CENSUS OF I.NDIA 1971 MYSORE STATE CIRCULARS Circular Sub j e c t Page No. No. 1 Preparation for tbe 1971 Census 1 2 Listing and Numbering of villages 3 3 Ho use numbe ri ng and HoulJJe list i ng Consti tnti on of Blocks 7 4 Housenumbering and Houselisting Numbering and allocation of ,Blocks to Enumerators 11 Housenumbering and Bouselisting - Appointment of Supervisors and Enumerators 2,3 6 Honsenumbering and Houselisting - Training of Supervisors and Enumerators 19 7 Honselist Abstract 25 8 Houselist and Establishment Scbedule - Addi- tional Instructions for filling up - 33 9 Loc at! on Code 35 10 Lisy of typical Industries tbat can be conducted on a Housebold Industry basis 45 11 Houselisting operations - Detailed calendar for the actual operations in April-May 1970 49 12 Houselisting Operations wri ti ng up of C barge Registers 53 13 Houselisting Operation. _ ctartfication regar_ ding doubts as to instruction. 57 14 Hous.listing .perations - Collections and, despatch of filled in schedules 65 15 Tbe population Count in 1971 73 16 Constitution of Enumeration Blocks for the Population Count 77 17 Working sheets - Rural and Urban, for for.ation of Enumeration Block. - Instructions for prepa_ rati on of - 85 18 Sel.ction and Appointment of Enumerators and Supervisors 95 19 Charge list 101) 20 Abridged Hous.list 107 21 Training of Enumerators .nd Supervisors 115 22 Preparation of Notional Map and layout .ketch }lap 12,3 23 aecording the Mothergongue in the individual slip. 127 , Circular Ne. Sub j e c t Page No. 24 Clarification regarding instructions to Enumerators for tilling up the Individual Slip (in English and Kannada) 129 26 Change in the date. of Enumeration 155 26 Provisional Population Totals - Release of 159 27 publica~ion of an initial reDort 167 28 Collection and despatch of filled in Scbe- dules of individual enumeration 171 .29 Special Report on Census enumeration 179 30 Award of Cenaua medals for meritorious work 183 Government of India ;':inistr-.- 0 f Home .... .ffairs Of~ice of the ::bperintendent 0 f ~enal S Operations in lJ::y.:;ore c Telephone, 26921 No.1, ~li Asker Road, 1'. B~lb .9;:-'.;) Bangalor e-1 • Da te 11th:;) e G • ., 5' GS To .lUI Deputy Commissioners, Comm~~aione:r!;Z ~ yi~y Municip'illities; £rBS ants orO' n~c~pal couno~ls, 1110 . VJ.e~on ... l.cer-s, T aha:!.1 dare. S:tr· , CIRCULAR No. 1 Sub~ Preparation:c; for the 1971 Census- The next Census will be taken in l\Iysore, as allover the co untry, between ?ebruary and 1V:,~rch 19710 The actual count i", over tvrenty-four montt.s nw:'1Y but a tremendous aUlount of spade WDrk has to be done to ensure'that the population count is accul.':.l.t.:.. Various operations to ensure the accur.?,cy of' the count hAve to bc performed such 9.S listing of' the vilLlges~ numbering of the h~bitatians~ listing of households, grouping of houses into ce::csu::: blocks? delimi t!l.tion of charges into Circles and 1310 cks,. appoJr:::;­ mant of of'f'icers at the v:ll'ious levels involved etc. It wir_ l,1 obvious that the rumber of' charges ",ill run into hundreds~ ci:cc]e3 into thousands and block s into tens of' tl:ousands. 2) The Cansu.s, us you :txe c>..~",are, will seek to determine spec i:':' io f::.cts regardin.g every man, "IOr:1an and child within the boundaxie s of the St'l.ta on the basis of scl:ed ules and instruct ions prepa::~ed by the Census Conrnisaion3r f"or India. The c',nvessing of' the schedules and the collection of' the f3cts will be dona, ~s in other ::::enSJl sas, by the Enume.l'3.tor who Vlill in mo st C'lses be the ·,Till3.ge Of'ficer or the Primar:\[ School ?ac.cher or other of"fioL.is appo inted for this purpo S6 6 The V'9.:rious op9r~tions referred ·~o e.bove ',rill nece ssarily h::::ve to be c::trried out ?ccording to <". striot c=Jlendex of eVGnts and the timg schedules prescribed i'o: the v~.t'ious st~ges of the prep2.r",.tory .'ork nill hRve to be s"':Tl,~tl;:r adhered to if we are to 0" intro.in the gre,,'t repute.tion thc.t i,ho St.:ite h'ls "l.cquired in the conduct of the Census. Obviously, this tremendous prep'::-,r-,tory -::ork <nd the actual enumer,=,tion ,'7ill lr>.,xgely depend on the co-opor""ct ion extended by you r.rrl your ci: ~.l=: :':.nd all those involved in this gre~.t ende".vour. Census Oper~,t:':',j~·._ is -.n p.dmini str~ tive t,'. ok ':.>11 i cb clep end son the oompl ete, \7ill in,;;' :~. d timely co-oper:;.tion of :-.11 2nd I :~m tl:>j!i~efore ','/riting to you +" request you to be so good ~s to extend to me ~ll help ~nd co-opere.tion. Between nOVi ?:.nd the clase of the :totuat c01..~nt:i I '.'Irill be forw rding to you v".rious letters, c iraul~:rs, codes ~tc., -md would be most obliged if you could find the time to re2.d through them 2-nd issue instructions wherever necess<:ry to 0 ther ~; concerned. It v/Culd be most helpful i.1' :rou could design--.te tr:.'; persons conoerned in 'rour of:fica ',vi th this ill ~tter from the V13:':'/ beginning so th", t the complete nd s:'{stemc: tic ':l'l inten"?nce or -]1 instructions etc., could be .~y,trored. I I".m very rrruoh aV'!ure tr.',ci; your time is limi ted ani th~t the demr:.nds on it are rrumarous ~ ~: exact ing. Bu t I ~.m confic.ent that you vvi11 sxtend ?.11 nece s,::n.~·;;'­ co-operation in the oonduct of the 8:3nsus. in ,.. (\J 0\ III (\J o 8 · 6 (P.P.&DMAKABH4) IU.l"e.'kZ' OeD8US Operat.ioas 1n of __0 .... No. CEN. C1R-3/71-69 . GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ()FFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS IN MYSORE -cEKSUS C:QlCULAR lfo. 3 No.1, ALI ASKER ROAD' P. B. No. 99, BANGALORE-l. Da.te 12-11-1969. 8'11,bject :-Census of India 1971-Housenumbering and Houselisting­ Constitution of Blocks. In the Census Calendar for Mysore State it has been specified that the 'O''Perations relating to housenumbering and bouselisting will commence in April 1970 and be completed by the end of May 1970. Detailed instructions will be issued in due course regarding the method of housenumbering and houselisting. As a preliminary step, it is necessary that blocks be constituted for housenumbering and houselisting purposes. The. word 'block' as used in this circular means any svecific area which can be clearly demarcated and which is formed for the purposes of the census operations relating to housenumbering and houselisting. The constitution of "enumerator blocks" for housenumbering and houselisting 'Pur'Poses is now to be carried out. Rural Areas 2. One enumerator block should generally consist of about 200 households {)r more; in other words, must consist of a lJopulation of 1,000 to 1,500 people. Probably, it is easier to apply tbe population criterion in constituting the blocks. However, it niay be emphasised that a block may consist of slightly more or slightly less than these figures de'Pending on local circumstances. 'Vhat is important is that. an enumerator block should be clearly deman~ated. 3. Generally, it should be possible to constitute reasonably sized villages into single blocks. However, if a village has a large population, it may be split into more than one block for operational convenience. Each of these blocks in larger villages may inclUde a population of about 1,000 to 1,500 '{)eople. 2 4. Similarly, there may be 'cases wbere ~il1age~ with small population are, adjacent to each other and where the population ofsucb villages if taken together would not exceed a thomand. Each"o.f such vill~ges m~y>pe constituted into a sepa.r~te enUlllerato~ block., Howe:er, since it ,has, })ee~ es~illlated that a t~,~al popUlation of about a thousand is a reasonable workload for bouse-numbering and houselisting operations for an enumerator, such "illages, though constituted into separate blocks, may together be entrusted to a >single enumerator. 5. If a village has one or more hamlets, irrespective of the size of these haml6ts, it is desirable to divide the area of the village'into blocks sncb that eri,eh hamlet is constitiuted a'l a separate block. One enumerator, however, can be placed in charge cf the (Jsli village as also hamlets despite their being constituted into separate blocks if the total population is not likely to exceed 1,500. 6. In forest areas, there may be habitations which will not fall within the area of any revenue village. In such cases an enumerator block may be consti­ tuted on the basis of the smallest forest administrative unit. Details of such areas must be obtained from the District 'Forest Officer. 7. In areas where the permanent housenumbering system has been implemented, the area unit for housenumbering may be convenientJy adopted in constituting the blocks for houselisting. Depending on the population, one or more such areas will constitute a block for the 1>urpose under consideration. 8. :Five contiguous enumerator blocks will constitute a Supervisory Circle. After the blocks have been constituted, the Supervisory Circles into which_ contiguous blocks fall should also be demarcated.
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