May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved. Forever! Ametur No: 329 July-September 2018 Newsletter of the Associates of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart OLSH Convent, 2 Kensington Rd, Kensington, and NSW 2033.Tel: (02) 9662 1777. Email:
[email protected] Other Chevalier Family websites:;; Dear Associates, On Pentecost Sunday May 20th the Australian Catholic Bishops announced the decision to hold a Plenary Council, the first such Council to be held in Australia for more than 80 years. A Plenary Council is the highest formal gathering of all local churches in a country. It is not simply a meeting of bishops but a process that calls for the participation of the entire Catholic community. The Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, said that “the Church is not the presence in our society it once was. We need to take a measure of that and make decisions accordingly. The culture in which we have to proclaim the Gospel is very different to what it was even 20 or 30 years ago.” The Plenary Council is being held to give the Catholic community in Australia, guided by the Holy Spirit, time to listen, dialogue and discern with one another about the future, the role and the relevance of the Catholic Church in Australia. In our baptism we have each been gifted with the Holy Spirit and it is by out mutual listening to the Holy Spirit – who guides the Church “into all truth” (John 16:13) – that we can realise our mission most deeply as disciples of Jesus, walking together, in twenty-first century Australia.