MÆRSK POST 1/1996 Cover: REGINA MÆRSK being towed passed Gabet in the Odense Fjord. Photo: ©Robert Wengler

Published byA.P. Møller, This time last year, we all anticipated that 1995 would be a demanding and challenging year. Not surprisingly, this indeed turned out to be the case - but it has Editor: Hanne H. Clausen been highly gratifying to see how the various departments and affiliated Printers: Scanprint a-s companies have taken up the challenges. Many of our objectives have already Layout: Jakob Kühnel, MDD been realised and more are well on the way to being so. My compliments and my Copies: thanks to all of you who have contributed to these achievements. 13,300 Danish 13,700 English Nevertheless, some tasks have not yet been successfully accomplished and other tasks can and must be carried out more efficiently. Furthermore, bearing in Local correspondents: mind our total business commitments and efforts, our earnings ought to be higher than at present. We must continue to gain the edge over our competitors AUSTRALIA: Peter Floratos by rationalisation and by reducing our costs. At the same time, we must work at BANGLADESH: M. Shamimul Huq creating new and profitable business, whilst ensuring that our existing enter- BENELUX: Georges Caulier prises continue to grow. FRANCE: Laurence Chollet GERMANY: Susanne Heinken One important target, this year and in years to come, is growth - profitable growth HONG KONG: Teresa Suen - in all sectors of our business. This benefits our shareholders and provides a INDIA: Hoshang Vajifdar means of gaining influence, publicity and a solid image, all of which are of INDONESIA: Christian M. Laursen fundamental importance in our day-to-day work. It should not be forgotten, JAPAN: however, that growth and the production of consistently increasing profits are Steffen Schiøttz-Christensen just as vital to our internal organisation as they provide incentives and MALAYSIA: Mads Sørensen opportunities for promotion. With this in mind, all staff are urged to make their NIGERIA: Lucie Thompson own contribution by suggesting new business and new, cheaper and more PHILIPPINES: Ruben S. Fajardo efficient ways of getting the job done. PRC: Morten Løkkegaard SINGAPORE: Tan Hee Khoon We already have all the necessary qualifications for success. We have good tools, SPAIN: Javier Lopez which include our excellent vessels, containers, drilling rigs and platforms, aircraft TAIWAN: Alice Hsieh and factories. We also have a strong global organisation located in all the right THAILAND: places. No less important, however, is the fact that we can boast a staff of able, Chularack Voraviboonvate well-educated employees. UNITED KINGDOM: Ann Pulham U.S. EAST COAST: Brett Elmblad I call upon every member of staff to meet the challenges of the year to come with U.S. WEST COAST: Jennifer Caro enthusiasm and inspiration and, on behalf of the management, I should like to U.S. GULF: Charles Hall thank you all once again for your splendid efforts last year and wish you and your families all the very best for the New Year. MAERSKAIR: Marita Petersen MÆRSK CONTAINER INDUSTRI: Henrik Hansen MÆRSK DATA: Peter H. Knudsen JESS SØDERBERG PAPYRO-TEX: Peter Sørensen MAERSK MEDICAL: Marianne Maltow ROSTI: Karin Nielsen ROULUNDS: Elsebeth Bastholm THE YARD: Leo Jensen DANSK SUPERMARKED: Flemming Honum

Volume 36, No. 1 February 1996 ISSN 1395-9158 Reproduction permitted only after agreement with the editor. Her Majesty Queen Ingrid in front of REGINA MÆRSK with her brother, Count Carl Johan Bernadotte, Countess Gunnila Bernadotte and Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller.

n 10th January, Her Majesty After having named the vessel Taking as his starting point the fairy Queen Ingrid did A.P. Møller Queen Ingrid, and the other guests tale's depiction of the long-estab- Oan d the Yard the great honour went on board the REGINA lished and happy relationship be- of naming newbuilding L 154, which MÆRSK. Her Majesty's first stop tween and , is the largest container vessel in the was the impressive closed bridge, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller gave a world. The vessel was named where Captain Nielsen demon- speech in which he expressed the REGINA MÆRSK. strated the various advanced instru- sentiment that the finest gift that ments. Her Majesty then inspected Sweden had ever given Denmark Among those present at the cere- the accommodation and briefly had been the Princess, who later mony were Queen Ingrid's brother, visited the Captain's cabin. became Queen Ingrid of Denmark. Count Carl Johan Bernadotte, Mr. Møller spoke warmly of Queen Countess Gunnila Bernadotte, the At the lunch which followed, Ingrid's unique and unfailing efforts Boards and senior executives of A. P. Managing Director Kurt Andersen on behalf of Denmark. Møller and the Yard, andanumberof gave a presentation of the vessel's other specially-invited guests. special attributes, but was inter- This is the fourth time that a rupted by the Shipyard's band newbuilding from the Odense Steel REGINA MÆRSK, whose home port playing Ingemann's lovely patriotic Shipyard has been given the name is Gråsten in Southern Jutland song about Holger Danske, a Danish REGINA MÆRSK and each time where Queen Ingrid has her summer national hero, after which Bent Queen Ingrid has been the sponsor. residence, is under the command of Mejding, the well-known Danish Captain Frode Rasmus Nielsen with actor, read an extract from Hans The first REGINA MÆRSK was Freddy Ingvard Hansen as Chief Christian Andersen's fairy tale about named in 1954. That vessel weighed Engineer. the sleeping giant. 6,500 tons and had a crew of 44. The >


Queen Ingrid was presented with the traditional bouquet of flowers. On the left is the Managing Director of the Odense Steel Shipyard, Shipowner Kurt Andersen.

> latest REGINA MÆRSK weighs A large number of thermal sensors in are no longer a decisive issue for the 34,500 tons and has a crew of 15. the engine room and in the cargo size of container vessels. With all the This modest work-force is possible holds ensure, through a newly various types of vessels in the fleet, because the vessel is fully developed and highly advanced it is always possible to adapt the automated and equipped with the computer network, the optimum schedule to the requirements of the most technically advanced navi- running of the vessel and provide market. gational and communications aids. automatic registration and alarms if any abnormal situations occur. After the vessel was taken over by REGINA MÆRSK can carry 6,000 A.P. Møller, REGINA MÆRSK went twenty-foot containers or an equival- Special lashing platforms have been into service on Maersk Line's regular ent combination of twenty and forty- installed on the deck of the vessel, to route between Europe and the Far foot units, including 700 forty-foot facilitate faster and easier operation. East. It is the intention that other reefer containers which makes her vessels in the series will also join this the world's largest reefer vessel. REGINA MÆRSK is the first vessel service. in a series for A.P. Moller. The Propulsion is by a 12-cylinder MAN immense size of these vessels The day after the namegiving B&W diesel engine, type 12K90MC, means that they cannot pass ceremony REGINA MÆRSK left for built by Mitsui, which produces through the Panama Canal. But trials and subsequently called at the 75,000 HP or about 55,000 kW at 94 Maersk Line's world-wide route port of Århus where she was revolutions per minute. With its network, with over 80 container presented to the Danish and 3,000 tons, it is the largest diesel vessels in regular employment, has international press. engine in the world -15 metres high such a high degree of flexibility that and 17 metres long. the limitations of the Panama Canal

4 Main dimensions:

Length overall 318 metres Breadth 43 metres Depth 24 metres Max, draught 14 metres Deadweight at max. draught 85,000 tons Service speed 24 knts THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR he entire population of 200 guests took part in the cele- Denmark witnessed, though in brations. Tmost cases only via the TV screen, all the preliminaries and of As most of the readers probably course the ceremony itself, when know Prince Joachim met his future His Prince Joachim wife while he was working for married Miss Alexandra Manley on Maersk Hong Kong. Saturday, 18th November 1995, in the Chapel at Frederiksborg Castle. Mr. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller and the manager of Maersk Hong Kong, Prior to the wedding, the young Henrik Zeuthen, with his wife were couple were extremely busy with present at the wedding ceremony in numerous official duties and Frederiksborg Castle Chapel and had arrangements, culminating in a Gala the honour of taking part in the Dinner for 300 guests at wedding festivities in the evening. Christiansborg Castle the evening They were also invited, together before. The Wedding Breakfast was with Mr. Jess Soderberg and his held at Fredensborg Castle with wife, to the Gala Dinner at dancing and a firework display. Over Christiansborg Castle.


The steam from the coffee on the face of his Swatch watch

could well be a symbol of 28-year old Michael Adeltoft's

working life since both are important elements in it.

Text: le looks after the chemical the time I was 14-15 years old I Birthe Lauritsen marketat Maersk Brokerand it realised that I would probably be Photos: Hlis no secret that in that busi- more suited to office life. I was inter- Teit Hornbak ness, you have to be prepared to ested in academic subjects and a work long hours, you must react with summer job in a bank as well as a job the speed of lightning, you must in an accountant's office after school have an excellent memory and, not made me sure of my decision". least, the ability to combine many different things at once. To put it The fact that Michael Adeltoft has briefly, it is important to keep steam ended up working in the chemical up the whole time. market is due to his desire to stay in the tramp trade, with the constantly The fact that he ended up where he changing cargoes and destinations is today is due more to the good that this involves. reputation of the seven-pointed star than to his knowledge of what "My two years of training were actually went on behind the scenes equally divided between three at Esplanaden. departments: the tanker, supply vessel and liner departments. When "When I left the College of Com- I had finished my training, I was merce in Roskilde, it was the done stationed in New York at A. P. Møller's thing to apply for a traineeship at A.P. tanker office and based on my Møller, since the theory was "it was training period I was able to pinpoint a good place to be trained". But it the type of work I found most was not until the preliminary job attractive. And there was no doubt interview that I began to realise that that the tramp trade suited my it would also be an exciting place to temperament best. The way I see it, work, a place where the international this is where one can do "real" environment did notjust give one the business. You have to have your chance to see the world, but also the finger on the pulse of the market all chance to contribute to and even the time. You have to know where offer something special", explains influence events to some degree", the cargoes are since cargoes mean the young broker. he says. potential customers". What this "something special" " I was born in Jutland and lived there Michael Adeltoft divides the cus- actually is cannot necessarily be de- for the first eleven years of my life, tomers into two main categories: the fined, but it has something to do with apart from the period when my established ones, who exclusively trust, loyalty, credibility and top class father was being trained in the U.S. use Maersk Broker and those who service. as a fighter pilot and took the family offer the same cargo to several with him. After I had finished school, brokers. "Shipbroking has the reputation of I went back to school in America for a being a bit like the Wild West, but year and it certainly broadened my "With the latter, it means that it is Maersk Broker's moral and ethical horizons. actually the shipowners who decide codes are extremely high, which is which broker gets the contract. So not necessarily the case for some of Of course, just like most small boys, we have to convince them that the others in the business. We also I dreamed of becoming a pilot, but by Maersk Broker is the one which can follow house rules regarding which At present, Michael Adeltoft concludes contracts on the chemical tanker market in Europe. He has been on a course at the Marstal Nautical School to become familiar with the basics of chemicals.

1 countries we deal with. So it is a customers on the most favourable initial stages. The shipowners are constant balancing act obtaining the time to sign a contract. We have to normally willing to take our word if information and then assessing know how much free capacity is we make a recommendation and this whether it can be used and if so, available and where it is and we must is not the case with all brokerage how". Discretion is a matter of also know if the customers can be companies, so perhaps this is one of course. trusted. our strong points.

Information is primarily gathered on The shipowners must be able to be We must also know all about the types the telephone which, apart from the 100% certain that, when we talk of cargo the individual vessels are computer, is the most important tool about charterers with a first class certified to handle, so we never send a of a broker's trade. reputation, we are telling the truth. "better" vessel out than we got in. Consequently, the financial situation "We have to keep an eye on which of new customers is thoroughly Basically, it's all about demonstrating direction the market is moving, assessed before we do business constant care as far as this is whether it is upwards or down- with them. But, in this way, we can humanly possible for a connecting wards, so that we can advise the also assure their anonymity in the link, which is actually what we are". >

9 aersk Brokerwasfounded in > It can take anything from five about 12-15 times a year, and during 1914 as an independent de- minutes to several weeks to these visits, he also tries to make Mpartment within the A.P. conclude a contract. new contacts. It is no secret that it is Moller Group, though until 1990 it a long and tough fight to convince went under the name of A.P. Moller "But it usually takes a day or two", people of the benefits of changing Chartering and Agency. says Michael Adeltoft. "Actually, it brokers. can take another day or two while The company has considerably the charterer finalises the deal and On the other hand, the amount of expanded during the last few years. before this happens, it is wise to money he earns is a secret. Nobody Michael Adeltoft joined the company have a transport solution ready. in the firm talks about salaries. But at in 1991 as the 17th broker, while Otherwise it can be difficult for the Maersk Broker it is dependant on today there are no less than 75 charterer to negotiate a delivery date achievement and success. brokers, working in Copenhagen, and a price. This means that Seoul, Hong Kong and London, all sometimes, in the final stages, the Because of the importance of per- using the same business language - deal comes to nothing and all our sonal contact, each broker is English. An illustration of the efforts are wasted. But these are the equipped with a portable phone and remarkable growth of the company, rules of the game and you quickly a personal computer at home. These is the fact that in 1989 six contracts learn where to use your energy to tools are mainly used every fourth for a total of 15,700 tons of chem- the best advantage". week, when the broker is on duty on icals were concluded, while today the hot-line to the customers. the corresponding figure is 150 This also means that there are differ- contracts for a total of 450,000 tons. ences between the customers.

The average cargo is about 3,000 tons " Naturally we treat all our customers and given that a cargo occupies a well, but needless to say, our steady vessel for 15 days, the contracts, major customers will always be concluded in 1989 employed a vessel given a higher priority, if a choice has for two and a half months whereas in to be made. This can also mean that 1995, six vessels were employed for we occasionally refuse business if a year. Moreover, the chemical the deal is outside our usual markets market is only a small part of the and would demand far too many re- entire market in which Maersk Broker sources to carry through. In these is involved-in fact, only three percent cases we would recommend of the company's total earnings. another broker, who has the neces- sary experience of the area in On an annual basis Maersk Broker question". concludes over 2,000 contracts of which the volume contracts, con- Michael Adeltoft's working day trary to time and spot contracts, usually begins at 8 a.m., but as it often In the old days, pins in the map of the world often employ several vessels. It is involves long working hours, a certain showed the position of the individual vessels. not unusual for a single contract to amount of flexibility is understood. These days, however, all the information is involve about 100 voyages. stored in the computers which, along with the "On normal days I am home in telephone, are the modern broker's most At present, Maersk Broker is among Roskilde by 6 - 7 p.m. so I have the essential tools. the seven largest shipbrokers in the chance to see my five-year old son world and if its future target is before he goes to bed. I spend the realised, it will be the second largest remainder of my free time with my by the year 2000. This is expected to wife, the rest of my family and my And for three weeks every summer, be effected primarily through the friends. I used to go in for a lot of both the telephone and the com- establishment of formalised partner- sport, but I have had to drop this puter are pushed into the back- ships with major customers. since so many of my days are not ground when he takes a real family normal. The only exercise I have time holiday. Next summer, as well as the The fact that it is worth the money to for now is squash on the company's five-year old, there will be a baby pay a middle man for concluding a squash courts". brother or sister taking part in the contract between a charterer and a holiday. Because of the imminent shipowner is mainly due to the Since personal contact is absolutely new arrival, Michael's wife is on endless stream of information to essential, the principle is that nobody maternity leave at the moment. which a broker must have constant leaves the office before they have access in order that the work can go emptied their "in-tray". It's as simple "A couple of times a year, my wife smoothly. The alternative would be as that, and it's just as simple to and I take a long weekend some- that every single charterer would calculate how efficient a broker is by where. It is important to make time have to employ his own personal the number of deals he brings off. to be together", maintains Michael, broker, even though his skills were who nevertheless has no immediate only utilized relatively few days a year. "Even though we all have or are a plans for changing his job. back-up for our colleagues, it is Under Maersk Broker is the Maersk normally only at holiday times or If this were to be the case, however, Broker Agency, which has offices in when we have to visit customers he would not have to look far, since Copenhagen, Kalundborg and Stigs- that the back-up steps in". there are plenty of opportunities næs. This company takes care of within Maersk Broker. jobs within Denmark for all types of As far as Michael Adeltoft is vessels including cruise ships. concerned, he visits customers


OS Plastic in Farum has recently invested 50 million

Danish kroner in new technology forthe production

of thermoformed polypropylene pots. Polypropylene

is an environmentally friendly material and the new

pots are being launched globally as a major

contribution to the future of plant production.

n the business it is expected that the pots. Here, the pots are formed over the next five years, market by an automatic extrusion process Igardens and nurseries all over the which recycles all surplus material, world will be demanding new thereby ensuring 100% exploitation products, demands which will of the raw materials. At the same naturally increase the need for time thermoforming, by which the investment. With this latest invest- plastic material is pressed into the ment, the largest since the company desired form by means of air was founded over 30 years ago, OS pressure, means that the walls of the Plastic is in the forefront of develop- pots can be made extremely thin, ments in new production methods thereby reducing the consumption and furthermore intends to continue of raw materials. The tangible investing in new moulds for the effects of thermoforming are traditional extruded pots. consequently lower production prices as well as a greater respect for Initially, however, this huge capital the environment. expenditure in new production tech- nology is being spent on producing Well-known for thinner and more stable polypro- product development pylene plant pots, which are con- OS Plastic is the oldest producer of siderably cheaper than the traditional plastic plant pots in the world. The ones. In the present hard times of company is acknowledged to be the both increasing costs for market market leader as far as product gardens and nurseries as well as development is concerned and falling prices for the trade's products, characteristically was first on the this makes the new pots an market with the thin-walled plastic attractive alternative. plant pots as well as first to introduce an advanced drainage system, U/D Economical production (Universal Drainage) with drainage The new production process takes holes at two levels, which is now place in two stages. In the first patented. Labour-saving potholder phase, rolls of the environmentally systems and anti-static pots are just friendly material, polypropylene, are two further examples of product produced and stored until the development at OS Plastic. second phase, the thermoforming of


Twenty years ago, a network which could connect all the

Maersk offices throughout the world was nothing but a

Utopian dream, but once the first step was taken,

unimaginable possibilities lay ahead.

hen the Maersk Line satellite connection, in collaboration container service was with Cable and Wireless, was Wbeing established at the established. This connected Hong beginning of the 1970s, many Kong, Mærsk Data at Titangade, questions were raised. The most Copenhagen and A.P. Møller's office important one was whether it was at Kongens Nytorv in the centre of necessary to establish an EDP Copenhagen and it was the first time system to keep track of the many that satellite communication from containers expected to be acquired Denmark was utilised. and whether it was feasible to con"' establish on-line terminals. Initially, Even though Mærsk Data gained tabbed be- terminals were only considered valuable knowledge about satellite tween the ^ necessary in New York and Tokyo communication through the at- and the burning questions tempt, this trial run showed that if a Nytorv and the were whether two or four double satellite connection was office in Hong terminals were needed in used, exploitation of the lines would Kong- New York and whether not be satisfactory. With these Tokyo should have two or results to hand, Mærsk Data could manage with only approached IBM, but the latter was one. not interested in supplying the necessary software facilities at the In the spring of 1974, the time since this would coincide with first assessments regard- the imminent announcement of its ing a global network new network architecture, Systems were made. Experience Network Architecture (SNA). at that time was limited, but the utilisation of Instead, the first MaerskNet, which satellites was increas- started in 1975, was based on mini- ing and many people computers with tailor-made soft- considered that the ware. This solution, however, proved future means of data to have its limitations. The network, communication was which had an eastern and a western via satellites. The connection, could have a maximum existing submarine of 96 terminals on each connection, cables had already of which 12 were printers. At that been more or less time, it was considered totally un- fully exploited, so realistic to expect that so many in fact the only terminals and so many printers available intercon- would ever be necessary, and it is tinental connec- true that over two years went by tion was via before any problems cropped up. satellite. When the system had been in operation for three years, however, it First with satellite connection became obvious that a system with a In 1974, Mærsk Data did not know far greater capacity was needed. At very much about satellite con- that time, IBM was so far ahead with nections. In order to obtain the its network architecture that this necessary experience, a double could be used for our purposes, so it 1973 was decided that Maersk would and business associates. A protocol switch to the IBM system. is the set of rules which communi- cating systems must respect in In the late 1970s and early 1980s, order that communication can be capacity on the submarine cables carried out as smoothly as possible. was again expanded. Cable tech- A wide range of protocols exists and nology based on fibre optics was it is essential that different com- beginning to conquer the market, so puters are able to communicate, satellite connections were replaced even though their protocols are not with fibre optics as rapidly as the same. capacity and finances would allow. Communication between local MaerskNet today and global networks must flow At present, MaerskNet connects smoothly. This means that a user 248 towns and cities in 69 countries need not know which network and the numerous advances in he or she is actually using. The information technology mean that user has not done anything in the above description reads more particular to become part of a like something out of a history book. global network; it just happens Nowadays, the most important automatically. element in business is to be in the forefront of developments, thereby The MaerskNet of the future offering customers and their cus- aims to improve productivity tomers the best possible service. at the local offices by increasing the speed, In 1996, the network is used for a flexibility and up time of the host of different purposes including local networks and all electronic mail, the documentation these improvements are of container traffic, equipment being made in order to management systems, booking contribute to the main systems, sales systems, terminal objective of reducing the control systems and logistics costs of communication systems. In fact, MaerskNet plays an for the customer. This important role in the working life of reorganisation of the most Maersk employees. existing network will take two or three years. The future Experience gained during the first offers unimaginable opportunities twenty years clearly shows that and MaerskNet's history provesthat there is simply no time to lean back it is not wise to believe in any future and rest on ones laurels. A constant, limitations. By using common sense, up-to-date flow of information is one it should be possible to make the of the competitive parameters and network help customers by MaerskNet must keep up with the supplying better service for a long times. The principal challenge at the time to come, in a world which is moment is to change MaerskNet characterised by increasing com- into a multi-protocol network, in petition. which USers can communicate directly with customers, suppliers Peter Knudsen The following article, which describes

the historical relationship between

Denmark and Estonia, has been

written by the former Chief Archivist,

Dr. Velio Helk Ph.D., who was

born in Estonia. Velio Helk has written

several books, including "The History

of Estonia", published in 1993.

enmark's relations with attempted repeatedly but in vain to Estonia are shrouded in the conquer the Estonians and baptise Dmists of time, only illuminated them as Christians. by a few archaeological finds or shreds of linguistic evidence. Estonia figured on the map of Den- mark in earnest in the summer of The Danes attempted to gain a 1219, when King Valdemar Sejr foothold in Estonia as far back as in (Valdemar the Victor) took a great the 700s, since the Scandinavian fleet to attack the Estonian fortress sagas describe the Vikings' warlike Lindanise (the present-day Tallin). expeditions in these areas. During After a hard battle, the Danish army the years 1000-1100 AD, mutual was victorious and thereby laid the plundering expeditions are men- foundations of the Dukedom of tioned and later both the Danish king Estonia under the Danish Crown. and the Archbishop of Lund Legend has it that the Danish flag,

14 Dannebrog fell down from heaven belonged to during this battle, an event which is the Livonian still celebrated on Valdemar's Day, Order's State. 15th June. When the State was dissolved Subsequently, an anything but noble in the middle of contest took place between the the 1500s, the possessions, which C.A. Lorentzen's Danes and German missionaries Danes returned were subsequently more or less painting of Danne- from the south, concerning who to Estonia and in reduced to Osel (now Saaremaa). brog falling down could convert the greatest number 1559 Frederik II purchased the The island was involved in Denmark's from heaven. of the population of Estonia to prince-bishopric of Isel-Wiekfor his conflict with Sweden over the control Christianity. In 1346, Denmark sold younger brother, D

15 Army were attempting to take over, the Estonians themselves tried to establish a resistance movement and in Denmark too, military help for Estonia was organised. Unfortu- nately, a certain amount of political hindrance occurred and only 200 or so volunteers were sent to Estonia. This little squadron and the field ambulance, "Valdemar Sejr" won a great deal of recognition for its efforts and many Danes were honoured with the Estonian Cross of Liberty.

In November 1918, the Danish government sent a General Consul to Tallin to take care of the interests of the many Danish subjects there. When Denmark finally recognised Estonia's independence in 1921, normal relations between the two states ensued. Estonia benefitted greatly from Danish experience, particularly where the modernisation of agriculture and industry were concerned.

Estonia's twentieth anniversary in 1938 was also celebrated in Denmark. The newspapers wrote long articles paying tribute to Estonia and Danish politicians sent their good wishes. But, just over two years later, both countries were occupied by their Great Power neighbours. In August 1940, Estonia was annexed by the Soviet Union and while Denmark was liberated after five years of occupation, Estonia could look forward to fifty years of subjection to a foreign power.

During the Second World War Estonia was also occupied by Germany and, in the closing stages of the war, about 70,000 Estonians suc- ceeded in fleeing > With this, Denmark's territorial the country with presence in Estonia ended. around 1,000 Nevertheless, personal contacts ending up in Den- continued and, in particular, in the mark. In accord- 19th century Danish agriculture ance with the became the model for the attitude of the development of agriculture in Allies, these were considered Estonia with many Danish special- Allied refugees, since the Western ists being brought into the country powers did not recognise the to work as estate managers and occupation of Estonia, an Estonian annexation of Estonia into the Soviet dairymen. foreign delegation attempted to ob- Union. In principle Denmark shared tain recognition of Estonia, which had this viewpoint, though on account of National independence declared its independence in political reasons, this policy was Copenhagen played an important February 1918. At the end of that never clarified and Estonia was role in the Estonian fight for freedom year, after the Germans were forced treated as a Soviet republic. in 1918-19. Here, during the German to leave their country and the Red

16 Freedom retrieved This attitude changed radically with Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost policies. Now Estonia began to make HATCH COVERS FROM LOKSA demands, first with regard to the repeal of the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939, which had left the Baltic States to the s everybody knows, it has ployees to now 530 and a new pay Soviet Union and finally with regard to been difficult for western system has been introduced based full independence. These efforts were AEuropean shipyards to hold on piecework by which a high degree energetically supported by Denmark their own in the relentlessly com- of efficiency results in a performance and in 1990, a resolution was un- petitive market in recent years. Yards bonus. animously passed in the Danish parlia- have continuously had to seek new ment supporting the desire of the methods of production to stay com- Estonia has suffered from high in- Baltic peoples to exercise their right to petitive and to ensure that those flation and severe unemployment in self-determination. In December the parts of the production which they the years after its independence so, Danish Foreign Minister, Uffe carry out themselves are indeed for the employees, the new policies Ellemann-Jensen, opened a Baltic those where they have an edge over mean steady employment and the States Information Office in Copen- others, for instance due to better opportunity for increases in real in- hagen and this became the forerunner technology. This production strategy come. The yard, which is also where for actual diplomatic representation. means that those work processes at the town's water tower and water which the yard is not the absolute treatment plant are located, is During the Soviet coup d'état in best and cheapest on the market without doubt the most important August of 1991, Estonia declared the ought to be sent out to tender to workplace in Loksa, which has re-establishment of its full independ- either sub-contractors (outsourcing) approximately 4,000 inhabitants. ence and this was recognised by the or to specialised affiliated com- majority of the Western states led by panies. For the Odense Steel Shipyard, the Iceland and Denmark. As early as the production in Loksa of the large beginning of November, the Danish One example of this is the Odense hatch covers for the new container Prime Minister, Poul Schlüter as the Steel Shipyard's placing of orders at vessels means that the price per first Western Head of Government, the Estonian Loksa shipyard which vessel is reduced by 1%. This is a visited Estonia and in July 1992 he produces hatch covers for the new great deal of money and can easily was followed by the Danish Queen series of 12 container vessels being be a deciding factor in whether or not Margrethe and Prince Henrik, who built at the Lindø Yard. the Yard succeeds in winning an sailed on the Royal yacht "Danne- order. With its many new employees brog" to the city of Dannebrog, Tallin. The Yard purchased the Loksa ship- in Estonia, the Danish shipyard has yard in 1994 and after an essential secured yet another group of skilled Since then, the mutual links have been reorganisation of production - it was and conscientious craftsmen. extended. The Estonian President, originally a naval yard in the former Lennart Meri, came on a return visit in Soviet Union - and an impressive From a business point of view, the April 1994 - visits of ordinary ministers rationalisation programme, produc- investment has proved sound, but have become commonplace as part of tivity at the yard in Loksa has in- for the management of Lindø it is the increasingly close collaboration creased to three-fold. In order to important, too, through collaboration between the two states, which has achieve this, machinery and equip- and production in the Baltic coun- been further facilitated by the mutual ment had to be improved and the tries, to contribute to the economic abolition of visas. The Danish Cultural production lines reorganised. At the development and integration of Institute has a department in Tallin. same time, the labour force has these countries in Europe. The works of Danish writers are now increased from about 400 em- translated into Estonian, just as Estonian works are translated into Danish. Cooperation between the two The hatch covers, which weigh 28 tons and 35 states takes place on several different tons, are transported from Loksa to Lindø by levels, including financial, social, barges. Svitzer, is responsible for this part of technical and cultural. Several Danish the operation. companies have invested great sums of money in Estonia, and trade between the two countries has increased dramatically over the last few years. Consequently, an ex- tremely good foundation has already been laid for future fruitful cooperation between these two states on the Baltic, linked as they are by historical ties. s regularly reported in the past, A.P. Møller has always Amade great efforts to keep up contacts with its former employees, both those who have worked on board the vessels and those who have worked on land. As an important part of this policy, every year two get-togethers are held, to which the pensioners are invited in groups.

On Saturday, 16th September 1995, former employees who live in the western part of Denmark were invited to take part in a day with Mærsk Olie og Gas and Danbor Service in Esbjerg. After Ole Høg had welcomed the guests on behalf of A.P. Møller and briefly described The seal pool in events of the last year, Christian the Fishing and Kargård Jensen from Mærsk Olie og Maritime Gas gave a talk about the company's Museum aroused activities, particularly in the Esbjerg a great deal of area, mentioning also the current interest among situation in production and explora- the guests. tion for oil and gas in the North Sea. Danbor Service had arranged lunch for the over 100 former members of staff with their spouses in the Danbor canteen.

After lunch there was a tour around the Fishing and Maritime Museum, SHOULD AULD where the Chief Curator, Morten Hahn Petersen, described the vari- ous exhibits in a most enthusiastic and interesting fashion. Late in the afternoon, after plenty of lively conversation over the light refresh- ments provided, the guests left for ACQUAINTANCE... their homes to look back on yet another successful Mærsk • get- together. During the visit to Esplanaden, there The arrangement for the other group are always plenty of pensioners took place at Espla- of opportunities naden on Friday 6th October and this fora good chat time over 150 had accepted the with old invitation. Here the usual meeting colleagues. time is 3.30 pm, but many of the guests come earlier, so they have time to drop in on former colleagues in their old departments before the formal programme starts.

The pensioners and their spouses were welcomed by Shipowner Jess Søderberg and, while coffee was served, Jesper Kjædegaard from the Liner Department informed them about developments in this im- portant part of A.P. Møller's activities and about the department's plans for sr-fit the future. Later, the guests took the opportunity for a good long chat with their old friends and colleagues and the evening ended as usual with dinner.


couple of photos - one is shown below - stood out from Athe rest in the first round. In the second round the theme has been extended to cover:

1. Working situations with relation to the A.P. Moller Group

2. Maersk subjects in general

In this way, we are making the choice of subject a far wider one. In general, not too many photos of working situations were submitted, DRAGØR MÆRSK calling at the terminal in Algeciras on her maiden voyage. but this is probably natural enough as not many people run around with a camera when they are working on a vessel, on an oil platform or in an DRAGØR MÆRSK office! Maersk Post is still interested in ot all the vessels in the Mærsk gine K90MCC, have a service speed receiving photos of working fleet are built at the Odense of 24 knots. situations, however. We need them NSteel Shipyard. Among the for the central photo files and of exceptions is a new series of four The first newbuilding was named course, they could be published in container vessels now under DRAGØR MÆRSK on 25th Mærsk Post. construction at the South Korean November 1995 in Korea. The yard, Hyundai Heavy Industries. vessel's sponsor was Mrs Bodil So keep pushing the button on your Møller Nielsen, wife of Executive cameras. A new set of prizes is ready A.P. Møller took delivery of the first Vice President Knud Erik Møller and waiting. The closing date for vessel in the series on 30th Nielsen from A.P. Møller. DRAGØR entries is 1st April 1996. November 1995 and will also be MÆRSK's home port is Dragør, taking number three in the series. which happens to be the birthplace The other two vessels have been of the late Shipowner, A.P. Møller. sold to German interests, but will be The vessel is under the command of on long-term charter to Maersk Line. Captain Peter Søgaard Nielsen, with The vessels each have a capacity of Jens Erik Larsen as Chief Engineer. 4,300 20' container equivalents - among the largest in the world. They The vessel has gone into service on are 292 metres long and, thanks to a Maersk Line's liner route between ten-cylinder MAN/B&W diesel en- the Far East and Europe.

At the naming ceremony, from the left, Captain Peter Søgaard Nielsen, the sponsor, Mrs Bodil Møller Nielsen, Knud Erik Møller Nielsen, Flemming Jacobs, Maersk Singapore, and N.J. Lee, Executive Vice President of Hyundai Heavy Industries.


Birgitte Gam/ åk long with representatives of tion for a long-term drilling contract in accompanied by a supervisor who EvaBjerre Maersk Drilling, a group of 19 the YME field in Norway for Statoil. answered all the questions which ^^»representatives from various arose during the tour. Danish and Norwegian authorities The main purpose of the trip was to and industrial organisations visited explain the work of the offshore This familiarisation trip succeeded in MÆRSK GIANT at the Verolme industry in general and of Maersk providing the participants with a Shipyard, Rotterdam, on 15th August Drilling in particular. Mr. Heinz Lund- much clearer idea of the industry, not 1995. berg and Mr. Christian Sørensen from least of the numerous daily Maersk Drilling introduced the pro- challenges facing those involved in MÆRSK GIANT was at that time ject, after which small groups were offshore drilling operations, undergoing modifications in prepara- taken around the rig. Each group was SHIPPING COMPANY OF THE YEAR Javier Lopez J^ jury of top level ministry This year was the first time that a officials and transport users, shipping company was awarded this A^appointeI d by the well-known prestigious prize and as opposed to Spanish magazine, "Logistica & other similar awards, the same com- Transporte" has voted Maersk pany may not win it two years in Espana S.A. "Shipping Company of succession. Nevertheless, Maersk the Year". The award was presented Espana has no intention of resting on to Maersk Espana on 10th October its laurels; on the contrary, the com- 1995 by Mr. Manuel Panadero, pany will continue its efforts to Secretary General of the Ministry of improve its service record even Public Works & Transport, who further. chaired the jury. In his speech, he referred to Maersk Espana's new The photo on the wall behind the TERMINAL 2000 in Algeciras as well commemorative plaque shows the as to Maersk Line's "outstanding staff of Maersk Espana S.A. on 1st contribution to international trans- he remarked, the achievement March 1986, when the company portation in Spain". would not have been possible was officially opened. Since then the without the strong team spirit and staff has grown from 74 to the Erik Nielsen, Managing Director of the hard work done by all employees present figure of 411. Maersk Espana, accepted the award in order to provide top class service on behalf of the entire staff since, as both in Spain and abroad.

20 BRIGANTINE EXPANDS n order to meet the growing market, Brigantine Services Ltd., a Isubsidiary of Maersk Hong Kong Ltd, has established a new container refurbishment and reconditioning facility. The facility occupies over 23,000 m2 on the Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Hong Kong, where it is capable of refurbishing more than four 45' high cube steel containers per hour.

The container refurbishment industry Left to right: Murray Strachan, Salamis, Alastair Lindsay, Chairman of the Board at Salamis, John in general, which used to be con- Mitchell and Mike Fleming, Grampian Enterprise and Graham Wilson, consultant for Salamis. sidered a "cowboy industry", still suffers somewhat from its former image. Brigantine, however, has taken the container refurbishment and re- conditioning industry to new techno- logical heights which the company is INVESTMENT IN now pushing hard to promote.

In order to achieve success in this, major efforts have been made to "PEOPLE POWER present Brigantine and its services through sales visits, exhibitions and alamis (Marine and Industrial) training courses taking place. The advertising. Brigantine has recently Limited, a subsidiary of The courses will support the Salamis had its own stand at two container SMaersk Company Limited and Business Improvement Programme exhibitions, Container Expo '95 in a leading supplier of fabric main- (BIP), which aims to reshape the Singapore and Intermodal '95 in tenance and construction services to company's business activities in Amsterdam. The combination of the onshore and offshore oil and order to create a high-performance sales visits and participation in petrochemical industry, has just and customer-driven workplace. The exhibitions has proved to be extreme- opened a new dedicated training BIP includes such concepts as the ly successful and Brigantine has facility at its headquarters in Aber- replacement of the traditional managed to create a good image for deen. hierarchy of management and the itself within the container industry. encouragement of multi-tasking, by The facility will ensure the optimum providing employees with the oppor- Now that the first hurdle - that of utilisation of the skills of Salamis' tunity to broaden their skills. establishing the company name and employees and is an illustration of its high quality services to the the company's massive investment As part of the commitment to staff majority of container owners - has in training its workforce to meet development, Salamis is working been overcome, Brigantine continues future challenges. Bill Allan, Salamis' towards achieving the prestigious the challenge with unabated energy. Managing Director confirmed, "At Investors in People (IIP) National Salamis, we recognise the fact that Standard and has recently been Teresa Suen our most important asset is our presented with a commitment people and we want to adopt an certificate by Grampian Enterprise, Brigantine's stand approach that fully develops their the local Government Agency at Intermodal '95. abilities as well as genuinely responsible for promoting economic involving them in every aspect of our development and business improve- business". ment.

The new training facility will Hance Fullerton, Chief Executive of substantially reduce the cost of Grampian Enterprise has praised the training and ensure consistency and, company's far-sightedness and furthermore, will serve the needs of called Salamis an excellent example other local Salamis and Maersk of a company which has set its sights companies and organisations in the on future success and has Aberdeen area. thoroughly assessed the best way to reach its goals. It is expected that the training centre will be in constant use over the next six months, with many extensive Ann Pulham/Murray Strachan


One of the two British EU Commissioners and the former Leader of the Labour Party, Mr. Neil Kinnock, was in Denmark in October 1995 on a three-day visit. Neil Kinnock is the Commissioner for Transport, and during his stay in Denmark he visited the Odense Steel Shipyard, the Great Belt Bridge as well as the Exhibition Centre for the future direct link between Denmark and Sweden.

Jess Søderberg was host at a lunch for Mr. Kinnock, in which the Danish NEIGHRUURHUOD WATCH FOR SHIPPING Transport Minister, Jan Trøjborg, also took part. The AMVER system, which stands vessels, apart from emergency help for Automated Mutual Assistance if this ever becomes necessary, Vessel Rescue System, has been in receive no reward but a plaque and, existence since 1959. This global after a long period of membership, system, which is controlled by the an AMVER pennant. US Coast Guard, receives infor- Immediately after mation from over 100 coastal At a ceremony held at the American his visit to Funen, stations all over the world and in Embassy on 26th October 1995, at Neil Kinnock went 1994 involved no less than 12,000 which Shipowner Jess Søderberg on to A. P. Møller's vessels. The vessels taking part in was also present, Captain Kurt headquarters, the system tell the USCG their Brændekilde was presented with where he was position and timetable and make certificates for 1994 for 13 vessels of welcomed by themselves available to provide rapid the Mærsk fleet. Jess Søderberg. assistance, should a colleague find himself in difficulty and sound the A.P. Møller appreciates the good alarm. cooperation with USCG and en- VISIT FROM OSA courages the vessels of the Mærsk It costs nothing to take part in this fleet to participate in the system. During his stay in Denmark in mutual safety programme. The October 1995, the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation subcommittee, Mr. Howard Coble, 10 MILLION TONS visited Esplanadenfora meeting with executive management. Early December a party was held in Taipei to celebrate the discharge of During his four-day visit, the American no less than the 10th million ton of Member of Congress met a number coal for local customer Pencoal and of top Danish officials, including the all carried on Maerskbulk's geared/ Minister for Trade & Industry, Mimi grabbed Panamax vessels. The Jakobsen, and representatives of the photo shows Mr. Stanley Pen of Danish Shipowners' Association and Pencoal receiving a commemorative the Board of Shipping. plaque with the Pencoal and Maersk GOESTSFROM logos from Thomas Schultz of Maerskbulk. Looking on is Joseph SAUDI ARABIA Huang, Director of Maersk Taiwan.

On 11th September 1995, a high- Alice Hsieh ranking trade delegation from Saudi Arabia visited Esplanaden, where the members were welcomed by PENCOAL 10 MILLION TONS MAERSK Jess Søderberg, Per Jørgensen and Kurt Andersen.

During the visit, the guests had the From left to right, Knud Pontoppidan (A. P. opportunity of discussing business Møller), Howard Coble, Jess Søderberg and matters with representatives of A.P. Mark Johnson (Maersk Inc. Washington) in Møller's profit centres and of the Jess Søderberg's office at Esplanaden. associated companies.

22 The photo shows QUALITY EDUCATION the visitors from Vestjyske IN KUWAIT Slagterier and representatives of Thor Jørgensen in In November and December 1995, Arhus. the entire staff of Maersk Kuwait completed their training at the Quality Education Seminars. The courses lasted for three months and were held on the Maersk Kuwait premises with internal instructors.

To follow up on these successful training courses, workshop arrange- ments with the most important customers are shortly to be held. VISIT TO LARS MÆRSK IN ÅRHUS

Danish shippers have shown a great on 9th September 1995. The day deal of interest in Maersk Line's was an extremely instructive one for direct call at Århus, since they are not the guests, who were given a accustomed to seeing ocean-going thorough insight into what happens vessels in Danish ports. As loading once the reefer containers leave takes place on Saturdays, an entire Vestjyske's cold stores. shipping department from Vestjyske Slagterier (West Jutland Abattoirs) in Vestjyske Slagterier is Maersk Line's The quality-conscious staff of Maersk Kuwait Struer took the opportunity of most important European reefer were presented with their diplomas by General visiting not only LARS MÆRSK but customer. Manager, Søren Steen Hansen. also the container terminal in Århus EXPERT AT HEAVY TRANSPORT

At the end of August 1995 TRSL ARCTURUS, the former TREIN MÆRSK on charter to Sea-Land, moored at the Odense Steel Ship- yard so that the number eight cylinder of its MAN B&W main en- gine could be repaired after an en- gine breakdown off the coast of Brazil.

It had been decided beforehand, that the crankshaft should be taken out and sent for repairs to MAN B&W's sub-supplier in the Czech Republic and that A.R Møller's Purchasing Department should organise the transportation of the 58 ton, nine metre long crankshaft. The following night the truck drove truck arrived safely at the factory in The choice of transport fell to the over the Danish/German border at Ostrava, where the crankshaft was Danish haulage contractor Torben Padborg, where it picked up a lifted out and repaired. Rafn, who had previously handled German road escort. The route went special transport for A.P. Møller, so through Berlin, where a police escort The return trip to Funen took place a on Saturday 2nd September, the joined the procession, while at the month later and the crankshaft was crankshaft was lifted out of the German/Czech border two Czech once again installed in TRSL vessel and lashed securely to a lorries were waiting to take over for ARCTURUS, which is now back on specially-built "cradle" on a 24 metre the last part of the journey. After a its Europe-South America route. long truck. trip lasting almost two days, the


January 1st 1996, all the companies having the well-known star on their in the Pharma-Plast Group changed business cards. their names and are now known under the collective name of Maersk Maersk Medical manufactures and Medical. The company logo is the markets sterile, disposable products familiar white, seven-pointed star. for the health sector including hospitals. The reason for the change The many preparations for the of name stems from the desire for change of name have been going on global expansion. The group aims to for months, so that everything would become the world's leading supplier be ready for the New Year. Most of of high quality medical devices, the company buildings have already thereby contributing to the improve- been decorated with the Maersk star ment of treatment and care of In front of the full Maersk container are and the blue house flag is now patients by health care professionals employees from one of the large fruit exporters proudly flying from our flagstaffs all all over the world. in the Melilla area together with Michael over the world. All our employees Poulsen from Line Centre Reefer Operations in are delighted by the name change Marianne Maltow Copenhagen (no 1 from the left) and Jorn Quist and have been looking forward to from Maersk Espaha Algeciras (standing as no 5 from the left).

Overview of Maersk Medical: The main product lines of Maersk Medical are: catheters, drainage bags, syringes, scalpels and NEW REEFER ROOTE blades, wound management, infusion devices and ophthalmic surgical cannulae. Maersk Medical has eight factories in Denmark, three in the U.K. and one in Malaysia. The group employes 1,900 people worldwide. FORMELILLA

A new reefer route has recently been started up from the port of Melilla in ENGLAND North Africa. Since the start of the Maersk Medical Ltd. service at the beginning of November 1995, 25 reefer con- I Mgj tainers of Clementines and oranges have been loaded onto our feeder vessel every single week, for destinations in Northern Europe and MALAYSIA the United States. Maersk MedicafSdn. Bhd. e The transportation of citrus fruit from the areas of Morocco close to Melilla Main Office is carried out under constant super- 0 Production and Sales vision and with unfailing reliability, £ Sales Office m thanks to the regular transhipment 0 Representative Office connection at Maersk Espana's Terminal 2000 in Algeciras.

The presence of Maersk Espaha S. A. in the port of Melilla dates back to March 1990, when the first Maersk REFURBISHED Line container vessel arrived there. Since then, assisted by the valuable support of Maersk Espana's agent in MAERSK OIL OFFICE the port, Carmelo Martinez S. L., the Melilla service and particularly the Maersk Oil (Thailand) Ltd., the import side has grown steadily. The operator for a joint-venture ex- 1994 import/export figure of 1,700 ploration project in Block B8/32 off- 20' equivalent units was well shore Thailand, recently rebuilt and exceeded in 1995 evidence that the modernised its offices in the BB service has already proved ex- building in Bangkok. In accordance tremely popular with the customers. with Thai tradition, Buddhist monks M.P.P Pier in Songkhla. This includes Furthermore, there are definite inaugurated the new premises at a bulk plant drilling mud and cement indications that reefer exports will ceremony on 10th October 1995. facilities to handle its forthcoming increase even more during 1996. appraisal drilling operations on the Maersk Oil (Thailand) Ltd. has also Benchamas (chrysanthemum) dis- Javier Lopez opened a new supply base at the covery, which was made in May 1995. Personalia

Esplanaden The Fleet

40 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Chief Engineer Chief Officer Captain Captain Chief Engineer 1 st Engineer Hans Pauii Tage Figer Ole Jensen Hans Erik Thomsen John Christiansen Mogens Peder Danielsen 1 March 1996 2 March 1996 17 April 1996 28 April 1996 Jensen 18 May 1996 4 June 1996

ibrf: l

25 Years 25 Years Retiring Retiring Retiring Retiring Retiring Anniversary Anniversary Chief Engineer Chief Steward Chief Engineer Electrician Chief Steward Dirch Christensen Chief Engineer Knud Jørgen Holm Flemming Madsen Preben Tørnæs Lee Ka Wo Ib Halse Leth 1 March 1996 Steen Bundgaard 1 January 1996 1 January 1996 Valsted 1 March 1996 1 April 1996 Nielsen 1 March 1996 9 June 1996 Organisations Abroad

25 Years 40 Years 40 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Tage Bundgaard Niels Lillelund Yu Kakuta Richard Reynolds Søren Steen Niels Strand Tatsuya Masuoka 1 June 1996 Jørgensen Yokohama Madison Hansen Nielsen Osaka Tehran 1 April 1996 1 February 1996 Kuwait Johannesburg 1 April 1996 1 April 1996 1 April 1996 1 April 1996


25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Seiji Toyomiya Akimasa Ohtaki Akira Tanaka David Bindler Flemming Dam Alfredo D'Almeida Tokyo Tokyo Yokohama Madison Tacoma San Francisco 1 April 1996 15 April 1996 16 April 1996 26 April 1996 4 May 1996 1 June 1996

25 Years 25 Years Retiring Anniversary Anniversary Yap Chin Heng Dorothy Ciebien J.C. van der Linden Mercantile Chicago Norfolk Line Consolidators 1 June 1996 1 June 1996 Singapore 1 May 1996 Maersk Air

25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Tonny Iversen Niels Bo Andersen Henrik Gustafsson Elly Bejder Leif Midtboll Villy Listrup 18 March 1996 26 April 1996 1 May 1996 15 May 1996 1 June 1996 Johansen 1 June 1996

Roulunds Georg Fischer DISA


25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 40 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Hans Erik Gjerstorff Hans Jorgen Kyster Jytte Pedersen Ole Oksby Hansen Jørgen Kaae 18 January 1996 15 February 1996 1 March1996 1 March 1996 Ludvigsen 14 April 1996

Maersk Medical

25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Lone J. Olsen Heidi Jørgensen Hanne Olsen Margit Jensen Jytte Merete Inge Bonde 1 February 1996 15 February 1996 11 March 1996 20 April 1996 Christensen 28 April 1996 26 April 1996

OS Plastic Maersk Ship Design

25 Years 25 Years Retiring Anniversary Anniversary A. C. Østergaard Erling Hougaard Ib Aamann Høj 1 May 1996 15 February 1996 1 March 1996

The Yard

-- -s.

40 Years 40 Years 40 Years 40 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Ole K. Knudsen Knud Henning Bent Snedker Palle Jensen Mogens Pedersen Leif Kolkjær Ivan Lindholm 15 March 1996 Nielsen 26 April 1996 24 May 1996 2 February 1996 Sørensen Knudsen 19 April 1996 2 February 1996 2 February 199i The Yard, continued

25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Jørgen M. Tage Touda! Carl Chr. E. Kurt Høj Gunnar Villiam Hans Albert Nielsen Hans M. Kristiansen Simonsen Johansen 23 February 1996 Jensen 1 March 1996 Mortensen 9 February 1996 16 February 1996 23 February 1996 23 February 1996 8 March 1996

•/ W\

# SWjt

25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Leif Rye Henrik Vagner Bent Holger Jensen Alis D.L. Hansen Vagn Aage Bjarne Sten Kennet S. Dannerfjord Madsen 22 March 1996 22 March 1996 Thomsen Christensen Jørgensen 8 March 1996 15 March 1996 29 March 1996 12 April 1996 12 April 1996

25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Niels Roed Edvin R. Svend Helmer Henning Kolkjær Erik Vang-Pedersen Otto Wilkens John Crone 19 April 1996 Christiansen Petersen Sørensen 26 April 1996 10 May 1996 Christensen 19 April 1996 26 April 1996 26 April 1996 10 May 1996

25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years 25 Years Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Erling W. lb Marin Jørgensen Preben Olav Hans Peder S. Ole Bjørn L. Søren Kr. Thorbøll Christensen 24 May 1996 Jørgensen Pedersen Rasmussen 7 June 1996 24 May 1996 31 May 1996 31 May 1996 31 May 1996


The A. P. Moller Group regret having to announce the following deaths:

Captain Per Gervig Henning Rouff Larsen Niels Asger Hansen The Yard The Yard ex MÆRSK CHIEFTAIN 26 October 1995 25 November 1995 12 September 1995 Otto Fabricius Søren Peter Løvhøj Kenneth Strom Olesen The Yard Esplanaden The Yard 27 October 1995 29 November 1995 1 October 1995 25 Years Anniversary Carl Georg Jensen 7 June 1996