Engineering Heritage Victoria Newsletter – June 2011 This is an occasional newsletter from Engineering Heritage Victoria sent to all members on our mailing list. Enquiries, discussion or correspondence related to the Newsletter should be directed to the Editor at
[email protected] or address postal correspondence to the Chairman, Engineering Heritage Victoria, Engineers House, 21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne, Vic 3051. 1. Guest Speakers & Other Functions – 2011 Future Functions: The Next Talk Will Happen on Thursday 16th June — 5:30 pm refreshments, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm presentation. Event Title: Early Public Electricity Supply in Melbourne. Speaker: Miles Pierce, FIEAust., CPEng. Host: Engineering Heritage Victoria About the Subject: This presentation, based on a paper presented to the Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference, Dunedin, NZ, 2009, will focus on electricity supply in Melbourne from 1880 to 1920. In 1882 the Australian Electric Company established a small central generating station, taking Melbourne to the vanguard of public electricity supply. Private and publicly owned power stations, including the Spencer Street Power Station, followed over the next few decades. & the Speaker: Miles Pierce is a retired electrical (power) engineer and former Principal Electrical Engineer at GHD Victoria. He has worked on electricity generation, distribution and utilisation projects. Currently Chairing Engineering Heritage Victoria, Miles has had a long term interest in engineering and industrial heritage. To Register (free), go to: For more information go to: 18th August – Presentation by Matthew Churchward on development of Self Service petrol pumps by a Victorian firm.