COMING EVENTS Thursday, September 17, 2015
Page 8A East Oregonian COMING EVENTS Thursday, September 17, 2015 THURSDAY, SEPT. 17 S.W. Dorion Ave. Gym activities baked goods and plants, locally 2-mile and 5K run/walk. $5 entry VFW COWBOY BREAKFAST, and life skills for middle and high crafted jewelry and items for the fee, $10 shirt. Proceeds bene¿t the 6-10 a.m., Stillman Park, 413 S.E. school students. Free, but registra- home. EBT, debit and credit cards Morrow County cross country team. Byers Ave., Pendleton. Famous tion requested. (Danny Bane 541- welcome. (pendletonfarmersmar- DRIVE ONE 4 UR SCHOOL VFW pancakes, eggs, ham and 379-4250). FUNDRAISER, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., coffee or juice for $8 adults, $4 chil- THE ARC UMATILLA COUNTY VFW BINGO, doors open at 6 Hermiston High School, 600 S. dren under 12. BINGO, 6 p.m. doors open, bingo p.m., games start at 7 p.m., Herm- First St. Take a test drive in a new FREE ADMISSION AT HERI- starts at 7 p.m. 215 W. Orchard iston VFW, 45 W. Cherry St. Ford vehicle and help the high TAGE STATION MUSEUM, 10 a.m. Ave., Hermiston. (541-567-7615). THE EOSCENES, 6:30 p.m. school marching band attend the to 4 p.m., 108 S.W. Frazer Ave., FIDDLER’S NIGHT, 6:30-8:30 doors open, 7 p.m. concert, Pend- Holiday Bowl in December. Food Pendleton. Admission is free Mon- p.m., Hermiston Terrace Assisted leton Center for the Arts, 214 N. vendors and daycare will be avail- day-Thursday of Round-Up Week.
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