2021-2022 Alaska Hunting Regulations

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2021-2022 Alaska Hunting Regulations 104 2021-2022 Alaska Hunting Regulations 2021-2022 Unit may include National Park Service lands and federal regulations may also apply. See page 8. effective July1,2021through June30,2022 26 Game Management Units / Special Management Areas Unit 20 23 24 25 Closed Areas National Parks Military Boundary Fairbanks-Central Tanana 22 21 20 Controlled National Preserves Military Closure 13 12 Use Areas & Other 18 19 16 14 11 Tangle Lakes 14 6 Management Areas Federal Lands 15 7 5 Archaeological District 17 4 State Refuges, Unit Boundary Region 3 9 3 Roads ± 1 Sanctuaries, & 8 2 Subunit Boundary 0 15 30 60 Critical Habitat Areas Railroads Miles 10 Other State Lands City Boundary Trails U:\wc\regbook_MPS\MXD_2017\L.mxd 4/26/2017 skt Unit 20 Fairbanks-Central Tanana Unit 20: The Yukon River drainage upstream from and including the Tozitna River drainage to and including the Hamlin Creek drainage, drainages into the south bank of the Yukon River upstream from and including the Charley River drainage, the Ladue River and Fortymile River drainages, and the Tanana River drainage north of Unit 13 and downstream from the east bank of the Robertson River; Unit 20A: that portion of Unit 20 bounded on the south by the Unit 13 boundary, bounded on the east by the west bank of the Delta River, bounded on the north by the north bank of the Tanana River from its confluence with the Delta River downstream to its confluence with the Nenana River, and bounded on the west by the east bank of the Nenana River; Unit 20B: drainages into the north bank of Tanana River from and including Hot Springs Slough upstream to and including Banner Creek drainage; Unit 20C: that portion of Unit 20 bounded on the east by the east bank of the Nenana River and on the north by the north bank of the Tanana River downstream from the Nenana River; Unit 20D: that portion of Unit 20 bounded on the east by the east bank of Robertson River and on the west by the west bank of Delta River, and drainages into the north bank of the Tanana River from its confluence with the Robertson River downstream to, but excluding, the Banner Creek drainage; Unit 20E: drainages into the south bank of the Yukon River upstream from and including Charley River drainage and the Ladue River drainage; Unit 20F: the remainder of Unit 20. Army impact areas permanently closed, call (907) 361-9686 for information. Unexploded ordnance may be present in portions of Unit 20A, 20B, and 20D. More information is available at https://usartrak.isportsman.net/ State restricted areas in Unit 20 (see corresponding numbers on map, page 104): 1 Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area (DHCMA) - 3 Minto Flats State Game Refuge - Use of four-wheelers Units 20 and 24-26 extending five miles from each side of the and other wheeled/tracked vehicles is generally prohibited Dalton Highway, including the drivable surface of the Dalton within the refuge. Individuals with private inholdings may be Highway, from the Yukon River to the Arctic Ocean, and including permitted to use vehicles on authorized routes only for access the Prudhoe Bay Closed Area. The area within the Prudhoe to and from inholdings. However, a General (public) Permit has Bay Closed Area is closed to the taking of big game; the been issued authorizing the ‘non-winter’ use of fully-tracked remainder of the DHCMA is closed to hunting; however, big vehicles with a curb weight of 1,500 pounds or less and a game, small game, and fur animals may be taken in the area by ground contact pressure rating of 2.0 pounds per square inch bow and arrow only, and small game may be taken by falconry. or less on limited portions of the refuge (described in the permit) Aircraft and boats may be used to transport hunters, their gear, from May 1 through October 14. The ‘winter’ use of tracked or parts of game within the DHCMA. A snowmachine may be or wheeled (non-highway) vehicles is authorized refuge-wide used to transport hunters, their hunting gear, or parts of game from October 15 through April 30, provided there is sufficient across the management area from land outside the management snow cover, ground frost, and frozen water surfaces to prevent area to access land on the other side of the management area. penetration of, or disturbance to, the soil surface, vegetation No motorized vehicle may be used to transport hunters, root system, and water quality. This is only a synopsis of the their hunting gear, or parts of game, within the DHCMA, general permit. To view the refuge management plan, refuge EXCEPT licensed highway vehicles may be used on the map, and the general permit for a description of the refuge following designated roads: 1) Dalton Highway; 2) Bettles Winter boundary and additional permit restrictions and authorizations Trail during periods when BLM and the City of Bettles announce visit our Conservation Areas website at http://www.adfg.alaska. that the trail is open to winter travel; 3) Galbraith Lake road from gov/index.cfm?adfg=mintoflats.main.To view a finer scale map of the Dalton Highway to the BLM campground at Galbraith Lake, the refuge boundary visit our Fish Resource Monitor GIS website including the gravel pit access road when the gate is open; 4) at http://extra.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FishResourceMonitor/. For Toolik Lake Road, excluding the driveway to the Toolik Lake further information on the refuge or other Special Areas contact Research Facility; 5) The Sagavanirktok River access road two the ADF&G, Habitat Section, Fairbanks office (907) 459-7280. miles north of Pump Station 2; 6) any constructed roadway or 4 Lost Lake (Mile 306.1 Richardson Highway) Closed Area - gravel pit within 1/4 mile of the Dalton Highway. Any hunter the area within 1/2 mile of the lake is closed to the taking of big traveling on the Dalton Highway must stop at any check game with firearms and crossbows. station operated by the department within the DHCMA. 5 Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge - In this portion 2 Minto Flats Management Area - Unit 20B bounded by Elliott of Unit 20B hunting and trapping are allowed by registration Highway beginning at Mile 118, then northeasterly to mile 96, then only. The department may use its discretionary authority to east to the Tolovana Hotsprings Dome, then east to the Winter implement the management plan for the refuge. Weapons Cat Trail, then along the Cat Trail south to the Old Telegraph Trail restrictions and motorized vehicle restrictions apply. at Dunbar, then westerly along the trail to a point where it joins the Tanana River three miles upstream from Old Minto, then along the north bank of the Tanana River (including all channels and sloughs except Swan Neck Slough*), to the confluence of the Tanana and Tolovana Rivers and then northerly to the point of beginning. (*Note: The area between Swan Neck Slough and the Tanana River is within the Minto Flats Management Area.) Aircraft or airboats may not be used for moose hunting or to transport moose, moose hunters or moose hunting equipment within the Management Area. http://hunt.alaska.gov 2021-2022 Alaska Hunting Regulations 105 6 Fairbanks Management Area - that portion of Unit 20B 10 Wood River Controlled Use Area - Unit 20A bounded bounded by a line from the confluence of Rosie Creek and the on the north by the south side of the Rex Trail beginning at its Tanana River, northerly along Rosie Creek to the middle fork of intersection with the east bank of the Totatlanika River, then Rosie Creek through section 26 to the Parks Highway, then east easterly along the Rex Trail to Gold King airstrip, then from Gold along the Parks Highway to Alder Creek, then upstream along King airstrip along the trail’s extension along the north side of Alder Creek to its confluence with Emma Creek, then upstream Japan Hills to the Wood River; bounded on the east by the east along Emma Creek to its headwaters, then northerly along the bank of the Wood River, including the Wood River drainage hydrographic divide between Goldstream Creek drainages and upstream from and including the Snow Mountain Gulch Creek Cripple Creek drainages to the summit of Ester Dome, then drainage; bounded on the south by the divide separating the down Sheep Creek to its confluence with Goldstream Creek, Yanert River drainage from the drainages of the Healy Creek, then easterly along Goldstream Creek to Sheep Creek Road, Moody Creek, Montana Creek, and the Wood River; and then north on Sheep Creek Road to Murphy Dome Road, then bounded on the west by the east bank of the Nenana River west on Murphy Dome Road to Old Murphy Dome Road, then from the divide separating the drainage of the Yanert River and east on Old Murphy Dome Road to the Elliot Highway, then south Montana Creek north to Healy Creek, then easterly along the on the Elliot Highway to Davidson Ditch, then southeasterly south bank of Healy Creek to the north fork of Healy Creek, then along the Davidson Ditch to its confluence with the tributary to along the north fork of Healy Creek to its headwaters, then along Goldstream Creek in Section 29, then downstream along the a straight line to the headwaters of Dexter Creek, then along the tributary to its confluence with Goldstream Creek, then in a east bank of Dexter Creek to the Totatlanika River, and then down 2021-2022 Alaska Hunting Regulations 2021-2022 straight line to First Chance Creek, then up First Chance Creek the east bank of the Totatlanika River to the Rex Trail.
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