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THE WESTFIELD LEADER ran UBASoro AND MOST WIDILY •OOULATKD WUSLT KIWBPOBB » onion OOUVTT Pun rY-SECOND YEAR—No. 27 at Wt»tneld. N, J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1962 Bvcry Thurmlay 10 C—U Fi/e Announce 1962 Fund Appeal Protestants Everywhere To Unite Councilmen Move Town Yard Of Rescue Squad Speedily Through Imary Candidacies Is Underway For 76th World Day Of Prayer Routine Agenda Foes Spur Westfield Municipal Democratic Committee today announced PROCLAMATION derick S. Cowles will be a candidate for the Democratic Park Aim lion for mayor and John D. Fife will seek the nomination Increased Costs Cited j Wb«rc*i on Friday, M»rch No Public Questions Incilman from the Fourth Ward in the April 17 primary. As Volunteer Group , B, 1*62, Prot»«Unti around Raised From Floor Vies livea at 6 Plymouth road. He and his wife are the parents tfea world will obavrve tfa« Association's Survey [children: Peter, 26, and Enlists Public Aid | 76th inniverury of "World During Session I, are graduates of WestW - Seekt Mayoralty Day of Prayer," and; Of Children Planned School; Michael, 16, is During the month of March the' Whereat tkia obaervanc*, in In contrast to several recent To Show Play Needs Kg Westfield High School, Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad ] over 22,000 cAivmunUiea in Town Council meetings Tuesday 16, is a pupil at Lincoln will conduct its 1962 fund drive. I [ tbit country and in 144 for- night's session in the council cham- land Jonathan, 4. At a recent meeting of the Heading an aggressive force of' cifB landi, should remind ui bers was completed in less than an North Scotch Plains Avenue Asso- aduate in chemical engi- squad members and several non-' all of our rtlifloui obligation) hour before a number of residents ciation, Charles Morrison, prvst- from Pratt Institute, member volunteers is Jack P. in prayer. in the audience. dent, announced the formation of .., Mr. Cowles is director Thomas, vice president Co-ordi- Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. and n nating the publicity and public re- Now, t Kern fora, I, Burr A. a committee to conduct « survey ity control for E. R. Squibb Towl Jr., mayor of th* Town full council complement moved of the number of children resid- ns. lations for the fund drive will be quickly through nn agenda cover- Norman F. Bendel. of Wtitfidd, do hereby de- ing in the aren surrounding the [Cowles has been active in clare Friday, March 9, *> ing routine matters and though proposed site of the Westneld Jest field Boys Basketball In discussing tho drive Mr. "World Day of Prayer" in those present were Invited to bring Town Yard. I, the Westfield Boys Base- Thomas said, "The costs of main- Waitnild and do hereby ur(e up any matter for public discus- The Association in opposed to psgue, the United Fund, taining the squad equipment, op- all Wedfield reiidenlt to p«r- sion none spoke. location of the yard In Its neigh- Health Association, and erating expenses and replacement ticipate actively or in private Present in the audience were a borhood and Is proposing a park in Inuniasion on Social Rela- of supplies are higher than ever, in thia observance. number of persons who had at-its pluce. Mr. Mormon stated "We ' the Methodist Church. thus the current fund drive ia of tended previous council sessions to feel that a survey will not only Fife lives at 243 Hazel ave- utmost importance to us if we are voice their protests on the pro-point out the number of children to continue the squad's activities. I his wife, Alice, and their REV. LETTY M. RUSSELL Three Services Planned YONG OK KIM posed Town Yard site nnd the sug- who now have no park facilities [children, John, Margaret The need for funds to meet these gested duBing of a portion of Pior- which they sorely need but will ktherine. costs is great and the squad needs 8on Btreet to provide an expanded also underscore the fact that large the help of everyone." By Cliurehwoinen •is a graduate of Friends Speaker Friday Speaker Thursday play «rea for McKinley School pu- nvmhers of children will bo sub- Iry in New York City, Hav- The rescue squad offers continunl Afternoon, March 9 In Westfield Area Evening, March 8 pils, Both of these matters are jected to hazurdit of henvy traffic |- College, Haverford, Pa., round-the-clock preparedness, under further study by the mayor should A Town Yard be located In and council and no additional offi- our urea," ! Foreign Service Institute, trained and adequately equipped The Rev. Letty M. Kussell, Mrs. Robert W. Haase, general Young Ok Kim, a PhD candi- fcgton, D.C. A former For- personnel and serves us an impor. chairman of the World Day of cial discussion on the matter was Mr. Morrison added he feels RODERICK S. COWLES daughter of Mrs. Rickctson B. date at the graduate school, Drew scheduled Tuuactay night. fervice officer, he served sev- tant adjunct to the Police ami Russell of Westfield, will bo thePrayer, in urging Westfield resi- University, will bo the guest that Town Council's recent decla- jears at the American Em- Fire Departments of Westfield. The dents to attend one or more of Councilman Samuel Klnnoy Jr. ration of a two-week moratorium Council Aspirant guest speaker for the 1:30 after- speaker for an evening observance injected the only variance from the [in Tehran, Iran. He Is now Rescue -Squad is Teady nt a mo-noon service of the World Day of the services March 8 and 0 said, of the World Day of Prayer, sched- on further action toward locating engineer with the Conti- ment's notice to meet any emer- "There is no better way for peo-uled for 8 p.m. next Thursday at routine of motions on resolutions the yard In the North Scotch Diamond Fibre Corp., a gency or disaster with its service- Prayer, Friday, March 9 at the ple to respond to a feeling of and votes when he quostloned tho Plains Hvcmio area is "encourag- Congregational Church. Mlas Rus- the Congregational Church. practice of awarding u road mate- iary of the Budd Co. minded volunteers headed by Wen- Christian unity thun to come to- Dccuuso It is sponsored by ng." dell Binkley, aquad president and sell has been associated with the gether In prayer." rials bid for u price flvo cents high- [ Fife has been active in the United Church Women, Die World r tbBn •another after the.y had "However," Mr. Morrison I Fund, the PTA of McKIn- (Continued on page 2) K»Bt Harlem Protestant Parish, a Believing that in today's world Day of I'rnycr has primarily been stated, "a moratorium Is not a group ministry, for the past three boon rend off by Joy Vi'vclaiul, act- ihool, the Westfleld Jayceea, youth's prayers should be joined offered ns a special Rervlcn for ing town clerk. ;hnnge of mind. Apparently, no as served as Democratic and a half years and In conjunc- with their parents' prayers on this Christian women till over the lecialon lias been reached aa yet. Ward chairman. Revaluation Team tion with this association serves as day, United Church Women, un- world to unite in a bond of prayer (Continued on page 2) Considering tho character of a pastor for the Ascension Presby- der the direction of Mrs. Louis and spiritual fellowship, ltccent Town Yard—that of an essenti- On North Side terian Church of East Harlem. Quad, are introducing a special years have shown an increase in ally industrial type operation— ing GOP Elect, A graduate of Wellesley, the service for junior and senior high attendance by men, und lout year's Gift Service Rite and the hazards It would create youthful Rev. Russell received a youths. It will be in tlin form of a evening service was planned for for our children, it is unthinkable Representatives of Associated Bachelor of Divinity degree Bum- brief morning watch beginning them as well HS for working wom- Speaker Is Named that the Town Council would per- ior Sen. Crane Surveys, the professional appraisal ma cum lnude from Harvard Di- promptly at 7:30 a.m., Fridny, en. This year, n highly recom- sist in its present plan. firm doing Westflcld's revaluation, vinity School in June of 1968. The March fl, at the Presbyterian mended young Korean professor "We are not only opposed to will be working in the following Knst Harlem Protestant parish, Church nnd will have ns HB theme: of New Testament will bring a By Churchwomen locution of thu yard in our neigh- invention areas during this week and next: which ahc nerved as director of "Lord, teach us to pray." Youths message of vital interest to nil at- borhood but wo also feel that no Walnut street. Orchard street, Elm Christian education beforo enter- from scverul Wcstneld churches tending the evening service Thurs- residential 'A' neighbor- .of the Union County street, Mountain avenue, North ing divinity school, serves one ofare planning the service, which day. Couples from pnrticipating The Rev. Nuncy B. Porsberg of hood should underKo desecration Euclid avenue, Harrison avenue, the world's most densely popu- will consist of Rn organ meditation churches will usher. Maplewood will be tine upeukcr at for thia purpose. If the plan goon Republicans Saturday paid the Women's Gift Service of Ded- . to State Sen. Robert C. Stanley oval, Maplo street, Maye lated areas. In its over-all pro- by Dr. George W. Volkel, a wel- Mr.