FINAL WEEK Save ^50 Htsicusswith Red Jets Firing
. Ill L . I I " ■ . ■ ■.'■'i'-','’'-■; ■ 'll . I TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1968 The Weathw FACB 8IXTECT Averafs T h S j Net Prsaa Ron Fareeaat a# O. S. WBidlll Bar Ike Week EadeS Aptii s, issa Oeattag Sanight. law be rapraaanted would lOaa Deborah A. Bates Of 23 enter Uito an agreemeiU FOR About Town Tanner Bt. and Mias Kathleen Refuse Group Manchester, but that the bill 14,125 C. Vennart of 70 Weaver Rd. was being submitted to MtnSwr o f «he A«6tt were honored at a tea Thursday antes a district. If the NRDD Cosmetics Baieau a t CXreulndoe 0lanl«y Circle of South MeOi* at Southern Connecticut State Sets Meeting failed for lack of enabling legis College. The committee for the Church wW sponeor a rum- lation. ‘ IT'S MW niuveday at B a.m. Superior Student Progrram at Ttie four-town Northeart Ref Attembts will be made Thurs MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1965 atOooper Hall. the college sponsored the tea use Disposal District (NRDD), day ulgnt to mollify hurt feel VOL. LXXXIvi NO. 169 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) for 60 frsehmen who achieved ings and to patch up differences. consisting of Manchester, Ver RadMUian Seaman Appren a 3.2 point average out of a pos If they fail, thia may be the Uggeits tice Richard L. Getsewich, son sible 4.0. non, South Windsor and Bolton, last meeting fW the fcur towns. «( Mr. and Mra Richard P. Oet- wfll meet si 7:45 p.m. Thurs At The Parkadt nearich a t S7l Hartford Rd., is a His Sixth Words: 'I t la fin day in the Muidclpal Building MANCHESTER crew member of the dertroyer ished," will be the theme of the Hearing Room to decide Us fu Damages Heavy Comsat Satellite U8S Flake while undersoins re Ijenten program for senior high fresher training at Ouantanamo on Thursday at 7 a.m.
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