E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 No. 143 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was come forward and lead the House in the END THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON called to order by the Speaker. Pledge of Allegiance. BENGHAZI Mr. BRIDENSTINE led the Pledge of f (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given Allegiance as follows: PRAYER permission to address the House for 1 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the minute.) The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick United States of America, and to the Repub- J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, in a FOX Almighty God, we give You thanks indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. News interview yesterday, the Repub- for giving us another day. lican speaker-in-waiting admitted to We pray for the gift of wisdom to all f something that we have all known all with great responsibility in this peo- along, and that is that the real motive ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ple’s House for the leadership of our of the Select Committee on Benghazi Nation. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- was simply to politically attack and Along with millions of men and tain up to five requests for 1-minute drive down the poll numbers for Hillary women around the world, we join in speeches on each side of the aisle. Clinton, spending millions of taxpayer praying for those in leadership in our dollars for a political mission. world. Those You have entrusted to f And, unbelievably, the speaker-in- lead in local and national governments waiting mentioned this in response to a GHIDOTTI HIGH NATIONAL BLUE in this Nation and all the nations of question as to what were the accom- RIBBON SCHOOL the world, guide them, Lord, with wis- plishments of the Republican Congress, dom and truth. (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given the accomplishments of this Congress. May they seek You in the decisions permission to address the House for 1 The number one accomplishment that they make and in the way they live. In minute and to revise and extend his re- he came up with was to use taxpayer praying for them, we are also reminded marks.) dollars to create a committee for the to pray this morning for those on life’s Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise specific purpose of affecting the Presi- margins who are affected by extreme today to congratulate William and dential campaign and driving down the poverty, poor health care, polluted and Mary Ghidotti High School in Grass polling numbers of a Democratic can- diseased water, unjust societies, divi- Valley for being one of the 335 schools didate. sion and terror, and those who do not to be recognized as a National Blue Is that your job when it took until have the opportunity to receive a qual- Ribbon School this year. yesterday to get a budget for just 2 ity education. First established by President months to the floor of this House, but Lord, the suffering of our world is all Reagan in 1982, the Blue Ribbon you spend millions of dollars, thou- around us. Stimulate our hearts and Schools program recognizes excellence sands of hours, specifically for the pur- minds so that everything we may do in K–12 public and private schools who poses of driving down the polling num- this day would be for Your greater demonstrate a commitment to closing bers of a Presidential candidate in the honor and glory. achievement gaps among student sub- Democratic Party? Amen. groups. Give me a break. This has gone too f This award is certainly fitting for far. Something needs to change in this Ghidotti. As a small school in Nevada House of Representatives. THE JOURNAL County in northern California, with an The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- emphasis on personalized learning, stu- f ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- dents are challenged daily to excel in leadership, technology, and critical ceedings and announces to the House CONGRATULATING COLONEL DAVE thinking, helping them prepare to be his approval thereof. ‘‘CHEESE’’ BURGY Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- college and career ready. nal stands approved. To the students, teachers, and ad- (Mr. BRIDENSTINE asked and was f ministrators: Congratulations on this given permission to address the House distinct honor and thank you for your for 1 minute.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE work in setting the standard of excel- Mr. BRIDENSTINE. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman lence in education for our students in rise to congratulate Colonel Dave from Oklahoma (Mr. BRIDENSTINE) northern California. ‘‘Cheese’’ Burgy on his outstanding

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.000 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 leadership as commander of the Okla- healthcare facility can annually pro- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION homa Air National Guard’s 138th Fight- vide excellent care to over 90,000 mili- OF H.R. 3457, JUSTICE FOR VIC- er Wing located at the Tulsa Air Na- tary personnel, their families, military TIMS OF IRANIAN TERRORISM tional Guard Base. He relinquishes retirees, and veterans. ACT; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- command this Saturday. I would like to personally congratu- ATION OF CONFERENCE REPORT Colonel Burgy received his Air Force late Director Stephan Holt and Deputy ON H.R. 1735, NATIONAL DEFENSE ROTC commission at Arizona State Director Navy Captain Bob Buckley. AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- University. He transitioned to the Their vision and enthusiasm facilitated CAL YEAR 2016; AND PROVIDING Oklahoma National Guard as a C–26 in- the integration tremendously. FOR CONSIDERATION OF MO- spector pilot before retraining in the TIONS TO SUSPEND THE RULES I look forward to celebrating many F–16. Colonel Burgy has logged over Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, by direc- 3,800 military flight hours and deployed more anniversaries of the Lovell Fed- eral Health Care Center, and I would tion of the Committee on Rules, I call five times to fight our Nation’s wars. up House Resolution 449 and ask for its As the 138th commander since De- like to again congratulate and thank them for their hard work on behalf of immediate consideration. cember 2012, Colonel Burgy led the Air The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- our veterans and military personnel. National Guard’s best fighter wing of lows: over 1,200 airmen. He exemplifies the H. RES. 449 f self-sacrifice and patriotism of the cit- Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- izen warriors in the National Guard. lution it shall be in order to consider in the Colonel Burgy, thank you for your HANFORD LAND TRANSFER House the bill (H.R. 3457) to prohibit the lift- outstanding service to the 138th, the ing of sanctions on Iran until the Govern- National Guard, and our country. (Mr. NEWHOUSE asked and was ment of Iran pays the judgments against it given permission to address the House for acts of terrorism, and for other purposes. f for 1 minute.) All points of order against consideration of SELECT COMMITTEE ON BENGHAZI the bill are waived. The amendment in the Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise (Mr. ELLISON asked and was given nature of a substitute printed in the report to recognize a significant milestone in of the Committee on Rules accompanying permission to address the House for 1 Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco, this resolution shall be considered as adopt- minute.) Washington. ed. The bill, as amended, shall be considered Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, we al- While the Tri-Cities led the way in as read. All points of order against provi- ways knew that KEVIN MCCARTHY and sions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The ending World War II and the cold war the Republican Caucus had gotten to- previous question shall be considered as or- and was very proud to do so, the Fed- gether to set up this Benghazi task dered on the bill, as amended, and on any eral Government has a legal and moral force in order to do a political stunt, further amendment thereto, to final passage obligation to clean up the legacy nu- without intervening motion except: (1) one but I never thought they would admit clear waste at Hanford. This week we hour of debate equally divided and controlled it. I was shocked. celebrate a cleanup milestone and the by the chair and ranking minority member I mean, could you imagine me or any transfer of more than 1,600 acres of of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; and (2) Member of this House setting up a $4.5 land back to these communities. one motion to recommit with or without in- million task force for the sole purpose structions. of electioneering? Everyone in that This transfer represents the culmina- SEC. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution it task force, every staffer, was essen- tion of years of local efforts as well as shall be in order to consider the conference tially a campaign staffer and, yet, paid bipartisan, bicameral cooperation. I report to accompany the bill (H.R. 1735) to commend the work of Doc Hastings and authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for with government money to impact for military activities of the Department of a Presidential election. Senators MURRAY and CANTWELL that Defense, for military construction, and for This is a scandal, people. I cannot be- laid the groundwork for this achieve- defense activities of the Department of En- lieve what I heard. We all knew it was ment. ergy, to prescribe military personnel going on, but we couldn’t prove it. Now As Hanford’s cleanup mission is com- strengths for such fiscal year, and for other it is documentary proof in front of lit- pleted, this unneeded Federal land purposes. All points of order against the con- ference report and against its consideration erally millions of Americans, bragged should continue to be returned to the about and set out as: Yeah. We did it, are waived. The conference report shall be local community for the goals of con- considered as read. The previous question and it is an achievement we are proud servation, preservation, public access, shall be considered as ordered on the con- of. and economic development to be ference report to its adoption without inter- Now, if one Member were to use their achieved. vening motion except: (1) one hour of debate; Congressional office to campaign, that This long anticipated land transfer and (2) one motion to recommit if applicable. would be an ethics complaint. What if SEC. 3. It shall be in order at any time on will be used for industrial and energy a whole caucus does it? the legislative day of October 1, 2015, for the production and creates jobs and boosts Speaker to entertain motions that the House f economic development in the mid-Co- suspend the rules as though under clause 1 of FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE lumbia region. This week’s transfer is rule XV. The Speaker or his designee shall JAMES A. LOVELL FEDERAL an exciting step for the post-Hanford consult with the Minority Leader or her des- HEALTH CARE CENTER future. I will continue to work with all ignee on the designation of any matter for consideration pursuant to this section. (Mr. DOLD asked and was given per- parties to have more land returned to the community. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- mission to address the House for 1 tleman from Alabama is recognized for minute and to revise and extend his re- f 1 hour. marks.) Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, for the Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- to extend my congratulations to the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman Captain James A. Lovell Federal PRO TEMPORE from Colorado (Mr. POLIS), pending Health Care Center on its 5-year anni- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. which I yield myself such time as I versary. may consume. During consideration of The Lovell Federal Health Center is DOLD). Pursuant to clause 4 of rule I, the following enrolled bill was signed this resolution, all time yielded is for the Nation’s first and only integrated the purpose of debate only. Department of Veterans Affairs and by the Speaker on Wednesday, Sep- Department of Defense medical center. tember 30, 2015: b 0915 In just 5 years, the Center has dem- H.R. 719, to require the Transpor- GENERAL LEAVE onstrated the merits of combining two tation Security Administration to con- Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I ask different healthcare systems. form to existing Federal law and regu- unanimous consent that all Members Through hard work and dedication, lations regarding criminal investigator have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- the Lovell staff has shown that one positions, and for other purposes. tend their remarks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.002 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6753 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there In the middle of all of this, we should My friend from Colorado might be objection to the request of the gen- be having a bipartisan, unified front to particularly interested in this one. tleman from Alabama? tell the world, to tell our adversaries, Thomas Sutherland, a teacher at Colo- There was no objection. to tell our allies, and to tell our service rado State University for 26 years, was Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, House Res- men and women that we are united. the former dean of agriculture at the olution 449 provides a rule for the con- There is no Republican, there is no American University of Beirut. He was sideration of H.R. 3457, the Justice for Democrat when it comes to the defense kidnapped on June 9, 1985, after Iran di- Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act, and policy of this country. rected terrorists to kidnap Americans the conference report to accompany Instead, we are going to have a de- in Lebanon. He was held in prison until H.R. 1735, the National Defense Author- bate not about the defense policy of November 18, 1991. His judgment is for ization Act for Fiscal Year 2016. our country, but about whether we are $323.5 million. Mr. Speaker, these two bills are di- going to fund other functions of gov- There is the story of Alan Beer, an rectly related to one of the most im- ernment, whether we are going to fund American living in Israel who was trag- portant functions of Congress, which is the IRS at a high level that the Presi- ically killed after the Iranian-backed to provide for the national security of dent wants, whether we are going to terrorist organization Hamas blew up a our country. For 53 straight years, fund the Environmental Protection bus in Jerusalem. There is a $300 mil- Congress has come together in a bipar- Agency that is attacking businesses lion judgment against Iran for Alan’s tisan fashion to pass a National De- across this country. We are going to death. fense Authorization Act to ensure that talk about all those domestic issues These are just a few stories of Ameri- our military men and women have the and not talk about the defense of the cans who have been tragically injured, resources and the policies they need to country at this critical juncture. killed, tortured, and kidnapped by Ira- do their job. Even in an era of deep par- If there ever was a time when we nian-sponsored terrorist organizations. tisanship in Congress, we have still should continue that tradition of I simply can’t understand why some been able to keep the tradition alive standing together, it would be today. of my colleagues and the President and pass an NDAA each year. This rule And for our President, our Commander won’t support this bill. This shouldn’t would allow us to keep that tradition in Chief, to threaten to veto this bipar- be a partisan debate. American courts alive. tisan bill is simply beyond belief. have already ruled that Iran owes The NDAA process has been a great Now, I expect my friend from Colo- money to these individuals and their example of following regular order and rado will argue that they oppose this families, citizens of the United States. doing congressional business the way it bill because we should be spending So why is it controversial to require is supposed to be done. In both the more money on nondefense programs, that these payments are made before House and the Senate, the respective and that is a debate worth having, but rewarding Iran with billions of dollars Armed Services Committees held mul- this is not the time for that debate. in sanctions relief? tiple hearings and markups that al- There is nothing more important for us This bill is really pretty simple to lowed all Members to have a role in the to do today than to make sure that we me. You can either stand with Amer- process. are standing tall and standing unified ican citizens or you can stand with the Here in the House, the NDAA came for the defense of our country, and we Islamic Republic of Iran. You can stand up for a vote on the floor with a record should never ever use the military as a with the Ayatollah or the families of number of amendments—135, to be pawn in some political game to in- servicemembers who were killed by exact. It passed with bipartisan sup- crease controversial nondefense spend- Iran-backed terrorists. To me, this is port by a vote of 269–151. The Senate ing. followed a very similar process and was Today’s debate should be about pro- an obvious choice. able to approve their version of the bill viding for our Nation’s military men Mr. Speaker, both of these bills are by a vote of 71–125, a veto-proof major- and women and their families, and I more than deserving of broad, bipar- ity. hope my colleagues and the President tisan support, and I hope that they re- Since our bills were different, the will reconsider their objections. ceive just that. So I urge my colleagues last few months have been spent in a This rule also provides for consider- to support this rule. conference committee to iron out the ation of H.R. 3457, the Justice for Vic- I reserve the balance of my time. differences. The bill doesn’t include ev- tims of Iranian Terrorism Act. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the erything I would like, but it is the true A lot has been said on this floor re- gentleman from Alabama for yielding definition of a bipartisan collaborative cently about the threat and dangers me 30 minutes, and I yield myself such work product. This NDAA is a textbook posed to the United States and our al- time as I may consume. example of how Congress should work. lies by the Islamic Republic of Iran. I (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- Despite all of that, I am shocked to don’t want to rehash that debate, but I mission to revise and extend his re- learn that some of my colleagues on do think it is important to remember marks.) the other side of the aisle are not sup- that Iran is the top state sponsor of Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- porting this critical legislation. Even terrorism on the globe. position today to this rule and to both worse, the President has threatened to Over the past 15 years, more than 80 of the underlying bills. veto this bill. judgments have been handed down Both of these bills, the conference re- Mr. Speaker, let’s take a quick look against Iran under the Foreign Sov- port to accompany the annual National at what is going on in the world today. ereign Immunities Act exception for Defense Authorization Act and the so- North Korea is trying to develop an state sponsors of terrorism. These called Justice for Victims of Iranian ability to deliver a nuclear warhead to judgments add up to over $43.5 billion Terrorism Act, are simply partisan po- our allies in South Korea and to other in unpaid damages. This straight- litical charades. They are not a serious places. China is building new islands in forward bill would simply require Iran effort at the lawmaking process. They the western Pacific and daring America to pay each of these Federal court are not a serious effort at improving to come into what they now claim is judgments before the President can our national defense, nor do they even their new sea space and airspace. Rus- lift, waive, or suspend any sanctions attempt to solve the problems that the sia has pushed into Crimea, is consoli- currently in place against Iran. Let me American people want this Congress to dating its gains in the Donbass; Iran briefly highlight a few examples of take up. has just now been given the ability to these judgments. I would first like to acknowledge get a nuclear weapon; ISIS and other In 1985, a Navy petty officer named that at least these two bills are some- terrorist groups are running wild in the Robert Stethem was killed during the what related under this rule. In the area that used to be Syria, Iraq, hijacking of TWA flight 847. , past, we have had bills in vastly dis- Yemen, and Libya. Now we have Russia an Iran-financed terrorist organization, parate areas. coming into that same area in Syria was found responsible for the hijacking A couple of points about these bills: and using their jets for military pur- and his family is now owed $329 mil- The National Defense Authorization poses and daring us to get in those lion, and that is in a Federal court bill is not a version of the bill that is skies with them. judgment. going anywhere. It contorts the budget

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.004 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 process in a way that doesn’t make provide the stability that our national we should have a broad bipartisan bill sense to anybody. It doesn’t make defense needs to defend our country. that addresses that. Iran is one of the sense to budget hawks or defense Now, this could have been an oppor- countries, but there are certainly other hawks, and it is a way that many Mem- tunity to address what voters want us sponsors of state terrorism; and if bers of the majority party don’t even to address. We could have talked about there is a problem collecting court seem to understand. an Authorization for Use of Military judgments, let’s add some teeth to that Neither bill will be signed into law. Force. I have heard from so many of in a bipartisan proposal to do that The President has indicated he will my constituents regarding that. rather than attach it to sanctions that veto them, nor will consideration of We could be talking about the fact were put in place for the specific pur- them today here on the floor of the that just yesterday Russia is sup- pose of deterring Iran from developing House advance national security one posedly bombing targets in Syria in nuclear weapons. iota. support of Assad, and we have been Congress said that was the purpose of Even after knowing the budget plans conducting military operations in that those sanctions. They were part of that on National Defense Authorization for part of the world for over a year with- discussion for Iran to open themselves months, here we have a convoluted bill out a specific Authorization for Use of up to inspections and agree not to de- that won’t make us any safer or finan- Military Force. velop nuclear weapons. This is a sepa- cially secure. What it does is it takes We could have talked about Guanta- rate and legitimate issue that there are the emergency account, the overseas namo Bay and how we can approach fi- judgments against Iran that are not contingency operations fund, and turns nally leaving that chapter behind and being enforced. it into a slush fund to temporarily fund closing down our extra-legal detention There are probably judgments all kinds of other programs. So effec- facility there. against a number of other nation- tively, it is a deficit spending bill by We could have debated how we can states that are not being enforced. save money by right-sizing our massive fudging the different pots of money That is a perfectly fine issue and one nuclear arsenal that would allow us to that we have for defense. that there is no reason in the world for Now, I should point out this doesn’t blow up the world several times over to it to be partisan. We should have a meet our needs here in the 21st cen- even appeal to the Pentagon or to the thoughtful, deliberative process with tury. Perhaps being able to blow up the military. The Pentagon strongly dis- hearings and markup in committee world once might be enough for our nu- likes this plan of using overseas con- with the opportunity to take good clear arsenal, and that would save a lot tingency money to fund items in the ideas from both sides and simply ad- of money that we could reduce the def- base budget. dress that problem to make sure that So the question I pose, Mr. Speaker, icit with. Instead, this bill would have us spend we add some teeth to the ability to is, if it is not being done to satisfy de- billions upon billions of dollars, reas- make sure that payments are made to fense hawks and the Pentagon and it is sign money to a slush fund, blow victims of terrorism, a concept that not being done to satisfy budget hawks through budget caps that we put in this bill wouldn’t even come close to because it is an increased spending pro- place to reduce the deficit in support of accomplishing. posal, who is the constituency for this This bill adds no teeth to making a war we have never debated, never and why are people even proposing sure that terrorist victims actually get voted on, and in support of a failed pol- this? their money. It merely tries to rein- icy in continuing to fight wars that we Now, it is completely fiscally irre- state sanctions that are tied to the de- have not approved and the military ar- sponsible to disregard budget caps in a velopment of Iran’s nuclear problem. It senal that was meant to fight a cold way that anybody who cares about our makes it no more likely that a single war which ended decades ago. deficit should find maddening, and it is This is simply a charade that does victim of terrorism will ever see any why so many of our colleagues on the not advance our national security, and kind of restitution. majority, from what we have heard, Now, if we are serious about national I urge my colleagues to reject it. had to be pushed to even go along with The other bill under consideration is defense, what in the world have we this highly flawed plan another charade. It is another symbol been doing the last few days? Because As I mentioned, it doesn’t make of the failure of this body to take up of this body’s inaction in maintaining sense to the defense hawk contingency the issues that matter to the American government funding, you know what in this body either. The Pentagon does people. It is a bill, as we talked about the Pentagon has been doing the last not like the plan. Using short-term in our Rules Committee, that had zero few days? They have been focused on money for base funding and long-term hearings, no markup, no amendments, planning for a shutdown, because we problems makes planning and procure- and was rushed to the floor for un- were just hours away from a shutdown ment nearly impossible on the ground. known reasons. This bill serves as when finally this body figured out how This budget plan hurts national secu- nothing more than another attempt to to continue funding national defense. rity, and it damages our fiscal respon- undermine the agreement that pre- We should have done that weeks ago. Why did we put the Pentagon sibility in our country. vents Iran from developing nuclear Like many bills, it is simply not through the exercise these last few weapons. going anywhere. The President said he Now, Members on my side of the aisle days of figuring out who had to go opposes a version of the NDAA with were on varied sides of that Iran agree- home and what missions had to be this budget gimmick in it. ment. Some felt that the agreement grounded? Do you think ISIS or Mos- Congress, of course, needs to pass a was the best way to prevent Iran from cow or the Assad regime spent yester- National Defense Authorization bill. developing nuclear weapons. Others day wondering if they would have the Unfortunately, the time that we are felt that there were other ways. But money when they showed up for work spending on this today gets us no clos- nearly everybody on my side agrees today? Well, that is what this Congress er. that this bill is simply a terrible idea. has done to our military and risks Passing a National Defense Author- doing again in December when we face ization Act is very important, and it b 0930 another government shutdown. We seems like an obvious and routine Now we are in the stage of imple- might as well be telling our generals: thing to do; but with this Congress, menting the Iran Nuclear Review Act, ‘‘Okay, keep doing what you are doing, nothing is surprising. Even routine consistent with the agreement that but don’t make any plans to combat matters are made infinitely more dif- was reached to prevent Iran from de- ISIS on December 12.’’ ficult as we jump through these self- veloping nuclear weapons. If we want Well done, Congress. I am sure Amer- created hoops to appeal to whoever is to advance national security, let’s have ica and the rest of the world is im- yelling loudest at the time, and that a discussion about how to enforce the pressed with your work. seems to be what we are doing today on agreement to prevent Iran from devel- It is completely incongruous to be the floor of this body is turning our na- oping nuclear weapons. discussing a budget trick for defense tional defense into a political football If there is a problem with the com- authorization just a day after we and missing yet another opportunity to pensation of victims of state terrorism, risked closing down many parts of our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.005 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6755 military. Just yesterday, 151 Repub- have the instability we have today in ment in the RECORD along with extra- licans voted to shut down the Pentagon the Middle East. Instead, we have seen neous material immediately prior to and the military. They voted to shut a President that seems to be inert, the vote on the previous question. down the Department of Homeland Se- doing nothing. Russia comes in, makes The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there curity. They voted to shut down the this big play. What is the President objection to the request of the gen- State Department just because they doing? Nothing. tleman from Colorado? couldn’t get their way on an unrelated We were asked this time last year to There was no objection. healthcare provision for low-income authorize the training of certain Syr- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 women. Now, suddenly, the Repub- ian troops to combat ISIS. Well, they minutes to the distinguished gen- licans support national security? I trained 50-some-odd. We have about six tleman from Michigan (Mr. KILDEE) to don’t think so. left. After all that, a year, all this discuss our proposal to save American I urge my colleagues to reject this time, all this money, that is what the jobs. rule and both of the underlying bills. failed policy is. The whole idea was not Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I urge my Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of going to work, but we gave him the au- colleagues to join with me in defeating my time. thorization because we are trying to the previous question so that this body Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- stand behind our President. We are try- can immediately take up reauthoriza- self such time as I may consume. ing to push him to do the right thing. tion of the Export-Import Bank and, in The gentleman from Colorado made Still, nothing happens, except he fact, immediately take up legislation some interesting points. He said this is threatens to veto this bill. offered by Mr. FINCHER, a Republican not serious, that the President is going If he wants to be the Commander in who, like many Republicans in this to veto it. If we go back over the vote Chief that we need, he needs to stand House and every Democrat, supports total in the Senate, this bill was passed with us. He needs to stand with the the reauthorization of an institution in the Senate by a veto-proof majority. Congress. We need to stand together as that has been reauthorized by this body It passed in this House by a near veto- Republicans and Democrats—we sup- for eight decades, routinely, that is es- proof majority. If a couple more people port our men and women in uniform— sential to supporting small American from the other side will join with us, and do what needs to be done. manufacturers that I represent back we can override that veto, and we Now, my friend from Colorado ref- home in Michigan. would stand united behind our service- erenced the Iran bill and called it a During the recess, I spent some time men and -women. So it is, indeed, seri- charade. Let me assure him, this is not with my local manufacturers. I did a ous. If the President were serious, he a charade to the people who have these couple manufacturing roundtables; one wouldn’t be threatening a veto. He judgments. To the people who are vic- in Flint, my hometown, and one up in would understand the importance at tims or the families of victims, this is the Tri-Cities. These are small manu- this point in time for the Congress and far from a charade. This will get them facturers. They are not big companies. the President to stand together across real compensation. No one would recognize their names. party lines. He says that there are no teeth here. They are small manufacturers that We also heard about what is hap- Well, guess what. The sanctions don’t have found that they have products pening in Syria. I am a member of the get lifted unless Iran pays this money. that the world wants, but they didn’t House Armed Services Committee. I I call that real teeth, because Iran feel comfortable entering into that served on the conference committee wants that money more than anything kind of global trade without some help, that brought this report to us. Let me else in the world right now because, without some support, without their assure you, Mr. Speaker, this bill con- with that money, they will go out and own government standing behind them tains things that are critical to what fund terrorism throughout the Middle where they can. That was what the Ex- we are doing in Syria. East. port-Import Bank provided for them. He talked about Guantanamo Bay. What we will do here is not only get They told me, without exception, that One of the main items that I was ap- money to American people who have the failure of this Congress to reau- pointed to the conference committee been victimized, but we will deny that thorize the Export-Import Bank puts for was for the provision that regards money to Iran that will use it to fund that kind of trade in jeopardy, puts the Guantanamo Bay and what we are Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis company itself in jeopardy, and puts going to do and not do with the pris- in Yemen. That is what this is all the workers who build great American oners there. He talked about the mili- about. This is dead serious. This is as products that we can sell to the world tary’s view of this. I have talked to serious as you can possibly get. I wish in a position of some jeopardy as well. dozens of generals and admirals about my colleagues on the other side of the We don’t agree on a lot of things in this very issue, and they would like for aisle would come together with us so this body, and that is the way it is sup- us to find a different way, but they un- we can do right by the American mili- posed to be; but when we do agree, the derstand and agree that this way gets tary and the men and women that wear American people expect us to do some- us where we need to go. What is impor- our uniform and do right by American thing about it. We agree in this body tant to them is really not which way citizens who have been victimized by on the Export-Import Bank, Democrats we get there but the fact that we get the largest sponsor of state terrorism. and Republicans. Why can’t we see a there. This gets us there. I have said this before, and I am bill come to the floor to simply reau- He talks about the fact that there is going to say it again, that Iran bill is thorize something that is essential to a failed policy here. There is a failed real clear. You stand with the Aya- supporting American manufacturers, policy here. It is a failed policy of this tollah or you stand with the United supporting American exports, sup- administration in the Middle East. If States citizens. It is one or the other. porting American workers? we had done what we should have done If you stand with the Ayatollah, you Sadly, almost ironically, there are in the Middle East, we wouldn’t have stand with the Ayatollah. I am going more Republicans in this Congress that Iran nuclearized. We wouldn’t have to stand with the citizens of the United support the Export-Import Bank than Russia there flying sorties with their States that have these judgments. supported keeping the government jets and daring the United States. The They deserve to be paid. open itself. You would think—you failure of policy here is the failure of Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of would think—that somehow we would the policy of the President of the my time. figure out a way. United States. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, if we defeat There is all this talk of bipartisan- The House Armed Services Com- the previous question, I will offer an ship. It is just a word unless we do mittee, the Senate Armed Services amendment to the rule to bring up leg- something about it. It doesn’t mean Committee, Democrats and Repub- islation that would protect jobs in anything unless it translates to some- licans from both sides here have tried America to reauthorize the Export-Im- thing that helps the American worker. to work together to give the President port Bank. Here is a chance to do that. We should the authorization he needed to do the Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- bring up the Export-Import Bank reau- right thing, to make sure we don’t sent to insert the text of my amend- thorization, a Republican bill, which I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.006 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 will vote for, and we should do it not now. I want to remind him that in Mr. HECK of Washington. Because today. my effort here to defeat the previous the fact of the matter is the Chinese Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I just ob- question so that we may take up reau- are developing a wide-body aircraft to served that the gentleman from Michi- thorization of the Export-Import Bank, compete in the international market, gan talked about something that had the charter for the Bank expired 3 code name C919. They think it will be nothing to do with the defense of this months ago yesterday. You are right, online in 2 years. I think it is more like country or getting these judgments the time isn’t now; it was 3 months 10 years. paid for American citizens who were ago. The fact is, in the ensuing 90 days, They will take business away from victims at the hands of Iran. What he there has begun a drumbeat of job loss, us. When they do, they will take jobs is talking about may be important at a concrete and measurable. It is real. away from us. And I remind you that time down the road, but it is not rel- China has not one, but four, export b 0945 evant to what we are talking about credit authorities. today. But I want to start over. Today is the It is also a relevant issue to the sub- The bipartisanship we need today is first day of the new fiscal year for the ject we take up later today—the to stand up for the American people Federal Government. We can all give NDAA—because the truth of the mat- and defend the American people and to at least some thanks that we avoided a ter is the Export-Import Bank helps provide for our servicemen and government shutdown. So let’s take a protect the homeland very directly. -women, to make the victims of Ira- fresh start to this thing. Take a step There is a lot of talk about rebal- nian tyranny, make them whole. Let’s back. ancing the Pacific and Asia and the get together and be bipartisan about The truth is, when I am home in the pivot. But the fact of the matter is, in that, and maybe there will be more op- district talking with people, an amaz- order for us to compete with China, we portunities to be bipartisan about ing number have a consciousness, an have to retain the heart of our manu- these other issues. Let’s not confuse awareness, about the termination of facturing base. what is on the floor today with what the charter of the Export-Import Bank And, frankly, the production of air- people want to talk about down the and its impact. The most frequently craft, in the aggregate, constitutes the road. Let’s have a bipartisan majority, asked question I get is, ‘‘How can any- largest concentration of engineers and a big bipartisan majority, a veto-proof body do that?’’ manufacturing capacity within that majority, pass both of these bills. How can anybody do away with an in- base. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of stitution that, as my friend, the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The my time. tleman from Michigan, Congressman time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- KILDEE, so eloquently said, has in 81 Mr. POLIS. I yield the gentleman an self such time as I may consume. years been almost unanimously reau- additional 1 minute. Just to be clear, what we are offering thorized 16 times by 13 different Presi- Mr. HECK of Washington. This is as a previous question, if we win the dents and has a track record of reduc- vital to our national security. Imagine previous question vote, this bill will ing the deficit and creating jobs? How a world 20, 30, 40 years from now in then be amended and sent back to in- can anybody do that? which The Boeing Company no longer clude a reauthorization of the Export- That is a very challenging question exists. I don’t want to imagine that fu- Import Bank, so the Democrats are for me to answer. Adherence to ideo- ture, but think of what it would it choosing to focus on protecting Amer- logical purity is just not something would do to our national security cir- ican jobs rather than partisan games. somebody can compete with when it cumstance. It would be devastating to Unfortunately, I wish either of these stands up against the real-life job loss our national security. And we are two bills under this rule had something that we have begun to experience. ceding this territory. We are literally to do with national defense. They So, in my effort—which I just di- ceding this territory. don’t. One of them diverts money from gressed from—of taking a fresh start, I The irony of this debate and why, the overseas contingency fund to a want to say that this Chamber will again, I find it so challenging to an- slush fund, which the military says take up later today the National De- swer the question of why would any- will weaken their ability to prepare for fense Authorization Act. It is not unre- body do this is, truly, if we had never conflict around the world. The other lated to our effort to reauthorize the had an Export-Import Bank, we would one is another attempt to undermine a Export-Import Bank. all be sitting around asking ourselves, deal that prevents Iran from devel- Some people actually support what ‘‘How do we compete with those other oping nuclear weapons and won’t lead we call the NDAA because it creates countries, all of whom have export to American victims seeing money. jobs. I frankly don’t think that that is credit authorities?’’ If they were serious about making a good reason to support the NDAA. We would be devising and standing up sure American victims were com- One should support or oppose it be- an Export-Import Bank and we would pensated, we would be talking about cause of how it reinforces us and helps say, ‘‘What do we want that to look putting teeth in the ability of Amer- us fulfill our national security objec- like?’’ First of all, we want it to sup- ican courts to impound assets and tives and goals and missions. That is port American jobs. Secondly, we make sure that judgments are paid for why you support or don’t support the would say we want it to protect Amer- victims of state terrorism. Why, in- NDAA. But some people do support it ican taxpayers and not have them on stead, are we seeing a deal that relates because of the jobs it helps create. the hook. Well, guess what, my friends. only to one particular sponsor of state Well, the truth of the matter is, as We already have—or had—that institu- terrorism and deals with a set of tariffs we have said so often, the Export-Im- tion. that were put in place to prevent them port Bank also creates jobs. In fact, for The Export-Import Bank in the last from developing nuclear weapons? The the last year for which we have data, it generation has transferred billions of tariffs that are in place with regard to supported 164,000 jobs. dollars to the Treasury and reduced the Iranian sponsorship of state terrorism We have an existential threat to deficit. The Export-Import Bank has are still in place and weren’t even on those jobs. The fact is, as you all have helped create and support millions of the table during the discussions around heard, both General Electric and The jobs. the nuclear agreement. Boeing Company have announced lay- If you want to compete in the global Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the offs directly attributable to the demise economy, you need an export credit au- gentleman from Washington (Mr. of the Export-Import Bank. People are thority that creates jobs. Please defeat HECK), who wants to discuss our not concluding negotiations for foreign the previous question and take up the amendment that will protect and save sales as a consequence of us not having issue of reauthorization of the Export- American jobs. that arrow in our quiver. Import Bank. Mr. HECK of Washington. Mr. Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- er, one of the previous speakers, the time of the gentleman has expired. self such time as I may consume. gentleman and my friend from Ala- Mr. POLIS. I yield the gentleman an I appreciate the words of my good bama, said today is not the time, it is additional 1 minute. friend from the State of Washington,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.007 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6757 my co-chair for the Singapore Caucus. Use of Military Force to ensure that here we are on a bill that is going to be I know that he feels those words deep- funds that we appropriate for defense a copycat of what we are doing with ly. I agree with him that manufac- are used in a way that Congress is the Affordable Care Act. turing is very important to this coun- aware of and has oversight of. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The try. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the time of the gentlewoman has expired. Manufacturing aircraft is very im- gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON Mr. POLIS. I yield the gentlewoman portant to my district. We just opened LEE). an additional 30 seconds. up 3 weeks ago an Airbus facility that Ms. JACKSON LEE. Let me thank Ms. JACKSON LEE. I am so dis- will make competing aircraft against my good friend from Colorado for man- appointed, Mr. Speaker, because here I Boeing. It is good for America to have aging this bill. am on the floor discussing justice and competition. So I certainly agree with Let me also thank the majority man- we have yet another disappointing rep- him about that. ager as well for coming to the floor and resentation of this Congress when a It has nothing to do with these two doing the people’s bidding. leader of the Congress can speak and bills. We are here today again, amaz- Although we disagree in both the say that the Benghazi Committee is ingly, talking about the most impor- purpose of the underlying bill and its only a farce, it was only used to be- tant thing we do in our government, effectiveness, there is no doubt that smirch a public servant. and we get off on a side issue. It is a this bill has a good cause. None of us That is not what Madison wanted for side issue today. It may be a big issue take a backseat to protecting the this Nation. They didn’t want us to tomorrow. But today we are here to American people, to seeking compensa- stop the economic engine for the Ex- talk about these two bills. tion, to bringing those who are missing port-Import Bank. They didn’t want us My friend from Colorado for the sec- or those who have been captured on to over and over attack the Affordable ond time has referred to the overseas false terms back home to American Care Act that has been passed and contingency fund as a slush fund. The soil. And I stand here to make that upheld by the Supreme Court. They President of the United States, Presi- commitment. didn’t want us to pass a bill like the dent Obama, has asked for that fund As well, I recognize that we are going underlying deal blocking the Iran sanc- every year that he has been President, down the trail, Mr. Speaker, that we tions process of the bill that we passed and we, the Congress, have given him have done for the Affordable Care Act, to stop nuclear proliferation. that fund every year that he has been one more attempt to undermine a le- They didn’t want us to do that, Mr. President. gitimately debated initiative—the Iran Speaker. They wanted us to have jus- I don’t think when the President nonnuclear proliferation—where Mem- tice established, and they wanted us to asked for it or when the Congress gave bers made a conscious decision, per- do what is right for the American peo- it to him either side thought we were sonal decision, on reflecting on the ple. giving a slush fund. It has been used to best direction for the American people. I ask for a vote against the rule and protect the people of the United States. In both the Senate and the proce- the underlying bill. Justice should be Everyone has agreed on that. It only dures set out for this Congress to de- the end of government, not what we became a slush fund when they didn’t termine whether this bill, this initia- are doing here today. want it to be used for a particular pur- tive, will be turned back, it did not Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- pose. It is not a slush fund. work. So it is the law of the land. It is self such time as I may consume. The purposes for which it will be used an effort to ensure peace, to reconcile Mr. Speaker, I would just note that are spelled out in detail in the National in the area, to stop the proliferation of the gentlewoman from Texas talked Defense Authorization Act, an act, as I nuclear weapons by Iran. It does not in about justice. One of the bills that is in said, we have gone through in both any way diminish the United States’ this rule is the Justice for Victims of Houses, through committees and floor stance on Iran’s terrorist activities. It Iranian Terrorism Act. debate and this very lengthy process of does none of that. It is about justice for the victims and trying to get to this conference report. But this legislation, under the pre- for the families, victims of state-spon- This is not a slush fund. This is some- tense of not allowing the sanctions to sored terrorism by Iran. This doesn’t thing that is necessary to defending be relieved, has a very key component undo the Iranian deal. If Iran pays the the country. and a number of measures in that ini- judgments, the deal goes forward. That So I hope, instead of using terms like tiative. It has a number of measures, is the law. that, which, quite frankly, does not re- another roadblock, before those sanc- So I would disagree with the gentle- flect very well on President Obama, tions will be removed. It is under the woman with regard to the whole con- who asked for it, I think we should use pretense of dealing with the individuals cept of justice. This rule contains a bill other terms. who we all want to be brought home. that is directly about justice. And let’s get back to the heart of I don’t know how this Congress does I reserve the balance of my time. this argument: Are we going to stand not know of the negotiations and the Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- together for the defense of this country engagement that is going on, but they self the balance of my time. or are we not? Are we going to stand know that this is legislation that will It is remarkable the gentleman from with Ayatollah or are we going to be vetoed by the President. Alabama hasn’t been able to find any stand with the people who have been I say this in the backdrop of the other Republicans to support these harmed by the Ayatollah. Madison Papers, No. 51, that says, bills and come down and help him I reserve the balance of my time. ‘‘Justice is the end of government.’’ It argue. I think that that speaks vol- Mr. POLIS. I yield myself such time means that we on this floor must do umes about how these bills are simply as I may consume. things that really get us in the direc- not consistent with promoting our na- We haven’t even passed an Authoriza- tion of justice, the end result for the tional defense and are fiscally irrespon- tion for Use of Military Force to estab- American people. sible. They don’t please the defense lish the legal way for who we are sup- The reason why I am so disappointed hawks or the budget hawks. So my posed to be fighting against. We are is I listened to my two colleagues poor colleague, Mr. BYRNE, is left alone still operating under the post-9/11 Au- speak eloquently about the Export-Im- to fend for himself. thorization for Use of Military Force port Bank. I can tell them that I was in Here we are, trying to use the contin- that names al Qaeda. But if you talk to Africa with the President, and an gency funding as base funding and use most military experts, al Qaeda is not American stood up and pleaded that he it to somehow form the base from the preeminent threat today. was going to lose 400 jobs if we could which our military must fund its ev- There are a lot of threats in the not get that Export-Import Bank. I eryday operations. The commanders world, including ISIS, including hesitate to think that his contract and and generals all agree this is a bad threats in the Syrian civil war, includ- his engagement—what we asked him to idea, and the gentleman from Alabama ing threats of the resurgence of the do—has collapsed. has even acknowledged that. Taliban in Afghanistan, and this body Mr. Speaker, let me repeat again, Here we are, discussing a bill that needs to take up an Authorization for ‘‘Justice is the end of government.’’ So won’t result in any of the victims of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.008 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 state-sponsored terrorism actually see- 2003. And who knows how much longer feat the previous question, we will ing their settlement, when there is an- or how many different wars or security bring it to the floor. We have the votes other path and we certainly could have operations will continue to be adminis- in the House. I hope my colleague, Mr. a deliberative process around a bill tered if Congress doesn’t finally specify BYRNE from Alabama, will join us in that empowers the impoundment and and do our job with regard to an Au- that vote if we can defeat the previous collection of assets from state sponsors thorization for Use of Military Force. question. We have the votes in the Sen- of terrorism States here in our country Now, that is a hard debate. It is a ate, the President. We can stop this un- to ensure that victims see their judg- hard issue. It is not a partisan debate. necessary loss of jobs every single day ments. There are Democrats and Republicans in districts across our country solely on all sides; and many Members, when b 1000 due to our inability to act. we have that debate, will make sure Hopefully, we can move to take up What this bill does is it ties it to an that we have the very best information highway authorization, ESEA, immi- unrelated set of sanctions that were to act on. gration reform, raising the minimum put in place to prevent Iran from devel- But since we authorized military wage. These are some of the issues that oping nuclear weapons to settlement of force against al Qaeda and ‘‘affiliated’’ I hear from my constituents about these claims when, actually, we should groups in 2001, there have been over 300 every day that we need to act on. So be giving our courts, or if we are con- new Members of Congress elected, so rather than waste time, waste money, cerned about this issue with regard to the vast majority of this body, includ- hurt our national defense, let’s get to settlements against sponsors of state ing myself and Mr. BYRNE, including work and accomplish something. terrorism, we should give courts the in- Mr. HECK, including Mr. KILDEE—I be- I urge my colleagues to defeat the creased ability to make sure that they lieve, of all of us. I believe Ms. JACKSON previous question and defeat the rule. can see that restitution and impound LEE was the only one who was actually I yield back the balance of my time. assets from sponsors of state terrorism. here when we even had that discussion. Mr. BYRNE. Madam Speaker, I yield Now, Democrats have come down and The rest of us talking about defense myself such time as I may consume. offered something, if we defeat the pre- and NDAA didn’t even play any role in I appreciate Mr. POLIS being con- vious question, that actually will im- choosing what the target and what our cerned that I am here by myself. I prove our national defense. It will en- focus of our national security oper- think it has been a good debate, and I sure that we have a strong aerospace ations are. know I have the full support of my col- industry here in our country. The American people deserve and de- leagues behind me, and there will be a The gentleman from Alabama has mand this debate. They don’t want yet number of them here to debate the bill mentioned that Airbus is in his dis- another fight with Congresspeople when it comes up after we adopt this trict. Well, Airbus is a company that playing budget tricks around defense. rule. will do very well if we fail to authorize They want to know what our Nation’s It is extremely important that we the Export-Import Bank because it will plan is for the operations that have understand what we are about in these put American competitors like Boeing been ongoing. They want to see Con- two bills. It is not about the Export- and Lockheed at a significant dis- gress take its constitutional respon- Import Bank. It is not about immigra- advantage. sibilities for actions in the world. tion. It is not about any of the other Now, I hope that we are fighting to And whether any one of us ulti- issues that he brought up. It is about ensure that America maintains its mately votes in favor or against an Au- defending the American people and aerospace capacity and leadership and thorization for Use of Military Force, making victims of Iran terrorism we don’t cede all of that to European we all, I hope, are for the debate, and whole. That is what it is about. companies like Airbus that are wel- we should join in demanding one. Now, I have seen the public opinion come to compete on a level playing On the conference report, Madam polls on national security. National se- field. It is critical for our national se- Speaker, this plan will not work, will curity has rocketed up to be the num- curity that we have the ability to lead not become law. The President will ber one issue for the people of America. the world as we have in the aerospace veto it. The generals oppose it. The I didn’t need to see those polls. I have industry. budget hawks oppose it. No one even done 18 townhall meetings in the last I also want to bring up that we came down to join Mr. BYRNE in argu- several weeks in my district, and I should be discussing an Authorization ing for it. It is a terrible plan. It will have looked my constituents in the for Use of Military Force. The National hurt our national defense. We need to eyes and heard their concerns. Defense Authorization Act does con- defeat it. They don’t bring up the Export-Im- tain some parameters about how The Iran bill tries to get at a legiti- port Bank to me. They bring up the money is used, but it is not a sub- mate issue in completely the wrong fact that they are worried about what stitute for an Authorization for Use of way. It is not a partisan issue that we is happening to our country’s standing Military Force, and we should be hav- want to see restitution for victims of abroad. They are worried about what is ing that debate. state terrorism. Let’s get into that act going on with these brutal terrorists in Who are we even fighting? Who are and look at the enforcement mecha- the Middle East. They are worried we even fighting? I don’t think that nisms rather than try to use these vic- about the fact that we have just given most people believe that it is still al tims as yet another attempt to go after Iran a nuclear weapon. They are wor- Qaeda from the post-9/11 Authorization the deal that prevents Iran from devel- ried about whether we are going to for Use of Military Force. oping nuclear weapons. have an adequate defense to continue Now, I don’t know what to call what I think it is clear from our Rules to protect them, as we have for decades we are doing in Iraq and Syria. Maybe Committee debate that everyone sup- now, in a bipartisan fashion. That is it is a war. Maybe it is a security oper- ports efforts for American victims of what they are worried about, and that ation. Maybe it is occasional support terrorism to pursue compensation. The is what they expect us to come here to some Syrian rebels or support to the Iran nuclear agreement has nothing to and do something about. Iraqi Government or on-and-off com- do with that, and it certainly doesn’t These two bills do something very mitment to the Kurds. But whatever it prevent that from happening. important. The National Defense Au- is, I don’t think it is what Congress No matter what country, whether it thorization Act, for 53 years, has been voted for in 2001 or 2003, before I was is Iran or other sponsors of state ter- passed in a bipartisan fashion, which here, before Mr. BYRNE was here, before rorism, we all remain committed to has said to the world, which has said to the vast majority of this body that cur- this process of seeing justice. Under- our allies, which has said to our en- rently serves was even here. mining the ability to enforce a nuclear emies, which has said to the men and Those authorizations should be in the agreement is not the proper way or women in uniform in the United States history books, not being invoked as even a relevant way to achieve this of America, we stand as one. legal justification for conducting oper- goal. Now this President and some—not all ations in a world, in 2015, which is vast- The reauthorization of the Export- of my colleagues on the other side of ly different than the world of 2001 and Import Bank is ready to go. If we de- the aisle—some of my colleagues on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.009 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6759 the other side of the aisle are going to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House vious question on the rule.... When the break that, after five decades, at this resolved into the Committee of the Whole motion for the previous question is defeated, critical time. I find that hard to be- House on the state of the Union for consider- control of the time passes to the Member lieve, but I accept the fact that it is ation of the bill (H.R. 3611) to reauthorize who led the opposition to ordering the pre- and reform the Export-Import Bank of the vious question. That Member, because he nonetheless true. United States, and for other purposes. The then controls the time, may offer an amend- I would plead with them to recon- first reading of the bill shall be dispensed ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of sider that. I would plead with the with. All points of order against consider- amendment.’’ President, who is our Commander in ation of the bill are waived. General debate In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Chief, not to veto this bill. This is shall be confined to the bill and shall not ex- of Representatives, the subchapter titled critically important at a critically im- ceed one hour equally divided and controlled ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal portant time. by the chair and ranking minority member to order the previous question on such a rule On the Justice for Victims of Iranian of the Committee on Financial Services. [a special rule reported from the Committee After general debate the bill shall be consid- on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Terrorism Act, you know, we don’t get ered for amendment under the five-minute ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- very many opportunities where we in rule. All points of order against provisions in tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- this body can do something that will the bill are waived. At the conclusion of con- jection of the motion for the previous ques- directly bring some measure of com- sideration of the bill for amendment the tion on a resolution reported from the Com- pensation to people, citizens of the Committee shall rise and report the bill to mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- United States, who have been victim- the House with such amendments as may ber leading the opposition to the previous ized by the largest state sponsor of ter- have been adopted. The previous question question, who may offer a proper amendment rorism in the world. We don’t get very shall be considered as ordered on the bill and or motion and who controls the time for de- amendments thereto to final passage with- bate thereon.’’ many opportunities like that, and we out intervening motion except one motion to Clearly, the vote on the previous question have it right now this with this bill. recommit with or without instructions. If on a rule does have substantive policy impli- We have the opportunity to make them the Committee of the Whole rises and re- cations. It is one of the only available tools whole, or come close to making them ports that it has come to no resolution on for those who oppose the Republican major- whole. the bill, then on the next legislative day the ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- They have got judgments from House shall, immediately after the third native views the opportunity to offer an al- courts, valid judgments; and with the daily order of business under clause 1 of rule ternative plan. passage of this bill, which should truly XIV, resolve into the Committee of the Mr. BYRNE. Madam Speaker, I yield Whole for further consideration of the bill. be a bipartisan thing, and if the Presi- back the balance of my time, and I SEC. 5. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not dent signs it, with passage of this bill, apply to the consideration of H.R. 3611. move the previous question. we could give it to them. What a won- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. ROS- derful thing we could give to them THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT LEHTINEN). The question is on ordering after all the suffering they have been IT REALLY MEANS the previous question. through. We would deny them that be- This vote, the vote on whether to order the The question was taken; and the cause we want to stand with the Aya- previous question on a special rule, is not Speaker pro tempore announced that tollah, because we think Iran is more merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- the ayes appeared to have it. important than they are? dering the previous question is a vote Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, on that If we think for one second that Iran against the Republican majority agenda and I demand the yeas and nays. is going to take this money that is a vote to allow the Democratic minority to The yeas and nays were ordered. offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about going to be released and use it for good what the House should be debating. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and peaceful purposes, we are exces- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair sively naive. They are going to take House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum this money, based upon what they have scribes the vote on the previous question on time for any electronic vote on the done in the past and what they are the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the question of adoption of the resolution. doing today, and they will use it to consideration of the subject before the House The vote was taken by electronic de- fund Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, being made by the Member in charge.’’ To vice, and there were—yeas 237, nays and other terrorist groups around the defeat the previous question is to give the 180, not voting 17, as follows: opposition a chance to decide the subject be- Middle East and perhaps around the fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s [Roll No. 529] world not just against other people ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that YEAS—237 outside the United States, against peo- ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- Abraham Comstock Goodlatte ple in the United States. So by passing mand for the previous question passes the Aderholt Conaway Gosar that bill, we deny them tens of billions control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Allen Cook Gowdy of dollars. They won’t be able to use it in order to offer an amendment. On March Amash Costello (PA) Granger Amodei Cramer Graves (GA) for that. 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Babin Crawford Graves (LA) I wish that, for once, we could come Barletta Crenshaw Graves (MO) the previous question and a member of the into this room, on something of this Barr Curbelo (FL) Griffith opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Barton Davis, Rodney Grothman magnitude and stand shoulder to shoul- asking who was entitled to recognition. Benishek Denham Guinta der, not as Democrats, not as Repub- Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: Bilirakis Dent Guthrie licans, but as Americans, which we ‘‘The previous question having been refused, Bishop (MI) DeSantis Hanna have done for decades. It saddens me the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Bishop (UT) DesJarlais Hardy gerald, who had asked the gentleman to Black Diaz-Balart Harper that the President and some of the Blackburn Dold Harris members of his own party in this House yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Blum Donovan Hartzler would not do that. the first recognition.’’ Bost Duffy Heck (NV) The Republican majority may say ‘‘the Boustany Duncan (SC) Hensarling So I beg my colleagues on the other vote on the previous question is simply a Brat Duncan (TN) Herrera Beutler side of the aisle to reconsider, and I beg vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Bridenstine Ellmers (NC) Hice, Jody B. the President of the United States to vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Brooks (IN) Emmer (MN) Hill reconsider. There has never been a has no substantive legislative or policy im- Buchanan Farenthold Holding Buck Fincher Huelskamp more important time for us to stand plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what Bucshon Fitzpatrick Huizenga (MI) together for the defense of this country they have always said. Listen to the Repub- Burgess Fleischmann Hultgren and for the men and women in uniform. lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Byrne Fleming Hunter The material previously referred to Process in the United States House of Rep- Calvert Flores Hurd (TX) resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Carter (GA) Forbes Hurt (VA) by Mr. POLIS is as follows: how the Republicans describe the previous Carter (TX) Fortenberry Issa AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 449 OFFERED BY question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Chabot Foxx Jenkins (KS) MR. POLIS OF COLORADO Chaffetz Franks (AZ) Jenkins (WV) though it is generally not possible to amend Clawson (FL) Frelinghuysen Johnson (OH) At the end of the resolution, add the fol- the rule because the majority Member con- Coffman Garrett Johnson, Sam lowing new sections: trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Cole Gibbs Jolly SEC. 4. Immediately upon adoption of this pose of offering an amendment, the same re- Collins (GA) Gibson Jones resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Collins (NY) Gohmert Jordan

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.011 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 Joyce Murphy (PA) Sessions Sinema Titus Walz Hunter Miller (FL) Schweikert Katko Neugebauer Shimkus Sires Tonko Wasserman Hurd (TX) Miller (MI) Scott, Austin Kelly (MS) Newhouse Shuster Slaughter Torres Schultz Hurt (VA) Moolenaar Sensenbrenner Kelly (PA) Noem Simpson Smith (WA) Tsongas Waters, Maxine Issa Mooney (WV) Sessions King (IA) Nugent Smith (MO) Speier Van Hollen Watson Coleman Jenkins (KS) Mullin Shimkus King (NY) Olson Smith (NE) Swalwell (CA) Vargas Welch Jenkins (WV) Mulvaney Shuster Kinzinger (IL) Palazzo Smith (NJ) Takai Veasey Wilson (FL) Johnson (OH) Murphy (PA) Simpson Kline Palmer Smith (TX) Takano Vela Yarmuth Johnson, Sam Neugebauer Sinema Thompson (CA) Vela´ zquez Knight Paulsen Stefanik Jolly Newhouse Smith (MO) Labrador Pearce Thompson (MS) Visclosky Jones Noem Stewart Smith (NE) LaHood Perry Jordan Nugent Stivers Smith (NJ) LaMalfa Pittenger NOT VOTING—17 Joyce Nunes Stutzman Smith (TX) Lamborn Pitts Bishop (GA) Gutie´rrez Perlmutter Katko Olson Thompson (PA) Stefanik Lance Poe (TX) Brady (TX) Hudson Pompeo Kelly (MS) Palazzo Thornberry Stewart Latta Poliquin Brooks (AL) Kelly (IL) Reichert Kelly (PA) Palmer Tiberi Stivers LoBiondo Posey Brown (FL) Neal Whitfield King (IA) Paulsen Tipton Stutzman Long Price, Tom Conyers Nunes Yoho King (NY) Pearce Thompson (PA) Loudermilk Ratcliffe Trott Kinzinger (IL) Perry Culberson Payne Thornberry Love Reed Turner Kline Pittenger Tiberi Lucas Renacci Upton Knight Pitts b 1039 Tipton Luetkemeyer Ribble Valadao Labrador Poe (TX) Trott Lummis Rice (SC) Wagner Messrs. CONNOLLY and HOYER LaHood Poliquin Turner MacArthur Rigell Walberg changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to LaMalfa Posey Marchant Roby Lamborn Price, Tom Upton Walden ‘‘nay.’’ Valadao Marino Roe (TN) Walker Lance Ratcliffe Massie Rogers (AL) Mr. YODER changed his vote from Latta Reed Vela Walorski Wagner McCarthy Rogers (KY) Walters, Mimi ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ LoBiondo Renacci McCaul Rohrabacher Long Ribble Walberg Weber (TX) So the previous question was ordered. Walden McClintock Rokita Webster (FL) Loudermilk Rice (SC) McHenry Rooney (FL) The result of the vote was announced Love Rigell Walker Wenstrup McKinley Ros-Lehtinen as above recorded. Lucas Roby Walorski Westerman McMorris Roskam Luetkemeyer Roe (TN) Walters, Mimi Westmoreland Stated for: Rodgers Ross Lummis Rogers (AL) Weber (TX) Williams McSally Rothfus Mr. BRADY of Texas. Madam Speaker, on MacArthur Rogers (KY) Webster (FL) Meadows Rouzer Wilson (SC) rollcall No. 529, had I been present, I would Marchant Rohrabacher Wenstrup Meehan Royce Wittman have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Marino Rokita Westerman Messer Russell Womack Stated against: McCarthy Rooney (FL) Westmoreland Mica Ryan (WI) Woodall McCaul Ros-Lehtinen Williams Miller (FL) Salmon Yoder Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, earlier McClintock Roskam Wilson (SC) Miller (MI) Sanford Young (AK) today, I was unavoidably detained and was McHenry Ross Wittman Moolenaar Scalise Young (IA) not able to vote on the Motion Ordering the McKinley Rothfus Womack Mooney (WV) Schweikert Young (IN) McMorris Rouzer Woodall Mullin Scott, Austin Zeldin Previous Question on the Rule for H.R. 3457, Rodgers Royce Yoder Mulvaney Sensenbrenner Zinke rollcall vote 529. Had I been able to vote, I McSally Russell Young (AK) would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Meadows Ryan (WI) Young (IA) NAYS—180 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Meehan Salmon Young (IN) Messer Sanford Zeldin Adams Edwards Lujan Grisham question is on the resolution. Mica Scalise Zinke Aguilar Ellison (NM) The question was taken; and the ´ Ashford Engel Lujan, Ben Ray NOES—181 Bass Eshoo (NM) Speaker pro tempore announced that Beatty Esty Lynch the ayes appeared to have it. Adams Deutch Lee Becerra Farr Maloney, RECORDED VOTE Aguilar Dingell Levin Bera Fattah Carolyn Ashford Doggett Lewis Beyer Foster Maloney, Sean Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, I de- Bass Doyle, Michael Lieu, Ted Blumenauer Frankel (FL) Matsui mand a recorded vote. Beatty F. Lipinski Bonamici Fudge McCollum A recorded vote was ordered. Becerra Duckworth Loebsack Boyle, Brendan Gabbard McDermott Bera Edwards Lofgren F. Gallego McGovern The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Beyer Ellison Lowenthal Brady (PA) Garamendi McNerney 5-minute vote. Bishop (GA) Engel Lowey Brownley (CA) Graham Meeks The vote was taken by electronic de- Blumenauer Eshoo Lujan Grisham Bustos Grayson Meng vice, and there were—ayes 241, noes 181, Bonamici Esty (NM) Butterfield Green, Al Moore Boyle, Brendan Farr Luja´ n, Ben Ray Capps Green, Gene Moulton not voting 12, as follows: F. Fattah (NM) Capuano Grijalva Murphy (FL) [Roll No. 530] Brady (PA) Foster Lynch Ca´ rdenas Hahn Nadler Brownley (CA) Frankel (FL) Maloney, Carney Hastings Napolitano AYES—241 Bustos Fudge Carolyn Carson (IN) Heck (WA) Nolan Abraham Coffman Foxx Butterfield Gabbard Maloney, Sean Cartwright Higgins Norcross Aderholt Cole Franks (AZ) Capps Gallego Massie Castor (FL) Himes O’Rourke Allen Collins (GA) Frelinghuysen Capuano Garamendi Matsui Castro (TX) Hinojosa Pallone Amash Collins (NY) Garrett Ca´ rdenas Graham McCollum Chu, Judy Honda Pascrell Amodei Comstock Gibbs Carney Grayson McDermott Cicilline Hoyer Pelosi Babin Conaway Gibson Carson (IN) Green, Al McGovern Clark (MA) Huffman Peters Barletta Cook Gohmert Cartwright Grijalva McNerney Clarke (NY) Israel Peterson Barr Costello (PA) Goodlatte Castor (FL) Hahn Meeks Clay Jackson Lee Pingree Barton Cramer Gosar Castro (TX) Hastings Meng Cleaver Jeffries Pocan Benishek Crawford Gowdy Chu, Judy Heck (WA) Moore Clyburn Johnson (GA) Polis Bilirakis Crenshaw Granger Cicilline Higgins Moulton Cohen Johnson, E. B. Price (NC) Bishop (MI) Curbelo (FL) Graves (GA) Clark (MA) Himes Murphy (FL) Connolly Kaptur Quigley Bishop (UT) Davis, Rodney Graves (LA) Clarke (NY) Hinojosa Nadler Cooper Keating Rangel Black Denham Graves (MO) Clay Honda Napolitano Costa Kennedy Rice (NY) Blackburn Dent Green, Gene Cleaver Hoyer Nolan Courtney Kildee Richmond Blum DeSantis Griffith Clyburn Huffman Norcross Crowley Kilmer Roybal-Allard Bost DesJarlais Grothman Cohen Israel O’Rourke Cuellar Kind Ruiz Boustany Diaz-Balart Guinta Connolly Jackson Lee Pallone Cummings Kirkpatrick Ruppersberger Brat Dold Guthrie Conyers Jeffries Pascrell Davis (CA) Kuster Rush Bridenstine Donovan Hanna Cooper Johnson (GA) Payne Davis, Danny Langevin Ryan (OH) Brooks (AL) Duffy Hardy Costa Johnson, E. B. Pelosi DeFazio Larsen (WA) Sa´ nchez, Linda Brooks (IN) Duncan (SC) Harper Courtney Kaptur Peters DeGette Larson (CT) T. Buchanan Duncan (TN) Harris Crowley Keating Peterson Delaney Lawrence Sanchez, Loretta Buck Ellmers (NC) Hartzler Cuellar Kennedy Pingree DeLauro Lee Sarbanes Bucshon Emmer (MN) Heck (NV) Cummings Kildee Pocan DelBene Levin Schakowsky Burgess Farenthold Hensarling Davis (CA) Kilmer Polis DeSaulnier Lewis Schiff Byrne Fincher Herrera Beutler Davis, Danny Kind Price (NC) Deutch Lieu, Ted Schrader Calvert Fitzpatrick Hice, Jody B. DeFazio Kirkpatrick Quigley Dingell Lipinski Scott (VA) Carter (GA) Fleischmann Hill DeGette Kuster Rangel Doggett Loebsack Scott, David Carter (TX) Fleming Holding Delaney Langevin Rice (NY) Doyle, Michael Lofgren Serrano Chabot Flores Huelskamp DeLauro Larsen (WA) Richmond F. Lowenthal Sewell (AL) Chaffetz Forbes Huizenga (MI) DelBene Larson (CT) Roybal-Allard Duckworth Lowey Sherman Clawson (FL) Fortenberry Hultgren DeSaulnier Lawrence Ruiz

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.003 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6761 Ruppersberger Sherman Van Hollen has paid each judgment against Iran that is I rise in strong support of this bill. Rush Sires Vargas described in subsection (c). Ryan (OH) Slaughter This is the Justice for Victims of Ira- Veasey (b) ACTIONS DESCRIBED.— Sa´ nchez, Linda Smith (WA) Vela´ zquez nian Terrorism Act. (1) IN GENERAL.—The actions described in T. Speier I appreciate the work of the bill’s au- Visclosky this subsection are the following: Sanchez, Loretta Swalwell (CA) Walz thor, Mr. MEEHAN of Pennsylvania. He (A) To waive, suspend, reduce, provide re- Sarbanes Takai Wasserman has worked very hard on this. There Schakowsky Takano Schultz lief from, or otherwise limit the application Schiff Thompson (CA) are about 100 cosponsors in this House. Waters, Maxine of sanctions described in paragraph (2) or re- Schrader Thompson (MS) Watson Coleman frain from applying any such sanctions. On the Foreign Affairs Committee, Scott (VA) Titus Welch (B) To remove a foreign person listed in we have made Iran the central focus of Scott, David Tonko Serrano Torres Wilson (FL) Attachment 3 or Attachment 4 to Annex II of our work. As a matter of fact, we have Sewell (AL) Tsongas Yarmuth the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action had over 30 hearings and briefings so from the list of specially designated nation- NOT VOTING—12 far on Iran and on the dangerous nu- als and blocked persons maintained by the clear agreement that was struck with Brady (TX) Hudson Pompeo Office of Foreign Asset Control of the De- Brown (FL) Kelly (IL) Reichert partment of the Treasury. this state sponsor of terrorism. Culberson Neal Whitfield (2) SANCTIONS DESCRIBED.—The sanctions Madam Speaker, since coming to ´ Gutierrez Perlmutter Yoho described in this paragraph are— power in the late 1970s—well, 1979—the b 1049 (A) the sanctions described in sections 4 Iranian regime has funded terrorist through 7.9 of Annex II of the Joint Com- groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas So the resolution was agreed to. prehensive Plan of Action; and and directed their operations. The result of the vote was announced (B) the sanctions described in any other Now, the way they do that is they as above recorded. agreement related to the nuclear program of have a special force. It is called the A motion to reconsider was laid on Iran that includes the United States, com- Quds Force. It is headed up by General the table. mits the United States to take action, or pursuant to which the United States com- Soleimani. He is in charge of assassina- f mits or otherwise agrees to take action, re- tions outside the country, assassina- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE gardless of the form it takes, whether a po- tions of U.S. targets, by the way, be- litical commitment or otherwise, and re- sides other targets. A message from the Senate by Ms. gardless of whether it is legally binding or Recently you will have heard of Gen- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced not. eral Soleimani because—by the way, that the Senate has passed with (c) JUDGMENTS.—A judgment is a judgment European sanctions are going to be lift- amendments in which the concurrence described in this subsection if it is a final ed on him under this agreement, but judgment entered by the courts of the United of the House is requested, a bill of the you will have read or heard that he House of the following title: States or of the States— (1) that relates to a claim— traveled—he traveled—to Moscow to H.R. 2617. An act to amend the Fair Min- (A) that was brought against Iran or its po- meet with Putin. As a result of those imum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a sched- litical subdivisions, agencies, or instrumen- meetings, you will notice the discus- uled increase in the minimum wage applica- talities (regardless of whether the claim was sions about weapons coming from Rus- ble to American Samoa. also brought, or the resulting judgment was sia into Syria into the hands of the The message also announced that the also entered, against another defendant); and Quds Forces. Senate has passed a bill of the fol- (B) for which the court determined that So we look at what he has done and lowing title in which the concurrence Iran (or its political subdivisions, agencies, what U.S. courts have done as a result. of the House is requested: or instrumentalities, as the case may be) was not immune from the jurisdiction of the There have been 80 separate attacks on S. 2078. An act to reauthorize the United courts of the United States or of the States U.S. installations and U.S. individuals. States Commission on International Reli- under section 1605A, or section 1605(a)(7) (as We remember the 1983 bombing of the gious Freedom, and for other purposes. such section was in effect on January 27, U.S. marine barracks in Beirut, the f 2008), of title 28, United States Code; and 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in (2) that was entered during the period be- Saudi Arabia. Those two attacks killed JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF IRANIAN ginning on April 24, 1996, and ending on the 260 American servicemen and left their TERRORISM ACT date of the enactment of this Act. widows and left children to be raised by (d) JOINT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ACTION Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, pursu- one parent. ant to House Resolution 449, I call up DESCRIBED.—In this section, the term ‘‘Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action’’ means the There are judgments that have been the bill (H.R. 3457) to prohibit the lift- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, agreed rendered that direct payment from ing of sanctions on Iran until the Gov- to at Vienna on July 14, 2015, by Iran and by Iran to these families, to the victims’ ernment of Iran pays the judgments the People’s Republic of China, France, Ger- families. Unfortunately, under the For- against it for acts of terrorism, and for many, the Russian Federation, the United eign Sovereign Immunities Act, even other purposes, and ask for its imme- Kingdom and the United States, with the though this reward has been given, diate consideration. High Representative of the European Union even though U.S. victims of state-spon- The Clerk read the title of the bill. for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and sored terrorism got their day in court, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- all implementing materials and agreements related to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of and even though they have brought the ant to House Resolution 449, the Action. suits in U.S. courts and had the right amendment in the nature of a sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- to collect these damages, Iran has not stitute printed in House Report 114–273, as of yet paid. tleman from California (Mr. ROYCE) is adopted and the bill, as amended, is U.S. courts have held Iran liable for and the gentleman from New York (Mr. considered read. the attacks carried out by its terrorist ENGEL) each will control 30 minutes. The text of the bill, as amended, is as proxies when those attacks were or- The Chair recognizes the gentleman follows: chestrated and paid for by the Iranian from California. H.R. 3457 regime. The judgments that remain GENERAL LEAVE Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- outstanding are $43.5 billion in unpaid resentatives of the United States of America in Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I ask damages for those 80 cases over the last Congress assembled, unanimous consent that all Members decade and a half. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. may have 5 legislative days to revise In one case, $9 billion was awarded to This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Justice for and extend their remarks and to sub- the victims of the bombing of the ma- Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act’’. mit extraneous materials on this meas- rine barracks in 1983. Again, the Gov- SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON LIFTING OF SANCTIONS ure. ernment of Iran was found responsible ON IRAN PENDING PAYMENT OF The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there through lawful proceedings in a U.S. CERTAIN JUDGMENTS. objection to the request of the gen- court. That judgment remains unpaid. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the President may tleman from California? Madam Speaker, the Obama adminis- not take any of the actions described in sub- There was no objection. tration during its negotiations with section (b) until the President has certified Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I yield Iran did not seek for Iran to com- to the Congress that the Government of Iran myself such time as I may consume. pensate the families of those whose

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.005 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 lives were taken by Iranian terrorism similar legislation in the future. I would sup- I rise in opposition to the bill. despite these U.S. court judgments. port your effort to seek appointment of an Let me start by acknowledging my That is very much in contrast with our appropriate number of conferees to any friend, Chairman ROYCE. The Com- past procedure. House-Senate conference involving this leg- mittee on Foreign Affairs is the most islation. bipartisan committee in Congress. We In the case of Libya, for example, a I will seek to place our letters on H.R. 3457 decade ago, when we reached that into the Congressional Record during floor are collaborative, we are productive, agreement with Libya, the U.S. secured consideration of the bill. I appreciate your and we have built a record advancing the right or the demand that the Qa- cooperation regarding this legislation and bipartisan legislation that promotes dhafi regime compensate the victims of look forward to continuing to work with the American interests abroad and keeps the attacks, such as the bombing of Committee on Ways and Means as this meas- the American people safe. I want to Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. ure moves through the legislative process. state that Chairman ROYCE’s leader- That was $2.5 billion. That was done. Sincerely, ship is to thank for much of our com- EDWARD R. ROYCE, mittee’s good work. That is our procedure. Chairman. Iran will soon obtain $100 billion, ap- So I am disappointed that the House Republican leadership decided to ig- proximately, in unfrozen assets as well HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, as immeasurable economic and finan- COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, nore regular order on this bill. They cial benefits by escaping the sanctions Washington, DC, September 28, 2015. have rushed it to the floor without any regime and reintegrating into the glob- Hon. ED ROYCE, consideration by the Foreign Affairs al economy. Iran will get sanctions Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Wash- Committee. As has been pointed out, lifted and American victims will still ington, DC. we have had 30 hearings. We know a lit- be out in the cold. That is not right. DEAR CHAIRMAN ROYCE: I am writing with tle bit about Iran on the Foreign Af- respect to H.R. 3457, the ‘‘Justice for Victims This legislation would address that fairs Committee. of Iranian Terrorism Act,’’ which was re- So rushing it to the floor without injustice. It is straightforward. It ferred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. would say that, of the $100 billion and H.R. 3457 involves issues that fall within any consideration by the Foreign Af- some in sanctions relief, those judg- the Rule X jurisdiction of the Committee on fairs Committee is wrong. I think it is ments will be paid out of that. That $43 the Judiciary. As a result of your having a shame. Because I think, left to our billion will be paid to the survivors of consulted with the Committee and in order own volition, we could have sent for- those families of those 80 attacks or- to expedite the House’s consideration of H.R. ward a bill that could make a dif- chestrated, paid for, by Iran. 3457, the Committee on the Judiciary will ference for the victims of Iranian-spon- I reserve the balance of my time. not assert is jurisdictional claim over this sored terrorism. Iranian-sponsored ter- bill by seeking a sequential referral. How- rorism is there, it is palpable, and we HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ever, this is conditional on our mutual un- COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, derstanding and agreement that doing so should do something to try to help the Washington, DC, September 30, 2015. will in no way diminish or alter the jurisdic- victims. Hon. EDWARD R. ROYCE, tion of the Committee on the Judiciary with But this bill, on the other hand, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House respect to the appointment of conferees or to would not do that. Let me explain why. of Representatives, Washington, DC. any future jurisdictional claim over the sub- American courts have awarded roughly DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing with re- ject matters contained in the bill or similar $46 billion to about 1,300 victims and spect to H.R. 3457, the ‘‘Justice for Victims legislation. their families. We all want justice for of Iranian Terrorism Act,’’ which was re- I would appreciate a response to this letter ferred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. these families. We all want to hold Iran confirming this understanding with respect accountable for its act of terrorism H.R. 3457 involves issues that fall within to H.R. 3457, and would ask that a copy of Rule X jurisdiction of the Committee on our exchange of letters on this matter be in- against Americans. Iran should pay Ways and Means. As a result of your having cluded in the Congressional Record during these claims. But this bill does nothing consulted with the Committee and in order Floor consideration of H.R. 3457. for the victims of Iranian terror. to expedite the House’s consideration of H.R. Sincerely, Here is the problem. Let’s assume for 3457, the Committee on Ways and Means will BOB GOODLATTE, argument that Iran’s leaders did not assert its jurisdictional claim over this Chairman. bill by seeking a sequential referral. How- change course and decide to pay the ever, this is conditional on our mutual un- claims. This bill would actually make HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, derstanding and agreement that doing so it more difficult for Iran to pay these COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, will in no way diminish or alter the jurisdic- Washington, DC, September 28, 2015. judgments. tion of the Committee with respect to the Iran owes American claimants $46 Hon. BOB GOODLATTE, appointment of conferees or to any future ju- Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, Wash- billion, but Iran has access to $20 bil- risdictional claim over the subject matters ington, DC. lion of its cash reserves, not $46 billion. contained in the bill or similar legislation. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for con- The rest—$95 billion—is frozen in bank I would appreciate a response to this letter sulting with the Committee on Foreign Af- accounts in Europe and Asia. confirming this understanding with respect fairs on H.R. 3457, the Justice for Victims of to H.R. 3457, and would ask that a copy of On top of that, Iran’s oil revenues are Iranian Terrorism Act, which involves issues frozen. When Iran sells oil, the pay- our exchange of letters on this matter be in- within the Rule X jurisdiction of the Com- cluded in the Congressional Record during ments are kept frozen under the threat mittee on the Judiciary, and for agreeing to of American sanctions, which I sup- Floor consideration of H.R. 3457. forgo a sequential referral request so that it Sincerely, may proceed expeditiously to the Floor. port. Iran can access these funds only PAUL D. RYAN, I agree that your forgoing further action for certain purposes. Paying court Chairman. on this measure does not in any way dimin- judgments is not one of them. Current ish or alter the jurisdiction of the Com- U.S. sanctions don’t allow it. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, mittee on the Judiciary, or prejudice its ju- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, risdictional prerogatives on this bill or simi- b 1100 Washington, DC, September 30, 2015. lar legislation in the future. I would support And under this bill, all U.S. sanctions Hon. PAUL RYAN, your effort to seek appointment of an appro- are kept in effect, absolutely no Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, priate number of conferees to any House- changes allowed, until Iran pays the House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Senate conference involving this legislation. DEAR CHAIRMAN RYAN: Thank you for con- full $46 billion. I will seek to place our letters on H.R. 3457 sulting with the Committee on Foreign Af- So where would Iran get the money into the Congressional Record during floor fairs on H.R. 3457, the Justice for Victims of consideration of the bill. I appreciate your to pay the American claims? Iranian Terrorism Act, which involves issues cooperation regarding this legislation and The bill says: Iran, pay the claims, within the Rule X jurisdiction of the Com- look forward to continuing to work with the but you can’t have any of the funds to mittee on Ways and Means, and for agreeing Committee on the Judiciary as this measure pay them. So it is a catch-22. And who to forgo a sequential referral request so that moves through the legislative process. does it hurt? Not Iran. It hurts the vic- it may proceed expeditiously to the Floor. Sincerely, I agree that your forgoing further action tims. Not a single claim would be paid EDWARD R. ROYCE, on this measure does not in any way dimin- under this bill. So, in my opinion, this Chairman. ish or alter the jurisdiction of the Com- bill offers nothing but false hope. mittee on Ways and Means, or prejudice its Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Now, I have heard some Members jurisdictional prerogatives on this bill or self such time as I may consume. say, well, we can pay the claims by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:29 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.018 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6763 seizing Iran’s frozen assets, but that is possible. I hope we can get back to our It seems to me that the voices of the really not the case. Virtually all of regular practice in the Foreign Affairs murdered cry out for us to do some- Iran’s funds frozen under our sanctions Committee of which we have been so thing for justice, justice for them that are overseas, not in the U.S. Though proud and focus on making policy that has been too long waiting. This bill, in they are frozen by U.S. sanctions, they leaves politics at the water’s edge. my opinion, will do it. are beyond the jurisdiction of our I reserve the balance of my time. It is about time we have justice be- courts to seize them. Mr. ROYCE. The administration is cause justice is what we are supposed Another false promise: virtually all arguing, Mr. Speaker, that although to do in this country. of Iran’s assets will stay overseas. the Iranian regime has access to over And that is just the way it is. Under this bill, they would be required $20 billion and that this judgment is $43 Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 to be kept overseas because all U.S. billion, there isn’t enough money there minutes to the gentleman from Min- sanctions would be kept in effect by to make payment. In addition to the nesota (Mr. ELLISON). law with no change allowed. 20-some billion, Iran is in the process Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I urge So let’s be honest. This bill is not right now of negotiation and paying Members to vote ‘‘no’’ on this par- really about helping these victims. It is and supporting in transfers to other re- ticular bill. about exploiting their plight and their gimes. You know, once we were able to se- tragedy to make a political splash. For example, a report out this week cure this negotiation and once the deal Look, everyone here knows I am no says Iran is purchasing $21 billion of was put in place, the focus of our at- fan of the Iran nuclear agreement. I airplanes and satellites from Russia. tention should shift to making sure voted against it, but the other side That is $21 billion. Iran somehow has that Iran lives up to its commitments, won. Whether you are for or against the money to do that, but it doesn’t and we should use this prior negotia- the deal, it is time to be realistic about have the money for this claim. tion as a template for negotiating what happens next. A report out about a month ago says other issues, including the captives, in- In my opinion, there were two poten- that Iran’s annual support for cluding the interests of these victims tial courses. The first is to do every- Hezbollah is over $100 million per year. talked about here today. thing we can to strengthen enforce- Somehow they have got the spending What this bill does is it handcuffs the ment of the agreement and hold Iran to cash for that. President and says that the President its commitments. We should double It is providing the Syrian regime, one doesn’t have any discretion to do his down on our support for friends and al- estimate of one of the think tanks here end of this bargain, to exercise his dis- lies in the region. We should crack in town is that they have provided cretion to forward and help America down on Iran’s support for terrorist or- them a little over $10 billion a year. and the P5+1 live up to our end of the ganizations. We should push leaders in So Iran somehow has the discre- bargain. That is the wrong way to go. Tehran to release detained Americans tionary money for these other pur- So I can credit the authors of this and improve its abysmal record on poses, but not for the purpose of the bill with having good intentions, but I human rights. That is the course I hope judgments won in U.S. court for over think that the method that they are we will take. I will soon introduce leg- 1,000 victims or family members of the going about it is just wrong. islation to pursue those aims, and I victims of their attacks. Let’s use the template that has been will work with members of both parties I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman developed through the negotiation to get these measures to the Presi- from Texas (Mr. POE), chairman of the process to go back and say, ‘‘Okay, now dent’s desk. Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Ter- we got other things we want to talk to The other course would be doing to rorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade. you about,’’ rather than pass legisla- the Iran agreement what leaders on the Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I tion on this floor that will do nothing other side have tried to do to the Af- thank Mr. MEEHAN for this legislation. other than hamstring the President. It fordable Care Act, and that is what I Mr. Speaker, the Iranian ayatollah is the wrong way to do it. It is a mis- am afraid of here: vote after vote after has preached and practiced ‘‘Death to take, and it should be voted down. vote after vote, whether we like it or America’’ since the 1970s. Mr. ROYCE. I yield 2 minutes to the not, on an issue that has already been Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. voted on by this Chamber many, many Iran has been sued in Federal courts by SMITH). times. I don’t want the dispute on Iran the families of the murdered victims. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. to turn into the Affordable Care Act Iran is guilty of the murder of 421 Speaker, in 1983, 241 American service- where we try to kill it 60 different Americans in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983. men in Beirut were killed and another ways. Iran is guilty of the murder of 19 serv- 60 injured by a car bomb. We should not be using this for polit- icemembers and injuring 372 others in One of the Marines murdered was my ical purposes. We should be passing leg- Saudi Arabia in 1996. Iran is guilty of constituent, Paul Innocenzi III, who islation, which I know we can get out murdering a thousand other Ameri- lived with his young family in my of the Foreign Affairs Committee in a cans, including some in Iraq and Af- hometown of Hamilton. In my second collaborative way, that would really do ghanistan. term as Congressman, I joined mourn- something to help these victims, that Federal courts have awarded the vic- ers at his funeral. I will never forget would really do something to hold Iran tim and families over $40 billion for the agony and the sorrow of his family. accountable for all its reprehensible these crimes, but Iran will not pay. It Iranian terrorism killed Paul Innocenzi acts. So I hope that what we are doing laughs at the death of the innocent it and, over the decades, has killed or today is not the path we are going has murdered. It laughs at American maimed thousands of other Americans. down not only now, but in the future justice. A Federal court, Mr. Speaker, found with other things. Well, Mr. Speaker, it is about time that the 1983 bombing was ‘‘beyond There was a measure in the Senate for the long arm of American justice to question’’ perpetrated by ‘‘Hezbollah that was very similar to this, which hold Iran accountable for its sins— and its agent who received massive ma- tried to hold Iran to certain things and make them pay. terial and technical support from the say that the funds couldn’t be released I don’t understand why some appeas- Iranian Government.’’ Later a three- unless Iran did this or did that. We ers are more concerned about the mur- judge Federal appeals court panel ap- could do this another 60 times; it would derous Iranian regime than they are proved $1.75 billion in judgment against be counterproductive. Let’s put our about justice, justice for the victims Iran for the 1983 bombing and some heads together. Let’s figure out a way that were murdered by this regime. other Iranian acts of terror. that we can continue to hold Iran ac- Let the ayatollah know he cannot Today Iran is poised to get billions of countable, and let’s move on that way. get a diplomatic pass or sanctions re- dollars through so-called sanctions re- So I hope we can move past this bill lief until he pays for his crimes. The lief for an egregiously flawed com- and start working on measures to en- ayatollah has sown the seeds of mur- prehensive plan of action, money that sure that the Iran agreement is imple- der, and now it is time for Iran to reap will procure for Iran a significantly mented as strongly and stringently as the consequences of their crimes. larger arsenal of sophisticated weapons

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.020 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 and an enhanced capability to ter- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I ings, and attacks across time zones, rorize, murder, and destabilize. thank my good friend from New York from Paris to Jerusalem, to New York, The chairman talked about Iran’s $21 (Mr. ENGEL) for his leadership on the to Beirut, to East Africa, to Buenos billion weapons purchase from Russia. House Foreign Affairs Committee. Aires. Billions more to Iran will exponen- This bill prohibits any waivers, re- I say not one cent. tially increase weapons buys. The Jus- ductions, or other relief from U.S. These victims are United States citi- tice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism sanctions on Iran until Iran pays all zens. They are wives, brothers and sis- Act authored by PAT MEEHAN says not court-ordered damage claims to U.S. ters, children who hail from all across so fast. victims. Those claims total about $46 the Nation, and they were killed in hi- The President has said he will veto billion. jackings and suicide attacks and bomb- this bill. That is wrong, Mr. Speaker. This bill would prevent the U.S. from ings of buses and planes and buildings That is uncaring, it is unacceptable, it implementing its commitments under and embassies and shopping malls and is unconscionable. And does a grave the Iran deal, which is really what my pizza parlors. disservice to American victims of Ira- friends on the other side are trying to b 1115 nian terrorism. do. Not being able to win directly, let’s In fact, I met with one of those vic- Support court-ordered victim pay- get at it indirectly and let’s cover it ments by the terrorist State of Iran. tims this morning and yesterday, the with the patina of respectability. But widow of Kenneth Welch and his child. Fundamental justice demands that this the real issue is, cynically, how we use bill become law. They are here in Washington today. the plight of U.S. victims for another They have been waiting 30 years for the Mr. Speaker, what was previously unaccept- partisan shot. able—an Iranian nuclear state—is now inevi- opportunity to see this issue addressed. We all want to help American vic- My friends, by voting against this table under the terms and conditions of what tims of Iran’s terrorism and lack of is officially known as the Joint Comprehensive legislation, you are saying that Iran justice, but this is not the way to help and the perpetrators of these atrocities Plan of Action. them. It would have the opposite effect Tragically, the deal is riddled with serious deserve U.S. sanctions relief before the by reducing the chance that any flaws, gaps, and huge concessions to Iran. victims deserve the court-ordered com- claims, in fact, would be paid because, Taken as a whole, this egregiously flawed pensation. Let me say it again. By vot- by freezing assets, Iran wouldn’t have deal poses an existential threat to Israel, our ing ‘‘no,’’ you are putting the interests the wherewithal to do what this bill allies in the region—and poses significant of Iran’s terror machine before the says it should do before sanctions are risks to the United States. American victims of that terror. I say Today Iran is poised to get billions of dollars lifted. not 1 cent. through so-called sanctions relief—money that Think about this: Iran owes $46 bil- To those who say Iran can’t afford to will procure for Iran a significantly larger arse- lion in U.S. claims, but it doesn’t have pay these damages, let me remind you nal of sophisticated weapons and an en- the money right now, even if it wanted of a few facts. Iran has a yearly gross hanced capability to terrorize, murder and de- to pay. Iran only has access to about domestic product in excess of $1.3 tril- stabilize. $20 billion of its own reserves. lion, and they just spent $21 billion on The Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Realistically, the only funds that Russian jets. The facts show that Iran Act (H.R. 3457) authored by Pat Meehan says could be used are the frozen funds has the money and will have much not so fast. under U.S. sanctions held in banks more if the sanctions are lifted, money The bill prohibits the President from waiving around the world. Under this bill, the that our own administration freely ad- sanctions until Iran pays its more than $44.5 frozen funds couldn’t be used to pay mits will go to finance even more ter- billion in court ordered damages to thousands the claims, and all the money remains ror. of victims and survivors of Iranian terror at- frozen until Iran pays the claims. It is I sat yesterday with Ken Stethem, tacks. a catch-22 if there ever was one. It the brother of Robert Stethem, the To date, the U.S. Department of State has couldn’t sell any oil to use to free up diver who was exe- refused to release funds ordered by the courts cash because those funds, too, would be cuted on Beirut Flight 847. His brother to victims and surviving families in more than frozen. Ken, himself a retired Navy SEAL, said 80 cases despite clear authority to do so Another clue about what is really be- to me yesterday, ‘‘If the President under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act hind this bill is that all of the 76 spon- doesn’t take this opportunity and Con- (FSIA). sors are my friends on the other side of gress doesn’t take the opportunity to In 1983, 241 American servicemen in Beirut the aisle, not a single Democrat. hold Iran accountable for their ter- were killed and another 60 injured by a car Regardless of one’s position on the rorist acts now, I have to ask them bomb. One of the Marines murdered was my Iran deal, a deal I probably supported when will they. Thirty years for one constituent WO1 Paul Innocenzi III who lived because it keeps Iran from becoming a family, more than 15 for another. When with his young family in my hometown of nuclear state, opposing this cynical bill will they?’’ Hamilton. In my second term as congressman, is, in fact, the right vote if you care He is talking to us. Let’s answer him. I joined mourners at his funeral. I will never about the victims of Iranian injustice Let’s today stand up for the standards forget the agony and sorrow of his family. Ira- and terrorism. of U.S. Navy Petty Officer Robert nian terrorism killed Paul Innocenzi and over Mr. ROYCE. I yield 4 minutes to the Stethem. Let’s today vote as one House the decades, has killed or maimed thousands gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. to say we will put Robert Stethem and of other Americans. MEEHAN), a member of the Committee the many victims of Iran’s terrorism A federal district court found that the 1983 on Ways and Means and author of this before—before—the criminals who con- bombing was ‘‘beyond question’’ perpetrated bill. spired to kill them. by ‘‘Hezbollah and its agents (who) received Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, $21 bil- Until they pay these victims what massive material and technical support from lion for Russian jets, but not a penny they are owed, let’s say no to Iran, not the Iranian government’’. Later a three judge for the victims of their own acts of ter- 1 cent. federal appeals court panel approved a $1.75 ror. That is what my colleagues are Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 billion judgement against Iran for the 1983 trying to say? In fact, the President minutes to the gentleman from Oregon bombing and other Iranian acts of terror. can negotiate it. Let him reach an in- (Mr. BLUMENAUER). The President has said he will veto this bill. stallment plan, but let’s make sure Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I That’s wrong. That’s uncaring, unacceptable, that these dollars are paid. appreciate the gentleman’s courtesy in and unconscionable. Support court-ordered Look, this is a fundamental question: permitting me to speak on this issue. I victim payments by the terror state of Iran. Should Iran receive relief from the U.S. listened to the impassioned pleas from Fundamental justice demands that this bill be- sanctions before it pays the victims of my friends on the other side of the comes law. terrorism the $43 billion that U.S. aisle about horrific acts of the thugs Mr. ENGEL. I yield 3 minutes to the courts say these victims are owed? who run Iran. Nobody disputes that, gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- When we say ‘‘terrorism,’’ what are and nothing before us would take away NOLLY), our colleague on the Foreign we talking about? We are talking about the sanctions that we have against Affairs Committee. Iranian-backed assassinations, bomb- their terrorist activity.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.033 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6765 We are all committed to justice for embassy in Beirut, the airmen who $43.5 billion in unpaid damages. Iran re- those victims, but bear in mind what died in Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia fuses to pay. Yet, the President’s nu- this legislation seeks to do is to un- in 1995. And what about the victims of clear agreement provides Iran with $150 wind another critical objective of the the Iranian-financed attacks, like billion in sanctions relief. Those that United States, of our allies, to prevent Alisa Flatow of West Orange, New Jer- have destroyed innocent American a nuclear-armed Iran. sey, who died in a bus bombing in Gaza lives, Iranian terrorists, are being cho- That agreement was a signal achieve- in 1995 and Sara Duker of Teaneck, sen over the American victims them- ment of diplomacy not just of the New Jersey, who was murdered on a selves. Obama administration, but of Russia, bus in Jerusalem in 1996? Who speaks This bill would prohibit the Presi- China, Germany, France, Great Brit- for them, for those innocents and their dent from removing any sanctions in ain, working with us to secure the families? This bill does. place against Iran until the President strongest agreement that we have seen Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I reserve has certified to Congress that Iran has to contain these thugs’ nuclear ambi- the balance of my time. paid each Federal court judgment. tions. The world is united with us to Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I continue restrain a nuclear Iran. minute to the gentleman from Texas to reserve the balance of my time. Now, we have had testimony from (Mr. HURD), a member of the Com- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 our partners that, if the United States mittee on Homeland Security. minute to the gentleman from Penn- walks away from that agreement, we Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I sylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK). are on our own. They are not going to rise in support of this legislation. Jus- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I continue to enforce nuclear sanctions tice is a powerful word. For those who thank my colleague from Pennsylvania against Iran, and, ultimately, Iran will have been wronged, justice can bring (Mr. MEEHAN) for introducing this good get its money and a free hand to de- peace and closure. For those guilty of bill. It is a compassionate bill. It is a velop nuclear weapons unencumbered harming the innocent, justice is abso- bill that tells victims of terrorism that by the allies that we have assembled lutely necessary to ensure the author- they are not forgotten. and the pressure that we have put on ity of our laws. Without justice, truth I chair the task force in the House them. becomes irrelevant. Committee on Financial Services to in- Now, my friends, Mr. ENGEL and Mr. If America is going to continue to be vestigate terrorism finance, and we had CONNOLLY, are correct. The construct the greatest nation in the world, it is a hearing specifically on the joint plan here is very difficult, even if this were imperative that we pursue justice. But of action, the so-called P5+1. That was to be approved, to actually work out on the Iran nuclear deal does the exact op- back in July. paper. But take it a step further. These posite. It rewards lawlessness and cor- There was an attorney who testified elements have been in place for years ruption. It tells Iran that they can be at the hearing about the $43 billion in and have not resulted in any movement unjust to our own citizens and the cur- judgments and how this deal, then not for the victims. rent administration will allow them to approved yet, was likely going to side- We have had what the rest of the get away with it. step the ability of victims who did all world thinks is a significant break- Iran is responsible for sponsoring ter- the right things through the legal proc- through with Iran. We have got an area rorism that has led to the death of ess, who hired lawyers, who went to of cooperation, and the world is united thousands of Americans. When the court, who got the judgments, legiti- with us to keep the pressure on them. families of these Americans sought jus- mate judgments, how these judgments I would suggest, rather than throwing tice in the court, Iran was found guilty would not be paid. this agreement in the trash can and and ordered to make reparations. The On July 29, I wrote a letter to Sec- allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons family of Cyrus Elahi from Dallas, retary Lew—Secretary of the Treas- and make them stronger—and, ulti- Texas, was awarded more than $300 ury—and Secretary Kerry of the State mately, they will get their money be- million after Cyrus was assassinated Department asking whether or not cause India and China are going to go for criticizing the Iranian Government. they had addressed the issue as part of ahead and start buying oil from Iran Judgments like this have added up to the negotiations. That was July 29. I again as the sanctions collapse. It will billions of dollars that Iran owes the have yet to receive a response from the be the United States against the world families of American victims. But is Treasury Department, from the De- again. this administration forcing Iran to partment of State, in any way. We couldn’t even sanction itty-bitty pay? Are they demanding justice for Mr. Speaker, the deafening silence of Cuba to change their regime. It takes Americans like Cyrus? No. Instead, this administration has led me to be- multinational efforts to be able to this administration is handing over an lieve that they completely overlooked make changes. This agreement is an estimated $100 billion to Iran. That is the victims of terrorism. important first step, and I would sug- not justice. That is outrageous. What we are going to do is we are gest it gives us an opportunity to con- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 going to give the money to the Islamic tinue putting pressure on Iran to be minute to the gentleman from Ohio Republic of Iran and not to American able to obtain the justice that we all (Mr. WENSTRUP). victims, and that is wrong. This bill is want for those victims. Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, this right. I urge my colleagues to support Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 bill would respond to one of many sig- it. minute to the gentleman from New nificant problems with President Mr. Speaker, as the chair of the bipartisan Jersey (Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN), a member Obama’s disastrous Iran deal, which Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing, of the Committee on Appropriations. gives Iran sanctions relief without re- I analyzed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, quiring it to make reparations for the Action (JCPOA) put forward by this Adminis- I want to thank Mr. MEEHAN and Mr. crimes it has committed against Amer- tration at length. ROYCE for their leadership. I oppose the icans. After numerous hearings and research, I op- Iranian deal for many reasons. Among Anne Dammerell, who was born in posed the deal for a number of reasons—not the reasons is the over $100 billion Cincinnati near my district, was work- the least of which is because of its potential windfall Iran will receive in unfrozen ing at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in impact on terrorism financing by Iran. At hear- assets and sanctions relief. 1983. A bomb exploded while she was in ing after hearing, members heard directly from The administration has acknowl- the embassy cafeteria, breaking 19 of foreign policy experts about this threat and the edged that some of this money will be her bones. She received a judgment danger of the influx of cash provided by this certainly distributed to the Iranian against Iran for $6.8 million because of agreement finding its way to terrorist organiza- military, its global terrorist network, the physical and mental suffering she tions threatening Iran’s neighboring states as and to the Quds Force, an organization endured. Anne is one tragic story well as those planning strikes in the United with American blood on its hands. among many. States. We remember the marines and sailors Over the past 15 years, U.S. courts At a hearing specifically on this deal and its killed in the bombing of the barracks have handed down 80 judgments impact on Tehran’s state sponsorship of terror, in Beirut in 1983 and civilians in that against Iran, adding up to more than one witness, a practicing attorney, testified to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.029 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 the fact that American citizens and families clear weapon at a future date while I urge my colleagues on both sides of who were victims of Iranian sponsored terrorist reaping the financial benefits of imme- the aisle to support Mr. MEEHAN’s out- attacks—including families in my district in diate relief from international sanc- standing bill. Let’s right the wrong. Pennsylvania—are owed over $43 billion in tions. By removing sanctions, the Let’s adjudicate these claims. Let’s get compensation as awarded by United States. agreement injects almost $100 billion this money back for the victims of ter- Following the Task Force’s fourth hearing I into the Iranian regime. rorism. wrote this letter to both Secretaries John Kerry Iran is the single largest state spon- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 and Jack Lew asking if this nuclear deal would sor of terrorism in the world, funding— minute to the gentleman from Penn- strip victims of Iranian terrorism the right to even with sanctions in place— sylvania (Mr. COSTELLO). this compensation. Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. A That was July 29. I have yet to receive any Gaza. Over $43 billion in judgments majority of this House thinks this deal sort of response from either the Treasury or have been awarded to Americans who is bad, a majority of the Senate thinks State departments. The deafening silence have been the victims of Iranian ter- this deal is bad, and a majority of the from the Administration has led me to believe rorism. The agreement fails to clear American people think this deal is bad. they completely overlooked these families those judgments. We have not had any input, and the ef- when they rushed to finalize this bad deal with The agreement, at best, delays Iran’s fort here today is to simply make a bad Iran. ability to build nuclear weapons. At deal a little less bad. Mr. Speaker, it is unconscionable to think worst, it gives the regime more money The idea behind Mr. MEEHAN’s bill is that—as a nation—we would allow the world’s to engage in more terrorism while pro- to provide restitution to American vic- largest state sponsor of terror access to bil- viding no justice to Americans already tims. It is not just any American vic- lions of dollars in sanctions relief and harmed by the regime. tims. It is the victims of Iranian ter- unfreezing of held assets while victims of Ira- The Justice for Victims of Iranian ror. $150 billion is going to flow to Iran. nian terrorism are left with nothing. Terrorism Act is timely. It is appro- It seems to be common sense that the These victims are Americans from all priate, and it should be supported by first $43 billion should instead be paid around the country—from my home and yours. every member of this body who believe to the victims of Iranian terror. They’ve lost loved ones and suffered irrep- in the validity of U.S. courts and the Joseph Cicippio was one of those vic- arable damages because of Iran’s long, sordid Federal Sovereign Immunities Act. tims. He lived right outside my con- history with terrorism. By failing to take this sit- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 gressional district. He spent 5 years in uation into account throughout the negotiation minute to the gentleman from Arkan- brutal captivity before being released process, the administration has failed these sas (Mr. HILL), a member of the Com- in 1991. victims and their families. mittee on Financial Services. A vote for this bill today is a vote for The Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism the victims of Iranian terror. b 1130 Act we are considering today rights that I also want to say Congressman MEE- wrong. It says simply: Not one cent in sanc- Mr. HILL. I thank Mr. MEEHAN for HAN’s congressional district is right tions relief for Iran until these families are his leadership on this, and I thank the next to mine. I want to thank him for payed. That’s not a partisan demand—that’s ranking member and the chairman for his thoughtful, creative approach and common sense. their opposition to the Iranian agree- his leadership in this country and in I strongly support this legislation and ask for ment, which I believe was ill-conceived this House on this bill. my colleagues to join me in standing up for and not enough time given for those Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I continue our constituents impacted by Iranian terror and negotiations to bear true fruit. In fact, to reserve the balance of my time. pass this bill in the bipartisan fashion it de- that is the whole point of our debate Mr. ROYCE. I yield 1 minute to the serves. today. The maximum amount of nego- gentleman from Colorado (Mr. COFF- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 tiating clout that the United States MAN). minute to the gentleman from North had over these sanctions was during Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, in 1982, Carolina (Mr. HOLDING), a member of these negotiations, before we released I was with the United States Marine the Committee on Ways and Means. sanctions, before Iran gets access to Corps off the coast of Beirut, Lebanon, Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, Iran is their monthly oil flow and their $100 waiting on orders to do evacuations of shortly set to receive over $100 billion billion. the U.S. Embassy and U.S. citizens and when President Obama uses his pen to We have $44 billion and 85 judgments. their families. Our assignment was lift our sanctions against the world’s The number of intelligence agents that done in August of 1982. We returned to largest sponsor of terrorism. At the have worked day and night to adju- the United States. I finished my 2 same time, Mr. Speaker, Iran owes U.S. dicate these claims in court, the num- years with the battalion. victims of terror it sponsored and sup- ber of FBI agents involved, the Federal The battalion went back out. This ported $43.5 billion. Government’s obligation to generate time, they took positions in the airport One of these victims was Petty Offi- awards for these victims, and yet this in Beirut, Lebanon. On October 23, 1983, cer 1st Class Michael Wagner of Colum- administration has never raised it in a suicide bomber drove a truck laden bia, North Carolina. He was serving in public in regard to the Iranian agree- with explosives into the marine bar- the American Embassy in Beirut in ment. racks; 241 marines were killed that 1984 when a car bomb filled with explo- Under the 1996 and 2008 Federal Sov- day. sives paid for by Iran detonated outside ereign Immunities Act, the President To my friends who died there—First his office, killing him and 23 other peo- of the United States is obligated to Lieutenant Bill Zimmerman, Captain ple. In the case of Petty Officer Wagner seek resolution for these claims. Bill Winter, Captain Joe Boccia, Mas- and Tehran’s other victims, our courts The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ter Sergeant Roy Edwards, Captain have found Iran guilty and ordered Iran GRAVES of Louisiana). The time of the Mike Haskell—today is your day. to pay restitution, but Iran has not gentleman has expired. Today is your day for justice. God bless paid a penny. Mr. ROYCE. I yield the gentleman an you. God remember all of you. Mr. Speaker, we should require Iran additional 1 minute. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to pay every penny it owes to the vic- Mr. HILL. He is obligated to adju- time of the gentleman has expired. tims of terrorism before sanctions are dicate these claims and seek restitu- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield the lifted, period. tion for these victims under the Fed- gentleman an additional 30 seconds. Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 eral Sovereign Immunities Act. Presi- Mr. COFFMAN. Today is the day for minute to the gentleman from Mis- dent Bush did his duty. When he had le- justice for these marines—and their sissippi (Mr. HARPER), a member of the verage over Libya, he got the claims families—who were lost on that day by Committee on Energy and Commerce. paid for the victims of terror in Libya. the Iranian-backed Hezbollah bomber. Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, I am and For every day we come to work in So I want to thank the gentleman will remain opposed to the Joint Com- this House and we ask, ‘‘What can we from Pennsylvania for bringing this prehensive Plan of Action on Iran. It do to help this country? How can we measure forward. I urge my colleagues represents Iran’s ability to build a nu- right a wrong?’’ today is that day. not to forget those who have died and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.011 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6767 to remember this: when the Iranians this day. This is a fact that cannot be The path also includes holding Iran say ‘‘death to Americans,’’ they mean ignored. I certainly hope that my col- accountable for its nefarious activities death to Americans. leagues on both sides of the aisle will that destabilize the region, as well as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- support this piece of legislation. pushing Tehran to release detained bers are reminded to direct their re- Mr. ROYCE. I yield 1 minute to the Americans and improve their human marks to the Chair. gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. rights records in the interim, and, of Mr. ROYCE. I yield 1 minute to the ROTHFUS). course, taking care of the victims of gentleman from Michigan (Mr. BISHOP). Mr. ROTHFUS. I thank my col- terrorism and their families. This path Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speak- league, Mr. MEEHAN from Pennsyl- requires the strengthening of bilateral er, I rise today to join my colleagues to vania, for introducing this very impor- partnerships and supporting our allies support this legislation. I want to tant piece of legislation. in the region, both of which help us in thank the gentleman for his sponsor- The President’s nuclear agreement the long term. ship. I am proud to be a cosponsor. with Iran provides them with billions This is the course I hope we take. We Thirty-one years ago, one Michigan in frozen assets and sanctions relief. cannot let this opportunity go to family’s sleepless worry became a One needs only to look at recent his- waste. So that is why I won’t be sup- heartbreaking reality. Their son, tory to know exactly what Iran will do porting H.R. 3457. After that, we need brother, and father, U.S. Army War- with this financial windfall. to work together on measures that rant Officer Kenneth Welch, was one of While pursuing a nuclear bomb, Iran strengthen implementation of the two U.S. servicemen to lose his life in has been engaged in a decades-long agreement as much as possible. the bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. campaign of terror that resulted in the I hope we can do that in a bipartisan U.S. judgments later found that the deaths of many, many Americans. way, as we have for the past 3 years in act of terrorism was sponsored by the They continue to bankroll proxies like the Foreign Affairs Committee. This Iranian regime. For its crimes, that re- Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthi path promises to bring us back to mak- gime was ordered to pay damages to rebels. ing foreign policy rather than using po- Atrocities like the Beirut marine the family of Kenneth Welch. Not sur- litical bills that deflect from the im- barracks bombing, the murder of prisingly, however, not one dime has portant issues at hand. Bobby Stethem on TWA flight 847, been paid to the family. Yet today, in I do not doubt the sincerity of any- Khobar Towers, and the kidnapping of this country, we find ourselves dealing one who spoke today. We all are sin- CIA Agent William Buckley, are just a with an administration that wants to cere and we all feel the same way: Iran small taste of what Iranian state-spon- lift sanctions. is a bad actor and must be held ac- sored terrorism has wrought. countable. But this bill is not the cor- Mr. Speaker, I am beside myself to This bill is about everyday Ameri- think that this is the Nation that we rect mechanism to do so, so I urge my cans getting justice. Americans like colleagues to vote ‘‘no.’’ have become. America is built on brav- the family of Beaver County native ery and freedom, and that is because of I yield back the balance of my time. Major John Macroglou, the highest Mr. ROYCE. I yield myself such time the unwavering strength and sacrifice ranking officer killed in the attack on of men and women in the military. I as I may consume. the Beirut marine barracks. Mr. Speaker, consider the case of am forever proud of our soldiers, and I Victims of Iranian terrorism have Anne Dammarell, a USAID worker who know my colleagues here today are, successfully brought suit in U.S. was posted in the U.S. Embassy in Bei- too. That is why we cannot let the Iran courts, yet billions in judgments re- rut in 1983. At 1 p.m. on April 18, a sui- terror continue. We need to do what- main unpaid. The Obama administra- cide bomber in a delivery van drove ever we can to address the victims like tion failed to secure restitution for the 2,000 pounds of explosives into the front Ken Welch. victims of Iran in its negotiations with Mr. ROYCE. I yield 1 minute to the door of our U.S. Embassy and the blast this country, but this legislation can demolished the front of the building gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DOLD). rectify this wrong. and caused the upper floors to collapse Mr. DOLD. I thank my good friend I urge my colleagues to support this from California, the chairman, for on top of each other. legislation. When that went off, she was eating yielding me the time. I also want to Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, may I in- lunch in the Embassy cafeteria until thank my good friend from Pennsyl- quire as to how much time is remain- suddenly she awoke outside, covered in vania for bringing this piece of legisla- ing. cement, with 19 bones broken. Sixty- tion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- three people were killed in that blast. Supporting victims of Iranian ter- 1 tleman from California has 2 ⁄2 minutes Now we have a moral obligation to rorism is a cause that every single remaining. The gentleman from New ensure that these judgments for these Member of this body should be able to 1 York has 17 ⁄2 minutes remaining. victims, which represent Iran’s legal support, regardless of where they stand Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- debt to the victims of its official policy on the Iranian nuclear agreement. self such time as I may consume. of terrorism, are paid. There have been Under no circumstances should we be In closing, let me say to my friends 90 such attacks on Americans, and this ignoring the victims of Iran’s terrorism on the other side of the aisle, and they legislation helps us fulfill that moral while simultaneously rewarding the know this, no one has been more of an obligation we have to our constituents greatest state sponsor of terror the adversary of the Iranian regime than I and to all Americans. world has seen. have, but a number of us found the deal What I will share with you is that it Make no mistake, under this admin- with Iran wanting. We voted ‘‘no,’’ but is not going to work to release the $100 istration’s agreement with Iran, Iran it didn’t prevail, and now we have to billion first, because that $100 billion will be receiving approximately $150 figure out the best way forward. The goes into the hands of the IRGC. They billion in sanctions relief—in new fund- best way forward, I sincerely believe, is are the ones who have taken over the ing—almost immediately, while Amer- not to keep trotting out these bills. companies in Iran as of 1979, and the No one is condoning anything that ican victims of Iranian terrorism, Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces Iran has done, particularly with ter- whether it be bombings, kidnappings, and the Quds forces are the ones that rorism. It is a matter of how we com- murder, and the like, are basically carried out these attacks. going without resources. bat it. The way I see it is that we have So the only leverage we are going to Where are our priorities? Where are two paths forward: we can choose to have in this negotiation is if we pass our priorities in this Chamber when mirror what we did with the Affordable legislation that says, first, you have the victims of Iranian terror are being Care Act, voting and revoting on an got $20 billion in reserves. Start the ignored while Iran is being rewarded issue that has been settled to some de- process of paying the victims of that with new funds that will inevitably be gree, or we can choose the path that attack. used to fund new terror—Hezbollah, suits our Nation’s interests the best. Hamas, and those around the globe? This path includes doing everything we b 1145 Iran’s terror proxies have killed can to strengthen the enforcement If we don’t get them paid now, if we Americans and continue to do so to mechanisms of this agreement. don’t get the survivors and the family

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.027 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 members of those who were killed paid Resistance Army, ISIL and Al-Shabaab from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- now, it will never happen later. Nigeria, to Syria, to Kenya, to name just a ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- But more importantly, at least we few. ceedings on this question will be post- would do this. If we are going to give I have requested the Attorney General of poned. $100 billion out of escrow into the the United States to take action to secure re- f hands of the IRGC, what do you think lief for thousands of victims of terror from dif- CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 1735, they are going to do with it? ferent regions of the world. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- They have already announced $20 bil- But I have never advocated or supported TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016 lion in sales to Russia for fighter actions to achieve this result that puts the na- planes. They have already announced tional security at risk. Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, the money, $100 million, that they are And that is why I cannot support H.R. 3457. pursuant to House Resolution 449, I going to give to Hezbollah. By obstructing implementation of the call up the conference report on the Why not at least get our own civil- JCPOA, H.R. 3457 would greatly undermine bill (H.R. 1735) to authorize appropria- ians paid the judgments that they our national security interests and likely would tions for fiscal year 2016 for military earned up front? result in the collapse of the comprehensive activities of the Department of De- That is exactly what we did with the diplomatic arrangement that peacefully and fense, for military construction, and Lockerbie agreement. We were going to verifiably prevents Iran from acquiring a nu- for defense activities of the Depart- lift the sanctions or allow the return of clear weapon. ment of Energy, to prescribe military the escrowed money to Libya. Right? This would in turn allow for the resumption personnel strengths for such fiscal $2.5 billion had to go to the victims of a significantly less constrained Iranian nu- year, and for other purposes, and ask and the family members killed in the clear program, lead to the unraveling of the for its immediate consideration. Pan Am 103 bombing because of the international sanctions regime against Iran, The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- judgment in U.S. courts. and deal a devastating blow to America’s ant to House Resolution 449, the con- This needs to be done under that pro- credibility as a leader of international diplo- ference report is considered read. cedure. That is why this legislation is macy. (For conference report and state- necessary. This would have the collateral effect of jeop- ment, see proceedings of the House of Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ardizing both the hard work of sustaining a of my time. September 29, 2015, at page H6337.) unified coalition to combat Iran’s destabilizing The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise activities in the region and America’s ability to tleman from Texas (Mr. THORNBERRY) today in strong opposition to H.R. 3457, the lead the world on nuclear non-proliferation. and the gentleman from Washington ‘‘Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act.’’ Mr. Speaker, the Administration supports ef- (Mr. SMITH) each will control 30 min- If enacted into law, H.R. 3457 would prevent forts by U.S. terrorism victims to pursue com- utes. the United States from implementing its sanc- pensation, consistent with our national secu- The Chair recognizes the gentleman tions relief commitments under the Joint Com- rity. from Texas. prehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached It bears pointing out that nothing in the GENERAL LEAVE between the P5+1 countries, the European JCPOA prohibits or impedes those efforts. Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I Union (EU), and Iran by tying the Administra- Mr. Speaker, we have called Iran ask unanimous consent that all Mem- tion’s ability to fulfill its commitments to non- untrustworthy because it has not always lived bers may have 5 legislative days in nuclear issues that are outside the scope of up to its commitments. which to revise and extend their re- the JCPOA. What would it say about the United States marks and insert extraneous material Mr. Speaker, this bill has absolutely no and its reputation of being an honest broker on the conference report to accompany chance of becoming law because President and trustworthy partner if we reneged on a H.R. 1735. Obama has already announced he will veto it carefully and painstakingly negotiated agree- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there if presented to him for signature. ment before the ink barely had time to dry? objection to the request of the gen- And that is as it should be since this ill-con- The single and overriding purpose of the tleman from Texas? sidered and unwise bill comes to floor without JCPOA was to address the international com- There was no objection. being vetted by any of the committees of juris- munity’s concern over Iran’s nuclear program Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I diction. and the need to verifiably prevent Iran from yield myself 5 minutes. The bill was not considered by the Judiciary acquiring a nuclear weapon. Mr. Speaker, the first and most im- Committee or its Subcommittee on Crime, Ter- This goal is achieved by the JCPOA this ob- portant thing I can say today is that rorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, jective is undermined by H.R. 3457. this conference report is good for the of which I serve as Ranking Member and After all our hearings and thoughtful delib- troops and it is good for the country, which has jurisdiction over issues federal law- erations on the JCPOA, it defies reason to col- and nothing that I or anybody else is suits and compensation involving victims of lapse the historic and landmark diplomatic going to say in this next hour is going terrorist acts. success that created the framework for a to be more important than that one Nor was the bill considered by the Com- peaceful and verifiable methodology to prevent basic proposition. mittee on Foreign Affairs, even though that Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Now, we may hear a variety of ex- committee has held several hearings relating For these reasons, Mr. Speaker, I strongly cuses, ifs, ands and buts about this, to violent extremism and terrorists acts. oppose H.R. 3457 and urge all Members to that or the other thing, and I certainly In the month of September alone, the Com- join me in voting against this unwise measure. don’t agree with every provision in this mittee on Foreign Affairs held six hearings that The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time conference report. addressed some aspect of terrorism and vio- for debate has expired. But in pulling this bill together, I lent extremism, not one of which involved H.R. Pursuant to House Resolution 449, had to put aside personal preferences 3457 or the subject matter raised in the legis- the previous question is ordered on the and party considerations and other lation. bill, as amended. things because getting a bill passed and Given its adverse impact on the JCPOA, The question is on the engrossment enacted that is good for the troops and one would have thought that this legislation and third reading of the bill. good for the country is more important would have been fully vetted before being The bill was ordered to be engrossed than anything else. rushed to the floor, and this lack of careful and read a third time, and was read the The second point I want to make is scrutiny is sufficient in itself to vote against third time. that this bill is the product of work this bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from Members from both sides of the Mr. Speaker, let me be clear: I am, and long question is on the passage of the bill. aisle and both sides of the Capitol. have been, a strong supporter and advocate The question was taken; and the About half of the amendments that for adequate compensation for victims of ter- Speaker pro tempore announced that were adopted in committee and on the rorism sponsored or supported by foreign the ayes appeared to have it. floor were from Democratic Members. states. Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, on that I Democratic conferees played a sub- For example, I have fought for compensa- demand the yeas and nays. stantial role in shaping this final con- tion for the victims of Boko Haram, the Lord’s The yeas and nays were ordered. ference report. And if you look at the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.030 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6769 substance of what is in the bill, you to make sure the taxpayers get more I don’t believe that it is. It is not can see major contributions from both value for the money they spend; per- good for our country, and it is not good sides. sonnel reform, including a new retire- for our troops. It does, in fact, matter As a matter of fact, we hear a lot ment system. where the money comes from for a cou- these days about regular order. Well, Today 83 percent of the people who ple of reasons. this bill went through regular order serve in the military walk away with First of all, by the budget gimmick through the committee, with 211 no retirement at all. That changes that the Budget Committee in the amendments that were adopted on the under this bill. House and the Senate put together, by floor, when 131 amendments were So Members who are going to vote using overseas contingency operations adopted through a regular conference, against this bill are going to tell 83 funds for things that are not overseas with a Senate-passed bill for the first percent of the people who serve in the contingency operations funds—and this time in years, and now it is back here military: You are going to continue to was all done as a dodge to get around for approval. walk away with nothing. doing what we need to do, which is to So after going through regular order This bill requires the DOD and VA to lift the budget caps. Because, you see, and all that that entails, if there is have a joint formulary for sleep dis- the OCO funding, for some reason is still partisan opposition, it leads some orders, pain management, and mental not counted as real money. It is to ask why. Why bother? health issues. We have been told those money. It is $38 billion. The third point I want to make, Mr. are some of the most important steps But it enables the conservatives in Speaker, is just a reminder to Members we can take. the Republican Party to say that they that this is a dangerous world, and it is It takes additional steps to combat have maintained the budget caps while getting more dangerous by the minute. sexual assault. It authorizes defensive still spending $38 billion more dollars, Just look at the headlines that are in weapons for Ukraine. It gives the which is incredibly hypocritical and a today’s papers. President more tools to battle ISIS in terrible way to budget. Russia has conducted airstrikes in Iraq, to provide weapons directly to the But here are two reasons why that is Syria not against ISIS, but against the Kurds and Sunni forces. bad for our country and bad for our moderate opposition forces, and Russia We take steps to help defend this troops. Number one, it does not lift the is telling us, the United States, when country against missiles. budget caps. These budget caps are in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and where we can fly our airplanes in place, I believe, for another 9 or 8 time of the gentleman has expired. Syria. Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I years. Unless we lift those budget caps, Meanwhile, the Palestinians have de- yield myself an additional 30 seconds. we are harming our troops and we are cided they are going to back away from We take steps in this bill to help de- harming our country. all the agreements that they have with fend our country against missile at- This bill dodging that issue is pre- Israel. tacks, which is particularly important cisely a national security issue be- Meanwhile, the Taliban is on the now that Iran is going to have a bunch cause, until we lift those caps, the De- move in Afghanistan, and U.S. Amer- more money to put into their missiles. partment of Defense has no idea how ican troops are sent in to help turn the But what we also do is support the much money they are going to have. tide. That doesn’t even count the Israeli missile defense program with All right? things that are happening in Ukraine, more money than was asked for by the OCO is one-time money. That is why North Korea, Iran, China building is- President. it is not as good as lifting the budget lands out in the Pacific. So, Mr. Speaker, my point is this bill caps and giving the ability to do the 5- So the point of that is that this is no is good for the troops and it is good for and 10-year planning that they do, to time for political games. This is the the country, and that ought to override do multi-year projects so that they can time to come together and pass a bill everything else. It should be passed actually have a plan going forward. that helps provide for the country’s se- today. That hurts national security. curity. I think that is exactly what I reserve the balance of my time. The inability to raise the budget caps this bill does. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. in this bill and appropriations process Mr. Speaker, this bill authorizes the Speaker, I yield myself 5 minutes. is a critical blow to our troops and to exact amount of money that the Presi- First of all, let me agree on two our national security. dent requested for national defense. points with the chairman. There is a The second reason this is important Now, we did not agree with every sin- lot that is good in this bill. There is no is because the OCO funding that is in gle program request. question about that. And I want to this bill is not going to happen; all We made some different judgments, thank the chairman for his leadership right? like preserving the A–10, and it is being in making that happen. Part of it is because the President is used today in the Middle East. We I think the conference committee going to veto it. But the larger part of thought we needed not to retire some process was a model for how the con- it is the Senate, as they have been un- of the ships that the President wanted ference committee is supposed to go. able to do for a number of years, has to retire. So there were some adjust- The minority was included. There was not passed any appropriations bills be- ments. But at the end of the day, the robust debate about a large number of cause they have rejected their own total is exactly the amount the Presi- issues. There were points when we budget resolution. dent asked for. thought we couldn’t resolve them and So this $38 billion in OCO funding Now, some of those programs are we did. And I think there is a lot that that we are going to hear about, all under different labels. But, frankly, is good in this bill. this great money, is not going to hap- whether you call it base funding, OCO I also think, without question, with- pen because the appropriators have funding, or pumpernickel—it doesn’t out debate, that this is a very, very said it is not going to happen. matter—it is money that goes to the dangerous time for our country. No So to have a national defense author- troops. doubt about it. The chairman laid out izing bill with $38 billion in imaginary If you are a U.S. soldier today on the some of the challenges—there are money is not good for our troops and it ground in Iraq or Afghanistan or if you many, many more—with what is going is not good for our country. We need to are a soldier, sailor, airman, or marine on in the Middle East, certainly with lift the budget caps. We need to spend who are supporting them from the Russia, with how we deal with China. It the money that we need to spend on United States or anywhere else, do you is a very challenging time for national national security. really care what the label on the security, and we need to be as strong as I will also say that there are other money is? What you care about is that we possibly can. pieces of national security, because the the money to help for provide your op- But the one area where I disagree— budget caps remain in place for the De- eration and maintenance is provided. and I think the chairman also cor- partment of Homeland Security. They Of course, there are many other parts rectly states the fundamental question: remain in place for the Department of of this bill, Mr. Speaker: acquisition Is this good for our country? Is it good Justice. They remain in place for the reform, which is a significant first step for our troops? Department of the Treasury, three

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.031 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 agencies that play a critical role in na- Mr. FORBES. I thank the chairman We need to lift the budget caps. We tional security for this country, in for his hard work on this bill and actually need to pass appropriations tracking the money of terrorists, in bringing it to the floor. bills and not shut the government protecting the homeland, in making Mr. Speaker, as we listen today, one down. We will see what happens on De- sure that we can try and convict ter- of the things that you really won’t cember 11. rorists when we catch them. hear outside of this room is anybody But when that happens, we can pass So it is not good for the country to challenging the substance of this bill. this bill. We are not going to not pass maintain those budget caps, and that is In fact, the opponents of this bill time the NDAA. We just need to pass it the what this bill does. It also relies on and time again say what a really good right way so it actually helps our coun- money that simply isn’t going to be bill it is. try and actually funds the programs there by having this imaginary OCO You won’t hear anyone challenging that we are talking about. funding. the partisanship of this bill because I reserve the balance of my time. The second way I think this bill is they will praise Chairman THORNBERRY Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 30 seconds. not good for the troops and not good for the bipartisan product he has brought to the floor. Mr. Speaker, I think the gentleman for the country is something that the from Washington really makes the case chairman alluded to, and that is there You won’t hear them saying it is not the right amount of money in here, when he talks about appropriations, are restrictions on what the Pentagon OCO will not happen that way. can do by way of saving money. that it is too much or too little, be- cause it is almost exactly the dollar This is not an appropriations bill. He The chairman mentioned the A–10, is exactly right. There is more to do to but there are a whole host of other amount that the President requested. And you won’t hear them say that figure all of that out. But that is not a things the Pentagon has proposed as a they took this money from another pri- reason to vote against this bill. This way to save money and spend it more ority because they agree this is the bill can’t fix what he is complaining efficiently, which, over the course of amount of money that should be spent about. But it does do something. My the last 2 or 3 years, we have blocked on national defense. point is why not do what it can. almost every attempt, not every at- The sole reason this bill is being op- Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the tempt. posed today and the sole reason the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. On personnel savings, we have made President is going to veto it is because WILSON), the distinguished chairman of changes in the retirement system. We he wants to use national defense as a the Subcommittee on Emerging have made changes in the healthcare bartering chip to get everything he Threats and Capabilities. system. We saved no money for 10 wants for the IRS, the EPA, and all of Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. I years. For 10 years we saved no money the other political agendas that he has. thank the chairman. in personnel costs while the Pentagon Can you imagine, as Chairman Mr. Speaker, I am grateful to support the National Defense Authorization tells us that, to be able to properly THORNBERRY mentioned, how strong he Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and also thank train our troops to get them ready to looks around the globe when he says Chairman MAC THORNBERRY for his go to battle, they need personnel cost America is going to be strong, yet he leadership and hard work in bringing savings. vetoes the bill that authorizes the na- this important bill and conference re- If we don’t give them that savings, tional defense of this country and gives last year, next year, this year, in the port to the floor with bipartisan sup- him almost everything he wants. port. future, they will not have the money The President and the opponents of for readiness that they need to train I appreciate serving as the chairman this bill also need to realize that, if of the Emerging Threats and Capabili- and equip our troops. So that is not they defeat this bill, they will also de- ties Subcommittee to oversee some of good for the country. feat the construction of three destroy- the most important aspects of the De- There are a number of other provi- ers, two attack subs, three small sur- partment of Defense. The subcommit- sion areas—well, BRAC would be a big face combatants, an amphibious ship, tee’s portion of the bill represents a one. We have seen our Army and Ma- and they will delay the Air Force comprehensive and bipartisan product. rine Corps shrink substantially. We bomber and tanker programs. For this reason, it is sad that some of have seen our entire military shrink Mr. Speaker, it is time we stop using our Democratic colleagues may vote substantially. We haven’t closed any national defense as some kind of polit- against this bill and, worse, that the bases. That is not good for the country, ical poker chip that can be gambled President is threatening a veto. to not find savings there so that we can away. It is time we pass this bill. Mr. Speaker, a veto or a vote against spend it on training our troops. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. this bipartisan bill is a vote against se- b 1200 Speaker, I yield myself 1 minute. curity for American families and a vote First of all, I very specifically chal- against every member of the armed The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lenge the substance of this bill. The services and its military families. time of the gentleman has expired. OCO funding and the way it is funding It would be a vote against authoriza- Mr. SMITH of Washington. I yield is not good for national security and tions that would strengthen our cyber myself an additional 30 seconds. not good for our troops. The substance defense capabilities. It would be a vote Over the course of the last 2 or 3 of the bill is precisely the issue and against counterterrorism programs and years, we have wound up authorizing what it does for defense or does not do resources for our special operations and appropriating here in Congress for defense. That is why using the OCO forces currently fighting overseas. It substantially less money for readiness funding is the exact wrong way to go. would be a vote against reform efforts than the President, now, not this year, The other thing I will say is I am and programs that would ensure Amer- assuming you imagine that this OCO quite confident that we will get a bill. ica maintains superiority in all areas money is actually going to appear. Because that is the interesting thing of science and technology. The bulk of the OCO money makes up about this argument. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues for the readiness gap. But, again, that As I have pointed out, the appropri- across the aisle to support this bipar- OCO money isn’t going to be there. So ators in the Senate have already re- tisan National Defense Authorization I don’t think this bill is good for our jected the OCO funding. So this $38 bil- Act and for the President to sign this country or good for our troops. lion that we have in here is gone, done, important piece of legislation that will I do agree with the chairman that poof, not going to happen. All right? soon cross his desk. that is the criteria on which it should We are going to have to have a fur- A vote or veto against this measure be judged. But I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote. ther debate about that in the Appro- is, simply put, a vote endangering I reserve the balance of my time. priations Committee to actually fund American families and a vote against Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I any of the stuff that we are talking the American-dedicated servicemem- yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from about in this bill. I am confident that bers who mean so much to our country. Virginia (Mr. FORBES), the chair of the we will have that debate. I wish I could Mr. SMITH of Washington. I yield Subcommittee on Seapower and Pro- be more confident that it will come out myself 1 minute just to make two jection Forces. in a positive way. quick points.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.032 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6771 Mr. Speaker, first of all, we will have things. That is, of course, what we do posed. There is a difference. The Presi- a motion to recommit that takes the with taxes. dent paid for his number. He didn’t money out of OCO and puts it into the It is not for free: national security, pass it along to our children. base budget. So this is a problem that education, health care, law enforce- We must recognize this conference our bill could fix. ment. You have to pay for it. And if report for what it is: a vehicle for par- We didn’t have to buy into the OCO you want to put a level of doing some- tisan messaging and an instrument for dodge and put money in there that we thing, you need to pay for that or you breaking with the Murray-Ryan prin- knew wasn’t going to exist. Our motion pass it along to the next generation. ciple of parity in defense and non- to recommit will make that obvious. This bill continues the sequester defense sequester relief. It is not a bill We will simply take it out of OCO. We sneak-around strategy of blowing that makes America safer and a will put it in the base budget so that through their own defense spending cap stronger force for justice around the you can do long-term planning with it by misusing emergency overseas con- world. Therefore, I will oppose it. and so that we actually get out from tingency operations funding for non- I thank my friend, the gentleman under the budget caps. emergency base defense spending. That from Washington (Mr. SMITH) once The second point that I will make is is why the Pentagon is opposed to this. again for his work in trying to improve that the previous speaker said that That is why the Joint Chiefs believe this bill in committee, on this floor voting against the Defense bill was all this is bad policy fiscal policy for the and in conference, and for his untiring of those bad things. Well, people have military. work in support of the men and women voted against the Defense bill. As our military planners and Sec- of our Nation’s armed services. In 2009 and 2010, all but seven or eight retary Carter have made clear, such an I thank the chairman of the com- Members of the Republican Party approach to funding undermines the mittee for the same thing. He was dealt voted against the Defense bill. They Pentagon’s long-term planning process, a bad hand. I understand the hand he voted against the defense bill because which is based on multi-year budgets has to play. It is not good for our coun- they didn’t like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and predictable funding streams. try. Unfortunately, the fiscal policies of in one instance and because they didn’t I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no.’’ the leadership of this House over the like adding LGBT people to hate Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I last 6 years have been anything but crimes in the other instance. yield myself 30 seconds. predictable. Mr. Speaker, I would just make three So they all were perfectly willing to We avoided a shutdown of govern- vote against the troops and do all of brief points. ment yesterday, notwithstanding the Number one, as this debate goes on, the awful things that the previous fact that 151 of my Republican col- it is increasingly clear that the real de- speaker said for social policy reasons leagues voted not to fund government bate is about budget and appropria- that had nothing to do with defense. today. Only Democrats ensured the tions, not about this bill. So voting against the defense bill fact that we kept the government open. Secondly, I am one of those who does not mean that you don’t support Ninety-one Republicans voted with us, voted to continue to fund the govern- the troops, and that is proof because but that was far less than half of their ment because I think it is essential most of the people who are now saying caucus. that we pay our troops and that there that it does have voted against the bill This proposal undermines the be no lapse in that. Unfortunately, we in the past. chances for a bipartisan budget agree- have today the White House playing I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman ment to replace the sequester before politics with national security, and I from Maryland (Mr. HOYER). the CR we passed yesterday expires on think that is what makes an ultimate Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman December 11. Mr. Speaker, 151 Repub- agreement harder. for yielding. licans voted even against keeping gov- Mr. Speaker, this is my 35th year in b 1215 ernment open for a short period of the Congress of the United States. I time, approximately 2 months. Finally, Mr. Speaker, the President don’t know that I voted against, prior This approach included in this bill was short in funding Israeli missile de- to this year, either a Defense Appro- also harms fundamental national secu- fense. We fully fund Israeli missile de- priation bill or a Defense Authoriza- rity priorities by characterizing core fense in this bill, and it should be sup- tion bill. defense items as part of contingency ported. I will vote against this bill. I regret operations. That is not true. It is not Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the that I will vote against this bill be- fiscally helpful. gentleman from Ohio (Mr. TURNER), the cause I regret that we have not gotten This includes the Iron Dome missile distinguished chairman of the Tactical ourselves on a fiscally sound path in a defense program and all other U.S.- Air and Land Forces Subcommittee. bipartisan way that makes this coun- Israel joint missile defense programs Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in try more secure not only on the na- that help Israel protect civilians from support of H.R. 1735, what would be the tional defense side, but secure on the Hamas and Hezbollah rockets. 54th consecutive National Defense Au- domestic side as well. Additionally, this report continues to thorization Act. Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to prevent the administration from clos- What we have here today is, unfortu- this conference report, which I believe ing the detention facility at Guanta- nately, partisan politics at its worst. does a disservice to our men and namo Bay, which remains a recruiting You have people who are coming down women in uniform and undermines our tool for terrorists and undermines to the House floor condemning a bill national security. America’s role as a beacon of constitu- that they voted for, and now they are I do not believe this is the chair- tional rights and freedoms around the going to vote against it because the man’s fault. I want to make that very world. Meanwhile, we are spending $2.4 President has decided that he is going clear. The chairman has been dealt a million per detainee every year for to veto it. He is not going to veto it be- hand, and he is trying to play the best those we hold in Guantanamo. cause of what is in this bill. He is going hand he can. I understand that. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to veto it because there is not enough I agree fully, however, with the rank- time of the gentleman has expired. spending on the bureaucracies of the ing member, with his concerns and op- Mr. SMITH of Washington. I yield IRS and the EPA. We know this be- position to this bill not because of the gentleman an additional 1 minute. cause not only has the President said most of its substance, but because of Mr. HOYER. The ranking member of it, even Defense Secretary Ash Carter the adverse impact it has on so much the Armed Services Committee opposes has said it in front of the Armed Serv- else. this bill strongly, as do members of ices Committee. This continues the Republican se- that committee. The President has Now, if this were such a bad bill, you quester sneak-around strategy. What made it clear he is going to veto this would think that it would not have do I mean by that? My Republican col- bill not because he is against national come out of our committee with full, leagues historically—since I have been security. almost unanimous, support by both here—talk about spending money. Ironically, Republicans have come to sides of the aisle, bipartisan, unbeliev- What they don’t like to do is pay for the number that the President pro- able support for this bill in virtually

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.034 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 its same structure that is coming to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs that said et cuts and uncertainty, of CRs, of gov- this floor. Only when President Obama that this is the lower ragged edge of ernment shutdowns, of threatened gov- stepped forward and said, I am going to what it takes to defend the country. ernment shutdowns, and of not being veto it because you are not funding the Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. And that able to plan. Secretary Carter has been IRS and the EPA, did it suddenly lose individual is the President’s senior very clear. He opposes this bill because its bipartisan support. military adviser, isn’t he? the OCO funding is not an adequate This is not an issue about Repub- Mr. THORNBERRY. Yes, sir. way to fund defense because it is 1-year licans and Democrats. This is an issue Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. That is money. It is a budget gimmick. It about this administration. This admin- what I thought. doesn’t give them the ability to plan istration, the author of sequestration, Thank you, Chairman. and do what they need to protect our President Obama, set forth a plan that So, Mr. Speaker, we have an easy country and take care of our troops. has been dismantling our military and choice here today: we can vote for a So opposing this bill because of the needs to be set aside. Now, what we conference report that sends a bill to OCO funding is enormously important have in this bill is a bill that fully the President that provides him au- to our troops and is a substantive part funds national defense, even as Minor- thorized funding at exactly the level he of this. We cannot simply dodge the ity Leader STENY HOYER said, that requested, or we can send the Nation budget issues. fully funds it at the level that is re- below the ‘‘ragged edge of manageable Mr. Speaker, I just want to respond quested by the President. risk’’ in its security. briefly to the comment about the com- Now, you can say there are gim- It is a bill that provides over a $320 mittee vote. We in committee said we micks, you can say there are tricks, million increase for our Israeli allies didn’t like the OCO funding and that but you can also say what is impor- on top of the $155 million in the Presi- we needed that to be fixed. But we are tant; and as you go to the experts to dent’s request for missile defense co- coming out of committee. We are going determine whether or not this bill operation. to give it a chance to work its way works, Chairman Dempsey of the Joint I would ask Members, especially through the process. No changes were Chiefs of Staff stood in front of our those who supported the President’s made, so we opposed it on the floor. committee, and when asked the ques- Iran deal, to recall it is exactly this We didn’t just wake up yesterday and tion of does the structure of this bill funding that the administration said oppose this. Democrats voted against fully fund national defense, he said, ab- was vital to Israel’s security because of this bill when it came through the solutely, that he could spend it and that deal and its termination of multi- House in the first place. The critically that it would be the number that is lateral sanctions on ballistic missile important issue that we absolutely necessary. He also said it was the lower proliferation. made a point of in committee was not jagged edge of what is necessary for na- This is a bill that provides $184 mil- fixed, so that is why we are opposing tional security. lion to fund an American rocket to end this bill. Mr. Speaker, if Chairman Dempsey our reliance on Russian-made rocket Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of says in front of our committee—and he engines. This is a bill that provides the my time. certainly is the expert—that this President’s request of $358 million for Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I works, it works. I urge everyone to Cooperative Threat Reduction activi- am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the support this bill. Set aside sequestra- ties. gentleman from Virginia (Mr. WITT- tion, set aside partisan politics, and What does that mean? That is how we MAN), the distinguished chair of the support our men and women in uni- fight Ebola. Subcommittee on Readiness. form. Mr. Speaker, my fellow Members, Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. there are some tough votes that we today to ask Congress to vote in favor Speaker, I reserve the balance of my have to take around here from time to of the National Defense Authorization time. time. This is not one of them. Vladimir Act for FY16. I am proud that this con- Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I Putin is bombing U.S.-backed anti- ference report takes significant steps am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the Assad forces in Syria. If you want to towards rebuilding our military and gentleman from Alabama (Mr. ROG- make Putin happy, vote against this readiness. ERS), the distinguished chair of the bill. We prioritize training for our troops Strategic Forces Subcommittee, for Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. and maintenance and modernization of the purpose of a colloquy. Speaker, I yield myself 2 minutes. our equipment and technology. This Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Chair- Mr. Speaker, first of all, the reason NDAA is critical to carry out the mili- man, I want to thank you for your that we are at the ragged edge of what tary missions of this Nation effectively leadership in getting us here today. I defense needs is because of the budget and successfully in an increasingly would like to ask the chairman a ques- caps. That is the issue. That is the sub- dangerous world. tion if I might. stantive issue and why this is impor- Recently, former Secretary of State Does the legislation provide the tant. Dr. Henry Kissinger proclaimed: ‘‘The President the exact amount of money Tied into that is a regrettable fact. United States has not faced a more di- he requested in his budget request? The chairman says repeatedly, look, verse and complex array of crises since Mr. THORNBERRY. Will the gen- this is the authorizing bill. Don’t talk the end of the Second World War.’’ This tleman yield? to me about the budget. Don’t talk to statement holds true today as we com- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. I yield to me about appropriations. The defense bat ISIS in the Middle East, as Russia the gentleman from Texas. budget is over half of the discretionary again tests our commitment to global Mr. THORNBERRY. The gentleman budget. So, unfortunately, the defense leadership, and as China continues to is correct. The total is exactly the bill is about the budget and about the increase its defense spending to record amount that the President asked for. appropriations process. levels. Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Thank As long as we have those budget caps Mr. Speaker, Congress has a con- you. That is what I thought. locked in place, we will be at the rag- stitutional duty of providing for the Does the chairman recall who it was ged edge of what we can do to protect common defense of our Nation. If Con- that testified that the amount re- our national security. We shouldn’t be gress and the President fail to act on quested for fiscal year 2016 for the na- there. We should lift the budget caps. the NDAA, we forgo our constitutional tional defense is ‘‘at the ragged edge of This NDAA locks in those budget caps duty, and we weaken the security of manageable risk?’’ and uses the OCO dodge, which, as I our Nation and ability to confront cri- Mr. THORNBERRY. Will the gen- have pointed out, the Senate isn’t ses that occur around the globe. tleman yield? agreeing to, so the $38 billion isn’t It is also important to point out that Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. I yield to going to be there. this is not the time to play political the gentleman from Texas. Even worse, what Secretary Carter games with our national security or to Mr. THORNBERRY. As the gen- has also said is that the OCO funding hold hostage funding and authorization tleman from Ohio just said, it was the simply perpetuates the 5 years of budg- for the military for political gain. Our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.036 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6773 Nation and our men and women in the Mr. Speaker, I am really proud of the I serve on the Budget Committee as military deserve better, and they de- work that we have done on the Mili- well, and I believe we need to undo se- serve the proper support that Congress tary Personnel Subcommittee. I am questration for our national defense. is under obligation to provide. proud because we made some gains. We We need to come up with a comprehen- As we have heard through testimony have sort of shuffled some issues a lit- sive plan to address the cost drivers of from our military leaders before the tle bit to be able to say to our leaders our country that are causing us to go committee, our military is approach- that we understand their concerns, we into debt. ing the ragged edge of being able to understand what readiness means in b 1230 execute our Nation’s defense strategy. this country, and we have got to deal By not passing this NDAA, or by allow- with that. Maybe we can’t deal with all We need to get our priorities back as a country and make sure we provide for ing sequestration to continue to dev- these issues that we have tried to make the common defense. We need to do astate our Nation’s military readiness, sure we funded to the very, very high- that in the budget in a comprehensive we place ourselves in a position where est limit that we could possibly do. we will be unable to defend against the We know there are some changes per- way. But we don’t need to hold our mili- threats we face today and in the fu- haps that are coming, and so we do it tary hostage today by not approving ture. in an incremental way, in a slow way, I urge my colleagues to support this the expenditure of funds for the vital and something that we think is in the things that they need. That is what my bill and vote in favor of the National best interests of the men and women Defense Authorization Act of FY16. colleagues are doing. I appreciate their and the country all at the same time. intent. I look forward to working with Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. We have got to do that. We have mul- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I them—many of us do—to solve this tiple global crises going on in this overall problem, but today our mili- may consume. country. So we can’t just make a deci- Mr. Speaker, I agree with a lot of tary need to know that we are standing sion for today; it has got to be down what the gentleman just said about behind them and that we are going to the line. how critical national security is, yet authorize them with the things that What is it that we need to do? the Republican majority insists on they need. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The maintaining those budget caps that are This bill is full of the things that our time of the gentlewoman has expired. devastating to our national security. country and our men and women in Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. uniform need. As the chairman of the They will not lift the caps that are Speaker, I yield the gentlewoman an causing precisely the problems that Oversight and Investigations Sub- additional 30 seconds. were just described, and 151 of them committee, we are doing an investiga- Mrs. DAVIS of California. What is tion dealing with the transfer of de- voted yesterday to defund the entire important? What was Secretary Carter military by shutting down the govern- tainees out of GTMO and what hap- talking about? Predictability. Not just ment. So if we really believe in all of pened with Sergeant Bergdahl and the for our folks at the Pentagon to be able those national security priorities, let’s Taliban Five. So I was especially proud to make sure the men and women of start funding them. Lift the budget of the part in here that makes sure this country are provided with every- caps and actually pay for it. that the detainees are not removed Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the thing that they need, but we also need from Guantanamo Bay and brought gentlewoman from California (Mrs. to be sure that those who work with into our local communities. In addi- our country—we have a very strong DAVIS). tion, we set up an additional protocol Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- contractual relationship with the pub- so that the Secretary of Defense has to er, I want to associate myself with the lic-private sector in this country, and certify that any detainees that go to a ranking member because I think that we need to provide prediction for them foreign country, that that country is we all work very, very hard on this as well. That is why I stand today. I be- able to detain them, keep them safe, committee, and I appreciate the work lieve it is in the best interests to go and make sure that they don’t go back that our chairman has done as well. I back and work this out. into the fight and continue their ter- have to say I am speaking largely as The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rorist activities. someone who has never not supported time of the gentlewoman has again ex- This bill takes care of our troops. It an NDAA. I actually did support it in pired. addresses the threats facing us. We committee, and I support it on the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. have so many. Whether it is what is floor. But I think we are in a box, and Speaker, I yield the gentlewoman an going on in Ukraine and with Russia, sometimes when you get in a box, you additional 1 minute. whether it is dealing with ISIL, or have got to do something about it. You Mrs. DAVIS of California. I work in a whether it is a cyber threat that we can’t just stay in there and sit. It community of large numbers of mili- have, every day there are threats com- means making some hard decisions. tary families. And guess what, the ing around us, and we address them in Mr. Speaker, I have listened in the military is no different from the rest of this bill. That is why we need to pass committee when Secretary Carter was our country. It is made safer and it. It also provides for the platforms there. I have to say I think he was a bit stronger by Homeland Security, by law that we need. badgered in that discussion, but at the enforcement, by environmental protec- I urge my colleagues to do the right same time, he is a big boy and he can tion, and by strong education pro- thing, to stand with our troops, to pro- handle that. Basically what he said is grams. They care about all those vide them with what they need, and to of course we support all those issues, of things, so they want us to stand up for support this bill. course we want a better budget for the their children and for their future. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. men and women who serve our country Mr. Speaker, we can do this together. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my because it is in the best interests of the Let’s take that chance. It is worth it. time. United States of America, but we also Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I have to be concerned about the future, am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the not just about tomorrow. We have got gentlewoman from Missouri (Mrs. gentleman from Nevada (Mr. HECK), to be able to do this for the men and HARTZLER), the distinguished chair of the distinguished chair of the Sub- women and for our country as we move the Subcommittee on Oversight and In- committee on Military Personnel. forward. vestigations. Mr. HECK of Nevada. Mr. Speaker, I That is what this doesn’t do. We have Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, Mr. thank the chairman for yielding. got to give this a chance. There has got Chairman. As chairman of the House Armed to be a better chance. That is why I Mr. Speaker, I agree with the lady Services Subcommittee on Military feel that I have been there. I have com- that we need to make hard choices, but Personnel, I appreciate Chairman promised; and there are a lot of mem- we don’t need to do this in this bill. We THORNBERRY’s efforts to bring this con- bers on that committee, honestly, who can’t solve the problems that have ference report to the floor. His dedica- are not willing to compromise. We been reiterated in this bill. This is a tion to our Armed Forces, their fami- have tried to find that balance. budget issue. lies, and our veterans is commendable.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.037 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 Supporting the men and women who multiple threatened government shut- Mr. SMITH of Washington. I yield volunteer to pick up a weapon, stand a downs. That is what is holding the myself an additional 2 minutes. post, and guard the freedoms and lib- military hostage. We have cut Medicare. I know we erties that make our Nation great is a If you talk to them about how they have cut Medicare because the Repub- primary function of the Federal Gov- have tried to figure out what they can lican Party ran all kinds of ads bashing ernment. Article I, section 8 of the spend money on and what they can’t us for cutting Medicare back in 2010. Constitution, ‘‘to raise and support Ar- spend money on throughout that mad- We found about $700 billion in savings mies,’’ ‘‘to provide and maintain a ness—because we can’t pass along a that has extended the life of the pro- Navy,’’ today with adoption of this long-term budget, because we can’t lift gram and saved money, so we have conference report, we achieve that the budget caps, because we can’t pass saved money. goal. appropriations—that is what is holding But the flat refusal to raise any rev- Included in the report are personnel them hostage. enue is what has got our military with provisions that will allow us to recruit A 1- or 2-month delay in passing the a hand around its throat, because, be- and retain the best and brightest, NDAA—which, by the way, we have lieve it or not, you have to actually maintain an agile military force, and passed in December for the last 3 or 4 raise the money if you are going to ensure our brave men and women in years—isn’t going to hold them hos- spend it. uniform are given the benefits they tage at all. What is holding them hos- So as you stand up here complaining have earned and deserve. tage is that ridiculous budget process about all the things that we are not The President has threatened to veto that I just mentioned. funding in national security and then this conference report, even though the And why do we have that ridiculous insist on maintaining the budget caps report authorizes the amount he re- budget process? Because the Repub- and insist on not raising a penny in quested in his own budget, because he lican majority insists on maintaining taxes, that is the grossest hypocrisy I is not happy with the manner in which those budget caps. It is those budget can imagine. If you are unhappy with it is provided. He is using our military caps that are holding our military hos- how much money is being spent on the men and women as political pawns to tage. Unless we lift them, we will not military, then have the guts to raise get increases in nondefense spending. I be able to adequately fund defense. the caps and raise the taxes to actually I heard a number of times over here understand that he has urged some of pay for it, or just stop talking about it that the only reason we oppose this is my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ today, and and accept it at that level. because we want more spending on I want to make sure my colleagues We are opposing this bill because the other programs. That is not even close budget process that we have been under know some of the things they would be to true, and it is obvious that no one is what is throttling our military. voting against: has been listening to the arguments A new retirement plan that provides Until we break that grip, until we get that I have been making. options and portable retirement bene- The reason we propose this is because an actual appropriations process, until fits for individuals who serve less than it perpetuates our military being held we get the budget caps lifted, and 20 years, roughly 83 percent of the hostage to budget caps, budget gim- until, I believe, we actually raise some force; micks, CRs, and threatened govern- revenues to pay for it, we are not going A pay raise for our military men and ment shutdowns. This bill has OCO to be doing adequate service to the women, along with many special pays funding in it. It does not have base men and women of our military. and bonuses, that are critical to main- budget funding. It does not provide the I also want to say that I oppose this taining the all-volunteer force; same amount of money for the Presi- bill because it also continues to keep A joint uniform drug formulary be- dent that the President’s budget pro- Guantanamo Bay open at the cost of tween the Department of Defense and vides because it is not the same money, nearly $3 million per inmate. In addi- the Department of Veterans Affairs so and the type of money does matter. If tion to being an international problem, that transitioning servicemembers get you have actual budget authority, if it is unbelievably expensive and not to stay on the drugs that are working you have actual appropriations, you necessary. We should shut Guanta- for them as they leave active service; can spend them over multiple years be- namo. This bill locks in place for an- and cause you know that they are going to other year that it will stay open and Enhanced protections for sexual as- be there. does not give the President any option sault victims to include expanding ac- It is absurd the way we have budg- or any flexibility in that regard. cess to Special Victims’ Counsel, pro- eted for the last 5 years, and what we So, again, don’t tell me or anyone tecting victims from retaliation, and are doing in opposing this bill is stand- over here that we are voting ‘‘no’’ for improving the military rules of evi- ing up to that absurdity for many rea- reasons that have nothing to do with dence. sons, I will grant you. Number one is to national security. How can you pos- If the President follows through with protect our national security and the sibly look at the last 5 years of budg- his veto threat, servicemembers and men and women who serve in the eting and the impact that it has had on their families will be deprived of these Armed Forces who have had to live the Department of Defense and say significant improvements to their com- with that government shutdown, those that getting rid of the budget caps isn’t pensation and quality of life. CRs, those threatened government absolutely critical to national secu- I urge my colleagues to stand with shutdowns, and, most importantly, rity? I believe that it is, and that is our military men and women and their those budget caps that the majority re- why we oppose this bill. families and support this report. fuses to lift. Unless we lift those, the I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. military is going to be in this situation Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I Speaker, may I inquire as to how much in perpetuity, and that is unacceptable yield myself 1 minute. time is remaining on each side. for our national security. Mr. Speaker, I just want to make a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- It is all about national security. It is couple of points. Number one is I share tleman from Washington has 10 min- all about defense for why we are oppos- a lot of the concerns about the effect of utes remaining. The gentleman from ing this bill. We can’t go on like this sequestration on the military, but as Texas has 101⁄2 minutes remaining. and have an adequate national secu- this conversation continues, it is clear- Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. rity. We have to lift the budget caps. er and clearer that the real problem Speaker, I yield myself 3 minutes. I will say one other thing. We have to here is budgets, and now we hear taxes. There was a comment earlier about raise taxes somewhere. In the last 14 This bill cannot solve either of those the military being held hostage by years, we have cut taxes by somewhere problems. We cannot rewrite the Tax these other needs, and I think it is in the neighborhood of $7 trillion. Now, Code or raise taxes. We can’t repeal really important to understand that, granted, there are unquestionably ObamaCare. There are lots of things we over the course of the last 5 years, places in the budget we can cut, and we can’t do. But we can do some things, what the military has really been held cut. and we should do that. hostage to is the budget caps, one gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Secondly, a dollar of OCO is a dollar ernment shutdown, multiple CRs, and time of the gentleman has expired. spent just as much as a dollar of base

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.038 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6775 is spent, and that is why I say I don’t I sincerely hope that the President Just this past week, the major head- really think if you are on the ground in reconsiders and enacts this bipartisan, line coming out of Afghanistan was the Afghanistan you care about what the bicameral bill. Taliban’s seizure of the prominent label put on the money is. And, by the I want to thank a number of mem- town of Kunduz. This serves as yet an- way, the increase in the OCO account bers of my committee who have con- other reminder to us all that this re- is operations and maintenance money, tributed to this year’s bill, including gion of the world remains unstable and which is only good for 1 year anyway. Mr. HARDY of Nevada, Mr. KNIGHT of brings about challenges to our national Next point. In fiscal year 2013, Israel California, Mr. BOST of Illinois, Mr. security. The fiscal year 2016 NDAA missile defense was funded in OCO, and CURBELO of Florida, Mrs. RADEWAGEN provides our Nation’s Armed Forces yet we had Members on that side of the of American Samoa, and Mr. HANNA of with the resources they need to defend aisle, including some who are com- New York. I would also like to thank a our national security. plaining about that, vote for it. That is number of other Members and thank Since September 11, the Army’s 10th what we do sometimes. Mr. THORNBERRY. Mountain Division out of Fort Drum, Finally, this President signed into Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. which I am honored to represent, has law the exact provisions on restricting Speaker, I reserve the balance of my been the most actively forward de- GTMO transfers. time. ployed division to Iraq and Afghani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The b 1245 stan. Yet sadly, just this past month, time of the gentleman has expired. Specialist Kyle Gilbert, a soldier from Mr. THORNBERRY. I yield myself an Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I the 10th Mountain Division, died in Af- additional 30 seconds. yield 2 minutes to the distinguished Mr. Speaker, in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ghanistan while serving our Nation. gentleman from Ohio (Mr. WENSTRUP). In New York’s North Country, our 2014, this President signed into law the Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, our community and our military families exact restrictions on Guantanamo military must always be available and understand what fighting for our Na- transfers that we have in this bill. able to ready, aim, fire at a moment’s tion’s liberties and freedoms truly Now, is it all of a sudden such a big notice. The threats we face around the deal that he has decided that he is means. world today demand it; and as soldier So when I express my support for the going to veto the bill over it? I think and a veteran, I can tell you that NDAA, the tools it provides and how it that is a hard case to make. ‘‘ready’’ in the military needs to be Mr. Speaker, at this point, I am enables our Armed Forces to defend spoken as a command, not proposed as pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- our Nation from organizations who cre- a question. tleman from Ohio (Mr. CHABOT), the ate volatility and terrorism around the There is one crucial element: our distinguished chair of the House Small world, I am speaking for my constitu- military has to be ready to engage the Business Committee. ents, those servicemen and -women Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I thank threats. This bill ensures our military who are overseas right now in highly the gentleman for yielding. readiness, and it ensures that there is a kinetic combat zones fighting to pro- Mr. Speaker, the passage of an an- plan for 2016. tect you and me, our families, and our nual National Defense Authorization From ISIS to Russia to North Korea, Nation. Act to lay out our Nation’s defense and the threats we face are too serious to Colleagues, the fiscal year 2016 NDAA national security priorities is one of wait any longer. But in the same week allows for our Armed Forces to plan our most important duties as Members that the President was surprised by the and operate according to what we as a of Congress. Russians bombing U.S.-backed forces nation have asked of them. We must This year is no different, especially in Syria, he is threatening to veto this support the NDAA to maintain our given the very serious conflicts hap- National Defense bill. readiness and provide for our military. pening around the globe—in Eastern Veto our national security, really? As leaders here today, we know we Europe, in the Middle East, in the I encourage the President to use his cannot continue to task our troops South China Sea—which have serious phone, and to paraphrase his own with doing more with less as defense implications for our own security and words, to call the 1980s and ask for sequestration cuts remain. The con- for our allies. their foreign policy back because we ference report to FY 2016 NDAA pro- This year’s NDAA makes a number of need it. That policy demands that our vides relief from these harmful defense positive changes to DOD small business military must be backed by the full sequestration cuts, but more must be contracting policies to help ensure that confidence of this government now. done. small businesses throughout the coun- This can’t wait. Let me remind my colleagues across try can continue to perform the crit- Pass this pay raise for our troops. the aisle sequestration was proposed by ical support functions that help make Pass this to give our troops new retire- this administration, signed into law by America’s military still the best in the ment benefits. Pass this to keep our this President, and passed by a pre- world. critical weapons systems at an oper- vious Congress. Mr. Speaker, having a small business ational level. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The industrial base means taxpayers ben- Mr. Speaker, we have been working time of the gentlewoman has expired. efit from increased competition, inno- on this legislation since the beginning Mr. THORNBERRY. I yield an addi- vation, and job creation. Since 2013, we of this year. It is a good bill that ad- tional 30 seconds to the gentlewoman have lost over 25 percent of the small heres to the law, and it is the certainty from New York. firms registered to do business with the our troops need. Ms. STEFANIK. When the NDAA government—25 percent. That is over Pass this bill. Our troops need it. comes before the President’s desk, I 100,000 small businesses. The reforms in They don’t let you down. Don’t let hope he realizes a veto threat could this year’s NDAA, the bill that we are them down. threaten the safety of our Nation’s considering now, takes steps to reverse Mr. SMITH of Washington. I reserve servicemembers and our country’s de- that trend. the balance of my time. fense. The White House has threatened to Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I I urge my colleagues to join me in veto this bill. That is a shame because yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman supporting and voting for the NDAA. this bipartisan, bicameral bill defends from New York (Ms. STEFANIK), the dis- Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. small businesses and ensures that the tinguished vice chair of the Sub- Speaker, I yield myself the balance of spirit of entrepreneurship is alive and committee on Readiness. my time. well in our industrial base. This isn’t Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise I will go ahead and start with that about political gamesmanship—at least today in support of the conference re- last comment because it is a popular it shouldn’t be. This is about two of the port to H.R. 1735, the fiscal year 2016 trope that is trotted out all the time most bipartisan issues in the political NDAA. I thank Chairman THORNBERRY about how sequestration was the Presi- arena: the men and women in uniform for his leadership, guidance, and tire- dent’s idea and, therefore, it is not our and the small businesses that employ less efforts on this imperative piece of fault, which is a fascinating argument half of our American workforce. legislation. because I was actually here when that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.039 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 happened, and I don’t think it is clear Democrats vote for that because we toed a Defense Authorization bill, and exactly whose idea sequestration was. support funding this. What we don’t every single time it was because of What is clear is that the reason that support is maintaining the budget caps something that was in the bill. So it we did the Budget Control Act and se- through an obvious budget gimmick. came back to Congress, there were ad- questration was because the Repub- I had a fascinating conversation with justments made, it went back to the lican majority in the House was refus- a member of the Rules Committee yes- White House, and he signed it into law. ing to raise the debt ceiling, refusing terday on the other side of the aisle Never before has a Defense Author- to allow us to borrow money at a time who said he was very, very proud of the ization bill been held hostage, not be- when we had to borrow it. How do we Budget Control Act, said it was the cause of something that is in it, but think that would have impacted na- best vote he had taken in Congress. In- trying to force Congress to take action tional security and our troops? teresting that it was supposedly all the on some other matter. Now, we have I voted against the Budget Control President’s fault. But he really sup- talked a lot today about appropria- Act, but I have often said I don’t hold ported the Budget Control Act. He felt tions, about budget, even about taxes. anything against those who voted for it those caps were absolutely necessary. None of those things can happen with because they basically had a gun to And I said: Well, then you must oppose the Defense Authorization bill. their head. The Budget Control Act the NDAA because it busts those caps The reason it has never happened be- was an awful piece of legislation, but by $38 billion. He said a lot of things at fore is because it would be irrespon- not raising the debt ceiling, not paying that point, but he never answered my sible to hold defense hostage to an- our debts, you know, stopping the abil- question. other domestic agenda, a political ity of the United States of America to So this dodge of saying that we are agenda, even a broader budget agenda. borrow money, was clearly worse. going to create sort of money that And it unnecessarily threatens the na- So this partisan argument that, oh, really isn’t money in order to, for one tional security of the United States. you know, sequestration was the Presi- brief period of time, fund isolated pro- This is a first, and this first is hap- dent’s idea so therefore it is not our grams within the Pentagon does not pening at a particularly dangerous fault is about as absurd an argument as help national security. The only thing time. I have ever heard. Number one, because that is going to help national security There is nothing in this bill that like I said, the only reason that that is by getting rid of the OCO dodge and could solve the problem that we have discussion was on the table was be- budgeting honestly. So that is why we heard so much about. It is an author- cause it was blackmail for raising the oppose this bill. ization bill. It is not appropriations. It debt ceiling, which had to be raised. Yes, I believe that budget caps should is not budget. It is not a tax bill. It is Number two, it has been a good 5 be raised for the other bills as well, in a defense policy bill. years since then. The Republicans now part, because I think a lot of those De- We have heard from time to time the control both the House and the Senate, partments are important to national military opposes it. No. They say, ‘‘I and they had an opportunity to pass a security, as I mentioned: the Depart- would rather do it differently,’’ and I budget resolution this year. They ment of Homeland Security, the De- would, too. But I have specifically passed a budget resolution that held partment of Justice, the Department of asked general after general, Would you those caps and sequestration firmly in the Treasury. rather have the money or not, and they place, and that is not good for our More than anything, we oppose this always say they would rather have the troops and it is not good for our na- bill because of how bad it is for the money. Even though it is not an ideal tional security. Pentagon. That is the reason the Sec- way to do budgets, it is better to have So let’s move on to that appropria- retary of Defense opposed it. That is the money than not. tions process; get those budget caps the reason all of the Joint Chiefs of By the way, there is a provision in lifted for the sake of a whole lot of dif- Staff oppose it. They want an actual here so that if we can, as I hope we do, ferent issues. That brings me back to budget. They want actual, dependable reach a budget agreement in a different the National Defense Authorization money, the way things used to be be- appropriations matter, the authoriza- Act and the fact that, by locking in the fore 2010 when we would actually pass tions are adjusted accordingly. OCO, by accepting those budget caps, appropriations bills and they could The bottom line is, if Members vote by using OCO funds, we are once again plan more than a month or two at a against this bill, they are voting putting the Pentagon in a situation time. If we pass this bill, we simply against everything in it. You may say where they don’t know how much perpetuate that process. you are for it, but you are voting money they are going to have and they We will pass an NDAA. We will re- against it. have no predictability whatsoever. solve one way or the other our appro- So what I think our troops deserve It is the OCO in this bill that is the priations difference, and we will get it and what the world needs to hear, espe- reason that I oppose it and the reason done, but passing this bill now simply cially at this point in time, is that that most Democrats oppose it because perpetuates a bad situation that is bad Washington can work. We may not that OCO is harmful to national secu- for our troops and bad for national se- solve all the problems today, but we rity. We need a real budget. We need curity. For that reason, I oppose it. can do something that is good and that real budget authority and real appro- I yield back the balance of my time. we are willing to stand up and take ac- priations. Voting for a bill that puts in Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I tion to help defend ourselves. That is place the OCO instead of that simply yield myself the balance of my time. what this bill is about. perpetuates the nightmare of the last 5 Mr. Speaker, I want to start with one I hope Members will support it. years of uncertainty. Like I said, we of the points I made at the beginning, I yield back the balance of my time. are going to have a motion to recom- and that is to thank the staff, espe- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, today I mit here in a moment that easily fixes cially on both sides of the aisle, who will vote against H.R. 1735, the National De- this problem. spent a lot of hours, disrupted a lot of fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 I agree with 95 percent of the rest of plans, put in incredible effort back and because it is a budget gimmick, shamelessly the bill. I don’t agree with all of it. The forth to come up with this conference hiding behind the guise of national security. chairman said, you know, we nego- report. Members on both sides of the Make no mistake—America would be less tiated some things; they were up, they aisle and both sides of the Capitol con- safe were this bill to move forward in its were down. By and large, it is a good tributed to the product that we are present form. bill. But the 5 percent that is bad is so about to vote on. The President has already said—as he has bad that it does justify a ‘‘no’’ vote be- Mr. Speaker, for 53 straight years been saying for months—that he will veto this cause it perpetuates this bad budget Congresses of both parties have passed bill if it misuses Overseas Contingency Oper- situation and is a very easy fix. and Presidents of both parties have ation funds to evade the congressionally man- Take the OCO out of it and put it in signed into law Defense Authorization dated budget caps. Sadly, but not surprisingly, the base budget. It is very simple. That bills. Congressional Republicans did exactly that is what we are going to propose in the There were a handful of times—and it and worse. They had an opportunity to avoid motion to recommit. You will see is exactly four—when a President ve- leaving our troops in the lurch by pursuing a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.041 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6777 balanced and fair budget deal that would un- The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Boyle, Brendan Green, Al O’Rourke for debate has expired. F. Green, Gene Pallone wind the reckless sequester for the national Brady (PA) Grijalva Pascrell security activities at non-defense agencies like Pursuant to House Resolution 449, Brown (FL) Hahn Payne State, Homeland Security, and the VA. the previous question is ordered. Brownley (CA) Hastings Pelosi Bustos Heck (WA) Peters In addition, this Authorization contains a MOTION TO RECOMMIT budget-busting time bomb, the National Sea- Butterfield Higgins Peterson Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Capps Himes Based Deterrence Fund, which is such a Pingree Speaker, I have a motion to recommit Capuano Hinojosa Pocan ´ naked attempt to rob sister accounts to pay for at the desk. Cardenas Honda Polis pet projects that, for the third year in a row, Carney Hoyer Price (NC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the Congressional appropriators have refused to Carson (IN) Huffman Quigley gentleman opposed to the bill? Cartwright Israel fund. Rangel Mr. SMITH of Washington. I am. Castor (FL) Jackson Lee Rice (NY) The Sea-Based Deterrence Fund was cre- Castro (TX) Jeffries The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Richmond ated in the FY15 Defense Authorization be- Chu, Judy Johnson (GA) Roybal-Allard Clerk will report the motion to recom- Cicilline Johnson, E. B. Ruiz cause the Navy could not afford to simulta- Clark (MA) Jones mit. Ruppersberger neously build back up to a 300-plus surface Clarke (NY) Kaptur Rush The Clerk read as follows: Clay Keating fleet and procure 12 Ohio-class replacement Ryan (OH) Cleaver Kennedy nuclear submarines. The Sea-Based Deter- Mr. Smith of Washington moves to recom- Sa´ nchez, Linda Clyburn Kildee mit the conference report on the bill H.R. T. rence Fund didn’t solve their problem of how Cohen Kilmer 1735 to the committee of conference with in- Sanchez, Loretta SSBN(X) would be paid for. It simply shifted Connolly Kind structions to the managers on the part of the Sarbanes Conyers Kirkpatrick that burden onto the larger Pentagon budget. Schakowsky House to— Cooper Kuster According to a recent Congressional Research Schiff (1) agree to section 1501 of the Senate Costa Langevin Schrader Service report, the new ballistic missile sub- amendment in lieu of section 1501, as passed Courtney Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) marine program is expected to cost $139 bil- by the House; Crowley Larson (CT) Scott, David lion. Sadly, the account grew worse in con- (2) agree to section 1505 of the Senate Cuellar Lawrence Cummings Lee Serrano ference by expanding its use to also include amendment in lieu of section 1504, as passed Sewell (AL) by the House; Davis (CA) Levin attack submarines and aircraft carriers. This Davis, Danny Lewis Sherman account is emblematic of a larger problem, (3) disagree to section 4303 in the con- DeFazio Lieu, Ted Sinema Sires which is that this Defense Authorization ference substitute recommended by the com- DeGette Lipinski mittee of conference; and Delaney Loebsack Slaughter marches our country towards a complete re- (4) insist that the conference substitute DeLauro Lofgren Smith (WA) Speier build of our nuclear arsenal and triad, some- recommended by the committee of con- DelBene Lowenthal thing that a Congressionally-appointed Na- DeSaulnier Lowey Swalwell (CA) ference be modified— Takai tional Defense Panel estimated will cost up to (A) by transferring the funding table in Deutch Lujan Grisham Dingell (NM) Takano $1 trillion. section 4303 to appear after the last line of Doggett Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (CA) While I cannot support this bill, I want to ac- section 4301 so as to be included in the fund- Doyle, Michael (NM) Thompson (MS) knowledge the leadership taken by the House ing table in section 4301; F. Lynch Titus and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairs (B) in section 1301(b), by striking ‘‘section Duckworth Maloney, Tonko 1504’’ and inserting ‘‘section 301’’; Duncan (TN) Carolyn Torres and Ranking Members for tackling some tough Tsongas (C) in section 1301(b), by striking ‘‘section Edwards Maloney, Sean issues in this Authorization that previous ef- Van Hollen 4303’’ and inserting ‘‘section 4301’’; and Ellison Matsui Engel McCollum Vargas forts have ignored. This bill includes bipartisan (D) in section 1522(a), by striking para- acquisition reform aimed at containing defense Eshoo McDermott Veasey graph (4). Esty McGovern Vela spending, difficult but necessary military retire- ´ Mr. SMITH of Washington (during Farr McNerney Velazquez ment and benefit changes, and makes strides Fattah Meeks Visclosky the reading). I ask unanimous consent towards rightsizing the Pentagon workforce. Foster Meng Walz Critically, it includes provisions that I cham- to dispense with the reading. Frankel (FL) Moore Wasserman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Fudge Moulton Schultz pioned to reform and extend the Afghan Spe- Gabbard Murphy (FL) Waters, Maxine cial Immigrant Visa (SW) program for those objection to the request of the gen- Gallego Nadler Watson Coleman brave Afghan men and women who risked tleman from Washington? Garamendi Napolitano Welch There was no objection. Graham Nolan Wilson (FL) their lives to aid our troops, but are now in Grayson Norcross Yarmuth danger as a result of their courageous service. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mo- We cannot allow more of our Afghan allies, tion is not debatable. NAYS—241 and their families, to fall victim to the merci- Without objection, the previous ques- Abraham Collins (GA) Gohmert less Taliban. Should this Defense Authoriza- tion is ordered on the motion to recom- Aderholt Collins (NY) Goodlatte mit. Allen Comstock Gosar tion succumb to a protracted political fight, Amash Conaway Gowdy these provisions dealing with the Afghan SIV There was no objection. Amodei Cook Granger program should be broken off and moved The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Babin Costello (PA) Graves (GA) question is on the motion to recommit. Barletta Cramer Graves (LA) through Congress as standalone legislation. I Barr Crawford Graves (MO) am prepared to introduce and push such a bill, The question was taken; and the Barton Crenshaw Griffith as I’ve done in the past. Speaker pro tempore announced that Benishek Curbelo (FL) Grothman Though some hard decisions were made in the noes appeared to have it. Bilirakis Davis, Rodney Guinta Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Bishop (MI) Denham Guthrie this Defense Authorization, that leadership is Bishop (UT) Dent Hanna overshadowed by continued budget gimmickry Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Black DeSantis Hardy on Overseas Contingency Funds, the Sea and nays. Blackburn DesJarlais Harper Based Deterrence Fund, and harmful policy The yeas and nays were ordered. Blum Diaz-Balart Harris Bost Dold Hartzler riders such as the continued effort to prevent The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Boustany Donovan Heck (NV) the administration from rightfully closing Guan- ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Brady (TX) Duffy Hensarling tanamo Bay. this 15-minute vote on the motion to Brat Duncan (SC) Herrera Beutler Both the House and Senate Ranking Mem- Bridenstine Ellmers (NC) Hice, Jody B. recommit will be followed by 5-minute Brooks (AL) Emmer (MN) Hill bers of the Armed Services Committees could votes on adoption of the conference re- Brooks (IN) Farenthold Holding not support this bill. Nor can I. The president port, if ordered; and passage of H.R. Buchanan Fincher Huelskamp will veto it. That’s because our men and 3457. Buck Fitzpatrick Huizenga (MI) women in uniform should not be taken hos- Bucshon Fleischmann Hultgren The vote was taken by electronic de- Burgess Fleming Hunter tage in a budgetary circus. Just yesterday, vice, and there were—yeas 186, nays Byrne Flores Hurd (TX) 151 Republicans voted to shutdown the gov- 241, not voting 7, as follows: Calvert Forbes Hurt (VA) Carter (GA) Fortenberry Issa ernment, including our military. America can- [Roll No. 531] not be great if it’s subject to one manufactured Carter (TX) Foxx Jenkins (KS) YEAS—186 Chabot Franks (AZ) Jenkins (WV) crisis after another. We can get this right. All Chaffetz Frelinghuysen Johnson (OH) Adams Beatty Bishop (GA) it would take is a little leadership and some Clawson (FL) Garrett Johnson, Sam Aguilar Becerra Blumenauer Coffman Gibbs Jolly common sense. Sadly, both are in short sup- Ashford Bera Bonamici Cole Gibson Jordan ply in this process. Bass Beyer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.014 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 Joyce Neugebauer Sessions Buchanan Hice, Jody B. Pitts Edwards Levin Rush Katko Newhouse Shimkus Buck Hill Poe (TX) Ellison Lewis Ryan (OH) Kelly (MS) Noem Shuster Bucshon Holding Poliquin Engel Lieu, Ted Sa´ nchez, Linda Kelly (PA) Nugent Simpson Burgess Huizenga (MI) Pompeo Eshoo Loebsack T. King (IA) Nunes Smith (MO) Bustos Hultgren Posey Farr Lofgren Sanford King (NY) Olson Smith (NE) Byrne Hunter Price, Tom Fattah Lowenthal Sarbanes Kinzinger (IL) Palazzo Smith (NJ) Calvert Hurd (TX) Ratcliffe Frankel (FL) Lowey Schakowsky Kline Palmer Smith (TX) Carter (GA) Hurt (VA) Reed Fudge Luja´ n, Ben Ray Schiff Knight Paulsen Stefanik Carter (TX) Issa Renacci Gallego (NM) Schrader Labrador Pearce Stewart Cartwright Jenkins (KS) Ribble Grayson Lynch Scott (VA) LaHood Perry Stivers Chabot Jenkins (WV) Rice (NY) Green, Al Maloney, Scott, David LaMalfa Pittenger Stutzman Chaffetz Johnson (OH) Rice (SC) Green, Gene Carolyn Serrano Lamborn Pitts Thompson (PA) Clawson (FL) Johnson, Sam Rigell Griffith Massie Sewell (AL) Lance Poe (TX) Thornberry Clay Jolly Roby Grijalva Matsui Sherman Latta Poliquin Tiberi Coffman Jordan Roe (TN) Hahn McCollum Sires LoBiondo Pompeo Hastings Tipton Cole Joyce Rogers (AL) McDermott Slaughter Long Posey Higgins McGovern Smith (WA) Trott Collins (GA) Katko Rogers (KY) Loudermilk Price, Tom Collins (NY) Himes McNerney Speier Turner Kelly (MS) Rokita Love Ratcliffe Comstock Kelly (PA) Hinojosa Meeks Swalwell (CA) Upton Rooney (FL) Lucas Reed Conaway Kilmer Honda Meng Takano Valadao Ros-Lehtinen Luetkemeyer Renacci Cook King (IA) Hoyer Moore Thompson (CA) Wagner Roskam Lummis Ribble Costa King (NY) Huelskamp Moulton Thompson (MS) Walberg Ross MacArthur Rice (SC) Costello (PA) Kinzinger (IL) Huffman Mulvaney Titus Walden Rothfus Marchant Rigell Courtney Kirkpatrick Rouzer Israel Nadler Tonko Marino Roby Walker Cramer Kline Jackson Lee Napolitano Torres Walorski Royce Massie Roe (TN) Crawford Knight Ruiz Jeffries Nolan Tsongas McCarthy Rogers (AL) Walters, Mimi Crenshaw Kuster Johnson (GA) Pallone Van Hollen Weber (TX) Ruppersberger McCaul Rogers (KY) Cuellar LaHood Russell Johnson, E. B. Pascrell Vargas McClintock Rohrabacher Webster (FL) Curbelo (FL) LaMalfa Jones Payne Veasey Wenstrup Ryan (WI) McHenry Rokita Davis, Rodney Lamborn Salmon Kaptur Pelosi Vela McKinley Rooney (FL) Westerman Keating Pingree ´ Delaney Lance Scalise Velazquez McMorris Ros-Lehtinen Westmoreland Kennedy Pocan Visclosky Denham Langevin Schweikert Rodgers Roskam Whitfield Kildee Polis Wasserman Dent Latta Scott, Austin McSally Ross Williams Kind Price (NC) Schultz DeSantis Lipinski Sensenbrenner Meadows Rothfus Wilson (SC) DesJarlais LoBiondo Labrador Quigley Waters, Maxine Sessions Meehan Rouzer Wittman Diaz-Balart Long Larsen (WA) Rangel Watson Coleman Shimkus Messer Royce Womack Dold Loudermilk Larson (CT) Richmond Welch Shuster Mica Russell Woodall Donovan Love Lawrence Rohrabacher Wilson (FL) Simpson Miller (FL) Ryan (WI) Yoder Duckworth Lucas Lee Roybal-Allard Yarmuth Sinema Miller (MI) Salmon Yoho Duffy Luetkemeyer Smith (MO) Moolenaar Sanford Young (AK) Duncan (SC) Lujan Grisham NOT VOTING—8 Smith (NE) Mooney (WV) Scalise Young (IA) Ellmers (NC) (NM) Culberson Kelly (IL) Reichert Smith (NJ) Mullin Schweikert Young (IN) Emmer (MN) Lummis Gutie´rrez Neal Smith (TX) Sanchez, Loretta Mulvaney Scott, Austin Zeldin Esty MacArthur Hudson Perlmutter Stefanik Murphy (PA) Sensenbrenner Zinke Farenthold Maloney, Sean Stewart Fincher Marchant ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE NOT VOTING—7 Fitzpatrick Marino Stivers Stutzman The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Culberson Kelly (IL) Reichert Fleischmann McCarthy Takai the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Gutie´rrez Neal Fleming McCaul Thompson (PA) Hudson Perlmutter Flores McClintock ing. Forbes McHenry Thornberry b 1326 Fortenberry McKinley Tiberi b 1333 Foster McMorris Tipton Mr. JOLLY changed his vote from Foxx Rodgers Trott So the conference report was agreed ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Franks (AZ) McSally Turner to. Frelinghuysen Meadows Upton The result of the vote was announced Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California, Valadao Gabbard Meehan as above recorded. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mrs. CARO- Garamendi Messer Wagner LYN B. MALONEY of New York, Garrett Mica Walberg A motion to reconsider was laid on Messrs. ENGEL, SEAN PATRICK Gibbs Miller (FL) Walden the table. Gibson Miller (MI) Walker Stated for: MALONEY of New York, and RUSH Gohmert Moolenaar Walorski changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to Goodlatte Mooney (WV) Walters, Mimi Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, while I voted ‘‘yea.’’ Gosar Mullin Walz ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote 532, I intended to vote So the motion to recommit was re- Gowdy Murphy (FL) Weber (TX) ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 1735, the National Defense Au- Graham Murphy (PA) Webster (FL) jected. Granger Neugebauer Wenstrup thorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016. The result of the vote was announced Graves (GA) Newhouse Westerman f as above recorded. Graves (LA) Noem Westmoreland Graves (MO) Norcross Whitfield JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF IRANIAN The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Grothman Nugent Williams question is on the conference report. Guinta Nunes Wilson (SC) TERRORISM ACT The question was taken; and the Guthrie O’Rourke Wittman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Speaker pro tempore announced that Hanna Olson Womack Hardy Palazzo Woodall finished business is the vote on passage the ayes appeared to have it. Harper Palmer Yoder of the bill (H.R. 3457) to prohibit the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Harris Paulsen Yoho lifting of sanctions on Iran until the Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Hartzler Pearce Young (AK) Government of Iran pays the judg- Heck (NV) Perry Young (IA) and nays. Heck (WA) Peters Young (IN) ments against it for acts of terrorism, The yeas and nays were ordered. Hensarling Peterson Zeldin and for other purposes, on which the The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Herrera Beutler Pittenger Zinke yeas and nays were ordered. will be a 5-minute vote. NAYS—156 The Clerk read the title of the bill. The vote was taken by electronic de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vice, and there were—yeas 270, nays Adams Ca´ rdenas Crowley Amash Carney Cummings question is on the passage of the bill. 156, not voting 8, as follows: Bass Carson (IN) Davis (CA) This is a 5-minute vote. [Roll No. 532] Beatty Castor (FL) Davis, Danny The vote was taken by electronic de- Becerra Castro (TX) DeFazio vice, and there were—yeas 251, nays YEAS—270 Beyer Chu, Judy DeGette Abraham Barton Blum Blumenauer Cicilline DeLauro 173, not voting 10, as follows: Aderholt Benishek Bost Bonamici Clark (MA) DelBene [Roll No. 533] Aguilar Bera Boustany Boyle, Brendan Clarke (NY) DeSaulnier Allen Bilirakis Brady (TX) F. Cleaver Deutch YEAS—251 Amodei Bishop (GA) Brat Brady (PA) Clyburn Dingell Abraham Ashford Benishek Ashford Bishop (MI) Bridenstine Brown (FL) Cohen Doggett Aderholt Babin Bilirakis Babin Bishop (UT) Brooks (AL) Butterfield Connolly Doyle, Michael Allen Barletta Bishop (MI) Barletta Black Brooks (IN) Capps Conyers F. Amash Barr Bishop (UT) Barr Blackburn Brownley (CA) Capuano Cooper Duncan (TN) Amodei Barton Black

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.022 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6779 Blackburn Heck (NV) Poe (TX) Doyle, Michael Lee Richmond from military service to serve as Customs Blum Hensarling Poliquin F. Levin Roybal-Allard and Border Protection Officers. Bost Herrera Beutler Pompeo Duckworth Lewis Ruiz Boustany Hice, Jody B. Posey Edwards Lieu, Ted Ruppersberger f Boyle, Brendan Hill Price, Tom Ellison Lipinski Rush PROVIDING FOR CORRECTIONS TO F. Holding Ratcliffe Engel Loebsack Ryan (OH) Brady (TX) Huelskamp Reed Eshoo Lofgren Sa´ nchez, Linda THE ENROLLMENT OF THE BILL Brat Huizenga (MI) Renacci Esty Lowenthal T. H.R. 1735 Bridenstine Hultgren Farr Lowey Sanchez, Loretta Ribble Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I Brooks (AL) Hunter Rice (SC) Foster Lujan Grisham Sarbanes Brooks (IN) Hurd (TX) Rigell Frankel (FL) (NM) Schakowsky send to the desk a concurrent resolu- Buchanan Hurt (VA) Roby Fudge Luja´ n, Ben Ray Schiff tion and I ask unanimous consent for Buck Issa Roe (TN) Gabbard (NM) Schrader Bucshon Jenkins (KS) Gallego Lynch Scott (VA) its immediate consideration in the Rogers (AL) House. Burgess Jenkins (WV) Rogers (KY) Garamendi Maloney, Scott, David Grayson Carolyn Serrano Byrne Johnson (OH) Rohrabacher The Clerk read the title of the con- Green, Al Matsui Sewell (AL) Calvert Johnson, Sam Rokita current resolution. Carter (GA) Jolly Grijalva McCollum Sherman Rooney (FL) Carter (TX) Jones Hahn McDermott Sires The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Ros-Lehtinen Chabot Jordan Hastings McGovern Slaughter objection to the request of the gen- Roskam Chaffetz Joyce Heck (WA) McNerney Smith (WA) Ross tleman from Texas? Clawson (FL) Katko Higgins Meeks Speier Rothfus There was no objection. Coffman Kelly (MS) Himes Meng Swalwell (CA) Cole Kelly (PA) Rouzer Hinojosa Moore Takai The text of the concurrent resolution Collins (GA) King (IA) Royce Honda Moulton Takano is as follows: Ryan (WI) Hoyer Murphy (FL) Thompson (CA) Comstock King (NY) H. CON. RES. 81 Conaway Kinzinger (IL) Salmon Huffman Nadler Thompson (MS) Cook Kline Sanford Israel Napolitano Titus Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Costello (PA) Knight Scalise Jackson Lee Nolan Tonko Senate concurring), That in the enrollment of Cramer Labrador Schweikert Jeffries Norcross Torres the bill H.R. 1735, the Clerk of the House of Crawford LaHood Scott, Austin Johnson, E. B. O’Rourke Tsongas Representatives shall in section 1301(b)— Sensenbrenner Crenshaw LaMalfa Kaptur Pallone Van Hollen (1) strike ‘‘section 1504’’ and insert ‘‘sec- Sessions Keating Pascrell Veasey Curbelo (FL) Lamborn tion 301’’; and Davis, Rodney Lance Shimkus Kennedy Payne Vela´ zquez Denham Latta Shuster Kildee Pelosi Visclosky (2) strike ‘‘section 4303’’ and insert ‘‘sec- Dent LoBiondo Simpson Kilmer Peters Walz tion 4301’’. DeSantis Long Sinema Kind Pingree Wasserman The concurrent resolution was agreed DesJarlais Loudermilk Smith (MO) Kirkpatrick Pocan Schultz Diaz-Balart Love Smith (NE) Kuster Polis Waters, Maxine to. Dold Lucas Smith (NJ) Langevin Price (NC) Watson Coleman A motion to reconsider was laid on Donovan Luetkemeyer Smith (TX) Larsen (WA) Quigley Welch the table. Duffy Lummis Stefanik Larson (CT) Rangel Wilson (FL) Duncan (SC) MacArthur Stewart Lawrence Rice (NY) Yarmuth f Duncan (TN) Maloney, Sean Stivers REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Ellmers (NC) Marchant NOT VOTING—10 Stutzman AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 702 Emmer (MN) Marino Thompson (PA) Collins (NY) Johnson (GA) Reichert Farenthold Massie Thornberry Culberson Kelly (IL) Russell Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Fattah McCarthy ´ Tiberi Gutierrez Neal Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous Fincher McCaul Tipton Hudson Perlmutter Fitzpatrick McClintock Trott consent that my name be removed as a Fleischmann McHenry Turner b 1341 cosponsor of H.R. 702. Fleming McKinley Upton So the bill was passed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Flores McMorris Valadao Forbes Rodgers objection to the request of the gentle- Vargas The result of the vote was announced Fortenberry McSally Vela as above recorded. woman from Texas? Foxx Meadows Wagner There was no objection. Franks (AZ) Meehan A motion to reconsider was laid on Walberg Frelinghuysen Messer the table. f Walden Garrett Mica PERSONAL EXPLANATION Gibbs Miller (FL) Walker b 1345 Walorski ´ Gibson Miller (MI) Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- AMERICAN SAMOA MINIMUM Gohmert Moolenaar Walters, Mimi avoidably absent in the House chamber for Weber (TX) WAGE INCREASE POSTPONEMENT Goodlatte Mooney (WV) votes on Thursday, October 1, 2015 due to a Gosar Mullin Webster (FL) Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Gowdy Mulvaney Wenstrup family emergency. Graham Murphy (PA) Westerman Had I been present, I would have voted Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Granger Neugebauer Westmoreland ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote 532, a vote on agreeing to take from the Speaker’s table the Whitfield Graves (GA) Newhouse to the Conference Report to Accompany H.R. bill (H.R. 2617) to amend the Fair Min- Graves (LA) Noem Williams imum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a Graves (MO) Nugent Wilson (SC) 1735, National Defense Authorization Act for Green, Gene Nunes Wittman Fiscal Year 2016 because we cannot continue scheduled increase in the minimum Griffith Olson Womack to put military spending on the credit card and wage applicable to American Samoa, Grothman Palazzo Woodall with the Senate amendments thereto, Guinta Palmer Yoder violate our budget rules while critical domestic Guthrie Paulsen Yoho investments are slashed. and concur in the Senate amendments. Hanna Pearce Young (AK) I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote The Clerk read the title of the bill. Hardy Perry Young (IA) 533, a vote on final passage of H.R. 3457, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Harper Peterson Young (IN) Clerk will report the Senate amend- Harris Pittenger Zeldin Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act be- Hartzler Pitts Zinke cause I support peace and the Joint Com- ments. prehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to prevent The Clerk read as follows: NAYS—173 a nuclear Iran. Senate amendments: Adams Ca´ rdenas Costa Finally, had I been present, I would have Strike all after the enacting clause and in- Aguilar Carney Courtney voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall votes 529 and 530, and sert the following: Bass Carson (IN) Crowley ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote 531. SECTION 1. MINIMUM WAGE FOR AMERICAN Beatty Cartwright Cuellar SAMOA. Becerra Castor (FL) Cummings Bera Castro (TX) f (a) MINIMUM WAGE.—Paragraph (2) of section Davis (CA) 8103(b) of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 Beyer Chu, Judy Davis, Danny FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE (29 U.S.C. 206 note) is amended to read as fol- Bishop (GA) Cicilline DeFazio Blumenauer Clark (MA) SENATE DeGette lows: Bonamici Clarke (NY) Delaney ‘‘(2) the minimum wage applicable to Amer- Brady (PA) Clay A further message from the Senate DeLauro by Ms. Curtis, one of its clerks, an- ican Samoa under section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Brown (FL) Cleaver Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. Brownley (CA) Clyburn DelBene nounced that the Senate has passed a DeSaulnier 206(a)(1)) shall be— Bustos Cohen bill of the House of the following title: Butterfield Connolly Deutch ‘‘(A) the applicable wage rate in effect for Capps Conyers Dingell H.R. 2835. An act to actively recruit mem- each industry and classification as of September Capuano Cooper Doggett bers of the Armed Forces who are separating 29, 2015; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.027 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 ‘‘(B) increased by $0.40 an hour (or such lesser STEM EDUCATION ACT OF 2015 Given the increased security threats amount as may be necessary to equal the min- facing the United States and its allies, imum wage under section 6(a)(1) of such Act), Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the presence of more American oil in beginning on September 30, 2015, and on Sep- the global marketplace will offer more tember 30 of every third year thereafter, until the Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 1020) the minimum wage applicable to American to define STEM education to include secure supply options. This will provide Samoa under this paragraph is equal to the computer science, and to support exist- America with greater foreign policy in- minimum wage set forth in such section.’’. ing STEM education programs at the fluence as well as strengthening our (b) GAO REPORTS.—Section 8104 of the Fair National Science Foundation, with the economic and national security. Minimum Wage Act of 2007 (29 U.S.C. 206 note) Senate amendment thereto, and concur I thank the gentleman. is amended— in the Senate amendment. Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman (1) in subsection (a)— for that information. (A) by striking ‘‘September 1, 2011’’ and in- The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, the last 2 weeks have serting ‘‘April 1, 2017’’; and been filled with a lot of things going on (B) by striking the second sentence and insert- Clerk will report the Senate amend- ing the following: ‘‘The Government Account- ment. in this House. But I know the majority ability Office shall submit a subsequent report The Clerk read as follows: leader would be profoundly dis- not later than April 1, 2020.’’; Senate amendment: appointed if I didn’t ask him about one (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘the study On page 5, strike lines 3 through 4 and in- thing that doesn’t seem to be going on, under subsection (a)’’ and inserting ‘‘any report sert the following: but which I think is critically impor- under subsection (a)’’; and (3) in subsections (e) and (f), by striking ‘‘sub- tant. (3) by adding at the end the following: section (g)’’ each place it appears, and inserting I know the majority leader, Mr. ‘‘(c) REPORT ON ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF IN- ‘‘subsection (h)’’; Speaker, joins with me in not wanting CREASING THE MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICAN to see American jobs lost overseas or SAMOA.—Not later than 1 year after the date of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there enactment of ‘An Act to amend the Fair Min- objection to the request of the gen- American jobs not created here in imum Wage Act of 2007 to reduce a scheduled in- tleman from Texas? America for American workers because crease in the minimum wage applicable to Amer- There was no objection. we are able to make products and sell ican Samoa’, the Government Accountability A motion to reconsider was laid on them overseas. Office shall transmit to Congress a report on al- the table. So, Mr. Speaker, I would ask the dis- ternative ways of increasing the minimum wage f tinguished majority leader, knowing in American Samoa to keep pace with the cost of full well, as he does, that Jeff Immelt, living in American Samoa and to eventually LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM equal the minimum wage set forth in section the CEO of GE, was here; and he spoke 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (Mr. HOYER asked and was given to both Democrats and Republicans. I (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)).’’. permission to address the House for 1 know he talked about 500 U.S. jobs (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—This Act, and the minute.) going overseas because we have not yet amendments made by this Act, shall take effect Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield to reauthorized the Export-Import Bank. as of September 29, 2015. the gentleman from California (Mr. The Senate voted 64–29 to reopen the Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania MCCARTHY), the majority leader, for Bank. They voted in July. Almost two- (during the reading). Mr. Speaker, I the purpose of inquiring about the thirds of the United States Senate. ask unanimous consent that we dis- schedule for the week to come. As the majority leader is tired of pense with the reading. Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank the gen- hearing, I know, but I still believe The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tleman for yielding. there is a significant majority of Mem- objection to the request of the gen- Mr. Speaker, on Monday, no votes bers in this House that would vote for tleman from Pennsylvania? are expected in the House. it. There was no objection. On Tuesday, the House will meet at Now, I want to tell you, Mr. Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there noon for morning-hour and 2 p.m. for I was extraordinarily pleased to read— objection to the original request of the legislative business. Votes will be post- I didn’t hear, but read—the majority gentleman from Pennsylvania? poned until 6:30. leader’s comments when he was talking There was no objection. On Wednesday and Thursday, the about the failure of the Senate to pro- The title of the bill was amended so House will meet at 10 a.m. for morning- ceed on a vote of disapproval or ap- as to read: ‘‘An Act to amend the Fair hour and noon for legislative business. proval on the agreement with Iran on Minimum Wage Act of 2007 to reduce a On Friday, the House will meet at 9 nuclear arms control. scheduled increase in the minimum a.m. for legislative business. Last votes He said he was deeply distressed that wage applicable to American Samoa.’’. of the week are expected no later than ‘‘so consequential that they demand re- A motion to reconsider was laid on 3 p.m. visions to the Senate’s procedures.’’ the table. Mr. Speaker, the House will consider And he went on to say those revisions a number of suspensions next week, a would be ‘‘to let the people’’—in this f complete list of which will be an- case, the Senate—‘‘have a voice’’ That nounced by close of business tomorrow. was quoted in The Wall Street Journal PERSONAL EXPLANATION In addition, the House will consider just a few days ago. Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 3192, the Homebuyers Assistance I know the gentleman doesn’t want fornia. Mr. Speaker, I was absent for Act, sponsored by Representative us to lose jobs. I know he is quoted as the second vote in the series of votes FRENCH HILL of Arkansas. This bipar- saying that the people’s voice ought to that we just took on rollcall vote No. tisan bill will provide relief to every- be heard. I know that he shares with 532. If I had been present, I would have one who is doing their best to comply me that this is the people’s House. voted ‘‘nay.’’ with the Consumer Financial Protec- And I ask the gentleman: It is not on tion Bureau’s mortgage loan disclosure the schedule next week, but does the f rule. gentleman expect the Export-Import Mr. Speaker, the House will also con- Bank to be voted on in this House be- PERMISSION TO FILE SUPPLE- sider H.R. 538, the Native American En- fore the end of this month? MENTAL REPORT ON H.R. 702 ergy Act, sponsored by Representative I yield to my friend. Mr. BARTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask DON YOUNG of Alaska, which is nec- Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank the gen- unanimous consent that the Com- essary to expedite energy production tleman. mittee on Energy and Commerce be au- on tribal lands. In honor of the late Yogi Berra, ‘‘It’s thorized to file a supplemental report And, finally, Mr. Speaker, the House like deja vu all over again.’’ There is on the bill H.R. 702. will consider H.R. 702, sponsored by no action scheduled in the House on The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Representative JOE BARTON of Texas. Ex-Im. WESTERMAN). Is there objection to the Oil exports are key to creating Amer- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, that is the request of the gentleman from Texas? ican jobs and furthering America’s en- answer I expected. That is the answer I There was no objection. ergy renaissance. have been getting. And, very frankly,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.020 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6781 that is the answer this House has been fors. But Chairman RYAN continues to does, and Johnstown rightly deserves getting. have bipartisan discussions on ways to the title, ‘‘Hockeyville, USA.’’ I know some of my Republican pay for the long-term highway bill. Johnstown was the home of the fic- friends are very frustrated by that an- I have had follow-up meetings with tional hockey team the Charleston swer, and I know all of our side is frus- him today, and they are progressing Chiefs in the 1977 movie, ‘‘Slap Shot.’’ trated by that answer. over in the Senate. I have met with Scenes from the movie were filmed at I will say respectfully to my friend I Chairman SHUSTER even today as well, Cambria County War Memorial Arena. would certainly hope we could bring and I expect an announcement very We also can’t forget the Johnstown that bill to the floor. shortly on committee movement. Jets, who played here from 1950 to 1977 Win or lose, whether you win or I win We will advise Members as soon as and won five Eastern Hockey League or Export-Import Bank is reauthorized action is taken to schedule it for the championships from 1951 to 1962. or not, you are correct: the voice of the floor. As Penguins coach Mike Johnston people should be heard on such a crit- Mr. HOYER. I thank the leader. said after the Penguins’ victory: ‘‘It’s a ical issue for jobs in this country. I hope that optimism is realized and great arena. The excitement in the Also, I know that we had marked up that we do have the opportunity to building, the excitement in town, I just in committees reconciliation bills. consider a highway bill. I would urge think it’s special.’’ Those reconciliation bills repeal provi- the majority leader to urge those who f sions of the Affordable Care Act and are working on a resolution that the RECOGNIZING THE GROWING defund Planned Parenthood. pay-fors, which are difficult, as he ob- HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN SYRIA The gentleman I think knows full serves, are pay-fors which can be sup- well that the United States Senate ported in a bipartisan fashion. (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- voted on the Planned Parenthood issue I think that is important not only to fornia asked and was given permission and only got 47 votes for it. So in the pass the Senate, but to be signed by to address the House for 1 minute and one instance, we have an issue that got the President. And we all, I think, to revise and extend her remarks.) three less than one-half of the United share the view that this is a very, very Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- States Senate being proposed to come important bill for us to get done. fornia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- to this floor, and an issue that got 64 With that, unless the majority leader ognize the growing humanitarian crisis votes in the United States Senate, as may want to reconsider and tell me the in Syria. As a result of the Syrian civil the gentleman so correctly observed, is Export-Import Bank is coming to the war and continuing military operations not yet scheduled. floor, which apparently he doesn’t, I against ISIL, over 4 million people Can the gentleman tell me whether yield back the balance of my time. have been forced to seek refuge outside or not these reconciliation provisions of Syria. f are going to be brought to this floor, The Syrian crisis has quickly become knowing full well that they won’t pass HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMOR- an international crisis, and it requires the Senate and, even if they did, the ROW; AND ADJOURNMENT FROM the attention and the assistance of President wouldn’t sign them and we FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015, TO every nation. Many may see this crisis would sustain that veto? TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2015 as a distant problem, but the reality is I yield to my friend. Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I ask this is a global world now and everyone Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank the gen- unanimous consent that, when the is interconnected. tleman for yielding. House adjourns today, it adjourn to As each nation continues to resettle Knowing the rules of reconciliation, I meet at 1 p.m. tomorrow, and further, refugees, we must ensure that they are do believe it will pass the Senate. when the House adjourns on that day, provided the best resources, and this The three committees that received it adjourn to meet on Tuesday, October requires international cooperation. It reconciliation instructions from the 6, 2015, when it shall convene at noon is not just about providing financial as- Budget Committee have marked up for morning-hour debate and 2 p.m. for sistance, but understanding that these their portions, as the gentleman has legislative business. refugees are people. They are people said. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there who have been forced out of their coun- I do expect the Budget Committee to objection to the request of the gen- try, might have left their families, and meet in the near future to complete tleman from California? are struggling to survive on a daily their work, and we will notify Members There was no objection. basis. as soon as that is scheduled for the Mr. Speaker, as the U.S. is com- floor. f mitted to accepting more refugees, I Mr. HOYER. Thank you. b 1400 urge our country to have compassion Mr. Speaker, we may have a dif- and to commit to providing the nec- CONGRATULATING JOHNSTOWN, ference of opinion, but perhaps we will essary resources to address this ongo- PENNSYLVANIA, HOCKEYVILLE, see who is right on whether it passes ing crisis. USA the United States Senate or not. I un- f derstand reconciliation only needs a (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given majority, but we will see. permission to address the House for 1 THE GENOCIDE OF CHRISTIANS Mr. Speaker, I want to also ask the minute and to revise and extend his re- ACROSS THE MIDDLE EAST majority leader: One of the issues that marks.) (Mr. ROHRABACHER asked and was I know the majority leader has been Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise given permission to address the House working on—and I know that all of us today to congratulate Johnstown, for 1 minute and to revise and extend on this floor feel it to be very, very im- Pennsylvania, for hosting the first-ever his remarks.) portant to pass before October 30, when Kraft Hockeyville USA game this week Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I the highway bill authorization expires, and the Pittsburgh Penguins for their join my colleague from Orange County, and I know the gentleman from Cali- 4–2 victory over the Tampa Bay Light- California, and her deep concern for fornia is a strong supporter of it. Clear- ning in the game. what is going on in the Middle East. ly we need to invest in infrastructure, The Kraft competition to choose Today I rise to speak out about the again, to expand the economy. America’s Hockeyville was conducted genocide that is taking place in the Can the gentleman tell me what pros- in partnership with the National Hock- Middle East, that is being committed pects we have on passing or at least ey League Players’ Association and the against Christians across the Middle considering the highway bill? National Hockey League. Towns across East. They are being victimized and I yield to my friend. the country submitted stories showing targeted for genocide. Violent radical Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank the gen- their passion for hockey, and more Islamists have targeted Middle Eastern tleman for yielding. than 20 million votes were cast. But as Christians for extinction, killing them, As the gentleman knows, the hardest the contest results revealed, few places forcing them from their homes, and thing to do in this town is to find pay- in America love hockey like Johnstown burning their churches.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.054 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 Hundreds of thousands of Christians phone calls, written editorials, and the Department of Defense to continue have been forced to flee. The United done much more to raise the alarm to study such a screening. States needs to do what we can to save about this little-known issue. Mr. Speaker, this issue has been these Christian victims, as we have After hearing about this issue from studied thoroughly over the past sev- saved other refugees throughout our him, my office has worked with Mem- eral years. I strongly urge the Pen- history bers from both parties in the House and tagon to act quickly to take steps in Mr. Speaker, all of us who believe in in the Senate to move the issue for- better assessing the mental health of religious freedom and tolerance need to ward and fix it. Those efforts resulted our servicemen and -women with a stand up and state clearly that we in my introduction last week of bipar- commonsense baseline evaluation. won’t sit quietly as a genocide takes tisan legislation, with my lead, to re- A recent Army study found that place on our watch. I ask my col- peal this tax hike and put Loren’s ideas nearly one in five Army soldiers enter leagues to join me in cosponsoring a into action. the service with a psychiatric disorder, resolution that I have here in my hand, Mr. Speaker, this is how our govern- and nearly half of all soldiers who tried that resolution declaring Middle East- ment is supposed to work. I am grate- suicide first attempted it before enlist- ern Christians as targets of genocide ful for Loren’s tireless efforts to pro- ing. and giving them priority for immigra- tect seniors and middle class families, I call on the Pentagon to stop study- tion and refugee status. and I will continue to work to advance ing to death the death of our soldiers. We have been silent already for too his and my constituents’ ideas in Con- Mr. Speaker, we need to act now. long. It is time for this body to make gress. f sure that our words are heard and our f THE BENGHAZI COMMITTEE deeds are taken. This is a good place to REAUTHORIZE THE EXPORT- (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was start, and I ask my colleagues to join IMPORT BANK given permission to address the House me in this resolution which I will now for 1 minute and to revise and extend (Mrs. BUSTOS asked and was given submit to the United States House of her remarks.) Representatives. permission to address the House for 1 Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I f minute.) have a great deal of respect for this in- Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, for too BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS stitution that I have had the privilege long, this Congress has governed from of serving. As a member of the Judici- (Mrs. LAWRENCE asked and was one crisis to the next. Yesterday, when ary Committee, I am very grateful for given permission to address the House we were just hours away from another the extent of our jurisdiction that em- for 1 minute.) self-inflicted Washington wound, two braces the Constitution, and I believe Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, yes- news pieces were published that I justice is important. terday I and many of my colleagues would like to share: number one, the Mr. Speaker, I rise in great con- had to hold our noses as we voted for a CEO of Honeywell, a company with a sternation, concern, and condemnation short-term continuing resolution. The significant presence in my district, of the statement made by the Repub- CR, thankfully, did not cut funding to published an article about the eco- lican leadership that the Benghazi Planned Parenthood, which provided nomic damage of Congress’ failure to Committee is not for factfinding, it is 2.7 million Americans—women, men, reauthorize the Export-Import Bank; not for recognizing the tragic loss of and youth—with medical services last then Bloomberg published a story with four Americans, but it is really to in- year. But this CR is only good until the headline, ‘‘Boeing Risks Losing $1.1 sult and degrade a public servant who December 11, and it leaves out funding Billion Jet Order on Ex-Im Shutdown.’’ happens to be a Presidential candidate. for a vital program like the Ex-Im Washington gridlock is putting the How tragic that we would engage in Bank. In less than 10 weeks, we will be jobs of thousands of Americans at risk. such tomfoolery. In spite of the Con- right back here fighting against an- This includes hundreds of the people I stitution and the Madison Papers, it other government shutdown. serve in Rockford and the Quad Cities. talks about doing justice. Mr. Speaker, do we really want to But today is a new day; it is a new As a member of the Judiciary Com- fail our military veterans, our seniors, month. Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my mittee, I was engaged in impeachment our families, and our voters? I say no. colleagues to turn over a new leaf of bi- proceedings, the investigation of Waco, Let’s do the right thing. Let’s do our partisanship. Let’s work together, re- investigation of antitrust issues, held a job. Let’s come up with a long-term authorize the Ex-Im Bank, and protect trial for a judge who acted improperly, budget that serves the American peo- these good-paying manufacturing jobs a Federal judge. That is the factfinding ple, American businesses, and the before it is too late. role of this Nation. American economy. f While we are fooling around with a f THE MEDICAL EVALUATION PAR- committee that is there to do nothing RECOGNIZING LOREN THORSON OF ITY FOR SERVICEMEMBERS ACT but deal with political aggrandizing GREEN VALLEY, ARIZONA and we have not passed a Zadroga Act (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania that helps our 9/11 first responders, I (Ms. MCSALLY asked and was given asked and was given permission to ad- would only ask that we stop and end permission to address the House for 1 dress the House for 1 minute and to re- this committee because it is not doing minute and to revise and extend her re- vise and extend his remarks.) justice as the United States calls us to marks.) Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. do. Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. Speaker, we are Mr. Speaker, just a few minutes ago, I Mr. Speaker, the Constitution gives called the people’s House for a reason. cast an affirmative vote for the Na- us our guideposts. Why don’t we follow We are sent to Washington to be the di- tional Defense Authorization Act for it? rect voices of our constituents back 2016. However, I do have great concern f home. Last week, it was my honor to over an important measure which was take action on an issue that was origi- all but removed from the legislation we HONORING ARTHUR WILLIAM nally brought to my attention by one voted on today. ‘‘BILL’’ BAILEY, JR. of my constituents from Green Valley, Earlier this year, I authored the Med- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Arizona. ical Evaluation Parity for Service- WALKER). Under the Speaker’s an- Loren Thorson served in World War members, or MEPS, Act. The MEPS nounced policy of January 6, 2015, the II as a Navy commander. When he saw Act would improve military suicide gentleman from Texas (Mr. FLORES) is a report 5 years ago describing a little- prevention by instituting a mental recognized for 60 minutes as the des- known tax increase in the Affordable health assessment for all incoming ignee of the majority leader. Care Act that is hurting families and is military recruits, which can be used as Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise scheduled to hit seniors in 2017, he a baseline for evaluations throughout today to honor Arthur William ‘‘Bill’’ looked into it and knew something had their military careers. The conferenced Bailey, Jr., of Waco, Texas, who passed to be done. He has sent letters, made version of the NDAA merely calls for away on August 18, 2015.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.056 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6783 Bill Bailey was a Korean war vet- He was also a recipient of the Inde- Mrs. Phillips was a member of the eran, a renowned Waco businessman, pendent Insurance Agents and Brokers New Liberty Baptist Church in and a distinguished alumnus and Association of America Woodworth Me- Boonville, Texas, at an early age and former regent at Baylor University. He morial Award for Meritorious Service remained a member until 1941, when touched many lives in the Waco and to the Insurance Profession, as well as she became a member of the Pleasant Baylor communities, and he will be the Drex Foreman Award of the Inde- Grove Missionary Baptist Church in greatly missed. pendent Insurance Agents of Texas. Bryan. Bill was born in Waco on April 24, Both of these are the highest distinc- She was an avid church worker, serv- 1929. He graduated from Waco High tions for these respective organiza- ing on the Pleasant Grove Church School in 1946 and enrolled in Baylor tions. Usher Board for 35 years and as a Sun- University. On December 15, 1950, Bill day school teacher and a mission b 1415 married his high school sweetheart, teacher. She served on various pro- Roberta Hatch. They were married for Bill was active in the Waco and grams and committees at the church almost 64 years prior to Roberta’s pass- Baylor University communities and and worked tirelessly raising funds to ing in 2014. Roberta and Bill had 3 sons served as the following: Trustee, Vice help improve their church facilities. and were blessed with 10 grandchildren Chairman of the Board, and Regent of Mrs. Phillips taught and counseled and 4 great-grandchildren. Baylor University; Officer, Director, numerous youth during her life. She Bill graduated from Baylor Univer- and Executive Committee Member of was a staunch believer in higher edu- sity in 1951 with a B.A. degree and a the Waco Industrial Foundation; Mem- cation, and all nine of her children at- law degree. While at Baylor, he was a ber and Chairman of the Hillcrest Bap- tended college. member of the debate team and the tist Medical Center Board of Develop- Mrs. Phillips was an entrepreneur Baylor Chamber of Commerce. ment; Founder and Past President of who took sewing and tailoring classes Bill served our Nation in the United the Waco Business League; and Presi- through the mail and worked for many States Air Force as a first lieutenant dent of the following organizations: the years as a self-employed seamstress. in the JAG division during the Korean Greater Waco United way; the Baylor- She also bought, repaired, and resold war. He was ultimately promoted to Waco and Baylor Bear Foundations; real estate for additional income. In captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. the Waco and Northwest Waco Rotary addition, she successfully owned and After concluding his service to our Clubs; the Waco YMCA; the Waco Camp operated Phillips Cafe & Barbecue. Nation, Bill returned to Waco to enter Fire Girls; and the Baylor Stadium Mrs. Phillips led a full life and was into the insurance business. In 1956, he Corporation. well respected in our community. She established his own independent insur- In 1988, Bill was honored by the will be forever remembered for her de- ance agency, Bill Bailey Insurance Baylor Alumni Association with the votion to her church and her commu- Agency, which is now known as Bailey W.R. White Meritorious Service Award. nity and as a loving wife, a mother, a Insurance and Risk Management, Inc. In 1997, they honored him as a Distin- grandmother, a great-grandmother, He became a noted State and national guished Alumnus. Additionally, in 2008, and a great-great-grandmother, a leader in the insurance industry. the Waco Public Schools honored him youth mentor to hundreds, and a friend Mr. Speaker, because of his expertise as a Distinguished Alumnus. to many as well. in risk management, he was called Bill was an active member of the My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest upon to testify before the United First Baptist Church of Waco, where he and heartfelt condolences to the Phil- States Senate and the United States served as Trustee, Deacon, and Chair- lips and Sterling families. We also lift House of Representatives committees man of the Board of Deacons; Chair- up the family and friends of Mattie Lee as well as the Federal Reserve Board, man of the Finance Committee; Found- Phillips in our prayers. all on behalf of the insurance industry. ing Chairman of the First Baptist As I close, I ask that all Americans In 1969, Bill teamed up with a group Church of Waco Foundation; President continue to pray for our country, for of his fellow Texas insurance agents to of the McCall Sunday School Class; and our military men and women who pro- establish the Certified Insurance Coun- Co-Superintendent of the College Sun- tect us abroad, and for our first re- selors Program, which focused on day School Department. sponders who protect us here at home. teaching advanced insurance topics to Mr. Speaker, Bill Bailey will not only HONORING TOMMY BOSQUEZ ensure high-quality standards of ethics be remembered for his long list of ac- Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise and professionalism in the insurance complishments, but, most importantly, today to honor Henry Thomas industry. This program would become he will be forever remembered as a lov- ‘‘Tommy’’ Bosquez, of Bryan, Texas, the foundation of the National Alliance ing husband, a father, a grandfather, a who passed away on September 12, 2015. for Insurance Education and Research. great-grandfather, and a loyal friend to Tommy Bosquez selflessly served the Today, these certification programs hundreds of central Texans. Brazos Valley community in a variety are conducted in all 50 States with My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest of ways, and he will be missed greatly. more than 150,000 participants annu- and heartfelt condolences to the Bailey Tommy was born on August 9, 1962, ally. family. We also lift up the family and in Bryan, Texas. He graduated from Bill held many prestigious positions friends of Bill Bailey in our prayers. Bryan High School in 1980. When he on various boards, including as the As I close, I ask that all Americans was 19, he began his public service ca- chairman of the Board of Governors for continue to pray for our country, for reer as a City of Bryan police officer. the National Alliance for Insurance our military men and women who pro- He was the city’s youngest policeman Education and Research; the president tect us abroad, and for our first re- and served on the force for 8 years. of the Independent Insurance Agents sponders who protect us here at home. He held various assignments, includ- and Brokers Association of America; HONORING MATTIE LEE PHILLIPS ing patrol, special advanced traffic in- the liaison to the National Association Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise vestigations, the field training officer of Insurance Commissioners for the today to honor Mattie Lee Phillips program, crime scene analysis, and Independent Insurance Agents and Bro- from Bryan, Texas, who passed away on honor guard detail. kers Association of America; and as di- August 25, 2015, her 103rd birthday. Tommy was also a member of the rector, executive committee member, Mrs. Phillips was born in Washington Texas State Guard. He was commis- and past vice chairman of the Texas County, Texas, on August 25, 1912. sioned as a second lieutenant, serving National Bank of Waco. Growing up, Mrs. Phillips attended as company commander in the 223rd Bill’s work in the insurance industry school in the Waco and McGregor areas Military Police Battalion, to assist was honored by the Independent Insur- and later attended Bryan Public School State and local authorities in times of ance Agents and Brokers Association for Colored. She married Willie Ster- emergencies. of America when they dedicated their ling in 1931. They were blessed with Tommy married his high school conference room in the Washington, five children. Later she married Eddie sweetheart, Stella Grimaldo. They D.C., office as the A. William Bailey, Phillips. They were blessed with four were married for 29 years and were Jr., Conference Room. children. blessed with two daughters.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.058 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 Tommy earned his associate’s degree was a physician, an aviation medical Alan Waldie was a veteran, an elec- from Blinn College and later earned an examiner, and an active member of the trical engineer, an Aggie, a pillar of undergraduate degree in political Veterans of Foreign Wars. He touched the Brazos Valley community, and a science in 1989 and a master’s degree in many lives in the Brazos Valley, and he great friend. He led a full life and will public administration in 1995, each will be greatly missed. be missed greatly in our community. from Texas A&M University. Dr. Cooper was born on August 30, Alan was born on April 23, 1928, in During his time at Texas A&M and 1927, in Farmersville, Louisiana. He Iowa Park, Texas. He graduated from the years that followed, he worked for was the son of a Baptist preacher and Lamar High School in Houston in 1945 the university. He started out in the grew up in many towns throughout the and later attended Texas A&M Univer- College of Medicine, where he held var- South. sity. ious positions, including Director of At the age of 17, Dr. Cooper enlisted While at Texas A&M, Alan was a Special Programs, Special Assistant to in the Navy to serve aboard the USS member of the nationally famous the Dean of Medicine, admissions com- Dorchester in the South Pacific. Upon ‘‘Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band’’ and mittee member, principal investigator, returning to the U.S., he used his GI served as drum major during his senior and a lecturer in the Department of bill benefits to attend medical school year. He graduated from Texas A&M Humanities in Medicine. in Tennessee. University in 1951 with a bachelor’s of He would go on to work for the uni- He then served again in the Korean science in electrical engineering. versity system in the Office of the Vice war as Deputy Medical Officer for the From 1946 to 1948, Alan served in the Chancellor for Human Resources, Destroyer Fleet Atlantic, stationed U.S. Navy. From 1951 to 1953, he served where he assumed a leadership role aboard its flagship, the USS Yosemite. as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army Sig- with the Health Science Center, work- Dr. Cooper retired from the Navy with nal Corps. ing as Special Assistant to the Presi- a final rank of Lieutenant Commander, After his discharge from the Army, dent. Medical Corps. Prior to his death, Tommy worked as Alan began a successful business ca- In 1955, Dr. Cooper moved to Bryan, reer, which took him to Houston; Trip- the Chief Contracts Officer and Direc- Texas, and entered a medical practice tor for Contract Administrator in the oli, Libya; and Calgary, Alberta, Can- with his brother, O.C. Dr. Cooper was a ada. Office of Finance and Administration well-loved family doctor and a surgeon at the Texas A&M Health Science Cen- In 1995, he moved back to College at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Station to begin his retirement. There ter. In addition to his medical practice, Tommy was an active volunteer and he served as a volunteer for the George the good doctor had a strong affinity Bush Presidential Library and was the an engaged parent in the Bryan Inde- for aviation and specialized in aviation pendent School District for over 25 member of the Bryan Rotary Club and medicine. He was involved with the the Central Baptist Church. years. He began his service as an elect- space programs at NASA and present ed school board trustee in 2012 and Mr. Speaker, Alan Waldie will be for- at many of the Apollo launches. His ever remembered as a dedicated vet- served as vice president of that board. knowledge and experience with NASA He also served extensively on various eran, a loving husband, a great father, missions earned him the opportunity local and statewide charitable and edu- and a loyal friend. to do voice commentary for six Apollo cational organization boards such as My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest launches for television broadcasts in the Texas Association for Access and and heartfelt condolences to his wife, Australia. Equity, the Texas Association of Advis- Nancy, and to all of the Waldie family. Dr. Cooper also served as a FAA Sen- ers for the Health Professions, the We also lift up the family and friends ior Aviation Medical Examiner. As a Texas Area Health Education Centers— of Alan Waldie in our prayers. fellow pilot, I was fortunate and grate- East, the Bryan-College Station Cham- Mr. Speaker, as I close, I ask that all ful to have Dr. Cooper as my medical ber of Commerce, the Bryan ISD Edu- Americans continue to pray for our examiner for many years. We developed cation Foundation, the Blinn College country, for our military men and a strong friendship and shared many Advisory Board, the United Way, the women, who protect us abroad, and for stories about our mutual love for avia- Boy’s and Girl’s Club, the Kiwanis, our first responders, who protect us Gear Up, Habitat for Humanity, and tion. Dr. Cooper was an extraordinary doc- here at home. Junior Achievement. tor not only specializing in aviation, Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Tommy received many acknowledge- of my time. ments throughout his career, including but also serving as Chief Medical Offi- cer for the Texas World Speedway in the 2007 Texas Association of Chicanos f in Higher Education Outstanding Meri- College Station. torious Public Service Award, and the In addition to his medical duties, Dr. Kiwanis International Walter Zeller Cooper was an active member of VFW COMMUNICATION FROM THE Fellowship Award. Post No. 4692 in Bryan. He was very CLERK OF THE HOUSE Tommy worked tirelessly to better passionate about the VFW and even The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- our community. He will forever be re- served as Commander of the post. fore the House the following commu- membered for his devotion to public Mr. Speaker, Dr. Cooper left a strong nication from the Clerk of the House of service and as a loving husband, father, legacy for his family and for the Brazos Representatives: and friend to countless Brazos Valley Valley. He will be forever remembered OFFICE OF THE CLERK, citizens. as a great doctor, a dedicated veteran, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest a loving husband, a great father, a Washington, DC, September 30, 2015. and heartfelt condolences to the grandfather, and a loyal friend. Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, Bosquez family. We also lift up the My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. family and friends of Tommy Bosquez and heartfelt condolences to the Coo- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- in our prayers. per family. We also lift up the family and friends of Dr. James Cooper in our mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of As I close, I ask that all Americans the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- continue to pray for our country and prayers. tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed for our military men and women, who As I close, I ask that all Americans envelope received from the White House on protect us abroad, and for our first re- continue to pray for our country, for September 30, 2015, at 8:45 p.m., and said to sponders, who protect us here at home. our military men and women, who pro- contain a message from the President where- HONORING DR. JAMES COOPER tect us abroad, and for our first re- by he notifies of designation of funding for Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise sponders, who protect us here at home. Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism as provided in the Continuing HONORING ALAN WALDIE today to honor Dr. James F. Cooper of Appropriations Act, 2016. Bryan, Texas, who passed away on Au- Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise With best wishes, I am gust 18, 2015. today to honor Alan Duane Waldie, of Sincerely, Dr. James Cooper was a veteran of Bryan, Texas, who passed away on Au- KAREN L. HAAS, World War II and the Korean war. He gust 22, 2015. Clerk of the House.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.059 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6785 DESIGNATION OF FUNDING FOR To the Congress of the United States: 2988. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPER- In accordance with section 135 of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, ATIONS/GLOBAL WAR ON TER- Continuing Appropriations Act, 2016, Department of Energy, transmitting the De- partment’s recommendations to Congress RORISM—MESSAGE FROM THE also titled the TSA Office of Inspection concerning energy performance require- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Accountability Act of 2015 (the ‘‘Act’’), ments for fiscal years 2016 through 2025, in STATES (H. DOC. NO. 114–62) I hereby designate as an emergency re- accordance with the National Energy Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- quirement all funding so designated by servation Policy Act [45 U.S.C.8253(a)(3)]; to fore the House the following message the Congress in the Act pursuant to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. from the President of the United section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced 2989. A letter from the Director, Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental States; which was read and, together Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, for the fol- Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- with the accompanying papers, referred istration’s direct final rule — Significant to the Committee on Appropriations lowing account: ‘‘Department of Agri- New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Sub- and ordered to be printed: culture—Forest Service—Wildland Fire stances [EPA-HQ-OPPT-2015-0388; FRL-9933- Management.’’ 30] (RIN: 2070-AB27) received September 30, To the Congress of the United States: The details of this action are set 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added In accordance with section 114(c) of forth in the enclosed memorandum by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Com- the Continuing Appropriations Act, from the Director of the Office of Man- mittee on Energy and Commerce. 2016, also titled the TSA Office of In- agement and Budget. 2990. A letter from the Director, Regu- spection Accountability Act of 2015 latory Management Division, Environmental BARACK OBAMA. (the ‘‘Act’’), I hereby designate for Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- THE WHITE HOUSE, September 30, 2015. Overseas Contingency Operations/Glob- istration’s final rule — National Emission al War on Terrorism all funding (in- f Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for cluding the rescission of funds) and Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants [EPA- LEAVE OF ABSENCE HQ-OAR-2011-0797; FRL-9934-16-OAR] (RIN: contributions from foreign govern- 2060-AQ92) received September 30, 2015, pur- ments so designated by the Congress in By unanimous consent, leave of ab- sence was granted to: suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Pub- the Act pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Mr. CULBERSON (at the request of Mr. Energy and Commerce. Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, MCCARTHY) for today on account of ill- 2991. A letter from the Director, Regu- as outlined in the enclosed list of ac- ness. latory Management Division, Environmental counts. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ (at the request of Ms. Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- The details of this action are set PELOSI) for today. istration’s direct final rule — Approval and forth in the enclosed memorandum Promulgation of Air Quality Implementa- f tion Plans; Massachusetts; Approval of Reg- from the Director of the Office of Man- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED ulations Limiting Emissions of Volatile Or- agement and Budget. ganic Compounds and Nitrogen Oxides [EPA- BARACK OBAMA. Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, R01-OAR-2014-0631; A-1-FRL-9932-12-Region 1] THE WHITE HOUSE, September 30, 2015. reported and found truly enrolled a bill received September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 f of the House of the following title, U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- which was thereupon signed by the 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy b 1430 and Commerce. Speaker on September 30, 2015: 2992. A letter from the Director, Regu- COMMUNICATION FROM THE H.R. 719. An act to require the Transpor- CLERK OF THE HOUSE latory Management Division, Environmental tation Security Administration to conform Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to existing Federal law and regulations re- istration’s direct final rule — Air Plan Ap- fore the House the following commu- garding criminal investigator positions, and proval; Illinois; Volatile Organic Compounds nication from the Clerk of the House of for other purposes. Definition [EPA-R05-OAR-2015-0008; FRL- Representatives: f 9934-11-Region 5] received September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by OFFICE OF THE CLERK, ADJOURNMENT Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Com- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, mittee on Energy and Commerce. Washington, DC, September 30, 2015. Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I move 2993. A letter from the Director, Regu- Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, that the House do now adjourn. latory Management Division, Environmental The Speaker, House of Representatives, The motion was agreed to; accord- Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- Washington, DC. ingly (at 2 o’clock and 32 minutes istration’s final rule — Approval and Pro- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- mulgation of Implementation Plans; Georgia mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of p.m.), under its previous order, the Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- House adjourned until tomorrow, Fri- Lead NAAQS [EPA-R04-OAR-2014-0442; FRL- tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed day, October 2, 2015, at 1 p.m. 9934-84-Region 4] received September 30, 2015, envelope received from the White House on f September 30, 2015, at 8:45 p.m., and said to pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Com- contain a message from the President where- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, by he notifies that he has designated an mittee on Energy and Commerce. ETC. 2994. A letter from the Director, Regu- emergency requirement $700 million in emer- latory Management Division, Environmental gency funding for urgent wildland fire sup- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- pression activities as provided in the Con- communications were taken from the istration’s final rule — Revisions to the Cali- tinuing Appropriations Act, 2016. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: With best wishes, I am fornia State Implementation Plan, Butte 2986. A letter from the Under Secretary for Sincerely, County Air Quality Management District, Management, Department of State, trans- Feather River Air Quality Management Dis- KAREN L. HAAS, mitting a letter reporting two violations of Clerk of the House. trict, and San Luis Obispo County Air Pollu- the Antideficiency Act by the Department of tion Control District; Correcting Amend- f State, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1517(b); to the ment [EPA-R09-OAR-2015-0246; FRL-9931-19- DESIGNATION OF FUNDING AS AN Committee on Appropriations. Region 9] received September 30, 2015, pursu- EMERGENCY REQUIREMENT— 2987. A letter from the Program Specialist ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public (Paperwork Reduction Act), Office of the MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Energy and Commerce. OF THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. the Treasury, transmitting the Department’s 2995. A letter from the Director, Regu- NO. 114–63) final rule — Regulatory Capital Rules: Regu- latory Management Division, Environmental The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- latory Capital, Final Revisions Applicable to Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- fore the House the following message Banking Organizations Subject to the Ad- istration’s direct final rule — Revision of Air from the President of the United vanced Approaches Risk-Based Capital Rule Quality Implementation Plan; California; [Docket ID: OCC-2014-0025] (RIN: 1557-AD88) Feather River Air Quality Management Dis- States; which was read and, together received September 29, 2015, pursuant to 5 trict; Stationary Source Permits [EPA-R09- with the accompanying papers, referred U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- OAR-2015-0542; FRL-9933-52-Region 9] re- to the Committee on Appropriations 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Financial ceived September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 and ordered to be printed: Services. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.061 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy gion 7] received September 30, 2015, pursuant 141021887-5172-02] (RIN: 0648-XE143) received and Commerce. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2996. A letter from the Director, Regu- 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, latory Management Division, Environmental and Commerce. Sec. 251; to the Committee on Natural Re- Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- 3003. A letter from the Director, Regu- sources. istration’s direct final rule — Revisions to latory Management Division, Environmental 3012. A letter from the Director, Office of the California State Implementation Plan, Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforce- Antelope Valley Air Quality Management istration’s direct final rule — Approval and ment, Department of the Interior, transmit- District [EPA-R09-OAR-2015-0510; FRL-9934- Promulgation of Air Quality Implementa- ting the Department’s final rule — Kentucky 04-Region 9] received September 30, 2015, pur- tion Plans; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Regulatory Program [SATS No.: KY-253- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Pub- Approval of the Base Year Emissions Inven- FOR; Docket ID: OSM-2009-0014; S1D1S lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on tory for the Liberty-Clairton Nonattainment SS08011000 SX064A000 156S180110; S2D2S Energy and Commerce. Area for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate SS08011000 SX064A000 15X501520] received 2997. A letter from the Director, Regu- Matter Standard and Approval of Transpor- September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. latory Management Division, Environmental tation Conformity Insignificance Findings 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- for the 1997 Annual and 2006 24-Hour Fine Sec. 251; to the Committee on Natural Re- istration’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Particulate Matter Standards for the Lib- sources. California; Mammoth Lakes; Redesignation; erty-Clairton Nonattainment Area [EPA- 3013. A letter from the Deputy Director, Of- PM10 Maintenance Plan [EPA-R09-OAR-2015- R03-OAR-2015-0470; FRL-9934-91-Region 3] re- fice of Surface Mining Reclamation and En- 0279; FRL-9935-05-Region 9] received Sep- ceived September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 forcement, Department of the Interior, tember 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- transmitting the Department’s final rule — 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy Pennsylvania Regulatory Program [SATS Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy and and Commerce. No.: PA-154-FOR; Docket ID: OSM-2010-0002; Commerce. 3004. A letter from the Assistant Secretary S1D1S SS08011000 SX064A000 156S180110 S2D2S 2998. A letter from the Director, Regu- for Export Administration, Bureau of Indus- SS08011000 SX064A000 15XS501520] received latory Management Division, Environmental try and Security, Department of Commerce, September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- transmitting the Department’s final rule — 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, istration’s final rule — Approval and Pro- Enhancing Support for the Cuban People Sec. 251; to the Committee on Natural Re- mulgation of Air Quality Implementation [Docket No.: 150825774-5774-01] (RIN: 0694- sources. Plans; Maryland; Adoption of Control Tech- AG67) received September 30, 2015, pursuant 3014. A letter from the Director, Regu- niques Guidelines for Metal Furniture Coat- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law latory Management Division, Environmental ings and Miscellaneous Metal Parts Coatings 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on For- Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- [EPA-R03-OAR-2015-0404; FRL-9934-92-Region eign Affairs. istration’s final rule — National Pollutant 3] received September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 3005. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Electronic Reporting Rule [EPA-HQ-OECA- 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy transmitting a report to Congress on United 2009-0274; FRL-9930-70-OECA] (RIN: 2020- and Commerce. States Participation in the United Nations AA47) received September 30, 2015, pursuant 2999. A letter from the Director, Regu- in 2014, pursuant to Sec. 4(a) of Pub. L. 79- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law latory Management Division, Environmental 264; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Trans- Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- 3006. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, portation and Infrastructure. istration’s direct final rule — Approval and Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 3015. A letter from the Federal Register Li- Promulgation of Air Quality Implementa- transmitting a determination for the use of aison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and tion Plans; Delaware; 2011 Base Year Inven- funds to provide non-lethal assistance to the Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury, tories for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Syrian Opposition, pursuant to Sec. 451 of transmitting the Department’s final rule — Ambient Air Quality Standard for New Cas- the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Return of Wine to Bonded Premises [Docket tle and Sussex Counties [EPA-R03-OAR-2015- amended; to the Committee on Foreign Af- No.: TTB-2015-0013; T.D. TTB-130] (RIN: 1513- 0455; FRL-9934-81-Region 3] received Sep- fairs. AB92) received September 30, 2015, pursuant tember 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3007. A letter from the Executive Analyst, to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Department of Health and Human Services, 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Ways Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy and transmitting a report pursuant to the Fed- and Means. Commerce. eral Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Pub. L. 3000. A letter from the Director, Regu- 105-277, 5 U.S.C. 3345-3349d; to the Committee f latory Management Division, Environmental on Oversight and Government Reform. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- 3008. A letter from the Director, Office of istration’s final rule — Approval and Pro- Government Ethics, transmitting the Of- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS mulgation of Air Quality Implementation fice’s final rule — Organization and Func- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of Plans; Pennsylvania; Redesignation Request tions; Implementation of Statutory Gift Ac- committees were delivered to the Clerk and Associated Maintenance Plan for the ceptance Authority; Freedom of Information for printing and reference to the proper Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Nonattainment Act (RIN: 3209-AA40, RIN: 3209-AA41, RIN: calendar, as follows: Area for the 1997 Annual and 2006 24-Hour 3209-AA39) received September 30, 2015, pur- Fine Particulate Matter Standard [EPA-R03- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Pub- Mr. UPTON: Committee on Energy and OAR-2015-0029; FRL-9934-82-Region 3] re- lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Commerce. Supplemental report on H.R. 702. ceived September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 Oversight and Government Reform. A bill to adapt to changing crude oil market U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- 3009. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- conditions (Rept. 114–267, Pt. 2). 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy fice of Personnel Management, transmitting Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- and Commerce. the Office’s final rule — Managing Senior ural Resources. H.R. 538. A bill to facilitate 3001. A letter from the Director, Regu- Executive Performance (RIN: 3206-AM48) re- the development of energy on Indian lands latory Management Division, Environmental ceived September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 by reducing Federal regulations that impede Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- tribal development of Indian lands, and for istration’s final rule — Approval and Pro- 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Oversight other purposes (Rept. 114–276). Referred to mulgation of Air Quality Implementation and Government Reform. the Committee of the Whole House on the Plans; South Dakota; Revisions to South Da- 3010. A letter from the Division Chief, Bu- state of the Union. kota Administrative Code [EPA-R08-OAR- reau of Land Management, Department of Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- 2014-0916; FRL-9934-83-Region 8] received Sep- the Interior, transmitting the Department’s ural Resources. H.R. 1644. A bill to amend tember 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. final rule — Minerals Management: Adjust- the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, ment of Cost Recovery Fees [L13100000 Act of 1977 to ensure transparency in the de- Sec. 251; to the Committee on Energy and PP0000 LLWO310000] (RIN: 1004-AE44) re- velopment of environmental regulations, and Commerce. ceived September 30, 2015, pursuant to 5 for other purposes; with an amendment 3002. A letter from the Director, Regu- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104- (Rept. 114–277). Referred to the Committee of latory Management Division, Environmental 121, Sec. 251; to the Committee on Natural the Whole House on the state of the Union. Protection Agency, transmitting the Admin- Resources. Mr. HENSARLING: Committee on Finan- istration’s direct final rule — Approval and 3011. A letter from the Director, Office of cial Services. H.R. 3192. A bill to provide for Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- a temporary safe harbor from the enforce- State of Missouri, Limited Maintenance anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- ment of integrated disclosure requirements Plan for the St. Louis Nonclassifiable Main- mitting the Administration’s temporary rule for mortgage loan transactions under the tenance Area for the 8-Hour Carbon Mon- — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of oxide National Ambient Air Quality Stand- Off Alaska; Reallocation of Pollock in the 1974 and the Truth in Lending Act, and for ard [EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0513; FRL-9934-98-Re- Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands [Docket No.: other purposes (Rept. 114–278). Referred to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L01OC7.000 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6787 the Committee of the Whole House on the H.R. 3666. A bill to coordinate and advance loans are available at interest rates that do state of the Union. fibrosis research activities at the National not exceed the interest rates at which the f Institutes of Health, and for other purposes; Federal Government provides loans to banks to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. through the discount window operated by PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN: the Federal Reserve System, and for other Under clause 2 of rule XII, public H.R. 3667. A bill to promote transparency, purposes; to the Committee on Ways and bills and resolutions of the following accountability, and reform within the United Means, and in addition to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, for a period to titles were introduced and severally re- Nations system, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. be subsequently determined by the Speaker, ferred, as follows: By Mr. COOK (for himself and Mr. in each case for consideration of such provi- By Mr. BURGESS (for himself, Ms. KNIGHT): sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the DEGETTE, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. RIBBLE, H.R. 3668. A bill to codify in law and ex- committee concerned. Mr. PALLONE, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, pand certain off-highway vehicle recreation By Mr. FOSTER (for himself, Ms. ESTY, Ms. DELBENE, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Ms. areas in the State of California, to designate Ms. EDWARDS, and Mr. SEAN PATRICK PINGREE, Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRIS- as wilderness certain public lands in the MALONEY of New York): HAM of New Mexico, Mr. POLIS, Mr. State of California administered by the Bu- H.R. 3676. A bill to authorize the Adminis- GRIFFITH, Mr. PETERS, Mr. COLLINS of reau of Land Management, to expand the trator of the Substance Abuse and Mental New York, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. ENGEL, Death Valley National Park Wilderness and Health Services Administration, acting Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. ESHOO, the San Gorgonio Wilderness in San through the Director of the Center for Sub- Mr. BERA, Mr. FORBES, Mr. OLSON, Bernardino National Forest, to ensure the stance Abuse Treatment, to award grants to Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. YOUNG of Indi- conservation and necessary management of States to expand access to clinically appro- ana, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Ms. MAT- wildlife in these wilderness areas, to estab- priate services for opioid abuse, dependence, SUI, Mr. ALLEN, and Mr. HUFFMAN): lish the Mojave Trails Special Management or addiction; to the Committee on Energy H.R. 3660. A bill to amend the Congres- Area in the State, and for other purposes; to and Commerce. sional Budget Act of 1974 respecting the scor- the Committee on Natural Resources. By Mr. FOSTER (for himself, Ms. ing of preventive health savings; to the Com- By Mr. GARAMENDI (for himself, Mr. EDWARDS, Ms. ESTY, and Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New York): mittee on the Budget. HUFFMAN, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. SHER- H.R. 3677. A bill to reduce opioid misuse By Mr. GUINTA: MAN, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Ms. and abuse; to the Committee on Energy and H.R. 3661. A bill to terminate the inde- LOFGREN, Mr. FARR, Ms. ROYBAL- pendent third-party program for sectors of Commerce. ALLARD, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, Mr. the Northeast Multispecies Fishery unless By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania (for MEEKS, and Ms. NORTON): himself, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. NEAL, Mr. the program is fully funded by the National H.R. 3669. A bill to amend title 18, United HOLDING, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. JENKINS of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration States Code, to provide a criminal penalty Kansas, Mr. TIBERI, Mr. MARCHANT, and for other purposes; to the Committee on for operating drones in certain locations, and Natural Resources. and Mr. NUNES): for other purposes; to the Committee on the H.R. 3678. A bill to clarify the orphan drug By Mr. RUSSELL (for himself, Mr. Judiciary. BRAT, Mr. WESTERMAN, Mrs. BLACK, exception to the annual fee on branded pre- By Mr. CICILLINE: scription pharmaceutical manufacturers and Mr. HURD of Texas, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. H.R. 3670. A bill to amend chapter 83 of importers, and for other purposes; to the MEEHAN, Mr. YOHO, Mr. GRAVES of title 41, United States Code (popularly re- Louisiana, Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- ferred to as the Buy American Act) and cer- tion to the Committee on Energy and Com- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. HARDY, tain other laws with respect to certain waiv- Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Mr. merce, for a period to be subsequently deter- ers under those laws, to provide greater mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- BURGESS, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. transparency regarding exceptions to domes- DESJARLAIS, Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. sideration of such provisions as fall within tic sourcing requirements, and for other pur- the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. GIBBS, Ms. JENKINS of Kansas, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Oversight and By Mr. MURPHY of Florida (for him- MESSER, and Mr. LOUDERMILK): Government Reform, and in addition to the self, Mr. HASTINGS, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. H.R. 3662. A bill to enhance congressional Committees on Transportation and Infra- oversight over the administration of sanc- DELANEY, Mr. POE of Texas, Ms. structure, and Financial Services, for a pe- tions against certain Iranian terrorism fin- EDWARDS, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. riod to be subsequently determined by the anciers, and for other purposes; to the Com- KUSTER, Mr. SWALWELL of California, Speaker, in each case for consideration of mittee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- the Committee on Financial Services, for a JACKSON LEE, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. period to be subsequently determined by the tion of the committee concerned. NORTON, and Ms. MOORE): Speaker, in each case for consideration of By Mr. BARR: H.R. 3679. A bill to provide that the Social H.R. 3671. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Security Administration pay fees associated tion of the committee concerned. enue Code of 1986 to allow a 3-year recovery with obtaining birth certificate or State By Mr. FLORES (for himself and Mr. period for all race horses; to the Committee identification card for purposes of obtaining on Ways and Means. GENE GREEN of Texas): a replacement social security card for cer- H.R. 3663. A bill to prevent certain dis- By Mr. BARR: tain victims of domestic violence, and for criminatory taxation of natural gas pipeline H.R. 3672. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- other purposes; to the Committee on Ways property; to the Committee on the Judici- enue Code of 1986 to reduce the holding pe- and Means. ary. riod used to determine whether horses are By Mr. SARBANES: By Ms. ESHOO: section 1231 assets to 12 months; to the Com- H.R. 3680. A bill to provide for the Sec- H.R. 3664. A bill to provide for the identi- mittee on Ways and Means. retary of Health and Human Services to fication and documentation of best practices By Mr. BENISHEK: carry out a grant program for co-prescribing for cyber hygiene by the National Institute H.R. 3673. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- opioid overdose reversal drugs; to the Com- of Standards and Technology, and for other enue Code of 1986 to require the Secretary of mittee on Energy and Commerce. purposes; to the Committee on Science, the Treasury to mail paper forms to any in- By Mr. THORNBERRY: Space, and Technology. dividual who filed a paper return for the pre- H. Con. Res. 81. Concurrent resolution pro- By Mr. CURBELO of Florida (for him- ceding taxable year; to the Committee on viding for corrections to the enrollment of self, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. Ways and Means. the bill H.R. 1735; considered and agreed to. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Ms. By Mr. CONYERS (for himself, Mr. By Mr. BARTON: CLARKE of New York, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Ms. WILSON of Florida, H. Con. Res. 82. Concurrent resolution rec- FARENTHOLD, Mr. CAPUANO, and Mr. Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. WEST- ognizing the 50th Anniversary of the White SIRES): MORELAND, Mr. MEEKS, Mrs. LAW- House Fellows Program; to the Committee H.R. 3665. A bill to authorize appropria- RENCE, and Mr. VEASEY): on Oversight and Government Reform. tions for the university transportation cen- H.R. 3674. A bill to establish a commission By Mr. BUTTERFIELD (for himself, ters program for fiscal years 2016 through to examine the processes used by the Bureau Ms. ADAMS, Ms. BASS, Mrs. BEATTY, 2021, and for other purposes; to the Com- of Labor Statistics to provide unemployment Mr. BECERRA, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, mittee on Science, Space, and Technology, rates and to make recommendations to Con- Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. CLARKE of and in addition to the Committee on Trans- gress for any changes in methodology or im- New York, Mr. CLAY, Mr. CLEAVER, portation and Infrastructure, for a period to provements to such processes; to the Com- Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. CUM- be subsequently determined by the Speaker, mittee on Education and the Workforce. MINGS, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illi- in each case for consideration of such provi- By Mr. DESAULNIER (for himself, Mr. nois, Ms. EDWARDS, Mr. ELLISON, Ms. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the TAKANO, Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. JUDY CHU FUDGE, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Ms. committee concerned. of California, Mr. LOWENTHAL, and NORTON, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, Ms. SLAUGHTER): JEFFRIES, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHN- Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. NOR- H.R. 3675. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- SON of Texas, Mr. JOHNSON of Geor- TON, and Mr. CROWLEY): cation Act of 1965 to ensure that student gia, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. LEE, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.012 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015

LEWIS, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Carolina, Mrs. BUSTOS, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. MCCOLLUM, lation pursuant to the following: York, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Ms. MOORE, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. BROWNLEY Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (To regulate Mr. PAYNE, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. MEEKS, of California, Ms. NORTON, Ms. Commerce with foreign Nations, and among Ms. PLASKETT, Ms. PELOSI, Mr. RAN- EDWARDS, Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. the several States, and with the Indian GEL, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. SCOTT of Vir- STEFANIK, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. DEGETTE, Tribes) ginia, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mrs. DINGELL, Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 (To make all Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Ms. MAXINE VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. KUSTER, Mrs. KIRK- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for WATERS of California, Mrs. WATSON PATRICK, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- COLEMAN, Mr. WELCH, Ms. WILSON of PINGREE, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Ms. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- Florida, Mr. VEASEY, Ms. DELAURO, BROWN of Florida, Ms. DELBENE, Ms. stitution in the Government of the United Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, ESTY, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of States, or in any Department or Officer Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Mr. RUSH, and New York, Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER, thereof) Mr. HOYER): Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Ms. GRAHAM, By Mr. CURBELO of Florida: H. Con. Res. 83. Concurrent resolution au- Ms. LEE, Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of H.R. 3665. thorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in California, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to DUCKWORTH, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. MAXINE lation pursuant to the following: commemorate the 150th anniversary of the WATERS of California, Ms. LOFGREN, Article 1, Section 8 of the United States ratification of the 13th Amendment; to the Mrs. COMSTOCK, Ms. GABBARD, Mrs. Constitution Committee on House Administration. BLACK, Ms. MCSALLY, Ms. FOXX, Mrs. By Mr. KING of New York: By Mr. AL GREEN of Texas (for him- ROBY, Mrs. WAGNER, Ms. ROS- H.R. 3666. self, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Ms. LEHTINEN, and Ms. PLASKETT): In Congress has the power to enact this NORTON, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. WIL- H. Res. 458. A resolution celebrating 25 legislation pursuant to the following: SON of Florida, Mr. MEEKS, and Mr. years of success from the Office of Research Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 HASTINGS): on Women’s Health at the National Insti- By Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN: H. Con. Res. 84. Concurrent resolution rec- tutes of Health; to the Committee on Energy H.R. 3667. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ognizing former United States Federal Judge and Commerce. lation pursuant to the following: Frank Minis Johnson, Jr. for his role in the By Mr. ROHRABACHER (for himself, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution civil rights movement; to the Committee on Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. FRANKS By Mr. COOK: the Judiciary. of Arizona, Mr. KELLY of Pennsyl- By Mr. RUSSELL (for himself, Mr. H.R. 3668. vania, Mr. PITTS, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- WESTERMAN, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, WEBER of Texas, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. HURD of Texas, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: and Mr. BARLETTA): Article I, Section 8 ROUZER, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. YOHO, Mr. H. Res. 459. A resolution expressing the By Mr. GARAMENDI: GRAVES of Louisiana, Mrs. BROOKS of sense of the House of Representatives that H.R. 3669. Indiana, Mr. HARDY, Mr. BURGESS, Christians in the Middle East are victims of Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. DESJARLAIS, and Mr. genocide; to the Committee on Foreign Af- lation pursuant to the following: LOUDERMILK): fairs, and in addition to the Committee on section 8 of article I of the Constitution H. Res. 454. A resolution expressing the the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- sense of the House of Representatives relat- By Mr. CICILLINE: quently determined by the Speaker, in each H.R. 3670. ing to the exercise of presidential waiver au- case for consideration of such provisions as Congress has the power to enact this legis- thority of certain sanctions imposed against fall within the jurisdiction of the committee lation pursuant to the following: Iran under United States law; to the Com- concerned. Article 1, Section 8 mittee on Foreign Affairs. f By Mr. BARR: By Mr. CURBELO of Florida (for him- H.R. 3671. self, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. WIL- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Congress has the power to enact this legis- SON of Florida, and Ms. FRANKEL of STATEMENT lation pursuant to the following: Florida): Article I, Section 8 of the United States H. Res. 455. A resolution expressing support Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Constitution. for designation of the inaugural ‘‘Cruise the Rules of the House of Representa- By Mr. BARR: Travel Professional Month’’ in October; to tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 3672. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. mitted regarding the specific powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. DAVIS of California (for her- granted to Congress in the Constitu- lation pursuant to the following: self, Mr. JOYCE, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Article I, Section 8 of the United States CICILLINE, Mr. HONDA, and Mr. joint resolution. Constitution. DELANEY): By Mr. BENISHEK: H. Res. 456. A resolution expressing support By Mr. BURGESS: H.R. 3673. for designation of October 2015 as ‘‘National H.R. 3660. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Principals Month’’; to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Education and the Workforce. lation pursuant to the following: Clause 1, Section 8 of Article 1 of the By Mr. JOLLY: The attached bill is constitutional under United States Constitution which reads: H. Res. 457. A resolution amending the Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1: ‘‘The Congress ‘‘The Congress shall have Power to lay and Rules of the House of Representatives to re- shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, quire that the House be in session at least 40 Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the to pay the Debts, and provide for the com- hours each week other than a week that is Debts and provide for the common Defense mon Defense and General Welfare of the designated as a district work period; to the and general Welfare of the United States; but United States; but all Duties and Imposts Committee on Rules. all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- and Excises shall be uniform throughout the By Mrs. NOEM (for herself, Ms. MAT- form throughout the United States.’’ United States.’’ SUI, Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, Ms. By Mr. GUINTA: By Mr. CONYERS: FRANKEL of Florida, Ms. SLAUGHTER, H.R. 3661. H.R. 3674. Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Mexico, Ms. JENKINS of Kansas, Ms. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- Art. I, Sec. 8. SPEIER, Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of Cali- stitution of the United States. By Mr. DESAULNIER: fornia, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. JUDY By Mr. RUSSELL: H.R. 3675. CHU of California, Ms. LORETTA SAN- H.R. 3662. Congress has the power to enact this legis- CHEZ of California, Ms. CLARK of Mas- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: sachusetts, Mrs. BEATTY, Ms. CASTOR lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8. of Florida, Mrs. LOWEY, Ms. Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 3 and 18 of the By Mr. FOSTER: BONAMICI, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mrs. DAVIS U.S. Constitution. H.R. 3676. of California, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE By Mr. FLORES: Congress has the power to enact this legis- JOHNSON of Texas, Ms. TITUS, Mrs. H.R. 3663. lation pursuant to the following: TORRES, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Miss RICE Congress has the power to enact this legis- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power of New York, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. lation pursuant to the following: granted to Congress under Article I, Section ADAMS, Mrs. LUMMIS, Ms. MOORE, Ms. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Con- 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the United States Con- ESHOO, Mrs. CAPPS, Ms. HAHN, Ms. stitution of the United States. stitution. DELAURO, Ms. MENG, Ms. SEWELL of By Ms. ESHOO: By Mr. FOSTER: Alabama, Mrs. ELLMERS of North H.R. 3664. H.R. 3677.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L01OC7.100 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6789

Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1566: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 3310: Mr. ROUZER and Mr. COLLINS of lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1567: Mr. WALZ. New York. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 1594: Mr. POMPEO. H.R. 3314: Mr. ROUZER, Mr. FRANKS of Ari- granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 1603: Mr. CRAMER. zona, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. DUNCAN of South 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the United States Con- H.R. 1660: Mr. RIGELL. Carolina, Mr. PALAZZO, and Mr. NUGENT. stitution. H.R. 1661: Mr. RIGELL. H.R. 3326: Mr. GRAVES of Missouri and Mr. By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: H.R. 1671: Mr. LONG. POE of Texas. H.R. 3678. H.R. 1686: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 3338: Mr. PETERS and Ms. DUCKWORTH. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1688: Mrs. RADEWAGEN and Mr. COFF- H.R. 3381: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Ms. BROWN lation pursuant to the following: MAN. of Florida, Mr. HIGGINS, and Mrs. BEATTY. The Congress enacts this bill pursuant to H.R. 1706: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 3412: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. LEE, and H.R. 1716: Mr. SMITH of Texas. Clause 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 1736: Mr. YODER. United States Constitution. The Congress H.R. 3457: Mr. DOLD. H.R. 1737: Mr. GRAYSON, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. enacts this bill pursuant to Clause 1 of Sec- H.R. 3458: Ms. LOFGREN. ROUZER, Mr. RIGELL, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, tion 8 of Article I of the United States Con- H.R. 3459: Mr. HILL, Mr. ROONEY of Florida, Mr. GRIFFITH, Mr. ABRAHAM, and Mr. SIRES. stitution. Ms. JENKINS of Kansas, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. H.R. 1769: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. By Mr. MURPHY of Florida: GOODLATTE, Mr. JOLLY, Mr. ROSS, Mrs. H.R. 1779: Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 3679. WALORSKI, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. MILLER of H.R. 1814: Mr. KILDEE, Ms. BASS, Mr. CUM- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Florida, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Mr. ROHRABACHER, MINGS, and Mr. PIERLUISI. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mrs. H.R. 1942: Mr. VARGAS and Mr. AGUILAR. Article 1 section 8 Constitution of the H.R. 1945: Ms. BROWNLEY of California and COMSTOCK, and Mr. BUCK. United States, which states the Congress H.R. 3463: Mr. GOODLATTE and Mr. ROE of Ms. WILSON of Florida. shall have power to lay and collect taxes, du- H.R. 1986: Mr. NEWHOUSE. Tennessee. ties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts H.R. 2010: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mrs. H.R. 3516: Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. WESTMORE- and provide for the common defense and gen- LUMMIS, Mr. STEWART, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. LAND, Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Mr. HAR- eral welfare of the United States. WEBER of Texas, Mr. BABIN, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. RIS, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. MOON- By Mr. SARBANES: BARR, and Mr. LAMALFA. EY of West Virginia, and Mr. CARTER of H.R. 3680. H.R. 2043: Mr. LONG. Texas. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2050: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois H.R. 3532: Mr. KIND. lation pursuant to the following: and Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 3542: Mr. HONDA. Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution H.R. 2076: Mr. RIBBLE. H.R. 3543: Mr. POLIS. f H.R. 2090: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. H.R. 3573: Mr. BYRNE. H.R. 2189: Mr. POE of Texas and Mr. PAS- H.R. 3618: Mrs. BLACK. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS CRELL. H.R. 3626: Mr. FARENTHOLD. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 2287: Mr. RIGELL and Mr. JOHNSON of H.R. 3628: Mr. MACARTHUR. were added to public bills and resolu- Ohio. H.R. 3632: Mr. GRIJALVA and Ms. LEE. H.R. 3640: Ms. JENKINS of Kansas, Mr. RAN- tions, as follows: H.R. 2292: Mr. LOWENTHAL and Ms. JUDY CHU of California. GEL, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, and Ms. H.R. 239: Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. MICHELLE H.R. 2293: Mr. DELANEY, Mr. SEAN PATRICK BROWN of Florida. LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico, Ms. MALONEY of New York, and Ms. ESHOO. H.R. 3643: Mr. KIND and Mr. WILLIAMS. DUCKWORTH, Mr. POLIS, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. H.R. 2342: Mr. JOYCE, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. H.R. 3646: Mr. VELA. RUSH, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. GARAMENDI, CICILLINE, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, and Mrs. H.R. 3651: Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Ms. Mr. CARNEY, and Ms. HAHN. KIRKPATRICK. NORTON, Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of California, H.R. 244: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 2461: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. RIBBLE, Ms. BROWN of Flor- H.R. 292: Mr. CULBERSON. H.R. 2633: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. ida, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. H.R. 317: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 2643: Mrs. ROBY. FARENTHOLD, Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. H.R. 381: Ms. BROWN of Florida. H.R. 2646: Mr. TOM PRICE of Georgia. WOODALL, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of H.R. 546: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 2657: Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Texas, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, H.R. 592: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 2671: Mr. HONDA. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. TITUS, H.R. 602: Mr. ASHFORD. H.R. 2672: Mr. HONDA. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Ms. FRANKEL of H.R. 664: Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- H.R. 2673: Mr. HONDA. Florida, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. DUNCAN of Ten- vania. H.R. 2674: Mr. HONDA. nessee, Mr. BARLETTA, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. H.R. 829: Mr. MEEKS. H.R. 2697: Mr. SWALWELL of California. ROKITA, Mr. KATKO, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. H.R. 836: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. H.R. 2698: Ms. JENKINS of Kansas. CRAWFORD, Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. H.R. 837: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 2710: Mrs. BLACK. RUSH, Mr. NEWHOUSE, Mr. COSTA, Mr. BOST, H.R. 879: Mr. GOODLATTE and Mr. H.R. 2717: Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. GRAYSON, and Mr. ASHFORD, Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. BRADY of FITZPATRICK. Ms. BONAMICI. Pennsylvania, Mr. CLAY, Mr. SCHRADER, Mrs. H.R. 969: Mr. BRAT. H.R. 2737: Mr. TED LIEU of California and WAGNER, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. H.R. 973: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. HARPER, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, Mr. SIMP- H.R. 1019: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 2775: Mr. POCAN. SON, Mr. POCAN, Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois, H.R. 1062: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina H.R. 2799: Mr. LEWIS. Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. QUIGLEY, and Mr. WOMACK. H.R. 2805: Mr. PETERS. Mr. YODER, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. KELLY of H.R. 1122: Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 2858: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of Pennsylvania, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. H.R. 1124: Mr. SERRANO. New York, Ms. ESHOO, and Ms. TSONGAS. HULTGREN, Mr. FLORES, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. H.R. 1130: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey and Ms. H.R. 2869: Mr. CRAWFORD. HUELSKAMP, Mr. WESTERMAN, Mr. DOLD, Mr. ADAMS. H.R. 2889: Mr. PASCRELL. ENISHEK ETERS PTON UP H.R. 1141: Mr. COFFMAN. H.R. 2904: Mr. BARLETTA. B , Mr. P , Mr. U , Mr. R - H.R. 1174: Mr. COHEN, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. H.R. 2944: Mr. HANNA, Mr. NADLER, Mr. PERSBERGER, Mr. LONG, Mr. KLINE, Mrs. COM- SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. NORCROSS, Mr. ABRAHAM, and Mr. POLIS. STOCK, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. EMMER of Min- ROTHFUS, Mr. JORDAN, and Mr. GARRETT. H.R. 3011: Mr. GIBBS. nesota, Mr. ZINKE, Mr. HILL, Mr. BYRNE, Ms. H.R. 1192: Mr. RIGELL. H.R. 3029: Mr. DEFAZIO. SINEMA, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. POMPEO, and Mr. H.R. 1220: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa, Mr. KEATING, H.R. 3033: Mr. TAKANO and Mrs. BEATTY. LOBIONDO. Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, H.R. 3048: Mr. SMITH of Texas. H.J. Res. 19: Mr. SANFORD. Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. CAPPS. H.R. 3084: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina H.J. Res. 59: Mr. LATTA, Mr. MOONEY of H.R. 1258: Mr. DENT, Ms. ESHOO, and Mr. and Mr. BLUMENAUER. West Virginia, Mr. KELLY of Mississippi, Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico. H.R. 3095: Mr. YODER. ROGERS of Kentucky, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. TIP- H.R. 1283: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. H.R. 3099: Mr. POCAN, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. TON, Mr. JORDAN, Mr. BROOKS of Alabama, H.R. 1288: Mr. POSEY, Mr. SIRES, and Mr. KATKO, and Mr. POMPEO. and Mrs. WALORSKI. RIGELL. H.R. 3102: Mr. MCCAUL. H. Con. Res. 77: Mr. LOWENTHAL. H.R. 1427: Mrs. RADEWAGEN and Mr. COFF- H.R. 3119: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut and H. Res. 28: Ms. BONAMICI. MAN. Mr. FITZPATRICK. H. Res. 54: Ms. BONAMICI. H.R. 1441: Mrs. DINGELL and Ms. NORTON. H.R. 3130: Mr. DONOVAN. H. Res. 112: Mr. CRENSHAW. H.R. 1459: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 3144: Mr. MCCAUL and Mr. THOMPSON H. Res. 210: Mr. QUIGLEY. H.R. 1475: Mr. JORDAN, Mr. HUELSKAMP, and of Mississippi. H. Res. 214: Mr. SERRANO, Ms. LOFGREN, Ms. DUCKWORTH. H.R. 3151: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. and Mrs. DINGELL. H.R. 1532: Mr. GARRETT. H.R. 3173: Mr. NOLAN. H. Res. 220: Mr. RUSSELL. H.R. 1538: Mr. COFFMAN, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. H.R. 3229: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. JOLLY, H. Res. 293: Mr. HIGGINS. MULVANEY, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. KATKO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, H. Res. 346: Mr. WILLIAMS. and Mr. DEUTCH. and Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. H. Res. 354: Mr. HULTGREN and Mr. LEVIN.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.037 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2015 H. Res. 428: Mr. POLIS. PETITIONS, ETC. Resolution No. 2015-978, encouraging the H. Res. 453: Ms. FUDGE, Ms. BASS, Mr. Under clause 3 of rule XII, petitions Florida Delegation to the 114th Congress of JEFFRIES, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, and papers were laid on the Clerk’s the United States of America not to approve Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. desk and referred as follows: the proposed agreement between the United States and Iran regarding the operation of PAYNE, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. LEE, Mr. SCOTT of 29. The SPEAKER presented a petition of Virginia, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. Board of Chosen Freeholders, Morris County, Iranian nuclear facilities; to the Committee CLEAVER, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. AL New Jersey, relative to Resolution No. 59, on Foreign Affairs. GREEN of Texas, Mr. CLYBURN, Mr. strongly urging their Congressional delega- 31. Also, a petition of Council of the Coun- BUTTERFIELD, Ms. Adams, Ms. EDWARDS, Mr. tion to reject the terms of the Iran Nuclear ty of Maui, Hawaii, relative to Resolution Agreement, and to vote to override the an- CARSON of Indiana, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. SE- No. 15-109, urging Congress to pass the Indus- ticipated veto of President Obama; to the WELL of Alabama, and Mrs. WATSON COLE- trial Hemp Farming Act of 2015; jointly to Committee on Foreign Affairs. MAN. 30. Also, a petition of Village Council of the Committees on the Judiciary and Energy Bal Harbour Village, Florida, relative to and Commerce.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC7.019 H01OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 No. 143 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was people are reminded of the peril at- United States has ceded its leadership called to order by the President pro tached to the Obama administration’s position in the broader Middle East. tempore (Mr. HATCH). inflexible determination to conduct Of all the promises made by this ad- f foreign policy based on campaign ministration, withdrawing from Af- promises made in 2008. These goals— PRAYER ghanistan by a date certain seems to unilaterally withdrawing from Iraq and ignore the attack upon Kunduz by the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Afghanistan based on fixed deadlines, Taliban and the efforts of President fered the following prayer: ending the war on terror and some of Ghani to secure the gains of the coali- Let us pray. the critical tools used to pursue Al tion and his country’s future. How can Almighty God, as bombs fall in Syria Qaeda, closing the secure detention fa- the administration be pondering a and refugees seek safety, may all who cility at Guantanamo Bay, with- withdrawal of the force when the are oppressed look to You. In spite of drawing from our deployed forward Taliban’s offensive persists and the our world’s turbulence, we continue to presence, slashing investment in our campaign against Al Qaeda has not yet proclaim Your greatness for Your sov- conventional armed services, and pur- achieved its defeat? ereignty will prevail. Free us from fear. suing nuclear agreements with Russia So many threats face us—from Rus- Answer when we call. Shelter us from and Iran at any cost—have remained disappointment. sia, Iran, Syria, ISIL, and even China— constant, although the world has as do so many different means of at- Bless our Senators. Lord, fill them changed right in front of our Com- with the Spirit of Your wisdom, mak- tack: conventional, cyber, or terror. mander in Chief. And now the Obama administration is ing them equal to challenges of this Yesterday we saw the Obama admin- talking about vetoing America’s na- difficult season of our national and istration threaten to veto the national tional defense bill. They are talking world history. Open their minds to Defense authorization bill, which re- about vetoing the national defense bill comprehend Your wisdom, their ears to cently passed the Senate by a large bi- in the wake of all of this. hear Your guidance, and their hearts to partisan majority of 71 to 25. It passed obey Your biddings. the House by a big bipartisan margin I will have more to say about the na- Lift the light of Your countenance as well. tional defense bill in the coming days. upon all who seek You and give them This is the legislation that sets out But this is about more than one bill; it Your peace. military policy and authorizes funds is the latest in an increasingly wor- We pray in Your mighty Name. for our military each year. It is always rying pattern. Just last week, Demo- Amen. one of the most important bills we con- crats voted again to block funding for f sider every year, but it is especially our military. Democrats had voted for that military funding bill in com- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE important right now. The number of threats currently fac- mittee. They issued press releases The President pro tempore led the ing us is truly staggering. The last praising the bill they had supported in Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: month and week have brought glaring the Appropriations Committee, but I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the reminders. We are now seeing Russian then they blocked the Senate from United States of America, and to the Repub- forces deploy to Syria to preserve the even debating it. Now they appear lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ready to give the same treatment to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Assad regime. Although Moscow may try to call this some kind of counter- our veterans. Democrats voted for the f terrorism campaign, let’s be perfectly veterans funding bill in committee. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY clear: Russia’s offensive is designed to They issued press releases praising the LEADER protect Assad’s Alawite stronghold and bill. But now they seem prepared to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Russian military installations, while block the Senate from even debating this bill too. It is all part of some half- HELLER). The majority leader is recog- driving out the moderate opposition nized. and compelling coordination of Syrian baked Democratic scheme to get more money for the IRS and for Washington f airspace with the coalition. Russia aims to forcefully insert itself into the bureaucracies. It makes no sense, it is FOREIGN POLICY AND SUP- middle of coalition operations to gain extreme, and it needs to stop. PORTING OUR TROOPS AND VET- insights into the plans of the United The veterans funding bill before us ERANS States and, of course, to secure a seat would do right by the men and women Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, at the table. Meanwhile, our moderate who have given everything to protect with each passing day, the American Syrian allies stand appalled that the us and who have suffered so much

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.000 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 under the failings of this administra- some 600 filibusters during the last few poll numbers drop. We have been say- tion. This is the bill that supports vet- years conducted by my Republican ing this all along, but we have now had erans by funding the health care and friends, I think that speaks volumes. a gaffe. But it wasn’t a slipup; he just the benefits they rely on. This is the To have the Republican leader come told the truth. This is evidence of what bill. This is the bill that supports mili- to the floor and criticize Obama about we have been saying. The Benghazi tary families by funding the housing, what is going on in the Middle East— committee is a political stunt meant schools, and health facilities that serve that takes a lot of gall. We all know to influence Presidential elections that them. what happened in the Middle East a will be coming up in about a year. It is The veterans legislation before us number of years ago that created all no surprise that Congressman MCCAR- provides support for women’s health, these problems. It was the worst for- THY’s own colleagues are now back- for medical research, and for veterans eign policy mistake in the history of pedaling on his comments as fast as suffering from traumatic brain injury. our country—invading Iraq. For what? they possibly can. Their elections will It provides funding for design work at Look what we have now in Iraq. Look be in 1 week. They better take a look a new VA medical center in Louisville, what we have in the entire Middle at whom they are going to put in as for educational facilities at Fort Knox, East. So it takes a lot of rearranging Speaker. The Republicans have taken a and for a special operations head- facts for the Republican leader to come national tragedy—four Americans were quarters at Fort Campbell, all in my to the floor every day—most days I killed—and turned it into the cheapest State. just sit here, listen, and go on about political farce imaginable. This is a The bill contains important reforms my business, but I can’t do that. It is shame. The very notion that an official aimed at supporting veterans in the just unfair. Everyone knows we need to House committee was used as a polit- wake of a true national disgrace—the look no further than President Bush’s ical tool is appalling. Even more dis- VA scandal. The reforms funded in this invasion of Iraq to find out what the graceful is the fact that they spent al- bill will allow for greater national and real problem is in the Middle East. most $5 million on this select com- regional progress in reducing VA claim He talks about the Defense author- mittee—dollars spent on this rightwing backlogs, and they will deploy impor- ization bill. If it is such a great piece of political hatchet job. tant protections for whistleblowers legislative action, why does all of our That is not all. In addition to this se- too. military think it is a bad deal? This lect committee, they have had six Look, we need to remember that we would be as if you decided one day you other committees investigating this. have an all-volunteer force in this are going to make your house payment There are untold millions of dollars country. The young men and women and your car payment with money that spent on this. Whose money are they who sign up to defend our Nation don’t doesn’t exist. That is what they have spending? They are spending taxpayer ask for a lot, but our Nation certainly done. That is what the Republicans dollars. asks a lot of them. These heroes have done. They have $39 billion in the We hear my friend make references shouldn’t have to worry that their ben- Defense authorization bill that doesn’t to how bad it is that we are concerned efits or health care or the housing and exist. It is just on paper. It is a gim- about nondefense stuff. Yes, we are. We support their families need might not mick for short-term funding. And to are concerned about nondefense stuff. be there. have the audacity to come here and We think the nondefense part of this There is a long tradition in the Sen- talk about—look at all the threats we budget should also get some recogni- ate of bipartisan support for our are having with cyber security, cyber tion. We are concerned about the FBI troops, our veterans, and their fami- threats. We have a cyber bill we have and the Federal court system. We are lies. We saw that bipartisan tradition tried to get on this floor. The Repub- concerned about the Drug Enforcement on full display just a few months ago licans blocked it when they were in the Administration and all the immigra- when Republicans and Democrats came minority. Now when they are in the tion officials who need help. We are together in the Appropriations Com- majority, they won’t do a bill, period. concerned about our forests that are mittee to pass bipartisan legislation to We have an order that is before this burning down. We are concerned about fund our troops and support our vet- body now that allows us to go forward the situation we have where we don’t erans. on cyber security. We already have a have enough money to build our high- We ask a lot of the men and women list of amendments to agree on. But ways or to repair our highways. Yes, who serve. They don’t need a bigger the Republican leader won’t bring it to we are concerned about that and right- IRS or political games like the Demo- the floor. To have him come to this fully so. To have a secure nation is crats’ self-described filibuster summer; floor and complain of Obama not doing more than having a lot of bombs and they need our care and our support. It anything about cyber—I would suggest bullets and airplanes and tanks and is our turn to give back to them. Why my friend, every morning when he gets ships. It is also having a population don’t we get back to the bipartisan tra- up, walk into the bathroom, put a lit- that is educated. dition of supporting these bills so we tle water on his face, wake up, and We sent a letter to Speaker BOEHNER can do what we need to do for our vet- look in the mirror. asking that the Benghazi Select Com- erans. I will talk about this a little more in mittee be disbanded. Get rid of it. It is f a minute, but I want to start what I a disgrace. Do the right thing; get rid have to say right now by reading a di- of this. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY rect quote from the current House ma- Senate Republicans are stuck in a LEADER jority leader, and we are told he is deep rut. They have dug this hole. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The going to be the next Speaker of the They are in it, and they don’t know Democratic leader is recognized. House of Representatives. Listen to how to get out of it. The Republican f this one, speaking about the Benghazi leader continues bringing bills to the Senate floor that have no chance of FOREIGN POLICY, BENGHAZI SE- committee. This is what Congressman MCCARTHY told FOX News: passing. We have things out there we LECT COMMITTEE, AND THE could be doing. NEED FOR BIPARTISAN NEGO- Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was un- beatable, right? But we put together a Four months ago we said to the Re- TIATIONS Benghazi select committee, a select com- publican leader: Why don’t we sit down Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is hard mittee. What are her numbers today? Her and try to work something out on this for me, when I come here every day, to numbers are dropping. budget for the long term. We have been be patient and listen to my friend the I might add, the person doing the ignored. They have ignored the need Republican leader talk because he is interviewing—good job. for a consensus budget framework and talking about something that is not But there you have it. According to instead are trying to move a flawed ap- real. He is not talking about reality. the odds-on favorite future Speaker of propriations bill based on the Repub- He wants to get back to the bipartisan the House, the Benghazi select com- licans’ partisan budget. The Senate way we used to do things. I certainly mittee was put together to hurt Hil- spoke and, of course, the bill didn’t ad- agree with him, but having looked at lary Clinton politically, to make her vance.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.006 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7057 The Republican leader tried to move I have reminded people before, and I son. He was responsible for something the same measure again last week, will do it again. The government was called the Federal Perkins Loan Pro- even though the Senate already re- shut down here a couple of years ago gram. It wasn’t reauthorized in the jected it. And to no one’s surprise, it for 17 days. We finally got it open. We continuing resolution. What does that failed. passed something over here, and it mean? As a result of that, the Nation’s How about this one? This year—this went to the House. Two-thirds of the oldest student aid program has expired, year—we have already had eight votes House of Representatives—Republicans leaving up to 150,000 students who are on the health of American women— in the House—voted to keep the gov- coming into college in the lurch. eight votes. Everyone knows how those ernment closed. The Perkins Loan Program offers votes are going to turn out, but you There are so many programs that are low-interest, federally subsidized stu- can’t satisfy this voracious appetite just not being taken care of. I will talk dent loans for students with excep- the Republicans have to bash women. about a couple of them right now. tional financial needs and also offers a Yet the Republican leader continues to There is something I have worked on variety of forgiveness options for those schedule votes on legislation that can’t since I came here—the Land and Water who choose to pursue public service pass the Senate. Conservation Fund. The Presiding Offi- professions. Last year, more than $1.2 I think C–SPAN will have to have a cer is from Nevada. He has represented billion in new Perkins loans were made disclaimer each time that flips up the northern part of the State for to about 540,000 new and returning col- there that says: This is not a rerun. many years in different elective jobs. lege students around the country, in- This is the Republican Senate doing it He understands and knows Lake Tahoe cluding 500 low-income students from again. We have already done it seven very well. It is a beautiful lake that we Nevada. times. Once more won’t matter that share with California. Well, the Land It is hard to believe the tea party- much. and Water Conservation Fund helps us dominated House—and obviously the Today the Republican leader wants greatly because we were able to take Republican Caucus here is heavily in- to rerun the same show again, this some money out of that program and fluenced by the tea party—has turned a time with another bill—military con- purchase land that was going to be blind eye to this. It is hard to believe struction. This appropriations bill is used for subdivision that would have the tea party-dominated House of Rep- still based on the Republican’s faulty allowed more filth to go into Lake resentatives passed an extension of budget. The senior Senator from Mon- Tahoe. We were able to stop that with Perkins unanimously, but Senate Re- tana, the ranking member of that sub- money from the Land and Water Con- publicans would not agree to do the committee, said yesterday this bill ‘‘is servation Fund. The money hasn’t been same. Yesterday, Senate Republicans shackled to an unwise and unrealistic coming in as we have wanted in the even blocked a bid to extend the pro- budget that locks in destructive se- past, so we beefed it up and were able gram. questration cuts and vastly underfunds to do a lot of things. These are just two of the programs programs vital to this nation’s security Now, for the first time in 50 years, that expired at midnight last night. and prosperity.’’ this program has been allowed to ex- There are many more. It is a shame be- That is what Senator TESTER said pire. It is gone. This program has been cause they wouldn’t have expired at all yesterday. supported by Democrats and Repub- if we had sat down and negotiated a It has no chance of getting 60 votes— licans and by rural and urban commu- few months ago. So I say to my friend none. I know that, and my friend the nities. But on the Republicans’ watch, the Republican leader: Let’s not waste Republican leader knows that. So why one of the most important programs another minute on politically moti- are we wasting time on another vote and one of the best programs for our vated votes that are doomed to fail. In- that is destined to fail? Because they Nation’s parks—and one of the most stead, let’s focus the Senate’s energy do not want to bring real legislation to broadly supported programs in the and attention on bipartisan negotia- the floor. Why aren’t we spending our country—has been allowed to lapse. It tions to get our country on the right time coming to a real bipartisan solu- is gone. track. tion that helps our veterans and helps The program is funded by a portion Mr. President, would the Chair an- the nondefense part of our country, of fees collected by offshore oil and gas nounce the business of the day. which is so important? drilling. Every day that it is not au- The time to sit down and to begin thorized, we lose out on collecting $2.4 f real budget negotiations was a long million of offshore oil and gas so it can RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME time ago, but we will take it now. I am be used for our beautiful natural re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under happy to learn the Republican leader sources that are in a state of disrepair. the previous order, the leadership time said he wants negotiations—he said This Land and Water Conservation is reserved. this a couple days ago—he wants nego- Fund has supported projects in every tiations to begin very soon. Well, isn’t State, from protecting the rim of the f that nice. Democrats have been wait- Grand Canyon to securing access to the MORNING BUSINESS ing for 4 months. So let’s get to it. Appalachian Trail, and from Lake Just imagine what we could have ac- Tahoe to building neighborhood play- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under complished if the Republican leader grounds in urban areas across the the previous order, the Senate will be had taken us up on our offer 4 months country. in a period of morning business for 1 ago. The U.S. Government wouldn’t In a last-ditch effort to sway their hour, with Senators permitted to speak have come within hours of a shutdown, own leadership, several Republicans therein, with the time equally divided, hundreds of government agencies came to the floor yesterday and tried with the majority controlling the first would not have had to spend time and to pass a stand-alone extension of the half and the Democrats controlling the effort preparing for a shutdown, divert- program that would be dead on arrival final half. ing them from their main jobs. in the House. The Republican leaders The Senator from Louisiana. If you want to see how close we were refused to extend the program in the f to a government shutdown take a look continuing resolution, despite many at what took place in the House of Rep- Democrats and Republicans asking for MILCON–VA APPROPRIATIONS resentatives yesterday. We passed over it to be included. Mr. . Mr. President, I wish here in the Senate a short-term con- One other program. The good Senator to speak on the Military Construction tinuing resolution to fund the govern- from Illinois—the senior Senator from and Veterans Affairs appropriations ment until December 11. It went to the Illinois, the assistant Democratic lead- bill that is now being considered. I will House, and they voted on it yesterday. er, served in the House of Representa- start by saying that this is 3601 Three-fifths of House Republicans— tives, as I did, with a man named Gerstner Memorial Parkway, Lake 151—voted for a shutdown. They voted Claude Perkins. He was a wonderful Charles, LA. This is the location for against the continuing resolution. House Member. When we came to the the new Lake Charles VA clinic—a That says it all. House in 1982, he was a very senior per- clinic that has taken 13 years to get

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.007 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 approved, a clinic that has seen delay housing for our soldiers and educating port the negotiations that are going on after delay, costing veterans access to their children. now. But it is long past time for the quality health care, a clinic still wait- I urge my fellow Senators to consider Senate to take up, debate, amend, and ing to be built. what is included in this legislation: pass each of these appropriations bills. This is a picture of the current facil- family housing, schools, medical facili- We have the opportunity to do that ity in Lake Charles, where veterans ties for Active-Duty personnel and just now, and I do not understand those have to go for their health care while their families, and funding for the care who argue that we should not proceed they have waited for over 13 years to of 6.9 million veterans. with the normal appropriations proc- have the new facility built. This RV Let me add something to this. As a ess. and this small building are why Con- doctor, I am glad we also specifically Those who disagree with provisions gress must advance this MILCON–VA provide for groundbreaking hepatitis C in this bill will have the opportunity to appropriations bill and why the Presi- treatments and for modernizing the VA offer amendments to change the bill. dent should sign it into law. electronic medical records system. But to not even allow this vital fund- This mobile clinic in Lake Charles— The Senate Appropriations Com- ing bill for our military and for our you almost laugh—is the clinic for our mittee passed the Military Construc- veterans to come to the Senate floor is veterans. It is one of many such clinics tion and Veterans Affairs appropria- an argument that I do not accept nor in our country and is unacceptable. tions bill by a bipartisan vote of 12 to understand. This is something one might see in a 9, with all Republicans and 5 Demo- We owe it to our Nation’s veterans, documentary about developing nations, crats voting in favor. 127,000 of whom reside in the great not the United States of America. This This is common sense. Congress has State of Maine. There are more than 21 RV, where our veterans are treated for the duty to pass this legislation now, million nationwide. We owe it to them to move forward with this important serious medical conditions, is con- and the President has an obligation to bill. These veterans answered the call nected to a waiting room that is triple sign it. We must honor our commit- to duty. They shouldered the hardships the size of the square footage of the ment to our military and to our vet- and sacrifices of military service. They mobile home. That is because the de- erans. have done their jobs. It is time for the mand for care so greatly exceeds this The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Senate to do its job. We must fulfill subpar facility’s ability to deliver ROUNDS). The Senator from Maine. our obligations and affirm a larger health care to our veterans. Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise commitment made long ago to take In the waiting room there is a tele- today to urge my colleagues on both care of those who have so proudly vision set, but it is not plugged in and sides of the aisle to support the Mili- served our Nation—the patriots who it doesn’t have a remote. That is be- tary Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill. have worn our Nation’s uniform. cause VA rules say you must have a TV To highlight a few examples of why Yesterday, Congress sent the Presi- in the waiting room, but the rules this bill is so important, let me men- dent a continuing resolution, a bill to don’t stipulate that it must function. tion that it ensures our veterans have prevent a government shutdown. This It sounds like a joke. We have to have access to critical mental health care was necessary to ensure that vital re- a television, but we don’t say it has to services. It aims to reduce veteran sources and services the American peo- be plugged in. homelessness—a very important issue ple depend on do not lapse and in order This is the current state of the VA, to me that I have worked on with Sen- and this is what Congress is allowing to avoid harm to jobs and our econ- ator JACK REED as a member of the when we fail to pass this needed legis- omy. But as my colleagues fully real- HUD and transportation appropriations lation. ize, simply putting government on subcommittee—another bill that we I would like to say this is an isolated autopilot through a continuing resolu- need to bring to the Senate floor. This problem but there are veterans all over tion is not the responsible way to fund bill provides funding to pay veterans the country receiving health care government. It locks in last year’s pri- benefits and includes $270 million for under similar circumstances. For more orities, delays the start of vital new the Office of Rural Health, important than 10 years, our young men and programs, and allows unneeded pro- to the Presiding Officer as well as to women have returned from war in the grams to continue to be funded. We my State. This office has established Middle East. These young veterans are must pass the 12 annual appropriations the program called the ARCH Program, joining men and women who have bills. or Access Received Closer to Home. served this Nation in uniform, defend- In July of this year, the Senate Ap- ARCH ensures that rural veterans in ing our freedom in every corner of the propriations Committee, on which I am the pilot States, who often have a dif- globe. They deserve better than a mo- privileged to serve, reported the last of ficult time accessing the regular VA bile home. They deserve action, and the 12 bills. This was the first time health system, can receive care closer they deserve it now. If we don’t pass that all 12 of the appropriations bills to where they live. This has been a tre- this bill, there will be consequences for have been approved by the committee, mendous success in northern Maine, people—America’s heroes—who need in plenty of time for the Senate to act, which has one of the pilot programs in help now. since 2009. It is past time for the Sen- Caribou, ME, in conjunction with Cary This is the VA portion, but it is also ate to take up and pass these funding Memorial Hospital. This has made such the military VA construction budget. bills so that we can go to conference a difference to our veterans. If we fail to act, it will not just be our with our House colleagues and send to I remember one of our veterans tell- veterans who are hurt; it will also af- the President annual funding bills that ing me about breaking his hip last win- fect our Active-Duty military and our reflect our current priorities that ben- ter in the height of a terrible winter national security. efit the American people. storm. Instead of enduring a painful We know there is a portion of the In May of this year—in May—the and bumpy ride for more than 4 hours budget which goes for actually pro- Senate Appropriations Committee re- to get to the VA hospital in Augusta, tecting our military construction, but ported the Military Construction and he was able, through the ARCH Pro- what sometimes people forget is there Veterans Affairs funding bill by a gram, to receive care at his local hos- is a human face to our military. Gen. strong, bipartisan vote of 21 to 9. As a pital, Cary Memorial in Caribou, ME. Robert Rand recently took control of member of the subcommittee with ju- He also had the benefit of being able to Global Strike, a position that is risdiction over this bill, I know this receive care closer to where his family charged with maintaining our nuclear represented bipartisan consensus and and friends were. triad and first strike capabilities, but hard work. It reflected the leadership The programs that I just mentioned, there are those in the Air Force who of Chairman KIRK and Ranking Mem- like so many that are contained within serve under General Rand. He needs the ber TESTER. the Military Construction-VA appro- resources to maintain our nuclear abil- This bill provides vital resources for priations bill, are essential to ensuring ity, but without this legislation we our veterans and our servicemembers. that veterans who have placed their cannot maintain his combat readiness, We are operating under very chal- lives on the line for our continued safe- which includes basic needs such as lenging budget constraints, and I sup- ty receive the benefits they have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.009 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7059 earned. This bill is essential to pro- percent cost overrun. That is uncon- And to vote against proceeding to de- viding updated military housing and scionable and that is wrong. But we fi- bate this important appropriations bill other construction upon which those nally are fixing it. is professional malpractice and wrong. who are serving today depend. With this bill—if the distinguished I hope my colleagues on both sides of It is simply irresponsible for us not minority leader will let us take up this the aisle will make a commitment to to proceed with consideration of this important bill, rather than something those who served us and vote to pro- and every other appropriations bill. that is not as important—we are going ceed to the VA-MILCON appropriations They are ready. They have been re- to fix VA construction forever because bill. ported by committee. Let’s do our job. what this does is to say that the VA no I yield back the remainder of my We must do our best to honor those longer is in charge of construction of time. who serve, and who have served, and hospitals and clinics. The Corps of En- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- who have sacrificed so much for our gineers is. It is about time we had con- ator from Arkansas. country. Surely—surely—the Senate struction management by people who Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, yes- should do its part. We should do our know what they are doing. Doctors are terday Congress passed yet another part by promptly passing this impor- good at fixing people, but they are not short-term continuing resolution. tant bill. very good at bricks and mortar. We While this avoids a shutdown, it is far The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- need the bricks and mortar people from ideal. Certainly a shutdown is not ator from Georgia. doing it. good governing. I think all of us can Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I wish Secondly, this bill funds mandatory agree on that much. I wish to remind to commend the distinguished Senator veterans’ benefits through 2017. We had my colleagues, though—particularly from Maine. She has articulately ex- a threat of a government shutdown those on the other side of the aisle— plained why we need to move forward, yesterday. Fortunately, we avoided it, that continuing resolutions are hardly and I want to underscore something but we have had it in the past, and we better. While the American people de- that she said. could have it again. Veterans health mand that we get our financial house For 6 years now, the Senate has abdi- care should never be shut down, and we in order, Washington continues to pass cated its responsibility to appropriate. need to continue to forward-fund med- stopgap after stopgap funding bills. In- We have left the prioritization of ical benefits so our veterans know— stead of tackling this challenge head- spending to faceless bureaucrats and whether or not we are foolish and shut on, these short-term extensions con- tinue current funding levels and pre- faceless buildings in Washington, DC. down the government—that their vent us from stopping waste, fraud, and The needs of our veterans and soldiers health care is going to be met. and our country have gone unheeded, As the Presiding Officer knows, in abuse of taxpayer dollars. Just like a while we in here have argued about the great State of South Dakota—and shutdown, this, too, is no way to gov- ern. There is another option. We don’t things that are superfluous and actu- Senator COLLINS knows from Maine— ally unimportant. the biggest complaint we get is about have to choose between a continuing resolution and a shutdown. The third I came into this Chamber today and the lack of timely responsibility in de- choice is the right choice, and that listened to the distinguished Senator termining disability claims in the VA; choice is for this Chamber to follow from Nevada, the minority leader, right? We have veterans waiting 478 regular order and pass all 12 appropria- make the following statement: He days to get a disability claim on an in- can’t understand why the leader would tions bills. jury they suffered fighting a war for We have done our work at the Appro- bring forward a ‘‘can’t-pass’’ piece of us—478 days, almost 2 years. That is priations Committee. For the first legislation and not go to something terribly wrong. This bill fixes that. It time in 6 years, every spending bill has more important. provides the money for the personnel cleared committee—all 12—and most of I want the Senator from Nevada to necessary to expedite disability claims them passed with strong bipartisan go out to Walter Reed Hospital or to go so veterans get a timely judgment. support. I commend the Appropriations to the hospital in Maine or the hospital Now you tell me this, Senator from Chairman COCHRAN and Leader MCCON- in Arkansas and tell those soldiers, Nevada: What is more important, tak- NELL for their leadership to make that who sacrificed and risked their lives ing care of these guys taking care of us happen. for us, that their needs for health care or just debating on the Senate floor a The full Senate has the responsibility are not more important, or to tell Jim bunch of hot air that means no dif- to consider each of these bills as well. Webb, who was a Member of this Sen- ference to the American people? Leader MCCONNELL is committed to ate and passed the GI bill expansion a It is time we fished or cut bait. It is this approach. Our caucus is behind it few years ago, that the educational time we did what we were elected to. It 100 percent. The minority, on the other benefits for dependents, children, is time we set the priorities. It is time hand, is actively working against it. wives, and others are not that impor- we honored our commitment to those Committee passage of these 12 bills was tant. Tell the people of the United who honored their commitment to us, no easy task. Both sides made com- States of America that those who pro- the veterans of the United States of promises. These bills were the product tect us, those who have sacrificed, America. of a great deal of give-and-take. those at risk are not more important. So as chairman of the most bipar- We worked very hard for months to There is nothing more important tisan committee in the Senate, the ensure that these bills reflect the than our veterans and our military. Veterans’ Affairs Committee—of which spending and policy priorities that are There is nothing more important in the Presiding Officer is a member—we right for our Nation. These bills should our constitutional responsibility as don’t have Democratic spats and Re- not simply be left for dead. The Presi- Senators than to appropriate the publican spats. We talk about our vet- dent is encouraging the Senate Demo- money of the American people. We are erans. Almost everything we pass out crats to obstruct the appropriations abdicating our responsibility. It is pro- is unanimous. We do so because we all process because he wants more domes- fessional and political malpractice, and agree that—Republican or Democrat, tic spending for agencies like the EPA it is time it stopped. I get sick and black or white, rich or poor, whatever and IRS. This is not the direction our tired of the political bantering back the case might be—we would not be country needs to go. I hope my col- and forth when there are things come where we are today nor would we be leagues on the other side of the aisle before us that must be done. what we are today if it weren’t for will reconsider this failed strategy. As chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs those who sacrificed, risked their lives, The funding bills show the American Committee, last Thursday night in this and, in some cases, died for the people people that we share their priorities. Senate we passed unanimously—and it of the United States of America while For instance, the bill before us takes has now passed the House—a total re- serving in the military. care of our Active Military and our form of VA construction, and we fixed So I don’t know what the Senator veterans when they return home. the Denver hospital problem that has from Nevada thinks is more important. Clearly this is an area of bipartisan been going on for 6 years in the VA. But for me, these guys right here are agreement. Yet talk of a filibuster re- The Denver hospital has had a 428.3 the most important thing in the world. mains.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.010 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 Here is what the minority is consid- committee. We did so in a fiscally re- of the Senate, but make no mistake ering filibustering: increases in funding sponsible way. We did so within the about this, this is not just about proc- for veterans services, military housing budget caps agreed to by the Congress. ess; it is also about progress. Funding and family support, hospital and health Many of us voted for those budget caps. bills are not just numbers on paper; facilities construction, just to name a We did so with broad-based bipartisan they are people. They are our veterans. few vital things in this bill. The bill in- support; 9 of the 12 bills had broad- They are our friends and neighbors, our creases funding in areas where our vet- based bipartisan support. These bills fathers and mothers, our sons and erans need it most—health care, ben- touch every aspect of government and daughters. They represent the prior- efit claims processing, and medical re- every facet of our economy. From ities of our Nation. search. It also includes funding for transportation, medical research, en- There are other things in the appro- projects to ensure military readiness ergy investments to justice programs, priations bills that are equally impor- and improve the quality of life for mili- these funding bills were robustly de- tant. We passed out historic invest- tary families. In light of the numerous bated. ments in NIH and community health scandals that have plagued the VA, it Knowing all this, why are the Demo- centers. We passed out critical infra- includes some strong policy reforms crats blocking the Senate from consid- structure improvements from expand- such as protection for whistleblowers. ering one of these single appropriations ing broadband access to trying to help These are funding and policy prior- bills? Earlier this week it was the De- with the drug epidemic. You cannot ities for both sides of the aisle. That is fense appropriations. Today it is the measure the impact of programs like why this bill passed out of the Appro- MILCON–VA. Why? Why are they the National Guard Counterdrug Pro- priations Committee with strong bipar- blocking these same bills that many of gram, which is helping to combat the tisan support. That is why it should them have previously voted for in com- spread of illegal drugs in our State, or move forward without resistance on mittee and touted to their constitu- the work of the Appalachian Regional the Senate floor. Yet the minority is ents? Commission which helps to improve threatening a filibuster for reasons Last week I had the privilege of trav- the lives of so many. Endless con- that have nothing to do with this bill. eling across West Virginia with VA tinuing resolutions are not the most ef- This is all about protecting the Presi- Secretary McDonald. We heard directly fective ways to meet these needs and dent’s agenda. from veterans about their challenges can be proved wasteful in both time President Obama wants spending in- and needs. One of the things we dis- and dollars. Our bills provide critical creases across the board. He has issued cussed was the Greenbrier County com- funding, but they also provide direc- a blanket veto threat for any appro- munity-based outpatient clinic that tion on significant policy matters that priations bill that does not meet his had been closed. Secretary McDonald are facing this Nation. demands. Basically, the President’s made a commitment, with over 200 vet- When we operate from one short- view is that if such agencies don’t get erans that we had in the room from term funding patch to the other, we as more money, then neither should our that area, that that clinic would re- Members of Congress are forfeiting our veterans or military families. It is my open quickly, but without the cer- responsibility to hold the executive hope my colleagues on the other side of tainty of the funding that we have in branch accountable. Advancing appro- the aisle recognize this is out of line these bills, Secretary McDonald cannot priations bills through regular order is with our Nation’s priorities. make those assertions across the coun- a vital check on wasteful spending and The right thing to do is reject the try. We went to the Huntington VA overreach in our government agencies. We need to work together. We can President’s call to obstruct so we can Hospital, where we met with employees start that today, and I hope we will continue to work together for the good and veterans—committed individuals later this afternoon. These are broad of the country. Determining how we al- who want to see our veterans treated goals, and the goals are shown in those locate taxpayer dollars is our responsi- the way we want them to be treated, bills. As the Senate begins consider- bility, not the President’s. Continuing but the advances in medical tech- ation of funding for Military Construc- resolutions have been all too common, nologies can’t move forward without a tion and Veterans Affairs, we should while they should be a rare exception. certainty of what the funding levels remember this: Governing is about set- are. We need to reestablish our priority of ting priorities and bringing fiscal re- regular order and pass the individual These men and women, our brave vet- erans, deserve our unified support and sponsibility to the Federal Govern- funding bills that are needed to keep ment, while ensuring that we provide the government open. We can start should not be subjected to the gridlock that has been so common in these past for the necessary investments and serv- that today and by moving the Military ices. Supporting our veterans is not few years. The Military Construction Construction and Veterans Affairs Ap- only necessary, it is about the men and and Veterans Affairs bill funds con- propriations bill forward. women who put their lives on the line struction and care for facilities and I yield the floor. for us so we can enjoy the freedoms we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- services that assist our military vet- have here today. West Virginia is a ator from West Virginia. erans. It improves facilities for men very patriotic State, with one of the Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. President, we and women who are willing to sacrifice highest percentages of military vet- heard from many Members talking for our freedoms. I will say, many of erans. I want to see that they are cared about the situation with the appropria- our VA facilities are challenged with for properly. I am going to make that tions bill, and I would like to add my approximately 20 percent of women vote today. I hope my colleagues—the voice to the chorus. For too long un- veterans who are coming out. They ones who are on the Appropriations certainty has hampered our Nation’s don’t have facilities to adequately Committee who have already voted in ability to grow our economy and make treat our women veterans. This bill favor of this bill—will convince their necessary investments in our work- also includes funding for construction colleagues on the other side that grid- force, our infrastructure, and our tech- of State extended-care facilities, which lock and obstructionism is not the way nology. It was imperative that we helps construct, expand, and remodel to go in the Senate. It is time to work avoided an unnecessary and reckless nursing home facilities to care for our across the aisle to pass this bill and government shutdown this week, but elderly veterans. We know many of our support our veterans. Doing so will that was a short-term patch. Now more veterans are aging in larger and larger strengthen our Nation. than ever we need to take longer term numbers. I yield the floor. actions to move our economy and our Determining our Nation’s spending I suggest the absence of a quorum. Nation forward. priorities, especially when it comes to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The As the Senator from Arkansas men- our veterans, is one of Congress’s most clerk will call the roll. tioned, earlier this year the Appropria- important responsibilities. Our process The senior assistant legislative clerk tions Committee, on which I sit, ac- can work and our government can proceeded to call the roll. complished something that has not function. We demonstrated that at the Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask been done since 2009. We passed all 12 committee level. We need to dem- unanimous consent that the order for appropriations bills through the full onstrate that as well today on the floor the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.012 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7061 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. we did, some of them for extraor- Senator CORNYN and Senator WHITE- CAPITO). Without objection, it is so or- dinarily unfair and unjust periods of HOUSE took a look at those in prison to dered. time. The worst vote—the worst vote I determine ways they could earn an ear- f ever cast as a Member of Congress was lier release or better terms of release. in the House. It goes back more than 20 They did extraordinary work. Senator SENTENCING REFORM years ago. A basketball player at the Corey Booker of New Jersey stepped in Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, University of Maryland named Len on an issue that all of us who serve there are many stories written in the Bias died from a drug overdose. We with him know he feels so passionately last months about the dysfunction of were called on to stiffen the penalties about, the African-American incarcer- Congress, why can’t they get along, for crack cocaine in America and we ation rate and particularly the impact why can’t they produce something, did, dramatically: 100 to 1 for crack co- it has on young people in that part of why can’t they address the issues and caine versus sentencing for powdered our population. He made some valuable challenges of our time. It is easy to get cocaine—100 to 1. The net result of that contributions to this bill. into that mindset and believe that in several decades of sentencing was to It is our hope we can bring this bill something has happened on Capitol send away primarily African Ameri- to the Senate Judiciary Committee Hill that cannot be repaired. For those cans for incredibly long sentences. Eu- soon. Senator GRASSLEY gave his word who are about to give up hope, I hope genia Jennings of Alton, IL, a teenage that would happen, and then bring it to they are reflecting on what I left just a mother and a crack addict was selling the floor and send it to the House. few moments ago. It was a press con- crack cocaine, a handful of it, to buy For those who say, ‘‘What is going to ference held up in the radio and TV clothes and food for her children. It happen over there, with all of the Senate gallery. was her third offense. changes taking place?’’ I would make Attending this press conference were When she was convicted, the manda- one observation: Our spectrum of polit- Senator CHUCK GRASSLEY, who is the tory minimum sentencing guidelines ical support for the bill we had at the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Com- gave Judge PATRICK MURPHY no choice press conference represents the spec- mittee; Senator JOHN CORNYN, the Re- but to hand down a sentence of 23 years trum in the House as well. All of us publican whip; Senator MIKE LEE of in prison. Judge Murphy said at the came together. All of them can come Utah; and Senator TIM SCOTT. On the time: This country, this government, together too. They may not agree with Democratic side: Senator PATRICK has done nothing for you, Ms. Jen- every word in this bill. Having served LEAHY, the ranking Democrat on the nings, through your tortured life, and in the House, I am sure they won’t. But Senate Judiciary Committee; Senator now at this moment in life we are if they will make the same good-faith COREY BOOKER of New Jersey, a rel- going to kick you hard. effort at finding reasonable com- atively new Member of the Senate; The judge knew it was the wrong sen- promise, then we can reach a historic Senator SHELDON WHITEHOUSE; and tence. Fortunately, Eugenia Jennings’ achievement, a historic outcome in Senator CHUCK SCHUMER. sentence was commuted after a dozen this process. We were there to announce what we years. She was released from prison to I wish to commend one member of think is a historic achievement, a his- be with her children, only for a short my staff in particular who has devoted toric agreement. We have been working time. She passed away from cancer. more hours than I could ever count to now for years, literally for years, on But that is just one statistic, one make this a reality. His name is Joe both sides of the aisle to make signifi- story, and it can be repeated thousands Zogby. He is my lead counsel on the cant and meaningful criminal sen- of times. Senate Judiciary Committee. Time and tencing reform and reform to the cor- This bill tries to avoid that type of time again, Joe Zogby has performed rections system of the United States of injustice. We were not going to be a so professionally and with such deter- America. On that stage, from MIKE LEE safer State, a safer nation if she served mination, from my point of view and I to PAT LEAHY and DICK DURBIN, was 23 years instead of 12. It made no sense. am sure from other Senators’ points of the entire political spectrum of the So we address it with this bill. With view. We wouldn’t be here today if we Senate. Within that spectrum, there this bill, we go after a new approach in didn’t have staffers like Joe who have are a lot of differences of opinion. sentencing on this narrow category of given so much of their time and their There were times a year ago that I did crimes, which we believe can result in heartfelt dedication to finding a solu- not think that meeting and that an- many serving shorter sentences. tion to an American problem. nouncement would take place. Secondly, for those who are still in So before we walk away from the But today we came together, on a bi- prison subject to that 100-to-1 ratio on Congress and say there is no hope, take partisan basis, to announce that we sentencing, we give 6,500 inmates in the a look at this bill and this effort. This had reached an agreement, a historic Federal prison system a chance to peti- is how the Senate is supposed to work. agreement, on the Sentencing Reform tion for reconsideration of their sen- This is how the House is supposed to and Corrections Act of 2015. We knew tence on an individual basis, so they work. It is how Congress is supposed to we had a problem in America, a prob- can be judged by judges, prosecutors, work. It is how America expects us to lem of incarceration. A nation with 5 and people in the community as to work. percent of the world’s population has 25 whether their sentence should be The President is anxious for us to percent of the world’s prison popu- changed. come up with this work product. Let’s lation. What is going on in America? So this, in a way, is a sweeping bill not disappoint him and the millions of Why are so many people in prison, and when it comes to the population of our Americans who count on us to solve has it made us any safer? We asked prisons. I believe—many agree—it the problems facing America. those hard questions and came up with would be far better to take the $25,000, Madam President, I yield the floor. $30,000, $35,000 a year it costs to house I suggest the absence of a quorum. what we think is a good response. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The an inmate and put it instead into com- We took a category of crime, drug clerk will call the roll. use, that does not involve violence or a munity policing, making our neighbor- The senior assistant legislative clerk gun or gang activity and said: We are hoods safer, giving our prosecutors the proceeded to call the roll. going to give to the judge in that case, resources they need to not only come Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I that category of cases, more flexibility down with the right sentences but vari- ask unanimous consent that the order when it comes to sentencing. The min- ations in sentencing like drug courts, for the quorum call be rescinded. imum mandatory requirements can be veterans courts, and things that are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without changed by the judge based on the de- working around America which will objection, it is so ordered. fendant before him, the crime they make us safer at a lower cost. We will f committed, and what that judge be- have more money available to the De- lieves to be the best for our society. partment of Justice and across the 9/11 HEALTH PROGRAM It is such a change. For the longest board to go after the seriously threat- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I time, years and decades, our goal was ening criminals we still have in Amer- rise today to mark a sad occasion. Yes- to incarcerate as many as possible, and ica whom we can never ever ignore. terday, parts of the Zadroga 9/11 Health

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.014 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 and Compensation Act expired. Specifi- NADLER and MALONEY in the House, plead, plead with our majority leader, cally, the authorization of the 9/11 who passionately led the fight for this who was genuinely moved by the first health program—one of the two critical bill for years now, deserve much of the responders when he met them, to make programs in the Zadroga act—came to credit. They are the reason we have so sure the bill moves forward. And let me an end last night and will have to start many cosponsors—56 here in the Sen- say the same to the new leaders—who- winding down. Thankfully, Dr. Howard ate, including 12 Republicans. I wish to ever they may become—in the new and his team, who run the program, thank the Presiding Officer for being House, in the new elections that are have responsibly managed their fund- one of those recent cosponsors. coming. ing, so they can continue to support That is why I was so troubled to hear We cannot leave these heroes in health services and benefits for several earlier this week, when again asked if limbo. We cannot leave them won- months on into the future, perhaps an- the Senate would consider the exten- dering if their health program, now ex- other year. sion of the Zadroga act before the dead- pired, will be there for them if and To be clear, our brave heroes are still line, the majority leader said he would when they get sick. As John Stewart able to get health care from this pro- ‘‘have to check and get back on that.’’ said so well, cancer doesn’t expire. gram today. That fact, however, should When the towers were hit, the fire- I only ask one thing this morning— diminish in no way our responsibility fighters and the EMS workers and cops one thing: that the majority leader and in Congress to reauthorize the program who rushed into those burning build- the Speaker honor their commitments as quickly as possible and perma- ings did not stop and say ‘‘I have to to put this bill on the floor of both nently—forever. In truth, it is a black check on that and get back to you.’’ Houses. I implore them to move quick- mark on a Congress that the program When the towers came down and there ly to pass the Zadroga 9/11 health reau- was ever allowed to expire, regardless was a hellhole of twisted steel and thorization act. of its ability to continue operations in smoldering plasterboard, with our I yield the floor. the short term. brothers and sisters trapped within, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The firefighters, police men and the smell of burning flesh still in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The women, construction workers, and first air—I was there; I vividly remember clerk will call the roll. responders from 9/11—many of them in- it—and thousands with anguished faces The senior assistant legislative clerk jured, many of them sick—traveled to holding signs that said ‘‘Did you see proceeded to call the roll. Washington a few weeks ago to lobby my mother, Mary? Have you seen my Ms. MURKOWSKI. Madam President, Congress, to petition their representa- brother, Bob?’’ because people didn’t I ask unanimous consent that the order tives and their government to continue know where people were—maybe they for the quorum call be rescinded. supporting basic health services they were still alive but trapped in the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. need to treat cancers, respiratory ail- smoldering towers—the first respond- FISCHER). Without objection, it is so ments, and other illnesses directly ers so bravely rushed in to see if they ordered. linked to 9/11. could save any lives. They did not say f I wish to thank my colleague from ‘‘I have to check on that and get back New York, Senator GILLIBRAND, for her to you.’’ No, they rushed right to the CONCLUSION OF MORNING valued work on this issue. It has been towers. They rushed in even before BUSINESS a passion for her. She took the torch they were asked. They did their duty. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning Hillary Clinton first lit when she was They did more than their duty. Many business is closed. here as Senator and has run with it died. Many more are suffering. We f hard and well. I am proud to be her don’t need to check on things and get partner in trying to make sure that back to them. We need to write the MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, THE Zadroga, in both its parts, is extended check to fund their health care for the DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- permanently. injuries they sustained in selfless serv- FAIRS, AND RELATED AGENCIES People would think it would be easy ice to their Nation when we were under APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2016—MO- to get this done considering all the leg- attack by a foreign enemy. Period. End TION TO PROCEED islators who say they will never forget, of story. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under who make promises each anniversary So what changed so much over the the previous order, the Senate will re- to honor the heroes of 9/11. We should course of 2 weeks? When the first re- sume consideration of the motion to not need them to walk the Halls of sponders were here in DC, the majority proceed to H.R. 2029, which the clerk Congress to win support for basic serv- leader committed to passing the legis- will report. ices for those who walked undaunted lation they need and so richly deserve The legislative clerk read as follows: through dust, fire, rubble, and ash, who for their heroism. A few weeks later, Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 98, H.R. risked their lives to save their fellow when the eyes of the world aren’t 2029, a bill making appropriations for mili- citizens. The first responders who ran watching quite so closely, he said: I tary construction, the Department of Vet- to the smoldering towers on 9/11 are will have to check and get back. erans Affairs, and related agencies for the just like our veterans—they volun- I would plead with the majority lead- fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for teered and risked their lives for our er to help move this legislation forward other purposes. safety. These folks didn’t have to do and move it forward quickly. Let’s not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- this. They volunteered. They knew the have to have these first responders, ator from Alaska. dangers, but they care about our safe- many of whom have all kinds of can- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Madam President, ty. We should not forget them. cers they acquired on those fatal days I am here this morning to speak about But their voices and the impassioned after 9/11, come back here again and the issue that is before this body, the advocacy of folks like John Feal and again. Let the doctors who are bravely motion to proceed to H.R. 2029, or what Jon Stewart have had a real impact. working for the program not have to we refer to as the MILCON–VA appro- On September 16, when these first re- worry whether they will have a job. priations bill. sponders visited Congress, the majority And let the program itself, which has I certainly intend to support closing leader graciously said he would meet been done without an iota of fraud—all off debate on this and moving to take with them personally and said: ‘‘We do the claims of ‘‘Let’s do it for 5 years up this important appropriations meas- plan to extend the program and the because we are not sure it will work’’— ure. This is important for a host of dif- committees...in the House and the those are the things we negotiated, ferent reasons, not the least of which is Senate are actually working on the de- Senator GILLIBRAND and I with Senator that we need to get to the substance of tails now.’’ It was a real breakthrough. Coburn—those worries are gone. It is this issue. We need to get back to a The first responders who pled their working exquisitely well, and there has regular order process in order to ad- case, the advocates who supported not been an iota of fraud or misspent vance the appropriations bills that we them each step of the way, and cham- money. on the Appropriations Committee have pions in Congress such as Senator So we shouldn’t have to check on it; spent a considerable amount of time GILLIBRAND here and Representatives we should just move forward. I plead, and effort drafting.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.015 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7063 Over these past many months, we care from a community provider in the the time the veteran is at this place have worked to make sure that the State. Then he was told by the VA that and needs that appointment, you are bills were ready for floor consideration. the VA had changed its mind. They not feeling well in the first place. We didn’t want to find ourselves in a were not going to sign off on paying for I have talked and written before situation where, at the end of this the care. The vet was told to call about a veteran on the Kenai Peninsula year, we scramble to piece together an TriWest. The TriWest call center oper- who died while fighting with the VA omnibus measure that has not had the ator gave the veteran a list of behav- over urology care. He couldn’t travel to considered debate and opportunity for ioral health providers who had signed Anchorage, which is about a 3-hour amendment that I believe we all seek up to accept the Choice Card. The call drive, much less to Seattle where the as lawmakers. It is important that we center operator didn’t know that neu- VA wanted to send him because he was consider the Military Construction-VA rosurgery is not the same as behavioral in very frail condition, but the VA re- bill in regular order and do it now—not health. By the time the VA had re- fused to purchase his care on the Kenai stick it on the back end of another versed itself, the neurosurgery that the Peninsula where there are facilities measure, not incorporate it into an veteran had initially scheduled was no that could have helped him. I think we omnibus bill or into some fashion of a longer available. The vet had to wait would all agree that when our elderly CR omnibus right before Christmas. for one to become available. veterans are in perhaps their final I serve on the Appropriations Com- What happened in the interim? They months of life, they have got a lot bet- mittee. I had input into this bill at the gave the veteran pain medicine. ter things to do than fight with the VA subcommittee level and again at the In another case, we had a veteran and the bureaucracy. full committee markup, which is a lot sent to Seattle for a course of radiation When the VA came to the hearings more than can be said of many of my therapy, and in the middle of this before the appropriations sub- colleagues in this body who don’t have course of radiation therapy the vet was committee, I asked them pointblank that opportunity since they are not on told to return home because his au- whether the implementation of the the Appropriations Committee. But thorization had expired. He was told: Veterans Choice Card would adversely even after having the input that I have The authorization has expired. Go affect the existing purchased care pro- had, it is extraordinarily important home. grams in Alaska, whether it is through that I have another opportunity to in- It is not as if he could just get in a IHS or further specialized care, and the fluence the bill, and I will illustrate car and drive 20 minutes back to his answer was clear. There was no nuance; why. house. He had been sent to Seattle there was no doubt. The answer was no, I am going to speak about one very from a rural community in Southeast it is not going to impact negatively the specific issue today that has garnered Alaska for the care—for the radiation purchased care program. When the Sen- the attention, concern, and passion of therapy. They said: Go home. Your au- ate Appropriations Committee marked Alaskans and veterans around the thorization has expired. up the MILCON-VA bill on May 21, the State, and that is the issue sur- So there was a whole series of ex- VA hadn’t changed its answer. It is not rounding the Veterans Choice Card. changes with TriWest and then with going to negatively impact, they said. In the view of many Alaskans, the the VA itself. The vet began, basically, Then a week later, on May 28, I hap- Veterans Choice Card is an unmiti- calling family members to tell them he pened to be visiting the VA facility in gated disaster in our State, and there was coming home to die and to start Anchorage, and I learned there that are many reasons that is the case. We making funeral preparations. This is the VA had spent all of its fiscal year don’t host a stand-alone VA hospital in not how we treat our veterans. 2015 purchased care money and was Alaska. So the VA has issued a Choice Now the Veterans Choice legislation planning to suspend its relationships Card to every veteran in the State who provided that the Choice Card program with community providers and the is enrolled for health care. In order to does not displace any of the existing Alaska tribal health system. use the Choice Card, you have to iden- VA purchased care programs. It explic- I had gone to the VA center to get an tify a provider that is willing to accept itly supplemented those programs, update, to check in with the new docs the card, qualifies under the very oner- which for us in Alaska would be a good who were there and to see how things ous Choice Card standards, and is also thing. In Alaska, the VA—and this was were going. It was basically a checkup willing to put up with the bureaucratic under Secretary Shinseki’s leader- with the folks at VA, and they laid this strings that are attached to deter- ship—established two purchased care bombshell. They weren’t trying to be mining which care is approved by the programs to address gaps in VA capac- coy with me or hide the ball. They had VA over what period of time and for ity in Alaska. One of the programs pro- just learned themselves. I don’t know what price. vided for partnerships with our tribal who was in greater shock, me or the In Alaska, we have a demand for health system to care for our vets in folks there at the VA and their mili- health care providers that far outstrips more remote areas of the State where tary partners. the supply, and I have been on the floor the VA simply doesn’t have a presence. We were also in a situation where many times speaking on that subject. It was innovative. It was innovative at there were a lot of rumors that the VA We have many Alaskans that have pri- the time, and these partnerships was going to pull out of the Joint Ven- vate health insurance which pays the worked. They really did help to facili- ture Hospital that it shares with the providers better, and it is certainly tate the care. The other program called Air Force on the Joint Base Elmendorf- more efficient than the government- ‘‘Care Closer to Home’’ enabled the VA Richardson. Again, this was a bomb- sponsored programs. to purchase care from community pro- shell of news. Now we know that the Structurally, the way the Veterans viders in the State who performed med- VA was not just out of purchased care Choice Card Program is currently de- ical services that the VA didn’t offer— money, it was out of money to operate signed, it does not provide Alaska’s services such as neurosurgery and spe- its health care system, and without the veterans with the choices that it prom- cialized forms of radiation therapy. emergency infusion of money we pro- ises. It is just as simple as that, and Before this program was imple- vided from the Choice Act fund before those are just the structural problems mented, the VA forced veterans to fly August recess, the VA would have run we are talking about. Many of our col- to Seattle or other parts of the country out of money before we had come back leagues know that TriWest has encoun- for services that we would consider from the August recess. tered difficulties with implementing pretty routine. You have a 1,000-mile- It was a situation that was a mess. the program, and the VA has had trou- plus flight to Seattle for an orthopedic We fixed the mess for 2015 but did noth- ble coordinating TriWest’s work with appointment or for a neurosurgery ap- ing for 2016. the work of the local VA facilities. Un- pointment. This is what we are putting What does the VA’s failure to prop- fortunately, these problems have led to our veterans through. Imagine you are erly project the cost of purchased care some dangerous near-misses. 70 years old, 80 years old, and you are in 2015 mean for its fiscal year 2016 ap- We had one situation with a veteran told to go take a flight for 31⁄2 hours to propriations? After asking the VA on who was scheduled for a fee-basis neu- Seattle—get yourself to the hospital several occasions, I am left with the rosurgery. He was going to receive this just for an orthopedic appointment. By impression that the VA once again will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.017 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 run out of money for purchased care Department Honor Guard to my office. kayaker on the Eagle River who was and then will remedy this situation by They are making their way to Emmits- lodged against a tree after his kayak shoving veterans who are seeking care burg, MD, to be part of a ceremony at overturned. The kayaker was in the under the Choice Card whether the care the National Fallen Firefighters Me- water for about 90 minutes when a by- is meaningfully available or not. So we morial, where they will pay tribute to stander called for emergency assist- have been pushing the VA on this, and and honor the firefighters who have ance. First the tree had to be cut, then to Secretary McDonald’s credit, he given their lives in the line of duty the kayaker plucked from the water by came to Alaska this summer. The Un- during the year 2014. his lifejacket. The kayaker was dersecretary for Health, Dr. Shulkin, REMEMBERING JEFF BAYLESS hypothermic by this point. While a visited Alaska. They weren’t sheltered The firefighter whom Alaska is rec- number of units from the Anchorage from the anger that our vets were feel- ognizing and honoring is a gentleman Fire Department responded, Jeff was ing. by the name of Jeff Bayless. He died at senior on the three-man jet boat team My colleague Senator SULLIVAN con- the age of 51 on March 7, 2014, during a that plucked the victim out of the ducted an incredible field hearing to strenuous training exercise in Anchor- water. Jeff’s team won the American create a record of how the VA, age. Red Cross of Alaska Wilderness Rescue TriWest, and the Choice Card Program How Jeff Bayless lived his life as a Heroes award. Jeff characterized the were individually and collectively fail- fourth-generation Alaskan, and as one rescue as one of the most challenging ing Alaska’s veterans. But here’s the who had not only a love for the out- successful rescues his team had ever problem. We don’t have a fiscal year doors but a love and care for people, is been involved with. The team was well 2016 solution locked down, and we may something that we want to pay tribute trained to perform the rescue and in not have an acceptable solution locked to, and we want to honor and recognize spite of the dangers ‘‘everyone went down by Veterans Day, either. him. home,’’ including the victim. Without an opportunity to debate the This weekend, on the campus of the I cannot characterize Jeff’s life in fiscal year 2016 appropriations bill on National Fire Academy in Emmits- words more touching than on his Na- the floor, I have limited opportunity to burg, MD, the name of fallen Anchor- tional Fallen Firefighters Foundation press this point, to demand that the age firefighter Jeffery Edward Bayless official biography. He spent his life GAO investigate what actually is going will be inscribed on the National Fall- simply doing what he loved, com- on and try to amend the bill to ensure en Firefighters Memorial. A total of 87 pletely engaged, lost in the moment. that the VA has adequate purchased firefighters will be honored, and 84 of Without any consciousness of the im- care money available so that it doesn’t those firefighters, including Jeff, gave pact his own life was having, he left be- drop these veterans through the cracks their lives in the line of duty during hind a great legacy of life, encourage- when it can’t serve their critical care 2014. Three died in previous years. This ment, accomplishments, and friend- issues, and neither can the Choice Card week, I welcome members of the An- ship. program. Without the opportunity to chorage Fire Department Honor Guard That, my colleagues, is the definition debate in regular order, I can’t do what to my office, as they make their way to of a fire hero. the people of Alaska have asked me to Emmitsburg to celebrate Jeff’s life and He would say he was one of the guys do in representing them the way I his contributions to the fire service. who was just doing his job, but as one know that we need to in order to deal I wanted to reflect for a moment on of those men who was just doing his with this. the life of fire hero Jeff Bayless. Jeff job, he needs to know that we view him I hear what the Democratic leader is died at age 51 on March 7, 2014, during as one of our heroes. saying, that the Budget Control Act a strenuous training exercise in An- Our thoughts and our prayers are needs to be addressed, but I don’t agree chorage. Heroes are remembered for with his family and all of his brother with the tradeoff that we cannot con- the way they lived their lives and this and sister firefighters as they gather sider appropriations bills in regular is how we should remember Jeff this weekend in Emmitsburg. order while conversations are ongoing Bayless. Madam President, I yield the floor. to address the bigger, broader question. Jeff was a fourth generation Alaskan. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Failing to consider these bills in reg- He grew up in Copper Center, attended ator from Connecticut. ular order corrodes the influence of Alaska Bible College in Glennallen, ZADROGA 9/11 BILL this body; it corrodes the ability of and then became a paramedic through Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- Members to fulfill the responsibilities the Oregon Health Sciences University dent, I thank my colleague from Alas- that we have to the people that we training program. Jeff was also trained ka for yielding and giving me this op- work for. These are issues. as a Registered Nurse. After serving as portunity to discuss two measures that Again, I chose to focus my comments a paramedic in Oregon, he returned to ought to be beyond debate or discus- this morning on one area within the Alaska to work as a first responder in sion on this floor as well as in Amer- MILCON-VA, on that implementation Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Ulti- ica—two issues where Americans ought of the Choice Card in Alaska, and how mately he found his home at the An- to unite and be together without con- it has so basically failed our veterans. chorage Fire Department, first as a troversy or contention. But there is so much more. Again, if we paramedic and then as a firefighter. He The first relates to the emergency re- don’t have that opportunity to bring it excelled in both roles. Working his way sponders who rushed to the rubble of up, to offer our amendments, to do our up the ranks, Jeff was a Senior Captain the World Trade Center in New York in best to serve the needs of our veterans, at the time of his passing. the wake of that horrific attack on we fail them. We fail the system. As would be expected of a fourth gen- America on September 11. I want to I do hope we will have the oppor- eration Alaskan, Jeff had a love for the join and thank my colleague from New tunity this afternoon to advance to out of doors. From an early age, Jeff York, Senator SCHUMER, who just these important measures. Remember, put his mastery of the outdoors to spoke on the floor, and associate my- this is just the first of 12. It is very im- work in the service of lifesaving. As an self completely with his very eloquent portant work that we have in front of older teenager, Jeff and his buddy hap- and powerful explanation for why this us. pened upon a flash flood in the Yukon Nation must meet its obligation to pro- Madam President, I know my col- that swept vehicles off the road. Using vide critical health care for those league from Connecticut has arrived on their wilderness savvy, they roped up emergency responders, firemen, police, the floor, but before I yield the floor to and rescued every person. and medical personnel who went to him, I want to briefly mention a meet- Later in life, as a member of the An- that site, even as it continued to smol- ing that I had this morning in my of- chorage Fire Department’s whitewater der with poisonous chemicals and fice. rescue team, he plucked several vic- fumes, risking their lives in the face of WELCOMING MEMBERS OF THE ANCHORAGE FIRE tims from dangerous waters. One of peril that they little understood and DEPARTMENT HONOR GUARD these rescues was particularly memo- could not know. They never asked Madam President, I was able to wel- rable. On September 16, 2012, Jeff’s Sta- whether that place was dangerous, but, come members of the Anchorage Fire tion 11 was called out to rescue a in fact, as we now know, it has caused

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.019 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7065 countless cancers, blood diseases, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL. This letter em- BORDER JOBS FOR VETERANS ACT lung problems, which have manifested phasizes the challenges that the VA OF 2015 themselves in the years after. faces in meeting the unprecedented and Yet at midnight last night, the be- increasing demand for services that our Mr. FLAKE. Madam President, we ginning of this day, the programs de- veterans need and deserve. This obliga- are here to discuss the process for the signed to provide critical medical care tion for our country is not a matter of Border Jobs for Veterans Act that is and compensation to the victims were discretion or convenience, it is a prom- going to pass shortly. permitted to expire. That is uncon- ise that we have made and we must ful- I yield to the Senator from Wis- scionable and unacceptable. fill to provide medical care, skills consin. I join my colleagues from New York training, job opportunity, and, most es- and New Jersey as a leading cosponsor Mr. JOHNSON. Madam President, pecially, the mental health care that in urging this Congress to act—and to first, I thank my colleague from Ari- act immediately and urgently—to our veterans need so that we can stop zona for leading and also for his leader- make sure that we do what is right for the 22 suicides every day in this coun- ship for working, on a bipartisan basis, try—the greatest, strongest, country in those emergency responders who served with Members from the other side of history of our world, where 22 of our and sacrificed in the wake of 9/11. Fail- the aisle to really accomplish some- Nation’s heroes commit suicide every ure to do so is absolutely outrageous. thing to produce a result. What I have day. The fund still has some money, and it been trying to do as chairman of the will continue to function. But this Con- They suffer from the invisible Senate Committee on Homeland Secu- gress should act to pass the Zadroga 9/ wounds of war, post-traumatic stress rity and Governmental Affairs is that I 11 bill immediately. and traumatic brain injury. Many of have reached out to every Senator and Madam President, the second area our veterans suffer the more visible where I think we ought to be all agree- asked them: If you have identified a wounds, and they need care as well. problem, if you have a piece of legisla- ing relates to doing what is right for Many of our veterans in increasing tion that solves that problem, bring it our veterans, and that means restoring numbers will be coming out of the serv- before our committee, and I will do ev- the $857 million that has been deleted ice needing jobs and skills training, not from the President’s request for vet- only through the VA but the Depart- erything in my power to mark it up, erans in the Military Construction, the ment of Labor. Just yesterday, the report it out of our committee, and Department of Veterans Affairs, and nominee for the Veterans Employment then first work with you to first pass it Related Agencies Appropriations Act, and Training Services position in the through the Senate, then through the 2016. This bill essentially shortchanges Department of Labor testified before House, to get that piece of legislation our veterans and straitjackets the Vet- the Veterans’ Affairs Committee as to on the President’s desk, and to have it erans’ Administration. the importance of services provided by signed into law to actually solve that Madam President, I ask unanimous the Department of Labor, and yet they problem. consent to have printed in the RECORD too will be shortchanged by this budg- a letter from the American Legion. The Senator from Arizona has done a There being no objection, the mate- et. great job in this particular case be- rial was ordered to be printed in the So I urge my colleagues to provide cause this is a piece of legislation that RECORD, as follows: sufficient funding to restore that $857 truly is a win-win. It is a win for our THE AMERICAN LEGION, million and to make sure that we meet veterans, and it is a win for the border. OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL COMMANDER, those needs of our veterans. Failing to I am not going to steal the Senator’s Washington, DC, September 30, 2015. do so is as unacceptable as failing to thunder in terms of describing all of Hon. MITCH MCCONNELL, meet the needs of the emergency re- the benefits of the bill, but I just want Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, sponders who went to the 9/11 site. This to mention a couple. We obviously have The Capitol, Washington, DC. bill underfunds the VA’s medical facili- DEAR MAJORITY LEADER MCCONNELL: Last a huge problem at our border, and nei- May then-National Commander Michael D. ties by $100 million, reducing the VA’s ability to keep pace with the need for ther one of us would claim that this is Helm called on Congress to pass a budget for going to solve all of our problems. But the Military Construction-Veterans Affairs critical facility maintenance. This is Appropriations bill that won’t shortchange upkeep that is vital for basic repair it identifies one—a staffing problem the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). On and maintenance. Facilities will decay with our ports of entry. Also there is April 30 the House of Representatives had and downgrade without that funding. It another problem in terms of our vet- passed a funding bill which unfortunately is an investment in basic infrastruc- erans who have served this Nation and underfunds VA’s medical care, major con- are unable to find work. So that is the struction and Information Technology ac- ture. counts by more than $1.5 billion below the We ought to be investing in the per- win-win. This is a perfect example of a Administration’s request. sonnel of the VA—the doctors and piece of legislation now that solves We were pleased when the Senate Appro- nurses and other professionals—so that that problem. priations Committee remedied that shortfall somewhat, but because they were tasked we recruit and retain the men and Coming from the manufacturing sec- with making an unworkable allocation work- women who will really do the work on tor, I never did quite understand why able, the Senate version of the bill still the ground in the trenches to make our returning veterans—with their es- underfunds veterans by approximately $857 sure that the VA provides the best care prit de corps, with all their skills, all million. This comes at a time when the VA possible—world-class care to our vet- their dedication, their great attitude— is faced with an unprecedented demand for erans. They deserve no less. Fully fund- are having a hard time finding work, services, in terms of both numbers and com- ing the VA honors the service and sac- plexity. because certainly in my manufacturing We need your help to ensure that VA is rifice of men and women who have operation in Oshkosh, WI, boy, if I fully funded so it can provide the care and risked their lives to keep our great Na- found a veteran, I hired that individual services veterans have earned and need. An tion free. Freedom is never free, and because they are great workers. Now, inadequate VA budget will have a negative this Nation ought to be keeping its in my Senate office, we actually have effect on the timeliness and quality of care promise to those veterans, which, un- seven veterans with a combined total that veterans will receive. Fully funding VA fortunately, sadly, reprehensibly, this must be a very high priority for Congress. of 115 years of service. The American Legion is the largest vet- measure fails to do. eran service organization in the nation and I yield the floor. So I think what we are going to find we take our responsibility to analyze and now at Customs and Border Protection evaluate veterans’ healthcare options very The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is that this bill will make it easier for seriously. As VA, Congress and The Amer- ator from Arizona. veterans to connect with those par- ican Legion move forward together we must Mr. FLAKE. Madam President, I ask ticular jobs to help staff our ports of ensure that America’s veterans are provided unanimous consent to enter into a col- entry. Customs and Border Protection with the healthcare and services they have loquy with the Senator from Wis- is going to find that value of being able earned and were guaranteed. consin. Respectfully, to employ the finest among us because DALE BARNETT, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without we have made that easier. Our veterans National Commander. objection, it is so ordered. are going to have the ability to leave

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.021 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 service and have a very good job fur- thorized—the Senate and the House au- We appreciate our Arizona Senators’ inno- ther serving the country and keeping thorized—2,000 new CPB officers. We vative approach to a problem that is impact- our Nation safe. authorized these positions, but as of ing our communities and our economy. Any I again thank the Senator from Ari- earlier this year, only 800 of the 2,000 impediments that increase wait times at our ports of entry such as a lack of adequate zona for his leadership on this and for had been filled. So Secretary Johnson staffing impact our retail sales and ulti- working with me to get this passed was explaining that the delays are as- mately the financial success of our business through our committee, passed sociated with applicant background in- community in Arizona. through the Senate, and put on the vestigations, low polygraph clearance I would like to take a moment to President’s desk for his signature to rates, and a shortage of Federal poly- thank my Senate colleagues—Senator have this bill signed into law so we can graph examiners combined with attri- RON JOHNSON, who already spoke here; be helping our veterans and protect tion. Senator MCCAIN, who played a critical this Nation. So we thought: What group of people role in this; Senator SCHUMER, Senator I thank the Senator from Arizona. do we have who have gone through BURR, Senator BALDWIN, Senator FEIN- Mr. FLAKE. Thank you. I again these security clearances already and STEIN, Senator LANKFORD, Senator SUL- thank the Senator from Wisconsin and who could clear this hurdle and expe- LIVAN, Senator TILLIS, Senator others I will name later for working so dite this? And it is, of course, our re- TOOMEY, and Senator DAVID VITTER— hard on this bill. turning men and women from the mili- for cosponsoring this bipartisan legis- The Senator made sure that it moved tary and those who are now out of serv- lation. through his committee expeditiously, ice. They have, in many cases, already After being approved by the Senate, that we got it to the floor in the Sen- gone through the security clearances. Arizona Congresswoman MARTHA ate and also through the House as well. They have passed the polygraph test MCSALLY has led the effort to get it It is an example of how the Senate and and could more expeditiously move passed in the House unanimously. She the House can work in a bipartisan into these jobs. Obviously, we have played a great role there, and I want to way. I appreciate both the appeal that concerns, and we have several other thank her for leading this effort in the you have made to encourage us to programs that deal with returning vet- House. come forward with problems that we erans to make sure that there are jobs Thanks to everyone’s support and the have and to vote for ways that your awaiting them. hard work of committee staff, includ- committee can help solve them. Let me say that this doesn’t affect ing Brooke Ericson and Holly Idelson Thank you again. any of the preferences or other posi- on the Senate Homeland Security and Mr. JOHNSON. If I could just make tions that are available for our vet- Governmental Affairs Committee and one final point, this is a classic exam- erans. This simply requires CPB and Paul Anstine of the House Homeland ple of when we concentrate on the the Department of Homeland Security Security Committee, we now have this areas of agreement and find the areas to coordinate or collaborate with our bill ready to head to the President’s of agreement that unite us, as opposed military to see what jobs are out there desk. to exploiting the divisions. and see what positions can be filled. In conclusion, let me just say that Again, this is a perfect example of It shouldn’t take an act of Congress those leaving the military need jobs getting bipartisan support on a piece of to get two agencies to work together and CBP needs officers. This is a great legislation. It serves as a great exam- like this, but sometimes it does. So bill that will require coordination be- ple for everybody serving in Wash- that is what this legislation is doing, tween the two, and it will lead to ington to see us concentrate on the and it will require reporting to happen greater staffing at less cost and cer- areas of agreement that unify us rather as well to make sure that this is being tainly in less time. So I look forward than exploit those divisions. accomplished and the coordination is to having the administration look at Again, I thank the Senator very occurring. this and look forward to having the much for his leadership. Let me just talk about some of the President sign this legislation. Mr. FLAKE. Thank you. endorsements for this legislation, some With that, Madam President, I ask Madam President, I wish to talk of those groups that have helped us in unanimous consent that the Senate about the problem that led to this bill. exploiting the need and coming to a so- proceed to the immediate consider- We have made significant investments lution. ation of H.R. 2835, which was received along the border in terms of port facili- The Arizona Chamber of Commerce from the House. ties. More needs to be done, obviously, and Industry said: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The but we made significant investments to The Border Jobs for Veterans Act . . . clerk will report the bill by title. accommodate cross-border traffic. helps advance two major national priorities: The legislative clerk read as follows: There is a lot of good that goes on at the facilitation of cross-border commerce A bill (H.R. 2835) to actively recruit mem- and the future employment of the tens of bers of the Armed Forces who are separating the border. We often just focus on the thousands of men and women who separate bad—the illegal crossings, the drug from military service to serve as Customs from military service each year. Ensuring and Border Protection officers. trade, and whatnot—but there is a tre- our ports of entry are properly staffed is mendous amount of good that happens critical to our nation’s ability to compete on There being no objection, the Senate on the border, particularly the border a global scale. proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. FLAKE. I ask unanimous consent of Arizona and Mexico. The president of the Fresh Produce that the bill be read a third time and There is a lot of commerce that goes Association of the Americas said: in. Arizona’s ports of entry processed passed, the motion to reconsider be The Border Jobs for Vets Legislation is laid upon the table, and any state- $30.5 billion worth of goods in 2014. This crucial for continuing to grow the nation’s is an increase up from $18.5 billion in economy. It is helping businesses across the ments related to the bill be printed in 2009. So there is a lot of good that goes country continue to prosper by facilitating the RECORD. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on. We have needed more adequate trade while also using the skills and knowl- objection, it is so ordered. staffing at these ports. edge of an amazing asset we already have, our veterans, to do this important work. The bill (H.R. 2835) was ordered to a The Border Patrol officers with third reading, was read the third time, whom we often associate the border are The Greater Nogales-Santa Cruz Port Authority said: and passed. in green uniforms. What we need more Mr. FLAKE. Madam President, I of are blue uniforms—people to actu- Border communities like Nogales, Arizona, depend greatly on the ability of people and yield the floor. ally facilitate this cross-border traffic goods to cross the border effectively and effi- I suggest the absence of a quorum. and the flow of goods that benefits us, ciently. We have been pushing for many The PRESIDING OFFICER. The benefits Mexico and other countries to years for additional staff. . . . The Border clerk will call the roll. the south as well. Jobs for Veterans Act is one of the most sig- The legislative clerk proceeded to Secretary Johnson, when we asked nificant steps taken on this issue in many call the roll. why we were having difficulty filling years. Ms. AYOTTE. Madam President, I these slots for staffing of these ports, The president of the Tucson Hispanic ask unanimous consent that the order said that—well, let me just say we au- Chamber of Commerce said: for the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.023 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7067 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The law that created the Land and priorities are. What could be more sig- objection, it is so ordered. Water Conservation Fund in 1965 estab- nificant in our priorities than the bill f lished that a portion of the revenues that I would like to see us take up coming from oil and gas leasing would today, the VA-Military Construction MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, THE be designated for this purpose. So to bill, the bill that determines lots of DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- not extend this fund really is another things about not only people who serve FAIRS, AND RELATED AGENCIES example, if you look at the fund itself, in the military but what is available APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2016—MO- where portions of these dollars have ac- for their families, and what kind of TION TO PROCEED—Continued tually been taken to spend for other support structure there is, and then UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 2101 purposes in the Treasury, not in ac- with the Veterans’ Administration, Ms. AYOTTE. Madam President, I cordance with the law. We see that what is there after they serve, how are come to the floor today to ask for an happen too much in Washington. But we meeting that commitment we made extension of a very important program to let this lapse is very unfortunate. to our veterans that if they serve for to my State—the Land and Water Con- I am very disappointed my colleague the government—and we are grateful, servation Fund—and because of that I has rendered an objection because this so we should then make sure we are al- ask unanimous consent that the En- is such a bipartisan issue and some- ways there to do what the American ergy and Natural Resources Committee thing that has done so much for our people have told veterans we would do be discharged from and the Senate pro- country—this program—and for my if they served. ceed to the immediate consideration of home State of New Hampshire. So I We have already had votes not to go S. 2101; I ask unanimous consent that hope in the coming days we will be able to the Defense appropriations bill—a the bill be read a third time and to work together to have the Land and bill that is about the same amount of passed, and the motion to reconsider be Water Conservation Fund program ex- money the President asked for and laid upon the table. tended and that we can get beyond the what the President said was needed to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there partisan objections and get it done so defend the country, but apparently objection? we can work together to preserve the there is some balance somewhere in the The Senator from Utah. beautiful spaces in this country. This world—that I am not aware of—that no Mr. LEE. I object. program has done so much for my matter how much it costs to defend the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- home State of New Hampshire and for country, you have to spend that much tion is heard. many States across this country, and money on other things that don’t de- The Senator from New Hampshire. that is why it has such strong bipar- fend the country; that there is a bal- Ms. AYOTTE. Madam President, I am tisan support. ance between what is happening in very disappointed that last night the Madam President, I am very dis- Syria today and how many employees Land and Water Conservation Fund ex- appointed that my very reasonable re- the EPA needs or how many employees pired, and so it has lapsed. I just of- quest in asking for unanimous consent the IRS needs. Obviously, that is some- fered a unanimous consent request to to extend this program for 60 days thing that doesn’t make sense to peo- extend this fund for 60 days to make until we can get to the long-term per- ple. It doesn’t make sense to me, but sure there was not a lapse in this im- manent authorization—which I support we couldn’t get the four additional portant program. and I have cosponsored, and I think votes we needed to go to the Defense This is a fund that, in my home State that is what we need to do in the long appropriations bill. I guess in a world of New Hampshire, has been used to en- term—has been objected to. To let this where the President said he is also sure the public can enjoy our beautiful lapse is completely unacceptable when going to veto the Defense authoriza- environment and our natural spaces, it has been such a strong program in tion bill—not because of what it au- from my home city of Nashua, NH, and allowing everyone in this country to thorizes but because of the money that Mine Falls Park, which I love to run enjoy our public lands, to enjoy the eventually the appropriators would through every morning when I am in great outdoors in the greatest country have to spend—people have to wonder New Hampshire, to our beautiful White on Earth. what is going on. The No. 1 priority of Mountain National Forest. With that, I yield the floor. the Federal Government is to defend I had the opportunity to come to the I suggest the absence of a quorum. the country, and following that pri- floor yesterday with Senators from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ority, our obligation is to those who both sides of the aisle, including my clerk will call the roll. serve in the military and their fami- colleague from Montana, Senator The bill clerk proceeded to call the lies. That is what the Military Con- DAINES. The Senator from Montana roll. struction bill would do. It actually had a wonderful picture of him and his Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, I ask spends a little more money than we wife in their public lands that have unanimous consent that the order for spent this year. That appears to be been preserved using the Land and the quorum call be rescinded. everybody’s complaint; that somehow Water Conservation Fund. The picture The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the government is not spending enough was of him and his wife hiking. We all objection, it is so ordered. money, but the Appropriations Com- understand that a big part of the beau- Mr. BLUNT. Madam President, I mittee took the amount of money that ty of this country is our natural beau- want to talk for a few minutes about the law allows, and the Budget Control ty, and because of that, the Land and the discussion we are having about Act did a good thing in terms of keep- Water Conservation Fund was estab- whether to have a discussion. The de- ing spending under control. That is one lished in 1965. It was actually estab- bate we are having about whether to of the few things that has happened in lished to aid in the preservation of have a debate is always amazing to me. Washington, DC, in a long time that spaces for outdoor recreation across How far we have moved in such a short actually did put a lid on spending be- this Nation. period of time from the way the Con- cause it actually put a lid on spending. In New Hampshire we have a very gress always did its work. The way you It actually says in the law how much strong tradition of the outdoors being set your priorities, both at home and in money we can spend this year on dis- such a part of who we are. In fact, the the government, is how you spend your cretionary spending. The Appropria- Land and Water Conservation Fund has money. You might think that is not tions Committee, with Republicans in led to more than 650 individual acquisi- the way you set your priorities, but if charge for the first time in a long time, tion and development projects in our you think something is very important did the work for the first time in a long State. We very much support the pub- to you and your family and you find time. In fact, this is the first year in 6 lic use of our lands in our State, enjoy- out you are not investing any money or years that the Appropriations Com- ing their natural beauty, whether it is time in it, it is probably not all that mittee voted all the bills out of com- hiking, fishing, hunting or any number important. It is probably something mittee, marked up all of the bills, cut of other wonderful uses we can have of you have decided is a good thing to say places where the committee thought our public lands. So this fund has been is very important. should be cut, increased places where very important, and I believe we should This is the process we go through in the committee thought should be in- not let it lapse. the government to talk about what our creased, and this at a level that the law

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.025 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 allows, but apparently the law is not I am not arguing with the decision them were for line-by-line cutting. good enough for our friends who always that ultimately has to be made to de- Who would be? That is the worst pos- want to spend more money. It is not fend the country. I am not arguing sible way to reduce spending because even good enough to debate the bills with the decision that ultimately has you are not making any choices, you that come out at the level of the law, to be made to have the military instal- are just admitting that you can’t make to let those be amended, and to let that lations that allow that to happen with any choices, and so everything gets cut work be publicly done. military construction. I am not argu- everywhere. Every one of them said This worked pretty well for a long ing with the decision that has to be this is a big problem, but an even big- time. I think initially there was prob- made for the veterans affairs part of ger problem in almost every case is the ably one spending bill, but I think in our government, including veterans’ sequester. In fact, Admiral McRaven of the tradition of Congress, that was the health—mental and physical—behav- Special Ops said that an even bigger one bill that in both the House and the ioral health, and other health, to be problem than the sequester is the con- Senate we were able to debate as long funded properly, but why aren’t we de- tinuing resolution because we were as we wanted to, until everybody was bating on that today? cutting lines of a budget that might worn out, offering their ideas as to how What would be wrong with debating have met the military needs 5 years be- to spend the money better or not spend this bill? If you were not one of the 27 fore, but it hasn’t been updated for 5 it at all. The House has continued to do Senators on that committee—so 27 per- years. this, except for a couple of years under cent of the Senate has already voted on Let’s have this debate. Let’s move Speaker PELOSI, on the half dozen big this bill. Let’s send it to the Senate beyond saying that we can’t decide how bills of the 12 spending bills we have floor and vote on it. If you are not one to spend the money to debating how to now, and they traditionally have 200 or of the 27 Senators who voted for it or spend the money. Let’s have a defense 300 amendments on each of those bills one of the 3 who voted against it, bring structure that works for 2015 and 2016, on how to spend the money. Some of your ideas to the floor. That is how not a defense structure that might those suggestions were not to spend it this process is supposed to work. Your have worked for 2010. One of the great at all. What could be healthier than ideas may be better than what is in the frustrations the people we work for that? The Senate is not allowed to do bill, but we will never find out if we are have with us today is they believe this that. At the end of the day, we are say- not allowed to debate it. This is regret- is not all that complicated, and they ing: Let’s debate these bills. Let’s, of table for veterans and their families. are right. How complicated can it be? course, debate the bill that defends the We see a Veterans’ Administration We were elected to the Senate so we country. Let’s debate the bill that that is not doing what it ought to do. could take positions and vote, so let’s takes care of those who do defend the A year ago, the President said the take positions and vote. The debate we country. Veterans’ Administration was the best should be having is about moving for- This bill includes $5.5 billion more funded part of ‘‘his government,’’ but ward on these critical issues. than was spent last year. I don’t recall now there is not enough money. Sud- I hope our colleagues will join us hearing a hark and cry—when this bill denly there is not enough money. The today. I hope there are 60 Senators who finally gets passed as part of one big President thought there was enough will say: I am ready to have this de- not very appealing package—from any- money a year ago, but apparently there bate. I am ready to defend the country. one saying that we were not spending is not enough money now. The real I am ready to take care of those who nearly enough on military construc- issue is that there is not enough com- defend our country and their families tion or veterans programs last year, mitment to veterans and the Veterans’ and veterans and their survivors. And but even though we are spending $5.5 Administration. We could have that de- that is what this budget is all about. billion more than we spent last year, bate here too. How anyone can walk onto the floor some are saying it isn’t nearly enough Over the last year, we have moved a and say they don’t want to deal with to spend this year. The committee long way toward giving veterans more this now and put it off a little while thought it was enough. choices, more options, and more places longer is disappointing to me and to In fact, this bill was voted out of to go to get their health care. That lots of people. committee—and remember this com- system is in its fledgling stages, and it Let’s get our work done. mittee has Democrats and Republicans I yield the floor. ought to be debated as we talk about I suggest the absence of a quorum. on it—with a vote of 27 to 3. Eleven how to spend money that would be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Democrats and all the Republicans spent on the Veterans’ Administration, clerk will call the roll. said: This is the best way to spend this but we can’t debate and vote on it if The senior assistant legislative clerk amount of money—$5.5 billion more for people aren’t willing to have the vote proceeded to call the roll. these purposes than we spent last year. it takes to have that debate. We ought Mr. KIRK. Madam President, I ask Let’s vote this bill out so it can be de- to be getting back to the way this unanimous consent that the order for bated on the Senate floor. Here we are process works transparently and the the quorum call be rescinded. months later, still trying to get 60 Sen- way it works constitutionally. We need The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ators to agree to have that debate. Ac- to have this vote today. We need to get objection, it is so ordered. tually, I think we are trying to get five to the Defense appropriations bill. Mr. KIRK. Madam President, I come Senators to agree to have that debate Earlier this week, we had a vote— to the floor to urge my colleagues to because all of the Republicans, and one which I didn’t support—to move for- pass the 2016 Military Construction ap- Democrat, appear to be willing to move ward for a few more weeks with last propriations bill. This bill has a $4.2 forward on these defense funding bills, year’s spending. Last year’s priorities billion increase over last year’s level. but there is not enough on the other only work for so long. Just a couple of We passed the MILCON–VA bill out side. If we could get half of the Demo- years ago, we had the situation where of the full Appropriations Committee crats who voted for the bill in the com- the Budget Control Act had to go into by a vote of 21 to 9, with Democratic mittee, we would have the votes we effect—and it went into effect because Senators Leahy, Feinstein, Udall, need to have this debate and talk about Congress didn’t do its job and ended up Schatz, and Baldwin all supporting spending money. appropriating more money than the that bill and with 16 Republicans back- Eventually the government has to be law would allow—and that required ing it. funded, and we should all understand line-by-line cutting, the sequester, We now have record levels of funding that if we don’t do it this way, the al- which is not a necessary part of that to fix the backlog of disability claims ternative is that it will be funded in law at all. It is only a part of the law at the VA. We took construction out of absolutely the worst possible way as if the Congress violates the law, and the hands of the VA and gave it to the one big bill with no debate and having the Congress violated the law. The Army Corps of Engineers so that we to settle on some desperate decision at President signed the bill, and then we never have cost overruns like at the the end of the year in order to keep the had to do the line-by-line cutting. Denver hospital again. The bill also government funded because we do have We brought the leaders of our mili- bans funding for Glenn Haggstrom, the to defend the country. tary in to talk about this, and none of bureaucrat responsible for spending

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.026 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7069 $930 million over budget in Denver. The These are now standard terms that view with Congress some of the pro- bill provides new protections for whis- those who engage with the United posed items of the agreement that may tleblowers, especially for doctors and States at the bargaining table know be the most contentious about intellec- nurses not protected by the Whistle- are not negotiable. tual property, about the carve-out. But blower Protection Act. They never have been—that is, until to date I have had absolutely no addi- By voting no on this bill, Members yesterday. tional communication from the Am- will be voting against a $4.2 billion in- Our negotiators have now concluded bassador or his designees. In other crease for our veterans. that while some investors are entitled words, it has been lights out. Thank you, Madam President. to equal treatment under the law, oth- In fact, I would ask any Member of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ers aren’t. What our negotiators have the Senate whether they honestly ator from North Carolina. proposed sets the stage for the remain- know what currently is in the TPP TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP NEGOTIATIONS der of this negotiation and for those agreement that is being, in my mind, Mr. TILLIS. Madam President, I rise deals which will be negotiated in the pushed forward and pushed to a point today to speak about a subject matter future, such as the agreement with Eu- where we will just have a simple up-or- I touched on about a month ago regard- rope and future agreements with Afri- down vote. I think this abuse of the ing current trade negotiations. can nations. process is in violation of the letter and I don’t blame elected officials for Our trade agreements are now appar- the spirit of the TPA. pushing legislation, policy proposals, ently nothing more than laboratories The last time anybody spoke to me or ideas that further their home for setting partisan policies and pick- regarding this particular provision State’s interests. In fact, I think that ing winners and losers. If we condone that has to do with the carve-out, I was is one of the first things we should do this kind of behavior, how can we be told it is something our partners were here, that is, to make sure the folks assured it will ever end? insisting on. The actions of the last 24 who elected us know we are standing As I stated in July, once we allow an hours—namely, that the United States up for them. entire sector to be treated unfairly, the actually tabled the language in ques- But I also think there comes a time question is, who is next? Is it the beef tion—really raises serious doubts about when we need to recognize that the industry in Nebraska? Is it the pork in- that assertion. long-term interests of our collective dustry in States such as Iowa and Second, I want to speak to the grow- constituents are at risk, even when we North Carolina? Is it the poultry indus- ing view that the TPP is not being ne- are doing short term things that put us try in Delaware, North Carolina, Ar- gotiated in accordance with the sub- at risk. kansas, and Georgia? stance of the TPA. The failure to abide This is why I have decided that I We need not look far to find pro- by the substance of the provisions of wish to speak a little bit about the cur- tracted, heated policy debates about TPA puts the privileged status of the rent status of the Trans-Pacific Part- any number of issues that affect proposed treaty at risk, and it is some- nership or TPP negotiations. trade—the consumption of coal, energy thing I am going to spend a lot of time I learned overnight and this morning exploration practices, the use of pes- focusing on. that the American team of the TPP ne- ticides, the use of biotechnology. The I would remind this body that we gotiators has tabled language which right place for those debates is in bod- have already, in a bipartisan fashion, would carve certain American-grown ies like this one, not in trade agree- disavowed language that treats some commodities out of the protections of ments. The wrong place is what is products differently. In the TPA, Con- the trade deal’s investor-state dispute going on right now with our trade ne- gress said that opportunities for U.S. settlement—or ISDS—mechanism. gotiators and the members of the agriculture exports must be ‘‘substan- By carving out tobacco from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. TPP, the President and his administra- I hold a sincere belief that unfair tially equivalent to opportunities af- tion are discriminating against an en- treatment for one agricultural com- forded foreign exports in U.S. mar- tire agriculture commodity, setting a modity significantly heightens the risk kets.’’ Congress has stated that dispute dangerous precedent for future trade that more unfair treatment for another settlement mechanisms must be avail- agreements. commodity lurks around the corner. able across the board, not selectively. I rise today to defend the farmers, I have no choice but to use this I voted to give the President trade the manufacturers, and the exporters forum to make two very important promotion authority to allow trade from the discriminatory treatment in points and make it very clear to the agreements such as the TPP to move this proposed trade agreement. What negotiators as we reach the final stages through Congress in a quick, orderly, they have decided to do right now re- of the Trans-Pacific Partnership nego- and responsible fashion. Congress lates to tobacco. Today it happens to tiations. granted the President trade promotion be about tobacco, but I will do this for First, I would like to speak to proc- authority with the mutual under- any crop now and for any agriculture ess concerns. A failure to abide by the standing that his administration would commodity for any State going forward process and the terms governing the negotiate deals in good faith. I did not in the future. This is not just about to- process as established by the TPA is vote to give the President and the ad- bacco. This is about American values unacceptable. When I state that I have ministration the freedom to indis- and fairness. no choice but to use the Senate floor to criminately choose when fairness In July I stood on this same floor and make these points, I mean it. should be applied and when it should be I discussed this same issue. I went out A full 8 weeks ago, I wrote to our ignored. of my way to emphasize that I believe Trade Ambassador cautioning him If the President chooses to arbi- free trade is good. That is why I voted about this course of action and re- trarily ignore TPA provisions he for trade promotion authority. A bal- questing that he consult with me as he doesn’t like, then Congress is not anced trade agreement will benefit all was statutorily obligated in the TPA obliged to honor the fast-track status. of us. to do. If any carve-out is ultimately included I also recognize that the United To explain to those in the Gallery, in the TPP, I will work hard to defeat States over the years has tried to do we passed a bill that said we wanted to it. more with these agreements than provide the President with trade pro- I might add that our own majority merely haggle for market access or tar- motion authority. We wanted to em- leader has expressed concerns over this iff reductions. Over the past 30 years, power representatives of the United and has expressed the same sentiment the United States has consistently im- States to negotiate with trading part- to the trade negotiation team. ported certain components of our ners who are in the Trans-Pacific Part- In closing, I wish to offer this to any- American system into these agree- nership. We wanted to support that, one who believes my sticking up for to- ments, including due process protec- over the objections of many of my col- bacco or this particular provision or tions, dispute settlement procedures, leagues on the other side of the aisle. for equal treatment and American val- and the protection of private property We also set certain ground rules for ues is shortsighted: I want you to know rights. being able to do that. They had to re- that I would do it for beef in Nebraska,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.031 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 for pork in Iowa, for poultry in Dela- projects, they have been able to put in prohibits access to other outdoor ac- ware, for any farmer who is being un- new docks so that people can get out tivities that are important and unique fairly carved out as a result of the ad- on the lake on boats and enjoy the to our American heritage. This is going ministration’s desire to put provisions water. Without LWCF, those projects to adversely impact our Nation’s out- in a trade agreement that simply would not have been possible. It gets door, recreation, conservation, and shouldn’t be there, and which have not people out into the outdoors who oth- preservation economy. In New Hamp- been there historically. erwise wouldn’t be able to do that. shire, our whole outdoor industry is af- So to the Members of the Senate and Federal and State LWCF funds are fected. That outdoor industry contrib- to the American people and the farm- also vital to the outdoor recreation in- utes over $1 trillion to our Nation each ers out there, I want you to know I am dustry in New Hampshire. That is one year, and it supports millions of Amer- going to continue this fight. I am going of our biggest industries. It accounts ican jobs. to continue this fight not because it for $4.2 billion in consumer spending, I think it is critical that we pass a satisfies a home constituency, but be- $1.2 billion in wages and salaries, and short-term extension to keep this pro- cause I intend to protect the free trade nearly 50,000 jobs. The importance of gram operating, but ultimately what ideals that have made the United these projects and the conservation ef- we need to do is to pass a bill that per- States the most desirable trading part- forts that are the result of LWCF to manently reauthorizes and fully funds ner in the world. the tourism sector of our economy and LWCF—something a bipartisan major- Thank you, Madam President. I also to our outdoor industry cannot be over- ity of this body supports doing. I am want you to know that I think there is stated. going to continue working to pass a a growing sense of concern—whether it There has been bipartisan support for permanent authorization. I know that is Senator HATCH, Senator MCCONNELL, LWCF since its inception back in the Senator BURR; my colleague from New or a number of other Senators—that 1960s. There is a bill which Senator Hampshire, Senator AYOTTE; and other regardless of how they feel about this BURR has introduced and which I am a people who are on this bill feel the particular issue with tobacco, the pro- cosponsor of that would extend LWCF same way. vision in such a trade agreement is un- for 60 days. Unfortunately, last night In the meantime, we should not allow acceptable. I hope our trade nego- LWCF expired. Its authorization ended LWCF to lapse any longer. So this Sen- tiators recognize that we are focusing a as of September 30. ator is going to renew a unanimous lot of attention on this, and they risk The effort to reauthorize the pro- consent request that was made last putting together a good trade agree- gram, to invoke Senator BURR’s bipar- night by my colleague from New Mex- ment that we would all like to get be- tisan legislation, was defeated. When ico, Senator HEINRICH, to pass a 60-day hind as a result. they objected to a simple short-term extension. Thank you, Madam President. extension of LWCF, our Republican I recognize that this request is going The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. friends indicated it was because they to be objected to by Senator LANKFORD, TILLIS). The Senator from New Hamp- believed most LWCF funding goes to whom I see on the floor, but I just want shire. Federal land acquisition. Well, I would to remind us all that less than 2 weeks ago, 53 Senators wrote the Senate ma- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 2101 like the RECORD to reflect that is just Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, for 50 not the case. I have seen it firsthand in jority leader urging action to reauthor- years the Land and Water Conservation New Hampshire in the projects I talked ize LWCF. To the 12 Republican Sen- Fund has done amazing work pro- about. I would bet the Presiding Officer ators who signed that letter, I say this: tecting our land, waterways, forests, has seen in North Carolina the support I hope you will work with us to correct the misconceptions and the State parks, and critical wildlife habi- LWCF has provided. In fact, during the mischaracterizations that exist about tats. This is particularly true in New last 10 years, LWCF funds have been this program. Let’s work together so Hampshire, where since 1965 LWCF has split about 50–50 between Federal agen- we can allow this short-term extension funded more than 650 individual cies and States. In New Hampshire, to pass. Let’s work together to get a projects. Just this month, New Hamp- what these Federal grants do is to le- long-term reauthorization for the Land shire received eight new LWCF grants, verage State support and private sup- and Water Conservation Fund because which will allow New Hampshire com- port and local support. LWCF has expanded outdoor opportuni- munities to develop outdoor recreation Moreover, most Federal lands that ties in every single State in the coun- facilities in Dover, which is close to are acquired with LWCF funds are try. where I live, to renovate Osgood Pond within the existing boundaries of Fed- We should come together to support in Milford, and to do so many other eral parks, refuges, forests, and other the Land and Water Conservation projects. recreation areas. Consolidating these Fund, to protect one of America’s most In the last couple of months, I actu- lands helps to reduce Federal mainte- essential tools for conservation and ally had a chance to go around New nance and management costs, saves economic growth. Hampshire and visit so many of these taxpayer dollars, and enhances the ex- With that, Mr. President, I ask unan- projects that were done because of perience visitors have to these areas. imous consent that the Energy and LWCF grants. One of the things that For example, in 2014, 39 of 40 LWCF na- Natural Resources Committee be dis- really struck me about them is that tional forest acquisitions expanded ac- charged from and the Senate proceed they are not for big projects, although cess to property already managed by to the immediate consideration of S. some have been used toward doing the Federal Government that had been 2101; and I ask unanimous consent that that. The Silvio Conte National Wild- previously closed to the public. This is the bill be read a third time and passed life Preserve that crosses Vermont and not about keeping the public off these and the motion to reconsider be laid New Hampshire is one of those that lands, this is about helping to ensure upon the table. have been preserved, with the help of that members of the public can get on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Judd Gregg, a former Republican Sen- these lands and benefit from them and objection? ator from New Hampshire. LWCF enjoy them. The Senator from Oklahoma. helped to preserve that. This Senator is very disappointed Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, re- So many of these grants have been that we have seen a few people block- serving the right to object, I do object used for small projects and commu- ing the extension of this program in a to this bill moving forward by unani- nities, such as Meredith in the Lakes way that affects every single State in mous consent today. The issue is that Region of New Hampshire on Lake this country. Our failure to act has sig- this bill needs reform. I enjoy our na- Winnipesaukee, where I visited. They nificant consequences for each and tional parks. My children enjoy our na- have been able to expand the park every State. tional parks. along the lake so that people not only The expiration of this program jeop- Twenty-nine percent of the United from Meredith but from across the ardizes access to public land for hunt- States is already under Federal owner- State and other parts of the country ing and fishing, which is one of the ship. Twenty-nine percent of all of the when they are visiting can come and great benefits we have in New Hamp- United States is under Federal owner- sit and enjoy the water. With those shire that we use these lands for. It ship. A significant portion of this—in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.032 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7071 fact, last year $306 million was spent forms that could be made to LWCF. In comes at a particularly difficult time from the LWCF, and $178 million of fact, there is legislation in the com- because we are witnessing a humani- that was for new land acquisition. prehensive energy bill that Senators tarian crisis in Syria and across the So the bulk of what this program is MURKOWSKI and CANTWELL have passed Middle East. It is a crisis that grows used for is for new land acquisition. that would make some of those re- worse every day. Our European allies But the real issue to address here is forms. But if we can’t get to that, if we are struggling to cope with a massive not only what happens if we allow it to can’t extend this program in the short refugee and migration crisis without lapse but what happens with it day to term, we are never going to get to that precedent since World War II. day. The day-to-day operation of the point. The United States, with our unparal- LWCF is for new land acquisition or for The fact is that the backlog of main- leled capacity to mobilize humani- putting money into a State grant to be tenance needs should be addressed. But tarian support for humanitarian relief, able to have them buy new facilities, it does not make sense for us to sus- has played a leading role, but there is not to maintain them. pend the program while we address more that we can do to assist both the We are not setting aside the money those needs. LWCF was not established Syrian refugees and the neighboring to be able to maintain this. We have an for maintenance purposes. It was estab- countries that are hosting them to help $11.5 billion deferred maintenance lished to protect natural areas and to with that humanitarian crisis. But our backlog at our national parks right provide recreation opportunities to the ability to respond effectively to these now. The new additional dollars that American public. challenges is hampered by the inability are used for land acquisition are used When I went to the city of Nashua, of the Senate to vote on Gayle Smith’s to be able to pick up new properties the second largest city in New Hamp- nomination to lead USAID. and not to be able to maintain what we shire, and walked with the Republican So, again, nearly 4 months have currently have. So the challenge that I mayor along the Riverwalk that they passed since she appeared before the have is this: Why don’t we look at this are trying to establish there, what I Senate Foreign Relations Committee. fund in a new way? Why can’t we take heard from her was what a critical dif- The committee approved her nomina- care of what we already have and not ference LWCF made to the city and tion by a voice vote in July. But since just focus on acquiring new properties? being able to leverage funds that the then, there has been no attempt to To leave the LWCF as it currently is city put in and that the State could bring her nomination to the Senate would be something akin to saying: I put in to help make sure that the peo- floor, even as these humanitarian cri- want to buy a new car, but I don’t want ple of Nashua, many of whom cannot ses have deepened and deteriorated. It to set aside money to actually put gas get to national parks or to the White is not only our operations in the Mid- in it. I just want to have the new car. Mountains in New Hampshire but they dle East that are being hampered, Well, if we are going to have that could get to the Riverwalk through USAID currently operates in more property, we better take care of it. downtown Nashua. than 60 countries and regional missions Currently, the Federal Government is a Those are the kinds of projects that around the world. terrible steward of the land we have. LWCF goes to help fund. Some 99 per- Following the devastating earth- Now, as far as this program and reau- cent of what Federal agencies spend quake in Nepal in April, USAID dis- thorizing it right now, we checked with goes to acquire inholds, those pieces of aster response teams were among the the Congressional Research Service. If land that are already within the bound- first crisis personnel to deploy there to this program is not reauthorized cur- aries of a national park, a national for- organize the humanitarian response. rently, the program continues. The est or a national wildlife refuge that if USAID personnel continue to support program currently has $20 billion in re- sold to a private developer would block our development efforts in Afghani- serves right now—$20 billion. public access. It would damage park re- stan. Those efforts are critical to the Last year, $306 million was spent. sources. It would harm the visitor ex- long-term success in the country. The year before, $306 million was spent perience, and it would make it harder Given the extraordinary humanitarian in LWCF, meaning in current status, to maintain those very projects that crises confronting the United States, right now, if we do not put a single my colleague was talking about want- confronting our allies in the world, we dime into LWCF for the next few years, ing to maintain. really need a leader in place at USAID. we will only have 65 years of reserve So I think, while it sounds simple to It is unconscionable that here we are 4 left in this program. It is not a crisis say there is a backlog and we should months later and she is still being that we need to fix immediately. This not reauthorize this program, that is stalled. authorization does not keep the pro- only half the story. It is very dis- Gayle Smith is a superbly qualified gram going. This authorization means appointing that with the strong bipar- nominee who will almost certainly be we are not adding new money to the $20 tisan support this legislation has, with confirmed by an overwhelming bipar- billion already in reserve. the need to reauthorize it to continue tisan vote. The Senate deserves the I think we have at least 64 years to to protect special places in the coun- chance to vote on this critical nomina- be able to work this out and a 65-year try, we are seeing opposition from a tion. So, again, I urge the majority reserve. I can’t imagine it would take very few people in this body who are leader to bring her nomination to the that long, but with the Senate, every- able to block our moving forward. floor. We discussed it again today in thing seems to take too long. What we NOMINATION OF GAYLE SMITH the Foreign Relations Committee. I are looking for is pretty straight- Mr. President, I would like to, if I know my colleague from Delaware can forward and simple. Let’s spend some could, move on to address a different speak also to what we heard in the For- of these dollars to be able to focus on issue, and hope we will see some coop- eign Relations Committee. not just buying new properties but on erative agreement at some point in the So I would yield to my colleague actually taking care of properties that future. I also want to urge the consid- from Delaware to discuss what we have the U.S. Government has the responsi- eration of the nomination of Gayle heard in the Foreign Relations Com- bility to actually be able to maintain. Smith to serve as the Administrator of mittee about Gayle Smith and the need It is to reform this program in the days the United States Agency for Inter- to put her in place as leader of USAID. ahead and to make sure that we are national Development, also known as The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- managing land well, not just adding USAID. I am here with my colleague ator from Delaware. new land all the time. Senator COONS from the Foreign Rela- Mr. COONS. Mr. President, confirma- So with that, I do object. tions Committee to talk about this tion and expiration are issues before us The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- nominee because this is a non- today. As we have heard from the tion is heard. controversial nominee, a seasoned pub- Member from New Hampshire, the Sen- The Senator from New Hampshire. lic servant for a position that should be ate Foreign Relations Committee, on Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I above partisanship. which we both serve, months ago con- would be all for taking the backlog of So it is really disappointing that, sidered the nomination of Gayle Smith funding and putting it into LWCF. I again, there is only one person in this to be the next Administrator of think my colleague raises some real re- body who is holding this up. This USAID. Today, 60 million people

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.034 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 around the world are displaced, either for our own first responders who we are ries of concessions and appeasement of within their countries or as refugees pledged to support. I say it is a shame Barack Obama toward Vladimir Putin. spreading throughout the world. on this body that we allowed the 9/11 Before he was even elected to office in It is the single greatest refugee crisis James Zadroga first responders act to 2008, when Vladimir Putin invaded since the end of the Second World War. expire, that we allowed the authorizing Georgia, Barack Obama—then a can- Gayle Smith came before our com- statutes for the summer lunch and didate—called for Georgia to exercise mittee and received commendations school lunch programs to expire, and restraint while they were under an in- and plaudits from Republicans and that we have allowed the Land and vasion. Democrats for her long experience as a Water Conservation Fund to expire. Just a couple of months later, he journalist, as a leader in humanitarian It is my hope that we will begin to called for a reset in relations while agencies, as a member of the National work together in this place and to stop there were still Russian troops on Security Council, as a cofounder of the allowing nominations to rest for Georgian soil. A few months after that, Modernizing Foreign Assistance Net- months and to stop allowing the expi- he withdrew missile defense systems work, and as a seasoned and senior ration of valuable statutes that under- from the Czech Republic and Poland— leader who can help bring strong lead- lie our security at home and abroad. on the 70th anniversary of Russia’s in- ership to USAID at this difficult and I yield the floor. vasion of Poland—without so much as important time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- a heads-up and without getting any- Four months later, she has yet to be ator from Arkansas. thing in return. confirmed by this body. We have broad Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask He entered into the New START bipartisan support for this nominee yet unanimous consent to speak for up to 5 treaty, which allows Russia to con- fail to move her forward due to a hold minutes, after which point I will be fol- tinue to grow their nuclear forces or by one Member. I think this points to lowed by the Senator from Montana. requires the United States to reduce a longer challenge that this body faces The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ours. In a ‘‘hot mic’’ moment, he was because you also heard from the Sen- objection, it is so ordered. caught with Dmitry Medvedev, prom- ator from New Hampshire of an at- RUSSIA ising more flexibility toward Russia tempt to move forward the Land and Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, 3 years after the election of 2012. He fought Water Conservation Fund, which yes- ago when President Obama’s opponent tooth and nail against the Magnitsky terday expired. said that Russia was our chief geo- human rights act, only accepting it BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM political rival, President Obama chuck- once he realized it had overwhelming AND CHILD ADVOCACY CENTERS led and said: ‘‘The 1980s called and they bipartisan support in Congress. He con- Mr. President, I cannot yield without want their foreign policy back.’’ tinues to look the other way as Russia commenting on how hard I worked in Well, now the 1930s are calling Presi- violates the Intermediate-Range Nu- the previous Congress to get reauthor- dent Obama, and they want their for- clear Forces Treaty. He jumped at the ized two critical programs, a bullet- eign policy back. Yesterday was the opportunity that Vladimir Putin pro- proof vest partnership program that for anniversary of Munich. How fitting vided him in 2013 to avoid carrying out years provided tens of millions of dol- that Russia conducted its first major his airstrikes in Syria and to enforce lars to State and local law enforcement military operations outside of its near his own red line. for lifesaving bulletproof vests, and a abroad since the end of the Cold War on Just as in Georgia, when Vladimir reauthorization effort I led for years— that anniversary in Syria yesterday, Putin invaded Crimea, he demanded re- both of these with bipartisan support— because the President’s foreign policy straint from the government of to restore authorization to child advo- has invited exactly this kind of provo- Ukraine. When Vladimir Putin began cacy centers—centers that critically cation all around the world. President to conduct operations in eastern support families who have been harmed Obama and Secretary Kerry keep say- Ukraine, he looked the other way, he by child abuse and allow local law en- ing that they don’t know what Russian imposed weak sanctions. To this day, forcement to pursue effective prosecu- intentions are, that they don’t know he refuses to arm them in the ways tions. Russia’s goals are in the region. they are desperately calling for. It is unconscionable that this body It is very simple. So let me lay it out So what should we do now? Again, I yesterday, September 30, allowed the clearly. Russia is an enemy. Vladimir think it is very simple. Let me lay it Land and Water Conservation Fund to Putin is a KGB spy who views the out. We should make it clear that expire, allowed a whole range of child world as a zero-sum game. In the short Vladimir Putin and Russia will not be nutrition and school lunch authorizing term, he intends to prop up his tyran- a power in the Middle East. We should programs to expire, and allowed the nical ally Bashar al-Assad, and he pressure our partners to do the same James Zadroga 9/11 first responders act wants to preserve access to his expedi- thing. We should establish no-fly zones to expire. One of the very first bills I tionary military bases outside of his in Syria and make it clear that any cosponsored and was proud to support country. aircraft that enters those zones will be as a new Senator 5 years ago was the In the medium term, he wants to ei- shot down. We should make it clear James Zadroga 9/11 first responders ther preserve Assad or he wants to re- that we will fly where we want and act, which provides support for those place him with a like-minded ally. He when we want, that any aircraft in who raced to the site of the 9/11 catas- wants to diminish the power and pres- Syria—or, for that matter, in the vicin- trophe, risked their lives, and today tige of the United States in the region. ity of a NATO country—that turns on suffer lasting health effects from it. He wants to establish Russia as the the transponder will be shot down as a The idea that this body allowed that main Middle East power broker, and he menace to civil aviation and to our al- funding to expire yesterday and that wants to divert attention from his con- lies. We should ramp up our airstrikes many of the folks who are the bene- tinued occupation of Ukraine. in Syria against our enemies such as ficiaries of that fund now face the ex- In the long term, he sees an oppor- the Islamic State. We should threaten tinction of their medical support is un- tunity to divide EU and divide NATO Iran with termination of the nuclear acceptable to me. So before I yield the at lower risk than it would take to deal because they are continuing to floor, I simply wanted to commend my conduct military operations such as provide support for Bashar al-Assad. colleague for raising the issue of Gayle Estonia or Latvia. If Europeans are We should make it clear that Israel re- Smith’s nomination at this unique going to be divided because of a refugee tains the right to interdict missile time of global humanitarian chal- crisis of a few hundred thousand, imag- shipments from Iran through Syria to lenges. ine what could happen when Vladimir the terrorist group Hezbollah. USAID cannot effectively do its job Putin turns up the heat in Syria and Let’s not forget about Ukraine and without a confirmed leader. I remind drives hundreds of thousands or more Europe. We should arm Ukranian everybody in this body that when we of those refugees into Europe. forces. We should give them the intel- fail to work together, when bills ex- How has this come to pass? Why ligence they need on Russian forces pire, it has real consequences, not just would he think he could get away with and rebels who are amassing on their for humanitarian issues overseas but all of this? Because of the unending se- border. We should enhance sanctions

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.035 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7073 by expanding them across all sectors. ability to recognize the true cost of had an eye exam in early February and We should move troops to base them— sending this Nation, young men and received a prescription for a new pair at least temporarily, if not perma- women, into harm’s way. of glasses. He was told he would receive nently—on our eastern NATO flank in Veterans Day is 6 weeks from now. them in 4 to 6 weeks, but due to a large places such as Estonia and Latvia. Many of the folks in this Chamber will backlog, he did not receive them until Some say these responses will be pro- go back to their home States where July. It took 5 months to get this man vocative, but where will Putin’s provo- they will be attending ceremonies and glasses. cations end? What is really provocative taking photos of men and women who How are we going to improve the is American weakness. are in uniform. We will give speeches quality of care for veterans if the VA Putin is humiliating the United and talk about our profound gratitude budget isn’t where it needs to be? States. If we don’t draw a line now and to the veterans and their families who Take the story of Perry, who is 67 enforce it, it will not be a choice be- have sacrificed so much for their coun- years old. He has a 100-percent service tween humiliation or war; it will be a try. disability due to Agent Orange expo- choice between humiliation and war. In the meantime, you will see a flur- sure in Vietnam. He relies on the VA I yield the floor. ry of press statements from Senators, for lifesaving cancer treatment. With- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- oftentimes patting themselves on their out chemotherapy and specialty care, ator from Montana. backs for extending benefits to vet- Perry’s prognosis is not good. To make LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND erans or enhancing the quality and matters worse, the VA can approve Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I do timeliness of their care, or you will only six appointments at a time, which wish to go back to the comments of the hear Senators and Congressmen la- is a real challenge for Perry because he good Senator from New Hampshire on menting on the lack of leadership with- is receiving treatment 5 days a week. the Land and Water Conservation in the VA and taking the VA to task So every week he has to fill out an- Fund, and I want to associate myself for not performing up to their expecta- other round of paperwork to qualify for with those remarks. tions. But there is one thing many of medical care. I also wish to add for the record that those Members of Congress will not do, These are real folks who served their there is a fair amount of this money and that is give the VA the resources it county. They are veterans who have that is spent for land acquisition from needs to serve the men and women who real issues with the VA today at cur- the Land and Water Conservation have served this country and the mili- rent funding levels. Do we think these problems are going Fund. That is not a bad thing. Get tary. to be easier to solve if we give them an some of the in-holdings out of being in- Right now, the VA is under greater underfunded budget? They won’t be. holdings. It helps with management, demand for services and subject to a Over the last 14 years, we fought 2 and it helps with management costs. higher degree of accountability than wars in the Middle East. Almost 10,000 I will tell you, if you are a fisherman any other time in this Department’s Americans are still involved in a fight or a hunter in this country, access and history. After a decade of war in the in Afghanistan at this very moment. habitat is a huge issue, and the Land Middle East, that demand should be ex- For them, this war is far from over, and Water Conservation Fund is all pected to be high. After recent allega- and for many people in this Chamber— about access for hunters, fishermen, tions of mismanagement and wrong- some who led us into the war in Iraq— bike riders, birdwatchers, and all those doing, that accountability is abso- they refuse to admit these are also the folks, and habitat for big game and lutely warranted, but the standard we true costs of war, taking care of our fisheries. are holding the VA to should be the veterans. For this fund to expire for the first standard we hold ourselves to. When we send young men and women time ever is a travesty. You are right. Is Congress doing the very best that over there and we put these wars on We spent $306 million on it the last 2 it can do to ensure our Nation’s vet- America’s credit card as we did—fi- years; we were supposed to have spent erans can access the health care and nanced by China, Japan, and others— $900 million in this fund, and that is the benefits they have earned? Given we do not bother to factor in what it why there is the reserve there is. Quite the appropriations bill before us, the would cost to meet their health care frankly, if you take a look at the answer to that question is: No, we are and educational requirements when United States, you take a look at the not. they come back home. Honoring our in-holdings, and you take a look at the Our job is to make sure the VA is commitment to veterans is a cost of recreational opportunities out there— working for all veterans and to make war and one that we should never for- $306 million isn’t enough. Yet this fund sure it can work for all veterans. That get about. Those who came home are has expired and is not authorized. means holding the VA accountable and now suffering from physical wounds In Montana alone, just for the record, ensuring it operates in full trans- but also wounds we cannot see. As I recreational opportunities add $6 bil- parency, but that also means the VA said yesterday, at least 22 veterans are lion, with a ‘‘b,’’ to our economy. We has to have the capacity to meet the taking their own lives every single day, are a State of 1 million people—$6 bil- current needs of the demand for its and $1 billion less won’t help the VA lion to our economy. It employs over services and to meet those demands get these men and women back on 64,000 people, and that doesn’t count into the future. their feet and give them the mental the businesses that moved to Montana It requires rigorous oversight. To- health care that they need. for the recreational opportunities nor day’s President understands that. The VA also faces unprecedented de- the people who come to work for those There is no doubt about that, but it mand for new treatments of diseases businesses for the recreational oppor- also requires giving the VA the tools such as hepatitis C, which are shorter tunities. I just wanted to get that into and the resources it needs to get the in duration, with fewer side effects, and the RECORD. job done. that have cure rates—and this is very Mr. President, I wish to talk about Let’s be clear. I believe this bill sets good news—approaching 100 percent, the bill under consideration, the Mili- the VA up for failure. There are folks but they cost money. As Vietnam vet- tary Construction and Veterans Affairs on the other side who are demanding erans reach retirement age, that means Appropriations bill, and I express my that the VA fix itself, but in order to that nearly half of this Nation’s vet- opposition to that bill. fix itself, we have to give it the tools it eran population will be 65 years of age Why? We just heard a presentation needs to do that. We are refusing to do or older. They are entitled to their VA on the floor a minute ago from the that in this bill. We are setting up the care. After all, they have earned it, and Senator who talked about shooting VA for failure, and that failure will re- they are going to need more and more down planes and potentially going to sult in failing our veterans. of that care in the years ahead. war. The amount that it costs to take If this bill is enacted, it could mean My home State of Montana has the care of our veterans is a cost of war, that 68,500 fewer veterans are receiving second highest per capita veterans pop- and we are underfunding the VA today the VA medical care they need, includ- ulation in this country. It is a rural by over $800 million. I express my deep ing veterans such as a constituent of State where distance poses a major ob- disappointment in the majority’s in- mine from Reed Point, MT. This man stacle to care. The Choice Act that we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.043 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 passed and enacted last year was de- The bill clerk called the roll. However, due to Democratic obstruc- signed to address many of those obsta- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators tionism, the Federal Government is op- cles that rural veterans face. are necessarily absent: the Senator erating under a short-term funding The VA is also working to establish from Texas (Mr. CRUZ), the Senator measure, and the Senate has not been residency programs in rural States to from South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM), the able to debate any of these 12 funding encourage rural medical providers to Senator from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN), bills. locate in those rural States. We need to the Senator from Florida (Mr. RUBIO), It is time for the political posturing build off of these efforts and work to and the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. to stop. People back home don’t under- ensure they are carried out as we in- VITTER). stand. I don’t either. Senate Democrats tended and as the veterans deserve. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the are again acting as a roadblock in pre- Will cutting pay for VA providers Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) venting progress. The American people help bring more medical professionals is necessarily absent. sent us to govern responsibly, and it is to Montana or Alaska or Oklahoma or The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. time for Senate Democrats to start liv- North Carolina? The answer is no. HOEVEN). Are there any other Senators ing up to this expectation, particularly I go home nearly every weekend, and in the Chamber desiring to vote? when it comes to funding our govern- when I travel around the State, I talk The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 50, ment. to veterans. They tell me that getting nays 44, as follows: In this vote today, Senate Democrats are blocking us from moving forward in the door of that VA can be very frus- [Rollcall Vote No. 273 Leg.] trating. Shortchanging the VA’s med- with a bill to fund military construc- YEAS—50 tion projects that help our troops and ical facilities doesn’t solve that prob- Alexander Enzi Murkowski lem. Not allowing the VA to hire more support key veterans programs, many Ayotte Ernst Paul of which need reform after being doctors and nurses doesn’t solve that Barrasso Fischer Perdue plagued by backlogs and scandals for problem. Blunt Flake Portman Boozman Gardner So today we need to fix this bill be- Risch years. Burr Grassley Roberts We must make good on our Nation’s cause the folks who sacrificed so much Capito Hatch Rounds promise to our veterans and provide for this country deserve nothing less. Cassidy Heller Sasse Coats Hoeven our troops with the facilities they need I yield the floor. Scott Cochran Inhofe Sessions to work, train, and fulfill the mission I suggest the absence of a quorum. Collins Isakson Shelby of the U.S. Armed Forces. Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Corker Johnson Sullivan Democrats just voted against improve- clerk will call the roll. Cornyn Kirk Thune ments to the VA electronic health The bill clerk proceeded to call the Cotton Lankford Crapo Lee Tillis records system so that veterans’ roll. Toomey Daines McConnell records are safely and seamlessly Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I ask unan- Donnelly Moran Wicker accessed among agencies and the pri- imous consent that the order for the NAYS—44 vate sector. They just voted against in- quorum call be rescinded. Baldwin Heitkamp Peters creased transparency for the VA dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Bennet Hirono Reed ability claims system to reduce the objection, it is so ordered. Blumenthal Kaine Reid backlog for those veterans who need Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I yield Booker King Sanders Brown Klobuchar Schatz help the most. They just voted against back all time. Cantwell Leahy much needed oversight of VA construc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Schumer Cardin Manchin Shaheen tion projects, like the VA hospital in objection, all time is yielded back. Carper Markey Stabenow Casey McCaskill Denver, CO, that is over $1 billion over Tester CLOTURE MOTION Coons Menendez Udall budget. Additionally, they just voted Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair lays Durbin Merkley Warner against construction of the second mis- before the Senate the pending cloture Feinstein Mikulski Franken Murphy Warren sile defense site in Poland, a project motion, which the clerk will state. Gillibrand Murray Whitehouse that is an important deterrent against The legislative clerk read as follows: Heinrich Nelson Wyden Russian aggression in Eastern Europe CLOTURE MOTION NOT VOTING—6 and had been previously scrapped by We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Boxer Graham Rubio President Obama. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Cruz McCain Vitter Our Nation is currently dealing with Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby a global security crisis. We must take move to bring to a close debate on the mo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this recent Russian aggressions and the rise tion to proceed to calendar No. 98, H.R. 2029, vote, the yeas are 50, the nays are 44. of great power traditional rivals very an act making appropriations for military Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- seriously. Yesterday Russia launched construction, the Department of Veterans sen and sworn not having voted in the airstrikes in Syria to prop up President Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal affirmative, the motion is rejected. year ending September 30, 2016, and for other Bashar Al Assad in a strategy Defense The Senator from Georgia. Secretary Ash Carter described as purposes. Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I rise to Mitch McConnell, Orrin G. Hatch, Thom counterproductive and equated to Tillis, Tom Cotton, James Lankford, speak about the Military Construction ‘‘pouring gasoline on the fire.’’ Clearly, Shelley Moore Capito, Deb Fischer, and Veterans Affairs and related agen- we must make sure our troops have the Thad Cochran, John Barrasso, John cies appropriations bill. I am very en- resources they need to protect our Cornyn, Richard C. Shelby, Cory Gard- couraged that has finally come before country. Because of that, I am shocked ner, Richard Burr, Jerry Moran, Jeff the U.S. Senate. I also wish to remind that my colleagues across the aisle Flake, Steve Daines. my colleagues that the Senate Appro- today just voted to delay construction The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- priations Committee has put forward 12 for our military facilities—facilities imous consent, the mandatory quorum appropriations bills that reflect the our troops depend on to train for cur- call has been waived. priorities of the American people and rent conflicts and to prepare for what- The question is, Is it the sense of the the budget we passed in April. ever the future holds. Senate that debate on the motion to Let me remind my colleagues that Most appalling of all, Senate Demo- proceed to H.R. 2029, an act making ap- budget took $7 trillion out of the Presi- crats voted today to block this bill propriations for military construction, dent’s proposed budget over the next 10 even after we learned that tens of thou- the Department of Veterans Affairs, years. Yet here we are today, in Octo- sands of our veterans have died while and related agencies for the fiscal year ber, facing the reality that since April waiting for care they need and deserve. ending September 30, 2016, and for we have not been able to debate on this This is unconscionable, and the other purposes, shall be brought to a floor those 12 appropriations bills. You brinksmanship we are seeing from Sen- close? have heard all year that we need to get ate Democrats across the aisle is to- The yeas and nays are mandatory back to regular order, and that means tally unacceptable. under the rule. the Senate needs to bring up and de- Our veterans sacrificed so much for The clerk will call the roll. bate each of these 12 bills individually. our freedom, and our service men and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.044 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7075 women are currently putting their CLOTURE MOTION ington, DC, and as I look out the win- lives in jeopardy every day for us and We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- dow as we pass through the city of our families. We cannot fail them. This ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Newark, DE, I see the site of the old bipartisan Federal funding bill does a Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Chrysler assembly plant. Each time I lot of important things for our Nation, move to bring to a close debate on the con- see it, I think about what it was like ference report to accompany H.R. 1735, a bill going to the plant gates and visiting but most importantly it supports our to authorize appropriations for fiscal year American heroes. Like most of my col- 2016 for military activities of the Depart- with friends and family and the thou- leagues, I have traveled this year and ment of Defense, for military construction, sands of men and women who worked met with our fighting women and men and for defense activities of the Department shifts for decades at this tremendous on frontlines. The very best of Ameri- of Energy, to prescribe military personnel automobile manufacturing plant that cans are in uniform today, and they de- strengths for such fiscal year, and for other made the Durango and, for decades be- serve our full support. purposes. fore that, other models. Today I call on my colleagues across John McCain, Bob Corker, John Hoeven, Every time I see that site, which has the aisle to stop blocking these impor- Ron Johnson, Dan Sullivan, Steve now been leveled and is now being re- tant bills. Let’s get them on the floor Daines, Richard Burr, Joni Ernst, Deb built, I am reminded that for decades and negotiate—compromise if we have Fischer, Tim Scott, Orrin G. Hatch, there were men and women there who Shelley Moore Capito, Mike Crapo, had one thing in common—good-pay- to but get to a conclusion where we can Tom Cotton, Cory Gardner, Kelly fund the men and women defending our Ayotte, Mitch McConnell. ing, steady, high-quality manufac- turing jobs. Chrysler, General Motors, freedom. We now have 72 days to return Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- and other manufacturers, which used to regular order and debate these im- sence of a quorum. portant appropriations bills so the pri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to be at the center of my State’s econ- orities of our veterans, our military, clerk will call the roll. omy, each employing thousands of and the American people can once and The senior assistant legislative clerk Delawareans, are today gone, and for all be restored. I sincerely hope proceeded to call the roll. many families and many of our com- that all the colleagues in this body will Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask munities still feel the impact of those not disappoint the American people yet unanimous consent that the order for losses. But for the thousands of Dela- again. the quorum call be rescinded. wareans who grew up with friends and I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without family working every day at GM, I suggest the absence of a quorum. objection, it is so ordered. Chrysler, the steel mill, the Avon plant The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SHOOTING AT UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE or other now-gone manufacturing sites clerk will call the roll. Mr. COONS. Mr. President, before I across our State, it is easy to be skep- The senior assistant legislative clerk proceed to the consideration of a col- tical about the prospects for a revival proceeded to call the roll. loquy with my colleague from Wis- of American manufacturing. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I consin, I just wanted to take a mo- I am here today with my colleague ask unanimous consent that the order ment. My colleague from Wisconsin from the State of Wisconsin to tell our for the quorum call be rescinded. brought to my attention that there are fellow Americans that despite those The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without news reports that have just come out harsh realities, there are real reasons objection, it is so ordered. of a tragic mass shooting at a commu- for hope. Manufacturing still supports f nity college in Oregon. I believe it is 25,000 jobs in my State. Since 2010, our NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- called Umpqua Community College. economy, the growing American manu- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR I just wanted to ask all who might be facturing sector, has created 870,000 2016—CONFERENCE REPORT watching or are with us in the Cham- new jobs. As production costs have gone up in our competitors—countries Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ber to keep in your thoughts and pray- such as China—and as the key input ask the Chair to lay before the Senate ers the families of the victims, which cost of energy has steadily come down, the conference report to accompany number somewhere around 10, and of businesses have seen over the last dec- H.R. 1735. the wounded, somewhere around 20, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The re- and to also keep the first responders ade that more reliable financial, legal, port will be stated by title. and students and faculty and our col- and engineering structures and re- The senior assistant legislative clerk leagues who represent the State of Or- sources, and cheaper energy here in the read as follows: egon and all who have been affected by United States have made American The committee of conference on the dis- this tragedy in Oregon in your manufacturing more competitive than agreeing votes of the two Houses on the thoughts and prayers. It is just now it has been in decades. amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. being reported. Just as important as the number of 1735), to authorize appropriations for fiscal I appreciate the forbearance of my jobs created in the manufacturing sec- year 2016 for military activities of the De- colleague and the Chair and the other tor is the quality and compensation for partment of Defense, for military construc- Members present for my taking a mo- those jobs. American manufacturing is tion, and for defense activities of the Depart- ment just to bring that to everyone’s also responsible today for three-quar- ment of Energy, to prescribe military per- attention. ters of all private sector research and sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for development, just illustrating once other purposes, having met, have agreed that Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- the House recede from its disagreement to sent that I might enter into a colloquy again how innovative this sector has the amendment of the Senate and agree to with my colleague from Wisconsin. always been. To stay ahead and to the same with an amendment and the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thrive in the modern-world economy, agree to the same, signed by a majority of objection, it is so ordered. manufacturing has to be on the cutting the conferees on the part of both Houses. NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY edge. Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I rise While American manufacturing is re- consider the conference report. today to join my colleagues in marking surgent today, there is much more we (The conference report is printed in National Manufacturing Day, which can do together to build on this mo- the House proceedings of the RECORD of will be celebrated across the country mentum. That is why Senator BALDWIN September 29, 2015.) tomorrow. and I are leading a campaign called CLOTURE MOTION The simple fact is that manufac- Manufacturing Jobs for America, to Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I turing has been and continues to be a focus on four key areas where we to- send a cloture motion to the desk. vital part of our economy. But coming gether can strengthen American manu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- from the State of Delaware, I know facturing—first by investing in Amer- ture motion having been presented firsthand the challenges manufacturing ica’s workforce; second, by expanding under rule XXII, the Chair directs the has faced in the 20th century and the access to capital; third, by opening up clerk to read the motion. challenges it continues to face today. markets abroad; and fourth, by cre- The senior assistant legislative clerk Almost every day I ride the Amtrak ating the conditions necessary for read as follows: train from Wilmington, DE, to Wash- growth.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.048 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 In the last Congress, the Manufac- that is unacceptable, and it should be like to invite my colleague from the turing Jobs for America Initiative unacceptable to all of our colleagues. State of Wisconsin to add her views brought together 27 Senators to intro- It is time for Congress to recognize and comments to this important con- duce 36 different manufacturing bills, what is at stake for our economy, our versation about manufacturing in half of which were bipartisan. Provi- manufacturing sector, and American America. sions from eight of those bills are now workers if we continue to fail to step The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- law, including our bill to create a na- up and reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank. ator from Wisconsin. tional manufacturing strategy that Finally, I wish to briefly address a Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I will, for the first time, lay out a broader issue we face with American thank my good friend from Delaware. proactive, comprehensive long-term manufacturing, and that is its reputa- As did he, I wish to start my remarks policy for investing and strengthening tion and its public relations image. by taking a moment to say that my American manufacturing, something While the changing face of manufac- thoughts and prayers are with the com- that all of our major competitors have turing is a great thing, it is also a chal- munity of Roseburg, OR, as we heard long had. lenge because too often perceptions word of yet another senseless act of The administration has also come about manufacturing are stuck in the gun violence. I hope all who are listen- forward with strong ideas and initia- past. I have personally heard from par- ing join us in our thoughts and prayers. tives from their investment in nine ents and guidance counselors who tell I rise today to join my good friend new manufacturing hubs, innovation me that they are reluctant to encour- from Delaware and to lend my voice in institutes around the country, to new age their kids and their best students calling attention to an important day Department of Labor jobs skills pro- to pursue a career in manufacturing. in America. Tomorrow, across the grams that would strengthen appren- Why? Because to them, folks from an country, the hard-working Americans ticeships and job training. It is our older generation, manufacturing brings who get up every day to move our hope that Manufacturing Jobs for to mind dirty factory floors, dangerous economy forward will create a collec- America can continue to play an im- work environments, and lower wages. tive chorus in celebration of National portant role in investing and scaling up Understandably, they don’t see these Manufacturing Day. these ideas so they have national im- as the viable, promising career paths At thousands of events in villages, pact. that today’s advanced manufacturing towns, and cities throughout our Na- We are optimistic that we can con- truly offers. tion, manufacturers will open their tinue together to build on the progress Their worries don’t match up with doors Friday and show, in a coordi- we made and pass more of these bills in today’s reality, where manufacturing nated effort, what manufacturing is this Congress. Already, for example, jobs require higher skills than ever be- today and what it isn’t. I am so proud the Career Ready Act has passed the fore, from hard math and engineering to join this effort because by working Senate and is waiting to be taken up skills to the ability to think critically together during and after National by the House. This bill would help pre- and work as part of a team. Most mod- Manufacturing Day, we can shine a pare students for advanced manufac- ern manufacturing jobs require a 2- spotlight on the need for America to year college degree, and many require turing jobs by strengthening school address workforce readiness issues, more. counseling programs and educator pro- connect with future generations, and In my 5 years as a Senator, I have recognize the important role manufac- fessional development. Another impor- had the opportunity to visit dozens of tant bill is the Innovators Job Creation turing plays in creating an economy manufacturers up and down my State that works for everyone. Act, which recently passed the Senate of Delaware that are creating new Finance Committee, and if passed into In Wisconsin, we have a long and high-quality, high-paying jobs, and I proud tradition of making things— law, would help small manufacturers to am certain my colleague from Wis- invest in and scale up their R&D. paper, engines, tools, ships, and, yes, consin has had the same insight. cheese, brauts, and beer. We possess Still, as we know all too well, passing In Delaware, one of those manufac- one of the largest manufacturing sec- legislation is never easy, and it could turers is M. Davis, a woman-run, fam- tors in the Nation, supporting a very take months or even years to get these ily owned manufacturer that has been significant share of our workforce and commonsense bipartisan bills passed around for over 140 years. They produce exporting products and goods all over into law. But there is something Con- sophisticated equipment for industrial gress can do right now to help support companies, such as Philips 66, Air America and, in fact, the world. Manu- our manufacturing sector. Liquide, and DuPont. Jobs at that facturing has long been the backbone Just last week I stood on this floor manufacturing plant require high- of our ‘‘made in Wisconsin’’ economy— and urged my colleagues to reauthorize skilled workers. so much so that we actually celebrate the Export-Import Bank that was al- Another advanced manufacturer in October as Manufacturing Month in lowed to expire earlier this year. The my State is Accudyne, which is far Wisconsin. In my State and across our Ex-Im Bank has helped American com- more than a typical company. They country, manufacturing is increasingly panies, many of them manufacturers, produce products, not for average con- an engine of economic growth and in- to sell their goods around the world for sumers, but they solve highly complex novation and a source of good-paying more than 80 years, supporting 150,000 engineering and design problems for jobs with high wages and solid benefits. American jobs in just this past year. some of the world’s most prominent That is why I strongly believe middle- Each day we fail to reauthorize this firms, from Boeing to Airbus to Rolls class families and small businesses and critical tool for American manufactur- Royce. manufacturers who are working so ers who are exporters, we put more and Both of these companies understand hard to move our economy forward de- more American jobs at risk. that the only way to remain successful serve to have both parties in Wash- Manufacturers, such as Boeing and is to develop a highly skilled workforce ington working together to grow our GE, are already moving good American by encouraging and supporting profes- manufacturing economy and create jobs overseas. GE’s announcement that sional development and recruiting jobs. it is moving 350 jobs from Wisconsin to graduates from schools such as Dela- I am so proud to join my colleague Canada is a stark example of this new ware Technical Community College Senator COONS on the floor today to reality, and the reason is simple. GE, and the University of Delaware. highlight National Manufacturing Day. and similar companies, can’t risk stay- Unfortunately, it is not just public I thank him for his leadership and his ing in a country that doesn’t have a re- perception that hasn’t kept up with partnership on our Manufacturing Jobs liable export credit agency, a tool all manufacturing’s transformation. Job for America Initiative. Our effort aims of our competitors provide, often with training programs have also lagged be- to build bipartisan support for legisla- much more robust resources than Ex- hind in preparing people with the skills tion that will modernize America’s Im used to enjoy. Without the backing they need to succeed in the advanced manufacturing sector and help Amer- of such an agency, other countries manufacturing jobs of today. ican manufacturers grow and create won’t even consider accepting project While I have more I would like to say jobs and assist American workers in bids from GE, Boeing or others. I think on that topic, at this moment I would getting the skills they need to succeed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.054 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7077 in the next generation of manufac- give our workers a fair shot, we can duction, information technology, de- turing jobs. compete against anyone. But one of the sign, engineering, and science. Our Working together, we are trying to challenges we must meet is making next generation of manufacturers need do our part to get Washington to focus sure our workers have the skills they more skilled workers, and it is our job on manufacturing jobs. This shouldn’t need for the manufacturing jobs of the to work together to make sure our be a difficult task, but unfortunately future. We are fortunate to have a very economy has them. Congress has shown itself better at strong technical college system that is Let’s join together and celebrate Na- manufacturing one crisis after another working to provide Wisconsin busi- tional Manufacturing Day and show instead of working across party lines nesses a skilled workforce so they can that our commitment is a celebration to strengthen American manufac- compete and grow. of American manufacturing, and let’s turing. The fact is, governing by crisis American manufacturing took a huge inspire the next generation of manufac- has distracted us from the important hit as a result of the 2008 financial col- turers. work of moving our manufacturing lapse and ensuing recession, but Again, I thank my colleague from economy forward. through sheer grit and determination, Delaware and my colleague from Min- Before we all pat ourselves on the we are coming back. U.S. manufac- nesota for their dedication to this vital back for simply doing our job and keep- turing added 876,000 jobs over the past issue. ing the government open for business, 66 months. Over the past 12 months, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- let’s address one crisis that has not manufacturing has added 124,000 jobs. ator from Delaware. been addressed. But despite this positive trend, we need Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I thank Two months ago the Senate did its to do more. The sector needs to add 1.7 my colleague from Wisconsin, Senator job and passed a long-term transpor- million jobs overall just to return to BALDWIN, for her hard work on manu- tation bill with bipartisan support. pre-recession levels. facturing and for her deep and broad That legislation sought to end this In Wisconsin, our economy isn’t experience in what it takes for manu- constant cycle of short-term measures. growing as strong as we need to create facturing to continue to grow in the It put people to work rebuilding our true shared prosperity. In fact, it is State of Wisconsin, in the State of roads and bridges and ports and creates lagging behind national growth. The Delaware, and across our country. jobs and will boost our economy. It is manufacturing sector that sustained Let me pick up on a theme through also important to manufacturers be- our economy in Wisconsin for genera- both of our previous comments, which cause it makes an investment in a 21st- tions must move forward at a stronger is that skills are a key challenge for century American infrastructure that pace if middle-class families are going us. If we are going to take advantage of provides businesses with the quality to get ahead. the enormous opportunities, the hun- transportation system they need to One of the most important things we dreds of thousands of unfilled jobs in move their goods to market. can do is to put a stronger focus on in- this sector, one of the key issues is a This legislation also includes another vesting in STEM programs and career mismatch in skills. measure that is vital to manufacturers and technical education. I am proud to One other theme across both of our and businesses in Wisconsin and across have cofounded the Career and Tech- comments was how we can’t work to- America. We reauthorized the Export- nical Education Caucus—otherwise gether across the aisle. Bad things hap- Import Bank, which is an important known as the CTE Caucus—and worked pen, such as the Export-Import Bank tool that helps us create that level with cochairs Senators KAINE and going unauthorized, but when we can playing field, bringing fairness to glob- PORTMAN to advocate for career and team up and work together, we can al trade and giving American manufac- technical education. I believe CTE is make remarkable progress. turers the resources they need to fight one of the most effective vehicles for Let me briefly reference two of the and win against their global competi- responding to labor market changes bills we have worked on in the past tion. However, after we included that and the workforce readiness needs of which enjoy strong bipartisan support in our long-term transportation and in- businesses, particularly our manufac- and which I hope can move forward in frastructure package in the Senate, the turers. this Congress. House adjourned for the August recess We need to do more to ensure that One is the Manufacturing Skills Act, without passing that legislation to re- students are better trained and better and the lead sponsor is Senator AYOTTE authorize the Export-Import Bank and equipped for the highly skilled jobs of of New Hampshire. It would help cities has failed to take action on it for 2 full the future, especially in advanced man- and States to modernize their job- months. Just this week, Republicans ufacturing. Our business communities training programs and equip workers on the House Financial Services Com- have been clear on the need for a high- with the skills they need. mittee voted in lockstep to block an ly trained workforce for in-demand Another bill, the Manufacturing Uni- amendment to reauthorize the Bank. fields, and CTE provides the knowledge versities Act of 2015, of which Senator These actions and inactions have real and skills that can help drive stronger LINDSEY GRAHAM is the lead cosponsor, impacts on workers, and they are being economic growth for our ‘‘made in would designate 25 manufacturing uni- felt by Wisconsin workers and families America’’ manufacturing economy. versities across the country and invest right now. In closing, I would like to urge my up to $5 million per year, per school to GE Power & Water announced this colleagues to join us tomorrow by vis- redesign their engineering programs so week that it plans to stop manufac- iting a local manufacturer in their they are focused on the needs of mod- turing gas engines in Waukesha, WI, State. ern manufacturing. and blamed the closure on the House of National Manufacturing Day pro- Many of the other ideas that have Representatives for not reauthorizing vides our Nation with an important op- been brought to the floor by colleagues the Export-Import Bank. It is a stark portunity for us to show our commit- also focus on skills, and let me briefly reminder that when Congress fails to ment to the idea that manufacturing reference two. do its job, hard-working people can lose does not represent the jobs of yester- Senator MERKLEY has drafted and in- their jobs as a result. It is my hope day. Senator COONS was talking about troduced the BUILD Career and Tech- that this reminder will be heard by the branding issues. Well, today’s man- nical Education Act to focus on some Congress. It is also my hope that Na- ufacturing economy isn’t your father’s of the issues the Senator from Wis- tional Manufacturing Day will provide manufacturing economy, and today’s consin was just speaking to—finding an opportunity for my colleagues to factory isn’t your grandfather’s fac- innovative ways to improve CTE edu- rally around on the need for us to come tory. It is a growing industry that has cation in our K–12 system to draw more together and address the challenges we changed from the assembly lines of the talented students into the pipeline for face to grow our manufacturing econ- past to high-tech innovation that will these unfilled but lucrative manufac- omy. drive our future. Today, American turing careers. The Wisconsin families for whom I manufacturing represents the jobs of Last but certainly not least, Senator work depend on our manufacturing tomorrow, providing a range of job op- FRANKEN of Minnesota has tirelessly jobs, and I believe that if we work to portunities in the area of skilled pro- worked to promote greater cooperation

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.055 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 between community colleges and their to it as dark, dirty, and dangerous, and community colleges and businesses to- local manufacturing partners. I know it is what a lot of people think of. gether would apply for grants based on in a moment he will share with us his I go to junior highs and high schools how many jobs their partnership would vision for how we can improve skills with manufacturers to talk about the create, what the value of those jobs training in manufacturing. high skills and the high-paying jobs would be to the community and, very Let me close by simply saying that that go with today’s manufacturing. importantly, how much skin in the tomorrow, as we celebrate National The most recent data available as of game the State, the community or the Manufacturing Day, I will be honored 2010, the average annual wage for a businesses have. to welcome U.S. Commerce Secretary manufacturing job in the United States I hope my colleagues will take this Penny Pritzker to Delaware to look at was over $56,000—about 22 percent high- up and pass it this year. This is a great and visit several of the manufacturers er than the average wage for all indus- way to address a number of things such I mentioned—Accudyne and M. Davis— tries. In Minnesota, manufacturing as the cost of college. I have talked to and to talk about how, working to- supports jobs for more than 300,000 so many manufacturers who have hired gether at the State and the Federal Minnesotans. That is about 13 percent someone who has just a credential from level, private sector and public sector, of the jobs in our State, and manufac- a community technological college, we can create and maintain strong turing is responsible for 14 percent of hires them and then pays them to go 21st-century manufacturing jobs. the GDP. Manufacturing is a huge driv- back to school while they are working, We see the revitalization that is er in our economy. We manufacture and pays for their tuition to finish going on in American manufacturing, great things. We did the HVAC system their associate’s degree. They bring and we see the opportunity we have in for the new World Trade Center Free- them back and say: Go get your bach- front of us and we want to seize it. By dom Tower. elor’s degree. Go get your 4-year col- enacting bipartisan bills that tackle This is why I want to talk about one lege degree while you are working, and the challenges I have discussed, we of the greatest problems our manufac- I will pay for it. These are—time and hope to have the opportunity to make turing States have today; that is, the time again, I have seen people, workers the very difference our Nation requires. skills gap. Manufacturers cannot find who have had their education paid for, With that, I yield the floor to the enough skilled workers to help them no debt, a couple degrees, and a good Senator from Minnesota for his re- compete in a global economy. Accord- job—a very good job. marks on National Manufacturing Day. ing to Enterprise Minnesota, an organi- I would like to close with the words The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- zation that supports manufacturers in of John Johnston from States Manu- ator from Minnesota. my State, there are over 6,500 open facturing in Golden Valley, CO. He Mr. FRANKEN. Mr. President, I manufacturing jobs in Minnesota wait- writes: thank the good Senator from Delaware ing to be filled. My experience talking When my son was young he used to say, and the Senator from Wisconsin for or- with manufacturers confirms that they ‘‘My daddy works with big machines that go ganizing today’s celebration of manu- are desperate to hire good people with boom, boom, boom.’’ My son is now 17 years facturing. the right skills for jobs that can sup- old and planning a career in manufacturing. As my colleague from Delaware men- port a middle-class life for workers and He grew up around those machines that go tioned and as I think the Presiding Of- their families. boom. ficer knows, I have talked a lot about In the words of just one manufac- Unfortunately, most students these the role of community and technical turer, Kimberly Arrigoni of Haberman days think manufacturing is not for colleges and training for students for Machine in Oakdale, MN: them. If they could only get in to see highly skilled jobs in manufacturing, We are still suffering from a skills gap. . . . how remarkable it is to see how things and I will talk about that role in these For my company specifically, it no longer is are really made, they would change remarks. a capacity issue because of equipment, but their perspective. one with people. We are limited in what we He goes on: SHOOTING AT UMPQUA COMMUNITY COLLEGE can produce and ship out the door because But first, I heard a few minutes ago Each night at dinner we talk about his we don’t have enough master level machin- ‘‘high of the school day’’ and he is so excited about a shooting at a college in Or- ists. . . . Imagine what this very ripple effect to tell me about the new equipment or his egon. I just want to say something is causing my State and our country as a next project in manufacturing class. Now it about that. whole. is time to light that fire inside of other stu- First, all of our hearts in the Senate So how can we help our manufac- dents and show them today’s manufacturing go out to the victims of that shooting turing industry meet this challenge? companies are a great place to have a career. at Umpqua Community College in Or- Well, we took a good first step last A great place to have a career. This egon and to their families, their year when we passed the bipartisan story illustrates perfectly why pro- friends, and loved ones. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity moting manufacturing careers with Students at community colleges are Act, WIOA. It was the first reauthor- young people is so important. We have often young people who are getting ization of the Workforce Investment a lot of advantages in this country be- education to prepare them for the fu- Act in over a decade—almost two. It cause of natural gas. We have cheap en- ture. Very often they are people modernized our workforce development ergy relative to the rest of the world. midcareer who are going back for system and improved coordination be- Because of the nature of manufac- training to get the kind of skills Sen- tween workforce boards, education, turing, the main cost now is the tech- ator COONS talked about in a new ca- training programs, and local busi- nology, and low-skilled wages are a reer. The resurgence of manufacturing nesses. I think we need to do more to much smaller piece. What this country in the United States and my State of go further, and that is why I will be re- needs are high-skilled wages. We need Minnesota should inspire us to invest introducing legislation very soon to in- more people, more young people espe- more in training more Americans for crease Federal investment in work- cially, to take advantage of the oppor- these good manufacturing jobs. force training partnerships between tunities available in manufacturing so I don’t know what the focus of Ump- employers and community and tech- we will continue to compete globally qua is, but again I believe I speak for nical colleges. and expand as we compete globally. everyone in this body that our hearts I call it the Community College to Thank you, Mr. President. go out to all the victims and their Career Fund Act. It would create The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- loved ones. I don’t know whether they grants that help businesses and com- SIDY). The majority whip. are like some community and tech- munity colleges train workers for high- OBSTRUCTION nical colleges in Minnesota preparing skill, good-paying jobs. Businesses and Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I con- individuals for jobs in manufacturing. community and tech colleges across tinue to read in the newspaper and the NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY my State support the Community Col- press—particularly that which covers Manufacturing jobs—we have heard lege to Career Fund Act because they our activities in Congress—talk about my other colleagues talk about how know firsthand—and I have seen first- the shutdown that was averted because these are not the old manufacturing hand the differences that these pro- we were able to pass a continuing reso- jobs. I have heard a manufacturer refer grams can make. Under this program, lution before the midnight end of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.056 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7079 fiscal year on Wednesday night. I fidence in themselves and in our coun- that we can get to a conference and would like to reflect just a few minutes try and in our ability to control our work out the differences and settle on what the cause of this drama is and destiny or at least try to point us in a that one important piece of business. I where the responsibility actually lies better direction. come from a big State. We need those for all of this shutdown drama, which Earlier on, I believe it was the senior resources in order to maintain and would be completely unnecessary if the Senator from New York who gave an build our highway system, for public Senate and the Congress were per- interview to the New York Times. He safety, for the environment, and for mitted to basically do our job. talked about the fact that the Demo- the economy. So I hope we can get that For example, just this afternoon our crats were going to have a ‘‘filibuster done. Democratic friends decided to fili- summer,’’ and now that has sort of We are going to have another big buster legislation that would help our slopped over into a filibuster fall, ap- drama here as a result of the Demo- veterans and our men and women in parently. Why? For what reason? What crats filibustering these appropriations uniform because it would fund the full is the good reason? Well, it is not for a bills called an Omnibus appropriations range of services to veterans and the good reason, but it is for this reason: so bill. In other words, what is set up to construction of military facilities. If they can force Republicans, the major- happen as a result of the obstruction you think about that for a moment, it ity, to the negotiating table to spend on the other side of the aisle by block- becomes even more outrageous because more money. ing all of these appropriations bills is the idea that in order to force this side Then there is the White House. There we are going to have to consider all of of the aisle to the table, in order to is no leadership out of the White House the funding for the Federal Govern- spend more money and raise taxes, on fiscal matters whatsoever. This ment for perhaps the next year. We are that you would hold our veterans and morning the White House threatened going to have to vote on that one big our military hostage is really remark- to veto this very bill, assuming it bill—probably $1 trillion or more—in able, certainly nothing to be proud of, would pass the Congress. Again, why? December. That is a horrible way to do and something that needs to be called Well, because it complies with the cur- business. First of all, it is not trans- parent. Our constituents cannot hope out and identified for what it is. rent law and budgetary restrictions to read that legislation and understand The only reason we have had to go under the Budget Control Act. You all of the ramifications of it and what through this process on a continuing might ask, well, why are they offended it might mean. It also, frankly, is sus- resolution—and, by the way, for those by that? Why is that a problem? Well, ceptible to being larded with things who are not familiar with the con- that is a good question, actually, be- that really aren’t necessary, that tinuing resolution, what that means is cause the President himself signed the would not pass under other cir- we are continuing for a period of time Budget Control Act into law, and the now—until December 11—the current cumstances but are put on a must-pass very caps on spending that have kept piece of legislation. spending policies of the Federal Gov- discretionary spending at 2007 levels ernment. That means we are side-step- So you are going to hear more drum- are caps he signed into law. beats—I will close with this—about ping the Appropriations Committee, The idea that you would hold our shutdowns and cliffs and the irrespon- where outdated or obsolete programs troops and veterans hostage is incred- sibility of Congress in not meeting our are discarded or if there are multiple ible. Why? Because the President and basic obligations. There is one reason government programs that could be the minority, the Democrats, refuse to for that under the present cir- consolidated that could be made more adhere to budget spending caps the cumstances; it is because our Demo- effective or efficient, or if, heaven for- President signed into law. cratic friends have chosen to filibuster bid, we could actually save some You know, we hear a lot of discussion and to stop the Senate from doing its money and apply it to priorities or about these caps and sequestration. business the way we should be doing maybe help reduce our deficit—that is These are the automatic spending caps our business in an orderly, transparent, where that should be happening, but on discretionary spending. They were responsible, and accountable sort of the obstruction of our friends across actually proposed by the President and way. The way we do that is by taking the aisle who are dead set on forcing us his team at the White House in the up individual appropriations bills and to the negotiating table so they can first place. So it would require a cer- passing them. If we did it that way, force the Federal Government to spend tain degree of cognitive dissonance or there would be no government shut- more money is outrageous. maybe willing suspension of disbelief down drama if one or two appropria- We have had two previous votes on to read over the White House’s veto tions bills did not get passed for some the Defense appropriations bill, which threat on this particular bill and to reason, if there was some delay. So this is even more immediately directed to take it seriously. is really the source of all of this shut- help support our families and the men We are going to continue to press our down drama—the obstruction of our and women in uniform, many of whom Democratic colleagues to return this Democratic colleagues, preventing us are serving in harm’s way. It is amaz- body to what we like to call regular from doing our basic business of gov- ing to me how many people will come order around here—in other words, erning and making sure we are doing to the Senate floor or in the other doing our job, what we were elected to what we promised to do when each of body, the House of Representatives, do. us stood for election in front of our and talk about their devotion and dedi- This whole idea of holding our troops voters. cation to our military and our vet- and veterans hostage in order to force I see the junior Senator from Mon- erans—and they should. Our military more government spending is beyond tana is here. I know one of the things and our veterans deserve our devotion outrageous. With everything happening that motivated many of our new Sen- and appreciation and every honor we in the world, I don’t doubt it is hard for ators is the desire to come here and put can bestow on them. But the idea that this message to penetrate, but the rea- our fiscal house in order. We are not you would on one hand talk like that son we continue to operate on con- even talking about doing some of the and then come to the floor and block tinuing resolutions and temporary things we should do, some of the things legislation that funds their paycheck patches, such as the one that was just we need to do to reduce the deficit—the or pays for their benefits if they are a passed that goes to December 11, is be- difference between what we spend and veteran and keeps the commitment we cause of the obstruction on the other what comes in—much less the debt, have made to them—it really is out- side of the aisle, these filibusters. which is in the $18 trillion range, which rageous and is just another reason why We have a lot of work cut out for us is unbelievable. the American people—everybody out- by that December 11 deadline. Before So these young men and women who side of the beltway—hold Congress and that deadline, we have to deal with an are serving as pages—we are leaving Washington in such low regard. We are, expiring highway bill. We passed a behind for them a financial burden after all, a self-governing people, and multiyear highway bill here in the Sen- which is simply immoral. It is just not when people hold their government in ate and sent it to the House. My hope right. The promises that were made low regard and lose confidence in their is that they will use this time up until back when Social Security and Medi- government, basically they lose con- October 29 to pass a highway bill and care were passed—that they would be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.060 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 there for you in your later years—I explained why religious liberty mat- religious beliefs according to their own have not met a young person today ters, why it is important, and why it conscience. who thinks Social Security or Medi- deserves special protection from gov- The Pilgrims’ journey to Massachu- care is going to be there for them be- ernment interference. setts Bay is considered such an impor- cause, frankly, they are going to run I also used my remarks to welcome tant part of the American story that a out of money on the current path they Pope Francis to Washington and to rec- mural depicting the embarkation of are on. ognize the historic nature of his visit. the Pilgrims hangs in the Rotunda of So we have a lot to do. Believe me, I was struck by the Pope’s emphasis on the U.S. Capitol. This great painting the country is upset. People are angry. religious liberty while he was here and stands as a symbol and constant re- They are scared. They are worried by his concern for the state of religious minder of America’s place as a safe about their families and about their fu- liberty, not just around the world, but harbor for those seeking religious lib- ture. They are worried about their se- in the United States as well. erty. curity. When they look at the TV set In his address at the White House, Following the success of the Puri- or read the newspaper and see how a Pope Francis said that many American tans, other religious minorities, includ- willful minority can simply shut down Catholics are ‘‘concerned that efforts ing the Quakers, Congregationalists, our ability to do our job and conduct to build a just and wisely ordered soci- Baptists, Jews, Methodists, Pres- the Nation’s business, their anger and ety respect . . . the right to religious byterians, and a host of German and their frustration and their fear are jus- liberty,’’ and he called on all Ameri- Dutch sects, came to the American tified. cans to ‘‘be vigilant . . . to preserve Colonies to practice their faith in We can do better. I hope and pray we and defend [religious] freedom from ev- peace. Unfortunately, many of these will. erything that would threaten or com- minorities did not find the religious I yield the floor. promise it.’’ tolerance they had hoped for. The Mas- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Before Congress, Pope Francis, spoke sachusetts Bay Colony, for example, ator from Montana. of the delicate balance required to punished heretics and adopted the Old REMEMBERING JEAN TURNAGE combat violence and extremism while World view that nonadherence to the Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I rise at the same time safeguarding reli- state religion was a crime against the today in recognition of Jean Turnage, gious liberty. And in Philadelphia, he state. True to the American ideal, how- the former Montana Supreme Court declared that the right of religious ex- ever, these religious minorities did not chief justice and a State senate presi- ercise extends well beyond the church give in. Instead, they pressed on in dent who passed away earlier this door. He said: search of new locales where the prom- week. Religious freedom certainly means the ise of religious freedom could be found Chief Justice Turnage was a true right to worship God, individually and in full bloom. public servant who always put Mon- community, as consciences dictate. But reli- gious liberty, by its nature, transcends Roger Williams, the founder of the tana and this Nation first. He is re- first Baptist church in America, was membered as a fair and tolerant judge places of worship and the private sphere of individuals and families. among the most notable dissenters and a true gentleman legislator. As Like Pope Francis, I too am con- from religious orthodoxy. Williams be- both a legislator and judge, he had a lieved that the church in Massachu- genius for solving conflicts and bridg- cerned about threats to religious free- dom in the United States. Last week, I setts was not sufficiently separated ing differences—a quality that is far from the church of England and openly too rare in public service. announced my intention to give a se- ries of speeches on the subject of reli- questioned the legitimacy of the Colo- Chief Justice Turnage was part of a ny’s charter. dying breed of the ‘‘greatest genera- gious liberty, and I continue with that Forced to flee his home in Boston for tion’’ and was a true statesman. As a purpose today by speaking about the fear of being arrested, Williams found World War II veteran, a State legis- history of religious liberty in America. refuge among the Natives. He went on lator, and chief justice of the Montana As my remarks will show, concern to purchase land from the Massasoit Supreme Court, Justice Turnage truly for religious liberty has been a critical tribe and established a new settlement exemplified our State’s strong legacy feature of our Nation from the begin- that he gave the rather auspicious of service. His passing is a great loss ning. The desire to enjoy the freedom name ‘‘Providence.’’ A few years later, for Montana. to live one’s faith was a motivating Providence and several other commu- On behalf of all Montanans, I wish to factor for many of our earliest settlers. nities joined together to form the recognize Jean for his decades of serv- Once here, they set about creating so- Rhode Island Colony—the first Colony ice to Montana and to this Nation. Our cieties in which religion could have full in the New World—to offer religious thoughts and prayers are with the room to flourish. At times they fell liberty to all sects. Citizens in Rhode Turnage family during this time of prey to the same sectarian Island could attend the church of their loss. narrowmindedness that bedeviled the choice without fear of government re- I yield the floor. nations of Europe, but on the whole our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- forebears enjoyed and permitted a prisal. ator from Iowa. broader range of religious freedom than Mr. President, we see in the founding (The remarks of Mr. GRASSLEY per- could be found most anywhere in the of Rhode Island the seed of the idea taining to the introduction of S. 2123 world or the planet at that time. that all people should be free to prac- are printed in today’s RECORD under As the heirs of their efforts, we have tice their faith. If Massachusetts rep- ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and the obligation to continue their com- resented the flight of persecution, then Joint Resolutions.’’) mitment to religious liberty. Freedom Rhode Island constituted the next step Mr. GRASSLEY. I yield the floor. of religion is part of the very fabric of in the path toward religious freedom— I suggest the absence of a quorum. our Nation. It is not only enshrined in the extension of free exercise. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the text of our First Amendment, it Rhode Island was not the only safe clerk will call the roll. also permeates our history, our very harbor in the New World for religious The legislative clerk proceeded to identity as a nation. Protecting and minorities. There was also Pennsyl- call the roll. promoting freedom of religion is at the vania, which was named for William Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask heart of the American project. Penn, a Quaker. English authorities unanimous consent that the order for Let’s begin at the beginning. The imprisoned Penn in the Tower of Lon- the quorum call be rescinded. first permanent European settlers here don for writing pamphlets critical of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in America were Pilgrims seeking to the Church of England. After he was re- objection, it is so ordered. escape religious oppression. Leaders leased, Penn established the Pennsyl- RELIGIOUS LIBERTY such as John Winthrop guided Puritans vania Colony as a refuge for practi- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, last week and other groups of Pilgrims from Eu- tioners of his own Quaker faith. I came to the floor to speak on the sub- rope to the New World in search of a Another example is the Dutch Colony ject of religious liberty in America. I place where they could practice their of New Netherland, later known as New

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.061 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7081 Amsterdam and today known as New and support the free exercise of the re- The mother superior of the Ursulines York. When New Amsterdam was ligion of the Country, and the undis- petitioned President Thomas Jefferson founded in 1625, its Articles of Transfer turbed enjoyment of the rights of con- to ask that the sisters be allowed to assured New Netherlanders that they science in religious matters, with your keep their property in New Orleans. could ‘‘keep and enjoy the liberty of utmost influence and authority.’’ President Jefferson responded power- their consciences in religion.’’ No city That was George Washington. fully, telling the Sisters: ‘‘The prin- better symbolizes the religious diver- Thomas Jefferson, the author of the ciples of the Constitution and govern- sity of America than New York City, Declaration of Independence, likewise ment of the United States are a sure which should be unsurprising given emphasized the centrality of religious guarantee to you that [your property] that New York was one of America’s freedom for our new Nation. In 1786, will be preserved to you sacred and in- earliest havens of religious liberty and the Virginia Legislature adopted a violate and that your institution will tolerance. statute on religious freedom written by be permitted to govern itself according It bears mention that although many none other than Thomas Jefferson. to its own rules, without interference of the early American Colonies aspired This law said that ‘‘all men shall be from the civil authority.’’ to provide religious liberty to all citi- free to profess, and by argument to President Jefferson spoke the truth. zens, colonial America often fell short maintain, their opinions in matter of Indeed, the Old Ursuline Convent and of this ideal. In 1689, for example, Eng- religion, and that the same shall in no Mission survives to this day. It is lo- land’s Parliament enacted the Act of wise diminish, enlarge or affect their cated in New Orleans’ famous French Toleration, which granted freedom to civil capacities.’’ Quarter and is the oldest building in non-Anglicans to hold their own reli- Jefferson’s words in the Statute for the Mississippi River Valley. The Old gious services provided they properly Religious Freedom had a profound in- Ursuline Convent is an emblem of the registered their ministers and places of fluence on James Madison, whom we vitality and centrality of religious lib- worship. However, the act did not ex- revere today as the father of the Con- erty in American life. A persecuted re- tend the right to hold public office to stitution. Madison reflected Jefferson’s ligious minority, unpopular in its day nonconformists and explicitly excluded vision in his own writings, declaring and even reviled in some backward seg- Catholics and Unitarians from all bene- that ‘‘[t]he religion of every man must ments of society, received a personal fits provided by the act. Moreover, be left to the conviction and con- guarantee from the President of the ministers of minority sects could be science of every man to exercise it as United States that their rights and imprisoned for failing to apply for li- these may dictate.’’ property would remain secure under censes or for preaching outside of au- The original Constitution, ratified in the protection of the U.S. Government. thorized locations. In 1774, Virginia au- 1788, did not contain a bill of rights be- Here we see religious liberty not only thorities imprisoned some 50 Baptist cause the Framers believed the struc- as ideal but as reality. ministers for failing to heed the Tol- ture they had created would effectively To return to my earlier formulation, eration Act’s requirements. guard against tyranny. They also wor- Massachusetts represented the flight That the trajectory of religious lib- ried that enumerating rights could lead from religious persecution, Rhode Is- erty in America has not always been a to mischief, as officials might argue land and other Colonies the extension straight line, however, does not dimin- that any right not enumerated did not of free exercise. Now in the Constitu- ish the centrality of religious freedom exist. But the Framers eventually re- tion we have the guarantee of religious to the American ideal or to the history versed course, and a few years later liberty to all people in all places with- and growth of our Nation. Looking Madison drafted and the States ratified in the jurisdiction of our great land. back centuries later, we rightly criti- the first 10 amendments to the Con- The Constitution and its guarantee cize colonial leaders for failing to give stitution. of free exercise is the culmination of full freedom to religious practitioners. The first of these amendments for- the process that began when the Pil- But the initial failure of some colonial malized the guarantee of religious lib- grims first set foot on the Mayflower leaders to live up to the ideal was ulti- erty already found in many State con- way back in 1620. But the Constitution mately overwhelmed by the success of stitutions and deeply embedded in the is only as effective as we, through our later colonists and by the significance fabric of American society. The words fidelity, make it. Regrettably, the of religious liberty through the entire are familiar to all Americans: ‘‘Con- guarantee of free exercise has at times American project. gress shall make no law respecting an been undermined or even abridged by As I said last week, our Nation exists establishment of religion, or prohib- narrowminded sectarianism or fear of because of religious liberty. The free- iting the free exercise thereof.’’ The new creeds. Such divergence from the dom to practice one’s faith was central principle that had motivated the ini- promise of religious liberty is not to the founding and growth of the tial settlement of America and that cause to question the continuing value American Colonies. Furthermore, the had grown and matured in concert with of religion or to claim that the promise guarantees of religious liberty found in the growth and maturation of the Colo- of religious freedom is a false promise. the colonial charters, coupled with the nies themselves had found expression Rather, it is reason to dedicate our- breadth of religious diversity in pre- in our fundamental charter. selves to the ideal enshrined in our revolution America, are nothing short Of course, ratification of the First Constitution that all men and women of remarkable. As Stanford professor Amendment is not the end of the story. have an inalienable right to choose for Michael McConnell—one of the great From the founding generation down to themselves what they believe and how constitutional experts in our country— the present day, the importance of reli- they will practice their beliefs. has noted, in the years leading up to gious liberty to the American ideal has As many of my colleagues know, I the Revolution, America had ‘‘already continued to manifest itself in a vari- am a descendent of the early Mormon experienced 150 years of a higher degree ety of ways. pioneers who, much like the Pilgrims of religious diversity than had existed Consider the experience of the Ursu- of the Mayflower, fled persecution and anywhere else in the world.’’ line nuns of New Orleans. These French discrimination by abandoning their I come now to the American Revolu- sisters were the first congregation of homes for a new place of refuge. In the tion and subsequent ratification of the Roman Catholic nuns in the United case of the Mormon pioneers, they mi- Constitution. It was through these cru- States. They came to America in the grated, many by foot and in harsh con- cial events that the ideal of religious early 1700s and settled in New France, ditions, in a mass exodus across the liberty had so long motivated the colo- which later became Louisiana. Great Plains over the Rocky Moun- nists to become part of our funda- Following the Louisiana Purchase in tains, and, finally, into Salt Lake Val- mental charter of government. 1803, the sisters of the Ursuline Con- ley and other settlements throughout George Washington, while leader of vent grew concerned that they would the Intermountain West. Brigham the Continental Army, issued a com- lose their rights to their property and Young was a great colonizer and sent mand concerning religious liberty to mission now that their charter was people all over the West to settle the the revolutionary troops: ‘‘[A]s far as under the jurisdiction of the United West. One of the attributes of the Mor- lies in your power, you are to protect States. mon pioneers that I admire most is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.064 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 that after having endured mob vio- gious liberty, there would be no United soldier during the Second World War lence, the martyr of their prophet, the States, and without the continued and beyond. He was actually recalled burning of their homes and places of guarantee of religious freedom, there to duty again as a captain during the worship, and their forced flight into can be no American ideal. This is the Korean war, and for all his service, he the American wilderness, they never fundamental rule in our society, a fun- received many awards, including two lost their deep love of the United damental maxim, a fundamental part Bronze Star Medals and the Combat In- States and our Constitution. I am very of the Constitution, a fundamental be- fantryman Badge. I will never forget pleased the people of Utah remain a lief for virtually everyone in America the opportunity I had last year when I deeply patriotic people, with a pro- who has any religious inclinations at was able to help him retrieve a number found respect and admiration for our all. of his missing or, in several cases, Constitution. I am proud to be a citizen of this never awarded medals, and to reissue In more recent years, our leaders great Nation. I don’t want to see reli- them to him in a public ceremony. have continued to reaffirm the impor- gious liberty infringed upon, abused, Hundreds of Delawareans from across tance of religious liberty in American not tolerated or denigrated. We have to our community came together at that life. In 1948, the United States was one stand up for it. We have to make sure event—hundreds whose lives he of the original signers of the Universal everybody knows we are not going to touched, and I don’t think there was a Declaration of Human Rights, which change one of the basic precepts of the dry eye in the house. proclaims that every person has the American experience—one of the basic Jim Gilliam didn’t come to Wil- right to freedom of religion, including precepts, from the beginning of this mington for good until 1965, when he the right to ‘‘manifest his religion or country until today. was hired as director of neighborhood belief in teaching, practice, worship or Mr. President, I suggest the absence and housing services for the Greater observance.’’ of a quorum. Wilmington Development Council. Four decades later, in 1990, Congress The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Shortly after, in 1968, he was one of the passed the Religious Freedom Restora- clerk will call the roll. few trusted to walk the Wilmington tion Act, or RFRA, a crucially impor- The legislative clerk proceeded to streets promoting reconciliation dur- tant piece of legislation that prohibits call the roll. ing the riots in our city and the Na- government from substantially bur- Mr. COONS. Mr. President, I ask tional Guard occupation that lasted dening a person’s exercise of religion unanimous consent that the order for too long after the assassination of Rev. unless doing so is necessary to further the quorum call be rescinded. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. G. went on to hold positions of a ‘‘compelling government interest.’’ I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without leadership with private and public sec- was honored to be one of the principal objection, it is so ordered. tor entities, including vice president of authors of RFRA and count its passage REMEMBERING JAMES H. GILLIAM, SR. the development company Leon N. of one of the greatest moments of our Mr. COONS. Mr. President, it is with Weiner & Associates, working to build time in this body. The bill passed the a heavy heart that today I rise to affordable, low-income housing; or as Senate 97 to 3 and passed the House honor a friend and a true force for good the director of New Castle County’s De- without recorded opposition. An enor- in my home State of Delaware who re- partment of Community Development cently passed away but whose impact mous coalition of groups from across and Housing, where he served for many will be felt for many years to come. He the ideological spectrum—including years; or in 1970 when Governor Peter- was, first and foremost, a loving hus- the ALCU, the American Muslim Coun- son asked him to overhaul a then-fail- cil, the Anti-Defamation League, the band, father, and grandfather. He was ing Delaware family court. He touched Christian Legal Society, and the Na- married to his wife Louise for 68 years many lives through many institutions. tional Council of Churches—came to- and had always been the rock of his His constant involvement in the com- gether in support of the Religious Free- family. He was incredibly proud of the munity led to many honors and acco- dom Restoration Act. The breadth and many accomplishments of his son Jim, lades, but through it all he never rest- depth of support for RFRA was a sign Jr., and his daughter Dr. Patrice ed on his laurels or slowed down in his of the enduring importance of religious Gilliam-Johnson, after instilling in efforts to serve others. In 1999, at an liberty in American life. Indeed, RFRA them his own passion of service to oth- age when most others would have been demonstrated that religious liberty is ers. This man stood as a great leader in beginning retirement, he spent 9 the rare issue that unites Americans of the First State. He was a veteran, a months raising $1 million and securing all stripes. trailblazer, a mentor, and to so many hundreds of political, business, and One other recent marker of the con- of us a trusted adviser and friend. community supporters to launch the tinuing significance of religious free- It was Mr. James H. Gilliam, Sr.—or Metropolitan Wilmington Urban dom in America is found, interestingly Mr. G., as he was known to so many of League. The Metropolitan Wilmington enough, in a bill aimed at protecting us—who left our world early Wednes- Urban League quickly rose to promi- religious freedom in other countries. In day morning on September 10, but be- nence and 4 years later received the 1998, Congress unanimously passed the fore he left us, he made a profound im- National Urban League’s highest International Religious Freedom Act, pact on thousands of Delawareans from honor. Since that time, as MWUL which created an ambassador-at-large every walk of life, as a teacher, as a chairman, Jim led countless efforts in for International Religious Freedom mentor, and a leader. His 95 years on educational opportunity, economic de- within the State Department and a bi- this Earth marked a life well lived. velopment, supplier diversity, fighting partisan U.S. Commission on Inter- Whether he was helping communities racial profiling, and promoting equity national Religious Freedom. The very to heal and to grow together or helping in the arts. I was honored to be able to first words of the act proclaim that to establish local and national organi- call him a mentor and an adviser. ‘‘[t]he right to freedom of religion zations committed to social justice and Whether working with him 15 years undergirds the very origin and exist- equity, advising Governors, Members of ago when I was a newly elected county- ence of the United States.’’ Congress or even the Vice President, he wide official or in recent years as a This statement, approved by all 535 never wasted an opportunity to make U.S. Senator, I called on Mr. G. time Members of Congress and signed into the case for our community. and again when making tough deci- law by the President, encapsulates the Jim Gilliam, though, actually didn’t sions. His counsel was not always easy overarching theme of my remarks grow up in Delaware. He was originally to receive. He pulled no punches, but today. Freedom of religion is central to raised in Baltimore and earned a bach- he always gave advice keeping the best the American ideal and to the history elor’s degree in sociology from Morgan interests of our community in mind. I and development of our Nation. From State and a master’s degree in social consider myself hugely blessed for the the earliest settlers to the revolu- work from Howard University. From many opportunities when he shared his tionary generation, to the 19th cen- 1944 to 1948, he served his country with knowledge and perspective of what we tury, to the modern day, religious free- honor as a member of the Army’s 92nd needed to do. But I am far from the dom has been a driving force in Amer- Infantry Division, the famed Buffalo only person who long relied upon his ican life. Without the quest for reli- Soldiers, where he became a decorated advice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.067 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7083 Mr. G. mentored countless young As for me, I will always remember I am very concerned about the poten- men and women from throughout the Jim Gilliam as a man who challenged tial for future spills in Michigan, espe- State and throughout his life and truly me to be better. He viewed himself as a cially from a pair of 60-year old pipe- fostered an entire generation of civic servant to our community, but he lines carrying oil and natural gas liq- and community leaders. One of them is knew that his service alone wasn’t uids through the Straits of Mackinac, Paul Calistro, the executive director of enough. That is why his lasting legacy the place where Lake Michigan and the West End Neighborhood House, will be in those whom he has inspired Lake Huron meet. The Straits of Mack- whose organization has supported and whom he challenged to continue inac have been called the ‘‘worst pos- thousands youth in our city. A senti- his work, to follow his example, to sible place’’ for an oilspill in the entire ment he recently related to me was take our turn and our moment to fight Great Lakes Basin. The strong cur- that ‘‘Mr. G. was a man who could com- for justice. rents in the straits tend to reverse di- mand the entire room, but could also I yield the floor. rection every few days, and they move speak to you as if you were the only I suggest the absence of a quorum. water at a rate at over 10 times greater one in the room.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The than the flow over Niagara Falls. A Another person whose career he clerk will call the roll. professor at the University of Michigan The senior assistant legislative clerk helped launch was Jea Street. He is used computer modeling to estimate now a county councilman, and for dec- proceeded to call the roll. Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, I ask that a worst case scenario oil slick ades he was executive director of Hill- moving east through the Straits could top Lutheran—another important unanimous consent that the order for reach the shores of Mackinac City and youth-serving organization in a tough the quorum call be rescinded. Mackinac Island—our number one neighborhood in our city. He was hired The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tourist attraction—in just 3 hours. at the tender age of 22, some 40 years objection, it is so ordered. The Senator from Michigan wishes to Even more troubling is the fact that ago, by Mr. G. to help in preparation Coast Guard officials have acknowl- for school desegregation. Jea recently be recognized, I presume. edged that current oilspill response commented: He did not tell me it was a Mr. PETERS. I do, indeed. techniques are not adequate for open job for life, but he helped me to do it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- freshwater, let alone freshwater with and to stay on the battlefield for jus- ator is recognized. heavy, thick ice—the ice we find every tice these many years. PIPELINE IMPROVEMENT AND PREVENTING Any elected official or civic commu- SPILLS ACT season in the Straits of Mackinac. To make matters worse, response nity leader who sat down with Mr. G. Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, I rise plan requirements for pipelines over- also knew that he meant business. He today to speak about an issue that is of seen by PHMSA at the Federal level wasn’t shy about telling you what you particular importance in my State of are seriously lacking. The information needed to do, what you needed to do Michigan—preventing an oilspill in the related to safety procedures, inspection better, what you needed to do to make Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are a an impact. Whether it was fighting part of our way of life in Michigan, reports, and worst case scenarios are crime or investing in education or a supporting our multibillion dollar agri- unavailable to the public. Even local growing opportunity, he was better cultural, shipping, and tourism indus- emergency responders have been left in than anyone I have ever known at de- tries. An oilspill on this precious re- the dark. That is why I, along with my livering hard and pointed messages source would be catastrophic for Michi- Michigan colleague and good friend with a smile but with an intensity that gan and for all surrounding Great DEBBIE STABENOW, introduced the Pipe- made you listen and made you want to Lakes States. The Great Lakes are a line Improvement and Preventing be a better man. The News Journal, our critical drinking water source for 40 Spills Act, which includes several com- home paper in Wilmington, recently million people, and they contain 84 per- monsense provisions to prevent pipe- said: ‘‘Mr. Gilliam’s fight for racial jus- cent of North America’s surface fresh- line accidents and protect the Great tice, his efforts to correct the wrongs water. Vessels moving through the Lakes from catastrophic crude oil of our society and his willingness to Great Lakes carry goods and pas- spills. Our bill requires the U.S. Coast mentor countless others, sent forth sengers across the region, and tourists Guard and other agencies to independ- thousands of ripples of hope that have in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Il- ently assess oilspill response and clean- benefited us in the past and will serve linois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, up activities and techniques for the us well in the future.’’ and New York take in their beautiful Great Lakes, specifically taking into I think that is exactly right. No coastlines each year. Unfortunately, account the cleanup response of an oil- problem was too small or insignificant Michiganders know all too well the spill under solid, thick ice or ice-choke for him to embrace and to attend to devastating consequences of a pipeline waters. and to set right. He was Wilmington’s break and what it can do to an econ- My legislation requires the Depart- pied piper, leading all kinds of people omy and to its natural resources. ment of Transportation and the Na- into a better place. He was a natural Five years ago we experienced one of tional Academies to examine risks as- leader, and everyone who knew him is the largest inland oilspills in U.S. his- sociated with pipelines in the Great better off for it. tory with a 6-foot break in the Line 6– Lakes and other waterways in the re- My good friend Dr. Tony Allen count- B pipeline in Marshall, MI. Oil flowed gion, including an analysis of alter- ed Mr. G. as his best friend. Tony put it for nearly 17 hours before it was even- natives to the Straits oil pipeline. This this way: tually shut off, spilling more than bill would also increase transparency He was the conscience of our community. 800,000 gallons of heavy crude, contami- by ensuring residents are notified He often said to me that the great challenges nating 35 miles of the Kalamazoo about pipelines near their property and of life are in the moments when it is our River, and ultimately racking up a compels operators and regulators to turn. When there is an opportunity for us to cleanup cost of $1.2 billion. An inde- make information publicly available. speak up or to be quiet, to rise up or to lie pendent investigation after the spill My legislation will also expand safe- down, to take arms or to take cover, most of concluded that the pipeline operator’s ty features to pipelines in high-con- us take the path of least resistance and miss the moment to make a difference in our own inadequate procedures, as well as sequence areas—creating jobs for pipe- lives and in the lives of others. He taught ev- ‘‘weak Federal regulations,’’ all played fitters and other professions—while eryone to never, ever miss their moment to a major role in this disastrous spill. protecting dense population centers, act, to do the right thing, and to make the The Kalamazoo disaster, along with drinking water, and environmentally world a better place. several other devastating pipeline ex- sensitive areas. Finally, this bill will For 95 years, Mr. G. never missed the plosions and spills, prompted a sweep- eliminate the future risk of a disas- moments that required him to act and ing pipeline safety bill to be signed trous crude oil spill from tanker ves- to lead. He acted, he led, and his legacy into law in early 2012. Unfortunately, sels on the Great Lakes. lives on not only in his family but many of those rules and regulations Currently crude oil is not shipped by among so many other people and insti- have yet to be finalized by the Pipeline tankers on the Great Lakes. However, tutions throughout our State that he and Hazardous Materials Safety Ad- it is increasingly being looked at as an touched. ministration, or PHMSA. option. Given the difficulty of cleaning

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.069 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 up heavy oil in open freshwater, my Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I good work of Congressman GUTHRIE on bill will take that option off the table wish to say a few words about the Pro- the House side, as well as Senator SHA- to ensure that we will not jeopardize tecting Affordable Coverage For Em- HEEN, we see we are going to have an our $7 billion Great Lakes fishing in- ployees—or PACE—Act. opportunity to make sure that small dustry. The Pipeline Improvement and The PACE Act is smart legislation business owners all across America are Preventing Spills Act is endorsed and from my colleague, Senator TIM SCOTT, not more negatively impacted by supported by a number of groups, in- and my Kentucky colleague over in the ObamaCare. cluding the Michigan League of Con- House, Congressman BRETT GUTHRIE, The decision we have made today to servation Voters; the Pipefitters, that will help protect small- and me- move this legislation forward actually Plumbers and HVAC Techs Local 111; dium-sized businesses that provide will save, on average, about 18 per- Traverse City Tourism; the Great health care to their employees. It cent—18 percent—of higher premiums Lakes Fishing Commission; Michigan would give States more flexibility to that will not have to be paid by small Steelhead and Salmon Fishermen’s As- define what constitutes a small busi- businesses owners. sociation; National Wildlife Federa- ness for health insurance purposes so Senator MCCONNELL, thank you for tion; and the Alliance for the Great as to protect health benefits for work- your leadership. Senator ALEXANDER, Lakes—to name a few. ers, lower health premiums, and reduce thank you for working with us on this The Senate committee on commerce, costs for taxpayers. very interesting process to get it to the which has jurisdiction over pipeline So let me repeat that. The PACE Act floor as expeditiously as we have been safety, will be considering pipeline leg- is a smart health care bill aimed at able to do. islation in the next few weeks. I look protecting workers’ benefits, lowering With that, I thank both Senators for forward to building support for provi- premiums, and reducing costs to tax- their hard work and dedication to this issue. sions in my bill. Our country continues payers. Mr. SASSE. Mr. President, I want to to record record highs in domestic en- I hope colleagues will join me in ap- thank my friend and colleague Senator ergy production, but we must remain plauding the bill’s lead sponsors, our SCOTT for his leadership in protecting colleague, Senator TIM SCOTT, and his vigilant when it comes to energy trans- many Americans and small businesses counterpart over in the House, Con- portation. Through strong oversight, from more needless suffering under gressman BRETT GUTHRIE, for their leadership from the industry, and tech- ObamaCare. While I am glad for this hard work in developing this very im- nological innovation, I firmly believe outcome, a piecemeal approach to this portant proposal. that we can and we must continue to terrible law is less valuable than a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- meet our energy needs in the safest strategic approach. We must help the way possible while preserving treasures ator from Tennessee. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I millions of other victims who are al- such as the Great Lakes for future gen- ready suffering or will soon suffer from wish to join the majority leader in erations. the law’s flawed policies but lack an ef- complimenting Senator SCOTT, a new I yield the floor. fective lobbying voice. In the future, Member of the Senate, on a significant I suggest the absence of a quorum. we should set the stage for a serious re- accomplishment. It is not that easy to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The peal and replace debate by delaying pass a bill in the House and in the Sen- clerk will call the roll. Obamacare’s onerous burdens, rather ate. It takes a lot of work, and there is The senior assistant legislative clerk than merely working to make a ter- good reason for that. We want to make proceeded to call the roll. rible law 12 percent less bad. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I sure that whatever passes in the Sen- ask unanimous consent that the order ate has a thorough amount of consider- f for the quorum call be rescinded. ation. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senator SCOTT has come to the Sen- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR objection, it is so ordered. ate as a member of the HELP Com- 2016—CONFERENCE REPORT—Con- f mittee. He is one of its most diligent tinued members. I am chairman of that com- REMEMBERING OFFICER GREG ALIA PROTECTING AFFORDABLE mittee. He took this initiative on his COVERAGE FOR EMPLOYEES ACT Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, I rise to own, working with Members of the speak about one of South Carolina’s Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I House, where he formerly served, and most amazing heroes, Greg Alia. I am ask unanimous consent that the Sen- he has brought the bill to the Senate, here today to recognize that this young ate now proceed to the consideration of and within a few days he has gotten its man—32 years young—lost his life yes- H.R. 1624, which is at the desk, and unanimous approval. To me, that sug- terday. Yesterday morning, Officer that the bill be read a third time and gests the kind of U.S. Senator that we Greg Alia was killed in Columbia, SC. the Senate vote on passage of the bill need more of—someone who is quiet, I will tell my colleagues that Greg with no intervening action or debate. effective, scholarly, and gets results. served his community with distinction. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The So TIM SCOTT today, on behalf of the Yesterday afternoon, I had an oppor- clerk will report the bill by title. people of South Carolina and this coun- tunity to talk with Greg’s wife, Kassy. The senior assistant legislative clerk try, has helped workers, has improved Kassy’s strength, as she spoke with read as follows: benefits, and has lowered premiums. He someone she has never met about the A bill (H.R. 1624) to amend title I of the Pa- deserves our thanks. He has certainly love of her life—about her husband, the tient Protection and Affordable Care Act and earned my respect and the respect of father of her little boy, Sal—was quite title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act his colleagues on both sides of the aisle remarkable. Her thoughtfulness in this to revise the definition of small employer. by this significant accomplishment. tragic time truly struck a chord with There being no objection, the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- me and brought tears to my eyes as I proceeded to consider the bill. ator from South Carolina. listened to a wife describe the man she The bill was ordered to a third read- Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, I wish to loves, a community leader, and some- ing, and was read the third time. thank my cosponsor, Senator SHAHEEN, one who runs into danger when others The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there for working with me on the PACE Act, are running away from danger. is no further debate on the measure, without any question. I also would like Greg was born and raised in Colum- the bill having been read the third to thank Senator ALEXANDER for his bia, SC. He was a Columbia native. He time, the question is, Shall the bill kind remarks and specifically thank went to high school at Richland North- pass? our leader, Senator MCCONNELL, for east High School. He graduated from The bill (H.R. 1624) was passed. making sure this bill had an expedi- the University of South Carolina. If Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous tious path to the floor of the Senate. Greg were here, I would say ‘‘Go, consent that the motion to reconsider So often we hear in America that we Cocks’’ because we understand and ap- be made and laid upon the table. can’t get things done in the Senate, preciate the importance of the Univer- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and because of your leadership, Sen- sity of South Carolina, especially in objection, it is so ordered. ator MCCONNELL, and because of the the Columbia footprint.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.070 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7085 More importantly, after high school, and strong woman in this amazing were more than 40 miles away from a Greg wanted to find out what life was time of her need. facility. We tried this legislation this about. He had an opportunity to be a We should pray for Kassy and Sal. summer to put even more definition to production assistant working on mov- Thank you, Mr. President. that. Clearly, what the Congress means ies such as the latest version of ‘‘Indi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is 40 miles from a facility that can do ana Jones,’’ as well as one of my favor- ator from Missouri. what the patient needs to have done. If ite movies, frankly, ‘‘Iron Man.’’ Yes, Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I am glad one needs to have a heart stint put in, ‘‘Iron Man.’’ I got to be here to hear Senator SCOTT just being 40 miles from a facility Greg was offered a job with Marvel, talk about that family and that hero where they would take your blood pres- the comic book folks. He had an oppor- and those who protect and defend us. In sure isn’t good enough. We will con- tunity to stay out of the State and do Missouri we have had over the last tinue to work to change veterans amazing things and have a lot of fun, year a number of challenges on this health care in a way that gives vet- but his heart was beating to come back front. I was recently meeting with a erans more choices, I hope. home to South Carolina, to come back group of African-American pastors, one What we found out is that Alaskan home to Columbia, so that he could of whom was a pastor in Ferguson, MO, care is just not acceptable. We have to serve the people of South Carolina. He and talking about the hard work of continue to keep focused on this. The wanted to be a police officer. He want- being in law enforcement. He said: Peo- bill we provided will create more ed to help people. Kassy told me that ple who protect us, just like me, want choices. Greg would have had no regrets. to go home at the end of the day. And Last week I had one of the best con- To think about those words from his more than most of us, people who pro- versations I have ever had with any- wife on the day her husband was mur- tect us leave every day with them and body at the Veterans Administration dered, Greg would have no regrets be- their families having the No. 1 focus of when I talked to the Under Secretary cause he was doing what he was made getting home at the end of the day. of Health—a new person in that job— to do: Protect people, serve people, sac- Thank God they are willing to step for- Dr. Dave Shulkin, who spent his whole rifice on behalf of people. ward and protect us, especially under- life in health care in the private sector Greg was the embodiment of bravery standing that this is a challenging job managing hospitals outside of the Fed- and heroism. Greg was doing what he at a challenging time. eral Government. Dr. Shulkin should was wired to do. His wife was so clear VETERANS HEALTH CARE know what he is doing, and it certainly and so passionate about his desire to be I wish to speak for a little while sounded to me as if he knew what he the first on the scene, his desire to do about veterans health care, another was doing. He understood the kinds of everything possible to try to be help- challenge we face right now. We just, things the Congress hopes to see for ful. Greg, like so many police officers unfortunately, failed to move to debate our veterans and the VA system that across this Nation and, without ques- on a bill that would fund these pro- need to happen. tion, across the great State of South grams, a bill that would increase fund- We talked about the fact that Con- Carolina, loved serving people. And he ing for our veterans in areas such as gress intends for veterans’ choice to did so. He did so with great integrity, health care and benefit claims and mean exactly that—not ways for the with amazing character. He knew his processing claims, medical research, Veterans Administration to find obsta- place in the world was making sure and technology upgrades. For whatever cles to choice but veterans’ choice. If that his town, his city, our State, and reason, we decided as a Senate—and I you are a Federal Government health our Nation are safer because he put on don’t think for a good reason—that no, care provider, if you take Medicare pa- the uniform every single day. we are not going to debate that bill be- tients, you ought to be able to take Today, we all stand in salute to Greg cause all of these bills somehow collec- veterans as patients. There shouldn’t and make a promise to his wife Kassy tively don’t spend enough money. But be some long second process you have that we will be there with her as she we have talked about that, and I talked to go through to become qualified so raises her son Sal. Our prayers and our about it earlier in the day. that the veteran can see a doctor the thoughts are with the family. Right now I wish to speak for a few veteran wants to see, the veteran can In closing, I would like to share a minutes about what we do need to be go to a hospital the veteran wants to story that Kassy told me yesterday figuring out for our veterans. go to, particularly if the VA can’t meet afternoon as I had the chance to speak We learned a year ago that Veterans’ that need. with her. The story brought a tear to Administration wait times were unac- In fact, the conversation I had with my eye, and I hope as my colleagues ceptable. We learned it was likely that Dr. Shulkin was so good that for a lit- hear the story, it may even bring a a number of lives had been lost and tle while, I thought maybe I had gotten smile to their faces. Greg worked the deaths had been caused because our the wrong number, that possibly I ac- night shift, and when he would come veterans didn’t get to see the doctor tually had not called the Veterans Ad- home in the morning—Sal was around 6 they should have gotten to see; they ministration, because I have never had months old and he was learning to sit didn’t get the health care they earned a conversation like that where some- up, and in the morning when Sal heard as veterans and deserved. This summer, body at the Veterans Administration the police cruiser of his dad pull into after a year of working to make this not only knew what needed to be done the driveway, he would sit up and he better, we found out that the wait list but wasn’t afraid to compete to get the would start smiling. He was feeding, of people waiting more than 30 days at health care needs of veterans met. and the milk, because of his big smile, the VA system to see a doctor was now I talked to all our veterans groups in would run down his face. 50 percent longer than it was last year. Missouri, or many of them—certainly Think for just a moment of that I thought about that a little bit and I the two big veterans groups—at their young man, Sal. He should have the op- thought, well, maybe it was just 50 per- meeting this summer. I said: Many of portunity to walk when he hears the cent longer than it was last year, be- you have had great experience with the cruiser coming into the driveway. He cause one thing they found out was the VA. should have the opportunity to yell wait-list wasn’t really reflective of the There are a lot of people at the VA ‘‘Daddy’’ when he hears that cruiser real wait-list. The kind of progress we who want to do everything they can to coming into the driveway. So for that hoped to have made we don’t appear to serve veterans in the best possible way. little boy and his mama, Kassy, and for be making yet. I said: But that is not good enough. the Forest Acres community, I stand Last year the Congress passed a law All of you need to have had the best here today saying thank you for every to give veterans more choice. It was possible experience at the VA—not nec- single thing Greg has done to make our passed on a broad bipartisan basis. The essarily the best outcome but the best State and our Nation a better place to Senate came together, the Congress possible outcome. call home. I say thank you to Greg for came together to allow veterans to re- You know, all of our health care out- making the ultimate sacrifice that will ceive their health care in non-VA fa- comes aren’t what we would want them never be forgotten. And I say thank cilities if they couldn’t get that first to be, but they ought to be everything you to Kassy for being such a powerful appointment within 30 days or if they they possibly should be.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.072 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 Veterans shouldn’t have to drive past really know why we wouldn’t assume The reason I mention that is because non-VA facilities that are equally ca- the VA would be the best place to spe- I was also eligible—coming out of the pable of providing their health care or cialize in almost anything else. And if Vietnam war, along with other Viet- more capable of providing their health it is not the best place to go, it nam veterans—to get an education, to care, and we are going to continue to shouldn’t be the only place to go. go to college, and in my case graduate work to see that that happens. Com- The VA is probably not likely to be school on the GI bill. In my generation, petition is a good thing. The best pos- any better or as good as anyplace you we received about $250 a month. At the sible place to go for your health care is would drive by to get your heart stint time, I was happy to have every bit of a good thing. put in, to take care of your cancer it. I continued to fly with my Reserve I want to come back to that briefly problem, to work with your kidneys squadron for another 18 years, and it in a moment, but before I get there, I that are failing, to get even the basic was great to have that benefit. received a report on Tuesday from the health care of getting your blood pres- A couple weeks ago, our congres- Veterans Administration’s inspector sure checked. Our veterans deserve sional delegation—Senator COONS, Con- general that frankly just said that the more choices. gressmen CARNEY, and Governor Jack allegations about what was happening There are lots of reasons the Con- Markell—sent 300 Delaware National at the St. Louis facility, the John gress should be and is concerned about Guard men and women off to Afghani- Cochran facility, were absolutely true, the way the Veterans Administration stan. We had a big sendoff ceremony that a number of files had been is working. It is clearly time for the for them. Their families were there. We changed to indicate that the consulta- Veterans Administration to get focused had about 1,000 people. It was a big tion had been completed before it was not on what is good for the Veterans sendoff. ever had. I assume it does a lot for Administration but on what is good for As they left, I told them: When you your performance numbers if you veterans. We owe it to our veterans. come back, you are going to be eligible check the ‘‘completed’’ box before you The report I got this Tuesday unfor- for a GI benefit that dwarfs what my see the patient, and that appears to be tunately verifies almost every concern generation received. what was happening. We learned that that people have had, and we need to They won’t get 250 bucks a month. If there is not enough oversight there. We insist that that be better. they serve a total of 3 years on Active learned that at least one psychiatrist The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Duty and serve in Afghanistan or Iraq had received performance pay based on ator from Delaware. for a period of time, here is what they productivity data. The only thing PROVIDING FOR OUR VETERANS will be eligible for: They can come wrong with the productivity data was Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I am back and go for free to the University that it wasn’t correct. I guess it is easy pleased to follow my colleague and of Delaware, Delaware City University, to look good if you are not backing friend from Missouri. I just want to Wilmington University—pretty much that up with real facts. It is not ac- mention—although I didn’t come to the any public college or university in ceptable. It is inexcusable. America; tuition, books, and fees paid Then we have a problem with leader- floor to talk about what we are doing for; and if they need tutoring, that is ship at these facilities. At the John for veterans, let me take a minute or paid for as well. On top of all that, they Cochran hospital in St. Louis—the big- two to talk about what we are doing get a housing allowance of $1,500 a gest hospital we have in our State—we that we are actually proud of and then month. We received a GI benefit of $250. have had seven temporary directors in maybe touch on a couple of areas Not surprisingly, at the end of World 2 years. No matter how good some of where we can do a better job. War II, when my dad and my uncle those may have been, having seven I myself am a veteran, a Navy mid- served—in the Korean war, when my temporary directors is a lot like not shipman out of Ohio State who studied uncle served, and at the end of the having any director at all. If you know economics for 4 years and went on to Vietnam war, scam artists emerged to somebody is going to be there for 14 become a naval flight officer. I served take advantage of the GI and tried to weeks, or however long they are going for 5 years in Southeast Asia as a naval separate the GI coming back from com- to be there, and you know somebody flight officer and then as a P–3 aircraft bat—tried to separate the GI cash else is coming, that obviously is not mission commander for another 18 going to produce a good result, but years until the end of the Cold War. I value benefits from the GI and some- that is happening. There are 30 vet- loved the Navy. I loved serving. times not to provide them with a very erans centers that don’t have perma- I got an education—undergraduate good education but to take advantage nent directors today. That is about 20 and graduate school—and feel very of the GI and the taxpayers. In about 1952, something called the percent of all the facilities in the coun- privileged. I had the opportunity at the 85–15 rule was passed whereby at least try. One in five of our VA medical cen- end of my Active-Duty tour to use the ters doesn’t have a permanent director, VA hospital very close to Wilmington, 15 percent of the students enrolled in a and we need to do better. DE, in northern Delaware. I remember for-profit college or university had to Supposedly the new Administrator of the first time I went there. I was of- be there—their tuition paid for by the Veterans Administration came in fered some dental benefits, and my den- some source other than the Federal because he was a great manager. So tist—a young dentist who was right out Government. As it turns out, the 85–15 far, I don’t see the results. If he needs of dental school—told me the morale rule became the 90–10 rule, so that 90 more help from the Congress to be a was pretty bad, and he said they didn’t percent of those who were enrolled great manager, we ought to figure out do very good work. It was place where were paid for by the Federal Govern- a way to give him more help. they had 16-bed wards. They didn’t do ment, but another 10 percent had to be I believe competition is a good thing. much in the way of outpatient surgery. paid for by someone else other than the The VA should be good and really bet- The pharmacy was a mess. Federal Government. Over time, that ter than anybody else at a few things. I said: Wouldn’t it be great to be in a changed so that 90 percent of the reve- Nobody should be better than the VA position to do something about that nues of a for-profit college or univer- in terms of dealing with post-trau- and transform this place so it can be a sity could come from the Federal Gov- matic stress. Nobody should be better health care delivery facility we can be ernment but not the other 10 percent— than the Veterans Administration proud of today? except for the money that came from when it comes to dealing with the re- Do they do everything perfectly? No, the GI bill to a college or university or sults of these IED attacks, the impro- they don’t. from tuition assistance for people on vised explosive device attacks. Because We have two satellite operations in Active Duty. That didn’t count against of that, eye injuries should be some- Delaware. We have one in the Dover the 90 percent. At the end of the day, a thing the VA deals with very well. And area, in the middle of our State, and we for-profit college or university could nobody should be better than the VA at have another one in the southern part get 100 percent of its revenues from the dealing with prosthetics or spinal cord of the State, in Sussex County, which Federal Government. I don’t think that injuries. is Georgetown. I am very proud of is a good thing. Frankly, the Presiding Officer, as a those health care facilities. We call The system that was designed early doctor, would appreciate this. I don’t them outpatient clinics, CBOCS. on with the 85–15 rule and later the 90–

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.073 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7087 10 rule was designed to try to make the folks who maybe were working on wife driving along in their car. His wife sure there were market forces that en- the project had a good sense of humor. says: ‘‘Finally someone fixed that pot- sured taxpayers and the GIs, the vet- My guess is that for a moment it made hole.’’ Here is the pothole. There is a erans would get a fair deal, get a good the drivers smile but not for long, espe- car down there. The guy driving looks education, make sure they were treat- cially if they sat in traffic long enough. like he is having a bad day, not just a ed the way we would want them to be Eighty-two hours a year, that is long bad hair day, a very bad day. treated. enough. A little humor there but not if you There is a huge loophole in the 90–10 Not only is it expensive, a waste of happen to be this guy, frankly—prob- rule, and it is a loophole we need to fix. time and money for us as individuals to ably not if you happen to be this guy, We need to fix it. sit in traffic for a long time, another because if you are running over some- My colleagues who talked here ear- part of the cost is caused by potholes body else’s car in a pothole like this, lier today—including my colleague and other problems with our roads. I the guy is going to spend a lot more from Missouri—about the quality of think this is probably a bridge. It looks than 350 bucks to repair his car and get VA health care—I want to say that we like it might be a bridge, but it is a it going again. are providing the best health care by construction project someplace. Here is We are not making this stuff up. far in the history of our country. For a pothole. That is a bad pothole. In There is a national association, I think too long, a number of our for-profit col- other parts—not too much in Dela- it is civil engineers, people who spend leges and universities and postsec- ware—I have seen in other States at their life’s work on transportation ondary-training programs have been least that bad and worse. projects. Every year for years, they taking advantage of GIs, taking advan- What is going to happen, vehicles have given us a grade on what kind of tage of the taxpayers, and it should will come along, they will hit that pot- shape our roads, highways, bridges, and stop. It should stop. hole, and may damage their tires, they transit systems are in. They could give Having said that, there are a number may have to replace a tire or two, they an A, A-plus, A-minus, they could give of for-profit colleges and universities may have to get their front end re- a B, B-plus, B-minus, they could give a and training programs that do a great aligned. That costs money. How much? C, C-plus, C-minus or they could give a job. They are not all bad actors. Some Actually, believe it or not, just like D-plus, D, D-minus. The last couple of of them wear white hats. For them, Texas A&M has actually figured out on years we have been right around D to good for you, and for those who are average we waste 82 hours a year as D-plus. I think we are probably going not, you need to change your ways. drivers, somebody else actually spent down rather than going up. So what ev- I didn’t come here to talk about that, the time to figure out how much we erybody knows—just about anybody but in the spirit of making sure we spend on our cars, trucks, and vans in who drives in our country these days look out for our veterans, I thought I order to fix them during the course of knows we are not investing in our would mention that. the year because of potholes like this roads, highways, bridges, and transit TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING and other problems, whether it is the systems the way we need to. Let’s take a look at some of the post- surface of the roads we travel on or the Look around the rest of the world, ers here this afternoon. surface of the bridges we travel on. It travel around the rest of the world. The first one looks like my State. It is over $350. I have seen the range of You can see in a lot of countries we probably also looks like the Presiding anywhere from $350 per year to $500 per compete with that they do. One of the Officer’s State. It could look like any year. Let’s say it is just $350 a year. components of certain investments we of the States our pages are from. But That is a lot of money. That is part of need to make in our country in order this is a traffic jam. It is a traffic jam the cost of the damage to our economy. to strengthen our economy, to better that occurs almost every day, almost The other thing I would say, our ensure the jobs are going to be created every business day, and frankly a lot of economy today, as we all know, is a or preserved—there a lot of things we weekends on highways across America ‘‘just in time’’ economy. I will give you can do to make sure businesses have from coast to coast. We spend a lot of a good example. We have a port in Wil- access to capital, make sure the cost of time sitting in traffic. It is actually mington that sits right on the Dela- energy is affordable, make sure the quite a substantial cost that inures to ware River. As you come up the Dela- cost of health care is affordable, make our Nation’s economy. The cost this ware Bay, it becomes the Delaware sure we have public safety, make sure year is believed to be about $160 billion, River. The port that is closest to the the people who are coming out of our a hit on our national economy. I will Atlantic is the Port of Wilmington. schools can read, write, and have the talk in just a second about what that Ships are coming in and out of there skills that are needed in the workforce. includes. throughout the day, nights, and week- I know the big one is to make sure Part of the waste that is reflected in ends. The ships don’t come in and we have the ability to move people and our Nation’s economy is—you see right spend a week. Ships don’t come into goods where they need to go, when they here it says ‘‘82 hours wasted in big the Port of Wilmington and spend a need to go. Here is our current plan. It city traffic.’’ That is per person, per day. They may come in for 4 hours, is pretty well summed up in this sign. driver, on average, across the country, they may come in for 6 hours, but they It is meant to be funny. I suppose it is. big cities, people sitting—pretty much are there and then they are gone, be- But I like this part of the plan: ‘‘Good sitting in traffic. They could be in a cause when a ship is sitting in the Port luck.’’ That is not a plan. That is not minivan, they could be in a small car, of Wilmington or any other port, the a plan that is going to get us where we a large car, they could be in a truck, shipper, whoever owns that boat, that need to go as a nation. but we are talking about 82 hours a ship cannot make any money. So they For those who may be unable to read year just pretty much sitting in traffic. want to be in and they want to be out. this, there is a big traffic jam. A lot of The average across the country, That is the way they do their business. people are saying—you see those little when you take in the more rural parts It is important for whoever is coming bubbles there—‘‘I’d pay to be anywhere of the country and suburban areas, is in using a truck to bring goods to put but here.’’ about 42 hours. That is a whole lot of on that ship to send around the world, I was Treasurer of Delaware. I stud- time. Time is money. So just think there may be a very short window of ied economics, got an MBA, and was about that. time to get there. If you are stuck in Treasurer of Delaware when I was 29. I Here is one with a sense of humor. traffic, the kind of traffic we saw early had a chance to serve in the house for This is not Delaware. I am not sure on, you may miss that window when a while and then as Governor. I was where this is, but for those who can’t the ship is in the port, whether it is very much involved in the National read this, it says—the traffic sign that Wilmington or some other port. That is Governors Association in trying to is up here says: ‘‘You’ll never get to another reason why, in a ‘‘just in time’’ make sure we invested in our transpor- work on time. Haha.’’ It is some kind economy, these kinds of delays mean tation infrastructure across the coun- of construction program. You see the time is money. Again, someone else try. In the Senate, I am on the Envi- orange cones out there. Someone had a with a sense of humor—if you cannot ronment and Public Works Committee. good sense of humor there. My guess is, read this, it looks like a husband and The last time I was privileged to serve

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.074 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 as chair of the Senate Subcommittee cents, and 24 cents for gas and diesel to do that. We could actually double it on Transportation and Infrastructure. combined. If we had increased them by again—we are not going to do that— So I thought a fair amount about the rate of inflation in the past, the from 53 cents to $1.06 per gallon. Again, these issues. If you think about the gas tax would be not 18 cents; it may be I don’t suggest we would do that, but if way we pay for roads, highways, even closer to twice that. The diesel we did, we would still be among the bridges, and transit, what we have used tax would not be 24 cents; it might be lowest compared to the rest of the for years is a user pay system. The peo- closer to twice that. But we have not world. ple, the businesses that use our roads, changed them. Sometimes we say: Well, 16 cents— highways, bridges, and transit systems, Here is the way we pay for transpor- what could I buy with that? If I didn’t we pay for them. In some places, we tation improvements: We don’t pay for have to pay 4 years from now an extra have sort of gotten away from that. them. We don’t raise anything, in some 16 cents when I buy a gallon of gas, There is an unwillingness to ask people cases. We just simply go out and bor- what would that add up to in a week to pay for what they want to use. Ev- row money for the transportation fund for the average driver? erybody wants to have better transpor- from the Federal general fund. When I will tell you this—maybe brings it tation systems. There seems to be a lot the general fund runs out of money, we home—basically the price of a cup of of reluctance to pay for that. borrow money from countries around coffee a week is the cost that would be When I was Governor of Delaware, the world like China and other places incurred by the average driver even three times I asked for modest—very and replenish the general fund, and use after the full increase, the 4 cents modest—increases, just a couple of that to replenish the transportation times 4 years. That is what it is worth. cents in the fee for gas and diesel tax. fund. That would be the out-of-pocket ex- I think out of three efforts, we suc- I think that is pretty foolish, espe- pense for the average driver, the price ceeded one time. Not a whole lot was cially to be beholden to the folks in of a cup of coffee a week. raised, but we cobbled together some China for our transportation system. It We saw earlier from some of these other money from other user fees and does not make a whole lot of sense to charts that, on average across the we were able to continue to fund trans- me, maybe it does not to you either. country, people are sitting in traffic portation funding. There are other things we do—we have for 42 hours per year. We saw some of For a number of years in the Nation, these—I call them cats and dogs, sort the graphics with the pothole and were we have had a transportation trust of sleight of hand. One of the more re- reminded that the cost of damage to fund. Most of the money for that trans- cent examples, we do something called our cars, trucks, and vans is anywhere portation trust fund comes from user pension smoothing, where—I will not from $350 to some estimates as high as fees, and two primary user fees are a get into how that works, but it is just $500. We are learning that for the price of a basic cup of coffee, if we invest gas tax. It has been about 18.3, 18.4 an awful idea to mess with, muck with that money instead—people can still cents since, I think, 1993. It has been a people’s pensions in order to be able to drink coffee, but if we put that in our little bit over 18 cents since 1993. It has provide funds for road improvements. roads, highways, bridges, and transit not changed. The cost of concrete has That does not make much sense. systems, we can have a transportation gone up. The cost of asphalt has gone Another thing we do is we maybe system we can be proud of. Those four up. The cost of steel has gone up. The raise the TSA fees when people want to pennies add up over time, and they add cost of labor has gone up. What has not fly. Instead of using that to make our up over the next 10 years to $220 billion gone up is the user fee we are asking friendly skies safer, we put a little of to have for investments. So instead of people to pay to have better roads, that money in roads, highways, and having roads or potholes that look like bridges or maybe we sell some of the highways, bridges, and transit to get the one I saw and the kinds of traffic oil we have in our Strategic Petroleum people off our roads, highways, and jams we see here from coast to coast, Reserve. We paid a lot of money several bridges. If we can do that, we can save we can have a transportation system years ago to buy gas, to buy oil when it a lot of money. again in this country we can be proud We have a tax on diesel—a Federal was expensive. People think it would of. We just have to have the will to do be a smart thing to sell that oil out of tax. It has been about 24 cents per gal- it. lon. It has been at that level since the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, when Again, Thomas Jefferson reminded us 1993—since 1993. Again, concrete, as- prices are low, to help pay for roads, that things that are worth having are phalt, steel, and labor have all gone up, highways, and bridges. Remember the worth paying for, and if people know but in 22 years we have not changed the old saying ‘‘buy low, sell high.’’ Well, the truth, they won’t make a mistake. user fee, if you will, on diesel. this is really buy high and then put Roads, highways, bridges, transit—that The money we collect from the gas that oil in the Strategic Petroleum Re- is what we are paying for. The truth is, and diesel tax does not go to pay for serve and then sell low. That is insan- it doesn’t have to break us. It doesn’t health care, it does not go to pay for ity. have to break our banks or our budg- wars, it does not go to pay for agri- We can do a lot better than this. For ets. We can have those roads, high- culture and other things. The money a number of years, some have encour- ways, and bridges again that we can be we collect from these user fees goes to aged us to do what we have been doing proud of. I hope we will do that. pay for roads, highways, bridges, and to for years, to actually be honest and Senator DICK DURBIN of Illinois and I some extent for transit systems, to get pay for improvements to our roads, have introduced legislation to essen- people off our roads, highways, and highways, and bridges. And that is to tially do that, to raise the user fees by bridges so the rest of us will have some raise the user fees—not all at once, not 4 cents a year for 4 years, at a time extra room to maneuver. by $1 or $2 or anything like that, but when the price of oil is as low as it has I will go back in time. Thomas Jef- by 4 cents a year starting next year for been for some time and is expected to ferson said a lot of things that are 4 years. Then after that index—then stay low for the foreseeable future. worth remembering. My favorite Jef- index the fees and the taxes on gas and If the Iranians work with us and the ferson quote is this: ‘‘If the people diesel according to the rate of infla- other five nations that negotiated the know the truth, they won’t make a tion. Iranian agreement in order to gradu- mistake.’’ If we did that, I think we would have ally lift sanctions from their economy, If the people know the truth, they a combined State and Federal user fee, they will be able to start producing oil won’t make a mistake. The truth is, we if you will, for gas. I think it would be and selling it across the world as long are not investing in our transportation at that time 53 cents. It would be about as they agree not to create that nu- infrastructure in this country the way 53 cents. Compared to what? Compared clear weapon. We are going to make our competitors are and the way we to pretty much any other developed na- sure they don’t. ought to be. tion in the world, we would have the But it turns out that Iran is the No. To do so does not mean we have to lowest combined Federal, State, and 4 nation in the world in oil reserves. raise—in some places they have gas local user fees on gas and diesel. It is Think about that. We live in a world taxes or diesel taxes that are $4 or $5 a the lowest as far as I can tell. We can that is awash in oil. Very soon, the Ira- gallon. We don’t have that. It is 18 actually double that. We are not going nian oil will be added to the oil that is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.075 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7089 available to consumers to use on this dent’s budget, 10-year budget, and So that brings us to what we did planet of ours. All that oil will not slashed that by $5 trillion to $7 trillion today. We turn to another appropria- push up the price of oil or gasoline or in terms of spending. We didn’t raise tions bill—Military Construction and diesel; it will push it down—supply and taxes. Veterans Affairs appropriations— demand. Let’s keep that in mind. Then the next step—what the govern- again, a very bipartisan bill. It is very With that, I have spoken for long ment is supposed to do—we started to focused, building military infrastruc- enough. I see one of my colleagues has work on appropriations bills in the Ap- ture throughout our country, through- been waiting patiently, and I will bid propriations Committee. Again, this out the world. One of the most sacred you all adieu. Have a good weekend. was very hard work, very bipartisan responsibilities of this body, of our Thank you. work, and for the first time in years, government is taking care of our vet- I yield the floor. the Appropriations Committee passed erans. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- out 12 appropriations bills to fund our This is a huge issue for my State. ator from Alaska. government. Alaska boasts the highest number of MILCON-VA APPROPRIATIONS BILL Most of these were very bipartisan. veterans per capita of any State in the Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I wish Let me give you a few examples. The Nation, and we need to take care of our to say a few words about the bill that Agriculture appropriations bill passed best. So what happened today? It seems we voted on this afternoon and put it out of the Appropriations Committee pretty noncontroversial. The appro- into a broader context. This was the 28 to 2. It doesn’t get much more bipar- priations bill—a very nonpartisan bill to begin the vote and debate on the tisan than that. The Commerce-Jus- bill—came to the floor, and it was fili- Military Construction and Veterans Af- tice-Science appropriations bill passed bustered again. fairs Appropriations bill, which passed 27 to 3; Energy and Water, 26 to 4. This In the past few weeks, we have had out of the Appropriations Committee is strong bipartisan work in the Appro- critical votes to fund our military, to in a strong bipartisan vote. priations Committee with our govern- fund our troops, to fund our veterans, There has been a lot of talk and a lot ment getting back to work. and we cannot move forward. What is of stories in the media over the last The dysfunction that had previously going on here? I really don’t know. It is several weeks about the government existed here for many years—none of hard to say. I sit on the Armed Serv- running out of money, a government this was happening—was going away, ices Committee. I sit on the Veterans’ shutdown. In a lot of those stories, the and we were working. Very impor- Affairs Committee. These are two of narrative talked about the Republican tantly, in terms of appropriations bills, the most bipartisan committees in the Party being the one focused on a gov- the Defense appropriations bill passed Senate. I know all of my colleagues on ernment shutdown. The media actually out of the committee 27 to 3, and the both sides of the aisle truly respect, truly support our troops and our vet- loves this narrative, but, like a lot of Military Construction and Veterans Af- erans, and truly want what is best for narratives in the media, they are not fairs appropriations bill, 21 to 9. always so accurate. So I wanted to give So we passed a budget, passed appro- them. I recognize that. Then why is the other side filibus- what I think is the much more accu- priations bills—so far so good. The Sen- tering the funding of these incredibly rate story, what is really going on here ate is working again. We are back to important bills, in essence defunding in the Senate. regular order. We are moving forward our troops and defunding our veterans? Many of us are new Senators—the in a bipartisan way—very bipartisan. I think the American people deserve Presiding Officer and myself included— We are doing the work of government. answers. I think our veterans deserve 13 of us, actually. A lot of us came to It is what the American people wanted, answers. I think our troops in harm’s Washington and a lot of us actually ran asked for, and we are starting to de- way deserve answers. for the Senate because we were fed up. liver on that as part of our promises One thing for sure is the next time We thought the American people were last fall. the media wants to write a story with fed up; we knew they were fed up with So what is the next step? The next a narrative about a government shut- the dysfunction of the Federal Govern- step is to take these appropriations down, they ought to ask those who ment. There are a lot of examples of bills and bring them to the Senate voted against these bills—to even start that. You know many of them. floor for a vote. It shouldn’t be a prob- debating them—why they are In the last several years we have run lem, particularly because the bills I am defunding these critical groups and the debt of our Nation from $10 trillion talking about are so bipartisan. They veterans. They need to ask those who to $18 trillion. Think about that. Look- came out of committee with bipartisan are voting against these bills, filibus- ing at these interns here on the floor, numbers and support, so that is what tering these bills, why they are leaving that is going to be their responsibility we are doing. That is what is we have our troops and our veterans in the if we don’t get ahold of that—$18 tril- done. That is what we are supposed to lurch. lion. An economy that can’t grow is do. That is what the American people Mr. President, we are doing our job— what we call the new normal here in want us to do. what the American people asked us to Washington, 1.5 percent, 2 percent GDP We started to prioritize. Where do, demanded from us last November. growth. No budget. The previous Sen- should we begin? Turn on the news. I They wanted us to pass a budget like ate was not even passing a budget—the think most people know where we they do, even though we hadn’t done most basic function of government. should begin—funding our military, the that in years. We did. They wanted us Households do it, businesses do it, and men and women protecting us, the men to pass appropriations bills and to States do it. The Federal Government and women risking their lives on a work in a bipartisan manner to get was not even taking the time to pass a daily basis for our freedom. these bills through the committee—all budget. There were no appropriations So we brought the Defense appropria- 12 to fund the government. We did. And bills, no spending bills out of the Ap- tions bill to the Senate floor. Again, we they wanted us to prioritize our spend- propriations Committee. These were certainly need that. One gets the sense ing, our activities, and our focus in all signs of a Federal Government that that the world is careening into chaos. terms of government funding on the was not working, that was dysfunc- We need a strong military. We need to things that matter most—our military tional. fund our military. It shouldn’t be an and our veterans. And we did. So we came with the new majority, issue. It passed out of committee with I have no idea why our colleagues on new leadership committed to change a strong bipartisan vote. Everybody the other side of the aisle refuse to this. We meant to change this. We were likes to make sure we have a strong move with us in terms of the next step. very focused on changing this, and we military. The American people want the next have begun in a serious way to do that. So what happened? We brought it to step. They want the Senate to vote on What are we doing? First, we passed a the floor of the Senate and it was fili- these bipartisan bills that fund our budget. It hadn’t happened in years, bustered, not one but two times. That military and fund our veterans. Today, but we did that. It was a lot of hard is irresponsible—filibustering the de- once again, we are seeing that is not work. My hat is off to the Budget Com- fense of our Nation, defunding the sup- happening. I think the American peo- mittee. We took what was the Presi- port for our troops. ple need answers, I think our troops

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:26 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.077 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 need answers, and I think our veterans I am very proud of this resolution If his career is not inspiration need answers on why it is not hap- and this acknowledgement, and I thank enough, David’s commitment to family pening. my colleagues for giving it their unani- surely is. The proud father of four chil- Mr. President, I yield the floor. mous support. dren, David led his family through the I suggest the absence of a quorum. f celebration of the life and legacy of his The PRESIDING OFFICER. The wife, Diane, when she passed away this TRIBUTE TO DAVID WOLK clerk will call the roll. summer, nearly a decade after being di- The legislative clerk proceeded to Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I want to agnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. call the roll. take a moment to recognize the A lifelong educator herself, Diane and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I achievements and contributions of a David, together, gave more to their ask unanimous consent that the order remarkable educator, a personal friend, community than most. And David’s for the quorum call be rescinded. and a celebrated leader in my home compassion and commitment to Diane The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without State of Vermont. leaves a lasting impression on those of objection, it is so ordered. For decades, David Wolk has success- us who call him a friend. Marcelle and f fully distinguished himself as an edu- I admire him. cator and public servant to the people In recognition of David Wolk’s serv- MORNING BUSINESS of Vermont. Now in his 11th year as ice and resiliency, I ask unanimous Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I president of Castleton University, for- consent that Terri Hallenbeck’s article ask unanimous consent that the Sen- mally known as Castleton State Col- from the August 26, 2015, edition of ate be in a period of morning business, lege, David likes to call Castleton ‘‘the Seven Days be printed in the RECORD. with Senators permitted to speak small college with a big heart.’’ As the There being no objection, the mate- therein for up to 10 minutes each. longest serving president in its history, rial was ordered to be printed in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without he has increased the college’s involve- RECORD, as follows: objection, it is so ordered. ment in the community and has ex- [From Seven Days, Aug. 26, 2015] panded the university’s commitment to f RESILIENT DAVID WOLK CHAMPIONS civic engagement and service among NATIONAL KINSHIP CARE MONTH CASTLETON UNIVERSITY students and faculty alike. His per- Between the playing fields that serve the Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, last sonal commitment to his hometown of Castleton Spartans, a marble monument night, this body approved a resolution Rutland, VT, is evidenced through his tells the story of the Greek king Leonidas authored by Senator WYDEN and myself service as a former State senator and and how he bravely resisted an army of in- designating September 2015 as National current role as a local justice of the vaders. Kinship Care Month. peace. David Wolk chose the 22,000-pound stone While many may not be aware, there As David has emboldened Castleton’s from a Rochester quarry and had it polished are approximately 2,700,000 children primary mission to serve Vermonters, and engraved in Barre. As Castleton’s long- living in kinship care around this coun- the institution has forged new partner- est-serving president and its cheerleader-in- chief, he hoped the monument’s message, ti- try. That means millions of grand- ships and expanded its opportunities to tled ‘‘Spartan Pride,’’ would inspire stu- parents, aunts, uncles, and other rel- reach far beyond its footprint in Rut- dents. He installed it six years ago, just after atives are looking after children in land County. David’s leadership is cur- the college football team’s inaugural season every urban, rural, and suburban coun- rently enabling the Castleton Polling in a brand-new stadium. ty of the United States. Institute, which conducts surveys for Players quickly made the monument the These caregivers have stepped for- Vermont politicians and media outlets, focus of a new Castleton tradition, stopping ward, often at great personal expense, to expand to a national audience. to touch it on their way to practices and out of love and loyalty to care for chil- games. It offers no guarantees of victory on Meanwhile, the Castleton Center for the field but is an apt symbol for the little dren during times in which biological Schools continues to serve hundreds of college’s fighting spirit to survive—and parents are unable to do so. They pro- Vermont educators by offering ad- make a name for itself—in the increasingly vide safety, promote well-being, and es- vanced continuing education opportu- competitive world of higher education. tablish stable homes and environments nities each summer. Under his leader- For the past 14 years, Wolk has labored to for extremely vulnerable children dur- ship, Castleton athletics has expanded transform Castleton from a tiny, isolated ing very challenging circumstances. from 12 sports at his inauguration to 27 college into a growing university with ade- They serve in a time of upheaval and varsity offerings, enabling Vermont quate funding, marketable programs and sat- great change for these children, assist- isfied students. Last month, it got a new students to play Division III sports. name: Castleton State College became ing them to recognize their self-worth Most recently, David has provided the Castleton University. and potential. vision and guidance for Castleton to ‘‘Not a lot of colleges are planning on in- Kinship care also enables the chil- undergo its own transformation as the creasing their enrollment these days,’’ said dren to maintain family relationships college seeks to grow its prestige and Vermont State Colleges chancellor Jeb and cultural heritage as they continue opportunities as newly named Spaulding, who oversees Castleton and four residence in the native community of Castleton University. other state colleges. ‘‘Dave’s different. His the child. David held a distinguished career in plan is, ‘I’m building something that’s at- tractive.’ ’’ This resolution sends a clear message education even before stepping foot at ‘‘He’s the pied piper of Castleton and Rut- that the Senate is proud of and wishes Castleton. He served as chief of policy land County.’’ to honor these everyday heroes, kin- for former Vermont Governor Howard Just as impressive is the fact that 62–year- ship caregivers, who throughout the Dean and as the Vermont commis- old Wolk managed to remake Castleton history of the United States, have pro- sioner of education. Dedication to his while he waged another, personal battle. Be- vided loving homes for parentless chil- native community of Rutland may also neath the engraved tale of the Spartan king, dren. be witnessed by his impressive resume there’s a hint at that story, too. In small It is my hope that National Kinship as a school principal, superintendent of type at the bottom of the rock, it reads, ‘‘In honor of Dr. Diane Wolk.’’ Care Month can provide each of us with the Rutland City Public Schools, a Wolk’s life is so intertwined with his work an opportunity to recognize and cele- guidance counselor and teacher, and a at Castleton that he brought in this monu- brate the sacrifice and devotion of kin- college instructor. He has also served ment, at his own expense, not just to create ship caregivers. And while there is still as a member of numerous boards, in- a Castleton tradition, but as a tribute to his a great deal of work we can do to en- cluding the Vermont Business Round- wife. Diane Wolk was a longtime teacher, sure that all children have a safe, lov- table, the Vermont Public Education school principal, chair of the State Board of ing, nurturing, and permanent family, Partnership, and the Vermont Student Education and one-time director of student regardless of age or special needs, kin- Assistance Corporation. In recognition teaching at Castleton. She was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in 2007, ship care providers exhibit a template of these achievements, he received the on her 57th birthday, four years after she of care and sacrifice that should be pro- 2009 Eleanor M. McMahon Award for first started noticing symptoms. vided for every child in this great coun- Lifetime Achievement from the New David Wolk watched in awe as his wife ac- try. England Board of Higher Education. cepted her fate and even strove to demystify

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.079 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7091 the cruel disease. In 2008, she rallied 400 tion rate hasn’t budged much in the last dec- or the University of Vermont. The school is friends to take part in a ‘‘Walk With Wolk’’ ade—it’s average, at 73 percent—Castleton’s providing Vermont students with an oppor- Alzheimer’s fundraiser, and, while the dis- six-year graduation rate has climbed by tunity to play college sports in their home ease had already started to affect her mind, nearly 10 percent. Enrollment has grown state. And they’re tuition-paying students. she addressed the crowd. Quoting Lou from 1,598 in 2000 to 2,183 last year. The goal Because it is Division III, Castleton doesn’t Gehrig, she said she felt like the luckiest is to reach 2,500 by 2023. offer athletic scholarships. person in the world. Students, faculty and outsiders have no- The school has added a lot more than ‘‘She just stood up and was very brave,’’ ticed a difference. sports teams. It has invested more than $75 Wolk recalled. ‘‘The monument is a testa- ‘‘Castleton has been one of the real success million in new construction and renovations ment to a woman who had a lot of courage.’’ stories,’’ Giles said, likening its emergence to every building on campus. The college has Diane Wolk died last month. to Champlain College’s transformation from gone from offering one master’s degree to 10, with plans to add doctorates in education ‘‘THE CASTLETON WAY’’ a two-year to a four-year school a decade and a half ago. and nursing practice. Tony Volpone was the football coach for ‘‘Dave has been really, really successful in While some Vermont state colleges have opposing Endicott College when his team vis- taking an institution that had a reputation endured layoffs, Castleton has avoided them, ited Castleton State College in 2013. Endicott as something of a suitcase college—where according to Wolk. The college does plan to defeated Castleton 43–7 that day, but the you can get a solid degree but you leave to cut one program next year, though: its asso- ‘‘losing’’ side left an indelible impression on do other things on the weekend,’’ Giles said. ciate’s degree in nursing, a program that Volpone. ‘‘What he’s really done is transform the cam- Vermont Technical College offers. He saw a stately new stadium filled with pus. It’s a community that meets a student’s Wolk has also launched a variety of brand- an enthusiastic crowd, a marching band, fans ed initiatives that are generating revenue: full range of needs.’’ holding tailgate parties in the parking lot, a The Castleton Polling Institute, which con- bouncy house for kids. And at the end of the DOUBLE DUTY ducts paid surveys for Vermont politicians game, the team locked arms and led the Not every faculty member was convinced and media outlets, is expanding and going crowd in the singing of the alma mater. Castleton needed football, according to national; the Castleton Center for Schools ‘‘I was so impressed with what I saw,’’ Louis ‘‘Tersh’’ Palmer, a union rep and brought 800 Vermont teachers to campus this Volpone said. ‘‘It made me go, ‘Wow, I could English professor. Some ‘‘would like to see summer for continuing education; the really see myself here.’ ’’ A year later, he be- more emphasis on academics,’’ he said, and Castleton Downtown Gallery showcases art— came Castleton’s head coach. Volpone cred- ‘‘throw all the rest of that stuff out.’’ and the Castleton name—in downtown Rut- its Wolk for the scene that sold him. The football program has had some prob- land. The university also owns the Spartan For most of those home-game Saturdays, lems. In 2011, its first coach was forced to re- Arena at Rutland’s Diamond Run Mall, a Wolk is in the crowd, beaming, with his sign after allegedly violating National Colle- public operation that gives students real- soon-to-be-96-year-old father, Arthur. ‘‘It’s a giate Athletic Association rules by arrang- world business experience. The college beautiful thing,’’ he said. It’s what Wolk en- ing loans for an athlete. In 2013, six players bought the building to accommodate its visioned when he became Castleton president were suspended from the team following a men’s and women’s hockey teams, which in 2001 and set in place a 10-year plan to scheme to steal sporting goods from a store. Wolk started in 2003. When they aren’t prac- boost the college’s profile. In both cases, Wolk publicly acknowledged ticing or playing there, it’s a rental rink and Wolk was uniquely positioned when he the fumbles and recovered the ball. ‘‘We will fitness center. took the job running the public college in his stay positive and upbeat as we move forward The income-generating programs have native Rutland County. The son of a local together as a family,’’ he said in response to been developed in response to a shrinking pediatrician, he graduated from Rutland the 2013 case. pool of college-age students and declining High School and Middlebury College and He took the same approach to his wife’s ill- state funding. Vermont routinely ranks near went on to a career as a teacher, principal ness. Diane Wolk, who’d been named the the bottom in state support for its public and school superintendent. Wolk also rep- state’s teacher of the year in 1984, was the colleges. This year, Vermont State Colleges resented Rutland County for four years in popular principal of Rutland’s Northeast Pri- will receive $24.4 million from the state, the state Senate, made an unsuccessful bid mary School when Alzheimer’s began to which is split equally among the five col- for lieutenant governor in 1992 and served as manifest itself. In his Woodruff Hall office, leges. Castleton’s allotment pays just 10 per- chief of policy for governor Howard Dean be- Wolk keeps a photo of her 2006 retirement; it cent of its budget. fore becoming state education commissioner. shows his wife surrounded by smiling chil- ‘‘We’re getting less money from the state By the time he took over at Castleton, he dren—a happy spin on a somber moment. this year than we got in 2008 or ’09,’’ Wolk had experience navigating educational and Wolk likes to focus on the positive. He said, and he knows enough about Vermont political waters. Wolk also brought bound- hands out cards printed in Castleton green politics to realize that is unlikely to change less optimism and salesmanship to the job. that say, ‘‘Keep smiling.’’ And, amazingly, it anytime soon. Zachary Devoid of St. Albans, a senior works. The name change is also intended to coun- computer information systems major and la- He tried to follow his own advice during teract the lack of state funding. Wolk said crosse player at Castleton, remembered the nine-year ordeal that Wolk calls the he hopes Castleton University will attract meeting Wolk at the start of his freshman ‘‘long goodbye.’’ But he also acknowledged more out-of-state students, who pay higher year. The president hosts a barbecue for new it’s been a roller-coaster ride. Asked how he tuition. Currently, 74 percent of its students students every year at his on-campus house. managed the double duties of handling his are in-staters. By 2023, Castleton’s goal is to Later, when Devoid’s lacrosse team was wife’s illness and raising the college’s pro- have a 60–40 in-state versus out-of-state holding an all-night fundraiser in memory of file—two long but very different journeys— split. Wolk said Castleton’s main mission re- a student, Wolk came by with pizza. Wolk said candidly, ‘‘I didn’t.’’ mains to serve Vermonters but will reflect ‘‘He eats in the dining halls. He goes to He relied on his team at Castleton, he said, the reality that there are fewer college-age sporting events,’’ Devoid said. ‘‘He’s very and there were times he considered quitting students in the state. Castleton’s other pro- personable.’’ to become his wife’s full-time nurse. But as grams within the community, including the ‘‘At orientation last year, he shook the disease progressed, Wolk realized she polling institute and the Spartan Arena, are everybody’s hand and introduced himself. It needed professional care. Diane had chosen examples of other ways it’s contributing to was really cool,’’ said Cassie Papandrea, a to move to Florida, where she could partici- the public good. senior English major from Orwell who was pate in Alzheimer’s research and access dif- Particularly for international students on campus last month getting ready for this ferent levels of specialized care. Wolk said who equate the word ‘‘college’’ with high year’s orientation. his wife actually preferred being far away be- school, the ‘‘university’’ designation should Spaulding said he visited Wolk at cause it spared her friends and colleagues the send a clearer message. Castleton had 25 stu- Castleton recently and went off on his own pain of watching her decline. ‘‘She didn’t dents from other countries last year and ex- to the gym. When he returned to Wolk’s want to make them sad,’’ he said with admi- pects 50 this year, Wolk said. The college house, he said, ‘‘I asked him, ‘How come all ration. But for Wolk, who visited many upped its overseas admissions efforts by hir- these students look me in the eye and open weekends, it was a long haul. ing a Chinese-American recruitment coordi- the door for me?’ He said, ‘It’s the Castleton ‘‘I think it’s been very difficult,’’ said nator and making two trips to China last way. They have to open doors for people, and Spaulding, who served in the state Senate year, he said. As part of a residency, 13 Chi- they have to pick up trash.’ ’’ with Wolk in the 1980s. ‘‘But I think nese scholars are due on campus this fall. In fact, there’s no rule about acting re- Castleton University is part of his family. During the 15 years he’s taught at sponsibly, but Devoid said the campus is so It’s part of what’s enabled him to continue.’’ Castleton, English prof Palmer has seen en- close-knit that people just do. Wolk confirmed that Castleton was his sal- rollment and programs expand and the qual- Wolk has created a campus atmosphere vation during that decade of decline. ‘‘I was ity of students grow. ‘‘There really has been that makes students want to stay, said Scott able to dive into the college,’’ he said. ‘‘It an improvement in morale, in offerings,’’ he Giles, president of Vermont Student Assist- gave new meaning to my life.’’ said. Football, he acknowledged, helped. ance Corp., whose organization administers Castleton had 12 athletic teams when Wolk WHAT’S IN A NAME CHANGE? college loans and interacts with a wide vari- arrived on campus. It now has 27, which is As Vermont’s colleges struggle with dwin- ety of colleges. Although its student-reten- more than any other Vermont state college dling resources and occasional layoffs, can

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.023 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 the state afford to keep all five alive—plus weeks after, Wolk received hundreds of mes- People’ create corporations and we pro- the University of Vermont? In a recent com- sages from his wife’s former students, col- vide them with special privileges that mentary, Hinesburg author Bill Schubart leagues and friends telling him how much carry with them restrictions that do took on the issue, arguing, ‘‘Vermonters Diane had meant to them. not apply to living persons. These can’t adequately fund six colleges in a time ‘‘Kids just loved her,’’ said David Blow, a of declining enrollments.’’ He contended that Castleton journalism professor who had truths are self-evident, and it’s past renaming Castleton was not the answer. Diane as a first-grade teacher. His mother, time for the Court to finally get this ‘‘I really doubt that their new name will do Lucille, who taught alongside her at Barstow right, once and for all.’’ While the much to solve the enrollment and cost chal- Memorial School in Chittenden, told her son Court was unable to get it right in lenges facing all our small state colleges, to that Wolk’s was the most difficult condo- Doug’s lifetime, I believe his views will say nothing of our students,’’ he said. lence card she has ever had to write. come to be vindicated in time. Spaulding, who took over as chancellor When the full Vermont State Colleges Second, this past year, I introduced a last year, said he’s heard all of those argu- Board of Trustees gathered July 23 to make joint resolution with Senator MIKE LEE ments before, but he sees no reason to con- a final decision on the name change, David solidate. ‘‘We actually need the colleges we Wolk traveled to Montpelier for the meeting. of Utah, celebrating the sesquicenten- have,’’ he said. ‘‘I just wanted to be there, because it was nial or the 150th anniversary of the Spaulding argued that Castleton’s name historic,’’ he said. The vote was unanimous. 13th Amendment, which, along with change will be good for all of them, adding Word went viral as Castleton spokesman Jeff the 14th and 15th Amendments, make that none of the other college administrators Weld announced the move on Twitter and up our Nation’s ‘‘second founding.’’ The objected. Facebook, and the university’s website got second founding, which has served as Each of the state colleges has—and should more than 10,000 hits. the bedrock and inspiration to pro- have—its own identity, Spaulding said. Lyn- Afterward, Wolk continued on to Bur- don has the largest percentage of out-of- lington to board a plane for Florida, where curing equality for racial minorities staters, a strong meteorology program and two days later family gathered for a celebra- and women, has too often been over- an innovative electronic journalism pro- tion of Diane’s life. In his eulogy, Wolk looked by the general public and con- gram. Johnson is known for external degrees spoke about his wife’s courage. stitutional scholars. Doug and his or- for nontraditional students, social service ‘‘Her life was full of teachable moments, ganization were the intellectual driv- programs and the performing arts. The bread and this was the final one,’’ he said. ing force behind advancing this impor- and butter of Vermont Technical College is Diane Wolk’s family members divided her tant resolution. His contributions to ashes for each to scatter as he or she wished. its two-year engineering degree. Community the world of law and policy will be College of Vermont offers an affordable start The next week, Wolk returned to Castleton. for students of all ethnicities and socio- That Friday afternoon, he and two of their sorely missed. economic backgrounds. four children went to the Spartan monument As accomplished as he was as an ad- Castleton’s specialty is being less special- and spread her remains at the base of the vocate and scholar, Doug was an even ized. ‘‘It’s a small university that has a ro- rock that honors and encourages brave souls. better person. My staff met with him bust graduate program combined with broad f countless times and always came away academic programs,’’ Spaulding said. ‘‘It’s inspired by his intellect and humanity. REMEMBERING DOUG KENDALL the only public higher ed institution in An article in the Washington Post from Vermont with a football team, and it’s got a Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, this past January 2008 about the historic en- very lively campus.’’ weekend, I learned of the untimely Wolk acknowledged that the name change dorsement that then-candidate and is really about perception. passing of Doug Kendall, founder of the Senator Barack Obama received from When Richard Stockton College of New Constitutional Accountability Center. Senator Ted Kennedy noted that Doug Jersey became Stockton University this Doug was a true visionary who helped was there with his then 8-year old year, the goal was to ‘‘raise the school’s pro- transform how the American public daughter, Miracle. Doug had pulled file, helping it attract faculty, students—es- views our Constitution. Despite a re- Miracle out of her elementary school pecially graduate and international stu- cent movement to interpret our found- that day so that she could experience dents—and raise funds,’’ the Philadelphia In- ing charter in a cramped manner that quirer reported. the historic nature of the President’s Massachusetts state colleges changed their too often leaves our most vulnerable candidacy and the bridge between names in 2010, though they retained the word populations unprotected, Doug was former President Kennedy and future ‘‘state,’’ so that Bridgewater State College able to serve as a forceful counter- President Obama. He stated in the arti- became Bridgewater State University. weight and guardian of an inclusive, cle that he wanted his daughter, Mir- Castleton students are buying into the idea progressive, and faithful understanding acle, to be inspired. What she will come that Castleton University carries just a lit- of our National Charter, based on both to know—if she does not already—is tle bit more prestige. ‘‘It means we’re ex- the text and history of the document. that her father’s life and his accom- panding, we’re growing,’’ said Papandrea. Under his leadership, the Constitu- ‘‘It’s going to help the college bring in plishments have helped to inspire a more students,’’ Devoid said. It might look a tional Accountability Center revital- new generation. Doug Kendall has re- little jazzier on his re´sume´, too, he said. ized the debate over the original under- minded us about the ever-more inclu- For Wolk, the name change marks a major standing of the Constitution. Doug re- sive story that is reflected in our Con- milestone for Castleton, which has actually fused to cede the intellectual ground of stitution. His life was cut short, but his had seven other appellations since 1787: It’s originalism and textualism to conserv- vision—like the Constitution itself— been Rutland County Grammar School, ative advocates. Significantly, the or- Vermont Classical High School, Castleton will continue to endure and inspire. ganization he founded was defined as The Nation has lost a true patriot with Seminary, State Normal School at much by its scholarship as its effective Castleton, Castleton Normal School and his passing. advocacy. Castleton State Teachers College. The f Castleton State College designation dates to Doug made myriad contributions to 1962. the world of law and policy, but I will RECOGNIZING KING ARTHUR ‘‘Modernizing our name reflects who we’ve point out just two. First, I asked him FLOUR become and who we aspire to be,’’ he said. to testify in March 2010 before the Sen- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, each ‘‘It’s a wonderful turning point for a wonder- ate Judiciary Committee on the Su- year, it is with great pride that I par- ful institution.’’ preme Court’s decision in Citizens ticipate in a reception here on Capitol The idea for the name change emerged two or three years ago as Castleton administra- United v. FEC because I knew that no Hill to showcase some of the best prod- tors crafted Wolk’s second 10-year plan. Al- one could better articulate the harm ucts conceived, developed, and pro- though he was a driving force behind it, the that the decision would cause to our duced in Vermont. One such company visionary president had to miss some of the democracy. As he eloquently testified featured at the annual Taste of meetings that made it happen, during which before the Committee, ‘‘Since the Vermont event is King Arthur Flour, his staff pitched the idea to the Vermont Founding, the idea that corporations where, for 225 years, generation after State College committees. In the last few have the same fundamental rights as generation has produced quality cook- months, as his wife’s health worsened, he ‘We the People’ has been anathema to ing and baking ingredients. spent more time in Florida than Vermont. He was with Diane when she died there on our Constitution. . . . Corporations do A firm that was born in Boston more July 4. not vote, they cannot run for office, than two centuries ago, in 1984 then- ‘‘Our goal was that her death be peaceful and they are not endowed by the Cre- owners Frank and Brinna Sands moved and painless,’’ he said. ‘‘It was that.’’ In the ator with inalienable rights. ‘We the King Arthur Flour to Norwich,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.023 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7093 Vermont, and the company has become without ever having moved. It stayed in the nent of giving a loaf back to someone in a staple in Vermont’s business commu- same spot, with the revised address of 172 need. King Arthur has long had a policy of nity. In the 1990s, the Sands made the State St. until 1904, when the company giving 40 paid hours of volunteer time to all decision to sell their company to their moved up the street to the Custom House. employees, full- and part-time. By 1895, the company was named Sands, King Arthur’s mission and personality is to employees. The returns have been con- Taylor, & Wood. The third generation of the be a resource for all bakers. It maintains a siderable, and the company has seen Sands family to be part of the company, robust social media presence on Instagram, growth ever since. Orrin Sands, was its president. During this Twitter, Facebook, and on its blog, Flourish. In ways that are typical of Vermont decade, roller milling was developed in Hun- The website has thousands of tested recipes, businesses, King Arthur Flour has gary. As a result, it was now possible to and there’s a crew of baking experts on the evolved into a quality company offer- grind large quantities of wheat into flour Baker’s Hotline ready to answer any baking ing quality products to its customers. very quickly. This led to a boom in flour pro- question, either by phone or via online chat. The company’s business model reflects duction, as well as wild fluctuations in the King Arthur is poised to further the quest quality of flour being produced. for honest, homemade, local food, by pro- one that is committed to its cus- At the same time, George Wood and his viding everything one needs to bake. Lucky tomers, its employees, the environ- business partners attended a musical play for the company, and Vermont, that appetite ment, and its community, even offering based on the story of King Arthur and his is timeless, and a good apple pie is never employees 40 hours of paid volunteer knights. They left the theater inspired by going to go out of style. time to give back. Those commitments the realization that the values portrayed in WHAT’S BAKING IN NORWICH the play exemplified what their company are backed up in its status as a cer- Baking classes: You can always come and stood for: quality, integrity, purity, loyalty, tified B Corporation, a designation take a class at the Baking Education Center strength, and dedication to a higher purpose. that independently recognizes the com- in Norwich (no dishwashing required!). The They resolved to rename their new flagship calendar of classes for home bakers, kids, pany’s social sustainability and envi- product, their all-purpose flour, after King and professionals can be found at ronmental performance standards. Arthur. It was introduced at the Boston kingarthurflour.com/school. From breads to cakes, cookies to Food Fair in September 1896, and became an Cafe and bakery: The cafe and bakery are pies, King Arthur Flour’s products immediate success. The distinctive image of open daily 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. In September, have become staples in bakers’ kitch- the medieval knight on his horse adorned the the store’s demonstration kitchen will be tops of 196 pound barrels of flour for the next ens across the country, including in showing all comers how to make their best four decades, until he started being printed the Leahy kitchen, where Marcelle reg- pie crust and baking with apples and cin- ularly shares her recipes with our on newfangled paper bags. In the 1920s King Arthur on his steed ap- namon, chocolate and pumpkin. grandchildren. In fact, many of our vis- peared on the back of a flatbed calliope Baker’s Conference. From Sept. 9 to Sept. its to the Upper Valley include a de- truck that roamed the streets of Boston and 12, King Arthur will sponsor its Third An- tour to King Arthur’s terrific cafe New York. In later decades the company nual Baker’s Conference, Tasting Supper, where all of their superb products are gave scholarships to promising young profes- and Harvest Festival at the King Arthur available. It is yet another example of sional bakers, inserted collectible picture Baker’s Store and School in Norwich. cards of American military ships, airplanes, The two-day conference features dem- a tried and true Vermont-based com- onstrations, hands-on classes, and breakout pany, revolutionizing and enticing the and weapons in its flour bags during World War II, and after the war sponsored radio sessions with a roster of well-known bakers, market with its quality products. authors, recipe developers, photographers I ask unanimous consent to have shows where ‘‘New England’s Food Expert’’ Marjorie Mills endorsed King Arthur Flour and editors. printed in the RECORD an August 28, on the air. The conference wraps up Friday evening, 2015, article from the Burlington Free Sept. 11, with a Tasting Supper to benefit THE MOVE TO VERMONT Press recognizing King Arthur Flour’s Hunger Free Vermont, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 ‘‘225 years of baking history.’’ The Sands family became the sole owners p.m. Local food and beverage establishments of the company in 1932, and in 1984, Frank (a There being no objection, the mate- will offer samples, featuring fresh local foods Dartmouth alum) and his wife Brinna Sands and drink. rial was ordered to be printed in the moved the company to Vermont. Tired of The festival happens from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. RECORD, as follows: lugging bags of flour to the post office to on Saturday, Sept. 12, with hands-on activi- [From the Burlington Free Press, Aug. 28, mail to retirees in Florida who couldn’t buy ties for kids, live baking competitions, en- 2015] King Arthur outside of New England, Brinna tertainment, and great food. KING ARTHUR FLOUR: 225 YEARS OF BAKING started The Baker’s Catalogue in 1990. For more festival information, go to HISTORY She also published the ‘‘200th Anniversary kingarthurflour.com/bakers-harvest. Cookbook,’’ which has sold well over 100,000 (By Susan Reid) ABOUT KING ARTHUR FLOUR copies to date. Some 225 years ago George Washington de- In a pivotal move, Frank and Brinna de- Celebrating its 225th Anniversary, King Ar- livered the first State of the Union address cided to sell the company to their employ- thur Flour is America’s oldest flour company in January. In February, the U.S. Supreme ees, launching King Arthurs Employee Stock and premier baking resource, offering ingre- Court met for the first time. Vermont itself Ownership plan. The company has seen dients, mixes, tools, recipes, educational op- wasn’t yet a state. According to King steady growth since then. portunities and inspiration to bakers every- George, it belonged to New York, despite By 1999, the company officially changed its where since 1790. The company’s flour is also being known as the New Hampshire name to King Arthur Flour, and the Baker’s available in supermarkets nationwide. Addi- Grants. Catalogue was mailing six million cata- tionally, more than 1,000 tested and trusted In this world, miles away in Boston, a man logues per year. Distribution of the flour to baking tools and ingredients are available named Henry Wood started a company that grocery stores up and down the East Coast through King Arthur Flour’s Baker’s Cata- imported flour from England. The brand new was well established, and expanding steadily logue, online at kingarthurflour.com and at United States of America numbered fewer westward. In 2000, Vermont Gov. Howard The Baker’s Store in Norwich. than four million souls. Wood correctly as- Dean was on hand to break an oversized ba- sumed this growing country was going to guette in two to celebrate the opening of the f need flour for baking, and his commitment bakery and school in Norwich. In 2004 the to pure, high-quality flour fueled a success- company became 100 percent employee- 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE ful business. owned. DEVELOPMENT ENTER JOHN LOW SANDS With all of these changes, the principles Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise to One of the early employees was John Low that the company began with survived and Sands, who joined the firm in 1820. It was the thrived. In 2007, King Arthur Flour was a address an important event that oc- beginning of generations of Sands family as- founding and certified B Corp. Its bylaws re- curred this week at the United Na- sociation with, and eventual ownership of flect a commitment to all stakeholders, in- tions, which is marking the 70th ses- the company. Also a clue to how the com- cluding the community and the environ- sion of the United Nations General As- pany came to be based in Vermont, as you’ll ment, as well as shareholders and business sembly, UNGA. soon see. By 1853, the company was doing partners. Over the weekend, over 150 world well enough to buy a large building on the Now a national brand known for its qual- leaders gathered at UNGA to adopt the Long Wharf in Boston. There, in the middle ity, customer service, and expertise in all 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- of one of the world’s busiest ports, the busi- things baking, King Arthur has grown both ness continued to grow, taking on partners the brand and its service programs. Bake for ment. This new 2030 Agenda for Sus- as it expanded. In less than 10 years the city Good: Kids teaches 8- to 12-year olds how to tainable Development is built on the of Boston had filled in the harbor around the bake bread in a curriculum-based program progress achieved by Millennium De- wharf, and the company became landlocked that provides a community service compo- velopment Goals, MDGs, which were

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.040 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 launched in 2000. The Millennium De- Truly sustainable and inclusive de- human rights abuses of governments velopment Goals brought together na- velopment depends on governments and that are ineffective or illegitimate, or tions, businesses, international organi- institutions that are accountable and both, and mostly likely corrupt. zations, and foundations in a focused transparent and that respect human The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De- and coordinated effort to reduce pov- rights and deliver justice for every- velopment Goals is remarkable for the erty and disease by 2015. body, not just some. The U.N. has historic inclusion of goal 16. It ac- By any and every metric, the initial noted that ‘‘lessons learned from MDG knowledges the centrality of good gov- set of MDGs has resulted in tangible, implementation showed the impor- ernance and accountable and trans- concrete progress. One goal was to cut tance of incorporating human rights, parent institutions as prerequisites for extreme poverty by half as measured the rule of law and personal security to sustainable development. If nations by the proportion of people living on ensure progress towards development across the globe truly embrace goal 16, less than $1.25 a day. That goal was goals. Effective and inclusive govern- I am convinced we will also witness far met 5 years ahead of schedule. Mean- ance and robust institutional capacity fewer men, women, and children being while, maternal mortality was cut are instrumental in achieving this.’’ forced to endure extraordinary misery, nearly in half. We’ve also made The necessity of incorporating good violence, displacement, and exploi- progress in global education, with a 20 governance and strong anticorruption tation as refugees. Surely, that must percent increase in primary school en- measures in sustainable development be our collective goal. rollment in sub-Saharan Africa and a efforts is most evident when we look at f nearly 50 percent decrease in the num- resource rich countries in Africa and RENAMING OF THE U.S. NAVAL ber of out-of-school children of primary the extraordinary development chal- ACADEMY ADMINISTRATION school age. When it comes to com- lenges there. The Democratic Republic BUILDING FOR ADMIRAL bating HIV/AIDS, we’ve made truly in- of the Congo, DRC, for example, is a CHARLES R. LARSON credible strides over the past 15 years. country rich in minerals, water re- New HIV infections have dropped by 40 sources, and agricultural potential. Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, this Fri- percent between 2000 and 2013, and the And it has experienced high annual day, October 2, 2015, the U.S. Naval number of people living with HIV that economic growth in recent years. Yet Academy will honor ADM Charles R. were receiving antiretroviral therapy most of its people continue to live in Larson, class of 1958, by naming the ad- increased seventeenfold from 2003 to extreme poverty. DRC’s progress on ministration building in his honor. 2014. sustainable development is hindered by Coming just a week before the Naval In some areas, like gender equality, minimal central government control Academy celebrates its 170th anniver- we still have a long way to go. But we over large parts of the national terri- sary, this is fitting tribute to man who can cheer the fact that, in 90 percent of tory, poor transportation and elec- has made such immeasurable contribu- countries today, women have greater tricity infrastructure, the govern- tions to this fine institution. parliamentary representation than ment’s inability to manage and mon- Chuck Larson grew up thousands of they did just 20 years ago. itor extraction of its natural resources, miles from the nearest ocean. However, So there is no doubt that we’ve seen the calling of the sea brought him to real growth around the world. Millions and broad governance problems includ- ing endemic corruption and barely Annapolis and the start of a career of lives have been saved and enriched. dedicated to the service of this great But we still have more progress to functional state institutions. Without progress on justice and ef- Nation. It was at the Academy where I make. had the distinct pleasure of getting to The old Millennium Development fective and accountable institutions, know this great man. Chuck’s Acad- Goals have laid the groundwork for the corruption will continue to infect gov- emy experience was somewhat dif- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- ernments around the world, like the ferent than mine, where he would go on ment, which was adopted by the U.N. DRC, creating greater economic and to become the brigade commander, over the weekend. The new agenda sets political instability, which often leads president of the class of 1958, and grad- out an ambitious global development to violent conflict. uate near the top of the class. I fin- framework that includes 17 Sustainable The DRC is just one example of why ished some distance behind that mark. Development Goals. we need goal 16. The desperate refugees These new goals were negotiated streaming into Europe provide another Even though our paths were different, I with strong engagement by the U.S. sad example. Most of these people are cherished our friendship forged in those government, business leaders, and civil coming from places where ordinary shared Academy experiences, a friend- society members over the last 3 years. people have experienced long-term re- ship that would last a lifetime. American and international corpora- pression and other human rights After graduation in the summer of tions worked closely with the U.N. be- abuses at the hands of deeply corrupt 1958, Chuck would continue his exem- cause many businesses leaders cor- governments. Consequently, many of plary career, eventually attaining the rectly believe that, to end extreme these countries are now consumed by rank of admiral. He has led at every poverty and open new markets, we violent conflict. Most of the people level from command at sea to theater must increase government trans- crossing the Mediterranean in rafts are command, as commander of the 2nd parency, root out corruption, and ac- fleeing wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Fleet, a Deputy Chief of Naval Oper- celerate inclusive economic growth. Iraq, and Somalia. ations, commander of the Pacific Many of these new goals focus on the The Syrians are the largest group. Fleet, and finally as the commander of areas where we hope to see additional They are fleeing a deadly combination United States Pacific Command. Im- progress, such as maternal and child of their own government’s indiscrimi- pressive as this resume was, the two health, environmental sustainability, nate barrel bomb attacks on crowded jobs Chuck cherished most were his and gender equality. But they also markets, schools, and clinics; suffo- two tours as the Superintendent of the focus on good governance and corrup- cating sieges; and atrocities committed Naval Academy. tion. by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, As the only two-time Superintendent I am particularly pleased at the addi- ISIS and other extremist groups. We of the Academy in its 170-year history, tion of goal No. 16, which is to ‘‘pro- know that only a minority of migrants Chuck left an indelible mark on the in- mote peaceful and inclusive societies arriving in Europe are motivated solely stitution he so loved. Returning from for sustainable development, provide by economic betterment. retirement in 1994 to lead the Academy access to justice for all and build effec- As the world focuses on the wave of after serious problems left the institu- tive, accountable and inclusive institu- refugees and migrants arriving in Eu- tion with an uncertain future, Chuck tions at all levels.’’ Including that goal rope, we must not lose our focus on the focused on character development and wasn’t easy—it was met by resistance roots of this crisis. We must pay atten- fundamental leadership training to re- from many other countries—but no one tion to why these desperate men, turn to the founding principles of the can ignore the fact any longer that women, and children are on the move. Academy. In 4 years, he returned the good governance and anticorruption ef- The misery of many of these refugees is institution to greatness and, in the forts are critical to development. the direct result of the conflicts and process, trained the officers that would

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.057 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7095 become the leaders in the fight against Service in 2000 and eventually became ly and efficiently. He served as chief of terrorism that would define a genera- executive director in April 2008. The ex- the safety design division, a research tion. ecutive director, the number three offi- office helping to advance the state of As a result of Chuck’s tireless efforts cial in FHWA, is the only civil service the art in highway safety. As program and the lasting initiatives he put in position in the agency that requires manager for Intelligent Transportation place, today the Naval Academy con- the approval of the President. As exec- Systems, ITS, he led the more than sistently ranks among the top schools utive director, Jeff assists the Federal $100 million annual Federal ITS pro- in the Nation. His legacy of service to Highway Administrator and Deputy gram. He directed day-to-day oper- the Academy and the Nation will be Administrator in establishing policies, ations of the ITS Joint Program Office, felt in the decades to come as grad- programs, and priorities for the $40 bil- which focuses on bringing advanced uates from the institution become lion annual Federal aid highway pro- communication and information sys- leaders in the military, government, gram. As FHWA’s chief operating offi- tem technologies to the management and corporate venues. I can think of no cer, he oversees a workforce of approxi- and operation of our Nation’s surface better way to honor the legacy of mately 2,900 transportation profes- transportation system. At the time of Chuck’s service than with the rededica- sionals and an annual operating budget his appointment as executive director, tion of the administration building as of $400 million. he was FHWA’s associate adminis- Larson Hall. It will stand as an ever One of the biggest challenges Jeff trator for operations; in this capacity, present reminder to the dedication and faced came just months after he be- he provided national leadership in sys- the ideals of great naval officer, leader, came executive director. The economic tem management and operations, ITS and dear friend. collapse in the fall of 2008 brought the deployment, and freight management. f country into the worst recession since Throughout Jeff’s career, he has the Great Depression of the 1930s. On worked closely with the Transpor- NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY February 17, 2009, President Obama tation Research Board, the American Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I signed the American Recovery and Re- Association of State Highway and join with my colleagues, led by Sen- investment Act, ARRA, into law. Transportation Officials, and ITS ators COONS and BALDWIN, to recognize ARRA, also known as the stimulus act, America—to name just a few of the significant role manufacturing authorized $26.6 billion for road and FHWA’s many partners and stake- plays in the United States and in my bridge projects that would create con- holders. home State of Rhode Island. According struction jobs to help the economy re- Jeff’s extensive experience through- to facts compiled by the National Asso- cover while providing transportation out the agency gave him the back- ciation of Manufacturers, over 41,000 facilities to make our communities ground to move FHWA forward. He Rhode Islanders, nearly 9 percent of safer, greener, more livable, less con- oversaw the successful implementation the workforce, work in manufacturing. gested, and economically stronger. of the many program changes required Those workers were responsible for $4.1 This funding was in addition to the under the Moving Ahead for Progress billion in economic output, just under 8 regular $40 billion a year Federal aid in the 21st Century Act, MAP–21, in percent of the State’s total output, in highway program. 2012. Perhaps the most significant 2013. On average these workers brought At the time, Jeff was the highest change was that MAP–21 shifted FHWA in over $67,000 in annual compensation. ranking FHWA official because the to risk-based stewardship and over- Manufacturing is a highly technical President had not yet nominated a new sight that redefined FHWA’s role in and innovative industry that creates Federal Highway Administrator or working with its State and local part- good-paying jobs for skilled workers. It Deputy Administrator. It fell to Jeff, ners. It also gave FHWA the leadership is also an industry that is expanding; serving as acting Deputy Adminis- role in transitioning with its partners in Rhode Island manufacturing jobs trator, to ensure the agency was able to a transportation performance man- have increased by 1,100 compared to a to absorb the additional funds, deploy agement focus that emphasizes a stra- year ago. And just last week I joined a them to State and local officials for tegic approach by using data to make Rhode Island advanced manufacturer, shovel-ready projects, ensure proper investment and policy decisions to Yushin America, Inc., to celebrate a oversight of record numbers of achieve national performance goals. ribbon cutting for its $2 million expan- projects, and help deliver the jobs the These dramatic changes in operation of sion. country so desperately needed. The re- the Federal aid highway program re- This sort of expansion is representa- sult was more than 13,000 highway and quired extensive outreach, which Jeff tive of the type of highly technical bridge projects across the country that coordinated, to explain the shifts to growth we see in manufacturing. More- put tens of thousands of people to FHWA’s partners and gain their sup- over, these good-paying, highly-skilled, work, in addition to the thousands of port for them. middle-class jobs are what will help projects and jobs resulting from reg- Jeff played a leadership role in ad- further support widespread economic ular program funds. All of this was ac- vancing U.S. interests and bolstering growth. That is why I look forward to complished within ARRA’s deadlines, international cooperation under the celebrating National Manufacturing without any increase in staff by FHWA auspices of the World Road Associa- Day with the mayor of Providence and but with the full cooperation of State tion, where he served as U.S. first dele- my delegation colleagues on Monday and local transportation officials under gate and chair of the strategic plan- and continuing to work to advance the familiar Federal-State partnership ning commission. He led an inter- measures that support manufacturers of the Federal aid highway program. national team in overseeing the work and job creation back home. President Obama remarked that of the association’s 15 technical com- f there has never been a program of this mittees and the development of its scale, moving at this speed, enacted as next strategic plan. He also facilitated TRIBUTE TO JEFFREY F. PANIATI effectively, and meeting such high efforts to advance special reports on Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I wish to standards of transparency and account- the importance of road maintenance pay tribute to an outstanding civil ability. The stimulus provided by im- and helped produce a climate change servant and constituent, Jeffrey F. plementation of the Recovery Act adaptation framework. Jeff’s involve- Paniati, executive director of the Fed- paved the foundation for the economic ment in the association enabled the eral Highway Administration, FHWA, growth that has continued to this day. U.S. to further enhance our inter- who is retiring after 32 years of Federal Many people deserve credit for this national leadership and expertise in service. outstanding accomplishment, includ- the design, delivery, and operation of Jeff Paniati received his master of ing FHWA employees around the coun- highway and road networks. science degree in civil engineering try, especially Jeff Paniati. Closer to home, Jeff never forgot the from the University of Maryland. He Throughout Jeff’s earlier career in importance of giving all FHWA em- joined FHWA in 1983 as a highway engi- FHWA, he accumulated a diverse range ployees the opportunity to advance in neer trainee and rose through the of experience in helping to make Amer- their careers. He listened to employee ranks to join the Senior Executive ica’s transportation systems work safe- feedback, administered a strategic

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.004 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 workforce assessment, established a Sylvia who are responsible for its pro- plary service and wishing her well as formal mentoring program, developed duction typically have to work for sev- she begins the next chapter in her life the leadership for innovation decision- eral hours each night after the Senate with the most important family of all, making program and expanded the has adjourned making sure the RECORD her own. Leadership Development Academy, and is accurate and complete before send- f instilled in leadership ranks through- ing it to the Government Publishing out the FHWA the value of expanding Office. We take for granted that a ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS opportunity. Initiatives of this type printed copy of the RECORD, one of the are valuable to employees and their most important documents in our Na- ROBIN TRIPOD PATTEN families, but are also critical to ensur- tion, will be delivered to our offices the ing the FHWA can meet the challenges next morning. There are many people ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I wish of the future by helping the agency to who work late into the night without to honor Robin Tripod Patten as a 2015 recruit and retain the best public serv- fanfare or accolades to make this pos- Angel in Adoption award recipient for ants our Nation has to offer. Through sible. They are an invaluable part of her outstanding advocacy of adoption these and other initiatives, Jeff helped what I call the Senate family. issues. Robin serves as Director of So- make FHWA successful not only in ac- Sylvia is a Vermont native and grad- cial Services at Arkansas Methodist complishing its vitally important mis- uated from the University of Vermont. Medial Center, AMMC, in Paragould, sion, but in making the agency a better She still visits her mother, Betty Reid, AR. One of her many responsibilities in place to work. Among agencies of its in Barre as often as possible and is this position includes coordinating size, FHWA has ranked in the top 10 close to her siblings, John Reid, Betsy adoptions. best places to work in the Federal Gov- Reid, David Reid, and Sarah Schroeder. Being a bereaved parent herself, ernment among agency subcomponents She started her congressional service Robin offers a unique perspective to for the past 3 years. Under Jeff’s lead- on the House side in 1988 working for the adoption process because she un- ership, FHWA moved from No. 33 in then-Representative Jim Jeffords of derstands the pain of giving birth and 2009 to No. 5 in 2013, an impressive Vermont. She came with him to the leaving the hospital without a baby. achievement in a short period of time. Senate in 1989. She returned to the She provides emotional support to both Jeff will be retiring this month after House for a few years, working as an the birth mother and the adoptive par- 32 years of Federal service to become executive assistant to the House Ser- ents and assists new and prospective president and chief executive officer of geant at Arms. Then, she came back to parents in navigating complicated the Institute of Transportation Engi- the Senate in 1993, where she worked as legal matters when contemplating neers. After his long career and espe- a scheduler and executive assistant for adoption. cially his 71⁄2 years as executive direc- Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota Robin is a Licensed Master Social tor, Jeff leaves FHWA a better place, and the Senate Committee on Indian Worker, LMSW, and dedicates her life which is good for America. I am proud Affairs before assuming her current job to children. She is a mandated child to represent Jeff and so many other with the Office of the Official Report- abuse reporter who directs care of in- Federal workers. I believe our Federal ers of Debates. She is unfailingly pro- fants whose birth mothers had illegal workforce is the best in the world. We fessional and polite. We will all miss substances in her system during preg- are fortunate to have dedicated, tal- her, but I know her colleagues in the nancy. For 11 years, she has served on ented, creative, hard-working, and pa- Office of the Official Reporters of De- the Greene County multidisciplinary triotic public servants like Jeff. I ask bates will miss her the most because child abuse task force working to en- my colleagues to join me in thanking she is such a kind and gentle and pleas- sure no child is overlooked or forgot- Jeff for serving the American public ant person. ten. with such distinction and devotion and I am proud to have Sylvia as a con- I am proud of Robin for her dedica- wishing him much success as he leaves stituent. She lives near Annapolis; and, tion to adoption services and for in- Federal service. We also need to thank true to the rural roots of her Vermont vesting in the lives of families in his wife, Kim, and his children Chris upbringing, she has made her home northeast Arkansas and am glad to rec- and Lauren for supporting him in his atop a converted barn. Even though she ognize Robin as an Angel in Adoption public career. works long hours in the Senate, she has for her efforts to connect children to f usually done more each morning before permanent families. I commend her for she arrives here than most people ac- her service and ask my colleagues to TRIBUTE TO SYLVIA OLIVER complish in a week. She maintains a join me in honoring her and the many Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, there small farm and looks after three horses other advocates who continue to self- are many people who work behind the whose names are Conge, Chance, and lessly work to ensure that all children scenes to help the Senate function. We Love It. She starts most mornings by grow up in safe, healthy, and loving tend to take them for granted, but we mowing acres of pasture, hauling doz- homes.∑ shouldn’t. I would like to take this op- ens of bales of hay, and feeding the f portunity to acknowledge one such chickens. She also has a small pump- OBSERVING THE 250TH ANNIVER- Senate staffer, Sylvia Oliver, who is kin patch. But that is not enough for SARY OF THE REPUDIATION OF leaving at the end of this week. I won’t Sylvia—she has a number of bee hives THE BRITISH STAMP ACT say that Sylvia is retiring because to look after, too. there is a chance we can coax her into Lily Oliver, who has graciously ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I wish to returning at some point. But she is shared her mother with us, has said, honor the actions of ‘‘12 immortal jus- leaving her job as coordinator of the ‘‘My mom is the most beautiful person tices’’ of the Frederick County Court CONGRESSIONAL RECORD in the Office of I know. She makes the world a better in Maryland who refused to discharge the Official Reporters of Debates be- place by always treating those around the British Stamp Act on November 23, cause she wants to spend more time at her with compassion and patience. I am 1765. This first official act of defiance home with her daughter, Lily, who is a so fortunate to have such a strong, against the British Government’s ‘‘tax- senior in high school. That is a com- genuine, resourceful, mother to emu- ation without representation’’ in the pletely understandable and laudable late throughout life.’’ Well, we have Thirteen Original Colonies—8 years be- desire. been so fortunate to have Sylvia in the fore the Boston Tea Party—helped set Few people appreciate that even Senate family for the past 20-plus the stage for the American Revolution though the Office of the Official Re- years. The American people are so for- that would lead to a free and inde- porters of Debates has embraced the tunate to have talented and dedicated pendent United States of America. latest information technology, pro- public servants like Sylvia. I truly be- The Stamp Act the British Par- ducing the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD re- lieve our Federal workforce is the best liament passed in early 1765 exacted mains a painstaking, labor-intensive in the world. revenue from the Colonies by imposing process. Even fewer people appreciate I ask my colleagues to join me in a stamp duty on newspapers and legal that the officials and employees like thanking Sylvia Oliver for her exem- and commercial documents. Colonists

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.058 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7097 in Maryland quickly realized that the headed multiple community outreach In the spirit of Andrew Carnegie and Stamp Act and other new taxes would projects aimed at helping those in her of bold endeavors to tackle contem- severely impede trade in the Colonies community. She took her passion for porary challenges, Carnegie Hall has and hinder their economic growth. helping Montana’s youth outside of the recently initiated work to eliminate Jonas Green, the publisher of the classroom as well and helped design the music education ‘‘access gap’’ in Maryland Gazette at the time, used his and build a playground in Sunburst, schools throughout our nation. Car- platform as the only news outlet in the Montana. negie Hall’s leadership, from volun- colony to stir opposition to the actions In Montana, we know how important teers, trustees, to staff at all levels, are of the British Parliament among Mary- it is to give back to our communities committed to quality and to equity of landers. As protests turned to revolts, and help one another, and Sally is a opportunity regardless of cir- plans to distribute stamped paper were perfect example of this. Sally started cumstance. delayed, which made stamped paper in the Christmas Stroll in Sunburst over Carnegie Hall’s 125th opening night Frederick County and Western Mary- a decade ago, which has enhanced the will occur on October 7th. I rise to land unavailable. When the county’s holiday for hundreds of community commend the Hall’s leadership, volun- clerk of the court refused to carry out members. teers, contributors, performing artists, the business of the court without Sally has a selfless heart and does ev- and staff. Carnegie Hall is a global icon stamped paper, Frederick County’s 12 erything with a giving spirit. The symbolizing artistic excellence, justices responded by holding him in State of Montana is sad to see her achievement, and the power of music contempt and unanimously passing the teaching career come to an end, but to feed our souls and bring people to- resolution that would come to be her incredible legacy will continue to gether. Congratulations, Carnegie ∑ known as the Repudiation Act, allow- live on. Hall.∑ ing business to continue without the f use of stamped paper and effectively CARNEGIE HALL f nullifying the act of Parliament. The ∑ Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Mr. President, text of the Repudiation Act stated: with great pleasure and pride, I wish to CONGRATULATING ALICIA REBAN ‘‘that all proceedings shall be valid recognize the 125th anniversary of Car- ∑ without the use of stamps...and or- Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today, I negie Hall in New York City. At the wish to congratulate Alicia Reban on dering all sheriffs, clerks, counsellors, ceremonial laying of the cornerstone of and officers of the Court to proceed receiving the Ambassador of the Year Carnegie Hall in 1890, Andrew Carnegie award from the Land Trust Alliance. It with their several avocations as usual, declared: ‘‘It is built to stand for ages, without delay occasionded from the gives me great pleasure to see her re- and during these ages it is probable ceive this national award recognizing want of stamped paper, parchment or that this Hall will intertwine itself vellum.’’ The justices took this action her years of hard work within the Ne- with the history of our country.’’ vada community. at great peril to their livelihood and The Hall has intertwined itself with even their lives. Throughout her 17 years working at the history of the United States but the Nevada Land Trust Alliance, Ms. Since 1894, Repudiation Day has been also with the history of the world. marked by the Maryland General As- Reban has been a shining example of Today Carnegie Hall is the world’s someone who dedicated her career to sembly as an official bank half-holiday most recognized performing arts center in Frederick County and by the Fred- the betterment of her community and and is a global symbol of artistic excel- Nevada’s open spaces. In 2000, she led a erick Chapter of the Daughters of the lence. For 125 years the Hall has de- American Revolution with celebratory successful campaign on a ballot initia- fined and shaped the future of music, tive focused on improving Washoe events. This year, which marks the and it continues in that leadership role County’s parks, libraries, and trails. 250th anniversary of this courageous today. Additionally, in 2002, she served on the act of defiance by 12 Maryland justices, The Hall has hosted world leaders, will be particularly special with a pa- American presidents, authors, activists campaign executive committee for Ne- rade, dedication of an interpretive and intellectuals. The Hall’s greatest vada’s State Question 1 for clean plaque, educational presentations, and influence, however, is through sound. water, parks, and wildlife, the largest public display of the original court act. Carnegie Hall’s three performance cen- conservation bond measure in Nevada In addition, Frederick’s Brewer’s Alley ters project all forms of music to lis- history. has collaborated with the Sergeant teners around the world. Musicians Throughout her tenure, Ms. Reban Lawrence Everhart Chapter of the Sons from all corners of the globe strive to has demonstrated professionalism, an of the American Revolution on the re- perform at Carnegie Hall. The Hall is a unwavering commitment to conserva- lease of the 250th Anniversary Com- beacon inspiring and attracting the tion, and dedication to the highest memorative ‘‘Twelve Immortals Ale’’ world’s finest musicians in all genres. standards of the Nevada Land Trust Al- inspired by the beers of the 18th Cen- Less known but equally important, liance. I have been fortunate during my tury. Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute time in Congress to work with Ms. I commend the Daughters of the produces an extraordinary range of Reban on federal legislation, the Con- American Revolution, the Sons of the music education and community pro- servation Easement Incentive Act, S. American Revolution, Brewer’s Alley, grams that extend far outside the phys- 330, which makes the Federal enhanced the Tourism Council of Frederick ical walls of its concert halls. Its music conservation easement income tax de- County, the city of Frederick, and ev- education in New York City schools duction permanent. This important eryone else involved in the effort to serves as a laboratory of best practices policy would provide Westerners with honor the brave actions of these 12 for performing arts centers in major important tools to preserve our proud Marylanders and encourage every urban areas. Carnegie Hall provides tradition of ranching, fishing, hunting, American to commemorate the 250th and supports a partnership curriculum and other outdoor recreational activi- anniversary of an event that sparked for 81 orchestras throughout the United ties. She has been a tireless advocate the first flames of liberty in the Amer- States and abroad to work with local and an invaluable ally on this effort. ican Colonies.∑ school students in urban, suburban, Alicia’s advocacy on behalf of Ne- vada’s vast natural resources and wild- f and rural settings. Its highly acclaimed National Youth Orchestra of the life is unmatched, and I am thankful TRIBUTE TO SALLY ASCHIM United States—recently returned from for all of the work that she has done ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I rise a tour of China—helps build the next for our great State. Today, I ask my today in recognition of Sally Aschim, generation of musicians into lifelong colleagues to join me in congratulating who is retiring after 38 years of dedi- community leaders and contributors. Nevada Land Trust Co-Executive Di- cated teaching. In the 2015–2016 season these programs rector Alicia Reban on receiving this Not only has Sally aided in the will reach millions people in New York award. I look forward to continuing to achievements and successes of Mon- City, across the United States, and work with her on conservation issues tana’s youth, but she also has spear- around the globe. important to our State.∑

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.049 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRATULATING STEVE USN, Retired, a son of North Carolina PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGES TETREAULT who is retiring after 39 years of Active ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today, I Duty and civilian service to our Nation wish to congratulate Steve Tetreault with the U.S. Navy. REPORT RELATIVE TO THE DES- on his incredible career, bringing Ne- CAPT Almand is a native of Cary, IGNATION OF FUNDING FOR vada in-depth political news coverage NC. He received his B.A. in linguistics OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPER- from our Nation’s Capital. It gives me from the University of California, San ATIONS/GLOBAL WAR ON TER- great pleasure to recognize Steve for Diego, a J.D. from the University of RORISM, RECEIVED DURING AD- his unwavering dedication to the peo- Puget Sound, and an LL.M. in inter- JOURNMENT OF THE SENATE ON ple of Nevada and for showcasing jour- national and comparative law from the SEPTEMBER 30, 2015—PM 26 nalistic integrity and excellence National Law Center, The George The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- throughout his tenure. Though he will Washington University. be greatly missed by Nevada jour- fore the Senate the following message In 1976, CAPT Almand began his dedi- nalism and the Las Vegas Review-Jour- from the President of the United cated service to our Nation as a com- nal, his future with the United States States, together with an accompanying missioned officer in the Navy Judge Department of Energy will be of great report; which was referred to the Com- Advocate General’s Corps. During the service to our country. mittee on the Budget: next 32 years, Captain Almand served Throughout my time serving Nevada To the Congress of the United States: on Active Duty in a wide variety of in the United States Congress, Steve In accordance with section 114(c) of roles, traveling throughout the United has been there to convey accurate and the Continuing Appropriations Act, States and overseas. His assignments truthful news stories to the people of 2016, also titled the TSA Office of In- included Naval Air Station, Agana, Nevada. From covering my very first spection Accountability Act of 2015 Guam; Naval Support Office, La experiences in the United States House (the ‘‘Act’’), I hereby designate for Maddalena, Sardinia, Italy; Naval of Representatives to writing about the Overseas Contingency Operations/Glob- Legal Service Office, Subic Bay, Re- most recent events in the United al War on Terrorism all funding (in- public of the Philippines; commander, States Senate, Steve was there to cap- cluding the rescission of funds) and Submarine Group 10, Kings Bay, GA; ture both sides of the argument, bring- contributions from foreign govern- commander, Patrol Wings, U.S. Pacific ing fair coverage from the entire Ne- ments so designated by the Congress in Fleet; executive officer and com- vada delegation. Our relationship oper- the Act pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) manding officer, Naval Legal Service ated with a great amount of respect of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Office Southwest, San Diego, CA; com- and understanding, and I am grateful Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, manding officer, Naval Legal Service for his professionalism. However, his as outlined in the enclosed list of ac- Office Northeast, Groton, CT; director, jealousy of my impeccable beard-grow- counts. Defense Institute of International ing skills prompted him to also grow The details of this action are set Legal Studies, Newport, RI; professor one of his own. forth in the enclosed memorandum and associate dean, College of Inter- Steve’s insatiable appetite to cover from the Director of the Office of Man- national and Security Studies, George important news stories and bring Ne- agement and Budget. C. Marshall European Center for Secu- vadans pertinent political information BARACK OBAMA. rity Studies, Garmisch, Germany; force made him an incredible journalist. He THE WHITE HOUSE, September 30, 2015. was always one step ahead, ready to judge advocate, Naval Surface Forces, share breaking political news, and had U.S. Pacific Fleet, San Diego; and Dep- f a genuine interest in painting the most uty Assistant Judge Advocate General, accurate story for his readers. He will General Litigation Division. NOTIFICATION OF THE PRESI- always be remembered for his top tier Following his retirement from Active DENT’S DESIGNATION OF AN work at the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Duty in July 2007, CAPT Almand con- EMERGENCY REQUIREMENT IN The insight and knowledge he gained tinued his superlative service to the EMERGENCY FUNDING FOR UR- throughout his career could never be Navy as a civilian, serving for another GENT WILDLAND FIRE SUPPRES- replicated. He truly left his footprint 7 years as Deputy Director of the Ad- SION ACTIVITIES, RECEIVED in Nevada journalism, specifically at ministrative Law Division in the Office DURING ADJOURNMENT OF THE the Las Vegas Review-Journal, where of the Judge Advocate General in the SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2015— he served as the Washington bureau Pentagon. PM 27 chief. His writing has given the Silver For his outstanding service to our The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- State a detailed archive of Nevada’s Nation, CAPT Almand earned numer- fore the Senate the following message delegation throughout his years in ous awards, including the Defense Su- from the President of the United Washington, a truly unique piece of our perior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, States, together with an accompanying State’s history. Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Com- report; which was referred to the Com- Steve has demonstrated absolute mendation Medal, Navy Achievement mittee on the Budget: dedication to excellent reporting, Medal, and the Superior Civilian Serv- bringing pertinent political news sto- To the Congress of the United States: ice Award. ries outside of the walls of the United In accordance with section 135 of the States Capitol to audiences across Ne- I commend CAPT Almand for his Continuing Appropriations Act, 2016, vada. I am both humbled and honored commitment to our country and the also titled the TSA Office of Inspection by his hard work and am proud to call sacrifices he made on its behalf. On the Accountability Act of 2015 (the ‘‘Act’’), him a friend. Today, I ask all of my occasion of his retirement from the I hereby designate as an emergency re- colleagues to join me in congratulating Federal service, I thank him and his quirement all funding so designated by Steve Tetreault on his long and mean- family for his honorable service to our the Congress in the Act pursuant to ingful career at the Las Vegas Review- Nation and wish him fair winds and fol- section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Journal. I give my deepest appreciation lowing seas as he concludes a distin- Budget and Emergency Deficit Control for all that he has done and offer him guished career.∑ Act of 1985, as amended, for the fol- my best wishes for many successful and lowing account: ‘‘Department of Agri- fulfilling years to come with the f culture—Forest Service—Wildland Fire United States Department of Energy.∑ Management.’’ f MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT The details of this action are set forth in the enclosed memorandum TRIBUTE TO CAPTAIN LAWSON Messages from the President of the from the Director of the Office of Man- ALMAND United States were communicated to agement and Budget. ∑ Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, I wish to the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- BARACK OBAMA. honor CAPT Lawson Almand, JAGC, retaries. THE WHITE HOUSE, September 30, 2015.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.002 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7099 MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE come program and the Medicaid program for tember 29, 2015; to the Committee on Armed compensation provided to individuals who Services. At 2:25 p.m., a message from the participate in clinical trials for rare diseases EC–3026. A communication from the Direc- House of Representatives, delivered by or conditions. tor of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- S. 565. An act to reduce the operation and Policy, Department of Defense, transmit- nounced that the House has agreed to maintenance costs associated with the Fed- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the amendment of the Senate to the eral fleet by encouraging the use of remanu- titled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition Regula- bill (H.R. 2617) to amend the Fair Min- factured parts, and for other purposes. tion Supplement: Electronic Copies of Con- imum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a S. 2082. An act to amend title 38, United tractual Documents’’ ((RIN0750–AI29) (DFARS Case 2012–D056)) received in the Of- scheduled increase in the minimum States Code, to extend certain expiring pro- visions of law administered by the Secretary fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- wage applicable to American Samoa, of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. tember 29, 2015; to the Committee on Armed and that the House has agreed to the Services. amendment of the Senate to the title f EC–3027. A communication from the Assist- of the bill. EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ant Secretary for Export Administration, The message also announced that the COMMUNICATIONS Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- House has agreed to the following con- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant The following communications were to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Enhanc- current resolution, in which it requests laid before the Senate, together with ing Support for the Cuban People’’ (RIN0694– the concurrence of the Senate: accompanying papers, reports, and doc- AG67) received in the Office of the President H. Con. Res. 81. Concurrent resolution pro- uments, and were referred as indicated: of the Senate on September 28, 2015; to the viding for corrections to the enrollment of EC–3018. A communication from the Direc- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban the bill H.R. 1735. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Affairs. EC–3028. A communication from the Certi- The message further announced that Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- fying Officer, Bureau of the Fiscal Service, the House has agreed to the report of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Department of the Treasury, transmitting, titled ‘‘Benzovindiflupyr; Pesticide Toler- the committee of conference on the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ances’’ (FRL No. 9933–03) received in the Of- disagreeing votes of the two Houses on ‘‘Cuban Assets Control Regulations’’ (31 CFR fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- the amendment of the Senate to the Part 515) received during adjournment of the tember 22, 2015; to the Committee on Agri- bill (H.R. 1735) to authorize appropria- Senate in the Office of the President of the culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Senate on September 23, 2015; to the Com- tions for fiscal year 2016 for military EC–3019. A communication from the Direc- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- activities of the Department of De- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, fense, for military construction, and fairs. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–3029. A communication from the Chief for defense activities of the Depart- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Counsel, Federal Emergency Management ment of Energy, to prescribe military titled ‘‘Acibenzolar-S-methyl; Pesticide Tol- Agency, Department of Homeland Security, personnel strengths for such fiscal erances’’ (FRL No. 9933–27) received in the transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of year, and for other purposes. Office of the President of the Senate on Sep- a rule entitled ‘‘Suspension of Community tember 22, 2015; to the Committee on Agri- Eligibility’’ ((44 CFR Part 64) (Docket No. At 2:45 p.m., a message from the culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. FEMA–2015–0001)) received in the Office of EC–3020. A communication from the Acting House of Representatives, delivered by the President of the Senate on September 30, Congressional Review Coordinator, Animal 2015; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, and Plant Health Inspection Service, Depart- announced that the House has agreed and Urban Affairs. ment of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant EC–3030. A communication from the Chief to the amendment of the Senate to the to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Impor- Counsel, Federal Emergency Management bill (H.R. 1020) to define STEM edu- tation of Kiwi From Chile Into the United Agency, Department of Homeland Security, cation to include computer science, States’’ ((RIN0579–AD98) (Docket No. APHIS– transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of and to support existing STEM edu- 2014–0002)) received in the Office of the Presi- a rule entitled ‘‘Suspension of Community cation programs at the National dent of the Senate on September 25, 2015; to Eligibility’’ ((44 CFR Part 64) (Docket No. the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, Science Foundation. FEMA–2015–0001)) received during adjourn- and Forestry. ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED EC–3021. A communication from the Direc- dent of the Senate on September 23, 2015; to At 3:52 p.m., a message from the tor, Office of Management and Budget, Exec- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and House of Representatives, delivered by utive Office of the President, transmitting, Urban Affairs. Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- pursuant to law, a report relative to a viola- EC–3031. A communication from the Sec- nounced that the Speaker pro tempore tion of the Antideficiency Act; to the Com- retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- mittee on Appropriations. ant to law, a six-month periodic report on (Mr. UPTON) has signed the following EC–3022. A communication from the Under enrolled bills: the national emergency declared in Execu- Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- tive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995, with re- H.R. 1020. An act to define STEM education mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to spect to significant narcotics traffickers cen- to include computer science, and to support a violation of the Antideficiency Act that in- tered in Colombia; to the Committee on existing STEM education programs at the volved fiscal years 2010 and 2011 Operation Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. National Science Foundation. and Maintenance, Navy, funds, and was as- EC–3032. A communication from the Regu- H.R. 2617. An act to amend the Fair Min- signed Army case number 14–02; to the Com- latory Specialist of the Legislative and Reg- imum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a sched- mittee on Appropriations. ulatory Activities Division, Office of the uled increase in the minimum wage applica- EC–3023. A communication from the Sec- Comptroller of the Currency, Department of ble to American Samoa. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, The enrolled bills were subsequently the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Regulatory signed by the President pro tempore eral Patricia D. Horoho, United States Capital Rules: Regulatory Capital, Final Re- Army, and her advancement to the grade of (Mr. HATCH). visions Applicable to Banking Organizations lieutenant general on the retired list; to the Subject to the Advanced Approaches Risk- f Committee on Armed Services. Based Capital Rule’’ (RIN1557–AD88) received EC–3024. A communication from the Under in the Office of the President of the Senate ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- on September 28, 2015; to the Committee on The Assistant Secretary of the Sen- mitting, pursuant to law, a semiannual re- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ate reported that on September 30, port entitled, ‘‘Acceptance of Contributions EC–3033. A communication from the Sec- 2015, she had presented to the President for Defense Programs, Projects, and Activi- retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant ties; Defense Cooperation Account’’; to the to law, a report relative to the export to the of the United States the following en- Committee on Armed Services. People’s Republic of China of items not det- rolled bills: EC–3025. A communication from the Direc- rimental to the U.S. space launch industry; S. 136. An act to amend chapter 21 of title tor of Defense Procurement and Acquisition to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and 5, United States Code, to provide that fa- Policy, Department of Defense, transmit- Urban Affairs. thers of certain permanently disabled or de- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–3034. A communication from the Direc- ceased veterans shall be included with moth- titled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition Regula- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ers of such veterans as preference eligibles tion Supplement: Contract Debts-Conform to Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- for treatment in the civil service. FAR Section Designations’’ ((RIN0750–AI70) ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- S. 139. An act to permanently allow an ex- (DFARS Case 2015–D029)) received in the Of- titled ‘‘National Priorities List’’ (FRL No. clusion under the Supplemental Security In- fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- 9934–75–OSWER) received in the Office of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.006 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 President of the Senate on September 22, in the Office of the President of the Senate report of a rule entitled ‘‘Reorganizations 2015; to the Committee on Environment and on September 22, 2015; to the Committee on Under Section 368(a)(1)(F)’’ ((RIN1545–BF51) Public Works. Environment and Public Works. (TD 9739)) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–3035. A communication from the Direc- EC–3043. A communication from the Direc- dent of the Senate on September 22, 2015; to tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation the Committee on Finance. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- and Enforcement, Department of the Inte- EC–3052. A communication from the Chief ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- rior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, titled ‘‘Hazardous Waste Management Sys- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Kentucky Regulatory Internal Revenue Service, Department of the tem; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Program’’ ((SATS No. KY–253–FOR) (Docket Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Waste; Direct Final Rule’’ (FRL No. 9934–78– No. OSM–2009–0014)) received in the Office of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Update to Weighted Region 7) received in the Office of the Presi- the President of the Senate on September 30, Average Interest Rates, Yield Curves, and dent of the Senate on September 22, 2015; to 2015; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- Segment Rates’’ (Notice 2015–61) received in the Committee on Environment and Public ural Resources. the Office of the President of the Senate on Works. EC–3044. A communication from the Dep- September 22, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- EC–3036. A communication from the Direc- uty Director, Office of Surface Mining Rec- nance. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, lamation and Enforcement, Department of EC–3053. A communication from the Chief Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Pennsylvania Internal Revenue Service, Department of the titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of State Regulatory Program’’ ((SATS No. PA–154– Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollut- FOR) (Docket No. OSM–2010–0002)) received report of a rule entitled ‘‘Investments Made ants; Missouri; Control of Mercury Emis- in the Office of the President of the Senate for Charitable Purposes’’ (Notice 2015–62) re- sions from Electric Generating Units’’ (FRL on September 30, 2015; to the Committee on ceived in the Office of the President of the No. 9934–68–Region 7) received in the Office of Energy and Natural Resources. Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- the President of the Senate on September 22, EC–3045. A communication from the Assist- mittee on Finance. 2015; to the Committee on Environment and ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- EC–3054. A communication from the Chief Public Works. tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of of the Publications and Regulations Branch, EC–3037. A communication from the Direc- Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Uniform Adminis- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- trative Requirements, Cost Principles, and report of a rule entitled ‘‘Special per diem ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Audit Requirements for Federal Awards’’ Rates 2015–2016’’ (Notice 2015–63) received in titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- (RIN1991–AB94) received in the Office of the the Office of the President of the Senate on mentation Plans; Mississippi; Miscellaneous President of the Senate on September 28, September 22, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- Changes’’ (FRL No. 9934–73–Region 4) re- 2015; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- nance. ceived in the Office of the President of the ural Resources. EC–3055. A communication from the Chief EC–3046. A communication from the Assist- Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- mittee on Environment and Public Works. Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–3038. A communication from the Direc- tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Per Capita Dis- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- tributions of Funds Held in Trust by the Sec- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tion Program: Energy Conservation Stand- retary of the Interior’’ (Notice 2015–67) re- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- ards for Single Package Vertical Air Condi- ceived in the Office of the President of the mentation Plans; Florida; Combs Oil Com- tioners and Single Package Vertical Heat Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- pany Variance’’ (FRL No. 9934–72–Region 4) Pumps’’ (RIN1991–AC85) received in the Of- mittee on Finance. received in the Office of the President of the fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- EC–3056. A communication from the Chief Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- tember 28, 2015; to the Committee on Energy of the Publications and Regulations Branch, mittee on Environment and Public Works. and Natural Resources. EC–3039. A communication from the Direc- EC–3047. A communication from the Divi- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, sion Chief, Bureau of Land Management, De- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fringe Benefits ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Aircraft Valuation Formula’’ (Rev. Rul. 2015– titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; CO; Revised For- ‘‘Minerals Management: Adjustment of Cost 20) received in the Office of the President of mat for Material Incorporated by Reference’’ Recovery Fees’’ (RIN1004–AE44) received in the Senate on September 22, 2015; to the (FRL No. 9931–73–Region 8) received in the the Office of the President of the Senate on Committee on Finance. Office of the President of the Senate on Sep- September 30, 2015; to the Committee on En- EC–3057. A communication from the Chief tember 22, 2015; to the Committee on Envi- ergy and Natural Resources. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ronment and Public Works. EC–3048. A communication from the Assist- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–3040. A communication from the Direc- ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applicable Federal Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Rates—October 2015’’ (Rev. Rul. 2015–21) re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Medical, Physical ceived in the Office of the President of the titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of State Readiness, Training, and Access Authoriza- Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollut- tion Standards for Protective Force Per- mittee on Finance. ants; Missouri; Control of Mercury Emis- sonnel’’ (RIN1992–AA40) received in the Of- EC–3058. A communication from the Chief sions from Electric Generating Units’’ (FRL fice of the President of Senate on September of the Publications and Regulations Branch, No. 9934–68–Region 7) received in the Office of 22, 2015; to the Committee on Energy and Internal Revenue Service, Department of the the President of the Senate on September 22, Natural Resources. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 2015; to the Committee on Environment and EC–3049. A communication from the Assist- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Additional First Public Works. ant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renew- Year Depreciation’’ (Rev. Proc. 2015–48) re- EC–3041. A communication from the Direc- able Energy, Department of Energy, trans- ceived in the Office of the President of the tor of Congressional Affairs, Office of Nu- mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- clear Material Safety and Safeguards, Nu- recommendations concerning energy per- mittee on Finance. clear Regulatory Commission, transmitting, formance requirements for fiscal years 2016 EC–3059. A communication from the Chair- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled through 2025; to the Committee on Energy man of the U.S. International Trade Com- ‘‘Interim Staff Guidance on Acceptable and Natural Resources. mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Acute Uranium Exposure Standards for EC–3050. A communication from the Chief biennial report relative to the impact of the Workers’’ (FCSE–ISG–014, Revision 0) re- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act; to ceived in the Office of the President of the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the the Committee on Finance. Senate on September 22, 2015; to the Com- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–3060. A communication from the Assist- mittee on Environment and Public Works. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Dividend Equiva- ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of EC–3042. A communication from the Direc- lents from Sources Within the United Health and Human Services, transmitting, tor of Congressional Affairs, Office of Nu- States’’ ((RIN1545–BJ56) (TD 9734)) received pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Evalua- clear Material Safety and Safeguards, Nu- in the Office of the President of the Senate tions of Hospitals’ Ambulance Data on Medi- clear Regulatory Commission, transmitting, on September 22, 2015; to the Committee on care Cost Reports and Feasibility of Obtain- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Finance. ing Cost Data from All Ambulance Providers ‘‘Consolidated Guidance About Material Li- EC–3051. A communication from the Chief and Suppliers’’; to the Committee on Fi- censes: Applications for Sealed Source and of the Publications and Regulations Branch, nance. Device Evaluation and Registration’’ Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–3061. A communication from the Chief (NUREG–1556, Volume 3, Revision 2) received Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the of the Trade and Commercial Regulations

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.009 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7101 Branch, Customs and Border Protection, De- By Mr. CORKER for the Committee on 5. Grandparents: John T. Gilmour—de- partment of Homeland Security, transmit- Foreign Relations. ceased; Molly Gilmour—deceased. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- *Lucy Tamlyn, of New York, a Career 6. Brothers and Spouses: John and Deanna titled ‘‘Disclosure of Information for Certain Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class Gilmour, none; Gregory and Kathy Gilmour, Intellectual Property Rights Enforced at the of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- none; Aaron Gilmour, none. Border’’ (RIN1515–AD87) received in the Of- traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the 7. Sisters and Spouses: Kathryn Gilmour, fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- United States of America to the Republic of none; Lydia Gilmour, none; Jayne Gilmour, tember 16, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- Benin. none. nance. Nominee: Lucy Tamlyn. EC–3062. A communication from the Chief Post: Benin. *Edwin Richard Nolan, Jr., of Massachu- of the Trade and Commercial Regulations (The following is a list of all members of setts, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Branch, Customs and Border Protection, De- my immediate family and their spouses. I Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be partment of Homeland Security, transmit- have asked each of these persons to inform Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- me of the pertinent contributions made by potentiary of the United States of America titled ‘‘Disclosure of Information for Certain them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- to the Republic of Suriname. Intellectual Property Rights Enforced at the formation contained in this report is com- Nominee: Edwin Richard Nolan, Jr. Border’’ (RIN1515–AD87) received in the Of- plete and accurate.) Post: Suriname. fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- Contributions, amount, date, and donee: (The following is a list of all members of tember 17, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- 1. Self: 0. my immediate family and their spouses. I nance. 2. Spouse: 0. have asked each of these persons to inform EC–3063. A communication from the Assist- 3. Children and Spouses: Filipa Tamlyn me of the pertinent contributions made by ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Serpa (single): 0. Benjamin Tamlyn Serpa them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to (single): 0. formation contained in this report is com- law, a report relative to section 36(c) and 4. Parents: Ann D. Tamlyn (widow), 0; plete and accurate.) 36(d) of the Arms Export Control Act (DDTC Thomas T. Tamlyn (deceased), 0. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: 15–051); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- 5. Grandparents (none living). 1. Self: None. tions. 6. Brothers and Spouses: Thomas T. 2. Spouse: None. EC–3064. A communication from the Assist- Tamlyn, 0; Spouse: Maria Sramek, 0; Ben- 3. Children and Spouses: Ryan P. Nolan: ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- jamin W. Tamlyn (single), $300, 2013, DSCC; none; Katherine A. Nolan: none. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to $300, 2013, DCCC; $300, 2014, DCCC; $200, 2014, 4. Parents: Edwin R. Nolan: deceased; law, a report relative to section 36(c) and DSCC. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Agnes H. Nolan: deceased. 36(d) of the Arms Export Control Act (DDTC Committee (DSCC), Democratic Congres- 5. Grandparents: John. J. Nolan: deceased; 15–062); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- sional Campaign Committee (DCCC). Mary C. Nolan: deceased. tions. 7. Sisters: none. 6. Brothers and Spouses: none. EC–3065. A communication from the Assist- 7. Sisters and Spouses: Maryann K. Steele: ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- *Jeffrey J. Hawkins, Jr., of California, a none; William Steele: none. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Career Member of the Senior Foreign Serv- law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the ice, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- *John L. Estrada, of Florida, to be Ambas- Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 15–032); to traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Committee on Foreign Relations. United States of America to the Central Af- the United States of America to the Republic f rican Republic. of Trinidad and Tobago. Nominee: Jeffrey Jones Hawkins, Jr. Nominee: John Learie Estrada. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Post: Bangui. Post: Trinidad & Tobago. The following reports of committees (The following is a list of all members of (The following is a list of all members of were submitted: my immediate family and their spouses. I my immediate family and their spouses. I have asked each of these persons to inform have asked each of these persons to inform By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on me of the pertinent contributions made by me of the pertinent contributions made by Homeland Security and Governmental Af- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- fairs, with an amendment in the nature of a formation contained in this report is com- formation contained in this report is com- substitute: plete and accurate.) plete and accurate.) S. 750. A bill to achieve border security on Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Contributions, amount, date, and donee: certain Federal lands along the Southern 1. Self: None. 1. Self: $250.00, 05/12/2012, John Estrada; border (Rept. No. 114–150). 2. Spouse: Annie Chansavang-Hawkins: $250.00, 10/16/2012, John Estrada; $400.00 01/29/ S. 991. A bill to establish the Commission None. 2013, John Estrada. Self and Spouse Joint: on Evidence-Based Policymaking, and for 3. Children: Maxime Hawkins: None. $250.00, 04/03/2014, John Estrada, Elizabeth other purposes (Rept. No. 114–151). Alexandre Hawkins: None. Cote; $100.00, 10/10/2014, John Estrada, Eliza- By Mr. ALEXANDER, from the Committee 4. Parents: Jeffrey Hawkins, Sr.: None. beth Cote; $50.00, 09/18/2014, John Estrada, on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Susan Wester: None. Elizabeth Cote; $100, 09/08/2014, John Estrada, with an amendment in the nature of a sub- 5. Grandparents: Issac Hawkins:—De- Elizabeth Cote; $200.00, 07/28/2014, John stitute: ceased; Annie-Claire Hawkins—Deceased; Estrada, Elizabeth Cote. S. 481. A bill to amend the Controlled Sub- Jack Hensley—Deceased; Jean Hensley—De- 2. Spouse: None. stances Act and the Federal Food, Drug, and ceased. 3. Children and Spouses: None. Cosmetic Act with respect to drug sched- 6. Brothers and Spouses: None. 4. Parents: None. uling recommendations by the Secretary of 7. Sisters and Spouses: None. 5. Grandparents: None. Health and Human Services, and with re- 6. Brothers and Spouses: None. spect to registration of manufacturers and * David R. Gilmour, of Texas, a Career 7. Sisters and Spouses: None. distributors seeking to conduct clinical test- Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class ing, and for other purposes. of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- *Carolyn Patricia Alsup, of Florida, a Ca- By Mr. ALEXANDER, from the Committee traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the reer Member of the Senior Foreign Service, on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States of America to the Togolese Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- with an amendment in the nature of a sub- Republic. traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the stitute and an amendment to the title: Nominee: David R. Gilmour. United States of America to the Republic of S. 799. A bill to combat the rise of prenatal Post: Togo. The Gambia. opioid abuse and neonatal abstinence syn- (The following is a list of all members of Nominee: Carolyn Patricia Alsup. drome. POST: The Gambia. By Mr. ALEXANDER, from the Committee my immediate family and their spouses. I (The following is a list of all members of on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, have asked each of these persons to inform my immediate family and their spouses. I with an amendment in the nature of a sub- me of the pertinent contributions made by have asked each of these persons to inform stitute: them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- S. 1893. A bill to reauthorize and improve formation contained in this report is com- me of the pertinent contributions made by programs related to mental health and sub- plete and accurate.) them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- stance use disorders. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: formation contained in this report is com- 1. Self: 0. plete and accurate.) f 2. Spouse: 0. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF 3. Children and Spouses: Miles D. Gilmour, 1. Self: $50.00, 3/31/15, DSCC; $50.00, 2/25/15, COMMITTEE none; Tristan J. Gilmour, none; Schyler B. DNC; $50.00, 4/2/14, DNC; $64.00, 1/29/14, DNC; Gilmour, none. $75.00, 10/28/12, Obama for America; $100.00, 10/ The following executive reports of 4. Parents: John T. Gilmour, none; Shirley 1/12, Obama for America; $22.00, 12/30/11, nominations were submitted: A. Gilmour—deceased. Obama for America.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.011 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 2. Spouse: N/A. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without erans Affairs to carry out a program to sup- 3. Children and Spouses: N/A. objection, it is so ordered. port veterans in contact with the criminal 4. Parents: Fred W. Alsup, M.D. (father) justice system by discouraging unnecessary Foreign Service nominations beginning (deceased 2002), none; Edith Laurence Alsup criminalization of mental illness and other with Jennifer Ann Amos and ending with (mother) (deceased 1980), none. nonviolent crimes, and for other purposes; to Holly Rothe Wielkoszewski, which nomina- 5. Grandparents: Mitchinson Laurence (de- the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. tions were received by the Senate and ap- ceased), none; Maude Laurence (deceased), By Mrs. SHAHEEN: none; Eules Alsup, Sr. (deceased), none; Nora peared in the Congressional Record on July S. 2121. A bill to facilitate and enhance the Tubbs Alsup (deceased), none. 8, 2015. declassification of information, including in Foreign Service nominations beginning 6. Brothers and Spouses: Fred W. Alsup, Jr. the Legislative Branch, and for other pur- (not married), none; Alan R. Alsup (deceased with Kreshnik Alikaj and ending with Brett poses; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- 2001), none. David Ziskie, I which nominations were re- rity and Governmental Affairs. 7. Sisters and Spouses: Peggy Ann Alsup ceived by the Senate and appeared in the By Mr. PAUL: (not married), none. Congressional Record on September 8, 2015. S. 2122. A bill to increase the worldwide Foreign Service nominations beginning level of employment-based immigrants and *Daniel H. Rubinstein, of Virginia, a Ca- with Jason Douglas Kalbfleisch and ending to reauthorize the EB–5 regional center pro- reer Member of the Senior Foreign Service, with Stuart MacKenzie Hatcher, which gram; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambas- nominations were received by the Senate and By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of appeared in the Congressional Record on DURBIN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. WHITE- the United States of America to the Republic September 21, 2015. (minus 1 nominee: DereII HOUSE, Mr. LEE, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. of Tunisia. Kennedo) GRAHAM, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. BOOKER, and Nominee: Daniel Howard Rubinstein. * Nomination was reported with rec- Mr. SCOTT): Post: Ambassador to the Republic of Tuni- ommendation that it be confirmed sub- S. 2123. A bill to reform sentencing laws sia. ject to the nominee’s commitment to and correctional institutions, and for other (The following is a list of all members of respond to requests to appear and tes- purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- my immediate family and their spouses. I ary. have asked each of these persons to inform tify before any duly constituted com- By Ms. STABENOW: me of the pertinent contributions made by mittee of the Senate. S. 2124. A bill to establish a Federal tax them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- (Nominations without an asterisk credit approximation matching program for formation contained in this report is com- were reported with the recommenda- State new jobs training tax credits, and for plete and accurate.) tion that they be confirmed.) other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- nance. Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: f 1. Self: none. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: 2. Spouse: Julie D. Adams: none. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 2125. A bill to make the Community Ad- 3. Children: Jonah G. Rubinstein: none; JOINT RESOLUTIONS vantage Pilot Program of the Small Business Simon L. Rubinstein: none. Administration permanent, and for other 4. Parents: Morris L. Rubinstein (de- The following bills and joint resolu- purposes; to the Committee on Small Busi- ceased): none; Mildred Rubinstein: none. tions were introduced, read the first ness and Entrepreneurship. 5. Grandparents: David Rubinstein—(de- and second times by unanimous con- By Ms. CANTWELL (for herself, Mr. ceased); Fay Rubinstein—(deceased); Philip sent, and referred as indicated: VITTER, and Mrs. SHAHEEN): S. 2126. A bill to reauthorize the women’s Hochberg—(deceased); Ruth Hochberg—(de- By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. business center program of the Small Busi- ceased). SULLIVAN, and Mr. SCHATZ): ness Administration, and for other purposes; 6. Brothers: Aaron B. Rubinstein (spouse S. 2114. A bill to correct inconsistencies in to the Committee on Small Business and En- Sharon Rubinstein), none; David E. Rubin- the definitions relating to Native Americans trepreneurship. stein (unmarried), none. in the Patient Protection and Affordable By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself and Ms. 7. Sisters: Naomi B. Weiss (spouse Stephen Care Act; to the Committee on Finance. Weiss), none; Judith D. Massarano (spouse AYOTTE): By Mr. FLAKE: S. 2127. A bill to provide appropriate pro- Glenn Masserano), none. S. 2115. A bill to continue job creation and tections to probationary Federal employees, the promotion of investment through im- to provide the Special Counsel with adequate Ann Calvaresi Barr, of Maryland, to be In- provements to targeted employment areas; spector General, United States Agency for access to information, to provide greater to the Committee on the Judiciary. awareness of Federal whistleblower protec- International Development. By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Mr. *David Malcolm Robinson, of Connecticut, tions, and for other purposes; to the Com- VITTER): a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Serv- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- S. 2116. A bill to improve certain programs mental Affairs. ice, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Coor- of the Small Business Administration to bet- dinator for Reconstruction and Stabiliza- ter assist small business customers in ac- f tion. cessing broadband technology, and for other *David Malcolm Robinson, of Connecticut, SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND purposes; to the Committee on Small Busi- a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Serv- SENATE RESOLUTIONS ness and Entrepreneurship. ice, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be an As- By Mr. CORNYN: The following concurrent resolutions sistant Secretary of State (Conflict and Sta- S. 2117. A bill to prevent certain discrimi- and Senate resolutions were read, and bilization Operations). natory taxation of natural gas pipeline prop- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: *Scott Allen, of Maryland, to be United erty; to the Committee on Finance. States Director of the European Bank for By Mr. UDALL: By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and Reconstruction and Development. S. Res. 273. A resolution expressing the Mr. HEINRICH): *Susan Coppedge Amato, of Georgia, to be sense of the Senate regarding the need for S. 2118. A bill to amend title XIX of the So- Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat reconciliation in Indonesia and disclosure by cial Security Act to extend the application Trafficking, with the rank of Ambassador at the United States Government of events sur- of the Medicare payment rate floor to pri- Large. rounding the mass killings during 1965 and mary care services furnished under Medicaid *Barbara Lee, of California, to be a Rep- 1966; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. and to apply the rate floor to additional pro- resentative of the United States of America By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Mr. viders of primary care services; to the Com- to the Seventieth Session of the General As- JOHNSON): mittee on Finance . sembly of the United Nations. S. Res. 274. A resolution commemorating By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. BEN- *Christopher H. Smith, of New Jersey, to the 25th anniversary of the peaceful and NET, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. WYDEN, be a Representative of the United States of democratic reunification of Germany; to the Mr. COONS, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. WAR- America to the Seventieth Session of the Committee on Foreign Relations. NER, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. SCHATZ): General Assembly of the United Nations. By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Ms. S. 2119. A bill to provide for greater con- MIKULSKI): Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, for the gressional oversight of Iran’s nuclear pro- S. Res. 275. A resolution calling on Con- Committee on Foreign Relations I re- gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- gress, schools, and State and local edu- port favorably the following nomina- mittee on Foreign Relations. cational agencies to recognize the signifi- tion lists which were printed in the By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. cant educational implications of dyslexia RECORDs on the dates indicated, and BLUMENTHAL, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. that must be addressed and designating Oc- ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- FRANKEN, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. SAND- tober 2015 as ‘‘National Dyslexia Awareness ERS, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. WHITE- Month’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pense of reprinting on the Executive HOUSE, Mr. BENNET, Ms. BALDWIN, and By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Ms. Calendar that these nominations lie at Mr. MARKEY): STABENOW, Mr. ENZI, Mr. DONNELLY, the Secretary’s desk for the informa- S. 2120. A bill to amend title 38, United Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. COCHRAN, and tion of Senators. States Code, to require the Secretary of Vet- Mrs. FEINSTEIN):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.021 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7103 S. Res. 276. A resolution designating the (Mr. WARNER) and the Senator from investment in clean energy, to em- week beginning October 18, 2015, as ‘‘Na- New Hampshire (Ms. AYOTTE) were power and protect consumers, to mod- tional Character Counts Week’’; considered added as cosponsors of S. 1817, a bill to ernize energy infrastructure, to cut and agreed to. improve the effectiveness of major pollution and waste, to invest in re- f rules in accomplishing their regulatory search and development, and for other ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS objectives by promoting retrospective purposes. S. 2108 S. 298 review, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the S. 1831 name of the Senator from California At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. NELSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. (Mrs. BOXER) was added as a cosponsor names of the Senator from Vermont of S. 298, a bill to amend titles XIX and (Mr. SANDERS) and the Senator from 2108, a bill to amend title XVIII of the XXI of the Social Security Act to pro- Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) were Social Security Act to provide for an vide States with the option of pro- added as cosponsors of S. 1831, a bill to extension of certain long-term care viding services to children with medi- revise section 48 of title 18, United hospital payment rules and the mora- cally complex conditions under the States Code, and for other purposes. torium on the establishment of certain hospitals and facilities. Medicaid program and Children’s S. 1874 Health Insurance Program through a At the request of Mr. HATCH, the f care coordination program focused on names of the Senator from Arkansas STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED improving health outcomes for chil- (Mr. BOOZMAN), the Senator from Utah BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS dren with medically complex condi- (Mr. LEE) and the Senator from Nevada tions and lowering costs, and for other (Mr. HELLER) were added as cosponsors By Mr. CORNYN: purposes. of S. 1874, a bill to provide protections S. 2117. A bill to prevent certain dis- S. 697 for workers with respect to their right criminatory taxation of natural gas At the request of Mr. UDALL, the to select or refrain from selecting rep- pipeline property; to the Committee on name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. resentation by a labor organization. Finance. RISCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 1989 Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask 697, a bill to amend the Toxic Sub- At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the unanimous consent that the text of the stances Control Act to reauthorize and name of the Senator from Washington bill be printed in the RECORD. modernize that Act, and for other pur- (Ms. CANTWELL) was added as a cospon- There being no objection, the text of poses. sor of S. 1989, a bill to improve access the bill was ordered to be printed in S. 1014 to primary care services. the RECORD, as follows: EINSTEIN At the request of Mrs. F , the S. 2032 S. 2117 name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. At the request of Mr. HOEVEN, the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- KIRK) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from California resentatives of the United States of America in 1014, a bill to amend the Federal Food, Congress assembled, (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- SECTION 1. LIMITATION ON DISCRIMINATORY Drug, and Cosmetic Act to ensure the sponsor of S. 2032, a bill to adopt the safety of cosmetics. TAXATION OF NATURAL GAS PIPE- bison as the national mammal of the LINE PROPERTY. S. 1099 United States. (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this Act: At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the (1) ASSESSMENT.—The term ‘‘assessment’’ S. 2045 names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. means valuation for a property tax that is At the request of Mr. HELLER, the NELSON) and the Senator from Virginia levied by a taxing authority. name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. (Mr. KAINE) were added as cosponsors (2) ASSESSMENT JURISDICTION.—The term of S. 1099, a bill to amend the Patient PORTMAN) was added as a cosponsor of ‘‘assessment jurisdiction’’ means a geo- Protection and Affordable Care Act to S. 2045, a bill to amend the Internal graphical area used in determining the as- Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the ex- sessed value of property for ad valorem tax- provide States with flexibility in deter- ation. mining the size of employers in the cise tax on high cost employer-spon- sored health coverage. (3) COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROP- small group market. ERTY.—The term ‘‘commercial and industrial S. 2066 S. 1178 property’’ means property (excluding natural At the request of Mr. FLAKE, the At the request of Mr. SASSE, the gas pipeline property, public utility prop- name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. erty, and land used primarily for agricul- tural purposes or timber growth) devoted to RISCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. ROBERTS) and the Senator from Ala- bama (Mr. SESSIONS) were added as co- commercial or industrial use and subject to 1178, a bill to prohibit implementation a property tax levy. of a proposed rule relating to the defi- sponsors of S. 2066, a bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a (4) NATURAL GAS PIPELINE PROPERTY.—The nition of the term ‘‘waters of the term ‘‘natural gas pipeline property’’ means United States’’ under the Clean Water health care practitioner from failing to all property (whether real, personal, and in- Act, or any substantially similar rule, exercise the proper degree of care in tangible) used by a natural gas pipeline pro- until a Supplemental Scientific Review the case of a child who survives an viding transportation or storage of natural Panel and Ephemeral and Intermittent abortion or attempted abortion. gas subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Streams Advisory Committee produce S. 2067 Regulatory Commission. (5) PUBLIC UTILITY PROPERTY.—The term At the request of Mr. WICKER, the certain reports, and for other purposes. ‘‘public utility property’’ means property S. 1214 name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. (excluding natural gas pipeline property) At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor that is devoted to public service and is name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. of S. 2067, a bill to establish EUREKA owned or used by any entity that performs a HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. Prize Competitions to accelerate dis- public service and is regulated by any gov- 1214, a bill to prevent human health covery and development of disease- ernmental agency. threats posed by the consumption of modifying, preventive, or curative (b) DISCRIMINATORY ACTS.—A State, sub- treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and division of a State, authority acting for a equines raised in the United States. State or subdivision of a State, or any other S. 1455 related dementia, to encourage efforts taxing authority (including a taxing jurisdic- At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the to enhance detection and diagnosis of tion and a taxing district) may not do any of name of the Senator from Pennsyl- such diseases, or to enhance the qual- the following: vania (Mr. CASEY) was added as a co- ity and efficiency of care of individuals (1) ASSESSMENTS.—Assess natural gas pipe- sponsor of S. 1455, a bill to provide ac- with such diseases. line property at value that has a higher ratio to the true market value of the natural gas cess to medication-assisted therapy, S. 2089 pipeline property than the ratio that the as- and for other purposes. At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the sessed value of commercial and industrial S. 1817 name of the Senator from Missouri property in the same assessment jurisdiction At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the (Mrs. MCCASKILL) was added as a co- has to the true market value of such com- names of the Senator from Virginia sponsor of S. 2089, a bill to provide for mercial and industrial property.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.019 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 (2) ASSESSMENT TAXES.—Levy or collect a should be improved. We all agree that By Mrs. FEINSTEIN: tax on an assessment that may not be made statutory mandatory minimum sen- S. 2125. A bill to make the Commu- under paragraph (1). tences can serve an important role in nity Advantage Pilot Program of the (3) AD VALOREM TAXES.—Levy or collect an protecting public safety and bringing Small Business Administration perma- ad valorem property tax on natural gas pipe- line property at a tax rate that exceeds the justice to crime victims, and this bill nent, and for other purposes; to the tax rate applicable to commercial and indus- will preserve the primary mandatory Committee on Small Business and En- trial property in the same assessment juris- minimums to keep some certainty and trepreneurship. diction. uniformity in Federal sentences and to Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, (4) OTHER TAXES.—Impose any other tax encourage criminals to cooperate with today I am introducing the Small Busi- that discriminates against a natural gas law enforcement. We even add two new ness Lending and Inequality Reduction pipeline providing transportation or storage mandatory minimums for crimes in- Act of 2015. of natural gas subject to the jurisdiction of volving interstate domestic violence It is a simple bill with a straight- the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. and supplying weapons or other defense forward goal: to increase economic ac- SEC. 2. JURISDICTION OF COURTS; RELIEF. tivity in underserved communities to (a) GRANT OF JURISDICTION.—Notwith- materials to prohibited countries or standing section 1341 of title 28, United terrorists, but our current system has help create jobs and reduce economic States Code, and without regard to the produced some specific instances of se- inequality. We must help low and mod- amount in controversy or citizenship of the vere and excessive sentences. erate income communities grow by parties, the district courts of the United So we all agree that we need to lower partnering with organizations that can States shall have jurisdiction, concurrent some of the harshest enhanced manda- channel expertise and resources to with other jurisdiction of the courts of the tory minimums, and we all agree that these communities. The bill I am intro- United States, of States, and of all other tax- ducing today would assist community ing authorities and taxing jurisdictions, to we can do a better job of targeting prevent a violation of section 1. those enhanced mandatory sentences development institutions provide more (b) RELIEF IN GENERAL.—Except as pro- to the most serious violent and repeat funding to small businesses. vided in this subsection, relief may be grant- offenders. This bill would increase their ability ed under this Act only if the ratio of assessed This bill does just that. It even ex- to lend in underserved communities value to true market value of natural gas pands some of those enhanced manda- and promote development and eco- pipeline property exceeds by at least 5 per- tory minimums to criminals with prior nomic growth. The more lending they cent the ratio of assessed value to true mar- can offer to underserved communities, ket value of commercial and industrial prop- violent felonies and State crimes in- erty in the same assessment jurisdiction. If volving the unlawful use of firearms. the more those communities can pros- the ratio of the assessed value of commercial That will be a big help in cities across per. and industrial property in the assessment ju- the country who face rising homicide One example of this process can be risdiction to the true market value of com- rates from violent offenders who have found from CDC Small Business Fi- mercial and industrial property cannot be been released from prison. nance, an organization that has cre- determined to the satisfaction of the court We also all agree that our current ated more than 165,000 jobs and funded through the random-sampling method known system could benefit from giving more than 10,000 small businesses. In as a sales assessment ratio study (to be car- judges a bit more discretion in sen- Anaheim, CA, for example, they pro- ried out under statistical principles applica- ble to such a study), each of the following tencing. That is why we are expanding vided $178,000 in financing to help shall be a violation of section 1 for which re- the current safety valve. Gretchen Shoemaker and her family lief under this Act may be granted: We also create a second safety valve successfully launch a restaurant based (1) An assessment of the natural gas pipe- so that nonviolent offenders who have on Gretchen’s grandmother’s Southern- line property at a value that has a higher minor criminal histories or play low- style cooking in an historic area of ratio of assessed value to the true market level roles in drug organizations are Anaheim. value of the natural gas pipeline property not improperly swept up by mandatory Another example is Leatherby Fam- than the ratio of the assessed value of all minimums. ily Creamery, an ice-cream parlor in other property (excluding public utility property) subject to a property tax levy in Finally, we all agree that we must Sacramento that opened in 1982 with the assessment jurisdiction has to the true improve our prisons and stop the re- the goal of creating a family-friendly market value of all other property (exclud- volving door. Those of us introducing community gathering place. They re- ing public utility property). the bill have agreed to give lower-risk ceived a loan backed by the Small (2) The collection of an ad valorem prop- inmates a chance to return to society Business Administration that allowed erty tax on the natural gas pipeline property earlier and with better prospects to be- them to modernize and expand their at a tax rate that exceeds the tax rate appli- come productive, law-abiding citizens. business. Leatherby’s now has three lo- cable to all other taxable property (exclud- There are other parts of this bill that cations and has sustained itself for ing public utility property) in the taxing ju- are also important, but I will not go risdiction. over 30 years despite bumps in the into them at this time. As I said, this economy. It is truly dedicated to its By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, is the biggest criminal justice reform communities as well, donating to over Mr. DURBIN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. in a generation. 180 associations, schools, and organiza- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. LEE, Mr. Instead, I wish to end with the idea tions in 2015 alone. SCHUMER, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. that this bill is about the Senate. Sen- Overall, it should be clear: these LEAHY, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. ators from both sides of the aisle and loans provided real dividends back to SCOTT): Senators with very different perspec- the communities. S. 2123. A bill to reform sentencing tives have come together to solve an With more access to financial serv- laws and correctional institutions, and important problem facing the United ices—which my bill would provide— for other purposes; to the Committee States. This is how the U.S. Senate can there will be more improvements to on the Judiciary. work, should work, and I am pleased to businesses, nonprofits, and our commu- SENTENCING REFORM AND CORRECTIONS ACT be a part of it and the chairman of the nities. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, Judiciary Committee. The bill I am introducing today today I am pleased to introduce, along Finally, I extend my sincere thanks would do two main things: First, it al- with a broad bipartisan group of col- to my colleagues who joined me in this lows community development institu- leagues, a truly landmark piece of leg- effort: Senators DURBIN, CORNYN, tions to increase their lending by pro- islation. WHITEHOUSE, LEE, GRAHAM, SCHUMER, viding them access to loans backed by It is the result of months of hard BOOKER, and SCOTT, and my friend the Small Business Administration. work and thoughtful deliberations. It Ranking Member LEAHY. It would do this by authorizing and is the largest criminal justice reform I close by again thanking the rank- making permanent an existing pilot bill in a generation. ing member of the Judiciary Com- program run by the Small Business Ad- This bill represents a consensus mittee, Senator LEAHY, for the great ministration and raising the maximum among my colleagues and me. help that he has been, not only as my loan amount so that small businesses There are elements of the criminal friend, but also for his work on this have access to additional funding. justice system that we agree can and piece of legislation. There are currently over 95 approved

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.026 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7105 lenders in the pilot program, which has so aware that such killings were taking (B) to work to mend differences and ani- approved over $214 million in over 1,650 place as recorded in partially declassified mosity that remain after the mass killings loans. documents in the Department of State his- during 1965 and 1966; and Small businesses eligible for loans tory, ‘‘Foreign Relations of the United (4) calls on the Department of State, the States’’, pertaining to this period; Department of Defense, the Central Intel- under the program include small busi- Whereas, within months of military leader ligence Agency, and others involved in devel- nesses located in areas of high poverty Suharto’s assumption of the Presidency fol- oping and implementing policy towards In- and unemployment; small businesses lowing the mass killing, the United States donesia during this time period to establish that have more than 50 percent of em- Government began sending economic and an interagency working group— ployees living in low- or moderate-in- military support to Suharto’s military re- (A) to locate, identify, inventory, rec- come communities; and Small busi- gime, and played an indispensable role in its ommend for declassification, and make nesses owned by veterans. consolidation of power; available to the public all classified records Whereas aid to the Suharto government and documents concerning the mass killings Second, this bill would expand the of 1965 and 1966, including records and docu- ability of Community Development Fi- continued for more than 3 decades, despite on-going crimes against humanity com- ments pertaining to covert operations in In- nancial Institutions to access funding mitted by the Suharto government, includ- donesia from January 1, 1964, through March from the Federal Home Loan Bank ing mass killing and other gross violations of 30, 1966; System, which in turn allows them to human rights during the invasion and subse- (B) to coordinate with Federal agencies provide more loans to low-income com- quent 24-year occupation of East Timor; and take such actions as necessary to expe- dite the release of such records to the public; munities. Whereas perpetrators of the 1965 and 1966 and mass killings have largely lived with impu- These are two simple actions that (C) to submit a report to Congress that de- nity, and the survivors and descendants of can have a significant impact on small scribes all such records, the disposition of the victims suffer continuing economic dis- businesses and communities in Cali- such records, and the activities of the Inter- crimination and had limited civil and polit- fornia and across the country. agency Group. ical rights for decades, as noted in the 2012 I am proud to say that the Oppor- report by the Indonesian National Commis- f tunity Finance Network, which is an sion on Human Rights; association of community development SENATE RESOLUTION 274—COM- Whereas the United States Government MEMORATING THE 25TH ANNI- financial institutions, supports this has not yet fully declassified all relevant VERSARY OF THE PEACEFUL bill. documents concerning this time period, and I strongly urge my colleagues to sup- full disclosure could help bring historical AND DEMOCRATIC REUNIFICA- port this legislation and am hopeful clarity to atrocities committed in Indonesia TION OF GERMANY that this Congress will move it for- during 1965 and 1966; Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Mr. ward. Whereas the United States Government JOHNSON) submitted the following reso- has recently supported the declassification lution; which was referred to the Com- f and release of documents in support of truth mittee on Foreign Relations: and reconciliation efforts following periods SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS S. RES. 274 of violence in countries such as Chile and Brazil; Whereas more than 22,000,000 people of the United States served in the Cold War by sup- SENATE RESOLUTION 273—EX- Whereas open dialogue about alleged past crimes against humanity and past human porting the efforts to bring military, eco- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE rights violations is important for continued nomic, and diplomatic pressure to bear in SENATE REGARDING THE NEED efforts to reconcile populations of Indonesia the defense of Germany and the West, and ul- FOR RECONCILIATION IN INDO- and to ensure a stable, sustainable peace timately helping more than 400,000,000 people NESIA AND DISCLOSURE BY THE that will benefit the region and beyond; gain freedom from the bondage of com- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Whereas, Indonesia has undergone a re- munism in the Soviet Bloc; OF EVENTS SURROUNDING THE markable democratic transition over the Whereas the United States supported the last 2 decades, and is the world’s third larg- promulgation of the Basic Law for the Fed- MASS KILLINGS DURING 1965 eral Republic of Germany, under which Ger- AND 1966 est democracy with the largest Muslim popu- lation in the world; many was eventually reunited; Mr. UDALL submitted the following Whereas through free and fair elections, Whereas the United States created the Re- resolution; which was referred to the the people of Indonesia have elected new construction Loan Corporation, which, under Committee on Foreign Relations: leaders who now have the opportunity to es- West German leadership, became the Kreditanstalt fu¨ r Wiederaufbau that invested S. RES. 273 tablish a culture of accountability in part- nership with the country’s vibrant civil soci- in the reconstruction of West Germany and Whereas, on October 1, 1965, 6 Indonesian ety, press, academia, and human rights ac- lay the economic groundwork for the reunifi- Army generals were killed by military per- cation of Germany; tivists; sonnel, including members of Indonesia’s Whereas on November 4, 1989, more than Whereas the relationship between the Presidential Guard, and these killings were 1,000,000 people gathered in Alexanderplatz in United States and Indonesia is strong and in- blamed on the Indonesian Communist Party East Berlin and 40 other cities and towns in volves many shared interests, as reflected in and labeled an ‘‘attempted Communist coup East Germany to demand free elections and the 2010 United States-Indonesia Comprehen- d’e´tat’’; basic civil rights, such as freedom of opinion, sive Partnership, including democracy and Whereas this alleged coup was used to jus- movement, press, and assembly; civil society, education, security, climate tify the mass killing of alleged supporters of Whereas on November 9, 1989, East German and environment, energy, and trade and in- the Indonesian Communist Party, with esti- politbureau member Guenter Schabowski an- vestment; mates of the number of dead ranging from nounced that the Government of East Ger- Whereas the economic relationship be- 500,000 to 1,000,000 killed; many would allow ‘‘every citizen of the Ger- Whereas the targeted individuals were pre- tween the United States and Indonesia is man Democratic Republic to leave the GDR dominantly unarmed civilians, and often in- strong, with bilateral goods trade exceeding through any of the border crossings’’ and cluded members of trade unions, intellec- $27,000,000,000 and with major United States East German leader Egon Krenz promised tuals, teachers, ethnic Chinese, and those in- companies making significant long-term in- ‘‘free, general, democratic, and secret elec- volved in the women’s movement; vestments in Indonesia; and tions’’; Whereas these killings and the imprison- Whereas strong relations between the Whereas thousands of people in East Berlin ment of up to 1,000,000 targeted individuals United States and Indonesia are mutually immediately flooded the border checkpoints were done without due process of law; beneficial to both countries: Now, therefore, at the Berlin Wall and demanded entry into Whereas the targeted individuals were sub- be it West Berlin, causing the overwhelmed border ject to extrajudicial execution, torture, rape, Resolved, That the Senate— guards of East Germany to open the check- forced disappearance, forced labor, and (1) condemns the mass murder in Indonesia points to allow people to cross into West forced eviction; during 1965 and 1966; Berlin; Whereas the United States Central Intel- (2) expresses great concern about the lack Whereas in the days following the fall of ligence Agency, in a 1968 research study, de- of accountability enjoyed by those who car- the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, hun- scribed the period as one of the worst mass ried out crimes during this period; dreds of thousands of people from East Ger- murders of the twentieth century; (3) urges political leaders in Indonesia— many freely crossed the border into West Whereas the United States Government (A) to consider a truth, justice, and rec- Berlin and West Germany for the first time provided the Indonesian Army with finan- onciliation commission to address alleged in more than 28 years; cial, military, and intelligence support dur- crimes against humanity and other human Whereas German Chancellor Helmut Kohl ing the period of the mass killings, and did rights violations; and demonstrated leadership and vision when he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01OC6.037 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2015 announced a 10-point program calling for the (2) due to a difficulty in getting to the in- Whereas effective character education is 2 Germanys to expand mutual cooperation dividual sounds of spoken language, which based on core ethical values, which form the with the view toward eventual reunification affects the ability of an individual to speak, foundation of a democratic society; on November 28, 1989; read, spell, and often, learn a language; Whereas examples of character are trust- Whereas in March 1990, East Germany held Whereas dyslexia is the most common worthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, free elections for the first time and those learning disability and affects 80 percent to caring, citizenship, and honesty; elections led to the defeat of the Party of 90 percent of all individuals with a learning Whereas elements of character transcend Democratic Socialism and demonstrated the disability; cultural, religious, and socioeconomic dif- desire of the East German people to reunify Whereas an individual with dyslexia may ferences; Germany and rejoin the world community, have weakness in decoding or reading flu- Whereas the character and conduct of which led to the May 1990 treaty on mone- ency and strength in higher level cognitive youth reflect the character and conduct of tary, economic, and social issues and the functions, such as reasoning, critical think- society, and, therefore, every adult has the signing of the Unification Treaty on August ing, concept formation, or problem solving; responsibility to teach and model ethical 31, 1990; Whereas great progress has been made in values and every social institution has the Whereas on October 2, 1990, President understanding dyslexia on a scientific level, responsibility to promote the development of George Herbert Walker Bush told the Ger- including the epidemiology and cognitive good character; man people: ‘‘The United States is proud to and neurobiological bases of dyslexia; and Whereas Congress encourages individuals have built with you the foundations of free- Whereas early diagnosis of dyslexia is crit- and organizations, especially those that have dom, proud to have been a steady partner in ical for ensuring that individuals with dys- an interest in the education and training of the quest for 1 Germany, whole and free. lexia receive focused, evidence-based inter- the young people of the United States, to America is proud to count itself among the vention that leads to the promotion of self- adopt the elements of character as intrinsic friends and allies of free Germany, now and awareness and self-empowerment and the to the well-being of individuals, commu- in the future.’’; provision of necessary accommodations so as nities, and society; Whereas on October 3, 2015, the people of to ensure school and life success: Now, there- Whereas many schools in the United States Germany will celebrate in Frankfurt and fore, be it recognize the need, and have taken steps, to across Germany, the 25th anniversary of the Resolved, That the Senate— integrate the values of their communities reunification of Germany; and (1) calls on Congress, schools, and State into teaching activities; and Whereas the reunification of Germany and local educational agencies to recognize Whereas the establishment of ‘‘National demonstrated the end of the division of Eu- that dyslexia has significant educational im- Character Counts Week’’, during which indi- rope and the triumph of democracy over plications that must be addressed; and viduals, families, schools, youth organiza- communism: Now, therefore, be it (2) designates October 2015 as ‘‘National tions, religious institutions, civic groups, Resolved, That the Senate— Dyslexia Awareness Month’’. and other organizations focus on character (1) with the people of the former com- f education, is of great benefit to the United munist countries and Western Europe, cele- States: Now, therefore, be it brates 25 years of a united Germany, free SENATE RESOLUTION 276—DESIG- Resolved, That the Senate— from the oppression of communism; NATING THE WEEK BEGINNING (1) designates the week beginning October (2) honors the courage and sacrifice of the OCTOBER 18, 2015, AS ‘‘NATIONAL 18, 2015, as ‘‘National Character Counts people of Germany, the United States, and CHARACTER COUNTS WEEK’’ Week’’; and other countries who served in the Cold War Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Ms. (2) calls upon the people of the United to bring freedom to Central and Eastern Eu- States and interested groups— STABENOW, Mr. ENZI, Mr. DONNELLY, rope; (A) to embrace the elements of character (3) recognizes the importance of the alli- Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. COCHRAN, and Mrs. identified by local schools and communities, ance between the United States and Ger- FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- such as trustworthiness, respect, responsi- many in— olution; which was considered and bility, fairness, caring, and citizenship; and (A) common defense; agreed to: (B) to observe the week with appropriate (B) an enduring shared commitment to the S. RES. 276 ceremonies, programs, and activities. free and unified Europe; and Whereas the well-being of the United f (C) an expanding and deepening economic States requires that the young people of the prosperity under the rule of law throughout United States become an involved, caring AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Europe; citizenry of good character; MEET (4) expresses to the people of Germany an Whereas the character education of chil- appreciation for the commitment of the peo- dren has become more urgent, as violence by COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES ple of Germany to the promotion of freedom and against youth increasingly threatens the Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask through leadership in providing inter- physical and psychological well-being of the unanimous consent that the Com- national assistance, support for peace- people of the United States; mittee on Armed Services be author- keeping and international security efforts, Whereas, more than ever, children need ized to meet during the session of the and acceptance of refugees, including efforts strong and constructive guidance from their by the people of Germany in Afghanistan, Senate on October 1, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. families and their communities, including The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Lebanon, schools, youth organizations, religious insti- Sudan, and Ukraine; and tutions, and civic groups; objection, it is so ordered. (5) reaffirms the deep and historical friend- Whereas the character of a nation is only COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN ship between the Government and people of as strong as the character of its individual AFFAIRS the United States and the Government and citizens; Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask people of Germany. Whereas the public good is advanced when unanimous consent that the Com- f young people are taught the importance of mittee on Banking, Housing, and good character and the positive effects that Urban Affairs be authorized to meet SENATE RESOLUTION 275—CALL- good character can have in personal relation- ING ON CONGRESS, SCHOOLS, ships, in school, and in the workplace; during the session of the Senate on Oc- AND STATE AND LOCAL EDU- Whereas scholars and educators agree that tober 1, 2015, at 10 a.m., to conduct a CATIONAL AGENCIES TO RECOG- people do not automatically develop good hearing entitled ‘‘American Crude Oil NIZE THE SIGNIFICANT EDU- character and that, therefore, conscientious Export Equality Act.’’ CATIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF efforts must be made by institutions and in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DYSLEXIA THAT MUST BE AD- dividuals that influence youth to help young objection, it is so ordered. people develop the essential traits and char- DRESSED AND DESIGNATING OC- COMMITTEE ON FINANCE acteristics that comprise good character; TOBER 2015 AS ‘‘NATIONAL DYS- Whereas, although character development Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask LEXIA AWARENESS MONTH’’ is, first and foremost, an obligation of fami- unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Ms. lies, the efforts of faith communities, mittee on Finance be authorized to MIKULSKI) submitted the following res- schools, and youth, civic, and human service meet during the session of the Senate olution; which was referred to the organizations also play an important role in on October 1, 2015, at 10 a.m., in room fostering and promoting good character; Committee on the Judiciary: SD–215 of the Dirksen Senate Office Whereas Congress encourages students, Building, to conduct a hearing entitled S. RES. 275 teachers, parents, youth, and community Whereas dyslexia is— leaders to recognize the importance of char- ‘‘Improper Payments in Federal Pro- (1) defined as an unexpected difficulty in acter education in preparing young people to grams.’’ reading for an individual who has the intel- play a role in determining the future of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ligence to be a much better reader; and United States; objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:50 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.034 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7107 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND THE NATIONAL CHARACTER COUNTS Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask NATIONAL INTEREST WEEK Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I mittee on Foreign Relations be author- unanimous consent that the Com- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ized to meet during the session of the mittee on the Judiciary, Sub- ate proceed to the consideration of S. Senate on October 1, 2015, at 10 a.m. committee on Immigration and the Na- Res. 276, which was submitted earlier The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tional Interest, be authorized to meet today. objection, it is so ordered. during the session of the Senate, on Oc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS tober 1, 2015, at 2 p.m., in room SD–226 clerk will report the resolution by Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, title. unanimous consent that the Com- to conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Over- The legislative clerk read as follows: mittee on Foreign Relations be author- sight of the Administration’s FY 2016 Refugee Resettlement Program: Fiscal A resolution (S. Res. 276) designating the ized to meet during the session of the week beginning October 18, 2015, as ‘‘Na- Senate on October 1, 2015, at 10:30 a.m., and Security Implications.’’ tional Character Counts Week.’’ to conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Review- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the Senate ing the Civil Nuclear Agreement with proceeded to consider the resolution. SUBCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC LANDS, FORESTS, South Korea.’’ Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I AND MINING The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ask unanimous consent that the reso- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. lution be agreed to, the preamble be unanimous consent that the Com- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS agreed to, and the motions to recon- mittee on Energy and Natural Re- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask sider be laid upon the table with no in- sources’ Subcommittee on Public unanimous consent that the Com- tervening action or debate. Lands, Forests, and Mining be author- mittee on Foreign Relations be author- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ized to meet during the session of the ized to meet during the session of the objection, it is so ordered. Senate on October 1, 2015, at 2:30 p.m., Senate on October 1, 2015, at 2 p.m., to The resolution (S. Res. 276) was in room SD–366 of the Dirksen Senate conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Nomina- agreed to. Office Building. tions.’’ The preamble was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (The resolution, with its preamble, is objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, f mitted Resolutions.’’) AND PENSIONS Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR f unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask mittee on Health, Education, Labor, unanimous consent that floor privi- ORDERS FOR MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, and Pensions be authorized to meet leges be granted this Congress for 2015 during the session of the Senate on Oc- David Palmer and Zach Terwilliger, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tober 1, 2015, at 10 a.m., in room SD–430 detailees from the Department of Jus- ask unanimous consent that when the of the Dirksen Senate Office Building tice. Senate completes its business today, it to conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Achiev- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without adjourn until 4 p.m., Monday, October ing the Promise of Health Information objection, it is so ordered. 5; that following the prayer and pledge, Technology.’’ f the morning hour be deemed expired, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Journal of proceedings be approved objection, it is so ordered. UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- to date, and the time for the two lead- COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ers be reserved for their use later in ENTREPRENEURSHIP Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I the day; that following leader remarks, Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask ask unanimous consent that at 5 p.m. the Senate be in a period of morning unanimous consent that the Com- on Monday, October 5, the Senate pro- business until 5 p.m., with Senators mittee on Small Business and Entre- ceed to executive session to consider permitted to speak therein for up to 10 preneurship be authorized to meet dur- the following nomination: Calendar No. minutes each; finally, that following ing the session of the Senate on Octo- 138; that there be 30 minutes for debate morning business, the Senate proceed ber 1, 2015, at 10 a.m., in room SR–428A on the nomination equally divided in to executive session as under the pre- of the Russell Senate Office Building to the usual form; that upon the use or vious order. conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Examining yielding back of time, the Senate vote The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Significant Cost and Related Bur- without intervening action or debate objection, it is so ordered. dens for Small Businesses Resulting on the nomination; that following dis- from the Gold King Mine Waste Water position of the nomination, the motion f Spill near Silverton, CO.’’ to reconsider be considered made and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without laid upon the table with no intervening ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, objection, it is so ordered. action or debate; that no further mo- OCTOBER 5, 2015, AT 4 P.M. SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE tions be in order to the nomination; Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask that any statements related to the there is no further business to come be- unanimous consent that the Select nomination be printed in the RECORD; fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- Committee on Intelligence be author- that the President be immediately no- sent that it stand adjourned under the ized to meet during the session of the tified of the Senate’s action and the previous order. Senate on October 1, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. Senate then resume legislative session. There being no objection, the Senate, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without at 5:54 p.m., adjourned until Monday, objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. October 5, 2015, at 4 p.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC6.033 S01OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with SENATE October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1401 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE to do with their own bodies what they deter- 1. hundreds of thousands of low-income HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mine best until the point of viability. This deci- children losing access to Head Start pro- TO MAKE CORRECTIONS IN THE sion acknowledges the notion that the choice grams, ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 719 to have an abortion is excruciatingly difficult, 2. tens of thousands of children with disabil- and belongs exclusively with a woman, in con- ities losing federal funding for their special SPEECH OF sultation with her doctor and god. To subject education teachers and aides, HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS this right to the ideological whims of politicians 3. thousands of federal agents who will not OF FLORIDA flies in the face of years of Supreme Court ju- be able to secure the border, enforce drug IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES risprudence and is an unconscionable affront laws, combat violent crime or apprehend fugi- tives; and Wednesday, September 30, 2015 to women’s health. f 4. thousands of scientists without medical Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in grants to conduct research to find new treat- strong opposition to H. Con. Res. 79, which TSA OFFICE OF INSPECTION ments and cures for diseases like breast can- seeks to add language to the underlying Con- ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2015 cer and Alzheimer’s. tinuing Resolution before it is sent to the As a result of the failure to reach a budget President to eliminate federal funding for SPEECH OF agreement, we now find ourselves facing the Planned Parenthood and its affiliates for one HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Hobson’s choice of rejecting the Continuing year. OF TEXAS Resolution now pending which likely will result H. Con. Res. 79 is nothing more than a po- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in a cessation of government operations or ap- litical exercise in futility, and yet another at- Wednesday, September 30, 2015 proving the Continuing Resolution and con- tempt to appease extremists in the Republican tinuing adherence to the draconian spending Conference who are determined to limit wom- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise limits imposed by the Budget Control Act of en’s access to critical health care services. today to stop the government from shutting 2011. This concurrent resolution is substantively down. Faced with this dilemma, I reluctantly will identical to both the language in H.R. 3134, What we are doing today is budgeting or vote for H.R. 719 because in the cir- which the House has already passed and the appropriating but a desperate Hail Mary to cumstances it would be irresponsible to do Senate has refused to consider, and the Con- save thousands of jobs and prevent another otherwise. tinuing Resolution that was rejected by a bi- waste of $24 billion in lost economic produc- H.R. 719 is not perfect—far from it—but it is partisan majority of 47 to 52 in the Senate last tivity like we saw the last time House Repub- a modest and positive step toward preventing week. With just hours left to pass legislation to licans succeeded in shutting down the govern- Republicans from shutting down the govern- keep our government open, we should not be ment. ment again and manufacturing crises that only hindering access to women’s health care. Today I will vote for H.R. 719 even though harm our economy, destroy jobs, and weaken Mr. Speaker, opposition to these political it goes against sound fiscal practice by includ- our middle class. gimmicks is not limited to Democrats in Con- ing the budget gimmickry known as sequestra- The government shutdown of 2013, which gress. Earlier this week the fight over tion, a fiscal bludgeon that makes across the was manufactured by the Republican majority defunding Planned Parenthood and similar board cuts in funding for the valuable services lasted 16 days and cost taxpayers $24 billion. scuffles facilitated by fringe elements of the depended upon by American children, seniors, The cost to federal employees and the peo- Republican party lead to the resignation of the workers, veterans, students, and small busi- ple they serve cannot be calculated. Speaker of the House, and has divided the nesses. Mr. Speaker, as with any compromise there Republican conference so fervently that we Mr. Speaker, H.R. 719, ‘‘Continuing Appro- are some things in the agreement that I sup- can again expect a very real threat of a gov- priations for Fiscal Year 2016,’’ which extends port and some things that I strongly oppose. ernment shutdown in December. current Fiscal Year 2015 government funding For example, I support the provisions in the The reality is, the Continuing Resolution we for nearly all agencies through December 11, Continuing Resolution ensuring that funding are currently considering does not provide one 2015, at a rate equal to an annual level of for appropriated entitlements continue at a cent of federal funding for Planned Parent- $1.017 trillion, a level consistent with the com- rate maintaining program levels under current hood, as my Republican friend Representative bined top-line post-sequester discretionary law. TOM COLE, Chairman of the Appropriations spending caps for Fiscal Year 2016 set by the I also support the provisions allowing the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Budget Control Act. State Department, USAID, BBG, and related Services, Education and Related Agencies, H.R. 719 also provides funding for Overseas agencies to expend funds in the absence of astutely points out. Knowing this, I am both Contingency Operations, which are exempt an authorization, and authorizing continuation bewildered and outraged that we are using from the BCA caps, at a rate of $74.8 billion, of certain intelligence activities. precious time considering another bill de- an amount roughly equal to a continuation of I support the provisions in H.R. 719 that signed to restrict the constitutional reproduc- the Fiscal Year 2015 level. provide $700 million in emergency funding for tive rights of women to satisfy the extreme po- Mr. Speaker, I am disappointed that we government efforts to fight wildfires in Western litical agenda of a few in Congress. have again been placed in the position of hav- states and that give the VA budget flexibility to Planned Parenthood has long served as a ing to fund the government through the device finish construction of a facility in Denver. critical health safety net for millions of men of a continuing resolution rather than through Finally, I am very pleased that House Re- and women. Over 90 percent of the services the normal appropriations process of consid- publicans have jettisoned any serious efforts it provides are preventative in nature, including ering and voting on the twelve separate to shut down the government over the obses- cancer screenings, testing for sexually trans- spending bills reported by the Committee on sion with defunding Planned Parenthood and mitted infections, and family planning services. Appropriations. opposition to women’s reproductive rights. Indeed, each year Planned Parenthood cen- Although the House considered and passed On the other hand, I am very disappointed ters provide an average of 400,000 cervical several of the annual spending bills, none of that the Continuing Resolution again misses cancer screenings, 500,000 breast cancer them received consideration in the Senate be- the opportunity to reauthorize two critical pro- screenings, and nearly 4.5 million tests and cause of the refusal of the House leadership grams: the Export-Import Bank and the Land treatments for sexually transmitted infections. to reach agreement with the Senate on an ap- and Water Conservation Fund. Defunding this important organization and its propriate framework for all appropriations bills The Export-Import Bank provides critical fi- affiliates would do an immeasurable disservice that does not harm our economy or require nancing assistance—at no cost to taxpayers— to millions of Americans. draconian cuts to middle-class priorities. to small, medium, and large-sized U.S. busi- Like it or not, the Supreme Court’s ruling in Without such an agreement, House Repub- nesses, helping them to create jobs at home Roe v. Wade conferred upon women the right lican appropriation bills will result in: and sell products overseas.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.001 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2015 The Land and Water Conservation Fund is As I stated, Mr. Speaker, this Continuing long-lasting impacts through their leadership a bipartisan, popular, 50-year program that Resolution is not perfect and it only funds the and contributions to Jefferson County’s econ- uses royalties from federal oil and gas leases government until December 11, 2015, but it is omy, community and legacy. for land acquisition and parks across the better than the alternative we faced in 2013 As a third-generation Coloradan, Bob country. when House Republicans shut down the gov- earned a degree from Colorado State Univer- The LWCF program supports more than 6 ernment for 16 days and cost our economy sity in horticulture. In 1961, Bob founded million U.S. jobs connected with outdoor recre- $24 billion in lost economic productivity. Briggs Flower Shop and Garden Center. From ation at no cost to taxpayers. For that reason, I will vote for H.R. 719 and there, Bob became engaged in various com- Without action by Congress, LWCF will ex- renew my call that all members of the House munity and political activities in Jefferson pire on September 30, authorization for the and Senate work together and with the Presi- County, such as serving as Adams County Ex-Im Bank expired June 30, 2015, and has dent to reach agreement on an appropriate Commissioner. been hurting U.S. exporters and workers daily budget framework that ends sequestration but As Commissioner, he helped prevent the ever since. does not harm our economy or require draco- expansion of Stapleton Airport on to the Rocky I also strongly disapprove of the rescission nian cuts to middle-class priorities. Mountain Arsenal which ultimately led to the of $1.7 billion from the Children’s Health Insur- f construction of Denver International Airport ance Program (CHIP) and the across the (DIA). Bob also served as President of Adams board reduction in funding levels for most pro- MALNUTRITION AWARENESS WEEK County Economic Development for three grams and activities from their FY 2015 levels years. During his tenure, he helped in efforts by 0.21%. HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE to secure the South West Mall and build the Nevertheless, the agreement allows Con- OF OHIO Front Range Airport. Bob went on to be elect- gress to keep the federal government open to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed as a Council Member for Westminster in serve the American people and gives the Con- Thursday, October 1, 2015 2007. gress and the Administration ten weeks to Bob’s extracurricular work also had tremen- reach agreement on a fair and balanced budg- Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to bring at- dous impacts including his work on the board et that provides the funds for the investments tention to Malnutrition Awareness Week. I sa- of the Butterfly Pavilion where he helped in human capital and physical infrastructure lute those who fight against this underesti- spearhead the City Wide Trail system, a sys- needed to maintain American competitiveness mated but very important disease. While we tem that is responsible for 15 percent of West- in the global economy of the 21st century. often talk about hunger, obesity, food insecu- minster’s open space today. Bob also served And one of the most important things we rity and other topics that deal with what and as a board member of the Regional Transpor- can do is end the draconian sequestration that how we eat, we do not talk nearly enough tation District where he approved the project has been in effect since 2011. about the common thread that links these ideas that became FasTracks, TREX, and Mr. Speaker, to illustrate how strongly I feel issues together: malnutrition. Union Station Light Rail station. about the need to end sequestration, let me Though not commonly viewed as a medical Congratulations to Bob Briggs for this well- chronicle the severity of the suffering and pain concern in the U.S., malnutrition is a serious deserved honor by the West Chamber. I am inflicted by sequestration on the most vulner- disease that largely affects certain demo- grateful for his contributions to Jefferson able residents of Texas and the constituents graphic groups, such as older adults, hospital- County. that I serve. ized patients and minorities. For example, Head Start and Early Head Start services older African Americans have a significantly f were eliminated or severely impacted with ap- higher risk of malnutrition compared to their proximately 4,800 children being impacted white counterparts. IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 100TH throughout the state of Texas. A recent study estimated the economic bur- ANNIVERSARY OF THE CUM- Families in my district who rely on Federal den of community-based diseases associated BERLAND COUNTY ASSOCIATION Government programs like Head Start are with malnutrition to be $157 billion per year. OF TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS hurting. The pain did not start with the 2013 shut- Studies have further shown that chronic dis- down, but with sequestration which hit Head ease is often linked with malnutrition, and 1 in HON. LOU BARLETTA Start programs for 3 to 4 year olds in the 3 patients arrive at our hospitals malnour- OF PENNSYLVANIA Houston area hard: $5,341 million cut; 109 ished. This translates into higher health care IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Employees cut; 699 Slots for children cut. costs, increased readmission rates, and longer Thursday, October 1, 2015 Head Start and Early Head Start Programs hospital stays. We need real, cost-effective so- Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor were further stressed by the federal govern- lutions, particularly for those who need care to help commemorate the 100th anniversary of ment shutdown. the most. My support of Head Start and Early Head We also need more vigilance and action in the establishment of the Cumberland County Start is based on what I have seen and heard the area of good nutrition. Malnutrition screen- Association of Township Officials. Over the about programs like the AVANCE-Houston ing, assessment, and appropriate nutritional past century, the organization has consistently Early Head Start program serving parents and interventions for older adults could be vital to endeavored to advance the interests of Cum- children in the 18th Congressional District. them leading healthier lives and saving on berland County’s 18 townships and has dili- The AVANCE-Houston Early Head Start is a healthcare costs. We cannot afford to ignore gently served my constituents. program serving low income families in my such low-cost solutions. First established in 1915, the organization Houston Texas District. September 28 through October 2 has been continues to provide an arena for the discus- I have visited with AVANCE-Houston admin- designated as Malnutrition Awareness Week. sion of issues of local and regional impor- istrators many times to get an update on how Hopefully increased awareness about this tance. Furthermore, the association serves low-income families with infants and toddlers problem will lead to healthier aging of citizens over 400 township officials in Cumberland and pregnant women served by the program across all our communities. County by hosting informational conferences, were doing. f offering training opportunities, and advocating The AVANCE-Houston Early Head Start’s for its members at the county, state, and fed- mission is simple: AVANCE-Houston works for BOB BRIGGS eral levels. Most importantly, the organization healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant helps a range of supervisors, managers, sec- women, enhances the development of very HON. ED PERLMUTTER retaries, treasurers, tax collectors, and audi- young children, and promotes healthy family OF COLORADO tors develop a better understanding of the functioning. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rights and duties of township officials—an in- AVANCE-Houston serves nearly 1,800 chil- valuable educational service. Thursday, October 1, 2015 dren city wide; each of these families and their Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to recognize children are suffering the effects of the se- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Cumberland County Association of Town- questration. today to recognize and applaud Bob Briggs for ship Officials as it celebrates its 100th anniver- Sequestration has cost AVANCE-Houston receiving the Jefferson County 2015 Hall of sary. I am incredibly grateful for this commu- over $842,518 Head Start and Early Head Fame Award from the West Chamber. nity organization that strives every day to en- Start in lost funding and put on hold the head The Hall of Fame Award recognizes out- sure the future stability and prosperity of Cum- start on the future our children deserve. standing individuals who have had significant, berland County.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.002 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1403 IN RECOGNITION OF DIANE Commission. He was a founding member of community, with a career that spans fifty- CALLAHAN the Sustainability Taskforce, and he currently seven years and three very different indus- serves on the Citizens Sustainability Advisory tries. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Board and the Golden Visitors Center Board. Major Sparks joined the U.S. Marine Corps OF TEXAS Additionally, he supports the Golden History in 1954. After finishing first in his Drill Instruc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Museum, Landmarks Association, Foothills Art tor School in San Diego, Major Sparks went Thursday, October 1, 2015 Center, Miners Alley Playhouse and Colorado on to serve his country in the Vietnam War. Cowboy Gathering. He was one of two African Americans to re- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I congratulate James E. Dale for being the ceive Battlefield Commission. Furthermore, honor Ms. Diane Callahan, who is retiring after recipient of this well-deserved honor by Mayor Major Sparks continued to make strides as a 15 dedicated years of public service in High- Marjorie Sloan, and I thank him for his contin- service man when he was the first African land Village. The city has benefited immeas- ued commitment to the City of Golden. American officer to be chosen to command urably from her unfaltering precision, unfailing f Marines aboard a ship. Despite facing perva- commitment, and unwavering devotion to the sive racism and segregation, John Sparks residents she serves. HONORING TAIWAN’S 104TH climbed the ranks of the US Marine Corps Ms. Callahan began serving the City of NATIONAL DAY until he retired as a Major in 1978. Highland Village in 2000 as an administrative With the asset of military training and serv- secretary. She performed zealously in this role HON. SCOTT GARRETT ice, Major Sparks joined the business world. by compiling meticulous reports and utilizing OF NEW JERSEY After serving in the Marine Corps for over her comprehensive knowledge of city policy to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES twenty years, he worked as Director of Edu- the benefit of constituents and businesses cational Training at IBM for twenty years. Not Thursday, October 1, 2015 alike. In 2008, after several years of ardent done giving back to his community, Major work and study she earned her Texas Reg- Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Sparks subsequently taught at Booker T. istered Municipal Clerk certification. In 2011, recognize Taiwan’s 104th National Day on Oc- Washington high school for thirteen years be- Ms. Callahan was appointed City Secretary of tober 10th, also known as Double Ten Day. fore retiring. Highland Village. In large part due to her ef- Both the United States and Taiwan share Major Sparks has spent his professional ca- forts, the City of Highland Village has operated the belief that remembering our countries’ her- reer educating, leading and serving the Amer- efficiently and reliably, thereby solidifying the itage is critical to forging a path to a better to- ican people in a number of different industries. quality of life residents of the city have come morrow. Only a few decades ago, Taiwan was There is much that can be said about Major to enjoy. an authoritarian state. Yet today, presidents Sparks’ diverse career. He undoubtedly Ms. Callahan had an extensive breadth of and legislators are elected through a peaceful, opened doors for those that served after him duties as Highland Village’s City Secretary. democratic process. I applaud Taiwan for in the armed services. He has helped educate She was responsible for keeping all seven cherishing these liberties rather than taking and inspire both young minds and young pro- council members informed on city events and them for granted. fessionals. He has been not only a leader in developments as well as maintaining city ordi- The United States has been a close ally of the military but also within his own community. nances, coordinating municipal and special Taiwan for many years, and our friendship is Mr. Speaker, I rise today to not only honor elections, and responding in a timely manner solidified by our core set of shared values. the impressive achievements of this man, but to public information requests. Ms. Callahan Justice, rule of law, human rights, and free- also to commend his compassionate contribu- performed these duties with sterling customer dom of the press are treasured by people in tions to my Congressional district and to the service. both the United States and Taiwan. Further- great State of Georgia. I ask my colleagues to In 2014, Ms. Callahan attained the title of more, Taiwan is an important security and join me in honoring this distinguished indi- Certified Municipal Clerk, an award distributed economic partner of the United States. vidual. by the International Institute of Municipal As a member of the Congressional Taiwan f Clerks, in recognition of her vast experience Caucus, I am pleased to see Taiwan’s admis- and attendance at an exhaustive number of sion to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation RECOGNIZING MR. JOSEPH educational programs. Additionally, Ms. Cal- group and World Trade Organization, as well SCIAME, RECIPIENT OF THE lahan was honored by the North Texas Munic- as Taiwan’s observer status at the World SONS OF ITALY’S 2015 ipal Clerks Association as the 2015 Municipal Health Organization. However, Taiwan and its GUGLIELMO MARCONI AWARD Clerk of the Year. This most recent achieve- 23 million people are still not fully represented ment is a testimony to the professional reputa- in the United Nations. It is vital for the United HON. KATHLEEN M. RICE tion she has built with her commitment to ex- States to continue to stand with Taiwan by OF NEW YORK cellence. supporting its meaningful participation in inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As Ms. Callahan retires, she is highly es- national bodies. This is why I have introduced Thursday, October 1, 2015 teemed by her colleagues and the community H. Con. Res. 76, which supports Taiwan’s full she has served for 15 years, and she will be membership in the United Nations. I urge my Miss RICE of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise greatly missed. It is my privilege to honor such colleagues in Congress to join me in sup- today in recognition of Mr. Joseph Sciame, a an outstanding citizen and serve the City of porting Taiwan’s full and equal membership in resident of New Hyde Park, New York and Highland Village in the U.S. House of Rep- the United Nations and other international or- life-long public servant who recently received resentatives. ganizations. the Sons of Italy’s 2015 Guglielmo Marconi f I would again like to congratulate the people Award, which is presented biennially to an JAMES E. DALE of Taiwan on their 104th National Day. This Italian American who has made significant anniversary is a time to remember the sac- contributions to the United States. HON. ED PERLMUTTER rifices of the past and to look ahead to a Mr. Sciame is truly deserving of this honor, promising future. as he has worked tirelessly throughout his life OF COLORADO f to serve others and strengthen the commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nities in which he lives and works. Mr. Sciame Thursday, October 1, 2015 IN VENERATION OF RETIRED currently serves as Vice President of Commu- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise MAJOR JOHN SPARKS nity Relations at St. John’s University, the today to recognize and applaud James E. largest Catholic university in the United States. Dale for receiving the Golden Mayor’s Award HON. DAVID SCOTT As a St. John’s alumnus and university admin- for Excellence. OF GEORGIA istrator for three decades, Mr. Sciame has The Golden Mayor’s Award for Excellence IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES truly dedicated his life to serving the school recognizes organizations, businesses and indi- and its surrounding community. He also Thursday, October 1, 2015 viduals that significantly contribute to the serves as a board member of the Jamaica wellbeing and improvement of the City of Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, and Staten Island Chambers of Commerce, Golden. I rise today to pay tribute to the accomplish- the Kupferberg Holocaust Center, and the Boy Jim has served on the Citizens’ Budget Ad- ments of the retired Major John Sparks. Major Scouts of America, and chairs the Board of visory Committee and the Golden Planning Sparks is a trailblazer for the African American Ethics of the Town of North Hempstead. Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC8.003 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2015 Sciame is the former Chairman of the National HONORING MALAKOFF puted waters. As a result of these efforts, a Association of Student Aid Administrators, and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL challenging world is in many ways a better has long been active in the field of financial place. I offer my thanks to Taiwan for their aid and higher education, both in New York HON. JEB HENSARLING commitment democracy and stability in Asia and nationwide. OF TEXAS and my best wishes to their people they ob- serve and celebrate Double Ten Day. As a proud and active Italian American, Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sciame’s commitment to public service ex- Thursday, October 1, 2015 f tends beyond St. John’s University. He cur- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, today I EMMY DIMITROFF rently serves as Chairman of the Conference would like to honor Malakoff Elementary of Presidents of Major Italian American Orga- School of the Malakoff Independent School HON. ED PERLMUTTER nizations and was the former National and District from the Fifth Congressional District of OF COLORADO State President and Foundation Trustee of the Texas for excellence in education. Malakoff El- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sons of Italy, the largest and oldest Italian ementary School was named to the United Thursday, October 1, 2015 American fraternal organization. States Department of Education’s 2015 Blue I would like to congratulate Mr. Sciame on Ribbon Schools Program, which: ‘‘recognizes Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and applaud Emmy receiving the 2015 Guglielmo Marconi Award, public and private elementary, middle, and Dimitroff for receiving the Golden Mayor’s the Sons of Italy’s highest honor, and thank high schools where students perform at very Award for Excellence. him for his service to our district and country. high levels or where significant improvements are being made in students’ levels of aca- The Golden Mayor’s Award for Excellence Mr. Sciame is a testament to the valuable con- recognizes organizations, businesses and indi- tributions that Italian Americans have made to demic achievement.’’ Malakoff Elementary School’s performance viduals that significantly contribute to the the United States throughout our history, and illustrates the commitment and dedication of wellbeing and improvement of the City of it is a tremendous honor to count him among the school board, administrators, teachers, Golden. my constituents. and staff who provide students with a quality Raised and schooled in Golden, Emmy has education. The school district, parents, stu- become a community leader through her six f dents, and community should be applauded years of service on the Parks and Recreation for this achievement. Advisory Board, her work at the Clear Creek JOHN TRACY Mr. Speaker, as the representative for the History Park and her leadership in Mitchell El- Fifth Congressional District of Texas, I would ementary School’s Environmental Learning for like to commend Malakoff Elementary School the Future. Additionally, she is a substitute HON. ED PERLMUTTER for their continued educational achievements. teacher in the Jefferson County School Sys- OF COLORADO f tem. I congratulate Emmy Dimitroff for being the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NATIONAL DAY OF THE REPUBLIC recipient of this well-deserved honor by Mayor OF CHINA Thursday, October 1, 2015 Marjorie Sloan, and I thank Emmy for her con- tinued commitment to the people and families Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. JOHN SHIMKUS of Golden. today to recognize and applaud John Tracy for OF ILLINOIS f receiving the Jefferson County 2015 Hall of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fame Award from the West Chamber. NATIONAL DAY OF THE REPUBLIC Thursday, October 1, 2015 OF CHINA (TAIWAN) The Hall of Fame Award recognizes out- Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, October 10th is standing individuals who have had significant, the national day of the Republic of China (Tai- long-lasting impacts through their leadership HON. BARRY LOUDERMILK wan). This day commemorates the launch of OF GEORGIA and contributions to Jefferson County’s econ- the Wuchang Uprising of 1911, which in turn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES omy, community and legacy. led to the establishment of the Republic of Thursday, October 1, 2015 John Tracy has shown a lifelong dedication China (Taiwan) on January 1, 1912. As the to the Jefferson County community. John’s ex- United States and Taiwan share a close rela- Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, as Amer- tensive involvement in three local Chambers tionship, I would like to take this opportunity to ica joins in the celebration of the National Day of Commerce—Golden, West and Wheat wish the people of Taiwan a very Happy Dou- of the Republic of China (Taiwan), it is reflec- Ridge—has helped to bring in new members, ble Ten Day. tive of the strong relationship between Taiwan create new community events, and support The relationship between the United States and the United States. economic development in the region. and Taiwan is both deep and longstanding, Located in a challenging regional environ- and encompass areas including security, cul- ment, Taiwan has manifested its representa- For the past ten years, John has served on ture, and trade. Taiwan is the 10th largest tive democracy as they strive to ensure a sta- the Jefferson County Business Lobby and the trading partner for the U.S., while the U.S. is ble, strong government. Their thriving econ- Lakewood Legacy Foundation. He has also Taiwan’s largest foreign investor. In 2014, omy demonstrates their disciplined pursuit in held positions with the Golden Chamber 24% of Taiwan’s total agricultural imports fostering freedom and moral principles within Downtown Merchants and Golden Good Gov- came from the U.S. Since 1993, Taiwan has their borders. The people of Taiwan are de- ernment League for more than 20 years. In been the 7th largest overseas market for U.S. voted to principles of liberty and self-govern- addition, John helped found both the agricultural exports. In 2014, Taiwan imported ance, and they display a remarkable work Applewood Business Association and the nearly $3.5 billion of U.S. agricultural products, ethic within their communities. Wheat Ridge Business Association. up 10 percent from the previous year, making Since the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), Currently, John owns his own publishing Taiwan one of the world’s largest consumers signed in December of 1978, the United company, John Tracy Publishing. In 2011, the for U.S. agricultural products on a per capita States stands with Taiwan, seeking to help City of Golden awarded John with the ‘Golden basis. I am pleased that the 2015 Taiwan Ag- maintain their peace and security. Marked by Living Landmark Award’ for his exceptional ricultural Trade Goodwill Mission just com- the TRA, America will continue to provide suf- and diverse involvement in the community. pleted a successful visit to the United States ficient self-defense capabilities for Taiwan, in Additionally, he has been recognized with including my home state of Illinois. order to safeguard their homeland. Taiwan also has proven its leadership in the Taiwan has proven to be a generous con- Golden Rotary’s ‘Service Above Self’ award global arena through its commitment to de- tributor to global efforts in fighting against dis- and the Golden Chamber’s ‘Charlie O’Brien mocracy, by contributing to international devel- ease and illness, and has been heavily in- Award.’ opment and humanitarian missions, and volved in humanitarian assistance. They aided Congratulations to John Tracy for this well- through bold diplomatic initiatives such as West Africa when faced with the Ebola out- deserved honor by the West Chamber. I am President Ma’s East China Sea Peace Initia- break, they provided Latin America and the grateful for his contributions to Jefferson tive and his South China Sea Peace Initiative, Caribbean region training in preparedness and County. which seek to reduce tensions in those dis- response for emergency situations, and they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC8.006 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1405 have responded to crises by delivering pre- In addition to his successful career and un- White River Valley in Branson, Missouri, who fabricated shelters and disaster relief to nu- wavering leadership in his community, Deputy traveled to Haiti this June and August to help merous countries. They even charitably do- Myers will be remembered as a dedicated offi- provide sustainable seven-day-a-week electric nated $1 million towards a memorial for Presi- cer and a man full of integrity and kindness. service to Haitians. dent Eisenhower on the National Mall in To his family and friends, he will always be re- Cory Brandon Sanders, Raymond Roy, Wil- Washington, DC. Their involvement in world- membered as a loving husband, father, and liam Gyger, William Marr, Matthew Maggard, wide affairs shows their genuine care and con- grandfather. Mark Visnosky, and Jacob Kennedy donated cern for America and our neighbors across the Mr. Speaker, on behalf of a grateful commu- their time and talents as part of the National globe. nity and Nation, I am humbled to honor the Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s The United States is committed to sup- service and sacrifice of this local hero. My wife (NRECA) Haiti Rural Electric Cooperative porting Taiwan and remaining their ally, and Vicki and I offer our sincere condolences to (HREC) program. will help them in their efforts to pursue free- his wife, Jan; sons, Sean, Eric, and Adam; This project is the first formal privately dom and democracy. and the entire Myers family. May God bless owned and operated distribution utility in the f them and all members of our Nation’s law en- country, which intends to demonstrate the fea- forcement community. sibility of solar-diesel hybrid power generation HONORING THE SERVICE AND SAC- f for isolated rural mini-grids. The goal that RIFICE OF DEPUTY SHERIFF GRETCHEN CERVENY these men worked toward making 1,600 con- WILLIAM ‘‘BILL’’ MYERS nections within a grid to unite the underserved Haitian communes of Roche-a-Bateau, HON. JEFF MILLER HON. ED PERLMUTTER Coteaux, and Port-a-Piment. OF COLORADO OF FLORIDA Mr. Speaker, these 7 selfless linemen from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Southwest Missouri deserve our thanks and Thursday, October 1, 2015 Thursday, October 1, 2015 recognition for their dedication to the HREC’s Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise noble goal of bringing affordable and reliable Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is today to recognize and applaud Gretchen power to the southern coast of Haiti. Stories with both profound sadness and deep grati- Cerveny for receiving the Jefferson County like theirs make me ever-prouder to serve Mis- tude that I pay tribute to Deputy Sheriff Wil- 2015 Hall of Fame Award from the West souri’s Seventh Congressional District. liam Myers, of the Okaloosa County, Florida Chamber. f Sheriff’s Office, who gave his life in the line of The Hall of Fame Award recognizes out- duty on September 22, 2015. Deputy Myers standing individuals who have had significant, REAUTHORIZE THE LAND AND served our Nation and the Okaloosa Sheriff’s long-lasting impacts through their leadership WATER CONSERVATION FUND Office with honor and distinction, and I am and contributions to Jefferson County’s econ- humbled to recognize his service and selfless omy, community and legacy. HON. RON KIND sacrifice. Gretchen started her career as a physical OF WISCONSIN Deputy Sheriff William ‘‘Bill’’ Myers dedi- therapist and served as the president of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cated his life to serving his country. He faith- American Physical Therapy Association Thursday, October 1, 2015 fully served in the United States Air Force for (APTA) Colorado chapter. Her work in this 20 years, during which he was awarded the area received several awards, including the Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I am here today to Meritorious Service Medal. After he left the Bob Doctor Service Award from the Colorado speak out in favor of reauthorizing the Land military, Deputy Myers worked as a part-time Chapter of the APTA, Outstanding Physical and Water Conservation Fund. As you know, Officer with the Valparaiso Police Department. Therapist of the Year from the APTA (1980), the Land and Water Conservation Fund was In December 1989, he joined the Okaloosa and a recognition from Lutheran Medical Cen- established fifty years ago and has since be- County Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy Sheriff ter for her twenty-five years of service, some come our nation’s most successful conserva- serving the local Northwest Florida community. of which as the Physical Therapist Department tion program—all without spending a single During his tenure, he served in the Patrol Divi- Head (1976–1994). dime of taxpayer dollars. I wish to show my sion, Court Security, and the Traffic Unit. Dep- In 1997, Gretchen was elected Mayor of strong support for reauthorization of the Land uty Myers retired from the Okaloosa County Wheat Ridge where she participated in groups and Water Conservation Fund. Sheriff’s Department on November 30, 2013 such as the Colorado Municipal League, Stra- The Land and Water Conservation Fund is with 25 years of service, but continued his tegic Visioning Committee, Juvenile Justice a crucial component of our nation’s conserva- work with the agency as a volunteer. In Janu- Committee, Transportation Committee, and tion initiatives. As an avid hunter and out- ary of this year, Deputy Myers returned to the Tax Policy Committee, among others. She doorsman, I believe that preserving our na- Sheriff’s Office as a part-time Deputy in Judi- worked extensively with the Senior Resource tion’s natural treasures for future generations cial Process. Upon serving a Domestic Vio- Center (SRC) and helped to reauthorize the is a responsibility that we must take seriously. lence Injunction on Tuesday, September 22, Older Americans Act. Her efforts as Mayor Not only is stewardship of our lands the right 2015, the suspect who was expected to turn have been recognized by the Denver Regional thing to do, but it’s also a sound investment. over his firearms, instead opened fire, fatally Council of Governments and the National As- We know that every dollar spent acquiring injuring Deputy Myers. sociation of Parliamentarians. LWCF land creates a return of four dollars to Through his military service and his law en- Gretchen spent five years on the Colorado local communities. Outdoor recreation activi- forcement career, Deputy Myers made a Commission on Aging and remains involved ties contribute significantly to our national and choice to stand up and serve his country and with the SRC. Gretchen also serves on the state economies. In my home state of Wis- community. There is no greater honor than to Jefferson County Aging Well Committee and is consin, outdoor recreational activities con- serve and protect the lives of your fellow man an active member of the Wheat Ridge Busi- tribute over $9.7 billion to our state economy at the risk of your own. Deputy Myers exempli- ness Association. each year. fied the dedication to service and courage that Congratulations to Gretchen Cerveny for The Land and Water Conservation Fund is needed to make that decision and put on this well-deserved honor by the West Cham- has helped to create outdoor recreation oppor- the uniform. As a law enforcement officer, ber. I am grateful for her contributions to Jef- tunities for each and every state. Wisconsin Deputy Myers put himself in danger each and ferson County. has received $211 million to fund such every day to protect and serve our community. f projects as the Chequamegon-Nicolet National We all entrust our lives to law enforcement of- HONORING HAITI RURAL ELECTRIC Forest, the Lower St. Croix National Scenic ficers because we know that when faced with COOPERATIVE LINEMEN River, and the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, serious criminal threats, they are trained to act where the Land and Water Conservation Fund quickly and effectively to neutralize the threat participated in a highly successful public-pri- and protect civilian lives. We all pray that our HON. BILLY LONG vate partnership to preserve additional sec- OF MISSOURI officers do not have to confront a serious tions of the trail. LWCF’s grant programs have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES armed threat, but we sleep well at night know- also allowed state and local governments to ing that if necessary they stand ready to pro- Thursday, October 1, 2015 decide which conservation programs work tect and defend our community, even if that Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in best for them. The Land and Water Conserva- means making the ultimate sacrifice. honor of 7 volunteer electric linemen from tion Fund’s highly successful grant program

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC8.019 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2015 matches federal dollars with state and local Force, where he served his country honorably. premier Local History and Genealogy collec- contributions to ensure a cooperative ap- In addition to his love of country was his love tions in Michigan and the greater Midwest. proach to conserving our nation’s environ- of golf. It goes without saying that as a two- Hoyt Library has served as a government doc- ment. In Wisconsin, the LWCF has contributed time Staten Island Amateur Golf Champion, he uments depository for all 125 years of oper- $3,675,681 to match state and local conserva- certainly knows his way around the greens. ation. Beyond its historically significant ar- tion projects and to help us preserve Wiscon- After his service in the Air Force, Ed be- chives and up-to-date print collections, the Li- sin’s beautiful outdoors. came a PGA Professional at Silver Lake Golf brary provides meeting spaces and quiet read- For the past fifty years, the Land and Water Course, where he served for over 20 years. ing nooks along with internet access com- Conservation Fund has played an integral role Among his former students there include PGA puters and Wi-Fi for today’s technologically in achieving our nation’s conservation goals. I Tour Member Bill Britton and Staten Island savvy library users. The library staff remains urge my colleagues to support reauthorization Amateur and Classic champions Pete Meurer, dedicated to providing professional library pro- of the Land and Water Conservation Fund so Rod Stilwell, and Ed Sorge, Jr. After leaving grams and services to all who enter. that we can continue to protect our wildlife, Silver Lake Golf Course in 1988, Ed continued Mr. Speaker, I applaud the work done by create opportunities and access to public his work as a PGA Professional for an addi- the Hoyt Library in Saginaw and thank them lands for sportsmen and women, and provide tional 20 years, conducting numerous junior for the service they have provided to the city economic benefits to our state and local com- golf clinics. of Saginaw. munities. Since 2009, Ed has volunteered with sev- f f eral charitable organizations in his community. He has devoted his time at myriad golf events CHRISTIAN ACTION GUILD PREMIUM PANELS, INC. to raise money for charity by directing clinics before the shotgun starts and participating in HON. ED PERLMUTTER HON. ED PERLMUTTER ‘‘Beat the Pro’’ competitions on a par three OF COLORADO OF COLORADO hole during the rounds. Alongside his devotion IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to volunteering, Ed’s goal as a PGA profes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 1, 2015 sional is to make the game of golf enjoyable Thursday, October 1, 2015 for everyone. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, Edward Sorge’s dedication to today to recognize and applaud the Christian today to recognize Premium Panels Inc. in Ar- charity and improving his community is the es- Action Guild (CAG) for receiving the Golden vada, Colorado for being honored by Colorado sence of the model Staten Islander. I thank Mayor’s Award for Excellence. Companies to Watch (CCTW). him for all of his great work and I am proud The Golden Mayor’s Award for Excellence CCTW is a unique awards program that rec- to honor this great American from New York’s recognizes organizations, businesses and indi- ognizes and celebrates the contribution and 11th District. viduals that significantly contribute to the innovation of diverse second-stage companies f wellbeing and improvement of the City of that exemplify strong management and com- Golden. munity service involvement. While there are CONGRATULATING THE HOYT LI- For 49 years, the Christian Action Guild has many outstanding companies in Colorado, BRARY OF SAGINAW ON THEIR provided food, clothing and financial assist- Premium Panels Inc. was chosen based on 125TH ANNIVERSARY ance to Golden residents in need. Each their positive impact on economic growth in month, CAG serves over 400 at-risk Golden the region. HON. DANIEL T. KILDEE families, individuals and members of the Premium Panels began in 2000 as a sin- OF MICHIGAN homeless community, providing personal prod- gular operation in Arvada, Colorado with Jeff IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ucts, canned goods, and fresh food items. Patch at the helm. Today, the company has I congratulate the Christian Action Guild for Thursday, October 1, 2015 approximately 34 employees and has grown to being the recipient of this well-deserved honor be a leader in metal roofing panels for com- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the United by Mayor Marjorie Sloan and I thank all the mercial and residential roofing. States House of Representatives to join me in members of the CAG for their continued com- The spirit of the Premium Panels organiza- recognizing the Hoyt Library on the occasion mitment to the people and families they serve. tion is fueled by strong company values of in- of their 125th year of continuous service. It f tegrity, respect, customer satisfaction, and stands today as a shining example of a beau- education. They are strong advocates for the tiful, historic, and functional modern library. COMMEMORATING NATIONAL DAY roofing industry. Through volunteerism with In 1890, The Saginaw Evening News de- OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA the Colorado Roofers Association, Premium clared the Hoyt Library ‘‘a noble institution’’ Panels helps educate roofers on safety meas- and ‘‘the pride of all Saginawians.’’ The library HON. LEONARD LANCE ures and new and improved installation meth- was a gift to the people of Saginaw from New OF NEW JERSEY ods. York businessman Jesse Hoyt (1815 through IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1882), who had real estate and lumber inter- I congratulate Premium Panels Inc. and all Thursday, October 1, 2015 of their employees for being recognized as a ests in the Saginaw Valley. Hoyt’s will set Colorado Company to Watch. I am proud of aside $100,000 for a public library in East Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the service they provide our community and Saginaw. After a national competition among commemorate the National Day of the Repub- am certain their service will continue to benefit leading architects, the Hoyt Trust chose the lic of China and to highlight the close relation- the roofing industry and our communities for Boston architectural firm of Van Brunt and ship between Taiwan and the United States of decades to come. Howe. When the Richardsonian Romanesque America. October 10th marks the anniversary f style building was completed it exemplified of the creation of the Republic of China in modern library construction. The present build- 1912. National Day celebrates Taiwanese de- RECOGNIZING EDWARD SORGE ing includes a 1921 addition by Edward Tilton mocracy, its culture and its accomplished peo- of New York and a 1960 addition by Frederick ple and this occasion provides the United HON. DANIEL M. DONOVAN, JR. E. Wigen Architects of Saginaw. States an opportunity to celebrate our great OF NEW YORK Harriet Ames, the first librarian at Hoyt, was ally. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a Boston scholar and a pioneer in librarianship As a leader in the Asia Pacific region, Tai- who brought her passion for good books and wan has experienced incredible economic Thursday, October 1, 2015 reading to a commercial Midwestern boom- growth and stability throughout its history. With Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to town. She served Saginaw for over 30 years a population of over 23 million people and a recognize the untiring dedication of Staten Is- and brought cultural and educational advance- trillion dollar GDP, Taiwan has proved to be land’s Edward Sorge in his service to the com- ment not just to Saginaw, but to the entire one of Asia’s economic engines. The Tai- munity. state of Michigan through her dedication to wanese economy has maintained an impres- Born on October 6, 1934, Edward has re- scholarly pursuits. sive economic growth rate and has risen to be mained a lifelong Staten Islander. After grad- Sparked by Ms. Ames, the Hoyt Library re- the 10th-largest trade partner of the United uating from New Dorp High School in 1952, mains a fixture in the cultural and educational States. Taiwan continues to be an example to Ed’s patriotism led him to enlist in the U.S. Air realm in Michigan. It is home to one of the other economies around the world.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC8.022 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1407 The friendship between our two Nations has Glesser, the founders and owners of Spyderco School, and as a mentor of the Dunbar class been mutually prosperous since we joined in Knives for receiving the Golden Mayor’s of 1955. unity in the Pacific Theatre in World War II. Award for Excellence. f With this year marking 70 years since the end The Golden Mayor’s Award for Excellence of the War, our Nation should reflect on how recognizes organizations, businesses and indi- THE CENTENNIAL OF CONGREGA- this unique alliance has had such a positive viduals that significantly contribute to the TION BETH SHALOM RODFE impact on both countries. wellbeing and improvement of the City of ZEDEK The trust and respect built between our two Golden. Nations since that time have resulted in tre- The Glessers founded Spyderco in 1978 HON. JOE COURTNEY mendous technology innovation and global re- and have expanded their company into a mul- OF CONNECTICUT sources integration. The cooperation between timillion-dollar business, employing more than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Taiwan and the United States has enabled the 80 people in their new facility. Sal and Gail Thursday, October 1, 2015 two countries to enhance each other’s contribute to the Golden community through Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise strengths and nurture industries that create their support of local events and organizations to congratulate the entire Congregation Beth jobs and opportunities for both nations. such as the USA Pro Challenge, the Jeffco Shalom Rodfe Zedek on their 100th year of The cooperation between Taiwan and the Innovator’s Workshop, Foothills Art Center, the providing a place for spiritual growth and gath- United States should be a global model for ci- local Alzheimer’s Chapter, the Parkinson’s ering to the Jewish community in Chester and vility, respect, prosperity and peace. Foundation, and the Pink Fire Trucks program. the surrounding area. This Congregation has Mr. Speaker, on National Day we are all re- Additionally, Spyderco has raised tons of food grown from two small groups of farmers who minded how strategically important our mutu- and product donations through employee food more than a century ago sought a place to ally respectful relationship has been for the drives. gather and worship, to a thriving community Republic of China and the United States. I congratulate Sal and Gail Glesser for and religious center that is a cornerstone of f being the recipients of this well-deserved my Congressional district. honor by Mayor Marjorie Sloan, and I thank PERSONAL EXPLANATION In the 1800s, Jews in Connecticut primarily them for their continued commitment to the worshiped in small minyans in their homes. people and families of Golden. But as the Jewish community in our region HON. BETTY McCOLLUM f grew, leaders sought larger, public places to OF MINNESOTA RECOGNIZING THELMA FAGIN worship. In the mid-1990s, Temple Beth Sha- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HYMAN lom and Congregation Rodfe Zedek merged to Thursday, October 1, 2015 become the community that exists today. The building in which they hold services is also a Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, last week I HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON testament to their creativity and collaboration. attended my son’s wedding in Japan causing OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The new, permanent home for the congrega- me to miss the Pope’s historic address to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion is the result of work by artist Sol LeWitt Congress as well as votes on September 24 Thursday, October 1, 2015 and local architect Stephen Lloyd. The syna- and 25, 2015. gogue pays homage to tradition, made with Had I been present, I would have voted in Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to wooden beams in the style of old eastern Eu- support of the following bills and amendments. ask the House of Representatives to join me ropean synagogues—many of which were de- 1. H.R. 322 in recognizing Thelma Fagin Hyman, who de- stroyed in the Holocaust. It is this commitment 2. Lowenthal Amendment to H.R. 348 voted her professional life to teaching in the to history—and an eye towards the future— 3. Grijalva Amendment to H.R. 348 segregated school system of the District of that will continue to sustain this congregation 4. Gallego Amendment to H.R. 348 Columbia and who continued teaching for years after the historic U.S. Supreme Court for years to come. 5. Jackson Lee Amendment #1 to H.R. 348 I now ask my colleagues to join me in con- 6. Dingell Amendment to H.R. 348 decision in Brown v. Board of Education ended segregation in the District and else- gratulating Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek on 100 7. Jackson Lee Amendment #2 to H.R. 348 years of community and congregation, and 8. Peters/Polis/Lowenthal/Lieu Amendment where. The Dunbar Senior High School class of wish them all the best for the next century of to H.R. 348 Jewish life in eastern Connecticut. 9. Johnson (GA) Amendment to H.R. 348 1955, which celebrates its 60th anniversary 10. Democratic Motion to Recommit H.R. this year, particularly thanks Ms. Hyman for f 348 her dedication as a teacher and recognizes HUNGER AND MALNUTRITION Had I been present I would have voted in her as a mentor of the class of 1955. opposition to the following bills and amend- Thelma Fagin Hyman was born January 29, HON. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM 1917, at Freeman’s Hospital (now Howard ments. OF NEW MEXICO University Hospital) and educated in District of 1. Gosar Amendment to H.R. 348 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2. Final Passage of H.R. 348 Columbia public schools. She received her Thursday, October 1, 2015 f Bachelor of Science from Howard University and her Master of Arts from Columbia Univer- Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New PERSONAL EXPLANATION sity. Before returning to Dunbar High School in Mexico. Mr. Speaker, hunger and malnutrition 1946, Ms. Hyman taught physical education at affect millions of Americans every day. I have HON. KEVIN BRADY Cardozo High School and Turner Jr. High witnessed this in my home state of New Mex- OF TEXAS School in D.C. She remained at Dunbar until ico, which has some of the highest hunger IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES she retired in 1964. She was married to Vin- rates in the country. These rates are espe- cent Fagin for 38 years until his death. Later, cially high among vulnerable populations, such Thursday, October 1, 2015 she married Harold Hyman. as children and seniors. Many working families Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on roll- Ms. Hyman taught physical education to have to rely on food banks and church-spon- call No. 528, had I been present, I would have many students in the Dunbar class of 1955. sored meal programs to put food on the table. voted no. She personified the excellence and dedication Often times, these families live in food deserts f Dunbar teachers brought to their work. The and cannot access affordable and healthy class of 1955 believes it most appropriate to foods, which puts them at risk of becoming SAL AND GAIL GLESSER recognize one of its outstanding teachers as malnourished. the class celebrates its 60th anniversary. At Nearly 16 million American children face HON. ED PERLMUTTER 98, Thelma Fagin Hyman is as lively today as hunger, and most of the food they receive is OF COLORADO she was as a teacher at Dunbar. not considered healthy; rather, their parents IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Along with the class of 1955, I ask the are more inclined to buy the most affordable House of Representatives to join me in com- food available. The lack of access to healthy Thursday, October 1, 2015 mending Thelma Fagin Hyman for her dedica- food hurts a child’s development, including Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise tion as a teacher in the District of Columbia physical and mental health, academic achieve- today to recognize and applaud Sal and Gail public schools, particularly at Dunbar High ment and future economic prosperity.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.003 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2015 Seniors are among the most physically vul- been recognized with several awards, includ- PERSONAL EXPLANATION nerable to hunger. They face unique nutritional ing West Chamber Businessman of the Year, requirements, medical conditions and mobility The Sentinel Newspaper Man of the Year, and HON. KEVIN BRADY restrictions. In addition to the lack of access to The Rocky Mountain News Milestone Award. OF TEXAS nutritious foods, many seniors are not able to Congratulations to Thomas Murray for this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES absorb certain foods, compromising their well-deserved honor by the West Chamber. I Thursday, October 1, 2015 health and putting them at risk for increased am grateful for his contributions to Jefferson Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on roll- long-term care and hospitalization. County. Although hunger and malnutrition affect so call No. 527, had I been present, I would have many in our communities, Congress is not voted yes. f doing enough to address these issues. In- f stead, we’ve seen Congress try time after time CELEBRATING THE 65TH ANNIVER- IN RECOGNITION OF WORKING to cut funding for the Supplemental Nutrition SARY OF DALLAS CHRISTIAN AMERICANS AND MANUFAC- Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides COLLEGE TURING DAY food for more than 45 million Americans. We’ve also seen Congress attempt to roll back HON. GENE GREEN school meal standards, which are aimed to im- HON. KENNY MARCHANT OF TEXAS prove nutrition among children. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cutting funding for nutritional programs will OF TEXAS Thursday, October 1, 2015 not save the federal government money. We IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES know that hunger and malnutrition increase Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, risk of illness and result in longer hospital Thursday, October 1, 2015 I rise to recognize the hard working men and stays, slower healing, greater risk for re-hos- women of Northside and Eastside Houston pitalizations and complications. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and Harris County, Texas and the valuable As a government so concerned about health to celebrate 65 years of successful expansion contributions manufacturers give to our local care costs, how are we not laser-focused on of education and Christianity through Dallas economy. the nutritional status of patients? We seek so- Christian College founded right outside of The 29th District of Texas is one of the larg- lutions for health care costs every day, par- downtown Dallas in 1950. est manufacturing districts in the country. Home to the Port of Houston, the Houston ticularly from those dually eligible for Medicare Dallas Christian College (DCC) was estab- Ship Channel, and the largest petrochemical and Medicaid. However, it is clear that nutri- lished by church leaders and an enthusiastic tional status deserves more attention. complex in the country, over 31,000 people and determined man named Vernon Newland. work in the refineries, chemical plants, pipe September 28 through October 2 has been Vernon had a tough childhood that would push designated as Malnutrition Awareness Week. and metal manufacturers and machine shops him to strive for a better life for himself and throughout our district. Let us use this as a call to action to increase others. Being sent to live with his grandmother Many of these jobs demand technical skills, awareness and find solutions that support bet- at the age of nine Vernon wanted to share training, and years of experience and have ter nutrition for our communities. Healthy citi- God with people all over the world. As Vernon provided good, middle class wages that have zens mean a healthy society and healthy and several family members were traveling to paid off many house notes and college tuition economy. conduct mission work they were sent to a Jap- bills in my district. f anese internment camp shortly after arriving in For the third year in a row, Houston leads THOMAS MURRAY the Philippines. They remained there for al- the nation in merchandise exports—sending most three years as they were taken right $119 billion in manufactured goods overseas. after Pearl Harbor had occurred. It was when The majority of these exports are related to HON. ED PERLMUTTER Vernon and his family members returned to the oil, gas, and chemical industries. OF COLORADO the United States that he was motivated to in- I proudly stand with manufacturing workers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crease involvement in the church amongst the in Houston and around the country, who go to Thursday, October 1, 2015 population. work each day without complaint, and con- tinue to make the label ‘‘Made in America’’ the Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise The Dallas Christian College was one of gold standard in quality worldwide. today to recognize and applaud Thomas Mur- several schools Vernon had established, along Now is the time for Congress to stand with ray for receiving the Jefferson County 2015 with approximately two dozen churches and working families and our nation’s manufactur- Hall of Fame Award from the West Chamber. new ones coming along every two months or ers and reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. The Hall of Fame Award recognizes out- so. DCC was quickly expanding. With such Ex-Im supports thousands of jobs throughout standing individuals who have had significant, growth, by the 1960s DCC needed more our great country at no cost to the American long-lasting impacts through their leadership space and relocated to its current home in people. and contributions to Jefferson County’s econ- Farmers Branch, which resides in the 24th dis- f omy, community and legacy. trict of Texas. As DCC grew so did its mission, Tom has certainly cemented his place in its reach expanded to troubled neighborhoods FAYE GRIFFIN Jefferson County history by laying down the and was known for students and alumni to building bricks of the community. Tom, CEO of serve in urban centers all over the country. HON. ED PERLMUTTER Lakewood Brick and Tile, inherited the busi- The school would also begin offering new pro- OF COLORADO ness from his father and learned the values of grams teaching psychology, business, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hard work and leadership from a young age. education, attempting to broaden the horizons Thursday, October 1, 2015 One of Tom’s biggest passions is education. of its students and prepare them for different Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise In the 1980s, he served as co-chair of the paths in life. today to recognize and applaud Faye Griffin Steering Committee of the Education-Business Today DCC aims to educate and mentor the for receiving the Jefferson County 2015 Hall of Partnership for the Lakewood Chamber. Tom Fame Award from the West Chamber. went on to become General Chairman of Edu- student body under God’s influence and pre- pare them for all that life may bring. Training The Hall of Fame Award recognizes out- cation 2000 for Jefferson County Schools, a standing individuals who have had significant, position he maintained for four years. He has for service to the church and Christian ministry has been significant to the school’s mission. long-lasting impacts through their leadership also served on the boards of the Jefferson and contributions to Jefferson County’s econ- The college wants to ensure that the student Foundation, Warren Vocational Technical High omy, community and legacy. School, and Jefferson County Advisory Coun- body is well educated and mentored in many Faye Griffin started her forty year career in cil for Vocational Education. aspects of life. Jefferson County working in the County Clerk Today, Tom continues this dedication to Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to recognize & Recorder office for 24 years. Eventually education by serving on the Jefferson County the 65th anniversary of Dallas Christian Col- serving as Chief Deputy of the department, Schools’ Capital Improvement Plan Oversight lege. I ask all of my distinguished colleagues Faye helped modernize technology and co- Committee and coaching football at Lakewood to join me in celebrating this milestone in the ordinated successful general and primary elec- High School. Tom’s exceptional work has college’s history. tions. In 2006, Faye was elected Treasurer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.008 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1409 and served in this capacity until 2008 when RECOGNIZING MINNESOTA’S OWN level of staffing, strict proactive code enforce- she was nominated to the Board of County FEDERAL DUCK STAMP WINNER ment, the advanced municipal fire system, and Commissioners. the aggressive fire investigation programs In her six years on the Board of County HON. TOM EMMER have proven effective in reducing fires. Commissioners, Jefferson County reached a OF MINNESOTA Beyond their roles in fire emergencies, the balanced budget every year and earned ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Teaneck Fire Department remains committed traordinary financial ratings from several na- to serving the residents through their innova- Thursday, October 1, 2015 tional rating organizations. As a Commis- tive Good Morning Check-Up Program. This sioner, she helped bring attention to Human Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, I program is designed for shut-ins and senior Services programs to aid children and families rise today to recognize Robert Hautman of citizens who live alone and have no one to in need and amended the Zoning Resolution Delano, Minnesota on his impressive second look in on them on a regular basis. The pro- to simplify the zoning application process. place finish in the 2015 Federal Duck Stamp gram provides subscribers with a telephone Currently, Faye serves as Jefferson County Contest. Robert’s stamp features several mal- call seven days a week, between the hours of Clerk and Recorder. She is also involved in lard ducks flying over a lake. 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. If a resident is not-respon- the Child and Youth Leadership Commission, The Federal Duck Stamp contest began in sive to multiple phone calls then a firefighter is the Jefferson County Head Start Policy Coun- 1949 as a result of growing concern among dispatched to the house to make sure all is cil, the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council, and Americans over the destruction of wetlands, well. This service has helped countless lives the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District which are the home to migratory waterfowl. Of already. Board. In 2012, Faye was honored as an Out- every dollar spent on duck stamps, ninety- When terrorists flew planes into the North standing Woman of Jefferson County. eight cents is given to the Migratory Bird Con- and South Tower of the World Trade Center servation Fund, which helps to conserve nat- on September 11, 2011, the brave members Congratulations to Faye Griffin for this well- ural habitats. of the Teaneck Fire Department volunteered deserved honor by the West Chamber. I am Minnesota is home to some of the most to help their colleagues across the Hudson grateful for her contributions to Jefferson amazing natural scenery and wildlife, and be- River. Their sacrifices during and after the County. cause of this, I am incredibly passionate about tragedy continue to inspire the Teaneck Fire the great outdoors. I have always been of the Department today as well as those they serve. f strong belief that it is every global citizen’s As Co-Chair of the Congressional Fire Serv- PERSONAL EXPLANATION duty to help protect and maintain our environ- ices Caucus, I have had the honor of visiting ment for future generations to come. I think and inspecting many fire stations throughout the Federal Duck Stamp contest is wonderful our great nation. Therefore it gives me pride to HON. VICKY HARTZLER because it does exactly that. recognize the excellence of the Teaneck Fire OF MISSOURI I would like to applaud Robert Hautman for Department and thank them for serving the contributing to a contest with such a worthy residents of Teaneck. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cause. I would like to give him an extra shout Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- Thursday, October 1, 2015 out for being from my hometown as well. leagues and me in recognizing the 100 year As a result of Robert’s effort, more funds anniversary of the Teaneck Fire Department. Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, will be raised to preserve the environment, September 28, 2015, I was unable to vote. f and for that we—and our future generations— Had I been present, I would have voted as fol- thank you. IN RECOGNITION OF BROWARD lows: On rollcall No. 519, yea. On rollcall No. COUNTY, FLORIDA’S 100TH ANNI- f 520, yea. VERSARY TEANECK FIRE DEPARTMENT f HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS IN MEMORY OF FOREST ACRES HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. OF FLORIDA POLICE OFFICER GREG ALIA OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 1, 2015 HON. JOE WILSON Thursday, October 1, 2015 Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to extend the most sincere congratulations to OF SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the brave men and women of the Broward County, Florida on celebrating its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Teaneck Fire Department who will celebrate 100th anniversary. From the back-breaking Thursday, October 1, 2015 100 years of serving and protecting the resi- work and ingenuity of the industrial age to the dents of Teaneck this Sunday October 4, modernity of this tech-savvy generation, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- 2015. Broward County’s progress is a stark example er, yesterday, September 30, 2015, Officer The first organized fire company in Teaneck of the progressive spirit of America. It is truly Greg Alia was killed in the line of duty. A grad- was Defender Hook and Ladder Co., which my honor to represent such a diverse and uate of Richland Northeast High School and was formed on August 12, 1895. It was not unique county in the United States Congress. the University of South Carolina, Police Chief until 1915 that four of Teaneck’s five compa- The theme of the centennial celebration is, Gene Shealy described Officer Alia as ‘‘an nies were combined into the official municipal ‘‘Duende’’. Duende is defined as the power to outstanding man and an outstanding police of- Teaneck Fire Department. attract through personal magnetism and ficer.’’ As a seven year veteran of Forest As they were growing in the 1920s, a very charm. That is exactly what Broward county Acres Police Department, Greg was a role tough basement fire occurred on Maitland Av- has to offer. Whether you are one of the over model for new officers who showed courage enue. Future Deputy Chief Harry Davis, then 1.8 million people that call Broward County and dedication in protecting the people of For- working for the Department of Public Works, home, the tens of thousands that are winter est Acres, South Carolina. He lived up to the made numerous entries without a breathing residents, or the countless millions that visit highest standards of being an Eagle Scout of apparatus, manning a 21⁄2’’ line. He passed for vacation, our county’s charm is magnetic. Troop 100 of St. Joseph Catholic Church of out repeatedly, was revived, and continued to The soul of this community comes from not Columbia. go back in until the house was saved. He is only the beautiful 1,200 square miles that Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, a great reflection as to how relentlessly the make up Broward County, but from the di- Kassy, and their five month old son, Sal, his Teaneck Fire Department has attacked fires verse and thriving culture found there. From parents, Dr. Richard and Alexis Alia of Forest and how they continued to do so even today. the rich soil of the Everglades National Park to Acres, and his fellow officers at Forest Acres The Teaneck Fire Department stays com- the white sandy beaches of the Atlantic Police Department. I am grateful for the out- mitted to self-assessment and innovation. Ocean, it is as charmingly diverse as the com- pouring of love and support for Forest Acres, Since the 1970s, brush fires have been re- munities that reside within its borders. for our community, and for our citizens during duced by 90% and building fires declined by Mr. Speaker, Broward County is undoubt- this tragic time. about a third, with arson now much less of a edly a wonderful embodiment of the ‘‘Sun- God bless the memory and service of Greg problem. New apparatuses, the four stations shine State’’ and all it has to offer. I once Alia. being staffed 24 hours a day with an adequate again want to congratulate the County on this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01OC8.017 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2015 momentous occasion of its centennial anniver- It was recently announced that the College history, community and the great outdoors. sary. of Saint Benedict is a recipient of a National Well, the Jesse H. Jones Park and Nature f Science Foundation award for their collabora- Center right in the heart of Harris County pro- tion in a project entitled ‘‘Collaborative Re- vides the kids and families of my district ex- IN HONOR OF SHILOH BAPTIST search: Developing and Assessing Effective actly that. CHURCH’S 145TH ANNIVERSARY Cyberlearning within the STEM Wiki For the past three decades the park has Hyperlibrary.’’ As a result of receiving this been a place where the local community can HON. DAVID SCOTT prestigious award, the college will receive gather and form important bonds of citizen- OF GEORGIA $25,484 dollars. ship. But the space also serves an educational IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While many things remain uncertain in this purpose. Home to the Akokisa Indian Village Thursday, October 1, 2015 world, one does not. Science, mathematics and Redbud Hill Homestead, the park pre- serves elements of life in Native American and Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, and technology are keys to the future. It is so pioneer communities, including demonstrations I rise today to honor the 145th anniversary of critical that colleges and universities through- out the United States place a strong emphasis of traditional customs and crafts. the Shiloh Baptist Church in Jonesboro, GA. It also provides an important green space, Since the end of the Civil War, this church has on these fields so that our country can con- tinue to evolve, succeed and remain competi- with a wide range of local flora and fauna in- stood as a beacon of worship and its con- cluding ancient bogs, white sand beaches and gregation is a testament to how faith brings a tive in this constantly developing world. That is why I want to commend the College wildflower meadows, in addition to play equip- community together. ment, hiking trails, and sports and recreation In 1870, Reverend Frank Q. Graham, Rev- of Saint Benedict here, today. The emphasis amenities, giving local residents an opportunity erend A.D. Delmarta and Reverend G.B. Aus- put on science, mathematics and technology to escape the trappings of modernity, engage tin, searching for a place to worship, orga- is evident by receipt of this award. with their local heritage, and developing great- nized Shiloh Baptist Church under a Brush I thank the College of Saint Benedict for er physical well-being. Arbor. Meetings were held in the Arbor until motivating students to look towards the future and do what is best for Minnesota, and the In the month of October alone, the park will the group was able to build a church across host boat tours on Spring Creek, a workshop the street, near the church’s present location. United States as a whole. f for local science teachers, an astronomy After the first building was burned down by a class, a tree-planting session, Halloween fire, the worshippers met in an old school until HONORING HABCO MANUFAC- events and a settlers’ soap-making dem- the church was rebuilt. In 1962, the church TURING AND THE HABILITATION onstration. was struck by lightning and completely de- CENTER FOR THE HANDICAPPED The Jesse H. Jones Park and Nature Cen- stroyed. Held together by their faith, the con- ter brings out the best in one of America’s gregation met in an elementary school cafe- best communities. The park has a dedicated teria until Shiloh Baptist was rebuilt. HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH OF FLORIDA team of staff and volunteers that exemplify the Shiloh Baptist Church has also played its charitable and community-minded spirit Texas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES part in American history. When the NAACP is famous for. chartered their membership in Clayton County, Thursday, October 1, 2015 Harris County Commissioner Jack Cagle Georgia, Shiloh Baptist church was one of the Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in and his staff should be commended for their first to purchase membership. When Atlanta, honor of HABCO Manufacturing, the Habili- leadership in the community. The nature cen- Georgia hosted the 1996 summer Olympics, tation Center for the Handicapped, and the up- ter will be long valued and maintained as a re- the church was a reception for the Olympic coming celebration of National Manufacturing source of cultural and environmental heritage. torch, f The Shiloh Baptist Church of Jonesboro is Day. HABCO Manufacturing’s unique business an example to all of how worship and faith can ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE partners a non-profit organization with the bring a group of people together. Despite nu- business community. HABCO Manufacturing merous damages and subsequent reconstruc- has been named South Florida’s ‘‘Manufac- HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY tion and renovations to the physical structure, OF CONNECTICUT turer of the Year’’ and has received numerous the Shiloh Baptist community is celebrating IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES accreditations in aviation and aerospace. It is 145 years of worship. The strength or their also an integral part of the Habilitation Center Thursday, October 1, 2015 congregation’s faith has been demonstrated for the Handicapped, Inc. Founded in 1978, time and time again. The church has won Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sa- the Center provides vocational training to awards for their wide attendance and con- lute the Anti-Defamation League and the tire- adults with developmental disabilities and tinues to attract church-goers from the less work of the ADL’s Connecticut Regional other special needs. The Center’s mission is Jonesboro area. The congregation has not let Office. Now more than ever, the world needs to equip these men and women with the their spirit falter and for this I congratulate the bravery of League members and allies to knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to them on 145 years of worship. confront anti-Semitism and defend the civil Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the lead useful and productive lives with dignity, rights and humanity of all people. Shiloh Baptist congregation for 145 years of respect, and independence. Tonight I will have the privilege of joining worship. I would like to commend them for For this National Manufacturing Day 2015, I friends and neighbors from across Connecticut being a cornerstone in the Jonesboro commu- recognize the achievements of the Habilitation at the Greater Hartford Torch of Liberty Award nity as well as within the great State of Geor- Center and HABCO Manufacturing and its Reception. Created to recognize those who gia. I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring men and women with special needs. Their ex- epitomize the Anti-Defamation League’s val- the anniversary of Jonesboro’s Shiloh Baptist pertise in manufacturing, quality, education, ues and commitment to community and public Church. Thank you and God bless. and training is truly extraordinary. I am proud service, this year’s Torch of Liberty Award to honor them in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, honorees include our esteemed Lieutenant f and express appreciation for the community Governor, the Honorable Nancy Wyman, Mr. CELEBRATING ST. BEN’S NA- engagement. John J. Patrick, Jr., and Ms. JoAnn H. Price. TIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION f The timing could not be more appropriate. AWARD Their examples of selfless service are wel- JESSE H. JONES PARK—A come reminders of the need for this House to HON. TOM EMMER CHAMPION OF LOCAL HISTORY eschew the dysfunction of rigid ideologies and OF MINNESOTA selfish partisanship. The occasion is also a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TED POE timely reminder of the broader importance of OF TEXAS the values which this year’s award winners Thursday, October 1, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES embody. Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, I Founded in 1913, the Anti-Defamation rise today to celebrate the College of Saint Thursday, October 1, 2015 League’s stated mission was ‘‘to stop the def- Benedict in Collegeville, Minnesota. This col- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in this dig- amation of the Jewish people and to secure lege has a stellar reputation throughout the ital age it is becoming more challenging to en- justice and fair treatment to all.’’ From that ad- state of Minnesota, and for good reason. sure our children have a strong connection to mirable spirit its members have fashioned a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.016 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1411 legacy of confronting all forms of bigotry, edu- The best example of this is the American Mr. Kelly graduated from the Texas South- cating our youth in order to guard against ig- Graduate initiative. ern University with a Bachelor of Arts in Busi- norance, and defending the ideals and civil This initiative, made possible by the Cor- ness Management. He went on to study at rights that are necessary for people to live in poration for Public Broadcasting which Holy Names University with a focus on Vocal a peaceful, just, and democratic society. leverages public media to address America’s Performance. Mr. Kelly began his career work- Recent and troubling world events now pose high school dropout crisis; ing with Jazz Camp West as Choir Director a unique and humbling challenge to this And set an ambitious goal of seeing a 90 and Voice Teacher. cause. We’ve witnessed a rise in anti-Semitic percent high school graduation rate by 2020. During his time with Jazz Camp West, Mr. passions abroad, as in areas throughout Eu- This Saturday, October 3rd marks the fourth Kelly led the popular All Camp Gospel Choir, rope, but also sadly at home. Even this House annual American Graduate Day, a live public helping select the songs, instruct the band, has demonstrated in recent debates that hon- media event broadcast on public media sta- and lead performances. His dedication to est and heart-felt differences of opinion can tions across the country. music also led Mr. Kelly to begin working with escalate into divisive arguments marked by And make no mistake—it is a crisis. Imani Community Church, where he is cur- coded language and insinuations that teach us Each year, over one million students drop rently Minister of Magnification. Mr. Kelly co- to fear and dehumanize one another. We are out of our high schools. ordinates all musical presentations for the better than that. If we engage one another re- In turning the tide, the American Graduate church, as well as leading many different spectfully, no disagreement need devolve into initiative has been, and continues to be, a choirs. He also facilitates the Imani Ya questioning our shared devotion to our allies. proven force for change. Watume liturgical dancers. We can come to different decisions while still Local stations extend the reach of this na- Additionally, Mr. Kelly serves as Artistic Di- uniting in our support for Israel and against ef- tional broadcast content and have produced rector of the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir. forts to impugn the loyalty of fellow citizens almost 1,000 hours of locally-focused pro- He has composed and arranged music for the with whom we may occasionally disagree. gramming. Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir, the Oakland I therefore urge this House to accept re- Find a moment to tune in and see for your- Interfaith Youth Choir, and the Oakland Inter- sponsibility for leading by example. Let us re- self the incredible work happening in your faith Community Choir. The incredible works ject the temptation to reinforce our divisions. community thanks to public media. of music he has worked on have inspired and Instead, let us bind ourselves together with f moved audiences throughout the Bay Area, appreciation for our differences and a commit- California, and the world. ment to defend the dignity and worth of every PERSONAL EXPLANATION In his long career in music and faith, Mr. human being. I urge this House to undertake Kelly received many honors. Most recently, the work of protecting and expanding the civil, HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS Mr. Kelly taught workshops about gospel religious, and human rights that are the best OF NEW YORK music at the International Gospel Music Acad- evidence that America remains the home of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emy of Denmark. His musical talent has been the brave and land of the free. Thursday, October 1, 2015 recognized by many influential people, such f as Tramaine Hawkins, MC Hammer, John Lee Mr. MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, on Hooker, and Former President Jimmy Carter. TRIBUTE TO ED LITTLER, JR. September 30, 2015, due to unforeseen cir- He has received an Emmy Award for his cho- cumstances, I was unable to vote for Roll Call ral arrangement of PSA for KGO-TV, as well HON. DAVID YOUNG votes 525 through 528. I would have voted in as 2 Gospel Academy Awards for Outstanding OF IOWA the following way: Director of the Year and Excellence in Choral IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Roll Call Number 525 on providing for con- Music. The San Francisco Opera had the op- Thursday, October 1, 2015 sideration of H. Con. Res. 79, directing the portunity to work with Mr. Kelly in their ren- Clerk of the House of Representatives to Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise dition of Moby Dick in 2012. make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. Mr. Kelly has also mentored students of today to honor Mr. Ed Littler, Jr. of Adair, 719; and providing for consideration of the Iowa. Ed has been awarded the very first Ed music, many of whom have gone on to attend Senate amendment to the House amendment schools such as the Berklee School of Music, Littler Achievement Award from Adair-Casey to the Senate amendment to H.R. 719, TSA Schools. The school has established the Howard University, and Walt Disney’s Cali- Office of Inspection Accountability Act of 2015, award to be presented to anyone who has fornia Institute of the Arts. Throughout his pro- nay; contributed to the A-C Bomber family with lific career, Mr. Kelly has impacted the lives of On Roll Call Number 526 on the motion to musicians and fans alike, throughout the Bay large amounts of their personal time and hard suspend the rules and pass S. 2082 to amend work. Area and the world. title 38, United States Code, to extend certain Ed has covered the local sports scene for On behalf of the residents of California’s expiring provisions of law administered by the the Adair News since 1948 and rarely missed 13th Congressional District, Mr. Terrance a home or away football game until his retire- Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other Kelly, I salute you. I thank you for a lifetime of ment this year. He was cited for his contribu- purposes, yea; service and congratulate you on your many On Roll Call Number 527 on agreeing to the tions to all Adair-Casey sports and to the com- achievements. I wish you success as you con- resolution, H. Con. Res. 79, directing the Clerk munity. Ed played football as a quarterback for tinue to serve the residents of the East Bay. of the House of Representatives to make cor- the Adair High School Rockets and graduated f rections in the enrollment of H.R. 719, nay; from Adair High School in 1947. IN HONOR OF COMMISSIONER Mr. Speaker, I applaud and congratulate Ed And on Roll Call Number 528 on concurring JACKSON ‘‘JACK’’ ANDERSON for receiving this award and for dedicating his in the Senate Amendment to the House STONE, SR. time and efforts in supporting the Adair-Casey Amendment to the Senate Amendment for Schools. I am proud to represent him and his H.R. 719, the TSA Office of Inspection Ac- family in the United States Congress. I know countability Act of 2015, yea. HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. that my colleagues in the United States House f OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Representatives will join me in congratu- HONORING MR. TERRANCE KELLY lating Ed on this outstanding achievement. Thursday, October 1, 2015 f HON. BARBARA LEE Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is CPB’S AMERICAN GRADUATE OF CALIFORNIA with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance INITIATIVE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that I rise today to pay tribute to an out- standing public servant and civic leader of Thursday, October 1, 2015 Georgia, Commissioner Jackson ‘‘Jack’’ An- HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor derson Stone, Sr., longtime County Commis- OF OREGON Mr. Terrance Kelly for his extraordinary con- sioner of District 6 in Dougherty County, Geor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributions to the music industry and to the faith gia. Sadly, Commissioner Stone passed away Thursday, October 1, 2015 community. Mr. Kelly is currently the Artistic on Thursday, September 24, 2015. A funeral Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, our public Director of the Oakland Interfaith Gospel service was held on Saturday, September 26, media stations are a force for positive change Choir, where he leads over 100 rehearsals 2015 at 11:00 am at Sunnyside Baptist in communities all across this country. and 50 performances annually. Church in Albany, Georgia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.021 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 1, 2015 A Georgia man through and through, Jack- a person must have the client sign a power of year process. Other avenues such as a re- son Stone was born in Meigs, Georgia in 1941 attorney document (VA Form 21–22). quest for reconsideration based on overlooked to the late Grady and Neda West Stone. He RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT evidence of record or new and material evi- proudly served our nation in the United States Rule 1: All AMVETS attorneys in fact will be dence should be used first. Army, serving one tour in Okinawa, Japan. honest when dealing with veterans and sur- Rule 15: An AMVETS attorney in fact will When Jack returned to the United States, he viving family members. They will do the same not tell a client that they may not file an ap- built a career in the auto sales business and when dealing with Department of Veterans’ Af- peal. However, they will explain to a client, became Co-Owner and General Manager at fairs (VA) employees and other officials. based on current law, what they must do in Albany Lincoln Mercury. He subsequently Rule: 2 AMVETS attorneys in fact will sub- order to win an appeal. If the client is unable founded his own businesses: Quick Auto mit quality claim packages for issues that may to provide the necessary records then Sales, Creekside Auto Sales and Creekside be granted; not sheer quantity to swell report AMVETS will not represent that claim as an RV and Mobile Home Park. numbers. appeal. For Jack Stone, family and community took Rule 3: The attorney in fact claimant rela- Rule 16: Under no circumstances will an the utmost priority in his life. With this in mind, tionship is confidential by law and VA regula- AMVETS’ attorney in fact solicit or accept any he sought to improve his community and tion. It will be protected at all times. The man- monetary gifts, goods or products in apprecia- serve his fellow citizens as District 6 County date to protect privileged information continues tion or compensation for their professional Commissioner in Dougherty County, Georgia. forever and applies equally to any clerical staff services. His leadership and work ethic were widely re- assigned to the office. Rule 4: The attorney in fact will pursue a Rule 17: AMVETS attorney in fact will never spected, resulting in his serving as County present a membership application to a veteran Commissioner for twenty-eight years. His long course of continuing education. They must stay current with new laws, regulations, VA’s during the initial claim process. Doing so is tenure makes it clear that Commissioner akin to extortion. However, if a client requests Stone was admired and loved by his constitu- policies and procedures as well as all AMVETS policies and procedures promulgated a membership application, then they will be ents and countless others in Southwest Geor- provided with one after they explain that mem- gia. by the AMVETS national service director. Rule 5: The attorney in fact will determine bership is not required for their services. In addition to his civic duties, Commissioner all issues that occurred in-service. This is Stone also served as a member of the Albany done through discussions with the client and a f Chamber of Commerce and several other pub- review of their supporting documents and lic service organizations in Albany and Dough- 60-YEAR CLASS REUNION OF THE records. 1955 CLASS OF PAUL LAURENCE erty County. Rule 6: The attorney in fact will not sign off DUNBAR HIGH SCHOOL In his spare time, Commissioner Stone and on any rating decisions that do not fully ad- his family enjoyed RV camping. He also took dress, or defer for additional development, all great pleasure in managing his farm, tending issues contained in the claim. HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON his cows and riding around with his dog, B.J. Rule 7: Hardship claims will be expedited OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Commissioner Stone has achieved much in and closely monitored by the AMVETS attor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his life but none of this would have been pos- ney in fact to ensure a rapid decision and re- sible without the love and support of his wife lease of compensation and other benefits Thursday, October 1, 2015 of 52 years, Charlotte; his children, Jack, Blair, needed by the client. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and Karen; his grandchildren, Ande, Lexie, Rule 8: AMVETS’ attorney in fact will partici- Reverend Matthew, Taylor, Mark, Hannah, ask the House of Representatives to join me pate in all VA staff/veteran service organiza- in celebrating the class of 1955 of Paul Lau- McKenzie, Shannon, and Josh; four great- tion (VSO) meetings called by the VA if avail- grandchildren, Savanna, Lucus, Carson, and rence Dunbar Senior High School in the Dis- able. Additionally, they will request staff meet- trict of Columbia as it celebrates its 60-year Brock; and a host of other family members ings if problems arise due to VA’s internal pol- and friends. class reunion Saturday, October 3, 2015, its icy and procedures that need to be addressed. reunion committee and particularly Donald R. Mr. Speaker, my wife Vivian and I, along Rule 9: AMVETS’ attorney in fact will ensure Wines for his phenomenal leadership with the with the more than 730,000 residents of the VA examinations are complete, accurate and Dunbar Alumni Federation, and Dunbar High Second Congressional District of Georgia, sa- meet the current guidelines necessary for ac- School itself in history and today. I am fortu- lute Commissioner Stone for his exceptional curate rating decisions. Anything less than a nate to be an alumna of Dunbar High School public service and everlasting commitment to complete examination may result in the client and a member of this distinguished class. his community. I ask my colleagues in the being denied benefits that are deserved under House of Representatives to join us in extend- the current law. Dunbar High School, which started in a ing our deepest condolences to Commissioner Rule 10: It is not ethical for an attorney in church basement, was the first public high Stone’s family and friends during this difficult fact to ask veterans to change their power of school for African Americans in the United time. We pray that they will be consoled and attorney (POA) from one VSO to another. Vet- States and remained segregated until 1954, comforted by an abiding faith and the Holy erans represented by another organization when the District of Columbia was one of the Spirit in the days, weeks and months ahead. should be referred to the organization that cur- six Brown v. Board of Education jurisdictions that successfully challenged segregated f rently holds the power of attorney. However, if a veteran has a valid claim and insists on schools in the United States. Dunbar was in- CODE OF ETHICS FOR THE AMVETS’ representation, then the POA may strumental in making the District of Columbia AMVETS NATIONAL SERVICE be accepted. a bulwark of education for almost a century, FOUNDATION’S ATTORNEYS IN Rule 11: It is highly unprofessional to make attracting students from across the District, FACT any derogatory comments about another VSO. who were drawn by the school’s excellent rep- Rule 12: AMVETS attorney in fact will es- utation. That same reputation was reinforced HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS tablish rapport to educate and advise the cli- by Dunbar’s remarkable record of graduating OF FLORIDA ent in the basics of VA law, policies proce- more distinguished African Americans than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dures so they understand what documentation any high school in the country. Among them is required for their claim. were Edward Brooke, the first Black popularly Thursday, October 1, 2015 Rule 13: AMVETS will file an appeal only if elected United States Senator; Robert C. Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I submit the the reason to appeal is based in fact (evi- Weaver, the first Black Cabinet member; Ben- following code of ethics for AMVET’s Attor- dence contained in the client’s record) or law jamin O. Davis Sr., the first Black general in neys-in-Fact. AMVET is one of America’s (VA’s failure to grant the benefit requested vio- the U.S. Army; Wesley Brown, the first Black leading veterans’ service organizations with lates provisions contained in 38 Code of Fed- graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy; Charles over 250,000 members with a proud history of eral Regulations). If a client wishes to file an R. Drew, the discoverer of blood plasma; and assisting veterans. appeal that the VA may never grant under the Mary Jane Patterson, the first African Amer- An attorney in fact is a person who is au- current law, then the AMVETS attorney in fact ican to achieve a college degree. Dunbar also thorized to perform business-related trans- will not represent the claim since it has no drew teachers with advanced degrees who actions on behalf of someone else (the client), merit. would have been college professors but for but not necessarily authorized to practice law. Rule 14: Appeals should only be used as segregation in higher education that persisted In order to become someone’s attorney in fact, the last resort since they are a three to five at the time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:33 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01OC8.026 E01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1413 The 60-year Dunbar High School class re- John and his family wrote letters to Con- Having served as the House Armed Serv- union is another occasion for pride in Dunbar gress and even the White House to petition for ices Committee Ranking Member, Congress- High School today and in the class of 1955. placement in the Tuskegee Airmen Pilot pro- man McHugh’s thoughtful, determined, and vi- Dunbar has been recently rebuilt into a state- gram, and due to his persistence and deter- sionary leadership ensured the security of our of-the-art facility and became a neighborhood mination, he was finally accepted as a Nation. As a Representative from New York’s school following the Brown decision. Its storied Tuskegee Airman. His accomplished military 24th and later the 23rd Districts, John ensured history continues to inspire generations of stu- career spanned World War II, the Korean War, that cutting-edge facilities, upgrades, and pro- dents. and the Vietnam War. grams directly supported our Warfighters. Fort The class of 1955 graduated the year fol- After retiring from the Air Force, John Drum is but one example; it is truly the lowing the historic Brown decision and has served our country at the Department of ‘‘House that McHugh Built.’’ He ensured the come together at important intervals to cele- Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) in 10th Mountain Division had all the tools re- Washington, D.C., where one of his most im- brate its class, the education received at Dun- quired to be at the tip of the spear for our Na- bar, and the school today. Keeping the class portant responsibilities was overseeing the tion’s defense. together did not take place spontaneously. newly formed Head Start Program in 1970. This work has been a commendable team ef- John received numerous awards, among John made unprecedented strides as the fort, but that team recognizes that the leader- them, the Congressional Medal of Honor in Co-Chair of the Army Caucus for over 15 ship of Donald R. Wines has been indispen- 2007 for his service as a Tuskegee Airman. years and served as a critical member of the sable to its success. Donald has discouraged Edna Mosley was a lifetime member of the West Point Board of Visitors. He was a dy- all acknowledgment of his extraordinary lead- NAACP, and worked to establish the organiza- namic leader in this House, a trusted Rep- ership on behalf of Dunbar and the class of tion’s chapter in Denver. She served 12 years resentative of his constituents, and an amaz- 1955. However, the House of Representatives on the Aurora city council, becoming the first ing advocate for our Soldiers and our coun- is free to commend and thank Donald for fo- African American elected to the council in try’s national security. 1991. On the council, she championed impor- cusing his many talents, his organizational ex- During his tenure as the second-longest tant and pressing issues—civil rights, gender pertise, and the skills he honed as a Dunbar serving Secretary in history, John was at the student to the class of 1955 Dunbar High equality, veteran’s interests, affordable hous- forefront of national and international strategy, School and the historic Dunbar tradition. ing, and educational opportunity. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- Mr. Speaker, Edna and John Mosley em- military policy, and Soldier programs. His ex- atives to join me in celebrating the 60-year body what truly makes our country and com- pert leadership, bold initiatives, and pragmatic class reunion of the 1955 class of Paul Lau- munities great—a selfless commitment to our management ensured that our Army remained rence Dunbar High School and the Dunbar neighbors, and fighting for the common good. the finest fighting force the world has ever High School Reunion Committee and Dunbar I extend my best wishes for the academic suc- known. High School itself. I ask the House to particu- cess of the future graduates of the school, and John presided over some of the toughest larly commend the leadership of Donald R. their commitment to carrying forward the missions the Army has ever faced. He Wines, whose indefatigable energy and wise amazing legacy of Edna and John Mosley. oversaw the largest retrograde in military his- guidance have been the essential ingredients f tory as our troops departed Iraq, held the to the consistency of efforts that have enabled TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE Army together as it was hit by sequestration, the Dunbar class of 1955 to celebrate 60 JOHN M. MCHUGH and worked tirelessly to reorganize, revamp, years of continuing friendship. and restructure our force. Secretary McHugh f led these efforts with distinction as our Sol- HON. JOHN R. CARTER diers conducted simultaneous combat oper- HONORING THE LIFE OF EDNA OF TEXAS ations around the world. AND JOHN W. MOSLEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, October 1, 2015 Secretary McHugh’s determination, devo- tion, and love of our Service Members also HON. MAXINE WATERS Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on be- OF CALIFORNIA ensured that our most sacred and hallowed half of myself, Congressman RUPPERSBERGER, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ground, Arlington National Cemetery, over- and the House Army Caucus, I rise today to Thursday, October 1, 2015 came years of neglect to become the epitome pay tribute to the Honorable John M. McHugh, of a well-run and well-led resting place for our Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. Mr. former Member of the House, colleague, and Nation’s heroes. In fact, it is now the gold Speaker, I rise today to honor the life and leg- friend, on the eve of his departure as one of standard for cemetery administration because the longest serving Secretaries of the Army in acy of Edna and John W. Mosley, on the oc- of his personal and unwavering commitment U.S. history. casion of the grand opening of the school and leadership. named in their honor in Aurora, Colorado. After over 42 years of public service, Sec- Both Edna and John Mosley were trail- retary McHugh leaves our Army and our Na- Mr. Speaker, our Nation is safe and secure blazers and public servants. tion safer and more secure. His tireless advo- because of the drive, determination, and lead- Lieutenant Colonel John Mosley graduated cacy and bold leadership for our Soldiers, Ci- ership of Secretary John M. McHugh. Today, from Colorado State A&M College, where he vilians, and their Family Members is leg- we join with all Americans in our profound ad- participated in the Civilian Pilot Training Pro- endary. From improvements in family and miration and deep respect for this true Patriot. gram during his senior year. In 1943, he com- mental health programs to unprecedented We thank Secretary McHugh for his dedication pleted the program, but was still denied the strides to combat sexual assault and suicide, and sacrifice and wish him the fullest measure right to serve his country as a pilot due to his John has truly earned the reputation as ‘‘The of peace and happiness as he enters the next race. But John was not discouraged. Soldier’s Secretary.’’ phase of his life.

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HIGHLIGHTS See Re´sume´ of Congressional Activity. Senate National Character Counts Week: Senate agreed Chamber Action to S. Res. 276, designating the week beginning Oc- Routine Proceedings, pages S7055–S7107. tober 18, 2015, as ‘‘National Character Counts Measures Introduced: Fourteen bills and four reso- Week’’. Page S7107 lutions were introduced, as follows: S. 2114–2127, Measures Considered: and S. Res. 273–276. Pages S7102–03 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Measures Reported: Related Agencies Appropriations Act: Senate con- S. 750, to achieve border security on certain Fed- tinued consideration of the motion to proceed to eral lands along the Southern border, with an consideration of H.R. 2029, making appropriations amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. for military construction, the Department of Vet- No. 114–150) erans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year S. 991, to establish the Commission on Evidence- ending September 30, 2016. Pages S7062–65, S7067–75 Based Policymaking, with an amendment in the na- During consideration of this measure today, Senate ture of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 114–151) also took the following action: S. 481, to amend the Controlled Substances Act By 50 yeas to 44 nays (Vote No. 273), three-fifths and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having respect to drug scheduling recommendations by the voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion Secretary of Health and Human Services, and with to close further debate on the motion to proceed to respect to registration of manufacturers and distribu- consideration of the bill. Page S7074 tors seeking to conduct clinical testing, with an Conference Reports: amendment in the nature of a substitute. National Defense Authorization Act—Cloture: S. 799, to combat the rise of prenatal opioid abuse Senate began consideration of the conference report and neonatal abstinence syndrome, with an amend- to accompany H.R. 1735, to authorize appropria- ment in the nature of a substitute. tions for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the S. 1893, to reauthorize and improve programs re- Department of Defense, for military construction, lated to mental health and substance use disorders, and for defense activities of the Department of En- with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. ergy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for Page S7101 such fiscal year. Pages S7075–84, S7084–90 Measures Passed: A motion was entered to close further debate on the conference report to accompany the bill, and, in Border Jobs for Veterans Act: Senate passed H.R. accordance with the provisions of rule XXII of the 2835, to actively recruit members of the Armed Standing Rules of the Senate, a vote on cloture will Forces who are separating from military service to occur on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Page S7075 serve as Customs and Border Protection officers. Messages from the President: Senate received the Pages S7065–67 following messages from the President of the United Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees States: Act: Senate passed H.R. 1624, to amend title I of Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the designation of funding for Overseas Contingency title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to re- Operations/Global War on Terrorism, received dur- vise the definition of small employer. Page S7084 ing adjournment of the Senate on September 30, D1042

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Ambassador to the Republic of Suriname, David rick Conway, Acting Principal Deputy Adminis- Malcolm Robinson, of Connecticut, to be an Assist- trator, Deputy Administrator for Innovation and ant Secretary of State (Conflict and Stabilization Op- Quality, and Chief Medical Officer, Centers for erations), and to be Coordinator for Reconstruction Medicare and Medicaid Services, both of the Depart- and Stabilization, Daniel H. Rubinstein, of Virginia, ment of Health and Human Services. to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tunisia, Lucy Tamlyn, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Re- REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM public of Benin, Susan Coppedge Amato, of Georgia, OVERSIGHT to be Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immi- Trafficking, with the rank of Ambassador at Large, gration and the National Interest concluded an over- and lists in the Foreign Service, all of the Depart- sight hearing to examine the Administration’s Fiscal ment of State. Year 2016 refugee resettlement program, including CIVIL NUCLEAR AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH fiscal and security implications, after receiving testi- KOREA mony from Lawrence Bartlett, Director, Office of Refugee Admissions, Bureau of Population, Refu- Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded gees, and Migration, Department of State; Barbara L. a hearing to examine the civil nuclear agreement Strack, Chief, Refugee Affairs Division, Refugee, with the Republic of South Korea, after receiving Asylum, and International Operations Directorate, testimony from Thomas M. Countryman, Assistant and Matthew D. Emrich, Acting Associate Director, Secretary of State. Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate, NOMINATIONS both of Citizenship and Immigration Services, De- Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded partment of Homeland Security; and Robert Carey, a hearing to examine the nominations of Robert Por- Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Adminis- ter Jackson, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the tration for Children and Families, Department of Republic of Ghana, Harry K. Thomas, Jr., of New Health and Human Services. York, to be Ambassador to the Republic of GOLD KING MINE WASTE WATER SPILL Zimbabwe, Julie Furuta-Toy, of Wyoming, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Com- and Dennis B. Hankins, of Minnesota, to be Ambas- mittee concluded a hearing to examine the signifi- sador to the Republic of Guinea, all of the Depart- cant costs and related burdens for small businesses ment of State, and Linda I. Etim, of Wisconsin, to resulting from the Gold King Mine waste water spill be an Assistant Administrator of the United States near Silverton, Colorado, after receiving testimony Agency for International Development, after the from Representative Tipton; Bradford P. Blake, La nominees testified and answered questions in their Plata County Commissioner, and Andrew Corra, own behalf. 4Corners Riversports, both of Durango, Colorado; and DeAnne Gallegos, Chamber of Commerce, HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Silverton, Colorado. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee concluded a hearing to examine achiev- INTELLIGENCE ing the promise of health information technology, Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed after receiving testimony from Karen B. DeSalvo, hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony National Coordinator, Office of the National Coordi- from officials of the intelligence community. nator for Health Information Technology, and Pat- Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives Chamber Action Additional Cosponsors: Pages H6789–90 Reports Filed: Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 21 pub- Reports were filed today as follows: lic bills, H.R. 3660–3680; 10 resolutions, H. Con. Supplemental Report on H.R. 702, to adapt to Res. 81–84; and H. Res. 454–459, were introduced. changing crude oil market conditions (H. Rept. Pages H6787–88 114–267, Part 2);

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:22 Oct 02, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D01OC5.REC D01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST October 1, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1045 H.R. 538, to facilitate the development of energy Amending the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 on Indian lands by reducing Federal regulations that to postpone a scheduled increase in the min- impede tribal development of Indian lands, and for imum wage applicable to American Samoa: The other purposes (H. Rept. 114–276); House agreed to take from the Speaker’s table and H.R. 1644, to amend the Surface Mining Control concur in the Senate amendments to H.R. 2617, to and Reclamation Act of 1977 to ensure transparency amend the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 to in the development of environmental regulations, postpone a scheduled increase in the minimum wage and for other purposes, with an amendment (H. applicable to American Samoa. Pages H6779–80 Rept. 114–277); and H.R. 3192, to provide for a temporary safe harbor Supplemental Report: Agreed that the Committee from the enforcement of integrated disclosure re- on Energy and Commerce be authorized to file a quirements for mortgage loan transactions under the supplemental report on H.R. 702, to adapt to Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 and changing crude oil market conditions. Page H6780 the Truth in Lending Act, and for other purposes STEM Education Act of 2015: The House agreed (H. Rept. 114–278). Pages H6786–87 to take from the Speaker’s table and concur in the Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act: Senate amendment to H.R. 1020, to define STEM The House passed H.R. 3457, to prohibit the lifting education to include computer science, and to sup- of sanctions on Iran until the Government of Iran port existing STEM education programs at the Na- pays the judgments against it for acts of terrorism, tional Science Foundation. Page H6780 by a yea-and-nay vote of 251 yeas to 173 nays, Roll Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that No. 533. Pages H6761–68, H6778–79 when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Pursuant to the Rule, the amendment in the na- ture of a substitute printed in H. Rept. 114–273 at 1 p.m. tomorrow, October 2nd and further, when the House adjourns on that day, it adjourn to meet shall be considered as adopted. Page H6761 H. Res. 449, the rule providing for consideration of at 12 noon on Tuesday, October 6th for Morning the bill (H.R. 3457) and providing for consideration of Hour debate. Page H6781 the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 1735), Presidential Messages: Read a message from the was agreed to by a recorded vote of 241 ayes to 181 noes, President wherein he designated funding for Over- Roll No. 530, after the previous question was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 237 yeas to 180 nays, Roll No. seas Contingency Operations/Global War on Ter- 529. Pages H6752–61 rorism—’’referred to the Committee on Appropria- tions and ordered to be printed (H. Doc. 114–62). National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016: The House agreed to the conference re- Page H6785 port to accompany the bill (H.R. 1735) to authorize Read a message from the President wherein he appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military ac- designated emergency funding for urgent wildland tivities of the Department of Defense, for military fire suppression activities—’’referred to the Com- construction, and for defense activities of the Depart- mittee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed ment of Energy, and to prescribe military personnel (H. Doc. 114–63). Page H6785 strengths for such fiscal year, by a yea-and-nay vote Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate of 270 yeas to 156 nays, Roll No. 532. today appear on pages H6761, H6784, H6785. Pages H6768–78 Rejected the Smith (WA) motion to recommit, Senate Referral: S. 2078 was held at the desk. with instructions, the conference report to the com- Page H6761 mittee of conference, by a yea-and-nay vote of 186 Quorum Calls—Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes and yeas to 241 nays, Roll No. 531. Pages H6777–78 one recorded vote developed during the proceedings H. Res. 449, the rule providing for consideration of today and appear on pages H6759–60, of the bill (H.R. 3457) and providing for consider- H6760–61, H6777–78, H6778, and H6778–79. ation of the conference report to accompany the bill There were no quorum calls. (H.R. 1735), was agreed to by a recorded vote of Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- 241 ayes to 181 noes, Roll No. 530, after the pre- vious question was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of journed at 2:32 p.m. 237 yeas to 180 nays, Roll No. 529. Pages H6752–61 Providing for corrections to the enrollment of H.R. 1735: The House agreed by unanimous consent to H. Con. Res. 81, providing for corrections to the enrollment of the bill H.R. 1735. Page H6779

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tled ‘‘Transporting Nuclear Materials: Design, Logis- Committee Meetings tics, and Shipment’’. Testimony was heard from IMPROVING PUBLIC SHIPYARDS TO MORE Franklin Rusco, Director, Natural Resources and En- EFFECTIVELY MEET NAVY OPERATIONAL vironment, Government Accountability Office; and REQUIREMENTS public witnesses. Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Readi- ness held a hearing entitled ‘‘Improving Public Ship- yards to More Effectively Meet Navy Operational Joint Meetings Requirements’’. Testimony was heard from Rear Ad- No joint committee meetings were held. miral Mark R. Whitney, U.S. Navy, Deputy Com- mander, Logistics, Maintenance and Industrial Oper- f ations, Naval Sea Systems Command. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, EXAMINING POTENTIAL WAYS TO OCTOBER 2, 2015 IMPROVE THE MEDICARE PROGRAM (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Health held a hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Potential Senate Ways to Improve the Medicare Program’’. Testimony No meetings/hearings scheduled. was heard from public witnesses. TRANSPORTING NUCLEAR MATERIALS: House DESIGN, LOGISTICS, AND SHIPMENT No hearings are scheduled. Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy held a hearing enti-

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Re´sume´ of Congressional Activity

FIRST SESSION OF THE ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH CONGRESS The first table gives a comprehensive re´sume´ of all legislative business transacted by the Senate and House. The second table accounts for all nominations submitted to the Senate by the President for Senate confirmation.

DATA ON LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITY DISPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS January 6 through September 30, 2015 January 6 through September 30, 2015 Senate House Total Civilian nominations, totaling 316, disposed of as follows: Days in session ...... 129 119 . . Confirmed ...... 94 ′ ′ Time in session ...... 823 hrs, 19 596 hrs, 49 .. Unconfirmed ...... 215 Congressional Record: Withdrawn ...... 7 Pages of proceedings ...... 7,053 6,750 . . Extensions of Remarks ...... 1,400 . . Public bills enacted into law ...... 11 40 51 Other Civilian nominations, totaling 3,033, disposed of as follows: Private bills enacted into law ...... Confirmed ...... 2,000 Bills in conference ...... 2 2 . . Unconfirmed ...... 711 Measures passed, total ...... 309 389 698 Withdrawn ...... 322 Senate bills ...... 68 21 . . House bills ...... 49 247 . . Air Force nominations, totaling 5,332, disposed of as follows: Senate joint resolutions ...... 1 1 . . House joint resolutions ...... 1 3 . . Confirmed ...... 3,628 Senate concurrent resolutions ...... 8 5 . . Unconfirmed ...... 1,703 Withdrawn ...... 1 House concurrent resolutions ...... 17 20 . . Simple resolutions ...... 165 92 . . Measures reported, total ...... *215 *268 483 Army nominations, totaling 3,325, disposed of as follows: Senate bills ...... 167 5 . . Confirmed ...... 3,302 House bills ...... 22 208 . . Unconfirmed ...... 23 Senate joint resolutions ...... House joint resolutions ...... 1 . . Senate concurrent resolutions ...... 1 . . . . Navy nominations, totaling 3,873, disposed of as follows: House concurrent resolutions ...... 3 . . Confirmed ...... 3,867 Simple resolutions ...... 25 51 . . Unconfirmed ...... 6 Special reports ...... 17 5 . . Conference reports ...... 1 2 . . Marine Corps nominations, totaling 1,067, disposed of as follows: Measures pending on calendar ...... 155 53 . . Measures introduced, total ...... 2,418 4,260 6,678 Confirmed ...... 1,064 Bills ...... 2,104 3,659 .. Unconfirmed ...... 3 Joint resolutions ...... 22 68 . . Concurrent resolutions ...... 20 80 . . Summary Simple resolutions ...... 272 453 . . Quorum calls ...... 6 1 . . Total nominations carried over from the First Session ...... 0 Yea-and-nay votes ...... 272 207 . . Total nominations received this Session ...... 16,946 Recorded votes ...... 320 . . Total confirmed ...... 13,955 Bills vetoed ...... 2 . . . . Total unconfirmed ...... 2,661 Vetoes overridden ...... Total withdrawn ...... 330 Total returned to the White House ...... 0

* These figures include all measures reported, even if there was no accom- panying report. A total of 149 written reports have been filed in the Senate, 275 reports have been filed in the House.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 4 p.m., Monday, October 5 1 p.m., Friday, October 2

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: After the transaction of any Program for Friday: House will meet in Pro Forma ses- morning business (not to extend beyond one hour), Senate sion at 1 p.m. will begin consideration of the nomination of Dale A. Drozd, of California, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of California, with a vote on con- firmation thereon, at approximately 5:30 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Garrett, Scott, N.J., E1403 Meeks, Gregory W., N.Y., E1411 Green, Gene, Tex., E1408 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E1405 Barletta, Lou, Pa., E1402 Hartzler, Vicky, Mo., E1409 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, The District of Columbia, Bilirakis, Gus M., Fla., E1412 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E1401, E1409 E1407, E1412 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E1411 Hensarling, Jeb, Tex., E1404 Pascrell, Bill, Jr., N.J., E1409 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1411 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1401 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E1402, E1403, E1404, E1404, Brady, Kevin, Tex., E1407, E1408 Kildee, Daniel T., Mich., E1406 E1405, E1406, E1406, E1407, E1408, E1408 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1403 Kind, Ron, Wisc., E1405 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1410 Carter, John R., Tex., E1413 Lance, Leonard, N.J., E1406 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1407 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1411 Rice, Kathleen M., N.Y., E1403 Deutch, Theodore E., Fla., E1410 Long, Billy, Mo., E1405 Scott, David, Ga., E1403, E1410 Donovan, Daniel M., Jr, N.Y., E1406 Loudermilk, Barry, Ga., E1404 Shimkus, John, Ill., E1404 Emmer, Tom, Minn., E1409, E1410 Lujan Grisham, Michelle, N.M., E1407 Waters, Maxine, Calif., E1413 Esty, Elizabeth H., Conn., E1410 Marchant, Kenny, Tex., E1408 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1409 Fudge, Marcia L., Ohio, E1402 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E1407 Young, David, Iowa, E1411

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