World Reformed Fellowshi Thomas & Laurie Vanden Heuvel

In ' High Priestly Prayer recorded Recently, Dr. Whitlock invited Dr. Preamble for us inJohn 17, we hear Jesus praying Kim, Dr. K. Eric Perrin and Dr. Paul With gratitude tenderly for "those which you (the Gilchrist to partidpate in the dedication to God, the Intemational Reformed Father) have given me " who are in of the new facility of Reformed Fellowship joined the World the world but not of it. But not only Theological Seminary (RTS) in Fellowship of Reformed Churches in does Jesus pray for those living at October 2000 which then changed that time, but He goes on to say, "I the name to World Reformed pray also for all who will believe in me Fellowship. through their message that all of them may be one." Both fellowships were formed in the early nineteen nineties to In the last century, orthodox seek to promote the Reformed Christians have looked on with dismay faith as a witness to the world of while ecumenical organizations the sovereignty of God in the such as the World Council of redemption of his people Churches, the National Council of Dr. Luder Whitlock through the Lord Jesus Christ. Churches, and even the World Orlando, , and at that time This people of God, with diversified Alliance of Reformed Churches have the 4 men discussed the possibility of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, compromised their commitment to joining the Latin America fellowship are one in Christ. God has the truths of the Word of God. The and the Asia fellowship together, and enabled us to express the unity of WCC is now suggesting that enlarging it to include Reformed the church in the bonds of peace membership be opened to non­ work throughout the world. through cooperative agreements, Christian groups. The NCC has having the same biblical, evan­ announced that it anticipates a $1.8 A meeting was called for October 24­ gelical and missionary vision. million deficit for the first six 27, 2000 in Orlando, Florida at the Thus, believing that these are but months of 2001. WARC suffered a Reformed Theological Seminary expressions of a well-thought-out leadership credibility crisis when its campus and the nearby Canterbury Reformed perspective, we would former president, Rev. Alan Boesak, Retreat Center. General Assembly invite other Reformed churches, was jailed for embezzlement and fraud. moderators, stated clerks, seminary agenCies, institutions and professors and representing Is it really possible in this fractured individuals to join with us under hundreds of congregations in 5 world the following principles. world, to achieve the unity for regions - Latin America, Asia, which Jesus prayed in John 17? The North America, Europe, and Africa The World Reformed Fellowship answer is "yes"! If the Lord has - met to join the two existing makes the distinction of being a commanded unity, He can make it organizations and bring on new fellowship, not a council. World possible to achieve. world regions to form the World Reformed Fellowship recognizes In 1994 the World Fellowship of Reformed Fellowship as a visible that barriers of distance, culture Reformed Churches began with the expression of the Reformed faith. and language often make it difficult goal of uniting resources and vision The Preamble to the By-Laws adopted for a church to develop and for the whole world, beginning by the Fellowship, enunciates its maintain binding ties with a with Central and South America. purpose: church or churches of another Dr. K. Eric Perrin was the president of the movement, and Dr. Paul Gilchrist was the secretary. In 1998, Rev. Bill Green was appointed Executive Secretary of WFRC. About the same time, Dr. John E. Kim met together with Dr. Luder Whitlock, and Dr. W. Robert Godfrey to establish International Reformed Fellowship (lRF), a ministry to unite Reformed people in Asia. country, which is essential to the 3) To provide a network for To obtain a membership application, conciliar model. A fellowship communication and the sharing please write to: provides the context in which of ministry resources; World Refonned Fellowship churches, ministries and institu­ 4) To provide a forum for dialogue 5637 Bush River Road tions may become acquainted Columbia, South Carolina 29212 with each other, and where their on current issues; leaders may develop friendships 5) To offer direction to the evan­ and trusting relationships leading gelical Reformed community; The Conference to closer, mutually beneficial Day One cooperation. Members of a 6) To promote global evangelization fe llowship are not obligated formally in the basis of Reformed tradition; On Tuesday afternoon, October 24, to be responsible for one another's 7) To maintain, strengthen and the conference convened at positions or actions, but in an defend the sound doctrines Reformed Theological Seminary in atmosphere of free association, and biblical-theological tenents Orlando, Florida. It began with a may lovingly influence each that distinguish us as Reformed worship service, Dr. K. Eric Perrin other toward greater consistency Christians. presiding. Dr. Luder Whitlock, president in biblical faith and witness. of RTS seminary, preached on the World Reformed Fellowship will subject, "Reformed Vision and To assure the greatest possible unity promote its ministry with creativity, Mission." Pointing to an unfinished in doctrine, the new organization flexibility and efficiency. Our painting of four great reformers, Dr. adopted the following doctrinal basis: mission goal should drive our Whitlock explained that the We affirm the Scriptures of the structure and administration as painting was not finished and never Old and New Testaments as the we adapt to the opportunity and will be because "the Reformation is authoritative God-breathed and needs of the hour. We should unfinished." We have as Reformed inerrant word of God. We stand proactively seek out individuals Christians, not yet achieved that in the mainstream of the historic who can help WRF attain its oneness of which Paul speaks in Christian faith in affirming the objectives. Ephesians 4:4-6: "There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were catholic creeds of the early To help achieve these goals, we will church such as the Apostles' Creed, be retiring as editors of The Outlook the Nicene Creed, and the magazine, having served for eleven Chalcedon Creed. More specifical­ years in that capacity, to become the ly, we hold to one or more of the new Directors of Communications historic expressions of the for World Reformed Fellowship. Reformed faith such as the Details of the plans that have been Westminster Confession of Faith developed to begin to meet the and the Catechisms, the Heidelberg objectives stated above, will be Catechism, the Belgic Confession, presented toward the end of this article. and the declarations of the Dr. Iyortyom Achineku and Canons of Dort, the Thirty Nine Although about 80 Reformed leaders his wife, Rachel (Nigeria, Africa) Articles, the Second Helvetic from around the world gathered in Confession, and the Scots Confession Orlando in October, membership in called to one hope when you were of1560, the 2nd London Confession WRF remains open to everyone who called - one Lord, one faith, one of1689, the Gallican Confession, and will subscribe to the doctrinal basis baptism, one God and Father of all, the Savoy Declaration. and share the vision. Membership is who is over all, and through all, and open on various levels and voting priv­ in all." The speaker emphasized two As a refined statement of its purpose, ileges will be assigned proportionately. things: 1) We need to know the right­ the World Reformed Fellowship ness of our and then confess adopted the following: 1) Church denominations may join; it boldly in this day of liberalism The purpose of the WRF shall be to 2) A congregation of a nonparticipating and postmodernism (no absolute promote understanding and denomination may join; truth). Reformed theology, unlike cooperation in the following ways: much of modern , 3) Educational institutions and mission strongly adheres to a biblical world 1) To promote Reformed thinking agencies which have no denomi­ and life view, and that is the answer and a Reformed world and life view; national affiliation may join; to the tragedies of today's world. We need to spread this Gospel; build 2) To inform and encourage 4) Individuals who may not other­ wise be a representative of any of others up in this Gospel, and support churches and people who each other. 2) We need to have Paul's embrace the Reformed faith; the above organizations may join as members. concept of God. Today's emphaSis in evangelical circles is that we need to "'""c'''''''', accept God. Really, we need to be expressed the need to focus on the The Reformed Presbyterian acceptable to God. Whitlock expressed local church and its leaders, training in Myanmar, represented by a deepened appreciation of John of lay leaders, elders, deacons, lay Disciple Training Center - Yangon, Calvin who started with knowledge pastors, and evangelists. He urged reported that December 1, 1995, this of who God is, and then moved to the new fellowship to promote the Reformed church was born. There how I relate to this God. God only is work of Reformed theological are now 16 churches. Nine pastors great. Whatever we do for Him is seminaries, creating a network in and 7 missionaries have been significant only because of who He order to share information, news trained at the RTS Disciple Training is. We need to obey His Great bulletins, articles from professors; Center. They are drawing people to Commission, and He will take our providing the relationships neces­ the Bible, to the Westminster feeble efforts and multiply their sary to eventually share professors Confession and the systematic theology effect as He did in the miracle of the between institutions, promoting of Louis Berkhof. They have loaves and the fishes. the development, through joint established 3 presbyteries: the Delta efforts, of extension centers where Presbytery, the Hill Presbytery, and The worship service was followed by seminaries do not exist. He encour­ an hour of historical sketches regarding aged congregations to join together the beginnings and progress of the to plant churches, sharing resources two fellowships proposing the merger. that cannot be provided by just one Dr. Joseph Tong reported on church. He presented the need for countries included by International publications of various materials in Reformed Fellowship. He expressed the languages of the people. "Is all concern that Pentecostalism is taking this idealistic?" he asked. "Yes." "Are a toll in Asia. In China, everything is there obstacles?" "Many." "But our breaking down. The four pillars of unity in a common faith unites us, Rev. Isaac bio (Ghana, Africa) and their society - tradition, law, morality, and a common task beckons us Dr. Tial Hlei Thanga (Myanmar) and religion - are shaking. There forward. With God's help we can the Valley Presbytery. They are very are 250 students involved in show the world we are one, and we enthusiastic about the future. From Reformed theological education, ten can carry out more effective ministry June through September of the year hours a day, and that is encouraging. as we help one another." 2000, 50 Buddhists came to Christ. Reformed training is also meeting with success in Indonesia, Myanmar, In the evening, another worship The Evangelical Presbyterian Church Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Thailand service was held. Dr. Parker of Peru reported that the first has seventeen graduates from Williamson, editor of The Presbyterian Presbyterian church was planted in Reformed Theological Seminary. In Layman, preached on the subject: Peru 78 years ago, and they have India, Buddhism is very aggressive. "The Beauty of Reformed Fellowship." been actively engaged in church E,',' 03""'. They have even adapted the The content of his message is printed planting. A biblical Reformed semi­ Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's on page 11 of this issue of The Outlook. nary will begin in 2001. They hope Messiah, to Buddhist words. to establish Reformed University The first day finished with a session Ministries on 12 campuses in northern Rev. Bill Green reported for Latin of testimonies on "What God is Peru. All the universities permit this America. He outlined the difficulties Doing Around the World." Three of ministry. They have a real passion that cultures are facing in this area of them are featured here. for the publication of Reformed the world: social and economic literature, focusing first on Calvin's pressures due to foreign competition, South Africa reported that its secular government was no longer favorable Institutes, the Westminster Confession urbanization, ofFaith, Berkhof's History ofReformed rampant indi­ to . Its liberal constitu­ tion supports abortion on demand, Doctrine, and commentaries on the vidualism, New Testament - all in Spanish. divorce, multipli­ legalized prostitution and gambling. cation of street Crime and corruption are the primary Day Two children, and a problems. AIDS is a relatively new proliferation of enemy with 1000 people affected The Wednesday morning session new religions of per day. One out of four has the was opened with devotions led by . AIDS virus. Small villages are being all kinds. Dr. P.J. (Flip) Buys from South Africa. Rev. Bill Green wiped out and the orphan popula­ This devotional is printed in this (Latin America) But Rev. Green tion is increasing dramatically. There issue of The Outlook on page 15. The also presented the challenges of is deep humility among the February issue will carry Dr. Buys' today - ease in traveling, and Christians. The church has lost cred­ Thursday morning devotional. instant communications. He urged ibility because of apartheid. There is the church to take advantage of a real revival of prayer and interest On Wednesday morning, delegates these new developments. He in missions among them. to the conference attended two sets treated the following subjects: area of expertise. Some of this is was expressed. Attention was 1) "Response of the Church: Relief beginning to be done, but the practice to the effectiveness of the World for the Suffering Church," presenter, needs to become much more wide­ Council of Churches, that, although Rev. Jorge Lopez from Mexico; spread. Communication systems they were and are liberal, they have 2) "Theological Education," presenter, must be established; lay persons nevertheless had a strong impact Dr. Joseph Tong, USA; 3) "Ministry must become excited about funding because of the thoroughness and in Urban Centers," presenter, such programs. sophistication of their system of Dr. Aldo Fontao, Argentina; communication. 4) "Revitalization of Reformed In evangelism, many countries Worship," presenter, Dr. Patrick reported on models of evangelism Later in the morning of day 3, Rukenya, Kenya. they have found to be effective. delegates again divided into sections to discuss the five world regions The second set of seminars treated represented at this meeting: Europe, the following subjects: 1) "Evangelism Africa, Latin America, Asia, and and the Reformed Faith," presenter, North America. Each region was to Dr. Cecilio "Woody" Lajara, USA; discuss the Reformed denominations 2) "Technology and the Reformation," located in their region (some of presenter, Dr. Richard Pratt, USA; which were not yet represented at 3) "Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and WRF), the needs of the region, the ," presenter, Professor resources of the region, and the Emil Bartos, Romania; 4) "Theology Small group discusses evangelism means of communication within the and Korean Church Growth," presenter, They expressed a real need for direc­ region. Dr. Aaron Pyungchoon Park, Korea. tion and substance for women's ministries. So few men in these The region of Europe was found to be The rest of the day was spent countries go to church. They weak. In the United Kingdom there discussing the by-laws and various stressed the importance of strong is the Free Church of Scotland, the other matters of bUSiness, concluding discipleship ministries and more Evangelical Presbyterian Church in with a worship service in the planned mass meetings where Northern Ireland, the Reformed evening at which Dr. Thomas Ascol Christians from a larger area can Presbyterian Church of Ireland, the preached on the subject: "Commitment: come together to hear speakers well­ Presbyterian Church of Ireland, the The Heritage of the Reformed Faith." versed in the doctrines of the Bible. Evangelical Presbyterian Church of England and Wales. A need was In the area of publications, it was expressed for church revitalization Dr. Buys from South Africa again pointed out that all the goals of WRF in Scotland where there are many opened the day with devotions, the expressed in the by-laws could only Reformed pastors but weak congre­ text of which will appear in the gations due to liberal ministers in February issue of The Outlook. their past. The delegates then divided into Dr. Andrew McGowan shared exciting groups to discuss areas of special information on the new Highland ministry in which it was felt that Theological College in Dingwall, World Reformed Fellowship could Scotland of which he is principal. assist in the future. This theological college provides opportunities for men and women In education, the delegates expressed Small group discusses publications to study the Christian faith on a full­ the need for assistance in all be accomplished by communication. time, part-time, or open learning Christian education, from elementary basis, from an evangelical and day school through university, and Print media is certainly very important. News exchange from Reformed perspective, in the context theological education. In this regard of a worshiping community. A it was noted that some of the areas around the world is crucial; each area represented (and the ones that beautiful catalog is available by represented, for example, Korea and [email protected]. the USA, have many men with were not yet represented) needs to advanced theological degrees, and have its own correspondent to Brazil reported a strong Reformed most other countries have none or report to WRF. But there is also a seminary and graduate school in San very few. It was urged that the greatly need for a journal, or articles of Paulo. Mexico has 7 Reformed semi­ endowed share with the less thoughtful theological reflection on naries and theological schools. Asia endowed by establishing a loan many subjects regarding doctrine reported that Thailand and Korea program where trained Reformed and life. The need for an active web have a strong Reformed presence, theologians spend chunks of time in site and perhaps someday, an Myanmar has translation needs. another country, teaching in their expanded Reformed signal through Africa expressed concerns about aids, a powerful radio station like HCJB, the need for theological Personal Profiles in Los Angeles where she earned her training and discipleship and leader­ Ph.D. in human development, in ship training. They want to encour­ It would be impossible to feature 1990. When she returned to Daystar age Reformed Christians to go into every delegate to this unique College she became chairman of the politics. Witchcraft continues to be a conference. But we would like our education department. In 1997 she problem and family values are eroding. readers to become acquainted with left Daystar College to become the the breadth of the Reformed work managing director of Christian Dr. L. Roy Taylor, Stated Clerk of the around the world by examining the Learning Materials Center, a research Presbyterian Church in America names and places of residence of and curriculum development center (PCA), reported on North America. those who attended. For that reason established in 1981 as a project of He acknowledged the presence of we are devoting 2 pages (9 & 10) for the Association of Evangelicals in Reformed seminaries such as this information. Africa (AEA). The materials designed by the center are culturally relevant We also want to introduce a few of the to the African setting, educationally people with whom we had indepth effective and thoroughly biblical. conversations at the conference. The materials are published in Lois Semenye English, and sometimes translated into French, Kiswahili, Shona and Lois Semenye, the managing direc­ Ndebele. Dr. Cornelis Venema, Mr. Bob denDulk, tor for Christian Learning Materials Rev. Thomas Vanden Heuvel Center in Nairobi, Kenya, East But the center cannot give out the .F;· .L.;"/..:. Reformed Theological Seminary, Africa, went to tools without training teachers on 1I>;c~J;;;:,,<;:;; Westminster Seminaries and Mid- a boarding high how to use the tools. So Lois is America Reformed Seminary. He school in her involved in developing teacher recognized publications such as The native country training materials - building a Outlook, Christian Observer, The of Kenya. Her strong Sunday School; how to use Presbyterian Layman, and the mend had b:rome CLMC materials; how to tell a Bible PCAnews web site. He expressed a Christian and story; how to memorize verses with concern that Reformed denomina­ Dr. Lois Semenye Lois began going meaning; renewing and encouraging tions are not doing a good job of (Kenya, East Africa) to Christian gath­ teachers. She is also involved in the outreach among blacks and erings with her friend in her second actual training of teachers. She also Hispanics in the . He year of high school, and she became directs the writers who write materials, observed that mainline Reformed a Christian. Navigators discipled in writing skills and theological churches have not only plateaued, Lois. One of them was Reformed and knowledge. God bless you, Lois. but are declining. He lamented a taught Lois biblical truth from the Alonzo Ramirez great deal of ignorance regarding the Reformed perspective. Subsequently, Reformed faith in its own churches. this discipler steered Lois to Dr. Alonzo Ramirez is the Moderator He recommended that there be a Covenant Christian College (PCA) of the Evangelical Presbyterian much greater and more frequent in Lookout Mountain where Lois Church of Peru, a flow of information between majored in history and Bible, and Reformed Reformed works everywhere; that minored in education. She was denomination the needs and resources of Reformed involved in New City Fellowship started by the fields everywhere be made known. church in Chattanooga. Free Church of He even suggested that perhaps Scotland. Alonzo Seeing a great need for Sunday other countries should send received his Ph.D. School materials in her country of missionaries to the United States to in intercultural Kenya, Lois realized she needed help with ministries to minority groups. (Peru) studies from more education. She enrolled at Reformed Theological Seminary in The afternoon of day 3 was spent in Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He is the concluding the business of WRF. In Jackson, Mississippi and later gradu­ Director of Church Planting for his the evening, the final worship service ated with a degree in education. She denomination. God bless you, Alonzo. was held with Dr. Peter Jones, pro­ went back to Kenya and began fessor of New Testament from teaching in a new Christian college Guilhermino Cunha Westminster Seminary in California, called Daystar Christian College. She speaking on the subject, "Reformed taught Christian Ministry courses The Rev. Guilhermino Cunha is the Response to the Challenge." designed for children and youth of Moderator (PreSident) of the Supreme all ages. During her 14 years at Council (General Assembly) of the Daystar College, she went back to Presbyterian Church of Brazil, a the United States to Biola University denomination of 3,715 churches organized into 220 presbyteries. to 5 presbyteries are subse­ Columbia, SC, conferences, events, leadership quently organized into a synod, and elected Chairman; training, book reviews; a column for 56 synods make up the Supreme Dr. Joseph Tong, Ministry Opportunities where people Council of which Rev. Cunha is Presiden t of can log on to discover what oppor­ International tunities for short-term or long-term Theological volunteer service may be available; a This church was Seminary in Los Ministry Vision column which established in 1859 Dr. Paul Gilchrist Angeles, and Dr. develops the visions of book by a missionary Executive Secretary John E. Kim of translation into other languages, from the United Korea. WRF has audiotape releases via the internet, a States, a gradu­ a 26-member print journal of Reformed reflection, Rev. Guilhermino Cunha ate of Princeton Governing Board and other ideas; a column for (Brazil) Seminary, Ashbel representing 18 Ministry Connections to bring Green. The first congregation was nations. together people on local, national, organized in 1862, and regional and global levels. In addition Cunha has served this congregation, As we mentioned Dr. Luder Whitlock to the web site, we propose a one or the Presbyterian Cathedral of Rio de earlier in this two page bulletin to be mailed in Janeiro, for the past 20 years. He article, we have bulk to churches, organizations, preaches in Portuguese. accepted the institutions and individuals once or responsibility This denomination covers all 26 twice a month, containing a short of becoming states of Brazil and serves a population version of news, article teasers, DiratOIs of Com­ of 170 million. It has 8 seminaries ministry opportunities and resources, munications for (1000 students), 5 Bible institutes, free of charge. The hope is that Dr. K. Eric Perrin the Wlid Mxrm:l and 1 postgraduate center in San denominations, congregations, Chairman WRF Fellowship, Paulo with 500 students seeking organizations, institutions, individ­ retiring after masters' degrees. In 2001 the center uals, and foundations will be lead to eleven years, as will begin a Doctor of Ministry send contributions to subsidize editors of The graduate program with Reformed this very valuable ministry. Outlook. Theological Seminary. Church We are thrilled with the formation planters in this denomination are As we contem- of World Reformed Fellowship and trained in the Bible institutes and go Dr. Joseph Tong plated how to look forward eagerly to facilitating through an assessment before going best facilitate its outreach around the world in to the field. the goals spelled out in the by-laws, preparation for that wonderful Day and fulfill the desires and expecta­ Rev. Cunha is also Chairman of the of the Lord described tions of the delegates present at the Bible Society of Brazil established 50 Revelation 7:9-12: conference, we came to the conclu­ years ago. This Bible Society distrib­ sion that a magazine would be slow After this I looked and there uted 50 million Bibles in the year and cumbersome if it were the only before me was a great multitude 2000 alone. In 1997, it was the first mode of communication. So we that no one could count, from in the world in distribution. Now it have presented the proposal that we every nation, tribe, people and is second in the world, and first in establish a state of the art web site language, standing before the Latin America, Asia and Africa. which will present current news throne and in front of the Lamb. Rev. Cunha is studying for his from Reformed fields around the They were wearing white robes Doctor of Ministry degree with world, furnished by correspondents. and were holding palm branches Reformed Theological Seminary in We will also feature articles on many in their hands. And they cried out Orlando, Florida. God bless you, subjects (doctrine, education, the in a loud voice: "Salvation Guilhermino. church - officebearers, pastors, belongs to our God who sits on women's ministries, children and the throne, and to the Lamb." youth ministries - missions, evangelism, the Christian home, All the angels were standing The leadership of the new World contemporary issues, stewardship, around the throne and around Reformed Fellowship includes Dr. and many others); a Reformed the elders and the four living Paul Gilchrist, former Stated Clerk of Round Table, structured and moni­ creatures. They fell down on their the Presbyterian Church in America, tored, to discuss topiCS of interest to faces before the throne and named Executive Secretary; Dr. all those interested in the Reformed worshiped God saying: "Amen! Luder Whitlock, President of faith; a column for Ministry Praise and glory and wisdom and Reformed Theological Seminary; Dr. Resources - print media, audio­ thanks and honor and power and Rick Perrin, pastor of Cornerstone visual media, electronic media, strength be to our God for ever Presbyterian Church (PCA) in and ever, Amen!" Rev. Vanden Heuvel is pastor of graduate ofCalvin College, and of Christian schools for 30 years. The· the Covenant Presbyterian Church the master's degree program at Vanden Heuvels have 5 married (PCA) in Holland, MI, and coedi­ Grand Valley State University in children and 12 grandchildren. tor of The Outlook with his wife Grand Rapids, Michigan. She Laurie. Laurie Vanden Heuvel is a taught part or full-time in

Attendees of the World Reformed Fell Conference Isaac Ababio, Ghana (East Legon Presbyterian-Hour of Visitation Ministry) Dr. Paul Gilchrist, Georgia (Former Stated Clerk of the PCA; Executive Director ofWRF) Dr. Iyortyom and wife Rachel Achineku, Nigeria (Pastor; former Rector of RTCN) Michael J. Glodo, Michigan (Stated Clerk; Evangelical Presbyterian Church [EPCD Dr. and Mrs. (Donna) Thomas Ascol, Florida (Executive Director and Secretary, ) Bill Green, Costa Rica (Pastor; Executive Secretary of CLIR) Dr. Emil Bartos, Romania (Director of the Center for Reformation Studies) Dr. Cornelius (Neal) Hegeman, Florida (Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ministries in Action, Pierre Berthoud, France and Miami International Seminary) (President, Professor of Old Testament and Apologetics, Reformed Seminary, Aix-en-Provence) Paul Huang Ho-Lung, Taiwan (Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Taiwan) Roberto Brasileiros-Silas, Brazil (Vice Moderator, Presbyterian Church of Brazil) Bruce B. Howes, Delaware (Pastor; Interchurch Relations Committee Dr. Philip J. (Flip) Buys, South Africa Presbyterian Church in America [PCAD (President, Mukhanyo Theological College) James Y. Hwangbo, California Dr. Robert Cannada, North Carolina (Co-President, Korean American Presbyterian Church) (Executive Vice President, Reformed Theological Seminary) Dr. Nelson Jennings, Missouri (Associate Professor of World Missions, Covenant Mohan Chako, India Theological Seminary (PCA), St. Louis) (President, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary) Dr. Peter Jones, California Samuel Chang, California (Professor of New Testament, Westminster Seminary) (President, Miju Presbyterian General Assembly) Edward Kasaija, Uganda Carlos Cruz, Puerto Rico (Chairman Missions Committee, Presbyterian (Pastor; Professor Iglesia Cristiana Reformada [P.A.]) Church of Uganda) Guilhermino Cunha, Brazil Dr. John E. Kim, Korea (President, Presbyterian Church of Brazil) (President, Hap Dong General Assembly Seminary in Dercy DeLIMA, Brazil Seoul; Vice Chairman, WRF) (lgreja Presbiteriana do Brasil) Dr. SamuelJ. Kim, California Robert G. denDulk, California (Christian Presbyterian Church) (denDulk Christian Foundation) Dr. Seok Won Kim, Florida Emiliano Jaramillo Donoso, Quito, Ecuador, South (Pastor, Reformed Church in America) America (Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana Ecuador) Sungsoo Kwon, Korea Reynaldo V. Eusebio, Philippines Dr. Cecilio (Woody) Lajara, Georgia (General Secretary, Presbyterian Church of the Philippines) (WRF Treasurer; Latin American Director Evangelism Dr. AIdo Fontao, Argentina Explosion) (Pastor, Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church) Dr. Sam Logan, Pennsylvania Ferdinand Gbewonyo, Ghana (President, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia) (Moderator, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana) Augustus Lopes, Brazil Angel E. Rodriguez, Puerto Rico (Dean, Andrew Jumper Graduate Center, MacKenzie (Pastor; Director Seminary Christian Reformed) College) Patrick Rukenya, Kenya Jorge Lopez, Mexico (Secretary General, Presbyterian Church of East Africa) (Pastor, Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de Mexico) Ricardo Santana-Rivas, Mexico Malcolm Maclean, Scotland (PreSident, San Pablo Seminary) (Managing Editor, Christian Focus Publications) Dr. Lois Semenye, Kenya Francisco Magana, Mexico (Managing Director, Christian Learning Materials Center) (President, Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana) John Shane, Georgia Maruyama, Japan (PCA - Mission to the World, Regional Director­ (Moderator, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Japan) Southern Africa) Dr. Andrew McGowan, Scotland Peterson Sozi, Uganda (WRF Second Vice Chairman; Principal, Highland (Director, Back to God Evangelistic Association) Theological College) Byung Sun, Korea Timothy McKeown, Georgia (Pastor, Kunkwang Church) (PCA, Mission to North America; Multicultural Church Planting Coordinator) Supardan, Indonesia (General Secretary, Indonesian Bible Society) Pedro Merino, Peru (First Vice President, Iglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana y Johanes Lilik Susanto, Indonesia (Head of Evangelism - Discipleship Department, Reformada en el Peru) and Lecturer in Reformed Evangelical Seminary of Ludgero Morais, Brazil Indonesia and Reformed Institute of Indonesia) (President CLIR; Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Daniel Szabo, Hungary Belo Horizonte) (Vice President of General Synod, Reformed Church Carlos Padilla, Honduras of Hungary) (Pastor, Iglesia Reformada Unida; Coordinator Dr. L. Roy Taylor, Georgia Regional CLIR) (Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America [PCAD Dr. Peter Pamudji, Indonesia (President, Aletheia Theological Institute) Dr. Tial Hlei Thanga, Myanmar (General Secretary/President, Reformed Presbyterian Dr. Aaron Park, Korea Church in Myanmar; RTS--Disciple Training Center, (PreSident, Christian Theological Colleges; Adjunct Yangon) Professor, RTS, Orlando, FL) Ken Thompson, Georgia Yong Park, Korea (Pastor; Mission to the World [PCA] Area Director ­ Latin America/Africa) Dr. K. Eric Perrin, South Carolina (WRF Chairman; Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Caleb Tong, Indonesia Presbyterian Church [PCAD Joseph Tong, Indonesia Silas Pinto, Florida (WRF First Secretary; President International (Pastor; Presbyterian Church [PCUSAD Theological Seminary) Robert Pitman, California Samuel Trinidad, Mexico (Moderator - Leadership Team Knox Fellowship) Rev. Thomas and Laurie Vanden Heuvel, Michigan Dr. Alonzo Ramirez, Peru (Editors, The Outlook) (Moderator, Head of Church Planting, Evangelical Allen Vander Pol, Florida Presbyterian Church of Peru) (Pastor; representing United Reformed Churches) Roberto Rampola, Puerto Rico Dr. Comelis Venema, Indiana Dr. Richard Ramsay, Florida (Dean of Faculty, Mid-America Reformed Seminary) (Professor, representing LOGOI) Luder Whitlock, Florida Johan Reiners, South Mrica (President, Reformed Theological Seminary) (Stated Clerk, Christian Reformed Church of South Africa) Parker Williamson, North Carolina (Pastor; Executive Editor, The Presbyterian Layman) , ~ ". - i :, :: '_ ;: _ ,'_ ~ _ _, - _ ; _, _ '. ,- ',_ _ ",: eBeau ReforITle

This was a speech delivered at the human beings. Uniquely among all relate to one another? In the conference of World Reformed of creation, we were made in the individualistic paradigm, they Fellowship. image of God. So from the very would define themselves in beginning, in our very essence, we contradistinction to others and thus When we speak of Reformed fellowship, are a community of persons. And form clumps along the perimeter. we are speaking of the Church, the God said, "'Let us make man in our But this does not lead to community. Koinonia, the communion of the image' God created man, male One person's movement toward one saints, the elect, those who were and female he created them...and person or group of persons necessarily;', once "no people" but now are known God said, 'Be fruitful and multiply....", separates him from other persons on as "the people of God." Let us focus We need to make a critical distinc­ the perimeter. This is the problem on the doctrines of creation, the fall, tion - the distinction between that is inherent in politics. Only if redemption, and sanctification. individuals (a secular term with we all move toward the center of the <.>"'''.~'''.'' which our modern culture, infatuated circle - what Augustine calls the with schemes of self-actualization, is point of common affection - can In the perfection of creation, human enamored) and persons. God is a we all enter into relation with one beings were not isolated, autonomous, triune community of persons and another. Augustine's definition of self-affirming individuals. They were that is the image in which we were community is a body of persons that made for communion. This is a made. Jeremy Begbie (Ridley is characterized by a common object necessary inference from the fact College, Cambridge) finds that of affection. What happens at the that we were made in the image of music offers a richer way to describe core of the circle is personal, not ecc.' ,.h' .... God. Who is God other than that the Trinity than one can obtain with individual. It is not the clumping of perfect communion, that intimate spatial descriptions. When one self-affirming individuals, but an interaction of the three Persons of strikes a chord on the piano, each interaction of persons in relation to the Trinity - in a relationship of note is heard in relation to the others. the core of the circle and thus love? God is a "relational" being. He The resonance of each note, while relation to each other. is One in the sense that there is no distinct, is enhanced by being in other, but He is not one in the math­ relation to the others, and the The Fall resulting chord is greater than the ematical, monistic sense that Arius, Human sin, essentially the act of sum of its parts. fourth-century Greeks, and the self-affirmation, a declaration of world's Islamic cults assume. God is The core human community is autonomy by the imperial self, One in a dynamic, relational sense. marriage, a God-ordained institution constitutes the fracturing of If God is essentially relational, then wherein two human beings find community. In their sin, Adam and all being - everything that God has their fulfillment in relation to one Eve turned the garden into a jungle. made - exhibits relational qualities. another. The male-female union is Their sin fractured the divine-human There is a relational content built not a merger, but a relationship of communion. We read that Adam and into the very notion of being. "To persons in which each enriches and Eve "hid" from God, causing God to be" is to exist in relation to others. enhances the other. Radical feminism say, "Where are you?" Their sin also This theological understanding of was correct to protest male domina­ fractured human communion. Adam reality is attested by the science of tion, a sinful distortion of God's blamed his wife and his God for physics. If you probe the elemental intention for humanity. But it was their sin: "This woman whom you nature of physical being, what you tragically wrong to engender a self­ gave to me, gave me this fruit." Their discover is a mass of interaction ­ affirmation movement whose focus sin also fractured the order of nature protons, neutrons, electrons moving is on the individual as opposed to (thorns and thistles, and ground in patterns that give shape and form persons in relation. Radical feminism that must be tilled with the sweat of to the physical world. Matter and ruptures the human community one's brow). every bit as much as does male energy are in kinetic relationships. Whereas life had been characterized by Our universe is not static, but relational domination. Both violate God's all of these elements in harmonious order of creation. - planets circling stars, and moons relation, now, in the wake of man's circling planets - dynamic action Looking beyond the primary human autonomous self-affirmation, fractured and interaction, from the tiniest community, marriage, to the wider relations between man and God, man molecule to the swirl of the cosmos. dimension of human community, and wife, and man and the ground, lead If relation is the essence of being, it consider the image of persons on the to ultimate separation called death. Ifthe is no less so for us who are called perimeter of a circle. How do they essence of life as the Creator intended it community, then death, its opposite, is Worship therefore, is not something example; in the Islamic tradition ­ ultimate isolation, the seventh and final that we do. It is not an accomplish­ tends to work itself out politically as ring in Dante's Hell. The moment we ment. It is not a performance. It is totalitarianism, and other forms of declare ourselves autonomous, we sign not a technique. (Many of these authoritarianism; whereas the our own death certificate. human-centered activities occur Christian knowledge of God as a today - sadly, many committed by triune community of persons tends so-called evangelicals - under a to work itself out in political forms label called "worship.") Reformed that respect the integrity of persons. But God - the divine, triune worship eschews gimmicks, bells Herein lies the beauty of Reformed community - would not allow His and whistles, embellishments, fellowship. And why do we call it creation to remain in chaos. So He multi-colored plumage and other beautiful? Because it comes from the sent into the midst of His creation artificial adornments. Instead, hand of the Creator. It reflects the the very One through whom Reformed worship prefers simplicity symmetry, harmony, and order that creation came into being: His Son, - an open Bible, the atmosphere of God alone can make pOSSible, the the Word. "In the beginning was the prayerful submission. Worship in its God who created all that exists and Word, and the Word was with God truest sense, is what theologian called it "good," our translation of and the Word was God. All things James Torrance calls, "participating the Hebrew word for perfection, the were made through him, and with­ through the Spirit in the Son's perfect circle. out him was not anything made that communion with Father." In true was made...and the Word became worship we recognize that there is flesh and dwelt among us ...and we Sanctification only one way to come to the Father, beheld his glory.... " What we have namely, through Christ in the Here then, is how Scripture describes here is the perfect answer, the only our Reformed fellowship: "Since we communion of the Spirit, in the answer to our fractured, individual­ communion of the saints, whatever are encompassed by so great a cloud istic, fragmented existence: God the outward form our worship may take. of witnesses (communion of the Creator has come to us as God the In complete submission to the saints without boundaries), let us lay Redeemer. Creation could only be aside every weight and sin that Triune God, we experience His glory. restored by the One who created it. clings so closely, and let us run with There is an inseparable connection The Church is nothing less than cre­ perseverance the race that has been between creation and redemption. ation as God intended it. The set before us, looking to Jesus, the That is why Scripture calls those of us Church is a reflection of the divine pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who are redeemed, "the new creation." community, a communion of per­ who for the joy that was set before sons whose being is discovered in him, endured the cross, despising Thus, redemption is re-creation. We relation to God and to one another. the shame, and is seated at the right die to the chaos of fractured rela­ Here in the center of the circle we hand of God." tionships and are reborn to a witness the marks of the Church ­ divinely-appointed reality. And where the SCriptures are rightly All of the elements of Reformed what is this divinely-appointed reality? preached, the sacraments are rightly fellowship are here: the encompassing It is the Church. Therefore, the of the fellowship; the mutual administered, and diScipline, our Church is no mere human associa­ accountability of the fellowship; the mutual accountability under the tion. It is the creation of God. "On Word of God, is faithfully adjudicated. sense of purpose that vectors the this rock I will build my Church, and fellowship; the presence of pioneer Note that all three of these marks of the gates of hell shall not prevail and perfecter, who leads the fellow­ the Church exhibit a relational against it." The Church is sustained, dimension - the Word preached, ship and completes its Godly work; not by our efforts, but by God's the sacraments administered and and the vision of the triumphal providence. The Church is perma­ Christ with whom, through the gift discipline adjudicated. nent because God is permanent. of the Holy Spirit, we enter the love The Church is a witness to a broken of God the Father, Son and Holy Coming together in the center of the world of God's intention for cre­ Spirit, that holy communion that will circle, we meet Jesus Christ and we ation, of creation rightly ordered, never end. experience worship. We are drawn the restored community. Where the into communion with the Triune Church bears that witness, new pos­ Thanks be to God. God, and in this worship experience, sibilities for community can flourish we realize a communion with one in this fractured, broken world. Rev. Parker Williamson is editor of another that transcends any human Marriage can be renewed as a The Presbyterian Layman. association, not only for those of us redemptive community of persons who are physically present, but in relation. The state can develop that wider communion, the com­ forms of association that maximize munion of the saints that transcends the value of persons within its body boundaries of time and space. politic. Monism - as is seen, for The"Catholici "of the Church Cornelis P. Venema

While attending the orgamzmg church is inherently contradictory Church? meeting of the World Reformed - an oxymoron, really. For the A. That the Son Fellowship, I was reminded of the catholic Christian church tran­ of God, out of the whole human ancient confession of the church, "I scends all artificial boundaries. It is race, from the beginning to the believe ... one holy, catholic church" not Roman nor European nor eastern end of the world, gathers, (Apostles' Creed). When enjoying nor western! In its temporal signifi­ defends, and preserves for fellowship with representatives of cance, the catholic church is the Himself, by His Spirit and Word, Reformed and Presbyterian denomi­ church of all ages (cf. Matthew 28:20; in the unity of the true faith, a nations, churches, institutions, and 1John 1:1-3). And in its spatial Church chosen to everlasting life; seminaries from throughout the and that I am, and forever shall world, the catholicity of the church There no room ... remain, a living member thereof strikes one as more than a confession is (Heidelberg Catechism). in words. In the person of represen­ for believers who tatives of churches from several The visible church, which is also continents, one sees a visible suffer from "tunnel catholic or universal under the embodiment of this confession! No gospel (not confined to one nation, room is left for doubt that Christ is vision" when it comes as before under the law), consists of gathering a church of believers all those throughout the world that from throughout the world who to what they regard profess the true religion; and of their are united in the "unity of the true children; and is the kingdom of the as belonging to Lord Jesus Christ, the house and faith" (Heidelberg Catechism). family of God, outside of which What, however, do we mean when the church of there is no ordinary possibility of we speak of the "catholicity" of the Jesus Christ. salvation (Westminster Confession of church? Faith, Chap. XXV). The term, "catholic/' is not an significance, the catholic church is The confession of the church's expressly biblical one. Literally, the the church of all places (cf. John catholicity depends upon the work term means "what refers to or is 4:23; Acts 10:34-35). The church of of the Triune God, Father, Son, and encompassed by the whole." In its Jesus Christ encompasses all true Holy Spirit, in all the fulness and earliest usage by the second century believers of every age and place who richness of their respective opera­ church father, Ignatius of Antioch, it are being gathered by Christ tions. The church is the elect people was aimed at heretics who departed through His Spirit and Word. The of God, the bride of Christ, the temple from the true church of Christ in its catholic church is the whole body of in which God dwells by His Spirit universal dimensions. Whenever Christ, "the fulness of Him who fills (1 Peter 2:9; EpheSians 2:22; 5:25). artificial boundaries or limits are all in all" (Ephesians 1:23). Built The confession of the church's placed upon the fulness or whole­ upon the foundation of the apostles catholicity, therefore, depends upon ness of the church, whether by ille­ and prophets (Matthew 16:13; the conviction that the Triune God gitimate separation or narrowness of Ephesians 2:20), this church is the is realizing His saving and reconciling viewpoint, there the catholicity of whole people of God, comprised of purposes through the gathering of the church is endangered. Jewish and Gentile believers alike His people. This confession is an and consisting of believers from article of faith, a conviction based Because the term "catholic" has every tribe and tongue and people upon the believer's confidence that become so closely linked in the popular and nation (Revelation 5:9). the church is God's and not ours. mind with the claims of the "Roman Christ will build His church and the Catholic" church, many Reformed The confessions of the Reformed and Presbyterian churches contain gates of hell will not prevail against believers are hesitant to use this her (Matthew 16:18)! In this respect, term, sometimes preferring the excellent summary affirmations of the confession of the catholicity of ";?'"c;;r;,;;,,;,; what is meant by the catholiCity of language of a "universal" church. the church is exclusive: only those This is unfortunate, since this attribute the church. Two of these are especially helpful: who enjoy fellowship with the belongs to the true church of Jesus Triune God through His saving work Christ, not to the church which calls Q. 54 What do you believe can confess and claim to be members ,>,;;,,~,,;,., itself "Roman" catholic. Indeed, the concerning the holy catholic of the catholic church. It also language of a "Roman" catholic upon the other attributes of upon excluding many from the diminishes the fulness of God's claim the church: unless the unity, holiness catholic church than including upon the life of His people. and apostolicity of the church are them. Who is not familiar, for Admittedly, this is to state the matter maintained, the church will not be example, with the petty way in rather abstractly. The confession of what it professes to be, namely, the which some Reformed believers pit the catholicity of the church obliges church of God through Christ and the confessions of the continent Reformed believers to confess their in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. (e.g. the Three Forms of Unity) sins where they have disobeyed the against the confessions of the obligations of this confession. English/Scottish churches (the Without going into detail, our sins Westminster standards)? Others seem The church belongs to in this area are undeniable. But this more skilled at discerning minor dif­ confession also asks us to look ferences over matters of church poli­ Christ and is as catholic beyond the narrow boundaries of ty and the like, which then prevent "our own" church (congregation) or as the embrace of His serious efforts at expressing our even denomination. It asks us to unity in the faith, than they are at acknowledge and to seek fellowship grace and saving work finding common ground. Those with all who belong to the catholic who confess the catholicity of the Christian church. We may not do in the world. church are obliged to receive the this, of course, at the expense of the richness and fulness of the confes­ church's holiness or apostolicity. But sional and theological tradition(s) do it we must if our confession is not This confession of the church's of the church. By contrast they to ring hollow. catholicity places tremendous need to resist all premature and responsibilities upon all true unnecessary erecting of boundaries Dr. Camelis Venema, a contributing believers in Jesus Christ. Among which inappropriately narrow the editor of The Outlook magazine, those responsibilities, several are reach of Christ's saving work. teaches Doctrinal Studies at especially important. Mid-America Reformed Seminary First, in our thinking and practice we in Dyer, Indiana. must view the church through Sadl'y, man'y windows wide enough to include Reformed believers the whole of the church, and not only a segment. There is no room, seem more bent upon accordingly, for believers who suffer from "tunnel vision" when it comes excluding man'y from to what they regard as belonging to the church of Jesus Christ. Any the catholic church unbiblical limitations - whether of than including them. time, of space, of nationality, of MID-AMERICA culture, and the like - upon the ful­ Reformed Seminary ness and extent of the church of Third, the confession of the catholidty Christ are to be rejected. The church of the church also requires an " ...hold out the Word of life... U Philippians 2:16 belongs to Christ and is as catholic embrace of the fulness of truth on as the embrace of His grace and the one hand, wherever it comes to Discover the riches of: saving work in the world. Thus, we expression in any sphere of human • Worldview Calvinism may receive gladly the richness and endeavor, and of the fulness of obe­ diversity of the church throughout • Reformational Theology dience on the other. The truth of • Presuppositional Apologetics history and among the nations and God is catholic. It embraces every • Pastoral Apprenticeship Training peoples, as a legitimate expression of legitimate area of human knowledge. • Spiritual Formation the church's catholicity. There is no false dichotomy permitted Come and study with.uSl Second, in our thinking and practice between religious and "secular" knowledge. Furthermore, obedience - Where ministry is more than a we must be receptive to the fulness degree; it's a calling ­ and richness of the great catholic requires a life wholly and exclusively tradition of the church, expressed devoted, in everyone of its legiti­ Call toll free: 1-800-440--6277 for example in the ecumenical mate expressions, to the service of creeds and confessions, as well as the the Triune God. Any double theory 229 Seminary Drive particular confessions of our more of truth contradicts the church's Dyer, IN 46311 (near Chicago) restricted traditions. Sadly, many confession of her catholicity. Any E-mail: [email protected] Reformed believers seem more bent arbitrary division between religious Website: and non-religious service likewise < " ',' "" :,:" ",",'" :'" ", ',' ' ',-:, ,'-',:- ,;>, ",' " '" e Fear ·GodasaCen----'­ Part of Reformed Dr. P.l. morning devotional was read and study books that do not always, so that it might go well with given at the conference of the lead to our growth in the fear of them and their children forever!" World Reformed Fellowship. God, such books are useless. The deepest wish of any true child of "Meaningless! Meaningless!/I In this way it relates to the message God is to truly know this fear of • "',, says the Teacher. Not only was of the whole book of Ecclesiastes, God. Therefore, each true child of namely, that a life without God is God will pray the Teacher wise, but also he senseless and meaningless. David prayed imparted knowledge to the in Psalm 86:11: people. He pondered and searched From the beginning of chapter 1 the whole book has been weighing out and set in order many many things which people believe proverbs. The Teacher searched give me an to give meaning to their lives. The undivided to find just the right words, and author then ends with a seemingly heart, that I very depressed conclusion in chapter what he wrote was upright and may fear your 12:8: Everything is meaningless. true. The words of the wise are name." Dr, P. J. Buys like goads, their collected sayings But then he says that in his search (South Africa) like firmly embedded nails ­ for the deepest meaning of life he What Does the given by one Shepherd. Be has found the ultimate meaning of Fear ofGod Mean? life: That is to fear God. warned, my son, of anything in It is not always easy to give the exact addition to them. Of making For many Christians, one of the meaning of the Hebrew word yare' many books there is no end, and most perplexing commands in the that has been translated with the Bible is this command: "Fear God!" much study wearies the body. word fear. It is sometimes translated They feel uncomfortable with such with reverence, sometimes with Now all has been heard; here is an exhortation. When through severity. Perhaps one of the German the conclusion of the matter: Fear Christ we call God "Father," is there paraphrases comes closest to the real God and keep his commandments, still any room left for fearing Him? meaning when it translates: "Mit for this is the whole duty ofman. Surely we are meant to love Him, Gatt ernst machen." not to fear Him. Doesn't perfect love For God will bring every deed drive out fear (lJohn 4:18)? True fear of God almost defies into judgment, including every definition, because it is really a hidden thing, whether it is good Yet, I am deeply convinced that this synonym for the heartfelt worship concept of the fear of God is a central or evil. of God for who God is and what He Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 part of true Reformed spirituality. has done. In many places of the Old and New When I was a student I lived in a What we have to realize very well, is dormitory where we used to have Testaments, the Bible makes it clear that the phrase fear of God does not devotions at evening meals. One of that the heart of true religion is this mean that we must be afraid of God, the students would read a portion fear of God. or that a Christian should have from the Bible, give a psalm or The fear of the LORD is the begin­ anxiety or terror for Him. hymn to sing and then lead us in ning of wisdom ... (Proverbs 9:10). It is true that the Bible uses the prayer. During times of exams some expression "the fear of God" in two students used to read Ecclesiastes Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, different ways. Sometimes it does 12:12: "Of making many books mean "terror," even a "horror" of there is no end, and much study live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear (lPeter 1:17). God. But then it is the fear of an wearies the body," giving the idea unpardoned sinner who lives in that students should be careful not In fact, God's wish for His children is deep antagonism against God (e.g., to study too hard! that they should fear Him. He says to Genesis 3:10). It is the kind of terror But that of course is not the meaning Moses according to Deuteronomy 5:29, that a slave has for his master, of this verse. When we read it in "Oh, that their hearts would be inclined because he thinks that his master context the meaning is that if we to fear me and keep all my commands acts like a tyrant. In the parable of the talents this is the kind of fear in Do you know the fear of God like According to the Bible, the fear the attitude that the servant with the this? Have you known occasions God is the foundation of genuine one talent had toward his master. He when His Word arrested you with Christian morality. said: "Master, I knew that you are a such force that you realized that He hard man, harvesting where you knows even the intentions of your Dear parents, is it your wish that have not sown and gathering where heart (Hebrews 4:12)? your children should live a clean, you have not scattered seed. So I was unblemished life? Teach them then, afraid and went out and hid your Have you sometimes meditated on from early childhood the true fear of talent in the ground" (Matthew 25:25). the cross of Christ and found your­ God. Let your own life be an example self saying: "Amazing love! How can That is notthe fear we shoold have 1Dr GOO. of the true fear of God. it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst The true fear of God is a child-like die for me?" 2) Child-like fear of God makes you fear. Some of the Puritans used to a person of integrity, somebody who call it a "filial fear." It is a combina­ This is the fear of God. It is awe, can be trusted. admiration, wonder, and love, all tion of holy respect and glowing Nehemiah was such a person. The love. To fear God is to have a heart experienced simultaneously in the presence of His glorious majesty. If governors of his time all reigned that is sensitive to both His Godness through bribery and corruption. In and His graciousness. It means to you know and experience this filial fear of God it will have influence on Nehemiah 5:15 he says that the .;;11i ~S;:::'l:'1~'?$~~~; experience great awe and a deep joy every aspect of your life. Let us look earlier governors - those preceding simultaneously when one begins to him -placed a heavy burden on the understand who God really is and at the impact this kind of spirituality has on our lives. people and demanded bribes of what He has done for us. money, food and wine. Their assistants Therefore the true fear of God is not also lorded it over the people and The Effects of the then he concludes by saying: So did a fear that makes a person run away Fear ofGod in the Life and flee from God. It is a fear that I not, because of the fear of God. drives him to God. Love for God and ofa Child of God If we shared this sense of awareness fear of Him are, therefore, not at all The most obvious impact of the fear that we live "before the face of God" incompatible. To think that they are of the Lord is that it produces holiness (coram Deo as Calvin used to put it), a is to fail to see the richness of the in our lives. It provides the spirit in new honesty would mark our speech character of the God we worship. It which we continue to work out our and make us stand out in the world. is to ignore the way in which knowing salvation with fear and trembling 3) Child-like fear of God promotes Him in all of His attributes, and (Philippians 2:12). responding appropriately to Him, obedience to God's commands in our stretches our emotional capacities to The Bible abounds in illustrations of lives. their limit. Scripture portrays the the sanctified lifestyle which the fear When Noah received the order to fear of the Lord and the love of the of God produces: build an ark he was obedient. Lord as companion emotions. 1) It holds us back from continuing in Despite the scorn of the people of F. W. Faber saw this clearly when he sin. Look at Exodus 20:20. After God his time, he built the ark on dry wrote: had given the law to His people, ground. In Hebrews 11: 7 we read Moses said to them: God has come to that Noah built an ark in holy fear to They love Thee little, if at all, test you, so that the fear of God will be save his family. Who do not fear Thee much: with you to keep you from sinning. If love is Thine attraction, Lord, 4) Fear of God drives away your fear of Fear is Thy very touch. Maybe you can recall the well­ people and what they possibly could known history of Joseph when the do to you. Jesus said that we should It is a feeling of deep awe and respect wife of Potiphar tried to seduce him. not fear those that can only kill the about His magnitude. It gives the She blatantly invited him to come body, but that we should fear Him child of God a deep inner peace and and sleep with her but he resisted. who can destroy body and soul in hell. calm. It lets him cry out in amaze­ How did he do it? The answer shows Many Christians are afraid to show ment: "0 LORD, our Lord, how clearly in his words: How could I do majestic is your name in all the earth!" that they are followers of Christ. such a wicked thing and sin against Here is the answer to our own lack of This kind of spiritual experience that my God (Genesis 39:9)? His fear of courage in witness! The great makes one kneel down before God in God kept him from sinning. reformers in history were all people amazement and adoration and with Why do we experience such blatant who acted with undaunted bravery. deep thankfulness for His indescrib­ unfaithfulness, immorality, perversity For example, friend and foe said of able mercy. It brings him to cry out in and even homosexuality these days? John Knox that he feared no man utter amazement: "How great is the The main reason is that the fear because he feared God. That is one love the Father has lavished on us, that of God has almost disappeared. of the reasons why all of Scotland should be called children of God!" decreed a change of religion one year after Knox started to work You see, a realization of our insignif­ let your ear be attentive and your full time in Scotland. Of his preaching icance before God Almighty lets us eyes open to hear the prayer your it was said: ({Others lop off branches, bow before God with awe and true servants are praying before you. but this man strikes at the root." fear. But this realization is not Holy Father we come to you with enough to produce the true filial fear humble adoration. We do not know 5) The true fear of God provides a of God in our hearts. The main thing what we ought to pray in order to vision and a zeal for missions. Look needed for growth in the filial fear of bring real glory to your name. Oh, how clearly it is written in God, is the realization of God's the depth of the riches of the wisdom 2 5:11. is Carinthians Paul explaining mercy for us as lost sinners. and knowledge of you 0 God! How what it was that made him such a unsearchable your judgments, and ({But there is forgiveness with you, zealous missionary. He then says: your paths beyond tracing out! Since, then, we know what it is to that you may be feared" (Psalm fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. 130:4). What does this mean? It Who has known your mind 0 Lord? For him involvement in missions means that an understanding of Or who has been your counselor? was not a kind of a special hobby or Who has ever given to you 0 God, a kind of sentimental exercise as The main thing that you should repay him? For from some Christians and churches view it. you and through you and to you are In all things. To you be the glory forever! Those who fear the Lord, who have needed for growth been gripped, awed, stunned by the filial fear of God, How great is your goodness, which their knowledge of God naturally you have stored up for those who want to employ all their energies is the realization of fear you, which you bestow in the and gifts to bring others to trust such sight of men on those who take a gracious Savior. This is what God's merc,Y for us as refuge in you. happened in the early church: It was lost sinners. We confess our sins we have strengthened and encouraged by the committed against you. We have Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers, living God's mercy and lovingkindness in acted very wickedly toward you, by in the fear of the Lord (Acts 9:31). the final instance produces the true not walking and living and working This applies not only to individuals, fear of God in our hearts. The real­ in your presence with reverence and but also to congregations as a whole ization that the sovereign, great, a sense of awe and wonder. almighty God, who should condemn in their daily lives as well as in their So many times even in our worship me for all my sins, has forgiven me, worship together. and in our service we have been acting has sent His Son to save me, has so flippantly and superficially. So Look at lCorinthians 14:24-25 where adopted me and made me His heir. many times we have more fear of Paul says that there should be such a This realization generates the true people than we have filial fear for consciousness of God's presence fear of God. As John Newton says in you. Oh Father please forgive us in when Christians are worshiping that his song, Amazing Grace: ({'Twas the name of your dear Son Jesus an unbeliever who might be there, grace that taught my heart to fear." will be touched to such an extent that Christ. Look at us through His blood. The Holy Spirit produces this true he ({will fall down on his knees and Teach us through your Holy Spirit fear of God in the hearts of people. worship God, declaring that God is how to really walk in the comfort of He does it through the preaching of really there among them." the Holy Spirit and the fear of God. the gospel. Where Jesus Christ is Make us faithful, humble, yet bold preached faithfully, God has allowed How Does One Achieve witnesses of your glory and great­ us to look into His heart - a heart ness to all the tribes and tongues and a Filial Fear of God? filled with so much love for a broken, nations of the world. When you realize the greatness and lost, condemned world, that He sent majesty of God, when a respectful His only Son, whom He loved dearly, We long for the coming of the great awe settles in your soul, then you really to rescue sinners. and wonderful day when the Gospel start to fear God. After God had will have been preached to all the Oh, you who fear God, bow before revealed something of his predomi­ nations and the numbers of your Him and confess: ({But with you 0 elect are filled and our Lord and nant majesty to Job, and had asked: God, there is forgiveness; therefore ({Do you have an arm like God's, and Savior will return with glory to wipe you are feared" (Psalm 130:5). can your voice thunder like his?" away all the tears from our eyes and (Job 40:9), Job replied: ({I know that Prayer be with us for evermore so that we you can do all things; no plan of yours may then serve you with perfect can be thwarted...My ears had heard of o LORD, God of heaven, great and holiness. you but now my eyes have seen you. awesome God, who keeps your Therefore we pray as your church: Therefore I despise myself and repent covenant of love with those who Come Lord Jesus, do come quickly. in dust and ashes" (Job 42:2,5, 6). Amen...... •...... •...... •...... ······.··.··..·....·.. i ..·..····.·.······· ...... eValue ofan Un\Vfltten Letter Part IT

Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ teaching of the apostles (verses 5-17), But defending it is not the whole of and a brother of James, to those the church had been infiltrated by our duty. It is also to be spread. Havey; who have been called, who are ungodly people (verse 4). These were we advanced its sway as well as ;;~:.. speaking arrogantly and with flattery taken steps to prevent its being lost?::~; loved by God the Father and kept (verse 16), taking a prominent place It was devised as the answer to /::~; by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and at the Lord's Table (verse 12), and Satan's craft and might and is "thei'{~ love be yours in abundance. Dear pursuing a policy of "divide and power of God for salvation" (Romans friends, although I was very eager conquer" in the church (verse 19). 1:16). But how should this be done? Verses 20 to 24 supply the answer. .. to write to you about the salvation They were spreading a message that "··,... ·.·u:.·...J;,·.•·i· . we share, I felt I had to write and was not just an alternative to the First of all, saints should realize that urge you to contend for the faith faith, but a denial of its central truths they have needs as they resolve to and a distortion of its purpose. fight. That is verses 20 and 21. They that was once for all entrusted to Instead of "the faith which leads to are to gain strength from integrating the saints. For certain men whose godliness," they were spreading a lie themselves with the faith, and to condemnation was written about which bred unrighteousness. Jude pray, consdously depending on the long ago have secretly slipped in had become alarmed by this, as the holy Spirit's aid. They are to abide in among you. They are godless inspiring Spirit showed it to him, God's love to them, by trusting in and he wanted to awaken the saints Christ alone for acceptance with Him men, who change the grace ofour so that they were too. The Epistle of and also keeping His command­ God into a license for immorality Jude is therefore more in the nature ments. In addition, they are to and deny Jesus Christ our only of "a tract for the times" than a expect merdful interventions as they Sovereign and Lord. "theological treatise." look upwards to their eternal home. Jude 1:1-4 Even so it is full of doctrinal and Second, they are to evaluate the experiential teaching. His message opponents of the faith, differentiating (Continued from the December to the saints is summed up in the between those who doubt and those issue of The Outlook.) words"earnestly contend." They are who deny. Expressing mercy to Last month we noted that Jude did a wake-up call to duty. He is blowing both, they are to be cautious lest not write the letter he planned and we "a bugle" with no "indistinct they should become contaminated gave some thought to why that was sound" (1 Corinthians 14:8). The by the open impurity of the latter. so. We now complete the picture by enemy is in the camp and no longer This is to be done with the grace of considering what he did write about. at the gate. The verb he uses is doubly the gospel in mind and also the strong. It does not only include our unquenchable fire of God's .. The church comes into being by the word "agonize" but also a prefix that judgment on all that do not obey it. ••.. N.:>.:.. ,•••. ·; Word of God. Owing her existence makes it even stronger. It bespeaks they are assured that whatever .... to the faith of the gospel, she is to "blood, sweat, toil and tears" in a Finally, happens in the here and now, God is , uphold and proclaim it not only to conflict which is not primarily able to uphold them in the fight and people who are ignorant and hostile, with human beings but "with [evil] to present them in glory with great .. but also to those of other faiths. prindpalities and powers" (Ephesians joy. Through Jesus (His) Christ, the When she encounters opposition 6:14). It is a skirmish in "the war of dominion and the praise are His she is to "hold fast (or hold out) the the great day of God, the Almighty" alone, now (in the struggle) no less word of life" (Philippians 2:12-14) (Revelation 16:14). This struggle is than before and after all time. and "obey God rather than men" for "the faith once for all delivered" (Acts 5:29). But sometimes the world to the church. Dr. Jones joined the faculty of seeks to extend its influence and Westminster Seminary in California 111is means a number of coherent Satan invades the church. 111is often this year as Professor of Practical truths that constitute the gospel of happens when the church is not spir­ Theology. Previously he served as God. They are drawn up by Him and itually awake and active in its mission Minister of Grove Chapel, London, handed complete and whole to the to the world. As a result, the faith is and in the Presbyterian Church of church as a sacred trust. She is to be threatened and so it has to be fought Wales. He was also Editorial "its pillar and support" (1Timothy for. This was the situation in the Director of Banner of Truth Trust, 3:15) and is not at liberty to devise a congregation to which Jude wrote. and Principal ofLondon Theological version of it for any people, group, or age. Being forgetful of the lessons of history, Seminary. • .the warnings of prophecy and the This faith is to be preserved at all costs. ?'_gH<\, s andfWatts W. Robert Godfrey Today we are seeing a revolution in their family devotions after it had hymns, such as church music. The changes of the disappeared from the churches." "When I survey past two decades or so include new the wond'rollS Cross." musical instruments introduced The problems Crawford noted were Many of his hymns were paraphrases widely into public worship, new and especially the absence of songbooks, of the psalms which he gathered the small number of tunes used and more contemporary styles of into his 1719 hymnal, The Psalms of melodies for singing, and much the weakness of song-leaders David Imitated in the Language of the more time given to music in the (precentors, from the Latin pre-cantus, New Testament. His psalm paraphrases "sing before") leading to poor worship service. The new hymnody included "Jesus shall reign where'ere ..•.::.;.;.F;';;' congregational singing. Not surprisingly is more emotionally charged and the sun" (Psalm 72), "Our God, our presented in a form that resonates many responded very favorably to help in ages past" (Psalm 90), and efforts to correct this situation. with contemporary culture. "Joy to the World" (Psalm 98). Due to Watts and others like Charles The last time such a dramatic change Wesley, the first half of the eighteenth in music occurred is perhaps the Far trom casting century became a time of great early eighteenth century. Then too a a Jewish veil over changes in church singing. Again fatigue with the older church music Crawford summarized the situation: ::,.;;,.;4/'.;';. seemed to give way to a new music New Testament praise, "The introduction of hymns to that was more emotional and the psalms connect the divine service constituted a major seemed to serve the heightened liturgical innovation in New emotions of the revivals of that time. church and all Christians England Congregational and English Certainly the state of singing in the Dissenting churches in the mid­ English-speaking Reformed world with its old Testament eighteenth century, and for a long was not good by the late seven­ time thereafter many churches . teenth century. The historian roots in a ver'y important would continue to prohibit non­ Michael Crawford has illustrated the and vital wa'y' scriptural hymns during public services." state of singing at that time in this Interestingly this reform in church description of psalm-singing in music was driven by concern about Scotland: "By the end of the century The man who most effectively intro­ the tunes and method of singing the number of tunes commonly in duced change in this situation was used in those days. But the effect of use had been reduced to twelve and Isaac Watts (1674-1748). Watts was the reform in many places during many congregations employed only born in England and was raised and the course of the eighteenth century a few of these. Lining out was educated in non-conforming (that was to replace psalms with hymns. universal, precentors were unskilled. is, congregationalist) circles. He Watts was after all the great writer of The notion that tunes had been served as a pastor in London from hymn texts, not the great composer. ;.. ,;··;11....·'· written in a specific key was lost and 1699 to 1712 when he resigned due Yet Watts was very self-conscious it often happened that the precentor to poor health. He seems to have and clear about his efforts to replace would have to start a psalm over been somewhat inclined to unitari­ the metrical psalms with psalm because he had pitched it too high anism and in 1719 opposed requiring paraphrases and hymns. He stmnnarized or too low. Congregations sang in belief in the doctrine of the Trinity his frustrations with psalm-singing the nasal, reedy voice of Scottish folk for non-conformist ministers. in these words: "When we are just singing, without regular pulse or entering into an evangelical frame, rhythm, and embroidered the tunes Watts is best remembered today as a great hymn writer. The power and by some of the glOries of the gospel with improvised melodic decorations. presented in the brightest figures of Different parts of the congregation beauty of his poetry attracted much attention in his own day and led to judaism, yet the very next line perhaps would sing at varying tempos, while which the clerk parcels out unto us, some individuals chose a tune a rising tide of voices calling for the introduction of his hymns to public hath something in it so extremely different from the one set. Despite jewish and cloudy, that it darkens the anarchic cacophony, many worship. Watts wrote hundreds of hymns, many of which are forgotten. our sight of God the Saviour. Thus pious Scots found this form of by keeping too close to David in the religious worship spiritually edifying, But today any good hymnal will still have some of his most notable house of God, the veil of Moses is and some may have continued it in thrown over our hearts." These

a:s Pasturs, One More Titne ... John R. Sittelna One of the things I have learned the final instructions (v. 13f£). In this What may we conclude? The elders hard way is the importance of important passage, Paul uses several who oversee the flock are the pastors repeating the important things words to describe the men to whom of the church! The Lord's church is often, simply, and dearly. For example, he speaks: a flock that faces savage wolves who preachers like me will fail to preach would tear the sheep and devour the gospel expositions of passages like • In v. 17 he refers to them as lambs with the bloody fangs of false John 3:16 because we personally "elders" (using the the Greek doctrine and worldly lifestyle (v. 29-30). become bored studying and repeating word "presbuteros," from which Caring for that flock requires what we might consider simple comes the English words diligent oversight and alert watch­ basics. Or churches will fail to energize "presbyter" and "presbyterian"); fulness. Yet the oversight and watch­ their people with a regularly repeated • In v. 28 he calls them "overseers" fulness assigned to the elders of the vision for "every member ministry," (from the Greek word "episkopos"; church is a waste of time if it does assuming that everyone in the in English "bishop," the root not arise from a genuine and hearty congregation grasps the radical word for "episcopalian"); caring for the flock. Pastoral care Reformation doctrine of the office of - shepherding - is never content every believer. But neither are • Also in v. 28, he charges them to with mere management of livestock righteous assumptions or attitudes. be "shepherds" (the Greek word resources. It demands genuine concern is "poimein," the word for "shepherd" and love (look at Paul's own example Some years ago, I began this monthly or "sheep-herder"). in v. 31. For further insights, read the column with an artide on the calling delightful little volume by Phillip of elders. In it, I made just a couple Must we speak of elders, bishops, or pastors, or should we speak of elders, Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23). of points which still drive my under­ Pastoral care demands the involvement standing of, my training of, and my bishops and pastors? Are there 3 distinct offices, or is there only one of the elder's total being in careful work with elders. I repeat the article attention to the well-being of each now, without apology, because as you with three names? What is impor­ tant to note is the relation of each of individual of the flock. It reqUires begin a new year in the Lord's service, heart - a shepherd's heart, one quite it is good to reflect on foundations. these biblical words to the others. Read the passage carefully. The office different from the reluctant spirit and Next month, I'll repeat one of the (commission, authoritative assign­ diffidence of the hired hand. (ReadJohn early articles on the office of Deacon. ment) is that of elder (v. 17). The 10:11-13 to refresh your memory of the Forgive me if you've read this all passage simply but significantly calls profound and important difference before. But do me a favor. Read it these men "the elders of the between the two.) again. Do it with the Bible open. church." A few chapters earlier, in In contrast, what we see in many And learn with me a critical point. Acts 14:23, we were told that "Paul churches today are administrators. Then do something about it in your and Barnabus appointed elders for The senior pastor functions like a local church! them in each church." (Also see CEO who "markets the vision"; the Titus 1:5.) The point is clear: the deacons (usually by committee) fulfill Acts 20:17ff: Elders, apostles and members of the early the corporate role of the CFO (Chief Bishops, or Pastors? church viewed these men as "elders." Financial Officer); and, in such a The work or duty of that office and modern corporate or business model My thesis is simple: elders are pastors, of those elders holding it is described for the church, the elders become not administrators. They are to care in v. 28 as the "oversight" of self and the Board of Directors. To them falls for the flock of the Good Shepherd, of flock ("episcopos," from "epi,,, the administrative responsibility of not merely to "manage the affairs" meaning "on" or "over," plus "scopos," setting direction for the life of the of a corporate entity. Let's look at referring to "vision" or "sight." An corporation. They commission' or Scripture, specifically at Acts 20:17-38, English parallel would be "super­ develop a "marketing plan" for to discover whether my thesis is vision"). Finally, the spirit, the church growth, and hold the CEO biblically valid. In this passage, we character, or, if you will, the heart accountable for the implementation read Paul's well-known farewell to with which the elders are to do the and success of that growth plan. the Ephesian elders whom he had work of oversight is that of "shepherd" They oversee and direct profession­ summoned so as to give them his (an English equivalent is "pastor"). ally-run fund-raising programs for or operations budgets. feet (today bald tires?), his skill with for them, admonishing them, They delegate any and all pastoral both rod and staff (both the ability instructing them)? Discuss duties to the professionals trained to to discern, and the communication with others how those time handle such contingencies. skills necessary to challenge, rebuke demands might be adapted so and call people to repentance), and as to reflect a more biblical All genuine followers of Jesus will his courage as he faces the predators view of office. agree that the church must preach of the flock (willingness to make and teach the Word of God so as to the tough calls that generate "cotton 2. If you are not an elder in your evangelize the nations, incorporate local church, think about the them through baptism into the visible work of the elders who body of believers by way of Ask yourself whether do hold office. Are they repentance, conversion, and faith, involved in pastoral care, or is and disciple them thoroughly unto you genUinely love their visibility only that of disciplined Christian living. That's "meeting-attender" or "committee the mandate of the Great Commission the people of God in member"? in Matthew 28. When trying to fulfill your local church? 3. On paper, make a list, based on the Great Commission in our rapidly Acts 20:28-31 and I Peter 5:1-4, changing age, the church meets new (Yes, warts and all, of specific duties that arise ideas, embracing some of them. Not from an understanding of the all are bad either. The corporate lovable and unlovable eldership as a pastoral office. business model, for all the criticism I Discuss this list with others, level against it, often arises out of a alike! Be honest, and comparing your findings with desire for an efficient use of the your perceptions of the practice church's resources and a visionary admit it if you view of elders in your congregation. and purposeful approach to reaching them more as porcupines biblically-assigned goals. But efficient 4. Ask yourself whether you or not, goal-oriented or not, it has or skunks than as genuinely love the people of come at a high price: the transferral God in your local church? (Yes, of her "pastors" to the new department precious lambs.) warts and all, lovable and of "administration." And the flock unlovable alike! Be honest, and suffers for it. mouth" fear?), good shepherding is admit it if you view them more preeminently a work of the heart, as porcupines or skunks than I Peter 5:1-4: and depends greatly upon the inti­ as precious lambs.) If you can't Organizational mate bond between the flock and state that you do, allow me to Passion or a Willing the shepherd as they hear and follow challenge you today to pray His Voice. "My sheep listen to my that God will forgive your sin, Heart? voice; I know them, and they follow and that God will grant you the grace to enable such love! The pastoral character of the elder­ me" (John 10:27). Pastoring focuses ship is a theme not only found in the flock on the voice of]esus - the Dr. Sittema is pastor of Bethel Acts 20. It is perhaps put even more Bible as it shapes understanding and Christian Reformed Church in forcefully in I Peter 5:1-4: "Be shepherds faith - and directs the flock to follow, Dallas, , and a contributing of God's flock that is under your to live in faith as the people of God. editor ofThe Outlook. care, serving as overseers - not Before I close, I leave the reader with because you must, but because you the following questions. I challenge are willing, as God wants you to be." you to wrestle with them personally; Here the radical difference between let them stimulate you to self­ administering and pastoring is most examination and church-examination clearly seen. Administration is a in your local congregational setting, managerial function, applying and perhaps use them for a time of resources to reach carefully articulated study in an upcoming elders' meeting. goals. It is preeminently organiza­ tional and intellectual. Pastoring, 1. If you are currently an elder, however, is a nurturing function, what occupies most of the time involving care, demanding both you spend in your official strength and tenderness, arising out duties: administration (meetings, of a passionate love for the well-being committees, organizational details) of the flock. While good shepherding or pastoring (meeting with will involve the shepherd's callused God's people, praying with and J:Jt~~~~;" .•.. .~y.~~.~.... ISBNl.,Si3.S8..n1:;'8 (Booklet, 34 pages). Retail: $3.00

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