
Page 6A East Oregonian COMING EVENTS Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 STANFIELD SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, Attendees can enter to win the College ([WUD  FHQWV LI FHQWHU SURYLGHV WDEOH to dress up stuffed animals as their fa- WALKING FOR WELLNESS, 8:30-9:30  QRRQ 6WDQ¿HOG &RPPXQLW\ &HQWHU Savings Sweepstakes. All ages welcome. VHUYLFHRUGLVKHV7UDQVSRUWDWLRQFDQEH YRULWH KHUR ¿OO RXW D KHUR DSSOLFDWLRQ a.m., Pendleton Recreation Center, 510 225 W. Roosevelt. Suggested donation is VEGAN/SUSTAINABLE LIVING POT- DUUDQJHGE\GRQDWLRQ   and participate in a pageant. All entries S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Free. (541- $3.50 for seniors, $6 for those under 65. LUCK SUPPER, 7 p.m., call 541-969- PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SER- ZLOO EH SKRWRJUDSKHG IRU WKH OLEUDU\¶V 276-8100). Everyone welcome. WR5693DQGIRUGULYLQJGLUHFWLRQV VICE, 12 noon, Pendleton Senior Center, )DFHERRN SDJH DQG OLEUDU\ GLVSOD\DQG FLAG EXCHANGE, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 1 p.m., Pilot Bring a vegan dish and recipe. New veg- 510 S.W. 10th St., Pendleton. Cost is WKH WRS WKUHH ZLQQHUV RI OLEUDU\ SDWURQV¶ McKay Creek Estates, 1601 Southgate 5RFN3XEOLF/LEUDU\1$OGHU3ODFH ans welcome. Gluten-free friendly group. $3.50 for seniors, $6 for those under 60. voting will get gift cards to the Children’s Place, Pendleton. Exchange your faded, 5LFK *ODXEHU PXVLFLDQ DQG HQWHUWDLQHU Meet new friends, enjoy pool, puzzles, Museum of Eastern Oregon. Free. (541- ZRUQRXW ÀDJ IRU D EUDQG QHZ RQH IRU will use his guitar, voice and special an- THURSDAY, JUNE 18 FUDIWVVQDFNV6HFRQG7LPH$URXQGWKULIW 966-0380). IUHH1HZÀDJVDYDLODEOHRQD¿UVWFRPH tique accordion for a free-wheeling cele- WALKING FOR WELLNESS, 8:30-9:30 store and more from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For THE ARC UMATILLA COUNTY BINGO, ¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLVRUPDNHDUHVHUYDWLRQ EUDWLRQ RI FRPPXQLW\ VSLULW DQG \RXWKIXO a.m., Pendleton Recreation Center, 510 Meals On Wheels call CAPECO at 541- SPGRRUVRSHQELQJRVWDUWVDWSP OLPLWHGÀDJVDYDLODEOH7KH9):ZLOOKROG enthusiasm. Attendees can enter to win S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Free. (541- 276-1926. (541-276-7101). 215 W. Orchard Ave., Hermiston. (541- DÀDJGLVSRVDOFHUHPRQ\DWDODWHUGDWH the College Savings Sweepstakes. All 276-8100). “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 2 p.m., Umatilla 567-7615). (Karen Hoholik 541-276-1987). ages welcome. FLAG EXCHANGE, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., 3XEOLF /LEUDU\  6L[WK 6W 5LFK *ODX- “AMERICAN SNIPER” FUNDRAISER, BABY BOOGIE & TAPPIN’ TODDLERS, ADULT BEGINNING COMPUTER McKay Creek Estates, 1601 Southgate EHU PXVLFLDQ DQG HQWHUWDLQHU ZLOO XVH  SP /H[LQJWRQ *UDQJH  DP+HUPLVWRQ3XEOLF/LEUDU\ COURSE,  SP 3HQGOHWRQ 3XEOLF /L- Place, Pendleton. Exchange your faded, his guitar, voice and special antique ac- Marquardt Road. A screening of “Ameri- 235 E. Gladys Ave. (541-567- 2882). EUDU\ PHHWLQJ URRP  6: 'RULRQ ZRUQRXW ÀDJ IRU D EUDQG QHZ RQH IRU FRUGLRQ IRU D IUHHZKHHOLQJ FHOHEUDWLRQ FDQ6QLSHU´ZLOOEHQH¿WWKH,RQHDQG+HS- “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 10 a.m., Athe- $YH /HDUQ WKH EDVLFV RI FRPSXWHUV IUHH1HZÀDJVDYDLODEOHRQD¿UVWFRPH of community spirit and youthful enthu- SQHU $PHULFDQ /HJLRQ DX[LOLDULHV $G- QD 3XEOLF /LEUDU\  ( 0DLQ 6W 5LFK HPDLO WKH ,QWHUQHW DQG PRUH )UHH EXW ¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLVRUPDNHDUHVHUYDWLRQ siasm. Attendees can enter to win the PLVVLRQ LV E\ GRQDWLRQ FDQG\ SRSFRUQ *ODXEHU PXVLFLDQ DQG HQWHUWDLQHU ZLOO registration is required and class size is OLPLWHGÀDJVDYDLODEOH7KH9):ZLOOKROG College Savings Sweepstakes. All ages DQGGULQNVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHIRUSXUFKDVH use his guitar, voice and special antique limited. (541-966-0380). DÀDJGLVSRVDOFHUHPRQ\DWDODWHUGDWH welcome. Everyone welcome. (541-240-1761 or DFFRUGLRQIRUDIUHHZKHHOLQJFHOHEUDWLRQ “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 3 p.m., Ukiah (Karen Hoholik 541-276-1987). DISCOVER CHINA ORIENTATION VSXWPDQ#FRPRUURZRUXV  of community spirit and youthful enthu- 3XEOLF6FKRRO /LEUDU\  +LOO 6W 5LFK “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 10:30 a.m., MEETING, 3 p.m., Hermiston Confer- FIDDLER’S NIGHT, 6:30-8:30 p.m., siasm. Attendees can enter to win the *ODXEHU PXVLFLDQ DQG HQWHUWDLQHU ZLOO 0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHU 3XEOLF /LEUDU\  6: HQFH&HQWHU6+LJKZD\/HDUQ +HUPLVWRQ 7HUUDFH$VVLVWHG /LYLQJ  College Savings Sweepstakes. All ages use his guitar, voice and special antique Eighth Ave., Milton-Freewater. Rich DERXWDGD\WULSWR&KLQDWKDWLQFOXGHV W. Highland Ave., Hermiston. Join jam welcome. (541-566-2470). DFFRUGLRQIRUDIUHHZKHHOLQJFHOHEUDWLRQ *ODXEHU PXVLFLDQ DQG HQWHUWDLQHU ZLOO round-trip airfare from Seattle, accommo- session or just listen. Refreshments PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, 10:15 of community spirit and youthful enthu- use his guitar, voice and special antique dations, meals and tours to seven of Chi- served. (541-567-3141). DP3HQGOHWRQ3XEOLF/LEUDU\6: siasm. Attendees can enter to win the DFFRUGLRQIRUDIUHHZKHHOLQJFHOHEUDWLRQ QD¶VWHQZRQGHUVRIWKHZRUOG7ULSGDWHV FIRST DRAFT WRITERS’ SERIES, 7 Dorion Ave. (541-966-0380). College Savings Sweepstakes. All ages of community spirit and youthful enthu- are Oct. 19-28, 2015, package cost is p.m., Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 STORY TIME, 11:15 a.m. to noon, welcome. siasm. Attendees can enter to win the  SHU SHUVRQ 'HEELH 3HGUR  N. Main St., Pendleton. Gathering fea- +HUPLVWRQ3XEOLF/LEUDU\(*ODG\V MILTON-FREEWATER FARMERS’ College Savings Sweepstakes. All ages  ZZZKHUPLVWRQFKDPEHUFRP WXUHV D UHDGLQJ E\ 3HQHORSH 6FDPEO\ Ave. (541-567-2882). MARKET, 4-7 p.m., Orchard Park, South ZHOFRPH /LOL6FKPLGW  RUGHEELH#KHUPLVWRQFKDPEHUFRP  6FKRWWSDUWLFLSDQWVFDQVLJQXSIRURSHQ mic time of 3-5 minutes. (541-278-9201). PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SER- 0DLQ6WUHHW ERWWRPRI0LOWRQ+LOO  BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL SER- SKILLS FOR LIFE, 3-5 p.m., Pendleton Oregon-Washington Highway, Mil- VICE, 12 noon, Boardman Senior Center, Recreation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 7 p.m., Adams VICE, 12 noon, Pendleton Senior Center, 3XEOLF /LEUDU\  1 0DLQ 6W 5LFK 510 S.W. 10th St., Pendleton. Cost is ton-Freewater. Food and craft vendors. 7DWRQH6W%RDUGPDQ&RVWLVIRU 3HQGOHWRQ7KH¿UVWKRXUZLOOLQFOXGHORWV (541-938-5563). seniors 55 and older and $5 for adults. All of gym activities, with the second hour fo- *ODXEHU PXVLFLDQ DQG HQWHUWDLQHU ZLOO $3.50 for seniors, $6 for those under 60. use his guitar, voice and special antique Meet new friends, enjoy pool, puzzles, “MUSIC IN ACTION!”, 7 p.m.,Helix ages welcome. (541-481-3257). cusing on life skills for middle and high 3XEOLF/LEUDU\&ROXPELD5LFK*ODX- HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, VFKRROVWXGHQWV)UHHEXWUHJLVWUDWLRQLV DFFRUGLRQIRUDIUHHZKHHOLQJFHOHEUDWLRQ FUDIWVVQDFNV6HFRQG7LPH$URXQGWKULIW of community spirit and youthful enthu- store and more from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For EHUPXVLFLDQDQGHQWHUWDLQHUZLOOXVHKLV 12 noon, Hermiston Senior Center, 435 requested. (Danny Bane 541-379-4250). guitar, voice and special antique accordi- W. Orchard Ave. Costs $4 for adults and STUFFED ANIMAL HERO PAGEANT, siasm. Attendees can enter to win the Meals On Wheels call CAPECO at 541- College Savings Sweepstakes. All ages 276-1926. (541-276-7101). RQIRUDIUHHZKHHOLQJFHOHEUDWLRQRIFRP- children over 10, $4 for Meals on Wheels  SP 3HQGOHWRQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\  munity spirit and youthful enthusiasm. home delivery, free for children under 10. S.W. Dorion Ave. Kids are encouraged welcome.

Television > Today’s highlights Wednesday Morning Kid s New s Spo rts Movies June 17, 2015 STATION 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 (11)KFFX 11 AgDay Paid The Office Paid Eco Co. Paid Paid Paid Friends The Real Paid KPTV FOX 3 Good Day Oregon Good Day Oregon The 700 Club Paid Paid Better (19)KEPR 2 News CBS This Morning Meredith Vieira The Price Is Right Young & Restless

CBS KOIN 19 KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. CBS This Morning Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Young & Restless (25)KNDU 6 4:30 WakeUp North Today Show Jenna Wolfe, Katie Lee (N) Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) Steve Harvey KGW NBC 8 News 8 at Sunrise Today Show Jenna Wolfe, Katie Lee (N) Today Show II (N) Today Show III (N) Paid Million.. (42)KVEW 4 Northwest Northwest (N) Kelly and Michael Quincy, M.E.

ABC KATU 5 4:30 KATU News Good Morning America (N) AM Northwest The View Kelly and Michael (31)KTNW Stretch W.L.Yoga Cat/ Hat Thomas D.Tiger SuperW! Peg + Cat Peg + Cat Sesame Street Dinosaur Train

PBS (59)OPB 13 Yoga/Yoga Wild Kratts C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Peg + Cat SuperW! AFTERNOON STATION 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 (11)KFFX 11 World Cup Today (L) FIFA Soccer World Cup Mexico vs. France (L) Paid Fam. Feud The People's Court M&M M&M KPTV FOX 3 World Cup Today (L) FIFA Soccer World Cup Mexico vs. France (L) TMZ Live! Judge Judy Judge Judy 5 O'Clock News (19)KEPR 2 NameGame Bold & B. The Talk Let's Make a Deal Dr. Phil Judge Judy Judge Judy Act.News News

CBS KOIN 19 News Bold & B. The Talk The Doctors Dr. Phil KOIN 6 News at 4 p.m. News News (25)KNDU 6 Hot Bench Paid Days of Our Lives TMZ Minute The Dr. Oz Show Ellen DeGeneres NHL Hockey Joe and Kim Bergin in “The Briefcase” KGW NBC 8 KGW New Paid Days of Our Lives The Dr. Oz Show Ellen DeGeneres News NBC News NHL Hockey Masterchef (42)KVEW 4 The Chew The Doctors The Rachael Ray Show Queen Latifah News News

(11) KFFX KPTV 8:00 p.m. ABC KATU 5 The Chew General Hospital Meredith Vieira Steve Harvey KATU News @ 4 KATU News Things heat up in the “Masterchef” kitchen as the culinary competi- (31)KTNW Charlie Rose Paint (N) F&Porter Greener P. Grill C.George C.George Arthur Odd Squad Wild Kratts Business

tion kicks it up a notch in this new episode. Once again, the home PBS (59)OPB 13 Paint Basics Charlie Rose Thomas Sesame St. Cat/ Hat Arthur Speaks WordG (N) Odd Squad Wild Kratts cooks face unique challenges designed to test their skills, creativity and palate. EVENING STATION 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 The Briefcase Modern Modern Two 1/2... Two and a Chef The cooks take a Bullseye Eight :35 Hot in :05 Hot in :35 Anger (19) KEPR KOIN 8:00 p.m. (11) Family "When "Hookers, Half Men surprise trip to , contestants participate in First at Cleveland Cleveland Manage- Two families face one of the biggest decisions they’ll ever have to KFFX 11 "Dude Good Kids Hookers, where they feed 101 Las three levels of Ten "Tornado" "Free Elka" ment Ranch" Go Bad" Hookers" Vegas performers. extraordinary challenges. make as they’re presented with a large sum of money. Over the course FOX KPTV 6 O'Clock News Family Family Masterchef (N) Bullseye "Jet Ski 10 O'Clock News 11 O'Clock Ray "The of 72 hours, they’ll learn about the other family and will have to de- 3 Feud Feud Jamboree" (N) News Article" cide if they want to keep the cash, or share it. Action Inside The Big TheSimps- The Briefcase "Matas/ C.Minds An elite squad CSI: Cyber A murdered Action :35 Hawaii (19) News at 6 Edition Bang ons "Dude, Melansons" (N) of FBI profilers analyze woman's electronic News at Five-0 Duck Commander: Making the Musical KEPR 2 p.m. Theory Where's My the country's most devices show that she was 11:00 p.m. "Ho'oilina" A&E 9:00 p.m. Ranch?" twisted criminal minds. alive longer than indicated. CBS The fun-loving Robertsons share their rags-to-riches story with a mix KOIN 6 Evening Ent. Extra The Briefcase "Matas/ Criminal Minds CSI: Cyber "The Evil KOIN 6 :35 Hawaii KOIN 19 of country, rock, gospel and pop. Cameras go behind the scenes as the News at 6 News Tonight Melansons" (N) Twin" News/ 11 Five-0 family prepares for opening night of their brand new theatre show in 5:00 NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs To Be Announced Local :35 The (25) Blackhawks at Tampa Bay Lightning Final Game News Tonight Las Vegas. KNDU 6 7 Site: Amalie Arena -- Tampa, Fla. (L) Show

Brother vs. Brother NBC KGW 5:00 NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs Chicago Paid Paid Grant's Inside To Be Announced KGW News :35 Tonight HGTV 9:00 p.m. 8 vs Tampa Bay Final Game 7 (L) Program Program Getaways Edition at 11 Brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott continue their quest to flip an en- The Local Entertai- The Insider Middle The Modern Black-ish Celebrity Wife Swap Local :35 Jimmy tire house in Las Vegas in the ultimate renovation showdown. This (42) Middle News at nment "The Goldbergs Family "Do "Crime and "/ Jill Whelan" (N) News at Kimmel 4 week, they’ll have to completely renovate all of the bedrooms and KVEW "The Hose" 6:30 Tonight College "Van Not Push" Punishme- 11 / :05 Live Tour" People" nt" Extra ABC bathrooms. KATU News at 6 Jeopardy! Wheel of The The Modern Black-ish Celebrity Wife Swap KATU :35 Jimmy KATU 5 Bullseye Fortune Middle Goldbergs Family "Charo/ Jill Whelan" (N) News Kimmel (31) PBS NewsHour BBC World America's Nature "The Funkiest Nova "Escape From Nazi Mega Weapons Charlie Rose (N) (11) KFFX KPTV 9:00 p.m. KTNW News Heartland Monkeys" Nazi Alcatraz" "Atlantic Wall" Co-hosts Kellan Lutz and Godfrey guide viewers through the action as PBS (59) Painting Business PBS NewsHour Nature "The Funkiest A.Exper. Thomas Alva Edison is remembered as Veterans Gathering eight new contestants compete in extreme challenges that involve us- OPB 13 (N) (N) Monkeys" the genius who created the modern world. of Heroes ing their bodies as human darts. The winner will walk away with STATION PEN 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 $50,000. A&E Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty "Glory is Duck Commander (N) Duck Dynasty "Lake Duck Dynasty "Till 52 Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty the Reward of Mallard" Boss" Duck Do Us Part" Mystery Diners   +++  ++ AMC 5:00 Apollo 13 The true story of how the crew of Terminator Salvation A group of survivors tries to Lara Croft Tomb Raider: FOOD 9:30 p.m. 60 the ill-fated Apollo 13 moon mission averted tragedy. stop machines from eradicating all of humanity. The Cradle of Life Angelina Jolie. Harvey’s Steakhouse in Huntington Beach, , seems to be los- ANPL 24 Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked! "Pipe Dreams" Tanked! Tanked! Insane Pools DeepEnd :05 Tanked! ing some of its older customers so owner Joe decides to contact CMT 43 5:30  ++ Beverly Hills Cop II Eddie Murphy. F. Night "Git'er Done" F. Night "El Accidente" Cops Cops Raising Raising Charles. Destiney and Hal go undercover as staff as they investigate CNBC 72 Consumed (N) Shark Tank Shark Tank Consumed: Restaurant Paid Paid the struggling restaurant. CNN 68 A. Bourdain "Hawaii" CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 A. Bourdain "Hawaii" CNN International CNN International DISC Celebrity Wife Swap 51 Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast n' Loud (N) Fast n' Loud (N) Fast n' Loud (N) Fast Loud Revved Up DISN 26 Liv Maddie Liv Maddie :05 Phineas and Ferb  ++ Bolt ('08, Ani) John Travolta. :45 Mickey Jessie Dog Blog I Didn't Girl (42) KVEW KATU 10:00 p.m. ESPN 5:00 NCAA Baseball Division I Tournament SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Legendary actress, comedian and guitarist Charo leaves her home to 33 World Series Site: TD Ameritrade Park (L) see how “Love Boat” actress Jill Whelan lives. The two women experi- ESPN2 34 4:00 MLB Baseball (L) Baseball Tonight (L) ESPN FC SportsNat. Baseball Tonight (L) 30/30 "June 17, 1994" SEC "Shaq & Dale" ence life in the other’s shoes as they spend time with family and FAM 32 Boy-World Boy-World Daddy Melissa Melissa (N) Daddy (N) Becoming Us Becoming Us The 700 Club friends. FNC 66 The Kelly File Hannity The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record Insane Pools: Off the Deep End FOOD 61 Diners, Dr. Diners, Dr. Diners, Dr. Diners, Dr. M. Diners M. Diners M. Diners Diners (N) Crazy (N) Pleasures Diners, Dr. Diners, Dr. FX  ++++ A Good Day to Die Hard  ++++ Captain America: The First Avenger Chris Evans.  Captain America: The First A... ANPL 10:00 p.m. 65 GOLF The Lucas Lagoons crew is asked to create a bayside paradise for a 88 Live From the U.S. Open Live From the U.S. Open Live From the U.S. Open GSN Skin Wars (N) Idiotest Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Skin Wars Idiotest Baggage Baggage couple from Snead Island, Florida, in this rebroadcast. The new out- 76 HALL 87 The Waltons The Waltons The Waltons Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls door living space will consist of a pool, spa, fire feature and kitchen, HGTV 62 Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Brother vs. Brother (N) H.Hunt (N) House (N) Property Brothers without any of Lucas’ signature rock work. CABLE HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers :05 American Pickers :05 American Pickers 50 "Duck, Duck, Moose" "Mountain Mayhem" "Good & Evel" "Need for Speed" "Sturgis or Bust" Talk shows LIFE 29  ++ Georgia Rule Felicity Huffman.  ++ Two Weeks Notice Sandra Bullock.  +++ Made of Honor Patrick Dempsey. NICK 27 100 Things H.Danger H.Danger Sponge Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. Friends :35 Friends 7:00 a.m. (19) KEPR KOIN CBS This couple found their son unresponsive ROOT 5:30 18 MarinersPr MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants at Seattle Mariners Site: Safeco Field -- Post-game MLB Baseball San Francisco Giants Morning in his crib, they were accused of 37 Holes e-game (L) Seattle, Wash. (L) (L) at Seattle Mariners Site: Safeco Field (25) KNDU KGW Today Show homicide. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops "War Cops Finally: Kimbo vs. #startTODAY with Jenna Wolfe. Katie 2:00 p.m. KOIN (42) KVEW The Doctors SPIKE 42 Lee on Today. KGW The Dr. Oz Show on Drugs" Shamrock (42) KVEW KATU Good Morning KATU The Meredith Vieira Show SYFY 67 Movie  +++ Sinister ('12, Hor) Juliet Rylance, Ethan Hawke.  ++ 1408 ('07, Hor) Samuel L. Jackson, John Cusack. Movie America Guests: ‘Chicago Fire’s Sophia Bush, ‘E! TBS Seinf. "The Seinfeld Seinf. "The Seinf. "The Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Noah Wyle, ESPN2 ESPN First Take News’ host Giuliana Rancic, and La La 59 Masseuse" Implant" Seven" Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Blake Anderson WPIX Maury Anthony. 5:00  +++ Kiss  +++ Gentlemen Prefer Blondes :45  Untamed Youth ('57, Dra) :15  I Married a Woman ('56, :45  Bait 8:00 a.m. WPIX The Jerry Springer HALL Home and Family TCM 56 Show Payton needs to end things with 3:00 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN Dr. Phil Them for Me ('53, Mus) . Lori Nelson, . Rom) , George Gobel. her girlfriend to stay with the woman (25) KNDU The Dr. Oz Show TLC 49 Styled Love, Lust Conjoined Twins Man With Half a Body BornWithoutLimbs (N) Diagnose Me Born Without Limbs she fi rst kissed. KGW The Ellen DeGeneres Show TNT 57 Castle Castle Castle Castle "Love Me Dead" Castle Proof "Pilot" (19) Guests include Keira Knightly; Wendi 9:00 a.m. KEPR The Meredith UNI P. Luche Noticiero La sombra del pasado Amores con trampa La Imperdonable Que te perdone Dios Impacto Noticie. Vieira Show Guests: ‘Chicago Fire’s Mclendon-Covey. 21 Sophia Bush, ‘E! News’ host Giuliana (42) KVEW The Rachael Ray Show USA 58 5:00  Madea's Witness Protecti... Modern NCIS "Chained" NCIS "Blackwater" NCIS "Doppelganger" Modern Modern Rancic, and La La Anthony. KATU Steve Harvey WE 118 LawOrder "Wannabe" LawOrder "Act of God" LawOrder "Privileged" Law & Order Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values (25) 4:00 p.m. (25) KNDU The Ellen KNDU KGW Today Show II Lauren WGN Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks/Rec Parks/Rec Raising Raising Graham on ‘Max’. Lessons Learned DeGeneres Show Guests include Keira from Dad: . Knightly; Wendi Mclendon-Covey. ENC 644 :10  ++ Pompeii ('14, Adv) Kit Harington.  ++ Gone in 60 Seconds Nicolas Cage.  ++ Speed ('94, Act) Keanu Reeves. (42) (42) KVEW Live! With Kelly and KVEW The Queen Latifah Show HBO   518 5:15 The Legend o... Silicon Veep Get on Up ('14, Bio) Nelsan Ellis, Chadwick Boseman. Fight Bill Maher Michael Queen puts comic genius Martin HBO2 5:30  Endless Love :15  +++ X-Men ('00, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman.  ++ Tammy Melissa McCarthy. :45 Vice :15  A Million Way... WPIX The Jerry Springer Show On Lawrence to the test! 520 today’s Jerry Springer Show, just 9:00 p.m. HBO3 Last Week Tonight HBO3 521 5:35  ++ Divergent Shailene Woodley. Game of Thrones (N) LastWeek Silicon  Bessie (2015, Docu-Drama) Bryan Greenberg, With John Oliver another case of the baby mama drama. MAX 5:50  ++ Transcendence :50  ++ True Crime ('99, Dra) Denis Leary, .  A Walk Among the Tombstones (25) 11:00 p.m. (31) KTNW Charlie Rose 549 10:00 a.m. KNDU KGW Today PREMIUM   ++ Show III Joel McHale on Today. TBS Conan Guests include Noah Wyle, SHOW 578 Movie A Glimpse Inside the Mind of ... Penny Dreadful HAPPYish Nurse J. Hostel Eythor Gudjonsson. HAPPYish Lilliana’s Luxe for Less. Blake Anderson and Allen Stone. STARZ 621 Movie  The Equalizer ('14, Act) Denzel Washington. :45  White House Down ('13, Act) Channing Tatum. Power (42) HBO Real Time With Bill Maher KVEW KATU The View (25) ESPN2 ESPN First Take 11:35 p.m. KNDU KGW The NIGHT OWL HALL Home and Family Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (42) KVEW KATU WPIX The Bill Cunningham Show Jimmy Kimmel Live STATION 12:30 a.m. TBS Conan Guests include 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 A daughter blasts her mother’s KFFX boyfriends for cheating, stealing, and Noah Wyle, Blake Anderson and Allen (11) 11 AngerM. :35 Mother :05 WizeBuys WizeBuys Stone. KPTV lies. FOX 3 Loves Ray TMZ Dish Raising Queens King of H. Paid Access H. Minute Good Day Good Day Oregon 12:35 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW (11) Late Night 10:30 a.m. KFFX The Real (19)KEPR 2 Hawaii5-0 :35 Late James Corden :35 Paid :05 Up to the Minute News News News 11:00 a.m. (25) KNDU Steve Harvey With Seth Meyers (25) KNDU KGW KATU Live! With Kelly and Michael 1:35 a.m. Last Call CBS KOIN 19 Hawaii5-0 :35 Late James Corden :35 Insider :10 Up to the Minute News News KOIN 6 News at 5 a.m.

With Jamie Chung, J. WPIX The Bill Cunningham Show (25)KNDU 6 Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 Today Show Mad Money News Wake Up Northwest (31) Mascis and Chris Garcia visit. Noon KTNW Charlie Rose KGW 1:55 a.m. HBO NBC :35 :35 :05 (42) KVEW KATU The Chew Last Week Tonight With 8 Tonight Seth Meyers C. Daly News Backroads Mad Money News News 8 News 8 at Sunrise HALL Home and Family John Oliver (42)KVEW Kimmel :35 Nightl. :05 Middle :35 Paid :05 ABC ABC News America This Morning Northwest 5:30 a.m. (42) KVEW Good Morning 4 WPIX The Steve Wilkos Show Northwest ABC KATU 5 Kimmel :35 Nightl. :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now News KATU News This Morning 1:00 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN The Talk

(59) OPB Charlie Rose Pendleton East-Oregonian, OR: Talk Shows Jun (31)KTNW Newsline Oregon Nature Nova Nazi Mega Weapons Roosevelts "The Common Cause (1939-1944)" WPIX 17, 2015 The Steve Wilkos Show After a PBS (59)OPB 13 PBS NewsHour Roosevelts "The Common Cause (1939-1944)" Frontline Anyone and Everyone Business BBC News