Alaska2013 Bridge Report

Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Department of Transportation and Public Facilities November 2013 Contents

Introduction...... 3 The Bridge Program and MAP-21...... 4 Funding...... 4 New National Highway System Routes. . . . . 5 Inspection...... 5 Bridge Rating...... 6 Bridge Management System (PONTIS). . . . . 7 Structurally Deficient Deck Area...... 8 Performance Measures...... 8 Bridge Program Features ...... 10 Scour Monitoring ...... 10 Seismic Bridge Retrofit ...... 10 Functionally Obsolete and Fracture-Critical Bridges ...... 11 Bridge Closing and Load Posting...... 12 Design...... 13 Preservation...... 13 Maintenance...... 13 Rehabilitation...... 13 Research...... 13 Bridge Age and Construction Materials. . . . . 14 Project Programming and Planning ...... 15 Schedule of Improvements ...... 15 STIP Funding...... 15 The Alaska Factors...... 17 Natural Resource Development...... 17 Environmental Factors...... 17 Lack of Reduncancy in the Highway System. . . 17 Specialized Structures...... 18 Short Inspection Season...... 18 Closing...... 19

Appendices ...... 20 Appendix A: Glossary of Terms...... 21 Appendix B: Structurally Deficient DOT and other Public Bridges...... 23 Appendix C: Structurally Deficient Bridges Identified for Replacement in the 2012-2015 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP)...... 26 Appendix D: Location of Bridges Seismically Retrofitted...... 28

Appendix E: National Highway The Cold Bay ferry ramp, one of System Routes in Alaska ...... 29 the many specialized structures maintained by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. See page 18. Photo by Peter Metcalfe . Kasilof River Bridge 150 miles south of Anchorage on the Sterling Highway. Photo by Kathleen Metcalfe . Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 3


he Alaska Department of The department’s bridge inventory is ongoing and will always face Transportation and Public includes 77 culverts twenty feet challenges. About one-third of the TFacilities is responsible for or greater in diameter, nine drive- bridges in the state are past the inspecting 996 bridges on public down ramps to seaplane floats, mid-point of their 75-year design roads in Alaska,1 including 810 and 35 ramps at Alaska Marine life — the design life for bridges bridges owned by the department, Highway System terminals. All of built after 1995. Before then, bridg- 23 owned by other state agen- these structures are in the FHWA’s es were designed for a 50-year cies, and 163 owned by cities and National Bridge Inventory System design life. Industrial activities, in- boroughs . These inspections are (NBIS), although only road and cluding mining and oil or gas field subject to the requirements estab- highway bridges are the subject development and future construc- lished by the Federal Highway Ad- of this report . Federal legislation tion of oil or natural gas pipelines, ministration. The Alaska Railroad (MAP-21, see below) has added may require rehabilitation and/or Corporation is responsible for the four tunnels to the inventory . replacement of existing bridges to inspection of most bridges on the Drive-down ramps at small boat carry the significant traffic loads rail system, while federal agencies harbors are not counted . such development generates . Pop- inspect the bridges under their ulation growth, increased traffic jurisdiction . Department engineers annually in- volumes, and environmental fac- spect about 500 bridges on public tors such as high runoff volumes This report addresses all bridges roads to identify problems and en- and thawing permafrost also place for which the department has in- gage in a corrective work program demands on the bridge inventory . spection responsibility, but focus- that assures Alaska bridges are es on the 810 bridges owned and safe and in overall good condition . operated by the department . Bridge inspection and remediation

The listing of structurally Bridge Ownership deficient bridges in Appen- dix ‘B’ of the report is based on bridge inspections per- Local formed by the department in 163 2012. The list is used to cal- culate structurally deficient Other State deck area (see graph on Agencies page 8), and represents the 23 Alaska Department most ”real time” account- of Transportation & ing of structurally deficient Public Facilities bridges, but is unofficial, 810 since the list has not been formally approved by the FHWA for inclusion in the National Bridge Inventory. 1 Federally-owned bridges are excluded from all data in this report. Please refer to the Glossary in Appendix A for the definitions of technical and engineering terms. 4 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

The Bridge Program and MAP-21

In July of 2012 the U.S. Congress passed a surface transportation authorization bill, MAP-21, or “Moving Ahead for Progress In the 21st Century.” The legislation took effect on October 1, 2012.

AP-21 represents a new direc- • NHS bridges funded through National Highway Performance Pro- tion in surface transporta- the National Highway Perfor- gram (NHPP) . The Highway Safety Mtion and bridge funding . The mance Program; Improvement Program (HSIP) may authorization eliminates the Highway be used for bridge work con- • non-NHS bridges, a mix of also Program, but includes bridge sistent with the Strategic Highway Bridge state and local bridges on eligibility in the Surface Transporta- Safety Plan or to resolve a known major collectors and minor tion Program and (new) National hazard or safety issue . arterials; and Highway Performance Program (NHPP) categories, and adds tun- • off-system bridges, often Only bridges and tunnels on Nation- nels to each state’s bridge inventory . owned by cities or boroughs al Highway System (NHS) routes The legislation also modifies bridge on local roads and minor col- may be funded through NHPP . By inspection standards and requires lectors . federal requirement, at least 15% of the FHWA, with input from the states, the state’s STP allocation must be to establish performance measures Funding set aside for off-system bridges, for bridges on the National Highway Bridge funding in the (now) su- typically bridges on roads function- System (NHS) . perseded highway authorization, ally classified as minor collectors SAFETEA-LU, occurred under a dis- or rural roads, often owned by local AP-21 focuses on NHS routes, crete program, the Highway Bridge government (the set-aside can- including NHS bridges and Program. Although this program is not be less than 15% of the State’s Mtunnels. Essentially, MAP-21 discontinued under MAP-21, funding FY2009 Highway Bridge Program creates three classes of bridges: for bridge and tunnel preservation, apportionment — about $4 mil- rehabilitation, and construction is lion this fiscal year). Funding for all available under the Surface Trans- other bridges, the 400-plus that portation Program (STP) and the are neither off-system nor on the Asset management is a systematic process of Bridge Conditions operating, maintaining, and All State and Local Bridges improving physical assets by focusing on engineer- ing and life-cycle economic analysis based on up-to- GOOD date, standardized informa- 43% tion. The department recog- POOR nizes Transportation Asset 11% Management as a valuable

approach to preserving FAIR assets at a time of grow- 46% ing demand and shrinking resources. Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 5

NHS, is available under the Surface Transportation Program . One-half of the STP allocation, after set-asides for off-system bridges, transporta- tion alternatives, and planning and research, is allocated by population, while the remaining 50% is available for projects in any area of the state .

MAP-21 is focused on preservation of the National Highway System . The legislation includes penalties for failing to adequately maintain NHS bridges, thus helping assure adequate bridge funding on the state’s principal routes. Off-system bridges receive annual funding through a set-aside formula, how- ever, the minimum funding level of $4 million is approximately 18% less than the average funding level between 2006 and 2011. All other bridges that are eligible for federal Culverts for the Marshall Airport Access Road. Photo by Clyde Kelso, ADOT&PF. funding must compete against all other projects for available funds in Inspection bridge inspection times, and the the Surface Transportation Program accurate entry of considerably more allocation . The available level of MAP-21 continues to require a 24-month bridge inspection cycle, datasets into PONTIS will be time- federal funding is not considered consuming . sufficient to fully address Alaska’s and department inspectors will known bridge conditions. (See the continue to use condition ratings section on Project Programming and and sufficiency ratings to identify MAP-21 requires the FHWA to es- Planning on page 15 for additional candidate bridges for rehabilitation tablish performance measures for detail on programming and funding .) and reconstruction; however, the bridges on the National Highway sufficiency rating will no longer act System within eighteen months of as a ‘trigger’ for bridge rehabilita- enactment, or by April 1, 2014. The New NHS Routes tion and reconstruction funding . In legislation also sets a minimum MAP-21 expanded the National place of the former evaluation of the threshold for bridge condition on Highway System to include all bridge deck (the driving surface), the NHS by requiring that no more urban and rural principal arteri- the substructure (elements such as than 10% of total NHS bridge deck als and other connector highways, abutments and piers) and the super- area may be on structurally deficient and all Strategic Highway Network structure (elements such as girders), NHS bridges, averaged over three (STRAHNET) routes and connec- on which sufficiency ratings have consecutive years. Initial examina- tors. In Alaska this totaled a little been based, the FHWA now requires tion indicates that for the last three over 77 centerline-miles, with most an element-level inspection; that is, years (2010-2012), the percentage in Anchorage (52.58 miles) and each separate element of the bridge of total deck area of NHS bridges the Mat-Su Valley (22.10), and the must be inspected and rated . on structurally deficient bridges has remainder in Fairbanks (1.43 miles), averaged just in excess of 10%. For Haines (0.67 miles), Juneau (0.38 Elements will vary by bridge type, the past four years (2009-2012) it miles) and the Kenai Peninsula (0 .10 but include primary elements such has averaged just below 10%. miles). Twelve Alaska bridges were as decks, slabs, girders, pilings, col- added to the NHS system, most of umns, and abutments, and second- MAP-21 makes tunnel inspections them (nine) in Anchorage. (A map ary elements such as joints, bear- a state DOT responsibility . Few of major NHS routes in Alaska is in ings, rails and protective surfaces. tunnels exist on the state’s highway Appendix F.) Bridge engineers collect element- system, in Ketchikan on Tongass level data now; however, this new Avenue and beneath the Ketchikan universal requirement will increase 6 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

inspections can range from routine Percentage of Total Deck Area of NHS Bridges to in-depth, depending on a bridge’s on Structurally Deficient Bridges 2009-2012 individual characteristics and needs . The inspection by bridge design engineers gives the design group valuable information on bridge Area conditions and performance, “wear 10

45% and tear,” and other factors. Most in- . Deck

0% 11 8 . spection team leaders are licensed 75% . 10 9 professional engineers with at least 29%

6 . Deficient 8 five years of bridge design and in- 4 spection experience. 2 Structurally

Engineers may inspect smaller 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 bridges on foot, while some struc- tures require the use of a special Percent under-bridge-inspection vehicle with a jointed arm and bucket, or plat- form, which allows access to oth- airport runway, and on the Seward mation on their physical condition, erwise inaccessible locations . The Highway at Portage. The Anton An- ensures public safety, and provides time it takes to inspect a bridge can derson Memorial Tunnel (ie, ‘Whit- a factual basis for public investment vary from an hour to several days tier Tunnel’), the longest combined in bridge preservation, replacement, depending on the length and width vehicle-railroad tunnel in North and rehabilitation . Federal regula- of the span, weather conditions, and America, is inspected by the depart- tions mandate bridge inspections location on the road system . ment on both a daily and a monthly on a 24-month interval for the basis, and following earthquakes above-water, accessible portions of MAP-21 requires the establishment or other geologic activity. Alaska the bridge, and on a 60-month rota- of a national certification for bridge Railroad personnel inspect the track tion for the portions of bridges that and tunnel inspectors . The Secre- structure twice weekly. The tunnel are continuously underwater . tary of Transportation is required is also under constant view via a to prepare an update on inspec- department CCTV system . The state’s bridge inspection pro- tion standards that will include the gram complies with the National methodology, training, and qualifica- Regular inspection of the state’s Bridge Inspection standards to as- tions for inspectors. Working with bridges provide up-to-date infor- sure high quality standards . Bridge the states, the Secretary will also maintain a program to train bridge and tunnel inspectors, and revise the program periodically to reflect new and improved techniques .

Bridge Rating Bridge inspectors continue to collect data for a Condition Rating and a Sufficiency Rating as in the past, while the FHWA prepares revised rating standards for bridges and tunnels based on element-level Juneau-Douglas Bridge inspection data . Each state Depart- Roundabout. Photo by ment of Transportation is required, Mal Menzies, ADOT&PF. within two years of enactment of MAP-21, or by October 1, 2014, to report element-level data on bridges on the NHS. Alaska bridge inspec- Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 7

including the deck, beams, piers, railings, trusses, and other features. At present, PONTIS mainly houses data, although it has the potential to support the department’s emerging commitment to asset management, and aid in meeting federal perfor- mance standards for the element- level inspection of bridges effective on April 1, 2014.

PONTIS stores complete bridge inventory and inspection data, including detailed conditions of bridge elements . It can help iden- tify system-wide preservation and improvement strategies for use in The Fred Zharoff Memorial Bridge in Kodiak. Photo by Peter Metcalfe . evaluating the needs of all bridges in the system . It has the capability to recommend projects that would tors already collect bridge condition Inventory . The guide is currently derive maximum benefit from avail- data at the element level, and with being revised, an effort that could able funds, report on system-wide modifications to PONTIS2, the bridge take until 2014 or later. Because and project-level results, and fore- section’s asset management system, MAP-21 requires element-level data cast system-wide life-cycle costs . inspectors will be prepared to enter to be collected and submitted, it PONTIS elements currently focus and report element-level data by the seems reasonable to expect that the on maintenance-related condition 2014 deadline . emerging element-level data col- inspections, but pending changes lection requirements would replace will place a larger emphasis on Department engineers classify the or supplement the existing ‘condi- structural features and safety . condition of Alaska bridges using nu- tion rating’ and ‘sufficiency rating’ merical rankings (7-9=good; 5-6=fair; requirements in a revised Guide. Full utilization of PONTIS should 0-4=poor), Bridges in the good- enable the department to make condition category may have minor sound, defensible, and repeatable problems that can be addressed with Bridge Management investment decisions for bridges in preservation or maintenance prac- System (PONTIS) the department’s inventory . It will tices . Bridges in the fair-condition support a preservation approach by category are structurally sound, but PONTIS is a software program that identifying a cost-effective strategy show minor deterioration, crack- stores and analyzes data collected for preserving the overall bridge ing, spalling, or scour that can be on the condition of bridge elements corrected through repair . Bridges in the poor-condition category show advanced deterioration, may not be structurally sound and are candi- dates for rehabilitation or replace- ment and may require weight or lane restrictions . (See more about weight and lane restrictions on Page 12 and in Appendix B.)

The FHWA has used the Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Na- tion’s Bridges to identify the data entered into the National Bridge

2 “PONTIS” is Latin for “bridge.” Barnett Street Bridge in Fairbanks. Photo by Meadow Bailey, ADOT&PF. 8 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

system and quantifying the costs of however, fourteen bridges were added footage, combined with MAP-21’s focus deferring needed maintenance, repair, to the list for 2012 . The 96 structur- on the NHS, put non-NHS and Off-Sys- and rehabilitation activities . PONTIS ally deficient DOT and other public tem bridges at a funding disadvantage, software is currently being modified to bridges listed in this report comprise and raise concerns over the long-term make full use of element-level inspec- a total deck area square footage maintenance, rehabilitation, and re- tion data as required in MAP-21. of 664,500 square feet. Just 7 of placement of these bridges without these bridges, or 7.3%, comprise 44% additional sources of funding . Structurally Deficient of the total deck area of structurally Deck Area deficient bridges. This indicates that Thirty-four structurally deficient MAP-21 identifies the deck area of the addition or deletion of just a few bridges are scheduled in the 2012- structurally deficient bridges on the structurally deficient bridges can have 2015 STIP for replacement or rehabili- National Highway System as an a significant effect on the total num- tation. Structurally deficient deck area important performance measure . The bers . can change significantly from year to department annually calculates the year . But as bridges are rehabilitated deck area of structurally deficient The square footage of structurally or replaced, other bridges will continue bridges . In the ten-year period be- deficient deck area in the report has to deteriorate with age . The amount of tween 2003 and 2012, the total deck been calculated for DOT-owned structurally deficient deck area will fluc- area square footage of structurally bridges, and for other local and state tuate each year, but with the application deficient DOT bridges decreased by a bridges inspected by DOT . Structur- of asset management principles, that little over 25%, from 844,000 square ally deficient deck area has also been total is expected to trend downward. feet to 572,200 square feet. calculated for NHS, non-NHS, and off- system bridges, consistent with the Performance Measures Although trending downward over a funding template created in MAP-21. The Secretary of Transportation, in ten-year period, the deck area square consultation with the states, must footage of structurally deficient The thirty-eight structurally deficient establish performance measures for DOT bridges has risen from a low of highway bridges on the NHS com- bridges on the National Highway 415,000 square feet in 2008 to the prise 395,000 square feet; the nine- System by April 1, 2014. Within a year 2012 figure of 572,200 square feet, teen structurally deficient non-NHS following federal DOT’s final rule on an increase of about one-third . This highway bridges comprise 119,800 performance measures, or by April 1, is due to a net increase in the num- square feet; and the thirty-nine struc- 2015, ADOT&PF must set performance ber of bridges being designated as turally deficient off-system highway targets to support those measures for structurally deficient each year than bridges comprise 149,700 square feet. Alaska bridges on the NHS. It is likely are being rehabilitated or replaced . Structurally deficient highway bridges these performance targets, or a related For example, 2012 bridge inspec- that are closed are not included in set of standards, will be developed for tions removed nine bridges from these counts . The recent increases in other federal aid-eligible bridges not on the structurally deficient bridge list, structurally deficient deck area square the NHS, and for Off System bridges.

Deck Area of Structurally Deficient Bridges DOT, Local and Other State Bridges 2003-2012 800,000




0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

DOT Bridges & Linear Trend DOT Bridges & Linear Trend Local & Other Public Bridges & Linear Trend 2008-2012 Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 9

Dowling Street bridge in Anchorage. Photo by Kathleen Metcalfe . 10 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Bridge Program Features

Scour Monitoring Scour Program applied “Scour” is the engineering term for a risk-based screening the erosion of streambed or bank tool to all non-DOT&PF material due to flowing water. The public bridges, develop- most common cause of bridge fail- ing and providing POA ures is from floods scouring stream- templates for non- bed material from around bridge DOT&PF bridge owners foundations (piers and abutments) . to facilitate scour moni- Bridges that are vulnerable to scour toring and risk manage- are termed “scour-critical.” ment activities .

National Bridge Inspection Stan- Department bridge dards (23 CFR 650) require states inspectors make assess- Placing a 300 lb. depth and current monitor in the Copper River. Photo by Mike Knapp, ADOT&PF. to identify scour-critical bridges ments of scour-critical and their owners to prepare a Plan bridges annually rather of Action (POA) to monitor scour than the 24-month cycle seismic vulnerability assessment of conditions and to address potential used for routine bridge inspections . Alaska bridges and a determination deficiencies and critical findings. Additionally, seventeen of these of priority highway routes, has re- Bridge scour countermeasures may bridges feature remote (i.e., electron- sulted in the prioritization of bridges include more frequent inspections, ic) scour monitoring systems that for seismic retrofit. installation of active monitoring sys- provide near real-time scour data at Consistent with national standards tems, and structural improvements the bridge pier(s) . The department adopted by the American Associa- such as riprap to resist scour . also collaborates with other agen- cies, notably the U.S. Geological Sur- tion of State Highway Transporta- The department has identified 110 vey, to conduct complex scour and tion Officials (AASHTO) and the “scour-critical” bridges in 2012, bridge hydraulics studies at selected FHWA, the department retrofits including 20 bridges owned by local bridges . bridges in an attempt to prevent governments, 11 bridges owned by collapse during an earthquake. the Alaska Department of Natural The 2012-2015 STIP has pro- Public safety is the foremost con- Resources, and 79 bridges owned by grammed $2,850,000 over three sideration . The department designs the department. In 2012, the FHWA years to sustain the Bridge Scour new bridges to the “no collapse” sought greater involvement by the Monitoring program . standard contained in the current department in the management of AASHTO specifications. non-DOT&PF public bridges. Conse- The department has adopted a quently, in 2012 and early 2013 the Seismic Bridge Retrofit two-phase seismic retrofit pro- Alaska is the gram . Phase One of the program most seismically addresses the most critical bridge active state in the deficiencies that can be accom- union . The de- plished for the least cost. Typically, partment imple- the department can retrofit about mented a seismic ten bridges annually with a budget retrofit program of approximately $2.4 million. Phase for Alaska bridg- One retrofits improve a bridge’s es in 1995, using anticipated seismic performance seismic hazard but do not necessarily bring the data from the bridge into compliance with current U.S. Geological “no collapse” standards. The intent A popular boat launch ramp Survey. This data, of Phase One is to retrofit as many next to the Kenai River Bridge. together with a Photo by Kathleen Metcalfe . bridges as is economically feasible Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 11

Strengthening a pier on the Nenana River Bridge. Photo by Elmer Marx, ADOT$PF

with the available funds . The 2012-2015 STIP has pro- widths, smaller shoulders, lower ver- grammed $6,000,000 over three tical clearance, reduced load capac- Phase 2 of the retrofit program is years to implement the Seismic ity, or other features that were suit- intended to address vulnerabilities Bridge Retrofit program. able at the time of construction, but in the bridge columns and founda- are inconsistent with current design tions. These deficiencies are typical- requirements and traffic demands. ly much more expensive to correct, resulting in fewer Phase 2 retrofits Functionally Obsolete and Bridges conform to the design stan- for the same amount of funds . The Fracture-Critical Bridges dards in place at the time they are department has addressed many The recent bridge collapse on constructed. The degree of differ- Phase 1 priorities and has com- Interstate 5 near Mt. Vernon, pleted Phase 2-type improvements Washington, has focused on bridges in Kodiak and Sitka, attention again on bridge and more recently, the Susitna safety . This report has River Bridge. Six additional Phase addressed structural 2 retrofits are in design, including deficiency. Two additional the Nenana River Bridge at Moody . bridge terms that evoke Phase 1 work will not cease, but public concern over safety overall priorities may shift toward need to be addressed as Phase 2 work, particularly for critical well: ‘fracture-critical’ and bridge links on the National High- ‘functionally obsolete .’ way System. (See Appendix E for the A functionally obsolete location of bridges seismically ret- bridge is one that does rofitted between 1996 and 2013, and not meet current design the location of Richter Scale 6 .0 and standards . It can be com- greater earthquakes since 1965.) pletely safe to use, but The Old Knik River Bridge. Photo by Ron Martindale, ADOT&PF. may have narrower lane 12 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

2012 Deck Area Square Footage of Bridge Closing and Load Structurally Deficient Bridges Posting Bridges: DOT and Other Public Bridges Alaska traffic volumes are low by national standards, making traffic- generated deterioration a less . significant factor in Alaska than ft. in other states. Additional factors 390,00 sq affecting Alaska bridges include age, rot and related deterioration of . timber bridges, scour, overweight .ft . .ft loads, and environmental damage . .ft . 119,800 sq from corrosion and the effects ft. 101,800 sq 47,900 sq of freeze-thaw cycles . Vehicle 5,043 sq 0 collisions can also result in NHS Non-NHS Off-System structural damage . A bridge closure or posting of re- DOT Other Public duced load capacity typically occurs when advanced deterioration or im- pact damage reduces structural ca- that does not con- pacity below state legal loads . Some tain redundant sup- bridges designed under old codes porting elements: if and standards for smaller truck- a key steel element loads, may also require load posting. fails, the bridge is Regular inspections typically spot in danger of col- problems in time for implementa- lapse . To be termed tion of corrective measures, making fracture-critical, the closure a last option . element must be in tension, with no Currently, eight bridges classified other element (or as structurally deficient are closed system of elements) to traffic. An additional twenty-nine that can provide bridges classified as structurally de- back-up in case of ficient have posted load and/or lane failure. In short, this (i.e., one-way traffic) restrictions. means that there is Three load-posted bridges were no means of trans- replaced in 2012 and 2013 at Falls ferring the weight Creek, Ptarmigan Creek, and Trail being supported by River, all on the NHS. Almost all of Removing the deck of the Peterson Creek Bridge. that element to hold the remaining restricted bridges are Photo by Michael Kell, ADOT&PF. up the bridge, and if on low-volume rural or local routes . it fails, collapse can ence between current design stan- occur quickly. The FHWA classifies dards and those in place for a bridge about 18,000 bridges nationally as constructed at a prior time, deter- fracture-critical. Seventy-six high- mines whether a bridge receives a way bridges owned or inspected by functionally obsolete classification. the department were classified as Depending on the year, about 10% of fracture-critical in 2012 . the DOT bridge inventory is typically classified as functionally obsolete, A bridge can be functionally obsolete, consistent with percentages nation- fracture-critical, or both, and be safe wide. In 2012, seventy-five highway for vehicle traffic. When public safety bridges in Alaska were classified as is at risk, the department load-posts functionally obsolete . bridges, or closes them to traffic. Steve Banse inspecting the Swanson River A fracture-critical bridge is a bridge Bridge. Photo by Larry Miller, ADOT&PF. Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 13

Design Rehabilitation All of these bridge related projects Design, as a component of bridge This includes replacement of were initiated and supported by the preservation, accounts for environ- deteriorated bridge elements caused Bridge Section . mental conditions, traffic volumes, by rusting or spalling (flaking vehicle weight, and other factors, or crumbing concrete), repair of Overall, the department’s bridge and helps to assure longer bridge collision damage, painting, replacing research is aimed at validating life, greater ease of routine main- damaged decking and replacing or the applicability of national bridge tenance, and greater safety. The repairing structural elements . design criteria for Alaska’s extreme department is currently preparing temperature and seismic conditions . a bridge manual that emphasizes Replacement Generally, these standards have design as a means of assuring Economic and lifecycle analysis may been found to be sufficiently con- bridge safety and service life . The indicate that an existing bridge has servative and applicable to Alaska new manual will address virtually exceeded its economic life, and that conditions, with some necessary every stage of a bridge’s life includ- bridge replacement is the most cost- modifications due to the uniquely ing planning, design, construction effective choice. massive earthquakes the state can support, inspection, rating, and experience. rehabilitation . Research The AUTC and the department’s Both the department’s Research, Bridge Section, through a portfolio Preservation Development and Technology Trans- of nine seismic-related research Pro-active preservation by the fer section, and the FHWA-spon- projects undertaken with additional department keeps bridges safe and sored Alaska University Transporta- partners, produced research leading operational. Preservation extends tion Center (AUTC) undertake bridge to design recommendations that bridge service life and forestalls the have been adopted by the AASHTO research, with an emphasis on struc- 3 need for more corrective, reactive tural capacity and seismic demand Seismic Bridge Design guidelines . maintenance, and includes activities and performance . The department’s The AUTC implemented a remote such as painting, cleaning joints to bridge research generally has sensor on the Chulitna River Bridge, prevent deterioration and/or failure, focused on the unique earthquake which allows the department to and sealing surfaces to prevent response of bridge structures and conduct seismic and structural water penetration . substructures embedded in frozen monitoring without sending crews ground, and the behavior of bridges to the site . The data will help deter- Continuing implementation of asset at extremely cold temperatures. mine the necessity of posting load management practices based on data entered in the department’s bridge management system (see PONTIS above) and the anticipated performance requirements of MAP- 21, will assure timely attention to preservation that will help control future costs, especially as new in- ventory comes on line . Maintenance Proper maintenance of bridge inven- tory includes ongoing tasks such as overlaying bridge decks, resto- ration of guardrails on the bridge approaches, sweeping, paint strip- ing, patching, or repairing or replac- ing leaking expansion joints. The department’s bridge crews conduct an annual preventive maintenance Replanking the Moose Creek Bridge. program . Photo by Michael Kell, ADOT&PF

3 2011 AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2nd Edition, Chapters 7, 8. Research partners included North Carolina State University, China’s University of Science and Technology, Oregon State University, and the University of Alaska Anchorage. 14 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

restrictions to the bridge. AUTC has also developed a multi-project port- folio that addresses the impacts of changing hydrology dynamics, such as glacial and snow melt, precipita- tion, seasonal runoff, and flooding events, on proposed bridge cross- ings, especially along new transpor- tation and resource development corridors such as Ambler, Umiat and the West Susitna River Valley .

Bridge Age and Construction Materials The state’s bridge inventory con- tinues to age. As of January, 2013, at least half of the public bridges in the state are 36 years old or older compared with 33% two years ago. Almost 15% are 50 or more years Hurricane Canyon Bridge on the Parks Highway. Scott Sexton ADOT&PF old. In all, about one-third are past the mid-point of their 50 to 75-year Age of DOT Bridges design life. Over time, additional bridges are likely to show signs of distress as they deteriorate with 60-103 Years age. Thus, it is critical to address 6% the existing inventory of structurally 40-59 Years deficient bridges. 30% The majority of publicly owned 21-39 Years bridges in Alaska have been con- structed using steel girders, fol- 36% lowed by pre-stressed concrete 0-20 Years bridges, then timber bridges, which 28% typically comprise the older and shorter spans . Because of their rela- tively low maintenance requirements Bridge Construction Material and relatively low cost, pre-stressed concrete girders are the preferred choice for new construction . Concrete 3% Pre-stressed Concrete 41%

Steel Timber 49% 7% Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 15

Project Programming and Planning

Schedule of STIP Funding general obligation bonds. Additional Improvements sources of funds include approxi- The STIP has identified a little over mately $12 million in “one-time” As of May 28, 2013, ninety-six high- $350 million in mostly federal fund- way bridges in the DOT inventory funds from previously obligated ing between FFY 2013 and 2015 for Highway Bridge Program funds un- were classified as structurally defi- work on over sixty bridges, including cient (See Appendix B), not counting der SAFETEA-LU, the former surface the rehabilitation or replacement transportation authorization bill . bridges that are currently closed . of thirty-four bridges classified as Seventy-five of these bridges are structurally deficient. The work Funding for bridges on the NHS owned by DOT, while the remain- includes both “stand-alone” bridge should be sufficient under MAP-21, ing twenty-one are owned by local projects, and bridge work undertak- with its emphasis on preservation governments or other state agen- en as part of larger projects typically of NHS assets . More problematic cies . Thirty-eight of these are on the involving highway improvements . is funding for off-system bridges National Highway system; thirty- In addition to bridge-related project and for bridges eligible for federal nine are off-system bridges, and an funds, the STIP also identifies fund- aid but not on the NHS. Off System additional nineteen are on-system ing for bridge and tunnel inspec- bridges receive dedicated funding in bridges that are not on the NHS . tions ($40.8M 2013-2015), seismic the Surface Transportation Program retrofit ($6.0M 2013-2015) and scour category, but at a minimum level be- monitoring ($2 .85M 2013-2015) . low 2006-2011 averages and insuf- Of the 96 structurally deficient high- ficient to address off-system bridge way bridges in the DOT&PF inven- Most bridge rehabilitation and re- needs . Bridges eligible for federal tory, the STIP, or Statewide Trans- placement funding comes from the aid but not on the National highway portation Improvement Plan, has FHWA via MAP-21, but other sources System must compete against all identified thirty-four for replacement include state general fund appro- other STP projects in a ‘zero sum’ or rehabilitation between 2012 and priations (such as state matching effort, where focusing funding on 2015 (See Appendix C): twenty-three funds for federal funds) and state bridge work means under-investing on the NHS; six off-system bridges; and five on non-NHS federal aid routes .

Historically, bridge rehabilitation and replacement has occurred in connection with highway improve- ment projects, but recent national attention to bridge conditions has resulted in increased funding for “stand-alone” bridge projects. Factors influencing Alaska’s shift in funding for stand-alone bridge projects include the need to improve the state’s infrastructure to support energy and resource development, and a recognition that the backlog of structurally deficient bridges could continue growing unless it is addressed . New Gakona River Bridge. Photo by Jeff Ottesen, ADOT&PF. 16 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Shaw Creek Bridge. Photo by Steve Rzepka, ADOT&PF.

in other elements of the transporta- on data updated in 2010, shows the The department has few options for tion system . Of the 96 structurally need for an annual investment of meeting bridge preservation and deficient bridges identified in the $58 million per year over the next replacement needs . The department 2012 inspections, 39.6% are on the twenty years to achieve the lifecycle can hope that additional program- NHS, 40.6% are off-system bridges, management goals of the plan . This matic funding for bridges above and 19.8% are eligible for federal figure is greater than the $45 million current levels will be available at aid but do not receive NHPP fund- in annual expenditures identified in the federal level, but that appears ing and do not have dedicated, or the Plan in 2006 as corrected, and unlikely. It can request additional set-aside funding through other significantly greater than the $28 state General Funds on a sustained categories . million originally forecast. A revised basis, or seek General Obligation long range plan due in August of bonds, sufficient to bring the bridge The funding level for bridges estab- 2014 will likely modify this number inventory into good condition . With- lished in the Statewide Long-Range further . out additional funds, increasing the Transportation Policy Plan, based commitment to bridge work in the Statewide Transportation Improve- ment Plan will occur at the expense of other federally funded projects .

With Congress and the FHWA pressing for a more rigorous asset management approach from each state, it is likely that a sustained and higher level of funding must be found to ensure that the bridge inventory can be brought to, and maintained in good condition .

John Orbistondo inspect- ing the Yuikon River Bridge piers. Photo by Larry Durfee, ADOT&PF. Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 17

The Alaska Factors

Natural Resource Environmental Factors Lack of Redundancy in Development Alaska’s environment presents the Highway System Increases in energy and metal prices unique conditions . Freeze/thaw It is vital to maintain the bridges that have stimulated a renewed focus on cycles, coastal storms, melting per- link Alaska’s surface transportation the ability of existing bridges to han- mafrost, harsh winter conditions, the routes. Unlike other states, Alaska’s dle large module and construction high potential for earthquakes, all highway system does not have a loads for the energy and resource pose challenges to bridge design- high degree of redundancy or alter- development industries . Bridges on ers, to the engineers charged with nate routing . Critical bridges that are major NHS routes that provide the bridge inspection and preservation, out of service can severely constrain corridors to these developments and to the maintenance crews. Also, the movement of goods and people . cannot be the limiting factors within due to widespread steep terrain This heightens the importance of the highway infrastructure . Many of along many high-velocity rivers and bridge inspections and the related these bridges were constructed in streams, scour of bridge founda- investments that help maintain a the 1940s and 1950s and are reach- tions is more prevalent in Alaska highly functioning surface transpor- ing the end of their design life . They than in many other states . tation system . are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete and need to be replaced to meet the demands of current use. (See Appendix D for a list of bridges on National Highway System routes scheduled for work.)

Repairing pier nosing on the South Fork Koyukuk River Bridge. Photo by Earl Ratliff, ADOT&PF. 18 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Hoonah Floatplane Ramp, Vern Skagerberg, ADOT&PF

Specialized Structures inspections and rehabilitation or Short Inspection Season Significant travel occurs in the replacement needs . The department conducts bridge state via the state ferry system inspections seasonally between and by seaplane. Ramps, classified The NBIS classifies these ramps April and September. The short as bridges by the National Bridge as functionally obsolete, despite inspection season, along with a vast Inventory System (NBIS), link ferry the high suitability of such special- geographic area and many bridges vessels to the uplands at state ized structures for their intended located in rural and remote areas, ferry terminals. The FHWA classi- purpose, demonstrating that broad places unique demands on the fies these specialized structures national indicators of infrastructure program . as functionally obsolete because condition, such as the NBIS rating they handle only one-way traffic at system, can misstate actual condi- low speeds; however, they are well tions . suited to their intended purpose and are safe to use . Snowy Ferry Terminal Ramp. Nic Adamson ADOT&PF

Likewise, many of Alaska’s sea- plane floats have drive-down ramps for delivering freight, passengers, and luggage directly to the aircraft . These ramps, also in the NBIS, are not designed to FHWA bridge stan- dards as they are usually one-lane wide, handle low volumes of traffic and only accommodate light-duty vehicles such as four-wheelers, vans, and pick-up trucks. Discus- sions with the FHWA may lead to de-listing seaplane float ramps from the NBIS. However, de-listing would mean that another funding source will be needed to keep up with Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 19

M/V Tustumena passengers disembarking at Cold Bay. Photo by Peter Metcalfe . Closing

he department strives to implement an effective To ensure the long-term reliability of the highway system Tbridge design, inspection, and preservation pro- overall, adequate funding for bridge related work is vital. gram for Alaska bridges. With fewer federal dollars The state must continue to preserve existing inventory, to cover growing infrastructure needs, partnerships and replace aging inventory, particularly on high-volume will become increasingly important to advance routes and those vital to state commerce where alterna- Alaska’s highway program, including rehabilitation, tive routing is difficult or impossible. replacement, and construction of the state’s bridg- es. Industry, government at the federal, state, and local levels, DOT leadership together with staff on the “front lines,” and the Alaska Legislature, must build relationships that foster success and the wise and efficient use of available funds. 20 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report Appendices

Nenana River Bridge on the Parks Highway. Joanna Reed ADOT&PF Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 21

Appendix A Glossary of Terms

Asset Management: A business model based on maxi- National Bridge Inventory: Structural and rating infor- mizing system performance, minimizing lifecycle costs, mation collected by the states and submitted to the improving customer satisfaction, and assuring mea- Federal Highway Administration to fulfill the federal surable performance standards . State Departments of NBIS requirement . Transportation recognize Transportation Asset Man- agement as a valuable approach to preserving assets National Highway System: Those elements of the at a time of growing demand and shrinking resources. nation’s (and the state’s) surface transportation net- work that are designated by Congress. These include Bridge: Structures carrying highway traffic which are the Dalton, Parks, Glenn, Seward, Richardson, Alaska, 20 feet or longer . This may include multiple pipe cul- Glacier, Klondike, Haines, Steese and Tok Cutoff High- verts where the soil separating adjacent culverts is less ways and a dozen ferry terminals, and major rail, air, than half the adjacent pipe diameter . and marine port facilities linked to these highways and terminals . Fracture Critical: A fracture critical bridge is defined by the FHWA as a steel member in tension, or with a Off-System Bridge: A bridge that is not a part of the tension element, whose failure would probably cause federal-aid highway system but receives funding a portion of or the entire bridge to collapse . Fracture through a set-aside in the Surface Transportation Pro- critical bridges lack redundancy, which means that in gram. These are often city, borough or tribally-owned the event of a steel member’s failure there is no path bridges . for the transfer of the weight being supported by that member to hold up the bridge. Therefore, failure typi- On-System Bridge: A bridge that is on the federal-aid cally occurs quickly. system. Typically, but not always, these bridges are state-owned . Functionally Obsolete: A bridge that does not meet the current design standards for lane width, number PONTIS: A bridge management system, PONTIS (not of lanes, shoulder widths, vertical clearances or load an acronym but rather a Latin word for “bridge”) is a capacity, presence of guardrails on the approaches, or management system software program that stores for some other feature, is considered functionally ob- complete bridge inventory and inspection data, in- solete. A functionally obsolete bridge may be perfectly cluding detailed conditions of bridge elements . It can safe to use, just not in conformity with current design calculate system-wide preservation and improvement standards . strategies for use in evaluating the needs of each bridge in the system . It has the capability to generate Maintenance: Ongoing, routine tasks such as restora- recommendations that derive maximum benefit from tion of guardrails on the bridge approaches, sweeping, available funds, report on system-wide and project- paint striping, patching, or repairing or replacing faulty level results, and forecast life-cycle costs. expansion joint seals, typically performed by depart- ment maintenance crews . Preservation: Improvements that extend bridge ser- vice life and forestall the need for more expensive re- National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS): Federal pair or rehabilitation . requirements for inspection procedures, frequency of inspections, qualifications of inspectors, inspection re- Rehabilitation: Improvements that exceed bridge ports, and load rating. The NBIS applies to all bridges preservation and regular maintenance activities, and twenty feet or more in length that are located on public which include retrofitting or replacing decking and/or roads . structural elements . 22 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Scour: Erosion caused when floodwaters or swiftly flow- Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET): The total ing waters wash sand, gravel and/or rocks away from minimum public highway network necessary to sup- bridge foundations . It is one of the three main causes port Department of Defense deployment needs . Na- of bridge failure in the country and a significant mainte- tionwide, it totals about 61,000 miles of road including nance concern in Alaska, where floodwaters can pose the interstate system and highways that connect to significant risks. ports and military installations .

Seismic Retrofit: The improvements made to existing Structurally Deficient: A bridge is considered structur- bridges by which they are more resistant to damage or ally deficient if ratings for the deck (driving surface), collapse resulting from earthquakes. superstructure, or substructure are poor. Examples of poor condition include corrosion that has caused sig- Spalling: Concrete that breaks up, flakes or becomes nificant section loss of steel support members, move- pitted . This is often the result of environmental factors ment of substructures, or advanced cracking and dete- such as freezing and thawing that stress and damage rioration of concrete elements . the concrete. On a low level, concrete spalling can be purely cosmetic in nature. However, it can also result in Tunnel: The AASHTO T-20 Technical Committee de- structural damage when the reinforcing steel (rebar) in- fines tunnels as “enclosed roadways with vehicle ac- side the concrete becomes exposed. cess that is restricted to portals regardless of type of structure or method of construction . Tunnels do not in- STIP (Statewide Transportation Improvement Program): clude highway bridges, railroad bridges or other bridges A federally mandated state plan for initiating federal aid over a roadway.” The definition adds that “Tunnels are highway projects . Projects must be included in the STIP structures that require special design considerations and approved by the FHWA before funding authoriza- that may include lighting, ventilation, fire protection tion is granted. The STIP is a dynamic document, with systems, and emergency egress capacity based on the regular revisions . Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 23

Appendix B Structurally Deficient DOT & Other Public Bridges

Bridges in each category are listed in priority order from most to least structurally deficient based on structural condi- tion, traffic load and detour length. DOT bridges are indicated by the star (*) symbol. Remaining bridges are owned by other state agencies or local governments. Load-posted bridges are indicated in italics. Lists are based on 2012 inspections and are ‘in-house’ and not FWHA-approved.

NHS Bridges (bridges on the National Highway System)

Bridge Name/Number Route Deck Area SF Year Built Status

Trail River-610* Seward Highway 9,355 1951 Completed No Name Creek-327* Halibut Point Road 2,415 1959 Construction Banner Creek-526* 1,371 1975 Design Tok River-663* Tok Cutoff Highway 8,228 1963 Design Tulsona Creek-1250* Tok Cutoff Highway 3,150 1975 Design Slana River-654* Tok Cutoff Highway 6,370 1951 Design Granite Creek-328* Halibut Point Road 3,159 1959 Construction S. Fork Anchor River-666* Sterling highway 2,626 1959 Design Riley Creek-695* Parks Highway 7,713 1969 Design Muldoon Overcrossing-1322* Muldoon Rd. @ Glenn 21,313 1976 Design Campbell Creek/Lake Otis-969 Lake Otis Road 5,043 1966 Planning Water Street Viaduct-797* S. Tongass Highway 86,317 1955 Planning Hoadley Creek-725* S. Tongass Highway 2,728 1957 Planning Tolsona Creek-552* Glenn Highway 3,740 1950 Construction Mendenhall River-737* Glacier Highway 13,921 1965 Construction Gerstle River-520* 50,752 1944 Planning Portage Creek No. 2-631* Seward Highway 8,295 1967 Design Portage Creek No. 1-630* Seward Highway 6,863 1966 Design Glacier Creek-639* Seward Highway 5,510 1966 Design Virgin Creek-638* Seward Highway 4,158 1966 Design Peterson Creek-636* Seward Highway 4,158 1967 Design Twenty Mile River-634* Seward Highway 19,191 1967 Design Phelan Creek-579* Richardson Highway 2,126 1958 Construction Placer River Main Cross-629* Seward Highway 16,453 1966 Design Placer River Overflow-627* Seward highway 11,094 1967 Design Snow River Cntr Channel-605* Seward Highway 22,143 1965 Design Snow River West Channel-603* Seward Highway 6,414 1965 Design Little Goldstream Creek-678* Parks Highway 2,196 1958 Design Holden Creek-1520* Dalton Highway 1,184 1982 Construction 24 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

NHS Bridges continued

Bridge Name/Number Route Deck Area SF Year Built Status

Roche Mountonee Creek-1519* Dalton Highway 1,184 1982 Design Chickaloon River-545* Glenn Highway 6,582 1956 Design Chena River-263* University Avenue 15,509 1963 Design Gulkana River-574* Richardson Highway 14,213 1974 Planning Chatanika River-836* Elliott Highway 8,742 1971 Design Ruby Creek-594* Richardson Highway 799 1952 Design Bear Creek-593* Richardson Highway 1,318 1952 Planning Castner Creek-583* Richardson Highway 3,963 1958 Planning Upper Miller Creek-581* Richardson Highway 4,745 1958 Planning

Non-NHS Bridges (Bridges on Major Collectors and Minor Arterials) Klehini River-1216* Porcupine Crossing 4,521 1969 Design Snake River-881* Nome Port Road 3,448 1979 Construction O’Connor Creek-303* Goldstream Road 1,684 1967 Construction Jenny M. Creek-312* Chena Hot Springs Rd. 2,108 1965 No Project Crooked Creek-431* 1,303 1957 Planning Trollers Creek-864* Knudson Cove Road 2,536 1938 Design Salmon River-444* Gustavus Airport Road 4,047 1976 Planning S. Fork 40 Mile River-839* Taylor Highway 8,658 1977 Design Fish Camp Creek-940* Northway Road 1,267 1987 Planning Seattle Creek-690* Denali Highway 519 1954 Design Chokosna River-1193* Edgerton Highway 2,062 1973 Planning Kodiak Harbor Channel-1189* Near Island Road 50,191 1986 Planning Rock Creek-684* Denali Highway 1,321 1955 No Project King Salmon Creek-399* Naknek-King Salmon 4,110 1960 Design Herring Cove-253* S. Tongass Highway 3,468 1952 No Project American Creek No. 1-841* Taylor Highway 3,317 1988 Planning Pauls Creek-402 *Naknek-King Salmon 3,911 1960 Design Chena River-532* Wendell Street 17,580 1953 Design Noyes Slough-209* Aurora Drive 3,818 1960 Planning

Off-System Bridges (Bridges on Local Roads and Minor Collectors) Peterson Creek-383* Dotson Landing Road 2,553 1940 Design Livengood Creek-229* Old Elliott highway 505 1959 Construction Bauer-Hopkins Trestle-1472 Hopkins Alley 7,644 1950 No Project Hyder Dock Trestle-1238* Salmon River Road 15,222 1923 Construction Little Chena River-2057 Section Line Road 1,427 1980 No Project Moose Creek-401* Petersville Road 2,184 1974 Design Takotna River-463* Sterling Landing/Ophir 3,596 1941 Design Little Goldstream Creek-2080 Little Goldstream Road 946 `1984 Design Blowback Creek-1541* Tofty Road 559 1981 Design Anchor River-910* Old Sterling Highway 3,744 1949 Planning Peterson Street-2263 Peterson Street 919 1955 No Project Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 25

Off-System Bridges continued

Bridge Name/Number Route Deck Area SF Year Built Status

Gate Creek-1185 Subdivision Road 431 1990 Design Trail Creek-660* Old Tok Highway 697 1951 Planning Ninilchik River-427* Ninilchik Road 1,290 1972 Design Water St. Trestle No. 2-446 Water Street 25,489 1979 Design Jack Creek-861* Nabesna Road 2,443 1969 No Project Fish Creek-1217* Salmon River Road 1,090 1965 Complete Porcupine Creek-1635 Logging Road 920 1981 No Project Archangel Creek-915* Fern Mine Road 350 1995 Planning Cottonwood Creek-1712 Earl Drive 794 1974 No Project Unnamed Creek-1835 Koliganek Dump Road 619 1980 No Project Main Street Pelican-1268 Pelican 34,355 1939 No Project Sing Lee Alley-1159 Sing Lee Alley 7,640 1945 No Project Sawmill Creek-432* Sawmill Creek Road 5,306 1962 Construction Barbara Creek-433* Jakolof Bay Road 1,744 1968 Planning Mineral Creek-944* Mineral Creek Road 1,277 1970 No Project Water St. Trestle No. 1-389 Water Street 2,959 1920 No Project Buskin River No. 7-988* Anton Larsen Bay 2,498 1960 Planning Thomas Trestle-1473 Thomas Street 7,808 1960 No Project Little Tok Overflow-659* Old Tok Highway 697 1954 Planning S. Fork Anchor River-1199* North Fork Road 1,438 1968 Planning Otter Creek-461* Happy Creek Road 697 1947 Planning Unnamed Creek-1556 Koliganek Airport Road 619 1980 No Project Summer Creek-1686 Summer Bay Road 1,022 1981 Planning Moose Creek-1985 Oil Well Road 2,149 1998 No Project Sayles/Gorge Viaduct-1841 Sayles/Gorge Street 2,416 1960 No Project Fortune Creek-1958 Cache Creek Road 565 1991 No Project N. Fork Anchor River-979 Chakok Road 1,484 1987 No Project Indian Creek-1764 Anderson Road 1,627 1985 No Project 26 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Appendix C Structurally Deficient Bridges Identified for Replacement or Rehabilitation in the 2012-2015 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan

Bridges on the National Highway System

Bridge/Number Route Year Built Year/Action

Chena River-263 University Avenue 1963 >2015 Rehab/Replace Granite Creek-328 Halibut Point Road 1959 2013 Replace No Name Creek Halibut Point Road` 1959 2013 Replace Snow River-603 Seward Highway 1965 2012 Rehabilitate Snow River-605 Seward Highway 1965 2012 Rehabilitate Trail River-610 Seward Highway 1951 2012 Completed Slana River-654 Tok Cutoff Highway 1951 2014 Replace Tulsona Creek-1250 Tok Cutoff Highway 1975 2012/15 Replace Tok River-663 Tok Cutoff Highway 1963 2014 Replace Twenty Mile River-634 Seward Highway 1967 2013/14 Replace Riley Creek-695 Parks Highway 1969 2013 Replace Mendenhall River-737 Glacier Highway 1965 2014 Replace Phelan Creek-579 Richardson Highway 1958 2012 Replace Portage Creek #1-630 Seward Highway 1966 2013/14 Replace Portage Creek #2-631 Seward Highway 1967 2013/14 Replace Peterson Creek-636 Seward Highway 1966 2013/14 Replace Virgin Creek-638 Seward Highway 1966 2013/14 Replace Placer River Overflow-627 Seward Highway 1967 2013/14 Replace Placer River Main Cross-629 Seward Highway 1966 2013/14 Replace Ruby Creek-594 Richardson Highway 1952 2015 Replace Banner Creek-526 Richardson Highway 1975 2015 Replace Glacier Creek-639 Seward Highway 1966 2013 Replace Roche Mountonee Cr. Dalton Highway 1982 >2015 Replace Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 27

Bridges on the Alaska Highway System/Non-NHS Bridges

Bridge/Number Route Year Built Fiscal Year/Action

King Salmon Creek-399 Alaska Peninsula Highway 1960 >2015 Rehab/Replace Pauls Creek-402 Alaska Peninsula Highway 1960 >2015 Rehab/Replace S. Fork 40 Mile River-839 Taylor Highway 1977 2015 Replace Copper River-339 Copper River Hwy 1977 2015 Replace Klehini River-1216 Porcupine Crossing 1969 2014 Replace

Local Bridges/Bridges on Low-Volume Routes (Off-System Bridges)

Bridge/Number Route Year Built Fiscal Year/Action

Tatalina River-462 Sterling Loop 1947 2015 Replace Water Street Trestle #2-446 Water Street 1979 2014 Replace Ninilchik River-427 Mission Avenue 1972 2014 Replace Little Goldstream Creek-2080 Little Goldstream Road 1984 2015 Replace Livengood Creek-229 Old Elliott Highway 1959 2013 Replace Peterson Creek-383 Amalga Harbor Road 1940 2013 Replace 28 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Appendix D Location of Bridges Seismically Retrofitted


Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 29

Appendix E National Highway System Routes in Alaska Map 01 200.0 200.0 7 Ketchikan MILES 100.0 100.0 KILOMETERS

S T A T E S C A N A D A 0.0

C O L U M B I A I B M U L O C U N I T E D T E R R I T O R Y R O T I R R E T 0.0




A L A S K A I S L A N D S D N A L S I 2


S T A T E S Station Adak

U N I T E D River



Copper River

4 2 O F O

Yukon River 4 6 2 8 Fairbanks

1 River


2 A L E U T I A N A I T U E L A 1

3 3 F L U G

11 Susitna 2

Tanana 11 1

Kodiak River

Northern Region

Central Region O C E A N A E C O


River Koyukuk


Yukon River

River Barrow

Colville Northern Region Northern

Central Region Central

River Kobuk B A Y A B


Central Region Central

Northern Region Northern






K O T Z E B U E Nome K U S K O K W I M I W K O K S U K









ST ISLAND 30 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

The Basin Road trestle, rebuilt and reinforced in 2012- 2013, is a good example of a functionally obsolete bridge. It is completely safe to use, but with its narrow width, lack of shoulders, and limited load capacity, it is inconsistent with current design standards. Photo by Peter Metcalfe Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities | 31

Welding Shear Connectors on the Sam Schuyler Memorial Bridge Shane Gibson, ADOT&PF 32 | 2013 Alaska Bridge Report

Bridge Inspectors on the Hurricane Gulch Bridge, Parks Highway. Photo by John P. Orbistondo, ADOT&PF Alaska2013 Bridge Report

Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities November 2013