

Pun rY-SECOND YEAR—No. 27 at Wt»tneld. N, J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1962 Bvcry Thurmlay 10 C—U Fi/e Announce 1962 Fund Appeal Protestants Everywhere To Unite Councilmen Move Town Yard Of Rescue Squad Speedily Through Imary Candidacies Is Underway For 76th World Day Of Prayer Routine Agenda Foes Spur Westfield Municipal Democratic Committee today announced PROCLAMATION derick S. Cowles will be a candidate for the Democratic Park Aim lion for mayor and John D. Fife will seek the nomination Increased Costs Cited j Wb«rc*i on Friday, M»rch No Public Questions Incilman from the Fourth Ward in the April 17 primary. As Volunteer Group , B, 1*62, Prot»«Unti around Raised From Floor Vies livea at 6 Plymouth road. He and his wife are the parents tfea world will obavrve tfa« Association's Survey [children: Peter, 26, and Enlists Public Aid | 76th inniverury of "World During Session I, are graduates of WestW - Seekt Mayoralty Day of Prayer," and; Of Children Planned School; Michael, 16, is During the month of March the' Whereat tkia obaervanc*, in In contrast to several recent To Show Play Needs Kg Westfield High School, Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad ] over 22,000 cAivmunUiea in Town Council meetings Tuesday 16, is a pupil at Lincoln will conduct its 1962 fund drive. I [ tbit country and in 144 for- night's session in the council cham- land Jonathan, 4. At a recent meeting of the Heading an aggressive force of' cifB landi, should remind ui bers was completed in less than an North Scotch Plains Avenue Asso- aduate in chemical engi- squad members and several non-' all of our rtlifloui obligation) hour before a number of residents ciation, Charles Morrison, prvst- from Pratt Institute, member volunteers is Jack P. in prayer. in the audience. dent, announced the formation of .., Mr. Cowles is director Thomas, vice president Co-ordi- Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. and n nating the publicity and public re- Now, t Kern fora, I, Burr A. a committee to conduct « survey ity control for E. R. Squibb Towl Jr., mayor of th* Town full council complement moved of the number of children resid- ns. lations for the fund drive will be quickly through nn agenda cover- Norman F. Bendel. of Wtitfidd, do hereby de- ing in the aren surrounding the [Cowles has been active in clare Friday, March 9, *> ing routine matters and though proposed site of the Westneld Jest field Boys Basketball In discussing tho drive Mr. "World Day of Prayer" in those present were Invited to bring Town Yard. I, the Westfield Boys Base- Thomas said, "The costs of main- Waitnild and do hereby ur(e up any matter for public discus- The Association in opposed to psgue, the United Fund, taining the squad equipment, op- all Wedfield reiidenlt to p«r- sion none spoke. location of the yard In Its neigh- Health Association, and erating expenses and replacement ticipate actively or in private Present in the audience were a borhood and Is proposing a park in Inuniasion on Social Rela- of supplies are higher than ever, in thia observance. number of persons who had at-its pluce. Mr. Mormon stated "We ' the Methodist Church. thus the current fund drive ia of tended previous council sessions to feel that a survey will not only Fife lives at 243 Hazel ave- utmost importance to us if we are voice their protests on the pro-point out the number of children to continue the squad's activities. I his wife, Alice, and their REV. LETTY M. RUSSELL Three Services Planned YONG OK KIM posed Town Yard site nnd the sug- who now have no park facilities [children, John, Margaret The need for funds to meet these gested duBing of a portion of Pior- which they sorely need but will ktherine. costs is great and the squad needs 8on Btreet to provide an expanded also underscore the fact that large the help of everyone." By Cliurehwoinen •is a graduate of Friends Speaker Friday Speaker Thursday play «rea for McKinley School pu- nvmhers of children will bo sub- Iry in New York City, Hav- The rescue squad offers continunl Afternoon, March 9 In Westfield Area Evening, March 8 pils, Both of these matters are jected to hazurdit of henvy traffic |- College, Haverford, Pa., round-the-clock preparedness, under further study by the mayor should A Town Yard be located In and council and no additional offi- our urea," ! Foreign Service Institute, trained and adequately equipped The Rev. Letty M. Kussell, Mrs. Robert W. Haase, general Young Ok Kim, a PhD candi- fcgton, D.C. A former For- personnel and serves us an impor. chairman of the World Day of cial discussion on the matter was Mr. Morrison added he feels RODERICK S. COWLES daughter of Mrs. Rickctson B. date at the graduate school, Drew scheduled Tuuactay night. fervice officer, he served sev- tant adjunct to the Police ami Russell of Westfield, will bo thePrayer, in urging Westfield resi- University, will bo the guest that Town Council's recent decla- jears at the American Em- Fire Departments of Westfield. The dents to attend one or more of Councilman Samuel Klnnoy Jr. ration of a two-week moratorium Council Aspirant guest speaker for the 1:30 after- speaker for an evening observance injected the only variance from the [in Tehran, Iran. He Is now Rescue -Squad is Teady nt a mo-noon service of the World Day of the services March 8 and 0 said, of the World Day of Prayer, sched- on further action toward locating engineer with the Conti- ment's notice to meet any emer- "There is no better way for peo-uled for 8 p.m. next Thursday at routine of motions on resolutions the yard In the North Scotch Diamond Fibre Corp., a gency or disaster with its service- Prayer, Friday, March 9 at the ple to respond to a feeling of and votes when he quostloned tho Plains Hvcmio area is "encourag- Congregational Church. Mlas Rus- the Congregational Church. practice of awarding u road mate- iary of the Budd Co. minded volunteers headed by Wen- Christian unity thun to come to- Dccuuso It is sponsored by ng." dell Binkley, aquad president and sell has been associated with the gether In prayer." rials bid for u price flvo cents high- [ Fife has been active in the United Church Women, Die World r tbBn •another after the.y had "However," Mr. Morrison I Fund, the PTA of McKIn- (Continued on page 2) K»Bt Harlem Protestant Parish, a Believing that in today's world Day of I'rnycr has primarily been stated, "a moratorium Is not a group ministry, for the past three boon rend off by Joy Vi'vclaiul, act- ihool, the Westfleld Jayceea, youth's prayers should be joined offered ns a special Rervlcn for ing town clerk. ;hnnge of mind. Apparently, no as served as Democratic and a half years and In conjunc- with their parents' prayers on this Christian women till over the lecialon lias been reached aa yet. Ward chairman. Revaluation Team tion with this association serves as day, United Church Women, un- world to unite in a bond of prayer (Continued on page 2) Considering tho character of a pastor for the Ascension Presby- der the direction of Mrs. Louis and spiritual fellowship, ltccent Town Yard—that of an essenti- On North Side terian Church of East Harlem. Quad, are introducing a special years have shown an increase in ally industrial type operation— ing GOP Elect, A graduate of Wellesley, the service for junior and senior high attendance by men, und lout year's Gift Service Rite and the hazards It would create youthful Rev. Russell received a youths. It will be in tlin form of a evening service was planned for for our children, it is unthinkable Representatives of Associated Bachelor of Divinity degree Bum- brief morning watch beginning them as well HS for working wom- Speaker Is Named that the Town Council would per- ior Sen. Crane Surveys, the professional appraisal ma cum lnude from Harvard Di- promptly at 7:30 a.m., Fridny, en. This year, n highly recom- sist in its present plan. firm doing Westflcld's revaluation, vinity School in June of 1968. The March fl, at the Presbyterian mended young Korean professor "We are not only opposed to will be working in the following Knst Harlem Protestant parish, Church nnd will have ns HB theme: of New Testament will bring a By Churchwomen locution of thu yard in our neigh- invention areas during this week and next: which ahc nerved as director of "Lord, teach us to pray." Youths message of vital interest to nil at- borhood but wo also feel that no Walnut street. Orchard street, Elm Christian education beforo enter- from scverul Wcstneld churches tending the evening service Thurs- residential 'A' neighbor- .of the Union County street, Mountain avenue, North ing divinity school, serves one ofare planning the service, which day. Couples from pnrticipating The Rev. Nuncy B. Porsberg of hood should underKo desecration Euclid avenue, Harrison avenue, the world's most densely popu- will consist of Rn organ meditation churches will usher. Maplewood will be tine upeukcr at for thia purpose. If the plan goon Republicans Saturday paid the Women's Gift Service of Ded- . to State Sen. Robert C. Stanley oval, Maplo street, Maye lated areas. In its over-all pro- by Dr. George W. Volkel, a wel- Mr. Kim is on leave from n through for a Town Yard In our street, Sherwood parkway, Grand Jrrani, the parish offers services come from the Rev. James Cole of Methodist Theologica\ Seminary In ication Ash Wednesday at 10 a.m.area, no neighborhood in Westfield «/ Westfield at a program the host church, and a /short wor In the sanctuary of tho First Con- He Springfield Steak House. avenue, Grant avenue, Wallberg day and night dealing with every Korea.wheta he is a professor of can fuel sure of Ita future secur- avenue, Franklin avenue and G«r- tilted of. the people in that area, ship service to be conducted by Naw Tastaraent. Ho received his gregational Church of Weutfleld. ity." Piret, newly elected state the youth themselves. Car pools Miss Forsberg, on ordained Con- eia Studios field avenue. Including counselling, legal advice, BD from the Theological School At a recent meeting of the 1'ub- sponsored a resolution, and going to medical and narcotic nre being arranged to transport of Kwansel Gnkuln University In gregational Christian minister, has ..jusly passed by the assem- JUIM u. FIFE A photographer, employed by the the students to school if necessary. a background of rich and varied llc Works Committee of Town appraisal firm, is taking photo- clinieB with them. Japan, and his MA from Drew Council attended by some. 160 illing tor an expression of (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 2) experience in the. fields of religion, ,»de and appreciation for Sen- graphs of all improved properties (Continued on pngc 2) social work nnd education. Her residents in opposition to tho ICrane'B "long and devoted on the south side of town. Upon present position is executive sec- (Continued on page 2) service." • Saturday Review's completion of the nouth side prop- retary of the New Jersey Christian erties this week, work will begin on r resolution further resolved Youth Duo Fined PTA Study Groups Blue Devils Take Palestine Association and sh<- pride and satisfaction in hisEditor to Address the north side properties. works with four educational lec- Borough Defeats in public service and as a The photographers, employed by The first of the Westfield Se- ture bureaus, traveling throughout g Republican of the Westfield the appraisal firm, carries proper In Street Brawl nior High School Parent Tench- On Linden Tigers •the United Stales to address audi- College Women Identification authorized by the as- er Association Study Groups ences of all races, creeds and na-School Budget; Crane who has been se- sessor's office. John Reid, 18, of 433 Downer will be held Tuesday at 1:30 Coach John Lny'a liluc Devil tionalities. She has studied and ly ill for some time officially Author, newspaperman, commen- street Tuesday night was fined p.m. at the Senior High School. haakctball team meets Linden to- worked in Holland, Germany and Up to Council tied his Senate post last week. tator and managing editor of the $205 by Magistrate William M. The hour long program which night in the opening round of the Switzerland as well n« in the states jilver bowl gift to Senator Award Winning Photos Beard for being disorderly. He Is being offered is entitled "For New Jersey State Interscholastlc of Iowa, Connecticut and New Saturday Review, Richard Lardner MOUNTAINSIDE — Borough e was received by Sanford Tobin will be the speaker for the By Teenagers Placed was arrested for fighting in the Your Information," and the Athletic Association Tournament. Jersey. erstadt, legislative assistant street, in front of the Community subject for this day will be The game is scheduled to start at (Continued on piigc 2) voters agnln defeated the proposed Westfield College Woman's Club On Library Exhibit $885,050 school budget for the ie senator who was present.guest meeting Tuesday ot 8:15 in Center. "English." Miss Margaret B. 8:30 p.m. in the Scotch Plains bowl carried the following in- Dietrich, head of the English gym, Preceding it will be a con- second time Tuesday by an over- the WHS cafeteria. Award-winning entries from the Reid was one of a half-dozen whelming margin. tion, "Senator Robert C. youths involved in a fracas Friday department, will bo the speaker. test between Union and Asbury e, editor, statesman and fel- His topic will be "Decisions of 1961 Schoiastic-Ansco Photography Park. More than 500 fewer voters Republican, in recognition of Destiny," based on his recently Awards are on exhibit beginning night. Patrolman Earl Lambert, published book. who made the complaint, said he Linden (12-9) was the Cinder- turned out for the second voto mtstanding service to the peo- today through March 17 at the Inmate Flees, Nabbed elln team of the county tourna- than in the first referendum. 'Mr. Tobin turned to writing nt Westfield Memorial Library. had asked them to stop their fight- f Union County." ing and shouting 'but they disobey- ment. Seeded Hevonth, the Tigers The vote on the $G08,H.'i cur- P- Florence Dwyer, who was an early age. His father was an By IJoro Bluecoals rent expenses item wn» 1070 to editor for 50 years and his moth- Winners were selected from over ed. They were brought to police knocked off unseeded Kahway, fnt, condemned "labeling He- 35,000 entries submitted for jun-hendquartcrs. Another youth in- second ranked Jefferson, and third (>04 and on the $(1,4.'18 capital out- icans" as conservatives or lib-er's family (the Lordners) have MOUNTAINSIDE—A man np- lay, 1100 yes nnd 1,004 no. The re- nil been writers. Ring Lardner ior and senior nigh school students volved, Ijeon Lane, 20, of G3Gprohended by police hero Satur- KCfdod Cranford before bowing to and intra-party fighting. She throughout the country. From the North HVenue, appeared before St. Mary's in the finals. In addi- mainder of the budget represents the GOP members should was his uncle. Mr. Tobin started day at !):15 p.m. was Identified as debt service. his career on his father's newspa- 120 national award winners, 34 Magistrate Beard Saturday nnd an escaped inmate from the StHto tion to tournament victories, Lin- A their time opposing the Dem- were selected for a traveling ex- den possesscH a win during tho A vote of 1.08K was reported, Is. per in iNiles, Mich., became manag- was fined $200 or 200 days. Ho Colony in [New Lisbon.' ing editor of The Michigan Daily hibition. served two days in the county jnil regular season over powerful Un- compared to more than 2,200 in Ilichnrd Itosky, 31, was picked ion. Wi'slftelil defeated Linden the FVb. 13 election. The yes vote p- Robert Wilson of-Califor- at Ann ATbor, nnd the day after Preliminary judging of the pho- before his fine was paid. up by polite for suspicious be- chairman of the Republican graduation from the University of tographs took place in 31 regional 71-52 early in the season. on current expensen was 195 less competitions throughout the U. S. Geid W. Vogra of 822 W. South huvior in a gas station in Itoute than in the previous election and sessional Campaign Commit- Michigan began work on the staff avenue was fined $55 on each of 22. Under questioning, Rosky Bill Zaranka ami Krank Kupcho, Wastod President Kennedy's of the New York Herald Tribune Winners were forwarded to New both fi-1, and li-l Ray Molski the no vote was 1I!> less. York City, where a panel of ex- two charge* of violating the plumb- stated he was en route to Florida The vote on capital outlay was (Continued on page 2) where he remained for 24 years. ing ordinance. to visit a sister. However, a search sparked the 'filters' scoring during perts made the final selections. the county tournament. Molakl hiiM 17.'1 less in the yen column and 110 In his professional life on the Awards of $100, $50 and $25 were A $55 fine for public intoxica- of his personal belongings uncov- less on the negative side. rkwood Swim Club Tribune, he covered every imagin- tion was levied against Lester L. ered a letter addressed to him ntgood moves under thu boards, made in each of 15 classifications, while Zaranka and Kupcho are Orlin K. Johnson Jr., new presi- able assignment, from the Lind- including color. These prizes were Law of 410 Kahway avenue and a the mental institution. dent of the Hoard of Education Shift Location bergh case and the rise of La- Police hero contacted the insti- dangerous jump shooters. r doubled when Ansco film was used $20 fine for careless driving was said the. results were "not unex- Guardia and Dewey in (New York in taking the award-winning pic- paid by Joyce A. Smith of 432 tution nnd Rosky was returned Jerry Cnok, Hoy Mickens, and pected." He described it as a C0TC1I PIAINS— The Park- politics, to war correspondent in Alden avenue. there Monday. Lcn Dvorin handle the baekeourt 'reasonable" budget. He noted i Swim Club board of trustees London and the national political ture and additional awards were slots. All three are quick and cap "lay niKht authorized Presi- given when a G.E. flashbulb was REV. NANCY E. FOBSBERG (Continued on page 2) conventions of both parties. Thru- used. able ImllhnnHlcrs. Neil Metzger Dunean MacPherson, 1465 out his career on the Tribune he and Ed Shimkus are the top men street, to seek a 2-wcck post- contributed to the editorial page, Chairman for the panel of judg- 3 St. Paul's Choirs, Anthony Safina (Continued on pagu 2) mwnt of a hearing on o pool commenting — sometimes anony- es was Jacob Dcschin, photography Brigantine Skipper to Show, Narrate scheduled to come before the mously, sometime under his owneditor of the New York Times. >pecialty fea- witli tho amphibious forces in the offer the premier performance of preliminary approval to John Cali tures to be presented by the Rut-with his show "Trade Wind Is- Benjamin Britten's cantata "Saint of 140 North fourteenth street, gers' University Glee Club wlien lands— l'itcairii to Zanzibar." (Continued on pa^c* 2) Nicholas" at the church with An- Kenilworth, for a mnjor subdivi- they appear at the Wostfiold Hiirh The color film, personally nar- thony Safina, tenor, in the lead sioni in Lawrence avenue and ex-School tomorrow ni^ht at 8 o'clock rated, starts itt H:15 p.m. March role ns Saint Nicholas. The per-tending into the Blue Star prop- under the sponsorship of the Went- !l at Iho Wcstlicld High School au- formance is open to all residents erty in Route 22. Only eight of field Junior Chamber of Commerce. ditorium. f.f Westfield and their friends. the 20 or 25 lots have parts in The (iO-voirc icier club from Kut- Ouplain JolmMm ba1-; been going Mr. Safina, who sings the load Mountainside, the rest being in ger.s will also offer a program rang- to sea ever tdnce the age of 17, role, holds a muster's degree with Westfield, and (inly one of the ing from zesty college BOUKS and cinnhining professional sailing on majors in voice and music educa- houses will be built, in the. prop- madrigals to national sontrs from yachts in the summer anil work on tion. He attended the Manhattan erty within the borough, Cnli has foroign lands, as well a».s Tli»>'np- | steamships in the winter. Kullow- and Juillinrd Schools of Music. Re- yet to appear before the Westfield son's impressive "A Testament of | ing years of sailing experience cent operatic appearances include (Manning Hoard for its approval. KtTeilom." ] Cjipt;iiii Johnson came upon tho the lending tenor rokv in "La Bo- F. Austin Walter, director, and type of vessel in which he could heme," "The Abduction from the a Kradual-e of Rutgers, cla.s:-; of take young amateurs on long voy- Seraglio," "(iianni Schicclii," "Lu- In Thin Issue ','t'i, will romillet tile, glee dub which ages on a shiire-oxjieii'.-e basis and cia de Lninnier-nioor," "I Pagliai'ci," Around Town is preparing for a tour of Norway with Mrs. John.-on has hren sail- "Uigolcttii," and "l.n Traviata." Business Directory 2 a later this year. ing around the world ever since. On March 'Si he will again appear Church News Area members of the ^Ire chili I Today they are, without n ilouUt. j in •Mozart's "Aliudcticm frum tho (j, 7 are David1 Martiy, 'Ii5, KOIMM-I J. I llic must famous man and wif Seraglio," and on April !) will Bind Coming Evenw 12 Pells. '(">2, Ilnviil Thaxtun, V,.|, all I team on the liiirii seas. , in "Don Pas(|ualc" at the Jan IIus Editorial* 18 | of Cranford; Kurt llnuer, 'fil, j With his vast experience in the j House in N'ew York. He is also Garden lJavid Kriiin, 'Cii, i»f Wesilielil :iml South Sens, Captain .loliriMiii w:is j scheduled for nn early appearance Obituaries .... -1 ilii'luird /.a-iliiw, 'li:{, t>[ I'lainiiell. culled on, prior tci World War li,! in a performance of "Faunt." Social it-Hi Tickets may be purchased from to serve with tile Xavy in planning ! The other soloist, who will niiur Spurt>; ...US. 211 j chili nuMiibem at Mai-Hugh, Inc., • bases in the South i'acilir. Kul- Saint Nicholas as a boy, is a treble, Theaters — K i 2'J-I East Bruml .street, or at the [lowing Hie entrance, of the United (Continued on pugu '-) Women's Puyt so J dour. ItJlutCM into war, Captain JuhiiBuu CAPT. IRVING JOHNSON P»ge 2 THE WFSTFIFLD l his sellings wan sung by th tlK Kior service J»*T«ltowwl on t*i.**."av*l!" I '.'nited "rhurrh Women » Ken-I rniversiiy. He is married and has: i choir at its festival last year. | " « Tues<%. ! Elizabeth and Noel TipUni will j slle in the M6 «eumries ;iar•- 'eraI oepUftnU'iH of ihc National three children. Upu» ruinpJeiioJt f ed) six saving Council of th* Churches of ChHttt, of his work tit Urt-vv wht-> he ha;,; i play tin- jjiaiios and Edwin Flu'h, in 'World dJuy of : is an active, national organization w on praise for outstanding] j ihe'orjran. KicKard.Connelly, choir- of $400 and otKeT* achievements, Mr. Kim espect.s to i | master and organist at St. Paul's, ing several credit, •slant icsunit* lii-1' toachiny in Korea. • will conduct. of the world each effort certain urcus of Mr*. James Whitaker, wife of j j The cantata, composed by Mr. Boards Planti the Hev. James Wliiiakt-r of the iBrittain ill 1947-48, celebrates the which will be used in both world relations. The World Kay of First Methodist Church staff, is : adventures of one of Christvn- MOUNTAINSIDE noon and • Prayer, whii-h cornea under tlu- chairman of the eveninjr -service. bt>st-lovee speaker. division of world missions, sup- Readers of the universally Useii ibis special ward are seamen, pa- Kional problems • Mrt. Boberl W. Haase.'of the ports interdenominational mission worship ceremony art- all wives of rishoner children ai)d choristers. by the central area"'k,_ Presbyterian Church, will serve as projects at home and abroad. ministers from thi.s area: Mrs. L«- He was born in Patara, in New Jersey Federtffil afternoon leader. Participant will roy Stanford of the Congrega- j .Minor, imprisoned for his faith by Planning Boards t«u! Member churches of United tional Church, Mrs. Jerome Brown be Mrs. 3, V. Salisbury of St. Church Women in this area are •Diocletian in 303-311, attended the in the Johns-Manfi™! Paul's Episcopal Church, Mrs. Har- . Mountainside Com-. of Bethel Baptist, Mrs. Klnier Tal- ! Council of Nicea (325) tind died Center in Kiniicrne Jan Band of Firxt Baptist, and |isometime during the latter half of attending will be Ti Mrs. G«of£e McOomb of Moun- the century. In Kurope and Great member of the Mouni tainside Community Presbyterian Kirst Congregational, First Meth- Britain, children received gifts in ning Board. Presbyterian. Church. odist, Madison Avenue Chapel, the name of Si. Nicholas, and grad- PROPOSED SWIM CLUB—Pictor.d «bo». >. tb. .rchit.cl'. drawing of the Nonwli*f.n Swim Mm. A Rus»«ll Yoeom from Garwood United Presbyterian, St. Mrs. J. Russell Yocom from the ually he, and Saint Kales of the L. G. Luke's Hethodist, St. Paul's Methodist Church will present the Club, propoMxi la be built (hi. spring on 13-«cre tract at the end of E»»t Broad •frcet and along Netherlands and £anta Klaus of Fh*t Methodist Church will pre- Sprinffield annul on Und> known •• Nomahcgan Hills. The developer*, former member, of the sent tiie projects for the year. United Church of Christ in Car- projects for the year und special Germany became associated with wood. The Presbyterian Church, music has been planned by Evelyn Scotch PUini Swim Club, arc awtiting Town Council action on a Board of Adjustment recom- celebrations of the birth of Christ. Laurel G. ois^ Special gnwio will be given by mendation of approval of the propoi.d development. Evelyn Bleehe, organist at the United Church of Christ in Clark Bleeke, organist, and Marcelia road was the recipient <<; Hall, noprano soloist, both from Congregational Church, and Mar- and Willow Grove I'resbyteriun tcroup are Joseph Smith of 100 A lie ha6 only one chance of emblem marking hi8 25^,, the Congregational Church. Westfield Man Files cells Hall, soprano soloist. Church. Swim Qub Wdits Stanmore place, president; Wil- successful deception—to be ac- the Western Electric Co. \ liam Kennedy of 714 Fail-acres For $25,000 Estate counted true. —Mary Baker Eddy Reri|ran- east on Springfield avenue from will be at the present intersection sole survivor, said she died with- supplier fe> the Town Yard could also recently issued a call for vof tiiie "Yankee." They have recently of Kast Broad street and Spring- ' SEE «N| alter J fiat lower unit price bid as unteers to serve as canteen work the intersection of East Broad out leaving a will. returned from tliflir' seventh 18- Ureet for a private swim club. field avenue. w«» tfce eaie Tuesday night. ers. Marian Burbank, co-chair month voyage around the world. TUESDAY" man of the unit, said that volun The developers, a non-profit or- Parking facilities are planned In his lecture Captain Johnson Better Late Than- Councilman Klnney pressing the teers are needed to help the chap ganization comprised of former for 300 cars, nnd e. cnbnna is pro- takes Kin audience by colored film point cited the closenew of the ter meet Its work committments a members of the Scotch Plains vided for each member family olds and wondered if there was a on a voyage from Pitcairn Island, —Ernest Willie of 8 L-yorw and East Orange Veteran: Swim Club in existence for the rimming the pool arcu. An ndmln- Shasta pass, told Wcstfleld police •$:.'• to the .Polynesian Islands, the "pouibility of the bidders collud- Hospitals. Anyone wishing to al past several years, in proposing to istration building will house the {iffy. Kingdom of Tonga, tho New He- Monday thut $98 In cash and a dn» to the detriment of the town. in tins necessary work in asked tc establish the «wim club thin Bpring brides, the Solomon Islands, to pool manager's office, lockers fur camera worth $100 were stolen .Again It was explained ihat under contact the chapter house. on the present Verra-Nallix tract Business trip or pleasure jaun|, •tftte rules mil bidders must sign Borneo, and Bali and back through known as Nomahegan Hills. visiting nwlm teams and a snack from his car Feb. 19 while it was bar. The developers intend to pro- parked in the Methodist Church ahead pays. And there's no bettar "arranger" « iionxuilluslon affidavit and that wild storms on the Indian Ocean Officers and founders of the a< « general rule staple road ma- to a successful conclusion at Zan- vide complete screening parking lot just off Ferris place. phone. Nexttrlp-pfwne ahead. terials did not vary greatly In unit Gift Service zibar, off the coast of Ajfrlca. price among suppliers and thus Tickets for Captain Johnson's tfe* mileage factor often became (Continued from page 1) lecture are available at the YMCA, the final bank for award. In 1057 Rev. Forsberg was or may »lJt» purchased at the door Council appropriated an addi- member of a study group whic the evening of tha performance. tional $g,700 for the revaluation visited the Middle Kast conferr!nL program, in effect wrappinpp g the with government leaders and Unit r of the "honiemnde" pro- ed Nations and United Bluteu of- m Borough gr» undertaken In I960. ficials in the Arab countries. Shi Th» town's original agreement returned to Israel last year ti (Continued from page 1) •rith Associated Surveys of Pas- study for two months In the area that the budget mndo provisions ttic to do the Job at a cost of of education, agricultural and des for an $18,000 Increase in debt |41i50o took into account the ort research, youth programs, Arat service, $22,500 for salary raises work done by local officials. Asso- affairs and other related fields, for teachers und $12,000 for two rted Surveys' check of the work e During this trip she lived with additional teachers. doi» Previously, it was reported, several Israeli families. shoWej .enough inaccuracies to These three figures, ho snid, warrant amending the contract to The B'nai B'ritli men and worn accounted for $62,D!J!) of the $01,- provide for "further inspection en of Peterson in 1968 conferrot 000 Increase in the overall budget upon Miss Forsberg their "out anil questioned any uttempte, to and measurement of buildings," : . py a yote of 8-1, council, ap- tfttidW' cftzsn award" in rec»(tn cut the budget. Jumes Nosle, thg proved* an application from Cities j tibh 6(.,)iei* contributions to th< only member of the old hoard tj> Service OiJ Co. of Newark for a community in the area of inter- oppose the budget, said Tuesday group relations. night it could have been reduced permit to build a gs«olln« Btatlon approximately $25,000 after its on the southeast corner of Cen- The Women's Olft Service oi first defeat. He did not specify in t»! »nd South avenues. Councll- Dedication l» under the chairman what areas the reduction might be A. Savage cast the •hip of Mrs. Sheldon Fox. In ed made. Hve vote on thth e ground thah t other dition to Jlev. Forwberg's address Companies were not notified of the gift-thank offering of the Con The budget now will be sub- the »«Uability of .the permit. Kregotional women will be dedl mitted to Borough Council which eated. This gift, which is part of must take action on it within 10 Council awarded a contract to days. Otherwise It will be referred 'he Hefler-Snyd«r Co,, Garwood, the notional program of the Wom- en's Fellowship of the Congreg* to the 8tnto commissioner of edu- * 700 tons of bituminous con- cation. flt « cost of J7.50 ton. The tlonal Christian Church, will sup kll Contract Co_.. . of Little port such varied projects as church K- P»l)» received a contract to pro- building aid in India, Mexico and You're invited to the '"" Vit]e 60,000 gallons of asphaltic oil Rhodesia; industrial evangelism in Town Yard •ty cOBt of 16.4 cents a gallon. Japan; new ministries in metro- Another contract was awarded politan areas ond desegregation in (Continued from page 1) opening of our t° the Panwood Stone Crushing housing, Greater Minneapolis in- own Ynrd site, Mr. Morrison sub- ami Quarry Co. for 3,400 tons of terwon over ineumbent long the proposed lines. arrt°Uh.t of $639,997 for local Henry .Wight of Springfield for of Men's and Boys' clothing. We think the >cJ>°°l ta*esi extension of existing treasurer. H. Raymond Klrwln, w new models and patterns are most flatter- contract 'th the Union County incumbent, and Plret ware -elected Phelps Talks Taxes SpCA for animal service, March utatc delegates nnd Joan Kaul ond ing . . . and feel that our selection offers I to peb. 28, 1963; granting an Harold Haddock were elected al- ope11 ai c*r lot license to AURUS- Julian Phclps uf 415 Kimball r ternate state delegates. .urn Addressed un International the discriminating dresser the finest tailor- t|ne Motors i»t B1C< North avenue; the «'ection of Anthony Negri of Also elected were Brice de Ga- fax Conference in Montreal Thurs- 630 Down«r st,cet an a member nnhl, councilman-ut - Inrpe from lay. The confereiK-e WJIM sponsor- ing and fabric quality available ... in all of the volunteer Fire Department; Plalnfteld, first vice president; id liy tho Canadian THX Kouncla- ion and the International Chiun- price ranges. Kror)tin(j permission t0 Lathrop ClHire Kmlitus of Summit, • second DoUK'ass, architect for Hahne and viri- j)i'«aid(-»nt; NHncy Stearns of of Conuiu'ri-e. Mr. rht'lps* CoiHP"i>y, to connect certain floor Kosellc Purk, third vice president; o-ct was "Tax Hclief for Kx- drai08 to sanitary sewer system Martrnrt't Hurley, secretary and lorlers." at th^f Hew store in North nvpnue. Catherine Kciily of Union, corre- spondence secretary. It may be a little early to think about Springwear, but you'll be getting first 1962 Fund Blue Devils MOVING? choice if you drop in now. We'll be'happy nt from paKe 1) (Continued from page 1) To an Unfamiliur Area? to hold your garments for you until Spring. Frederick, sqimqmd captain among the toiler reserves. thth e 1081 season the squid Wostfiold features the in-and- let us help you find the right You can use our 90 day free charge plan, vM 1214 atienrt« Upp «nd downstnirsdownstoirs, nnd,| , Carver nnd r Iln il)(r IlVcraKe DouK service In over 150 major 421 9n»* (?>3ncy calls in which first Hoh Whitakor, both sophomores, cities and their suburbs, we aW akff|a and equipment were rc- round out the probublv stiirtinc will furnish you with detailed iiuired ; five. mara of the squad information on choice com- Three seniors, Ralph Russo, 'J8,068 wiles of ambnlnncc munities and areas even be- t)l <» i «pelgt s4an r.n Bill Lewia, and (Jeorpe Hushforth, l (jive Coach Lay capable «ubsti- fore your first visit to the new ort>du$y.-wit>hsn:averairc of.4.5 man Open Monday and Friday Till 9 p.M. tutes at Ruard, forward, and cen- area. Jur per o^Jl during the past ter respectively. Uushforth is fi- year, 4 14, while Lewis stands 6-2 '.t and NO COST •The ' s Auxiliary consisting Rusjio nn oven ti feet. of 28 active, 'dedicated >wonien nityfote. 'CiiHrlea 'Frederick, Wcstflcld (1U-2) will be eager PEARSALL & FRANKENBACH, ai* «nd »»sbW tte squad mem- to rebound from an upsot loss to INC. 207 E. BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD bew 5n iria»y r of Westfiold; kins, tenor from Westfield; James aries have not kept pace with the skies of a Paris winter, household- chairman of the show Is Dave Ma- general upsurge in the economy of ers 3 heated, unlit class rooms. Air- jnt for the paper. As theduration. Their effectiveness lies planes were grounded at Orly Air- the Herald Tribune, he port and the vast waiting rooms of PRIME RIBS of BEEF ^ 5% in the fact that French unions ere liore than 3,000 broadcasts, the seven railroad stations of Far- all politically affiliated. An accord is were nearly empty. THIS IS IT! |nd commentary, including between the Communist, Socialist reports from bomb-torn and Catholic unions is effective Television screens remained ob- Come See—Come Save In 1945 he was director enough to bring some amelioration stinately blank and telephones of the American Broad- in working conditions and salar- were no -iiore than strangely dec- J&M Finest Ground Beef 3 lbs. 1.99 Jones Links 89c tb. • Co. From 1963 to 1955, as ies. While it is true that workers' orative instruments. Only transi- LAST 4 DAYS of public affairs, he ransalaries are generally commensu- tor radios provided any sort of Chicken Breasts 53c Ib. Jones Meat 79c Ib. nous Herald Tribune Forum rate with other Europeans, the communication. With one stroke tent issues. One day a week, high prices of food and living quar- the clock was turned back a hun- Chicken Legs 53c Ib. Strodes Scrapple 49c Ib. |940 to 1962, he taught in theters have caused the unions to de-dred years. Frenchmen were forced SALE ENDS Iowa's Famous Bacon 59c Ib. Grilling Franks 49c Ib. Ir Graduate School of Jour- mand higher wages. The maid who to borrow the fortitude and inge- I, Columbia University. earns $85 a month or the bus driv- nuity of their great-grandparents Smoked Beef Tongue 49c Ib. Bologna 49c Ib. 1955, the White House asked er who earns $100 can ill afford the for one day. •raid Tribune if Richard To- luxury of a second hand car or a With most of the working popu- Chicken Livers 69c Ib. Delicious Round Corn Beef 89c Ib. modern apartment in Europe's lation faced with unexpected leis- MONDAY, MARCH 5th light be granted a leave of to become national public most expensive city. ure, Paris took on a holiday air. FRESH KILLED BROILERS-FRYERS - whole ONLY 29c Ib. ns director for the national The most recent strike in France CafeB -were crowded and gay with for Eisenhower. In this got underway with the participa- customers who contented them- We stilt have .small quantities «f odds and ends which have |ty Mr. Tobin travelled 23,- tion of some 85 per cent of union selves with a cold sandwich and a VISIT OUR DAIRY-DELICATESSEN DEPT. - SPECIALS GALORE > by air through 43 states members, enough to ensure ite suc-glass of wine for iunch. The flar- been automatically marked dawn for FINAL CUAKANCE. as in the White House twice cors. Transportation in the capital ing candles and occasional gas Land O lake* luM«r 75c Ib. Orange Juice ql. 29c Potato Salad 29c Ib. lamp provided a cheerful atmos- for more than a year for and most of the provinces was crip- B«li»ve-it-or-not but some of our customers do their Kraft* Corn Ol«o 39c tb. •ences with the President's pled and nearly «ll public sei-viees phere. Away from the noise of Turkey — Beef — Ham Cold Slaw J9clb. were curtailed. Parisians once traffic one could very easily imag- Christmas shopping this early. l»ur» Lard l»tlb, again lived for a day without ben- ine oneself in the Paris of 18C0. Taylor Ham IVilbi. 99c SLICES, 39c pkg. Imported SwU* 99cib. tr years later, he performed efit of modern conveniences. Homes Very probably, only the impatient SNOW SUITS, WINTER JACKETS, WINTER COATS, duties during the Nixon and offices were without light end businessman and the unfortunate Good Luck 4 for 1.00 Taylor Ham _ Ib. roll 79c Win* Cheese 79c Ib. feign. In 1960 he joined the heat. Nearly all stores and shops traveler failed to enjoy the unique BOYS' CLOTHING, DRESSES. (of the Saturday Review to were closed. Since buses and sub- holiday. JUNE DAIRY LARGE WHITE EGGS ONLY 49c Doz. a new department for the Scallops 69c ib. Cod Fillets 39c Ib. Fillet of Sole 69c Ib. izine as communication editor. OPEN MONDAY NITE ONLY • the next year he was named Speaker iging editor of the famous Lincoln PTA Aids |nn-8haping periodical. BREAKFAST CEREAL NAME BRAND VEGETABLES DESSERT DISHES Premier Pork and Baked Apple*, tall 29c 1, Mr. Tobin's fourth book Project Featuring SPECIALS ublished. Called "Decisions Beans, 2VJ 25c W.R. Apple Sauce 2 for 29c Mtiny," it is the story of ten Lebanon Guest Arthur Stevens Cream of Wheat 39c Friends Bread 19c Fruit Cocktail, 2V2 3 for 1.00 Igcous American presidents Wheatena 39c Oranges Mandarin 2 for 39c White Rose Kidney Peaches, 2Vi 2 for 59c [the fateful decisions they Cream of Rice 39c Beans 2for29e The book received excellent Lincoln School PTA in conjunc- 233-5-7 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD Spiced Peach**, V/i 29c tion with Lincoln School is spon- Farina 39c around the country. His D.L. Beets, sliced . 3 for 50c Peaches and Pears, soring an international relations AD 3-1111 Quaker Oat« 19c s books include "Invasion project tomorrow which will fea- W.R. Cream Corn 2 for 31 e 303 2for49e kial," "Golden Opinions" and Corn Flakes 12 ox. 25c ture a visit from Miss Shelley Ta- W.R. Mixed Poors, P.L., 2Vi .3 for 1.00 el. "The CenU-r of the World." han of Lebanon to Lincoln «nd the Life 10oi.25c view of the import of subject Vegetables 3 for 50c Sliced Pineapple .4 for 1.00 Lincoln aniwx. Mrs. A. C. Stul- Grapenut Flakes 25c Cider, pure gal. 59e contained in Mr. Tobin's naker, international relations Libby's Pean 3 for 50c Papaya Nectar 2 for 29c :e, it has been suggested that chairman, is In charge of the event. HI Pro 25c W.R. Tomatoes 3 for 50c Bits of history may be inter- Trlx 25e Prune Juice, sweet qt. 39c i attending this particular -Miss Tflhan attended French S.W. Spinach 3 for 50c Welch's Grape Juice 39c Wheaties 35c I meeting. schools in l,obanon, and the Amer- Tomato Paste Bforl.QO Fig Juice 29e ican University in Beirut. At Shredded Wheat 25c . John Sully will be howtegs present s-he and her younger broth- D.M. Tomato Sauce 10 for 1.00 Real lemon Juico 49cqt. e evening. er are students at New York Uni- A.J. 4stficld area group and as a price engineer in telephone Bill Salmon, red 49c three locally active members IMPORTED Grapefruit 9c ea. sales nnd advanced to the position Eshbaugh Peanut Butter... 39c HOWARD JOHNSON'S e elected to key county offices, of comptroller of purchasing and Alvocados 19c ea. Dressings 29c Cakos 79c phairman Retz, congratulated traffic division in 1957. He was Love Apples 49c doz. winners for running a con-named assistant project manager Puddings — Gelatines Macaroni and Choese 35c ictive t-ampaign and termed the planning nnd logistics in the com about this question: Carnation Dry Milk 8 qts. 69c FRESH STRAWBERRIES Noodles au Gratin 2 for 59c ate (in,, of the "few important pnny's defense activities division If you sailed the Yellow Bananas .. 2 lbs. 29c elections across the country in 1958, and later assumed the "Everyone's insurance problems seven seas and ex- MOTT'S DIETETIC FOODS Chickon a la King 69c «;is based solely on quali- 1 function of plant engineering are different. An insurance pol- Pears, jumbo 6 for 59c Fried Clams of leadership rather than on (western area). He assumed his plored the earth low Calorie Ice Cream, 'ervatn-e or liberal philoso- icy that fits one person or busi- Beef and Vegetables 69c present position Oct. 15, 19C0. ness would not fit another. Is an Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee PENN SUPREME SPECIALS '*•'' He called it "a concrete from pole to pole, No Cal Soda 2 for 29c Chicken and Vegetables 69c ii i the responsivenepv; of Mr. Coords i« a past president independent local agent, who Ice Cream Vi gal. 99e of the Mountain Lakes Board of I OLD your search would •r own croup to the party," and writes for several insuring com- TREASURE, Assorted Cookies Orange Ice 35c pt. STAUFFER'S FAMOUS Iio it provided a fine base from Education as well as the Mountain panies, free to select the com- j Stewarts Canned Soups j Lakes Glee Club. He is a member not reveal a finer Lomon Ice 35c pt. iifh to proceed. pany and policy that best fits Lobster Newburg 1.79 of the board of directors of the whisky than im- HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ice Cream Cakes 89c William Heckcr, information and Westfield YMCA, and has been his client's needs?" Crab Meat 1.79 Wation chairman, announced chairman of the Hi-Y committee. ported Old Treasure. Tide 29' Ice Cream Rolls 49c Turkey Slices 1.79 M a meeting of his committee Mr. and Mrs. Coords have two BARRETT & PARKER, Inc Only 12 long years All 10lbs.2.19 Crackers — Goodies Chicken Breast 1.79 ul 'covktail party with a twist" rity. Discover Old MOUNTAINSIDE AGENCY Cookies — Italian Break — FOR , Steak Rolls — Kaiser Rolls — Chopped Broccoli 3 for jPrtl 8 ». ihc M.ipll. Trcc hl|l Treasure... a wealth •'•fc will lie a dance cunti'st with S. S. PIERCE OF BOSTON I Shoe Fly Pie — Many Other Chopped Spinach FWiary candidate.- to be the judg- of whisky drinking FROZEN FOODS I Goodies Daily French Fries \ 'was aisu anmunwil that lead- QUALITY CONSCIOUS pleasure. t ! i 1 En ":'. ';' ' .' I'-<-Pul.ljc-iin finures BUT STORE OPEN invited to YH functiuns BUDGET BOUND? DAILY 8 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. r FRIDAYS 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. « in Collision TKV ONLY THE CONSIGNMENT SHOP SATURDAYS 8 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. ls * "l'i;i..i,.,i |,y scitimio dc •j« iMio>ii'i:< r «T. y piv«n Ibat jtppfl- 11 »«t*> «n(a; I A. Let-«rnn wf J2U Tiesnoui uwnt >•«.««! no,,,, for A,,-,! B.-, ... Leaders l\anied I1OAHI? air-.i l.:dt for the couMrve- . «p«u!Hc«tloDe will b< s va r mb of rhl! I .MOI'N'TAJXSiiJK — Ji.>irph wi't-y, -i MAY #'l for the Tomj <" enty-fivc- dollar* (f B. A. Panchaod! * ,V f "' *""" i lJi.*r«ur»?k: uf 3 Jft2 Fox trail iv r. i.y t "•lUnly. New ," •.•__.-. . -_ . iwnan (.nurcn. un»••- ««•««" John K. <-.vhib;::vN of the NwUwnai ^(.":it i: j drawn U5, th«« ardor or r i ki< nard Ih'igh:-., >V». 2). after lj*rcn named residential chairman al CuD.lruclluo The Town of .W«*uub ch«nd, died In Miami, «a., Mon-|*"*« ;..^-"= - ' •«. ^atter.-.mi ;John K- Kunnv||s Thlaen Town of W lOf !s ! tiirc l> of the ]iiB2 Red Cross fund diive Wurt " ten -p«r«ent^ d»y «ftej « Urn* illne«i. She was "> 0' . ' sraiidi-Iii.dn.-n . I amount of tht- nd Uv lo be conducted throughout tli'.- ••> »««<>« of WfTrtfleld before her !« " Jfreal-gri.ndrhi.dr*,,. her parents, she K-jivt1.- "Villas C'>r: borough during March. The goal i.< is a ca-.t-in se 1 .>«. ri lieatlmc «Bd Vcntl- pla». 3—Slrt-I nnd Oronmrn- t tfd on « standard' j.-: tuJ Iruo Werfc [ or onclom>0 fn otltrt- : Ske is survived by a sister, Mrs. • _ ~~ 1, , ; * rand pare of (>I5 Central tainside - Weutfiirld Red Cross try. • :,U f..r ll,<- :il,ov.- will lie received I a^«l|*f"Jd «»velo|>i-. « grandfather, Chapter, j The fxhjbitior. vn\\ rontiuut- thiu al Hafnld C. Sr ! ilurrh 11 ai the GaiU-nes of *J:t; ,;,•„. il ciiamberK, Alunidpal Build- 'fijt'i"- 2S' •«•»«« JIJJ» arid a brother. Welter J. Ix-ej Everett Rand, 44. of 38.1 T!i:i- paternal k Other borough drive officials iij Iji.sl liroad Klri-cl, WHlve any „, ! I National Arts Club i:i New Voik bids or to rei.<.t „„„ of FuneraSouth lEucli serviced avenues wer.e beld in j fi.i-mi-. 21 r i JohIntermenn Bulls to waf News int RusehHI Ceme- named by Or, Bruce Malcolm, j . ..li Tu-S.luV. .\|;ir.l. 12th. 1&6^, ll J Miami yesterday. Mm tUind Medical Outer, Newark j tcry in I.ir.den. i chaptel r vici e chairmanhi , include:id : ^ >"- Hi 1 M. N«. l>i.l« «'1II be reoelveil i |.. or nfu-r »:«« P..M TueBday, Mr. Hand, »on of Mr. and MtH. | Vice chairman. Mrs. William j .•I. i-i l.^'i^' and no IIMIK will be N'TVh0,'-.^,!^- m and oih J 1 tar su st fet by mall. Shawcross; industrial chairman,! Sllganieli Will Retire ! ii rnquirfd lo furnish Mrs. Edwin J. App % M f' '1 - ". ': ; I Miss E. M. Lounslierv MI'I'IIK TV l"HKt>«TOH< turn u> Pnrm of »ie .,1 i;.\[KI.V.v Ji..iiN-./N, rujcsit!. Komi «>f Cantract. iiiKl , tlu> full amount of the . Jin. Hs L. App, 87, of 606,! eidnela, nu»vtd to Newark about MUs Ethel M. Lounsbery, 75, a | marVDonafd R "MaxweHr ^"'^ | FrOHl PrU Tomorrow ].«.i.iiir. New Jersey. peoved by the To« II of fl The funeral was held Monday six years Mi«4 Loun.^bery had Red Crog3 enve, wfth midenu as an agent of the Pru- N'o bidder ma Pa., *nd had been a Westfleld hved m New \ ork for 20 years !„„„,;„;, ,i;r,,n(i,.^o ,„. th»i, „.-,. i denual InBuranie Co.'s Llizabelh at noon in the Brawn Funeral 1 ; 1,^ rttfdent for 66 years. She was the prior to moving to Garwood, and Dislrict office for nine years, will ! it;>- i.JMi.d in vnman only, from actual dale or uoening Home in f'loinfield, with the Itcv. ihmucrlinni 1)J(IB which are ni wifow of,Edwin J. App. Westfield for 40 years Iwfore j ! retire tomorrow after 2S* year* j JJ1' (O 1 Charles A. Collier officiating, in- 1^ ^ Ihe u.'Ceptance of any - Bbc was a member of the Pres- terment was in Kairview Cemetery that. I with the company. . in.! . |.iiI lluilding-, \Zh lOuxl Uros'l bids will be rejected at an ever i 1K and Town Couni-H rew byterian Church. She retired 13 years ago after , "^ , I Mr. Suifameli joined I'rudentml !'!" Slt.-1-l. Wc-MrirM, Ni-w Ji-rwy bc- Jiere. for 01 Kea y:00 A.M. mill 5:011 I'.M..'upon nn, promptly tain avenue died Saturday at thewas a member of the sales depart- Inn recently. In tjoou" coridlliun, will bf re- fr« Married to the former Marie Funeral a«rvice» were held in Brook Lodge Nursing Home, Cran- ment at Bamberger's in I'lainfteld r ford, following an extended illness. for six years until last summer. Lions Will Attend Veninata of WoBtrkld, the couple Or$f't Funeral Home at 8 p.m has a daughter, Cluire. The father of Rex D. Rogers of She was the daughter of the laai night. Interment will be today per cent in •Greenwood Cemetery, Allen- Westfieid, iMr. RojrerB was a native late Mr. and Mrs. Prank B. Louns- of Cornwall Oounty, England, ainl bery and is survived by a si.sler, Charity Affair lived in West Virginia prior to Mrs. Alice L. Pattison, a brother, LEADFR O-AS3IFIEDS coming- to Weirtfield in 195H. Kin-Howard M. L.oim»bery, both of Tho Westfield Lions Club is one BRING RESULTS - Mf». Joseph Costello ployed by th« Standard Oil Co. inWestfield, and several niece* and of M clubs in Lions District ifiFC • Jfn. Jeiuiie Costelkt, 61, of 515 Parkereburg, W. Va., he retired nephews. that are actively supiKirting tlic • .WwMnfton street, wife of Joseph in 1928. Funeral services will be held to- district's sixth Charity Ball. This LEGAL NOTICES : CortrfJo ditd yesterday in Muhlen- morrow at 2 p.m. in (Jray's Fu- was reported to the local nervice i berr Hotpital, FUinSeld. Also surviving are two son*, neral Home. Interment will be inclub ut its recent dinner menting at I'C HI.K? \C11'I(.'K John C. of Pittsburgh, Texuf and Nutlt*' IH lieretiy KKI-II tlmt (lu . ' ;. A native of Italy, the was a re»- Fairview Cemetery. the Mountainside Inn by Lions vice rliiniililK lluiii'd .if WpKllirM. Nen- i . idant of WesHield for 43 years and Paul C. of Sand 'Springs, Okla., president fieorge Pakenham. Jerijeemyy will mpmePMI In (InIhj . Muiil.-lpa,M l five grandchildren and 12 great liulldlnt!' " " . <-'i Kimt Kn.Hil Street. •I' W«i * rormnunleant of Holy Trin- Lion Douglas Field, chairman of grandchildren. Mm. John L. Hughes WpBlfli'ldiVinld , Ne«N -J Jersey, nil Wi,(|r ity CJwreh. g the club's entertainment, stressed uiiy. Alttnli 14, 1802, at s :IIQ f M i Survivor* in addition to her hu«- Graveside services were hold MOUNTAINSIDE to hear and KHIBMIT HI.' folloniux Mrs. I.u- that an hour's "Triple" lirondway rt-qiu.Hl of Juhn .1. I'Hlt f.jr approval , band fntluds three daughter*, Mrs. yesterday «t Parkersburg, Ar- cinda M. Hughes, 79, of 2 West- entertainment will be featured. «>r the preliminary suliilivlHlrin plijf ' iowpk Larato of tlabway, Mrs. rangements were l>y Cray's Fu- over court, wife of John I.. Personnel will include stage, TV, •IT.-Minhniry I'lm i.ini|,rishiK Hi Hughes, died yesterday ut home ll.-ieK. l.(,l 1.1, Jlluek !>•:,. Town <.f Jo«ph Vorxilk of Westfield, iln. neral Home. and film eelobreties. Two naint or- W.'sllli'lil." prepnreil l,y Ailnilium- ' tiwmM R, Trimble of Cranford; after n long illness. chestra's will play from 9 to 1iiiir. ,1,-nke & AurnlianiniiT. ('vnxilt- Born in Penza, Ohio, she lived ln« lOimlncerK. rlummlt, Nen two »on*, HichanJ of Fan-wood and ,m. iluled KMiruary 12, 11>nZ, jiml Anne E. Batten in West Ornnge for 3fi years be- , galv«tore.of Woodbine; twn) brotli- Thn program will bp staged at n I.Hwri.|iii. AV>.|IIII. at the l .'.•Irtj. Aattony and Peter ^iragusa Anne Elizabeth Batten, 10, died fore moving here eight years ago. r .Mounlaliixlile line. of cancer Saturday afternoon in For the past 38 yenm, Mrs. the Esses House, Newark. A ropy of nulil nulillUlslcin plal of G»rwood; three sisters, Mrs. Chuirinun Field explained thnt ha« been llle.l with Iliu Ke.retiuy ,'ItoM Kino, Mrs. Josephine Sapen- her home at 648 Mountain ave- Hughes spent the summers at Cul- for piihllc liHnliiHiipt' --•'t . - nue. She was the daughter of Mr.ver Lake. proceeds go to the Lions District ANTi-TNTi-TA A. IMtfiTKPKNIl ;«ia.aad Mn. JHlldred Santera all «iirciHr>. I'lannhiK Hoard and Mrs, Gordon H. Batten. Also surviving are a daughter, Charity activities, camps for blind >f SW*rt»«ld, and four prsndchil- children, men and women in New 3-1-11 I'H-H |:',.. »*turd*y thence to Holy The general public is invited. Ad- I:\|.:MI"I'' AMI K.V< ii UK" AM. *TrJnf# Church where at 9:30 a.m vived by two younger brothers, grandchildren. TAXJlllli: IIIIIKKIIItl.il I'KII- ; Bruce and David; her maternal Funeral services were held Mon- ditional tickets may be purchased NOXAI. I'llCH'KII'rV AMI I'lOII- ASohwrm Hiifh of Requiem ut tho door. NIINAI. IJKKKCTIi IX <|'IIK IIOII- ?. Jvili be offered. grandparents, Mr. ond Mrs. Her-day at 10 a.m. at Gray's Funerul Ol (ill Of M II 1 \ I' A I > X 1 It K, Lions Uouglus Field and George «()l.\'I'V (IK 1MON AM) M'l'ATK iDtaMMM will U in St. Gerber- t T. Bond of Mountainside, anil Home with the Rev. Dr. Frederick her paternal grandparents, Mr. akenham are cn-ch.iinnen of tlie g 4mfc'i CamaUry, Woodbridgo. E. Christian officiating. NMSSMI-IXTAMJ TA'\ATII(\ Itrl-! and Mrs. A. II. Batten of Largo, lonil club's Charity Ball cominlt- AM) PAVAIII.i: IV MKl'J AMI Interment was in Hollywood TIIKIII-;*!-!'!:!!. A»i A I'TIIOlll/.IMI Fla. Cemetery, Union. 11V < IIAI'IIOII ,-il LAWS OI* tlHIO | ^ Mn. Ettie M. Lecdom Funeral service* were held at OI' Till-! KTAli: OK MOW JKII> WKV. (An A<-l <'..ne«rnlnK Tnxn- %:- Un.-itMit M. Uedom, 87, widow 10:30 a.m. yesterday In St. Paul's l«n. HiippK'iiientin^ rhapter \ of !r;', >f^B*«y A. Leedom, died Satur- Church. Interment was in Fairview TitU- .'.(. revlHlnif partM of the sta- WANTED Suiter on Board tutory law. mid rcpeillhiK ne<-tluus AbboU Manor Nursing Cemetery. '4:1-31, £.4:1-32 and 51:4-3.11; of the nfleld, after a long iU- .Arrangements were by Gray's WE BUY BOOKS {I'VIKIMI statutes) wtiK ininseil .in gm Una) lieai-ltiK ut u nn-ethiK of'the Fon. era! illo me. Fl.EASK CAM, roil nK Of PA Hospital "uy»F anil -i.'ouitcll or MmiJiliLlivilile P.M. BOOKSHOP i the anih ilny «f VeliriiarJ', inns (30 Park An, »>l l:y oilier .if ih' Ciiunell. I s-e-tr Earl K. Suitor of 247 Canter- KI-Mi:H A. HOI'l-AHTIt, CA»II FOIl HHK'I ©I.OTHIKoTrill- bury road has IHJCII elected to the IlorollKll C!lerl( INSURANCE Inff hablta, boot*, antlquns, curlov. board of governor* of Perth Am- I-II K..e« tn.iiii rurnlture. bramwarc, gla«». rhln«. boy (loncral «• Tin •MUHM wfc« m* «*et It r%mm» m WoIIT'a, 118 Uadlaon Ave. PL 8-24C» C-E-ll Mr. Suiter'is plant superintend- coi.r.Boron WISIIK* TO nrv AX- ent of tho Philadelphia Quartz Co. TIQ.UI: Hipr.Ka, BiiOTntirot, PIK. n WoodbridKi\ wth whom he has TOI.H, nnvoi.vKnu. KXIVRK AND Hi« LINCOLN MONUMENT Co. VVOHDS. STATE ANIJ pi]m:n Ai.iv beon associated for 37 yoars. He MtcJMr — man* *-\wn LICENSED. WIIXIAMH, 1'A S-K337. joined the flrm «fter graduatinc naalagai lOslk Otwas* >-*•<• fiH>ni Uut^ers University and hurt - .-— , glass, cut filaftA b there ever since, except for riBlnHngs, furniture, etc. Cull PA four years in tho UnitiHl StaW.^ N'ovy. (Anil pa 1.1 for nntlinii.).. full hm,nc Duiinfr World War II, he served »r nnrl. I'honr MI 7-lM'i. or write A. Rllles. IIP 1, tilllcKr N. .1. sis lieutenant roittmandcr principal- s-1 r.-tf ly in tcchnicnl development at tho V. S. Nnval Academy in Annapolis CAHn ImniciJInti'l««lii , jHntliiKsj,HlntliiKsy for, nutlquef II rnc ts lire. and in nvintion training in the Of- Pnll VllVlrKlnll u KKrown urior firo of the Chief of Nuval Opera- CONFIDENCE <'. P.M.. PI. COT:*. tion in Washington. INTKRR8TIXO cnllPctlonn or hnl>bl?F py Itarretarrett & Crnln wwlmlowfl lie and 'Mr.*, Suiter, tho former tratM *MM torn Kim S)S'.)). . PloaaPlae callll Mr M. nnnrrtt Margaret iMaletio of Ohio, have AD J-i800Ji800 . lll*Z4-eol w boon Woitfieltl,rojiilentij for more rf t rillKI'l.AI'i: nrrern nn.l rues. Sx1^ thnn ten yours. They hav« one BARRE Ilintlllilll.' S\I0 unit !ty11!; tlin.'.l daughter, Kathleen, upe lfi. U < litnn r|..ni>t. InKTpt or l>rnnl:- ttaaly (Mlact •». TktiCi MW *ny oM- GUILD fi ont. Ah ?.-?' 17. Mcmbersliip in the American I.oirin, K)lks Cluli and Echo Luke no vor have .mil luuni iroir run Country Club arc umonft Mr. Suit- t~ L. Manning & Son (or will.-? C:il er's interests. *::•( ISO! Stioi6/ Curotr. Owser • BUSINESS SERVICES 9 «o w rionl El. Tel. M UN'S Tl Young Mothers Invited in of Quality MoinMiU SKUVICK — Nn olthe loriaOYMra iircdctl—\vr* furnish yuu will, o num- To Sewing Clusses ber or tck'PlKinp. t'nlon <'i»unty HUMIIH'MN Iliirrnu 2.13 \orlh Avennr. WrttHlrlil Registration for n children's /.l>nm« 2-SHn.l—I clothing construetinn eln?s is open _ 1-4-tf to youni: niuther.i \vhi> want to I.r.T l*s split your IOKTB ror your lenrn tt> .sew for their children. ftreploco. We nro equllippil with mnilprn locr B D I 1 11 I n K maclili The Union County Hume Eco- Krhinleda Tree ICxpcrt Co., FA nomics Kxtension Service of Kut- StOD. 11-9-tf K*'rs l.'nivorsity, announced thnt n .SOCIAL class will be held Tuesdays, March Ii. IS, 20, 27, and April 3. at Mc- Competence Mnhon's, lfiKf) Morris uvenue, I'nfun rottntr Prlndmc l)nii>n, from '.) :I(0 n.in. to noon. Creates *Xl >orth Ave,. MV Mrs. Carolyn Yuknus, Associate All 2-s:m:t Home Afrent siiiil llml this class Confidence olTvrs jin opportunity for mothers to learn to sew hy mnkiiiK a jjur- TAX RETURNS ment for their child. t'llrnlely j.rcpnl'i-.l ut y.M or In rtiy nfflro LT. ypftr« t'Xl AYitli Euster outfits almost a Ulnl 32J-S470 <,r 11.1 Miulls must for many mothers, this class l-'n tin-mill. provides the opportunity to com- plete an outfit for sprinir time • LEGAL NOTICES • wear. Dm-ini: the cl;*ss, n garment for • •rin.ic- Norici: a child will be nuitl* of any mate- TAKK NIITUT: llml li.'ii'lhy l.i. rial, except wool. Mrs. Vukm;s - fii'iniiiim. I.". <:•'•••'iiiiiii I'.i'inl. snrlnc- I lli'l.l. N. .1 . h:i» :i|i|ill<'il in the Mnyur sniti that iiiti'vested mothersl § ! r*n.I ('..uti.il -..f th>- 'J'.,\\n i-( \\v*t- yhmilil not lmy their pattern or *Well, Sam, maybe we can ~'li.!.l U,r li'.-innfi-r "I :i ni.<'-li;ilf III- I.-!-. Kl l:iil 'list I'll.Ill t««ll llilll'.r material before the tiivt session li.-i i:^t* f..rinirly issnr.l 1.1 ivlronl March (I. S.-.ll MIM.rliii.-' SI4 .loiBiy Avciiu.'. 1 l:ilrnh«lli. N. .1.. fn <';>l>l'iy'x Whu- Then is no choree for this X- I.I.UI.IIK. fur pr''iiilsi'« Hltiialcl nl class, but registration is limited. get a mortgage loan from... r,17 Soulh Avj"vtli- urns FUNERAL DIRECTORS npor roa.l, S, il. il I,his will l.o r. .-i-lv. .1 ..nSi-o!.'!i l'!:iin.<, was l:il;en to Over- Mnt'i-h '-0. inr,2 m (In- l!i,,..in:li II:.II. look Hospital. SitMimit, after li;s F.H.Groy, Sr. F. H. Groy, Jr. r. s. n.mii- *;;, M..imiuh!Hi,i.'. .\.-n wuwan TRUST COMPANY 'Hnwin .l.-rsry. ;il ^:SI> I'.M.. f"r i:r.B..|ini- l-> car lie was ilriviiiK inouiiteil the lit- us. .1 U,v ll»riuii:li »«-n. .1 vlil- curb in Uoi'te i'2 near Slietlielil i li-i. Hl.l.l.-i- r. .|Ul,..l In -H|.|>b lii . W£STFlEtb a ii t:ul;,v ciiMli- i;n-.i.linr. .ii;.|-..r •trri'l i-arly S:itiii.!ay morning. there's an office w your community 'CRANFORD I - I li jirem Ilim lu.i.l.' 1-- IMII In.', hi :!..* The Ui'si'lle Siiliad trull.-piirled 318 E. BROAD ST. nppi ...vlm:iti' .IU;IM1HV ..f UM-.-. 2 SPRINGFIELD AVE. lh.M,-:ll"l .i:.lll..|l>. .111.1 li. lu.lilll;!!,! ., i'.ol.Ki'l; to tlii> Iio>pit:il when- he Phono AD 3-0143 Phone BR 6-0092 SS(,.,;nll..ll I1.'!. ,:ml!. Mil.I I" supply was ti'eatei! for n nose injury nntl SC0TCH PLAINS nnp.-tiy.-r WESTFIELD. CRANFORD • GARWOOD ' • PLAI-NFIELD pump. The l!(iri.ui:li i-pv.-iv.-fi tho released. rljrht to rrjprt any or nil Mils. Aeoorilinir to police, Bolocek stat- membei federal deposit insurant! I KI.MBH A. 1I"1"KAHTI1. Uon.iiKl, Clerk cii lie fell aslueji ut the wheel of his $4.31' auto. TH£ WE5TFIEJJ) (H.J.) LEADER. THURSDAY. MARCH 1, IMS pa£«

URD RECIPIENT—William Petraglia, committee chairman' RaU firtt prise tc* Ja.me» SmytH« for winning the geniui title [„ annual Blue and Cold dinner of Cub Pack 373 of Holy lity School held Thuraday evening in the Locust Inn, Ro«ellc. Girl Scout Emergency Cub Pack 373 Child Care Squad To Review First Aid Millions of customers share the good feeling of knowing that Ids Annual they can depend on A&P. This applies to every aspect of The Girl Scout Emergency Child store operation, including advertising, merchandise, and Care Squad will hold a first aid service. You can always lie sure that when an item is adver- review Saturday from 10 a.m. to tised at a specific price . ,. that's the price you'll pay in the annual Blueand Gold din- 12 noon at the Mountainside Res- Cub P.itl: 378 of Holy Trln- sue Squad Building under the di- store. You can rely on every one of the thousands of items ranmia* School was held rection of Mrs. I,. W. Becker Jr. sold at A&P, too, for all items are guaranteed on a money- ,day evening at the Locust Mi-s. flecker is a Reft Cross first buck basis. As for service ,.. you can always expect cour- Kosolie. aid instructor, according to Pen- teous and efficient service on the part of A&P personnel. lliam Petraglia, committee ny Rounds, diairnwm. These all add up to make A&P -a truly dependable store. innn and Eugene Kroncke, The first aid review will Rive the aster, handled the arrange- girls practical problems in first 'aid for the din ner. Andrew Mc- using knowledge in the junior arid n was in cbarge of the pro- standard Red Cross First Aid FRUITS ^VEGETABLES! Guests included the'Rev. ftavfell .ml J. Duggan and the Den era. The squad voted to hold thin ac- "SUPIft-MGHT' tivity at a recent board meeting at iproximately 80 Cub Scouts wluch representative of eight se- WAIITY SWEET CORN their fathatt were entertained nior girl scouts troops and two ad- football

CAIIDC or CreaM ef Ckfcken cant Baby Food Chopped MINUTE RICE 43 BLUEBERRY 6 • This Week COc 0«r Finest aliallty 4 cans' Save 10c JT Heinz Angel Food Ring ]2'4S< Baby Food e Straintd Chopped V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE 35 Crumb Square ^ 39 0i.»99« 6 • 89 Pumpernickle Bread \^23C HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE 4 - 45' Frozen Food Values! Crisco W*lt«, Ttllow, Divll Ffid, Hontjr Iflct Tomito Rich Flavor C«*.*«l« EKU« ASPBf.nd 2•""•OQ Ib. i C Fur* vagttabU shortening b«9 WT A&PBr.nJ ,2lb ' flS6 can ""• can CakNutltt—Milke Mixe, Almond, Crunchs &, Frui 2t & NuK:«t - AluminuIemato$eupCm Foil 3 ™ 50' [S™ $ 00 >SEPH McELROY of 12 Tudor oval, left, won Brit place among 49° Birds Eye Orange Juice 2 :.V; 45" « «ntender« in the Toaatnuiten of Wettfield apeech competi- Chocolate Bars 3 : 1 Wo nd erf oil '» Saturday nt the Mountainside Inn. He •• tbovrn receiving hit Ivory D ly '6 or A ACe #* I * N*b!ieo 7% ox. Aif d "i from Donald Sawtelle of 34 Sandy Hill road, right, the Hog rood ' n12 «... 89 Cookies ch.«.u..chiP Pk,. 25 chopped Broccoli »» « "", 49° *• education.il vice pre.ident. Richard Davit of 459 Beecb- Liquid Detergent c.n: OT LOOKIGS ChocoUt.Chip pkg, *" place, center, president of the group, joint in the congral- ty "*JJ° CutGoldenCorn ^-^ 6;v;;;79° "'°ni. Mr. McElroy will repreaent Toaitmallerl of Wettfield in 12 oi. i Salted Gathews VJ1*& ;;'39« Nestle Morsels^:",:" '£»" Mch competition bringing together other Toaitmaiter cluba in c : e 7 " «« «hi« tpring. Planters Peanuts vJ*^ V:37« Cocoa Marsh tf 'iTK' °' « Milady's Corn Fritters 2 pk;'; 57" 4 A •••£ Banquet Dinners lto^!1i^", "^W' Mr. Clean Pork & Beans u£££» ^B» Royal Gelatin Dessert F1. 14 J 2 C B j"* Doiry.Center Buys! Alt purpoit liquid cUsntr Pancake Mix *t£z£ PV;37 Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes 3 \ '.' 37e wildmirt Brand Yuban Instant Coffee £ 99* Q.T. Frosting Ch...ur.^«.. 2 ^ Ion CDe • •• Selected g% I .V." 74 Italian Provolone ^^^a,**- »>S9C SOON , Equal to the best . . . Yet costs you less! Equal to the bett . . . Yet costs you less! Danish Blue Cheese '»p«w lb 87C The New Home ot Blue Ribbon Delsey Prieet effective thru Duz Detergent Blue Cheer Sat., March 3rd in Premium pact Facial Tissue Bathroom Tissue •«t*m in autDns-> tntnn « Super Markets and N*w wash day 1110*1 tgniuai io nntn HE WTXIMS or 2 3 0 BTHS IB sains oi (nunsiTiES Self - Service ftorei. O plg«. Q7c Aisorl.d Colon 9rolli95 P C57° ^VH Ql Twin Pnck "" "*w RANDAL pk,. ** ok,.'1 * oMoa SHOES 155 ELM ST., WESTHELD, N. J. 1060 RARITAN RD., CLARK 105 SOUTH AVE., FANWOOD BETWEEN CENTRAL & WESTFIEID AVES. 82 ELM ST. former Murphy B!dg. LARGE FREE .PARKING AREA BETWEEN MARTINE AVE. & 1ERRILL RD. -OPEN "MONDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Till .9 P.M. OPEN TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Till 9 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 10 P.M. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 10 PJA. THE WESTF1ELD («. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, MARCH 1. IW* • REAL ESTATE-SALE* • REAL ESTATE -l • MAI ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE - SALE • • REAL ESTATE - SALE • • REAL ESTATE - SALE •! • REAL ESTATE-SALE • \ •jtEMESTATE - SALE •

; RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN C. B. SMITH, JR. ft ml tor NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL CO. EDWIN O. EDWARDS Rr a flora BK A 1.1 OR THREE "CV & Lfsfin* Xrnktri BARRETT & CHAIN 112 Elm St. r.jitifurlal-l'. .<.mpa.it <•••v.vmif'it. Thii> thin- l.i-lri'iiii hi.nn- '"J"^^ AD 3-55S5 Realtor* 1 DANKER & DANKER, Inc. FRANKENBACH i'l'lKMiii" iTmT i'r»n»port!ition. Tlif 302 Ee* toad itrM* ADams 2-6609 • vxlTti touil"'!* thai makv a lioUK'.' WILLIAM A. CU» K. t. Mrabrr of Tae k lioim havi- I.MII JBM. All newly Rcaltora — Wtttfleid Mountainside llrlc l.Utlax >>«tra flttfTHl.-rt. «ilh a furr.;n-4 f>l;)J a REALTORS INMHORS ' vfsr oW. ar.il a hatllrnim mudi-rn- Heabcn ef Multiple l man* h'.li^r•>. in WKST- AD 2-1800 AD 3-1800 •|i«-rf f..ur -vat!, am.- A vi'ry niff AO2430O 115 Elm Si., At) 2-4700 . . • We art* im mi..-i> <>\ hcni> in t-xit-!!t-nt t-'UHi.li'Mi m lh«- .M uliiyle I.jixtinK Sy.-'h-m **n«l >:(.ixl tiurroumliM^!* f"r >IV.:iyc. can rhfiw you e»*-aT7 1K,UK^ t 1I« t i* RANCH HOUSE 149 ElMHt STREfT Member Mal »»<•»• aScotth aPlalin* and AIOL'NTAIN- H'cstSeM—t-mmwao*—Ke»l«-« Plalaa JuM liMt.fl, vn H loVfly tr*?*- ^tia-Jfi NORTH SIDE COLONIAL ! WISTWEIO It jztMc«ff us v»r>- proud iA-b«a we Ktrt-el and uilliiu wulktns di>- W> likv MOt.'NTAiNfjIOK (and taiK-t tu a finv lira'Jt' srh' of those who are niaiM> buyers do ul.uo j tj«c uutto; being tr*t\ettrrtl l-'irf-plit-e Jn living ru'-m- ADUl S-4B4S i*uj am choo»* ttae We*tle)d-3£ou>.- JIviiiK room and II>IMIIK rwm ™jn-, family sii'J JinhiK ruom. nrremeu taljuide-Scotch Plalna-F'&tiwood t«rr- HtANKUN SCHOOL ...tl.t- taxes art- K<-ntrally luw't-xt tiiiuUKjn ^ iOi lirtplttt »•. motif rn ; oj>«n jiojch. lBt floor lav-iitory. fitery tor ttwir new hum*. J u*i in tin- tttfii v^i- wrve; kiti-lirn. lili-d lialh. und thrrr bed- ^ Thtrt art- threp «'>oil *iizfd bf*l- recently w* r*c«*v*i-«l.v. The Kura^« in atlattn-tl and i Jiird. jilvl is !"<' tw\ . Kxiieii- »i*t« A iUt of U kf> m«n who wul urci IS.4 t IZ.'y. di'ilnK r(>on» I" future: Ihf- laiiilai'Upt'it lut 18 SI 1 150. i tionally l-^w heating: costs are- in - •oon be moving here with thrir 12.6 x lO.iO; kitc-ht-n and o^*-n . . .ttic th-intutary Hthoolw iii t- I diratjve <>i Its iiuality lOr^lru'1- families. KaturfMy we went them til-reined |>ur<.'h on lirttt floor. Tftr*-' Kuod, w til {.ruldfil artd wvll $26,500 j tiun. We- invite coitipurison at po»tt-h**t4 copies of our bookttt* lH-droon.il »nd jnod**rn Im.h ii >TJI pr«vlil**d for; juu! literature - . . »ora* will noi ohlj 011 «rcvnd. Oil hi-at (furmi--r> ; Jil Hil MOUNTAINSIDE COLONIAL j 4 MDROOMS - •rrfv* tor many months . . - aume — 1 >r. ul«U; dftarhul Ka.ra«fr. Al Hljfh b'chool In ixct'llc-fit und rfri-otl> In H uuMlnlaMtdr, $26,500 i will be here in ft matUr of week ntwly dfccurjitfil and rt-J v*ry Jie<:t-HKib]f */>• frt(- bua; we'd plrk thtm nrvrl> llmird Tfaft fiut-ot-BlJUe Realtor know* th I WANTED - TOUGH BUYEft $24,300 Juur iiiitpfCtiuU. i'<;KHetf ...the imrochtal HIiioi,] Ji.tP isniuil inu *tor> tnvdrri t U*4Vi An unuKuul rurreiitiun room in tho \ tfawe prospectfvt bumueekcra w (lart«te; ( UIODIO! n« **ni«>«f Jlltel> to bitM-nn/iu is }unt one of t lit .nai;y ; And a- wtns wtlcom* when the June and thfc prlre i* only : 5 bedroom. 2'i »-ath eenti-r h»H RAMBLING RANCH There «re clitnu who ,u arrive . . - and we are confident th .. -the prtKCiiL resident* of AUJl'X- *rll cfwlcki}." Kniw •*«tra«- (•xtrfifi in thi«, prclty home- A rtt-r,, hav* a large lii-dram Ji,? tbey will be happy when they *• TA1NSIDJS art fi-ii-ndly and to-MtFrn" tbr Interior tm Im- powd'-r roum, laundry, and JalI- home in tt-ttfr than new condi- Joining bath on the 8™. &* very InteresU-d; Hinrulatc . . . Pl«jM»r plan outtlfd porch are included on the| tjr.n. BulU in )i«J>9, located l.i a Nestled among thr trf<-B ia this vttr Ha* towns. GtANT SCHOOL . . AND MOLTNTAI.S\SJDK IS SO iniludm tfcrrr Kood brd- f beautiful fiettlng on an acre plot long, low ranch with convenient Mother or BB. the second floor art- (ill large. ! in pretty K*»*t-x Karm« (Wtf-stfield one floor living in an excellent A beaunrully kept. wtlJ tj tllrd bntb uu (hi* MM-UBI! vkinityj, it bua»»ts a larK*1 modem Small side location. tntt tfveund Hoar. We hav* Ulcewt««, if you or your fritiu home with Ur^e ttunny rwme per- 1 Tttx«-« are under $600, and the lot home here anl» !• thr Bpaclous living territory, do let u« know *v tfo* cluu* Jiving room with Hr^plH APfU TREE LANE, icvwl-*i*r4 ll\*ti* ruom nittt equipment. levrl recrt-iitiuu ritum. 2-car at- l^trife UvlnK-diiilns: room with a fireplace, big dminj v« can give you, in turn, the fttci Jur«K dining room. U' auitruo ilrr|itii<-r* d*?B. oiixlrra (tiled) ! lavhed xaraKC- Aluminum combi- L-yruer fireplace, large kitchen chen and Jolouaied MOUNTAINSIDE Icltflirii, ponder ruou, uU(- nations. Walk to grade school. null ealiiis areH, three twla-»i«ea Itlra of a coop* rating: HtM.ltur ii tlen. tiled kittheu with eating comb, airetnn ana Un TWAT area who can ruU out th urea. And powdrr ruum uown $26,500 II>• room and J«luunled p*in-h Cannot be duplicated for $33,900. hedruoniH, tiled bath, full base- to-wa)l carp«tlii^ and i red carpet for you . , . there 1* < Btnir*. Thret tiff tedrooma piu*< ivht«'b adjolna Inrttr t^l' * THREE YEAR 010 ment with laundry and lavatory, lit') outdoor patio (ivrrlank- en»r are all Included HM course fto charge u> yt>u tut th »l««>j>ins porrh on secviid flour A 22-ytar-old throe I.wln.uin. 1 % FIVE BEDROOM HOME aiinched garagt. nice treea and la aboii j . f . . H w a purl of the typical, we! nlua A room and alonge on thinl. Jjaih (."(JIUJMHI, nit-(UuIdUiily deco- fnK renr jmrd. ilrlu»e plat JLoeated In realdentlal Vtnm rounded ttrrlc* that we like t i'Artlitl retreat ion room In ba pant-lfrd liaiM*iHriit jcaiur $33,900 CHOICE LOCATION Karly powseHMOn, and priced offer our friend* and customer*. mrnt Interior completely r*(i riitHd and maintained, with many r-oiim with t'*r«nilf* lltrd many extras-—namrly: iy at only |2&r9(f0. orated. Double garttgt, 7f>' x 1 lonr. Oil kratt attarlird en- JUKI over the WcMtu-M line In lively flfiht room hoine in fjn-el- lii lot. Modestly priced at {2MO0. rax* , . . flte plot and *tl- K«-i>uh Plains mi H quift court, lent i-niifiition, clodp to all schoolfi tlntc Jirr quite plrfnrraqar thia mudtrn homp IK Httuat<-d on HII HnH elation. I^rge living room vi lib A vnrlrly of trt-r» and (trie of land. Thin no*- lintfnfc ia with hrt-plaoe. Deluxe kltt-hcn u plraNABt Vuuthrrn nutluuk H larK*' hum*?, with thret* bfdroomit with built-in«. 14x29 patiplled and FANWOOO COtONfAL frum the Mnlehuaar foyt- and t>Hth on tlit 2nd level, and two lifatoil recreation room. CarpetfnK INGUSH TU0M JtlllN. more bedrooms and bath on the included. 100 amp hervice. new BEAUTIFUL STONEUIOH PARK I Ttil* I'rick and frame home built 3rd I eve], Kanilly room, powder roof. TraiiBferrvd owner offering1 4 M0ROOMS - IW UK in 1V&L offers I arse «guar« ryf* Jiaet-mtnt liftit K large pine.-pan- room, arid laundry are at the at $3fi.90fl. JEX eel lent location In Westfleid. throughout: living room (Z^xl). elled Kit me room with a ceramic Kradit level. Kpring posHuaplon. KuBlish Tudor style with entrance •URAL ATMOSPHERE Uinfnic ruom {H.lOjvIZ-IOJ, modern Die floor and a wet bar. vestibule—large living1 room with $J*,900 kitchen (li,)0xl£), rear iKtieh tn- Also: 21.4 x )2.5 fiAgstone patk fireplace—14' x 13'3 dining room StJMJMAN CONV04MNCE tiontd and inuulated. And powdrrr In rear of house; plot 86 x 160 - PERFECTION PLUS - C. B. SMITH, JR., Realtor —cosy den and beautiful modern Thlo lovely Westlitli) t,Dn LUIIaa: kiu-hvn with deluxe wall oven, the Franklin School area ml Jo Fan wood, plot UO I 2si ond Boor bedrvumu measure (18* rotecled walk to Pcmbroki WYCHWOOD 111 Cratral Ave. AD * and diahwRBltcr. Alau bedroom and •liodesa as ran be. Second! —-gpacloua Cape Cod with ' 11.3) (HxH.10) (ISZxXH.i). There choul; la Ufa only 1474 (1982 eni\ powder room all on 1st floor- has four bedrooms with OH N bedrooms. Library. Over Is a wewlnr room off itiinter bett- S $42,900 Three targe bed ruom o and bath on while downstairs haa a (|» IM room and Ruffe closetn. Attached mated), fr necond floor—29 x 14 panelled rec- room with fireplace, famui, aised sariMrc H-ith hobbj Sara«e. hot water heat, oil fired, Vlrilala E-irrtrk All t-MTl room. Tool houae, CHolc< "HOMES FOR RINT" Thla brick, cuwioni di-Mlgnprl home Klliaarlk Plrajtt reation room in basement—% car dining room and modertlwiI shrubbery—treea. and finished baaemem. Exterior iiHH a gufpt dlntlnctUin that will AD S-SS40 »If-lathed fiaruffe—nicely landscap- chen, lavatory and acr«an>4» painted in l&eo—reaaonitbie tax- IAROE, URGE RANCH, .please the fllHcrlminatliiK buyur. AB»a CaUwHI ed and shrubbed lot. House In fs. Transferred owner want a of- AH UMiiala vrr have m it*n*4 Thl* home was recently r£ ff?,9O0—In lovely Scotchwood, fers. I'rlce U 586^00. MOUNTAINSIDE *u»|ifr «r ho&ntu far rent la -All the rooms are unutniaUy well immaculate condition inside and rated and all art (or > clt Scotch Flfclna. Impreaalvt Wt-Mfflrtd Hud vlrtolt* . . , proportioned. Thero in RVVVHB tu a out. Triced ta 136,900. You will like it. •pltt level amooc th© tree*, $3S,M0 Mine ti»fural«hed U o m *• m cedar panelled den from both thr plot l«0 z ISO. rttaxfitK from «1HS lo M75 dinlnff room and frum a kltrhcu MOUNTAJNSIDi New, not yet completely dec orated • . . o«r ffarMlkhrd howr at that ia unparalleled In design. tlf,»OO—On Winding- Brook Way In or graded, on a plot 96 x 214/262. •tltftO nad nw*M4*roMM np«r<' Three he'lroomn nnd two tiled v*r/ dwiraoli Scotch plains laxfM not yet BHweBBcii but men it., bulk fumUhrd and tiiUhft are ju»t three BtfpH up from arcs. Center hall. 7 rooms. Attractive 1910 Colonial on Apple mated to be 1750. the main level, Thero Is «!«« a Tree l*ane. Uvlns room with nre- unruralilirdr r n M jr t n «t f n *>creeni'rlrr fr-nn *I2.1 lo *»»t. «»f recreation room that 10 HIBO Center entrance hull, largo IIVIMK rafte. Thin In ultoRrther A mottt modern kitchen, laundry room, Mprclfil InfrrmC are l«u »PH- dtllKhtful homo which amoiiK moat attractive. Jaloualed and powder room. Second floor hu» room with fireplace, full in ext rut* iti- tion of Scotch PlainH—la ret* living ih«rm0p»B» window; Rre three nice bedrooms and tiled walnut-panelled den. three 1ft n;e cludfH ypHr-round air rotulttion- HARRY H. MALLETT ruom—«ood dining room—modern bath. There is a larKe jalousie fnmfllfw with t-blltfrrn or Jug". Ha looatlon In Wyoh wood In place. - Low slunv—just on< enclosed porch; panelled game bedrooms, two iitUhs. Ovemlie 2- ln-ln»M. One In 1*>M« .lino kitchen with wall oven — three CENTER HAU •lep front ground. Kul car garage and large unttnitthrd Ktfl<» nml thf (Khrr tuurr In » tralTfr-fren urea ju«t ovor Jar*ct' bfdrooms and bath on aee- room with reramlc tiled floor In basement. HlKh coillngH. the Wi'Ktllold lliu-. b**ement~ the basement; outdoor jialio, at- (bun 9'MHi. If >? «« tached garage. Plot ta 65' x l&U1. MCMI try lo krlu. and full bnth on tlilnl level. Oracle M*f>nt, thin la a Htrikinc ,plll-lH •»M«»—Up high in Mountainside 126,600. li'vel recreHtion room and powder home. Ownet* has been trtuta with a vi#w, Deluxe ranch WESTFIEID RENTAL room—full liaHoment — 2 car at- and can give about 60'dftypM, under 10 yaara old. tMrge 141 ElMHt STRUT Ucliecl Raruffe. l acre plot. Jlome Hion, If needed. There un Ha room*—iH baths. About an $160 month EDWIN O. EDWARDS bpnutffully dt'iorated and In ex- Kcneroun bedrooms and tw ESI STONCUIOH PARK cellent condition, $33,900. baths on the second Wvtl lu In Kmnkllit Hfhool area, rlo«p to 112 Elm St. AD 3-5050 floor han center hall, llrlof M On Fernwood lid., In Moun Enduring Eneilnh type home In town. Mhoppintc, Junior 11 i^li. etc, with fireplace, full dlnfni JMI iatnald«. An «xquiaite homi- top condition. Entrance veattbule thrt'u brdrooms, \% baths, avail* AD 3-5555 ultra modern kitchen tnd J*l» -with t room* and 2 bitha living room with fireplace, nunny able quickly. led porch. Beautiful pint fuO on the nrat floor, plua a TV room, den or bedroom, lljfht Dvealaiti recreation room with Uvittn gora-eoua suite on tbe sec and modern kitchen wtth break* Winifred II. Kdtrarda...AD 3-MTO grade level. Plot 76 I Ml t\ ond floor, and a gr*da leva 2am bar and dishwasher, powder "FRANKLIN SCHOOL" Hoy T. r»H«l< AD S-ftSM LARGE AND LOVELY CAFE CODI outdoor barbeque. lncldenultja recreation room leading t< room all on first floor. Three he4- Betty L, WteaMM Clalrr Markrr AD 3-23OS carpeting and drapesattMtU the patio. Many, many ti rooma and tiled bath on second. lintranrf hall—large living room. Iraa. PanMIvd recreation room {29x14) Bvrs. Res. AD 8-3354 $19,500 Klalc CliaplK All 3-XSOS too. Top area—fine home! In basement. Many extras includ- K. Prcatuai L*jw PI t>-3«ll FIVE BEDROOMS Hue 'lining room. Jlodern Rnrt well ing wall to wall cttrpbtltig. (.las SCOTCH P1AINS planneil Kitchen—two good site lies**, douttle garafc«, pretty lut. Rv«*laic«l PvHnlMjinn tvtt* Miirf bedrooms and hath on 1st floor. 116.100, Mbrrr »• C. Wtr«m*a All MIM hump la unr oT tiur froiid $33,900 J^ovply brick patio—l-tnr detach- klra. Imkrltc Bet«f AD 2-0U7« •fhoul nnd rrnlttentlnl l*M*n- oil KHrnKe—largo bmlniom tlnlshrd alra. AllklU W. Mlc|HUq*j AU tWM tloot., Tbrer tivdrooin* and A renl jilenKuri: to Khow nn\\ even anil une unfinished bedroom on tuudfrn (4 >rnm (tld> unth "ccond floor. Full baaeraent—low WHAT A VMN t»w and , , . I.lvJns; t-umn with HJfPHtfr tu own Iw thlft Ihree- tax<-»—Jfirornon Soliixi! location CHOICE RENTAL M ycHr>i)l(l 11 v*' hi'drooin, two jtnlnM, «1 I ti 1 n x room one-half hath hrnuly. It JIK*1IUIPH l'rlccd lo »cll at K0,900. $30,500 JTATftY CCHONIAl Hrlrk and frame, flv* heflroom, 2H vtHli MbulterH, rherrful kit- H\HO n Kr«de Ifvol recrrHtlnn rnMtii bath homa on beautiful Sylvunia <*hm (fflcm M«»uthi*nM(> nnd PETERSON-RINGLE- «nd space In the basement for a f'lacc. A transfer to (he Phlllp- nrrrtned porch on IMI, MVII- rumi-UH mom. The t««-rar EarHKf Up on top of the Mo»»l»M2J ptnes brlnfrs this desirable home M. A. MERCNER iory «nd n*tr (ItMli) .ill NEWMAN-ATWOOD un excellent view In HI «W mvmmtut Mmtlnv lilmi* In hanMiifnt. (H hullt-in and the lot ts an ucrp on the market fur two years, un- Mraatwr Hcaltor*—luaraia In size in nn excellent erea. HUK- ilona, IB thla •martlj' «»«J"4 furnished at $300 per month. .Pa*>r4>aco»l on your wny. Not a flreplnco. nml new 3V x 15* room and has many dogwood '"*' ittmoKt cnm|>)ete(t tn expnriHlori. The flr.st iluor in thin at trnu. Attached RnraRo, l!20 volt HITVII-* . homo Ineludi * a »lcn or TV room, afTordlng excellent toron"""*" Hendlx WHHII*-r Included. Artisttc n lavnulry and a Jalousled p»r«-h, m.nt or larj!i> living rimn, and m wm rouser — AD It is Immaculatf nnd will nut need A pliif punollccl room wtih a tfra- alnlliK room, good kitchen, ncrcen- tiummlt. Work. £*room house with modern Scotch Plalim location. mti- tiled lluor utnl built-in bar t' $48,500 NEAR Is only one year old, and there built In l»i«. The owner* have ss4» A. ciar»*«u amvzi ECHO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB are aluminum ronihlnatlon ncrecris WYCHWO0D lavished care on It ... have put Cftu. H. rrsiBkcsjksiek.Jr. AD 3-8BS4 ftEAUTY AND IRAtNS; llimriM.nir, flhllf, renter hull and norms. One car garage. up a beautirul Blockade tenet in Et r rMll ATJ >«TW $92,500 THREE BEDROOMS (nlanlnl on n lnra;r ptut In $48,500 the back yard Cor complete safely A hoiinc, llki* a person, seldom ha« onr of our rhalrrMt lortt- WESTFIELD \Vell worth your Inspection at and privacy for children and pets both, t>ut tbiH one does. Mont at' thtnu. Mnld'ft room nnd linlh Charm of thr- Suuth In tmrrouiHi- their very reasonable price. . . . patio too. Excellent neigh- tract I Vf: Inside and out (tr«en »o tin Unit floi»r , * . four •*prlni- Ihps lOitiracterlHtic of ItK true $19,500 A lovely home done in w--- borhood, ta*y walk to achool. In tall your won i-an't reach the top nttd-pro|*er11 h f 4 r o n in M, 2 ICrundour. IMCIIHO call for itrlalla. throughout. Quite spacl0"J, ,„ [act. It'* ft pleaaant walk to the even un his DaiVw uhoulder*>. Liv- four upatalrn beilroomt •>« j station If the Head of hte Mouae- illrd bnihi nliiitc, *rii«. lnt«r. This cililer home 1B In n vt-ry nice lr t hold ia a commuter who likes a liiK room with a fireplace; dining mtlna: flrit Hoor - n }>nr old anotnn nml hath up- rear >nrinn 1 large country kitchen with fire- roi»m with hortmitntnl iilne i i'mnkiin Solwol. Is ii golden omiortunltv foforr tlful plot. >IKH> «*"*•• tJS place equipped with double oven, lo-WHII t'urpt'HiiK int]u(lt>d. 2-CAT ^afttaiontlnir nnd it » ««• il *- r jittnOHplirro 4-nrrlt » rldht Into tin, a qualmelmed buyer to ,,,£ £ ,((" " ttll you more about »» family-t*lxo ldtclion. WotMl-jiitii^l- home, or better }»'. '•* ranfre, dishwasher,, cluthen \vanh- riHilik (or ciMirMrt, (iiNttMti li-il farnlty room,1 next ti» the kit - high mortgage on this newly re- «?r. dryer and air contlltfoner nve,ilent ti. »ho|>|,lng, aehoolH, Lathn, 7 large closet*. Alti*j fan, UK mid lell us jour ncctls. t>i-rv ColontttU In town. v\> to '.' car atliu'liril trnntKr :m«l *lectrfc heat with fndlvlduHl room l» our motto. h.ipe you'll tvti thr miiiit-. busfment. The trHfTIf iiattr-ru l» control. Ovcrelaed garARe 24 x 24. liooil. Thrri' hlit bpiirnoniB, two J-'ull basement* A good Mednltton t'cramlr tiled Imlhs, illultn; rmmi RENTAL home Just completed on H G-aore HARRY H. MALLETT WlHS tract in excellent nHKhborhood. with French nlllnB REALTORS JNSURORS $22,900 Kim St.. AVrxllFliI All 2-.VI0O In without »l'' ,r5u» f . tUO Pnrk AVFH SrolC*. Plain* There are three >;">f|r.v,l *» 26 Prospect Street AD 2-0300 e KAfrttencp tif riiiullthm nnd IA 2-SSOO ronma on the sen;»'• J h(dr** t>»n>enlfnrc fur Irnnxpnrta- Wmtflild 3laltlplc LUtlsc Sr«trm AD 2-5050 Ilim nrf twt* imiM.rlntit I-IMI- RTrBl M01'STAI\«U»K unlit U-vtl rotivi'nUni tu KTHIU- nnd paro- IliKh ln,l,.r PL d-ST i-S-lal i«'-ho*>lH. lU'autlfully plaf<>t] (Mi lur«f Um.llpd lot, ulnin- KhlertitlonN hrre. The ntcely Chnrlca Coluccl AD 2-4M oant wtili mature *hrubbery: JHIOUMICI) T< «r pi*roll (t|n'iilnil k**|i1 interior IIIIM three 1MM,- Wllllnra niiibrotT rtHvniN «m Ilie ^n«l Ie«,-1 . . . Aimtln MitfNHD^r ET»«.I Harrr It. !Mallrl(..An .1-14SS fr'rm OinlnK ruom ovf-rlnokit rc.-ir burden. Three twin 5lr.fil fltM'rvtmoi. nxnii < 1"'). tut- Aim. \ IrKlnla lloturr..AD S-&3O3 $22,900 l.nlr, l'»l;«*t All IISIT! r«^m, Uvatory; full banen.ent, two-ear bulll-fn Kitni^e. Kir,- alitrj mill ntttichett RiiriiKr AD 3-0.164 tin if H »u nil Irtf I. Kltelivn luin Unmaitr W year old l-Vi.u ...0,1 ,piu ,„.„. AMONG l>I«(f- In ifvlriK room; usurious htrch kltclt<*jt. Quick POK^CHMIOH. iv I tii iiutmiintle it|'itllan«><>i>i. 133,Lf>. illniriK mom IIIHI HI In IT ronni '•arse 51 -t Ml living ,,,„„, uln. with (iliture ulniloitN . . . e "'om an'' "Itchen \Sin WYCHWOOtVS RNEST i 1U; mlhliiturt- for flii.r.OO. fTojy two-r*ti>ry Cnlo renr ynrA I* frnced. Mny *w r a lvUh a K nl»l nif-r>Iy r*-rivrHt«-i1 wltlt that '•hoiiH'y fecMllB-" Six UH'in* fit lac(i*-«l (jaraK<\- rloi**- to Frank Jin School. Excellent lo LEE K. WARING $48,500 Isiulizfi. home for the first home buyer. w Three beilroiima. 1'- hatlia .New KngJund rJiurni, 5 b<-n for a fin*- »re-war seven room honir \n vxcv\\on{ con- 3 Lath a. Dellffhtfut library- : f:r*r- 'Hii'jn, l'inlsiiie/1 baNinu-nt nMTi'Utlon nrnm with tll«- rloof; jilncfH. Kxtra lavHtory. Th*- plot ni tlrtt (1-j.ir n-rtr di-n: Jaluutt|t-il imrch; Invjunry. I'lrcpUicr In the BETTER THAN NEW 100' aii(j A f ov r ! \'y t~ livinu' room; uttai'lu-d Karagi1. New MtnintultiKldo rlemrntury cxfeptJoiial. Tall tri-r i.ifi- ktichftt; thrci- itrt-pbires in living room. UlnltiK Klt.li,,, Ai.l .li»hu-,i.sl,,T. ui,,| il,,,. ; ar.ij rnjintcr ()-•••) nitiiti. On (tin* of Went fie Ill's lioaut I fill • -.itlnir spa,-.'. Tlii-i-v li,.ilrixini» ">. ! *lindt(J Nr.rlh .sit!*- Mrwttt. $3fi."i00. Imtlm. ;3-fl. m-u,|,. |..v.-| raiiliK' ! UNCOIN SCHOOL BARRETT & CRAIN r-..iMii. :n,.l lH-,iuiillil ivilin . „, l,..s,.;i I I.*\*'*H,\ Ht'HOOr, t'tiionlal loriltcil in ;\ most iMinv I.} -Mi-..IIK lu iron raiihiK. i..,rKl. I COLONIAL -MLl.Tiri.K USTlNi; MKMIll-ntH vv.-ll laiiil>,-:n,.-,l 1,,|. .Uiim; „ NANCY F. REYNOLDS .". ,,tir.t. f'ir all j*tlioi>lNh Ktutl'Mi »HH1 town. Much lut-ilt-i $26,000 f! C h l i'»l:) AU 3-alOO £ M;\V VHQ\ IIH-:\CI; HO AD DANKER & DANKER, Inc. K\MII.V lu i.M.i,.l Sr.uth shh- tonitlon. Mix MM AD 3-180O WILLIAMS. CLARK XCvra. and Maiadar rail vim: r'M.iii with lirci'l'U'f, two |>fil|MM.m><, I;irj: — u II, \,t- varaleit March 1m. I-'mir *tr>c..m It. It. ni.rrtlt. Jr \|> ^-70,1(1 OI«:« Kraf AD S-T1J4 < in;' lib bfdiooin uhi.-* small l.na(..,y. Cull I 1-vrrlnj:. Onlr F-vrnlnw !•»»•*• ^ t '• hiii-cnr U'.iritK'". Thrct- H.-o l tn-.lr'i"itiv - Im I si«i:i:r 1 ||) |;,tHs >.rill sh.iivir llnmld 1>. rinrt ,_ _ rharlo W. nrto,"J ^ j^S MaarlBuas :> ru kit rtH-n with , Welllntf 'pjjrf J'JI.W. Vjit-;tltt, MI m«y lo lnf|)«- Ilin.-lllIU;; KIMilf h v. | .I,., \,-i(|. ! l.lllll-ilis l.aM'Mirnt :,*ph:ilt !ili il i Nuiunnr M. Wood ...... _\n ijls! Grrnldlnr Pardy xl»'*"** Mrmbrr l:ill»l 51. Mlnnimr VI) L'-.VI'.'S Mill, 111.,!,I'.- I....in; .l,.i,|,| I Weatlleld—Paaoood—Xeotrk rial.. M. llrlmnr llll.hlr Ml rutl.lir. William A. Clark * SI. H. Men., .Ir VII -•-!>.-,41 l l 1 JAME Multiple 8r.lt*. THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. Jithn II. Whrrrr Ml ^-ni7H IPS" ''P;; "}-'^^""'-^^",,,^: I S J. DAVIDSON CJ^OI-KO |.\ Itlohittila ....Illl O-17U1I T. ,,„„,.„ Ask Per Broekar* aln** and Ifvlldnra B. JOH>SOV 1,. DBAS JOHNSON, Jit, LEE K. WARING, REALTOR Al> •-T5.-.U U 2-0300 Multiple I.Utlna; Mrnbr K. llriind M. .VI) 2-r40i -. Only: Member* ot Uultlpl* Llatluc S>k(ctt> Kvruinc I'honeiii Hlfrrj Elnivin. Jr. .. . Ill 3-*W.I tr» J. llnvii)nun . Unrlon Ul.cbuS ...... ,AO 2-lais »THE WESTF1ELD M. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH I, 186* I ESTATE -SALE* • REAL ESTATE - SALE • •• REAL ESTATE - SALE • • REAL ESTATE - SALE • ! • REAL ESTATE - RENT • j • FOR SALE FOR SALE • i • IMPLOY. WANTfO '• j W« tStA^I.V have spverairw ; IM ItltAMU.l. yaw JT.M•- j SOI-Mi m-i HAKDVMAN will clean attLcs; C4l* rentable lii/uws for r«-m in ' it- [ <(«-n. inukes wtist •• wurk u>v y«u. H<- j «nnjiltU>. i uxviln. Htitc 4*. j !;>. A J' il- >ar«, Karagea. Will cut lawna. O»r«*j WWJWTING 1 HOMESTEADiNG H»Jcl and vicinity, Prices avertsfte ,i dUcHH ftai ba^* a tut uther UIKUIUC [ *~<^t* t vi-n i»n»»*. work bud yonvrul huusael^Aninc, u WESTFIELD t.?fi to 537j per month {-'leutte call pii.ik'iinl inolch your Jobs. Citll Arthur, AX> »-8«» THE UNE -—w«*l) do our bent t^ help "-—-*• •- Vvr». ?l}t».6ti. On dts- TWO Kills' l.lry.'lf l« \\>Kt«t>ld IK uut of thr Qu tt^ytd AViv, WALLPAPSR HI I«O. any ali« r»6« «rHtoK. fkert* rrxialu 7.1 Mtwdeil Icttx d. N. J. l!-S'4t SI!. Foir.lllig reaaunatla. AD »-«6ll tit MHltfro It 111 * <• on v*ttU4i to build I lir Ktcnu-r Via In lift id ari-ii. Kssl. T-io-tt • far "ItotiH*- «>r juur ilrfRinx." No other O'IHMI PLAINS -4 • TAX RETURNS • il IA tuwn run tunkf t*iU offer. Mat** wall i.. wan THE THRJPT SHW l'*«ini**1-lu Vitrtl »li;. SNOW PLOWING NEEDS ACC-URATBI.Y prueareJ. »t your KUbard H. Bobblo. ^s ov Tin: > huiiif or In my wtTicti. AU S-;»HO1 CHARLES G. iilt-r 4-..if trurthm nt Sinlvrrn IIIUMO BABY CIOTH65, MEN'S SUITS 2E V1CAHS KXI'KIIIBN'CI! tt-T-ti K u JOB UHmJ.tr (untrurtl U> *i 1rt«- Til. irj-k-Un ur ndl> It;! MH.UHOII fi-iiot «f 4J»*. ^ounf. lt*» 4* rvlknplr AVIV, K.In» ouO, 8-l-i;i ^. Uiiii bulhs. Fur >*iiv > (•» r. j 11 TUt' Tbrirt Xb«|t far (»v«m]i4 HII1A1IIK uuman will tatiy alt, MEIERDIftCK, JR. *• (iWtltTH Hlf ••!) KU UilHitUHm-!)) ; IMIIIIK TAX -"'All t >•!'••« "rt'iiims Uny tluip. Ki>frreni.'«. AD S>-7K«B i-ndou I^.^IK litv'f1/.. In... it^iil- j prrparod In our ofl'lc'. Hours: tluily ; I5*7*tf VO1KII TUIv HOTSi: ui^f l(krt> to tor, AD S-M£^. BA..M. tu «HC everyone in tfee funtf)}. . . - lMmm»M,iiT,pT»MlW I-Xicbt maliMtmra In our oOler Tt*t**d foi-in;llK'tt about thiw out- and our V-: 1>O Hit M 9 , Ucot,;h Plui Cull FAnWuoJ £-&('.,»*!. '. "!»• work to do, -at lumiut.. BeitUtnutltuu l Italtor nimuuxl) for JOH 14 at Hnttrrn Anlliiu«* \iet*l vUtlas on •»? 1-4-Ut I ^ l"''i- Itt'U8uiiabl*" rulfa. Dial Hid ice after taklaic lato «<0UMlderM- FRANKMN SCH4HJI, SKTlON: • APARTMENTS-RENT* have. » i 114110. 2-1-tf 'AX MRTI.'at.wa—Individual or small lion the fommruti vf hu«drrdx of YOMC liAlTT CO. TIUH udombJ*? lillie Cuiunial hus attkllaa tamp N*«iitUM( il| 3 bBdruOmK utid bath on thf 2nd THHKK room apartment. 2nd tloor t Koaavuaklavuk p rat««. Ev«iilna« MA Tim; wuman will baby alt for Illplr LUtlw Mtmhtw at the Uvtug room, budroom, kitchen and JERKY CAKViU or wwktndn. Phone m. PialMI«M ••« Hour, sp&clou* Uvlux and dining hftth. furnished ur un(urnlBh«d. AD *4* AO 2-9139. Board »' KAIK MAHKKT V*MK allowert for Tel. m &4M rooms an4 the -kitchen lt»* table sees. i-25-tf 10fl-10s Central An. AD your pi-e««-nf faiMur Nkuuid you «il«b A^«*i, tuu. Open porcb, tfAr*v«, «tnd 2-llvtf JKCOMG: TAX—Sinai 1 bii>i'n«»» ~ri>- to «w oar TH-iUK-lN plnu. !('• tbe low uxn ••«> wof to BIOVV up to Malverti TWO BLOCKK (ram Ilvr schools, Sim FtRMSHKlJ, eunter — 8 I. KIM>S of lamp sarla aold «i> Hiditv. CoBftdratlal diHratMtlon an- I.luck lo sutlan Komodfled Cslu- roomsroms,, moOerOernn, pateprivate, , utliuieu s inin- >nur apcL'illcatlua. Alav ciaaa aril- «ur#d. nlal, s ttislroaniK. tw baths. »-oar cludedldd , mlulisl , $1212&& per mojiilil . DiaDl Una; and euttlugt valaa repair. AU KuraK<, e SCHOOL area, thrte b»d- SOUTH SIDE OF TOWN: In ex* bath In MuunfUnaidc. Dial SM»-443I. JERRY CARVCU liK at liome. AD 1-illS alter t;». o blue tud «old Malv«rn roonut. dresBlnjt room, tVt bnthK. 2-1-tr HELP WANTED- <-ellent fondltlon, thl« homo han a 1UU-1DN Oatral Air. AU S-4tS3 WOMAN* wUlii-'n to do Ironing In tier Hid«c Htvtt on tour left. Torn en puncU^il linn, tlniHlifii basenivnt, iarKf livinK I'oum wlili tlniilace, - Mlalalnfc Un> thru rlirat. I,«ok Imr Bcreenpd poroli. wuti deck. Firf- dlntiiK ar«a. and u neat kitclten I-'IVIO rowtnti nnd L>HtU aimrtnii.-iit. 2-Sl-tt FEMALE IIWII home. Mr«. Frlckmanh. ADT| the JOB BUtuberM on thr treen. or pLact*. larKe treeH. double ffar&K»- with table spare, There UIP 3 bod' RaiBKe, I'mi 11 oor. Mi Hum mil Si.. ). Sil-it il July IBI oucuputu-y. AD l-KH. rooms, nil large, \\ Itli K^od t:lom>t IJmU-n. Avuilal.lt April 1. Adulu LAMP AND SHADE SALE WANTBU for amall nursing home IN THI PARK 5-1-Jt Mjutce. Thtr sar*iff l« oltm hi'd aiul K.N.. ffromm BHB-H,, EJE-Jay week. UP.N KXrMOHIRvcKD woman wlthM »y« yuu will love thb trees nnd nhrubw, owner, Al) 2-Ht>£. nlno un nil our Klfta. rm 11 VM.VM 191 I AllAll , 6 dadyy week k ii-onltiK or ol«anlni{. it*«f«renAe, mo*t Bi!i!*aKlbl« to towa an* PETERSON.RINGLE- WAHHINaTON SCHOOI. ABBjT lr de>n. many Mctraa: 'Approximately rouliiK. tivitllable .MUILII 1 lu Oct. 1. MATt'HK, exptM'lrncyd nurao's aid, NEWMAN-ATWOOD 1 K Al.ltlX In Bll tyiM-a ofwf- 2 blocks from tchuol. AD 8-2117. Ulllil k\« HUppltcuI. JHiO. SI y-U'77 ltMI-tOK Onlral K\r. All it-4aS.1 muni hove transportation. AD 3- i-ntry. muHonry and plttHtcrlua*. No e IK up to 1h* niltiufe with I4« R*KHom — liawon 11-l-tf 2-Zl-lf 2386. 12-21-lf 2 Elm SI.. WrMlirK AD 2-5800 WHITE COLUMNS .b too sniull. Will lain McMurruy, IUKA1. for brldiil couple or oiu> i.r ll 2-40611. l-l-U rKi., britcbt. uttr* modern kit* .H.%0 Park *>>., SooU'li Pt»ln« Ilill.lC top burftau, ItiS: 10" KCA PA s-mwe 11KIX0 'rMANtrBRHRD — Split KORTH S1PK OF TOWN: Pour two men. t'ottune-likf prlvm-y, S\i> TV., Hi; tfroy rug, IS'xM', $116. REAL ESTATE SAUS en, >rw r#of» »e«r bratltoff pluui lf>vel, 4 b«ilruomn, 11? baths, one btult-oomH uud two butlm rolonlal rooms, Ilrt'uhn.r, guraft*'> Mtnvh lo. H>1 \fi woman would like J»|> do- >-4*ar old. Wall to u*a)l carpeting, in muv?-tn condition, l^avge living 91X0. KA 2-7llablr. iirnpCH. waalier and dryer. Pull 'AiU oMtato HHlOHivumun, muet ba rull d brnv> duly e.#(*.•••*•». arrvloe llonlen tm#M to «4N.MU rtiom, family Hive dliiltiK routn, nn4 line. lJlioni.' fur uvpolnt nii'iil I'l, li-tiJH. l>aH(>infni. (27,000. Pleaite call modern kltolien "vvltli wall oven t. I'M., ISR 2-CISC. Kxpi'rt Lnillra' Altrratloaa WATCHUNG AGENCY . all rumple.*., within the Initt and labl** wpacc. Thf I si Hour KOIH lurjte roitinn, newly ihi'u PV l.««M wantn uayu work, llefer- puwder ruum IH coiivf>nltMttl>' lo- nil utUHlcs, niiir town, udullK I-Mt 4!Ui Park Aw. I'lal ! 11I'S» IM1 r,c >«*nr«. Kl*kt room* U all cated. Coin binut Ion Htorni \v\\\- FA 1-58OK UOWH, baHcinem rflcr<»at|on room no Yor KSOW thi-ro la u pottery Plulntirlil ana Multlale l.lnlluir WHAX tioBlri-H inirt Uirn- Job Mon- UK H nuinr room lo 4r.ljrl.t nn>- d hO »Kil.W» A(l!ti>:livc thrcr IIUHH mi- f'luitlium mttUliiR nnU nltlppiiiK Mi-rvlrr i\y through Krldny, niljillo a«« ALAN JOHNSTON, Realtor fui'iilRlicd uoiiltniant A v u 11 u li 1 v meu-ur,* lo fxolllnlvu MllopH ev- •nlililo or woitmn prtfforr"d; cleail- ir, l.l\fitir room with fireplace. .\lurtli 1. Huruld !•:. Voxniii *.'n.. Ihok - . ..wlififV 1>>, you tctiow that thin IIIK iind Kood plain i-ooklng frbm I I'i'H. S Klin St., Al> 3-IIW5 or Al) £• pottery imilntuliiH nil uuttot for Lhrlr WOMEN until ufu*r dhuier. Convenient to n, Inrtcr dlnlajC room, fluent ruoro (XOTKTHBVI WESTfllLD 296T. I>UH. Call 1'Ulliillold 4-S015 »tt«r K,'i-,,iul» nil,I mid loin, ciilli>d T1IK f you ur<> in DI'IMI or inonuy ami 7:S0. 3-l-3t id JM> w*l*r room t th*n ! NVhen you vlllt nu worlt only tt f"iv lioum a day, REALTY SEKVIGE IAIU V deHtrttlili> tl tn- vmltcry rtliup, where selpcti»j nrvklriK AVON eurtlomorH IM your rnoin apui-iment tli exci'lli;nt l 1 WOMAN wlahM dnyn work Monday*, rntiint betlroum* unil bath, ap. t'tjuiiflH ttro liulr rHttil) prici , you uri' Jiawor. hilioduon AVON COSMKT- th»n . . . idt-hl fur youim couplt; rclrimio tn wutvli uur craftsiiu-n it CH nnd tollutrli'fl to your nftflrlUtorH. ThisdnyH mid FriuayB. AD 1-40)0. ADorn* 9126. Hfti-r.-H »"t Craln. Uf'altor.s, .•»>»it. 22 Wut('Ilium1 Ave, t.'lmthum, ;»11 Mrs. llutlcr. Ml B-C14U lur home atlu, bHrrt $op drive, iMMieilatf. 203 Mm StrMt IMUOO. N. J. O|ii»n li-u MoiKluy-riutunUy. woinnn wtnhas work tor |Cv#filiur BlivaMt ilay. nofcrimi'CB. Dial W.-UU. rlc* amM i. B««ol« Ui-WU INTttMTINO Ickanl R. MMk*r ... .AD a-eMJ MIIVIM; S(M>\ — I tun. gray IUIHI, WOMAN tu cli'un niudt'rn U-room \OIMi lady dunlrfla work aa ?noih- tOrors» KM MtIHJH • ROOMS FORRENT • 11.3 \ B, $1"; UIWSUII olmlr In Ruld hHc, uno day u wuck. lt<*ll&btn, r<*- ' hl 6 tlayii a wi>t>k. AD H* print. %UI; SlnunoltH cvHi, $10i flue. l rt'frii'HCi'B rt-qulruii. AO SJ*,GT1. BP «ure to at*e this H.*-jrpnr-oM home not loo far from r IIIOI) room, ground floor, irlr Mptic' lu'Uti'r, Ili; gTOeii jjori-li t.rnde Kchnol. on a 100 ft. lot. Attnirttvely deBignetl with a biilh, (luruKi'. ICxeellont Imh'ony elt'oct HVIHK room. Full dining room and a Rltulrrji prlvat,- h,,p Hlunlt-H. two (;', two fi^i"; WOMAX, uxporionced, wlahca 8 daya nplKlil liuoil. Buflupas man. At) 'I- Sltnmons -h Kli'l'T itntl Hll|>riiv,-r. work. I'll 8-43110. romi>l**tp with counter ra.i«<\ wall oven, dishwasher and 12-14-tf PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE ontlnR upacf. Three bedroom*. $\$ bath*. BtK, light ffrRdo 221.1. tt:'>: SItiiini'iiH instill luunat- vlmlrrt, 1 «i), £]li •'".; ShnltioiiH tilclnl artn- level recreation room wllii fireplace; patio; 2-car gftrs-r* . CHARLES H. BOWLBY Wo uro pr-^Hcntly ntM'ppthiK ajipJI- HIGH - WITH A Healtur VI'HMHHI^Il ro m for I H* ninu liulr with vipliulHt,M,'U H,'HL, *6; two Immet]late punHeHdlon. Prltx* $30,900. In unU't home. < lf. Al> ,,1 ,i,T- M.-n inlih-.v i-ljony, $[. imli; iuiiH for an- cx«'iuUvc intuition In • PETS FOR SAIE • 111 Qulmby Hlr»M I'ei-Himiu'l J>pptii'im«tu, V\>v np- i a-i-tr .ii«Mli,,y 21" ii'lttry mower, an Ih, rNllcil n«on 1h* rid**, nltb pulntint-tit ciill Mr. 1-. Korii, lOxfcti- i;iLl>y K>'ulf*i, ii>; llooi' luniii. $1!.GO: 1 },A1U)ont>t npftee you IIKKIUCICHATOU, rx'illiMlt l-onill- HAHNE A COMPANY kin cuRtuiH d«*>l*;.i*ti rmirh. I.lv* huvo tt IUT«*, thrco of 1he 4 iMMlrunms «jach has two rloneUi. KPntly curving street In a 8«*ilnto Nvwark, N. J. WAKM, ctiinfm-tiihli' ICOITI in nlr.- u, hi,',' nlnl clcilti, rt'iiHUilliblv. There ar»» 2i£ tiaths; the Kitclipn haw plenty of Pitting- Rpaoe. MuuntahiHlde nelffhlinrluiud IIMKIH ri.i.lnn.M f,-lllur,. • AUTOS FOR SALE • r.iotn with firviiiiu'e nnd j»le- The IIV.UK room is luiRt1 and the n-iit1 IH nil Rlimnod utth to thin ntti-a<-tlve li-vcl Ntyl(> ihvt-1- lioini-. VMV lui.sim-SH man. Nt-av t.uwn dotu-wnv to patio, offering cxt-fptloiini brlghtm-HR tn thtu 11 »iK* with center i-ntry hall, tlrc- im Ninth side. AD l!-i:iH*. 'KNTFII'il.ll-vrllKll Ki-limil MllliiinUe .irsMOIIII.i; -HISS, 4-door, n«lf, urr window, ulnlnK rooni, p in- riMtni. 24 ft. n*rr«*(il Ion room, 2-rnr KiiriVRo, grns heat. It hat* phico, porch, tlirpo hcilrcKimw, two ALTENBURG'S-ELIZABETH, N, J. ivllli fiplltudii for lliiuri0. DM nil h«*en newly dconratpHiM a oil fcrn'il. hefni-p he »«v*n inn veil in. Yuu run httve a $21,000 double RarnKO. AwUlnn J3:i.f.tn) tuul M AU :i :>:•!'« » im Hiilnry $?>[>, :i[> honr ui't-U, 1" 4(i:is morlRaRe for 25 yonm. This IH U lot of houwr for $29,900. HAILET * DAVIS niiii] holklayu. 'Write I'.tl. llux r.n. I led bntht downKtnlm, nt rear I.AIU.r.. iiilniillM itn f,,r CONSOLE PIANO Wiiiii :ili N'l'l Di:ilAKi;lt 2-door hiinUop, 19(3 mull, nli-e ijlilrl i-jn inoili'l. llrbnllt enullir-, tfrood rail* level IN n Arepliired reeren- North Kl'lf IOIM il-pilvnlf Special Sale . . , $549 l I;I,I;IMUIM; BRICK KOIUIUII- in Fun- tires, n.-w l-iilliM-y. neeilM jmlnt. .1100 IN GRANT SCHOOI DISTRICT CHARLES H. BOWLBY Imlll. All i-7IH:,. 2-1-21 111,'H. I.INI I'll,',' . • . Mlltl) wniiil-Si'ttlcli l'lHiim-WeHtUolu urea. I' liem oiler. A I) il-O-n?.. lan room will. « door opening to WtNtfleld Mnltlplr l.Utlav « Kill I ss Not,' 4\" I'unauli- Wui-ll fioiii hulue. Oitll Mr. (irulmliln For value you mn't boat an older home Ihtit has been care- 111 Uvlmbr Mtrtt Mrilll IAI1I.I'. room In K • lilr.-il llluiv Action ill. MA 2-II101). •IW 1MMIK IliiniV WnKvn. 4-iloor, hr Knrilrn. Kvouotulcal oil heat, fully maintained. Hi>ri» t* ju^t »u< Ii ti Immr titnl If the of>n- AU 2-M44W houH<>. dONf 111 liaun|iortnl ion. vetiiflncf* in town I** u fnctor you should nee It. There's a HR-ii, l-'orilotnrLlli-, oiiitlhal owner, lliMiinii ..rffi-rr<-il, AH n-i.211. COMPTOMETER $'r.(l. i>nll nvunlnit und tint unlay, AC l Kit rater» fc rick und ntureo llvinff room with flreiilaoe, cSftili.K room. til« Idtrlien. TV • I'lufi' Worlilnn 1'filala 4!)5l room, 3 beiirooniu, )% uattifi, n v»'ry nir-e baKf»inenl with bar. KI.UMSIlr.l) room Tor nmo. on cttoM for emiy m«Inte- Thf Interior has just been derorateil. Wall to wall rarpetlnp • I'hul,',' ,,f Miilmiiuiiy ur Wulnut OPERATORS nnil Hum-, nmir linn I III.' All 2 • I'rovlilL'lul JiO 1,'Ktlti HTA'I'IOX WAIJIIX--1DGS llol'K«'arU 1H Included. 2-car garafin «na lovely buck yard. Price only ufliT C I'M. tor. ann MOUNTAINSIDE • Tl'll Vflll- (llUII'llllllM. liwly IOOUH Ilk,, l.-iileon, lilack wltk ItBG*. H3O.WM). l-l.uiiilrrH 1-ilMXl STENOGRAPHERS whltpwull tireB new sprny float, Kl UMSIIKI1 hiir«i- lili'iiminl ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE, INC. .Ml-l'eeill'H ItctlK IMlKlye, OHHy drlvintf, 4 BEDROOMS lor ri'llnrii hiiMlnr'KH IHM'HOII. rO I'i'lll KIIK auvrr. «»5H. Al.) ii-2011. li'lit lornllon. All 2-7K04. IlltO II. Ji'iKf) SI.. UllmiWIli, N. J. TYPISTS ALAN JOHNSTON, Realtor Noar all schooln, a romnnr-t fu '(in C(»!iii'Vr. HtanilRTii Khift, lioatnr. 1 of |)i'ofoHKUini\l l.ud- Cod on ...rirKe lot, with nn'i''* I'l set Illicli Si'hoiil (Jruilui\t<-» Kiioil I'omlltlon. MnvInK to Wi>»t C1«OTBTHK<'T") HCreent*d porch, patio And lar STORE FOR RENT ilrulllH, I'l'ntiOllllhlo lirlci'. MOMt 1'iiKMl. $1.2011. All 3-313'J. kttrhen. Pour ticdroomB, one bath, -en to utipri'oliitn. All 2-TiSZ. WASHINGTON SCHOOI Mrmbrr Multifile Ll«llsr *T»*»— low Mounts I nntdo taxeH, you .. HTOHU, 17 X 4H. wllll wlthuul IIUUIIHI ttiin tu "Mr. OIMCI. u-door iiKilun. 1S00. needa nelfchhorhodd. Trnnnferred owner tulimtnmtl ri-ur i|v<'. A timeiip. A mint llltli' eiLi- for Btu- juM -m «t«» awar from .tkl* 303 KI.M SWlWKT AD MM ''iiiixlouH for your onvr. ' 'J-ir.-tr ih'iit or Million cur for romlnutor. DON MAXWELL SPECIAL TRAIN ori'Jersey- },V) or hem IIITIT. AH 2-11473. bur wl»- I'lANOB ANI> OIIOANH—top bratida Twin Ili'da rlth firrpta?** w«hi»««ii und pow- T>vln l.nliiiiN I.KAVIN'O ri.AihJii'im.n DAII.V AT tl*r r<»otn, JAIOUHIO ponih, l>ftso- •J Innc t'h^rry Droplnat 7:0r. AND MAKINd STOl'S AT I'AN- Raymond Young — Piano SludM *"' "oUDKIN PIANO CO. llulh noitrrl Younu. Aaat. 'reeved »*r«k, ktfrKen with xuent recreation room, lar^e ]>utlo. WOOO, WUSTFIWLIJ, (lAllWt)ill). > AU tn movflo.n condition. AttklnK (formorly Cranford J'lani) Co.) CIIANKOHU, ROHl'JUJ'3 ANIJ KI-1Z- i;ina«l< ftl I'opulRr fnic area, and powder rooM, Vi»- |2G,f>00. 4ST Norla Avr. W. Al) X-8K11 A!»o AliHTII, Cnll <*r Wrlln fur fnfornindoa Taalar aad llfbatMluir 131 No. HuelM An A I) S-4D3( lm, three brdfWaiitiN, two twin ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor UPHOLSTERING 6-D-tl FURNITURE REPAIRS CAI.I. Oil Al'IM.V d, the third with luilM-Hn rto.k (Member of M>oke««e, a*d tiled bath. At- SpnrlouH split level on lame level britlnln, >24 up. Station Kmllo A TV, P A.M. TO 4 I'.M. (Vnloi, r.I.. It., nd. M. 8311 Mountain corner plot. Fo\ir In-dramus, two 333 South Aye., Monday ond Frliluy Mlt«'ll.'ll 2-TT0I1, Uvl. ailTIt Ave.. WeofelJ, 'plion* AD 2-8(94. inrhrtl gnrnfffN ttn« hoi nlr henl. nnd ont-haif hnthH, iiutlD off tin- till 8- AD 2-460U. 2-1 li-tf Kii.l.li.yi.ienl lllll.e litrne rei»n. Mtmy. desir- TV »KT—Adiiilr»l, extra inrBi- 21" Kill CiMitllll Alf, io-e-ti rwntly painted exterior, pXwt n able extraw liifludSnpr <-enti»r hot), ln««*«t I* Nncrra* I I Heiet-n, 1-ollHole HOIM Woult rlllilluM, Hlilllll Hi'lirii), \. J. TUTOItlMI In BVench mil Math llj hot walur ln-ut, d»ut»le KUTHK>\ THE WORLD BOOK niiilme,;iiiy llnisli very clean. $7fi. AH Ol H. tlrmier. 1811 Hoynton AT*, t,>t with *rrr«»( and cldit** proximity to nil wohoolH. axiU ld. retlrwl W. Sr. Hlfth Bchool CONTEMPORARY DESIGN Only $33,f'OO. ENCYCLOPEDIA . ATI 2-KBI. 1-U-tl with I'l.AHNED far ««r rnllrr rnmllrl Illlill I'limi.ITV AMl'Ml'IIOII-pii'- WESTERN ELECTRIC liiKtrnctloiifl, modern flrat In Snlrn, Qnvltt}-. I.eailerNhlpI iimiillHi'i' multiple luiiulu. t imnitli MANl'I'Af'TOlUNIl UNIT OP COLONIAL DECOR Cholcr of Illndlnga Hudicrt l'lnn. muunntvc. I'iiiiii' li,'iir it! AU ^-t,^t;i;. inetlimlH. I.^HHOIIH In your home or ftt NEW HOMES TJIK [IKI.I. TULKrilONlO SYSTUM Ih" ntnill" nt Him Ilouleynrd. Wcst- M. Suinn^l DlnntiH, Instructor. Cull Ju«t twelve mlnulps from Wemflrlrt In the pi'Mty Oftk WIIRP Calli M«r«cn'r( II. AhlCrld, IIAIIY t'ltlll. rlillTorolM', now miit- 11(11 si:i<)oi:i"i:n, , ,,ok, iiri-nni rii-nt, Hrrtion of rlnrk Townnhll*. mi l>i»jiulftr wttll I'-HHO ftiwl Mrrck INSPECT SUNDAY, 2-5 P.M. llrfClnnal Manaicrr • iH'P-ln, ron.l iif ,'lillilren. AM i.-Mt,. AH 2-7SU1I. .1-'ikA£ A llama 1-Wl tri'HH. lilKh i-liiilr. piny »»«•-••• youth OIIIJA \'.. Pi'ivftt',. l^HHonH on nil mod~ ANTIQUING? folkB. In this ilrllKhtrnl bU-ndliiR "f Frank Unyd WrlKht'a I,c,I. Horns iieVL-r u.tt',1; merllH'e. l-t-tf CVI-l'llll^MICII ivomiin t,, ,l,i li,ame- OIH nxi'ept churd oruuns. Call At> Idenn with rolanhil •\VHliamsliuiR: ln<-llowlnK- N1OHWOOD MANOR I'l/iiliilli-M fi-DlOS. Nrn! thr rlffht bnekpcround for .viirk one day u wrek. AU 3-l:10'.». .'i-28:ia _ 10-U-tf POTTKIir SIcro.MIS—nt the VMttury From lt» reofSHf-il doorway, you Flep Int" 1 tH center liAll. At tlte end of WoodftcrfH Prlve. a BM/ MlJC i, HD M>nr itr 1CM] poiMC'NHloitBf TkU elan- From iherP to tlit* left In the imnellfd llvlnff roum with a Hiiop. tllni.orwnrR, ovpnwurp, nrt- \viiiMii:il type M-imhiT. $2"; (.'"lo- (tparkllnK Haneh with Hcvm tlr^t ware, fltoniiwure, at lpus tlinn half Illul upli,,lst: Huiii'iin I'liyfe rutTi'e liibK', '* CIRCLE PLASTICS CO. s-r-t( lrrn "country klfeheit" mny Seven room, two nnd dtio-h.i'.f lifttli GUITAR BANJO ]>sni>rlnlly liiti-rc»tlnc Is it» piitlo with in old brick "HlUlnlt center hull «pllt. Spncluus Knide WAAliens — New and used, fully wn.ll." >*>tir nnMirer. Nine i-wotim—M:v tthillii'il Private Lessorn chetij three twin «lae bed room H, Aiipllancca, 431 North Ave. w. AH fLBUK-TVl'IN'r •- Null,,mil IIIHIII- 1 Pit let UH t«H you more, or better yet. let u« show It to you. r.^s^'.i J7;'.; l,;uitir pluti e (,i jiiiiilzatlon office IIIIH linnit'- Popular - Folk - Rock n' Roll K —nmr town nnd grade arhoot family nn.m with llr**plfti-e. duubb* 2-041fi. 4-20-tf IT!.. AH :'-ir.n:>. taru" •BaraKC- Ail rcf rrrrtl litcnt lon« K*c*p~ by Krtizor c*on»trin't!i>n <'u. 1raniTii IIATM l''iv,' ilay wck. riiiuiy eoinpiuiy lit-n- nrj fltH. pllMlMllht HlirrolllUllllKI*. O|t[j,.l'- lnl olTrrlnK u&d«r Pall Line nt Mllllni »ln,'III' lll'iit •ifTi-r. AH 2-:i728 5 to _ _ 'I:?!:" Ste a vrrr \rj tunlty for nilviui,flu,-lit. Snlatr T'lVKl'.VN iv"."«IOTT AIIT crASSKS". "nnal IiinilNcnpInK-, quick wnmntm- ll i for Itmf. anil s I'M. "223 APPLE TREE LANE in Elm Nt. Wcalflrlil llltru-liMUniU- wltli expeiieiH-c, O(- 1 tintriu-tIon In OIIH. Wrttor color nnd •tou, 1'rtt'f . . 6-6-tl Ik'i! lnait.,,1 ni-iir enter nt \Ve.»lll,.l,l. , I,nee,ml. I'lilldren'B el«»Ben T»»l- 7.lfi|,i>r« iloit'l Kip? :ntl,ni excellent for hu« Irjinnpor- iliiy«. TliiirmliiyH. AdulU Monday RambllnR rpntcr hall rnnt-li on SAVE 20% ON s<*iiiiiK liurNt nml rlpf tiitlon l.':ill 233-litiUii fur further In- iiiornliuti aii'l WcrtiH-mlny I'Vcnln^B. 1ftTKC lot. Six bonus HIZPi,u li-llif formation. Kllldlu 417 l.unl:felloiv AVI-. AD 2- floor rooms pluw laundry. ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS l'"iir Allernllim*—fit a 1 'rillil.^lA It.AllT.MAS, Al> a-OHNS ! i-i:i7. _ l-18-tf Aak fur (lit- new Slitlit-fnvrr Ilullia Mini; CI,I:IIH, purt tun,.' or I'ull ; L Many (juallly fpntun-H throughout 3-1-31 time. Home exiK'iieiic,.' tiereH.'Uiry. i'i. il."Yii:\S'i /l V,"toach"er ot ptuao". ELSIE BETZ, Inc. No (ilnri—No SI,II.low l.nteHt mrlhoOr. Clnanlcnl und pop* FRANKLIN SCHOOI and Junt a Hop. Kklp nnd Jump Apply 111 perHOII, Hhoe f'otliei, 1 Ut 202 Mountain Avenue from everything. E. T. WILLIAMS l> (I . |."l'. li-IO rffrlKiTin.ir. Ku'"l ulur. l.onHono In your home. 6(H * »"i( Ihr^f liUrium ColotiUil 7r»r. Crllirnl A vc, Wi>N(Ilrlil All 2-2138 North Ave. \V. Uorlati Ilil.. Wfatltvlil. Call At) 2-639C (at thr l'nrk) Drop by Sunday, "-T> I*.M. Nrnr *h plnimln8 coitaK? typf decor. Illli. Uxl^. i|,.ei||ep,illit pHlt'-l'li; iiiiVi.\S""l' 'irt-aiii>n»"ln~j«ur horaa T.laphono ADams 3-1422 All of the above ifivfttM IIT** *n liirse n,1111,1 MiieK c.rf,.,- tn 1»1" wltK HELP WANTED - .ilern niethcils All make* a.n4 1 1 STORK BOUND ??? 1 .leli* (exeent chord nrnan) \ 'Inn mum. illnlnc roiim. hrlRlit Km nnd flundara plena* call M'.unlitlnHld* ainl w* h;i vc rn;iny 4 t'.'til, ,1 ],;,ther lop, 4H -:" 111 ,1 IliirteliT, AD other dcslr.thl*1 offrrlriKs tun1 »ud Kpr our Mntprnlt)' T' ftMhlona I !'.•," hiiili: luuimr- ,h:ilr. Ul»!ml- MALE •riiKii. n. AiiiANi) Kl«le^ llr<« I'rlrrd frcim Ht.llll (o H12.IM t".M Wri-ln l»l. WcatfleU •Iti'lim «n,t ,,„,„ ,„,„!,. *,w fur. Ualh Ilenil Alt I-»1«N In tin* Mtirrmindliifn I'IUHH. sli-l-iil. Ill eXi-i'llc-llt <'i,l|,|llliill. AH 3- WHI(IH1*i nllKSN SI1OI' I;T.<;\. ACCOUNTANT, JUNIOR All 2-7K4-I — AI> 8-37M *"rp. II I II tu I n II m e.imlilnntlon !S5 Kim Nt. Al> U-3418 6-6-tl THE DEXTER AGENCY REALTOR io-5'tr I'IMtlliirr plmm, pi-rf.-i-l lor HluiU-nt. f 1'ernn.ni'iit ponlllon fnr yoniif. iiiiin AD 2-41312 111. '!'!• MonnmlllMlili. }^,' ..|...'tri' add >K ninel,!,,,-. pi'rfeet i»-2S III pre.'isloll IMelul itmiillf.jr. AIIT <'I.AN,si:s—A fow openltiBB for Hrtnlim nf

2-S3I1,1' turlinr llllil. Kxrl'llent opportunity teeiiupei-H, chlMi-ou . . . ttmull, Infor- A *»•! J11,,r.lH)I Wr««llflll Mlllllpli- I.UtlRK S>»ln>l Kunranti«\ $li»«; 1-owry i:lt'<;trlc Or- '"'"""' . .' ."" - . for hlKh Hiliool Krinlunt,-, nd.lltli.n.'il llliil, eieutlVe i.'lllHH'.H . . . individual Kans from $5!ir>; r'-lmllt Orinnln i:llll.'N Jil" 1111li>tinlnln Aipnur 1'our Authorlxrd I,o>Try Orenn S-hwinii "I'" nllneiital," III'.AI, l:s'rA'r|.I H;I1,MIII, II, exii'ii- '•all AH ;-i::4l nfter I I'M. MD.31M—Khlnlnff olenn ntul freshly decornted C-room home Iltnlrr lotlrlllK, 1 speeds. .Simplex IHTl'nl- elue I er|u ire,I lill"Wl,-,l» e In |,MI- >|oun1n1nMlt!c, Srw J*r***r • iLiillul. Uiihmlrliil ,,r butliieMi on- •with s<'reen*Ml porHi and newly mo«l<-rnized bath, f'reuy ADnitin :i-MW) 11-sc-tf I'-ui. iii'W Ava ,-x I^IIHI"II, Weliiltiann AIIT fl.ASSKK - A fmv IipenlMKH for rfnldentlnl str.-^-l mil f:ir frnm ITnnklln Ki'hoal. Very miMle.it liriuilM-iki'M f front ;ind I k). ill- 1,01 tunilleH :m linnet. Wnlt, r K,.Hl,r. t, . nai.'..'l-'. ihililr.'ti . . . Kinnll, infur- Inc. I'ealiorn, 4O'.i I'nrlt Ave., K, ,.t,l tujtt'H. -hif't llsu-d :tnil worth Immediate ln*|>*-i lion. in. i, fMinie. AII ::-:.ii.is. Mial, iTi'iltlvi' tliivii. H . . . Individual for enk\ 1'ree df-llvery ninl )l;ilii». I"A •-'- Meml., Hi ,1 in. lion. Normiin llartniiin. All MOUNTAINSIDE - • Sn.WMt—New ICHBlniid Onpe Cod ci.nnilete with dormerB, Srhnilclv Tree Kxpert Co I' A 2- IHSIVIi H'-t. 1 Mill, I'hyfe Wrsllli-ld II.,aid or H.alt" I:--''".. 3-l-.1t dlultiir room. P. bedrooms, rnmlillne r«yc» cm |i«»t nnd rail sioa. ll-O-tr 1 t.-il.l.-, I ilialni, l.ii:il:fnii,t. .' :i -1 -:. i fence, curbed driveway. caniKe and put I". Handy to Oarden $23,900 I iiorniiv 16:, AH :i-4:' II I'lllllSli in l,nlln, Hpiinlah. by CHARLES G. Plate Parkway. SOLID WILD CHERRY l!..|..-rt i: i-Wiii. f.i'lier ,,f .Innnli-nl If y,,u wftlil I" kr»i> ynur yminK- IIKMi, malioKiiny: roeltlmv i-hnlr. FLOOR BOYS liiiifii.iivi llrlil; Twp. IIIHh School. K£4.mH)—Sluirply reduced and worth every penny. An im- stcrs ii: their pr,-ttvii( M.-IIMOIH nnlil FURNITURE (iV l.i !e ellillll , l,,sel. Hi,; l\ , 11II • IH yiMir* mill 1I|I All :'.'J7I7. MEIERDIERCK, JR. m.'uulntelv keiit Kncllnh Tudor horn- in Wilson School area the i-Hil of t*ii- si-mi-stiT. (U.ii lhi« TV'li'i, drop Inn t.il.l-!'. I'lid lnlil"H, inic ehiilrs: l.'uniii; n,tl»s.ile; Sxi; haM 4 be.lrnom.'* and 3 l.nthH in nil (1 room and bath on 3rd il.litminc wlill^ l.'npi' full Is lh<" eoffe • tl'liU-H, I'oninii.iJi'.H. raniili' Realtor floor). Verv spacious livlnc loom. iir.-i>]in-", den, iiltclien j\n«w(-r to yo>ir new Jinnu- prol.- Rtnnilf Ml:,- \iith Irlilnliili whei-lM. I'l.iUn- I'ofll l IIIHH ,'iviiilal.li' fur yniiiij! ni"ti • LOST AND FOUND • with hre.ikfusl no.ik, and :-iar BiiraRc. li-ni. Junt llali-il. It linn ;! full ,lln- Sitv<* 2(1% nn tlime nnd otlirr Itrtna tield :,-illn:>. In HKIII fin-lory work. i;,,,.,l martini; InK ronin, llrcplace, rtinl thro- t,,-,l- riiteN. nil i".i,,iiniiy hi.iii.fltn. iippi.r- I.CIST.-My e,.v.h,iy wallet wllll JG. ifai/soa— rmisual rcinlemmirary deiilen. Three twin size bed- E. T. WILLIAMS KKI.VINA'I'lllt refllKenit/.r. exe.-l- 11 rooniB, (MK- nf wliU-h in ,*dnr li.'ui- r 1 unity for a'lvaiiernii'iil. I-', I. 2:1. I,, ht.Hi Me.hn.ivk Trail, 4 EAST BROAD STREET room* only 2 >ti-;»s uti from main lc-vel. Lovely llvintr room T.-r> rmlrnl A", Wotllrlil All 2-iir.S 1,-nt eoti.lllion, :; in. fl. A•.. A. M. VKltVHV, ll.e. l:rui'<- Cnrdni-r, ace 'J. AU ;-s:,;:'j. lfnlnf loom ilen bit: modern kitchen. 2 full bnthfl and taslb-. T\> suKK,*-flt n fiulck iu- SOI Niuilrk Air. l:llI,I .l.sk. II'.: In I-KI. ri.imd ADAMS 3-6639 Mower tx-ilp, Hliruliw, tr.-eii aKatn.'.t I'OI M> -l',i||. of key,., one In car lnrKe Jnt. t.il.lix ?ir,: fniMj iron iM-tlH. $12; Jll: Icy t" still,Mi.ilier, vicinity or Wool- cold W,'|HIIIT. Ja ili-llverii! tlile j'.iw with ui'ilor nml t;il'l,-. fzs ; pair month only. MB X-4SSS. 1-11-tf Iv 1 l< 111 •. V help, full time. API,Is- is mill's nml Acme pnrklnK lot, Fob. KUJMIO—Five l''dro(.m«—one full ncre. S|iiu IOUB 1-ycnr-old of modern mil Mil TC ,lr,'«-en-. I-!.',, JmvlK Te;l II,,oiil, f.l Kim SI. West- •-'::. .\u :-iir,ii. home in nearliy x.-otcli Pin Ins s.t cm wide Hwvenluir lawn CROSS COUNTY REAtTY "tilidv l.londi, oiik ,1,-Nl! or kit,hen Ili'ld. :i-|.|f with Irefs to r-'ilr: ' tnU'r hull, larire living room, dlninc Mfmbrr WE MAKE AND REPAIR eliiilrn, %:••-. in.iM.v IK.I.IC 1 plelilr.- room bic kitchen playroom. !!V. baths, full basement, and IVi-K.nclcl Mnllfpif T-lodnE Sen If "'•' '«• HnrI.nuKl.lln ALL TYPES OF LAMPS li.iiii,;' :iirlv,il. r.ome nl-l. ,i,.ni,- ino'l- 1IIIVS wante.l .livi Kundny i-car' Jltl.icherl t'.irnise, Ryp-nppeul mraWms with ejieep- •m. AKi'llll-I'S HKSAI,!-; SlllH', i BUSINESS tlmml llvablllty. Walk tr. Kradc school. Knnclfi)«< ti>* nppnlnttncnt *>nlj- M. y.'IBVlll. . lipen Hi to H I'.M. ex- m.'ininfT iu-.vi.piipei' ri.ui.'H fr,,iu .mi- AND LAMP SHADES I liirn in Wi'stfli'lil ami Moiliiliilnni.le. cel,! Tuesday. I'll,,ii" MI 7-1 II'.'. OPPORTUNITIES Ovfr 40 jrnrn In *li«» rli-rtrloftl lump St;irt « A.M. rijiliilli'1,1 7-M»'l. nnd ohntl*1 huNli>rH». <'oinj»li*tr rcjmlr ileniirlmrnt. When j»u hiivr f>l<>rtr1f SKCI'IIK YOllt OWN PI'Tl UK Id'il.lCATMHSKN - liinelifOMGttp In """ H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. • OFFICES FOR RENT • lamp or •bnd»» |>rot>leniH, HP»* UN. I'M i.vvi.o.l dues J7U.(HMI nnniially. av.illal.l.' f,.r JJii.tmn. Will COIIBIIII'T BBAlTOnB E. T. WILLIAMS MRS. MARJORIE MILLEN InvP'il lira I,- till- lasteM rrowtiu: ..ci;- i^TADi ^O'^ tztlut Itroiltl Street m, 111 of the lliveKliiK-nl II.Ill l.-'it.-il. rn-ili oifrrs. "Walter Konti'r, Ino., •WERTPIRI.n PASWOOU 7r,r, Centrnl Ayr. Wpntllrld Plnttnlm: throu^li mulliiil fun,Is tin,! l!,':illor.». IH'.I I'lll'K Ave.. Hcotfti SXt >orlh Avc, We.tfleld I!H1 Sonlh A»r~ KanwcvCHl niAf- srcnvicE provui*«i orrirr. Olenr f;rov#- S*.> life Ifjmir.iin'e. Opi-iiiniin available i'l.-iiiis. I'Wnwood L'-i;3«:{; evening m»acp. n^crrtarl^l nMSlRtan^o, t *••!*•- AD 3-nWS FA '-"<» Al) 2-Zir>H l'li-nty of i'nrklim I'\||t f 'ASllnul i.vnl fianie pnlr for ilny and evi-niiit: miles A-.ronii'.. ••hnn^ nnnwcrhiK, accounting. K'ir 1-H-lf .-lil l-:if oval (nirn"i; i" fornpletr- 3-wi-ek Initnliii: evenlin: AMPt.R PAItKINO In f'lrrnnt ion, plcn^e cull Mrs, Walsh, IH'^rnm t.i Htart lit t IK- neve We:,l- At> 3-1701. fll-1,1, N. J. l.ninell i.ftlee nf F|Ml fllek T.M*rntr I"!. T-B2KI LAMP AND SHADE SALE WISSTKIRI.W—NMV l":n]iinlnl liullil- l-ntitirn Invefitment Corii. M;irch Ii. Kfiy miMKr AI> Z-IWIW SnvinCN Ht^r lo nn'c Allnnin 1I-12III l'Ji;>'. nt 2^r, ].;. liroml Si., \v<.»tiiel,I, MORE CLASSIFIED ADS «»>IT llnmnloo W Intr under ennMrurtinn. Will nlt.'r for pr'ifefsl'.linl (.frirei:, < Min, Jr. at 233-11060; ttfler r»;3o I'.M. Amrlln (Judy) Snillb AD 3-U7O mui*lo (itmilo. etc. AU r*-S4yS; ^VA. ON PAGE 4 ntnBB AD 3-3934. 3-1-U .Nrnr Grove St. 1-11-tt call VAIkthe. Martha Podameyer and Pocketful of Mi tb* fuhd for 1961-62 had received j Lois Fc'.li, hand props; Lee Dank- the monies apportioned to them. I > er ur'.'i (ierry HoarcJi, costmning. "Second Time A Tins* receiving their e.'iotoienu | J« ^f|H OOO OfllCial include iMouatainside Rescue ' Roller Skating Party FRIDAY THRU T mdnde: Public Ufbrary, »2,012: f/fi 1] rfl Q*. : The Robert Fri-nch Society, Mountainside Rescue Squad, *3.- j 1 CilS 1 3X D116 M-6-M OSS; Waitchan? Area Boy Scout | .Children of the American Eevolu- Council, $3,875; Washington Koclc ' tiun, lie:u its annual roller skating Girl Scout Council. J3.100: Dis- \ FAXWOOD - A per~w ipartv at ihe Academy Arena in Hope trie* Nursing Association, tl^50,'o«is a .20.0G0 nous* r.erf ij"ainfiele, inciuding che reserve th« Libert? Theater, Plaiafietd. ile lead who also »cor*4 aearily BOB HOPE ogeri to tbare tk« lot remaiainf thicken in a tuper- narkct wtLa Lan« Turner is thit icene from "Bachelor in LIBERTY SAT. MATINEE 1 awka it * success. for uncoDected taxes for muiiki . ia ike nuuicjd. P*r»-ColJ»yn-M»yfr CioemaScope and color NOW! Voor* of 1863 Stony Brook lane, j mate 10 per cent increase over i "Spacemaster X-7'| Herbert Seidel, past president, pro* year. BRING RESULTS comedy ar* Jani« P«i»e. Jim Hutttn, Paula PreBtiu, DOB Porter, VirfiaU Grey and A|>u Moorebead. ttarliaf tomorrow at the Boy Scout News Rialio Theater. "Walk Tall" LOCAL JUM1IPH UllX.KT Color Cartoont Lo«il Budgil of th* Borouxb of Mountair.tidt. O ni..> »( l'iii..i> the ?.f<-»! I Players »•:!! present Clifford OdeU' It in h«T*by certified that the budg-*-* anr.*-!*,* r;*.r>$° anrt r.n<-l->> Community Players To l aove] yb y ltt f tfa g i td h )h i >' cf • Bc-y NVJI Tr-^op 171 and E*- ; "The Co-Jntry Oir!" at the regular l approve] by r«?<,lutton of tfa« ffor^rnine t.i>dy ElJIKItA Stage "Country Girl" FRI. A SAT., MARCH *.|«J CertlDed by mt tfiis lCth day of Ftbrunry. l>«: HxFFAIfTH monthly me#tinF to be held in the 53. Fa.ir.ly N:jrh: ;«jt !ack supptr rt- Tomorrow Night : Masor.ic Temple. Directing the it is ri«T«by rertlricd that th* budt.'«>t snnex^'l f..-.rt r<*r<-'.-f '• <»o act play ).- Mar>' Catherine "Twist Around rtw 9t th* original on file with the cltrk of tljr iruv^rntOK meota cunutned h^rfln are tn proof. ; Church. A pproxi.-nateljr 520 p*o- evening Ci>niir,ur.:i\ • Burns «ho recently portrayed Liat Clock" <;OMIM!KR ?Vfl.r i pie. SO of whom n'ere parwts, in Playe-ri' production of "South Cd by mt thU Ktb day of February. i««I By: Fr.r.ii t. .«»(,!,» 13 1 J*-ff^r&lTl .A^ . Z ; Pacific." Tom Potto is producer. "3 Stooges Matt The y-rci\ wu* run by the LOCAL Bll>GrTT \OT1<'K ' Heading the cast is Joe Sheerin Dwtlon 1. boy*. G-fr.n Meyer offered grace wfco will portray Bernie Dodd and Hercules" iJxtul ftnrfir^t "{ the VloroUKh of u^untMlnpl'le. r*ounly <>r 1'^!,* for th* fiscal rfir before supper. Description of camp BE IT RESOtiVEI>, that thr follow inn julMifWi of rfvriijff «nd avpr"pnal :*'ii* s tii.-: • Roland Lough who will portray local budrn 'T I he t«r t»C>. facilities and artivities at the sev- | Frank Eigin with Jean Toddie as BE IT Fl'KTHER RKWjLVKD. that «ald budget l\r put-Ii»h< 1 < Th» Hilltl;,tjscouts and Exp'orer?. Slides show- • Fhii Cook, Carl Guttenberper as for th# yrar I*'?. Recorded Vote — Ayetz furXlsm, Dllsrl. Fabian. }I^-rrK<'U. I*,it* * r, Nays: , ing views anJ activities at the jl-arry. Bud Badpley as Paul L'n- mow Timr UT.I Notice U hrrebr ffJvfn thai ttte budfr^t and tux rorjuti-in iv«n approvnl >• the IK>r.iij:h l'';ur.iil ,-f tl.p jcamp accompanied the talks. per, Tom PoOi as Ralph and Bar- Anltn Ui Uoroairh of MoontjLinald^. County of Union, on Krbrunry K. !«•«; I Torn Stotier spoke on vCamp A lir«rfo«lir«rln(. hrh^M «*Tt lh^ Munlrii<»Munlrip&Il I1UTI<)1HB. rn M*rcl> !» !*•!. ... / •-""• "i~"~ " ""*• 1:KHK11<; BAHKFJl *:«» o'clork P.ll; at which tloi» and pl»rc okjrt'llnna to nlil bvidci! and t>i rekolution for iT.e }• ,u i>«: may I n alcnung, tJie council camp near be presente..dJ IT laxparera or othe_..._._._.r Intereste_ -d^ !!G Gle! n GGarded n andd hh e emphasizehidd "U DOLCE VITA" • rr mt CarreM P«a4 llerttoa *I Vaaart ; the advancement jwouts couM FOR: CRRHFOR< ft * N I u t D rOllinbrm TAVI.OR 2. I>ical Dlatrlct cVhool PDI ..... ip.1 HOW THRU WED., MARCH 13 "Love It Better Thonl lleaerve for Unrolleeted e«—U»s^ocaIocall TaTxx fof r MuiiMunicipal l Pxcd including Ii*strve for . Icampinir trip the troop and LONG PLAYING Mfd. nun. KrU MOB. A. Tor*. II T 171 IK>.V» enjoyed in New Hanjp- ltIS «••! K I'.M. "Tender Is the Nighfjj mt IMI r»-m4r4 •»«• i a.r«-l (int. 4:3.*> «nd KKV, xlMaiN l t Ap>rt>prt»t(6MB fnr ^Olher K ahire last j-ear with .Scoutmaster AND STEREO Kirk The amounts approprlftt*-«f un for op«*rathiK rr>Ki(i t ot ••»; ' »r*; and C^ujjar patrols and also by the Also: Total ApproprUtloni S4t>9,M2.22 the ItrniH ln^lvrl»<) hi "Oilier Kxp«-ns SAT., MARCH 3 Miilfrtftl . "Uppllf» ftn<1 no ijliijimo Explorers. Jim Atherton spoke on kiUurtB. l(i*l>air« And main(*?nanrt ' of t'UiMiu Krl f (JU t]»u< nt.. PHONOGRAPHS "Selected Shorts" ouTcaamociE TO 1^3 id or Charged roadv, etc. troop and Post 171 camping activ- 'SINK THE BISMARK" ftouTe 9 Junction 55 { £t(j< font ra^l UftI 1" UTTICC* for R;arliaK*" am) tra*h r i-lllOVBl, ities in the past year. A number At discount prlcM. fir*- hydrant tf rvtrf, Kid t<*voluntttr fire con of his slide; were quite surprising "A4C M*>«t Keystone Cancelled SHEET MUSIC Total Kxpendfturca and Vrlnt Inc and H(]vt*rtiPiniit utility **r\•irrK. In to the person* phototfraphemrnr> d to 1'^f.J: and Glenn Meyer. DIAMOND NEEDLES STARTS WED., MARCH 7 Scoutmaster Clark pave a talk Walt Ditney'j HELD OVER I^ocal Krholn o'l the troop U> the parents et the Hfglonal »l«h School •beKinninj; of the program. Kx- All Cartoon Feature County Tax«i THE • plorer advisor P. Hahn spoke about "PINOCCHIO" STRflnD ; Kxplorer activities during the past i bocal Ta* for Muultlp»l Purt>o«n> ! yea: and the plans for the coming ' MUSIC STAFF Si.V. and X P.M. 7.35 17 !»; f .1* year. 1 •arbara tyan During- flie year 1*61 senior cltlxenif exemption* In ount of IC.^rr.TS wen Kranle.1 jiiif-uanl t< Ted Hnhn was master of cere- j Chapter t. P.I- 1S6I. The ext-mptlonn far the VV-HT 1^£^ are i i hi the !<•£* anf'ffir:. The C<->un Mm. rKKKOItMAXCES tlrntlsrd "N AN'l"1 ! WKRKIUVS io imii Mnin t.m« • ••( Kr,-^ I.il.rary 1. Surplua Anticipated M»(lit. !-;•:;. i lil 2 — 7 — 0M3 Ai'1 H.S. 3. Surplus Anticipated with Prior Written I" n»(nt of l>lrfcl'»r oj ]»r> Dtiitr 4.100.00 Tnm an* Penulta: Tin itmnv * SIMUV Bultdlnc S,ft(«o OH it.ftoo.co Other ... 7.000.00 t.iZt .00 Salaries and Wacfs Fine*: . HERVYN tEROY PRODUCTIOII | Municipal Court ?.>(»0 Oft Bute Road Aid, Formula Fund Caj'iliil li!!prcv,-ni( j't Kujul. . TECHNICOLOR* FROM WARNER BUM., Bute Ubrarr Aid IR.S. I«:J«A> 31.2! Intereat and Co>ta on Taxes. T«l:il ("it|,itsl imjirfVi-mt-nl Boa fteeelpta Taxea 9,0 no. oft • Francfchw To it. ' ' 1,100 Oft 11)1 Miinlrlpal llehl Kervirr PARAMOUNT HELD OVER Orom Recelpta Taten J5,0(lrt.f»f) SOO flft Searrh Pee* lim-r«---=t -,'i S'.lls. '.'.'.'.'.'...'.'. ART CINEMA PL 6-1873 State Aid Street l,l(rhltn(r '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.I'.'.'".'.'.'.'.'..'.".'.".'.'. 5.•>(»(» '•O Proceed* from Sewer Contract!* Total Muni. lp;,l Ii(.|,t ,s,.r, Special Items of Oenera) Hevenue Anllclpat^tl «vllh Prior AYril(,:i < •*nt of Director ot 1-oral flovertimrnt: 3rd Oro*# IlecelntK Taxi-*—1'rlvflte 1Vat*r C't.mpa ni*-w. ("ha|H*r VI. !-:• lurr—M,,nlrlz<* tim.s Hift.no 4. Beceints front I>ellnQUent Taien l!-:| KvV.j.ii".,,,, 'Ail'iiu1.'.!1 in' MlH.flfl I UK MOST T.tl.KKII AllOl'T — «. Sob'Tolal Oeneral Tl»*"««,,»= •-. IM.. H.--.I . <• Aroount to \*f Kalfedevrnurx TIIK HOST slKX'Kni) ABOl'T (a> ]»cal Tax (nrby Tax*-* for Support ot .Muni. i|,:,I »udc< t': V..T l:..i."l. ' ' lected T> les Munirlpal I'uroo I lIH I' f l f Kir.- Vi'par;.'. n- riivri im nv oiri VIUIIS : KV K\|'i:NI.lTri:,:S: Tol«l Amount to !«• Ha 1st,! for t. Total General Krvenuf* S' • ui LA i.GE.VKHAU AI>niOl'i:lATIO.\.S ' Hll'ltlATlON" I'm MI TrttJtl ft>r tTWTI CENEf! AlTi;(TvKHNM I:\T : n^ Modlftrd toy N. ,1. 7.1.1'Vi f,,r IIHII All Transfer* v. ^ii.i — ,-, :io — n Salorlf-!, an,l Waci'- '. ) J,i linn. '••!.•) f' : 1" i.'IU VITA II t.ntilt.ull J :*.c-5\-:i r !<)*>» ^ <.>nrrnl \i>nr nrt i1. r.fif^ f"> Afv-ei^ni^iii of Tat*-*: U.I *Mib-l ninl (;rn* Salurlt-it ant\ Hmmf (or \ Ctrll*-vtion nf Taxrs: SalarK-* aurl ^\'RK^^ Other Kxpenft<*5. .. lrf-«al K«r%-!<•{•• an«l Coi«tn: l>i:i)irvTi:i .v^«^•.^^^ll;^T i-«.lftri«H and "VVac^f...... • ntur Kxpp-ni|**i».. DINNER THEATER KnKln<-*TliiOti R Hfrvfct-a antt'f ro OtJifr Kxp NOW PLAYING TUES. THRU SUN. Vtthh K attifl <-ro rw?*


i: -i:. s.!'• \ .ui! :>-U>.i I . 1 . Berlin's r,,|.r ,ilt.-l I.T ::•;! CallMadam F"ire Ilyrirarit stTvtr*- ; Police: U'lT Mil i\ TO 4 QAHCIHG VIQM " fll.*t s •t IIrrt-Hilier ; UM; MINT Othtr ZCxper ('•••npnratl.r Malrmrnl SHOW «• DANCING 1 CEDAR GROVE. M. J. • 1 ti«*|t • In rtirrt-nt Mir|•;•.' Uu-K-.l Route 22 Mountains^ l^ ^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; • till u -Oft, rivtl IJcft-'nJr'J uif" i>i«i*'u-' '*'•'' V * "i". I HHIIK. tv silt.., COMPLETE CHINESE AND AMERICAN CUISINE ' 1;<*'Y.»>': T(.!.,l As-. I- nrl Mntnlt-i.,*i m;t': Oth.-r Ksppi) ash l.iatiililii'- FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Sno« Hr-movat 23. Construct ietii. Business Lunch from $1.25 - I."." with ytnU> Ai'i Korm'ula. • !•• 7 i No jacket required during lunch hour. DANCING FRIDAYS • SATURDAYS • SUNDAYS

Sewfr V.yhfni": P ir. T.iN Our nowly decorated Banquet Room UKAI/TH %'SU* WKI^AhK-: Ailjnsl. is now open for your inspection. l Special facilities for privo,o wedding receptions <>ni :<•••! S*TV1<<-> u{ Visi lint* .Vursr f*,fttrwl Ol Tas l.t-vy l*Ti|iHii1 ,,r <'u other social functions. Capacity op to 300. Afiiniiiff f rv.t ft-ii : .N.III.I.I T«i I>».(«.rre- iil.fi93.7- of Put.lie AfylKtaitc^: i >• h. 1 ii. Vt, Off Premites Catering Orders to Toke Ho" ' (hr n( A1J to —0 — liu\—Overlook S-l-H FOR INFORMATION CALL AD 2-3873 THE WESTF1ELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, !M2 P*f e 9 Social and Club News of the Week in the West field Area

Betrothed Marjory Beerbower Fiancee Kathleen Langan Around Town i, Becomes Engaged Engaged to Marry falter M. Eonayne of 822 avenue have been enjoying: a ski- i Mr. and Mrs. Kdward I'\ Langan Gamburg Furs offers quality furs »d street is chairman for ing vacation in IXew London, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Beerbower of ;of Reward drive, ScoU-h Plains, at exceptionally low prices the Gras Ball of the West- Their guests was Miss Robin Ack- 1400 Lamberts Mill road have an- •have announced the engagement of Woman's Club which erson. nounced the engagement of their ttheir daughter, Kathleen ^Mary, to year round. eld tomorrow evening at daughter, Marjory, to Second I Donald It. McVoy, son of Mrs. {Hills Inn. Entertaining Miss Pamela Davis, daughter of Lieut. Donald Towson Moeller, US .Harold L. Mi-Vay of Brooklyn, N. dance will be Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis of 18 AF, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter j Y., and the late Captain McVuy. Jack Gibson, Mr. andWychview drive, returns today Fred Moeller of Larchmont and I Miss Langiin, u graduate of JUST SHOP AND COMPARE fB. MacKinnon, Mr. andfrom a vacation at Clearwotei Athol, N. Y. A summer wedding i Holy Trinity High School, attend- ^•iekemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Beach, Fla. is planned. jed Saint Vincent's Hospital School YOU'LL BUY AT Mason, iMr. and Mrs. Jo- «•• Miss Beerbower attended Tow- of Nursing-, ,N<'W Yvrk City. Slic lingham and Mr. and Mrs. f Brooklyn REMODELING REPAIRING I "*~ Ayliffe avenue. the late Mr. Beerbower. where he was a memWr of LamV Ind Mrs. Alan Reid and da Chi Alpha fraternity He is an CUSTOM CLEANING feildren have returned to iMr. and Mrs. Thomas Tegan of Carol SUM! I OH Lieutenant Moeller graduated experimental engineer vith i'rutt EXPERT WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES at 228 Sinclair place 20 Coolidge street have been on MISS MARJORY BEERBOWER from Mamaroneck (IN. Y.) High MISS KATHLEEN LANGAN and Whitney Aircraft, Kust Hart- tiling Mrs. Reid's parents a holiday at Marathon in the Flor- School, attended Princeton Univer- fold, Conn., and u presently study- 249 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD. N. J. AD 2-143) fchurch, Va. ida Keys. Barnard Alumnae Plan sity and received a degree in busi- ing for n master's degree at Uens- (Opp. Rlalto Theatre) Open Monday Til 9 P.M. ; recently at Otis Ridge in ness administration from Colum- Dance Tickets Available selaer Polytechnic Institute. kshires were the Stephen Out of town guests of Mr. andGilbert and Sullivan Gala bia University. He is the grand- \>f 240 Sylvania place. Mrs. John Irwin White of 310 Can- son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Tickets for the College Wom- terbury road who came to attend Mrs. Robert Cushman of West- ris S. Towson of Shaker Heights, en's Club informal dance, "Wel- J. Gibson will be hos-the wedding of iMiss Judith P. field, president of the Barnard Ohio and of the l«te Mr. and Mrs.come, Springtime" at the Scotch tile executive hoard of the White and Richard H. Fischer on Club of north central New Jersey, Fred Moeller of Oradell. He is Plains Country Club March 17, Woman's Club on Tuesday Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. G.announced today that her steer- stationed at Keesler Air Force will be available at the meeting lome, 108 Connecticut street. E. Flatherand Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ing committee has arranged a Base, Biloxi, Miss. of the club Tuesday evening, an- 'ostles of Washington, D. C, Miss "Gilbert und Sullivan Gala" bene- nounced Mrs. Joseph V. Sehembre, Westfield Planned Parcnt- fit for the club. Mrs. Donald Mac- Kodena 'Postlea of (Noroton, Conn., "Bankers Hours" are a fiction. chairman. She and Mrs. Andrew Lmmittee met yesterday at and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirch of Laren of Scotch Plains is a mem- Koutolo, ticket chairman, will have be of Mrs. R. H. Tandy .'r., ber of the committee. Most bankers work a standard ittaburgh, Pa. •..even or eight hour day. tickets available for both the buf- [hland avenue. Guests of the groorq's parents, The performance will take place fet dinner and the dance. Amid showers of good wishes —and after showers —•— Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G.M. Fiach- March 30 at Graulich's in Orange of wonderful gifts selected from our complete ten days at the Jupiter were Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Hunter Dela- nard and Columbia undergradu- ur children have returned tour of Great Neck, L. I. ates. WIEKLY FLOWER ORDER • home at 719 Lenape trail, -•• anying them was Mrs. Tay- iMr. an01 'oujers t avenue is producer and Rog- uttle, (i28 St. Marios avenue, rector. An afterglow will be 'JEWELER8 167 ELM ST. TEL AD 2-2400 at the Knights of Columbus 3061. hood Stmt WwlfWJ, K t. Saturday evening after the >' the three performances for one who has had part in pi't on the show. and Mrs. Bruce Malcolm of isndford avenue have return- >m a Nassau vacation. En komc they stopped in iNtorth Beach to visit Mrs. Mai- 's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. E nydcr. i ^ i ic Teon Time dunce group will Saturday at the Westfield Club. Chairman for the is Hubert Treut. + nd Mr.,. john C. Olwine (heir children huvc moved from Summit road, Mountainside, to Dogwood drive, Knoxville Hichard C. Berry Jr. and H'lHei- of -129 Birch place l'i in Coronada, Fin., visit- •Ifs. Berry's parents.

• ^, >• Clyde E. Scott of lOfiO Law- • avenue is chairman for the ?l'-*H Ucvclers dunce tomorrow I!|K f.t the Tennis Club. r- an Brok«n part* i«pa!r«d or raplaccj, «ta Tea and Coffee Pott, ea,. 13.95 ;— i;;Mnuntainvirw circle have Water Pitchers 13.95 ' t»'l.-in Buffalo, N. Y. Any Item whether silverware, church ware, trophiesi,, eetc.l , c»n be replated In silver, gold, copper or brass, sterlinig aend pewter Serving Troys (per iq. in.), fie /"• Eil-.vard Philips polished , ... bring in tor tree estimates. u of Tuttle 'ay h.,w heen in Bethesda, • Kui-sis »f Mrs. Philip's LIMITED TIME ONLY...BRING ARTICLES IN TODAY!

John u.i.unj, wi]1 bl! ht|S. s week at her home, 1 Hi- New _ 'JIIVC, ui thy Monday Club. Country Cousin r.h,-"-cs will W- Mrs. Char'.os - ls ami M,s. Walter Camer- Shirtwaists for every pre-teen mood aheuS $8.98 O EWELERS 206 E. Broad Street, Westfield, N. J. jane smith Rutherford • Ridgewood • Hackensack 129-139 CENTRAL AVE. AD 2-4600 10 TUF WCSTTigf-D . MAKCH I Best-Sellers Reviewed Affiiuiced Sharon Lee Taylor Theater Party Planned By Club Department; •By Temple Sisterhood Contributions Are Voted To Wed Virginian i A theau-r puny May 2 a\ tlu- Throe current books were re-j Kinllu Th«uler will be«)t of lh- Viewed of ihe mi'ctinir «f the iit- j Sir. *!,s -Mrs H. M. Taylor of fund-wising projtcts of thn Corp. in Virjriniu. i were hostesses. Mm. Forrest IrwJn, chairman of j the department, presided at the J.EE TAYLOR buriness meeting* that preredtul the Imported Italian double-knit worsted wool program. She announced that the Population Problems drama festival of the sixth district with nylon make? David Crystal's® bril- of the Now Jersey Federated Common to State and Woman's Clubs, would be held in Kent Place School for Girls flainfleld at the Park Hotel April Pakistan, Croup Hears 24, nod that Mrs. A. J. Stark will liant coat ?,nd suit ensembles Karachi, Pakistan and Westndd. Applications Now Being Received serve a$ p tnemb.er uf the com- T mittee for the festival. Also, ar- N ew Jmey have at leuwl one thinjj common, Mrs. Richard For September Admission the nsws of the resort into spring gjp biivo been completed min told members of the Dunned To Grades 6 Through 11 for {he theater party Mr.y 23Parenthoo, d Committee at a meet- when the department will attend Ing last week at the home of Mrs. route. Perfect traveler* a|j{ a performance of the play, "A Harry Knox, Seneca place, and APPLICATION CLOSING DATE: MARCH 7»h Man for AIJ Seasons." that is a burgeoning population. The departrnput voted to con- Union ppunty, smallest in the Entrance. Examinations; April 7th tribute $100 to the 'i-Jubhous stale, bas the greatest popul»tion fflnd and |6Q for the furnishing: per square v>ile—iSiili. Karachi, of Douglas* foJIotte library, a tiny iibmir vilU^e 49 ye*r< ajfo. A brttta* besMrg for your jwroject of the. Stats Federate now has two million citizens. Mrs. Florence Wolfe, B.A., M.A., Headmistress clubs. Benjamin, who is vice chairman spodsa cardigan lute 3t irith Mrs. Hnrbcrt ^rapWell wgs hos and fund chairman for the West- 42 Norwood Ave. Summit Phono: CR 3-0900 grace**, pusMv Ueev^L tiny pitality chairman, for Ihe tea thai field Planned Parenthood Oouin followed the program. She was as tee, vijitfd Pakistan last summer, l «hJ*X ktsted by, Mr». Duyid ]|i|l, Mrs where she inspected the Kovern- ment-sponsored Family Planning lingo Lowell and Mra, Granl 65.90 ?d ' clinics. "The average Pakistani, male or female," Mrs. Benjamin said, Dole-Hof Nuptials crows old without even realizing tba,t he or she was ever yountt" Are Held Saturday As soon as they become old enough to work, she said, youutr men must In Fan wood Church take on the burden of tlieir par- ents and brothers and eistcrs, and Mtsj Margaret Coloman Hof and younir women are married early, Benjamin Prascott Dole were wed have tabies yearly and too often a,t noon Saturday in the Fanwoorl fall prey to nutritional anemia and f*r«»byterlan Church witli the Rev. .uperculosis. Harold A. -Scott officiating. Wil- Main £. Wrenn was the organist. The reception was held at theHajel Avenue Residents Knit Hotel in PlaineeM. Welcome New Neighbor Tfc* bride is the daughter of Bin. John W. Snyder of 2050 Lam- Mrs. Kranlt N'olde was wel- fcrrfs Mill road and the late Earl omed by her new Hazel avenue Geatj-e Hof. The bridejrroom la leighbors at u tea Saturday after- «*w mes of Mr. and Mrs. John S. loon in the home of Mrs. Arthur j Bile ef 8ry»m, Conn. X Brownlee of 218 Hazel avenue. CJnen in mmrrittjn by tier uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Noldc have re- IKSbnr H. Cotawn of Closter, the cently moved into their new home taofir «TOT • peau de soje gown at 230 Hazel avenue. The/ are ! in re-«mbroidere.'. V., ^nd John & Wiet«rs of Tucka- hoe, N. V. The brid* |s » |rraduate of Som- errille High School and attended Cornell ypiv*r»ity. The bride- (Toom is a graduate of Brunawick High School, Greenwich, Conn., in Thf Town* »nd Cornell Univenity. He ii an m% W«»k.r lit Oirtral electrical engineer with Reflectone I* W.irfl^ Maw Unmf desant surroundings form the perfect Electronic*. Stamford, Conn., background for this subtle charmer where tl^ couple will make their Fw . . . tho double-breasted knit suit, home. showing trim, fluid shaping and a flat- tering wide collar line. Sand or blue. Sizes io to ia 49 98 sN's 9M she remwibered obout iiYCUMHIM

CWtet stm txlfht udbuuiiM kf «^M »*«n they're drycleaned before theJA* ttored. Orycleanlng protects clothes in storage as well a$ keeping them new-looking always. --,.».

If you were in Florida this year, this is the luggage you saw every- where ... at molds, Ashing camps, tourist cabins and the swankiest hotels. And no wonder. Gir-Sac, the luggage that's "worn," not carried, by really smart women, keeps dresses and suits dust-aiid- wrinkle-free in car, train or plane. Weighs only 4 lbs. Folds for carrying by easy-grip handle. Sailcloth or feather-lite nylon, smart woven plaids, checks and solid colors. Women's 54" model illus- trated, liojds 6 dresses. Men's 40" model holds 4 suits. Price lJus Federal tax.

in 4 sizes to carry shoes, accessories, Travel manners are the prime assets of this yo odds and ends. 3-piece knit arrangement... so cool and comfort" PHONE W. 6-0100-OTHEft TOWNS WX-J100 (NO TOU> in view of its sleeveless overblouse, so chic via i» Chanel-line jacket with elbow sleeves and«ir stitch trim. Pink, sand or yellow, sizes 8 to "• As advei.'i •-' "•-'"•'ig.md SATURDAY EVENING jane stftt, MAINMU), N.l. COR. JOUTH cud UtAND • COD. RAKIBOU>H and 129-139 CENTRAL AVE. AD 2-4800 ARUNSTON • CO*. WIST SEVENTH and CUNTON 79.98 • 304 IOMIR5CT IT. Open Monday and Friday Evenings 'til 9 P.M. wamnp. NJ. H i. MOAP n. •» THE WESTFIELD (N. i.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1982 P«(« II rly Ann Newmiller, Stanley Bass Spring Bonnets to Be Katherine Steiner and James Maurer Pictures of Pacific Shown to Newcomers at Set for Travel Group snge Vows in Presbyterian Rite March Meeting at YW Are Attended by Sisters, Brothers A trip "Around the Pacific" by A showing of spring hat fash- colored elides is in store for mem- :1 ceremony Saturday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church, Two sisters of the bride and two brothers of the bridegroom bers of the travel department of rly Ann Newmiller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William New- ions will highlight the Westfield attended the couple at the wedding Friday evening of 'Miss Katherine Newcomers March luncheon next the Woman's Club tomorrow at 808 Carleton road, became the bride of Stanley Kirtland Alice Steiner, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Leonard Steiner of 138 North 1:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon Bass of 242 Hyslip avenue. Wednesday at 12:45 at the YW. Euclid avenue, and James Wilton Maurer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Regi- The hats will be provided by the Donald J. Reese, department [ding service was rend by the Rev. Dr. Frederick E. Christian, nald Wilton Maurer of Itidgewood. The ceremony took place in the chairman, will be the speaker. fception was held in the ,"" Beverly Hat Shoppe, Plainfteld. candlelit sanctuary of the First Taken on the Reescs' 86,000- |um House, Watchung,< The commentary will be done by Congregational Church, with the WATCHES AND hi:h the bridal couple left Mrs. William Thorn with Mrs. mile trip by jet, the pictures will Robert Bradford providing the Rev. Leroy Stanford officiating. show scenes in Hawaii, Fiji, Aus- nevmoon in the Laurentide • Miss Roberta Keller was organist. tralia, Singapore and the Philip- CLOCKS FOR: Canada. musical background. A reception was held in the home Members of Newcomers who pines, including a visit to a rub- ide wore a gown of white of the bride's parents. ber plantation in the Malay Pen- * Exptrt fitted basque bodice 8t- will model the hats are Mesdames Escorted uy her father, the l.oring Bennett, Donald White, insula. * f conom/ea/ , a bell 'ikirt which was bride wore a princess style gown Mrs. H. H. Denny is hospitality 6t the back with three cab- Garland Boothe Jr., George Fez- of peau de eoie with a bodice of zey, Bruce Foster, Gerard Giguere, chairman and should be udvised if * Speedy npalt ises to form a bustle. The • Alencon lace and an elbow-length members plan to bring guestn. fcjrlh skirt swept into a Thomas Crooke, William Corbet, i veil held by a cap of the same Russell Brown, Howard Nutter, Hostesses for the day will be Mrs. llrain. A tiny poke bonnet i lace. Her bonquet was of white James Huxley, Mrs. J. T. Eash, iron lace held her bouffant ' George Toenes, Jack Hughes, Jeff roses And feathered white carna- Smith, Robert Thiel, David Hen- Mrs. Delbert F. Brown, and Mrs. Imported silk illusion and tions, Alfred Schroeder. tried a cascade bouquet of' derson, William Barnmann, Carl ONE YEAR'S GUARANTEE! Hornung, Stanley Dersh, Eric Her sister, Miss Mary Jo Stein- Mrs. Ethan A. Hesrock will con- Vigi, Elsie Crenning. Care for er, was maid of honor, wearing a duct a sale of spring and summer [green satin sheath dresses children between the ages of two cocktail-length dress of blue organ- jewelry for the benefit of the de- •rOVM rMSONAl JtWtlfK' .•ll-shuped overskirts were and five years is provided for a za and carrying a bouquet of spring partment's treasury. the attendant's, Miss i nominal fee during these luncheon blossoms. Another sister, Mrs. Hokuf of Timonium, meetings. I Thomas McGwire of Wilmington, aid of honor, and the Misses ! Mass., wore a similar costume to \nne Miller, Melinda Scott The finance committee is meet- ! serve as bridesmaid. ocono Crest Canips? arcia Bass, sister of the . ing this morning at the home of Roy Wilton Maurer of San Fran- rnxuiiuvjeuieiE/ia , all of Westfield. They ' Mrs. Ralph Bachman, 610 Nor- cisco, Cat., was best man for his 37th8c«ian. 2000 AcreKniite, t<«kv wood drive. The telephone com- Baltnetd program of «port» «nd cascade bouquets of dark brother. Another brother, Noel crtitlve tcilvify. Exi>f rlomed Conn- Cranford: 27 N. Union g I W..tfi«'d, Elm & Qalmby mittee and their husbands will at- Walton iMaurer of 'Midland Park •clott. phyllelsn. Church 3#rvtcnt ebuds. | 4 W--M »l»0—« Wi-M S379 tend a cocktail party Saturday be- and Mr. McGwire were ushers. Booklet "OC" N. V. Oihct Plalnfltld: 115 Park y^ J AD 2-6718 hen Buck of Westfield was tween five and seven o'clock at Alter a motor trip west, the Hultt euu. u w.*tniCi. i.Oft-ifvr>< n. Ushering were Edward the home of Mr. and Mrs. Quentln Maurers will make their home in Westfield, Russell T. Hor-, Wiest, 701 Norgate. Mrs. Daniel Reno, Nev. ' Adanmtown, Md. and Gray Blount is in charge of arrange- The bride is a graduate of the [ of Sevcrna Park, Md. M,vo. «fAu\LKY k. BASS ments. Westfield High School and Steph- bride is a graduate of the (Beverly Ann iNVwmiller) On Sunday between five and ens College and attended the Uni- »I(i High School and Buck- seven o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Charles —John IV Mill" versity of Colorado. Mr. Maurer Iniversity, where she belong- Artist Riva H. Barrett Ayers will entertain the activities MRS. JAMES W. MAURER is a graduate of the Lawrence- [ Kappa Delta sorority. She committee and their husbands for (Katherine Sttiner) ville School and attended Stanford i employed by the U. S. To Address Art Assn. cocktails at their home, 1696 Rad- University, where he was a mem- ttment of Health, Education At Meeting in Library ley rosd. Assisting Mrs. Ayers ber of Sigma Nu. He is associ- 'clfare in Washington, V. C. with the party will be Mrs. James ORT Guardians to Be ated with the First National Bank Bass Is an alumnus of the Riva Helfond Barrett, noted Chapman, Mrs. George Crane, and Aided by Luncheon of Nevada and is attending the eld High School and the Uni- woman artist of New Jersey, will Mrs. A. Morrow. Banking Institute of America. i of Maryland, where he was give a lecture to the Westfield Art Monday evening at 8:15 the The North Jersey Central Re- fclx-r of Delta Tau Delta. He Association next Thursday at 8 child care committee will have gion of Women's American ORT Poplar Twig Inter the Air Force Officers p.m. in the Wateunk Room of the their regular monthly meeting at (Organization for Rehabilitation (ing School at San Antonio; Memorial Library. Mrs. Barrett the home of Mrs. John Coogan, through Training) will sponsor a Poplar Twig will meet Monday , in April. will show color slides of her paint- 106 Linden avenue. The decorat- dessert - luncheon - fashion show at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mra. ings and the places that have in- ing committee will prepare the Tuesday, March 20, at 12:30 p.m. August Baum, 110 Oickson drive. •tics for the bride were given at the Chanticler in Millburn. icknvll University by Mis* fluenced her work. She will also table decorations for the luncheon include slides of her early tradi- Monday evening at the home of The affair in for all "Mellah dents receive medical cure, Bhel- • and Miss Joanne Smith and Mothers," guardians of ORT stu- ter, food and recreational activity. liss Miller here. tional work and will show her de- the chairman, Mrs. Deri Derr, 430 velopment to abstractions. Longfellow drive. Mrs. Gerard dents in the OUT schools through- Mrs. Leon Bader, national Mrs. Barrett studied at the Art Giguere will serve the refresh- out the world. It is through tho guardianship chairman, will be Students League of New York ments. guardianship program that stu- guest speaker. with Harry Sternberg, Kunyoahi ,ST SERVICE and Alexander Brook. She has ex- hibited.widely in national and in- Tray-Painting to Be ! COLOR PROCESSING ternational shows, the Los Angeles Museum, Cincinnati Museum, Department Project A century-old tradition of dining elegance Montelair and Newark Museums, the new Metropolitan.Museum, New York, The arts and crafts departmenv the Museum of Modern Art, of the Woman's Club of Westfleld Brooklyn Museum and the Library will meet in the clubhouse at 10 of Congress and she has won a.m. Wednesday. The morning ped-e-flous numerous prir.es. A member of workshop period will be devoted Audubon Artists, Artists Equity, to painting and decorating metal rcBtaurant und cocktail lounge Choose one of Society of American Graphic trays under the instruction of Mrs. Artists and the Associated Artists Alexander G. Beckmann, chairman I'Uma Momls Nightly our basic of the department. Members who of New Jersey, Mrs. Barrett is a or colorful well known lecturer and holds wish to work on this project are Lunchvon from $1.50 Friday and Saturday Nifhtu private studio classes. requested to bring a tray and a one inch paint brush. Dinner smarting At Dinner Dancinf to Coats, in Mrs. Wayne Knouse, president, Si30 p.m. from $3.50 Melodies of the 4O'« lias announced that the brochure At noon there will be the regu- «Efi DELIVERY lar box luncheon hour. Co-hostess- check, plaid and entry cards for the First Mountain Boulevard, Watchung PL 5-0111 Westfield State Show in April have es for the day will be Mis. John or print, some Picture* Deliver**) been sent to all members and Hendy and Mrs. J. E. Weclnnds. Turn north off Rio. 22 at Watehung overpass; with Drug Ordtn many others in art clubs in the Members may remain after the at Wutchung traffic circle follow Warrcnville signs are washable, state. business meeting to work on their The meeting is open to non- project. some reversible, N EVENINGS Til 10 members. and many are Cedar Crest Benefit The Cedar Crest Alumnae Club laminated for all- of Central Jersey will hold a des- sert-bridge Wednesday at 8:30 year wear. p.m. in the Woman's Club of Westfield, South Euclid iivenue.

Ever analyze your appearance? If you hare, you're con- scious of how important your shirts are and how they influence the initial impression you make.

For many, the appearance of their shirts is a point of unresolved frustration. Either their shirts aren't launder- ed or pressed properly, or .stiirehcd the way they like them. This frequently makes the wearer self-conscious and adversely affects his disposition.

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THE SHOE THAT UNDERSTANDS CHILDBEM Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday thru Saturday Doctori' Prescriptions Carefully Filled All Drycleaning and Shirt Laundering Done on Premises Full line oj Orthopedic Shoos Drive-In Parking Facilities


RANDAL'S Official Girl Scout Equipment Agency RED CROSS SHOE STORE 121 Qulmby Street ADomj 2-1131 171 lBR0ADST avenue. - fg||g ADAMS 2-3OB0 Open Mon. & Fri. Evenings 'til 9 o'clock 1HC2C.A.M.A. Open Mon. Eva*. P«|t« 12 THE WESTFIELD (N.i.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1*82 • Committees Named | Mrs. Herrjiott Shackamaxon Garden Club Gives $300 the R. J. G'otrkc (Garden Club Sees Jennifer P. White, Co., For Annual Benefit fashions from ^Bjj, To Building Fund of Fanwood YMCA for the event and Slides, Votes Aid Richard Fischer I For Boro Church Hufrhes has been cki chairwan. Mi-s A\ SCOTCH PI A IKS—A holiday flower >how lias resulted in a pift ' MOUNTAINSIDE—The annual will be in charge of To Two Projects Wed Saturday o/ »T"e proved new .bui!*n of th F.nwood^h Ptans MARCH 1962 K f ; dtssert-biidjre and fashion show of Michael Klucewicj YMCA. A check for .hat >um was pr«*i,1ed to the \ » bo*K11 't!ve Altar and Rosary Society of ruffle committee and M T T F s w s ! Mws Jennifer Fostlo3 While, directors at a meet in* Monday nit-M. R<-pro,em,:nK the 1 -V*°*»? • Our Lady of gourdes Church, will Byron will be Sue Irene Uuwtli of Red Ban); aW8e - • 1 2 3 .'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Frankenbach, chairman of new fa.-ilitic-. accepted the gift from Mi- j U' held May 23 in the parish ali- man. ^ive. wn illustrated lecture "Car- 4 7 * 10 ilrwin White of 310 Canterbury Krank Fedowilz, flower show chuir- !.—The travel department of den Clubs. Mrs. Howeil showed Alencon lace. Her veil was fast- facilities e*ci> month. pressing his appreciation, said, them with dedication ond convic- H. Menk, publicity. the Woman's Club, at the tion. pictures of gardens in Far Eastern ened to a pillbox of Alencon lace, Araon? the committee chairmen -This is a sU'p forward in the edu- Woman's Club, 1:30 p.m. and European countries, where ar- and she carried a bouquet of white S—Charity Ball of the Westfield chitectural designs wfre used. roses ano carnations. Junior Woman's Club at the 'Mrs. Joseph P. Moran, presi Par Hills Inn, 10 p.m. to 2 The maid of honor was Mb a.m. e»t, nam«!(i Mrs. Harold h. Monier Barbara Dowell of Westfield. The to the nominatittj: committee to fill 'other attendants were Miss Wini- $—The executive board of The vacancy. Woman's Club, at the Wom- fred Austin of Fox Chapel, Pa., OUR SIXTIETH an's Club, fl :S0 a.m. Mrs. William K. Plumer, chair- ' and Miss Catherine O'llaroj of 6—Recreational activities de- man of arboretum and ronser\a West Chester, Pa., both formerly partment of The Woman's tion, anjioum-ed A conservation ed- l of Westfield. The bridal attend MRS. RICHAKD H. F1SCHEK Club, at the Woman's Club, ucation workshop to be held at ants wore #owns of turquoise silk (Jennifer P. White) 1 p.m. Trenton State Collet The club with matching silk hats. C—Woman's College Club, in the will participate in a scholarship David Kellogg of Westfield was 1902 High School cafeteria, 8:15 to be given for this course. Mrs. Hudson Wins Again bent man. Ushers were Charles p.m. Richard Lardner Tobin, donation to be* used for the or Her African Violets Boss of Wilmington, Del., Guy managing editor of the "Sat-1 purchase of flower and Burden Straub of Westfteld, Jonathan urday Review of Literature," I seeds tot Ibe distributed by the Alex- •Mrs. Glenn I). Hudson, a mem- White of Yonkers, N. Y., and Ed- 1962 ' will speak. andra Horticultural Society in ber of the Rake and Hoe Garden ward Yorke of Linden. 7—Arts and crafts departmen Egypt to viewers of the "Ameri- Club of Westfield, a YWCA -spon- Miss Janet Straub and Master of The Woman's Club, at the can Corner" of that trroup'6 flower ored organization, won first Kenneth Straub, niece and nephew Woman's Club, 10 a.m. show in the spring, was author- uwards in the three African Violet of the groom, were flower girl and 8—Weitfield Art Association, in ized by tbe club. The project is lasses at the New York Horticul- junior usher. the Wateunk Room of the sponsored by the rational council ture Society Winter Garden Show Following the ceremony a re- Library. Rlva H. Barrett, art of garden clufcs as a goodwill ges- last week. ception was held at the Monday 10 to 50 OFF - STORE WIDE hit, will lecture. ture. Her blue ribbon entries were: Afternoon Club, Plainfield. JO—-Supper dain-e of the Inter Mrs. Raymond McG!nnl9, chair- One African Violet plant in flow- mediate Women's Club Virginia, to W. Andrew Morrison man of the 1902 flower show, an- r, T. V. Swirlimr Petticoat; throe American Legion Hall. son of Mr. and Mrs. William H nounced that October 2(5 had been African Violet plantu in flower, 20% OFF 25% OFF 33Vz% OFF 12—The Woman's Club of Wost- Morrison of 304 Enst Dudley ave- set as the date for an Open Home Wintry 'Night, Renming and Linda fleld at the Masonic Temple, nue. and Garden Show. oan; one African Violet plant in SPORTSWEAR 1:16 p.m. to celebrate Fed- flower, variety originated by exhib- Mias Hughes wat^ graduated LINGERIE DEPT. ROBES, DUSTERS eration Day. Mr*. Edward Mrs. Roy R. Winkleplcck served itor, I'astel Princess. from iNottingham High School, Sy- WOOL SKIRTS, FAILLE SKKTS1 Marshall Bochm will speak s hospitality chairnVan, assisted racuse and ia a student at Rhode and show pictures on "The by iiesdatnes William Birmingham Island School of Design, Provi- SUPS, GOWNS, PANTIES HOUSE DRESSES WOOL, CORDUROY, SLACKS Porcelain Art of Edward Jr., Edward L. Coffey, William Andrew Morrison's dence. • Marshall Bo'ehm." Pott and H. William Roberta. Mr. Morrison was graduated 13—International Food and Gift from Westfield' High School ond Bazaar of the Westfield Engagement Told Rhode Island School of Design, He Gotham Gold Stripe Nylon Hosiery Women's Republican Club, 24—Fashion Show and bridge of is employed as an industrial de- 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., Masonic the Panwood College Wom- Mr. and Mrs. Kupert D. Hughes signer by Smith-Corona-Marchant Temple. en's Club, Scotch Plains-Fan- of Syracuse, IN. Y., have announced of Syracuse. 13—Book Club of tbe College wood High School. the engagement of their A June wedding is planned. 99c 1.09 1.19 Save by the Box 3 for 2.95 3.25 3.501 Woman's Club, 720 Forest 24, 25, 20—rFburth annual art avenue. show of Westfield Hadassah |4—International relation depart- in the Wateunk Room of the ment of The Woman's Club, Westfield Public Library. 50% OFF at the Woman's Club, 1:30 CAMP BLAISDELL 10% OFF 20% OFF 20—Literature and drama de- p.m. ; partment of The Woman's Bradford, N. H. 60 Girls 6-16 FIRST QUALITY ALL STATIONERY 15—-Recent Grads group of the Club, at the Woman's Club, ALL BLANKETS, SPREADS, •'C*«e£s Woman's Club, 2481 1:45 p.m. Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region SHEETS, CASES Kill titad, Scotch Plains. ALL GIFTWARES COMFORTERS, PILLOWS 16—Antiques department of The 27—Sixth District, New Jersey All camp activities. Superior waterfront. Wafer Skiing, Sail- Woman's Club, at the Wom- State Federation of Wom- ing, Canoeing, Swimming emphasized. Canoe and mountain an's Club, 1:30 p.m. en's Clubs, Conference at the trips. Mature staff. Registered nurse. Cabins. Moderate fee. 17—Spring Dance of College Scotch Plains Country Club, 20% OFF Entire Notions Dept. Nothing Held Back. Woman's Club at Scotch ' Scotch Plains, 10 a.m. For interview call or write Milt Will A. Hull or Mitt Charlotte Plains Country Cluh. 27T—New members' department of SAVE ON SANITARY GOODS, SEWING NEEDS, NO-MOTH CRYSTALS, SEWING KITS, ZIPrW, 19—American Home department The Woman's' Club, at the fenitermoker, 312 N. Chestnut St., Westfield, N. J. AD 20282 of The Woman's Club, at the Woman's Club, 12:30 p.m CLOTHES BAGS, WOOLITE SOAP, RIBBONS, THREADS. Woman's Club, 12:30 p.m 28—Current Affairs group of the tO—Music department of The College Woman's Club, 414 Woman's Club, at the Wom- Hillside uvenue, an's Club, 12:80 p.m. 28—Civics and legislation depart- Cruise to the West Indies & Bermuda SAVE i:< $0—Pretenders group of the Col- ment of The Woman's Club 10% OFF 20% OFF lege Woman's Club, 633 at the Woman's Club. 9:30 ...all in one big springtime package! Boulevard. a.m. 3 NYLON HOSE HANDBAGS TO 10.98 ALL BETTER BLOUSES pi—Travel department of the 28—Fashion show of tho Garden- SPACE AVAILABLE NOW! 2.39 BOX College Woman's dub, 81? •ires, YWCA, 1 p.m. Including New FROM 5.98 UP Shadowlawn drive, $ p.m. Mystery Make Patents, Tapestries, Nylons •fl—Art department of Tho Wom- Dacron, Drip Dri, Silk an's Club, at the Woman's APRIL 1962 Club, 1:30 p.m. $ M T w T F s C2—Garden department of The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DRESS SALE Woman's Club, at the Wom- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 25% OFF an's Club, 12:80 p.m. 50% OFF 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 *3—Westflelds Chapter, D*ueh. WINTER STOCK BUDGET DRESSES ttrs of the AJnericon Rev- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BETTER DRESSES olution, at tie home of Mrs. 30 FAMOUS BRANDS TO 19.98 Henry Dabrrnann, 1021 Wy- 2T 22.98 to 39.98 andotte trail, 1:16 p.m. MEN'S $ Wilbro HALF PRICE SPORT SHIRTS 1.99 Enro HALF COST Marlboro *2.99 AND LESS! Val. to 12.98 Inc. Spring Weight Wash 'n Dry CottoM - GROUP OF $1. COSTUME 1.50-2.00 JEWELRY TIE GROUP

ALL MEN'S EVERY TIE ON OUR RACKS MAURETANIA NECKWEAR 25% OFF FROM 1.50 to 3.50 There Are No Dogs In This Collection! D . — Pq.sano Foulards, Scotchgards, DOCfon poly

Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE See your Iravel agent for details and free cruise brochure IJ required we give it gladly and courteously ~ " ^V CRUISE Open Monday and Friday

•' ——' ' " NO GREATER NAME Nights 6:30 to 9 P.M. IN CRUISING!

163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 . ' Open Monday Evenings 185 ELM ST. BETWEEN ASP CUNMWUNE, 25 Brosdwr/, N.Y. 4 • B0 9-5300*441 Park he., N. V. 22 . PI 5-4300 ond MUTUAl MARK£TS THE WfSTriFLD (N, 3.) UUDfR. THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 18C2 P*g« }% Simmons College Gratis 1 «ntirc free world am! Engaged Lieut. John W. Ray his t*lk with the fallacies of the To Hear Bermuda Talk traditional protectionist irgu-| ments. i To Marry TV Aide The Simmons College Club of Mr. Ladenburir pointed out New Jersey will meet Tuesday »t i three major fallacies in the arifU- 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mn | menu of those who oppose free j MAKE ANY DATE Mr. *nd Mrs. Earle Philips El- Barbara DeHoff, 63 Mountain ave- i trade. The major fallacy is the; more of Thornwood, Oneonta, N. nue, Maplewood. All Simmons argument that th* high paid i A "BIG EVENT" Y., announce the enRaKement of alumnae are invited to tttend this | American worker cannot be vx- j their daughter, Elaine, to Lieut. meeting which will feature a spe-1 pei;ted to be able U> compete with I John Wesley Nicholson Ray, US «•! travel talk entitled "Portrait I cheap foreiicn laborer. Tb« second j One of our beautiful corsages makes a girl feel MC, son of Mr. and Mrs. George at Bermuda" by a representative: <«||ttc..y js that Americans need i pampered and glamorous . , , turns an evening W. Ray of 700 Coleman place. from Eastern Airlines. There will | tariffs in order to preserve their i into a memorable occasion! also be souvenirs and a door priie. balance of payments, and that «; 'Miss Elmore is a graduate of Thute planning to attend are protective tariff is the only thing! BUY FLOWERS WHERE THEY ARE GROWN The Emma Willard School, Colby asked to call Mrs. W. A. Uurr of standing between them and loss of i Junior College and Katherine 900 Pennsylvania avenue. j Gvbbs School. She is presently em- gold reserves. The third fallacy \ WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP l ests on the premise that we must 250 SPMNCHEID AVI., Jtnt eff tread ployed as personal secretary to Speech on Tariffs Is protect our inefficient industries, I Hu£h Downs of the Jack Puar the textile and watch industries' WE DEIIVM , TtL AD S-MS0 Show. Heard by BPW Club at for example. Lieutenant Ray graduated from February Meeting Here Wesleyan University wherv he was a meiivber of Chi h'si. The bride- The Westfield Business and Pro- (rroom-to-be has just completed fessional Women's Club held its training at Basic School at Quan- regular dinner meeting last week — Brmlford Bnchrnoh *"* tico, Va., and will be stationed at Novak's Restaurant. Mrs. Kit MISS ELAINE ELMORE with the first Marine Division in Love, first vice president, conduct- alifornia. ed the session. House Plants Topic for Thomas J. Ladenburg, a teacher CO. His grandparents were the late of social studies in Westfield High Mountainside Gardeners )r. and Mrs. John Wesley Nlchol- School, spoke on President Ken- IOII anil the late Mr. and Mrs. J. nedy's Trnde Expansion Act. Mr. Thtlr Eaitwr coats of Ward Baumanri) a Railway flor- ohnson Ray, all of Norwich, N. Y. Ladenburg iiavo o brief history of j ist, discussed "Flowering House The prospective bride is the the tariff question with particular j Plants" before the Mountainside granddaughter of Kdward J. Slin- emphasis on the current proposals. Navy Blut ar« at th« Garden Club last week in the gerland and the late Mrs. Slinger- Then he followed with the chal- home of Mrs. Allen Griswold of Isnd of O«eonta, N. Y., and the lenge which the development of Far View drive. He was introduced late Mr. and Mrs. fc'Jwin W. E!- the European Common Market has by Mrs. Walter C. Jackson. nore, also of that city. created toward Amevicn and the i Mrs. Paul 1.. Haines, president, named Mrs. Humbei-to Urrutia, chairman, and Mrs. Earl II. Ben- 1!7» nett and Mrs. Fred E. Rosenatiehl, members of » nominating commit- tee.' Plans were outlined for n Gar- ASHBROOK den Coffee May 9 at the home of Mrs. Ferd A. Lailo of 945 Law- rence avenue. NURSING The club voted to send a contri- a dofiaittvc fttte. bution for flower and vegetable Boy'* regulation coat seeds for the American Corner of staUnent of casaal the Alexandria, Egypt, Hortlcul HOME in navy wool flannel lure Society Spring Flower Show. with brass buttons And little dress is ' Mrs. Peter 0. Peterson presided sleeve emblem. impeccably detailed1, at the tea table. Mrs. Harold Syd- .Sizes 3 to 6x. 18.00 knit accented, planned {or iior and Mrs. W. ' Curl Winning Eton cap to match. 3,00 assisted the hostess. (not shown) flatterjr, endlessly am«»*- Matching coat ana A wonderfal traveler, School Vocal Groups £ton cap, set for toddlers. too—it's ac«tate-oyloo« A MODERN NURSING HOME Sizes 2 to 4. 20.00 set. cayoo mesh, trimmed *!tk To Entertain Wesmarco Toddlcc wool flannel contrasting knitl Cornea WeBmarco will be entertained FOR THE CONVALESCENT coat and bonnet set in navy, coral, and toast. by the "Twelve" and "Thirteen" for girls with brasg Size* 1* to 2654, 18 to 46. vocal groups of the Westfleld S OR RESIDENTIAL GVEST buttons and soutacha nior High School tonight ut the braid trim. Navy or ted. YMCA. The theme for the pro Raritan Rd. at Tarrtll, Scotch Plaint Mall and phone order* (Mod Sizes 2 to 4. 23.00 set. gram is "Do-Uc-Mi," and member: and guests are ur^ed to be prosiMi OIAI 889-2374 promptly at 8:1!> p.m. WATCHUNG-Stflt* Highway, Route 22 • Plainfleld 7-0500 The next executive hoard meet 266 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIEID inn will ho held at the home of Open Monday and Friday Evei. Mr. and Mrs. N. I.. Murton of 478 Whittier nvenuts Wednesday I evening, Marcii 21.

McMANUS BROS. - A Trusted Name in Quality Furniture Since 1880 _J NOT A YEAR FROM NOW Famous Quality - BUT DAYSTROM DINETTES Sale-Mead At RIGHT NOW! McMANUS BROS. When you can boy famous DAYSTROM quality at such low prices as these then you truly have outstanding valuel Come choose now from the*e and others at McManui Bro».—known (Above) since 1880 for better buys in 3-PC. DROP-LEAF DINETTE : better furnlturel V f.::i Perfect for the small dining areal 25x25 table opens to 40" with 2 drop149.9 t 5 leaves, each 7Vi" wide. Includes table and 2 chairs. Bronietone finish. (At Left) 5-PC. DAYSTROM DINETTE 5495

With gleaming wire-back chairs. 30x40 table extends to 48". Bronzetone, choice of finishes. Vinyl uphol- stered chairs. Formica top table. ON YOUR 7-PC DAYSTROM INSURED DINETTE CHOOSE FROM McMANUS BROS. SAVINGS OWN 3 PURCHASE PLANS Regular Charge • 90-Day Account • Budget Plan 99-95 ANTICIPATED DIVIDEND STARTING JANUARY 1. 1962 35x50 table extends to 60" with 10" leaf. Wood grain Formica top, 6 vinyl upholstered chairs in brown-textured weave. Choice of colors.

5-PC. DAYSTROM DINETTE 64-95 30x40 table extends to 48". Foam upholstered chairs covered in vinyl. All bronze tone. Formica table top. Broad at Prospect By the Plaza McManus Elizabeth and Woodbridge OPEN EVENINGS Free delivery 'most anywhere . . . Free Parking WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAYINGS ' BROAP AT PROSPECT ST. ^ •' "Known Since 1880 forf Belter Rvut in Better Furniture ' • : ELIZABETH: 1152 E. Jersey St., EL 2-5600 '•TheOW.esf. dnd Lptgest Saviogst Institutionjn VfesHieldif • " WOODBRIDGE: Hwy. 9 at King George Rd., VA 6-4700 • DOVER: Basiett Hwy., Opp. Dover Shopping Center *«*• 14 THE WESTFIELD (N.I.) LEADER. THURSDAY. MARCH I. 1962 Temple Israel Women Rebuilding of Isroel j AfOU r>d Town Have Purim Program, To Be Shown HadaSSah | (Continued from page 91 Panhellenic M Plan Spaghetti Dinner At Meeting Here Monday |o/ ^- ^a^^^X-Tv^".- itlL News .SCOTCH PLAINS — The Sii- "This Is the Land We Build" a'a's*? two week* at the Arawal terhi.oil of Temple Israel of Scutch MATE RNITY dramatic slide presentation de pict- Hotel, Ocho P.ios Jamaica. Plain* and Funwood held its rcpu- AFP AREL iiHt the role of the Jewish National i ., _. ...~*f Ta,.k,o., liar meeting last evening at the Fund in the rebuilding and re- M Walter Phi Mu Temple, 1721 East Second street. wil1 fai foresUtion of Israel, , f^- resc-ntinsr the The northern New Jersey Alii- The president. Mrs. Seymour V Dresses • Slips r mi- of Phi Mu will observe thi- Moritz. opened the meeting and Westfielv\*i!?T£ d'. Chapter""Tu*, of Hadas*a! hu at;'Smit . h Club,' ar,c .atct, n Vn«. r ,in . - u . nual uoriiy's 110th anniversary with; then turned il over to the vie* » Skirts • Bra's tte home of Mrs. Herbert Mich ' Counc'l ->f Ai-jn.i,™ „ 1 Founders" Day luncheon at 1 , president in charge of program. or at Sm!lh aei», 853 Carleton road. " '".'^^ , m. Saturday at Kud's. Northfield Mrs. Henry I-ange, who conducted 9 Smocks • Slacks Mrs. Arthur Rogow. president j(r an<) Jin*, c. HoncV-m }Yi '• r«. .id. West (/range. !a Purim program. of Hadas*ah, announced at the ij j . <) daughter, IVr.t-Jonc. sa r sn Kesenations may be made with: The Sisterhood is sponsorinc a • Sweaters board meeting at the home of Mrs. Bf 120 Xorth C:. •-•.ut str-<-i h:,v- \Ir^. Spencer Shamp of »(I4 Shw-: spajrhetti dinner to be held .Salui- • Panties, ett Phillip Schneck that a delegation ; returncd from a vacation fpijit at .Nood parkway. All area Phi Mus I .lay eveninc, March 24 at 8 p.n- Till attend the spring conference ]sianrf |nBi Sanibel liland, Kla. the Elks Club, directly oppo- Maternity Headquarters Since I943 vt northern New Jersey Region of; -+- rt ur^ed •"» attend. < Uegiate and alumnae mem- site the temple. Dancing will fol- Hadassah at Springers Hotel in; The Eino A. Salop of 137 C!if- u i low dinner. Ed Warsctsky anJ • USE YOUR HANDI-CHAROE Spruur Valley, N.Y. April 30, May; ton street celebrated their silver be.. will observe the anniversary hiounhout the states with contri- j Mrs. Marvin Yojrelbauin arc i-o- t and 2. i wedding anniversary while on a j chairmen. Mr*. Benjamin Rosen, hospital- i Caribbean trip whin- In Kt- Thomas, they lhe funds are used to provide take place in April and in May a her at the Hadassth Sabbath held | visited Mr. and Mrs. W.llia7i; Cox. cans and scholarships to under- ' rummage sale anil donor dinner •t Temple Emanu-EI last Friday. I formerly of WeMfield, and Karon I graduate and graduate Phi Mus. | arc planned. Mendames Eroil Baer, Lawrence i«n<< Mrs. George Von Seebcek. ' The national sorority also con- 1 • BROAD AT ELM ST. - WESTFIILO tributes $1,000 annually to a) Some women seem to think the f<^l>iHTard»GOli'!.l>na'"' MpVjni EdX*r Bishooind his daughter, cholarship grant under the place for their children is at the I Op«n Mon., Frl. [vening* — AD 3-0020 •r^f^±t Bcrerujon ,"EUL*!?™; Harvey Siegel, He 5r* '-»"• «f «» B-- Place. spent apices of the AAUW. last week skiing at Stowe, Vt. neighbors. j - Iwrt Michaels, Phillip Schneck MKS. RICHARD M. TAHL —The Keininder-Enterprise, Cuda- i Hunt Gilbert, Gerald Berkely MKS. PETKR J. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Trep- i (Melissa H. Melvin; (Caimrla DiN'izo) hy, Win. I Geldon Hindman »nd Lawrence tow of Fanwood have recently re- j Chi Omega Breibart. turned from a ten-day vacation at j An afternoon of bridge, pre- the Castle Harbour Hotel in Be-r-1 Tahl and iCarmela L DiNizo ceded by luncheon and a short business meeting of the northern Spring is here! Westfleld is talking: about . . . Bride Honeymoon [Becomes Bride of New Jersey alumnae of Chi Omega sorority was held in the The success of the Washington . u/ ,, ,. iPete r J, Hamptor n home of Mrs. Louis JubaroowBky birthday sales, persistent bargain In West Indies j of 310 Indian trail, Mountainside, hunters and thei r exhaustion at the I A reception al the home of the Friday. Co-hostesses were Mrs. W. Here's how ,. in the bright nvw end of the day ... . ' brideVs parents followed the cere- II. Collins and Mrs. John Starr The poor weather of vacation jewelry jutt arrived Now honeymooning in Antigua, tmony Saturday morning which of Cranford. week and the parents and children the West Indies, are Mr. and Mrs. united in marriage .Miss Carmela •I who are happy school is again in Richard -M. Tahl, whose wedding Lorraine iJiN'izo, daughter of Mr. session . took place Saturday afternoon in and Mrs. Kelix Anthony DiNizo of Alpha Chi Omega to keep peace Sharing so closely In John the Church of the Holy Commun- 641 Drake place, and Peter Joseph Glenn'l' s thrillinhilli g orbitbi s and the na- ion of South Orange. The bride Hampton of Plainfield. The cere- A dinner party is on the March tional pride In American team- is the former Melissa H. Melvin, mony was performed by the Rev. agenda for Alpha Chi Omega work for a feat well and openly daughter of Mrs. Carl Melvin of Redmond J. Duggan at Holy Trin- alumnae in the Westfteld-Plaln- done , .. field area. The party will take in the family . Irvinjfton and the late Mr. Melvin. ity Ohurch. The double crogtics and cross- Mr. Tahl is the sdn of Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Walsh was solo- place at 7 p.m. next Thursday word fans who puzzle together over Mrs. F. Morrison TalJ of 725 Cole- ist and Miss Elizabeth Bonnell or- evening at the home of Mrs. Ed- INTERNATIONAL. GIFTS' the hard ones . . . man place. ganist. After the reception at the ward A. Schraishuhn III, 932 And tihat school closes today at The Rev. Dr. Eric Tasroan of home, guests went to the Moun- Woodmere drive. . . .and still have those exciting home furnishings you dream noon for a half day. South Orange wns assisted by the tainside Inn for the wedding din- of! Just introduce that budget-minded hubby of youra, as Rev. Clarence Lambelet of New ner. Delta Delta Delta well as yourself, to Koos' fabulous Warehouse Store! It's simply Bruna-wick. The ceremony was The bride chose a gown of Ital- bursting with buys! Beautiful bedroom, dining room, living room followed by a reception tit theian silk satin with chapel train Wednesday evening Delta Delta pieces that might have a slight scratch here or there , . . might Hotel Suburban, East Orange. and «cooped neckline trimmed with Delta will be hostess to represen- white mink. Her French illusion be slightly soiled ... OH might be absolutely perfect . . . The bride was given In murriaffe tatives of the alumnae chapters yet dollars have been whacked oft" every tagl You could save veil was held by a linra of crystal participating in the Westfield by her uncle, Frank A. Gibiser of $30 on a handsome table . . . $60 on a lounge chair . . . $200 Direct to Mademoiselle's Birmingham, Mich. She was at-and pearls, and she carried a satin 'ouncil of Fraternity Women for tended by Mrs. Alfred Clwuner and muff trimmed with phaluneopsis 0 discussion of Panhellenic activi- on a sofa! Save a whopping \':l on carpets . . . even find draperies Miss Arlene Sidwa, both of Irving- orchids, feathered carnations and ties in this area. Bnd fabrics, some slashed below cost! Could anything make from foreign fashion designers varieguted ivy. hubby happier? We think not . . . except maybe that K003 >n. The Panhellenic delegate and F. Morrison Tahl served as best Mrs. Anthony l'eltlcone of Scotch recommendation chairman of each Warehouse Store is SO easy to reach. Just drive to Rahway on IMPORTED KNITS man for hi* .son. Ushers were Plains was matron of honor, wear- sorority have been invited to at- Route 1, turn at Grand Aw. It's open 12 noon till 9 every night Rlchurd Watts nnd Robert Fitz of ing emerald green velveteen with tend this meeting which will be ... 10 A.M. till 9 Saturdays! (Closed Sun.) for Spring Flatter/ Bloomfield ond Joseph Kacicz of matching pillhox hat. Her muff held at the home of Mis. Karl Nfadison Township. was decorated with red roses nnd Morris, 048 East Broad street at feathered carnations. Tlic hricle attended Rutgers Uni- 8:15 p.m. Purely feminine and purely wonderful — versity and is a graduate of the Similar frocks were worn by the Essex County Dental Assistants bridesmaids, Miss Oorgann Stinip- our curve-contclous gently-hued knits in £hoo]. Mr. Tahl was graduated son and Miss "Kinmajane DiNizo, these, ore the EXTRAS the bride's sister, both of West- lh« very lale»t »prlng froth fashion. from ItutKerA, where he wart a you see on TV member of Delta Sigma I*hi. He field. is a home ollirts representative The bridegroom, son of Mr. and FASHION-MACHO* QNA with the Prudential Insurance. Co. Mrs. Frank -M. Doughty of Plain- For style, variety ond verve ^ fleUl, asked Ilonalit Gwiaxda of The couple will live in Jackson a ehoo»e a imort Knit Dr««s, Pluiriftold to be be.^t man. Usher- Heights, Long Island. Suit or Coat. ing were Frank Cnrisone and Rob- ert Coury, both of Phvinflpld. ASME Auxiliary After a wedding trip to Klorida, the couple will live in Plninfleld. The Melropolitnn Section of the The. bride is a graduate of Holy month for Woman's Auxiliary to the Ameri- Trinity High School and Berkeley can Society of Mechnnicul Engi- Secretarial School nnd has been v» vndvrltfr ported neers will hold a luncheon imd furemployed by Clapp & ICisenberg, «««h cup glva tupport wh*r» fashion show at the Hotel Sliel- Newark. Mr. Hampton was grad- 4 burnc, New York City, next uated from Newark Preparatory Mademoiselle Shop School and is employed by Widen 10 years Thursday at noon. Reservations chairman is Mrs. George A. liar- Metal Uuodi* Co. 105 Qoimby St., W«stfi*ld AD 3-0753 man of 220 South 11th street, •Mrs. Doughty was hostess at n MAOIC-CUNO'BRA just come into our department Newark 7. shower nnd the bride's parents gave the party following the re- and vote for your favorite hearsal.

, •Kini/N«wd foxtluitvc of etaiHc) flhM* lit* toolneti of cotton, tcxy IN THIS «or« of elatron. Yes/ You moy win $100 o monfh SLACKS GREAT BOOK for 10 yeors, or 5 years, or I year, CAN RELEASE YOU or ons of 3.075 other valuable prize* SWEATER You can be freed from any Just come in and vofe for your false appetite if you will turn v.ith a receptive, unpreju- fovorile exfra in Playtex $2.50 bras. diced 1 bought to the truth Nothing f0 write, nothing to buy. SPORT SHIRT contained in this great book. Science and Health with Key You'll find extra feotures that rneofl Beautifully CLEANED AND PRESSED n the Scriptures by Miry extra volue in oil throe Playtex Uakcr Eddy. $2.50 bras... features thor qivs You may read or borrow Science and Health free ol you exlra comfort, extra fit. ON ' charge at any Christian Sci- e*fro long wear-life. Choose FEATUR E5 GARMENTS ence Reading Room. The BROUGHT book can be purchased in red, Pfoytex Poshlon-Mogic Bra, IN BEFORE green, or blue binding at $S Playtex Cotton-Dacron Bro, and will be sent postpaid on 12 NOON Ploytex MogJc-Cling Bro. Whits 32A receipt of check or money SATURDAY order. fo 40C. $2.50. D sizes Fashion Magic ly $1.00 more. Hurry in and SERVICE rA°" Christian Science vofe for your favorite extra and you' on DRY 'CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDERING IBAJDINO may win $ 100 o month for 10 years,. NO EXTRA CHARGE ROOM

116 QUIMBY STREET WESTFXELD •DRIVE-IN Hours: 10 to 4:30 GAR WOOD STORE 100 NORTH AVE. Abo Monday, 7 to 9 .6-N ROUTE 28 \ Information concerning frit pubH Itcturet, ehurck ttrvictt and Sui * A U *lto •vailabl*. MILADY'S SHOP 167 E. BROAD ST. Open Monday ond Friday eves 'til 9 AD 3-2758 THE WESTFIEtD Ir. and Mi's. Henry KohlenberR- (The children do, too.) So when you're out Of Jr. of 1G90 King- street, Scotch don't forget to phone. Hew J*f**jr ••!!

janiors welcome spring!

Spring Is here in easy-i-nre fabricB. Contrast stitching details this full skirted, abort ileev* dacron and cotton dresi with jewel neckline, Delph blue or gold. Easy button-down front with cardigan neck and patch pockets, Contrast stitching on delph Iiluc or khaki. Iu blue or orunge, a ducroii nnd avron shirt drees with contrasting stitching, All tntit

Tapper's Dresses, Third Floo? SATURDAY Is family shopping, day at before the first robin • • • the first spring suit Two all wool, lined suite. A double breasted PLAINFIELD jacket will) cardigan neck and pleated skirt Solid colors only. Mint, gray. navy. 3-6 8.98, 7-14 10.98. A Pelcr Pan collar tops this plaid »uit with plcatrd skirt. Blue, aqua, and tan plaids, 7-14 14.98. Teppcr's Children's World Second Floor salted for spring by Bnrdley 'f?r 1M

From * colleellon of Bardlcy spring tuits, a vvciglitk-88 window pane tweed. Subtle shaping . , . feminino and fluid. Beige or red. Wonderful costume suit in shadow plaid tweed with il» own rayon sleeveless overblouic. Brige or green. Both in mines siies at C9«98

1«PPet'» Suits, Third Floor

Tepper 3100 dress shirts n Special 3.9S 8 for 11.75 From our collection ol fine eliirts Iu outstanding fabrics i • pima cottons • 65'r tlacron, 35^ cotton • wash 'n wear broadcloth • combed oxford cloth • size» H14—32-33, to 17—33-35.

Teppcr'g Men's Furnishings, Street Floor 16 THE WESTFIELD (M.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1SKS2 Brv«,; sintt ard P*trki* Noiar. \ ANTIQUE JEWELRY Future Bride of ill Ess'oxreft roai «re a:r,or,)r ^ An Unusual Collection of = 3 Hikes Offered :h,- rr.ft.-yivTi of tie UJC Key Citi\< '} BRACELETS • BROOCHES • EARRINGS • CHAJte Come See Our ^^ With the Collecicus '-Z^: .-:':':.•-'nvt'p'lios for Hiirrv J. \ Over Weekend CHINA • CLASS • SILVER • WAU DECORATION the LENNARDS Tfee members of the Union Coun- ! I'nscili* A. Putnam, daughter of | Jane F. HutirJ of 1316 SJORJ 401 Morris Ave. Springfield, N. J. DRexel 6-727< ty H*Wn* Civ* will have * choice ! f Sis Pro>-: «JF Uitet hikes offered over tile com- Mr. ond Mrs. lieorpe C. Putnam of |Brc*k Wuie, Mcuntasnstdc. and >50 Hij&jcr.d avenue, a junior at i Bart>ara A. Web of J77 Pleasant Norwich l":'-i- roim-iej ti> the Sao Gasser of North PUinfield •Cedar Crest Collejw, has been j avenue, Fanwood, served or. the v«r>'.:y. ha.- JARVIS DRUG STORE ^ ' *iH l«»d • 12-m?le hike over tin 7:amtfd to the lie.in's lift. A trrad- [committee for A "Kir;£ of Hearts"' uste of \W*iru'id H:j?h School. Mis> !dar.ee held Saturday everi;r.£ by 54 ELM ST. WESTFIELD OM Yellow Trail on Stjtcn 1 ' Jin-., who land Saturday. The proup will Pots-air, is a member of the dorm;- j Phi Eta Omkron of Union Junior Enjoy Dinner with ut •.*Me* at the. Administration ButM uiry council at the college, i College, Cranford. Ktrrs- ;faj of the Union County Park » • • ' ... in our Cwnoiiraiun, Warinaueo Park, Fl > , Paula P|»rre. daujrhler of MR. j The P«Ts.hiii{r Rifles of Su !V- ' " S:Wtm I Howar.i J'urdy t>f 22$ Prospect j u-r's CoIIepe returned fron; (h* «> Hv is ir.e fen of Mr- and Air Conditioned Dining Room Sunday Adw Weppler ofj ?trt*et, was recently elected to the! L'. S. Coast Gutrxi invitational Mr-. Chsrff J. Gas* iwjll conduct e Sunday | office of assistant rush chairman i Drill Meet at !^ew London* Cv-nn.. Complete Dinners .„ ramble in Echo Lake.' of Alpha Omicroii Pi sorority at j with a third-pi»ce trophy an*on£ t't r.f a»ej i'y first - of - the • year' The group will meet at 9:80 I the University of Colorado in Btful- | nine competing units. Tile Rifle's r::U* Bsr:k sav^e^t you pay; From $1.40 to $1.75 in tne parking area at the] . il and (fives yuu a positive | '• soph»more women's honorary, i host at the next drill meet on Sat- court-j-roved re-i-rd of payroenU; SPECIAL FAMILY NIGHT Abo OB Sunday, Marion Wslsb ; of Past Orange will lead a 10-miie MISS LY.YX L VANCE : . ... i'urday in the Jersey City Armory. MISS PHYL1.I5 K. HAMMON'P ;n the fi>rm of cancelled checks, j EVERY THURSDAY hike in tke Stoaetown Circular. | Putnm A. McGovern of Mcun- j ... TiKs group nil) meet *t the part: • t-uinsitie hat> bevn cited on the j Carol A. Kur&x of WestfwJd ha* Social Security payments are COMPLETE DINNER. . . . $1.45 [ dean's honors list for scholar tic been <-it«l on tie dean's | Phyllis Hammond Is eonaaission's Administration Buili- list for sciKMastic *chi*-vtm*nt ir. rift taxabie income for Federal in- CHILDREN'S DINNER ... 75c 8:S0«.nv f achievement in the first semester I of the current academic year at the first semester of the current ; Prospective Bride co«;e tax purposes. > Wedding in April j Burknell University. A 'academic year at BufJtnei) L'niver^ Boy, 14, Takes VeWcle 'of Governor Livingston Regionag l j sityy. To Deliver Papers Air*. Paula Vance of S73 Farley jHic° School, Miss McGorern is a | A pradjaw of Wesfieid Hijrh i Dr.*nd Mrs- Ph:l:p 1) H»mn*rid . avenue, Scotch Plain*, andd RicharilRarl!! member of the freshman class at: School, Miss Kur« is a member of ieJIBkJI , h ;of U'e^ineM, annotince the er.trai.**- . A H-year-eld Westfield youth f r n degree of ruent of th-.'5r diufhter, Phyii-s ! i Arthur Fiix-»:. , day, drove around in it to de- William Howard Cottinpham of! a"d Mr*. Henry E. AIcGovcrn, H94 She is tlie *v.-- -., Bcttelli After being questioned, chute, Quebe.. and H% pilot with! ** » , ' * » ' **»* ^^^i °, t! y •er.t)y tearhin^ hojiie ecvuuinuos Jr. Sport Coat k* was taken to the Juvenile De- Bahamas A^-a,, L.m.t«d. ^^ dUtincti.">i. .v|*nUen Bureau in Eliubeth. Miss Vance, a graduate of theSchool with honor prade awrapf ' University. tHiio, s\«xt Thorsann« ,'" The ear it owned by Aaron for the second marking period of ii « » • ; Hsjrsi Srhoo: and is t-njraped in ."W», «wnejf of the West6eld School, is employed •> a steward- the academic >-*ar at the P3 year I WW l!i!'*i ™ DD - Stnttk,St kso n off MrM . ess by Northeast Airlines. 1 Mr$ c H Smllh ; farmirir. ~Studio, IS Central avenue, and oW miliUry preparatorv nhool i* " - - - ! An eariy sanimer we*in of Th«r« it no mor* picatant fool- Fint avenue and Osborn a*enne wll foUow at the Stagehouse Inn, Ii JatarsrCa t Hollow road, S!:*s» year and hsw bttr. Cranford, it was announced today ... • placed o.n the ««n".< IU:: Vr:-- ' Tk« fair market value of mer- c-sTia A rutnani. rfaufhter of Mr. A newly dev*lop«d cloth now eluuntiM won at raffles h included Jby Dr. Kenneth C- MacKay, press- Three freshmen frt"jn WntiiiM .• Wouiuii, Girl Injured dent. j have attained the honor ro!i at -*n*i Mr.- Cevrpt C. Putrain of S.H' : makes this possible. Just the right in bueom* oa Federal income Us Hs^.i»rKS i-.er.ue, .junior, fraduate \ lu 2-Car Collision Five otiier WestSekl area reii-' Nichols College erf Busir.*** A^- weight, 10 oi., this cloth is fab- ; c,i Wt^'Jald High Schoo! ar.d a • dents were named U> the dearth ; ministration. Dudley, Mass. Tivejr ricated of d o t r o n and wool Mrs. Gertrude Kiui of 470 honor list They are: Westfield, i are CurtU (Joldmon, son of Mr.ir;t-:mSe' r of tre d^rr:.:tC'ry \\tunci!. and J*!"» C YtaRvr. sophenwre. making it marvalously wrinkle Channinp avenue sofTered a pos- Pamela A. >Uckey of 44-A Wyrh- land Mrf. Frank GoUnu of IU<> sible conclusion and other injuries wood Gardens; Sarah J. Sullivan j Raharay avenue; F.dvarii \V i»Ujirfitfr cf Mr. and Mrs. William resistant. And there really isn't a Friday in a 2-car collision at Dud- >- V<-A*«T of \V:r.5U»r. S*'en"i. N- C.. GERMAINE of 526 East Bruad street, and S'.ev- j S'.eadman, **n of Mr. and Mrs- K'i- period of the year when you ley avenue and Prospect street at en K. of S-S5 5outh avenue; j ward G. j?'.ea Pre-pfvt asl. Berkeley lletghts. j David Hackett, son of l>r. and (to the dean's !iM at Hv-Hi:*. C— r-.rs*: ha r'i«f^i S;»rm» 1'h: fra- and puaids. Stop by and try one Ellen Nieiitiow, 16, of Free-i Mrs. Daniel C. Haokett of 1321 jlejre, where he is a unu, H* ".c!-r.::y at the l'n;versi:.v vi Wr- of these versatile sport coats. hold, a pasienger in the Badgley } Prospeot strwt, was recently j the son of Mr. aivd Vrs car, was treated for abrasion; lo{ pledged by I'oia Theta Pi. national' P. Itivhat of 42J ^if t«.r:(. 42.50-65.00 her knees «nd nose by the West- j social fraternity, at Coijratc Cni-1 field Rescue Squad. versity. llacketl, a freshman, is a Another \V«ti»->.-- 1961 eraduate of the Pinjrry achieve acade^ru^ -r | Thomas Hili. »Ki fcj»f i IEAVEIH0OK MUSIC CAMP St. Mary'* CYO Dauct- * r- '-'* I ... ton the dean's Xif. iz A.:;-^:fe; C*;- , rocoMO «ws. r*. In Kahway Sunday PeneJope Butt*, daughter of Mr. ileee. Son of Xr j.-)i M;;.. M. J. ; tmmi. OnkNn, dam Voit. and Mri. Rot>ert Busts, 3-l> Moun-1 Hill of 10 Cf«iv-*w :n.:l. he- is a Mr I -*.,..! tl St. Mary's senior CYO »-i!l j Uin avrnue, was a contributor to > member of AC'ft'd. P: Orr>»sr» «nii R i their tteond annual bata |t"w fall edition of Pegasus, the Mt. jhas been elocse-i Kahway. Free ; fieSJ Hijrh SchocJ- ter of Mr. aftrf ilr^. Sanisiei A. i McW MS H 55.00 ircfresiunents wiil b* wr.ed and S _, • • * , j Johnson of I3<0 Farrrijtipdaie road, j AD 2-8214 Tbe f A >l! 0 of Mr and a freshman at Western College for ) there «li» will be a ratfe. The i., ^, , " - f " " ~.>^ w«* trail. Women, Oxford. Ohio, «ra* named , lOSNOSKCTST. jninsic will be fopp'ied by the Red- beejs named to the first semes- . on the dean's list during & I wood Trio and caller. dean's )ist »: Albriirht Co'-1 convocation .Monday. Reading. Pa. A !s>5$ KTadu- • [»;e ot WestSeui Hitrh Svrhvwi, Hill Karen Lewts, daujshter of \fr. i is a srnior enroiied in the business ' and Mrs. J. R. Lewii of 2 Fair Hi!! sdminis; ration curriculum at Al- road, ha* rec*r.:Jy K-^n elected to THE PINGRY SCHOOL Sright. ; Sierra Deka Pi, ri»tiona! Spanish honor society. Karera i< a senior 3»5 NOtTH AVDIUi, HIUSDC, N. J. Georpe F. Boyer, son of Mr. and , at BuckneH t'rtiversity. Her brotii- (Mrs. John F. Boyer of "40 ;Xor- fr, John. b»s jus: b*«n inUiated ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS man place, h»s been pledged to; into LaiWs Chi Alpha, natioaa' I Phi Sis~ai3 Kappa, nations! social •*oo>a! fraternity, at Washington .1 rV the fall of 1962 ! fraternity, at Krankhn and Mar- 1-ee University in Virginia, wherv fcr AdmiwiM *• Grade* » through 11 j shall Cottegv. he Wil b« given on I • * . # t * i Named U> the si«r.'s !Ut a" Man- MartKa Knapp of SOv l^awrvncc ALLOWABLE SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1962 1 jhattanville College of the Sacred avcroi. ha? been pledpv^ tvi Kappc For Fwrthet Information Heart, Purchase. X. Y.. was Judy Alpha Tfceta sorority at the I'r.i Writ* or Coll the School ! Morpan. daughtfr of Mr. ar.Jvvrsity of W'rrrtonc. DEDUCTIONS? Telephone a 5-6v?0 I Mrs. K»bvrt H. Morpan of 133 ... i Linden avemie. Dr. Samuel A. No


a h-'fiv cir. N>»}».Tt"* l.r.-.nj—h-.v-iMcrr-i \ -S enpne lias a -uavisin^h d vninf ,^,^., nngclhal »tart« juve .\rn(Kirt. ittwtit u;.r;<-r. M.in- Newf-.ri'j. n-.-.n- ih.in e\er. Chrv>!er's ufacturvr's Award, Class 1. Ttirv Oil fVrfv-nujruv TtUUJ Cr^r-i iV:i-.i;<- v.»',;i.-t OF WESTFIELD The Friendly Bank With the Clock 1HKE Um CHR1SURS: \tMPORI• 308• UXlRIOtS \[H \ORktK... Igaia. no ir.edithms to i«p«rJue}OBT tniestmtBt i»csEavrrs«-^i »»srR r^rtSAt DEPOsrr i^« INSURANCE CORPORATIOH "A Community Bank AUGUSTINE MOTORS, INC. o 576 North Avenue, East Dedicate*! lo Community Service" •——« THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, tM2 Pag« 17 rks' Ice Lures Save over $50 on smart space-saver sectionals that [1,000 Skaters double as beds! You get itvo foam-topped sectionals

,re than 180,000 skaters glided liiki-s and ponds in the Union ty park system during Janu- plus the party-proof corner table! All 3 pieces! sccordine to estimated attend- rtports released recently by ounty park police. flooded area in Unanu Park, rood accounted for 19 days of ng and attracted almost 5,000 ips duiinK this period. |e lake and lagoon in Railway 3-PC. SECTIONAL r Park, Kahway, offered skat- iji 15 days and accommodated 10 skaters. dar Brook and Oreen Brook , in Plainficld had 13 days of ng in each area. The esti- i attendance was 48,000 at r Brook and 25,000 in Green ating was permitted on 12 »t the flooded area of the Gal- g Hill Rolf course, Kenilworth Onion, and 18,000 skaterg were REGULARLY $149. using this area, laike irfce, in the Watchung Reser- m, also had 12 days of skating reported attendance of 20,- SCOOP: ating was permitted on the inanco Park lake, Elizabeth Rosi-lle, on five daya and thiB cted some 3,000 enthusiasts. « largest single day of ice ing was Sunday, Jan. 21, when areas were available and at- ance topped 30,000. it Warinanco Tark ice skating Pr reported 8,900 skaters dur- the month. ychiatric Clinic d Reported tthe board of trustees neeting be Union County Psychiatric it recently at the Temple inu-EI, Kabbi J. Stern Jr., rman of the Westfield commu- committee, reported the eer- s rendered to Westfleld by the staff for the year 1961. West- rroived 918 hours of service 5 patients during the year. The rcial support of thfc clinic from sources in our community was 175.00. miters of the local committee Rabbi Stern, Dr. S. J. Cohen, . Daniel Hackett, .Mrs. Robert torlT, Grant Buttcrmore, Mrs, K. Gcrncrt, Dr. A. S. Initram, F. E. Pearsall, Chester Read, I.J.B. Saxe, Mrs. K. D. Smith, iis Stadcck, Mrs. Vera Eillet, lHavid Hanson. \ »» announced at the board it that the annual meeting of clir.it will be held .March 27 at [p.m. ti the Temple Emanu-El. numbers of the local clinic com- wcl as citizens interest- ifi (he work of the clinic, are to attend the annual meet- lid Crash Hurts river's Back

ANWOOD—Michele I.ombar- >f 338 Lonpwood avenue, Bound "*. mfferrcl an injury of the i st 8:28 o'clock Wednesday ht when his car skidded on ice I struck a polo at 210 Midway ice. I* «nd three passengers were <» by the First Aid Squad to feberg Hospital, Plainfield, "• he condition was reported Wit. Hospital officials said he ^ a back sprain, leased aftor examination were "een Nelly, 17, of 131 Duer *. North Plainfielil, wh • was for minor injuries; An- 1 Gripco, irt, of 43 Talbadge »»*, Bound Iirook and Barbarn ^ 18, of 155 Harris avenue, Mlescx. to Earl PWllips and Patrol- 1 Anthony I'arcnti investigated. orough Upheld • Mart Ban

WXTAINSIDE - The bor- test week Avon a 2%-year '* to prevent construction woppinir plazn in a residen- IT'S ROGERS LUXURY MATTRESS TWO SECTIONALS PLUS TABLE! *ioned 12-acrc tract along EVEN EXTRA-WIDE, EXTRA-LONG! TILL NOW THEY WERE 149.95! Court ,IuilCe Milton A. dismissed a suit brought the borouch by .Mr. and i Arthur A. Wilson of Chat- i™ Wilsons wanted to con- // not on tale, 59.95 and 69.95 , « plaza opposite Moun- 99 ^ oorouijh Hall, near Ever-

% Feller upheld the denials Where Init Koos a scoop like this! A famous luxury mattress ... in means you pocket a thrifty $50 . . . thanks to Koos timely scoop! ufh-s noai.d of Adjust- costly "custom"' s-i/.e.s . . . «.alc-lnggc<] to save you as much as $31! And And look . . . money isn't nil you save. DCCIIIIKC this 3-picee group is nn urned on two occasions for when we say luxury, we mean this mattress is extra-firm . . . lace-tufted ingenious spiicc-Faver! It's a sweeping two-pail pei-lional l>y day . . . V\r"mcc that would have the phKa. for smooth surface comfort . . . layeml with foam for perfect hack lucked under ils own corner talilo. At nighl, you just pull one sectional support, right where most of your wripht lies. You got a firm non-sng out. whisk off the foam holsters, and you've two beds! Eurli willi a full . Mmancc. The WiUons had prc-huilt bonier ... a heavy R-oz. tick for rxtra wear. All this in your 28x71" sleeping surface . . . liolli lopped willi foam for extra comfort! arL in choice of TKN siz \Vo.->tfifld Lnader the lives and proper., Her energy >•• i.(credible but it pay.* ivsr'uiarly i-a.-h «»k. It is wonder- hundreds of families ; LETTERS TO THE off in voter respvn: fa'" ff'Jni home and sti!! Further, the- |WfJ JOTTINGS by OBSERVER EDITOR !„• :.!A to kcip in touch with one's yjird falls in a in ed one of the strongest vote-fitter* herut* to.vi: events. However, t-n deprived of any j)a among House Republicans today. in.ikii'jt 1 lirou;'-:i the Westfield l-t-;i'l- yard site js the l,,Kx.a The Democrats in Union County can All lettcri to the editor mutt i-r uf On- ttvvk of r'ck 15, l$ld, 1 such facilities. If iK« j, B««n4 CIu* postage paid at Westfleid. N J. lotentiy there were ivu's VJ.'iajTPS ami Iriun- uf }r::ir.l ihe bear a (tgnature and a street \v;j- quit'- UI».-vT i\ hi !1 I noticed th^ is truly dedicated to FubllHhfd Thursday* «t Wt»i«i>td. Km Jtrnfy. I attest to that. In 1960 Mr$. Dwyor ««•= items i-oniing from India v.hii-h "fid" still prevaiU. Kvt-n Mi-f address, both of tohith will be headline "Uvv. l-'ule in .St. Louis" the benefit of the ttt Wulflpla lAUiirt Printing and Hul/Htliinif : i . An l:itlftliet.Of-nt Xf H j«|n-r. re-elected by a margin of 38,000 votes, said t iat iho Indinn A: ti-yk»ircrs Kiiu had lo h-uvt* her .Aii!i rh:i!s authenticated prior to publica- in the obituary section. After care- tion is clear. A r,u,,-Jeintt Official Psiwr tor tht Town of WeMfteld *ad W'-H' jK-rTurbed a?.H>ut certain pifi!;- suitor passed upon by ht-r (oan*»r in advanci. thsrk that :i the term) and wc-ry ln of New Jerser Adding to the national and international dia. purveyors of excellent pru^e. tiew J«rs*y Preas 4«*octallon have been published. article.-? The inappropriate posi- George R. f, National Edltorla4 A**ocl»tloa scope of her work in Washington, she I was include to think that tr •> No anonymous letter• will t>e tion of the article on Kev. James has worked to obtain funds for flood authorities there put a soft perf*! considered. Cole trave me n momentary fright, •TIOMAl f DITOtUt i>n further news (not ncve.uarily as I'm sure it also must have to Unreasonable Plm control in Union County, brought about censorship) and this might apply Letters must be written only other members of the First Pres- the construction of new Post Office fa- to 'he prime minister uliw, wfcile Editor's on one side of paper and pref- byterian Church. I feel that more Editor, Leader: erably typewritten. cilities, backed the development of Port a Hindu, has expressed his views careful arrangement of material The mayor and the %ml on Utc> much mysticism in India— All letters null be in tho placed :n such delicate areas au the cil have ag-eetl to r Eobert S. Everett . -Editor Elizabeth, fought the proposed Morris not that astrology is a mysticism, "Leader" office by Friday if one n-hirh "Obituaries" occupies, location of the Town Yar jetport, sponsored and helped pass legis- because it is considered a science Corner they are to appear in the follow- would make for easier reading of view of the expressed am lation to strengthen commuter transpor- in many countrie.?, but in India it inf issue- the Westfield Leader. of more than 150 personi? meetings with council memte tation service, slid worked to expand regulates the daily life of million* Tbe "Leader" reserves tfce Khirley-anne Telgorecz of individuals. Fr»m Video to Type right to reject or edit sny letter eagerly await their decision. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1962 job opportunities in the area. Bd. .Vote—We can appreciate have an unprecedented opjxw, For other millions in the Ea-t N'ot by choice, (tuat Is I did not to conform to "Leader" uufs. spin the dial to ABC Sunday cve- the reaction of our young writer, to demonstrate real concernf, Mrs. Dwyer s voting record in gen- the religion B Mohammedanism. It however these things will happen welfare and interosu of toe2 used to be that w got most of our ninp over a week ajro) I found Town Meetings eral bespeaks her conviction that there myself tourine the W'hitehouse Critique in the best of regulated newspapers by finding: a truly suitbl information from travelers who as much as one may strive to avoid the Town Yard; a si One of the inherent weaknesses in is no conflict between an active concern wrote sketchy pieces about the re- with a perfectly charming, graci- ous, young first lady. Mrs. Ken- Editor, Leader: •them. The complexities of page blight a residential neijbbnj what is sometimes referred to as the for flsca| sanjty anrj a parallel care for ligious practices in the East (there makeup are not quite as simple a3 with an essentially industritlj are exceptions) but we jutt hap- nedy's facile manner of presenta- I 8m presently a freshman at "sounding- board of public opinion" often heJping to solve human problems. they may appear to the uninitiated. ation of heavy truck tr»fe,j pen to have a play in New York tion, her quite obviously sincere the University of South Carolina manifested through a town meeting on ^trict's congressional interest in her tusk and eagerness The point in well taken though in fumes, piles of sand, gr«v«i,j Aa the 6th by Santha Rama Rau—Indian by and other materials. Jhe«, aome program being advanced by the representative she has opposed "exces- birth bat who has (pent mast of to explain what had been done that a story of the same size but of and to give credit where credit a sink, it can sit right there where less personal heading would have may label this a mumcipi] taj municipality, is the "emotional" knot appropriations, unjustified spend- her life In schools abroad—based but the character of the open give on an English book by Mr. Fores- »•&« due provided an Interesting it is until it sinks into oblivion been a better choice. Jnto which the blade of extemporaneous Informative hour undiluted by , . . I've had it ... is what counts as far m a» ing, hag supported housing for the elder- ter c«Hed "A Passage to India," pie who must live with tt«w talk from the floor often rips. written some years afro. crass commercials. I felt Mr. Col- and now to the papers— ly, higher earning limits for those on lingwood could have stayed in the There's a lot I'd like to Bay Town Yard Site ccrned. To be emotional about a subject close* social security, more efficient foreign Then -we had Mr. Kennedy en- backgrround with a little more en- about this Urban Affairs "affair" tertaining Ibn Saud of Saudi Ara- thusiasm and would like to have Editor, Leader: • As surely ais one decjytds ly affecting- one's home, family, friends, aid, effort* to improve education and the House slopped down last week will spoil the basket, so »ij bia, an alwointe ruler and a Mo- seen the President smite just a and which the Democrat! includ- If the Town Council attempts to livelihood or pocketbook is in itself not civil rights legislation. hammedian; go In a way we can little bit at his wife (when he place the Town Yard on the site Town Yard spoil our neighbor ing the President and others tried In addition to the incre«i«J wrong. It is the lack of control, which, That she is deserving of an unchal- reach out and touch people who came in) who, he BO informally to build into a hydra-headed just off north Scotch Plains avenue were more or less remote. leferred to as "Jackie." For once (a residential A zone) against the ards that will endanger onr, when permitted to gain in intensity, ]enged G0P prImary nomination goes mousetrap for Republicans . . . dren, there wiJI be a disruftj» Now comes Holiday magazine I wns interested In hearing what expressed opposition of aome 200 but there is one thing I will say a presently quiet neijrHjorhiwj, takes the sincerity and reason out of the w]thout sayjng. The member* of the Re- for March and it looks as though it he had to aay without havinir my residents of the area, it may pro- ... I am nauseated up to here a resultant deflation of proji plea and substitutes hysteria, intemper- iican Party can well espouse her had consulted it* astrologer be- attention distracted by that jab- vide the Council with on expedient pub with dedicated politicians who values. To ask any neighbor cause it has a well written piece bing finger. All things being equal solution to giit them off the hook. ateness, insulting attitudes. These per- cause through the November election se- play the political game for tho such as ours to support (kill by Santha Kama Rau called "Writ- it was an hour well spent. (They, apparently, were placed on party's sake at the expense of den staggeru the imaginatw force weaken the argument of the ar- cure (n the knowled?e that in Mrs. Dwy- ten in the Stars" and another long- the hook by the past Council's sel- And incidentally while on the every man, woman and child who reasonable men. It would k guer and may build an unintended wall presenta- er, moat interesting look at the ling of the preaent Town Yard er they have a champJon in re subject of TV—remember how pays for representation and gets devasting decision for our M Monlenn, by Aubrey Mennen, whose property to Halmes without ade- of resistance within the object of the distorted a person's looks in those stuck with "sticky" thinking. borhood. I am sure that in • tive government. father was a Hindu living in Eng- quate provision for another suit- remarks. crazy mirrors in amusement parks There was iin old slogan . . . years the area would tanmt land, where Aubrey spent a lot of able site.) becomes . . . they have nothinir "What this country needs is a down graded that it would oo la The rapprochement desired between * » • his life. Both of these writers are on my set ... I get Marshal Dil- good five cent cigar" ... it still But the Council and the residents cr bo a Town Yard question, modern In outlook as are a number elected officials and those who elect Gu«». Editorial- lon's head rubbering around up in dues , . . but more than that it mast live a long time with such an rather a question of a target of Indian writers Whom I have the left corner ... his feet slith- needs men of dignity and stature, expedient—and the price of euch of Westfield becoming a vef them when considering a program or read, but you just can't shake oft" Colonial Westfield ering around at the bottom right statesmen who hold America's fu- a solution cannot be measured graveyard. plan which does not "sit well" on the centuries of usage and religion and somewhere in between his ture "under her constitution" to solely in dollars and cents. In fact, Surely it 13 not in the ln..._ face of it, may often be the key to a sat- sigThn epos abovt aes captioyou enten car nou ber seecommunitn on ay with a shrug and they do not do (run belt is floating around . . . be more important than political the amount of money that the of anyone for the TOWTI Couwil isfactory solution. For within such har- from almost any direction. These sign so. They just compare with a nod The doctor, TV that l». haB been party aggrandizement . . . end of Town might .have to spend in se- of understanding to the old. to the house, prescribed his medi- gripe . . . curing a really suitable site cannot persevere in this unreasonable ft monious relationship, not matter how Posts were probably erected with appro- LOUISE BARS1 I would Hke to dwell for a mo- cine dutifully taken "tubewise" A news article out of Trenton be weighed against the irreparable cogent the arguments may be, one prlate civic ceremonies, recorded by ment on Santha Rama Uau's piece, by garftantua, sneaked out when I last week indicated that the Re- damage that location of the yard in against the other, minds are sharpened photos in our local paper. Oh, we are because ] know from fact and fic- wasn't looking leaving a big fat publican hierarchy was of the the proposed situ would have on Freedom Forum by constructive thought, eagerly search proud of our community. tion, that in India when a mar- bill behind and Marshal Dillon still opinion that it would lie well to this area. A Town Yard in our resi- riage is in the negotiating nUiff», spread all over the ncreen. Now got away from "label" designa- dential area would not only be a Editor, Leader: ways and means to obtain answers adapt- Community pride is a good spirit if the astrologers' chart of both the they tell me. it's not the tubes, tions, ie, liberal, conservative, etc., noisy and unsightly nuisance but President Kennedy has ttid: »ble to all of the peripheral issues and |t has some meaning. Westfield is popu- prospective bride and groom must (now that the bill IB paid) and in the state and across the nation. it would also crclite a hazardous "Ask not what your country a be examined to see if tho planets perhaps I had belter sent it in to We mention this only because we traffic situation. This kind of op- do for you, but what you rnutually acceptable to both aides. lated with families of all incomes but the shop for an exploratory, were just so at the birth of each seem to recall our having ex- oration would he a blight on any for your country." most Westfielders seem to consider that »ecms there's a possible sink It is only when there is a common .,,.,. , . ~as t™o .„.„show .that the union is likely pressed this very idea editorially residential neighborhood. It be- The citizens of Berkeley Heigil in somewhere bttween the fine tun- not too long ago . . . longs in an industrial or commer- understanding of the concerns of each, Westfield you only have the upper to be surouful. Ing and the suund . . . I'll (five it cial area where it will not disrupt a mutual respect for all the pieces which lncorne bracket familiea. Is this the true «•<"» ni* »»*<* actly, the pros- end of plug . . . (Please turn to next comprise the problem, do two opposing meaning of community prkte,/ ' " * neotlVB hr"f" forces merge and blend for the common JU8t the Westfleld meanitjf ? \ j ^ p Sf * to soo if any of the Tuesday, the world, but principly the*u ttcwtav.icenl> a slightly altered to good of the greatest number, particular- flt the ly in municipal fields of endeavor. people of these United States, rejoiced <-ircunistancB an issue er than it otherwise would have Prospect street. He died three Club and St. Paul's Episcopal isn, are the brick and mortar that sincere students can argue been, but there is no way to meas- days later in Muhlenberg Hospital, Churdi. which we can build an im-about by the day and never come ure this effect. Plainfield. Scholarship Finalist Mr. Chaptvtan is married to the ttble fortress against Com- to a conclusion as to which side is Second, the Federal Reserve au- Mr. Scaixion and two other men, former Vivian Hipsley of Jersey sm Only the intelligent ef- most nearly correct. But in anythorities have been cooperating all employed by the Plainfield-Un- William 0. l,ycan of 26 Fair City. Tho couplo have two chil- Hill road, a student at Pingry of all Americans can prevent event the behavior of the interest with the administration in keeping ion Water Co., were repairing wa- dren: Nancy, 12; and Robert, 4. decay ot public apathy from rate structure has been materially interest rates from needlessly r ter lines and replacing a meter in School, Hillside, has been named a open our nation to the Redchanged in this uptrend from that ing. This does not mean that the the basement when the blast oc- finalist in the National Merit of earlier recovery periods. Federal Reserve has given up itscurred. Scholarship corporation listings. TO BUY OR SELL, USE Citizens Committee in Berke- independence. It means merely The winners will be announced The most volatile interest rate April 26. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Heiehts inspired by the Presi- is that for 3-month Treasury bills. that up to this point there has not Scholarship Application '; request and J. Edgar Hoov- These are bid for by banks and been enough evidence of inflation, statement regarding the Com-other interested investors, and or of misuse of bank credit to Deadline Sunday For ist menace has made the fol-since the volume outstanding is justify putting on the brakes. Even n» statement: enormous and constantly turning before the 1960 downturn of busi- Fanwood, Plains Girls ?e are dedicated to the princi- over, it is seldom that two con-ness the Federal Reserve started diat we are one nation, under secutive issues will be sold at theto ease credit conditions and it FANWOOD — Applications for indivisible, that our unity same price. During 1954 as a has continued a policy of relative Fanwood College Women's Club endurance us a nation has been whole the rate on this type of gov- ease ever since. Specifically, the Scholarships must be filed this will continue to be due to ad- ernment paper was below one perFederal Reserve han kept the petweek, according to the club schol- arship chairman, Mrs. Raymond Me to God's eternal truths. cent. From this is rose fairly con- free reserves of commercial mem- n>g these are freedom of the stantly to over 3 xk per cent in ber banks at about {500 million. Winkler. Completed application ridual us a prerequisite for 1957. Then in 1958 the rate again This is the figure which determines forms, with accompanying letters THE FIAT 1100 SPECIAL ideal form of government, end dropped to below one per cent, the potential lending power of theand photoKraphs must be sent to exercise of responsibility on and from this rose rapidly to a commercial banks without further the scholarship chairman at her Newest, luxurious version of the famou» 1100. borrowing from the Federal He home address, 224 0 Karitan road, Mrt of the individual. We little above 2% per cent, and ul- Washable lealherelle upholstery. Ample front and her believe that the basis of timately to above 4 per cent at serve. Westfield, by Sunday. The scholar- ship committee will begin Inter- rear seats. Padded dash. Recessed knobs. ric»n Democracy is the Con- the end of 1959. Third, the demand for credit ion end ihe Bill of Rights views with applicants as soon as Only $1733.00 During the first half of 1900has been growing. Total loans and possible after that date. i form the design for living this rate plummeted to below 2% investments of commercial banks makes possible the full de- per cent and for month after has increased by over $15 billion Senior girls at Scotch Plains pment of every individual." month remained around that fig- within the past year, and theFanwood High School and girl »» wonderfully heartening it is ure. Recently there has been a money supply—which means cur- who are residents of Scotch Plains WALT HANSGEN wa these basic truths which slight increase, but the rate is rency outside banks and demand or Fanwood and are now attend- ired this nation being restated still below 3 per cent. No other deposits—has risen sharply in theing four-year colleges are eligible JAGUAR CARS, INC. in and even more important, interest rate has gone through past few months. to apply for the scholarships awarded annually by the Fanwood 215 NORTH AVE. 6. commendable for a community such wide gyrations, but almost all Now the prediction: nltinU an educational program the others have shown increased ollege Women's Club. The 1962 TEL. AD 3-1973 There id no reason to assume fcu type. firmness in the last few weeks. It awards will be announced early in that the Federal Reserve will make May. ire is an opportunity for ev- is time, therefore, to make a guesa as to the future. a sudden shift in its policy of Araerican to learn things he credit ease. But there also is no M know by attending the Free- Before predicting, however, reason to assume that it will con- i Forum Saturday, March 3 in there are three basic facts that tinue this policy indefinitely. must be mentioned. 1 keley lleijrhu. All interested On balance, the likelihood would KM may call Greeley Wells at First, the Federal Reserve Sys- appear to be that before long we 7-2686. tem has deliberately kept from shall see a firming of interest rates Marguerite C. Hartwig driving this short term rate too in all categories of lending. 1 Mrs. n. E.) y s •itten Named Officer 1 Swift Homes, Inc. / [In 11. Gordon, president. Swift 1 \l imtilnc, manufacturer of pre- ^V «nd pi-fab homes, announced lytSioppointment of Stanley A ^—• - Britten, formerly of Westfield, net president of sales of Swift mts Inc. anil its subsidiary com- ies. If vice president of sains, Mr. / f am Kin will coordinate the mar- ing and sales activities of all it Homes divisions in the com- !ft 21-stntc trading area. I ....v a resident he was a mem- of the sales executive club, 1 Cross, College mens club, l*« a former director of the m Mr. nntt Mr*. Ak«rl T. Hn»tml <»r Fnn*v«M»d nri* nww IUIMK In Ihrlr i !t Federal Savings & Loan As- nriv homr n< •*».% tthml;* Innr, Kmium,it. Thin utuKlnlr IIMnl pruiirrfr ittion. \\u* luirfhnHrd frmn Mr. nml Mra. WlUlutli J>. tfrubrr ihroUKh Ihf nlTIrr of A Inn JuhnMon, HenHur.



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BANKING HOURS Monday through Friday 7:45 A.M. to 2:00 PM. MONDAY EVENING THE NATIONAL STATE BANK 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 ?M. ELIZABETH • SPRINGFIELD - ROSELLE PARK WAIK-UP WINDOW •inercs no plnmour in this kind of "pin-up". Only work. And annoyance. • SUMMIT • KENILWORTH • WESTFIELD . n automatic electric clothes dryer will flufT-dry a complete load of wash Monday through Friday ]a on'y '•") minutes — in any kind of weather! You'll need fewer clothes... MEMBEB FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 7:30 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. ami ^hrs will last longer. Buy one today at your favorite store.

PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY TAXPAYINQ SERVANT OF A GREAT STATE «i LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH II,, l»62 ^iu—•••-—•-. * i • ^^^ - j-^ y-t/f X Highlights in Women's Fashions -:- Menus -;- C^/t^r £<****» KITCHEN NOTES Processed Fruits. Super-Quick Busy Day Dessert 8/ MAW AN KEMP, Horn* Economist, Acmt Mmlult Clothes Care, Juices Will Make /;.; MAHY II". Preserves Life futon COHKIH Home Agent Day-Refore-Payday j Tempting Treat Have you c eeded a bill of A good meat to buy »•!„,,- i sule, a contract, a birth record or purse is thin is lamb shanki H, CAROLYS Yl'KSt'S Jollier paper in a hurry? And did l!u MARY IT. ARMSTROSG garet Spader, home sen-it, s»wi«ie U<»ne Ayit't you -have it safe hut handy, m you U'triov C'vtoity fjoiur Ayvnt b-ui'.ant for the Gas App]iSntf] Modern fabrics and tK-lmiquiv icoulcould proprodn.-d e it quicklyqy? Or didufacturers Association, ,J you have irouble finding it in time? A vide variety of lemrptinjr end : may raise the qviestion vi uhy i; browning them vn a!i side,, nutrition* fruit desserts can he had i | dry i-li-aning nw-fessary. Some family documents *re im- medium gas flame. While UKJ! for lal« winter meals. Except for i In this i-ia i»f wa.-li-aml-weoi ,portan, t enoug. . ..h to take good care •browning, combine ] i,' citrua and a pood supply of stored jit may nt-eni that the i,«.-oJ of dry of. Oilier papers are leas valuable water with a package oj apples, few fre*h fruiu are cither I cleaning is liniiU-d. i or of no value at all. Discarding ed onion soup and puur plentiful or reasonable in pric« nt llouwer, many i>'!"=••> "f sl>il a!e :lh cnaaa, akin cream, «r lee cream. cocktail «nd applesauce. Slightly in fifteen. For thia recipe you'll want a minute or two for ar- surance policies, wills, stocks and Mike* « to « l ranging the banana* and vanilla wafers with the pudding, then hand iron on tho liome ironing eestore going bwk to prcbteciul finishes. Such finishes erty. Car ownership papers also I Ubl*»p»onj conurtaj»h moderately larger than a year ago 2 cupe cold millc 1 banana, sliced deserve a place of safe keeping. for the Gaa Appliance H^ to Bn*U»d »»d ih*n to Americ*. are nut adaptable to lionie applica- turers Association, point* yal Anne Cherry <• probably ries are In smaller supply. soiled that dry cleaning does not After you -balance your bank Ut» beat known sweet cherry ia •alt In saucepan; add cherry Juice cracklings begin to appear, eta slowly; cook, stirring constantly During the coming months During the first few weeks, remove all the soil, general grime tatement with your checkbook rec- AineHas. Mo»t we vMtd to mak« breathing is quite shallow and the melted fat nrui store itiRig maraschino eherriefc so lew ap- •bout 16 minutes or until dear there will be no shortage of fruit Family Life Today and dirt, they are wot cleaned to ord, the statement is of no further place. The cracklings can bei pear on the fresh fruit market. and thick. Cool 10 minutes. AM juice supplies for good breakfasts, baby appears to breathe with his muke them wearable ogain. use. Neither ai-a the check stubs lemou Juice, 1 teaspoon almon* stomach, This is because his chest in cornbread or us » garnitbl Alt these an canned for year main meal appetliers and fruit By PHYLLIS GREER Wet clouning is u hund brushing or duplicate deposit slips, after a corn or clam chowder or round i>n The canned sour cher- extract and cherries- ChilL Mix and its muscles are, as yet, too operation with equipment used for together pnddlng anlxtun and drinks, The citrus crop is larger SpeeialUt in Human Rtlatimu brief period when they may besoup. rte* are yaed for baked de*7 Foot Care (ienerally, other cancelled checks Spoon into baked cream puff shB cosmetics from rubbing off. sifted flour, 3 tableipaons sugar, and serve sprinkled with powdered for various ages. It's really dan- six years. and two tiny feet, it is hard to be- Do not apply perfume or cologno and V, teaspoon salt Add to sugar. lieve they will carry your child ap- gerous, though, to believe thnl Receipts or cancelled checks for 14 cup sugar there is a "brenking -window" direi-tly to u garment. If you ap- H cupflaur shortening mixture. Mix until PMeh Cusiord Cakf proximately 06,01)0 piiles during reoccurrinir bills such as utilities dough holds together; press Into fljro of growth and devtilopmcnt. ply nail polish after you are dress- and charge accounts do not need Si cup Instant nonfat dry milk ball. Roll to an 8-Inch circle, IK cups all-purposo flour his life. Knowing how to protect M teaspoon baking powder H teaspoon ess It INo doubt many people ore iwy- ed, cover your lap with a towel. lo be kept more than a few months. using J.lneh pan a< a guide. Cut the normal development of buby'a Always allow a garment to air be- % wp butter % cup soft buttor or marga- ing "something needs to hv done A leaflet, "Inventory and Rec- Into 6 wedges. To a 1 lb., 6 oa. feet, knowing the importance of foru hanging it in the clothes rine about that boy." They uro abso- ord of the. Important iPajwrs of can ol cherry-pie filling add 2 foot care nnd of the relationship closet. Sratn •berries. To Juice add teaepoons lemon Juice. Bring to 1 lb., 14 oz. can sliced peaches of foot health to good body pon- lutely right. There's Konipthlng address " is avail- eornstaroh and sugar that have boll In amall saucepan. Remove ture, will save your child miles wrong when n boy breaks five win- Make periodic insvccSiuns for able free on request at the Home bteti robted woll. Cook until '/4 cup sugar from heat; add 2 tablespoons Vt teaspoon cinnamon and hours of discomfort. dows. One window might have rips and tears, lost >hook.s:, or snaps, Extension Office, Court House An- smooth and clear. Aid butter and butter, Combine 2 tahleupoona bnon an accident, but not five. broken belt IOUJK and hook loops. eherrlos and place mixture In m •ugar and the grated rind of 1 1 egg, slightly beaten Tho average baby begins weight nex, Elizabeth. 1 cup evaporated milk bearing between nine and 15 What to do? Probably he will he Sut a definite Mine for mending and quart casserole. For topping, mix lemon. Bel aftlde. Pour cherry repairing clothes. sugar, flour, dry milk anil bak- filling Into a 9-tnch pie pan. Top Put flour, salt and butter or mar- months of ago. Until then shoes punished—perhaps gently by his ing powder. Add butter, blond with wedges oC pastry. Sprinkle garine into A 1 %-quurt fcowl. Mix aro not too Important and the fond mother, more sternly by the Don't let garments liecome overly until mixture Is crumbly, aUr tn RURar and lnmon rlhd over top. with a pastry blender or two knives feet are fleer to develop without school or juvenile authorities. Hut suited before having them dry beaten egg. Drop with - Baite nt «o**\, io minutes or until mixture looks like coarse restriction. Many doctors, how- Is punishment ulone the answer?- clemied. Do not store, them un- over fru(t mixture. Bake until pastry Is golden brown. Mot rorilly, beoau.-*o itV unlikely he cloaned. Koavaivh has uhovvn thiit Serve with erenm or plnln. meal. With back of spoon, press cvort recommend soft Miles i l 15 mlnutm. Spnon Into sauce mixture firmly on bottom and half- semi-hard soles to eliminate the will bo deterred. He may not br

NtW fORD F-2S0 STVICSIOE givas you a cbolc. NEW FORD F.J50 FURtSIOI Include! 4-lp>td of tnodarn, K*s-*avinB StK or Amenca't most popular Irsnsmiision, many other heavy-duly fellur«l •» ' I dormant Spraying truck V-8. Bl| 8(1. body, eAU-e „_.. tco, tUndard 911. body, CAUCC Vrtl I «Bft* 7,40O-II>. GVW. SAVES YOU *59' 7,8ooib.ovw. SAVES YOU *50 LOW PRICE IS ONLY THE START •eason Limits OF FORD'S FULL-TIME ECONOMY! nsect War You save on gas with Ford's modern ardiv waH engines, Six and V-8- sai/o on oil, too! Ford's nc time should real- Full-Flow filter allows »e same is true of scale in- 4.000 miles between * flan thwarting these sap- oil changes! !*"K pests well before the start ^ growing season, Jty"e y aarre bbest controlled by dor- ; ml sprays, which have to be «•>«! mi C(,rtain WMther con_ ;** ^d before leaves unfold, ,"* ™t Henry W. Gilbertson, NEW FORO F-10O natures longer wheelbaset, £»lVi- or 8-ft. bodies. - yofc can ca|! anyone you to bring the latest to you. NEW JERSEY BELL Westfield Motor Sales Co., Inc. 319 NORTH AVENUE ADAMS 2-3673 THE WESTFtELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1862 visit your nearest Social Security -.standardized sijrns and sicnals- ! shift to hearts by West when he Ends Testing Adiuini&traliun office *nd aak for I Rochester safety officials re- ie Cards (gets in with the ciub queen is al- leaflet No. 865, "How to Estimate j port that motorists comprehend Imost automatic, and holds South WATERPROOF BASEMENTS j the Amount of Your Social Secur- (JUKiziy the iimpi;ili.-o i>iic-v*ord ALE3LANBEE SPENCER ' to viishi tricks- Now is the time to •mtall basement drains and iity Benefits." This illustrated Inaf- S;uiilar r-iiiti* are planned NORTH pumps in anticipation of heavy rain and melting j let (fives a step-by-.step method of I for installation th • A Q J 4 snow. Alto Thoroseal wall* to prepare basement! j arriving at uu eslimat* of the city. V K 4 S for finishing. amount oi social security benefit. • 92 IT'S WISE TO ORDER you will receive on retirement. Sign, of tt« Tines . . . j pt««ww]/im fiYk» y 7 « 3 I The Chamber of Commerce oi \FlCtaOm V 01x1111 WEST EAST Sprinfrville, Ala., recently ik-cided j ,10 7 6 4 9 3 2 COAL NOW! A. S. MANNINO & SONS Loot Recovered to change the slogan on slims that j » J 10 8 » AQ97 115 PARK STREET, WESTFIEU) had welcomed drivers to the city. GUARANTEED IEHIGH i K 10 8 3 , JTU AO 3-4935 AD 2-Wu The slogan informed motorists > Q S 2 a> 10 4 Serving Westfield Since 1912 From 4 Boys that Springviile was "A pood j The Berkeley Heijrhts Citizen* SOUTH NUT OR A K 8 6 20' TON place to stop- shop and flop." TheiCommitu^ for th(, Freedom Korum STOVE Detective Nicholas Bettelli, juve- Chamber of Commerce now feelxU-jij sponsor an all-day forum Sat- V 6 6 2 nile officer, £»pent a day last week that a new .slogan should be 'urday starting at 9 a.m. in Gover- • AQ 5 sought, "something a little less PEA 50 returning loot stolen from homes, ner Livingston Kejriona] High • A K J 5 TON stores and the National Guard poetic, but a little more dignified." School. With East-West vulnerable, the COAL 19 Automatic Record Changers Aj-mory by four boys over the past The forum will lie given by thebidding* went: seven months. In one little Pennsylvania town, National Freedom Education Cen- Soutb Weat North Eaal High Fidelity—FJA. Although they did not work to- when you drive through a stop ter at the Kinp's College, Briar- 1 NT pass 2 NT pass gether all four were apprehended Mtrn the charge against you iscliff Manor, >N". V. It will be the3 NT pass pass pass FUEL OIL 13.6 GAL Stereo at the same time. Two ere 14 trespass, and you're prosecuted sixth in a series of forums given West led the three of diamonds under the criminal code. The trus- an-i dummy went down. After main on, Natloul Braad years old and X be held in New Jersey. looking things over South knew t* Hoar lerrlee •» all admlUed breaking ,',,„',."! lords, .since a strict interpretation Joseph G- Ceilings of 53 -Syca- that game would be easy if the llakea of Blinirt MARINE PFC. Nkb«la* T. De- during the summer a f tht! lov c harter make a of club finesse worked, or even if it STATION RADIO & T.V. ^ af Mr. mni Mr*. : i =-1 - .• :°, " an' d rivat(; * " U.ore avenue, vice president, said coin collections from .,ch. ;.,e ; '« ',»«" ' P Property. the /orum wiil gtress ^^.^ failed, provided the defense didn't | of 3X2 Eul 933 SOUTH AVf., WHTftfU) thefts were reported bb.y Willi.in j •:«•»« f->'»««PM:.»^»«" heritages, freedoms and the dan-shift to hearts. A heart shift would SIMONE BROS. AS 2-4MO mnt, seaasUtaJ > week West of 262 Scotch PUi.vs aver uc, I, st-vere than for a traffic violation, be bad if East had the ace, so de- »f *a»li«f alaa amniii ncul- er of losing them through apathy O. C. Praesal oi ?«7 Hazel avenue so drivers make extra certain nd indifference. clarer won the first trick with the UNDEN, N. J. Iff at Hw M««l Air Tadwical and Howard Nullt of 241 Lam-they co.'ne to a full stop at inter- ace of diamonds, instead of top- Tniaiar C • • t .r . Maotpbia, berts Mill road. sections The stop signs are reflec- ping East's jack with the queer.. HU 6-2726 t—m. Dutimf Ik* rat a* ro- Another boy was reported in- tive an>J glow in headlig'hts at Theft in Wegtileld Next the club ace was cashed, •afraal • aattary of aptitaee volved in * series of petty offenses night, so there's no excuse for not just in case the queen were single- HU 64)059 ••ata a*4 Ira* fartarviawaa bf a in/Jading shoplifting, Detective stopping, even on the darkest James Hoffman of 540 Boule- ton with West, and then South got ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc ttil ava-canauMioaaa! r Bettelli said. The other two youths night. ard, owner of a service station to dummy with a spade. A club in. 1912 WM. O. MUUEft, hm «• aatanaiaa ki» alifibil- were charged with two thefts at « * * ;t North avenue and Clark street, was led from the board and the ky fir tackariol traiaiaf to •«- the armory in which aerials, a Drivers in Robinson, III., were sported the theft of $35 to ftS jack finessed. West took the queen pan Uat far *i»» wit* ta« avia.- field radio end other equipment puzzled recently by a newly from the cash trap of a cigarette and continued the diamonds and Now li the Time Local and Long Distance Moving MM truck ml Maria. Craa. were taken. erected road.side sign which read, machine last week. South ran home with four spades, to luy and Repair Detective Bettelli said juvenile "Be Careful! Rabbits Crossing two diamonds and three clubs. Household Goods Exclusively Serial Security complaints will be filed against the Highway." Police investigating FOR BEST RESULTS USE If South takes the first trick boys, all of whom were released complaints found the sign bad LEADER CLASSIFIEDS with the queen of diamonds, a in their parents' custody. been erected by a local real estate Awwm operator so that motorists would slow down and fret a good view STORAGE SHIPPING DBALEB later. ThU gives the social secur- ronics division of Curtins-Wright with the word "only" beneath it to Corp. Prior to that Mr. Kelly wos OF ALL ity people plenty of time to take indicate that right turns are al- Porl'f.AR HAKE! * PARTI "jf applicationp , helpp yyou secure personnel director for Stavid En- lowed from the right-hand lane, GAHUEEW THACTOnS any necesiary proofsf , workk out gineering Inc., now part of Lock- but that motorists cannot drive THE BEST IN OIL HEAT! • NOW BI.OWKHS IV STOCK heed Aircraft. HOTAIIV onlr IM.B0 «.ajiy problems that may arise, and straight ahead in the lane. This UWMHAITKI1 21- gat your first check to you on He, his wife and two sons have sif?n has been approved in the • 24-Hour Service LOCKSMITH Complflt* B*ar Wh«*l and From* Straighnmlnf been residents here since 1964. U.S. Uureau of RoadB manual of Q.—What should I bring with CO-CARTS and Parts • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCIW •M •when I go to make application • Insured Budget Plan GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ' for social security benefits? WELDING •up »«!BVKB — OARBURartait « rafrmo* A.-—If you are going to apply »•• Ca» fm> «a< C««t «a !«•«•< fatau tl for retirement benefits you should • Heating Installations bring your social security card or Mclntyre's number; something to prove your EL2070 Lawn Mower Shop WHALEN'S GARAGE age; a copy of your 1061 with- Authoiiied "B«ar" Srat'oe holding tax statement (Form W- AD 3-2.12S SEJIVICIJ TOKER ° Pickup A SrllTeir 2) il you worked for wages in •CO NORTH AVE., E. TEL. AD 1061; or a copy of your income 727 Llvlngstan St. tllxab«th R«t. mo tax retam, Including Schedule C ISA E1.MEH «T. Cm\\ For Itollvatr* or Schedule F, if you were self- employed in 1961. Also, if you were self-employed, you should bring in your cancelled check or money order stub showing that you have paid your income and BUSINESS DIRECTORY self-employment taxes for 1961. Q.—I was born In 1900 and Wm'f At Near Te Yo« A» Your Tettphone plan to apply for my retirement RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES benefits at age 62 early in 1802. What should I bring to prove my T • AUTO DEALERS A.—If at all possible, you AUTO DEALERS DRUG STORES LIQUOR STORES should brine in some record that SERVICE STATIONS was established before 1B3C. Some .of the proofs which would likely NORRIS DARBY'S DRUG STORE Multiple lUttnic Hold.—Mr. aaj Mna. Ar»•• OldtmobiUCo. •hone. AUami 2-1198 aeaotlMr* ay Gar D. Mallord tarensk n, you should come rRBO PBOHIT DELITB&T in anyway and discuss your prob- r Ptrta Da|t Bit. 1911 i Electrical — Brake* - CarburtH lem with your social security of- Authorliad AD 2-3113 fice. & Complete Auto Servklng Kerta aaa Oaatral «m, WotasU 1 DODGE • IANCER 23 ElM ST. WESTHEID . «ta It. at ArlUctaa AT*. leaat coat to yoa. IDain »-»»T Wt rrimir lamp nlmdc. a|ao ORTHOPEDIC i Goo< WIU Did Can Plalaaaia « rirllll MS Bairar RM< «.l«»Kl««»« anrirlllld c a | cnnvertlnr rni SHOE PRESCRIPTIONS cofftf mill, n< Open 24 Hours a Day •11 Monk AT*. Wutaala- mica Br WILSOM CONCRXT1 COM*. t-«ree • FUEL OIL E. T. WILLIAMS ' MOBaf-WIlUMBXDXMrCI OOIA i AUGUSTINEc MOTORS, CRISANTI $ OIL HEAT SERVICE INC. Orthopedic iaeelaltrt cunrsLEn — PLYMOUTH 4 IMPS rm it HUT •IVWOMB or WILDOM MAT«HIAL«, mo. CRANFOBD ** t IMPERIAL — VALIANT FUEL OILS S04 O«te»lal A»a. PACKARD WESTFIELD CO. "JEBP" CAXALINA I.AJIP AM> GUT SHOP 411 »prfc Ave., Plalnfl.ld SeOTCI FLJHM St. NJUNFIEU UNDO Sales nnd forvlco Dtlco Beat Oil Bornara c INC. AI) 3-10BS 8*Ia» — Serrlca — Iaatallatloa ioyie.caSi SV" re Norla A»f. K. Writnrl n 6-ooot f FJUwa 2-43M Plafld 5-2200 IUitrM422 Aatkortora AD t-I31* • STATIONERS «• Karik A»». Registered Pharmacist in OTHtt WILDON MODUaSi Cnthtd Jrone, BUmkTt, STUDEBAKER WaatacU USED CARS REEl-STRONG FUEL CO. ZUCKERMAN & attendance at star*. ? mti Mmom Mafrtah i PACKARD Day and Night "Dapaadabla, Trl.idlr Barrio* SCHNIPPER Sale* and Service B&S AUTO SALES Blaca 1936" •nrormerlr MaUelV " 1 NORTH ATBL B. MOBILnEAT Fine Quality Coal Ookt Commercial and Social USED CARS HKATINQ OIL* Stationery Domeatic gad Poralffa BRidje 6-09CX) All Qtmrantetd • National LOOM Leaf Fora* BERSE BROTHERS AD a-sase Oraafart PAINTING • Oxford Fillno Equipm*"* •M Horm AT*. B. Waat! • Rubber Stamp* . Authorises ' LAUNDRIES FLTMOVTII — VALIANT • Fountain P«n HwplWl Sales & 8errlc« ONE DAY SERVICE • Gift* ADuu S-103S SAMOSET LAUNDRY « Greeting Card* • CONTRACTING NEW JERSEY MI Nortk Art. W. nnl SERVICE, INC. Hallmark - Ncrero* ri.ASTKIIINO LAUNDRY — DHT CLEAJirSe PAINTERS CO. Gibson ^.g, "DrlTa-In Berrloa" 35 Elm St. AD 2-0583 PATCIIlNfi Caah and Carrr AD 2-4429 LA ING MOTOR CAR CO. 11IIKIC WOltK a Kama Ate. PtataSaM Ell ItOf -•II •"•(•«••« «-»ai»^ » STORAGE ^ 1 Authorized 6. CAIDORA OPTICIANS INTERIOR HENRY P. TOWNSEND All 3-:!CMH> CADILLAC ROBERT F. DAY DECORATORS STORAGE Prescription OpHdaa MOVING & PACKING Sale* and Service CHAIN DECORATORS Part* — Palst »»d Bod/ Shop Custom Made PLaln*«ll S-3M1 LUMBER • Slip Covert tit m. nm »i 54 Elm Street • Draperioi • WATERPROOFING J. S. IRVING COMPANY ROOFERS « Reupholsterlng IS PARKING A PROBLEM? GOODWIN MOTOR For Homs Decorator Service LUMIIO a Ml UWOK :i.l,.VT!S CORP. W. L. SCHROEDER Call Store Nearest To You CALL Of Ivarjr D»K?lplIo» all Ionics In builrMnp;* '^ 1OTHORI7.ED Eat 111* ADom Keppari Cok. — fu,\ OH T « » » 3-4500 ,B. CALDORA GUTTERS- LEADERS T B. Bro.4 »,. W..t«eU ADams 3-0662 — 3—4 VOLKSWAGEN AD«», - Plainfisld 6-8870 -%ll X-30OO — or — •*' •ala* * l«rriM> «M laita Aia. «. BRIDGE <5-347« AT*. e B. a-roat It. Plal»««la ;WfeS; THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEASER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1. 1M2 ! know the 34 per cent lesa cavity "!t*» not SEE-worthy." Well, $IF, National Honors Paid Scout Troop 172 I Holiday Marked I stuff, while the others tire brushing the other night I wu watching OR ! with that horrid brand X andKildare going through (til , •shouting, "MB, look, no canines!" suture, aciaaor routine, New iBy Old Guard next thing I kn»w it w»i the And while we are still tip-toe- of the UU, 1«U '*how, M4 th Ing down the school corridors, did toem vm full at •th*r. Library Washinjrton'a birthday you hear about th« father who wu ixMnirmmui'dtfti by the Old went into orbit when he nw hh) • • # Books GuuH lust week at « meeting in son's marks in arithmetic and FHED W. KOtft JR. th« YMCA. spelling? The tittle f«llow brought Two hymns, "Cud of Our Pa-him back to earth when ha said, j there" ond "Kaith of Our Fathars," "Look, Dad, let's not panic. Just Ever wuoder what wouW ; vote aunte by the Old <»uard olior- remember the ottice I'M work in pen to checking and saving* M» Tho following new books have Vodor; Spain and Portugal, I!U2I, us, led by John H. Rath, in observ- will huvti JBM computers, and count lecurila, mortgage* 4 been added to the shelves at theKodor; Buddhism, t'ard; Ju Search ance of the u.-msion. for $125 a week yuu ran always loans if the bank building N Westfield Memorial Library. of a Character; Two African The chapter Inducted 11. G. Gua-hit* a secretary that can spell." down or wag destroyed by Fiction: Cassandra at the Wed-Journals, Greene; The Fabulous tafiwi of Plainfleld into member- • • # or wen atomic attack? Pftjfy ship. ding, Baker; Clue for Murder, Feline, Greer; Judaism, llertsbctg. t really must g«t myself a new nothing. Mur« «nd mor« baftktwf Barker; The Tempter, Bloomiield; Also, Elizabeth and Leicester, Birthday anniversaries were eel- TV set. Evidently mine leak* it microfilming all reoor4» Md (tori The Mighty and Thoir Kail, Comp- Jenkins; Encyclopedia of Theater ebrtted by Robert M*cK«nsi«, ?«j tha i«»mi. in tin words of Clar- ing them In und«vrotn4 ton-3urnett; Spencer's Mountain, Music, Lnwinu; The New Man,Karl Hprmon, Sol V. Rovtine «nd ence, our office boy, and I quote, far from th« horn* wfBoa. Hamner; The Inheritor, Hutthin- Melton; Crowell's Handbook of Wilbur C. Smith, »U 72, and AJ- son; Dust on the Paw, Jenkins; World Opera, Moore; Common thur D. Bauer, 66. Green Holly, Kaufman; The Cen-Sense About Religion, by John A movie, "Atftgnni«nt Ajnwloa" turion*, Larteguy; And Left fur Hadham, pseud., 1'arkea; Adven- showed how money p#ld by insur- Dead, Lockridge; Throw Wide the turing: Among Words, Partridge; ance policy holders aa premium! U Boy Smut Troop 172 sponsored Poor, Loring; A Star in the Wind, An Approach to Cybernetics, invested. r Franklin School PTA, was hon- Nathan; I Remember! I Remem- Paak; The Tough-Minded Opti- WHEN ITV red by National Headquarters of YMCA Will Present Ex-Railroader's ber 1, O'Faolain; Captain Newman, mist, Peale; Successful Mineral he Buy Scouts of America for 9 M.D., Roster.; Back to Life, Wade; Collecting and Prospecting, Pearl; §vinc "ine members attain the The End of the Battle, Waugh; Hadrian, Perowne; Observations TIME TO MOVE »nk of Eagle Scout last year. Film On "History of Railroading Foreign Soil, Tales of South India, on Life, Literature, and Learning James McCluskey, national di- E. T. Mitchell, retired railroader White; The Next Fine Bay, Yates. In America, Peyre; A Style Man- TAKE ector of the supply service divi- from Paoli, Pa., will present his Boro PTA Jr. Theater Non-fiction: The Price of Lib- ual for Tochnical Writers and Edi- ion, presented tie elasps to the film "The History of Bailroading erty, Barth; Secret Service Chief, tors, Relsman; Hinduism, Renou; (gh'-ranking scouts at the troop's for members ami friends of the Second Play Saturday Baughman; Beat Short Plays, These were the Sioux, Satujot; fth annual recognition dinner in YiMCA Monday evening, March 12 1960-61; Catholicism, Brant); It's Merchants, Pilgrims, and High- FIVE I. Paul's Episcopal Parish House. at 7:30 p.m., according to Al The Mountainside PTA Junior a Big Continent, Burman; Your waymen; a History of Roads rrowisiNi The recipients are: Franklin Chrone of the Weatfleld "Y" staff. Theater will present its second Preschool Child, Burnett; What Is Through the Ages, Schrelber; Inker Jr. of 222 Edgewood ave- History?, Carr; The Novelist and John Wesley, a Friend of the A Matttur Goo«e Recap 'Mr. Mitchell is a graduate traffic play of the series at the Deerfleld the Passion Story, Dillistone; The People, Sherwin; To Be a Man,Jack and Jill Wont down the hill, Right place, wrong ue; Jeffrey Osborne, son of M manager from Temple University, School Saturday. The time of the ndMrs. William Osborne of 8? second performance has been Whispering Land, Durrell; Atlas Spike; It Began in Iiabol. Wendt; Shouting, "Who neodn lonsona time. Always the RIGHT having been a railroad employee all of the Universe, Ernst; Man andWhyte's Atlas fiuidc, Whytc; Is- to ski." mbree crescent; Henry Salomo: his life traveling; extensively changed to 3 p.m. to a, half-hour time to use our storage in of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sal earlier than originally scheduled. Stone, Feininger; Italy, 1962,1 "am, Williams. In olio bound they hit the ground, throughout the United States in "DR. CASEYI EMERGENCY!" un of 131 EffinKham placi connection with his work, Mr. "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream" service. Office equip* Irouke Weisleder, son of Mr. an « • * : Chrone said. He has written two enacted by the Junior League of (News itorn) "New Jersey girl ai- ment or household be- [r». Arthur Wcislcder of 92 Fa books on railroading and lias pro- Newark, will bring the world of Goals of the IDG 1-02 campaign [ill drive; Robert Packard, son Area Chairman Named uigned to bring 8-Inch worm to longings stored in *•«•» duced the film being shown based William Shakespeare with all Its are $000,000 and 13,500 donors. school. Father goes out to dig," .. nnd Mr*. Robert Packard o on his two books, according to fantasy and magical powers right For Duke U Fund Plea Alumni and fiicMida of the Uni- Can't you juat picture thin little cious vaults. Fireproof, 08 Bradford avenue. Chrone. to our doorstep. versity have been asked to in- scene of "tojcethuineas," the Also, Alan Waltman, son of M Mr. Chrone said that the film will This play in produced to reach crease by at least 25 per cent over daughter about to go out to en- of course. nd Mrs. Owen Waltman of 81 Mrs. Barton K, Heinz has been begin promptly at 7:30 p.m., nndkindergarten through fifth grade appointed Westflcld area chairman last year, the amount of their con- gtfe in a brinK-'em-back-alive Imbrco crescent; Arthur Thomp will run approximately 90 minutes. levels of enjoyment. Any school tributions mi objective that has worm hunt, and the mother shout- on, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erlwar for the 15th annual Duke Univer- The public is invited to attend th« child in Mountainside not having a sity fund drive. been mot thus far. inn, "Don't stir out of this house)I lompson of 241 Edgewood avc showing and parents are encour- series ticket may purchase a single It's nut a fit night for man or iut; John Ilahoney, son of Mi ticket at the door for the sei'ond Mrs. lleinz's appointment was beusl! 1-.CI. your fnther go!" aged tobrin g their school children A large New York bank in nd Mrs. John Mahoney of 90 since the film will provide enter- performance. The flint show ia announced by William F. Franek * » • foodmeio drive, and Gary Lau of Martinsville, Va., chuirmun of equipped with automated chock i tainment for the entire family. -No completely sold out. I're-school #nheinn.i\ son of Mr. and Mr: children will not be admitted. the Duke National Council. In all,cashing machinery that can ptty Project!! Projects! Life la get- admission will be charged but a ami record over u million checks tint?t0 "e one after another. Kight \ ALLIED•nf^olfUi 'hris Laubcnheimer of 817 Tie free-will collection will l>« made. 274 area chairmen will servo, he said. Each will conduct campaign a day. now thouaunds of kids alt uver £ LOC/M. ,'. LONG DISTANCE/t^x »te. The film has been shown extensive- LEADER CLASSIFIEDS these United States aru engnged Joseph Hoffmaier, president ly throughout the east to many ser- BRING RESULTS activities among assigned groups -2-41 NORTH AVE P/u^r.mSwIlirAO in his or her area, LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY a tooth-paste kick. The lucky tchunfr Council, presented th vice clubs, civic groups, YMCA, lialf aru USIDK' the good stuff, you ;ag!es with their badges. Bcr YWCA, churches, youth and adult Worthing. District 4 commissioni'i groups. irmnted Life Scout badges to si •yj ami Star Scout awards to 2 The film, according to Chrone, roop members. Eagle Scout Joh will trace the development of rail- SPECIAL — FREE G.E. ELECTRIC BLANKET lUhoney ul^o received a Hronzi roading from 1851 to date. -Some of taring eutt !m Award. Cooper Wright re the early history will be. depicted Kired the Cod and Countr through artists' sketches and hu- iward and the Ad Altare D mor addod through the showing of FOR GOODNESS SAKE tern** With the Purchase of Any Electric Dryer ward went to Robert (iRrami old railroading cartoons. The mod- 'men Burch Jr. and Louis Ma ern portion of the film will be in mo. color and will !>e narrated by Mit- Aim Ebersole was presenter chell himself. Uhigift in recognition of his 1 Mr. Chrone said that the film will years ss scoutmaster. depict the improvement in rail travel over the years especially for the passengers with the coming of the Budd and the Dome passenger OBrien to Attend cars. A tr3p In- a dome car through- We Heartily Recommend out the USA will highlight miiny i>f the country^ leading cities. The Safety Parley tour will enable those in attendance MasteFtRef Specialties to sec Disneyland, Knott's Berry- President Kennedy has invitd Farm, Storyland and other points If you crave adventure in good eating, you've »»ph O'llrien of 715 Carleton of interest in this vast land of ours, come to the right place. Full-courte dinners and oad to attend the President's con according to Mr. Chrone. Al™ trace on Occupational Safety 1 shown will bo a model railroad with (pedal dtthet become an art ... a culinary ' held in Washington March 0-8, ive steam 2 Mi gauge car in opera- delight. Yet, tirl This ii the ipot for you. The conference will bring to- tion. fther in the nation's capit«l more OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY k«r, 3,000 leaders of American in «stry, labor, agriculture, federal A good "rule of thumb" for de- i*te, ami local governments, insur ciding a safe minimum for your '. nlucntinn, science, health, nnd family's bank savings is three to tivale safety organizations f roir six months' earnings. This means, !' parts ctf the country. nccording to Hie American Bank- Their purpose is to devise nm ers Association, that if your fam- L !*n fipply voluntary, cooperativi ily's average yearly income is w DINER trans for reducing the 13,800 $8,000 you should maintain rainy ra'.hs and nearly 2 million disabl day savings of between $2,000 fjKORTH AVENUE OppotUr MAILKOAD STATION "1 injuries occurring annually be nd ?4,000. u» of on-the-jol) accidents. Mr. O'Britn is eastern division *s manager, industrial hygiene vision _ of Sugar Beet Product? •iSacinaw, >Ii(.h. His company h :Pp!yiiiK industrial skin cleansers 'industry throughout the United Heating Plant Balky? PLUGS INTO ANY Mr. O'Rrien has been interested ^'My nnd occupational skin dis- •'« in industry for the past 2C APPLIANCE OUTLET "">• He is a member of the Amer- «pen«W. 220 volt re-wlrlng M' Society for Safety Engineers : J Fuel Bills Excessive? ' the American Industrial Hy- *» Association.

pnre Heaters ^' Let ut give you all the facts about modernization. lany home ntwlernizers are in- ••'*« en* wall furnaces for base- st, attir, garage ami breezeway The heating plant is the heart of your These are some of the questions you '"'•on. Tlio modern space heat- home. Right now is a good time to find should ask yourself. If any of the an- *»e nn erhYitnt source of heat swers are not satisfactory, you should 0 U V automu ic out if it is being as good to you as it !. V ^ "' * and top- should be. think about the possibility of modern- '"'«! to ?;1Vl. space. They can ization or replacement. »w.ted in a wall and require LJ- wo square foot of floor Does it keep you continuously warm , . . ice. with temperature never fluctuating more than a haelthy one degree? It is quite possible that new OIL HEAT- ING equipment . . . conveniently Does it maintain uniform warmth financed over a period of years . . . will throughout the house? save you money, through more efficient fuel use, and through elimination of Works Like A Does it operate dependably . , , never repair costs. NO DOWN PAYMENT lettiniciltny gy\jv yo uuiuf downin ? on G.E.C.C. Term* Charm Is it the right size for your house? let's get together for an expert diagnosis 1 • Is it giving you the most for your fi of "the heart of your home." No obli- dollars? gation, of course. GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOTHES GOME OUT SUNSHINE FRESH! Counter Hlghl Counter Deepl fits flush against tha wall Ilk* a kitchen built-in. Only 2? inche* wtde. Big Capacity! Now Airflow Call us today for an expert FAMOUS WRITTEN System tumble* clothes bi cmooth porcelain drum, dries them with current* of warm, clean air. Automatic Timer Control, Mefal tint evaluation of your present heating plant. PROTECTION PLAN Trap. Safety Start Switch. MANY OTHER MODELS AT SPECIAL NEW LOW PRICES


ever ou w bu " > °n» to u/. rent or hire. Cost Mi Clements Aud&i'd 45O NORTH AVE. EAST • WESTFIELD, N. J. • AD 2-220O WESTFIELD FUEL OIL. and BURNER SERVICE 143 E. Broad St., Westfield AD 3-2121 LEADER OPEN Monday and Friday Til 9 P.M. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1*62 Statewide Naturalists to Seek Funds Investment Firm To Help Build Fables UJC Sanctuary j Opens Unit Here I A statewide committee of nat- J peartKi in more than 40 Ww J*r- Jat-k .S. Skykandy, president of! uralists launched a campaign last Uey daily and w«?kiy new.-papi-t> ! Kirs.t Eastern Investment Corp. of iand he wrote numerous sclent;in' j K«l Bank has announced the open- week to raise funds for the Davi'J 1 SERVICES G. Fables Memorial Native Plant papers. Ho was the author of a ; :nit of t '" firm's newest branch of- Sanctuary to be located on the V n- book. "Annotated List of New Jer- i fice in WV-Htfield. ion Junior College campus, Cran- sey Birds." At the lime of hi* j V. J. Nelson Jr. of Milltovn will ford. death, he was preparing a volume i maiiKKc the new branch at 226 East Mr. Fables, who died Feb. 22, on the orrhids of New Jersey. ! Broad street. Mr. Nelson has. Ijcen Telephone AD 3-0003 1961, was head of Union Junior Serving on the committee w;*.h : assoriiited with First Kastern In- Colelgc's JHology Department. He Mr. Hawley are: Mi.-s Barbara i vestment Corp. for approximately was one of New Jersey's foremost Cook of Westfield. Mrs. Ooce • two yeari. He was promoted to naturalists and a well-known con- E. Johnson, Madison; Paul .Shu- i group manu&rt:r in June of 1961 and servationist. beck, Elizabeth; Richard Thursel, I now to branch Iwnairer. Mr. Nelson A plan for the development of Dover and Miss Mathilda Wcin- said that the Westfield office will WE RECOMMEND the native plant sanctuary has gartner, Staten Island. offer the same services to invest- been designed by Prof. Ian A. Mc- Other members of the state- ors as the home office — mutual funds, stocks and bonds, profit Harg of the University of Penn- wide committee of naturalists de- an< e sylvania, a landscape architect. It veloping the memorial to Profes- sharing, estate planning, i '^ JEANNETTE'S GIFT SHOP features an island to be carved be- sor Fables include Miss Florence insurance. 27 E. Broad St., Westfield tween two brooks running through Durow end Miss W. L. Carter of Mr. Nelson attended Rutgers the Union Junior College campus. Westfield. i University and wws formerly asso- The plan calls for the inclusion on j cintcd with O'in Jlathieson Chem- Whatever the occasion, you'll find a the island of every type of plant j ical -Corp., S'juibb Division in the found in New Jersey. j iiircountinjc department and produc- 'A native plant sanctuary on Traffic Charges tion control division. He is married gift that just fits at this truly big gift the Union Junior College campus to the former Hita Deincr of New was B long-held dream of Profes- Bring $255 Fine Brunswick. The couple have five shop. Stop in and look around for sor Fables. It's a most fitting trib- children. ute to one whose laboratory was suggestions. You are always wel- Uhe stars and snows of winter, Alfred L. Hill, 29, of Fountain the songbirds of sweet meadows Inn, S. C., last week was fined a to- (Join Machine Looted come. of summer," James B. Hawley of tal of $256 by Magistrate William CARNIVAL SCENE—MraW* of Am G«rsu. Club Jane* ib. "Di. Scbuhpl.lUr," their eontri- Summit, committee chairman, said. M. Beard for three traffic viola- Anthony Herold, owner of a fcatim %m Uw "C.rmir.l Uunuttioul" ttmli S.tursUy »i«ht .t Ih. W«.t£.M Hiffa School. The The committee plans to solicit tions, including drunken driving. laundromat in «01 Central avenue, "dntrmi iaterutiwul" wu a pndacfnm of tkm Latia, French, Spanish and Csrm.n clubs, which funds from nature groups, garden Patrolman Robert Eckert stop- reported a change machine looted ped Hill's car in Central avenue l V c««tVM* party cnswylat* witm- ««ng»t daac**, contests and exotic foods. clubs and other organizations as of about $12 Wednesday night. He well as individuals interested in last Monday. At police headquar- told police the theft occurred nature and conservation. ters Dr. Nicholas A. Cunicella sometime between i):30 and 10 A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMERS TO WESTFIEID lated the pre-punched cards tent found Hill's ability to drive great- them. p.m. Your Income Tax Professor Fables, who was an ly impaired, the court was told. &7S8.4I2 Budget Mr. Gross also had a suggestion active member and editor of the for early fllem who want to re- newsletter of the 'New Jersey Au- Hill, why pleaded guilty to all Ends Personal Levy OKd In Plains That little "greeting card" you ceive their refunds as quickly as dubon Society, headed the New Jer- charges, was fined $205 and hi-5 may have received from U.S. In- possible. sey yield Naturalists, a citizens driving privilege in iNcw Jersey ternal Revenue Service—the one revoked for two years for drunken- MOUNTAINSIDE—In a brief SCOTCH PLAINS—The Town- It is to make sure you don't committee for the preservation of meeting last week Borough Council with the tiny holes punched in it the New Jersey Pine Barrens and driving. He was also fined $:i0 for »XR Committee last -week adopted —safeguard It. Use it as your omit any essential information in driving without a license and $20 -adopted an ordinance abolishing making out your return, such as other nature groups. • W,788^01 budget for 1962 aft«r Federal income tax return. for passing a red light. the household personal property LET THE LEADER PRINT IT * p*lic bearing in the HunicipM your signature (and that of your Professor Fables authored a tax. You will save the Government spouse if it is a joint return), your and hence yourself—money, in monthly nature column which ap- LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY taxe* must provide $$,• Form W-2 reporting your tax that you will be speeding up any withholding, and your new ad- xi-ntiillvea frmn llm .Sixth ("onBri'B- & tMMlM. The tax rat« i* eft. refund that might be due. KOTICK OP PHIMAKV KLKCTION tn he held on TueHilny. April 17th. slc'iiiil Distill I. I'lrst Ward, Fourth District—Mu- Third Ward, Fourth Di«tr!ct-ii. dress, if you have moved. Tinra Clerk'! Oftlr* JflUZ. Notice In herelty Klven tlml nicipal Uullolng coin School ¥& ywUt) to drop from $8.95 to $6.(8 Chris L. Gross, Director of In- the District Hoard of KcKlKtiy iinrl Three Mi-mliren ut Hoard of fhuBeii >•?* aithMtch the •mount to be raised Nu*lrlM> ««ll*ln«, WriKfll, N, J. l-'rccholrlorH. Klrst Ward. Flfih District — Ben- Third Ward, Fifth District -J* ternal Revenue for the Newark rekraurr IS, IH] Klectlon tn and fnr the vfirloiiN One Sheriff. Jnmln Kranklin School ferson School *£ «y<»x«» increased by #103,528 ov»r District, issued this appeal to those Kh'cllmi J lint rlctM of Hie TOWN HF 'I h rri! ('iiriun'rs. In eonformlty with the provlfltonH WKBTK1KI/IJ. will incel In thr A MiiyMi- fi.r tlii- Tr.wn i-f Wist- Klrnt Ward, Sixth District—Muni- Third Ward. Sixth District-ft. taxpayers who have recently re- Car Hits House, pluceH herelmtfter dcMlKtmtnl Ktc iCIrcMonx." Title 111. Hevlnoil DIM' I'liiincllliiiiu from l-iirli ut tlii' Second Ward, First District — Knurth Ward. First District — lit hereinafter ftet fnrth fur the IHIT- four wnrilB. t3rant School Ivlnley School iweewed valuation of $29,- card Form 1040-A for this year'B Driver Injured Klututen of New JiTHcy mid the |IOBB of eonduntliiK it 1'rlmnry Kler- »* atTiFnilmenta HIUI nupnlementit there- llon Tur thn nomliifitlrni uud rl'-i-llon .Mali- find Femiili- .Mi'ilihor *>r Up. Spcond Ward, Second District — Fourth Ward, Second Duitlti- I, This valuation was in- return. When the taxpayer files to, notice In hereby given that nunll* of |>erHonM tu the valloun offlcrN I'dilnly I'nniniltti-i' ulll t>i- I'li-rti-rl Orant School McKlnley School A car driven by Edgar G. Widln, neU votern of Haiti Town of WtHt- llvli'd holow: )>> IIH' U«'|iul>lliiiii anil l>i'iiiiicnitii- j, *ntu«d to $45,850,000 for this year his return using the pre-punched fli-ld m;l litreiKly r<*K)»tfred In itaiil lnutlin from filth Illntlon IHalrlel. Rci'tMirl Ward, Third District — Fourth Ward. Third r>Utrlct~8» a£ *» to • jump in the aBaewment card; Internal Revenue can pro- 35, of 123 Mali drive, North Plain- Town under the lawn of New JerHey The houri* aiul itutes of tKl"trHtion tlon tire ii« follow*: where tlw satil llonnlti of HcKl«try Krcoml Word. Fourth District — Fourth Ward. Fourth District* ,| fttio from 25 to 40 per cent of cess the return mechanically. may rcgliiter with tie Town Clerk and Ivl^ctloii will meet ure u» fol- Wllxoii School Senior HlBh School JJ&'-tatw value as established by the Wednesday and crashed into the J'lUMAHY »AV, A|irll 17th. lar.2. Sn-onil WurJ, Fifth District — Fourth Ward, fifth District—;<(. If the taxpayer falls to use the of until Town of Wexttleld at the heiween tll<- Iniura nf 7 A.M. Hlirl IOWH: Wilson Hchool fernon Bchool. •tj|iO«ttlity Board of Taxation. The A. E. Miller home at 220 Sinclair milil omee In Hie Municipal JJulldlnit. pre-punched card, and makes his Weutllelrl, New .lei-Huy, ut any lime 8 I'.M. Khst Ward. Klrsl uintrlet— Itoosc- Third Waril, First District — Ma- The lioundnry lines o( the dl^ tf * lower rate Is calculated on the bas- place, police reported. There was Tito frilloivlilk' In n list ,.r tli.- veil Junior HlKh School HOIIIC Temple ent dlHtrlcts aro as shown on Ui return on another blank which is up to itnd lm-ludltiK Thursday, Miireh Klrrtt Ward, Meemiri DlBtrlct — Third Wa.nl, Second District—Lin- following: map. u. it of the .tiigtter valuation. not pre-punched, IRS must spend extensive damage to the house and H. 1UIIZ IMI which duto the rrKlHtra- offlecH tu lit* voteit for ut Ihi- HaUl H(io> -Vflt Junior I huh Sihnol tlon hookx will be eloned until after Primary ISlfcllon: t cnln School JOY C. VrtEEUND, car, 1 Klriit Ward. Third ninlrli I—Ilcn- Third Warfl, Third District — Co- Acting Town Cleri #•> Three ordinances were also additional time and money on the the furthcomlnK Primary Election A MemlK-r of the Iloune of Heljri - Jainlu Kranklln hichuol &. adopted. One allocates $50,000 out •job of hand'punching the name No one in the house was hurt tunibuu .SchuuT K 111^1 i'"4 « eapitaj improvements for the ac- and address again, and thus delay but iMr. Widin was taken by the fe/- qoitttion of property adjacent to your refund check. Rescue Squad to Muhlenbcrg Hos- pital, PlalnfleM, where he was ad- %\- «he iMuniolpal Building, for future It's costly and time-consuming mitted for treatment of a lacera- r; tduniclpal purposes, work, and it has to be done each tion nenr an eye. " Another Appropriates $20,000 out year for several million taxpayers s of tiie capital improvement fund who have lost, destroyed or muti- Police said Mr. Widin wna issued 1 for the .township's share for the a summons for cureless driving. relief Mnltary interceptor s.cwer i'.; tn accordance with en agreement \* wWi PlainBeld, Fanwood and Wat- ' ebunf. The third ordinance calls for I vacating Cherry street ,- William.Kitu of the Board of *- Education was appointed to a one- , year term on the Planning Board. . The committee accepted a bid of * #877 from the W. L. Trucking Co. r of Scotch Plains for the purohhse r( of outdated equipment from the s road department.

\ Mothers Honor Crossing Guard

Mrs Margaret Dodds, school crossing guard, formerly stationed near the Holy Trinity Grammar School, was honored at a .Mothers Guild meeting Wednesday night in the school "for her kindness" to the children. A check representing contribu- tions from pupilu was presented to Mrs. Dodds by Mrs. Walter G. Thompson, traffic and safety chair- man of the guild. 'Mrs. Dodds has •been transferred to the Grant School area. Changes in the method of teach- ing mathematics were discussed *>y Sister Mercedita of the mathe- matics department of Holy Trinity High School. Mrs. 'Thomas Renart, chairman of the recent Valentine dance, an- nounced it was a financial suc- cess. (More than 200 mothers were present.

Luxurious Wall street headquar- ters for a large New York bank are "home" for a tabby cat who moved in before the employees did, now chares their lunches and snacks.

INCOME TAX All types returns prepared. Hour* daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. By Appointment WATCHUNG AGENCY 458 Park Ave., Scotch Plains Call FAnwood 2-5602 Model UO-22 dries and damp dries... RDPTUREEASER regulars, wash 'n wears famn.PJ.rM.Og, <*WwrPmiT—« Exclusive Equa-Flow Tempcred-Hoat pamper* your clothes . . . special 5-minute cool-down ... helps wash 'n wears dry wrinkle-free. Also air Hull's bedding and clothing.

Ule ol Iradtmoilt ,HA "rid RCA by Whirlpool Corpoioiiw, moftutoclwai «l RCA WHIRLPOOL opplionctt. ou1koii|»d by Bgdio Corporation of A^erke.

mnmf*^- —• VAN'S APPLIANCE CO. 117 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-3726 Bruad A Ului DO. AD 3-2112—1>M« i INDICATES WARD LIMIT! •INDICATES DISTRICT U — THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, J982 P*f« 2$ Piano Finalists to Appear in Radio Series Ashbaugb, Linda Kneeht, Lynn chard street, apprehended a ju- rant School PTA 74 at Roosevelt Shine, Robin Ackerinan and Su- venile searching through his carHT Sodality to Meet zanne Smith. Police Establish while it was parked in the drive- Eighth grade: Marguerite Jones, way. The regular monthly meeting of ombines Talents On Honor Roll Susan W»ltman, Elizabeth Kahn, Study Grant The youth slipped away from the Uo.->ary sodality of Holy Trin- Charles Hood, Marilyn Meig-s, Dr. Ntlwm but Detective Nicholas ity Church will be -held in the all- Gwen Peterson, Linda Mulinski, purpose room of Holy Trinity High or Production The results of the third marking SCOTCH PLAINS— TV estab- BetU'lH uml Patrulriiiin James period »how a total of 74 students Marsha Smith, Rebecca Hill, Su- Geraghty later lhat dny appre- School. A ffiiture of the meeting san Kelly, Linda Kisher, l^aurie lishment of a scholarship for the at Roosevelt Junior Hiph School study of police science by gradu- hended a 15-year-old youth who will be H question and answer pe- combined talents of nearly on the honor roll or honorable men- Morganti, Judith Murphy, Kran- mimitU'd the attempted theft but rior weekend. in all other subjects. To make the award is to be muck' annually to a honorable mention list, a student Daws on, Catherine Williams, boy in the graduating class, the Vudui-i'd by Mrs. Louis Dughi; must meet the requirement* for the Bruce Wallace, Martha Longwell, e-U-rl by the veteran NBC an- Lynn Ross, Sharon Haynes, Carol amount to lx» announced ench year. mer Rodger Tuttle; continuity, honor roll except that he is allowed Funds for the initial scholarship either one "B" in a major sub- SJhellenbertrer, Annette Swink, were raised by members of the lo- •rv Kw.-ter; choreography, Mrs. ject or one "C" in a minor subject. John Williamson and Carol Put- 1Tf? Rial; publicity, G. Van nam. cal during a one-day manning of APPLIANCE SERVICE •lie • programs, Mrs. Sally Tom- T4>e students named are: the pumps of a Route 22 service «,„;' sfenery, Mrs. Dale Struble; Honor Roll station last October. Seventh grade: Sharon Black, m.ss, Mrs. Len Siegel; the show Stamler Appoints Three Candidates must be residents of Refrigerators • Freezers year commemorates not only Kristin iM&goni, Roger Luckmann, Scotch Plain* in the upper third 15th anniversary of the Grant William Rovran, Glenn WMtmore, To Vacancy Committee of the graduating class, desirous 4t but also the 60th year of David Wight, David Calvcrt, Ju- of entering the law enforcement tnt School, —Fred Kecslng: dith Johnston, Linda Wallace, Dor- field, and of good character. The Air Conditioners MISS JOAN SOUDER MISS KATHER1NE INCATE Assembly muii Nelson r\ Stam- 'he best of former talent shows, is Stickney, Ellen Wildman, Linda ler, R-Umion, candidate for thecourse is to be taken at an ac- ng with the Grant PTA alumni Gillie, Deborah Vailey, Katherine credited school. of the schooy Spanish club, twirl- ing club girls athletics, and per-Farley, Oantiace Lerman. State [Senate, announced that his 3 participated in them, along Alex Chieppinelli, director of forms in league basketball. committee on vacancies would con- Applications are to be ucreened Washers • Dryers h loads of f re&h new talent, all the Music Education Council of Katherine, daughter of Mr. and Eighth grade; Thomas Reimer sist of Mrs. Gordon Greenfield of by the guidance department of the mises to make fchie production New Jersey, has announced that Mrs. Thomas , Ingate of 1398 and Rachael Sherbourne. 330 Woodland avenue, president of high school with final judging by best yet. Ticket sales, through Miss Joan Souder and Miss Kath- Woodvalley road, Mountainside, is Ninth grade: Eugene Procopio, the Westfield Women's Republican a committee of SAVE 50c FULL GUARANTEE S&H GREEN STAMpr^^^>^WirH THIS COUPON Fancy Large ormer Resident Wins With purcha» of OLD RED MIIL D1NNERWARE Chickens Cat Up, Slewing or Fricassee 39c 4-Pc. PLACE SETTING Muii" Honors A Iteration*! ADams 3* Vnnrreir AiiiiitiniiM Mnitin Nom. "'0 *1."9 llrlrk nml .Mom- 2924 Lag & Rump Boneless Leu .50 toihn Mullen, a former Westfleld Ib. Addrvu ~ tupitoi Sat., ident, who lust week was chos- Milk Fed Rolled ' Wllh $10 Pufchou Wiih Coupon .99 Mor. 3. Westfield Free Estimate! Veal Roast 59 69c "Outstandiiip Younp: Man of 1" by the Edison Junior Chtam- Shoulder Loin of Commerce has been named one of five state winners in the Veal Chops Ib. 75c 85 Ib. 95c FREE 100 <£ACMe> SAVE 50c mial Jaycee event. S&H GUIN 5TAMPS^^ii>"'vVltH THIS COUPON * graduate of Weatfield High Wllh purclioie of OtO RED MIIL DINNERWARE 'Ml, Mr. Mullen is employed as Lancaster Brand — Brisket Ib. COMPLETER UNIT OR ANY ADD ON PIECE sssistant lejral counselor nt 79c Corned Beef Norn. «og- *M9 won and Johnson, N 59' Chipped Ham Wilh (10 Pcrdiau Wilh Coupon .99 Mar. 3. New Brunswick plant. f for Drives, Walks, Roads, etc. f p..l I --I Smoked 4-oz. Rath 6VA-h. $C-9* DCCl LVUI Lancaster Brand pkg. Save $1 »ree J W Wk^mtK 'or Pr'c" onc' delivery call W FREE! 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS lompson Honored In addition \o your ftqulai ilompi. td Maxwell House •*n vib csn 1 alumni trustee nt the annual vib «>niror the Pinprry Schoo] trus- 4 FANWOOD CRUSHED STOKE CO. d Coffee 69 ideai Brand - s Addr.n ' in Hillside. He is a graduate ^ DIVISION OF WKLDON MATERIAL*. INC. ~ 7 EXPIRES SAT., MAR. 3 'he class of '39. Bumble Bee Tuna Fish^wh.,,2c ::69< limit One Coupon Par Shopping Fa mil/.

Green Giant Sweet Peas 4 69= FREE! 30 S&H GREEN STAMPS I* addition to your tegutnr itampi, Ideal Apple Sauce 9 \ 1.00 with purchots of any volume of FUNK AND WAGNALL ENCYCLOPEDIA Tomatoes ^riM 10":; 1.00 Hamm Ideal COrn Whol<,K.rn.lorCr,amS.yl. 8!on1.00 ffk You'll get results Marbis Saltine Crackers ^^ 19c FRUITS S, VEGETABLES with Ubby's Tomato Juice 4 1.00 ICEBERG LETTUCE 213,29c Catsup ^°<<(»F.rn, 3LT57< ^ Oranges Florida Valencia 39« Corned Beef Hash ^^ 2 Blue Plums Imported 29c Armour's Beef Stew 2 Mullor's 10-oz. 20-oz. Washed bag bag classified ads! C Spinach Tioz. can 49 Armour's Chopped Ham FROZEN FOODS C M $ vJne classified advertiser tells Upton's Tea Bags pkg. of KX) 99 Orange Juice Zd° 6 £ 1 .00 aun another what a big selling job a little Chow Miein ^-^>^» Cheese CakeMri-Smith'i26:>z-pl'g- 59<= chun K LEADER Ad can do. The classified advertis- Chow Mein Noodles -«*2 29« Applo&spice1 ln Sara Lee Cake ^.69c 9 section of this paper is like a great Lipton's Onion Soup Mix 3 89« Fours Doron- »** 39* "m°rket place" where buyer meets seller Scottowels 4 69c DAIRY VALUES • • with the most gratifying results for Kfoft both. Try it and see. Ken-L-Ration Dog Food 6 85< VELVEETA **-i*» 75< Bordon's Princess Margarine 33« Cream Cheese 5c Off 49c Glendalo . One Pint of Ideal Sherbet FREE wilh purchase of Cheese Spread Oub ' 69« Vs gallon Virginia Lee Ice Cream Atl odvettftfld pfiwtftff<th »nd Saturday: 10:30 a.m.,' Boj All circlet! of t.be Women's As- AffilUt.a with the Today more than any time in the history of mankind, reason for ing schedule: Mid-week I>nlen services will Unity School el Cbri#lla»i»J I ninth grade MYF; 7:30 p.m., Se- God and Country award claa sociation of the Presbyterian beje-in at the Redeemer Lutheran ttua question looms greater than ever. Is God real? 1 think this is so, Circle I, Mrs. Walter Day, lead- i nior M YF, giiests of Temple Eman- Sunday: 7:45 a.m., ]ja\. -: Church will meet Thursday. Ohurrh Ash Wednesday with two !_••'• Summit, Mo. piecauae jre have advanced today to such proportion in wisdom and er, at the home of Mrs. Philip B.li.».r» in th. Trlnitr | u-Kl. munion; 8:45 a.m., pt»J, • knowledge, that it is veiy easy Morning riirles meet ul 11:30 a.m. Smith, 9 Westbrook road; 2. Mm. devotional servicm hcH each Wed- mon; 10 a.m., ' *• as follows: Mrs. Itubert Bassett'K Meetings; Every Monday, S-t. ! Today: 8:30 a.m., executive for one to loose much of their in- Jack Brunton, leader, ut the home nesduy at 7 and 8:15 p.m. The ser- | ' board, WsSCS; 10 a.m., sewing day, 11:30 a.m., Hoi. __ „, terest in Cod who is a Spirit, and at the home of Mrs. H. oys choir; 4:30 and intermediate teachers p.m., antiphuial boys choir. Wednesday (Ash W«d,,«™, Knollwood terrace; Mrs. K. E. El- _ _ _ h: can) what makes it tick, leaving Saturday: i a.m., angelus choir; March 7, "My Soul Is Exceeding 7 a.m., Holy Communion; ( ^j less time for thoughts about the liott'u, home of Mrs. li. Barjien, [attend the World Day of Pray 10 a.m., carol \-hoir. Infinite. Thus it creates a danger Sorrowful": March 14. "Thin Is Musical interlude: 8:40-8:50 prayer; 9:80 a.m., Holy Coasa 318 Edirewood avenue; Mrs. W. I,. I service at 8 p.m. et the Congrega •Monday: 7 16 p.m., Boy. Scout of God becoming elss real to him. Garrison'*, home of the iiiaaeii j t Church in a body. Folio' Your Hour"; March 21, "The Lord p.m. ion, Altar Guild meeting; ij| ional Troop 78, Glint School; Explorer F.nk, 433 £u*\ Dudley avenue; • j t meeting they will gather Turned and Looked Upon Peter"; Healing Bervlce: 8:60-9:15 p.m. a.m., Lenten class; 8 p.m., ] Dr. Charles fi. Templeton in nil nK he Post 178. rjogk "Life U>vka Up," says, Goj Mrs. J. R. Qreisaer'*;, home of Mrs. !,Mra. Hallln 808 Standi»h avenut-; Mrs, E. Mi tinued this year. The distribution to preach on "Repentance." ia scheduled, not tli« A, Dvnn, minitUr service; sermon topic, "The Poll gsrten-sixth grade; 9:30 u, tionif of Mrs. T, K, Smith, 712 youth church, Chapel of tt» H«J prayer that was in their Jiimrts for $ie success of h.i» venture. Whan parish evangelism as the chief aln the Holy Week and Easter Com- Today: 0:30 p.m., Women'ts .Mis- Tux." An Once £habbat (delight Ctiieraoa place; Mrs. A. J. Stark'a, Spirit; 10:35 a.m., ohuroh . ft Was fill over, «nd the auoces* assured the faceJ that Were aol«ron of the Lenten season. A pra-Lente munions, sionary .Society pot luck supper; of the sabbatl) will follow the home of Mrs. R. Mulreany, 788 sevenlh-12th grades. [ now beamed with happlnes*. In every walk of life it WM spoken of program of visitation evangelism Mrs. Egbert Andrews, missionary service. NortT»te| 'Mrs. A, E, Thompson's, The earlier service Wednesday 12:16 p.m., youth choir; 5 pa, *« though wo Jiave found a way to unravel the secrets to a thqusand entitled "The «ha.ring- Chrlit Plan" evening* ia arranged especially for to H'ormosa, speaker. Saturday: 9 a.m., sabbath reli- Home of *Irs, E. Hermann, 84 will entr«g« the attention of the en chancel choir; 7 p.m., Senior Hiji mysteries. JTalrhill rood; Mrs. J. V, Voor- familial with children and the later Tomorrow: 7:30 p.m., Interme- pious school; 10:30 a.m., sabbath haes, home of Mrs. B. F, Lunger, tire congregation, One hundred service for adults, service and Bin- -Mitzvah (son of Pilgrim's Fellowship. One new* reporter laid that ft was a great step t<>w*rd m»n'a member* of tile church have re- tdiate'Machen I/eague meoting. iMonday: 7:30 p.m., Boy Srat drMm of finding out the mysteries of the un|ver«>, The Moon, the 699 Arlington avenue 1 Mrs. J, C I Saturday: 10:30 a.m., children's the commandment) ceremony of ceived training for carrying out th I Jamtjs Heller, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Troop 74. Stars, and eventually, the Sun. What's on them, and what are th*y W*on'», homo of Mrs. Q. W. project which"will Sunday reac HOfcV TWNITr H. C. CHURCH choir practice. mad* ofT Will mankind be so busy trying to find out, that h» will Tta*%, 840 Slovens avenue. Arthur Heller. Tuesday: 3:30 p.m., into the homes of inactive members Augmented schedule; Runduy: 9:30 a.m., Bible school; choir; 4:30 p.m., Leyden choir.! loose track of the fact, that whatever he find, out will be material f Evening circles meet at 8 p.m. parents of Sunday School childre Sunday Masses; In church: 7, 11 a.m., worship, sermon, "The Sunday: 8:45 a.m. and II a.m., And no closer to the Dn* that Is responsible for our existence, May religious uchool. p.m., adult education class; MAC as follows: 'Mrs. It. F. Anthony's, and nil who have oome Into cental 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon; Call to Prayer"; fi p.m., Machen allied enlistment conunlttM, I agaiV) borrow a thought from Dr. Templeton, "Who has ever sear) ihotne of Mrs. F. Wilkeraon, 800 with the congregation through et P a.m., children's M«»a; in chapel, League meetings; 7 p.m., worship, Tuesday: 12:S0 p.m., friendship love? No one, of course, but what a power it.ist How It changes group; 7 p.m., post-confirmation ish house. Hysllp avenue; Mrs. William But- tendance at services and church fi, 10 and 11 a.m. sermon, "Valley of Dry Bonos"; Wednesday: 10 a.m., wwnini those it touches. How It engenders unselfishness and sacrifice. It ler's, home of rMrs. B. lv. Preston, activities in geneml. Holyday Masses! In church: 0, 8:15 p.m., meeting, Sunday school class II; 8:30 p.m., adult educa- - makes possible our homes and our society. There could be no life as 1J87 TJee place; .Mrs. G. C. Qrow'a tion lecture. gift service of dedication, aw- 6:46, 7:45, B:46, 0:45 and 10:31) teachers Hfrsociution. tuury. The Rev. Nancy Forsberj gy« know it without this Intangible thing we call love." Jr., home of Mrs. A. J. Baldwin, Nearly 400 adults and ohildrei a.m.| In ohapeli 6:46 a.m. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., midweek Wednesday: !•:45 a.m., Sister- g.y Who has ever seen faithT Ridiculous question. But we have seen 1170 Wychftvood road; 'Mm. F. R. will receive personal Invitations t hood Biblo class; 7:30 p.m., post- will speak; 4 p.m., pastor's cUn; Weekday Masses: In church: service, lliblr study mid prayer. 8 p.m., bourd of deaconi; chance! ,, Wfcat faith can do. It underglrdq, directs and empowers our lives, It Harrison'u, home of Mrs. H. M. attend the worship of the doubt Mo, 7;16 and 8 a.m., unless oth- confirmation class I; 8:!)0 p.m., produces patience and fortitude, Anyone who haa studied history Bilden, 855 Boulevard; Mrs. V. H. Lenten services which begin A»)i trwlse announced. Men's Club bour'l. choir. FANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN Thursdayi 1:30 p.m., ' knows well that faith is essential to Ufa. The real things In the worla Salmon's, homo of Mrs. L. Kohl- Wednesday at 7 and 81 IB p.m. Confession I Saturday: 3:30 to Thursday: 4 :S0 p.m., confirma- CHURCH group at the home of Mn. Arto - «r« the Invisible spiritual realities, {a it so difficult then, to believe in meyer, 15 'Scuddor road; !Mrs, W. The entire parish of 480 commu Silt p.m. and 7i80 to 9 p.m. Martlne and L«Cr»nd» Avenua tion class; 8:30 j.m., aduR Hebrc-w Cod? We may not apprehend Him with our finite perceptions but this H. Stevenson's, home of Mm. Geo. nicant members, wlWt 8S0 children Thursday before the first Friday, class. Scott, 624 Dudley court. Mr* Wil- Greer, 202 Mountain avenue; Mrs. in the Sunday School and UK in Fanwood bur Baldwin will |?ive 1 rerar, . docs not mean He does not exist, It limply means that He exists in a same us Saturday. Holydays.- Be ROT. Harold A. Scott Friday: 8:15 p.m., sabbath serv- realm beyond our ken, If we would worship Kim we must In Jesus' E. G. Willcox's, horns of Mrs. D, the dally .Christian elementary fore each morning- Must. ice. 8 p.m., World Day of Prayer * C. Weisenstein, 2B8 Newark ave- sohoal will join in the project with Miniitir servance, sanctuary. Yonff 4 words, "Worship him in spirit and In truth." Evening devotlonsi Kovenas in Sunday: 8:30, 9:45 and 11:15 Rabbi Jack Stern Jr. nnd Cantor A God becomes real to us only in the proportion to which we are nue., Scotch Plains. speolnl prayer, All families wil honor of our Lady of the Miracu- Don Docker orticiHo «t all services Kim of Korea will «peak; >wi» have available A "Sharing Christ a.m., church school; 9:45 anil choir to provide special music able to believe that "the heavens declare the glory of God; And the '.Newcomers circle, under the lous Medal and Saint Jude, every 11:15 a.m., worship services) Mr. with tho participation of tin; tem- firmament sheweth tfis handiwork-" kit containing * family altar candl Mondny at 8 p.m. ple choir and li.ibert Nelson, or- Thursday: 8 p.m., board of In* leadership of Mrs. (Joorge Rounds, and wooden holder, as well as 1 Sor>; will preach. . 0 p.m., crusader choir rehearsal; g-anist. will meet in the lounge of the par- curd of prayer sutwestlonB, bot-h o: Friday: 9:80 a.m., antiquesit'_sfhlgh UI'Y. N CHRIST, SCIENTIST evonlngs flild Sunday noon- R»v. Oarard J. McCarrjr. Pattor 422 Eait Broad Street |{ev. Lolty M. Russell of tin E«* Voice of Singing" by Martin Shaw; The teams of "Sharing Chrl»t" Mondny: 7:30 p.m., Troop' 33; Harlem Protestant par!.*, «'U "Father, Lead Me Day by Day" Lutherans to Sift R«r. Fra»cl« P. McPermilt Wobelos. 9:30 and 11 a.m. still Be Hosts To allcr.s are ortraniied under tills ••«t*rr—Utl Wjamlni Drive Sunday School and Nur»ry speak. Marcelia Hall, »pr»«>. arranged by York, and; "Pr*li>e to boards of missions, elders and stew Tuesday: R p.m., junior hit'li will sinsr. AD.m. 2-4607 tenchsrs' me^etlng; Bible study. II >.m. the Lord." Teitimonr Shaw. ly, Arnold Treptow of Fanwaod house; 7:16 p.m., Couples Clo» 2. Wednesday: 10 a.m., stair meet- Dr. TJiomaa P. Lindsay is senior Or Sunday at 3 p.m. ths church He^ry Foil of Jfauntuinside ant Dally Masses: 7, 8 a.m. potluck supper, Loomis Hall- Ar- minister of the Haddonfield ehurch Ing. Value to all mankind of the heni- The Westminster oholr of the council of Calvary Evan(jelic«l Vautrhn Cnrey of Westfield. The Confessions: Saturdays and eves •inir ministry of tho Muster will he thur Avory will spoak oa "»l* Preabyterlan Church will be hosts which has around 2,800 members. hairmen of the "•§»harin£" Christ' Thursday: 30:30 a.m., women's Lutheran Church, Cramford, will f Holydays, 4 to 5:30 p.m. and prayer group; 7 p.m., choristeri; stressed at Christian Science Is Cooking in the Kitchen Tomor- ' this weekend to the Thomas Shcr- The Rev. Dr. Frederick E. Chris- hold a special meeting of the con- effort Is Rjchnrd Cliandler Jr., of 7:30 to 0 p.m. row?" tian ia senior minuter of the West- B p.m., sanctuary choir; jjunior church services Sunday in a les- red Memorial choir of the First gregation to consider tho initial A'eatfleld. All workers will be com Baptism: Arrange in advance at Held church which numbers 4,528 teachers' meeting; adult communi- son-sermon on the subject "Christ MADISON AVENUE CHAftt , Presbyterian Church of Haddon- steps toward a building proirrnm. nissioned at the altar Sunday, the •ectory or by phone. cant class, Jesus." *eU Marilyn J. Herrmann is the members; he will be preaching this oremony taking pliicc in all three Mr. Harry Bruen Sunday at all three services pn the Franklin Milt nicker Jr., council Marriages: Call at rectory at Friday, World Day of Prayer: I.ukc'u account of tho heuling by director of the Weetfield group f the morning services at 7j45 1 Student Mini'ler topic ''Ageleat Choices." president, will preside. east six weeks in advance unless 3:45 p.m., children world da ' of Christ Jesus of tW man with the churc '" which is composed of 70 senior 0:15 and lltSO a.m. Pas-tor Wal- ipeclnl circumstances demand Sunday: 0:45 a.m.. Ths main item of business wil prayer service, Fanwood Presby- dropsy will beinchded in the Bible school; 11 a.m., Henry Bru*n, s* high students. b$ retaining nn architect, ter A. ReuniiiK wil| oftlciate. thorwlse. terian church; 7:30 p.m., cub selections. Sick Calls; Urgent calls nt any dent assistant, -will conduct «"*• The visiting choir, composed of Baptist Services List During the post two ws the scouts; model car, social hall. From "Science and Health with ship services. •bout 60 senior Jilgh young people planning committee, un^er the First Buptist Schedules tour of day or night. If possible Key to the Scriptures" by Mary tinder the direction of Paul Le- Medical Missionary chairmanship of Wiljinm Weber of Ash Wednesduy Rite ave your sick attended before FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Maker B«ldy this .itntion will bi> ALL SAINTS1 EPISCOPAL fever, will arrive la^e Saturday Oranford, has made n ntud.v of punt urgency arises. AT WESTFIELD read: "When man is irovvrncd by CHURCH afternoon. They will be enterhain- Dr. Ota a. W*lterij -will be the and future needs, as well nn anti- A special eervloc of fortrivenesa Minlitart God, the ever-present .Mind who 559 Park Avenue ed by the host church «t supper guest speaker at the 81SO end cipated growth. The renoniniendu and renewal will be conducted at WOODS1DE CHAPEL R.T. Clark W. Hunt understands all things, man knows Scotch Plains which will be followed by a com. 10:30 «,m. worship services at the tlons of tm'3 committee wore pre- tho First Baptist Church by Rev. Morse Avenua, Fanwood Re». Jamc. C. Whitaltor that with Cod all Ihinirs are pos- Sunday: 8 a.m., comrm""1 bined rehearsal of the two choirs First Baptist Church Sunday. sented to the church council. These William K, Cober,' pastor, Ash Rev. John R. Lennon sibls. The only way to this living 0:30 a.m., sermon; 11 a.m., ««* and an evening of games and fel- were then studied and incorpor- Wednesday at 8 p.m. This service Tomorrow: 7:30 p.m., happy Sunday: 9:16 a.m., all depart- Truth, which hcah the nick, is munion and sermon; toddler non- lowship Dr. Walters has just retirod aft- er working for 83 years aa 0 medi- ated In an informative* pamphlet will .include guided meditation and our for boys and girls and the ments of the church school meet; found in the Science of divine Mind cry in church school; 7 p.m..)'°« cal missionary In Mtabuatlan, Oax- Which has been mailed to the en- silence In preparation for the Lent- iunlor younpr people's group in the 9:16 and 11 a.m., cradle and crib, as tnuffht and demonstrated by people's fellowship. Chblr families will provide over- hapel. Senior young people pro- night accommodations for the aca, Mexico. She was U10 first tire confjrcKntion in preparation en -season. The chancel choir, un- room 108; seventh grade, Wesley Christ Jesus." 9:30 »* gressive supper, C p.m. Hall; oigrhth and ninth grades, Ash Wednesday: young people and will entertain Protestant to. enter the mountain- for the meotlntr. der the direotlon of liobcrt J. Den- The jroldon text :s from Colos- communion; 7 p.m., junior cho» Sunday: 11 n.ir.,, Dr. Alan Flem- YMCA; senior hiph croup, Rescue them at breakfast and Sunday din- ous area of southern Mexico and Some of the nepci« revonled l>y niston, will slnff selections from sinns (2) : "As yc have therefore rehearsal; 7:30 p.m , interroedi"" g, Pliiinfiold, speaker at family Squad building. seIt1 ner, following -which the Binders had the nativeB known she was a the abovfl studies ore: 1, Larger Handel's "Messiah," including "Be- received Christ ,Ip.si,s the Lord, su huir rehearsal; 8 p.m., ^ hold the Lamb of (!od" «nd "Lift Bibls hour. The Sunday school will return to Haddonfield by bus. missionary, they rroflht have taken worship fncilitics; 2, larger Sun- 0:15 and 11 a.m., sen-ices In the walk ye in him: roitcd and built choir rehearsal. Parents of Westminster choir her life. Only after she had (rain- day church school facilities; 3, in- Up Your Heads." ill be In session at the Mine time. sanctuary. The Rev. Clark W. up in him, and established in the members acting 43 chairmen of the ed their confidence by healintc did orensed facilities for recreation 7i30 p.m., Dr. Fleming .speaker. Hunt, minister, will preach. fuith, as ye lave been taught, Afore Church various committees of young peo- ahe begin to tenoll them tho Qoapcl. and fellowship programs) 4, more Culvury Lutheran Lists •Tuesday: 8 p.m., prayer, Bible 4 p.m., confirmation class; sev- abounding therein with thanksgiv- ple are as follows: Accommoda- Today there is « Baptist Qhurch ample office space. tudy at the chapel. enth tirade. MYF; 5 p.m., descant ing." i on Page 30 tions, MTS. J. Paul Weiss; dinner, vtith, « full-timlltim e ppasto r in MiMiahuat- Wednesday Lent Series Mrs. William Rodgres; fellowship, lan qnd 12 missioii n stationtti s i n thhe llrg. John Herrmann; Sunday Mrs, Morciui to Adilrcss An evening Communion service surrounding hills, due mainly to at 8115 Wednesday will start tho "jirice break," Mrs. James Kane) her dedicated efforts. rehearsal, Georjte Ehrnman. First Methodist Group Lenten season at Calvary Luthor- Dr. Walters will alsp Bpeak nt an Church, Crnnford. There will The choirs will sing at oil three the COPE sessions in the evening. •Mrs. Theodora Moreau, Btute mi- bo a veuper service, on each of the irrant chairman of United Church six sut-ccedin.fr Wednesdays during Women, will be jruest speaker of Lent. The theniu of the vesper the Woman's Society of Christian sermons will be "Decisive Action. .Service Thursday »t 11:30 a.m. The pastor'a message will be based Mrs. Morenu will hnve as lier on the Gospol of John. theme, "Mo Knsy Answeiv." Mi's. H. 3. Orth, nrcsident, will Special Unity Service preside at the nipctint; when it convonos t»t 10 a.m. in room 21J, Unity of Westfiold will hold its HE'LL BE PROUD TO WEAR Wesley Hull. Devotions will he prin^Bpirittial communion service lied by Mrs. Wilbur It. Ilanawnlt. on Monday nt S o'clock In the eve- SHIRTS LAUNDERED BY US liUnoheon will ho scrvtvl nt 12:fiO ning. Tho public is invited to !>«r- V-VI\- by circlo 7 with Mrs. (I. \V«1-tako of this semi-annual service Make that guy you're 10 proud of dron Hoick nnd .Mrs. Fred G. Chirk which will be hold at Unity's week- ly mc-ettiifr place, .Tthe Woman's extra-proud. Give him thtt perfectly All womtMi of the church mid Club of Westfield, 318 South Eu- their guestfl are cordially invited clid avoniu*. laundered thlrtt he wants. Have us to attend thiu mooting. Miss Pnnicln Calvert of North Phiinficld i» soloist, and Miss Cnth- do them right I rinc Motsncst is the leader of Rev. Padtloek to Sjwnk Unity Wcstfield. MOUNTAINSJDK - The Com- munity Presbyterian Church Sur.- cioy will feature in its Sunday DAY SERVICE ON LAUNPRY ANp njght speaker-series the Kev. Fr«l Paddoclf, who will prcsctit :i bonk HOW DRY CLEANING UPON REQUEST review of Alan 'Peyton's novel "Ttn» Lato the Phulnropo." Thij will ho CHRISTIAN followed by a discussion period and will l>e held at the homo of SCIENCE DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME Mr. and Mrn. Itocor Thwinir of 556 Westfield Ave. AD 3-0255 IVORY DRY CLEANERS 2fi5 Mcptin(r House Inno !it 7 p.m. HEALS l' A Funorol Home of homelike otmosphere, completely moden, oir conditioned, Executive Board to Meet I off-street Park-ng Facilities AND LAUNDERERS WNBC 660 k.c. Licensed Staff OPPOSITE RRfi HBAOOUABTiRS The executive board of tho Wom- Sunday Morning —7:30 Also an's Association of the Willow Charles £. Dooley DOOIEY FUNERAL HOME 16 PROSPECT ST. AD 2-5020 Grovo Presbyterian Church will WNTA Frank J. Dooley 218 North Ave. V/.. Cranford hold its monthly meeting at the Carolyn M. Dooley BR 6-0255 home of Mrs. Bernard Anderson nt Sunday Evening, T0:3O 2022 Arro\vwood drive. THE WEtTFICI-D fW. J.t LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH I. 1962 Pag* 27 IART SHOPPER *" **|G 3 " l.QUAUTY-Consistently I 3. GOLD BOND STAMPS 2.VALUE-Low, low prices The most valuable stamps of eveiy single time ! all-with every purchase I

First PUUY National COOKED Stores SMOKED HAM Shank Butt Whofoor Ponton Portion Either Had ran- «»tm»i« umu-nan umiu inw Ib. Ib. - WttH THfS COUPON - 29 39 49 Prom l*an Corn P*d Pork«ra I • COLD BOND FRESH PORK BUTTS P«rf*ct Eating Guaranteed 39 Delicious and Nutritious STAMPS For Meat Loaf or Hamburgers it. WITH A PURCHASE OF S3.00 OR MORI GROUND CHUCK BEEF UMIT ONE Kit AOUIT—CK»AMm», TOMCCO, MM, UQUO* AND MISH MIU tXCEMPT FKOM >TAMI> Of M« Ham Sticks Dtep Sea Scallops 1 AH Meat *59« VIAL fTIAKS -39c III! TIM MTURMY. MARCH 3rt, 1HZ Swift'* Franks 89' Fancy Cod Fillets 375 EXTRA Enjoy Extra Savings On Brands You Know I with Pork or Frozen Foods TRADING STAMPS* HEINZ BAKED BEANS Plain Tomato to NO COUPONS NEEDED 5|>etlol Pack Mot, Birdseye Tiny Taters Off#r •ffsctiv* tiirw Saturday, March 3rd, 19*1 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP bot. 19c Motion's J»i( »••>• NO COUPONS NEEDED / EXTRA TRADING STAMPS IS OK. . 49c with purdiau of a 24 ovnc* ]er Red-l Scallop Dinner NIBLETS KERNEL CORN earn 49c FINAST GRAPE JELIY Milady Cheese Blintzes EXTRA TRADING STAMPS OnFon, Cream Mushroom, Green P««, 2 pack 1 Milady Potato S ox. pkg. ' with pOf choi» of an 11 ounc* pkg. KNORR SOUPS B«ef or Chicken Noodle, Garden V«getabf« cartons HERSHEY CHOCOLATf KISSES Finast Fish Sticks 14 oi. pkg. 49c Alt Colon plcgs. fXTM TRADING STAMPS 400 Coot* 1.00 Finast Tuna Pies wtHi purchaM of « fort* »to» IINAST FACIAL TISSUES ANQH. CAKE Breakfcwt CocktoH, Irealitett 46 or. Finast Fried Scallops fXTKA TRADING STAMM BREAKFAST DRINK Nectar or Breokfatt *eo» , een 35c wWi purdiax si e Flimt Now — For Every Home at Big Savingsl RAIStN TWIST COFFEE CAKI EXTRA LARGE PRUNES -~~ POPULAR MECHANIC'S NEW SXTKA TKAOtNG STAMPS wfth purdiaM of «rm 34 wmm Sv«f 8 OM. HOME HANDYMAN BXTHA TJIADINWHITEC MEASTAMPSD wild avrchan of a 40 COM* (er PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 29c ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA AND GUIDE HIINZ DILI nCKLES 16 EASr, PRACTICAL MONEY-SAVING BOOKS lib. EXTRA THADtNO STAMPS Buy one each Week NESTLES EVEREADY COCOA vr •an 49c «NAST POPCORN Volume No. 1 tXT*A T*A WNG STAMPS lib. Now in Sale with pvrthaM of a 16 ouncv \ar • " - RED HEART DOG FOOD -H 2 ean* 29c only 49 CLOVER MAID HONEY lib. VOLUME 2-16 each 99c , .•> ; EXTRA TRADING STAMPS PANCAKE MIX 33 wifk fifrcliaia »f a 10 ovnn pkg. DdlaHed, ilep by step pro]ecl« for home, garden, boat and (PerfMt Paimar wMt Panatk** . .. VMMONT MAID SYRUP W om, bo*. M4 gmags in •aiy-to-under«1and language. KRAFT JET MARSHMAUOWS

EXTRA TRADING STAMPS French Toast — FMtu wM purcfioM of a 12 oum» pkf. Stetson's Finest Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Corn Muffins DownyfkiW— fnun BIO VALUE BOLOGNA J. BOLOGNA DoU Pineapple-Grapefruit Juict Froiea IXTRA TRADING STAMPS Large with puKh*B» »f en* pound Fried Clams «»•«">"' Jotm™— CALIFORNIA LEMONS Sunkist 6 <° 19c BACK BAY BACON Nine lives Cat Food Fine for Slicing Marcal Hankies Aiwrted EXTRA TRADING STAMPS 10O fo Pott 23c RED RIPE TOMATOES or Salads •arton I m X$ * Trading Stomp offan (at welwitl ahs branpurchasd oef oilompf a Mogei givfnn Davi) limited d to ilortl in araai where ••amp plan already «xi»li. Toilet Tissue — Whl» MIDGET SALAMI or BOLOGNA Indian River TODAY THRU SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd prict .ll.cliv. at oil N.w J.r«.y. Toilet Tissue Marcal — AtBOrtvd reorl Kntr and Middlelown ilom. Wi roiervt the tight lo limit qitantillll. FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Pink or White for ^IJC "on, ,old lo, ,e,oTe. Pastel Napkins Marcal ~M !• Juicy Valencias Cocktail Napkins *•«•-•• FLORIDA ORANGES Natural Color Waxed Paper M.«.I-»*«.C 100 fl. roll 2(JC k C Adds Zing Sandwich Bags AWI-SO.. We Salute 2 p «' 19 FRESH GREEN PEPPERS To Salad Dishe1s 0 39c the men responsible for Woodbury Soap HoH Prit. Cecil protecting the interest of Marshmallows Kroft—MinlMvre buyers and sellers by en- GARDEN FRESH ESCAROLE forcing the Weights and Redeem Your Money Saving Coupons Measures Law. Kraft Parkay Margarine <=^ 31 = 2 297oz. ' Corned Beef Hash lib, can^JjC Gfirbfif'S Chopped Boby Food Kraft Mayonnaise "£45e "°.;77c Libby's jars

lcSal* 2 Appl* Spice Cake Mtopkg. {«PfnA}* C Strained Bob/ Food 1 Q Reynold's Aluminum Foil "i 33<= Sora Ue 79c Tetley Tea Bags Paek

Vanity Fair **» Kleenex Towels Broadcast Stew 1 Ib can 37c Baby Cereals 2JS.37C Carried Beef Haih 15 or, con 41c m wilh Seemi 1 Ib. can 35c former NATIONAL, Central Ave. Your former MUTUAL, Elm Street Your former SAFEWAY, North Ave. Pa.«e 28 THE WESTFIELD C« J > LEADER. THURSDAY, MARCH 1. 1«62 ••• ' ' " __- -m f»p| Senior High Swimming Team Raises Season Record Io Routs Plaii Registration Set For I YMCA Track Meet spo^meu-s uui, piau, Y Group Swim ; , 1 o Cixpand Activities Team Winner And We DraWS 50 BoyS; For All Members Boys Baseball Season The Wtstneid Sportsmen's Club Over Summit One Meet to! is planning tu widen ius activities Results Listed Sophomore Ted Distribution of registra-: in the coming year. Charter and The Y division swimming team ed a school record '. tion cards for the 1962 Westfitld i Hawks Take rirttt The Wealfwld YMCA first an parly bout trips along with surf of the Westfield YMCA defeated double triumph to",lw_ BWS ibwb.ii u,«e« «a«»n win ;But Win i^^ Crown nu4il indoor truc.U and field chaui' lishmK vutirvgs ure some vf tht: the Summit Y team, 97-85, Sun- Devil mermen to a 6J.aa begin Saturday and continue next : *> pionship was held this past wci-k j events planned for the interest day. In un earlier meet Summit victory over Plainfield MJ week, it was announced yesterday j The Hawkj 8uffere The Hawks de8 it individual events and anchored ,Mif 'uuln'-y. M;. 2. Ht'ter Coach Vic Liske'j aon». Mr. JJugan emphasized that j , , be held for all interested anglers 1. he back d th( winning relay team. Otzmann wui Mlu hVll. W': 3. 'Brute Edwards, H. handling: a losing regutration i. required not only , . j „ at Tamaques Park. The date and fj'iim ] it. If, cham ionship a m e Kovac the V and 10 year old hitrh juni 11 mwl 11.', 4(' y:ilil freeutyle: .. years as swim mentor. of boy» entering the WBBL for , j y,e time will be published Boon. The Vlr J'fi-ilTn- .S: -. 1'liil Uuin». NV; 3. Connell turned in j pBcg(pa. yllnnners with 22 points and dash while Colman won the 1 the first time but «IBO for thos and 12 year old high jump an club provides experts who cai J«h» tfi-i-uiHl:!. S Time— -1 •>• feat in the 160-yard 18 of them in the second hal. improve results both in fait an >3 ,ih«« MtCoubrey, H; 2. JtSrC Orel III, Freeman's Sport Shop, South an Hi.k) Schmidt. Howarth, vice president; Fran \V: :i. Jim Mecundu, B. Tln>«—12.3. The summaries: over the Araba, hruad Jump—1, Kurt Braun. 10' WnliaM (IrU »r. numbtn of it. Summit YMCA *irl. iwimmlnK 11 :IHO li, w y;iru btu-k»troke: 1. 40 yard fr#;fatyle- 1 r. Weatfield avenues; The Sport Cen The Rotary Cup playoff* will *M"; 2. l>*ter Uyvf. i. I'eter Myrra, Mastcarich, recording secretary Inn mni fpntaat almott on«-h«l( of tte number of firll from Held, W; 2. Milit MacUliS J'etee Lmvfiiporl, H; 2. Hob KlndlielKldllm field; 3. Bill Elrume wJ,S ter on Elm street, and at th start this Saturday at the YMCA Jtlcharil Huriunl mid Jeffrey Hlcii. Louis Ehlen, corresponding gecre •Ilia «r«« who will comji«t« in Ib. ch.mpionihipi. It il tht fir.t er, W; 3. TfTd KKvnnady, B. Tlmo— Ua»li—1F Bruce Otumann; 2, Wil —] S. "" Leader Store on East Broai gym. The Arabs will meet the Cru- fam Kenny; 8, liob^rt Hope. tary, and Ralph Atkinson, tress tint* that a N.w Jeriiy t«am b«. qualified mart tbta two .wlra- .d ami II, it) yard litu-kntroke: 1. 100 yard tn-c»iy|i.: i c^ •treet. saders at 2 p.m. with the winners JHstxnce Hun—1 William Kenny urer. Directors are Robert Bailey, m«M for Ifc* »»tlon«li. f/j; Jithn KcKhuiti, \V, 2. I'etsr HecHcli, W; 1. U..b Chamber,,'W; !. Kiihird 8urlan'l; >. lie itober W; 3. ilraiil Swltllvr, S. Time—23.2. Oritn«trom, 1'. Time-—6S1 The self-addressed cards must facing the Hawks at 3 p.m. The lope a lid David Clirone. K. B. Kjellmark and Charles 16-17 UIO yard backtlroke: 1. 800-yarl freemylt- I IU W: !. Bill llancy. W J Ka be returned to the WBBL by Untouchables meet the Trojans at U»»h Rc-luy — 1, Hleven Schmltt Caldwell. Kim Kaulm.ui, V>; 2. Mike t*anln, T Phomus Owen und Kurt Braun; 2, S; 3. 'urJ broantstrokc: 1. Mlko KOHenburtt, V. Tint. which is operated as a voluntary, Blue Devils Boys and Stephen Butler; 2, Allan Corey, l>«t<. Mn-urt. W: 2. I>lrk Van MoeHcn, 1:011.3. >Hvid Chrone. Peter 31yem and W: 3. John Ki>ruiidH, S. Time—80.6. 100 yard butterfly: I. Don non-profit civic endeavor for the Klchard Adolaar; 3. Bradley Br«w- Court Tourney Weatfield Hlg-h's Dave Coleman pionships. Good performance!! by 13 nml M, <0 yard breanutrokr: 1. ley, W; ;. Jlh Lincoln, *ii benefit of Westfield youth. The Wrestling Champs Her. Robert I>ul'onl. Keith MrOre- Dick Zaparanick (2:00 for theOrcK SiHolonnkl. W'. 2. John Oreene, Mceka, I". Time—1:0t 9. ror and Gary Kumayn«. tied the national high school re W; 3. Al Caronelll, 8. Time—86.7 100 yard breusmtrokt: L divisions are Grasshopper (for 8- Alfe 11-12: High Jumji—1, Tony Holy Trinity weakened in the cord for the 1,000 yard run last half-mile leg), Dwight Winn (65.3 1.1-17 IftO yard bn-iiMlHtroke: 1. Wfl»», W, 2. l«e 7Mm. t; year-olds), Hedgehopper (for 9- dolman, i' 3'; 2, tie, Thomaa Holl- Ort'B WelHM. «': "• Ores Sinotenskl, Uoyer, V.Thin—1:09.7. By virtue of a 28-16 victory final period to bow to St. Aloysius Saturday, in the National Inter for the 440), and Gil Stith (24.3 W; 3 AnOv Miirov. S. Tliti*—1:10.3. year-olds), Major and Internation- Idln Itnd ^Varren HBUK. !>lve—.. Al Conner, If; i over the Engineers Saturday, the Uroad Jump—1, Mark ltamftKc, IX' of Jersey City, 62-53, in the first scholastic Indoor Championships for the 220) kept Westneld with 10 'anil iinilcr, "0 yard buiu-rrly: Halell, I" al (ages 10 through 12), Pony and ; 2. JumeM Ku-uu; S Pftul >*alr. 1. TeJ ('lurk, M; 2. Jeff Orrlm, W; 3. 1(10 yard nuidlcy relay; I Blue Devils became the winners Daiili—I, Mark lisnuige; 2, War-round of the North Jersey Catho in Madison Square Garden, but the leaders, and anchor man Dave (llT(f (5«.rln-r, \V. Time—12.1. Mustang (ages 13 through 15). of the Westfield Boys Wrestling lie Conference basketball tourney rleid (KAUfinann, Bruce 7,lu «n Haug; -8. Paul Pair. had to be content with second Coleman ran a convincing 4:46 11 ami 12. 41 yard butterfly; I. Bob ('hamt>er>4 and Sttv* Tt Opening of the regular playing League for the second straight year 'Dlntarice Hun—1, Tony Colman; 2, at St. Mary's High, Rutherford llnli Klnnhrlinrr, Vt'; !. Tod KemiMly, Time—1 :SI.7. harles llowell; 3, tie, Itobcrt Hrcw- placo as Eugene Tretault of Hart- mile to win the race by 40 yards. M; 3. l>!rk Van Ho'-«en, W Time— 1B0 yard fiewKlj-lt- relaj.t •canon la set for Saturday, April with a record of three wins and tfr, Donald Muti anil JumfcH Kwen. last week Hi.3. Distance ltelay—1. jBmva Kwen, ford, Conn., nosed him out for theWestfleld's two-mile relay, com- livid (MKcl-nlJIcy, Mtfkl R« 28 for the Minor Leagues (Grass- me defeat. The Blue Uraves outscored their 13 ami H, 40 yard bott«.rny: 1. and tlriinutroin). Tinn—1;)IJL ark lUmaKF, Warren ilnuK anil title by two-tenths of a second. posed of Steve Atwood, John llarviiy (lerbrr, W; 2. John Ketrliniii, hopper and Hedgehopper) and The Blue Devils were coached »ny r*olnian; 2, Ctistrlea Ho well, 'oes by five goals, but missed four Laudenberger, Steve Calvert, and \V; J. Hi,I) l)uiu-ii!l, H. Time—1'^.7. Westfleld's High nriati y George Napack, heiu! coach, irry InkMtrr, Kenneth Lnnihlu ttntl if five free tosses while St. AI's In an exciting race that saw 13-17, 100 yiiril uiilti'rnyutty:: 1 Phi! vanced its record to 10.1 Pony League. The following Sat- obert lirewKL«r; 3. Tnuma» lloll- Bob Meares, placed fourth In that Hiker, S; 2. •I>CIII K Kakley"" " " , W; 3. urday, May 4, is the date set for nd Norm Morash and Larry leln, Ueoffrey Tltuworth, Donald dunked 20 of 25 attempts. Joe he first three finishers cross the JI in l.lneohl, W. Time—. - ii.i. 55-31 thrashing o! tin Maekoy, assistant coaches. *utx uiul Hetf*r Adela&r. Camillery of the victors hit on 11 ine within two feet of each other, 13-17 (IIVIIIK: 1. IIrf B HiTborHb , S. at Newark Frid»y. Capttri lint games in the Major, Interna- 1'olnts— -233.25. . tlonal and Mustang leagues. The Anal event of the season of 12 fouls while finishing with It) Coleman lost his chance for the II and uinlxr. Diving: 1 Harold but two of the ten em* ill be the league tournament markers. Bill Hogan of Trinity I'rli'*. M- I'OllltK—123.60. Blue Devils maintained i k Organiiatlon of teams Is carried itle when Robert Cubbin of Phil- Local GirlH High hich will be held Saturday, Locals Compete was hitrh with 20. adelphta stepped in front of him 10 and uiuli-r, !^«i yard frecHtyle: lead from the start out in the following manner: March 10 at 2 p.m. at the high 1. KDitiinll. Time—4I.!>. Holy Trinity (2-14) sported on the last turn, causing Coleman Ranked by ELTA 11 anil I-. 1C0 yurd frt-ewtyl« rc- . Senior Greg Weiw, stilt 1. The Minor (Grasshopper and school. This is an elimination tour- 10-44 lead in the Anal period after l:iy: 1. Nunmill. Time — 1:'.'«.0. pion last year and Union C Hedgehopper) Leagues assign the ament in which all teams partici- to break his stride to prevent a 1:1 and H. IfiO vard frui-Mlyle re- In ES Swim Meet uccessivc /tfoals by Stan Stanley collision. Cubbin had led the field Thr« Wettficld Tenni* Club lay: 1. WrHtfli-ld. Time — I :22.S. titllet this year, b«rely 1 8 and 9-year-old boys to teams iatc to determine the champions ind Pete Koley. Tho Jersey City l'i-17, 160 Jarcl modlcy relay 1. Bob Benson of Weequahif without tryouts. ind runners up in each weight through u fast :60 first quarter, junior girl player* received no* Kiirumlt. Tlnir—1:24.K. Chuck Ganter of Plscataway, :lub (10-11) then charged ahead with Coleman second and Tetrault tain his perfect slate for tht 2. TryouU are held for the •lass. Parents and others interest- o stay with eipht straight tallies, ttce thl» week from the Eastern id in wrestling are invited to at-vho awimii with the Westncld V third. Coleman moved into the swimming season. Benson bt fully-uniformed 18 Major League earn, broke the meet record with Ive by Cnmlllcry. The score: Lawn Tenni* A«»octAtion of Noll New Leader viously been undefeated. teams for boys aged 10 through end. leud with two laps remaining and Standings: 2:06.6 exhibition in winning the KT. AM5YKH1S their ranking* in the Ea»t for In Church Loop field's Bruce Zimmermtn 14 12 on March 31 and April 7 at icld this position until thc Anal 1961. Shtrl G»llt n, top rank- tv i, 00-yard Individual oic last two games Inst week and took ficoring with a victory in III KiiKlnei-iR 1 3 ect last week. llBun tape, hut Tretault hod moved Into ranlc#d third in >ingl«a( and ers by auction to assure fair dis- team«d with her partner* Bur- the lend of thc Church League. yard free-style. Union C tribution of players' ability. Boys Result*: Ganter broke the meet mark a winning lead on the outside. Purnlr. HI), pinned Brown; ]»<. 2:08.0 which he eatubVislietl in bara Menoff of Lynn brook, N. Undquist's i!03 opener for thc Champion Frcil Wirfleld «Jl who are not selected for the Ma- t. i:. :* OUitiuliti, lt(>, record was 2:08,2. He was IIOI.Y T111N1TY meet was Hob HolTniun, whose 5-1 wash, in the other match Heitman what was to be the Ktond» tional League >n tho, »atn.e.,agc umd C?Uro> ; AJilaul, Il», li. l>|. 10 for girli IS year* of age and un- blanked Berry. HWM»i;'W«illa«n. Br). nliliit-d flull}'; 4 feet U'/j inch shot nut effort successive victoriei, unrierup Ih the 100-yard buttcr- der. Barbara Reevei, playing I, group.' "Jcrttlno. I1I>, pinned llrtMllnii: (for- nnly r, ilaced him seventh In the'trials; w Ted Connell, a »nWor«, f B, .1. Mackry; Perry, IHJ, |>lil- \y with a 66.0 pace He won the 'ley . . •i Noll's .... 11 ne place away from qualifying, her firit year in 18 yeara old Mcl'nbp'H . 10 X 1 8. Tryouts also are held for the lifd MnlO vent in record time last year. juinljrct 4 fered one of his infrtquent fully-uniformed Pony League On the previous Wednesday at and under, competition, re- JU-Utnnn'» 9 1 es when he finished in the n Kurt Kaufmann of Wcstfleld 1 llt'rry's .. i 13 teams for boys aged 13 through tho Newark Armory, Westfield's ceived Cl«i» A recognition, a* M<'CIIIH.''S . 72D C81 up position to Jim Lintoln I ligh placed fifth In the 100-yard TotalH . 2(1 1 1 16 on March 31, April 7 and 14 . Aloyttlutl 14 II It)—(ill medley relay team won Us race in did) Sue Allen, alio playiriK >n Noll's . 696 683 6 96 Excellent Clips lackttroke with a 1:02.2 effort, oly Trinity 17 «—6a He I IJ'K . 61.2 798 717 at Tamaques Field. At the con- Officials: M .is he Union County Relay cham- (trli 18 yeara and under. licit.IUUI'H .... . 728 80C 7G1 clusion of these trials, managers oe Monler, a Westflold resident, uiul Lorenzo. (Ple»8e turn to next p«( •elect players by draft, each man- 'as a member of Pinery School's ager selecting one player at a Came in Majors fth-place 200-yard freestyle re- time. Boys who are not selected iy tenm. for the Pony League are assigned Excellent Diner, Bwoep winner to the Mustang League in the in the Mixed Major League Mon- same age group. day, clipped a game oft Arbor'x This method of assignment as- lead when the latter won two ce Carnival Set lures that every boy who registers games. Best among the men bowl- Tfrttfottt with the WBBL, regardless of his ers were Nielsen 223, 202—618 or County Rink ability, will play baseball. The and Rlcardo 246—614, and among method also assures a balance of the women June Stevens 236 and age and ability so that boys do Lucille Connolly 216. The first annual Ice Carnival l. t the Warinanco Park Ice Skat- not play out of their class. It also A rttor Inn i? is designed to stimulate competi- lSser-lleiu Diner .. 3!i g Center, Rosello, will be held tive spirit among boys to strive (Inrwotl Motorn . . 37 nturdny, Mnrch 10, bcjriiminR at BRAKE and Martin JI.WCIITH • • 31 for selection on teams in the fully- Went. lltilldiOH-icru 36 Si* :30 p.m., it WAS announced to- uniformed leagues. Jolin Kriinkn 31 ay by the Union County Park Food Hauler* 1 2

hw... b«aui« w* MMd Kit «pac*( Many MI(M ami m*M»-i»ctvtf luf *" fathers of boys who register to fxiil Motn rim; nte&U will compete * for tht* volunteer for work with the league Ililllleri" s nt hnmpionship, figure skutinir ex- «Mf«*>1 Ufd Can ... tfdpUy Ut^tH4, ttui UiHa, cactWWao^ whii —**1 MI P'idk by indicating on the card the type 77; 770 ?M bitions, and stunt skating, m.,w»4%—k*4 by vow wAwtMrf PMI OMM OMRMM ««hN« UtHi •*>••«. of work he prefers. Hny'n I'lyliiK A One of the hifrhllfrhts of the larnivol will be the election of a One Game Edge Quoen of the Ice" by the popular Sportsmen Have otc of the skaters attending the T 'PACKAGE" OFFER "- " »V«t«frl»». I e Center from March 1 to Mnrch • wheel alignment 1958 Plymouth For Boro Men's iy>vi0j0,,», i,rnu.i O479 Mazza Leading Girls, 14 years of iiB* nn«l older, • brake adjustaMnt 4CRKI lullr condition ho reside in Union County nnil • wheel balance The Mountainside Men's Bowl- e ice skaters, aro eligible to 1958 Despite the loss of two frames, inir League has a close race this l''<*ruor, X>rl. trim, radadioi , ft« •• A - ompete. Photos of the contcst- hr.t.r. .tJ. Uun* .'.1745 Mazza went to the top of the week with Echo Lodge on top, nta will be placed on tho bulletin Sportemcns League standings Fri- only n game ahead of Futrmann. j'oard to assist skaters in iiinklng 1958 Ford Ji^-.1:-::"1::."'.'-. day night when Fujrmann, with Wilhclm is third, another half Expert Car Service heir choice. s - whom they were tied, bowed in a Knme behind, and two are tied for Thoroughly trained men, fast- 1961 Falcon ,; dr':'''"•K""|":*1775 sweep. A. Bonnetti's 261, 215—fifth. Schooner was the big (run in The center will close for the 1958 Ford %"ZV.'«.'».'•" 055 easily topped alt the scoring. thc scoring with 207, 262—612. 0C1-19112 season at tho end of est and most efficient ma- Following were Weiland 201, 226 « i. evening: session S u n il n y, chinos, return your oar's —f>07, D. Buccino 216. 20-1, •lurch 11. "underside" to original manu- •em and ronten Mr I lrI lc l-'uU'llmmi l-ijt-) ' •. 27 'i facturer's specifications. 201. Uov l-ifl Tril.k' ... II :.'* 1960 Falcon ea, ftrl. W I. HAH .'1345 Matza 1_*An<1 senpo • 41 an Tilpw Kllior ... :; 11 " Wood Holds Lead l-'UKmann Fu»-1 OH in j.-, T*lsii'r> A-OK WmlHrld liulf ... 4 I "4 5.7'4 it. i-:. i>ii.ii! ... '3 Mminlno & Konw. . Honnetll nri-o 4(» Kiln'lav l.liiuur* n Late Show 1960 T-Bird ^ZSr™.™. T^. '2545 Ml.-i-lr. Ill-ilif . Jirl mom- 37 l ; SEAT BELTS Mary'B Confi'i-tloiiif. 2K K os t i r It.' I-:. .. Metro Elour m ' I'lili.ni'K Taviin Wood held its one gntnv lend • Manufactured Io exceed all ft 4-rtr. 1 Master Harbi-rs .... .'•* Mlsl.lt. D.-H .. S.A.E, CSA. and Highway 1957 (rnnx> • VtV.villi-ld Lumher. -H> Kirwvll.x Nurs. tlie Ltitc Show rollitiK Inst week l-'ugmunn Fuel OJI... s«« Patrol epedflcationi ~K A r JI T M*«tur Harlirt* KJiO they and Savnstnno, the run- • Two-indb wid« 100% fixrtW^\ yntuy 2-* > * " H. Mnnnlno & Hona.. 7*1 crups, won 3-1) matches, llulph colurful oylon w«bhln4t ill: 1959 Ford *"dr' "rd" * "''• ''""'"•- 1957 Plymouth auto. *rnuw WCMttleld Illilf S:1T ll'i Aloslier Is Top Scoror isiuiio hit n bin 252 for hitrli • Hwvy-duty nwtal-to-tMtal, J '' *745 Westdfld l.unilut- ... :t54 sr. :t in 1 In Tlumsiiiul I't. Hi -. SuSu ve 1 1 1V K over J(cthodiscd'thrrd f {' ' B'iu' ' '' " ^<'<:ond with an Ken ("iinii'll lL':i po and I piroesund total jiins to St. Paul's | even 17 font jump and William 1 Kenny third with lfi-ii. Dave Mornsh 1 l'»R poi will with H point tfuin of foui for the compete in the State Intorschola>- \ lutter pinners. Kurt Brmui toj>pf anil Morush dccisiiinrd ( OPP. MEEKER'S GARDEN CENTER Rl. I'iml'H 777 'i:l 7:if • H.4, 111 bill 7111 day at thc Y. ' Duvc Palmer of llackettstown. I "^ .i-i-m THE WESTFIFXD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH I, 1862 p«ge 29 illdogs Near Title HSS wimmers Plans Underway Culhane Cracks LEGAL NOTICES «! • LEGAL NOTICES • • LEGAL NOTICES • For liorae Show Hllll.lr VOTK'U ! MIH.WII mi 111*. Tax Mup of ttn> Td«'ii HTOHR lot SV.-Hlll.U ivr tin- mi in i.t fstio.ini ot (Continued from previous page) I'uhli.- N..II--,- IK lii-r.-u.y (jivi- tliat i in upjuwvftl. aubji-ct to Unul up- O1. iefliuM). The 3<>th Annual WaU-bung Tie, Takes Lead r..»..lulii.ii ..I wliiili i ••« ' rulJ uruval lit u niretint: t>f lli>- Town butterfly. Weptfielii scored sweeps l Fur^uant W th« order of E Boy's Basketball in the butterfly, the 200 and 400 Kiding and Driving Club Horse •"•oum.-il t.i l)<> |II-It) I'll l-Vliiuary 17 J. KiiiK, Smrotm-tc «f ihe Oouivty IHtiB. In M-»nl«n *illi Till- 4o: uf l.'nlon. m&tlr on ih« s«cunJ d*y .<\l11.ii,uJM.eU(!ue liavinK a | and i-uiild not b.lu-advtl or! inyurd freestyle with male Bill Kl- Saturday. June 2, tit the ITnlun when they won Uvu tjaim'^ aiul \ O'MM^LI, iiuUiiv In iiereby glvtrn tu J" du-junior division games •"—thei'r run 'to- -'th• e• win. Mike Mun- come finishing second. Blue Uevil County r"ark Commission's Wat- bloke out of llu' tie with Si'ibc III4.' c (4-iJUorB Of MUttl a^t'CUMttd W 1 ••AbU>it 10 iiiu- HuUBcrlber und^r oath SiiiuiJ»y iun I rue to foim Itan was the tup scorer for thiBill Smart was victorious in thechunir Sl»til«, Summit, It. was re-who lost th(t't- tu third plnci O'-! . |u tliillilii ui Vn'junitdun Ltx.-ir t-let inn and de- I I ««>>r. gourd. Bulldogs re- Knit-Ice with 21 puints fallowed I backstroke. Weslfield's Doug i-ently announced by Eliot H»ller Connor. Be>t scorers wt-re CUmsen j Si.. v\'.Miii.|vi. ,\,iv lining iiga inst tlm fHiutt* ut ao.14 Ch«rlii r .... g >vlilcli lilim iihd pllii.- illl V tlit fusuU uilliiij nix nivntha frvim tho in first plnre with an un-by Clust Pudd and Ed McWhonei Eakeley captured the individuul of W«i>tneld, president of the club. 237. McMillan ^17, Ki-ost 22i,; will HUM miun ri-r»lpl of ll Out*' ol" xulU ordvr. ur they will ba who may In- lnt.-r.--u.it tli.ri'i p«r- forovt-i' burretl fiuin proKBuuttnff of vrith IS end !0. Charlie Kudier's medlej-. The Watchunf Show has been Davis Jr., 211. lk.CTerl 2(ir.. Hill ; 1-^ niw-n nil o|ipol-t iniily to bi> . lilltie |,ilt.c by lhi> 'I'own of \\ filf l fli-1,1 thp Tux CuJ|pi.-ti>r bf an,) r«(-ovviing Hit- Name KgalriHt th« opening (tame the Bull- Bullets vere led by Kuss Wolf Westfield also won the freestyle moved uj) to a Class "B" category 20fi. Howuith 'lti-1, K. O'Connor! I'v-ln.^i nitiK Huiil orillnunri-. l ** I". 203 and K. Terry 2W. JuY licr^by nuthorlxeii to a tut Jli-.-.- Ul£«la«, Sl.,,lt-,l a 13-17 win over tho with 15 points. relay. Tht're was no diving. after a number of years of being tu i-anucl lu« llenn i>n mlii lot. UHU&n al(ls of John Smith. Thjsy ran The third game pitted the sec- \v ij HBSOLVKD tlmt the ofl'Br of Mr UK IT PUK VKD On Saturday, the team will de- a Class "C" show. The Uiitin .\tsmiim to purulmsg 8»ve» tlmt nalJ title OIO and uiuuty be Slmeone & Klf?Art, Attorneys j'i c lead in the first period ond place Nats, coached by Char- Si-lticii ST 5y 7) fi-i-l of Lot 1, filook 73S, slao 4tiO6 Borfti>nlln« Av«., fend its Group IV State Title at necessitates more difficult courses 1 iald witliln »l»ty ththe (ri'u:iuur ^;-*v :'.u *. .-iown as loj Marlon AVonue, «« t?ition City, H. J. pulk-d steadily away lie Kiley, against the American Princeton. Having defeated each 2-S-41 Fee> Flynn for t)w hunter and jumper classes IIIII :i4 _ :-.£ i-n-tt 1MI.|XI e '-• a nine nil tie. In the second period H.-IJHT SALE ENDS Bill Smith's Royals doubled their 411-yard freestyle-—.. Fred Wnr- Riding and Driving Club include, LfWl-- tl,i. so.-i.nd game the Tigers. flfld. f\".-Fl.; •:. Ken \V..iH». TV.: 3. SALE first period scoring mark and Art llrliidlfnierr, W. Time—0.20 0. Wilber Keegan, Mountainside, vice sn; M4 SUNDAY 10 P.M. f$ for this Kame by Liirry O * unnor K..4 pulled into a half time lead of IO0-yard fr<-i'»lyte—1. Kon Weiss, president. 7 73 SOU CONTINUED ',.r, took the Pirates, 31-19, \V : '!. «ob OUuniber*. "\V*;K'.; 8. K.' s 27-17. They widened their margin Steve l'1alii-r, \V. Time--fl:.".V.^ e]> their title hopes open. The kwlly .'..'. 1.1111 77) W« or* still c*M»r«tiftf IHiO.ytmt frc-ftiuyl*'—1. Hill !lam>y( Hi. JIIIIII FREE PARKING nlu.iilayi-i d steady ball and led in the final two stanzas to finally win the game, 52-37. Dick Ilunton \v.-«i.: 2. Bill ICIcoinc. \V(•«(.. S. John tha o|Mnin0 *f our Cab iirh• ' t and'10 points at ijiw, w Tim.'—:.\f.H Birds Leaders AT ALL STORES nlo Stor* and bccaUM •# Eric Sehle- of the Nats was the high man of WU-ynnJ frpvtityltyl* —II. V(Vl:irl k Ky- UulMlt-« qtiartrr marks. ;titi. \V><|.: liiil B W 3 the game with 212 points while Jim liiil BruwPr, W I.; S. 11111 '<"• th« tr*m*nd«ui «wy» r was llif .scoring? leader with N.-il salklml. W. Tlini' m Smith led the Royal attack with lOO-yurd luitlfi-riy—1. Jim tarn* to our fin* 4m\tf oints i Kddie Down, in his 1.1 n- On Losing Side OfIN 17. Tom Ciowley was third high i-oln, W«H1.; -J. T..J Oounetl, w.-m.; product*, w« will CH- ami- of the season after sit- 3. Hull .Slolii, W. Time--1:04.2 'TU 10 fM. out *is with "n injury, con- man with nine while Hick White- 100-yil'il li»l'kalr«kr-.|. Hill Smith Spreads tlnu* our oponlny rfff Wrlas, U'cKt.. i. Bob Heii«i>n. W.: lost 2-1 matches Tuesday morn- Matinee Lead i maintuincd their pace with The third place Celtics, coached 3. BIUCP V.linniprmali, West. Time ing. Riess, one of two sweep win- .14 victory over Harry Crlss' by John Wall, took on the Nation- —1:10.6 ners, moved into a tie for run- ICO-yiirU indlviiJual luedlpy—t. Smith, a two game winner, em. The luilftirne score was al League leaders, Larry Inkster'a nerup position. The other 3-0 win- I>I>IIK lEukel^y, Went.; X. Muliny Xu- spread its lead in the Matinee but the Lions got their of- Warriors, in the fourth game of riin, \V.; 3. l-fllot Ilorruiati, \V. Time ner was Fedorocko. clickinit in the second half the day at Jefferson School. In the Bowling League lest week, when itiO-yind niiidles' rt-lny—1 W- W I. w up the game. Seven players l'flcraon 4i second pluce Teasitore dropped u fjrBt period the Celtics kept within iMoRlc, oIliiMon, .Sli-in, Oi liidllliget). si Tinii' -l:Hti.O. /[muit-rllum 41 pair. ifleori'd in (lie Lions' scoring, range of the Warriors but fell be- Kl,.»n 41 si UO-yiii-y J rrvrntylly i r»l.iy —I. Westt. a:1 W I. Cult man. McNamara, and hind at the midpoint 35-23. The L'«rll. Mi-Chiy 40 I Ifaittry, Dial liber*. k';tnn 'i~ Sill Illl 4 3V4 11! Vi ,-cros:- leudinjr. Warriors broke the game wide TIliU'—I :!.!.>. TTll HT'i :8H FARM STORES, me l'ptluroi'k o SU tt junior division race is down open in the final half and went on W'tlfliliall 34 Pnyno V three team affair with the to set a new senior division scor- Hall .13 an SCOTCH PLAINS, 411 PARK AVENUE Mwv.r !«*i « SV4 . s rated only an outside ing mark to win the game 86-37. StwlrUIn Bl M Junior Exchange Soullielluii 2SV4 COLONIA: 1197 St. O^rg* Av«. Of'8 Hava»taiiu 80 36 ife. The Lions and the Bull- Gordon Peterson led the Warrior Nor r»ti ler 63* 5? cue Orlli'DU 30 US will meet in two weeks in attack with a 42 point splurge UttlfiieM 2S 37 LAMPERT'S FLAVOR Of THf MONTH STRICTLY MESH could prove to be the de- while Rick Oliver was second man Knotted at Top Cuii UBSol i!8 38 with 14. Pat Davies, Bruce Black- 6t,.'» PROM NEARBY N. J. FARMS e game fur the championship. 1)11 027 the American League of themore, and Brian Schneider were Ml GOU A two name win by Area and 67S GRADE "A" ,r division, the KoyalB need also instrumental in the Warrior i:«a GOG Closer Race In twu game loss by Shopper re sin 511 CHERRY one more victory to clinch victory. Jeff Jones headed up the G93 suited in a tie between the two LARGE WHITE championship, -while the Nats Celtics' scoring with 14 points fol- au lowed by Tom Byrne with nine. for first place in the Junior Ex- Mixed Deck Knicks—who are tied for sec- change Bowling1 League Saturday. place can only hope, the No sooner had the noise of theThero was only one sweep, County Tight Race In ICE CREAM I.pudinj.' Aoos dropped two :elj pull the upset of theyeor Warrior-Celtic (came died down, Printing over DeMarco. lis Saturday's action, when Bill Taylor's Pistons went irames to the serum) plneo Duwes EGGS the National League, the quickly to work and proceeded to Merchants Loop in the Sunday Nite Mixed Dock C New Tiors need two more wins to erase the Warriors' scoring mark Ari-n (^orn .. 41 pin loop thi« week. The lust plnofl Half .. :t» treys scored a new team hitrh of up the pennant. The Pistons with an 87-28 win over the Stags. 'it' A. lfo|if . .111! After last week's notion. Maple Gal. 3Doz. the only club In contention The Pistons' attack was spear- llrr Klei-lrli' 1 1 30 31 714. Nilllonul Hniik ... .. 3)1™ 31 Crest now leads Peterson's by a Tony TTuljoi- of the Sixns rnllml Carton hoping that the Bullets headed by Bob Stanton and Jim X. :H 3.'l 1.49 Viilnii iV rrlntlu half (fame in tho Merchant's keep the race open for them Minno with 23 and 22 points (liilili-il llavvti Dal i-y 2H .'IK a 211 name. All Oth»79r 61 Flavpn, 89c May fall- Tnlluru . 42 League. Maple Crest defeated 1 Doz. Carton 55c win Saturday over the apiece while Kill Anderson assist* v w i. A maratchlno charry troat . . . I'Yank 0<"Muri o . 1. IB 47 Ray's Auto two games, and in Afi-n 4;i 17 ed with lfl. Hud Handza led the 1 TiorR. I'nloil I'O l'rintiiiir 7r.n 772 74 £ Peterson's match, they were only lli'in-cs; 411 Si . root chtrrlal, whole and half, jr.MOD mi ISION Stags with 18 points. Roger I'm nk Di'Marro 731 7 Sli 7'jr. 7:17 830 bltnd«d In rich, tntamy lea craam Swlfft Hickory Smoked XV I. Evans' Stags were handicapped in W.'Htl'H'lil Sholilirr . ?<2 able to win a half game. ]'MVI-» tillili.gs 7 0 'iol't.'n liau'n liairy. 731 . ^fl V. ^4 Vf. chock full of frath dairy their efforts to control the Pisli-. A. ll"|ie TliS 752 7 (it In other action Elizabeth Jour- tons' attack by the loss of their Nnti.'llnl Hunk -cs 7H 817 nal and Chapman both swept, and V.mrM .1111111111111 ?!> Il7 * . . . you'll lova It. BACON 2, ,87c On- Kli'itrli- 7»cl S12 7fil b center, Kenny Kusso, who haAn-s R (''orii 7r.n K2:i 7IIS Auster's was a two game winner 1111111 87 ' j» 72X 737 over Westfield Cleaners. Jerry been their big man off the back- Muyfnlr Tallm-B 7 T.I ta 4» Dairy Fraah boards. lolm Fi:uik» 704 811 780 Tennoson led tho scorers with a MAINE POTATOES 10 ,„. 39c 201, 213 and a 584 Bet. Other Vltmln "t>" Enrlchtd This Saturday the junior divi- highs: T. Manna 223, F. Musano lliluK.-'. I 1 :•'" sion teams will make up tho games One Sweep In lampvrt M:\IIHI III\ IIHIN Leaders Sweep 21E, I). Hylaml 209, 213, E. Car- SUGAR 5.b.52c Awi-rl.- ii t.t-UKUe which were originally scheduled dilto 20(1. D. Dagostaro 205, M. Dairy MILK for Jan. 13 and the senior division Perry 201 and i. Wiggins 200. FabettePins NMi teams will have the day off. In Women's Rec •w 1. Orange « Grape DMNK O"I15C ^.,1, Save 26c a gal. undvrhoma Jt .Moll UIYISION 'Mnrilr- Cront Auto r.^'.iil '.'.'.'.'.'.'. \V I. f There was only onp sweep In delivered qucirlt and mo«t « 0 44% i!7i. . , From D»IUlou» VaUnelo Delleloui tow Calerl* D«tt«rt Zebrick and Caldwell, leader* ..l.-.J^riiiur SloveiiH . <0H SI 14 tho Fabetlo Lea«ue Friday wh other itorei by picking up Stttioanl Orangei of the Women's Rec Bowling 4(1 :ri Cloiiients took four points from your milk at Lgmpert Dairy Warriors KHill. League, won their matches last niiapnmn llroH. Wright's Dress Shop. I'itt.ins I'lrol week, Zcbrick taking- KuRmann AUHtOI-'f* . ICE MILK and Farm Stores, Inc. ;un i Itny'n Auto 3'.' 41 Orange Juice Sati and Caliiwell blanking Kuch. Tiiwn Ili-ll ;i 1 4 ] 3 (1 4 'J 71 nla !II1K. INllllln Wi-ntlW-M Cleiuii in 41; For the dlat cortMioui. Low Oal, $1O2* IMriiH s vs. TiKi-iH. li>;Ui .m MPlni'lien lU'f, H*f nrilu> * Schedule w J* r. i; 840 S" l-'lm l.lnuor S 4-1 Jug Jug I 1.lulls VH. riiils. .. . 1155 8S2 SS7 l-'l"i Dr-llenlm rli 4n ':>!H VB. ltn.-li tw. 10:30 fll.ril. Aiiicrli-iiti t.e fulilwiill .. 4 KM sr.r, t-Mllli HntB 'i"ii» vs. i fltli-.s. l 2 a.m. FitHtf r 4.' 47 Mr-lui-hiMl Iti-i- •plus deposit pfoUln. 32c „ "plus depoilt 44 II! 8flK HTil! I BLDG. CONTRACTING • REPAIRS *»l's Bulldogs holding on toWeatfieltl, Summit ".league lead. Harold Tltts- Provident took two Ramc3 from -MODERNIZING GtTTING ENOUGH IIIIPAIIIf), nltemtlon". addition! s Lions remained in conten- Share Y Loop Lead Cross County, Hliwise two from Sweethearts sweep In the Ball • LEGAL NOTICES • HOT WATER? otHlrt), tlormerii, poroliee, rocre&tloi and Chnin pin loon last week p-nve anil attic rixiinu. l-Jxiinrtly done b] «ne game behind, as they N'illage Fountain nnrl Bnyberry ~ KTATR OK »RVf .IKH1KY flpectaliglng In the removal of llm«- lSdnnnl Lluitlrk. Call Kltldgii 6-HFQ '•i«ithe day with a 33-11 win Westfield and Summit YMCA them the runnerup spot behind lAIIPF.NTIlV Jot>>: Attlo roomi, oloi- scnle from hot water colle. W« rent I.-6-I two from Rau in the Boro Wom- lltnnrlrnrnf of Hti»(.' ItH, porch«n, csllln?«, baiam*nt 'the Raiders. After n slow 4-3 teams have been declared co- Darlings, who turned In their sec- CKHTIKICATI5 O»' IIIMSOI.I'TIOV And »6ll wst«r ft en's Bowlinp last week. Rnu still To nil to whom th^np iirp.MoiitK may liorns, 28« LIHBSCALE REMOVAL IBHVICH UPHOISTERY maintains their 8V4-*rame lead ^onif, nrcftlnir: B-E-tf AI) 3-49WI ';', the Lions blew the grume CA Swimming League after West- over Cross County .-while Bliwise, e-nmn lend. Otto Niphruefre'a 210 VTIIEHKAS, It nppi'nrn to inv a.it- S-t-tf FURNITURE REPAIRS '»in the third period when they field subdued Summit, 97-85, at and Frnnk Krisantis' 202 were the Infncllnn liv ilnlvnulhcntlonli.il r<-"- DON MAXWELL Provident and Bayberry are all onl of tlie l» r(if'Mllrn.'ji Tor tint IIOOFINO—OUTTEIIS—I.KAIIEn«— "«'ed their opponents, 11-1. the Westfield YMCA last week. very close. High gome wns a 210hiph scores. vdhintnry rllB^^.lul Ion ihfTfot. liv Immptllnte ncrvlco on leutce and re- AIPIIALT AD 2-0226 Uon's scoring; was spread w 1. the cnnR^nt «f nil ttao incmhi'rH Ilicn palrR. (Milmnoya clpnninl, $10 per BENJ. CALDORA »-s-tt Both teams completed the sen-by Cnrol Gahriel. Jenn Ott had a nrment. tlmt JIOUN'TATVBT1W VVK- Hue. Outti-i-H cl^anGd. uvtiraBe hou«« >? seven players, with Tony 201. Jackie Nuernberger had high Tlnrlinira 41 ?s 1,11" UnjlAllV ASKOflATION. n MAMON — pi/Arran. son with records of nine wins and 58. CEMKMT WORK man's ci(-rht points leading the series, 48-1. onriiornt Ion of tliln stiiti-, lifi« i-nm- IIKCFtllFT AM) (OKI HOMIO one setback. Highlighting West- i.nml.lklna 37 3? nllril wltti nil tin- rf/iulronicTitfl f»f KD 8-11014 JebblDK viert repalrii anil conntructlon. field's conquest was a 0:51.9, 100- I, Title Ui, Cni-iiornlk.ns nnil Annn^ln- mo n«hw«f IT*., wmi.id. N. J. cnriientry, mnaonry, elTtrlral acf Itau Qunllty M*>.-its. ti.MIS Nr.t f.,r Prdllt. T^nvfHy, no irenraiv CBHTIKV, timt Poi-Phr*—I'nllow.—rtnrnKf*—"n^nlk» M of miintin rvlitilrn. Wutorprouf- T Wective under the back- the Hnlil orjrpnrfiilcn illtl. 'in tlif •07 «n,lih IMnlnn Afr., Wt«t«fld. hj. 5-6-tf IK i-elhim. ^clf uin|ilayeil, Itifllired. Leaders Hold Thirtieth illiv cif Jnnlinry, A.H.. 100^ Allnnta 2-4000 AD 3-2»37. 2-lC.tf '"•<• Tom llvuwn. Eric Schle- OFF RUXX1XC by John I. Day 1 flip In my office a duly rxr-iilr.t linrf «-4-tf *"und Kon Keller each scored nttfRtoil ronHfrit In wrltlnc to tlic TRENCHING fllHsolullon of mill O'lrporii Hon. FOOTINO ••"• Mike Judge's H r Washday Places whlrh HaM eoriK^iit .'mil Ihe record s . evt-n field goals, led of the p rnrci-ilIfKrH iif^irfsnld. nr« JOIINtON I W. O. HEBIER now nn Illp In iny Rnl'l ofTIrn nit .'•"speii's I'iratcs. f MulldlnK OoillmctlirK AD 2-1U3 • MOVING AND Ellsworth nnd Beech, first and |ir >^'l(l'-'l *'V Inw. GriAiiiNr; t Way With The Ladies IN TKPTfMONY WHKRFOF. T |w final Kame of tnp junj01. \ llprnt lonn, oom nlote homo Improve- 7-27-tf 0". thi- Uulldotrs jumped oft second place teams in the Wash- hnve ju-riMitito Kft mv hnml nnd nf- inrntH. Iliipin*rn, porehen. Rarnpen, GENERAL TRUCKING llic lead before Joe Wade day Bowlinjr. League, held thelr IhlH Thirtieth Mnv fif Jnnimry, A.D., K^oitn^-. ^iittiTn, loadcrn. Aluminum LEROr H. DIGGS 1II-NHV I-. TnWMIKWn f ld poRitions Monday coming through Nlnftccn liini'lrc.l no/1 vlntv-ln-fi. *torm unil Burt-en comblnatlotlH. , „ ° . if'>al for the Leopards. with 2-1 wins. Mistretta held third ROUKHT 3. UtiHKIIAUHT, DINMCIl A PARTIEg 8EHVKI) ALLIED VAN IINES ;, otiidops Wt.nt „„ to an 18.6 place, despite the loss of two Sf;r-rr-lary nf s'tiito link tllck CUI'KTAII. I'AHTIISH 241 NORTH AVIS. «U 1^404 " *e first quarter, and al- (PRAI,) PI 7-73)14 I.IOIIT CATKIUNO TO CI 1.8-41 Vi>r-n S^l>.24 H-s-tr S-6-U "'he r.ei,p:lrds held them RHKltiri'-S SAI.K-Sillii-rlnr Court major T*>ur aonipQlir —• «f ^rlll •J •" ,lluri"(.' the second and Kll»»vnrth nr.Ww .Ii-rsi-v, ''lianri-ry 1 >lvh-lf'ii. DprTp yuur party. 11(11,MAN A CO. MOVINO * STOIU r l!r-t-,-li r.r, A(1IC. Now InaiJInK houdehfitd ffoodl ;". r-'tio.is. thl. nul|(ioRS wrnp. Mlslrctta ,MtHO\V SAVINllS A Nil LOAN AS- ROOFING & SIDING Hltl Kvert. A»r. 70S Jrruanlrm Kit. to nil Ai Rtaten nnil Canada, spealal- ul> ") thi- lust period with j I 4'.' Si M ' I ATIf)N, n Ni-^v .l'-ij»'-.v rfiri)ur:i- \V»I, P.O. lli.i 25T go. PI., N. J. UlnK In Now Kncrlaml, Florida, anil 1.1 tlon. f'lnlnllir. v«. .Kifl.V Mn'AI'l.RV CONTRACTOR AO 2-0973 Callfnrnhi nlilpinentfi. Hnms van ta |». Their 50 points was a l^MIH.x i-l :il. ri>'fi'ii'1atiln. civil Ac-tl..:' Writ Itonftnir. Hldlnp, Quttera, I.'aderi ilentluntlun. Let us otlmate youl Hoof Ilop'ilr«. Jobs c^vorftd by In- 11-lB-tf ni'it riiuvo. United Van Uncii, AD he j-i. j|, j i (]|. H-k:inlt -. of Kxr-niilon—Fur S:ilc oT Murt- ar tn c un or Wulk<.r . . m rnncr-. H-IOJI i-l.tl 1 lynn wos high for Sh.'iplor . . }'.y virtu*, uf tin. iilii.Vf-Htntril writ r m|. ft. r>rlv«- v Umks track?, anioiis them Pimlico i-t-tr Orndualr l- <»rrMlrr irv'crl broke into the ond Thursday in October, for- £>". 1 f. i; rnlnii. Iti llii- Hint.- or N'.-w .Ii-rkoy: wny Si'nllilK. Anplmlt Pnvlnir. White «'» Jer^f-r C<-rtin TOunir, with a 54-40 de- ever." When last heard of it jrihi'ily nl.li- of Nonh Av<-nu<- ill."- ROOFING Complnto ln»uratica Ouverase lni1 nices in which the girls ride. INriCSTIilAI. ''ONTIlAOTOns for FA 11-45-IU »ls "" Rockets. The These, however, arc not part had been run for the 289th Joe HoWs Big l.'int r.riO.IL' f«-i-t u-i-cli-rlv nloriL* III'- ^'ll IMll , R rlrd s ro Hi- from t Itr- Illt'-rm'-Mlon lli.^rl-'if ShitloiiH, AlrportH. Hun TrrmlnaU. l-5-tt • naa,/!" ?'.' ' "K in the of the regular proftram and time. A few years back, in its with th>- wiMcrly KM]I> uf '.'lurk . . — Slat* »«fl T1U roof Ken Bnrbo'ur 271th renewal, the only male AH :-llOi;, Mounlulnalik-, N. J. repairing. Ltadtra «nd Kutteri. i»w \h? rr.ee itself in a sprint for Smart Set Lead riT-t If lu.fli Klili-M W.TI. nrnjl-l'tt'll 1-lS-tf ind r°p*lr«i). W. Sohuticrt. AD a- U j'.aMc ponies, with no betting. jockey demonstrated rcmark- no hiti-i-"*-'-! finii running Ift4t; flprmffflum Av^nui. MoURtaln- BURGDORFF TREE SERVICE •"•5 TThe P3^1 l° PU" ahea mln- rkctJ A more "revolutionary" track •Joes held their nine and a half verb. - coached by trouble. He finished last. ul.n WLSI r.i.lf. fpi-t; N.J. (Vrltnrd 'Prff Rxprrl r helil is Emilard'j Newmarket (Tame lead in the Smart Set pin IIH-IH-I- r'Ji .Vorlli 3" il'-itrr"II 01 tini COMPLETE TREE SERVICE ^rJ'?": 'heir own whcie, in the Newmarket Charles II was of course riot liillfi WPMI 17.411 fi*.(; liu:. i-'-rnilrn. t;(,,.fl;ill2l nir In llnmilmj U" Knmc but could the first British monarch to session Monday. Rchaeffer is in thr-tiri- 1.1) Smilh J,^ ilf i;n ** aniitli 5 ilccri'c IT. tnln- Painting — Decorating B ladles with si hnnkerinc for «•« I^nM nr,. 1S fi-ct tu tin- tiiirtlii-rly "b Smtill had racc-ridinK are allowed to com- Heath has been a favorite rac- game, 6J1 nnd Joes hijjh set, 1775. ili- of N'ortli A vi'n nr; Exterior Interior pete with the men. The liberal in? ground since the days of Illllie Ninress with a 187 frame nnd tll**tT-l- (fi) nUfllK ttlf' Pc'IfT!" S*l|Hl| ^ l Richard II in the late 14th ticrfr-* 4r. nilniili-o I-.JISI r.D 17 • LANDSCAPING L J. OHEEHAN lo-^cd " 1-1 points, close- ami brnve "racing secretary" Lil Niebrupue with a 507 series, «, f . ' moved . .. .17 TUpr« In ilun ;iii|iri'3ilrn(it< h- J14,- M) 3-I1KO tD Z-fWTI Inif Kxp^rt worltmniiHlilij. For In . iiriti.uii AD 3-iua «, and .17 i.-i lntlKn wl'li lnlirrpt fr.Hn .Tnrjiuiry JIM IOVELAND U-lt-U In nrilini,' the "conditions" for the rcik'n of James 1, King of Ilnlrhfnnl Pom 3714 If.. l)t: nnil or.Kt!". for Scotland »nd Enplnnd. The McilCf-:1'" /Jar*l Tin- fshr-rlrr roservfs «1io rlKlit In P thi-i race in lmifi Merry Kins IJnnrn flila mli-. dver f'hailc? prnvidfd that it was romiilnint was that he spent Jnn Hnlrclrcniii- 43 KXTKIIIon pnliHlne nt a titte SNOW PLOWING 'I" I.-e ritl for yearly, the sec- too much time nt Newmarket. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS prlcsopho- ' gn. Jo«|A T. H»ara*i Girl Scout Troop 546; 7:15 p.m.. teacher Miss Anna Nichols. ! BARON'S • tore.fttir.tf information in two areas : n ore class of We*tfield High School K*T. J>nu> O. Col* Boy Scout Troop 71; 8 p.m., lon$ of foremost importance to the ; Gregory Chlan had the distinc- i wit* recently held in the school au- Miatcton: range planning committee. t:on of being Edison's Citizen of I d.torium. After a short business iyour.jr chiid—health and f : t!le Mo th for Sunday: 8:80, 10 «nd 11:30 Tuesday: }0 a.m., calling com- | Th(.jr ffUC,.t, v...,re l)T j,a,.t,.,j Was. " F«bru«ry. GriE nert:iifr. President Steve Alwood tun., worship services. Dr. Fred- miUee; 10:30 a.m.. women's pray- i serma)| and Voii(.v offi(.tr Wj,,ism , has excelled in school activities bs, | introduced a special program en- : ; lv hl tlme a erick E. Christian will preach on er yroup; 5:30 p.m., Ann Juuson | Mut)] ,;r WB^s<,rnlan strc^wi the *f ''">-' * "d every effort to ] titled "Atomic Time Capsule" star- ti* subject "Ageless Choices." Dr. GuiW at the lion* of Mr». Harrj- ne(.eftS|tv. of .^ ^^ haWts student affairs. He is chief of the , ring members of the class. Mlso n Cor s a George W, Volkel will be at the Hooper, 719 Westfield avenue; j ooff (cleanliness.Iran',in(.ss., exDexplainediain,.d th.tht*- uuu/^ec ooff ;. P ' member of tht John Sheffey and Michael Cowles • ozgan and "the senior high choir 7:30 p.m., music committee; H p.m. baskftt,al] and baseball teams and portrayed scientists of the future I familiar medical instruments and je Student Government who had discovered & time capsule of Haddonfleld, will join with the children'< building. . hearing their classmates' hearts j Association, from an excavation. The capsule W«*tjaln»ter choir of the Westfield Wednesday: 9:30 m., 6tudy with h? gtethos^pe. officer Muth | The Bnnual drive for the benefibenefitt j dated 1M2 contained such momen- Chwteh in singing three numbers group; women'' bell choir; 3:30 reviewed with the children the ! Children's Country Home re-1 tos of the sophomore class as Hi's JPauI Lefever direct* the Haddon- p.m., Rogers Williams choir; 8 a B Ver 1 hundr e rules "o( the 1-2-3-Co Club for pc- i '"l}^ '" £'"?* * * . ^ ' Eye issues, class meeting minutes cfcrfr MU) Marilyn j. Herr- p.m.. Ash Wednesday service in the destrian safety, explained traffic j dollars from bdison students, with and pictures of various activities. tbe Westminster choir. sanctuary. si*ns and other rules of traffic 1aom* class*s showing 100 per cent The scientists look back through a Reg. $1.50 Jj»O, 10 and 11 :S0 a.m., church REDEEMER LUTHERAN safety and emphasized several oth- participation. special video machine and saw the school and church-hour nursery; CHURCH er ''musts" for personal safety. The recent fathers' visitation pictures come alive. 10 a-m., tie Elizabeth Norton LINCOLN day was attended by many inter- ADORN BiMst cia»», the men", triangle Tha R«T. Walter A. Rcuninf The first picture was a barber- Mr. Davl4 L. Yirrinfton, Vicar Students in Mrs. Concetta Schal- ej/ted parents who sat in on classes shop quartet which sang "By the 88)1* data, senior department of les' fourth grade clasn were really and watched their children in ac- Mrs. Read Joins JAY ^ efciuch school. Pa»tor( Light" and "Daddy Cet Yuur Baby HAIR SPRAY fascinated one day -wsien Harold tion. Coffee wa6 served by the Out of Jail." A group of tfirls S jp.*>-, golden age club; 8 p.m., Comer Clark «treet and Cow- pertbwaite place, opposite Koose Perlmulter of Westfield explained hospitality committee of the PTA sang "Ay, Ay, Ay" and the Mexi- ifiem young adult group. the workings of the human heart. under the chairmanship of Mrs. Betz, Realtor can Hat Dance was demonstrated T«4a/: 9:30 a.m., circle of velt Junior High School. Week-end guests In our community receive a The students were working- on a S. L. Burnely. by students representing the vari- pr*>cr, chapel; 10 a.m., adminis- Mrs. 0. H. Read of 219 (iolf 98c unit about the human body and had ous language clubi. Jackie Sully trative board, woman's associa- special welcome in the worship hours. asked Mr. Perlmutter to assittt edge has become associated in the did a skit portraying the imp Elo- tion; 1 p.m., missionary education them. Mr. Perlmutter brought in sale of real estate with the firm of ice and Mark Brumbaugh was per- Rag. 59c Iwjiw, .8:46 p.m., junior choir; Today: 7:30 p.m.. office appoint- CP Children Aided Elsie BeU, Inc. of 202 Mountain ments; 7:30 p.m., Luther choir re- the heart of a steer and showed plexed as he tried to follow the 1p.m., UPM »upp«r, assembly hall; the children the various parts of avenue. routine of a modern dance class. t?80 pot., enuaden dob; 8 p.m., 1; 8 p.m., adult membership the he* •Mrs. Read is active in Westfield A girls sports class left their NYLON Wmry department staff; chancel gTOUp. By Play Lady conmiunity affairs, particularly in Tomorrow: 8:30 p.m., junior worked. hockey, basketball, marching and COLUMBUS the field of recreation and church gymnastics to do the "Twist" when Tomorrow: 3:16 ' p.m., young choir rehearsal; 8 p.m., alternate activities. At present she is recrea- TOOTH BRUSH A.t a recent assembly program Volunteers teacher, Sue Weston, left the room. peoples communicants class. meeting, "Sharing Ohrist" callers. tion chairman on the PTA board of presented by Miss Madeline Koeh- •Margaret Werner, Mary Werner .Saturday; 9 a.m., braas ensem- Saturday: 9 «.m., confirmation llooaevelt Junior Hiifh School and ler's first (Trade class, Columbus and Phyllis Doornbos then led fcja; 9*30 a.m., yoanj peoples com- chtBses; 7:30 p.m., Walther League The volunteer Play Lady pro- is servinjf as vice chairman of the School auditorium became a make- cheers and as the program ended mmlMtnta tlau; 10 a.m., canter- jamboree, BloomfleW High School. gram has been reorganized to as- PTA council recreutlon committee. believe jet which carried the audi- the president dismissed the meet- fcpqr bell rinrera. Sunday: 7:46, 10.-1B and 11:30 sist in an important phase of the She also represents the council of ence around the world in song and ing. MencUjr: 11:30 p.m., ungraded a.m., service*; 7:45 p.m.. Holy Children's Country Home hospital PTA« on the joint civic committee. dance. Before takeoff, commenta- cfcfMrenj 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop Communion; pastor to preach at program through its Cerebral Pal- For three years she was organist Kay Mueller C tor Kathryn Wilgus introduced a all cervices on "Our Responsibil- sy evaluation unit. Children ore for the Madison Avenue Chapel of WHS News Bureau 71 typical United States dance, the ity as Hearers of the Word." admitted for intensive therapy— the Presbyterian Church in West- CHALK TALK 'Tn«ao New Jersey residents from w fully to the strains of The Skut- janowsky and Rudolph Schmidt of Onstad used fluorescent chalk and C»t«r •rs Walt*. 1940 to 1950, living in Scotch bluck lighting to produce effect. Reg. 39c "7 pm Perry Kemplln will Mountainside; iMesdames K. iMil- Plains and Fnnwood. prweh. Sunday: 10:80 a.m., speaker, After a lonu flight to Jxpun, ler, K. Hanft nnd W. Billinghurat Audience participation was used 100 - 5-GRAIN Wednesday: 10 a.m.. Ladies Daniel Kanousc, a regular in um- Mfiureen McNally, John Dean, of Union; Mrs. R. L. Hughes of when letters of the ulphjibet called Bible class; Bible, class for pre- ber of the fellowship. His tuple, Simonetta Fabricntore anive been enriched by n Heju't Association. He spoke he- hijrh volume dealer salt^nian award fore the Unico Club of Springfield Open Every Sunday 9 to ei I us of jrucst speakers who pre- program, the ltnn announced to- SHRIMP COHUIL' I mf^ sented first-hand virw.s of their ex- on "Open Heart Surgery" at the day. Chanticler Restaurant. 9 ptiioticos in the world of biKtini's.-*, •Mr. Uolierts of :tfi C:intcrbu:y FILET I *3V 5 coninirrce and oilier areas. The The second prcgrani entitled MIGNONP lane received a 10(»- Chevrolet lin- "Know Your Heart" was presented most recent visitors wen: Abram l>nla, the award for the national Short, assistant poi-tmaster, who i to the Men's Club of the Sinai con- CRt«l CHiCSE ; A LA CARTE winners of tho const ruction ma- grcgat;on in Hillside. BtVintSE spuKe t« ft'vcnth KTiidc vJasses chinery sales program. The award ' -ubout connnunicutions and A5r,<. 6 P.M. i M. J MON. THRU SAT. . mis miiile to Mr. l!ol>crts nt n re- j LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY lo A Frotlerick Christ inn, wht»>e talk jeenl meetinirof Allis-Chalmcrs con- | wius entitled ''Travel." '\')ui speak- 1 i struction nnu-hinery orgaaization > ers I'liim by invi1ulii)n ftiiin iMrs. i at Harvey. 111. j JTilchvd Kui lard, social stiuiie.-* U'acher. , C<>»irr;itul:iti,»i;; to 11 :i r l> :i r :i j limiVllics Tour Plant Ziivk, winner of the aiimial «\v;iid ' How Well DRUG StORE,iHC for the outstanding eighth unidi" I l-'mn-teen irirl^ fi-oni Hrownic history pupil. After .1 Miies «f ] TI-IUJJI ijO-l of the Wii.-liingtim Rock prelimiiuiry eompi'iitions, ten liiml-j o»uiu-il. .-.pon.-.»red l>y the Moiin- Can Your Child Read? ists wvre srlfcte.l by a fueiilly ram- ! t:iiti.-iili- PTA, Unircil'the pliitit of OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE mittee n.id these slufl.-nts enniju-leil | l|,l. Hurry liisctiii (.'•>. in Klizalielhi Reading Difficulties Corrected In nil open ns-'.-iiil.ly del.atr to ilc- | Tlun>,|;,.v. During the vi,jt. wu-h i 243 E. BROAD ST. tormine the winn.-r. Diirliiira'.-- vie- I ,,f the girls was givi-ll siimples of i Special Attention to Individual Prohlems toi-y bluujiht her a history voluini-; ihe cm.kiei ni:td.> hy the coinpiiuy | ,and frtv ciifeleria luiii-h ;ickei> f,u- The girls iviie al-companii-1 by j PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS <