Dickson Motors Ltd
., , , , , ., .j , , , , , , " • " , " " . .~ - . • " . : . .' ,.' ;1-. '-----,-T- --- • Page Sixty-six PageSixty-seyeJ,l' TBB JEWISH P,OST Thursday, December 20, 1962 December 20, l.II6I! THE JEWI,SH POST Kobe community, without a rabbi, Best Wishes for a Happy to you all 1~~~~==:C~o=r=di;=:'a=l;""';:C;;:h=a=n=u=;k"'a=;h~G~r"'e"'e~ti;:ng=s~to~a:'illi=:o=u=r====~ a teacher, or school for the younger Friends and Customers I JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS TP ALL OUR I FRIENDS AND CUSTOIMERS generation? * * The Tenth an GOLD CROWN I went on to Hong Kong, many of \ By IDA, G. COWEN whose 50 Jewish families work in To reach the synagogue in Kobe, Pollock's Hardware one ·or another of the Kadoorie OLD DUTGH FOODS LTD. ., .' \ Japan, one climbs the hillside from BILLIARD LOUNGE family's far-flung ventures. But \ I ' , ! the port to reach Kitano-Cho, an ED HARRIS, Proprietor there is no feeling there of a 'com Phone SPruce 4-2561 OME time ago the play "The Tenth Man" was 'presented on Broadway area of attractive concrete homes Phone JUstice 2·5007' , Featuring. ·munity taking root alld planning S with great acclaim. The setting was a synagogue aruf the title derived with club house and swimming pool. 1407 MAIN ST. WINNIPEG 12 New Brunswick Gold CrowD Tables and Equipment for the younger generation. 1700 SARGENT AVE. WINNIPEG from the fact that the sexton had to go into the street Minyan hlinting. The synagogue itself is a large, ill Beautiful Modern Sunoundings r As hi Kobe, one winds up the I found this search for "the'Tenth Man" enacted in real life in communi- rather bare building contributed by "THE NEW TREND IN BILLIARDS" steep ,hillside from the waterfront ties such as, Kobe, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Rangoon ,and, Calcutta.
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