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\rel-fl Ne4 4nflffi5.&dm5 MG'88ts4ST3 ffiffiMn ffi [@MDOR. Eil@NreM WARA€EilffiN ffimffim.MEffi@ngB W TAHAP n Wq metu ffi Wffi, SSos &m ffi OaMmo @ m,S ffimreUEildmNffiSroYAH ffi mJuK@ffiALMm[X([Smmr D[ IRAK AswffiMffiDWIilS MtrAWWDAI,I ffiWAWffiPASAR dAffi ffi TNHNflTAN EffiOD3O[f, MJRRK saMil8#.r,t,mS ftilffiffiffiDANffiEK@ilSom @,sx{#ff fcmJffi ffi TEtmre Sffi@ffi RM,H ANNflsreIB @F TilG ffi @F TtrA DMXmSO ffi .ffi TfiffiI...@flIruffi @F \f,O[- fl Nb 4 AEfl etr.dhmfl &E Jurnal Pusdiknas Vol.l No.4 April 2015 - Juni 2Al5 Penanggung Jawab Direktur Eksekutif Pusdiknas Dewan Penyunting Dr. Ibrahim, LLM., Dr. Muhammad Marzuki Adji Rahmatullah Penyunting Pelaksana Iwan Ridwan Zaelani, M.Si Amir Mahmud, lVfE Luli Barlaini, M.Si Alamat Redaksi Jl. Pinang IV. No. 66 JakartaUhra(I427}) Tlp. 021. 2373 6523 Faks. 021. 440 l0l5 Email : redaksi@pusdiknas. com Homepage : www.pusdiknas. com Rre€fiffird[@hremNffiil DhffiRbdffituHflesA JmflTnffirolm liit ra Pengantar Redaksi irrlttummr fr,fffin1" ,1iiri" l jurnal (triwulan) :lJlltrll[@lMNlMtil,. _ =.l,p?kan yang memuat dan utr,-;: : ':--:'-::*r. laStl kegiatankegiafan keilmuanlreilm,,^- L^ir- _r r tmltlltttllmilntltrinttllililri baik dalim pengamatan r'ri.: ,r . bersifat penemuan ,1ifi,,irilll1ltffilfliii,,,,]1il rrqT '- _ ':* bu., maupun ,- I {uls . i"::*:,O^.:^*y_11", terhadap paradigma, 'llil konsep, il11l|ll]il11,,1,!itl]- l:,. prinsip, :- - _:ud?h. : ada khusunya !ft rFr "- dalam bidaig . ,{1. _" k.bil;;'#l;#i _1 . pusdiknas sekarigus merupakan sarana J., * .': - -, --r^,'ri'lil komunikasi :.. *.:rttans kebijakan nasional cl-an internasional dewasa ini. rri,'el -' dalam -iurnal ilmiah ini baik r ' kajian konseptual maupun ' : : :: i:r::.s akni r hasil 1 1 r iudul. (l ) nama penuris, (3) r :en:"hur*3',' (-ir abstrak dan kata_kata isi- t6) penu*p'uo, rangkum i- *1 p::ru an, dan (7) daftar ;r r--'::.';: cicatar. isi unruk art*.t kajian konseptual berisi materi r I r' :':1r r':"r"h:-''r:rr a' -;r -cedangkan untuk artikel hasil penelitian j j .r.:-Je penelirian. bagian isi rbrhasll penelitian, (c)pembahasan. rnemuat 5-i5 kata, nama penulis tanpa pencantuman .__;;;',,,l,ltul gelar gelar, boleh diletakkan pada catatant<am j"lrr'.'---tlttt'rn rrataman pertama dan -rrrga men\ertakan tempat rembaga bekda, jika p.rrti, tebih dari utama yang ;;;ryr-ai,r,i. tiga, :.,.;,ii;l,o.rr,,' dibawah judut, sisanya Senrentara itu' abstrak artikel konseptual adalah ;i-r:angkan ringkasan dari isi artikel yang secara pad,a, bukan komentar atau pengantar penulis. sedangkan ;rikel hasil penelitian, abstrak memuat masalah atau tujuan penelitian, r;:elitian dan hasil peneritian. metode Abstrak terdiri d,ari s6_10 tr:'anl satll paragraph k; yang disusun dengan format esei bukan enumerative. ieirgan spasi Abstrak diketik trngg? dan dengan form at yang tt:rargin rebih sempit dari teks utama kanan dan kiri mtttjo.o-kmasuk u.u.ruiu ketukan. iebihlanjut, abstrak dilengkapi dengan 3_5 kata-kunci Jakarta, Juni 2015 Redaksi Daftar lsi KEPENTINGAN EKONOMI POLITIK CINA DALAM PEMBANGUNAN KORIDOR EKONOMI UTARA SELATAN GREATER MEKONG SUB-REGION TAHAP t (2002-2012) Ratu lndah Dzakiyyah, S.Sos dan Shanti Darmastuti, S.lP., M.Si PERANG MELAWAN TERORISME: SEBUAH KEPENTINGAN POLITIK GLOBAL AMERIKA SERIKAT DI IRAK Asep Kamaluddin Nashir, M.Si .. 11 PEMBERLAKUKAN MEA (MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEAN) DAN STRATEGI INDONESIA MENGHADAPI LIBERALISASI PASAR JASA KONSTRUKSI: TINJAUAN EKONOMI POLITIK Syahrul Salam, ful.Si 20 HUKUM DAN PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI Damun, S.H.,M.H 25 KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH TENTANG SEKOLAH RUMAH (HOMESCHOOLTNG) Dra. Aniek lrawatie, M.Si 31 ANALYSIS OF THE INTERPRETATION OF TEA DRINKING C U LTU RE S EE N FROM I NTE RC U LTU RAL COM M U N I CATION PERSPECTIVE (DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON THE CULTURE OF INDONESIA, CHINA, AND JAPAN) Dr. llona V. Oisina Situmeang .. 40 ANALYSIS OF THE INTERPRETATION OF TEA DRINKING CULTURE SEEN FROM INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVE (DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON THE CULTURE OF INDONESIA, CHINA, AND JAPAN) ILONA V. OISINA SITUMEANG POSTGRADUATE LECTURER FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION SCIENCE UPI-YAI, JAKARTA [email protected] ABSTRACT Each culture has its own uniqueness & tradition that need to be preserved. So is tea culture in which each culture has diverse interpretation. Indonesia, as a country with the fifth largest tea plantations in the world, has a dffirent interpretation of tea culture contparedwith China and Japan. In this study the author used a qualitative approach with descriptive nature. There were infornrunts in this study; consisted of three representatives of Indonesian culture, two of Chinese culture and one of Japanese culture. The research results showed that the Indonesian people only interpret tea- drinking as afamily trariition without any ceremony or using sophisticated teaware. But somehow in the palace of Yog,,akarta, tradition of tea drinking is a routine which the king performs every ntorning and evening. To the Chinese, tea drinking tradition is known as tea-pouring, which i,s often found on the wedding celebration or other feast, with the aim of well-being, wealth and fortune by using porcelain tea sets, and tea used is natural tea from China. For the Japanese, cultural tradition of tea drinking is known as Chado or Sado, it is considered as a sacred tradition. Everyone in the society mayfollow this tradition, butfirst they have to learn about the tea ceremony since there are and don'ts during the ceremony. Tba drinking is also valued as an arl; every moventent in presenting, brewing, sertting, and drinking the tea will indicate each individualb sense of ort. PREFACE contrast to drinking tea for the people of China, where the tea culture in China has formed a A. Background ofthe Study unique phenomenon. Brewing, serving and Indonesia is a country with world's tasting tea is valued as an art for the people of fifth largest tea plantation after China, India, China. Sri Lanka, and Kenya. There are only eight China is the origin of tea plants, and the provinces in Indonesia which cultivate tea as a people made drinking tea became a phenomenon .:rse-scale commodity, but many areas cultivate that is entrenched in the society. The :.f as a small business. Hence. it is undoubted interpretations of tea culture - including from :h:: Indonesia has a huge potential as a tea the perspective of intercultural communication --:u;ins : country. Somehow there is a lack of - contribute to the diverse meaning of tea- . -:::s:andins about tea in the society due to the drinking activit),. - -: - . :ea knorvledge among the tea famers; Every culture has different customs, and . .-- is :.sic knou,ledge abor-rt varieties of tea a certain meaning is expected in each of these - - - -.. : and advanced technical knowledge customs. Chinese society is very concerned ,". :-' JLilti\ate. treat. pick, brew, and about the taste and aroma of the tea. They also like to corlrpare one type of tea with another. '- - " -'* ' kn..u hou, to prodLrce tea for L-r China. the presentation of drinking tea - - - i :i:\ e tea u ith cold or hot u ater is not accornpanied by a dish of food. ln the - - -- .:ir:re: plain or ri ith sugar. In tradition of tea drirrking in China, there are trvo containers; a cup anJ i the tea is hot and served with whiskey. Guests for the purpose Lrl' :1.;-: are e.rpected to admire the garden, tools, decor, is for sipping the r:: architecture, ceramics, and flowers in the room The mrnn-': w ith proper compliment to the host. or the art ol it. :;::_:.: ::a: .: :hr_-r\\n in the As for Indonesia, tea culture is still tea ceremon\. ( :::.;.r- t:epJre tea in front comparatively low whereas Indonesia is the fifth of the guests. piii re3 leares on the bottorn of largest tea producer in the world. The cause of clay teapot. The te apot is ntade of clay and it this low consumption level is because of a lack is porous. rheretbre it rvill be eventually dry of information about tea benefits among the again slorvly after the water being poured into society and not-so-well-noticed delightful taste the teapot. The teapot was then placed on the of tea if it's served in certain occasions. Based bowl and poured with hot water until it spilled. on briefstories described above, they are three The spilled water will be hold in the bowl and countries with each different interpretation of the teapot was closed for approximately two tea culture due to many heavily influencing minutes. The brewed tea was poured into the factors by hereditary habit. glass and released into the bowl afterward. The For all the reasons above, the author guest then sniffed the tea respectfully as an became interested in researching tea culture to appreciation to the tea ceremony host. Thereafter the people of Indonesia, China and Japan. the tea can be sipped. These whole steps may be repeated several times with different types B. Problem Identification of tea to compare the aromas from each one of In this research, the problem them. identification is "How is the analysis of tea Japanese tea culture is different from culture interpretation seen from the perspective the Chinese, tea has been known in Japan of intercultural communication ( Descriptive since l2th century. The well-known form of studies in culture of Indonesia. China. and tea is 'omatcha", powdered green tea. The tea japan)?" ceremony itself was introduced in the l6th century by Sen No Rikyu, a historicai figure LITERATURE REVIEW with most profound influence on Japanese tea ceremony tradition. Tea ceremony is a well- A. Intercultural Communication preserved tradition until now. The ceremony lntercultural communication is is usually performed for approximately four communication that occurs between people hours. It is started with the arrival of guests, and who have different cultures (could be different then the guests will be escorted to the prepared racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, or a combination lounge in which hot water in a kettle will be of all of these differences).