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THf S SALE DEED tS made mis 2p'Jl, day of joe , Two Thousand and Eighteen {

E l'( Il h, P^t* F.$...."""' $u aots K SURANJAN MUKT{ERJEE Licensed Stamp Vendor ' 83ltt$Er. 2O JUL ni

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i rj Govt' of Directorate of Registration & Stamp Revenue e-Challan Mode Online PaYment - Payment 1 g -20 1 B1 I -02637 6 1 4 5 1 State Bank of lndia N Date: 19lo7l2o1g 19:20:38 Bank: 1910712018 19:23:05 IKOORLCSC6 BRN Date: DEPOSITOR'S DETAILS No. : 15230001 1616461212018 [Query No /Query Year] NAMC : ANIL KUMAR, CHOWDHARY : +91 983 12 03322430723 M No: contact t/d. : /1."1/ chowdharyanilQ 1 @gmail. 10 Old fost Office S Applicant Name : org GURUkdJL H S PR Office Name:

Office Address : Status of DePositor :

Purpose of PaYment / R PAYMENT DETAILS

sl. ldentificat'mn No. No' i 9631 I Propert StamP duty 0030-02-1 03-003-02 1 1 5230001 1 61 6461212018 6 20274 Property Registration- Registration 0030-03-1 04-001 -1 2 1 5230001 1 61 6461212018 0029-00-800-028-27 103 Mutation/Conversion -ReceiPt 3 1 5230001 1 61 6461212018 Total I 16696 only one Lakh Sixteen /housand Six Hundred Ninety Six ln Words : Rupees

iS / 2


I.sMT.SANDHARANIMoNDAL(PAN:DGEPM6142Q),daughterofLate NabakumarMondal,byfaithHindu,byoccupationHomemaker'byNationalitylndian' Newtown' P'S' Pukur, alanda Keshari, Patharghata, Post office /vesiding at Natun 2' SMT' BHARATI MoNDAL Rajarhat, Kolkata 7lll3B;/District North 24 Parganas' Mondal' by faith Hindu' by (pAN:ETBPM26OOC), daughter of Late Nabakumar residing at chakpachuria' Post office occupation Homemak*"- by Nationality Indian, North 24 Parganas 3' SMT' ALOKA Newtown, P.S. Rajarhat, Kolkata 700156, District Late Nabakumar Mondal', by faith Hindu' GAYEN (PAN:CQTPG5739F), daughter of residing at Andul Goria' Tardaha' by occupation Homemaker., by Nationality Indian, post P.S. Bhangar, PIN 743330, District Sonatikari, Champahati, office Champahati, "oWNERS/VENDORS" (which hereinafter referred to as to the subject or context be deemed expression shall gnless excluded by or repugnant legal representatives and to mean and ing4ude their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns) of the,ONE PART' AND

(PAN NO. MCCG6896M) a Private Limited GURUKUL HOMES PRMTE LTD and under the provisions of the Companies Company incorporateo wiirrin the meaning at 61A, Park strget, 2nd floor' Act, 1956 and having its Registered offiqe,situated p.S.-Pa(.street, Kolkata-700016' represented by its Ambassador apaftment, F.O.A Abhishek Mukherjee(PAN; director/authorized signatory nam'ely MR. by faith Hindu' residing at 20' CFHPMO334R) son of Sri Prabir Kumar Mukherjee, P'S' Baguiati' Kolkata 700059' Deshbandhu t\agryi e.O. Deshbandhu Nagar'. shall unless excluded by ;;; ,"t"ul"ito as "puRcHAsERi'l' (which expression to mean and include its successors' or re.puffant to the subject or context be deemed SECOND PART' successors-in-interest and assigns) of the

prepared under the west Bengal one Nabakumar WHEREAS in the Records of Right R.s. Dag nos' t954, 1956' 1957 & 1959' Mondal has been recorded as Holding of J'L' No' 33, under Patharghata Gram under Khatian No. 838, Mouza chakpanchuria, whereas R'S' Dag no' 1954 has panchayet, P,S. Rajarhat, District North 24-Parganas, been shown as undividf;2000 share i.e., 2.6 Decimals (Sataks) out of 13 Decimals (Satbks) of Sali land and Rr$ Dag no. 1956 has been shown as undivided 2000 share i.e., 0.8 Decimals (Sataks) out of 4 Decimals (Sataks) of sali land and R.S Dag no. 1957 has been shown as undivided 2000 share i.e., L.2 Decimals (Sataks) out of 6 pecimals (Sataks) of sali la2/ and R.S Dag no. 1959 has been shown as undivided 2000 share i.e., L.4 Decim'ds (Sataks) out of 7 Decimals (Sataks) of sali land.

AND WHEREAS saiO ,ruJUatumar Mondal died intestate and his wife Gouri Mondal \* "t Died intestate leaving be-hind his three sons and four daughters namely Biswanath Mondal, Kashinath Mondal, Shibnath Mondal, Aloka Gayen, Sandhya Rani Mondal, Bharati Mondal, Arati Biswas as his legal heirs and successors.

AND WHEREAS in the manner aforesaid the Vendors herein are the collectively joint Owners of All That piece and demarcated parcel of land admeasuring 2.57t429 tl Decimals (Sataks)be the same a little more or less out of 30 Decimals (Sataks) lying , and situated at Mouza Chakpachuria, J.L. No. 33, Touzi no. 10, R.S. & L.R. Dag No. 1954, 1956, t957 & 1959, under L.R. Khatian nos. 838, classified as Sali land, under Patharghata Gram Panchayet, P.S. Rajarhat, District Notth 24-Parganas, hereinafter referred to SCHEDULE property and is in the peaceful possession and/or occupation of the same and enjoying the absolute right, title and interest thereof free from all encumbrances, charges, lierrs, lispendenses, demands, claims, hindrances, attachments, debts and dugS'whatsoever without any jnterference and disiurbance of any manner whatsoever from any corner whatsoever.

; AND WHEREAS sincelhen the Vendor herein have b€en iri exclusive khas, physical possession and enjo,/ed the said propefty without any hindrance or interference by .rU O::y apd paying Govt. rent for their aforesaid propefi.

AND WHEREAS the entire schedule land is in the khas possession of the Vendor and no portion in any manner whatsoever is under and "BHAGCHASE".

I AND WHEREAS the total area of schedule land never exceeds the maximum ceiling permitted under the Estate Acquisition Act. pending or even been initiated in connection AND WHEREAS there i1'no Proceeding of in the Hon'ble High couft at the l'evy under Article 226 9t the constitution

landTas never subject any proceeding under the Bengal ,AND WHEREAS the tg37) or the West Bengal Acquisition Restoration of Alienate d V{nd Act (Act }XIII of (W'B' Act XV of 1969)' and Settlement of Homeslead Land Act

k{ .t in case of transfer of land by a AND WHEREAS the siedule land is not affected memberoftheschedu|edTribespermissionoftheRevenueofficer(chapterllAof the W.B. Land Reforms Act, 1955)'

any notice of acquisition or requisition AND WHEREAS the vendor have not received in the schedule below' of the Propefi' dqscribed tlil L public Demand and Recovery Act nor has AND WHEREAJ no notice issued under the notice has been published. been served on the Vendor nor any such

herein it is also stated that the owneriVendor and Purchaser AND WHEREAS /; join this deed of Conveyance to avoid future requested the ConfirminO FarW. hei'ein to Party herein agreed on the same' dispute, ambiguity and accordingly the confirming tt . under satisfied right, title of the property AND WHEREAS after being lvith.the herein have agreed to sell and reference not to raise any question, the owner/Vendor 'THAT piece and parcel of land the purchaser have dgreed to pur.chade of ALL be the same a little more or less out of 30 admeasurin gz5l/+zs Decimals (satjrs) J'L' No' 33' R'S' & L'R' Decimalf(sataks) lying and situated at Mouza.Chakpachuria, L.R. Khatian No' 838' classified as sali land', Dag No. 1954,1956, 1957 & 1959, under underPatharghataGramPanchayet,P'S.Rajarhat,DistrictNorthZ4-Parganas,being or for a total consideration of the SCHEDULE property hereunder written at five thousand Nine Hundred Rs.20,25, 9741. (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Twenty is free from all encumbrances' seventy Four) only the said schedule propefi on the terms and conditions mentioned attachments, liens and lis4lendens whatsoever

hereinafter ,, NoWTHISINDENTuRE"WITNESSET{thatinconsiderationofthesumof Rs.20,25,9741-(Rupees..TwentyLakhsTwentyfivethousandNineHundred herein at or paid bL,the Purchaser herein to the Owner/Vendor ,$eventy Four) only whereof the Owner/Vendor herein before the execution the.# presents, the receipt by the instant paragraph and and each of them doth h$reby admit and acknowledge written and/or given and of and also by a memoranduq*of cons!y'eration hereunder fromthesameandeverypartthereofacquit,release,exoneratedischargethe the said properties do purchaser, its successors, successors-in-interest and assigns forever to the Purchaser' its hereby grant, transfer, convey, assign and assure free from all encumbrances' charges' successors, successors-in-interest and assigns hindrances, debts and adverse liens, lispendenses, demands, claims, attachments, propefties oR HOWSOEVER claims whatsoevgr ALt THAT the sCHEDULED part thereof now are or is or at orHERWrsE thfl said properties and lands and any called' known' numbered' any time heretffore were situated butted bounded all the yards, areas' house' out house', described or distinguished TQGETHER WITH rights, lights, advantages, easements' drains, water courses, ways, paths, passages, WHATSOEVER to the said privileges, emoluments appendages and appurtenances in anywise appertaining or usually properties and,land or any'part thereof belonging or to or be appurtenances thereto and all held or enjoyed therewith or reputed. to belong the estates, interests, claihis and demands whatsoever properties or any part thereof AND eouity into, upon, over and concerning'the sald issues and profits there- ALL the reversion or reversions, remainder or remainders, be unto and to the use of the from hereby granted 6r expressgd of intended so to forever purchaser, its ,uy'..rrorr, successors-in:interest and assigns absolutely relating to or concerning T'GETHSR ryITH ALL the writings whatsoever exclusively alienated' granted and the said properties hereby granted, conveyed, transferred' or may be in the custody' power' handed over which now are or hereinafter shall person and persons from whom he may control, possession of the Vendor or any oth6r HAVE AND TO HOLD the said procure the same without any action or suit and To conveyed and transferred or properties and every part thereof hereby granted, expressedorintendedsotobeuntoandtotheuseofthePurchaserabso|utelyand 6

forever free from all eqcumbrances, charges, attachments, liens, lispendens, debts, attachments, hindrances and adverse claims AND THAT NOTWITHSTANDING any act, ;deed, matter or thing"whatsoever by the Owner/Vendor or their ancestors or predecessors-in-title made, done or executed or knowingly suffered to the contrary /the owner/Vendor are liawfUlly and absolutely seized and possessed of or othennrise well and sufficiently entiffid to the said properties hereby granted and conveyed or intended so to be.unto4nd to the Purchaser absolutely and for ever free from all encumbrances chargeSrattachnr€nts liens lispendens and adverse claim AND THAT NOTWITHSTANDING any act, deed, matter or thing whatsoever by the Vendor or are ancesters or predecessors in title made, done or executed or knowingly suffered to the contrary and the Vendor are lawfully and absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the said properties hereby granted and conveyed or intended so to be for a perfect and indefeasible estate of inheritance without any conQfltion, use, trust or other thing whatsoever to alter encumber or make void the same RfiO THAT NOTWITHSTANDING any such act, deed, matter or thing whatsoever afgresaid the Owner/Vendor has good right, full power and absolute authority and indefeasible right, title and interest and well and sufficiently entitled to grant, transfer, convey, assign and assure the said properties hereby granted and expressed so to be unto and to the use of the Purchaser in the manner aforesaid and shall and may at all the purchaser,,its successors, _successors-in-interest and assigns times hereafter peaceably,and quietly possess and enjoy the said properties in the manner aforesaid without any lawful eviction, interruption, claim or demand from and by the Owner/Vendor or any persoh or persons lawfully and equitably claim under or in trust for the Owner/Vendor or are, ancestors a predecessors-in-title and also free from all encumbran charges, attachments, liens, lispendens, adverse claims, debts J$, and hindrances whatsoever made or suffered by the Owner/Vendor, their ancestors or pr;edfessors-in-title AND FURTHER the Owner/Vendor covenant with the purchaser, its successors, successors-in-interest and assigns that the said propefties or any part thereof have not been affected by any attachment, notice or declaration or notices for acquisition or requisitions or any scheme of the Government of India or the Government of West Bengal or any Metropolitan Development Authority or any Improvement Trust AND the Owner/Vendor and all persons under them shall and will from time and at all times hereafter at the request and costs of the Purchaser, its 7

to be done and assigns do and execute or cause successors, successors-itinterest better and matters and things whatsoever for further and bxecuted such acts,'degds, its properties unto and t tn: more perfectly assurine the said :t:jll::::::iaser'upon prior notice and assigns at all reasonable times Successors, successors-in-interest findatthecostsofttrcP2lrchaserandpersonsclaimingunderthemandthe steps and execute and register all relevant Owner/Vendor shall taker6( reasonable documentsrelatingtot}esaidpropertiesherebyconveyedANDFURTHERthe on the having purchased the said property Vendor inconsideraiionqr the Pyrchaser against any Vendor as to protection and indemnity assurance and guarantee of the the owner discovered to be still alive or became possible claim by any persons if he is indemnify and do hereby and hereunder agree to of the schedule property, the Vendor and its successors-in-interest' executor' at all times keep indemnified the Purchaser administratorsandrepresentativesanda|soestateagainstal|suchpossiblec|aimsor demandsmadepranyactionsandproceedings,ifanycommencedbyanypersons Ir claimingthrougtporundertheminrespectofthesaidschedu|epropertyanda|so for defending any such claim' action or against all costs, charges and expenses proceedings.


to good right, full power and absoluft authority 1. That the Vendor have i( themselves herein in to the u9e and benefit of the Purchaser convey the said properties unto and the manner aforesaid

peacefully and quietly enter upon or 2. That tne purc#ser for all times hereafter the said properties for their own use and occupy 6r now or possess and enjoy benefits.

propefties free and clear and freely and 3. That the purchaser shall hold the said by and forever'released and discharged clearly and absolutely acquitted, exonerated the Vendor herein. 8

4. That Vendor shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request and costs of ttrtre Purchaser do and execute and cause to be done and executed all such fufther'a.nd other lawful acts, deeds, things, conveyances for the better and more perfectly and absolutely granting the said properties and every part thereof hereby conveyed unto and to the use and benefit of the Purchaser in the manner aforesaid as by tfPurchaser shall be reasonably required.

5. The Vendor do hereby certify that the said properties, under SCHEDULE is not a Government land anb-, nor v€sted, requisitioned and acquired by any authority whomsoever and independent of Land ceiling and not belonging to any Trust, and not a Temple, Mosque or Church properties and in all manner absolutely free from all encumbrances. SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ALL THAT piece and parcel of land admeasuring 2.571429 Decimals (Sataks) be the same a ffile more or less lying and situated at Mouza Chakpachuria, J.L. No. 33, R.S, & L.Ri Dag No. L954, 1956, 1957 & 1959, under L.R' Khatian No' 838, classified as Sali land, under Patharghata Gram Panchayet, P.S. Rajarhat, Pin-700156 District Notth 24-Parganas. (Sataki) out 13 [The land measuring an area of 1.114286 Decimals of Decimals (Sataks) in R,S. g L'R. D,ag No' t954, The land measuring aD area of 0.3428.57 Decim.als (Sataks) out of 4 Decimals (Sataks) in R,S. & L.R. Dag. No. 1956, { The land measuring an area of 0,514286 Decimals (Sataks) out of 6 Decimals t""*l[Tr-ffHJ:J::;T 0 o Decimars (sataks) out # o",i^ut (Sataks) in R.S. &,FR. Dag No. 19591.

W6ictr is butted and bounded as follows:-

ON THE NORTH : By R.S dag no. 1952

ON THE SOUTH r By R.S dag no. 1957,1958,1959

ON THE EAST : By R.S dag no. 1955

ON THE WEST : Existing two store building 9

IN WITNESS WHEREpF the pafties have subscribed their respective hands and seals on the day, month hn{ year first above written.

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED by the Vendor in the presence of ./ WITNESSES: eIZ:l:[ol qt ce] 1, d^^ng'lnhlb'.- ' . tl tnr > furla'li/Vfu<| 'r""1f T- e/- Sr^'"4/l"^\ hc-r azql- L' r g&$u.rr/ l,'t N4 Mtvv*WVVb. tal . Md^',cLl bV +lt /t^" pu"a*'l^ lzaL' gafu'l"A' 0": @l- fuu"t,,p' kl^j/r- t'rr .A fil^7{ t^I -^^ Poour"i a/t oi "1,

ilit \) VENDOR SIGNED, SEALEb AND DELIVERED by the Purchaser, in the presence of WITNESSES: 1, P*4 uLub-

GURUKU} HOMFS PW. LTD a n H 6 PYE E) b' Lnr', 5 H F k uk- ,/ ArrthOtised Sidaalrn.



,,2 Read oyer and explained in Bengali by me to the Executant. Drafted by me AnYrrl^ Da> 6t Ptr< Advocate Received a sum of Rs. 2O25P741- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Twenty five thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Four) only being the full and final consideration hereof from the within-named Purchaser/s on the date, month and year first above // ,/ 'written in the manner as p€i'the memorandum hereunder:


Date By Pay Order Bank Amount No./Cash tglo(1001F 9oF(99 KolaK 6,(5.325

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Application Coupon (u - G0078977s7 number t Application Type Foi ncw PAN Card (Form 49A) as a Resident Indian



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Sonatikari. Para,Andul GarhiYa, Bhangarh,South 24-ParganaS.

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liucsimile Signature of Electoral Registration Ofhcer Fi{rw-i<"flqTfirrfr{ For 106-Canning East Assembly Constituency > o s-Flfi ( t< R$+q-sr ft-dru-"T c+E Place qr'l Date qR'.{ ( lJt I

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rJ.I t t, A.K. CHOWDHARY & CO :.' Ad.vocates trO, OId Post Office Street, lut Floor, Roorn No. 21, I,l Kolkata-700001 I t,I (1) I- Information of the

Deed No : l-',523-09262120'lg Date of Registration 12010712018 Query No / Year 1 523-000 1 161 646t20'18 Office where deed is registered Query Date '181q1,2018 8:22:58 PM A.D.S.R. RAJARHAT, District: North 24-Parqanas Applicant Name, Address GURUI(UL HOMES PRIVATE LIMITED & Other Details 61A, PARK STREET,Thana : Park Street, District : Kolkata, WEST BENGAL, ptN - 7000'16, Mobile No. : 8017398761, Status :Buyer/Ctaimant Transaction Additional Transaction [0101] Sale, Sale Document , [4308] Other than lmmovable Property, ;/ /'I Agreement [No of Agreement:2] Set Forth value Market Value Rs.20.25.9741- Rs.20.25.9741- Stampduty Paid(SD) Registration Fee Paid Rs. 1,01 ,319/- (Article:23) Rs. 20,27 4l- (Article:A(1 ), E) Remarks

Land Details : District:ct: NortnNorth 24-Patganas,24-P P.S:- Rajarhat, Gram Panchayat: PATHARGHATA, Mouza: Chakpanchuria Sch Plot Khatian Land Use Area of Land SetForth Market Other Details No Number Number Proposed I nOn Value (ln Rs.l Value (ln Rs.) L1 LR-1 954 LR-B3B Bastu Shali 1.11429 Dec 8,25,974t- 8,25,974t- Property is on Road Adjacent to ili Metal Road. L2 LR-1 956 LR-B3B I Bastu Shali 0.342857 3,00,000/- 3,00,000/- Property is on I Dec Road Adjacent to Metal Road. t? LR-1 957 LR-838 Bastu Sha 0.514286 4,00,000/- 4,00,000/- Property is on Dec Road Adjacent to Metal Road. L4 LR-1 959 LR-B3B Bastu Shali 0.6 Dec 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- Property is on Road Adjacent to Metal Road. TOTAL: 2.5714Dec 20,25,9741. 20,25,9741- Grand Total : 2.57'l4Dec 20,25,9741. 20,25,9741-

Seller Details :

SI Name,Add ress, P hoto, Fi n grdr pri nt a nd Si g natu re No I

1 Name Photo Fringerprint Signature Mrs SANDHATRANI MONDAL Daugther of Late " /,1 NABAKUMAR MONDAL i,fxl, ".{.'t;f ,::',i.titt :,,,.t ;1,,: Executed '' '"\ by: Self, Date of ii'lr^.t / , Execution : 20/07 /2018 i "' r,f ll:u,itt,vj ko*,jk, , Admitted by: Self, Date of Admission: 20/07 /2At8,Place : Office

20107t2018 LTI 20t0712018 20107t2018

Major lnformation of the Deed :- l-'t 523-0826212018-20107 l2O1rB .ffTyI PUKUR, PATHARGHATA, P'O:- NEW TOWN, P.S:- Rajarhat, District:-North 24-parganas, W_est Bengal, India, PIN - 700135 Sex: Female, By Caste: Hindu, occupation: House wife, Citizen of: India, PAN No':: DGEPM6l42Q, Status :Individual, Executed by: Seif, Date of Execution: .vlvllzvlo 20/07/2018 {l'r ' Admitted by: self, Date 6f Rdmission: 20/07/2018 ,place : office

Mrs BHARATI MONDAL Daugther of Late NABAKUMAR MONDAL EryPcuted by: Self, Date of i/*x^ta nw-J",J, Execution: 20/07/2078 / , Admitted by: Self, Date of bl !'r +'ur 'l' &utrq;iah{6' Admission : 20/07 /2OI8,place : Office .' 4 t \ CHAKPACHURIA, P'O:- NEW TOWN, P,S:- Rajarhat, District:-North 24-parganas, West Bengal, India, PIN - 700156 Sex: Female, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: House wife, Citizen of: lnJia, pnfrl No':: ETBPM2600C, Status :Individual, Executed by: Self, Date of Execution: 20/07/2OIg , Admitted by: Self, Date of Admission: 20/07/2Otb ,place : Office

Mrs ALOKA GAYEN Daugther of Late NABAKUMAR MONDAL i.1 \J WC d-l-.r'1.4.'rx-r 1 Executed by: Self, Da{p , ,r:,i , L of jl\,((:xtie7,v Execution : 20/07 /2019, , , Admitted by: Self, Dfrte of Admission : 20/07 /20IB,place : Office

ANDUL GORIA, TARDAHA, SONATIKARI, P.O:- CHAMPAHATI, P.S:- Bhangar, District:-South 24- Parganas, West Bengal, India, PIN - 743330 Sex: Female, By Caste: Hin-du, Occupation: House wife, Citizen of: India.,^PAN No':: CQf,PG5739F, Status:Individual, Executed by: Self, Date of Execution : 20/07 /2018 , Admitted by: self, Date of Admission: 20/07/2018 ,place : office

Buyer Details : Name,Address,Photo,Finger print and Signature

GURUKUL HOMES PRIVAtrE LIII/IITED 6'lA, PARK srREET, P.o:7PARK STREET, P.S:-Park stref,t, District:-Kotkata, West Bengat, India, plN - 700016 , PAN No.:: AACCG68g6tr4 Status :Organization, Executed.by: Representative .eSentative Details : Name,Address,Photo,Finger print and Signature

Mr ABHISHEK u' MUKHERJEE (Presentant ) Son of Mr PRABIR KUMAR MUKHERJEE Date of Execution - 20/07/20t8, , Admitted by: I Self, Date of Admission: 20/,Q7/2018, Place of Adinission of Execution: Office Jul 20 2018 2:26PM

20, DESHBANDHU NAGAR,4. HBANDHU NAGAR, P.S:- Baguiati, District:-North 24-Parganas, West Bengal, India, PIN - (00059, Sgx: Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Service, Citizen of: India, , PAN No.:: CFHPM0334R Stdtus : R6presentative, Representative of : GURUKUL HOMES PRIVATE LIMITED (as AUTHORISED SIGNATORY)

ldentifier Details : Name & address Mr PANKAJ KHAITA|' lSon of Mr DEOKI NANDAN KHAITAN cC-12, DESHBANDHU NAGAR, NARAYANTALA, P.O:- PRAFULLA KANAN, P.S:- Baguiati, District:-North 24-

Parganas, West Bengal, Indidf PlN - 700101, Sex: Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Service, Citizen of: India, , ldentifier Of Mr ABHISHEK WKHERJEE, Mrs SANDHA RANI MONDAL, Mrs BHARATI MONDAL, Mrs ALOKA GAYEN



Major lnformation of the Deed :- l-1523-0826212018-2010712018 GURUKUL H

Mrs BHARATf ffrfOfVOnf MTS ALOKA GAfEN- novespnrv@

ff8rtfftn nrqrv GURUKUL ,'Mrs "O BHARATf f\ ONOAT Mrs ALOKA GAyEN- Transfer of prolefu 1o. 15


Mrs ALoKA cnVerv Transf"r of property fo, L4------

GURUKULHO1T% tvrrs aHnnRtrtoNdl Mrs ALOKA CnVeNf or*rorl:1R:$P ro

Land Detaifs l' as per Land Record District; North 24_parganas, P.S:- Rajarhat, Gram panchayat: PATHARGHATA, _Mouza: Chakpanchuria

l,??4Jgglpfpondins Rs wo:- 1954), ryot Classification:ffts, LR Khaiian f.ft ,_'eSA owner+qqrlq- ing ptot '1956), RS :qfrE-fq, wo:- Area : 0. 0 1 oooooo LR Khaiian No:_ B3B o.;":"0'"n

ptot J,?57J9g1".pondins'1957), RS ttto:- LR Classification,ffi, Khatr:an No:_ B3B LR Plot No:_ I ??ejgglt"rpondins Rs prot ttto:- 1959), LR i,::Tffi,rc Khatr:an No:_ B3B

Major Information .- of the Deed t_4E.an ^A^^,^^ Endorsement For Deed Number: | - 152308262 I 2018

,n 20-07-2018 Certificate of Admissibility(Rule 43,W.8. Registration Rules 1962) Admissible under rule 21 of West pengal Registration Rule, 1962 duly stamped under schedule 1A, Article number: 23 of Indian Stamo Act 1899. 1 Presentation(Under Section 52 & Rirle 22A(gl46(1),W.8. Registration Rules,1962) Presented for registration at 14:12 hrs on 20-07-2018, at the Office of the A.D.S.R. RAJARHAT by Mr ABHISHEK MUKHERJEE,. Gertificate of Market Value(WB PUVI rules of 2001) Certifid-d that the market value of this pr6perty which is the subject matter of the deed has been assessed at Rs 20,25,974t-

Admission of Execution ( Under Section 58, W.B. Registration,Rules, 1962 ) Execution is admitted on20107l20ftby 1. Mrs SANDHA RANI MONDAL, Daughter of Late NABAKUMAR MONDAL, NATUN PUKUR, PATHARGHAT$,, P.O: NEW TOWN, Thana: Rajarhat, , North 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 700135, by caste Hindu, byProfession House wife,2. Mrs BHARATI MONDAL, Daughter of Late NABAKUMAR MONDAL, CHAKPACHURIA, P.O: NEW TOWN, Thana: Rajarhat, , North 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 700156, by caste Hindu, by Profession House wife, 3. Mrs ALOKA GAYEN, Daughter of Late NABAKUMAR MONDAL, ANDUL GORIA, TARDAHA, SONATIKARI, P.O: CHAMPAHATI, Thana: Bhangar, , South 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN -743330, by caste Hindu, by Profession House wife lndetified by Mr PANKAJ KHAITAN, , , Son of Mr DEOKI NANDAN KHAITAN, GC-12, DESHBANDHU NAGAR, NARAYANTALA, P.O: PRAFULLA KANAN, Thana: Baguiati, , North 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 700'101, by caste Hindu, by profession Service Admission of Execution ( Under Section 58, W.B. Registration Rules, 1962 ) [Representative] Execution is admitted on 2fl-07-2018 by Mr ABHISHEK MUKHERJEE, AUTHORISED SIGNATORY, GURUKUL HOMES PRIVATE LlMlTEp (Private Limited Company), 6'lA, PARK STREET, P.O:- PARK STREET, P.S:- Park Street, District:-Kolkata, Wbst Bengal, India, PIN - 700016 Indetified by Mr PANKAJ KHAITAN, , , Son of Mr DEOKI NANDAN KHAITAN, cC-12, DESHBANDHU NAGAR, NARAYANTALA, P.O: PRAFULLA KANAN, Thana: Baguiati, , North 24-Parganas, WEST BENGAL, India, PIN - 70010'1, by caste Hindu, by profession Service Payment of Fees

Certified that required Registration Fees payable for this document is Rs 20,274l- ( A(1 ) = Rs 20,2601- ,E = Rs 141 ) and Registration Fees paid by Cash $s 0f, by,online = Rs 20,2741- Description of Online Payment using Government Receipt Portal System (GRIPS), Finance Department, Govt. of WB Online on 1910712018 7'.23PM with GovtrRef. No: 192018190263761451 on 19-07-2018, Amount Rs:20,2741-, Bank: State Bank of India ( SB1N0000001), Ref. No. IK00RLCSCO on 19-07-2018, Head of Account 0030-03-104-001-16 Payment of Stamp Duty I -' Certified that required Stamp Duty payable for this document is Rs, 1 ,01 ,319/- and Stamp Duty paid by Stamp Rs 5,000/-, by online = Rs 96,319/- Description of Stamp 1. Stamp:Type: lmpressed, Serial no 50800, Amount: Rs.5,0001, Date of Purchase: 2010712018, Vendor name: S Mukheriee "4 Description of Online Paymenlusing Government Receipt Portal System (GRIPS), Finance Department, Govt. of WB Online on 1910712018 7:23PM with Govt. Ref. No: 192018190263761451 on 19-07-2018, Amount Rs: 96,3191, Bank: State Bank of lndiylsB|N0000001 ), Ref. No. IKO0RLCSCO on 19-07-2018, Head of Account 0030-02-103-003-02

i\' . 4''L"^''"r'\1

Debasish Dhar ADDITIONAL DISTRICT SUB.REGISTRAR OFFICE OF THE A.D.S.R. RAJARHAT North 24-Parganas, West Bengal -;tered in Book - l ttume page number 1523-201g, from 275767 to 2757g7 oeing No 152309262 for thp year 201g.



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* :1[?'Y' E ?'8 A?:,?u' B 5?1?' ? 5'.o#- tt''l Reason: Digital Signing of Deed. lV'{)- I" n'.rr; f'

( Debasish Dhar) 26-07 -201g^ 4:32:40 pM ADDTTTONAL DtSTRtCT S1"ft -nectSTRAR OFFICE OF THE A.D.S.i. RAJARHAT West Bengal.- . "

(This document is digitallv siqned.)