The Word

“In Thee Is Gladness”

“Mine!" What do you think of when you hear the word, “Mine!” The first thing I think of is a struggle between two youngsters. Standing in the middle of toys scattered across the floor there is always one toy that a child wants over another. Whenever anyone gets In this Issue: close to the block, or car, or ball the shout is heard, “Mine!” Often, mother’s and father’s run quick to the scene with some embarrassment. “Son, share with your “The Word on our St. Paul’s Ministries”” friend.” “Daughter, that’s not yours, give that back to her.” page 2

“The Word on the Hymn of the Season” While some equate these selfish times with the “terrible twos” others give a different page 3 name. Understanding the quest for independence and the development of awareness “The Word on our Local Mission” of oneself in relation to other people and things, some have call these times the page 4 “opportunity twos.” This is the opportunity to guide independence, interest and

“The Word on Local/National Missions”” energy in the right direction. Already at this young age, it is time to give guidance to page 5 “Mine!”

“The Word on International Missions” page 6 In our hymn of the season, “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded,” the first verse concludes with the expression, “I joy to call Thee mine.” Interestingly we seem to be taught by “The Word on Congregational Ministries” Gerhardt that there is a time and a place for “Mine!” And indeed, this is true. page 7 During we will have Jesus placed before our eyes. We will see Him in His “The Word on Congregational Ministries” ministry, teaching, suffering and death for us. The preaching will remind us that all of page 8 this Jesus did for us, even for “me.” In this way, Lent is a very personal time of the “The Word on Congregational Ministries” year. It is a time of the year that we ponder the meaning of our baptism and realize page 9 that Jesus has given us an opportunity to cry, “Mine!”

“The Word on Congregational Ministries” page 10 So, it is not selfish to cling to Jesus as your own. In fact, this is what Jesus desires for

“The Word on our Family” all the world and the means of grace are presented to reaffirm this fact. When you are Page 11 baptized, you were baptized by name, into His strong name. When you received the “The Last Word” very body and blood of Jesus you personally eat and drink of Him. The same Jesus, page 12 whose life was given for the world, was specifically given for you.

February 2020/March 2020 Calendar We are always to be growing and maturing in faith. Even at the youngest of ages, we February 2020/March 2020 Schedule can learn how rightly to apply “mine!” While blocks and cars and dolls are nice., those Those who serve as we worship come and go. There is only one Jesus, and He is for all. Thanks be to God it is just right to call Him “Mine!” St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Music Conservatory 239 Frank Street Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 712 322 4729

St. Paul’s Lutheran Early Childhood Center February 2020 1500 North 16th Street March 2020 Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 712 322 3294

St. Paul’s Ministries Off to a Good Start In 2020

St. Paul’s ministries got off to informed of ongoing matters, the Motions: Council meeting minutes will be With meeting packets handed out a good start in 2020 with our first published in one of the ahead of time everyone who ever “Annual Meeting.” This corresponding month’s bulletins came to the meeting was well meeting was held Sunday, and newsletters. informed of what was going to be January 26th immediately after discussed and its background. the second service beginning Moving into an “Annual Meeting” Motions that were passed with a congregational potluck. we knew we needed to reformat included the following: Once our bellies were satisfied, our approach. So, a meeting we got right down to business. packet was handed out to the 1. A definition of the roles St. What follows is a synopsis of the congregation at both services the Paul’s will hold in meeting. Watch your bulletins week ahead of the meeting. This leadership positions within soon for formal meeting minutes. packet provided the meeting the newly created non-profit

, minutes of the previous (soon to be Recognized + + + voter’s meeting, reports, motions Service Organization of the

and the 2020 budget. LCMS) David’s Harp. The plan to move to an annual 2. A new memorial list meeting was approved already in Reports: presented by the Board of early 2019 as the congregation The reports in the packet were Elders. modified its own By-Laws in from the pastor’s, our Early 3. A plan of moving forward on order to make meetings more Childhood Center and the Music capital improvements to our efficient and give more time for Conservatory. In summary, these church facility. hands on service. The voters reports shared that local ministry 4. A list of miscellaneous agreed to move away from the and missions are very active and renovations to occur within idea of “Boards” and turn “Board our congregation is functioning at the church. (One on this list Chairs” into “Directors.” This a healthy level. While it wasn’t includes the removal of the move is what brought about the mentioned, it should be here, that carpet in the chancel area and goal of establishing a “Service the Annual Appeal initiated the refinishing of the original League,” encouraging every during the month of December hardwood floors.) This work congregational member to sign was very successful and will be donated by one of our up to serve in a specific area of appreciated! 35 giving units members. our church’s ministry over the participated in this opportunity 5. Approval of our slate of course of the year. Another to support St. Paul’s Ministries. officers. change at this time was going Over $24,000 was raised! This 6. Approval of the 2020 budget. away from four predetermined caused us to finish the year over voter’s meetings to one annually $12,000 in the black and get a As you recall, the theme for predetermined meeting. Held good start on staying ahead in the ministry this year is “In Thee Is each January. Presently, if we New Year. Thanks to all who Gladness!” We indeed are glad to need another voter’s meeting participated and to all who give know the love of Christ and throughout the year, we will call to the Lord’s work through St. desire fervently to serve Him one. If we don’t have anything to Paul’s cheerfully and sacrificially! faithfully is 2020! vote on or bring to the The “Annual Appeal” each year congregation formally, the idea is will be one great way for St. that we don’t need a meeting. In Paul’s ministries to remain order to keep the congregation consistently strong year to year. ~2~ The Word on

the Hymn of the Season

450 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

© 1941 Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, no. 100010969. Public domain. Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76; tr. , 1941, alt.

Paul Gerhardt was born into a middle-class family at Gra fenhainichen, a small town on the railway between Halle and Wittenberg. At the age of fifteen, he entered the Fu rstenschule in Grimma. The school was known for its pious atmosphere and stern discipline. The school almost closed in 1626 when the plague came to Grimma, but Paul remained and graduated from there in 1627. In January 1628 he enrolled in the University of Wittenberg. There, two teachers in particular had an influence on him: Paul Ro ber and Jacob Martini. Both of these men were staunch Lutherans, promoting its teachings not only in the classroom but in and hymns. Ro ber in particular often took his texts from hymns. In this way Gerhardt was taught the use of hymnody as a tool of pastoral care and instruction.

Gerhardt graduated from the University of Wittenberg around 1642. Due to the troubles of the Thirty Years War it seems he was not immediately placed as a pastor, and thus moved to Berlin where he worked as tutor in the family of an advocate named Andreas Barthold.[1] During his time in Berlin his hymns and poems brought him to the attention of Johann Cru ger, the cantor and organist at the Nicolaikirche in Berlin. Cru ger was impressed by Gerhardt's hymns and included many of them in his . The hymns proved popular, and Gerhardt and Cru ger began a collaboration and friendship that continued for many years. From Wikipedia. ~3~ Our Local Mission: St. Paul’s Lutheran Early Childhood Center

2020 is going to be a great year for St. Paul’s Lutheran Early Childhood Center! As you can see, our numbers are on the increase and continue to be so in the New Year. Most of our classes have a waiting list and we are giving tours regularly. Thanks be to God!

December the center was in the red $350.13, but the end of the year saw the center sustained itself with $9,130.10. This has been a goal of the SPLECC Board, Pastor Sherrill and our administrative staff for a long time. A huge blessing!

Mrs. Preston, our director, took the recommendation of the board and created a "Giving Tree" for the center at Christmastime. Family and friends of SPLECC had the opportunity to donate money towards items for classrooms. Our families and friends were generous. Through the "GivingTree" the center received 4 bluetooth speakers, a toddler kitchen set, 2 microscopes, puzzles and sensory balls! These items are wonderful additions to our center and we appreciated the donations immensely!

Speaking of appreciation. At the end of the year Heidi, our Administrative Assistant, received the check from the Christmas Boutique hosted by Linda Yates and the St. Paul’s Mission Board. $7,306.00 will go toward ministry at SPLECC! Praise the Lord! Thanks so much to Linda, the Mission Board and all of St. Paul’s members! If that was not enough, we have been receiving scholarship funds from “Doughnut/Fellowship Time” at church on Sundays which have equaled over $1,200! Add this to the new “Pantry Party” monthly initiative and we are seeing a big difference as St. Paul’s ministries focus in on working together in support of outreach in Council Bluffs.

Kahl Therapy Corner, the speech language pathologist housed within SPLECC, is a wonderful compliment to our ministry. Not only that, KTC made a Christmas donation of $1400! $515.69 of this donation was used to purchase the remaining items on the Christmas Giving Tree. One included a kitchen set for our PS2 classroom!

Lutheran Schools Week will be celebrated in April again this year. We are eager to have volunteers fill the “SPLECC Team,” part of St. Paul’s Service League. One thing this team will do is help with all of the details of our Silent Auction evening event that was a great success last year.

SPLECC is blessed and is a blessing. Please continue to pray that God would work through this mission to bring many to know Jesus as Lord and Savior!

Each year SPLECC hosts a “Doughnuts with Dads” event. Dads and Grandpas flock to our center in order to have a treat with their little one, do a craft, read a book and get their picture taken. This year the event was again anoth- er success, with lots of family mem- bers enjoying time together. Isabel- la and Audie were happy to see their dads and participate in the festivities of the morning!


Local/National Mission: St. Paul’s Music Conservatory/David’s Harp

St. Paul’s Music Conservatory is Coming Soon!______bursting at the seams with possibilities and potential! Every week there seems to be something new and amazing that has Lenten Organ Recital Series occurred. What follows is a reflection on what has been The Wednesday at Noon organ recitals (with occurring and what is coming shortly! lunch) are returning to St. Paul’s this Lent. This year it is worthy to note that three of Dr. C’s organ students are slated to perform. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring your friends. This is a wonderful way to meditate on Christ’s passion during the season of Lent, and an easy way to reach out to friends and neighbors.

Master Class with Dr. Elizabeth Grimpo, March 21 SPMC is excited again to host Dr. Elizabeth Grimpo for a Master Class scheduled a week Annual Christmas Recitals before the citywide music festival. A Master One of the most enjoyable and heartwarming events during the Class provides the opportunity for students to season leading up to Christmas are the Conservatory Christmas refine their skills on specific repertoire. This Recitals. This year we had two formal recitals held at the class will help students prepare for festival the beginning of December. At the Friday night recital, kids were following week. More information can be surprised to receive a greeting from Santa and Mrs. Claus! (Aka: obtained from your music conservatory Tom and Sue Trede!) teacher or Pastor Frank.

Participation in Worship Encouraging students toward active The City Wide Music Festival, March 28 participation in worship through music For nearly a decade, SPMC has been hosting the citywide music continues to be a fundamental goal of festival. St. Paul’s congregation supports this service to our SPMC. Hopefully you are enjoying and community greatly with volunteerism of many kinds. See page encouraging our students when they play. 10 for more information. For some, this is very nerve racking! For others, it has become quite natural. David’s Harp: A Center for Musical Development At the Annual meeting on Sunday, Helping Our Community Develop Musically January 26th, the voter’s approved Over the thanksgiving weekend we opened our doors to the a motion to allow our pastors to Southwest Iowa Homeschool High School Choir in order for move forward with the work they them to warm up before they started through a new corporation sang Christmas music at the called, “David’s Harp: A Center Durham. This, and other for Musical Development.” ongoing talks, led to the David’s Harp is a missions development agency that uses music conversation of SPMC as primary vehicle for the . St. Paul’s Music Conservatory hosting a Choral Music has become a “pilot” conservatory that many others will now be Festival in Council Bluffs modeled after. Pastor Sherrill will serve David’s Harp as (much like the CMBTA Executive Director, Pastor Frank will serve as Director of Festival we have hosted now Resource Development and Pastor Tews will serve as Director of for years) that would be for Outreach. the parochial school/ homeschool population as opportunities are not readily available David’s Harp will help revitalize/stimulate for such groups. SPMC administration will meet with interested churches, schools and missions across the individuals on Thursday, January 30th to discuss the synod by helping them become the center for establishment of such a festival hosted by St. Paul’s. musical development within their communities and thereby centers for Gospel outreach. In This conversation will also be a segue into the longstanding goal mid February, our pastors will meet with of SPMC of hosting a Sacred Music Festival, using our very own synodical leadership at the “Hymns of the Season” resources as primary music for the International Center (synod’s Rev. Richard Resch is President of students to play. More on that to come! These conversations, headquarters) in St. Louis. There they David’s Harp and former seminary professor and choir director for along with the same type of work with other community entities will discuss and develop a strategic Pastor Sherrill, Frank and Tews! will continue to help SPMC be “a center for music development plan for David’s Harp in 2020 that in Council Bluffs.” aligns with synodical goals and initiatives. ~5~ Synodical/International Missions Marching for Life in the LCMS

God’s enduring Word says “Yes” to life! Running through the Scriptures with a fine toothed comb, one will never find anything that does not reinforce the sanctity of human life from conception. From Genesis where we read about the first creation of life, to the where we learn about God intimately fashioning us in our mother’s wombs, to the Gospels where we realize that Jesus Himself was conceived in the womb of Mary in order to be sent for the “life of the world,” the Scriptures are unmistakably “pro-life!”

For this reason, the LCMS as a synod, is boldly pro-life as well and seeks to adopt practices that are a living reflection of God’s Word. For years we have endorsed the national RSO called, “Lutherans For Life.” The synod has its own “Life Ministry” department The LCMS President, Rev. Matthew Harrison, walks in front of the LCMS within the Office of National Mission and has created an delegation in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. organization of “District Life Coordinators” within every district of the synod. More recently, the LCMS established an office in Washington D.C. called the “Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty.” The LCRL provides input, education, advice and resources in the The Lutheran Church— areas of marriage, life issues and religious liberty and seeks to actively engage in discussions and establish partnerships, as Missouri Synod is a confessional Lutheran appropriate, with individuals and groups in Washington, D.C. Church body that seeks to be faithful to the Scriptures and the historic confessions of the Lutheran Church. While these historic On a more local level, Lutheran Family Services of Iowa is another confessions are often summarized by the “Solas” - Sola Gratia, Sola synodical RSO that is working hard at promoting the biblical Fide, Sola Christus and Sola Scriptura— (grace alone, faith alone, position on the sanctity of human life and other issues relating to Christ alone and Scripture alone) there are also many other home and family. On February 13, for the second year in a row, LFS teachings that are fundamental to historic . is hosting “Pastor’s Day on the Hill.” This is an invitation to all LCMS pastors of Iowa East and West to gather together in support of the Sola Scriptura—The Inerrancy of Scripture—Nature— sanctity of human life at our state capitol. Conscience. Because of our belief that the Scriptures are indeed, God’s Word, and in all parts true, clear and reliable for all matters The Clear Word Unites pertaining to faith and life, we are led confidently by them and not Scripture is clear. God loves life, born or unborn. When we humble by the whims of the culture. But that’s not all. The Scriptures ourselves before God and His word and rejoice in what He gives clearly affirm that what is contained within them is also reflected in then we are united in believing, receiving and confessing. We are nature and known according to conscience. So the psalmist says of blessed to have leadership in our church body that is clearly nature, in Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God and the confessing God’s Word in a culture, that is in part, hostile to historic sky above proclaims His handiwork.” And of conscience we read in . This leadership sets an example for us and encourages Paul’s letter to the Romans chapter 2, “They show that the work of us to do the same in our realm of influence. the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness…” May God enable you to speak His words for life whenever you have the opportunity! Though the thoughts and feelings of mankind on various subjects may change over time, Jesus makes it clear when He prays to the A large “Bulldogs Father in John 17, saying, “Your word is truth.” As historic for Life” group Lutherans, confident in God’s Word recorded in Scripture and from Concordia reaffirmed through nature and conscience, we are given a University in foundation for confidence in life. Even though the world swirls Seward, NE around us with lots of new ideas and imaginations, God’s Word is attended this year’s clear. Truth does not change or go out of style. As Isaiah the March for Life in prophet made clear in chapter 40, “The word of the Lord endures Washington D.C. forever.” They are here pictured as attendees of a conference that followed.

~6~ Congregational Ministry Putting your church in the center of your community

event. First of all, one of the girls in the choir attended our St. Paul’s Ministries work together in Early Childhood Center with Shaylie Gardner and Isaac order to compliment one another especially in our collective Sherrill about 12 years ago! Our current lead teacher in our goal of reaching out with the Gospel. We have begun saying, infant room at SPLECC came that evening because her sister “St. Paul’s Ministries” in order to incorporate St. Paul’s is in the choir. The evening was especially enjoyable to Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s Lutheran Early Childhood Center Pastor Tews and Karen Burns because they both graduated and St. Paul’s Music Conservatory all into one “ministry from TJ...we’ll just say a few years ago!!! It was most notable machine.” Recently we had an example of the benefit of to them how music and the care of St. Paul’s, brought the these three “ministries” working together. east and west side of Council Bluffs together. Fantastic!

Director Travis Walker and students of the TJ Concert The Music Conservatory and Early Childhood Center Choir sing at a benefit concert hosted by SPMC on the Christ Academy speaker schedule. are also involved in connecting our church in other places throughout town, this time, Children’s Square U.S.A.

On January 15th, St. Paul’s Christ Academy hosted, on its For many years, we have had good relationships at speaker schedule, the Thomas Jefferson Choral Choirs. What Children’s Square. Many will remember the years that the are the TJ choirs doing on the CA speaker schedule you say? Montgomery’s, Gohlinghorst’s and others volunteered at Well, as has happened in every music department in town, Children’s Square. Our Church and Early Childhood Center St. Paul’s Music Conservatory has offered to be supportive, have often donated to the ministry there, and one of our not only through private studio instruction for students, but student’s dad’s works currently works there. Lisa Milbrath also for professional support from our teachers, advice, was director of the Spiritual Life Department and now Mary networking and collaboration. About three years ago, Ann Hanusa works in the area of Special Programs and Pastors Sherrill and Frank sat with the Thomas Jefferson Project Management. We have lots of connections! High School Choral department staff discussing needs. Financial support kept coming to the surface. So, this year Well, our Music Conservatory has lots of connections too! we decided to put the TJ choirs on our Christ Academy For several years ideas have been tossed around about speaker’s schedule as guest performers for a benefit concert. SPMC helping with music programming at Children’s Our church played host to these choirs, much like we are Square. For a long time Dr. C has performed music for host to the Council Bluffs Music Teacher’s Federation events, why not make music a greater part of the culture citywide festival every March. and campus life?

The event was a success! The teachers, students and parents Pastor Sherrill met with three administrators of Children’s appreciated the opportunity to perform somewhere within Square on Monday, January 27th discussing the benefit of the Council Bluffs community outside of school. What is music programming and the interest SPMC has in serving more, the group especially appreciated the fact that we were and supporting the children of our community through able to help them raise $1,142 dollars to go directly to needs music. The conversation was very upbeat and productive, of their music department! The event was so well received focused on SPMC offering a music class to students who by the Choral Department leadership that a similar event is attend school on campus during the day, after hours studio already scheduled for next year! lessons on the residential side, as well as an annual Children’s Square Concert Series to provide enrichment to The goal in such an event for our ministries is the the children and outreach within the community. We will opportunity to serve and be an important part of our see where these discussions take us early in the New Year! community. Many wonderful connections were made at this ~7~ Congregational Ministry God’s Word is Mine!

many opportunities to At St. Paul’s there are The next week, the study God’s Word. We are so thankful! pastor’s along with Randy Mil- Christian Doctrine Class brath and Bill Jo- Our current Christian Doctrine Class is meeting between services hannes, who made on Sundays at 9:30a.m. in the gym loft. We have 7 interested in the initial request, new membership and 6 joining as a “refresher.” This is a lovely met at Koley’s class full of insightful thoughts and discussion. We are very Inc. in Omaha (a thankful for all of those interested in membership! company that makes church met- Christ Academy High School Class: Having fun alware) in order to and studying at the same time! discuss the project. It was a blessed time together as Pastor Frank, Randy Milbrath and Bill Johannes are shown with representatives from Koley’s discussing we not only were details related to St. Paul’s processional crosses. able to ponder the needs of our current , but also able to reflect on the fact that this project was near and dear to the heart of one of our members who had recently passed away. The conversation at Koley’s was filled with seriousness and honest reflection on the nature of such a church appointment and respecting all individu- als that might be present to worship in our sanctuary. The cross that is being donated will be custom made and our old proces- sional cross will be fine tuned in order that they might both Students in the High School Christ Academy Class play a game of “Pit” match and together serve the worshipper in meditation of the gift together. “Pit” is a card game where you trade commodities until you have a corner on the market. This game is being played, not only because of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. its fun, but it is also preparing the class for their study of Christian Ethics in Business. Two New Women’s Bible Classes and One It has become a tradition to begin our high school Christ Acade- Just for Men? my Class with new and different games. We’ve played “Catch In 2020 we are excited to share that there will be two new wom- Phrase,” “Blurt” and now the card game “Pit.” These games give en’s bible classes opened up to the congregation. There are also the students a change to loosen up a bit before our study. Once discussions being held to begin a men’s bible class as well. we get to studying, the topic is Christian Ethics: The thoughts, words and deeds of the Christian life. Currently, the class is pre- The first women’s class is called the Ruth Class that will meet paring to hear from a guest speaker presenting on “Christian the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 am in the Lounge. At Ethics in the World of Business.” this class, ladies are asked to bring their lunches in order to eat together and visit. Lunch is followed by a topical bible class led Adult Bible Class: Teaching and Practice go by one of our pastor’s. Together Recently there was an inquiry submitted to the Elders asking if The second class, called “Dorcas” is held on the 3rd Monday of someone could direct memorial monies to a new or additional the month also meeting in the Lounge. This class will meet at processional cross that would have the body of Christ on it, also 7:00p.m. and will focus on bible study. Again, one of our pas- called a “crucifix.” The idea was that the cross be used, especial- tor’s will lead the study and afterward ladies may have time for ly during Lent, in order to help recall to our minds the love of visiting as well. We encourage all of the women of St. Paul’s to Christ seen especially in His suffering for our sins. consider attending one of these classes!

There was much discussion held on this topic in the Elders and Finally, the pastors would like to offer a monthly men’s bible Council meetings. Various opinions were shared and it was de- class. The place, time and nature of the class is up for discus- cided to simply ask that the question be put to a vote of the con- sion. Over the years, many men have discussed such a class but gregation at the annual meeting. Realizing the sensitivity of the it was always hard to find a time. We’re going to pick a time and subject, the Elders asked Pastor Frank to teach on the subject do it this year! Gentlemen, your suggestions are welcome! specifically in a Sunday morning Bible Study, giving the history, background and other information. This ended up being a lovely time of study and reflection on God’s Word and historic Luther- anism. At the Annual Meeting, a motion was presented to move ahead with the memorial and the idea passed unanimously.

~8~ Congregational Ministry This and That

Remember Thrivent Action Teams are a great way to support ministry at St. Paul’s! This month we are thanking Gertrude Rossbund and Floyd Foreman for applying for Action Teams in order to support Christ Academy meals and Fellowship Time on The children’s choir , which meets before Christ Academy, Sunday mornings. The monies donated at Christ Academy go recently rehearsed in Dr. C’s living room for scheduling toward supporting the functioning of Christ Academy, including reasons. Pastor Frank enjoyed accompanying on one of the our speaker schedule. Our monies collected at Fellowship, or grands and Dr. C enjoyed the more “intimate space.” It “Doughnut Time,” go to our preschool’s scholarship fund. These was a fun thing to watch through the picture window! are both worthwhile causes! Thank you for your help!

Coming to Christ Academy, February 19—Alex Lobo, “A Journey from Farther than Tennessee!” Director of Music and Outreach Cordinator at Concordia Lutheran Church, Jackson TN

As St. Paul’s Music Conservatory grows in notoriety across the synod, many church leaders are interested in coming to see what the parish based music conservatory is all about. This will be the case again when Mr. Alex Lobo and Rev. Eric Rudsenske pay us a visit all the way from Tennessee. While they are eager to hear what is going on through our conservatory, we are eager to hear more about Mr. Lobo, so he agreed to present to us at Christ Academy!

A former Baptist minister in Brazil, Alex worked in the area of Music and Missions. Coming to the U.S, he and his family learning English by joining a choir. As time went on, he was introduced to the Lutheran Liturgy by taking a part-time position as organist in a Lutheran Church. After that position ended, he couldn’t forget about the Divine Service, saying, “That is what I have been looking for my whole life but did not know it!” Alex will speak to us about his journey as a Christian minister and reflect on the blessing of pairing music with God’s Word.

Anyone need a ride? Recently many St. Paul’s members traveled to Ft. Dodge in order to attend the funeral of Randy Milbrath’s father, Gerald. The Ray- mond’s were planning to fly and asked the pastors if they wanted to come! As the day unfolded, a joke “flew” around about Pastor Tew’s nerves. A picture captured on the way back found Pastor Tews with knee bent in prayer before boarding. I think he has more confidence in the LORD than in Andy!


Our Congregational Ministry This and That!

Ash Wednesday ~ February 26th St. Paul’s will again be hosting the Worship with City Wide Music Festival 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, 2020!

This all day event will mean that literally 1,000 people will be entering St. Paul’s doors. As part of our mission outreach to our community, we will make sure that all of our gusts feel at home and have a snack to enjoy while piano students wait for their certificates.

Lenten Services ~ 2020 What does this mean?? Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. It’s time for cookies and snacks!!

March 4th Carol Brockmann will be in charge of hospitality. March 11th If you would like to help with hospitality, please call Carol at March 18th 402-639-3199. March 25th Karen Burns will be in charge of refreshments. April 1st @ SPLECC If you would like to help in the kitchen, please call Karen at Maundy Thursday ~ April 9th 712-309-1070. Good Friday ~ April 10th Easter Vigil ~ April 11th Please bring your donations to church on Friday, March 27th Easter Sunday ~ April 12th and leave them on the cart outside the church office. And thank you in advance for all of your support! Many people comment on the fact that St. Paul’s does this service for the students and their families. All with a warm welcome and smiling faces!

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Presents “Wednesday at Noon Lenten Organ Recitals”

All 35-40 minute recitals begin at 12:00 noon, followed by a home-cooked lunch in the Undercroft. Everyone is invited to attend!

February 26: Ambrose Terneus Easter Lilies ~ 2020

March 4: Zachary Zieschang, SPC $6.00 ~ Orders due: April 6th ~$7.00

March 11: Peggy Wolverton Number of Plants: ______

March 18: Jeff Hoffman Memory of: ______

March 25: Timothy Conner, SPC Honor of: ______

April 1: Thomas Koch Given by: ______

(Help is needed in preparing lunch for around 30 people. If you would like to help with this important outreach, Please contact Rosemary in the office.) ~10~

The Word on our Church Family

February Birthdays March Birthdays

February 1 Briggs Smother March 1 John Ramsey February 2 Tim Hansen Max Raymond Wanda Mathisen March 2 Emery Dix February Anniversaries February 3 Amy Eyberg Rick Guill Denise Iverson Donna Heinicke March 4 Peggy Johnston February 4 Roger Escritt February 15 Sabrina Moreno Ed & Barb Hornbeck Dave Montgomery Helen Nelson February 5 Marvin Feller March 5 Bob Finke Michael Merksick March 6 Zachary Dix February 7 Darryl Walden March 7 Dewey Brockmann Alicia Burns February 8 Don Mathisen Michele McKee February 9 Bambi Heckerman February 10 Bryan Guill March 8 Virg Steenbock March 9 Piper Ferris Elaine Leu Derek Rollins Inez Voss Isaac Sherrill March Anniversaries February 11 Jeff Thomas March 10 Zach Heinicke February 14 Brinkley Lane Stephanie Maurice March 11 February 16 Christy Finke Jan Steenbock Mark & Theresa Bowerman February 17 Garrett Cohrs March 13 Everett Farrell Tim & Lynn Farrell February 18 Andrew Guill Gary Morrison

Jared Merksick March 14 Patti Guill March 19 February 19 Sue Trede Layne Hekter Blaine Westervelt Dennis & Julie Damewood February 21 Barb Foust March 15 Cory McKee Shelly Freese March 16 Carol Brockmann March 23 February 23 Jim Roberts March 17 Nathan Dix John & Kiffany Ramsey February 24 Debbie Schreiber March 18 Ed Hawks February 26 Tim Smothers March 20 Brookelynn Adams February 27 Silas Ferris Kiffany Ramsey March 23 Rebecca Axford February 28 Keagan Trahan March 24 Andy Raymond March 25 John Timm March 26 Jordan Mohling March 27 Victoria Krohn March 29 Sara Foust Richard Paul

Altar Flowers

If you would like to place flowers on the in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special event, please contact the church office at 712-322-4729. Cost: $42.80

~11~ The Last Word


“Mine,” probably not a word that a parakeet would use. But it does describe how a parakeet acts. They are totally reliant on you for everything. Food, water, a clean cage, toys, entertainment, and their flock. When you take a bird home from the pet store, you bring them to a world that they have never known or ever thought would happen. The first thing you have to worry about is that they don’t get so stressed that they get sick. Next is making sure they can find their food and water. Some birds are faster at this than others. Then comes the trusting stage! They don’t know you from Adam and really don’t want to be in your house! But little by little with a lot of patience, they finally come around.

What does this have to do with “Mine” you may ask? Well when a parakeet finally decides that he’s probably not going to go anywhere else, he decides to make you “Mine.” Then the fun begins. They start to get silly and rambunctious. Loud when you ignore them. Louder still when they are playing. And loving when they have made you “Mine.” The Big Guy will come and nibble on your nose!

Our Big Guy will go crazy when he hears Dad’s chair or when he knows that Dad is in the kitchen. There’s a certain sound he makes that literally means “Get in here and talk to me! NOW! He’ll say “Hi there,” when you come into the room. He also loves John Wayne movies. Silly bird! You have a friend for life, when they make you “Mine.”

And Who do we have to make us say, “Get in here and talk to me! NOW!” We have our Savior, Jesus Christ! We have a friend for life that we have made “Mine” with the help of the Holy Spirit, through our Baptism. He is “Mine” when we receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Someone Who died on the cross so that we could be His! I guess that makes Him just as selfish as we are. He wants us all to be His! He wants us all to be with Him in Heaven! I am His and He is Mine! What a great comfort comes from making Jesus “Mine!”

In His Service and Yours,, Rosemary

Church Early Childhood Center 239 Frank St. St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 1500 N. 16th St. Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 St. Paul’s Lutheran Early Childhood Center Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 712-322-4729 712-322-3294 St. Paul’s Music Conservatory Pastor ~ Nathan Sherrill The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Cell: 712-310-4248 Director ~ Lisa Preston [email protected] Two Locations [email protected]

Associate Pastor ~ Timothy Frank One Word Cell: 712-269-3683 [email protected]

Director of Music ~ Dr. J. Gordon Christensen [email protected] Home: 352-0298 Secretary ~ Heidi Bernhards Secretary ~ Rosemary Paul [email protected] [email protected] Fax: 712-328-3338 Fax: 712-322-8832 Office Hours: Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. ~ 2:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.

~12~ FEBRUARY 2020 St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church ~ 239 Frank Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 ~ 712-322-4729 ~ Facebook

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

2 Transfiguration Sunday 3 4 5 6 7 8 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 1:45pm Music at Risen 9:30am SS/ABC 11:30am Staff Meeting 5:00pm Cantate Domino Son 10:45am Worship - C 2:30 pm Music at Mid- 5:00pm Christ Academy lands (food) 7:15pm Gloria Dei Choir 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 9:00am Pastors’ Confer- 8:50am Chapel – SPLEC 7:00pm Council 1:45pm Music at Risen 9:30am SS/ABC ence 9:30am Staff Meeting @ Son 10:45am Worship - C 2:30pm Bethany Music SPLECC 7:00pm Elders 5:00pm Cantate Domino 5:00pm Christ Academy (food) 7:15pm Gloria Dei Choir 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 11:30am Ruth 1:45pm Music at Risen 9:30am SS/ABC 7:00pm Dorcas 11:30am Staff Meeting 5;00pm Cantate Domino Son 10:45am Worship - C 2:30pm Music at Amelia 5:00pm Christ Academy House (food) 7:15pm Gloria Dei Choir

23 Pantry Party 24 25 26 Ash Wednesday 27 28 29 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 11:30am Lunch Bunch 1:45pm Music at Risen 1:00pm True Wedding 9:30am SS/ABC 7:00pm Gloria Dei Choir 11:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm Organ Recital (food) Son 10:45am Worship - C 2:30pm Music at North- (food) 5:30pm Wedding Rehears- crest 5:00pm Cantate Domino al 5:00pm Christ Academy (food) 7:00pm Worship - C

The Word on those who serve as we worship:

February 2020

February 2, 2020

8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion : Mark Heinicke Martin Cannon Ushers: Steve Krohn, Isaac Sherrill, Trey Stickler Alex Tague, Cody Selby, Dan Wych : Brett Smothers Chazley Ferris Communion Set Up: Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Communion Clean Up: Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Diane Machmuller/Amy Waggoner Choir/Kantor: Gloria Dei Choir Ferris Family Kantorei Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum


February 9, 2020

8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Dan Strutzenberg Martin Cannon Ushers: Don Mathisen Rick Guill, Ed Hawks, Dave Johannes, J.T. Waggoner Acolytes: Owen Shockey Sam Raymond Communion Set Up: Jan Steenbock/Dawn Cundiff Jan Steenbock/Dawn Cundiff Communion Clean Up: Jan Steenbock/Dawn Cundiff Heidi Penney/Holly Miller Choir/Kantor: Hand Bell Choir/Bambi Heckerman Hand Bell Choir/Cantate Domino Choir Money Counter: John Montgomery Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

February 16, 2020

8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. Elder: Randy Milbrath Doug Ferris Ushers: Bill Kruse, Jeff Thomas, Jordan Mohling Tim Hansen, Dave Hansen, Andy Raymond, Max Raymond : Ivy Farrell Jeremiah Sherrill Communion Set Up: Theresa Bowerman, Kathy Seipold Theresa Bowerman, Kathy Seipold Communion Clean Up: Theresa Bowerman, Kathy Seipold Diane Machmuller/Amy Waggoner Choir/Kantor: Johnson Family Kantorei Gloria Dei Choir Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum


February 23, 2020 8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Mark Heinicke Martin Cannon Ushers: Steve Krohn, Isaac Sherrill, Trey Stickler Alex Tague, Cody Selby, Dan Wych Acolyte: Timothy Johnson Brody Wych Communion Set Up: Shirley Walker/Diane Rounds Shirley Walker/Diane Rounds Communion Clean Up: Shirley Walker/Diane Rounds Heidi Penney/Inez Voss Choir/Kantor: Julie Moreno Brett Allen Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum


February 26, 2020 ~ Ash Wednesday - 7:00 p.m.

Elder: Mark Heinicke Ushers: Rick Guill, Ed Hawks, Dave Johannes, J.T. Waggoner Acolyte: Brody Wych Communion Set Up and Communion Clean Up: Kathy Seipold

MARCH 2020 St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church ~ 239 Frank Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503 ~ 712-322-4729 ~ Facebook

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 1:45pm Music at Risen 9:30am SS/ABC 7:00pm Gloria Dei Choir 11:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm Organ Recital Son 10:45am Worship - C 2:30pm Music at Midlands (food) 5:00pm Cantate Domino 5:00pm Christ Academy (food) 7:00pm Worship 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 9:00am Pastors’ Confer- 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 1:45pm Music at Risen 9:30am SS/ABC 7:00pm Gloria Dei Choir ence 12:00pm Organ Recital Son 10:45am Worship - C 2:30pm Bethany Music (food) 7:00pm Elders 5:00pm Cantate Domino 5:00pm Christ Academy (food) 7:00pm Worship 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 11:30am Ruth 1:45pm Music at Risen 2:00pm Master Class 9:30am SS/ABC 7:00pm Gloria Dei Choir 11:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm Organ Recital Son with Dr. Grimpo 10:45am Worship - C 7:00pm Dorcas 2:30pm Music at Amelia (food) April/May Newsletter House 5:00pm Cantate Domino Articles Due 5:00pm Christ Academy (food) 7:00pm Worship

22 Pantry Party 23 24 25 26 27 28 8:00am Worship – C 6:00pm Hand Bells 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 11:30am Lunch Bunch 1:45pm Music at Risen Service Saturday 9:30am SS/ABC 7:00pm Gloria Dei Choir 11:30am Staff Meeting 12:00pm Organ Recital (food) Son City Wide Music Festival 10:45am Worship - C 2:30pm Music at North- (food) Snacks for Festival Due by (food) crest 5:00pm Cantate Domino 4:00pm 5:00pm Christ Academy Set Up for Festival (food) 7:00pm Worship 29 30 31 8:00am Worship – C 8:50am Chapel - SPLECC 8:50am Chapel – SPLECC 9:30am SS/ABC 6:00pm Hand Bells 11:30am Staff Meeting 10:45am Worship – C 7:00pm Gloria Dei Choir

Lutheran Schools Week

The Word on those who serve as we worship:

MARCH 2020

March 1, 2020

8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Dan Strutzenberg Randy Milbrath Ushers: Bill Kruse, Jeff Thomas, Jordan Mohling Tim Hansen, Dave Hansen, Andy Raymond, Max Raymond Acolytes: Ivy Farrell Macey Cooley Communion Set Up: Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Communion Clean Up: Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Diane Machmuller/Amy Waggoner Choir/Kantor: Gloria Dei Choir To be announced Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 4, 2020 - 7:00 p.m. Elder: Doug Ferris Ushers: Bill Kuse, Jeff Thomas, Jordan Mohling Acolyte: Sam Raymond ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 8, 2020 8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Dan Strutzenberg Randy Milbrath Ushers: Steve Krohn, Isaac Sherrill, Trey Stickler Alex Tague, Cody Selby, Dan Wych Acolytes: Brett Smothers Maddy Cooley Communion Set Up: Jan Steenbock/Dawn Cundiff Jan Steenbock/Dawn Cundiff Communion Clean Up: Jan Steenbock/Dawn Cundiff Heidi Penney/Holly Miller Choir/Kantor: Hand Bell Choir/To be announced Hand Bell Choir/Cantate Domino Choir Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum Money Counter: John Montgomery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 11, 2020 - 7:00 p.m. Elder: Martin Cannon Ushers: Tim Hansen, Dave Hansen, Andy Raymond, Max Raymond Acolyte: Macey Cooley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 15, 2020 8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Mark Heinicke Doug Ferris Ushers: Don Mathisen Rick Guill, Ed Hawks, Dave Johannes, J.T. Waggoner Acolyte: Timothy Johnson Naomi Sherrill Communion Set Up: Theresa Bowerman/Kathy Seipold Theresa Bowerman/Kathy Seipold Communion Clean Up: Theresa Bowerman/Kathy Seipoold Diane Machmuller/Amy Waggoner Choir/Kantor: To be announced Gloria Dei Choir Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldlrum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 18, 2020 Elder: Randy Milbrath Ushers: Steve Krohn, Isaac Sherrill, Trey Stickler Acolyte: Paige Wurdeman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 22, 2020 8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Randy Milbrath Doug Ferris Ushers: Bill Kruse, Jeff Thomas, Jordan Mohling Tim Hansen, Dave Hansen, Andy Raymond, Max Raymond Acolyte: Briggs Smothers Matthew Waggoner Communion Set Up: Shirley Walker/Diane Rounds Shirley Walker/Diane Rounds Communion Clean Up: Shirley Walker/Diane Rounds Heidi Penney/Inez Voss Choir/Kantor: To be announced To be announced Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 25, 2020 Elder: Mark Heinicke Ushers: Rick Guill, Ed Hawks, Dave Johannes, J. T. Waggoner Acolyte: Jeremiah Sherrill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

March 29, 2020 8:00 a.m. ~ Communion 10:45 a.m. ~ Communion Elder: Mark Heinicke Martin Cannon Ushers: Steve Krohn, Isaac Sherrill, Trey Stickler Alex Tague, Cody Selby, Dan Wych Acolyte: Paige Wurdeman Isaiah Lusajo Communion Set Up: Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Communion Clean Up: Amy Termuende/Karen Burns Diane Machmuller/Amy Waggoner Choir/Kantor: To be announced To be announced Flowers: Wanda Mathisen, Diane Machmuller, Wendy Storey, Kathy Meldrum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~