Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 77, No. 09 -- 4 December 1942
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-irv^ ••"•s-isfe ^^^TS- •^^^ •4-v_ 1. m Sll«&. HIIB^ WMHl^^HMbAiM rr^^rf.^^ ^^. *.^--^ir^ ^^^Bg ^- " •-' — -«^j. .-t •HHfe^i^ («»•«!«#• •""-'. •-*'•-; \- " -^^H, THE NOTRE DAME •v W SCHOLASTIC VOL. 77 DECEMBER 4, 1942 NO. 9 3?2 *• |V« ¥S$pi5?!5;<S;V^¥*;S5A^.5^-^^V>•^?:&^i5^^^ Ay-,V-i;Vi{.g?.yrfi'Hr*'J'y?»aaa"t\«'».£'r»gJg!i»j^^ AUTHORIZED NAVAL TAILORS Representing M. BORN & CO. Chicago's Largest Custom Naval Tailors PARKER-WINTERROWD I 151/2 - 117% N. Main Street (Upstairs) North of Olivet Hotel. South Bend • • • CUSTOM TAILORED UNIFORMS AT READY-MADE PRICES! Fit, tailoring and correction mean a great deal. • • * Compare Our Prices/ Blue, 16 oz. Serge Uniform $42.00 Blue, 16 oz. Lastique Uniform 47.00 Whipcord Raincoats, with detachable lining 47.00 30 oz. Beaver Overcoats 57.50 Cap and Device... $13.50 up ALL ACCESSORIES, INCLUDING SHIRTS AND TIES, AT REASONABLE PRICES. • • • PARKER - WINTERROWD Phone 3-6318 CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES Open Saturday Afternoon BOB KUIPERS CAPT. GEORGE MURPHY EDDIE DOHE and Evening, and 114 Alumni ^ 130 Alumni 238 Alumni Sunday Afternoon. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Disce Qvasi Semper Viturua Vive Qvasi COLLEGE PARADE Cras Moritwrua FOUNDED 1867 JOHN A. LYNCH Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing: at special rate of postage. Section 1103. Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. HEAD OF THE WEEK THE LONG WAY HOME "ODK Osculation At Council Dance." / tvas chcmned by the look in her eye. —The Vanderbilt Hustler By her nightingale voice I ivas smitten, The ODK is a fraternity. What the A7id her beautiful figure—Oh my! rest is all about, we wouldn't be saying. By her glorious tongue I ivas bitten. • She is really the charmingest girl, sir. In her ainns any man tvonld find bliss, THOU SHALT NOT sir; The mighty lav\- of St. Bonaventure But ivhat struck vie viost about her College has come through with a new Was her hand %vhen I started to kiss slate of commandments for the boys to her. t- \, keep on the Junior Prom week-end. —Queen's U. Journal Moses never saw the likes of this! • liOBEKT D. LEMENSE, Editor 1. I am the Junior Prom. Thou shalt not hold past proms before me. FAMOUS LAST WORDS DA.VIEL DOWNEY. Managing Editor TcD WEBER Campus Editor 2. Thou shalt not comment on thy We quote directly from the Boston BILL REYXOLDS Sports Editor roomie's girl. He probably thinks the College Heights of a few issues back. JACK DENNISTON Jidmiru Editor same of yours. "Boston College — Holy Cross: The ROBERT LOXERGAN Promotion 3. Remember thou shalt not check in Crusaders are 'up' for this one, but so W.4.LTER KR-A.WIEC Art Editor later than 7 a.m. on the Sabbath. are the Eagles. We think the Meyers- AL SCH.^FER _.Sia# Photographer G.«L FITCH, JR Advertising 4. Honor thy Father and thy Mother. men will emerge on the long- end of a REV. C. M. CAREY, C.S.C. Faculty Adviser They're paying for it. 27-7 count." 5. Thou shalt not kill the last of the Well, you can't always be right! coke. • Member of Catholic School Press Association, 6. Thou shalt not adulterate the Scotch Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col TAKE FIVE legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis with soda. ing by NationcJ Advertising Service, Inc., 420 7. Thou shalt not swipe thy roomie's A colored preacher at the close of his Madison Avenue. New York City—Chicago--Bo3- ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO shirt. It's probably the last one he has. sermon discovered one of his deacons LASTIC is published thirty-three times during the school year at the University of Notre Dame. 8. Thou shalt not tell lies about thy asleep. He said: "We will now have a few Address all manuscript to Editor, 267 Alumni minutes of prayer. Deacon Brown, will Hall or 121 Administration Bldg., Notre Dame, roomie. But don't tell the truth either. Indiana. 9. Thou shalt not covet the honor of you lead?" StaS meetings in the Editorial Kooms. Old Ave having thy gii'l picked Prom Queen. The "Lead!" said Deacon BrouTi suddenly Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at judges' decision is purely biased. awakening. "Why I just dealt." 7:15 p. m. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's • car. This will be the last time he'll have TAINT GOOD it for the duration. Life magazine is on the way out as far IN THIS ISSUE • as the students, faculty, alumni and CAMPUS THE NEW ORDER friends of Indiana University are con Great Lakes Finale 5 The Broivn and White of Lehigh Uni cerned. After Life's Nov. 2-3 display of Centennial "Dome" 6 versity presents a pictorial account of a Indiana student life, the above groups Stay-at-Home Christmas 8 recent football game and riot aftermath. joined in a protest to the magazine for One of the pictures, depicting a some "Never letting the facts stand in the ADMINISTRATION what disorderly group of after-game stu way of a good story." Centennial Celebration: dents, bears the caption: "One police The complaints made were gathered The History of Notre Dame 10 man who is barely visible is douTi on his into an open letter, from which we Keep Faith With God and America 14 back with four students showing their quote: Prayer at the Log Chapel 16 regard for the law." "They (the students pictured) were Father O'Donnell Gives Thanks 17 He was probably just waiting' for a told that the photos were to illustrate Plan Trip to South America 19 street-car. This New Order is terrific! the 'do's' and 'don'ts' established by • campus tradition. Unknown to them, and SPORTS. BIG BLOW without their permission, the editors of Tough Battle for Irish 22 Life used these photographs in an entire Cagers Trip Ball State 23 "News From Africa" is the title of the ly different way, publishing^ all the Southern Cal Trounced _-24 piece and it appeared in The Neiv Yorker. 'don'ts' and skipping all the 'do's'." In part, it was: • FEATURES "The invasion was still a rumor. Next College Parade morning, however, he found the news SAD APPLES The Week : 4 generally accepted by everybody, from "It's scandalous charging us |l-5 for Man About Campus 7 an American general doAvn, and a lot of towang the car only three or four miles," The Ears Have It .'. 26 the American soldiers were doing a snake protested the motorist's wife. "Never Short Shots 30 dance and singing the Notre Dame song." mind, dear," replied the husband, "He Strictly Instrumental 31 And after what we did to Army! earned it: I had my brakes on." Pressbox Splinters „.32 brisk rubdown with Wildroot and-a brisk massage vnth a rivet gun, your cords will - s be ready for anything. "You have to be THE WEEK careful after the third month of wear or they'll start walking away. I found mine JACK WOELFLE early one morning looking for another pair for a cab. But above all, treat your cords with kindness. Remember, one TOP OF THE WEEK gets back the same shirt twice. Then cord in the pants is worth tAvo in the there's the pants. Ifs a happy song, the roast beef." Take heed men of Notre Fieldhouse: "I came here to cheer for song of the corduroys. As the lads walk Dame. The next time you see those Irish Joe." briskly to breakfast these popular type slacks go inarching by remember what trousers sing out their merry little tune. they say at Harvard, Princeton, and OH DR. GALLUP! "Zip, zip." Occasionally an old pair Yale: "Oh, say fellas!" The girls from across the road recently chimes in with a: "Zoop, zoop." Oswald conducted a popularitj'^ poll and were so Nana, cousin of Greenba Nana, has his kind as to let us be the first to print the own method of keeping corduroys in con BOTTOM OF THE WEEK results. Things went as follows: dition. Says Oswald: "Scratch your knees That horn and white handkerchief in Favorite smoke: It depends on whom and if you find — etc." Yessir, after a Los Angeles. they're out with. Favorite sport: Gossip. Favorite boys' college: Thanks a lot! Favorite authors (?): The Week. (Girls, you really shouldn't have!). Favorite beverage: Ovaltine. Favorite branch of service: Boy Scouts and Junior Commandos. Favorite literature: It was a draw among Superman, Breathless Deer, and Fear less Fosdick. • TOUGH APPLES Saturday. Those Ball State screamers sort of sent shivers up and do\\Ti the boys' spines. Then they saw the gals and fainted. Frank King once again didn't like the band chosen for a campus dance. Next time we'll have to sign up Frank and his French horn. Francis is no doubt a great music critic but his fashions in corn are really too profes sional for us. Besides, the criticisms smack of i*epressed genius. Mr. King's choice of Jerry Wald as the band to watch is no doubt due to the fact that he has never heard Mr. Wald. Jerry Wald has a fine siving outfit but we'll still take the Messrs. Dorsey, James, and Eey. Now jmnp down my throat, Fran cois. The E.E.C. requirements are getting, tougher and more strict. Pretty soon you'll even have to have teeth. • MESSQUIRE Perhaps the Notre Dame man could be called "the well dressed man" but unfor tunately the Amalgamated Bums; of America haven't a publication of their own.