Undergrad Cat Back 2012-2014
Directory of faculty anD aDministrators Appointment date refers to the date of original hire Donald l. Basch, Professor of economics to the College. BA, Trinity College; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale University. Appointed 1980. faculty, college of arts anD sciences Kirk James Beattie, Professor of Political science and international relations maria abate, assistant Professor of Biology BA, Kalamazoo College; MA, PhD, University of BA, University of California, Davis; PhD, Michigan. Appointed 1985. Northeastern University. Appointed 2011. Donna Beers, Professor of mathematics Paul abraham, Professor and chair of education BA, MS, PhD, University of Connecticut. and Director of matesl Program Appointed 1986. BA, Boston College; MEd, Boston University; D EdD, Harvard University. Appointed 1993. michael Berger, associate Professor of chemistry i r BA, Cornell University; MBA, Boston University; e MA, PhD, Harvard University. Appointed 2005. c Joan abrams, Professor of Practice in t communications o r BA, MS, Simmons College; MPA, Harvard renee Bergland, Professor of english y University. Appointed 1999. BA, St. John’s College; PhD, Columbia University. o f Appointed 1999. f Zachary abuza, Professor of Political science and a c international relations stephen Berry, assistant Professor of History u l BA, Trinity College, MALD; PhD, Tufts University. BA, MEd, Vanderbilt University; MLIS, University t y Appointed 1996. of Southern Mississippi; PhD, Duke University. Appointed 2007. anna aguilera, assistant Professor of Biology AB, Brown University; MS, University of Joy Bettencourt, associate Professor of Practice Massachusetts, Amherst; PhD, University of in education and Westford campus coordinator Massachusetts, Boston. Appointed 2012. BA, University of Colorado; MEd, Antioch College. Appointed 1999. ron allen, senior lecturer of Behavior analysis BS, MS, PhD, University of Florida.
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