From Huizhou with Love
FROM HUIZHOU WITH LOVE 城市漫步珠江三角洲英文版 001031 月份 PLUS HONG KONG ARTS FESTIVAL / NOBEL PRIZE WINNER MO YAN / JACKIE CHAN ON CHINESE ZODIAC / OKINAWA TRAVEL / GZ SEXPO JANUARY 2013 November 2012 // 1 2 November 2012 // November 2012 // 3 JANUARY 2012 // 1 《城市漫步》珠江三角洲 英文月刊 主管单位 :中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 :五洲传播出版社 地址 :中国北京 海淀区北小马厂 6 号华天大厦 23-26 层 Published by China Intercontinental Press Address: Huatian Building, 6 North Xiaomachang, Haidian District, Beijing 100038, China 社长 President: 李红杰 Li Hongjie 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department: 邓锦辉 Deng Jinhui Managing Editor Shane Qin Editors Tom Bird, Jarrad Edwards Events Editor Ester Yang Web Editor Will Wu Editorial Assistant Juliette Ding Contributors Brad Phillips, Celine Song, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Christine Gilbert, David Kellaway, Dr Gregg Miller, Ernest White, Eveline Chao, Jane Kent, Karoline Kan, Jessica Lymberopoulos, Lauren Hogan, Li Zhengde, Marianna Cerini, Ned Kelly, Robert Foyle Hunwick, Tom Lee, Copy Editors Jane Kent, Simon Edward Smith Interns Ben Chen, Jane Zhang Urbanatomy Media Shanghai (Head Office) 上海和舟广告有限公司 上海市澳门路 872 弄 10 号 邮政编码 :200050 No.10, Lane 872, Aomen Lu, Shanghai 200050 电话 :021-2213 9018 传真 :021-2213 9010 Guangzhou 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 广州市麓苑路 42 号大院 2 号楼 610 室 邮政编码 :510095 Rm. 610, No. 2 Building, Area 42, Lu Yuan Lu, Guangzhou 510095 电话 :020-8358 6125 传真 :020-8357 3859 - 816 Shenzhen
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