F,!3'" • %,!*¥W¥,?!, ?£?__.1 .. " o..? ...... Xl • - Q SQ , ~ws FarlllS council • A $10,700 party rewardmg ..lpp :n~l( ~ to r11un,clp;ll bl.,h...IJ.., L1I.iJ tOmml ...;,lOnb I;' approved b) a maJon- narrows the field t'r of the Gro;,se POlJltl' Woods City Counul Pagl' 4A • The Gro"",e POinte ... Clmton to fill vacancy Ht'lu ...e DI"P(Nl1 Authonh (GP('RDAI I" wlthholdlIlg a .$2'),000 depo"'lt By Bonnie Caprara wuncll from 1968 to 1970, plaU'd on the land It o\', n... 111 Lpnox Staff Writer ,Jo...eph T Ll'oll,lrd \\ ho 1'0\\ n"hlp and I... beekmg up to 13\ "l'ttmg qu,lhfiLatlOlI" 1('tl'lIth rl'llrt'd ,1'" thl' $2'),000 III l'xpen"e" after de\ eloper to fill t1w \ ,It.lnl\ left b\ for Farm ...' dll PI till 01 1\llblil ...el n:ll'tano RIZlO defaultl'd on thl' pur ml'r Md)Or Ed\',~rd Ga'jfney Vile of 18 \l',II'>, ,lIld Myrna l h,I"'l' of till' .$2 ;) millIon propl'rty at on the Gro.,,,e POlntl' Fdrm" 1\1 SlIllth \~ho "el\l'd on thl' nl.ltlOl ,llld 28 Mde Road Pagl' lOA City Council, the LOunul Clt\< of Gro,>"e POlllte CIty alrl'ady ha ... a "hort h ...t of CouncIl from 1987 to 1995 • Elenwntan "'lhool pnnclpa)" and potentwl council member... alld ha ... hved III Hw F,lrm" tP.ll hl'l" gl\ P par ent-- advlle on how At ltb work be;,"'lOn on for 4 1/2 \ par,> to pll'pale a lhdd for kllldergarten MOlld,I), J'lII 20, the LOuncll All thn'p t,IIHlid,ltp» "md and hem to tell If a child I" lead) 13A ,Ign'ed It would narrow the they wpre not mtere"ted 1Il • The Gros ...e POinte War field of eight candidate" to beeklllg e1eltlOn later thiS Memona]'b Ski III program contmues tho"e who hdve either vedr to prO\ Ide fun-filled ;,kllng adventur- Ph,l l In, Il nnu' Mdlt'T ;,erved un a city council or • Other candldatl'" 8» of er ... to tpenagers III the commumt)' workC'd 111 city admllllbtra- pre;, ... tunc mclude Paul (' IE Honoring the King of dreams tlOn Graley, Edward F To celebrate the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., St. Clare "Whlchl'ver candidate we Lambn'cht III, SlOtt J of Montefalco Catholic School students gathered together on get wlll have to hit the Lupo, V,IIt' rI(' Moot and Ene Monday, Jan. 20. Members of the school's Diversity Club marched ground runmng," M 1\1I1ll lnto the church. carrying signs promoting the message of Dr. Councilman Tl'rry Dnvl" In ,III, "l'\pral of tlw LOUll- King. See story, page llA. '>,wl a rl'lIl,l rk p~hopd by lllllll'n "aid .i11of thl' candl- "l \ l'ra I ot hpr cou nlllllll'1l ddtL'" had "onwthll1g to Thursday, Jan. 23 Thl' utv lOllllUI a 1"'0 "bnng to till' Llbl" ' TIll' Fnend ... of the G Io..."e POll1te ex pre ...""d an II1tl're"t III Th" wllncil will alu'pt let Publlt Llbr.ll \ \\ 1111101dtill' lir"t of It-- lindlllg a c,mdldatl' who dId ter" of IlItl'rl' ...t until Fllday, Farms may patrol the lake ,III III t1a""lt book dl"lu"'''lOn" 111 tl1l' Gro,,"p not h,1\ e IIlten,,,t ru n .J,In 24, ,It 4 3D II m From P01l1tt' South High Slhool amphlthe- nlIlg for tounul III tl1l'n', till' LOuncil wIll By Bonnie Caprara CUII'llth, four publ" ...,lllt\ ofli all'r ,It 7 30 p m No\ l'mbpr \\ hen the term of rpVle\\ t1w Il,tt"I" dlld Staff Writer Lt"" ( ["''''l'd .Ill Illtl'rt ...1 In lWlng on 'P' the lurn'nt valant "'l'dt attt'lI1pt to lOllll' to ,I lon"'l'll Dr Enolh Br,ltt'r, profl'''''or of htl'r PUbltl ,>.Ifch pdtrol" III Gro" ...l' thl tli\l' t[',11lJ .Inl! "llOrl' [),Itrol pnd" .Iture at the lTnlvel;,lt) of MIlhlgdn, POlllte F,lrm ... nw\ lIkl'h ("dl'llll to "'ll" ,It It" Marth 10 regular FOIlLIIIl,' ",lid till' dl\l tl',lm and 'I don t "ant the publll to mephng '" ill Il'ad a dl"lU";'lOl1 on 'I\ledea' b\ thl Canadian bordpr b\ thl ..."'llllJll1l'r "Iwrp p.ltlol 1lJ,1\ atu.'pt per'>onnC'1 EurlJ)J(!e" . thlllk Wl"re trylllg to hand If no deliblOlI 1" made, the ....1)" .I pubhc ".Ifl't\ oflilPr from the elt\ of (;ro,>"e POll1te Gro.,,,e Pllk a candidate," Davl» council bald It would mter Thl' ledun' I" fn'e for Frlpnd" of the Publlt "afct'r oflicer Chfl ...f Ol1t,lIlll' I'olnll' Park ,1lId Gro;,.,e l'oll1te ShoreI', Gro..,"e POlntl' Pubhl Llbran .Ind "tu- ...ald vIew the top LOntender ... and J<, \\ orkJl1g on fOl mlllg ,I dl\ l' tl'am 11fund Illg ,1110\\., On the "hort Ilst are take It to a vote at a mcetmg denh NOll-lllemlll'r" may attl'nd for and a bhore Pdt! 01 for the dl'part Font.lllll' ",lid that the dive team Robert T Herdegen Jr, who before the councIl's 60-day $10 .\ttt'ndl'l''' nla'1 rej,'1...ter by tall l111'nt and '>hon p,lt rol 111.1) be called upon "erved on the Farmb city deadlme on March 7 Ing (3131 34,1.2074 Rep ...tratlOn I" "Thl" will "PT\l' t\\O malll purpo". for mut u,i1 d d b\ the other thre(' not m,1l1d.lton, but relommended l';" Fontame "aId "The fi rbt \\ ill be to ('I0""e 1'01l1tl''' that bord('r the lake Saturday, Jan. 25 prOVIde yC'ar round. Ice dnd wdter rC''> Thl' Farm" I" the only one of the Top candidates' views cue Right nov., the only re,>cue "er Idkpfront Gro" ...l' Pomtes that hab law The Gros"e Pomte Farm" Park" vices we have IS the Wayne County pnforLpment Jun ...dlctlOn on Lakl' St According to the quahficatlOns set by the Grosse and RecreatIOn Department Will hold Shenff',., Departmen",~hlCh keep,., a Cl,ur Jun"dlctlOn extends to the Pomte Farms CIty Counetl to find a replacement for Its Wmterfest 2003 at the PIer Park boat on Belle Isle, antYthC' l T R ('OR"t CanadIan border the seat left vacant by Edward Gaffney, to date, three from noon to 3 p IT' Guard In St Clair Shore'> Thl ... \\,1\ TIlt' \V,l\ nl' Count\ Shenff's of eight people who expre,,!>ed an mtere"t m fill10g the Tlw P\ l'nt, oppn to f'arm ...re"ldenh, "1"11 h,,\ (' ,I bpt tl'r l hM1U' ,It efll'lt Illg D, p,l!tnH Ilt h.l ... ofh,rt d tl) lm'nd tlw rl'Il1.1111dN of Gaffnl'v';, term art' mo"t Ilkl'h to bl Lon I" ...ub]t'tt to \\ [',Itlwr LOIHlItHHl'" ITIll ... pllhlH ... 1ft " d, p I!tllH I" 12') ,l rp...tlH th.lll 1 I' tn\' 1\ r "alu ul u" UW LOUIIUI i'Qr more mtormdtlOn, call (J1J) "Secondly, we'll be able to provtde foot Pursuit bolltfor Its naut)cal e>peJI'- In their letters of interest, here'.. W'ha~ each oF ot.he 343-2045 law enforcement to the shorehne atlOn!> The acceptance of the boat candIdates said he or she would bong to the councd Smce 9/11, there's been an emphaSIS needs approval from the Farms city Robert T. Herdegen Jr.: "About a year and a half ago I became dIsturbed WIth some of the conduct and Monday, Jan. 27 on border secunty " counul LocalMotlOn will present the "ec- dec;slOns of the prevIOus councd and determll1ed to once agam take a close mterest m ItS dIrectIOn In ond lecture In a four part ...erles tItled those 18 months, I have attended almost all counCIl "r mprovlllg the Envlnmment for Our meetings, although I have bpoken up o~ only two mat- Chddrl'n'» Health" .It the Gnlbbe ters m which I was a 'notified neighbor 1 am gener- POinte War Memorial at 7 p m ally up to speed on how the council functIOns and a~ The lecture wIll bp led by Dr Ruth weoll acquamted With the Immediate I...»ues facmg It Etzel, who will dl"CU"b children,,' ,>ll'>- cephblhty to environmental hazard" Joseph T. Leonard: "WIth regard to lIty busmess, T1cket;, are :\>5at the door For more I've been an active partICipant m the admlnlstratlve lOformatlOn, Lall (734) 62J-0773 reVlCW of LOuncil dgenda Item.., along \~Ith attpnd1l1g and partlclpat1l1g m the work ...hop ...e.,"ll1n" and rej,'U- The ('Ity of Gro,>"e POlllte City larly bcheduled meetmg" ofthe Clt) council A'> a re'>ult ('ouncd wJ!1 Ilwet In the City Il1Ulllll- of this Iam knowledgeable on many of thp I!>...ue", and pal bul1(hng at 7 p 111 there ~vould be no lost time to 'bnng ...on)('onc up to ...peed '" Tuesday, Jan. 28 , The GrO""l' POlllte Semor Ml'n I', Myrna M. Smith: "I VeT)' much enJo)ed be1l1g able CI ub \~III hold a ..,hort bU,>llle,,<;meet- to contnbute to the commulIJt) a ... a member of the 109 followed by a talk b) club pa"t See VIEWS, page 2A pre"ldcl1t Ed Oben, who will "peak on thl' VUltton Cup race to be held 10 Npw Zealand, at 11 30 ,1 m at the p~ III h\ ( lTfll ( unnmhham Gro""e POlnte \Var Mell10nal Three Harper Woods police officers received citations for brave a~d Call (313) 881 1)592 professional service while apprehending an armed robb;r.
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