CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. AJEET JAISWAL Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Central University of Tamil Nadu Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu- 610 005 (M) : 09791201427 (What’sapp); 8122594335, E-mail-
[email protected] EDUCATION Ph. D. Delhi University 2009 Anthropology Title: Health Conditions of Textile Workers of District Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. M.Sc. Delhi University 2003 Ist Div. Anthropology B.Sc. Delhi University 2001 Ist Div. Group B (Sericulture) PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2nd June 2020: Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Central University of Tamil Nadu. 17 August 2010 to 1st June 2020: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Pondicherry University 2009-2010: Sr. Research Executive, CS Datamation Research Services Pvt. Ltd., Delhi Prepared Annual Progress Report (2008-09), Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, both Financial and Physical Performance of all the Programmes (NREGA, PMGSY, SGSY, IAY, DRDA-admin, DDP, DPAP, IWDP, ARWSP & TSC. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1. Ph.D. (2003-2008) Title: Health Conditions of Textile Workers of Dist. Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. The Doctorate work involved studying various aspects of the Health Sector, i.e., Demographic, Anthropometric, Nutritional, and Physiological Parameters. 2. Thesis Dissertation (2002-2003) a part of the Master’s program in Anthropology Title: A study of taste sensitivity of Phenylthiocarbamide and colour blindness among the Jats community of Dist. Rohtak, Haryana. Supervising Ph.D., M.Phil,