Equipment Problems Threaten to Delay Examination of Apollo II
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J OW 1 J I)~ HIGH TIDE 7-29-F,') 7-29-69 o 2 at 1124 6 3 at 0500 o 5 at 2318 5 0 at 1724 -.tOURGlASS VOL 9, No 8459 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Equipment Problems Threaten to Delay Examination of Apollo II Lunar Rocks SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -- Equ~pment problems today threatened to delay exa mlnatlon of Apollo II's lunar rocks by 60 hours But the Astronauts who pIcked them up were In flne health and thelr tape-tLt orded debrleflng moved smoothly to the actual hours they spent at the Moon Living In splendld IsolatIon, Astronauts Nell Armstrong, MIchael Collins, and EdWIn Aldrin, Jr , met for a second day with thelr boss Astronaut to de tall the mlSSlon for the men who wlll follow them A fe,,' hundred feet away In the 11 5 m~1110n d~llar quarantlne bUlldlng, unt~l . ,..a d doc tors are sure they contaIn no dangerous Stnct Regu at,ons "pprOye Moon germs, are the Astronauts and lunar • rock samples Tal-Elempt foundatIons SClentlsts began eXamInIng a dusty black plug of the lunar crust ThlS core sam WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The House \<Jays pIe IntI, dark senrls of matenal at ItS and Means Commlttee approved today top, '"as expected to reveal a layer~ng of strlct new regulatlons on tax-exempt materlal 1n the f~rst 5 1/8 Inches below THE LUNAR RECGIVING 1 ABORATORY Budd foundatcons, Includlng for the flrst the Moon'~ surface Blolog~sts also plan- &ng 37, at the Space Centep, Houston, t~me a 7 5 percent annual tax on In- ned to use one of two plugs that were col- &S shown &n th&s aeY'1 al v&ew The As vestment ~ncome lected for bacterlolog~cal studles tponauts ape quaPantlned hepe wh&le The commlttee put the restrlct10ns SClentJsls also readled a chunk of rock, SC1-entl-sts make supethey bpought back Into the tax reform blll ~ t IS pre- an "exc1 t1ng" speClmen apparently formed HANDS ENCASFD IN RUBBFR rWVF5 no Moon gepms wl-th them parlng for final approval by Frlday by the coollng of molten rock, for study Bp&an Shnnep, Yall? qeologlj cha?-pman The b~ll ~s expected to pass the In the most sens~tlve radlatlon count~ng demonstpates how samrles of thl? lu~ar House the follow~ng Wednesday laboratory known ln the world ThlS should supface ape be&ng handled He &s one Time DeYotes 1 l/2 Pages It voted to boost a tentatlve 5/ tell about the rock's age and ItS composl- of the mope than 135 sc&ent&sts se tax on net foundatIon Income from tlon lected b1f NASA to analyze Moon sam Investments to 7 5/ The tax could They had exposed a small "qUIck-grab" nles Ipought back to Eapth bu Apollo 11 To Senator Ted Kennedy raIse between $75 mllll0n and $100 sample scooped up by Armstrong the moment mlll~on In new revenue from more he arrIved on the ~oon's surface last Sun NEW YORK (UPI) -- T~me Magaz~ne th~s than 30,000 tax-free foundatl0ns, a day to Earth's alr, and that It appeared Space Agency Reports week devoted 7 1/2 pages to Massachu commlttee spokesman sald unchanged ThlS ralsed hopes that the re setts senator Edward Kennedy, beg~nn~ng The comm~ttee also approved tough macnder of the samples could be safely 'Locating Missmg Satellite with h~s p~cture on the front cover new restrlctlons on foundatlon act1- stud~ed In the oxygen-rlch alr Instead of page under the caption "The Kennedy De v~ty, includlng proposals to re In a vacuum surrounded by some Inert gas CAPE KFNNEDY (UPI) -- The Space Agency bacle--A G~rl Dead, A Career ~n Jeopar strIct pollt1cal 10bbYlng Restrlc llke nltrogen reported today that radar trackIng sta dy " tlons on lnvolvement of publlC of Bryan Frb, the Manager of the Lunar Re tIons have located the romsat Corpora The magaZIne revIewed In conSIderable flclals lncludlng Supreme Court JUs celvlng Ldboratory sald all the contents tion's lost $6 mlillon communlcatlors detaIl reports of the tragedy In wh~ch tlces In foundatl0ns was also In of the flrst rock box, one of two fliled satellIte In the wrong, and useless or MISS Mary Jo Kopechne, a WashIngton cluded by the Moonwalkers, had been unloaded and bIt secretary and former employee in the Also restr~cted under the commlt placed In ~ndlvdual conta1ners on rotatlng The satellIte vIas launched Frlday to offIce of the late Senator Robert Ken tee proposal would be grants to In trays In a vacuum tank replace an Ident~cal Intelsat 3 space nedy, drowned when Edward Kennedy's au d~vlduals such as those tte Ford But he sald tearlng 1n the heavy, black craft that falled above the Atlantlc a tomobIle plunged off a small brIdge In FoundatIon gave to former a1des of rubber gloves WhlCh technlclans must stlck month ago to 8-10 feet of water near Edgartown, the late Sen Robert Kennedy, WhICh thelr arms Into In order to work Inslde The flrst mlnutes of the fllght ap Mass , July 18 The aCCIdent was not were subject to much crltlclsm the chamber, threatened to postpone un loa peared to go well, but trackIng sta reported to polIce by Kennedy for about A commlttee spokes'Tlan sa~d "~nfor dlng of the second box wh1ch contalns more tIons were unable to f~nd ~t after It n~ne hours mal and free-wheellng grants to IP materlal was to have reached a prellmlnary orblt TIme recalled the younger Kennedy's dlvlduals would be barred, but dl Wh~le examlnlng one of the plugs SClen and after many hours of frultless hunt f~rst speech after the assaSSInatIon rect grants to Indlvlduals cOhld be tlStS found a glassy peanut-shaped obJer~ ~ng. the AIr Force's powerful space last year of h~s brother, Robert, when made If ~nternal revenue standards lns~de Prof Ronald Fryxell of \<Jashlng radar network was asked to look for the he sald "LIke my brothers before me, were met The flnal restrlctlons ton State Unlverslty, sald the shlny lump SIlent sateillte I pick up a fallen standard SustaIned were softer, however, than the or~ of unJdentlhed materlal was ahout 1/4" The sateillte was to have gone 1nto a by the memory of our pr~celess years glnal plan adopted long prellm~nary "transfer" orblt and It ,.,as together, I shall try to carry forward supposed to be rad101n~ telemetry re the speCIal commItment to JustIce, to ports back to Farth excellence, to courage that dlstln Nixon Pledges to Protect Thailand "Indlcatlons are that the Intelsat 3 gUlshed theIr lIves " dId not reach transfer orblt due to a The Time commented, "The recollectlon malfunctlon of the Delta launch veh~cle of these words evoked bItter lrony last Against Any Outside Aggression thlrd stage," the space agency sald In a week Kennedy's career was threatened BANGKOK, THAILAND (UPI) Presldent Nlxon pledged today that the U S wlll brlef statement not by a violent enemy or a pol~tlcal defend Tha~land agalnst outside aggresslon and ~nternal subverslon Comsat PdYS the space a~ency about $5 foe but by a scandal that revealed a In preVlOUS stops In Guam and Man~la, Nlxon stressed that the non-CommunIst mlll10n for the Delta and assoclated shock~ng lapse of Judgment and control" natlons must contrlbute more to thelr own defense But here he placed emphasls launch costs The magaZIne cont~nued, "How WIll on "Amerlca's determlnatl0n to honor ItS comm~tments In ASla and the Paclflc " the case affect Kennedy's polltlcal ca Speaklng to an enthuslastlc crowd 1n the heart of thIS capItal Clty, NIxon reer? One factor will be to what ex pralsed the Thals for sendlng 47,000 soldlers to f~ght alongSIde Amerlcan troops ABM Opponents Insist tent the U S publlC ~ccepts hlS TV ac In Vlet Nam count of the debacle It was a SlICk, Speak~ng of U S securlty pacts On Nixon Compromise carefully-wr~tten statement that was in ASla, Nlxon sald "We wlll honor ,~ell-dellvered, w~th uncanny echoes of those comm~tments, not only because WASHINGTON (upI) -- The Nlxon Admln~ the haunt~ng John Kennedy VOlce Apart we conslder them solemn obllgatlons, stratlon was warned today that the SAFF from ItS faIlure to answer key ques but equally Important because we GUARD antlbaillstlc mISS lIe system would t~ons, It was dIsturbIng In other res fully recognlze that we and the na be fought agaln and agaln on the Senate pects It played somewhat cheaply on tIons of Southeast ASla share a Vl floor for months to come 1f the PreSl the' Kennedy curse"and brought In more tal stake ln the futu~ peace and dent does not compromlse no", than necessary the shades of the slain and prosperlty of thlS regl0n " Sen George AIken, (Rep -Vt), sa~d brothers Above all, Kennedy seemed to A troplcal raInstorm deluged the Nlxon was counting on a total vlctory In want ~t to, and at the same t~me he was alrport arr~val proceedlngs Wlves the Senate But he sald It would be a obv~ously also begging to be excused of the Klng and the Presldent got hollow vlctory because opponents would "Kennedy," the magazine concluded Just enough protectl0n from a re contlnue to inslst on a compromlse when "has undoubtedly sllpped drastlcally In vlewlng stand to avold be1ng soaked a conference commlttee sought to recon the odds-countIng for the 1972 presi to the skln clle dlfferences between the Senate and dentIal nomlnat~on " From the alrport to the capltal, the House verSlons schoolchlldcen llned the street and And even If Nlxon Wlns In the confer waved flags, but the crowd seemed ence commlttee, Alken sald, the commIt smaller and more subdued than that tee's report would be fought when It WhlCh greeted former Presldent John ~1RS PAT NIXON meets fope&gn students came up for Senate approval son upon hlS arr~val here In 1966 dupcng the Hawa&& stopovep of the Nl-xons' Almost at the moment AIken was speak From a standpolnt of dOlng Impor pound-the-wopld tr&p ing on the Senate floor, Defense secre tant