 1989 Volvo DL. 4 door, $225 (313)885-3874 8139 looking Shepherd mix or besl (313)885- b 12 AUTOMOTIVE STEUBEN teardrop- 602 AUTOMOTIVE burgundy, 120,000 OLD Lionel or American male, mix breed 5 9139 VANS water and sherry miles $3,5001 best MAHOGANY Flyer trains Collector month old black dog, FORD INTERIORS glasses Oxford China 1998 Saturn SL2 Very (586} 790-9020 2000 Chrysler Town & buying 1 piece to en- sweel TorM cat 1991 Aerostar, new (Fine Furniture Bryn Mawr Hendre- clean, low miles CD, Country LXI mIniVan, tire collection, any (313)822-5707 transmiSSion $2 100 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta & Antique Shop) don sectional white new tlresl brakes fully loaded, excellent condition (313)885- I 1989 F250 truck 58 1995, Celebration edl- 506 S. Washington with floral Chintz $4,5001 best condl\lon 48 000 9777 SOS lOST AND FOUND liter new everything lion 5 speed, aIr Royal Oak, MI (313)881-3707 (313)506.5293 miles $12,500 PAYING CASHl nice (313)881-5622 moonroof forrest Mahogany Chippendale 413 MUSICAL FOUND dog- About 4 60S AUTOMOTIVE (313}881-3947 For antiques, coins, green, 89 000 miles dining room table with years old, medium 1997 Silhouette Load- INSTRUMENTS diamonds, Jewelry, 2002 Focus SE 4 door, FOREIGN $4250/ best rope edge & ball & claw size black, some ed CD, leather pow ABBEY PIANO CO. watches, gold, Silver, automatiC, air, CD, full 1994 740 IL BMW load- (313)885-2338 feet (opens to 10) Ma- brownl white (Janu- er door Super clean ROYAL OAK 248-541.6116 paper money. power non- smoker, ed, black extenor, hogany banded edge 2 ary 2, Jeffersonl Pem- 60b AUTOMOTIVE The Gold Shoppe 11,700 miles Perfect gray mtenor, 72 000 $74001 best pedestal dining room ta. We Buy & Sell berton) (313)821- SPORT UTILITY 22121 Gratiot condition $9,7001 miles, $16500 Good (313)881-4030 ble with extra leaves, USED PIANOS 5623, 248-557-0938 Eastpointe best (313)881-1013 condition (313)268- 1996 Bronco Excellent b 13 AUTOMOTIVE rnanu\:ldll~ '....'" baJ, uvm CUII:>UII;l:> Sf,llflel:> cC"ld't c,.., ~e\~/ tires} (586)774-0966 Ford Taurus SE 487b WAttTfOlOIUY set newly upholstered Grands-Upnghts FOUND- small Collie 2000 alarm! radiO $7,0001 SHOTGUNS, nfles, old Wagon, Silver, ABS, Chippendale camelback PIANOS WANTED mix on E Outer Dnve 1996 Acura Integra best (248)399-1554 ALL Junk cars wanted sofa, fabulous 011 paint. handguns, Parker area (313)521-3669 24V, 41K miles Ex- black, Sport coupe Serving Grosse TOP CASH PAID Browning, Wmches- Ings (floral nautical, por- cellenl condItIon automallc, 79,000 1999 Exp'orer XL T- 4 POinte Harper ter, Colt, Luger, oth- traits landscapes EVERETI Console GROSSE POinte Animal $9,900 (313)821- miles $6,8001 best door, air power ac- Woods, St Clair ers Collector more) Set of 6 & 8 Hep- plano Perfect lor be- CliniC light colored 0340 (313)882-5343 cessones AMI FM/ Shores & DetrOit s (248)478-3437 pelwhlte shleldback din- ginning student $750 older Chow male CD Keyless entry eastSide 586.779- 1992 Grand MarqUIS- 1995 BMW 5301 78,000 Ing room chairs Sarouk (313)885-7923 pastel Tortle cat fe- Trailer hitch Tilt, 1552 416 SPORTS EQUIPMENT dark blue, leather, ex- miles, must selll 248- Oriental rugs (approx male (313)822-5707 RENT a plano $35 001 cellent condition 321-7221 crUise Excellent con- CHRYSLER, Mopar 10X11), mainly blue & month ThiS weeks POOL table, 8 (gor- 124,000 miles dition 61,000 miles stuff wanted Parts burgundy Mahogany "'I 1987 BMW 3251, 4 door, speCial, free dellVeryl geous), brand new , D $12,250 Call and memorabilia from $3,5001 best 112,000 miles Beauti- baby grand plano with Call for details profeSSional series, (313)885-2905, after (313)886-2254 ful condition 1949 10 1979 bench (41/2') Mahoga- Michigan Plano solid wood, 1" slate 6pm (313)886-6226 (586)725.4406 ny 4 poster beds (king to Leather pockets, dec. \cAUTOMOTIVE.J 2001 Taurus SES black, (248)548-2200 6.1 S AUTOMOTIVE tWin sizes) Grandfather www mlplano com oratlve legs Can de- like new, loaded, CD 2002 C320s Mercedes 1997 Ford Expedllion clock with chimes, hand liver & set up Retal) 17,000 miles $11,300 Benz Sport Station XL T 4x4, 54 liter en AUTO SERVICES WANTED- GUitars, Ban- 600 AUTOMOTIVE painted French Bombe $4,200 Sell, $1,895 (313)884-0754 Wagon Brand new, glne, excellent condi- Antique Chippendale ex- JOs Mandolins and CARS (586)465-6492 -_~_---- 603 AUTOMOTIVE only 3,000 miles tion $9,500 ecutive desk china cabi- Ukes Local collector REFINANCE! Car pay- $32,0001 make offer (313)881 5266 SOLOFl.EX muscle ma- GENERAL MOTORS nets & larger breakfronts paYing top cash 313- ment too high? Lower (313)886-4644 ' chine, all attachments (some with secretary 886-4522 your monthly pay- 1998 BUick Regal 38L 1994 GMC Jimmy Retails for $1200 ask- 1994 Inflnltl Q45, 45L, drawer) ment-.- Refmancel V6 1 owner, all pow- 135,000 highway . 415 WANTED TO SUY Ing $550 (586)773- V8- 4 door, burgundy/ TOO MUCH TO L1STI Low rates call today, er CD, like newl 78K miles $3,7001 best 2108 tan leather Bose ster- 248.545-4110 313-881-8100 $8,250 313-885-0124 (313)884-4082 ALWAYS bUying ster- 420 RESAlE I- eo system, sunroof MOVING- dining set Img Silver flatware Garage kept meticu- CONSIGNMENT SHOPS DONATE your boall 1991 BUick LeSabre, 2000 Jeep Cherokee ~ $1,400 coffee table, sets and miscellane- lously maintained ST. MICHAEL'S clean Lake St Clalrl runs good, looks Sport- 4 door black, end table, lamps, Rat- ous pieces (586}790- 150 000 miles UTILE THRIFT SHOP We are here founda. good, 94K loaded, auto, air, CD tHlt, key- tan stove (313)824- 3616 $9 500 313-550-3785 e tlon (586)778-2143, less entry power Will- 8511 20475 Sunnlngdale Park everything works BUYING old furniture, Near Mack! Vernier 100% tax deductlblel $1,750 586 779-8797 2000 Mazda Protege dows/ locks cruise RECREATIONAI..J 412 MISCELLANEOUS glassware and other Wed & Fri. 10am-3pm non-profit ES, 5 speed manual fog lamps 4x4 One ARTICLES Interestmg Items Call Sat. 10am-1pm 60 I AUTOMOTIVE 1988 BUick Regal 2 8 ,,- air, 80k miles Excel- owner $11 000 65 I IOATS AND MOTORS RANCH mink coat, John, (313)882-5642 (313)884-7840 CHRYSlER ter, auto, very clean lent condition $6 800 (313)402-6628 $2,700 Jacket S950 BUYING since 1957 $750 (586)415-9306 (313)886-1190 DONATE your boaV 1996 Chrysler Sebring 1998 Jeep Cherokee Size 8- 10 Excellent COins. Paper Money, r 1991 Mercedes 190E clean Lake 81 Clalr' LSI black, 2 door au- -19-9-2-C-a-d-llla-c-E-ld-o-ra-d-o-- Laredo whltel g, ay In- conditIOn (313)882- Gold Silver & 2 6L, excellent condi- We Are Here Founda 4521 II tomatlc loaded, 74000 miles Very tenor fully loaded tlon (586)7782143 Watches COins & tion new tires, must 85,000 miles Very clean estate sale 69,000 miles excel- 0 Stamps Inc, 17658 ANIMALS .J sell $5,900 (313)433 100 0 tax deductlblel SHAKLEE AlrSource clean $3800 $6,500/ offer Mack Grosse POinte 1901 lent condition InSide & non profit 3000 air pUrifier Free (586)344-8896 (313)885-0141 (313)885-4200 500 ANIMAL out 510995 3 day trial Excellent 653 10ATS "AIlTS AND 1995 MERZ BENZ E320 (586)954-2876 for allergies, asthma, OLD wooden duck hunt- ADO'T A I'ET 1997 Dodge Stratus ES, 1999 Grand Am GT 2 MAIHTlHAHCE automatiC, V-6, load- Wagon Black I Cream. dust, gases, mold, Ing decoys and fishing ADOPT a retired racing ed, bright red 99 000 door leather Interior AMG wheels Loaded. 1995 Jeep Cherokee MARINE WOODWORK odors & emphysema tackle cash paid greyhound Make a miles $3,200, moon roof, black, Automatic. Sunroof. Sport, 4X4 6 cylinder Custom deSigned & bUilt Mary (586)286-8786 (586)774-8799 fast fnendl 1-800-398- (586)344-8896 $8,500 Weekdays till Dealer mamtamed 95,000 miles, black Cabinetry RepairS 4dog Michigan Grey- 5pm (586)776-3955 Books. 104K. no rust runs good, dry rot 23 Years hound Connection LOOK after 6 & weekends 406 ESTATE SALES 40b ESTATE SAlES Must see! new \iresl brakes experience Have GROSSE POinte Animal Classified Advertising (313)661-0920 $16,9001 best. Great In snow $4300 PortfoliO & References Adoption Society. 313.882.6900 ext 3 (313)268-3000 (248)435-6048 seeks foster homes Fax 313.343.5569 1995 Grand PriX, 2 door Must sell! Wanted Vintage Clothes And Accessories Don't Forget- for adult cats and 100,000 miles, clean (313)477-8217 PayIng Top Dollar For The Following: dogs, kittens and pup- GrOS5lI fumte ~W5 1994 Suburban, excel- Call your ads In Early' $35001 negotiable Clothes From The 1900's Through 1970's. pies (313)884-1551 C(£:fl)Jfp?N lent condition, well ClaSSIfied AdvertiSing 586-615.8093, 586- LEXUS' $3,950- $7,550 -Costume -FIne JeWe'rvlWatches maintained, 4X4 313-882-6900 ext 3 825-7618 (734)246-3400 -Cuf'''nks -Furs -Hats -Handbags -Shoes 406 £)TATE SAm 118,000 miles $8500 Ungerle -Unens -Textnes 406 £)TATE )Am Grosw !l:>ml~ N'I kepI 1994 Inflnltl and much morel Tum south offVemlcr on Mornlngude. CHECK OUR wt:8S1Tf -'T' Fr 9.30M ..A Look forward to seeing you I WWWbartzhQugboldsaJc$,cQm Glen Arbor" actoss from North HIgh School I' \J RIC I \ C-'LL THE "OTLI~t: 313 6811 1_10 F'OR S-'LE Of TAILS Street numbers honored @ 8 30am Fflday only STREfT NUM8ERS HONORED -'T 9-'1''1 !'RIO"'" ONLf hOl 011 "hI OUR 1'(!.J'l'I8fR5 -'VAtL-'8LE 9 10AI'I fRID"" 0"(( f (~nth'd (Jml'bdl (81 ~)RRII-7R6'i

907 IASEMENT 907 IASEMENT 907 IASEMEHT 91 I IRICK/llOCK WOIIIC WATERPROOFING WATEIIP'1I00FING WATEII'ROOFING '12 IUllDING /ItEMODElING 9121U1LDING/IIEMODEliNG 912IUllDING/REMODElING A NAME THOMAS KLEINER Cd __ CAPIZZO CONST. A Affordable kitchen AVAILABLE Immediate- FIVE Lakes Construc- YOU KNOW' BASEMENT bath Basement Within • BASEMENT ly Licensed and In- tIon AddItIOns, kItch- JAMES KLEINER WATERPROOFING fer your budget I Small or sured bUilder Grosse WATERPROOFING riD en & bathroom re- -Digging Method big Jobs Repairs or POinte reSident Ex- Basement water- aTIUTI l modeling Finished • WALLS STRAIGHTENED -All New Drain TIle anythlng Licensed cellent references proofing, masonry, Mike native Grosse basements, garages AND REPLACED .- -Light Weight 10Aslag Free estimates Cus- concrete 25 years POinter (313)438- New home construc- • 10 YEAR tom resldenllal and in the Polntes l\-' stone backfill 3197 (586)773-1734 tion, Interlorl exterior -Spotless Cleanup commercial 313-824- 313-885.2097 GUARANTEE ~.o\~'J ARCHITECTURAL HOME painting All finish Family -Walls Straightened & work Siding, Windows JAMES KLEINER wood moldings Cus- Busln.n Braced or Replaced CONTRACTORS- elec- & more Excellent reo Basement -FoundatIOns tom wood doors, any LICENSED tncal sewer cleanlngl suIts References LI- Waterproofing, Underpinned size refinishing & re- INSURED camera tile dry wall, censed bUilder, fully Concrete, Masonry -Brick Concrete Work pairing 25 years ex- TONY & roughl finished car. Insured (586)773- Serving G.P. 888.0812 -20 Years Expenence penence (313)350- 6422 pentry (586)774-5900 7522 (586)405-8121 for 25 year. -10 Year Transferable (313)885-2097 Guarantee Some Clas'S/fleat/ons LOOK -Drainage Systems ARCHITECT NEW DE1JIGNS fNC KJtdtats& are required by law to Classified Advertising Installed SfHNA/lUJlf IN llrtunH.horu, a-.. YORKSHIRE AtUi,horu d- Nrw ~"- be licensed 313.882-6900 ext 3 Licensed & Insured BUilding & Renovation CoIUrrwt10N n., ..~...,s.w- Fax 313-343.5569 A-1 Quality Licensed - Insured Gr~ Point~ N~ws Check WIth proper Co"'pl,,,,,,,, Th, F-xuttltf I.KBVSED. II\I!IlIRED WorkmanshiP- State Agency Gr~ Ibmt~ ~WI Ho_ d- N"tb"or!KHH/. 19155Ea.'_of DrI". (313)881-3386 Coytq1QN tijjSfi#ri (586)296-3882 (24S)59J-8195 H a f'JHl' Woo." to verify license. (S13)1184-9 U2 St. Clair Shores, MI (313)882-6900 ext. 3 , Thursday, January 23, 2003 Classified. Grosse Pointe News (313)882-6900 ext. 3 9C

936 flOOR SANDING/ 943 LANDSCAPERS/ . . 912 BUILDING/RfMODHlNG 92' (£IlINGS 945 HANDYMAN 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTlNGjOfCORATING 960 ROOfING SfRVIH REfINISHING GARDENERS PARKWAY Carpentry PLASTER & dry wall re- .Innovatlve Hardwood. BRIAN'S PAINTING PDG Painting Over 10 Inc Smce 1987 Serv- paIr All types water Hardwood Floors.19851 PAT THE GOPHER ProfeSSional painting, years expenence In- DAVID EDWARD Ing the POlntes since damage 18 years ex- Sandlng.Reflnlshlng- HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE Intenor! exterior tenor! extenor custom 1995 All home reno- painting Insured, free ROOFING penence Licensed, Repairs-New installation , Small Home RepairS SpeCialiZing all types vatIons, addlllons, 'GuMr Cleanlog& R9jJaifs estimates (810}335- REsidential specialist Insured Joe, Lrcensed & Insured , Sma I Roof RepiIJ's of palnlmg, caulking, baths kitchens, base- (313)510-0950 3122 RE-ROOfS. TEAR OFFS Tim Tarpey : ~~~I~~n~er.~Soval Window glazing, ments Interior! Exterl. (586)772-6489 , Siding/, Deck loslalial011 plaster repair QUALITY Painting 929 DRYWALL/PLASTERING or Licensed! Insured I"sured All work guaranteed plaster repairs 24 for more Guaranteed quality AA Hardwood Floors Fully Insured I years Insured Neat workmanship ANDERSON Plastering- Best work, best pn' mformatlon Seaver's Home Main- Free Estimates and (586)677-9199 reasonable, drywalll ces Member BBB ~ I 586-774-0781 tenance (313)882- Reasonable Rates, call water damage Owner 800.519-0ART 0000 586.778-2749 914 (AR~ENTIIY works on all lobs ALL POINTES HOME or 586-822-2078 TWINS Painting- Intenor (586}604-6143 ARTIST-TREE Refinish, MAINTENANCE & extenor Plaster & 35 years experience, In- ANDY Squires Plaster Install, Repair Stain InlellO' & Exrellor DENNIS Painting Quali- drywall repairs Caulk- 2SYwrsExp. terior doors fit, garage Ing & Drywall Stucco Get a free estimate' Kitchen/Bath Remodeling ty work at a reasona- Ing Windows, doors l.kaa.sed lit Insured Painting & Carpentry straightening, carpen- repair Spray textured Mike (313)310-0675 ble pnce Exterior! In- Paint faded aluminum Drywall & Plaster Repairs FRt.E ESI1MAUS try, rotten wood re- ceilings (586)755- Gary (248)224 6243 tenor Commercial! Siding All top quality ShelVing& Cabinets reSidential Licensed matenal and work- placement Call John, Plumbing & Electrical (586)-775-4434 2054 FLOOR sanding and lin. Complete T.... Service (586)776 3796, manship Fully bond- (313)8820746 Tile Installation & Repair PLASTER arywall re- IShlng Free esh- e....tJRed AI bori6t (810)506 2233 ed Free estImate Worl< & Free EsUmat,s Quality at a CARPENTRY- Porches, pair and painting mates Terry Yerke, LaadKape Deg .... 586.822-7418, Trimmlll8 .. R_ a1 DESERT Dog Painting Competitive Price doors decks base- Grosse POinte refer- (586}772-3118 (313)670-4399 (800)819.9841 StumP!1I8 local painter Honest, ments Repairs small ences Call Charles ------reasonable Quality PAINTER. interior! exte- Jobs Free estimates 'Chip" Gibson 946 HAULING' MOVING G &G FLOOR CO work Intenorl extenor nor Great rates 30 years experience 313-884-5764 (313)884-2154, Grosse POinte resI- MOVING.HAULING (313)885-4609 PLASTER & drywall re- Wood floors only 944 GUTTfIlS (586)202-0932 dent (313)882.3286 Appliance removal, Ga- COMMON sense car- pair, 35 years experi- 313-885-0257 ERIC'S PAINTING 957 PLUMIING , FAMOUS Maintenance rage, yard, basement, pentry and practical ence Reliable Call Floors of distinction Intenorl Extenor INSTAllA TlON Window & gutter cleanouts Construction restoratIon Moldings John Price, (313)882- since 1964 SpeCialiZing In repaltlng cleaning Licensed, debriS Free estimates casings, detailing, col- 0746 Bob Grabowski damaged plaster & COMPLETE INCORPORATED bonded, Insured since MR. B'S 313.882-3096 umns, architectural PLASTER repairs, Founder! PreSident drywall, cracks, peeling COMPLETE 1943 313-884-4300 586-759-0457 PLUMBING metal castings Mike painting Cheap I No Licensed, Insured paint, caulking, Window SERVICE ROOFING (313)884 1580 lob too smalll Call member of The glaZing, power wash, SERVICE SEAVER'S Home Main- MARTIN VERTREGT any1lme Insured BeHer BUSiness Bureau repaint aluminum Siding RESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCED carpen- tenance- Gutters re- Licensed Master (586)774-2827 Free Estimates Insured Guaranteed COMMERCIAL ter since 67 Altera- paired, replaced, Plumber We supply Install, sand G PReferences tions WindOWS SEAVER'S plaster, dry- cleaned Roofing 24 Grosse Pomte Woods TEAR-OFF stain and finish wood (313)884-9443 doors, decks, porch- wall textures paint- years Insured RESHINGLE floors new & old Free Estimates 313-886-2521 eS,garage straighten- Ing Electncal repairs (313)882-0000 SpeCialiZing In New work repairs, CERTIFIED Ing seamless gutters 24 years- Grosse G.H.I. Painting- Intenor! Glitsa finish local & renovations, water APPLICATIONS OF Vinyl Siding Referen- POinte 313-882-0000 945 HANDYMAN extenor Expenenced (586)778-2050 heaters, sewer cleaning MODIFIED SINGLE ces (580)779-7619 SMOOTH plaster and long Distance ProfeSSional Insured A Affordable electncal, code Violations PLY drywall repairs Without Visa, Discover & Free estimates Refer- EXPERIENCED carpen carpentry, plumbing, Agent for ences Greg All work guaranteed FLAT ROOFING sanding Other main Master Card accepted ter finished base- painting, remodeling, Van lines (586)777-2177 SYSTEMS tenance services Global DAN ROEMER ments drywall repairs, baths, kItchens, base- VENTS available licensed GASKIN Floor Sanding INTERIOR painter Im- built In bookshelves ments, ceramic tile, GUTIERS bUilder (313)824- Natural and stain peccable work Rea- PLUMBING moulding Call Doug, marble Any1hlng big REPAIRS 0869 finish Installing and sonable rates Grosse Repairs, remodeling, 586-764-1475 repair 16 years fine or small Mike, nallve Pomte references fIxtures Installed LICENSED - INSURED SUPERIOR- drywall! FINISHED carpentry craftsmanship Free Grosse POinter, (313)220-4367 Copper replpes plaster stucco Cus- work and repairs eshmates (586}777- (313)438-3197, Sewers and drams tom painting, popcorn 822-1100 INTERIOR painting 886-0520 molding work kltchen/ 1982 (586)773-1734 - -large and Small Jabs Licensed and Insured spray Insurance Good quality service basement remodeling - Planas laur spe<:lalty) Free estimates Refer. (586)772-2614 work Insured WOOD floor sanding- A dependable and hon- additions Reasonable ences Call Dean Yorkshire (313)885-6991 refinishing Michigan est Carpentry, paint- - AppllOI1CeS DAVE'S rates Licensed & In- (586)263.9299 Floor Services, 25214 Ing, plumbing, and - Saturday, Sunday sured 30 years expe Sewer Cleaning Building & 930 ELECTRICALSERVI(ES electncal If you have Service INTERIORS rlence (586)776 9398 Gratiot Call 1-800- 8< 606-1515 a problem, need re- • Sel1lorDIscoun!s BY DON 8< LYNN Renovation (586)415-0153. Univer- pairs, or any installing, -Husband-Wife Team Plumbing Repair Roofmg ~I "16 , (steam or hOI pair Interior! Extenor l'Cel15ed Il1sured J.L. PAINTING tions all types of elec- Replpes Violations Licensed - Insured e 586-228-8934 waler) Furnace, Small! big Jobs Roofs/ INTERIORJEXTERIOR tncal work Licensed, FREE ESTIMATES service & install allan. Siding, Windows kitch- Plaster repair Licensed --- Insured (313)881-3386 Insured, owner oper- L1Cl:NSl:D & INSURED ensl baths Profess 10- Drywall cracks! (313)526-7100 ated (313)822-9685 nal references Insur- 94 7 INSULATION peeling paint DIRECT A Affordable (licensed) ed (586)873-8889 943 lANDS(A~ERS/ SEAVER'S Home Main- Window putty!caulklng, PLUMBING 973 TILEWORK electrical Small or big faux finishes SAFE FLUE GARDENERS CODE vlolatlons- Elec- tenance, 24 years- Jobs Code ViolatIons & CHIMNEY SERVICE trical, drywall, plumb- Grosse POinte Blown Power waShing! A Affordable Old World service changes or BEAT all estimates for DRAIN Tile New ceramiC, , l h mnl\ (I, ,"xng Ing Licensed Small or rolled Insulation repainting • ( aps Jnd any1hlngl Mike, native tree trimming, remov- Aluminum Siding marble Smail or big lobsl Free estimates (313)882.0000 886-8557 1 ~(£pt>ns Grosse POinter, al, IIrewood culling Grosse POinte Repairs or any1hmg Cliff (313)570'4092 In;lJlled (313)438-3197 Call John for free esti- 954 PAINTlNG/DECORlTING References *Free Estimates Licensed Mike, native • MorlJf dnd Grosse POinter, (586)773-1734 mate, (313)882-0746 FRANK'S Handyman Fully Insured O.lmpu *Full Product Warranty (313)438-3197 Service SpeCialiZing 2 Girls and a Paint Free Estimates RqJl , FIRST DAVE'S Tree & Shrub .Senlor Discount (586)773-1734 • '>'nlm II R.01o\ II In small Jobs Painting, Brush' intenor/ exten- 313-S85-0146 ELECTRICAL CO. Trimming, removals or Quality workl Ref- _ .References (, rtlllld \\ "Ier )'\l'. p carpentry, electrical, A+ TilE BY SHERI 10% discount Free Licensed Master plumbing Home In erences (586}943- J.M. & ASSOCiates .AII Work Guaranteed 20 years expenence TOM TREfltR estimates Experi- Electrrcal Contractor spectlon service 7517 CommerCial! reslden- Small Jobs welcome (313)882-5169 enced (248)547-4329 (586)776-1007 (586)791-6684 2 Men and a Palntbrush- lIal painting Insured & MICHAEL HAGGERTY Bathrooms Remodeled Lie. Master Plumber & Re-Tried Free Estimates MAC'S TREE AND Quality painting and references John. POINTE Home Serv- Free estimates Comme rClal!Resldentlal SHRUB TRIMMING affordable rates' (586)465-9342 EMIL THE Ices Home repairs COACHLIGHT Code Violations COMPLETE WORK (586}779-0590 PLUMBER (313)570-4092 CHIMNEY SWEEP CO speCialiZing In fen- Service Upgrade Reasonable Rates JOHN'S PAINTING Father & Sons ALL tile, complete new ces, painting, gutters/ AA Merit Painting Com- State lIcensed Renovations Quality Service Intenor- Exterior Spe- baths, kitchens & IIle 5154 cleaning & Window merCial/ ReSidential Smce 1949 Reasonable Rates Call Tom CialiZing In repairing BILL TO"Y deSign 18 years ex- washing Ask for Rich maintenance Power CIumneys (586)776-4429 damaged plaster, dry- MASTER PLL 'HiERS penence Licensed, or Tom, (586)530- washing, staining, Insured Joe, Qlp$-Saelrls wall & cracks peeling 313-882-0029 S & J ELECTRIC 8055 electrostatic refinish- paint, faux finishes, Win' (313)510-0950 In5ta1Jed BRANCH TREE Ing of office furniture L.S, Walker Company ResJdentlal dow puttying and caulk- Animal Removal Free estimates Plumbing, repairs & BRAVO Tile Foyers, Commercial SERVICE Ing Also, paint old alu- Cet1I1i«J & (313)884-9105 Since drains Reasonablel repairs backsplashes No Job Too Small CeRTIFIED minum Siding All work Tile, marble granite /I15lJred 1937 Insured (586)786- 313-885-2930 AlmOl{lSTS. and matenal guaran- 3900 (313)705-7568 (586}773-3336 TRU: WOHt\[f{S &: SUPER handyman ANDERSON Painting- teed Reasonable pager ProfeSSional painting complete Interior! ex- Grosse POinte referen. LICENSED and Insured M.5.lJ. rOl{[STlHS. bUilder Grosse POinte TOMA electrical plumbing tenor services Owner ces lIcsnsed/lnsured CAHING ro/{ /'( DISCOUNT $ reSident Excellent ref- 920 (HIMNEY REPAIR carpentry, remodeling works on all Jobs Free estimates $ ELECTRIC m:AlITl~'YING AI.I. PLUMBING erences Granite, of kitchens, baths & (586)604-6143 313-882-5038 BOB TOMA YOUH THU:S l'< .For all Your Marble, Pewablc Ce- J&J basements Large and Plumbing Needs ramic Free estimates Licensed Master SI )HUgS. CHIMNEY small lobs Senior diS- WALLPAPER TWO man painting WHY PAYMORE? 313-824-HOME Electrical Contractor. SINCE'1983 Sewers & Drains SYSTEMS, INC, count Rob (586)777. REMOVAL crew, togetl1er 6 Reasonable Rates 313-885-9595 years Grosse POinte MIKE'S Ceramic Tilel MICH. LIC. # 71-<15125 (5861756-7737 8633 BY 'rIM 7 DAYS - 24 HOURS Experienced quality reSidents References Marble Custom instal. Chimneys repaIred, Reasonable Rates work de~ndabJe. close to your home 586/412-5500 lations State license rebUilt, re-Iined Free Estimates 954 PAINTING/DE(ORATING 9S4 PAINTING/DECORATING lowest price Clean, reasonable insured Complete Gas flues re-Ilned Commercial 5'1-771~007 rates (586)817-0546 bathrooms (586)498- 9868 Cleaning Glass Block ResidentIal 960 ROOFINGSERYJr<, No ... GreatWesternpeopleare qualitymtndedandcourteous censed ViSa! Master- 981 WINDOW WASHING am&:II2! 800-305.9859 R'"Ri'-''' CALL 313-885-4867 Fill' 1',<"'D REASONABLE RATES card accepted 313- POR fREE IlSTIMATE '" DIlSICN FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSUREDI LICENSEO FAMOUS Maintenance "WAROWlNNlNO Ql,)AlITYWORK 372-n84 912IUILDING/REMODELING 912IUllDING/REMOOEUNG licensed Insured 36 YEARS 1iXPIiRIIlN-459.8455 -Insurance Repairs , T£XT\JAING ' wooo AfFtllSHiNG .CommeroU1 .. Resldenilal .08.11Work Warraateecl SEE HOW All'PORDABLE QUALITY CAN BEl -14 Hour Emergency 5enice • I'IE '.'IOH~ AH{)iJtIf) yourl tH)IJR~ • •aef.ren_ iIl)'OUr area 10 year workrnanJlhlp warranty FREE-ESTIMATES IU~year or longer matertal warranty' (586) 552.5494 313-884-5784 8peotaUaIng in TEAR-QFFB ] 1937 I'Ol'l£ IlIIlZ ROAD (313) 881.3970 Liolln-' ST. CLAIR SllOIIXS. I'll 48080 16837 HARPER' DETROIT, FAX 313-881 3951 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATEI

-_ . .OC •••••••••••••• en .', to. h coo ... EnqILsh T"dor In prime locale >ltu This bungalow offers a lull balh and Magmflcenl Restored Enqllsh Tudor Quahly craftsmanship aboullds In Three bedroom three and one hall C.harmlng Cape Cod WIth great <'ltf"<1 on (I c1nuhlf" lot N('"w('r foof Iwa t>edrooms on the IIrst lloor and Three 1I0ors 01 grace ll: eleqance car Ihls lovely home Inlaid wood noors bath welJ conOlitrucled spacIOus polentlal Flrsl floor master sUlle two • refinished hardwood floors "pdated second !loor New m YY 0011\Mellell Ild(,jt: lluu..>L Tl+v...,tuf) fJ}L lCl::b to 1nd If'lrtf''f1 ~f1(1 nil (]Iar;;.'iWindows home Generous rOom sizes walk in and onl half baths two Ilreplaces Julchen Corian counters seconds to and parquet flOOring Famtly room ."nken English gardens Four lire and doors are present 111 Ihl, clo~eL~ rHl:pld.t.t: IlL ji\dfl~ loom .wJ ~' .. 'l .y OfflCf' l:tt~rhf"f1 f1~ffKlE" larQ(, the Hili lor shopping and close to with qas flreplace fll1lshed basemenl places Tell bedrooms Kllchen lea beaul.ful Colomal Large lot fIlled Ice room Central air hardwood private lot sprinkles and more One schools New Proce $224900 and IWo and one half car garage tured 111Beller Homes $2 300 000 with sun and shade will dellqht you 1I0ors two car allached garage Year Home Warranly $629 000 (01'21 FI') 313886-5040 $213700 GPI2BRY 313-B86 5040 OP:59LAK 313-886-5040 $27900 GPI41lAL 313-886 5040 $500000 OP55StiO 313 886 5040 GP84fON :513-8865040

Larqe beauhruBy mamtalned seven Three bedrooms and one and one hall Th" Woods Colonial oflers three Gorgeous Ihree bedroom two lull ThIS beaullful three bedroom brock Perfect lor Star of Ihe Sea members I bedroom five bath brick two family baths This home has a large IIvll1g bedrooms hardwood noors a nalural bath home Slts nestled on an bungalow IS loc040 $130000 GPI4LAJ\ :513-886 5040 lerms 01'21 LAN 31:5 B86 S040 $269500 GP\5fAI313-8B6-5040 $232500 GPI7A!! 31:5 886-5040 OP64BIR 313-B86 5040


Bloomfield Township "'alk 10 Oakland A buyer s dream come true In Cuslom bUIll lour bedroom Iwo lull backs to wellands Four I H'''s ( ounlry Club Irom Ihls charrnmq Bloomfield Hills Five bedrooms and baths and Iwo hall baths bedrooms fou, and one hall baths thn.c bedroom two and one hair fIve and one hall baths Gourmel Contemporary homL With lhl[ce car Ihree and one hall car garaqel Maple bath home on appro. 6 acre Greal kllchen wllh ISland and butler 5 attached qaraqe f,mshed walk out cablnels gral11te cou nterlop , floor plan two Inq>lace, all apph l>antry finIShed walk out two basement two master suites stainless sleel apphances FLOIshed ,J.nl.C~ mcluded and r1mo:;ned base fireplaces and two separate garages qourmel kitchen sunroom With six walk oul basement $629 900 m('nl Btt39"1TV 248 642-~J100 $ I 250 000 BIl25BAR HB-Q4 2-8100 person holtub PL I DOtE 734-4~5600 SH66BEA 586 7:51-8180



Relax on Ihe wonderful veranda While Gracious Bloomfield Township Manor Boaler s delight! Quality Ihroughoul Approxlmate'y three rolhng aCres enjoying the quite of approXimately Home In very secluded posh sub of (313)886-5040 bUIlt In 200 I Every room has ffve bedrooms (our and one half 275 rol"ng wooded acres Four bed Inner Woods Two slory pillared waterfront vie", s and detailed baths three natural IJreplaces lull rooms Including a huge master suite enlrance to Oreat Room first Ooor workmanship Large rooms and llIllShed walk oul basemenl With w/lh sltUng area and flreplace Pool master marble granite and hard mUJllple nreplaces Gourmet kllchen second kitchen Great room has and Ihree and one hair car qaraqe 'Wood flOOTS throughout www.century21town-country.com and lour full and three half balhs cathed,al ceIling open sta"way $749900 CJP54CJRE3D 886 5040 $1499000 Bl17511lD 24B-Q42-8100 $3300 000 NB68COL 586-9495590 $799 900 ~1l14MA5 5867318180


Oakland Township Cuslom Estate on Sylvan Lake waterfront e'tenslvely Wesl Blooml,eld Townsh'p rour Custom buill condo wllh top q"alLty Bloomfield Township renovated home AddISon TownshIp Three bedrooms appro"ma',,'y len aCres of seren" remodeled Colonial with three bedroom four and one hall bath throughout Private settlllg backlllCj to wllh pool and tennLS courts Open and bonus room on second Ooor scttmq SIX bedrooms ~LX baths bedrooms dnd lhree balhs Updaled detached condo f"sl 1I00r master woods Hardwood !loors vaulled cell !loor plan newer kllchen 111 law sUlle SpacIous kitchen With Jenn Atre qourmct KLtchen and staircase lead kitchen Iwo story !ivlllg room With bedroom hIS and her bath and walk Ings dental crown moldll1gs DaylLqhl and walk-out lower 1elel Lots of gran applLances Masler WIth Jeltub Iwo mg to second le,el t.mshed walkoul JnSJdelouts,de fireplace 10 deck wllh Ln clo~E'"t library qamc room family finished basemenl wllh second lire Ite and marble ",ood floors and walk In closets Two-lour car malch sl~te:cn car qaraqe and custom pool hot lub Pnvate balcony and garage room with ",el bar and an open whIte place wel bar and bath $368 000 newer deck overlooking pool Inq garaqes Approx two piUS acres $1 650 000 Bl158NBR 248642 8 I 00 $650000 BN J BRL5 246-Q42-8100 kItchen $599900 BIl5101\1\ 248 Sl120CLE 586-731-81BO $699 900 BHs3FRA 24B-Q42 8100 $429900 SHI7Mt\C 586 7318180 642-8100 THIS HOME HAC) IT ALL BUILDER'S OWN CUSTOM SPECTACULAR VIEWS DESIGNED, BY SWANSON

Troy Ilrst lloor masler w,Ih separale FIrst lloor master with French Doors This lour t>edroom lour and one Mlf Built In 2000 Clinton RIve' and Cass Bloomfield TownshIp four t>edroom New home In Forest Bay Community ,aolly and custom Jetted tUb and 10 deck thaI runs a<:cross enUre back bath condo Is localed 10 sought aIler Lake access and dock In soulhern lour bath ranch wllh Updated kitchen Perfect size three bedroom home fixtures Large den WIth french Doors of home Great room with buill In I'tnebrook Manor In Bloomlleld Waterford Four bedrooms second and masler suite Open 000' plan w/lh unfinished walll oul lorma1 finished basemenl WIth bar balh and enlertalnment cenler vau\led ceiling. Foyer with open staircase leading 10 lloor laundry Ihree car garage and newer furnace and cenlral air Jack dlnmg room first and second floor workshop Larqe deck pavers and nreplace w/lh marble and wood upper level balcony Central vacuum daylight basement Ilullder wll\ and JII\ balh finlshee ".I'I-oUt and launc"1 three car garaqe and two car garaqe $:599 900 BH66MOU hearlh Loll with bookshelves system two lire places and deck conc;ldE"r upgrade. requests deck o,erlooklng private yard qorgeous am .. nllies Deeded dock 248-Q42 81 00 $419900 5H72SOL 5B6-7:5 f -8160 $840 00 BH55PIN 246642-8100 $4-97 000 COS4MUR 24&:563-1200 $~79 900 IlH35LAR 248-Q42 8100 $4 79 'loo C044WOO 248363 1200

Immaculate home on large 101 Two Wonderlul home on 5t Cia" River design with Crystal Creek Sut> Peate and privacy Wesl Bloomlleld Imaqlne liVing In SlOry layer wood fioors fireplace Two levels of 'Ira claus hVll1g with In contemporary lIalrl four or five on premlllm lot backlnq to Stoney presll00 (lfll ~RI313-886 '>040 "l162~RO .,867:51 B I RO $624 900 .,t137WII '>A6 7 ~ J H 180 $647900 Bt17">t1FA 2~fl6~2 8100