On Sunday, January 5, 2020 We Commemorate: Sunday Before Epiphany
On Sunday, January 5, 2020 we commemorate: Sunday before Epiphany Eve of the Theophany of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theonas Righteous Syncletike of Alexandria Ἀπολυτίκιον Ἀναστάσιµον Resurrectional Apolytikion When the women Disciples of the Lord had Τὸ φαιδρὸν τῆς Ἀναστάσεως κήρυγµα, ἐκ τοῦ learned from the Angel the joyful message of the Ἀγγέλου µαθοῦσαι αἱ τοῦ Κυρίου Μαθήτριαι, καὶ τὴ ν προγονικ ὴν ἀπόφασιν ἀ ποῤῥίψασαι, Resurrection and rejected the ancestral decision, τοῖς Ἀποστόλοις καυχώµεναι ἔλεγον· they cried aloud to the Apostles triumphantly: Ἐσκύλευται ὁ θάνατος, ἠγέρθη Χριστὸς ὁ Death has been despoiled, Christ God has risen, Θεός, δωρούµενος τῷ κόσµ ῳ τὸ µέγα ἔλεος. granting His great mercy to the world. For the Forefeast Προεόρτιον Jordan River once turned back when Elisha Ἀ πεστρέφετό ποτε, ὁ Ἰορδάνης ποταµός, τῇ struck its stream * with his mantle in the wake of µηλωτῇ Ἐλισαιέ, ἀναληφθέντος Ἠλιού, καὶ Elias's ascent; * and the water was parted to the διῃρεῖτο τὰ ὕδατα ἔνθεν καὶ ἔνθεν, καὶ γέγονεν one side and to the other. * And thus the fluid αὐτῷ, ξηρὰ ὁδὸς ἡ ὑγρά, εἰς τύπον ἀληθῶς τοῦ stream became a dry way for him, * a symbol Βαπτίσµατος, δι' οὗ ἡµεῖς τὴν ῥέουσαν, τοῦ and truly a type of Baptism, * by which we now βίου διαπερῶµεν διάβασιν, Χριστὸς ἐφάνη, ἐν pass over the streaming passage of the present Ἰορδάνῃ, ἁγιάσαι τὰ ὕδατα. life. * And Christ appeared at the Jordan River * to sanctify the waters Troparion of St. George Troparion of St. George Ως τών αιχμαλώτων ελευθερωτής, καί τών Liberator of captives, defender of the Poor, πτωχών υπερασπιστής, ασθενούντων ιατρός, physician of the sick, and champion Of kings, O βασιλέων υπέρμαχος, τροπαιοφόρε trophy-bearer, Great Martyr George, intercede with μεγαλομάρτυς Γεώργιε, πρέσβευε Χριστώ τώ Christ God that our souls be saved.
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