Annual Report 2011 Contents

Director’s review 3

The National Library of ’s mission statement Key projects and development 5 Besides securing the availability of the published national Partners and community relations heritage for the community, the National Library produces 9 and disseminates information content for citizens and society, Core duties 13 and develops services jointly with the library network and other players in the information society. Responsibility for the cultural heritage 19 Values of the National Library of Finland Resources and finance 25 • We are professionals continuously developing our skills • We work together Financial review 27 • We act openly and reliably • Our national heritage is always present Organisation and directors 29 • We promote access to information Board and other administrative bodies 29 National and international cooperation 30 Contact information 33 Director’s review

Bold leaps tradition must be continued to ensure progress. Certain European libraries, unable keep pace with this trend, have unfortunately fallen behind and he library’s main sponsors, as are paying a high price for their lack of vision. The well as representatives of the library conceptualisation of the National Digital Library network, customers, and partners, has been a demanding national project. To meet the were interviewed for an international demanding objectives of the National Consortium, evaluation of the National Library’s an important change was made in system solutions. Toperations. This was associated with many expecta- Instead of closed source software, the solution will be tions. Five hundred pages of background materials implemented with an open source code, enabling us related to the National Library’s status, collections, to more successfully meet the needs of a widespread and services were copied for an international panel and heterogeneous clientele. whose conclusions described the National Library’s In the future, we will be more skilled at deter- activities as ambitious, well managed, and respected. mining the ways we will confront and solve these The panel chose not to speculate on any changes challenges, but it will also require a strong owner- in the library’s status, and its proposals were fairly management policy. Management in the National moderate. library has been defined as participatory and Early 2011 also witnessed the publication of preparatory. The responsibility lies with each the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Yhdessä employee, and managers are obligated to facilitate enemmän (“Doing More Together”) report whose the development of working conditions even in administrative proposals were discussed in the difficult times. The management of know-how is the library network and the library’s Board in connec- expert unit’s only path to success. tion with the international evaluation. This so-called The friends of the National Library have once group-level report was more far-reaching in scope, again magnanimously supported our activities. We proposing, among other things, the detachment of thanked one customer, the author Sirpa Kähkönen, the National Library from the University of with a new Kiitos asiakkaalle (“Thanks to the and the transference of its management to another Customer”) award. Information searchers like her department of the Ministry of Education and Culture. energize customer service personnel and brighten The Board of the National Library wisely kept their workday. the objectives of both proposals on the table and Gratifying things happen in a bold organisation. included in the discussion. Currently, the Ministry At the end of the year, the Digitalkoot (“Electrifying of Education and Culture’s working group is treating Our National Heritage”) project that had received the objectives of the Yhdessä enemmän report and widespread attention was granted the international the development of the National Library as a part of Digital Heritage Award. To improve the newspaper the Ministry’s objectives. The assumption is that the archives, Myyrät (“Moles”) have captivated the original goals will have to be adjusted, and that the hearts of users; almost 100,000 users have assisted safeguarding of operators’ basic prerequisites will in the repair of digitised materials. The “Moles” have become a top priority. also put us on the world map. Articles about the Our strategy has designated the National Digital Library’s services have appeared in Wired, Mondo, Library, as well as customer-oriented online services, and The New York Times (“Rebooting Finland” and as high-priority development targets. Our future will “Life After Nokia”). These state that the game pushes also be challenging for our sponsors. Although the young people towards the right jobs. In Brussels, the Linda Tammisto © National Library library’s core funding has not essentially changed in “Mole Game” was selected as a leading-edge point recent years, the library has been entrusted with new of comparison for the eGovernment department’s national tasks supported by fixed-term financing. newest official services. Bold leaps are required when The discussion of the digital future has brought envisioning the future. us closer to each other and provided the motivation Wishing you all a creative cooperative period, to follow through with even the knottier problems. I thank all our partners, workmates, and sponsors. In recent years, Finland has been able to invest in the digitisation of the national heritage, and this Kai Ekholm, Director

3 Key projects and development

A national service infrastructure is being developed for the National Digital Library and National Metadata Repository. The Comellus and Fragmenta Membranea projects exemplify the development of digital materials supply.

he purpose of the National Fragmenta Membranea Digital Library (NDL) is to ensure The National Library’s collection of parchment the high-quality management, fragments, or medieval manuscripts, in actuality unrestricted service accessibility, covers all that remains from the earliest stages of and reliable long-term preservation our country’s literary culture. The parchments are ofT electronic materials for culture and science. In the unique materials that lead historians to the birth of project, archives, libraries and museums join forces literary culture in Finland. to file the materials of our national cultural heritage In 2009, the National Library, together with into digital formats and make them accessible to all. a research team led by Docent Tuomas Heikkilä, Competitive bidding for the National Digital launched a project whose objective was to put this Library’s customer interface took place in 2009–2010. valuable material comprehensively within the reach The intent of the project was to generate a single of researchers and other interested parties over the common customer interface for the use of libraries, Internet. To date, slightly less than 10,000 parchment archives, and museums that would enable the public fragments have been conserved, described, and and other users to access the materials. The soft- digitised. These can be studied in the Fragmenta ware’s properties and applicability were tested in Membranea collection at: http://fragmenta. a 6-month pilot project whose eight organisational participants represented archives, libraries, and A decision was also made to disseminate the museums. During the pilot project period, it became materials and emerging research data to a wider apparent that the software did not include all the public in a more popular form. With funding from offered and mandatory properties. Consequently, the the Kone Foundation, an online presentation Kirjava decision was made at the end of the year to terminate keskiaika (“The Literary Middle Ages”), focusing on the procurement agreement. Although the testing of the parchments and the Middle Ages in general, was the selected software ended with the cancellation of implemented and can be viewed at http://keskiaika. the agreement, much of the work carried out during the year can be utilised in the future. An exhibition displaying the Library’s parchment Guidelines for the control of the National Digital fragments was opened in June 2012 in the library’s Library at the ministerial level have been specified, Cupola Hall. and the customer interface consortium’s operational principles have been formulated based on those The cultural heritage online policies. The consortium group has been assembled During 2011, stimulus funding enabled the National and its activities are underway. Through the group, Library’s Centre for Preservation and Digitisation customers can influence the development of services. located in Mikkeli to convert materials into digital

4 5 quantity of published digitised materials 31 december 2011 (million pages) the three-year Comellus project to develop a materials will be described only once in Finland, production process and operations model for the specifically for the Metadata Repository. The meta- 5,9 electronic deposit and archiving of newspapers. data contained in the repository can be presented 3,9 Newspapers 2,8 “Digital printing plates”, or PDF files, deposited by to customers locally through different customer Magazines the newspapers participating in the pilot project interfaces. By the time the project is concluded, Ephemera will be converted to highly durable microfilms. the metadata repository’s production platform 2009 2010 2011 Another aim will be to ensure that the material later and content will have expanded significantly. The posted online will be as easy to use as possible. project is primarily related to the expansion of The project is funded by the European Social the functionality and scope of LINDA, the Union digitised materials: production, use and funding Fund (ESF/”Leverage from the EU”), the South Catalogue of Finnish University Libraries. Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport In 2011 the Tampere City Library and Kokkola 7 605 671 Page views and the Environment, the City of Mikkeli, and the City Library initialised a pilot project that will 6 500 000 National Library. The National Library’s partners create new working processes and test the inter- 5 852 175 Online and legal in the project include Etelä-Savon Viestintä Oy, faces between the systems used by the metadata deposit library use publisher of the newspaper Länsi-Savo, and Esan repository and local libraries’ databases. During 2011 the use of digitised 2 415 671 Kirjapaino Oy, publisher of the newspaper Etelä- Negotiations regarding the linkage of poly- materials grew by 1.1 million. Suomen Sanomat. technics with the metadata repository as infor- Most of the materials used 1 558 403 Funding During the year under review, the project’s mation producers continued with the Ministry of during the year can only be 1 610 000 accessed in legal deposit planning tasks involved the operations models Education and Culture. A long-awaited funding libraries. 2009 2010 2011 required for electronic deposit and receipt, as well decision, a prerequisite for the acquisition of a as operational processes related to the treatment of license, was made in late 2011 and a license was the deposited materials. Models for modes of opera- obtained. Funding for work expenses has not yet tions have been sought from organisations such been granted, but negotiations continued into early stimulus project in a nutshell formats. Of the EUR 2.23 million stimulus funding as the national libraries of Estonia and Norway. 2012. granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture Budget Besides the planning work, construction began on The National Metadata Repository also to the National Library, EUR 1.4 million was The National Library of Finland: EUR 2,233,000 software development and the operational environ- contains the FENNICA National Bibliography, used to digitise the library’s collections, and Centre for Preservation and Digitisation’ share: EUR 1,433,000 ment that will support the new processes. The first whose production has been transferred to EUR 0.8 million was used for the collections’ cata- Research Library’s share: EUR 800,000 experimental electronic deposits of newspapers the metadata repository with respect to the loguing to enhance their availability. Digitisation + 20% self-financing were carried out in late 2011. National Library’s own preliminary information. volumes exceeded their stated targets; all in all Total EUR 2,679,000 Additionally, processes for the transfer of the entire more than 2.8 million pages and 3,700 recordings Duration Libraries’ National Metadata Repository production have been formulated. The testing were digitised. Slightly less than 10,000 mono- 16 June 2010–30 June 2011 The National Metadata Repository, a concentrated phase of the authority database continues. graphs and a similar quantity of magazines, as databank forming the core of the overall library Personnel well as approximately 13,000 recordings, were system entity, provides a new working and opera- RDA (Resource Description Access) Technical infrastructure: 4 persons catalogued. Significant progress was also made in tional environment for the production of libraries’ The National Library established a project aimed Digitisers, magazines: 34 persons the cataloguing of special collections. metadata that will substantially enhance the at the adoption of RDA as a national description Digitisers, recordings: 3 persons Access to digitised materials was also improved efficiency of descriptive processes. The Metadata standard. RDA will be used in libraries as a national with, for example, a user interface, for whose Other tasks: 3 persons Repository’s control system is being developed as description standard in 2014. The implementation maintenance and development the Centre for Target a part of the control system for the library system’s of this target will be facilitated by cooperating Preservation and Digitisation is responsible, built 2,000,000 pages joint services. The project includes the creation internationally and drawing on the experiences to connect the Finnish Historical Newspaper 2,000–4,000 audio cassettes of an organisational mechanism that will provide of other national libraries. The EURIG European Library. Although a portion of the materials can Implemented customers with opportunities to influence the RDA Interest Group will become the closest inter- only be accessed in legal deposit libraries, their Scanned: 2,828,000 pages project’s planning and implementation. The project national cooperative partner. During the project availability to researchers supports the needs of the Post processing: 2,686,000 pages is broad in scope and its significance will become period, the future information systems’ suitability information society. Audio cassettes: over 3,700 cassettes increasingly apparent in all library sectors. to RDA descriptions will be evaluated and tested. The Metadata Repository’s common use will The project group is also participating in the speci- Comellus project To date, the National Library has digitised a total of facilitate the utilisation of work carried out by fication of requirements for the new library system. In early 2011, the National Library’s Mikkeli-based six million pages of magazines and literature from other libraries, and separate descriptive needs will Centre for Preservation and Digitisation launched the 1700s–1900s. decrease. The intent is that in the future, library

6 7 Partners and community relations

The National Library has a wide-ranging national and international cooperative network whose active operation is essential for the attainment of its objectives. The National Library’s fundraising and friendship activities support its cultural tradition-related conservation and digitisation work, supplementary acquisitions, as well as research and publishing activities.

nternational cooperation The management and implementation of the is a pervasive factor affecting every level libraries’ common services requires a considerable of the National Library’s operations and amount of strategic and practical cooperation. a prerequisite for the attainment of its The main cooperative forum for the acquisition strategic goals. International cooperation of online materials is the ICOLC (International formsI the basis for the development of national Coalition of Library Consortia). There are several services and the realisation of the National Library’s forums involved with the development of informa- tasks in general. The Library’s management sits tion systems; these include ELAG (European Library on the boards of many international organisations, Automation Group), the DSpace-Fedore User group, and its experts participate in a wide range of groups and IGeLU (Ex Libris User Group). and organisations. The library also participates in international projects aimed at the development of Fundraising library services. The Finnish model for constructing The operations of the National Library’s Cultural a common service infrastructure jointly with Heritage Fund, fundraising, and friendship activi- the library network, archives, and museums has ties are the library’s areas of community respon- attracted attention in several countries. sibility. The Fund supports the conservation and The library is represented in the Europeana publicising of the National Library’s collections, Foundation’s governing bodies and participates in and the administrative committee manages the the activities of the Stichting LIBER Foundation, the library’s fundraising and decides on the alloca- principal association of the major research libraries tion of the fund’s assets. Assets received from the of Europe, as a deputy chairman on the board. Save the Book campaign’s donations targeted at The primary objective is to influenceEU decision- the support of specific titles continued to be used making with respect to, for example, long-term without deductions for preservation work without preservation area, digitisation, copyright-related separate decision, as is the case with donations of issues, as well as preparedness for EU projects, less than EUR 10,000 intended for the support of the particularly in the long-term preservation area. The programme’s general objectives. The use of unal- Board of the International Federation of Library located donations exceeding EUR 10,000 is decided Associations (IFLA) re-elected Director Kai Ekholm by the administrative committee separately. The as the Chairman of FAIFE (Committee on Free balance of the Cultural Heritage Fund at the end of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression). 2011 was approximately EUR 300,000.

8 9 visibility of the national library in the mass media 2011

No. of mentions %-share Recording and preservation services 71 37 % Kari Timonen/National Library Cultural activities 55 28 %

Veikko Somerpuro © National Library Researcher services 27 14 % Other themes 29 15 % Libraries’ services 11 6 % Publication sector services 1 1 % Total 194 100 %

Exploration at the National Library. Customer of the year 2011: author Sirpa Kähkönen.

The Cultural Heritage Fund’s administrative ment into modern Latin letters for all to read. More the humanities, an Oriental studies presentation, Communications committee was renewed. Thomas Wilhelmsson, than 70 manuscript versions of Theorica Pantegni and cultural performances. The cooperating part- The National Library granted its firstKiitos the Rector of the University of Helsinki, appointed exist in various parts of Europe, but none of them ners were the University of Helsinki’s Helsinki asiakkaalle (“Thanks to the Customer”) award to the Professor Markku Löytönen and Project Manager have ever been transcribed. The main sponsors of Collegium for Advanced Studies and Department author Sirpa Kähkönen, who makes considerable use Kristiina Hildén as new members of the fund’s the publication project are the Gyllenberg Founda- of World Cultures, the Society of Swedish Literature of the library’s resources in her own literary output. administrative committee for the period 2011–2012, tion, the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, and in Finland, the Aalto University’s Crucible Studio, A Finnish-language print version of the National and Communications Director Anu Karessuo, Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe). and the National Audiovisual Archive. The library’s Library of Finland’s Annual Report was published. Professor Jyrki Nummi, and Liaison Manager Pia friends and donors were also invited to an evening Annual reports in Finnish, Swedish, and English Dolivo as new or re-elected members for the period Private Equity Funds event. The invitation to the event stressed the were also published online. 2011–2014. Continuing from the previous term 2009– Anu Karessuo Fund. The manuscript for Sibelius’s importance of voluntary contributions, and several The Finnish-language Kansalliskirjasto 2012 were Professor Emerita Aili Nenola (Chair), Rondino was purchased in the USA and delivered to participants responded with small donations. (National Library) magazine appeared in four Professor Laura Kolbe, Bursar Ilkka Hyvärinen, and Finland with the fund’s assistance. Between October Friends and donors were invited to the library’s quarterly issues of approximately 2,000 copies. The Director Kai Ekholm. 2010 and late January 2011, the fund’s assets were comics exhibition, as well as the opening of the magazine also continued to be published online. On 7 April 2011, the Cultural Heritage Fund also used to implement a development report for the exhibition celebrating the life’s work of G. A. Wallin. The English-language National Library of Finland received the second largest donation in its history, National Library’s music archives. Potential donation targets related to the cultural Bulletin, printed annually for the Library’s interna- a bequest valued at nearly EUR 200,000 from the Eero Niinikoski Fund. The fund financed the tradition were presented to donors and smaller tional partners, was published online in August 2011. estate of MA Liisa Santala, who passed away at the digitisation of the seven different versions of the groups. The University’s Rector thanked donors The library’s virtual tour, facilitating the online age of 90. Missale Aboense, the missal, in the library. contributing EUR 1,000 or over, and invited them to study of the National Library’s interior facilities, was By the end of 2011, the Save a Book campaign’s The missals were published in the DORIA database the University’s Kirahviklub (“Giraffe Club”) as well launched during the autumn. Aarteet (“Treasures”) library, published in the DORIA in 2011. as a celebration for the private equity funds. The home page of the National Library’s website database, contained 566 titles. The Aarteet library Ilkka and Ulla Paatero Fund. At the end of the Professor Emeritus Matti Klinge, Former was renewed, and the library’s own Facebook page will also remain online after the campaign, but the year, the fund’s administrative committee actuated Speaker of the Parliament Riitta Uosukainen, and marked its first anniversary in November 2011. materials will also become integrated as a part of the second stage of its educational history research the well-known bibliophile Ilkka Paatero continued During the year the library’s website registered a the National Library’s other digital libraries. and preservation project related to the Turku their activities as the National Library’s “Ambassa- total of 1,637,088 page views, 1,087,001 of which were The Save a Book campaign’s largest single dona- Academy’s doctoral dissertations. The project will dors” in various tasks and roles. In December 2011, made on service channels. tion, EUR 12,000, was obtained from the Finnish post the 60% of the Academy’s dissertations online. Dr.Pol.Sc. Sinikka Salo and the publisher Kai Linnilä The National Library’s visibility in the mass Club in Helsinki for the rescue of Finland’s general agreed to act as the Library’s Ambassadors during media was evaluated with media tracking produced maps. The digitisation of the Suomen karttakuva Friendship activities the period 2012–2014. by an outsourced service. In 2011, the tracking materials began with the Finnish Club in Helsinki’s In November, Exploration at the National Library, produced a total of 194 media hits, compared to 223 donation. an all-day stakeholder group event, was organized Decorations in 2010. As in the previous year, a total of 15 notices The medieval Latin-language medical textbook for the library’s customers, friends, and other Director Kai Ekholm was awarded the Order of the were issued. and manual Theorica Pantegni was digitised online. important stakeholder groups. The programme White Rose of Finland – Knight 1st Class. Special Outi Kaltio, MA, a scholar of Latin, transcribed the included presentations of electronic materials, a Librarian Sirkka Havu received the Knight of the 420-page manuscript in pre-Gothic script on parch- panel of researchers who discussed e-research in Order of the Lion of Finland.

10 11 Core duties

The National Library’s FinELib service negotiated the acquisition of electronic materials worth EUR 19 million for the country’s libraries. The library also used EUR 770,000 to locally purchase 9,500 volumes of scientific materials. A campaign publicised the deposit obligations of domestic materials manufactured in foreign countries. Slightly more legal deposit copies were received compared to the previous year, and the Finnish Web Archive harvested approximately 225 million files.

egal deposit activities The National Library accumulates domestic printed and electronic publications, as well as audio record- ings, as comprehensively as possible Land describes them in the National Bibliography. The accrued materials are organised into collections Kari Timonen/National Library for customer use. No clear change trends were discernible in the receipt of legal deposit copies; only the quantity of publications varies annually. With increasing frequency, domestic materials falling within the scope of Finland’s Legal Deposit Act are being manufactured outside Finland’s borders, thereby possibly avoiding the National Library’s legal deposit procedures. For this reason the National Library implemented an information campaign, targeted at the printers and publishers of Finnish materials printed abroad, regarding their legal deposit obligations. A total of 1,550 notices were sent. Agreements were concluded with three importers regarding compliance with legal deposit obligations and the furnishing of legal deposit copies to the National Library. These agreements Irja Rautiainen filing ephemera. cover most of the printed Finnish-language publica- tions imported to Finland. In 2011, a total of approximately 225 million organisations performing their own archiving of files (21 terabytes) were harvested for the Finnish online materials. The interest is gratifying, and Web Archive. Compared to previous years, more the efficiency of communications promoting this advice was sought from the National Library from service will be improved in the National Library.

12 13 accrual of legal deposit copies 2011 (%) acquisition of materials by publication type (%)

Catalogued 40 % Monographs 57 % Periodicals 31 % Periodicals 24 % Music recordings 7 % Electronic 8 % Speech recordings 2 % Microfilms 6 % Other AV materials 0 % FinELib material 5 % Uncatalogued materials 20 %

acquisition of monographs by scientific discipline (%)

History 28 % Linguistics and literature 15 % accrual of legal deposit copies General acquisitions 15 % Titles 2009 2010 2011 Materials acquisitions Ancient studies 12 % Books 13 851 13 456 12 738 In 2011, the National Library acquired approxi- Russian and East European studies 10 % Maps 580 1 125 795 mately 9,500 volumes valued at EUR 770,000 for its Philosophy 7 % Sheet music 285 229 243 scientific and National collections. Musicology 4 % Over half of the scientific materials obtained Art history 4 % Ephemera 58 233 50 248 60 703 were printed monographs. The percentage of Asian and African studies 3 % Annual reports 1 768 1 690 1 750 periodicals, electronic and printed acquisitions Other 2 % Municipal administration 1 305 1 192 1 252 increased slightly, while the share of microform Posters 2 182 2 660 4 107 materials decreased compared to the previous year. Music recordings 2 838 2 893 2 461 When comparing book acquisitions by scientific Speech recordings 567 916 646 discipline, the share of books dealing with the (LeXma). A new acquisition for philological Library visitors Other AV materials 63 32 45 science of history grew compared to the previous research materials was Kritische Lexikon zur fremd- During 2011, 166,312 customers visited the National Magazines 5 382 4 945 4 867 year, as did general procurements. The relative sprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (KLfG). Library’s Unioninkatu facilities. There were 497,881 Newspapers 353 353 344 share of materials acquired for Russian and East loans and approximately 1,500 information service Other series and magazines 4 520 4 972 4 849 European studies decreased. The growth in the Interaction with the scientific community tasks. Total 92 146 85 023 95 015 shares of books dealing with the history of science, The National Library invited researchers from the Loan activities for scientific and research as well as general procurements, is explained by various faculties of the University of Helsinki’s materials increased slightly (2%) in the National Shelf metres 424 421 384 an extensive renewal of dictionaries as well as the central campus to discuss the development of the Library compared to the previous year. First loans acquisition of printed manuscript catalogues for library’s services. The discussions focused mainly for the most part matched the level of the previous E-recordings 219 312 215 medieval research. on the acquisition of scientific literature and the year, although the quantity of local customers Harvesting, files 150 000 000 198 000 000 224 000 000 New electronic materials acquired for Russian digital library’s services. Customer events were decreased slightly (4%) and was now 166,000. Deposited files 420 379 2 177 and East European studies included the Muslims conducted with the Department of World Cultures, University libraries’ home and reading room in Russia database and the Russian e-magazine Department of Modern Languages, the Helsinki loans have decreased steadily since 2003, and the portal ElibraryRu (volumes 2011–2012). Late in the Collegium for Advanced Studies, Faculty of drop has been substantial (over a million loans). year, the National Library also acquired the Izvestia Theology, and the Slavonic Library Advisory Board. One of the reasons behind this trend is the growing newspaper’s digital archive Izvestia Digital Archive. In cooperation with Niin & näin magazine, use of online materials. With increasing frequency, The SVAR – Svensk arkivinformation service the National Library organised an open seminar library customers are finding the information that provides access to digital documents, registers, Tieteellis-filosofinen elämä 1600–1800-luvuilla – they need online, with less reliance on searches and databases in Sweden’s archives, was acquired Turun Akatemian väitösten toisesta tulemisesta conducted through library databases, and less for the history and philology research sectors. (“Scientific-Philosophical Life in the 1600s-1800s dependency on libraries’ local collections. Digizeitschriften, an electronic service that includes – the Second Coming of the Turku Academy’s German scientific journals, was also acquired. Doctorates”) on 3 February 2011. At the end of the year, new materials for medieval research were acquired: the reference works International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages-Online (IEMA) and Lexikon des Mittelalters

14 15 national databases (million of entries)

9,2 8,9

8,2 size of national databases (million of entries) downloads of DSpace materials

Theseus 71% Linda 5,9 Doria 29% 2009 2010 2011 Arto 1,5 Viola 1 Fennica 0,9

linda = Union Catalogue of Finnish University Libraries During the current period, theseus accounted for arto = Reference Database of Finnish Articles 71% of DSpace materials downloads, compared to viola = National Discography of Finland 39% for the previous period. The doria database fennica = National Bibliography of Finland contains universities’ digitised collections.

National databases FinELib acquisition services for libraries Publication archive services New library system By late September there were a total of 9.2 million The Finnish National Electronic Library acquired During 2011, a total of 33 customer organisations The National Library participated in the estab- data records (2010: 8.9 million data records) in the electronic materials worth EUR 19 million for (25 polytechnics, 5 universities, 2 government lishment of an intra-sector joint committee (UKJ) library’s national databases. A total of 6.2 million libraries. FinELib acquisitions accounted for 73% agencies, and one association) accessed the charged with formulating a new library system. searches were conducted. The increase compared of universities’ and 57% of polytechnics’ online publication archive services provided by the The joint committee’s steering group consists to the previous equivalent 12-month period was acquisitions respectively. National Library. Negotiations were also conducted of the Linnea2 Consortium’s steering group, the approximately 615,000 searches. To better serve the Finnish library sector, the with seven organisations; publication archives for AMKIT Consortium’s board, Working Committee of During the time series monitoring period FinELib consortium’s strategy for the period two of these were built in early 2012. the Council for Public Libraries, and the Working that began in 2007, the database registering 2007–2015 was updated to respond to changing During the present statistical period, extremely Committee of the Council for Special Libraries. the strongest growth has been the National needs. In the autumn of 2011, a user survey aimed strong growth continued to be registered in the The joint committee established several working Discography of Finland VIOLA, whose quantity of at researchers was conducted; 80% of the over 3,800 polytechnics’ THESEUS online library with respect groups that will generate a final project plan. Six data records during the monitoring period grew researchers who responded obtain most of the to the materials’ feeding and usage. THESEUS has of these groups are using enterprise architecture by 28%. The growth of the database resulted from scientific publications they require electronically. already surpassed the 30,000 data record mark, as a method describing the functionalities of the the cataloguing of missing music materials in The results of the user survey also support and this growth, also reflected in user volumes, is new library system. The work has started well and connection with the Library’s Stimulus Project the use statistics of e-materials licensed through expected to continue at the present rate. all library sectors are participating actively in the By the end of September 2011, the size of FinELib. Article orders for licensed materials joint committee’s activities. The National Library FENNICA, the National Bibliography of Finland, have grown steadily over the past ten years in the has participated in the joint committee as well as approached 0.9 million data records, representing Finnish library sector. Last year, articles were down- the activities of all the committee’s working groups. a 1.9% increase from the previous year. The growth loaded almost 23 million times. The 14% growth The working groups’ output will be integrated to has been steady during the monitoring period that compared to the previous year appears to represent form a project plan whose target publication date is began in 2007. The increase in the other national a levelling off compared to the strong growth of 31 August 2012. databases has also been steady. previous years.

16 17 Responsibility for the cultural heritage

In December, Myyräpeli (“Mole Game”) received the Digital Heritage Award in Rotterdam. Kangastus (“Mirage”), an exhibition devoted to the scientific explorer G. A. Wallin, was mounted in the Cupola Hall.

n February 2011, the National Library and Microtask jointly launched the Digitalkoot project aimed at improving the quality of the National Library’s historical newspaper materials converted to digital formats. In the IDigitalkoot project, anyone can participate in the proofreading of the materials by playing the Mole

Game, which received the Digital Heritage Award Veikko Somerpuro © National Library in a prize voting event arranged in connection with the DISH 2011 conference held in Holland last December. The National Library intensified its cooperation with the National Archives Service of Finland by establishing a joint working group for protecting the collections of both organisations. Underlying the cooperation has been the desire to improve the preservation of the irreplaceably valuable materials and objects of the nation’s cultural heritage possessed by Finland’s National Library and the National Archives Service. The practical purpose of the teamwork will be to design the collections’ long-term preservation facilities, assess the mass neutralization method, check disaster preparedness, reduce risks, and facilitate more efficient conserva- tion and digitising processes. It is expected that the preservation-related teamwork will continue Katri “Rani Surya” Prusila performing the dance to intensify to the benefit of all parties concerned. Hulmahtava huntu at the Explore the National The cooperation between the National Library and Library of Finland day. National Archives Service of Finland will continue to serve their collections’ preservation, digitisation,

18 19 Kari Timonen/National Library Kari Timonen/National Library

Esko Kallio leads the Hämäläis-Osakunnan Laulajat, the HOL Choir, at the Night of the Sciences 13 January 2011.

and the electronic distribution of documents in When completed, the publication series will contain Mikkeli. over 50 volumes.

Research cooperation Exhibitions For several years, the National Library has partici- Ten exhibitions were mounted at the library in 2011. pated in Memornet – The Finnish Research Educa- Additionally, the Suomea rajan takana (“Finnish tion Network on the Society’s Memory Functions. beyond the border 1918–1944”) travelling exhibition The network’s goal is to enhance research educa- for Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg, Russia, organ- tion in the field of society’s memory functions ised in cooperation with the Consulate General and memory organizations. Participating in the of Finland in St. Petersburg, attracted widespread network are members of memory organisations attention. and university faculties. The Memornet network Thirteen events planned for the general public came closer to attaining its goals when the national included four lectures, three concerts, three poetry Memornet Doctoral Program received funding from matinees, short story readings, and events timed to the Academy of Finland for the years 2012–2015, coincide with the Night of the Sciences, Night of the after which the University of Tampere coordinated Arts, and Kangastus (“Mirage”) exhibition.

the program’s practical arrangements. Director The 100th anniversary of Finnish comics was Kari Timonen/National Library Kari Timonen/National Library Kai Ekholm represents the National Library in the celebrated with the exhibition Revelry, Rambunc- Doctoral Program’s steering group. tiousness & Rough Stuff arranged in cooperation with The Collected Works of Jean Sibelius (JSW) the Finnish Comics Society, Finnish Comics Profes- project produced a critical edition of two versions sionals, and Finnish Comics Information Center. of the orchestral work Cassazione Op. 6, as well as The exhibition was highly popular with comics the third volume of piano works, the 18th publica- professionals, hobbyists, and the general public. tion in the series. The assembled works are being Exhibitions with three scholarly associations published in cooperation with the National Library, were organised. During the spring, the exhibition the Sibelius Society of Finland, and the publishing Musiikkitiede Suomessa (“Musicology in Finland”), house Breitkopf & Härtel based in Wiesbaden, arranged in cooperation with the University of Germany. Launched in 1996, the project is publish- Helsinki’s musicology faculty, celebrated the Finn- ing Sibelius’s oeuvre in its entirety, including early ish Musicological Society’s 100th anniversary. In the The exhibition Revelry, Rambunctiousness & Rough versions based on a thorough study of all known autumn, the exhibition panels were displayed at the Stuff displayed the classics of Finnish comics. sources, musical texts, and critical commentary. University of Jyväskylä.

20 21 Kari Timonen/National Library Kari Timonen/National Library

In November, the exhibition Kangastus (“Mirage”), marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of research explorer Georg August Wallin, opened in the Cupola Hall.

The exhibition Kangastus (“Mirage”) marking collections were loaned out for exhibitions arranged the 200th anniversary of Georg August Wallin’s at other cultural institutions. Among the items birth was organised in cooperation with the Univer- displayed at the Ateneum Art Museum’s Painavat sity of Helsinki’s Department of World Cultures, kivet – 200 vuotta litografian menestystarinaa Finnish Egyptological Society, the Finnish Oriental (“Heavy Stones – Lithography’s 200-year Success Society, the Finnish Society for the History of Story”) exhibition were Finnish teaching tablets Science and Learning, and the Society of Swedish and bookplates from the Henkilö- and sukuvaakunat Literature in Finland. Suomessa (“Personal and Family Coats of Arms The exhibition Tugan tel- The Literature of in Finland”) exhibition mounted by the National Finland’s Tartars, was associated with a doctoral Archives Service of Finland. dissertation nearing completion and an anthology published by the Finnish Oriental Society. Donations to the National Library Multiculturalism was also the theme of the The poet Pertti Nieminen donated an approximately exhibition Lentävä matto. Kulttuurien kohtaamisia 450-volume collection of Chinese-language books suomalaisessa lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuudessa that contains, among other genres, poetry, prose, (“The Flying Carpet. Cultural Interaction in Finnish history, and the classics of philosophy. Children’s and Youth Literature”) organised in coop- The violinist Attila Kubinyi donated an original eration with the Finnish Union of Authors Writing letter written by Jean Sibelius, dated May 1956, for Children, Youngsters and Young Adults. An concerning a concert performance. exhibition marking Juhani Aho’s 150th anniversary, The Niilo Eetu Lampinen Foundation donated Ensipainoksia ja lastujen kuvituksia (“First Printings its book collection of 34 domestic works to supple- and Short Story Illustrations”), was organised ment the National Collection and the Heikki A. jointly with WSOY. Reenpää Collection. The year’s major exhibition-related award The Theological Institute of Finland donated events were the Puupäähattu (“Peter Woodhead”) the work Biblia sacra utriusque Testamenti, / Prize in cooperation with Finnish Comics Society, juxta veterem translationem, qua hucusque Latina as well as The Most Beautiful Finnish and Estonian utitur Ecclesia, ex antiquissimis ac recentioribus Books 2011 prizes in cooperation with the Finnish exemplaribus diligentissime collatis. Nürnberg, Book Art Committee and the National Library of Petreius, 1529. Estonia. Oy Giant Horse AB donated the annual volume Besides the National Library’s own exhibition of Gutenberg magazine for 1894. activities, materials from the National Library’s The poet Pertti Nieminen donated a substantial collection of Chinese-language books to the National Library.

22 23 Resources and finance

Particular attention was paid to workplace wellbeing at the National Library. The themes of the Näin me toimimme (“How We Operate”) lecture series were the development of interpersonal skills at the workplace, the management of workloads and recovery, as well as the art of living amidst change.

uman resources At the end of the year the National The development of workplace wellbeing Library had 230 permanent and continued with the Näin me toimimme (“How We 56 fixed-term employees. The total Operate”) lecture series oriented to the entire staff. H number of person-years was 285, The lectures provided multifaceted information of which fixed-term staff accounted for 25%. The concerning timely themes such as the development number of fixed-term employees was somewhat of interpersonal skills at the workplace, the higher than in 2010 and markedly higher than in the management of workloads and recovery, as well as previous years. As was the case during the previous the art of living amidst change. year, the increase resulted from the so-called As in previous years, the staff’s refreshment Stimulus Project for the National Digital Library and wellbeing were promoted by supporting the that was launched in the early summer of 2010 and University’s season tickets for fitness training, as concluded in June 2011. A total of 67 additional well as by organising at-work exercise sessions. At employees were hired for this project with funding the Mikkeli unit, indoor swimming pool and fitness from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Tasks gym tickets were distributed, as well as direct related to the digitising of materials were managed support in the form of series tickets to local sports with 18.6 person-years; the cataloguing of existing centres. materials required 9.7 person-years, and develop- ment tasks related to long-term conservation and the general catalogue required 1.7 person-years.

24 25 Financial review

staff by performance area 31 december 2011 permanent positions person-years Permanent Fixed-term Total

Research Library 106 99 22 121 Centre for Preservation and Digitisation 45 39 30 69 Library Network Services 55 48 13 61 Administration and Development 31 26 8 34 Total 237 212 73* 285 * Stimulus Project accounts for 30 person-years

unding The funding of the National Library ble). The Ministry of Education and Culture funded educational structure of staff consists of core funding, supple- both projects. The general funding granted for the mentary funding, and income from library sector’s services totalled EUR 0.9 million Lower secondary education 13 % business activities. Core funding is (EUR 0.8 million in 2010). Supplementary funding Upper secondary education 46 % F specifically intended for the management of the also includes the resources, whose amount in 2011 Lowest level of higher education 6 % National Library’s statutory and national tasks, as was EUR 1.0 million (EUR 0.7 million in 2010), gener- First-cycle higher education 12 % well as for the services required by science and ated by the National Library’s Cultural Heritage Second-cycle higher education 20 % research. In 2011 its amount was EUR 22.2 million Fund and private equity funds. Doctoral education 2 % (EUR 21.7 million in 2010). Of the core funding, The National Library’s income from business Other or unknown 1 % EUR 14.8 million (EUR 14.3 million in 2010) was activities in 2011 totalled EUR 0.9 million granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture, (EUR 0.8 million in 2010). Business income accrued and EUR 5.2 million, approximately matching from, for example, the Finnish National Defence the figure of the previous year, was granted by College’s digitisation projects, the library system’s Skills development the University of Helsinki. To this was added an and public archives’ service agreements, as well as The skills of the staff were mainly developed The expertise of outside experts was also adjusted compensation for value added tax of payments for conservation, microfilming, reproduc- through training organised by the University utilised extensively. Basic coaching in project EUR 0.5 million (EUR 0.6 million in 2010). The core tion, and distance loans. Special libraries partially of Helsinki and the National Library itself. The working processes was acquired in November from funding also included a surplus of EUR 1.9 million, pay for the National Library’s sector services skills development programme during the period Projekti-Instituutti Oy. Sixteen employees from all transferred from previous years and included in the according to its pricing for business activities. The 2010–2015 will continue to concentrate on informa- performance areas were selected for the two-day annual balance sheet. surplus from business activities in 2011 was approx- tion systems and as well as skills related to quality training session. Previously, project managers and Supplementary funding consists of general imately EUR 54,000 (EUR 0.2 million in 2010). of service, financial management, project manage- other experts working in projects have been trained funding granted the Ministry of Education and ment, and communications. On average, 2.8 days in the library. Communications Forums held in Culture for the library sector’s services, as well Expenditure were spent in training for each person-year. June and December dealt with social media and as funding granted for various projects that the The National Library’s largest expenditure item Training based on the Library’s own intellectual participatory internal communications. The project National Library has sought from sources such as is personnel costs. In 2011, they were larger than capital – lectures by experts, information events, launched last year that enables employees to gain a the European Social Fund, foundations, and the usual – 52% of total costs – owing to the Stimulus and short-term work rotations – promoted general familiarity with others’ job tasks continued during Ministry of Education and Culture. In 2011, the Project. The ratio of wages to core funding costs is professional expertise. The training provided by the spring. The library’s supervisors participated in National Library had the use of EUR 5.7 million 47%. The National Library has, particularly for its the Library’s in-house experts focused particularly management and development discussion training (EUR 6.4 million in 2010) of supplementary funding. collections, the use of facilities whose total floor on standardisation and descriptions. provided by the University of Helsinki. Addition- The larger-scale projects included the development area is 26,500 m2; their leasing costs accounted ally, a meeting of the supervisor network organised of the National Digital Library’s customer interface for 20% of total expenses. Licenses from electronic in September focused on workshop management (EUR 1.4 million available in 2011), as well as the materials accounted for 13% of total expenses, skills. so-called Stimulus Project (EUR 1.3 million availa- acquisitions of library materials for 3%.

26 27 National Library of Finland: Organisation and Directors funding of the national library 2011 2010 EUR EUR ministry of education and culture university of helsinki 31.12.2011

Total basic resources 22 194 375 21 656 073 Core funding 19 071 112 18 891 562 board Supplementary funding and projects 538 072 VAT compensation1 584 680 638 004 Director Operational funding, transferred from previous year2 1 938 699 2 033 964 Kai Ekholm Other operating income 61 812 92 543 Income from business activities 902 371 771 934 Administration and Development External funding 5 745 356 6 364 044 total resources 28 842 102 28 792 050 Dorrit Gustafsson, Director 1 Expenditures for the year 2010 were treated with a gross value method; expenses were entered with VAT. Expenditures containing VAT expenses were compensated. In 2011 additional compensation was obtained for VAT expenses based on the previous year’s actual costs. 2 Surplus/deficit is entered in the balance sheet. Centre for Preservation Research Library Library Network Services and Digitisation expenditure of the national library 2011 2010 Liisa Savolainen Majlis Bremer-Laamanen Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen EUR EUR Function Director Function Director Function Director Total core funding expenditure 19 519 773 20 266 821 Personnel 9 188 474 9 316 576 Library collections 678 780 778 160 Licenses for electronic materials 3 190 348 3 063 334 Premises 4 773 384 4 683 935 The Board of the National Library of Finland 1 August 2010 – 31 March 2014 Other expenses 1 688 787 1 432 564 VAT expenses 0 991 594 chair Dean, Professor Hannu Niemi, University of Helsinki Total business activities expenditure 848 180 612 826 Personnel 557 320 453 505 members Other expenses 290 860 145 050 Mirja Iivonen, Chief Librarian, University of Tampere Library (until 28 February 2011) VAT expenses 0 14 271 Päivi Kytömäki, Chief Librarian, University of Oulu Library (from 1 March 2011) Total supplementary funding expenditure 4 346 239 3 936 331 Sakari Laiho, Director, Finnish Book Publishers Association Personnel 3 177 846 2 203 751 Sinikka Luokkanen, Information Service Manager, HAMK University of Applied Sciences Other expenses 1 168 393 1 594 637 Ere Maijala, IT Research Analyst, representative of the staff of the National Library of Finland Anna Mauranen, Dean, Professor, University of Helsinki VAT expenses 0 137 943 Eero Puolanne, Professor, University of Helsinki total expenditure 24 714 193 24 815 977 Silja Rekomaa, Chief Librarian, Training Institute of Prison and Probation Services further information: The National Library’s facility expenses total 4 913 139 4 791 495 Joona Salminen, Bachelor of Theology, representative of the University of Helsinki Student Union Sinikka Salo, Doctor of Social Sciences Markku Suvanen, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Education and Culture Mikko Vainio, Deputy Library Director, Helsinki City Library, Central Library for Public Libraries Mikko Viitasalo, Professor

Kai Ekohlm, Director of the National Library of Finland, acted as the presenting official of the Board, Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, Director of Library Network Services, as an expert and Dorrit Gustafsson, Director of Administration and Development, as secretary.

28 29 Steering group of the National Library of Finland • South Savo Centre for Economic Development, • Miktech Oy International interaction and cooperation 2011 Transport and the Environment • Museo 2015 project chair organisations and bodies • Etelä-Savon Viestintä Oy • Juvenalia Music Institute Kai Ekholm, Director • FinELib steering group and consortium • Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired • Alto Editorial Board, metadata development team • svenska biblioteksföreningen • Ministry of Education and Culture, qualifications • Bibliotheca Baltica, cooperation body for libraries in members (Finland’s Swedish Library Association) committee for the information and library services the Baltic Sea region Majlis Bremer-Laamanen, Function Director • FinnOA group sector • Breitkopf & Härtel, Wiesbaden, Germany Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, Function Director • FinnOnto project (Ontologies of the Finnish • Ministry of Education and Culture • CCPA, The Council for Aggregators and Content Liisa Savolainen, Function Director Semantic Web) • National Digital Library (NDL), tracking group, Providers / Europeana network and its groups Dorrit Gustafsson, Director of Administration and • HAKA trust network steering group, customer interface consortium • CCS, Content Conversion Specialists GmbH, Development • Helsinki City Library, Central Library for group, availability unit, long-term conservation Germany Aija Vahtola, Information Specialist, staff representative Public Libraries unit, technical expert team, expert teams • CDNL, Conference of Directors of National Libraries Kirsi Aho, Chief Press Officer • Helsingin Sanomat Foundation • Advisory board for the protection of the cultural • CENL, Conference of European National Libraries Kristiina Nieminen, Administrative Secretary • University of Helsinki heritage • CENL Executive Committee Board of the National Library Cultural Heritage – City Centre Campus library committee • Sanasto • CERL, Consortium of European Research Libraries Fund – Department of Chemistry/Department • Sibelius Academy • CLM, Committee on Copyright and other Legal of Organic Chemistry • Sibelius Society Matters, working group Chair Aili Nenola, Professor – Central archive • Steering Group of the Slavonic Library • Cobra+, coordination body for European national Board of the American Resource Center – Training and Development Unit • Finnish Literature Society library project cooperation • Ruralia Institute • Finnish Library Association • Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, developer group and Chair Kai Ekholm, Director • IT-utskottet vid Finlands svenska • Finnish Book Art Committee steering group of the Dublin Core Standard Board of the Slavonic Library biblioteksförening • Finnish Music Library Association • EBLIDA, European Bureau of Library, Information • National Audiovisual Archive KAVA • Finnish Museums Association and Documentation Associations Chair Riitta Pyykkö, Professor, University of Turku • National Museum of Finland • Project Institute Finland Ltd • EDItEUR, international group coordinating Steering group for National Cataloguing • KATVE, the National Library Working Group • Finnish Comics Society development of the standards infrastructure for on Networking Standards • Finnish Standards Association SFS electronic commerce in the book, e-book and serials Chair Tuula Haapamäki, Production Manager • City Centre Campus library committee • Finnish Research Library Association, board and sectors FinELib Steering Group • Book EDI working group (cooperation body of working groups • Eesti Rahvusraamatukog, the Estonian National the book sector) • Society of Swedish Literature in Finland Library Chair Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola, University of Lapland • Description of library materials, steering • Talle, Finnish Document Management • eIFL (electronic information for libraries) Linnea2 Steering Group group Association • ELAG, European Library Automation Group • Library sector, copyright group • University of Tampere, Department of Information • Europeana, the European Digital Library Chair Librarian Vuokko Palonen, Library Director, • Libraries, university, polytechnic, public, and Studies and Interactive Media • Europeana Travel project Tritonia Academic Library, Vaasa special libraries • Teosto, Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society • EROMM, European Register of Microform Masters • portal steering group • Federation of Finnish Learned Societies • The European Library, portal for European national • Evaluation group for the impact of library • Prime Minister’s Office libraries National interaction and cooperation 2011 activities • Finnish National Gallery • European ICOLC, International Coalition of Library • Collection map project steering group • National Repository Library, board Consortia organisations and bodies • Kone Foundation • Federation of the Finnish Media Industry, • FAIFE, Committee on Free Access to Information and • AMKIT Consortium • Kopiosto Copyright Society eReading Freedom of Expression • National Archives Service of Finland • Linnea2 Consortium, steering group, working • YKRI, register of private archives • IAML, International Association of Music Libraries • BTJ (library services) groups and expert teams • YLE, Finnish Broadcasting Company • IASA, International Association of Sound and • Celia – Library for the Visually Impaired • West Helsinki Music Institute • Council of Finnish Public Libraries Audiovisual Archives, head of the Nordic division • Comellus project, steering group • Mehiläinen Working Life Services • Council for Finnish University Libraries • ICA, International Cartographic Association • CSC – IT Center for Science • Memornet, the Finnish Research Education • IFLA, International Federation of Library • DigitalMikkeli steering group Network on the Society’s Memory Functions Associations, participation in several divisions and • Ephemera project steering group • City of Mikkeli working groups • The Council for the Special Libraries • Mikkeli University Consortium steering • IGELU, International Group of Ex Libris Users, • Esan Kirjapaino Oy group and working groups various groups

30 31 • IIPC, International Internet Preservation Consortium • POETRIO music ensemble The National Library of Finland • IMPACT, Competence Centre for Digitisation • Päivälehti Museum • ISBN Board, International ISBN Agency, Vice- • Rozentals Society Switchboard: (09) 1911 (University of Helsinki) Chairman • Finnish Comics Information Center E-mail addresses (mainly): [email protected] • ISO, International Organisation for Standardisation, • Finnish Comics Professionals several working groups under Technical Committee 46 • Seinäjoki Public Library – Provincial • ISSN, Governing Board, ISSN network Library Kansalliskirjasto Magazine: • LIBER, Association of European Research Libraries • Sibelius Museum Cultural Calendar: • Member States’ Expert Group on Digitisation and • Finnish Egyptological Society National Library of Finland Bulletin: Digital Preservation • Library of the Finnish Institute in Save a Book campaign: • METS Editorial Board, metadata development group Stockholm Annual Report, online publication: • Nasjonalbiblioteket, National Library of Norway • Finnish Oriental Society Annual Report archive: • NISO, US National Information Standards Organisation • National Museum of Finland • NOA, Audio Solutions VertriebsmbH, Austria • Finnish Book Art Committee RESEARCH LIBRARY • NORON, Nordic Conference of State and National • Finnish Society for the History of Science Main building Library Directors and Learning Visiting address: Unioninkatu 36, Helsinki, Finland • PersID, Persistent Identifier Initiative • Finnish Institute in St. Petersburg Postal address: P.O. Box 15, FI-00014 University of Helsinki • SVUC, Scandinavian Virtual Union Catalogue • Finnish Comics Society Customer Services: [email protected] or Tel. (09) 191 23196 • United Kingdom Sibelius Society • Finnish Soloists Association “Ask Us” Service: • World Digital Library • Embassy of Finland, Riga Digitised materials service: • Embassy of the Russian Federation in Cafe: Unicafe Rotunda, Tel. (09) 191 22748, [email protected] Finland • National Library of Russia library network services Cultural cooperation 2011 • National Library of Estonia Fennica Services Organisations and bodies • WSOY Legal Deposit Office • WSOY, Archives Finnish National ISBN Centre • Baltia Library • Väinö Raitio Society Visiting address: Teollisuuskatu 23 (Vallila), Helsinki • Association for Finnish Bibliophiles • Private collections Postal address: P.O. Box 26, FI-00014 University of Helsinki • Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia • YLE, Finnish Broadcasting Company, • FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange Archives centre for preservation and digitisation • Helsinki Festival • Yrjö Kilpinen Society Visiting address: Saimaankatu 6, FI-50100 Mikkeli, Finland • University of Helsinki Customer services: [email protected] – Institute for Asian and African Studies – Alumni ONLINE PUBLICATION STAFF national databases – Central Archive Fennica, National Bibliography and catalogue of the National Collection, – Department of Church History National Library of Finland/ Viola, National Discography and catalogue of the Finnish National Sound Archive, also information about – Musicology Communication Unit domestic sheet music beginning in 1977, – Helsinki University Museum Arppeanum Editor-in-Chief: Kirsi Aho Index for the Finnish Web Archive: • University of Jyväskylä, Department of Music Production Secretary: Tuula Korhonen • National Library of Karelia Visualisation and layout: other databases • Katriinamies Improvisation Orchestra Minna Luoma/Candy Graphics Oy Arto, Reference Database of Finnish Articles, • National Audiovisual Archive KAVA Printing location: Finepress Oy, Turku 2012 Doria, Digital collections of Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences, • Kiila ry Helka, joint database of the Helsinki University Libraries and the National Library of Finland, https://helka. • Museum of Cultures ISSN (printed publication) 1797–7320 • Museum of Cultural History ISSN (online publication) 1797–7340 Linda, Union Catalogue of the Finnish University Libraries, • National Library of Latvia Nelli, information retrieval portal, • Finnish Museum of Natural History • West Helsinki Music Institute • Juvenalia Music Institute

32 33