Robins Triumph Over the Yankees in a Ten- 's Battle by Score of 2 to 1 Hugmen Held Scoreless After Giants Ride Into Vicksburo Rullis Homer in First Inning And Rain and Continue Ridin&

and tn lhe Tenth Give Speeches, Banquet, Festivities and Gauie With II fjrane'a Triple Taylor's Single Southern Br vn the Vi iiisiinii<' to Poor Throws by Baker and Ward Out Picture Champions Never Leave T - By W. B. Hanna By john Kieran Miss., March 29..Much to the !'. March 29..The tightesl sort of pre- MKRJDIAN, mrpnse ' pitching; thr. world's on in the fourth game between tbc Yankees and Brook- people of Mcridian. champions rolled into thi ,-r,- some Lo .' ,\ unti g. then two line hits in close succession fiew from iundown, forty peraons strong. \ccordmg , were to have the Memphis Chicks, l Brooklyn scantling. One was « triple, the next was a single. which played champio !l u'ould b,&\ double ordinarily and thc Robins won the game, 2 to 1. League, in a game at Vicksburg this afternoon. Hught |, thc cai'ds )o take complete command of the fe f**** 8 II post-prandial speech to be delivered at <) banquet g\ en ,. at inning. Tho victor |i at her .. .. flc mori Robins Tie Yankees . Vankei The shop- and store. in V'icksburg thc ln Srri<>s at Ttvo All scorinj were tn shnl down at 2:30 and a l.irge Figures (,ivr .- uppoi: advnnce ^ale of tickets was recorde-d by Giantt thc i ' \l.\ ESTON, Tex.. Mareh 29.. to be¬ ... ._. thc Brooklyi anxious fans who looked forward Vs a rr>ult of ich tie< to-day'fi trn-inninjj ing eye witnesses nf great Feal to bc Edge^on White$ox c iiefi-,-it suffered b> thc Yankce* at performed by John McGraw's traincd Yanks -. once am thr hands <>f thr Robins thc inter- M.mA* »***>** uA'- :-:: rhi troupc of performirigathleti ;. thowsrh th- »,riMl , through. leajrue series bctwecn thr twn Th.- \ icka Giants and tfce up .¦ weak ba. clu Memphis team pulled into the hitting luhg ii. nim nin *!>£*!*" a up. ihe providei burg in thc early morning While 'a,r"' t b .¦ at Nr» . , of th» I ar] Cibma Saturda> Or|can«. thr Southern League leadei were to ning \inenran I^-a(ru^r, _.i,k ne rl Mi " ' du< \mcrlcan Leagucrs triumphed h> a iclc" into eamr, lhe ne fs unny egg nonchalantly sred right 1 ran on a lot to and have also out- and the "Chicks" gathercd up their im- three defeat., at their thro-v Baker and watt sluctred the American tralahfcewaa by Pipp t^pike- Leagucrs by pedimenta and hurried to the station. score«4to8, 8 to 12 hed bet weei When thc cars the Giant8 and 3 tr)4 gat 15 hits to 34. containing They a!*,, o,t at Oalla,. g ?' 1 b anii forefingcr, bringing came along. Secretary Jim Tierney At Seguin the GianU ,,* n am of blood his head out to lead- «on, 5 to 2. poked preparatory and rfao captured hoth Wm. ( ouldn't Score OfT Mays ing his charges off the train. "Stay .ort Worth. score,. V, 2 Fordham Ball Team on," said thc leader, to 3 and 8to5. t.01 pitch whci right Memphis thi "and we are coming right along with on edge and lodgers couldt to here is bovr to No, 7. while ;. a Beats Fort you Meridian. Thc game WilliamFrortw** threw man ou Slocuni null and void." from No. 7 to bow. N0 plati play in tlr made m the first ehangV,w£ afti that th< transppn Jn Practice Came Glad for Day OfT rarsity boat. tincs wrre against a blank wall nnt: MeGraw wasn't much put - B. Griffitl out by the eancelling of the game. The atched hit tov 7..-. Boutol and Star Witli team has been playing regularly and clribbled and Baki Hayes one day's lay-off will not do them any :¦'.'. ed ui Stick in Maroon's 9 to <\ harm. The hall tossers themselves were heartily in favor of the, rain. It l Griffith 1 Victory Over Soldiers broke the monotony of exhibition hird with nobod; games nnd gave several of them the out. but .--. caught hin In a well played practice game thc Harding Stops Work chance of backing their aces against a nd one run wa for a Fordham baseball full during the afternoon trip. varsity nine took the Ball The sad feature of the was the measure of the To Clwt (nt Baseball ^Grantldnd Rice Trailing only day 'ra I cnth and Taj Fort Rlocum team that in crossing the swollen Missis- .'..¦ cn rfi ..¦¦ over' t hi yesterday at Fordham Field by a score Teams in the South sippi at Vicksburg one of the two onli at third oi of 9 to 4. The Fort Slocum agsrroga- Yf/ASHINGTON. March 29..Presi¬ I5HTV. S. ratcnt Office) Pu-llmans was left on the Pacific side RroistcTed, :- ti :- was very closi Miller ant tion last Saturday heat the local New dent Harding sucrumbed to the of the stream, and didn't catch up to ball to am a A couplc of New York r-outhpaw cast- the team until nearly 10 o'clock at Baker, York University nine by a score ol" e springlike atmosphere about the Lines to Ghost I Crane was safi offs, one each from the Giants and night. to ll. White House to-daj long enough to . . . "The Antigonish ghost is romarkable. The Yankees, in oui (n prove Joe White. the nothing Society ligured prominently Tues¬ ..' diminutive right cares of state n few battle Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis roi g. Make- hander, hurled for the forget for for Psychical Research has found that the spirit of a well known artist day's between the Washington a ne-nian Mnroon and at Senators and Boston Braves refused to be dauntc-d by the unfavor- indifr times held the r-toldiers minutes