Yrta B. F.i Manoa, Apr. 21. Nile, Apr. 20. Fr Taaeoiren 4m Ualrara, Apr. 22. ''IS ?r Tueftrcrt Niacin, Apr. 21. OO AAXv A0 -- '"-r Evening 1882. No. 5834. Bulletin Est 1911.- PRICK FIVE CEKT3 Hawaiian Star, VoL XXI. No. 6874. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. MONDAY, APRIL 12 PAGES. 1, ASK CMfflS (IP TRIP T& IflLAUEA tew?? mmmwmm :; v: ;f ii -?; v-r- ? : ,: r V r-Mv- . VQLCAKO, OffOF WOT DESIRED, INSISTS .: : ' j WORLD WONDERS v: - ;;.vv ;v';? "MHAliilitlTAJil in of Hale-mauma- u , ' - A ' s f Fires the Great Pit v''s Maj.-ger- i. Leonard Wood, Chief of 6 Staffs Will ; Command Now Seen Every Army Provided Hostilities Occur Refugee. Ships Charter-ed-Americ- an : - Night Though Smoke Vessels; Ordered from Vera CruzAVomcn 1 S SIGHT OLD I OF FAITHFUL I .... - '"i" - Requested to' Leave Mexico or Safety at Sea. - TO VESUVIUS -- " - .SUPERIOR v K Associated Vrtrm CableJ ,- ' ..... mm m. m ' . a a. ' a lfft t . I vVASHiNuTON, u. u. A pni zu. Krcsiaent vnson ia:a A Spectacle: Which' No Tourist theiMexican situation before the senate and. house.in a joint to the Islands Should Miss - session this morning, stating that he did not wish for war, as - v Hints for the Trip i ' I - feel- iM WTTTlfcif- II lll ITSMgtSv- the administration had nothing but the most friendly of Br GEOKOE HAMLIN FITCH ings towards Mexico and wished to aid in every - possib!: Literary Editor f the San Irandsce manner the republic to the south;;; kixy-l'cj- V-- , : (hronlrir. I A I I I I 1 A ft I . II III II ' v (However,, requested permission of Con- s HILO, Hawaii. Apr. 19. The trip 111 I.I I itr I II I (liar . X the president - to the volcano of Kilauea is the jnos gress to use the armerj forces of the' United States in such a : Interesting which any , tourist can mako in Hawaii, even though the era manner or extent as may be deemed necessary to cbtain '; ter may not be active. When, as i 1 iiiiiiii v hiuir it r j V from President Huerta and his adherents the fullest rcccn-nitio- n ; . now the case, the crater Is showing ni x! V--"- . of rights dignity of the United States. , ilroftg signs of activity, after ; long LUUlUj IfllilU! the and . period quiescence, be-- of money of ;tho trip , :The president did not ask for appropriation' comes one of the most novel And call upon. the national guard of the country for action. whole' world af- ora that the - proc- fords. '.Vesuvius probably nffcrds the . The scene was a most impressive one and tho f most easy access of any volcano in identias loudly cheered following his presentation of his caco tbe world, but its crater., compared ' to ; : . to that tf Kilauea. seems ; trifling las Live Booster Organization Wilt Unassembled bodies. j rize and In impresslvenesft. ; ..Thsse Enter Spirit of Big Affair . who vlEit the Hawaiian islands and ; ' fall to take the voyage to : Hllo and at Schof ield Barracks " Command ; to - General the ride, to the volcano thus miss one t"; i; - '' Wood of the grandest spectacles of ,the giant Ee-Yah- , Ee-Ya- h, : " forces of nature in action. To my isf WASHINGTON; D. C., April 20--- It has been announce! 'I Ee-Ya- b, Mai.-ge- n. mind the crater, of Kilauea Is more ah ;v here that Leonard Wood, chief of staff, until Apr.l impressive than the Grand : Canyon : f 7 Ad Qub! . United forces in case of war wilii v of the Colorado, and far more spec- S 22. will command the States . the ; yoll which the y tacular' than Yosemlte Valley. ' litre;: This is Vith President; Woodrow Wilson and Provisional President Victoriano Mexico. ; General wood, wnose term as cniei orsian exp:r people , will be In addition to tremendous rocky walla. Schof Ield Barracks prese embrogllo. U. S. Connecticut, n ; Huerta, central figures in, the nt S. April wili not of of of 1 greeted when their precincts are in 224 be relieved the duties that surrounded by luxuriant tropical veg flagship of the North Atlantic squadron, commanded by Rear-admir-al tfrsn KnrA i finM nf j- -, t . ' vaded on tne anernoon or may o ox ' be ; ; ; . T;A f .V Henry T. May - f'r should war declared. : '.great crater 'which U ,3 .miles hi members of the Honolulu Ad Club .!': : being diameter,"- - which 1 1s a revelaUan t and t&eir ,a;di!? theoccaslon County which i::: those who have never1 seen the re. , the Iri ..the. Aral ; volcanic an -- folkswill conduct at Leilehuaon thai Refu Ship Ghairtered suits or action. Und active , BAItNETT -- i- adopted at a meejfa; FOR IS cone-ca-lled vHa!emumau' , r Tl' J' VP- hiVi. n. sends out volumes of smoke all Saturdayaiternooppf? the Ad Club 9 . WASHINGTON, D. C., April 20. The navy d:p:rtm:r! at - mw acnrsIon5'Com, seasons which now reveaJs a Pedal, County ralr r but heart - liner Mexico-fo- uscasa-rcfu::: el.ip fire at night. ' This spectacleAview- - .mittee,; composed of James DLeven- haschartcrcd the Yard Uf A. - a fnnm fha rtm! u.nn la Vino. Borir chalrmanr JLjAtSchwaTfberg t-- uri n ?!ffiriim iniiSTOF FEED F0H at Tampico and has secured options.on other, vessels at,Vc:r. Van Talkeburg; John Grnbe. Edt nii S75 great sighU of . world. of the the , VA Un A Cru2; Journey an Easy One ? : p'owse, jonn .wiuiger, m. 1 Dt , V-- ' j . .. ' H -- Kfvrr M. A. A.nd A. F. Jonas : Il vi'j ; jaurney vne volcano, coce 4 : ' ie , ip. 7 ' ' ; very tcdlc-.rs- has now been' stripped iC18 . .r i . .. , VICIOUS ASSAULT com-- : of all disagreeable features. : It can ArrangBmenU practically.wrere BLESSING TO THE Fleet Will be Divided :.t-- be.made as easily as the ride around 'pleted' fo tho Ad Club's eicurslon to ; ' " Thee-rwer- maay the Island of Oahy, and for a Tary the army post Georgia a.--J 1 WASHINGTON, April battleships Virginia, v- expense. By j things discussed, question being 20The moderate the InteMsl one; Col. J. W. Jones in Correspond R. T. Moses in Serious Condi- Nebraska have been ordered to tail Friday from Doston for. Tampico. Ad- f. Clubbers ; or t;end boats one has the choice of two whether the Ad march commander-in-chie- haa announced that A?, iSUQAft INTERESTS tion As Result of Beating r miral padgef, f of the Atlantic fleet, . weejk, by to Lellehua. , heated debate ence With Washington and i steamers a while the Mat ride the fleet wili be divided, part being stationed at Tampico and part at Vera v ; may every 10 arose on point, and finally was i son line one sail about 1 this it Local Headquarters and Kicks AppealTaken - s. ' days' on five ships which carry one decided to go by, trala. Tb uniform r ; yp-A- i ,v; : .organlraUon. 'togeth--. across to the Island of Hawaii in a members of the of Tariff Looked Col. J. W. Jones, adjutant general R. T. Moses, a local, representative slncle nlrhL The site of these steam- - ter with their friends and ladies,' ili Restoration of the national guard of Hawaii, now of ' the Volcano Stables ont f Hawaii, '. ihotei "r. ers makes them steady even jn the gather at the Yeung shortly af:f ,Cfdr Should Hostilities Be is in correspondence with the local l ore every Indication- - this morning of Merchantmen Ordered Away . - q . .ow ' worst sea groai doud anjgue ier noou ua ,0. y vtuvn, department headquarter?, and with hating been the victim of a most bru- ' : - ' , - v.-- mj 1 .O A y sea-sicknes- s. - ' : w Hllo, by Hawaiian iband, pres- Declared in Mexico - ho is liable to led the; those the war department at Washington, D. tal assault- as he sat in tho .witness VERA CRUZ; Mex'AprU 20. Al I 'United States merchantmen havs . the chief port of Hawaii, is a remark- - ent wm march, tothe depot wnerea C, view to determining box at district court "and accused; R. -- with a the ordered to leave this harbor by Commander Charlea Hu;he, chief cf - 1 rwamng,, ana possible effect of an open out- been ebly pretty Ity of 6000 people.- which, special train.1 wui b The inflict- c ; ' when national guard will go Barnett, a theatrical man, of the-Attantl- . ... ' date the staff. of fleet. - '.a :;:..-- promptly ,. of hostilities between the -- when the breakwater is finished, will which; will leave the station break annual encampment. Thus ing Injuries to his face and body, it a:-e- d and Mexico upon into its - All American women and those of other foreign nations have been have a commercial boom. The heavy, at 1 o'clock. The return wlll .be made United States the Is encamp- being : stated j Moses Is in grave ' Industry was far, it believed that the that to take refuge In the vessels lying In the harbor, and ta give prefertnea . lalnfall encourages tropical vegeta- on special" and .other trains sugar the subject losing eye ' ment will be held during the early danger.of the use of an as Mexico Esperanza. z ' ' :: - considerable discussion and to the or ij'M'Xl.v' a tion, main of Hllo, as ap- of ' but the feature following committees were probably a of a of blows inflieted ' y ." ' part result series s ;' .The of June, from the lith -- ,:. ' Is speculation among local business men j;.,:. ':. v..; : ':. .y ry well as of the, island of Hawaii, the nolntJ ,to take, care of .the details of to the 15th, inclusive.
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