Yrta B. F.i Manoa, Apr. 21.

Nile, Apr. 20. Fr Taaeoiren 4m Ualrara, Apr. 22. ''IS ?r Tueftrcrt Niacin, Apr. 21. OO AAXv A0 -- '"-r

Evening 1882. No. 5834. Bulletin Est 1911.- PRICK FIVE CEKT3 Hawaiian Star, VoL XXI. No. 6874. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. MONDAY, APRIL 12 PAGES. 1, ASK CMfflS (IP TRIP T& IflLAUEA tew?? mmmwmm :; v: ;f ii -?; v-r- ? : ,: r V r-Mv- . VQLCAKO, OffOF WOT DESIRED, INSISTS

.: : ' j WORLD WONDERS v: - ;;.vv ;v';? "MHAliilitlTAJil in of Hale-mauma- u , ' - A ' s f Fires the Great Pit v''s Maj.-ger- i. Leonard Wood, Chief of 6 Staffs Will ; Command Now Seen Every Army Provided Hostilities Occur Refugee. Charter-ed-Americ- an : - Night Though Smoke Vessels; Ordered from Vera CruzAVomcn 1 S SIGHT OLD I OF FAITHFUL I .... - '"i" - Requested to' Leave Mexico or Safety at Sea.

- TO VESUVIUS -- " - .SUPERIOR v K Associated Vrtrm CableJ ,- ' ..... mm m. m ' . a a. ' a lfft t . I vVASHiNuTON, u. u. A pni zu. Krcsiaent vnson ia:a A Spectacle: Which' No Tourist theiMexican situation before the senate and. house.in a joint to the Islands Should Miss - session this morning, stating that he did not wish for war, as - v Hints for the Trip i ' I - feel- iM WTTTlfcif- II lll ITSMgtSv- the administration had nothing but the most friendly of Br GEOKOE HAMLIN FITCH ings towards Mexico and wished to aid in every - possib!: Literary Editor f the San Irandsce manner the republic to the south;;; kixy-l'cj- V-- , : (hronlrir. I A I I I I 1 A ft I . II III II ' v (However,, requested permission of Con- s HILO, Hawaii. Apr. 19. The trip 111 I.I I itr I II I (liar . X the president - to the volcano of Kilauea is the jnos gress to use the armerj forces of the' United States in such a : Interesting which any , tourist can mako in Hawaii, even though the era manner or extent as may be deemed necessary to cbtain '; ter may not be active. When, as i 1 iiiiiiii v hiuir it r j V from President Huerta and his adherents the fullest rcccn-nitio- n ; . now the case, the crater Is showing ni x! V--"- . of rights dignity of the United States. , ilroftg signs of activity, after ; long LUUlUj IfllilU! the and . period quiescence, be-- of money of ;tho trip , :The president did not ask for appropriation' comes one of the most novel And call upon. the national guard of the country for action. whole' world af- ora that the - proc- fords. '.Vesuvius probably nffcrds the . The scene was a most impressive one and tho f most easy access of any volcano in identias loudly cheered following his presentation of his caco tbe world, but its crater., compared ' to ; : . . to that tf Kilauea. seems ; trifling las Live Booster Organization Wilt Unassembled bodies. . . j rize and In impresslvenesft. ; ..Thsse Enter Spirit of Big Affair . who vlEit the Hawaiian islands and ; ' fall to take the voyage to : Hllo and at Schof ield Barracks " Command ; to - General the ride, to the volcano thus miss one t"; i; - '' Wood of the grandest spectacles of ,the giant Ee-Yah- , Ee-Ya- h, : " forces of nature in action. To my isf WASHINGTON; D. C., April 20--- It has been announce!

'I Ee-Ya- b, Mai.-ge- n. mind the crater, of Kilauea Is more ah ;v here that Leonard Wood, chief of staff, until Apr.l impressive than the Grand : Canyon : f 7 Ad Qub! . . United forces in case of war wilii v of the Colorado, and far more spec- S 22. will command the States . the ; yoll which the y tacular' than Yosemlte Valley. ' litre;: This is Vith President; Woodrow Wilson and Provisional President Victoriano Mexico. ; General wood, wnose term as cniei orsian exp:r people , will be In addition to tremendous rocky walla. Schof Ield Barracks prese embrogllo. U. S. Connecticut, n ; Huerta, central figures in, the nt S. April wili not of of of 1 greeted when their precincts are in 224 be relieved the duties that surrounded by luxuriant tropical veg of the North Atlantic squadron, commanded by Rear-admir-al tfrsn KnrA i finM nf j- -, t . ' vaded on tne anernoon or may o ox ' be ; ; ; . T;A f .V Henry T. May - f'r should war declared. : '.great crater 'which U ,3 .miles hi members of the Honolulu Ad Club .!': : being diameter,"- - which 1 1s a revelaUan t and t&eir ,a;di!? theoccaslon County which i::: those who have never1 seen the re. , the Iri ..the. Aral ; volcanic an -- folkswill conduct at Leilehuaon thai Refu Ghairtered suits or action. Und active , BAItNETT -- i- adopted at a meejfa; FOR IS cone-ca-lled vHa!emumau' , r Tl' J' VP- hiVi. n. sends out volumes of smoke all Saturdayaiternooppf? the Ad Club 9 . . WASHINGTON, D. C., April 20. The navy d:p:rtm:r! at - mw acnrsIon5'Com, seasons which now reveaJs a Pedal, County ralr r but heart - liner Mexico-fo- uscasa-rcfu::: el.ip fire at night. ' This spectacleAview- - .mittee,; composed of James DLeven- haschartcrcd the Yard Uf A. - a fnnm fha rtm! u.nn la Vino. Borir chalrmanr JLjAtSchwaTfberg t-- uri n ?!ffiriim iniiSTOF FEED F0H at Tampico and has secured options.on other, vessels at,Vc:r. Van Talkeburg; John Grnbe. Edt nii S75 great sighU of . world. of the the , VA Un A Cru2; Journey an Easy One ? : p'owse, jonn .wiuiger, m. 1 Dt , V-- ' j . .. ' H -- Kfvrr M. A. A.nd A. F. Jonas : Il vi'j ; jaurney vne volcano, coce 4 : ' ie , ip. 7 ' ' ; very tcdlc-.rs- has now been' stripped iC18 . . .r i . .. , VICIOUS ASSAULT com-- : of all disagreeable features. : It can ArrangBmenU practically.wrere BLESSING TO THE Fleet Will be Divided :.t-- be.made as easily as the ride around 'pleted' fo tho Ad Club's eicurslon to ; ' " Thee-rwer- maay the Island of Oahy, and for a Tary the army post Georgia a.--J 1 WASHINGTON, April Virginia, v- expense. By j things discussed, question being 20The moderate the InteMsl one; Col. J. W. Jones in Correspond R. T. Moses in Serious Condi- Nebraska have been ordered to tail Friday from Doston for. Tampico. Ad- f. Clubbers ; or t;end boats one has the choice of two whether the Ad march commander-in-chie- haa announced that A?, iSUQAft INTERESTS tion As Result of Beating r miral padgef, f of the Atlantic fleet, . weejk, by to Lellehua. , heated debate ence With Washington and i steamers a while the Mat ride the fleet wili be divided, part being stationed at Tampico and part at Vera v ; may every 10 arose on point, and finally was i son line one sail about 1 this it Local Headquarters and Kicks AppealTaken - s. ' days' on five ships which carry one decided to go by, trala. Tb uniform r ; yp-A- i ,v; : .organlraUon. 'togeth--. across to the Island of Hawaii in a members of the of Tariff Looked Col. J. W. Jones, adjutant general R. T. Moses, a local, representative slncle nlrhL The site of these steam- - ter with their friends and ladies,' ili Restoration of the national guard of Hawaii, now of ' the Volcano Stables ont f Hawaii, '. ihotei "r. ers makes them steady even jn the gather at the Yeung shortly af:f ,Cfdr Should Hostilities Be is in correspondence with the local l ore every Indication- - this morning of Merchantmen Ordered Away . - q . .ow ' worst sea groai doud anjgue ier noou ua ,0. y vtuvn, department headquarter?, and with hating been the victim of a most bru- ' : - ' , - v.-- mj 1 .O A y sea-sicknes- s. - ' : w Hllo, by Hawaiian iband, pres- Declared in Mexico - ho is liable to led the; those the war department at Washington, D. tal assault- as he sat in tho .witness VERA CRUZ; Mex'AprU 20. Al I 'United States merchantmen havs . the chief port of Hawaii, is a remark- - ent wm march, tothe depot wnerea C, view to determining box at district court "and accused; R. -- with a the ordered to leave this harbor by Commander Charlea Hu;he, chief cf - 1 rwamng,, ana possible effect of an open out- been ebly pretty Ity of 6000 people.- which, special train.1 wui b The inflict- c ; ' when national guard will go Barnett, a theatrical man, of the-Attantl- . ... ' date the staff. of fleet. . . - '.a :;:..-- promptly ,. of hostilities between the -- when the breakwater is finished, will which; will leave the station break annual encampment. Thus ing Injuries to his face and body, it a:-e- d and Mexico upon into its - All American women and those of other foreign nations have been have a commercial boom. The heavy, at 1 o'clock. The return wlll .be made United States the Is encamp- being : stated j Moses Is in grave ' Industry was far, it believed that the that to take refuge In the vessels lying In the harbor, and ta give prefertnea . lalnfall encourages tropical vegeta- on special" and .other trains sugar the subject losing eye ' ment will be held during the early danger.of the use of an as Mexico Esperanza. z ' ' :: - considerable discussion and to the or ij'M'Xl.v' a tion, main of Hllo, as ap- of ' but the feature following committees were probably a of a of blows inflieted ' y ." ' part result series s ;' .The of June, from the lith -- ,:. ' Is speculation among local business men j;.,:. ':. v..; : ':. .y ry well as of the, island of Hawaii, the nolntJ ,to take, care of .the details of to the 15th, inclusive. by fists or shoes worn by Barnett . " today. The possibility that as a war remarkable luxuriance of ferns. In Mh , : trinr ' f It is the intention of the adjutant-general- 's "I saw red, "and reallr do not know 1 gardens : Way revenue measure the tariff on sugar tbe of Hllo and all the Transportation J. D. Levensr- - and every mem- I may have done when I called Vol-.v- office to have what TrobpQ - along picturesque to : may be restored, has been suggested the road the A. W. Van Valkenburg. ber of' the guard present if possible. at the office of the Volcano Stables oanc House, may seen terns, in a number of quarters: sinee it is u- -- be these Effinger - " WASHINGTON, D. April 20 The second division of the army, County Band John and simple ef- Five days will be spent in . camp, Saturday evening f stated Barnett, . fronds sparkling believed that no more or with their beautiful John Grube. who, conclusion of the' hearing, command of Brigadier-genera- l Frederick Funston, now cn a pra; with moisture. Most wonderful of all fective means could be employed to which will mean that the companies at the der -- ; to return t5 : on A. W. Van will be absent' from homes 1Q was found guilty of assault and bat- march In the vicinity of Houston, Texas, has been ordered and the '.. tree ; patches Refreshments train tills end. -- their fernsvivid Valkenburg. days. Lieut. A. L. Bump stated this tery and called upon by District Mag- Texas City and Galveston as hurriedly as. possible and to be cattin In . : of green against the dark, background Several of the large agencies are 1 ' . r Special invitations E. L. Sch wars-ber- g. morning that It Is not yet known istrate Monsarrat to pay a fine of $75 readiness for moving on short notice. . of trtses. many hand from main- ' ' the Hllo has ' expecting to hear their annual will In and costs of prosecution. ' ' : ; some residences and the country all land branches on this phase of the whether the event be practice or . be- : . "green Aid Cltib the form of a march a According to Barnett he ,had about . Is 'r covered with Tbe plans to issue a large subject, but as yet nothing definite T-Tel- permanent camp. Regular troops fil- - fields of sugar cane.: The Hllo Sugar number of special invitations. Both has come to hand. As to any ser- come angered at Moses over, the Early Morning Messages : will be assigned with the encampment ing of a civil . suit: In which: Barnett, plantation Is a great estate. ; Governor I. E-- Pinkham and Mayor ious difficulty arising in the matter . In- ;. to set an example and to assist in the then; at Kohala,. .was much v About a mile from Hilo is one of J. J, Fern have signified their inten- of transportation, through interfer- ' " Instruction of guardsmen. r . ; . party. . Leile-hu- a Tehuante-pe- c the convenienced in carrying out his t the wonders of the Hawaiian Islands tion of joining the At ence with shipping via the " of Warlike ' 13 definitely program of . entertainm'ent.V A bill '.v . the boiling pots. Here In a canyon a number of army' officers will railroad, the opinion is very gen- As soon as the date encampment, covr $110 to be Vol- '. cut through the solid rock by cen-- 1 be received Into the club as members eral this is improbable, no mat- set for the orders for claimed; due the , ' Associated FressJ ' that fol- turies of erosion is a stream and wa-- i on short enlistment, to serve three ter what turn the relations between erlng tbe equipment to be taken Into cano Stables Is said to have been :a WAKillvriTrvr ri. r!.." A nril 20 President "Wilson will &z Cc"-- I field, supplies, etc4 will be issued lowed by an attachment of a .portion J.TexIco c: I 1 erfall and a succession of circular days. , These recruits will be initiated the two countries may take. Since the ' today for authority to use armed force asaln3t to ur' thi - . . ; pools water. pools to during' pre-ta-li government to the company commanders.1 . of the Barnett theatrical effects. J - i . of The nearest the fair. Solemn rites will the Mexican receives a ' or and dignity of this nation.- Frcsiacnt Huerta na3 reiusca it ; - Y the waterfall are filled "with water On this occasion, and J. D. Leven-so- n handsome revenue from the railroad, Barnett, returned to Honolulu and Rtatpl '": .' A- -r : Saturday , evening, Moses claims, f- in a ; violent state of agitation, as riow Is preparing a special ritual. it is not believed that anything would last . . The president will also' ask fcr Immediate appropriatlors th. ; "VV'CCk-- though . Barnett' entered; the Union Street est JITlfl TiaVV RSTTPPA BDOH 801710 J r it were actually boiling in The new recruits will be given badges permitted by Mexicans M nn V ormv ftlanSW S3 be the that upon J IliQ V V J W and' Invited to attend all the future would cut off this source of income. office and with a fewjwords set which bills are now before Congress. (Continued un ptge three) meetings of the Ad Club. Reports from Alexander & Baldwin's Moses, who' is a; much . smaller man, ..Wilson concluded alIiSotiatIon3 with Provisional Prcsli.-- t II u Tin body. . raining blows upon his face and . nls-lit.- h had v. ,'..VII New York office indicate that this k'"t'ttm vr Tacfiuj.'Mo--- p tlmft limit which . Wilson flxci ii same view is held in the East, and Moses became partially . unconscious ta was commanded to are a salute to tne American iia in that no special risk insurance is being and fell to the -- floor when It is de- miliationa heaped upon the emblem by Mexican federal sell: on A : pros required of vessels using the Tehuan-tepe- c clared that Barnett, kicked the Tampico. :' '. - HAS HIS HONOR BOLTED THE ; inflicting, gash at route. trate man. a deep - The final report received by rrcs Went .Wilson frcm .Ne!.-o- 0'Z:.z over tne eye. .f. r :;.- - ; --. nesay, American charge. d'affaires in the City of Ilex o, azl who h3 c iiSi V Barnett, through Attorney Straus, wr.- -, r -- BOURBONS? ACTS SUSPICIOUS THE GRAND JURY ducted the negotiations, ia the Mexican capital that Iluerti served notice of an appeal tof a higher demand for the salste unless h3 rec.lv. Itia t fused to comply with the court. He was released on bail. . , la writing that the Balute would be returned. ; : Moses friends declare that they . -- wily by Has Mayor J. J. Fern gone and done i reject it, but the facts are true and MAJOR This was looked tipon by President Wilson as a nor? Ilir TODAY'S Investiga-KtiphuWeekVA- deposi- CL-.tc-3 ; Field Again; Under nt will1 provide themselves with to jsecure reccgnitioa for his government from tha Urate ! and w: it! ' calmly related. Everyone who knows re- tions , from reputable physicians immediately rejected by .Wilson, who reiterated hl3 nctllicatlrn to Ilucr will admit this. Captain Henri Ber-- - Has he bolted his party? ; garding his present condition as a re- latter must fire the saluto nhcoalitionally. Thi3 Huerta rcfu:r. I Will be a Democrat at the ger, who has wavnd his baton at many LEAGUE RESULTS By that.the he next' political M suit of the assault.v taking thu tu-d- and .Wilson Immediately declared air.nej:otiatIoiia at an end. election, will he run as a noma a convention, is one. He: pated by i Inquisitors step they profess' they have noth ' or ' '" that night tbe cril3 does not mean a declara- ; 'r::-- fK was stated here last that knows. ; 'a " ' ,' It ''.''v delays or - 1 Ruler! : ing to fear from a series cf tion of rwar, as this- natlpn cannot declare ,war. against : an unrercgni-!'- : 'Music should edify neighbor- AMERICAN LEAGUE ; the , '.;-."''- - J-''- - new grand ; jury In the U.: S. postponements .when the matter ia - He does not answer these questions; hood of Emma Square this evening. Boston (doubleheader) Phila The government.' his acts speak for him: Is 'settling down to a brought , up for trial , in the upper v ' The 'program of procedure of. the army and navy remained the nr t By right Captain Henri Berger, afore- delphia 6, Boston 0; Philadelphia 8, district court ' His first overture to the Home Rul- court. ". V:""": night as oa Sunrlay; all vessels to proceed under orders already i. said, Boston 2. '.v'1 busy work. :.With the possible last , should be there with his musi- 'v'"4 week's navy in prepared.-- ers comes with the band. His honor - j V : ex- to them and all army and bases ta hold themselves cal miscreants. But you will wait in Other games postponed.- Rain. . exception of Saturday, the jury ' has thrown the banc to the Home Rul- In attendance before the laveitlating for immediate action.' f.'i U V': .'' '.h v ' ,v '.'-.- vain Emma Square to hear the band pects to be engaged everyjday during ; ' ers. It was supposed to be a secret; at tody. .. According to this program. In the event Huerta refused to com:'.' play. For he ain't going to be there NATIONAL LEAGUE the week, and in order to clean up its By grand but a clean breast of it may as well the end of the week tha with the demand made by Wilson, the . . now stationed, at V this evening. At Chicago SL Louis 4, Chicago 1. work in .the shortest space . of, time, V jury hopes to have cans--t up 1th lt3 wsre to seize cities and also . be made. Other games postpo ned. Rain. . 9 o'clock each Cruz and Tampico on the east coast those Mayor Fern has thrown it to the will meet at mornlns work, and thereafter will cicct regu- capital." y'A, was to : Now this is the story of the mayor's 13 railroad lines leading from them to the solid blockade 10 ' instead of o'clock, as usual, and ' ; ' Home Rulers. At Notley hall the ' larly tut , once a week, cn Friday ; : - ' ' You may accept - effected.' ... a apparent bolt it or ; - . . work till noon. b-- . Home Rulers are to hold a mass meet At the Ad Club luncheon tomorrow tncmlng to handle any catters that The same prcgrara was aho to followed on. tha west coast ."wh--- ''; ' - portion It.'--- . t.- , lng evening, de- considerable of thi3 may . this and there the band noon, J. Gilman ; will explain in A be brought before the 'warships now ia .those waters were taheManzaniil-j- JIazatiau, Gu r.ioMir.iENTs will be, playing all the political march tail, the benefits derived from using morning, it is uzderrtood, was given and Topolobampo and railroads leading to the City cf Mexico.-- ' es possible under the circumstances. bitulithiq ; pavement on 1 roads, while up to investlsatins c charg9 cf illicl Stednan Tien, your opinion lot These seizures, were, scheduled t be made even before tl arrjv.l r If this were a Democratic assemblage. Prof, T. A. Jaggar, who lately . ; re- lluor-seHin- g by an ran:ed Lawyer Quibtla ha3 charsd. L re-- Badger, i3 rushing south ca the ' Arkin;-.- 3 ' Admiral .who no one would be surprised at the turned ' from - an investigation cf the Held, wLcsa.-Wlf- i3 : : L:nir? zz$ nenber you used to think hl3 a won of the American armada.-.- ' Lowest Prices. " ' will be la command At r mayor ' - I cros3-cx:'".!"-tlc- r-- y cat-.:- ordering the band to be oa volcano of Mitakl In , will ttr.ee fr: 'a tl 3 ter:: c"rt3'.Jir' c':r at Etayout However,: it was doubted here tiir--t acttca cf this ' , 1 rr- - H. E. HENDRiCK, LTP. deck. But for Home Rulers! What speak on the advertlr'r.g t:!"3 cf c 1 t'.ncp Phone 2948, Merchant and AtakeaStals the answer? Has his honor bolted? voles no. STAIMU'LLETIN, AIMIIL 20, 101 1. TWO nONOIXLU f5fOXfA. - t

HARBOR NOTES LOCAL AND GENERAL ,. - - - ' T...... - .. t ' . .':..- ' . ). Higcns pleaded guilty before City .'udee Dickey of the circuit court Ca Nil1, to sail Trailslr The Pacific Mail liner this morning for lewd and lascivious evening, will for thf coat tomorrow Uonduct and. was fined $liM and costs. le fcivtn a later ma!! destined for the LOVE'S TRANSFER mainland. C. (J. He:ser. Jr . has been secured in lecture at th Young Men's Chris- Baggage, Furniture andPiano Movers tian Association Thursday evening. A shipment of sugar awaits the full April C. H. will tell of hU recent Matscn Navigation steamer Hilonlan. trip through Mexico. I the committee will be posted tomor-- , street, ami plans for nejv and lar- - now an arrival fro.n S.m Francisco row in preparation for the uunuxlj j.er church now are being drawn up. - US it rnd the Sound. lkx office opens at 9 a. m. tomor- elect kn by ballot which will b held row . Thursday at tie Promotion Committee The territorial marketing division April nx)ms for the sale of tickets for lec- ? lhie to arrive at Hlio on s luuuv - -. Navigation steamer En ture and moving pictures on "Vol- The work of the formation bureau luiawmru- the Matson delivery in the outlying terprise has sailed from San Fran canic Disaster in Japan." established by the Japanese? branch wek Young j expected eisco with general cargo. oi the local Men's Christian tricts of thu city. It is to The egg market continues good, the Association on Pier 7 has proved offtake a small charge tor this sirvice. I fra-centr- eggs now al .': At the rate that the cargo of him supply of fresh island not fuch. value and importance that the Owing to the cost it will not bo re-- been discharged from the equaling the demand. The pric? has association now is arranging! ibi ta make deliveries of small ber has to 35 40 sents, accord- Dauntless that vessel will moved u. and to have an American secretary on 'tail purchases, but original package ing appearance and quality. A i be dispatched for the Coast tomor- to duty at the same time the Japajiese purchases win oe laaen rare j row. secretary is there. The different men this service. In Kaimuk! a numlwr A meeting of the members of the on the association's staff will alter- of householders have combined t i - ? committee having charge of the invi- in spending an hour at the bu- division, that 1 Should Pacific Mall liner nate make purchases from the the meeting of ar- San Francisco on Satur- tations for the annual the reau on the days when steamers will effect a considerable saving to arrive from M. C. A., asuxria-tio- n is expected Y. will meet at the rive at this port. each of them. i day morning the vessel at y:30 o'clock tomorrow morn- dispatched for the Orient at r will be ing. Caldwell, superintendent 5 o'clock that evening. A general history of the church and John W. the work which it has accomplished of public works, left for Hawaii Sat- - Judge Whitney of the circuit court away ror a we .m. The steamer Likelike is taking ex- slnee Its organization 19 years age urday. He will be approving the accounts 3nd dlstribu- - - will b plosives for Hamakua and Kona ports was rwul at the services in the Chris- While on Hawaii his time tion in the estate of Poipe Kanllo, de--f inspecting several In addition to general cargo for the tf&n cnurcll yesterday morning, the taken, up with ceased. The was made on the , la un-- coast Likelike will order pccasion peing the last services to Dlaces where government work V: of Hawaii. The petition of C. F. Peterson, adminls-- . by department of sail at noon tomorrow. be held In tne pre8ent structure. The Oer way.' either the trator. final services, conducted by Rev. D. public: works or by tha harbor com- of absence is The steamer Helene has been plac C. Peters, were both interesting and mission. Because his it Paauhau, The muskrat is the most important Impressive. The congregation has not Hkely that a meeting of the har- ed on the berth to sail for fur-bearin- g Laupahoehoe and animal in North America. purchased a tract of land on Kewalo bor commission will bo held this week. Pepeekeo, Honomu, In one year alone (1910) 5.500,000 Hilo tomorrow afternoon. The He only. muskrat skins were put on the mar- lene will caryr freight and niall ket, realizing to the trappers a sum ABMYED approximately $1,700,000. TO AND Sugar for San Francisco amounting Lli TUii VESSELS 1600 will be shipped in If you need one, here the best Sunday. April 19. to about tons The annual meeting of the Hawai TIE FROM THE ISLANDS ,. Hilon-- , the schooner Muriel from Mahukona. Mission Children's Society will San , Francisco and, Seattle expected to sail for ian Ian, M. N. S. S., a. m. This vessel is the be held at the old mission home, King Special Wireless to Merdwnts by the latter part of the week. GATHER AT Maul, Molokai and Lanai ports Mika- - Coast street, at 3 o'clock: next Saturday af--, Exchange. hala, stmr., a.ra. " ternoon. " Maul ports Claudlne, stmr., a.m. More than 200 sacks of late mail ' to at the port In the Monday, 'April 20. Kauai porta--Kina- tetmr., a.m. are due arrive The Hbnoluld Ad Club's 'Tineabble April Matson Navigation steamer Manoa. HONOLULU PORT HARFORD Arrived. Kauaf ports W. G. Hall, stmr., a.m. . Day" will be observed' on Tuesday, . J.v This vessel is expected to berth at 18, S S, A. Chanslor, hence via Hawaii ports Wailele, stmr., a.m. v April 28, at the noon luncheon at the ports, April 9. ' Monday, April 20. Fier 15 at an early hour tomorrow pung teres program morning. hotel. An in ting, PORT SAN LUIS Sailed, April 18, Gavlota. ;Fails pt Clyde,. Am. spt, is being" prepared, Including addresses - v ' I . 4S.S Santa Rita,- for Honolulu. and tousle. tombffow Is to be a busy day at ... Hilo-Wilhelm- lna, Ward, with the port of Honolulu vrith the arrival PORT TQWNSE.ND Arrived. April M. N. S. S a. m. The schooner Flauretfce . ','' j or llrierg from the ".19, schf. Prosper, from Hllo March supplies for the staff "of officers and George Herbert was idvetf Judgment three transpacific 4 Pacific - . 21. y . employees of the Commercial morning by Judge) Whitney Orient; AusUalia- and the Pacific rlSSE5GEES , ABBIYED , this in an United - - PORT LUDLOW Arrived, April 19, Cable Company is reported to have action brought against him by J. Os coast of the States. ports, Midway Island. This ves The Pacific, Mall steamer.NUe from echr. Camano, from Hilo March 28. Per stnir.' KInau, from Kauaf arrived at' wald Lutted. The Judgment waa Arrived,: April 20, April 19. Mfss Ka- sel left Honolulu on April 8. ' Hongkons: by - the way of Japanese MUK1LTEO schr. F. S. Cook, Julia given "without prejudice. In ah ac K)rt8. Is due at 8 o'clock la the morn- A. M. Baxter, from Hfld March 30. ma!, S. B. 'Bartleit,. J.'L. Logan; Mrs. tion of trespass on tne case. -- shipment will ing. It having been arranged that this SAN, FRANCISCO Arrived, April J, L. Logan' and two children, , A. A of preserved pities ' vessel be given a berth Pier 7. The 18, S.S. Honolulan, from Hilo, April Souri, J. Schilling, Mr. and Mrs. J. be taken' to thef Coast with the 'Judentli('tiuret'Ue. attlori was at . - . Mr. Mrs. departure of the schooner Salvator, given plafntlfTs; Kau-- Kile is bringbig 6 cabin and S3 Asiatic h. .::-- . Silva, 'Master Silva. and J. In faVor 'of the Honolulu, Be- YOKOHAMA Salled.'April 19, S. S. T. Ledo, Miss Beckert, Miss C. Ore-nalla- s. that arrived here some days ago witn makk Nake'a et a! today tn th6 cir steerage passengers for, , fore the dispatch of the Nile for San .' Nippon Maru, for Honolulu. Miss Pinnon, W. Weinberg.Mrs. building material and freight for Lib-b- cuit court, and against the defendants, Francisco at S o'clock In the evening, SAN DIEGO Sailed, April 18, S.S. K. Panuu, Louise Conradt, Mrs. Ka-hel- e. McXeill & Libby'8 pineapple can- Horace Mahaulu et aL The action In- . U Mexican, San Francisco. Miss De Leckner, Naquin, C. A. nery. volves a small plot' it Is expected that 350 tons of Orient-- for of rear estate on ' cargo Vlll have been discharged. YOKOHAMA Sailed, April 20, S.S. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Orth, George Ma- the Island. -:' - ':") ) The vessel will take SOQ tons of coal. Mongolia; for Honolulu (schedule rino, Mr. and Mrs. Armitage, Rev. W. Fifty head of cattle, consignments 61 ca"bln; 83 second changed). B. Olesen, Rev. J. B. Erdman, Carl of taro, pinss. poultry and vegetables Company B r.thenatioiial guarH The Nile carries ' class and 80 Asiatic steerage,, passen.-ger-s MIDWAY ISLAND Arrived, April Koch, A. S. Wilcox, Mrs. C. W. Spitz. were received with the return of the will hold an ' fmpdrtaht1 drill" at the 18, Maui, Inter-Islan- d steamer Claudlne from for San4 Francisco, i '; - ; - schr. Flaurence Ward, .hence Per stmr. Claudlne, from armofy Wednesday evenittg. com April 2. . 19. Cleghorn, A, S. Guild, Maui ports. This vessel is scheduled mencing' The Niagara,. largest, vessel,; in April F. C. it "7:3fJ ocldck. 'There will the G. Livingston, F. J. Fukuya, Mr. to sail for the Valley Island at 5 be work In extended a prices dimensions, of one or Canadian-Australasia- n '. order and disr .this the service, and r ' For and '? . . N. Lindsay, O'clock evening. eteaming from Sydney by way of Aerogrami. and Mrs. Wallace, Miss this cussion of certain matters in prepar- S.S "iT NILE Arrivea, from Yokoha- Miss M. Lindsay, Miss S. Hannestad, i other sizes, aslt r Auckland and Suva, is due in; port at ation for the annual encampment ::-r-v'?- ma TtfesdAy morning 6clock, Conea, F. M.-- Co-ne-a, The -- Pacific .Matt liner Nile with daylight, and will; berth at" Pier .7. at" Mr. and Mrt.r F: G. and proceeds to San Franciscof the Hss M. AIo, Mrs. Yamamoto. about 350 tons of Oriental cargo and The condition U. S. Matshal tJ. .&.C0., Ltd. dis- of HHAGKFELD where 200 tons of freight will be ; same evening. Cargo, 350 tons ; Per stmr. Mikahala, from Molokai, a. number of Filipino .steerage pas- R. Hendry, pri- - charged and' 50 passengers will te who has . been ill in a a vs , April 19. C. H. Cooke. Miss A. sengers, Is due to arrive at the port vate home in Kalmuki for pftsti landed. The Niagara has : 300 cabin, jaDocugci an iuiu vrviui the .1 class, 175 Asiatic steerage. Cooke, McVeigh, R. Sim-lic-k tomorrow morning. The Nile may 124 class and 175 third, class second J. D. Thos. week, under care of a trained nurs., V second ;--r Wife. .5 Victo- S.S MANOA Arrives from San arid be dispatched for San' Francisco at is reported not to have, been so favor-- passengers for .Vancouver and: . 1. Francisco Tuesday with 45 cabin o'clock in the evening, of the same yesterday '""-- ' y , able today, v- i and' 'r 1j r : vessel will be dispatched as" had. ,f i, '",''A:': ria. This 54 pack- I . ' passengers; 372 bags mail, day. been the case in week. ' Northwest 4:30 o'clock in earlier the y 'if.' ti.i'fL ttt- - ... l.r 'f-- - - for the at ages express 4 autos,2417 ' - f - matter... PASSENGERS BOOKED the afternoon.' . . . ; tons cargo. 'KaHului: 218 tons car-- Much of the floating pontoon ad The decoration committee which is Castle & Cooke today received a " ga ;; - V. ; .' Per sttr. Claudlne for Maui ports, joining . the Healani boatclub house in charge of decorations ; ' the for the. message from the Watson - -- wireless . :", . April 20: Judge Mrs. Kingsbury, was damaged through a collision with and annual meeting of the Young Men's; - .Navigation steamer Manoa, now on - - ' yvr- r;y-y- . No Wireless on Fails tt Clyde. R. E. Bond, M. A Nicholl, E. A, Mul-for- the steamer Likelike. The vessel was Christian Association May 5, met at' the second voyage from the Coast to ' : M. Miss A. Ma-ke- t. being berthed the Inter-Islan- d t islands, which announces this , While the shIp !Falis of Clyde was Mrs. W. Maket, at coal noon today at the association and laid, the that " Wm. Master Rob- bunkers when the accident occurred. '' . Master Maket, plans liner carries, 45 cabin passengers for reported to be nearing the port by for some Interesting features wireless, that vessel carries no such ert Maket, John Fus, Alexander Me- No damage is said to have been done for some intefestlng features for the . Honolulu, The Manoa was dispatched ' ; i the steamer. from San Francisco with 2417 tons of installation. the , messages having ruit. event. i freight for this port, while in transit been received from passing steamers. Per str. Mikahala, for Maui, Molo- Acid Proof JLacquer Clyde Mrs. In returning from several ports Lopez , was paroled there are 218,. tons of merchandise for The , Fall8v of is an arrival at kai and Lanai ports, April 21: Francisco this the port today with 16,000 barrels of Jas. Munroe, Mrs. Aug Dreier. along the coast of Hawaii, the steam morning on order of Governor Pink-ha- .discharge at Kahulul. Mail . to the brought cargo 375 oil for the local branch of the Asso- Per str. Kinau for Kauai ports, Apr. er Wailele including Governor Pinkham acted on the amount of sacks, will be landed. 21 .. Company." Captain C. C. W. 7923 sacks of sugar, empty barrels, of prison In the local, cargo' are four automo-biles- ciated Oil William 21: Frank Moniz, Boilan. F. recommendation the board Guaranteed baffling McFadyen, three packages sundries, 60 sacks of Attorney Lopez The , Manoa .will berth at Pier, Smith states that he met with Frost, Sid Spitzer, Miss L and Stalnback. was ' greater part Mrs. King, corn, 20 hogs and 75 head of cattle. larceny 3cn-- j ' 15 and will be dispatched for Maul and light winds for. the cf W. H. Rice, Jr., Mrs. T. J. convicted of and given a a 25-da-y passage from Gavlota to Ho A. L. Castle, Robt. Horner. This vessel is on the boards fof an tence on July 8, 1913, or from six on, Thursday evening. . nolulu. The ship will bo detained Per str. Mauna Loa for Kona and early dispatch to Hawaii. months to 10 years. here for but a few days pending the Kau ports, April 21: Goo Wan Hoy Houdlette Scorned feminine Charm. discharge of the oil. and familf, R. E. Smith, Rev. J. W. The Inter-Islan- d steamer Mikahala The jury In the case of the libel time-wor- n old sea dog," V.'The stern Wadman, Lau Kai, G. Van Hing, Mrs. will be dispatched for Maui, Molokai suit brought by Bond applied many a skipper who Robert aainst often to China Is Bringing Small Cargo E. W. Stanley, Henry A. and Lanai ports tomorrow evening, Company is de- - "is buty hardly Ross. Judge the Hawaiian Gazette . anything stem, would The Pacific Mall liner China, now Jaeger, H. L. taking a few passengers and a gen liberating. went Captain H. C. HoUdlstte, master of Kinslea. The members into fit steaming from San Francisco to the eral cargo. The vessel has been dis- chambers at 11 o'clock and at 2:45 : and commo- Company, Ltd. the Oceanic liner . Sierra ccast of Asia by the way of Honolulu, Captain charged of 2574 sacks of sugar. 15 in fed- Coyne Furniture fleet, has been sail- Soule Greets Friends o'clock there was a rumor the dore of,the who will land about fifty tons of cargo at Captain A. L. Soule, who has been cases of eggs, seven crates of chick building they were a , Jng the'seas half a century. Tct, eral that at for this port, according to advices re- designated as "One Hundred Fathom ens. 76 hogs, 15 calves and 96 pack deadlock. A is not expectr! Young Bldg. Diahop Street according -- to passengers of the verdict the ceived today at agency of H. Hack-feld- . Al,' come to ages of sundries. 4 San Fran- the owing to his tendency to before o'clock. Sierra, which arrived at & Co. The China will be sup- a some miles off port, where voyage Hono-luln-: halt cisco on the last from plied with 650 tons coal during Sugar made up greater part of Captain Houdlette was forced to of the deep water is said to prevail, return the An appeal to the supreme court stay at Honolulu. The vessel is due ed to Honolulu yesterday in command the inward cargo brought to this city was made thi3 morning from the order intimate that he was a stern old dog Inter-Islan- Irere cn Friday morning, sailing in the cf the .Matson Navigation steamer Hi- - in the d steamer Kinau of Judge Robinson overruling the de- sea. , of the. afternoon of the same dav for the ionian. Captain Soule reported very from the island of Kauai. The freight L. passengers was murrer in the case of Nettie Scott Among the liner's orient. rough weather on the greater part of list included about 8000 sacks, of the vs. E. N. and E. K. Pilipo. The de- BOXES - SAFE DEPOSIT MISS avis BierimR, a preuy onnmuui the voyage from Seattle to Honolulu product, together with drums of mo- murrer was interposed by defend- maid, returning visit the society froma Sparks from the Wireless . The vesesl brought 2900 tons of lasses, empty oil drums. 7 crates of ants and based on several grounds. $4.00 a year to htr sister, Mrs. Clarence Cimha of The following wireless message has freight, a quantity being intended fo chickens, 40 sacks of taro, 132 sacks Sterling The case is one for termination of a ,:.tbis City. The fact that Miss I)een celvei py tne agents of the island ports. Eefore departing from of rice, 51 cases of honey, 82 pack lease and for damages for failure to Bishop Trust CoM Ltd. relative of the veteran skipper S- Is a - s Manoat 5ound for Honolulu: Hilo for San Francisco the Hilonian ages of sundries. The Kinau is sched give notice. ; railed to anow. ner uie privilege oi For Honolulu: 45 passengers, 372 will be supplied with a full shipment uled to return to the Garden Island ' oing bridge. Wells-Farg- to the, bags mail, 54 packages o of sugar. at 5 o'clock tomorrow evening. Ed. Towse, C. B. Ripley and R. H. f was very inter-- r Miss Sterling much express matter, 4 automobiles. 2417 Anderson, composing nominating es- - the ested ,In navigation, but when she tons cargo. For Kahului: 21 S Nakamatsu. a Japanese, been sayed' bridge met tons Manoa Will Tow Bark Rithet has committee of the Young Men's Chris- , to mount, the she cargo. R. P. now here, taken to Aiea hospital suffering from jrebuff. The bark Rithet. tian Association to nominate officers with a stern Ship will fiOO a jaw followed by in- Captain arrive Tuesday and dock having been supplied with tons fractured lower for thr next fiscal year, which be Pouts were of no avail. at Pier 15. of sugar as ballast, will in ternal hemorrhage as a of be sternly said "No." and that be taken result gins .May i, met at the association ar Houdlette tew by the Matson .Navigation steam- ing in coIliirn with r. ,ne 12:30 today ended it. o'clock to consider men Kauai Sugar Report er Manna tomorrow night and will be to the Oahu Railway & Land to fill several vacancies in the - The skipper's face was wreathed in the Sterling Sugar awaiting shipment on the isl- dropped at Mahukona. while the Ma- Company. The Japanese was riding VHTiles as he assisted Miss of following on a motorcycle It is stat- board of directors. The findings of gangplank upon the vessel's and Kauai includes the noa will continue the trip to Hilo. This eastbound. down the shipments, according to report arriv- esel will receive a quantity of su- ed that the locomotive was proceeding arrival at the coast. ing by the Kinau: 4."0 of KKH. gar port, returning to at, 1" an hour. The acci- Ss sacks at the Hawaii about miles ,' 1200 sacks of Cr. & R.. 12.792 sacks of Kahului. and is expected to be back at dent occurred a short distance from Xotor IJfcMiats lftailed. MAK. nn.r.t;:, packs of .McB. 27,40." Honolulu eariy Monday morning. The Aiea store. N'akamatsu's condition is . . The new Allan iiners Alsatian and sacks of KP. :i 1.000 packs of LH. 2.- - bark Rithet will complete cargo at not considered serious. Pleasanton each-Title- . Calgariau are with motor ooo sacks of Makee Co.. 400 sacks of Mahukrna U r Coast refineries. lifeboats with four- - Ki'auca. Hefore the supreme courr this in- - HOTEL cylinder paraffin engines, and are Latest Addition to Harbor Fleet morning arguments were made to dis- idlvldually capable of taking eisht or T. Chara pleax3e1 guilty before To take its plare with the several miss the appeal of Goo Wan Hoy. who SPECIAL SUMMER ordinary lifeboats in tow. They Judge Dickey of and dep-sr- a now mak- is bringing proceedings to compel Ter- ' ' the circuit court this harbor vessels REDUCED ,J0- ; a feet in length, with cabin morning to a charge ot heedless driv- - ing Honolulu a home port, the "M. H. ritorial Auditor J. H. Fisher to de- five-eight- hs oi jr,cr i)P - occupying tneir lensin le sentenced Tuesdav H.." a vessel which has recently been liver over several vouchers for claims - V forward, a considerable freelmard Riv- morning. onp!eted on the local ways, will re- providrd for by Act 14:i of the Ses- .e xne i ne high-powere- d ' ing good headroom a caoin. The Kewalo reclamation injunc-to- ceive a engine with the sion Laws of 1911. Th's law made an " Ciigine Is placed in the cabin, and all proceedings were resumed iin arrival of the Matson steamer Manoa. appropriation for the purpose of re- Kate controls are taken aft to a watertight. court this morning. .las. Ti'.y'or. who To be used bv McCabe. Hamilton & funding certain merchant license tax- NOW IN EFFECT in Self-draini- ng cockpit, which th engi- bay es, qualified last week as an xper? Renny in their extensive and the supreme court having held FOR THE KAMAAINA The power lifeboats new it is Tstcersman sits. neer, war. on the stand again this oastal business, the vessel, that the law imposing "be taxes FOR THE SERVICE. arjP fitted with wireless trlepraphy and morning. It is the plan to complete said, v ill possess an extended steam-in- s was unconstitutional. C,o.- Wan Hoy c"t?rtianinir FOR THE TOURIST. aPlaiatn. the case with morning sessions. radius. claims an assignment i t a number of thes claims. The present question LUXURIOUS SUITES. SUGAR So this is your idea of it. 'h?' WANTED hefore the supreme cv.irt is purely technical, being on the point cf BEST CUISINE AT PFUCES 20- .- Be j it Wag sr. First-clas- s Apply whether or appellant's plead- WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL SAN FRANCISCO, April ts: ks. "Yc. is." said "Well. concrete foreman not the ; 3-4- i ;:! ings D d. Parity. tl:r idea is ('tair.lv original. sail Vounc Hide are sufficient. The corn took hore 4927. iitor. :.::ut. the case und"r consideration. HONOLULU STAR BULLETIN, .MONDAY. Al'lUL --JO. l!14.


REDUCES STRENGTH StcUl star- - Bulletin Corrpondence) FORT April 20. ; CAUGHT NAPPING V0LCANOONEOF DELIVERS SERMON SHAFTER. The because confining duties, young son of Lieut Vernon A. Boiler I of the 2nd Infantry was operated on lack of fresh air and sunshine by I'aptain Schlauser at the depart- gradually weaken even a strong AT Y. ment hespitai on Saturday morning constitution, and the enfeebled BY INFANTRYMAN WORLD WONDERS P. LEAGUE and at last reinrts was pronounced as system readily accepts sickness progressing favorably. The operation 'AW A' end disease. performed was a major one and of a Sr a r - Bulletin CorifnonflMiff (Continued from page one) Ai-r- t' held Sunday at the rare nature, being a deep incision Soott'm Emulsion checks SCHOKIKLD BARRACKS. April J". K. of P hall by a large congregation back of the ear to remove diseased such decline. Its pure cod liver oil lin-- were out great caldrons, yet in two pools young men women led by lone. Long of skirmishers the of and and - is nature's grandest medicinal food Saturday afternoon in :i !at a'-tem- below these boiling pot.s the water th" Rev. Akaiko Akana. whilst the X- XT mill-pond- . Mrs. Irving Phillipson while its hypophosphites act as a tn find Merman the .colore J is as placid as a The se- Rev A. A. Ebersole preached the ser- J. of the 1st M ldier. charged with several robber- of this remarkable phenomenon is mon, the subject being "Eternal Life." Infantry has returned to Schofield J! I building tonic. It refreshes cret Zjji holdups, who escaped from the an underground passage carries Tin- - of Young People's Barracks from the department hospi- "SL body, vigor in the (A ies and that members the the outs guardhouse at S hc.field Barracks last th water past these two quiet pools League are preparing to participate in tal, where she has been a patient for blood, strengthens the lungs, Ha- about ten days. . r Tuesday night. Advancing with the into mi larger pool below. The a KaT::ehameha !:y parade. June 11, Ml. . i ' 1st f! upbuilds the nerves and in I greatest and rifles cocked, waiian boys, who are apparently am- mounted on horst s. 12" strong. The Infantry now at Red Hill vigorates the whole system. al.out forty yards apart, each inaa phibious, have games of feUow-rhe-lead?- r, Next Friday evening at 7::J0 Mr. with one battalion at Aiea. will en- for a handle-h- in which one of the stunts is King, leader of choir, and the gage in an extended problem on Wed- rji. If yoa work indoor. Scatfi was ready at any instant the Flrif ; nesday and conflict with the desperado. to start from beneath the waterfall, members, will meet at the Kilohana undr the personal observation ncrmm and Jom of turn. Private Elihu Nuby of Company L, swim down the stream, then through hall for practice. On Saturday an of General Edwards, the brigade com- and often thwerU fober-- Infantry, walking along th edge the several boiling pots and finally entertainment will be given by the mander. The work on Wednesday culoi-itboi- 2.th ld ap and f will m cf an irrigation ditch, about one-hal- diving down, shoot througt the sub- members of the league at the parish conclude the field work of the holds up your strength. 2."th Infantry can- passage and emerge in the of Church at 1st for the present tour and the regi- Stm AlcaMt MatiMa u mile south of the terranean hcuse Central I'nion 1 r viewed :!( p. m. 17 ment will march on Thursday for Its 4 INSIST m SCOTTS tonment, came across Iewis sound lower pool. These pooh are 7: On May the Sunday ho'me station. It Is presumed 1 AT ANY MUG STORE. asleep. He signaled to Lieut. B. P. from a trestle work which spans the school convention will be held in the that the 11woif W. On way the "boiling K. P. hall will be 25th Infantry will follow the 1st In- i Lamb, was to him than the to of and entertained In i i who nearer ravine. r r anyone else. lx?wis was covered with pctg one passes Rainbow Falls, which, by the Young People's league, which fantry in field work but just what ter- h poncho, and close at hand were a when water is abundant, give off so has a Sunday school and Bible class ritory will be assigned to.the 2"th has Auto Stand baseball bat and a dinner pail contain- much spray that in sunshine a bril- recently admitted into the Sunday not been announced. King Street well-founde- is produced. The water work. A d rumor has reached. Site) ing rice and two chopsticks. It took liant rainOow school (Mahuka considerable prodding to arouse Lewis is so low now that only a small seg- Shaffer to the effect that Company I and, gazing down the barrel of Lieut. ment of the rainbow may be s?en. A CARLSMITH WOULD HAVE of the Engineers and the 2nd Infantry automatic, no inclina- portion of great pool into which have been selected to receive the new TELEPHONE Lamb's he felt the tion to offer resistance. His hands the water falls is lined by stratified HIL0 BAND RETAINED model equipment for trial and report NUMBER were tied his head with a web rocks which have the same formation HILO. April 17. Attorney Carl S. thereon. dressed and proud of 4700 behind nt Well belt and he was led to the blacksmith as the famous Fingal's cave on the Carlsmith became quite sentimental 35T JB-Rece- shop, where a heavy band was rivet- Scottish coast in the course of his plea before the orders from the war de- it-- Any man: is proud of hii 78-pou- Tuesday after- partment announce the on Chauffeurs: ed to his ankle connected to a One of World's Best Trips Board of Trade last detail the noon for the retention of the Hilo general staff of Major George B. Dun- ALFRED SUIT Henry T. Hughes Frank Baker axle bar with a heavy chain. The volcano may be reached by an BENJAMIN On way back to the post Lewis band. The county supervisors pro- can of the 9th Infantry. Major Dun- J no. Vlerra Sara McMillan his auto ride of 20 miles or a combined -- talked freely about his escape and his pose to cut the musicians entirely off can was for a time one of the field of- his friend are proud vto be Billy Aylett M. F. Miliar railroad and auto ride, the former of the payroll. Speaking for Lorrin A. ficers of the 2nd Infantry and served Kodrigues W. B. Harrub experiences, but it was evident that he 20 miles. Of the two, the auto Antonio very was the about Thurston, who was unable to attend a brief tour in Hawaii in 1911. He in his company and he's more Dan Nee Johnny Frailer was telling little that trip is far the most pleasing. The monthly truth. Among other things he said the Board of Trade's session, did not join the regiment at Schofield (Former Young Stand Chauffeurs) first half of the journey is through and who, by the way, has demonstrat- Barracks but was on special duty at apt to make a better job of life that he had broken the shackles after the being flanked escape. clothing cane fields, rcd ed some ability himself as an orator headquarters in Honolulu and went Machines making bis When his. Carl-smit- h Careful Operators Best on each 9lde by rows of ferns. When on divers occasions, Attorney back to the states for the field offi- was carefully sea reed a shackle key about half the journey is completed, grasped the 'verbal cudgels and was found pinned inside bis shirt, and cers' course at Fort Ieavenworth and the real picturesque part of the road wielded' them with masterful effect in later was at the War College for a yesterday the shackles were found un- begins The ascent is gradual;, the the band boys' behalf. TRIANGLE a place tour. While on that duty he was He broken few yards from the WIZARD road is good, and this ride through His eloquence had its effect He transferred to the 9th Infantry.. where he was captured. Lewis was wonders of luxuriant tropical vegeta presented and caused the board to wearing some L Company clothing "Where U bot the Phoenix Sox tion is one of the most interesting carry a motion requiring Secretary The garrison hop on Friday night which hevclalms to have taken from a Co go supervisors with, that the world can afford. Mile after Deyo to the was unusually well attended and was, clothes-lin- e the night of his escape. He along a request, .diplomatic, com- gt's Yn'tHE mile the machine sweeps be couched in in consequence, a very pleasant af- mm " - had with hhn a fine gold watch, an they en- ir many of which plimentary language, that CORNERS : tween rows of trees, fair. About sixty dancers from the IE electric searchlight and a penknife, Gi- to the musicians. By m 'are overrun by tropical vines. deavor retain post and garrisons were but no other .weapon except the base- In resolution which adopted the other present gantic ferns, from 10 to 15 feet the it In addition a number of cut alleged to have been' inflict the officers 1- BARRERE ball Lieut Lamb was out with board approves heartily the economy -Is bat height, are common and the jungle of from the camp of the 1st Infantry cnj him by a person whoss 19 men from L company, all of whom measures of the supervisors In every - r.c CO. trees and vines' looks Impenetrable, were in attendance and a fair sprink- yet unknown. Finn has SALES had volunteered to' go with him in other respect It even favors cutting . pasai c should one wander from the trails ling of civilian friends of the officers the police that he was s the band boys' salaries "to the bone," ; search of the bandit. Several other that intersect from the Union' Feed Company's yar it apprehension Honolulu was observed. Sat-nig- 3297. parties were making a search at but regards with their & on ht Phone the A few sugar plantations are passed, Colonel and Mrs. French, Major and Kakaako at late hour same time. stage absolute dismissal. when he was suddenly str : v but for several miles at the last Mrs. Smith and Captain and Mrs. Ma-lon- e . 89 Merchant Street journey houses are few. stunning blow across the back c! of the the government observa-ti-o were dinner hosts prior to the old Crater and there is a. head. He regained consclou NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, Near the summit is the near by for the accommoda- hop and the majority of the guests at unoccupied. house tarty Sunday nfornlng to find tL- -i House, which is now regular-dall- y tion of an official who makes these dinners attended the dance. e GAS. OR INDIGESTION ate been rifled of soma Finally one nears the summit and SB-Priv- pocketa had -- volcano. 3T lar-- : Honolulu Pfcpto studies of the Joseph Flgarao, charged "with " change- man. Is, said to hav 8ees the great cloud of steam and Hale- Dobokie, formerly of the - The Dlapepsln" digests S000 of At night the active cone of ceny, stepped from the district court two knife wounds in the I SupplyCo. ; ; Each Tape's pmoke which shows the location seen You go 2nd Infantry, but lately telved grains food, ending all stomach of Halemaumau. maumau is at its best ofJthe room a free man this morning.: Prose the active cone down seven miles by the auto road quartermaster corps, has reenlisbL. in announcing KODAK H CADQU AflTCIll ' misery in flTe minutes dashes around a curve and cutor A. M. Brown that The melancholy ? days for c; The auto and then taking a lantern make your the regiment and for I company, his with- . pictur- the complainants had decided to . following e one comes suddenly upon the old assignment Dobski Is a ball- smokers are here, It 1059 Tort Street. f "Pape's di- way behind the guide to the r'm of draw charges against the defendant delegation of officers Time It! Dlapepsln will esque buildings of the Volcano House, player of reputation and played regu- tivity of gest anything you overcome a Lycur-gu- s, the crater. Captain Detectives McDuf fla'i eat and presided over by Demosthenes larly with the Stars last season. He of gassy out-of-ord- er Word Fail to Describe , A lady's purse containing some gold Saturday and Cu Bour, or stomach an accomplished Greek, who was on bench in yes- partment on surely within five minutes. No words can give any adequate pic- the uniform in and silver coin now reposes at police evenings, A raid was made JANE- - SLIPPERS knows the volcano Intimately and terday's game and will try for a posi- urea "MARY If your meals don't fit comfortably, a keen personal ture of that look over the rim into this station awaiting as owner, the bag eral places for some; time past : who seems to take well He tion on the regimental nine. or what you cat lies like a lump of pit of Tophet You will do to having been picked up .at the Bijou suspicion. : storse lz MclNERNY SHOE' STORE Interest In giving every touris't the under Two you have on your stomach and peer over the lip on Saturday ; v!3lte t : lead in your stomach, or if for seeing the theater nihL on Maunakea street were I "'' y v very best facilities heartburn,-tha- t sign Indiges- 1 of the crater and watch this wonder . r sLf. v M a of crater In action. Like most tourists NIGHT IN R00FLAND three .Chinese who afterward Fort SL Aore'MansJ' ful working of subterranean L tion. had arranged my schedule so as to these It was a hoe handle that laid Frank their names as Ah Chew, Ah fifty-ce- nt through WILL INTRODUCE THE Get from your pharmacist a give only one afternoon and one night forces. Clouds of smoke arise Fisher low, Inflicting bruises that' re- and Ho Koon. were lodged in cc. which may be seen the dull glow of 1 ; case of Pape's Dlapepsln and to the volcano, but when I reached the LATEST TANGO STEPS quired attention at the hospital, In I police station Opium valued at soon you can. the lower fires. Finally a gust of wind oc- r ON MEATS take a dose just as as summit and saw what was to be seen, a free fight that is alleged to have was confiscated. Aix Chew aeciu: PRICES no sour risings,, no sweeps aside these clouds and one as- There will be I regretted I had not shortened "Tangdfs the dance, for tae," so curred at Kap&hulu. Charles Borra plead guilty to the charge of kec REDUCED . that a glimpse of core of fire belching of undigested food mixed my places and devoted catches the the song, says and from the reports of ter is accused of the assault opium in' possession. He sc. MEAT acid, no gas or heart- stay at other of the cone of "Old Faith- METROPOLITAN with stomach several days to the volcano, especially at the heart those selling tickets for "A Nrght in a fine of $7 at district court t fire-re- - : MARKET burn, fullness or heavy feeling in the ful." It is d and its edges may to- ' '. :; '. . as I found the hotel very comfortable Roofland" practically everyone in Ho- Special License Officer Fennell morning. ' '(," r; stomach, nausea; debilitating head- be seen bubbling with the intense once-truste- d .'Phone 3445. and the meals unusually good. The nolulu will dance the "tango" after day mourns the loss of a aches, dizziness or intestinal griping. Soon is again observed but e Volcano House reminds one of a heat it performance tomorrow assistant with, the arrest of Thomas Daniel Boone, for many years a r This will all go, and, besides, there across the crater on the rocky wall -t well-equippe- night. Nor will Matney, alleged aged abc- d hunting lodge. The bil- that popular dance L. who is to have (dent of the islands, will be no sour food left over In the are a number' of pits, each of which be forgotten during this performance, sold intoxicating liquor to At)diers years, was found dead near his h stomach to poison your with liard room is a great hall, with the sending breath a fire- blazes with red hot fires, out for Miss Rose Herbert and Vernon and others while a dweller in a down- on Kamehameha IV. road at, aa c nauseous odors. rafters visible, and with noble glow up aw- Wall &; Dougherty a terrible that lights this Tenney will give an exhibition in the J town lodging house. A marked coin this morning, Boone havlns i Dfapepsin Is place at one end. hour Pape's a certain cure ful pit Far down in the bed of the latest tango steps, as will Mr: Thode, led to his apprehension. ed away following an attack of 1. AND out-of-ord- er Volcano Seen at Best RARE JEWELS, SILVER, for stomachs, because it crater a mere pin point of fire ap- who also will have charge of the ball trouble from which he Is said to : GOLp.WAf5j V takes hold or your food and digests it Directly in front of the Volcano pears. This spreads a number it ? of great Kllauea until loom after 10 o'clock. With the uniform of a United States been a sufferer, for some tfca& : just the same as if your stomach was- House is the rim the of are revealed. This is - small fires who neighbor, Alexander Young Building crater, which Is nearly two- miles Those In charge of "A Night in soldier cast aside, G. Kosumoko, Mrs. M. Tavaxes, a r n't there. a cone through which the hidden fires Roofland" are anticipating only suc- belonged a com- prostrate body man. 1; stom- wide and neaiy eight miles In cir- admitted having to the of the Relief in five minutes from all are trying to burst In a dozen places f c cumference. With two friends I de- cess, and they say that much of the pany stationed at Fort Shatter, stood cn the lawn. She stepped to the ach misery is waiting for you at any jets of steam and smoke show the c . credit for tlfts success will be due to before Magistrate Monsarrat separates premises and drug-store- scended the trail for 600 feet and District that the presence of great activity. Ned Steel, who has been training the morning charged with the theft to Boone and meeting with no 50-ce- nt walked clear across the crater to the this ins These large cases contain Now the clouds once more sweep girls dancing. officers-- stated, sponse, made discovery All Delects of Vki enough "Pape's Diapepsin" to keep the active cone of Halemaumau. This is forkhe Steel made the of a bicycle. Police then the t' away and we catch the glow of these Hui February much- - living - several dis- an experience which no visitor should Nalu Follies of a that the man had been found he had been dead for he entire family free from stomach in cone. A - v on infernal fires the central talked- of amateur performance andl in a room in Camp No. 2. Kosumoko Deputy. Sheriff and Coroner Rose orders and indigestion for many miss, as he sees this walk what he n sudden wind brings up the sulphur-lade- en- ' mIIo nndvtnnk c of' the months. It belongs in your home. can never see if he confines his trips he has worked with a will for this was found guilty and sentenced to harre stream one must cover nose .the of this and tertainment. two months at the city and county malnsv That official found no advertisement. to the auto road. The floor and racuth or he will be partly as- immense crater Is now covered with Mrs. Carl du Rol will be at the Ho- bastile. holding of an Inquest phyxiated. At times there are slides nolulu Music store tomorrow morning is big divper." ' "That the "Yes. great fields of lava, which has cooled - of rock, are by T f. 1 I TTIf t - J A - & t. I 1 , .... A , - ma, Wf0 t WA riflflfl.' - which ma."- yonder dip- indicated the from 10 until 12 o'clock and will re- William is an iuiuhlb or me ui us v "And is the little in many curious whirls. This lava is dull roar of the stones tumbling into ruin per." "But, it, Har- except serve tables for those who wish them. hospital for treatment for bruises and but only the successful will adm: ma!" "What is nearly black in color on the the pit. At intervals one catches old?" "Have they no individual drink- converted Anyone wishing refreshments dur- when brought to us, will receive trails, where it has been from these terrible depths the hiss of ing ing cups?" Louisville Courier-Jour- : the evening must notify the man feet. water on red-ho- t is most careful and prompt attention being coals. This caused agement of the Young Hotel not later! nal. The trail is very clear. mist-lade- n cf Dr. Hope, a qualified and ex- by the fiery lava meeting'the than tomorrow afternoon. EYE-SIGA- indicated by lines of stones. Here perienced T SPECIAL- clouds. It is an awful sound and In my Optical Par- and there arise jets of smoke which impresses one more an actual ex- IST charge of presence than lors. reveal the cf fissures plosion. I have seen Vesuvius when PERSONALITIES through which are forced clouds of the mountain was "working" but com- Still itfffie S. E. LUCAS, strong, sulphurous smoke. The trail pared with this awful pit of Halemau- A. S. WILCOX of Lihue, Kauai, is descends very rapidly at the start mau it seems insignificant. in the city on a business mission. He Optician. to of and cne soon comes the foot the After looking down into this pit for arrived here in the steamer Kinau. For over fiftpeii year .rrip&Xuts, thojMoriper health rocky side of the crater. This is a Masonic Bldg. an hour, we took our departure. A has had no --ijuaI, either m flavour or nutrition. stupendous rocky cliff, which drops heavy was driving cereal, 1 107 Alakea St. Phone 2668 mist over the rim REV. J. P. ERDMAN was an arri- Silva's Out) feet sheer from the road in front of the crater and it beat in our faces val at Honolulu on Sunday morning Toggery, of the hotel to the floor of the crater. as the auto went careering over the as a passenger in the steamer a Kinau Thousands of families use it regularly lwau The walk across the crater is great road to the i 33d degree Limited. hotel. from Kauai. Flora! sava Jack "the experience. Here are masses of lava Tips for Tourists night. Dora you a Mason? THE STORE FOR GOOD Inst Are in every form; some apparently A few words of advice to the tour- C. H. COOKE is an arrival from Mora No. he I.TnOzinfc CLOTHES" but at's bulged up by powerful forces under- ist may not be out of place here. In the island of Molokai, reaching this jioini. isn't it? K.Schang. Elks' Building King Street many I neath and broken into curious going to the volcano wear rather city yesterday as a passenger In the If: forms; ethers apparently cooled just heavy clothes, take a sweater and a steamer Mikahala. as the lava was swirling around in raincoat. You will need all these liquid pools. Across the middle of things. Wear old shoes, as the trails J. D. McVEIGH of Molokai is in the the floor is a huge fissure about eight are hard and will spoil good shoes. Ar- city attending to business matters Ha'qnaliiieHiTvhIcli make wide, which is spanned by a rus- 1 feet range, if possible, to spend two or and will return to his post in the - it the ideal footl . v v BISSELL'S tic bridge. This fissure is fully 2."i three nights at the Volcano House, as steamer Mikahala. fett deep and its walls are broken as this time will give you a chance to though riven by some Titanic cata- pit many DR. W. WAD.MAN, superin- CAKPET SWKFPEK see the active in phases. JOHN clysm. Soon passing bridge An-ti-Salo- Quick Preparation, after the Don't fail to look through the guest-book- s tendent of the local branch of the one sees at the right hand a big which Mr. League, Big makes housework easier. No Lyeurgus will show will leave for the stca::i cone which gives off clouds of you. They abound in amazing com- Island tomorrow to continue his inves- Delicious Flavour other utility gives so much smoke. A little further and one be-cin- s ments on the volcano by many sight- tigation of the temperance situation In nuine comfort and conveni-nic- e. to see the fissures in the lava seers, some of whom devote whole these islands. He will first visit frwm constantly xcels all other methods beds which steam pages to description, illustrated with North and South Kona, and on his way arises. Here one may insert postal maps. Mr. Lyeurgus is a very intel- back will call at Kohala, He will vis- of cleaning Carpets and Hugs. a - cards and have their edges burned by ligent Greek, whose brother was it all the public schools and hold pub- and withal, easilv digested, v :iv the intense heat. Special for one week: "Univer- killed in the last Balkan war. His lic meetings each night. He expects Scm we approach the cone of Hale- advice in regard to the best way to to be absent two weeks. sal Cyco Bearing. $3.03 ea. maumau. which is marked by a great Jrape-Xut- s . and cream or milk--, in place of hoavr; in utilize vouf time will be found valu- ' pillar of cloud that rises for hundreds able. digeKtible food, builds, bodi and brain inT al - come in and let us demon-Ft- n About 42,000 persons are enggaed waj- that of fft above the rim. By day one In going to the volcano, be sure to you. g;-- t in the manufacture of musical instru- gives ami energy. te its merit to (iiii no clear view of the crater engage your auto of Mr. ct Wright of the ments in this country. because of the dense clouds of stifling Volcano Stables, as the opposition sulphurous smoke which smell exactly company is not to be depended on, A hat such as is worn by Mexicans There's a Reasa like a batch of cheap sulphur matches frequently sending out old machines may-cos- t anywhere from 5 tents to for& W. W. & Co., Ltd., ienitpi) Dimond nder cue's nose. This crater which break down on the road. Ir $500. The better ones weigh from six - ir.i'0 from rim to rim Sold by Grocers everywhere ;. . i-- is feet across you follow tthis advice, you "will to eight pounds and carry many dol- J r : V , WAKES" have "THE HOUSE OF IIUI'SE and about 1'hi feet in depth. On "the a pleasurable trip to one of the lars worth of silver and gold trim-- , K1NCJ STREET. liin have been erected several stands ming. Of.. - world's greatest wonders. PDun HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- MONDAY. Al'IMI. 20. 1011.

mnlmm Orj u

S t'V (The SUr-Bulleti- D Invites free and Who 'r. :V.'.R to'bv !UfT Slich frank discussion in this column on all ; iiblicatitM! -- the guilty? EDITOR - ElILEY H. ALLEN legitimate subjects of current interest W.dl itr.ii !. Thf p'lblv v,!': de- Communications are constantly re- :( son tl. fac : are made "JO. ODOROUS CANADIAN INCIDENT no signature is at- known. MONDAY Al'ISI L 1.H4 ceived to which o;'.;.;cn of This paper will treat as con- The writer e,iressc:s the tached. many others with whom he has con- NEW fidential signatures to letters if the known. Xuthimj ix o xtnuHf tlx tnntlrtirk. the "outs" of give versed. the truth be made Deteetive Hums was hired ly writers so desire, hut cannot v.:nIt do its duty. . The mission should V-shap- .Xotlihitf ix no ift tiflr ix iyal xtrfHftJi. pace to anonymous cummumc-uo- 8. ul),,( Jf r ti proving of Qwh to spot ;iaff ;it tin pro- The i owe a,, Mpect L ed Bodice Pins Sr. Franeis tie !S;iI. Yours indignantly vincial -- n pi till. Hnrn.s forthwith omiim1 ;i swell TURN ON THE LIGHT. A TAX PA YE P. Honolulu. April 2'". 1914. de-l;gh;f- of fire ill Montreal ami ill eliarjre of it p bleed one Honolulu Star Bulletin. Iadies will tind these new pins n ul MAKING THE APPOINTMENTS To that many f the :n - Sir: state HE WANTS PUBLICITY. of his hest men, who advertised the estahlish- tellisent citizens were ho. ked b-- . change from the mono;ony of Bar when in your issue ot a voud measure kh-I- i new company . - . of that 1 1 1 SUir-IIulleti- arrangements. Now that tluMiovernor ha more of his ofhYinl j ment as headquarters ' ...... I h. Kditor Honolulu pins, or the various Hn family in the harness, it is hoped that he will .wanted a charter from the legislature. The ehar- - commission on the Hiio probe lai Sir: If the Hon. William William- f . ? 10 r .e.u . . aooui aociaea noi give u.e ie son of th? Hawaii Probo Commission These nl lhwlice Pins lie able to "ive his attention to the completion ... ror n- - is put it miidiv are.esiK ier contained francnises various sporting port lo the pubiio to your ad- is correctly quoted in issue cf in th of the list of tluse who are to constitute his .. i cially neat when nestling depths KlMly a,Kl oUuTwis,, an.l wm Saturday. April ISth insU I would ministrative force. The Star-Hulleti- n has as-fume- d tt To au- of fluffy trimming. as raw and rank a proposition as was ever snl-- j together with the recommendations Hkc impure by what special as-su- rr that there will bechances in the executive maae oy uie auuiui . thority the Honolulu gentleman to any legislative ImmIv in the world. Was not the"ZZcommission appoint-- es the right to suppress a report tfaff, very.general changes, and that the offices uiittitl !old, r a purpose? on puUic matters, which has cost the Of engravd jewehil. com- for just such will le occupied hv partisans of the Governor's Kor the first step the manager got into Havr not the expenses involve! people thousands cf dollar to obtain. Democratic? faith wlrere changen can he made munication, on tin advice of a professional fix- - been paid out 01 the public exchequer? Ycair for full and complete publicity Not extravagantly priceil. right has the commission to in all governmental affairs. without Jet-u- p in efficiency or to increase effi- What a er, with the law partner of Premier ( ion in as the .deny the public the benefit of tha: COMMUNI BONl'M. ciency. It in generally lvcognixeil that the delay for which they have dearly paici' Honolulu, April 20. 19H. of the AYahington authorities In naming men lest man to tivat with legislators for putting VVICHMAN & CO. hold-over- s a gen- 'office now administered by has ;he bill through. This lawyer took it as Q for lilHii-.im.lAU.W- inadevthe local situation more difficult. Then uine transaction and quickly furnished a list of it ntron(t A I Jewelers art; candidates for Federal appointment, who rnemljers of both houses capable of being "ap- would be-arailab- le for. Territorial service if their J. J. S MIDDY: I ani still on the proached' for value received. The business was map thcugh net heard from publicly Federal candidacy is not Mieqensf ul. . a bet- much. Maybe my time i3 coming. - dispatched with a promptness worthy of In the meant imet ;u gool mimlier of comuiis- - of hav- J J. FERN: It looks like, ionerships arc vacant and need the action 'which ter cause, the n"quired number "cattle" MYOR MILES, secretary there will be some mob of candidates WIIJJAM i 1 1 1 i Fern, recovered from his . ( feel certa i n w noon k fort h com t ig, Th ese ing been lought for about $75 up. Then the for my job before the primaries open. Uayor has j recent indisposition. jsition I shculd fret an iniiwrtant, though they represent trap was sprung by means of a resolution de- i . i formerly o persons appoiut(HKa great amount of work SHERIFF VTLLIAt'rP. JAR-- ' ELMER M. .CHEATHAM, manding a proln? into the circumstances attend- cuf-ov- er - of this city, new engaged In the :id except reward, of' efficiently per- RETT- 1 should manifest concern Krupps, r.a declared, thick would "take Jfrom C t 14 boom , no par, the an The it have of pineapples on Kauai, is a gaJ-easil- ing, the passage of the charter Several convic- the attempt tn reaefme into the ture produced a metal for safe3 that Is not and necessitate the use of 3000 y forming a public duty; The. Liquor Commission . , nclulu visitor. party. It is fusel or penetrated by the oxy- - Ions of ccetylene, ind 30(10 gallons cf ; tions members for receiving bribes resulted, r.d of Health are incidents in of cxygen. , the Boanl joint. oxy-acteyie- Mc-Tru- st hydrogen purners Hawaiian ATTORNEY CLAUDIUS H. and F D CREEDOX: The ! As viewed bj outsitlers, it would; Iml of consid' and the premier was put to some trouble in the BRIDE has returned Kona follow-ne- w now in use by scientific cracksmen. . , .... Company hopes to'get into -' yo wu ' lug a stay of some days in this city It is a variety cf cast steel abl.i t re- "Have any expenencft ( r able advantage to public service. anil the set-tl- ( clearing himself guilty knowledge of the part Kauikeolani building about June - ways of m business sist the best boring tools. It Is es- children?' "NX ma'am. I ai will be a big improvement lesal n inent of many local pnblem if theVc6nteTii-- : his; in 1st It timated that. to burn a hqle 3.2 Inches worked tn the best famijles." Pblla-I- partner had the transaction. over present cramped quarters. j l.ited changes in the Territorial administratipn CAIRMAX y w CALDWKIJj of a plate of the material l.G inchea Philadelphia Ledger, This Quebec incident is one of the most gro-tesqu- e, making an D. .DOUGHERTY: No, I the harbor commission la )uld be made so 'as to' allow the administration -J-AMES official tour of the island of Hawaii. happenings in the annals of legislative do not wish to serve as director of ' to" Ik? by ! He was a passenger In the steamer rce or tanf, completer the first 'of However.. thos3 IUC ,okAviv ornivi I l A' fI Uannoli - 14 VanV 1 u . :;iy. . The. community , would at least ;'be;. free corruption. That it should have occuri-e- in who have charge of the celebration may be assured of njy hearty cooper-nticn- . ; oin the pains and spasms that are always the one ot ihc cool preserves of "Our Iidy of the HERBERT L. KINSLEA is to take . ult of a political surgical operation, arid have SnowsVas itipluig calls the northern Domin- up his labors as official court reporter 4UI Homnie ffoir ' W P FEN NELL: The Elks need JuasK "1lul":',lua" at nai better, opportunity to levote ; an undividwl ion, adds spice, to the narrative. lua- tomor- - Sale - Hawaii, leaving a new home badly. Fverv member I Honolulu ; wdy to the many serious constructive problems. to favors the plan to w m u e :uuu have talked 8iaurgo farming on cn old Y. M. C. A. site, and le ay later into small . H. Some of the newspapers are build the Edwin Paris a credit windward Hawaii. trying to make It appear that the carnival com- if we do the building will be MEXICO HOST BEHAVE to lodge. I pany and. tha Hawaii Promction Committee are an- to both the city and the , , tagonistic. This is not co. Our relationships are SUrtKVISUHS Mbtl M friendly. We working with W. P. FENNELL: It's pretty he' f61d; bV the most are all the you a TO DISCUSS PLANS President Huerta will do as is the In angles, to at- touch luck when have trained same 'end view but from different in resident of the'Unitcil - States or tlie principal tract tourists, visitors, business and settlers to man in, the methods to be. followed TO PRESERVE HOME agairrst pig-- TralL-r-Adrerti- securing blind ser. evidence ; rts of his natiohAviir i taken: in charge and ti( Vi trn nv or tn iMh nnnniiHfn l.on Supervisors and members , of the !d pnHl.BUchJiinoViuiJieirom liis senses. ; Somepapers'Ms rattier good. This is the only .and enter into the WsineS3 on his Twb-tory- . bungalow , on. Majloclc-Avo- .-' " Outdoor Circle of the Kilohana Art 'J il'l"l-:- J .1. 1 il. i ! 1... .1 ntxrn Qrmint ' . 'lis will be done with -- Mexico; just8' as has newspaper whicht. hus ctHiimeiueti iu ine atuiuiie League met Saturday afternoon at tho of 6 rooms, 50x90 tet well (mproved It Queen I Emma residence in Nuuanu a done with other Central 'American nations if the'Carnival Company directors toward the DR. JOHN W. WAD MAN: The valley to discuss the plan of beauti- with lawn, shrubs, .trees; modern 'cOrv seif-contro- r self-respe- ct union temperance meetfng held in I. eking in and l. I 'romotion Committee, and .antagonism, if any fying the property and rehabilitating veniences installed In house; prlcV-- Central Union Church last evening the old homestead. The committee ol Though this is wriften previous to the rweipt xists, inust lie with the directors. The point biggest gathering $4250. was doubtless the the league was composed of MrsB. F. :.,' f the dar dispatches from Washington, there it issue is expenditures made by the Promotion cf its kind ever held in Honolulu. It Dillingham, Mrs. F. J. Lowrey, Miss was ; well attended and keen interest i not the slightest doubt jofj what" (ingress jind 'ommittee for antL on behalf oNitie1914 Car-nival- .; Lucy Peabody, Miss Kathleen Ward, was shown throughout. Mrs. Fred Macfaxlane, Mrs. Edgar t ! o Nation .will clbln supporting the demands As soon as these are met by the Carnival Mrs FVd Klhahn and g f the President.- - -- The'full jower of the country, Companyit will be unumssary to add that the Y. yushimavhi: Japanese Pine-)Mr- John c Lane apple growers are trirtming sail to Thg matter of fM up and protect. '.loral ajirfinaiicial,rWill be tlieTdis-- ; .wo organizations are working from different be- - placed at meet the cut prices. They do not , th, old residenCe of a qneen wa3 sal of the wnimandtT-tn-chie- f to use as seems uigles. There should be no angle at all, but a lieve that any fruit will be allowed to disciissed at a meeting of the super-- rot, but they are going to temporarily : n some ago. A proposition him timely; arid; in maintaining : a inootli parallel of operation and accomnnMla-io- except visors time imir abandon all their best land un was under way of destroying the aged (rTr75tt.;ii7rRcTt ; roper ttvpeet for bur own place among nations for the common good of this community. tii better prices prevail. structure at that time; but on the thI at the same timei dealing in the-- kindest man- - plea cf the league committee, it was SYDNED JORDAN: I naid a vis- - decided to preserve it. The scheme r with 'a recalcitrant neighbor. r Progressives sometimes complain the it to the coast line of oahu beyond that for its preservation was gone over King No one will question that the President has associations not them , Dif Tnd, cntteJL s!?tA?7 md yesterday. It was decided that by Fort, bet and Merchant - - :iews do treat fairlv when ...... removing one wing, the building ione ms utmost in a .to- - displaying kindfyspint jhandling the ixditical facts. An instance in is fast becoming a favorite mecca for could be held intact. vrnnls MexiciK vllo hus gpue sotfar the figures of the recent New Jer- - tourists who appreciate the natural beauty to be found there. A score ." . j f'.BEST TERMS. vi unici iy .iiiucu or noHiiug. so .Tenaciously sey Congressional elect ion. Only the totals for or more fishermen were meeting with CHARLES F. LOOMIS TO to the traditional American ;uhands;t)frM)ltcy, the Uepublican, Deauwratie and Progressive can- success near Black Point. TOUR THE MAINLAND WATCHES i - BEST GRADES : Tany have felt that Mexico conld "not appreciate didates were given and the Progressives made a Charles F. Loomis. secretary of the t he meaning of this kindness and interpreted sorry showing. The it complete returns show the Brother Dutton's Greetings I boys' department of the Young Men's VIEIR A. JEWELRY CO., Ltd. 115 Hotel Si : s fear: This, however, did not restrain the Pres-i-'.en- t Socialist candidate to have received within 0 Christian Association, will leave for bv a ono. the mainland in the Niagara tomor-io- w from giviig: the inan at the head of affaiirs votes of So- 'Mav vour Easter jovous the Democratic candidate. These "Faithfully. afternoon to spend three months in the City of Mexico every opjortnnity to see, cialist totals were forgotten. The figures for all JOSEPH DI TTON." visiting in several of the larger understand and to act intelligtnitly. parties do not 'especially help the Progressive cities. He will make an inspection Xow that Hueita is Out of his solitude on Molokai of those associations doing successful determined to go from cause except to make it appear that some one is comes this Easter message from !?ro-- work for boys and will study at the bad to worse, there is but one thiug for the ready to spread bad news for that party. The ther Dutton to his numerous friends I association training school at Lake Henry Waterhpuse Trust Co Easter j Geneva. Wisconsin, President to doIemonstrate the diginity and final returns show that liooscvclt. as a Presi- here and elsewhere. Another LiniUd, has passed for him on Molokai. He j Mr. Loomis plans to visit Victoria, Iower of the American nation in a manner which dential candidate, evidently drew voti-- s iii this has heard once more the bells ring ''Seattle, Portland, Kansas City. S!, I luerta. and other assassins must understand. particular district from the Socialist as well cut, in commemoration of the Day oi Louis, Chicago, Cleveland, and Sa as Rebirth, the silent prayers, and the Francisco. In Kansas City he will Jnst where the affair will end, no one the Republican The can ranks. Progressive of to holy songs of the resurrection. Out j mert Mrs. Loomis and their son. and fcresec Ordinary observers do not know whether day were not able to hold the Roosevelt streii"th. cf the world, on a lonely island, sac-- ; with them will spend two eeks visit-rificin- g I luertav is forcing the Uniteil his life to help the afflicted, i ing at his former home in St. Louis, States to land the spirit of Easter has touched pood - Sale troops in ortler to bring Real Estate for Mexican support to his The denial by Commissioner Williamson of Brother Dutton. and he sends von his Mr. Henfusser: These Brahmas are waning cause or playing the game of Kuropean immediate message of goxi-wi- and his hope r. very old breed of fowl. Mr e: publicity for the report of Auditor that yeiiF Easter was a iovous one. ! know it. We had the and other foreigu powers that are alwavs busv fi of family for field seems rather strange, in fact dccidcdlv un- - under the dinner at Rent-Famis- M ." rt 4 9 tfV 1 -- 1 f v Id .1 S. . J L V .! It is to yo:;r joys than my boarding house. Kansas City Star. For hed K "INn,w ium of usual, at first thought. Cnhss there is some better share tt V7 among Jonv dis your sorrows, Incidentally it is also! The Chinese divide the day into 12 lue tmiHi.isiaiw ail rentn;! and South itinc t end of justice to he served, the impression much easier. parts, each two hours long. 2850 Puunul Avenue, 2 bedrooms (garage) $40.00 Vmerican states. When one tamper 14." 50.00 with the would prevail that the report of an officer of a 4 Kewalo Street, 2 bedrooms (garage) v. Kn Kaimukl, 2 40.00 Hiiipu-iu- tiiu eejiiu;u n'SUlf IS publiv hoard is public propeitv. and the sooner Park Ave. and 11th, barooms..... absolutely lieyond human College Hills, 3 bedrooms (garage) 50.0C mwct to forecast. jit is put at thedisiMal of the people the thV-pi-esc- nt better. Critics of administnuion -- have cliarged that the ddomacy Rent-Unfarfli- shed tf Pivid,.nt Wilson An aged millionaire Foi0 Far fw)Htf Iti-n- t ! ..wT. 41 - 1 I of California was rest on d nntt-- v -- ..e 1 Rent ?tii' u iiiiivii-o- i Ilr. 11:1 1'liir J".'tni 1 1235 Matlock Avenue 2 bedrooms $2T..'0 varinv. Vrith is,,, U ' '"i'' ?' a',"' ' '"'"lU"lv ,,,sv 1020 Aloha Lane 2 bedrooms 18 00 Udl.&imUl I lail his admiration tan-- o Cronn.iM Manoa Valley, 2 bedrooms, furnished 540.00 raticnce is Iipopular for..thtf inoiriQit than !fnr 32.S0 - a St., 4 bedrooms, $S:.00 1640 King Street 2 bedrooms '..v reveal ' Beretania furnished the'btg stick. 120." Alexander Street 3 bedrooms 35.00 " Nuuanu Valley. 2 bedrooms furnished $co.oo But behind thecriticisni and. the . . 1915 3 32.50 apiiirent ,mT"" Anapuni St., Z bedrooms, unfurnished $40.00 Kalakaua Avenue bedrooms " VlUnf of a reciprocity treaty 5 50.00 faults, is an alirurnj'wiTiitioli of Atnerica's , Waikiki Beach, 4 bedroom, unfurnished $;o.i) Cor. Ena Pioad and Kalakaua Ave Dedrooms natural distasrc-Y-,r wnri'faith in the Cmtetl States and graft 823 Beretania Street 3 bedrooms 30.00 wmw 7As no FOR SALE. nnrt bvriilrv nf men in e,mt,,.l 1 7r northern bonier. Desirable home on Wilhelmina Rise, only two years old. Beautiful ma- - respecting is unashaineii nation that and un- rine view. Price $37."". On terms. afraid. Society leaders of NYwporf. wlne homes are Americans are patient;'sometiiins beyond all under sheriff s attachments, an planning ex- - s tended visits reason. But if any--outsider- lelieve that this to the continent. Henry Waterhouse Tru st Co. patience indicates a weak heart, it is their privi- Ursltcd, Fort KAd tit t MOrOtDLU, T. H. lege to te foolish and test our national patience San Francisco's hall of justice boasts an ele- Guardian Trust Co., Ltd., Or. lirbf St. (o the limit. vator man weighing l!40 pounds. Some elevator. 2o5 Ba.uk of Hawaii Building, noxoT.ri.r star nru.KTix. moxhay. atijil jo. hu. pith SPOTS 'WITHIN THE LAW STRUNG DRAMA. ABLY HANDLED Imperfections on - your mirror Delicious! can be removed by resilvering. BY THE PLAYERS.' COMPANY THAT SHOWS CLASS OLD and worn out mirrors made to Thai is the likely comment on pie made with look NEW ' ' TED Phone 1697 Silvering Depart rf.t--? t '. VV ' ment IT. - For, Frying, For Shortening, for Cakt Sharp ns yXimm- Making. , . 186 Merchant Street v V

. : - ' - 1 ftV" First of all, pie ppoporl.v malo with Crison mli timp(in:. Tlie mist has a - ('. : : 's . 1 -- - : Kr - . I rich, flaky appeaironro that puts a ww ttljjo n the apjtlte, no matter what dainties have gone 1fore. Then, it is so tender that it hreaks at a toueh of the fork. Eren the under riust which hecoinex tough so easily, cuts as readily as the upper crust.

- A. N. SANFORD, X i ';- A : .if.j- V V" ,3V- f Finally, it tastes rich, yet delicate; fresh, palalahle, deUeious in every sense. OPTICIAN. Here is thi nripe for plain pastry that we have found hest: Boston Building : : : : Fort Strel Over May & Co. l-- 1 1-- 2 (TPFrLS FLoru S TEASPOOXFUL salt 1.2 CTPFrL misro TOIJ) WATER (Level measurements)

Sift floor aod salt twice and fat Crln- - dry lag rfdients. Form Ushtly 4 r -- (Cj ' C aic flatly qileklj' with hand Into dough roll , r03KEN&Y0UTHSV ro Into flour with knife until V dhlded. Finger tips may he used to on slightly flonred hoard nboat one flahh blending materials. Add grad- - qaarter Ineb thlflu; Use light motion, ually snfficlent water to make stiff In handling roIUng-pI- n, and roll from - ; paste. Hater should be added spar-- renter otvrara. sniueirnt ir one Ingly nnd mixed with knife through 'r ''":!'-''- rrv; n i r,jama, ; ' XEW COOK BOOK . AND -- CALENDAR OF DINXER, tpO;- Marion Harris Neil. Cookery Editor, Ladies' Home JournaC haa prepared - the precipes for I thia attractive new book. The paper-covere- d edition, containing 2S0 reclpca only frte. The . cloth edition, containing 615 recipes and the 'Calendar of DInnera"t will be sent ior flye 2-c- .;? stamps. The "Calendar" gives a seasonable and attractive menu for each day in the year. , Jr' & Cincinnati, O. ; either book, address The Procter Gamble Co, v s George Webb, who presents. "The Plyers"-a- t the Bijou Theater. "Within the Law" is a play with a robbery of the home of Gilder In punch. A drama of more than ordi- - I a which Garson agrees to participate, nary interest. One that grips the au-anaaanK- it THE CAST despite his promise to Mary that he A. ' case - which may - develop Intot near dience and. acts. .it to. thinking. A H Sarah, Edward Gilder's private 8 will "travel square." and the various schenses of those HONOLULU DRUGGIST - line-t- o IdramaUhat Krces action in the cere- - n "secretar- , . . .Miss Marie Baker Given a Name. the boundary remain "within S Number fcr HAS VALUABLE; AGENCY saiuraay : in ine supreme ' coun oj when you shsvt yourself; Bring,ryour brum and cerebellum land causes the U Smithson, floorwalker at "The tt In the close of the second act one the law", are unfolded, one Is forced Hoy compel. J.ML CutieryA, Goo Wan to Fisher. Jull razor to the Honolulu auditor to stop and pcnder over the' Emporium Percy Pryor tl of the strong scenes is enacted wh.m police xne 10 w Temple, opp. to ask: "What right have the The Holllster Drug Company has auauor oi lemiory, paj i Grinding Co, Masonic, treatment accorded the criminal. It JJ Richard Gilder, Edward Gilder's tt Gilder, having journeyed to Mary's to employ methods for the use of agency the ' simple pellant 11700, the suin represented V. M. r. A ' Alakea and Hotel suggests the Honolulu for St. a numoer of questions to the tt son Jay Hanna tt apartments, learns that the woman which they would send others to pris- mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine. by 34 merchant license claims, which; e; f I as I y. w t some Does Gilder, proprietor If .evf .mind; or them are: the & Richard cf tt and his son are man and wife, on? and is the shopgirl who steals in known as Adler-I-k- a, the remedy were paid and later ordered refunded 15 etc, crook get a "square deal?" Are our tt Edward Gilder, proprietor of Ihreats, persuasion and expose of the order that she may, live as great a which became-- famous by curing ap- - because of : the unconstitutionality, of J merely . Blyden v. I courts "courts of Justice" or tt the Emporium Huron tt oman's past fail to shake the boy criminal as lier; employer who pays pendicltls, --.This pimple remedy has the law. The appeal la taken from "courts of law"? Is the big business tt Geo. Demarest. Gilder's lawyer tt in his love, even after she tells Oil- insufficient wage3 and often forces powerful action and drains such sur? Hectlon 1525 of ' the revised laws. V- Hi T.I1YAKE man especially of the department tt Frank Bonner tt der senior that she did not marry the girls to a life more degrading than prising amounts of old matter from ' store variety ;who is noted for his tt Helen Morris, a salesgirl at the a toy because she loved him but a -- ; JTJ re- - , , Oriental Goods, Dresa Pattern, ' .as that of the criminal? y the body that? ST ONE DOSE TTrtnnl l Cn9 'philanthropies - a benefactor or is tt Emporium .. Miss Leah Hatch n n ethod of revenge. "You took away It's a great show; ancf'well orth lieves sour stomach,, gas on the stom- Embroidered and Silk Kimonos ' he a menace to society? Is the pay tt Mary Turner a my name and gave me a number," seeing, .The. Players will do ett agaiu ach and constipation almost IMMEDI- expert ," typewriter repairer . of all 1248 Fqrt SL, above Beretanla: - raent of starvation 'wages to girls and a MTss Florence Oakley a she says to the father, h'now I have tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday ATELY. The. QUICK action of Ad- - makes of typewriters. Our work - - 1 concep- - f.. j'wbmeTX'cdttdtfcltB'to'iTilgner a Detective Serg. Cassidy Ier-t-- ka Is astonishing' adyertise? anteed. Wall, Nichols Co.; Ltd. ad T -. - - tion of. morality t Are. the. functions a George R. Berrell a name. It fs the payment you owed W. W. ment. - " V;.- vertisement- - Do not Forget to Include - - of our police departments to "rail-- a Agnes Lynch, a confidence wo- - a me for wrecking my life." toad" fcuspects "up the river" or to a man Miss Inez Ratran a The third act ;howa tG Oder's li- - apprehend the guilty? : Are "Within! a Joe Garson, a forger a brary, the scene of the robbery.. Mary WliiilWiMs the Law" and "Without the Law" pos a George Webb a leani3 thit Garson is implicated in Itively established facts, cr are they a Fannie, a majd. . ..Miss Olga Gray a the affair, the news being convoyed merely amendable to argument of Wm. Irwin, a lawyer to her through stool-pigeo- n IN THE GROCERY ORDER the a a another pae best-pcste- d lawyer, the opinion of a Percy Pryor a in the employ of Inspector Burke. She a judge owned by the prosecution a Eddie Griggs, "English Eddie" a immediately goes to the house in an or the decision of a jury, not. giftei a .. Jack Belgrave a effort to stop Garson from stepping Mefc mmk. . - liiaK THAYER PIANO CO, LTD. with a knowledge of the finer technl-- a Inspector Burke t;f the New a from "Within the Law." ,, Richard Gil- calitlea of the law? , , J a York police Guy Hitner a der surprises the party, the under- - " These questions and many others a Mat, a butler J. Maturo a hand work of "English Eddie" is ex-ar- e STEINWAY forced upon one who will watch ' a Chicago Red, a crook a posed and Garson kills "English." AND OTHER PIANOS. the unwinding of the plot in Bayard a Perry Girtona The pistol used is equipped with a 151 Hotel Street. Phono 23 Jl croo& of Fares Velller's great play, Dacey, Maxim Rates founded, no doubt, a N. Basiliere silencer and the shot fails to TUNING GUARANTEED. a a to a large extent upon 'actual, happen-- 1 a Dan, doormat "at police head- - a arouse the men, planted in the house Ings In City New York, by Inspector appears 2.5 the of where a quarters Arthur Auker a Burke. Burke Short city trips, pick-up- s Inside of fire To Punchbowl, 1 or 2 ...$ - it Is cast la Williams, stenographer at po a en the scene, being desirous of mak- limit, per passenger 25c. Each additional passenger COc . : George Webb presents "The Play- - a lice headquarters ...... 1 a ing' the "pinch" of Mary Turner's Hotels, per pas. 25c Sight-seein- g around town, 1 or;2, per hour. ,$ 2.50 From Wharf to Town ' Bi-- pang, - .: . ers": In "Within the Law" at the a Harry Marshall which has consistently outwit- 1 5t)c Each additional passenger 50c , - ' ' a To Pleasantcn Hotel, passenger for 500 theater. They opened in this a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a twi the police for a long time. He Each additional passenger 25c. At night In town, 1 or 2 pass, per hour ; . $ t.00 drama' Saturday night before an au-fFran- k Bonner, Jack Belgrave and in iinds Mr- - and Mrs- - Richard Gilder To Bishop Museum, 1 passenger 50c Each additional passenger 50c v "' dierice 'that forced cut the S. R. O. rw OVrv mlmhCr of ,,v alone. Richard makes an effort to additional passenger To Moanalua, Polo Grounds, 1 or 2 pass..;..! 2.W Each 2c. v sign. ."The Players" are the CLAS3 No adverse criticism can be given to hide the corpse but Is unsuccessful. To Moana or Seaside Hotel, 1 or 2 pass. . . 1.00 Each additional passenger 50c v (yes, class In capital letters is cor- - a)1 The house is aroused and Mary and Diamond Head, 1 or 2 pass 2J2.V Env cf the ca5t Thev s?t a hi?h Each additional passenger 25c. Around '...... $ " rect, if the typesetter will only follow Btandard and rauch be exprcted Richard are arrested. To Country Club, 1 passenger 75c Each additional passenger 50c i t - - v . copy). The finest aggregation of the-- Police Methods Revealed. passenger 25c. To Pall (Old Battle Grounds) ;1 or 2 .... 3.00 of them hl the future From the n Each additional ' f has-visite- " spiaa Ulent that d Honolulu pertoire to be presented during their The final act is laid in the office To End of Car Line (Waikiki) 1 pass I 1.00 Each additional passenger 75c. -- V - " In. a long time, possibly the best that engagement they should assav up to of Inspector Burke and reveals a Each additional passenger 25c. To Aiea. 1 or 2 passengers ...... $ 3.60 Meatt - - Flneet . - -- for an - number of methods employed by po- passenger $1.00. ; Lowest Prices has.ver.been here extended expectations. If Saturday night's v.v- To Castle Home (Manoa) 1 or 2 pass $ 1.00 Each additional r engagement That this opinion was lice departments in "breaking" con- passenger 25c. To Pearl Harbor. 1 or 2 Ju Auto Delivery formance was "average," thev will, Each additional ...,,,...;.....$" V ; shared by the audience Saturday Unwinding of the Play. fessions from their prisoners. Chica- To Moanalua Gardens, 1 or 2 $ 1.00 Each additional passenger $1.00. . , J night was amply -- go Red and Dacey. 1 2 passengers 6.00" Y-- HOP WO MEAT MARKET demonstrated by the pri- - members of the additional passenger 25c. To Waipahu, or ...... $ C within the Law" Cienr in the Each v : ' ; ; . uyuu. gang that attempted the robbery, passenger $1.00. . . Opposite Fishmarket iuuuu ivuxiu Hppwube mai vate office of Edward Gilder propri are To Kairauki, 12th Ave., 1 or 2 $1.50 Each additional mildly put 1 2 passengers 7.00 greeiea eacn praisewortny ertort or etor of a large department store. A through "the third degree." Each additional passenger 50c. To Marconi Station, or ..i..$ ly balanced cast and Mirr CQtarv r h,s uoan Agnes Lynch proves the master of To Diamond Head Light Honse. 1 or 2 1.2" Each additional passenger $L0&.S praiseworthy efforts come thick and iuifv e when he endeavors to elicit in 5i)c. To Ewa Mill 1 or 2 .,...... -....- ISA the arrested and convicted of shoplifting. Each additional passenger $ OUR SERVICE and .throughout performa- formation regarding the crime from 2 $ additional passenger $1.00. will fast the entire The evidence is purely circumstantial To Alewa Helght3. 1 or 1.2a Each GOODYEAR TIRES nce.11 "Within the Law" is a good her. Richard refuses to talk, even passenger 5)c. To Schofleld Barracks, I or 2 . $ 9.00 I your and fails, even, to convince Gilder's Each additional ELI M NATE tire troubles. ex- following plea of passenger :' production, ably handled by an lawyer of the guiit of the girl. How- the his father and To Kaalawai, 1 or 2 S 1.7.7 Each additional $1.00. $ 9.50 GUARANTEE VULCANIZING ceedingly efficient company. ever, a jury his father's lawyer, now elevated to Each additional passenger 50c. To Wahlawa, 1 or 2 has declare her guilty !. Hiah-clas- s the position .'of anromey. passenger $1.00. . - y COMPANY Offerings Promised and Gilder, a self-satisfie- philanthro- district Calling or Shopping, 1 pass, per hour 1.50 Each additional t Mary, promised by 1 2 840 Alakea SL Phone 468S Between acts two and three, Mr. pist, who freely gives to charity and immunity Burke Each additional passenger 50c. To Haleiwa Hotel, or .,..,:...... ,..$12J)0 au- in leaving New passenger $1.00. Webb took, occasion to thank the em- and aid York, leads To Pacific Heights, 1 or 2 $ 2.00 Each additional grinds under a heel of iron his . dience for Its 6u?port on the opening ployes, has recommended to the judge the officer to believe that she is Each additional passenger 50c Around the Island, 4 passengers .7. .V. ..$18.00 about to through" in responsa bight and promised to give to Hono- that an example be made of nry "come Largest Assortment of the beet class of to his assurance no one but lulu, shows ever Turner. She is given three years. Re- - that ORIENTAL GOODS brought here and to handle them in fore starting to her time sh? themselves shall ever know what she srvo tells him. "puts one over" on Burke, JAPANESE BAZAAR u.c u.v.1 .c uuun. i UI.HHUS tes Gilder that it js hJ j Ftananon Pllone. 1 SO performance may be taken as a crite- - when, in a loud tone of voice, she Phone 5 ISO 5 wa f,jrres irls to stpa, in that "Am I speaking loud rion promise will be fulfilled. He to t the nfH.osaitips of ,if. asks: enough, Opp. Catholic Church W ordfr stenographer?" and a stenographer, Fort St lias iuc suuud. and. protesting lu-- r innocence, swears planted behind a window, Miss Florence Oakley, the leading that ho chill him...... fnr... o-v mln...... answers I- - J .. Tl, J . ""'I .v "No." iaujr riayers, secureo . iiu ine ior choW V serves in prison. herself a niche in the hearts of Hono- Garson. the last of the gang to be G((cs lulu goers by The second act. four year? la tor. arrested, is cunningly placed '.in a E.crcJrit I)y theater her rendition of Mary apavtr.:.nts. the part assigned Mary Turner. Mar- shows Turner's (hair which is situated so that her WEEKS' SALE NOW a ahovo avprav GRAND TWO garet Illington scored one of her great- With brain much the has a good view of the tiers of she has profited by hrr imprisonment clls ON est successes in this part and a lady, across the alley from Burke's office. well Hersed to the extent that can distinguish Under instructions from Burke, the in matters theatrical, was " heard to remark Saturday nUht that the difference betwoeu within" and different members of the gang are 27 Hotel St. ODD. Bijou Theater "without" th. law. Living with her ,Tt ; ii Ehe thought Miss Oakley, as Illington. led to cells, the passing of each of his Agnes Lynch, a fid wo- is considered one of the premier act- are ceii once companions producing the desired ef- resses on the American stage today. man whose acquaintance she ha? fect upon Garson; until Mary and made in prison, and Joe (.arson, a Richard are led into office from i W. Kershrer Miss Inez Ragan, with Bowery habits the m and a Very sweet personality, also, torper. i naer me ieane:sr,ip c; .ia. one door wbje a policeman rushes i Vulcanizer the -- gang schemes to spcure Hono- Turner froni the other end of thp room ex. ml, ;- established her popularity in r' - -1 Correct Prices lulu. A clever actress, with a full a comfortable competence without claiming: "They have all confessed violating the law. Through it all the Odd. Llbrsrr. knowledge of the possibilities of her and a tell the Rame story." Kin St. woman is planninsr vengeance on Gil- - part- - she refrained from overplaying, To nrotect Marv Garson tells of thereby big. der. planning it through a marriage he shooting. Tells why and how he registering We call Baggage anywhere lit the city and neaMub- - George Webb, Ho- with his son. which she at cnmplishes. killed "Enelish." and. forcing a mien for'ahd deliver IDEAL not unknown to guarantee absolute Ring nolulu theater goers, having appeared Gilder, learning of his son. Rich- of braggadocio, he rushes from the urbs and satisfaction. i"0 ago, ex- ard's, love for the Turner woman, so- inspector's office barely in time to STENCIL MACHINES here some four years was I pected to "make good." He did. In licits and receives the aid of the po-- avoid a breakdown. Mary and Rich- Hnnnltiln nnctriirtioTV X rirflvihfS n S BARRERE SALES CO. the "third degree" scene, in the final nee with tn. resmt that inspector ard are alone on the staee, in one an- f f cop. act. he scored his biggest hit and who brands himself "a other's arms at the final curtain. LIMITED. - , , 89 Merchant St. hAhilitntcri himself lnoallv .'first, last and all the time, endeav From first to final curtain "Within Jay Hanna, cast in one of the prin- - ors to drive Mary Turner out of town the Law" holds the attention and as Owners of Hawaiian Express and Neper's Express. m wvw eivrfl viiT cmal maie roles, proved to De but fails. However, through the aid the various schemes employed by the ' -- of pigeon, up police "railroading" nrii NFWS TODAY- - actor, as did Huron Blyden, a crook stool he frames in undesirables nix HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- MuNhAY. AI'KIL JO. l!14.

Honolulu StocK Exchange PAHY KEH1NDERS PLANS FOR NEW Monday. April 2. A. N. Sinford. Optitian. Bosiou l.uildir.g. Firrr St. ovf-- r Htnry May : FIRE iipnr1 1 V'T'TT v Bid Asked Co FOR ELKS FRESH & i Alexander Baldwin Hound fh in auto $".'. HE C. Brew r U Co Iwis Stal-l.- - PhoTi" I'M! ;ui'.e:-tisiiint. ' SUGAR 1 14' mani''-;r-- l K'a Plantation - I Get whil. lining shaved ARE SUBMITTED n BUTTER Haiku .ugar Co at the Cnion harbor 8ho;. 'Cunha"s I . I Hawaiian Apru-til- Co.... alley. ad isn'mMn -.- H. C. & S Co 214 22 Charles s is back at th - - nr. MARINE AUTOMOBILE III; Hawaiian Sugar Co 1'" 21 Young Hotel Auto Stand with his new Icod progress is btniig m;tde by the nil 1 1. DAILY Sugar Co Packard No. Phone 251 !. with : 'jHonokaa 11. al lodge of Elks in connection Honomu Sugar Co advertisenipnt. 'heir propcs.'d new building, which id H?t. y Hutchinson Sug. Co.. Py the Mant.ii tomorrow. May vv i i l be built on the site of the old Y. & , KahJk'i Plantation Co.. Co.. Ltd.. will freh Cali M C. A. building a: the corner of I if' Kekaha Sugar Co fornia fruit and and Puri- Alakea and Hotel streets. As ;old in Cr-ai;;- t Photi- -- Star-Bulleti- Koloa Sugar Co tan r flutter. 1271. the n several weeks ago. LIFE McBryde Sugar Co. Ltd. l l'i advertise n. the Elks have- - in mind th. construc- lOahu Suar Co 12 12VU !f vou n- - d a safe, buy a Ha'! So'e tion of a four-story- , reinforced con- Honolulu Dairymen's (Jlaa Sugar Co. L:d l Co. premier product. Hackfeld Cj. crete structure, the ground floor of Ononis Sugar Co i" lepresenr the Hall Safe Co. here in which will be arranged for store Association Paauhau Sug. Pit. Co... Hawaii and ha" thes strongboxes rooms and the upper floors for club In this you tan buna all com- - f Pacific Sugar Mill in all the various sizes Prices fur- And lodge purposes. Emory & Webb, bustible material without scat- - Phone 1542. Paia Plantation Co sr. nished on request. architects, have just submitted pre- tering. thus eliminating dtrt and ' PeiiHwkeo Sugar Co.... lint liminary plans for the building, which the danger of settlug fire to. Pioneer Mill Co i". it; have been very favorably commented your ov.n or your neighbor's J Waialua Agricul. Co .".) upon by the members of the lodge who property. Ltd. Wailuku Sugar Co JAPlESElMINO have seen them. The building, it is Casfcle Ax-tell- 's & Cooke, Waimanalo Sugar Co ex- See them in four sizes at estimated, will cost about $60,000. Waimea Sugar Mill Co... clusive of furnishings. Fence and Monument Agents MISCELLANEOUS The Elks' present quarters on King place. 1048-5- 0 Alakea Street. Ho- There's a ; Haiku Ft&Pkg. Co., Pfd. KEEN INTEREST! street are held under lease from th.' nolulu. Haiku Kt.&Pkg. Co., Com. Cooke estate, and have about twu "Y&E-- V Hawaiian Electric Co years yet to run. The membership of Hawaiian Irr. Co., Ltd... the lodge now numbers about 500, Hawaian Pineapple Co... 34 ON and new quarters are badly needed. Filing Device; Hilo R. R. Co.. Pfd PN STUAT The building committee of the Elks, Established In 1S5I. Hilo Railroad Co., Com. . . 2'i which has the preliminary work in Chickens H. 15. & M. Co 17 IK band, consists of J. H. Fisher, Dr. C. For Your Hon. Gas Co., Pfd 107 70 DOZEN 70 BANKof A great deal of interest is naturally B. V.ooper, C. J. McCarthy. Fred - Hon. Gas Co., Com 107 being taken by the local Japanese in Cooper. J. A. M. Johnson and S. A. Due April 21 per Manoa. Call HAWAII II. K. T. & L. Co the present condition of the pineapple Walker. Particular CO. I. -- I. S. N. Co market, since a large number of per- at 52 Kukui Street. Jl BISHOP & Mutual Telephone 1C ir Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts. Co.... sons of this nationality are directly or CHILDREN HATE OIL, BANKERS O. R. ft L. Co 120 indirectly interested in growing the Office Need ) Tahang Rubber Co 2o' fruit for sale to the various canneries. CALOMEL AND PILLS That old ogf? "Cost of Liv- Tanjong Olok Rubber Co 10 14 According to the Hawaii Hochi there Club Stables ing'! may tell you you sLould- - BOND3. are some 220 individual Japanese in 'California Syrnp of Figs" best for LImlttd See the different money, hut Rlwuld Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s.. the pineapple business on this island. tender stomach liver, bowels n't save; Commercial and Travelers' Let- & S. Co. 5s tastes delicious. Tel. 11 0'J. yon R a These control some 7320 acres of land, devices at r use all mkj to suiipitt of on Co. 6 ters Credit Issued ths Hawaiian Irr. of which about 6500 acres are produc- 1 , blrn. Bank of California and Haw. Ter. 4s, Ref. 19C5.. ing or about to come into bearing. Look back at your childhood days. .. - - Haw.- Ter. 5s, Pub. Imp.. From this area is estimated Remember the "dose" mother Insisted Why not ; foul r.oi Just the London Joint it that TANGO Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp. 4s.. 29,000 tons of fruit will be har- on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. once, snow you 8 1 o c k Bank, about you and htm that Haw. Ter. vested this year, equivalent to some How you hatea tnem, how fought to tunes on Victor Records Lti, 4s taking Co., can.' , by a little temporary London Haw; Ter. 4s ;00,000 to 750,000 cases. If these fig- against them. an vs fielf-deola- Haw. With, our children l, cut a slice off Ter. 3s ures are correct, the Japanese control it's different Bergstrom Music Co., Limited. H.RR.Co. 1901 6s 85 d Mothers who cling to the old form of ' . JHM and pat by: a. lew dol-V,l- ar something like one-thir- fit the entire In Ue Youse Building. II.It.R.Co. K.&Ex. Con. fis 75 crop. physic simply don't realize what they Ltd. daiy? well-lounde- for that rainy Correspondents Sugar Co. 6s . 65 do. The children's revolt is d. for the AmerL Honokaa ... quotes one leading Jap- can' Express Company and Hon.' Gas. Co., Ltd. 5s... 100 The Hochi Their tender little "Insidea" . : - " grower to the effect the You ran. v .. Thos. Cook V Son H. R. T. & L. Co. 6s 103 anese that are injured by tbem. a cut of 5 TODAY TAKE HOME A BOU- Kauai Ry. Co. 6s 100 Japanese generally believe If your cnild's stomach, liver and K ; rstart Savins NOW t" per cent would have been sufficient QUET TO YOUR WIFE. Kobala Ditch Co. 6s bowels need cleansing, give only deli- From McBryde Sugar Co. "JjS... 95 to move the pack readily, and further "California Syrup of Figs." llli exces- cious Its Interest Allowed on Term and 6s 101 that the holdover pack is hot is posuve, gentle. Millions MRS. E. M. TAYLOR, Florist Mutual Tel. sug- action but Savings Bank Deposits Con. 6s sive or alarming. There is no of mothers keep harmless American Unders!n:.1 Natomas Japanese any this "fruit Hotel St, opp. Young Cafe. O. R. & L. Co. 5s 102' gestion that the have laxative" handy; they know children pineapple is C Olaa Sugar Co. 5s. 95 notion that the business love to take It; that it never fails to a good one still, and that the fu- Olaa Sugar Co. 6s 50 52 Vi not clean the liver and bowels and sweet- Hcd2ls look good. Pac. Guano & Fert. Co. 6s 101 ture does not en the stomach, ana that a teaspoonful Pacific Sugar Mill Co. 6s given today saves a sick child tomor- Distinctive Pioneer Mill Co. 5s EGGS SHIPPED BY row. Spring Millinery i San Carlos Milling Co. Os 100 Ask your druggist for a 50-ce-nt bot- Alexander BANK Waialua Agricul. Co. 5s. 95 PARCEL POST ARE tle of "California Syrup of Figs." s ; Miss Power which has full directions for babies, Boston Block: of Between Boards 34 H. B. & M. Co. RECEIVED SOUND children of all ages and for grown-up- s 17: 10 Mut Tel. Co 15. plainly on each bottle. Beware of Session Sales 100, 70 Olaa 5 Shipping eggs by parcel post has counterfeits sold here. See that it is HONOLULU Pines 33; 5, 5 Haw. Sug. Co. 1; proved to be a complete success if made by "California Fig Syrup Com- f Don't M In This Chanct. Baldwin 20. one may judge from the shipment re , LIMITED pany." Refuse any other kind with CROWN BICYCLES ONLY $30 OX EXIIIBITI0X i cently received by Joseph R. Earring- - Limited. Latest sugar quotation, 2.93 cents, contempt advertisement X0TT BEADX FOB DIUTI52I $59.60 per inn ai'hn mnlroe a cntfiltv of WThitfi or ton. ' HONOLULU CYCLERY CO:, nyk6fi$lC?ritf hat - lBues JC : KjaV K. r Letters of "DOWtf 1W DtXIE"JBY- -- G20. C. Deciasy,. 1 purcnasea some Iw'Botttlx Kln ' teeters--- ; ; recently prize oiras t" r " V ; Ca;ir Credit and Travelers' Checks from a Mr. Nolt of South Dakota. COMPANY D, N. G. H. Phone WCI Sole Dlitrlbutor s( -- V Commission Merchant! aTailable throughout the world. Sugar 2.98cts Wishing to test the parcel post sys tem, Mr. .Nolt orrerea to sena a set- IS LARGE SUCCESS .::- - tzi Insurance Acsnts ting of prize bird eggs if Mr. Farring-to- n l-4- would reDort on The eggs "Down in Dixie," staged for the sec- H. Afong Beets d them. ' Go., SPECIAL Agents for .; 9s2 arrived by a recent mail, fifteen in all ond time by the members of Com- Cable Transfers at pany D., N. G. H., Saturday MEJTS FUBXISIIIXQS , Shirts at ...... $1.00 Ea. , JXawatlam Commercial f Sugar and every one of them whole andj last 4 postage amounted to 48 night, was an improvement over the AJl'D SHOES. ' i V I i sound. The . CO, it-'- ." V Henry ; Waterhouse Trust a 1 production of couple of days 1 1 Men's Hosrery v.; .. 2 prs. 25c Lqwest Rates cents. The eggs were packed in same a BETHEL ' ' HOTEL corner -- Sugar Company. , ;; v ffclku. ; paper or crate, not . before. It was a case of practice LOY CO.H ,y. ' sort of cardboard YAT , " ''VF&iaTManUtibn;: . Co.. Ltd. j bulky or cumbersome. The shipment making perfect For amateurs, it wa3 King-S- Nr. Nuuanu SL - Agricultural Company, . proved conclusively that eggs can be , the best that has been seen in this Maul Members Honolulu 8tock and Bond ' SPECIAL SALE - Hawaiian. Sugar Company. Exchange shiDDed bv parcel post, and a distance city. Those in the cast made the FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS of 3000 miles makes no particular dif most of the situations that came Glass Linen and Pongee Waist Kahuku. Plantation Company . Co. Telephone 1208 ference. their way and in a most creditable Patterns V'Capital aubBcrlbed. 48.000,000 &Brewer & manner. YEE CHAN & CO. Rallioad Company (Limited) was a muck house at .' Kabulul 'JONESY OLD HARVARD There better Cor. King and Bethel Sts. v Kaua! Railway Company ; the' last performance than at the first SUGAR FACTORS, COMMIS. one and the appreciation of audi- Ilonolua Ranch; .. BELL RINGER, IS DEAD the Wlliiimli.WV'IRl, . For Sale ence was mads manifest through the SION MERCHANTS, Huiku Fruit & Packing Co. ; . SHIP. ' CAMBRIDGE (Mass.). "Jonesy, the evening. There are several in the An Unexcelled Line of ro.diiit, Land Co. ING AND INSURANCE Kauai Fruit bell ringer," widely known among cast that might make a stir in the $160 Lots on 11th Ave., Kalmukl, 50x theatrical world If they .should elect - AGENTS, FORT ST HONO. Harvard men. died at the home of his 100." Easy terms. to follow that profession. Smokers' Requisites son-in-la- w, Mayor C. ' LULU, T. H. 400 up near Emma former Walter I and Lots and 88 Every cent that was taken in at the BROS., LTD. School. Wardwell. He was years old. FIT2PATRICK two performances, over the actual 926 Fort Street Fire Insurance ? 300.00 Lot in Waikoae Tract, Gu- - Hilonian, from the Northwest expense of the production, will be City Dry Goods Co. Ave., 50x100. The List of Officers and Directors: lick yesterday, brought to Henry May & used In fitting up the armory quar- $ 300 and upwards Large lots on 9th Co., Ltd., following: smoked Kip ters of Company D. E. F. Bishop President Aves., Easy the and 10th Palolo. terms. pered salmon and kippered herring, FRISBIE MOTORS Successors to G. H. Robertson $2500 Large House at Kalia, in bulk. 1271. advertisement. A WOMAN DOCTOR 8ING FAT CO. B. DiHingh'ahi Co. Pbone All 3 75 h.p. Vice-Preside- nr. Waikiki Beach, 17,000 sq ft. Gar- The Day Motor' to nt Manager and NEW LINE OF DRES3 GOODS JUST . LIMITED. age, etc. Bargain. An old box containing ISO wish says, "Eugenics is a necessary factor R. Li-- ARRIVED. Hawaii: Ivera Secretary $1000 Lot 75x150 at Puunui, nr. aver-ag- o HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. ' .General Agent for bones, from every conceivable in of race. . The liha car. almost the future the Atlas Assurance Company of E. A. R. Ross. . . . .Treasurer fowl native to New York state, was American girl is unfit fcr mother- f found recently in an old house which ! may true, HATTAILO London Mew' York Under G. R. Carter. ) - hood." This be but if weak writers' Agency; Providence P. E. R- STRAUCH was being torn down in Cobleskill, N. and ailing girls nassiug from girl- Washington- - Insurance ' Co. C. H. Cooke.. .) Waity BldK. 74 S. Klne St. Y. The house was once occupied by hood to womanhood, would only rely, H & Co. Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Plueapples, Isaac van Wormer, an oldtime hunter Hackfeld Rice, Coffee, shipped anywhere. 4th floor Stangenwald Building. as thousands do. upon Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's J. R. Gait .. .)... Directors trapper, who probably collected and Vegetable Compound that sim- Limited. R. A. Cooke . ) F. the specimens. Sugar Factors, Importers and II EN BY MAY k C0n LTD J. Morgan Co., Ltd. ple remedy made from roots and herbs Growers. Fort Street. Agenta wanted for Western A. Gartley ) to system to a Commission Merchants. . the .States STOCK BROKERS restore the normal HONOLULU. Life Insurance Co. Coupon Savings D. G. May Auditor Information Furnished and Loans healthy condition, it would cause many Policy. Made. ills from which they suffer to disap- PACIFIC ENGINEERING MERCHANT STREET STAR BLDG. pear, so that motherhood might be- HOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII, FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND COMPANY, LTD. Dhone 157? come the joy of their lives. adver- Con-strnctJ- Ltd, O'NeUl Bldg 9G King St., cor. 14 ICE CREAM, TRY THE Consulting;, Designing and n? Port SL FOR RENT WANTED. tisement. Engineers. Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc- bungalow ms. New, furnished cottage; Immediately, furnished Hawaiian I rug Co., tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary 8y-te- with gas range. 3207. or I'. The YOKOHAMA SPECIE . screened; gas; electricity; $35. Phone BIKTIIS Reports and Estimates on Pro O. 59:',. Bethel Streets .BANK, LIMITED. Two new houses; 2 and 3 bedrooms; InoiTOe Box Hotel and Jects. Phone 1045. orb 5X3-- -- - Yen. ail improvements; (25 and $3P. tf. HCSTACE At Kapiolani Maternity Capital subscribed ... 4 8,000,000 Neat cottage in town; $22. Home. April Ul. 1!H4. to Mr. and - SITUATION WANTED Mrs. F. W. a son. Capital paid up 30.O00.000 'CffAfGE- Hustace. HIRE'S The Gigantic teserve Fund 1 8,900,000 J. EL Schnack, P LACK SHEAR in Honolulu. April PINEAPPLE . AWOKI Local Manager Represented during absence by F. German-America- n woman wants p.si j H. 1'.'14. to Mr. and Mrs. J. P.. DISTILLED WATER n.i housekeeper, or i Attorney-at-la- w, ticn govenieis Hiaekshear, a son. Slaughter Sale Schnack, 5 Brewer WA-WATE- cook: thoroughly Addres CONSOLIDATED SCDA R Huilding. Telephon- - 3G33. reports of overproduc 152 Pessimistic Sta:-H'.;l- WORKS CO.. LTD. Is Still on at Hotel Street LET ME RENT OR SELL Box "('. l Min. - - Mis. Goodsale- You 'nave an aw- M. R. B E N N YOUR PROPERTY tion of pineapples seem to strengthen 5XJ4-tf- . 601 Fort St. Phone 2171 fully dirty face. Soiied Sylvester I Have Call a Ever- - Dax. confidence in tile value of Hawaiian kii'iw it. lady. youse recom- BOOSTERS BOOSTERS FURNISHED COTTAGE. Can't Pineapple shares, as indicated by a mend a competent dry cleaner? Bos- NEW SHIPMENT OF R,; strong upward ton Globe. J. Wilson, movement in this stock Cot tag.1. ' ronirs, furni.-bed- . on Plrii-- j No Iron-ru- st O. Ives, manager tZ5 Fort St Phone 366 on the local exchange this moraine. lip Apply K::; Hotel Pho.'ie I. transportation Taxi Shares of Boston or' Commerce, SHOES on done j the Chamber work at the Th se shares broke sharply about a 2042. Just Arrived x4-- t' and for many years identified with ' '.', NEW YORK CO, Splendid feature for future Hawaii. eek a.L'o from around to :!1. and Burlington & Quiney and tin SHOE FRENCH LAUNDRY ."12 or. Opportunity of a life time. have since been flm mating around FOR SALE. Wabash railroads, is dead. Nuuanu St., Hotel Phone 1491. Become a Shaiel.lder in this with demand weak. This morning a & Roth small was Giffard WHITE LINE TAXICAB CO. sale made at flat, with Hudson roadster. 1'.'12 model; s bid at (lose and :il asked. Sugar an immediate re- now being incorporated. if desired. For particulars call Both English-cu- t and American HAWAIIAN PICTURES, STA Bldg 102 Merchant St ohart? generally continue weak. I ! a- - Brown's lief tor coughs, Adier-Rocheste- ttn?rrwald For Further Particulars Apply to 1..71. r - Cut Styles in STOCK AND BOND BROKERS I Sr.i:;:'- TIONERY, PICTURE GEO. S. KEuA waiian fell off point, selling .,v-i4-i- Koarservess. FRAM. Members Honolulu St-;- and Bond 78 St. it 2"!-:'- . with 2" bid and 21 asked; Bronchial Suits. Merchant throat troubles. CO., LTD. ING, OFFICE SUPPLIES. Exchange '4 shaics brewery (hanged hands be FOUND. Atfordirvg great IDEAL CLOTHING tween beards at the old figure of 17, relief in bronchi- Pantheon Bid;. (JUKrt (IIVES wlnb- Troches, aTAlMlt'IAETIN MW ST.4IMirM.ETIX YOU '7" shares of Olaa brought the War Pa'.saa e n. tis arvd asthma. YE ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOP TOUATS tt S TODAY lOlUi'S TODAY old price ol 11 n. April In. Phoie- - ::::y '7 1122 Fort SL HONOLULU STAR BULLETIN, MONDAY. ATTUL 20.


- r . i Tiuiesdlay amid. U heater Wedsie MSMs LAST THREE OPPORTUNITIES OF SEEING 6&WHTMHM KS V V 11 1L JJL1L11JL N Pronounced by everyone present at the performance Saturday night to be THE BEST PLAY BY THE BEST COMPANY ever seen in Honolulu

e l.VJil PA 11) ADMISSIONS, with a total of $1 1S4..0 for tli Opuiinj: lVrfoniianre. lnvaks all mollis for Honolulu at the dollar si-al- of prices. Thursday, Friday and Satairday GEORGE WEBB AND HIS PLAYERS WILL GIVE

99 .

!0 1 lie;

InHpite of the big hit niado, lv the Company, and the fact that the plays to 1k produced are all late successes paving heavy' royalties, the prices of admission for the balance of the season, Thrgiumiug' be ? . with next Thursday Nijht, wilr as follows: i - . oiSSafe; 75c Orchestra, 75c Dress Circle, 50c ALL SKATS EXUKPT THE GALLEKY AUK liKSEKVED

;;lfyou,anrjcular as to. the location of you r seats, HUY EAL'LY. Don't wait until the last minute and then KICK because you are put Um far back. We are giving you a GOOD COM-ICE- S. PANY, GOOD PLAYS, and at POPULAR PI It is now up to m. THE PHONE XUMIJEIJ IS 3!37.

4 .', - 11 c 7'1

3 t , ar attend- Following short? special meeting 5 you, in July, 1839,: a Freftch man-o'-w- ccnvlction that the traffic should not "Do we wonder, then, that Kansas favor by Honolulans who have j a; dropped anchor in Honolulu har- only d but forever prohibit- with its 500,000 boys and girls of. ed the previous performances of the of the supervisors Saturday,,that body LBCALTESIPERME SITUATION IS bor, pointed its guns In the direction ed. school age growing up into manhood company. Pharos, one of the greatest made a trip , in - automobiles up th$ of the business streets and its offi- "Another encouraging feature of our and womanhood, having never seen at exponents of Indian black art to visit Tantalus road to determine whether cers after compelling at the mouth temperance work here in Hawaii is saloon, and with its 900 newspapers) tie islands in some time, also prom- the road could be-opene-d for machine Kame-hameh- Though no decision was of those loaded cannon King a the fs that the press of tthe terri- absolutely refusing to accept a liquor ises new and startling turns. The travel.. final REVIEWED well-balance- - CLOSELY BY DR. WADSIAN the Third to repeal the new tory is, for the most part, principally advertisement, do we wonder, I say, pleasing and d bill will reachedthe majority of. th tnerabera law of prohibition, proceeded to un- on the side of reform, while the col- that Kansas is today the richest state close with song selections from Bob- expressed themselves as favorable to load their cargo of French wines and umns cf several of our leading papers in the Union as to its per capita by Blue; jL-.- , successful., BriUshbari, the plan of. opening thi road. It will be discussed ; at the Bext meeting. -- i ; A review of the local temperance Stainless Flag in 1920.' brandies for marketing purposes. All continually welcome articles in favor wealth while its death rate and ratio tche and comedian. -- " anti-saloo- n Anti-Saloo- n this is well known. of the propaganda. We of illiteracy are the lowest in the "situation, tne facts ; concefnini "which IA order that the 1 League of Hawaii might swing into 'Today ;we have, a! ild, 129 only hope that it will not be long be- nation? were obtained . through an exhaustive line with this great movement on the places of one kind or another, licens- fore the same moral conviction char- "Never let it be said again in your lnveVtigation "all, pro- of conditions on the mainland, plans were made last No- ed by the government of thr? territory acteristic of the press in some places hearing that Prohibition does not islands," formed the basis ot a highly vember for a campaign of education to dispense freely and widely alcohol- on the mainland and quite recently in hibit,' or that 'Prohibition is not a interesting and instructive address de- throughout the islands and the speak- ic beverages. Pittsburgh, will seize the management business success, without giving the g of our pa-per- in to your unqualified denial." livered In Central Union church last er was invited to take Charge of the "Forty-si- x of these are on the isl- here and order statement ' harmonize their advertising and edi- tlght by Xlr. John atf, super- same.; and of Hawaii, consisting of 12 w hole- Anti-Saloo- torial columns, liquor advertise- intendent of the n Ieagtie "Since January i, I have toured the sale. 27 retail, four hotels, three dis- all EMPIRE THEATER of JiaVaIIv The pecasioa was a union islands ' of Kauai, Maui, Molokal in tilleries, with a number of new appli- ments will be forever discontinued. ' "Does it pay for us to perpetuate temperance rally under the auspices part and the eastern side of Hawaii, cations all ready for the June meet- A three-reele- d offering that mal:e3 .1 by an institution the existence of which of the league, participated in by ; tho covering in all, steamship,, stage, ing of the license commissioners. On strong, interesting and gripping drama, means a tremendous loss to congregations of three local ,churches saddle and shank, a total of 1751 Maui there are in all 17 as follows: other is offered in the presentation of the v Up-to-Da- te H thirdly, Meth-odis- at- moral and legitimate lines of busi- The Only Picture oust in Central Union, Cni Istiaa and . t miles, holding 62 public services five wholesale, seven retail, two ho- Tiger Lily, a product from one of the ' ' 2784 persons, 53 ness? Does it pay, I asR, to endure :; tended by visiting tels, one restaurant, and two distil j best producing companies on the east Mc-Ca- it any longer on Owing to the illness of Jeff private and public schools, address- leries. On Kauai, wholesale houses business principles coast cf the United States, which win as a blight on the prosperity of any United 'States district attorney, ing 5909 pupils, as well as attending alone are allowed, numbering in all be the star feature film In the pro- Pictures Changed Daily Doctor Wadman was the only speak- six conventions and speaking to uiv seven. Here on Oahu we have 59 community, city or state where it gram to be presented at the matinee thrives, with its 10 to 1 per cent profit er. , meeting was presided over wards of 510 men and women present 17 whole- Tha licensed places, as follows: and Monday evening performance at 2:15 P. M. Ly. Rev. D. C. Peters, president of tho at same. sale, 22 retail, nine both wholesale as compared with other lines of Empire theater. The play oens Matinee Do you the . Evening (Two Shows) ; 6:45 and 8:30 P. M league and pastor of the Christian "We do not start out on this cam- and retail (in the country), five ho- trade? doubt the fact of its with a rush and as the plot is further church. Dr. Doremus Scuddef of Cen- paign of education with the thought tels, three restaurants, with a brew- economic waste? Let us. then, have developed the never lags. Pathe Weekly (Current Events) Every Friday. a of the proof. interest tral Union church opened the meet- lhat our islands are so much worse in ery down in Kakaako besides two sake little There is not an unhappy thought in ! "Kansas is dry 30 ing with prayer and Rev. R. Elmer legard to saloonism than other places factories. has been for the entire production. Smith, pastor years. Missouri, its next door neigh- SEE THE" GREAT PROGRAM FOR TONIGHT. of the Methodist under the license system, but we do "in the year 1913, we brewed 785.-78- 8 Another fine picture, and one that - bor, is wet not wholly, but pretty church, read from the Scriptures.- An have the burning conviction that for gallons of sake, will not soon be forgotten is entitled beer and which (Three-Re- el ' Tiger" Lily wet. Its population is nearly double y Drama Feature Vitagraph) The excellent mus!cal program, arranged the sake of the remnant of Hawai amounts to (at 50 cents per gallon "The Beaded Buckskin,' a photo-pla- 100.-00- 0 that of Kansas. It has three cities Buck Skin by A. B. Ingalls, and including a solo ians left in our midst, and the wholesale. $392,87.4.) In thp same dealing with plainsmen and Indian Ind'an (Kalem) The Beaded by Mnj. A larger than any in Kansas. What Charles Hall, followed.. or more immigrants of the weak- year in 33,-78- 8 life in the western states at a time Comedy (Biograph) The Sorrowful Shore we uisL'lled here Hawaii then? .Missouri an val- special collection was taken with a er races gathered here at our very has assessed before the civilizing influence of the gallons of spirits, including rum, uation of $1.6."in,ooo.0o0 and Kansas iew to securing funds to further the doors, as well as the 15.000 soldiers es- proved a in advanc- brandy and ckolehao, which at an $2.7rO.0O0,OOO railways factor Every Courtesy la Extended to All Patrons, and Pfcturet Are Per work . tho local or $300 per capita in of branch of th soon to be quartered near our city, timated cost of $2. .10 per gallon, ing progress in that then undeveloped by Management. i league we would infinitely Missouri as compared with $17.".o per sonally Selected the that be better off amounts to SSI. 740. During th- - same country. in In . . A. 1 Dr. Wadman, shortly after having morally, industdially, commercially, capita Kansas. Kansas there is J u period we imported liquors amount- j There is a line vein oi comeay io been appointed superintendent of thi politically and in every other way if hard: a town of L'.oo population but ing to $854.UO. what has paved to una in me piayiei, inn onnuiui lcal league, visited the several the saloon were banished to the place its streets, electric i t "This makes a grand total for one lights, water and sewer systems, Shore." islands making addresses in ths whence it came upon its first intro- Eunny, the much-photographe- d year, at wholesale prices, of $1,331.-t-4- 4 while in John of temperance, and investigat- ne Hot-an- y Missouri there are numbers cau83 duction into Hawaii namely say " per comedian, will be seen to excellent ing the temperance situation. His Bay, far over the seas. which if retailed at of towns o; over ."iooo population with YE LIBERTY THEATRE cent profit, equals $1.S7.4W or no advantage in a new film to be shown irport. accepted at the last meeting "It was in the year 1K02. IS years electric lights, no paved streets, in round numbers and if our no on the Empire screen in connection 1 the league, formed the basis of hte before the arrival of the first mission- wator nor sewer systems. In Mis- main- 2oo.immi roughly speak- with the late releases from the In part, he said: aries, some escaped (eonvict.s population is souri there is $20 per capita deposited that ing, average per of land, "Within the past few ynars. all the from Botany Bay landed at Waitnea. the drink annum in the banks, in Kansas there is $100 temperance all th" people on the islands, includi- per capita. In Missouri one farmer Three Great Ads forces of the mainland, Kauai, in an English ship called the ng; including the federated societies or Marparet and first taught the natives men. women and children is $10( in 100 only owns a machine, usually a YE LIBERTY THEATER. per capita. j Ford, in Kansas five cut of every hun- tho 1? largest and. most influential by means of an old iron pot and some GREAT NEW VAUDEVILLE AND SPECIAL MOTION PICTURES, ilenominations, have united under the sucar cane to make strong drink. U must lie said that the Boards of dred own their own Cadillacs or Pac-kard- s. Operatic singing, rendered in a ( Anti-Saloo- well-know- differ-- In a lasting banner of the n League of "Soon followed the n re- I.Vcnse 'ommissioners on the ' Missouri common labor gets that is destined to leave Vaudeville Acts. (ic-in- rid--iin- ; $S per wee:;: pleasing impression, will follow America for the sole purpose of c vival in all the churches. Thousands cm N!and seem to he about all ir Kansas, $14 per week. and Ye our lani of the giant evil of al- ujmn thousands 'were added to th that is possioie to be done under the In the !anic of 1!u7, wnen Eastern the new program to be offered at of coholism, adopting for their watch- lord." It appeared as though a na- pr sent law, in order to cope with tho banks appealed to the banks of the Liberty during the remainder the word 'A SaloonlcRs Nation with r. tion were born in a day. But. mark tiaffie. It is a thankless task and I West for some assistance. Kansas brief engagement of the Great Pharcs r - admire the faithful citizens who are hankers sent their drafts amounting and his talented company of vaude- Hdtfe You Seen 'ieely rein, trine th- - communities such to S'.ooo; Missouri refused to send a ville artists. Brinkman in late oper- loyal cent will to charm local MOVING PICTURES AND COLORED LANTERN SLIDES OF service. The inspectors, in atic airs continue THE 4 . cas' s. could do more. 1 am persuad- "Why these differences? audiences by his well-modulate- d voice. ed, if they trit'd and so could the po- "In Missouri there are 4000 sa-Icon- s With Brinkman are the Steele Sisters, lice ;ir;il so ( ii'd some of the planta- for which the people of the easily the best-costume- d act that has Volcano Disaster in Japan tion managers. Our own inspector. state pay $80 o.mi.ooo a year. In Kan- appeared on the local vaudeville stage W. ! Keni'.eU. it noted, is an sas there are no saloons and $80.-ioO.Cj- in many months. These young ladies mut the d in of-fice- theFohfeaf-OldW- (Kruption Sakurajima. Jaruary) r of ece;-t?- naily faithful and efficient is saved. In Missouri the in additicn to j)ossessing a pleasing WITH L LECTURE BY if the law. It can be truthfully jails, penitentiaries, pocrhouses and ctlda nfaaanxa Vtava on artendl'0 rPTV s;:id ! think, that our crusade of n asylums are usually full. In Kansas ertoire cf new songs which are to be . T. A. Jaggar under the auspices of the 71 county jails are absolutely empty; f offered before they take their dpart- - Pof Two -- Shews Nightly . 4. ,7;15nd- 8:30. P.. M. of the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association. ptfgu- has the mpathy and indeed 88 of its 105 counties have no inmate ur oh a tour of the islands and thence FRIDAY, APRIL 24th the conn-ratio- f a larc number of in its poorhcuse: 87 counties sent no to . Baby Alma continues to k HAWAIIAN OPERA HOU3E patient on sale Monday at the Promotion Committee. ..IT i.li' lliuclil o'tizens IlllKM!'--: wllOUl to the state asylum last year, be the star attraction, this & ;vpcpui'rt'c; PRtc sV5P Sats i.-- s it u. tf-- thai there is and less while no iury lias been try girl being dfwn on the bill for a com- Jt:'v Prices, 25c, 5Cc, 75c called to a of in .icrate ir:ukiuu. le.s.s and less of case of crime in more than two-third- s plete change of songs and dances. This Hie MK-ia- l glass and more and more a of its counties for ten years past. talented child has met with ;distinct EIGHT HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, MONDAY. APRIL 20. 1914.


t Bread, Cares, etc. ' ' i -- , y - -- 1. . - , - rv-r- v; ; - I,,. J l, r ...... t4 y m,. f vfSS-- fx. For coro than a quartor of a con-tu- ry ilr A TDK? '- SHAC - ' - -- -- ' ; ... . j ..,.. , .. v-v- - ; "!" ;- ".'-: - ... .;; . boon. i Semf-Pofcelal- has n. v. Austrian,' .j : I tho favorlto rcnody Havlland, Stock neuralgia, Open , Taotolooo-Corta- in Patterns 12 doooc-2- 5 oonto 60 pieces; seml-port- e lain sets. tS.7S, ms, ; Act yonr druKio'fe .v.; or smc $9.73, naeo. f 50 piece Austrian chl na sets,' 121.00 and : $34,00. I .v- :; :J . - - t - . ------X'- v - . j M X0 50 piece Havlland chi- na sets, $2240 and . O. HALL C SON, Ltd. :'':'-- Phone 3481. . r- Tort and. Kin Sta;

Your ? .J". Hows liver f THE von HAMM YOUNG CO, ' . . LTD, Honolulu. (Continued from page one) ordered by Wilson without first obtaining the authority frcm Congress for whk-- he will ask tMs morning. a." HONOLULU The president was still at work at midnight en route to Washington .. m m. Is. It sluggish? Do v you experience preparing the message which he will read to Congress. When seen on "that tired feeling when you. rise In City T?xi Stand the train he declined to make any comment on the situation. Ik,. themorning? We recommend The Congressional prcgram for today is first a joint meeting of the 1 ' PHONE 3438 senate and bouse at which Wilson wi! deliver his message. Following the reading the houses will convene separately. , Rexall Liver Salts The chairmen of the committees in both hcuses on foreign affairs will offer resolutions setting forth the authority for which the president will It dispel all abnormal conditions to ask. the. resolutions will be hurriedly adopted in committee, reported back which the liver is subject because it to the houses and adopted there and sent Immediately to the president Is the same formula as tho fannous Fcr lJ 33 o'clock: President Wilson has called a meeting of his cabinet Carlsbad Springs water, v 's rrangements be navy on when final will made for the blockade both 23c, 50c, .w, ' - coasts .and ether steps that may be required to "be taken.' Orders have Three sixes, already been issued to the army forces, on the north border to be in pre- paredness for immediate action. . Jorelgn governments were all notijled last night that It would be Im- -' possible for the United States. to continue to afford protection to aliens New Styles In in Slexlca - ; v -- H A T S-- A N D O T H Battleships Men PANAMA, CI- and En Route to Mexican' Waters. y. At Mainland Prices. '. WASHINGTON, Apr. . 29. Either now In Mexican waters or en route to ports on , the East and West coasts are 17,950 sailors, 3070 marines and nn ii?nnA fn F55 officers, of which, number 14.170 sailors, 2990 marines and 705 offi- The Rexall Store. Fort and Hotel cers are on American warships In tic Gulf of Mexico and the others or na ; Hotel St. cor. Bijou Pacific side. . the ' mm: Last night there were two battleships at Vera Cruz and two battle- - ships Tampleo, point also being Des Moines UE FOR A SQUARE MEAL AND at at the latter the and Chester, the . Dolphin, the mine depot ship San Francisco, the CHOP SUEY DINNER AT Solace and th. United States army transport Hancock. nn 'yj En route 'to Taisplca, unless sonre of the ships have been secretly or- : : ITct7 York Cafo dered to Vera Cruz, are eight of the most powerful battleships In the No. 10 H. Hotel 8L, nr. Nuuanu ' ; which are stealing south as a fleet from their mo- . : . Kelllnol, Ugrr, Tel. 479. bilizing grounds, at "Key West and urder the command of Rear-admira- J Charles J: Badger aboard the flagship Arkansas who will be in command Prices Reasonable ; of the entire armada. Fljrlnt Merkel ; v; on way Ta-cpm- a, lXnt tor 4td dt . Besides the eight battleships there are the the cruisers Nashville and Pensacola; the trulser, Birmingham and tender Dixie from Guacanayabq5 Bay," Cuba .which also carries two hydro-aeroplane- s. i handiedvith promptness In the Mexican Pacific Are now the cruisers Raleigh, New Orleans and it Co. h--- I- - . Cily f.'otor California,' the" Annapolis and Yorktowh and the supply ship Gla- V VW N CtlCei Uecb&nlcf for. nil: Rtpatr cier. En route to the south are the . South Dakota and "the " ; :. .Worlc. -- Jupiter. Ready to start are the cruisers Cleveland, Chattanooga and r - ! r&nih! nr. Port St TeL 20S1 Maryland. , Union .T III . At San Diego, the southernmost base on the Pacific, awaiting orders, is the first torpedo division consisting of the .Whipple, Paul ;f .V.i ' :"- - '' Jones, Perry, Stewart, Truxtun. t Co ml ;.:..: More Vessels to Reach Tampico Wednesday. WHITE SPRINGS, Fla Apr. 20. A wireless message was ; received King SL, next to Young Bldg.; - 1874 Telephones 1875 here last night from Rear-admir- al Charles J. Badger, commander-in-chie- f t.r of the American armada being rushed to Mexico, that 'the American fleet has been assembling off Key West will arrive at Tampico Wed- lT. S, fcatUeili!n Tpxjis and view of gtn-fnrre- L The Texas, and her ' ; which South-Carolin- a man-of-warsn- un' ;v.?.;'K:rr;v;-pv h. burntte nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The joined the hlstrr shl: fhc.'v York, are snper-dreadnough- ts and are the largest fleet yesterday. Admiral Badger has his flag cn'the dreadnought Arkan-Eas."- .. aflmit. Both h:ne been launched within the past few' weeks, ' . &l .... V I. UATl B' Bum . both are detailed to the Atlantic fleet and will participate In any engage-men- ts Draws Mortgagee, Deeds, Bills of Holds Conference With British Admiral. that ma? take placenta Mexican waters. ale, Leases, Wilts, etc Attorney for th Blttrlet Caurtt 79 MERCHANT iVERACRUZ, Mex Apr. 20,Rear-admlra- l Frank F. Fletcher, com- REGIMENTS GUGGENHEIM QUITS port, a confer-- , SCH0HELD 6TRC ET, HONOLULU, Phone 1846. mander of the American warships 'assembled s at this held ence yesterday with Admirat Craddctk, commander of the British war V;iLL WELCOME THE NEW G. 0. P. COMMITTEE : vessels on the Mexican coast , - i IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTI8E IN DEPARTMENT COMMANDER PKNVEU Simon Guggenheim, for- --' V.Vj NEWSPAPERS' Huerta Says Flag Was Not Insulted. - ,v mer United States senator from Col- ,Star-u)lcU- n Correspondence way , ABjiraerv, si Any i uae, vu ua or - CITY OF MEXICO, Apr. 20. Foreign Minister Pprtillo y Rojas of f Special orado, has resigned his position as na- ,Ve move Into our new storo over the. on the last dar.of thla ; - vv SC HO FIELD; BARRACKS, April 20. Writs vv.. President Huerta's cabinet announced last night that Huerta had decided tional Republican committeeman. Only 3 Cleanable Refrigerators left. ; ; f month. Leonard ; C D A K E 8 ADVERTISING It was Impossible to agree to, presidtnt. Wilson's demand for a salute be- The officers f all, branches of the ' C C Fine line of Velvet Rugs at" half pricB to clear. ; V v .v AG EN C Y , cause the American flag was not insulted as it was not flying from the service represented at Schcfield Bar-- ! A message given 50 years ago was wide drawers. : '124 Stniami Street San Francisco Ameri- racks have to give a reception Sains-bur- y, Very large Chiffoniers ft. h launch from which the marines were taken. Rojas declares the united recently delivered, to James ' ' r X-fp--f:- ' cans were freed before an invostigat'on was demanded and that the officer and dance to Hhe new commander of of' Hueheme, Wis a Civil War 6 seta dinner dishes left ' - .y ; .' ; .Major gen- , 'fy.- " ' ' Of responsible for the arrest' of the matines was arrested and held for trial. the Hawaiian Department, veteran... It was from another veteran, 100 pieces at 312.00; 50 plsces at $6.00. : ; ; NtV.LtttS on Thursday, , 'FANCY GROCERIES eral William H. Carter, his brother-in-law- who died on a J April 30th, nekt. His long service of . Tftble FruIU and YeseUUsi. battlefield afi;er giving the massago Strikers Are Killed 46 years and' particularly his com- to another soldier, who until recently KAIMUKI GROCERY CO. Three mand of the Mexican border divisions couid not find any oneof the family. 1911 19KJ given and Alakea Sts Cor. Wai 'at Road aod Kolco .Head in and has General Corner King Areona. Phone S7S0 By Militiamen In Colorado Carter an extraordinary personal ac- quaintance with the officers of the OUR HOME WOMEN among stran- - Associated Press Cable army. He did not land . .YEEYI CHAN TRINIDAD, Colo., April 20. In a battle between militiamen and strik- t gers cn the occasion of his first visit HAVE BEAU flFUL HAIR ing coal miners now. in progress word has been received from the firing to Schofield Barracks. It was oa CH I N E 8 E RESTAURANT line to the effect that three strikers have been, killed and that heavy firing that occasion also that he touched a Chop Socy and Chinese dishes in a Non-Residen- other continues with no Immediate prospect of an early termination of hostili- (sympathetic chord when brief j xext tjme you go to the theater or ts rcaso&nhle prices, ; serred at ties. , speech to the assembled officers he to tne "movies" just notdce, If you 119 Hotel 6treeL Near Maunaksa i r ' refeireu to the miserable conditions please, how maijy of our home ladies r-"- ' ." (opstalrs) under which they and their families i nave beautiful hair glossy, lustrous, Having property interests In Hawaii will do well to place have been compelled to live during ian(j well-dresse- d. Then, if you will , their business In our hands. We collect rents, attend Robert Hilliard Married to the last three or four years at tha J out five or ten of tnose whose station, and expressed his intention of i)air geems to be particularly pretty to upkeep and pay taxes. Art ictures doing air in his newer (o provide suit-- ; anf wii ask them what they U6e on f of Millionaire thpin. j HONOLULU PICTURE FRAMING A Daughter able quarters for we feel.sure that at least more to say "Harmony 8UPPLY CO. Associated Trzsa Cable It is therefore intended make this than half of them will DENVERColoi, Apr. 20. Robert Hilliard, the actor, was married here occasion net merely a reception !ut Hair Beautifier." It is fast becom- HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., LTD. nr. Hotel. S126 wo- Bethel SL, Phone this afternoon. Mrs. Hilliard was Mrs. Olga Williams, and is the daughter a testimonial cf personal appreciation. ing the rage with both men and 923 Fort 8treeL. of James Everhard, a New York millionaire. The regimental oomtmwiiers have men who are particular about the appointed the following officers as a appearance Of their hair. would be kept here to guard against committee in charge of arrangements Sprinkle a little Harmony Hair possible foreign complications, and for the reception, viz.: Major E. L. Beautifier on your hair each time be- ARMY OFFICIALS t. W. D. invasion in the event of some Uutts. 2t5h Infantry; ai fore brushing it. Contains no oil; resist Chitty. 4th Cavalry; ('apt. George M. will not change color of hair, nor dar- TT TTVT?nA Mex- foreign power allying itself with Apple. 1st Field Artillery: and Lieut. ken gray hair. Zeal Meats? be- e New andCanned Nuuanu, beL King and Hotel Streets. ico in the event of hostilities F. L. Whitley, 1st Infantry. To keep hair and scalp dandruff-tro- ON OAHU WATCH tween that country and the United The reception will ta;ce place at : and clean, use Harmony Sham- States. o'clock p. rrti and will he followed by poo. This pure liquid shampoo gives There are a number of regular army a dance' of twenty numbers. Invita- an instantaneous rich lather that im- to be had only from officers here who have applications tions will include all officers serving mediately penetrates to every part of NATIONAL NEWS cn file for volunteer commissions if in the Hawaiian islands, and connect- hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thor- war breaks out. and it is likely that ed with government service, civil of- ough cleansing. Washed off Just as , Specralty. , Oxidizing a na. go in- - quickly, the entire operation takes HONOLULU. ELECTRIC CO. seme of these will get a chance to ficials, their families and specially C. Q, Yee Hop Go. . . k llBaiL.... a to the front immediately from the ; vited friends only a few moments. Contains nataa iwoaeraxof , " wriv Regulars Here Have commissioned and enlisted personnel nothing that can harm the hair; . , - Experienced Men. Number of Phone 3451 a likely pet women to leaves no harshness or stickiness - Cor. Bishop and King Sts. Applications for Work as whole is to mark time here In an effort to voters on File no matter what happens on the bor- attend a campaign meeTiris 2'-t- just a sweet cleanliness. on "the Firing Line" der. ward Democratic club of Chioaso. an- Both preparations come in odd-shape- d, nounced that botile3 Oi ifume will very ornamental bottles, with Local army officers awaited with The action in assumpsit brought by be distributed. sprinkled tops. Marmony Hair Beau-sprinkle- d Phono 2205 Eoaohca M. E. SILVA, keen interest news from Washington J. P. Rodrigues against L. B. Kerr tops. Harmony Hair Beau-Bot- h 4 The Leading this morning, although the impression was dlscontinusd today, a notice of Some one tamiiar with the prem guaranteed o satisfy you in Hustace-Fec- k Cbaalitd. UNDERTAKER A EMBALMER prevailed that the troops on Oahu discontinuance being fried with the Uses and not professional cracksmen every way, or your money back. Sold ILL EJJTDS OF BOCK LSD 8A2TO FOB C0ICBZTI 1702X. chance to see active clerk of circuit court. The i robbed the National bank at Ga! enly at the more than 7,000 Rexall Cor. "Kukul and Nuuanu Sta. jwculd have little the action First FIBEWOOD 15D COIL. Mexico, brought ! $"i.fi"i Stores, and in this town only by us. 1179 night call 251J?rgl60 service in case of war with it was to recover the sum of latin, Tenti.. of Jolhi: U fUIXN 8TRKET. - F. O. BOX III TeL I s A; 'is the opinioti that every soldier 512.50. cording to u-ct- i Benson, Smith Co., Ltd., Honolulu.