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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80011-2 - The Making of a Court Society: Kings and Nobles in Late Medieval Portugal Rita Costa Gomes Index More information Index Aachen chapel, 406, 412 bishops, 157 abbots at court, 139–40, 148–9 bodyguards, 47 Abrantes, 313 Bugalho family, 125 Abravanel family, 199, 249 Camelo family, 112 Abreu, Alvaro,´ 159 chancelers, 45, 155, 174 Abreu, Fern˜ao Lopes de, 59 children, 276 Abreu family, 109, 117 Coelho family, 116 Abul, Louren¸co, 165 Cogomino family, 124 access to monarch, 47, 211 confessors, 151 accession rites, 370 Cunha family, 99 acclamations, 374–5 Fonseca family, 110 accountancy, 46, 351–2 horses, 192 ac¸oreiros,37 ‘Leis’ family, 173 ‘acostamiento’, 222, 225 lodging provision, 346–7 ‘acrescentados’, 241 mordomo-mor, 256 Acu˜na family, 102 Moura family, 116–17 administrative sphere, 43, 172 ‘nobility of the robe’, 129–30 Advent, 374 noble families at court, 87 Aegidius, 269 oath of succession, 377 Afonsine Ordinations, 76–7, 259, 392 officials and lawmakers, 174–5 Afonso I, king of Portugal (1128–85), 34, 374, Pacheco family, 92 379, 383 papal petitions, 136 Afonso II, king of Portugal (1211–23), 36, 40 Pereira family, 96, 97 Afonso III, king of Portugal (1245–79) physicians, 155 bodyguards, 47 Portocarreiro family, 124 children, 86 repostaria, 168 hall, 36 Resende family, 114 itinerance, 294 saddles, 190 lamentations, 381 servants of, 61, 62 laws, 39 Silva family, 103 Melo family, 111 Teixeira family, 115 nature of duties, 42 tesouro, 168 nobility at court, 80 Vasconcelos family, 111 prostitutes,
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