Ceo. W. Ball, VI

Dlll.crO ••. IOWA CITY. IOWA. TUESDAY. APRIL 9. 190:1 No, 72 W. Ball, Mra. B. P. Paraoo.. VOL.. 33 J. T. Turner, C•. Welcb. &. Bradway. GILL CHOSEN TRAINER GREEK TO MEET GREEK WID. A. Pry. Ca hier. Ceo. L. I'A It, Alit. C. Jl&rry GI11 of Coldwater, Olltarlo, HoMer Schwall of Pu-IWl.DIe Ba BALI OIJllH of All Arouad Athletic ChamploDlblp - Tbirty Dat Kad, 75 Champloll" of AlIlerlca, E~pecttd to Ard•• .hip Cup to &0 to 1110 r Tomorrow of erl.

Th University of Iowa gaged Harry ill, of Cold\ ' ler, ntario, Canada, to train lh track t ~lll tlll~ ..,pring. Ir Jill w. notified of this action Saturday. and i. peeted to rrh-c in tll ily tomorrow. He i: the holder of the all around athletic champion hip of Amcric(l., winning the tit! I t . pring in the Amat ur Athletic nioll Championship me t at Knickerbocker athletic field,.. v College of Law York. IDen,&rnnent of L&ke lorelt UnlY. The competition in thi meet Will' strong. Tllr of Amt:rica's b t athlel - Ellery H Lark, of of Bachelor of Laws conferred Bo who complete the 3-yeara' ·tOIl, who won the event ill 1897, satisfactory to tbe Faculty. establishing the record of 6,!Z44 I gra(\uates who have a suffi- poin!... ; H. C. White, of Cohocton, t of credit ill legal studiet N. Y., who wOllthe meet ill 189 to advanced standing under the color. of Cornell Unh·cr· u JlIIlc1e for supplement­ education. ~ummer 'ity, and Dall Reuss, New Vork'. Dlonths of June and ~ · t all around alhlet , w re com­ It Thcl information addr petitors. Gill's 5t min won the meet with the record-br king tot I hi Rho \ of 6,360! poillt against 5,707 ~ I by Reu..,s, 5405 ~ by While, And 3957 by Clark. NG'S OFFICIAL The World aid of ill' work: BALL and " In tbe evcnb both of field and track the Canndian athl te ,'n!> IC GOODS tronger and faster than hi. com petitors. Tnll, gaunt. and awk· ward ill hi ' movement ,h co\'cred distance ill a way that surprised the spectator. H heaved the . ight with far more force and lrclIgth than. med to be in bb long, lank muscle., \ hit ill the high JUIllP aud pole vault he saiJed through the air like a big fiyiug macbin Official League Ball with every sail set.' , Is Ule Official Ball Gill com of au athletic family. of I h e National lIe i<; a cousin of George R. Gay, League, the prine!­ hold"r of the American record for I "~"(~~~ pol minor leagues ~ and all the leading putting the 16-pound bot. He i "-'/r' ir. They are meeting with especial favor. Harvard n Colby, Cambridge. that &aUtry. National amateur cbampion hip. Augu t 7-17-Bicyc\e meet. )lAY I Stach the Shoeman . eptember 6 and 9-Pan-Amer- Chicago \'II Dlinois, Chicago. Victory for Philos Wi.tconsin VI Beloit, lladison.. iean world s champion hip . Indiana VI 'otre Dame, Bloomingtoo. October 19 - Cornell - Carlisle Vale ys Brown, New Ba~n. football game. Vermillion, S. D., April 9. Spec­ Princeton vs Comell, Princeton. for a longer time, wltft ---- ial to the VroETTE-RRpo'R.TEIL Pennsyh'ania va Lafayette, Philadel- any other writlng.l-.I­ Vidette-Reporter Board The debate between the Philoma­ phia.. of .tLtlied users pro- thean society of Iowa and the Uni­ KAY 2 Northwestern va Dlinois, Evanston. Important meeting of the VI­ versity of South Dakota. held here last night, was decided in favor of Harvard va Andover academy, Andcrr· DETTE-REPOR'l'RR board at the ef, Mass. the negative. South Dakota af­ State Press office at I :30 Thursday Notre Dame vs De PaUw at GIUJlcut1e. fumed and the Philomathians BoUce to Can.aidatea. afternoon. Roy A. COOK, KAY 3 Editor-in-clJ.jef . denied that the Porto Rican tariff Candidates for the track and base Purdue VI Notre Da.m.e. law i in accordance with the prin­ ----- ballleam will report regularly at KAY" cipals of American government. Miss Helen Waterman, of Dav- Athletic Park for training. Chicago V1I Notre Dame, Chicago. enport, is the guest of Jean Mac­ The South Dakota debators were Clarence Brown, Capt. track team, bride, '02. older than the Philomathians. Leslie Story, Capt. base ball team. Dlinoi VI Princeton. Princeton. ttbt l'lddtt -11tporttr Purdue DePauw, Greencastle. PROFES 10 AL DIRECTORY Penusylvanll v Cornell, Ith ca. FOUNDEO 11ft" MAY 27 luued (rom the 10.... tale Pr Oll!ce llIinois va Cornell. Ithaca. l. W. LITTIG, A. M., M. D.. M. R. C. S. OD Wuhlalloa l- 10 \1 Knox, Gal burg. JUST ARRIVED 8" Member Ro,al ColleJ(t of ~urJ(eOD" Bal. VII.V TUUDAY, TOU ••DAY. AKO :;i&TUaDA'I' Iudiana, Central unh'ersity, Louis­ Omc.. .nr I'lr t Natronll BaDk. ville. R",ldeDcc 8,cofDer LIDn.lld Wa.blDctoa ta. Durin, the Colleliate Year .1 the Twenty,.Five Dozen of Oal.erally or 10.... Vale va Georgetown, New Ha,·en. l!oUrl-9:30 to II a. m.; J lo 5 .Dd 1109 p. ID. hunda)'.. 9:30 lo 10:30 a m. MAY 28 the Newest Desjgns in Both T~I.pbOD" 81 Office aud ReBld.nee. E"lt.... i.·C.if/ hicago va orthwestern, Evan ton. WbcoDSiu \'J Cornell, Madison. MANHATIAN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Roy MTHUR COOK 10 a v Bradley, Peoria. Harvard \'1 Bro n, Cambridg . DR. W. . no FORD M·"li.,IUit." AY 29 The New Shapes in P •• D C. Du.. • M •••ITT BUCCITt Cbicago VI Iowa, Cblcago. Yale V5 Dartmouth, New na\' n. DE TI T Princeton vs Bucknell, Princeton. STIFF AND SOFT HATS Office Hou"" 9-12 A. M., 1-5 P. "'. MAV 30 For Spring are very Beautiful. We have them in No.8 North Clinlon St. Newberry BulldiDC AS t VI R. M. A 1101111011 PUl ••IIC. JOY North.. rn Dixon, Evanston. Michigan JIIiuoil, Aun Arbor. the Knox StiIf at $5.00 ,,- The Stetson Soh and I,nL~ UMV•••• W . L. BAC 1I1f, JI. v. can ne\-er lin P. T.]&HaltH 1t , )I. PIlATT WiJ;con. in v. Beloit, Janesville StilI at S3.00 and S3.5O ..... " Young" Stiff at S3.00. Iowa v MillntlOta, Cedar Rapids. elegant and Ih;.,t.,.f IUif.... The" B, t. M." Special S2,OO and S2.50 X More DR. L G. LAWYER we it to Indiana vs Purdue Bloomington. alway. abao: P. P. IflllID.alOl'I, Law Department Harvard 1'1 Corn Ii , Cambriage. Styles to Select from than all other stores together perf eet lit, L. A. Wa COTT, Medlc.t uepartment Pennsylvania V8 Lehigh, South Bethe- DENTIST ur line C. V .... 0., HOtDl!Opathle Deparlment helD. IlAI.'R HItCIlT, Dental Department wo t('(Is Oil.,,:. r.o "Ill. O"panmml 101 Y 31 NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS ROOU1S Over Shrader's Drug Store. in botb Wi! VI Albion, Albion. IOWA CITV, IOWA. elliet. are arriving X See our New Rain Coat, especially you (or IIlanartYS. JUNIt I P. C. DUtcH P. C. • ICCOTCRJtN Chicago va , ortbwe tern. Evan,ton. adapted for Spring wear in the" Kitchener " and new JOS. MIchIgan VI Wi. un Ill, AUn ArOOr. Raglan shapes. $10.00 to $18.00. Indiana VI Centre college, Blooming- DR. WRITEIS ton. TERMS PllYSICJAN AND SURGEON Per year - - • - - fl.2, Iowa VI Stat Normal, Iowa City. If not I' Id before JanuAry I, IIPI 1.30 Purdue VI Del!auw, 1.lIfa),elle, BLOOM ~ MAYER Dist'lISes of the Ear, Nose, Throat, apil 81nllo Copy •03 Y Ie VI ·orgetown, }'blladt!lphi•. Chest. Office over Jos. Bnrbork.a'i OIBc:e at Ih"lo... tate Pre .. Olll~. 224 WUhlnJlon 'Irnt. JU. a 3 Jewelry Store. The paper will b" •• ntloold nh~"ber. unUl Chicaio v Bro n, Provid nce. Hours, 9.10 a. 1Il. lind 3-5 l" m. ordered .loPped IDd "rre.ral~ paid. Wiseon in v,Notre l)am ,Notre D me. Telephone-Office, 137, new hne, resl· eople (or .. Ie Ind u ..rlplioD taken II \he dence, ]37 old tiue; 452 new line. A reade Book lore. ]1:. It 4 Cbicago va narvard, C mbridgt'. Wi!iCOn ID VI IllinOiS, l:bIlDlpalgn. leWA €ITY Ve€Ab INSTITUTfi AdM"... n colllUlunlcalloll.IO Purdue VI W.b h, L r yell. LOVELACE BLOCK. RNTRANCE O:-l DUBUQUE T. LEE WALLACE DEAN, M. S., M. 0 G:bt 1)ldtttt.1tporttr Jl Nii 5 The Director, C. JAySMITIJ (pupil of the Royn1 Academy of Music, lIoly C , Wore: t r. London), h a record of vcnteen year' speri nc as a pecial Practice Limited to the disea.sesof the IOWA CITY. 10 .. teacber of illging, inctudmg six years In Chicago and five y rs in ortb", tern VI WlliConain , Evan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Iowa City. Superior lessons by ~RS. C. JAY SMITH. ton. Office bou~Daily to 12 a. m. t-6 p. m. Tue. Yale VI Williams, New Haven. day 10 II a. m., 3-6 p. !D., lIunda, \rll. Other aDlered al tbe 10". City POOSIOftlc:e bour. by appointment. Offic. No. 12 SOUtb II IKODd du. matler Princeton v. Carll Ie, Prine ton. Chnton SL Telephone III, I' nn y1v.nla VI Bro n, Providence. WHETSTONE'S PI1A~MACY JO. Il 6 BASE BALL SCHEDULES Indiana VI Bull r, lndl napolia. DR. JAMES MURPHY P nnlylnn!a va 1I0ly CIO , Wore - I the mo t convcnit!nl plal:t! for 'tudt!nts to buy tht!ir COlltimml/rOtH IlJrt I . ter, 1 omce bours-Io a. m. 10 12 ID .; 'I'. m. 104 p. 111. JON!> 7 c1nn to dl,euea,,( tbe 1~ DRUG" MEDICI E ,ancl TOILET ARTICLE, Bar, Nos", alld lltroat. The pI IndiBlla "I Wiltenberg, Springfield. Nortbwestern \" 'i!lCOlllin, Iadi on. Nlgbt call. aUlw~red (rom Office P n, Uni\' l\1icbigan va Iinnesota, Ann Arbor. JUlill 8 su h as 0;,\1', TOOTH BRU HE , HAIR and Telephone No. 100. Vale Crtllcent A. C., New naven. Chica 0 V Uc:hiKln, Ann Arbor. I"9Sf SOulh Clluton 61, lo"a City, lowl Book, Harvard VI Witti m , Cambridge. North.... tern va Beloit, Beloit. CLOTH BRU 'HE. 'HOE BRU 'HE, COMB , Princeton VI Brow 11 , l)ro"ltlen~. Indiana VI Ohio State, Columbua. pnp'r Penn ylvania V8 Cornell, Philallelphia. Harvard VI Penn ylvanta. Cambridge. PERFUME " Etc. Beloit vs Dison, neloit. Yale VI Princeton, Princeton. DRS. NEWBERRY & BYWATER Indiana Wabl! h, Bloomington. ) It 10 { '16 Eva. BAR, NO !t. AND THROAT. 1I1inoi. VI Knox, Gal burg. Bp«IIc1e. Accurately Adju.ted. IlIinoia VI Nolre Dam, Cbampaign. JUNa II Call and ee u and we will try to please. Office hourl-9 10 II a. m.; 2105 p. m. MAV 7 JIIinoil VI IOWII, Iowa City. Iowa Nebraska, Iown City. Telephon"No. 46. va Pennsylvania VI ColUIllbus. Philadel­ Ooe block outh of Po loffice. IO~""a City, Iowa Office 8 Norlb Clinton St. 10"" Cily, 10 ... Harvard va Amherst, Cambridge. pbla. MAV 8 JUNK 12 ...•...... •••.....•...... •...... • Cbicago v Iltinoia. Cbam,P'i&n. narvanl vlBro n, Providence. Wisean III V8 Beloil, B 10lt Yale VI Carli. Ie, New. Ilaven. DR. WALTER L. BIERRING Indiana \'a Wiltt'nberg, Bloomington. JUNU T4 UP-TO-DATE GOLF, TENNIS, FOOTBALL, Vale va Lehigh, Ne Haven. OfDce, Paltcr80n Block, 9" Soulb Dubuque SL Cbicago VI ~ortbw tern, Cbicago. Princeton V8 Cornett, Ithaca. 7JICYCLES, GUNS, 4ND : :: CODsultation hou"'-3 I' 5 aod 7 to 6 p ..... Michigan VI omell, Velroit. 600DS--- Pennsylvania \'s Columbia. New Vork. Everythinlf Suuday 9 to 10:30 a. m. Vale VI PrlDceton, New York, (in csae FiSHING TACKLE. Notre Dame va N bra ka, Notre Dame. Ulully Found Re.ideoce lOutbwe.t corner or lo"a A.enul of tie). aud Governor Slr~el MAVIO Beloit VI Carlisle, Cambridge. In Up·to Date Telephone. Office and Re IdeDoe. No. 68. PARSONS & STOUPPI3R, 6 & 8 Dubuque St. Storel. Northwesteru V8 Beloit, Evanston. Beloit V8 Dixon, Dixon. Vale V8 Andover academy, Andover, ...... •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• eee ...... Mass. JUNR 17 Chicago v Michigan, Chicago. PROF. W. BERRYHILL MAV J[ JVNP. 20 - Teacber of - Chicago VI Wisconsin, l\1adilOn. FO?? TIlE 'BEST ~ Vale V8 Harvard, Cambridge:. Lusc mb VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, AND Michigan va lItlnoia, Ann Arbor. Music furnished for Social Enter­ Iowa vs Ames, Iowa City. JUNE 2S 1JIIOrOGRA1JIIS ~ 0 e tainments and Dances. Indiana VI Nebr Ita, Bloomington. Yale va Harvard, New Haven. OB DUBUQUE ST. Yn1e va Brown, Pro~idence. OUR Alr.l IS ARTISTIC EFFECTS AND I10NEST DURABLE WORK. Pbone 76 213 Church St., Iowa City Harvard vs Bowdoin, Cambridge. JUNE 29 Princeton vs Lafayette, Princeton. Yale VI HlltVard, New Vord, (in case SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Notre Dame vs Beloit, Notre Dame. oftie). .. BUCK" MORTON'S lAY 13 Wanted.-Capable, reliable per­ illinois vs Notre Dame, South Bend. Choice Havana son in every COUllty to represent UNIVERSITY BOOK STOREr. _lid I)omoslic Good. Cl'gar Stand MAV 11 large company of solid financi;>I CERNY. LOUIS t. CO. Northwestern VII Notre Damt', Notre In Smith & Ebert's Shop Dame. reputationj 36 salary per y~r, Fountain Pens X Note Books ..-.. Magazines and Papers on South Clinton Street. Iowa V8 Cae, Iowa City. payable weeklyj 3 per day abso­ Indiana va Purdue, Cambridge. lutely sure and all expen esj Text,.books for aU Departments. Harvard va Lafayette, Cambridge. straight, bona-fide, definite salary. Penusylvania VII Brown, Pbiladelphia. no commi sion; alary paid each HAVIS Chicago va Brown, Ann Arbor. aturday and expen e money ad­ Wisconsin V9 Beloit, Uadlson. vanced each week. tandard House, Indiana va Culver, Culver. 334 Dearborn St.. Chicago. DoyOD MAY 16 Do you IOWA CENTRAL RAILWAY Do you Indiana vs Notre Dame, Notre Dame. lIo.. MAY 17 Time of !rains carrying passenger at Chicago vs Illinois, Champaign. Grinnell, Iowa. Effective Nov. IJ, 1900. Iowa VII State Normal, Cedar Falls. COING NOR'l'H. Beloit vs Knox Beloit. JEAN DE RESZKE, D/ flu A~6t? 6; No 3-St Paul Ex (daily) .... 1:05 a m Cr." C,.,.. d OJ,,,. C•. , '471: MAY [8 No I-St Paul Mail (Ex. Su.n.) 8:10 a m .. Th. Ion. comes oul so lreely al Ih. s1irhl. ell loo~h ,h., it ro"b. wilhout eattery be ""lied Chicago vs Purdue, Lafayette. No s-Mason City Mail Ex Sun 4=13 p m ·lbetOUlohllusic:. I h••• n""., seen a simj· Northwestern vs D1iuois, Champaign. ~~i~.::,mtlllibalapproached my Wubbuns Michigan vs Cornett, Ithaca. No ll-Way Freigbt (E~ Sun) 4=13 p m Wisconsin VB Beloit, Beloit. No 6J-Freigbt (daily) ..•.... Il :05 a m Iowa vs Minnesota, Minnesota. COING sotrrH. Yn1e vs Orange A. C. Oranl{e, N. 1. No 6-Peoria Mail (Ex Sun) .. 10:17 a m , . ,~ Harvard vs Georgetown, Pnnceton. No 2-St L & K C Mail (daily) 6:S5 p m MAV20 No 4-Peoria Express (daily) .. I :05 am (.C.TAFT 'IG~P. Michigan V8 Syracuse university, Syra­ cuse. No 12-Way Freight (Ex Sun) 8:45 a m DISTRIBUTORS, MAY2[ No 402-Mixed (Ex Sun) .. , .• , 2:45 pm DES MOINES, IOWA. Coupon tickets on sale to all points in is the name that stands for excellence Iowa V9 Simpson, Iowa City. MAV22 in the Uoited.."States, Canada BIld Mexico. For rates, folders, etc., call on,oT address in , Mandolins and Banjos. It Chicago VII Illinois, Chicago. Northwestern vs Lake Porest, Lake Geo S Batty, Ed Kemmerer, Agt., STUDENTS Forest G. P. & T. Agt., Grinnell, la. is plainly burned in the inside. Wash­ WHEN YOU WANT A Michigan VII Yale, New Haven. Marshalltown, Ia. Wisconsin V8 Notre Dame, Madison. , Iowa vs Grinnell, Grinnell. burn models are closely imitated, but STYLISH TURNOUT Harvard va Exeter academy, Exeter, FOR A PLEASURE RIDE N. H. never equaled. CJJeautiful Catalog Free OR A CARRIAGE FOR Princeton V8 Holy Cross, Princeton. PARTIES, SEE Pennyslvania V8 Maryland, Philadel­ Commencement phia. E.c1usm Wlshburn futults Ire: New and perfectly ballnc:td model; special process 01 ",,"sonior .11 wood, used; pol.,,1 COnnNcltoD, sccu,illi rrell st,eDrlh; fineer' Foster, ThompsoD & Graham lIlAv23 boanls absolutel, cotnCI in oll.-ilioRs; lalayin, III don. by Hilled _,It_n; pat col heads fal supenor to ordin_1f heads; desianJ 11 ...ys in jood I.... ; perfect SJllem 01 THEY HAVE THEM. Michigan VB Manhattan college, New lIne~r:dm~ne~:mO:: ,ibbini; poll'" J<:CUmI by thotoueh COUrtel of hand .robb'lIi; evety DUI, lCrCW.od Per York. IMitations. Programs. of lbe very b1rhest quality. IIIf ~~~=~r~l. HLll Phone 22 Beloit vs Notre Dame, Beloit. Oa rdl. et(). Prfce8 RlghL HAV~ New Tel pbon .401. Northwestern va Notre Dame, Evans­ Sold by leading Music Dealers Everywhere. iQ! Dllbuque treet. x C. A. SCHMIDT X ton. t LYON ... HEALY, Mfr•• , Chlcla.o. Purdne VI Wabash, Crawfordaville. VA.V 25 Moler's Printery OTYBAKERY Chicago" WlKonsin. Chicago. Michigan VI Harvard, Cambridge. 10 North Clinton St. THE ' IDETTE - R F RTER AL DIRECTO RY o SIr M. UfACTUIU 8 W.F.MAJ CO • JEWELERS. ..

Ro)'a! Coll~e or .....eo n .. Ib,. ~ Irst NaUonal BanL The Vidette = Reporter o.".= ICU~' Linn and WUhiJI floa lao m.; 3to 5 and 1to 9 p. 1I1. I"''''U."" 9:JO to 10:30 a m taat Office . lId Residellce. Will be Stnt to

W .. HO FORD DE TI T Hours, c,-12 A. M.• 1-5 P. ... fOR 50 CT . Clillton l. Newberry Dulldial A SIlA.RP CRITIC

can never bnd th I t fanlt in our eltJcant "flll ty!" II clothing, 1!h? IF PAID I ADVA CE L G. LAWYER we have It to hI m urC!, It I alwaY' at.olutel), faultl in it. ~rfect fit, exquisite lioi band tyle. THE VIDETTE - ~EPORTER Is the University ur line in fabrics In eb viol ad wo trm are the CJ'Hm of the 100m. in both imported and d m tic noy­ and depart- IOWA. elti • It I tim that w m ure 'ou for your lin ull DOW. menu of the University, and l OS. SLAVATA, The T.Uor WI IlTEIS [0'" City, 10'" N AND SURGEON PRINT THE NEWS ] o. BOr.BR WHILE IT IS NEWS


119 N APITO/, ST. The New St. James ~ OLD RELIABLE I ~ ...'... n ... ~. DEAN, M. S., M. D IOWA CITY, IOWA. for 01 ACeo TOil J1f TU CITY tea '1,00 .ntl '1,50 pt'r ,lilY. t m P~R.-f-U~~~~~ ~~U:O~~~~E ~ R.~;~~:So pi t beal, lec:lric hgbll aUfI halh • JIeadqulU'tera for unh'e ilyathl lic l mt Opposite th Opera Haute. __ I G. B. PI.', ELI., I'lOp. -- ••••• • 4. r;;. ~~~~ CAUTIOUS GREGORY Students ! t." ".~~~ The place to g l your It'ollnl

Book I Magazint:s, and l'WS- The 20th Century pap'r i at ab~lulc1y faultl Coa, t Son. BERRY & BYWATER C. L. WIENEKE'S HAR, NO E, AND THROAT. Arcade Bookstore. ~~otaCI.' Accurately Adju tee\. bourl-9 to 11 I. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. The pIa to buy your .•.. Telephoa e No.• 6. Clinton St. I owa Ci ty, low. LUMBER, LIME, Ch ntNT and HARD WALL PLA 'Tr.R. it at lhe • , • IOWA LUMBER CO

Blocl<, 9~ South Dubuque SL houra-3 t, 5 .lId 1 to 6 p. III. + Sunday 9 to 10:30 a. m. THE KIRKWOOD, lOuthwell corner or TOWI Ayellu. -POR- Street DINNER PARTIE.S AND BANQUETS Office and Re.ldeoce. No. 68. FiDe" CuillneiJl the City. F. P. BURKLE, PROPR . W. BERRYHILL - Teacher of - FINt:. TAlb 0H1NG MANDOLIN, AND GUITAR Pant. from '4.00 Up. fr . T. Tamura, fell 0' 111 furnished for Social E nter­ y tainments and Dances. S u it. from ,12.00 Up. mathcmati ,w for two n il1- 'lrau lructor in mathematic: at 11 )Ilp. [2. 76 2 13 e burcb St., Iowa eity T O O RDER April allC5e go\'emnl Ilt normal !'oChool Ct ..nh.,. P g. and lI.~palrinl befor coming 10 lhi country_ Hi L. A. Wil n, D. 'ot, i r I:h"lIly done to make your acqualll­ ing a vi it froUt hi BUCK II MORTON'S tallce. brother i one of the leading offi in tbe Japan e navy. The four Tt!l1g0. Sp~claillne of Ladles Costume Cloths year. sen-ice ill the Japan anny G. W. B 11, '01, h. beetl elected Hava;~s Cigar Stand Dyel0ll'. tam and Dry CleanlDlor all kinde or Ladle' aDd COllta' ClolhiDI. altributed by mi take in aturday'. 2nd UClIl 1I nl of Co. I. 50th 10\ 'n, In Swith & Ebert's Shop VIDh'TTR-RJ.;PORTI-'R to _Ir Tam· It iVl-d on South Clinton Street. ati faction Guaranteed. and re ord to r port at I1 3 Iowa Ave. T. D. KELLY. ura, . hould be credited to hi fellow Dc· • loin th first w k in fay counlryman. Ir Lachio K. Hasoda, to take the ."aUlinalioIl for hisCoOl­ ay 'vell- '04· mi. iOIl. ~ ======~ iug, ACADEMY New Spring Styles Do you ..f.b to ~nter the ol...,ralty1 Do you"; h to Tea~h 1 - IN- AW AY,., BELOW Do you ..lab a good Practical Educa­ tioll1 "'1" ...". COST '" "'1" KRIZ BROS" T allots. ~ ., .." ATTEND TH E ACADEMY NEGLIG EE SHIRTS .. .. Ch pest d l W . A. WILLIS Place in TOW1I. Principal 1]======R~u lleaUy done 113" 10 Ave

- CALL AT TIlE - MANY NEW PATTERNS . (;0' Both Plain and Pleated in Pertales, New Monarch Billiard Parlor Cheviots and Madw .... .TAFT c"G~p. Lighted by Actlyline gu. DISTRIBUTORS, 50c to .$2 .00. 21 Wasbington Sl Iowa eity DES MOINES, IOWA. Fred ban~e nbe r~a. COAST 8\ SON, RUNNING HOE The American Clothiers. WHEN YOU WANT A MADE TO ORDER $3.00 $3.00 $3.00

Rep&irlDJ D ..U y done. SlID-The BI, Boot ESTABLIS0'DD I STYLISH TURNOUT Firth door east of Post office. u..o FOR A PLEASURE RIDE OR A CARRIAGE FOR J. J. HOrz, Every Florsheim Shoe in Our PARTIES, SEE Contractor anel Bulleler, T~ c. o. D. LAUND~Y Store to be Sold at $3.00 a , ThompsoD & Graham COLI.HOIt STIlEIlT VIADUCT. L. L. KENYON, ProP. Pair Regardless of Cost. THEY HAVE THEM. ... PIana and Spec::ificaliODS Furnished... FIDe Wark aad Prompt Service. 211 - 213 IOWA AVENUE No Out of Date Shots in the Hall Phont 22 Whole lot. DELMONICO.. ~ TRY ONE OF xxx OPEN ALL NIGHT C. A. SCHMIDT X ~tStaurlnt and Chop House THE LITTLE BON TON $a.oo MEAL TICKET FO~ $2.50 ilEAl TICKETS. suo OPEN AI.I. NIGRT. f{OLLIN E.- MORGAN, CITY BAKERY C. L. TOLBBltT, Prop. :a6 South Dubuque Street 129 College SI. • . GIWIDRATB, Prop. IOWA C1TY, IOWA. [0 North Clinton St. THE VIDETTE - REPORTER

THE CITIZENS' DRESS GOODS bouls' bouls' bouls' SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. SILKS Soda Water Perfumes C::i~ars ... OF IOWA CITY ... HOSIERY made with pure fresh cream and are fragrant nd refreshIn~. are aromatic and mild, and ucb UNDERWEAR fruit. We use everything the We have a luge variety to IS 'ou are uaually in the habit best to please you. telect from. of paying more money for. Capital Stock. '50,000.00. MILLINERY CLOAKS A. B. SWISHa ... Pre Ident. G. W. Uw! .. Vice Pre idenl. FURS G. W. Koonlo, Secretary and Trt-aourer •• • Tru. ltea-Alonzo Browo. H. 10 . lrub, G. W. COLLARETTBS HfiNNY b0UIS, Pharmacist Ltwia, G. W Kooots, A. ~ . 8tri her. J .. te~stl'aid 01\ Depo Ill. Mortple MACKINTOSHES Corner Washington and Dubuque ts. Loans on Real Eltate. Office 114 Soulh linton Sireet. MBRELLAS Peter A. Dey. Pre.. Ceo. W. a.II, Vice Prt.. Lovell wi her, C.. h. John !.a.hek, Ao'l Cub. all and see First National Bank H. A. STRUB &GO. Oapit&l, 1100,000.00 8urpIUl,180,OOO.00 Dl.aCTOIl5. peter .... Dey, Geo. W. Ball, Uti. ll. P. ParlOn .. A. N. Currier J. T. Turner. C. S. Welch. S w ERS * * £ . Brad ..a,. Dry 600d5, Cloaks, FALL STOCK OF Thol. C. Caraon, Pre.. Wm. A. Pry, CUbier. 8. I.. Lefever, V. Prea. Ot'O. 1" Palk, t. c. MIll/aery, Carpets, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods JOHNSON COUNTY SAYINGS BANK Wladow Shldes Oapital, 1l26,OOO. 128 tI 130 Washington Street 8urplDl, 116.000. Dlrcctol'll:-Thos. C. Ca r..on. S. L. Ufever. J. C. Cochran, Rd. Tudor, "a ln 'l · h.r\>l~ , II. btro"In. C. F. Lovelace. !\Iu May.,.. ' ilu J1um\>hr~1 .

R IlCLH> SAH nRal, Pr... P. A . KoaA8, Ca h. MM. It: l a . \' Pre. J. C.Swrn"a, A l Ca b. C. A. MURPHY'S LIVE~Y !I Iowa City State Bank Cor. COllege fttld Clinton t~ . IOWA CI'M', IOWA Capital Stock, $6 ,000.00 LEAVE O~DE~S FeR THfi TfiLLY -1i0. U. S. Depoaitory in lIan rupt HllAte •• lude.. u of lhe Un"'. ...'l' alld olher achool. lIIay .utu for one or mort bour. per day, ad Dlrcctora:-lluclld SAnder , Win. Mu. ~r . W D. ake Penman.hlp, Book.keepl"., (borthalld or CauDon, Ir. J. W. Rkh, P. D. Lind. ley, E, 1'. aOT of tb. braDcbu w" l"leh, at ru~nable Finest Turnouts In Iowa e held at that aturday and xpen5e money ad­ ATHLETIC GOODS place. ELLENDALE TENNIS, ETC., ETC. vanced each week. Standard Hou 'e, Officially adopted by the Prof r 1. A. Loos retttrn d 334 Dearbom l., Chicago. Two Town. in One leading Colleges, Schools y 'terday from Red ale, where he Ellendale is a new tOWI1 ju t and AthlelicClubsoftbe attended the tate Conference of opened for bu iness and is located Country. Tht. BI, Klntirel. • Charities and Correction. Pro­ mid-way between Albert Lea and Every Requisite for .. HOPKINS"SEARS"CO {sor Loo. wo accorded the excep­ Ru co & Holland' Big lin­ Owatonna, Minn., on the main line Base Ball, Foot Ball, Succuaora to w. P. CHA It co. tional honor of a r -election to tbe tr'l F tiv I, with all it novelty of the Burlingtou, Cedar Rapids & Golf, Tennis, Athletics, 811·620 Lo\luat DES KOllOtS, pr idency of th conference. H. act aod mon oter electric fir t part Northern Ry., D?W being extended Gymnasium. alld 317 7th Itreet. JOWA Hollin worth, '92, of D iotr dueing it · ixty com dian , northward. It JS the purpose of • Moin ' was lected trea urer. The iuger dancer and IUU ician , the company to make Ellendale Spalding's Official League Ball W. H. GRAFF, conference will meet ill Iowa City com to tbe opera hou e atur­ The Town and have tlO otll r tOWLlS Is the Official Bail next year. day v oing, April 13. The between Albert Lea and Owatonna. of the National enic elI cts are model of gor­ It bas a larger and richer terrItory Leagu~, the princi- The College Newspaper ~Wllilm I gcou nc , the co tuming th for. its support than any other . town paland allmlUor the leadinglea~es We keep everything found rno t elaborate ever attempt d by 111 the northwest. If you desIre to college associations The Corn llian discusses editor­ in Fir t Cla Drug tore a min trel how. The program become pioneer in a town with Handsome and olicit your patronage. ially iu the curr ot i ue the feat­ i made up of all big act, only a future, we invite you to investi­ Catalogue of ures of a college paper. One great two "single turn ,. being cen. gate Ellendale at Ollce. All lines Base Ball and all City Allents tor Chue Cigars department, theComellian ay , "i Two hour and a half of contin­ of business needed. For further Athletic Sport. and Baldauf's Candles. it n ws items. both for tudents uous fun. The curtain nev r information write, Free to any and alumni. In a large univer ity drop until the final. The world R. J. Dobell, Address. " DUBUQUE ST. thi featur i of lhe great tim· famous Billy Kersands is with Local Agentfor Lols, Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for porlance and is somelimes filled by the company thi season. He is Cooleysville, Minn. 1901, edited by Henry Chadwick, ready March 30, 1901 j price lOctS. (tbln~K • • laundry a daily as 'The Cardidal' at Wis· aid to recelve the highe t salary Thos. H. Brown, A. G. Spalding &; Bros. Incorporated Ubt Stat 01 Glork 1.4 Molt consin or at our State University by c'ler paid a colored performer. Gen. Agt. New ToWlls on B C R • woUbIt ,rICta. 'The VlDln'TE-REPORTER,' a tri­ TllC mon ter treet parade lakes & N Ry. Apr 30 New York, Ohloaco, Denver• weekly." place at 2 p. m. Sioux Falls, S. D. tQlnillt~, J)roprldor 117 Iowa Aveuue. Little * Gem • Barber . Shop S. J. BURICH & SON, C. C. FISCHER, Prop. garoo, WE ARE HERE AS OF OLD TOWNSEND'S TUDIO. The IOWA CITV, IOWA, June 2, 1900. TAlb0RS. First Door South of Iowa Slate Bank To WHOW IT WAV CONCERN; E. m, a',-~CUJ ,1 THE MARINE ORCHESTRA Make the best and neatest litting Suits Opera House Block The picture committee from the Law Class of 1900 wishes to express their fuJI 208 South Clinton Street Iowa City .Mrs P. Can furnish you with Music for Dances and hearty appreciation of the work done on the large elMS picture, and a1110 on at the most reasonable prices. Cleaning ford and and presring neatly done. See tllem be­ and Parties. IfiLL. D. IUCSS, Kgr. the large elass photos of the 88JlIe, lIS well as the other work done by the photogra­ Thp. pher TOWNSEND. We very highly recommend him to future classes. fore ordering. 112>, Washington Sl. LcaTe Orders at Hess A Co.', Hard.. are Store Committee, charge G80. D. S.m.oR. CITY STEAM DYE WORKS Crowell, F. C. Oay. AND P ANITORIUM M. Butler, We Make a Specialty of Steam Cleaning and Frank GILLOTT'S PENS, this TIlIt X08T P~ 0 .. PUI, N Age a Well-Dressed and Dyeing for both Ladies and Gentle­ HAVE CAINED THE FINEST I Man denotes Prosperity. men. . .. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and A prosperous man means a Repaired for '1.00 per month. CRAND PRIZE, SAM TANNER, PariA Exposition, 1900. Tailoring and Panitorium Club Successful Man. Phone 486 Prop. 211 S. Clinton ---IN THE CITY--­ LET US DRESS YOU Professor the chair of Trousers from ...... $3.00 Up UP-YOU'LL LOOK PROSPEROUS If YOU WANT offered pri Snits (rom ...... 10.00 Up SOnETHINO BETTER Spring Overcoats from ... . 10.00 Up lic speaking than the geoe",1 ' run of FOOT WEAR. of the All goods made strictly to measure, fit guaratlteed. A, nUSA visit ''The La test" Shoe Store aud aile 10 Steam Cleaning and Dyeing done. I09J' S. DUlIuQtm S'l'IUUtT, lee their Slet"".. Line of MBN'S FINK Call around and pick out your Spring Suit. 600 pieces SHOES at Is.oo aud S6.00 a pair. Theyaro to sdect from. IOWA CITY, IOWA the kJ .. d that ..Ualy. Your clothes cleaned anti pressed and mended, and Stach the Shoeman your shoes dressed for $[.00 per month. Now is the time to join the Club. 110 Come in and get acqaainted. lowa2Ave. M. P. LUMSDEN, Prop. will do better work for a longer time, wlUl £11 Smitb le.u exertion, than any otber writing", '" macbine. Thousan4s ot atbfted users PJ"I)a THE BOWLING ALLEY tl Premier nounce ft.... typewriter Perfectly Simple and Simply Perfect. DrW.B. died near 213 L.t2 Iowa Avenue Let It IIgbten your bulne.u burden. Rea C. ILLUIT"AT&D CATALOeU& '''1&. land, has TIac Smith Premier II apcdaJ1y adapted to thI "Toach the Pacific System" of TJIIIWI'Itiar. GOOD HEALTHY EXERCISE Ck SIIht Prtllltr tpcwrIfCl' eo.....