Piper Cherokee Warrior PA-28-151 & 161 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

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Piper Cherokee Warrior PA-28-151 & 161 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES -If no fuel pressure is indicated, check tank 4. Electric Fuel Pump…………………..............OFF selector position to be sure it is on a tank 5. Fuel Selector…………………………………….OFF containing fuel. -If engine is already started and running, continue When power is restored: operating to try pulling the fire into the engine. Carb Heat………………………………………………OFF -Abandon if fire continues longer than a few seconds. Electric fuel pump………………………………….OFF -If power is not restored, prepare for power LOSS OF OIL PRESSURE Piper Cherokee Warrior off landing. Trim for 73 KIAS. Land as soon as possible and investigate the cause. Prepare for power off landing. Maintain altitude PA-28-151 & 161 until such time as a dead stick landing can be EMERGENCY PROCEDURES & POWER-OFF LANDING accomplished. Don't change power settings PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST 1. Locate suitable landing area unnecessarily, as this may hasten power loss. *This is to be used as a REFERENCE ONLY, it is not a substitute 2. When field can easily be reached, slow to for the Airplane Flight Manual. 63KIAS mph for shortest landing. LOSS OF FUEL PRESSURE *Refer to AFM/POH for amplified procedures. User assumes all risk of use in using this product. User consents to and 3. Touchdowns should normally by made at 1. Electric fuel pump……………………………..ON understands that American Flight Schools bears no liability for lowest possible airspeed with full flaps. 2. Fuel Selector………………..check on full tank the use of this product. When committed to landing: 1. Ignition……………………………………………OFF ENGINE POWER LOSS DURING TAKEOFF HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE 2. Master Switch…………………………………..OFF -If sufficient runway remains for normal landing, land Land at nearest airport and investigate the straight ahead. 3. Fuel Selector…………………………………….OFF problem. Prepare for power-off landing. -If insufficient runway remains, maintain a safe airspeed 4. Mixture….……………………………..Idle Cut-Off and make only a shallow turn if necessary to avoid 5. Seat belt and harness…………………...…Tight ALTERNATOR FIALURE obstructions. Use of flaps depends on circumstances. Normally, flaps should be fully extended for touchdown. 1. Reduce electrical load FIRE IN FLIGHT -If sufficient altitude has been gained to attempt a 2. Alternator circuit breakers…………….Check restart: 1. Source of Fire………………………………CHECK 3. Alt switch……...OFF(for 1 second), then on. 1. Maintain safe airspeed Electrical Fire (smoke in cabin): If no output: 2. Fuel Selector………Switch to tank with fuel 1. Master switch………………………….……….OFF 4. Alt switch………………………………………...OFF 3. Electric fuel pump……………………check ON 2. Vents………………………..……………..…….OPEN Keep electrical load as low as possible, all 4. Mixture………………………………...check RICH 3. Cabin Heat………………………..……..……….OFF power is supplied by battery. 5. Carburetor Heat.................................check ON Land as soon as practicable. -If power is not regained, proceed with the Engine Fire (in air): ENGINE ROUGHNESS POWER OFF LANDING Procedure. 1. Fuel Selector…………………………………….OFF 2. Throttle……………………………………..CLOSED Usually due to carburetor icing, prompt ENGINE POWER LOSS IN FLIGHT 3. Mixture………………………………….idle cut-off action required: 1. Carburetor Heat..............................................ON 1. Fuel selector………switch to tank with fuel 4. Electric fuel pump…………………..check OFF 5. Heater and defroster………………………..OFF (RPM will decrease slightly and roughness will 2. Electric fuel pump……………………………..ON increase. Wait for decrease in engine roughness or 3. Mixture...………………………………………..RICH Proceed with power off landing procedure. an increase in RPM, indicating ice removal. If no 4. Carburetor Heat………………………………...ON change in approximately one minute, return 5. Engine gauges…………..check for indication Engine Fire (on ground): carburetor heat to OFF. If engine is still rough, try of cause of power loss 1. Starter……………..…………………crank engine steps below) NOTE: when using carburetor heat, 2. Mixture…………………………………idle cut-off always use full heat and when ice is removed return 3. Throttle…………………………………………Open to full cold position. ENGINE ROUGHNESS 24. Fuel and oil………………...……check for leaks 2. Mixture..............Adjust for max smoothness 25. Oil………………………...check level(4qts min.) 3. Electric Fuel Pump……..................................ON 26. Cowling…………………………………..…...secure 4. Fuel Selector..................................Switch tanks 27. Inspection covers…………………………secure 5. Engine Gauges..........................................CHECK 28. Nose wheel tire……………………………...check 6. Magneto Switch…...............L then R then BOTH 29. Nose gear strut………………proper inflation -If operation is satisfactory on either magneto, 30. Air inlets………………………………..……….clear proceed on that magneto at reduced power, 31. Alternator belt………….............check tension with mixture full rich, to a landing at first 32. Fuel strainer (left side)…..........drain, check available airport. 33. Tow bar and control locks………….……stow -If roughness persists, prepare for 34. Baggage………...stowed properly & secured precautionary landing at pilot's discretion. 35. Baggage door………………...close and secure 36. Primary flight controls…………………..check OPEN DOOR 37. Seat belts and harness……………….fastened If both upper and side latches are open, the door will trail slightly open and airspeeds will PREFLIGHT CHECK be reduced slightly. 1. Required Papers(ARROW) ……….on board To close the door in flight: 2. Control wheel……………………...release belts 1. Slow airplane to 100 MPH 3. Avionics…………………………………………..OFF 2. Cabin vents………………………………........close 4. Master switch…………………….……….…..…ON 3. Storm Window……………………………….open 5. Fuel quantity gauges……………………...check 4. If upper latch is open………………………latch 6. Lights...……………………….…………...…….check 5. If side latch is open………….pull on armrest 7. Stall warning………………..………………..check while moving latch handle to latched 8. Pitot heat.......................................................check position. 9. Master switch……………………….................OFF 10. Ignition……………………………………...........OFF 11. Exterior……………………….check for damage SPIN RECOVERY (PARE) 12. Control surfaces…..check for interference- 1. THROTTLE…………………………..…………IDLE free of ice, snow, frost 2. AILERONS………………………………NEUTRAL 13. Hinges…………………..check for interference 3. RUDDER………………………..FULL OPPOSITE 14. Wings…………………...free of ice, snow, frost (to direction of rotation) 15. Fuel tanks……………...check supply visually 4. CONTROL WHEEL…………FULL FORWARD – Secure Cap 5. RUDDER………..…………….………….NEUTRAL 16. Fuel tank sumps………………...drain & check (when rotation stops) 17. Fuel vents…………………………...………….Open 6. CONTROL WHEEL…………….AS REQUIRED 18. Main gear struts…..…………proper inflation (to smoothly regain level flight altitude) 19. Tires………………………………..……………check 20. Brakes……….……………………………...…..check 21. Fuselage static vents……………………….clear 22. Windshield…………………………..………...clean 23. Propeller and spinner…………………....check .
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