Propulsion Systems for Aircraft. Aerospace Education II
. DOCUMENT RESUME ED 111 621 SE 017 458 AUTHOR Mackin, T. E. TITLE Propulsion Systems for Aircraft. Aerospace Education II. INSTITUTION 'Air Univ., Maxwell AFB, Ala. Junior Reserve Office Training Corps.- PUB.DATE 73 NOTE 136p.; Colored drawings may not reproduce clearly. For the accompanying Instructor Handbook, see SE 017 459. This is a revised text for ED 068 292 EDRS PRICE, -MF-$0.76 HC.I$6.97 Plus' Postage DESCRIPTORS *Aerospace 'Education; *Aerospace Technology;'Aviation technology; Energy; *Engines; *Instructional-. Materials; *Physical. Sciences; Science Education: Secondary Education; Textbooks IDENTIFIERS *Air Force Junior ROTC ABSTRACT This is a revised text used for the Air Force ROTC _:_progralit._The main part of the book centers on the discussion -of the . engines in an airplane. After describing the terms and concepts of power, jets, and4rockets, the author describes reciprocating engines. The description of diesel engines helps to explain why theseare not used in airplanes. The discussion of the carburetor is followed byan explanation of the lubrication system. The chapter on reaction engines describes the operation of,jets, with examples of different types of jet engines.(PS) . 4,,!It********************************************************************* * Documents acquired by, ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other souxces. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copravailable. nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document" Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original.
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