Transcript of the September 13, 2010 IACC Services Subcommittee Meeting
1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES INTERAGENCY AUTISM COORDINATING COMMITTEE SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 The Subcommittee met in Conference Rooms A1 and A2 of the National Institute of Mental Health, located at 6001 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, Maryland, at 1:00 p.m., Ellen W. Blackwell, M.S.W., and Lee Grossman, Co- Chairs, presiding. PRESENT: SUSAN DANIELS, Ph.D., Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health, and Designated Federal Official ELLEN W. BLACKWELL, M.S.W., Co-Chair, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services LEE GROSSMAN, Co-Chair, Autism Society GAIL R. HOULE, Ph.D., U.S. Department of Education JENNIFER G. JOHNSON, Ed.D., (representing Sharon Lewis), Administration for Children and Families CHRISTINE M. McKEE, J.D. ARI NE'EMAN, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 2 PRESENT (continued): DENISE D. RESNIK, Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center CATHY RICE, Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (For Edwin Trevathan, M.D., M.P.H.) STEPHEN M.SHORE, Ed.D., Autism Spectrum Consulting NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Roll Call, Welcome and Introductions, Agenda Items and Housekeeping Dr. Susan Daniels ....................4 Presentation on the Extension of Good Teaching Practices, Inclusion
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