Een Monument Als Kantoorhuisvesting

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Een Monument Als Kantoorhuisvesting - EEN MONUMENT ALS KANTOORHUISVESTING - P5 rapport Real Estate & Housing, TU Delft Datum: 14 juni 2011 Naam: Nico Hendrik Vegt Adres: Afroditekade 130 1076 DP Amsterdam Telefoon: +31 6 2825 5654 E-mail: [email protected] Studienummer: 1142224 Universiteit: Technische Universiteit Delft Faculteit: Bouwkunde Afdeling: Real Estate & Housing Afstudeerlaboratorium: Real Estate Management Labcoördinator: dr. ir. D.J.M. van der Voordt Hoofdmentor: dr. ir. H.T. RemØy 2e mentor: dr. ir. A. Straub Gecommitteerde: dipl. ing. U.D. Hackauf VOORWOORD Dit rapport is het resultaat van mijn afstudeeronderzoek naar de meerwaarde van monumentale huisvesting voor kantoorondernemingen. Het onderzoek hiernaar is uitgevoerd binnen het afstudeerlab Real Estate Management als afstudeerrichting van de afdeling Real Estate en Housing, faculteit bouwkunde van de Technische Universiteit in Delft. Het rapport beschrijft naast het onderzoeksontwerp, resultaten voortkomend uit het onderzoek. Er wordt hierbij ingegaan op zowel de theorie als de praktijk van waardering van monumenten als huisvesting. Waardering wordt hierbij beïnvloed door een spanningsveld rond exploitatie en transformatie. Voor het verkrijgen van de benodigde informatie zijn drie casestudies uitgevoerd. Hiermee is duidelijk geworden hoe het spanningsveld rond transformatie en exploitatie een huisvestingswaardering beïnvloedt. Het onderzoeksrapport eindigt met conclusies, een reflectie en aanbevelingen voor vervolgonderzoek. Met veel plezier en een grote interesse voor dit onderwerp heb ik aan dit onderzoek gewerkt. Mijn dank gaat uit naar allen die hieraan een bijdrage hebben geleverd en naar het Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Gemeente Amsterdam die mijn onderzoek gedurende 5 maanden gefaciliteerd heeft. Speciale dank gaat uit naar de docenten Hilde Remoy en Ad Straub die mij gedurende het afstuderen hebben begeleid. Nico Hendrik Vegt Amsterdam, juni 2011 ABSTRACT Part I - Research design 1.1 - Research objective This research aims on giving notion about the added value of heritage accommodation for office enterprises. What made the enterprises want to accommodate their organization in these building, given the limited transformation possibilities and higher accommodation exploitation? The research aims on (future) tenants of heritage office accommodation. 1.2 - Problem analyses Transformation The functional lifespan of office accommodation is declining because of changing building requirements and the use by tenants. Because of these changes, the gap between an enterprises demand and the supply an accommodation offers, widens. A building intervention could bring demand and supply back together. The possibility to modernize or extend heritage-listed office accommodation is limited due to its monumental status. When an enterprise wants to modernize or extend heritage accommodation, a tension is caused between the functional lifespan and the symbolic lifespan (monumental status). This tension makes transformation of monuments much more difficult in comparison to non- monumental buildings Exploitation The technical lifespan of office accommodation is declining because of the aging of the building and the use by tenants. The gap between an enterprises demand and supply an accommodation offers, widens because of these changes. A building intervention could bring the demand and supply back together. Building maintenance of heritage accommodation is regulated by its monumental status. A tension is caused between the technical lifespan and symbolic lifespan (monumental status) of the building. Besides, the energy efficiency of monumental buildings is much lower in comparison to modern specification. Both aspects makes exploitation of monumental accommodation much more expensive in comparison to non-monumental buildings 1.3 - Research question Which added value has heritage listed office accommodation for an office enterprise? The added value takes in account the tension housing in heritage accommodation has with regard to transformation and exploitation. 1.4 - Research method The research is conducted in three phases. Phase 1 gives theoretical basis to accommodation valuing and the tension between transformation, exploitation and the housing of enterprises in heritage accommodation. During the second phase case study research is conducted to three different case studies. This research gives a practical basis to accommodation valuing and the tension between transformation, exploitation and the housing of enterprises in heritage accommodation. The three case study objects selected are The Bank in Amsterdam (I), the DUWO office in Delft (II) and the AT Osborne office in Baarn (III) During the third phase all information is joined and described as results, conclusions and recommendations. Image 1 – Case study objects I, II, III Part II - Research 2.1 - Accommodation valuing - Theoretical framework and practical output (case study) - Accommodation value The way an accommodation is valued depends on the position as a tenant or as an owner and could be both financial or non-financial. This research aims on the non-financial, symbolic value of heritage-listed accommodation. Genius Loci The Genius Loci (spirit of the place) describes the accommodation by its character. The way a character is experienced differs per person and depends on a mix of feelings and physical needs. With regard to Genius Loci, place identity is formed in the way space or place, place character, sense of place, place attachment and placelessness is valued by people. Place attachment is a persons basic need to feel comfortable in an environment. Heritage listed accommodation could play an essential role in regard to this. Case study research learned on how heritage listed accommodation is valued by tenants. The result of the case study research showed that the Genius Loci (character) of heritage office accommodation is positively valued in: • Reflection of a trustily character • Distinctive character Due to • Material, decoration and dimensioning Besides, heritage listed accommodation is (also) theoretical characterised by its distinctive (ego-identity) and extrovert character. Social place attachment of a heritage building is in this matter secured by the heritage preservation act. Need Satisfaction The Need Satisfaction describes the function heritage accommodation has besides a primary housing goal. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory, describes human needs with regard to the way people act in life. It describes basic, physiological needs to higher, self actualization needs. These needs could be hierarchic arrayed and translated to the build environment. Inspiring Attractive Social Safe Healthy Image 2 - Maslows Hierarchy of Needs translated to the Build environment Research showed that seven office styles could be determined. These styles are: Statusgevoelige Professionals, Bureaucratische Functionelen, Stedelijke Specialisten, Extraverte Trendsetters, Sobere Verkooporganisaties, Ingetogen Conservatieven, Maatschappelijke Dienstverleners When the translation of Malows Hierarchy of Needs Theory is applied to the formulated office styles, shows a picture of the theoretical accommodation needs. Accommodation in heritage accommodation results in obtaining higher than only the primary accommodation goal (accommodation for the organisation). Heritage listed accommodation provides inspiring and an attractive accommodation for an enterprise. The result of the case study research showed that Need Satisfaction (function) of heritage office accommodation has firstly been positively valued in: • Sustainability by its re-use Besides monumental accommodation could foresee in a higher housing goals due to the offering of: • An inspiring workplace • An attractive workplace • Rising of employees’ satisfaction Monumental accommodation could hereby play a vital part in attracting young, high-educated employees. Besides, the distinctive character which was positively valued as part of the Genius Loci could function positively in the: • Positioning of an enterprise on the market With regard to mainly social institutions (foundations, associations and funds), monumental accommodation could besides have a function due to • Connection with an enterprises’ core business Heritage Value Determination of a heritage value lacks a single method and is done by each heritage committee individually. Description of the symbolic value of heritage accommodation depends on the interpretation of the heritage preservation act law by a heritage committee. The common basis heritage valuing has is the authenticity of the building. This authenticity forms the basis of heritage protection. 2.2 - Transformation - Theoretical framework and practical output (case study) - Legal feasibility Legislation applicable on a transformation are the development plan, heritage preservation act 1988 and the WABO 2010. The governments influence on a permit is declined because of the introduction of the WABO and the review of the heritage preservation act. Both changes positively influenced the speed of a permit request during the initiative phase. This new legislation does not influence a request, if a functional change is considered. Beside the influence of the municipal heritage committee, the permit request will then also be influenced by the RCE (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed). If a change of the development is considered, the new legislation does not influence a permit request either. A permit request is allowed to be influenced by objection when a transformation does
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