Rushforth Francis McNeil, 6 Moorgate street E C Russell Mn;. Henry, 6 Warwick av. Maida valeW Ryder Hon.Edwd.AlanD.46 Cadogan sq.ChelsSW Sr. Albans Duke of, Redbourne, Kirton-Lind~y, Ru..~hmere Albt.H.29Harley ho.Marylebone rdNW Russell MN. John, llOumberland terrace,Regent's Ryder Arthur John, 3 Caroline st. Pimlico SW LineR Rushout Sir Charles Hamilton, bart. 3 White- park NW Ryrler Dudley, 101 Elm park gardens SW St. Albans Duches.~ of, 49 Ca.tlogan gardellS SW: haU court SW Russell PercyWilli~,14 Old Jewry chambers E C; Ryder John E. D. 14 Buckingham palace man- & Newton Anner, Clonmel, Ireland Rushton G€o. Alfred, 55 Gunterstone road W & Little Dowding, Walton-on-the-hill, Surrey sions SW St. Albans The Lord Bishop of, Athenamm club Rushton Miss, 7A, C!areville grove SW Russell Richard, 6 Hamilton terrace NW Rydon Arthur H. 3 Cardinal mansions, Carlisle SW; & Verulam house, St. Albans Rushton William, 32 Barley street W; & 9 Russell RobertOiare,M.A.,B.C.L. 32 VictoriastSW pi SW:&Awbrook, nr.Hayward's Heath,Sussex St. Aldwyn Viscount, P.C. 81 Eaton place SW: Fellows roan, Hampstead NW Russell Stebbing, 3 & 4 Great Winchester st E C; Rydon Henry Waiter, 94 Inverness terrace W Carlton & Athenreum clubs SW; & Ma1 or Rushworth Misses, 76 Fairhazel gardens, Ramp- & 23 Platt's lane, Hampstead NW Rydon Mr:;, 88 Iverna court, Kensington W ., house,Coln St.AJdwy~,Fairford,Gioucestershire stea!l NW Russell Thomas G€orge, 315 Kentish town :rrl NW Rye Arthur Lockyer, 13 GD!den square W bt. Asaph The Lord B1shop of, Athenreum club Rushworth Edward Waiter, 116 Coleherne et SW RussellWalter John,74 Edith rd.West Knsngtn W Rye Frank Gibbs, 13 GDlden square W; & Town SW; & The Palace, St. Asaph, North Wales Rushworth Frank. M.D. 153 Finchley roarl. NW Russell WalterWesley, 107 Cheynewalk,OhelsSW End, King!'ton St. Aubyn Hon. Piers Stewart, 4 Albemarle !'t W Ruspini Mrs. 106 Sutherland avenue W & 38 RussPll Williarn, 154 Alexandra road NW Rygate Broughu.m Robert, M.B. 126 Cannon st. St. Aubyn Edmond Chas. 270 Earl's court rd SW Great Pulteney street W Russell William, C.B.l2A., Courtfield gardens SW road E ; & Oonstitutional club, _Northumber- St.Aubyn G€offrey, 11 Devonshire terrnoo W RusB Charles, M. B. 21 Beaumont street W Rns!lell William Mozart, 2 Wardrobe place E C land avenue WC St. Anbyn Miss Helen,3l Audley house,Margaret &uss Charles Angelo, 62 King William street E C Russell-Bishop William, 13 Pitt st. Kensington W Ryland Archer, 30.&, Wimpole street W street, Cavendish square W Russ Sidney, 63 York terrace, Regent's pk NW Rnssell-Ferguson James, 14 Carlisle mansions, RylandHy.MontR.gU,2!1Alex!ldra.ct.Queen's gtSW St. Aubyn Miss J. 10 Chapel st. Belgrave sq SW Bussell Earl, 57 Gordon square WC; Reform & Carlisle place SW Ryland Henry Woodcock, 43 Holland park W St_ Aubyn Mn;. 43 Egerton cres. Brompton SW Royal Automobile clubs SW; & Telegraph Rnsso Ernest, 11 Audrey house, Margaret street, Rvland Misses, 39 Kensington square W st. Audrie Miss. 97 Linden gardens.Bayswater W house, Chichester Cavendish square W Rylann~ William Harry, 1 Carnpden hill place W St.Audries Lord, P .c.Guards' & Carlton clubs SW; Rnssell Rt. Hen. G€o Wm.En;kine,l8Wilton stSW Rust Rev.John Basil,M.A.All Saints' withSt.Olave Ryle Right Rev. Bishl1p Herbert Ed'lf'ard, D. D. Oonstitntional clubWC ; City Oarlton club E C; Rnssell Rt. Hon. Thos. Wallace, M.P. National vicarage, Buxton st. Mile enn New town E c.v.o. (Dean of Westrninstt>r), The Deanery, & St. Amlries. Bridgwater Liberal club SW; 102, 103 & 104 St. Stephen's Riist Carteret Anden;on, 6 IIazlit.t rd.W. Keng W Dean's yard, Westminster SW St. Barbe Mn;. 182A., Adelaide road NW green, ; & Olney, Terenure, eo. Dublin Rust-Oppenheim August, 32 Chester street SW Ryle Arthnr J. 3 The Studios, Thurloe BQ SW St. Barbe Mn;. 26 Clifton hill NW Russell Hon. Charles, 10 Bans place, Chelsra. SW Ruston Alfred Stanley, 14 Norfolk street. Strand RyleEdwardHewish, llSumner pl Onslow sqSW St. Oedd Reglnald Graham Whitworth, 40 Glad- Russell Hon. Cyril, Ken~ington ho. Bay~water hlW WC; & The Cedars, N orwoorl Green, Southall Ryle Miss, 19 Ardilaun road N stone street, roarl, Southwark SE Russell Hon. Frank, K.C. 7 Hyrle park g-ate SW Ruston Frerlerick Vyvyan. 1-! Norfolk street Rylett Stopford Hrld. 1 Garden et. Temple E C St. Clair Mrs. 8 Shelley et. Tite street, Chelsea SW Russell Hon. Victor I\. F. V.liHornton st.KensW Strand WC: & 5 Nortb av. West Ealing W R.vley Beresford, :M.D. 79 Wimpole street W St. Cyres Vi,count, 8! Eaton square SW; & Russell Countess, 13 Bedford gardens house, Ruston Mn;. 50 Penywern road SW • Ryley John Handfonl, 38 Maida vale W Walhampton, Lymington, Rants Bedford gardens, Kensington W Rut.herfor!l Larly Margt.:nsloane et. we.ChelsSW Ryman Carl A. M. B. 4 Wether by pl. S. Kens SW St. David's The Lord Bishop of, Athenreum club Russeli of Killowen Lady, 6 Hyde park gate SW Rutherford Rev. Leslie Douglas, M.A. 1B, Hyde Rymer Mrs. 1 South street, Brompton SW SW; & The Palace,Abergwili,Carmarthenshire Russell Larly, 170 Coleherne court SW park mansions, Marylebone road NW Ryrie John Mackenzie. 23 ·wilton crescent SW St. Davirls Lord, P.C. 3 Richmond tRrrace, White- Russell Lady Baker, 2 Stafford mansions, Stafford Rutherford Alfred, Kensington palace mansions, Ryrie Mrs. 60, 62 & 64 Brompton road SW hall SW; Wellington, National Liberal, IY.von- place, Westminster SW De V ere gardens W shire & Reform clubl! SW; Lydstep H~ven, Russell Lady Ela, 51 Princes gate SW ; & Rutherford Charles Rand all. M.A. 87 Bishopsgate SAA.LER Adolph, 14 St. Gtlorge's rd.Kilburn NW Penally, Pembrukeshire; Roch castle, rcm- Ohorley Wood, Herts E C; & Harrow cottage, Dorking, Surrey Saalfeld Adolphe, 4 Whitehall court SW brokeshire; & Exning house, Newmarket Russell Hon. Maud, 13 Draycott place, Chelsea Rutherford Ernest Buckley, 29 Orsett terrace, Sabatini Mn;. 4 Brunswick ho. The Mall, Kens W St. Edmundsbury & Ipswich The Lord Bishop of SW; & Kirk by Mallory, Leicester~hire Hyde park W Sa bel Mn~. 20 Abbey roau, St. John's woorl NW St. G€orge Howani, 25 Berkeley square W; & Russell Hon. Mrs. 43 Holhmd street, Kensington Rutherford John, M.P. W; Boodle's Sa bey Clifford Thos. 11 North ter. BromptQn SW Ashorne hill, Leamington W; & Steep, Petersfield Cfs. 487 Caledonian road N St. John Lord, Junior SW: & Olergy hou~e, Francis street, Westminster SW club SW; & Boxdale, Walton-on-the-Hill,Surrey Sackville Lonl, 34 Hill street, Berkeley square W; Melchbourne park, Sharnbrook, Beds RussellRev.Wm.M.A.56Fitzgeorgeav.WestKensW Rutherford-Jones Ry. Jn.1390akwoodct.Kens '11 Travellen;' & White's clubs SW; & Knole, St. John Sir Frederick Robert,K.O.:M.G. & Lady, Russell Alfred, 59 Coleman street E C Rutherfurd Major-Gen. Thomas Waiter, 145 Oak- Sevenoaks 68 Oakley street, Chelsea SW Russell Alft<>d, M. D. 7 Upper Wimpole street W Wl10d court, Kensington W Sackville-West Lieut-Col. Hon. Charles John, 23 St.John.Hn.Chas.P.lOCharles st.Knght.sbrdgSW Russell Ambrose, 85 Fdw,'lr•J 'ltreet, Deptford SE Ruthven-Smith Ruthven Frederic, 81 Cadogan Upper Berkeley street W St. John Capt. Arthur, 68A, Parkhill road NW Russell Archiba1d G. B. 25A., 8uRsex place SW gardens SW Sackville-West Hon. Amelia, 9 & 10 Marhle archW St. John Rev. Ernest Perkins, A. K.C. L. St. Paul's Russell Arthur, 59 Coleman street E C Ruthven-Stuart Mn;, 35 Sloane gnns.Chelsea SW Sadd Herbert Roger, 56 Gresham ~treet E C ; &) vicarage, Lorrimore square, '\Valworth SE Russell Arthur B:unett, 7 Rosslyn court, Oman Rutland Duke of, 16 Arlington strePt.. Piccartilly 3 Addison road north, Notting hill W 1St. John Rev. Stanislaus, 114 .Mount ~trf'et W road, Hampstead NW SW: Carlton & Royal Automobile clubs SW; Sadgrove Mrs. 56 Highbury New park N St John Henry, 7 Blomnclrl road, Maida vale W Russell Arthur Edwa.rd, 73 F', New Oavendish stW Turf club W ; Bel voir castle, Grantham; Long· Sadleir Mrs. 6 Kensington court gardens W St. John Henry Percy, li4 Eccleston square SW Russell Arthur Eustace, 13 Abingdon court, shaw lodge, Shemeld; & Stanton Woodhouse, Sadleir-JacksonOapt.LionelWarren deVere,n.s.o. St. John M1ss, f>l Connaui!ht s+.reet W Abingdon villas, Kensington W Rowsley 14 Port man stv\1 :&Ahancall.Middleton,co.Cork St. John Mn;. 16-1 Col eh erne court SW Russell Arthur Lewin, 126 Sutherland avenue W Rutland Philip John, 67 & 69 Chancery lane WC ; Sad! er Rev. Charles, M.A.. 15 Thurloe square SW St. Jobn Thomas Charle!< St. <\nrlrew, H.N. 119 Russell Arthur Wm. Jas. 130 Sutherland aven W & Go wan Lea, Bourne End Sad! er Rev .George,35 Edith gro. W.Brompton SW Canfieln gardens, Hampstead N N Russell :&>rtmm, 34 Russell chmbrs. Bury st WC Rutley John Lewis, 80 Bel~ize park gardens NW Sadler Augustus Charles, 3 St. James' st SW; & St.John-Hunt Jas. Wm.l6MathP.son rd.Wst.KnsW Russell Charles Alfred, K.C., LL.B. 2 Harcourt Rutley Miss, 18 St. Edmund's ter.Regent's pkNW 3 Portland ter. The Green., Richmond, Surrey St. Lawrence Rev_ William JOL!J Patrick, St. buildini,'S, Temple E C Rutley Misses, 9 Northwick-ter.St.John's wd NW Sadler Bernard Charles, 3 St. James' st SW: & il Mary of the Angels, Westmorelan~ roarl W Russell Chas. E. M. 3 Plowden bldgs. Temple EC Rutley Mrs. 59 Perham roan, West Kensingtn W Portland terrace, The Green, Richmond,Surrey St. Lawrence John, 91 Cambridge gardens W Russell Conra!l, 2 Audley square W; & 'fhe Rutson Mrs. Albert, 7 Eaton place SW; & The Sarller Hugh Robson, 3 St. James' street SW; & St. Lawrence Vincent, Great Ea.<>ter\1 Rrul·,my. R1dgeway, Shere, Guildford Manor house, Byfieet, Surrey Lynwood, Ashford, Middlesex Liverpool street station E C Bu.."'!ell David, 26 Russell road, Kensington W Rutt Thomas, 19 Evelyn mans. Carlisle place SW Sadler Michael Thoma.s, M.D. 84 Brook green, •St. LedgerMrs.21Phrnnix lodge mans. Brook grnW Russell Erlmond Cecil, 75 Victoria street SW Ratter Alfred Ashton, 3 Phcenix lodge mansions, Hammernmith W St. Leonards Lord, 37 & 38 St. James' place SW Russell Edwin, 59 Ooleman street E C Brook green, Hammersmith W Sadler Michael Thos. Harvey, 62 Olarendon rd W St. Levan Lord, c.v.o., C.B. Bachelon;' & Turf Russell Ernest Arthur, 4 York mansions, Princes Ruttle William, 4 Oamden st. Camden town NW Sadler Miss, 47 A, Boundary road NW clubsW ; Brooks's, Guards' ,Pratts' & Travellers' street, Cavendish square W Rutton Mrs. William Loftie, 27 Elgin avenue W Sarller Misses, 8 Elsworthy road NW clubs SW; Beefsteak club WC; & St.. Michael"s Russell Ernest Montague, 17 Vincent square SW Ruvigny Marquis de, 12 Buckingham st. Arlelphi Sadler Misses, 80 Holland road W Mount, Marazion, Cornwall Russell G€offrey William, 8 Coleman street E C WC; & 32 Avonmore road, Kensington W Sarller Mn;. S. H. 3 Chester tenace NW St. Mars Marquis de Mouzilly, 6 Spanish place Russell G€orge Gray, 3 Elm court, Temple E C Ruxton Oapt.F.H.4 Drayton ct.Drayton gdnsSW Saffell Robert Towers, 231 & 232 Strand WC mansions, Spanish place W Rus.~ell Gilbert, 2 Audley square W Ruxton Misses, 16 Sussex gardens W Saffery Francis Joseph, 10 Clifton gardens W St. Maur Lord Ernest, 28 Berkeley square W; & Russell Harold John Hastings & Lady Victoria.. Ryall Charles, 62 Barley street W Saffery Fredk. Wm.55 Sotheby rd.Highbury pkN Burton hall, Loughborough 16 Beaufort gardens SW Ryall Edward Canny, 77 Barley street W Saffery Harold Edgar, 25 Carlton hill NW St. Oswa.ld Lord, 11 Grosvenor gardens SW; Russell Henry, 385 Oxford street W Ryall Fredk. Town hall, Spa rd. Bermonrlsey SE Saffery Mn;. 19 Fitzjames av. West KensingtonW Turf club W; Marlborough, Carlton, Guards' & Russell Henry, 9 Willow bridge road N Ryall Thomas George, liS Lambeth road SE Safford Archibald, 2 Pump court, Temple E C Royal Automobile clubs SW; Nostell priory, Russell Henry Fox, 1 Garden court, Temple E C Ryan Sir G€rald Hemmington,J .P .29 Harcourt ho. Safford Frank, 2 Pump court, Temple E C ; & Wakefield; & Apple by hall, Brigg, Lincolnshire Russell James, 37 Royal crescent W Cavendish sq W; & Hintlesham hall, Ipswich Parkshot house, Richmond, Surrey St. Quintin Misses., 6 Oecil et. Hollywood rd SW RusseiiJas.Hrbt.8.12King'sBench wlk.TmpleE C Ryan Rev. Patrick, 31 Farm street W Safford Mn;. 35 Colville gardens W St. Quinton Jeffrey Charle..'l, 8 Argyll rd. Kens W Russell Jas. Saml. Risien, M.D. 44 Wimpole st W Ryan Francis John, 139 Goldhurst terrace NW Safford Mrs. 14 Bedford gardens house, Bedford St. Vincent 'Viscount, The Hall, Sutton-{)n Der- Russell John, 147 Haverstock hill NW Ryan Gerld.Ellis,lA, The Mans. Earl's et. rd NW gardens, Kensington W went, York;& Norton Disney hall, near Newark Russell John G-uy, Farrar's building, Temple E C Ryan Harry Bentinck, 57 Linden gardens W Sagar Clifford, 59 Aberdare gdns. Hampstead NW SaintonOhas.Grove ho.Seymour pl. W.BrmptnSW Russell John Norreys, 43 Westbourne terrace W Ryan Henry Whitmore, 12 Longridge road SW Sagar Henry, 89 Belsize park gdllll. HampstdNW Sakenobe Nobnmichi (2nd aec. w the .rapanese Russell Miss, 21 Acacia road NW Ryan Hugh K. 2 Crown office row, Temple E C Sagar-Musgmve Wm. Noel, 30 St. James' sq SW Embassy), 10 Gr08venor square W Russell Miss, 15 Chenies street chambers WC Ryan John Joseph, 89 Kentish town road NW & Sagon Miss, 101 Highbury hill N Salaman Clement Isaac, 11 King's Bench walk, R111!1!6ll Miss, 69 Baton square SW; & Normans- 2 Dartmouth park road NW Sagor James, 21 Aubrey house, Ma.ida. hill westW Temple E C wood, Farnham, Surrey ,Ryan John R. M.D. 5 Bennett st. St. James' SW Sagovsky Engr.-Col. Vladimir (assistant naval Salaman Elkin Josiah. 8 Cambridge square W Russell Miss, 20 Launceston place, Kensington W Ryan Mark Francis, 53 Pembridge villas W attache to Ru..qsian Embassy). Chesham house, Salaman Ernest Seymonr, 62 London wall E G Russell Miss, 48 Palace gardens ter. Ke'nsingtn W Ryan Michael Joseph, 150 Drury lane WC Chesham plSW; & 27 Collingham ni8.KensSW Salaman Euston Abraham, 6 Connaught. pla etW Russell Miss,49 St.James' ct.Buckingham gateS W Ryan Miss, 16 Museum chamben;, Bury streetWC Sagrandi Mn;. il Montpelier square SW Salaman Fredk.N.46Warrington cres.Mairla hllW Russell Miss, 19 Sussex gardens W Ryan Miss,lO Wilbraham mans.WilbrahamplSW Said-RneteRudolph,F.R.G.S.39BramhamgdnsSW Salaman Mnl. Myer, 67A. Barley stret:t W Russell Mn;. 42 Abingdon court, Abingdon RyanMnl. 4Luxborough ho. Northumberland stW Saillard Phillip, 5 Gordon mans. Fmncis streetW C George, 10 Cubitt st. Gray's iun road WC villas, Kensington W Ryan Thomas, St. Mary's hospital, Praed street Sainsbury Alfred, Quet>n A.nne's mansions SW Salamon Alfd.Gordon, 150hestertl.eld st.MayfairW Russell Mn;. 51 Coleherne court SW W; & 76 Westbourne park villas W Sainsbury Geo. 33 Buckingham palace mans SW Salamon John, 101 Alexanrlra road NW Russell Mrs. 22 Oolet gardens, West KensingtonW IRyan Thos. Fras. 18 Wellington sq. Ohelsea SW Sainsbury Harrington, :M.D. 52 Wimpole streetW Salamon Max Victor, 11 Blenheim road, St. Russell Mn;. 7 Cornwall mans_ Cornwall gdns SW IRyan William, 15 Selwood pl. Onslow gardns SW Sainsbury John, 33 Eton avenue, Hampstead NW John's wood NW Russell Mn;. 1 Green street, Grosvenor square W Rycroft Mrs. 3 Hamilton house, Hall road, St. Sainf'bury MiBfl, Albert gate mansions, 219 Salamon Mn;. !Regent's et. Park rd.Rgnt. 's pkNW RU88ell M:n;. 87 Gunterswnerd. W. KensingtonW John's wood NW Knightsbridge SW Salberg Miss, 6 Selwood ter. Onslow gdn.s SW RUBI!ell Mrs. 96 Knightsbridge SW Rylle Edward Harrow, 45 Russell square WC ; & Sainsbnry Misses, 29B, Abbey road NW Saldanha Martin Sebastian, 3Pump ctTempleE C Rlllll!ell Mrs. 36 Park mans. Knightshridge SW Ewhurst house, Windsor Sainsbury William Henry, 56 Anson rd.HollowyN SaleSirStephenGeorge, K.C.I.E.IndiaOffice, White- Russell Mrs. 26 Priory court.. Mazenrxl av NW RyneWalter Cmnley.x.c.2 Mitre et. blngs.Temple Saint Rev. Frederlc Gny, M-A· The Rectory. hall SW: & Heather Woorl., Mirthnrst, Sussex RWJBell Mrs. Ill Wetherby pl11o~. South Kens SW 1. E C ; & 27 Belvedere grove. Wimblenon SW Wapping High street E Sale .Alfred Vincent, 97 Oorn'o\-all grltH. Keus W Russell Mrs. Whitworth,ll St. Albau's ni. Kens W Ryden Rev. Karl Paul, 120A, Lower road, SE Saint Misses, 6 I.isgar terrace, West KensingtonW Sale Cll.arle~~, 138 Church street, Kensington W