The Gonypetes-Group of the Genus Cyana Walker, 1854 of South- East Asia (Erebidae: Arctiinae, Lithosiini) 89-102 ©Entomologischer Verein E:V

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The Gonypetes-Group of the Genus Cyana Walker, 1854 of South- East Asia (Erebidae: Arctiinae, Lithosiini) 89-102 ©Entomologischer Verein E:V ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Jahr/Year: 2017 Band/Volume: 38 Autor(en)/Author(s): Lourens Johannes H. Artikel/Article: minituThe gonypetes-group of the genus Cyana Walker, 1854 of South- East Asia (Erebidae: Arctiinae, Lithosiini) 89-102 ©Entomologischer Verein e:V. Frankfurt am Main, download unter Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 38 (2/3): 89–102 (2017) 89 The gonypetes-group of the genus Cyana Walker, 1854 of South-East Asia (Erebidae: Arctiinae, Lithosiini) Johannes H. Lourens Dr. Johannes (Jan) H. Lourens, Diamant 97, NL­3643 AK Mijdrecht, The Netherlands; [email protected] Abstract: Eight large­sized species of the genus Cyana Wal­ as well as Černý (1993) with colour or black and white ker, 1854 from the Philippines were grouped together based ge ni ta lia illustrations, whereas recent authors like Hol­ on common morphological external and structural fea tures loway (2001), Černý (2009) and Bucsek (2012) il lus­ of known males and several newly discovered female part­ ners. They were placed in the gonypetes­group. The type trated numerous males and females of new and rare locality of Cyana gonypetes Prout, 1919 was re as ses sed as spe cies in brillant colours. The 37.7 mm (average) sized Luzon and adjacent islands instead of Mindanao where the SE Asian species of this section of the large genus offers closely related C. gabriellae Černý, 1993 occurs in cluding vir tually no taxonomical discrepancies, although vari ous the islands Leyte and Samar. The new subspecies Cya na females still remain to be discovered. Intensive samp ling gonypetes visayana ssp. n. is designated for speci mens from by me revealed that most females responded poorly to Ne gros and Panay islands (type locality on Ne gros). The male light, and it required a 500 W ML light source to attract holotype will even tually be de posited at CMWM/ZSM. Diffe­ ren tia tion with in the taxa of the go ny pe tes­group suggests them. Obviously they were strongly biotope bound to the de ve lop ment of two sec tions: one, the gonypetes (sensu virgin forest­environments. The missing spe cies of the stric to) sec tion, cha rac te riz ed by males car rying a triangular Philippines could thereafter be collected in double ­digit out ward dent along the front wing mar ginal border, and the numbers and a complete set of structural infor mation be ro sa bra­section in which both gen ders have rounded wings. elaborated for both genders. Based here on the features Ba sed on habitus as well as some il lustrated structur al ge ni­ of eight fully described and illustrated Philippine species ta lia features of at least 10 similar sized insular and main­ land SE Asian Sun da nian taxa show a considerable degr ee were compared with earlier publi shed SE Asian species of affiliation to the go ny petes­group, although several fe male and their potential relationship estab lished or discussed. partners still have to be dis co ver ed. Materal and methods Die gonypetes-Gruppe des Genus Cyana Walker, 1854 in Südostasien (Erebidae: Arctiinae, Lithosiini) By traditional habitus criteria the large Philippine spe­ cies of Cyana are grouped by the following features. Zusammenfassung: Acht große Arten der Gattung Cyana Wal ker, 1854 von den Philippinen werden aufgrund von • They involve eight taxa of robust moths with wing spans ge meinsamen habituellen und strukturellen Merkmalen der of 29–40 mm in males and 32–54 mm in ♀♀, having bekannten Männchen und einiger neu erkannter Weib chen the usual Cyana tiger moth red transverse fas ciae on a zusammengefaßt zur gonypetes­Gruppe. Die Ty pus lo ka li tät predominantly white back ground. The nar row banded von Cyana gonypetes Prout, 1919 wird korrigiert zu Luzon spe cies usually have fasciae up to < 2 mm wide and ♂♂ und benachbarte kleinere Inseln anstelle von Min da nao, wo die nah verwandte C. gabriellae Černý, 1993 lebt, ein­ sometimes possess small trian gular protrusions on the schließlich der Inseln Leyte und Samar. Die neue Un ter­ front wing margin, just be fore the apex. art Cya na gonypetes visayana ssp. n. von den Inseln Panay • ♀♀ have rounded front wings and are usually broa­ und Negros wird beschrieben (Typenlokalität auf Negros); der ban ded (i.e. > 2 mm) or very broad (i.e. > 5 mm) der männliche Holotypus wird schließlich in CMWM/ZSM in spe cies with rounded front wings in both genders, in München deponiert werden. Innerhalb der gonypetes­ Grup pe lassen sich 2 Sektionen abgrenzen: Die Sektion the latter with progressively orange to fully orange go ny petes (sensu stricto), bei der die Männchen einen drei­ co loured spe cies with only few remnant white spots. ecks förmigen, nach außen weisenden Zahn am Außenrand • ♀♀ have usu ally a single prominent cell­spot and have der Vorderflügel tragen, sowie die rosabra­Sektion, in der stronger pig mented hind wings. bei de Geschlechter gerundete Flügel haben. Nach Habi tus­ merk malen und einer Reihe von abgebildeten Merkmalen • ♂♂ have mostly two outer cell spots, the central one clos­ im weiblichen Genitalapparat zeigen mindestens 10 ähnlich er to the postmedian. The usual inner cell­spot of ♂♂ is gro ße Taxa von den Inseln und dem kontinentalen Teil Sun­ sometimes absent or replaced by an orange wed ge. dalands (Südostasien) Affinitäten mit der gonypetes­Grup pe, • All taxa have ♂♂ with two prominent pheromone obwohl noch eine Reihe von deren weiblichen Partnern bis­ pads on the underside of the front wings between the her unbekannt sind. dis coidal cell and the cos ta, a round outer one and a con nected oblong in ward ly elongated one in orange Introduction pig mented front wing zones. In both genders the ante­ The often spectacularly beautiful large Cyana species medians stand acutely on the outer borders. have drawn broad attention of past and present taxo no­ • Black margins are common in most species, in ♀♀ mists. They are externally detailed described and even in ward ly dented, in ♂♂ par ti ally reduced or restricted struc turally fairly well documented. The genitalia of a to the outer half of the postme dian. good number of species have been illustrated by Roep­ The technical procedures for the preparation of geni ta lia ke (1947), Roesler & Küppers (1976) and Kishida (1991) structures as described by Lourens (2007) were mini tu­ © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main ©Entomologischer Verein e:V. Frankfurt am Main, download unter 90 ously followed and detailed, partially dyed 3D male ve sica Descriptive section and female bursa structural components ela bo rat ed for Cyana gonypetes (Prout, 1919) comb. n. both genders of all Philippine taxa. It was ex pe rienced (Figs. 1a–1h.) that in a number of species the vesica mem bra nes were very thin and only no tice ab le as light ref lec tions. They Note: A photo of the HT of C. gonypetes in the BMNH, sent by M. Ho ney, ex ac tly matches the illustrated ♂ Fig. 1a from Nueva probably lacked sup por t ing ribs or other struc tural Eci ja, Prov. N. Luzon. Prout’s (1919) type carries a lo ca li ty la bel incorporated material which com monly light ly dyed the “Min danao”. Two further specimens of the ty pe se ries of four are membranes and enabled them to be pho to gra phed. In la bel led “Palali” on Luzon. This loca tion lies within the Palali ­ those cases, the vesicas were injected with a few drops Mam parang Mtn. Range, with Mt. Palali (4052 ft.) and extra po­ of yellow or blue printer ink through the phal lus hull, lat ed co or di nates 16°23′ N, 121°13′ E. At the below quoted collec­ which after dissipation in side the vesicas, enabled these tion lo ca tions, as well as at five fur ther collection sites of Čer ný and Schintl meister, C. go ny petes was never found on Mindanao. to be pictured. As later will be shown, all collectors ex clu si ve ly caught subst an­ Adult external features were complementary to the tial num bers of the abundant sisterspecies C. gabriellae on Min­ da nao, Leyte and Samar . This indicates that the HT TL is almost of ten lengthy original descriptions by the first authors, cer tainly incor rect, especially because the adjacent islands NW of when these involved diagnostic parameters, necessary Min danao, Negros and Panay, and the NE Islands Leyte and Samar for further differentiation, whereas the structural de tails form a geo gra phi c al barrier with different spe cies and sub spe cies were described in greater detail as to provide supple­ oc cu py ing the same ecological niche. mentary information for partial information pro vi ded by Cyana gonypetes gonypetes (Prout, 1919) comb. n. the original authors. Chionaema gonypetes: Prout (1919: 12). Abbreviations Doliche gonypetes: Černý (1993: 46). BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, U.K. New distribution records for the nominotypical subspecies CMWM Collection Museum Witt München/Munich, Germany. on the Philippines: Luzon: North: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, SE Pagudpud, Adams, Masa sa bug, GP genital preparation [no.]. Brgy. Bu carat, 400 m, 18°25.769’ N, 120°55.259’ E, 20. iv. HT holotype. 2007. 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, 0.5 km NE Adams, Managa river, 140 m, JHL Johannes H. Lourens. 18°3.359’ N, 120°54.678’ E, 15.
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted August 3, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. Dynamic inventory of moths of Savitribai Phule Pune University (Pune, India) through crowdsourcing via iNaturalist. Bhalchandra Pujari1 Department of scientific computing modeling and simulation, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007 1 Address for correspondence: [email protected] bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted August 3, 2021. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. Abstract We present here the checklist of moths (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) for the campus of Savitribai Phule Pune University, situated in the metropolis of Pune in the state Maharashra in India. We report identi/ication of 189 unique genera along with 154 unique species. Despite the relative small size of the observation area and the location being at the heart of a busy metropolis, the moths were found to be of diverse variety, with 26 different families and 76 tribes. The identifications of the species was crowd-sourced via An automated program was developed to fetch the identi/ication and generate the list.
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