
A B Abbey Theatre, 205 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 37 Ackroyd, Peter, 2, 4, 11 Baldwin, James Adorno, Theodor W., 80 Blues for Mr. Charlie, 60, 71 Aeschylus Cross of Redemption, The, 45 Persians, The, 232 Devil Finds Work, The, 73 AIDS crisis, 2 Fire Next Time, The, 46, 110 Albany Empire Theatre, 187 Notes of a Native Son, 95 Albee, Edward, 47, 69, 237 Remember This House, 6 Aldwych Theatre, 71, 222 Bamber, David, 160 Ali, Tariq, 172 Barbados, 66 Allam, Roger, 59 Barker, Howard Almeida Theatre, 236 Arguments for a Theatre, 142, 196 Amoko, Apollo, 3, 70, 182 Brutopia, 196, 197 Anderson, Lindsay, 33 Castle, The, 48, 124, 138, 139, 141, Anderson, Sarah Pia, 193 142, 155, 157, 195, 198, 199, Arthur, King, 11, 89, 90, 95, 186 231 Arts Council, 8, 9, 26–28, 34, 36, 37, Crimes in Hot Countries, 138 39, 122, 154 Downchild, 138, 142 Aston, Elaine, 57, 58, 62, 160, 187 Gertrude, 198 Atlantic Theater Company, 48, 68 Poor Man’s Friend, The, 153 Austen, Jane, 44 Power of the Dog, The, 137, 138, 142

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence 241 to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018 A. P. Pennino, Staging the Past in the Age of Thatcher, Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History, 242 Index

Seven Lears, 196–199 Bond, Edward Theatre of Catastrophe, 139, 156, Bingo, 31, 33, 97, 98 196 Fool, The, 97 Victory, 110, 114, 136, 138, 139, Lear, 97, 141 142, 155, 156, 199, 222, 231 Restoration, 35, 47, 96, 101, 122, Women Beware Women, 154–159, 144, 166, 172, 180, 207 167, 196, 197, 231 Saved, 33, 100 Barry, Elizabeth, 221 Sea, The, 97 BBC, 28, 207, 208, 217 War Plays, 122 Beale, Simon Russell, 193 Boyle, Danny, 110, 143 Beckett, Samuel Braddock, Jeremy, 41 Waiting for Godot, 156 Collecting as Modernist Practice, 40 Benjamin, Walter Brantley, Ben, 237 angel of history, 5, 109 Brecht, Bertolt Arcades Project, The, 177 Berliner Ensemble, The, 31, 35 “Edward Fuchs”, 11, 40, 93 epic theatre, 6, 31, 62, 64 “Theses on the Philosophy of gesture, 177 History”, 5, 11 Good Woman of Sezuan, The, 93 Bennett, Alan Life of Galileo, The, 213 Englishman Abroad, An, 217 Weigel, Helene, 35 History Boys, The, 207 Brenton, Howard Madness of George III, The, 205, Bloody Poetry, 132, 136, 210 206, 231 Brassneck, 33. See also Hare, David Madness of King George, The, Churchill Play, The, 88, 136, 172 207–209 Genius, The, 132 Bennett, Tony, 11, 38, 39, 41 Greenland, 135, 177 museums, 10, 11 Iranian Nights, 172. See also Ali, Berkoff, Steven, 15, 42, 43 Tariq Sink the Belgrano, 7, 15 Romans in Britain, 11, 87, 88, 90, Billington, Michael, 26, 27, 30, 40, 91, 96, 98, 132, 135, 141, 186 42, 72, 77, 122, 190, 205, 207 Short Sharp Shock…For the State of the Nation, 9 Government, A, 96, 132. See Birmingham Repertory Theatre also Howard, Tony Company, 72 Sore Throats, 135 Black Theatre Co-operative, 122 Thirteenth Night, 132 Blair, Tony, 24, 37, 121, 203, Brewery Arts Centre, 82 233–236 Brexit, 12, 207, 208, 238 Bogdanov, Michael, 7, 88, 123, 136 Bristol Old Vic, 73 English Shakespeare Company, 123 Brixton Uprising, 54 Henrys, The, 123 Broadway, 36, 41, 60, 72, 164 Bolt, Robert Brome, Richard Man for All Seasons, A, 196, 197 Jovial Crew, A, 221 Index 243

Brook, Peter Jones, Ernest, 215 Empty Space, The, 32 Chavkin, Rachel, 66 Brown, Gordon, 121, 234 Chekhov, Anton Büchner, Georg, 132 Seagull, The, 35 Burgess, Guy, 217 Cherry Lane Theater, 1 Burge, Stuart, 3 Chichester Theatre Festival, 73 Bush, George H.W., 43 Churchill, Caryl Bush, George W., 234 Cloud Nine, 2, 3, 48, 55–57, 62, Bush, The, 43 64, 66, 67, 69–71, 83, 140, Butler, Judith, 3, 67 213, 223 Butterworth, Jez Drunk Enough to Say I Love You?, Ferryman, The, 12, 238 234 Byron, Lord, 132–134, 210, 213, 215 Far Away, 3, 235 Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, 55 C Mad Forest, 1, 172 Caesar, Julius, 88, 90–93, 98, 115, Number, A, 3, 70, 235 141, 182 , 3, 36, 124, 164, 165, Callaghan, James, 3, 15, 21, 22, 171. 173 See also Labour Party Softcops, 9, 109 Callow, Simon, 44 Three More Sleepless Nights, 106 Cambridge University Top Girls, 3, 48, 106, 107 Lucasian Chair of Mathematics, 213 Vinegar Tom, 55–58, 61, 62, 71, Carib Theatre Productions, 122 102, 126, 147, 160 Cartwright, Jim Churchill, Winston, 88, 136, 137 Road, The, 40, 122 City, The, 17, 47, 164 Cave, Richard Allen, 44, 68, 77, 94, Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 236 97, 100, 102, 107, 115, 126, Coe, Peter 127, 132, 135, 138, 146, 215 Great Expectations, 73 New British Drama in Performance Jane Eyre, 73 on the London Stage 1970–1985, Cold War, The, 97, 98, 139, 141 10 Colway Theatre, 153 Central School of Speech and Drama, Comédie Française, The, 31 172 Comedy of Manners, 100–102, Chakrabarti, Lolita 104–106 Red Velvet, 238 Committee of 100, 33 Chamberlain, Joseph, 224 Conqueror Worm, The, 57 Chambers, Colin, 35, 36, 72, 122 Conrad, Joseph Channel 4, 43, 123, 189 Heart of Darkness, 226 Charles I, King, 110 Conservative (Tory) Party, 21, 23, 24, Charles II, King, 111, 114 26, 121 Chartists, The, 136 Corman, Billy, 167 244 Index

Covington, Julie, 69 Destiny, 124, 126, 149 Crass, 133 Mary Barnes, 55 Cromwell, Oliver, 61, 64, 110 Maydays, 124, 126, 149, 219, 225 Cross, Beverley Nicholas Nickleby (play), 10, 30, 71, Haworth—A Portrait of the Brontës, 72, 80, 81, 83, 124, 126, 149, 72 151 Crusades, The, 141 Pentecost, 172 Curtis, Simon, 185 Edinburgh Fringe, 123 Cutler, Sir Horace, 89 Elizabeth I, Queen, 173, 185 Elizabeth II, Queen, 38 Engels, Frederick, 193, 194 D 7:84 England Daniels, Ron, 124 Trees in the Wind, 39 Daniels, Sarah English Civil War Byrthrite, 160, 163, 167, 187 Levellers, 64 Gut Girls, The, 187, 193, 194 Putney Debates, 61, 64, 111 Darlington College of the Arts, 55 Ranters, 113 Davis, Jack Enlightenment, The, 38, 181, 182 No Sugar, 182 Etherege, George Debord, Guy, 192 Man of Mode, The, 221 Decolonization European Union, 203, 234 Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), 17 Eyre, Richard, 15, 204, 206, 209, 235 Dench, Judi, 153 Devine, George, 31 Dewar, Donald, 192 F Dickens, Charles Falklands War, 15, 16 Hard Times, 82 Farage, Nigel, 238 Nicholas Nickleby (novel), 10, Farquhar, George, 181 71–73, 82, 126 Recruiting Offcer, The, 177, 178, Old Curiosity Shop, The, 80 182 Dickens, Ellie Fenton, James, 89, 94 My Dearest Kate, 123 Field Day, 83, 185, 193 Dorchester, 43, 150, 153, 154 First Iraqi War, 203 Cholera Epidemic, 149 Foco Novo Theatre Company, 132 Drury Lane, 178 Forster, E.M., 44, 225 Dury, Ian, 164 Passage to India, A, 224 Foucault, Michel, 20, 38, 109 Discipline and Punish, 9 E Frechette, Peter, 182 Eagleton, Terry, 37, 81 Friedman, Michael Eden, Anthony, 218 Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, 237 Edgar, David Friel, Brian Index 245

Dancing at Lughnasa, 205 Raisin in the Sun, A, 46 Making History, 185, 187 Hardy, Thomas, 153 Translations, 83, 85, 86, 94, 185, Hare, David 187, 195, 238 Absence of War, 236 Fringe Theatre, 7, 8 Brassneck, 33. See also Brenton, Howard Judas Kiss, 236 G , 235 Gale, Peter , 33 Hopkins!, 123 Racing Demon, 235 Gandhi, 227 , 234 Garai, Romola, 224 Harvey, Jonathan Garrick Theatre, The, 177 Beautiful Thing, 43 Gaskill, William, 31, 33–35, 39, 154 Hawking, Stephen W., 193, Gate Theatre, 43 213, 214 Gautier, Marguerite, 132 Hayman, Carole, 160 Gems, Pam Heath, Edward, 15, 24 Camille, 132 Henry VIII, King, 196 Godwin, Christopher Heritage Culture, 4, 10, 17, 26–29, Guv’nor, The, 123 31, 44, 49, 69, 72, 79, 80, 100, Gordon Riots, 144, 145 106, 115, 123, 132, 137, 142, Grant, Craig “Mums” 153, 163, 166, 173, 184, 196, Sucker Emcee, A, 236 199, 210, 212, 215, 216, 231, Graves, Robert, 217 232 Greenham Common, 16, 53, 126 Heseltine, Michael, 203 Greenwich Theatre, 217 Hewison, Robert, 18, 20, 22, 29 Griffths, Richard, 20 Hinds, Andy, 215 Guare, John Hitler, Adolf, 126 Free Man of Color, A, 236 Hodgman, Roger, 184 Guildhall Derry, 83, 185, 186 Holman, Robert Other Worlds, 110 Hooper, Jim, 69 H Hopkins, Gerard Manly, 123 Half Moon Theatre, 43 Houseman, A.E., 235 Hall, Peter, 15, 26, 28, 29, 35, 39, 88, Howard, Tony 92, 149 Short Sharp Shock…For the Hall, Stuart, 20 Government, A, 96. See also Hampstead Theatre, 132 Brenton, Howard Hampton, Christopher Humberside Theatre, 55 White Chameleon, 222 Hume, John, 187 Hanna, Gillian, 56–58 Hurd, Douglas, 24 Hansberry, Lorraine Hutton, Will 246 Index

The State We’re In, 23 Kiberd, Declan Hytner, Nicholas, 206 Inventing Ireland:The Literature of the Modern Nation, 85 Kiendl, Teddy, 187 I Kilroy, Thomas Iannucci, Armando The O’Neill, 185 In the Loop, 209 Kipling – East and West, 123 Thick of It, The, 209 Knox, John, 174, 190 Immigration Act of 1971, 125 Kramer, Larry Impact Theatre Normal Heart, The, 2, 155 Carrier Frequency, The, 7 Kurtha, Akbar, 226 India, 30, 53, 124–126, 222–228 Kushner, Tony Industrial Revolution, 42, 85, 86, 97 Angels in America, 35; Millennium Ireland, Kenny, 196 Approaches, 35; Perestroika, 35 Irving, Henry, 123 ITV Brideshead Revisited, 28, 44 L Labour Party Callaghan, James, 3, 171 J Clause IV, 233 James, Henry, 44 Corbyn, Jeremy, 234 Jameson, Frederic Foot, Michael, 121, 171 Political Unconscious, The, 3 Kinnock, Neil, 171, 203, 233 Janowitz, Anne, 134, 136, 215 Miliband, Ed, 234 Jefferson, Thomas, 237 New Labour, 37, 121, 233, 234 Jeffreys, Stephen Smith, John, 233 Hard Times, 82, 222 Lawrence of Arabia, 53 Libertine, The, 41, 221 Lawrence, T.E., 138 Jellicoe, Ann, 149, 153 Lawson, Nigel, 20 Jennings, Mikéah Ernest, 66 Ledger, Sally, 79 Johnson, Terry Lee, Canada, 73 Insignifcance, 106 Leicester Haymarket, 132, 172 Joint Stock Company, 3, 7, 31, 110 Le Pen, Marine, 238 Jonson, Ben, 99 Letwin, Shirley Robin, 18, 19, 24, 25 Joseph, Keith, 24 Lewenstein, Oscar, 34 Joyce, James Living Newspaper, The “The Dead”, 86 One Third a Nation, 152 Lloyd Webber, Andrew Cats, 36 K Phantom of the Opera, 9 Kaplan, Amy, 63, 167 Starlight Express, 9 Kendal, Felicity, 82, 224 Lochhead, Liz, 174–177, 189 Index 247

Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head McKellen, Ian, 172 Chopped Off, 173 McTeer, Janet, 143 Lord Chamberlain Mead, Margaret, 60, 61 censorship, 33 Merchant-Ivory Lori-Parks, Suzan Room with a View, A, 44 Father Comes Home From the Wars, Mermaid Theatre, 123 236 Middleton, Thomas, 9, 155, 159, 160, Fucking A, 236 167 Lovelace, Ada, 134, 210 Miller, Arthur Lucille Lortel Theater, 55 American Clock, The, 2 Lukács, Georg, 192 Crucible, The, 57 Lyceum Studio Theatre, 173 Milling, Jane, 8–10, 25–29, 35, 36, Lynch, Martin, 206, 216 39, 54, 96, 110, 121, 135, 138, Pictures of Tomorrow, 215, 216 139, 160, 163, 171, 183, 199 Lyric Players Theatre, Belfast, 215 Milton, John, 110, 111, 114 Miners’ strike Orgreave, 121 M Scargill, Arthur, 135 Mackintosh, Cameron, 26, 29 Miranda, Lin-Manuel Macmillan, Harold, 15 Hamilton, 237 Major, John, 12, 24, 29, 203, 206, Mitchell, Julian, 206, 219, 220 233, 235 , 217 Malraux, André Falling Over England, 130, 217 Man’s Fate, 17, 128 Monbiot, George Manhattan Theatre Club, 1 The Land is Ours, 62 Mark Taper Forum, 205 Monstrous Regiment, The, 55, 56 Marli Biyol Company, 182 Moore, DC Marx, Karl, 79, 193, 195 Common, 12, 238 Mary, Queen of Scots, 173, 175, 231 More, Sir Thomas May Day Manifesto, 10 Utopia, 196, 197 McCusker, Mary, 61 Morisseau, Dominique McFadyen, Mary, 173 Skeleton Crew, 236 McGrath, John Morrison, Toni, 236 Border Warfare, 189–191, 193, 231 Mountbatten, Lord, 54 Cheviot, the Stag, and the Black Black Mulgrew, Gerald, 173 Oil, The, 189 Mummers, 152, 153 Half the Picture, 205 Murdoch, Rupert, 207, 234 McGuinness, Frank Carthaginians, 95, 195 Mary and Lizzie, 193, 195 N Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching National Front, 124 Toward the Somme, 9 National Heritage Act, 27 248 Index

National Lottery, 204 P National Theatre, The Pan Am Flight 103, 171 Cottesloe Theatre, 34 Papp, Joseph, 12, 28, 48. See also Lyttleton Theatre, 35 Public Theater, The Olivier Theatre, 35 Paris Agreement, 238 National Theatre Bucharest, 172 Peacock, Keith D., 27, 28, 32, 88, 99, Nelson, Richard 133, 173, 236 New England, 41 Peacock Theatre, 9, 95, 195 Neo-Liberalism, 238 Peck, Raoul New End Theatre, 123 I Am Not Your Negro, 6 Newton, Sir Isaac, 213, 214 Pence, Mike, 237 New York Theatre Workshop, 66 Peter Pan, 124 Noble, Adrian, 205 Pine, Richard, 185 Northcott Theatre, 33, 97 Pinnock, Winsome, 43 North of Ireland Pinter, Harold, 173 Good Friday Agreement, 234 Poets and Players, 122 H-block/Maze, 54 Polidori, John William, 134 IRA, 122, 203 Poll tax, 172 Remembrance Day Parade, 171 Poore, Benjamin Troubles, 88, 91, 122, 187 Heritage, Nostalgia and Modern Nottage, Lynn British Theatre:Staging the Sweat, 41, 236 Victorians, 72–74, 80–82, 108, Nottingham Playhouse, 33, 88 123, 189 Nouveau Théâtre de Besançon, 196 Post-War Consensus, 71 Nunn, Trevor, 35, 36, 72, 77, 209 Potato Famine, 83 Potter, Dennis, 28 Price, Vincent, 57 O Privatization, 16, 20, 121 Off-Broadway, 48, 164 Public Theater, The, 41, 48, 107, 164 Old Vic, 34, 73 Puchner, Martin Olivier, Laurence, 33 Poetry of the Revolution, 192 O’Neill, Hugh, 185–187 Putin, Vladimir, 238 Orange Tree Theatre, 82 Osborne, John Déjàvu, 33 R Entertainer, The, 33, 218 Rabey, David Ian Look Back in Anger, 32, 33 Howard Barker:Politics and Desire, Patriot for Me, A, 33 111 Osborne, Richard Howard Barker’s Art of Theatre, 111 Our Ellen, 123 Rancière, Jacques, 186 O’Toole, Fintan, 185, 207, 208 Rand, Ayn, 25 Oxford University, 125 Reagan, Ronald, 54 Index 249

Rees-Mogg, William Chilcot Inquiry, 234 Glory of the Garden, The, 34 Sex Pistols, 133 Rees, Roger, 72 1956 Sexual Offences Act, 88, 95 Reinelt, Janelle Shadwell, Thomas, 167 After Brecht:British Epic Theater, 10 Volunteers, The, 165 Remnant, Mary, 160 Shaffer, Peter Republic of Ireland, 95 Amadeus, 44 Richtarik, Marilynn J., 84, 87, 94 Shakespeare’s Globe, 38 Riddell, Peter, 4, 16, 22 Shakespeare, William Roche, Anthony As You Like It, 199 Contemporary Irish Drama, 185 Hamlet, 96 Rodgers & Hammerstein Henry V, 38, 123 Carousel, 35 King Lear, 100, 197, 198 Roman Empire, 95 Macbeth, 132 Rose, Reginald Richard III, 172 Black Monday, 47 Tempest, The, 98, 124 Royal Ballet, 28 Shapiro, James, 100 Royal Court Theatre (The Court) Sheen, Martin, 155 Camel Cigarettes Sponsorship, 96, Sheffeld Crucible Theatre, 196 101 Shelley, Mary, 132 Royal Opera, 28 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 132 Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) Sherman, Martin Barbican, 11, 36, 72, 122, 124 Bent, 3, 55 Pit, The, 41, 138, 193 Showalter, Elaine Swan Theatre, 106 Wild Zone, 71 Rushdie, Salman Sierz, Aleks, 204, 205, 210, 235 Fatwah Against, 172 Slavery, 89, 94, 95 Sloane Square, 11 Smith, Adam, 25 S South Bank, 11, 34, 37, 38, 89, 95, Said, Edward, 83, 87, 91, 173, 183, 186 224, 226 Soviet Union, 72, 132, 137, 171, 217 Culture and Imperialism, 83 Spanish Civil War, 215 Saunders, Graham, 30, 36, 37, 39, 42, Stafford-Clark, Max, 3, 31, 34, 48, 122, 198, 204, 206 62, 96, 106, 107, 110, 154, 164, Schönberg, Claude-Michel 173, 177, 181, 221 Les Misérables, 26 Stalin, Josef, 136, 137 Scofeld, Paul, 44 Steiner, George, 128, 129, 143 Scotland, 22, 43, 54, 171–177, Stephens, Simon 189–193, 195 Motortown, 234 Scott Report, 205 Stew Second Iraqi War Total Bent, The, 237 250 Index

Stoppard, Tom V , 205, 206, 209, 210, 222, Victoria, Queen 223, 227 Victorianism, 22, 29, 54, 67, 74, Indian Ink, 12, 222, 223, 226, 228 149, 151 Invention of Love, 235 Vietnam War, The, 126 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Virgil Dead, 214 Aeneid, The, 87 Suez Crisis, 33, 218 Vogel, Paula Sydney Theatre Company, 48 Indecent, 236

T W Temba, 122 Wallace, Naomi Terry, Ellen, 123 Liquid Plain, The, 236 Thatcher, Margaret Warwick Arts Centre, 221 1979 election, 16, 29, 121 Welles, Orson, 73 1983 election, 30, 121 Wellman, Mac Thatcherism, 9, 12, 15–20, 22–25, 7 Blowjobs, 2 27, 29, 30, 37, 42, 43, 130, Welsh Coal miners’ Strike, 53 132, 204 Wertenbaker, Timberlake Victorian Values/Virtues, 20–22, Break of Day, The, 172 30, 81, 151 Grace of Mary Traverse, The, 143 Theatre in Crisis Conference, 173 Our Country’s Good, 172, 177, 180, Theatre Underground, 138 182–184, 187, 189 Threfall, David, 74 Wesker, Arnold, 33 Toplis, Percy, 138 West End, 7, 27, 30, 34, 36, 37, 71, Tory Party. See Conservative Party 164, 177, 204, 206 Tramway Theatre, 189 Westhead, David, 221 Traverse Theatre, 55 Whelan, Peter Tricycle Theatre, 205 Accrington Pals, The, 43 Trump, Donald, 12, 237, 238 Herbal Bed, The, 205 Tune, Tommy, 55 School of Night, The, 205 Whitehouse, Mary Lawsuit against Romans in Britain, U 96 United States of America (USA), 2, National Viewers’ and Listeners’ 12, 16, 32, 54, 66, 83, 132, 143, Association, 88 171, 234, 236 Who, The Utopian Realism, 47, 55, 98, 115, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, 130 132, 149, 166 Wilde, Oscar, 217, 236 Index 251

Williams, Raymond Woolf, Virginia defnition of history, 4; Geschichte, 4; Room of One’s Own, A, 163 Historie, 4 World War I, 43, 105, 217 English Novel from Dickens to World War II, 33, 107, 136, 137, 218 Lawrence, The, 10 Wormwood Scrubs Prison, 177 Keywords, 4, 10 Wrestling School, The, 48, 136, 196. Marxism and Literature, 10, 107, See also Barker, Howard 142, 164, 238 Wright, Richard Modern Tragedy, 93 Native Son, 73 Politics of Modernism, The, 30 Wycherley, William Writing in Society, 103 Country Wife, The, 106 Williams, Tennessee Wyndham Theatre, 164 Camino Real, 132 Wilmot, John, 221 Wilson, August Y Pittsburgh Cycle, The, 2 Young, Hugo, 21–23 Wilson, Harold, 15 Young Vic, 123 Wing-Davey, Mark, 1 Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, 37 Winter of Discontent, 4, 23, 70 Witches, 56, 57, 140, 161–163 Wolfe, George C. Z Colored Museum, The, 48 Zinn, Howard, 45 Wood, Peter, 222