Oesophageal Stricture Associated with Emepronium Bromide Therapy 1
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.58.675.43 on 1 January 1982. Downloaded from Postgraduate Aledical Journal (January 1982) 58, 43-44 Oesophageal stricture associated with emepronium bromide therapy 1. W. FELLOWS A. L. OGILVIE M.B., M.R.C.P. M.B., M.R.C.P. M. ATKINSON M.D., F.R.C.P. University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham Summary Barium swallow showed a small fixed hiatus Emepronium bromide, a drug used to control urinary hernia with a stricture above it and an ulcer crater frequency, has been reported as causing oesophageal therein. ulceration but not stricture formation. This paper Endoscopy showed a 5-mm diameter benign presents 3 cases in which the use of emepronium stricture at 33 cm from the alveolar margin; the bromide preceded development of an oesophageal stricture was 1 cm long and was ulcerated. Below it stricture and suggests that the drug played a causative was a hiatus hernia. The stricture was dilated, the role. emepronium stopped and she was given cimetidine and Asilone gel. One further dilatation was needed Case reports 4 months later but she has swallowed well for the Case I last 6 months. copyright. A 50-year-old woman, with a 6-year history of multiple sclerosis causing spastic paraparesis of the Case 3 lower limbs, presented with a 2-month history of A 74-year-old woman presented with progressive dysphagia for solids, retrosternal pain and 12-7 kg dysphagia for solids for a few weeks and mild weight loss. She was taking baclofen, carbamazepine, heartburn.
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