Atlantic Canada Guidelines for Drinking Water Supply Systems
Water SupplySystems Storage, Distribution Atlant i c Canada Guidelines , andOperationof Atlantic Canada Guidelines for the Supply, for Treatment, Storage, t h Distribution, and e Supply, Operation of Drinking Water Supply Systems Dr i Treatment, n king September 2004 Prepared by: Coordinated by the Atlantic Canada Water Works Association (ACWWA) in association with the four Atlantic Canada Provinces WATER SYSTEM DESIGN GUIDELINE MANUAL PURPOSE AND USE OF MANUAL Page 1 PURPOSE AND USE OF MANUAL Purpose The purpose of the Atlantic Canada Guidelines for the Supply, Treatment, Storage, Distribution and Operation of Drinking Water Supply Systems is to provide a guide for the development of water supply projects in Atlantic Canada. The document is intended to serve as a guide in the evaluation of water supplies, and for the design and preparation of plans and specifications for projects. The document will suggest limiting values for items upon which an evaluation of such plans and specifications may be made by the regulator, and will establish, as far is practical, uniformity of practice. The document should be considered to be a companion to the Atlantic Canada Standards and Guidelines Manual for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Sanitary Sewage. Limitations Users of the Manual are advised that requirements for specific issues such as filtration, equipment redundancy, and disinfection are not uniform among the Atlantic Canada provinces, and that the appropriate regulator should be contacted prior to, or during, an investigation to discuss specific key requirements. Approval Process Chapter 1 of the Manual provides an overview of the approval process generally used by the regulators.
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