The Labour Party Rule Book 2010

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The Labour Party Rule Book 2010 The Labour Party Rule Book 2010 Contents SECTION A.....................................................................................................................................5 SUMMARY OF NEC RULE AMENDMENTS ..................................................................................5 SECTION B.....................................................................................................................................7 THE NATIONAL RULES OF THE LABOUR PARTY......................................................................7 Chapter 1 Constitutional rules.....................................................................................................................................8 Clause I. Name and objects 8 Clause II. Party structure and affiliated organisations 8 Clause III. The party’s financial scheme 9 Clause IV. Aims and values 9 Clause V. Party programme 10 Clause VI. Labour Party Conference 10 Clause VII. Party officers and statutory officers 10 Clause VIII. The National Executive Committee 11 Clause IX. The National Constitutional Committee 13 Clause X. Scope of rules 13 Chapter 2 Membership rules...................................................................................................................................... 15 A. Conditions of membership 15 B. Membership procedures 16 C. Membership subscriptions 16 Chapter 3 Party Conference ...................................................................................................................................... 18 A. Delegations 18 B. Conference Arrangements Committee 19 C. Procedural rules for Party Conference 19 Chapter 4 Elections of national officers of the party and national committees ............................................ 21 A. General principles 21 B. Procedural rules for elections for national officers of the party 21 C. Procedural rules for elections for national committees 23 Chapter 5 Selections for elected public office....................................................................................................... 26 A. General rules for selections for public office 26 B. Selection of local government candidates 26 C. Selection of Westminster parliamentary candidates 27 D. Selection of European parliamentary candidates 28 E. Selection of candidates for devolved institutions 29 Chapter 6 Disciplinary rules....................................................................................................................................... 30 A. National action by the party 30 B. Action by CLPs 30 SECTION C.................................................................................................................................. 33 RULES FOR UNITS OF PARTY ORGANISATION...................................................................... 33 Chapter 7 Rules for CLPs............................................................................................................................................ 34 Clause I. Name 34 Clause II. Aims and values 34 Clause III. Affiliated organisations 34 Clause IV. Affiliation fees 34 Clause V. Individual membership 34 Clause VI. Method of organisation 35 Clause VII. Management 35 Clause VIII. Conditions for appointment of delegates to this CLP 36 Clause IX. Officers 37 Clause X. Meetings of the General Committee/All Member Meeting 37 Clause XI. The Party Conference 38 Clause XII. Duties of the General Committee/All Member Meeting 38 Clause XIII. Disciplinary 38 Clause XIV. Parliamentary candidates 39 Clause XV. Local government candidates 39 Clause XVI. Amendment to rules 39 Chapter 7a Amendments to CLP rules where constituency and district/ county borough boundaries are coterminous .................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Clause I Aims and values 40 Clause VII Management 40 Clause IX Officers 40 Clause XII Duties of the General Committee/All Member Meeting 40 Chapter 8 Rules for branches.................................................................................................................................... 41 Clause I. Name 41 Clause II. Objects 41 Clause III. Membership 41 Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee 41 Clause V. Meetings 41 Clause VI. Local government candidates 41 Clause VII. Miscellaneous 41 Chapter 9 Rules for Regional Boards and European party units ....................................................................... 43 Chapter 10 Rules for women’s forums.................................................................................................................... 44 Clause I. Name 44 Clause II. Aims and values 44 Clause III. Membership 44 Clause IV. Management 44 Clause V. Meetings 44 Clause VI. Activities 44 Clause VII. Finances 45 Clause VIII. General 45 Clause IX. Alteration to rules 45 Chapter 11 Rules for Young Labour......................................................................................................................... 46 Clause I. Name 46 Clause II. Aims and values 46 Clause III. Membership 46 Clause IV. Structure 46 Clause V. Regional Committees 46 Chapter 11A Young Labour groups ......................................................................................................................... 47 Clause I. Name 47 Clause II. Aims and values 47 Clause III. Membership 47 Clause IV. Establishing a group 47 Clause V. Geographical boundaries 47 Clause VI. Meetings 47 Clause VII. Officers 47 Clause VIII. Finance 47 Clause IX. Relationship with constituency parties 48 Clause X. General relations 48 Clause XI. Dissolution 48 Chapter 11B Young Labour National Committee ................................................................................................. 49 Clause I. Aims and values 49 Clause II. Membership 49 Clause III. Chair 49 Clause IV. Executive 49 Clause V. National Policy Forum Representatives 49 Clause VI. Meetings 49 Clause VII. Finance 49 Clause VIII. Conference 49 Page 2 of 98 Chapter 12 Rules for Labour Party local government committees................................................................... 50 Clause I. Name 50 Clause II. Objects 50 Clause III. Management 50 Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee 51 Clause V. Meetings 51 Clause VI. Finance 51 Clause VII. General 51 Clause VIII. Candidates 51 Clause IX. Relations with the Labour group 51 Clause X. Miscellaneous 51 Chapter 13 Rules for local government Labour groups on principal authorities ........................................... 53 Clause I. General rules and provisions for Labour groups on local authorities 53 Clause II. Aims and Values 53 Clause III. Membership of the group 54 Clause IV. Group meetings 55 Clause V. Group officers 55 Clause VI. Group executive 55 Clause VII. Casual vacancies 55 Clause VIII. Determination of group policy and action 55 Clause IX. Selection of nominations for civic offices, council leadership and other council appointments 56 Clause X. Arrangements with other parties 56 Clause XI. Action by individual members 56 Clause XII. Groups on committees 56 Clause XIII. Breach of rule 56 Clause XIV. Reporting to and consulting with the party 57 Clause XV. Group standing orders 57 Clause XVI. Compliance with PPERA 57 Clause XVII. Miscellaneous 57 Chapter 14 Rules for Ethnic Minorities Forums..................................................................................................... 59 Clause I. Name 59 Clause II. Aims and values 59 Clause III. Membership 59 Clause IV. Management 59 Clause V. Meetings 59 Clause VI. Activities 59 Clause VII. Finances 60 Clause VIII. General 60 Clause IX. Alteration to rules 60 SECTION D.................................................................................................................................. 61 PROCEDURAL RULES................................................................................................................ 61 Chapter 15 Model procedural rules.......................................................................................................................... 62 A. Model Standing Orders for Party Units 62 B. Annual General Meetings 62 C. Ordinary meetings 62 D. Meeting times 62 E. Quorum 62 F. Entitlement to attend 62 G. Chair 62 H. Party business 63 I. Notice of motion 63 J. Discussion of motion 63 K. Procedural motions 63 L. Motion to rescind resolution 63 M. Voting on motions 63 N. Ballot votes 63 O. Chair’s ruling 64 P. Miscellaneous 64 SECTION E.................................................................................................................................. 65 Page 3 of 98 CONTACTS AND GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................... 65 Chapter 16 Party contacts and glossary................................................................................................................. 66 SECTION F.................................................................................................................................. 69 APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................. 69 Chapter 17 Appendix I NEC statement on the importance of our members .................................................. 70 Chapter 18 Appendix II NEC procedural guidelines on membership recruitment and retention ............... 71 A. General 71 B. Enrolment procedures 71 C. Move of residence 72 D. Method of Payment 72 E.
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