,bf. tia TttUBSDJLY, ;|ULY 4, I8ifi.

men in pw ««rip'«« » my dirwu-Doe. this ive bean honest and an im I shatt abandon, bat with our lives. public, -we s rtteofth'"g».*>»t yon cannot be of their conviction, thu If the conduct of the men of our same causes '£»»»« of, nunrfW the purity or the-deed wduld bear the light. choice be worthy of out cause an . of themselves i if repub.fi • T the decline i IC1" .««8"ty - of our ^overnmwt ? Brothers,- with real sorrow I say worthy are already in among ui, no longer V ' republican it, our republic Is rapidly on the d« ca«» sustain »he high character, to hwe iir >s and arrived at an alarming height ; holding the principles con- cline. Thai constitution Which which they pretend, as 'well, party, to our prt r we must resist the sinister encroach­ in the declaration of Inde- was mad* Vy tbe patriots and sages ont of power, we owi!N»t time, before evil becomes and a rule of our country, by the best hands, ciples and justice tofcive them >oti; ments in ptndcnce as sacred, .of and by a recurrence to for the government of a by the best hearts itt it, is at cordisl support» but if they beconi DoHart ptr Ann*m. inveterate, conduct and hi* principles and a prompt and vi­ has been prostrated ready little more than a caput mor- our betrayers, and seek our iqjn first free people. It »ht> "*•»»*•*, gorous opposition to bad men and a party has arisen tuuni ; tr. yet a little longer in such their own aggrandizement, " In the by power, and of abhortente measures, or nothing short of mira­ its ruins, composed of the hands, we shall understand how merit-a double portion upon gratify ambition ol culous interposition can save .us friends of executive msgistmes, Augustus amused the Roman peo­ To t?nd« avour to oft fnemi Is th* u fulk of brother Leib, from 4, aeimilar fate with all there- unaptly compared to ie Butes ple with the shadow/ of the Com­ cupidity by the ru»n not vices, »ad ought to * curious discussion, by publics that have flourished and (al­ of Great Britain, hoa»ehold tr'oops monwealth, while the substance was worst of human perfidiomi wretch'to ien before us. It will be in. vain to made up of the Icing's friends. It held by the hinds of Caesar. We consign the Clin. iniamy. We havetevn tstic party, called pray to Hercnles unless we put our is not a party of federalists, but of see already, that in fact, the presi­ everlasting the brother! ; power has cor­ ,the question whether own shoulders to the wheel and help a character more abhorrent to the dent nominates his successor1 ; he betrayed me.n of our confident.- t.r* i» 8 better condition than ourselves. ' publican mind } it is a party u»ingjold nominates and appoints the secfe. rupted the sena- choitet A change Ins be­ under the administration Brothers, let us ask ourselves this and reverend names as a mask, tsry of state, and an imperial and our ad­ necessary to our safetyf Li­ -' - - - little enquiry question, are we «n a better condi­ who are oligarchs in practice, and lus consul turn, crnder executive come can endure in a pure srmo»-- that they tion now as a people and a political use British maxims and British ex­ visement, constitutes the secretary berty people are phere, produced by frequent cluhgis .... then, ohl List, ye party, than we were under the ad­ amples for their guide. The king of state president. The Tammany Hall, for ? and here amused with slips of paper, upon only ; in f.tt, to use the words of . jo-esof ministration of president Adams can do wrong in England, on the . the words of yxWr own to do no wrong, which names are written t U they an enlightened commentator ,,c A little enquiry will demonstrate the president can -Exclusion -,one who has wintered and true that to existing maxims. carry them to the poll and drop British government* til that we are not - 'tis according is the only bulwark of with you ; one who, by hi opposition a chancellor of exchequer them into a box, and this is called by rotation, sred individuals who were There, freedom.'1 : of your own Clinton, has and who call the national representatives the right of suffrage and the elec­ to his administration, directs ; democrat who remarked, .icd the calumet in your wigw»m, have profit- and here a secretary of tion of their public functionaries *To a themselves republicans, like puppets; of many of the old republicans tWtimes that tried men's souls ; but has our the treasury, a hopeful »nd an im­ when in fact sixty-five member! that ted by the change ; and were falling off from him, he re­ ,,!,<, his graced your Indian file Have our prin­ ported sprig from the stock of mo­ congress, out of two hundred country beneCtcd ? constitu­ plied, »we are numerically and (jny a torrid fourth of July, ? Has our con narchy, speaks to the representa­ eighteen, pi otubiled by the Wit ton ciples been improved assembled physically as strong as. ever, tor i your papooses were sacrificed no rude shock ? tives of freemen, as a pedagogue tion from being eKctors, stitutioft sustained for tlu purpose, and whit we lose amonj; republicans We jior of the occasion ; one who abuses which were then would to his school boys* There in divan-, drilled Have those tl.efunction 01 electors by gain among fedtralitta 1* i held in exalted place in the se- been corrected ? Have venality stalks abroad in the face of exercise •adbsnsaVj 'reprobated shall be t After the fir«t rocket was'firrd • of and a still it is covered only dictating to the people who the enormities complained of iu for­ day, and here by the enemy at Bladensburgh, Mr* one in the senate of cobweb veil There, vice fs their president. r culled mer times been avoided or diminish­ with a po­ Madison call'd out. u Come gene­ ; who has for in dignity, here it is studded And all such men pretend to United Slates ed ? Has the purity snd simplicity arrayed ? ral Armstrong, come colonel Mon- ye*r» been sn atten- pre­ littleness and meanness. There pular favour or public confidence of republican manners been with tried and roe, let us go, a«d leave it to the ot public menandmes- hard earnings of tbe poor are No, brothers, We have H»id Silkl, KoUcrver served or chastened by tbe example the commanding general," and galloped * roan you are now cal- filched from them without a sympa­ found them wanting ; letthen>rcliro ijrihuisthe or the practice or the public a- and be it our (r»m the field ! '. niolutten to; th: s is the man, thy ; and here the purses of freemen from their stations, gents } . look foi men to supply their | My husband and I, said the wife i s federalist, who tells you did not pre­ are considered ss open, to glut the duty to President Adams places, who will not abuse their of a patriot o1' modern st»rn\ who bray I!T thit your national adminis- a represen­ cupidity and the avarice of inf. in tend to be the friend of will administer the go­ boxed the political compass, arc go­ Whit. ii corrupt and abandoned i power. There, war is considered trust, whj tative democracy. He commenced its true spirit, and not ing to Washington to endeavour to the republic is rapidly on the a pastime, and here it is a chess, vernment m tliat famous system uf proscription fur their own Sordid or get the -Office, and I mean to e, owing to the profligate and amplified board for political gamblers to play employ it ". Burlap* which Mr. Madison has purposes. Let not the apply to Mrs. M. to use her influ­ s luu. rulers who have the upon. Th s short analogy will M- ambitious Bpttent and improved, that ' no man sh«u>d rebuilt palace (as it is ence, and we shill certainly suc­ of your affairs; and you, my brethren, that instead walls of the hold an office under government tisfy be profaned t>y the oc­ ceed i for the office my husband foihersHickslsfe] (I quote his of a republican, we have the rule nicknamed) longer, who thwarted its measures,' with a tenant, who inglorious- holds will not maintain as, and yet, a lit- of oligarchs, wi.j make public func­ cupancy of OKRlfcg. i wordi, Tammanies,) this single difference between them that palace and the there is so little to be done at the? hands, and? we tionaries as George thtxThird makes ly surrendered Old Hpe*. (longer in such that Mr. Adams directed his ven­ capital to a band of modern law, thit we thill be obliged to .re­ Augustus s- of the Buh, or a minister national * 87100, Hr inderitand how geance against his political adversa­ knights under another Omar, move into the country unless Mr. Skin. people with the his members of Parliament ; and Saracens, l the Roman ries, sgainst democrats ; while Mr. of a struggle ; and by a das­ • gets the Office. They V « kixl C. the Commonwealth, that in such hands we shall soon fi- without tew IT. of its of Madison, with a spirit mors truly flightf from the field of bat­ went to Washington and in a was held by the n'uh our republican career. tardly the iDDttance inquisitorial, comprehends within tle, appalleu and dismayed the yeo­ days lie returned wuh the'commis- CbocatesT We see (says he) same What his become of economy, the bkiiof Czsar. his proscription, men of the manry of the country, who, witn a sion in his pocket! S president nominates boast of democrats, nay the pass high and tufict the political family to which he profes­ different example from their chief The nTnin.lion to a nor" But read for your- pa- word to power ? Have we seen any before IONUKHY. i met ses to belong, and spares and magistrate, would have died in its dignified office was depending IV.ldmn'. Donbl follows : glimmerings of it through the dark* of Mrs.. ' i wtiu tronixcs time serving federalists* defence. the Senate ; »t the riijncst Kcylht*. Stock JV. r. llcrald. in­ ness of the times? Shall we look high r. k waited kc he. while he persecutes and destroys Brothers, we have tod much cause M ar about association such same injustice, in a word if Mr. Madi­ more than double the satraps ; wlu-n we pect." Tins republican answer *<> mo ninv "A political be sure will no state of Persian iiHii society presents, ought to be son had succeeded by inheritance, pay '. The people to estimated as a drew down executive vetgeance up­ mlou Turner, Ul«] to complain of see the constitution guard of a camp, in he could not have been a more hum­ longer have cause parchment, and an oath on the senator's head. . George W. Hii i the picket members of con­ piece of old minis­ enemy, always on the ble imitator of the maxims and mea­ long sessions, for as as imposing no § Mr. lluisel, the present (I County. U* "*ce of an ecorTomy, the ol' office considered >« I tver watchful to guard a- sures of president Adams, though gress are salaried by when we sen an ter to Sweden, w.s designated »f eg*, fire feet, i "«( g*be brought upon us by pro- upon as the only test of merit, and act, which I am aware, brothers, that ingiv- McurediDSSjl members of congress, is June \\tlt, 1816. , and 1 'nends or avowed foes, 'tbou all the qualifications requisite to a pay of the ing you this imperfect portrait of 11 again. into the world by a false TmCurrr be and kjfMa ' the less bitter on that at- right discharge of every employ­ ushered our affairs, and in daring to speak ,1 ttx upon the public, hereby authlUlc* and directed t» caofr fgit to draught are reduced to this single title | it is a fraud as a freeman, I expose myself to the prill 1,1816. i° avert tfcis bitter ment, practised to keep be illued agaimteach >nul*criber,living In Ann* true ? The mode of compensation 4'h diy ol Ju«. party 1 To question the propriety nur republican system. But while Apindtl tnuniy, on the remains the same, while the amount of utterance, and A JVV^ro .)'"»« ' ; to my cuHudy « i - of any nuarure, however it may be I have the power »'.» who calli herUlf K.LWJ is more than doubled. The speaker, scdmon law^ Kimrd HARRY BLUE, about Iwenw that a republic is at war with all former professions, am not gagged by a old. about five fwcfweorin iarhMfeirV; A 9IUTM.iajiflwi» f' no doubt draw* his check as usual. raising yrart however injurious it may bethought nothing shall deter me from *hr» ipoken 10, he i« rtfhtr >ut«r«M ^ » >- niniittil 1 i.uip«l The money, I suppose, is put into, tt^y. public welfare, is sufficient my feeble voice to unmask hy pocmy, tweniig i he hu loii on* of hi» uwrr to the by the treasury, and the flpi »nd wry'Utgr kdhtri,'n;'d of the individual his hands and expose corruption. It was not h» very ihiek to proscription the sergeant st arms calls at the lurniliii frrt out v«ry much, Iti » larjr ><«r Bo- daring ; and no merit, to become the p»nd« rs of professed hi* «rm». li l» nr«babU li# * -II - » said Lord who has this bank, receives the money and pays on one of IS ilosophy teaching nor past services can a*rrest his republicans out of office, but tyr»«ts tht*gt< liii nimc He IOOK with him '-" it over to the members. Unless ifowwrn. and two Hiirt> > f let offices of the people are when in; that we unhed our efforts |»ir ol ozn»burf( " recur to this- doom. The then this method be altered, the the tame one blac* coat, an old fur hat. o"f of corruption, with them to reduce President Ad­ 1 will thus made the means mode remains the same : how un­ lilut rciundtbont jacket and imwwra right be­ ams to a private station, , It was jlv« forty it'll* It taken In Ualtimnn c^iih- 'and public officers, who of worthy then of a national legislature to lhe peoplejmold their' not a change of masters add achange ty, nrtwtittjf live if taken in Annt-AnindH A. A' long only to resort to a contemptible .artifice county, and all re»fon>lit.- cipcnrei, if M«*t tenure, for the- worse too, which strung our a offices by a kind of feudal to cover thtir outrage by its proper honx to th* Fr<«u)ent Yam, «rilli>« a NIT ol nerves to r«,sitt,an,c* in the contest i or the abuvc revt/4 it' 'Entries, with and are converted into a body name, and ssy at once,, that it was mile of A«n*j)oU» march, of 09 and 1 BOO, it w«s p*i«clples arfl todMd In uil. Swiss* U> march Si to counter to doubre or treble the pay d°*n tr»eir an act not m«n, which th*-n fcWmed our Job* •ssas to prtstMit or to Uy of members of congress, 8f to place bay- moucVtv4*aich UAt>t arms; to take aim, or to charge them upon the peraion, list? Thil rnet, a* the captain general orsomo 'hi-hutwr for re- of th« doctrffic which h« ha4:ridioule4 «V _ _ Pwvtttnw >0rf( . Still thUgentl«ms9B ha* be** a few months before.' The Mil Kowiver was not a* Malouair suppoj ted in the Hi» oimstttuaot* antt rale the fWemott of the country, twW M a Senator of Mary trary,' ' vuni popular branch as ft had been in 1W7. sh« is indefatigable ; on her immense land by those rery pMpto, who (equal to a In con' you top/adt from your confidence m«n 'A motion for a reference y to wraith she levies contributions te hfre rejection) prevailed by a- very hrf* citjrt,that hi presses) ; these presses are submitted to who have uniformly advocated tfisar R«p*bHt*n Ticket*. The convention majority. Mr. Archibald BuchioanHi " the vigilance of.a committee, uelected favooriW meattre*. from Baltimore) is ' far At Stca»d Cq*grt*rional Biitriet. having completed their labonrs, rqtorn- name (a delegate from either the expectant* of office, er found for the reference; among tb» ar­ of^»«ueoeasor\cii»i»,;|> Jolm C Hubert. those who are distinguished for their ed to their homes, receiving from that to the present the blessings of dent spirits in the cause of humanity * M* Moore ha* f«r Atsffttr* oftht Atnmbty. devotion to the interest of the city, they time die most the state for their devotion to the pub­ and of popular reform, he'waa * TOofens Hood, circulate the most foul epithets, and "distinguished. ... exhibit the most profligate calumnies a- lic good The government was admi- tlrice J WortMngton, years with­ In I79t» the attention of (he house was gainst those distinguished citizens who, nistered for nearly twenty cantly, Jacob Franklin, JUR. to modify the second was again drawn to the subject, by Mr. when solicited by you, have the unpar­ out any attempt general Charles W. Hajuon. a John Thomas of Frederick. A com­ a Smith,-_.-... ha. . *»»,. , g^j donable boldness and uprightness to artkrt*. In 1797, Michael Taney.esq. -and ELECTORS OP THE SENATE. Calvert, and who, since mittee, composed of himself, the late them as the-oonnitent prefer your interest to theirs. delegate from advocate of cjvil liberty. »Oa ANNE AKCNnei, COUNTY. the great political divisions which agi­ Mr. Philip Key, and Major M'Phergotj, To withdraw the public confidence of Charles, (three federal gentlemen) Mr. Jefferson has been thai Charles S ftidgely, from the federal party, enters " into the tate the union, has always been found Daniel Murray. zealous supporter of the federal po­ again reported a bill abolishing the of democracy. He i* view and scope of their policy." That a the strongest arm of re licy Introduced by General Washing property qualification. The bill pass­ f ,»o* eo*cHt»TEa party once destroyed, democracy from ed, 48 members voting in the affirma­ civil liberty. Virginia J"i»« .,._ ; Col. Ezekiel Richardson, .a congeniality of feeling, and from a ton,, moved in the house of delegates abolish all that part of thefoiin of tive, 13 in the negative. The senate first in ita estimation.. Yet Mr"JK« Robert Hart sense of gratitude to the hand that ele­ to that *,. government which require* property adhered to their opinions of 1707, and son drew the provmon, ro* vated it to power, will givea hearty co­ withheld their assent to this bill. should be sufficient to vole smk. operation in whatever legislative pro visi­ as a qualification for voters, or tor of Francis M. Hall, proposition was new. Mem­ From a very early period after the freeholder; and Virginia adop«lj H. Calvert. ons maybe required or necessary to rivet ficc. This Edward bers then who knew nothing of the organization of the government, a par­ a part of her " form of gotentaW. the empii-e of Baltimore ovcrthcstate; ty was formed in opposition to the na­ and pertinacious^ resists, to IhUt racDtRicx then her projects of a general ticket, public opinion, must be supposed to Major John Graham, speak their undisguised sentiments. tional measures recommended bjr onr every proposition to call a conn,, ktr tncreastd representation, attd a rt- relating to the to modify the constitution so as u! . Roger B. Taney. the untl- (illed to decide on an interesting ques­ beloved Washington, . other than the wi I duct ton ofthedtltgationfrom fiscal operations and foreign relations mit the poor to vote. PenniyU rOR TALBOT. the tion, not agitated before , they were I Itr counties, will be submitted in of the general government. Tlie pre­ been consistent in her charae*. or fo*t«r. to tyrannise John Leeds Kerr, 1 legislature, and the democrats will be chosen, and totally unconscious of the e *tate. would pn theirconslituents, they were sident'* proclamation of neutrality, the ing the most ineoirlgible of sUt_ Alien Bowie. invited to aid and assist in their pa»Me«, wishes of ofl expenditures of ci left at large to decide as their attach­ ratification of Mr. Jay's treaty, the re­ mocratic stale*; .till the semis roa CAROLINE. lett another revolution in the public to ryland borrowed from her consUt»u In Baltimore to open the ments to equal rights. " to the prospe­ commendation of a navy, brought "William Potter, entiment, " may again burst an accession of num­ their amendment, requiriig votsn circulate through ne' door of honor and confidence to the fe­ rity of the sute, or to aristocratic par this opposition and bare George Heed. '" and talents. Mr. Jefferson and pay taxes. Mr. Madison, and Ms« UK most prufli^te deral part-." Header, bear this pre­ tialities, might lead." bers ' jjn, tgainsl men, whose roa KBNT. When thi* bill of Mr. Taney's waa Mr. Madison were the chiefs 6f this gross, thfe nation knows to iu< diction in memory ! the writer willun have been democratic enough In i,tdevotioi* toyonr int Dr. Morgan Brown, fnM to you in another addre<« theie oc­ called up, the talents of the house were cabal. Mr. John Adams' administrati­ productive of measures, which conscience, still they reqair*. iBl Capt. Frederick Boyer. cult designs, of these self-denying B»l- rallied to oppose it. Mr. Philip Bjrton on wits Biltimoresns are aware Thorns.- Buchansn, Mr Ho gave to thi* minority an increased ac ting states into the union, a p roa CECIL. timorenM.the present will he exclunive Key, Mr. hi, risnce, that the de.nooT bert Smith, Mr. John Buchanan, J 11. ttvity ; and in 1800, and not till then. qualification in voters. Thai 'Dr. James Scanlan, ly confined to the investigation of that qualification wast ,r *re much more dispo " that Nicliolson, Mr. Uptoo Bruce. Di>ctor the course of the two parties became that property James Janney. charge ao frequently repeated. ed in I77«, by the whig* of Ui»i.,, tlxir ascendancy than th< the federalists were the enemies of uni­ Charles Prazier. Mr. Alien B. Du -ket, marked and distinct The survivors of TOR ALLCOAMY. were conspicuous in attempting to pre­ the revolutionary w*r, the advocates for rion; that a federal gentleman, Mr', 'William M'Mahon, versal miffrags." ney, first started the proposition t«< fran­ vent its pas*age. Indeed, it is reoul the ratification of the federal constitu­ William Hilleary. A historical detail of the tlrctite large h; that it was resisted by ill t chise, is lanmitted ; it has been glean- lectcd that Mr. Nichulcon metth: pro tion, tlte upholders of tho*e measures »OR CHARLCS. positiwn of universal suffrage with gre.it which, under General Washington. prominent democrat* j0 the m jed from th* archives nf the state, and that it was again reproduced by ft Clement Dorsey, from gfn indignation ; he moved to Enlarge the elevated tlie American character to the from intelligence collected Thomas, a federalist ; tbtt it Nicholas Sloueslreet tlemen vrli» were prominent in the right of voting to "women and chil­ highest pinnacle of national glory, g» dren" ! ! ! Intimating thereby, either thered themselves under the star span supported by a majority of Ow f, roa sr MART'S. timr* when the deeds were done ralists in the popular branch, attho ,' coerced the en that the poor were at much incapable gkjd h H.nor of federalism, while the Raphael Ncsle, Great Britain having arrested for some time by a bs*age of the bill, and who I country for supposed injuries, with and treated with " Resolved that that the theory of tukuiMJ Interesting history of the origin and freeholders of not lens than have been rewarded with democratic those who recommended submission to control; 21, being supported, and pracliied by Mr. it progress of the great question to which 50 acre* of land, or having visible pro­ support, wn find, ' the insolent demands of the executive directory of France, grouped thorn son, MadisJn, Virginians, Piwufli. the public attention has been drawn perty in thi* colony of the value oflor Mr. Robert Smith, sent to the as­ shsH be inly sembly frequently from Baltimore, selves sinder the iri-culoured flag of an*, and by demoeratie coagrsssts. Kterling, and none others, I that of universal suffrage. From which to vole for delegates to the and a democratic secretary of state democracy Judgfl now who are tJi« eneaies permitted are tbs syiten it appears, that notwithstanding those convention." Joneph II NirhoUon. a democratic Mr. Robert Smith, aspiring to the equal rights, who the lia* first office ia the gift of the nation, ma­ oppeters of the elective traneh'uel Baltimore gentlemen with the public The inhabitant^, breathing that ar member of congress fn>m cause tern Shore, brought to Baltimore tured and gave activity to a well digest­ the friends of civil liberty I Jodg»t dent attachment to the American ef those vrhicing '" elsewhere to believe that the federalists them so conspicuous in and made jud^e, and nuw chair ed pUn, for returning to the state legis­ the hypocrisy which rendered having rechotn were the enemies of ita extension, and the day which " tried men's souls," u.- nan or secretary ol the democrat lature politician* of the last description. crats, who, after II* repaired to Annapolis himself as a very men who were noi*y ia spf that therefore they ought to be banish­ beyed the resolutions. The danger ic meeting* abutting federal men was eminent, and universal safety could for their hostility to equal rights, delegate from the city of Baltimore, to on to the abolition of (he property ed from the public confidence, they se­ only be found in the wisdom and ener­ and the candidate a* an elector of resp the reward of his labour*. Kvery lification, now have the impaesett lect the very opponents of the measure gy of counsel. They sought for, and the senate of Maryland for Balti­ probability existed that their idol, Jefl'er- tell you, that the federalist] arelbi son. woufd be elected; much arrange mi«*. and therefore they srenottaj «s the fittest guardians of their inte­ selected, truly in the ipirit of oar con­ more city. stitution " the most wise, sensible, and Levi Hollingsworlh. a democratic meut was denned necessary to produce trusted with a delegated power. rest. Let the people read the docu­ limcreet of the people." senator, and an active pnrtir.un for a «enate in IbOl, who would co operate You naturally wish to learn wl of Mr. Tt ment, judge for themselves, and appre­ The delegates met in convention on Baltimore supremacy. with them. They refused to re elect came of the other part for hi* the spesker of I7C9 ; they elevated Mr. prop<>t>ltion. to let the poor be < ciate that course of duplicity practised the Uth of August 1770. It appears Mr. Upton llruce. known that the inhabitants of Prince-George's senatorial intrigues, rliosen by Kdward Hall in his place. The regu to places of honour and profit; it \ by these men in order to promote that every taxable free the democrat* to both branches of lar period for electing a senator to negatived ; and notwithstanding th county agreed oi*j their own interest at the sacrifice of man bearing arm*, nhould have a right the legislature, and in Allegany congress had arrived ; by refusing the deoKtcrats were in power for they set the precedent of de­ ort«tn years, it was left forsWrr ' that of the state. Let them not be of voting; for the delegates to the con­ known as the greatest brawler for to do »o, vention, 6c the judges permitted such to eqiul rights. laying the appointment of a senator till the much lamented Mr. J. H Th deterred, by its length, from giving it vote. The convention would not suffer Dr. Frazier, insxle speaker of the another expression ofUiepuhlio will. to revive the principle. Uemnnber.t an attentive perusal, it will amply coin- the persons thus selected, to take tlteir house tif delegates by the demo­ The senatorial period ol* colonel How­ whenever democracy triumpbs, yo°*J be ard's service would expire in 1802 delivered up to the misrule ol B*' peosate them fur the time devoted to it. sent* ordered a new election, to crats. hell under the resolution requiring pro­ Duniel Clarke, appointed a judge by The elevation of Mr. Samuel Smith to more, bound, hand and lout, sndso! and permitted a democratic council I that honour would foster the aspiring that no future exertion* canrsstM) perty M a qualification, I , _, , . L ... ° We thta day publish a disclosure of the members returned under the reno Martin Kemhner, an influential do- I designs of his brother from her oppression. AN OLD MAH,| transaction in relation to Governor lution to become a part of the conven­ moerat of Washington county, j Smith. tion and frequently since elected as Every art was then played off to ren­ Bowie, to which we invite the attenti­ It appear* also, that no election wn« delegate ; Indeed he is considered der the then senate of Marylund, who For the Maryland 0/atttlf on of considerate men of all parties. held for Kent county. Those who hsd the most popuUr advocate of equal hail distinguished themselves for their TO TUB VOTKRH OF PH5CB- The reader will recollect, that Go­ not the property qualifications prevent­ rights in that county, and is se. approbation of General Washington's OKOBOB'M corjtTT. ed the judges cnrryioc on the election. leoted as the candidate, whenever measures, obnoxious to the people;crea- We have no such enemy toresfoel the meeting of vernor Bowie attended The convention ordered the election dinner is apprehended from the ted in the only constitutional manner party ipirft. The leaders of the H Prince George's where judge Duvall to be heM. and pledged themielves to federal party. that they could be, they were called a crest parties in the state. wbosnto| and the presided, "with all his governmental upport the judges in their office ; the Benjamin Tontlinson, * standing de­ Mlf constituted aristocracy, henefitted by the triumA of >' election wan hnltl ; the convention was mocratic candidate in Allegany. Sampsons of the house of delegate* labour to ke»p>li<^>u meeting, friends, prejudices about him." That org" nixed, and possessed a mass »f la and frequently by the democrats were solicited to hurl the public indig­ by every possible excitaj iu fulminating the federal party, com- lents, Wisdom and experience, which sent to the general assembly, and nation as a body thus orga lized, and to us, who are interest plained of improper appointments made has no parallel in the history of Mary­ tnough last not least in democrat­ amend the coiutitui ion, so as to forbid aud who are only *"k land legislation. ic estimation. ' in future a recurrence of a specta­ Winder and his council, vernment should be i \>y Governor Thus we see, that the whig* of the John Bufcluman, appointed a judge, cle so odious to democracy, of a set of to produce thegreatestl and selected Governor Bowie as an revolution, had, e'er they«xhibited the and now a violent and intolerant senators not selected by the people, ra­ ble of individual protection lector most likely to select a senate interesting spectacle of carving out a stickler for equal rights, and-even ting thedestinies of tlieittate! Mr. Mer­ al happiness, frown on ev site. government for ttieir constituents, at I ' now brought forward by ll»e de­ cer, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Nelson and Mr. to foster a spirit so destructive to ( render inoperative the evil who would the very moment they were organizing I mocrats as an elector of the pre­ Montgomery, were chosen for the laud­ permanency of our republicta likely*to .arise from such improper ap' themselves into a chamber for tlte con I sident and vice president, able work ; yet these gentlemen, and ment. / pointmrals ! Imagine what mg«rhave summation ofthat holy work, which has It does not appear that Mr. A. B. their friend*, did for a yery long time Wbil/tbese cormorants, whohun^ endeared their memory to the Mary­ Ducket voted on the question; but control both branches of4i>e stale go­ fat orsjbnour* of ufficr. J Governor Bowio's syfsaiions at after the been land people, had the question (so much his hostility to the/bn in 1797. i* vernment, and have arrested, since dulge in invective against esch the mwnent that this^Ccosation, and agitated by politicians) what interest known; he wasaftetwardstnadea fAsy have the right of/)/'Qt(oi>itiry, opposed right of suffrage, or follow the degrad­ Heptunihtr next, which io*UI»« equal in Winder. They can find nothing the second article of which provides, . the extension 4t>the right of suf­ ing example set them by some of their probability will redound must to thi* of Governor Bowie'*. Xhat the house of delegates shall be cho­ frage to the poor. I * I It is to be political enemies, of sscnficing their de­ interest and the honour of tttt t| sen in the following manner: "All regretted that in the senate of liberate opinion* to rein in the public ap­ The electors of the nust« of freemen, above tlie age of 24, having t Maryland a majority was found probation. The bill was passed by a For the Maryland Gatette land, ought to be men ofgresinrW freehold of fifty acre*, er property to who coincided in opinion with very Urge majority. Mr. Robert Smith of mind, and coolness of tcOP«'i To the Voters of Maryland. the value of SO pounds current money, them, and nega'.ived tbis impor­ » 4 *^ still voting iu opposition to the bill- are to select senator* It is known to you, that the city of \ shall have a rigfit of suffrage." tant atuendmCBt. the senate agreed to alter the qualifi­ very many years, exer­ suing five yeam, Baltimore,_for An attempt was made in the conven­ Before the next election, the public cation of thirty pounds, and substitute of tomMr '..-r - - . cised unlimited control over the mea- tion to reduoe the pr«perty qualification attention wa* drawn to the subject, mid instead tltereof, or paying taxes." The-J »«>«•>"! and ar judging of ths qHah'firllHdas ur«s of the state legislature, to five pounds; it was unsuccessful; a the people withdrew their cunudooce house of delegates refuked To concur in andflmmws or progressed every legislative in a senator, rested similar fate attended anotlvor proposi from Mr. Kerr of Talbot, for his op this amendment, uud the bill was again adlMring to a judgment lhu act, according to her interest, ambiti­ lion to strike out the property qualifi­ position to this bill. Judge NichoUon defeated. The democratic triumph in That the choice of tbe o«x« NII»J» *'] on or whim The tyranny thus prac- cation and insert " or |*ying taxes so and Dr. Fracier «*ti»tied the clamours 180), terminated in the selection of a be imporUnt to us. . i* adnntied l|JM tttted at length aroused the agricultural the support of government I" * of their constituents, by a pledge, if e- democratic senate. The bill was intro­ a view to a »uu. °r 1 produced corres­ either with interest, and in 1813 Of all those patriot* who aided in the lactad, to renew and aavr«as.*. city was nbwtot to Wg ratified at the sa- the first vpjtotl against .the pro J ual opinions, ao4 became tha »dvoc«Ui thegitv, Mr. WoUiniou w*i after te- for this will aUo iut«§|8'

\ of .— --—_...s ,. * EOITVCI accoami 0! 1.* aA^ef^yeent for the •fracas white toolr place en Mondaf rmrf ftwj rufafcribefr being «pp«ii»Md truftee bv J'utfuant to tn mAtr fr»t« !$>?.• and oomaiaiiU w; « rtjptoenf.'^f infantry, the, KrViAt. between Mr j. K. Watklm th« High Court of Chancery, lor tWj/UMK.fc of Anne-Aruodei she will formerly 1 b*Meve uiid»ftbe ooramai^1 UW editor «f the Maryland Republican, la of felling aad vcofawf tt% certain find, mnrt. etpofe to fale, < of General Sltlfcrt. *Phfs gentieman U*KarpWa Reptibilaa «i t*x S«ordarpre- faced by ;R1c¥ard Brown, hie ol.St- Mary'a if lair, If not i 'S»m* oommlMioned by tlie govarnorj co­ ceexitnf, the folio x ingparatraph appearlf:-- inty, to HUhard M»fonr *«raJW, witf ot- idenoe of Jbhn All "I have a very euriout k ImpoVtant law taJe, at pnblic file, in Lennard-towVi, . on the the perfot)«l«tt»reprt(afed ptenilfrs. Thta on Utenfili, Itc .been fcll, by Har.ng a veMor a letter, frotn which the follow- •wa* (Xrxmallj afluded tv, and lha. term MM i*rui la- fupp»Sed to conUft of feveral hundtcl fix mctirtu ing u an extract: Light applied to him, puolitlr declared, ttne Krea, liet on .Clement's Bar, In 3t. Mary't the parrhafer giving bottdn *u heretofore unequivo- with Intewll frxrm the d» . . !ntcreit. she ha* arreatea, fame day, that he would call upon the Editor comity, hai on it fuch ImpT'Tcmentt at ine Orangt, March 14, 1812. the firfi opportunity that offered, and make common in that part of the Country, and pof- tn be pwdv .' ' inke Sed it. tho.eacta.of ** I beg leave to offer to the executive him declare whether h« alluded in him, and feffei aU the advantagca of a iitnarton on na­ rorrott, .-- .hich were intended to of the atftte of Maryland, my warmest what he meant by the term Slur Light as ap­ vigable wiler Fivther particulara will be acknowledgment* for the promotion plied to him, and to chaftife him tfhii expla­ made- kobwn on the day ot fate. Th* pturha- frtr will lie inquired to pay the whole amount they h»vo honoured me with, and at nation was not fatisfactorr1. Accordingly on tare of Maryland^ sc. Monday rooming ha met the Editor In the of ttw nvrehale money on ilte day of falc, or the eama time with candour to state, on the ratilUati"n of the Tale by the chancel­ Anne ArundtHUjuMf/f, OrphanbConrt, ; ?rfi^nit.-a. ftreet, and immtdjktety i^ade the above At- that since the receipt of my commissi­ t mand. The Editor had then a, large haw lor ; and on foch payment will receive from JunfKl 1816. 1 Xagaio.1 the bill. Indeed, on, a packet hu arrived from England, Kick in hit hand Mr W had no weapon the trUllee a deed regularly executed, convey - (in application by petitim of Ariderfo t* hiiUvT, « itl'otomsc intereat have bringing me the confirmation of a de­ in hit hand, or abotlt him, at hat been mod ing all the • n;h< lute, and intereat of the Warfield. aclm-ninntor de boai* noiywlfh r '«.»«'right*' been considered a* the fiH'el) tilled, except a (mall rattan ; tad he a- mortgageor, and of the hrtra of the mortgagee, will anneied. of Richard UigHsUyJMe «* cree in chancery, entitling me to a very and to the faid land. to alarm the adro- considerable property in that kingdom. vert that the (httemem in UK I alt Mar>-(and A. County, decrafcd, it in orojB nil Republican, aAmioj that he (Irak hit oppo­ H. a. Ckapmafi, Trvitee. the notice required by law f°r^l|P&1 r respective interest*., and Should I hold a military commiuion Jtjfy 4. 1816 _^^ _____M bit thfir claimt again^ the faWpccntttr, ort, thit ftp | ,,r«ni our principle ofrepre nent unexpectedtjr and with the butt end of a to vole in the cervice ef the state of Maryland, loaded whip handle, it a bafe and Impudent that the fame he publifllal 006 in each week, .Baltimore ha. never beenable during a war between the United falfehood. Mr. W. after ftoppmR Chandler, NOTICE for the fpaee of fix fucceflive weeka in the Ma­ ,i.rii»thehou*e of delef-"- State* and Great Britain, that proper­ demanded what wit* the law cafe alluded to In ryland Gazette ami PoliticiJ Intelligencn. the Saturday's paper He wat informed, it Tlxat the/a^fcriber hath obtained letter! of John Ciattojofy, Arg. fVUlt> ueoce. «he ha* been yet ty would certainly be confiscated. Much adfjinillratiutv Je banii nut, from the orphaM esista, toUiUil ' sympathy, to be wat the cate ol the warrant of J. Howard a* A. A County. .^J!^'- ) call a and anxiously as I desire to serve, I gainli himfelf and M r Bowie. which waitiicd court of Annc-Arundel county, on the prrfo- r«fthe!wn»te- could only accept my .commission with nal eftata of the late General John Davittl'in, Tills is to five Abfi«k lullon so as IA i in the Chancery office. He then demanded all perf.n* h»»mg cluiin -againft laid eftate, " sr than the wi.h to the proviso of my being permitted to what wat meant by the term blue light »> ap­ That thefubj^iberof A nne-Amndal county, . Pennsylt , of foster, lotyranniw over are refuelled to bring tliem in, legally authen­ bath nhiainedffl^ajheorphantcourt of A. A. resign in case of a war with England." plied to him t He wa* told to wait until the ticated, and thole in any manner indebted to er oharac he state, would produce rext Saturday'! paper appeared, ami he would 'Ounty, in Ma^smnd. letter.s ofadminidratioii iipble of »|fi The govar^tf, admit* of thi* qualified fee. He inftantl* replied, he rhould not wait, faid tllatc will pteafe make immediaie pay " :bnni» not) wiih the will annexed; on tKejier- expenditure* of contri to. MleHtlent Richa.nl HiKguu. late of A A. I the senaie of) In Baltimore to hire acceptance j*f Coloftel Newmao re­ and wat determined tn have an immediate ex­ Jm her conaii tain* hi* comWuiM. War i* declared planation, or he would thaltile the Editor on Jdtntt William*, Admr. D. B N. oonty, dcceafed. All perfom having claim* ML sod circulate through new*£a- the fpot. When thia wat laid, Chatldlcr wat ul) t, 1816 nft the faiu dcceafrd, are hereby warned to requiriig vo^"] *lJ, most prufli!?^te and barefaced in Jane 1813. The governor head* a bit the fame with 'he vnochert thereof, to yrocesaion, and travel* frooj home to moving off; Mr. W -took hold of hit coat by lioM against men, whose only the bitaft, and told him he Ihould not move a Coach £f Harness Making. fruufcnber. at or bei.ire the i jth day of I)e- flows to its i, cember nexj, they may othn-wife by law beet- , i, i devotioi* to yonr interert, house, congratulating the citizen* of ftep until he made the explanation demaaded. itic enongh )n Annapolik on the glad tiding*, the ene­ Chandler immediately Aruck him a violent eluded fsflpall benefit ot'faid efta'e Girefl , Bccllision wil h that of Baltimore. JONATHAN undjer my hand thit 15th day of June, 1816 y require, { , i, Baltimoreans are aware frotn my approaches the Paluxent in June blow uvcr the head with the large Hick ht Rerpectlully informs his friend* that hettill ) union, a i Iff't ; a detachment of the militia cap­ in hit hand, by which Mr __ Anderson Warjietd, Adrnr. *M,p»ri«nce, that the democrat* of coptinuei the above butinettei, at hit old aland T*. Thus It it ture aome of the enemy | Colonel New- but recovering before the bjowaflbl be repeat in Corn-Hill rtieet, wltrre all urdert for work ______De Boni* NOB Wl A Ocation wast *L,ty are much more di.poMd to tblow of m the country are punctually attended to •— | Uxir ascendancy then the fede- man resign* next day II Thus'the re­ »big» of the t giment i« without a commander, at the T'» hand ^: hu a accompanied GIG in complete re­ H. G. MuDroe> gentleman, Mr.' diaiely gvt pof- pair, well calculattd for ute in the country, Hot recently received an cJrff hwre at- ,(rom her intrigue* and her cor- very moment when the whole peninsu­ eat him, fome* which be will ditpott ri on accommodating ie proposition tot It— jprtnienJ of Domtttic, British, « lhalthev sometimes impose on la was threatened by the superior focve trrmj. Fenona waniinjf work ddne In hi* i* re*Uted by tilt of the enemy ! I! I Mr VY line* will find if (oihcir adjutage 10J|vc bim FWtu and German Ooodt. rat« in the Jnedulity of the country party, and j fift. He a call. ^^ __ elected to power uUulay aspi- Th*» you see, fellow cititenj, that Ct)MH«TMO OF reproduced by | nor»fi(\arce.0>d made no attempt to Anntpollfi June 17. ^^^ -- 6«r. Cirlsh Yoothtdo do. no ardent wa* the attachment of gover­ umlclf by. ftnking at hi» advirrfarjr. Superfine black, blur, t J pititude, worthy of a better brown, olive and Ladles ^ C. -nilemen't ""'it ; thit it nor Bowie to thi* political friend, that It W had challifcd him fo.Seiti " isjority oftKe ij.by sibling her to triumph over George wdl and foundtrfl^bnl at afl)r I Cattlmem, and Im­ do. > ffV!choice ofthe next senate ia not sion, notwithstanding the candour of Have juit received a supply of perial Cordt, Centlemen't whi»« h ' time by a the colonel in reserving hi* riclit to re­ ever was or ever deferred td~ Summer Hats* Bluk, blue and mixed Mack .IlkUlfhoM n«te of _ » important to us,* with an eye to Eiperienee ha*.di»clo*ed to the sign, whenever war ihall take place. Slockingucti, Patent white do do. d in their opinion! New-England 8hoen, I'atent mixed Angola, Patent t'dk and com. that the capital of the union i* His feeling* here unquestionably pro m the city ofl duced a departure from that duty so tract o/o Utter dattd jVnr Orllant, Herrings & bliad, Waterloo calicoet ^ • mon Snt|«ndrra. damocrtts who! Jltueked through our territory, Junifl. Oils & Paints, marteillet Vettingi; Anel-^ant utonment iy court* that a part of it will al- •oleiunly required of him, upon the Black Florentine and ofGinghamt. , instead of beta approach of a war with a nation, pos­ >ol kiaf\iujre war. be lira theatre of Since my l*tt. per the O. nothing And a fresh aupplv of Corn Atturiaa. Flag and BamU who^H* lo.rctign at the very moment early termination to our calamity. The June 84th, I old. ive the impeeaaM tot *** ifthi« coolness of tempA In compliance with the charter of and Jeant, Ulack Canton 11talU jlimne*. o( mind, which ia soVn when qpfeosive measure* were necea- water ha* already reduced cuniiderahly, 4-4 li 6-4 Cambric It an Crapet federalist] are!b i •nry fo^lie protection of the coturfty the Farmer* Bank of Maryland and jre they are not taj ant to a faithful selection of sen*. and it U hoped, in a few daya more the Jaconet mutlin, at- UUck Seiwhaw and Had the governor no othcr^ffttical city will be free from it; it will howe­ with a supplement thereto establishing toned Luttrtng legated power, k it possessed by one of our candi- a branch thereof at Frederick-Town, friend in the district ? Y"* wa* ao much attache^ Mr. Newman With the aubsiding of the river we st the poor be el* II decorum which 1 would have him lection will be held at the Banking dia V Bruith mull Dumetlic Stri|Wt. bad, from hi* own*Irltera, frequently are happily favoured with plentiful mull. plaids and Cham* iir and profit; it' in hi* future addre.se* to the Houxe in the city uf Annapolis, on the «toud "almoit alone" in aupport of the rain*, which tend to waa away the Plain fc figured l.eno'i ony nolvtitlmUnding Ik 1 step out of the way to a**ure first Monday in Auguu next, between •' good cauae !" For tin* the pride of places that have been inundated—a Imliah llritith mutlin Whit* and brown • re in power for i 1 hear DO man, who does not re- the hour* of 10 o'clock A. M. ami 3 handketchicl'a and Tickletibtng llin alate, th* intereat of the people, circumalance wkich we contid^r favour­ 'an left for a Men t the coarse of iloquenco which he o'clock P. M. for the purpote of choos­ thaw 11, Whi:e 8t brnwn Rollt, tfaeted, a* alike unbecoming tlie theduf4fii of hia office, all melt before able to the health of the city, nolwith- Ladies h Centlemen H- rlapa and He*. edMr.J. H Th the warniUjbf hi* attachuient to an in­ ing from amongst the stockholders iriple. UemrinbeT.li ilTsfbis years, and his belief in atanding great emigrations are taking Cotton llotc.aatur- ti^nt. dividual if\^v Or could the appoint- sixteen directors for the Bank at An ted racy triumphs, jrooaj i tbrisUan diipensation. The imp* place; and it is supposed that few per­ nnnt have originated in that pnnciyln napolls, and nine directoi* for the W ith a variety of other articles la the Off the miirule ot ~ MJ which arraign* the motive* of, sons who are able to remove, will re­ which regulatea the aelectiona mirta by 3»nk at Frederick-Towu. Good Line. ndand lout, and sol Ibnods with imputation, the moat main here after the end of the present the govcrnor'a political frjen^n, of By order, GROCERIES. tertiont can reteM J wrable, names distinguished for month. Jona. I'inknty, Cathier. Madeira, Sherry, l.il Old Hyson, Yiurug Jprintr virtue, might be pardoned bringing into public life, and (catering bon and TeneriBe Hyton, Hyton sion. . every Englishman who unitea with them AN OLD MAM,] ipro.-«eding from the indi«creUon Wine*. Skin, Souchong, rildntu of youth, but when it di. in giving cuntequeuee to their ayatem, FROM SOUTH-AMERICA. Public Sale. Old Spitit, C'lgniac and Congo Tr»t, •hes th* ciiiten who hath paaned even at the aarrtiice of the native inte­ By virtue of an order from the orphans Brandy, V Braudy. of tht Chat«a>'* aryland C/ntttf rest of the county ?• A letter received tn town yefttrday morning court of Anne-Arundel c.mnty, the tuliKriuer Holland Gin and cargo Coffrt and TKRH or PkincE< 'Sill the honour* «f the state, let from fort au Prince, dated June 4, llatea, that will offer at tale, on Friday the 36th July neat, Whitkev, Chocolate, kc. kc. I* lest his friend* should be Aik youraelvea, if governor Bowie information had bren rrceivcd, that Cm Bol- Likewite a general attortment of B'H COl'ifTT. wuhin a mil* of Mount t'xaont r'crry. U'e in extenuating hi* conduct, i* aelecled a» your .elector will he not llvar, who headed the patriwi army in South tlie retidence of Abraham Chancy, All the IHONMONGKKY. uch enemy torewoni ~«u H to the ajame lamentable chooae men wlio will again place him America, -had fucceeded. in capi'iring Larjui- 1'irtoTiileiUte of said Chancy, coniittlng i.f Among which are Waldr m't Double Prims) he leader, of the W in the chair of itate? Can jrou, a* ia, Barvclona, and the whole kf the Koyal >pa- Nrgroes, Hnrxn, Cattle, Sherp and Hop. alto Grain and Grata Scyiliet, Stock Locka »Weh control^the action* of nilh fleet in Cumvia Da), and had fet at liber­ the (.tale, wboarstoj Mooattble Don oonacientioua men, reatore to office a Houtehold and Kitchen furniture, Planuiion of all dcKription*, kc. ^t. ' the triumafc of ' man, who forgetting what he o«Md to ty all the Spamfli fljvot in ihoCe placet he had Uientilt, iur. Termt of tale—for all tumt lttl« Ilnelope t*Ka- public an LonqucMd. All the aimve Gn«dt were purch»«ed onth« over twenty dollart a credit of tin rnotuht, the hett termt and will bt dittnwd of very che*|i lokeep* kal traaairtiun of gomnor Bowie, himtelf• and hit country, aacflned About )9OO of the Royal 5pani(h army had purthitfr Rivmg bond, with good iccuriiy. Ie excitoMm. Bull botb«rrti the altar of hi* political attach defertrd ami joined the Patriots tf 1*. £«*»* with i leren frum the day of tile—all under .cath. or to punctual cuauMDcrs ou iho «re*tejAirricot< ' him to be^Hfclave of credit. IDBL !*°pl«, I Utail not hin meAiaW It State' ol' Maryland, sc. aokiy.o e and judgment ? Will you place in hi* Littkton Atklnfon. Jacob Bird. Doctor Two Hundred Dollars Reward. t so destructive to ( hand* a power, which in iU exerciae re­ John H Brnwn (3), We-tley Beard, Baxil Ann* Arundrl County, Orphan* Court, Kanaway on or about the 25th Jan- our republican hatred of hi. Drown, William Baiet, ttrice U.Bi-:*cr, Jat Juut 2j. )<>i«. M«h render* bJo»*u quire* a aound diacretion, when you uury last, a negro man named London, unfit are convinced ()ta| pulitkal attachment Bnyd. Ualph tUt»H. Athley B«nnett, John On tpplicatiuii by petiti n of John Gai- calls himtelf London Tamer, late the cormorants, who hunf ' »r »n elector. • W. Beatd, Henry Baf.ford. Wm Burnet. thcr anU Edward Caiiher, adminlwratort ot antipalhiea willaloue becouiulted in Mary A Beard, T H Bow MI (O, C lender ol MABV C/Aima*. late of Anne Arundel property of Mr. George W. Hiffgin*. ' irfstmours of offie*. 'J Buily, J Buchanan Thomat R Cruft, So­ of Anne-Arundel County. London i« live againtt each o* Cotertiw of ttiryland. county aVvcA*«d, it it unlcred that ilicy give thote wt,0 \\uto mended Kestore him to optical life, you »p lomon Clarrag*. Lnuifa C Oourfe/, Nkh* itu notice required by Uw for credit ort to ex- 38 or 40 years of age, five feet, ten or uld not leave l' Cairull, Mark Cotlina; John Crnw. Cap ain liiuit their cliimi agtmit ihe>ald >Uj.i«.,l. It. eleven Inches hi^L. grty eyes, Ycllgw , mlniaUrial recotnmeo- probate this dvpar^Kp from lii* duty, and you ought no™o be turpriited if Uawfon. Emanuel Ukddtc. Samuel tlliwi. that the aanx be puulitlicd once in each week, complection ; had on wL*n he absoond- *0 be di*ceiiied, that a David U twrigut, William 9 Cretn (^j, lor iU* apace ot «ia tuccenive weekt in the i>nest._ your venate should have men whoahould ed a new Mack fur'd hat, a blue cloth ion of argumenti in Great UriUin wa* at hand. Sarah A. Caimon I homa< O.aTon, C I Cram­ Mar;^ad GJMII* and political Jni«llig«neok of war should^ be visible of Jullice IxgilUuure ol Maryland George A. A. County. oilier cloathiug with him. London iaa rae on the first M« g A, ..yaot, »nd foraaeeing Hildebrand, 1'hot. H»mf»n (i), Chriit.iplicr complete carpenter and joiner; fre* lino • aW,^ Wou|j u ^uJJi |nto in the political horieon. next, which in sllnol Another adurcss to you will unfold Huhne, II. Haiwood, Wm llughet, Wajter a wife and three or four children, the" II redound mo»l we M« that tneaeuraa of defence C. lUmmonl (l), Philip Hammond. David Thi* u to give JWice, hi* devotion to measure*, intended fur Thai the tubKnhera of Anne-Arundel coun­ property of a Mr. Riehd Higgina, living 6 honour of the slaW- ""' "««l»od to organite Hanlon, Samuel S. Hopkint, Jamn Hunter, in Prince-George'* county, »»likewise a ffgimfnta, and pataed a the express purpose of-curtailing the Dr. Mailiiat llainmoml Mrt J.iutt. Richard ty, hath obtaincU from the orphant court of i of the aeuate of M» Influence ot the county interest in the I. Jonct. Wm Kil'y(i), Mtj.r Auam King. Anne-Arundcl county, in Marybud, kllcrt of motUrr and several sutera r«i«i«», brought onute ijbfutation ef them; and although I) *tor C 'I'root, Root. Thomti: Oen Wat- the iio^uroor shall swear that he i* a N. li. Ail jwrton* era hereby tor- projtimity r r* ct"P" >"'icl' *UU!UK.- foil, tl.ttbeth W«IK. R. Welch of Hen. ( >). A Negro Girl Wanted. U for them^Ue, aud-honoura true atid discreet patriot. jtflRe ye of Kithd B Wa'tt, Ichahod Woodt. J.hn warned harbouring aaid negro at their mvcrnmont. T FACT8. WillUr-fnik. Martha Worthington Mr. You The subscriber witthatUo purcUa»« A peril. ' DR. led in the t w*» Ul« l'l»'» r*'»> Rtciid. Wrlcii, Khjth Wells, CatNAiioe We- NKGRO G1HL atuut 10 or 1« year* f>The editor* of tha Federt) of Columbia. arture from itdfl- nee George'* ocunty, d*n, RanUay Waters. John N. Walking of ace. For such an ono, well racont- Repiilican, Frederick-Town Herald, t m»r*t n ol ^ Hue 87. Kev Jul'cph Wyatt, Henry Wilm*. Juf*n ntenvded, a liberal price will to given. ana Nttiopal lut*JIi|(cnc«r,- will insert, ,duet< of our ««»an had «mi Mr Newraan; we see from the WiHlaiu,. Ifaac WotxilMry, Bcal lit, W aKfcf, Revenue, July 4. f 3» his Qiw wttabl'islifnetft Rtv* U«dcr * I to prevent my (;at«^injfrtUrat, '-Moult t, bat CobbettV engagtmertu to hi> king and country forbade him trdn»g« f U «* be, j«^* AIM«««A«4 vv\ , ori% indulge it. After his return to • ^P ,«».«- fr«tMt. **Fof l«**fe« go to of this firm fetid* tn in a London paper, »nd led the way torn to hCve forgot the members per correiporxlence which thi-ougn the whole proc«'WVT«iceptj England he teems and o^e a d!f. to th« for several years. At different countries, took place tM separation ot Lord and the dislocation of.jointi. Th*n this sympathy ferent alkgiahce, we ought tokrtow dressed myself, and,walked oft con­ length, being Confined in Newgate mean to that this which government they ; THEE gratulating myself that I had not for a libel, it would seem it to be sacrific sympathy was again cxcit- support, and which >tI and if frwever been more roughly handled. dormant ed. Or is i' possible that the two , fare tttt fxH— baths no water it used, ed. In tliat great seminary of Eu­ Even though* unforgiving. wv< In these governments can so harmonize, that except to rinse you off, they cleans- ropean patriotism, where so many the 'Gaintt the* «liall my hrart j imported patriots obtained their interests will be found Would that breatt were harcil altogether by steam and perspir­ of our ing remembered same, and the firm have nothing to Where ttiy head go oft hath Uin, ation wnich the intense heat pro­ their diploma, Cobbett Fe placid tlftp carne o'er threW him do bnt hunt the remnant of the Wl"lf 'hat duces. In the room is a small gra­ those w1\o had compassionated Whirti thoo ne'er cantt know again; America; and he deralists from the face of«he earth? over, window which admits light when punished in Would ill at breatt by the* gtencvd ted tenderness Every inmost tliooght coulil shew ; enough to discover objects in the remembered them with Then ihou would'tt at leatt ditcnvcr sufficient to prevent and affection. Ever since, the Mrs. Whittington, Twaa not well to tpurn it so­ bath, and air and Sheeting Cottoni. , , .. They are by no meansn» friendship between them has been Having rented that well known Euablish- ugh the world lor ihit commend Chee suffocation. the Stadt house, and Dome.tic Check., CMntt,Vj cementing, and it is now to be per­ ment in Uhurch-ttreet, near White and Brown TV, >ujh h tmile upon the h'ow, pleasant, but I suppose the most formerly occupied by Mrs Maria Davidton, Diroitlet. ,ven it* praUe* must offend thee, in the world to clea s& fected by establishing a press to the public, that th* hat Brown flurlapt, HettiatA wehatt *«*t ns fectual way retpectfully informi idee Founded oft anutlKr'1- woe tcF publish such articles «s dart not be commenced keeping a Boarding-holite, h that Alto a good Though my many fjvltt decrrtd me. the skin. Mahomet recommt-ndt to his disciples; and printed in England. every exertion will be made to render its cha­ LIVERPOOL «t QUEENS Wii Could no other arm be found purification racter at rttprctahle Si when under the super, a general .won,, ' Than the one which once embraced me not It is quite natural for a man to , hkewi* there are few Turk* who do intendance ot that l.ady The ntuation of Hafdioarc nnd Tfc inflict acunlett wound ? complain of restrains upon the li­ well fcnown, il will deceive not tske a bath once a day at least. thts property being io Hoe.. Grau. ( Yet--oh, yet ihytrlf berty o% the press, who has been tuftce to observe, that it it in a central part , SpCdet, LdVe may link by tlow det.iv, They go into the baths and rem.-.in Scythet, Kesp [~ * We mention th punished for abusing that liberty. of the City, and near the Btadl-houft, which Ice Rl tf'tor*. But bv ludiien wrench, believe not, until they are so weak, as to he member* of the toonf«r giving t ; not, therefore, to pe sur­ render! it convenient to AH of which will be told on i , for not Heart* can thin be tornaway scarcely able to walk; are then We ought and Bar. Ladies and Gentlemen ' i to . svibj*1 Still 'h'nie own in life r«|^Hfcl prised that Cobbett should-growl a Legislature tentii thotc withing to bnjx wrapped up as before described, take will b; accommodated with board hy the day, hy gitinj thtpra «atf7 Still matt twine thoagnVeeding, b;it, Newgate.. jfi nnjf do io, ihrugln which paineth and smoke their pipes little after his trip to week, month, or year. A no llie untying their coffee, 2P n-'d bed, and wo man can take his degree, in The fubfcriber will expole at May 32. 1816. Thurfday the i8th day of July next, at th* of AW*r I And wlien thou w>uld'tl tolace uthcr school, without sub- de- On Implication by petitian fit-t acccn^^iw City Weekly taie rtfidtnceof Mrs. Fnncet Sappington, adminlttrator of Ions Mart. When our child'* From Whether the press county, all the per- thicum.X Wilt thou teach lier to say " Faiher!" ceated, in Anne-Arundcl of \nne\Amode! eoomyi decea»d7iii the mutt forego f fll free in this country fonal prftjeriy of the faiil deceaCxl, (excrpt ordeHA; th»t he gi»e the notice nm. Though hi» care — Mr. Crosbie, an in Horfej, Cattle, Hogt, by When her linle haiwl thai) pr«» ihec Mechanism and- is. a matter of tlienegroet) confiding ol law lor ere*jtori tn exhibit theirclainui lip to thine i* prr« genious and well known gentlema two pair of Draught Oxen, fevenu. Feather th* taid de«Va«ed. and that »h« itn, | When her Farming Uten- Think of him who e prayer "ha'.l blelttlitc de voter) his I'tje to the s Bcjf, Houfthcld Furniture, litbed onoe \each week, for ihei who has But when aro\>bett prat­ He will alfo at the fame :!me Thnkot him thy lovr had tilett'd- of mechanics, has lately invented, filt and gram tuccettive weeVt, in the Mar)l»n.| I retemo * ing about it e- c0notJKli>^ ^^. recol. and place, Ull at private fale. about twenty and the Mir)la\d Gazelle and I Should ncr linramentt a sclf- and chil­ Those Ihou nevermore may':,!' and put in motion in thiscity, li-ctingAfefawphlttwi^^pi "The Negroet, confiding of men, women fale are, a credit of fix Then thy heart wiM tolily tmr.hle .iriji/iiurt* •u.'ahrichrrt. the surplus R«publB^^udge, or ilie^Rmerican li ten. The termt of John Getaway, fog. With a pulte yet true to me applicable to mills momhj on ail fumt exceeding fivt»dol1»rj, , thii question Mr. O. powe^pf wl^^fes l.ibeity ofthePt>s, with the parchalcr giving note with good fecurii) ; • /C«MU,.' AU my faulu rjerchancr thou knnwetl in my situation that he regretted that my rnadntu nonv tan know : and oiheiy»^Kis d/ess to the People of En all miller that fum calh. The above propmy All of Pre- tailed up at s< All my ho]iet wlieie'er ihou goest where wnter cW» be procured, with ii he tells them he can ii fold by order of .be or]>hant couit This id to Notic ,'U been Whither y«i with l.'tt they g--. necessity ot'&jnlli Sec. It uerirk cnuiitv That the tubtcriber o\Annt.Ar«»t( p'suchadiscussion asth I'ridc— winch not a word could bow | _ than iliepeople of America" agreeably to the lad will and teQamem of the Anne-AMndel Coi-nty, ii\MiryUnd, to Inee • by thee fonaken, Crnsbie, we understand, has nearly of which he laid dectafrd, all her right and title, rf, in, of adminiltration on the \rv>nai {t, 0| the subject merited £owt and in the conclusion Sapping- Even my M>U| fortaket me now; completed a model, which he means says, 'Mhave amply ptoved^bat and to, pa>t of a tract of land called John Mirket, Vate of hiiwst painM to bear But 'lit done all wordt arr id(e, ion> Sw«ep, laid to Contain two hundred and deceased. All pcrtont havii } to depusite in the Patent Office. the press is more free in Great Bri- more or left, lying about five j*itnce of the Senate, Wordt from me IT vainer tint. font five a».r 1 tcatce can die. eeks ago, I stated that, 1797. montht 181* Jk ' Press*— We have by bondt, with approved fccuritjr. Abner Ltttthitui*, jj.,rRumenti in its b-.htl the uniou between CobbcU and A- " Liberty oflkr Francu Brmen Sappington, often been told, in a tilly, vaunting iStioold fce obvious, (s/id TURKISH BATH. irierican Democracy was so close k. Kxecutor'. This is to give notice lendency of the f is exuatud from a of strain, that we alone enjoy the li­ June jo, \t\f>. Jtfct ihe The following and so friendly, that he talked That the tubicribei moat t* applj t»l i which he had made, i letter of a young gentleman of to extend berty of the press, and that truth is crun. (« »a returning to this country next Anne-A rondel co«nt; J the right of suffrage, , an olbcer on joaril rm useful labors. My neighbor, of not a libel here as it is in Great- . Old Pallafox, minion to mark fc txiimd tkt fol|jwin|trt to Britain. Well; now I take upon of land, l)»ig in atad couoiy, to wit: f , down that principle one of the U. Slates vessels, the Herald, tookgihi* statement in Cot !>y General Wathingtor't imported and Part of Rldgdy'i Cra| me to assert, that the press is botv. Cover a-bout tlilli, Wirtd property as a nee hit fa i her: dudgeon, and in HMiiual polite man­ celebrated Jack, Knight of Malra. will and Knck Cattle, according to the din a thousand Mam the Drctciit teaton, at ten dollart each (lifejtioM to entitle a rr my slalement un- in law and in practice, ofUK anmn act of a»«rrb$y, entiiled, Ao *a\ Port Jtahott, , 1816. ner, he declarra and one dollar to the groom, at Mr. CanoH'a k Theie csnbe no doui tr, e } asserting, in hit turn, that times Jretr in Britain than it it in iwki king and bounding Ijt.di. ** A fctv days alter leaving Leg­ I Farm near the city of Annapolii. Thoinat B.L). rilk limitation which hai us lo " tlure it no union between Cob- this country: and this assertion May 23,1816, horn the bad weather induced make good against &***ay 30. tkteniroposedou the r where we remain­ belt andihe Democrats," and that pledge myself to put in:o Palermo, or arguments ihat may be fcp, derived its origif days. This gave me an op­ Cobbett, "did not talk of coming to any fads 'ttl'y1 ed four brought to oppose it. There's my Charles Frazi Stale of Maryland, ipcsi p»inciple upon whi of seeing that fine city, this country tn extend his useful la It thepuWic portunity gauntlet, ciftens. After to much formi hit frienda County Orfluual kiroo wis founded, vi« : Which for splenJor and magnificence bours, or do any thing else." geneialiy, ilif^e hat taken ttx aland former .Inne-.lrundtl »oasiing there will Ct'riainly be Croat, nearly oppmitc »5upply ofihebetl rrux-rialt upon this pi tablishment, for the purpose ot pub­ ('•ilibclt, />rniuvr

. _ tnbcarar-Mt him? WtK, s»t, battno coh'trary*-* removing from ajrfs^>nerc,orv* h>s, ruthc jnlbl)c4tftwt. 'That is, that our privileges,; like our. aJjTmcS, bf,- long inifp1ea»ii«iy',W«iJ, r,tor4 dif< he Who j» liauie to be. called en to cofne more dear, tali* »vhei> abridge? i ticutliei *rtsi» tr*» *t rJnt ccnld bv bearafrns for thv nation (qualified and if ranforiun*, crt cirtnuruunce*. »>n£W\i»d rat t ii t« nut merely, thr m other respects) should have the *»tt(l«Wient of btU6w»»« tilai iwio.be mped do, i ,,j <*ie tothd wtoeld without . »»»*iely "I" '-»dlti right to be represented by ihe ex­ ', T ha*e the greater need jccoi^piithed^ Th< clsirns^ of aflec- >»<= Silk He ercise of the right of suffrage. The f every other right which anay tvott are a ihttutsivd tides tRote d«ffi. ion do «4 CorisritutioTi of the United States cult lobe appenitd that) thoie of crc "rtiionaok tfrm», c **! Sh»wl serve as a consolation tome for the ce, S gives, to Congress the » power bT rdcprivatloh, or as a mean* of acqoir. liiiofs ; "and as we arc »bourtoprtu .-GJo.n deiiU ring, war/1 and as the service* that of which wrth; irirnds, LUey.tlmg. cloief a»»,. Vettini;, Striped Florcct to Linen, j 4 of every roaoi, liable to bear atrrts, ed Jvtnt. Bo.nl^7^tt» astortcd, Thifc subject has been long fami­ ctoitr to the breatt. J'be bouse dla Xra)«t. Jaconet W CiMit ; aK' ^ is put in requisition by a declarati­ liar to my thoughts, for t.-'tufeltad that vne has built the trees he, ha* Kincy. FiKUiW *Mt8ir'.|«d d& I Brown Tic on of war, nothing c*n be more just *0 opportunity inf witnessing Its planted: all that c6n«titute* the en­ dia Mul Mul »nd Bonk do l.«d» mtn'. BlkfH *& White Silk Hoie^xdo d-> ianl , or more consistent with the f»ir good effects in the state to which 1 dearing name of J/Omc, entWhu their l*etectf«a«f.. White irtd Bltci Cotton do 4 4 1-4 wA 4 dictates of common sente, than that am indebted for the honour of the U'tulrils'about Ins affect dns, Ql bin- Silk »nd Merino B'>nittrt Snt-*»«, UUfk Fir - or»DtH.wi'h«>K'«f«uln- the man who is thus liable to be him with a power trut is nm w bff remine »««rn|. finance. S«i>eh»w< ihdoUnl I.H. OaUsboro-Jgh's re- »e»C 1 hold here. Experience has called on to expose his life in the conquered wuhoUf a struggle. > iml Grocrnei. i, motion, havr by Homo ought us, tliat less danger is to be and F»n<. 7-! ? 4-4 Iti h J.i\*», | 4 : mi,laist numerous branch of of the American people, for whom exclusively ours. It is the general Sntdet. Hon. Gti«i, Cr^in ft 1 »* >r of John Mufaf whom 1 do not sincerely wish well may do *n, by giving ib«m a c*tL imr. deceased. Mi into the union," when state, it does not exitt a* to Con­ bill btir.g reported to the^nate,' ;'»e the notice r moved to strike gress, and the injustice here com. Mr GoMsborough again r^iewedhis to ; and I think there are not ma,ny ihibiuhtirclatmji tlutt part ichick plained of cannot be remedied. proportion to strike .ouVth? pto. wiio denberatcly wish me ill. ^ id But it is peculiarly incumbent on For the ten year* past I have This is to give notict, trek, for the met a '«a*rti qualifications of perty qualification, and asked for Th»t the subscriber m»ai»» i« »j>i>Iy \a t \^ he MirjUnJ Hepii t and which obliged a ma n us in the first formation of a new the ayes and noes, when the qucs Written a gooxi deal some nonsense nrkt Anne-Arundrl cCunty court, tur » com- izetu wid PotirteaThl P,id a l»* before he could state, lo conciliate the affjctien* ol tion was decided against Mr. O's. to be ture but some things that the mistivn to mark h b"und-th< f ( tn ffie dn-ectUlt* , lh,i he regretted that the attachment to the union ; and as we ing the principle* that I^have uni of an «ct of utevnbiy, r>.n(l«4, ^Q act Cut ,'U been called up a tso late are sbout to enable the people to A CARD. formily inculcated. Reflection «i\a jnu and Iwundiim landt ' - rive Nolle experience add new force, ever) iioHtat JT. D iftrrmnalker. iAiinf.Anw it could riot of necessity form a state government tor tl.cm- ffignior Fhbbcrttgibmt ha* the ho >m iHr Orphan* ( Wch ad'«cu»»'on a» the ""- selves that is to be permanently nour to make his most proiound o succeeding day, to the conviction, | J***1 '. hat the old iasbioned, though un ly, inVMaiTkuie,. o» the subject merited i and binding upontlum and their iuc- bcisance to the ladies andgentlc:i.en n the Vi cestors, it is but fair to give a parti­ popular, I'rdcnl llcpuulican pr.nci- ,50 Dolhtrs lie. ard. of Anne\ itw»spi'"ful to bear upon of New-York, and must humbly re AbKonded firm the vaiweriber.lrtrtnt* In'.Aiine mt cipation to ill in this important quests their pardon for the lotig de pits, are the main eillara to support !*i.oce of the Senate, yet as and the chitf ornaments 16 auurn, Arundrl ctrantT, en lUe 4lb an* (iknt of the us endeavour, ihrreforr, to put the bound injustice to his iiu./ifrouipa- the government toCetend & protect ', whilu he presented tolhtir the public right and thai would yet twcring ; he hat lo*: one of hit U|rprr1etl!l. ad th'u 2:4 dijl of the strongest fc most people in posetsinn ol every privi­ tnm, to apprise them o; the causes hit very thick lip* and very Urge inkkt.aini lege consistent with the riucability of this delay, equally irritating to Secure to the people their freedom ivrnthit fret oqt very mneh, bat large tttf rjrjrumentiinitabihalf. on the broadest and surest ba«ts. on 6n« of hit »rm*. It iffirobable ht will JTwoald be obvious, (i.»d Mr. and vfficiei.ty of fret government, them, snd mortifying t > himself. chmg»'"ni< name He took wiik him iwi that their enemies, and not tneir Nor are my opinions Shaken by look­ give notice Jttatths tendency of the propo- Early last spring lie was intro­ ing ar und me, ('or my companion* pair of otntbarg troWKrt, knd two «hin* of XT mnot I* tpptr t*| irieiids, may have the greatest diffi­ duced to the celebraud Ituier ol the the time, one bto* Cmt, an old fur hat, M«S , which he had made, wa"s to in sentiment. 1 speak it without blue roundtbntH )»rk« sn4 rK*ra*TS- I It'A coonrj oiurt, for lof culty to contend against. feathered choir, Klue Heard, by an bound to foil jwinf T^ t the right of suffrage, and to ment to the gentlemen of giTc forty dollan if taken in Baltimore c .mi), and tU 'esfonaMe ttytnut. if bro'f if Hidjdj'i Gi««< property as a necessary dep.uds for its existence upon the who assured him that the whole umber not a few most ciicilciii according to the dirt guod sense aiid virtue of the people. band, beingextrcmely weather-wise, home to the Knitlent Faim. with n « half* ijtioii to entitle a man to .id ustcemed personal Irtenus thai mile of AnnarioUl) or llK *bo»e rcwaX W rbljr. entitled, As ta j Public instruction i* necessary for were to come on Ly April fools day ling lat.dt. There can be no doubt but the Federal Rtpublictn party of Iod0dtaj.il. ^ • 1 9. U.. at limitation,».,.-.. which....-_.- has_ her - its support. When then you extend Their attendance, however, cannot _ _ Job* .uierne and the atljoining counttci Jnneji^ iropoted on the right of tne nght of interfering in the alfai's ue procured, till the warm weather arc to be found as many rsaluus, , derived its origijn from of government to all, you bind your- sets in. faithful, intelligent fltends to tec Mrs. Whiliington, Maryland, M pcmciple upon which our selves by that act, to provide the He had, however, proceeded with liberties and interests ot Uve people out them, & had actually hud thice H^vlnr rented .ihM ^rl1 known Kiubtiih- "otiufy OrftuMtt bUOOKM »*- _ founded, vi«: T/wJ means of instruction for the people, as any party of similar numbers ment ID Chure>i.«rr«i, 'near >h< StaJt hoatt. 25J/I, 1816. io|uifVprrscataZi(m ihmild 4v in order that tiny may understand rtliearsa>s, and appointed a fourth could ever reckon on earth. Men furrncrly occapied by Mr* Mwi* Dividtnaa iy petition of Charhtt Hbwever well adapted the best method of us'ng those when two of nir most favourite fe mpe^tlully inform! the public, thai >hr ha* wiih whom it would be gloriou* to cummentett keeping a Iloirdlng hoOK, Si iha£ of N»tb»n W.li.inu,| ;ht have been to our then righu with which you have clothed male performers were found to have triumph- and whom a wwu'd be ho­ county, deceased, it I them. If, from a fear of thia Jtli taken a very severe cold, srd to be r\trj nertkon will be mad* lo rander iti ch*> ! the notice requiinl tf | __... slate, (for the r»t stand norable to (all. Z » »nd persever­ nctrr at r».)^c able it «hcn under the toper- libit thrtr claimtagih l^nnccitors upon this point did gation, you deny the right, you are «o home as 10 be anible to srticu ance wo/thy the noble cause ol vir­ tnnmlwKe o* i hit L*dy The »*«4ti«n «f ! that the tame be | Uoticmplate Independence) it involved in the error of asserting late a single note. And the t hicf tue, liberty and truth,in which they thit jimpny hemg to wrK kn-nrn. u wii\ :, lor ihe ipxe < inflce to obKtve. thai It U In a cenUJ \»ti r it not now extensive; enough the pbsittQJ, that none"' but the organist, Count Hoarscroio. retutii are engaged, ranno.1 fail ultimately of the City, snl nWtlM St»d -hio«e. which rhe M*i)liitdG>nne j ing one «.vetting from the rehearsal icer, of the cirj of A* tUie propel*, we have made in wealthy ought to be engaged in our to prove siiccessiul, both here and re.nd«n it ronvevirnl lo member* of th« : ol self government, and political concerns a doctrine, 1 was so closely pursued )>y a French throughout the country. l.fC.I Jnure rrd lltr l.adie* tod OriMtrmtn presume, that you are as little in­ epicure, that he was obliged to force will b' areomnMidatcd with boaij} by ttu drnjr, ttaway, Stg.M iwtlookbatk with veneration My successor, Mr. Chapman, is week, mniuhi or year. A. J>. County. itrkki gratitode to those who a»« clined to hold, as to contei'd Safipington, Atr iteof Anne-AniimM i he accounted for in no o» inatruction, and depends upon it; incessant sneezing: a phenomenon <.d with the lu«a) interests of Lu- wiiich the erudite editors ol the ceafcd: n \iuie Arunucl count*. »11 the (x»» iriont hi»ing cUi»»i. , . . than rrom a devotion to and if any thing can give force ip Xrrne attd the neighboring countie*. fonal icnr of ibe faitl drcf»fd. ;«xcipA I. »rehereby «ir«edto« Uie^luty of puWic initrucvlon- in our Veulzql Rtpatitortf" are earnestly Rorfci.C»iiU,i|t«|t; jjk the,voucher* tb istrly principles o( the revplott- and has been sdvantaftoosly known < of the thirteen original syitem of government, it ou^lu to requested to investigate. aa in essayist upon various topics, two- p»jr .* Drau^.t O.en, frveral fo'Sf* From thi* unhappy circumstance Brdt. MobWbolil Fumimre, F*n\mg Utem- tb* «onitit««iDu of JH«W- be sufficiently recommended to us both in the G'eancr h the Lua«rn,c at» »nrf jt»in\ Me wMI «lf« atthr fame :|«| the hittiwn the only fl*r which on that account, without further great alarm his arisen, and the per­ Federalist -With pleasure 1 n;com- nd|iUce. lrt| V |iiivtie /*)«, kb'iut turenyf iind ( t it >U uf universal suffrage, calculation of us own intrinsic me­ formers, one and all, ins.st on the mend him and the Gleaner, to the Ni?jrd4 tcrmiVf file v», o»dl- "I ^ i'u "ill be regarded as arr>m»rU- rits. cootiuued patroaa^e o£ ih« pub­ month* on all fumi ricndmg five d"lfu*. '' ntcummnee in the history of Mr. G. concluded his remarks concert t for sltho' they allow them lic. ... t>>e (larthal'er f-ivmgywte with (jon<\ Cturi'J^l °try, that from that period with again spolo^htlng for the lime great tas,te ss well as execution in With sentiments'uf aRectioo and The »»)«£ vr"P"*)r County (>ff he had consumed at this very l«tc rnuwc, y< t their taste for frog veal I'oid bv urdcrof ihAorphuu coint uf Fr«- tni iutc» of Rhode-Island respect I am anil shall evet continue dcrltk countr ' \ ,yWlh, H»«. , ^ it, with all their 4>owed pcruxi of the day, and said, thai is held in such uiur abhorrence, bound to you till my heart is cold lie w^»l|o f«ll »t IhcVive timtandfiUei. „ bv petition of AW that not one of theperfotmers could fWiCsm Tucker. cut to popular t)ghV« and but tor th« argent reasons of the % the clods of the valley. a^rec^bly to tlie U(l will aVd tcfUmrnt of tV wed.hitonkred.ilui>!*! H?n. Chairman who hsd charge o be induced to open his mouth in U«ld«c*afrd, «H her ri^hV »nJ mil. <. W. :»nsyitems, should have per- CHAHLbS MiNpR. ird to, f»r> of * met uf Unit call*d StoiMna,- rtlhrUwfurf |he bilt^ for pressing ll upon th their prcseuce. [C'tfMfief.J To the Patrona of tnc Gleaner. ton't Swtep, liidtoCoiitaiiiV'ohunami »n«l t igjtntt the »» J*ii«^rcserving'n/r««/U)W pro- i,olJ.i>i»d once ! «*«' JUn»te, h« should have.moved it fnrtyjve atrr.. tj»r» or leaiiViig »b«ii-fi»t> s, aa tndispensibly oillet below M'Co*'* Taxerii. W «n ihe new tin tucceinvt " 'try to entitle a nun to vou. coniid^ration for another day. li J*rom the Oieciirr of June IS. by fai't asmuch, therefore, a* the nine Wj jtateof Maryland, sc. rowl fiom Bd'imoteVilr. w of time, two of th« '1 he beginning of this w««k Idts- tndtl Countj OrphantCourt tkMcrn. V> ihccity of Waftiingtoi Term* f l^'Ucn ttites adopted untvcr- limited, he would say no more, anu Ihe falc ol land, rm* hill of ' pnr«h»(y- pof.-d of ihe Olean«.re»t*blishm»nt. May iiJl/i, 1816. money in 0* mmirhi. the reGdl in mob fuet, vis South-Carolina fc duty lovbade him to say Ires. On Saturday I lesve Wilkis-Uarre A desultory debate tile" took On iunby pet MI on ol Chtile* W» month! ftvrn t*c day «f f»le i to 4Vc«e«d »oo, and of the live new state* ior Philadelphia, to aid Mr. StiUs, ttr» rndnil utr»to» of WiliUmk. l*f bjrl with *PI""V»cmm * I (with whom I have formed a part- iimt bf taw ' n Maryland. !*« ». itfihtm gave \u the people a tion, when it »as obs rvcd t>y some tCKMVOI nerthip) i» i hf management ol the 10. i8i&. ne perton eil»< «f 1 bluilonal privilege of au'iwrsal of the gentUmeo in opposition i -- America*. In the hurry of tii« be iMiWi'lieii it, that there was scarcely »ny sp It* H»«\ Wi'*.^ »^--' ---T --"* f ~~'-....,. - f in the distraction ol nitc* U> racli lor the tytft of tix tui:- ci-:» of property in the Terr.toiy of preparali-n he SlM)l»"(i CMrile »IK! "V~ ,r.~ -- - art hereby *^e, that the pro- numerous accounts the mind I «»«i*t j»«kt L thereof- Indutu that was not asa«ss«d, been cKlibcratcTv 1 TO thii Mr. O. replied, that it by inntinct into " For vulut n ' « not H»e omoim. of t»* that be , jfb»r mttorc consideratkpn, erf, /promise tow"'« «« air p«>m| f'^r th« «v. ..,«, t, H . rn.'ght be ,'.sca.cd to entitle s man tf\ « fir*' ed. J«»M l^. l» 16' kc> But , niw-AruntieJ cowl- uf thefe pahli mo fAWAY. Zottiicile Of the 'tdvote; but U* principle to wh-ch That U* *ubtcrinct ol »>CT. »htti Utli Mttmi oi ...... ' he objected. It wsa the same thing pa,t nine the bell hss rui)» lhe ty h»ih nb<»i«M4 fi"m I Children sr« asleep the .uU«M. ol Anrw-Arvodd CuUmj^ ii led v* of l« of M»- i tpai malority of th« in principle, whether the tax w*s night ioothes the rnind into Iran ]\mltirMioo on tt* \* CO A SMITH [l»VOMor,s fetsj. the prm. f!v« dollar*, or five hu.ndrtd poUsVU, in WilAcmt. l*iaof A tint H county, Jnn« 10. tlld.^ iB,ii«d » qu»luy» »"«' ' »n* moment Urcmtrd. All peituiu Unvinj i »l»lntt to botli, ItD.xhl- nouli?' ,.fv« Ue »6«ld n4vir'con.7nt ^»tpo»iti And now, I know not how U> say bit i'w the vuo to >»Uafox, marv.j c.Uighu should be meMufod out it. The consttnt, (Vbe?. uiiansrited the M*W th« «y ot J»- Uo» UT frimnWasajiijii*'! In t.theipeefle by th* standard «* rV. c«Ut>r«Md,,Ja<4. Kn>|ht ' )4td.gm«i)t, tHove u kindness of the people, I c»n never ^^ from ^ ot ihe ite. Mkrei the prc«em >c4»i t.tret oV wraith. Wlwt, iir, of ic ae atron^ in tha- cea*. to remember with a bosom o. | snd oac dinUr to ihajCMatsv at N i stfao^tod toenir con- nUfl' hsrt^t aimuch f^^J r with gratitude. U I »«> Farm nor iheyUy oT IXyaafe^, rsiher tt Uy mother, «»a\W« per»on«l rights, X sh-ir«f * A-^ ..Jfll

'.'•' r cue* 'Bring cbntwU, m -item character H A rfftuM «f' the «»*»., y«d, thitthe projfJcture of M*e,*B<*nk fteen years, you miy hav* ...... _.»i. and UnUeat State*, by MCOJ _ would not ngfee to pint the salary Uw, Y0Vmein4 leejolrt What is truHi. and Ury of war, Wefb Instrumental in unless those that wanted it, wpuld Mar 4hen you fed it, tuffer H to control thatioss of national glory wtich -~ their «oT>scicnces and. shot tbeir eye. I*™ vol«f*lt1.e next election. Rely susUincd during his , . , * Upon It, th»e» who administer the affair* the war department. For tto Second. when the bank tew was to be pawed Of lhe ?ovwlln1M1t, have not that peli- John Fries, fomented «.n inntrreeti- Jehu C-, Herbert. Mr. Madison, the president, was, when "-*-Ucal1 «virtue, !"« without which thitthis go-go­ on in 1799, In Pennsylvania, "<" live that-hatred which T*\J?* S.l5.r"r^*. vernment must fail. You will easily jecta the e*ere«* of reason .rtrtstDr'* For tltmbtri of the 4*»indAy. vicled a* a traitor, and pardoned by R member of congress, one of the most Anticipate the horror* which fr», or president Adams, wa» made a mihtia- Do you, my fellow cili_. Thomas Hood, decided and violent opposers of the fe­ our children, shall experience, when­ general by R democratic governor tff your own integrity ; and MI,. Brice J Worthlngton," ever » dissolution of this shall tike deral bank On the ground of its being Pennsylvania. an enemy to your country, '^4 Jacob Franklin, jun. place Tue bitterness, of political and lo­ slave to hfe interest. - ' - Charles W. llanson. contrary to the constitution; but not­ convul­ Aaron Burr, elevated -by the demo­ cal opposition*,, will produce crats to the vice presidency, plotted e> shall aim at the ELECTORS OF THE SENATE withstanding this, as he wanted heavy sion not Iran bloody than those which dismemberment ol'the. Union. mind, by the catch-words. on:Cin,ted, an FOR ANMB alUNDBt. COUNTY. Uxes to belaid on the people, which the rendered France a human slaughter­ Jonathan D»yton, indicted for trea­ Demand from them facts. house. Prom the- people, the preven­ only fjwm them. Ueipw Charles S Ridgely, 'democratic majority would not agree son in consequence of his connexion .' Daniel Murray. tive must come. We have suffered with Durr. and pardoned by president they are ready always to our prejudice and party attachments to FOR DORCHaSTER COONTT. to sanction, unless he would agree to Jefferson, is returned to, or strongly the most villainous deeds, Col. Eiekiel Kichardson, charter their new bank, he alto shut govern us too Ion? ; we have permitted supported by the democrat!* party, ns nold attempted to betray Us ourselves to (unction every absurdity, candidate for the legislature of fliew- to r*ap his retvatV) from the « */ Robert Hart. his eyes when he put his name to it which the folly or interest of our poli­ voa PRIKCK-OKOBOB'I. Jerncy. R British minister, " hi* teal Now as specie was wanting to set tical friends have produced. We will the war, Mid thus save the A - Francis M. Hall, Pennsylvania, ye*. p««r Pennkylva --..,.^ this bunk up, congress also passed the not suffer ourselves to investigate their nia amiin unfurled the standard of re- soldier the sufferings of th«.«ani« \ . Edward H. Calvert. actions, lest we shall not be supposed law wo first alluded to, requiring eve­ volt agaimtl the so«.-reignty of the U. the cor.sci*nt.o«fc belief that Y« FOR fRK.DEaiCK " true and good men.1' A»k your con­ States, and we hud the morti6cation of contributing to the restoration Major John Graham, ry man to pay' his taxes and debls due science, is this courte such as duty to scfing'in the Olmstead case,theprocecs monarchy, the onlj Rovernnwnt. $oger D. Teney. our country points out > Does itnot ra- - - --Q . - - - to government, in gold and silver, af- * : - .__.___*!_.. » nf of tho United States opposed by a ml- which his countrymen could U nip llier tell u« obey the cool suggestions of Fon TALBI ~ tor a fixed day in February next. There lilsry forcn, organized by the democrat were the patriotic moti««« ,John Leedn Kerr, our judgments, and advocate that ays governor of that slate. him to this deed of treason. lien Bowic. would not ptrhaps have been occasion tern which promise* the longest continu­ Baltimore 1 sigh when T wrile, that No criminal yet would even for such "a measure of severity against ation of our government ? Does It no*, Ihe chnstisemrnt due to his crin. FOft CAHOLINB. tell us. to judge men by their action* this city so celebrated for her com illiam Potter, the people, if the capital of the bunk merce, her enterprise, her public spirit, his profenniouR a\one were to bt i and not tlieir professions, and whwi « dered. Do then judge of acti eorge Heed. had not been made so extraordinarily man or party bo;mt« of iu »«ltachmcnls her munificence, in 1812 "acted a moot villainous and bloody deed." by proceed lo them, lhat FOR KC!«T. large, fe the year MU)1, the whole to peace, to Uw, order, and the poor sacrificing, without the formality of tri- |he veneration which tlie pr»acm r. Blorgan Urown, ought we not in duty lo ourselves banking capital in the U Slates amount nl, distinguished citizens, whose only in^power affect for memory of the apt. Frederick Boyer. investigate their acts, and compare crime consisted In entertaining and Washington, that they txlttd, FOR CECIL. ed to twenty-six millions and an half . them with their vaunlings. AcU trc holiness in promulgating, opinion* con- cuttd. and rtndtred unhappy r. Jnmes Scanlan, but this bank has itself a capital. ol not eqiiivsAI ; fi om them only oug'nt and good man, while living. we lo formour judgments. From well trary lo llioso oflheir murdenrs. 1 James Janney. thirty-seven mwiions. It is too clear to would to God, that thouc hell-hounds, Before the unanimous volc« authenticated acts, il will then up|>cnr countrymen had elevated this dii FOR ALLEOAKV. be contradicted, thai whereas the for. that lhe prominent democrats ot' the the immediate ugenU, were the only William M'Mauon, one* inrutpated in this dnmnable deed ;...guiahed personage to prfaide mer bank facilitated to the communi­ union, have been the advocatts of re hut the disclosures made at tip lime idesiinifs of thirtean United Btti William Hilleary. bullion, the alandrrrrs of Washington ty the means 01" buying and kellingi forbid us CTHertaining an opinion so f * letter, which he »'klre«»t4 t0 FOR CIIAULEi. the tnrmirt lo p*acn. tl>« advocnMii of Marquis Do l^ Fayett«>, io tht Clement Dorsey. and paying their debts both to the go an unfeeling conscryrfioii law, and iho honoumhle to her. Road the test i mo ny taken by the legislature of M»ry- cipation of the event, he ssji Nicholas^ StoneslrMt. veritment and to each other, this new nopoiicnU ot laws iuiendo.d t'or the be­ can form a plan for my own nefit of lhe pMr. Innd of .\'.r Uwynn, Mr. Johnson. Mr. FOR ST MARY'S. bank, now only existing in prospect, is Kelt, and Mr Smith, and you will shud­ my endeavours shall be nnremittilj Raphael Neale, Albert GrfllaTin. a foreigner, emigrat­ exerted, (tvrn at the hazard of f,n % curse before its bir'.h. It has been k ed lo this country ; fomented an insur­ der at the approbation given to this Col. James Forrest. (lord, by men of the lirst political con fame ot present popularity) tot chief cause of the difficulty of obtain­ rection against the excise ; drafted lhe my country from the ember For. CALVBRT. resolutions Ktirnng up lhe Pennsylvani- Mdemlion in tho citj*; men who arc Kichard Grahame, ing loans from the state banks. Ithai now supported by the democratic par­ in which, it is enUngled for Hn« to arnn ugainallhe general govern­ credit; and lo establish Benjamin Gray caused them to hoard up their notes. ment ; then nvMiled liimself of the am­ ty, and ostensibly supported for the ve­ ry Countenance which the.y gave to thi* tern of policy, which, if purwsdj Finally it is for the purpose of asiUlt. 3 nesty gran'.ed by Geu. Washington. ensure permanent felicity to tl* H This nuu was elected lo congress by lawless act. Not all the monumental Jntericfins HekatiJ. the nttivity of this monstrous bantling, ulabaoler, which she grnlcfully piles lo monwnalth." A rigtdadhereoNii^ lhe democrats ; selected by Mr Jeffcr determination of pursuing thst '-i ved off this port on Sunday thai gold and silver are to be wrung son as secretary of the treasury depart lhe memory of her dead warriors. wlitglion. lh«< rigorous ' .in lhalagniaal which he fo­ factious and interested, predoeai ij from Sioti Martha, (S. A) where she aid lhe people in tlie payment of the mented a civil war; chosen b) Mr. Ma- Notwithstanding this early and con tinued display of the (reasonable acti­ loss of popularity which he bed r liad carried Mr. Christopher flughes, oppressive burthens laid upon them diton as comnmsioner lo negoliale a ed. He ssnctioned the cong peace at Ghent, and i* now invented ons and views of distinguished demo­ jun. of Baltimore, who was commits), but the people are required, no matter crats, they have the impudence to call provision* for the assumption of i with the honourable and distinguished contracted in support of the i oned by government to demand the re­ at what expense, to supply the bank appointment of minister to the court of their political enemies, traitor*, en<- mfcjtolhe^govemment; when through­ For this he was charged wii lease of the Americancilixeni confined with specie. If this can be done in the Franco. All these honours, ihus pour­ tali on of the Drillihgovernme benefit of his largenienf of our countrymen, as well they distinguish, by lhe -highest hon­ this displayed on his part aa That there might be no doubt of the the excise in Pennsylvania, and to rouse ment to the forms of royalty. Hil '. ji that of several British subjects, who its deluded mbabiunU to arms ugainsl ours, aspiring men, who, through the mischievous future tendency of this means of civil war altempted the de­ proved of the excise system as Owl to effect their escape from the power the aJministralion ot' Gen Washing mode of raising a revenue to i proceeding, government have a; point' ion. gave extensive circulation to the struction of your government and the *f the unfeeling wretches detaining dissolution of tho union. debts duo to the soldier who hta cd as the first ^commissioner at Phila­ following resolution : the bottles of hi* country tl>Ui thmr, 4c$l*red themselves American*. " Resolved, That taxation by txcilt, You, who love your country, ponder , 0 delphia, wlt«re the bank is to be esta- on these truths. Suffer your judgroenU (tided a temper.to perpetust* hit i«j Mr. H landed on the same day and pro­ ha* over been justly abjiorrrd b'yjrrt ence by extending executive pair blikhed, WILLIAU JONKS. whom public nun ; that il i* n system attended with to rule Reflect upon the dangrroui ceeded OD to Baltimore. consequence of selecting lo preside o He opposed tlte di«crtntinaiin| j indignation drove from his office of Se" numerous vexation*; opens lhe door lo tin introduced by-'Mr. JeOerioo ' manifold frauds ; is mo»l expensive in ver the destinies of your stale, men, crelary of the Navy, for ordering the who approbate such daring act* agniimt Mr. MaOiwu.to promolaII*Cos We have herelolore warned our rea iU collection. Il is also highly objeo and manulactoririi of Fraere ih ' navy yard st Washington and all the lion«ble, by the number 01 officers it the peace of society, and Uie sovereign tiers, thataccordiog to the provisions ty a* the law. sition to those of Orcsl Drituio.ui vr»s*U of war at it to be MI on fire, renders nece.sary, ever ready to join flicting with hi* prominent msiioi •of an aetlftued at the last te»sion of tit a firm phalanx lo support govern A VOTEB which was done, whilst he was running relation to foreign governiwuU, * congressTn^^wjmerous heavy taxes ment, even iu unwarronlable mea­ * If Milton had undertaken away from fllvdensburg with the pr*. sure*." This aame Mr. Dallas is now connder ail nations in peac*,'J ia,id by congress most after a day UT| of Mr. Artnflrung/lir would have gtvt.i to in war enemies' this dii sidenl and other heroes of the cabinet. secretary of the treasury, and has the him the amibuto ic'n-cn iu Drllsl. next February, be paid, in gold ^nd unblushing impudence to rerommend " A fairrr per fun loft not hravtu i lir fccnwd wards Prance the bl«f ke»t i For d>f;n'IY comp<>\'d and lugli exploit i To aid the government in Its! silver, com* they whence they/will to congress the adoption of this system, rations, ne gave hi* signslui* to 11 CnMMO!»ICATIOW. ' so abhorrent to Ireouten, as lo jualify But all tfii^fsiroth because it was a fedora 1 gainst uglvertal suffrage, and only mentioned by others, when asunder those chains which rivet you can principles. bank^Cnd because it was, as Uie however, .if elected, thai he y/oiild sup example* of baseness and wickedness to a p»rly. and drag you on to the sup­ He «r red forth the rrfilitu l»' portllieirai* Or like the nJghty Mr. were sought for. cnlV said, unconstitutional. I) Ormiby of Kentucky, plyge liimself. port of every measure of your political lo frown down ell < if elected, lo n*e his weigh* (not thai of The stem inflexibility of R man de­ friends, without pausing to deliberate the treasonable pr»ctice.i c (he times arc changed, and they voted to the honour of hr» country, was on the consequcuces which rosy flow to Penhsylvsnia, th*t by baniihmj if lh?yXhonght the public had 1 R feather) to repeal the tten»ion bill. not sought for by Mr Jefferson, for Uie Freemen (if Maryland, nwnkel your your country. 1 re who Is thus led, Is iiectations of success from I'1* memory. In the aame sessiopCf con rcpre»enUUve of the Aiimricen nation in worse t)un Asiatic bondage. This lie might produce nubmiMiop, liberties air endsngerofl! the Ilalliiiiore at lhe court of liuonaparle. A suppli­ '" people will send to A\o eleetoial col­ humbleand abject spirit emboldens lli« j aveid tho effusion *>' gress, that the member* npB made sa ant loot, who had given evidence ol lhe depositories ol the> public power to on-' vi) wmr-^ lary men, with fifteen hundred dollars lege the roost violent* rnemy to the ex strength of his head and the wicked­ teiiaion ofuuivrir»a,Muffrage. when first act whatever m»y either be consistent tortured into a dispoaJtion * year, a law for establishing an enor introduced. He \flio moved to extend ness of his heuit, wa* lhe 111 instrument with their will, their interest, or their his military prMe, by for these dark, tortuousand dishonour passions. Fatal experience tins taught, head of a *pl«adid »rniy . nous Nationaldfank, is passed by the tho n^ht to women ec ehildren. Trenv. able entanglements, which were to pre­ ble lc»t he *e1eqb demoer«U like him them, that the public iu estimating the Htrengtlien him.e'^ in his gove very racir whooe consciences mre so cipitate this nation into a war with motivoK iind the. tendenc'ie* of their ac­ by exhibitlpg a vigorous dl!lP self, who impyed thnt Uie poor wore Great Britain. This /MfbJ* then was iii>h a little while ago, that tlrty incapable ofjklfgovernment, or ridi- tions, are sati«ned by the enquiry, of< admitil»tratlon, to rffertusie ferreted out, and an American senate wKr»t party i. 5t the work." If llte isolated tli« provisions "» jl iked upon the former Bank to be un- ^oled the right attempted to be given wa» found cringing enough to envelope them. j wiliest work orpktrioUimenienalesfrom tlon. by drawing ftVm the vonstitaitronal.- It fopkj a Irttlestru^, t . >» him with lhe man tie of * minister. a political rnemy, it is decried ns the the -United Suies. without e/ i that they were not *p keeiMtfKtea af- Aspiring to the presidency of Uie U. pruduelion of folly, and hvstillty lo out\ conprea'-loiial sanction ' ^SST" / <* tht Maryland I, Sutes, he pursued the only means for vffpublican insiitulions. 4f tho most e «ar>for tltis.exix^lt'on, •f*f lh*> got ,tlieja,^piendid salary, a» ADVOCATUa «P BKVEI.- I the enjoyment of tlte pTite, by pur gregiouii proposition which wickeduosH cote of which Hm very uAiett t* rflgmrd^Nenrw bank, though nur- ' 1IOK. suing the path in hll netfptiationa plea* and aspiniig nmbitjon over ,cen«r«tedr states J*/i tlmee as large as the former, as tke fttert Ing t<> the Americaju eJbiwet, Return originate* wiih a political friend, it is citizen, as deeply interested at ing home, '' tbe wil genius" of Mr. hailed an the, offspring of goodness, and of U»« ar»y of the r objection on tb« score of con- anj of yog in the preservation of our MB^i*on selected thfi n»an, (who hid ' ths) exception. Circumstance* l "' ' intUtutions, 'invitfe you to i »e coCTHf* Uie American ar- n»tr»i», I *»,,,.^. VJ^Ili, klf(t I (in President VUu;w», vU f national sorrow for war Pwl«rht, tbe»wtfilfootetl Gene'rtl nil eilui*: them' th» death ei'tlm grefct m»n had ,nb at the battle -of Blademtburgh WW roigsion»* '.. * .i their .native, cfyfciry. gmPVoK , id**. we Aw thoe»«land*rer« *d he expend? Why, *up|>«tfng Ms Ywx» of UnsjBUt Ifce age* of- t« and R«»jpecUhfly .. informs \hnd* U> keop, a. Constant reputation of Washington, in the ' I ann«, he the Hundred and Ninety Thousand. Seven' oal ln«t'rtation in Andover; end; he in inppjjr of the best Porter sr,4 Ale. IU ». and no midday splendor of hi* renown, would Hundred and Forty Eight Dollar* ' now employed fn translating a jmrt of solicit* a, khar* of paffoi^ge from a A. ^g(fo*t y&ur deitruclionr if it »hould (upward* of One hundred million* of ih'erNftw TesUmcr* into the Qwhylie* neroun yuhlle ' M . -* • v^ essential to the retention of their dollar* moie than Jefferson opwgrd* language, and by his aid also an Qwhy » the inte political consequence? At well might of one hQndred and fitly three million be* Grammer lias been formed Chancery the lanb expect mercy from the wolf. !7thitn any which hi* dollars, more than Washington and vimw UuJ, lh* ri itjuT will enca, by leading you to withhold your million-of dollars more than Adam*.) i to puMl« f*lc on Turfd»y 'and the treaty thus confidence on Uie Ant Monday of 8ep And this statement of the comparative From the Philadelphia True American. >f Auguft n«K'.. It fcir. K not the ntli arch traitor lember next, from those wh» tupport Washington, Adim*, Jef lUjrthrnaf :«,)« I ol that tr*a. at - d»mned etpencee of 8QU1I1S AND CRACKERS., tind lyinj vn Souih Kivcr. in Ani'C bT that red that the fa soot wickedue** and hypocrisy. fertorv and Madison, is official, as It right of Virginia co«ni\. called \Vhite H»ll.'' contiirtlnj one A VOTI presented to Cohgrew last session Laudatory. The fifty sens 'I he Mptovunenu wa* he \rellcttalilinhed-j tmndrcd ind ffl.nl to monarchy andcnrntly In the annual Treasury Report and at length sterna to are, sn excellent new dwHtlAj lioiife. * Cpici. signed by and her supremacy to be acknowledged mis tobacco boiife. necx/Tan our-hnulisi, and n France, the intent the. SICNtOR CAHU f I hat Your* respectfully, from the rising evert to the going doun a ihrivinf; young < rtftarsl FimHtr u>fcmra!l ,,)Aonoro:'hi»nation and on (.f rhij |itnperiy mty be obuin J ort i| plU con- Cannot Uke leave of tlie citiwn* of A.] DALLAS. of Uie suit. Although ignorance L'k, dbplaved such sovereign have «minUlned, for a time, cation to Mrl John Smith. »h.^ iefiJ» oil it. hi* re- HUIJ* for Madison and War end envy may m»nth« crrdn will be ihe pn'hlio voic*.tlmt Annapolis without expressing the faigh e disgraceful contest ngitiu*t her power, T«vtni of f»i« . i wel%e to office ought to be p. event. Taxes tnd Bladensburgh 111 fitn forth* pur. hafe ntoixy, oo rh« puttlii- sense of grateful feeling with which he yet thinks to nor peraevemnce-rher ta­ fcruritr for H»« Vr»r«sn,Hli..n of ^ COMt.ta- l«r (iving lion.1 with aputovrd ik impressed by their generous and be- IT IS A PITY lents and her virtues, she reigns undi*. pajrment of ths f»ir* wJth hn«r»ft ihrrtort United Slate* That we cut get all the documents M puled mistress at the state*- Jarar* Horn Ihe ciay of fate The fubfrnber will i lhe American commerce nerolenl patronage Dintinguithed lo lay before the people a full rtate- succeeded to Tbxmat snd James the give a good and iuHtitnlderd for ihe pnhfYrf of the Bar of the (wrchase' «rui«er* Annapolis ever htt been a* peculiarly meni of all President Madison has done 2<1 the 1st, in the mo ill improved in trn " force his avowed ob the teat of liberal feeling and polisrM ot dolrar*. that is Btniamin- Pfaditl, Tnuttt. two hundred million Hail Virginia ' Like the Virgin u, impo»« UP41" tho n»Uon .hospitality, the feeble t«stimony*^o1% aboul eight hundred and sixty six thou Queen-r-alVer whom thou »att named, it. i«ie. ne* of lh« British govern- stranger could add noihing to it* cha­ sand waggon loads of hard dollnrs; he ' ihou art a sun among the twinkling dobt.a minl,»n excir-e. the fifteen hundred dollar law; sUndest among the State of Maryland, sc. acknowledg­ signed star*" " I hou . a standing army ; de- racter ; but as a grateful ha guve John Henry fifty thousand dol­ s:ate* like a cedar of Ui4 hill* umoog jtnnt-Arundtl County. Orphan* ( itat ihe pl»n of similitude to ment of the generosity he has expert lars of the people'* money, and then the chinqtiopins of the wlliea. Thy July 6. 1816. sho< him a national chip lo run off in; the chastity oi On applicaiinn by peti'ion of of England enced is demanded by his own feelings, lent patriotism is as pure a* Wcllt. inn ixecarrn of , by the addition o he will have received Iwo hundred Ihou- ttlicsheth wa* npotlrsK. TJus caucus We!' anil Benjamin he indulges B hop* that he will not be the lid will ana test mei.tcl jienjamm Welli, the public altsch sand dollars un Ihe ith of next March, bend* to thy pleasure, a*'did the parlia (Vn late nf \nne Arondel county, dtJctMtl. displayed, in favour o considered obctrusiv* in this public ez for his own s il»ry as presidenl; and he menl lo that of her. majesty. 'I hou un oiderrd. that they jfive the nolkc required hands four hun on the b l»w lor creditors to exhihit ihetr s s- ri»t^racy and roy " pression of them. will have had in his miyeit say. ns did KlizaVieth. to triumph over the charlere dred Iliouund dojlars of the public invasion by Spain '' I U iuk foul scorn gaiuM the t»«d drcri^etl. snd that th* tame be it it the intention of Signior Carusi. thtt 8 years, (fifty thousand or any other published once in each week, for the H»C« oC of ihe United States money in of Pennsylvania. York, iht stKctii'rvewccki.intix Mar)ttnrtGasw)*) t Jefferson in bis celeb to rf turn to tJfe city, should he sue. a ye»i) which h^tre be<*n appropriated stale «h»il dare invade my realm." and Political Intelligmctr by congiess for he purpose* .' Pirg/n Qwfrn, *oflr)u country men, to M ceed in his al*K>t to ctUbliah a Mu to hi* me Hail Hrginia John Qanaway. fyg. WMt, into one nonerjl dcnu of '* foreign intercourse." is is pre At thy tcrplrt lou tat bmd. A A C*t*ty. itcol School. tended, bolter known hy the nsme o: tg halt thgu oiir tavrri^nbtrn. r^Un.' »ccu5*lions Tlds is to give A'ntiet, ind m^ntilude. and by " secret service money.'1 lor which l,e t thou rrign till (im* tkalt and for which he That the Subscribers ol Annt-ArunHelo^uB- aviour of the Ameran pco •• A Friend," will be attended to next is n^ responsible, tnd. t*. haih obtained fn>m the Orphint OBH of utS* Solom«.iio council, and give* no account; he will have left un­ Anne Atundel Coui.ty, in Maryland, Utiei» n in combat, w'^sfhair had week. settled and accumulated balances on leilimcmnry on the personal e»ta« of Bto- jr ^'« where, ofinglanrl," the navy account of more thin two From a PmmjNsnia paptr. jmrrm Wells fcii late of Anne-Arunritl having ilaim* ilike his po\vJr* of com t*e PtopU'i Monitor. hundred and sixty thousand dollars, Mugntiiumous Oo-oernor refuted count*, dectatcd. All p«rsnnt on tho war OUT ajts-n-t the -aiil deceased are hereby want* tnd fieml lit* m*!ignity of hciidrs an immense balance c». ocNers THE PEOPLES MONEY. own war, to pay hit TUJ tctl ti exhibit the tan*, wi-h the v department, occasioned by hi* therr«r, to the >nbicribert, sr or h«i"nc tVv* to re Hark ye 1 Ja*t IjaUn to this bit of a and on account of agents, consuls, mi- THE TAXES. djv of January next, they