Annual Report 2011 Contents Director’s review 3 The National Library of Finland’s mission statement Key projects and development 5 Besides securing the availability of the published national Partners and community relations heritage for the community, the National Library produces 9 and disseminates information content for citizens and society, Core duties 13 and develops services jointly with the library network and other players in the information society. Responsibility for the cultural heritage 19 Values of the National Library of Finland Resources and finance 25 • We are professionals continuously developing our skills • We work together Financial review 27 • We act openly and reliably • Our national heritage is always present Organisation and directors 29 • We promote access to information Board and other administrative bodies 29 National and international cooperation 30 Contact information 33 Director’s review Bold leaps tradition must be continued to ensure progress. Certain European libraries, unable keep pace with this trend, have unfortunately fallen behind and he library’s main sponsors, as are paying a high price for their lack of vision. The well as representatives of the library conceptualisation of the National Digital Library network, customers, and partners, has been a demanding national project. To meet the were interviewed for an international demanding objectives of the National Consortium, evaluation of the National Library’s an important change was made in system solutions. Toperations. This was associated with many expecta- Instead of closed source software, the solution will be tions. Five hundred pages of background materials implemented with an open source code, enabling us related to the National Library’s status, collections, to more successfully meet the needs of a widespread and services were copied for an international panel and heterogeneous clientele. whose conclusions described the National Library’s In the future, we will be more skilled at deter- activities as ambitious, well managed, and respected. mining the ways we will confront and solve these The panel chose not to speculate on any changes challenges, but it will also require a strong owner- in the library’s status, and its proposals were fairly management policy. Management in the National moderate. library has been defined as participatory and Early 2011 also witnessed the publication of preparatory. The responsibility lies with each the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Yhdessä employee, and managers are obligated to facilitate enemmän (“Doing More Together”) report whose the development of working conditions even in administrative proposals were discussed in the difficult times. The management of know-how is the library network and the library’s Board in connec- expert unit’s only path to success. tion with the international evaluation. This so-called The friends of the National Library have once group-level report was more far-reaching in scope, again magnanimously supported our activities. We proposing, among other things, the detachment of thanked one customer, the author Sirpa Kähkönen, the National Library from the University of Helsinki with a new Kiitos asiakkaalle (“Thanks to the and the transference of its management to another Customer”) award. Information searchers like her department of the Ministry of Education and Culture. energize customer service personnel and brighten The Board of the National Library wisely kept their workday. the objectives of both proposals on the table and Gratifying things happen in a bold organisation. included in the discussion. Currently, the Ministry At the end of the year, the Digitalkoot (“Electrifying of Education and Culture’s working group is treating Our National Heritage”) project that had received the objectives of the Yhdessä enemmän report and widespread attention was granted the international the development of the National Library as a part of Digital Heritage Award. To improve the newspaper the Ministry’s objectives. The assumption is that the archives, Myyrät (“Moles”) have captivated the original goals will have to be adjusted, and that the hearts of users; almost 100,000 users have assisted safeguarding of operators’ basic prerequisites will in the repair of digitised materials. The “Moles” have become a top priority. also put us on the world map. Articles about the Our strategy has designated the National Digital Library’s services have appeared in Wired, Mondo, Library, as well as customer-oriented online services, and The New York Times (“Rebooting Finland” and as high-priority development targets. Our future will “Life After Nokia”). These state that the game pushes also be challenging for our sponsors. Although the young people towards the right jobs. In Brussels, the Linda Tammisto © National Library library’s core funding has not essentially changed in “Mole Game” was selected as a leading-edge point recent years, the library has been entrusted with new of comparison for the eGovernment department’s national tasks supported by fixed-term financing. newest official services. Bold leaps are required when The discussion of the digital future has brought envisioning the future. us closer to each other and provided the motivation Wishing you all a creative cooperative period, to follow through with even the knottier problems. I thank all our partners, workmates, and sponsors. In recent years, Finland has been able to invest in the digitisation of the national heritage, and this Kai Ekholm, Director 3 Key projects and development A national service infrastructure is being developed for the National Digital Library and National Metadata Repository. The Comellus and Fragmenta Membranea projects exemplify the development of digital materials supply. he purpose of the National Fragmenta Membranea Digital Library (NDL) is to ensure The National Library’s collection of parchment the high-quality management, fragments, or medieval manuscripts, in actuality unrestricted service accessibility, covers all that remains from the earliest stages of and reliable long-term preservation our country’s literary culture. The parchments are ofT electronic materials for culture and science. In the unique materials that lead historians to the birth of project, archives, libraries and museums join forces literary culture in Finland. to file the materials of our national cultural heritage In 2009, the National Library, together with into digital formats and make them accessible to all. a research team led by Docent Tuomas Heikkilä, Competitive bidding for the National Digital launched a project whose objective was to put this Library’s customer interface took place in 2009–2010. valuable material comprehensively within the reach The intent of the project was to generate a single of researchers and other interested parties over the common customer interface for the use of libraries, Internet. To date, slightly less than 10,000 parchment archives, and museums that would enable the public fragments have been conserved, described, and and other users to access the materials. The soft- digitised. These can be studied in the Fragmenta ware’s properties and applicability were tested in Membranea collection at: http://fragmenta. a 6-month pilot project whose eight organisational kansalliskirjasto.fi/ participants represented archives, libraries, and A decision was also made to disseminate the museums. During the pilot project period, it became materials and emerging research data to a wider apparent that the software did not include all the public in a more popular form. With funding from offered and mandatory properties. Consequently, the the Kone Foundation, an online presentation Kirjava decision was made at the end of the year to terminate keskiaika (“The Literary Middle Ages”), focusing on the procurement agreement. Although the testing of the parchments and the Middle Ages in general, was the selected software ended with the cancellation of implemented and can be viewed at http://keskiaika. the agreement, much of the work carried out during kansalliskirjasto.fi/ the year can be utilised in the future. An exhibition displaying the Library’s parchment Guidelines for the control of the National Digital fragments was opened in June 2012 in the library’s Library at the ministerial level have been specified, Cupola Hall. and the customer interface consortium’s operational principles have been formulated based on those The cultural heritage online policies. The consortium group has been assembled During 2011, stimulus funding enabled the National and its activities are underway. Through the group, Library’s Centre for Preservation and Digitisation customers can influence the development of services. located in Mikkeli to convert materials into digital 4 5 quantity of published digitised materials 31 december 2011 (million pages) the three-year Comellus project to develop a materials will be described only once in Finland, production process and operations model for the specifically for the Metadata Repository. The meta- 5,9 electronic deposit and archiving of newspapers. data contained in the repository can be presented 3,9 Newspapers 2,8 “Digital printing plates”, or PDF files, deposited by to customers locally through different customer Magazines the newspapers participating in the pilot project interfaces. By the time the project is concluded, Ephemera will be converted to highly durable microfilms. the metadata repository’s production platform 2009 2010 2011 Another aim will be to ensure that
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