Robins Triumph Over the Yankees in a Ten-Inning Pitcher's Battle by Score of 2 to 1 Hugmen Held Scoreless After Giants Ride Into Vicksburo Rullis Homer in First Inning And Rain and Continue Ridin& and tn lhe Tenth Give Speeches, Banquet, Festivities and Gauie With II fjrane'a Triple Taylor's Single Southern Br vn the Vi iiisiin<z Tally; Score Tied in Sev- phis, League Champions. \r<- W- j of as >ii<' to Poor Throws by Baker and Ward Out Picture Champions Never Leave T - By W. B. Hanna By john Kieran Miss., March 29..Much to the !'. March 29..The tightesl sort of pre- MKRJDIAN, mrpnse ' pitching; thr. world's on in the fourth game between tbc Yankees and Brook- people of Mcridian. champions rolled into thi ,-r,- some Lo .' ,\ unti g. then two line hits in close succession fiew from iundown, forty peraons strong. \ccordmg , were to have the Memphis Chicks, l Brooklyn scantling. One was « triple, the next was a single. which played champio !l u'ould b,&\ double ordinarily and thc Robins won the game, 2 to 1. League, in a game at Vicksburg this afternoon. Hught |, thc cai'ds )o take complete command of the fe f**** 8 II post-prandial speech to be delivered at <) banquet g\ en ,. at inning. Tho victor |i at her .. .. flc mori Robins Tie Yankees . Vankei The shop- and store. in V'icksburg thc ln Srri<>s at Ttvo All scorinj were tn shnl down at 2:30 and a l.irge Figures (,ivr .- uppoi: advnnce ^ale of tickets was recorde-d by Giantt thc i ' \l.\ ESTON, Tex.. Mareh 29.. to be¬ ... ._. thc Brooklyi anxious fans who looked forward Vs a rr>ult of ich tie< to-day'fi trn-inninjj ing eye witnesses nf great Feal to bc Edge^on White$ox c iiefi-,-it suffered b> thc Yankce* at performed by John McGraw's traincd Yanks -. once am thr hands <>f thr Robins thc inter- M.mA* »***>** uA'- :-:: rhi troupc of performirigathleti ;. thowsrh th- »,riMl , through. leajrue series bctwecn thr twn Th.- \ icka Giants and tfce up .¦ weak ba. clu Memphis team pulled into the hitting luhg ii. nim nin *!>£*!*" a up. ihe providei burg in thc early morning While 'a,r"' t b .¦ at Nr» . , of th» I ar] Cibma Saturda> Or|can«. thr Southern League leadei were to ning \inenran I^-a(ru^r, _.i,k ne rl Mi " ' du< \mcrlcan Leagucrs triumphed h> a iclc" into eamr, lhe ne fs unny egg nonchalantly s<orine *nA ,,. score of 7 in f. On at thc ne * g g n C( Sunday Lbeir capacioui interiofs, the ram nonnrK <.,moh;tf f.or ,ht, ^nmr thr National ^ Thal wai place l.rajriicr* gan i" patter on the roof and it became rharopions. To date thc Thi Babe playci turned thr tables and won a cvident that thc hall field would s^ by onlj Leagucra have lcored ,9 rnn8 fanc; score <if 8 to 5. Tuesday's tussle be ;i 3afc place for those for their ;¦ Jollcy. Om gentlemen *.,.,». l,Meuf ,, wenl to thr Hu^mrn bj a fsrorc of with webbed ff,ei, and life equipped pre- and also hold the advanta.e 1D crosf f ron (i to 5. servers. hits. 92 to H2. ""' JE Wnlly Pipp wa Thus far the Robins hare onl- Amid the mourning of the whole After thr B seventl opening & 5 tir ..,, scored thr Yankees the game ".-a 3 at San inning, and tha! why Ruth cann heavy-hitting by town, formally cancelled, Antonio the Giante '- 22 rims 19 Mff>red right 1 ran on a lot to and have also out- and the "Chicks" gathercd up their im- three defeat., at their thro-v Baker and watt sluctred the American tralahfcewaa by Pipp t^pike- Leagucrs by pedimenta and hurried to the station. M.tr. score«4to8, 8 to 12 hed bet weei When thc cars the Giant8 and 3 tr)4 gat 15 hits to 34. containing They a!*,, o,t at Oalla,. g ?' 1 b anii forefingcr, bringing came along. Secretary Jim Tierney At Seguin the GianU ,,* n am of blood his head out to lead- «on, 5 to 2. poked preparatory and rfao captured hoth Wm. ( ouldn't Score OfT Mays ing his charges off the train. "Stay .ort Worth. score,. V, 2 Fordham Ball Team on," said thc leader, to 3 and 8to5. t.01 pitch whci right Memphis thi "and we are coming right along with on edge and lodgers couldt to here is bovr to No, 7. while ;. a Beats Fort you Meridian. Thc game WilliamFrortw** threw man ou Slocuni null and void." from No. 7 to bow. N0 plati play in tlr made m the first ehangV,w£ afti that th< transppn Jn Practice Came Glad for Day OfT rarsity boat. tincs wrre against a blank wall nnt: Manager MeGraw wasn't much put - B. Griffitl out by the eancelling of the game. The atched hit tov 7..-. Boutol and Star Witli team has been playing regularly and clribbled and Baki Hayes one day's lay-off will not do them any :¦'.'. ed ui Stick in Maroon's 9 to <\ harm. The hall tossers themselves were heartily in favor of the, rain. It l Griffith 1 Victory Over Soldiers broke the monotony of exhibition hird with nobod; games nnd gave several of them the out. but .--. caught hin In a well played practice game thc Harding Stops Work chance of backing their aces against a nd one run wa for a Fordham baseball full hou.se during the afternoon trip. varsity nine took the Ball The sad feature of the was the measure of the To Clwt (nt Baseball ^Grantldnd Rice Trailing only day 'ra I cnth and Taj Fort Rlocum team that in crossing the swollen Missis- .'..¦ cn rfi ..¦¦ over' t hi yesterday at Fordham Field by a score Teams in the South sippi at Vicksburg one of the two onli at third oi of 9 to 4. The Fort Slocum agsrroga- Yf/ASHINGTON. March 29..Presi¬ I5HTV. S. ratcnt Office) Pu-llmans was left on the Pacific side RroistcTed, :- ti :- was very closi Miller ant tion last Saturday heat the local New dent Harding sucrumbed to the of the stream, and didn't catch up to ball to am a A couplc of New York r-outhpaw cast- the team until nearly 10 o'clock at Baker, York University nine by a score ol" e springlike atmosphere about the Lines to Ghost I Crane was safi offs, one each from the Giants and night. to ll. White House to-daj long enough to . "The Antigonish ghost is romarkable. The Yankees, in oui (n prove Joe White. the nothing Society ligured prominently Tues¬ ..' diminutive right cares of state n few battle Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis roi g. Make- hander, hurled for the forget for for Psychical Research has found that the spirit of a well known artist day's between the Washington a ne-nian Mnroon and at Senators and Boston Braves refused to be dauntc-d by the unfavor- indifr times held the r-toldiers minutes <o chal about baseball. who died several years is still real on can- atTampa, ended well in ago painting pictures tangible Fla., which the former won a score able conditions at Vicksburg, where he game check. Thriujrh pounded for eleven Roswell Eaaton, of New York City, by is to view White to-morrow. White vas.".Exchange. of 12 to ,9, after coming from bohind. the Sox 1 '". ff thi liter heard thi hits, kept tho safeties scattercd a former Prineeton varsity pitcher. Our old friend Rube He gave the natives a treat by making and in addition struck out mptt Marquard the the to hotel thi ', kces, ant Arthur eight e\changed comments about baseball handcuffed Washington the four innings journey from train the ." Boutot and Mike Hayes did underneath the famous Texas som- n. be r ., thi mosl of the in Mr. and Soul ni my soul and spirit he pitehed nnd turned over to Joe .¦. for Fordham general. Easton Colonel of my pcri, r en and ki heavy batting Oeschger the handsome lead of 7 to 0. brero presentcd to him recently at Boutot made a home run and a E. Lcster of fl thou relurnest lo thc soni" was oj , ¦.¦ triple, Jones, the Coast and job again The dinner in his honor. He Ipt while collected two Braves lanihasted Zachary fc- all The ' Hayes doubles, of .f oui Geo-detir Survey, were with thc When I have this mortcd broil seven runs ir the first Then almost out of luck for Pullman ac- height good Dunn and Meyers, third baseman and shuffled off inning. on Belder bi ¦, race in eoinmodations the train with the b; shortstop. respectively, on the Ford¬ President at the time. And flcd thc coop and stopped George Mogridge. traded by form! Ihat 1 \ ham nine. also made carthly of strife spoil, the Yankees with Lewis for Giant?. but Secretary Tierney made poki two singlo.s apiece. The Executivc happenrd to look Passed to and Duffy him comfortable with two bunks. a of Mc Fordhamites lo?t no time in my slcep drea/ms of cndlcss rest, Bobby Roth and Harper. Morrridgc The height of fine fab- friillan. get- out of his offiro «liere the trees in made lower for himself and an upper for his an early lead, carning four ninf 0 hapless tenant of my intvard breast, monkeys of the Hub outfit hat.
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