M~T 'Lltbttnt 3Jtuti.6~ Ntwn
• Page Two Thursday,. February THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, February 10, 1955 l 0, 1955 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS -----------------.,....------------------,--...:.......:.... .,.... Page Three IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIJIIIIJllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll•~ _____ _______ _ ' m~t 'lltBttnt 3JtUti.6~ Ntwn . ~ = Th• Leading National Weekly Devoted to Jewish Interests TaE HOLD AND T1rn TaRAII ~ ~oirE HEiping Hands· for lsraEI Council 13.-idEs G.-oup To Stai~ Edmonton To Mark Jleads Hospital Member ol tbe Jewish Telographlc Agency I ~·-j,t··, . Correction Published every Thursday by With In our issue of Feb. 3 in the spread ~ Anrthina GoEs" Show F~b. 14- devoted to Pierre's Restaurant, it J EW I S H N EW S LT D. I The Wrestling Rabbi Say~ i l>ioneer S. A. BERG, LL.B., President was Jncorrectly stated that Williams By Raplaael llalpcrn Restaurant Supply Ltd. was re DAVE CORNE, Advertising Manager e I at the a911ual brotl~crhood :--:c1·vicc or Beth Sholom congregation 8 p,m, • :~:. ...,, sponsible for .. complete moderniza HAROLD- A. HYMAN, Edilor-in-Chlet 51 (Aa AJP Fnhard U:.'JtlCJA.£1 9 Friday, Feb, 18. nnd the men's group o( Knox United. church will be ,~ 'T guests. -------------- ,· tion and interior design," ,.., Editorial Offices: 307 Paris Building THE SECRET OF SUCCESS th This was done by Simpson's, Con Telephones 02-6361 - 92-6362 Rabbi Dr. Louis L. Sacks, Dr. ~:~:~,e:i::!:~e for Bc Shalom ·::~ f~'./J;i·.':.... ;,~. .. \··,,:·.·.. ·.. -,.' 1 · 11Luck11 unqitcstionably plays a big part In the success of a person's B3rncy Mass .ind the children's choir .... ~ < tract Divlslon, Winnipeg, as correct Authorized as _second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
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