LAW OFFICES ^K^COVED' v* ER.DGE & D.AMONO, P.C. ^iSf I5TH FLOOR 0SEC-FILES-A,L8ANY 47 7 MADISON AVENUE : NEW YORK. NY I0022-5802 2001 SEP 27 PM \ U2 HEATHER M. FUSCO (2I2I 702-5400 • (212) 702-5411
[email protected] TELECOPIER (2I2) yOS-S^SO September 24, 2001 Ccm-eAO VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Hon. Walter T. Moynihan Office of Hearings and ADR, New York State Public Service Commission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12233-1350 Hon. Daniel P. O'Connell Office of Hearings and Mediation Services N YS Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, ls! Floor Albany, NY 12233-1550 Re: Case 00-F-0566 - Application of Brookhaven Energy, LP For a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need to Construct and Operate a 580 MW Gas-fired Combined Cycle Electric Generating Plant in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York Dear Judge Moynihan and Judge O'Connell: Enclosed please find an original of Brookhaven Energy Limited Partnership's Opposition to PPL Global, LLC's Motion to Intervene in the above-referenced Article X proceeding. Five copies of the Opposition are being sent to Secretary Deixler via first class mail. Copies are also being served upon all active parties via first class mail. WASHINGTON. DC BALTIMORE. MD NEW YORK, NY FORT LEE. NJ SACRAMENTO. CA SAN FRANCISCO, CA BEVERIDGE & DIAMOND, P. C^^ ^P Hon. Walter T. Moynihan September 24, 2001 Page 2 Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, ^MJUHK- ^MCG Heather M. Fusco Associate Enclosure cc: Hon. Janet Hand Deixler (via First Class Mail) Active parties (via First Class Mail) N:\I9\64\10360\ltr\hmfPPLopposition.wpd CASE 00-F-0566 BROOKHAVEND^K\ ENERGY LIMITED PARTNERSHf ACTIVE PARTY LIST (AS OF 8/30/01) ROBERT CHARLEBOIS WILLIAM R.