Circular Sub j e c t Page No. No.

1 Preparation for tbe 1971 Census 1 2 Listing and Numbering of villages 3 3 Ho use numbe ri ng and HoulJJe list i ng Consti tnti on of Blocks 7 4 Housenumbering and Houselisting Numbering and allocation of ,Blocks to Enumerators 11 Housenumbering and Bouselisting - Appointment of Supervisors and Enumerators 2,3 6 Honsenumbering and Houselisting - Training of Supervisors and Enumerators 19 7 Honselist Abstract 25 8 Houselist and Establishment Scbedule - Addi- tional Instructions for filling up - 33 9 Loc at! on Code 35 10 Lisy of typical Industries tbat can be conducted on a Housebold Industry basis 45 11 Houselisting operations - Detailed calendar for the actual operations in April-May 1970 49 12 Houselisting Operations wri ti ng up of C barge Registers 53 13 Houselisting Operation. _ ctartfication regar_ ding doubts as to instruction. 57 14 Hous.listing .perations - Collections and, despatch of filled in schedules 65 15 Tbe population Count in 1971 73 16 Constitution of Enumeration Blocks for the Population Count 77 17 Working sheets - Rural and Urban, for for.ation of Enumeration Block. - Instructions for prepa_ rati on of - 85 18 Sel.ction and Appointment of Enumerators and Supervisors 95 19 Charge list 101) 20 Abridged Hous.list 107 21 Training of Enumerators .nd Supervisors 115 22 Preparation of Notional Map and layout .ketch }lap 12,3 23 aecording the Mothergongue in the individual slip. 127

, Circular Ne. Sub j e c t Page No. 24 Clarification regarding instructions to Enumerators for tilling up the Individual Slip (in English and Kannada) 129 26 Change in the date. of Enumeration 155 26 Provisional Population Totals - Release of 159

27 publica~ion of an initial reDort 167 28 Collection and despatch of filled in Scbe- dules of individual enumeration 171 .29 Special Report on Census enumeration 179 30 Award of Cenaua medals for meritorious work 183

Government of ;':inistr-.- 0 f Home .... .ffairs Of~ice of the ::bperintendent 0 f ~enal S Operations

in lJ::y.:;ore c Telephone, 26921

No.1, ~li Asker Road, 1'. B~lb .9;:-'.;) Bangalor e-1 • Da te 11th:;) e G • ., 5' GS To .lUI Deputy Commissioners, Comm~~aione:r!;Z ~ yi~y Municip'illities; £rBS ants orO' n~c~pal couno~ls, 1110 . VJ.e~on ... l.cer-s, T aha:!.1 dare.

S:tr· , CIRCULAR No. 1

Sub~ Preparation:c; for the 1971 Census-

The next Census will be taken in l\Iysore, as allover the co untry, between ?ebruary and 1V:,~rch 19710 The actual count i", over tvrenty-four montt.s nw:'1Y but a tremendous aUlount of spade WDrk has to be done to ensure'that the population count is accul.':.l.t.:.. Various operations to ensure the accur.?,cy of' the count hAve to bc performed such 9.S listing of' the vilLlges~ numbering of the h~bitatians~ listing of households, grouping of houses into ce::csu::: blocks? delimi t!l.tion of charges into Circles and 1310 cks,. appoJr:::;­ mant of of'f'icers at the v:ll'ious levels involved etc. It wir_ l,1 obvious that the rumber of' charges ",ill run into hundreds~ ci:cc]e3 into thousands and block s into tens of' tl:ousands.

2) The Cansu.s, us you :txe c>..~",are, will seek to determine spec i:':' io f::.cts regardin.g every man, "IOr:1an and child within the boundaxie s of the St'l.ta on the basis of scl:ed ules and instruct ions prepa::~ed by the Census Conrnisaion3r f"or India. The c',nvessing of' the schedules and the collection of' the f3cts will be dona, ~s in other ::::enSJl sas, by the Enume.l'3.tor who Vlill in mo st C'lses be the ·,Till3.ge Of'ficer or the Primar:\[ School ?ac.cher or other of"fioL.is appo inted for this purpo S6 6 The V'9.:rious op9r~tions referred ·~o e.bove ',rill nece ssarily h::::ve to be c::trried out ?ccording to <". striot c=Jlendex of eVGnts and the timg schedules prescribed i'o: the v~.t'ious st~ges of the prep2.r",.tory .'ork nill hRve to be s"':Tl,~tl;:r adhered to if we are to 0" intro.in the gre,,'t repute.tion thc.t i,ho St.:ite h'ls "l.cquired in the conduct of the Census. Obviously, this tremendous prep'::-,r-,tory -::ork .,xgely depend on the co-opor""ct ion extended by you r.rrl your ci: ~.l=: :':.nd all those involved in this gre~.t ende".vour. Census Oper~,t:':',j~·._ is -.n p.dmini str~ tive t,'. ok ':.>11 i cb clep end son the oompl ete, \7ill in,;;' :~. d timely co-oper:;.tion of :-.11 2nd I :~m tl:>j!i~efore ','/riting to you +" request you to be so good ~s to extend to me ~ll help ~nd co-opere.tion. Between nOVi ?:.nd the clase of the :totuat c01..~nt:i I '.'Irill be forw rding to you v".rious letters, c iraul~:rs, codes ~tc., -md would be most obliged if you could find the time to re2.d through them 2-nd issue instructions wherever necess<:ry to 0 ther ~; concerned. It v/Culd be most helpful i.1' :rou could design--.te tr:.'; persons conoerned in 'rour of:fica ',vi th this ill ~tter from the V13:':'/ beginning so th", t the complete nd s:'{stemc: tic ':l'l inten"?nce or -]1 instructions etc., could be .~y,trored. I I".m very rrruoh aV'!ure tr.',ci; your time is limi ted ani th~t the demr:.nds on it are rrumarous ~ ~: exact ing. Bu t I ~.m confic.ent that you vvi11 sxtend ?.11 nece s,::n.~·;;'­ co-operation in the oonduct of the 8:3nsus.


,.. (\J 0\ III (\J

o 8

· 6

(P.P.&DMAKABH4) IU.l"e.'kZ' OeD8US Operat.ioas 1n of __0 .... No. CEN. C1R-3/71-69



Da.te 12-11-1969.

8'11,bject :-Census of India 1971-Housenumbering and Houselisting­ Constitution of Blocks.

In the Census Calendar for Mysore State it has been specified that the 'O''Perations relating to housenumbering and bouselisting will commence in April 1970 and be completed by the end of May 1970. Detailed instructions will be issued in due course regarding the method of housenumbering and houselisting. As a preliminary step, it is necessary that blocks be constituted for housenumbering and houselisting purposes. The. word 'block' as used in this circular means any svecific area which can be clearly demarcated and which is formed for the purposes of the census operations relating to housenumbering and houselisting. The constitution of "enumerator blocks" for housenumbering and houselisting 'Pur'Poses is now to be carried out.

Rural Areas

2. One enumerator block should generally consist of about 200 households {)r more; in other words, must consist of a lJopulation of 1,000 to 1,500 people. Probably, it is easier to apply tbe population criterion in constituting the blocks. However, it niay be emphasised that a block may consist of slightly more or slightly less than these figures de'Pending on local circumstances. 'Vhat is important is that. an enumerator block should be clearly deman~ated.

3. Generally, it should be possible to constitute reasonably sized villages into single blocks. However, if a village has a large population, it may be split into more than one block for operational convenience. Each of these blocks in larger villages may inclUde a population of about 1,000 to 1,500 '{)eople. 2

4. Similarly, there may be 'cases wbere ~il1age~ with small population are, adjacent to each other and where the population ofsucb villages if taken together would not exceed a thomand. Each"o.f such vill~ges m~y>pe constituted into a sepa.r~te enUlllerato~ block., Howe:er, since it ,has, })ee~ es~illlated that a t~,~al popUlation of about a thousand is a reasonable workload for bouse-numbering and houselisting operations for an enumerator, such "illages, though constituted into separate blocks, may together be entrusted to a >single enumerator.

5. If a village has one or more hamlets, irrespective of the size of these haml6ts, it is desirable to divide the area of the village'into blocks sncb that eri,eh hamlet is constitiuted a'l a separate block. One enumerator, however, can be placed in charge cf the (Jsli village as also hamlets despite their being constituted into separate blocks if the total population is not likely to exceed 1,500.

6. In forest areas, there may be habitations which will not fall within the area of any revenue village. In such cases an enumerator block may be consti­ tuted on the basis of the smallest forest administrative unit. Details of such areas must be obtained from the District 'Forest Officer.

7. In areas where the permanent housenumbering system has been implemented, the area unit for housenumbering may be convenientJy adopted in constituting the blocks for houselisting. Depending on the population, one or more such areas will constitute a block for the 1>urpose under consideration.

8. :Five contiguous enumerator blocks will constitute a Supervisory Circle. After the blocks have been constituted, the Supervisory Circles into which_ contiguous blocks fall should also be demarcated.

Urban Areas

9. In urban areas, an enumerator block will generally consist of about 200 households, or a popUlation of about 1,000 pee-pIe. It should be easier to apply the population criterion in demarcating the blocks.

10. Enumerator blocks in such areas should not cut aCross municipal divisions or wards. The constitution of blocks in a division or ward may be made so as to cover the entire area within the latter. However, the number of such ~numerator blocks may be kept to the minimum, by, if necessary, raising the population criterion to more than 1,000. Jj'or example, if in a division there- is a population of about 7,400 people, the application of the criterion of 1,000 persons per block would need the constitution of 7 blocks, leaving a population Qf 4,00 as residue. It is not necessary to constitute a 11th block for this 400 population, but the 7 blocks suggested may inciude this population also. The­ addition to workload by this method is only marginal. 11. In,&.reas wllere, the pe.rmanent housenumbering system has been imple­ mented, tbe area ~niit' f~r ;housenumbering may; be c~'nveniently' adopted' III constituting the blocks for houselisting.· Depending on the population, one or more such areas will constitute a block for the purpo&e under consideration.

12. Four to five contiguous blocks would constitute a Su pervisory Circle. After the demarcation of enumerator blocks, the Supervisory Circles must be indicated.

AppOintment of enumerators

13. It is env18aged that there will be one enllmerator for each block. However, in rural areas, where small hamlets have been constituted into separate blocks to maintain tbeir identity as ::

14. Having determined the number of enumerators and supervisors, it would be necessary to specify the names of the enumerators and supervisors. The enumeration staff will be drawn from Village Acc('untants, School Teachers and Officials of equivalent rank of other departments at the village level. In urban areas, the enumeration staff will consist of equivalent staff in tbe employ of the local authorities sucb as Bill Collectors, school Teacbers etc. TIle supervisory staff will consist of Revenue Inspectcrs (Circle Inspectors)and the officials of an equivalent rank in rural areas, and in urban areas officials above the rank of Bill Collectors \yill be appointed as supervisory officers. A list will have to be drawn up of all 8uch available personnel and the blocks may be allocated to the enumerators by name. It is necessary that a list of an additional 10 per cent of tbe total number of enumerators and supervisors must also be maintained for emergency purposes as a reserve.

15. In allocating the blocks to each enumerator or supervisor, care should be taken to ensure tbat tbe enumerator or supervisor does not have to cover very long dist,ances from the place where he is stationed to his bloek. In other words, local officials in each block should be preferred.

16. After blor;ks have been demarcated and the list of enumerators and supervisory officers determined, a list may be prepared in the following manner in duplicate, and a copy forwarded to this office: 10

Name ,,-{the Taluk/ToumfCity No. of En'llmerator Blocks No. of Supervi30ry aircl~'8

I' (2) (3) (1) 1

17. In addition to the above list, a detailed list should be maintained in your office indicatin~ the name of the village, specifying the hamlets separately, the number of blocks into which a village is constituted, the name or names of the enumerators a.gainst each block and tbe names of the SupervisC'rs with the supervisory circles. This list need not be forwarded but should be prepared simultaneously with the determination of' blocks and selection of enumerators .and should be available for inspection.

18. The constitution of the blocks on the lines suggested above, selection ,of enumerators and supervisors must be completed by the end of November 1969.

P. PADMANAHHA, D'i'fector of Ccnsus Operations in i.lly.sore.

To-- (1) AU the Divisional CommiRsioller~. (2) All the Deput.y Commissioners of DistrichJ. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore au(i Mangalore City Municipalities. (4) All Assistant Commissioners ·of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (5) All District Censlls OfficerR. (6) All City Census Officers. (7) All the Charge Superintendents.

WD P 6214-GPB-SOO-·12-11-69 J I



No. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas ,. Census Circular No. Ai4· Basappa Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27. JANUARY I, 1970

Subject :-Census of India, 1971--Housanumbering and Houselisting­ Numbering and allocation of Blocks to Enumerators.

Under Circular No. 3, instructi~ns had been issued regarding the formation of 'Census blocks for the House-numbering and houselisting operations. In terms of Circular No.3, you will doubtless have now constituted your charge into the appropriate number of census blocks and will have also determined the names of the Enumerators and the Supervisors as mentioned therein. To enabl~ you to have complete control over the operations, printed charge registers win be supplied to you shortly with instructions as to how to fill them up. Before the Charge Registers are written up, it would be necessary for you to number all the blocks in your charge serially, and indicate against each census block the name of the Enumerator who will be in charge of that block.

2. The serial numbering of the blocks in your entire charge will be con­ tinuous. You must list and number the blocks village by village, keeping the "Yillages themselves in the order of the location code already indicated to you in the approved list of villages and, having done this, the blocks will be numbered continuously for your entire charge.

3. In allocating blocks to enumerators, your attention is now being invited to one very important consideration. For the purpose of satisfying the rigid conditions of statistical sampling techniques, it will be necessary to ensure that an enumerator, who is placed in charge of more than one block wjthin the same village,has block which are continuously serially numbered allocated to him. In other words, no enumerator should be placed in charge of blocks which are numbered, for example, as 5, 7 and 9 within the same village. He should be allocated census block Nos. 5, 6 and 7, since these blocks have their numbers running in one continuous series. In allocating blocks' to enumerators, this aspect may be ensured wherever more than one block is allocated tojthe same enumerator within the same village. It is possible to satisfy the conditions mentioned above, even when blocks are separated by some distances. The blocks 2

(lan be so numbered continuously within the same village ['.s to ensure that aD enumerator has an easy operational unit. Thus, in the above example, the same group of blocks (viz., 5 7 and 9) could be allotted to the enumerator if the block No.9 is numbered as 6 instead of 9, thoreby enabling the group to bear conti~ nuous serial numbers viz., 5, 6 and 7,

4. The instructions in the para above apply to the numbering of blocks and the allocation of blocks among enumerators WITHIN THE SAM.E VILLAGE INCLUDING ITS HAMLETS. If an enumerator is in charge of two vi1lages themselves or more, there should be no renumbering of the vmages since this would disturb the location codes already allocated.. This is a point that must be scrupulously kept in view in inplementing the instructions in this circular.

5, In urban charges also, the numbel:r:.':; of Enumerator's Block for house­ listing operations should be eontinuous for the entire town/city in those cases where the town/city has not been further subdivided into charges. In cases of bigger cities which have been sub-divided into charges, the numbering of blocks should be continuous for each charge in the city. Further, where MunicipaldivisionsJ wards have been numben,d and more than one division/ward is included within a charge, the order of the divisions/wards should be maintained in serially numbering th~ blocks, Where one enumerator is placed in charge of more than one block,. care should be taken to ensure that only blocks bearing continuous serial numbers, such as say 5 and 6, 27 and 28 etc., are entrusted to one enumerator and that such blocks are situated within one and the same Municipal Division or Ward.

P. PADMANABHA. Director of Census Operations in Mysore.,

To~ (I) AU the Divisional Commissionex's. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts, (3) The Comrrissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and lYiysore and Mangalore City Municipalities. (4) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub· Divisions, (5) All District Census Officers. (6) All the Oity Oensus Officers. (7) All the Charge Superintendents. (8) All the Divisional Deputy Superintendent.

WDP 631O __ GPB---l.OOO-.. 2-1-1970 13



No .. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas" CENSUS CIRCULAR No.5 Basappa Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27.


Subject :-Census of India, 1971-Housenumbering and Houselisting-­ Appointment of Supervisors and Enumerators.

In Circular No, 3 instructions have been issued for the constitution of Census Enumerator's Blocks and Supervisors' Circles for the Housenumbering and Houselisting operations. Subsequently, in Circular No.4, instructions h3o'·e been issued in regard to the numbering of these Blocks as also their grouping and 311ocation to enumerators. Suggestions have also been given in the above Cir­ culars in regard to determining the number of Enumerators and Supel'visors required for these operations, including an additional 10 per cent reserve for emergency purposes.. Further, indications have been given as to the categories of personnel from which the Supervisors and Enumerators are to be drawn, and it has been requested to prepare a list of names of Supervisors and EnUlnerators selected for the purpose.

2. After the circles and blocks are formed in the above mannel', and numbered and allocated between the different personnel selected for the purpose, the next step would be to actually appoint these personnel as Supervisors and Enumerators and also to train them adequately for the task which they are called upon to perform, Accordingly, I am enclosing herewith specimen forms in which the orders of appointment of the Supervisors and Enumerators should -be issued, Adoption of the above forms will ensure uniformity and avoid any lacuna in the matter of appointments, Based on the information received from you in response to Oircular No, 3, adequate number of printed forms of these appointment orders for Supervisors and Enumerators will be supplied to you shortly. It will be noticed that the forms can be folded to one-fourth its size and inserted in the pocket size folder provided for the purpose for being used by the Enumerator/Supervisor while on Census duty.

3, While making appointments of Enumerators and Supervisors to the different blocks in your area/charge, the following points should be borne in mind. 2

(a) In rural areas, the village officer of each village should be appt>inted as the Enumerator of· the village. If the village is large and has been consti­ tuted into a number of blocks necessitating the appointment of more than one enumerator fOT the village, the village school teacher, the panchayat secretary or sucb other local official of equivalent rank belonging to other departments at the ~mage level, or sucb other literate persons as may be available in the village, should be appointed for the remaining blocks of the village.

(b) Railway blocks should be entrusted to suitable Railway Employees and Defence Service units to the Defence Servicemen in consultation with the authorities concerned.

(c) In the case of very small villages or hamlets, two or more blocks will be entrust.ed to a single enumeratox keeping jn view the normal work load of about 200 households or a population of about 1,000 people per enumerator. In doing so, care should be taken to see :-

(i) that the blocks are as far as possible contiguous, and are convenie­ ntly located; (ii) that the blocks bear continuous serial numbers; (iii) that all the blocks entrusted to him are in the same circle; (iv) that separate appointment orders are issued in respect of each village

_ (d) In the case of small urban areas, Municipal employees would con­ stitute the bulk of the enumeration and supervisory staff. They will, if neces­ sary, be supplemented by teachers in Government S0hoo18 or other Government employees, and lastly by staff of aided institution.

(e) In the case of large towns and cities, Government servants working in the various offices located in the town/city will have to be appointcd for ennme­ ration and supervision "YOl'k in addition to the municipal and school staff'. While recruiting Government SeJ'vants, care should betaken \0 see that no department's representation is disproportionately large, and that the appointment IS III con­ sultation with the concerned local head of the office or department.

en In making appointments of Supervisors, the following additional points should be borne in mind :

(i) In rural areas, the Revenue Inspector or corresponding officer of the revenue department will be the Supervisor of the Blocks within his jurisdiction. If the number of circles comprised in the revenue insl)ector's jurisdiction is more than ono, the Revenue Inspector lllay be the Supervisor of one circle, and l'\uitable officials of other departments located or having jurisdict,ion over the area should be 5 appointed as Supervisors of the remaining circles. 15

3 (ii) In selecting ,persons for Supervisory duties, care should be taken to see that the Supervisor is of a higher status than that of the enume- rators who are to work under him. . (iii) Not Jess than 5 enumerators should normally be allotted to each Supervisor. (g) A sufficient number of enumerators and supervisors being not less than 10 per cent of the actual requirements should be held in reserve for each charge a.nd should be issued orders of appointment in the forms prescribed above indi­ cating as ' reserve' Enumerators/Supervisors in their orders.

(h) It should be ensured that persons recruited as Enumerators and Supervisors are thoroughly familiar with the language of the locality.

4. The orders of appointment may be signed and issued by the Charge Superintendents mentioning in the body of the order as provided for in the form, that the Deputy Commissioner or the Commissioner in case of Banga]ore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore and Mangalore Municipalities, or the Chairman, City Improvement Trust Board, Bangalore as the case may be, has ordered the appointments in question. The counter-foils will serve as office copy and signatures of persons appointed should be obtained on these)n token of receipt of ol·der by them, and the same duly recorded in the office of the Charge Superintendents. 5. Immediately after the enumerators and supervisors are appointed as a.bove, they should have to be trained in their jobs for which separate circular instructions are being issued. As this training is to be [commenced in early February, 1970 so as to keep up to schedule as per the Census Calendar, it is imperative that all these appointments are finalised and ordered by the 15th of January, 1970. It is therefore requested that prompt action be taken accord­ ingly and a report on the same sent in the form enclosed to this circular, 80 as to reach this office latest by 20th January, 1970.

6. Receipt of the circular may please be acknowledged.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in MysOJ'e.

To-(l) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore and Mangalore City Municipalities. (4) All the Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Division•. (5) All District Census Officers. (6) An City Census Officers. (7) Ali the Charge Superintendents. (8) All the Divisional Deputy Superintendents ot Census Operations. 16 OENS:US OF INDIA, 1971



Di.strict.- ...... (Jharge .- .... " ...... Rural/Urban.

J. (a) Tobl number of Enumerators Blocks:

(b) Tobl number of Sup(Jrvisors Circles:

Enum:erators 51Ip;e1 vir OIS

II. (a) No. of persons appointed to Blocks/Circles ..

(b) No. of persons appointed as Reserves

(0) Total

C3rtifi'3d tll'1ot ap;nint'Il1ut3 hWJ b}:}u or:bra.l t'> a.U tl:n Bbok3 ani Ciroles in my charge and tha\ the prasorib3d n:1m:Br of rJnrVJ :;:nn:n:ul hlV3 ,lotn bDU a.p;,nintJi. TIn 0].",13r3 ha.ve baen duly delivered to the pJril:ms appoint3d ani th)ir aoknow13dgJm:mta obtained and recorded in my office.


Name D3signation of Oharge 8 uper,intendent.

Submitted to the Director of Census Operations in Mysore, Bangalore.

WD P 6312-GPB-l.000-3+70




" LAKSHMI N IVAS ", CENSUS CIRCULAR No. 6 23, Basappa Cross Road, Shanthi Naga.r, Bangalore-27, 1ST JANUARY 197(»

Subject :-Census of India, 1971 - House numbering and houselisting - Training of Supervisors and Enumerators.

As indicated in Circular No.5, the training of Supervisors and Enumerators in the house numbering and houselisting operations should be taken up· immediately after their appointments as such. It is expected that the District level training of an Charge Superintendents, etc., would be completed latest by the 20th January, 1970, as per programme decided upon during the State Level Training of District and City Census Officers. By the same time, the constitution of Supervisory Circles and Enumerators' Blocks and the appointments of Enume­ rators and Supervisors should also be completed, so that the Taluk level training of these staff can be started immediately after the training referred to above. As has already been ~mphasised during the State Level Training, the District Census Officers, Supervisory Officers and Divisional Deputy Superintendents of Census should make it a point to participate in the first and as many other taluk level training courses as possible. In order to facilitate such participation, it would be of great advantage if at the close of the district training programme of Charge Superintendents, etc., a schedule for the training programme of Supervisors and Enumerators in the different charges in the district is chalked out in consultation with all the Charge Superintendents as was done at the time of the State IJevel Training.

2. In deciding upon details of the taluk level training programme, the following points should be taken care of :

(i) In a normal sized charge in which the total number of enumerators­ would be of the order of 40 to 50, all the Enumerators and Supervisors may be trained in a single batch. 'Vhere the number is much more, making it un­ manageable to handle the entire number in one batch, the training may be arranged in two batches. For this purpose, the Enumerators and Supervisors may be grouped suitably, and a central place for the training besides the Charge Headquarters should be chosen for the purpose. Care should, however, be taken to see that each Supervisor is grouped in the sa.me batch in which aU:his EnUlnerators are also included. £0


(ii) '1'he Charge level training should be spread over t,,·o days, of which It days should be utilised for a through reading and discussion of the instructions for filling up of houselist and the establishment schedule and the houselist .abstracts, and half a day for actual practical field training in an area nca.rby.

(iii) The field training Bhould include actual preparation of notional inaps for a block, house numbering or up-dating of the existing numbering if the same is satisfactory, as also the filling in of the house-list and establishment schedule ill respect of at least 10 households each, and compiling the houselist abstract.

(iv) For purposes of training, the instruction booklets in Kannnda, Marathi and English, as the case may be, should be made use of. Adequate number of these booklets will be arranged to be supplied by tbis Office soon after reoeipt of reports on appointments of Enumerators and Supervisors prescribed in Circular No.5 from the concerned Charge Superintendents. The blank forms included in these booklets at the end shoud be made use of during training for purposes of fil1ing in the houselist and establishment schedule during field visits. The enumerators a.nd supervisors should be warned to preserve these instruction bookle.ts till the (mel l)f the actual houselisting operations which would be coming oft'in April-May uno. Since limited number of copies have been got printed, it would not be pos~ible to supply additional copies of these instructions booklets at the time of actual operations.

(v) Roll-up black hoards for houselist and estabJishment schedules in Kannada or English as may be required will be arranged to be supplied by this Oflice. These should be fully made use of for demonstrating specimen entries o.n these boards at the time of the reading and discussion of the instructions at the Charge level training.

(vi) In urban areas, t,he Enumerators a.nd Supervisors can be tl'C1,jncd at ;:, Central place in one or more batches d(~pendjng on their number.

(vii) There shall be no separate allocation of T.A. or D.A. or for any other ,:>xpenditUIe in connection with the training of the Enumerators and Super­ visors. It should therefore be ensured that the training eeJltres are so located that no official of this category has to travel more than five miles from his place ci""work.

3. In VIew of the jmportance of the adequacy of training at the level of (';numerators and Supervisors, on which mostly depends the accuracy of the data to be collected jn the houselist and establishment schedule, it is envisaged that the training at these levels should be imparted twice. An interval of about a month should be Jcft in between the two trainings to be arranged for these personnel. Both these training courses should be completed between February and March 1970. The second training ma,y be so timed as to leave the. instruc­ tions fresh in the minds of the Enumerators and Supervisors before the actual operations of house listing start in April-May 1970. NeedJr"1S to add that suitable B omphasis should be laid on the praotioal training at these levels, and it should be enBured that each and every enumerator and Supervisor thoroughly undeIstands the imstructions and that at the end of tlie training feels confident to carryon the operations all by himself.

4. In order to enable this office to ,,,atc~. t,l'e }:Jl'ogre .... o of training at vitrious levels from time to time, it is requested that: (i) The pl(lgramme of training d:.>?\'\n ,~p for Pf1ch charge, indicating the training centres and dates for the traininp:, Or· ,nt in advance and co:;:)if's (,f such intima.tions may also be sent to the DishiGt Census Officers 8uln.·visory

Officers andthe Di I, isional Superintendents of Cent.us Operations for the ll,...... >.J(,ctive Divisions. (ii) A regular attendance regit:;ter blwuld 16 ke.pt in which the names of all Supervisors and Enumerators in the Chrlb0 should be noted do"n Hnd the signatures of these officials obtained tbcn..ln !u~ \.. ach day of the trainirlg iT:. ~ oken of their having at' ended the txaining clas('ot-B. 1.l..0 higher officels sucl.. t;.[ l:i::;trict Census Officexs, Supervisory Officers and vi" ibional Deputy SupfJlintcl dent of Census Operations paticipating in such Tl:,,:ning Classes should attCE::t these Registers and offer their remarks as to the ati(,ndance .and the G.uality and effectiveness of the training. . (iii) At the dos,e of each training cour::;e, a report on the training in the pro forma enclosed to this Circular should be sent to this Office as als{1 to the District Census Officer and the Divisional Deputy Superintendents of Census Operations. 5. It is the responsibility of every Di8trict Census Officer, Supelvisory Officer and the Charge Superintendent to H;I~ to it that every Supen· 01' and Enumerator witLin their respective ~,:r(;ab (..'l~.ive adequate trainiu; :n the houselisting operations. If there should be ~ "l.y caSGS of enumeratOl cl (, Super­ visors absenting f.. om the training due to It" OI... b beyond their control "ch as ill-health, etc., the Charge Superiutendents IILould co-ordinate with thei} n(_jgh­ bouring charge Superintendents and the Dib~.Lict Census Officers, to se£; if such absentee Enumerators and Supervisors could be trained at tIle training cla"s}:': held in the adjoining charges. If this is not possible, a special training cI(~ '., J u.: be organised at a convenient place to train all Buch enumera.tors and Su~, -.. v· at a central place. A separate, special repeAt regarding the train~ng (Ii tl. <­ abseutees should be forwarded. In no case, however, should even a f'.·n( '( enUlnerator or supervisor be left untrained.

6. Receipt of this Circular may please be acknowladged. P. PADMANABBA, Director of Oensus Operations in 11£ ysore. To - (1) All the Divisiona.l Commissioners. (2) All th(' Deput:- Commissionel's of Districts. (3) Th~ CO''1ITli''f-io!L£'r of Bangalor~ and lIubli-·Dh,lrwar Co:~por_,tioH_, :L)ld !JY,30re "nd ~'f 'tu~alore Cit,iT MUj. if ipaliti('s. (1) .\11 '\ i .t,mt CorL'!. li ;,jonpn of Revenue buL-Divi..,ious. (.) .\01 D· ,hid {'_. 'n~ Offi0PT". (in ~\ll City C 1.1 tIS Orli('I'l::;. (7) All the 011 ."rg" SUI :lrint~nd\'llt '. (8) An tIlt=' Di ~ i .. iflll"'.l nATI1.1 v RT1n~r;n+. ..,nil~Y,f"

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Subject :- Rouselist Abstract

The booklet uontaining instruotions to EnnmeratOl'i;; tor filling up t:h;~~Holl~­ list and Establishment Sohedule has been compiled and will be supplied to eaell EllUmers.tor. These Instructions rela.te to the House List and Establishme.t Sohedule only. As you s.re aware. eYery Enumerator will have a.bout 200 hOU8~ holds as his normal workload. and would hn.ve to write about 5 to 10 houselist$ In the course of Enumeration. It is therefore felt neeessary that in additioll to these houselist and establishment schedules, every Enumerator should prepartl a houselist abstract for the blooks allotted to him so as to facilitate obtaining , eOhtrol 'figures of the number of Census. Houses and Households for tabu1atio. on a sample b~8is. A specimen form of the abstract (Form·I) together witlt instructions for filJing up the sa.me are enclosed to this Circular. The abstract will have t() be prepared in duplicate for eaoh block sepa.ra.tely. For this purpose, the instructions and the proforma will be got printed in the regional languagfl, and supplied in a.dequate numbers for use by each Enumerator.

2. On the basis of the houselist !~bstractl'l furnished by the Ellume:ratol1'tt, a. house-list abstra.ct for the entire charge has to be prepared. I am enelosinc herewith a l:Ipecjmen form (Form-II) in which such abstract may be prepared for each oharge. This abstract also will have to be prepared in duplicate. The grand totals of each of the block abstracts in Form-I will ha.ve to be entered ill the serial order of the blooks in the charge. and grand total struok a.t tlu~ and uf the cha.rge abstract on the sam.e lines as in the block abstraet.

3. It will be noticed that in order to enable filling up of the block abl'lt.:rac\$ and th0 cha.rge a.bstracts ,refe_rted to above, certain a.dditional instructions Cm tUling in the houselista will be __ ne"essary to be fonowed by the Enumerato:rfJ. '1'hf} instructions already i38ued in th~ bObldet toJ' writing up of colunm-9 of th* housolist require slight reVISIon. Whenever an Enumerator comes across an institutional household, co}u:mn .. g of the houselist, in respect of such household will have to be filled in by writing the word "Institution". or its equivalent in the :regional ianguage after writing the name of the head ~f the household, as for exampl£ Ramaiah (Institution) or O

4. It is requnsted that the instructions containcdin the circular in regard to filling . lip of the houselist abstract for Blocks and column-9 of the housclist be explained clearly to all the Supervisors and Enumerators during their training a.t Taluklevel t6 be organised shortly by the Charge Superintendents in connecting with the houselisting operations as per Circular No.6, and their compliance ensured.

5. Receipt of this Circular may plf)ase be acknowledged.

P: PADMANABHA, DirectoT of Oensus Operations in i_f.ysor~.

To ··(1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy COIn missioners of Districts. (3) The Commis8iollerH of Bang:;;'lore and Hubli-Dhal'war COl'porations and MysOT'c and Mangalore· City Municipalities. (4) All _.:\ssistant l~o~missioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (5) All- District Census Officel's. (6) All City CEnsus Officers. (7) All the Charge' Superintendents: • (8) ·All the Divisional n<.puty Supd:intenci'cnts; BOUSE LIST ABSTRACT.

mstr,uctions for filling up the Abstract

Every Enumerator will have to prepare a houselist abstract for each of the pJocks entrusted to him, in the specimen form enclosed (Form-I). These . form~ will ,have t~ ~e fi~led in duplicate. While making entries in the proforma, the . f:plJowing instructions should be strictly adhered to :

Column 1 : Page Number of houselist.-~E'very Enumerator will be filling up about 5 to 10 houselist forms depending on the number of households in the Block/Blocks allotted to him. He will thus have a bunch of house lists duly filled in fOT his blocks. He should assign a page nnmber to each of the houselists in a serial order. It should be noted here that each houselist form has two pages, obverse, and reverse, and will therefore bear two page numbers. The total of each page of the houselist should be entered against the corresponding page number in a line on the abstract and the grand total of each column in the abstract should be struck in the last line of the abstract. If there are more pages than the lines provided for in the abstract, which should be rare, then the entries should be carried to the reverSe and the grand total struck at the end. Where an enumerator is entrusted with more than one block, it follows that the page totals of entries relating to each block will be posted on to the abstract of the relevant Block. Thus, if a particular page of houselist contains entries relating two to Blocks, that page number will figure in the Blocks abstracts ofpoth the Blocks, bu~ the pa.ge totals for that page in each abstract will relate to entries of that B10ck only.

Columns 2 to 7 : N1.tmber of Census House.-In column 2 only such oCGupied census houses should be entered as are used wholly for the purpose of residence. That is to say, such of the Census houses which are partly used as residence and partly as shops, and workshops, etc., (Like the shop-cum-residence, wOIkshop­ m-tm-resi.dence. etc.) wjll not be entered in this column, but they will be entered in column 3. Column 4, 5 and 6 are mutually exclusive. Column 5 is self­ explanatory and needs no comments. In Column 6 will be enten'd the number of Census Houses which are used wholly as shops, workshops, offices, p1aces of entertainment, places of worship. Such of the Census Houses as are used for residence either wholly or partly and vacant houses, that is to say, the houses ineluded ill columns 2 to 5 of the abstract, will not be ':mtcl'ed in column 6. Column 7 will give the total number of Cenus Houses.

Column 8 and 9 : Number of households.-Column 8 relates to toal Dumber of households includjng institutional households. In this column will be enteTc the total of the number of heads of the households appearing in column 9 of the bouselist. For filEng in column 9 of the abstract, the entries containing tll e words

Ge~a'.-~The a.bstracts should be signed by tbe Enumerator &t the end ~f 'tbe space provided therefor. The Supervisor should check the' abstract vitia :reference to the entries in the houselist and countersign the abstract in toke"ll. 'of having done so, The a.bstra.ot or a.bstracts duly filled in will accompany thf! enumeration record, i.e., filled-in houselist a.nd Establishment Schedule$' 41 tlil., 'Blooks in charge of t.he Enume.:ra.to:t. ; - I I I ~ I ! \

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JANUARY 1, 1970

S'tLbject: Houselist and Establishment Schedule-Additional instTuctions for :fining up --

Instrudions have been issued under Circular No.4 in regard to the consti­ tution of houselisting blocks, assigning continuous serial numbers for all such blocks in a. charge and the allocation of these blocks to the different Enumerators . within a charge. It has also been indicated that the existing system of house numbeIing if found satisfactory could be retained and adopted for purposes .of the house-listing operations. This applies not only to the system that may be existing in the different Municipalities, but to the system, if any, implemented under the permanont house numbering scheme. It is possible that one Enu­ mera.tor may be entrusted with more than one block in order to adjust the total workload for each Enumerator. The following instructions are therefore issued for filling up of the houselist and establishment schedules in cases where more than one block is entrusted to an Enumeratol> :-

(i) While filling up the houselist and establishment schedule, the block numbers allotted to an EDumerator should be taken up in an ascending order of the serial numbers of blocks allotted to him i.e., to say if an Enumerator has been entrusted with three blocks bearing Numbers Bay 5, 6, and 7, he will start with block No.5, then go to block No.6 and finally block No.7.

(ii) On the top of ea.ch page of the houselist and establishment schedule, the location code number for Blocks should indicat,e the numbers of all the Blocks appearing on each such page. For example, if on a page Block No.5 ends half way through, and. Block No.6 is then written up till the page is completed, -then the Biock Location Code No. on top of this page should be writt.en as 5 and 6. (vi) After the entries relating to each block are completed, the Enumerator should strike the total in respect of columns 13, 14 and 15 of the houselist for tha.t page, and then draw a bold line across the page in red ink to indicate that the coverage of the block is completed. The entries relating to the next block should be started on the same page indicating the block number in Column No.1 in red ink immediately below the red line. To facilitate all the above entries, one row may be left blank ill between the last entry of the first Block and the first entry of the next Block.

(iv) If however, the blocks relate to separate Revenue Villages, the entries should be made on separate forms wjthout mixing the two villages jn the same form.

(v) The serial numbers to be given Jll column No. 1 against each entry in the houselist and establishment schedule should however run in a fresh series from 1 onwards for each block separately.

It is requested that the instructions contained j n this circular in regard to the filling up of the houselist and establishment schedule he explained very clearly to all the Supervisors and Enumerators during their Training to be held shortly in connection with the houseJisting operations in the different districts, and their compliance ensured.

P. PADMANABHA, Di'TectO'T of Census Operations in Mysore.

To--(l) All the Divlsional CUlllmissiul,er;o. (2) All th" De pelty OOlllmisfliom·rR of Distrid,;.

(3) The Commis~ion,"l's of Banwdore and Hubli--DhanYilT Corpol'l1tionc; cllld My-son' and Mangalore Cit:v 1\1:uniciPlilitic s. (4) AU Assistant Commissioner,« of Hevenue Suh-Di\·j~'il1'. (5) All Di:ltrict Census Officers. (6) All City Cellells Officers. (7) All the Charg'> SUl',Jrilltendcnts. (8) All the DiviRional Deputy Superintendent':!.




Subject :-Census of India 1971-Location Code- During the Census, every Enumerator will be canvassing three essential schedules namely the housel¥t and the establishment schedule during April-May 1970, and the individual slip in February-March 1971. In these schedules will be listed every structure, and densus House, and every household and individual. It would be necessary to identify each of the above Census schedules with the area to which they relate. For this purpose, the minimum details necessary would be the name of the District, the Taluk and the Town or Village. It is evident that writing <-if these details on every sheet would involve work out of proport~on to its utility. An easy method of such identification has therefore been evolved, namely the Location Code. The Location Code is a simple device by which every area comprised in any Administrative Unit in the State can be identified by as~igning specific code numbers for different . levels of Administrative Units. Each such area can then be referred to by a combination of such numbers. The system adopted for allot­ ment of such Code Numbers to Districts, Taluks, Towns and Villages in this State is explained below : Districts : All the 19 Districts of the State will be taken in the alphabetic~l order of their names and numbered from 1 to 19. Accordingly the Location Code numbers for the different districts of the State will be as indicated in Appendix-I to this Circular. Taluks: Similarly, every Taluk within each District will be taken in the alphabetical order of their names within the District and numbered in a separate series for each district. In­ cidentally, it may be mentioned here that each Taluk constitutes the Rural Charge wi~hin the jurisdiction of the Taluk and therefore the Urban Areas falling within the Taluk will be excluded there-from. The Code Numbers allotted for the various Taluks (Rural Charge) are indicated in Appendix-II to this Circular. Villages: A Revenue Village together with all its hamlets is considered as the smallest Admini­ strative Unit for Rural Areas, and accordingly every such viJIage will have a Code Number. It will be recalled here that under Circular No.2 the lists of villages for all Taluks were got prepared and apl?roved by this office for purposes of the 1971 Census. The serial 2 numbers of the Vi~lages ap~earing in c?lumn 1 .of the~e lists would constitute the .iJodc Nnmbers of the dIfferent vIllages. ThIS office IS gettmg prepared Cyclostyled copies of lists of villages in each Taluk indicating their Location code numbers in accordance with the approved lists of villages. A few copies of such lists will be supplied for the use of various Census Officers shortly. Towns: Since the number of Towns in a district would not, be large, all t.he Towns with1n a District are n umbered in one continuous series without reference to the Taluk in wh,ich, they are located. As in the case of Districts and Taluks, the Towns are also arrang\3d in the alphabetical order of their names and numbered accordingly. In order to distinguish between Towns and Villages, the Code Numbers for Towns will be in Roman figures. The list of Towns in each District and the Code Numbers assigned to them is indicated in Appendix-II to this Circular. The Town is normally the smallest Administrative Unit for an Urban Area. But in case of big cities like Bangalore, these units will be further suh­ divided into Urban Charges for facility of organisation and conduct of Census Operations in these areas. These Charges will be numbered according to the convenience of Opera­ tions within the area and will be allotted numbers in Arabic numeralf-, in a continuous series for the entire City. Blocks: Each Village ano Town will be constituted into one or more Enumeration Blocks in accordance with the instructions contained in Circular No.3 for Houselisting Operations. Similarly, at the time of individual Enumeration in February-March 1971, Blocks will be formed for facility of Census Operations. All such Blocks within a Charge, whether Rural or Urban, will bear continous serial numbers as already indicated. Detailed jnstructions· in regard to constitution of these Blocks and their numbering have already been issued in Circular Nos. 3 and 4. .

2. Thus, for example, a location code number 1/3/49 would refer to the c4-9th village in the 3rd Taluk (viz., Ban galore South Taluk) of the 1st District (viz., Bangalore district). Similarly, a location code like 4/V would refer to t.he fi.ith town (viz. Humnabad town) of the 4th District (viz, Bidar district). Location Code Number 14/VIII-2 would refer to urban Charge No.2 of the eighth town (viz., Mysore City) in the 14th District (viz., ). Since the Block numbers would be continuous for each charge as a whole, the Block numbers would be indicated within brackets after the location codes referred to above. For Examl?le, 1/3/49(60), 4/V(8), 14/VIII-2(15), etc.

3. It is im-portant to note here that the jurisdiction of every Administrative Unit right upto the last level is clearly indicated and identifiable by every Census Officer having jurisdiction over the area. Accordjngly, it is clarified that when a particular village is referred to, it denotes not merely the area on which the Gramatana or the hamlets of that villa~e are located, but the entire Revenue limits of the vil1age as demarcated in the Land Records. Similarly, in the case of Towns, the Jurisdiction will be as laid down by Govern­ ment through Notification. It will therefore be seen that when any specific areas have been excluded from within the jurisdiction of a Municipality etc., or when only parts of 37 3 a vmage have been included within the! limits of a Municipality, such excluded areas or the remaining parts of such villag~s will have to be included in the adjoining Rural Oharge of which they form part" eveh if such areas are uninbabited. Accordingly such areas will he allotted apl?ropriate Oode Numbers in the concerned rural charge.

4. It will be noticed that :wme of tbe Towns included in the list are non-municipal areas. It would be pertinent to mention here that such areas among others have been treated as Towns on the following broad principles communicated by the Registrar General, India, and in consultation with the State Government. (i) All areas covered by Oorporations, Municipalities, Cantonement Boards, Town Boards, Notified Areas, etc., irrespect;ive of their popUlation, size or any other characteristics; (ii) Other Places having a Population of 10,000 and above as per 1961 Oensus even if not declared as Municipality, etc. ; (iii) All other places which satisfy the following criteria, based on figures of 1961 Oensus: (a) A minimum population of 5,000 ; (b) Atleast 75% of the male working population being engaged in non-agricultural occupation: and (c) A density of population of atleast 1,000 nersons per sq,. mile. (iv) Other areas possessing distinct Urban characteristics even though not satisfying the criteria indicated in (iii) above, i.e. Industrial Townships. 5. It may be noted that the jurisdiction of the non-municipal Urban areas extends over the entire Revenue limits of the villages concerned in case of categories (ii) and (iii) above, and the areas on which the concerned authorities have control in respect of the areas under item (iv).

6. Thus it will be seen that the whole idea is to ensure that every bit of area in the State is included either in a Rural Charge or in an Urban Oharge, ensuring at the same time that there is neither any omission nor any overlapping of areas between the two. This becomes particularly important while distinguishing the dividing lines between the Rural and Urban Oharges. It is accordingly requested that every Charge Superintendent should verify the boundaries of his Charge with those of adjoining Charges, and submit a certificate in token of such verification in the form enclosed to this Circular at Appendix III. The Oertificate may please be sent to this Office b~ the 15th of February, 1970 without fail. A sim1lar Certificate should also be recorded in the Oharge Register at the end.

The receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged. P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Mysore.

To-(l) All the Divisional Commiissioners. (2) All the D'3puty Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commbsioner of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore and Mangalore City Municipali ties. (4) All Alsistant Commissioncrs of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (5) All District Census Officer. (6) City Census Officers. (7) All the Charge Superintendents. (8) AU the Divisional Deputy Superintendents. 4


District Locali.on Ooche

1. Bangalore District 1

2. Bclgaum District 2

3. Bellary District 3

4. Bidar District 4

5. Bijapur District 5

6. Chikmagalur District 6

7. Chitradurga District 7

8. Coorg District 8

9. Dharwar District 9

10. Gultbarga District 10 ll. Hassan District 11

12. Kolar District 12

13. Mand'ya District 13

14. Mysore District 14

15. North Kanara District 15

16. Raichur District 16

17. Shimoga District 17

18. South Katlara District 18

19. Tumkur District 19



Taluk Location Talu7c Location Oode Oode Bangalore District (Rural) Belgaum District (Urban) Anekal Taluk . . 1- 1 Athani (M) 2-1 Bangalore North Taluk 1- 2 Bailhongal (M) 2-II Bangalore South Taluk 1- 3 Belgaum (M) . 2-III Channapatna Taluk 1- 4 Belgaum Cantonment Board (Cantt.) 2-IV DevanahaUi Taluk 1- 5 Chikodi (T.P.) 2-V Doddaqallapur Taluk 1- 6 Gokak (M) . 2-VI Hoskote Taluk . 1- 7 Gokak Falls (N.A.) 2-VII Kanakwpura Taluk 1- 8 Hukkeri (T.P.) 2-VIII Magadi Taluk . 1- 9 Khanapur (T.P.) 2-IX ~elamangala Taluk 1-10 Konnur (T.P.) 2-X Ramanagaram Taluk 1-11 Kudachi (T.P.) 2-~XI Londa (N.M.) 2~XII Bangalore District (Urban) Nippani (M) 2-XIII Ramadmg (M) 2-XIV Anekal (M) . . . I-I Sad alga (T.P.) 2-XV Bangalore City Corporation (C) I-II-A Sankeshwar (T.P.) 2-XVI Trust, Board Area (C.LT.B. Area) I-II-B Saundatti-Yellamma (M) 2-.-:.XVII B.E.L. Township (Special Area) I-III Channapatna (M). I-IV Devanahalli (M). . I-'V Bellary District (Rural) Devarajeevanahalli (N.M.) I-VI Doddaballapur (M) . . . . I-VII Bellary Taluk 3- 1 H.A.L. (S.anitary Board) exoluding H.A.L. I-VIII Hadiagalli 3- 2 TownshIp Harpanahalli Taluk 3- 3 H.A.L. Township (Special Arell) . I-IX Hospet Taluk 3- 4 H.M. T. Township (Special Area) . I-X Kudligi Taluk 3- 5 Hoskote (M) . . . . . I-XI Mallapuram Taluk 3- 6 LT.!. Notified Area Committee Duravani Sandur Taluk 3- 7 Nagar (N.A.). . . I-XII Siruguppa TaJuk . 3- 8 Jalahalli (excluding H.M.T. Township) (N.M.) . I-XIII Bellar_y District (Urban) Jodikempapura (N.M.) I-XIV KadugondanahaUi (N.M.) I-XV Amaravathi (T.P.) 3-1 Kanakapura (M). . I-XVI BeIlary (M) 3-II Kethamaranahalli (N.M.) I-XVII Hampi Notified Area Committee (N.A.) 3--III Magadi (M) . I-XVIII Harpanahalli (T .P.) 3-IV N elamangala (M) . I-XIX Hospet (M) 3-V Ramanagaram (M) I-XX Kamalapur (T.P.) 3-VI Sarjapura (M) . I-XXI Kampli (T.P.) 3~VII Thyamagondlu (M) I-XXII Kottur (T.P.) 3-VIII Viaayapura (M) I-XXIII Yelahanka (M). . I-XXIV Bidar District (Rural) Yeshwantapura (N.M.) . I-XXV Aurad Taluk . 4- 1 Belgaum District (Rural) Basavakalyan Taluk 4.- 2 Bhalki Taluk 4- 3 Athani Taluk 2- 1 Bidar Taluk 4.- 4 Belgaum Taluk 2- 2 Humnabad Taluk 4- 5 Chikodi Taluk 2- 3 Gokak Taluk 2- 4 Bidar District (Urba.n) Hukkeri Taluk . 2- 5 Khanapur Taluk. 2- 6 Basavakalyan (M) 4-1 Parasgad Taluk . 2-_7 Bhalki (M) 4-II Raibag Taluk . 2- 8 Bidar (M) 4-III Ramdurg Taluk . 2- 9 Chitaguppa (M) 4-IV Sampagaon Taluk 2-10 Humnabad (M) 4-V 40 6


Taluk Location Taluk Location Code Code Bijapur District (Rural) Chitradurga District (Urban) Badami Taluk 5- 1 Challakere (M) 7-1 Bagalkot Taluk 5- 2 Chitradurga (M) 7-1I Basawana Bagewadi Taluk 5- 3 Davanagere (M) 7 -III Bijapur Taluk 5- 4 Harihar (M) 7--IV Bilgi Taluk 5- 5 Hiriyur (M) 7-V Hungund Ta.luk 5- 6 Holalkere (M) 7-VI Indi Taluk 5- 7 Hosdurga (M) 7-Vn J amkhandi Taluk 5- 8 Jagalur (M) 7-VIII Muddebihal Taluk 5- 9 Mayakonda (M) 7-IX Mudhol Taluk 5-10 MolakalmufU (M) 7-X Sindgi Taluk 5-11 Nayakanhatti (M) 7- XI Turuvanur (M) 7-XII Bijapur District (Urban) Bagalkot (M) 5-1 Coorg District (Rural) Basawana Bagevadi (T.P.) 5-II Mercara Taluk 8- 1 Bijapur (M) 5-III Somvarpet Taluk. 8- 2 Guledgud (M) 5- IV Virajpet Taluk 8- 3 Hungund (T.P.) 5-V Ifttli ('f.P.) 5-- VI Jamkallftdi (1.\f) 5-Vn Coorg District (Urban) ~~ .Ilkltl (M, 5-- VIn Gonikoppal (M) 8-1 Mabalingapur (M) 5-IX Hebbale (M) 3-II Mudhol (M) 5--X Kodlipet (M) 8-III Rabkavi-Banhatti (M) . 5-XI Kushalnagar (M) 8-IV SuJib1l.a vi (W M ) 5 XII Mercara (M) 8-V TaJikot (T.P.) 5-XIIl Ponnampet (M) 8-VI Terdal (T.P.) 5-XIll Sanivarasanthe (M) 8- VII Somwarpet (M) 8-VIn Chikmagalur District (Rural) Suntikoppa (M) 8-IX Uluguli (N.M.) 8-X Chikmagalur Taluk 6- 1 Vira]pet (M) b-XI Kadur Taluk 6- 2 Koppa Taluk 6- 3 Mudigere Taluk 6- 4 Dharwar District (Rural) Na.rasimharajapura Taluk 6- 5 Byadgi Taluk 9--- 1 Sringeri Tall1 k 6- 6 Dharwar Taluk 9- 2 Tarikere '['a Iuk 6- 7 Gadag Taluk 9-- 3 Hangal Taluk 9- 4 Chikmagalur District (Urban) Haveri Taluk 9-5 Hirekerur Taluk 9-- 6 Ajjampur (M) 6-1 Hubli Taluk 9-- 7 Birur (M) 6-II Kalghatgi Taluk 9- 8 Chikma.galur (M) 6-III Kundagol Taluk 9- 9 Kadur (M) 6-IV Mundargi Taluk 9-10 Koppa (M) 6- V Nargund Taluk 9-11 Mudigere (M) . 6- VI Navalgund Taluk 9--12 Narasimharajapura (M) 6-Vn Ranibennur Taluk 9-13 Sringeri (M) 6- VIII Ron Truuk 9-14 Tarikere (M) 6-IX Savanur Taluk 9--15 Shiggaon Taluk . 9-16 Shirahatti Taluk . 9-17 t;hitradurga District (Rural) Challakere Taluk 7- 1 Dharwar District (Urban) Chitradurga Taluk 7- 2 Davanager~ Taluk 7-- 3 Annigeri (T. P.) . 9-1 Harihar Taluk 7-- 4 Byadgi (M) . 9--II Hiriyur Taluk 7- 5 Gadag-Betgeri (M) 9-II1 Holalkere Taluk 7- 6 Gajendragad (T. P.) 9- IV Hosdurga Taluk 7- 7 IIanagal (T. P.) . 9- V J agaIur TaIuk 7- 8 Haveri (M) . . . 9- VI Molakalmuru Taluk 7- 9 Hubli-Dharwar Corporation (M) 9- VII 7 1+-1

AVPENDIX I1-contd.

Taluk Loc~tion l'aluk Location Code Code Dharwar District (Urban)-concld. Kolar District (Rural) Kundagol (M) \)- VIII Lakshmeshwar (M) U--IX Bagepalli Taluk 12-- 1 Naregal (T. P.) ~-X Bangarpet Taluk . 12-- 2 Nargund (M) 9-- Xl Chikballa pur Taluk 12- 3 N a valgund (M) 9-XII Chintamani Taluk 12- 4 Ranibennur (M) 9-XIU Gauribidanur Taluk 12-- 5 Ron (T. P.) 9-XIV Gudibanda Taluk 12-- {j Savanur (M) 9-XV Kolar Taluk 12- 7 Shirahatti (M) 9-XVI Malur Taluk 12- 8 l'I1ulba,gal Taluk 12- 9 Gulbarga District (Rural) Sidlaghatta Taluk 12-10 Srinivaspur Taluk 12 -11 Afzalpur Taluk 10-- 1 .~land Tlj,luk 10- " Kolar District (Urban) Chincholi Taluk 10- 3 Chitapur Taluk 10- 4 Bagepalli (M) 12-1 Gulbarga Taluk lO- G Banglupet (M) 12-II Jevargi Taluk 10- Ij Chikballa pur (M) 12-III Sedam Taluk lJ- 7 Chintamani (M) 12-IV Shahpur Taluk 10- R Gauribidanur (M) 12-- V Shorapur, Taluk 10-- 9 Gudibanda (M) 12--VI Yadgir Taluk 10-10 Kolar (M) 12-VII K. G. F. Sanitary Board (S. B.) 12-VIII l'flalur (M) 12-IX Gulbarga qistrict (Urban) Manchenahalli (M) 12-X Mulbagal (M) 12- XI Aland (M) 1 10-1 Robertsonpet (M) Chincholi (M) 10-II 12-XII Sidlaghatta (M) 12-XIII Chitapur (~ 10-II1 Srinivaspur (M) Gulbarga ( ) 10- -IV 12--XIV Guunatkal (~) 10 -V Mandya District (Rural) Sedam (M) \ 10- VI Shahabad (M) 10 - VII Krishnarajpet Taluk 13- 1 Shahabad, A.C.C. Ctlmellt and 10-- YIn Maddur Taluk 13- 2 Enginc.ering Works. (N. A.) Malavalli Taluk 13- 3 Shahpur (M) 1J-- IX Mandya Taluk 13-- '1 Shorapur (M) . . . . 10--X Nagamangaia Ta,Iuk 13- 5 Wadi A.C.C. Notined Area Committee lO--XI Pandavapura Taluk 13- 6 (N .. A.) I Srirangapatna Taluk 13- 7 Yadgir (M) lO-XII Mandya District (Urban) Hassan District (RUlal) Belakavadi (M) 13-1 Alur Taluk 11- 1 Bellur (M) 13-II Arkalgud Taluk 11- 2 Krishnarajpet (M) 13-II1 Arsikere Taluk 11- 3 Maddur (M) I3-IV Belur Taluk 11-- 4 Malavalli (M) 13-V Channarayapatna Taluk 11- 5 Mandya (M) 13--VI Melkote (M) Hassan Taluk 11- fj 13-VII Holenars'ipur Taluk " 11- 7 Nagamangala (M) 13-VIII Manjarabad Taluk 11- 8 Pandavapura (M) 13-IX Srirangapatna (M) 13-X Hassan District (Urban) Mysore District (Rural) Alur (M) 11--1 Chamarajanagar Taluk 14- Arkalgud (M) 1 11-II Gundiupet Taluk . 14- Arsikere (M) 2 U-III Taluk 14- Banavara (M) 3 ll-IV Taluk 14- BeInr (M) 4 . 11-V Kollegal Ta luk . 14- Channarayapatna (M) 5 11-VI Krishnarajanagar Tllluk 14- 6 Hassan (M) ll-VII Mysore Taluk Ho\enarasipur (M) 14- 7 11-VIII Taluk 14- 8 Konanur (M) 11-IX Peliyapatna Taluk 14 - 9 Sakleshpur (M) 11-X Thirumakudlu Narasipur Taluk 14-10 Sravanabelagola ("M) 11-XI Yelandur Taluk • 14.-11 /f~ 8


Taluk Location Taluk Location Oode Oode

Mysore District (Urban) Munirabad Project Area (N.M.) 16-VIIl Raichur (M) . 1·:1-1 16-IX Bannur (M) . Sindhanur (M) .. 16-X Chamaraja,nagar (M) 14-Il Gundlupet (M) 14-III Heggadad€vanakote (M) 14--IV Shimoga District (Rural) Hunsur (M) 14-V Kollegal (T. P.) . 14-VI Bhadravati Taluk 17- 1 Krishnarajanagar (M) 14-VII Channagiri Taluk 17- 2, Mysore (M) 14-VIII Honnah Taluk 17- 3' Nanjangud (M) 14-IX Hosanagar Taluk 17- 4 Periyapatna (M) 14-X Sagar Taluk . 17- 5 (M) . . . 14-XI Shikaripur Taluk . 17-- 6 Thirumakudiu N arasipur (M). 14-XII Shimoga Taluk 17- 7 Yelandur (M) 14- XIII Sorab Taluk 17- 8 Tirthahalli Taluk 17- 9 North Kanara District (Rural) Ankola Taluk 15- 1 Shimoga District (Urban) Bhatkal Taluk 15- 2 Bhadravati (M). . . 17-1 HaIiyal Taluk 15- 3 Bhadravati New Town Board (M) P-II 15- 4 Honavar Taluk Channagiri (M) 17-III 15- 5 Karwar Taluk Honnah (M) 17- IV 15- 6 Kumta Taluk Hosanagar (M) 17- V 15- 7 Mundgod Taluk Kumsi (M) 17-VI 15- 8 Siddapur Taluk Nyamti (M) 17-VII 15- 9 Sirsi Taluk Sagar (M) 17-VIlI Supa Taluk 15-10 17-IX 15-11 Shikaripur (M) YeUapur Taluk Shimoga (M) 17-X Shiralkoppa (M) 17-XI 17-XII North Kanara District (Urban) Sorab (M) Thirthahalli (M) 17-XIII Bhatkal (M) 15-1 Dandcli (-) (N.A.) 15-II Hahyal (M.) 15-III South Kanara District (Rural) 15-·IV Honavar (M) I 15·-V Beithangady Taluk I· 18- 1 Karwar (M) 7 18- 2 Kumta (M) 15-VI Buntwal Taluk 15-VII Coondapur Taluk lS- 3 Sirsi (M) lS- 4 Yellapur (N.M.) 15--VIlI Kalkal Taluk Mangalore Taluk . 18- 5 Puttur Taluk lS- 6 Raichur District (Rural) Suhya Taluk 18- 7 Udipi Taluk lS- S Deodurg Taluk 16- 1 Gangavathi Taluk 16- 2 16- 3 Koppal Taluk South Kanara District (Urban) Kushtagi Taluk 16- 4 Lingasugur Taluk. 16-- 5 Coondapur (T.P.) 18-1 16-- 6 Manvi Taluk Derebail (N.M.) Is-II 16- 7 Raichur Taluk Gangolli (N.M.) IS-III Sindhnur Taluk 16- S Kankanadi (N.M.) 18-IV 16- 9 Yelburga Taluk Karkal (T.P.) 18-V Malpe (T.P.) 18-VI Mangalore (M) IS-VII Raichur District (Urban) Mulki (T.P.) IS-VIII 18-IX Deodurg (M) 16-1 Padavu (T.P.) 16-II Pranthya (N.M.) 18-X Gangavathi (M) 18-X;I Koppal (M) 16-III Puttur (T P .) 16-IV Someswar (N M.) . 18-XlII Kushtagi (M) IS-XIII Lingasugur (M) 16-V Tonse West (N.M.) 16-VI Udipi (M) 18-XlV Manvi (M) 18-XV Mudgal (M) 16-VII UUal (T.P.)

'\ \ APPENDIX-conold.

Taluk Location Taluk L"cation Oode Oode

T~r District (Rural) Tumkur District (Urban) Chiknayakanhalli Taluk 19- 1 Ammasandra Notified Area (N.A.) 19-1 Gubbi Taluk 19- 2- (~ysore Cements Linlited) Koratagere Taluk. 19- 3 Chiknayakanahalli (M) . 19-II Kunigal Taluk 19- <1 Gubbi (M) 19-111 Madhugiri Taluk 19- 5 Koratagere (M) 19-1V Pp.vagada Taluk 19- 6 Kunigal (M) 19-V Sirs. Talnk . 19- 7 Madhugiri (M) 19-V1 Tiptnr Talnk 19- 8 Pavagada (M) 19-VII Tumknr Talnk 19- 9 Sira (M) 19-VII1 '1'muvekere ralnk: 19-10 Tiptur (M) 19-IX Tumkur (M) 19-X Turuvekere (M) 19-X1 Y. N. Hoskote (M) 19-XII

Note :- C- Municipal Corporation

M- Municipal Town


M.A.- Notified Area

T.P.- Town Panchayat

N.:M.- Non-Municipal Town S.B.- Sanitary Board

2 10


Certificate regarding area coverage and jurisdiction of charges.

I hereby certify that J have personally verified the boundarie~ of my charge with those of all adjoining charges to my charge, and am satisfi€d that there is no omission or overlapping between the boundaries of these and my charges.

I also certify that there is no area left unaccounted for within the boundaries of my charge, and that I have personally ensured that the area lying within my boundaries but not included in my jurisdiction has been duly covered by and accounted for within the charge in whose jurisdiction it fulls.


No ...... •••. Name and designation of Date ...... Oharge Superintendent.

Submitted to the Director of Census Operations in Mysore, Bangalore.

WD P 6331-GPB-l,OOO-30-1-1970 4-5





Subject :-Census of India. 1971-List of Typical Industries that can be con­ ducted on a household industry basis.

In the Establishment Schedule which is to be canvassed during the operations in April and May, 1970 it is necessary to distinguish household industry in the case of such establishments in which goods are manufactured or some kind of processing or serviJi::::tg is done and / or repairs are carried on. The definition of a household industry and its characteristics are indicated in the instructions to Enumerators for filling up the House­ list and EstabIishment Schedule. However, it is considered useful to provide an illu­ strative list of such industries that can be conducted on a household industry basis fOr the information of the Supervisors and Enumerators. Accordingly, the annexure to this circular indicates such industries which can commollly be run on the basis of a house­ hold industry both in rural and urban areas.

This list is not exhaustive and it is only meant to serve as a guide to the types of activities which usually would constitute household industries. It must be emphasised that there may be many other activitIes which could also be so classified.

There is usually some difficulty with regard to the classification of activities relating w agriculture or processing of agricultural goods and their classification as household industry or otherwise. It is hereby clarifitd that the fol~owing. activities which are mainly a.gricultural in nature should NOT be classified as industry, and therefore will not constitute Household Industry: 2 AGRICUL'It:"RE: Field Produce and Plantation Crops:

1. Production of cereal crops (including Bengal gram) such as rice, wheat, jowar bajra, maize. 2. Production of pulses, such as arhar. moong. masur. urd, khesari, other gram.

3. Production of raw jute and kindred fibre crops.

4. Production of raw cotton and kindred fibre crops,

5. Production of oilseeds, sugarcane and other cash crops.

The activities "pecified above which have to be excluded are considered part of the agricultural activities of the housel::olds and should not be treated as household industry eVEn if Euch activiti€s fulfil1 the criteria specified in the Instructions to the Enumerators for filling up of the Houselist and Establishment Schedules regarding household industry

It must be clearly borne in mind that the typical industries that can be run on the basis of a tousehCJld ir:dustry included in the annexure to this letter can be classified as housdold ir~du£tlY cnly if the criteria for household industry specified in the instructions referred to above are mtisfkd.

P. PADMANABHA, Directo'l' of Census Operations in It!YSDr6.

To-- (1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy COIllmisskncrs of Districts.

(3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corpora.tions and I'rIY30re and Mangalore City Municipalities.

(4) All Assistant ComIllissioners of Revenue Sub-Diviaiona.

(5) All District Cen~ms Officers.

(G) All the City Census Officers.

(7) All the Charge Superintendents. (8) All the Divisional Deputy Superintendent. 47



l.ilt of hw tn1ulllll:11trlu t!l].~ CX). b3 cl.J.ia3te1 on a B');U3hl)ld IniUltl'1 basIs.

FQodstutb : Production of flour by village obakkis or flour mills, milling or dehusking of paddy, srinding of chillies, turmerio ,~tc .• produotion of gur, kha.ndBari , boora, ~tc., production of pickles, chutney, jams, etc., processing of ca.shew nut.l, making of dried veg~ta.bles, manufacture of sweetmeats and bakery products, production of butter, ghee, etc., slaughtering and preservation of rr;eat and fish, fish curing. etc., oil pressing ghani.

Beverages: Manufacture of country liquor, toddy, production of soda water, ice, ice cream, coft'ee, sharahats, eto.

Tobacco Products : Manufacture of bidi, cig~ra, cherroots, tobacco, snuft', eto.

Textlle Cotton : Catton gin:'ling , carding, pl'es3ing and bating, spinning, etc., dyei'lg and bleaching of cloth, weaving in hand­ looms, or p.')w~rloomJ or n.l..l.nufd.ctura of' khadi, cloth printing, makicg of whing nets, mosquito nets, cotton thread, TOpe, twi~. etc.

'J;extne Jute, Woollen I or Silk:

Simibr typ~ of pr~.duction or processing as mentioned u'1.der Textile-Cotton but p('rtaicing to the material concerned.

Textile MIscellaneous : M.l.kin5 of durie" carp3ts, h03iery, embroidery, chrochet work, lace g:nland making, manufacture of head­ gear, m~king of n)W.ll', b):! c()v~ra, curtains, pillow oases, etc., ml.king of matress, qllilt (rezai), etc., makiug of namda f.}Lt, C')J').lut fi~rJ f.n up3.:>htry. m:J.kinJ of brll3hl'R, bro()m~, etc., from c.~onut fibre, coir spinning, manu­ facture a:d rJp..l.ir of um')nJl:ll, m.l.:l~f.lJ~:lr,} of d:>Lh ani taya (ragl an;} c:>tto.J.), etc.

Jlanufacture of Wood and Wood Products: S.l.winJ ani planing of wo().l ,ml.nufactu1'8 of wooden furniture structural goods like beams, door and window frames, et::., wnln ari:n!~:ln! im.)\J:nHl';] a::11 t!).)ir l3plir, wnIm b'}q~}rw..l.rJ, w).)lJn toya, woo:! carving.. sawdust a:11 pb.J~}r fi_~ l:J m ~'rinJ. in!..l.Y w nk, m ~';}J. i;l!in';}r3, ply"'nl a::11 VmBrJ, et·~., mlking palm leaf m'lt..q, fans, un·)~~llJ.l, eb., blJb~J anI br:».llltic.kJ, c.l.llllin,! ofcluirJ, m.l.kinz ofchicb a.ni kh:.u khas tatties. m1l.king of cart wheels, wooden sandles, etc.

Paper and Paper Products : M.l.nufJ.Jtllre of p:llp ani p~?3r by h:m1. IDl]dn,J of all'V'.}lo~)), pl.,?Jr m.l.Jh) articla3, c~r.i _boardj_boxes, paper flower, paper kites, toys, etc.

Printing and Publishing : Printin.g works, lithography, block making, book binding, etc. Leather and Leatber Products : Flaying and processing of hides and skins, making leather footwear, wearing apparel of leather and fur, l'epair of shoes or other leather products.

Rubber, Petroleum and Coal PrGducts : Vulcanising tyres and tubes, manufacture of d:arraJI'i frem torn tyrcs ana other rubber footwear, mann­ facture of rubber pIoducts frem nat.ura.l and synthetic rubber such as rain-coats, .oil cloth, etc.

Chemicals and Cbemlcal Products: Manufacture of toys, paints, colours, etc., manufacture of indigo, fertilisers, matches, fireworks, perfumes, cosmetiCl'l, manufacture of ayurvedic medicines, soap, plastic products, celluloid goods, ma,nufacture of ink, candle", boot polish, etc.

Non-metallic Mineral products other than Petroleum and ecal : Making of bricks, roofing tiles, sanitary fittings, cement statues, stone or marble carvings, manufadure of Atone structurals, stone dressing and stone cTUshing, mica splittjng and manufacture of other mica products, making of earth£n ware and pottery, crockery, glass beads and bangles, eart-hen toys, manufacture of glass and glass products, etc,

sasic metals and tbelr products except macbinery and transport equiJIDmt : Re-rolling of M.S. rods, manufacture of iron and steel, arms and weapons I:md their service and repair, iron a.nd st>:d furniture, brass, ben-metal, utensils, alluminiurn utensils, tin utensils, copper utensils, etc., nickIe and electro-plating, blacksmithy, manufacture and repair of agricultural implements such as ploughshare, etc. making and repairing of locks and trunks, . cutlery, manufacture of scales, weights and measures and foundry industry, etc.

Macbfnery (aJI kinds otber than transport) and Electrical equi}:ment : Manufacture of water pumps, small machine tools and parts.. repairing and servicing of fans, manufacture of batteries, repairing and servicing of radios, domestic electrical appliances, etc,

Transport equipment: Manufacture of truck and bus bodies, reparing and servlCmg of automobiles, manufacture of cycle parts, rickshaw parts, boats and barges, manufacture of animal-drawn and hand-drawn v0hicles such as bullock carts; ~heel barrow, etc.

IfIsceHaneous manufacturing Industries :

Repair cf spectacles, photographic equipment, goldsmithy, ~ilver filigree industry, gold covering work, bidri ware, musical instruments, fountain pens, making of cow dung, cakes, manufacture of sports goods, repairing of petroroa.x ligJlts, making of buttons and beads from conch shell and horn good!'





Sub. :-Census of India, ,1971-Houselisting Operations-Detailed Calendar for the actual Operations in April-May 1970.

According to the Calendar for Census Operations circulated under this Office letter No. CEN/1/CPO/69, dated 18th July 1969, the actual Operations for Houselisting and Canvassing of Establishment Schedules are to be commenced in the month of April 1970 and concluded during May 1970. During the District and Charge level training for these Operations, it was indicated that a detailed calendar will be prescribed specifying the dates by which each of the different phases of these Operations are to be completed by the Enumerators, and also the dates by which the filled in Schedules are to be scrutinised and despatched by Supervisors and Charge Superintendents, etc.

2. The following are the major phases constituting the entire Operations :~

(i) Preparation of the Notional Maps and the detailed lfly-out sketch maps; (ii) Numbering of buildings and Census Houses and painting the numbers on the doors; (iii) Filling in of the HouseliRt and Establishment Schedules by the Enumerators ; (iv) Preparation of Houselist Abstracts for Blocks by the Enumerators; (v) Scrutiny by the Supervisors of all filled in forms, viz., Houselists, Establishment Schedules and Block Abstracts and their despatch to Charge Superintendents;

(vi) Scrutiny and despatch of these forms by the Charge Superintendent~ to the District Census Officers and by the District Census Officers to the Office of the Director of Census Operations. 2

A detailed calendar for the commencement and conclusion of each of these phases of the houselisting operations is enclosed to this Circular. It is needless to emphasise the impor­ tance of strictly adhering to the time schedule prescribed in this calendar for each of these phases, from both the Technical and Administrative points of view.

3. It is requested that each and every Census Officer connected with these Operations at various levels right from the Enumerator's Block to the State Level, should exercise utmost vigilance in this regard, and also ensure that the various phases are gone through in accordance with the detailed instructions issued in the booklet of Instructions to Enume­ rators and Supervisors and the various Census Circulars issued by this Office. Further instructions for the despatch of the filled in schedules from Charge level to the District level and further on to the State level, as also in regard to the extent of supervision and check to be exercised by the various officers will be issued separately in good time.

4. The receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Op~rations in Mysore.

To- (1) All the Divisional Commissioners.

(2) AU the Deputy Commissic!1P),s of DistrictI'.

(3) The CommissioneH; of Bangalore amI Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore ilJd ~langalore City Municipalities.

(4) All Assistant Commissioners of ReVellllP Sub-Divisions.

(5) All Di.~trict Cemus Officers.

(6) All the City Census Officers.

(7) All the Charge Superintenul'nts.

(8) The Deputy Directors of Census OperatioJls, Mysore/Belgltlim/Gllibarga Divisions. 51



1 (i) Preparation of the Notional Map and Block (layout) Map by the Enumerators I 1-4-1970 I to (ii) Numbering of Buildings and Census Houses and Painting of these Numbers on the ~ 10-4-1970 doors, by the Enumerators. )

2 (i) Filling in the Houselist form and Establishment Schedule by the Enumerators 11-4-1970 1 to (ii) Field Supervision by Supe.rvisoril, Charge Superintendents, Supervisory Officers and >-I 30-4-1970 Distriet/City Census Officers. J

3 Preparation of Houselist Abstract, duplicate copies of houselists and Establishment Schedules I 1-5-1970 and handing over the filled in Schedules and maps to the Supervisors. J to 10-5-1970

11-5-1970 -4, Checking by Supervisors of all forms viz Houselists, Establishment Schedules and 1 to ~o..~~. J 16-5-1970

5 Despatch of Houselists, Establishment Schedules, Abstracts and Maps by Supervisors to "\ 17-5-1970 the Charge Superintendents. j to 20-5-1970

6 Scrutiny by Charge Superintendents, preparation of Charge Abstract and despatch to the 21-5-1970 District/City Census Officers. 1 to J 26-5-1970

27-5-1970 7 Despatch by District/City Census Officers to the Director of Census Operations 1 to J 30-5-1970

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in M ysore.

WD P 64,fi5 .. GPB---l,OOO-24_2-1970






Sub :-1971 Census-Houselisting operations-writing up of Charge Registers.

Charge Registers for rural and urban charges have already been supplied to all Rural and Urban Charge Superinttndents. The :first page of these Charge Registers contains detailed instructions asto how to fill upthe various columns of these Registers. Instructions were~ also issued in this office letter No. CEN 8 EST 70, dated 23rd January 1970 while despatching training and other materials including the above, to the effect that these Charge Regjsters should be written up after the constitution and nllmbering of Blocks is completed and the appointments of Enumerators for all these Blocks are ordered. By now. these preliminaries should have been over, and it is time for the Charge Superintendents to write up these Registers.

2. It is accordingly requested that the Charge Re~isters be written up immediately in duplicate and one copy forwarded so as to reach this office latest by 14th March 1970. The other copy should be maintained in the office of the Charge Superintendent for being checked by the Supervisory Officers, Di~trict Census Officers and the Divisional Deputy Director of Census Operations during their visits to the charges.

8. The following further instructions shouJd be borne in mind while writing up the Char~e Registers:- (i) in rural charges, it may so happen that two oj' more small villages not bearing continuous Location Code numbers might have been alloted to a single enumerator for operational convenience and to adjust the total workload. In such cases, these villages should be written up in the Charge List in the sheet or sheets relating to the particular Supervisor ander whom the Enumerator is placed. It wiH be evident that, in such cases, the location code numbers of the villages may not run continuously in Col. I of the Charge List. It is, however, important to ensure that the Location Code of the villages given in Col. 1 of the Charge List is the same as that indicated in the finalli~t of villages already forwarded. 2

In cases of the type referred to above, it is also most important to ensure that the correct block nllmbers are given in Col. 5 of the Charge List. It will be evident that when villages without continuous Locat~(jn Code numbers are assigned to the same enumerator, the Block nu~bers against each of these villages given in Col. 5 would also not be continuous~ To make the position clear, it may be mentioned that the Block number') will run conti­ nuously for the entire chargc only when the villagei'. are arranged serially accordi~g t~ their location Code numbers. This must first be done separately and then the numbers-"~ those Blocks assigned to each enumerator entered in Col. 5 of the Charge List.

(ii) Wherever there are any deviations from the instructions issued by this office in the matter of constitution, nilmbering and allotment of Blocks to Enumeratol's and Supervisors, reasons justifying the same should be recorded in the 'Remarks' column.

(iii) After completing the entries relating to all the blocks, the particulars 01 the Reser"e Enumerators and Supervisors should be recorded in the Register.

(iv) The certificate to be furnished as at 'a', 'b' and c' under item No.4 (General) ()£ the instruction,;> in the Charge Registers, should be.recorded immediately afte;the last entry referred to in (3) above...... -

(v) The charge map to be prepared and enclosed to the Register should showlclearly the following details:

(a) The charge boundaries indicating the names of adjo~ning charges all round: (b) The boundaries of any urban/rural charge~coming wholly or partly within the' charge boundary; (0) Revenue Circle/Hobli boundaries in case of rural charges and Ward or Division boundaries in the case of urban charges; (d) The village boundaries in rural charges; (e) The Census Enumerator's Block Boundaries; (j) Boundaries of CenslB Supervisor's Circle; (g) The Location Code n umbers of an vil1ages/blocks in the Charge.

(vi) Each of the above boundaries and numbers should be shown clearly in distinct colours for easy identification. (vii) The map so prepared should be attested by the Charge Superintendent and pasted on to the Register on the inside of the last cover page.

4. The District/City Census Officers, Supervisory Officers and the Divisional Deputy Directors of Census Opemtions should make it a point to check the copies of the Charge Registers avajlable with the Charge Superintendents, during their tours and inspection or Cemus work in their jurisdiction. They should particularly verify the Registers with reference to the maps and the approved lists of villages (in case of rural charges) and satisfy themselves that: (i) the instroctions issued by this office in the matter of formation of blocks, etc., and the writing up of these Registers and maps are scrupulously adhered to, and the ..deviations, if any, therefrom are' reasonable and are fully justified ;

(ii) there is neither over-laping nor omission of any area or areas between Blocke "a,d Blocks within the Charge"!, as al'3o between the adjoining charges and the urban .chfuge'3, if any, falling within the rural charge boundaries or vice-versa.

&. The checks to be exercised as above should be detailed and thorough, and the refilults of the check should be recorded by these officers on the Charge Registers at the end, t.e., immediately after the certificate recorded by the Charge Superintendents therein. I(there Ilre any I:'erious discrepancies which deserve the attention 01 this office, they should immediately be brought to the notice of this office for soitable action.

6. The Charge Superintendents should ensure that any changes effected by them in their copies of the Charge Registers as a result of checks by higher officers or otherwise, " are intimated to this office for effecting similar changes in the copy of the charge re'gist:m £ent to this office.

"I. Receipt of this Circular should please be acknowJedged.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Mysore.

'ro--(l) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore and Mangalore City Municipalities. (4) All the Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (5) All District Census Officers. (6) All City Census Officers. (7) AU the Charge Superintendents. (8) All the Divisional Deputy Superintendents of Census Operations.

WD P-6486-GPB-I,OOO- 3-3-70 56 57




Sub :-Census of India, 1971 - Houselisting Opemtions - Clarifications regarding doubts as to instructions.

Doubts have been expressed in regard to the exact interpretation and application of instructions relating to the different phases dthe houselisting operations, viz., preparation of ,notional maps, lay-out sketch maps, house-numbering and filling in the different columns of the houselis~ and Establishment whedule. A number of such doubts have already been clarified in the course of State and District level training of officers connected with these operations in the State, as also through replies to specific references received in this behalf. However, for the benefit of all officers and in the interest of uniformity of treat­ ment of different types of eases to be met with during the actual operations, it is felt useful to consolidate all such pojnts and clarifications issued therefor and circulate the same . to all concerned. Accordingly, a note incorporating t,he points of doubt and the manner of dealing with them,js prepared and enclO!'~ed to this Circular for information and guidance of all concerned. It is requested that these instructions may be borne in mind whjle imparting instructions to the Supervisors and Enumerators and also adhered to during the actual hooselisting <>perations in April-May 1970.

In the course of the djstrict level and the Charge level trainjng for houselisting operations in the State, d:.>ubts have been raised on various specific cases as to how to deal with them for purposes of recording in the Houselist and Establishment Sched ales. An attempt is made in this note to consolidate all such situations and to give clarifications applicable to each such case for the benefit of an officers handling the training classes as aho the actual <>perations : I. PREPARATION OF NOTIONAL MAPS:

1. When parts of a village are entrusted to different en umcrator" is it necessary to prepare a notional map for the entire village by every such Enumerator?

Ans.-Since a village is the lowest administrative unit for a rural area, the notional map will have to be prepared for the entire yjllage in order that the Enumerator may get an idea of the location of the Block/s entrusted to him within that village, but in such a notional map it would be enough if the Enumerator shows details ot the Block/s entrusted to him only. 5&


2. Similarly, in the case of big cities, is it necessary to pre-pare the notional map for the entire city by an Enumerator? Ans.-For a sma]] town there may not be any difficulty in preparing the potional map for the entire town indicating only the details of the Block entrusted to an Enuinerator as in the case of the rural area as indicated above. However, in the case of big cities it is likeJy that there will be difficulty in indicating the entire area proportionately. In such cases, it would be enough if the notional map is prepared for the municipal ward or the division, indicating therein only the details of the Block entrusted to an Enumerator.

3. Should Becherak (deserted) village be also constituted into separate Block and numbered?

Ans.-Yes. Such viJIages also would have been included in the approved list vi1lages and assigned location code numbers. They should therefore be taken in their order of the L.C. number and treated a"l single BJock and given appropriate Block Numbers. Snch a \Tillage should also be entrusted to the Enumerator of adjoining village.

4. Should only villages bearing contilluouS L. C. Numbers such as 11 and 12, 25 and 26 be assigned to a single En u merator, if necessary from point of view of the workload?

Ans.-Not necessarily. There is no objection to entrust any two or mo.re villages to a single Enumerator, if found necessary for adjustment of workload. The operational convenience should be the sole guiding factor in .such a case.

If however, there are a number of Blocks within a single village, it should be ensured that only Blocks bearing continuous serial numbers are entrusted to anyone Enumerato!. please see para 3 and 4 of Cjrcular No.4.


1. In certain lay-out sketch maps prepared in urban areas, and to be supplied to the Enumerators, all buildings whether pucea or katcha would have been shown by squares. In such cases how to distjnguish on the map between pucca and katcha houses?

Ans.-Where maps drawn to scale etc., in the urban areas are readily available and are to be made use of for Census purposes and such maps indicate all buildings by squares only the enumerators may be specifically instructed to go round the area house by house and find out which of the houses are pucca and which are katcha, and indicate the katcha hou.se on the maps by super imposing a triangle on the square indicating such a house. Further, residential and non-residential houses can easily be shaded.

2. How many copies of the notional and lay-out sketch mapE> are to be prepared?

Ans.-It is enough if only one copy each of the notional map and the lay-out sketch map are prepared and submitted by the Enumerator along with the Enumeration records. These would be reco'tdE.'d in the offices of the Charge 8c~e'tinteDdent8. 3 III. HOUSE NUMBERING ."

1. Where vacant sites have been numbered under an existing system which is ad<}pted for Census purposes, how should a baHding coming up on such a site be numbered? I .t1ns.-Since the vacant site already bears a number, the building which comes up on such a site could be given the same number as that of the site. For eaxmple, if 101 and 103 .are two building numbers and 102 is a site number on which a building has now come up, that building should be given the number 102. If however, the vacant site did not beal: any number and the two houses earlier e~isting were numbered as 101 and 102 ignoring the va«ant site in between the house that comes up on such a vacant site would have to be nllmbered as 101/1.

2. When a new Censu"5 House comes up within the premises of a building which is already bearing a number, should it also be given a number Jike say 101/1 ?

Ans.-Census Houses coming newly or left out without n umbering earlier and now requirE-d to be numbered for Census purposes shollid not be given a number like say 101/1. Sinc~ the Census houses would form part of the building which already bears the number 101, the main portion of the building in such a case can be numbered as 101(1), and the out-house or other structure which is now required to be numbered may be given a number as 101(2) and 80 on.

3. Where under an existing house numbering system:numbers have been given to houses like 1011A, 101/B , 1011C, or 101/a, 101/b, 101/c, etc., or like 101/1, 101/2, 101/3, etc., should the numbers be changed completely and new numbers given?

Ans.-The above system of numbering should not as far as possible be used.for number­ ing of buildings and Census Houses as it would clash with the instructions on the subject in regard to numbering of buildings, Census Houses and household(and a1so new structures. Therefore, where the numbers are so assigned on the maps only and these numbers have not yet been painted on the doors of the houses, the above system adopted on the maps etc., may be ignored and suitable sub-numbers given on the maps and aho painted on the doors of the houses accordingly. Where however, ,such numbers like 1011A, 10l/a, or 101/1, etc., have already been painted on the doors of the houses under any existing system of housenumbering, there is no objection to retain it and adopt the same for Census purposes subject of course to abundant care being taken not to confuse such numbers with the house: hold number"! to be assigned for Cen':>us purposes in the houselists. Such numbers indicating building and Census houses should however be written up in the proper columns of the houseJists. 4. Should latrines and bathrooms constructed separately, but used as part of the main structures be assigned separate census housen umbers?

Ans.-Such structures need not be assigned separate census housenumbers if they have not already been 80 numbered, since they cannot be used or recognised as separate units to be deemed as Census houses. But community latrines, bathrooms etc., built for use commonly by general public should b, assigned separate nambers. In any case ~o


where the existing system of housenumbering is being adopted for Census purposes, there would be no objection to retain the numbers given if any to such structures without dis­ turbing the housenumbering series. They should not howeve-r be listed separa~ely and brought on to the houselist. .

5. Should pump-houses be numbered?

Ans.-The pump-houses &hould be numbered if they qualify for being treated as Census houses, that is, if they are structures having four wans and a door way and are haying separate main entrances. It should however be noted that it should not be treated as an Establishment, if the pumps located within are owned by individual cultivators and used for irrigation, etc., for the owners fields.

6. Should the Tombs or other similar struotures be assigned numbers?

Ans.-Such structures, unless they are very small and do not qualify for being treated as Census houses, should be numbered. If within an enclosure a number of such structures are located, an such structures as are qualified for being treated as CemlUs houses may be given numbers.

7. Should open air theatres, bus shelte£s etc., be assigned house number~?

Unless sach structures are merely having a roof-like shelter with only pillars of half. wa]]s, such structures should be numbered.

8. Should a garage attached to a building as part of it, and belonging to the same person and used also by the same household occu-pying the building be given a separate, Census House ntJm ber ? Ans.--No. If howevec, the garage is let-out and is used as a separate unit, then only it may be numbered. Similarly, if the garage i.s a separate structure within the compound, it may be given a Census housenumber.

9. Should the tractor sheds, implement sheds and work sheds etc., which are not having any walJs but only a roof supported by pil1ars, be given numbers?

Ans.-Such structures need not be numbered unless they are enclosed on all sides or }tre having an attached roomJs in which case they can be: treated as Census Houses and numbe-red. 10. Should a hostel building consisting, of say, two blocks be treated as a single building or censUs houses or as separate buildings?

Ans.-Generally, where there are such separate buildings which together constitute one entity, it is better to give them Cen<;us House Numbers and not separate building numbers. The inmates of the hostel would be treated as one household but this household woald be spread over the various Censu<; houses which together make up the hostel. While recording the particulars of this institutional household, a bracket may be given against entries relating to these various Census houses after column 7 of the houselist and thb parti­ culars of the household written in the line corresponding to the fir&t of these Census houses. 61

The hou~eho]d number will be the number of the first of thesE> Census houses which together constitute the hostel.

If: a hosteJ has separate blocks for the residential portion, me"s, bath-rc'oms, etc. these various structure~ will also be numbered as Census houses on the lines mentioned above.

It should, however, be noted that if the' mess is run by a Contractor, it would have to be recorded seprartely as an establishment. IV. HOUSELIST­ Col. 6.- 1. Should residential Government quarters used by some officers partiy for a home~ office be treated as Residence-cum-office?

Ans. :-Sjnce such use i3 only an informal arrangement, a residential Government Quarter should be treated as a place of residence only. If however, a building is u~ed partly for residence and partly for office, as for example, a post office building in part of which the Post-Master resides, such buildings should be jndicated as being used for residence-cum-office.

2. In a Police Station or other office building, a person recently transferred is putting up temporarily or unauthorisedly. Should it be treated as office-cum-residence?

Ans. :-No, slnce sllch recording weald not reflect the use realistically. While we should be concerned with eliciting facts whether legal or illegal, we should also be interested in recording these facts so as to reflect the real position. Col. 7.- 3. Is a ho'>tel to be treated as an Establishment?

Ans. :--Yes, since it is a place where persons likG warden, cook, servants etc., would be working, and it provides service to the residents thereof. It would figure in the last category of Establishment in column-ll of the Establishment Schedule. Incidentally, it may be noted that a hostel is an institutional household. Col. 9.- 4. In the case of Government Servants etc., transferred to other places, they may leave their families behind. In case of such a family, who should be recorded as the Head of the Household? Is it necessary that the Head should be residing in the Household?

Ans. :-Please see the last sentence in para 47 ot the instructions. In a case of the above type the' dejure ' head is an absentee, and therefore, the person who manages the house­ hold should be regarded as the Head. It follows therefore that a head of the household should ;neces~arily be one of the members of the Census household. An exception may however, be made only in the case of an Institutional househOld, the head of which would be the Manager or Superintentendent etc., who need not necessarily be residing with the household. 2 6

5. In the case of a hotel, should the Manager or Proprietor be regarded as the Head 1-

Ans. :-If the Proprietor is an absentee and the Manager shoulders the responsibility of running the day to day affairs of the hotel, the Manager may be regarded as the Head of the Household, while in the Establishment Schedule, the name of the Proprietor of the hotel should be recorded.

CO,Is. 13-15.- 6. Is a paying guest who takes his meals with the family to be treated as a member of the same household? Ans. :-Yes, since he is living with the famiiy and is taking his meals from a common kitchen. If however, he is taking his meals from a hoteJ or elsewhere9 he should not be regarded as a member of the household, but should himself be regarded as a separate single member household. Col. 16.- 7. Should Institutional Households like Jails, basic school hostels etc., who may be cultivating lands be regarded as cultivating households?

Ans. :-Yes, &ince the members of the household are engaged in cultivation of land on behalf of the household itself. In the case of hotels, however, even if any member is cultivating land as his normal place of residence, the hotel cannot be treated as a cultiva­ ting household.

8. Should kitchen gardenin~ in the ccmpolJ.nd of a house be treated as cultivation?

Ans. :-Nc. Cultivation should be of an Agricultural land or holding only.' V. ESTABLISHMENT SOHEDULE­ Col. 4.- 1. What establishments should be regarded as Quasi-Government?

Ans. :-All }ublic sector establishments which are neither wholly Government nor local authority nor co-operative institutions, and whose employees are not Government, local Government or co-operative servants,

2. The entries to be made under 001. 4 as indicated in para 70 and as se8n from the specimen entries circulated are not in strict conformity with each other. What system should be followed?

Ans. :-The system as indicated in the specimen entries circulated may be followed by writing as 'Government', 'Quasi-Government', 'Private or, Co-operative" only, without using the words' Public Sector'. 7 Col. 5.- 3. A Co-operative Consumers' Store is under liquidation and is closed and locked 'during the Enumeration period, how is it to be recorded? Ans. :-The Establishment may be brought on to the Establishment Sched ule, but the other details thereof in Co1.-5 onwards need not be given. Remarks such as ' under liquidation', 'permanently closed' etc., as the case may be shouJd however be given against the entry relating to. such Establishment. If however, it is a temporary closure due to lock-out or any other reasons or if it is a seasonal establishment working only during parts of a year, the particulars of the Establishment should be given as relating to the last working period, vide paras 74 and 75 of the instructions.

Col. 6.- 4. In the case of an Establishment having more than one activity, only the major activity is to be recorded. What about the number of persons workng for the different activjties ?

Ans. :-The average number of persons working in the Establishment as a whoie, that is for all the activities together should be recorded, while other details of only the major activity should be given, vide para 76 of the instructions.

5. In para 80(i) of the instructions, it is ,stated that professions such as barber, musi­ cian, dancer, washerman, astrol?ger etc., are not to be treated as household industries. How should they be treated then?

Ans. :-They should be treated as 'Services' falling under the last .category of Establishment under Co1.-11 of the Establishment Schedule, if the Census house as I:!uch is used for rendering any such services to the public. That is, if the musician or dancer is only practising for his own benefit, then the activity cannot be regarded as an Establishment.

6. Is a tailoring establishment to be regarded as the fir;;;t or the last category of establishment? Ans. :-Tailoring may be :regarded as processing of cloth for preparing garments and accordingly it may be classified as a 'manufacturing, processing or servicing' activity under cols.-6 to 8 of the Establishment Schedule.

7. Can the manufacture of lime, bricks etc., which are done in kilns located in fields or open spaces, be treated as Establishments run on household industry Jines or otherwise?

Ans. :-No. At this stage, we are listing only all such establishments which are located in Oensus houses or their premises only. Since brick kilns, lime kilns etc., are neither situated in Census houses nor can themselves be treated as Census Houses there is no way of bringing them on to the houselist, cols.-6 and 7 of which are the starting points for identifying an establishment for purposes of recording the same. 8

8. In a qweet-meat shop, sweets are manufactured and are also "lold. Should it be treated as manufacturing or trading estabJi'3hment? Similarly, in a hotel or restaurant, prepara"tions are made, sold and served aho within its premises. Shollid it figure as the 1st, '2nd or 3rd category of e"ltablisbment?

Ans. :-The types of establishments with illustrations for categorisation have been given in the instructions and also under co}umn headings. These may be followed. In cases not specifical1y mentioned therein or in doubtful cases, generally the following princi­ ples may be adopted, viz. the last category should be treated as a residual category and only those that do not fit either in the 1st or in the 2nd category should be recorded in col.-11 of the Schedule accordingly. Similarly between the first and the second categories, those that can be classified as belonging to the first category should be recorded as such undH 00Is.-6-8 and the others brought under Cols. 9-10 of the Establishment Schedule. In view of the above, a sweet-meat shop should be regarded as a manufactur;ng establi"lh­ ment since it can be categorised as such. Similarly, a hotel or restaurant should be treated as a ' service' establishment under the last category, "lince it is so indicated under the column heading.

9. How should a slaughter-house be categori'3ed?

Ans. :-A private slauf-hter-house where animals are slaughtered and the meat is sold, should be treated as a trading establishment, whereas a slaughter house belonging to say a Corporation where only slaughtering facilities are provided, should be regarded as a , service' establishment under Co1.-11 of the Schedule.

10. What dates are to be recorded by the Enumerators and Supervisors at the end of the Schedules?

Ans. :-The date on which the final schedllles are completed and submitted should be recorded by the Enumerator, and the date ·:m which the Supervisor submits the same to the Ch~rg6 Superintendent after scrutiny, should be recorded by him.

P. PADMANABHA, Director oj Census Operations in Mysore.

To-(l) All the Divisional Commis@ioners. (2) All the D~puty Commissioners of Djstricts. (3) The Commissiouers of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore and Mangalore City Municipalities. (4) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (5) All District Census Officers. (6) AU the City Census Officers. (7) All the Charge Superintendents. (8) The Deputy Directors of Cellsus Operations, Mysore/Belgaum/Gulbarga Divisions.

WD l' 6484-GPB-l,OOO-l0--3-70 65





Subject :-1971 Census-House-listing operations ---collection and despatch of filled in schedules.

The house-listing operations will be over in all the rural and urban charges in the State latest by 15th May 1970. In case of teacher enumerators, these operations have been permitted to be completed by 20th April 1970. Im.me­ diately thereafter, the Charge Superintendents and City Censu.s Officers should prepare themselves to collect the fil1ed in schedules and despatch them to the District and State level authorities in accordance with the ·instructions contained herein.

2. On conclusion of the operations, the enumerator will have with him the following records duly filled in for the Block Is entrusted to him:

(i) Houselist 2 COPIeS (ii) Establishment Schedule 2 oopies (iii) Block Abstract Is 2 copies (iv) Notional Map 1 copy (v) Layout sketch map 1 copy

The enumerator must be instructed not to fold these. They should be kept fLat.

3. The enumerator should be asked to stitch these records into separate sets for each village or part of a village for which he ha::; been appointed as Enumer~tor and to which the records relate and affix t1 label thereto, which may also be stitched along with the set. The stitching should be done at the left-hand top corner adjusting all the sheets in the set properly. The labels to be used for the purpose should be in the form annexed to this Circular (Annexure I). rfhcy should be filled in by the enumelators while delivering the census records to the Charge Officers. Two sets for each village or part of a village will be made as under, arranging the records in the same order: 2 Set No. I (i) Block Abstract 1 copy (For being sent to (ii) Houselist 1 copy i Director of Census (iii) Establishment Schedule 1 copy L Operations. Set No. II Notional map 1 copy ( I For Layout sketch map 1 copy I being recorded Block Abstract 1 copy i in the Charge Office I Houselist 1 copy I for the present. i Establishment Schedule 1 copy l

4. The Charge Superintendents and City Census Officers should arrange, with the help of the concerned Supervisors and the Census Clerk of their office, to collect all the above records and ensure that the records are in order and are completely written up and duly signed, before the enulnerator and supervisor are relieved of the cellSUS duty. In particular, checks should be exercised to ensure that the following points are complied with: (i) Every page of the Houselist and Establishment Schedule must bear a page number. (ii) The names and Location Code Numbers of the District, Taluk, Village I Town and the Block Numbers are recorded as per instructions on each page of the schedules and also on the maps. (iii) Entries are made in the Schedules for all the Blocks, taking th_e Blocks themselves in the ascending order of their numbers in those cases where the same enumerator has been given more than one block within the salne village. (iv) Individual entries are made in between the lines, and the space covered by dotted lines meant for coding is not encroached upon. (v) Separate sheets are used for each separate village or part of a village entrusted to an enumerator. (vi) Block abstracts are prepared separately for each block and there are actually as many pages of Houselist as are indicated in the abstracts. (vii) The records are duly signed by the enumerator and attested by the Supervisor on every page. (viii) The copies included in the First Set to be sent to this office are written neatly, clearly and legibly. (ix) The labels are properly written and stitched together and indicate the contents correctly. (;7 3 In case any of the above items are wanting or are incomplete, the enumera­ tors should be asked to correct the same or supply the short-coming, before collecting the records from them.

5. To ensure that all the enumerators have handed in the sets referred to, the Charge List would be most useful. The blocks are listed continuously in the Charge List a,nd a mark may be made against each block number to indicate both the sets having' been received.

6. As and when the enumeration records are received in the Charge Office, the' Charge Superintendents and City Census Officers should prepare three copies of the 'Houselist Abstract for Charges' (please see Census Circular No.7-­ Form II) by transferring the Block totals from the Houselist Abstracts for Blocks, noting the Blocks themselves 1:n the serial order in the Charge Abstract. After aU the entries are completed therein, the Charge totals should be struck. One copy of this Abstract must be sent by registered post direct to this office together with a copy of the Block-wise index of Set No. II (vide para 7 below) and a certificate of records kept in the charge office (vide para 13 below). One copy of the Abstract may be sent to the District Census Officer and the other retained in the Charge Office.

7. (a) After ensuring that complete records have been received in respect of each and every Block within the charge in two sets (I and II) as above, both the sets should be arranged separately in the serial m'der of the Blocks, with Block No.1 on top and the last Blook at the bottom,

(b) A block-wise index showing the contents of the bundle in 'the form enclosed to this Circular (Annexure II) may be prepared for each set in quadrupli­ cate. One copy of the index for Set No. II may be kept on top of the bundle containing the sheets of II set, which may then be neatly stacked in flat piles between card board covers, tied together and stored in the Records safely, after affixing a label on top. The label may be in the form enclosed (Annexure III). Further instructions fvr disposal of this set will be issued in due course. One copy of the blockwise index of the II Set will be sent to this office along with the Charge Abstract (vide para 6 above), one copy to the District Census Officer and the remaining copy retained in the Charge Office.

8... The first set should then be like-wise stacked, and of the four copies of the Blockwise index (Annexure II) to be prepared for this set also, one copy will be placed on top. The whole bundle should be placed between card board covers and tied together securely and labelled on both sides (Annexure III). If the contents are too many for a single bundle, they may be made in~o more than one bundle for convenience in handling and transport. Each such bundle should invariably b0 affixed with a label (Annexure III) on both sz't1ea to indicate the contents. Every such bundle /s should be numbered as say 1/2 meaning that the serial number of the bundle is 1, out of a total of 2 bundles for the entire charge. 4

9. The bundles of Set No, I 80 prepared should then be sent with the Census Clerk to the District Census Officer of the District together with the other three copies of the Blockwise index (Annexure II) prepared for this set, The District Census Officer should arrange to receive the bundles after properly scrutinising the same with reference to the index and the labels on the bundles. The lnmdles themselves need not, however, be opened ..

10. The District Census Officer may. maintain separate lists of urban and rural Charge Superintendents and watch the receipt of the bundles from each of them. In the case of those Tahsi'ldars who are Charge Superintendents for urban areas also, they mast find a place in both the lists in their separate capa­ cities of Charge Superintendents for rural and urban areas.

11~ After receipt of the bundles from an the Charges in the District, the District Census Officer should make them into bundles of convenient size, get them wrapped in gunny cloth and get them stitched and secured safely against damage in transit. On these gunny bundles should be painted the following details:

District ...... Bundle No ......

The bundle number may be indicated as, say 3/6, meaning that the serial number of the bundle is 3, out of a total of 6 bundles for the District. The other details such as the name of thc consignor and consignee, etc., may be written as usual. '

12. These bundles should then be sent with the Oensus Clerk o[ the District Office to this office, by passenger Rail/Road Transport. 'They should not be booked by lorry or goods train set·vices. Out of the 3 copies of the Blockwise index, one oopy may 'be retained by the Dis~rict' Census Officer and the remammg two copies sent with the Clerk. The Census Clerk bringing these bundles and the index should be instructed that he may be required to stay at Bangalore till the complete delivery of all the bundles is taken by this office. This office will conduct a thorough scrutiny of the contents of each of the Charge bundles with reference to the 'Blockwise index 'before taking deliveI'Y of the same, so as to ensure that all filled in schedules as specified in the index are available and one copy of the index will be returned .duly signed in token of receipt, and the other copy retained in this office. The copy thus returned may be passed on to the Charge Officer for record. '

13. The Cha.rge Officer will thus finally record in his office-"'

(i) one copy of the blockwise index of Set No.. 1. (ii) one copy of the blockwise index of Set No. II. (iii) one copy of the Charge Abstract. (iv) Bundle /s containing the enumerators records in the Set No. II.· 5 All these should be kept 9arefully along with the Cha'fge Registc'f at one place in the Records, and a certificate furnished to this effect and sent to this office along with the Charge Abstract referred to in para 7 above.

14. In the case of Bangalore, Hubli - Dharwar, l\1ysore and l\langalore Cities, the City Census Officers and Charge Superintendents will adopt the procedure suggested above. The Charge Superintendents will, after obtaining the records from the enumerators and arranging them as indicated above, forward Set No.. I to the City Census Officer who will, after tn-king action as in paras 9 and 10 above, forward the bundles to this office as specified in paras 11 and 12 above. Also the Charge Superintendents in these Cities will forward Set No. II along with the documents mentioned in para 13 above to the City Cf'nsus Officer who will retain them and furnish the certificate contemplated in para] 3 above.

15. The required quantity of card boards, and formA of Allnexures I, II and III, and so also sufficient No. of forms of Charge Abstract will be made available by this office through the District ICity Census Officers. Some contin­ gency amount will also be place.d at the disposal of the Deputy Commissioners I Commissioners of Corporations, etc., to meet expenses in connection with purchase of gunny cloths and cost of transportation of bundles from the charges to the District and further on to the State leve1. Receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Oensus Operations in Mysore.

To-(l) An the Divisional Commis.. ionerll. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts.

(3) The Commil!sioner.i of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore and Mangalo r~ City Municipalities. (4) All Assistant Commissioner!! of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (5) All District Census Officers. (6) All the City Census Officers. (7) All the Charge Superintendents.

(~) The Deputy Directors of CeDeus Operatiolls, llysore/Belgaum/Gulbarga Divisions. 70 6



1971 Census-Houselisting I· Rural/Urban*

I Set No. I/ll·

L.C. No. Name District Taiuka


No. of pages of No. of sheets of Block Nos. Houselist Est ablishment Block Notional Layout Schedule Abstract maps sketch map

1 to 1 to 1 to


Place Date

Signature, Name and Address of Enumerator.

*Strike off whichever ia inapplicable, 71 / 7



! 1971 Census-Housellsting I Rural/Urban*

I Set No. 1/11*

Name of District; .•.....•.•.••••••• Code No ......

Name of Taluka/Town: •••...... •.• Code No ......

No. of sheets of No. of sheets of Block No. Houselist Establishment Block Notional Layout Schedule Abstract "Map sketch map

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. 2. 3. 4.




Signature, Name and Designation of the Charge Superintendent.

*Strike off whichever is inapplicable. 8



I 1971 Census-Houselisting I ~ural/Urban*

Set No. Ifll*

Bundle No.

L.C. No. Name

District TalukafTown Block Nos. From ...... - To ......


Date: Signature, Name and Designat{on of Charge Superintendent.

*Strike off whichever is inapplicable.



Sub : The population count in 1971. The first, and preliminary, phase of the Census Operations in Mysore of houselisting has been completed recently. The second, and more important and difficult phase of the actual population count is now before us. The enumeration of the population involves not merely the actual determination of mere numbers but also the eliciting of certain essential details of each person, male or female, young or old. It need hardly be emphasised that this involves a very heavy organisational effort and the few months before us are of crucial importance. 2. The enumeration will be held uniformly all over the country (except for certain areas where due to difficulty of terrain or weather it may be :timed differently) between loth February 1971 and 28th February 1971, followed by a revisional round from 1st March 1971 to 3rd March 1971. A Post Enumeration Check, to test the coverage and validity of these results, will be held in April 1971 in certain limited areas. 3. Unlike the Houselisting Operations, the enumeration is a strictly time-bound operation. The work has to be commenced and completed within the dates mentioned and no deviation can be allowed. This is an aspect of the work that must be continuously remembered by all of us and particularly by the Charge Superintendents, Enumerators and Supervisors.

4. The enumeration involves the completion of an individual slip in the case of e"very person irrespective of age or sex. This slip contains 17 questions and would furnish basic data necessary for all planning and other purposes. The demographic characteristics 2 of the population, including economic characteristics, are sought to be determined on the basis of the answers to these 17 questions and it is essential for us to ensure that the enu­ merator completes each slip with the great sense of responsibility that it deserves. The enumerator will also cover houseless population and a special enquiry in the case of degree holders and technical personnel is also envisaged. The enumerator will be able to perform his function well only if we are able to train him up effectively and also inculcate in him the discipline necessary for the performance of this duty. As nsual, all material necessary for census operations including instructions will be made available but particular care will have to be paid to the training aspects since the validity of the results and their accuracy will almost entirely depend on how well the training has been carried out. It is particularly requested that Deputy Commis~iQners review the training of census personnel in their districts. Separate instructions regarding the phasing of the training and the number of training classes to be held will be issued shortly.

5. Un1ike the Houselisting Operations, the census enumeration will cover certain "strictly military areas" also. Separate Military Census Officers have been appointed for these areas and lists will be forwarded of such officers to the concerned Districts Census Officers shortly. Instructions will also be issued regarding enumeration in such .Military Areas.

6. As mentioned earlier, the enumeration of all persons will have to be commenced on the loth February 1971 and completed by 28th February 1971. On the night of the 28th February 1971, all houseless popUlation will be enumerated. From the 1st March to the 3rd March 1971, a revisional round will be conducted by the enumerator in order to take into consideration all births, all deaths and any fresh arrivals in his jurisdiction not enu­ merated earlier between the date of his visit and the 28th February 1971. The enu~erator, after this date, is expected to prepare an abstract which would give the _totals for his block of the population and certain other particulars. It is envisaged that all these forms will be available to the Charge Superintendent' within the 5th March 1971 and that the Charge Superintendent will send t,elegrama to this office and ",0 the Registrar General indicating the total population of his Charge and certain other particulars, based on which the Registrar General, India, will issue the provisional population totals for the country by the 6th March 1971. It will be apparent that, unless the entire organisation works to a. strict schedule, this will not be possible. It is essential for us to ensure that the operations are conducted as indicated.

7. Instructions regarding the training programmes, selection of enumerators and super­ visors and other aspects of the enumeration will be issued from time to time. The Deputy Commissioners are particularly requested to review p~riodically the progress of training classes in their districts and to ensure that both the importance and the need for an adherence to the schedule are sufficiently understood by the Enumerators and Supervisors. The responsibility of ensuring the successful completion of the enumeration and of reporting the results by the 5th March 1971 rests on the Charge Superintendents in a large measure. 3 "They are requested to acquai~t themselves fully with all the circula.rs and instructions from this office and they are advised to contact this office or the Divisional Deputy Directors -Jof Census Operations, if necessary., The complete and ready assistance of this office will always be available to them and to the other officers associated with this vast effort or . census enumeration.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Oensus Operaticms in MY8ore.


(Two copies, onef01' personal use and on.efor use in the office).

(1) All the Divisional Commissioners.· (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts• . (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corpora.tions and. Mysore, Mangalore a.nd Belga.um City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superiutendents.

'Copy to:

1. Registrar General of India, Delhi (10 copies with It covering letter) 2. Directors of Census Operations of an States and Union Territories (2 copies ea.ch with a covering letter). 3. All Military (}ensus Officers in the State. 4. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, Banga.lore/Mysore/Belgaum/Gulbarga. Divisjons. -5. All ()fficers at Headquarters.

WD P 6811- GPB-1750-27-7-70 76 / 77

CEN 9 CPO 70





Subject :-Constitution of Enumeration Blocks for the popUlation count. It will be recalled that Census Blocks were constituted for the Houselisting Operations based on certain principles and work-load norms. The Houselisting Operations were essentially meant to provide to Chal'ge Superintendents a frame based on which they could organise the actual population count. The House­ lists which are with them provide the frame and it is now necessary to organise . the work in such a manner that the enumeration will be completed according to schedule.

2. Experience indicates that during the specified period of enumeration and revisiollal round, namely loth February 1971 to 3rd March 1971, an enumera­ tor can conveniently enumerate about 750 persons in rural areas and about 600 persons in urban areas. This would mean about 150 households and 120 house­ holds l'espectively. It is, therefore, necessary that Census blocks be formed on the basis of these nornlS. The blocks formed for the Houselisting Operations do not always conform to this norm. Wherever the population of a block formed for Houselisting exceeds these figures, it is necessary to form new blocks. The principles to be followed in the formation of the new Census Enumeration Blocks are indicated herein.

3. It may be added here that in the latter stages of Houselisting Operations, a number of cases of omissions in numbering villages or parts of villages, and of Blocks etc., ,were noticed and these were rectified by adding the suffixes A, B etc., to the Location Code numbers of villages or the Block numbers to avoid 715

2 wholesale changes at that stage. These have since been reviewed in this office and revised continuous numbers have been assigned to the villages and the Houselisting Blocks. Copies of lists of villages indicating such revised numbers of villages and blocks are being sent separately to the Rural Charge Superintendents direct. These numbers may be adopted in all future operations and noted in the copies of the Houselisting Charge Registers in the 'Remarks' column in red ink.

4. The total population of each Houselisting Block will be available in the Houselist Abstract of each block. This should be noted in Column 5 of the Houselisting Rural Charge List or Column 1 of the Houselisting Urban Charge List after the Block Number entered therein (or, if there is no space, in the 'remarks' column of these registers). Having done this, the Charge Superintendent can consider the cases of all those blocks where the population figure exceeds about 750 in rural areas or 600 in urban areas. Where the population exceeds these figures mentioned, such houselisting blocks must be split up into two or more Enumeration Blocks as may be necessary to ensure that cach such block has a population not exceeding the norms indicated.

5. The convenient limits for each Enumeration Block can be determined from the Houselist of that particular Houselisting Block. The houselist would indicate where an Enumeration Block can begin or end in terms of House Numbers, streets, etc. Thus, the limits of the enumeration blocks formed out of the existing Houselisting Block should be marked from the Houselist concerned and the essential details entered in the Enumeration Charge List.

6. It must be emphasised that the norms of 750 or 600 are onl_}r-indicative and strict adherence to these figures is neither necessary nor possible. If a houselisting block in a rural arca has about 800 to 850 persons, and if it is com­ pact, the Charge Superintendent may retain it as a Block for the enumeration also. Similarly, if in an urban area, the Houselisting Block contains about 650 to 700 people, it need not necessarily be split up. In other words, splitting up of the Houselisting Blocks should be carefully made so that, as far as possible, the workload is as near the norms mentioned without resulting in an excessive number of blocks of small population. However, a workload beyond 850 in rural areas and 700 in urban areas should in no case be allowed.

7. Whenever the Houselisting Block contains a population close to the norms indicated, it may be retained as such for enumeration also. 'Vhenever the Houselisting Blocks contain population lower than the norm but were formed for operational convenience e.g. a separate block. for a hamlet, a special colony, etc., such small blocks need not be now combined. In other words, their identity need not be lost and they may continue as blocks for enumeration also. , 7'( I /

8. It will be evident ,that then' will generally be lY'.ore Enumeration Blocks than Houselistillg Bloch:. Con seq uGntly, the YllH1'.bering of the blocks would :'1,1;) oha11;;(', However, it, is considerea desiTabl(~ to mtain COITesp(, ,dc~:v' between the b,"o sets of block llUl1".bers and ::dso achieve a system of block llUllJ­ bering which wou.ld cau.se lea 8t COllfl:sion in dew.:u'cation of' block bonnd~1Ties, specially regarding nun bfYlllg of structures. The following instructions ly~ay, the1'l.~fore, be fullowC'cl in the fOI'lI'."tioll al1.d nmI' buring orthe Ennnlol'Dtlon Blocks:

(i) The nUlll.ben; aSf)iglJCd to the HOW:)i'iisting Blocks will 11.0[; be changed.

(ii) If a houselishng block hBfl to be "'plit up into two OJ' more f'llUlLera­ tiOll blocks. the letter will be given i hE; numbe:' of the orjgiFal housc­ listing block with suffixes A, R, C, etc. (Please see the exan:ples ill Appendix I of this Ciccuhn).

(iii) \Vh('n ~1 houi:)(~list,illg bl()ck if) split- into two ()i' JY>.Ol'(:'. erntrl'(l'ar·ion block;, caro ShOllld be taken to ensure that the dmnal'cat-ion of sneh blocks is defin:;te. In otheT words, 1he enllllJel'(ition blocks should be formed so that their limits can bi' conver!icntly and definitely be idolliifi~;blc on the field and a,'~ sueh :lS ealc bu cL~,l11y inc1ic:\,i;ed to

the enUh1 CT

(iv) Enumenlt,ioll blocks nmst not cui; aCTOS"! the boulld;;]les of "yards 01' ~\JulliciI):JJ divisions. Similarly. no block should include portions of Lwo villages.

(v) Each Yil1~ge should bo constituted iuto a 8eparate block. No block ~hould COver parts of separate villages. Village n~eans a revenuc village and includes the eutire revenue limits of the village, and not mel'cly the ()ramthana "rca of ,I village.

(vi) Hamlets must be eonstitnter] into separate blocks. A block should not cover pal'ts of sepa.rate hamlets.

(vii) If a main village or a haJIIIGC has a ll:tl'g'~ }lopnlation, it 1l1.Hy bl\ con­ stituted into more than one blonk 1'\0 n:-\ to maintain j·11o ''lolk norm8.

(viii) Becharak villages and fon~st

(ix) In fOJ'ming the Enumeration b1ocki,-;, large insrit.utioyc;; such ~,B CenGi',:J Jails, Hospitals etc., may be constituted into soy;arute blockB if the population of sHch iUl"tit.llli(H1S is huge enough. Or,her-wise, they may be included within the existing blocks. 4

(x) Railway Colonies, labour camps in Project Areas etc., may be con­ stituted into separate blocks with well-identified boundaries. Such areas would have been formed into house listing blocks. These may be retained or sub-divided but the identity of these special areas should be maintained.

(xi) Care should be taken to see that no structure is partly in one block and partly in another.

Military Areas :- 9. Areas designated as "strictly military areas" are being indicated to the Census Officers concerned. In such areas, the Military Census Officers will form the Enumeration Blocks keeping in view those among the principles indicated above which are relevant. Civilian and Military Census Officers must co-ordinate their work so as to ensure that no area is omitted or included twice over in any block.

SupervisM's Circles :- 10. One Supervisor will be in charge of about 5 Enumerators. If operational factors such as distances or terrain impose limitations, the size of the supervisol"s circle may be slightly varied.

General :- 11. After forming the blocks in the manner indicated above, the Charge Superintendents may also allocate the blocks to Enumerators and Supel'visOl's. The number of blocks would give an indication of the number of enumerators and supervisors necessary.

12. The entire process of formation of Enumeration Blocks and their numbering in accordance with the instructions contained herein must be completed by 1st September 1970. Charge Registers will be supplied but the Charge Superintendents may maintain a list of villages/wards etc., as the case may be, indicating the Houselisting Block number and the number or numbers of the corresponding Enumeration Block/Blocks. To enable Charge Superintendents to maintain this information systematically and to demarcate the Enumeration blocks easily, a standard working sheet format is indicated in Appendices II and III to this Circular. This should be written up in duplicate. This working sheet will also be useful since the information here would ultimately be tmnsferred into the Enumeration Charge List.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Mysore. IS ~J


(Two copies, onef(YJ' personal use and onefor use in the office).

(1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore, Mangalore a.nd Belgaum City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions.

(7) All Rural and Urba.n Charg~ Superiutendeuts.

Copy to: 1. Registrar-General of India, Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter) 2. Directors of Census Opera.tions of all States and Union Territories (2 copIes each with a covering letter.) 3. All Military Census Officers in the State.

4. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, Banga.lore/Mysorej Belgaum/Gulb~rga. Divisions. 5. All Officers at Headquarters. ;:i:,

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23, "Lakshmi Nivas" CENSUS CIRCULAR No. 17. Basappa Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27. 29th August 1970

Subj'ect :-·Working sheets-Rural and Urban, for formations of Enume­ ration Blocks-Instructions for preparation of-

In Census Circular No. 16, working sheets were suggested for rural and urban oharges to enable Charge Superintendents to form Census Enumeration Blocks conveniently from the existing Houselisting Blocks. It was indicated therein that printed working sheets would be made available for the use of Charge Super­ intendents. The actual printed working sheets have been slightly modified in order to enable Charge Superintendents to indicate the description of the blocks clearly and also to enable them conveniently to complete the Instruction Sheets to the Enumerators and Supervisors specified under Circular No. 18 and the Charge Lists specified under Circular No. 19.

2. The instructions herein contained illustrate how the Census Enumeration Blocks should be formed from the Houselists and how the various columns of the Working Sheet should be filled up.

3. It will be recalled that in para 5 of Circular No. 16 it has been mentioned that the convenient limits for each Census Enumeration Block can be deter­ mined from the Houselist. The demarcation of the jurisdiction of the Census Enumeration Block must be made on the basis of the Houselist of the corres­ ponding Houselisting Block. This can be done only by actually refening to the Houselist form. The Charge Superintendent must go through the Houselist and mark off Census Enumeration Blocks on the Houselist neatly in red pencil. In p:uuking off such Census Enumeration Blocks, the Charge superintendent must keep in mind the ~&tious ~tipula,tions of. p8,r~ 6,' And 8 of Cliroular No. 1ft. It will be evident that unless suoh 8, oareful marking off on the Houselist is done, many of the particulars speoified in the Working Sheet cannot be filled in, specially those relating to the boundaries of the Bl9Cks now formed. 4. The formation of the Census Enumeration Blocks from the Houselists their demarcation on the Houselists and their numbering should be done personally by the Charge Superintendent. 5. After the Census Enumeration Blocks are formed, the Working Sheet can be filled up. How the various columns are to be filled up is indicated here­ after. The Working Sheet is an essential document as will be evident from Circular Nos. 18 and 19. The Instruction Sheet to the Enumerator, the Charge Lists etc., are all written up on the basis of the Working Sheet. If the Working Sheet is written up well and with care, no further reference to the basic records such as the Houselists, Charge Abstracts for Houselisting etc., would be neces­ sary. 6. The Working Sheet should be prepared in acoordance with the fonowing Instructions in DUPLICATE and one copy forwarded to this office, immediately:-


Col. 1: - Location Code N Q. of village:- , ~ This is the same as the Location Code No. indicated in the final approved list of villages.

Col. 2 (-Name of Village (with hamlets, if any) :- The Name of AsH village will first be entered and all particulars relating to this village will be entered in Col. 3 on wards. In the case of large asli villages, these particulars may occupy more than. one line. Care should therefore be taken to enter the name of the next village or the hamlets associated with a village only after filling in all the entries in sufficient number of lines from Col. 30nwarda for the main village. Having completed the formation of blocks in the case of the main village, each hamlet will have to be entered one below the other in the order specified in the final list of approved villages taking due care to complete the particulars of the first hamlet before the next one is written up.

Col. 3 :-Houselist Block No. as finally approved.:- Charge Superintendents have been separately supplied with cyclostyled listi of villages in their talukas with an indioation of the houselisting block numbers. The block number appropriate to the village or hamlet as the case may be m.ust 'be entered in Col. 3. . ig f?7

) . . " /.. . . . Care should be taken \ to ensure/that the particulars of· Col. 6 onwards for a houselisting block are first entere

Ool. 5 :-Population of Houselisting Block as per Houselist c- This figure will be available from the Houselist Abstract which has been prepared for each Charge.

Ool. 6:-Description of Enumeration Block formed now ~- This column contains five sub-columns as indicated in the printed sheets.

Ool. 6& :-Name or No. of Street, Road, Lane etc. :- Where houselisting blocks have been formed on the basis of streets, roads, lanes etc., the Census Enumeration Block would also contain either all the streets etc., or parts of them or some of them in case more than one Census Enumeration Block has been formed from the original houselisting block. The names of the streets etc., included within each Census Enumeration Block p,nd, falling within it should be entered in Col. 6a. Where separate streets, lanes etc., are within one Census Enumeration Block, while entering the particulars in Col. 6a, the numbers if any given to these may be mentioned. If no such numbers haV'e been given earlier, they may be serially numbered as 1, 2,3 etc., within the same Block in Col. 6a itself. Thus, for example, if three streets are included within Census Enumeration Block No. 3lA, the entries would be as follows ,- Cols :- 6a 6b 60 6d 6e 1. Anjaneya Street 32 A 51 B 2. Station Road 31 C 33 D 35 E 48 F 51 G 100 H 3. Temple Road 1 J 51 K

In this example, the streets would be distinguished by the serials 1, 2 and 3. 88 In some areas where the Permanent Housenumbering Blocks have been formed, these have been constituted as Houselisting Blocks. In such oases, the Permanent Housenumbering Block No. was entered in the House-listing Rural Charge List and has also been incorporated in the Houselists. In such cases these can be retained as Census Enumeration Blocks and. the Permanent Rouse~ numbering Block No. written in Col. 6a. The entry should be written as "P. H. Block No ...... ".

Col. No. 6b :-No. of the first census house :- 'l'he number of the first Census House as in the Houselist will be indicated.

Gol. 6c ;-Narne of the ltead of the househoZd of the house as per Houselist ;--

This column is self-e~planatory. The name of the head of the household of the first house of each of the streets or P. H. Block included in the Census Enume­ ration Block will be entered here as per houselist.

Oot. 6d :-No. of the last Census House :- This infO'rmation will also be available from the Housclist. Col. 6e : - Name of the head of the household of the last house :­ This is similar to Col. 6c.

Where the numbering has been made on the block system, the particulars of the houses included within the Census Enumeration Block can be indicated in Cols. 6b to 6e. Where various streets, roads etc., fall within a block, the names of each of such streets, roads etc., should be entered in Col. 6a one below the other with the particulars in Co18. 6b to 6e entered against each such street etc. Where only one side of a street is included within a Census Enumeration Block, .­ it is essential ~o mention the side so included. For e~ample, clear entries in Col. 6a such as Anjancya Street North side should be entered with other particulars in the other columns. Where the numbers of the houses do not run continuously, it is essential to indicate the specific numbers of each of the structures included within the block in Col. 6b and the names of the heads of the households should in such cases be given as per the houselist for such structures which are not continuously numbered. For example, Anjaneya Street North side house Nos. 12, 24, 31 etc., should be indicated.

Ool. 7 :--Population of enumeration Block as per Houselist:- As indicated above, the Charge Superintendent will mark oft' Enumeration Blocks on his" copy of the homlelist. The population as per the houselist appro­ priate to the enumeration block now carved will be entered here. If a House- 5 8"'/ ; / . listing Block is broken up into more tJlan one Enumeration Block, it will be eTi- dent that the population figures of all the latter blooks taken together must be equal to the total figure entered, in Col. 5.

Col. 8 :-Enumeration Block No. :-- This will be numbered according to the instructions given in Census Circular No. 16.

Gol. 9 :-Ennmerator's Name and Address :­ This is self-explanatory.

Gol. 10: - Remarks :-

Any details of important information may be furnished in brief here. In case of entrustment of blocks of unduly small or large size to the enumercl.tors, brief reasons for the same should be mentioned here.


Cols. 1, 2 and 3 of the urban working sheet are simple. They will be entered on the basis of the Houselist Urban Charge Register.

Col. 4 :-Population of the Housel~:sting Block:- This is available ill the Charge Abstract prepared after the houselisting operations were completed.

Col. 5: - Deso'ription of En'umeration Blook formed now :-- 'rhis column contains five sub-columns as indicated in the printed sheets :

Col. 5a :-Name or No. of Street, Road, Lane eto. :- \Vhere houselisting blocks have been formed on the basis of streets, roads lanes etc., the Census Enumeration block would also contain either all the streets, etc., or parts of them or some of them in case more than one Census Enumeration block has been formed from the original Houselisting Block. The names of the streets etc., included within each Census Enumeration Block and falling within it should be entered in Col. 5a.

'Where separate streets, lanes etc., are within one Census Enumeration Block while entering the particulars in Col. 5a, the numbers if any given to these may be mentioned. If no sl1ch numbers have been given earlier, they may be serially j numbered 8S 1. 2, 3 eto., withln the same Blook in Col. 5& itself. Thus for e~.. '; ample, if three streets are inclluded within Census Enumeration Blook No. 3la the entries would be as follows : Ools :-, 5a 5b 50 5d 5e 1. Anjaneya Street 32 A 51 B 2. Station Road 31 C ~ 33 B , 35 E 4:8 F 51 G 100 H 3. Temple Road 1 .J 51 K

In this example, the streets would be distinguished by the serials 1, 2 and 3. In some areas where the Permanent Housenumbering Blocks have been formed, these have been constituted as Houselisting Blocks. In such cases, the Permanent Housenum bering Block No. was entered in the Houselisting Urban Charge List and has also been incorporated in the Houselists. In such cases, these can be retained as Census Enumeration Blocks and the Permanent House­ numbering Block No. written in Col. 5a. The entry should be written as " P. H. Block No ...... ". Ool. 5b:- No. of the first Oensus House:- The number of the first census house as in the houselist will be indicated.

Col. 5c :-Name of the head of the household of the first house as per houselist :­ This column is self-explanatory. The name of the head of the household of the first house of ea~ of the streets or P. H. Block included in the Census Enumeration Block will be entered here as per houselist.

Ool. 5d :-No. of the last census house;- This information will also be available from the houselist.

Ool. 5e : - N am8 of the head of the household of the last houBe :­ This is similar to Col. 50. Where the numbering has been made on the block system, the particulars of the houses included within the Census Enumeration Block can be indicated in Cols. 5b to 5e. Where various streets, roads etc., fall within a block, the names of each of such streets, roads etc., should be entered in Col. 5a one below the other with the particulars in Col. 5b to 5e entered against each such street etc. Where only one side of a street is included within a Census Enumeration Block it is essential to mention the side so included. For example, clear entries in Col. 5a such as Anjaneya Street North side-should be entered with other par_ tioulars in the other columns. Where the numbers of the houses do not run continuously, it is essential to indioate the speoific numbers of each of the , ) / .'7 etrueirule! included within the "loek in eel. 5b. and the namel'! of the heade of the householdt'l should in such caMS be given a.s per the houseliet for suoh t'ltru~ cturee whioh are not continuously numbered. For example, Anjaneya Street North side house Nos. 1, 21, 24, 31, etc., should be indicated.

OoZ. 6: Population of Enumeration Block as per Houselist :

As indicated above, the Charge Superintendent will mark off enumera~ tion blocks on this copy of the housdist. The popUlation as per the houselist appropriate to the enumeration block now carved will be entered here. If a house­ listing block is broken up into more than one enumeration block, it will be evident that the population figures of all the latter blocks taken together must be equal to the total figure entered in Col. 4. .

OoZ. 7 :-Enumeration Block No.

This will be numbered accordin~ to the instructions given in Census Circular No. 16.

Col. 8 .. Enumerator' s Name and Address This is self - explanatory.

001. 9 : Remark6 .. Any details of important information should be furnished in brief here. In case of entrustment of blocks of unduly small or large size to the enumerators, brief reasons for the same should be mentioned here.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in M '!f8ore. To,

(Two copies, one for personal we and one for w. in the o'./ice).

(1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts.

(3) The Commissioners of Ba.ngaJ.o:re and Hubli-Dharwar Corpora.tions and Mydor~, MlUlgalore an d Belgaum City Municipalities.

(~) All District Census Officers. (0) All City Censua Officers. (6) All Assist80Dt Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Division•. (7) All Rurd and Urban Charge 'Superintendent".

CQpy to : 1. Regietrar-General of India, Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter).

~. Directors of Census Operations of all States and Union Territories (2 copies each with it coverin, letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State, 4. The Depnty Directors of Census Operations, Ba.Dgalore/Mysore!&li"umjGulba.rga Divisions. o. All Officers at Headquarters. i s ~ P'<

it00 __ "8e := " a .s a"'" '"' ~ z ~ 00 0 s'"' § z § :;3 ...... 5i'" 1'<1 P=I

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SUbject: Selection and Appointment of Enumerators and Supervisors.

In Circular No. 16, inst1'uctions have been issued for the constitution of Census Enumeration Blocks and Supervisor's Circles for the population count which will be conducted between loth and 28th February 1971. It has also been suggested therein that a tentative allocation of the Blocks and Circles be made so as to determine the total number of Enumerators and Supervisors required for each Rural and Urban Charge, and to enter the details in a Working Sheet to be prepared as per instructions contained in Circular No. 17. It would also be necessary to add to this an extra 10 per cent Enumerators and Supervisors to serve as 'Reserves' for emergency purposes. 2. Having thus determined the total number of Enumerators and Super­ visors required, the next task is to select the personnel. In this connection attention is drawn to the State Government ~ircular instructions contained in their letter No. GAD 47 MMG 70 (1), dated 29th July 1970. The Charge Superintendents should accordingly obtain a list of names and other particulars of all Government employees working in their jurisdiction under different Central and State Government Offices, Schools and other Institutions in the pro forma enclosed to this Circular. The Charge Superintendents. may then make their selection of personnel keeping in view the following considerations: (i) The enumeration personnel will be drawn from Village Accountants, Primary School Teachers, Gram Sevaks and officials of equivalent

;' ( ( rank bi other Departments at the village level. In urban areas, staff of equivalent status, namely Bill Collectors, II Division Clerks, ete., may be drawn upon in addition to School Teachers. (ii) The supervisory pesonnel will consist of staff of higher status, with higher pay and lor scale, such as Revenue Inspectors (Circle Inspectors), Extension Officers, I Division Clerks, High School or Senior Middle School Teachers and others of equivalent rank.

(iii) As far as 'Possible, the opinion if any, expressed by the Heads of Offices and Institutions in regard to sparing the services of their staff in the pro jcwma information furnished by them, should be honoured, consistent with the requirement of personnel needs for enumeration. In any case, while selecting the staft from such lists, care should be taken to see that the staff of any particuJar office is not drawn upon excessively SO as to result in the dislocation of the working of that office or institution. (iv) The Clerical staff from the offices of State and Central Governments and the Gram Sevaks' should be drawn upon to the minimum extent possible and only in cases of necessity arising out of a shortage of school teachers and other executive staff. So also, persons about to retire, and persons working as local candidates Or against leave and deputation vacancies and work-charged establishment should, if possible, be left out. Essential services like Medical, Public Health, Police, Transport, Electricity and W8.ter Supply personnel and the judicial officers shGuld not be assigned any Census duties.

1! (v) Onl), persons having a good working knowledge of the language of the locality should be selected as Enumerators and Supervisors. (Vi) Persons who have worked as Enumerators and Supervisors during the last Houselisting Operations should be preferred to others while lllaking selections. However, such of these as are not likely to be available during the enumeration period for reasons such as deputa­ tion for training etc., should be excluded. (vii) Ladies may be selected in urban areas if sufficient number of male officials are not available. Their number, may, however, be restricted to the minimum, and as far as possible, lady supervisors be appointed for lady enumerators. (viii) Staff from aided and other private institutions may be drawn upon only after drawing upon the staff of all Government Offices and Institutions and the staff of local bodies, and of public sector under takings. \ ,"17 /

3. After the difl'erent persotlnel are selected, the next step is to appoint them. Sufficient number of printed forms of appointJlllent orders for the a ppointment of Supervisors and Enumerators will be supplied from this office. The appointment order fOlms are similar to those issued at the time of Houselisting Operations, except that the covers will be in different colours for Enumerators and Supervisors. These may be made use of.

4. While allocating to the Enumerators and Supervisors the different blocks in your charge, the following points should be borne in mind :

(a) It is envisaged that there will be one Enumerator for each blook. However, in rural areas, where small hamlets have been constituted into separate blocks to maintain identity or where separate as villages by themselves are small, one enumerator may be placed in charge of more than one block provided it is operationally conveni­ ent, and keeping in view the normal work load namely 600 population in urban areas and 750 in rural areas.

(b) When more than one blockis entrusted to an Enumerator, care should be taken to see: (i) that the blooks are contiguous. (ii) that the blocks bear continuous serial numbers, if they are within the same village. (iii) that all the blocks so entrusted are in one and the same Supervisor's circle.

5. Orders of appointment may be signed and issued by the charge Superintendents incorporating the particulars specified therein. The mention in the body of the order of the Municipal Commissioner as the competent authority will be only in the case of the Cities of Bangalore, Hubli-Dharwar, Mangalore, Mysore and Belgaum. In aU other oases inoluding other City Munioipalities, the reference will relate to the Deputy Commissioner of the District. The oounter­ foils will serve as office oopy. The signatures of persons appointed should be obtained on the counterfoils in token of receipt of the order by them, and these should be duly recorded in the office of the Charge Superintendent. 6. It may be noticed that the reference to Block Nos. entrusted to Enumera­ tors and Supervisors has been deleted from the order forms. This is to avoid com­ plications in case of changes in Block Nos. etc., and to avoid holding up of issue of orders of appointment on this account. It will therefore be necessary to supply these details to the Enumerators and Supervisors separately so as to enable them to know their area jurisdictions. This information may be furnished to each of them in the pro forma enclosed to this Circular (Instruction Sheet) soon after the allocation is finalised. It is not necessary that this information be furnished along with the order of appointment, but this may be done soon thereafter and due acknowledgment obtained and recorded. Sufficient number of copies of these forms will be printed and supplied by this office for use accordingly. Other useful particulars such as dates for enumeration and other operations and other useful hints for the Enumerators and Supervisors will also be printed on the reverse of these forms for use of Enumerators and Supervisors. It is important for the Cha~ge Superintendents to note the block boundaries on these forms fully, clearly and correctly, so as to enable the Enumerators and Supervisors to know their juris­ diction and its boundaries. In cases of Enumerators and Supervisors to be kept as reserve, the fact may be intImated to them in t,hese forms only indicating therein as 'Reserve.'

7. The details to be furnished in Cols. 5a to 5e of the Instruction Sheet should be the same as in the Working Sheet (vide circular No. 17) and the charge Register. If the numbers of the houses in a block or street do not run conti­ nuously, then it would be essential to indicate the specific numbers of the houses separately e.g., Anjaneya Street North side Nos. 1, 21, 33, 35, 48 etc. These nambers can be entered in Col. 5b of the Instruction Sheet with the names of the Heads of the Households in those cases where the numbers are not continuous.

8. In Col. 6 of the Instruction Sheet the Location Code number has to be indicated in full. For rural charges the numbers would contain the location code elements for the District, Taluk, Village and Census Enumeration Block e.g., 2/7/53 (ll8A). For urban charges the number would contain the elements for the District, the Town, the charge (if any) and the Census Enumeration Block number e.g., 9/VIII-5 (15). This must be written fully against each block and the Enumerator must be instructed to faithfully enter it in the appropriate space 111 the Individual Slip and other Census records.

9. As the training of Supervisors and Enumerators will have to be commenced in early October, it is imperative chat their selection and appointment are finalised and ordered by the 15th September 1970. It is therefore requested that prompt action be taken accordingly and a confirmatory report sent to reach this office latest by 20th September 1970 in the form enclosed to this circular.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Oensus Operations in MYBore. /,

(l'wo copies, onefor 1Jersonal 'Use It1I,(Z one for 'Use in tile office).

(1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore, Mangalore and Bdgaum City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions.

(7) All RuraJ and Urban Charg~ Superintendents.

Copy to :

1. Registrar-General of India, Delhi (10 copies with

2. Directors of Census Operations of all St'ttes lind Union Territories (2 copies ea.ch· with il covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State.

,1. The Deputy Directors of Census Operation~, BangaloreJMysorej Bl31gaulU/Gulbclorg-lo Divisions.

5. All Officers at He~tdquarters. roo i\ (

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11. Enu.meration Records to be .filled by Enumerator:

1. Abridged Houselist To be copied III duplicate from houselist, soon after appointment. 2. Notional Map l One each for the entire areH, to be prepared soon after appointment. 3. Detailed layout sketch map 5 4. Individual Slip One for every single person enumerated. 5. Population Record One for every household. 6. Enumerator's Daily Posting Statement. (i) For males (Form M) One at the end of each dav from loth " (ii) For female (Form F) February to 3rd March 1~71. 7. Enumerator's Abstract To be prepared a.t the ('nd Le., on 40th March 1971.

I mportant. Build up separate records for each Enumeration block entrusted to you.

III. Persons to be enumerated:

(a) All persons who are normally residing at a place within your jurisdiction, and (i) are present at the place during the entire perioel of enumeration namely loth February 1971 to 28th February 1971 01' (ii) are absent at the time of your visit but have actually stayed at the place during a part of the above period or (iii) are absent from the place at the time of your visit but are expected back before 1st March 1971.

, ,; 103

/ (b) A visitor found in the censused household, provided: (i) he has been away. from his usual residence during the entire enumera­ tion period', and (ii) he has not been enumerated elsewhere.

(c) Houseless persons.


(i) Enumerate 50 to 60 persons every day. (ii) Complete all records up-to-date at the end of the d W . (iii) Do not allow the work to accumulate.

IV. Important Hints. (i) Training is a must for this job. Get yourself thoroughly trained and digest all instructions well. (ii) Assure the informant that the information given out by him will be kept strictly confidential and will not be used against him under any circumstances. (iii) Avoid atguments with the informant over questions like mother­ tongue, religion etc. (iv) Ask questions politely and tactfully and record answers faithfully. (v) Remember always, Census is a key to all planned development and yours is a key role in the Census-a National task. 10 ( CENSUS OF INDIA 1971


Report on Appoi11trnent of EnurnemtoTs and Su,pen1isoTs. ljistrict ...... Charge ...... , ...... Rural/Urban.

I. (a) Total No. of C(:'nsHs Enum{'ration Bloeks. (b) Total No. of Supf.'l'visor's Circlf.'s.

II. Total No. of persons appointed as: (i) Enumerators. (ii) SupeTvisors.

Certifkd that the orders have been duly delivered to all the persons appointed and their acknowl€dgunents obtained and rccoded in my office.

No. Signature and name and designation of Charge Superintendent.

Submitted to the Director of Census Operations m Mysore, Bangalore.

WD P 6888- GPB-l,75('-n-8-1~70 los

CEN 13 CPO 70




23, "Lakshmi Nivas" CENSUS CIRCULAR No•. 19. Basappa Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27. 31st August 1970

Sub: 'Charge List

With the constitution of Blocks and Circles and the selection and appointment of Enumeration and supervisory staff as per Census Circular No. 18, the stage is set for taking up the preparation of Charge Lists. The Charge List is a register which indicates the details of the Census Enumeration Blocks and the names, designations and addresses of persons who are assigned enumeration duties. Printed. Charge Lists, in separate formats for Rural and Urban Charges, with instructions for writing up the same printed inside these lists, will be supplied from this office in due course.

2. The Charge List must be prepared strictly in accordance. with the instruc­ tions contained in the printed list. The working sheets prepared by the Charge Superintendents at the time of formation of Census Enumeration Blocks as per Circular No. 17, will come in very handy while writing up the Charge Lists. It is requested that the Charge Lists be written up in duplicate and one copy for­ warded to this office latest by the end of November 197 o. The other copy should be maintained in the offic~ of the Charge Superintendent for being checked by the Supervisory Officer, District Census Officer and Divisional Deputy Director of Census Operations during their visits. 3. The Distyict Census Officers, Supcyvisory Officers and the Divisional Deputy Directors of Census Operations should make it a point to check the copies 106

2 of Oharge Lists available with the Charge Superintendents during their tours of inspection of Oensus work in their jurisdiction. They should particularly verify the IJists with reference to the working sheet, the map, and the approved list of villages (in case of rural charges) and satisfy themselves that: (i) the instructions issued by this office regarding formation of blocks, etc., have been scrupulously adhered to and the deviations if any are- reasonable and fully justified; (ii) there is neither overlapping nor omission of any areas between blocks within Oharges or between Rural-and Urban Charges.

4. The Charge Superintendents should ensure that any changes effected by them in their copies of the Charge Lists as a result of checks by higher officers or otherwise are intimated to this office for effecting similar changes in the copy of the Charge Lists sent to this office.

5. Separate instructions will issue for preparation of Charge maps. P. PADMANABHA, Director oj Oens1tS Operations in Mysore.


(Tu.'o copies one for personal use and one for 1tSC /n the n ffice). (1) All the Divisional Commissioners.

(2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts.

(3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Huhli-Dharwar CorporationR and Mysore, Mangnlore and Belgaum City Municipalities.

{4) All District Census Officers.

(5) All City Census Officers.

(6) All Assi8tant CommiRsioners of Revenue Bub-Divisions.

(7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to; 1. Registrar-General of India, Delhi (10 copiel' wit I] a covering Jetter).

2. Directors of Oensus Operations of all States and Union Territories (2 copies each with a covering letter).

3. All Military Census OffiCCrI'l in the State.

4. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, nangalore/Mysore/Bel~nllm/Culhfirga DivisiollR.

fl. All Officers at HeadYllarters.

WD P-6895-GPB-l.750-'l9-8-70 /




No. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas" <:EIISUS CIRCULAR Ko. 20. Basappa. Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27. 15th September 197'0

Subject :-Abridged Bouse List.

During, the seco»d phase of -Census Operations relating to individual enu­ mel"ation, eTel'

. 2.. Th,eHouse Lists that were prepared during the first phase olthe Census Operations in April-May 1970 could no doubt be used for this purpose, but these .house Lists would be almost a year old at the time of Census enumeration and it is,Ji.kely that many change,s in the houses and households within the Block would lla"e occurred, which have to be accou'nted for. Besides, these House Lists a1'e rather unwieldy to be carried and referred to on the field and contain many more details than are necessa.ry for the present purpose. log 2

3. It is therefore necessary to prepare an Abridl'5ed House List (AHL) for each Block, in which it would be enough if the essential details such as the Census House number, purpose for which the census house is used, the household number and the name of the head of the household are indicate·d. Since such a list Cl)ulrl also be made use of as an ideal frame during the Post Enumeration Check {P.E.C.) and future surveys etc., provision for certain 'Jther essential particulani would also be useful.

4. Therefore. a pt·o form 7, is now prescribed for the preparation of the Abridged House List. The proforma together with detailed instructions for writing up the Abrid~ed House List are enclosed to this Circular as an Anne:XUl'e. These aTe self-explanatory. Since the Abridged House Li~t was conceived of :mbsequent to the printing of the "Instructions to Enumerators for filling u1' the jndividual slip", this could not be incorporateCl in the booklet of Instructions. It is, therefore, intended to print the Annexure separately both in Bnglish aDa Kannada for being supplied to all Enumerators who ~ill have to prepare the Abridged Houselist for their areas. Sufficient numbers of printed Abridged House List Forms will also be supplied separately for being written Up at tDe appropriate time.

5.· It will be noticed that the AHL consists of four sections, of which Section III is the main House List and will have to be prepared initially by copying out portions from the original House List, by the enumerators after they are appointed and the Block numbers etc., are intimated to them in the" Instruction Sheet" referred to in para. 6 of Census Circular No. 18. Subsequently, during th,e enumeration, the enumerators will have to make necessary corIlections i~ this section to incorporate changes therein and also write. up Section· ;IV fot .all a9.ditional houses and households. 60 as to ~bring the AHL up ,to date. The ..AHL and the instructions for writing up the same should therefore be explained very clearly to all the .Enumerators and the SupervisOl's: in t.he training classes to ensure its being written up properly, fully and accUl'ately...

6. . Section III of the AHL must be prepared by the eIiumeratol' before December 1970.' It would save him a lot of time and trouble if he also fills up Section IV between 1-2-1971 and 10-2-1971 i.e. before the enumeration' beginil, by actually going round his Block. If this is done, only rare cases of further additions would need to be recorded during the actual enumeration roimds.

7:· Each enumerator may also be instructed to mark off with a t,ick-niark -the hpuses and househoJds in his Block in his copy. of AHL as he" goes on 3 co'Vering the different houses and households, so as to enable him to know at a. glance the houses and households yet to be covered by him at any point of time and ulfimately to check and satisfy himself that he has fully. covered all the housel" and households in his Block.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Mysore.


(1) ,All the Divisiona.l Commissioners. (2) AU the 'Deputy Commissioners of Districts.

(3) The C'.ommis:\ioners of Bal\galore and Hubli-Dha.rwar Corpor,lotions and .\(fiOr~, ){Ail'l:glitou and. &!gaum City Munioipaliti6l. (4) AU District Census Officers. (5) AU City Census Offioers. (6) AU Ai!8istant Commissionellll of ReYeDue Sub-Dh,.isious. (7) All Rur9.l and Urban Cha.l'ga Superintendenta.

Copy to: 1. Registrar-General of India., Delhi (10 oopies with a cOTering letter).

2. Directors of Census Operations of a.ll St&~S and Union Territoriea' (2 copie!l nen ':itll' ,Il coverinc letter). 3, All Military Census OSoers in the Sta.te.

4. The Deputy Directors of Census Opera.tions, BaDlI'lo.le/ll.I'~<)rel Bele ,afu!G,Jlbl,q.lo Dirieio.,_ Q. All Offiuers. at Hee.dquarf;era. flO


ANNEXURE Abridged House List.

Instl·tu;tions to Enmnerators for vJriting up of Abridged House List.

It is necessary for every enumerator to thoroughly familiarise himself with the exact jurisdiction and the boundaries of the Block or Blocks entrusted to him for enumeration, and to know the buildings, Census houses and households located in his area. In the course of enumeration, it would be necessary for him, to cover all the census houses and households in a systematic manner so as to ensure that no house or household is skipped by him in the proces~. For this pllrpose, one of the very first tasks of the enumerator is to prepare an Abridged House List for his area in accordance with the following instructions:-

1. The Abridged House List should be prepared soon after the enumerator­ is served with the order of his appointment and the particulars of the area en-· trusted to him for enumeration are furnished to him by the Charge Superinten-· dent in the form of an "Instruction Sheet".

2. The Abridged House List should be prepared in duplicate.

3. Separrate Abridged House Lists' should be prepared for each Census­ enumeration Block entrusted to the enumerator.

4. The Abridged House List should be prepared in the prescribed prOfMMa enclosed herewith. Sufficient number of printed sheets of the proforma will be supplied to the enumerator by the Oharge Superintendent for this purpOse. -.

5. The Abridged House List contains four sections, each of which should be­ filled in as under:-

Section I : Identijicat1vn particulars;

The name of District, Taluk, Village/Town, Ward/Mohalla, and the Census. Enumeration Block, as also their location code num berH Hhould be entered here ('xaetly as given in the "Inst.ruction Sheet" supplied hy the Charge Superinten­ dent.

Section II;' Pop-ulathn of C.E.B. according tu 1971 Census:

This figure should be entered afler the Cen8n~ enumeration, includi~ the­ revisional round, is over on 3rd MaTch, 1!;71, and the Enumerat(lr'S Abstraot is prepared. The total population figure aB given ill the Abstract should be­ entered here. r / til

Secticn III: Hottselist:

This Section consists of five columns and 20 horizontal lines corresponding to those of the original houseiist. The information from the corresponding columns of each page of the original house List relevant to the Census Enumeration Block for which the Abridged House List is to be prepared should be faithfully copied in this Section in the first instance. The details furnished in cols. 5(a) to 5(e) of the "Instruction sheee' furnished to the enumerator should be' referred to by the enumerator in determining as to which are the relevant por­ tions of the original houselist to be copied in this section of the Abridged Ho lliiO­ List. Care should also be taken to see that-

(i) The census houses/households, if any, belonging to the Block. hut listed in the house List at a place different from their usual place due to their having been missed initially are also included in the Block, and entered in this section.

(ii) Conversely, the houses/households which belolle; to another Block but are recorded in the portions pertaining to the Block inquestioa &re excluded from this section.

The different columns in this section should be written as under;-

Col. 1. Li'JU No.

This should be copied from col. 1 of the same title in the origina.l houselist.

001. 2~ Oensus House No.

This should be'taken from col. 8 of the original boueelist.

Cot. 3. P'u.rpose for which Oensus hous~ is used.

This should be copied from col. 6 of the original House1ist.

OOIL 4. Household No .

. This should be copied from Col. 8 of the original houselist. ~l'e should be taken to see that all households living in the Bame Census house are recorded before proceeding to record the particulars of the next Census house.

Col. 5. Na'm6 oj head, oj nous6nold ;

This should be copied froIl'. Col. 9 of the original houselist. Care should be­ taken to 80C that in case, of institutional households, the abbreviation (INST) is written after the ''Iiame.

2 Secf?:on I Y: Addenda:

This section is meant for recording Census houses/households ~ot covered in Section III but lonna by Censns enumerator during ~numeration. This has there­ fore to be written up in the course of enumeration i.e., between loth February, 1971 to 3rd March, 1971. However, to save time and to make the work ~or..e convenient, the enumerator can complete Section IV by actually going round his Block between 1st February 1971 and 10th February 1971 and filling in. the details of additions. Thus only a few cases of new additions would have to be entered during the actual enumeration rounds. This section is also divided into. the same No. of columns as Section III, and these may be filled up as under ;-

(1) In Col. 1, Line Nos. may be given in an independent series 8t.arting from 1, without reference to the line Nos. in section 3.

(ii) In Col. 2, the Census house number assigned by the enumerator in the layout map following the house numbering system in the Block may be recorded.

(iii) In Col. 3, particulars may be written up following the categories adopted during house Ilisting vi~., wholly residential, partly residential, non-residential, i.e., factory, workshop, hotel, 'cinema office, schoo], bank, hospital etc., or in combination with one or more of these, or vacant etc.

(iv) -In cols. 4: and 5, entries may be made on the same lines as don~ during houselisting. Care should be taken to write "INST" after the name of the head, in case of institutional households.

6. It may so happen that in respect of Census houses/households entered in Section III, some of the characteristics entered in cols. 3, 4 and 5 would hay@. changed and the enumerator may come across them during enumeration. In. such cases, it is important to note that the enumerator should neatly score out the existing entries by drawing a single line across the same, and insert the appropriate corrections in the relevent columns on top of the scored out entries. Thus, for example, if a vacant Census house is found to have been occupied by a household, cols. 3, 4 and 5 of Section III should be suitably corrected by giying particulars of the new household occupying the house. If however tW() households have occupied this Census house, the particulars of the first household to be number~d as (a) should be given in Section III, and the other i.e. (b) mav be recorded in Section IV since both the housellOlds cannot be recorded in the a\,ailable space in Section III. Similarly, if a building bearing a Census house No. say 12 (being only one Census house), is noticed -to have been divided into two Census houses, the entry in col. 2 of Section III pertaining to this house should be corrected as 12 (I) and other particulars In C~18. 3, 4 and 5 changed 113 7

13uitably. The particulars of the second Census house viz. 12(2) .may however­

·~~·.'\vritten in Section IV. f Similar would be the case III respect of more households coming up within the same Census house.

7. Immediately after the ' copying from the original houselist is over, and two copies of the AHL are ready, the enumerator should hand ovel' one copy to his supervisor and retain the other with him, to make necessary additions .and alterations found necessary during enumeration.

8. As and when the enumeration proceeds and the houses/households are covered one by one, the enumerator should tick-mark in pencil on his copy of the AHL' and also effect corrections therein as may be necessary.

9. After the enumeration is over, i.~. on 3rd March, 1971, the enumel'ator :should' obtain the supervisor's copy of the AHL and incorporate in it all the ~orrections made by him in his .own copy, and submit both the copies to the .supervisor along with the other enumeration records. lttt I Pau- No. i 1 ~.. 81 india 18'11~A"'rlclge4 Roue LIst lor 8Mh c:eDnS BDbmeraUoa Bloek 8lKJ'i'tON I :-lkftl,i~ P~8 .Loea.tiDn Loca.tion Name and/or numb"". r Code·lJe. District ...... I Taluk I ::~i~~~~~~~~~:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: t Ward/Kohalla./Division I ...... -...... I Census Enumeration Block (C.E.B.) ; SECTION II: Population ojC.E.B. according 1971 to Census 1 ------.. SECTION IH.-House list Purpose for which Line No. Census House No. census house is used IHousehold ~o. Name of head of lHlll8ehold 2 3


; ...... "' ......

...... ,.~ ...... ~ ...... , ...... ~ ...... ~ ......

...... , .... "" ..... ~ ...... " ......

...... ,.,...... ~ .... _, .... ~ ...... '.

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.. . _ ...... " ...... -...... ~ ...... , ...... _ ...... -.- -...... -..... _ . _ ...... " .. .

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SECTION IV. A.iJdendrs

...... -...... , ...... , ...... , ...... ~ ...... ···A

...... r ...... - ......

.,.___,_~_..!,_" ______.....:.. ______~ _____--L ______(

Bipat"rt'l or Buperyfaor Signatare or Enu_ator and date anddat.e WD P 6956-GPB-l,1W-15-9-70 ll~




No. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas" CENSUS CmCULAR No. 21. Basappa Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27. 22nd September 1970

Subject: Training of Enumerators and Supervisors

1. The appointment of enumerators and supervisors will have been oompleted by the end of September 1970, as suggested in Ciroular No. 18. It is now necessary to organise the training of this important level of personnel in order to equip them fully for the task of enumeration. Thi'3 training will have to be orga- nised, conducted and supervised by t.he Charge Officers on the lines set out herein.

2. As indicated eadier, the training of Enumerators and Supervisors will be organised in three sessions. The first session may commence early in October 1970, so that the Charge Superintendents and others wilJ have had the experience of conducting a.t least one such training class before the second round of the District Level Training is held. This would be very useful as further doubts Ol" difficulties with regard to the instructinns can be discussed.

3. The ne£-d for adequate training cannot be over-emphasised. The next phase of the Census Operations relating to individual enumeration is extremely important and the entire success of this operation can be ensured only if the enumerators and supervisors are th;:>Toughly trained. It is vital to ensure that all the en·l)merators and supervisors are trained and have a. thorougb understanding of tbe instructions. The training programme must be so organised that his goal is acbieved. fr6


4. The three rounds of the training to be held in each oharge should be organised with about a month's interval between successive rotJnds. The fi-rst round as indicated abuve should be held in October 1970 and the subsequent :rounds between Novembet 1970 and Dedel9-ber 1.970 us far as possible. In any case, the la

5. No training class of enum:el'ators undo supervisors should contain more than about 40 persons in ordcl' to ensure quality of training. For this pu.rpose~ it lllay be neeessary to conduct each of the three rounds of training referred to above by suihbly

6. In ead) round of training, Ii days should be set apart for a para by para reading and discussi,)n of the instrllctions for fi1Iing up the individual slip and on preparation of the forms such as the abridged house list, J>0puiation record E.D.P. Statements an Abstract. Another half day may be set apart for practical field training in an ana nearby. Since it has been found in actual practi(·c at the Distli

7. The actual programme of training may be organised to Gover the following a.spects :- (i) Introductory remarks about the importance of Oensus Operations, the oalendar for the same, the hierarchy of the Census Organisation and the cru.cial role of the enumerators and supervisors therein, jurisdiction and the work-load for enumerators and supervisors and the need for accuracy and thoroughness in: filling up the slips. This may be briefly covered. (ii) The actual reading of the instructions foor filling up of individU8.1 slips para. by para and discussions thereon for clarifioation of doubts and solving of difficulties by making full use of the Training Mannal. ( / " 7 3

(iii) The instructions for filling up of the other ancillary forms viz., the population renord, the enumerator's daily posting statements for males and females and enumer2tor's abstract. (iv) The abridged house list and instructions for filling up this fonn. (v) Explaining the entries in the sample individual slips, E.D.P. Statements and Enumerator's Abstract given in Appendix VII, VIII and IX at the end or the Instruotion Booklet. (vi) Explanation of the 'Instrnction 8heet' furnished to the enumerators and supervisors under Circular No. 18, and its use by them, particularly in regard to location code numbers. (vii) Numbering of the individual slip~ in the diffeetnt pads and writing up of location code numbers therein. (viii) Preparation of Notional Map and the layout sketch maps hy the ~numerators.

8. For the benefit of enumerators and supervisors who might not have participated in the house-listing operations in April-May 1970, the preparation of notional and layuut sketch maps and the house numbering system as also the preparation of the Abridged House List should be explained briefly with particular emphasis on the mode of numbering new buildings, census houses and house­ holds which tbe enumerators may come across during enumeration.

9. The field training should include actual preparation of notional maps and layout sketch maps for a. block, numbering of new h011ses if any in the block and writing up of a few entries in the Abridged House List in addition to the filling up of individual slips. It must be insisted during this training that every enumerator and supervisor should enumerate about 5 house-holds as part of the field training. It would be effective if the enumerators are divided into batches of two each and allocated the actual house-holds which they should cover in the area selected for the purpose. The population record form, the Enumerator's Daily Posting Statements and the Abstract should also be written up as part of this training.

10. On the conolusion of the field training, the enumerators and supervisors should be ask€d to re-assemble and discuss the doubts and diffioulties encountered by them during the field training, whi

II. All training materiaJ including instruction booklets in Kannada, Marathi, English as the case may be, will be made available by this Office to the Charge­ Superintendents by the end of September 1970. This will include--(l) Instruc­ tion booklets at the rate of one each for entlIDerators and supervioors, (ii) Abridged II f(


House List with instructiong in English/Kannada, one for each eUUlUlOlrator an d supervisor, (iii) Training forms (printed in red cohuI') of individual slips, popu­ lation record, E.D.P. Statements and Enumerator"s Abstract.

12. The column headings of all the forms in Kannada/English printe d in a large size win also be supplied. These should be made USe of during tbe training by pinning them on tIle black board and writing down specimen entries by way of demonstration.

13. A Training Mannal for the use of the Offiears in charge of trai.ning - will also be supplied within this month. The Manual seeks to illustrate the instructions in further details. It should be fully made use of while explaining the in'\truct ion& para by para in the training class.

14. The 'Instruction Sheet' referred to in Circu.lar No. 18 in which the details about the jurisdiction etc., of the blocks entrusted to the enumeratol'S and supervisors will be mentioned, shou.ld be kept ready by the Oharge Superin­ tendents by the time the enumerators and supervisors are called for the first round of training and these may be handed over to them at the time under acknowledge­ ment. The enumerators and supervisors should be in~tructed to 3C'quaint them­ selves thorou.ghly with their aTeas and prepare notional maps and the layout sketch maps as also the abridged house list for the block or blocks entrusted to them.

15. During the' second rOlmd of training, fJne balf-day H:iollld be set apart for going over the abridged hOU'le lists and the block maps prepared as above individually, to ensure tbat each and every €nt1.merator has prepared them accurately and well. The Assistant Charge Superintendents and/or the _s:ttper­ visors should be made primarily responsible to check these and certify to the Charge Superintendents to the effect that these records are prepared alright by all the Enumerators under them. Similarly one half-day will have tJ be uti­ lised during the third round of traini.ng to distribute forms to be used in the operations. All these forms will have been supplied from this office to the Charge Superintendents by that time. Another half-day at the seconi ani third rounis of trai;ning should be ll.tilised to clear the doubts and diffioulties of the Enumerators and Supervisors. Thus, the second and thhd rounds of t-raining will in effect be spread over three dl:lYs.

16. During the second and third rounds of trainlng, it would be a good ~ practioe to call upon the supervisors and enumerators to explain the instru9tions on the different questions in the individual slips as also various forms and.other records to be prepaf€d by them, so as to test how far they have understood the instructions. / 5

17. It is the responsibility of every District Census Officer, Supervisory Officer a.nd Charge Superintendent to emure tha.t every enumerator and Supervisor within their respective areas received training in these operation~. Should there be any cases of absence due to genuine re.a~on'5 such as ill-health, etc., special classes should be held to train such absentees at a c:m~rt1l place. Tne District Census Officers and the Supervi~ory Officers should make it a point to participate in one or the other of the three rounds of the charge level trainin3 in all the different charges in their district to give support to the Charge Superintendents in conducting the training. The Divisional Deputy Directors of Oen~us Operations as also­ their technical staff win similarly participate in as many of these training classes as possibJe. It would be nooessary to chalk out the detailed training programme fot aU the charges in the District well in advance so as to facilitate the pa~ieipation of the higher officers. Such a programme can conveniently be drawn up at the end of the District Level Training of Oharge Superintendents. In oases where this is not possible, a special meeting of the Charge Superintendents and others may be called for this purpose and the programme decided llpon. Copies of such training programmes should be sent in aivanoe to aU the ooncerned officers including the officers of this Directorate in the proforma enclo~e:l to this Circular at Ann exure 1. •

18. No training class should be condllcted by a 8upervl')or sincE' he himself is, at this stage, a trainee. Training classes may be cunducted by Assistant Charge Superintendents at the discretion of the Caarge Superintendents. The Charge Superintendents must, in such cases. satisfy them,e1ves regardinJ the a1equaDY of the training.

19. An attendance register should be maintained in which the n3.mes of alI supervisors and enumerators in the charge should be noted down a.nd their signatures obtained therein for each day of the traininJ in token of their having attended the training classes. The District Cen'511S Officers, Supervisory Officers and others participating in such tralnlng cla'5ses should attest this r~gister and record their remarks therein as to the adequftcy and quality of training.

20. If any person appointed as an enumel'ator or- supervisor is absent -without adequate reason, the Oharge Superintendent/City Census Officer mu-;t make an immediate report to the official superior of the person ooncerned and also forward a copy of such reports to the District Cemllo; Offi.::er. The District Census Officer may take the matter up with the District Officer concerned and ensure that adequate instruotions are issued and action taken in ('ases where such action is warranted.

21. The reserve enumerators and supervisors must also be trained. I~O


.22. At the close of each tl'ainjng course, a report on the training in the form encJos\.d to tllis cjn'uJal' at Annexure II sllOuld be sent to this office as also to tbQ District C(,Dsns Officer and tbe Divisional Deputy Director of Census Operations conoemed.

23. A certificate of attendance may also be issued to tbe enumerators -and supervisors who have attended tbe training dasses and undergone the training satisfactorily, in the proforma enclosed to this circular at Annexure III, so as to enable themto draw T.A. and D.A. from their respective departments in"terms of the State Government Order No. RD 41 ETC 69, dated 6th February 1970.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Myscwe .

• Tr.

(Two copies. one 1M personal Ul8 and one for use in the office).

(1) .All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) Ali the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (.) The Commissioners of Ban.galore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporllltions and Mysore, Manga.!ore and Belgaum City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to:

1. Registrar-General of IlI.dia, Delhi (10 copies wi.h a. oovering letter). 2. Directors of Census Operations of all Sta.tes and Unjon Tenitories (2 copies eaoh with a covering le~r). 3. All 1lili.tary Census Officers in the State. 4. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, BaDlalore/MyaorejBelgaum/Gulba.rga DivisioAS. 5. All Officers at HeadqUal'ten. / t&J 7


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, I CEN 18 CPO 70




No. 23, "LAKSHMI NrvAs ", I(]ENsus CIRCULAR :No. 22 BASAl't> A CROSS ROAD, SHANTI NAGAR, BANGALORE-27, 28th November 1970.

Subject :-Prepitration of notional map and lay-out sketch map.

As irtdicated in the Insfftuetion Sheet enclosed to Census Circular No. 18, every enumerator will have to prepare, as part of the enumeration work, a notion­ al map and a detailed lay-out sketch map for the areas entrusted to him for pur­ poses of enumeration. Like all other enumeration records, thes~ maps have to be prepared separately for each Oensus Enumeration Block, irrespective of the number of blocks entrusted to the enumerator. During the training rounds for Charge Superintendent~, instructions have already been imparted AS to the mode of preparation of tihese maps hy the enumerators. However, for the benefit -o~ all concerned, these instructions are listed below:

(i) Only one copy of these ~aps may be prepared for each block. (ii) The maps should 'be prepared on the stahda-l'd sized sheets specially supplied by this office for the purpose.

(iii) Bot·h the notiopal map and the lay-out sketch ma~in. respect of each Block should be prepared on one and the same &heet using one , I sheet per block.. The notional :map should be drawn as an inset map on this sheet, preferably, ~m the left hand tqp corner of the sheet. The main body of the sheet should he u~~d for drawing the detailed lay-out sketch map of the block. 2

(iv) In another corner of the sheet, preferably left hand bottom corner._ the identification paMlI,'ioIt,W,iI' ~e Block to which the map relates· should be indica .._. of the District, Taluka/TowIt~ Village/Ward, and The location code combination of the Block should below the above particulars. (v) The notional map wn as an inset map as indicated above, may be accommodated roughly within about 1/8th of the size of the sheet, and sh ould ~learly indicate the names and ~>oundar~es of,.thf1~r~ias 11iIl?i,?n ... , th~ ~.~ter periphe~y of the BI~ck m questIOn, as arso the ilJtttttalf bT 'ottier demarcatmg boundaries, if any, sucp as, Nala, river, cart-tracks, streets, etc. Important landmarks and other public buildings. t \"8h ould also be shown as. r ( , .far as possible. ,These p}lrticulars will be of immense help in loca- ting the exact boundaries of the Block on the field by any officer' wh 0 goes with this map for the purpose.

(vi) The detailed lay-out sketch map should be as large as the sheet would' accommodate, and should clearly indicate all the streets within the Block and the run of houses and their numbers with arrow marks to point out the directivns in which the house-numbers proceed, particularly at the cross roads, etc. The names 0'£ the streets as also aU the important Landmarks and other public buildings should also be clearly shown on this map. The pucca and katcha houses should be clearly distinguished, as also the residential and non-residential houses" exactly on the same lines as was done at the time of hOllBe-listing operations. The numbers, given to the buildings and Census houses will have to be indicated bn this map. The household numbers need not be shown. '" For drawing up of these maps; the maps prepared at the time of

,.,j house-listing o'p:~ra~~ons may be made use of with advantage .. However, where a house-listing block has been split up into two or' more Census em{meration blocks, carel 'should be taltcn to suitably restrict the notional maps and the lay-out sketch maps now to be drawn, having regard to the boundaries of the present Census

1 enumera.tion block only .. That is to s~y, i.f a house-~isting block has. been split up into, say, three 4'emms enum~ration. 'blocks, three separate maps will now have to be prepared for the respective blocks '. making use of the only house-listing map' availnhle for all ;the three ; blocks together since' the entire area constituted at· that time only one house-listing block. Ih all such cases, the relevant portions of the maps pertaining to the present Censn's enumeration blocks may be copied down on the sheets now 8u,pplied, if it is possible to d() .' /

so within the limitations of the space available in the sheets supplied., If this is not possible, the map will have to be re-drawn inde­ pendently, making lise of the house-listing maps. . )

(viii) In either case, the map so prep~!-,cd will have to be brought rip-to dat!3 by incorp~rating any; additions, alterations or deletions of any buildings ~r Census houses on this map as· at the present. time. In case of new buildings and Census houses, appropriate new numbers following the system of numbering already ··adopted at the time of house-listing, will have to bi:;' given. ;r In case of buildings demolished, ..i. etc., numbers of the subsequent houses should not be changed; but the building in question must be deleted from the map.

(ix) The signatures of the enumerator and the supervisor should be affixed at the end, on the right hand bottom corner of the sheet.

2. The sheets for preparing the above maps have already been supplied ·to all the districts. These sheets may be issued to the enum~rators as soon as possible at the rate of one for every block entrusted to the enumerators, with instructions to prepare these maps on the lines indicated above, which may be clearly explained to the Enumerators and Supervisors during their training. They should also be instructed to bring with them the maps so prepared by them, at the time of the third and last round of the training. These should be checked individually with the help of the supervisors and further instructions, if any, for changes or other improvements to be made in these maps should be ind)cated to the enumerators.

3. The enumerators should also be instructed to carefully handle these sheets without spoiling them or folding them, so as to facilitate their proper' preservation.

P. PADMANABHA, Director oj Census Operations: in Mysore. To

(Two copies-one for personal use and one for use i'll, tke Office)

(1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corpotation~ a,Iid Myll~te, Mangalore 'and Belgaum City Municipalitiell. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Censu8 Officers. i6} All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue ,Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to: 1. Registrar-General, India, Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter). 2. Directors of Census Operatiotls of all States and Union Territ01ies (2 copies each with 8. covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State. 4. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, BangalorejMysorejBelgaumJGulbarga Divisions.• 5. All Officers at Headquarters.

WD P-'.157-GPB-l.750-27-11-1~70 1~7



OFldcE OF THE DIREOTOR OF OENSUS OPERATIONS IN MYSOtt:E.,... ""No.' 23,'}'ti'tlnIIMI"~'~A~\!.' " . ~~'Al&Al>PA! Oito8~'R()iAD{ CENSUS CIRCULAR No. 23 SHAN'f'HlI NAtI:MJi;)ll!lANG~d:RE-2.1 ~ ,,,,,') IOth,Novembe» 197(/~,

: : ,.'ff':!J~' -.:: .•. -' '_, Subject :-Census of India 1971 -Recording t~ 1:q}Q;t,;4~Rf;tqMgUe,.$ , in the individual ~lip8. ,t: "j!' ' . ~ , {

The Indlan Census Act gtiararAees"thht'tlie indi:Viaiia:1 iritoifuat~on~?on~cted a t the Census will be used only for ~tatisti(:iat"p'U~p'eses) and th:at ib'e 'f'nt{frhlmion, " on individuals will be kept confidential. 1;1 this context, the last conferenQ,e of' Directors of Census Operations, discussed the steps to, be taken for rec~rarb.g.(lt1i~ mother tongue con;.flGtly in .contrCiiverai3\ aNas Gt1tJUl,j,entming ('tt\usUs; ~ It was d~Qw.e~')i:tt3tt\;tf\e 4:t,ea.d ,of the ~'!lsehold lQr, tl.I).iY; otheriBWAli>em:o£Jthe ,:holilS.&lold '~110 answers the Census questionnaires on behalf of the membe:rs'~J thl!flhou:sehold may be permitted ,to see the individual slips;jf

C9;:Ql1?!~t"EU~t,.rb.y t~~ eRume,v-.a..t.ur"" i ,In .a,U,! ,jJUCh I ~10 t.d:t(Lill'fb'-l!I1i.s 1 .ahoaid. be requested to sign on the back of the slipsof his ho.tl!i6\1.~di"t()kenof'vm;.fiQation. If the informant is illiterate, this contingency will not arise. 1~8

2 4. It is particularly requesteq ,that the",above instructions may please.be brought home to the supervisors and 'en1lDl~ors in the tra.ining classes now being cOlldueted for them.

P. PADMANABHA. Director of Census Operations in Mysore.

(T~o copies, one lor personal use and one for use in tke Office). (1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The CoInmissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore, Mangalore and Belgaum City Municipalitie8. ( 4) All District Census Officers. _(5) All City Census Officera. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. ~' , ... (7) All Rura.l and Urban Charge Superintendents. ) I,. .

Copy to,: 1. :E.egistrar-'General. India. Delhi (10 copies with a Covering letter).-

2. Direeto:is of Censlis Operations of all States and Union Territories (2 copies ~ac1i ;nth & covering le~). S. All MilitMy CellSl18 Officcm in the State. 14;. Th. D""'_,Direetora of Census Operations, Ba.ngalore/)(ysorejBelgaum/Gulbal'ga DiviBion.. 6. . All Ofli_m at- HeadcJus:rters.



No. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas" CENSUS CIRCULAR No. 24. Basappa- Cross Road. Shanthim'lgar, B811galore-27. 7th December 1970.

Subject :-Olarifications regarding In'3tructions to enumerators for filling up the Individual slip.

The instructions to -Enumerators for filJin~ 'Up the Individual slip have been djscUSSt'd at the State and Dist,rict Leve1 training sessions of officer'3 connected with Census Operations in the State. During these training sessions, valious doubts have ceen raised and dari­ fica-tions sought regarding these instructions on specific points. These have been clatified durirg the course of discussions but it is conEidered debirable. in order to ensure unifornjty of tr.eatment of different types of ('ases which are 1ikely to be met with during actual opcr'.:t­ tions, to incorporate all such points and to make them available in a consolidated mannf'X to th.ose concerned. Accordingly, this circular incorporates the varioue pointe; of doubt on the Instruction'> with clarifications on each one of them. It ic:; reque<;;ted that these .,..cJarifications be imparted to the Supervisors ar.d Enumerators by al1 Charge Surcrintcn­ il-ents in the training prOtSramIDes now l:Jcirg cordt:C'icd by i hem. In older to ('T Sl;re that Supervisors and Rnumerators are fully acquainted with these clarifications, it is pro­ posed to make available ccpies of this circular to them also.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operation in IJlysore To

(Two copies, one /0'1' personal 'USe and one/OT 'Use in the Office). (1) All the Divisional Commissionera. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corporations and Mysore, Mangalore and Belgaum City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Censns Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to :

1. Registrar-General, India, New Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter). 2. Directors of Census OpeTations of all States and Union Territories (2) copies each with a covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State. 4_ The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, BangaloreJMysoreJBelgaum/Gulbarga Divisions o. All Officers at Headquarters. I. GENERAL A. REFERENCE DATE

1. Is there any specific time for the sun rise of 1st ]}Iarch 1971 referred to i·n para 131 ~ The time of sun rise would depend on the local area .concerned but may be con­ sidered as a eommon sense concept. in Hospitals the exact time of birth is normally recorded and the hospital authorities wOllld also be able to indicate the time of sun rise.

2. Can Kannada numerals be used in 6ntering the details such as age, etc ~ No, Arabic i.e., international numerals alone should be used such as 1, 2, 3, etc.


3. When Section IV of the Abridged Houselist is written up incorporating new con­ structions, etc., or when changes are made in Section I II of the Abridged Househst must these addit1'ons and changes be incorporated in the original H ouselists ?

No, such changes need not be incorporated in the ori~inal houselists.

4. From where will the Enumerator get the total populatio~'/, figure for Section II Jf the Abridged Houselist? The total population figure which is to be entered is Section II of the Abridged Hou~elist will be available from the total figure under Col. 2 of the Enumerator's Abstract.


5. On the Pad Cover there are three columns for entering the total number of slips in the pad, slips used and slips cancelle.d. H ow are these to be entered? Total number of slips in the pad: This will be the number given to the last 8lip in the p::td.

There may be oases where a slip has not been numbered due to oversi~ht and is noticed only during enumeration. S:.:lch slips should not be given sub numbers and used but they should be oanoelled. No eorreotion need be made in the column for "Total No. of slips in the Pad" on the pad cover. Number of slips used :

This is the number of slips found to have been actually used and meant for tabulation. These must be counted.

S:ips oancelled will not be inoluded in this column. Such cancelled slips may be due to the followin~ reasons : (i) slips of persons dead after the date of enumeration and before 1st l\Iarch 1971 noticed during the revilSional round and canoelled ; (ii) slips which h'1v8 been numb3red and not uS3d due to oversight or spoilt and cancelled; (iii) slips which are not ori~inally numbered and are consequently cancelled. Number of slips cancelled: This will include all slips which are cancelled as indicated above, including those not numbered and cancelled.

6. In cage the assistance of an additional enumerator is given for enume1'ation of h'Ju'Jeles8 p:Jpulation on 28thFebruary 1971 due to a heal)Y concentration of such persons in any pulicu~ar are::/', how should the pads b3 numbered and given to the two enumerators wurking in the area? The additional enumerator of such block may be ~iven a beparate pad, giving it the next number in the sequence of pad numbers given in that block. In such a block, the last two pad numbers may therefore happen to be partly uspd which cannot be helped.


7. Oan the existing notional maps and block maps be used ? Yes, these maps prepared during the Houselisting Operations can be used to a limited extent. The enumerator can copy out this map on the sheets now provided and then bring the map up-to-date. E. PERSONS TO BE ENUMERATED.

8. If an Indian citizen is out of the country during the enumeration period, will he. not be missed ? Yes, he will be missed. We are counting persons in the country as on 1st March 1971 irrespective of nationality. We are not counting only Indian nationals. Therefore, Indian nationals who are out of the country during the entire enumeration period will not be counted. Foreigners who are in the country will be ccunted just like anybody else subject, of course, to the conditions of Para 14 of the Instructions.

9. Where will persons be enumerated ? Persons will be enumerated only in their residences and not at their place of work. Thi" is a fundamental point. For example, the staff of an office or factory will be enumerated only in their houses and not in the office or factory. The enumerator in whose block the office or factory falls will, however, have to make sure that no person is also living there as, for example, a watchman since he would have to enumerate such persons.

10. If a person works all day in his master's house, has his food there but goes home to sleep where should he be enumerated 1 A person will be enumerated at his normal residence. In this case the master's house is not his normal residence since he has a separate place where he lives. Though he works and has his food also in his master's house, the servant will be enumerated in his own house where he goes to sleep. 11. IJ a h'Ju'5eh:>lcl is missed ,in the fitst round. can the 'nBmb3tS of the household be enumerated later? Yes. If an enumerator rea.lises that he h'1s mis~ed a hou'\ehold in his first round he can enUll3rate it later before t,he 23th Fabruary 1971 or d'lrin~ the revisional rounel. Sllch cases must be rare and all care should be taken to avoid such omissions.

12. If a house is locked. must the enum3ratO'l" leave sufJicient blank slips for that household b:?jore going on to the next? No. If' a house is locked, the E:lumerator will go on to the next house and enumerate person"! there. He must not leave blank slips for that household in between. It is true that the sequenoe of household numbers in the pad in such cases would not be continuous. This does not matter. The enumerator must take care, in such ea<;es, to write the correct household numbers.

13. )Jiltst the enumerator visit houses which are shown as Establishments, i.e., non­ res£dential. in the Abridged H ouselist ? Yes, definitely. The enumerator must visit every census hou

14. Must the Enumerator meet every person in the household for enumeration? Not neoes8arily. The enumeration of the members of a household can be com­ pleted on the answers give~ by the Head of the household or any knowledgeable member of the household. However, in an Institutional Household such as a Hotel, Hostel etc., the enumerator m3Y, throu~h more t,han one visit, have to meet eaoh person there becau'Oe the manager may not be able to f5ive the details.

15. Who will enumerate the enumerator himself? The enumerator and hi') family will be enumerated in the block in which they. live. If this block is being covered by the Enumerator, he will naturally enumerate himself and his family.

16. A family which has bgen enumerated in one Census Enumerator's Block may move into another Block. What has to be done in such a ca.<;e? If a hou&ehold has been enumerated in Block 'A' and moves into Block B, before 28th February 1971, the enumerator 'B' when he meets this household must enqUIre if they have already been enumerated. He will not enumerate them a~ain in this case.

So far as Enumerator 'A' is ooncerned, if he finds the ('emms house in whi:lh this hou~,e· hold Ii ved v aca-nt durin~ the revisional round, he need not bother because he has already enumerated this household.

Enumerator 'B' will have to be very careful durin~ the revisional round since he will have to record n~w births if such births have taken place before the sun ril)e of 1st March /J* 6

1971 in this family. He will therefore have to ask whether there are any new babies who h3,ve not been enumerated hy enumerator A. If there are, he will write up a slip for each one of suoh babie~ who are alive on 1st M.aroh 1971 but obviou&ly he will not be able to correct the ent.ry in Q. 6 (b) in the blips of the mothers because these slips are not with him but are actually wlth Enumerator A. Enumerator B need not get in touch with Enume­ rator 'A' for this purpose. When such new births are noticed, the relatioLships will bg written up in the slips of the babie'3 wlth reference to the head of the household at that time but no entIieB need be made in the Population Re(;ord of family which lived in this house ori~inally. If a person of this household which has noW moved into Blook B dies, the slip of this person cannot be cancelled by Enumerator B, since he does not have the slip with hIm. He need not ~et in touch with Enumerator A for this purpose.

17. There appears to be some confus£on regarding enumerat1:on of babies b:Jrn in hospitals. This may be explained. Where the moth~H h3.'3 been enumerated in her house and the birth of tho baby takes place in a hospital but the baby and the mother both move back into their own house before 1st Much 1971 there would be no difficulty ill enumeration. The enumerator con­ cerned will enumerate the baby during the revisional round and he will also make necessary corrcctions again&"t Q. 6(b) in the slip of the mother. He will also write up the Population R,~cord concerned. He should however ascertain by enquiry even in suoh a case that the bJ,by hJ,s not baen enumarated already at the hospital. There may be cases where the mother who has already been enumerated has a baby in a hospital and both are still in the hospital on 1st March 1971. In such a case, the baby will ~e enumerated by the enumerator within whose block the hospital fall. He will not enum3ute th3 mathar. H.3 o!tnnot oorreot Q. 6(b) in the slip of the mother if ~he comes from anot her blook. In the case mentioned above, if th3 enumerator of the blook in which the mother normally resides finds out by enquiry that she has had a baby in a hospital and that the baby is s~iU h th3 h)3t>ital, h3 C.1:t correot Q. 6tb) in. ths glip of the mother Slllce this ~lip is whh him. Obviou>3ly he will not write a slip for the bal-y since that baby is not in this oensus house but io: in the ho'>pital.

Since the baby i3 eUU:ll3rate.:i in th~ hospital, its entry will be made in the Population Record of the hospital (Ins~itutional Hougehold) and not in the Population Reoord of the household (oncerned.

18. If a household moves from one census house into another census house within the same block, must the household number be changed?

If a hous3hold hl'3 b3en enu n3f l~el for ex],mple in Oansu! House 17 and they move into Cenaus H)l33 21 after th3 dlte of enum3ration and before 1st March 1971, the enumerator need not change the hou~ehold number in the slips of the members ofthe house­ hold. If any new births are noticed in this hou"!ehold, he may ('ontinue to retain the original household number while writing up the slips of the new babies. 19. How will persons in hotels be enumerated? Per'jons are enumerated where they live. When the enumerator visits a hotel in this bl~ck he must enumerate all persons who normally live there or who are there but have been away from their places of normal residence fOT the entire period of enumer.ation. Repeated VIsits would be to get necessary information from each such person. 20. When an enumerator goes to a hotel, a person staying in the hotel may say that he is likely to go back to his normal residence before 1st March 1971. In such a case he will not be enumerated. However, when the enumerator vis-tts this hotel during the rev£sional round, he may find that this person is still there. Must he be enumcmted ¥ No, he need not be enumerated. This is because the head of the household in this person's normal residence must be assumed to have given details regarding him to the Enumerator concerned. 21. A person will be enumemted if it is indicated that he will be returning before 1st March 1971 even though he is not in the household at the time of enumeration. If during the revisional round it is found that he has not actually returned, mu,st his slip be cancelled ~ No, his slip must not be cancelled. The enumeration of such person has been properly made. 22. How are persons who are rart of a drcus trctJpe or chama cor;Iany to be enumerated ~ Per"!on'J WIll be enumerated where they live. AEF1:mirg, therEfore, that the mem­ bers of a circus troupe or a drama company are havirg their separate normal residences, but only have for the time beirg come tcgether for the (irc1:8 uJ:d are residir~ in tents at the place where the circus or drama is held, they will be treated as a visitm~ household and ('numerated there provided they have been away from their places of normal residence forthe ('ntire enumeration period. If however, hey ha ve ro 01 her r01 mal F JiC{ of H s:cn ce, they will be treated ab the normal re'jidents of the place where they are fOULd n.d eu. n{'u.t{d as sLch. The circus, etc., will be treated as an Institutional Household and all persons entitled to be considered as part of this household will be enumerated.

23. How willlabo-ur camps in project areas, etc., be covered dur~'tl,g the enumeration ~ Labour camps will be covered by the enumerator wi1hin whose block the camp exists. The stru<'turcs such as buts, etc., will hl'Ve to be n n.bel(d, €lJri{s mfce in the Abridged Houselist and represented in the block sh1eh. PefEons livir g in such labour camps. should not he assumed to be houseless. Care '!hould be taken, howe,,"er, to ascertain in such cases that these r:eople have J:ot alretdy bet:n erxmerated in their r:n viOl:S camps.

24. Dur~·flg the har~est1'flg scaECn Fc}le 'lr:uy be lito,,'flg 1'n the fields. How will they be enumerated t The enumeration ruicd in F(btuery 1{;71 ll"fy be a rericd of ftSlieultural 2ctivity in som~ areas. feople may be living in the fields for convenience. They have al'So to be enume~ated. In enumerating such persons the principles of Para 14 of the Instruction. must be adheted to strictly. If some people are livmg in the fields and have been away from their places of nor.mal residence for the entire period of enumeration, they will have to be treated as visiting housp,hoJds a,nd enumerated in the fields in which they are now residing. Such perSOn'> may he living in huts or other temporary shelters. Such structures should be given census houbc numbers. It is important to note that such persons are not houseless.

25. How will persons who move atout selling vessels, sarees, etc., be enumerated? Both in rural and urban areas, there are persons who move about selling vessels and sllreaS or tinning vessels etc. If at the time of enumeration they are living in a census house, they will be treated as visitors or visiting households and be enumerated as uRual provided they have been away from their places of normal residence for the entire enumera­ tion period and have not been enumerated elsewhere. It would be R. good practice if the enumerators could be advised to indicate to such persons that they have to remember that they ha ve been enumerated and say so if contacted by the enumerator of another block into which they may move later. If such persons are living out in the open, they may be considered as houseless after due enquiry.

26. If a person is unable to answer the Enumerator because he is drunk or fer any ot1u~r person, u,hat should be done 1 There may be cases where a person is drunk and cannot gh-e replies to tbe enumerator specially during the enumeration of houseless population. In all such caSM it is very necessary to ensure that such persons are counted even if full details are not available. Therefore, in such cases, a slip will have to be written up for each such 'persons. In Qn. 1 it may be mentioned as "Name not known", in Qn. (3) seX can be indicated and in Qn. (4) age can be appToximately given. In the triangle against Qn. 12 the entry '0' may be made while in Qn. 16(a)(ii) the entry may be made as 'B'. In fi11 1)he other qUE-stions an 'X' may be put.

It will be noticed that by entering this person as illiterate in Qn.. 12 and non-worker ill Qn. 16(a)(ii) we would be avoiding difficulties in entering the E.D.P.S.

ll. SCHEDULE 2. Relationship to Head 27. How is relationship to be entered if a person has more than one wife or is living with a women u,ho is not his wife 1 Relationship to be entered in Q. 2 is as indicated by the rerton ,,}:;o frf'WClS He enumerator. If a rerson has more than one wife livirg with him, each one ofth('m will be entered as wife in her slip if i he hH d of the hou€fhold eays so. If a person is livin g wit h a woman who is not his wife hut giVES a rqJy iblt Ene is hi'S wife, the entry will be made accordingly. The persor.al kLowl€cge ofihe ell1.;merator will not come into the picture at all~ 28. 11 (l relation oj a Jail lJuperinterulent is an inmate 1:'" that Jail, how should relationship be recorded ~ In such cases, the entry to be made again8t Q. 2. should be recorded as "un­ related" .

29. Bow will 'l'elationships be changed in Q. 2 in the case of a dispute1 There may be ca.ses where during the revisional round the head of the household is found to have died necessitating the cbange of the relationships in the slips of the other members of the household in Q. 2. If at this time there is a di'3pute in the household and the existing members say they do not recognise anyone as the head of the household, the enumerator may sug~est to them that he will assume the eldest person to be the head for "the spelling out of relationships. He may also indicate that this entry will have nO legal significance and that this is only for the purpose of tracing relationships. If, however, such persons categorically object to any such assumption, the relationships already entered !leed not be changed.

i 30. Suppose the birth-day falls after the date of visit and before 1st March 1971. Should it be taken into consideration 1 No. Age is t.o be rec.orded in total years c.ompleted last birth.:.day as .on the date .of enumeration. For example, if a person is born .on 18th February 1941 he will have completed 29 years on 18th February 1970. If the enumerator eilumeratel3 him, say on 12th February 1971 it is enough if he enters 29. The fact that the birthday is oil 18th February 1971 may be ignored. If, however, he happens to enumerate him on say 26th February 1971 then the age would be 30.

6 Marital status

81. Must the marital statuB be entered for very small children ~ Yes. Q. 5 should not be left blank and must be answered irrespeotive of the age of the person ooncerned. The appropriate abbreviation in such cases is likely t.o be NM but this must be written in the slip.

32. Does the term" currently married" meaft "recently married" t M is the abbreviation fol' " currently married". The woro" rurrently" does not mean" recently". It only means" at present". For example, a man may be 70 years old and may have been married 50 years ago with bis wife still living and both are iving t.ogether. They are "currently married".

The only conditions for the marital status to be reckoned as « currently married " are 1

3R~ Mud a AUibaAd atid 'Wife btJ .QluaUll pr6a,efl.' together in the ,SamtHHmSu.s house 10 be cott.sidered 48 currently married Jor Q. 5 ~ No, it is not necessary that a husband and wife should together be present in the same census house at the time of enumeration. The status of currently married elfvisages tke marriage subsisting at the time of enumeration with the spouse living. Therefore, a woman who is away at her parents place will still be considered as currently plarried though her husband may be abroad since the last two years. Similarly, a young woman may have been married but may have. not yet gone to her husband's place .. Even in slJch case, she should be enumerated as currently married.

6. For ourrent)J married women on],.-

34. Must the entry in Q,... 6(b) in the slip of Q 'WOmOn be correctta in all cases where she la, given birth to a baby after the date of visit and before the sunrise of 1st March 1971 ?

Q. 6, as the wording itself indicates, refers only to "currently married", women. In other words, Q. 6 will be answered,only when "M" has been entered in Q. 5 for a female,

In all other cases the entry in Q. 6 will be 'X'. Thus, when NM, W or S has been ent¢,ed J in Q. 5 in the case of a :woman, even if this woman has given birth to a rhild during the last one year, the entry will still be "X" in Q. 6.

During the revisional round the enumerato\' may find that a birth has taken -place after the date of his visit and before the sunrise of 1st March 1971. He will naturally write a slip for the baby (if it is, a.live on 1st March 1971) and then he will have to refer to the slip of the mother~; , If she has been recorded a.s ','M" in Q. 5 he will mak¢ ll-eQessary eorrections in Q. 6(b) also.

The Jollowing situations may be noted:- (i) The enumerator may have visited a household on, ~ay, 16th, February, 19:71 and in the case of a female member may have entered in Q. 5 'M' as.she was c1,1rrently married on that date. Unfortunately, her husband dies on 18th February 1971 and a baby is born to her on 22nd February 1971. The enumerator will enumerate the baby during the revisional round. He would also correct Q. 6(b) in the slip of the women to "yes" because she is a "eurrently ma.rried woman" (on the date of enumeration). The fact tha.t she is .. widow (W) l~ter is ignored. III other WQrds, mari~al status is only as 0:11 th~ date of enumeration. (ii) The enumer~tion of a . female may.have taken piMe on 18th ~ebruaty 1971 and on that date she was a widow. So 'W' would have been entered in Q. 5: She may have given birth to a baby on 24th February 1971. The .enumerator will ,enumerate the baby during the revisional round. He will not correct. Q. 6 (b) in the slip of the woman , beeause she is not "cmrrently m&med .. 011 the date of enumeration j she is a. widow (W),

.~ 85. M tat OK. 8 ~ ~~tb~~4 i~ ;tM ~ ~I Ii ~. ~~ fA "t DfJ,rt'e~ '," ~~. but ~ ~.~fU~"-f.·~"'M",' '. ,:: .. - .. ,.. U" '''~'Nb~~ Q:J{:relates only:to :3 currently married ..omin~ What i. entered in Q: , in 'the slip of the woman is th~ guiding factor. If & wom,an is NM, W or S. (i.e., she is not curreIltly married), than Q. 6 will not be answered and 'X' will be put in both 6(a) and 6(&). 'A wOman: who is NM, W or S. may, have had a child in the last one year: Even in such a case, Q. 6 will not be answered in her slip. (Please, however, remember that a, sep'arate slip must be written up for the child).

36. Incase a currently married woman hat8 two ckUf1er~ tluriJtg tM 'taBt OM rI(J(Jf', what should the entry in Qn. 6(b) be? ~. '" , . The 'entry will read as "Yes, (2)".

'f. , .BirthlPlace. 8., Last Residence. '37: ' There WiZl be places with ihe sum.e name8 in the same district. Bow will thue be distinguished in Q. No.7 and 8 ~ II There will be places with the same name in the same district but the nam.e will be ,'. entered without any attempt to distinguish them.

(" : , 38• In Q. 7 (b) and 8 (b) can the enumerator enter R Of' U if he is sure oj the position? . Yes, this can be done provided the enumerator is absolutely sure of the rural or urban status of the place of birth or the place of last residence, at the time of birth or the time of migration to the place of enumeration of the person. 39. In Qn. 7 and 8 must names of hamlets alSo be enUred? , 4- 'lIn 7. (a) :rela~ing to, place of birth and in 8 (a) relating to place of last reaidelloe, _be names of the main villages alone should be written and not that of hamlets.

: "40~ ,T.here may have. been changes in Districts or Sta~8. Are such changes releva"t foi. pvrposes ~J Qn. 7 and 8.' In Qn. 7(c) and 7(d) and 8(c) and Sed) which relates to District a.nd Sta.te, the present· District and State will be recorded. Thus 8 person may have been born in a place which w~s' ir~merly in a district which has later been split up into two districts OT may have been in:~ different State. How~ver, the entry in 7(c) and 7(d) will relate to the distriot as it exists now arid the name of the State now.'

c» 4t~' ,For the pu-rposes of Qn. 7(b) and 8(b) how is a, place to be ~l(u8ifl6d as rural or ur-Oam. ~ . A place is considered as urban if it is a Municipality, a Notified Area or is under a. Sanita!l Boar~." A place w~ll be considered as rural ,if it is constituted as a Panchayat. Co~~e~uently, though a place is called a To~ Panchayat, it may not be a town. A pla;ce cannot be classified as urban merely because it has electric light and water facility. Many villages have these facilities' and therefore the Enumerators should not merely ask wh~ther., there is electricity or water ,supply in order to classify a plaoe as urban.

i; .. : :-~. ;:!J'~ place of birth was a triZloge formerly but is noW included in ~ ¥ unicipal M~, ho'W will ,ntries hi ~ in Qn. 7, l, ~ !4L

i~ tn all cases, the prelleut name of the place of birth and its rural or urban status (as at the time of birth) should be recovered. However, there will be cases of villages which are now merged fully in a Municipal area and which, therefore, do not exist now though they existed distinctly at the time of birth. In such a case, for Qn. 7 (a) PL will be recorded and in 7 (b), 7 (c) and 7 (d) "X" will be written. For example, a person born in Navalur about 30 years ago may now be enumerated in Hubli-Dharwar Municipal Area. Navalur from 1962 is included in the Municipal limits and is part of the city. The entry in Qn. 7(a) for this person will be PL and not Navalur.

43. If a person was born i'lt a ,;illage which has bee'lt completely submerged under a project, how will emries be made in Qn. 7 ~ Though this village no longer exists since it has been submerged, its name will have' to be entered in 7 (a) and other entries made in 7 (b) to 7 (d) as usual. This is necessary despite the fact that the village no longer exists in order to obtain a correct picture of migration.

I ' 44. D068~'1'61ate to recent Shifts only? No. Qn. 8 relates to the last residence however long ago the shift to the place of enumeration may have been. For example, a person who is being enumerated' at Raicbur may have been in Bangalore for studies upto 1940 and after moving to Raichur in 1940 may not have left the latter place again. The last residence in this case is Banga­ lore. Though the last residence was 31 years ago, it has to be recorded. Thus, whether. the last residence is recent or long ago is not relevant.

4:5. How are entries to be made if the place oJ last residence is now included in a municipal area. If the entire village is now merged into a municipal area. and)f the persOn being enumerated there had no place of las1; residence, the entry in Qn. 8 (a) will be 'PL' and 'X' will be put in 8 (b) , (0) and (d).

Example- a person is born in Shahapur which is now included in Belgaum City and, has not had a place of last residence is being enumerated in Belgaum City. Since Shahapur is now part of the City the entry will be 'PL' in 8 (a) and 'X' in 8 (b), (c) and (d).

46. Women often go to their parents houseD for delivery or festivallJ. Slwuld the place where the parents reside be always recorded Q,8 the place oj last residence for 8uck womeft' for Qn. 8?

If a woman goes to her parents bouse for delivery or festivals such shifts will be considered as temporary and, therefore, the place where the parents stay will not be considered as a place of last residence for 8uch a woman.

However, it must be noted that the place of residence of the parents is the place of last residence for a woman who has moved to her husband's place after marriage from there and has had no other previous place of last reeideD~. 1s

It ,i$ necessary to notice one ill1porta!lt· situ&tion. Suppose a. lady halt at_yed '~or the entire enu~eration period of 10-2-71 to 28-2-71 at her father's place at Mysore though ahe normally stays at Mandya. with her husband, she would be enumerated at Mysore and not at Mandya as will be clear from para 14: of the instructions. In her slip the Mysore enumerator will have to enter Mandya as the place of last residence in Qn. 8 (a).

4: 7 . In Qn. 8 (a) what will be the place of last residence for Nomads ~ Nomads generally move from place to plaoe and the place where they sett1e they consider as their normal residence. Therefore, the place from which the group of nomads that are being enumerated came will be the place of last residence in Qn. 8(80).

'8. If a teacher or otMr official is on Zea'tl6 and has gone to another place, what 'WOuld be th6 plac8 of last residence for Qn. 8 (a). Suoh shifts are temporary and the places where the persons have stayed wiD not be considered as places of last residence unless it is clearly indicated that a normal residence was set up at this· place. tl. Li*eraoJ ,t. 1- BNiUe a ~fM .• fJU1'fJOB. o}Q".. l~H Yes. T4e definition of a literate as given in para 67 of the instructions is a person who oan both read and write with understanding in any language. Braille is a system of wri­ ting a language and many languages have been reduced into Braille to help the blind to read. Therefore if a blind person says that he is literate, this may be recorded as such.

M. . Oan a dumb person be literate ~ Yes, a dumb person can be a literate if he is able to read and write with under­ standing in any language. Reading need not necessarily imply an ability to read aloud.

51. Oan. an educated person who is now blind be considered literate ~ The definition of litera<'y in para 67 is the ability to read and write with under­ standin&_in any language. A person who is blind will no doubt be unable to read and mayor may not be able to write. But if he would have been able to do so but for this physioal disability, he must be recorded as 'L', i.e., literate. Similarly, a person might be a paralytio or m4ht have lost the use of one arm or due to some other physical dis. ability may not be able to write but can read and would have been able to write but for this physical disability. Such a person will have to be eonsidered as literate. Mental patien,ts al~o may be charaoterised as literate if they are able to read and write during lucid interyal

63. What is the B'nky eo be made itt Q. 13 ttl tM,ClMB 0/ a chilll who is itt the fi'~' fII/fII! III."~· . i ' ! U . '., ( i~ ::, ~3A ch.il~rwli~ is'avei '4 years' 'may -b'e ':I1te!~~e'a~(l "the» e~try:: hI Q~ 1'2 'ihay~ \'b~~' :f. ~ However, this child may hava just 8tart~d formal education am~ m~y be still' only in the:-_ first year of school at. the time of enumeration. Since this (hiid has not passed any ietrel yet, the entty in Q. 13 (edq,cationallevel) Will'be"' X': . '. . .

-:_ .~ 4- 54. Must the Abridged Houselist b6 brought up-to-date till 1st March 1971 sunrise, ~ . Yes, it is necessary that the Abridged Houselist be brought up-to:-date as' on the sun rIse of 1st March 197L ...... ~

55. A re honorary degrees and doctorates)o be entered in Qn. 13 ~ .Generally only the hi~4est ed ucatio.nal level actually,,· passed should .. be '. entex{)d. Honorary degrees may be mentioned with a clear inciication that they are honorary. / ;" '.' , 56. . 1J!ust :the subject-oj spe(;iali_8ation .,be m{3ntioned fo.r ~l~ "Gradu,ates, . Diploma holders and Licentiates~'; '. . - Yes, the enumerator must mention the subject of specialisati.Qu:'n¢~:J· tbi~l,:.;w:.qY.]9, '/' be of great assistance in tabulation.

57. If a person is literate but hcis:}ia(l no form"aZ :edticationa,l:· l~vel~ ,how wJZZ th.e entry in J.jJ./ 13,;. be· mPde r . r' . J ""'."1 . In iOuch case!> an ' X '. must be put against Q. 13.

58. If a, person has more than one ·degree, how must ent,(ieS lie made in Q. 13 .1 The in~tr~~tionB given' i~ para 72 _ are to be generally f~n~;ed. - How~ve~, where person indicates that he has more than one degree, it" would be best :~for "th'e en:ume~tor to '\'nite both' rather than :attempt to -decide cwhi~h: is -the higher" one of. the Vwb. ,. -. ', . ... 59. If the "Degree Holder and Technical Personnel Oard" 1,8 nOt' -relurned what is the enumerator to· do 1 . , " :;; -_: While givi~g the card the Enumerator must ~xplain that" it is meant to get full information regarding tlro8~ who'ate graduates etc:, and requ-est tha-t it; must be ruled in .' and: -.ratum,ed.·· The e~u~erl!itor cah collect the cards back any time but before 3td March' 197i~/ - -.', "'-: .' .' - . .... '.' .

... / .- "If a.'person refuses t(dill the card~ the enumerat.or must.inf.orm his Supervjsor lVho -:. should meet. the person c.oncerned and get it. '",' ":.'. i ' . ... .: ...... r '_... " ... - ,"" ~ " -.- -.. ". . " . . '.' . • - .' . " . ~'," . _.. ,. ,_ __, 60. There are 80me qualiflcatiot1,s such as - Hindi Ratna, Hindi 'll'asTttrabhas1iae ~ Kannada Pandit, etc., about which the enUmRrator may not be clear whethtr they are ~~uiva~e'",,' ,:: to degrees or not. In such cases what should be don6 1 - . -~ - . - - ._ -_, ') In Qn. 13, the Enumer~tor 'win have to' Write' the qualific~tions in· full. -For 'example, the entry would".have to be Hindi Ratna, Hindi Rashtrabhasha, Kannada Pandit, etc. No abbreviations shOUld be used in such cases.

Where the person ooncerned indicates that his is equivalent to a degree, a c'ard should

~' given' to him 'a,nd:' coIie~ted baeli'liter': r ,; ,~j ., '<.;,;:', ;':~:' ~ ~. \.;; '. , . ,4 ,<~ 13

:14 ~':.'M.ftle~~tongua:' ':e:l".( '~'o'an;: '-Bi,e" :moth'er40ngues 'oj the 'p'a'l'en(8' be difJerent from that of the children ~ Y:es. F()r example, a person whose mother-tongue is Telugu has married a Tan:iilian wb'fuafi arid they talk only' Kanhada, to their children. Then 'the' mother-tongue' of the father would be Telugu, that of the mother would be Tamil and that of t'b.e' children Karihadb.::' It 'must always be remembered that"rriother-ttmgue is personal to oneself and " is the language 'spoken by one's mother in one's childhood. This need not be the Same i'Jot ,botli th~ 'parents ahd for the children.'

62. Can Lambani be recorded as a mother-tongue or as a language against ij: 14 d/ Q~ "15 f; . , . , Yes; 'the language as retut:rfed by the person shoula be entered. ' The - enumerator ,'must riot mhike any atte'mpt tb' classify languages or to group them under major languages. There may be languagea ,of which' the enumerator has rio knowledge and therefore, as indicated, entries should be made as ret,U,l'ned by the respondents. , j ,. .' •• •• ~ " ' ',; 63,:; How':is 'moth6'l'-tongue to be enured in the case of children in O'I'phanages? ',If 8 child has been in an orphanage' from the time' of 'birth and its mother­ tongue is not known, then the enumerator cali eliter in Q. 14 the language which 'the Management speak to the ;child, in the, orphanage .

. '. 16. MaID ActIvity 64.· If a person carrieS on agriculture but also grow8 garden cropS, should the entry be 0 or OW 1 , The main' activity is how a person engages· him~elf mostly. The crit~rion is one of ·time" The person should be asked which he considers his main activity and on which he spends more time.. If on a.griculture, he would be C ; if on the garden""he. would be OW. .

f.. 65. How are the members of a cultivator's family to be categorised if they also participate in tke cultivation of the' land owned or leas ed by the cultivator "1 . . The members of the family of ,a cultivator who participate in the cultivation .of ,'. the land owned or leased by the culH~a..tor m.ust also be recorded as cultivators arid the ,abbreviati<;m ,. C" must be enteredin 'Q . .J 6 (a) (j) for them if their main activity is culti­ vation. It would be incorrect to classify them as 'AL' or OW.

66. Is vegetable growing, 'iultivatiPtil i;O:.J LNo<;.:) Vegetable growing, frmt:gl'

instruotions should be read with para '79 when it will be olear that ~n and direetion~of work will constitute participation fol' the purpose' of dete~mining household industry.

68. How will main activity be recorded for religious worlcers suck a8 Nuns in convents etc. ~ Persons who are working a'3 members of a religious order can al80 be worker. for their main aotivity. For example, prie"ts, monks and others render rel~ous service to the community and will therefore be recorded as ' OW' in 16 (a) (i). They will allO 'lte normally record ed as EE in 16 (f).

There may however be certain cases where persons may be merely residing in Maths a8 ~Deficjaries of such institutions and do not carryon any other activity such as rendering religious services to the community, teaching etc. In such eases they would be considered as non-workers and the entry would be ' I' in 16 (a) (ii).

69. Can honorary WO'Tk also be 'fecorded~ Yes, honorary work can also constitute main aotivity or secondary work. What. ever can be considered as work under Q. 16 (main activity) ean be considered as work for the purposes of Q. 17 (seeondary work) also.

70. How will the main activity of Government servants on leave be recOf"aecH GO\'ernment Bervant~ who are c.n long leave (earned leave, medical le•• e eh.,) or who are on leave prepara~ory to retirement continue to be Government servallts and will therefore have to bE' recorded as '0' In 16 (a) (i) and as EE in 16(/). A person enjoying refused leave after superannuation oannot however be oonsidered a Government servant. In his case, if he has some other main &ctivity, this will be recorded accordingly ()r he will be recorded as ' R' under 16 (a) (i).

71. How will those who are doing the B.Rd. course be recorded! If a person who is doin, his B.Ed. course is a teacher, it would be appropriate to record him as OW becau~e his study is only one part of his being a teacher. HO'We'ter, if a person is not working as a teacher, but is doing the B.Ed. course on hi& own for'acquir­ ing a qualification, he will haTe to be recorded as' ST ' sinoo he bas no other main activity. It is important to notice here that such persons will be enumerated at the plaees where they are doing the course. 72. How will the main activity oj wrestlers be retOf'ded' For a professional wrestler, "Wrestling is his main activity sinee ~he earns hie livelihood that way. He will therefore have to be recorded as 'OW' under Q. 16 (0) (i).

There may, however, be eases where a person does wrestling as a hobby, and may even take part in certain wrestling shows etc. In 8uch oues, this would not be re1leeted _ :Q. 16 .mce be .~lileely k IMve .01De

'18. II CJ lwwnoiJe tN'~ t]&at'M if 100.., trw G 10&, 1Utfp''''..... fir,..,,.,, 11

Reference must be made to para 106 of the Instructions. Since in this case tIle person is seeking work, she may be recorded as '0'. However, a person can be recorded as '0' only if tllere is an active and deliberate attempt to seek work. The mere intention to work if any suitable opportunity arises or if a. person says that he or she will take a job if something very good is offered, will not entitle one to be recorded as '0'. In Ru('h ('ases, such a person will be H or will come under some other category of non-worker8.

74. In Q. 16 (c) wMle wr#/n,q the name f!_f the establishment, can 11'ell raccepted abbreviations be used? Yes. For example 'Co-op' for Co-operative, Govt. for Government etc., can be used. Abbreviations can be used whenever convenient.

75. A ppendices I V and V contain long headings of activities and occupations. 1111tSt these he reprodttced 1>n full in Q. 16 (d) and (e) ? These Appendices are only indicative and explanatory. The full classifications need not be repeated in the slip. For example, if a person is engaged in the manufacture of cardboard boxes, the entry need not be "Manufacturing and repair - Paper and IPaper Products-Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries-Manufacture of card-board boxes". It is enough if the entry states "Manufacture of-card board Boxes". Similarly, the entry in Q. 16 (e) should be clear and specific. The important thing is that the descriptions should be full and clear.

76. Oan a person who looks after cattle or sheep be SW or must he be EE ? Persons who tend cattle or sheep can be either EE, S W or FW. This depends on individual circumstances. A person who looks after the cattle or sheep of others and makes his Hving that way bot is not employed by any of tbem as such, may be FW or S W depending on whether he is associated in this activity with other members of his family or is doing it singly. If a person is a paid employee and is employed for (looking after his maeter's cattle or sheep, he will he 'EE'.

77. How are the entries in Q. 16 (f) Class of worker to be made in the case of' MInisters 1

Ministers (including Deputy Ministers and Ministers of State) are to be c la",,,ifiea :ttl 'Employees' -EE. The persons indicated below may be classified as "SW".

Members of Legislative Assembly/Council (except, Ministers). Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha). Mayors, Municipal PresidentR. Municipal Councillors. Panchayat anrt Taluk Board Chairman. Vice-Chairman. Members of PanchayatA/Taluk Boards.

It must be remembered that this classification may apply to either their main aetivit,v or secondary work, dependin~ on the circumRtances in each case.

C.N.24 3 78. For the purpose of Q. 16

79. () an two part ·ner sin a business both be indicated as E R 1 Reference must be made to para 121 of the Incstructions. Partners in business v; ho do not hire any employees will be recorded as single worker., individually. If each one of them is, however, entitled to employ persons in order to perform the work entered against each one of them in Q. 16 (e) and if such persons have actually been hired they can be recorded as ER. so. Oan a brick layer be a sing'le worker 1 Yes, a brick layer can be a single worker. He can also be EE i.e., employee. The answer depends on circumstances. If a person is regularly employed as a brick layer by a contractor or somebody else, he will be recorded as EE. If, however, a person says that he is a brick layer by profession and undertakes work as and when available and not under any particular person, he can be recorded as SW.

SI. What is the distinction between institutions referred to in para 105 of the instructions and institutions such as hotels etc.1 Para 105 refers only to inmates of penal institutions &uch as jails, remand homes etc., and of mental and charitable institutions. This para says that the inmates of such institutions will be considered as non-workers and that th(' a1breviation 'I' will be entered ill Q. 16 (a)(ii) in their cases. Hostels, Hotels, Student Homes etc., whic,h are also institutional household for the purposes of the household number are different. In these institutional households, the occupation of the inmates will be recorded as indicated by each of such persons.

There need be no confusion. The abbreviation'!, will be used against Q. No_ 16 (a) (ii) for inmates of Jails, Remand Homes, Mental Ho&pitals, Charitable Institutions and such persons will be non-workers. The abbreviation 'rNST' will be used while entering the hou'!ehold number in the case of all institutional households.

82. What will be the entry in Q. 16 in the case of prisoners who are out on paroZe1 Prisoners who are released on parole are released for I:Ipecific personal reasons but their &tatus as prisoners does not ohange. They are in fact not allowed to take up employment etc., and are expected to return back to prison after the period of parole is over. If a person on parole is found in any household, he will be enumerated as in the case of any other person. His place of last residence will be the place where the Jail is situated provided he has been out of that place for the full period of enumeratio:p.. ::WOf main activity he will be ell-tered as T in 16 (a) (ii). I 10 This would mean that the enumerator when he visits a Jail must make detailed and specific enquiries regarding the prisoners on parole. If such persons have been absen t for the full period of enumeration from the Jail, he will not enumerate them. However, if they have spent some part of the enumeration period in the Jail itself, they will Lc enumerated there as part of the Institutional Household (which is the Jail) as indieatd m para 14 of the Instructions.

83. Oan a pet'son who is studying priva.tely also be cons~~de'red as a student Jor the purposes of Qn. 16(a)(ii) 1 Yes, a person who is studying privately for an examination can be considered a student. He is actually a full time student at home and therefore the entry ('ST' will be_made in his case in Qn. 16(a)(ii).

84. Oan a pensioner or retired person be recorded as '0' in Qn. 16(a)(ii) ? The category of non-worker '0' refers to all those who are seeking work. ThoreforC', if a pensioner or retired person clearly indicates that he is seeking work and has made deliberate attempt to obtain work, he must be recorded as '0'.

85. What is the place of work for an M.L.A. with reference to Qn. 16(b)? For an M.L.A. or M.L.C. of Mysore State the place of work will be Bangalore. For an M.P. it will be New Delhi.

86. How will a political sufferer be categorised in Qn. 16(a) ? A political sufferer will be categorised like anybody else by his main activity. If he is getting only a pension he will be entered as non-worker with the abbreviation 'R' in 16(a)(ii). Suppose he has been given some land and he is cultivating it, he would become a worker and would be entered as cultivator.

87. Must a specific question be asked regarding crops grown for the purposes of Qn. 16(a)(i) ? Before a person can be categorised as cultivator or agricultural labourer it is essential to find out what crops are grown on the land which he cultivates or on which he wOl'k~ as a labourer. Only the growing of certain crops will be considered as cultivation. Thi::l has been indicated separately to the Enumerators. Therefore, unless a person cultiVittl'f:) these crops or a person works as a JahdurH on laDd .on which these crops arc grown, he will not be categorised as 0 or AL. Therefore, if a person says he is a cultivator or agri­ cuitural labourer, it i( essential,to make a specific enquiry rfgarding the crops grown ill orch,!" to be sure that the correct rnhy is being in 16(a)(i).

17. Secondary Work 88. If a person is a Gove'nm1-ent ofjicial and ·runs a coaching class in his U'UI"S 'fIctme, mu.st this be entered in. Q. 17 in his slip?

The entry in Q. 17 in the slip of the Government official would be COl'l"cct 011 J,\' if he states that he is running the coaching class. If it is asserted thd the business is buillt! run by ~is wife, th.~;ll t,}le.. slip 9f tb,e. wife .will.contain the reJevent detnilti ,nncleI; Q. 1 n OJ 20

17 depenrlin9; on the cil'cumstanCCH. In any case, the personal knowledge of the Enume­ rator 1:-; irrelevant.

~!:J. Can a person who is recorded a8 nO'n-worker in Q. 16 have secondary work? H will be clear hom para 1:23 of the ill~tl'uctions that both workers and nOll­ workpl';-o can have :-;p('ondal'Y wOTk. Therefore, persons who have been recorded as non­ workers ill Q. 16 (Ct) (ii) can have eecondal'Y work. Jt is nc<;essary for the Enumerator i l ) ,)htaill information regal'ding secondary work from every person irrespective of whether he has been put down as a worker 01' non-worker for his main activity in (-l. 16 (a). III. Houseless population.

90. Can pe/'80-ns l'iving in strnctu/'es nwde of ca,nvas. t'ard boa'l'd etc., be considerelZ ((s Ii au !;elesi) {

There are many persons who live III sIllall structures made up of various material& ~uch as card board, canvas. pressed.tin sheets, thatch etc .. which by nOl'Illal standards ('.;lllllot be cOlll:>idered as good hOllsing. However, for the Plll'POI'lCFl of the ('enSllS they lH'C not houseleRs and must be enumerated as living in <;cnsus houses.

Sueh structures must Le given Humbert:> by the enumerator if not already numbered and he lllUtlt ellumerate them as he would do any household living in a census house. Such 8tructures will also be entered ill the Abridged Houc;ehst and must be reflected in the block skcteh.

HI. If on the night of 28th February 1971 people ate noticed to be taking shelter ,in ternplcs etc., which have beelt foilunbered, should they be considered as living in census houses ?

Persons who live in tellll-'lcs or uther public places canllot lJe (;ollsidcred as livinl5 III (eniSUS hou~c(" meTely l'ecause some of these ",tJ'ucture~ may have been numbered dUTing the hOllseLlsting operations. They are to be considered as houseless. Similarly, a houseless person who invariably makes use of the front verandah of a shop may have the roof pro­ jection above him as a ~helter, hut he does not cease to be a houselcss person lllerely be­ eau;,;e the shop ha~ been qiven a census house number. In all sueh ('uses the Household Xnmber will be "0".

IV. Revisional ROlUld 92. Jiust the enumerator caU at each h01J,se again d'u'ring the revis'ional j'outul? Yes. he must definitely do so. It jR, only by calling· on each household that he ( an cover all births, deaths etc., that have taken place after his visit and before the sunrise of 1st Mareh 1971.

93. If a person who 'Was not expected to return befor~ 1st March 1971 actually returns 'lc7wl should be done ? The in1:>trl1ct.iolU' say that a pertion who is away from his normal place of re"iidelWC for the entire period of e1J.Ullleration will not be enumerated t,here but will be enu­ merated wherever he is found. If such a peraon happens to return before 1st Mnrch 1971 i L, l


Hud if he hat> not been enumerated elsewhere (which the enumerator must find out by actual enquiry) the ::nUlllerator lllay makc out a slip in his case also during the revisional round. 94. During the 1'evisional 1"Ound the slip for a new baby will not be along with the slips of the other members of the family. Does this matter? A farnily might have been enumerated in slips 17, 18, 19 of Pad No. 1. By the time the cllUlneration period is over the Enumerator might have come up to Pad 4, Slip 51. lt might happen that he may notice a bjrth in this household during the revisional round. He will make an entry in Pad No.4 Slip No. 52 for this child and give the correct House­ hold No. The fact that this slip is in a different pad from that of the rest of the household does not matter. It is very imporatant to remember that the enumerator should not remove this slip and try to paste it in Pad No.1 along with the slips of the rest of the house­ hold. Care must, of course, be taken to write the details of this baby in the correct Popu­ lation Record Form in whieh details of the other members of the household have been entered. 95. D·uring the revisional round it may be noticed that a family which has already been enumerated has vacated the house and a new family has moved in, which has not beel1.­ enu-metated befOJ·e. iliust the second family be enumerated and if so, what should be tlte household number to be given .? When the enumerator comes across the second family during the revisional round and he finds after enquiry that this family has not been enumerated, he must enumerate the members of this family. The Household No. to be given 'will necessarily be related to the census house numher. A separate Population Record, must, however, be written for this second family. It is true that the pads as well as the PopUlation Record would contain t'\\'O families with the saw.e Household nu mber but, under these circumstances, this cannot be helped. However, cal'e will have to be taken to include this new house­ hold in the total numbeI' of households in the Enumerator's Abstract.

If by chance such a persoll is now indicated as the head of the family, the enumeIator need not npcessarily (hange the relationships in the slips of the other members of the house­ hold which have already been written up. The relationship of this person may be indi­ cated with reference to the pbrson who has already been considered at; the head of the family at the time of initial enumeration. This would avoid too many changes. V. Forms A. Population Record 96. Can the enumerator ente1' the 'serial No.' in Col. 1 of the Population Reco.rd when he writes the form or after making deletions for deaths and additions for births after the 'revisional round? It would be convenient if the serial number is written when the PopUlation Record is written for the first time. This would provide an indication of the number of persons in the household. The serial number can be corrected if any entry js scored out (due to death), or added (due to birth or visitor). ..

97. Must a, Population &wrd Form be written up for single me1nber households also 1 A Population Record Form has to be written up for each household as will be clear from tbe Instructions at para 129. It will be recalled frolU para 11 of the Instruc­ tions that a household can be either a one person household or a llluiti person household. Therefore, a single person can also constitute a household and in hif:l case also the Popu­ lation Record Form must be written up. This would only mean that there would be a single line entry in the Population Record Sheet for this single member household. Similarly, there may be houseless households made up of only single members for whom the household number would have been written as "0". In their cases also, one population record form must be used for each person.

9S. In the Population Record Form must the name oj the S.C. or 8.1'. be wtitten in the clue of lnstit,utional Households~? This refers-to the entry:at the top of this form whicll reads "If the bead belongs to S. C. or S. T.?" In the case of Institutional Households the entry may be 'X'.

Similarly, in case of other homeholds also, if the head does not belong to S. C, or S.T., the entry will be 'X'.

99. Must the household number Locat£on Code etc., be ent61'cd even on the continuation skeets in the Population Record? Yes. This would ensure that all the sbeets bear identity particulars,

100. How will ('II ho1J..Seless hou,sehold be identified for the pUljJOSCS of writing up the Population Record? In the case of a houseless bousehold, the relationship will distinguish the family. 'Ve have said that the Population Record should be written up for bouseless households also. If there is a houseless household consisting of a father, mother and two children, in the brackets for household number the entry will be '0' in all the four slips. However, in Q. 2 of these four blips the entries will be 'head', 'wife', 'SOli', 'daughter'. These entries will clearly indicate that these four slips relate to the same houseieE's b ousehold and their details will accordingly be entered in the same Population Record Form.

101. There will be cases where a sheet of the Population Record I/orm has been fully used up and the next form may also have bi-een written up for a different household. In such a, case, where will a new entry oj a birth or a visitor be made when noticed dUiring the revisional round? Population Record Forms are being supplied in the form of pads. Each form should be numbered by the enumerator serially and the pads themselves should be given continuous numbers for each block.· If in a case all the 10 lines of a Population Record Form have been filled up and the next page has been used for recording the particulars of some other household, further entries relating to births or visitols etc., will have to be made on a blank form at the end taking care to indicate on the top the pad number and page number from which this is continued and also taking rare to enter the correct house- hold number. In the original Popula,tioll Reoord .Form of this· household tho ouumel'ator can say "continued on pad No . ... page No .... ". The fresh Population Record sheet used should not be removed and placed below the original sheet but it should be left where it is in the pad concerned. The cross reference will be a sufficient indication.

102. ~l1.lst the Enumerator sign each page of the Population Record ~ Yes, the enumerator must sign each page of the Population Record giving the correct date on which he writes it. The Supervisor will also have to sig)} indicating the date on which he checks it. B. Enumerator's Daily Posting Statement

103. When will the final Sl. No. 1'n the E.D.P.B. be ~nUJred ~

The instructions are very clear on this. The final S1. No. in Col. 1 of the E.D.P.S. will be entered only after the entries relating to cancell~d slips have been scored out and after details of the houseless have been entered as also of new births, etc., which are noticed during the revisiollul round. In order to prevent mistake in writing up the final S1. No. it wonld be advisable for the enumerator to score out the line relating to cancelled slips commencing from Col. 1 of the E.D.P.S. itself. This would avoid giving a number to a cancelled line by mistake.

104. M1tst daily totals be struck for the E.D.P.B. ? It is better not to strike daily totals. It will be remembered that the slips of persons who have died after the date of the visit of the enumerator and the sun-rise of 1st March 1971, noticed during the revisional round, will have to be cancelled, and the line entry made for these slips in the E.D.P.S. must also be seroed out fully. This can only be done after the revisional round is over and such entries may have to be scored out on any page of the E.P.D.S. It is likely that such scored out entires will also be totalled up and not deducted later from each column if daily totals are struck. Therefore, after the revisional round is over and after all entries of such cancelled slips have been scored out, the page totals must be struck. On the last page the totals of each page may be written and grand total for the entiro block arrived at. Page totals must be struck. On the last page the totals of each page may he written and grand total for the entire block arrived at.

105. IVhlst the E. D. P.S. be filled up even for the hous~le8s y Yes, the KD.P.S. must contain details of each of the slips filled up for the houseless. The E.D.P.S. is nothing but a record of each completed slip. Therefore, Whenever a slip is written up, it must find a place in one line of the E.D.P.S. either Males or Females State­ ments as the case may be.

106. Must the E.D.P.S. be written ttp separately each day ~ The E.D.P.S. must be written up fully each day but a fresh sheet need not be used for each of the days of enumeration. It is a continuous record of slips filled in and if on one day the entries have stopped half way through a sheet, the detaila of the slip illled in on the next day will be continued from the ne;x.t line on that sheet. i~)_ • 24 O. Enumerator's Abstract 107. In the Enumerator's Abstract the number of households, occupied residential houses, institutional households and houseless households are to be entered. H 01V are these .figureS obtained? Total number of Households: The total number of households is obtained by counting the number of Popula­ tion Record Forms which the enumarator wil1 have written up each day, taking care not to count continuation sheets. Thus, if two sheets have been used for one household, these should be considered as one and n'ot two households. This is whv.' the instructions say that the word "continued" should be written on all such sheets on which details of the same household have been entered. It must be remembered that even the Houseless Households are to be counted and included in the "total No. of households" in the Enumerator's Abstract. Similarly, Insti­ tutional Households must alf!o be included. No. oj occupied 'residential houses:- This is also got from the Population Record. On each Population Record Form the Household Number bas to be written. The Household Number as we are aware, depends on the Census House Number and may be as follows:- 16 meaning that in Census House 16, only one household lives. 16 (1) meaning that in building No. 16 there are more than one Censu& House such as 16 (1), 16 (2) etc., and that in Census House 16 (1) only one household lives. 16 (a) meaning that in Cemus House 16 more than one houl'ehold lives with numbers 16 (a), 16 (b) etc., and that 16(a) is the Household Number of the first of such households. 16 (1) (a).. meaning that, in Census House l6(1) there are more than one household such as 16 (l)(a), 16(1) (b) etc., and that 16 (1) (a) is the Household Number of the first of such households. Since we are inteJ;ested in getting the number of occupied residential houses (occupied residential Census Houses), we must take care not to count households that may occupy a Census House together. For example, in the Population Record pad the Household N umber~ may be as follows :- Population Household No. of house- No. of occupied Record Sheet No. No. holds residential houses 1 17 I 1 2 18 (a) 1 1 18 (b) " 3 1 4 Continued 18 (b) ~ "".J 5 19 (i) (a) 1 "I 6 19 (i) (b) I ~l 7 19 (i) (c) 1 J 8 19 (2) I 1 9 20 I I 10 21 (INST) I 1 There are, ~herefore, 9 households and only 6 occupied reJidential houses. Obviously slnoe the additional households within the same Census House are to be carefuJiy eliminated Ilouseholds, 18(a) and 18(6) are equivalent to only one Census House No. 18, while 19(1) (I.J), 19(1) (b) and 19(1) (c) are equivalen\ to only one Census House No. 19(1).

The ol}cupied resid -mtial houses will be computed from the Population Record sheet. 011 the ba.sis of the Hous~hold Numbers written therein, by the above method.

~itutional Households also occupy residential hou.es. Obviously, the enumerator will ignore all Population Record Formf' m which the Homehold No. is ' 0 '(zero). There is no Censu8 House in such eases. No. of I mtitutional Households: This is also got from the Population Record. The enumerator bas only to count all t·he Population Record Forms where the Household No. has added after it the abbreviation .. INST ", taking care to omit continuation sheets. This is the number of Institutional Households. No. (If Houselus Households: This is also got from the Population Record sbeettl. The enumerator has only to count all these sheets in which the Housdnld No. is '0' (Zero), taking care to eliminate continuation sheets. Tbi'3 is the numbar of Houseless househ<>lds. There should be no confusion about these various figures. They need not tal1y. 'Institutional households' and 'Houseless househol&' are included in the 'Total number of household3'. The hOUS311 occupied by Ins~itutional households are included in the number of occupied residential houses.

WD P 7141-GPB-IO.OOO-r>-lt-1071l

C.N. 94


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12. ~~.- c:.~'l!00) ~~'O:dDtJ ;!j:J~n~ oo~~w~dd,) ~;~~c'Z.,~ -:r1~c:mrid~ 2!)W~~':;:~fle~. ~cz~ o,)W;OWi::it:i:J", e:3)~~ ,;::;~:S :SoI~tJ~~O~ ?

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13. ~.--z....cd:; c::l:J~oj:;) w~bc::l;:)d~wd~:tl:Jd~F"~d ti~~d~ ~~{'\ ::;:i;ad:;~:j:: 'd:;r:::5~ZJX5~ ~ 5::W)OW 5~ m6

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W.-3:"';)Q'), ;tJcdt,,,,~d(2,j~~;). <:l~:J,;;::i:JO~WOt:l.) ~~M~.:;cc::.).) ~;::;Kt",;b C:::')::3~)r3~ t5dd ~1\;e;j-:5~~ri ~,l.l~oe <";jd~ ~O::jD"'~~~2,j~~.). ~'!cdo ~~ OJ,mhwd') ;:J.)~w;:l'\d;;wo( O:;:2..)~w'~.).... ~Zd3;;:::t3'!;.L-;:~.~~o,). zt~~t; ~r3r1£'O)~ oj.)~OO) t'\)~oom7i~ ;!::m ~d~ctJ:>~dS:05:;d;). ~C~05 ~cd~F"d~ eo::'~~ ;!j:JP~ oj:J;3o;jt3 00)::: ;!:jR5 'ZJd~C:::~licj;s,) ~.)';)~~e~~iitJ05,:n~. M .. J. ~ t-'):': " ~ /54 C 3

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17. ~.-':;;'~~OOS:lO wcC:::;::) ti:)~:)O'l,.;~ ,;;"rS~ojJ.)w ~~"t;;Jcc:::;: ~;:d ~a-r'\ t..:d~c:l:)~J£l~' ~ciil5 ~CdQFd~ G::l~:) i:::m~~~o~ ?

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m~do:b~0:3)~t,. tJt3o:bo;:li:)~d;;. e ~:)~Jc~d ~~~('ls.t::J w;:£~~o:b~~.M.....,

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21. ~.-.w::S).0:3)o~~ded) ~tMm/'\ z,..od~ ~~!>~ ~~~mli e,,~ ;So/'\d~ t:$.toi») 1_3-71 0 z,..\'f~ 3~ ;tli)~c:$.. m~;:;; ~~, Q;j,);::l~) ~~~rl:J~doQ~ ~~~~a5)~. e,,03a5 ;:;;ocZ;:F"dO C:3 ;j.. too)c:$) i.)rSd ;jJil~~li)~O~). _iii ~; ~ M 'WI ~ Pi ~o i.)::.1)6~t3~tJO~~ Q~g ~.)b~~~ ~~~Jj) i!:l.;:boo)d~ ~~~~e;,~~ i!:loc&f'.t.iwi>n C:3 ~.tooJ~ e,,~~ C-:;~Ql~,) ~o~ tJOt.,n:6;)c). ~ e~~~ .w~ ~Jilt3zj~ ?

~'U'-""~. e~cded~ .w~ ejJe)t!~~lfi)/,\~. Q;Jl!odO C:3 c;:$6tOO) No);;:be>cd. ~;:;;;:;;4l9d~ e;,* ~)W-JOZJd ~)-0';:;;<;lcd) ~~) w'i'$,~~~$.'~~ (:! c:::) 'toj) ~ejdliQ'i'$~ '!.R~dtS05)t:$::). 6

22. ~.-wrSdojJCl7i~ ;:;k:dQrQ?'4 cmJt:$uod t..!.>:.) o::),to:l;)~~ Q~ce 1-3-710 z",\'f~ 8oc).~d)n)ej::5o~ ~dC ~~~ cW~~ ~gd~~d:,. ~edg o::lObw~ ~~~OO) lfi)~C~ t'o3a5 e::l,to:l;)) wvo::l~ ~C)~~oCJ ~ci®~od~ e;,~~ ;t;jo~oQ.lJt:S ~OO)t~ ~e~~~ Ot::l~ o::l~~~~ ?

er~.-~~. e;,0::5~ o:tOOJ~~ td~~~~~ dd~ ejJClt:!zj~~~. e"oicZ o:3.to:l~).. i!:l00lltlt\ ~~S ojJClt!~}.tP$.

26. ~.-;m~. lJ~d ~v~d~d,)~li~~~ o::)J;Jo.)~ .bd:;;1i;);t.;:ld~~ ~~n ~rS~ ;:)~t:!:;;~d:;; ?

w.--m)0:3.J.l:;So o::l)e3(nri~.) w.)$~ :;:)e.:,}'!';):$O o;;c3~~;i~Ot:!d~,,-;; ~ O~~ ;m~. Mt3 ~~:otJn9~~ c;:$,J;Jd)3""~ ';0:;;1i,,0:3 o:36~Ti9.) ~o-:~~o. ~;:)rlr-?';oj) iE~d~ ~ed1i~.;c:b o::):;;::5c:b~ o:::li)i!:lo::lif\9'j ~0:3d~~ e~i~$oc~:;; eq:;wo: ~~~n3 lb~)o~,Y~od) w~ WJ.l~;)~t::I::.. ~c3~O) ~(t3~JOJ i.)~~.J.lFlOw;'Ol:::b w);s~ ~0:30 mc:J,J;J;t W'C);!:j;::j 9 . . ~ ~ 000 ~edTi~'; e0:3Qodo ~~;:- iJ3v"O:OFlgdzjet!.). ~0303 ejii-g,Ti~~ ~~d ~~&~ ~,J.)~W"il1i ~ ~~e-~ w~.)i.~.)t3~Wd~) ~~O~~ ~~~Sdt:!~) ~~~ ~.J.l~o &.~r\~~ ~c~~ ~~tJ~~ w~t'~~Flc3~cd) ~~:;l~) '!9;);::$~SOO)~~ ~~;):o~;)d~WO~) tfJOJt:!J~d;) t..~ c:.bC). 154 E- 5

~._~~~ ~:l~~~do::ld i:)~5 oj~~~li ~:::l.~;)d~!.30N~ ~O~ ~Olili9~ z,."dlieJ(5;)O;). e;,o~m rW~ ;:;lod~Fli9~~ ~t;)!'OIFw!ll'l ~_; mc')dQd~ ~c5 ~'3as ~.tli9~~ o':J~ o::l~1:3:::l~O:::l ~;:;6' ~:::ldOod ~C;!c5 ~_;~..r&I~ ~6tn Md:::l o::td~s.'d t!~UOO:::l~o( ~OeJ~~~:::l. ~~o( Id~ aSIJd;) ~~~ rWod~ m~~ oj~t3eJm;)d:::l. ~~o( 3 d'R .. lio" ~Q~ •• aSo" o':JoeJ)d~?t ~do:beJ(5)d:::l. ~~o( 4 d~ _ cl~)t ~ eOl:Ji)~;Jod t:ld~~ ~~m,)d:::l. ~~o( 12 dcR "~~d:::l~ ~~~~~cR ' c ' o':JO~ m_;F~~e~~. ~~ 16 'o':J' (ii) d~ '2tl' rW~:::l li~!F~ ~~d~. ~~~ ~d ~~o(rI~~,~ 'x' o':Jod,) ro!F;:;l~c5,)d;). ~~o( 12 dcR ~ o::l.tOOJ~~ ~~l:Ji)6o::lo~od) .~:::l~... ~~ 16 (o':J) (ii) d~ ~-!);:;lmd~~~od) t:l!l~~ cljdt:ao~dOcd ~)£~:::lde~dN~ "0_;C,)~ m~~o( ~do:::s~~ Q;J,.1..r&i $.r.ioddOOJClrn~~~o~:::ld~:::lo( li~)N~tJm;)d;).

z:l._)~ol 2 w.JeJ~o~d ~ro6~~~ fl'3o~OQ 28 ~.-z,.,,~ ojli~~ z,."tJ~ <.?F\ci5 Q$wt:1'\ ~Oc3~OO)b~ d e~W!l ~Oc3~OO;)~d d~d ~oli,t~..r&I~~ o:mo;:;o~_; ~otJOYe:Jt1~ ~~~~5;; ?

~.--;::jt.lOO)to tH.. !O:D ~~, 2~ .:Jo$;;5i:);;d~wd~,) w~O~:::o:::)ojd ~~za~oo,)c~ ~ct,)oy~~~ tJdoo,)~~'6,). z,."tJw o:5~;; .. n ~n,9F\03 a5~) ;::5c~';OO:lcb e;j~ ~~~~OO)C wil~;::j)~.dd, eojd 0::$.,00);; ..' 2.!~~)O ~::~;;~)d o:::),))~ ~ 0$ <:1- "'1." ~ ~ -Q v - M 2) cp ~~98oo)0~ ~0<2'; .:JOO;; m~~ o:::i.m:iZ:Se5';. z..,2.,j:J -=ftOO):::l ~J<2';OO)~d ~oii~~Jt)<2::S w;:'~;::j;)~~,) e.:sod eo::.9') ~~ ~<2,;oo)od::l w~O!)(';.;d e~~ D~~ D.~.~;; i:)~<2Z:S~5::1. e;)o$::Il>o:::)~d~Wdo$ ~el0:b~~ ";9;;w~oj),) ~ 2.53~~d~ ~~0:"l~C)~.

29. ~~~2.5~~e5;;

30. ~.~$o( 20 o':Jo;;Dn 0:::)::1;)~61,o$;) O:::SJdO) .::JetJ ';:;w?i:::i~~li OOjdo:::) Oe~ ;::jC't.loyo:::)~~ tJ::lmo:l)~~~5) ?

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~9. irl.; :-~~o( 7(~) 0;:):)3-2, 8(~)~:~~ ~~)p)omO;Jii ~~Jl b<;t;~~ .. fR.. /' eQw~ .. c:::J" ,:;o~::; mru::J:) ~J'i)tit.):E)d ?

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42. o;.-~~« 7 (~) ~::;~~ 8(2::l)00:)c:S~ 3:)OtJ::J:l 2...0~::l ~~~o:S~~ ~o:S;' c:::J_;d\?!l ei{:5iW';) ;;;OWcJ~ ~d\?!l ~OOJ ~\?~ NQF"O;!:j~\?d) ?

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~.-~c:S!15.~OOQrtl~~ ~~'" 13d~ 'X, li;)d;):!~~ w';)o.

58. Qlj,.-~2..: ;;;s,o.i1 ~oda.l.o:! i:i3~ cno~?i~o (j c::l,~ 13dO OOJf!O:O~~ w~~~o:iJel~~~'5J. ~ ~ 2)- lOJ ~~ Q =-' - ~ w.-8:r.l;;Of) 72r:~ "Ji!.L~c:l ~.r.;~cen~td~ ~f)~~~~~;). ~mli..ti)~ z..tJ:.) ;;;s;;"toj;);) z..cdavo~ ~~~ ~OG::l o::l~ Oc~Ci3od;) '!~.tJd~. wtdJ<)6~~e~d~;) o:m~o;) ~~~ o:5~~d:l fI~~;) wOO;) ::.JroF"OO;)~~~od t.:d~;) ~di:!~... tJ.)~d ~t!:l~d~ w~c:l;) c:l~riF.

59. ~.-"~IY~~~.~ ~O~ ~t5d oddi!:ltdd e'r)~01." &o~d;)~t:,)0Q~ ';;~""6;;;S;)c3e~d~ o:Jtd,)ii::!Jelr;$tj~5;)?

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eo~m ~.t~ ~ eI!d~i1 i!:I~~~~ct:o

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62. ~.-~~ 14 ~~0:3d 150~ " ~O2:l~~" ~::>~~ ~~'3~ 2jr.)~~ot::>"'rI~ ~tPo::ri) 2t'\,;)~~::>ot.)::>t7dJi~ m~;:) ~.»t3t.33:i::.t$ ? -

e.ro.-i:6~d.), ~6to::$;)::> ~G:! ~a!~od::> ~~;)Q:S~'t) ~d~o(~ m~~.) Q:SJi)12tj~~;:). .:J;:b:5Q:S;:)d~~o~;) ~01I!C'l.)m", :;JoliCV::!~.) ~~iWt) ~~~ ~~Ii,",Ji)oo~ ",",od;)n~~~~;:) ~cm~iId;:), ~::>QOod Ji~.!o:$nii.)~cb~ ;S6tiiEQ! ~~9&o:$)o~~ ~~)~... m~I!)::>~e~::>.

63. ~.-~mtpdeJoj::>d~ ~~::.~d;:)Q:S ~::>'d-09r\ o:SJil~O~~ ~~~o) tjr.)~o:$;:)~~ ~~;:) Q:SJil12~ee.) ?

w.-O=::>li;:)~ g:;::>~moz;i6 e~l:pil~oo::>o~~ ~1::t~ Q:S::'~ ~dd ~Jil~o) ~~:l;:) ~J'i)~~O~ d .:J~6~tJom ~~ 14d~ e;,d~;!d~o::> o:m~ ~~o:S~~ ~Ji)~Nell2::>tjd~~ e ~~O-j.)~~ O=Ji)~o) ~a! ci4od::> Od~e.)::> Q:SJilad~e::>.

~...; ~<\ 16 ~!)o z5u);:Slh' 64. ~.-t..~ ;s6to:$;:).) ;:!:5~mo:$;:)d ~J'i)~rt Met.3d tj~1i9C:S~ ~~t3~~ ~~ m&)~~;:) .. iIW" e;,{\d~~~ ~i:PWi> ..~"., ~oeo~~'4?

e.ro.-t..~1..) ~6tO:l::> ~::>.;O6 ~\3;)G:!~o::$;).) ~~~::> ~a::lejQ:llt.; ~~d~ Nd~Ndl'ld::>~~~ ~d;) ~~, ~e.) ;:joQ:)::).!.O:P NmF'o;$~~.~!'J ~ Q;$:5too::>~... ~e:!~;) o:m~c:$~ ;!~ ;s;:);)~:5 ~~)Q;)~~OQ) il:i0ti~;l;l;:)~~ G:!;J~ ~;:!m ~d~e ~t!t1Ic:$ ~~~c:s~ e,",~~~ .:.cd:> te~~. ;:!6O;:::mOO)d~t5 ~~~::> 'm' ~li::>~t$ "'"'O~! aSytc:$ ~~,",oj)C:S~ ~~~\3d~e ~~)~mdt5 ~~~::> •. t':\f" ~n)~J~'

65. ~'-;S6G:!~OJ;:)1\.)dN e~tJ::>o~l41!- ~~Od ;S6tli9;:) ~o~ ~~:>~N~ mli::>O:::S,",Oj::>~ ~~~d 11::>~M i::ltlt:S ~~e NC:S ~;$,",OJ::>~ ~~~~d ~;$Oe.!. G:!l'IF'eeO~detf::>? ' ~.-t..~1..) e:!6;;:Smo::$;)md~ ~)tJ;)O~~1!- ~~Od ;:!6tli~J ~O:::~ ~o~ ~:;J;:)~N~~ e~m li;:)~M' ~i:Id ~w~~ mJi;:)~(loj::.~ ~liQ:S~.lJOt5 ~.:l~ ~~d~o ;S.:l.)~6 ~~;:)O:::l.!6oo:;,::> Ni)li::>~r;o;$:)~ e:s(\dQ~ ~c:Sd~d. ~~OO;)ttt t!~Uo:S;)~c:$ ~~oI. 16(w) (i)d~ .. ~ .. .wo~ ~oA~ ~i::lG:!~~ Cil~~::> ~~12~~'d;:). e;,G:!d~..... ~'O)~ .. eliSwo) •. ~" .:JCtl:>OOl" i:Sl'\F'eeo~;:)~~ 3mwli~d;).

66. ~.-3~.,~c:j;) mli::>~r,(~~ ? ~.-~~. 3dtr.lO ~~~, . (5~~1i9~{ ~~o:$');J~c:P ~~60, m~~~~;:)od::> ~Oli~N'~Ii:;,~O~. .e. ~~;:)Q:!~li~~ Nd3Odl'\OOQ:S a:;S6trt9~ "~;!" .:JotJ::.ml'\ ro.!.F',ijm~~ ... j!:jC)" ~~Wel .. ;r;;i)tr.)" ~tl;)~rl~.

67. ~.-~:;,e~~d~ ~::>~ NdF'~~~ ~.:l~;)otJ trn>OfoJJ~ ~~~~ .:Jctl)m~? ero.-~.:lt.3;:)Otl ~tJm~OJ;) ~~.:l.:l~ ~!!~i:$e'oodd ~.:l~ot.)lfv ~bd t..~dJ ezpWol M-l}>l'I03 ~~ ;rSc;.::6~ ~n G:!~;rS~w~. ~O~! ~liQ;:l&li!$.:l~ iliIJ'i)~t,;I ilJd 79d ~8ilO me~~rC ~~ NdF'e~~t:S~ ~rtMead::>~d. 60d iIIJil?.d~li9 m 6o;, 940 ~.r.:d~~o:!::> ;r;;~e.)~~ ~6'CJeJ 79d ~~'iI~~ t.,t::l'l!JWtaOlri itbm~::>w'elO~ ~e~~{'! ~~ NdF'e~d ~~;r;;~ ~~~;I;j;:)~ wOOill't ~;:)~:;,o~ t""~ .:Jod:l N~F'~,:l~ ~otWelli::>~d.

68. ~.-Qil~n ,;io\cn::> fe>;r,;mdOOld 'Ir.l~O~li~d::.;S !J~~ ,:lN416~0::.' Ti.:lO::.Ji~.:l ~i!i)60 ~dd tJrA ~~6 ~~~~~~ m~~12tj~el::>? .. ero.-tjh)~n ;r;;o~o:t~ ~6~l't 'I!e>;IG~Ji)I:i:l~O.:lG:!~OO ~;:)~~6 ~t.3J~~J tJ~\o:$J::>;lias t~~l'\dtJc:Ei~d::>. t:rom05~t"!rt, .. ~~on~.:l, ~6M1~ ;:!~~ ~~od~ ~~'&v 1:jii)W::>F'd ~~~cm~ ,:l~;lj;)3i)... t5; ~dOOd ~~oI. 16(.:J)(1)O~ - ~" WOO::> m~~~Ji)~~g;s::>d::>. ~~dC:S~ 16(~~t')~ jr,ji)~c::tml'\ .. ~" ~~ m.;J~ ~~~ ~~m~d::>~ i / 11

.1, I~ ~ ;!;)Od~rlie;~ k.>~ ~6~.,119;) Q1Ji)~ W~~~'OO;);) "i~d ~od~ ;!;)~"'~"o ~~F1I ~~ ~_ 2r.lG ctef.'l~

; 69. ~.-~d~ ~::lr~.. ;tJm t:j,)~~,h~Jd!it.J~::ld ? ~.-~~. ri'dd~' ~F"~ ~m ~;);)~6~~~~ntl~;)d;). elP~ ~~j!$~iit.l~~. ~~ 16"6 '(~;)~6 ~~:)~~) o:iJO>~d~ol "~;tj;jod;) Q::lOli~iI:$uos;)d~e ~O;$OS~rJ~~~~ ~~~~Od::l ~I!!I.. 17e.r.>. (W~~~) :r.ia5 , ~0ii~2,)~~.

I ' 70. ~.-d~~~d::l~ ~F b ~dd ~:)~o ~~~~oj:)~-t ~*'~ ~"~~:)~Ji)ti~ed:) ? W.-'.~F'e ~d~ OeQjYF'6Cl~d dt!~~9~ (e;,~C'F'~ ~~~, ~Ge~ ~~~ ~:3d6t.» ~q:lW4l ~e~~od , ~~C)~Of)n;)~c:::.\9v ~;);)O~ dt!®~d:)~~~~~ ~'Ir.lF"D ~d"e ~l'Io::>~". ed::>dOod ~~ 16(~)(1)d~ .. (""~ .. ~od:J tJCl~~Jdti~~e;) ~~;$~ 16(~~)~~ .. ~ .. ~~ ii::>!F';!S~ee::>.

t..t.L ~6trt ~e~~;)od N~e)~~~o;$ ~:)~ lfJO)~~ d~~~.. ~oi>ee~:J edel~ .. ~d~ eel:J6~eoxln" .. ~~~~ ,ecs;)z;l:J;z::j;)~g~ \~~~el~ ;tj""F'O ~~o~ Ql:lt,.li~il:imm~O~. "iO;$Q5 il:$o~~F'd~ ~~~rt "i~",~ddJa ~I), ~:J~~~ ~d~.. C~~~;)~timii;)~d,). ~~t.)~~ ~~ 16(~)(ii)d~ •• 0" ~od~ m~~~"~.

I 71. ~.-~.~~.. t...~~o~~O;:)d~~ ~;;:$Oe~ ~"~~~tidee::>?

~.-,i:I.~~. t...d;)~~~~~ Ul~Ql:lA ~~~,o:bOClng~ e~d~.. ""i6" ~od::> m~~:J~tiJ~ ~oo::md ~iir· l ~~od" ~ t...d~ ~~d W;::r.l~6~ i:So>'~.~ t.P~ ~oli~e end;)~d. "i~.. od,) :r.iod~d~ 2...tJtJ o;$,t.o:S~ ~~6~,)~f\dd. ,,~~~ q:jd~,)~ol moo,)~ ~.~~.,~.. ~-t~~. e~~~ ".::J" ~od~ m~~,);:SJdadee~ .. ~~ ew~11 deo:.~d.r.> ~~6 w);sUf "idJ~o~. ~~ ii~;!;I~~d o;$::>J~6 ~o!$~et30d", ~~dJ ~~ ~6~6;r$ ~~ ;m~~dJ~~e e 't~d~ ~~ i:SJda~~~... ~.

72~ C;.-.~ 'd::>~ Ql:!~)~ ~;);)~6 ~~,m$~03)~~ o:Sn~ o~~ tJ~)~e~~ ?

. et\).___";)"2.~e oJt)to:iJclnd:)o;:Je;)(:JI1, ~o;:J~ ~~6 ~~;:St.!I!o:S;);) !:)~~e el'ld.)~d. Q:)~ood e;,dDod~e ~~~ t.ae~~~. e~cOod ~~~o>l ... ~".. ~od;) wA 16(~)(1)d~ tt.;~~::>~ti~e~::>. t..t.>tJ o;:J6to:SJ~ d')~OJ:J~ol ~ OS1Wtli;jWoll"I&.3tJf~GdJo;:J ;tjOd~m~ ~~. e;,~el;) d::>~ c:bt:$~el. itlod6 ~a&l,on9~ ~n~&:lil:$::l~~~ ~dt.>m)d-J. ~~c:6 ;tjodQm9tR e;,~el ;S;),)~6 te~;)o;$~o:S);) ~e"cme et'\~, ~ol 16d~ ~e ~~, ~t.3J~~om~ dott>t.JdJ~~.

; 73. ~._t..t.ltJ~;) ii~&:l~~ f~;!;IQ:S~.. os::>~e.)",~mt'\ ~eQt:~ o;m~D~~ ~~9el~ Q~~~;)o;$Ji)adee;) ?

et\).-~~9 i!r.)60Cl 1 06c;i)ol ~l3;$w"t'\ itlOi>~,)~,l;jdeeJ. -Ek ;!;)od~F'd~ e~9.) f~;r$~~oC. ~,)a:J!f,)~~~d

I Cod ~OJ:)~.... "i .. ~d:) m~~;)~titjee~. ~e~d~ t.,;tJr.J o::J6tOOJ') ~~~Will'l oJ~~ w~e!$$~F'dmn ~~;!;I~oC. ~tt>8~ ~03J\;Ij::>-tstd e;,~~~ .. "i" ~od;) Ci>~~.)~tit)C15.)d::>. oo~~mdM il:iOolleld ;r$od~ t..dl'ld" "~;'!;j~tiJ;S ~.)~'-h~ ~Jd~ ~q:lm ~om ~rJoJo:SJ f~iI:i~ .lJ6~d" q;:$~~ e;Sel') ~q:SWol e;s9') f~~~c;j)~Oilt'\ ~eQd". ~CJ ~;Sd~-c. .. ~ .. ~~ ~~~;)q;:$Jdti~;) mQ6Wc)m~t.)$? ~O;$~ ;tJod~F"d~ ~~d~ f~~n.,od$?d;:Sd ~~d~ e:rlF'v ;t!lEo,)~... d.

74. ~.-~l!!Iol 16(.lJ)ooJ~ ;r'JO~OJ') ~J:ld~.. tJd~')Wolii ~~d,)oj ;tJo!~ wd~~.. eroq:j~en;r$tJc5Jde ? w._~~. erot:J.'osot"iSI1" ~JC)-e~" ~el~~d;) .. f~-ea:J~e~~", •• ~,. e';>ot.>;)~ .. ~~F'~O~" ~~60 0l:nn ~~MtlQ5.)d;). e:5~~JC)e;~Oilli~~ il:io!~ q:jdlit,;l~~ eroq:joj~eM~)w:)d.).

75. i:};.-~tJoQ 4 ~~ 5 e~n ::a~)w~neJ w,)~ ;:Se)~li1j! ~~F' ~~d~~~~ 2...~Mo~dJ~d. ~~ 16(ca) ;S:J~ 16(.lJ)o:S)~ ~deO~~ ~~F'~t'\ t.J~dede ? ero._~ ~tJoQli9') ~Ji)iiFd~F'~v o;:J.)~ :J~O~M~~vO "i~. ~ejoo.)t~ ~~~o:S.)~ t.>IDoj z6~C'~.. ~~~FWell'l. anf"eeO.lJ tJd~de~t'\$?' et\)Qr; q;:$6t03:J;) .. ~~n~JC)ewF''' m~n9el)oI. ~o:S~O~~dC~ CJd;$Nol~. rz.~ o~~~o:b::> .. ~OlJC)r~i1fJ;) q;:$::>~ o~eo ,_.. ~lid ~~ ",.,lidd ~elolii9::>" ~~~t"Q). ~e~t"! ~~ ~fv ;r$ot.)~.lJd t'\1;it5 ~ tfo)06lie;::>~~F'-d~eW'F' &\sf)e~Jli~ ;::o:SJd~ ~d::> ~~~F'Welt'\ t.>c5o:SJdm~ .. ~CI"~-t;$.Mwr t:r.l!~~Ii~ 3o:$JC)OI! ~o~ m.£~ ~JdGd~ ~l1;). <"qd~De.!. V;~oI. 16("i)oo:;~el Oil~~~ ~~w.Jn ~~ ~Orat~nddee,). ~;),)~6Weln .::J~df'to:SJ::l *.!.F"OOJdn q:,)~ ~ot~l'Idde~. 154 L 1~

76. ~.-dc:$rl~~,)~ ~~WCl ",)on9~~ ~o:S)~~ to.~ ~6t~J~

e;'v.-dCiS 0:5')3~ 5')0 'ifOlOO)')0:50:5c:j,) •. ~., "to." ~tPw" .. 8') ~ ~cyi~e> ooJ41~Ot>dc:j,) e:mot.la$.')d,). ~~ f!=' o:5:!)tcm ;l;iod2tlrn~7iCiS,)moWdt\ <":(o,)~d. ~~dOJ)o;Sd d~ ~tPw.. d,)07i~CiS~ ;"oo~~d), ~dOod~ ~0:5~ ~~~c:$.) o:5~CiS), ~dd ~0:5d OOJ410 ff.ledt:$.) ~t\dd ~d,)~Q;.:)CiS~ .. e')" ~tPWd "to." f!='t\dt.)i;5,)d~~ <'Qd,) ~~,) t.tL0~~~e Q:S~a,)~d,)~M ~~w" e.:!I;S~ ~,)~)otJd ~30 ;l:jd;:!;i6MO~ ~,)~m~~ o";)Ot.))d~~ ~Q:S~~.!J~~d. ~ ~6tOO.)') ff.leomt\g?? ~,)3~ ;$~ OO)~~J4I~NOQ d~ ~tPWcl 8,)OOO)~~ 'lfClOO)~,) ~~::J,)~~ ~~,) .. c:f.l" ~1i,)~~

77. ~.-;!;l2.!e;SO,)1i9 t.)7j, ~~ 16(.::J~) oo~~ d~F"oo,) tJ~;:;'TldO .;;;;ot.)dd~ ~~11 ~~')~J4IQ~~5') ? ero.-;l;i~~d,)7i~~ot (eroQ:J;IJ~e;So;:>;i~,) ~,)~ ~.,l~ ;:;;~~o;:>;i~~ol) ~oo,) "Ci:"'Ol" wod.) c:l1'lF"e50;:;,d~e,). ~ ~11 ~~.!Jo,)qj qj6~7i~~~ "to." wod,) ~t\F"eeo~~aS,)d,).


~oo~ Nod2tlF"~-aCiS,)liJrnw"l'I ~ ~t\F"eed~ e:l~d ~::l,)~6 U$~)':~m;le> e~~ w~~~""vnO ~~~,)~,)~dot.),) d~~ w~o::l'5d~t5~ee::l.

78. o:t>.-~~ol 16(wo;:f)~~ o:5Jf)6~e~orf ctd"c.ld::ln~,) ~,)~ !fO~NOO,) t!e.)dtO,)rI~) ~J;~e~.!I t:r.l~~~J4IQ ~t'5::l~d ? ' w.-to.~ ~6tQj')::l 3~ "O~NOO')~ e:l~.wi) ~ol 5,)~,)ot.)d ~;$d ~~6CS~OtJrt ~tS~,)~o,);s do~oo,)~ del~c.lof' e~wi) o::)Jf)~~et:Sojj6" t:t.d3,~ ~t\dO e:l~~~,) •• t.." e:l!:iiO:Si) .. e::l" .;;;;ot.)~mt\ m~~,)~~r;t~rI,);$.d. 50.:!NOOj '" '"' e,.j QM "i - o::)6~a5f)Oe::l~~ c:St:!;!;l~,) c:l~6~~~ojj6" t:5udto6" ~t\ ~ f10~~,)od NOO,);),).tJ~ ~~~::l •• c:f.l" em::l~.... ~. •• ~~elZ"F''' ~~ -t!.;d~O,)li9 ., t:!eld~o::ln~,) ~~ ;:;;oc:s2tlF"~~~~E'O)wtlt\ •• 00,)" ~~., •• t.. " ~n,)~.... CS.

79. ~.-wod,) Wel:!)mod~ ~li~CJc)l'Io,)~ ~~o~G(. .. oo~" .::Jod.) Mli>tS:lt.)QS,)d l'

w.-;::;J<)~~ii~ m6~ 121~,)-t ~~~o::)')~F";:;;dee.,). OOJ41~ ~oCiS~~ ~e~j.lv&v~l,;Ivd\to.od,) Wil6;:r.lOC~ ztlOlrtt ~rI')~~o') t..o~ 1!~;:;;7r.lOdode cC}~OS'o::mQ~t'5,)~.... d. ~~ol 16(~)~~ ;:;;~2.!.tJd,)~ 1!~~~~v~~vd de~ ~6~n~~ot ~e:.J,)N'!~~./),) ~~o:3..ril~IJCM e:lQ~d~~~. ~,)~ e;,O~~ 'tJ~;Q!~ve~vd ~OO~ol ~e:.J~.tJ~~ ~d~~ .. 00,)" .::Jod') i::i"~~')~J<.at.jw:lQ,).

80. ~.-. ~~rt i1~1~~c:S,) wO~ tJ~;:;;""o(ij,)t\ot.)m,)d l'

ero.-w~dJ. ~etn 5~1~~~,) to.o~ ~~~md~t\ot.)w,)dj. e;,c:lc:l,) ~~~ ;!;ICZ ~f\dt.)~t'$.). ~~ ~oo~ ~od2tlF"6-a~J;Z;;;;Owi)t\O,);::&d. to.~ o::)6toj)j ~o~tof' e:l~wi) ~

81. ~.-;l;)J<)~~ri~ ~:!)Od 1050~ ~2.!.tJo,)~ lE:iO~rI~ ~j~... ~e~CC' ~~:!)e ;:!;io~n'PnJi) ~m~ ~6~6;:;;;jec:S,) ? .

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et\). ~l.3~n~ ;moO&) 125d~ t9e,);:l:i~ddJ o::lJ3~ de,);:l:iTleldd~~o::ld..r.l. ..tJ~d..r.l emetl&e,)~c:SJ... ~OdfJa:iJdoroJ ~~.};)~1'd. ed;)dood O:;)~ol 16 (w) (ii) d~ ~e,);!;)mdd~o::ldodJ tJ.)~e,)J ~~t3o.,d c:l6t7i~J Wetl~e,)~c:lc:SJ... ~Od2.:;;EJdJ. .>;)~,:),.~,;)i:3~&.3d~ ~~~tJ;.) o::S,.to:lJode,)..r.l eo::ld emo::ll§e,);:l:id ~Q;Sd~c:SJoi. ;l;JOi};!o;:;,J~dJ ~3Cl,.o::Sll6e. e;:'d o::lJJ~6 ~~Q:'U6OJJJ ~e,);!:md~oc~liO ~q:jwi) ~e,);:l:imd~~~o~rl~ o:;~~... 16 (w) ojJ~ ~~~ m~J Q;S~GdO.

90 0;,. :-e"6Nsw.';l;j5', oii:SS',. ~JO)~~F, r-q~iJf>CJ CJ~~FrM~~ ~~J;:l:iJ~dJo::So::ld~ ~~ ~Jt:1~~d~t30dJ, ~0lir1;:l:i~a:iJ~ ?

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91 ~. :-28-2-1971d CiOlt ;::lo~600J~~ gJO)~tJdJ~ deO:::S:thlCj)~ r-q::r.lilOli~~ u-~dJ e:7~OOJ adr:!~J~d.)~dJ B0t3J~odd ~~dr.S~ ~r.Sli~'; o::SJ~ojJ~ m",;::lJ';... dJ~dodJ ~Oli~~~el!~ ?

em :-~J~c:i~o.Joj,) xjo;SJojJO~ ;rlo~6n~:::s~ ~,Jf)~oJd:'~ dew~Cj)~ i:lJJO;!dd ~Q::F"~N& ~~c.lt3"9~ ~~~J~dJ;:$ ~dc:SJoi. ~~li~'; <::SJ~ojJ~ c;:r.)'!JxjJ~d~~dodJ etlOli~'!j~ro~t:l~., ~<::SOOJo( ~~~o::SJt:1~~d~ot:SJ !~OOJ~eeJ. ~~ De! c:S~~~Jt:S~~d Q;:);!ltOOJ~ ~onGOOJ ~,Jf)d~l1JOroJ ~J~~ w~,.,;::jJ~~~. ~ ~Cl1GooJ ~~~ ~Ji)o~r;;:S ~~OOJ" WiJl1ieb e ~olit3~ ~~li~! ~O~6OJ~~~ ~..r.l~~oJO) :J;i;;E ~.jj~~ c:SJ~~;)~~~<::Si:$otJ~mliJ~d. "Q03~ ~odttlf" nfDl~~ e::t3::o~d ~~;!loj:::: "0" e:71ldJ~d. .

92 ~. :-~~~oj~d~~dr.SJ ~r.S8 o::lObW~OOJ ~e~ojJ &~e.;ld~ ~~dJ ~~li~~ ~J~®~ ;:;lod~f".qde d~"e ? em :-i:5~QJ. ~t:a~~tiojJ~ ;!;jodbf"~~e~~J. ~~~ ~~~d~~d ojJ~ 1-3-1971d ~..r.l~ef" dOl~v o;S~ot! ;r:JottlQ:).lJCtl33~Q~d w~ ~-s~, o::lJd~, ~3OlilOl1~tS~ ~~e,):: ~~t3~:: o;,~oo,Jf)Ocb li:'lSJotlo;S~... ;!:lod!lF' ~QdCOd oj~~, mQ,s' ",} .

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94. ~.-~;53 ;:SO~ee.>~J ~~C±:> ~d~ ~u o;S~1'Ad ~~l'\ wN~tS ~riJ~ tae~" ~~~ot.)f.. ~ ~3d Q;S,tlifDl t!e ...'1i~ t!r.>~~ "QdJ~~ ~dOod ~~dd..r.l tttildf$~ ?' et\).-t..OOJ B~!.3JOtl~ ~d~ ~i)6 Gc;! 17. 18. 19i:$e t!e~~ .w~ndtJ~dJ. .;)~fo:bJ ~~~~ ;:S~"~ .w~6~de~di::lJ 4~ ~i)6Gt=$ 51~ tSe~ ~aJcS.JdO. ~s ;:!obe~ ~e~ ~e,)d~ 6\ 5.J&.3JotJdQ ~1'\dJ~ C!~ ~ct5J tJOOdtJiZ~dJ. e;,n ~~ e;, ~rn~" 4~e o:J'dl:aC$ 52~' t!e~~~ 3JOtJJ~Cib ~~ ~ ~~ ;rlo~6oj;)~"" C$~J.JtlO;::l~~. ~ t!e~ e;)~otJd ~~d ~O~d t.!~~ o:Ji) ~d ~d ~~~t5ot.l 60~~ n~~~~~. ~~ tJ~ ~~~ ~ ~cS~~~Iol~~t:$;) ~odd e: t!e~ a~ ~~ ilTol.MQdJ~ ~;!de ;I$t;li!iLd t...~~oQI1 ~~fr.)~~. ~ttd ~~Wmt':b~ e. i:':lJrtJ~ ~q::)dc:;$(::!~ e;, eo~o~;:;:j ~&!e ~~6d ~~~"" ~~d ilJOomd tS ~~, Qi)~~oil~ ~O;th~o. / 15 /54 0

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A ~c:$.J6Q:Sj~~dc:$;) t.$~ ,;IO~60':$;) m£e!oj;)~c:$ eo!~ 1 C~ ~.r.:p~e !!;~;) ,;IO~6oj;)c:$~ tJ~oJ;:)tJm:;de e~w.l ~c:$g Q::je~ee>~~;) ~~S.li::l ~o~d, ~~rWc:$~ ~~O.tA!JOOr3j c::l;:)~~ c::l:ld~7i~c:$~ ~U~ tJcSd\)~e~e ? \ tro.- tk'i ~~6 m£~oj;j~"" ~t:)e>~e ~~ :';~OO;);)w"rI~~ ~c::l;) ;!;jO~600J~~ tJ~QcS ec:$;jeJf)~. ~d;) f1;)~;)otJd~ .;)~tJ, ~Od:lQ:S~otJ)OC:S~ !~J~:l ~~u~~J't)~d. t1~ ;!:jO~6~J~"", m~~;)~... ur:!~;) qs;)!tJ.}t1 (~~C

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~.-~~ c:$c::l:l~~~J ~w;)rlt! "~fJcJd~c::l "eJ~tld ~;)J~,~~ o:I!. ~. ~~m ~. Q::jo ~j" ;tl~0ct.. d, ~",~c'f6 ~~~~~d. :O~~d ~J~~~\'I (.)1A ..~~ ~O "X" ~~d. ~de o~.! ~~o e;:)~rW ~~6\~ ;C!.~. ~~Wil o:I!.t::lO. e.g ;<:eO~O~d mro~~ X (:5nm~d.

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WI} P 1U2-GP_a_:_9\J,OJJ-28-1:HJ 1'55'




No. 23, "Lakshmi Niv:as" -ceNSUS CIRCULAR No. 25. Basappa. Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27. ] 6th Januayy 197L

Subject: - Censm; of India 1971-Change in the dat"s of enumeration.

Consequent on the dissolution of the Lok Sabha and annOUDcemellt of 3 Kid-term poll, the dates fixed for the Census of India, 1971, have had to be revised t"ice. This was mainly to avoid a clash between the date.8 fixed for the (Jensus and these of the elections, as abo between the time-schedules fIXed for the training and other preparatory steps required to be taken for the successful completion of both these mammoth tasks of national importance. Also, in order to ensure quality which c:::mnot under any circumstances be sacrificed, it ~as felt necessary to avoid excessive work load being cast on th8 field personnel, :who would probably have to function in both these operations. It has accordingly been decided finally that the enumeration will now commence on the lOth March, '1971 and will be completed by the 3rd April, 1971 including the revisional round,. both days inclusive. In connection with this change of the en.umeration 'period, it is necessary to keep in mind certain important aspects.

2. The details of the enumeration period, a,:,; now finally deter.mill~ an as follows: (1) The reference da.te for the Census of India, 1971 will be. t1ae . l'iunrise of 1st April, 1971. '(2) The enumeration will commence on 10th March 1971 and eDd on 31st March 1971. l,:; , {3) The houseles8 wil1 be enumerated on the night of 31st March, 1971.

(~) The revlslonal round win IJC held on 1st, 3nd and 3rd April. 1971 /5'6


.3 The re..-ised dates mu~t he clearly indi~ated 00 all lhll.e:mto:l'l'l &Ild Supervisors and the enumeration must coin1hence ou the 16th March 1971- Consequently, it is fiCarce1y nec~ary to emphasise that all preparatory wQrk including training of Enumerators and Supervisors, preparation of block sketches., determination of where thE. houseless live, preparation of the Abridged Rou~elist etc., will have t6 be completed w6ll1 before this"ldate. A calendar for enumeration in(',orporating revised dates for all itemS' of work including pre-and post­ enumeration work is enclosed to this circular for your information and guidance. This must be strictly adhered to.

4. The InstructiollB for Enumerators do not ohange. The only ohange ia that instead of the enumeration period being from loth Februa:ry 1971 to 28th. February 1971, it will now be from loth March 1971 to 31st March 1971, both days inclusive. The latter dates must be kept lU mind in applying the instruction>; and in determining those who are entitled to be enumerated a. indicated in para 14 of the Instructions. These dates must also be substituted for the ones previously determined and indicated in the Instruction Sheet, in Circular No. 24 and in the short notes to Enumerators for filling up the Individual_ Slip and all circulars and other communications issued by this office 20 far.

5. The change in dates must in particular be impressed on all Enumerators and Supervisors including reserves, in order to ensure that neither the reference period for Census enumeration nor the dates for the revisional round are nllstaken. For this purpose it is suggested that a special one day training session for all the Enumerators and Supervi&()rs in each and every charge be convened in larger batches if necessary, wherein they may be asked to note down the revised datea and the calendar and other consequential changes in all the literature 8uppliea'-ta them in tills connection. A report from each and every Enumerator and Supervil'lor to the above effect may be obtained and recorded in the office of the Charge Superintendent who in turn should certify to this office and the Distrirb Census Officer that he has personally ensured that he has obtained and recorded such certificates from all the Enumerakrs and SupervisoJs in the Charge. The, reports of the Chaqe Superintendents in this behalf should reach this office by 15th February, 1971 at the latest. At this one day session, the Oharge Superintendents may also run through Circular No. 24 and the Short Notes to the Enumeratol's. Thif" cne day sess.ion must be held before 15th February, 1971.

It is also essential to hold a second one-day sessioJl towards the end of Feb~uary i971, when the Charge Superintendents must satisfy themselves that all Enumerators and Supervisors are fully aware of all instructions. Thia sesssion can aho be utilsed for the distribution of ma1ierials to the enumerators and Supervisors. P. PADMANABHA, Director of Oensus Operations in Mysore. I 'S 7

3 T.

7wo ~01fI6 1M ~s()lU,fl we aM OM'.for fR8 iff, I~ (Jfi;08) (1) All the :ommODal Commissioners. (2) AIl the Deputy Oo:m.miBBionem .of Distrie~. '(3) The CommissiODers of BangaJore and Hubli-DB.atwar &lIptlraaon.t a_d. Jly881!6, Jlanp'.r& . and &lgaum City )(uni~ipalitieB. . «4) All DiBtriet 0eD1!1Q6 Oftieere. f6.) All' City CensoB OfIieers: (6) .All Aasistaat Oo:mmi!lsioners of Revenue Sub-DmsioB.8. f1) AIl Rur~ aDd.' Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to . \~. RegiStra.r-General, India, Delhi (10 ciopi63 with a. coverill, e'5ter). 2. Directors of OeMus Operations of all State! and Union Territories (2 oopies ea.eh wi,th a- I eovering letter). 3. All Military CeJl8US Offioors in the State. ~'. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, BangalorejMY!lOre/Belgau.m/Gw})luB3 DfviBiOO8 ~ All Officers at Headquarters. I ,5' 8




Sli:'~' ltemB Dttt(!, by fJJhicn. N •. t() be. completed

1. Preparation of NotjollaI and layout sketch maps 10-2-1971

2. Preparation of Abridged Houselist including updating the. L:-2-19'1l ila.me.

3. Going round the Block and locatillg places where the Ui-!-1971' hotlse]ess persona ufiually live.

4. SubmIssion of report regarding unusually heavy concen­ 1i-2-1971 tration of hOllseless people requiring an additiona.l .. enumerator for their enumeration.

5. Writi~ up of Location Code numbers on all the forms and 21-2-1971 pads supplied to the enumerators and of pad No. and slip No. on each of the Individual Slips.

6. Commencement of en 1.1 mer ation 1'_3-Hnl

7. Completion of enuDleration 31-3-1971

8. EUlilmeration of lWlllieless population 31-3-1971 (night).

9. Reyjsional ronnd of enumeration ]-4-1971 to 3-4-1971.

] O. Sul:nui2sioll of all enumeration records to Supel visor 4-4-1971 (morning).

II. Submission of all records hy the Supervisor to the Charge 4-4-1971 Superinte l\dent. (evening).

J~. Relay of provisional popUlation figures of the charge by 5-4-1971 Charge Superintendent to D1strict Census Officer amI the Director of CellliUS Opemtions in Mysore, Bangalore.

13. Helay of the consolidated District population figures to the DilcctOl of Census Operatior~s in Mysor~, Bangalore :llld the Regilitrar General of India, New Delhi.

WD P 7307-GPB-l,750-16-1-1971 CEN 1 CPO 7I




Subject.--1971 Censt1.s-Provisional Population Totals-Release of, "- One of the primary objectives of the 1971 Census is that the provisional population totals should be published within a few days after the enumeration is over. Immediately after the enumeration, certain basic data are compiled by the eriumerator which must be ·consolidated by the Charge Officer:s and relayed to the District Cem;us Officers and the Director of Census Operations. In order to t'nsure that this task is completed with the utmost accuracy and 3peed, the following procedure should be adopted for the relay of these figures. . ~. Immediately after the individual enumeration is completed by 3rd April] 971, the enumerators will hand over the Enumerator's Abstracts to their Supervisors and the Supervisors in turn to the Charge Superintendents latest by the evening of 4th April "1971. From Col. fl and Col. 5 of the Enumerator's Abstracts, the Charge Superintendents of all rural, urban and military charges should post particulars of the population and literates in a register to be main­ tained by them for the purpose in the form indicated below. In cases of cities and military units, whose entire area constitutes only one charge and where there is no separate Charge Superintendent as such, the concerned City/Military Census Officers should themselves write up this register. The Military Census Officers and Military Charge Superintendents should adopt the Rural or the Urban lormat· for the register depending on whether their area is located in a r1.1raI or an urban charge as seen from the Location Code No. assigned to their area, ..


Nams 0/ Tahd:: N ams 0/ Di.trict : Oodd No.

Name 0/ Gens'U," Locatilm Village/ en'Ume- Population Literate. Oode No.. hamlet ration -- - -- Block No. Male. FemaZe6 TotaZ Males Females Totu,l

1 3 5 6 8 9 =------~------

1171 oasus PROVISIOKAL TO'1'ALS llBBAI( ... Name 01 Oity/TotIIft : Charge No. if 8ft, : NtDlWoJDisIricI:

MvratciJHIJ WMd tW· ·OiIfUW Po,vlGti.. LiterGlu DiMOfJ Bnvmerat6~ NvnilHw BloH:k Ne. Malea FemQlu Towl ,M"lea .F.emaz.•. Total

1 I I 4. 0 G f 8 161' l tn these registen whlch will be lIIupplied~ ali the villages/wards! divisions and lhe census enurnmation blocks iIi the charge should be serially ~nteredrin the respective columns in the order Of their Location Code NQ:mbers, and particulars against each block posted as and when the abstracts are received from the Enumerators.· It should be ensured t/lat the /igurelJ for all the bloc"k8 are received an(!, posted be/orc the tota"l& are IJtn.£C~ for tJu, tmtirtJ oharge. , 3. (i) The cha.rge totaJs will be eommumcated by the Charge Superintendent8 as foliowlII: i

( a) all rural and urban Charge Superintendents to their ..District Census Officers. In cases where a Tahsildar is in charge of both a rural and an urban charge, separate reports will have to be sent for each such charge.

( b) Chnrge Superintendents of the Cities of Bangalore (in­ cluding C.I.T.B. Area), Belgaum~ Hubli-Dharwar, Mangalore and Mysore to their City Census Officer. The Charge Superintendents of K. G. F. will communi- -cate charge totals to the City Census Officer, K. G. F . ( c) City Census Officers of all other cities to their District Census Officers. (d) l\.filitary Charge Superintendents to their Military Census ~~. .

(ii) _Every Charge Superintendent must ensure that his charge total reacitelJ the District/City/Military Census Officer concerned by 5th April 1971 pOIJitively.

(iii) "\'Vhen the Charge Superintendent communicates his charge \;otal to his District/City Census Officer. he must simultan­ Jously communicate the charge total to the Director of Gensus Operations. Bangalore within the 5th April 1971. Military Charge Scperintendents need not communicate charge totals to this office directly. (iv) The communication of the charge totals by the Charge Superintendent to the District/City/Military Census Officer and to the Director. of Census Operations will be in the standard message form indicated in para 4 below. It must be communicated by the .quickest means possible (Please see para 8) .

4. The format for the message referred to above shall be as 'iildicated herein. The message ~hould be followed up by a postal ,copy in confll'mation by the Charge Superintendents. 1971 Census Provisional Totals Charge...... Rural/Urban/Special District ...... •..; . , J\{ales ... ; ...... '. Females ... " ...... Total population ...... Literate lVlales .'...... ; ...... • Literate Ji"emales ...... Total literates Charge Superintendent/ City Census Officer /~lili­ tary Census Officer.

In the- first item " Charge", the name of the taluka or CensUEI Town or l\1ilitary Charge will be indicated and the word rural or urban will be used depending on whether the charge is a rural or an urban one. For military areas, the word • Special' will be lised. There are cases where the Tahsildar may be Charge Superintendent for both a rural and an urban area. In such cases also, separate reports will have to be sent for each such charge. 5. The City Census Officers of the Cities of Bangalore, Belguum, Hubli--Dharwar, Mangalore and Mysore should, on receipt of the totals of all charges in their areas, post them in the order of the-­ Location Code Nos. of the charges, total them up and communicate the consolidated totals for the City to the District Census Officer of the District in ,yhich the City is located and to the Director of Census' .. operations. They must cOIDlIlunicate the consolidated totals by 5th - ~ April 1971. The standard message form indicated in para 4 above. will be adopted except that in the first line the name of the City will be mentioned. _The City Census Officer, K. G. F. will follow a similar proce- dure. ., :: :~i j "' ...... ~ 6. J\1:i1itary Census Officers must also consolidate the totals of each of the chflrges under them in the same format as above on receipt of the charge totals from the Concerned Military Charge Superin­ tendents. 'Separate instructions will be issued to the Military Census Officers regarding the manner of communication of these totals to this office. l\1.ilitary Census Officers should not communicate conso­ lidated totals to the District/City Census Officer or to any other authority. " ,I 7. The District Census Officers 'should post ,the totals of all the rural as w'~ll as /urban charges including the Cities in. their district., writing them ~~p on a sheet in: the order of their Location Code Numbers and communicate the consolidated district totals to the Director of Census Operations and als~ to the Registrar General, India, by the quickest means possible so as to reach these offices [Jy 6th Apr:il'1971'posif(ively, by adopting the following standard form of messfi.ge for the purpose: 1971 CensuS PrOV'i.sional Total'a District. "... ". ,...... "" " " " . State; .. ' ......

_l\,Iales ...... ~ ...... Females ..... :...... Total population ...... JoJiterate Males .. : ...... l.iterate Females ...... ; ...... Total literates ...... District Census Officer. It is important for the District Census Officers' of Bangalore, Belgaum, Dharwar, Mysore, South Kanara and Kolar to note that their Distrid totals must include the totals' under each item for the Cities of Bangalore, Belgaum, Hubli-Dharwar, Mangalore, Mysore and K.G.F. respectively.

8. For the transmission of the message from the Charge/City} - lHilitary Unit/District to the officers indicated ,above, the quickest possil.le means would be the use of telegraph, telephone and wireless facilities, or special messenger where none of these exist and distances are short. The postal and telegraphic addresses of the Director of Censlls Operations and of the Registrar General, India, are ~s follows: Postal Address Telegraphic Address 1. The Director of Census.. Operations in MYCENSUS l\fysore, No. ~3, Lakshmi Nivas, Basappa BAN GALORE Cross Road, Shanthinagar, Bangalore-27.

2. The Registrar General, India, Kotah' REGGENLIND House Annexe, N 0:2/A, Mansingh Road, NEWDE,LHI -,New Delhi-Il'. ~'-.'" •• ~.,- 'hv ~. -. -- __ --.. -.: ___.' f-''': _. '.( :., ",,~,- i ' " . ere no telecommuniGation fa.cilities exist, the Charge Sl1perin~ tendent concerned may arrange to send the telegram from-the nearest Telegraph Office or from the District, Headquarter; if this would \be

quicker. I : ;'~, l ~s.. t I (ii) Wherever telephone facilities are available, the ,fuessage I , I may be relayed to Bangalore on any. one of the following telephori~ : , ~ " \ Telepho;'_e N;'. 1. Deputy Director of Census Operations 540~O (Headquarters) ..

2. Deputy _Director, of Census .Operations. (Tabulation)~

3. Office Superintendent 5S7!1

These telephones will be manned continuously from. the 8rd April mid-day. ,Calls may therefore be booked at any time during the night or day. . ,- , (iii) A list of stations where Police Wireless facilities are ayail­ able and may he made use" of 'i~ also rn;ing finalised and will. be sup­ plied to the various officers shortly after obtaining permiss~on of the concerned authorities for such use. This facility can also be used. I - '-0 ill (i v) Confirmatory copies of messages whether sent by _ie.l~- if:." . phone, wireless or telegram should be despatched on the same day by post th1:ough express delivery.

(v) As mentioned in paragJ;aph 3 (iii) ; Military Charge Sup~r­ intendents need not communicate charge totals to this office directly. Separate inst~uctions are being issued as to how charge totals will he communicated to this office. Military Charge Superintendents, therefore, will only communicate their charge totals in the iormat suggested in paragraph 4 of this circular to their Military Census Officers.

9. As it is of ubnost importance that provisional totals for the State should be available for release acco:rc:liJ:lg to the above time schedule, the Charge Superintendents, District Census Officers, the City Census Officers and the Military Census Officers are all requested to strictly adhere to this schedule. Doubtless, this calls for careful and detailed planning of the work and advance preparation parti­ cularly at the charge level. For rural charges and big cities in parti­ DUlar. it would be necessary for this purpose to determine the centres Ib5"

I ,I'" in the Taluk/City ai which the .supervisors 8,ncl, enumerators assigned to 'such c~Jitres woUld Assemble'·for fi:nel submiss.ion qf records to the Charg~~Superihtendents and the timings at which the Charge Super'-: intendents or the' Assistant Charge Superintendents would arriye at such ce:ntre.1> to receive the records, and the route or routes to be followed by them in the ve.hicles allotted to them for the purpose. Since ~ll these wi!! naturally depend upon the local circumstances ~ each case, decisionS' 'On the~e matters should be taken and prograrrllnes chalked out well in ,advance under intimation to all concerned. The District/City{Military Census Officers should personally look into these arrangements made by: the Charge Superintendents and tender ·them necessary\~dvice and guidance wherever necessary, and satisfy \themselves that the arrangements are perfect. I . 10. Receipt of this o/cular may please be acknowledged by all Distrid/City/Military Census Officers to this office, and by all Charge Superintendents to their DistrictlCitylMilitary Census Officers.

P. PADMANABHA, pireclor oj Census OperatioN in M1I8or~. (Two copies, one for personal use and h_ne_for JAle in tke O/lice).

(1) All the Divisional Commission~rs. , . (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. . . (3) The Commissioners of Banga-Iore and HubIi- Dll1lrwar Oorporation~ and Mysore, -Mangalore and Belgaum City Municipalities. (4) All District Census- Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners or Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to: 1. Registrar-General, India, New Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter).

2. Directors or Census Opera.tions of all Stat~s and Union Territories (2 copies eaeh with· a covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State. 4. Th!, Deputy Directors of Oensus Operations. BangaloreJMysore/Belgaumj Gulbarga Di visions. 5. AU Officers at Headquarters.

WD P 7349-GPB-I,750-2-2-1971 ;(;7

CEN 2 CPO 71




. .: '-. No. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas" 'CENSUS CIRCULAR No.· 27., Basappa Cross Road, Shantrunagar, Bangalore-27~ . 5th Febr'UMY 1971. S'Ub :-Oensus ojlnilia :_ Publication of an initial report. ,,": In Census Circular No. 26 it has been indicated th&t the publication of the provisional population totals by the 6th Apri1 1971 is envisaged. The circular specifies the manner in which urgent messages must be sent . iC1his office to permit such a rapid a.nnouncement of totals. Since it is desirable to prellent a brief picture of :the fopulation based on provisional figures as early as possible, it is also intended to publish an initial report : a5 soon as possible after the enrmeration. TIe report is expected to be published by the 25th April 1971 and !.,nll be based on the data in the Enumerators' Abstract whieh will have to be compiled in the manner prescribed :here in and forwarded to tbis office; ,

2. The Charge Supel'intendents will have sepalately leceived the Enumerator's Abstract for each Block. Fro;m tnese Abstracts, details win be post~d in special Iegisters which will be supplied. Three separate registers lwiU be opened, one for Males, one for Females and one for Totals. The format8 of these registers are indicated 'inthe Annexures I to VI to this Circular. In ca8es of Cities and Military units, whose entire area l10nstitutes 'only one charge and where thele is no separate Charge Superintendent all such, the eoncerned City/Military 'CenL'ms Officers should themselves write up these registers. The Military Census Officerll and Military Charge "SuperintendentI'! should adopt tht Rural or the Urban fonnats for the Registerl'! depending on whether their area is located in a rural or an urban cbar~e as seen from the Location Code No. assigned to tAeir area.

. 3. The registers will be posted, from the Enumerator's Abstracts. It will be noiiced that except 19:f the fiIst feY columns which are identity particulars, all the other columns are identical to those in the 'llnull'lerator's Abstract. From eaeh Enumerator'.s Abstract the figures for Males will be posted in the Register 101' Kales and a ling put around M in Col. I of tnc Enume:rator's Abstraet as an indication of having copied out ,all tile data for Males from the Abstract into the Male.s Register. Similarly, the figures for Females will be pOl!lted.,in the register for Females and a ring put lloround F in Col. 1 of the Enumerator's Abstract. To be sure .th~t the totals are correct, it is specified h~$ that the figures written aJong the "Total" line in ea6h Lumerator's Abstract should be entered inthe register for totals used as a eroBs-eheck as indicated later. . . " (' , , . , ~nd ;.. J\ ') .,; 4. The openi~ of separate registers for males and females has boon suggested to avoid mistakes and 'to enabJe the chaIge totals sex-wise being available. easily. The villages and bJocks Bhould be enteled in these legisters serially in the order of their Location Code NumberB. It ml'l8. be ensUIed that all the villages and 'hlookL'lhave been. acoounted fO! and,that th@,~ures for.the. eorrect sei; have been posted in the appropriate :register. . .'- '" " _ , .. ,

o. Mter the entries ofall the Blocks have been made~ the totals of ea.ch column should be struck in eaeh of the registers. The sum of the totals ofthe males and females registers must tally column by column with the '.fiDA} total of tll'e,"Totals" regis1;el:. If this taHy does not ooour, it is an indication of BOme arithmetical error whieh must be. ,.checl!::ed and corrected. 6. The totals of the Males and Fema.les r~i$tetato:r :dteentire charge must then be entsred in t he cons_i· dated abstract form, the format of which isatAnn~:x:are mM't)isOiroular. Oopiesofthe consolidated abstraot will be supplied from this office. On being written up; ~iesofthe consolida.ted a.bstract must be sent by pGSt as follows :-

(a) All rural and urban Oharge Superitntead.e~ to ~ir District Oensus OJ?cels. In cases where .. Tahsildar is in charge of both a rural and an urbil;n charge, separate consolIdated abstracts will~baye to be sent for ea.ch such charge.

(b) Oharge Superintendents of the Oities of Bangalore (including C.I.T.R), Belgaum, Hubii-DharwMr Mangalore and Mysore to their City Geusu.~ 01ti.oor.s. The,Oharge Superintendents of K.G.F. will communicate charge totals to the 'City Cenalis 'Officet, K.G.F. (c) City Census Officers of other ll.rbau a.rea.s to their i:~iw District Census Officers.

(d) Military Charge Superintendents to then Military CeaB.Wl Qificer.

Every Chalge Superintendent must ensure that his consolidated abstract figures reach the DistriCt/Oity/ Military Census Officer concerned by 10th April 1971 "/,aIat.

'1. Wben the OLllIl.'ge ,Superintendt>nt com.municates his consoli~ Abstrsct Dg'llli:eiJ 1;0 his nistri4lt/Oity Census Officer, he must simultaneousJy communicate the figures to the Director of Oensus Operations, Bangalore within the same date.

8. Military Oharge Superintendents need not communica.te theirOharge Ah.stracts to this oftice or to the District or City Census Officers concerned. They will only communica.te their abstracts to their respective Military Census Officers.

9. The Oity Census Officers of the Cities of Bangalore, Belgaum, Hubli-Dharwar, Mangalore a.nd M;lI~e and the City Oensus Officers of K.G.F. should, on receipt of the consolida.ted a.bstract of each, of the chaJ:ge8 in their a.reas,p ost the totals on a sheet separatley for ma.les, females and totals and arrive at the grand tot~l for their a1eas. The charges should be posted. in the order of the L.C. Nos. They will then com:mu~ca.te·1iQe grand totals in the form at Annexure VII to the District Census Officer of the District in whil'}h their area.s a.Jl8 located. Simultaneously, they must forward a copy of their grand totals to this office. This'inforIDa.tion mum reach the District Census Offic.er and this office by the 12th April 1971, latest.

10. Military, Census Officers will,J:eceive the consolidated abstracts for each of ,tbe charges under them from the concerned Military Cbarge StW'erintendents as indicated earlier. On receipt Of these conso!ida.teCi charge abstracts, the Military Census ~ffi.cers must prepare A ,statemen.t similar to the Consolidt\i ed. AbstJ:;tct ~ Annexure VII and forward it to this office direct. 'Sepa.rate instructions will be issued to the Military CClUJU Officezs on the procedure to be followed. . They must hot oommumoa'te thea totals to the CityIDisttict Censll~ Olficei: concerned or to any otheY authority.

11. By the 12th April 1971, the District Census Officers will have received the consolidated a.bstracts from each of their rural and urban Charge iSll'Peri-ilt&:ntfentB BiruI alSo hom 'the'C ity Oenslis Officers of Bangal016. Belga.um, H ubli-Dhsrwar, MangaIore, Myaore and .()fK.G.F. 'mthe 'OMIt} of the districts 'concerned. These muSt now be consolidated to arrive at the 1)!st:riet tOtals. 'lr~r~'S P~. the ~st'r~~t ~ensus "Offi~erB 8h'ouldp'O'Bt the figures from all rt:;he r·ural a.nd nrhMl '6h&rges ~ ~l't~8 In the dlstnct In separate statements for for males, females and totals, noting 1100 :f;harg6iJ th6irein fu t'h'~lol'd:er '~f 'their Laoa tion COde Numbers. 'ThE188 statements must be separately prepal!edfo'rTttlal'lmd UJl>aln'C'hargell. ,.:h:a coilsolidatad figures for males, farnai's. and totals forthe entIre District should 'lih6nfbe,strook andlt.h'e !lthstrlet'Statement cemmumcated to the Jjj,r6(}1~r of Census Operations as well as 1:0 the 1ltegi&~I.I.''r 'l(JeBeral,'I~, Kotah House Annexe, 21 A. Mansi'ii~ Road, New DeILi.II, simultaneously by post in the proforma (Annexures VIII, IX and X) enclosed to thi& Ciroular. These consolIdated stateni.ell1;s.iJooUld"be4tOOtiao.asSOtr6aoil:'t;.he 1)~tor'OfBensus 'Opetatio:asand the Registrar General, India. New Delhi.·bt/ J.QIA. ~ 19i1_;,JIIe'~. .

12. Thedatesindie&tedforQOmmllmo..~.of"~o"':x:!tended MiditsD.ouldlbe,theend...... of 'all au1;horities concerned to Bend the date even eadier.

P. 'PA.J)MAM'aBHA. ~ 'oj \~ OpeNfi.". 'i" 'My#twe. . , 3 / Tit

T"'f' copie8~ for personal U8e aM OM for ~e ita the Office) (1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deput,- Coonmissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwa.r ·Corporations and Mysore, MangaJe.re and Belgaum City Municip&ti.tie'S. (4) Mt District Census Officers. (5) ~ City Cell8Wl OBicers. / (~I iH. .Asiistaat ~Si()J~M8 of Revenue Sub~DiviBion.s. (7) : III :au'r ... an.d Urban Charge Superintendents.

Oopy to:

1. ~e.gistr4Gen.erai, India, Delhi (10 copie" with. & covering letoor). ~. Directors of (Jeusus Opera.tions of a.ll States and Union. Territorie8 (2 copies each with a. covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in. the State. 4:. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, Bangalore/Mysore/Belgaum/Gulbarga Divisions. 5. All Officers at Headquarters.



RURAt. Supplement AlBIC

Code No ..••.• r •••••

K_ .r Dilltriot .•.•.....•...... Code NQ .•.••.•.••••

Name of Census MAIN ACTIVITY viU .• gel Bnumeration Sex Pop"lation. S.C. S.T. Literate Illiterate ha.mlot Blook Cultivator Agrioul tural Number . Labourer

1 I .5 6 7 8 9 10 II

)lAIN ACTIVITY Institutional.population tl.H.:I.

lZ 13 14 15 16 170


)la_ of CityITo'WD ...... Code No...... c.

ChooJ'g. Code. ! ..•...... if any blame of Distriot ...... Code No ......

llunioipal Censu. llAIN AC1ITVlTy Ward 0 .. Enumeration Population S.C. S.T. Literate Illite.. ate Division Blook Sex Culti. AgrioUltural Other Noll- Number Number vator labourer, H.H.I. worJ

HOUSl>ll>sll population Institutional population

14 us

ANlIEXUBB vn OonsoHda1ed Absm.e. for the CUrge/Cltyl Speelal UIlH

Na:me of Charge •...... RuralJUrban/Special Code No......

Name of Distriot ...... OOdello•.....•••.•


Population . S.C. S.T. Literate Illiwraw Culti- Agricul- H.H.I. Othor Non- HOllll6lese InstitutiOJl.&l Tatar tura.l workers workera populatio. popuiatioD labouror

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Kales Fema.los


Daw ••••..••...•••.•

AIIUURB YllI (RURAL) IIX (URDU) IX (TOTAL) DImle. ConsoUc1a1ed Abstraa Name of Distriot ...... ; COdelW......

HAIN ACTIVITY Houooless Institutional Sox Population S.C. S.T. Literate Illiterate Culti- Agricul- H.H.I. Other :Non- population poplllatioD Tatar tural worlmrs workers la.bourer

2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 Male.!! - Femalos


Da.te ...... _ ...... / r11/ /



No. 13, 'I LAUBIII NIVU ", BASAPPA CROSS ROAD. OBNSI1I OmCULAB No. 28' iSlUlI'l'lII N AGAB_ BAliQ.ALOB.1ll, 6th FtlJr'Ua", 1971.

Sub. :-1971 Census-Colleotion and despatch of filled in achedules of individual enu me.ration.

In Census Circular NOB. 26 and 27, detailed instIilctions have been issued regarding the cons6lidatio'n at the charge and district levels of some essential characteristics of the popu­ lation coll~cted through the Enumerator's Abstract of each Block. As mentioned in para 9 of Circular No. 26, it is nece8stl,ry for the Charge Superintendents to ensure that the enu~r~tioD!re~ords built up by the enumerators reach the charge office well in time so all to enable itihe cha.rge Superintendents 'to adhere to the strict time schedule prescribed therein fo'fr, r.uy· of the provisional totals. It is equally important that this, Directorate obtain all records of enumeration 8S quickly as possible so 88 to tabulate and present the Primary Censu,s Abstracts and other statistics as early as possible. It is with this end in view that a ~alenaar relating to census enumeration and handing over of filled in schedules has been ~re8cribed qy this office in Census Circular No. 25, incorporating the revised and final enulneration: schedule. , : "'.: :-:'."1: ~J~~ . ~:;li~c.~ording to the schedule fixed, the enumerators are' requiredA;o submit all the enuJll~ records to the Supervisors latest by the mo~ing of 4th April,1971. The Stiperviiift, ih tin:n will have to submit to the Charge Supetintendents the records of all the 4!:Jlumltators in their circle latest by the evening of 4th April 1971. Before transmission of thes~ ree,ot~s to the charge office, the supervisors are also required to verify that the recOrds at'e;~6ihplete and that ali entries therein are fully and correctly made. The detailed ohecKs to be exercised by the Supervisors have been prescribed, in the "Instructions to Supervi~.Tf ~~ :q.ncJ.er " C. Duties after enuxneration ". The Charge Superintendents must ensure with t4p ,ssistance of their Assistant Charse Superintendents, if any, that all these steps ~av~ ~~p.: ~l=efuny ~Qne t~h before' eauJneration r~~~B are reeeived by th~U1t , . . . , 1', . .'. :~.: 3. At the end of the enumeration period and after the revisional round is over, the following re'cords will have been built u.'P;"bythe ,eWJmerators in respect of each and everT block separa.tely :-

(i) Notional and layout skeMh maBi;_(Q~, copy) (ii) Abridged· Houselist (two c9pies) " (iii) Individual slip pads of 100 slips (iv) Individual slip pads of 25 slips (v) Pop.ulation Record pada- of, 50' $~ts (vi) Population Record p&ds of 26. sheets (vii) Enumerator's I?aily Posting Statement (Form 'M') " (viii) Enumerator's Daily Posting Statement (Form 'F ') (ix) Enumerator's Abstract (x)~Degree' Holders 'and Technical Personnel cards. They may aJsu have left with them a few unused' pads and forma. All the recOPds bWlt.up by the Enumerators to~thef with the unused pads and fOrms left with them should be made into separate sets Jor each block. Particular care should be taken where one enumerator lw.s' been entrUBted with more than. one block to see tha.t ,the Enu merato:r does· not mix up the records of different blocks entrusted to him and makes them into separate sets for each such block.

4. At th~ l~vel of, the Supe~vi8Of a~o, car~, sho.uld b~ taken to see t;hat these recoMa ~e kept separately for each blo~k. A.a m~nticm~d in the" instructionQ to Super:visors ';' the. SUPprv.i$or should ta~e up: the scrutiny of t~e records block by block. InuwtdiaJ;ely a~t~r sCTutiny of all recorda of a pa~icula.r block is completed he should" with' the'aaeistaJl~" ~~ th~,concerned Enumerator, pack all the reCOrd&101 the block into a neat bandle with;{ui-per .Jld strip.g wh,ich-wiU be- supplied sp~cially for the purpose. On top of the bUDdle;> tlee lOQ~tion ~ode antl tke. block number 8/wu,W, be clearly written by, the Supemso'f.

5. It will be recalled that pads have been numbered separately for eaoll block .and also other records like the A.n.L.· and E.D.P.S. would have, been given continuous pa~~ numbers for each block. At the end of the enumeration, it may so happen that some of these pads and forms may remain blank being unused. As indicated above, the enume­ ra~o~~ win be retllrning all the pads and forml:hsuPJ>lied to them including 8uc4 'lani and unu:,ed 'Pa.d,s andJorms and account for all of th~m. ag~~n8t the sllpplielJ origin~lly!ma~ to thetn for 'each ::alock. All these should be neatly ar~anged in the bundle in the serial ord,er. To enabl~ v~rifi~ation of tbese at the charge ofticc, the enumerators should. be ~nstructed to fili up for each Block, an index of ree.ords 80, submitted, in the forlll at Annexure J ~o tb,is circular. Sufficient number of .copies of 'these· forms wiU be got priat~d alld supplied to.' all the charges sh ortly. , , 6. It is likely that the verification and taking charge of these records blockwise may tab, sume time at the charge level. This. should not, however, come in the way of posting the registers and relariag ,of the .provisiO'Jlal totals for'.the char.ge as specified in Circular ,N o. 26 s,t~ictly in accordance with the time sched ule., ~or this 'lnupose, it is essential to instruct','the enumerators and supervisors to'keep the Enumerator's :AbStract 'and the index 'oj records separate without including them in the bundles of the other recorda and to submit them separately while handing over charge of all these records. This will,not only facilitate q-qick processing of the Enumerator's Abstract at the charge level ()n the lines specified in Qircular Nos. 26 and 27 but will also make it possible to have a thorough .veri­ fication of ~~e records before taking, charge ; of ,them. Thus, at the charge office, two , separate sect~o""s: must be set up-one for receipt' of the Enumerator's Abstracts and the posting of ~he ~ures therefrom to the register~ specified in Circular Nos. 26 and 27, and the other ftir verifying and taking charge of the records block by block with reference to the index referred to above. The, work of the'two sections should be so arranged that the EnUJll.erator~8 Abstract is first taken charge of a.nd' then the bundle together with the index is passed o~\ to the other section for receiVing the'se -reoords. I ' 7. :While taking cha.rge of the block Irecords. the Charge, Superintenden1is should exercise tbe following checks : \ I. For lCnu•• rator's·,Abstracts : (1) Verify that the location oode number and tlte blo~k num~er .ha~e been neatly and correctly written- , ' (i) on the Enumerator's Abstraot, (ii) on the index, and (iii) on top of the bundle. ('2) Check that the Enumerator's Abstract and the Index have been fully written up without leaving any blanks, and bear the signatures of both the enumerator and the supervisor. In partioular, chec·k that entries relating to the number of census houses, households, etc., ate made on top of the Enumerator'. Abstraot. (3) Quiokly cro88-'Check the totals in the Abstraot to see that the figutes entered iD­ Col. 2=0018. 5+6=0018. 7+8+9+10 (4)' Obeck the index for any obvious mistakes

The Enumerator's Abstract will then be retained for posting the fi~ure8 in the reaisters speoified in Ciroula-rs 26 and 27, and the index with the ~undle passed on ~o the other section. D. PttY Other records : d),~Open the bundle and oheck the contenta with reference to the entries noted in the index, item by item. (2) Check and see that the location code and block numbers have been correctly ,entered on all the filled in pad oovers and forms of tbe block.~ (3) Check and see that the serial numbers of the pads now returned tally with those issued to the blook as seen from the Issue Register in the charge office. (4) Check and see that the rt'cords are complete as noted in para 2 above. (5) Arran~e the pacls and forms including blank pads and form8 nelltly again in . their serial order, and tie the bundlo again with all the records intact carefully. I ., it

(6) Tear off the bottom pOTtion of the ,index:' a?ld return it to the ·.Enumeratorl Supervisor with the dated siguature.and: seah::f the ChaJ,'ge Superintendent by way of acknowledgment 'of the block records.

8. As and when Charge Superintendents receive the :records of each block, the rele· vant entries must be made in a Charge index, the. format of :which IS indicited in An:q.e~tlre II to ~his circular. This Charge Index, copies of which will be supplied, must he preparbd in dupliclJte. Both the copies of this Charge Index will be sent along with the bundle of records for the entire charge to the respective Tabulation Offices as indicated .later in this circular. Immediat,ely the Charge Index is completed, this should be confirmed to this office.

9. The entire records will be forwarded to the concerned Tabulation offices under the Divieional Deputy Director of Census Operations concerned by the following authorities:

(a) All rural Charge Superintendents will send the r-ecords relatin~ to each of their rural charges to the respective Divisional Tabulation Offices. (b) All urban Charge Superintendents will forward the records relating to their respective urban charges to the Urban Tabulation Office which is being set . up at BangaloE'e. There are cases where ··Tahsildars are Charge Superinten· dents for both rural and urban charges simultaneously. In, such cases, the recorda of the rural charge will be sent to the concerned Divisional Tabulation Office while those of the urban charge will be sent to the Urban Tabulation Office at Bangalore. (c) The Charge Superintendents of the Cities of Bangalore (including C.I. T.B. area), Belgaum, Hubli-Dharwar, Mangalore and Mysore will forward the entire records of each of their charges to their City Census Officer. The City Oensus Officer of each of these Oities will then tran~mit the entire records relating to the City to the Urban Tabulation Office which is being established at Bangalore. It must be noted that the Charge Superintendents of these Cities must not send their records direct to the Urban Tabulation Unit. The Charge Superintendents of K.G.F., will forward their records to the City Census Officer, K.G.F., who will then send the e.ntire records for his area to the Urban Tabulation Unit at Bangalore. (d) Military Charge Supe-rintendents will Beud the records of their charges to their Military Census Officers. On rtoeipt of the records from each of their Charges, the Military Census Officer concerned should send the entire record s to the rural or urban tabulation office as the case may be depending on whether the military area concerned is 10Qated in a rural or urban area. The 10ca· tion code number assigned 'to the military areas will help to det~rmine whe­ ther the records should be forwarded' to the rural or urban Tabulation Office.

10. As mention('d earlier, the City Census Officers of the five Cities mentioned above and of K.G.F. will tran~mit to the Urban Tabulation 'O~ce at ~angalore the re.cords of the entire oity, Necessarily, they will have to forward with theCfe_: reeordl;! the' Charge Index n the form at AnneXUlt; II to thi,:l cil'culal' for ~",eh of-the :o:harges in their cities.: ' '7~ 5

. U. AUOharge/City/Military bundles should,bcflent to the,'labulation Qftie.& making them into convenient bundles wrapped up in gunny cloth and secured safely against any damage in transit. On eve;ry bundles the bundle number, m.y be indicated as say 3/6, meaning that the serial number of the bundle in question is 3 out of the total number of 6 bundles for the charge. The other details such as the consignee, 'the consignor eto., may be written as u~ual. Aa soon as the bundles are ready, a telegram should be sent: to the concerned tabulation office to facilitate making arrangements at these offices to recei ve these records and intimating the dates of despatch. The bundles should be taken to the tabulation office by a responsible o.JIicial in person, and should not be despatohed un-aocompan,ied by lorry or goods train servioes. The official taking these bundles should also bring along with him two copies of the charge index, with reference to which the records will be vt;;rified at the tabulation office block by block b('fore they are accepted. The official bringing these records would thp.refore have to stay there until the entire work is over. Acknowledgement will be given on one copy of the index which will be handed 6ver to the official in token of receipt of the bundles at the Tabulation Office.

12. All Charge Superintendents must also pack and forward the. blank forms which may be with them.. This will include reserve pads, Abridged Houselist J

13. All Charae Superintendents must also forward the copy of the Ohar~e RegistHs now with them to the same Divi'Jional Tabulation Offioe or the Urban Tabulation as the case may be.

14. District/City/Military Census Officers may also have with them unused pads, Population Record pads etc., which have been retained as rel:>ervo quantity. These must also be forwarded to the concerned Divisional Tabualtion Office with a statement in duplicate indioating the contents of the bundle.

15. The District/City/Military Census Officers should vigilantly watch over the reoeipt and/or transmission of the records from each of the charges in their jurisdiction. They should ensure that the records from all the charges are kept ready for despatch by loth April 1971, and that they reach the ooncerned Tabulation Office" latest by the 15th April 1971.

16. It may be noted here that the Enumerator's Abstracts cannot. be sent along with the other records since further particulars therefrom will have to be posted in the re~isteZ's at the charge level as prescribed in Census Circular No. 27 for purposes of publi­ cation of a booklet on some basic partioulars of the population. Therefore, the Enumera­ tor's Abstracts of the different charges may be sent subsequently direct to the respective tabulation offices by registered post parcel latest by 20th April 1971. Before despatch, these abstraots should be neatly arranged in the bundle ill the. order of location code numbers and well paoked to a.void damage in transit..:. 17. The required quantity of proforma 1 .and II . referred to in Annexures"Will be supplied to the charges and some amount for meeting the contingent expenditure for the purchase of gunny cloth etc., for packing and,transport of the bundles from the charges to the tabulation offices will be placPd at the disposal of the Deputy'· Commissionersl Commissioners of Corporations etc., as was done at the time of hOl1selisting operati0ns.

IS. Since the entire work of collection, paoking and despatch of the records has to be done carefully and systematically right from the block level to the .tabulation office leve] , it is necessary that clear instructions are is&ued to ~he Enumerators and Super~ visors as to the packing of the block records .and their delivery at the charge office, It would also be necessary to supply them copies of pr%'lfma I for being written up while submitting the block records. It is therefore requested that in the last training session of the Enumerators and Supervisol'ssuggested in the last para of Circular No.25, the procedure detailed in this circular should be explained to them fully. Also arrangements made by the Char~e SUperintendents for collection of the records from Enumerators and Supervisors and the oentres and the routes for collection and transport of the records and other arrangements made as suggested in para 9 of Circular No. 26, slJ.ould. be explained to them· clearly.·

19. The address of the Divisional ~Tabulation Offices and of .the Urban Tabula­ t.ion Office will be communicated separately.

20. Receipt of' this circular may kindly be acknowledged.

P. PADMANABHA, Director oj Census Operations • -in Ji1lsore.

(TtIJO copies. one fM pm'sonal 'USe and one fen use in tke Oflice). (1) All the' Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy CommiBSioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli- Dharwar Corporations and MY90re, Mangalore and BelgauDl City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All As.stant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to: 1. Registrar-General, India, New Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter). 2. Directors of Census Opera.tions of aJl States and Union Territories (2 copies each with 8. covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in' the State. 4. The Deputy Diretltors of Census Operations, Ba.nSlllore/!fysore/Beigaum/ Gulbarga. Divisions., o. .All Officers at Headquarters. 17 '7


AIflIBXUBE J Block In4ex

L. C. No. of Block:- Name of Enumerator ;-

Name of Supervisol;' :-

Sl. Number No. retwnea No. Name oj Item received UlJed Un-used Total Be'marks

1. Individual Slip pad! (100 slips)

2. Individual Slip pads (25 elips)

3. Population Record pilds (50 f'heets). 4. Populatlon Record Pads (25 liheets) 5. E. D. P. S Form 'K' 6. E. D. P. S. Form. 'F' 7. Enumerator'r Abstract 8. D.H. & T.P. Cards 9. A.H.L. Forms

10. :alap Sheets

Signat'I.Wc oj Supervis(YI·. Sigt/;aturl oj Enu_mtlf'ator.

Received the records and unused forIlls and pads as par the mock Index fur Block No.

SignuJ.'I!II;C and SeQ,l oj the Oh.a.rge Superintenilent, a,.' ,i ~~ ...~ r:ii '¥ ,:::i~ t of::l 1.0 ~ ..... dj l:i' ~: ~ 1;1;) ~ "Q j 0 ~tl .....,jj ~ :to ~ 0 ~t ~ j ~,o 1'1 ·tiP I~ '8 cr:I l;Q ~ ~oo ~ ..... s: .s It> ~

~ ~ ...... ~. ~a,. I:iQ ~ -...... t:! _... '" (ft i '1 ...... 0 'f ~ 1I OJ' ~ l'l ~ ~ '" ~ M "3 r:t IQ"" l,,_~ v ~ '1:11. ~ J ~. =. 1 l -! ~ ~ ., ~ .(2 e.. Go co ~ 1. ~ ~ tl ~ S 1 b ! ~ ~ ~ §< ~ 'i .,. Pol Il.t 0 1..."':> ~ . ~ .. ":' ~ ~ 1. 1 ~ ~ ~ -- '" ~ '. >0 .. iQ., ~ ~ l'.. .. 1 1 '.i l #'* !:> .!O :;;;, ~ i..... '1 C» .....8 ::; . ; )79

OEN [) GPO 71 GOVERNMENT OF IlfDIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS IN KYSORE No. 23, "Lakshmi Nivas" Basappa Cross Roa.d, "CIRCULAR No. 29. Shantrunagax, Ba.ngalore-27. 12th March 1971. Subject :-Special Report on ceDeus enumeration. 'I\le most important phase of the Census is that of enumeration 8ince it is during this phase that there is direct oonta.ct with the public. The entire organisation of the census operations has as its end result the enume­ ration. During the period of organisation of the operations, training of Enumerators and othets and during the actual period of enumeration itself, all census officers are likely to have doubtless experienced some difficulties or are likely to have some interesting experiences which would be worth tecording. The combined experience of all officers involved in the census would be of great value in the organisation of the succeeding Censuses, while personal anecdotes and experiences would be of great interest in the succeeding years. It is intended to collect. such expeYiences and anecdotes and record them in the census publications which are being planned.

It would be most helpful if such experiences, general views on census operations, comments on organisational aspects, interesting anecdotes, etc., can be forwarded to this office within April 1971 so that they may be incorpo­ rated in the final reports to the extent possible. It would also be most useful if basic organisational statistics are available. In order to achieve this end, a pro form'.J is annexed to this circular, which could be convenientl.y used by all Charge Superintendents for forwarding information. District and City Census Officers and Military Census OfficeJ8 could also base their reports on this pro forma.. . The Charge Superintendents may forward their reports to their -respective census officers by 20th April 1971, who in turn can forward a.ll the reports with their own oomments and report to this office. It need hardly be mentioned that unless the Charge'Superintenients prepare these reports personally, they are likely to be of a routine nature and of little use for the purpose for which they a.re being asked. It need also hardly be mentioned that all officers involved in the censll~ operations are free to express their views on organisa­ tional and other aspects of the census and need not necessarily confine themselves to the format if it is felt that the latter is not suitable to a particular situation. P. PADMANABHA, Director of Cen8US Operations in Myso'fe. To (1''''0 copies, one for personal 'Use and one for use 'j,11 the office). (1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli-Dharwar Corpo-rations and .Yl5Ore, Mangalore a»d. Bclgaum City Municipalities. (~) All District Census Officers. (5) All City Census Officers. (6) All Assistant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to : 1. Registrar-General of India, Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter). 2. Directors of Census Operations of all States and Union Territories (2 copies each with a covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State. 4. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, BangaloreJ.MysoreJBelgaumJGulbarga Divisions. 6. All Officers at Headquarters. I~O



Report of the Cbarge Superintendent to l;e submitted on the conclusion c.f the Cens-us Enumeration in his Charge.

1. L.C. No. and nn,me of tl,<, Charge .,.

2. Name and de":'" .• ticn of tIle Charge Superinten­ dent.

3. Name and desisnation of the Assistant Charge Superintendent, if any.

4. Names of previou3 Charge Sup3rinbndents, if a.ny. Period Name and Designation From To

5. Final No. of Houselisting Blocks iu the Charge.

6. Final No. of Houselisting Enum~mttor3 (aetuG,l) ..

7. Final No. of Houselisting Supervisors (actual)

8. Final No. of Census Enumeration Blocks In the Charge.

9. Final No. of. Supervisory Circles in the Charge

10. Final No. of enumeration personnel.. Enumeratol'S

(i) Actual (ii) Reserve

(iii) 'fatal

11. Date of a ppointmen t of Enumerators and Supervisors.

12. Date of submission of working sheets

13. Date of submission of Charge List .,.

'14. No. of batches formed for training of Enumerator:; and Superviso:rs.

15. Dates of training for all the batches 1Il all t'=B I Round II Round III Rownd rounds.

Batch No.

16. Particuli1rs of higher level officers participating in the training of Enumerators and Supervisors. Name and Designation Round No. Batch No. Date of the officer Remarks left b?l attending him, if any 1>1.'

-,17. No., and names of Enumerators and Supervisors wbo did not attend even a single training class, .,if any., "

18. Personal assessment of the Charge Superintendent a$ to the adequacy and quality of training imJ2arted and the understanding of the same by the Enumerators and Supervisors and distur­ b, n~es, if any, in the scheduled training programme.

19. Date of supply of A.H.L. and Notional llIap sh~ets to the Euumerators.

20. Date of fmpply of ot"er form3 to Ennmerators for actuftl enUTIleration.

21. Date of collection of all enumeration records

22. Date of (lespatch of message regarding n:r3t figures to the Di3kict p.nd Stat3 level and mode of communieation (wireless/telephone/ telegram/ messenger).

23. Date of despatch of Charge Abstract

24. Date ot despatch of filled-in schedules to the District/Division/State levels.

25. No. of Reserve Enumerators and Supervisors Enumerators Snpervisors drafted for actual work.

(i) In place of other Enume­ rators and Supervisors.

(ii) To assist for' enumeration of houseless pl)rsons.


26. No. of police constables deployed, if any, for assistance during enumeration of houseless persons.

27;; The best and next best enumerator in the Charge (with Bloek Nos.).

The b~st and next best Supervisor in the Charge (with Block NOB.).

29. NlJoture and extent, of touring and superVISIOn done by the Charge Superintendent ahd the Assistant Charge Superintendent, if any. ,(0"'- 80. Difficulties encountered by the Charge Superintendents with remedial measures taken, in brief, in respe.t of <-

(i) Carving out of Census Enumeration Blo~ks from the houselisting blocks and their IlulJlberiag. (ii) Selection and appointment of enumeration personnel. (iii) Training of Enumerators Bnd Supervisors. (iv) Procurement and distribution of training materials and forms, etc., for actual ope:ra'iQJl8. (v) Actual enumeration and field supervision over the lIame. (vi) Enumeration in special areas like Railway Colonies, Project Sites, Labour Camps, DlilfvIloe Ar__ • ele•• if any. (vii) Enumeration of houseless persons. (viii) Revisional round. (ix) Collection of enumeration records and their despatch. (x) Relaying of n1a33lges regarding first figures to District and State levels. (xi) Payment of remuneration to Enumerators and Supervisors. (xii) Any other administrative matters.

11. Assessment based on personal observations of the Charge Superintendent on the following aspects of enumeration in his charge.

(a) Quality of enumeration with particular reference to

(i) Recording of mother tongue (ii) Recording of Religion (iii) Recording of S.C./S. T.

(iv) Recording of answers to Q. I) (v) Recording of answers to Q. 7 (b) and 8 (b).

(b) Usefulness of the calendar of events for recording age. (e) Effectiveness of the Supervisors in the actual operation•• (d) Effectiveness of the Taluk Level Census Committees. (e) Coverage. (f) Accuracy and reliability of the data, with particular reference t.o organised movements. if .aT. (g) General response from the public to the cenS1l8 enumeration.

82. Interesting side-lights worth mentioning, if any, during the census preparations, training aDd actual field. operations.

Place: Signature and name and de~iQ1i of Date : the Oharge Superintendeffiti

WD :P 7440-GPB-lt 750-12-3-71 · CEN 4: CPO 71 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA





Sub: Census of India 1971-Award of Census Medals for meritorious work.

It will be recalled that during the various Census Conferences and Training programmes held at the State, District and Charge levels, it was indicated that the service rendered by the various categories of census workers would be recognised through the award of medals, etc. With the completion of the field work, it is necessary now to assess the work carried out by each of the census personnel in order to recognise meritorious services.

2. Meritorious work is proposed to be rccognised through the award of two types of medals, one made of silver and the other of bronze. These medals are of prize type. The number of medals allotted to this State by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner for India is 298 Silver medals and 596 Bronze medals taking into consideration the total population. It will be recalled tbat the system of distribution of these medals and the criteria for their award were discus­ sed at the Second State Level Conference of District/City/Military Census Officers held at Bangalore on 3rd November 1970. Based on these discussions the allocation of these medals and their distribution among various functional categories lIas now been decided upon. The details are indicated in Annexures I and II to this Circular. In Annexure I the unit of competition for the different levels for the award of these medals has been specified indicating also the names of the Officers who will make final recommendati'mq for the R('lection of the recipients. These awards are meant to xccognlse the outst8,nding zeal, sinperit.y ancl quality of cenSllS work carried out by census PCl'R0l111d. To cmmre this, it is neCGR"'~ry to cYflluate the work of each functionary in as objective a manner as possible. It will doubt­ less be recalled here that in the pro forma suggested for the Special Hcport on census enumeration, prescribed in Census Oircular No. 29 c1C _item Nos. 28 and 29, the Charge Superintendents have been requested to furnish the names of the best and the next best Enumerato_! and Supervisor in their charges. These report,s must by now have bee11 receivecl at the district lcyel and would to a large extent assist in Relection in respect of an persons eligible for this l'ecog­ nition. The questionnaires devised in Annexure III and IV to this Circular may plea.se be completed in the case of the Enumerators and Supervisors who huye already been indicated as being among the besL Thi..3 ,Tloll1d assist in arriving at a decision regarding the quality of work.

3. The initial assessment of t be ,York of the Enumerators and the Supervisor;:) should be Il1.ude by the Rural and Urban Charge SuperintelJl.onts. The ChDrge Superintendents may consult tbo Supervisors if necessary in eva,]llating the work of a particular Enumerator. Based on the reeommcmdations of the Charge Superintendents, final selections will be made at tbe district level by the Di"trict Census Officer concerned with the approval of the Deputy Commisi:lioner and communicated to this office~ In the case of the Cities of Bangaloro, Bc]gaum, Hubli-Dharwar, Mangalore and Mysore the final selection will be made by the City Census Officer with the approval of the Con1missioneT. It may be mentioned here tbat it is proposed to cross check the selections on the basis of the records of the blocks handled by the Enumerator which are now in the Tabulation Offices.

4. A separate pro form. for the assessment of the work of the Charge Superin· tendents and Assistant Charge Superintendents is also prescribed as in Anncxure V. This should be filled up personally by the District/City CCllSUS Officer (and by the Charge Superintendents in case of Assistant Charge Superintenderits) and forwarded to this office through the Deputy Commissioner/Municipal Commis­ sioner, who would also record his own views on the recommendations made hy the District/City Census Officer, to enable this office to make final recommendations to Government in this behalf.

5. In respect of the District/City Census Officers and Sup~rvisory Officers, the initial assessment may kindly be made in the pro forma at Annexure V by the Deputy Commissioner/Mllnicipal Commissioner concerned and the pro forma :duly filled up may please be sent to this office at the earliest, to -enable final recommendations being made in this behalf to Guvernment. (j. Initial assessment of other Census Officials will be made by their next immediate superior cflicel's and forwarded to the concerned cfficers making final .recommendations ill this bellalf as per Annexure I, through proper channds· These as~esnnents may be made ad-hoc on the basis of the confidential rolls of the concerned cfficials and any other factors indicated by the concerned authorities.

7. In making ;",elections of all levels of functional categories especially the Enumerators and Supervi:30rs, particular care should he taken to exclude persons againr:,t w110m ccmplaints of faulty enumeration were received and who are known to have recorded wrong answers regarding religion and mother-tonguewilfully or otherwise.

8. It ii:l reque::;ted that selections and final reccmmendations should be made as early as pmsible and ehould reach this cffice by the end of May 1971 so tl1at such caseo lllay be proeee.sed fluther and anangements made for the award of medals.

Receipt of this circular may kindly be acknowledged.

P. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Mysore.

(Tu:o copies, one Jar per80nal use and one for use in the Office).

(1) All the Divisional Commissioners. (2) All the Deputy Commissioners of Districts. (3) The Commissioners of Bangalore and Hubli- Dharwar Corporations and Mysore, Mangalore and Belgaum City Municipalities. (4) All District Census Officers, (5) AU Cit.y Census Officers. (6) AllAssist.ant Commissioners of Revenue Sub-Divisions. (7) All Rural and Urban Charge Superintendents.

Copy to:

1. Registrar-General, India, New Delhi (10 copies with a covering letter> 2. Directors of Census Operations of all States and Dnion Territories (2 copies each with a covering letter). 3. All Military Census Officers in the State. 4-. The Deputy Directors of Census Operations, BangulorejlVJysorejBeJgaum! Gulbarga Divisions. 5. All Officers at Headquarters. 4

ANNEXURE I Statemeut Ilhowillg the diiltributioll of silver 'Lnd bronze Census Medals allotted to Mysorto' State aruongst ,;eventI categoric" of Censas Persollnel. No. oj medals Bl. Oategory of pel'sonnel allotted Unit of Names of officers making No. competition final1'eco1nmendatl:ons .------Silvej' Bronze 1. EllUIllel'[!tors 159 447 District/City/ Deputy Commissioner! Military Unit. Municipal Commissioner! Military Cellsu~ Officer. The be.~t District U"llSUS Otlieel' ill. 1 St.ate Director of Census the State and the llext best. Operations. 3. The best City Census Officer in the State (of State do cities with more than one lakh population). 4. The be::;t Supervisory Officer in the 1 1 State do State and the next best. [). The he~t City Census Officer in the State (of 1 State do cities with less than OIle lakh population). u. The be.qt Rural Charge SuperintcIHlcnt I!) lR Didtrict Deputy COlluuissiouer in the District and the next best. (Coorg District ·\Yill have only one medal for the best). 7. The best Urban Charge Supel'inten­ 11) 18 do do dent in each District and the next best. (Coorg District will have only one medal for the betlt)._ B. The Ch uge Superintendents of City and Military Charges- (i) Ballgalore City Oorporation-for 1 1 City CommiRsioller, B.O.C. the best and next best. (ii) Huhli-Dhanvar-for the best 1 City Commhsioner; Hubli-Dharwar M.micipal CorpO'l'atioll. (iii} MywrB City -for the best 1 City Mllllicipal Commif>s10ner . (iv) Mangl.lore City-for the best 1 clo' do (v) All Military areas in the State­ 1 1 State Director of Census for the best anJ the next best.. Operations. H. Two best Asst. Charge Superinten

ANNEXURE II Districtwise distribution of Medals earmarked for Enumerators.

No. of Medals for Enumerators District Silver Bronze

1. Bangalore 10 30

~.<.i. Belgaum 10 33

3. BeUary 5 15

4. Bidar 4 12

5. Bijapur 10 30

6. Chikmagalur 4 12

7. Chitradurga 7 21 8. Coorg 3 6

9. Dharwar 10 30

10. Gulbarga. fI 27

II. Hassan 5 15

12. Kolar 8 24

13. Mandya 5 15

14. Mysore 9 27

15. North Kanara 5 15

16. Raichur 7 21 17. Shimoga 7 21 18. South Kanara 10 27

19. Tum.kur 8 24

~O. Ballgalore City Corporation and C.LT.B. S 16

21. Mysore 3 5 22. Belgaum 3 5

23. Hubli-Dharwar .. ,. 4 5 24. Mangalore .. 3 5 25. All the Military Units in the State 2 6 ------Total 159 447

F. PADMANABHA, Director of Census Operations in Mysore. ANNEXURE lit


Uh;ug~ .... , .. " ...... " . , " ..... , , , ...... UrbaniRural

Circle Xo ...... , , , .... ; ... , .. , ...... , ...... Block No.

Name and adJress ofE'mlUlerRtor ...... , , ...... , ... . :.rlaxi- Qnest'ionnai1'13 I'ega;'ilinq Enumerat01" s lYork mum _a,Iarks ,;,}I arks scored

1, Dicl he abs2llt hillls"lf from auY Tr;,ill;ilg Classest If 00, how mallY ! (Deduct 2. mark" fur each day's abseI;ce) ~ 2U 2, Was he attentive at the training clas" or ,,-as he indillecl to be inatt.<;mtive, troublesome or flippant? (Nil if inattentiYe, troll blescme or J:iil'pmt) 20 a, Did he luake ,t preliminary inspection of his block bEfore the comlnencc­ ment of enumeration to brillg his Block Map and Abridged HouseliRt up-to-date '/ ~(I I, ,\V h"t, at'e til(,' qucbtiollb ill the Ill.dividual Slip in Tc,"pect of which he had recorded wrong answer,..;? (D"dUe1 1 mark fo), e'teh que:ition 'that was wrongly recorded, whether main ur subsidiary) ~G ;). Are the au!!wers reuorded against questiollf; 16 and 17 full or ,(te they vague and inoomplete? (Deduct 1 mark for each case of inadequate iHls,\YCr) 20 6. Had he filled up the Population Record correctly or did you or othEr Super­ visory Officer discover any discrepancy between entriEs in Individual. Slip!> and entries in the Population Record? (Nil if discrepanciEs Exceed 10; cleduct 1 for each discrepancy below 10) Iu 7. Had he filled up the EDPS-M & F and the Enumerator'" Ab;;tract corredh- or were there any mistakes in them? (Deduct 1 for eyery mistake) 10 1:l, Did he COlllUlit, mistake" ill rec:ol"(ling answer" durillg the fil'Ht, »econd

Totai .. 300

Signciture oj Charge S~t]1erin{endent with date. 7


(JENSUS OF INDIA, 1 \,:!71

Oha,rge ...... '.'.' ... ' :, ... , ... ,'., .- .. ,.,. Urban/Rural ...... '., ...... ' ......

Circle ...... No. (·f Enumerators in the Circle ...... ,.

Nallle and a.ddress of Supervisor .•......

Questionnaire regarding 816perviso1"S fYorh; .llax, Marks J1(w ks scored

1. Did he absent himself from

2. Was he attentive at the 'rrainillg ClaR~E's or ,ya~ he inclined to be indifferent and argumentative? 10

3. Did he lU:tk3 a pr"liminary insI)pction of his Oircle prior to enumeration '1 10

J. Did he assist his Enumerators in preparing the Block Ma,p and Abridged House- list? Ii)

G. How many Enumerators in his Circle had produced all correct entries during (i) the first week (ii) the second wetk and (iii) the third we(k? (20 if three-fourths the number of Enumerators were all correct during first welk, 10 if majority were all correct during second week, 5 if majority WEre all correct during third week a,nd 0 if majority were not a.ll OOlTf'Ct. even during third week). Item 8 of the qne"tionnaire regarding Enumerat.ors will yipld the figure" for this question. 20

G. \Yhat percentage of the hOlls'Chold" in his Uircle has he visited for verificaticll ? (10 if 20 per cent or more, 5 if between 10 and 20 per cent !lnd nil if less than 10 per cent). 10

7. What percentage of the slips aad schednles has he scrntinised? (20 if cent pf'r cent, 10 if 50 per cent, 5 if 20 per cent a.nd nil if less) 20

8. How many times has he gone round his circle for purposes of check during the enumeration period? (15 if 3 times or J1lore, 10 if two times, [, if once and 0 if he has not viBited any block) 15

9. Wa'> he available t.o Sllpervisillg Officen while ehecking the progress m his Oi~'cle regularly? 10

10. Did you have to clarify the doubts of the Enumerators of hiH circle which the Supervisor did not clarify 1 10

11. Were there <1uy complaints against him during enumeration! 10

12. Any other rema.rk::; you may likt' to offer (Specify) If)

Total 150

['Iignatu1'e of Oharge Superintendent with, dat(; t ~o




Questionaire regarding work of Charge Superintendents

J. Xitllle and designation of Lhe Oharge Superintendent (Gazetted or ~on-Gazetted to be indicated with pay scale).

2. Name of the Charge

3. Total length of service

4. Size Dj the charge :-- (a) Number of Circles (b) Number of Blocks

5. (a) No. of Supervisors in the Oharge (reserves to be excluded) (b) No. of Enumerators in the Charge (Reserves to be excluded)

G. Report by District Oensus Officer/City Oensus Officer regarding effectiveness with which the Charge Superintendent discharged his duties with special reference to---

(i) Punctuality in submission of reports and returns ('ii) Thoroughness of training enmneration staff .. (iii) Degree of supervision and field check during Name and designation of Reportinp: actual enmneration. Officer.

7. Hem,arks of t11e Deputy Oommissioner of the District Deputy Oommissioner. on the above points, viz.,6(i) to 6(iii) where the reporting officer is not, the Deputy Oommissioner.

8. Qualit,y of enumeration in the charge (to be recorded by the Tabulation Office on the basis of results of preliminary check of slips and schedule.)

, Deputy Director Df CmMus Operations /(n charge of the Tabtdution Office concernra.

WO P 7628-GPB-1750-27-4-71