
J OW 1 J I)~ HIGH TIDE 7-29-F,') 7-29-69 o 2 at 1124 6 3 at 0500 o 5 at 2318 5 0 at 1724 -.tOURGlASS VOL 9, No 8459 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Equipment Problems Threaten to Delay Examination of Apollo II Lunar Rocks SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -- Equ~pment problems today threatened to delay exa­ mlnatlon of Apollo II's lunar rocks by 60 hours But the Astronauts who pIcked them up were In flne health and thelr tape-tLt orded debrleflng moved smoothly to the actual hours they spent at the Moon Living In splendld IsolatIon, Astronauts Nell Armstrong, MIchael Collins, and EdWIn Aldrin, Jr , met for a second day with thelr boss Astronaut to de tall the mlSSlon for the men who wlll follow them A fe,,' hundred feet away In the 11 5 m~1110n d~llar quarantlne bUlldlng, unt~l . ,..a d doc tors are sure they contaIn no dangerous Stnct Regu at,ons "pprOye Moon germs, are the Astronauts and lunar • rock samples Tal-Elempt foundatIons SClentlsts began eXamInIng a dusty black plug of the lunar crust ThlS core sam­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The House \<Jays pIe IntI, dark senrls of matenal at ItS and Means Commlttee approved today top, '"as expected to reveal a layer~ng of strlct new regulatlons on tax-exempt materlal 1n the f~rst 5 1/8 Inches below THE LUNAR RECGIVING 1 ABORATORY Budd­ foundatcons, Includlng for the flrst the Moon'~ surface Blolog~sts also plan- &ng 37, at the Space Centep, Houston, t~me a 7 5 percent annual tax on In- ned to use one of two plugs that were col- &S shown &n th&s aeY'1 al v&ew The As vestment ~ncome lected for bacterlolog~cal studles tponauts ape quaPantlned hepe wh&le The commlttee put the restrlct10ns SClentJsls also readled a chunk of rock, SC1-entl-sts make supethey bpought back Into the tax reform blll ~ t IS pre- an "exc1 t1ng" speClmen apparently formed HANDS ENCASFD IN RUBBFR rWVF5 no Moon gepms wl-th them parlng for final approval by Frlday by the coollng of molten rock, for study Bp&an Shnnep, Yall? qeologlj cha?-pman The b~ll ~s expected to pass the In the most sens~tlve radlatlon count~ng demonstpates how samrles of thl? lu~ar House the follow~ng Wednesday laboratory known ln the world ThlS should supface ape be&ng handled He &s one Time DeYotes 1 l/2 Pages It voted to boost a tentatlve 5/ tell about the rock's age and ItS composl- of the mope than 135 sc&ent&sts se­ tax on net foundatIon Income from tlon lected b1f NASA to analyze Moon sam­ Investments to 7 5/ The tax could They had exposed a small "qUIck-grab" nles Ipought back to Eapth bu Apollo 11 To Senator Ted Kennedy raIse between $75 mllll0n and $100 sample scooped up by Armstrong the moment mlll~on In new revenue from more he arrIved on the ~oon's surface last Sun­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- T~me Magaz~ne th~s than 30,000 tax-free foundatl0ns, a day to Earth's alr, and that It appeared Space Agency Reports week devoted 7 1/2 pages to Massachu­ commlttee spokesman sald unchanged ThlS ralsed hopes that the re­ setts senator Edward Kennedy, beg~nn~ng The comm~ttee also approved tough macnder of the samples could be safely 'Locating Missmg Satellite with h~s p~cture on the front cover new restrlctlons on foundatlon act1- stud~ed In the oxygen-rlch alr Instead of page under the caption "The Kennedy De­ v~ty, includlng proposals to re­ In a vacuum surrounded by some Inert gas CAPE KFNNEDY (UPI) -- The Space Agency bacle--A G~rl Dead, A Career ~n Jeopar­ strIct pollt1cal 10bbYlng Restrlc­ llke nltrogen reported today that radar trackIng sta­ dy " tlons on lnvolvement of publlC of­ Bryan Frb, the Manager of the Lunar Re­ tIons have located the romsat Corpora­ The magaZIne revIewed In conSIderable flclals lncludlng Supreme Court JUs­ celvlng Ldboratory sald all the contents tion's lost $6 mlillon communlcatlors detaIl reports of the tragedy In wh~ch tlces In foundatl0ns was also In­ of the flrst rock box, one of two fliled satellIte In the wrong, and useless or­ MISS Mary Jo Kopechne, a WashIngton cluded by the Moonwalkers, had been unloaded and bIt secretary and former employee in the Also restr~cted under the commlt­ placed In ~ndlvdual conta1ners on rotatlng The satellIte vIas launched Frlday to offIce of the late Senator Robert Ken­ tee proposal would be grants to In­ trays In a vacuum tank replace an Ident~cal Intelsat 3 space­ nedy, drowned when Edward Kennedy's au­ d~vlduals such as those tte Ford But he sald tearlng 1n the heavy, black craft that falled above the Atlantlc a tomobIle plunged off a small brIdge In­ FoundatIon gave to former a1des of rubber gloves WhlCh technlclans must stlck month ago to 8-10 feet of water near Edgartown, the late Sen Robert Kennedy, WhICh thelr arms Into In order to work Inslde The flrst mlnutes of the fllght ap­ Mass , July 18 The aCCIdent was not were subject to much crltlclsm the chamber, threatened to postpone un loa­ peared to go well, but trackIng sta­ reported to polIce by Kennedy for about A commlttee spokes'Tlan sa~d "~nfor­ dlng of the second box wh1ch contalns more tIons were unable to f~nd ~t after It n~ne hours mal and free-wheellng grants to IP­ materlal was to have reached a prellmlnary orblt TIme recalled the younger Kennedy's dlvlduals would be barred, but dl­ Wh~le examlnlng one of the plugs SClen­ and after many hours of frultless hunt­ f~rst speech after the assaSSInatIon rect grants to Indlvlduals cOhld be tlStS found a glassy peanut-shaped obJer~ ~ng. the AIr Force's powerful space last year of h~s brother, Robert, when made If ~nternal revenue standards lns~de Prof Ronald Fryxell of \<Jashlng­ radar network was asked to look for the he sald "LIke my brothers before me, were met The flnal restrlctlons ton State Unlverslty, sald the shlny lump SIlent sateillte I pick up a fallen standard SustaIned were softer, however, than the or~­ of unJdentlhed materlal was ahout 1/4" The sateillte was to have gone 1nto a by the memory of our pr~celess years glnal plan adopted long prellm~nary "transfer" orblt and It ,.,as together, I shall try to carry forward supposed to be rad101n~ telemetry re­ the speCIal commItment to JustIce, to ports back to Farth excellence, to courage that dlstln­ Nixon Pledges to Protect Thailand "Indlcatlons are that the Intelsat 3 gUlshed theIr lIves " dId not reach transfer orblt due to a The Time commented, "The recollectlon malfunctlon of the Delta launch veh~cle of these words evoked bItter lrony last Against Any Outside Aggression thlrd stage," the space agency sald In a week Kennedy's career was threatened BANGKOK, THAILAND (UPI) Presldent Nlxon pledged today that the U S wlll brlef statement not by a violent enemy or a pol~tlcal defend Tha~land agalnst outside aggresslon and ~nternal subverslon Comsat PdYS the space a~ency about $5 foe but by a scandal that revealed a In preVlOUS stops In Guam and Man~la, Nlxon stressed that the non-CommunIst mlll10n for the Delta and assoclated shock~ng lapse of Judgment and control" natlons must contrlbute more to thelr own defense But here he placed emphasls launch costs The magaZIne cont~nued, "How WIll on "Amerlca's determlnatl0n to honor ItS comm~tments In ASla and the Paclflc " the case affect Kennedy's polltlcal ca­ Speaklng to an enthuslastlc crowd 1n the heart of thIS capItal Clty, NIxon reer? One factor will be to what ex­ pralsed the Thals for sendlng 47,000 soldlers to f~ght alongSIde Amerlcan troops ABM Opponents Insist tent the U S publlC ~ccepts hlS TV ac­ In Vlet Nam count of the debacle It was a SlICk, Speak~ng of U S securlty pacts On Nixon Compromise carefully-wr~tten statement that was in ASla, Nlxon sald "We wlll honor ,~ell-dellvered, w~th uncanny echoes of those comm~tments, not only because WASHINGTON (upI) -- The Nlxon Admln~­ the haunt~ng John Kennedy VOlce Apart we conslder them solemn obllgatlons, stratlon was warned today that the SAFF­ from ItS faIlure to answer key ques­ but equally Important because we GUARD antlbaillstlc mISS lIe system would t~ons, It was dIsturbIng In other res­ fully recognlze that we and the na­ be fought agaln and agaln on the Senate pects It played somewhat cheaply on tIons of Southeast ASla share a Vl­ floor for months to come 1f the PreSl­ the' Kennedy curse"and brought In more tal stake ln the futu~ peace and dent does not compromlse no", than necessary the shades of the slain and prosperlty of thlS regl0n " Sen George AIken, (Rep -Vt), sa~d brothers Above all, Kennedy seemed to A troplcal raInstorm deluged the Nlxon was counting on a total vlctory In want ~t to, and at the same t~me he was alrport arr~val proceedlngs Wlves the Senate But he sald It would be a obv~ously also begging to be excused of the Klng and the Presldent got hollow vlctory because opponents would "Kennedy," the magazine concluded Just enough protectl0n from a re­ contlnue to inslst on a compromlse when "has undoubtedly sllpped drastlcally In vlewlng stand to avold be1ng soaked a conference commlttee sought to recon­ the odds-countIng for the 1972 presi­ to the skln clle dlfferences between the Senate and dentIal nomlnat~on " From the alrport to the capltal, the House verSlons schoolchlldcen llned the street and And even If Nlxon Wlns In the confer­ waved flags, but the crowd seemed ence commlttee, Alken sald, the commIt­ smaller and more subdued than that tee's report would be fought when It WhlCh greeted former Presldent John­ ~1RS PAT NIXON meets fope&gn students came up for Senate approval son upon hlS arr~val here In 1966 dupcng the Hawa&& stopovep of the Nl-xons' Almost at the moment AIken was speak­ From a standpolnt of dOlng Impor­ pound-the-wopld tr&p ing on the Senate floor, Defense secre­ tant
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