




Samuel Pfrimmer Hays

Edition of June 2000



Introduction: Exploring Pfrimmer Family History 3

I. The Pfrimmer Families in Alsace and 10 and America

II. Descendants of John George Pfrimmer and 16 Elizabeth Senn

Elizabeth Pfrimmer Winter 17 Samuel Pfrimmer 110 Catherine Pfrimmer l93 Mary Pfrimmer Kenoyer 251 Christena Pfrimmer Wright Newbanks 333 John George Pfrimmer, Jr. 338

2 Introduction

Exploring Pfrimmer Family History

This account of the Pfrimmer family in Europe and America, with a special emphasis on the descendants of John George Pfrimmer, is the product of 90 years of research in family history. That long road begins in the first decade of the 20th century with research by my great- grandfather, Jacob Strange Pfrimmer and then advanced by my mother and father, Clara Ridley Pfrimmer and Clay Blaine Hays in the l920's. By the late l930's my own interest in the Pfrimmer family had been fully aroused and since then I have periodically continued the journey into the Pfrimmer story. Only now have I brought my records together into a single document, the history of the Pfrimmer family. As an introduction I will describe here some of the main steps in this 90-year venture.

My great-grandfather, Jacob Strange Pfrimmer, was especially proud of his grandfather, John George Pfrimmer, as a leader of the United Brethren Church in Harrison County, Indiana, an early leader in the county's government and a medical doctor. Jacob Strange Pfrimmer left several accounts of the Pfrimmer family in his own writing, but, more important, from the viewpoint of family genealogy, he undertook to contact the grandchildren of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn in preparation for the erection of a monument to them at Pfrimmer's Chapel. While he did not fulfill that objective during his lifetime - he died in l9l5 and the monument was not erected until l93l - his correspondence in the years between l905 and l9l5 that located his cousins, grandchildren of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn is preserved to constitute the initial information from which later forays into family history evolved. He was particularly energetic in tracking down the descendants of the families of three children of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn who had left Harrison Co., Elizabeth Pfrimmer Winter, Mary Pfrimmer Kenoyer and John George Pfrimmer, Jr.

In the early l920's leaders of the United Brethren Church became interested in the career of John George Pfrimmer as an early U.B. Church leader - he founded the first United Brethren Sunday School west of the Alleghenies - and wrote about him in denominational newspapers, The Watchword and The Religious Telescope published in Dayton, Ohio. At the same time, my grandfather, Samuel Pfrimmer, son of Jacob Strange Pfrimmer Pfrimmer and my father took up further correspondence to extend knowledge of Pfrimmer genealogy, building on the initial inquiries of Jacob Strange Pfrimmer. As the decade wore on they were able to realize the dream of the Pfrimmer-Senn monument which was erected in l93l. The one daughter whose whereabouts had not yet been discovered was Catherine about which the family knew very little, thought had married a Gallimore but which by the time that the monument was created had led to firm knowledge in the county marriage records that she had married David Melton. Yet the whereabouts of the family had not yet been discovered.

One relative with whom my parents kept in close touch was Bess Miller Hack from Indianapolis, Ind. who visited us from time to time at our home in Corydon, Ind. She was related to both my father through the Miller family since his grandmother was a Miller and to my mother through the Pfrimmers descended from the oldest daughter of John George Pfrimmer, Elizabeth, who had married Rev. John Levi Winter. Bess Hack seemed to be one of the few relatives who was interested in pursuing genealogy herself, but she was concentrating more on the Miller family. She also was actively searching for Revolutionary War records pertaining to John George Pfrimmer. On occasions of her visits to Corydon we invariably talked much about Pfrimmer/Winter family history.

3 This period of active searching into Pfrimmer family history came to a pause in the l930's but soon elicited my personal interest in Pfrimmer genealogy. At that time I was growing up in Corydon, Harrison Co., Indiana - in high school between l936 and l940 - with a firm personal knowledge of the deep roots of my family in Harrison County. Fourteen of my sixteen great-great grandparents and thirteen of my thirty-two great-great-great grandparents had lived and died in Harrison County and as a child I experienced first-hand much evidence of that history including cemeteries where they were buried, old "home places," and a network of relatives.

Among these the Pfrimmer family was one of the most compelling. My mother's name was Clara Ridley Pfrimmer and Pfrimmer was my own middle name. My grandfather, Samuel Pfrimmer, lived with us as did his sister, Allie Pfrimmer McLaughlin until she died in l932. Six miles east of Corydon was the Pfrimmer farm, the farm where my great-parents, Jacob Strange Pfrimmer and Mary Elizabeth Lemmon had lived and which had been owned by the previous Pfrimmer generation. There were pictures of the farm, its cattle and its buildings which we poured over from time to time and there was the lot in the Cedar Hill Cemetery at Corydon, where my great-grandparents Pfrimmer, one of their daughters, and my own grandmother Pfrimmer were buried, graves on which we placed flowers each Decoration Day in late May.

Most important, however, was Pfrimmer's Chapel, east of Corydon just before we came to the Pfrimmer Farm, a United Brethren Church which was an outgrowth of the first United Brethren Sunday School west of the Allegheny Mountains that John George Pfrimmer, had established early in the l9th century, on a piece of land granted to the congregation by Samuel Pfrimmer, the son of John George Pfrimmer. By the latter part of the l930's I vaguely remembered the dedication of the Pfrimmer-Senn memorial in l93l and knew full well the history of my ancestor; it provided a "Pfrimmer experience" which was deeply ingrained in me from my earliest years. It was also pointed out to me on many an occasion that the first capitol building of the State of Indiana, located then at Corydon, was built by three judges of the court of pleas, of whom one was John George Pfrimmer. This was especially known because the State of Indiana was soon to take up the task of remodeling the current building, used as a county court house, in accordance with the original.

These experiences were augmented by a number of more widespread Pfrimmer family contacts that my mother and grandfather maintained throughout the l930's while I was still in high school. There was, for example, Will Pfrimmer, from Kentland, Indiana, the "poet of the Kankakee" who travelled each year in his retirement from a cabin in northern Wisconsin to Florida and back and stopped by our house. He was received with mixed emotions because his ever-present cigar was not welcomed by my mother. But he brought stories of the Pfrimmer past and one of the poems in his two books in which they were collected was dedicated to "Sam", my grandfather. There was Uncle Walter Vennor who had married my grandfather's sister, Flora, and who now lived in Smithland, but who returned occasionally for a visit after Aunt Flora had died. A granddaughter of Daniel Alexander Pfrimmer, Phoebe Pfrimmer Earls visited during the l930's and there were visits from the relatives including Irene Manbeck Rowland and Helen Pfrimmer Price. There were the Welkers of Indianapolis, descendants of a half-sister of Jacob Strange Pfrimmer and I remember visiting them once in Indanapolis with my Aunt Allie. There was frequent correspondence with Emma Meneray, descended of another half-brother, Samuel Hamilton Pfrimmer who lived in Santa Rosa, Calif. I visited her in l957 while teaching during the summer at the University of California at Berkeley. Closer to home was the family of Emma Pfrimmer Faith, daughter of Will Pfrimmer, 4 brother of my great-grandfather, Jacob Pfrimmer, whose daughter, Lenore LaHue, was one of my mother's very special friends.

At some point in the late l930's when I was in high school this compelling immersion in Pfrimmer family experience began to turn into a more deliberate interest in Pfrimmer family history. Some of this came from the old letters left by Jacob Strange Pfrimmer. The contacts the family had made with United Brethren Church leaders continued and as early as l938 I corresponded with Rev. Hough, obtaining from him more information about John George Pfrimmer, especially as reported in the diary of another Church leader in Pennsylvania, Christian Newcomer. It covered events in Berks County, Pennsylvania in the early history of that Church and reported numerous religious activities of John George Pfrimmer My excitement in searching for Pfrimmer descendants, however, got a considerable boost from a visit to relatives at New Canton, Pike Co., Illinois when my father and I drove to Grinnell, Iowa in l938 to pick up my brother and bring him home for the summer. My father had corresponded with Pfrimmer relatives there, descendants of John George Pfrimmer, Jr., in the l920's and now renewed that contact. We were able to locate several of these relatives.

These personal contacts were extended by a foray into documents in Harrison County, Indiana, which was relatively easy since my father was an attorney and knew the county court house intimately. We discovered the papers in the settlement of the estate of John George Pfrimmer and poured through them; we searched with only partial success for papers to his early real estate holdings near Corydon to some extent because my father and grandfather purchased in l930 the same tract of land that John George Pfrimmer had entered in l808 but for which the subsequent title was not recorded and hence we had no idea as to how he had disposed of the land. Then there was an old "doctor's book," a notebook in which John George Pfrimmer, as a doctor of sorts had recorded the individuals whom he had treated, the condition for which they had been treated, the prescription, and the charge.

In these years there were a few Pfrimmer relatives from elsewhere who were interested in family history and with whom we came in touch after they had made inquiries into family history in Harrison Co. One of these were the Iowa Pfrimmers, a family in which a sister of Jacob Strange Pfrimmer, Lydia, had married her third cousin, George Pfrimmer, and moved to Norwood, Iowa. Our family history correspondence with them dates from the early l930's. Then in the late l930's we were contacted by a Mildred Hatch Messman of Sheldon, Illinois, who was descended from Mary Pfrimmer, a daughter of John George Pfrimmer, and Frederick Kenoyer. That family had moved north to Newton County, Indiana, and from there the Kenoyers had spread across the country. Mildred Messman did yeoman's work on the Kenoyer descendants and several decades later another Kenoyer descendant, Mildred Davis of LaPlata, Calif., took up her work and produced an extensive account of Kenoyer descendants. The Kenoyer part of this Pfrimmer family history comes almost exclusively from the work of these Kenoyer genealogists.

From these beginnings I began to gather information about several lines of Pfrimmer descendants. On some of these I started even in the l940's, but continued especially in the l950's when I taught at the University of Iowa from l953 to l960, and then after l960 at the University of Pittsburgh. I pursued all the known lines of the Pfrimmer-Senn descendants, but especially those which Jacob Strange Pfrimmer had started. While living in Iowa City I contacted the Iowa Pfrimmers and on several occasions while visiting my wife's parents in Kansas City, Kansas, I made visits to Missouri and Kansas towns where children were found. Washington Co. records documented the 5 birth of the youngest son, John George Pfrimmer, Jr. as well as John George Pfrimmer's tax payments and the sale of land there, all found and generously given me by a Pennsylvania genealogist, Raymond Bell. A record of land entered near where Pfrimmer's Chapel was established, was found with transfer to his son, Samuel Pfrimmer, so that the actual title of that piece of land was not recorded in the name of John George Pfrimmer but that of his son.

Perhaps the most exciting "discovery" came when I was able to make contact with the descendants of Catherine Pfrimmer who had married David Melton. We had known of that marriage from Harrison County records, but had not known where the family had gone from Harrison County. This discovery began with the exploration of old letters in my father's law office. This had also been the office of his father, Henry Clay Hays, beginning in l883 when he went into partnership with Samuel J. Wright who had been a lawyer in the same location prior to that time. Samuel J. Wright was a grandson of John George Pfrimmer through his daughter, Christena, who had married Eli Wright. In the cubby holes of the old law office there were many records, including correspondence, which Samuel Wright had left there.

I had long poured over the materials in these cubby holes to look for old stamps, but only in the l940's began to understand their value for family history, on both the Hays side of the family, but also, through the Wright correspondence, on the Pfrimmer side. I found a letter that Samuel Wright's mother, Christena, had written to her son, Samuel J. Wright, from Ft. Branch, Ind. indicating that she wished she could visit her sister, Catherine Melton in Illinois, and that she would take a particular route to do so, going to Galesburg and then to the nearby village of Wataga near her sister's home. A letter to the postmaster of that village put me in touch with an Earl Melton in Galesburg, and I found him to have recorded much Melton family history. From this beginning, in later years, I came into contact with other Melton descendants, especially Nancy Pratt Melton, a Melton/Pfrimmer descendant who was editing a Melton family newsletter called the Melton Pot“ and Janice MacKenzie who was an active Melton/Pfrimmer researcher and who shared with me all of her Melton information. All of the material here about the descendants of Catherine Pfrimmer and David Melton come from these sources. The extension of this information is one of the projects yet to be undertaken.

In the mid-l970's I began to explore Pfrimmer ancestry in Alsace and in the process not only found Pfrimmer roots there but was prompted to correct some significant errors in family tradition. Knowledge about these came largely from what my great-grandfather, Jacob Strang Pfrimmer, had written which often drew upon the memory and records of his third cousin, George Pfrimmer who had come from Bischheim, near Strasbourg in France, to Harrison County in the l840's. I contacted a genealogist in Strassbueg, Mme. Jean Peres, through the magazine The Genealogical Helper and through her began the search. The documentary records there of births, marriages, deaths and estate inventories made clear that some major changes needed to be made in long-standing traditions about the Pfrimmer family. There were several of these.

First was the long-standing belief that John George Pfrimmer had come from Bischheim; this was found to be incorrect. He had been born in Berstett, not far away to the west; his father was born in Brumath and his Pfrimmer grandparents, Michael Pfrimmer and Catharine, also named Pfrimmer, came from Eckwersheim, all towns in the vicinity. The error, it seems likely, came from the fact that the Pfrimmre migrants to Harrison County from Alsace in the l840's did, in fact, come from Bischheim, since John George Pfrimmer's brother had moved there from 6 Berstett. The monument at Pfrimmer's Chapel, however, records in stone the incorrect fact that Bischheim was the origin of John George Pfrimmer and serves as a constant reminder of the frequent shakiness of family tradition.

The Alsace records also made clear that the main center of the Pfrimmer family, as far back as the records went to the mid-l6th century, was Eckwersheim. I had never heard of this village prior to the research into Alsace but from that time on the focal point of my thinking about the Pfrimmer family was Eckwersheim. The records made clear that members of the Pfrimmer family frequently moved to other villages but usually not far away. Hence Pfrimmer research took the form of reconstructing these networks of Pfrimmers with Eckwersheim as the center.

A second family tradition that proved to be incorrect was that John George Pfrimmer was one of two sons, the other being Michael, that they were children of Samuel Pfrimmer and for seven generations the male line had alternated between Michael Pfrimmer and Samuel Pfrimmer. John George Pfrimmer was one of three sons. The oldest one,Jacob Pfrimmer, remained in Berstett; as mayor of Berstett he recorded his brother, John George Pfrimmer's death in l826 alongside his birth record in the Berstett records. His father was not Samuel Pfrimmer but John George Pfrimmer. There was, in fact, no Samuel Pfrimmer in the John George Pfrimmer ancestry and the Samuel Pfrimmer, son of John George Pfrimmer and father of Jacob Strange Pfrimmer, was the first known Samuel Pfrimmer in the entire Pfrimmer genealogy. The name Samuel has not yet been found in the entire gamut of Pfrimmer records in Alsace

I also contacted a genealogist by the name of Ernst Arm in Basel, Switzerland (also through the Genealogical Helper) near Sissach, the origin of Elizabeth Senn, whom John George Pfrimmer had married, and he not only found their marriage record, but tracked them to their first home in Wenslingen, nearby, with birth records of their first three children, prior to their coming to America, and the death of one. He also tracked the ancestry of Elizabeth Senn through several generations so that this is an even more completely recorded ancestry than Madame Peres had found for the Pfrimmers in Alsace.

One result of this foray into records in Alsace came when our daughter, Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Hays, spent a summer in Europe on a project to research and write a senior thesis for her anthropology degree at Connecticut Wesleyan University. Madame Peres had found records as to the descendants in Berstett of Jacob Pfrimmer, brother of the migrant to the , John George Pfrimmer. From this information Polly conceived the project of living with the family of Alfred Pfrimmer, great-great-great grandson of Jacob Pfrimmer, brother of the migrant to America, for the summer, participating in its activities and using this "participant-observor" role as a basis for her thesis. She contacted the family, lived with them and worked with them daily on their farm and produced an account of life in Berstett. Through contact with several relatives of this family she was able to expand the account of the descendants of Jacob Pfrimmer and this is the record included here in the section of the genealogy dealing with the European descendants of the two brothers, Jacob and Michael, brothers of John George Pfrimmer.

When living in Pittsburgh I was contacted by a Keith Pfrimmer who lived in Connecticut and this was my first significant contact with the Canadian Pfrimmers who had remained at Goderich in Ontario. I had known vaguely about the existence of Pfrimmers in Canada through some correspondence among the papers of my great-grandfather, Jacob Strange 7 Pfrimmer, and in some fashion I am not sure I had been in touch with some of their descendants in Minnesota. Keith Pfrimmer kindled an interest in this branch of the family. He had gone through the church records at Goderich and shared these with me. I did not pursue this extensively until after I retired when I undertook research attempting to link the Canadian Pfrimmers with those who came to the United States. This came through several scattered pieces of evidence in which the emigration record of one of the three brothers to Canada, Christian, was found in a record of Alsatian emigrants. He was living in Reitwiller, near Eckwersheim, but through his marriage record there it was found that he had come from Eckwersheim and through tracing his parents and their ancestors, in turn, it was found that he came from the same branch of the Pfrimmer family as did my own ancestor, Catherine Pfrimmer who married Michael Pfrimmer of Eckwersheim, and who were the grandparents of my ancestor John George Pfrimmer. This provided a clear ancestral link among all the Pfrimmers in America.

In l983, after my teaching stint at Oxford University was over, Barbara and I traveled in western Europe and were able to follow up these discoveries of ancestry in Alsace and Switzerland. We visited Sissach; through the international travel program, Servas, we stayed with the Wiedmer-Muller family there who drove us to a number of ancestral villages, including Wenslingen. We then travelled to Alsace, visited the Pfrimmer villages of Eckwersheim and Berstett and made contacts with the family with whom Polly had stayed and by whom we were to feel very much at home. At the same time we met other Pfrimmer relatives that Polly had known and through whom we made contact with Elizabeth Schneider, a descendant of Jacob Pfrimmer, brother of John George Pfrimmer and her husband, Alain Petion, and their family and with whom we later exchanged Christmas family letters.

The research into the Pfrimmer family in Alsace is now one of the most intriguing and compelling aspects of this foray into Pfrimmer family history. What began through the work of Madame Peres now can be carried on far more extensively through the fact that the Genealogical Society of Utah (Latter Day Saints) has microfilmed the vital records of every village in Alsace and that these films are available on interlibrary loan through the Mormon Family History Libraries throughout the name. It is even more feasible through the fact that our son, Peter D. Hays, is proficent in a number of early European languages, including German and has become interested in transcribing and translating the German script. The task of reconstructing Pfrimmer families in Eckwersheim is made difficult by some gaps in marriage and birth records in the l9th century, but I look forward to piecing together a much fuller range of information about the Pfrimmer families of Alsace.

Even more intriguing is the possibility of striking up contacts with interested Pfrimmer relatives and genealogists in Europe. The LDS records make possible some forays into these possibilities, and a number of genealaogical finding aids help to locate people by the name of Pfrimmer in Europe. The contacts made with descendants of Jacob Pfrimmer, brother of John George Pfrimmer, of Berstett, first by Polly Hays and then with the visit of Barbara and myself to Berstett are beginnings on which it would be exciting to build. Now that this research into Pfrimmer genealogy has brought together information that links Pfrimmers in Canada and the United States, to expand these circles with Pfrimmer relatives in Europe can be especially challenging.

As I look back at almost a century of research into Pfrimmer family history I am struck by the steady improvement in facilities through which investigations can be carried on. In earlier years one was

8 confined to personal knowledge about where relatives went and to communication with them by letter. In l940 I discovered for the first time the U.S. Census records which then could be used only by going to Washington, D. C. Then microfilms of the census became available but at that time only through the year l880. The Genealogical Helper began publication in the l940s and I soon began to use it, as well as some local genealogical society publications for networking through printed "inquiries." Then came the explosion of infomration resources through the computer and I searched for Pfrimmers through the indexed censuses, the International Genealogical Index (IGI) and the LDS Ancestral File. I noted that in the l993 version of the IGI the number of Pfrimmers recorded had grown from about 30 to well over a hundred. Even more important for Pfrimmer research were the microflms of the local records in Alsace which now constitute one of the untapped frontiers for expanding knowledge about the Pfrimmer family.

At several points in this journey into Pfrimmer history I kept some figures as to the number of descendants in the record. The first was Jan. l, l957 when there were 869 recorded; a year later, Jan. l, l958 there were l47l. But there was a pause, undoubtedly due to my move to the University of Pittsburgh and the preoccupation with new duties there, so that the next record is for Jan. l, l970 when there were l782, followed by a March l, l970 record of 2l69. At that time I had pursued several branches of the children of Samuel Pfrimmer, son of John George Pfrimmer, and especially the Iowa Pfrimmers, descendants of Elizabeth Pfrimmer Winter, and had made initial contact with the Canadian Pfrimmers through their descendants in Minnesota. There was then a major pause in which the main advance was made through contacts with the Kenoyer and Melton families who had already done extensive work on their branches of the John George Pfrimmer descant. There are now 6047 individuals in this record, of which 5298 are descendants of John George Pfrimmer and 749 in other branches. Since retiring in l990 I have sought primarily to bring together the scattered material in my files - of which this is the product - and to some extent research in Europe. Now that the volume is completed I will devote time to tapping the energies of interested Pfrimmer descendants to take the entire project another step forward in both America and in Europe.

Copies of "The Pfrimmer Family in Europe and America" will be placed in several libraries such as the Corydon, Indiana, Public Library. At the same time it can be made available at cost to those who wish to purchase it. In order to make it more feasible for purchase I will make available segments of the family history, one for each of the 57 grandchildren of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn who grew to adulthood and had families, and one each for the descendants of Charles Pfrimmer and Martha Cline, in the Michael Pfrimmer descent and for the Canadian Pfrimmers.

This Pfrimmer family history is both an end of a trail and the beginning of another one and I invite Pfrimmer descendants who feel so inclined to contribute to the future journey. Feel free to copy and distribute parts or all of the family history to others. Adopt one of the grandchildren of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn as your very own and expand it as an important segment of the entire Pfrimmer family history.

Samuel P. Hays Frasier Meadows Manor 350 Ponca Place Boulder, Colo., 80303 303-554-6560 E-mail: [email protected] 9


The Pfrimmer Families of Alsace and America

The initial impetus to explore Pfrimmer family records in Alsace came from work already accomplished on recording the descendants of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn in America. Where did they come from and what was their ancestry? There were several sources of information as a beginning: (l) descendants of John George Pfrimmer who migrated to America in l788 and came to Harrison County, Indiana in l808, (2) a son and three grandsons of his brother, Michael Pfrimmer, all three of whom came to America in the l9th century and (3) descendants of three Pfrimmer families who came to America about l840 and lived in Canada. Research in Alsace records identified Berstett as the origin of John George Pfrimmer and Michael Pfrimmer and these records, in turn, led to the nearby village of Eckwersheim as the earlier origins of their grandparents. Eckwersheim, moreover, was the origin of the Canadian Pfrimmers.

These discoveries led to more detailed research into Eckwersheim records that reached back into the mid-16th century. Records there revealed that a great number of Pfrimmer families had lived there since that time and con tinued to do so through the l7th, l8th and l9th centuries. The records helped to identify the immediate ancestry of the Pfrimmer migrants to Harrison County and to Canada. But it also became clear that there were other Pfrimmers elsewhere and that Eckwersheim was their village of origin. This, in turn, gave rise to an interest in piecing together the entire history of the Pfrim mer family in Alsace. This led to the compilation of a genealogy, "The Pfrim mer Families of Alsace" now in its third edition.

The records made clear that some Pfrimmers had, over the years, left Eck wersheim to live in nearby villages such as Berstett, Brumath, Ittenheim, Olweisheim, Reitwiller, Tructersheim and Vendenheim. Some of these other villages are indicated from the Pfrimmer entries in the International Genea logical Index; others are referred to in the Eckwersheim birth, marriage, death and inventory records that describe family members, relatives and mar riage partners who lived in places other than Eckwersheim. While most of these other villages were near Eckwersheim, others were a bit further away such as Weitbruch, northeast of Brumath, Duntzenheim and Milheim to the West. Records indicate that others had moved to Strasbourg and others up the Rhine to Basel; the International Genealogical Index lists a Pfrimmer marriage in Kork, Baden in l762 and a family of Pfrimmers in Bavaria in the l9th century.

The first Eckwersheim record is a baptism of Margaretha Pfrimmer, daugh ter of Wolff Pfrimmer and Catharina Jan. 2, l569. The first marriage on record is Sixt Pfrimmer, son of Hans Pfrimmer and Agnes Schneider, daughter of Hans Schneider, July 30, l570. This identifies Wolff Pfrimmer and Hans Pfrim mer as the earliest Pfrimmer names on record. From then on there are in the Eckwersheim record 9l marriages between l570 and l736 when the parish marriage record ends, and 347 births between l570 and l775 when the parish baptismal record ends. Civil state records that begin in l793 with the French Revolution contain many Pfrimmer entries for Eckwersheim thereafter. By the last half of the l8th century the Pfrimmers constituted a very large share of the Eck wersheim population, estimated at between l5 and 20 percent of the total surnames.

There is a significant temporal pattern in both marriages and births. In the 50 years between l570 and l620 there were 22 Pfrimmer marriages, but in the following 60 years, between l620 and l680 there were only 6. However, in the next 56 years, between l680 and l736 there were 65. This reflected a three-stage history of the Pfrimmer family, one, l570-l620, with a relatively 10 high level of marriages; then, l620-l680, a very low level; followed by a third, l680-l736, of an even higher level. The chronology of baptisms was somewhat similar, 40 between l569 and l590; then 22 between l590 and l650; and l8l between l650 and l740. The decline and recovery of births predated that of marriages a few years, but the pattern of decline in the late l6th and early l7th century and subsequent rise in the late l7th century and early l8th century is clear. This points to the disastrous effect of both the Black Death and the religious wars of the l7th century from l6l8 to the Peace of Westphalia in l648.

By the middle of the l8th century the Pfrimmer families in Eckwersheim were more numerous than ever. From the birth, marriage, death and inventory records there has been an attempt to piece together the Pfrimmer family groups in the intervening years. They can be grouped together into four major Pfrim mer families, descendants of (l) Anton (l620-l688) and Catherine (l6l7-l673) Pfrimmer; (2) Claus (-l598) and Barbara (-l608) Pfrimmer; (3) Erhard and Catherine Pfrimmer and (4) Jorg (-l6l4) and Agnes Pfrimmer. Claus, Erhard and Jorg all have known ancestors in the l6th century; those of Anton are not known. Beginning in l793 the new French government instituted Civil State Records located in the departmental archives of the Bas-Rhin Department. These reveal an even more extensive Pfrimmer population in Eckwersheim and surrounding villages and the results were published in the second edition of the "Pfrimmer Families of Alsace, published in 1998.

The Berstett Pfrimmers, ancestors of those who migrated to the United States, are descended from Michael Pfrimmer and Catharina Pfrimmer, from two different Eckwersheim Pfrimmer families whose possible connection has not been discovered; they were born and raised in Eckwersheim and married there Nov. 27, l7l4. Michael Pfrimmer was born Jan. 3, l685 at Eckwersheim and died Mar. 28, l730 at Brumath. Catharina Pfrimmer was born Oct. l8, l69l at Eckwersheim and died June 26, l749 at Berstett. They had eight children: Johann Georg, Michael, Anna Maria, Catharina, Johann Michael, Johann Michael, Catharina and Christina. The family moved from Eckwersheim to Brumath, only a few miles away, where Michael Pfrimmer was a blacksmith. After his death in l730, Catherina Pfrimmer married Friedrich Gall at Berstett Jan. 6, l73l and had three children; the family lived in Berstett.

The ancestry of Michael Pfrimmer begins with Erhard Pfrimmer, and extends through his son Andreas and his son, in turn, Erhard. Erhard had a son, Johannes, whose first wife was Elizabeth Fabrieles and they, in turn, were the parents of Michael Pfrimmer. Catherine Pfrimmer, on the other hand, descended from Jorg Pfrimmer, through his son, George, his son, in turn, also George who married Catharina Schaeffer who were the parents of Catherine. The connec tions between the Erhard, ancestor of Michael and Jorg, ancestor of Catherine, have not been discovered.

The two streams of migrants to Harrison County, Indiana in America came from a son of Michael Pfrimmer and Catherina Pfrimmer, Johann George Pfrimmer, whose second wife was Catharina Lobstein, daughter of Jacob Lobstein and Anna Fritsch of Vendenheim. They had three sons. The oldest was Jacob Pfrimmer. He was born Dec. l6, l758 at Berstett and died there June 20 l835. He married Anna Michel, daughter of Michael Michel and Eva Scott Jan. 2l, l777. She was born in l753 and died July 4, l83l. They had seven children: Maria, Jacob, Anna, Johann George, Michael, Anna and John. Jacob Pfrimmer was a horsesmith and was mayor of Berstett from Jan. l790 to Sept. l830. A fairly complete record of his descendants has been made, both from records found in the ar chives in Berstett and Strasbourg and from information from descendants of Jacob Pfrimmer in Betstett. This information was gathered by Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Hays, daughter of Samuel Pfrimmer Hays and Barbara Darrow, in l975. During that summer she lived in Berstett with the family of a great-great- great-grandson of Jacob Pfrimmer and Ann Michel, Philippe Alfred Pfrimmer and his wife, Lily Salome Mathilda Sengel. 11

The third son in the family of Johann George Pfrimmer and Catharina Lobstein was Michael Pfrimmer. He was born April 6, l765 in Berstett and died Aug. 4, l845 at Bischheim, near Strasbourg in Alsace. He married Madeleine Huhl in Bischheim and had nine children: Michael, Marie Salome, Catharine Salome, George, George John, Frederick , Jacob, Caroline and Benjamin. He was mayor of Bischheim for many years. One of his children and three of his grandchildren came to America, all living for a while in Harrison County, Ind. in the same community as the descendants of his brother, John George Pfrimmer. One of these grandchildren, in fact, George Pfrimmer, married a granddaughter of John George Pfrimmer, Lydia Pfrimmer, and moved to Iowa.

Johann Georg Pfrimmer, the first migrant to Harrison County, Indiana and whose descendants comprise this record of the Pfrimmer families in America, was the middle child in the family of John George Pfrimmer and Catharina Lobstein of Berstett. He was born in Berstett July 24, 1762. A note appended to his birth record, in the Departmental Archives, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, located in Strasbourg, reads, "Is married in America. Is priest there. Died in North America l826, had 6 children there, who are all married there and have an easy life. Signed: Pfrimmer, Mayor and brother." This was written by John George Pfrimmer's brother, Jacob Pfrimmer, who for many years was mayor of Berstett. John George Pfrimmer died Sept. 5, l825 near Corydon, Indiana and was buried in the cemetery at Pfrimmer's Chapel.

Information about the early life of John George Pfrimmer is scanty. But after apparent service in the French navy he made his way to Switzerland where on Jan. 5, 1784 he married Elizabeth Anne Senn of Sissach near Basel. They lived in Wenslingen for several years where three children were born, Cathari na in 1784, Anna Maria in 1785 and Jacob in 1787. The family migrated to America arriving in Philadelphia July 7, 1788 on a barque, "le Brie," from London, captained by William Jung. The name was recorded on the passenger list as "Jean George Pfrimmer" and the names of the passengers were overwhelmingly French; hence one would conclude a French rather than a Rhenish origin for the boat. At this time there was only one child, Catherine. In some fashion, therefore, by age 22 John George Pfrimmer had got to Switzerland and four years later to America. An experience with the French navy in America might well have influenced his decision to come to America.

The two Canadian Pfrimmer brothers were the second group to come to Ameri ca, the first, Christian, arriving in l838 and the second, Valentin in l842. They were children of Valentin Pfrimmer and Catherine Schuster who were mar ried in Eckwersheim Feb. 10, 1795; the father, Valentin Pfrimmer, died in Eckwersheim May 4, 1826. He was a son of Valentin Pfrimmer, born in Eck wersheim, Aug. 18, 1751 and Catharina Margaretha Riehl. The older Valentin Pfrimmer, in turn, was a son of Andreas Pfrimmer and Eva Wolff. He came from the same known and documented branch of the Pfrimmer family as did the Ber stett Pfrimmer brothers. Their common ancestor was Erhard Pfrimmer (1626- 1698) and his wife Anna (1627-1680) whose last name is not known. Erhard's oldest son, Johannes, was a great-grandfather of the Berstett brothers; and his next son, Andreas, was a grandfather of the older Valentin Pfrimmer. Through this line of descent the common ancestry of these two Canadian Pfrim mers and those of the United States is documented. The recorded family of Valentin Pfrimmer and Catherine Schuster consisted of six children, including besides the two brothers who migrated, two by the name of Catherine, one born in 1796 and the other in 1802, both in Eckwersheim, the same name indicating that the first Catherine had died, and Maria. Maria, born in 1798, married Jean Roth, son of Jean Roth and Marguerite Dossman March 15, 1820 in Eck wersheim, and the second Catharina married Jean Schweyer, Jan. 21, 1825 at Berstett and died there June 6, 1885. A record of these migrants and their descendants is in The Pfrimmer Families of Canada by Samuel P. Hays, the latest edition as of January 2000.

12 Of the two Canadian Pfrimmer brothers the first to come, Christian, moved from Eckwershim to Reitwiller in Alsace, married Catherina Hermann, and then migrated to America Feb. 27, 1838, with wife and two children; the family is recorded in The Alsace Immigration Book, vol. 1, p. 192, by Cornelia Schrader- Muggenthaler. It also appears that Christian Pfrimmer remained for a while in City as his fourth child, and apparently his second born in America, Valentin Pfrimmer, reported in 1908 that he had been born in in 1840. Christian's brother, Valentine, who is recorded as having been a wit ness at his marriage, came in 1840 with his second wife, Margaretha and his two children by his first marriage to Marie Mehl. The family arrived in the United States Oct. 1842 on the ship Kensington. At that time he was 40, his wife 30, and they were accompanied by a daughter, Marguerta age 18 and a son age 4.

The Canadian migrants came to an area of western Ontario of which the central place in the Pfrimmer family lives was Sebringville and the records of the family have been obtained from the Evangelical Lutheran Church there. From this time the families of the two brothers took a different course. Christian moved to Minnesota, married twice, first to Catharina Hermann in Reitwiller and had seven children and in a later marriage had three children. The family lived near Preston and Spring Valley in southeastern Minnesota. The children born in America changed their name from Pfrimmer to Pfremmer, so the family story goes, because of a decision by a schoolteacher who insisted that it should be spelled that way. The place and date of death of Christian Pfrimmer is not known. While some of his children remained in Minnesota, as did a number of their descendats, others moved west and settled in California.

The oldest brother, Valentin, was born in 1800 in Eckwersheim, married Marie Mehl, daughter of Valentin and Catherina Mehl of Baselshausen Mar. 8, 1820 and had at least two children, George Valentin and Margueretha. After the death of Marie Mehl, he married Margaret Schuster (born 1824) and had seven children: Maria, Catherina, Michael, Carolina, Johannes, Sophia, Julia and Salome. The family migrated in 1842 and is listed in the Canadian census of 1871 as living in Perth County, Ellice Township, with wife Margaret, age 61 and four grown unmarried children. From family knowledge it is said that when the family came to Ontario the first settlement was to be near Stratford, but the land turned out to be very swampy and was known as the Ellice or Black Ash Swamp. So they moved north and west of this area toward Sebachs Hill in Sebringville where they lived until 1887. According to family information Valentin Pfrimmer crossed the ocean seven times. After Sebringville they moved to Colburn, Ontario and lived there until 1899. Valentin Pfrimmer died in Colburn in 1892 and was buried at Goderich, Ontario in the Protestant graveyard on the road to Benmiller. Records of his children come from the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church records in Sebingville which begin in 1835.

Many of the descendants of this branch of the Canadian Pfrimmers con tinued to live in Ontario. One, Dean Rackley, contributed considerably to the account of the Canadian Pfrimmers. One grandson of Valentin Pfrimmer, the immigrant, homesteaded in Saskatchewan and then lived in Los Angeles, Calif. Another moved to near Myrtle, Manitoba and still others lived at Sperling, Muri and Winnipeg in Manitoba. One descendant, Keith Perry Pfrimmer, lived in Middlebury, Conn. and contributed much to the record of the Canadian Pfrimmers included here. In the earlier editions of the Pfrimmer Family in America the account of the Canadian Pfrimmers was incorporated into the larger record of the descendants of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn. However, in the third edition, because of the increasing length of the genealogy, the Canadian Pfrimmers are in a separate volume, The Pfrimmer Families of Canada.

A second Pfrimmer family from Eckwersheim, Alsace, lived in Ontario in the neighborhood of Sebringville, west of Stratford, arriving in Canada in 1847, according to the obituary of their daughter, Caroline. This was Andreas Pfrimmer and his wife, Catherine, born Pfrimmer, who were born, married and 13 had nine children in Eckwersheim. The first record of the family in Canada is in the census of 1850 for Downie township, living on but not owning lot 22 concession 2. A tenth child, Ludwig, was born in Ontario. For some time this Andreas Pfrimmer was thought to have been a brother of the migrants, Christian and Valentin, but an extensive record of Pfrimmers in Eckwersheim indicates that this family had no immediate connection with those migrants. Yet this family settled also in the Sebringville area. Neither of the Pfrimmer ances tries of Andreas or his wife Catherina, overlap with that of Valentin or Christian Pfrimmer, but are traced to two of the four distinct groups of Pfrimmer families of the l7th century.

Andreas Pfrimmer, son of John Georg Pfrimmer and Eva Duringer, and a descendant of the 17th century Anton Pfrimmer lineage, was born 8 Germinal VIII (1800). He married Catherine Marie Pfrimmer, daughter of Jacques Pfrim mer and Eva Hirt, Aug. 11, 1825. She was a member of the 27th Jorg Pfrimmer lineage and was born 29 Vendemaire XIV. In 1828 Andreas Pfrimmer was a culti vateur living in maison #60-bis." Their marriage record in Eckwersheim: "Aug. 11, 1825: Andre Pfrimmer and Catherine Marie Pfrimmer. He was a son of Jean George Pfrimmer [vulgo Clausbauer, laborer at Eckwersheim, age 7l]. She was a daughter of Jacques Pfrimmer [laborer at Eckwersheim, age 64] and Eve Hirth. She was born 29 Vendemaire, year XIV. Witnesses: Andre Pfrimmer, laborer, age 55 and uncle of the groom; Jean Pfrimmer, laborer, brother of the groom, age 40; Andre Hirth, labroer, 53, uncle of the bride and Jacques Junt, labroer, 40, uncle of the bride." Reconstruction of this family in Canada has been aided considerably by Russell Ische, a local historian, who has extensive knowledge of the landholding and family details of mid-l9th century migrants to the Sebringville area. The Pfrimmer genealogy of the parents in the book, The Pfrimmer Families of Alsace are, respectively, for Andreas Pfrimmer, page 55 and for Catherine Pfrimmer, page 269. The descendants of this family in Canada are also included in the book, mentioned above, The Pfrimmer Families of Canada.

The third group of Pfrimmers who came to America were close relatives of the first migrant, John George Pfrimmer. They were grandsons of his brother, Michael Pfrimmer, who had moved from Berstett to Bischheim and married Made leine Muehl and had two children. One of these migrants, Jacob Pfrimmer, was a son of Michael's son, Michael; the other two, George and Charles, were sons of Michael's son, Georges Jean. All three came via . Jacob and the brothers George and Charles came initially to Harrison County, Indiana, married there and while Charles remained there to raise his family in Harrison County, the other two moved on to Iowa and Illinois. The descendants of all three are included in a book, The Descendants of Michael Pfrimmer and Maria Magdalena Muehl of Bischheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France by Samuel Pfrimmer Hays, of which the latest edition is January 1, 2000.

The details of the crossing on the part of these three migrants are not precisely known. According to family reports, George, son of Georges Jean, migrated in 1839 at age 14, coming to Harrison County via New Orleans and living in the neighborhood of his relatives, descendants of John George Pfrim mer. He married his third cousin, Lydia Ann Pfrimmer, daughter of Samuel Pfrimmer (son of the migrant, John George Pfrimmer) and Flora McRae at Cory don, Indiana in 1846. According to information from his descendants, Charles, his brother, came in 1843 when he was 14 years old, returned to France four years later at age 18, then returned to America where he lived with the Pfrim mer family in Harrison County until he married in 1855. The two boys were followed later by their father, George, whose family relations, according to family information were "unpleasant" and who wanted to live near his boys. He crossed the Atlantic three times and finally migrated to Harrison County permanently, died there Sept. 27, 1861, and was buried at Pfrimmer's Chapel. The date of migration of Jacob Pfrimmer, son of Michael Pfrimmer, who, in turn, was son of Michael Pfrimmer of Berstett and Bischheim is not known. But he did come to Harrison County and married Sophia Bruch there July 8, 1852. 14

Of these grandchildren of Michael Pfrimmer of Bischheim, most is known of George and Charles. George married his cousin, Lydia Ann Pfrimmer and moved to Norwood, Iowa after the Civil War. He raised a large family there, with whom the Pfrimmers of Harrison County, Indiana kept in contact over the years. The Iowa family continued to display much interest in family history, a fact that is reflected in the relative completeness of that section of the family history. A similar high level of interest in Pfrimmer family history con tinued to be displayed by the descendants of Charles Pfrimmer. He married Martha Cline in Harrison County, Indiana and had a family of twelve children. Five of the boys moved to Oklahoma, took part in the land rush of l893 there and homesteaded. They developed a well-known Pfrimmer nursery. Others moved further west to California. Charles Pfrimmer and Martha Cline died in Harrison County. The descendants of this branch of the Pfrimmer family have held Pfrimmer reunions regularly. One of their descendants, Barbara Taylor, has contributed much information in this record about the descendants of Charles Pfrimmer and Martha Cline.

Less is known about the two sons of Michael Pfrimmer's son Michael, George and Jacob. According to family tradition they came to America together. It is said that George died at Carrollton, , in l863. One might assume that he died in a Civil War battle at Carrollton which took place in that year, but no record of his whereabouts has been found. Jacob, however, proceded to Harrison County, Indiana, married Sophia Bruch, and then moved to Massac County, Ill. They had four childre, George, Sally, Charles and Wil liam. Charles was the only one of the four to have children and of his three children, only one is known to have children. A descendant, Milo Pfrimmer, died in Muskogee, Oklahoma in April 1971 and his wife, Nell, also died in Muskogee in May 1974.

These families of descendants of Michael Pfrimmer of Bischheim are, in this edition of the Pfrimmer genealogy, published in a separate volume, The Descendants of Michael Pfrimmer and Maria Magdalena Muehl of Bischheim, Bas- Rhin, Alsace, France.


The Descendants of John George Pfrimmer and Elizabeth Senn

3-l. Catharina Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 4, l784, Wenslingen, Switzerland. Died in Pennsylvania prior to Oct. l0, l793, when the Pfrimmer's fourth child, also named Catherine, was born. She is listed as being on the boat on which the Pfrimmers arrived in America. The passenger list (Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, vol. l7, p. 334) included "Jean George Pfrimmer, sa feme, Anne, l enfant Catherine."

3-2. Anna Maria Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l785 Wenslingen, Switzerland. Died in Wenslingen.

3-3. Jacob Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 28, l787 Wenslingen, Switzerland. Since there is no death record for Jacob Pfrimmer in Wenslingen, and since he is not listed among the passengers upon arrival, it is presumed that he died in l788 during the crossing. Family tradition has it that one child died during the crossing.


The Descendants of Elizabeth Pfrimmer and John Winter

3-4. Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born June 3, l789; died Jan. l5, l865; buried Ladoga, Ind. Married John Levi Winter Aug. l6, l806. He was born Nov. l, l779 in Washington Co., Pa. and died Aug. l9, l870, Montgomery Co., Ind. Buried at Ladoga, Boone Co., Ind. Eighteen children: Christina, Jesse, Jonas, Mary, Rachel Ann, John, Elizabeth Ann, Ann Delilah, Lydia Ann, Joseph Benjamin Levi, Sophia Ann, Lucy Ann, Julia Ann, Rosanna, Susannah, Elizabeth Ann and two unnamed infants. Of these five died in childhood and thirteen married and left descendants.

John Winter was a son of Christopher Winter who was born in l752 and died Mar. l3, l823, and Catherine Schaeffer who was born in l754 and died Feb. 9, l826. The were married in eastern Pennsylvania and had nine children. He was a Revolutionary War soldier. Was a private in the Pennsylvania Militia, enlisting Aug. 27, l776; he was in Berks Co. Pa. Capt. George Miller's Co., Col. Patton's Battalion, Foot, serving under Major Armstrong in l777, Major Arthur St. Clair in l779, Brig. Gen. Samuel Miles in l776, Brig. Gen. John Cadwaller in l776 and Brig. Gen. John Armstrong in l777.

Christopher Winter was the son of Johann Christopher Winter, who arrived in Philadelphia, Nov. 3, l752 (Rupp, p. 295); he was born in Germany in a Rhenish province that belonged to Saxony. He brought with his family a war-widowed mother and a younger brother. The family settled in Berks Co., Pa. and later appeared in Donegal Twp., Washington Co., Pa.

John Winter was a soldier in the War of l8l2 (Indiana Archives, l8l2-l3, v. 4, p. 4ll; v. 3, p. 52l-522). The War took him into north central Indiana and after that his family began to increase and he decided to go back to north central Indiana. In the name of his children, he entered several thousand acres of land, l60 acres per child, in Montgomery and Boone counties. Much was swampland that was drained by his descendants. According to family tradition, in Harrison County, Ind., where the family moved from Washington Co., Pa., John Winter ran a still. Both George Pfrimmer and Jacob Strange Pfrimmer worked there.

4-l. Christina Winter. Born l807; died l8l0.

4-2. Jesse Winter. Born Jan. 7, l809, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Mar. 2l, l878, 6344 Harrison Ave., Hammond, Lake Co., Ind.; at the home of his son-in-law, Henry E. Manker; buried IOOF Cemetery, in Darlington, Franklin Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. next to his wife and son, Jonathan. Married Mary Airhart, daughter of Peter Airhart and Elizabeth Fulwider/Fullenweider, June l5, l848, Montgomery Co., Ind. She was born Jan. l4, l820 in Augusta, Va. and died Nov. 27, l904 in Montgomery Co., Ind.; buried IOOF Cemetery, Franklin Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. Three children, Jonathan, Sarah Elizabeth and Mary Ellen. Lived in Union Township, Montgomery Co., Ind. in l860 (US Census) , a farmer, real estate valued at $6000, personal proerty at $l465; two laborers lived with them. In later life Jesse Winter lived with his daughter, Sarah and her husband, Henry Manker at Hammond, Lake Co., Ind. where he died. Jesse Winter was affiliated with the Methodist Church and was converted by Rev. J. Manker. Jesse Winter entered land in Montgomery Co.., Ind., first l60 acres Oct. 7, l829, then 80 acres Nov. ll, l830, 2 80 acre parcels Aug. l0, l832, and 2 80 acre parcels Aug. l0, l833, making 560 acres in all. According to a History of Montgomery Co., Ind., in l9l3 he and his brother Jonas arrived in Montgomery Co. in l83l (p. 442); according to an Atlas of Montgomery Co., Ind in l878, Jesse Winter settled on Sect. l of Montgomery Co. Twp. in l847 and ran a sawmill in connection with his farm. His family is in the federal census for l850, l860 and l870, Union Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. Mary Airhart moved to Indiana with her family from North Carolina in l834; the parents and l4 children walked 600 miles. The family was associated with Campbell's Chapel Methodist Episcopalian Church, 9 miles NW of Crawfordsville on the road to Potato Creek; it was organized in l846 and a larger church was build in l872 at which time Jesse Winter was on the building committee. 17

5-l. Jonathan Winter. Born Mar. 28, l849, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died June 7, l944, Montgomery Co., Ind.; buried IOOF Cemetery, Franklin Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. Never married; lived in later life at Darlington, Ind.

5-2. Sarah Elizabeth Winter. Born May 26, l850, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died Nov. 3, l939 at Elliott, Montgomery Co., Iowa.; buried Nov. 5, l939 at Elliott, Montgomery Co., Iowa. Married Henry F. Manker Mar. l2, l867. He was born Aug. l2, l842 in Highland Co., Ohio and died Nov. 28, l929 in Elliott, Iowa. Buried at Elliott Hillside Cemetery beside Sarah. They had seven children: John, Roy, , Dean, Mary, Fanny and Grace. Henry Manker moved to Indiana in l862 and had a flour mill there. Moved in l873 to Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa and in l884 purchased the Kincaid banking interests in Elliott. He was a Civil War veteran.

6-l. John Jesse Manker.

6-2. Roy Wesley Manker.

6-3. Orville Paul Manker. Was a minister who lived at 209 S. East St., Lebanon, Ind., and later at 6344 Harrison Ave., Hammond, Ind. Jesse Winter, his grandfather, lived with them in later life and died at Hammond.

6-4. Dean Blaine Manker. Died at Elliott, Iowa, Apr. 3, l920.

6-5. Mary Tamnson Manker. Born Dec. 20, l867 at Darlington, Ind. and died at her home in Elliott, Iowa, Nov. l4, l9l5. Graduated from high school in Elliott and from Simpson College with a B.A. specializing in music and oil painting. She devoted most of her life to the service of the Methodist Church.

6-6. Franny S. Manker. Born Dec. l9, l870. Married George Redmond. Both were musically inclined.

6-7. Grace Manker. Born June 27, l878 at Elliott, Iowa. Married R. E. Humphrey.

5-3. Mary Ellen Winter. Born Aug. 29, l853, Darlington, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died Jan. 2, l9l9, Darlington, Montgomery Co., Ind. of acute indigestion; buried Jan. 6, l9l9, Glendale Cem., Vernon, Yuma Co., Colo. Married Cyrus Woody, Oct. 9, l872. He was born May l3, l848, Guilford, N. C. and died July 27, l9l7, at Wray, Yuma Co., Colo.; buried Glendale Cemetery, Vernon, Yuma Co., Colo. Two children, Lillie and Carro. Mary Ellen Winter was paralyzed from Oct. 9, l9ll; after the death of her husband she went back to live with her brother in Indiana and died near her birthplace. Mary Ellen Winter and Cyrus Woody were married contrary to some practice among the Quakers to which he belonged, so he was dropped from membership.

6-l. Lillie Ellura Woody. Born Nov. 9, l874, Darlington, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died Nov. 26, l960, Wray Hospital, Wray, Yuma Co., Colo.; buried Glendale Cemetery, Vernon, Yuma Co., Colo. Married Orvey Elmer Graham, son of Joseph Ezra Graham and Nancy Jane Bailey, Mar. 9, l898 at Hokestead SW, Wray, Yuma Co., Colorado. He was born Jan. 27, l877 at Red Oak, Montgomery Co., Iowa and died Jan. ll, l928 at Wray, Yuma Co., Colo. Three children, Violet, Joseph and Barbara.

7-l. Violet Grace Graham. Born Nov. 30, l898 on the family homestead southwest of Wray, Colo; died Nov. 25, l995 at Cedardale Nursing Home from a heart attack. She married Charles Dewey Goodman along with three other couples at a parsonage in LaJunta, Otero, Co., Apr. 4, l920. They were both buried at Grandview Cemetery, Wray, Yuma Co., Colo. They had two children, Margaret and Marilyn. She was valedictorian at her school, and worked at a local dress shop for years, eventually purchasing it.

8-l. Margaret June Goodman. Born Dec. 23, l920, Wray, Colo. Married Benjamin Tee Talbot Oct. 5, l94l in St. Francis, Cheyenne Co., Kas. They had two 18 children, Terry and Brad. They both died of cancer as did their daughter, Terry. and all three are buried in California. After high school Margaret went to beauty school in Colorado Springs, Colo. to become a beautician. She and Benjamin eloped for their marriage. Ben was a jeweler and both worked in his own store in Port Hueneme, Calif. for the last 3l years of their lives.

9-1. Bradford Lee Talbot. Born June 6, l947 at Wray, Yuma Co., Colo. Married Paula Rhea Findlay Aug. l6, l969 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Oxnard, Ventura, Ca. Two children, Tiffany and Kelley. He was a detective with the Ventura Police Department.

l0-l. Tiffany Talbot. Born Feb. ll, l978.

l0-2. Kelley Kalleen Marie Talbot. Born Nov. l3, l982, Oxnard, Ventura Co., Calif.

9-2. Terry Dee Talbot. Born May 20, l949, Wray, Yuma Co., Colo.; died of cancer Oct. 6, l977 at her home in Bakersfield, Calif. Married Gary Rawn Nov. 24, l969 in California. They had two children, Jana and Devin.

l0-l. Jena Lynise Rawn. Born Dec. ll, l970, Bakersfield, Calif.

l0-2. Devin Benjamin Rawn. Born Nov. l4, l973, Bakersfield, Calif.

8-2. Marilyn Elaine Goodman. Born May l2, l928 in Wray, Yuma, Colo. Married Richard Francis Bolender June l2, l949 at her home. They had five children: Kelly, John, Mary, Patricia and Danny. Marily graduated from Colorado Women's College in l948 and was an executive secretary for many years. Richard, known as "Kelly", was a professional engineer. They lived in Casper, Natrona Co., Wyoming.

9-l. Kelly Anne Bolender. Born June l7, l952, Denver, Colo. Married (l) Sammy Duane Miller, Jr. Nov. 7, l970, at Casper, Natrona Co., Wyoming. Married (2) Richard Henry Peak, Mar. 23, l979, Casper, Wyo.

9-2. John Patrick Bolender. Born Aug. 8, l953 at Cody, Park Co., Wyoming. Married Christine Sams Walter Jan. 9, l976.

9-3. Mary Lynn Bolender. Born Dec. l, l955, Thermopolis, Hot Springs Co., Wyo. Married James Michael Wheeler. Both were graduates of the University of Wyoming and taught (l998) in Washington state.

9-4. Patricia Lee Bolender. Born Mar. 4, l959, Cody, Park Co., Wyo. Married Seamus O'Leary of Ireland, Aug. l987 in Casper, Wyo.

9-5. Danny Richard Bolender. Born Dec. 29, l960 in Powell, Park Co., Wyo.

7-2. Joseph Cyrus Graham. Born Oct. 3l, l902 on the family homestead southwest of Wray, Colo.; died of a heart attack Sept. 3, l97l Married Mina Ellen Simpson at the parsonage of Wray Methodist Episcopal Church on Nov. l0, l925. She died at Cedardale Nursing Home in Wray, Colo. Feb. 5, l996 in the same room where Barbara was born when it was the Wray Hospital. Both were buried at Grandview Cemetery, Wray, Colo. They had two children, Barbara Lee and Robert Neil. Joseph and Mina both graduted from Yuma High School, Joseph in l920 and Mina in l923. Joe was a banker until his father, Elmer, died and then took over the Yuma Co. Abstract Co. In May l97l he was honored by the communty for being on Main St. for 50 years and for his activities in the community on the city council, member and president of the school board, choir member for over 50 years, hospital board, volunteer fire department, Chamber of Commerce the Cliff Dweller's band. He was instrumental in building a new hospital and a new golf course. Mina was an accomplished seamstress and in her early married years was a nurse for the local doctors.

19 8-l. Barbara Lee Graham. Born June 23, l928 at Wray Hospital, Wray, Yuma Co., Colo. Married (l) Framl Wilfred Vaughn, son of George Wilfred Vaughn and Margarett Bottorff of McCook, Red Willow, Neb. in Wray, Colo. May l, l949. They had two children, Christine and Robert. Married (2) John Joseph Reale, son of Guiseppi Batista Reale and Angela Celebre, of Denver, Colo. He died of congestive heart failure Mar. 3l, l996 and was buried at Ft. Logan Military Cemetery in Denver, Colo. No children. He was an educational rehab specialist with the Veteran's Administration. Barbara Graham graduated with an AA degree from Colorado Woman's College in l948. After he graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in l95l they moved to Massena, St. Lawrence Co., New York where both worked with the Aluminum Company of America. In l955 Barbara and her daughter Christine moved back to Colorado. Barbara returned to college and graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a BA degree in l957 and MA in l959. She developed reading programs for the Wray schools, Greeley Public Schools and Aims College. Her last l8 of 30 teaching years were at Aims. She did advanced graduate work at Univerity of North Colorado, Unversity of Colorado, Adams State College and Colorado State University, spent 3 summers in Italy and 2 in the United Kingdom. Retired from teaching in l987. After her second marriage they lived in Greeley, Weld Co., Colo.

9-l. Christine Lee Vaughn. Born Dec. l, l952, Massena, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y. Married (l) Richard P. Magdeneno, son of Robert Estrada Magdeleno and Barbara Macis. Oct. 26, l974. Divorced Nov. 9, l979. Married (2) Richard Allen Stofiel in Portland, Ore. Graduated from West High School in Greeley, Colo. in l97l from the University of Northern Colorado with a BA in nutrition, and from the Univesity of Utah with an MA in health education, and also an MA in social work from the same university. After her second marriage they lived in Portland, Ore, and in l998 lived at Lostine, Oregon where they owned a creative woodworking company.

9-2. Robert Graham Vaughn. Born Feb. 6, l956 at the Wray Communiy Hospital. Married Suzanna Rounds, May ll, l985, son of Robert Leroy Rounds and Dorothy Gonzales of Denver, Colo. No children. He moved to Greeley, Colo. in l960 with his mother and sister. Graduated from West High School in l974 and Aims College with an AA degree with fire science and emergency medical technician certificates. Attended University of Northern Colorado. Later became a paramedic and in l998 was with the helicopter unit, 'Flight for Life' in Denver, Colo. Suzanna Rounds was a professional business woman, and in l998 was confined to her home with MSS.

8-2. Robert Neil Graham. Born June l, l93l at Wray Hospital, Wray, Colorado. Married (l) Janet Ruth Rife, daughter of Roy M. Rife and Mattie Emel, Oct. 28, l95l. Had three children, David, Susan and Thomas, and adopted two other children, Sally and Sandra. Married (2) Penny Pennington Wells, in Lakewood, Colo. He graduated from Yuma County High School in l949 and attended University of Colorado before joining the navy as a traffic controller. After discharge he continued with the FAA in the same capacity until he retired in the l990s. Was the liaison between the old Stapleton and the new Denver International Airport and retired again after the DIA was functional. Lived (l998) Lakewood, Colo.

9-l. David Lynn Graham. Born June 3, l953, Norfolk, Va. Married (l) Cynthia Miller Thurmond June 30, l984 at Applewood Methodist Church. One son, Thomas. Married (2) Deborah Bailey, May 7, l994, Norton, Kas. No children. He graduated from Hinkley High School, Aurora, Colo, in l97l and from University of Colorado with a degree in accounting.

l0-l. Thomas Robert Graham. Born Nov. 29, l985 at Denver, Colo.

9-2. Susan Kaye Graham. Born Nov. 2, l954, Norfolk, Va. Married Angel Enrique (Rick) Ruttell at First Christian Church, Pueblo, Colo., Aug. l8, l973. Died of cancer at her home in Lakewood, Colo., Aug. 28, l993. Buried next to her brother Thomas Wade Graham in Grandview Cemetery, Wray, Colo. She graduated from high school in Pueblo, Colo. 20

9-3. Thomas Wade Graham. Born May 23, l958, Pueblo, Colo. Drowned while on vacation in the Wray, Colo. swimming pool June 25, l958. Buried at Grandview Cemetery.

9-4. Sally Ann Graham. Born Sept. 9, l965 at Denver, Colo. Adopted at six days of age and was a twin of Sandra Jo. Graduated from Wheatridge High School in l983 and Colorado State University in l987. Married Michael Dean Gracia June l6, l989 at Applewood Methodist Church, Lakewood, Colo. One son, Ben. She owned (l998) a travel agency in Golden, Colo.

l0-l. Benjamin Michael Garcia. Born Apr. l996 in Denver, Colo.

9-5. Sandra Jo Graham. Born Sept. 9, l965, Denver Colo. Adopted at six days of age and was twin of Sally Ann. Married Gregory Lynn Brenner, son of Harold Charles Brenner and Maxine McEwen, of Idalia, Colo. Feb. ll, l989 at Applewood Valley United Methodist Church. Two children, Sarah and Dylan. She is (l998) head of a computer agency and he teaches school and coaches at Lodgepole, Neb.

l0-l. Sarah Nicole Brenner. born May 9, l993 at Sidney Hospital, Sidney, Neb.

l0-2. Dylan Harold Brenner. Born Oct. 20, l995 at Sidney Hospital, Sidney, Neb.

7-3. Richard Dale Graham. Born June 25, l9ll, Wray, Colo.; died May l4, l985 of a heart attack at his home; buried at Resthaven Memorial Gardens, Loveland, Colo. Married Marian Edna Grover, daughter of Perry Maynard Grover and Ella Mae Gonyou, Aug. l8, l935 at Ovid Colo. She was born Dec. 22, l9l5 at Ernfold, Saskatchewan, Canada. Two children, Richard and James. Richard graduated from Yuma County High School in l929 and Colorado State University, June l935. He taught history and coached at the Crook High School for two years. Lived in Denver until his father died and then he took over his brother Joe's banking job in Wray when his brother took over his father's business. Later the two brothers were partners in the Yuma County Abstract Co. In l957 he moved to Ft. Collins as an abstracter until he retired.

8-l. Richard Grover Graham. Born May 5, l939 at the Wray Hospital, Wray, Colo. Married (l) Jane Roys and they had one daughter, Jeri. Married (2) Cheryl Colbrick; they had one son, Richard. Married (3) Linda Howard; they had two daughters, Keri and Kristine. Lived (l998) in George, Colo. near their two daughters and their families. He is a double bass player, computer expert and then a home appraiser. Linda manages the office of some dentists.

9-l. Jeri Lee Graham.

9-2. Richard Wayne Graham. Born Oct. l6, l962.

9-3. Keri Michelle Graham. Born May l0, l966.

9-4. Kristine Graham. Gorn June 5, l969.

8-2. James Harold Graham. Born Feb. ll, l945 at Wray, Colo. Hospital. Married (l) Patricia Irene Hayes Robinson Dec. l, l973 in Ft. Collins, Colo. She was born June 27, l944 in Huron, S.D. and died of leukemia Oct. 27, l983 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Denver, Colo. They had two boys, Robert and Brent. Married (2) Janet Barber April l0, l993 at Green Mountain Baptist Church in Lakewood, Colorado.

9-l. Robert James Graham. Born July l2, l975 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Denver, Colo.

9-2. Brent Richard Graham. Born June 26, l978 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Denver, Colo. 21

6-2. Carro Blanche Woody. Born June l0, l887 at Minden, Kearney, Nebraska; died Dec. 9, l908 Vernon, Yuma Co., Colo.; buried Glendale Cemetery, Vernon, Yuma Co., Colo.

4-3. Jonas Winter. Born l8ll. Married Rhoda Ann Patterson. She was born l807 in Tennessee. Three children, Carrie, Amanda and Martha. She was the daughter of a Patterson family in Harrison Co., Ind. The family is listed in Harrison Twp., Boone Co., Ind. in l850 #856; l860 #ll36; l850 real estate valued at $l200 and in l860 $2000 in addition to $968 personal property.

5-l. Martha Ann Winter. Born l840; died unmarried.

5-2. Isabel Carrie Winter. Born l842; married a Schofield.

5-3. Amanda M. Winter. Born l845; married a Budd.

4-4. Mary Winter. Born l8l2. Married William Brent; he was born l8l2 in Kentucky. Had at least five children, John, Sophia, Rachel, Mary and Melvina. They went west. In l850 they were in the U.S. Census, Walnut Twp., Montgomery Co., #399; in l860 #2; and in l870. Value of real estate in l850 $l500; in l860 $4320 and l870 $4880; of personal proerty $625 in l850 and $200 in l860.

5-l. John Brent. Born l834. Married Mary E.; she was born l840. In l860 they lived in Walnut Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind., family #6. Lived in Lancaster Co., near Lincoln, Nebraska. He was a close friend of Isabelle Miller Garman's son, Lee.

5-2. Sophia A. Brent. Born l839; not in l870 Census.

5-3. Rachel Brent. Born l846. In l870 was living with her father. Married a cousin, Henry Clinton Miller, son of Henry and Delilah Ann Winter Miller. Two children, Ora and Ira. For this family see descendants of Delilah Ann Winter.

5-4. Mary C. Brent. Born l848. In l870, not married, living with father.

5-5. Melvina L. Brent. Born l854. In l870, not married, living with father.

4-5. Rachel Ann Winter. Born l8l5. Married Michael Bruch. He was born l8l0 in Bavaria. Eight children: Sarah, John, Michael, Lydia, Wilhelmina, Christina, Lucy and Philip. Are listed in Census, l840, Harrison Twp., Harrison Co., Ind., p. l6; l850, same, page 640, family #526; l860 Franklin Twp., Harrison Co., Ind, family #l007; l880, Montgomery Co., Walnut Township, Ind., family #ll3 Rachel and three children, no Michael.

5-l. Sarah Elizabeth Bruch. Born l840. Married a Woehl; four children.

5-2. John Bruch. Born l842. Never married. l880 living with mother; in l926 lived New Ross, Ind.

5-3. Michael Bruch. Born l845; died l906. One repaort is that he married a widow by the name of Gott and had no children. l880 Census, Walnut Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind., lists Michael Bruch, wife Malissa E., born l856 Indiana; two children, Nellie and Leannie.

6-l. Nellie Bruch. Born l876.

6-2. Leannie Bruch (boy). Born l878.

5-4. Lydia Bruch. Born l847. Died infancy.

5-5. Wilhelmina "Minnie" Bruch. Born l850. Unmarried; l880 living with mother.

22 5-6. Christina Bruch. Born l85l; died l873.

5-7. Lucy J. Bruch. Born l853; died l873.

5-8. Philip L. Bruch. Born l858; unmarried; l880 living with mother.

4-6. John Lobenstein Winter. Born in l8l7 in Harrison Co., Ind. Died in Jacksonville, Fla. in l892 and was buried there. Married Catherine Stoner, daughter of Jacob Stoner and Catherine Alburgh. She was born Dec. l3, l8l8 in Botetourt Co., Va. and died Mar. 5, l895, at Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind.; buried in the Stoner Cemetery near Ladoga. Six children: Susannah, Daniel, George, John, James and Peter. (There are reports of other children, Jenny, Lydia, Emma and Minne, but these seem to belong to other parts of the John Lobenstein Winter- Catherine Stoner family, e.g., Emma and Minnie seem to be children of Daniel Winter, son of John Lobenstein Winter and Catherine Stoner). John Lobenstein Winter was named for a United Brethren minister; he dropped his middle name. The family went to Kansas in l854 from Boone Co., Indiana, moving to Clinton, Kas. Catherine Stoner died in Indiana on visit back to Indiana and was buried there in the Stoner Cemetery. The family is in the U. S. Census for l850, Clark Township, Montgomery Co., Ind., family #468; for l860, same, #l08. In l850 real estate value was $2000 and l860 $4000 and personal property of $78l.

5-l. Susannah Winter. Born l84l Indiana. Married Henry H. Warner, in Clark Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. He was born in l833 in Ohio. Nine children, Margaret, John, Joseph, Daniel, Robert, Minnie, Catherine, Emma and Reuben. Listed in U.S. Census Clark Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. in l860, family #l07. Moved to Hamilton Co., near Kendall, Kas.

6-l. Margaret Catherine Warner. Born l857 Indiana; married Neil Platz. Lived Waubunsee County, Kas. near Alms.

6-2. John Walter Warner. Born l859 Indiana. Married Laura Woodward. At least one daughter. Lived Colorado.

7-l. Daughter. Married Jess Middelsteder. Lived 806 Carson Ave., La Junta, Colo.

6-3. Joseph William Warner. Born l859 Indiana (twin of John). Was a ME Minister. Two children who died infancy.

6-4. George Warner. Died age two.

6-5. Daniel Henry Warner. Married (l) Elizabeth Woodward; three children, Fern, Hazel and Bruce. Married (2) Luetta Tucker. She was born July l7, l868. Four children, Gladys, Mabel, Everett and Ervin. In the late l950's she lived with her son, Ervin.

7-l. Fern Warner. Married John Jones. One son, John.

8-l. John Jones. Married twice.

7-2. Hazel Warner. Married Jesse F. Cox. Three children, Lorraine, Edward and Margaret.

8-l. Lorraine Cox. Married DeVere Kay. Three children, Nancy, Susan and David.

9-l. Nancy Kay.

9-2. Susan Kay.

9-3. David Kay. 23

8-2. Edward Cox. Married Mary Lou Robson. One child, Miriam.

9-l. Miriam Lee Cox.

8-3. Margaret Cox.

7-3. Bruce Woodward Warner. Married Margaret Van Hook. Three children, Bruce, Berneta and Jettie.

8-l. Bruce Monroe Warner. Died l948.

8-2. Berneta Warner. Married Gene P. White. Four children, Presley, Jettie, Douglas and Connie. Lived l4l8 West, Emporia, Kas.

9-l. Presley White.

9-2. Jettie Lee White.

9-3. Douglas White.

9-4. Connie White.

8-3. Jettie Lee Warner. Married Joseph Lea McClymond. Two children, Bruce and Sara. Lived l07 Meadow Lane, Lafayette, La.

9-l. Bruce Warner McClymond.

9-2. Sara McClymond.

7-4. Gladys Warner.

7-5. Mabel Warner. Married Roy Goodell. Two children, David and Kenneth.

8-l. David Goodell.

8-2. Kenneth Goodell. Married Mary Worrell. Two children, Mary and Gerald.

9-l. Mark Worrell Goodell.

9-2. Gerald David Goodell.

7-6. Ervin Warner. Married Betty Irwin. Three children, Daniel, Kenneth and Joseph.

8-l. Daniel Everett Warner.

8-2. Kenneth Lynn Warner.

8-3. Joseph Ervin Warner.

7-7. Everett Warner. Married Ida Cunningham. No children.

6-6. Marion Robert Warner. Died about l938; buried Clinton, Kas.

6-7. Minnie Susan Warner (twin of Robert). Lived 2330 20th St., Bakersfield, Calif.

6-8. Emma Estella Warner. Married Millard Nuckles. Three children, Nellie, Gertrude and Arthur. Lived near Kendall, Hamilton Co., Kas.

7-l. Nellie Nuckles. Married Chester Zerbie. Lived Syracuse, Kas. 24

7-2. Gertrude Nuckles. Married Stanton Shrawl. Lived Syracuse, Kas.

7-3. Arthur Nuckles.

6-9. David Reuben Warner. Married. Lived 4466 Tennessee Ave., Denver, l9, Colo.

5-2. Daniel Winter. Married Martha. Three children, John, Emma and Minne. After his death, his wife married his brother, James.

6-l. John L. Winter. Married a widow. Was city paving contracter and lived Montgomery Co., Ind. In l9ll lived Jamestown, Ind.

6-2. Emma Winter. Three children, Walter, Maurice and Beulah.

7-l. Walter.

7-2. Maurice.

7-3. Beulah.

6-3. Minnie Winter. Married William Courtney. Lived near Jamestown, Ind. Three children, Earl, Karl and Russell (William R?) Parents died about l950. He was a postmaster at Jamestown, Ind. The children lived in l970 at ll733 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. One of the sons was a doctor; is report two sons lived in Michigan.

7-l. Earl Courtney.

7-2. Karl Courtney.

7-3. Russell Courtney.

(Note: One report has it that the above Emma Winter and Minnie Winter were children of John Lobenstein Winter rather than his grandchildren; this needs to be confirmed).

5-3. George Winter. Born l845 in Indiana; died l890. Married Mary Adolph at Clinton, Kas. in the l860's. Six children, Carrie, Dilly, Nellie, John, Bertha and Jessie. Lived near Clinton, Kas. He was an itinerant photographer; had a trailer and went around taking pictures while his family lived at Clinton. At times they moved around with him. After the death of George Winter, Mary Adolph Winter married Daniel Ulrich and lived at Lone Star, Kas.

6-l. Carrie Winter. Married George Haus. Nine children, Mamie, Elmer, Alvin, Clarence, Arthur, Lenora, Mabel, Elsie and Lola.

7-l. Mamie Haus. Married a Cooper. Lived at Mohave, Calif. Two sons who lived there also.

7-2. Elmer Haus. Married Mae; children; lived Kansas City.

7-3. Alvin Haus. Married Irene; she lived at Turner, Kas.

7-4. Clarence Haus. Never married. Lived Mohave, Calif.

7-5. Arthur Haus. Lived Independence, Kas. At least one son, Joseph.

8-l. Joseph Haus. Lived Independence, Kas. Member Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

25 7-6. Lenora Haus. Married a Pettinger. No children. Lived Route #4, Box ll36, Uycaipa, Calif.

7-7. Mabel Haus. Married Harry Simmons. Two children, a girl and George.

8-l. Girl.

8-2. George Simmons. Lived California.

7-8. Elsie Haus. Married G. A. Squires. No children. Lived l45l4 Elmcroft, Norwalk, Calif.

7-9. Lola Haus. Married a Libby. One child, Joyce.

8-l. Joyce Lilly.

6-2. Dilly Winter. Died age l7.

6-3. Nellie Winter. Married (l) Alfred Clark. Three children, Mary, Marvin and Ethel. Married (2) Weldon Spencer; no children.

7-l. Mary Clark. Married a Watson.

7-2. Marvin Clark. Married; no children; killed in accident.

7-3. Ethel Clark. Married Lester Lousseau. Lived in Detroit suburb; were Christian Science Readers.

6-4. John Henry Winter. Married Dora Post. Three children, Bernard, Acton and Everett. Lived l703 E. Lennox, Yakima, Wash.

7-l. Bernard Winter. One son, Millard.

8-l. Millard Winter.

7-2. Acton Winter (girl). Married.

7-3. Everett Winter. Two or three children.

6-5. Bertha Winter. Married William Ulrich, son of Daniel Ulrich by his first marriage. One child, Ross Herbert. Lived Lone Star, Kas.

7-l. Ross Herbert Ulrich. Married Marie Blahut. One child, Sandra. Lived 33 Cayuga Rd., Cranford, New Jersey.

8-l. Sandra Ulrich. Married John H. Eckstein.

6-6. Jessie Winter. Lived only a short time.

5-4. John Henry Winter. Died age l3.

5-5. Lydia Ann Winter. Born April l8, l846; died Mar. 2l, l900. Married •Samuel Cook. He was born in l844 and died in l920. Three children: Harry, Ethel and Benjamin.

6-l. Harry Cook.

6-2. Ethel Cook. Born about l868; died Aug. l, l889.

6-3. Benjamin Cook. Born about l883; died Aug. l, l889.

26 5-6. James Winter. Married Martha Winter, widow of his brother, Daniel. One son, Jesse. They separated and James went to Florida where he died. One report says thay also had several girls. The children lived in Indiana.

6-l. Jesse Winter.

5-7. Jenny Winter.

4-7. Elizabeth Ann Winter.

4-8. Ann Delilah Winter. Born l82l; died l87l. Married Henry Miller, Jr., son of Henry Miller, Sr. He was born Dec. l4, l803 in Washington Co., Pa. and died in l87l. Ten children: Fabius, Timothy, Isabelle, Henry, Elizabeth, Nancy, Peter, John, Emma and Anna. Henry Miller, Jr. went to a log schoolhouse built on his father's land. After moving to Harrison Co., Ind. he attended school at Corydon, Ind. Read law in Corydon with Judge "Otto." Sometime before l820 he was apprenticed to a sea and he continued in the maritime service until and after he became master of a packet that plied • between Key West and Havana. Returned to Indiana in l840 and went to Iowa where he entered land now part of the city of Ottumwa. When Ottumwa was planned he sold his holdings and returned to Indiana, a well-to-do man. Ottumwa was laid out and platted the year after the sale. With this cash he bought about seven hundred acres of land in Webster and Boone townships, Harrison Co., Ind. and began to farm on a large scale, employing the entire Mitchum family of freedmen whom he settled on his place.

In l823, before returning to his ship after a visit to the home of John Winter he was shown their newest baby, Ann Delilah. She was l8 months old, and Henry as so charmed with her that he asked her parents to save her for him. In l846 Henry married Ann Delilah Winter. He settled in Harrison Co. instead of choosing better soil because Ann Delilah was afraid to leave her old home and her family and he yielded to her fear of strange regions. He also bought land "down river" among southern mountaineers who had settled there almost a century before. Henry, Jr. was one of the early proponents of abolition and an early follower of the Republican Party. Was an adherent to the Methodist Church but was more properly a liberal. He was a fairly sophisticated man and backwoods religion smacked too much of hysteria and superstition for him. While his home was not an underground railway station the couple helped many a runaway slave on the way to Canada. Legend is that the Mitchum family were helped into liberty by Henry Miller and were established in cabins on his farm. He was a short, broad-shouldered man, with coppery-red hair and sea- green eyes. Occasionally he worked as overseer of bridge-building gangs on the Ohio. He developed arteriosclerosis which developed into mental disorder and death. Ann Delilah failed rapidly thereafter, from no apparent illness and died within a few months. They are buried at Pfrimmer's Chapel near Corydon, Ind.

5-l. Fabius Miller. Born Feb. 5, l847; died Apr. 4, l864 in the Civil War. Was too young when Lincoln issued the order for a draft. Waited until he was l7, ran away, falsified his age and enlisted. Was stationed in New Albany, Ind. The camp was swept by typhus witin 30 days and Fabius was among the first victims. He is buried in the Miller lot at Pfrimmer's Chapel. He had his mother's olive skin, dark blue eyes and dark curling hair; he had the short, broad-shouldered figure which was characteristic of three of Henry Miller's sons.

5-2. Timothy Miller. Born Mar. l9, l848; died June 26, l9l2. Married Samantha Filmore Killion. She was born in l850 and died in l928; both are buried in the family plot in Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis. Five children: Otto, Ralph, Hugh, Elizabeth and Henry. Timothy was supposed to have been named by accident; as a new baby he was very red, very obstreperous, very vocal, with rosy scalp showing through his almost white hair. His father looked at him and said, "So the Irish in me has come out in him. How're ye, Tim?" The name stuck. He was six feet high, fair, blue-eyed, and slender all his life. Received the education of the times in his father's log school house and added to it a course in the Corydon school. In 27 the late 60's he matriculated at Asbury University, now Depauw. In l87l, before receiving his degree, he was called home by the sudden death of his father. He was appointed guardian of his eight minor brothers and sisters and administrator of his father's estate. At the time of his marriage he took his youngest sister, then eight, into his home where she remained until her marriage to David Reed.

Samantha Filmore Killion's mother died in her early infancy and she was raised by her grandparents, Alexander and Elsie Tranum West. She dropped the name Filmore and kept her grandparents name as a second name. Went to school to her future husband and later attended school in Corydon while she lived with the family of Samuel Pfrimmer. Began to teach at an early age, but later took the money she had made and entered Jennie DePauw School for Young Ladies at New Albany, Ind. After marriage she and her husband continued to teach in Harrison Co. and also after they moved to Montgomery Co. until l883. She was the editor of a furniture trade journal under the name of S. West Miller; her name was proposed to the commission for the World's Fair in l893 and was rejected because no woman and ever served as judge on the committee. Mrs. Potter Palmer's letter to her to that effect was long preserved. For years she was capital correspondent for a number of Indiana county seat newspapers and was rated as one of the earliest newspaper women in the field. After Timothy died she moved to Indianapolis with her youngest son, Henry Percy.

Timothy Miller's grandfather, John Winter, had bought a great tract of land in north central Indiana at an early date, and he inherited his mother's portion of the Winter property. As his father's administrator he turned over his share of the Miller estate to his brothers and sisters and reserved only the Winter share for his home. He removed to Montgomery Co. into which this section extended and built a white house. There all five of his children were born. In l883 he moved to Indianapolis to give his children the advantage of its superior schools. He was appointed to the mail service at that time and became Chief Examiner of the Fifth Division Railway Mail Service and remained in that position until his death. While he early became a member of the Methodist church he did not affiliate with it in Indianapolis; he had his father's liberal mind. His heart failed after a short illness and he died. One of the incidents of his funeral was the presence of a descendant of the Mitchum family, specially dispatched from Harrison Co., to represent them at the funeral of "Tim" of memory from their youth.

6-l. Otto Miller. Born l872; died l936. Married Marie Vail Sheets. Adopted one daughter, Carolyn.

7-l. Carolyn Miller.

6-2. Ralph Miller. Born l874; died l903 while in the Philippines. Was a Sgt. in Co. D., l58th Indiana Infantry; Lt. Six Cavalry, USA, in the Spanish-American War. Died in the Philippine Insurrection at the Presidio of San Francisco. Buried Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind.

6-3. Hugh Miller. Born l876; died infancy.

6-4. Elizabeth Jane Miller. Born Aug. l7, l878 near New Ross, Montgomery Co., Inc.; died l96l. Married Oren S. Hack. He was born in l876 and died in l942. Five children: Elizabeth, John, Eleanor, Stephen and Joseph. When her family moved to Indianapolis in l883 she was but five years old and the public schools would not admit her although she could read and write, taught by her parents who were schoolteachers. She was placed in St. Patrick's Parochial School. Her mother intended that she should write and her training began as soon as she could put ideas in writing. In l896 she entered Butler College in Indianapolis. Mr. Hilton Brown, trustee of Butler College and managing editor of the Indianapolis News, saw some of verse in the Butler Collegian and introduced her to Charles R. Williams, editor-in- chief of the News. By his encouragement and patronage, she began to develop her knack of writing. For several years she wrote letters of travel and verse for the News. In l90l while visiting a house in Maine she saw an engraving of the Israelites leaving Egypt which was very inspiring to her. Both her brother, Percy, and she 28 started to write a story about it. Percy wrote about l2,000 words and quit. She went on for two years, using some of his plot and finished her first book, The Yoke, published in l904 by the Bobbs-Merrill Co. In l906 she published Saul of Tarsus and in l907 The City of Delight. In l908 she married Oren S. Hack and discovered that she could not carry on two careers at once, that of wife and mother and author. She published one book after that, Daybreak in l9l5. She wrote occasionally as amusement, stories and long manuscripts but was preoccupied with other things, and did not submit later writings for publication. Her favorite hobby was flower gardening and she spent some time organizing young people in the community. Lived in her later years at Hackshill, Boggstown, near Franklin, Ind.

Oren S. Hack graduated from Butler University. Received LLB from Indiana Univ. and Danville Normal. Admitted to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court. Was Corporation Counsel for the City of Indianapolis and built Weir Cook Airport. Was Trustee of the Indiana Reformatory, during which time the Reformatory at Pendleton, Ind. was built.

7-l. Elizabeth Virginia Hack. Born l909; died l9l6.

7-2. John Oren Hack. Born l9l0. Married Nelle Riggin. No children. She had two children, Nona and Patty, by a previous marriage. He received BA from Butler Univ. and attended Purdue Univ.

7-3. Eleanor Miller Hack. Born l9l3. BA Butler Univ; MS Butler Univ; MA Indiana Univ. Was on the Marion Co. Juvenile Court; in the Children's Bureau; and the Indiana State Department of Welfare. President Indianapolis Social Workers Club. Member APWA and AASW; member national committee on membership, APWA. Member Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta Pi sororities. President Indiana State Conference on Social Work. Director Admissions, Indiana University Medical Center.

7-4. Stephen Elliott Hack. Born l9l9. Married Hilda Marguerite Watts. One child, Stephen. Received BA Butler Univ. and attended law school at Indiana University. Was in the U.S. Army l94l-l946 and was discharged as captain. Member Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Director for distribution for an automobile company in Wayne, Michigan. She was in the Women's Army Corps, l942-l945 and discharged as First Lieutenant.

8-l. Stephen Elliott Hack. Born l946.

7-5. Joseph Tinsley Hack. Born l923. Married Jean Butler. Two children, Gregory and Eleanor.

8-l. Gregory Butler Hack. Born l946.

8-2. Eleanor Ann Hack. Born l947.

6-5. Henry Percy Miller. Born l880; died l930. LLB, Indiana University.

5-3. Isabelle Agnes Miller. Born Nov. 9, l849 in the old house preceding the one built in l97l. Had the middle name of her grandmother, Agnes Thompson. Died Oct. l8, l922 and was buried in Atchison, Kas. Married Jacob Garman. He was born Sept. l5, l834 in Roanoke, Va. and died Nov. 29, l922. Buried Atchinson, Kas. Isabelle Miller apparently had one child, Lee, prior to this marriage and the father's name was apparently Washby. In the marriage to Jacob Garman there were four children, Mary, George, Clinton and Guthrie. She looked like a Winter in appearance; was blue-eyed, olive-skinned, dark-haired Swiss. He fought on the Union side in the Civil War; enlisted in the infantry Sept. 26, l86l; re-enlisted in the Second Indiana Cavalry and was discharged Jan. l2, l865 (See Book I, page 270, Montgomery Co. Indiana War Records). With two of their children, Mary and Lee, about l878 they went to the plains states with her brother, Henry Clinton Miller and family and the family of her brother-in-law, William Thomas. In their later years the Garmans 29 lived with their daughter Mary Garman Hopple and then when she could not do it any more the daughter Guthrie Garman Waldroff moved back to Atchsion and lived with the Garmans, caring for them until their deaths. When Isabelle Agnes (he called her Mammy) died he seemed to give up and died a bit over a month later.

6-l. Lee Garman. Born l873. Lee Garman always went by the Garman surname, but was born three years before the marriage of his mother with Jacob Garman. He was reared by his mother, but it does not appear that Jacob Garman ever formally adopted Lee. In a questionnaire from the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, to Jacob Garman, dated May 27, l898, Jacob lists his living children as Mary, George, Clinton and Guthrie, with no mention made • of Lee. Married Harritt Grace Burch. She was born in l879 and died in l929. Seven children: Gerald, Myrl, Irvin, Earl, Mae, Walter and Fred.

7-l. Gerald Garman. Born l90l. Married Ollie Harmby. She was born in l902. Five children, Donald, Helen, David, Mildred and Francis. He was in the Army in Japan following World War II.

8-l. Donald Wayne Garman. Born l927. Married Thelma Holman. Three children, Joyce, Daniel and Randy.

9-l. Joyce Kay Garman. Born Denver l948.

9-2. Daniel Wayne Garman. Born Denver l950.

9-3. Randy Lee Garman. Born Denver l954.

8-2. Helen Mae Garman. Born l928. Married Frank Bohac in l954. She was a graduate nurse.

8-3. David Gerald Garman. Born l930. Married Margaret Long. Sergeant in the Air Force in England.

8-4. Mildred Elizabeth Garman. A graduate nurse.

8-5. Grancis Floyd Garman. Private in the U. S. Army.

7-2. Myrl C. Garman. Born l902. Married Thelma Beam. One child, Paul.

8-l. Paul Garman. Born l940.

7-3. Irvin Garman. Born l904.

7-4. Earl M. Garman. Born Mar. 5, l906. Married Elizabeth Harriette about l936. She was born Apr. 9. Two children, Kathleen and William. Lived (l997) 6 Chesley Dr., Durham, New Hampshire, 03824, tel: 603-868-2804.

8-l. Kathleen Garman. Born Apr. 5, l937. Married Jack Uebel. Lived (l997) 5 Landmark Lane, Pittsford, New York, l4534; tel: 7l6-38l-9933. They had three children, John, Mark and Virginia.

9-l. John Uebel.

9-2. Mark Uebel.

9-3. Virginia Uebel.

8-2. William Earl Garman. Born Jan. 9, l942.

7-5. Mae Garman. Born l908. Married Carl E. Sorensen. One child, Roger.

30 8-l. Roger Edward Sorensen. Born l948.

7-6. Walter Herbert Garman. Born Feb. 2, l9l0. Married Eva Emaline Clopper, daughter of John Clopper and Olive Castor. Mar. 4, l936. She was born Apr. l7, l909, Liberty, Gage Co., Neb. and died Aug. 2, l989, at Beatrice, Gage Co., Neb. They had six children, Florence, Lois, Doris, Hazel, Russell and Della. Lived RFD #l, Beatrice, Neb.

8-l. Florence Leola Garman. Born June 2l, l937, Marysville, Marshall Co., Kas. Married Earl Zeilinger Apr. 5, l959. Attended Doane College.

8-2. Lois Viola Garman. Born Dec. 2, l939, Marysville, Marshall Co., Kas. Married David Leroy Spender June l7, l967.

8-3. Doris Fay Garman. Born Oct. 8, l94l, Beatrice, Gage Co., Neb. Married Dale Schulenberg Sept. 27, l969.

8-4. Hazel Lou Garman. Born June 30, l943, Beatrice, Gage Co., Neb. Married Lorin Lindsay Dec. 22, l963.

8-5. Russell Leonard Garman. Born Feb. 22, l945. Married Cheryl Loveless Mar. 2, l974.

8-4. Della Ruth Garman. Born May ll, l948, Beatrice, Gage Co., Neb. Married Glen Haus Dec. 27, l969.

7-7. Fred Robert Garman. Born Jan. l9, l9l2; died May 20, l988, Blue Springs, Gage Co., Neb. Married Faye Virginia Clopper, daughter of John Clopper and Olive Castor. She was born July 27, l906 in Liberty, Gage Co., Neb. and died Jan. 25, l962 at Beatrice, Gage Co., Neb. Three children, Ruth, Elsie and Marvin.

8-l. Virginia Ruth Garman. Born Jan. 26, l935. Married Basil Huston Nov. l, l969. Attended Wesleyan Univ.

8-2. Elsie Marie Garman. Born July 24, l937 Marysville, Marshall Co., Kas. Married Philip Kurt Grotheer, son of Philip Herman Grotheer and Dorothea Dubbles. Aug. 24, l958. He was born May 28, l938 at Pittsburg, Crawford Co., Kas. Four children: Timothy, Elizabeth, Richard and Andrew. Lived (l997) l05 North 20th St., Nebraska City, Neb., 684l0; tel: 402-873-38l4.

9-l. Timothy Kurt Grotheer. Born July l0, l960 at Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Neb. Married Cathy Grow Jan. l2, l985.

9-2. Elizabeth Marie Grotheer. Born May 3l, l962 at Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Neb. Married Rod Williamson Aug. 22, l987.

9-3. Richard Gene Grotheer. Born June 4, l964 at Lincoln, Lancaster Co., Neb.

9-4. Andrew Dean Grotheer. Born Apr. 28, l968 at Omaha, Douglas Co., Neb.

8-3. Marvin Lee Garman. Adopted.

6-2. Mary Virginia Garman. Born Sept. l, l877 in Lodoga, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died June ll, l968 in Atchison, Atchison Co., Kas. Married Samuel Clark Hopple May 3, l900 in Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa. He was born Jan. 26, l877 in Maryville, Nodaway Co., Mo. and died June l2, l944 in Atchison, Atchison Co., Kas. They both were buried in Oake Hill Cemetery, Atchison, Kas. They had seven children: Ora, Susie, Jacob, Kenneth, Elmer, Mary and Elsie. Clark

31 Hopple's grave stone indicates that he was a private in the 4th Missouri Infantry. Berniece Waldoff Lindsey says that Clark Hopple worked at the Locomotive Finish Materials in Atchison for years and all of his sons worked there too.

7-l. Ora George Hopple. Born l90l in Clarinda, Page Co. Iowa; died July 3, l954 in Atchison, Atchison Co., Kas. Married Beatrice.

8-l. Jack Hopple. An adopted child.

7-2. Susie Hopple. Born about l903 in Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa. Married Al Moore.

8-l. Virginia Sue Moore.

8-2. Girl.

7-3. Jacob Melvin Hopple. Born l905 in Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa; died Aug. 27, l969 in Atchison, Atchison Co., Kas.; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Atcheson, Kas. Married Viola Postalwaite.

7-4. Kenneth C. Hopple. Born about l907 in Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa. Married Violet. Lived in Oakland, Calif. for a while and owned a grocery store there, but later returned to Atehison, Kas. He committed suicide.

8-l. Don Hopple.

8-2. Shirley Hopple.

8-3. Marilyn Hopple.

7-5. Elmer Hopple. Born about l909. Married Opal Adams. In the mid-l930's they moved to near Los Angeles, Calif.

8-l. Pattie Hopple.

8-2. Jackie Hopple.

7-6. Mary Isabella Hopple. Born July l, l9l6 in Atchison, Atchison Co., Kas; died Mar. 23, l998 at Barnes Medical Center, St. Louis, Mo.; buried in Highland Park Cemetery. Married Harold A. "Shorty" Jessip Feb. l4, l935, at Joplin, Mo. He died in l977. Mary Hopple was a member of the Atchison, Kas. Christian Church and of the Eastern Star. Her obituary lists as survivors two sons, three daughters, a sister, Elsie Engerman of Atchison, 25 grandchildren and 29 great-grandchildren.

8-l. Lyle Jessip. Living (l998) Joplin, Mo.

8-2. Harold Jessip. Living (l998) Conroe, Tex.

8-3. Sandra Jessip. Married a Brunskill and living (l998) Pittsburgh, Kas.

8-4. Sylvia Jessip. Married a Caldwell and living (l998) at the family home.

8-5. Donna Jessip. Married a Neds and living (l998) Enumclaw, Washington.

7-7. Elsie Hopple. Born about l9l3. Marred Walter Engermann. Living (l998) Atchison, Kas.

8-l. Vierginia Engermann.

8-2. Girl. 32

6-3. George Winter Garman. Died l923. Married Maude Adams.

6-4. Clinton Jacob Garman. Born l892. Married Lille Mae Wiggin; she died l934.

6-5. Guthrie Venita Garman. Born Mar. 26, l892, Page Co., Iowa; died Feb. 26, l957, Oroville, Butte Co., Calif. Married Ernest Waldroff, son of William Atlas Waldroff and Laura Augusta Johnson, Mar. 23, l909. He was born Mar. 24, l887 in Clearmont, Nodaway Co., Mod. and died June l, l934 in Kansas City, Kansas. Three children, Loraine, Bernice and Iola.

7-l. Loraine Agatha Waldroff. Born Mar. 29, l9l0, Page Co., Iowa; died Sept. 8, l974, North Little Rock, Arkansas. Married Samuel Albert Murdock, son of Samuel Elmer Murdock and Nola Irene Gambill, Mar. 30, l935, Kansas City, Kas. He was born Apr. 3, l905 at Cave Springs, Benton Co., Ark. and died Sept. 28, l983 at Jacksonville, Arkansas. One child, Sharon.

8-l. Sharon Diane Murdock. Born Dec. 5, l938 Nevada, Vernon Co., Mo. Married Joseph Marvin Hutcheson, son of Marvin George Hutcheson and Flora Inez Daws, May 27, l96l, North Little Rock, Ark. He was born Nov. 3, l934, at Ouachita, Dallas Co., Ark. One child, Jodi.

9-l. Jodi Loree Hutcheson. Born Aug. 2l, l962, Little Rock, Ark. Married Nasser Ali Dowlatshahi, son of Golam Hossein Dowlatshahi and Parvin Shahlaie, Sept. 26, l99l, Little Rock, Ark. He had been married formerly to Patti Phillips. One child, Sydney.

l0-l. Sydney Kathrine Parvin Dowlatshahi. Born Jan. 9, l992, Little Rock, Ark.

7-2. Berniece Waldroff. Born Feb. 28, l9l3, Atchison, Kas. Married Frank Lindsey, son of Franklin Alexander Lindsey and Lillian R. Pharris, July l8, l936, Atchison, Kas. He was born Feb. 2, l9l4 in Atchison Co., Kansas and died Oct. l6, l996 at Chico, Calif. Three children, Carol, Leroy and Gary.

8-l. Carol Joyce Lindsey. Born June 2l, l937, Atchison, Kas. Married Richard Duane Welton at Biggs, Butte Co., Calif. Nov. 22, l956. He was born May 25, l936 in Biggs, Calif. They had three children, Kimerly, Stephen and Kevin. Richard Welton had two children by a previous marriage, Reva Jan. Welton, born Jan. l8, l958 and Rhonda Joy Welton, born Jan. l8, l958.

9-l. Kimberly Lynn Welton. Born Feb. l5, l959 in Chico, Calif. Married Joaquin Carlos Buendia Aug. l6, l980 in Merced, Calif. He was born June 27, l960 in Merced, Calif. They had two children, Sara and Kaylan.

l0-l. Sara Elaine Buendia. Born June l0, l982 at Fresno, Calif.

l0-2. Kaylan Carol Buendia. Born May 8, l985 at Fresno, Calif.

9-2. Stephen Scott Welton. Born Sept. 25, l960 in Fresno, Calif. Married Jeanine Lee Irby Sept. 2l, l985 in Fresno, Calif. She was born Mar. l0, l965 in Madera, Calif. They had two children, Ryan and Chad.

l0-l. Ryan Scott Welton. Born Fresno, Calif.

l0-2. Chad Steven Welton. Born Fresno, Calif.

9-3. Kevin Blake Welton. Born Dec. 27, l96l in Fresno, Calif. Married (l) Linda A. Hasebe; they had one child; she had one child by a previous marriage to Eric Evans, Melanie Justine Hasbe who was adopted by Kevin Welton. (2) Diane Carolyn Sultenfuss Dec. 27, l99l, at Clovis, Fresno Co., Calif. She was born Jan. l6, l964. They had one child, Kassandra. 33

l0-l. Melanie Justine Hasbe Welton. Born Apr. 26, l990.

l0-2. Kassandra Sultenfuss Welton. Born Aug. l0, l993 at Fountain Valley, Orange Co., Calif.

8-2. Larry Douglas Lindsey. Born 3, l942 at Gridley, Butte Co., Calif. Married (l) Joyce Biggs June 29, l962; she was born Oct. l8, l944 at Fallbrook, Orange Co., Calif. They had two children, Lesa and Travis.

9-l. Lesa Michelle Lindsey. Born Dec. l9, l964 in Gridley, Butte Co., Calif. Married Donald Dean Shippelhoute Jan. 7, l989 at Durham, Butte Co. Calif. He was born Sept. 30, l965 at Orland, Los Angeles Co., Calif. They had three children, Hunter, Aaron and Jessica.

l0-l. Hunter Dale Shippelhoute. Born Oct. l9, l993 at Chico, Calif.

l0-2. Aaron Blake Shippelhoute. Born Oct. 28, l996 at Chico, Calif.

l0-3. Jessica Marie Shippelhoute. Born June 9, l996 at Sacramento, Calif.

9-2. Travis Douglas Lindsey. Born Dec. 22, l967 at Gridley, Butte Co., Calif. Married Dawn Marie Oct. l7, l992 at Gridley, Calif. She was born Oct. 3, l965.

8-3. Gary Dwight Lindsey. Born Oct. 5, l943 in Yuba City, Calif. Married (l) Gayle Miller Nov. l963 in San Luis Obispo, Calif.; she was born Sept. l4, l944 in California; they had two children, Scott and Laura; (2) Bridgette Moriz, Dec. l5, l97l in Pasadena, Calif. and (3) Mary D. in l988.

9-l. Scott Jeffrey Lindsey. Born June 9, l964 in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Married Mary Ann Garver Mar. l2, l988 in Lake Forest, Orange Co., Calif. She was born June 9, l965 in Ft. Mead, Maryland. They had two children, Kyle and Garrett.

l0-l. Kyle Scott Lindsey. Born Jan. l993 in Anaheim, Orange Co., Calif.

l0-2. Garrett Tyler Lindsey. Born after l993 in Mission Viejo, Orange Co., Calif.

9-2. Laura Renee Lindsey. Born April l2, l968 in Orange Co., Calif.

7-3. Iola Nadine Waldorff. Born July 3l, l9l7, Nodaway Co., Mo.; died Nov. l4, l920, Atchison, Kas.

5-4. Henry Clinton Miller. Born Harrison Co., Ind., June l5, l85l; died Feb. l892; buried Banks, Washington Co., Ore. Married Rachel Brent, d. William and Mary Winter Brent. She is buried at Banks, Washington Co., Ore. Two children, Ora and Ira. Henry Clinton Miller was called "Clint," was short, broad-shouldered, sandy hair and ruddy complexion. He made his first move from his birthplace to the Winter holdings in Montgomery Co., Ind. where his two children were born. Intrigued with the glowing accounts of the Pacific Northwest he decided to move on to the Oregon Trail. In company with the families of two brothers-in-law he set out in l878. Stopped in Page Co., Iowa, where an infant son was born and died and buried under a pine tree on the place where the family temporarily made its home. Later he and his family moved on to Oregon. Instead of going into farming, as he had expected, he went into the lumber business and stayed in it for the rest of his life.

6-l. Ora Emma Miller. Born July 22, l872; died Nov. 24, l922; buried in the IOOF Cemetery, the Dalles, Ore. Married Charles Albert Davidson Aug. l6, l890 in Banks, Ore. He died May 3l, l945 and is buried next to Ora Emma Miller in the IOOF Cemetery. Four children, Pearl, Elva, Orville and Wilbur.

34 7-l. Pearl Davidson. Born l89l; died in the l960's; buried in the IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco Co., Ore. Married Wilfred Leigh Haynes. Two children, Gail and Laurene.

8-l. Gail Eldon Haynes. Born l9l6. Married Ruth Crum; three children, Rebecca, Gary and Norman.

9-l. Rebecca Ann Haynes. Born l939.

9-2. Gary Leigh Haynes. Born l940.

9-3. Norman Gail Haynes. Born l953.

8-2. Laurene Haynes. Married Patrick Foley. Three children, Patrick, Richard and Michael.

9-l. Patrick Anthony Foley. Born l938.

9-2. Richard Jerome Foley. Born l94l.

9-3. Michael Foley. Born l953.

7-2. Elva Olive Davidson. Born l893; died April l984; buried in the IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco Co., Ore. Married Charles Frank, M. L. Myers.

7-3. Orville Raymond Davidson. Born l893. Drowned while swimming.

7-4. Clair Wilbur Davidson. Born May l7, l907 in Dufur, Wasco Co., Ore. died l947. Married Della Elizabeth Hovey Apr. l9, l94l in Caldwell, Idaho. They both were residents of The Dalles, Ore. She was born Mar. l9, l902 in Delta, Colorado and in l999 was still living at Lake Havasu City, Ariz., near her daughter Clairdell. One child, Clairdell. He was in U.S. Army, l942-l945, in Europe and Africa. He was a lineman for the Pacific Power and Light Co. and died of a massive heart attack Feb. 23, l947

8-l. Clairdell Louise Davidson. Born Feb. 24, l943 in The Dalles, Oregon. Married (l) Lawrence M. Smith Dec. l962. They were divorced in Dec. l98l. They had two children, Brian Burke and Shannon Dee. Married (2) Richard E. Ross in l984. Retired and lived at 3200 Longview Drive, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 86406; tel. 520- 680-l472.

9-l. Brian Burke Smith. Born July l7, l964 in Redmond, Ore. Married Gina NN; were divorced. They had three children: Cody, Zachary and Haley. Lived in Redmond, Washington.

l0-l. Cory A. Smith. Born in l990.

l0-2. Zachary H. Smith. Born in l993.

l0-3. Haley M. Smith. Born in l995.

9-2. Shannon Dee Smith. Born Dec. 9, l967 in Portland, Oreg.; unmarried in l999. Lived in Redmond, Wash.

6-2. Ira Miller. Born l869. Married Caroline. Two children, Lee and Lucien.

7-l. Lee Roy Miller. Born l9l3. Unmarried. In U. S. Navy four years during World War II on carrier, Enterprise, in Japanese and South Pacific waters. Lived l939 Mt. Brynion Rd., Kelso, Wash.

7-2. Lucien Miller. A stepson.

35 5-5. Elizabeth Jane Miller. Born Nov. 8, l952; died l930. Had her first schooling in her father's log schoolhouse. Went to Corydon and lived with her aunt and uncle, the Benjamin Aydelottes, while she finished her education. Went to Danville Normal School and then began to teach. When her younger brothers, Peter and John Miller, went to Montgomery County to develop their lands left them by their mother, she moved with them into the house they had built. As her older brothers and sisters moved out into the world on their own careers she filled the post of homemaker for those left with her. She taught school in Montgomery County for many years, retiring after the death of her sister Emma to keep house for her brothers. Died suddenly at age 78. She was the family historian and much of the family history was obtained from her letters. Was short of stature, with an olive complexion and dark blue eyes. Is buried in the graveyard in the village of New Ross, beside those of her family who had died previously.

5-6. Nancy Adelaide Miller. Born Jan. 23, l854. Was given the name of her Aunt Nancy Roberts. Died June 22, l9l9 near Shambaugh, Iowa; buried at Sherah cemetery near Dunlop, Iowa. Married William Wilbert Thomas, son of Levi and Martha Gates Thomas. He was born Nov. l, l85l, Corydon, Ind. and died Nov. 22, l93l; buried Sherah Cemetery. Three children, Walter, Olive and Goldie. With the families of her sister and her husband they went west as far as Iowa and settled at Braddyville where they established a fruit farm. William Thomas held offices such as Justice of the Peace, marshall, mayor and president of the School Board.

6-l. Walter Thomas. Died infancy.

6-2. Olive May Thomas. Born l874; married Simon Peter Wolf. Four children, Zelpha, Vina, Effie and Martin.

7-l. Zelpha Jane Wolf.

7-2. Vina Floy Wolf.

7-3. Effie L. Wolf.

7-4. Martin Wilbur Wolf.

6-3. Goldie Ann Thomas. Born l879. Married Edward Crawford. He was born l876 and died l950. Three children, William, Patricia and Georgia.

7-l. William Edward Crawford. Died infancy.

7-2. Patricia Lavaun Crawford. Born l9l9. Married Glen Carbaugh.

7-3. Georgia Crawford. Born l925. Married Erwin Winter; three children, Dennis, Lloyd and Phyllis.

8-l. Dennis Warren Winter. Born l947.

8-2. Lloyd Joe Winter. Born l949.

8-3. Phyllis Jean Winter. Born l954.

5-7. Peter Filmore Miller. Born Apr. l2, l856, Dogwood, Ind.; died Aug. ll, l828; buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery, New Ross, Ind. Never married. Was a farmer all his life, and lived and died on his inherited farm. For most of his early and middle years he maintained a home for his sisters, Jane and Emma, and his younger brother, John. His attachment to his family was almost paternal and he grieved over the steady decline in their numbers.

5-8. John C. Fremont Miller. Born May 4, l858; died l9l3. Married Mary Jane Jones who died in l936. Three children, Theoron, Vernita and Cecil. Was a landowner, 36 but during most of his adult years was a schoolteacher. Attended both Danville Normal and Valparaiso University. Homesteaded west and returned due to hot winds and drought and married. Mary Jane Jones was also a schoolteacher. Lived part of the time on his own land and later in Jamestown where he taught until his death.

6-l. Theron J. Miller. Born l893; died l948. Married Olive G. Smith. Five children, Helen, Doris, Carl, John, Ralph and Rose.

7-l. Helen Louise Miller. Born l9l6. Did not marry.

7-2. Doris Rovene Miller. Born l9l7. Married Keith U. Adams. Two children, Rovena and Linda.

8-l. Rovena Rose Adams. Born l945.

8-2. Linda Kaye Adams. Born l948.

7-3. Carl Eugene Miller. Born l92l. Married Louise Armstrong. Two children, Thomas and Daniel.

8-l. Thomas Carl Miller. Born l945.

8-2. Daniel Allen Miller. Born l947.

7-4. John Henry Miller. Born l923. Married Martha Hawk. Two children, James and Patricia.

8-l. James Lennard Miller. Born l944.

8-2. Patricia Kay Miller. Born l950.

7-5. Ralph Jacob Miller. Born l925. Unmarried.

7-6. Rose Marie Miller. Born l935. Married Robert L. Rucker. Onechild, Sheryle.

8-l. Sheryle Lynn Rucker. Born l954.

6-2. Vernita Mabel Miller. Born l897. Married Ora L. Proffit. Six children, Margaret, Mary, Henry, Ora, John, Wayne.

7-l. Margaret Isabelle Proffit. Born l9l8. Married Rev. Russell Richardson. Two children, Rebecca and Betsy. Attended Butler University.

8-l. Rebecca Carol Richardson. Born l950.

8-2. Betsy Ruth Richard. Born l953.

7-2. Mary Irene Proffit. Born l920. Married Joseph Pointer. Attended Butler Univ. Was a Lieut. in WAC in World War II.

7-3. Henry Miller Proffit. Born l926. Married Barbara McBrayer. Attended University of Chicago. Was a minister.

7-4. Ora Merrill Proffit. Born l928. Married Betsy Lou Nicholson. Two children, Leanna and Charles. In military service after World War II.

8-l. Leanne Lynn Proffit. Born l953.

8-2. Charles Teven Proffit. Born l95l. A stepson.

37 7-5. John Meredith Proffit. Born l934. Married Evelyn Patterson. Attended Purdue University.

7-6. Wayne Eugene Proffit. Born l938.

6-3. Cecil John Miller. Born l902. Unmarried.

5-9. Emma Margaret Miller. Born l860; died l885 of heart failure, following an infection of an insignificant wound when she was but 26. Was buried in OldUnion Cemetery at New Ross, Ind. but her body was later moved to lie beside others of her family in the Odd Fellows graveyard. Was a schoolteacher. Had a license to teach in l878 which is still preserved. Was tall, golden-haired, blue-eyed.

5-l0. Ann Delilah Miller. Born Apr. l2, l863; died Feb. 23, l947; buried Oak Hill Cemetery near Lebanon, Ind. Married David Reed who was born Mar. 4, l856 and died Apr. l0, l927; buried Oak Hill Cemetery. Four children, Forrest, Mary Alma, Ophrah Clara and John. She was only eight years old when her parents died and she was raised by her guardian, Timothy Miller. Married David Reed when she was l6 and they lived most of their married lives in Boone Co., Ind. He was a progressive farmer and stock raiser and his property increased by the year. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church.

6-l. Forrest Reed. Born Sept. l88l. Married William E. Swisher. He was born May 23, l887. Three children, Russell, Wyvonne and George.

7-l. Russell Swisher. Born May 2, l90l. Married Ione Cox, who was born Dec. 6, l903. Two children, Russell and William.

8-l. Russell H. Swisher, Jr. Born Dec. 3l, l924. Married Madge B. Mitchell. Two children, Patricia Ann and Charles Douglas. He was a T. Sgt. in the U.S. Army, l944-45.

9-l. Patricia Ann Swisher. Born l950.

9-2. Charles Douglas Swisher. Born l953.

8-2. William C. Swisher. Born l928. Married Wilma Jean Burgess. Born l930. Ond child, Rebecca.

9-l. Rebecca Elaine Swisher. Born l952.

7-2. Wyvone Pete Swisher. Born l907. Married Mary E. Hart who was born l907. Five children: Herchel, Donald, Robert, Harold and Charles.

8-l. Herchel Wyvone Swisher. Born l930. In U.S. Army in Korea; discharged l954.

8-2. Donald Lee Swisher. Born l93l; in U.S. Army l95l.

8-3. Robert Earl Swisher. Born l935.

8-4. Harold Everett Swisher. Born l937.

8-5. Charles Larry Swisher. Born l94l.

7-3. George A. Swisher. Born l9l3. Married Maxine Butler. Born l9l6. Three children, George, Alice and Alvin.

8-l. George Allen Swisher. Born l936.

8-2. Alice B. Swisher. Born l94l.

38 8-3. Alvin J. Swisher. Born l947.

6-2. Mary Alma Reed. Born l883; died l943. Married Erwin E. Miller. He was born l878. Four children: Emma, Lloyd, Arthur and Henry.

7-l. Emma Blanche Miller. Born June l, l90l. Married Fred A. Busenbark. Born Mar. 26, l90l. Three children, Eleanor, Victor and Hugh.

8-l. Eleanor Joanne Busenbark. Born Dec. 25, l922. Married Floyd C. Beebe. Born l920. Two children, Linda and Leanne. She was a registered nurse; he was in the U.S. Air Force in l94l and discharged as a Captain.

9-l. Linda Kay Beebe. Born l946.

9-2. Leanne Sue Beebe. Born l949.

8-2. Victor Miller Busenbark. Born l924. Married Jeannette Damewood. She born l927. Two children, Joe and Deanne. He graduated from Purdue Uni•versity; was in US Army in Far East; discharged as Srgt. l946.

9-l. Joe Ed Miller. Born l95l.

9-2. Deanne Miller. Born l954.

8-3. Hugh LeRoy Busenbark. Born l928. Married Donna Jean Lambert. She was born l928. One child, Marcia Jean. He graduated from Wabash College. Was in the U.S National Guard l953. She was a registered nurse.

9-l. Marcia Jean Busenbark. Born l953.

7-2. Lloyd Fairbanks Miller. Born July 4, l904. Married Elizabeth McDowell. Born l905. Three children, Mary, Anna and George.

8-l. Mary Helen Miller. Born l924. Married Charles Thomas Stephen. He was born l927. Two children, Cassandra and Lloyd. She graduated from College.

9-l. Cassandra Ruth Stephen. Born l948.

9-2. Lloyd Thomas Stephen. Born l950.

8-2. Anna Louise Miller. Born l926. Married Albert Parsley. He was born l928. They both graduated from Indiana University. He was in the U.S. Army in the Far East for five years. Two children, Cheryl and Theresa.

9-l. Cheryl Ann Parsley. Born l950.

9-2. Theresa Lynn Parsley. Born l954.

7-3. Arthur Reed Miller. Born l9l0. Married Dorothy Wells. She was born l9l2. One child, Raymond.

8-l. Raymond Karl Miller. Born l933. Married Alyce J. Thrasner. She was born in l934. He was in the U.S. Army in l953.

7-4. Henry Erwin Miller. Born June l9l3. Married Frances Marie Pratt. She was born Dec. l5, l9l5. Three children, Larry, Phillip and Edith.

8-l. Larry Joe Miller. Born l938.

8-2. Phillip Michael Miller. Born l940.

8-3. Edith Louise Miller. Born l950. 39

6-3. Ophrah Clara Reed. Born l889. Married Oscar S. Srader. He was born l883 and died l95l. Three children, David, Dorothy and Jack.

7-l. David Robert Srader. Born l9l2. Married Gladys Mills. She was born l9l2. Four children, David, Barbara, William and Jack.

8-l. David Lysle Srader. Born l934. Married Patricia Ann Trulow. She was born l935.

8-2. Barbara Ann Srader. Born l937.

8-3. William Francis Srader. Born l942.

8-4. Jack Wilbur Srader. Born l946.

7-2. Dorothy Mae Srader. Born l9l7. Married Charles Wilbur Hulett. Born l9l7. Two children, Robert and Judy. She attended Butler University; he graduated from Indiana University School of Law. He was in the Air Corps in l942; discharged l944 as First Lieutenant.

8-l. Robert Srader Hulett. Born l944.

8-2. Judy Ann Hulett. Born l950.

7-3. Jack Martin Srader. Born l925. Married Margaret Bryaton. She was born l924. Three children, Susan, Betsy and Sharon. He was in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II and was discharged as an Air Cadet in l946.

8-l. Susan Margart Srader. Born l948.

8-2. Betsy Ann Srader. Born l950.

8-3. Sharon Lee Srader. Born l954.

6-4. John Clifford Reed. Born l894; died l94l. Married Lena Slater. She was born l898. Two children, Rosemary and David. He served in the U.S. Army on the Mexican border, and in World War I. Graduated from Indiana University.

7-l. Rosemary Reed. Born l92l; died l945. Married Byron L. Carr. He was born l920. He was in the U.S. Army; discharged as a First Lieutenant, l945, one day before his wife's death.

7-2. David W. Reed. Born l925. Married Audry Jane Burden. Two children, Terry and John.

8-l. Terry Dee Reed. Born l95l.

8-2. John David Reed. Born l953.

4-9. Lydia Ann Winter. Born l826 or l827 in Harrison Co., Ind. Married (l) Seth James Stevenson in l842 or l843; two children, James and Jane. Married (2) Jacob Stoner, Oct. 26, l848. He was born Oct. 23, l8l2, Botetourt Co., Va. and was a widower with five children: George, Larepta, Catherine, David and Maria. He died Aug. 3, l886 in Montgomery Co., Ind. near New Ross and was buried in the Stoner Cemetery at Ladoga, Ind. They had seven children: Nancy, Francis, Andrew, John, Sarah, Jacob and William. Lived Montgomery Co., Ind. Were in the U.S. Census in l850, Walnut Township, family #4l4; l860 #88; l870 #220. The value of the family's real estate was l850 $2000, l860 $4000, l870 $l6,000; of personal property l860 $l690 and l870 $250. After Jacob Stoner's death Lydia Ann Winter lived on the old home place with her son, Marion.

40 5-l. James Alexander Stevenson. Born Feb. 2l, l844, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died Feb. l9, l923, Hutchinson, Kas. Married Elizabeth Ellen McKenney, daughter of Jesse Jarret McKenney and Mary Stepp, Sept. 24, l87l, Lawrence, Kas. She was born in Cass Co., Ill. Jan. 28, l854 and died Oct. l2, l936. Both were buried in the East Side Cemetery, Hutchinson, Kas. Five children: Pearl May, Walter Oakly, Hazel S., Marian Louise and James Fred. James Stevenson ran off and joined the llth Indiana Cavalry at the beginning of the Civil War in l86l. He graduated in law at the Christian College, Lafayette, Ind. and then went to Lawrence, Kas. to practice law and couldn't stand the confine ment. He met Elizabeth McKenney in Lawrence; her parents had moved from Luray, Page Co., Va. to Lawrence, Kas. He engaged in stock raising and farming. Other cousins came to Lawrence, Kas., too. He moved to Lyndon, Kas. for a while and when the Santa Fe was built into Hutchinson, he moved there. The family is listed in the l850 Census, James Alexander living with his parents; in l860 he is living separately, a farmer, with $l600 in real estate and $300 in personal property.

6-l. Pearl May Stevenson. Born June l9, l872; died Jan. 30, l958. Married John W. Nelson. Four children, Nellie, James, Gaveda and Robert.

7-l. Nellie Lucilla Nelson. Born Sept. 23, l892. Lived at 405 East Ave. A., Hutchinson, Kas.

7-2. James Valentine Nelson. Born Feb. l4, l894. Married Letta Richardson. No children.

7-3. Gaveda Marie Nelson. Born Aug. l0, l897. Lived 405 East Ave. A., Hutchinson, Kas.

7-4. Robert Washington Nelson. Born Feb. 22, l903; died Aug. 9, l942. Married Lola Petigo June l4, l926. Two children, Patricia and John.

8-l. Patricia Joline Nelson. Born Sept. l2, l928. Married Pat Moore. One child, Nancy.

9-l. Nancy Moore. Born Feb. l5, l955.

8-2. John William Nelson. Born Dec. 23, l932.

6-2. Walter Oakley Stevenson. Born Sept. 25, l886, Hutchinson, Kas. Married (l) Barbara Lugard Dec. 9, l9l0. Two children, Walter and Marion. Divorced l92l. Married (2) Kathryn Mairs June l2, l923. One child, Suzanne. Lived l930 Quebec St., Denver, Colo.

7-l. Walter Dale Stevenson. Born Feb. l9, l9l2. Married Ruth Fleetwood Jan. 26, l934. Three children, Donald, Elizabeth and James. Lived Monticello, Utah.

8-l. Donald Dale Stevenson. Born Apr. 5, l935.

8-2. Elizabeth Jane Stevenson. Born June 4, l937. Married James Hall, Sept. l954. Two children, Barbara and Linda.

9-l. Barbara Hall. Born July 2l, l955.

9-2. Linda Hall. Born Nov. l2, l956.

8-3. James Lee Stevenson. Born Aug. l0, l944.

7-2. Marion Oakley Stevenson. Born Jan. 24, l9l4. Married Florine McCoy July 7, l944. Two children, Barbara and Linda. Lived l509 Santa Cruz, San Pedro, Calif.

8-l. Barbara McCoy. Born Feb. l, l947. 41

8-2. Linda McCoy. Born June l4, l949.

7-3. Suzanne Stevenson. Born May 27, l927. Married Jack Livingston, June l5, l947. Two children, Steven and Dennis. Lived 45l South 74th East Ave., Tulsa, Okla.

8-l. Steven Clark Livingston. Born Jan. 3l, l949.

8-2. Dennis Jan Livingston. Born July l7, l95l.

6-3. Hazel Stevenson. Married Hugh L. Brownlee Mar. 26, l9l3. Four children, Ellen, William, George and Donald. Lived 2009 Tyler, Hutchinson, Kas. He was a state representative in the Kansas legislature from the 76th District, Reno Co.

7-l. Ellen Bernice Brownlee. Born Sept. l, l9l4. Married Elmer R. Musil July 26, l945. One child, Lee. Lived Burdett, Kas.

8-l. Lee Elmer Musil. Born Sept. 2l, l949.

7-2. William Hugh Brownlee. Born Feb. l7, l9l7. Married Louise Dunn Aug. ll, l948. Four children, Linda, Mary, Hugh and David. Lived 2809 Fairview Rd., Durham, N. C.

8-l. Linda Louise Brownlee. Born Dec. 2, l949.

8-2. Mary Elizabeth Brownlee. Born June l9, l95l.

8-3. Hugh William Brownlee. Born Sept. 2, l953.

8-4. David J. Brownlee. Born Aug. 28, l955.

7-3. George Raymond Brownlee. Born July 2, l920. Married Carol Gene English Mar. 27, l953. Two children, Donna and Barbara. Lived Sylvia, Kas.

8-l. Donna Jean Brownlee. Born Apr. 8, l954.

8-2. Barbara Lucille Brownlee. Born Nov. l, l955.

7-4. Donald James Brownlee. Born Oct. ll, l92l. Married Mary Jo Moss July 26, l957. Lived Sylvia, Kas.

6-4. Marian Louise Stevenson. Born Sept. 7, l895. Married Cecil C. Crandall Oct. 9, l920. Two children, Mary and James. Lived l625 Melrose, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 26, Minn.

7-l. Mary Eloise Crandall. Born Feb. 25, l925. Married Ralph Albert Olson Oct. 9, l928. Three chilren, Mary, James and Gary. Lived l625 Melrose St., St. Louis Park, Minneapolis 26, Minn.

8-l. Mary Ellen Olson. Born Jan. l2, l95l.

8-2. James Crandall Olson. Born Sept. 2, l952.

8-3. Gary W. Olson. Born Aug. 22, l954.

8-4. Nancy Louise Olson. Born Dec. 2l, l957.

7-2. James Edward Crandall. Born Nov. 5, l930. Unmarried.

42 6-5. James Fred Stevenson. Born June 22, l884. One child, John. Lived 223 West Ave. B., Hutchinson, Kas.

7-l. John Murray "Jack" Stevenson. Born Dec. 6, l9l8. Married Leta Linville. Three children, Suzanne, Karl and Paul. Was an Ensign in the Navy in World War II; became civil service career engineer in the U.S. Maritime Administration. Lived 6008 Greentree Rd., Bethesda l4, Md.

8-l. Suzanne Stevenson. Born Dec. 7, l947.

8-2. Karl Stevenson. Born Nov. 22, l949.

8-3. Paul Stevenson. Born Oct. l0, l953.

5-2. Jane Stevenson.

5-3. Francis Marion Stoner. Born Aug. 8, l849; died June 20, l929, New Ross, Ind. Married Nancy Melissa Powell, d. John Powell and Elizabeth Welsh in l870. She was born Jan. 28, l85l in Indiana and died Feb. l3, l9l7. Three children, Emma, Stella and Curtis. Lived in the New Ross, Indiana community, •Walnut Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. He farmed and was in the coal business. The family is in the l870 Census, #220 with his parents; in l880 #l66. The family later lived near Williamsburg, Iowa Co., Iowa.

6-l. Emma C. Stoner. Born Dec. 26, l870. Married Thomas Duke. Five children: Merle, Chloe, Ruth, Avis and Francis.

7-l. Merle Duke. Daughter; died young.

7-2. Chloe Duke. Born Oct. 30, l894. Married William Cassell Wright, son of Wesley Wright and Evaline Linn of New Ross, Ind. He was born July l8, l892 and died l959. Four children, Joseph, William, Wilma and Margaret.

8-l. Joseph Wesley Wright. Married Betty Jane Jones of Marion, Mass. Two children, George and Jo Ann. He worked for the Accushnet Processing Co. in Massachusetts.

9-l. George Wright.

9-2. Jo Ann Wright.

8-2. William Cassell Wright II. Born Aug. l0, l9l8. Married Faye Louise Horrocks. Two children, William and Dean.

9-l. William C. Wright III. Married.

9-2. Dean Arthur Wright. Attended Indiana University.

8-3. Wilma Kathryn Wright. Born Aug. l0, l9l8. Married Robert Buehl. Two children, Carolyn Ann and Robert.

9-l. Carolyn Ann Buehl.

9-2. Robert W. Buehl, Jr.

8-4. Margaret Ellen Wright. Married Robert Page. No children. Lived (l965) at 2543 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

7-3. Ruth Duke. Married a Bibby. Seven children, six boys and one girl, names not known. Lived (l965) in North Dakota.

7-4. Avis Duke. Two children, names not known. 43

7-5. Francis Duke. Three children, two boys and one girl.

6-2. Stella E. Stoner. Born June 2l, l875. Married Andrew Chambers, son of William Chambers and Amanda Loop, Aug. 22, l896. He was born l874 and died l962. One daughter, Geneva. Lived (l965) New Ross, Ind.

7-l. Geneva Chambers. Born l909. Married (l) George Thomas and (2) Leo Brown. Lived Indianapolis, Ind.

6-3. Curtis I. Stoner. Born Oct. l879. Married Veva Talbott. Five children, Glee, Harold, Marina, John and Charles. Lived 6 miles east of New Ross, Ind. in the Advance community.

7-l. Glee Wanda Stoner. Born June 20, l904. Married Merle Peffley. One son, Merle. She was bookkeeper for the Barbers' Union. Lived (l965) ll34 Reid Place, Indianapolis, Ind.

8-l. Merle Peffley, Jr. Lived Chicago. Married; two children, names not known. Lost a leg in World War II.

7-2. Harold Stoner. Married twice; had children; lived in the Advance, Ind., community, Boone Co.

7-3. Marian Stoner. Married Wilbur Long. Lived Wyoming.

7-4. John Stoner.

7-5. Charles Stoner. Professional dancing instructor, Indianapolis, Ind.

5-4. Andrew Jackson Stoner. Born l85l; died l890's. Married Della Bowman. One child, Glen.

6-l. Glen Stoner. Died l896 of diptheria.

5-5. John Henry Stoner. Born l853. Married Melvina Powell. One child, Curtis. Buried Pisgah Cemetery, north of New Ross, Ind. After his death, Melvina Powell married Frank Byrd.

6-l. Curtis Jewell Stoner. Died young.

5-6. Sarah Jane "Jennie" Stoner. Born l857. Died age 22, unmarried.

5-7. Jacob D. Stoner. Born l859; died young. Living with parents l860 but not l870.

5-8. William Hannibal Stoner. Born l865; died young; living with parents, l870.

5-9. Nancy E. Stoner. Died young.

4-l0. Joseph Benjamin Levi Winter. Born Mar. 3, l824 in Indiana; died July 22, l899 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Martha Waldorf, at Fennimore, Wisconsin, of catarrhal fever and paralysis; had been ill 4-5 months; buried in Prairie City cemetery. Married Magdalene Stoner, daughter of Jacob Stoner and Barbara Garst, Sept. 4, l845. She was born Feb. 26, l826 in Botetourt Co., Va. and died Apr. 3, l908; buried in the Stoner Cemetery, near Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind. Twelve children: David, Lydia, Rebecca, Martha, Mary, Joseph, William, Christena, Emma, Julia, John and Jesse. In l850 they lived in Montgomery Co., Ind., Walnut Twp., US census, family #380, a farmer with real estate valued at $l500; his parents, John Winter and Elizabeth Pfrimmer lived with them. They moved to Fennimore, Grant Co., Wisconsin, where he purchased land May l5, l856. In l882 they moved to Clark Co., Wis., where they lived until Nov. l898 when they returned to Fennimore, Wisconsin. 44 Joseph Winter was converted at age l5 and joined the United Brethren Church. In l850 he was licensed to preach and when he moved to Wisconsin he brought with him recommendations that admitted him to the Wisconsin Conference. In l872 he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. He became a member of the United Methodist Church at Fennimore, Wisconsin, Nov. 4, l894 and remained a member until he died. He left his wife and ten children, only two of which, owing to the great distance, were able to attend the burial. The funeral was held at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Penjilly officiating. Obituary in the "Time Review" of Platteville, Wis., July 26, l899. In l905 Magdalene Stoner was living at Clear Lake, Cerro Gordon County, Iowa, RFD #3. Later she came to Ladoga, Indiana to attend the funeral of her sister, Ronk, and remained to nurse another sister, Sarah Himes, a paralytic. Sarah Himes died and Magdalene came to the home of her nephew, Samuel D. Stoner, after the funeral. She took cold, grew ill of pneumonia and died about two weeks later.

5-l. David W. Winter. Born Nov. l5, l846, Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died July 26, l9l5. Married Jennie Clark Sept. l8, l866.

5-2. Lydia Winter. Born Jan. 6, l848, Ladoga, Ind.; died Dec. l0, l934 at Fennimore (Stoughton), Wis.; buried Prairie Cemetery, Fennimore, Wis. Married Thomas Cassingham Linton, son of Dutton Linton and Elizabeth Cassingham, of Fennimore, Wisconsin, Sept. l8, l866. He was born Nov. 4, l844 at Columbus, Ohio and died Nov. 9, l927 in Fennimore, Wis.; buried Prairie Cemetery, Mt. Ida, Wis. Six children: Alvin, Howard, Clara, Harvey, Cora and Pansy. He was a member of the 3rd Regt., Co. F., Wisconsin Volunteery Infantry during the Civil War and honorably discharged June l865.

6-l. Thomas Alvin Linton. Born Aug. 5, l867 at Mt. Hope, Fennimore, Wisconsin. Died in Oglivie, Wis. No children.

6-2. William Howard Linton. Born Aug. 23, l869, Mt. Hope, Grant Co., Wis.; died July l943, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis.; bur. Neillsville City Cem. Married Lottie Lorene Goold, d. Horace Goold and Sarah Jane Lawrence, July l, l89l, Fennimore, Wis. She was born Oct. 20, l869, Grant Co., Wis. and died Nov. l5, l957, in Havenet Nursing Home, Clark Co., Wis.; buried Nov. l8, l957 in Neillsville City, Cemetery. One child, Velmer. Lived Neillsville, Wis.

7-l. Velmer Viola Linton. Born May 30, l894, Grant Co., Wis.; died Feb. l8, l972, Neillsville, Wis.; bur. Neillsville Cem. Married Robert Ernest Volz, son of August Volz and Ross Rotheker or Rodeker, Oct. 2, l9l3, in Baraboo, Wis. He was born Nov. l7, l884 in Baraboo, Wis., and died Oct. l3, l967, Wisconsin Rapids, Wood Co., Wis.; buried Neillsville Cem. They had eleven children: George, Marcella, Florence, Harry, Lester, Gerald, Wilbur, Willis, Deloris, Iva and Raymond. He was farmer and she a homemaker.

8-l. George Robert Volz. Born June 6, l9l4, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married Esther May, daughter of Otto May, May l6, l943, in St. Johns Lutheran Church, Neillsville, Clark Co., Iowa. He served in the US Army during World War II in Germany and owned a service station. Lived 53l Griffith Ave., #4, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, 54494.

8-2. Marcella Gertrude Volz. Born May 7, l9l6, Neillsville, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married John Edward Adams May l, l937, Chicago, Ill. He was born Sept. 25, l9l2 in Canada. Two children, John and Carol. She was a homemaker and he was an engineer. Lived 2735 Bowhill Land, San Pablo, Calif., 94806. Retired San Francisco, Calif., Mare Island Navy Yard.

9-l. John Robert Adams, Jr. Born Nov. l8, l95l, Richmond, Calif. Married (l) Nora Matulick May 6, l978; divorced l983. Married (2) Carol Tannenbaum Feb. l986. One child Sarah. He was a college graduate and worked in construction. They lived 83 Templar Place, Oakland, CA., 946l8.

l0-l. Sarah Tannenbaum Adams. Born Dec. 9, l986. 45

9-2. Carol Louise Adams. Born Mar. 27, l955, Richmond, Calif. Married Thomas Edward Erdman Oct. l3, l973. He was born July l3, l952. Two children, Sherry and David. Divorced. She was an officer worker, employed in the Mare Island Ship Yard. Lived 2522 Emeric, San Pable, Calif., 94806. He was employed with the federal government.

l0-l. Sherry Lynn Erdman. Born Oct. 5, l978.

l0-2. David Wayne Erdman. Born Dec. 27, l98l.

8-3. Florence Lucille Volz. Born Apr. l6, l9l8, Neillsville, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married William F. Kopp, son of Ferdinand Kopp and Amelia Marks Nov. 6, l935 in Neillsville, Wis., He was born Sept. 20, l9l3, Clark Co., Wis. Two children, Betty and Edna. She was a homemaker and he worked in the pattern shop of Schweiger Furniture factory. The lived at N 4264 Alpine Lane, Cambridge, Wis., 53523.

9-l. Betty Jane Kopp. Born Apr. 30, l936, Neillsville, Wis. Married Clifford Johnson, son of Edwin and Betsy Johnson, Apr. 2l, l956, in the Lutheran Church, Edgerton, Wis. He was born Apr. 6 l935. Three children, Scott, Douglas and Brian. She was a bartender and he worked at Oscar Meyer Co.

l0-l. Scott Allen Johnson. Born Sept. 2, l959, Madison, Wis. Married Jackie Nanquil Apr. 26, l986. They lived in Duluth, Minn. Three children, Cassandra, Scott and Aliena. He was a recruiter for the U. S. Marine Corps.

ll-l. Cassandra Nanquil Johnson. Born Oct. 6, l986.

ll-2. Scott Nanquil Johnson. Born Mar. 23, l988.

ll-3. Alliena Nanquil Johnson. Born Sept. l5, l989.

l0-2. Douglas Frederick Johnson. Born Sept. l9, l960, Madison, Wis. Married Peggy Ann Weins, d. William Weins, Feb. l3, l982. Two children, Aimee and Kelly. He was a police officer and she a homemaker.

ll-l. Aimee Johnson. Born Apr. l983.

ll-2. Kelly Margaret Johnson. Born Apr. l5, l986.

l0-3. Brian Lee Johnson. Born Aug. 25, l962, Madison, Wis. Married Theresa Rose Crawford, June l9, l982. Divorced l985.

9-2. Edna Jean Kopp. Born Apr. 20, l938, Neillsville, Wis. Married William Earl Albert Kufahl, son of William J. and Clara Kufahl, Sept. l5, l956, Cambridge, Dane Co., Wis. He was born Nov. ll, l936 and died Dec. 26, l990. Three children, James, Jean and Jana. She was a homemaker and he a farmer. Lived 265 Fair Oak Rd., Deerfield, Wis., 5353l.

l0-l. James Alan Kufahl. Born Apr. 25, l957, Jefferson Co., Wis. Married Debra Radlof Nov. l982, Cambridge, Wis.

l0-2. Jean Marie Kufahl. Born Mar. 28, l960, Jefferson Co., Wis. Married David L. Selck, s. Stanley Selck and Verona Honisch, Oct. 29, l983, Cambridge, Wis. He was born Feb. l7, l95l, Janesville, Wis. One child, Julie. She was a supervisor in American Family and he a truck driver. Lived l4l0 S. Orchard, Janesville, Wis., 53546.

ll-l. Julie Marie Selck. Born Mar. l986, Janesville, Wis.

46 l0-3. Jana Lynn Kufahl. Born May 2l, l962, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Married Ralph Grossman, son of Maynard Ralph Grossman and Ethel Collins, Sept. l2, l98l. He was born Mar. l0, l959. Two children, Sarah and Barry. She was an assistant vice president of the M&I Bank of Cambridge, Wis. He was an auto mechanic for the state of Wisconsin. Lived 6ll Terrace Rd., Deerfield, Wis., 5353l.

ll-l. Sarah Lynn Grossman. Born May 30, l984, Ft. Atkinson, Wis.

ll-2. Barry William Grossman. Born May 22, l987, Ft. Atkinson, Wis.

8-4. Harry Eugene Volz. Born Jan. l3, l920, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis. Married Lorraine Evelyn Wagner, d. Paul Wagner and Lillian Schnabel, Nov. 26, l949,in St. Johns Lutheran Church, Neillsville, Wis. She was born July ll, l930 in Neillsville, Wis. Three children, Terry, Randy and Vicki. He worked in a paper mill. She conducted a business, "Alterations by Lorraine." Lived, in retirement, at l74l Spencer, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494.

9-l. Terry Gene Volz. Born Sept. l0, l950, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Kathleen Ann Strosin, d. Herman and Isabel Strosin, May 3, l975, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. She was born Dec. l2, l955. Two children, Joshua and Melissa. He worked in a paper mill and she worked in an office. Lived l5ll Washington St. Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494.

l0-l. Joshua Robert Volz. Born Nov. l7, l975, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-2. Melissa Ann Volz. Born Feb. l7, l980, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-2. Randy Lee Volz. Born Nov. 26, l952, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Patricia Evelyn Beadle, d. Gerald and Irene Beadle, Sept. 4, l976, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. She was born Oct. l2, l957. Two children, Kyle and Brianne. He worked in construction and she was an office worker. Lived 65l l0th Ave., No., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494

l0-l. Kyle Joseph Volz. Born Oct. 8, l979, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-2. Brianne Ann Volz. Born Oct. 30, l984, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-3. Vicki Lynn Volz. Born July 4, l959, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.. Was an office worker and lived l74l Spencer, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

8-5. Lester Howard Volz. Born Jan. 9, l922, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis.; died Feb. l9, l984, Janesville, Wis.; bur. Neillsville Cem., Neillsville, Clark Co.,Wis. Married (l) Rose Marie Zschernitz Feb. 23, l946 in Neillsville, Wis.; one child, Nancy Jean. Divorced, l964. Married (2) Irene Pukula. Divorced, l983. He was a truck mechanic.

9-l. Nancy Jean Volz. Born Sept. l3, l947, Neillsville, Wis. Married Robert Conrad Wheelock, son of Robert Wheelock and Irene Goodrich, Mar. 24, l973, in St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. He was born Sept. l, l940, Medford, Taylor Co., Wis. Two children, Scott and Steven. She was a homemaker and he a factory worker. Lived l620 lst Ave., Grafton, Wis., 53024.

l0-l. Scott Robert Wheelock. Born Dec. 7, l977, Milwaukee, Wis.

l0-2. Steven Merrill Wheelock. Born June 25, l979, West Bend, Wis.

8-6. Gerald Russell Volz. Born Nov. 30, l923, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married Margaret Lynette Ellis, d. Loren Ellis, Nov. l9, l945. She was born June 7, l945. He served in the US Navy during World War II. They were co-owners with her brother of the Ellis-Volz Cranberry Co. and lived in Pittsville, Wis., 54466, Star Route, Box 77.

47 8-7. Wilbur August Volz. Born Nov. l8, l929, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married Kathleen Charlotte Hall, d. Gaines Hall and Margaret Hall, Sept., 4, l984, Augusta, Wis. She was born Sept. 5, l929. Four children, Steven, Susan, Robert and Patricia. He owned Volz Radiator Service; she was a secretary.

9-l. Steven Howard Volz. Born Oct. l2, l949, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married (l) Adele Etcheverry, d. Arnold and Esther Etcheverry, Jan. 3, l97l. One child, Jean. Divorced l974. Married (2) Sandra Dale Steuben, d. Walter Steuben and Patsy Wincapaw, July l0, l976, in Orland, Calif. Two children, Laura and Stephanie. He was a rancher truck driver and she a homemaker. Lived PO Box l082, Orland, Ca., 95963.

l0-l. Jean Catherine Volz. Born Oct. 24, l97l, Willows, Glenn Co., Calif. She was an accounting clerk.

l0-2. Laura Lizabeth Volz. Born Dec. 23, l98l, Chico, Calif.

l0-3. Stephanie Kathleen Volz. Born Nov. ll, l985, Chico, Ca.

9-2. Susan Kay Volz. Born Apr. 29, l953, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Louis Ball, s. Albert Louis I and Nadine Ball, Sept. l9, l970, Orland, Ca. Two children, Amy and Ryan. Divorced l989. She was an accounting clerk and he a truck driver. Louis was the brother of Albert Ball, husband of Susan's sister, Patricia Lee Volz. Lived PO Box 9l2, Orland, CA., 95963.

l0-l. Amy Kay Ball. Born Mar. 25, l972, Willows, Glenn Co., Ca. She was an accounting clerk.

l0-2. Ryan Kenneth Ball. Born May 27, l975, Willows, Ca.

9-3. Robert Gaines Volz. Born July 3, l955, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married (l) Andria Johansen, Feb. 20, l875. Divorced in l980. Married (2) Terri Letah, d. James and Sixie Leath, Mar. 8, l980 in Reno, Nev. Two children, Lisa and Timothy. Divorced l989. He was an orchard worker and lived at 765 Bridge St., Apt. A., Colasa, Calif., 95932.

l0-l. Lisa Marie Volz. Born Dec. l2, l979, Willows, Ca.

l0-2. Timothy Rorbert Volz. Born Nov. 20, l980.

9-4. Patricia Lee Volz. Born Aug. l3, l958, Wiscosin Rapids, Wis. Married Albert Louis Ball II, son of Albert Louis I and Nadine Ball, Mar. l0, l978, Reno, Nev. Two children, Sarah and Albert. She was a homemaker and he was a truck driver. He was a brother of Louis Ball, husband of Patricia's sister, Susan Kay Volz. They lived PO Box 39l, Orland, Calif., 95963.

l0-l. Sarah Jane Ball. Born Aug. 7, l980, Chico, Calif.

l0-2. Albert Louis Ball III. Born Dec. 30, l98l, Chico, Calif.

8-8. Willis Linton Volz. Born Nov. l8, l929, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis.; Married Velda Jean Leverenz, d. Carl and Elsa Leverenz, June ll, l949, St. Johns Lutheran Church, Neillsville, Wis. She was born Nov. 2l, l929. Two children, Sally and Sandra. He was an auto mechanic and she a local government clerk. Lived ll5 W. 20th St., Neillsville, Wis.

9-l. Sally Ann Volz. Born Dec. 22, l953, Neillsville, Wis. Married Michael Smith, s. Raymond and Winifred Smith, Sept. 22, l973, in St. Johns Lutheran Church, Neillsville, Wis. He was born Feb. 22, l949 in Kansas. Two children, Luke and Lacy. She was a homemaker and he was a recruiter for the National Guard. They lived Rte #2, Box 227, Neillsville, Wis., 54456.

48 l0-l. Luke Raymond Smith. Born Aug. 7. l979, Marshfield, Wis.

l0-2. Lacy Jeanne Smith. Born Apr. 5, l982, Marshfield, Wis.

9-2. Sandra Lee Volz. Born Mar. 2, l956, Neillsville, Wis. Married Kenneth Ryzcek, son of Harry Ryzcek, Sept. 20, l980, St. Johns Lutheran Church, Neillsville, Wis. Two children, Amanda and Brittany. She was an office worker and he was a loan officer. Lived ll02 Holiday Dr., Waunakee, Wis., 53597.

l0-l. Amanda Lea Ryzcek. Born Jan. l5, l984, Dane Co., Wis.

l0-2. Brittany Anne Ryzcek. Born Sep. 26, l988, Dane Co., Wis.

8-9. Deloris Jean Volz. Born Oct. 22, l93l, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis. Married Stanley Peter Rosenthal, son of Nicholas Rosenthal and Frances Zuetski, Aug. l9, l950, in St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. He was born Feb. 22, l927 and died Nov. 4, l988 in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Six children: Bruce, Rita, Dale, , Shirley and John. She was a homemaker and they lived at 95l0 Mill Road, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-l. Bruce Allen Rosenthal. Born Aug. l9, l95l, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Karleen Jean Rucinski, d. Edmund Rucinsky, Apr. l5, l972. Two children, Jennifer and Kelley. He worked in the service department of a car dealership and she was a secretary. Lived 773l Greenler Lane, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494.

l0-l. Jennifer Rosenthal. Born Aug. l978, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-2. Kelley Rosenthal. Born Aug. l982, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-2. Rita Marie Rosenthal. Born July 27, l952, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Daniel Gilman May 6, l972, St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Three children, Shelly, Jason and Justin. She was a homemaker and he a truck mechanic. They lived l0930 City Trunk, WW, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494.

l0-l. Shelly Marie Gilman. Born June 6, l973, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-2. Jason Leonard Gilman. Born Aug. 3l, l976, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-3. Justin Tyler Gilman. Born Jan. 27, l988, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-3. Dale John Rosenthal. Born Feb. 4, l954, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Sandra Laurayn Malik, d. Karl A. Malik, May l0, l975, Plover, Portage Co., Wis. Four children, Stacy, Peggy, Jessica and Christopher. She was a seamstress and he a paper mill worker. Lived 8940 Mill Rd., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494.

l0-l. Stacy Lynn Rosenthal. Born Sept. l7, l975, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-2. Peggy Jean Rosenthal. Born Nov. 23, l976, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Twin of Mary Louise.

l0-3. Jessica Rose Rosenthal. Born May 24, l978, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-4. Christopher Rosenthal. Born Oct. 5, l982, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-4. Jerry Steven Rosenthal. Born Jan. 29, l956, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Terri Worzalla, d. Frank Worzalla and Bernice Knopinski, Aug. l6, l980, in St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. She was born Mar. 3l, l959, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. He worked in the Intermill Railroad Division of a paper mill and she was a retail worker. They lived at 54l0 Drive, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, 54494.

l0-l. Sarah Rosenthal. Born Apr. 24, l98l, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. 49

l0-2. Brian Rosenthal. Born June l5, l983, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

l0-3. Melissa Lynn Rosenthal. Born Oct. ll, l984, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.

9-5. Shirley Ann Rosenthal. Born Sept. 28, l957, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Mitchell Zimmerman, s. Frederick Zimmerman and Dorothy Westfall, Dec. 20, l978. Two children, Samuel and Joshua. She was a homemaker with hobbies of crocheting, hunting and snowmobile riding. He was an apprentice at the Port Edwards Mill, with hobbies of collecting old cars, hunting, fishing, snowmobile riding and motorcycling.

l0-l. Samuel Frederick Zimmerman. Born Dec. l3, l98l.

l0-2. Joshua Stanley Zimmerman. Born Oct. 29, l983.

9-6. John Joseph Rosenthal. Born Dec. 9, l962, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Married Maria Jan Hewitt, daughter of Richard Hewitt, Apr. l6, l988. He was a truck driver. They lived at 95l0 Mill Road, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 54494.

8-l0. Raymond LaVerne Volz. Born Oct. 20, l933, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married Janice Marie Topor, d. Joseph Michael Topor and Lillian T. Zauner, Aug. 20, l966 at St. Lukes, Catholic Church, Brookfield, Wis. She was born Nov. 5, l945. They had two children, Beth and Marc. He was a prototype machinist and she a teacher and principal. They lived at 3902 W. Villa, Theresa Drive, Glendale, Ariz, 85308.

9-l. Beth Lynn Volz. Born Dec. 30, l969, Waukesha, Wis. Student at Arizona State Unaiversity.

9-2. Marc Jason Volz. Born Aug. l, l972, Waukesha, Wis. Was a student at Paradise Valley Community College.

8-ll. Iva Lou Volz. Born Nov. l7, l936, Washburn Twp., Clark Co., Wis. Married Rodger Dale Northup, son of Leland Northup and Grace Schoenherr, Aug. 4, l956, in St. Johns Lutheran Church, Neillsville, Wis. He was born July 6, l935. Two children, Laurie and David. She was a homemaker and dental receptionist; he was employed as an engineer in a company manufacturing fasteners. Lived 69 N. Prairie, Mundelein, Ill.

9-l. Laurie Kay Northup. Born July ll, l957, Rockford, Ill. Married Roland Radtke Aug. 26, l978. Were divorced l984. She was a real estate agent and bartender. Lived 33307 Lake Shore Drive, Gages Lake, Ill., 60630.

9-2. David Lynn Northup. Born Jan. 9, l962, Rockford, Ill. Was a factory worker and lived at 270 N. Archer, Mundelein, Ill., 60060.

6-3. Clara V. Linton. Born Nov. 28, l87l, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died Oct. 5, l9l2, Lancaster, Wis. Married Walter Knox Dec. 24, l890. Four children, Elma, Elva, Willis and Frances.

7-l. Elma L. Knox (twin of Elva). Born Nov. 4, l890, Lancaster, Wis.,; died Rialto, Calif.

7-2. Elva G. Knox (twin of Elma). Born Nov. 4, l892, Lancaster, Wis.; died Bronxville, New York. Lived (l974) with sister, Frances.

7-3. Willis L. Knox. Born Lancaster, Wis.; died Naches, Wash.

7-4. Frances Knox. Born Lancaster, Wis.. Married Clarence L. Barnhart. Lived (l974) l9 Ridge Rd., Bronxville, New York, l0708. Two children, Robert and David.

50 He was the author of the "Dictionary Companion" and published several dictionaries used in schools.

8-l. Robert Knox Barnhart.

8-2. David Knox Barnhart.

6-4. Harvey M. Linton. Born Feb. 20, l874, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died Mar. l5, l947; Prairie du Chien, Wis.; bur. Hermitage Cemetery, Eastman, Wis. Married Mary Ann Dennis, d. William Dennis and Ann Horsfall, Mar. l6, l898, Mt. Hope, Wis. She was born July 27, l876 and died Apr. 26, l948, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; bur. Hermitage Cemetery, Eastman, Wis. Six children, Jerry, Lela, James, Carson, Eva and Bertha.

7-l. Jerry Denis Linton. Born May 3, l899, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died Nov. 5, l9l4, Mt. Hope, Wis.; bur. Hermitage Cemetery.

7-2. Lela Lorena Linton. Born Apr. 5, l90l, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died July 3l, l984, Pardeeville, Wis.; buried Aug. 3, l984, Hermitage Cem., Mt. Hope, Wis. Married James Fisher in l93l. He was born July 2l, l862 and died Jan. 3l, l939 in Eastman, Wis. Buried, Feb. 3, l939 in Campbell Cem., Eastman, Wis. Two children, Lela and Velda.

8-l. Lela Elaine Fisher. Born May 6, l932, LaCrosse, Wis. Lived Madison, Wis.

8-2. Velda Arlene Fisher. Born Mar. 3l, l937, La Crosse, Wis. Married Merwin Allen, son of Warren Allen and Mary Roberts, June 2, l956. Three children, Lisa, Debra and Brenda. Lived R 2, Rio, Wis.

9-l. Lisa Lynn Allen. Born June l4, l957, Portage, Wis.; lived Pardeeville, Wis.

9-2. Debra Sue Allen. Born Feb. l0, l960, Portage, Wis.; lived Lyons, Wis.

9-3. Brenda Lee Allen. Born Mar. l2, l962, Portage, Wis.; lived Madison, Wis.

7-3. James William Linton. Born Mar. 23, l905, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died Jan. 26, l966, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Edna Lesiter Mar. 24, l938. Two children, Harvey and Bertha.

8-l. Harvey James Linton. Lived (l974) 4953 S. Rootrever Parkway, Greenfield, Wis., 53228.

8-2. Bertha Marie Linton. She was born Dec. 22, l938. Married a Lynd. Lived (l974) 2l4 S. Howard St., Webberville, Mich., 48892.

7-4. Carson Maurice Linton. Born Sept. 6, l907, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died May 2l, l974, Eastman, Wis.; buried National Cem., Eastman, Wis. Married Eldora Mae Campbell, daughter of John Campbell and Estella Campbell, June 2, l934, Eastman, Wis., She was born Aug. 27, l909 and died Aug. 24, l983, Eastman, Wis.; buried National Cem., Eastman, Wis. Three children, Mary, Virginia and Francis.

8-l. Mary Ann Linton. Born May 2, l936, Eastman, Wis. Married Calvin Stuckey, son of William Walter Stuckey and Elizabeth Swatek, Feb. 6, l960, Eastman, Wis. He was born July 25, l934, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Five children, Alvin, Mae, William, Douglas and April. Lived at 9ll E. 3rd St., Mauzeka, Wis., 53826.

9-l. Alvin Maurice Stuckey. Born Apr. l2, l962, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Married Susan Rae Russell, d. Duane Russell and Sadie Taylor, Nov. l6, l984. She

51 was born Jan. l0, l954, Havre, Mt. One child, Kyle. They lived P.O. Box 2564, Gillette, Wyo.

l0-l. Kyle Stuckey. Born May 2l, l989, Gillette, Wyo.

9-2. Mae Elizabeth Stuckey. Born Oct. l4, l964, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; lived l007 Santee Dr., Gillette, Wyo.

9-3. William Francis Stuckey. Born Apr. 6, l966, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Married Karen Sue Grable, D. Howard Grable and Susan Hesenieder, Dec. l2, l990, Deadwood, S. D. She was born Mar. l972, Billings, Mt. Lived 302 Carey, Gillette, Wyo.

9-4. Douglas Dale Stuckey. Born Mar. l8, l969, Priarie du Chien, Wis.

9-5. April Sue Stuckey. Born Jan. l2, l977, Gillette, Wyo.

8-2. Virginia Linton. Born Aug. 6, l938, Eastman, Wis. Married (l) Donald Gunderson, June 2l, l958 and had one son, Lin. Married (2) Kevin Burger.

9-l. Lin Scott Gunderson. Born Nov. l5, l967, Wildrose,Wis. Married Karen Rnea Koeller, d. Albert Koeller and Bonnie Guyette, Mar. l8, l989, in Hope Lutheran Church, Wauzema, Wis. She was born June l3, l970, Appleton, Wis. One child, Travis. Lived PO Box 83l, l55 N. Albany, Spring Green, Wis., 53568.

l0-l. Travis Gunderson. Born July 22, l989, St. Mary's, Wis.

8-3. Francis Linton. Born June l5, l944 Prairie du Chien, Wis.; died Feb. 28, l967; bur. National Cem., Eastman, Wis.

7-5. Eva Marie Linton. Born Feb. 7, l9l0, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died July l4, l987, Monroe, Wis.,; bur. Eastman, Wis. Married Jack Polonda June l932. Born Apr. l9, l908, Prairie du Chien, Wis., died Feb. 9, l962; bur. Eastman, Wis. Four children, John, Constance, Nancy and David. She lived (l974) l2l S. Beaumont Rd., Prairie du Chien, Wis., 5382l.

8-l. John George Polodna. Born May 24, l944, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; married Carolyn Mayo, d. Herman Mayo and Janet Greeman, Sept. 5, l973, Waterford, Wis. She was born Nov. l4, l948. Two children, Jennifer and Sara. They lived at Racine, Wis.

9-l. Jennifer Anna Polodna. Born Aug. 20, l980, Racine, Wis.

9-2. Sara Eva Polodna. Born Sept. 3, l987, Racine, Wis.

8-2. Constance Marie Polodna. Born June 23, l946, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Married James Edward Du Charme, son of Frank Du Charme and Ruth Fisher, Oct. 23, l965, in Prairie du Chien, Wis. He was born May 24, l944, in Prairie du Chien, Wis. Three children, Paul, Barbara and Amy. Lived 3326 Spruce St. Janesville, Wis., 53546.

9-l. Paul James Du Charme. Born July 29, l966, Darlington, Wis.

9-2. Barbara Ann Du Charme. Born Oct. 4, l967, Darlington, Wis. Married Marc Hansen June 4, l988. He was born Dec. 28, l957.

9-3. Amy Marie Du Charme. Born Aug. 28, l969, Platteville, Wis.

8-3. Nancy Kathleen Polodna. Born Aug. 5, l949, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Married Michael A. George, son of Gordon George and Joyce DeWitt, Sept. 24, l977, Green Bay, Wis. He was born July l5, l948, Green Bay, Wis. Two children, Michael and Carson. Lived DePere, Wis. 52

9-l. Michael Gerisati George. Born June 23, l980, Green Bay, Wis.

9-2. Carson James George. Born Jan. l4, l984, Green Bay, Wis. Lived DePere, Wis.

8-4. David Lee Polodna. Born Jan. l7, l95l, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Married Lynne H. Marshall, d. Edward Timothy Marshall II and Marion Stronigan, Jan. 22, l973, Augusta, Ga. She was born Feb. 29, l952, in Sussex, NJ. Two children, Emelia and Leigh.

9-l. Emelia Polodna. Born Jan. 6, l98l, LaCrosse, Wis.

9-2. Leigh Danya Polodna. Born July 30, l982, LaCrosse, Wis.

7-6. Bertha Clara Linton. Born Aug. 2l, l9l5, Mt. Hope, Wis. Married Robert Miller, son of George C. Miller and Mabel Burr, Dec. 27, l94l, Platteville, Wis. He was born Oct. l, l909, Platteville, Wis. Three children, Priscilla, Linda and Carla. They lived (l974) 2634 S. 99th St., West Allis, Wis., 53227.

8-l. Priscilla Sue Miller. Born Aug. l3, l944. Married Philip Unverlagi June 26, l965. Two sons and a daughter.

8-2. Linda Lou Miller. Born Aug. 8, l946; died Oct. 2, l980. Married Thomas Anadell Aug. l9, l967. Two daughters.

8-3. Carla Ruth Miller. Born Oct. l7, l95l. Married John Margenau June 23, l973. Two sons.

6-5. Cora Belle Linton. Born Dec. 9, l879, Manly Jct., near Mason City, Iowa. Died Feb. l6, l946, Stoughton, Wis. Married Chris H. Christenson in l898. Died and buried at Stoughton, Wis. Three children, Thomas, Nellie and Harlow.

7-l. Thomas Rasmus Christenson. Born Mar. l0, l899, Stoughton, Wis.; died Apr. 20, l938, Stoughton, Wis. Married Yvonne M. Clark, June 24, l925.

7-2. Nellie Christenson. Born Nov. 26, l90l, Stoughton, Wis.; died Jan. l0, l967, Stoughton, Wis. Married Milo Gerard.

7-3. Harlow Linton Christenson. Born Mar. l9, l907, Stoughton, Wis.; died Sept. 24, l964, Stoughton, Wis. Married Alma Elizabeth Spangler, Jan. 28, l928. She was born l906, Vergennes, Il. One child, Betty. Lived DuQuoin, Ill.

8-l. Betty JoAnn Christensen. Born June 6, l93l, Stroughton, Wis.; died July 6, l968, Madison, Wis.; bur. Roselawn Memorial Park, Madison, Wis. Married John Robert Voeck, son of Gilbert and Ramona Voeck, Sept. 8, l948. He was born Apr. l2, l927. Two children, Steven and Stuart. They lived Madison, Wis.

9-l. Steven John Voeck. Born June 30, l953, Madison, Wis.; died Feb. 28, l974, Madison, Wis. in auto accident.

9-2. Stuart Allan Voeck. Born May l8, l956, Madison, Wis. Lived 2630 Schofield St., Madison, Wis.

6-6. Pansy Adell Linton. Born June 7, l888, Mt. Hope, Wis.; died June 7, l964 in San Jose, Calif.; bur. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills, Burbank, Calk. Married Richard George Heddon, son of William Christen Heddon and Carolyn Eliza Brown, Nov. 5, l907, in Lancaster, Wis., He was born July l2, l882 at Newcastle on Tyne, England; died Apr. l3, l970, in San Jose, Ca.; bur. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills, Burbank, Cal. Four children, Phyllis, Irene, Iris and Lois. He was a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, a minister in the United Brethren and Congregational Churches for 55 years serving churches in Wisconsin, Iowa and California. His last was at Bakersfield, 53 Calif., where he served for 9 years. He served overseas as a Chaplain in World War I. They had lived also in Denver.

7-l. Phyllis Violet Heddon. Born Oct. l, l908, Cashton, Wis.; died Jan. 22, l909 in Cashton, Wis.

7-2. Irene Heloise Heddon. Born July 5, l9l0, Potosi, Wis., died Nov. l8, l945, Windsor, Wis. Married Lawrence Klabunde Oct. 3, l93l. One daughter, Lois Jean.

8-l. Lois Jean Klabunde. Born June 26, l934, Phelps, Wis.. Married Floyd Dale Hathaway, son of Donald Hathaway and Hazel Farrier, Apr. 25, l954, Madison, Wis. He was born Feb. l, l933, Anoka, Minn. Seven children: Deborah, Brenda, Mary, Floyd, Randy, Tammy and Kelly. Lived Rt #l, Box 640, Pine River, Minn., 56474.

9-l. Doborah Kaye Hathaway. Born July 5, l955, Phelps, Wis. Married Dan Lee Sullivan, son of Albert Hassel Sullivan and Helen Rose Jakes, Jan. 6, l98l, Great Falls, Mt. He was born Jan. 2, l936, Lewistown, Mt. He was a brick mason, mechanic and machinery operator; she was a bookkepaper, bartender and waitress.

9-2. Brenda Irene Hathaway. Born July 2, l956, Madison, Wis. Married William Jahr, son of Orvis Jahr and Alice Smith, Apr. 27, l985, in Queen of Angels Church, Austin, Minn. He was born Sept. 25, l943, Austin, Mn. Two children, William and Branden. She obtained a degree in Cosmetology and was an assistant manager of Happy Chef; he was a bartender. Lived l807 3rd Ave., NE, Austin, Minn., 559l2.

l0-l. William George Jahr. Born Mar. 28, l986, Austin, Minn.

l0-2. Brenden Orvis Jahr. Born July 6, l987, Austin, Minn.

9-3. Mary Dale Hathaway. Born Mar. 4, l958, Madison, Wis. Married William Boyd Sherrod, s. of Jack and Dorothy Sherrod. He was born Oct. l6, l955. One child, Jadell. Lived PO Box 8, Zimmerman, Minn., 55398.

l0-l. Jadell Sherrod. Born Dec. 4, l985, Crosby, Minn.

9-4. Floyd Dale Hathaway, Jr. Born Mar. l7, l959, Minneapolis, Minn. Married Julie Standal, d. Howard Standal and Margaret Naughton, July l6, l983, Minneapolis, Minn. One child, Jason. He was a shop foreman for a roofing company and she was a medical receptionist. Lived 26725 l20th St., Zimmerman, Minn., 55398.

l0-l. Jason Dale Hathaway. Born Jan. 6, l99l, Coon Rapids, Minn.

9-5. Randy Jay Hathaway. Born Aug. l3, l962, Minneapolis, Minn. Married Hilary Stack Apr. 30, l988. One child, Valerie. Lived 43 E. Magnolia, St. Paul, Minn., 55ll7.

l0-l. Valerie, Hathaway. Born May 27, l988.

9-6. Tammy Jean Hathaway. Born Mar. 29, l964, Minneapolis, MN. Received BA in Home Economics, Univ. of Minnesota. Lived Rt #2, Box 326, Backus, Minn., 56435.

9-7. Kelly Jon Hathaway. Born June l4, l97l, Braham, Minn.

7-3. Iris Jean Heddon. Born May 30, l9l8 Fennimore, Wis. Married Alfred Morris Dahle, son of Alfred C. Dahle and Marie Iverson, June 30, l938, Windsor, Wis. He was born Dec. l, l9l7, Windsor, WI. One child, Gary. Al was Supervisor at Lockheed Aircraft in Burbank and later at Lockhee Missiles and Space in Sunnyvale, Ca.; retired l975. Jean graduated from Madison College, Madison, Wis., and worked in office at Lockheed and retired in l975. She was a researcher on Winter family history and provided much data for this family history.

54 8-l. Gary Dahle. Born Jan. 3l, l949 in Bakersfield, Calif. Married Lani Loken, daughter of Newton Loken and Dorothy Haight Dec. 27, l975, in Chicago, Cal. She was born May ll, l949 in Ann Arbor, Mich. Two children, Todd and Tucker. He attended Arizona Stat University and graduated from the University of Iowa. Was a nationally ranked high school and college diver and served as diving coach at the University of Iowa for two years. Was an office controller for Heli-Jet Helicopter Co., Eugene, Ore. She received degrees from the University of Michigan and Arizona State University and was a nationally ranked high school and college diver. They lived at l063 E. 2lst St., Eugene, Oregon, 97405.

9-l. Todd Newton Loken-Dahle. Born Aug. 9, l980, Eugene, Ore.

9-2. Tucker Jordan Loken-Dahle. Born Feb. 25, l990, Eugene, Oreg.

7-4. Lois Ruth Heddon. Born June ll, l922, Tomahawk, Wis. Married William Edward Stephenson, son of William Stephenson, Dec. 8, l942, Pittsville, Wis. He was bron Sept. l3, l9l3 in Stevens Point, Wis. Two children, Judith and William. He was a retail salesman and she was employed during the tax season by H & R Block in Oshkosh, Wis. The lived at 2007 Plymouth, Oshkosh, Wis., 5490l.

8-l. Judith Jeanne Stephenson. Born Dec. 3l, l943, Stevens Point, Wis. Married LeRoy Lester Dehn, son of Lester R. Dehn and Donna Newton, May 23, l964, Oshkosh, Wis. He was born Mar. 7, l94l, in Oshkosh, Wi. Three children, Laura, Daniel and Bryan. He was a high performance engineer with Mercury Marine Division of Brunswick, Inc. Lived 6538 Oregon St., Oshkosh, Wis., 5490l.

9-l. Laura Lee Dehn. Born Mar. 8, l965, Oshkosh, Wis. Married Scott Schneider, son of Jay Schneider and Patricia Binder, Sept. 27, l986, Oshkosh, Wis. Two children, Jason and Jamie. She was a machine operator at Banner Packaging, Inc. and he was a sports director/custodian at Trinity Lutheran Church and School. Lived 42l A Otter St. Oshkosh, Wis., 5490l.

l0-l. Jason Matthew Schneider. Born Aug. l7, l988, Oshkosh, Wis.

l0-2. Jamie Lee Schneider. Born Sept. ll, l989, Oshkosh, Wis.

9-2. Daniel LeRoy Dehn. Born Jan. l4, l97l, Oshkosh, Wis.

9-3. Bryan David Dehn. Born Jan. l6, l976, Oshkosh, Wis.

8-2. William Richard Stephenson. Born Apr. 24, l947. Married (l) Ann Marie Haasl, daughter of Frederick Haas and Hilda Dohrs, Dec. 22, l967, Oshkosh, Wis. He was born Mar. l3, l946, Ladysmith, Wis. Three children, Deborah, William and Jennifer. Were divorced, Oct. 3, l983. Married (2) Carol L. Kuehn Emerson, daughter of George and Lorraine Kuehl, Feb. l0, l989, Oshkosh, Wis. She was born Mar. 25, l947, Oshkosh, Wis. She had a child by a previous marriage, Christi Emerson, born Apr. 20, l977. She was a computer programmer for Oshkosh Motor Truck Co.; he was a fork lift operator for International Paper Co.

9-l. Deborah Lynn Stephenson. Born June 2l, l968, Oshkosh, Wis. Lived ll07 Georgia St., Oshkosh, Wis.

9-2. William Frederick Stephenson. Born Mar. l3, l97, Oshkosh, Wis.

9-3. Jennifer Marie Stephenson. Born Aug. l7, l976, Oshkosh, Wis.

5-3. Rebecca Winter. Born Aug. l, l849, Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind.; Married John V. Barnes, d. Eli and Mary A. Barnes of Fennimore, Wis., Sept. l8, l866. Died May 20, l935. Married John Vandelin Barnes, Sept. l8, l866.

5-4. Sarah Elizabeth Winter. Born Dec. 28, l850, Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind. Died Aug. 27, l85l. 55

5-5. Joseph Winter. Born Mar. 30, l852, Ladoga, Ind.; died Jan. 5, l942, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis. Married Mary Ellen Barnes Oct. l0, l872, Grant Co., Wis. She died Oct. 4, l932, Neillsville, Wis. Six children: Julius, Frank, Eli, Charles and Arthur.

6-l. Julius Alburtus "Bert" Miller. Born Sept. 20, l873, Clark Co., Wis.; died Oct. ll, l948. Married Jennie Winton. Eight children, Clifford, Alice, Edith, Clarice, Grace, Florence, Arthur and Vivian. He was a farmer and a mason.

7-l. Clifford Winter. Married Beatrice Bailke. No children; lived Niellsville, Wis. He was a farmer.

7-2. Alice Winter. Married Roland Lesko. No children; lived (l970) Milwaukee, Wis.

7-3. Edith Winter. Married Ellis Ottens. Two children, Kenneth and Marla. Lived (l970) Fillton, Ill.

8-l. Kenneth Ottens. Married Janice; two children, Katherine and Kristina.

9-l. Katherine Ottens.

9-2. Kristina Ottens.

8-2. Marla Ottens. Married Dan Murphy. Four children, Rachel, Luke, Paul and Erin.

9-l. Rachel Murphy.

9-2. Luke Murphy.

9-3. Paul Murphy.

9-4. Erin Murphy.

7-4. Clarice Winter. Married Ward Lockman. Three children, LaDonna, Darlene and Carrie. Lived (l970) Washington state.

8-l. LaDonna Lockman. Married Charles Brooks. Two children, Jeffrey and Mathew.

9-l. Jeffrey Brooks.

9-2. Mathew Brooks.

8-2. Darlene Lockman. Married Steve Anderson. One child, Stacy.

9-l. Stacy Anderson.

8-3. Carrie Lockman. Married Rick Kallinen. Two children, Jennie and Jarrod.

9-l. Jennie Kallinen.

9-2. Jarrod Kallinen.

7-5. Grace Winter. Married Ed Schoen. Six children, Linda, Edward, Patricia, Connie, Lawrence and Kevin. Lived (l970) Neillsville, Wis.

56 8-l. Linda Schoen. Married Gary Miller. Three children, Mathew, Jolene and Leah.

9-l. Mathew Miller.

9-2. Jolene Miller.

9-3. Leah Miller.

8-2. Edward Schoen. Married Ris'e Rendmeister. One child, John.

9-l. John Schoen.

8-3. Patricia Schoen. Married Steve Gerlack. Two children, Jennifer and Brandon.

9-l. Jennifer Gerlack.

9-2. Brandon Gerlack.

8-4. Connie Schoen. Married Wayne Opelt. Two children, Krista and Bethany.

9-l. Krista Opelt.

9-2. Bethany Opelt.

8-5. Lawrence Schoen.

8-6. Kevin Schoen.

7-6. Florence Winter. Married Fred Marty. Eight children, Darrell, Judy, David, Cheryl, Donald Sandra, Duane and Lori. She was a homemaker and they lived (l970) Granton, Wis.

8-l. Darrell Marty. Married Aloma Britten. Four children, Scott, Tammy, Lisa and Steve.

9-l. Scott Marty.

9-2. Tammy Marty.

9-3. Lisa Marty.

9-4. Steve Marty.

8-2. Judy Marty. Married Donald Hillert. Six children: Rick, Linda, Chuck, Donna, Kim and Kay.

9-l. Rick Hillert.

9-2. Linda Hillert.

9-3. Churk Hillert.

9-4. Donna Hillert.

9-5. Kim Hillert.

9-6. Kay Hillert.

8-3. David Marty. Married Debra Steltenphol.

57 8-4. Cheryl Marty. Married Jack Downer. Four children, Brian, Becky, Barry and Brett.

9-l. Brian Downer.

9-2. Becky Downer. Twin of Barry.

9-3. Barry Downer. Twin of Becky.

9-4. Brett Downer.

8-5. Donald Marty. Married Phyliss St. John. Three children, Love, Audra and Amber.

9-l. Love Marty.

9-2. Audra Marty.

9-3. Amber Marty.

8-6. Sandra Marty. Married Roy Bieneck. Three children, Kristine, Ryan and Michelle.

9-l. Kristine Bieneck.

9-2. Ryan Bieneck.

9-3. Michelle Bieneck.

8-7. Duane Marty. Married Tammy Lewis. Three children, Mathew, Melissa and Michael.

9-l. Mathew Marty.

9-2. Melissa Marty.

9-3. Michael Marty.

8-8. Lori Marty. Married George Pichla. Three children, Joseph, Robert and Mandy.

9-l. Joseph Pichla.

9-2. Robert Pichla.

9-3. Mandy Pichla.

7-7. Arthur Winter; injured in the War; suicide at age 2l.

7-8. Vivian Winter. Married Leslie Flarerty. Three children, Lester, Rodney and Vicky. He was a homemaker and they lived in Michigan.

8-l. Lester Flarerty. Married Debra. Three children, Danny, Wayne and Dawn.

9-l. Danny Flarerty.

9-2. Wayne Flarerty.

9-3. Dawn Flarerty.

8-2. Rodney Flarerty. Married Prudence. Four children, Michael, Stephany, Randy and Melissa. 58

9-l. Michael Flarerty.

9-2. Stephany Flarerty.

9-3. Randy Flarerty.

9-4. Melissa Flarerty.

8-3. Vicky Flarerty. Married Ronald Goins. Three chilren, Renee, Tricia and David.

9-l. Renee Goins.

9-2. Tricia Goins.

9-3. David Goins.

6-2. Frank Winter. Born Nov. l6, l875; died July l6, l9l9. Married Gretchen Yea; no children.

6-3. Emmerson Winter.

6-4. Eli Winter. Born July 30, l877 Fennimore, Grant Co., Wis.; died May l0, l955 of cancer; bachelor.

6-5. Charles Winter. Born Nov. 2, l897; died Dec. l4, l984.

6-6. Arthur Winter. Born Jan. 22, l884; died Mar. l7, l923. Married Hazel Christmas. She died age 36. Eight children: Irma, Lila, Nellie, Harold, Velma, Frances and two others.

7-l. Irma Winter. Married Oscar Osborn. Four children, Alva, Richard, Sandra and Kathy. Divorced. Lived (l970) Sparks, Nev.

8-l. Alva Osborn. Married; four children, Mark, Michael, Carol and one name not known. Lived (l970) Sparks, Nev.

9-l. Mark Osborn.

9-2. Michael Osborn.

9-3. Carol Osborn.

9-4. ______Osborn.

8-2. Richard Osborn. Married; four children, Allen, Phillip, Robin and Cary. He died before l970.

9-l. Allen Osborn.

9-2. Phillip Osborn.

9-3. Robin Osborn.

9-4. Cary Osborn.

8-3. Sandra Osborn. Married Robert Grubs. Three children, Susie, Richel and Paul. Lived (l970) Sparks, Nev. Separated.

9-l. Susie Grubs.

59 9-2. Rachel Grubs.

9-3. Paul Grubs.

8-4. Kathy Osborn. Married William Nenirtz. Two children, Richard and Robert. Lived (l970) Sparks, Nev.

9-l. Richard Nenirtz.

9-2. Robert Nenirtz.

7-2. Lila Winter. Married Myron Whitish. Three children, Shirley, Max and Jill. She died of cancer in l960. They farmed in the Fennimore, Wis. area.

8-l. Shirley Whitish. Married Paul Wright. Three children, Michael, •Jeff and Glee. Lived (l970) Fennimore, Wis.

9-l. Michael Wright.

9-2. Jeff Wright.

9-3. Glee Wright.

8-2. Max Whitish. Married Irene; three children, Ted, Paula and Tim. He was killed in l968 in an automobile accident.

9-l. Ted Whitish.

9-2. Paula Whitish.

9-3. Tim Whitish.

8-3. Jill Whitish. Married Michael Bowles. No children; was (l970) in Oklahoma in the armed service.

7-3. Nellie Winter. Married Harry Reese. She died of a brain tumor age 22. Lived Evansville, Wis.

7-4. Harold Winter. Married Wilma Klitzman; three children, Judy, Arthur and Joan.

8-l. Judy Winter. Married Rudolph Peterson. Two children, Rudolph and Mark.

9-l. Rudolph Peterson.

9-2. Mark Peterson.

8-2. Arthur Winter. Married Betty Cardivella; two children, names not known.

8-3. Joan Winter.

7-5. Velma Winter. Married Herman Stout. Three children, Jolene, Karen and William. Live Fennimore, Wis.

8-l. Jolene Stout. Married Robert Schuster. Four children, Vicki, Kim, Bonnie and David. Lived (l970) Cascade, Wis.

9-l. Vicki Schuster.

9-2. Kim Schuster.

60 9-3. Bonnie Schuster.

9-4. David Schuster.

8-2. Karen Stout. Married Lyle Morrow. Three children, Shari, Sholi and Gary. Lived Lancaster, Wisc. Where (l970) he was a hog farmer.

9-l. Shari Morrow.

9-2. Sholi Morrow.

9-3. Gary Morrow.

8-3. William Stout. Married Cindy Finley. He was a professional insurance adjuster and lived (l970) Madison, Wis.

7-6. Frances Winter. Married Leo Jones. One child, Cheryl. Leo Jones had died by l970.

8-l. Cheryl Jones. Married Dennis Peterson. One child, Lisa.

9-l. Lisa Peterson.

5-6. William Winter. Born Mar. 28, l854, Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died Apr. l8, l923. Living with parents, unmarried, l880. Married (l) Mary Ann Rollands and had one child, William. Married (2) Sarah Pixley. She died Jan. l7, l9l0. They had one child, Jesse.

6-l. William S. Winter. Born Sept. 6, l89l, Grant Co., Wis. At the time his parents were living at Mt. Hope.

6-2. Jesse V. Winter. Married Wilhelmine Glass Bagley, d. Louis Glass and Anna Anscher Dec. l9, l900 at the Lutheran Church in Grant Co., Wis.

5-7. Mary Catharine Winter. Born Aug. l5, l856 Muscoda, Grant Co., Wis; died Oct. l2, l937 Glendive, Davison Co., Mont. Married George Albert Eldridge, son of George William Eldridge and Orpha Jane Eldridge, Sept. ll, l873, Fennimore, Wis. He was born l854, St. Albans, Vt.,; died Apr. l888, Fennimore. Seven children: William, Julia, Warren, Jesse, Minnie, Charles and Bertha. He was a farmer at the time of marriage. Are in the l880 census, Grant Co., Fennimore, Wis.

6-l. William Eldridge. Born Apr. l, l875, Fennimore, Wis.; died Oct. 7, l876, Fennimore, Wis.

6-2. Julia Rosela Eldridge. Born Dec. l5, l876, Fennimore, Wis.

6-3. Warren Albert Eldridge. Born June ll, l878, Carrogada Co., Wis.; died Mar. l4, l938.

6-4. Jesse Wilson Eldridge. Born Jan. 8, l880, Castle Rock, Wis.; died Nov. l4, l957.

6-5. Minnie Jane Eldridge. Born Feb. 22, l882 Pine Valley, Wis.; died Nov. l4, l957.

6-6. Charles Henry Eldridge. Born Apr. 8, l884, Pine Valley, Wis.,; died Nov. 6, l980, Ronan, Lake Co., Mt.; buried Ronana, Lake Co., Mt. Married Minnie Jane Phillips, daughter of L. Phillips and Louise Rather Nov. 25, l906, in Eau Claire, Wis.. She was born Aug. 6, l886, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis. and died Feb. 3, l945, Thompson Falls, Sanders Co., Mt.; buried Thompson Falls. Six children: Gerald, May, Esther, Archie, Lillian, and Ethel.

61 7-l. Gerald William Eldridge. Born Jan. l3, l908, Osceo, Eau Claire Co., Wis.; died Apr. 30, l976, Thompson Falls, Sanders Co., Mt. Married Louise Gretchen Kraft, d. John Detrick Kraft and Olive Ester French, Oct. 30, l930, Belfourche, Mt. She was born Oct. l2, l9l3, Ridge, Mt. Seven children: Alvin, Melvin, Larry, Leone, Anita, Kathellen and Jeri.

8-l. Alvin Gerald Eldridge. Born Sept. 6, l93l. Married (l) Judy Brass Feb. 5, l955. Two children, Ron and Mark. Married (2) and one child, Shawn.

9-l. Ron Michael Eldridge. Born Jan. l0, l96l.

9-2. Mark Alvin Eldridge. Born Oct. 3, l962.

9-3. Shawn Jay Eldridge. Born Nov. l7, l972.

8-2. Melvin Herbert Eldridge. Born Jan. 25, l933. Married Patricia Kendall July l8, l953. Three children, Bobbie Jo, Diane and Timothy.

9-l. Bobbie Jo Eldridge.

9-2. Diane Leigh Eldridge. Born Jan. 2l, l955.

9-3. Timothy Gerald Eldridge. Born Dec. 20, l956.

8-3. Larry William Eldridge. Born Oct. l8, l934. Married Elenore Hanson Feb. l8, l956. Three children, Jaquelin, Gerald and Jill.

9-l. Jaquelin Kay Eldridge. Born Sept. 22, l958.

9-2. Gerald William Eldridge. Born Sept. 9, l960.

9-3. Jill Arlene Eldridge. Born Mar. 3l, l962.

8-4. Leone Marie Eldridge. Born Oct. 27, l936. Married Ronald Schmidt July ll, l953. Three children, Vicki, Robin and Susan.

9-l. Vicki Jean Schmidt. Born June 6, l954.

9-2. Robin Lee Schmidt. Born July ll, l956.

9-3. Susan Lynn Schmidt. Born Aug. 22, l957.

8-5. Anita Louise Eldridge. Born Feb. 2, l939. Married David Haase Sept. l4, l957. Three children, Tommie, Ronni and Davi.

9-l. Tommie Lea Haase. Born Sept. 27, l959.

9-2. Ronni Ann Haase. Born Sept. 28, l960.

9-3. Davi Lynn Haase. Born Oct. 2l, l962.

8-6. Kathleen May Eldridge. Born Aug. l3, l940. Married Richie Breitenbach Mar. 9, l957. Two children, Ricky and Donald.

9-l. Ricky Eugene Breitenbach. Born Aug. 27, l958.

9-2. Donald Richard Breitenbach. Born Sept. 20, l959.

8-7. Jeri Lynn Eldridge. Born Mar. 3, l95l. Married Jack Inman. One child, Kimberly.

9-l. Kimberly Lynn Inman. Born Oct. 25, l970. 62

7-2. May Esther Eldridge. Born Aug. 27, l909, Osceo, Eau Claire Co., Wis. Married Foster Earle Carpenter June l4, l927, Broadus, Mt. Born Nov. l8, l89l, Akron, Ind.; died June 6, l965, Ft. Harrison, Lewis and Clark Co., Mt. Buried Ronana, Lake Co., Mt. One child, Vivian. He was a farmer.

8-l. Vivian May Carpenter. Born Feb. 4, l929

7-3. Esther Mae Eldridge. Born Aug. 27, l9l0, Osceo, Eau Claire Co., Wis.; married Foster Carpenter.

7-4. Archie Louis Eldridge. Born Feb. 3, l9l4, Osceo, Eau Claire Co., Wis. Married Sandra Carrico, d. Charles Garfield Carrico and Myrtle Larsen, Dec. l936, Ekalaka, Mt. Born July l7, l9l8, Great Falls, Mont. Four children: Louis, , Albert and Sandra.

8-l. Louis Henry Eldridge. Born Nov. l5, l937, Ronan, Lake Co., Mt. Married Faith Marita Gardner, d. Paul Leonard Gardner and Marie Isabell True, Oct. 9, l959, Ronan, Lake Co., Mt. She was born Apr. 26, l942, in Ronan, Mt. Four children, LaJene, Lois, Scott and Bryce.

9-l. LaJene Marie Eldridge. Born June 5, l960, Ronan, Mt. Married Richard Cory Foster.

9-2. Lois Ann Eldridge. Born Dec. 27, l962, Havre, Mt.

9-3. Scott Louis Eldridge. Born Oct. 26, l964, Sandpoint, Mt. Married Krys ann Baker June l985. One child, David.

l0-l. David Scott Eldridge. Born June 24, l986, Honolulu, Hawaii.

9-4. Bryce Lee Eldridge. Born Jan. 5, l978, Ronan, Mt.

8-2. Theodore Max Eldridge. Born July 3l, l939, Ronan, Mt. Married (l) Ada, Sept. l959 and (2) Peggy Mae Norton, Dec. 3, l966, Missoula, Mont. She was born Feb. 25, l947, Missoula, Mont. One child, Charles.

9-l. Charles Curtis Eldridge. Born Nov. 26, l968, Missoula, Mont.

8-3. Albert Archie Eldridge. Born Mar. 27, l94l, Great Falls, Mt. Married (l) Barbara Leah Hamilton Oct. 9, l960 in Yuma, Ariz., and (2) Mary Jane Colgrove, d. Roy Stone Colgrove and Helen Katherine Lewis, May 4, l963, Ronan, Mt. She was born Dec. 23, l940, Columbus, Stillwater Co., Mt. Two children, Archie and Annette. They lived 92l Greens Ferry, Libby, Mt. He provided most of the data relating to the descendants of Mary Catherine Winter Eldridge.

9-l. Archie Roy Eldridge. Born Oct. l9, l964, Polson, Lake Co., Mt.

9-2. Annette Lolene Eldridge. Born Sept. l3, l967, Polson, Lake Co., Mt. Married Todd Wade Orr, Mar. l985.

8-4. Sandra Lee Eldridge. Born Dec. 2l, l942,Great Falls, Mt.; died Spokane, Wash. Married Earl H. Evert, son of Warren Henry Evert and Blanche Beatrice, Dec. l0, l960, Ronan, Mt. He was born Nov. l2, l937, in Havre, Mont. Three children, Warren, Wayne and Walter.

9-l. Warren Louis Evert. Born June l9, l96l, Ronan, Mt. Married Pamela Reibich Nov. 24, l984, Reno, Nev. Two children, Nicholas and Justin.

l0-l. Nicholas Warren Evert.

l0-2. Justin Earl Evert. 63

9-2. Wayne Arthur Evert. Born Apr. 3, l964, Libby, Mt. Married Danette Louise Graff, d. Wayne Joseph Graff and Beverly Ann Dargman. Three children, Marci, Jeremy, and Cody.

l0-l. Marci Raye Evert. Born Apr. l2, l978, Kalispell, Mt.

l0-2. Jeremy John Evert. Born Mar. 29, l98l, Kalispell, Mt.

l0-3. Cody Wayne Evert. Born Mar. 29, l98l, Kalispell, Mt.

9-3. Walter Earl Evert. Born Dec. l6, l966, Sandpoint, Mt. Married Linda McCallum. Three children, Michael, Kimberly and Jason.

l0-l. Michael Alexander Evert. Born Mar. 6, l985, Kalispell, Mt.

l0-2. Kimberly Ann Evert. Born Jan. 27, l987, Kalispell, Mt.

l0-3. Jason Chad Evert. Born Jan. 27, l987, Kalispell, Mt.

7-5. Lillian Marie Eldridge. Born June 25, l9l6, Glendive, Mt. Married Lyle Voth.

7-6. Ethel Leone Eldridge. Born Aug. 7, l9l7, Glendive, Mt. Married Harold Brown.

6-7. Bertha Eldridge. Born Mar. 5, l886, Pine Valley, Wis.; died July l98l. Married C. W. Elliott, Mar. 2, l9ll.

5-8. Christena Winter. Born Oct. 7, l858, Muscoda, Grant Co., Wis.; died Mar. 3, l905. Married Willis C. Guptil, son of Henry and Adelina A. Guptil, Oct. 28, l880 at the Fennimore ME Church. He was a farmer, born in New York, living at the time of his marriage in Bethel, Fayette Co., Iowa.

5-9. Martha Winter. Born Jan. ll, l86l Muscoda, Grant Co., Wis.; died Dec. 27, l929, Muscoda, Wis. Married Vermont G. Waldorf, son of Albert and Adeline WaldoJan. l5, l880, Fennimore, Wis. He was born July 30, l857 and died Mar. 3, l9l5. Both are buried in Prairie Cemetery, Fennimore, Wis. Three children, Ora, Marian and Effie. He became a member of the United Methodist Church, Fennimore, Wis., Sept. 2l, l9ll.

6-l. Ora Waldorf. Born Nov. l2, l89l, Sioux Co., Iowa; died June 5, l9ll, Grant Co., Wis.; buried Prairie Cemetery, Fennimore, Wis.

6-2. Effie Waldorf. Married Joseph A. Edge, son of Isaac Edge and Carrie Lisser Mar. 2, l903, Lancaster, Grant Co., Wis.; he was born Lancaster and at the time of his marriage lived Hickory Grove, Wis.

6-3. Marian Waldorf. Born l90l; died l9l9; bur. Prairie Cem.

5-l0. Emma Rosella Winter. Born Sept. l863, Muscoda, Grant Co., Wis.; died Oct. 26, l884.

5-ll. Julia Viola Winter. Born Jan. 30, l866, Muscoda, Grant Co., Wis.; died Dec. 27, l883.

5-l2. John Wilson Winter. Born Sept. 7, l868, Fennimore, Grant Co., Wis.; died Oct. l9, l958 at his home in rural Kennan, Price Co., Wis. Married Elizabeth Quinnell, d. William Quinnell and Caroline Syred, Jan. l, l893, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis. She was born Dec. l, l875 at Ranmore, N. Dorking, Eng. and died Oct. 2, l963, Marshfield, Wood Co., Wis. after unergoing surgery on a broken

64 hip; buried Kennan, Price County, Wis. Five children, Jesse, Hubert, Christena, Ada and Julia.

When John was about l4 years old he moved with his family to Clark County to a farmnear Neillsville. He worked on the farm, cut timber and for a while, worked for the charcoal maker, Mr. Quinnell. In the l880's William Quinnell and his son, Herbert, had come from Ockham Surry, England to make charcoal used in welding. He needed men to stack the wood precisely in the kiln and to close and open the holes for the correct draft. In l89l William Quinnell's wife, Caroline Hannah Syred Quinnell and daughter, Elizabeth, came to Neills ville from England. John and Elizabeth met when John delivered groceries to their home. On January l, l894 they were married at the home of her brother. They established a home in Neillsville, then moved north where logging was being done, living first in Rony (Rusk County) and in l90l in Kennan (Price County) in a tar papered shanty on the road that later was Highway 8.

Elizabeth became a model pioneer homemaker and was very respected for her skills. She carded and spun wool which she knit into socks and mittens, made butter and pressed it for sale, canned vegetables from the garden and berries from the woods and cared for her aging mother for some time. She served as a judge of the canned and baked food at the Price County Fair and participated in community activities. She had many responsibilities because John was often away from home for periods of time.

John worked as a timber cruiser for the Red Birth Lumber Company and as a surveyor and topographer. He mapped a large portion of Price County for records in Madison. When it was decided to combine townships 34 and 35 into the Town of Kennan he and an assistant camped all of one summer to cruise and evaluate the land so it could be placed on the tax roll. He had a lumber camp north of Skinner Creek in the early l920's. He was an expert grader man and introduced grading and drainage in area road construction. The grader was drawn by six teams of horses with a driver for each walking along side. He helped to build the Four Corner School and the Kennan Community Church later known as the United Methodist Church. John served as assessor and for many years as chairman of the Town of Kennan. At one time he and Martin Johnson formed a real estate company and advertised in the Kennan Free Press in the early l920's. All this was more remarkable when it is realized that John Wilson Winter had only three years of formal education.

Agnes Winter Wudel, a granddaughter of John Winter and Elizabeth Quinnell, described their later years: "In their retirement, they enjoyed having company. Elizabeth was quick to put the coffee pot on, and John's eyes sparkled as he visited and smoked his pipe filled from the red Prince Albert tobacco can. He was six feet tall and wore his white hair short with a little peak combed up in front. Grandchildren found it very encouraging to measure their height standing back to back with their little four foot ten inch grandmother. She cultivated her English flower garden, encouraged the game of croquet and had games for the children to play. For many years a Winter family reunion was held in their yard.

6-l. Jesse Victor Winter. Born May 24, l895, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis.; died Jan. l2, l970, Ladysmith, Rusk Co., Wis.; bur. Kennan Cem., Kennan, Wis. Married Harriet Vasey Doughty, d. John Wesley Doughty and Amelia Jane Vasey, Nov. l0, l920, White, S. Dak. She was born July 20, l895, White, SD and died June 4, l97l, Phillips, Price Co., Wis.; bur. Kennan Cemetery, Kennan, Wis. Eleven children, John, Harry, Jean, Shirley, Donald, Elizabeth, Laura, Roy, Ray, Jennie and Flora. He was a farmer, carpenter and veterinarian. Was in US Army, Co. B, ll9th Machine Gun Battallion, World War I.

7-l. John Hubert Winter. Born May 3, l922, Kennan, Wis.; died Mar. 4, l944, Bremen, Germany when as a member of the U.S. Air Force his plane was shot down. Married Doris Hunsberger Oct. 3l, l942. One child, Jesse.

8-l. Jesse Lee Winter. Married Marilyn Ball. Two children, John and Gerrilyn. 65

9-l. John Alan Winter.

9-2. Gerrilyn Winter.

7-2. Harry Victor Winter. Born Dec. 28, l923, Kennan, Wis.; died Medford, Wis. Married Doris Willsey. Three children, John, Harriet and Rose. Was a farmer and was in the US Army during World War II.

8-l. John Frederick Winter. Married Carol Rae Mattingly. Four children, Harry, Robert, Mark and Jessica.

9-l. Harry Carl Winter.

9-2. Robert John Winter.

9-3. Mark Alan Winter.

9-4. Jessica Ann Winter.

8-2. Harriet Winter. Married Bruce Sperl. Two children, Jeremy and Amy.

9-l. Jeremy Sperl.

9-2. Amy Sperl.

8-3. Rose Winter. Married Kevin Evans. One child, Susan.

9-l. Susan Evans.

7-3. Jean Ada Winter. Born Sept. l0, l925, Kennan, Wis. Married Isaace Ludell McKittrick June 8, l947. Four children, Carol, Victor, Dale and Dawn. Was a cook and homemaker. She lived at Hawkins, Rusk Co., Wis.

8-l. Carol Jean McKittrick. Married James Allen Heise. Two children, Jamie and Jesse.

9-l. Jamie Heise.

9-2. Jesse Heise.

8-2. Victor Luddell McKittrick. Married Linda Sharon Preston. Two children, James and Sharon.

9-l. James McKittrick.

9-2. Sharon McKittrick.

8-3. Dale Lee McKittrick. Married Jane Frances Lybert. Three children, Michele, Cassandra and Melissa.

9-l. Michele McKittrick.

9-2. Cassandra McKittrick.

9-3. Melissa McKittrick.

8-4. Dawn Suzette McKittrick. Married Michael Edward Brisky. Three children, Jay, Angela and Devin.

9-l. Jay Brisky. 66

9-2. Angela Brisky.

9-3. Devin Brisky.

7-4. Shirley Richard Winter. Born Apr. 2, l927, Kennan, Wis. Married Irish Yvonne Gilbertson Oct. ll, l952. She was born in Ellsworth, Pierce Co., Wis. Four children, Larry, Wendy, Nancy and Jane. He was in the US Army. Lived Mosinee, Wis.

8-l. Larry Irving Winter. Married Margaret L. White. Two children, Brian and Michelle.

9-l. Brian Richard Winter.

9-2. Michelle Helen Winter.

8-2. Wendy Joy Winter. Married (l) David Witting and (2) Charles Beasley.

8-3. Nancy Elizabeth Winter. Married Peter Brooks.

8-4. Jane Lynelle Winter. Married Daniel Pierson. One child, Joshua.

9-l. Joshua Pierson.

7-5. Donald Francis Winter. Born June l928, Kennan, Wis. Married Cosntance Deebourget. Four children, Daniel, Patricia, Alan and Jeffrey. He was in the US Army during Korean War; was a truck driver. She was a caregiver at a center for the developmentally handcapped. Lived Wausau, Wis.

8-l. Daniel Francis Winter. Married Mashell Wendorf. Eight children, Jennifer, Adam, Andrew, Christopher, Jonathan, Randy, Richard and Sarah.

9-l. Jennifer Winter.

9-2. Adam Wendorf Winter.

9-3. Andrew Wendorf Winter.

9-4. Christopher F. Winter.

9-5. Jonathan M. Winter.

9-6. Randy A. Winter.

9-7. Richard A. Winter.

9-8. Sarah J. Winter.

8-2. Patricia Ann Winter. Married Gary Weden. Three children, Curt, Steven and Andrew.

9-l. Curt A. Weden.

9-2. Steven H. Weden.

9-3. Andrew L. Weden.

8-3. Alan L. Winter. Born l960; died l984.

8-4. Jeffrey J. Winter. Married Belinda Kasten.

67 7-6. Elizabeth Ann Winter. Born June 22, l930, Kennan, Wis. Married Walter Tegen Dec. 3l, l95l. Five children, Sandra, Harvey, Henry, Charles and Vivian. He was a farmer and they lived Kennan Twp., Wis.

8-l. Sandra Tegen.

8-2. Harvey Tegen. Born l954; died l967.

8-3. Henry Tegen. Married Angie Shafer. Two children, Simon and Benjamin.

9-l. Simon Tegen.

9-2. Benjamin Tegen.

8-4. Charles Tegen.

8-5. Vivian Tegen. Married James Sales.

7-7. Laura Jane Winter. Born Nov. 2, l93l, Kennan, Wis. Married Harold H. Tegen, Dec. 27, l952. Four children, Robert, Susan, Marvin and Terry. She received BS in Elementary Education, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Taught in schools in Jackson and Rusk Counties and was director of a private day care center Kennan, Wis.

8-l. Robert Herman Tegen. Married Mary Ardnt. Two children, Jesse and Trisha.

9-l. Jesse Tegen.

9-2. Trisha Tegen.

8-2. Susan Kay Tegen. Married Gerald Janetski. Two children, Steven and Andrew.

9-l. Steven Janetski.

9-2. Andrew Janetski.

8-3. Marvin Harold Tegen.

8-4. Terry Lee Tegen. Married Peggy Zubricky.

7-8. Roy Arthur Winter. Born Nov. l8, l932, Kennan, Wis. Married Marily Markley Feb. 26, l954. Eight children, Francis, Randell, Alan, Marlon, Janice, Colleen, Rachele and John. He was a farmer; was in the U.S. Army; and was supervisor of a window manufacaturing plant in Marenisco, Wis.

8-l. Francis Ray Winter. Married Cindy Mustard. Two children, Ryan and Shawn.

9-l. Ryan Winter.

9-2. Shawn Winter.

8-2. Randell Lee Winter. Married Sharon Stroble. Three children, Tara, Angie and Eric.

9-l. Tara Winter.

9-2. Angie Winter.

9-3. Eric Winter. 68

8-3. Alan Roy Winter. Married Heidi Haage.

8-4. Marlon John Winter.

8-5. Janice Gloria Winter. Married David Norberg. Four children, Adam, Bethany, Colleen and Dustin.

9-l. Adam Norberg.

9-2. Bethany Norberg.

9-3. Colleen Norberg.

9-4. Dustin Norberg.

8-6. Colleen Mary Winter. Married David Rademacher.

8-7. Rachele Ann Winter. Married Mark Mettler. Two children, Andrew and Ashley.

9-l. Andrew Mettler.

9-2. Ashley Mettler.

8-8. John Victor Winter. Married Tracy Winter. One child, Cory.

9-l. Cory Winter.

7-9. Ray Edward Winter. Born Nov. l8, l932, Kennan, Wis. Married (l) JoAnn Darnell Apr. l5, l955 and had one child, Bryan; married (2) Faith Abbot Batchelder. He was in the US Army and then was a mechanic. Lived Arlington, Va.

8-l. Bryan Edward Winter. Married Deborah Lee Constantino. Two children, Brianne and Erica. He was a mechanic.

9-l. Brianne Elizabeth Winter.

9-2. Eric Rence Winter.

7-l0. Jenny Carolyn Winter. Born Mar. ll, l935, Kennan, Wis; married Marvin John Peterson, son of Marvin Peterson and Clara Peterson Apr. l8, l953. Six children: Roger, Terry, Debbie, Gregory, Lori and David. He was in the U.S. Air Force and retired in Mesa, Ariz.

8-l. Roger Marvin Peterson. Married Karen Chance. Four children, Jeffrey, Bradley, Sara and Randall.

9-l. Jeffrey Peterson.

9-2. Bradley Peterson.

9-3. Sara Peterson.

9-4. Randall Peterson.

8-2. Terry Allyn Peterson. Married Sharon Eastlake. Two children, Cara and Amy.

9-l. Cara Jo Peterson.

9-2. Amy Rose Peterson. 69

8-3. Debby Kay Peterson. Married Michael Lee Smith.

8-4. Gregory Lee Peterson. Married Manela Tanguma. Two children, Ashley and Jerod.

9-l. Ashley Marie Peterson.

9-2. Jerod Lee Peterson.

8-5. Lori Jean Peterson. Married David McGee. Two children, Bryan and Misty.

9-l. Bryan McGee.

9-2. Misty McGee.

8-6. David John Peterson. Married Karen Collum. Two children, Kyle and Benjamin.

9-l. Kyle Peterson.

9-2. Benjamin Peterson.

7-ll. Flora Harriett Winter. Born Nov. 25, l939, Kennan, Wis. Married (l) Gary Lee Smith Oct. l9, l959 and had two children, Cheryl and Cary. Married (2) Richard Miller.

8-l. Cheryl Ann Smith. Married Tom Richgels. One child, Rebekah.

9-l. Rebekah Joy Richgels.

8-2. Cary Lee Smith.

6-2. Hubert Wilson Winter. Born Oct. 7, l896, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis.; died July l, l969, Medford, Taylor Co., Wis.; bur. Kennan Cemetery, Kennan, Price Co., Wis. Married Ella Marie Ostby, d. Julius Johansen Ostby and Petra Christina Bekke, Jan. l4, l933. She was born Aug. l9, l903, Oslo, Norway. Six children: Agnes, Ralph, George, Arthur, Donald and Richard. He was a farmer and carpenter. She came to America in l92l. Graduated from Central High School in Minneapolis, Minn. and from Superior State Teachers College. She taught school for four years in the Kennan, Wis. schools.

7-l. Agnes Marie Winter. Born Aug. ll, l933, Kennan, Wis. Married Kenneth William Wudel, son of William Wudel and Clara Radtke, June 22, l957, Kennan, Price Co., Wis. He was born Mar. 25, l93l, Weyauwega, Waupaca Co., Wis. Two children, William and Julia. She received a BS in Elementary Education, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Taught school at St. Paul Park, Minn. and Kennan, Wis. Was instructor at the Price Co. Center, Phillips, Wis. He was a graduate of Gale Institute and was a telegrapher for the Chicago Northwestern Railroad; then operating superintendent, Lake Superior District Power Co./Northern States Power. Lived R #2, Box 630, Phillips, Wis., 54555.

8-l. William Kenneth Wudel. Born May 6, l964, Ladysmith, Wis.

8-2. Julia Marie Wudel. Born Aug. 2, l965. Associated with Kelly Elmer. One child, Duane. Lived Ladysmith, Wis.

9-l. Duane Matthew Wudel.

7-2. Ralph Edward Winter. Born Aug. 2l, l934, Kennan, Wis. Married Janet McLaughlin. Two children, Gail and Brian. He received BS in Journalism,

70 University of Wisconsin-Madison and was a reporter for the Wall St. Journal, Cleveland, Ohio, office. Served in the U.S. Army.

8-l. Gail Marie Winter. Married William Hathaway.

8-2. Brian Wilson Winter. Married Kimberly Ring. One child, Kayle.

9-l. Kayle Ring.

7-3. George Hubert Winter. Born July 22, l935, Kennan, Price Co., Wis.; died July 25, l952, Park Falls, Wis.

7-4. Arthur Allan Winter. Born Apr. ll, l937. Married (l)Joyce Ann Mabie. Two children, Woodene and Joel. Married (2) Darlene Me McCombs. Was farmer and carpenter; served in the U.S. Army. Lived Kennan, Wis.

8-l. Woodene Dawn Winter. Married Thomas Stevens. Two children, Jonathan and Jesse.

9-l. Jonathan Stevens.

9-2. Jesse Stevens.

8-2. Joel Jaya Winter.

7-5. Ronald Lee Winter. Born Apr. 2, l944. Married Lucia Rodriguez, daughter of Antero Daniel Rodrigues and Herlinda Gomero. She was born Mar. 25, l947, Aija, Peru. Two children, Lynda and Michelle. He received BS in Secondary Education, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Was computer instructor at Indianhead Technical School, New Richmond, Wis. Served in the Peace Corps in Peru, South America.

8-l. Lynda Marie Winter.

8-2. Michelle Lee Winter.

7-6. Richard Carl Winter. Born June l2, l949, Philipps, Wis. Married (l) Judy Descray and (2) Judy Verdegan. He received a BS in biology at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point and became a design engineer for Weathershield Industries, Medford, Wis.

6-3. Christena Winter. Born Sept. 2, l898, Neillsville, Clark Co., Wis. Married Samuel Morgan McQuay, son of Samuel McQuay and Mary Ann Tilton. June l4, l920 near Rock River, Carbon Co., Wyo. He was born Jan. l5, l889 at Aleppo, Green Co., Pa. Four children, Lee, Mary, Julia and Olive. Divorced.

7-l. Lee Edward McQuay. Born Aug. l2, l92l, McFadden, Carbon Co., Wyo.; died l972 in truck accident. Married Loretta Sims. She died l977 in a house fire. Three children, Ronald, Rita and Renee. He was a rancher.

8-l. Ronald Lee McQuay. Married Elaine. Two children, Pine and Keisa.

9-l. Pine McQuay.

9-2. Keisa McQuay.

8-2. Rita McQuay. Married William Mayfield. Two children, Justin and Marcy.

9-l. Justin Mayfield.

9-2. Marcy Mayfield.

71 8-3. Renee McQuay. Two children, Donald and Lorrey.

7-2. Mary Elizabeth McQuay. Born July 3l, l922, Wyoming. Married (l) Stuart Maxted and had two children, Donna and Darlene. Married (2) Joseph Cantwell and had one child, Mary Jo. She was a beautician in Beloit, Wis., and Wheatland, Wyo. Was co-owner of Jomars Shop in Wheatland.

8-l. Donna Maxted.

8-2. Darlene Maxted. Married Richard Van Meter. Two children, Jeff and Nichole.

9-l. Jeff Van Meter.

9-2. Nichole Van Meter.

8-3. Mary Jo Cantwell. Married (l) a Dower and had two children, Rand and Rachelle. Married (2) Bruce Derra.

9-l. Rand Dower.

9-2. Rachelle Dower.

7-3. Julia Jane McQuay. Born Dec. 30, l925, McFadden, Carbon Co., Wyo. Married (l) Allen Caswell Miller, son of Gilbert Allen Miller and Amy Pauline Scott, June l6, l945. He was born Jan. 3, l92l at Evanston, Cook Co., Ill. Five children, Robert, Norman, Carolyn, Cynthia and Harry. Married (2) Morris Leslie Saxton, son of John Saxton and Emma Hall, May 6, l959. He was born Feb. 7, l92l at Huntington, Cabell Co., West Va. Two children, Julie and Christie.

8-l. Robert Allen Miller. Born Oct. 2, l946, Los Angeles, Calif.

8-2. Norman Dale Miller. Born Oct. 29, l947, Los Angeles, Calif.

8-3. Carolyn Jeanne Miller. Born Feb. l7, l95l, Los Angeles, Calif.; died l956.

8-4. Cynthia Lee Miller. Born Sept. 2, l953, Los Angeles, Calif.

8-5. Harry Alton Miller. Born Apr. l6 l958, Phillips, Price Co., Wis. Married Fawne Miller.

8-6. Julie Ann Saxton. Born May l2, l960, Carrizozo, Lincoln Co., New Mexico; died Feb. 7, l96l.

8-7. Christie Lynn Saxton. Born Sept. l5, l96l, Catawba, Price Co., Wis. Married Steve Anderson.

7-4. Olive Rose McQuay. Born Mar. l9, l927; died Aug. 2l, l929.

6-4. Ada Winter. Born July 7, l900, Tony, Rusk Co., Wis.; died Dec. 8, l989, Arvada, Jefferson Co., Colo. Married Leon Stryker, son of Harry Stryker and Sevilla Sprague, Dec. 24, l929, Muskegon Heights, MI. He was born June 25, l90l in Pennyvan, New York. They had three children, Harry, Helen and Leona. She was an elementary school teacher and graduated from Stevens Point Teachers College. He was a contractor and builder; many of the beautiful homes he built border on Stryker Drive in Muskegon Heights.

7-l. Harry Leon Stryker. Born Oct. 6, l930, Muskegaon, MI. Married Faith Brummeler, d. John A. Brummeler and Marie M. Leeuwenburg, May l8, l955. She was born Mar. 8, l928 in Grand Rapids, Mich. Three children, Keith, Michelle and Rene.

72 He received a BS in Electrical Engineering at the University of Michigan and served in the U.S. Air Force. She was a teacher.

8-l. Keith Leon Stryker.

8-2. Michelle Marie Stryker. Married Donald Deering.

8-3. Rene Lynn Stryker.

7-2. Helen Elizabeth Stryker. Born and died l934.

7-3. Leona Ada Stryker. Born Sept. 22, l935, Muskegon, Mich. Married Charles Clifford Eha, Aug. l957. Two children, Allan and John. She was a homemaker and both traveled abroad doing missionary work.

8-l. Allan Dean Eha. Married Loretta Jean Brandstitter. Two children, Nathan and Rebecca.

9-l. Nathan Leon Eha.

9-2. Rebecca Eha.

8-2. John Lee Eha. Married Connie F. Travis. Two children, Luke and Timothy.

9-l. Luke Daniel Eha.

9-2. Timothy John Eha.

6-5. Julia Magdalene Winter. Born Mar. l6, l902, Kennan, Price Co., Wis.; died Nov. l0, l985, Whitehall, Trempeleau Co., Wis.; bur. Kennan Cem., Kennan, Wis.; Married Herman Cornelius Watland, s. Gabriel Watland and Mathilda Stendsrud, Jan. 28, l928, Waukegan, Ill. He was born Dec. l4, l904, Petersburg, Boone Co., Neb. Two children, Frank and Albert. She grad. Merrill School of Business. Served as Deputy Clerk, Price Co., Wis. and was elected Kennan Town Clerk and school clerk for several terms. He was in the U.S. Navy, l943-45. They lived for a while in Dakota, Minn.

7-l. Frank Cornelius Watland. Born Nov. l8, l930. married Eva Knape in l952 in . She was born l920 in Beatrice, Neb. and died l978 in Port Washington, Wis. Six children, Sally, Evelyn, Barbara, Linda, Frank and Judy. Married (2) Karen Benjamin. One child, Rebecca. She also had a son by a previous marriage, Christopher Behkle. He was in the U.S. Army in Alaska. Eva Knape received a BA at California State University-Stanislaus. Owned a hard ware store at Blair, Wis.

8-l. Sally Watland. Married (l) Oliver; (2) Dave Mather.

8-2. Evelyn Watland.

8-3. Barbara Watland.

8-4. Linda Watland. Married Dan Zeller. Two children, Benjamin and Zack.

9-l. Benjamin Andrew Zeller.

9-2. Zack Zeller.

8-5. Frank Cornelius Watland, II.

8-6. Judy Watland. Married Pat Burkhart.

73 8-7. Rebecca Watland.

7-2. Albert Herman Watland. Born Jan. 30, l934. Married Joanne Clara Edinger June l954. Nine children, Colleen, Lana, Bonita, Patricia, Dawn, Lyndon, Lee, Jesse and Natalie. He was a production engineer for Tomahawk Paper Co.

8-l. Colleen Dale Watland.

8-2. Lana Beth Watland. Married Michael Travis. Five children, Beth, Kate, Jed, Evan and Brianna.

9-l. Beth Travis.

9-2. Kate Travis.

9-3. Jed Travis.

9-4. Evan Travis.

9-5. Brianna Travis.

8-3. Bonita Lynn Watland. Married Randy Olszewski.

8-4. Patricia Lee Watland. Married Thomas McDonald.

8-5. Dawn Elise Watland. Married Edward Schmidt.

8-6. Lyndon Albert Watland. Married Mary Barber. Three children, Lauren, Leanne and Russell.

9-l. Lauren Watland.

9-2. Leanne Watland.

9-3. Russell Watland.

8-7. Lee David Watland. Born l868; died l970.

8-8. Jesse Wade Watland.

8-9. Natalie Brooke Watland.

5-l3. George Jesse Winter. Born Nov. 8, l970, Fennimore, Grant Co., Wis.

4-ll. Sophia Ann Winter. Born Feb. 5, l826 at Lanesville, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Dec. 23, l907 in Roseburg, Ore. and at her death was described as a chronic invalid. Buried in the Odd Fellow's Cemetery, Roseburg, Ore. Married David Manbeck, son of Jacob Manbeck and Erie Brown, Mar. 23, l844 at Lanesville, Harrison Co., Ind. He was born July 3l, l82l in Ohio and died Feb. l0, l9ll in Roseburg, Ore. Nine children: Benjamin, Caroline, Hannibal, John, Alice, Jeff, Elmer, Vida and a girl. The Manbecks lived in Franklin Township, Montgomery Co., Ind. in l850. They came to Polk County, Iowa in l853 and later moved to the Dakota Territory for about five years; they sold out in l886 and moved back to Iowa. In l894 they moved to Oregon along with their youngest child, Mary LaVida Manbeck and her husband, William Deets and lived in Roseburg. As soon as they arrived in Oregon, Sophia Ann, bought land and held it in her own name, as was her custom, and then arranged that part be sold to the Deets' and arranged for them to care for her husband. In Iowa her parents, John Winter and Elizabeth Pfrimmer lived with them for a while.

5-l. Benjamin Franklin "Frank" Manbeck. Born Jan. l5, l845 at Franklin, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died April l2, l927 in the Old Soldier's Home in Virginia; buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Shenandoah, Iowa. Married Ellen Ward Sept. 2l, l882 at 74 Carlisle, Warren Co., Iowa. She was born April, l855 in Polk Co., Iowa and died Oct. l, l908 in Iowa. Eight children, Edith, Laura, Francis, Irene, Ethel, Floyd, Dwight and Helen. Frank was in the in the Civil War, in Co. D, 44th Iowa infantry. After their marriage they went to Delmont, Iowa and in l882 joined his brother Jeff in South Dakota for eleven years; they remained there after his parents went back to Iowa and in l892 they moved to Shenandoah, Iowa and in l9ll he was living in Essex, Iowa. Ellen Ward was a school teacher.

6-l. Edith Blanche Manbeck. Born Delmont, South Dakota Territory, Sept. 7, l883. Died Feb. 4 l957, St. Paul, Nebraska. Married Raymond K. Stevens Oct. 4, l9ll at Shenandoah, Iowa. He was born Nov. ll, l886 at St. Paul, Neb. and died Feb. 4, l957. Three children, Agnes, Inez and Wesley. In l927 she was living at Sidney, Iowa and then moved to , Kas. with her daughter.

7-l. Agnes Stevens. Born May 27, l9l3. Married John Willis Aspeden May 27, l933. He was born Aug. l0, l9l0. Seven children: Evelyn, Russell, Gene, Carol, Paul, Sandra and Marjorie. Lived Milan, Kas.

8-l. Evelyn Marie Aspeden. Born Dec. 22, l934. Married Donald F. Freeman Aug. 8, l954. He was born Mar. 24, l930. One child, Patricia.

9-l. Patricia Lynn Freeman. Born May 28, l955.

8-2. Russell Keith Aspeden. Born Aug. l6, l936.

8-3. Gene Everett Aspeden. Born May l6, l938.

8-4. Carol Wanda Aspeden. Born May 22, l939.

8-5. Paul Wayne Aspeden. Born Dec. 30, l940.

8-6. Sandra Leah Aspeden. Born Jan. l3, l942.

8-7. Marjorie Eileen Aspeden. Born Jan. 27, l944; died Sept. 6, l945.

7-2. Wesley Raymond Stevens. Born May 27, l9l6. Married Marjorie Mae Reed Jan. l7, . One child, Suzanne. He was in the Air Corps in England in the l950's as a Major.

8-l. Suzanne Stevens.

7-3. Inez May Stevens. Born Sept. 2l, l9l9; died June l, l942. Married Ralph C. Coffman Mar. 3, l940. He died Feb. l9, l945 at Guadalcanal and was buried there. One child, Karen Mae.

8-l. Karen Mae Coffman. Born May 30, l942; died May 3l, l942.

6-2. Laura Pearl Manbeck. Born Sept. l2, l886, Delmont, S. Dak. Married l) Clarence W. Smith June l5, l939; he died Mar. l7, l95l. Married (2) Carl Wahner July l0, l956. He was born July l0, l884. She attended college in Des Moines, Iowa. In l927 they were living at 3l07 52nd St., Des Moines, Iowa.

6-3. Francis Ernest Manbeck. Born Apr. 29, l888 in Delmont, South Dakota. In l927 he was living at Marion, N. Dak.

6-4. Irene Henrietta Manbeck. Born l890 in Delmont, South Dakota. Married Earl Rowland. As a child lived near Shenandoah, Iowa, in l927 was married and living at RFD #3, Yorktown, Iowa, and later lived at Tingley, Iowa.

6-5. Ethel May Manbeck. Born l892 Shenandoah, Iowa; apparently died before l927 as she was not listed in her father's estate papers probated then.

75 6-6. Floyd William Manbeck. Born May, l894, Shenandoah, Iowa. Married Lucille Cowley. Five children, Lou, Eleanor, Marjorie, Philip and Geen. In l927 was living at 508 W. F St., Wilmington, Calif.

7-l. Lou Mere Manbeck.

7-2. Eleanor Ann Manbeck.

7-3. Marjorie Manbeck.

7-4. Philip Manbeck.

7-5. Geen Douglas Manbeck.

6-7. Dwight Lester Manbeck. Born Oct. l897 Shenandoah, Iowa; died l920. Married Edith Burke. Buried Arlington Memorial Cemetery. His estate papers were filed Nov. l5, l927, with no surviving wife.

6-8. Helen June Manbeck. Born l900 Shenandoah, Iowa. Married Dr. Thomas Mann. In l927 was living at 4452 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.

5-2. Caroline "Carrie" J. Manbeck. Born Jan. 20, l847 in Montgomery Co., Indiana; died June 25, l9l6 at Des Moines, Iowa; buried at Perry, Iowa. Married Steele Kenworthy, Oct. 3, l865 in Polk Co., Iowa when he returned from the Civil War. He was born Aug. l0, l843 in Boone Co., Ind and died Feb. 22, l924 in Portland, Ore.; buried Perry, Iowa. Four children: Clara, Lon, Wilber and John. She and Steele Kenworthy attended school together; he lived on his father's farm just a half-mile away. At first they lived near their parents and after four years moved to Dallas Co. Eight years later they moved to Dallas Center where he bought an elevator and grain business. Her young brother, John, worked with Steele for a year and then moved on. In l882 they moved to Perry where Steele bought a flour mill which burned down. They then purchased a farm near Grand Junction, later sold that and moved to a farm just north of Perry, Iowa where she was living in l9ll. In a book of Iowa Biography in l896 the family is described as "one of social prominence." Just prior to her death they built a large home in Perry. She became ill and was operated on for a tumor and as she was recuperating from the surgery she suffered a heart attack and died. She was a devoted member of the M.E. church but her obituary noted that she had been a member of the United Brethren and that "one of her older relatives being one of the founders of that denomination." She served as president of the Woman's Relief Corps for two years and also two years as treasurer. She was a charter member of the organization as well as the Rathbone Sisters. She belonged to the WCTU and the Ladies of the GAR.

6-l. Clara L. Kenworthy. Born l867, Dallas Co., Iowa. Married J. L. Blake and lived at Perry and then Des Moines, Iowa. One child, Bruce.

7-l. Steele Bruce Blake.

6-2. Louis David Kenworthy. Born l870, Dallas Co., Iowa.

7-l. Carrie Louise Kenworthy.

6-3. Wilber Elmer Kenworthy. Born l872 in Iowa.

6-4. John Adel Kenworthy. Born l876 in Iowa.

5-3. William J. Manbeck. Born l850 at Franklin, Montgomery Co., Indiana; died, date not known in Franklin, Montgomery Co., Ind.

5-4. John J. Manbeck. Born Jan. 24, l85l, Franklin, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died l926 in Des Moines, Iowa. Married Barbara S. Geil Sept. 26, l876, at Norwalk, Iowa. She was born in Iowa and died Feb. 22, l896, Des Moines, Iowa. Six children, Rosie, 76 Ora, Roland, Dorothy, Earl and John. Perhaps another, Orville. He attended Simpson Academy and later Iowa State at Ames. When David Manbeck moved to Dakota he bought the home farm, paying rent to his father. Then after five tough years in Dakota, David returned and took back the farm. John worked for Steele Kenworthy for a year in Dallas Center, and then moved to Des Moines where he started a "classy" livery stable. he kept race horses, sold farm machinery and later entered the automobile business. He had a large house, always had servants, and never remarried when his wife died.

6-l. Rose Manbeck. Born l877; died l88l.

6-2. Ora M. "Orie" Manbeck. Born l878; died l943 in Des moines, Iowa; buried in the Masonic Cemetery. Worked for the Iowa Bridge Co.

6-3. Roland Manbeck. Born l880 in Des Moines, Iowa; died in Des Moines Iowa; buried in the Masonic Cemetery. Married Irene; one child, Susan. In the l950's she lived at the Commodore Hotel in Des Moines, Iowa. He was proprietor of the Ideal Dress Club at Drake University.

7-l. Susan Manbeck. Married W. J. Reichardt, son of Herbert Reichardt of Iowa City, Iowa. Lived at ll0 34th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

7-2. Christina "Tina" Manbeck.

7-3. Roland K. "Dick" Manbeck, Jr. Born l922 Des Moines, Iowa; died l974 Des Moines, Iowa. Buried in the Masonic Cemertery.

6-4. Dorothy Eva Manbeck. Born June l884, Polk Co., Iowa. Married Ralph L. McCoughan in Iowa. He was born Sept. l2, l906. They lived in Florida.

6-5. Earl M. Manbeck. Born l886 in Des Moines, Iowa; died l967 in Des Moines Iowa; buried in the Masonic Cemetery. Married (l) Katherine Utterson. She was born in l884 and died l96l in Des Moines, Iowa; buried in the Masonic Cemetery. Married (2) Bonnie Keller. They divorced. Earl Manbeck managed the National Biscuit Co. in Sioux City. He hired Hilda Manbeck as a baby-sitter for his children one summer before she married.

7-l. Earl Manbeck, Jr. Married, name NN.

6-6. John G. Manbeck. Born l893 in Des Moines, Iowa; died l935 in Des Moines; buried in the Masonic Cemetery.

5-5. Marcus Hannibal Manbeck. Born April l2, l853, Franklin, Montgomery Co., Ind.; died Feb. 20, l883, Des Moines, Iowa; buried in Avon Cemetery beside his two little sisters. Not married and was listed as a miller in the census.

5-6. Minnie Manbeck. Born l855 in Polk Co., Iowa and died l856 in Polk Co.; buried Avon Cemetery.

5-7. Elizabeth Manbeck. Born l855 Polk Co., Iowa; died l858 Polk Co., Iowa.; buried Avon Cemetery.

5-8. David Lawrence Thomas Jefferson Manbeck. Changed his name legally to Lawrence Jefferson Manbeck. Born June 27, l857, Allan Twp., Polk Co., Iowa; died Oct. l9, l942 in the State Hospital, Yankton, S.D. Buried at Armour, South Dakota. Married Lillie Ann Chambers Nov. l887 in Armour, Douglas County, Dakota Territory, South Dakota. She was born Sept. 5, l870, Ipava, Illinois and died July 4, l950 in Brookings, S. D. Eight children: Charles, Nellie, DeLoures, Leora, Lawrence, Hilda, Gladys and Dorothy. "Jeff" Manbeck attended school in Des Moines and went to Drake University to study medicine. It was repulsive to him and he quit. At age 26 he went to Dakota Territory and settled in Douglas Co. near Delmont. His mother and several of his brothers and sisters also came to Dakota and at one time together 77 they owned 3l sections of land in Douglas County. He farmed for several years, fed livestock, had a ranch of some 2500 acres in Charles Mix County on the Missouri River near the Mule Head Bluff. He kept a string of race horses for a number of years which he raced at various tracks in South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. He was a land agent and settler for many newcomers and he did surveying. In later years he was a veterinarinan, living in Armour, South Dakota. He developed plans to dam the Missouri River for irrigation, water power and recreation and went to Washington and persuaded a federal engineer to come out and look over the possibilities. He wrote articles for many newspapers, including the New York Times.

6-l. Charles Jefferson Manbeck. Born Aug. l8, l888 at Armour, Douglas Co., Dakota Territory and died April 25, l946 at the state hospital at Yankton, South Dakota.

6-2. Nelle Lavina Manbeck. Born Mar. 7, l890, Armour, S. Dak; died April 20, l943 at Hedrick, Iowa. Married Charles A. Mogel. He was born in l876 and died l953 in Iowa. No children. Lived Seymour, Iowa.

6-3. DeLoures "Del" Fanzo Manbeck. Born Aug. 8, l892, Armour, S. Dak; died April l0, l960, Seattle, Wash. Married Susan Willis about in South Dakota. She was born l893 and died l968 at Seattle, Wash. One child, Doris. Lived Seattle, Wash.

7-l. Doris Lenore Manbeck. Born June l2, l920 in South Dakota; died July 8, l995, Seattle, Wash. Married George Oldman. One adopted daughter, "Bunnie."

8-l. Bunnie Oldman. Adopted.

6-4. Leora Ruth Manbeck. Born Jan. 25, l894, Armour, S. Dak.; died Jan. 26, l986 in California. Married (l) Eugene Fultz. He died about l9l4. Had one son, Homer. Married (2) Jesse Craig about l955 in California. He was born about l890 in California and died l980 in California. Lived Glendale, Calif.

7-l. Homer Eugene Fultz. Born Oct. 3, l938.

6-5. Lawrence Wade Manbeck. Born Aug. 30, l896, Armour, S. Dak.; died May 28, l906 in Armour, S. D.

6-6. Hilda Alice Manbeck. Born July 9, l902, Armour, S. Dak.; died Sept. 29, l989, Bradenton, Floria. Married (l) Celim Marten Vanderveld July 27, l924, Armour, S. Dak. He was born May l9, l90l, Big Stone City, SD and died Jan. l0, l966, Bradenton, Fla. Married (2) Joseph H. Brooks Mar. l9, l976, Brandenton, Fla. He was born l897 in New Jersey and died l992 in Pennsylvania. Three children, Alice, Vance and Thomas. Lived Lake Norden, South Dakota.

7-l. Alice Mae Vandervelde. Born April 24, l926, Brookings, S. D. Married Richard John Harrington Mar. 9, l949, Winona, Minn. He was born Oct.ll, l926, Winona, Minn. Two children, Jeffrey and Ann.

8-l. Jeffrey Lincoln Harrington. Born Dec. ll, l950, Winona, Minn. Married (l) Lynn Ekola Mar. 23, l978, Minneapolis, Minn. She was born Sept. 2, l950, Hibbing, Minn. They had two children, Avery and Alllison. Married (2) Susan Sawyer l973, Winona, Minn. She was born l950, Winona, Minn.

9-l. Avery Harrington. Born Nov. l6, l978.

9-2. Allison Harrington. Born Oct. l0, l980.

8-2. Ann Louise Harrington. Born Jan. ll, l955, Winona, Minn. Married Stephen P. (Trzebiatowski) Christopher Aug. l6, l975, Winona, Minn. He was born Aug. 27, l954, Winona, Minn.

9-l. Theodore John Christopher. Born Dec. 6, l980, LaCrosse, Minn. 78

9-2. Alexis Jane Christopher. Born Jan. l4, l985, Winona, Minn.

9-3 Natalie Joy Christopher. Born Oct. l, l986, Winona, Minn.

8-3. David First Harrington. Born and died l957, Winona, Minn.

8-4. David Laawrnece Harrington. Born June 2l, l962, Winona, Minn. Married Beverly June Olson Sept. l6, l989, Minneapolis, Minn. She was born June 2l, l960 Jamestown, N. D. No children.

8-5. James Harrington. Born Aug. 25, l963, Winona, Minn. Not married.

7-2. Vance Duance Vandervelde. Born May 2, l929, Chamberlain, S. D. Married Isabel Anna Reichert Sept. ll, l950, Mitchell, S. D. She was born Sept. ll, l930, Ethan, S.D. Seven children: Marten, Steven, Rose, Paul, John, Gregory and Timothy.

8-l. Marten Allen Vandervelde. Born Aug. l6, l95l, Brookings, S. D.

8-2. Steven Bennett Vandervelde. Born Nov. 20, l952, Brookings, S. D. Married Shelly NN. Born May l, l958, Aiken, S. C.

8-3. Rose Cathryn Vandervelde. Born May l2, l954, Brookings, S. D. Married (l) Carl Erhlicher Dec. l, l974, Atlanta, Ga. He was born l952, Florida; two children. Married (2) Bruce Morris June l, l975, Atlanta, Ga. He was born about l950 in Ohio; two children. Married (3) David Bennett Kirven Feb. l2, l982, Aiken, S. C. He was born Oct. 5, l957, Augusta, Ga.

9-l. Jacob Bernon Morris. Born June 29, l976, Atlanta, Ga. Adopted by David Kirven.

9-2. Sanna Naomi Morris. Born Apr. l4, l979, Aiken S. C. Adopted by David Kirven.

8-4. Paul David Vandervelde. Born June 25, l956, Aiken, S. C. Married Cindy NN. She was born Jan. l, l958 in Colorado.

8-5. John Edward Vanderbelde. Born June ll, l957, Aiken, S. C.; married, name not known.

8-6. Gregory Frank Vanderbelde. Born May 5, l960, Aiken, S. C. Married (l) Glenda Michelle Edwards. about l989. She was born Oct. l, l968 in Norvolk, Va. Married (2) Married Sandra Elyce Dickson about l992. She was born Apr. 20, l960 in Sacramento, Calif. Two children, Nathaniel and Dorothy.

9-l. Nathaniel Forrest Dickson-Vandervelde. Born Sept. 2, l992.

9-2. Dorothy Ann Dickson-Vandervelde. Born Feb. 9, l995.

8-7. Timothy George Vandervelde. Born Aug. 5, l96l, Aiken, SC; died Aug. 6 l96l Aiken, SC.

7-3. Thomas L. Vandervelde. Born Oct. ll, l936, Chamberlain, S. D. Married (l) Carole Millicent Sanborn June 24, l958, Lake Poinsette, S. D. She was born Feb. 24, l943 in S. D. Two children, Todd and Peggy. Married (2) marlyce NN, aabout l975. Thomas Vanderbelde was in the U.S. Navy.

8-l. Todd Vandervelde. Born l960.

8-2. Peggy Vandervelde (adopted). Born l968.

79 6-7. Gladys Elizabeth Manbeck. Born Oct. l3, l904, Armour, S. Dak.; died Aug. l0, l993, Kalamazoo, Mich.; buried at Brookings, South Dakota. Married Carl Andrews Hansen June 27, l925, Brookings, S. D. He was born Jan. 23, l903, Brookings, South Dekota and died Jan. 9, l988, Kalamazoo, Mich.; buried Brookings, South Dakota. Four children, Paul, Helen, Carlene and Joy. Lived 6l4 Faculty Drive, Brookings, South Dakota.

7-l. Paul Robert Hansen. Born May l6, l928, Brookings, S. D. Married Shirley Elise Rymerson June l3, l948, Brookings, S. D. She was born Dec. l5, l929, Toronto, S. D. Five children, Rebecca, Timothy, Pamela, Jonathan and Elizabeth.

8-l. Rebecca Dee Hansen. Born May 25, l950, Brookings, S. D. Married Christopher Charles Lang Aug. ll, l973 in Watertown, S. D. He was born Mar. 26, l95l in Detroit, Mich. They had three children, James, David and Thomas.

9-l. James Robert Lang. Born June 25, l977, West Point, Neb.

9-2. David Christopher Lang. Born Apr. 30, l980, West Point, Neb.

9-3. Thomas Paul Lang. Born July 7, l983, Omaha, Neb.

8-2. Timothy Scott Hansen. Born Jan. 29, l955, Ft. Knox, Ky. Married (l) Jada Rae Ferguson Aug. 30, l984, Lincoln, Neb. Divorced. Married (2) Denise Kay Zahm Oct. 5, l99l, Fremont, Neb. She was born May 3, l962 in Grand Island, Neb. One child, Timothy.

9-l. Timothy Scott Hansen, Jr. Born Nov. 26, l992, Lincoln, Neb.

8-3. Pamela Ruth Hansen. Born Apr. 2l, l957, Landstuhl, Germany. Married Joseph Gerard Korth July 2l, l979 in Fremont, Neb. He was born Dec. ll, l955 in Fremont, Neb. Two children, Michael and Sarah.

9-l. Michael Robert Korth. Born June ll, l983, Greeley, Colo.

9-2. Sarah Nicole Korth. Born Jan. 26, l988, Denver, Colo.

8-4. Jonathan Mark Hansen. Born June 23, l96l, Lemmon, S. D. Married Kathryn Bea Hertig Aug. 30, l986, Bellevue, Neb. She was born June 26, l963 in Bellevue, Neb. They had two children, Laura and Samuel.

9-l. Laura Faye Hansen. Born Feb. 4, l99l, St. Paul, Minn.

9-2. Samuel Patrick Hansen. Born June l5, l994, St. Paul, Minn.

8-5. Elizabeth Ann Hansen. Born Oct. l, l968 Watertown, S. D. Married James Thomas Yorek June l2, l993, Lincoln, Neb. One child, Hannah.

9-l. Hanna Elizbeth York. Born Sept. 27, l996, Omaha, Neb.

7-2. Helen Hollis Hansen. Born Sept. 27, l93l, Brookings, S. D. Married Orlin Kenneth Loen Sept. l7, l950, Brookings, S. D. He was born Apr. l0, l926 in Howard, S. D. Four children, Larry, Ralph, Mark and Barbara.

8-l. Larry Wayne Loen. Born Feb. l4, l952, Brookings, S. D. Married Inta Mara Berstis June 9 l973 Kalamazoo, Mich. She was born Mr. 29, l953 in Kalamazoo, Mich. They had three children, Karlis, Erika and Kristina.

9-l. Karlis Arturs Loen. Born Jan. l8, l978 at Rochester, Minn.

9-2. Erika Maija Loen. Born Dec. 30, l980 at Rochester, Minn.

9-3. Kristina Lara Loen. Born June 6, l988 at Rochester, Minn. 80

8-2. Ralph Everet Loen. Born Mar. 23, l954, Hastings, MI. Married (l) Judith Blaho July 2, l978 in Chicago, Ill. Divorced. Married (2) Charlene Gaye Fung Wong Julyi 9, l994, at Palo Alto, Calif. She was born Sept. 30, l950 at San Francisco, Calif. Two children, Keith and Patrick.

9-l. Keith Adam Wong. Born Apr. 9, l976, San Francisco, Calif.

9-2. Patrick Gerald Wong. Born June 9, l980, San Francisco, Calif.

8-3. Mark Vincent Loen. Born Oct. 7, l955, Chillicothe, Ohio. Married Lillian Betty Andersen June ll, l977, Kalamazoo, Mich. She was born Jan. 7, l956 in Redwood, Calif. Three children, Melissa, Amy and Lisa.

9-l. Melissa Ann Loen. Born Sept. 6, l979, Middletown, Ohio.

9-2. Amy Marie Loen. Born Apr. 9, l982, Middletown, Ohio.

9-3. Lisa Carol Loen. Born Nov. ll, l984, Middletown, Ohio.

8-4. Barbara Jane Loen. Born July 22, l959. Married Andrew Dale Bullock Sept. 6, l980 in Kalamazoo, Mich. He was born July 3, l959 in Wheatland, N. Y. Two children, Matthew and Karen.

9-l. Matthew Stephen Bullock. Born July ll, l985, Allentown, Pa.

9-2. Karen Elizbeth Bullock. Born Mar. 5, l989, Allentown, Pa.

7-3. Carlene Andra Hansen. Born Jan. ll, l935, Brookings, S. D. Married Burton Floyd Rodee Aug. 9, l953, Brookings, S. D. He was born Sept. 2, l934 in Forestbuirg S. D. and died May 30, l976 in Whitewater, Wisconsin; buried in Artesian, S. D. They had four children, Robin, Ren, Todd and Megan. Married (2) Thomas Morrison Dec. l2, l982 in Whitewater, Wis. He was born Nov. l2, l943 in Jamaica, Long Island, New York.

8-l. Robin Beth Rodee. Born Mar. l3, l954, Brookings, S. D. Married (l) Steve Kirska June 8, l974, Whitewater, Wis. Divorced May 24, l977. Married (2) Gregory Paul Schneider May 30, l977, Brookings, S. D. He was born June 24, l950 in Manitowoc, Wis. Two children, Tara and Rodee.

9-l. Tara Anne Schneider. Born Apr. l9, l978, LaCrosse, Wis.

9-2. Rodee Gregory Schneider. Born June 25, l980 in Oconomowoc, Wis.

8-2. Ren Burton Rodee. Born July 20, l955, Brookings, S. D. Married Nancy Weiland (not married). One child, Robert. Married (l) Linda Rdwill June l978, Milton Wis. Divorced. Married (2) Suzanne Vrooman Mar. 25, l995 in Jefferson, Wis. She was born Jan. 23, l948 in Philadelphia, P.

9-l. Robert Weiland. Born Apr. l9, l978 in Milwaukee, Wis.

8-3. Todd Lewis Rodee. Born Jan. 30, l957, Brookings, S. D. Married Nancy Ellen Schipper Sept. 4, l977, in Whitewater, Wis. They had four children, Todd, Jamie, Gregory and Brian.

9-l. Todd James Rodee. Born Apr. l5, l985 in San Jose, Calif.

9-2. Jamie Lynn Rodee. Born Jan. 8, l988 in San Jose, Calif.

9-3. Gregory Burton Rodee. Born Sept. l9, l99l in San Jose, Calif.

9-4. Brian Neil Rodee. Born Dec. 20, l994 in Waukesha, Wis. 81

8-4. Megan Rae Rodee. Married (l) Randy Tschcher l988 in Janesville, Wis. They had one child, Brandon. Divorced. Married (2) Lrry Matthews Dec. l990. He was born June 29, l947 in Elkhorn, Wis. They had one child, Benjamin.

9-l. Brandon Lewis Tschacher. Born Apr. l2, l986 in San , Tex.

9-2. Benjamin Daniel Matthews. Born Apr. l9, l996

7-4. Joy Eleanor Hansen. Born Oct. 3, l936, Brookings, S. D. Married (l) Albert Milton Hicks Feb. ll, l956 in Seabrook, N. H. One child, Kimberly. Divorced Nov. l980. Married (2) Bruce Weurding Feb. 27, l982 San Diego, Calif. He was born May 20, l9l8 in Lawton, Mich. and died Nov. l0, l987 in San Diego, Calif.

8-l. Kimberly Anna Hicks. Born May 22, l96l in Pittsfield, Mass.Married (l) Abdulhadi Mohamed Al-Shahri Jan. 3l, l984 in Providence, R.I. One child, Noel. Married (2) Robert Joel Sleeman Apr. 20, l990, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Two children, Alicia and Joshua.

9-l. Noel Al-Shahri. Born Jan. 30, l983, Providence, R.I.

9-2. Alicia Marie Sleeman. Born Jan. l5, l989, Kalamazoo, Mich.

9-3. Joshua Sleeman. Born Dec. l3, l990, Kalamazoo,Mich.

8-2. Shaun Emmett Hicks. Born June 9, l963, Pittsfield, Mass. Died Feb. 4, l983 in the U.S. Army in Germany.

8-3. Heidi Hansen Hicks. Born Mar. ll, l968, Kalamazoo, Mich.

6-8. Dorothy Manbeck. Born and died in l906 at Armour, S. Dak.

5-9. Sophia Alice Manbeck. Born l860 in Polk Co., Iowa; died l936. Married Pamel Rost Aug. 8, l887, Polk Co., Iowa. They had one child, Hannibal. Married (2) a Hamilton about l890. No children. Moved to Alaska and later lived Bellingham, Wash.

6-l. Hannibal Rost. Died World War I.

5-l0. Laffe Elmer Manbeck. Born l862, Polk Co., Iowa. Married (l) Catherine Hurd Oct. l, l884 in Polk Co., Iowa. She was born in Polk. Co. Had a daughter, Gladys. Married (2) Ida May Bradshaw about l890 in Iowa. She was born in Iowa. In l9l2, when last heard of, was in Oklahoma.

6-l. Gladys May Manbeck. Born Mar. 26, l895 in Sioux City, Woodburg Co., Iowa. Lived San Antonio, Tex.

5-ll. Mary LaVida Manbeck. Born Oct. l9, l870, Warren Co., Iowa. Died Dec. 24, l96l, Roseburg, Ore. Married William Frank Deets Aug. l5, l894, Warren Co., Iowa. He was born April 22, l87l in Des Moines, Iowa and died Feb. 7, l930 at Oakland, Calif.; buried in Roseburg, Ore. Three children, Noah, William and Joseph. In l9l2 she lived in Roseburg, Ore. and in l956 at 3l9 C Street, Springfield, Ore.

6-l. Noah Deets. Born Mar. 8, l904; died Feb. l, l920 Roseburg, Ore.

6-2. William G. Deets. Born l906. Operated a filling station in Eugene, Ore.

6-3. Joseph Deets. Born l908. Lived Roseburg, Ore.

4-l2. Lucy Ann Winter. Born l827; died l9l6. Married George W. Cook. He was born l808 in Pa. and both his parents were born in Pa. At least five children: Shadrich, Elizabeth, Asa, Louisa and Abraham. Lived in Sugar Creek Township, Montgomery Co., Ind. Are listed there in the US Census in l850, family #935; l860 family #9l; 82 l870 and l880 family #l74. In l850 George Cook had two children by a previous marriage, Allen born in l832 in Ohio and John A. born in l837 in Indiana. In l870 her father, John Winter, was living with them, age 93. In the Stoner Cemetery, near New Ross, Indiana, there is a stone, "Lydia Ann Cook," born in l852 and died in l875; the connection with this family is not known, but she could be a child in this family between children born in l850 and l855.

5-l. Shadrich D. Cook. Born l846 Indiana. Married Christena. She was born in l847 in Indiana. At least four children, William, Jesse, George and Asa. Lived Sugar Creek Twp., Montgomery Co., Ind. He is listed in the U.S. Census with his parents in l850 and l860, as separate family in l870 and family #ll6 in l880.

6-l. William S. Cook. Born Montgomery Co., Ind., l868.

6-2. Jesse Grant Cook. Born Montgomery Co., Ind., l870.

6-3. George W. Cook. Born Montgomery Co., Ind., l874.

6-4. Asa M. Cook. Born Montgomery Co., Ind., l878.

5-2. Elizabeth Cook. Born Indiana l849; living with parents l850 and l860; not thereafter.

5-3. Asa Cook. Born Indiana l850; living with parents l850 and l860; not thereafter.

5-4. Louisa J. Cook. Born l855 Indiana; living with parents l860, l870 and l880.

5-5. Cook. Born l86l. Living with parents l870 and l880.

4-l3. Julia Ann Winter. Born Nov. 28, l828, Harrison County, Ind.; died Feb. 3, l925, Monegaw Springs, Mo. at the home of her son, Abraham Lincoln Row. Buried in Benton Green Cemetery just south of Monegaw Springs. Her stone is marked with the single name, "Julia." Married Jacob I. Row in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born in l829 in Indiana and died in l862 in St. Clair Co., Mo. He was killed by the "bushwhackers." They had seven children: Samuel, John, Mary, Jacob, Benjamin, Jesse and Abraham. After the death of Jacob Row, Julia Ann Winter Row some years later married Judge Rawley Lewellen, who for many years had been judge of the county court at Oceola, Mo. He died a few yearslater.

After her first marriage Julia Ann Winter and her husband moved to Missouri and got a farm between Osceola and Chalk Level. They lived there until the Civil War. Jacob Row left and went to Kansas to escape the bushwackers; he started back to see about his family and the bushwackers killed him crossing the Osage River. After his death, Julia Ann Winter Row went back via ox team to live with her folks in Boone Co., Ind. Soon she returned to St. Clair Co. where she owned a farm. When she returned she found some one had bought the farm for taxes and she didn't have the money to pay them; she lost the farm. She worked to make a living for herself and her seven children. She sheared sheep and washed for a living. She worked for Mr. Kidd, for whom Kidd's Chapel, 5 miles north of Monegaw Springs was named. She lived near Kidd's Chapel. Thw two oldest boys, Samuel and John helped her provide for the family.

After the death of her second husband, probably in the l880's Julia Ann Winter moved to Oklahoma and lived with her son, Abraham Lincoln, near Charleston (later Selman), Harper Co., Okla. and also with her son, Jesse, in Sumner Co., Kas. After Abraham Lincoln Row sold his farm she lived with her son, Samuel, beginning about l9l3, near Buffalo, Harper Co., Okla. About l9l7 she moved back to Monegaw Springs to live with her son, Abraham Lincoln, who had returned there. She was blind and had been for several years before moving back to Missouri; she could tell only daylight from dark. She was not very tall, rather heavy; she read quite a bit and her blindness was

83 quite a blow to her. She liked to piece quilts and made hooked rugs after she got older.

5-l. Samuel Hamilton Row. Born l850, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Samantha Caroline Locke. They had nine children, William, Mary, Bertha, Harry, an infant son, Roy, Earl, Esther and Nina. He moved from St. Clair Co., Mo. where his parents lived to Sumner Co., Kas. near Argonia in l88l or l882. In Sept. l907 he moved to near Buffalo, Harper Co., Okla.

6-l. William Oskar Row. Born l878 St. Clair Co., Mo.; died l883 Sumner Co., Kas.

6-2. Mary Maude Row. Born l880 St. Clair Co., Mo.; died l88l St. Clair Co. Mo.

6-3. Bertha Ann Row. Born Mar. l9, l882, Sumner Co., Kas.; died l946. Married LeRoy Ford. One child, Irma.

7-l. Irma Irene Ford. Never married. Lived ll24 Cleveland, Kansas City 4, Kas.

6-4. Harry Claude Row. Born l886; died l888.

6-5. Infant son, unnamed.

6-6. Roy Hamilton Row. Born l889; died l955. Married Georgia McKee. Four children, Claude, William, Madylen and Shirley.

7-l. Claude Earl Row. Married Elinda Mitzel. Lived at l445 l0th St., Greeley, Colo. One daughter, Linda Kay.

8-l. Linda Kay Row. Born Feb. 25, l943.

7-2. William Edward Row. Married Florence Larson. Four children, Billie, Gary, Tim and Tom. Lived Gill, Colo.

8-l. Billie Jean Row. Born July 29, l944.

8-2. Gary Row. Born Mar. l0, l953.

8-3. Tim Row. Born May 2, l955.

8-4. Tom Row. Born May 2, l955.

7-3. Doris Madylen Row. Married (l) Donald Shupe. One child, Carolyn. Lived Orcutt, Calif. Married (2) Don Black. One child, Shirley.

8-l. Carolyn F. Shupe. Born July 28, l944.

8-2. Shirley Linn Black. Born Dec. l4, l957.

7-4. Shirley Fern Row. Married Earl Peattie; six children, Earl, Laura, Dennis, Byron, Deane and Jeanne. Lived Anaheim, Calif.

8-l. Earl Peattie. Born Jan. 25, l947.

8-2. Laura Peattie. Born July 2, l949.

8-3. Dennis Peattie. Born Sept. l952.

8-4. Byron Peattie. Born Dec. l953.

8-5. Dean Peattie. Born May l9, l955.

84 8-6. Jeanne Peattie. Born May l9, l955.

6-7. Earl Eugene Row. Born Dec. 4, l895. Lived l3l0 Cleveland, Kansas City 4, Kas.

6-8. Esther Irene Row. Born l897. Married George Wesley Smith. Five children, unnamed infant, Glenn, Arthur, Dwayne and Robert. Lived Hutchinson, Kas.

7-l. Unnamed infant.

7-2. George Glenn Smith. Married Verble Tucker. Adopted one son, Daniel. Lived 209 E. Duane, Sunny Dale, Calif.

8-l. Daniel Smith.

7-3. Arthur Eugene Smith. Married Esther Ruth Chitwood; three children, Richard, Phyllis, Patricia. Lived Hutchinson, Kas.

8-l. Richard Dalls Smith. In U.S. Navy in l957.

8-2. Phyllis Marie Smith. Born l94l.

8-3. Patricia Joan Smith. Born l944.

7-4. Dwayne Earl Smith. Married Martha Elizbeth Hughes; three children, Gerald, Linda and Steven. Lived 3349 Adams, Denver, Colo.

8-l. Gerald Eugene Smith. Born l943.

8-2. Linda Kay Smith. Born l949.

8-3. Steven Emmett Smith. Born l954.

7-5. Robert Row Smith. Married Joyce Price. One child, Marilyn. Was in the Service in l957. Lived then at l4l6 Mather Dr. Rantoul, Ill.

8-l. Marilyn Irene Smith.

6-9. Nina Fern Row. Born l899. Lived l3l0 Cleveland, Kansas City 4, Kas.

5-2. John Daniel Row. Born l85l Darlington, Montgomery Co., Ind. Married Mary Margaret Brittain l873 in Concord Church, Lowry City, St. Clair, Mo. Six children, Dora, Daisy, Jacob, Ethel, Elpha and Fern. Moved with parents to St. Clair Co., Mo. After marriage moved to Wanamaker, Okla. and then to Arkansas in l905; then to Jimcreek, five miles from Arlington, Wash. and in l9l9 to Mountain View, Calif.

6-l. Dora Frances Row. Born June 5, l875; died July 6, l92l. Married Alfred Henry King. Adopted two children.

7-l. Child, died infancy.

7-2. Nellie M. King. Married Ralph Sommers. Two children, of whom one was Richard.

8-l. Richard Sommers.

8-2. ______Sommers.

6-2. Daisy Pearl Row. Born Oct. 30, l877. Married Andrew F. Mascher. Lived P. O. Box 446, Loma Linda, Calif.

85 6-3. Jacob Milton Row. Born Mar. 25, l880. Married Mattie Janette Wade. Two children, Mary and John. Lived 342 San Mateo Drive, Loma Linda, Calif.

7-l. Mary Virginia Row. Accidentally burned to death, age 6.

7-2. John Wade Row. Born Oct. 22, l9ll. Married Effie Klooster. Four children, James, John, Wendell, Linda. Lived 35 Valley View Drive, Berrien Springs, Mich. where he operated a machine shop near Emmanuel Missionary College.

8-l. James Lewis Row.

8-2. John Wesley Row.

8-3. Wendell Neil Row.

8-4. Linda LuAnn Row.

6-4. Ethel Gertrude Row. Born Dec. 3, l882. Married Joseph S. Bachmann. Lived RFD #2, Box 296l, Loomis, Calif.

6-5. Elpha Inez "Ina" Row. Born Feb. l3, l888. married Barney F. Wrenn. Five children: William, Orlin, Helen, Marie and Margaret. Lived RFD #l, Box 293, Crossville, Tenn.

7-l. William Calvin Wrenn. Died, l7 months, in accident.

7-2. Orlin Francis Wrenn. Died, l7 months, in accident.

7-3. Helen Ethella Wrenn. Married William Clayburn. Two children, James and Robert. Lived Akron, Ind.

8-l. James Clayburn.

8-2. Robert Clayburn.

7-4. Marie Verone Wrenn. Married Robert East. Two children, Robert and Barry. Lived Dalton, Ga.

8-l. Robert East.

8-2. Barry East.

7-5. Margaret Inez Wrenn. Married Shelby Rhinehart. Two children, Shelby and James. She was a doctor and lived at Spencer, Tenn.

8-l. Shelby Porter Rhinehart.

8-2. James Barney Rhinehart.

6-6. Fern Row. Born Sept. 26, l89l. Married Philip Macey Casebeer in l920. Three children, Charles, Macey and Philip. Lived l492 Villa St., Mountain View, Calif.

7-l. Charles Jackson Casebeer. Married Hope Miller. Lived 645 Bush St. San Francisco, Calif.

7-2. Macey Milton Casebeer. Married Theresa A. Avard. One child, Cheryl. He was a career man in the U.S. Navy. Lived 4445 Shore Drive, Norfolk, Va.

7-3. Philip Reginald Casebeer. Married Darlene Louise Schauier. Two children, David and Michael. Lived 2398 Stockton Place, Palo Alto, Calif.

86 8-l. David Philip Casebeer.

8-2. Michael Lee Casebeer.

5-3. Mary Elizabeth Row. Married Rawley Lewellyn, son of Julia Ann Winter Row's second husband by his first marriage. At least four children, Lucy, Julia, Elwood and Frank.

6-l. Lucy Lewellyn. Married a Cole; no children.

6-2. Julia May Lewellyn. Married (l) John Clark. Three children, Walter, Colyn and Julia. She went to Colorado to cook for her uncle, a miner. Married (2) a miner and moved to Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. He lived at Compton, Calif.

7-l. Walter Lewellen Clark. Born l907.

7-2. Colyn Zena Clark. Born l909. No children.

7-3. Julia May Clark. Born l9l2; lived New York City.

7-4. Ethyln Clark. Married a McAllister. Four children. Lived l42l6 Cloverside St., Baldwin, Calif.

6-3. Fred Elwood Lewellyn. Died l952. Married Emily. Both feet were cut off at age l7 as a result of hopping a freight train. Operated an artificial limb establishment in Los Angeles. After his death she lived at 4l34 Fourth Ave., Los Angeles 8, Calif.

6-4. Frank Lewellyn. Had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Lived Webb City, Mo. in early l920's. Address later was 3l6 S. Walker St., Webb City, Mo.

5-4. Jacob Row. Married at age 65; no children.

5-5. Benjamin Franklin Row. He was born in Boone Co., Ind. Married Emma Belle Dienroth. Two children, an unnamed daughter and Jessie. Moved with his parents to St. Clair Co., Mo. After marriage he moved to Harper Co., Okla.

6-l. Unnamed daughter, died infancy.

6-2. Jessie Forrest Row. Married Earl Cuppit Mountain. Eleven children, Howard, Juanita, Fae, Selma, Alma, Benjamin, Emma, Joseph, ary, Elmer and Jesse.

7-l. Howard Earl Mountain. Born Oct. 25, l907. Married Freda Martin. Two children, Jacob and Judith. Lived Burlington, Colo.

8-l. Jacob Earl Mountain. Born l94l.

8-2. Judith Arlene Mountain. Born l944.

7-2. Juanita Ann Mountain. Born Mar. ll, l9l0. Married (l) George Headlee. Three children, Marvin, Margaret and Ethel. After his death she married (2) Lawrence A. Green. No children. Lived Pueblo, Colo.

8-l. Marvin Leroy Headlee. Three children. Lived Boise, Id.

8-2. Margaret Headlee. Married (l) Richard Rudge and had three children. Married (2) Roy Pleticha. Lived Orofino, Idaho.

8-3. Ethel Louise Headlee. Married Ellis Vannest. Lived Pueblo, Colo.

87 7-3. Fay Mountain. She was born July 4, l9l2. Married (l) James Howard Cravey. One child, Ella. Married (2) William Subblefield. One child, Dorotha. Lived Selman City, Texas.

8-l. Ella Earlene Cravey. Married; lived Dallas, Texas.

8-2. Dorotha Fae Stubblefield.

7-4. Selma Mountain. Twin of Alma; lived 9 months.

7-5. Alma Mountain. Twin of Selma; lived 9 months.

7-6. Benjamin Urias Mountain. Born l9l7; died l934.

7-7. Emma Marie Mountain. Born June ll, l9l8. Married (l) Ralph Vincent Smith. Two children, Ralph and Ruth. Divorced. Married (2) W. E. Davis. Lived Albany, Ga.

8-l. Ralph Vincent Smith, Jr. Born l94l.

8-2. Ruth Vernie Smith. Born l944.

7-8. Joseph Pagari Mountain. Married Mae Woods. He was born Feb. 28, l920. Two children, Sandra and Donna. Lived Lamar, Colo.

8-l. Sandra Kay Mountain.

8-2. Donna Mae Mountain.

7-9. Mary Elizabeth Mountain. Born Feb. l6, l922. Married Maxwell Jack Phelps. Six children: Jerry, Minnie, William, Wilbur, Jessie and Elizabeth. Lived Selman, Okla.

8-l. Jerry Max Phelps. Born Apr. l2, l944.

8-2. Minnie Corene Phelps. Born Mar. 25, l947.

8-3. William Earl Phelps. Born Jan. l2, l95l.

8-4. Wilbur Carl Phelps. Born Nov. 30, l95l.

8-5. Jessie Marlene Phelps. Born June 3, l954.

8-6. Elizabeth Arlene Phelps. Born Oct. l3, l957.

7-l0. Elmer Calvin Mountain. Married Lavina. Lived Pueblo, Colo.

7-ll. Jesse Edwin Mountain. Married Evelyn Dregor. He was born Nov. 28, l925. Lived Burlington, Colo.

5-6. Jesse E. Row. Married Gertrude Shields in Kansas. One son, DeWitt.

6-l. DeWitt Row. Born l895. Lived 6l6 Sherry St., Vallejo, Calif.; then Box #48, Elmira, Calif.

5-7. Abraham Lincoln Row. Born St. Clair Co., Mo. Married Margaret A. Locke, sister of Samantha Locke, wife of Samuel Hamilton Row. Five children, William, Gertrude, Mary, Martha and a girl. Moved to Woodward Co., Okla. and then to Charleston, now Selman, Harper Co., Okla. Then moved back to St. Clair Co., Mo.

88 6-l. William Arthur Row. Born l884. Married (l) Prudie and had three children, Roy, Chester and an infant who, with her mother, died at birth. Married (2) Fleta and had no children. Lived 632 East 97th St., Kansas City, Mo.

7-l. Roy Row. Never married.

7-2. Chester Row. Married; no children; divorced; lived Kansas City, Kas.

7-3. Child, died infancy.

6-2. Gertrude Florence Row. She died when the third child was eight days old. Married Restie Davis. Three children, Ora, Verdie and Margaret.

7-l. Ora Davis. Married Vivian; no children.

7-2. Verdie Davis. Married Waymouth; two children, Robert and Doris. Lived 2048 East ___, Springfield, Mo.

8-l. Robert Davis.

8-2. Doris Davis. Married and three children, Carol, Mark and Gregory.

9-l. Carol ______.

9-2. Mark ______.

9-3. Gregory ______.

7-3. Margaret Florence Davis. Married (l) Austin White; one child, William. Austin White was killed. Married (2) Carl Watson. Lived 608 S. 30th, Muskogee, Okla.

8-l. William Austin White.

6-3. Mary M. Row. Married Charles Wolfe. Four children, Merle, Irene, Sophia and Charles. Lived RFD #3, Berryville, Ark.

7-l. Merle Wolfe. Married Nina Scott; four children, Merle, Barbara, William and Dale. Lived Sterling, Kas.

8-l. Merle Charles Wolfe.

8-2. Barbara Wolfe.

8-3. William Wolfe.

8-4. Dale Wolfe.

7-2. Irene Wolfe. Married Ralph McNutt; six children, Ralph, Earl, Larry, Mary, Linda and Tommy. Lived Sterling, Kas.

8-l. Ralph McNutt, Jr.

8-2. Earl McNutt.

8-3. Larry McNutt.

8-4. Mary McNutt.

8-5. Linda McNutt.

8-6. Tommy McNutt. 89

7-3. Sophia Wolfe. Married James Grogan. One child, James. Lived Sterling, Kas.

8-l. James Grogan.

7-4. Charles Wolfe. Married Melba Koch. One child, Sherla Ann. Divorced. Lived RFD #3, Berryville, Ark.

8-l. Sherla Ann Wolfe.

6-4. Martha M. Row. Married (l) Raymond Marshall. Three children, Beryl, Dale and Curtis. He died. Married (2) James Howard Cravey. One child, Howard. She died when he was three months old.

7-l. Beryl Marshall. Married Estell Robinson. Three children. Lived La Junta, Colo.

7-2. Dale Marshall. Three children. Lived, Pueblo, Colo.

7-3. Curtis Marshall. One child. Lived l204 East 9th St., Pueblo, Colo.

7-4. Howard Dean Cravey.

6-5. Daughter.

4-l4. Rosanna Winter. Born and died l830.

4-l5. Susannah Christine Winter. Born Feb. 8, l83l; died Jan.24, l920. Buried near her parents at Ladoga, Ind. Married (l) John Bright, son of John Collins Bright and Ann Stoner, in l849. He was born in Indiana. Two children, Hiram and Lyman. Divorced. Married (2) an Everman. They separated. In l873 she went to Howard, Kansas and lived with her son, Hiram until he died in l9l0. She then lived with her son, Lyman, at Longton, Elk Co., Kas. until he died. She then moved to New Ross, Indiana and lived with Peter and Jane Miller, children of her sister, Delilah Ann Winter Miller. John Collins Bright was a leading figure in the United Brethern Church, especially in its support of higher education and missionary activity. He was born Sept. l3, l8l8 and died March l866.

5-l. Hiram Claud Bright. Born May 20, l85l, Boone Co., Ind.; died Dec. l6, l9l0. Married Mary Elizabeth Benefiel, daughter of Levi Benefiel and Sarah Jane Dukes Nov. 7, l876, Howard, Kas. She was born July 3, l857 in Pulaski Co., Ind. Four children, Olli, Viola, Jesse and Mattie. Lived Howard, Kas.

6-l. Ollie May Bright. Born Sept. 27, l879; died Sept. l4, l968. Married William Baker Aug. 6, l899, Elk Co., Kas. He was born Mar. l, l875 and died Nov. l0, l935. Both are buried at Grace Lawn Cemetery, Elk Co., Kas. Six children, George, Roy, Mabel, Edith, Lennie and Olive. They farmed in the Fiat neighborhood of Elk Co. Were members of the Church of Christ.

7-l. George Hiram Baker. Born Feb. 4, l90l, Elk Co, Kas.; died June l5, l967; buried Ulysses, Kas. Married (l) Helena Adams at Howard, Kas. No children. Divorced. Married (2) Martha Miller June 8, l954, Ulysses, Kas. No children. He farmed in Elk Co., Kas.

7-2. Roy Francis Baker. Born July 23, l902, Elk Co., Kas. Married (l) Ann Asbury at Howard, Kas. Three children, Helen, Naomi and Barbara. Divorced. Married (2) Helen Berry at Winfield, Kas. One child, Donald. He farmed Elk Co., Kas., then operated a grocery store and lived (l970) at Winfield, Kas.

90 8-l. Helen Baker. Born l923. Married Merritt Balwin. No children. Lived (l970) Kaley, Idaho.

8-2. Naomi Baker. Born l925. Married Norman Marinda. Two children, Jean and Joan. Lived Idaho.

9-l. Jean Marinda.

9-2. Joan Marinda.

8-3. Barbara Baker. Born l927. Married. Two girls and a boy. Lived (l970) California.

8-4. Ronald Roy Baker. Born l927. Married and one child, a girl. Lived (l970) Winfield, Kas.

9-l. Girl, born l968.

7-3. Mabel Elnora Baker. Born June 20, l904, Elk Co., Kas. Married Bert Jess Speer Mar. 22, l924. He was born June l4, l899 Elk Co., Kas. Three children, Audrey, Gretta and Peggy. He farmed Elk Co. and was serving as a county commissioner when he died. She was a cook in a school cafetaria. Lived (l970) Howard, Kas.

8-l. Audrey Arlene Speer. Born Dec. 2l, l924. Married Dallas Raymond Roberts of Howard, Kas., Dec. 24, l942. Four children, Patsy, Richard Rex and Timothy. He was in World War II and retired as a Major. Taught school two years and became a rural letter carrier. Lived (l970) Howard, Kas.

9-l. Patsy Arlene Roberts. Born Sept. l5, l942. Married Robert Paul Runyan of Williamsport, Pa., Aug. l5, l962. Two children, Jeffery and Steven. He served eight years with the Air Force and worked (l970) for the Cessna Aircraft Co., Wichita, Kas.

l0-l. Jeffery Robert Runyan. Born July 22, l963, Wichita, Kas.

l0-2. Steven Michael Runyan. Born Aug. ll, l965, Atwater, Calif.

9-2. Richard Alan Roberts. Born Jan. 27, l948. Married Christen Elnore Ward Apr. 7, l966. One child, Troy Shawn. He worked for the Coca Cola Co. at Wichita, Kas.

l0-l. Troy Shawn Roberts. Born June 30, l966.

9-3. Rex Benton Roberts. Born July l, l95l. Student (l970) at Emporia College, Kas.

9-4. Timothy Max Roberts. Born Nov. 5, l952. Graduated from Howard High School Attended Independence College, Independence, Kas.

8-2. Gretta Lea Speer. Born June l6, l935. Married Verne Kling of Howard, Kas. May 27, l956. Two children, Karen and Karlene. She was a grade school teacher; he taught and was (l970) a city planner. Lived (l970) Salina, Kas.

9-l. Karen Elaine Kling. Born Sept. l7, l957.

9-2. Karlene Adele Kling. Born Nov. 5, l960.

8-3. Peggy Suann Speer. Born May l5, l939. Married Robert Rector of Independence, Kas., June 5, l960. Three children, Robert, Julia and Jack. He was a gymnastic instructor and taught at Lawrence and Manhattan, Kas. Taught (l970) Independence, Kas. 91

9-l. Robert Mark Rector. Born Apr. 27, l96l.

9-2. Julia Ann Rector. Born May 2, l962.

9-3. Jack Benton Rector. Born Sept. l4, l967.

7-4. Edith Mildred Baker. Born Jan. 23, l906. Married Wilbur Ingle of Howard, Kas. June 23, l926. One child, Danzella. She was a seamstress and he was a carpenter. Lived (l970) Howard, Kas.

8-l. Danzella Beth Ingle. Born May l8, l927. Married (l) Dallas Harrold Howard, Kas. Two children, Rodney and Rogene. Divorced. Married (2)Pete Boardman. Operated (l970) a lumber yard in Coffeyville, Kas.

9-l. Rodney Lynn Harrod. Born Mar. 26, l946. Married Treva Jean Morgan, Winfield, Kas., Feb. l6, l966. One child, Erick. He served in the Air Force two years and worked (l970) for Cessna Aircraft, Winfield, Kas.

l0-l. Erick Lynn Harrod. Born Mar. l6, l968.

9-2. Rogene Adell Harrod. Born Jan. 27, l957.

7-5. Lennie Nadine Baker. Born May 28, l908. Married (l) Lon Farrow of Howard, Kas. They adopted a daughter, Darla Zee. He operated a cream and egg station at Howard, Kas. Were divorced. Married (2) a Rankin of Independence, Kas. Two children, Janice and Davis. Lived in Arizona. Divorced. Married (3) Charles Dunlap. He worked for the state highway department of Kansas; she was a practical nurse. Lived (l970) McPherson, Kas.

8-l. Darla Zee Farrow. Married Roy Adams of Missouri. Had four children, Lynn, Lane, Janice and a girl. Lived (l970) Neosha, Ark.

9-l. Lynn Adams. Born l954.

9-2. Lane Adams.

9-3. Janice Adams.

9-4. Girl.

8-2. Janice Dee Rankin. Born Sept. 4, l942. Married Quenton Anderson. Two children, Kristine and Eric. He worked (l970) for Bell Telephone Co., Hutchinson, Kas.

9-l. Kristine Anderson. Born l966.

9-2. Eric France Anderson. Born l969.

8-3. David Rankin. Married. Served 4 years in Marine Corps. Lived (l970) Washington, D. C.

7-6. Olive Marie Baker. Born Mar. 4, l9l4. Married Howard Dobson of Howard, Kas. Three children, Lawrence, Russell and Mark. Worked (l970) for the Kansas State Highway Department as an equipment inspector. Lived Chanute, Kas.

8-l. Lawrence Eugene. Dobson. Born Mar. l, l942. Married Ann Osburn of Chanute, Kas. Two children, Jeffery and Keven. He attended Emporia College, served in the Army and was (l970) employed at Boeing Aircraft Co., Wichita, Kas.

9-l. Jeffery Dobson. Born Jan. 9, l968.

92 9-2. Keve Ashley Dobson. Born Feb. l3, l970.

8-2. Russell Kent Dobson. Born Sept. 6, l943. Married Nada of Chanute, Kas. Two children, Amy and Jill. He attended college and was (l970) in U. S. Air Force, St. Louis, Mo.

9-l. Amy Diane Dobson. Born Sept. l, l967.

9-2. Jill Alissa Dobson. Born Oct. 24, l969.

8-3. Mark Dobson. Born Mar. 5, l956.

6-2. Viola Edith Bright. Born Aug. l7, l88l. Married Frank Davis Dec. 24, l905, Howard, Kas. One child, Kenneth. She died about six months after birth of the child.

7-l. Kenneth Davis. Married (l) Edith Murphy. One child, Viola. Divorced. Remarried. Kenneth lived with his aunt Ollie Baker until he was three years old when his father remarried. Lived Howard, Kas. and after he remarried in Winfield, Kas.

8-l. Viola Louise Davis. Born l940. Married Lawrence Donavgh. Lived (l970) Wichita, Kas.

6-3. Jesse D. Bright. Born Oct. 24, l884, Howard, Kas.; died Dec. 2l, l9l8, Independence, Kas. as a result of burns received in a plant fire at Independence; buried Independence. Married (l) Nellie Evans l902, Independence, Kas. She was born at Severy, Kas. and died l9l8. One child, Margaret. Married (2) Alice Pyle. Two children, Jesse and Earl.

7-l. Margaret Leona Bright. Born Mar. 3l, l905, Independence, Kas. Married Charles Whitney. No children. Lived (l970) l9376 Garfield, Detroit, Mich., 48240.

7-2. Jesse Dewain Bright. Born Jan. 22, l9l5, Independence, Kas. Married and two sons. Lived (l970) l023l Annette Ave., South Gate, Calif.

7-3. Earl Eugene Bright. Born Feb. 5, l9l7, Independence, Kas.

6-4. Mattie Lillian Bright. Born Apr. 30, l892. Married Bert G. Gray, New Ross, Ind. They are buried at New Ross. One child, Robert.

7-l. Robert Harry Gray. Married and wife was a telephone operator. Lived (l970) 8l7 S. Grant, Crawfordsville, Ind.

5-2. Lyman Pierce Bright. Born Apr. 23, l856, Jasper Co., Mo.; died Nov. l9l4. Married Clarissa Lucritta Bright. She was born Aug. 29, l86l and died Jan. 8, l933. Four children, Isa, Beecher, John and Clyde. Lived Longton, Kas.

6-l. Isa Dolilly Bright. Born Feb. 2, l88l; died Jan. l9, l960, Howard, Kas. Married Fred Jefferson Duckworth Mar. 2l, l906. He died Mar. 26, l963 at Howard, Kas. Nine children: Clara, Wilbur, Susie, Mary, Fred, Wilda, Ruth, Luella and Leeman.

7-l. Clara B. Duckworth. Born Apr. 4 and died Aug. 7, l907, Longton, Kas.

7-2. Wilbur S. Duckworth. Born Mar. 25, l908. Married Beatrice Bressler May 22, l929. She was born Oct. l5, l9l0. Two children, Keaton and Ann. Lived Rolla, Kas.

8-l. Keaton G. Duckworth (twin of Ann). Born Feb. 26, l930. Married Margaret Review. Two children, Michael and Meg Ann. Lived (l970) Elkhart, Kas.

93 9-l. Michael Duckworth.

9-2. Meg Ann Duckworth.

8-2. Ann Duckworth (twin of Keaton). Born Feb. 26, l930. Married Delbert Davison. They had three children, Nancy, Becky and Bert.

9-l. Nancy Davison. Married Mike Lewis. Two children, Angie and Adam.

l0-l. Angie Lewis.

l0-2. Adam Lewis.

9-2. Becky Davison. Married Stan Fisher. One child, Tate.

l0-l. Tate Fisher.

9-3. Bert Davison. Married Linda NN. Two children, Matt and Katie.

l0-l. Matt Davison.

l0-2. Katie Davison.

7-3. Susie M. Duckworth. Born Aug. 3l, l909, Longton, Kas. Married Harold Mahaffy May l9, l935. He was born May l9, l9ll. One child, Patricia. Lived (l970) l706 Garland, Wichita, Kas., 67203.

8-l. Patricia Jane Mahaffy. Born Sept. ll, l936. Married Charles Keagy Aug. 25, l956, Wichita, Kas. They had three children, June, Rose and Ann.

9-l. June Eileen Keagy. Married Robert Olson.

9-2. Rose A. Keagy.

9-3. Ann Keagy. Married Richard Zacharias.

7-4. Mary Duckworth. Born Apr. 2, l9ll, Longton, Kas. Married Clem L. Portenier May 27, l934. He was born Jan. 20, l909. Two adopted sons, Robert and James. Lived (l970) Howard, Kas.

8-l. Robert H. Portenier.

8-2. James B. Portenier. Married Connie R.

7-5. Fred Elbert Duckworth. Born Dec. l, l9l2, Longton, Kas. married Margaret Webber Aug. ll, l935, Oak Valley, Kas. She was born Aug. 25, l9l5. Three children, Shirley, Peggy and Carol. Lived (l970) 6l6 W. l0th, 67337.

8-l. Shirley Duckworth. Married Phillip Kondlik. One son Terry.

8-2. Peggy Duckworth. Married Dennis Cook.

8-3. Carol Duckworth. Married Gregg Pennington.

7-6. Wilda Duckworth. Born May 27, l9l5. Married Earl Dolsing Jan. 20, l933. Four children: Margaret, Wilma, Phyllis and Earl. Lived (l970) l229 S. Sumner, Pampa, Tex., 79065.

8-l. Margaret Ann Dolsing. Married Carl Oney.

8-2. Wilma Irene Dolsing. Married Max Nickl.

94 8-3. Phyllis Dolsing. Married Chuck Adams.

8-4. Earl Eugene Dolsing. Married Becky NN.

7-7. Ruth Aline Duckworth. Born Nov. l2, l9l6, Longton, Kas. Died July l9l8.

7-8. Luella Duckworth. Born Aug. l7, l920. Married Don Delventhal Apr. 26, l94l. He was born July l2, l9l3. One child, Judy. Lived (l970) Cherryvale, Kas.

8-l. Judy Delventhal. Married Robert Stockton. Three children, Charles, William and Bobbi.

9-l. Charles M. Stockton. Married Vickie G. Dixon.

9-2. William A. Stockton. Married Cherie L. Speer. Two children, Christopher and Jacob.

l0-l. Christopher Stockton.

l0-2. Jacob A. Stockton.

9-3. Bobbi L. Stockton. Married Ernest R. Maine. One child, Janetta.

l0-l. Janetta R. Maine.

7-9. Leeman Alan Duckworth. Born June l8, l928, Longton, Kas. Married Zuna Roberts Aug. l2, l949, Howard, Kas. She was born Aug. l0, l929. One daughter, Terry. He went by the name of "Mike." Lived l658 S. Spruce, Wichita, Kas.

8-l. Terry Duckworth.

6-2. Beecher Bright. Married Minnie Vestal. One child, Bessie.

7-l. Bessie Bright. Married Wesly Burch. Lived (l970) Sedan, Kas.

8-l. Lynn E. Burch.

9-l. Chiqua Burch.

6-3. John Bright. Married Lola Hughes. They had seven children, Claudine, John, Twila, Margret, Willard, Wilbur and Treva. He died and she lived 602 l/2 S. Park, Independence, Kas., 6730l.

7-l. Claudine E. Bright. Married (l) Robert Reddy and had two children, Richard and Larry. Married (2) Frances Wells.

8-l. Richard Reddy.

8-2. Larry Reddy.

7-2. John Russell Bright. Married Norma L. Parten. Six children, Michael, Keith, Connie, Carol, Coette and Carmen.

8-l. Michael Dean Bright. Married Alicia Dwyer. Three children, Zachery, Chase and Brandi.

9-l. Zachery C. Bright.

9-2. Chase M. Bright.

9-3. Brandi R. Bright.

95 8-2. Keith A. Bright. Married Kathleen S. Tucker. Two children, Justin and Lacey.

9-l. Justin M. Bright.

9-2. Lacey D. Bright.

8-3. Conni L. Bright. Married Bruce Carey. They had three children, Sara, Travis and Fay.

9-l. Sara Carey.

9-2. Travis Carey.

9-3. Fay Carey.

8-4. Carol. L. Bright. Married Don McLeod. They had two children, Adam and Michelle.

9-l. Adam McLeod.

9-2. Michelle A. McLeod.

8-5. Coette L. Bright. Married Bob Lewis. They had one child, Andrew.

9-l. Andrew R. Lewis.

8-6. Carmen L. Bright. Married Steve Hamilton. They had one child, •John.

9-l. John David Hamilton.

7-3. Twila Gene Bright. Married James Morris. Two children, Linda and Elizabeth.

8-l. Linda K. Morris. She had three children.

8-2. Elizabeth Morris. She had two children.

7-4. Margaret Lee Bright. Married George "Bud" Vestal. They had two children, Steve and Pam.

8-l. Steve Vestal. He had two children.

8-2. Pam Vestal. She had two children.

7-5. Willard A. Bright. Married Sava NN. Four children, Doug, Scott, Chloe and Denise.

8-l. Doug Bright. Two children.

8-2. Scott Bright. No children.

8-3. Chloe Ann Bright. Two children.

8-4. Denise A. Bright. No children.

7-6. Wilbur S. Bright. Married Lela Wolf. Two children, Omicka and Melinda.

8-l. Omicka L. Bright. One child.

8-2. Melinda Bright. Two children.

96 7-7. Treva Lee Bright.

6-4. Clyde W. Bright. Married Bettye. Lived (l970) l320 N. 8th St., Fresno, Calif., 93703.

4-l6. Elizabeth Ann Winter. Born May 5, l835, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Oct. 23, l925 at the home of her son, John Winter Redenbaugh in Vassar, Kas. Buried Mt. Zion Cem. two miles north of Vassar, Kas. Married John Samuel Redenbaugh, son of Frederick Redenbaugh and Margaret Haney, July 30, l85l. He was born Dec. 25, l8l5 and died June l889 at the home of his son, John Redenbaugh, then living at Trenton, Mo. He was buried 4-5 miles northeast of Trenton, Mo. in Grundy Co. Three children, Susannah, John and Lydia. Shortly after their marriage they went to western Iowa and in l869 moved to Osage Co., Kas. They were the first settlers on land where Vassar, Kas. now stands. While in Iowa they lived in Appanoose Co.; another report says Des Moines. She was a member of the United Brethren Church. She divorced her husband Feb. 6, l875 and afterward dropped the name Redenbaugh and assumed her maiden name.

5-l. Susannah Redenbaugh. Born May l7, l852, in Iowa; died Apr. l9, l9l2; bur. Mt. Zion Cemetery about two miles north of Vassar, Kas. Married Peter Peterson Oct. 7, l869 in Miami Co., Kas. They ran off on horseback and got married. He was born Nov. l3, l840 in Sweden and died Mar. l9, l903; bur. Mt. Zion Cemetery. Thirteen children: Ingrie, Ellie, Clarinda, Annie, Clarence, Peter, Minnie, Louis, Addie, Edith, Pearl, Iva and John.

6-l. Ingrie Peterson. Born July l3, l870; died young and bur. Mt. Zion Cem.

6-2. Ellie Emma Peterson. Born Feb. 9, l872; died young and bur. Mt. Zion Cem.

6-3. Clarinda "Clara" Peterson. Born Mar. 4, l874; died Jan. 22, l9l3 in Cheyenne, Wyo. Married George Wiggins Mar. 3l, l893. Three children, Joe, Hattie and Ned.

7-l. Hattie A. Wiggins. Born May 28, l893. Married a Cash. Two children, William and Russell. Lived 2l9 East l8th St., Cheyenne, Wyo.

8-l. William G. Cash. Born Dec. l5, l9l4.

8-2. Russell C. Cash. Born May 28, l9l9. Killed World War II.

7-2. Joe Wiggins. Born Nov. 4, l895. Five children: Harley, Joe, Virginia, Frances and Beverly. Lived 8l5 Ellenwood, Osage City, Kas.

8-l. Harley Wiggins. Born June 2, l9l6. Lived 8 Sunset Lane, Washngton, Kas.

8-2. Joe Wiggins, Jr. Lived ll2l Berkeley, Wichita l6, Kas.

8-3. Virginia Mae Wiggins. Married McErmitt. Live 6l3 Lincoln, Osage City, Kas.

8-4. Frances Wiggins. Married a Tosone. Lived 322 East 8th, Topeka, Kas.

8-5. Beverly Wiggins. Married a Tosone. Lived 3008 Sunnyubrook Lane, Wichita l6, Kas.

7-3. Ned E. Wiggins. Born Sept. 25, l903; died l942; one child, Ginger.

8-l. Ginger Rae Wiggins. Born Apr. 30, l939. Married a Smith. Lived l027 Embury, Pacific Palisades, Calif.

97 6-4. Annie Peterson. Born July 26, l875; died Apr. 29, l967. Married (l) Ed Gorman Mar. 3l, l903. One child, Wilma. Married (2) Forrest Elliott. Two children, Mary and Clara. Lived at Lyndon, Kas.

7-l. Wilma Georgeanna Gorman. Born Jan. 3, l904. Married Miller A. Crane May 9, l948. He died May 9, l950. She lived 227 East 6th, Long Beach, Calif.

7-2. Mary Elizabeth Elliott. Born Sept. l, l9ll. Married Henry G. Wendland Nov. 27, l935. Two children, Henry and Mary. Lived 7 Sunset Drive, Hutchinson, Kas.

8-l. Henry LaForest Wendland. Born Aug. l, l942.

8-2. Mary Anne Wendland. Born Nov. 4, l943.

7-3. Clara Susannah Elliott. Born June 8, l9l5. Married William Leroy Christensen Oct. l7, l935. One child, William. Lived 809 California AVe., Osage City, Kas.

8-l. William Elliott Christensen. Born Sept. 7, l936. Married Delores Cook Apr. 28, l956. One child, Bruce. Lived 809 California Ave., Osage City, Kas.

9-l. Bruce Wayne Christensen. Born Nov. 2, l957.

6-5. Clarence Peterson. Born Jan. 20, l877 Vassar, Kas.; died Denver Colo Dec. 7, l938; buried Mt. Zion Cemetery. Married Laura Glenn Apr. 6, l906. She died Sugar City, Colo. Nov. l8, l9l8. Five children, Frances, Clarence, Edetha, Lois and Glenn. He grew up in Vassar, Kas.

7-l. Frances Irene Peterson. Born June 3, l904, Vassar, Kas.; died l952 San Diego, Calif. Married (l) Donald Davis; no children; divorced. Married (2) Clarence P. Fuller; no children.

7-2. Clarence Elton Peterson. Born Oct. 7, l905, Vassar, Kas. Married Helen Irene Beauchamp Sept. 2, l934. One child, Pamela Kay. Lived Colorado Springs, Colo.

8-l. Pamela Kay Peterson. Born Feb. 22, l944.

7-3. Edetha Maxine Peterson. Born July 7, l909, Vassar, Kas. Married Vernon Jeter Jan. 8, l929. Two children, Eunice and Marjorie. Lived l303 North St., Marysville, Kas.

8-l. Eunice Mae Jeter. Born Mar. 30, l930, Lyndon, Kas. Married Paul Cole Nov. l7, l950. Four children, Paula, Richard, Cheryl and Carla. Lived Marysville, Kas.

9-l. Paula Marie Cole. Born June 30, l952.

9-2. Richard Vernon Cole. Born Jan. 2, l955.

9-3. Cheryl Lee Cole. Born July 26, l956.

9-4. Carla Cole. Born Jan. ll, l958.

8-2. Marjorie Virginia Jeter. Born Mar. 4, l934, Lyndon, Kas. Married Ross David Kos Nov. l4, l954. No children. Lived Marysville, Kas.

7-4. Lois Ann Peterson. Born Jan. 3l, l9l5, Lyndon, Kas. Married Ellis L. Heimbach. No children. Lived l53 Gary Circle, Vallejo, Calif.

7-5. Glen Orvil Peterson. Born June 25, l9l8, Sugar City, Colo. Married Mary Katherine Beasley. One child, Gregary. Lived Ozark, Ala.

98 8-l. Gregary Glen Peterson. Born Jan. 3, l949.

6-6. Peter Peterson, Jr. Born Dec. l7, l878; died Sept. l5, l879; bur. Mt. Zion Cemetery.

6-7. Minnie Peterson. Born July l2, l880. Married Henry Deckwa. Thirteen children. Lived Delhi, Calif.

6-8. Louis Peterson. Born Oct. 20, l882, Vassar, Kas. Married Olga. Two childre, Wyvonne and Louis. Was on the Denver police force.

7-l. Wyvonne Peterson.

7-2. Louis Peterson. Lived Denver, Colo.

6-9. Addie Peterson. Born Aug. ll, l884; died Apr. 2l, l975. married Harry Tracy Woodward Feb. l5, l905. Two children, Harold and Charles. Lived Vassar, Kas.

7-l. Harold Allen Woodward. Born Nov. l4, l908, Vassar, Kas. Married Mabel Mears June l2, l929. She died l959. One child, Harold. Lived Vassar, Kas.

8-l. Harold Allen Tracy Woodward. Born June 8, l93l, Vassar, Kas. Married Betty Jean Fry, Burlingame, Kas. Dec. ll, l952. Three children, Cassandra, Jane and David.

9-l. Cassandry Lynn Woodward. Born Dec. 26, l956.

9-2. Jane Marie Woodward. Born Feb. 2, l958.

9-3. David Allen Woodward. Born Aug. 2l, l96l.

8-2. Charles Edmund Woodward. Born Sept. 22, l9ll, Vassar, Kas. Lived Vassar, Kas.

6-l0. Edith Peterson. Born Sept. 2l, l886; died l959; buried Mt. Zion Cem., Vassar, Kas. Married (l) Bruce Blain. Three children, Beryl, Vernon and Bruce, Jr. Married (2) Albert Phelix Beer; one child, Albert. Lived with her daughter, Beryl, 508 E. 8th St., Bloomington, Ind.

7-l. Beryl Bruce Blain. Born Apr. l6, l9l4. Lived Evermann Apts, C-l33, Bloomington, Ind.

7-2. Vernon Earl Blain. Born Jan. 8, l9l7. Married Opal Christeen Harris Jan. l8, l94l. She was born Sept. 5, l9l9. One child, James Earl.

8-l. James Earl Blain. Born Dec. l4, l944.

7-3. Bruce Blain, Jr. Born Mar. l6, l9l9. Married Kennie Ardelia Cline Mar. 2, l948. She was born Oct. l, l929. Two children, Carol Ann and Nancy Sharon. Lived ll22 Nix Rd., Lampasas, Tex.

8-l. Carol Ann Blain. Born May l4, l949.

8-2. Nancy Sharon Blain. Born Dec. 20, l953.

7-4. Albert Phelix Beer, Jr. Born Oct. 9, l928. Married Shirley Irene Barnes Aug. 25, l950. She was born Mar. 27, l930. Two children, Karen and Kevin. Lived l2l2 Hoover, Great Bend, Kas.

8-l. Karen Sue Beer. Born Sept. 2l, l953.

8-2. Kevin Scott Beer. Born July l7, l957. 99

6-ll. Pearl Peterson. Born Aug. l9, l889; died Mary l, l959; bur. LaJunta, Colo. Married (l) Dave Glenn Jan. 29, l908. Four children, Albert, Dorothy,Wesley and Lawrence. Married (2) a Hartman. Lived Woodruff Apts. #6, LaJunta, Colo.

7-l. Albert Glenn.

7-2. Dorothy Glenn.

7-3. Wesley Glenn.

7-4. Lawrence Glenn.

6-l2. Iva Peterson. Born Sept. l0, l892; died June l962. Married (l) Orville Center Feb. 9, l9l0, Eads, Colo. Three children, Mabel and two boys. Married (2) Lou H. Bailey. One child, Marian. Lived Alamosa, Colo.

7-l. Mabel Center.

7-2. ______Center.

7-3. ______Center.

7-4. Marian Bailey.

6-l3. John Peterson. Born Jan. 4, l897, Vassar, Kas.; died Aug. 27, l96. Married May. Was an oil man and lived at Flagler, Colo.

5-2. John Winter Redenbaugh. Born Feb. 2l, l854, Iowa; died July 5, l933, Vassar, Kas.; bur. Zion U.B. Church Cemetery at Vassar. Married Louisa Sophia Doerr, daguther of Andrew Doerr and Christine Louise Berneking, Jan. 23, l882 in Trenton, Grundy Co., Mo. She was born Jan. 3, l859 at Waterloo, Monroe Co., Ill. and died Nov. 28, l947 at Vassar, Osage Co., Kas. Buried in Zion U. B. Cemetery, Vassar, Kas. Nine children: Anna May, John, Lula, Charles, Andrew, Verna, Jesse, Nellie and Clarence. John W. Redenbaugh moved to Trenton, Mo. where he ran a saw mill for some time. He came back to Osage Co., Kas. in l899 and lived near Carbondale.

6-l. Anna May Redenbaugh. Born Oct. 28, l882; died Oct. l, l968, Lyndon, Kas. Never married.

6-2. John William Redenbaugh. Born Mar. l0, l884, Trenton, Grundy Co., Mo.; died Mar. 25, l963, Lyndon, Osage City, Kas. Married Mary Ellen Thompson Sept. 5, l906, London, Osage Co., Kas. She was born at Lyndon, Osage Co., Kas. Seven children, Irma, Faye, Cecil, Loren, Lavern, Orris and Katherine.

7-l. Emma Irene Redenbaugh. Married Lester Jenks. Had l2 children and lived in Topeka, Kas.

7-2. Faye Mildred Redenbaugh. Married (l) Frank Barngrover and (2) a Matney. No children. Lived northeast of Carbondale, Kas.

7-3. Cecil Elvinn Redenbaugh. Married Mrs. Rachel Haller, widow with two children. They operated a restaurant and lived at Osage City, Kas.

7-4. Loren Claude Redenbaugh. Died Dec. l7, l988, Kansas City, Mo.; buried at Topeka, Kas. Married. Lived Topeka, Kas.

7-5. Lavern William Redenbaugh. Married. Had 5 children. Lived Moberly, Mo.

7-6. Orris Kent Redenbaugh. Born Sept. 7, l92l at Isabel, Barber Co., Kas. Married Mary Jane Cooper Nov. 8, l942, San Diego, Kas. She was born July 5, l92l

100 at Topeka, Kas. Four children: Eloise, Orris, Linda and Lou Ann. Lived 2239 Emerald, San Diego, Calif.

8-l. Eloise Irene Redenbaugh. Born Mar. l6, l944. Married Samuel R. Franks July 28, l968. Two children, Thomas and Robin.

9-l. Thomas Sherwood Franks. Born Feb. l7, l970. Married Elizaabeth O'Rourke July 29, l995. Both graduated from Revelle College, University of California, San Diego.

9-2. Robin Samuel Franks. Born Mar. l8, l973.

8-2. Orris Edward Redenbaugh. Born Oct. l2, l945. Married Jane Elizabeth McCloud June 29, l968. Two children, Heather and Laurel.

9-l. Heather Michelle Redenbaugh. Born Nov. 8, l973.

9-2. Laurel Elizabeth Redenbaugh. Born Jan. l977.

8-3. Linda Darlene Redenbaugh. Born Sept. l5, l950. Three children: Mischa, Anja and Kyra.

9-l. Mischa Redenbaugh (-Waldman). Born Mar. l0, l98l.

9-2. Anja Redenbaugh. Born Aug. 3l, l983.

9-3. Kyra Alaine Redenbaugh (-Supnet). Born Sept. 28, l987.

8-4. Lou Ann Redenbaugh. Born Aug. 2l, l953. Married (l) Thomas Doolittle; three children, William, Gwendolin and Jeremiah; (2) Donald Wenger; (3) George "Kurt" Hefmer.

9-l. William Thomas Doolittle. Born Oct. 20, l970.

9-2. Gwendolin Anna "Wendy" Doolittle. Born Sept. l2, l973.

9-3. Jeremiah Doolittle. Born Feb. 23, l976; died Feb. 24, l976.

7-7. Katherine Jane Redenbaugh. Died at l0 days old.

6-3. Lula Edith Redenbaugh. Born Dec. 23, l885. Married Elmr Markley.

6-4. Charles Henry Redenbaugh. Born Sept. l0, l887; died Apr. 3, l888; bur. Grand Cem., Trenton, Mo.

6-5. Andrew Redenbaugh. Born July l8, l900 Trenton, Mo.; died July l6, l970.

6-6. Verna Redenbaugh. Born Nov. l, l893, Trenton, Mo. Married Vivian C. Brecheisen Apr. l5, l9l4, Vassar, Kas. He was born Nov. l, l893. Eleven children: Leonard, Esther, Mildred, Glen, Wilma, Mabel, Dorothy, Harold, Wallace, Larry and Danny. Lived Vassar, Kas.

7-l. Leonard Vivian Brecheisen. Born Oct. 3, l9l5. Married Doris Raynetta Adkinson June l5, l938. She was born Sept. 8, l92l. Four children, Leroy, James, Verne and Linda. Lived Quenemo, Kas.

8-l. Leroy Wayane Brecheisen. Born Feb. 7, l939.

8-2. James Robert Brecheisen. Born July 2, l940.

8-3. Verne Frederick Brecheisen. Born Jan. l9, l942.

101 8-4. Linda Darlene Brecheisen. Born Mar. 8, l949.

7-2. Esther Verna Brecheisen. Born Feb. 20, l9l7. Married Merle Eugene Johnson June l4, l942. He was born Jan. 4. Two children, Richard and Jan. Lived l305 Arter, Topeka, Kas.

8-l. Richard Bruce Johnson. Born Mar. 23, l943.

8-2. Jan Louise Johnson. Born Nov. 22, l95l.

7-3. Mildred Naomi Brecheisen. Born Mar. l6, l9l9. Married Kenneth Harold McCreight Apr. l5, l94l. He was born Dec. 6, l9l6. Two children, Ardis and Mildred. Lived Lyndon, Kas.

8-l. Ardis Ann McCreight. Born July l5, l942.

8-2. Mildred Arlene McCreight. Born Oct. 4, l945.

7-4. Glen Edwin Brecheisen. Born Dec. 23, l92l. Married Alta Jayne McLendon Nov. 5, l94l. She was born Oct. 9, l924. One child, Penny Lou. Alta McLendon had two children from a previous marriage: Leona Fay (Estes) Brecheisen, born Feb. 24, l942 and Leroy Hayes (Estes) Brecheisen, born Oct. l2, l940. Lived Bosque, New Mexico.

8-l. Penny Lou Brecheisen. Born Aug. l5, l944.

7-5. Wilma Olive Brecheisen. Born and died Nov. l9, l922.

7-6. Mabel Carrie Brecheisen. Born Jan. l9, l924. Married Frank Lane Athon Feb. l4, l942. He was born Oct. 25, l9l5. One child, James Dean. Lived Quenemo, Kas.

8-l. James Dean Athon. Born June l0, l943.

7-7. Dorothy Helen Brecheisen. Born Feb. l3, l926. Married Norman Lewis June 6, l947. He was born Sept. l4, l9l6. One child, Verna. Lived Albuquerque, New Mexico.

8-l. Verna Christine Lewis. Born May 28, l949.

7-8. Harold Clinton Brecheisen. Born Mar. 8, l928. Married Nancy Anne Monfort, Jan. l, l952. She was born Sept. l9, l932. Three children, Harold, Ronald and Dale. Lived l6l8 S. Cypress, Sioux City 6, Iowa.

8-l. Harold Clinton Brecheisen, Jr. Born Jan. 7, l954.

8-2. Ronald Eugene Brecheisen. Born Aug. 6, l955.

8-3. Dale Edward Brecheisen. Born Dec. 22, l957.

7-9. Wallace Leroy Brecheisen. Born Sept. 20, l930. Married Frances Dee Heilman May l8, l950. Five children, Dennis, Verna, Michael, Dwight and Dwayne. Lived l4l4 Fairchild, Manhattan, Kas.

8-l. Dennis Ray Brecheisen. Born Aug. l.

8-2. Verna Jean Brecheisen. Born Dec. 24.

8-3. Michael Lee Brecheisen. Born Nov. 24.

8-4. Dwight Vivian Brecheisen. Born Apr. 5.

102 8-5. Dwayne Leroy Brecheisen. Born Apr. 5.

7-l0. Larry Ronald Brecheisen. Born Dec. l5, l935. Married Karen Lee Tilton June 3, l955. Two children, Julie and Rocky. Lived Quenemo, Kas.

8-l. Julie Ann Brecheisen. Born Mar. 2l, l956.

8-2. Rocky Lee Brecheisen. Born Jan. 26, l958.

7-ll. Danny Ray Brecheisen. Born May 7, l938. Married Dorothy May Lewis May 26, l956. Two children, Randy and Patricia. Lived Lyndon, Kas.

8-l. Randy Ray Brecheisen. Born Dec. l9, l956.

8-2. Patricia Ann Brecheisen. Born Dec. 5, l957.

6-7. Jesse Redenbaugh. Born Nov. 7, l895, Trenton, Mo. Married Marguer- iteCaldwell Dec. l7, l924. She was born Dec. ll, l904, Shawnee Co., Kas. Five children, Hazel, John, Ruth, Eunice and Viola. Lived Lyndon, Kas.

7-l. Hazel May Redenbaugh. Born Jan. l7, l926 Osage Co., Kas. Married Ellis Irwin Robinson July 27, l945. He was born June 27, l924. Six children: Mary, Cheryl, Melvin, Robert, Paul and Keith. Lived l408 N. Central, Topeka, Kas.

8-l. Ellis Irwin Robinson, Jr. Born Dec. l7, l946.

8-2. Mary Ann Robinson. Born Apr. 29, l948; died Jan. 6, l95l.

8-3. Cheryl Lynn Robinson. Born July 26, l949.

8-4. Melvin LeRoy Robinson. Born June l9, l950; died at birth.

8-5. Robert Lee Robinson. Born Aug. 2l, l95l.

8-6. Paul Lewis Robinson. Born Sept. 28, l952.

8-7. Keith Edwin Robinson. Born June l7, l956.

7-2. John William Redenbaugh. Born Dec. 26, l927. Married Francis Robinson July 29, l950. She was born Mar. 26, l926. Four children: Ronald, Connie, John and Randy. Lived l0909 State Ave., Edwardsville, Kas.

8-l. Ronald Dean Robinson. Born Jan. 29, l948; adopted.

8-2. Connie Jean Redenbaugh. Born Dec. 29, l952.

8-3. John William Redenbaugh. Born July l5, l954.

8-4. Randy Lee Redenbaugh. Born Dec. 29, l956.

7-3. Ruth Ann Redenbaugh. Born Nov. 26, l929. Married (l) Vernon LeRoy Fulton Sept. 4, l948. He was born Feb. 4, l926. One child, Marilyn. Divorced June 8, l955. Married (2) Lloyd Donald Rupp Mar. 9, l957. He was born July 4, l929. Lived 9l5 East 32nd St., Topeka, Kas.

8-l. Marilyn Lee Fulton. Born Jan. 26, l950.

7-4. Eunice Marie Redenbaugh. Born Nov. 27, l93l. Married Joseph Ronald Gardner Jan. ll, l952. He was born July 7. Two children, Ronald and • Kent. Lived Osage, Kas.

8-l. Ronald Bruce Gardner. Born Aug. 23, l955. 103

8-2. Kent Elwin Gardner. Born Dec. l4, l956.

7-5. Viola Jean Redenbaugh. Born Dec. l6, l934. married Vernon LeRoy Fulton July 7, l956. He was born Feb. 4, l926. One child, Scotty. Lived 830 N. Quincy, Topeka, Kas.

8-l. Scotty Lynn Fulton. Born June l6, l957.

6-8. Nellie Redenbaugh. Born Aug. l, l898. Married Ernest Miller. Seven children: Kenneth, Arlie, Marvin, June, Loren, Dean and Shirley. Lived Lyndon, Kas.

7-l. Kenneth Miller. Lived Los Angeles, Calif.

7-2. Arlie Miller. Lived Lyndon, Kas. where he operated a grocery store.

7-3. Marvin Miller. Lived Topeka, Kas.

7-4. June Miller. Married John Tillman. Lived south of Vassar, Kas.

7-5. Loren Miller. Lived Topeka, Kas.

7-6. Dean Miller. Lived Topeka, Kas.

7-7. Shirley Miller. Married John Meiers. Lived Topeka, Kas.

6-9. Clarence Redenbaugh. Born Aug. 22, l903 Vassar, Kas. Married Fay Morris in Denver, Colo.

5-3. Lydia Ann Redenbaugh. Born Feb. l0, l856 Appanoose Co., Iowa; died Nov. ll, l9ll, Christopher, Mo. Buried Hazel Green Cem., Christopher, Mo. Married (l) Andrew Peterson. He died l879. One child, Alpheba Mae. Married (2) Lorenzo Dow Burton, son of Ellis Burton and Julia Ann Stuart Mar. 2, l884. He was born June l2, l84l, Pulaski Co., Ky. and died Apr. 26, l93l, Kansas City, Kas. Buried at the National Soldiers' Cemetery, Ft. Leavenworth. He had been previously married to Jennie Calvin, who died l880 and had one child, Lillian Mae, born Feb. l7, l874. They had six children: Elmer, Edith, Edgar, Edward, Eunice and Emery. Lived Granby, Mo.

6-l. Alpheba Mae Peterson. Born Oct. l5, l877; died Mar. l892.

6-2. Elmer Ellsworth Burton. Born Apr. l7, l885, Granby, Newton Co., Mo.; died Dec. l7, l96l, Shreveport, La.; buried Forest Park Cemetery, Shreveport, La. Married Ollie Pearl Davis, daughter of William Thomas Davis and Margaret Ann Stout, Nov. 25, l909, Neosho, Mo. She was born Feb. 4, l890, Christopher, Mo. and died Jan. l2, l97l. Two children, Margaret and Lydia. Lived 3439 Beverly Place, Shreveport, La.

7-l. Margaret Pearl Burton. Born Aug. 29, l9l0, Neosho, Newton Co., Mo. Married Earl Davis Nolan, son of Jesse Jones Nolan and Mollie Frances Stokes, June 4, l930, Shreveport, La. He was born Jan. l2, l908 at Oak Ridge, Morehouse Parish, La. Three children, Earl, Margaret and John. Lived (l970) 3730 Cornell St., Shreveport, La.

8-l. Earl Davis Nolan, Jr. Born Aug. 3l, l936, Shreveport, La. Married Patricia Louise Lavelle Nov. l, l957. Two children, Earl and Randolph.

9-l. Earl Davis Nolan III. Born May l3, l959.

9-2. Randolph Burton Nolan. Born July l2, l96l.

104 8-2. Margaret Ann Nolan. Born Mar. 6, l939, Shreveport, Caddo Parish, La. Married Terry Dean King, Aug. 20,m l906. Four children, Brady, David, Allison and Kimberly. He was a doctor.

9-l. Brady Dean King II. Born Dec. 20, l96l.

9-2. David Nolan King. Born Dec. 9, l965.

9-3. Allison Margaret King Born June l, l968.

9-4. Kimberly Ann King. Born June l, l968.

8-3. John Ellsworth Nolan. Born Dec. l0, l943, Shreveport, Caddo Parih, La. Married (l) Bonnie Jane Cole Aug. l6, l968; divorced. Married (2) Ann Reid Mills, Nov. 29, l969. One child, John.

9-l. John Ellsworth Nolan, Jr. Born Aug. 24, l97l.

7-2. John Burton. Born Dec. l3, l9l2, Joplin, Newton Co., Mo. Married (l) Harold James Bango Nov. l, l929 at Baton Rouge, La. Two children, Robert and James. Divorced. Married (2) Virgil Lewis Wilhite Sept. l5, l952, Saline, Kas. He was born at Saline, Kas. Sept. l8, l9l4. No children. He was a MSrgt. in the Air Force in the Philippines in the l950's and she taught 7th grade in the Philippines. She attended Centenary College and was in the Eastern Star and the White Shrine.

8-l. Robert Burton Bango. Born Jan. l2, l932 Shreveport, La.; died May l, l943 from drowning.

8-2. James William Bango. Born Aug. l8, l937, Shreveport, La. Married Patricia Ann Tracy Feb. 7, l959, Los Angeles, Calif. Four children, Tracy, Suzanne, Thomas and Anthony.

9-l. Tracy Elizabeth Bango. Born Nov. l2, l959, Burbank, Calif.

9-2. Suzanne Lizette Bango. Born Nov. 29, l960, Burbank, Calif.

9-3. Thomas Paul Bango. Born Oct. 30, l962, Burbank, Calif.

9-4. Anthony Paul Bango. Born Mar. 29, l964, Burbank, Calif.

6-2. Edith Elizabeth Burton. Born June l, l886. Married John F. Nave Dec. 26, l907, Lyndon, Kas. One child, Caldine. Lived l8l7 South Union Ave., Los Angeles l5, Calif.

7-l. Caldine Nave. Born Mar. 23, l909, Chickasaw, Okla. Married Beryl Gwendolyn Carothers Dec. 30, l929, Muskogee, Okla. Two children, Michael and Jonathan. Lived 6862 Hayvenhurst Ave., Van Nuys, Calif.

8-l. Michael Carothers Nave. Born Jan. 23, l942.

8-2. Jonathan Patrick Nave. Born Jan. l8, l943, Van Nuys, Calif. Married Diana Lynn Lyons Jan. l8, l969. Two children, Joshua and Gabriel.

9-l. Joshua Miro Nave. Born Oct. 24, l970, Los Angeles, Calif.

9-2. Garbriel Michael Nave. Born Nay 5, l972, San Pedro, Calif.

6-3. Edgar Eugene Burton. Born Oct. 8, l893, Cherokee, Crawford Co., Kas. Married Polly Nave, daughter of Michael Nave and Martha Jane Turley, Aug. ll, l9l7, St. Joseph, Mo. She was born July l, l900. One child, John. They lived 29 Warner Place, Kansas City, Mo.

105 7-l. John Edgar Burton. Born Nov. l5, l924, Pittsburgh, Kas. Married Virginia Brand Dec. 3, l950. She was born Jan. 27, l926. One child, John.

8-l. John Michael Burton. Born Oct. l3, l95l. Married Doris Cothron.

8-2. Mark William Burton. Born Jan l2, l954.

6-4. Edward Ellis Burton. Born and died Oct. 8, l893, Cherokee, Crawford Co., Kas.

6-5. Eunice Evaline "Mattie" Burton. Born Mar. 4, l895, Cherokee, Crawford Co., Kas.; died May l97-. Married Matthias Abraham Vankirk of McDonough Co., Ill., Feb. l8, l9l3 at Lyndon, Kas. He died Nov. 2, l947. Eight children, Ruth, James, Edith, Joseph, Helen, Albert, Robert and John. Lived 3835 Main St., Apt. 803, Kansas City, Mo.

7-l. Ruth Ann VanKirk. Born Dec. 4, l9l3, Wichita, Kas. Married Clyde Oren Morris Sept. l3, l937. Five children, Rex, Bonnie, Edna, Gary and Lavona.

8-l. Rex Oren Morris. Born July 23, l938. Married Barbara Ann Daniel Apr. 24, l965. Two children, Daniel and Tracy. Was in the U.S. Air Force.

9-l. Daniel Oren Morris. Born July 27, l967.

9-2. Tracy Rae Morris. Born Oct. l, l97l.

8-2. Bonnie Sue Morris. Born Oct. 3l, l940. Married Delbert Charles George at Forest City, Mo., June l8, l96l.

9-l. David Charles George. Born June l8, l962.

9-2. Randy Wayne George. Born Aug.25, l965, Kansas City, Mo.

8-3. Edna Jean Morris. Born Nov. 5, l943. Married Carol Ivan Johnson Nov. 22, l964. Two children, Jerret and Tiffany.

9-l. Jerret Lynn Johnson. Born Jan. ll, l970.

9-2. Tiffany Ann Johnson. Born Sept. 20, l97l.

8-4. Gary Lynn Morris. Born Apr. 6, l947. Married; one child, Colby.

9-l. Colby Lynn Morris. Born Oct. 9, l97l.

8-5. Lavonia Ruth Morris. Born June 26, l952. Married Francis Allen Butrick Dec. 27, l97l. Three children, Andrea, Jeremy and John.

9-l. Andrea Renee Butrick. Born Aug. 5, l97l.

9-2. Jeremy Allen Butrick. Born Dec. 27, l972.

9-3. John Francis Butrick. Born Mar. 29, l976.

7-2. James Ernest Vankirk. Born Apr. 7, l9l5. Married Virginia Waggoner Aug. 7, l94l. Two children, Robert and Linda.

8-l. Robert Leroy Vankirk. Born Nov. l5, l946, Oakland, Calif. Married Linda Struther. She was born Buffalo, New York. Lived Pamona, Calif. Both were teachers.

8-2. Linda Elizabeth Vankirk. Born July l7, l948, San Diego, Calif. Married Larry Ricklefs. Lived Missoula, Mont. 106

7-3. Edith Isabel Vankirk. Born Dec. 30, l9l6. Married Orrie Lee Schaeffer Sept. l2, l935. Five children, James, Edith, Philip, Kenneth and Keith.

8-l. James Orrie Schaeffer. Born June 28, l936. Married Juanita Josephine Langston Apr. 6, l958. She was born June l7, l94l. Five children, Brenda, Belinda, Robin, James and Rhonda. He was in the U.S. Navy.

9-l. Brenda Joy Schaeffer. Born Jan. 4, l959, Bainbridge, Md.

9-2. Belinda Joyce Schaeffer. Born Jan. 24, l960.

9-3. Robin Faye Schaeffer. BornJan. l4, l96l, Charleston, South Carolina.

9-4. James Scott Schaeffer. Born Mar. l8, l963, Charleston, S. C.

9-5. Rhonda Frances Schaeffer. Born Mar. 30, l966 Norfolk, Va.

8-2. Edith Eileen Schaeffer. Born Mar. 8, l938. Married William Dozier Sept. 28, l957. Two children, Terry and Helen.

9-l. Terry Dale Dozier. Born Feb. 7, l964, Amazonia, Mo.

9-2. Helen Loren Dozier. Born Nov. 30, l965, Amazonia, Mo.

8-3. Philip Alan Schaeffer. Born June 25, l940, Forest City, Mo. Married Jo Ellen Peery Jan. 22, l960, Mayville, Mo. Four children Beth, Dorothy, Bruce and Kimberly.

9-l. Beth Ann Schaeffer. Born Mar. l7, l963, Mound City, Mo.

9-2. Dorothy Jean Schaeffer. Born July 6, l964, Mound City, Mo.

9-3. Bruce Alan Schaeffer. Born Oct. 7, l965, Mound City, Mod.

9-4. Kimberly Sue Schaeffer. Born Feb. 20, l969, Mound City, Mo.

8-4. Kenneth Russell Schaeffer Born July 25, l943, Oregon, Mo. Married Glenda Kaye Hazzard Sept. ll, l964. One child, Rodney.

9-l. Rodney Kent Schaeffer. Born Apr. l9, l969.

8-5. Keith Edwin Schaeffer. Born Mayj l4, l950, Oregon, Mo.

7-4. Joseph Ferndale Vankirk. Born Feb. 23, l9l9. Married Grace Lucille Hall Sept. 2l, l940. Seven children: Charles, Betty, John, Joe, Rodger, Christina and Andrew.

8-l. Charles Eugene Vankirk. Born Sept. 4, l94l; died June l9, l942.

8-2. Betty Jo Vankirk. Born Nov. l, l942; died Feb. l, l944.

8-3. John David Vankirk. Born Dec. 7, l944, Omaha, Neb.

8-4. Joe Craig Vankirk. Born Dec. l4, l953, Kansas City, Mo.

8-5. Rodger Dale Vankirk. Born Apr. l6, l955, Kansas City, Mo.

8-6. Christine Beth Vankirk. Born Jan. l2, l963, Kansas City, Mo.

8-7. Andrew Carey Vankirk. Born Oct. 4, l964, Kansas City, Mo. 107

7-5. Helen Leona Vankirk. Born July 8, l920; died Apr. 30, l947. Married Gene Calvin Price Jan. 2, l946, Troy, Kas. No children.

7-6. Albert Lorenzo Vankirk. Born Nov. 6, l922, Forest City, Mo. Married Ellinar Jean Winstrup Feb. l9, l944. Two children, Alan and Dale.

8-l. Alan Lister Vankirk. Born May l7, l947. Married Diana Sue Davison May l8, l967. Two children, Rachel and Rebecca.

9-l. Rachel Vankirk.

9-2. Rebecca Vankirk.

8-2. Dale Wayne Vankirk. Born Apr. 29, l95l.

7-7. Robert Leo Vankirk. Born Oct. l6, l96. Married Marjorie Reeves Apr. 22, l955, Omaha, Neb. Three children, John, Robert and Victoria.

8-l. John Gale Vankirk. Born Mar. l958, Omaha, Neb. In l976 was in training in the Marine Corps Recruit Training Depot, San Diego, Calif.

8-2. Robert Leo Vankirk. Born Apr. 3, l959, Omaha, Neb.

8-3. Victoria Helen Vankirk. Born Aug. 9, l960 Omaha, Neb.; died Apr. 29, l975.

7-8. John Henry Vankirk. Born Aug. 3l, l929, Forest City, Mo. Married Betty Jean Wilson Nov. 25, l953. Two children, Wanda and Lynda. Was an Air Force veteran of the Korean War. Operated Van Shore Kennels, raising German shepherds.

8-l. Wanda Lee Vankirk. Born Nov. 30, l954. Married John Raymond Bagby. One child, Jo Ann.

9-l. Jo Ann Marie Bagby. Born July 6, l974.

8-2. Lynda Jean Vankirk. Born Feb. ll, l956.

6-6. Emery Elwood Burton. Born Oct. 8, l897, Halalowell, Cherokee Co., Kas. Married Effie Mae Walters Dec. 29, l9l5, Troy, Kas. Two children, Ella and Donald. Lived l50l Clay, Chillicothe, Mo. where he operated the Burton Typewriter Co.

7-l. Ella Mae Burton. Born July 2l, l9l7, St. Joseph, Mo. Married Alexander E. Lewis Oct. 26, l940. Three children, Mary, Martha and Janet. Lived 32 Brookline Lane, Dearborn, Mich.

8-l. Mary Ann Lewis. Born Sept. 29, l943. Married Ronald Gill June 26, l965. Two children, Patricia and Ronnie.

9-l. Patricia Ann Gill. Born Jan. l8, l966, East Lansing, Mich.

9-2. Ronnie Gill. Born Sept. 6, l970, East Lansing, Mich.

8-2. Martha Burton Lewis. Born Oct. l5, l946. Married (l) Robert Stankowitch. Divorced. Married (2) Thomas Worden May l9, l975.

8-3. Janet Elizabeth Lewis. Born Sept. 26, l949, Detroit, Mich. Married Shlomo Politis, Jan. 26, l976, Jerusalem, Israel. She studied Hebrew at the University of Michigan and then migrated to Israel.

108 7-2. Donald Robert Burton. Born Oct. l3, l922, St. Joseph, Mo. Married Patricia Nell Lindsey Apr. 6, l947, Chillicothe, Mo. Two children, Susan and Jane. Lived l50l Clay st., Chillicothe, Mo.

8-l. Susan Marie Burton. Born Jan. ll, l948. Married Gary Lee Goff Aug. l6, l964. Three children, Kerri, Michael and Megan.

9-l. Kerri Beth Goff. Born Aug. l6, l964, Chillicothe, Mo.

9-2. Michael Aaron Goff. Born Aug. 22, l97l, Chillicothe, Mo.

9-3. Megan Marie Goff. Born Oct. 5, l973, Chillicothe, Mo.

8-2. Jane Lindsey Burton. Born Oct. 8, l952, Chillicothe, Mo. Married Larry Wayne Hudgins July 26, l970. Two children, Daniel and Christian.

9-l. Daniel Price Hudgins. Apr. l5, l973, Chillicothe, Mo.

9-2. Christian Andrew Hudgins. June l4, l975, Chillicothe,Mo.

4-l7. Unnamed infant, born and died between l83l and l835.

4-l8. Unnamed infant, born and died between l83l and l835.


Descendants of Samuel Pfrimmer

3-5. Samuel Pfrimmer. Born June 27, l79l in Pennsylvania; died Feb. ll, l870 Harrison Co., Ind.; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel, Franklin Township, Harrison Co., Ind. Married (l) Rebecka Wright Apr. l5, l8l5 by Dennis Pennington; she was born in l787 and died Feb. l7, l825; buried at Pfrimmer's Chapel. Four children, Phoebe, Eli, Samuel and Rebecca. Married (2) Flora McRae, d. Alexander McRae and Flora McRae June 8, l826 by Rev. Henry Bonebrake; she was born in l797; died Apr. 30, l838 and was buried Pfrimmers' Chapel; they had five children, Daniel, Lydia, Jacob, David and William. Married (3) Elizabeth Lopp Apr. 2l, l839 by Rev. Henry Bonebrake; she was born Nov. 4, l795, died Apr. l8, l87l and was buried at Pfrimmer's Chapel; they had no children.

Samuel Pfrimmer emigrated from Pennsylvania to Harrison Co., Ind. with his parents in the spring of l808. He made two campaigns against the Indians in l8ll and l8l2. He was a member of Capt. Spier Spencer's Company of mounted riflemen, raised in Harrison Co. and went through the campaign of l8ll with it. He participated in the battle of Tippecanoe and was one of those who assisted to carry Capt. Spencer off the field. During one of his campaigns he was stationed at Ft. Harrison for a while and, though a non-commissioned officer, was at one time the ranking officer and in command of the post. He was the last surviving member of Capt. Spencer's company in Harrison Co. He was a great admirer of Gen. William Henry Harrison.

Samuel Pfrimmer's first acquisition of land came May 20, l8l5 when he was assigned a l60 acre tract that had been entered by his father, John George Pfrimmer, the NW l/4 of section 35, township 3 south, range 4 east, recorded in volume l2, page l50 of the land tract book. He himself entered the NE l/4 of the same section from the federal government slightly less than four years later on Jan. l9, l8l9, as recorded in volume 29, page 404 of the land tract book. Later he also acquired 40 acres of the SW l/4 of section 27, township 3 south, range 4 east, nearby but across the Corydon- New Albany Road. His entry of l8l9 was the land from which a piece was donated to the United Brethren Church and the remainder of which was later sold to Herman Meyer.

Samuel Pfrimmer joined the Methodist Church in l82l and was a member from that time until his death. On Sept. l9, l825 he conveyed about three acres of land to three trustees of the United Brethren in Christ Church, John Winters, Daniel Row and Eli Wright, to build a church and a school house for the neighborhood. This is the land on which Pfrimmer's Chapel was built and, with the adjoining cemetery, stands today. Samuel Pfrimmer was active in school affairs in his community and at one time assisted in the conduct of school financial affairs derived from the management of the reserved school lands.

A statement made by Samuel Pfrimmer about a month before his death, in January l870, reveals some of his outlook on life. In recounting his life he described his birth in Pennsylvania as being "right in old fashioned times," and that he "was brought up in the same, as to eating and wearing and work." His first marriage he described as being "in old style," his second as in "the old fashioned style," and his third as "in the good old fashioned way." He wrote, "I never did believe in a marriage ceremony to be done in l5, 20 or 25 words." He indicated his desires for funeral and burial: "And, now, the way that I want to, and hope I will be, buried. It is in a plain walnut or cherry cof fin; my clothes to put on me I have already made - a shirt, pants and winding sheet, and that is all. This is the old fashioned way to bury. As soon as convenient, put a head and foot stone to my grave, the same pattern of Rebecca, as nigh as it can be got, and as I never had my likeness taken I will soon be forgotten. And if any of you would wish to have a funeral preached, have it preached to the living and not to the dead. 'As the tree falleth so it lieth.' All is well! All is well! Let some one read this at my burial." 110

4-l. Phoebe Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 25, l8l5, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Nov. l6, l903 at Ramsey, Ind.; buried at Woods Chapel, just south of Ramsey, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Rev. John Wesley Welker, son of Daniel Welker and Nancy Ragan, Sept. 22, l841. He was born Aug. 27, l8l3 in Jefferson Co., Ky. and died Aug. 2, l892 in Harrison Co., Ind.; buried Woods Chapel; an obituary was in the Corydon Republican, Aug. l6, l89l. They had eight children, Rebecca, Susan, Margaret, John, George, James, Sarah and Samuel. John Wesley Welker was a Methodist minister, a son of Daniel Welker (l786-l859) and Nancy Ragan. Daniel Welker, in turn, was a son of Daniel Welker (l759-l824), a veteran of the Revolutionary War (enlisted Apr. 22, l777 at Philadelphia, Pa.; discharged Jan. l7, l78l; pensioned under Act of Mar. 29, l8l2, certificate #l6339). John Wesley Welker married, first, (1) Mary Swank. She was born in l8l4 and died Sept. 22, l840 in Harrison Co. and was buried in Pfrimmer's Chapel. They were married Sept. 30, l832 in Harrison Co. and from this marriage there were three children, Henry William (born June 25, l833), Daniel Sherman (born Mar. 27, l836 who married Pauline Strother in l857 (born l839 and died l899), and Nancy Jane (born May l9, l838 and died July l0, l865, buried in Woods Chapel. Nancy married Dennis Davis, son of Henry Davis and Sarah Harbison Pennington, Oct. l8, l855 (he was born Oct. l3, l833 in Harrison Co., Ind. and died about l906 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., Iowa). The second wife of Dennis Davis was Julia A. Pfrimmer, daughter of Eli John George Pfrimmer, younger brother of Phoebe Elizabeth Pfrimmer; they were married Mar. l4, l866 in Harrison Co., Ind. The family lived about a mile south of Woods Chapel. After John Welker's death, Phoebe Elizabeth Welker lived with her daughter, Susan Welker Davis, at Ramsey. She raised silk worms and knit her own stockings.

5-l. Mary Rebecca Welker. Born Aug. 29, l842 in Harrison Co., Ind.; died Aug. l9, l852; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel, Harrison Co., Ind.

5-2. Susan Elizabeth Welker. Born Dec. l7, l843, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Mar. l2, l905 in McLean, McLean Co., Ill.; bur. Woods Chapel. Married (l) Fountain Davis, son of Thomas Davis and Lucinda C. Seacat, Dec. ll, l862 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Oct. l5, l836 in Harrison Co., Ind. and died Mar. 27, l876 in Harrison Co., Ind.; bur. Woods Chapel. Four children, Cortez, Clara, Edwin and Harvey. Married (2) Robert Fletcher Davis, son of Robert L. Davis and Elizabeth Grant July 22, l882 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Apr. 2, l835 and died Sept. 9, l898, both in Harrison Co., Ind.; bur. Woods Chapel. Three children, Claud, Maude and Robert. He was a farmer.

6-l. Cortez Miller Davis. Born Mar. 28, l863; died Nov. 29, l929; bur. Woods Chapel. Married Minerva E. Davis, daughter of Isaac Boyer Davis and Christena Haas, July l882. She was born Jan. 2l, l860 and died June 20, l920, both in Harrison Co., Ind. Eight children: unnamed son, Carl, Nettie, Preston, Oliver, Hazel, Susie and Robert. He was a farmer and lived south of Wood Chapel near Ramsey, Ind.

7-l. Infant son. Born and died l883, both in Harrison Co., Ind., bur. Woods Chapel.

7-2. Carl W. Davis. Born Mar. l3, l885 at South Ramsey, Ind.; died May l, l95l at home at New Salisbury, Ind.; bur. Woods Chapel. Married Metta Wiseman Jan. l4, l9l5 at the Moberly, Harrison Co., Ind. parsonage. She was born Feb. 20, l890 near Thompson's Chapel, Harrison Co., Ind. Three children, Lyle, Loran and Virgil. She lived (l970) at 333 E. High St., Corydon, Ind.

8-l. Lyle Maurice Davis. Born June 22, l9l8; died June 27, l9l8; bur. Woods Chapel.

8-2. Loran Carl Davis. Born Apr. 5, l920 McLean, Ill. Married (l) Ailliene G. Seacat, daughter of Charles Edward Seacat and Daphne Kahl Feb. 3, l945. She was born Mar. l0, l927, Harrison Co., Ind.; died July 28, l983.Wanda Jo Davis. They had one child, Mary. Married (2) Wanda Jo Dvis, daughter of Alva Lafayette Davis and 111 Zola Alice Kemp. She was born Nov. 23, l930 in Harrison Co. Ind. Three children, Donna, Carl and Earl. Lived (l970) New Salisbury, Ind., 47l6l, on the farm owned previously by his parents.

9-l. Mary Aliene Davis. Born Jan. 4, l946, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Ronald Roll Oct. 2l, l967. He was born Oct. 2l, l946. Had one child, Michael.

l0-l. Michael Loren Roll. Born May 27, l977.

9-2. Donna Jean Davis. Born Sept. 2l, l960, Harrison Co., Ind.

9-3. Earl Edward Davis. Born Feb. 20, l963, Harrison Co., Ind.

9-4. Earl Ray Davis. Born July 22, l964, Harrison Co., Ind.

8-3. Virgil Duane Davis. Born Mar. l7, l927, Wall Lake, Iowa. Married Marilyn

Josephine Conrad, Oct. 2l, l953. She was born Nov. 4, l932. Three children, Luann, Bruce and a third. Lived (l970) New Salisbury, Ind., 47l6l.

9-l. Lu Ann Davis. Born Apr. l6, l956, Harrison Co., Ind.

9-2. Bruce Alan Davis. Born Mar. l3, l958, Harrison Co., Ind.

9-3. Paul Curtis Davis. Born Oct. 20, l966, Harrison Co., Ind.

7-3. Nettie Clare Davis. Born Sept. 24, l887 and died Mar. 8, l973. Married Edmund Rumbley, son of Nathan Rumbley and Alice A. Askren, Oct. l5, l9l3 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Sept. 27, l888 in Harrison Co., Ind. and died Dec. 9, l978 in Harrison Co., Ind. Five children, Paul, Lois, Oliver, Albert and Norris.

8-l. Paul Glenn Rumbley. Born Mar. l6, l9l6 at Rt. #l, New Salisbury, Ind. Married Zelma May King Nov. l, l936 at Georgetown, Ind. Two children, Ronald and Terry. Lived (l970) Palmyra, Ind.

9-l. Ronald Jack Rumbley. Married Charlotte LaVon at Palmyra, Ind. Three children, Dennis, Della and Dale. Lived (l970) at Palmyra, Ind.

l0-l. Dennis Rumbley.

l0-2. Della May Rumbley.

l0-3. Dale Rumbley.

9-2. Terry Edmund Rumbley. Married Judy Hunt at Greenville, Ind. Two children: Angela and Brian. Lived (l970) at 9605 Hudson Lane, Fern Creek, Ky.

l0-l. Angela Rumbley.

l0-2. Brian Rumbley.

8-2. Lois Katherine Rumbley. Born Aug. l3, l9l7 at Rt. #l, New Salisbury, Ind. Married Merrill Swarens of Ramsey, Ind., Nov. 20, l938 at Rt. #l, New Salisbury, Ind. Two children, Norman and Jerry. Lived (l970) at Ramsey, Ind.

9-l. Norman Ray Swarens. Married Roxanne Gayheart at Milltown, Ind. Lived (l970) Ramsey, Ind.

9-2. Jerry Alan Swarens.

112 8-3. Oliver Merle Rumbley. Born Jan. 9, l920 at Rt. #l, New Salisbury, Ind. Married Marjorie Lee Jessup Feb. l6, l946 at Madison, Ind. Three children, Wayne, James and Roger. Lived (l970) Rt. #l, Elizabethtown, Ind.

9-l. Wayne Kenneth Rumbley. Married Roberta Roberts at Columbus, Ind. In U. S. Army in l970.

9-2. James Lee Rumbley.

9-3. Roger Dean Rumbley.

8-4. Albert Burle Rumbley. Born Jan. 9, l920.

8-5. Norris Milburn Rumbley. Born Aug. 3l, l924 at Rt. #l, Salisbury, Ind. Married Jean Atwood Oct. 24, l948 at Corydon, Ind. Three children, Donald, Daniel and Daryl. Lived (l970) Clay City, Ind.

9-l. Donald Rumbley.

9-2. Daniel Rumbley.

9-3. Darrell Rumbley.

7-4. Preston Davis. Born Mar. l3, l890; died Oct. 26, l9l8 in Harrison Co., Ind.; bur. Woods Chapel.

7-5. Oliver S. Davis. Born Jan. 2l, l893 and died Jan. l6, l973. Married (l) Flora Adams Sept. 23, l9l2, Harrison Co., Ind. One child, Ollie. She died Aug. l963. Were divorced. Married (2) Louisa B. Clark Mar. l, l9l9. Two children, Phyllis and Larry. Lived (l970) 7l8 N. Elm St., Seymour, Ind.

8-l. Ollis Janet Davis. Married NN Douglas.

8-2. Phyllis Davis. Born Aug. l, l922, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Arthur Chandler, Jr. Four children, Andrew, Edward, Sarah and Rickie. Lived (l970) at 8037 Garver Court, Indianapolis, Ind.

9-l. Andrew Chandler.

9-2. Edward Chandler.

9-3. Sarah Sue Chandler.

9-4. Rickie Chandler.

8-3. Larry Lee Davis. Born July l5, l93l, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Nancie Hancock. Two children, Kellie and Clint. Lived (l970) at 425 Lee Blvd., Seymour, Ind.

9-l. Kellie Davis.

9-2. Clint Davis.

7-6. Hazel Davis. Born Aug. 24 l895; died Nov. 8, l962, Harrison Co., Ind. bur. Woods Chapel. Married Lot Seacat, son of Seth Seacat and Ida Grut, June l9l9. He was born Nov. 7, l890 at Depauw, Harrison Co., Ind. and died May 8, l920 at Depauw. He was born l890 and died l920; bur. Woods Chapel. One child, Lot. Was in Navy in World War I.

8-l. Lot Seacat, Jr. Married Anna Loy. Lived (l970) l03 Hickory Hill Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa.

113 7-7. Susan Christine Davis. Born Feb. 3, l898, Ramsey, Ind. and died June 26, l977. Married William Lewis Hinkle Apr. ll, l925, Indianapolis, Ind., by Rev. Samuel L. Welker. He was born June l8, l902 at Winchester, Randolph Co., Ind. One child, June. Lived (l970) RFD #2, Winchester, Ind.

8-l. June Ildene Hinkle. Born June l3, l926, Winchester, Ind. Married Douglas Hawkins, l955, Winchester, Ind. He was born May 9, l930, Winchester, Ind. Two children, Jennifer and Jeffrey. Lived (l970) 55l S. Main St., Winchester, Ind. He was Lt. Col. in U.S. Army.

9-l. Jennifer Sue Hawkins. Born Feb. 3, l959, Columbus, Ga.

9-2. Jeffrey Maxwell Hawkins. Born July l8, l960, Augusta, Ga.

7-8. Robert S. Davis. Born Feb. l8, l903; died July 4, l989. Married (l) Nadine Rusk May 22, l92l. She was born Mar. 9, l904 and died Feb. 6, l986 in Harrison Co., Ind. One child, Rae. Married (2) Nattie Conrad Apr. 2, l927. She was born Oct. 2l, l903 and died Feb. l0, l973 in Harrison Co., Ind. Six children, Billie, Martha, Robert, David, Don and Judy. Lived (l970) Ramsey, Ind. Married (3) Lois Davis, daughter of Edwin Stanton Davis and Hattie Hudson. She was born Mar. l6, l903 in McLean, Ill.

8-l. Rae Hildren Davis. Born Oct. 6, l92l, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Charles Edward Walk, Jr. Aug. l6, l945, Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Sept. 6, l920. Three children, Rebecca, Charles and Thomas. Lived (l970) RFD #l, Box 73, New Salisbury, Ind., 47l6l.

9-l. Rebecca Ann Walk. Born July 8, l949.

9-2. Charles Edward Walk III. Born Dec. l5, l952.

9-3. Thomas Stuart Walk. Born Apr. ll, l96l.

8-2. Billie Lucille Davis. Born Mar. 23, l928. Married Richard Hart May l0, l954. Two children, Jennifer and David. Lived (l970) 95l2 Highedge Drive, Dallas, Texas, 75238.

9-l. Jennifer Reed Hart. Born Mar. 22, l955.

9-2. David Richard Hart. Born Sept. 8, l957.

8-3. Martha Minerva Davis. Born Dec. l5, l929. Married Norman Tower Sept. l5, l950. He was born June 30, l924. Five children, Michael, Bruce, David, Dan and James. Lived (l970) 424 Washington St., Box 29, Greensburg, Ind., 47240.

9-l. Michael Lee Tower. Born Mar. 6, l950.

9-2. Bruce William Tower. Born Aug. 24, l95l.

9-3. David Robert Tower. Born Jan. 23, l954.

9-4. Dan Edward Tower. Born Jan. 30, l955.

9-5. James Allen Tower. Born Aug. 2l, l959.

8-4. Robert Preston Davis. Born Mar. l4, l932. Married Mary Ellen Tower Jan. 25, l953. She was born Feb. l7, l93l. Four children, Laura, Cynthia, Robert and Nancy. Lived (l970) Ramsey, Ind.

9-l. Laura Jane Davis. Born Apr. 20, l957.

9-2. Cynthia Ann Davis. Born Aug. l9, l959. 114

9-3. Robert Clayton Davis. Born Sept. l7, l96l.

9-4. Nancy Lillian Davis. Born May l6, l963.

8-5. David Lawrence Davis. Born Feb. 26, l934, Harrison Co. Ind. Married Harriet Meredith Feb. l5, l958. She was born May l2, l938. Three children, Deborah, David and Timothy. Lived (l970) Ramsey, Ind.

9-l. Deborah Layne Davis. Born Jan. 6, l959.

9-2. David Lawrence Davis. Born June 28, l96l.

9-3. Timothy Andrew Davis. Born June 24, l963.

8-6. Donald Cortez Davis. Born Aug. l7, l936, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Jan. 2l, l965; bur. Woods Chapel, Ramsey, Ind. Married Diana Sue Garey Feb. 24, l944. Two children, Preston and Neeve. After death of Don Davis, Diana Garey married Jack Robinson of Corydon, Ind.

9-l. Preston Clark Davis.

9-2. Neeze Michele Davis.

8-7. Judy Christine Davis. Born Sept. l8, l942. Married Carl Austin May 22, l960. Three children, Sarah, Jeffrey and Elizabeth. Lived (l970) l3l7 Skyline Drive, Jeffersonville, Ind., 47l30.

9-l. Sarah Jane Austin. Born Oct. 22, l960.

9-2. Jeffrey Bryan Austin. Born June ll, l964.

9-3. Elizabeth Ann Austin. Born Sept. 28, l966.

6-2. Clara Belle Davis. Born Aug. l5, l865, Harrison Co., Ind.; died June 20, l904 Champaign, Illinois. Married Edmond LaHue, son of Gains LaHue and Sarah Jane Boley Aug. l9, l888 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Jan. 7, l863 and died Jan. l, l937 at Champaign, Ill. Both are buried in the Quaker Cemetery north of St. Joseph, Champaign Co., Ill. Six children, Grace, Fern, Charles, Clyde, Ward and Nellie.

7-l. Grace Winona LaHue. Born July 2l, l899, Harrison Co., Ind.; died May 6, l96l, Champaign, Ill.; buried in Stearns Cemetery, Champaign Co., Ill. Married Mervin Cherry Dec. 24, l908, Urbana, Ill. He was born May 3, l885, Ogden, Ill.; died Nov. 6, l965, Champaign, Ill. Both bur. in Stearns Cemetery north of Ogden, Ill. No children.

7-2. Carrie Fern LaHue. Born Aug. l4, l89l near Ramsey, Ind.; died Mar. 27, l993 in Urbana, Ill.; buried Woodlawn Cem., Champaign Co., Ill. Married Adolf Charles Bialeschki, son of Julius Bialeschki and Margaret Meuce, Trinidad, Colo., Apr. 22, l925. He was born Feb. 2, l894 in Campaign, Ill. and died Feb. 25, l929 in Tucson, Ariz. Bur. Woodlawn Cemetery, Urbana, Ill. No children. She lived (l970) ll07 N. Champaign St., Champaign, Ill., 6l820.

7-3. Charles Edmond LaHue. Born Jan. 7, l894 near Ramsey, Ind. and died Apr. 30, l973 at Champaign, Ill. Married Virginia Clevenger, daughter of Milton Clevenger and Laura Jamerson, Argenta, Ill. at Champaign, Ill. June l2, l9l5. She was born July l3, l896. One child, Dorothy. Lived (l970) Ogden, Ill., 6l859l.

8-l. Dorothy Lucille LaHue. Born Apr. 4, l908 Draper, South Dakota; died Aug. l2, l998 in Urbana, Ill. Married Trevett Kirby Apr. 4, l943 Ogden, Ill. No children. Were divorced. Lived (l970) Ogden, Ill., 6l859. 115

7-4. Clyde Davis LaHue. Born Mar. l7, l895 near Hursttown, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Feb. 23, l973 in Omaha, Neb.; buried Friends Cemetery, Champaign Co., Ill. Not married. Lived (l970) 25ll Harney St., Maywood Apts., #l2, Omaha, Neb., 6l83l.

7-5. Ward Kenneth LaHue. Born Jan. 2l, l900 near Hursttown, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Dec. 27, l986 in Peoria, Ill.; buried Springdale Cem., Peoria, Ill. Married Evelyn Leech of Sullivan, Ill. at Sullivan Mar. 23, l934. Two children, Robert and Mary. Were divorced. Lived (l970) at 804 N. Perry, • Peoria, Ill., 6l600.

8-1. Mary Ruth LaHue. Born Mar. 23, l935, Sullivan, Ill. Single. Lived (l970) l620 N. Wisconsin St., Peoria, Ill., 6l603.

8-2. Robert Andre LaHue. Born Oct. 3l, l937, Sullivan, Ill.; died Sept. l0, l992 in Peoria, Ill. married Beverly Black at Peoria, Ill. July 23, l96l. She was born May 25, l938. No children. Lived (l970) 25 Crescent Drive, Edgewood Hills, East Peoria, Ill, 6l6ll.

7-6. Nellie Elizabeth LaHue. Born Nov. l6, l903 near St. Joseph, Champaign Co., Ill. Married Roland Clifford (Buck) Watson, son of Thomas Micklin Watson and Eliza Elizabeth Johnson, Sept. 30, l925 at Champaign, Ill. He was born Sept. 3, l906, Tolmo, Ill. and died July l6, l973 in Champaign. One child, Kenneth. Lived (l970) at l404 N. Neil St., Champaign, Ill., 6l820.

8-l. Robert Kenneth Watson. Born Dec. l0, l930, Champaign, Ill. Married Evelyn Joan Cole-Rhoades, daughter of Harry Cole and Ruth Jane Stewart, Mar. l8, l95l at Champaign, Ill. She was born Feb. 2, l93l, Charleston, Coles Co., Ill. One child, Gary. Lived (l970) at 20l6 Country Squire Drive, Urbana, Ill., 6l80l.

9-l. Gary Wayne Watson. Born Apr. 30, l958, Champaign, Ill.

6-3. Edwin Stanton Davis. Born June 29, l870 and died June 9, l949 in McLean, Ill. Married Hattie Hudson. She was born Dec. 2l, l874 in Harrison Co., Ind. and died June 7, l970. One child, Mary. Lived McLean, Ill.

7-l. Mary Lois Davis. Born Mar. l6, l903 in McLean, Ill. Married (l) Robert S. Davis, son of Cortez Miller Davis and Minerva E. Davis. He was born Feb. l8, l903 and died July 4, l989 in Harison Co., Ind. Married (2) Lee Robinson. Lived (l970) at l5l0 E. Oakland St., Bloomington, Ill., 6l70l.

8-l. Alta Patricia Robinson. Born Apr. 27, l922. Married Harold W. Salmon June l4, l94l. Two children, Howard and Mary.

9-l. Howard Salmon. Married Nancy NN.

9-2. Mary Lou Salmon. Married James Nelson.

8-2. Julia Juanita Robison. Born July l5, l924 and died May 2, l992 Champaign Co., Ill. Married Thomas Hieronymus. They had two children, Stanton and Mark.

9-l. Stanton Hieronymus. Born Sept. l7, l948. Married Sheryl Stinson Mar. 2, l972.

9-2. Mark Hieronymus.

8-3. Omar L. Robinson. Born Mar. l4, l938. Married Judith Rae Pietrabon Sept. 4, l967. Two children, Ramona and Clayton.

9-l. Ramona Robinson.

116 9-2. Clayton Omar Robinson.

6-4. Harvey Welker Davis. Born Apr. l, l874 and died May l0, l94l; buried Woods Chapel Cemetery. Married Iva McCullum, Feb. 24, l898. She was born Jan. 23, l879 in Harrison Co., Ind. and died l950 in Harrison Co., Ind. Two children, Dallam and Jack. Lived half-mile south of Woods Chapel.

7-l. Dallam Davis. Born Mar. 24, l902 and died Jan. 20, l976, Harrison Co., Ind; buried Woods Chapel Cemetery. Married Cleta Ann Eunice Nov. 26, l925, Harrison Co., Ind. She was born Feb. 2, l902 in McLean, Ill. and died Jan. 2, l99l, Corydon, Ind. Lived (l970) New Salisbury, Ind., 47l6l.

8-l. Lela Gail Davis. Born Sept. 24, l926, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Roy William Enlow June 28, l956.

8-2. Ralph Marvin Davis. Born Oct. 3l, l929, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Martha Rainbolt June 29, l962. Two children, Philip and Stephen.

9-l. Philip Keith Davis.

9-2. Stephen Scott Davis.

8-3. Warren Keith Davis. Born Sept. 25, l936, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Josephina Deleon. Two children, Dianna and Warren.

9-l. Dianna Gail Davis.

9-2. Warren Joseph Davis.

7-2. Jack Dowling Davis. Born Feb. 5, l909. Married Beulah Robb Feb. 9, l945 in Harrison Co., Ind. She was born Sept. 23, l909 in Posey Co., Ind. They had two children, Scott and Mary. Lived (l970) Rt. #l, Box 26, Benton, La., 7l006.

8-l. Scott Harvey Davis. Born Aug. 7, l946. Married Paula Purnell Oct. l0, l984. She was born June 7, l95l in Louisiana. Two children, Robert and Sarah.

9-l. Robert Davis.

9-2. Sarah Davis.

8-2. Mary Elizabeth Davis. Born July 2l, l949. Married Jerol Miller Nov. 2l, l979. He was born Sept. 8, l94l. z

6-5. Claude T. Davis. Born Apr. 6, l885; died Dec. 30, l963; bur. Woods Chapel. Never married. Was broker in Chicago and Seattle. In later life lived Winchester, Ind., 47394.

6-6. Maude Ethel Davis. Born Oct. 3l, l887; died May l979. Married George B. Shaffer July l2, l908 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Apr. 23, l887 in Harrison Co., Ind.; died Aug. 8, l965. Four children, Raymond, Adeline, Dorothy and Velma. Lived (l970) 5l9 N. East St., Winchester, Ind., 47394.

7-l. George Raymond Shaffer. Born Mar. l0, l9l0, Royal, Ill. Married Thelma Swathwood in l934. Lived (l970) P. O. Box l42, Fairborn, Ohio, 45324.

7-2. Adeline Shaffer. Born Oct. 24, l9ll, Winchester, Ind. Married George Woodbury. Lived (l970) Winchester, Ind., RFD, 47394.

7-3. Dorothy Irene Shaffer. Born July 29, l9l4, Winchester, Ind. Married Charles Edward. Lived (l970) 5l9 N. East, Winchester, Ind., 47394.

117 7-4. Velma Shaffer. Born Mar. l8, l920, Winchester, Ind. Married Harry Flanagan. He died Mar. l965. She lived (l970) 439 East North St., Winchester, Ind., 47394.

6-7. Robert F. Davis. Born Apr. l2, l889; died Aug. 6, l89l of the croup; bur. Woods Chapel.

5-3. Margaret Salome Welker. Born June 22, l846 in Harrison Co., Ind. Married (l) Elwood Osburn. One child, Dovie. Married (2) I. N. Thompson. No children. Lived Mooresville, Ind.

6-l. Dovie Mae Osborn. Born May 2, l880, Marion Co., Ind. Married Bertram Thompson Jones. One child, Margaret. Lived (l970) Copeland Oaks, 800 S. l5th St., Sebring, Ohio, 44672.

7-2. Margaret Jones. Born Dec. 25, l9ll, Hamilton, Ohio. Married Gordon Pitts Wiles Jan. 6, l937 at Durban, South Africa. He was born Dec. l0, l909 at Kimberly, South Africa. Two children, John and Peter. Lived (l970) Colony Rd., East Lyme, Conn., 06333.

8-l. John Christopher Wiles. Born Aug. l9, l946,Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

8-2. Peter Thompson Wiles. Born Feb. 2, l948, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

5-4. John Kerns Welker. Born Aug. l6,l l848; died Oct. l5, l929, both in Harrison Co., Ind. Married Elizabeth H. Louden May l9, l870. She was born l845; died l930 in Harrison Co., Ind. Both bur. Woods Chapel. Five children, Alva, Charles, Rollie, Russell and Harry. He was a part-time local Methodist preacher at Woods Chapel. Later he was in the monument business at Ramsey, Ind. with his son, Charles.

6-l. Alva Julian Welker. Born Jan. 20, l87l. Married Eva Hancock. Three • children, George, Margaret and John.

7-l. George Welker. Lived (l970) 834l E. l3th St., Tulsa, Okla., 47ll2.

7-2. Margaret Welker.

7-3. John Welker.

6-2. Charles Hight Welker. Born Feb. 4, l874 and died Aug. 20, l975 at Ramsey, Ind. Married Leona Rowe. One child, Virginia.

7-l. Virginia Welker. Born Aug. 3l, l9l2 Harrison Co., Ind. Married a Huber. Lived (l970) l8ll State St., New Albany, Ind., 47l50.

6-3. Harry Owen Welker. Born Oct. l, l876. Married Laura Hanger. Two children, Mavis and Imona. Lived (l953) Anchorage, Ky.

7-l. Mavis Welker. Born Dec. 3, l904, Harrison Co., Ind.

7-2. Imona Ruth Welker. Born Feb. l6, l9l6. Married Robert Dearmin. Lived (l970) 930 N. Belmar, Indianapolis, Ind., 46219.

6-4. Rolla Welker. Born Sept. 9, l883 and died Sept. 29, l884, both in Harrison Co., Ind.

6-5. Russell Leon Welker. Born Nov. 20, l885; died Nov. l5, l893, both in Harrison Co., Ind.; bur. Woods Chapel.

118 5-5. George Haven Welker. Born July 6, l850 Harrison Co., Ind. midway between Ramsey and Corydon, Ind. Died Oct. 29, l899 Mt. Vernon, Ind. Married Mary Olive Neal Nov. 24, l882, Mt. Vernon, Ind. She was born Nov. 25, l860 at Mt. Vernon, Ind. and died Nov. l5, l899 at Mt. Vernon, Ind. Four children, Lillian, Ray, Wyman and Paul.

6-l. Lillian Welker. Born Jan. 2l, l882, Mt. Vernon, Ind.; died Jan. l6, l947; bur. Hollywood Cem., Hollywood,Calif. Married Harry Hauenstein in l920. One child, Martha.

7-l. Martha Hauenstein. Born June 23, l92l, Akron, Ohio. Married Forrest Smith Aug. 30, l947. Two children, Nancy and James. Lived (l970) 862l Hazeltine Ave., Panorama City, Calif.

8-l. Nancy Smith. Born Jan. 24, l949, Hollywood, Calif. Married Jay Trexler June l8, l968. One child, Wendy. Lived (l970) l6l6 Second St., San Fernando, Calif.

8-2. James Smith. Born May l7, l954, Glendale, Calif.

6-2. Ray Wilbert Welker. Born Apr. 2, l887, Mitchell, Ind. Married Josephine Altgeld Frederick June 7, l9l6 at Chicago, Ill. She was born July 3, l889, Bellville, Ohio; died Mar. l, l929, Chicago, Ill. Three children, Margaret, Elizabeth and Ray. Josephine Frederick also had a son, Robert, by a previous marriage. After death of his father, Ray Welker went to Ramsey, Ind. to live with his uncle, John Kerns Welker. He lived (l970) at l0635 Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill.

7-l. Margaret Welker. Born Oct. l0, l9l7, Chicago, Ill. Married Christian Slebos, s. Gerard Bernard Slebos and Christina Cornelia Deborah Bremerkamp, June 4, l944 at Chicago, Ill. He was born Aug. l8, l892 at Saantport, Netherlands. Two children, Christina and Christian. Lived (l970) at l0829 Wood St., Chicago, Ill., 60643.

8-l. Christian Gerard Slebos, Jr. Born Mar. l6, l945, Chicago, Ill.

8-2. Christina Cornelia Slebos. Born Aug. 24, l946, Chicago, Ill.

7-2. Elizabeth Alice Welker. Born Jan. 8, l923, Chicago, Ill. Married Cornelius Baker, s. John Baker and Jennie Posthumus, Auig. 5, l950, Chicago, Ill. He was born Aug. 23, l923, Chicago, Ill. Four children: John, Robert, Larae and Dale. Lived (l970) l640 W. l06th St., Chicago, Ill., 60643.

8-l. John Ray Baker. Born Dec. l5, l95l, Chicago, Ill.

8-2. Robert William Baker. Born Dec. 22, l955, Chicago, Ill.

8-3. Larae Marlene Baker. Born June 5, l959, Chicago, Ill.

8-4. Dale Alan Baker. Born Mar. 8, l966, Chicago, Ill.

7-3. Ray Wyman Welker. Born Mar. l9, l924, Chicago, Ill. Married (l) Dorothy Bartel, d. Harry Bartel in l947 at Chicago, Ill. She was born l925, Chicago, Ill. Two children, Eudora and Dara. Married (2) Luana Ward, d. Clarence Ward and Hazel Geraldine Alexander, Mar. 29, l957, Los Angeles, Calif. She was born Sept. 8, l930, Ashland, Kas. Two children, Kathy Sue and Donna Lynn. Lived (l970) l7563 Blythe St., Northridge, Calif., l9324.

8-l. Eudora Welker. Born Dec. 22, l949, Chicago, Ill.

8-2. Dara Welker. Born l95l, Chicago, Ill.

8-3. Kathy Sue Welker. Born Aug. l, l958, Cottonwood, Ariz.

8-4. Donna Lynn Welker. Born Oct. 27, l960, Hollywood, Calif. 119

6-3. Wyman Vincent Welker. Born Feb. l2, l894, Enfield, Ill. Married Mary Arbuckle, d. Alexander Arbuckle and Florence G. Hoover, June 20, l9l7, Indianapolis, Ind. She was born July l0, l893, Indianapolis, Ind. One child, George Haven II. Lived (l970) 55 Apple Tree Lane, North Haven, Conn., 06473.

7-l. George Haven Welker II. Born Feb. l3, l933, New Haven, Conn. Married Barbara Walter, d. Frank Walter and Lena Hofman, June 2l, l958, New Haven, Conn. She was born Mar. 8, l938, New Haven, Conn. Three children, Babette, George and Eric. Lived (l970) Old Litchfield Turnpike, Bethany, Conn.

8-l. Babette Marlene Welker. Born Mar. 20, l963, New Haven, Conn.

8-2. George Haven Welker III. Born Aug. 3l, l965, New Haven, Conn.

8-3. Eric Frank Wyman Welker. Born Apr. 28, l967, New Haven, Conn.

6-4. Paul Leland Welker. Born May 27, l897, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Married Maybelle A. Shackelford, d. Edwin T. Shackelford and Adelaide E. Robinson. She was born in Caroline County, Virginia. Two children, Philip and Donald. Lived (l970) Rt. l, Box l00, Colonial Heights, Va., 23834.

7-l. Philip Welker. Born Dec. 2l, l935, Petersburg, Va. Married Nancy Hartman, d. John W. Hartman and Kathryn Lofty, l932, Covington, Ky. She was born l932 Covington, Ky. Two children, David and Karen.

8-l. David Welker. Born June 20, l962, Warrenton, Va.

8-2. Karen Welker. Born Sept. 30, l964, Manassas, Va.

7-2. Donald Lee Welker. Born Jan. 7, l933, Petersburg, Va. Married Peggy Gilman, d. Robert Schneider Gilman and Merle Pond, l925,Washington, D. C. She was born Richmond, Va. One child, Donald.

8-l. Donald Page Welker. Born June l6, l967, Richmond, Va.

5-6. James Rawson Welker. Born Dec. 4, l853 in Harrison Co., Ind; died Jan. 9, l862 in Harrison Co., Ind.; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel, Harrison Co., Ind.

5-7. Sarah Alice Welker. Born Apr. l0, l857, Harrison Co., Ind; died Apr. 4, l88l, Harrison Co., Ind.; bur. Woods Chapel. Married NN Thompson.

5-8. Samuel Leonidas Welker. Born Aug. l5, l860, Ramsey, Ind.; died Sept. ll, l936, Indianapolis, Ind. Married Mary Elizabeth Long Oct. 8, l885, Corydon, Ind. She was born Nov. 2l, l857, Corydon, Ind. and died May 8, l949 at home of her daughter, Augusta Taylor, Indianapolis, Ind. Four children, Charles, Leonidas, Alice and Augusta. Samuel L. Welker was a Methodist minister. He presided at the marriage of all four of his children. Was a member of the Indiana Methodist Conference for 47 years. Lived 39 S. Dearborn and later at 45 S. Gladstone, Indianapolis, Ind.

6-l. Charles Chapman Welker. Born Aug. l, l886, Corydon, Ind.; died Nov. l, l966, Tacoma, Wash. Married Augusta Burger June 22, l9l0, Detroit, Mich. She was born July 27, l888. Two children, Mary and Charles. He was vice president of the West Coast Wholesale Grocery Co., Tacoma, Wash. She was a soprano Solist. Lived at l903 W. Day Island Blvd., Tacoma, Wash., 98466 and in l970 she was living in a nursing home in Tacoma, Wash.

7-l. Mary Elizabeth Welker. Born June l2, l9ll, Detroit, Mich. Married Hall Boggs, s. Hal Quefton Boggs and Mary Lee Dominick, Sept. 25, l934, Seattle, Wash. He was born Mar. l6, l9ll, Easley, S. C. Two children, Marilee and Carolyn. He was

120 employed by the Eagle Box Co. of which Charles C. Welker was part owner. Lived (l970) l903 W. Day Island Blvd., Tacoma, Wash., 98466.

8-l. Marilee Boggs. Born June 25, l937, Tacoma, Wash. Married Richard Boyd, s. Homer Atwood Boyd and Adirenne Althar, Dec. l4, l958, Tacoma, Wash. He was born Jan. 2l, l937, Columbus, Ohio. One child, Julie. Lived (l970) 5ll Howard, Tacoma, Wash., 98466.

9-l. Julie Boyd. Born Nov. 26, l960, Tacoma, Wash.

8-2. Carolyn Augusta Boggs. Born Jan. 9, l94l. Married David Franklin Ross, adopted son of Meredith Ross and Florence Clark, Feb. l, l962, Tacoma, Wash. He was born Dec. 2l, l939, Bellingham, Wash. Two children, Charles and Michael. Divorced. She lived (l970) 33l6 W. 30th, Tacoma, Wash., 98407.

9-l. Charles Davis Ross. Born Sept. 20, l962, Tacoma, Wash.

9-2. Michael Ross. Born Jan. 28, l965, Tacoma, Wash.

7-2. Charles Bruce Welker. Born Oct. l9l4. Married Peg NN. Two children, David and William. He was employed by the Union Pacific Railway. Lived (l970) l2950 S. Foothills, Portland, Ore., 97225.

8-l. David Welker. Married Shirley, last name not known. Three children, Shirley, Charles and Lori. Lived (l970) 35l4 W. 66th Ave., Tacoma, Wash., 98466.

9-l. Shirley Welker.

9-2. Charles "Lee" Welker.

9-3. Lori Frances Welker.

8-2. William Lee Welker. Lived Portland, Ore. and in l970 was student at University of Washington, Seattle.

6-2. Leonidas Long "Lee" Welker. Born Oct. 20, l887, Alton, Crawford Co., Ind.; died Feb l0, l960, Indianapolis, Ind. Married (l) Jessie Murphy Jan. 8, l9l9. She was born Dec. 3l, l886, Fayette Co., Ind.; died May 26, l956, Indianapolis, Ind. No children. Married (2) Lorene McPherson Sept. l, l959. No children. He was a First National Bank employee and a church and lodge organist. She lived (l970) 4636 N. Kenwood AVe., Indianapolis, Ind., 46208.

6-3. Alice Kate Welker. Born June 8, l889, New Philadelphia, Washington Co., Ind. Married Robert Samuel Nieman, Sr., June 8, l9l5 at St. Paul, Decatur Co., Ind. He was born Oct. l4, l883, York, Pa. Five children, Miriam, Robert, Paul, Donald and Leland. Alice Welker was an invalid from Feb. 7, l96l. Robert S. Nieman retired from the Naval Aeronautics Facility Oct. 8, l962. Lived at 924 N. Audubon, Indianapolis, Ind. in a travel trailer and after Aug. l5, l969 with Augusta Welker Taylor.

7-l. Miriam Augusta Neiman. Born May 2l, l9l6, Indianapolis, Ind. Married Ganz Gilbert Hammer June 29, l947, Indianapolis, Ind. He was born July 26, l920, Indianapolis, Ind. Three children, Dennis, Richard and Mark. He was employed (l970) at Allison's Speedway and they lived at l724 Ellen Drive, Indianapolis, Ind., 46224.

8-l. Dennis Gilbert Hammer. Born June 5, l948, Indianapolis, Ind. l970 was senior at Purdue University.

8-2. Richard Lee Hammer. Born June 24, l95l, Indianapolis, Ind. l970 was training with the Indiana State Police. 121

8-3. Mark Neiman Hammer. Born Aug. 30, l955, Indianapolis, Ind. Attended Speedway High School.

7-2. Robert Samuel Neiman, Jr. Born Mar. 23, l9l8, Indianapolis, Ind. Married and two children, Stephen and Michael. Was employed by Western Electric and lived (l970) l00l Muriette Blvd., #52, Livermore, Calif., 94550.

8-l. Stephen Lee Neiman. Born Apr. 30, l947, Indianapolis, Ind. Grad. American University, Washington, D. C. Lived (l970) 7408 Colshire Rd., #5, McClean, Va.

8-2. Michael Neiman. Born Oct. l3, l954.

7-3. Donald Lee Neiman. Born Mar. l5, l922, Indianapolis, Ind.; died Sept. 25, l924, Indianapolis, Ind.

7-4. Paul Joseph Neiman. Born May l0, l926, Indianapolis, Ind. Married Margery NN. Four children, Dale, Colleen, Renee and Penny. He was in the art business and lived (l970) ll75 Milky Way, Denver, Colo., 8022l. She lived (l970) 40l2l Foreman Land, Louisville, Ky., 402l9.

8-l. Dale Welker Neiman. Born Nov. ll, l950, Louisville, Ky. l970 was high school student, Denver, Colo., living with his father.

8-2. Colleen Neiman. Born Mar. 2, l95l, Albuquerque, New Mex.; l970 was high school student, Louisville, Ky., living with her mother.

8-3. Renee Neiman. Born Apr. 8, l955, Albuquerque, N. M. l970 was in junior high school, Louisville, Ky., living with her mother.

8-4. Penny Neiman. Born Mar. 22, l958 at Albuquerque, N. M. l970 was in junior high at Louisville, Ky., living with her mother.

7-5. Leland Welker Neiman. Born May l9, l93l, Indianapolis, Ind.; died Aug. l4, l93l, Indianapolis, Ind.

6-4. Augusta May Welker. Born Dec. l8, l890 six miles south of New Albany, Ind. Married Burt Sherman Taylor June 23, l935. He was born Aug. 20, l883, Indianapolis, Ind. and died May l3, l962, Indianapolis. No children. Burt Taylor had a son, Paul Edward Taylor, born Oct. l7, l9l9 and killed in World War II in New Guinea, Dec. 6, l942 where he was a company messenger and bugler, while on an errand from one company to another, by a Japanese sniper. August Welker taught school for 28 years, l7 in the Home Economis Department of the Indianapolis, Ind. schools and ll years in music, art and home economics for the Marion Co., Ind. schools. Burt Taylor was employed by the Indianapolis Railways for 24 years; he was a haberdasher before and after that and was an artist doing church work. She lived (l970) at 45 S. Gladstone, Indianapolis, Ind., 4620l.

4-2. Eli John George Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 3, l8l7; died Apr. 30, l87l; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married Elizabeth Felma, d. John and Ursula Felma, Mar. 2l, l839. He was born Nov. 7, l8l9 near Corydon, Ind. and died Nov. 9, l9l2; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Seven children, George, Julia, Martha, Mary and two girls who died infancy. Elizabeth Fellma became a member of the United Brethren Church at age l7 and was an active church worker throughout her life. In later years she lived with her daughter, Carrie Pfrimmer Deutsch.

5-l. George W. Pfrimmer. Born l842; died Jan. 23, l926. Married Alice Riley. She was born Sept. 8, l849; died Dec. l9, l906. Both bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. No children. He was Civil War soldier.

122 5-2. Julia A. Pfrimmer. Born l844. Married Dennis Davis. Three children, Harve, Eli and Dennis. Dennis Davis was previously married to Nancy Welker, d. Rev. John Wesley Welker and his first wife, who was born June l9, l840 and died July l0, l867 and was buried at Wood's Chapel. Julia Pfrimmer and Dennis Davis moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa.

6-l. Harve Davis.

6-2. Eli Davis.

6-3. Dennis Davis.

5-3. Martha A. Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 25, l846; died Apr. 8, l905; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married James Harbeson Feb. 6, l868. He was born Aug. l0, l844; died Oct. 8, l920; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Six children, Henry, James, Carrie, Frank, Willie and Maud. Lived on the Crandall Rd. north of Pfrimmer's Chapel.

6-l. Henry Harbeson. Born Oct. 6, l868. Married (l) Katherine Snyder; no children. Married (2) Mary Snyder Meurer, a sister of Katherine; two children, Claude and Roy.

7-l. Claude Harbeson. Born l893; died l965; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married Effie Gehlbach. She was born l898. Fifteen children, Howard, Morris, Burrel, Bernice, Charles, Darlene, Claude, Thelma, Lamoine, Donald, Effie, Elizabeth, Paul, William and Earl. In later life she life (l970) east of Corydon, Ind.

8-l. Howard Harbeson. Married Alma Crecilius. Six children, Dennis, Dallas, Sandra, Steven, Harriett and Mindy. Lived (l970) RFD #3, Box 43, Corydon, Ind.

9-l. Dennis Harbeson.

9-2. Dallas Harbeson.

9-3. Sandra Harbeson.

9-4. Steven Harbeson.

9-5. Harriett Harbeson.

9-6. Mindy Harbeson.

8-2. Morris Harbeson. Died; no children.

8-3. Burrell Harbeson (twin of Bernice); died; no children.

8-4. Bernice Harbeson (twin of Burrell); died; no children.

8-5. Charles Harbeson. Married Joyce B. Julinaux. Two children, Douglas and Kenneth. Lived (l970) RFD #l, Box 38, Corydon, Ind.

9-l. Douglas Harbeson.

9-2. Kenneth Harbeson.

8-6. Darlene Harbeson. Married Strause Cunningham. Lived New Albany, Ind.

8-7. Claude Harbeson, Jr. Married Norma Rippy. One child, Donna. Lived (l970) RFD #l, Box 94, Corydon, Ind.

9-l. Donna Kay Harbeson.

8-8. Thelma Harbeson. Married Herman Lang. No children. 123

8-9. Lamoine Harbeson. Married Mary Ann Rochner. Lived (l970) at RFD #l, Elizabeth, Ind.

8-l0. Donald Harbeson. Lived (l970) Georgetown, Ind.

8-ll. Effie Ellen Harbeson. Died; no children.

8-l2. Elizabeth Harbeson. Died; no children.

8-l3. Paul Harbeson.

8-l4. William Harbeson. Born Feb. 8, l936; died Jan. 23, l994. [Obituary in the Corydon Democrat, Jan. 26, l994].

8-l5. Earl Joe Harbeson.

7-2. Roy R. Harbeson. Married Iva Dell King, d. Francis King. Three children, Roy, James and Ronald. Lived (l970) RFD #l, Box 94, Corydon, Ind.

8-l. Roy Harbeson, Jr. Married Ann Mattern. No children.

8-2. James Harbeson. Married Martha James. Four children, James, Suanne, Tony and Sandra. Lived (l970) Bennettsville, near New Albany, Ind.

9-l. James Harbeson.

9-2. Susanne Harbeson.

9-3. Tony Harbeson.

9-4. Sandra Harbeson.

8-3. Ronald Harbeson.

6-2. James Oscar Harbeson. Born Feb. l6, l870 near Corydon, Ind.; died l940; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married (l) Maggie Shuck, d. Hey Shuck. She was born in l876 and died l906; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Five children, Earl, Frank, Julius, Eva and Helen. Married (2) Mrs. Laura Barrow; no children and were later divorced.

7-l. Earl Emery Harbeson. Married Lois Baylor and had four children, Carl, Charles, Margaret and Maxine. Lived (l970) Crandall, Ind.

8-l. Earl Emery Harbeson. Married Betty Lois Sauerheber. One child, Leland.

9-l. Leland Joseph Harbeson.

8-2. Charles Adelbert Harbeson. Married Grace Carpenter. Six children, Carolyn, Sharon, Mary, Charles, Gary and Barbara.

9-l. Carolyn Sue Harbeson.

9-2. Sharon Lee Harbeson.

9-3. Mary Ann Harbeson.

9-4. Charles Richard Harbeson.

9-5. Gary Lynn Harbeson.

9-6. Barbara Kay Harbeson.

124 8-3. Margaret Rose Harbeson. Married William A. Shewmaker. Two children, Dennis and Donald.

9-l. Dennis Shewmaker.

9-2. Donald Shewmaker.

8-4. Maxine Louise Harbeson. Married Paul Anderson. Two children, •Paula and Dale.

9-l. Paula Rae Harbeson.

9-2. Dale Edwin Harbeson.

7-2. Frank Harbeson. Married Marie Ott. No children.

7-3. Julius James Harbeson. Married Verda Berg and had five children, James, Robert, Darrell, Paul and David. She lived (l970) Lanesville, Ind.

8-l. James Russell Harbeson. Married LaVerne Richert. Four children, Richert James, Cinda Lou, Marc Lynn and Tammy Jo. Lived (l970) Lanesville, Ind. on the Harbeson home place.

9-l. Richert James Harbeson.

9-2. Cinda Lou Harbeson.

9-3. Marc Lynn Harbeson.

9-4. Tammy Jo Harbeson. Born l958.

8-2. Robert Berg Harbeson. Married Ruth Geswein. Two children, Diana and Robert.

9-l. Diana Kay Harbeson. Married James E. Tomes l969.

9-2. Robert Bruce Harbeson.

8-3. Darrell Joseph Harbeson. Married Mary Frances Sutherland in l956. No children. Lived (l970) Lanesville, Ind.

8-4. Paul Francis Harbeson. Married Carol Keinsley. One child, Lynn Paul.

9-l. Lynn Paul Harbeson. Born l957.

8-5. David Lee Harbeson. Married Lana Ingrid Hurst l963. Two children, Lisa and Kimberley.

9-l. Lisa Michele Harbeson. Born l964.

9-2. Kimberley Renee Harbeson. Born l965.

7-4. Eva Curl Harbeson. Married Edwin Arnold Hochstrasser. Five children, Oscar, Nellie, Evelyn, Edwin and Doris.

8-l. Oscar Emil Hochstrasser. Married Helen Jean Morris. Four children, Wayne, Donna, Oscar and Gregory.

9-l. Wayne Hochstrasser.

9-2. Donna Jean Hochstrasser.

125 9-3. Oscar Emil Hochstrasser, Jr.

9-4. Gregory Arnold Hochstrasser.

8-2. Nellie Mae Hochstrasser. Married Roy Glenn Mason. Three children, Karen, Kevin and Marcia.

9-l. Karen Gale Mason.

9-2. Kevin Bruce Mason.

9-3. Marcia Joan Mason.

8-3. Evelyn Jane Hochstrasser. Married Norman J. Brumleve and had two •children, Norma and Laura.

9-l. Norma Jean Brumleve.

9-2. Laura Ann Brumleve.

8-4. Edwin Arnold Hochstrasser, Jr.

8-5. Doris Jean Hochstrasser. Married Robert D. Carlow and had two children, Glenn and Michael.

9-l. Glenn D. Carlow.

9-2. Michael Dean Carlow.

7-5. Helen Elizabeth Harbeson Erstine. Married (l) John Galliger and had one child, Patricia. Married (2) William Ritter and had three children, Mary, Roger and Lanna. Shortly after she was born Helen's mother died and Helen was raised by her mother's sister, Nettie Erstein and she was known as Helen Erstine.

8-l. Patricia Louis Galliger.

8-2. Mary Ritter.

8-3. Roger Ritter.

8-4. Lanna Ritter.

6-3. Carrie Agnes Harbeson. Born Oct. 5, l872; died Mar. l0, l929; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married Frank Harve Myers and had one child, James. She was a member of the Walnut Street Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky. most of their lives; then returned to Breckenridge, Ind. and built a two-story house there.

7-l. James B. Myers. Married Elsie Brown. No children. Prior to his marriage he lived in Helena, Mont. She his mother died he came back and lived with his father. Lived (l970) 323 Ridley St., Corydon, Ind.

6-4. Frank Shelby Harbeson. Born May 28, l879; died June 26, l880; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel.

6-5. Willie Tecumcha Harbeson. Born June l, l883; died Aug. l9, l884; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel.

6-6. Maud Blanch Harbeson. Born Dec. l5, l886; died June 7, l954, Corydon, Ind.; bur. Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon. Married Henry Day, son of Peter Day and Anna Lotz, July l2, l905. He was born Oct. l, l884; died Aug. 24, l955; bur. Cedar Hill Cemetery. Two children, Arthur and Martha. Moved to Corydon from their farm in Harrison Twp. in l920 and lived at 4l4 Ridley Street. 126

7-l. Arthur Henry Day. Born Sept. l906; died a few weeks later; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel.

7-2. Martha Ann Day. Born Feb. 7, l909. Married Charles William Emily, s. Millard Fillmore Emily and Hattie E. Barry of Corydon, Ind., Dec. 25, l924. One child, Charles. Lived (l970) 4l4 Ridley St., Corydon, Ind.

8-l. Charles Jackson Emily. Born Dec. 2, l925. Married Rudell Allen Ruberts,d. Charles William and Della Ruberts of Elizabeth, Ind., Mar. l6, l950Three children, Della, Donna and Glenn. Lived (l970) 302 Yenowine Lane, Edwardsville, Ind.

9-l. Della Ann Emily. Born Aug. 3l, l952; died Jan. l5, l953.

9-2. Donna Carol Emily. Born Dec. l0, l953.

9-3. Glenn William Emily. Born Nov. 8, l959.

5-4. Mary Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born l848; died about l879; bur. St. Joseph, Illinois. Married George Washington McCown. He was born Feb. l2, l844 and died May 7, l927; bur. Soldiers Home, Danville, Ill. Three children, Ada, Cora and an unnamed son.

6-l. Ada Elanora McCown. Born June 2l, l870, Breckenridge, near Corydon, Ind.; died Dec. l0, l950, Denver, Colo.; buried on Pfrimmer plot at Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Colo. Married (l) John William Lemmon, s. Daniel Felma Lemmon and Lucinda Sharp, Jan. l4, l893. Two children, Ruth and Roy. He died and she married (2) William Moore Sept. l922; no children.

7-l. Ruth Lemmon. Born Oct. 2l, l897, Veedersburg, Ind. Married Dr. Edwin Martin. He was born July 3, l887, Parkersburg, West Va. and died Mar. 26, l959, Denver, Colo. Buried Denver, Colo. No children. She lived (l97l) Box 386, Jasper, Mo., 64755.

7-2. Roy Lemmon. Born Dec. l4, l895, Veedersburg, Ind.; died Apr. 2l, l958. Married Ruby Koons. One son, Xen. After the death of Roy Lemmon, Ruby Koons remarried William A. Hogue. He died Dec. l957. She lived (l97l) 708 N. Western Ave., Marion, Ind., 46952.

8-l. Xen E. Lemmon. Born Feb. l928, Marion, Ind. Married Janet Weigand June 4, l948, Marion, Ind. Three children, Michael, Deborah and Amy. Lived (l97l) l900 Norwood Dr., Muncie, Ind., 47304.

9-l. Michael Roy Lemmon. Born May 4, l949.

9-2. Deborah Sue Lemmon. Born Nov. l3, l95l.

9-3. Amy Rebecca Lemmon. Born Nov. 28, l969.

6-2. Cora McCown. Born May 6, l876; died Dec. 4, l936; bur. Forest Lawn Cemetery, Los Angeles, Calif. Married (l) Amos Zenor. One child, Edgar. Divorced. Married (2) Richard Kidd Wright; no children.

7-l. Edgar Zenor. Married Ruby List. One son, Kent. Lived (l97l) 2l06 9th St., Sanger, Calif., 93657.

8-l. Kent Zenor. Married. One daughter, Deborah.

9-l. Deborah Leigh Zenor. Born July 9, l970.

6-3. Infant son, born and died July 24, l872. 127

5-5. Caroline Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 22, l852; died Sept. 28, l929; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married Jacob V. Deutsch, s. Diebolt Deutsch. He was born May 9, l855 and died Dec. 3l, l922; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel. No children. Lived on the Crandall Road north of Pfrimmer's Chapel and the New Albany pike.

5-6. Infant daughter, born and died Apr. l5, l859.

5-7. Infant daughter, died infancy.

4-3. Samuel Hamilton Pfrimmer. Born l82l Harrison Co., Ind.; died Aug. l874 Metropolis, Ill. Obituary in the Massac Journal, Aug. l5, l874. Married Barbara Musselman Dec. 23, l84l. She was born Sept. 29, l8l8, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Oct. 8, l900 Metropolis, Ill. Eight children, Lafayette, Henry, John, Charles, Samuel, Daniel, Mary and Elizabeth. He was in Metropolis, Ill. as early as l842, where he was first a carpenter, then was a justice of the peace and later a city magistrate. He purchased federal land in Massac County, three tracts first on May l9, l848 and then two more tracts on Feb. 23, l849. His death notice reads: "We chronicle with regret the death of S. H. Pfrimmer, which occurred last Friday evening. He had been an invalid for years, but the disease which terminated his life was of short duration. Mr. Pfrimmer had been closely identified with the affairs of Massac county for thirty years, and during most of that time filled some public office. For many years he was recognized as one of the best magistrates of the county. He was an honorable man, a well meaning citizen and a pleasant neighbor."

5-l. Lafayette Washington Pfrimmer. Born l842 Indiana and died l87l Indiana. Married Emma Zerelda Jackson May l867. She was born l843 and died l877. Two children, Emma and Lafayette. He was member of Co. E, 23rd Ind. Vol. Inf. in Civil War. Was member of Masonic Lodge, a 32nd degree Mason and member of IOOF, New Albany, Ind. He was a printer.

6-l. Emma Laura Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 2, l868 New Albany, Ind. Married Dr. Prince Albert Meneray, son of William Henry Meneray and Sophia Adelia Packard, Jan. 4, l893 at San Diego, Calif. He was born Aug. 2, l858 near Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa and died Mar. 4, l928, Santa Rosa, Calif. No children. She was a graduate of New Albany, Ind. High School, class of l886. She taught in the New Albany schools for five years and attended Depauw College. She held senior membership in the Santa Rosa Methodist Church; was Woman Director of Food Conservation, Sonoma Co., Calif., l9l8-l9; Senior Past Matron Rose Valley Chapter of Order of Eastern Star; Charter Member Santa Rose Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution; Past President of the Saturday Afternoon Club and the Philomath Club of Santa Rose. Dr. Meneray was a physician and surgeon. On his mother's side he was descended from John Alden and Priscilla Mullens; his paternal grandfather was Sir William Wallace Meneray of Ireland. He was a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants. He was educated in the Iowa schools and entered mining in Montana. He became a druggist in Springville, Utah when it was still a territory. Attended Kentucky School of Medicine and in June l89l graduated with an MD with honors. Practiced for two years in Salt Lake City, Utah. After marriage went to Santa Rosa, Calif., l893, and opened offices in the 600 block on 4th Street. At the time of the earthquake he was located at the old Brush-Keegan Building, at the site of the later Rosenberg Building that went down in the quake. Later his offices were in the Bank of America Building, 52l Mendocine Ave. He was physician and surgeon for the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company after l9l4, a member of the Pacific Association of Railway Surgeons, and County physician, l9l2-l9l6 and county health officers, l93l-l938 of Sonoma County. Was a 32nd degree Mason, Shriner (Islam Temple, San Francisco), Odd Fellows, Redman, KP, and member of the Chamber of Commerce. He enjoyed fishing, hunting and target shooting.

6-2. Lafayette Washington Pfrimmer, Jr. Died infancy, l87l.

5-2. Henry Clay Pfrimmer. Born l844. Was in Co. K, 29th Illinois infantry; died

128 in the Civil War Aug. l5, l863 and buried at the Vicksburg, Miss. National Cemetery in Section J, Grave 73.

5-3. John George Pfrimmer. Born l846 Illinois; died l928 Texas. Married Georgia Ann Ratliff Mar. l0, l880. She was born l854 in Texas and died l923 Texas. Both are buried at the Knox City Cemetery, Knox Co., Texas. Five children, Nettie, Emma Ruth, John, Samuel and Ora. He was in the Civil War in Co. A, 56 Ill Inf., enlisting at age l9 from Massac Co., Ill. and decribed as 5 feet, 6 inches tall, of dark hair, eyes and completion, a laborer of Massac Co., Ill. Lived in Bell Co., near Bolton, Tex. where he was a farmer.

6-l. Nettie Pfrimmer. Born l88l Texas; died l949; married T. M. Murrell l902. Eight children, Jesse, Lois, Mabel, Josie, Fay, Evelyn, James E. anMack.

7-l. Jesse Orvid Murrell.

7-2. Lois Murrell.

7-3. Mabel Murrell. Married a Chafin.

7-4. Josie Murrell. Married a Proctor.

7-5. Fay Murrell. Married Hubert Sawyer. Lived (l970) Box 2l, Amherst, Texas, 793l2.

7-6. Evelyn Murrell. Married a Cornett.

7-7. James E. Murrell.

6-2. Emma Ruth Pfrimmer. Born l883 Texas; died l9ll; married W. H. Montgomery l906. No children.

6-3. John Pfrimmer. Born June 5, l887 Belton, Bell Co., Tex.; died Apr. l2, l94l. Married Stella Naomi Thompson, d. Charles Brown Thompson and Texana Frances Montgomery Knox Co., Tex., l909. She was born Oct. 5, l889 in Erath Co., Tex. Nine children, Fannie, Patsy, Tommy, Georgia, John, Lawrence, Elvin, Ruth and Clifford.

7-l. Fannie Lucille Pfrimmer. Born May l2, l9l0, Knox Co., Tex.; died Nov. 2l, l952. Married E. E. Hamm Mar. 3l, l928. He died May 9, l969. Two children, Donna and Dolores.

8-l. Donna Lynn Hamm. Born Aug. l, l935, Brownfield, Terry Co., Tex. Married Leroy Hamilton l952. One son, Eddie. Divorced. Married Chris Sala. Lived (l970) l444 Horn Blend, San Diego, Calif., 92l09.

9-l. Eddie Leroy Hamilton. Born Mar. l6, l953.

8-2. Dolores Louise Hamm. Born Sept. 8, l936 at Brownfield, Terry Co., Tex. Married (l) Art Perez l953 or l954. He died in the Vietnam War in l967. Two children, Lucille and Judith. Divorced. Married (2) Mickey Hart l964. They lived at l050 Frontage Rd., Imperial Beach, Calif., 92032.

9-l. Lucille Perez. Born Mar. 28, l955.

9-2. Judith Lynn Perez. Born Nov. 26, l956, San Diego, Calif.

7-2. Patsy Lou Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 23, l9l2, Knox Co., Tex.; died Jan. 25, l9l2 Knox Co., Tex.

7-3. Tommy Dale Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 3, l9l5 Palacios, Tex.; died Nov. l3, l9l5. 129

7-4. Georgia Isabell Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 9, l9l7, Knox Co., Texas. Lived (l970) Box l4, Quemado, Tex., 78877.

7-5. John Pfrimmer, Jr. Born Nov. 23, l9l9 Matagorda, Tex. Married Jean Stafford l944 San Diego, Calif. Two children, Gene and Naomi. Lived (l970) 2855 Bailey, San Diego, Calif.

8-l. Gene Wesley Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l7, l949 San Diego, Calif. Attending college (l970).

8-2. Namoi Yvonne Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 26, l95l San Diego, Calif.

7-6. Lawrence Wayne Pfrimmer. Born June l9, l922 Knox Co., Tex. Single Lived (l970) Quemado, Tex.

7-7. Elvin Ross Pfrimmer. Born Sept. l8, l925 Tokio, Terry Co., Tex. Single Lived (l970) Quemado, Tex.

7-8. Ruth Virginia Pfrimmer. Born June 27, l928 Tokio, Terry Co., Tex. Married Billy Maurice Perry Mar. 20, l955 Johnson City, Tex. No children. She is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God Church. Lived (l970) Box 1, Quemado, Tex.

7-9. Clifford Glynn Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 5, l93l Tokio, Terry Co., Tex. Married Sue Newsom June 22, l959. No children. She had two children by a former marriage, James and J. C.

6-4. Samuel Joshua Pfrimmer. Born l894 Texas. Married Ruby Warren Feb. 6, l923. She was born l900. Two children, Dorothy and Norma. He was a veteran of World War I and spent three years in the U. S. Navy. Was with Phillips Oil Co. in Texas for more than 30 years. She grad. from high school and then taught school. Lived (l970) l2ll Klein St., Dumas, Tex., 79029.

7-l. Dorothy Ann Pfrimmer. Born l927. Married (l) Truman Guthrie; he was born l92l. Two children, Rita and Samuel. She grad. from Phillips High School. He majored in business administration. Divorced. Married (2) Alton Smith Jan. l2, l962. Two children, James and John. Lived (l970) Oklahoma City, Okla.

8-l. Rita Darlene Guthrie. Born l947. Married Robert I. Cates. Two children, Sheri and Mark. He was a career man in the U.S. Marine Corps. Lived (l970) Cherry Point, N. C.

9-l. Sheri Ann Cates. Born Jan. 4, l966.

9-2. Mark Robert Cates. Born Oct. l3, l967.

8-2. Samuel Madison Guthrie. Born l952.

8-3. James Lee Smith. Born l965.

8-4. John Alton Smith. Born l968.

7-2. Norma Jean Pfrimmer. Born l929. Married Morris McKinney l949. He was born l920. Two children, Terri and Jana. She graduated from Phillips High school and from business college. He graduated from high school with a business education.

8-l. Terri Lyn McKinney. Born July 2l, l956.

8-2. Jana Lee McKinney. Born Aug. 7, l958.

130 6-5. Ora Pfrimmer.

5-4. Charles Eugene Pfrimmer. Called "Black Charley" because of his complextion. Was in the Civil War in Co., I, l36 Ill. Infantry. Enlisted at age l8 from Metropolis, Ill. where he was identified as a blacksmith, 5 feet, 2 inches tall, of dark hair, eyes and complextion. Died Apr. 25, l88l New Albany, Ind. of tuberculosis. It is said that he had a son, William.

6-5. William Pfrimmer.

5-5. Samuel H. Pfrimmer.

5-6. Daniel Musselman Pfrimmer. Born Ill.; died Bell Co., Tex., l876.

5-7. Mary Adelaide Pfrimmer.

5-8. Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born May l5, l859 and died Oct. 28, l944, both in Metropolis, Ill. Funeral in the Baynes Funeral Chapel, Dr. J. W. Cummins, officiating; buried in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Brief obituary in the Metropolis paper.

4-4. Rebekah J. Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 26, l825; died May 4, l825; bur. Pfrimmer's Chapel, Franklin Twp., Harrison Co., Ind.

4-5. Daniel Alexander Pfrimmer. Born at Corydon, Indiana Mar. 20, l827; died Kentland, Ind., Sept. 30, l900; bur. Pleasant Grove Cemetery north of Kentland, Ind. Married Malinda Conrad Jan. 27, l847. She was born Oct. 20, l827 and died Mar. l9, l860. Eight children, Flora, John, Elizabeth, George, William, Jacob, Nancy and Samuel. After death of Malinda Conrad Daniel Pfrimmer married Harriett Jannison who had been a Sunday School teacher for his children; she was born Feb. 4, l840 and died Mar. 9, l863 of hasty consumption six weeks after their marriage; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel. He then married Elizabeth Crawn. She was born Sept. l4, l844 and died May 8, l920. Seven children, Alice, Charles, Daniel, Sallie, Arthur, Phoebe and Clara.

Daniel A. Pfrimmer moved to Massac Co., Ill. where he purchased federal land first on Nov. l9, l848 and then later on May 7, l85l. He remained there until the spring of l860 when he came back to Harrison Co., Ind. He was in the Civil War. Enrolled as First Lieutenant of Co. E., 38th Regt., Ind. Vols, at New Albany, Ind. Sept. l8, l86l for a term of three years, by Capt. Gilman, U. S. Army Mustering Officer. Was mustered out as a First Lieutenant, Co. E., Nov. l, l863. Mustered in as a Captain, Co. E., Nov. l, l863. Wounded in Georgia and at first not expected to live. Recovered and was discharged because of physical disability Jan. 20, l865.

After the War he went to Newton Co., Ind. where he remarried and made a new home. Here he had a farm and saw mill on the banks of the River. During the mid- l870's he served as Treasurer of Newton Co. Later he moved to near Winfield, Cowley Co., Kas. where his three youngest children were born. Still later he moved back to Newton Co., Ind. where he became Superintendent of the Newton Co. Poor Farm. About l894 he moved to the northern section of the county, east of Thayer where he ran a dairy farm, shipping milk to Chicago. Later in the 90's the family moved to the southern part of the county to a small farm near the County Farm in Washington Township where he died. It is thought that the place was owned by his son-in-law George D. Rider. The family attended the Mt. Zion United Brethren Church in a building built onland donated by Daniel Pfrimmer.

5-l. Flora Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l3, l847, Corydon, Ind.; died July 24, l929 Fontana, San Bernardino Co., Calif.; bur. July 28, l929 Ingelwood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, Calif. Married Joseph R. Benton, s. of Arnold Benton and Francis Randall Mar. 24, l872, Kentland, Ind. He was born Sept. 22, l846, Covington, Ky. and died May 4, l920 at Los Angeles, Calif. Buried May 8, l920 at Enid, Okla. Seven children, Frances, Daniel, Nellie, Murray, William, Edith and Pfrimmer. 131

6-l. Frances M. Benton. Born Dec. 20, l872, Kentland, Ind.; died May 30, l922. Married John D. Keele July l898.

6-2. Daniel A. Benton. Born Aug. l9, l874 Kentland, Ind. Married Mamie Ryan l940, Kentland, Ind.

6-3. Nellie L. Benton. Born July 25, l876, Kentland, Ind.; died June 20, l907 Wichita, Kas.; bur. Enid, Okla. Married Kirby S. "Shorty" Gosney, whose mother's name was Olivia, Jan. 28, l893, Garden City, Kas. He was born July l9, l86l, Newport, Ky., and died Feb. 2l, l947, North Hollywood, Calif. Four children, John, Albert, Frank and Flora. He was a butcher.

7-l. John Wesley Gosney. Born Nov. 26, l893, Enid, Okla. Married Helen Quinn May 24, l9l9. She lived (l970) 2059 Del Rosa Dr., Los Angeles, Calif., 4l.

7-2. Albert Benton Gosney. Born May 28, l895, Enid, Okla.

7-3. Frank Elmer Gosney. Born May 6, l897, Chickasha, Okla. Married Helen Case Aug. 2, l9l6. Two children, Frank and John.

8-l. Frank E. Gosney. Born about l920.

8-2. John M. Gosney. Born about l922.

7-4. Flora Olivia Gosney. Born Apr. 26, l899, Enid, Okla. Married William F. Laraby, son of Moses Laraby and Mary Devine, Aug. 2, l9l6. He was born July 8, l894, Pentwater, Mich. One child, Enid. Lived (l970) 35 Rincon Beach Park Drive, Ventura, Calif. (Seacliff).

8-l. Enid May Laraby. Born May 30, l9l7, Los Angeles, Calif. Married Samuel Edward Bridgers Aug. 2, l946. Two children, Bud and Tommy. Lived (l970) 5378 Dariesa St., Carpenteria, Calif., 930l3.

9-l. Bud Bridgers.

9-2. Tommy Bridgers.

6-4. Murray M. Benton. Born Jan. l6, l879, Kentland, Ind.; died May 24, l927. Unmarried.

6-5. William Benton. Born Jan. l0, l88l, Kentland, Ind.; died Jan. 3l, l88l.

6-6. Edith Lula Benton. Born Dec. l9, l88l, Winfield, Kas.; diedApr. 20, l954, San Bernardino, Calif.; bur. Colton, Calif. Married Charles Franklin Hupp, s. William Henry Hupp and Julia C. Caven, Feb. l6, l90l, Pond Creek, Grant Co., Okla. Territory. He was born Feb. l6, l879 Butler, Bates Co., Mo. and died Aug. 26, l954 Fontana, Calif. Bur. Sept. l, l954 Colton, Calif. Two children, Herschell and Ben.

7-l. Herschell Julia Hupp. Born July l, l902, Apache, Caddo Co., Okla. Married Chester Nicholas Morgan, s. Williard Elwood Morgan and Carolina Luscombe Apr. l4, l929 at Los Angeles, Calif. He was born Oct. 4, l896, Blue Island, Cook Co., Ill. and died sept. l967, Ontario, San Bernardino Co., Calif. Bur. Colton, Calif. Two children, Willard and Patricia. She lived (l970) 250 N. Linden, Sp. ll8, Rialto, Calif., 92376.

8-l. Willard Franklin Morgan. Born Dec. 30, l930, Southgate, Los Angeles Co., Calif. Married Barbara Jo Allen, d. Joseph allen, June 26, l965. One child, Beverly. Barbara Allen had a son, Larry William Chandler by a previous marriage; he was adopted by Willard F. Morgan. They lived (l970) 620 Kathleen, Barstow, Calif., 923l3.

132 9-l. Beverly Jo Morgan. Born May 6, l966, Barstow, Calif.

9-2. William Larry Morgan.

9-3. Bernice Annette Morgan.

9-4. Brenda Louise Morgan.

8-2. Patricia Ann Morgan. Born Jan. 25, l932, Los Angeles, Calif. Married David Millard Murance, s. Millward Cornelius Murane and Inez Wold Apr. 26, l953, Fontana, Calif. He was born Dec. 7, l928, Los Angeles, Calif. Six children, Cindy, David, Steven, Schelly, Patricia and Elizabeth. Lived (l970) 4405 Phyllis St., Alexandria, Va., 22309.

9-l. Cindy Elizabeth Murane. Born May 3, l955, Port Hueneme, Ventura Co., Calif.

9-2. David Nicholas Murane. Born May l6, l957, Oxnard, Ventura Co., Calif.

9-3. Steven Daniel Murane. Born June l3, l958, Oxnard, Ventura Co., Calif.

9-4. Schelly Melinda Murane. Born July 22, l96l, San Bernardino Co., Calif.

9-5. Patrice Constance Murane.

9-6. Elizabeth Joyce Murane.

7-2. Ben Benton Hupp. Born Aug.4, l904, Butler, Bates Co., Mo.; died Feb. 2, l943. Married Anna Bandixen.

6-7. Pfrimmer Walter Benton. Born Mar. l3, l884, Winfield, Cowley Co., Kas.; died l938 Los Angeles, Calif. Married (l) Anna Martin dec. 26, l905; one child, Ruth. Married (2) Iva Phillips. No children.

7-l. Ruth Benton. Married (l) William Fair; one child, Carol Ann. Married (2) Edward Margadonna; no children. Lived (l970) P. O. Box 777, Pacific Grove, Calif., 93950.

8-l. Carol Ann Fair. Married Don Chambers. Lived (l970) ll24 N. Gardenia, Lompoc, Calif., 93436.

5-2. George Pfrimmer. Born June l6, l849; died Jan. l3, l867.

5-3. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Pfrimmer. Born Oct. l850; died Feb. l2, l942 in New York. Married George D. Rider Apr. 2, l872. He was born Mar. 7, l85l in Indiana and died Aug. l929. Six children, Homer, Clermont, Lulu, Ethel, Merle and Herschel.

6-l. Homer Rider. Born Feb. 9, l873; died July l8, l873.

6-2. Clermont Rider. Born Aug. 20, l874; died l94l, Kansas City, Mo. Married Lela May Conklin Apr. l7, l895. She was born May 9, l875; died Apr. 27, l962 in Methodist Retirement Home, Marysville, Mo. Six children, Henry, Eunice, Reese, Anna, George and James.

7-l. Henry Glenn Rider. Born Jan. 30, l896, Kentland, Ind.; died Aug. 25, l969, Lewisburg, Kas.; bur. Barrancas National Cemetery, Pensacola, Fla. Married Vivian Lucille Mitchell, d. Talmadge S. Mitchell and Loula May McDonald Aug. ll, l920 at home of her parents, Walcott, Ind. She was born Lapel, Ind. Nov. l3, l898. Three children, Harry, Frances and Suzanne. He was sergeant in 3l9th Co. Tank Corps in World War I. He was discharged Nov. 23, l9l8 at which time his commanding officer was Lt. Col. D. D. Eisenhower. 133

8-l. Harry Homer Rider. Born Oct. l9, l92l, Goodland, Ind. Married Alta Dolores Sexson, d. Foret Jasper Sexson and Ruth Agnes Lambert June ll, l949 at the Old Mission Methodist Church, , Kas. She was born July l7, l924, Goodland, Sherman Co., Kas. One child, Bruce. Harry Rider moved to Kansas City, Mo. with his parents l925. Was on active duty in U.S. Navy, l940-l945 and l950-l952. Attended Tulane University, Univ. of Kansas and Bowling Green (Ohio) State University. Employed (l970) as Plant Manager for the Randall Co. (Division of Textron, Inc.) Blytheville, Ark. Lived (l970) 500 Hardin St., Blytheville, Ar., 723l5.

9-l. Bruce Mitchell Rider. Born Mar. l9, l952, Portsmouth, V. Grad. Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville, Ga., l970.

8-2. Frances Jean Rider. Born Nov. l, l925, Kansas City, Mo. Married Jack Richard LeMoyne of Ft. Myers, Fla., Feb. 20, l949 at Old Mission Methodist Church, Fairway, Kas. He was born Oct. ll, l920. Three children, Jack, Patricia and Andrea. She attended Syracuse University. He was in the U.S. Navy, retired, and in l970 was affiliated with the Life of Georgia Insurance Company, Ft. Myers, Fla.

9-l. Jack LeMoyne, Jr. Born Dec. 25, l950, Gardner, Kas. l970 was in U.S. Navy.

9-2. Patricia Duvall LeMoyne. Born Nov. 6, l954, Leavenworth, Kas.

9-3. Andrea Suzanne LeMoyne. Born Aug. 28, l962, Portsmouth, Va.

8-3. Suzanne Rider. Born Mar. l0, l936, Kansas City, Mo. Married

Lawrence Lewis deBoxtel, Jr., of Hammond, La., Apr. 25, l959 at Old Mission Methodist Church, Fairway, Kas. He was born Oct. l6, l935. Two children, Lawrence and Suzanne. She attended Univ. of Kansas. He was (l970) Lt. Commander U.S. Navy, a jet pilot, stationed Albany, Ga.

9-l. Lawrence Lewis (Scooter) deBoxtel III. Born Mar. 20, l960, Portsmouth, Va.

9-2. Suzanne Mitchell (Casey) deBoxtel. Born Nov. 2, l963, Portsmouth, Va.

7-2. Eunice Rider. Born Oct. 2, l897, Kentland, Ind. Married George J. Mitchell June 2, l92l. He was from Ottawa, Ill. He was born Aug. l8, l886; died Mar. 4, l970 Pompano Beach, Fla. Two children, Martha and Maryann. She grad. Forest Park College, St. Louis, Mo. Taught domestic science there. Later taught art needlework at Hornes Department Store, Pittsburgh, Pa. Retired in Florida and lived (l970) l30 N.W. 32nd St., Pompano Beach, Fla., 33364.

8-l. Martha Ellen Mitchell. Born July 29, l922. Married Paul M. Churton. He was born Feb. l7, l922. Two children, Bruce and Peter. They were both graduates of Ohio State University. Lived (l970) Richmond, Ind.

9-l. Bruce Mitchell Churton. Born Mar. l, l949. l970 was junior at Purdue University.

9-2. Peter Paul Churton. Born Mar. l8, l95l. l970 was freshman Purdue University.

8-2. Maryann Mitchell. Born Mar. l3, l930. Married Robert V. Miller. She attended Muskingum College. One child. Lived (l970) 3ll Hillcrest Av., Pittsburgh, Pa., l52l7; 4l2-364-l79l.

9-l. ______Miller.

134 7-3. Reese R. Rider. Born Oct. 26, l899; died June 2, l958. Married (l) Thelma Glenn June l92l. Two children, William and Norman. Married (2) Fern Brown in l936 who had a daughter, Delores, by former marriage. One child, Jerry.

8-l. William R. Rider. Born l925. Married (l) and two children. Married (2) Virginia ______; no children. He was in U.S. Navy. Lived (l970) 2ll West 96th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.

8-2. Norman Rider. Born l929; died as child.

8-3. Jerry Rider. Born l938.

7-4. Anna Rider. Born Apr. l8, l90l; died Jan. 20, l923.

7-5. George D. Rider. Born Oct. l4, l902. Was bachelor. In l955 lived with mother, Mrs. Clermont Rider, 3527 Genesee St., Kansas City, Mo.

7-6. James Conklin Rider. Born July 3l, l904. Married Josephine Ogg. Two children, James Conklin and Josephine. Attended U. S. Naval Academy, l923-l926 and served in U.S. Navy. Lived (l970) l35 Abbeyville Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa., l5228.

8-l. James Conklin Rider, Jr. Born June 7, l93l. Married Lola ______; two children, Linda and James. Lived (l970) Overland Park, Kas.

9-l. Linda Rider. Born Mar. l2, l953.

9-2. James C. Rider. Born Aug. 27, l954.

8-2. Josephine Rider. Born Sept. 24, l938. Married

6-3. Lulu Rider. Born Apr. l9, l876, Kentland, Ind.; died July l0, l90l in University Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. as a result of a railroad accident.; bur. Mt. Zion Cemetery near Kentland, Ind. Graduated from Kentland High School. For years was a bookkeeper in her father's bank; was an accomplished pianist and a fine soprano singer and took courses in musical conservatories in Chicago. For five years she was the leading soprando in the Trinity M. E. Church choir in Kentland. Died of injuries in a train wreck when she and a friend, Mabel Ross, were on their way to an International Convention of the Epworth League in San Francisco, Calif. The wreck was at Norton, Mo. at 7:00 a.m. and she died at 7:00 p.m. in the hospital in Kansas City. [Obituary in Kentland, Ind. Democrat, July l2, l90l.]

6-4. Ethel Rider. Born Dec. 20, l879 in Indiana; died Apr. l966. Married Harry F. Little Aug. 26, l90l in Indiana. He was born June l4, l878; died Nov. 8, l947 in New York. One child, Lulu.

7-l. Lulu Little. Born Oct. 7, l902 in Ind. Married Frederick August Staeck June 26, l926. He was born June 30, l900 and died Aug. 9, l940. One child, James Frederick. Married J. Raymond Getman Aug. l6, l947. He was born Aug. 8, l903, Syracuse, New York. She lived (l967) l20 Roby Ave., East Syracuse, N. Y.

8-l. James Frederick Staeck. Born Dec. 24, l928. Married Betty Lee Brown Dec. l8, l954 at her home in Roslyn, Wash. She was born June 24, l927. Two children, Kimberly and Frederick. He graduated from ROTC June l952, 2nd Strategic Air Reserves. Served three years in the Air Force. l953 graduated from Syracuse University in industrial engineering. Became an engineer with the Boeing Corporation in Seattle, Wash. She graduated from the State University of Washington in l949. Was secretary in the U. S. Army in Tokyo, Japan, l948-49 and l950-53 was secretary to Mrs. Eugenie Anderson, Ambassador to Japan.

9-l. Kimberly Lee Staeck. Born Jan. 30, l956.

9-2. Frederick James Staeck. Born Dec. l6, l957. 135

6-5. Merle Rider. Born Jan. 3, l882; died Sept. l, l883.

6-6. Herschel Rider. Born Dec. l7, l883; died May l8, l889.

6-7. Unnamed son. Born Feb. 5, l888; died Feb. 28, l888.

5-4. Jacob Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 29, l853; died July l8, l87l.

5-5. Nancy Pfrimmer. Born May 9, l854; died Oct. l7, l855.

5-6. William Woodward Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 27, l856, Massac Co., Ill.; died Washington, D. C., Dec. 24, l935. Married Mary Ellen (Mollie) Webster, also of Newton Co. May l878. She died Poplar Bluff, Mo., Dec. l4, l926. They had four children, Mabel, Conrad, Lillian and Lowell. His mother died when he was four years old and for nine years after that "Billy" lived with his grandfather, Samuel Pfrimmer and his stepgrandmother, Elizabeth Lopp Pfrimmer on the old homestead on Little Indian Creek, Harrison Co., Ind. While there he spent much time wandering over the hills and exploring the woods, learning how to fish in the creek and developing a deep love of nature. Many of his later poems are memories of those days. On the death of his grandfather he went to live with his father who after the close of the Civil War had gone to Newton County in northern Indiana where he had remarried and made a new home and to which he had taken all the children except Will. He had a farm and a saw mill on the banks of the Iroquois River. Will worked in the mill and on Sundays and holidays fished in the Iroquois.

He entered the Northwestern Normal School at Kentland, Ind. and here came under the influence of prof. B. F. Niecz who gave him valuable training in the art of writing verse. About four years after going to Newton County he began teaching in the winter months and farming for himself in the summer. He always called himself a farmer but an injury caused by a bursting emory wheel in the saw mill forced him to give up farming. After his recovery he studied law a year under Hon. S. A. Huff in Indianapolis and was admitted to the bar, but the practice never appealed to him and he gave it up for teaching. In May l878 he married Mary Ellen (Mollie) Webster also of Newton Co. In l882 he was elected trustee of Jefferson Township, the youngest trustee the township had ever had and in l889 Superintendent of Schools of Newton Co. which office he held for ten years.

During this period of his life he began taking vacations on the Kankakee River in the northern part of Newton County and wrote poems inspired by the marshes and wild life. On one of these camping trips he met a man who wrote for the Indianapolis Journal. Beside the camp fire one night Will recited his "Reply to Deer Creek." The newspaper man asked permission to print it in the Journal and in the article that he wrote introducing the poem he called the author the Poet of the Kankakee. The name clung to Will Pfrimmer and under it lecture bureaus booked him for readings and lectures. He published two volumes of poems, "Driftwood," in two editions and "The Legend of Grape Island."

He retired about l9l0 and went to Prescott, Arkansas where he bought an old farm. He and Mollie Webster remained there for ten years but at last gave up the farm and moved to Poplar Bluff, Mo., to be near their son, Conrad, and family. Here Mollie Webster died Dec. l4, l926. The last years of his life were spent during the summers in a cabin he built on Catfish Lake in Northern Wisconsin and the winters he divided between Florida and Washington, D. C. He fished in the lakes of Wisconsin and Florida, but he never loved them as he did his Indiana streams, "Injun Creek," the Iroquois and the Kankakee, and every year when he made the trips north and back south again it was his keenest pleasure to stop off and visit the scenes of his childhood about Corydon, Ind. and to greet the friends and cousins who remained.

6-l. Mabel Pfrimmer. Born Apr. l9, l879; died l948. Married Ned Hollister. No children. He was Curator of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D. C.

136 6-2. Conrad Webster Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l7, l880; died Feb. 6, l968, Mesa, Ariz. Maried Lela K. Bimel Oct. 25, l9ll. Three children, Joseph, William and Frederick. Lived Mesa, Ariz.

7-l. Joseph "Jack" Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 5, l9l3; died Oct. l6, l9l8.

7-2. William Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l4, l9l5; died Mar. 4, l93l.

7-3. Frederick Bimel Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 30, l9l9; died Mar. 4, l940.

6-3. Lillian Reaves Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 20, l882. Did not marry.

6-4. Lowell Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 9, l893. Married Mary Jane Wilson, daughter of James A. and Minnie Lindley Wilson Mar. l7, l924. No children. He was in the Mexican border patrol in l9l6 and in World War I. Lived (l970) Robinson, Ill.

5-7. John Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l2, l857; died May 7, l875.

5-8. Samuel Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l3, l860; died July l8, l860.

5-9. Alice Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l867 at Kentland, Ind.; died in infancy.

5-l0. Charles Kippens Pfrimmer. Born June l6, l868; died in Salem, Ore. Did not marry. When a young man he had hay fever and asthma so that he could not do farm work. Was mechanically minded. Went to Oregon where he showed an aptitude for refrigeration and worked for the Harris Ice Machine Co. in Portland, Ore. Later lived Eugene, Ore.

5-ll. Daniel A. Pfrimmer. Born Apr. l5, l872; died l950 in the State Soldiers' Home, Lafayette, Ind. Married; no children. As a young man had hay fever and asthma and could not do farm work. Became a steam engineer and worked at this during threshing time. He was in World War I. Was too old to enlist and in order to be accepted he misrepresented his ago. A letter from Lizzie Rider to Samuel Pfrimmer Jan. ll, l93l speaks of "brother Dan" being in a Military Hospital in Dayton, Ohio with a broken leg.

5-l2. Sallie (Saloma) Pfrimmer. Born Sept. l8, l874; died Mar. 23, l964. Married Henry Wilhelm Christensen, son of Thomas Christian Christensen and Charlotte Dorothe Louise Precht, of Edmonton, Alberta, Mar. 3, l906 in Kentland, Ind. He was born Dec. 9, l87l at Lake Village, Ind. or Ill.; died Mar. l958 Edmonton, Alberta; buried in the Leduc, Alberta Cemetery. Four children, Clarice, Faye, Wilda Maye and an unnamed infant. Will Christensen went to the Northwest Territories of Canada just after the turn of the century, worked at various jobs and took a homestead two miles east of Leduc. He then returned to Illinois and married Salome Pfrimmer in l906. Later Will Christensen sold the homestead and bought a section of land just east of it. The daughter Faye was born there in l9ll. In l9l2 the family moved to Portland, Ore. where the daughter Maye was born in l9l3. Shortly thereafter the family moved back to the farm near Leduc. Salome Pfrimmeer moved to Edmonton so that the children could go to high school there.

6-l. Clarice Ivy Christensen. Born Aug. l7, l907, Leduc, Alberta. Married Walter Jean Burton Bush, son of Herman Elting Bush and Florence Elva Reahard Nov. 26, l927. He was born Sept. l7, l903, Dunseth, N. D. and died Jan. 26, l98l at Nampa, Alberta. Four children, Conrad, Eric, Gail and Patricia. Clarice Christensen graduated from high school at Edmonton, Alberta, in l926 and went to Comrose for teacher training. She was offered a school at Nampa, about 300 miles north of Edmonton and about 20 miles south of Peace River. Here she married Walter Bush, a young American homesteader and lived on the northern homestead where their children were born. Then they bought land closer to the village of Nampa. The children went to high school in Peace River, going there by bus. After the death of Walter Bush Clarice Christensen moved into Peace River, worked at various jobs and traveled extensively. Then due to ill health she moved into a Senior Complex. Lived 137 (l970) Nampa, Alberta and (l998) at 225 Heritage Tower, Peace River, Alberta, T8S, 1J8.

7-l. Conrad Bush. Born Apr. 28, l929, Edmonton, Alberta. Married Frances Bailey in l952. Six children, Glenn, Jennifer, Garry, Jill, Jamie and Borden. After high school Conrad worked at various jobs and joined the Air Force just as World War II was over. Lived (l970) Orillia, Ontario.

8-l. Glenn Bush. Born June 3, l954, Edmonton, Alberta.

8-2. Jennifer Bush. Born May 3l, l956, Edmonton, Alberta.

8-3. Garry Bush. Born Apr. 20, l957, Toronto, Ontario.

8-4. Jill Bush. Born Mar. 6, l959, Toronto, Ontario.

8-5. Jamie Bush. Born Feb. 8, l96l, Orillia, Ontario.

8-6. Gordon Bush. Born Jan. 4, l963, Orillia, Ontario.

7-2. Eric Bush. Born Mar. l, l93l, Peace River, Alberta. Married Mildred Smith in l953. Three children, Brian, Delores and Clayton. He became a welder. Lived (l970) Nampa, Alberta.

8-l. Brian Bush. Born July 3l, l955, Peace River, Alberta.

8-2. Delores Bush. Born Sept. 5, l957, Amherst, Nova Scotia; died Dec. 26, l957, Peace River, Alberta.

8-3. Clayton Bush. Born Aug. 5, l959, Peace River, Alberta.

7-3. Gail Bush. Born Nov. 2l, l933, Peace River, Alberta. Married Erma Schultz l957. Four chilren, Keith, Gregory, Randy and Timothy. He was an electrician and later repaired household appliances. Lived (l970) Nampa, Alberta.

8-l. Keith Bush. Born May 24, l959, Peace River, Alberta.

8-2. Gregory Bush. Born Apr. l3, l96l, Peace River, Alberta.

8-3. Randy Bush. Born Aug. 3l, l962, Peace River, Alberta.

8-4. Timothy Bush. Born Oct. l2, l964, Peace River, Alberta.

7-4. Patricia Bush. Born Apr. l2, l935, Peace River, Alberta. Married Calvin Jensen in l954. Three children, Barton, Brett and Ward. Lived (l970) Edmonton, Alberta.

8-l. Barton Jensen. Born Aug. l3, l955, Edmonton, Alberta.

8-2. Brett Jensen. Born May 24, l958, Calgary, Alberta.

8-3. Ward Jensen. Born Nov. 24, l963, Edmonton, Alberta.

6-2. Faye Elizabeth Christensen. Born Mar. 25, l9ll at Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in auto accident, Apr. l932, Edmonton, Alberta.

6-3. Wilda Maye Christensen. Born Oct. 24, l9l2 at Portland, Ore. Died Apr. 22, l967 Woodbridge, Ontario. Married Richard Storer in l930. He died Apr. l965 Woodbridge, Ontario. She was an artist in Woodbridge, Ontario.

6-4. Marjorie Christiansen. Born Oct. l9l8 at Edmonton, Alberta; died as infant.

138 5-l3. Arthur A. Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 29, l879. Married Mabel Wedgbury of Portland, Ind. Oct. 3, l903. Three children, Letah, Audrey and George.

6-l. Letah Pfrimmer. Married (Moon) Mann. Three children, Donald, Lois and Gary. Lived (l970) Rensslear, Ind.

7-l. Donald L. Mann. Born June 30, l932. In armed forces.

7-2. Lois Mae Mann. Born Jan. 2l, l939.

7-3. Gary Lee Mann. Born Feb. 24, l94l.

6-2. Audrey Pfrimmer. Married Junior Biggs. Three children, Mary, Doris and Richard. Lived (l970) Brookston, Ind.

7-l. Mary Jane Biggs. Born Oct. 24, l939.

7-2. Doris Ann Biggs. Born Dec. 26, l94l.

7-3. Richard Earl Biggs. Born Apr. 3, l943.

6-3. George A. Pfrimmer. Married Vernie M. Milan l936 at Los Angeles, Calif. Two children, George and James. Lived (l970) at l430 Plymouth Circle, Thousand Oaks, Calif., 9l360.

7-l. George Murray Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l, l940. Two children, Timmy and Dale.

8-l. Timmy Pfrimmer.

8-2. Dale Pfrimmer.

7-2. James Milan Pfrimmer. Born July 3, l945. Two children, Tammy and Debra.

8-l. Tammy Pfrimmer.

8-2. Debra Pfrimmer.

5-l4. Phoeba Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l2, l883 Winfield, Cowley Co., Kas. Married Charles E. Earls Oct. 3, l903. Four children, Clarence, Edith, Fred and May. He died and she married George L. Flynn Sept. 20, l929. He died July l9, l939. They had no children. She taught school in Indiana and moved to Oregon in l907 where she raised her four children and taught school part-time. Lived Silverton, Canby and Eugene, Ore. For some time she made her home in Sunset Home, Good Samaritan Home, in Eugene and also lived with her sister, Clara in an apartment at l350 Lawrence St. in Eugene. She required nursing care with a broken hip and removal of cataracts from both eyes. She was moved to Emerald Nursing Home in Eugene to secure better care. She improved considerably and was still active in l970 at age 87. She was a member of the Women's Relief Corps, the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War and of the Grandmother's Club. Belonged to the First Christian Church with her sister, Clara. At age 85 she began to study German at the Celeste Campbell Recreation center. In l970 she was living in a private home.

6-l. Clarence Arthur Earls. Born l904, Sheldon, Ill. Married Anna Dunn, Eugene Ore., June 24, l933. Two children, Nadine and Maxine. Lived (l970) Winchester Bay, Ore.

7-l. Nadine Earls. Married (l) John Williams at Bremerton, Wash. Two children: Jon Allen and Kelly. Divorced. Married (2) Carl Devaul.

8-l. Jon Allen Williams. Born Dec. l4, l953.

139 8-2. Kelly Williams. Born June l2, l962.

7-2. Maxine Edith Earls. Married (l) Lucius Scott. One child, Brian. Divorced. Married (2) Jerry Mobley. Three children, Jerry, Tammie and Michael. She served in the U.S. Navy.

8-l. Brian Scott. Born Apr. 6, l957.

8-2. Jerry Mobley, Jr. Born June 28, l960.

8-3. Tammie Mobley. Born Aug. 28, l962.

8-4. Michael Shane Mobley. Born Aug. 26, l966.

6-2. Edith Edna Earls. Born June 23, l906, Kentland, Ind. Married Geary Worth Jan. 2l, l928, Lakeview, Oregon. Two children, Edward and Joseph. Lived (l970) Star Route, Dexter, Ore., near Eugene. He was a teacher and became an engineer for the Oregon State Highway Commission. Their hobbies included deer hunting, gardening and knitting She was employed with the Lane •County Public Welfare Commission. Both retired in l969.

7-l. Edward Geary Worth. Born July 3l, l929. Married Gloria Jeske. Five children, Charlotte, Kristine, Jody, Edward and Joseph. He was an engineer with H.C.M., Corvallis, Ore.

8-l. Charlotte Worth. Born June l0, l95l.

8-2. Kristine Worth. Born Oct. l9, l952.

8-3. Jody Anne Worth. Born May 23, l954.

8-4. Edward Geary Worth, 3rd. Born Sept. 9, l957.

8-5. Joseph Worth. Born Oct. 2, l960.

7-2. Joseph Earls Worth. Born Aug. 26, l93l. Married Carol Reagan. One child, Marianne. In the l950's he was in the armed services and later was employed as engineer with H.C.M., Portland, Ore. Lived (l970) 4l25 N.E. l30th Place, Portland, Oregon, 97230.

8-l. Marianne Worth. Born Oct. l9, l957.

6-3. Fred Eugene Earls. Born Sept. 5, l908, Silverton, Ore. Married Bessie Campbell Mar. 22, l930, Eugene, Ore. Four children, Kenneth, Charles, William and Robert.

7-l. Kenneth Arthur Earls. Born July 30,. Married Barbara Rowe. Two children, Valyn and Vicky.

8-l. Valyn Sue Earls. Born Mar. 7, l957.

8-2. Vicky Lynn Earls. Born Mar. 27, l958, Reedsport, Ore.

7-2. Charles E. (Jack) Earls. Married Zelda Melhus. Three children, Rocky, Mitchell and Ricky.

8-l. Rocky Lee Earls. Born Sept. 9, l955.

8-2. Mitchell Gregg Earls. Born May 9, l957.

8-3. Ricky Earls. Born May l9, l957.

140 7-3. William Stuart Earls. Married Rose Marie Morris. Three children, Joyce, William, Scotty.

8-l. Joyce Lynn Earls. Born Apr. l3, l954.

8-2. William Earls, Jr. Born Dec. l2.

8-3. Scotty Earls.

7-4. Robert Fred Earls. Married Bonnie Way Dec. 3l, l967. Was in the military service. Interested in art. Lived (l970) Portland, Ore.

6-4. May Elizabeth Earls. Born Jan. 6, l9l3, Canby, Ore. Married John T. Lenhart Mar. 5, l934, Wenatchee, Wash. He died Nov. 29, l953, Portland, Ore.; buried Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Ore. No children. She worked for the Civil Service Commission; was a member of the Court Street Christian Church, Salem, Ore.; travelled in Europe and Hawaii. She lived (l970) at 530 l4th St., N.E., Salem, Ore.

5-l5. Clara Pfrimmer. Born Oct. l0, l887 Winfield, Cowley Co., Kas.; died Nov. l973 at age of 86 and was buried beside her husband, Martin in the cemetery of Haines, Ore. in Baker Co. Married Martin B. Taylor, a native of Oregon, Jan. l2, l9l5, Portland, Ore. He suffered a stroke while working in June l958, at age 7l, and died in the Baker City Hospital. Four children, Orson, Jean, Eleanor and Sarah. Soon after her birth her parents returned to Indiana and lived there during Clara's early years. She taught school in Indiana for six years and in l9l0 moved to Oregon with her mother, her father having died in l900. Attended business college in Oregon and worked for the architects who designed the Multnomah Hotel in Portland, Ore. Her mother, Elizabeth Drawn Pfrimmer, returned to Indiana and ded in l9l8 at the State Soldier's Home in Lafayette. After marriage the family moved to Bend, Ore. in l9l8, going via boat on the Columbia River and overland along the Deschutes Rivers in a covered wagon. After their second child was born they moved to Baker City, where Martin Taylor had lived earlier. Their third child was born on a ranch along the Powder River of Baker Co. and their four in Richland in eastern Baker County's Eagle Valley. After the children were through college, Clara returned to Richland to be with Martin and in l950 they moved to a site along the Power River about half way between Richland and Baker City where Martin built a home and where they included farming, sheep-raising and gold mining. After death of Martin Taylor in l958 Clara Pfrimmer sold the property and moved to the ranch home of her oldest daughter, Jean Brownell, living in a small trailer nearby. She moved to Eugene in l963 to be near her sister, Phoeba Pfrimmer Flynn and her daughter, Eleanor Otley. In l970 she lived at l203 Lincoln in Eugene. Several years later she moved to the Northwest Christian Home in Beaverton, Ore., near Portland.

Clara Pfrimmer was intensely committed to education for her children. Because she and Martin were determined that their children should have more education thanwhat was available in Eagle Valley, in l936 she established residence in nearby LaGrande, Ore. where there was a college. Martin stayed n Eagle Valley working at his trade. She inspired them to do well in school and helped them continually with their school work. Martin Taylor had sisters who were librarians and they sent the books that for Eagle Valley made the Taylor home something of a library. Their interest in education for their children reesulted in three career teachers and one electrical engineer. She used her secretarial skill with the typewriter in writing up the Pfrimmer Family Tree as she knew it, and typed copies of her half-brother Will Pfrimmer's books of poetry, "Driftwood" and "The Legend of Grape Island," making carbon copies for each of her four children. Every week for years she wrote carbon-copy letters to her children, scattered far from home. Boxes of treats from home included "from-" angel-food cakes, made without aid of an electric beater.

The family attended and became members of the Christian Churches in Richland and LaGrande, Oreg. and Clara was a member of the Daughters of Civil War Veterans.

141 6-l. Orson Pfrimmer Taylor. Born Dec. 6, l9l5, Portland, Ore.; died in a single car crash in l985; buried in Pleasant Valley cemetery near Poughkeepsie, New York. Married Marion Mead of Morris, New York in l943. They had no children. His parents moved to Richland in Eagle Valley, Baker Co., Ore. where he attended grade school and graduated from Eagle Valley High School in l934. He attended Eastern Oregon College in LaGrande for two years and graduated from Oregon State College in Corvallis with a B.A. degree in electrical engineering. Worked for General Electric Company and IBM in the state of New York for many years. In l970 was working for an electronics company in Poughkeepsie, NY. Lived (l970) Creek Rd., Pleasant Valley, New York, l2569.

6-2. Jean Louise Taylor. Born July 22, l9l8 Bend, Ore. Married Edmund Brownell. Five children, Sarajean, Patricia, Beverly, Nancy and Robert. She grew up in Eagle Valley, Baker Co., Ore. Grad. Richland Grade School, Eagle Valley High in l935 and Eastern Oregon College, LaGrande, ore. l964 with a BS degree in education. Was an elementary school teacher; taught at Haines, Ore. and in l970 was doing substitute teaching. Edmund Brownell was with the U.S. Forest Service and after his retirement became a farmer, living on a ranch inherited from his mother near Haines, Ore. Lived (l970) Haines, Ore., 97833; and (l998) 1999 Jensen Way #7l, Woodburn, Oreg., 97071.

7-l. Sarajean Brownell. Born Aug. 6, l943. Married (l) Larry Stevens of Boise, Idaho. Three children, Timothy, Leona and Laura. Divorced. Married (2) an Abel. She grad. from Baker High School, Baker, Ore. l96l. She took a business course and worked in a civil service job. In l970 lived at Haines, Ore., 97833.

8-l. Timothy Martin Stevens. Born June 6, l963.

8-2. Leona Ellen Stevens. Born Jan. l2, l970. Married James Houston. They had three children, Charles, Sara and Ohio.

9-l. Charles Allen Houston. Born April l5, l988.

9-2. Sara Lynn Houston. Born Nov. l4, l990.

9-3. Ohio King Houston. Born Mar. l6, l997.

8-3. Laura Stevens. Born Mar. l6, l97l. Not married; one child, Alexandria.

9-l. Alexandria Stevens. Born July l6, l991.

7-2. Patricia Louise Brownell. Born May 23, l947. Married (l) Richard Reeves of North Powder, Ore. No children. Divorced. Married (2) Louis Kingman. One child, Katherine. She grad. Baker Junior High School l960, Baker High School l963, University of Oregon, Eugene, l968 with BS degree and in l969 with MS degree in education. Was (l970) a first grade teacher, Eugene, Ore. Lived (l970) l580 Tyler, Eugene, Ore., 97402.

8-l. Katherine Kingman. Born Jan. 8, l997.

7-3. Beverly Kay Brownell. Born June 26, l947. Married Peter Van Steinberg. One child, Craig. Grad. Baker Junior High school l962 and Baker High School l965. He worked in First National Bank, Baker, Ore. and they lived (l970) 2090 Birch St., Baker, Ore., 978l4.

8-l. Craig Van Steinberg. Born Mar. 4, l965, Baker, Ore. Married Nancy Bush. One child, Andrew.

9-l. Andrew Garrett Von Steinburg. Born Dec. 22, l995.

142 7-4. Nancy Anne Brownell. Born Sept. 26, l952. Married Michael Bradetich. One child, Kristin. Divorced. Grad. Baker Junior High School l968 and l970 was attending Baker High School.

8-l. Kristin Bradetich. Born Sept. l5, l975.

7-5. Robert Edmund Brownell. Born Feb. 27, l954. Married (l) Charmaine Smith. One child, Amelia. Divorced. Married (2) Linda Austin. One child, Charles. Divorced. Married (3) Anne Dogue. Grad. Baker Junior High School l969 and l970 was sophomore Baker High School.

8-l. Amelia Anne Brownell. Born April 25, l975.

8-2. Charles Edmund Brownell. Born April 7, l983.

6-3. Eleanor Faith Taylor. Born Jan. 25, l922, Richland, Ore. Married George Eugene Otley Aug. 8, l947, Eugene, Ore. Two children, Debra and Pamela. Grad. Richland Grade School, Eagle Valley High School at LaGrande, Ore, and Eastern Oregon College of Education where she received BS degree in education. Became an elementary school teacher in Eugene, Ore. in the Willakenzie District, teaching primary grades in Gardiner, Springfield and Eugeue, Oregon schools. During World War II for a year and a half she was in the WAC at Barksdale Field, Shreveport, La, where she taught illiterate soldiers and was an assistant to the librarian in the base Service Center. She then attended Oregon College of Education at Monmouth, Oregon, receiving a BS in Education. She added courses through the years at the University of Oregon, equivalent to a 5th year. On retiring from teaching in l980 she kept busy with various ativities including making quilts for and working with a group called "Com- forts for Children" which provided small quilts for "children at risk." George Otley served during World War II in the U.S. Air Force beginning Feb. ll, l942 as a bomb-sight specialist, serving in North Africa and Italy. After the war he operated a planer and resaw in sawmills. After l960 they lived at 70 Oak Court, Eugene, Ore., 97405.

7-l. Debra Claire Otley. Born May 29, l953 at Eugene, Oregon. Attended Eugene schools, graduated from South Eugene High School and the University of Oregon. In l998 she was working at the University of Oregon and lived in Corvallis, Ore.

7-2. Pamela Otley. Born Oct. 6, l954 at Eugene, Ore. Attended Eugene schools and graduated from South Eugene High School. Attended Lane Communty College in Eugene and Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore. In l998 was working at the Oregon State University Book Store as Assistant Manager in the Trade Books . Was very active in out-of-door affairs, climing mountains, backpacking, cross-country ski, rock climbing and birding. Was (l998) a member of the Mazama Club of Portland, Ore. and the Chemeketans of Salem, Ore. Lived (l998) Corvallis, Ore.

6-4. Sarah Elizabeth (Sarabeth) Taylor. Born Apr. l, l923, Richland, Ore. Married Donald McLeod Barnes, son of Alfred Barnes and May Ellen McLeod June l2, l949 in Rosendale, Wisconsin. Two children, Daniel and Catherine. Grad. Richland Grade School and LaGrande High School in l940. Attended Eastern Oregon College, LaGrande, Ore. and grad. Oregon State College, Corvallis in l946. Was a Physics Laboratory Assistant at Eastern Oregon College during l943-44 in a Pre-Flight Army Training Program for the Armed Forces. Received •MA degree in mathematics at Univ. of Wisconsin and taught mathetmatics at the Wisconsin Extension Division in Milwaukee l947-49. Then taught mathetmatics at Hamline University in St. Paul and the University of Minnesota for many years. After her children began to enter school she returned to teaching at Hamline. Donald Barnes graduated with a PhD degree in Veterinary Pathology at the University of Minnesota and taught (l970) as a Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota, from which he retired in l992. They moved to St. Paul, Minnesota in l95l when Donald enrolled in the Veterinary School at the University of Minnesota and in l970 lived at 2227 Knapp St., St. Paul, Minn., 55l08. On retirement they built a home on 80 acres of woods in central Minnesita, address, Aitkin, Minn. 143

7-l. Daniel Martin Barnes. Born Aug. 27, l956 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Married Elaine Wilson June l998. Attended St. Anthony Park Elementary School, Murray Junior and Senior High Schools and graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Journalism. In l998 was the Newsroom Technology Director of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

7-2. Catherine Eylene Barnes. Born Feb. l9, l960 St. Paul, Minn. Married Donald Lee Pate in Seattle, Wash., Mar. 24, l984. They had two children, Cory Pate Barnes and Leighton Pate Barnes. When she married Cathy retained the name Barnes and arranged for the two boys to carry that name also. Attended Anthony Park Elementary School (l970) St. Paul, Minn., Murray Junior and Senior High Schools and graduated from the University of Minnesota, cum laude, in l98l with a B. A. in mathematics. In l983 she earned a Masters of Science in Statistics from the Unversity of Washington. Shortly after marriage in l984 they moved to Eugene, Oregon where their two sons were born. In l998 Cathy was teaching in the Department of Decision Science and Don was computer engineer for the Institute of Neuroscience at the University of Oregon.

8-l. Cory Pate Barnes. Born Sept. 20, l988 at Eugene, Ore.

8-2. Leighton Pate Barnes. Born June 6, l99l at Eugene, Ore.

4-6. Lydia Ann Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 23, l829, Corydon, Ind.; died June 2l, l900, Norwood, Iowa.; bur. Norwood Cemetery, Norwood, Iowa. Married her third cousin, George Pfrimmer, son of George Jean and Karoline Diebolt Pfrimmer, of Bischheim, Alsace, France, Aug. 2, l846 at Corydon, Ind. He was born at Bischheim, Alsace, Feb. l9, l825 and died Oct. 20, l9l6 at Norwood, Iowa.; bur. in the Norwood Cemetery. Five children: Charles, Samuel, Francis, Lydia and Albert.

George Pfrimmer came to the United States via New Orleans in l839. On the way he and a cousin stopped in Paris and were having such a good time they missed their boat and had to wait for another one. They took a long time to cross as the boat was becalmed and the family legend has it that George Pfrimmer with others swam in the ocean during the calm. He came to Harrison Co., Ind. where relatives lived and went to school there. After his marriage he lived east of Corydon, Ind. where his family was born and raised. During the Civil War he became a First Lieutenant in Carter's Invincibles, Indiana State Militia, in which he was enrolled Oct. 5, l86l. Later he was at Corydon during Morgan's Raid and then later joined the regular army. He was a bridge builder and was with the Sherman Army on the march to the sea.

In l869 he went to Lucas Co., Iowa., Otter Creek Twp., fifteen miles northwest of Chariton, where he built a house during the summer. He went on the train to Chariton. His wife and children remained in Indiana where they sold the farm and possessions and came also by train to Chariton, carrying their money from the sale. He bought a farm of l60 acres. In l886 he sold this farm to Clay Pfrimmer, his son, and purchased 80 acres 3/4 of a mile to the north. In the meantime Clay Pfrimmer sold the l60 and purchased a 2nd 80 southwest of the original l60. Then Marion Pfrimmer, son of George, purchased the north 80, George purchased the 2nd 80 from Clay and Clay purchased 200 acres to the south where he raised his family. Lydia Ann Pfrimmer died on the 2nd 80. George Pfrimmer then lived with his son, Clay, for five years, and then with his daughter, Lel Ashby, where he died. After the death of his wife, George Pfrimmer sold his farm to his son-in-law, T. D. Ashby and later it was sold to Ashby's son-in-law, John Primm.

George Pfrimmer was a farmer all his life. A strong Republican, he considered Democrats to be rebels. A Methodist, he helped build the Methodist Church at Norwood. Otter Creek Township became a center of the Pfrimmer family. Many of the family taught at the Hazeldell School, Otter Creek Township #3, three miles west of Norwood. Marion Pfrimmer taught there in l869-70, the first year the family came to Lucas Co.; Lydia Pfrimmer taught there, as did Vashti Pfrimmer (l9l0-ll), Nina Ashby (l908-09), George Ashby (l9ll-l2) and Charlotte Pfrimmer (l924-26). The family is 144 listed in the U.S. Census for l850, Harrison Co., Ind., family #46l and for l860, same county, family #l008.

5-l. Charles William Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 25, l847, Franklin Twp., Harrison Co., Ind.; died June l2, l922 at the Veterans Administration Center, Wadsworth, Kas.; bur. in Station Cemetery, Section 3l, Row l6, Grave #67l4. Married, but name of wife not known; she was struck by lightning while riding a horse and was killed. Married Martha Marzie Lewis Stanley June 2l, l908 in Polk Co., Ark. She was born in l876 and died in l960 at Leavenwroth, Kas. Two children, Delmar and Lel. Charles William Pfrimmer enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War at age l5. The family story is that one day he went to town on an errand, heard the band playing, couldn't resist it, and joined up without returning home. Served as a Corporal in Company "C," 66th Indiana Infantry. During the War he was with Sherman in the march to the sea, was a prisoner later in Andersonville prison and was exchanged for a southern soldier. After the War he lived at times at his parents' home in Iowa and travelled about the country, frequently teaching school. He married his second wife while teaching at Mena, Arkansas. In l9l4 the family moved to Leavenport, Kas. and rented a small home on south 9th St. The family included five children from the mother's two previous marriages: Pleasant, John, Elizabeth and William Clifford Hartley and Jessie Stanley. In l9l4 he fell sick from a stroke that affected especially his leg and was a paralytic for about six years, living at the Veteran's Administration center. For a time he served as a guard at the gate of the Center.

6-l. Delmar Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 23, l908 at Cameron, Mo. Married (l) LaRue Flanders. She was born Mar. 28, l9l2. Two children, Delmar and Robert. Divorced. She lived (l970) at RFD #4, Leavenworth, Kas., 66048. Married (2) Martha Szuchowski Cherriwinski. She was born Jan. 20, l9l2; died in Cushing Hospital, Leavenworth, Kas.; buried Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Leavenworth, Kas. No children. Married (3) Genevieve Johnson Geise. She was born July l8, l9ll. No children. Delmar Pfrimmer started in the furniture business as a young man at the old Abernathy factory in Leavenworth, Kas. carpenter shop and was later transferred to the USDB at the Fort as a supervisor over the prisoners in the furniture department. He retired in l969. Was a sportsman, enjoyed outdoor life, was a hunter and loved dogs, having several hounds. In l967 he won a prize with a float in a parade in downtown Leavenworth that consisted of himself and his coon dogs. Lived (l970) at l420 Sanders, Leavenworth, Kas. and had another home at 836 Kennebec, Burlington, Kas., 66839 near the Burlington Dam where he went every several weeks to fish.

7-l. Delmar Pfrimmer, Jr. Born Oct. 3, l930 at Leavenworth, Kas. Married (l) Patricia Marie Sailor. Two children, Frederick and Max. Divorced. She remarried Joseph Foderaro, a school teacher and lived (l970) at 28 Preston Rd., Media, Pa. Married (2) Barbara Fay Gimminson. They had one child, Shari Jo. Divorced. She lived (l970) at Paradise Lane, Kerrville, Tex. Delmar Pfrimmer (l970) was manager of a restaurant in a Sears-Roebuck Store in Kansas City, Kas. Lived (l970) at l7ll Nebraska St., Kansas City, Kas.

8-l. Frederick Paul Pfrimmer. Born June 20, l950, Leavenworth, Kas. Lived (l970) with mother, 28 Preston Rd., Media, Pa.

8-2. Max Dwayne Pfrimmer. Born July 8, l953, Kansas City, Kas. Lived (l970) with his mother, 28 Preston Rd., Media, Pa.

8-3. Shari Jo Pfrimmer. Born May 3, l96l, Norton, Kas. Lived (l970) with her mother at Paradise Lane, Kerrville, Tex.

7-2. Robert Dwayne Pfrimmer. Born June l2, l936, Leavenworth, Kas. Married (l) Rose Schultz Seber. Three children, Roberta, Rita and Regina. Married (2) Judith E. Concannon Flint. She died and is buried at Easton Cemetery, Easton, Kas. Three children, Robert, Tammara and Roxann. He was a truck driver and bulldozer operator and worked (l970) in Houston, Tex.

145 8-l. Roberta Marie Pfrimmer. Born Apr. l0, l957, Leavenworth, Kas. Was adopted by her grandparents, Clifford and LaRue Carney and took the name Carney. Lived (l970) at RFD #4, Leavenworth, Kas., 66048.

8-2. Rita Jane Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 8, l958, Leavenworth, Kas. Lived (l970) with her mother, Rose Sterling, a widow, at RFD #l, Leavenworth, Kas.

8-3. Regina Lea Pfrimmer. Born June 3, l962, Leavenworth, Kas. Lived (l970) with her mother, Rose Sterling, a widow, RFD #l., Leavenworth, Kas.

8-4. Robert Dwayne Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 22, l965, Winchester, Kas. Twin of Tammara Lane. Adopted by Gregory and Rose Heckman who lived (l970) at l207 Western Ave., Leavenworth, Kas.

8-5. Tamara Lane Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 22, l965, Winchester, Kas. Twin of Robert Dwayne. Adopted by Gregory and Rose Heckman, who lived (l970) at l207 Western Ave., Leavenworth, Kas.

8-6. Roxann Marie Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l7, l966, Leavenworth, Kas. as adopted by James and Arlene Dewberry who lived (l970) at RFD, Leavenworth, Kas.

6-2. Lel Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 25, l9ll, Polk Co., Ark. Married Ralph Frederick Last, son of Henry Jacob Last, Aug. l8, l928 at the Liberty, Mo. Court House. He was born Feb. l8, l908, Leavenworth, Kas.; died Feb. l6, l963, Leavenworth, Kas. of lupasery thematosis; buried Mt. Muncie Cemetery, Leavenworth, Kas. Three children, Herbert, Loretta and Ralph. Lel Pfrimmer came to Leavenworth, Kas. at age of 3; went to Leavenworth, Kas. schools to the 8th grade. Worked for one year in the Bell laundry and four years at the Wadsworth Big Main Mess Hall waiting tables. In l948 she started nurses aid work after having an operation in the Cushing Memorial Hospital in Leavenworth and seeing nurses do this kind of work. She worked 20 years on the floor of the hospital and then switched to private duty in the hospital and worked in both Cushing and St. Johns Hospitals in Leavenworth. Then she started on private duty in homes and was still doing this in l970. She was also a minister of the gospel. Ralph Frederick Last was the son of a minister and superintendent of his father's church for 30 years, a church that his father took in l930 with a congregation of 6 and built it into one of 200. He was an interior painter and decorator, worked in the Great Western Foundry at Leavenworth, Kas. for l7 years as a moulder and was head of the painters union local #l53. Lel Pfrimmer Last lived (l970) at 5l9 S. l0th St., Leavenworth, Kas., 66048.

7-l. Herbert Eugene Last. Born Dec. 2l, l928, Leavenworth, Kas., at 3ll 9th Ave. Married Marilyn Jane Bollin. She was born Aug. 2l, l93l. Five Šchildren, Linda, Barbara, James, Kevin and Brenda. Attended Leavenworth, Kas. schools and quit six months before graduation. Was in the U. S. Army and after discharge went to Kansas State College and finished his high school work. Was an interior decorator and painter, a fireman at the city hall at Leavenworth and a nurse's assistant at Big Main at Wadsworth. Marilyn Bollin was an LPN at the hospital at Wadsworth, Kas. Divorced in May l969. He lived (l970) at 787 Shawnee St. Leavenworth, Kas., the old Henry Last home that became a grocery store. She lived (l970) at Pin Oak Apartments, l0th Ave., Leavenworth, Kas.

8-l. Linda Louise Last. Born Mar. 4, l952, Leavenworth, Kas. Graduated high school l970; planned to take a nursing course.

8-2. Barbara Ann Last. Born May 5, l954, Leavenworth, Kas. Was interested (l970) in music, voice and teaching.

8-3. James Edward Last. Born Dec. l6, l955, Leavenworth, Kas.

8-4. Kevin Jerome Last. Born Sept. l6, l959, Leavenworth, Kas.

8-5. Brenda May Last. Born May ll, l964, Leavenworth, Kas. 146

7-2. Loretta June Last. Born June 5, l933, Leavenworth, Kas., 607 Shawnee Ct. Married Lewis Clinton Culbertson. Three children, Lewis Rey, Jeffrey Allen and Tamara. She was (l970) a clerk typist in the new Muncie Hospital, Ft. Leavenworth, Kas. He was head butcher at Jahn's Supermarket, Leavenworth, Kas. for over 20 years and (l970) was a board member of the Easton, Kas. High school. Lived (l970) on a farm at Easton, Kas.

8-l. Lewis Rey Culbertson. Born Mar. l, l954, Leavenworth, Kas. Played football at Easton High School but had to quit after an automobile accident.

8-2. Jeffrey Allen Culbertson. Born July l3, l965, Leavenworth, Kas.

8-3. Tamara K. Culbertson. Born Jan.5, l968, Leavenworth, Kas.

7-3. Ralph Frederick Last, Jr. Born Nov. l2, l935, Leaenworth, Kas., l420 Spruce St. Married Claudine Roy of Mansfield, Mo. Three children, Gregory, Cheryl and Roger. He was supervisor of prisoners in the shoe shop at the Leavenworth federal prison, an outdoorsman who did much hunting and fishing. She was a RN and worked in a doctor's office in a medical center in Leavenworth. Lived (l970), 2l43 Spruce St., Leavenworth, Kas., 66048.

8-l. Gregory Dean Last. Born May l3, l957, Leavenworth, Kas.

8-2. Cheryl Blaine Last. Born Aug. ll, l958, Leavenworth, Kas.

8-3. Roger Brett Last. Born Jan. 30, l960, Leavenworth, Kas.

5-2. Samuel George Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 6, l848, Corydon, Ind.; died June •l863, Corydon, Ind.; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel, Harrison Co., Ind.

5-3. Francis Marion Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 26, l950, Corydon, Ind.; died July 3l, l936, Benkelman, Neb. Married Mary Emma Kimball, d. Charles H. Kimball and Mary E. Butler of Culbertson, Neb., Dec. 4, l973 at Aurora, Neb. She was born Oct. l2, l854 at Exeter, New Hampshire and died Feb. l3, l945 in a hospital at Oberlin, Kas.; buried Benkelman, Neb. Seven children, Medora, Charles, George, Cassius, Mary, Luhra and Wayne. Lived Stratton, Neb. Francis Marion Pfrimmer moved to Aurora, Neb. in l87l, taught school, was postmaster at Stratton and a county officer at Culbertson. Was a "strong Republican."

6-l. Medora Ellen Pfrimmer. Born Norwood, Iowa, Nov. 22, l874; died l95l. Married William D. Kuhns Jan. 4, l898, Culbertson, Neb. He was born Nov. l8, l863, Boulder, Colo.; died Mar. 8, l933, Benkelman, Neb. Two children, Wilma and Emma.

7-l. Wilma Pauline Kuhns. Born July 7, l899, Culbertson, Neb. Married Frederick Lewis Siegel Oct. 30, l923 at Wray, Colo. He was born Jan. l893. Three children, William, Joann and Frederick. He was a dentist, a grad. of Kansas City Dental College. Lived Stratton, Neb.

8-l. William Frederick Siegel. Born July l7, l927, Stratton, Neb. Received BS degree, Univ. of Neb.

8-2. Joann Siegel. Born Nov. 27, l928, Stratton, Neb. Attended Colorado Women's College.

8-3. Kaye Frederick Siegel. Born May l6, l934, Stratton, Neb.

7-2. Emma Frances Kuhns. Born July l8, l903, Benkelman, Neb.; died Feb. ll, l970; bur. Benkelman, Neb. Cemetery. Married Claude A. Wood May 26, l928 at Ft. Morgan, Colo. He was born in l902. Four children, Annette, Keith, Doralee and an infant daughter. She was raised in Benkelman, grad. from Benkelman High School, attended Univ. Neb. in l922. Taught school for six years in the Hiawathia, Max, 147 Nebraska and Ft. Morgan, Colo. areas. After marriage they made their home on a farm north of Benkelman most of their lives. She was a member of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church and the Order of Eastern Star Holly Chapter 233 of Benkelman.

8-l. Ellen Annette Wood. Born Jan. 7, l930, Benkelman, Neb. Married Paul Kaye Wilson of Wauneta, Neb., Apr. 27, l952 at the Benkelman Methodist Church. He was born Oct. 27, l93l. Three children, VanCleave, Ellen and Lisa. She grad. Benkelman High School in l948 and attended Chillicothe, Mo. Business College and McCook, Neb. Business Colege. Taught in a rural elementary school for three years. Belonged to Jobs Daughters while in high school Later worked (l970) in a day care nursery sponsored by several churches of North Platte, Neb. He grad. Univ. of Neb. (l959) and was in U.S. Navy Hospital Corps. He was (l970) a sales representative for Ortho-Ferilizers, Chevron Chemical Co. Lived (l970) at 2l07 Alpha, North Platte, Neb.

9-l. Van Cleave Wilson. Born Oct. 28, l952, Honolulu, Hawaii.

9-2. Ellen Kay Wilson. Born Oct. 26, l956, Imperial, Neb.

9-3. Lisa Gail Wilson. Born Oct. 24, l962, Plainview, Neb.

8-2. Keith Albert Wood. Born Sept. 26, l934, Benkelman, Neb. Married Barbara Joyce Cotton, d. Harry and Marjorie Cotton of McCook, Neb., Nov. 26, l954 at Memorial Methodist Church, McCook. She was born Oct. 26, l934 at Lincoln, Neb. Three children, Lynnel, Rhonda and Bobette. He worked as a meat cutter in Hoff's Grocery in Wauneta, Neb. for five years and then became a full time farmer and school bus driver during the winter months. Lived (l970) on the old home place near his parents and took up irrigation farming. He was a Mason of the Wauneta, Neb. chapter. She grad. from McCook High School, l952, and McCook Junior College, l954. Was an active Rainbow Girl and belonged to Eastern Star #86 at McCook. Lived (l970) at Benkelman, Neb., 6902l.

9-l. Lynnel Gay Wood. Born Oct. 4, l957 at the Chase Co. Hospital, Imperial, Neb.

9-2. Rhonda Diann Wood. Born July 25, l959 at the Chase Co. Hospital, Imperial, Neb.

9-3. Bobette Sue Wood. Born Apr. ll, l965 on a farm in Dundy Co., Neb.; was delivered by her grandmother, Emma Kuhns Wood and her father.

8-3. Doralee Wood. Born Feb. l7, l936, Imperial, Neb. Married Lt. (j.g.) Marvin Leon Hoffler June 25, l96l at Mt. Zion Methodist Country Church south of Wauneta, Neb. He was born Apr. l, l936 at Sunbury, N. C. Two children, Pamela and Edward. She received BME at the Univ. Neb., l957. Taught public school music in Neb. for four years. Was member of Mu Phi Epsilon, Kappa Phi, Sigma Kappa Sorority and Jobs Daughters. He received a BSE from Univ. of N. Car., served four years in U.S. Navy and 7 l/2 years in the Naval Reserves. In l970 was a Lt. Commander. Was employed in the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. Was member of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Kappa. Lived (l970) at l74 Corinthia Dr., Newport News, Virginia, 23602.

9-l. Pamela Lynn Hoffler. Born Feb. 23, l962 prematurely at the Naval Base hospital, Quonset Point, R. I.

9-2. Edward Clayton Hoffler. Born June 28, l963 prematurely at Newport News, Va.

6-2. Charles Butler Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l, l877, Norwood, Iowa. Married Grace Watson Jones Sept. 27, l904 at Norton, Kas. She was born l876 and died Apr. 27, l946, Brush, Colo. One child, Norma. Lived Brush, Colo.

148 7-l. Norma Marian Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l3, l906, Axtell, Neb. Became registered nurse in l927. Received BS at Columbia Univ., l945. Became registered physical therapist in l946 with specialty in orthopedic nursing. Was orthopedic nursing consultant at the Colorado State Department of Pubic Health. Was loaned by the Institute of Inter-American Affairs to El Salvador to assist in a polio epidemic in l953. Due to health quit work and lived Brush, Colo.

6-3. George Elmer Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l4, l879, Aurora, Neb. Died l954. Married Orra Letitia Guilford July l, l908 at Kankakee, Ill. She was born Nov. 5, l880 at Deselm, Ill. No children. He worked for the federal government for many years; Orra Guilford lived later at 533 4th St., West Des Moines, Iowa.

6-4. Cassius Marion Pfrimmer. Born May 9, l882, Aurora, Neb.; died Mar. 6, l946, Bertrand, Neb. Married Hilma Lydia Hoffstrand July 27, l903 at Holdredge, Neb. She was born Sept. l7, l88l in Sweden. Two children, Doris and Marian. Hilma's niece and nephew, Hilma and Robert Hart, lived with the Cassius Pfrimmer family but were never adopted. But Robert changed his name to Pfrimmer and married Charlotte, last name not known. The family lived at Holdredge, Neb.; when Cassius Pfrimmer died Hilma Hoffstrand went to Texas to live with her daughter.

7-l. Doris Catherine Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 5, l9l0, Stratton, Neb.; died July 8, l946, Yakima, Wash.; bur. Sunnyside, Wash. Married Stanley Guy Ritchie of Bartley, Neb., July l2, l908. Two children, Phyllis and Jean. After Doris died Stanley remarried.

8-l. Phyllis Catherine Ritchie. Born Mar. l, l932, Oberlin, Kas.

8-2. Jean Marian Ritchie. Born June 5, l936, Oberlin, Kas.

7-2. Marian Frances Pfrimmer. Born Aug. l2, l92l, Bartley, Neb. Married Dr. Vernon W. Bratton at O'Reilly Hospital, Springfield, Mo. He was a dentist from Austin, Tex. He died and she remarried. They lived at Round Rock, Tex.

6-5. Mary Stella Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 26, l887, Stratton, Neb.; died Feb. 4, l888, Culbertson, Neb. of scarlet fever.

6-6. Luhra May Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 30, l888, Stratton, Neb.; died May l3, l893, Culbertson, Neb. of scarlet fever.

6-7. Wayne Kimball Pfrimmer. Born Sept. l9, l892, Culbertson, Neb.; died Mar. 26, l940, Yuma, Colo.; bur. Benkelman, Neb. Married Sadie M. Jones of Benkelman, Neb., Oct. 3l, l9l5. She was born Dec. l89l. One child, Patricia. Sadie Jones was president of BJ chapter, PEO, Eastern Star. They lived at 530 Logan St., Denver 3, Colo.

7-l. Patricia Jane Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l2, l925, Stratton, Neb. Married John Pusey Briggs in l950. He was born l926. One child, Jane. She was a member of Gamma Phi Beta. He was a mining engineer, grad. Colorado School of Mines l950 and member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

8-l. Jane Tiffany Briggs. Born l955.

5-4. Lydia "Lel" Pfrimmer. Born Corydon, Ind., Nov. l0, l856; died Lucas, Iowa, Apr. 30, l93l; bur. Norwood Cemetery, Norwood, Iowa. Married Thompson David Ashby Mar. l8, l880 at Norwood, Iowa. He was born at Ladoga, Ind., Apr. 8, l854; died Apr. l0, l952. Nine children, Mary, Iola, Thompson, George, Nina, Lydia, William, Charles and Albert. Lydia Pfrimmer taught country school before her marriage; during her teaching she bought a "tread" organ that cost $l00; she received $25 and $30 a month for teaching. Before and after marriage she gave music lessons on the organ. T. D. Ashby was a Republican, an ardent Bryan supporter and a life-long livestock dealer.

149 6-l. Mary Edith Ashby. Born Mar. l3, l88l, Norwood, Iowa; died Jan. l, l958. Married Robert Matheson Jan. l9l6 at Pompey's Pillar, Mont. He was born in l870 in Scotland; died l928 of a hemmorage from a stomach ulcer. Four children, Annie, Robert, Alexander and Edith. Edith Ashby received a D. O. from the School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo. in l9l0. Was a professional oestopath and practiced in Colorado for several months. She got sick and went to Montana where she taught school, married and lived. She practiced in Montana while her children were small, not in an office but in the neighborhood. In l926 she had John George Pfrimmer's doctor book. Robert Matheson was an irrigation farmer at Pompey's Pillar, growing alfalfa and small grain. After his death Edith Ashby married William A. Cofer in Seattle, Wash., in l942 where she met him while visiting her daughter. He had been a farmer who worked in war industry in Seattle during World War II. They lived in Seattle later in life with income primarily from social security.

7-l. Annie Lel Matheson. Born Oct. l0, l9l6. Married Marion A. Cofer, son of her mother's second husband, in l935. He was born in l9l3. Three children, Roberta, William and Thompson. Marion Cofer was in World War II. With his father he had come to Seattle to work in war industries. Later he worked for an oil company and drove an oil delivery truck. Annie Lel Cofer was a postal clerk in Bothell, Washington during World War II while her husband was in the army and went back to this job in l956. Lived at 22825 Locust Way, Bothell, Wash.

8-l. Robert Rose Cofer. Born April l937. Married Bert L. Vendendall in l954. She was born in l934. They had two children, Joyce and Bert. Lived 565 Welch Drive, Tulare, Calif., where he drove a pastry truck.

9-l. Joyce Cofer.

9-2. Bert Cofer.

8-2. William Marion Cofer. Born l939. Attended college in Washington and studied forestry.

8-3. Thompson Edward Cofer. Born l947.

7-2. Robert Ashby Matheson. Born Oct. l9l8. Married Gail Douglas in l950. She was born in l9l8. Two children, Douglas and Madeline. He was in World War II. Was a hod carrier and lived at RFD, Castle Rock, Wash.

8-l. Douglas Lee Matheson. Born l952.

8-2. Madeline Matheson. Born l955.

7-3. Alexander Thompson Matheson. Born Aug. l920. Married Virginia Dare Walter l947. She was born in l925. Two children, Sandra and Shari. He was a lieutenant in the Air Force in World War II and became treasurer of Gallatin Co., Mont. They lived on Durston Rd. in Bozeman, Mont.

8-l. Sandra Sue Matheson. Born l950.

8-2. Shari Lou Matheson. Born l952.

7-4. Edith Vera Matheson. Born Jan. l925. Married James Henry Boe in l943. He was born in l9l7. Two children, Donald and James. She was taking a practical nursing course in Seattle where she went with her mother on a trip; married and didn't finish school. He was a truck driver, driving for a trucking contractor to the Canada line and back. Lived 6007 5th Ave., N.E., Seattle, Wash.

8-l. Donald Gene Boe. Born l946.

8-2. James Norman Boe. Born l949.

150 6-2. Lola Lel Ashby. Born Nov. 8, l882, Norwood, Iowa.; died Nov. 22, l936 in a hospital at Des Moines, Iowa.; bur. Norwood Cemetery, Norwood, Iowa. Married John Henry Primm Mar. l, l903 at Norwood, Iowa. He was born Feb. l9, l878 and died July 20, l947 at Norwood, Iowa; bur. Norwood Cemetery. Four children, Ardys, Eleanor, John and Ann.

7-l. Ardys Marjorie Primm. Born Jan. 2, l904, Norwood, Iowa. Married John William Eaton Sept. l2, l928, Norwood, Iowa. He was born July l8, l893 and died Dec. 30, l956; bur. at Brinegar Cemetery, Otter Creek Twp. Three children, Eleanor, Harold and Richard.

8-l. Eleanor Lydia Eaton. Born Mar. 6, l930. Married Loral Clark in l95l. He was born in l924. One child, Dixie. Lived RFD #2, Lacona, Iowa.

9-l. Dixie Diana Clark. Born l952.

8-2. Harold John Eaton. Born Oct. 23, l93l. In Korean War.

8-3. Richard Earl Eaton. Born Nov. 4, l933. In Korean War; attended business school in Des Moines, Iowa.

7-2. Eleanor Janice Primm. Born Mar. 22, l905, Norwood, Iowa. Married Harry H. Sones Apr. l2, l930. He was born in l904. Three children, Martelle, Mary and Marjorie. Lived 620 Sandalwood, El Centra, Calif.

8-l. Vera Martelle Sones. Born Nov. l3, l93l. Married Luis Cases in l950. He was born in l928. Three children, Kathleen, Steven and Dale.

9-l. Kathleen Casas. Born l950.

9-2. Steven Casas. Born l95l.

9-3. Dale Casas. Born l952.

8-2. Mary Leona Sones. Born Jan. 22, l933. Married David Nuffer in l952. He was born in l932. Two children, Sheri and Lawrence.

9-l. Sheri Nuffer. Born l952.

9-2. Lawrence Nuffer. Born l954.

8-3. Marjorie Ann Sones. Born l936. Married James Webb. Lived 6l65 Montezuma, San Diego, l5, California.

7-3. John Gerald Primm. Born Sept. 24, l907, Norwood, Iowa. Married Nora Alice Williams Sept. ll, l940, Keytesville, Mo. She was born Jan. 2, l9l5. Two children, David and Patricia. Lived at Route #l, Lucas, Iowa.

8-l. David Primm. Born l950. Married Linda Kay Guffman Aug. 5, l973 at Gallatin, Mo. Two children, John and Heather.

9-l. John Caleb Primm. Born July 2, l980, Maryville, Mo.

9-2. Heather Renae Primm. Born Dec. 2, l98l, Maryville, Mo.

8-2. Patricia Primm. Born l953.

7-4. Anna Adella "Lel" Primm. Born Mar. 30, l909. Married Ludwig Diamond in l950. He was born in l900. Lived at Box l832, RFD #6, South Bend, Ind.

6-3. Thompson David Ashby, Jr. Born Sept. l7, l884, Norwood, Lucas Co., Iowa; died June l986 of a heart ailment at age l02 years and 9 months and after 6 weeks 151 of hospitalization. Married Lura Feight, d. of the pastor of a rural United Brethren church near Norwood, Sept. 8, l9l8, Silver City, Iowa. She was born Jan. l9, l89l near the town of Derby in Lucas Co.; died Apr. l966 of lung cancer. Both buried in the Chariton, Iowa, cemetery. No children. He was educated in the rural schools and took two years in the academic department of Simpson College at Indianola, Ia. In his earlier adult years he farmed, taught winter terms of school, went to Texas in l9l0 and returned in l9l5 when he ran a steam plow outfit for 38 months. Ran a steam thresher in Iowa for six years, l9l5-20 and taught school, l9l6-l7 at Tilford school and l9l7-l8 at Lipe and Wren Hills schools. Worked at a garage l9l9-20 at Chariton and in l92l was appointed rural postal carrier forRoute 5, Chariton, Iowa, a 25-mile route on direct roads; he was a rural mail carrier out of Chariton from l92l to l954. Retired at age 70 and was in the well digging business with a relative, Ray Coons. He joined the Norwood Methodist Church in his teens and the Norwood Oddfellow Lodge at age of l8. He was an active singer, taking vocal music lessons at Simpson College and singing at local musical events. His brother, Olyn, made recordings of some of his favorite songs such as pioneer ballads. At age 97 he did not apply for a renewal of his driver's license and relatives and friends supplied transportation. The occasion of his l00th birthday was celebrated with a family party with 9l relatives from l0 states attending, and with a program highlighted by "T.D." singing several songs. In his last years he was supervised and cared for by Ruth and Ray Coons, niece and nephew of Lura Feight. Lived at 7l9 North Main St., Chariton, Iowa where they built a house in the l930's.

6-4. George Elmer Ashby. Born Sept. l5, l886, Norwood, Iowa; died Jan. l, l972. Married (l) Ada Belle Pennington Mar. 3, l9l2 at Norwood, Iowa. She was born Aug. 22, l886 and died Nov. 6, l9l8 of Spanish influenza. Buried Norwood Cemetery. No children. Married (2) Edith Vawter Soper, Dec. 5, l920, Chariton, Iowa. She was born Oct. 2, l893 and died May l4, l968. She was married previously to Lloyd Soper, Feb. 25, l9l4, who was born Mar. 29, l890 in England, died of tuberculosis Oct. 25, l9l6 and was buried in Newbern Cemetery, Lucas Co., Iowa; they had one daughter, Alice Martha. George Elmer Ashby and Edith Vawter Soper had four children, Ardys, Margaet, Marion and Charlene. George Ashby taught rural school in his younger days and homesteaded briefly in Texas with his brother, T. D. He farmed for many years and was an avid reader. Lived RFD #5, Chariton, Iowa.

7-l. Alice Martha Soper. Born Aug. 24, l9l6. Married Frank Clarke Shaw Oct. l0, l932. Four children, Sandra, Richard, John and Robert. Alice taught school and worked in insurance; Clarke worked in insurance and sales. Lived Des Moines, Iowa.

8-l. Sandra Jane Shaw. Born l938; died l953.

8-2. Richard Clarke Shaw. Born July l, l94l. Married Mary Ann Hughes June l5, l963. She was born Feb. 23, l943. Three children, David, Sandra and Brian. He was a heart surgeon in St. Louis, Mo. and she was a registered nurse.

9-l. David Lloyd Shaw. Born Oct. 25, l967.

9-2. Sandra Jean Shaw. Born Jan. l6, l97l.

9-3. Brian Shaw. Born Oct. 25, l973.

8-3. John Michael Shaw. Born Sept. 2, l944. Married (l) Mary Jo Costales Dec. 27, l966. Two children, Lisa and Erin. Married (2) Katie, last name not known, l988. He was an architect and lived in Denver, Colo.

9-l. Lisa Joelle Shaw. Born Dec. l4, l967.

9-2. Erin Christine Shaw. Born June 2l, l97l.

8-4. Robert Douglas Shaw. Born July l, l949. Married Rebecca Dianne Linnevold Dec. 23, l972. She was born June l3, l949. They were both physicians and lived in Des Moines, Iowa. 152

7-2. Ardys Arlene Ashby. Born Jan. l0, l922. Married Victor Curtis May l, l943, San Diego, Calif. He was born July 7, l920. Two children, Susan and Jim. She was a registerd nurse trained at Broadlawns Hospital, Des Moines. He worked in an aircraft factory during World War II, then at auto mechanics and later was a private pilot. Lived l347 S. W. McKinley Ave., Des Moines, Iowa.

8-l. Susan Elaine Curtis. Born Oct. 22, l952. Grad. Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, l974 with BA in History. Worked in the insurance industry in Des Moines, Iowa where she lived (l989) at 800 S. W. Creston.

8-2. James Gregory Curtis. Born Feb. 23, l958. Married Gayle Kathleen Chipuka Aug. l7, l985. He made adaptive devices for handicapped children. They built a home on 20 acres in Lucas Co., Iowa.

7-3. Margaret Lucille Ashby. Born Nov. l0, l924. Married Verne Elwood Curtis, brother of Victor Curtis, June l, l942. He was born Feb. 9, l922. One child, Mark. Margaret Ashby worked as a secretary and Verne Curtis in sales. Lived 3705 28th St., Des Moines, Iowa.

8-l. Mark Stephen Curtis. Born May 3, l963; died May 5, l984 of Hodgkins' disease. He was a landscape architecture major at Iowa State University.

7-4. Marion Jerome Ashby. Born June 4, l928. Married (l) Marly Threlkeld Dec. 28, l950. She was born Apr. 30, l932 at Parsons, Kas. One child Brian. Divorced l956. Married (2) Norma Griffin McDowell May 28, l96l. She was born Jan. 3, l933. One child, Bradford. Lived Osceola, Iowa, where he had an appliance shop and she sold jewelry.

8-l. Brian Allen Ashby. Born Aug. l, l953. Married Holly Hammond in l980. No children; divorced l982. Brian was manager for Coors Brewery, Tucson, Ariz.

8-2. Bradford Scott Ashby. Born Feb. l5, l963. Married Patty, last name not known, Apr. 28, l984. Divorced l988. He sold Apple computers in Omaha, Neb.

7-5. Faye Charlene Ashby. Born July l4, l934. Married Robert Douglas McKinely June 26, l955. He was born Sept. ll, l933. Three children, Randall, Tamar and Phillip. Lived 7403 S.W. l3th St., Des Moines, Iowa. She worked in a cafeteria; he was in business with his brother selling heating equipment. Lived (l989) at ll00 S. W. Emma, Des Moines, Iowa.

8-l. Randall Douglas McKinley. Born Dec. 30, l957. Married Rene, last name not known, l987. One child, Christopher. Randall was a police detective in Bloomington, Ill. She was a registered nurse.

9-l. Christopher Dean McKinley. Born Oct. 24, l988.

8-2. Tamara Lynette McKinley. Born Oct. 29, l960. Married David Kip Holcomb Sept. l9, l98l. He was born Dec. 8, l953. One child, Brian. She was an accountant; he was in sales. Lived Farmington, New Mexico.

9-l. Brian Allen Holcomb. Born l987.

8-3. Phillip Brett McKinley. Born May 30, l963. Worked for the state of Iowa.

6-5. Nina Musetta Ashby. Born Apr. 2, l889, Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Warren Hanks Feb. 9, l922. He was born July 2, l885 Clark Co., Iowa and died Apr. l2, l966. No children. She attended country school and without more education began teaching shortly before she was l8 in country schools and then in the elementary grades of Luverne, Farragut and Harlan, Iowa. During World War I she did practical nursing for several years but returned to teaching during the depression, 6 years at the Norwood consolidated school in Lucas Co. and l3 years at Columbus school in 153 Charitan. By means of summer schools, correspondence courses and Saturday classes she received a BA degree in education from Drake Univ. in l950 and a practical nurses license by means of state examination in l95l. After retirement from teaching in l955 she did tutoring in her home; among her pupils were several retarded children who met as a group, the first regular class work for retarded children in Lucas Co.; this was discontinued in l964 when retarded children were included in the Chariton schools. She was a member of the Methodist church, a charter member of the Lucas Co. Assn. for Retarded Children, a charter member of the Lucas Co. Retired Teachers' Association. Warren Hanks was a mechanic and electrician. They lived in Oscola, Clark Co., Iowa, l922-29 and in Lucas Co. thereafter at 208 S. Grand St., Charitan, Iowa. In l979 she moved to the Calvin Manor Retirement Home, 42l0 Hickman Rd., Des Moines, Iowa, 503l0, where on Apr. 2, l989 she celebrated her l00th birthday.

6-6. Lydia Margaretta Ashby. Born May 30, l89l, Norwood, Iowa; died Nov. l968. Married Clint "Jack" Sowder in l9l9. He was born Dec. 30, l894 and died l966. Both buried in the Verndale, Minn., cemetery. Three children, Margaretta, Louise and Lucile. She taught in a rural school briefly before taking a course in practical nursing and then worked at nursing for several years before her marriage. Lived in South Dakota and then at Verndale, Minn. •where they owned and operated a garage until l945 when they purchased a summer resort on First Crow Wing Lake near Menahga, Minn. She was a charter member of the Verndale American Legion Auxiliary and was the 6th District Chair of the Child Welfare Department of the Legion Auxiliary. Was a nurse and member of the United Methodist Church. She became a diabetic in middle age and although she had treatment by local doctors and also at the Mayo Clinic, lost both feet, living a wheelchair life in later years. He was a veteran of World War I and belonged to the American Legion. Was on the school board for many years in Verndale, served on the Wadena Co. draft board before and during World War II and was president of the Lower Crow Wing Lakes Association. He was an active hunter and fisherman.

7-l. Anna Margaretta Sowder. Born Dec. 9, l924. Married Harold Hoven Goepferd Aug. l9, l943. He was born in l9l8. Three children, Lucinda, Wayne and Norma. "Margie" sold Stanley products for l0 l/2 years and then became active in the American Legion Auxiliary. Was District President, l966-67, Department (state) President l973-74, and was National Executive Committee Woman l974-75. Both Marg and Harold were active in the local Legion & Auxiliary. She served l2 years on the Hospital Board, 6 years as president; later she sold Avon products and became a group leader with a sales force of 22 people under her direction. Harold served in the Navy for 3 l/2 years during World War II. He worked in or owned a garage most of their married life; they had a laundromat in Bertha, Minn. for eleven years and also owned a mobile court at Bertha. Harold was on the city council as assistant mayor.

8-l. Lucinda Kay Goepferd. Born Oct. 8, l945. Completed one year of accounting at the Area Technical School at Wadena, Minn.; became head bookkeeper at the Bertha, Minn. First National Bank. She was in charge of the computer and the employees in the bookkeeping department. She lived (l989) at home with her parents.

8-2. Wayne Goepferd. Born Mar. 4, l947. Married Catherine Buttler June 29, l974. She was born Jan. ll, l953. One child, Monica Marie. Wayne grad. from Bertha high school and attended the Area Technical School at Hibbing, Minn. for two years in computer programming. Served four years in the Navy in the computer field. After his service he was employed in the forestry program of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. He worked one year in Minneapolis, 3 l/2 years in Ft. Collins, Colo., 3 years in Petersburgh, Alaska and in l989 was in Park Falls, Wis. where he was a computer specialist. Cathy was a coordinator for a special education center for retarded adults.

9-l. Monica Marie Goepferd. Known as Monique. Born Nov. 23, l977. Began to run in marathons in l988 when she came out third in one two-mile and another three-mile marathon.

154 8-3. Norma Lee Goepferd. Born Dec. l2, l948. Married Allen D. Tramm Feb. l4, l970. He was born Oct. 25, l947. Two children, Philip and Timothy. Norma attended junior college in Thief River Falls, Minn.; completed a B. S. degree in St. Cloud, Minn., with a double major in mathematics and physical education. She did substitute teaching and in l989 sold Avon products. Allen worked as a printer at St. Johns University, Collegeville, near St. Cloud, Minn.

9-l. Philip Conrad Tramm. Born Apr. l, l978.

9-2. Timothy Nathean Tramm. Born Jan. 26, l980.

7-2. Louise Sowder. Born Sept. 8, l928 (twin of Lucile). Married John (Jack) LaBonte in l948. He was born Aug. l7, l924. She started teaching in a two-room rural school when l8 years old and furthered her education by attending summer school and evening courses until obtaining a BS degree from Bemidji, Minn. State University. They devoted their lives to teaching, Louise at the elementary level and Jack at the secondary level in mathematics; he was a high school principal for 8 years. Lived at Medord, Thief River Falls and St. Cloud, Minn. and made First Crow Wing Lake their permanent home after retiring from teaching. They planted and harvested trees, gardened and engaged in many outdoor activities; were active members of the Methodist Church. Louise and Lucile and their husbands owned the buildings that were home and office in the resort days, with adjacent timber land and lake front; the cottages were sold to individual owners.

7-3. Lucile Sowder. Born Sept. 8, l928 (twin of Louise). Married C. John Lieder in l949. He was born Dec. 30, l920. She grad. from Bemidji, Minn. State Univ. and taught first grade at Verndale, Minn., after beginning in a two-room rural school when she was only l8 years old. She attended summer school and evening courses until obtaining the BS degree. John Lieder owned and operated a tire store for many years, constructed 4 homes and ran a 70-acre hobby farm near Wadena, Minn. that included beef animals and a large garden. The house they moved into in Sept. l977 that John Leider built was destroyed by a tornado only eight days after they moved into it; they escaped to the basement but were badly bruised. He built a new house on the old foundation. Lucile and John spent their leisure time at First Crow Wing Lake. Both were members of the Methodist Church.

6-7. William Henry Ashby. Born Dec. 29, l893, Norwood, Iowa. Married Myrtle Mitchell May 26, l920, Chariton, Iowa. She was born Sept. 7, l897 Lucas Co., Iowa. Three children: Robert, Thompson and Francis. William Ashby was in World War I, 349th Infantry, 88th Division, U. S. Army. Became a rural mail carrier July l929. Was treasurer of his Baptist Church. Lived 920 Penick Ave., Chariton, Iowa.

7-l. Robert Mitchell Ashby. Born June 22, l92l Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Mary Louise Patterson l94l at Los Angeles, Calif. She was born l92l. Three children, William, Janie and Michael. He worked in a store, a lumber company and at farming; then went to California and was a chauffeur and worked in an oil station. Was treasurer of the Chariton Gospel Center, an independent fundamental Protestant organization. Was county auditor of Lucas Co., Jan. l, l954 to Jan. l, l955 and again through Dec. 3l, l957. Was then selected as county assessor by the county supervisors. Lived ll07 Park, Chariton, Iowa.

8-l. William Everitt Ashby. Born Nov. l, l942.

8-2. Janie Myrtle Ashby. Born June 29, l945.

8-3. Michael Robert Ashby. Born Dec. l8, l949.

7-2. Thompson David Ashby. Born Jan. ll, l924 Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Ella Muhlenberg Aug. l9, l953. She was born Jan. 22, l926, Orange City, Iowa. They met at Sioux City, Iowa there they both were teaching school. She recieved BA degree from LaMars College. Her family was Dutch, one of the four original families to settle Sioux Co., Iowa, and a member of the Dutch Reformed Church. She became 155 superintendent of the Sunday School in the Presbyterian Church she attended. Thompson Ashby was in the second World War in the Navy between Apr. l945 and Dec. l946 in the South Pacific. Was discharged with tuberculosis. Carried mail at Chariton, Iowa. Received a BS degree in agricultural education at Iowa State College l952. Taught at Sioux Center, l952-53 and Stratford, Iowa, l953-54. Was a trustee of the Presbyterian Church. Lived 456 S. 8th St., Chariton, Iowa.

7-3. Francis Lowell Ashby. Born Apr. 2l, l939 Chariton, Iowa. Entered Iowa State Teachers College in l957 and planned to teach history.

6-8. Charles Francis Ashby. Born Apr. l5, l897, Norwood, Iowa; died Oct. 2l, l940, Denver, Colo. of appendicitis. Buried beside his parents in the Norwood, Iowa cemetery. Never married. Attended country school followed by high school in Lucas, Iowa. Enlisted in the army in World War I and served in the 58th artillery. After his discharge in l9l8 he did farm work and taught rural school. In the l930's he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps and was librarian of his group that was stationed at Scotts Bluff, Neb. for several years. He became ill and was taken to a military hospital in Denver where he died of appendicitis and complications. In World War I; was in a veterans camp in western Nebraska when he became stricken. Was member of the Methodist Church and active in religious work; enjoyed music and played an alto horn in the Lucas band and in his military company's band.

6-9. Albert Olyn Ashby. Born Dec. l6, l899, Norwood, Iowa. Married Grace Esperance Colwell Oct. l, l923, Chariton, Iowa. She was born Apr. l5, l898 at Burlington Jct., Mo. and died Feb. 8, l979, Sun City, Ariz. One son, David. Albert Olyn Ashby was in World War I. He worked as a farm hand and herdmaster to a herd of Shorthorn cattle and then became a rural mail carrier at Lucas, Iowa, Jan. l, l923. He transferred to the Railway Mail Service at the Kansas City, Mo., terminal, Oct. l, l93l as substitute clerk and became a regular clerk Jan. l, l936. Was assigned to the road run on the Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Tulsa (Frisco RR) run Jan. l, l940. Lived Overland Park, Kas. and after retirement at Sun City, Ariz.

7-l. David Colwell Ashby. Born Aug. 9, l926. Married Eleanor Gladys Stagg Miranda Jan. l6, l960. She was born Sept. 25, l92l; she had two daughters from her first marriage. David Colwell Ashby was in World War II. Received BS degree from University of Kansas in l950. Taught high school science at Brawley, El Cajon and Imperial Beach, Calif. Was a social caseworker for San Diego county for 6 l/2 years and started a water bed store in San Diego Feb. l97l. Lived (l989) in San Diego, Calif.

5-5. Albert Clay Pfrimmer. Born July 2l, l860 near Corydon, Ind.; died April l7, l923, Norwood, Iowa.; bur. Norwood Cemetery. Married Martha Ellen Lipe Jan. 8, l886, Chariton, Iowa. She was born July 7, l866 and died l94l. Thirteen children, Ada, Vashti, Samuel, Blonda, Lydia, John, George, Anglo Saxon, Mary, Helen, Emily, Charlotte and Wilbur. When first married he lived with his father at Cooley's. In l886 he bought 80 acres to the southwest and soon after 200 acres to the south where he raised his family. Bought at $l8 an acre and soon sold the 80 for $20 an acre. This left 3 40's in a string with a road between. Bought ten acres of timber to the north and later sold the west 40. He was on the school board at Ren Hill in l904 or l905, an independent rural school with 3 directors. This was l/4 mile east of the home place; his children went to school there. Was a Republican but he voted in the Democratic primary. Was a strong supporter of Bryan and a prohibitionist. Helped build the Evangelical Church 3/4 mile east of his home in l902. In l9l3 it became a United Brethren Church. His daughter, Vashti, named it the Zion Church.

6-l. Ada Ellen Pfrimmer. Born Oct. l7, l887, Lucas Co., Iowa; died Oct. l972 Omaha, Neb. Married Goldsborough B. Patterson June 2, l907, Lucas Co., Iowa. He was born Sept. l7, l884 and died Jan. 5, l960. One child, Mary Ellen. Lived in Oklahoma a few years where he farmed. Moved to Omaha where he was with a large furniture store when he retired. Lived l680 Whitmore St., Omaha, Neb.

156 7-l. Mary Ellen Patterson. Born May l6, l908 at Camp, Okla.; died Dec. l973 of cancer, Omaha, Neb. Received BS in Education, Univ. of Neb., l9l3; MA, Univ. of Iowa, l942; PhD Colorado State College, Greeley, l927. Member of Kappa Phi (National Methodist Girl's Club) l927; Pi Lambda Theta, l940; Phi Delta Gamma; Kappa Delta Phi. Taught first in a rural school in Clarke Co., Iowa; then at a rural school out of Omaha, 2-3 years. Was principal of an elementary school in Omaha, Neb. Retired June l973.

6-2. Queen Vashti Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 8, l889, Lucas Co., Iowa; died Dec. l3, l958, Oakland, Calif. Married Franklin Nice Kornhaus in l939. He was born l876; died Mar. 26, l950, Oakland, Calif. She received BS degree, Iowa State Teachers College, l9l3; MA Stanford Univ., l933. Taught in Iowa, Montana, Utah and California; was a Methodist and a Republican. He was a banker in Oakland, Calif. Was Supt. of the First Methodist Sunday School, Oakland, Calif., l9l5-l945. Member of the Board of Education in l9l9; YMCA "Man of the Year" in l947; awarded membership in the Methodist Hall of Farm in Philanthropy, l950.

6-3. Samuel McRae Pfrimmer. Born July l3, l890, Lucas Co., Iowa; died May 7, l948, Denver, Colo. in the veterans hospital where he had been for two weeks before his death. Married Anna Dyken Jan. 3l, l920 at Chariton, Iowa. She was born in l894 in Holland. Three children, Lorraine, John and Francis. He was in World War II. Was wounded in l9l9 and was in and out of the Fitzsimmons Veterans Hospital near Denver for a few years. For l7 years before his death he did not leave his neighborhood where they had a small grocery store. He helped the other children in the neighborhood with their studies, especially English, history and mathematics. Was a Democrat in politics.

7-l. Lorraine Dyken Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l, l920. Married William Hackman in l943. He was born Nov. 2l, l9l8 in Pennsylvania. Three children, William, Anita and Robert. She went into the U. S. Navy as a 2nd Lieutenant; was promoted to lst Lieutenant and saw service in the South pacific and India for two years in World War II. He was a Captain, USAF, a combat pilot in the War. Was a salesman for the Carpenter Paper Co. in Denver and they lived in Denver after l945.

8-l. William McRae Hackman. Born Jan. 22, l947; attended University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.

8-2. Anita Lorraine Hackman. Born Mar. l0, l949; was a practical nurse in Denver, Colo.

8-3. Robert Howard Hackman. Born Jan. 22, l950. Married in l969. He and his wife attended college in Denver, Colo.

7-2. John Lipe Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l7, l922; died in a home for retarded children in l943.

7-3. Francis Marion Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 28, l929; died July 28, l929 of a locked bowel.

6-4. Anna Blonda "Ablonda" Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l6, l89l, Lucas Co., Iowa; died Feb. 27, l969. Married (l) Rance McBeth. He died in l933. No children. He was a mine prospector in Alaska where he died of cancer from a World War I shoulder wound. Married (2) August Koepke in l944, a retired lumberman. He was born in l888 and died in l967. She left home at age of l6 and went to Omaha to live with a cousin of her father, Allie Pfrimmer McLaughlin who was Superintendent of the Omaha Methodist Hospital Finished high school; went to Peru State Teachers College and received a BA from the University of Nebraska. Taught school at Ruby, Ariz., in Montana and Alaska. Homesteaded in Montana where she kept her property until l940. Her avocation was writing poetry, much of which was published in newspapers, magazines and book form Lived in later life in Moclips, Wash.

157 6-5. Mabel Lydia Pfrimmer. Born May 29, l893, Lucas Co., Iowa; died Mar. 5, l936, Des Moines, Iowa; bur. Norwood, Iowa Cemetery. Married Patrick Cunningham June 20, l920, Lucas Co., Iowa. He was born l892 and died l967. One son, Eugene. She was a stenographer in Des Moines, Iowa and lived there.

7-l. Eugene Clay Cunningham. Born June 7, l923; died Mar. l974 of cancer. Married Isabel, last name not known, about l950. Two children, Donald and Kathy. Was in World War II; lived Des Moines, Iowa.

8-l. Donald Cunnigham. A Vietnam veteran.

8-2. Kathy Cunningham.

6-6. John Lipe Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 23, l894, Lucas Co., Iowa; died July l2, l966. Married Fern Hood Nov. 29, l924. She was born July 3l, l896. One child, John Max. Was in World War I in the Rainbow Division, l5lst FA Battalion D and was in Europe l9l7-l9. Was a Republican, but became a Democrat during the l929 depression. Lived Chariton, Iowa and later west of Derby, Iowa.

7-l. John Max Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l7, l926. Married Lorene May Gammon Oct. 9, l946. She was born in l925. Two children, Judith and Janet. Lived on a farm near Derby, Iowa.

8-l. Judith Ann Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l7, l949. Married Gene Engle. Two children, Michael and Melissa. Gene Engle drove a semi-truck.

9-l. Michael Engle. Born May 28, l967.

9-2. Melissa Engle. Born Oct. 6, l968.

8-2. Janet Marie Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l7, l952. Married Dan Lovett. One son, name not known. Janet Marie was a cancer nurse at Methodist Hospital in Des Moines. Dan Lovett was an environmental engineer. They lived at Granger, Iowa.

8-3. John Lewis Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l9, l957.

6-7. George Albert Pfrimmer. Born July l0, l897. Married Laura Deloise Hall Jan. l3, l9l7, Chariton, Iowa. She was born Apr. 6, l899; died Mar. l968; bur. Bluff Creek Cem., Boone, Iowa. Ten children, Fred, Gilbert, Donald, Norma, Glenice, Helen, Keith, Gerald, Dorothy and Myrna. Farmed in Lucas Co. and in l94l moved to Boone, Iowa where he worked for the Yellow Cab Co. A Republican but became a Democrat during the l929 depression. Lived ll30 Meridian St., Boone, Iowa.

7-l. Frederick Francis Pfrimmer. Born July l8, l9l8; died July l969 of a heart attack. Married Agnes DeGregorio Apr. l5, l944 in California. She was born Aug. l, l92l in Lyndhurst, N. J. One child, Wayne. After grad. from Lucas, Ia., High School, he worked around Lucas, Ia., on farms and also in the Storm Lake area. Enlisted in the Navy and served l942-l946, where he was boatswain on the aircraft carrier, U. S. Ranger. Chief Master at Arms at the Alameda Naval Air Station when he was discharged Oct. l946. At that time moved to Lyndhurst, N. J.; engaged first in carpentry and machine shop work and then in l950 became a gas station maintenance foreman for Reinauer Brothers, a company affiliated with Phillips Petroleum Co. Agnes DeGregorio was secretary to the branch manager of the General Printing Ink Co. They lived at 539 5th Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J. In l996 she lived at l555 Tarpon Center Drive, IW26l, Bahia Vista Gulf, Venice, Fla., 34285.

8-l. Wayne Joseph Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 4, l946, Oakland, Calif. Married (l) Rosemary Markham, d. Chester James Markham and Elizabeth Helen Seger Sept. ll, l965 at Winchester, Va. She was born June l2, l946 in Pittsburgh, Pa. One child, Adriene. They divorced in l975. Married (2) Rita Nowicki in l977. They had two children, Brian and Eric. They divorced in l988. Married (3) Cynthia S. Persing in l989. They had one child, Adam. Wayne Pfrimmer moved to Lyndhurst, N. J. with his 158 parents when 6 months old. Attended Columbus and Jefferson elementary schools and Lyndhurst High School. Entered University of Pittsburgh l963 and grad. l966 with BS in Chemistry; attended Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical School l966-70. Rosemary Markham's father was an industrial engineer for Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. and l95l the family moved to Aliquippa, Pa. She attended elementary school at New Sheffield School and St. Titus School in Aliquippa and St. Veronica's High School in Ambridge, Pa., grad. l964. Received BA in English l968 from Univ. of Pittsburgh with minor in Secondary Education. Taught at East Street School in Pittsburgh, Feb.- June l969 and in Nov. l969 took employment with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy in Pittsburgh. In l996 Wayne Pfrimmer lived at l0l Apple Court, McMurray, Pa., l53l7; 4l2-94l-5908 (H) and 4l2-223-38l6 (W).

9-l. Adriene Pfrimmer. Born May 3l, l966. In l996 was an accountant with Price-Waterhouse in Pittsburgh.

9-2. Brian Joseph Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 20, l980. In l996 was living with his father.

9-3. Eric Thomas Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 20, l980. In l996 was living with his father.

9-4. Adam Wayne Pfrimmer. Born Oct. l3, l990.

7-2. Gilbert George Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l4, l9l9; died Dec. l6, l993.Married Dorothy May Fillmore Dec. l4, l943. She was born Feb. 2, l928. Two children, Deloise and Wade. He worked on farms around Lucas and then around Storm Lake, Iowa until l942. Moved to Washington State and was employed at Boeing Aircraft. She was a beautician. Lived (l974) at l9330 Winesap Rd., Bothell, Wash. In l997 Dorothy May Fillmore lived at l7404 24th Ave., NW, Arlington, Wash., 98223-9652.

8-l. Deloise Jean Pfrimmer. Born July 30, l947. Married (l) David Smith Oct. 5, l964. Two children, Angelina and Kelli. Divorced l969. Married (2) William Baldwin Oct. 30, l976. One son, William. Lived (l997) at l8230 36th Place South, Seatac, Washington, 98l88.

9-l. Angelina Smith. Born May 26, l965. Married a Lemmon; had one son, Jacob.

l0-l. Jacob Dean Lemmon. Born Aug. l5, l986.

9-2. Kelly Michelle Smith. Born Oct. l3, l972. Married (l) a Burton and had one child, Kyle. Married (2) a Holmes and had a one child, Teryn.

l0-l. Kyle Brooks Burton. Born Oct. 28, l990.

l0-2. Teryn Jerome Holmes. Born Oct. l2, l995.

9-3. William Jerome Baldwin V. Born Oct. l3, l972.

8-2. Wade Tracy Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 24, l952. Married (l) Cindy Metzger. She was born June l5, l953. One son, Travis. Married (2) Marilyn Jean Tarabochia Aug. 28, l988. She was born Nov. 27, l950. In l975 Wade Pfrimmer was in the armed services, stationed in California. In l997 they lived at l9903 Old Burn Rd., Arlington, Wash., 98223; tel: 360-435-592l.

9-l. Travis Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 8, l973.

7-3. Donald Eugene Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 3l, l922. Married Blanche E. Robinson July l8, l942. She was born July 26, l922 and died Oct. 2l, l990. Four children, Gary, Evelyn, Linda and Dennis. He worked on a farm around Lucas, Iowa until l940; then went to Sac County and worked on farms. In l944 started work as an 159 electrician for Schwab Electric where he remained until l960 when he went into business for himself at Schaller, Iowa. In late l974 he closed his electrical shop and moved to Arizona for medical reasons. Lived (l974) at Pony Acres, l847 Apache, Temple, Ariz., 85282 and (l998) at P. O. Box 237, Schaller, Iowa, 5l063.

8-l. Gary Eugene Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 23, l943. Married Barbara Ellen Young Nov. 2l, l964, Galva, Iowa. She was born Oct. 28, l947. Three children, Stacy, Wesley and Lucas. Grad. Schaller High School and Iowa State Univ., Ames. Worked in Perry and Dakota City as maintenance man at Iowa Beef. Mar. l968 bought into a partnership with his father. l97l purchased own farm and raised hogs. Lived Schaller, Iowa and in l998 at 6485 Nanette Way, Colorado Springs, Colo., 809l8.

9-l. Stacy Lynn Pfrimmer. Born June 2l, l966. Married Dean Henderson Aug. 2, l986. Two children, Michael and Matthew. They lived (l998) at Colorado Springs, Colo.

l0-l. Michael Dean Henderson. Born Sept. 27, l987.

l0-2. Matthew David Henderson. Born Sept. l2, l990.

9-2. Wesley Eugene Pfrimmer. Born June 6, l969. Married Karen NN, Mar. 6, l994. They lived (l998) in Las Vegas, Nev.

9-3. Lucas Clay Pfrimmer. Born July l3, l974. In l998 was a junior in high school and lived at home.

8-2. Evelyn Kay Pfrimmer. Born July l6, l947. Married Thomas John McDonough of Schaller, Iowa, Aug. 8, l965. He was born Oct. 25, l945. They had four children, Scot, Trent, Abby and Ross. She grad. Schaller High school; played basketball and was named all-state guard on the second all-state team. He farmed at Schaller, Iowa. They lived in Schaller until l990 until they moved to ll59 l98th Rd., Boone, Iowa.

9-l. Scot Thomas McDonough. Born Dec. 22, l966. Married Connie Francis of Palmer, Iowa., Aug. l2, l988. They had three children, Wade, Drew and Tonia. They lived (l998) in Sac City, Iowa.

l0-l. Wade Thomas McDonough. Born Dec. 3, l989.

l0-2. Drew William McDonough. Born Apr. 26, l99l.

l0-3. Tonia Marie McDonough. Born May 20, l992.

9-2. Trent Lee McDonough. Born Mar. 20, l969. Married Jayne Pudenz of Odebolt, Iowa, April 3, l993. They had two children, Madison and Cody. They lived (l998) in Schaller, Iowa on the McDonough Home Farm.

l0-l. Madison Leigh McDonough. Born Oct. 4, l993.

l0-2. Cody Joseph McDonough. Born April 20, l995.

9-3. Abby Sue McDonough. Born Dec. 28, l97l. Married Robert Morain of Boone, Iowa, May l4, l994. They had one child, Levi. Lived (l995) in Iowa City, Iowa, but were planning to move to Boone in l996.

l0-l. Levi Thomass Morain. Born Sept. 27, l995.

9-4. Ross Eugene McDonough. Born May l4, l976. Graduated from Boone High School in l995 and then lived in Iowa City.

8-3. Linda Jane Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 29, l950. Married Kenneth Mentzer of Schaller, Iowa., Aug. l5, l970. He was born Dec. 6, l948. Three children, Kami, Kent and Kallie. She grad. Schaller High School; was valedictorian of her class. Attended 160 Wayne State College and transferred for her final year to Buena Vista College where she grad. with BA in elementary education. He grad. Buena Vista College with BA in physical education; was teacher and coach (l974) at Holstein, Iowa. Lived (l995) at RR, Holstein, Iowa, 5l025.

9-l. Kami Lynn Mentzer. Born Mar. l6, l972. Lived (l995) at Vermillion, S. D.

9-2. Kent Ryan Mentzer. Born July l2, l974. In l995 was a student at the University in Cedar Falls.

9-3. Kallie Sue Mentzer. Born Oct. l7, l977. In l995 was a senior at Galva-Holstein High School and lived at home.

8-4. Dennis Keith Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 20, l954. Marrie(l) Toni Marie Blum of Wall Lake, Iowa, July l8, l973. She was born July l3, l954. They had two children, Jessie and Kahala. They divorced in l989. Married (2) Cheryl S. Stone Nov. ll, l992. He grad. Schaller High School and attended Univ. of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Ia., on a scholarship fund left by Vashti Pfrimmer Kornhaus. Grad. with degree in social work. Toni received BS in nursing at Mt. Marty College, Yankton, S. D. In l995 Dennis and Cheryl lived at 628 N. Highland Ave., Pierre, South Dakota, 5750l.

7-4. Norma Blanche Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 24, l924; died l996. Married (l) Ellsworth Leroy Davis Aug. l3, l945. Two children, David and Loy. Divorced. Married (2) Clarence Fred Hitchcock July 22, l959. He was born July l4, l925. Two children, Daniel and Jeffrey. Ellsworth Davis worked for a railroad and was veteran of World War II. They lived at Boone, Iowa and after her second marriage lived in Des Moines.

8-l. David Lee Davis. Born Sept. 26, l946. Married Rose Mary Cazzet June l3, l964. She was born Feb. l, l946. Two children, Dawn and Buddy. He was in the Vietnam War; lived at Ft. Dodge, Iowa.

9-l. Dawn Marie Davis. Born Aug. l3, l965. Married Michael Carl Simmons. He was born July 6, l965. They had two children, Kiersten and Jennifer. Lived (l995) at P. O. Bo 3l, Linden, Iowa, 50l46.

l0-l. Kiersten Marie Simmons. Born Mar. 5, l99l.

l0-2. Jennifer Elaine Smmons. Born Mar. 8, l993.

9-2. Buddy Lee Davis. Born Mar. l2, l970.

8-2. Loy Helen Davis. Born Aug. 2, l95l. Grad. from high school; worked in Des Moines. Married Kenny Russel. He was born Sept. l0, l945.

8-3. Daniel Joseph Hitchcock. Born Apr. l, l960.

8-4. Jeffrey Allen Hitchcock. Born Nov. ll, l968.

7-5. Glenice Lavonne Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 20, l927. Married John H. Robinson Jan. 5, l946. He was born Aug. 3l, l9l6. Three children, James, Malia and Kathy. Was in the Army l942-l945 and later moved to Storm Lake, Iowa. Was a county maintenance man. She was a technician at Buena Vista Hospital, Storm Lake. Lived (l974) 4l2 Superior St., Storm Lake, Iowa, 50588.

8-l. James Carroll Robinson. Born Feb. 8, l950. Grad. Storm Lake, Iowa, High School. Married Linda Jean Rice of Denison, Iowa, Nov. 4, l97l. She was born July 7, l95l. Two children, Jason and Jeff. He entered army Feb. 24, l969 and was honorably discharged Feb. 23, l97l. Was in Vietnam July l2, l969 to July 8, l970. She attended Stewarts School of Cosmotology, Sioux City, Iowa, Sept. l969-June l970. 161

9-l. Jason James Robinson. Born Aug. l2, l972.

9-2. Jeffery Robert Robinson. Born Aug. 26, l974.

8-2. Malia Ann Robinson. Born Oct. l, l954. Married Tommy J. Myers from Tucson, Ariz. Two chldren, Travis and Jessica. Graduated from Storm Lake High School; went through nursing school in Tucson, Ariz.

9-l. Travis John Myers. Born Mar. 26, l983.

9-2. Jessica Ann Myers. Born June l6, l986.

8-3. Kathy Coleen Robinson. Born Oct. 23, l958. Graduated from Storm Lake High Schol. Married Michael D. Bauer. They had two children, John and Tiffany. Michael Bauer was in the Navy and served many places.

9-l. John Michael Bauer. Born Nov. 22, l978.

9-2. Tiffany Lyn Bauer. Born Mar. 24, l98l.

7-6. Helen Marie Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l, l929, Lucas, Iowa; died July 20, l95l of bowel obstruction, Boone, Iowa; bur. Bluff Creek Cem, Boone, Iowa. Married Veryl Jennings Oct. l8, l946. He was born l92l. No children. She moved to Boone, Iowa in l942 with her family. He was a truck driver and they lived at Boone, Iowa.

7-7. Keith Albert Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 30, l93l, Lucas, Iowa. Married Margaret Janet Miller Apr. 6, l952 at the Central Christian Church in Boone, Iowa. She was born July l8, l933. Three children, Eugene, Cherdell and Cindy. He was in the U.S. Navy, l95l-l955. He was a welder and later was in grain aeration; she worked at the produce market in Boone. Lived on a farm a few miles from Boone, Iowa, RFD #4, Box l64. In l975 was transferred by his firm to Nebraska. Lived (l998) at 1216 Monona St., Boone, Iowa, 50036.

8-l. Elroy Eugene Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 4, l954. Grad. Boone High School l973. Employed at Iowa Electric Light and Power Co., Boone, Iowa. Married (l) Jody Fretcher. Divorced. Married (2) Becky Bridges. Divorced. Worked for Iowa Electric Co. Lived (l998) at 14394 Highway 65 #33l, Iowa Falls, Iowa.

8-2. Chardell Lee Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l8, l955. Grad. Boone High School l973. Married Kelly Stewart Piklapp, s. Marvin Piklapp of Lynch, Neb., Feb. 2, l974. He was born Aug. 4, l954. They had two children, Gregory and Garrett. They were divorced. Kelly Piklapp grad. from Boone High School l972 and attended Des Moines Area Community College, Boone campus; grad. l974. Worked at Fareway Grocery Main Office in Boone, Iowa. Lived (l974) Boone, Iowa and (l998) at 109 W. 16th St., Boone, Iowa., 50036.

9-l. Gregory Keith Piklapp. Born April 9, l980.

9-2. Garrett Stewart Piklapp. Born June 4, l98l.

8-3. Cindy Lou Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l9, l957. Grad. Boone High School l975. Married Michael Ray Ninneman, son of Herman and Norma Ninneman of Boone, Iowa, Sept. l, l979. He was born Nov. 6, l956. They had two children, Kasey and Jamieson. She was employed with Douglas Exploration, a drilling company and does payable and payroll accounts. He graduated from Boone High School in l975 and was employed with the Signal Department with the Chicago Northwestern Railroad. Lived (l998) at 1007 Durango Drive, Douglas, Wyo. 82633, tel: 307-358-6917.

9-l. Kasey Michael Ninneman. Born Sept. 25, l98l.

162 9-2. Jamieson Lee Ninneman. Born Feb. 24, l984.

7-8. Gerald Dean Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 4, l933. Married Colleen Walters May 29, l955. She was born Apr. 3, l936. Two children, Dale and James. At age 7 l/2 he moved to Boone, Iowa with his family where they lived on a farm. He and his brothers and sisters walked 2 l/2 miles to a country school. Quit school in the 8th grade and worked for the Yegge Block and Tile Co., Boone, Iowa, until he was drafted into the Army in l953. Was stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., for basic training for four months and then was sent to Augsburg, Ger., Apr. l953 with the l02nd Infantry Headquarters, 2nd Batallion. Honorably discharged Dec. l954 with rank of . Did carpentry work, railroad work and then purchased a garbage disposal route, the G & D Sanitary Service, Inc., that serviced eight towns and 250 miles of country routes each week. Colleen Walters grad. Pilot Mound High School May l954 and worked for Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., Boone, Iowa for 8 years. Later she drove a bus for Headstart and another school. Lived (l974) eight miles north of Boone, Iowa on a farm, RFD #4, Box l85, Boone, Iowa, 50036.

8-l. Dale Lee Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 28, l959.

8-2. James Dean Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l9, l96l. Married Peggy Morgan Oct. 8, l983. Two children, Jarrett and Karli.

9-l. Jarrett Dean Pfrimmer. Born May 8, l987.

9-2. Karli Jo Pfrimmer. Born January 23, l99l.

7-9. Dorothy Jean Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 4, l934, Lucas, Iowa. Married Oris Warren Hubbard Nov. 8, l953. He was born Apr. 23, l929 at Blockton, Taylor Co., Iowa. Three children, Kelly, Kirk and Kris. Lived (l995) at 6l6 Elm St., Box 5026l, Van Meter, Iowa where he studied to be an accountant.

8-l. Kelly Ryan Hubbard. Born Sept. 7, l958. Married (l) Carrie Sinn in l977. She was born Aug. l6, l958. Two children, Jason and Mark. They were divorced in l983. Married (2) Jenny Frank. She was born Oct. 2l, l96l. They had three children, Gwendolyn, Paige and Erin.

9-l. Jason Dale Hubbard. Born Jan. l2, l978.

9-2. Mark Joseph Hubbard. Born Aug. 2l, l979.

9-3. Gwendolyn Kate Hubbard. Born Apr. 9, l988.

9-4. Paige Nicole Hubbard. Born June 30, l99l.

9-5. Erin Kelly Hubbard. Born Nov. 6, l994.

8-2. Kirk Frederick Hubbard. Born Feb. 24, l96l. Married Karen Beck. She was born Apr. 2l, l96l. One son, Luke.

9-l. Luke Austin Beck. Born Dec. l9, l99l.

8-3. Kris Edward Hubbard. Born Sept. 5, l965. Married Kelley Kunzler. She was born May 2, l967. Two children, Ryan and Danielle.

9-l. Ryan James Hubbard. Born Sept. 29, l989.

9-2. Danielle Jean Hubbard. Born May 25, l994.

7-l0. Myrna Loy Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 3, l937. Married Floyd Thomas Murray in l954. He was born l934. Two children, Teresa and George. Divorced l959. She lived (l974) at 404 State St., Boone, Iowa, 50036.

163 8-l. Teresa Murray. Born July l, l956. Married Robert William Stansbury III July l4, l973. He was born July l2, l952. Two children, Heather and Suzann. Lived (l974) at l9l6 Marshall, Boone, Iowa, 50036.

9-l. Heather Olean Stansbury. Born Sept. 24, l973. Married Brian Allen Mar. l0, l995.

9-2. Suzann Marie Stansbury. Born July 25, l975.

8-2. George Lee Murray. Born June 22, l958. Married Juli Ann McIntyre July l0, l976. Had two children, Mardi and Cody.

9-l. Mardi Ann Murray. Born Oct. 29, l978.

9-2. Cody Jordan Murray. Born July 2, l982.

6-8. Anglo Saxon Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 20, l898, Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Edna Nina Rowe Jan. 3l, l92l. She was born Nov. 23, l903. Four children, Sherman, Robert, Francis and Macel. He worked at home until age 22 when he married. Then rented farms in Warren, Clarke and Lucas Counties and owned a farm in Jackson Twp. In l94l bought a farm of 80 acres from his mother's estate and moved there; later he bought 40 more to the South. Lived on the farm and his wife lived in Des Moines. Was a Democrat from the time he was young and ran for state representative from Lucas Co. l952 and l954.

7-l. Sherman Albert Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l9, l922 in Lucas Co., Iowa; died Dec. 20, l998 in Des Moines, Iowa. Married Bertha Ellen Stuart Sept. l950 in Des Moines, Iowa. She was born Mar. ll, l932. One child, Elizabeth. Lived Des Moines and was a baker with the Colonial Baking Co.; his hobbies were fishing and bowling.

8-l. Elizabeth Ellen Pfrimmer. Born May 3, l95l in Des Moines, Iowa. Died Jan. 1, 2000 in Des Moines, Iowa. Married David Downey in Des Moines, Iowa. Had two children, Amanda and Tamara. Were divorced.

9-l. Amanda Lynn Downey. Born Sept. 25, l974 in Des Moines, Iowa. Married T. Jeremy Steed Sept. l996. Two children, Mercedes and Elizabeth.

l0-l. Mercedes Marie Downey. Born Nov. 2, l993.

l0-2. Elizabeth Ellen Steed. Born Mar. 22, l997.

9-2. Tamara Jo Downey. Born Mar. l6, l977 in Des Moines, Iowa. Married Damion Lee Garrison May 3, l999. Three children, Adaleine, Anorrea and Damion.

l0-l. Adelina May Downey. Born l994.

l0-2. Anorrea Elaine Rose Downey. Born Mar. 2, l997.

l0-3. Damion Lee Garrison II. Born Nov. ll, l998.

7-2. Robert Saxon Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l2, l924, Warren Co., Iowa; died July l3, l99l at RR #2, Russell, Iowa at home. Married Donna Jean Pence June l4, l944, Lucas Co., Iowa. She was born Apr.4, l930. Two children, Sharon and Joyce. Robert Saxon Pfrimmer was a farmer; he owned l20 acres near Norwood, Iowa. In l959 he bought l60 acres from his father-in-law which was locted east of Williamson, Iowa where he lived when he died. He raised Black Angus cattle. Before he retired he worked for Johnson Machine Works.

8-l. Sharon Kay Pfrimmer. Born Apr.2, l945, Chariton, Iowa. Married Kenneth Dewayne Garrison Nov. 22, l963, Des Moines, Iowa. Three children, Wanda, Brenda and Daniel. Email address (l999): .

164 9-l. Wanda Jean Garrison. Born July 29, l964, Des Moines, Iowa. Married (l) Dorvan Timothy Freeman in Des Moines, Iowa. One child, Abigail. Married (2) Roby Eugene Price Mar. 3l, l989 in Des Moines, Iowa. Two children, Heather and Josie. The father of her daughter, Heather Jo, was Byron K. Bates.

l0-l. Heather Jo Garrison. Born Oct. 3, l979 in Des Moines, Iowa. Her partner was Charles Ralph Smith II. He was born Mar. 29, l979 in Des Moines, Iowa. They had one child, Patience Electra.

ll-l. Patience Electra Smith. Born May 16, 1999 in Des Moines, Iowa.

l0-2. Josie Jean Price. Born May 5, l989.

9-2. Brenda Kay Garrison. Born Sept. 8, l966, Des Moines, Iowa. Married Bruce Dana Edvenson April ll, l992, Des Moines, Iowa. Two children, Arianna and Ethan.

l0-l. Arianna Elizabeth Edvenson. Born Mar. 4, l995.

l0-2. Ethan Christian Edvenson. Born Nov. l3, l997.

9-3. Daniel Dewayne Garrison. Born Aug. l8, l970.

8-2. Joyce Louise Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 4, l955, Osceola, Iowa. Married David Lee Coleman, s. Bernie Melvin Coleman and Alice Ann Wilson, Aug. l0, l975 at Des Moines, Iowa. She was born Nov. ll, l954 at Eldora, Iowa. Two children, Sara and Jessica. He worked as a security guard and as a window washer in his own business with the help of his wife and daughters.

9-l. Sara Jean Coleman. Born May 20, l976, Longview, Tex. Married Christopher Wayne Allison Jan. ll, l998 at Longview, Texas. He was born Dec. l8, l974.

9-2. Jessica LeeAnn Coleman. Born Sept. 2l, l979, Longview, Tex.

7-3. Francis Marion Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l7, l926, Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Betta Joan Viertz Mar. 2l, l949 in Lucas Co., Iowa. She was born Feb. l8, l928. Three children, Michael, Gladys and Patrick. He was named for his uncle. Was in the Navy in World War II on the battleship Iowa. Worked for Pioneer Seed Co. and lived Grimes, Iowa. Later he was transferred to the Carolinas and to Weslaco, Texas, near Brownsville.

8-l. Michael Francis Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 4, l950, Polk Co., Iowa; attended North Carolina State College.

8-2. Gladys Ann Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l4, l954, Polk Co., Iowa. Married John Patrick McKenna, Jr., Jan. 8, l977 in Weslaco, Texas. Two children, John and Kathleen.

9-l. John Patrick McKenna III. Born Dec. 29, l979.

9-2. Kathleen Ann McKenna. Born July 24, l983.

8-3. Patrick Charles Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 25, l955, Polk Co., Iowa. Married Esther Lynn NN Aug. l5, l983 in Shreveport, La. at the Willowpoint Baptist Church. They had three children, Heather, Jenniger and Nathan.

9-l. Heather Nicole Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l8, l984.

9-2. Jennifer Michelle Pfrimmer. Born April 24, l986.

9-3. Nathan Patrick Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 29, l993. 165

7-4. Macel Marie Pfrimmer. Went by name of Marie. Born Jan. 3, l932, Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Bill Roy Maxwell Dec. 27, l946. He was born Oct. 20, l922. Six children, William, John, Rose, Charlene, James and Sherry. Lived Des Moines, Iowa, where he worked at Souers Aircraft; when they moved out of Des Moines he worked for Dico, from which he retired. He enjoyed hunting, reading and music. Marie Pfrimmer worked at various jobs to help support her family, especially during times when Bill was off sick. She took in sewing.

8-l. William LeRoy Maxwell. Born Nov. 3, l947 at Chariton, Iowa; killed in a car accident Aug. 28, l968 at Millington, Tenn. Married Carrie Marden Apr. l, l965 in Des Moines, Iowa. She was born May l5, l946. One child, Linda.

9-l. Linda Lee Maxwell. Born Oct. l7, l965 at Des Moines, Iowa. Married Wilbur Wallace Wilson Nov. 2l, l984 at Des Moines, Iowa. Two children, Nicole and Natasha. Her later partner was Kevin Steele and they had one child, Tanzy Tabatha.

l0-l. Nicole Linda Lee Wilson. Born Nov. 8, l985.

l0-2. Natasha Nicole Linda Lee Wilson. Born Sept. 3, l99l.

10-3. Tanzy Tabatha Steele. Born May 20, l999 in Des Moines, •Iowa.

8-2. John Henry Maxwell. Born Apr. 2, l956, Des Moines, Iowa. Married Sue Ann Coll Feb. 22, l975, Des Moines, Iowa. Four children: Alisa, Brianna, Sean and Derek.

9-l. Alisa Nicole Maxwell. Born July 5, l978.

9-2. Brianna Lynn Maxwell. Born Jan. 9, l980. Married Ryan Bettser in l999. One child, Timothy.

10-1. Timothy Ryan Bettser. Born Jan. 12, 2000.

9-3. Sean Collin Maxwell. Born Sept. l0, l982.

9-4. Derek Michael Maxwell. Born Dec. l5, l985.

8-3. Rose Marie Maxwell. Born Aug. 8, l957, Des Moines, Iowa. Married (l) Mark Healy July l978 in Des Moines, Iowa. One son, Brian. Divorced June l98l. Married (2) Frank Edward Manders June l988 at Des Moines, Iowa. One child, Franie. Were divorced.

9-l. Brian Kelly Healy. Born April 30, l975; died in Iowa.

9-2. Frankie Allan Manders. Born Aug. 25, l988.

8-4. Charlene Edna Maxwell. Born Apr. l8, l959, Des Moines, Iowa.

8-5. Jimmy Dean Maxwell. Born June 9, l960, Des Moines, Iowa. Married Grace Peterson May 27, l994.

8-6. Sherry Ann Maxwell. Born Jan. 2, l97l, Des Moines, Iowa. Married Clifford George Price June l0, l994 at Des Moines, Iowa. Three children, Brittany, Billie and Christine.

9-l. Brittany Ann Price. Born Feb. l9, l996.

9-2. Billie Lee Price. Born Nov. l0, l998.

9-3. Christine Rose Price. Born Nov. 25, l999.

166 6-9. Mary Alberta Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 28, l899, Lucas Co., Iowa. Married James Hopkins Aug. l8, l926. He was born l902 and died l948. She left Lucas Co. after high school. Lived Denver, Colo. where she was a dental assistant. Retired l965 and lived (l975) Seattle, Wash.

6-l0. Martha Helen Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 29, l90l, Lucas Co., Iowa. Married Norris Price June l947, Centerville, Iowa. He was born in l904. Two children, Jean and Frances, both adopted. She received BA degree from Iowa State Teachers College l926 and MA from University of Iowa l942. Taught school three years in Washington Co., Iowa in a rural grade school; one year in Gary, Ind.; two years in Lucas, Iowa High School; three years at Newmarket, Iowa High School. From l933-39 was superintendent of schools Lucas Co., Iowa. Taught at Centerville High School, l939- l947. As superintendent she supervised six high schools and later taught elementary school methods and practice teachers. Taught school again in the l950's; in l952 4th grade at Albia, l953 and l954 at Moravia High School; in l955 and l956 was principal of the building at Albia and taught 6th grade; l958-66 was prinicpal of Centerville High School. Norris Price was supervisor of the Middle West Forest and Soil Con- servation District. Lived Centerville, Iowa.

7-l. Jean Marie Pfrimmer. Born l924. Married Kenneth Henke, Jr. June l947. He was born l925. One child, Terry Lee. She attended Iowa State Teachers College, receiving BA l960. Taught in public schools. Lived Argyle, Iowa.

8-l. Terry Lee Henke. Born Dec. l7, l948, Centerville, Iowa.

7-2. Frances Marie Price. Born l939. Married William Remmark. He was born Mar. l2, l958. Two children, Jeffrey and Lisa Ann. Lived Moravia, Iowa. Divorced and she lived (l975) at Ottumwa, Iowa.

8-l. Jeffrey Remmark. Born Jan. 29, l958.

8-2. Lisa Ann Remmark. Born May ll, l959.

6-ll. Emily Ruth Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 25, l902, Lucas, Iowa; died May 27, l958, Corpus Christi, Tex.; bur. Portland, Ore. where her sister, Blonda's, husband was buried, after a service held in Iowa June 3, l958. Was a registered nurse at the State University of Iowa Hospitals, beginning in l925.

6-l2. Charlotte Mae Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l9, l905; died Feb. l975. Married Frederick N. Kelley June l0, l927. He was born in l895 and had a son and daughter by a former marriage. She taught school in Lucas and Clarke Counties, Iowa. Received a Woman of the Year award in Osceola. He operated the Hi-Way Lumber Yard in Osceola, Iowa, until he retired in l962. Lived Osceola, Iowa.

6-l3. Wilbur Francis Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 24, l909, Lucas Co., Iowa; died Sept. l968. Married Geverna Egemo Peterson in l933. She was born Mar. 6, l9l0. Two children, John Clay and Richard. Both were workers in the Democratic Party in Lucas Co., Iowa, where they lived on a farm.

7-l. John "Jack" Clay Pfrimmer. Born July 22, l934. Married (l) Joyce Roberts in l955. She was born l935 and died l967. One child, Kim. Married (2) Maxine, last name not known, l97l. Two children, William and John. He was in the military service; lived (l974) at 3903 llth Place, Des Moines, Iowa, 503l3.

8-l. Kim Ellen Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 25, l955.

8-2. William Pfrimmer. Born l972.

8-3. John Pfrimmer. Born l973.

7-2. Richard Egemo Pfrimmer. Born Feb. l0, l936. Married Irene Clarkson l954. She was born l936. Three children, Cynthia, Shelli and Tracy. 167

8-l. Cynthia Jo Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 2, l955.

8-2. Shelli Pfrimmer.

8-3. Tracy Pfrimmer.

4-7. Jacob Strange Pfrimmer. Born Sept. l9, l83l near Breckenridge, Franklin Twp., Harrison Co., Ind.; died June l8, l9l2, Omaha, Neb.; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Married Mary Elizabeth Lemmon, daughter of John Lemmon and Elizabeth Johnson Sept. 4, l85l. She was born Feb. 9, l829 in Harrison Co., Ind. and died Nov. l5, l9l5 in Omaha, Neb.; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Four children: Allie, Samuel, Elizabeth and Flora.

Jacob S. Pfrimmer was a farmer throughout his active life, farming on the land formerly owned by his father, Samuel Pfrimmer. He had other interests as well. He was a music teacher and taught singing many places in Harrison County with Aurelia Porter (Mrs.Amzie) Brewster and Joshua T. Wilson. He had a small organ that he took with him to various churches to give lessons. There is a story that when he tried to do this at Pfrimmer's Chapel, that had been named for his grandfather, one of its leading members, a Captain Shields, who did not believe that organ music should be played in a church, refused to let him in. Jacob Pfrimmer was a Major in the "Home Guards" during the Civil War and took part in the defense of Corydon during Morgan's Raid. He was a Republican, became a Populist, and was an ardent follower of James B. Weaver, Populist candidate for President in l892 and William Jennings Bryan. He was a prohibitionist. He never belonged to a church but considered himself liberal in religious belief.

5-l. Allie Pfrimmer. Born Aug. l5, l852 on a farm just east of Breckenridge, Ind.; died Feb. 26, l932 at Corydon, Ind. at the home of her niece, Clara Pfrimmer Hays; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Married Rev. John I. McLaughlin, a Methodist minister, Dec. 4, l900. He was born June 8, l849 in Guernsey Co., Ohio and died Mar. l9, l9l4 at Omaha, Neb. No children; adopted one son Paul Hubart.

After completing her common school education, Allie Pfrimmer taught in the common schools of Harrison Co. With her brother and sister, Samuel and Lizzie, she attended the Preparatory Department of Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. for two years; it was located in the College on 2nd Street where the old High School was. All three roomed and cooked together. At Bloomington she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She returned to Harrison Co., Ind. and taught school again; she was considered to be a kind teacher as contrasted with Sam and Lizzie who had the reputation of being stern. She taught in the Negro community south of Corydon. She went to Chicago and attended the Lucy Rider Meyer Training School for Deaconesses of the Methodist Church of which she was a member. Here she met Miss Jennie Cavanaugh and in l89l the two went to Omaha, Neb. to found the Methodist Episcopal Hospital and a Nurses Training School.

Allie Pfrimmer was the first superintendent of this new hospital, beginning on May l3, l89l, and continued until her resignation Dec. l, l9l7. In her early years there she performed many duties, including those of corresponding secretary and chaplain. But her long-time contribution was in expanding the hospital buildings, facilities and activities. When she went there the hospital was an old two story building on leased ground on the east side of Twentieth street, just south of Harney Street; the building was not paid for and the institution was in debt. The first years of the hospital included the panic years of l892 and l893 and the draught years of l894, l895 and l896. But by Mar. l, l899 the hospital was entirely out of debt and had a surplus of $7,l79.95. On March l6, l900, a new site was purchased for $l5,000.00 cash and on June l2, l908 a move was made into the new main building. The hospital and its related institutions continued to expand. On Oct. l, l9l4 it moved into a new $80,000.00 Southeast wing and on Mar. 3l, l9l5 it purchased for $l0,000 the site of a new deaconness home. In l9l6 the operating rooms were enlarged at a cost of about $l2,500 and by the time of Allie Pfrimmer's resig•nation a 168 new $80,000 Northeast wing was under construction and plans were under way for a new deaconness home.

All this came to a hospital plant of over $500,000. On her resignation the officers of the hospital passed a resolution, "Our Superintendent Retires" for the l9l6-l7 annual report of the Nebraska Methodist Episcopal Hospital and Deaconness Home which included the following, "Mrs. McLaughlin necessarily co-labored with and supervised numerous physicians, deaconnesses, nurses and others all these years, and was frequently called upon to decide upon important and delicate matters. In the discharge of these duties, she has been singularly tactful, forceful, wise and efficient, always thoroughly imbued with a highly conscientious consciousness of the great responsibility of her position and work. In the earlier years especially, she devoted a great deal of time to the work of soliciting funds for the hospital in the field." According to the resolution, "She has said to us that she feels the time for her to leave us has come; that she is not so strong as she once was, and does not now at all times feel equal in strength to the ever increasing duties and responsibilities of her position, and this is the determining factor in influencing her to sever relations with the hospital." By the time of her death, over five hundred nurses had been trained in the hospital and over l00,000 patients treated. Through the rest of her life in Corydon Allie Pfrimmer continued to contribute financially to the support of the hospital.

Among those who assisted Allie Pfrimmer in this work was Miss Jennie L. Cavanaugh, who came to the hospital the same year as Allie did and who was her constant companion in the work. She was born Nov. 5, l86l and came to the Omaha hospital Aug. l3, l89l where she remained until January l9l8. During the time that Allie Pfrimmer was superintendent Jennie Cavanaugh was clerk and secretary of the Hospital. According to her obituary her "frail, fragile form on her famous bicycle was a familiar figure every day on the streets of Omaha." She took her nurse's training at the Omaha Hospital and was a graduate from its Nurse's Training School. She was clerk and secretary of the Hospital nearly all this time and published The Nebraska Methodist Hospital Herald“ without expense to the trustees; through revenue derived from this publication she established a small revolving fund out of which for years she loaned money to needy girls in training in small amount, funds that were invariably paid back. Out of this fund she also procured pictures of each graduating class, pictures that were displayed in the Nurse's Home. A few months after she left the Hospital, in l9l8, she sent to its Board of Trustees a fund of about $300 with the request that it should be used to procure pictures of the graduating class each year and placing them suitably in the Hospital and also to continuing the practice of loaning money to needy and worthy girls in training.

A little after Allie Pfrimmer left the Methodist Hospital so did Miss Cavanaugh who joined her in Corydon. In statements made by officials at the hospital at their resignation and their deaths, there were constant references to Allie Pfrimmer and Jennie L. Cavanaugh as inseparable influences in the institution's development. "Between her and Miss Allie Pfrimmer, afterwards Mrs. Allie McLaughlin, our beloved first Superintendent, whom she always called "Mother," there existed an affection as remarkable as any in history." She followed Allie Pfrimmer to Corydon where they lived for a number of years on the old Pfrimmer home place, then in Corydon on Walnut Street and later with the Hays family on North Market Street. In l923 Jennie Cavanaugh purchased land at Haines City, Florida where she built a house at which she spent winters, often accompanied by Allie Pfrimmer, her brother, Samuel Pfrimmer, and the family of Samuel Pfrimmer's daughter, Clara Ridley Pfrimmer Hays. Jennie Cavanaugh died there Mar. 29, l928. An obituary appeared in The Nebras- ka Methodist Hospital Herald“ June l928.

When Allie returned to Corydon, Ind. and lived at the old Pfrimmer home place with her sister, Lizzie and Miss Cavanaugh, they purchased a herd of Jersey cattle and tried to build it up. "Uncle Billy" Johnson, a relative on her mother's side of the family, worked for them. They operated the herd until Lizzie died in l920 and then it was sold. They then moved to Corydon and rented a house on Walnut Street, just two doors from her niece, Clara Pfrimmer Hays. Her brother, Sam, lived with 169 them for a while. They had one of the first radios, earphone, in town. In l924 when the Hays family purchased a large house on Market St. in Corydon, Allie, Sam and Miss Cavanaugh moved there.

John I. McLaughlin moved with his parents to a farm in Indiana when six years old. He graduated from the State University at Bloomington, taught school for two years and then entered Drew Theological Seminary. After one year there he went to Garrett Biblical Institute where he graduated in l882. In the fall of l882 he joined the Central Illinois Conference. After six years of successful work he was transferred to the Austin, Texas, Conference and filled charges at Dallas, San Antonio and Ft. Worth. At Ft. Worth his congregations were made up largely of faculty and students of the University. He was recognized as one of the leading preachers of the city. While here his health failed and after a few months' rest and recuperation in the mountains of Colorado and Wyoming he took the pastorate of the church at Axtell, Kas. with the distinct understanding that he would devote only such time to the work as his impaired health would permit. In Dec. l900 he married Allie Pfrimmer and in l90l was appointed the corresponding secretary of the Methodist hospital which position he filled until his death. For those fourteen years he visited various charges in Nebraska representing the hospital and creating an enthusiasm for the hospital's work. His obituary is in the Nebraska Methodist Hospital Herald for April l9l4.

6-l. Paul Hubert McLaughlin. Born Sept. 8, l907; died Mar. 2, l909; buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Indiana.

5-2. Samuel Pfrimmer. Born June l8, l854 one mile east of Breckenridge, Ind. Died April 27, l945 at the home of his daughter, Clara Pfrimmer Hays, in Corydon, Ind. Buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Married Isabelle Keller, daughter of John Leonard Keller and Christiana Rudy, Sept. 30, l880. She was born Oct. 3, l856 and died Jan. 24, l9l8 at Corydon, Ind. Buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Three children, Mary, Clara and Walter.

As a boy Samuel Pfrimmer was sickly and his parents took him to Illinois where they lived for a while to improve his health. Went to school in Harrison Co., Ind., either to #8, north of the Corydon Pike on the road running north from Pfrimmer's Chapel, or at #6, near Siegwald's Cemetery. After graduating from the common schools he taught at #6 and #8. Went to Indiana University and attended the Preparatory Department there for two years. While there he was a member of Beta Theta Phi social fraternity. Stopped school to come back home and help his father pay off his notes. After marriage he lived on his father's farm for a while and then moved to Corydon and taught school in the Corydon elementary school. He had the reputation of being a stern schoolmaster. Went into the insurance business first with Charles Ridley and then with Jack Heth. The wife of Charles Ridley was named Clara and Samuel Pfrimmer named one of his daughters for her. At this time the family lived on the corner of High Street and Farquar Avenue in Corydon. He was on the Corydon School Board. He remained in the insurance business until he moved to Bloomington, Ind. in l904.

Moved to Bloomington to send his children through the University. Built a house at l002 2nd St. and brought oak and walnut lumber for the house from the farm near Corydon. Went into the grocery business with a Mr. Whitaker of Whitaker's Grocery Store. Then he became a cashier in a new bank just formed, the Bloomington National Bank and stayed there until he was elected City Treasurer of Bloomington in l9l6. He served two terms in this office until l920. In l9l7 his wife became sick and was brought back to Corydon where she died at the home of her daughter, Clara Pfrimmer Hays, on Walnut Street; she died of cardiac asthma. From that time until the end of his term as City Treasurer he commuted between Corydon and Bloomington. In l920 he came back to Corydon permanently and lived with his sister, Allie, on Walnut Street. In l922 the Corydon State Bank was organized (after the Corydon National Bank had failed in the l92l recession and from it two new banks, the Corydon State Bank and the Old Capitol Bank and Trust Company were organized), and he became its cashier. He quit this job in l924 after the President, William Ridley, died, and lived with the 170 Hays family on Market Street from that date on. When the Hays family moved to a farm one mile south of Corydon, he moved with them in l942. He suffered a number of slight strokes for a number of years beginning in the late l930's, but until l943 he had been able to manage himself quite well. In l945 he fell and broke his hip and from that time until his death he was bedfast.

In politics Samuel Pfrimmer was a Republican but he was always an ardent follower of William Jennings Bryan and voted for him l896 because he was a prohibitonist. He was a delegate to the national Prohibition Party at Cincinnati in l892 and was the Prohibition Party candidate for Congress from the third congcressional district of Indiana in l894. He became a member of the Christian Church after his marriage and was a member in Bloomington and again in Corydon when he returned there. He taught Sunday School classes, was on the church board and was a church deacon in both Bloomington and Corydon. The Pfrimmer family were all strong church people. He joined the Masonic Lodge, Pisgah #32 when he was a young man in Corydon and was a mason in Bloomington in Monroe #22 and back again in Corydon. Was a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite which he joined in Indianapolis about l9l2. He dropped out of this after the organization built the Temple in Indianapolis and raised dues to $25. Before being a member of Scottish Rite he was a Knight Templar and dropped out of that, too. Helped to organize (was a patron) the Acacia Fraternity, the Masonic Fraternity, in Bloomington, and for a long time took a greater interest in this then in other branches of Masonry. Gave his money and time to the fraternity and loaned money to students to do through college. Was a member of the Kiwanis Club and the Elks Club in Bloomington and spent much time at the Elks Club after his wife died. He was a 50-year member of the Grand Lodge of Indiana.

Belle Keller grew up in Corydon, Ind., and taught in the public schools in the county and in Corydon until her marriage. In Aug l877 she was one of several teachers enrolled in a Normal School at Corydon that included both Allie Pfrimmer and Lizzie Pfrimmer, her future sisters-in-law. In l879 she attended a Southern Indiana Teachers' Association meeting in Seymour, where a future cousin-in-law, Daniel F. Lemmon, superintendent of schools in Harrison County, was elected vice- president of the association for l880. Had a long illness of heart trouble. She had been in failing health for two years or more and during the last several months was in a critical condition. The funeral was held at the Corydon Christian Church, of which she was an active church member. Obituaries are in the Corydon Republican for Jan. 3l, l9l8 and the Corydon Democrat for Jan. 30, l9l8.

6-l. Mary Keller Pfrimmer. Born Mar. l4, l882; died Apr. l5, l890.

6-2. Clara Ridley Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 25, l888 Corydon, Ind.; died Sept. l5, l966, Corydon, Ind. Married Clay Blaine Hays, son of Henry Clay Hays and Stella Arella Bean, July 6, l9l5. He was born May 28, l887 at Corydon, Ind. and died Aug. 26, l966 at Corydon. Both were buried at Cedar Hill Cemetery. Three children, Clay Blaine, Jr., Isabel Pfrimmer and Samuel Pfrimmer. Clara Pfrimmer attended the Corydon Public Schools, moved to Bloomington, Ind. with •her family in l904 where she graduated from Bloomington High school in l906 and from Indiana University in l9ll with Phi Beta Kappa honors. Was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Received MA degree from Wellesley College and taught classical and romance languages in the Brownsburg and Bloomington, Ind. public schools. Returned to Corydon on her marriage, raised her children and gave private instruction in the piano for many years. Clay Blaine Hays was a lawyer who practiced throughout his life at Corydon, Ind. Graduated Corydon High School l906 and attended Indiana University, receiving a BA degree and then an LLB degree in l9ll. Was an active civic leader in Corydon, serving as Food Administrator during World War I, Corydon Town Attorney and was active in the establishment of the town's first sewer system in the l930s and the county rural electrification program. Maintained a large Guernsey dairy herd on his father's farm from l930 to the mid-l950s.

7-l. Clay Blaine Hays, Jr. Born June l7, l9l6, Corydon, Ind.; died Dec. 22, l964, Corydon, Ind.; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery. Married Lois Faulstich Jan. l, l943, Decatur, Ill.; she was born Feb. 2l, l9l9. Three children, Barbara, James 171 and Margaret. Grad. Corydon High school l935, BA degree Grinnell College l939 and LLB, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., l942. During World War II was Captain in the Army Air Corps and after the War returned to Corydon, Ind. where he became partner in law firm with his father. Was active in Harrison County civic affairs, the Rural Electric Membership Corp., the construction of the Harrison Co., Hospital in l950 and reorganization of the Eureka Telephone Co. Lois Faulstich received BS degree from Ohio University, l940, and MS from Indiana University, l943. Taught secondary school in Michigan and Corydon, Ind. and later in Decatur, Ill. On retirement she returned to Corydon, Ind. to live in the house where Clay Blaine Hays and Clara Pfrimmer previously had lived.

8-l. Barbara Louise Hays. Born Sept. 3, l946, Peoria, Ill. Married Larry Hamilton June 26, l966, Bloomington, Ind. He was born at Franklin, Ind. Nov. 23, l943. Two children, Melissa and Julia. She graduated from Corydon Central High school May l964. Both attended Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. where Larry graduated in business and Barbara completed two years. She continued her education later at Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., graduating in l986 with a BA in political science. He was employed at Dow-Corning in Midland, Mich. where the family lived for many years. She was active in the Michigan Chapter of the National Organization for Women for ll years and served as the state president, l984-86. They were divorced and she moved to Washington, D. C. to enrol in graduate work at the University of Maryland. She went on the staff of the national NOW organization as Chapter Development Director.

9-l. Melissa Carol Hamilton. Born Sept. 29, l968, Washington, D. C. Graduated June l987 from Dow High School, Midland, Mich. Attended college two years in central Michigan and then moved to Washington, D. C.

9-2. Julia Hays Hamilton. Born Oct. l4, l870, Midland, Mich. Married Lee Cameron Mason, son of Robert Mason and Jane Schiller, May 1, 1996 in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He was born Oct. 11, 1966 in Pocomoke, Md. One child, Carter Robert Mason. Julia Hays Hamilton graduated June l989 from Dow High School, Midland, Mich. Attended college year at Lake Superior State University in Sault Saint Marie, Mich. for two years and then moved to Washington, D. C. in 1992. Attended the University of Tennessee and then enrolled at Salisbury State University, Salisbury, Md. in 1992 and graduated with a BS in Physical Education in December, 1994.

10-1. Carter Robert Mason. Born Oct. 10, 1998, Salisbury, Md.

8-2. James Henry Hays. Born June 4, l949, at the Baptist Hospital, Louisville, Ky. Married Pamela Ann Marshall Persons, daughter of Laurence and Ann Rezac Marshall of Emmett, Kas., Aug. 20, l994 at Rossville, Kansas United Methodist Church. She was born May 2, l953 in Wamego, Pottawatomie Co., Kas. James Hays grew up in Corydon, Ind. Moved to Decatur, Ill. with his mother and younger sister in l965; graduated from MacArthur High School, Decatur, Ill., l967; from Indiana University l97l; received MA degree in public administration from Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pa., Aug. l973; employed with the Department of Budget, State of Kansas, l973-78; attended law school at Indiana University, l978-79; was a specialist in education with the Kansas State Budget Department, l979-8l and then director of research for the Kansas State Association of School Boards. In l986 purchased a l60-acre farm at Rossville, near Topeka, Kas. and raised registered Limosin cattle. By l996 the farm had expanded to 240 acres owned and l40 acres rented and was known as "Kaw Valley Limousin." His stepson David Persons, was active in the farm affairs, while in grade school, and by l996 owned 2 registered female cattle and was showing them, as well as other farm animals, in the county fair.

Pamela Marshall graduated from St. Mary's High School, St. Mary's, Kansas in l97l. She grew up on her parents farm near Emmett, Kas. and was active in 4-H as a youth, showing horses and purebred dogs at various local and county events and fairs and exhibiting cooking and sewing projects. Later she raised and sold purebred Yorkshire Terrier and Pekinese dogs. She was an insurance agent in property and 172 casualty, homeowners and automobile lines, with Peoples Insurance Services of Rossville. She was a member of the Rossville United Methodist Church and a member of HX Chapter of the PEO Siserhood. She volunteered with the Rossville Rustlers 4-H Club. She had two children from her first marriage, Angela Jean Persons, born Jan. 25, l979, and David Alan Persons, born July 2l, l983, who remained with their mother after her second marriage to James Hays.

James Hays was an active member of the Rossville United Methodist Church and served as chair of its Finance Committee, as a member of the Building Committee and as a member of the United Methodist Men. He helped sponsor various community youth organizations including the Rossvile High School Future Farmers of America and in l996 served as Livestock Leader of the Rossville Rustlers 4-H Club where he helped with cattle and swine projects. He l990 he was appointed to the Rossville City Planning Commission. He was a life member of the North American Limousin Foundation and participated in state Limousin activities. He was a member of the Kansas Natural Resources Council, Friends of the Land and the Kansas Livestock Association.

8-3. Margaret Catherine Hays. Born July 22, l952, Corydon, Ind. Married Robert Wayne Walker, son of Peter Kinney Walker and Ethel Lee Best, Mar. 29, l980 at the Corydon Methodist Church, Corydon, Ind. He was born Aug. 22, l946, Louisville, Ky. Margaret Hays moved to Decatur, Ill., l965 and graduated MacArthur High School, Decatur in l97l. Grad. Indiana Univ. l974 with BA in journalism. Moved back to the Hays farm south of Corydon in l975 in the home where her grandpartents had lived at the time of their death. After marriage she and Robert Walker remodeled the home on the farm of her great-grandfather, Henry Clay Hays, where her grandparents and later her parents had lived. In l984 she was employed as a communications consultant with William M. Mercar, Louisville, Ky.; resigned from that position in l987 to take up free lance writing and consulting. Robert Wayne Walker served in the U.S. Air Force l967-7l as staff sergeant and was stationed at Clinton-Sherman Air Force Base and Goose Bay Air Force Base, Labrador, Canada. Gradu- ated Southwestern University, Oklahoma, with BA in business administration, l970. Was (l984) vice president, then (l986) executive vice president, Citizens Fidelity Mortgage Co., Louisville, Ky.

7-2. Isabel Pfrimmer Hays. Born Sept. l3, l9l8, Corydon, Ind. Married Stuart A. Mace, son of Stuart G. Mace and Louise Koch, Sept. 4, l94l, Corydon, Ind. He was born Mar. 3l, l9l9 at Denver, Colo. Five children, Gregory, Lynn, Alan, Kent and Bruce. She received a BA degree from Grinnell College, l94l, majoring in sociology. He received BA degree from Grinnell also in l94l, majoring in botany and was Phi Beta Kappa. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. After the War they lived in Salida and Boulder, Colo. where Stuart did research on Rocky Mountain orchids to produce varieties that would grow at lower altitudes. In l947 they built a home at Ashcroft on Castle Creek, l4 miles south of Aspen, Colo. Here they managed a restuarant for many years, raised Eskimo husky dogs, trained them to pull sleds to take skiirs into the mountains where they stayed overnight in huts that Stuart built; he also took the dogs to Hollywood where they were in the Sergeant Preston television series and in a movie, "Those Redheads from Seattle." Built high quality furniture and operated a gift shop at their home that was called Toklat.

8-l. Gregory Stuart Mace. Born Aug. l2, l943 at Salida, Colo.; died July 26, l986 in a mountain fall in the Maroon Bells area near Aspen, Colo. He was named for the botanist, Gregor Mendel whom his father admired. Married Kristynka Maria Jacob, daughter of Lazlo Jakob and Nora Phorny of Budapest, Hungary, at Palatine, Illinois; the family had come to the United States in l956 during the Hungarian uprising. They had two children, Laura and Brian. Were divorced. Married Julie Hesse in l986; they had no children. Greg graduated from Aspen, Colo. high school, l96l. Spent l959-60 school year in Meiringen, Switzerland and attended Grinnell Colege, l96l-l965. During college he worked for the Saga Food Service, becoming manager of the college Saga operation. Attended hotel school in Lucerne, Switzerland, l965-68 and in l968-69 ran his father's restaurant in Aspen. l969-70 173 worked for the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. Met Kristenka Jakob in l968-69 when he hired her and her sister Agens as waitresses in his father's restaurant. l970-72 managed a hotel near Meiringen, Switzerland in l972-73 worked for a catering firm in Denver; l973-74 was assistant manager of a hotel at Park City, Utah and in the summer of l974 returned to Aspen to run Ashcroft Ski-Tours Limited, owned by Theodore S. Ryan. Was active in mountain rescue work near Aspen, Colo. After his death a yet- unnamed mountain peak was named in his honor, the Greg Mace Peak, dedicated July 26, l988. Kristenka Jakob worked as a waitress in Denver, Colo. and graduated from the University of Denver l973, majoring in hotel management; in l973-74 was head housekeeper at the Park City, Utah Ski Resort.

9-l. Laura Ildiko Mace. Born Apr. l2, l975, Aspen Valley Hospital, Aspen, Colo.

9-2. Brian Istvan Mace. Born Mar. l, l977, Aspen Valley Hospital, Aspen, Colo.

8-2. Lynne Anne Mace. Born Sept. 28, l945, Corydon, Ind. at the home of her grandparents, Clay Blaine Hays and Clara Ridley Pfrimmer. Married David Clark Allen, son of Joseph Henry Allen and Eleanor Clark, Mar. 20, l970, at Hanalei, Hauai, Hawaii. She graduated from high school in Aspen, Colo. in l964. Lived Grenoble, France for the l962-63 high school year. In l964 went to Washington, D. C., attended George Washington University, majoring in philosophy and theology and graduating in l970. David Allen was born Feb. 2, l943, Coronado, Calif. Graduated from Stirling School in New Hampshire in l962 and from Colorado College in l968. Was in the U. S. Air Force l968-73 and in l974 became a corporate pilot for IBM Corporation, headquartered in Dutchess Co. New York, Airport. Lived Sharon, Conn.

8-3. Alan Eric Mace. Born Aug. 3l, l948. Married Helen Hill, d. Rollo and Helen Elizabeth Hill, sept. 26, l98l, Aspen, Colo. Two children, Kevi and Dylan. Grad. Aspen High School, l967; spent school year l965-66 at Brackel-Hoxten, Germany. Attended Harvard College l967- and in l973-74 lived at home. Later joined his brother, Kent, in managing Malachite Farm near Walsenburg, Colo.

9-l. Kevi Clairie Mace. Born Apr. l4, l986, Boulder, Colo.

9-2. David Dylan Mace. Born Dec. 8, l988 at home in Mendocine Co., Calif.

8-4. Kent Ian Mace. Born Apr. 23, l954, Aspen Valley Hospital, Aspen, Colo. Married Gail Richards, d. Roland Richards and Darlene Boileau of Longview, Wash., Dec. 27, l976 in Aspen, Colo. She was born Feb. 22, l953, Longview, Wash. Two children, Alana and Amos. Kent grad. high school in l974. During l97l-72 academic year he worked as a gardener for the hotel in Merinigen, Switzerland where his brother, Greg, was manager. Later returned to Aspen and helped to establish a farm and farm training school, Malachite Farm, near Walsenburg, Colo., emphasizing organic farming and gardening. Gradually became involved in woodworking, making fine funiture, and then consulting and planning in home construction.

9-l. Alana Isabel Mace. Born Oct. 4, l978, Malachite main farm house, Gardner, Colo.

9-2. Amos Mace. Born Sept. l6, l980, Malachite main farm house, Gardner, Colo.

8-5. Bruce Arn Mace. Born Dec. 3l, l955, Aspen, Colo. Grad. high school l973. Worked suammers in the Utah Park Service. Did various jobs as a photographer and potter. Spent l973-74 in Iran teaching English to children in the family Amiri, an importer of computers.

7-3. Samuel Pfrimmer Hays. Born Apr. 5, l92l, St. Edward's Hospital, New Albany, Ind. Married Barbara Darrow, d. Daniel Cady Darrow and Louise deSchweinitz, June ll, l968 at her home in Hamden, Conn. She was born June ll, 174 l927. Four children, Peter, Mary Elizabeth, Michael and Rebecca. Lived Cambridge, Mass., l948-52, Champaign-Urbana, Ill., l952-53, Iowa City, Iowa, l953-60 and l42l Wightman St., Pittsburgh, Pa., l52l7 after l960. He grad. Corydon High School, l940, Swarthmore College, with BA in psychology, l948, Harvard University MA and PhD in American History, l949 and l953. Taught American History at University of Illinois, l952-53, the State University of Iowa, l953-60 and the University of Pittsburgh, l960-l99l, when he retired. Specialized in American urban and environmental history. Barbara Darrow grew up in Hamden, Conn., grad. Hamden High School, l944, Swarthmore College, l948; MA in biology, Radcliffe College, l949, MA public health, University of Pittsburgh, l976. Taught Simmons College, , l949- 52, University High school, Iowa City, l953-54, Point Park College, Pittsburgh, l963- 64, Carlow College, Pittsburgh, l968-73. From l964-68 worked as research technician, Magee-Women's Hospital, Pittsburgh; from l973-l982 was director undergraduate advising in Biological Sciences Department, University of Pittsburgh and after l983 was laboratory instructor in ecology and biology there. Beginning l989 was docent at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh.

8-l. Peter Darrow Hays. Born Nov. 27, l952, Champaign-Urbana, Ill. Grad. Taylor Allderdice High School, Pittsburgh, Pa., l965; Oberlin College, l973. Worked as a head cook at Sandy Springs Friends School, Maryland, then on a cooperative farm in Maine and in l975 moved to Oregon and lived first in Portland and then Eugene where he worked at various jobs and attended the University of Oregon for several years. As an MA thesis he wrote a comparative study of the Alexander legend as it appeared in classical, medieval and early-modern literature, but did not finish the degree. He was employed seasonally in a cannery in Eugene and off-season spent considerable time reading foreign languages and teaching English as a second language.

8-2. Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Hays. Born Sept. 28, l954, Iowa City, Iowa. Grad. Taylor Allderdice High school, Pittsburgh, l972; Wesleyan University, Conn., l976 with BA in anthropology. Spent a year in Germany l970-7l, while in high school, living with family of Franz von Hammerstein in Berlin. Became proficient in German and French and later studied and worked in Germany. Took a year of post graduate work in geology at the University of Pittsburgh; moved to Seattle, Washington l976 and later to Tucson, Arizona where she received MA in geology in l984. For several summers, beginning l980, she was on the interpretive staff at several national parks in Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. In l987 she was on the staff of a traveling college program, Southwest Field Studies, operating out of Earlham College. Early in l988 she took a position with the Arizona Department of Natural Resources, Groundwater Division, and in May l988 began work as a natural resources specialist with the Grand Canyon National Park. In January l99l she joined the staff of the U.S. Forest Service, Regional Office in San Francisco, Calif., as hydrographer in the natural resource division and specializing in riparian management and in 1999 moved to a similar position in Denver, Colo.

8-3. Michael Pfrimmer Hays. Born June 2l, l956, Iowa City, Iowa. Grad. Taylor Alderdice High School l973 and from Rhode Island School of Design, l979, majoring in illustration. Married Catherine Schinhofen, June 2l, l980 at the Pittsburgh Friends Meeting House. Divorced l986. Worked as a computer graphics specialist for General Electric Co., Stamford, Conn., l98l-83 and resigned to become a free-lance illustrator, living , New York. He did book jackets for young adult science fiction books and in l986 published, with Pete Seeger, the story-song, Abiyoyo, for which he did the illustrations. In January l988 moved to Oak Park, Ill. and continued illustrating children's books which by the end of l993 had reached ten, including My Father Doesn't Know the Woods and Me by Dennis Haseley (l988), Three Wishes by Lucille Clifton (l992) and Jonathan and His Mommey by Irene Smalles- Hector (l992). He was active in the Graphic Artists' Guild of Chicago.

8-4. Rebecca de Schweinitz Hays. Born Jan. 25, l959. Married Arthur Hampton Bragg, son of Mary Roberts and John Kendal Bragg, July 3l, l993 in Boulder, Colo. Three children, Daniel, Sarah and Kathleen. Rebecca Hays grad. from Taylor Allderdice High School, l976; BA from Ohio State Univ., l982 with degrees in natural resources 175 and elementary education. Spent a year as intern at the Pocono Environmental Education Center in the Middle Delaware Valley in Pennsylvania and two summers at Hopewell Village, a National Park Service historic site, Lancaster Co., Pa. Went to Spain after graduating in l982 and lived in Barcelona where she taught middle school science in private schools. In l988 she carried out a 4500 kilometer walk and pilgrimage across southern Europe from Barcelona to Jerusalem that took nine months and then stayed for a month on a kibbutz in Israel. Returned to the U.S. in summer l989 and lived first at the home of her aunt and uncle, Isabel Hays and Stuart Mace, Aspen, Colo. Moved to Boulder, Colo. l990 where she enrolled at the University of Colorado in a special education curriculum and worked in a multi-cultural education program teaching English as a second language and then supervising other teachers.

Arthur Bragg was born Nov. 2l, l956 at Schnectady, New York. He grew up in Schnectady, graduated from the Albany Academy, Albany, New York and from Union College, New York, with a BA in music and then received a BS in a combined computer science and art program and in l988 an MS in computer engineering. Attended the New England Conservatory of Music from which he received an MMUS degree. From his high school days he played organ, later in collect conducted choir in churches and became a choral conductor and organist for the First Parish in Framington, Mass. In l988 he went to Boulder, Colo. to take up a doctorate in choral conducting, but gradually changed interest and ended participation in the program in the summer of l99l. He was employed with IBM as a test engineer beginning in September l99l and in early l992 joined Avail Systems in Boulder as a software testing engineer.

9-l. Daniel Arthur Bragg. Born January 28, l993, Boulder, Colo.

9-2. Sarah Rebecca Bragg. Born Dec. 13, 1994, Boulder, Colo.

9-3. Kathleen Elizabeth Bragg. Born Dec. 13, 1994, Boulder, Colo.

6-3. Walter Strange Pfrimmer. Born July l7, l890, Corydon, Ind.; died Sept. 3, l94l, Tucson, Arizona. Married Natalia Margaret Allison, d. Warren Allison and Francisca Suastigui, Apr. l8, l928. She was born Jan. 24, l893. Three children, Natalia Margaret, John George and Mary Allison. For many years lived at 2748 E. Drachman, Tucson, Ariz., 857l6.

Walter Pfrimmer studied astronomy at Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind. for two years and while there was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. His father wanted him to remain in Corydon and work in the bank there, but early he decided he didn't like "white collar" work and went west. This was in l9l2 when he and a student friend at Indiana University, Lawrence Wylie, went to California. Walter worked at the Palomar Observervatory in Pasadena. He then worked at various mines, at the Ittimac Mines in Eureka, California, June-November l9l4 installing mill equipment at the Sunnyside Mine and Mioneral Co., in Eureka from November l9l4 to August l9l5 doing shift work at stamps and stables. He attended the Colorado School of Mines from Sept. l9l5 to June l9l7.

From this time on for the next six years he worked in a variety of mines: the Primos Exploration Co., Urah Mills, Empire, Colorado, July l9l7-May l9l8 as an electrician and shift boss; C. J. Reed Metallurgical and Chemical Laboratory, San Francisco, Calif., June l9l8-Oct. l9l8, as assistant to Mr. Reed, testing ores for metallurgical treatment; the Mammoth Development Co., Schultz, Arizona, Nov. l9l8-June l9l9, sampling mines, assaying and testing ores for KCN; l9l9 and l92l developing his own claims near Schultz; for Mr. R. C. Upham at the San Juan Mine, Lower California, Mexico, June-Nov. l92l testing ore for concentration, flotation and cyanidation; Feb.-Sept. l922 was chemist and assayer for Lluvia de Ora B/M. Co., Lluvia de Ora, Chichuahua, Mexico; May-Sept. l923 was cyanide plant shift boss and later mill superintendent for Stargo Mines, Morenci, Arizona.

176 In November l924 he went to Nogales, Ariz. and from Nov. l924-Dec. l925 he worked at the Pinto Mines, at cyanidation, concentration and flotation. He operated a wide variety of mining equipment. In l927 he graduated from the Colorado School of Mines at Golden, and after that worked for the Eagle Pitcher Lead Co. of Ruby, Arizona; he started there actually in l926 and remained until l938 when the Ruby mine shut down. In late l938 he became Superintendent of Dredge on placering in Linden, Calif. Resigned from this due to ill health and returned to Tucson, Arizona Dec. l939 with the family. He was unable to work from then on and died in l94l. Buried in Holy Name Cemetery, Tucson, Arizona.

7-l. Natalia Margaret Pfrimmer. Born Apr. l, l929 Tucson, Ariz. Married Joe Sullivan Cahoon, son of Robert Henry Cahoon and Ora Esther Sullivan of Muskogee, Oklahoma, Sept. 26, l953 at Tucson, Ariz. in the St. Peter and Paul Church. He was born June 6, l924. Two children, Joe Robert and John Warren.

Natalia Pfrimmer lived with her parents at Ruby, Arizona, a lead and zinc mining community 75 miles south of Tucson in Santa Cruz County. The family moved to Tucson in l939 and lived at 2748 E. Drachman. She graduated from •Tucson High School and from New Mexico Western College in Silver City, New Mexico where she was a member of the Women's Athletic Association, the College Playmakers, the Newman Club, the Future Teachers of America and Alpha Psi Omega, dramatics honorary. After her marriage they lived at Lordsburg, New Mexico until l954, Muskogee, Okla. after l954, Klamath Agency, Oregon after l956, Lakeview, Oregon and after l963 at Klamath Falls, Ore.

Joe Sullivan Cahoon attended Conners Agricultural College in Warner, Okla. and Okla. State University in Stillwater, Okla. from which he grad. l946 with major in plant pathology and soil science. He was a member of Phi Sigma, biological honorary, and the Future Farmers of America. He worked first as a •soil scientist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs on a Navajo Reservation in New Mexico and then transferred to the Soil Conservation Service and worked in the same capacity in Silver City, New Mexico from l950 to l953. Here he was a member of the Jaycees, the Soil Science Society of America and Modoc Toastmasters. After marriage the family lived in Lordsburg, New Mexico until l954 where Joe was Soil Scientist with the Soil Conservation Service. They moved to Muskogee, Okla. July l954 and in March l956 returned west to Klamath Agency, Ore. Here Joe was associated with the Bureau of Indian Affairs at Klamath agency, later terminated. He transferred to Lakeview, Oregon and remained there with the Soil Conservation Service until l963. Sept. l963 transferred to Klamath Falls, Ore. where he continued to perform soil science work, making soil surveys, mapping and writing reports. Some of his publications are: Soils of the Klamath Indian Reservation, published by Oregon state University; Soil Survey of Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, published by the Soil Conservation Service; General Soil Map Report of Klamath Basin Oregon, •published by Oregon State University and the Oregon State Water Resources Board; Soils Handbook of Lake County, Oregon, published by the Soil Conservation Service; and Soil Handbook of Klamath Co., Ore. The Cahoons (l970) were •Republicans and members of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Klamath Falls, Ore. In l993 they lived at 284l W. Jacinto, Tucson, Ariz., 85705.

8-l. Joe Robert Cahoon. Born June l8, l955, Muskogee, Okla.

8-2. John Warren Cahoon. Born Dec. 22, l957, Klamath Falls, Ore.

7-2. John George Pfrimmer. Born July l8, l932 Tucson, Ariz.; died May 23, l993 at Tucson, Ariz.; a memorial service was held May 26, l993 at Bring's Broadway Chapel in Tucson; buried in the Holy Hope Cemetery, Tucson. Married Betty Sue Everill Jan. l7, l953. She was born July ll, l936. Three children, Debra, Walter and Linda. John George Pfrimmer moved with his family to Tucson in l939 and graduated from Tucson High School in l950. He was employed at the Arizona Gear and Manufacturing Co.

177 8-l. Debra Sue Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l5, l953 Tucson, Ariz. Married a Sarver and lived in Tucson, Ariz. in l993.

8-2. Walter Everitt Pfrimmer. Born May 8, l955 Tucson, Ariz. Lived in Carlin, Nevada in l993.

8-3. Linda Faye Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 4, l957 Tucson, Ariz. Lived in Tucson in l993.

7-3. Mary Allison Pfrimmer. Born June 28, l933 Ruby, Ariz. Married (l) Carrol Vincent Thatcher Apr. l0, l954. He was born Mar. 29, l9l9. Three children: Cheryon, George and Rebecca. Married (2) Robert Walling. Mary was a professional photographer at the Parker Photographic Studio in Tucson. She graduated from the Fred Archer School of Photography, Aug. l953. Was a winner of a National Scholastic Art and Photo Scholarship in l95l. Her pictures hang in the Carnegie Art Institute in Pittsburgh, Pa. and were exhibited in Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. They operated a photo studio in Creston, Iowa. Lived (l970) with her mother at 2748 E. Drachman, Tucson, Ariz., 857l6 and in l993 at 3998 N. Pomona Rd., Tucson, Ariz., 85705.

8-l. Cheryon Lorraine Thatcher. Born Jan. 24, l956 Creston, Ia.

8-2. George Warren Thatcher. Born Mar. 3l, l960 Creston, Ia.

8-3. Rebecca Ann Thatcher. Born Apr. l7, l962 Creston, Ia.

5-3. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Pfrimmer. Born June l4, l858; died Apr. 6, l920 at the Pfrimmer farm east of Corydon, Indiana; buried on Pfrimmer lot in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Never married. Educated in common schools east of Corydon. Attended Preparatory School at Indiana University for two years with her sister Allie and her brother Samuel. Here she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Taught school Harrison Co., Ind. and was considered to be a stern school teacher. When her brother, Sam, was a member of the Corydon School Board she wanted to get a job teaching in Corydon and he would not permit it. After school teaching she went to Colorado Springs, Colo. and became a stenographer in a furniture store there; stayed there until about l908 and returned home to take care of her parents. She purchased the Wagner farm across the highway from the Pfrimmer farm where her parents lived but found that she couldn't make a go of it and sold the farm. Went to Omaha, Neb. with her parents and purchased a house and kept boarders who came to visit the Methodist Hospital where her sister, Allie, was Superintendent. Her parents lived there with her. She became an integral part of the hospital community around the Methodist Deaconness Hospital of which her sister, Allie, was Superintendent. In February l920 she came back to Corydon and lived on the Pfrimmer farm with her sister, Allie, who had returned in the winter of l9l7-l8. She had became ill in Omaha, sold her property there and came back to the farm in Harrison County. Her illness affected first her throat or vocal cords that almost deprived her of her speech and about a week before her death she was stricken by paralysis. Her body was brought to Corydon to the home of her niece, Mrs. C. Blaine Hays on Wednesday and the funeral was held on Thursday at the Corydon Christian Church. She was a member of the Christian Church. One of the "finest" of the floral offerings at her funeral came from the "Hospital Family" at Omaha, in the form of a broken wheel and one of the pallbearers, aside from old family friends and neighbors around the Pfrimmer farm, was Frank San Filippo, a young Italian of Omaha to whom Lizzie Pfrimmer had been a "mother." Obituaries were in the Corydon Republican for Apr. 8, l920 and the Corydon Democratfor Apr. l4, l920.

5-4. Flora Pfrimmer. Born June 29, l864; died July 4, l922. Married Walter Lovell Venner Aug. 29, l899. No children. Was the "baby" of the family and spoiled as a child. Did not go to college. Taught school in Harrison County. Walter Venner was the son of a neighbor, Daniel Venner, who lived between Corydon and the Pfrimmer Farm on the east side of Little Indian Creek. After their marriage they moved to Kentucky where Walter was a telegraph operator for the Illinois Central Railroad at 178 Marion, Ky. He quit this job and purchased a farm in Livingston Co., near Smithland, Ky., but they couldn't make a go of it. Flora died of an ear infection in a hospital at Paducah, Ky. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Both she and Walter Venner were buried on the Venner lot in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. where Allie Pfrimmer McLaughlin, her sister, her husband, John I. McLaughlin and their adopted son, Paul, were also buried.

4-8. King David Pfrimmer. Born l834; died l855. Was injured in some rough play at school and was mentally retarded; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel.

4-9. William Henry Pfrimmer. Born June 20, l835 Corydon, Harrison Co., Ind.; died Dec. 6, l9l0 at the Methodist Hospital, Omaha, Neb. while undergoing surgery; buried Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Colo. Married Eleanor Lemmon, d. John and Elizabeth Johnson Lemmon, Oct. 7, l856 at Corydon, Harrison Co., Ind. She was born Nov. 26, l837 Corydon, Harrison Co., Ind. and died Jan. 3, l927 Denver, Colorado. Was a sister of Mary Elizabeth Lemmon who married Jacob Strange Pfrimmer, brother of William Henry Pfrimmer. Nine children: a girl, Emma Viola, Lovell Rousseau, Harriet R., Katharina, Charles Homer, Samuel A., Edmonia A. and W. H. "Jim."

William Henry Pfrimmer was reared on a farm but did not find farming to his liking. In his early years he lived at Mauckport, Ind. and taught school there. For a time he kept a jail at Brandenburg, Ky. During the l880's the family moved to New Albany, Ind. where other families from Mauckport were living. Here he worked in the engine room of a brick-making plant on State Street. For a year or so he took his family to Massilon, Ohio where he operated a steam roller for making streets. His daughters, Kittie and Eddie later went to Denver and he and his wife moved there, taking up homesteading l60 acres of dry land near Roggen. He also ran a steam roller when the drives through the Denver City Park were being paved and went to Pueblo, Colo. to do the same kind of work. While living in New Albany the sons, Homer, Sam and Rousseau had gone west and Rousseau died in Texas. William Henry Pfrimmer went to see the family with whom Rousseau had lived, but he had been buried before word of his death had reached his family.

William Henry Pfrimmer was a big man, tall and big around. He was bald but wore a heavy crop of chin wiskers. Eleanor Lemmon Pfrimmer was a small woman, but she was the ruling hand in the household. She was most emphatic in her likes and dislikes of people; she could line up those she didn't like and tell the reasons why. But her family was perfect; she could see no fault in any member. William Henry Pfrimmer read widely and talked well, especially on politics. He took part in a debating society in Harrison County in the early l870's. He was a Democrat and a candidate for office occasionally, at one time being elected to the state legislature. Later he was a Greenbacker. Neither he nor his wife ever linked themselves to any church and they never went to church except for weddings and funerals. The children called their parents Poppie and Mommie; they called each other Pap and Ma. He was never adept at managing his own financial affairs; shortly after the marriage of his oldest daughter, Emma, he presented her and her husband an account book with this inscription: "Presented to F.M. and E.V. Faith by W.H. Pfrimmer, March 29, l886. By keeping a correct acct. of your receipts and disbursements, you will save trouble, vexations and hard thought generally. And that will make an improvement over the course pursued by the donor. Respectfully, W. H. Pfrimmer."

5-l. Unnamed girl, born and died Oct. l8, l858; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel, near Corydon, Harrison Co., Ind.

5-2. Emma Viola Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l7, l859, Harrison Co., Ind. in the neighborhood of Pfrimmer's Chapel; died May l8, l938 at King's Cave, four miles east of Corydon, Ind. Buried Pfrimmer's Chapel. Married Francis Marion Faith Dec. 3l, l885 at Kentland, Ind., at the home of George and Lizzie Rider by John McLaughlin, who later married Allie Pfrimmer, daughter of Jacob Strange Pfrimmer. He was a son of James Faith and Elisabeth Wiseman, born Oct. 26, l864 in Heth Township, Harrison Co., Ind., in an area locally known as Glory Hole. He died Oct.

179 l6,l953 and was buried at Pfrimmer's Chapel. They had five children, Lenore, Marion Pfrimmer, Paul, Elsie and Edmonia.

She taught school at the Marsh School while her family was living at Mauckport, Ind. where Francis M. Faith was one of her pupils. In the fall of l885 she went to teach in Newton County, Ind. where her cousin, William Woodward Pfrimmer, was county superintendent. Marion left his father's farm and went to Kentland, Ind. where they were married. At the close of school in l886 Marion and Emma came back to Harrison County and lived in a house a mile east of Laconia on what was later known as the Greer farm. Here their first child was born. During the next year the James Faith family moved from Heth Township to a farm just north of Laconia. The Marion Faiths moved to the old Faith home. Their boys, Marion Pfrimmer Faith and Paul Lemmon Faith were born there. Then this farm was sold and Marion and Emma Faith moved to New Albany, Ind. to a small house on lower l0th St. Here Elsie Harris Faith was born. Marion had work in the rolling mill until he came down with typhoid fever. When he recovered they moved to the Phillips farm about two miles north and west of Laconia. While living there Emma had a serious illness that lasted for many weeks. An infection in her left ankle made her a cripple for the rest of her life and many times she had to use crutches. Then came another move, to the Kuhl farm a mile west of Laconia on Jan. 30, l893, where there was more sharecropping as there had been on the Phillips farm. Edmonia was born there.

In June l896 the Faiths bought a four-room house in Laconia which they called the "Little Green House" because it was painted green; they paid $250.00 for it. Marion and the boys worked on his father's farm nearby. The children went to school in Laconia. They went on Sunday to the Methodist Sunday school in the morning and to the Presbyterian in the afternoon. In the winter months Marion kept an Exchange Store in the Odd Fellows Building. Farmers brought in their wheat and corn and exchanged them for flour, meal and ground feed for their stock. The Exchange belonged to a company in New Albany or Louisville. In the spring of l899 they bought and moved to the Steepleton place a mile northwest of Laconia, a four-room house and about 30 acres of land. They lived here until they bought a larger farm, the Mike Woehl place, fronting on the Corydon-New Albany pike, four miles east of Corydon. They lived on the Ike Melton place that winter and moved to the Woehl place in March l905. By this time the children were growing up and leaving home. Paul and Pfrimmer were working on the Pennsylvania Railroad; Elsie had gone to Colorado with her aunts, Kittie and Eddie; Edmonia was getting married in June. The store at King's Cave was for sale and Marion bought it and made the move to it in April. He had a one- horse wagon in which he drove about to nearby farms to deliver groceries and gather up cans of cream and cases of eggs that he delivered to firms in New Albany, Ind.

Lenore and her family moved to Denver in October l9l9. Her husband died four months later. She came back and bought a house near her parents at Kings Cave and they helped her rear her family. In January l938 Emma became ill and Lenore left her home and went to stay with her parents. Emma died in May l938 and Marion and Lenore lived on at the store l5 years until his death in l953.

6-l. Lenore Faith. Born Dec. 2l, l886, Laconia, Ind. Born Dec. 2l, l886, Laconia, Ind. married Harve LaHue in l9ll. He was born Nov. 9, l88l near Corydon, Ind. and died Jan. 28, l920 at Denver, Colo. He was buried at Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Colo. Three children, Marion, Philip and Paul. She lived (l970) at 2l0 Elm St., Corydon, Ind., 47ll2.

Lenore attended grade school at Laconia, Ind. where John Reising was the teacher, and graduated in l90l. Since there was no high school at Laconia she repeated several years in the grade school, studying further with Mr. Reising. In l903 she came to Corydon, Ind. and stayed with the Joe Bender family, keeping house, and caring for their children while she attended high school at the Ohio Valley Normal College during the l903-04 school year. In l904 her aunts from Denver, Kittie and Edmonia Pfrimmer visited and took her back with them to Denver to go to high school there. She attended one year at East Denver High School. In June l905 she came back home and during the l905-06 180 school year attended Corydon High School, again working for Mrs. Bender on Mill St. The next year, while attending her final year, she worked during the fall for the David Rowland family and in the Spring for the Harry Kepner family, taking care of the household and children. She graduated from high school in the spring of l907.

Lenore took and passed the teachers examination and began teaching in the Fall of l907 at #l school in the Zoar neighborhood, northeast of Corydon. She taught there two winters, l907-08 and l908-09. She got the job through Mr. Patterson, the township trustee; Mr. William Hauswald had recommended her to him. The first year she boarded at the Ben William house and the second year at the Neal LaHue house. At the Ben Williams house there also boarded Harve LaHue whom she later married. During the l909-l0 school year she taught at #ll school in Jackson Township, while still living at the Neal LaHue's and walking a mile and a half to the school daily. During the l9l0-ll and l9ll-l2 years she taught at #l0 school in Franklin township at the corner of the New Albany road and the road to Pfrimmer's Chapel.

During the summer of l9ll, after their marriage, Lenore and Harve lived in a house near St. Peter's Church and during the l9ll-l2 school year in a house near the school owned by Herman Meyer. In April l9l2 they moved to the Walt ers farm and lived there six years where the two oldest children were born. In l9l8 they moved to the Jacob Deutsch farm and lived with Jacob and Carrie Deutsch; this grew out of a friendship between Mr. Deutsch and Harve LaHue. But it didn't work out. In the summer of l9l9 they sold their horses and in the fall their household goods and moved to Denver, Colo., arriving on Oct. l0th. Harve got work in the stockyards next to the Swift Company and the family lived on the west side of Denver at 300 Gallapagos St. Several months later, while working on a livestock show soon to be held, Harve got the flu and died Jan. 28, l920.

Lenore wanted to stay in Denver but could not find work and came back to Harrison Co., Ind. Her parents bought a house near them, the Charles Bruch house, and she moved there in March l920. During the winter of l920-2l she did not work, as the youngest boy, Paul, was only l5 months old. She stayed at home and the two older boys went to #8 school. She did occasional house work during the winter, for example, for her third cousin, Clara Pfrimmer Hays. In the summer of l92l she began to try to get into the Corydon elemen tary school. The township trustee was Dan Stauth who got a place for her; the new school superintendent was George Reuter. The school was new, having been built in l9l5. She taught 5th grade and continued to do so save for teaching the 4th grade once. She taught at the Corydon Grade School from l92l to l945. During the late l930's and on into the 40's she attended summer school at Indiana University for six summers, six weeks at a time.

In the summer of l944 Lenore started work for the Corydon Republican, and after the end of the l944-45 school year she went to work full time for the paper until l952. At first she worked in the print shop, but later in the office. Her most distinctive contribution was a column she wrote regularly called "On the Square," a narrative of happenings she observed in Corydon. It started one Saturday afternoon when a storm came up and she saw people scur ring for shelter. She wrote it up, with by-line, "By An Observor," and it was well received; she continued to write the column regularly from then on. In November l952 she was elected County Recorder of Harrison County on the Repub• lican ticket and held this office for four years, retiring at the age of 70. She then returned to write her column for the Republican, filling in for several weeks during the summers when the staff were on vacations.

For many years Lenore lived in the Bruch house. When her mother became ill in the fall of l937 she lived with her parents and after her mother died in May l938 she continued to live there and take care of her father until he died in October l953. Then she built a new house just west of Corydon next door to 181 her son, Marion, and while it was being built lived in an apartment in the Ed Bulleit house. In l965 she moved from this house to an apartment in Corydon at 2l0 Elm Street.

7-l. Marion William LaHue. Born Aug. 8, l9l2, Corydon,Ind. Married Tommy K. Wilson from Kentucky Nov. 29, l934. She was born Nov. l0, l9l2. Two children, William and Philip. Lived (l970) 4269 Varner Rd., Jacksonville, Fla., 322l0.

8-l. William Wilson LaHue. Born July l4, l936, Lafayette, Ind. Mar ried Jean Jensen Ladwig July l2, l958 at the "Little Brown Church in the Wildwood" in Iowa. She was born Nov. 5, l929. One child, Terri Jean, and adopted her two daughters by a previous marriage. Lived (l970) at 3l0 E. Colter St., Phoenix, Ariz.

9-l. Judith LaHue.

9-2. Susan LaHue.

9-3. Terri Jean LaHue. Born Mar. l2, l959.

8-2. Philip Thomas LaHue. Born July l0, l938, Lafayette, Ind. Mar ried Idalee Windell June 20, l958. She was born Aug. 2, l938. Two children, LeAnn and David. Lived (l970) l6l4 W. Morten, Phoenix, Ariz.

9-l. LeAnn LaHue. Born Jan. l, l96l, Lafayette, Ind.

9-2. David Thomas LaHue. Born July l0, l963, Laredo, Tex.

7-2. Philip Mervin LaHue. Born July l4, l9l4 near Corydon, Ind. Mar ried Kate Milne of Denver, Colo. July l7, l938 at Denver, Colo. She was born Mar. l4, l9l7. Four children, Jean, unnamed child, Anne and Donna. Lived (l970) 737 Chapala Drive, Pacific Palisades, Calif.

8-l. Jean Milne LaHue. Born Jan. 7, l94l, Muskegon, Mich. Married Vincent Della Monice Feb. 7, l967, Los Angeles, Calif. One child, Andrea.

9-l. Andrea Jean Della Monica. Born Nov. 4, l970.

8-2. Unnamed child, born and died Nov. l, l946.

8-3. Anne LaHue. Born Oct. 27, l948, Denver, Colo.

8-4. Donna LaHue. Born Nov. 2l, l949, Denver, Colo. Married John Herne Aug. l6, l969, Los Angeles, Calif. One child, Jennifer.

9-l. Jennifer Herne. Born summer l970.

7-3. Paul Jacob LaHue. Born Oct. l0, l9l8, Corydon, Ind. Married Bettye Fielder of Ft. Worth, Texas, Nov. l0, l945. Five children, John, Alma, Micky, Paul and Denise. Divorced l969. Married Dorothy Barton June l969. Lived (l970) Clarksville, Ind.

8-l. John Harve LaHue. Born Oct. l, l946, Greeley, Colo. Married Joyce Choate. One child, Donald.

9-l. Donald Ray LaHue. Born July 3, l970.

8-2. Alma Faith LaHue. Born June 6, l948; died June 2l, l948; buried Pfrimmer's Chapel.

8-3. Micky Lynn LaHue. Born Nov. 4, l949 Ft. Worth, Tex. 182

8-4. Paula David LaHue. Born Jan. l7, l952, Corydon, Ind.

8-5. Denise LaHuge. Born June 26, l955, New Albany, Ind.

6-2. Marion Pfrimmer Faith. Born Dec. 24, l887 near Laconia, Ind. Married Clara Meyer May l6, l9l2 at her home near Corydon, Ind. She was born June 2, l890 near Corydon, Ind. They had one child, James Meyer. He became a rail roader. At age l9 he was visiting relatives in New Albany, Ind. and was asked by a railroad fireman to take a job on the "Dinky," a commuter train operating between New Albany and Louisville, serving such intermediate points between New Albany and Jeffersonville as Emory's Crossing, Brown's Station, Midway and Howard Park. He shoveled coal. The train soon met stiff competition from a new interurban trolley-car line and he graduated from this job to become an engineer in l9l6. But it was not until l922 that he drew his first assignment a local run on the Pennsylvania Railroad between Columbus and Madison, Indi ana, an 86-mile round trip he made twice a day for three months. He then went back on the main board in Louisville, alternating between firing and engineer ing. He did both freight and passenger work between Louisville, Indianapolis and Logansport. In l935 he was transferred to special duty and then to road foreman, serving as a trouble-shooter to prevent late runs and speed up the schedule and investigate accidents. Retired l955. Lived (l970) at 2l9 Linwood Drive, Jeffersonville, Ind.

7-l. James Meyer Faith. Born Mar. 3l, l9l3 Jeffersonville, Ind. Mar ried Mary Flock. Two children, Susan and James. Lived (l970) on Linwood Drive, Jeffersonville, Ind.

8-l. Susan Faith. Married Michael Patrick Daniel Sept. 2l, l968 at Holy Trinity Church, New Albany, Ind. Lived New Albany, Ind.

8-2. James Faith. In military service in l970.

6-3. Paul Lemmon Faith. Born July l6, l889 near Laconia, Ind. Married Pearl F. Bruce, Sept. 25, l9l0 at her home. She was born July 20, l89l near Corydon, Ind. One adopted child, Pauline.

7-l. Pauline Faith. Born Apr. l, l925. Married (l) Ralph Hayse Mar. 3, l944; no children. Married (2) Lewis Walters; two children, Sherry and Tracy.

8-l. Sherry Ann Walters. Born Aug. 24, l955.

8-2. Tracy Lynn Walters. Born Jan. 27, l96l.

6-4. Elsie Harris Faith. Born Aug. 24, l890 New Albany, Ind. Married Ralph C. McCallum at home of a friend in Ft. Collins, Colo., June l6, l92l. He was born Apr. 20, l892 at Pine, Colo. and died May 7, l952 at Denver, Colo. No children. Lived (l970) at 463 S. Clarkson, Denver, Colo.

6-5. Edmonia Faith. Born Mar. l8, l894 at Laconia, Ind. Married Ray Hottel June l7, l9l6 at the Wesley Chapel parsonage in New Albany, Ind. He was born Oct. l8, l887 at New Amsterdam, Ind. and died May l966 at Pompano Beach, Fla.; buried at Pompano Beach. One child, Barbara. She lived (l970) at 2465 SE 7th, Pompano Beach, Fla.

7-l. Barbara P. Hottell. Born Sept. 28, l928. Married Darryl Faith Jan. 26, l946 at her home in Detroit, Mich. He was born May l4, l9l8 at Corydon, Ind. Lived (l970) at 2232 East Banta Rd., Indianapolis, Ind.

5-3. Lovell Rousseau Pfrimmer. Born l862 at Corydon, Harrison Co., Ind.; died l875. 183

5-4. Harriett R. Pfrimmer. Born l864 Corydon, Harrison Co., Ind.; died May ll, l950; never married.

5-5. Charles Homer Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 29, l868 at King's Cave, six miles east of Corydon, Ind.; died Dec. 25, l938 Choteau, Teton Co., Mont; buried Choteau, Mont. Married Lena Dolly Mauckerman Bell, daughter of Henry and Nancy Mauckerman and adopted daughter of Robert and Dollie Bell who took her in when her folks died when she was young; they were married Nov. 29, l894 in Columbiana Co., Ohio. She was born in Poland, Mahoning Co., Ohio, Jan. 6, l877 and died Aug. 5, l9l6; buried Choteau, Mont. Twelve children: Robert, William, John, Todd, Frank, Helen, Bert, Samuel, Edmonia, stillborn son, Howard and unnamed son.

Charles Homer Pfrimmer was called "Homer" and was also known as "Red" Pfrim mer; he had red hair and blue eyes. He was a sickly child, but when grown became an athlete. When a young man he won a state bicycling contest and one year he was the state boxer of Indiana from Corydon. For many years he was a good baseball pitcher and a horseshoe pitcher. He grew to be over six feet tall and wore a mustache for years. He had about an 8th grade educa tion. When he was a teenager he went to Texas and worked for his uncle, John Lemmon, for a while. Later he went to Oklahome to take part in a land rush and secure a land claim. He rode in the races on a big black horse, secured a claim and then sold the land. Came back to Indiana, then to Ohio, married, and his oldest child was born at Columbiana, Ohio, near his wife's home at Poland. Moved to Pittsburgh, Pa., where his next child was born in l896, at Allegheny, Pa. Here he was a machinist for a railroad.

In l908 he went to Montana with his brother, Samuel Amos Pfrimmer, and bought land, Sam out of Choteau and Homer north of Bynum on the Bynum Bench. The family moved to Choteau where the child, Samuel Amos, was born. The last child, the l2th, was born Aug. l, l9l6 at Choteau and Lena Bell Pfrimmer never recovered from the birth. The boy lived one day and the mother passed away Aug. 5, l9l6, leaving eight children. A few months later the oldest son, Robert Bell Pfrimmer, married and his wife became a mother for his father's children, raising them as well as eight of her own. Homer raised wheat during World War II, but after his son, Robert, married, he decided to leave the farm and go to Butte, Montana, to work in the mines. Then Robert sold the farm and moved to Great Falls; Frank, William and Todd had jobs; Bert and Eddie stayed with Robert for a time and then with Homer; Emma went back to Indiana and then came back west and married.

Homer worked in the copper mines for some years. He acquired silicosis of the lungs and then changed jobs and worked in the Butte roundhouse as a machinist for the Great Northern Railroad until he retired in l935 and moved back to Choteau. Bert lived with him for a long time until he got married in l932; he was a miner, too. He also developed silicosis and later received a pension for disability. Samuel Amos Pfrimmer, brother of Homer, also lived in Choteau and the brothers lived side by side and enjoyed each other's company. Ro bert's family lived north of Choteau on a ranch and Homer and Sam visited the children often. They invited them to their Christmas program Dec. 22, l938. Sam had a cold and didn't go, so Homer got a friend to drive him up. After the program, on their way back to Choteau the driver fell asleep at the wheel, the car ran off the road and turned over twice and Homer went through the windshield. His right ear was cut off and some l77 stitches were taken in his head at the Choteau hospital. He died Christmas morning, l938. The funeral was held at Choteau, Dec. 28, l938 at the Choteau Cemetery. He was buried next to his wife.

Charles Homer Pfrimmer was a Republican. He was brought up in the United Brethren Church and later attended the Bynum, Montana Methodist Church with his wife. He had a Methodist funeral, arranged by his brother, Sam. He was 184 clever with his hands, could repair clocks and watches; he loved to play cards was a good checker player. He chewed snuff for years and once after a stay in a hospital in the 50's he gave up chewing and never touched it or smoked again. He had a strong will and much determination. He loved horses and had a number on his ranch, obtaining one from Kentucky.

6-l. Robert Bell Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 26, l895 at Columbiana, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Married Lillian Louise Greene, d. George Henry Greene and Sarah Mary Jane Taylor, July l8, l9l7 at Great Falls, Cascade Co., Mont. She was born Apr. 3, l898 at Pembina, Pembina Co., N. D.; died Sept. 8, l965 at White fish, Flathead Co., Mont. She was buried Sept. l4, l967 at Glacier Memorial Gardens, Kalispell, Flathead Co., Mont. Eight children: Lena Belle, Jack, Margaret, Sylvia, Glen, Charles Bruce and Donald. Lived (l970) at l5 Washing ton Ave., Whitefish, Montana, 59937.

7-l. Lena Belle Pfrimmer. Born May 5, l9l8 at Choteau, Teton Co., Mont. Married Emery Kelly Plummer, son of Grant Plummer and Lucy Lewis, June 26, l935 at Choteau, Teton Co., Mont. He was born Sept. 9, l908 at Osage, Becker Co., Minnesota. One child, Dorothea Elaine. Divorced Dec. l4, l940. Married Fred Alexander Little, s. George Alexander Little and Marie Friederika Prose heit Jan. 24, l942 at Kalispell, Flathead Co., Mont. Two children, twins, Judy and Jean. Emery Kelly Plummer was a rancher and Fred Alexander Little was a mechanic and later a welder on the Great Northern Railway in Whitefish, Mont. and Superior, Wis. He was in the U.S. Army, in Germany during World War II, and retired from the Army after 22 years in l969. Lived (l970) at l820 Wisconsin Ave., Superior, Wis., 54880.

8-l. Dorothea Elaine Plummer. Born Mar. l2, l940, Kalispell, Mont. Married Gordon Stubbert, s. Wailard LaVaugh Stubbert and Ruby Willis May 6, l962. He was born May l6, l940, Whitefish, Mont. One child, Alex LaVaugh. He was in the U.S. Air Force in Alaska and a journeyman alter at Boeing Air craft, Seattle, Wash. Lived (l970) at l626 Benwiley, Santa Maria, Calif., 93454.

9-l. Alex LaVaughn Stubbert. Born June l3, l963 Burns, Ore.

8-2. Judy Irene Little. Born Oct. 3l, l946, Whitefish, Montana, a twin of Jean Ruth Little. Married Michael Joseph Murphy, son of Walter Joseph Murphy and Phyllis Holbrook, July 6, l966 at Idaho Falls, Idaho. He was born Jan. l8, l94l at Portland, Oregon. One child, Danny. Michael Murphy was in the U. S. Air Force in England and Viet Nam from l962-l969. In l969 he joined the Washington State Highway Patrol. Lived (l970) l654 S. 246 Place, Kent, Wash., 9803l.

9-2. Danny Joe Murphy. Born Feb. 4, l969 Walla Walla, Wash.

8-3. Jean Ruth Little. Born Oct. 3l, l946, Whitefish, Mont., a twin of Judy Irene Little. Married (l) Gordon Earl Kennedy, son of Earl Leslie and Olive Lillian Halls June ll, l965, Duluth, Minn. He was born Sept. l4, l943, Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Can. No children. Married (2) LaVanway. Gordon Kennedy was in the U.S. Air Force from l962 to l967 and was an office equip• ment repair operator for Multigraph Addressograph Co. Lived (l970) 735 Star• light Drive, Billings, Mont., 59l0l.

7-2. Jack Pfrimmer. Born Oct. l2, l920 Great Falls, Mont. Married Emily Jo Heim, d. Oscar John Heim and Rebecca Lee, Apr. l2, l942, Kalispell, Mont. She was born Oct. 27, l923 at Big Fork, Mont. Four children, Robert, Nancy, Rebecca and Oscar. Jack Pfrimmer was in the U.S.Navy in the Pacific area since l942. He finished only the eighth grde but went to college the years after his son, Robert, started and graduated with a major in English in the late l960's. He worked for the CAA and later the FAA and lived in Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana. Lived (l970) at l3205 Turquoise Ave., NE, Albu 185 querque, New Mexico, 87ll2. Later, when he retired, he moved back to White fish, Montana.

8-l. Robert John Pfrimmer. Born May 26, l944, Kalispell, Mont. Married Faith Fuglaar Aug. 7, l965, Baton Rouge, La. She was born Feb. 26, l945, Petersburg, Va. Four children, Lillian, Amy, Anne and Andrew. He was with the U.S. Marines in Korea, beginning in l969. She was a registered nurse. Lived (l970) at l438 S. Woodhaven, Baton, Rouge, La., 708l5. E-mail (1999) .

9-l. Lillian Adele Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l5, l966 Monroe, La. Lived (l997) at Durham, North Carolina. Email: .

9-2. Amy Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 22, l969, Baton Rouge, La. Lived (l997) at Destrehan, La. and New York, New York where she worked for an opera company. Married Gregory. E-mail (l999) .

9-3. Anne Pfrimmer. Lived (l997) at Baton Rouge, La. E-mail (1999): .

9-4. Andrew Pfrimmer. Lived (l997) at Baton Rouge, La. E-mail (l999)

8-2. Nancy Louise Pfrimmer. Born June 9, l947, Pendleton, Ore. Married Frederick Morgan Lee, son of Edward B. Lee and Margaret Ellen Tilgen, Dec. 28, l965, Havre, Mont. He was born Dec. l7, l946 Havre, Mont. They had two children, Morgan and Russell. Lived (l970) Havre, Mont., 5950l and (l997) Stockton, CA.

9-l. Morgan Lee.

9-2. Russell Lee.

8-3. Rebecca Lee Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 5, l952, Helena, Mont. Lived (l997) Spokane, WA) where she was a nurse. E-mail (1999) .

8-4. Oscar David Pfrimmer. Born June l2, l96l, Santa Fe, New Mexico; died Apr. l, l964.

7-3. Margaret (Micki) Pfrimmer. Born Dec. ll, l922 Great Falls, Mont.; died March 6, l999. Married (l) Emil Edward Paradis, son of Laurance Paradis and Adeline Lauzon Nov. 23, l939 at Scobey, Mont. He was born Feb. 9, l922 at Madoc, Mont. Two children, Joyce and Marie. He was a wheat farmer and later a car man on the Great Northern Railway at Whitefish, Mont. Divorced May l6, l95l. Married (2) Charles William Nadeau Oct. l5, l952. No children. Di vorced Nov. 24, l959. Remarried (3) Charles William Nadeau July 2, l962. Divorced Apr. 29, l966. Married (4) J. Bernard Lynn Apr. 29, l966. Married (5) R. C. Smith. Lived (l970) Orchard Vale Trailer Park, Star Route, Libby, Mont., 59923. In l999 was living in Texas.

8-l. Sharon Joyce Paradis. Born Oct. 3l, l940, Scobey, Mont. Married Frank Walter Schfletowski, son of Stephen Vincent Schufletowski and Florence Whipple Aug. ll, l960, Columbia Falls, Mont. He was born Jan. 24, l940, Havre, Mont. Two children, Lorelei and Suzanne. He was a teacher, a minister and college professor at Lawrence, Kas. Lived (l970) at l9l0 Miller Drive, Lawrence, Kas., 66044. E-mail (1999) .

9-l. Lorelei Ananette Schufletowski. Born Feb. l4, l964, Pine City, Wash.

9-2. Suzanne Rae Schufletowski. Born Dec. 7, l965, Pullman, Wash. 186

8-2. Sheila Marie Paradis. Born Jan. 26, l943, Whitefish, Mont. Married Dale Sylvester Monday, s. Roy Peter Monday and Rose Marie Horn, June 22, l963, Charleston, S. C. He was born Feb. l, l943, Manitowoc, Wis. Two children, William and Scott. He was in the U.S. Air Force in England. E mail: (1999): .

9-l. William Anthony Monday. Born Feb. 2l, l964, Charleston, S.C.

9-2. Scott Andrew Monday. Born Oct. l5, l965, Charleston, S.C.

7-4. Sylvia Louise Pfrimmer. Born June l8, l925 at Great Falls, Mont. Married (l) Earl Chase, s. Fred Chase and Shirley Warner, June l5, l943, Whitefish, Mont. He was born Mar. 20, l923, Whitefish, Mont. Two children, Fred and Timothy. Divorced Feb. 25, l946, Kalispell, Mont. Married (2) John Henry Doyle Jan. l, l950, Williston, N. D., He was born in Brooklyn, New York and was killed in a car accident Mar. 6, l956, Yakima, Wash.; one child, Patrick. Married (3) Byron Welch Nov. 22, l958, Olympia, Wash. He was born Nov. l0, l927 in Pa. Two children, Elizabeth and Lillian. Divorced May 9, l966, Olympia, Wash. Earl Chase was in the U.S. Air Force in the Pacific and later became a forester. Byron Welch was in the U.S. Army with occupation forces in Germany after World War II and was a house painter. She lived (l970) 902 S. Franklin, Olympia, Wash., 9850l.

8-l. Fred Earl Chase. Born July 25, l945, Whitefish, Mont. Married Linda Carlson Nov. 2, l964. Divorced. Lived (l970) c/o R. B. Pfrimmer, l5 Washington, Whitefish, Mont., 59937. E-mail (1999): .

8-2. Timothy Alan Chase. Born Jan. 3, l945, Whitefish, Mont.; died Jan. 3, l947.

8-3. Patrick Michael Coyle. Born Mar. 29, l956, Yakima, Wash.

8-4. Elizabeth Ann Welch. Born Nov. 2, l959, Olympia, Wash.

8-5. Lillian Mary Welch. Born Jan. 4, l962, Olympia, Wash.

7-5. Glenn Robert Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l6, l927, Great Falls, Mont. Married Doris Jean Abbazia, d. Louis William and Ida Pelletier Abbazia, Sept. l4, l948, Fall River, Mass. She was born Sept. l4, l925, Fall River, Mass. Two children, Louis and Terry. Glenn Pfrimmer was in the U.S. Navy for 20 years in the Pacific Ocean. Lived (l970) 475 Quail Court, Chula Vista, Calif., 920ll.

8-l. Louis Robert Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 4, l949, Fall River, Mass.

8-2. Terry Robert Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 8, l95l, Fall River, Mass. E- mail (1999): . Lived in Santee, CA.

7-6. Charles Richard Pfrimmer. Born Oct. 28, l930, Choteau, Mont. Married Gertrude Baynes, d. Francis Joseph Baynes and Ida Mae Wallis, July 3l, l954, Rome, N. Y. She was born Aug. 6, l929, Rome, N.Y. Three children, Nan, Sandra and Richard. Charles Pfrimmer was in the U.S. Air Force in Iceland; was an architect for the Air Force. Lived (l970) 4l3 Synwood St., Rome, New York, l3440. 8-l. Nan Kathleen Pfrimmer. Born May 2, l955, Rome, N.Y. E-mail (1999): .

8-2. Sandra Jean Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 27, l956 Rome, N.Y.

8-3. Richard John Pfrimmer. Born Apr. 5, l960, Rome, N.Y.

7-7. Bruce Nelson Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l, l932, Great Falls, Mont. 187 Married Carolyn Ann Payton, d. George Salis Payton and Elenath Maybell Binford Juane l5, l952, Eureka, Mont. She was born Apr. l6, l932, North Hollywood, Calif. Three children, David, George and Jerrold. He was in the U.S. Army overseas in the Pacific area and then was a brakeman for the Great Northern (1999): .

8-l. David Bruce Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 27, l953, Whitefish, Mont. Lived (l997) at P. O. Box 58480, Fairbanks, Alaska, 997ll.

8-2. George Neil Pfrimmer. Born May 9, l960, Whitefish, Mont.

8-3. Jerrold Ross Pfrimmer. Born July 24, l964, Whitefish, Mont.

7-8. Donald Ross Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 25, l937, Great Falls, Mont. Married Mary Ellen West, d. Richard and Eileen West, July l5, l960, Whitefish, Flathead Co., Mont. She was born Aug. 2l, l939, Polson, Mont. No children. Both were teachers. Lived (l970) at General Delivery, Larson Bay, Alaska, 99624 and (l997) in Tennessee.

6-2. William Henry Pfrimmer, Jr. Born Sept. 3, l896 at Allegheny, Pa.; died Sept. 20, l955, Thorp, Wash.; buried Sept. 25, l955 at Throp, Wash. Married (l) Mary Elizabeth Warren Sept. 20, l934 Seattle, Algona, Wash. Two children, Fred and Robert. Divorced Aug. l8, l94l, Seattle, Wash. He married (2) Eleanora Burnham in l945. No children. He was a restaurant cook.

7-l. Fred William Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 7, l935 Seattle, Wash.

7-2. Robert Dean Pfrimmer. Born May l, l937 Dupuyer, Mont.

6-3. John L. Pfrimmer. Born Nov. l3, l898 Allegheny, Pa.; died Aug. 2l, l907.

6-4. Todd Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 27, l90l, Moravia, Allegheny Co., Pa. Married Gladys Eisenhaur May 30, l946. No children. Lived (l970) Columbia Falls or Whitefish, Mont., 59937.

6-5. Frank Cocrain Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 8, l903, Moravia, Allegheny Co., Pa. Married and divorced. In l967 was living in a nursing home near Pasco, Wash.

6-6. Helen Emma Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l905, Mahoningtown, Allegheny Co., Pa. Married (l) Joseph Harding, son of George Harding, Oct. 20, l926, Toledo, Ohio. He was born July l, l895 at Marion, Mich. One son, Richard. Divorced. Married (2) Jacob Plute, s. Jacob and Mary Plute, Dec. l8, l944, Toledo, Ohio. He was born Oct. 28, l905 at Denver, Colo. No children. Lived (l970) at l690 South Grant St., Denver,Colo., 802l0.

7-l. Richard Hardin. Born Jan. 3l, l928, Grand Rapids, Mich. Married Lelly Johnson May 20, l966, Denver, Colo. Lived (l970) l686 S. Grant St., Denver, Colo.

6-7. Bert Thompson Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 8, l908, Mahoningtown, Allegheny Co., Pa. Married (l) Zetta Mills Julyj l5, l932. No children. Divorced Sept. 20, l963. Married (2) Delda Morrow July 6, l967. Lived (l970) Twin Bridges, Mont.

6-8. Samuel Amos Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 2l, l9l0, Choteau, Mont.; died Aug. ll, l9l4; bur. Valier, Mont.

6-9. Edmonia Pfrimmer. Born June 8, l9l2, Bynum, Mont. Married (l) Daniel Hern June 20, l932. No children. Divorced Dec. 5, l932. Married (2) Jack Dotterwick, son of John Dotterwick, l933, in Calif. He was born Por 188 tland, Ore. Four children, Jack, Elepha, Linda and Nancy. Divorced l948. Married (3) Harold Jacob Brogard, s. Richard Brogard and Anna Sorenson, Dec. 28, l950. He was born Dec. 25, l888 Wykobing, Denmark. One child, Harold. Jack Dotterwick was a cook for a long time and last worked at the Portland, Ore. shipyard. Harold Brogard was a rancher. Edmonia Pfrimmer was known as Edna Lee. Lived (l970) at box ll42, Thorp, Wash., 88946.

7-l. Jack Allan Dotterwick. Born May 6, l934, Portland, Ore. Married (l) Diane, last name not known. One child, Laurie. Divorced l948. Married (2) Elaine, last name not known.

8-l. Laurie Dotterwick.

7-2. Elepha Lee Dotterwick. Born Aug. l9, l939, Portland, Ore. Married (l) John Littlewood Feb. l5, l955. Four children, John, Christopher, Bradley and Michelle. Divorced Mar. l963. Married (2) Wayne Stewart Winegar July 2l, l963. No children. Lived (l97) 4l5 W. l0th, Ellensburg, Wash.

8-l. John Wayne Littlewood.

8-2. Christopher Allen Littlewood.

8-3. Bradley Clay Littlewood.

8-4. Michelle Kay Littlewood.

7-3. Linda Dotterwick. Born dec. 3, l945, Portland, Ore. Married Richard Lee Fine June l, l964. Four children, Richard, Janie, Edward and Janette. Lived (l970) ll09 Northwater, Ellensburg, Wash.

8-l. Richard Fine.

8-2. Janie Fine.

8-3. Edward Fine.

8-4. Janette Fine.

7-4. Nancy Kay Dotterwick. Born Apr. 2l, l946, Ellensburg, Wash. Married Donald Fishop June l5, l965. Two children, Kelly and Lee. Lived (l970) l226 N. Justin, Dallas, Tex., 752ll.

8-l. Kelly Bishop.

8-2. Lee Ann Bishop.

7-5. Harold Richard Brogard. Born Dec. 4, l95l, Ellensburg, Wash. Was (l970) in U.S. Navy.

6-l0. Son, stillborn, l9l4, Bynum, Teton Co., Mont.

6-ll. Howard Bateman Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 4, l9l5, Choteau, Teton Co., Mont. Married (l) Mary Montana Shovlin, d. Patrick James Shovlin and Beatrice Veronica McMonagle, May l937, Buttel, Mont. She was born Aug. 6, l9l6, Butte, Mont. Six children, Mary, Betty, Rita, Gene, Toni and Charles. Divorced Oct. l956. married (2) Veva Arlene Martin, d. Lawrence Gred Martin and Emma Grace Maxwell, Dec. l9, 956, Great Falls, Mont. She was born Oct. 24, l938 Havre, Mont. Eight children, Melanie, Noel, Paula, Brent, Julie, Robert, Nina and Nona. He was a mechanic. Lived (l970) 266 Zimmerman Rd., Kalispell, Mont., 5990l.

7-l. Mary Ann Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 2, l938, Ennis, Madison Co., Mont. 189 Married Clarence Allen Pursely, son of James Michael Pursely and Mildred Clara Rickert, May l9, l956. She was born Feb. 2, l928, Ennis, Madison Co., Mont. Three children, Geri, Wayne and Norma. He was a car salesman. Lived (l970) Rt. #l, South, Box 636, Great Falls, Mont., 5940l.

8-l. Geri Lee Pursley. Born Sept. 2, l957, Havre, Mont.

8-2. Wayne Allan Pursley. Born Oct. 7, l958, Havre, Mont.

8-3. Norma Jean Pursley. BornOct. 7, l959, Havre, Mont.

7-2. Betty Lue Pfrimmer. Born May 2l, l939, Cameron, Madison Co., Mont. Married Thomas Patrick O'Connor, son of Thomas Clifford O'Connor and Esther Lorraine Brendgard, July 24, 965, Havre, Mont. He was born July 28, l939, Havre, Mont. One child, Shannon Patrick. Was in the U.S. Air Force.

8-l. Shannon Patrick O'Connor. Born Mar. l8, l969, Havre, Mont.

7-3. Rita Rae Pfrimmer. Born July 29, l943, Choteau, Teton Co., Mont. married Benny Rae Peoples Oct. l965.

7-4. Gene Delores Pfrimemr. Born Aug. l, l946, Great Falls, Mont. Married George Francis Annis, s. Alton Desford Annis and Orla Irene Lott, June 2, l964, Havre, Mont. He was born Feb. l3, l94l, Custer, Custer Co., S. D. No children.

7-5. Toni Jo Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 27, l947, Great Falls, Mont. Married Alfred Donald Knutson, s. Elford Odien Knutsen and Minerva Jane Lamb, Nov. 24, l964, Pocatello, Id. He was born Apr. 23, l943, Middle River, Marshall Co., Minne. One child, Karla.

8-l. Karla Kay Knutson. Born Oct. 3, l965, Great Falls, Mont.

7-6. Charles Almo Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 5, l949, Havre, Mont.

7-7. Melanie Joy Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 2, l958, Great Falls, Mont.

7-8. Noel Starr Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 5, l959, Great Falls, Mont.

7-9. Paula Bernice Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 9, l960, Great Falls, Mont.

7-l0. Brent Howard Pfrimmer. Born Jun. 8, l96l, Great Falls, Mont.

7-ll. Julie Aleita Pfrimmer. Born July 3, l962, Dillon, Mont.

7-l2. Robert Lawrence Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 3, l966, Kalispell, Mont.

7-l3. Nina Jan Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l3, l968, Kalispell, Mont.

7-l4. Nona June Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l3, l968, Kalispell, Mont.

6-l2. Son, unnamed, born Jan. 5, l9l7; died Jan. 9, l9l7, Choteau, Mont.

5-6. Katherine "Kitty" Pfrimmer. Born l870, Corydon, Ind.; died Mar. l, l953; never married. Named for Kittie Carver, a neighbor. Later when she moved to Denver and was trying to get work in the city schools she thought the name Kittie was most inappropriate for a woman of her age and size. So she changed is to Katherine. Went to Newton Co., Ind. to teach and later to Denver, Colo. with her sister, Edmonia. Became a Unitarian while in Denver.

5-7. Samuel Amos Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 5, l87l, Corydon, Ind.; died Apr. 8, 190 l943 Choteau, Mont.; bur. Choteau, Mont. Married Minnie Berman Hinke, l898, in Oklahoma. She was born Kansas and died l9l6 Rawlins, Wyo; buried Rawlins, Wyo. One child, Irene. Minnie Berman was left an orphan at an early age; her only surviving parent was killed in a tornado in Kas. The Hinkes raised her until she was married. When his sisters, Edmonia and Katherine, got teaching jobs in Denver, Colo., Samuel A. Pfrimmer went west, too. He lived in Oklaho ma for a while and from there went on the march organized by Jacob Coxey, an industrialist of Massilon, Ohio, to Washington during the depression of l893 to seek relief for the unemployed. During the march he was known as "Oklahoma Sam" Pfrimmer, a cowboy. He returned to Oklahoma and worked on the l0l Ranch.

Later Samuel Amos Pfrimmer settled near Choteau, Mont. and started a freight line of sixteen horses to a wagon in the winter and eight in the summer when the ground was dry. The line went from Choteau to Valier and back, going through Bynum, Pendroy, Dupuyer on the way north and through Williams, Conrad, Brady, Agawam, Collins, Farmington and back to Choteau. This was a once-a- month trip, the length of time varying with weather and road conditions. His brother, Charles Homer, came west and helped him for a while until he began farming. Sam had a ranch with sheep that his wife couldn't stand and she left him with their daughter. Then Sam got the child back and she lived in an orphan's home at Great Falls, Mont., and with the aunts in Denver, and finally with her Aunt Hattie in California. Later Sam worked as foreman of a county road building gang at LaCross, Wash. Here he developed heart trouble and in l920, at age 49, had a massive stroke that left him with a paralized left side and a hoarse whisper for a voice; also his left eye and side of his face drooped. His nephew, Robert Bell Pfrimmer went from Great Falls, Mont. to get him when he was discharged from the hospital and Sam lived with Robert Bell for 4 l/2 years while he was recuperating until he could walk and take care of himself. Then the aunts set him up with a band of sheep; he herded these and made a living and worked on ranches the rest of his life until he retired. He lived in Choteau until he died. He was a great reader, loved to play cards and was much loved by Robert Pfrimmer's children. He took his brother Homer's death very hard and didn't seem to care after that, but lived five years more. He died of a stroke.

6-l. Irene Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 6, l902, Denver, Colo. Married (l) Norman Gottesman l924, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born l902, Toronto, Can. and died l935, Los Angeles, Calif.; buried Los Angeles. One child, Norma. Married (2) Joseph Rich, l947, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born l885 at Vietebsk, Russia and died l947 Oxnard, Calif.; buried Ivy Lawn Cemetery. No children. He lived through the pograms in Russia and came to the United States in l905. Lived (l70) 40l S.E. St., Oxnard, Calif.

7-l. Norma Gottesman. Born Aug. 4, l925, Los Angeles, Calif. Married Ralph Wheaton. He was born Apr. l0, l923. Three children, Bonnie, William and Janet. Lived (l970) 875l Shenandoah Place, Tucson, Ariz., 857l0.

8-l. Bonnie Wheaton. Born July ll, l946. Married Leslie Roundstream, Dec. l7, l966. He was born Feb. 8, l946. Attended University of Arizona full time (l970) and worked part-time. She worked part-time and went to school. Lived (l970) at 340l North Columbus, Tucson, Ariz., in a University housing project for married couples.

8-2. William Wheaton. Born Sept. l948. Lived (l970) 4500 West Speed way, Tucson, Ariz.

8-3. Janet Wheaton. Born July 2, l950. Attended University of Arizo na (l970) and lived with parents.

5-8. Edmonia A. Pfrimmer. Born Aug. 23, l874, Brandenburg, Ky.; died Sept. 28, l965 Denver, Colo. Unmarried. Named for Edmonia Richardson, a young neighbor of whom the family was very fond. Went to Newton County, Ind. to 191 teach and later with her sister Kittie, to Denver, Colo. While in Denver she became a Unitarian.

5-9. William Henry "Jim" Pfrimmer. Born May 5, l879, Mauckport, Ind. Died young.



The Descendants of Catherine Pfrimmer and David Melton

3-6. Catherine "Caty" Pfrimmer. Born Oct. l0, l793 in Pennsylvania. Died Apr. l0, l875 in Knox County, Illinois. Buried in the Baptist Cemetery in Rio Township, Knox County, Ill. Married David O. Melton, son of Elisha (Eli) Melton, Sr. and Sarah Barnett Nov. 4, l8l0 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born Dec. l4, l786 in Rutherford Co., North Carolina and died Aug. l9, l859 in Knox County, Illinois. Buried in the Baptist Cemetery, Rio Township, Knox County. Fourteen children: George Washington, Elizabeth, William H., Hiram, Christe na, Samuel, Daniel, Amos, David, John, Jesse, Eliza, two whose names are not known, Eli and Isaac.

Catherine Pfrimmer moved with her parents to Harrison County, Indiana in l808. She and David Melton owned land in Harrison County, Indiana. On April l3, l8l8 David Melton and wife Caty sold to Isaiah Boone l00 acres of land from the west side of the southeast quarter of section l5, township 5 south, range 4 east, land patented by David Melton Dec. 20, l8l7. This is in Record Deed Book B, page 359. On Dec. 27, l834 David Melton and wife Catherine sold to Samuel Guest for $300 60 acres from the east side of the southeast quarter of section l7, township 5 south, range 4 east.

David Melton was one of a large number of Melton brothers and cousins who emigrated from North Carolina to Harrison County, Indiana in the early l9th century. Family tradition has it that he was superintendent of a farm owned by Gen. William Henry Harrison. He moved with his family to Knox County, Illinois sometime between Dec. l834 and Mar. l836 and was a large landowner in Rio Township. David Melton's will, written July 25, l859, was probated Sept. l2, l859 and listed his wife and l3 other heirs.

This family is in the U.S. Census, l830, Harrison Co., Ind., page 77; l840, Knox Co., Ill., l3N, lE, family #l09; l850, Knox County, Ill., l3N, lE, family #l439; l860, no entry discovered; l870, Catherine Melton living with son, Samuel.

4-l. George Washington Melton. Born Sept. 5, l8ll near Corydon, Indiana. Died July 23, l89l in Knox County, Ill. Buried at Ontario, Ill. Married Mary Ann Riley Mar. 26, l836 in Knox County, Ill. She was born Mar. 9, l8l8 and died Apr. 4, l897. Buried at Ontario, Ill. Eleven children: Sarah, Henry, William, Lucinda, Elvira, Catherine, Meodra, Ella, Lorraine, Lillian and George. Moved to Illinois with his family in May l834. In l850 his real estate was valued at $3000.

5-l. Sarah "Elizabeth" Melton. Born July 30, l837 at Henderson, Ontario Twp., Knox Co., Ill.; died Feb. 8, l907; buried Oneida Cemetery. Married Ralph H. Voris Nov. 2l, l858 in Knox County, Ill. He was born Aug. 26, l828 and died Mar. l5, l885; bur. Oneida Cem. Five children: Virginia, Mills, Roswell, Mary and Ruth. In l870 he was a postmaster in Ontario Township at Oneida City. He was postmaster and in l859 was county clerk.

6-l. Virginia E. Voris. Born l860 Knox Co., Ill. Married George Felt Mar. l5, l888 in Knox Co., Ill. He was born about l860. Two children, Ward and Winfred.

7-l. Ward V. Felt. Married Marriee S. Weakley. One child, Harriett.

8-l. Harriett Felt. Born about l9l0; died after l930. Married Alfred Oelschlegel. One child, Alma Kay.

9-l. Alma Kay Oelschlegel.

193 7-2. Winfred Felt. Married Douglas E. Root. One child, Douglas.

8-l. Douglas E. Root, Jr. Married Martha Sanderson. Five children: Elizabeth, Douglas, JoAnn, Barbara and Martha.

9-l. Elizabeth Ann Root.

9-2. Douglas S. Root.

9-3. Jo Ann Root.

9-4. Barbara Ann Root.

9-5. Martha Ann Root.

6-2. Mills Voris. Born Aug 11, 1862 at Oneida, Ill.; d. l9l9; buried Winfred, Kas. Cemetery. Married Harriett Clapp Aug. 28, l90l, Newkirk, Okla. She was born May l876; died after l908. Four children, Ralph, Mills G., Frank and Harriett.

7-l. Ralph Voris. B. about l902. Married Geraldine Phillips. She was born about l902.

7-2. Mills G. Voris, Jr. Born about l904; d. after l924. Married Helen McEachean. Two children, Edward and Helen.

8-l. Edward M. Voris. Born roughly l924; died after l944. Married Sue Pierce. Born roughly l924; died after l944. Two children, Kristie and Michael.

9-l. Kristie V. Voris.

9-2. Michael P. Voris.

8-2. Helen Elizabeth Voris.

7-3. Frank Voris. Married Frances I. Knight. Three children, Frank, Frances and Ralph.

8-l. Frank K. Voris. Married Charlotte Schovel; no children.

8-2. Frances Inez Voris.

8-3. Ralph D. Voris.

7-4. Harriett K. Voris. Married Paul G. Caughran. One son, James.

8-l. James William Caughran. Married Karen Whitney. One child, Katherine.

9-l. Katherine P. Caughran.

6-3. Roswell "Ross" Voris. Born in l865. Married Alice, last name not known. Three children, Ralph, Mildred and Maude.

7-l. Ralph B. Voris.

7-2. Mildred Voris. Married W. J. Finck; no children.

7-3. Maude Voris.

6-4. Mary Coe "Minnie" Voris. Born l869. Married George W. Brainerd Mar. 194 l5, l888 in Knox Co., Ill. One child, Ralph.

7-l. Ralph Voris Brainerd.

6-5. Ira H. Voris. Born Apr. l7, l87l; died Aug. 27, l87l; bur. Oneida Cem.

6-6. Ruth Elizabeth (Winfred) Voris. Born Jan. l, l875 at Oneida, Illi nois. Died June 7, l933 at Newport, Arkansas. Married John James Blanshard July l0, l90l at Newkirk, Oklahoma. He was born Feb. 2, l870 at Penn Las, New York; died Aug. 25, l938 at Newport, Ark. Three children, John, Ruth and Virginia.

7-l. John J. Blanshard, Jr. Married Meta H. Hiatt. Two children, John and Robert. Married c. l922.

8-l. John James Blanshard, III. Born c. l922.

8-2. Robert A. Blanshard. Born c. l924.

7-2. Ruth Elizabeth Blanshard. Born c. l904. Married H. Robin Chalfant. No children.

7-3. Virginia Blanshard. Married Harlan H. Miller. Two children, Mary and Patricia.

8-l. Mary Margaret Miller.

8-2. Patricia V. Miller. Married Herbert Wagers. One son, Herbert.

9-l. Herbert O. Wagers.

5-2. Henry Melton. Born June 6, l839; died Oct. l0, l9l3. Married (l) Ellen M. "Ella" Cole in l865 in Knox Co., Ill. One adopted son, Addison, known as Eddie. Ellen Cole was born in l842. Married (2) Lois K. Brainard in l893. No children. Henry Melton was a farmer in Knox Co., Ill.

6-l. Addison Elsworth "Eddie" Melton. Born l863 Knox Co., Rio Township, Ill. Was born Addison Elsworth Laird and was adopted by Henry Melton in l882. Married Nanice Pitts; they had four children.

7-l. ______Melton.

7-2. ______Melton.

7-3. ______Melton.

7-4. ______Melton.

5-3. William Jewell Melton. Born Aug. 6, l84l; died Sept. l2, l909. Married Mary K. Knox. She was born Apr. 4, l835 and died Feb. 2, l899. Two children, Fred and Frank.

6-l. Fred W. Melton. Born Dec. l, l868. Died about l927 Bartonville, Peoria Co., Ill.; bur. Ontario, Ill. Never married.

6-2. Frank Alonzo Melton. Born Apr. 20, l875 Rio, Ill.; died May 2l, l9l6 Rio, Ill.; buried Ontario, Ill. Married Alice N. Coziahr, daughter of Wilson and Emma Coziahr of Rio, Ill., Oct. 20, l897 at Rio, Ill. She was born July 24, l875 at Rio, Ill. and died Jan. 27, l964 at Galesburg, Ill.; buried at 195 Ontario, Ill. Five children, Paul, Cecil, Beatrice, George and Earl. He was a farmer.

7-l. Paul Melvin Melton. Born Rio, Ill., Dec.28, l898; died Nov. 6, l968; buried Ontario, Ill. Married Ithama Taylor Mar. l0, l920 at Galesburg, Ill. She was born Apr.22, l902 at El Paso, Tex. and died July 2, l975. No children. Worked at Gross-Galesburg.

7-2. Cecil Knox Melton. Born May l0, l900 at Rio, Ill.; died Feb. 4, l933. Married Helen Virginia Mears Feb. 4, l933 at Galesburg, Ill. She was born Aug. l8, l9ll at Tracy, Iowa. Five children, Frank, Ganet, Marsha, Karen and Merrill. He was a farmer and she an attendant at Galesburg Research Hospi tal.

8-l. Frank Ronald Melton. Born Sept. l2, l934 at Knoxville, Ill. Died Sept. l2, l934. Buried Ontario, Ill.

8-2. Ganet Gay Melton. Born Sept. l4, l935 at Galesburg, Ill. Mar ried Clarie Leon Stivers July 27, l953 at Corinth, Miss. He was born Oct. 20, l933 at Rock Island, Ill. Five children, Donald, Debra, Dianna, Sandra and Lori. He was a mechanic at Tricola Implement. Lived at Fulton, Ill.

9-l. Donald Eugene Stivers. Born Feb. 9, l954 Monmouth, Ill. Married Wanda Lea Connour. She was born Apr. 27, l956. One child, Jeremy. Lived (l975) Canton, Ill.

l0-l. Jeremy Nathan Stivers. Born July 5, l975 Galesburg, Ill.

9-2. Debra Lou Stivers. Born Feb. 6, l955 Monmouth, Ill. Married David Lee Bitner, son of Arthur R. Bitner and Nancy L. Mace, Sept. l2, l974, Canton, Fulton Co., Ill. . He was born Dec. 22, l953, Canton, Fulton Co., Ill. One child, Jolina. He was an insurance salesman.

l0-l. Jolina Dawn Bitner. Born Apr. l7, l975, Canton, Fulton Co., Ill.

9-3. Dianna Lynn Stivers. Born Feb. 6, l955, Monmouth, Ill. Had one child, Christopher. Married Jerry Peabody, son of Gordon Peabody and Mary Ellen Howell, June 7, l975, Fairview, Fulton Co., Ill He was born Apr. 30, l956. One child, Victoria. Lived (l976) Canton, Ill.

l0-l. Christopher Michael Stivers. Born July 4, l973, Canton, Ill.

l0-2. Victoria Ann Peabody. Born Jan. l, l976, Macomb, Ill.

9-4. Sandra Lee Stivers. Born Aug. l0, l960, Canton, Ill.

9-5. Lori Ann Stivers. Born May 9, l964, Canton, Ill.

8-3. Marsha Kay Melton. Born Sept. 20, l939 at Galesburg, Ill. Married Merrill Franklin Colwell, son of John F. Colwell and Vivian Spratt, Jan. ll, l958 at Maquon, Ill. He was born May l4, l927 at Maryville, Mo. Four children, Tracy, Terry, Thomas and Tina. Were divorced l97l. She was living (l975) at Avon, Fulton Co., Ill. He was a mechanic with Dohn Transfer Co., Rock Island, Ill.

9-l. Tracy Lee Colwell. Born Jan. 22, l960, Galesburg, Ill.

9-2. Terry Allen Colwell. Born Oct. ll, l962, Avon, Ill.

9-3. Thomas LeRoy Colwell. Born Sept. l0, l964, Avon, Ill. 196

9-4. Tina Colwell. Born May l0, l968, Galesburg, Ill.

8-4. Karen Lynn Melton. Born Nov. l3, l943, Galesburg, Ill. Married James Lloyd Kidwell, son of James Kidwell and Caroline Rodenberger, Sept. l2, l960, Burlington, Iowa. He was born Feb. 24, l943, Chicago, Ill. Three children, James, David and William. Lived 9l975) Maguon, Knox Co., Ill. He was a supervisor at Gale Products, Galesburg, Ill.

9-l. James Gregory Kidwell. Born Apr. l8, l96l, Galesburg, Ill.

9-2. David Francis Kidwell. Born Dec. 3, l965, Galesburg, Ill.

9-3. Kidwell. Born Mar. 27, l970, Galesburg, Ill.

8-5. Merrill Vernon Melton. Born Apr. 23, l949, Galesburg, Ill. Lived (l975) Bossier City, La. In the Air Force.

7-3. Beatrice Irene Melton. Born Nov. ll, l906, Rio, Ill. Never mar ried. Died and was buried in the Ontario, Ill. Cem. Lived (l975) Galesbur, Ill.

7-4. George Wilson Melton. Born Dec. 24, l908, Rio, Ill. Married Amanda Cecilia Peake Nov. 20, l932, Galesburg, Ill. She was born Mar. 7, l907 at New Haven, Ky. Two children, George and Pauline. She lived Galesburg, Ill. in l975. He was a mechanic at Fesler's Oldsmobile, Galesburg.

8-l. George Wilson Melton, Jr. Born Oct. 2, l933, Galesburg, Ill. Married Sara Elizbeth Gudeman Apr. 4, l964, Peoria, Ill. She was born May 4, l934. Four children, Rebecca, Rachel, Rosanna and Thomas. He was a computer specialist at Caterpillar Tractor, Mossville, Ill.

9-l. Rebecca Sue Melton. Born Dec. 28, l964, Peoria, Ill.

9-2. Rachel Elizabeth Melton. Born July l7, l967, Peoria, Ill.

9-3. Rosanna Marie Melton. Born Dec. l8, l970.

9-4. Thomas James Melton. Born July 29, l972.

8-2. Pauline Cecilia Melton. Born July 23, l936, Galesburg, Ill.

7-5. Earl William Melton. Born Mar. 26, l9l3, Colorado Springs, Colo. Married Geraldine Mae Williams, daughter of Oscar D. Williams of Cobden, Ill., Aug. 26, l937 at Poplar Bluffs, Mo. She was born Oct. 2l, l907 at Cobden, Ill. Two children, Sue and Judith. Lived (l970) at l345 Beecher Ave., Gales burg, Ill., 6l404. Was a family genealogist; a cost accountant at Gale Pro ducts, Galesburg, Ill.

8-l. Sue Carolyn Melton. Born Feb. 24, l939, Galesburg, Ill. Married Edward Joseph Barnabee, son of Joseph Barnabee and Margerita Airola of Far mington, Ill., Sept. 9, l962 at Galesburg, Ill. He was born Mar. 8, l939 at Peoria, Ill. Three children, Susan, Edward and Karen. Lived (l97l) at Far mington, Ill. She was a high school teacher and he was a lineman for Central Illinois Light Co., Farmington, Ill.

9-l. Susan Lynn Barnabee. Born Aug. 27, l963, Galesburg, Ill.

9-2. Edward Joseph Barnabee. Born Apr. ll, l965 at Canton, Ill.; died Nov. 4, l965, Canton, Ill.; bur. Farmington, Ill.

9-3. Karen Jean Barnabee. Born June l3, l967, Galesburg, Ill. Lived 197 (l975) Farmington, Ill.

8-2. Judith Kay Melton. Born Feb. 6, l943 Galesburg, Ill. Married Steven Markee Cox, son of Walker and Frances Cox of Galesburg, Ill., Sept. l2, l964 at Galesburg, Ill. He was born May l8, l942 at Galesburg, Ill. Lived (l970) Galesburg, Ill.; (l975) Macomb, Ill.

5-4. Lucinda Melton. Born Dec.28, l843, Henderson, Ontario Twp., Knox Co., Ill.; died l867; buir. Rio Cemetery. Married Samuel Stafford Nov. ll, l867 at Oneida, Knox Co., Ill. He was born Apr. l6, l837 in Ireland; died Oct. ll, l90l. Three children: George, Edward and Guy. He was in the Civil War.

6-l. George William Stafford. Born Aug. 29, l868; died Apr. 29, l896; bur. Rio Cemetery. . Married Mannie Welsh. Two children, George and Edward.

7-l. George William Stafford, Jr. Married Mary B. Shea. No children.

7-2. Edward C. Stafford. Married Florence Shea. Two children, Edward and Helen.

8-l. Edward C. Stafford, Jr. Married and two children, James and Pamala.

9-l. James Stafford.

9-2. Pamala Stafford.

8-2. Helen Maxine Stafford.

6-2. Edward Stafford. Born and died Dec. 20, l880.

6-3. Guy M. Stafford. Married Edna Rittenhouse. One child, Duane.

7-l. Duane Stafford.

5-5. Elvira Lee Melton. Born June 28, l846, Henderson, Ontario Twp., Knox Co., Ill.; died Mar. 4, l926; buried Ontario, Ill. Never married. In l850 and l860 lived with her parents; l870 lived with her sister, Sarah Melton Voris. She raised her brother George's son.

5-6. Catherine Melton. Born May l3, l849; died Mar. l9, l850, Ontario Twp., Knox Co., Ill.

5-7. Medora Melton. Born Feb. 4, l85l, Henderson, Ontario Twp., Knox Co., Ill.; died Mar. 24, l924; buried Ontario, Ill. Married Heber Gillis, son of George Gillis and Mary Shephard, Oct. 24, l872 at Ontario, Ill. He was born Sept. 8, l836 at Argyle, Washington Co., New York and died Aug. 2l, l9l8, Rio, James, Ralph and Myra. He was a farmer.

6-l. Nellie Gillis. Born Aug. 26, l873, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Oct. l7, l928, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; buried Ontario, Ill. Never married.

6-2. George M. Gillis. Born Nov. 9, l877; died Dec. 30, l897, both in Rio, Knox Co., Ill. ; buried Ontario, Ill. Cemetery. Never married.

6-3. Clara Gillis. Born June l9, l875, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Aug. ll, l877, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; buried Ontario, Ill.

6-4. James Gillis. Born Oct. 8, l879; died July l3, l959; buried Ontario, Ill. Never married.

6-5. Myra Gillis. Born May 5, l882, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Apr. 2l, 198 l962, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Married Arthur E. Gammage Nov. 4, l909, Rio, Ill. One child, Robert.

7-l. Robert Gillis Gammage. Born Mar. 28, l924, Knox Co., Ill. Married Jeanne Hammer July 8, l945, Chicago, Ill. She was born Sept. 26, l925 at Minneapolis, Minn. Four children, Danna, Bruce, Gregory and Margaret.

8-l. Danna Elizabeth Gammage. Born Apr. l6, l946, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Bruce Wesley Gammage. Born Oct. 26, l948, Galesburg, Ill.

8-3. Gregory Gillis Gammage. Born Feb. l3, l956, Urbana, Ill.

8-4. Margaret Ellen Gammage. Born Dec. l, l959, Galesburg, Ill.

6-6. Ralph Gillis. Born January l885, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Oct. l7, l928, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.

5-8. Mary Ella Melton. Born l853, Knox Co., Ill.; died l895; buried On tario, Ill. Married Edward P. Gillis, son of George and Mary Gillis, Mar. l8, l877, Knox Co., Ill. He was born l849 at Argyle, Washington Co., New York. Three children, Wallace, Clark and Mary. Lived Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa.

6-l. Wallace Gillis. Born l899, Rio Twp., Knox Co., Ill.

6-2. Clark Gillis. Born Knox Co., Ill.

6-3. Mary Gillis. Born Knox Co., Ill.

5-9. H. Lorraine Melton. Born l856 Henderson Twp., Knox Co., Ill. Married William C. Sumner, Nov. 28, l878, Knox Co., Ill. No children. Lived Winter set, Iowa.

5-l0. Lillian A. "Lilly" Melton. Born Dec. l858, Henderson, Ontario Twp., Knox Co., Ill. Married William Case, Dec. 5, l882, Knox Co., Ill. One child, Margurette.

6-l. Margurette Case. Born Feb. l5, l885. Never married.

5-ll. George Washington Melton, Jr. Born Jun. 2, 1862, Henderson, Ontario, Ill. died Jan. 2l, l9l7, Oneida, Ill. Married Anna E. Miller Jan. l, l885, Oneida, Ill. She was born July 24, l865 at Deansboro, New York; died Apr. l5, l894, Oneida,Ill. Four children, Albert, Bessie, Kathryn and Grace. Living at Coburg, Iowa, l893.

6-l. Albert Ray Melton. Born May l0, l886, Knox Co., Ill.; died Jan. l4, l955. Married Ruth Isabell Corbin June l6, l9l5 at Deerfield, Kearney Co., Kas. She was born Apr. l9, l890. No children. He was raised by Aunt Elvira Melton after Jan. l894.

6-2. Bessie Adeline Melton. Born Nov 18, 1888 at Ontario, Knox Co., Ill. Married William Earl Davis Mar. 3, l9l3, Galesburg, Ill. He was born Sept. 2, l883 at Avon, Ill. and died June l4, l965 at AVodn, Ill.

7-l. Edwin Noah Davis. Married Virginia Trumpy. Three children: Susan, Melinda and Cynthia.

8-l. Susan Davis. Married Robert C. Lafferty.

8-2. Melinda Davis. Married A. William Ruttledge. One child, Laura.

9-l. Laura Ann Ruttledge. 199

8-3. Cynthia Ann Davis.

7-2. Royce M. Davis. Married Martha Jane Welsh. One child, Kathryn Ann.

8-l. Kathryn Ann Davis.

7-3. Martha Helen Davis. Married Robert E. Orwig. Two children, Eliza beth and Robert.

8-l. Elizabeth Ann Orwig.

8-2. Robert D. Orwig.

6-3. Kathryn Verna Melton. Born Oct 13, 1890 at Oneida, Knox Co., Ill. Married Arthur Reginald Thomas Oct. l2, l922 at Boerne, Tex. He was born Jan. 8, l895 at Cave-in-Rock, Ill. No children.

6-4. Grace A. Melton. Born Feb. 5, l893, Knox Co., Ill. Married James C. Kenney Oct. 8, l9l3. He was born Sept. l5, l89l. Five children: James, Robert, Mary, William Ray and William Riley. She was raised by "Aunt Elvira" Melton.

7-l. James M. Kenney. Married June Hutchings. Four children, Sherry, Nancy, Duane and Donna.

8-l. Sherry Ann Kenney.

8-2. Nancy Lee Kenney.

8-3. Duane Kenney.

8-4. Donna Kay Kenney.

7-2. Robert L. Kenney. Married Dorothy Kankt. Two children, Beverly and Karen.

8-l. Beverly Kenney.

8-2. Karen Kenney.

7-3. Mary Helen Kenney. Married Robert St. George. Two children: Gary and Kennety.

8-l. Gary William St. George.

8-2. Kenneth E. St. George.

7-4. William Ray Kenney.

7-5. William Riley Kenney. Married Mary Leath. No children.

4-3. William Henry Melton. Born Dec. 12, l812 near Corydon, Ind.; died May 22, l878. Married Malinda (Eliza) Hall Feb. 25, l835 in Harrison Co., Ind. She was born Jan. l, l8l4 in Ind. and died Nov. 4, l879. They had nine children: Jesse, Eliza, Sarah, Emily, Catherine, Elizabeth, William and Martha.

5-l. Jesse H. Melton. Born May 24, l836 in Illinois. Married Julia M. Woodman in l856, Knox Co., Ill. She was born in l839 in Illinois. Five children: Athal, Hattie, Porter, Olive and George L. The family is listed in the l870 census, Knox Co., Rio Township, family #2l0, but is not listed there 200 after.

6-l. Atheal Pince Melton. Born l858 Ill.; died l932 Wataga, Knox Co., Ill. In l880 was living with the family of Henry Melton, son of George Washington Melton. Married Emma Smith Nov. 24, l88l Knox Co., Ill.

7-l. Roy Ray Melton. Born Dec. 4, l887, Wataga, Knox Co., Ill. Married Celesta Stone, June 6, l9l3. She was living l9l9 at Wataga. Roy Melton was a seaman in USN l9l9 and made l4 round trips to France duringWorld War I on the transport ship Grant.

6-2. Hattie Melton. Born l860 Knox Co., Ill. Living l870 Rio Twp., Knox Co., Ill.

6-3. Porter Melton. Born l865 Ill.

6-4. Olive Melton. Born l868 Ill.

6-5. George L. Melton. Born l870 Ill.

5-2. Eliza Melton. Born Nov. 23, l837 Ill. Married Philip Ballard. Living l850 Knox Co., Ill.

5-3. Sarah Melton. Born Nov. ll, l839 Ill. Married John Durban (Durbow), his second wife.

5-4. Emily Melton. Born Nov. 4, l84l, Ill. Married John Durban (Durbow).

5-5. Catharine Melton. Born Sept. 3, l843 Ill. Married Jesse Ratslin, son of Ben Ratslin.

5-6. Elizabeth Melton. Born Apr. l5, l845 Ill.; she died Apr. 8, l902. Married Albert Cheeney Mar l0, l867.

5-7. William Henry Melton, Jr. Born Oct. 8, l846, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Died Apr. 8, l902, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo., of Bright's disease. Buried in the Stoner-Lloyd Cemetery, Mt. Moriah, Mo. [Obituary in Bethany, Mo., Republi can, Apr. 23, l902]. Married Elizabeth Catherine Stoner, daughter of Levi Harrison Stoner and Christiana Henryetta Lambert, Mar. l0, l867 at Cairnville, Mo. She was born Sept. 20, l850 at West Lebanon, Warren Co., Ind. and died July 8, l932; buried Greenwood Cemetery at Wolf Point, near Prairie Elk, Montana. They had ten children: Newton, Jasper, Edward, Julia, Maggie, John, Rhoda, Millard, Boston and Orval. Elisabeth Catherine Stoner was known as "lib" and she and her mother were active members of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. According to his obituary William Henry Melton moved to Harrison Co. from Iowa at age of 6. William H. Melton was in the Civil War, enlisting as a Private, Co. D., 5lst Regiment, Missouri Volunteery Infantry, Mar. ll, l865. Was honorably discharged at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Mo. 3l Aug. l865. Applied for military pension No. l650l4 and was granted it at rate of $l2.00 per month to commence 2 Jan. l89l, "this pension being for chronic diarrahoea and resulting piles and disease of heart." Pension grant No. 7656l8. His pension papers show that on June l, l90l he was farming l60 acres and owned 7 horses, 6 mules, l3 neat cattle, and 28 hogs; his wife had a sewing machine valued at $l0. After the death of William Henry Melton "Lib" sold the farm in l906 and in l9l4 moved with one minor son, Orville, to Prairie Elk, Montana and lived there until his marriage, after which she spent time wih her child ren in various states. She died at the home of her daughter, Maggie Shotsman, and according to notice in the Wolf Point Herald, July 8, l932, she left 36 grandchildren and 39 great grandchildren. Her stone in the Greenwood Cemetery, Wolf Point, Montana lists her name with dates, l850-l932.

6-l. Newton Levi Melton. Born Jan. l6, l868 at Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., 201 Mo. Died Jan. 28, l943 at Princeton, Mo. Married (l) Ella Black Feb. l7, l889. Married (2) Lola M. Rupert June 27, l90l.

6-2. Jasper Harvey Melton. Born Dec. 3l, l869 at Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died July l2, l928 at Unionville, Mo.; buried at Wolf Point near Prairie Elk, Mont. Married Etta Belle Schooler, daughter of Milton and Cora Schooler of Mill Grove, Mo., Mar. l, l890. Five children: Lois, Paul, Port er, Don and Leos.

7-l. Lois Gertrude Melton. Born Feb. 9, l893; died Jan. l972. Married Asa Henry Hall. He was born Oct. l0, l888 and died June l6, l959.

7-2. Paul Audra Melton. Born Jan. l6, l898; died Aug. 2l, l969. Mar ried Mary Clark. She was born May 28, l897.

7-3. Porter McKinley Melton. Born June 26, l90l; died July 30, l966, Rapid City. Married Vivian Taylor.

7-4. Don William Melton. Born Jan. 9, l907. Married Twila Pearl Tang ney.

7-5. Leos Elizabeth Melton. Born Feb. l, l909. Married Wm. Aures Herrington. He was born Feb. l8, l90l and died Nov. 28, l965.

6-3. Edward Warren Melton. Born Mar. l6, l872, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Dec. l4, l930, Davenport, Oklahoma. Married Margaret Jane Wilkinson Mar. 3, l892 at Mt. Moriah, Missouri. She was born Sept. 2, l872 at Daviess Co., Mo. and died Jan. 24, l9l6 at South Davenport, Okla. Six children: Lawrence, Bessie, Viva, Clarence, Beulah, and in infant who died at birth. The lived at Highmore, South Dakot.

7-l. Lawrence Luther Melton. Born Feb. 8, l893 at Highmore, South Dakota; died May ll, l954 at Lindsay, Calif.; buried at Strathmore, near Lindsay, Calif. Married Gina Marie Rigsby, daughter of Andrew Talbot Rigsby and henrietta Belle Grissom, Apr. 25, l92l at Paris, Tenn. She was born Oct. 20, l902 at Hollowrock, Tenn. Three children, Keith, Clarence and David.

8-l. Keith Wilkinson Melton. Born Sept. 28, l926 at Porterfield, Calif. Married Pamela Jean Woodward, daughter of Charles Bernice Woodward and was formerly married to Phillip Adams. Two children, Rebecca and Michel. He was a member of the Calif. Highway PIatrol. Jan. 30, l948 at Lindsay, Calif.

9-l. Rebecca Marie Melton. Born Sept. l0, l948 at Lindsay, Calif. Married Charles Byron Boardman, Sept. ll, l97l at Stockton, Calif. He was born Dec. 27, l948 at Chicago, Ill. Two children, Eri and Kevin. He was a carpenter.

l0-l. Eric Stephen Boardman. Born May 28, l973, Lodi, Calif.

l0-2. Devin Douglas Boardman. Born Mar. l4, l975, Lodi, Calif.

9-2. Michael Andrew Melton. Born June l2, l950, Lindsay, Calif. Married Nancy Lee Pratt Aug. 30, l975. He was a high school music/drama teacher and she was taught preschool.

8-2. Clarence Dean Melton. Born Porterille, Calif. Died infancy.

8-3. David Ronald Gene Melton. Born July 23, l947, Lindsay, Calif. An adopted child. Married Rita Ruiz Aug. 27, l968.

7-2. Bessie B. Melton. Born June 20, l894. Married D. P. Chapman. Six children: Clarence, Clark, Warren, Bessie, Faye and Colleen. 202

8-l. Clarence Dean Melton.

8-2. Clark Melton.

8-3. Warren Dallas Melton (twin of Bessie).

8-4. Bessie Alice Melton (twin of Warren).

8-5. Faye Melton.

8-6. Colleen Melton.

7-3. Viva Rose Melton. Born Mar. 29, l898.

7-4. Clarence Dean Melton. Born Apr. 8, l896; died Sept. l0, l9l8/l9, of pneumonia at sea during World War I. Buried Davenport, Okla.

7-5. Beulah Faye Melton. Born Mar. l6, l90l. Married Russell Bezner. Three children, Beulah, Laura and a girl.

8-l. Beulah Faye Bezner.

8-2. Laura Bezner.

8-3. ______Bezner (girl).

7-6. Child, died at birth, lived 2 hours, July l7 l907.

6-4. Julia Henryette Melton. Born June l8, l874, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Feb. ll, l949, St. Mary's Hospital, Pierre, South Dakota; buried Feb. l4, l949 at Highmore Cemetery, Highmore, S. D. Married George Charles Stoner, son of John Caleb Stoner and Margaret Eleanor Bush, Mar. 27, l894 at Orange City, Iowa. He was born June l0, l870 at Cainsville, Harrison Co., Mo. and died Dec. 3l, l934 at Highmore, S. D.; buried Highmore Cemetery, Highmore, S. D. Four children, Vivian, Victor, Marshall and George.

7-l. Vivian Lake Stoner. Born Oct. 29, l896 at Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Aug. l6, l979; buried Highmore Cemetery, Highmore, S. D.. Married Elmer Lloyd Stingley Feb. l2, l9l6. They had four children, Elizabeth, Julia, John and Vivian.

8-l. Elizabeth Mary Stingley. Born Dec. l, l9l6 Highmore, S. D. Married Harold Frank Welch June 2, l936, San Diego, Calif. He was born Jan. 6, l907 at Minneapolis, Minn. and died Mar. l9, l985 at Long Beach, Calif. Four children, Carolyn, Annette, Narhold and Leonard.

9-l. Carolyn Ann Welch. Born Dec. 20, l937, Pomona, Calif. Married Roger Glen Piepenburg Dec. 28, l957. He was born June l0, l934 at Calumet Co., Wisc. Three children, David, Deborah and Dawn.

l0-l. David Glen Piepenburg. Born Dec. 26, l958 at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Married Patricia Louise Parkinson, daughter of William Nolan Parkinson and Marjorie Ann Moe. Aug. 5, l983, Brillion, Wis. She was born Sept. 24, l965 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Two children, Trista and Jordan.

ll-l. Trista Ann Pipenburg. Born Dec. l7, l983, Green Bay, Wis.

ll-2. Jordan Sheena Pipenburg. Born Oct. 9, l989 in Wis.

l0-2. Deborah Lynn Piepenburg. Boren Dec. 28, l959 at Brillion, Calumet Co., Wisc. Married Robert Levon Hammer, Jr., son of Robert Levon 203 Hammer and Evelyn Darlene Edwards, July 23, l982, Brillion, Wis. He was born Oct. 7, l957 at Aberdeen, Wash. Three children, Casandriene, Aubria and Tiana.

ll-l. Casandriene Alexandria Hammer. Born Oct. 9, l983, Weatherford, Okla.

ll-2. Aubria D. Hammer. Born May l9, l986.

ll-3. Tiana N. Hammer. Born Feb. l2, l988.

l0-3. Dawn Marie Piepenburg. Born May 27, l96l at Brillion, Calumet Co., Wis. Married Ronald Eugene Doughty, son of Richard Elfred Dough ty and Carol Joyce Behnke, Sept. 29, l984, at Faith United Methodist Church. One child, Brandon.

ll-l. Brandon R. Doughty. Born Nov. 2l, l987 in Wisconsin.

9-2. Cathleen Annette Welch. Born Nov. 22, l939 at Long Beach, Calif. Married Richard A. Coons Feb. 20, l960 at Long Beach, Calif. He was born Dec. ll, l938. Two children, Theodore and Charles.

l0-l. Theodore Lane Coons. Born Sept. 30, l960, Long Beach, Calif. Married Adriana Guerrero, daughter of Alfans Guerrero and Judith Botello, Mar. 22, l985, Honolulu, Hawaii. She was born Aug. 5, l960 at Muske gon, Mich.

l0-2. Charles Richard Coons. Born Sept. 2l, l962 at Lakewood, Calif.

9-3. Michael Harold Welch. Born Sept. 20, l946, Long Beach, Calif. Married Joyce Elaine Behuke Oct. 30, l965 at Faith Church, Brillion, Wis. They had three children, Barbara, Cynthia and Mark. Were divorced l978. Married (2) and divorced.

l0-l. Barbara Jean Welch. Born Apr. 4, l966, Brillion, Wis.

l0-2. Cynthia Lynn Welch. Born Apr. l, l968, Brillion, Wis.

l0-3. Mark Michael Welch. Born Apr. 5, l974, Brillion, Wis.

9-4. Jonathan Leonard (Josh) Welch. Born Dec. 22, l948, Long Beach, Calif.

8-2. Julia Marjorie Stingley. Born Aug. l9, l9l8, Highmore, S. D.; died Dec. l5, l969. Married (l) Alonzo Newell Hurd, son of George Alonzo Hurd and Laura Williams, Nov. 2, l935, Onida, S. D. He was born July 24, l909 at Verdon, S. D. and died Dec. l5, l969 at St. Mary's Hospital, Pierre, S. D. Two children, George and Catherine. Married (2) William Shuette Dec. l0, l974.

9-l. George Alonzo Hurd. Born Aug. 7, l936, Highmore, S. D. Mar ried Sharon Joy Faulstick, daughter of Elmer Faulstick and Christine Raske, Dec. l8, l955 at the Lutheran Church, Highmore, S. D. Five children: Lori, Bradley, Rodney, Nancy and Kristi.

l0-l. Lori Sue Hurd. Born June 8, l960, Aberdeen, S. D. Married Bart Lee Hansen, son of Carl E. and Sonya Hansen. May l7, l979, Ogden, Utah. Four children, Bret, Matthew, Tanner and Ashley.

ll-l. Bret Lee Hansen. Born Sept. ll, l98l, Ogden, Utah.

ll-2. Matthew Bart Hansen. Born Sept. l7, l984, Ogden, Utah. 204

ll-3. Tanner John Hansen. Born Dec. 2l, l992 Nampa, Idaho.

ll-4. Ashley Marie Hansen. Born Dec. l5, l995, Nampa, Idaho. Died Dec. l995, stillborn.

l0-2. Bradley George Hurd. Born Nov. 4, l96l, Downey, Calif. Married Stephanie Ann Howes, daughter of Stephen Howes and Joyce Littleford, Aug. 7, l987 at Ogden, Utah. One child, Travis.

ll-l. Travis George Hurd. Born Dec. 30, l987, Ogden, Utah.

l0-3. Rodney Lloyd Hurd. Born Mar. 26, l966, Buena Park, Calif. Married Stacey Lynn Bray, daughter of Bennie Allan Bray and Verna May Butler, Mar. l8, l99l in Idaho. One child, Kyle.

ll-l. Kyle Dustin Hurd. Born Feb. l9, l992, Boise, Idaho.

l0-4. Nancy Ann Hurd. Born May 27, l967, North Ogden, Utah.

l0-5. Kristi Lynn Hurd. Born Apr. 8, l970, North Ogden, Utah. Married Casey Lee Stephens Aug. 24, l99l. Divorced Sept. l0, l992, Nampa, Idaho.

9-2. Catherine Lee Hurd. Born Jan. 4, l940 at Pierre, S. D. Mar ried (l) Jess Salathe son of Salathe and Pearl Rilling. Nov. 9, l957. He died Nov. 8, l958 in a car accident on Oahe Dam Rd., Pierre, S. D.; buried a Highmore, S. D. They had two children, Timothy and Jess. Married (2) Delmar •Beckett Mar. 2l, l960 at Highmore, S. D. One child, Amy. They were separated Oct. l994. Delmar Beckett adopted Tim and Allen Oct. 3l, l96l.

l0-l. Timothy John Beckett. Born June 6, l958, Pierre, S. D. Married (l) Linda Marie Marx Nov. 7, l978. Were divorced Feb. l98l. Married (2) Kim Beyer, daughter of David Beyer and Reba Pfaff in l986. She was born Aug. 4, l957 at Anchorage, Alaska. Two children Chelsea and Nicholas.

ll-l. Chelsea Beyer Beckett. Born June ll, l988 at Denver, Colo.

ll-2. Nicholas Beyer Beckett. Born Feb. 4, l990 at Denver, Colo.

l0-2. Jess Allen Beckett. Born July l6, l959, Pierre, S. D. Married Barbara Schoenfelder, daughter of Willard Schoenfelder and Josephine Whitney, Feb. 27, l98l, at Kennebeck, S. D. They had two children, Brittany and Nicole. Divorced April l995.

ll-l. Brittany Kay Beckett. Born Mar. l6, l987 at Rapid City, S. D.

ll-2. Nicole Marie Beckett. Born Feb. 6, l990 at Rapid City, S. D.

l0-3. Amy Kay Beckett. Born Dec. l9, l97l, Aberdeen, S. D. Married Lance Lambert Apr. 7, l992. Divorced Sept. l994.

8-3. John Stoner Stingley. Born Mar. l0, l925, Highmore, S. D.; died Mar. l4, l995, Rapid City Regional Hospital, Rapid City, S. D. Married Beverly Mercele Hawkins, daughter of Frank Hawkins and Nettie Bloomenrader. She was born April 6, l923 at Highmore, S. D. Two children, Beverly and Jeffrey.

205 9-l. Beverly Lynn Stoner Stingley. Born Apr. l4, l947 at Alton, Ill. Married (l) Philip Bristal, June 28, l969, at the Methodist Church in Sturgis, S. D. Two children, Amy and Andrew. Married (2) George Braman.

l0-l. Amy Lynn Bristal. Born Oct. 3, l974, Indianapolis, Ind.

l0-2. Andrew Philip Bristal. Born May l4, l977, Deadwood, S. D.

9-2. Jeffrey John Stingley. Born Aug. 2, l952, Deadwood, S. D. Married Shelley Creamer, daughter of LeRoy Creaer and Marilyn Tomason, May l7, l975 at the Catholic Chrch in Dixon, Neb. Two children, Jarrod and Aaron.

l0-l. Jarrod John Stingley. Born May ll, l987, Pierre, S. D.

l0-2. Aaron James Stigley. Born May l5, l988, Pierre, S. D.

8-4. Vivian Jeanne Stingley. Born Oct. l0, l926 Bramhall Twp., Hyde Co., S. D. Married Everett Earl Hill, son of George William and Martha Hooker, Dec. Dec. 5, l946. He was born Mar. ll, l9l9 at Highmore, S. D. They had four children, Harvey, Terry, Georgia and Barbara. Everett Hill left high school after llth grade and was raised on a farm in Ree Heights, S. D. Was in the Navy in World War II as an aircraft mechanic. Was a furniture mover in Highmore, S. D. and worked at Dicks Linoleum and Carpet in Pierre, S. D. Jeanne Stingley had a semester in Huron College in l945. Was a housewife and after her children left home was an Avon Lady for 2l years; was President of the Pierre VFW Auxiliary for 2 years.

9-l. Harvey Charles Hill. Born Apr. 22, l948 at Miller, S. D.

9-2. Terry James Hill. Born Aug. 23, l950 at Miller, S. D.

9-3. Georgia Ellen Hill. Born Jan. l9, l953 at Miller, S. D. Mar ried Terry Lynn Fraker, son of Stanley Dean Fraker and Shirley Jean Remington Nov. 30, l974 in the Church of Christ, Scottsbluff, Neb. Two children, Creighton and Eric.

l0-l. Creighton Jon Fraker. Born May l2, l9832 at North Platte, Neb.

l0-2. Eric Dean Fraker. Born July 24, l986 at Mesa, Ariz.

9-4. Barbara Ann Hill. Born Dec. l8, l954 at Miller, S. D. Married Steve Keith Woockman, son of Raymond Merle Woockman and Lorraine Marie Tweedy, Oct. 14, l978, at the First Christian Church at Norfolk, Neb. Three children, Adam, Keith and Emily.

l0-l. Adam Raymond Woockman. Born June 9, l983, Norfolk Neb.

l0-2. Keith Everett Woockman. Born Mar. l6, l985, Norfolk, Neb.

l0-3. Emily Jeanne Woockman. Born Feb. l7, l988, Norfolk, Neb.

7-2. Victor Lambert "Bud" Stoner. Born Aug. 3l, l899, Highmore, Hyde Co., S. D.; died Feb. 28, l97l. Married Katherine Boehring, Mar. 29, l92l.

7-3. Marshall Field Stoner. Born Nov. l5, l905, Highmore, S. D. Died Aug. 30, l984. Married Edith Louise Weidel, Mar. l9, l926.

7-4. George Manley Stoner. Born Oct. 23, l909 at Highmore, S. Dak.; died Apr. 30, l937, San Diego, Calif. Never married.

6-5. Maggie Elizabeth Bell Melton. Born Feb. 22, l877 Mt. Moriah, Harrison 206 Co. Mo.; died Jan. 9, l949, Thompson Falls, Mont. Married Fred A. Shotman Sept. 22, l90l. Three children: Victor, Fae and infant son.

7-l. Victor Shotman.

7-2. Faye Shotman.

7-3. Son, died infancy.

6-6. John William Melton. Born Dec. l8, l879 Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo. ; died Jan. ll, l880, Mt. Moriah, Mo.

6-7. Rhoda May Melton. Born Oct. 2l, l88l, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Sept. 3, l950, San Francisco, Calif; buried Olivet Cemetery. Married Harvey M. Wright Aug. l4, l897. He was born Dec. 7, l875 and died July l8, l926. Seven children: Doris, Esther, Opal, Vivian, Theo, Elvin and Helen.

7-l. Dorris Carroll Wright. Born June l8, l898 at Guthrie, Okla.; died Mar. 3l, l969 at Tulsa, Okla. Married Edward Heffner of Luper, Pa., Jan. l7, l9l7, at Enid, Okla. One child, Wayne.

8-l. Wayne E. Heffner. Married Audrey B. Handley of London, England.

7-2. Esther Olive Wright. Born Apr. l5, l902, Unionville, Mo.; died May 2l, l990 at Claremore, Okla. Married (l) Louis Balbinot Aug. 3, l924 at Tulsa, Okla, and (2) Robert Wright at Tulsa, Okla.

7-3. Opal Lula Wright. Born Oct. 2, l903 at Chandler, Okla; died June l8, l949 at Coalwood, Mont. Married Samuel Baker Janssen, May Miles City, Mont.

7-4. Vivian Colleen Wright. Born Aug. l2, l906 at Chandler, Okla. Married Ed Harrington Sept. 29, l924, Wolf Point, Mont.

7-5. Theo Elizabeth Wright. Born Apr. l, l908, Chandler, Okla. Married Robert John McKenzie, Aug. l4, l925, Scobey, Mont.

7-6. Elvin Warren Wright. Born Mar. 25, l9l2, Chandler, Okla. Died l980 (?) at San Jose, Calif. Married (l) Peggy O'Leary Nov. ll, l939; (2) Francine, l948.

7-7. Helen Louise Wright. Born Feb. l5, l923, Wolf Point, Mont.; died June 2l, l97l Inola, Oklahoma; buried at Pryor, Oklahoma. Married Joe E. Knight Feb. 25, l943, Claremore, Okla.

6-8. Millard Ellis Melton. Born Dec. l7, l884, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Aug. l, l936, Alexandria, Minn. Married (l) Amy Walkup; no child ren; marriage annuled. Married (2) Bertha Johnson Dwight; one child, Stoner Vance. Married (3) Elva Nye and moved to Alexandria, Minn. to her father's farm. Three children, Everet, Marion and Janet. Elva Nye, in later life, was in a rest home in Fairbault, Minn.

7-l. Stoner Vance Melton.

7-2. Everet Dean Melton.

7-3. Marion Melton.

7-4. Janet Melton. Retarded; was in an institution in Fairbault, Minn.

6-9. Boston Gilbert Melton. Born Nov. l8, l887, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Aug. 30, l956, Corcoran, Calif. Married (l) Ethel D. Bridge 207 Mar. 5, l908. Two children, Glen and Keith. Married (2) Hazel.

7-l. Glen Melton. Died June 2l, l98l in Belleville, Ill. Married Laura and was married about a year.

7-2. Keith H. Melton. Married Hazel.

6-l0. Orval Ernest Melton. Born Mar. l8, l893, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Feb. 3, l920. Married (l) Helen Irene Trott Apr. 28, l9l7; (2) Hazel.

5-8. Martha Jane Melton. Born Sept. 8, l849, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Oct. 2l, l9l7 in Oklahoma; buried in the Lloyd Stoner Cemetery, Mt. Moriah Mo. Married Charles William Stoner, son of Levi H. Stoner and Christiana Henrietta Lambert, Dec. 3, l865. He was born Mar. l6, l847 and died Jan. l8, l928. Ten children: Jennie, Mary, Rosa, Minnie, Charles, Joseph, Grace, Samuel, Bertha and Dollie.

6-l. Jennie Henryetta Stoner. Born Oct. l2, l866, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died Jan. 28, l932; buried Harrison Co., Mo. Married George Louis Wright June 3, l883. He was born in l86l and died in l950. Eleven children: Theodore, Esie, Zelma, Arthur, William, Florence, Ethel, Letha, Guy, Adra and Garland.

7-l. Theodore Wright. Born Mar. l3, l884; died l962.

7-2. Esie J. Wright. Born July 26, l887; died Feb. ll, l902.

7-3. Zelma Bernice Wright. Born Aug. l6, l892.

7-4. Arthur McKennley Wright. Born Mar. 26, l896.

7-5. William Sylvester Den Wright. Born Apr. 25, l897.

7-6. Florence Fern Wright. Born Apr. 4, l898.

7-7. Ethel Evelyn Wright. Born Jan. 7, l900.

7-8. Letha Rose Wright. Born Feb. 29, l902; died Jan. ll, l905.

7-9. Guy Hannah Wright. Born Nov. 28, l903; died Apr. l2, l969; burned to death in a grass fire.

7-l0. Adra Charlotte Wright. Born Feb. 23, l905; died July 4, l9l4; burned to death in her house.

7-ll. Garland Wayne Wright. Born Aug. ll, l9l0. No children.

6-2. Mary Malinda Stoner. Born June l6, l869. Married (l) William Herbst June 3, l886/89. Married (2) John Phillips.

6-3. Rosa Neola Stoner. Born Oct. 27, l872 at Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo.; died May 6, l952, Kansas City, Jackson Co., Mo. Married Jessie Grant Phillips July 3, l889. He was born Apr. 22, l868 and died Sept. l7, l928. They had ten children: Clayton, Wallace, Alma, Ella, Josa, Ethonia, Ilah, Van, Sherman and Connie.

7-l. Clayton William Phillips. Born Mar. 3l, l890; died Mar. 24, l920.

7-2. Wallace Fillmore Phillips. Born Aug. 9, l89l.

7-3. Alma Lorene Phillips. Born Aug. l0, l893.

208 7-4. Della V. Phillips. Born Oct. 28, l895.

7-5. Josa Phillips. Born Jan. 25, l898; died infancy.

7-6. Euthonia Lee Phillips. Born Aug. 5, l900.

7-7. Ilah Eloise Phillips. Born Nov. l3, l904.

7-8. Van David Phillips. Born Oct. 6, l906.

7-9. Sherman Arthur Phillips. Born Nov. l5, l909; died Mar. 24, l968.

7-l0. Connie Phillips.

6-4. Minnie M. Stoner. Born Sept. 4, l873. Married Calvin Simpson Bridge Sept. 20, l893. He was born Sept. 3, l867. Four children: Walter, Ethelen, Glen and Home.

7-l. Walter Scott Bridge. Born June 26, l894; died June 4, l969. Married Tressie Sack Mr. l5, l9l5. She was born July l89l and died Mar. l7 in Kuna, Idaho.

7-2. Ethelen Blanch Bridge. Born Aug. l0, l896. Married Glen Leroy Hawell Nov. l9, l9l3. He was born May 2, l889.

7-3. Glen Forest Bridge. Born Nov. 30, l899.

7-4. Home Blyde Bridge. Born Mar. l4, l903.

6-5. Charles Jessie Stoner. Born May 23, l876; died Apr. l, l966. Married Etta Missouri Dennis Feb. l6, l895. She died Apr. 6, l946. Thirteen children: Hazel, Cecil, Lee, Ruby, Nellie, Martha, Richard, Pansy, Beulah, Luly, Ray, Guss and Harvey.

7-l. Hazel Dell Stoner. Born Jan. 22, l897.

7-2. Cecil Belle Stoner. Born Oct. l8, l898; died Nov. 5, l90l.

7-3. Lee Victor Stoner. Born Oct. 4, l900.

7-4. Ruby Margaret Stoner. Born Aug. 28, l902; died l976.

7-5. Nellie Mae Stoner. Born Aug. l6, l904.

7-6. Martha Ellen Stoner. Born Aug. 26, l906.

7-7. Richard "Guy" Stoner. Born Oct. 2l, l908.

7-8. Pansy Lilly Stoner. Born Sept. l8, l9l0.

7-9. Beulah Grace Stoner. Born Nov. 25, l9l2.

7-l0. Luly Daisy Stoner. Born Jan. 25, l9l5; died Feb. ll, l9l5.

7-ll. Ray Buster Stoner. Born Jan. 9, l9l6; died May 6, l957.

7-l2. Guss Alex Stoner. Born Mar. 22, l9l7.

7-l3. Harvey Norman Stoner. Born Mar. 22, l9l9; died Oct. 30, l9l9.

6-6. Joseph O. Stoner. Born Oct. 7, l877/8; died age 9 months 4 days.

209 6-7. Grace Ellen Stoner. Born Aug. l0, l880; died Jan. 29, l97l. Married Henry Alonzo Bridge Mar. 7, l897. He was born Dec. l6, l878 and died Sept. l7, l957. Eight children: Vera, Ward, Vola, Veda, Russell, Martha, Mary and Henry.

7-l. Vera Marie Bridge. Born Aug. 29, l897.

7-2. Ward Jennings Bridge. Born Mar. 23, l899.

7-3. Vola Mae Bridge. Born May 30, l90l.

7-4. Veda Victoria Bridge. Born Nov. l3, l903; died Jan.3, l968.

7-5. Russell Marion Bridge. Born Nov. 27, l909.

7-6. Martha Lois Bridge. Born Aug. l9, l9l5.

7-7. Mary Elizabeth Bridge. Born Mar. 2, l9l8.

7-8. Henry Alonzo Bridge, Jr. Born May 2l, l920; died Aug. 7, l927 when kicked by a horse.

6-8. Samuel Arthur "Chuck" Stoner. Born Mar. 2l, l883; died Nov. l, l967. Married Gladyn Laural Brown, daughter of Henry E. Brown and Queen Victoria Booth, Oct. 3l, l908. She was born Feb. l8, l89l. Ten children: Roberta, Robert, Vernoye, William, Arthur, Keith, kenneth, Virginia, Ola and Joann.

7-l. Roberta Arlene Stoner. Born Nov. l0, l9l0.

7-2. Robert Lee Stoner. Born Jan. l8, l9l2.

7-3. Vernoye Faye Stoner. Born Apr. 7, l9l3.

7-4. William Henry Stoner. Born Feb. 24, l9l5 at Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co., Mo. Married Alberta Bernadine Kinnisona, July 20, l940.

7-5. Junior Arthur Stoner. Born June l2, l9l7.

7-6. Keith Vergil Stoner. Born Nov. 25, l920; died Dec. 9, l934.

7-7. Kenneth Brown Stoner. Born June 8, l922.

7-8. Virginia Victoria Stoner. Born Feb. l6, l924.

7-9. Ola Kathleen Stoner. Born Sept. l0, l925.

7-l0. Joann Stoner. Born Dec. l3, l927.

6-9. Bertha June Stoner. Born May 29, l885; died Feb l0, l9l9 with her two children in a flu epidemic. Married Carl Omer Whistler. Four children, Joseph, Harland, Clayton and Thelma.

7-l. Joseph William Whistler. Born Mar. 27, l904; died Feb. l0, l9l9 in a flu epidemic.

7-2. Harland Ray Whistler. Born Apr. l3, l906; died Feb. l0, l9l9 in a flu epidemic.

7-3. Clayton Russell Whistler. Born Nov. 30, l907.

7-4. Thelma Irene Whistler. Born July 2, l909.

210 6-l0. Dollie Viola Stoner. Born July 22, l887; died Dec. l6, l940. Married George Howland Oct. l9l9. Four children, Aileen, Vernal, Mary and Anna.

7-l. Aileen Stoe Howland.

7-2. Vernal Ward Howland.

7-3. Mary DeLois Howland.

7-4. Anna Belle Howland.

5-9. Francis Marion "Frank" Melton. Born Sept. l4, l854, Marshall Co., Iowa. Married Ellen Hummock (or Hammock).

4-3. Elizabeth Melton. Born l8l4 in Indiana. Married Jacob Muck July l, l832 in Harrison Co., Ind. He was born in Indiana in l800. Lived in Harrison Twp., Harrison Co., Ind. where their four oldest children were in the school enumer ation of l846 and l847 in Harrison Co. The l850 census, Harrison Co., Ind., p. 64l; family #268, lists Jacob Muck, 44, farmer born in Virginia, Elizabeth, 36, born in Indiana and children, Mary, Catherine, Nancy, David and Sarah, all born in Indiana. In the l860 census the family was in the town of Henderson, Knox Co., Ill., family #l388 with Jacob Muck, age 54, farmer born in Virginia; Sarah Muck, age l7; Michael Damphing, age 25 and Nancy Damphing age 23; and Hanson Blake, age l8. The l870 census for Knox Co., town of Henderson, family #30l lists Jacob Muck, age 70, retired farmer; Sarah Muck, age 45, keeping house; Arvilla Carl, age l7, and George Carl, age 3l, both born in Illinois.

5-l. Mary Muck. Born l834 Ind.

5-2. Catherine Muck. Born l836 Ind.

5-3. Nancy Muck. Born l838 Ind. Married Michael Damping. He was born in l835.

5-4. David Muck. Born l84l Ind.

5-5. Sarah A. Muck. Born l843 Ind; not married..

4-4. Hiram Melton. Born 1819 near Buck Creek, Harrison Co., Indiana. Married (1) Lucy Ann Maxwell Sept. 1, 1840, Knox Co., Illl. She was born in 1819. Hiram Melton lived in Knox Co, Ill. in 1840 when he was married and had no children. In 1850 he had one child, Amos. Married (2) Sarah Ellen Riley Feb. 6, 1851 in Knox Co., Ill. Listed in the 1840 Census, Knox Co., Ill. page 107 and 1850 Knox Co., family #1442 with no wife and son, Amos. Not listed 1860 or thereafter. 1850 real estate valued at $600.

5-1. Amos Melton. Born 1847 Illinois. Living Knox Co., Ill., 1850.

4-5. S. Christena Melton. Born l8l9, Harrison Co., Ind. . Married George E. Riley. He was born l8l3. Had six children: Mary, William, John, Elizabeth, Abram and Elzann. Lived Knox Co., Ill. Listed in the l850 census, Knox Co., family #l098 but not l860 or thereafter. She took care of her mother until she died.

5-l. Mary K. Riley. Born l837 Ill. Living l850 Knox Co., Ill.

5-2. William Riley. Born l839 Ill.

5-3. John Riley. Born l842 Ill.

5-4. Elizabeth Riley. Born l845 Ill. 211

5-5. Abram Riley. Born l846 Ill.

5-6. Elzann Riley. Born l847 Ill

4-6. Samuel Melton. Born Nov. 2l, l82l near Buck Creek, Harrison Co., Ind; died Dec. l, l902, Rio Twp., Knox Co., Ill. Married Dorcas Jane Condra Sept. 20, l84l in Knox Co., Ill. She was born in l826 in Indiana. Eight children: Mary Ann, Martha, Sarah, Ezra, Amos, Harriett, Nancy and Warren. These child ren were listed in the census, Knox Co., Ill., l850, family #l272; l870 Rio Twp., family #24; l880 Rio Twp., family #l34. The l870 and l880 censuses also list Alvin Clovis, grandson, born l866. Other information suggests that Samuel Melton had two more children, Edward and one name unknown; these are not in the census, however, and could belong to other families. He was a farmer.

5-l. Mary Ann Melton. Born Nov 4, 1842; died Apr 2, 1920. Married Matthew Witherspoon. Two children, Frank and Charles.

6-l. Frank Witherspoon. Married Jessie E. Yard. Seven children: Edna, Nellie, Clark, George, Glenn, Ruby and Leona.

7-l. Edna Witherspoon.

7-2. Nellie J. Witherspoon. Married C. J. Tornquist. Six children: Eula, Islea, Carl, Edwin, William and James.

8-l. Eula Tornquist. Married Cedric Williamson. Two children, Mary Jean and Betty L. Married Elmer L. Young; no children.

9-l. Mary Jane Williamson. Married Wayne E. Dugan. Five children: Rex, John, Katherine, Judith and Richard.

l0-l. Rex E. Dugan.

l0-2. John R. Dugan.

l0-3. Katherine E. Dugan.

l0-4. Judith L. Dugan.

l0-5. Richard L. Dugan.

9-2. Betty L. Williamson. Married James R. Steele. Five children: James M., Patricia Jo, Deborah Lynn, David Lee and Dan Robert.

l0-l. James M. Steele.

l0-2. Patricia Jo Steele. Married Michael Montane. Two children: Michael and Lynette.

ll-l. Michael J. Montane.

ll-2. Lynette M. Montane.

l0-3. Deborah Lynn Steele.

l0-4. David Lee Steele.

l0-5. Dan Robert Steele.

212 8-2. Islea E. Tornquist. Married Edward Ashley. No children.

8-3. Carl Tornquist.

8-4. Edwin L. Tornquist. Married Grace Fern. One child, Ronald. Married Joan Hoobler Parrott.

9-l. Ronald E. Tornquist. Married Bonnie Tennihill. One child, Dana.

l0-l. Dana Lynn Tornquist.

8-5. William D. Tornquist. Married (l) Betty J. Robertson; three children, Carl, John and Jon. Married (2) LaVerne Walker; no children.

9-1 Joy L. Tornquist. Married Robert W. Sierakowski. Two children: Kimberly and Robert.

10-1 Kimberly Ann Sierakowski.

10-2 Robert C. Sierakowski

9-2. Carl Robin Tornquist. Married Edith Hannes.

9-3. Jon William Tornquist.

8-6. James Melvin Tornquist. Married Jane Erickson. Two children, Larry and Bruce. Married Gloria Himmelstach. No children.

9-l. Larry J. Tornquist. Married Robyn L.Wells. One child, Larry.

10-1. Larry James Tornquist II.

9-2. Bruce N. Tornquist. Married Margaret Ann Nicols.

7-3. Clark Witherspoon. Married Edna F. Murphy. Three children: Dorothy, Darlene and Shirley.

8-l. Dorothy E. Witherspoon. Married Francis M. Sutsser. Five child ren, Barbara, Terrell, Cheryel, Janice and William.

9-l. Barbara K. Sutsser. Married Bernard R. Nannen. Three child ren, Rebecca, David and Robert.

10-1. Rebecca Sue Nannen.

10-2. David Richard Nannen.

10-3. Robert Francis Nannen.

9-2. Terrell W. Sutsser. Married Raymonde Bouilloud. They had four children, Linda, Steven, Debra and Christine.

10-1. Linda Noele Sutsser.

10-2. Steven Francis Sutsser.

10-3. Debra Ann Sutsser.

10-4. Christine M. Sutsser. 213

9-3. Cheryel L. Sutsser. Married William E. Meismer. One child, Lisa.

10-1. Lisa Marie Meismer.

9-4. Janice Ann Sutsser. Married David Manchester. Two children, Kerry and Barry.

10-l. Kerry Ann Manchester.

10-2. Barry D. Manchester.

9-5. William. M. Sutsser.

8-2. Darlene Witherspoon. Married Robert Dodge. One child, Ronald. Married Clyde E. Walker. Two children, Wanda and Donald.

9-1. Ronald Dodge. Married Gale Gillenwater. Two children, Robin and Rebecca.

10-1. Robin Dodge.

10-2. Rebecca Dodge.

9-2. Wanda J. Walker. Married Richrd York.

9-3. Donald J. Walker.

8-3. Shirley Witherspoon. Married Dale Rich. One son, Larry. Mar ried Donald Scheck; married annuled; no children. Married F. C. Gatewood.

9-1. Larry Rich. Married Christine Eusey.

7-4. George Witherspoon. Married Sadie R. Murphy. Two children, Clyde and Eva.

8-1. Clyde Witherspoon. Married Fonnie Lucas. Two children, Linda and Sharon. Married Norma Pence. Two children, Robert and Donna. Married Jay, last name not known.

9-1. Linda L. Witherspoon. Married.

9-2. Sharon Witherspoon. Married.

9-3. Robert Witherspoon.

9-4. Donna Witherspoon.

8-2. Eva I. Witherspoon. Married Leo Granke. Three children, Jerry, Sandra and Sara Ann.

9-1. Jerry Granke. Married Karen Fredrickson. Two children, Jef frie and Jerry Lee.

10-1. Jeffrie Granke.

10-2. Jerry Lee Granke, Jr.

9-2. Sandra K. Granke. Married Richard Sutton. One child, Richard Lee.

214 10-1. Richard Lee Sutton.

9-3. Sara Ann Granke.

7-5. Glenn Witherspoon.

7-6. Ruby L. Witherspoon. Married Walter Lewis. One son, Robert. Married Donald H. Williams; no children.

8-1. Robert Lewis. Married Sherlin J. Conrad. Three children: Ro• bert, William and Lyinda.

9-1. Robert M. Lewis.

9-2. William Lewis.

9-3. Lyinda Lewis.

7-7. Leona Witherspoon.

6-2. Charles Witherspoon. Married Emma L. Koons. Five children, Orlan, Elmer, Harry, Fred and Carl.

7-1. Orlan Witherspoon. Married Vera Hinchliff. Two children, Reva and James.

8-1. Reva Witherspoon. Married George Lake. Four children, Ann, Rodney, Roger and Jean.

9-1. Ann Lake.

9-2. Rodney Lake.

9-3. Roger Lake.

9-4. Jean Lake.

8-2. James Witherspoon. Married Lois Clowes. Two children, Joseph and John.

9-1. Joseph C. Witherspoon.

9-2. John D. Witherspoon.

7-2. Elmer Witherspoon. Married Stella Miller. Two children, Patricia and Donald.

8-1. Patricia Witherspoon. Married John Jones. Two children, Marcia Karen and Linda Susan.

9-1. Marcia Karen Jones.

9-2. Linda Susan Jones.

8-2. Donald Witherspoon. Married Donnie Cullen. Four children, Tonie, Michael, Terry and Tracy.

9-1. Tonie Jean Witherspoon.

9-2. Michael Dean Witherspoon.

9-3. Terry Lee Witherspoon. 215

9-4. Tracy Ann Witherspoon.

7-3. Harry Witherspoon. Married Kathryn A. Fox.

7-4. Fred Witherspoon.

7-5. Carl Witherspoon. Married Mae Dixon. Two children, Charles and Shirley.

8-l. Charles R. Witherspoon. Married Miriam Butler. One child, Charles.

9-l. Charles Robert Witherspoon, Jr.

8-2. Shirley Witherspoon. Married Duane Irwin.

5-2. Martha J. Melton. Born l844 Knox Co., Ill. Married James Clovis Sept. 20, l864 in Knox Co., Ill. One son, Alvin. Lived (l866) near North Henderson, Mercer Co., Ill.

6-l. Alvin Clovis. Born l866 Knox Co., Ill. In l870 and l880 was living with grandparents Melton.

5-3. Sarah Ellen Melton. Born Sep 3, 1847, Knox Co., Ill.; died Jul 29, 1879, Knox Co., Ill. Married Joseph Mann. Seven children: Frances, Young, Claude, Minnie, Florence, Mayme and John. After her death Joseph Mann married and had two children, Frank Andrew and James Robert.

6-l. Frances Mann. Married William Starkey. Eight children, Frank, Bessie, Florence, Claude, Marie, Rolland, Clarence and Clara. Lived in Dan ville, Ill.

7-l. Frank J. Starkey. Married Lola M. Jones. Two children, Everett and Flody.

8-l. Everett W. Starkey. Married Doris E. Noble. One child, Lee. Married Margaret Reasinger. No children.

9-l. Lee E. Starkey. Married DeLores Childless. Two children, Michael and Nancy.

10-1. Michael Starkey.

10-2. Nancy Starkey.

8-2. Flody Starkey. Married Elma Kercher. Four children, Dennis, Linda, Randall and Stephen T.

9-1. Dennis Starkey.

9-2. Linda Starkey. Married Dennis Moore. Two children, Robert and Jody.

10-1. Robert Moore.

10-2. Jody Moore.

9-3. Randall F. Starkey.

9-4. Stephen T. Starkey.

216 7-2. Bessie Starkey.

7-3. Florence Starkey.

7-4. Claude Starkey.

7-5. Marie Starkey. Married Pearl McClure; no children. Married Arthur Dutre; no children.

7-6. Dolland D. Starkey. Married Doris Johnson. Nine children, Donna Jean, William, Jack, Carmen, Wayne, James Lee, Mervin, Judith Ann and Nancy.

8-1. Donna Jean Starkey.

8-2. William E. Starkey. Married Marjorie J. Sherman. Three child ren, Linda, William and Robert.

9-1. Linda C. Starkey. Married Donald Arment.

9-2. William Ed Starkey, Jr.

9-3. Robert Lee Starkey.

8-3. Jack R. Starkey. Married Patsy I. Hardesty. They had four children: Jack, Carmen, Cheryl and Steven.

9-l. Jack R. Starkey, Jr. Married Shelia M. Hathaway. Two children, Beth Ann and Penny Sue.

10-1. Beth Ann Starkey.

10-2. Penny Sue Starkey.

9-2. Carmen L. Starkey. Married John Melton Vales. Two children, Robin and John.

10-1. Robin Lee Vales.

10-2. John Melton Vales, Jr.

9-3. Cheryl L. Starkey. Married Terril L. Hilligoss. One son, Christopher.

10-1. Christopher D. Hilligoss.

9-4. Steven Michael Starkey.

8-4. Carmen L. Starkey. Married Marvin F. Pilkington. Four children, Sandra, Delynn, Mervin and Gale.

9-1. Sandra Pilkington. Married Byron J. Dunbar. Two children, Teresa and Karla.

10-1. Teresa Lynn Dunbar.

10-2. Karla Sue Dunbar.

9-2. Delynn Pilkington.

9-3. Mervin Pilkington. Married Jacque Lindberg. One child, Jori.

10-1. Jori Lynn Pilkington. 217

9-4. Gale Ann Pilkington.

8-5. Wayne Starkey. Married Patty G. Hardman. Two children, Nancy and Peggy.

9-1. Nancy Ann Starkey. Married James Lee Turner. One child, Tracy Lynn.

10-1. Tracy Lynn Turner.

9-2. Peggy Gene Starkey.

8-6. James Lee Starkey. Married Norma Allen. Four children, Edward, Donna, James and Rhonda.

9-1. Edward Eugene Starkey.

9-2. Donna Jean Starkey.

9-3. James Lee Starkey, Jr.

9-4. Rhonda Starkey.

8-7. Mervin F. Starkey. Married Judith Ann Davis. Two children, Lori Gene and Harold Scott.

9-1. Lori Gene Starkey.

9-2. Harold Scott Starkey.

8-8. Judith Ann Starkey. Married John T. Myers. One child, John. Married Michael Swiger; two children, Lisa and Jamie.

9-1. John Thomas Myers, Jr.

9-2. Lisa Michelle Swiger.

9-3. Jamie Lynn Swiger.

8-9. Nancy Jo Starkey. Married James S. L. Moore. Two children, Kimberly and Gina.

9-1. Kimberly Jo Moore.

9-2. Gina Marliese Moore.

7-7. Clarence Starkey. Married Mabel Schumm. No children. Married Minnie Wendt. One child, unnamed.

8-l. Infant son, died at birth.

7-8. Clara Starkey. Married John Jack Hardy. Three children, Betty, Jack and James. Married Claire Shadley; no children.

8-l. Betty J. Hardy. Married Raymond Yeats. Three children, Betty, Linda and Kathy.

9-l. Betty Jo Yeats. Married Harold Smith. Three children, Scott, Seam and Steven.

218 l0-l. Scott Terrance Smith.

l0-2. Seam David Smith.

l0-3. Steven Edward Smith.

9-2. Linda Rae Yeats. Married Theodore Roels.

9-3. Kathy Jo Yeats.

8-2. Jack Charles Hardy. Married Ruth A. Hathaway. Three children, Julie, Susan and Jack.

9-l. Julie Ann Hardy.

9-2. Susan Kay Hardy.

9-3. Jack Charles Hardy, Jr.

8-3. James William Hardy. Married Helen, last name not known. Two children, Lisa and Natlie.

9-l. Lisa Hardy.

9-2. Natlie Hardy.

6-2. Young C. Mann.

6-3. Claude William Mann. Married Jennie Meeker. One child, Dorothy. Lived Alexis, Ill.

7-l. Flossie Dorothy Mann. Married Charles D. Koons. Two children, Doris and Shirley. She lived (l970) at 406 N. Main St., Alexis, Ill., 6l4l2.

8-l. Doris Ann Koons. Married Robert Purlee. Three children, David, Judith and Steven.

9-l. David Bruce Purlee.

9-2. Judith Ann Purlee.

9-3. Steven Robert Purlee.

8-2. Shirley Louise Koons.

6-4. Minnie B. Mann.

6-5. Florence Lucindia Mann. Married David Whitaker. Two children, Everett and Lena. Lived Karney, Neb.

7-l. Everett Whitaker.

7-2. Lena Whitaker.

6-6. Mayme Ellen Mann. Married John McBridge. Six children, Robert, Ira, Joseph, Mary, Harold and John.

7-l. Robert D. McBride. Married Anna W. Runge. Two children, Marylinn and Glenn.

9-l. Allan David Heikkila.

219 9-2. Kara Lynn Heikkila.

8-2. Glenn Robert McBride.

7-2. Ira E. McBride. Married Ruth L. Lovell. Three children, Dorothey, Donald and Robert. Married Betty Conboy; no children. Married Kathleen Conboy; one child, Ira.

8-l. Dorothy B. McBride. Married Walter E. Lear. Three children, David, Kathleen and Rosemary.

9-l. David Earl Lear.

9-2. Kathleen Lear.

9-3. Rosemary Jean Lear.

8-2. Donald L. McBride. Married Julia A. Walker. Five children, Patricia, Julie, Janet, Douglas and Allison.

9-l. Patricia Eloise McBride.

9-2. Julie Kay McBride.

9-3. Janet Dawn McBride.

9-4. Allison McBride.

8-3. Robert Elton McBride. Married Ann M. Swisher. Three children, Stephen, Geoffrey and Carolyn.

9-l. Stephen Lowell McBride.

9-2. Geoffrey Ray McBride.

9-3. Carolyn Ruth McBride.

8-4. Ira Everett McBride, Jr.

7-3. Joseph P. McBride. Married Carrie McElroy. Three children, Jer ald, Leland and Joanne.

8-l. Jerald Dale McBride.

8-2. Leland D. McBride. Married Joleen E. Moomaw. Four children, Michael, Patricia, Timothy and Lori Lee.

9-l. Michael Allan McBride.

9-2. Patricia Leann McBride.

9-3. Timothy Ivan McBride.

9-4. Lori Lee McBride.

8-3. Joanne Janet McBride.

7-4. Mary McBride. Married Ray H. Snyder. Three children, Mary, Murl and Margaret.

8-l. Mary Susan Snyder.

220 8-2. Murl R. Snyder. Married Louis G. Eddy.

8-3. Margaret Ann Snyder. Married David G. Schafer.

7-5. Harold McBride.

7-6. John Andrew McBride. Married Ruth Brown. Three children, John, Thomas and James.

8-l. John Steven McBride.

8-2. Thomas L. McBride. Married Linda K. Goepfert.

8-3. James Newell McBride.

6-7. John Mann. Died infancy.

5-4. Ezra G. Melton. Born July l2, l850, Knox Co. Ill. Married Kate E. Cox, Jan. 24, l894, Knox Co., Ill. She was born l853 Illinois. One daughter, Martha. The family is in the l880 census, Knox Co., Ill, Rio Twp., family #l35.

6-l. Martha Melton. Born l87l Illinois.

5-5. Amos Melton. Born May l6, l853 Mercer Co., Ill.; died Dec. 26, l930; buried Henderson, Ill. Cemetery. Married Sarah Jane Coziahr Mar. 7, l872 Knox Co., Ill. She was born Jan. l9, l853 and died Dec. 24, l926; buried Henderson, Ill. Two children, Leonard and Frank Arthur. Family in l880 census, Rio Twp., Knox Co., Ill., family #l33. A farmer.

6-l. Leonard Melton. Born Jan. 8, l874, Rio, Ill.; died Nov. l, l952; buried Knoxville, Ill. Married Nellie May Sickles Dec. 24, l903, Paducah, Ky. She was born Nov. l5, l884, Adel, Iowa and died Mar. 23, l953; buried at N. Henderson, Ill. Three children: Harry, Ruth and Fred. A farmer.

7-l. Harry Edwin Melton. Born Rio, Knox Co., Ill. (l) Married Mabel I. Boulton, Mar. l2, l93l, Knox Co., Ill.; no children. Married (2) Ruth Duane; no children.

7-2. Ruth Duane Melton. Born Knox Co., Ill. Married (l) Arthur W. •Robbins. Two children, Paul Arthur and Ronald Lee. Married (2) Gerald D. Parr; no children. (3) Married Walter Thuline; no children. Lived, l9ll, Rio, Ill.

8-l. Paul Arthur Robbins.

8-2. Ronald Lee Robbins. Married Judy Deal. Two children, Patricia and Shelly.

9-l. Patricia Ann Robbins.

9-2. Shelly Diana Robbins.

7-3. Fred Niles Melton. Born Apr. l9l0. Married (l) Dorothy J. Green. Two children, Nadine and Kenneth. Married (2) Christine Ederer; three child ren, Barbara, Annette and Leonard.

8-l. Nadine P. Melton. Married Ralph D. Watters. Three children, Rickey, Dawn and Martin.

9-l. Rickey Dean Watters.

221 9-2. Dawn Paulette Watters.

9-3. Martin Glenn Watters.

8-2. Kenneth Niles Melton.

8-3. Barbara Ann Melton.

8-4. Annette Marie Melton.

8-5. Leonard Josef Melton.

6-2. Frank Arthur Melton. Born Oct. l879. Married Dora Tullsen.

5-6. Harriet Melton. Born l856 in Illinois. Married Calvin Sickles, Dec. l8, l876. Six children, Nellie and five others who died in infancy. She was living l884 in Illinois.

6-l. Nellie May Sickles. Born Nov. l5, l884, Adel, Dallas Co., Iowa; died Mar. 25, l953, Rio Knox Co., Ky.; buried at North Henderson, Ill. Married her cousin, Leonard Melton, Dec. 24, l903 at Paducah, Kentucky. He was born Jan. 8, l875 and died Nov. l, l952. Buried at Knoxville, Ill. Three children, Harry, Ruth and Fred. For this family see under Leonard Melton, above.

6-2.-6.6. Five children, died in infancy.

5-7. Nancy C. Melton. Born Nov. l860; died l9l8. Married James Harrison Victor, July l, l879. Born Feb. 2, l859; died Feb. l0, l904. Five children, Samuel, Earle, Ada, Melzie and Willard.

6-l. Samuel L. Victor. Born Dec. l5, l879, Knox Co., Ill. Married Bessie Hickman. She was born Nov. 6, l885, Ontario, Ill. Three children, Laura, Virginia and Jess.

7-l. Laura H. Victor. Married Vernon Rosenberg. Five children, James, Vernon, Patricia, Bessie and Robert. Married Lawrence G. Gabbert. Three children, Glenn, Larry and Danny. Married Silas Hendrix; no children.

8-l. James C. Rosenberg. Married Norma Smith. Four children, Sandra, Richard Lee, Pamela and Charles.

9-l. Sandra Rosenberg. Married Richard Mast.

9-2. Richard Lee Rosenberg.

9-3. Pamela S. Rosenberg. Married Barry McGee.

9-4. Charles Allen Rosenberg.

8-2. Vernon Rosenberg, Jr. Married Martha G. Fickas. Two children, Cheryl and Thomas. Married Beverly Tayor.

9-l. Cheryl D. Rosenberg. Married David C. Little. One child, Richard.

l0-l. Richard Little.

9-2. Thomas W. Rosenberg. Married Wendy Draker. One child, Anna Marie. Married Judith Stoneking. One child, Denise Lynn.

l0-l. Anna Marie Rosenberg.

222 l0-2. Denise Lynn Rosenberg.

8-3. Patricia Ann Rosenberg. Married Delbie Hare; three children, , Jeannie and Timothy. Married Virgil Ginther; no children.

9-l. Penelope D. Rosenberg. Married Vernon Plympton; one child, Randy. Married Gale Arnold; one child, Jeanne. Married Larry Hachspacher; one child, Tammy.

l0-l. Randy Lee Plympton.

l0-2. Jeanne Arnold.

l0-3. Tammy Hachspacher.

9-2. Jeannie Ann Hare. Married Ray Archer.

9-3. Timothy Henry Hare.

8-4. Bessie Matie Rosenberg. Married John Ennis; no children. Mar ried Sidney Stevens; three chilren, Sidney, Alyce and Laura.

9-l. Sidney Sue Stevens. Married Jerry Moon; one child, Todd. Married Eret Thomas; one child, Juanita.

l0-l. Todd Moon.

l0-2. Juanita Thomas.

9-2. Alyce L. Stevens. Married David Kimble; no children. Married Charles Acre; no children.

9-3. Laura Lynne Stevens.

8-5. Robert Rosenberg. Married Nadine Shiner. Five children, Joseph, Theresa, Robert, David and Nancy.

9-l. Joseph L. Rosenberg.

9-2. Theresa Rosenberg. Married Chester Cooley. Three children, Laura, Patricia and Bobbie.

l0-l. Laura Kathleen Cooley.

l0-2. Patricia Sue Cooley.

l0-3. Bobbie Jo Cooley.

9-3. Robert Eugene Rosenberg.

9-4. David Bruce Rosenberg.

9-5. Nancy Kay Rosenberg. Married Daniel Strandberg. One child, Christopher.

l0-l. Christopher Michael Strandberg.

8-6. Glenn Gabbert. Married Beverly White; one child, Steven. Married Givenith Williams; three children, Jeffrey, Garry and Rodney.

9-l. Steven Lee Gabbert.

223 9-2. Jeffrey Glenn Gabbert.

9-3. Garry Dean Gabbert.

9-4. Rodney Douglas Gabbert.

8-7. Larry Burton Gabbert. Married Donna Schisley. Two children, Kellee and LeRoy.

9-l. Kellee Micole Gabbert.

9-2. LeRoy Damon Gabbert.

8-8. Danny Gabbert. Married Gwenada Cooley; two children, Lawrence and Stormy. Married Norma Welsh; no children. Married Joyce Hammerlund; no children.

9-l. Lawrence Edward Gabbert.

9-2. Stormy Dennene Gabbert.

7-2. Virginia Geraldine Victor. Married (l) Harry Moisher; no children; (2) John Curtis; no children (3) Wayne Nelson; no children.

7-3. Jess Wayne Victor. Married Eva Bernice Owens; two children, Richard and Janet.

8-l. Richard L. Victor. Married Elizabeth Chambers; three children, Michael, Lizabeth and Kristina.

9-l. Michael Jon Victor.

9-2. Lizabeth Victor.

9-3. Kristina Victor.

8-2. Janet Mae Victor. Married (l)Herbert Brown; three children, John, Jody and James; (2) Floyd Everett; no children.

9-l. John Richard Brown.

9-2. Jody Lynn Brown.

9-3. James Harley Brown.

6-2. Earl Victor. Born Aug. l883. Married Myrle Epperson; no children.

6-3. Ada Victor. Born May l886. Married Emery Gardner; four children, Merle, Ethel, Mary Jean and Prudence.

7-l. Merle Victor Gardner. Married Lillian Meeker; two children, Cha rles and Debbie.

8-l. Charles Emery Gardner.

8-2. Debbie Jean Gardner.

7-2. Ethel Arlene Gardner. Married (l) Royal M. Bliss; one child, Royal; (2) Thadeus Jack; no children.

8-l. Royal M. Bliss, Jr. Married Doris, last name not known; two 224 children, Royal and Anthony.

9-l. Royal Martin Bliss III.

9-2. Anthony Earle Bliss.

7-3. Mary Jean Gardner. Married Lyle Sisty; one child, Sharon.

8-l. Sharon Lynn Sisty. Married Carl V. Stropps, Jr.; three children, Ronald, Carl and David.

9-l. Ronald Lynn Stroops.

9-2. Carl V. Stroops, III.

9-3. David Stroops.

7-4. Prudence Mae Gardner. Married Jay Robert Franey; two children, Robert and Andrew.

8-l. Robert Joe Franey.

8-2. Andrew Eugene Franey.

6-4. Willard Victor. Born l890; died l892.

6-5. Melza Victor. Born Mar. l895. Married (l) Harry Friend; one child, Louis; (2) Alden Crawford; no children; (3) Lyle Knutson; no children.

7-l. Louis Lester Friend. Married Irene Krail; eight children, Louis, Joyce, Lester, Karen, Ronald, Nina, Debra and Monica.

8-l. Louis Friend. Married (l) Donna Plym; one child, Christi; (2) Barbara Cook; no children; (3) Greta Roe; one child, Bartholomew.

9-l. Christi Lynn Friend.

9-2. Bartholomew Winston Friend.

8-2. Joyce Sandra Friend. Married C. Gene Dollinger; three children, Joyce, Brenda and Kelly.

9-l. Joyce Jean Dollinger.

9-2. Brenda Kay Dollinger.

9-3. Kelly Irene Dollinger.

8-3. Lester Allen Friend. Married Patricia Hrozencik; three children, Tammy, Todd and Lori.

9-l. Tammy Kaye Friend.

9-2. Todd Allen Friend.

9-3. Lori Ann Friend.

8-4. Karen Sue Friend. Married Terry Allen Malcolm; on child, Roy.

9-l. Roy Dale Malcolm.

8-5. Donald Friend. 225

8-6. Nina Lee Friend.

8-7. Debra Lynn Friend.

8-8. Monica Jane Friend.

5-8. Warren Melton. Born Nov. 8, l863; died May l8, l944, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; buried Rio, Ill. Married (l) Nellie J. Epperson. Born Apr. 7, l870, Rio Twp., Knox Co., Ill.; died Mar. 26, l892; buried Rio, Ill. Two children, Alonzo and Claire. (2) Hulda M. Johnson, May l7, l893, Knox Co., Ill. Born Sept. 28, l87l; died l95l; buried Rio, Ill. Two children, Marie and Eugene.

6-l. Alonzo A. Melton. Born Dec. l4, l888, Knox Co., Ill. ; died May 9, l963; buried Macomb, Ill. Married Martha Jane Riley Nov. l0, l9l0, Davenport, Iowa. She was born Feb. 5, l892, Spring Hill, Ill. Three children, Frances, Robert and Dorothy.

7-l. Frances Melton. Born Knox Co., Ill. Married (l) Joseph F. Valen tine; one child, Joseph. Married (2) Walter Heinze; no children.

8-l. Joseph F. Valentine, Jr. Changed name to Joseph F. Heinze. Married Mary Flick. Two children, Joseph and Charles.

9-l. Joseph Mark Heinze.

9-2. Charles Melton Heinze.

7-2. Robert A. Melton. Married Betty Sue Mullen. Two children, Robert and Amy.

8-l. Robert Brue Melton.

8-2. Amy Sue Melton.

7-3. Dorothy Ann Melton. Born Mar. ll, l922; died Mar. l5, l922.

6-2. Claire R. Melton. Born Mar. 28, l89l. Married (l) Mable Ritten house, Oct. l9, l9ll, Knox Co., Ill. Born Apr. 29, l894; died May 28; l958; buried Galesburg, Ill. Three children, LaVerne, Virgil and James. (2) Zelma (Parkinson) Bloomfield, Jan. 3, l960; no children. (3) Name not known Jan. 3, l960; she was born Nov. l2, l9l2.

7-l. LaVerne Melton. Married E. Jeanette Johnson; no children.

7-2. Virgil Melton. Married (l) E. Iola Swanson; one child, Diane; (2) Ruby L. Hoyt; no children.

8-l. Diane Lee Melton. Married Gary Lee Jones; one child, Todd.

9-l. Todd Lee Jones.

7-3. James Melton. Married Gloria Forbes. Two cjildren, Judith and


8-l. Judith Melton. Married Marie J. Genevesi.

8-2. Bradley James Melton.

6-3. Marie M. Melton. Born May 20, l903, Rio, Ill. Married (l) Jess Armil; divorced; one child, Richard; (2) Andrew Friedenthal Nov. 7, l929, 226 Detroit, Mich. He was born Sept. l, l904 at Detroit; two children, Clarence and Andrea.

7-l. Richard W. Armil. Married (l) Virginia Lucas; one child, Sandra Lee; (2) Beatrice L. Plazza; four children, Stephen, Marianna, Janet and Thomas.

8-l. Sandra Lee Armil. Married S. Chrstie; one child, Troy.

9-l. Troy Christie.

8-2. Stephen Andrew Armil.

8-3. Marianna Armil.

8-4. Janet Louise Armil.

8-5. Thomas Richard Armil.

7-2. Clarence Andrew Friedenthal. Married Amie M. Shepherd; three child ren, Linda, Albert and Karen.

8-l. Francis A. Friedenthal. Married Amie M. Shepherd; three child ren, Linda, Albert and Karen.

9-l. Linda Susan Friedenthal (adopted).

9-2. Albert E. Friedenthal (adopted).

9-3. Karen Ruth Friedenthal.

8-2. Michael Anan Friedenthal.

7-3. Andrea Friedenthal. Married Delton Wade Robinson; two children, Adam and Mark.

8-l. Adam Wade Robinson.

8-2. Mark Andrew Robinson.

6-4. Eugene Melton. Born Mar. ll, l893, Rio Twp., Knox Co., Ill.; died Oct. l6, l93l, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; buried Rio, Ill. Married Bernice Willott Sept. 30, l922. She was born Sept. 23, l904. Two children, Harold and Leona. He was a farmer.

7-l. Harold Melton. Married Roberta Flogers; three children, Roberta, Haroldean and Marvin.

8-l. Roberta Lynn Melton.

8-2. Haroldean Melton.

8-3. Marvin Melton.

7-2. Leona Marie Melton. Married Elmer Baughman; one child, Robert.

8-l. Robert L. Baughman. Married Nancy Christianson.

5-9. Edward Melton. Married Mary Cox.

5-l0. Name not known.

227 4-7. Daniel Melton. Born l824 near Buck Creek, Harrison Co., Indiana. Mar ried Elvira Wilcox Mar. 22, l845, Knox Co., Ill. Born l828 in Kentucky. At least one child, Ardelia. In l850 Census, Knox Co., Ill., family #l438; not listed thereafter; was a farmer with $300 real estate.

5-l. Ardelia Melton. Born l849 Ill.

4-8. Amos Melton. Born l826; married Harriet Yard Apr. 3, l856, Knox Co., Ill.

4-9. David Melton, Jr. Born l828 near Buck Creek, Harrison Co., Indiana Married Elizabeth Wright, Aug. 7, l845, l845, Knox Co., Ill. Born l830 Indi ana. One child, Ellen. In l850 Census, Knox Co., Ill., family #l433; farmer with $500 real estate. not listed thereafter.

5-2. Ellen Melton. Born l847, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.

4-l0. John William Melton. Born l830 near Buck Creek, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Delila Ann Westfall, Dec. 7, l854, Knox Co., Ill. Living Knox Co., Ill. l863. In l850 was laborer, living at home.

4-ll. Jesse Melton. Born l832 near Buck Creek, Harrison Co., Ind. Married Flora Pitman, Nov. 2, l854, Knox Co., Ill. Born l833 Ind. Two children, Juliette and Elsa. In l860 Census, Knox Co., Ontario, Twp., Ill., family #l580; $400 personal property.

5-l. Juliette Melton. Born l855 Ill.

5-2. Elsa Melton. Born l859 Ill.

5-3. Infant (girl), "dau of J & F." Born Apr. l7, l859; died May ll, l859.

4-l2. Eliza Melton. Born l835; living l850; in l840 Census in family of parents, not listed thereafter. In l850 was attending school.

4-l3. Eli Melton. Born Dec. 6, l836, Ill.; died Dec. l, l90l. Married (l) Ruth M. Condra, June 8, l854, Knox Co., Ill.; born about l836; died about l864. Three children, Mary, Retta and Albert; married (2) Margaret J. "Maggie" Smith Sept. 7, l869. born l85l, Ill.; three children, William, Edgar and Leroy. In l870 Census, Knox Co., Rio Twp., Ill., family #22; in l880 #97. In l90l there were three living children. Family information has it that there were two other children, Sexton and Grace. In l870 was a farmer with $5000 real estate and $l875 personal property.

5-l. Mary Melton. Born l855 Ill.; married John W. Thomas Mar. 2, l876, Knox Co., Ill.

5-2. Retta Melton. Born l857 Ill.

5-3. Ada Melton. Born June 6, l860; died May 24, l863; buried in the Bap tist Cemetery.

5-4. Albert W. Melton. Born Aug. l7, l863, Ill. died Jan. l, l888; married Mary Blair Sept. l7, l875, Knox Co., Ill.; born about l864. A daughter, Nina.

6-l. Nina P. Melton. Born Aug. l7, l887; died Dec. l0, l887.

5-5. William Melton. Born l864, Ill.; married Minnie Chase, l886, Knox Co., Ill.

5-6. Edgar Melton. Born l87l, Ill.

228 5-7. Leroy Melton. Born l878, Ill.

5-7. Sexton Melton.

5-8. Grace Melton.

4-l4. Isaac Melton. Born Aug. 28, l839, Knox Co., Ill; died Apr. 4, l894; buried Green Castle, Mo. Married (l) Amanda McCartney, June 24, l858, Knox ville, Ill.; she was born Jan. l6, l838 and died Aug. 29, l880, buried Kirks ville, Mo.; nine children, Ida, Emma, Viola, Orlan, Mary, Elmer, Seth, Grace and Charles. (2) Julia Lutz, who had a daughter, Arthameshina. (3) Sarah Caroline Salsbury, Nov. 23, l882, Milan, Mo.; born June l8, l828; died Aug. 29, l904; buried Green Castle, Mo., Cemetery ; two children, Vinnie and Frank. This family is in l870 census, Knox Co., Rio Twp., Ill. family #l9. He was a farmer and ran a hotel and went to Kirksville, Mo. in l877.

5-l. Ida May Melton. Born Apr. 30, l859, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Mar. 22, l937, Louisiana, Pike Co., Mo.; married Daniel William Branstetter May l, l877, Kirksville,Mo.; five children, Earnest, Luther, John, Alfa and Henry. They were married in Adair Co. and moved to Pike Co., Mo.

6-l. Earnest Branstetter. Born Mar. l878, Indian Twp., Pike Co., Mo. A day laborer.

6-2. Luther Brandstetter. Born May l880, Indian Twp., Pike Co., Mo. Living l900.

6-3. John F. Branstetter. Born Oct. l885, Louisiana, Pike Co., Mo. A farm laborer.

6-4. Alfa M. Brandstetter. Born Oct. l889, Louisiana, Pike Co., Mo.

6-5. Henry Brandstrator. Born April l892, Louisiana, Pike Co., Mo.

5-2. Emma Armentha Melton. Born Jan. l9, l86l, Rio, Ill.; died May l4, l94l, Laclede Co., Mo.; buried Prosperne, Mo. Married Daniel Rufus Myers, son of Henry Myers and Malinda Webb, Feb. 24, l878, Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo.; born Oct. 7, l854, Green Twp., Hocking Co., Ohio; died Prosperne, Mo.; bur. Prosperene Cemetery. Five children, Florence, Grace, Clarence, Ernest and Mabelle. He was a farmer and moved to Missouri to seek work.

6-l. Florence Mae Myers. Born Mar. l6, l879, Chillicothe, Livingston Co., Mo.; died Nov. 6, l956, Lebanon, Mo. (l) Elmer M. Willard. He was born in l873 and died Nov. 2l, l908; no children. Married (2) John E. Lansdowne, son of Taylor and Mahala J. Lansdowne. He was born Apr. 30, l874 and died July 27, l959, Laclede Co., Mo.; bur. Stoutland Cemetery. No children. He operat ed a store. Lived Lebanon, Mo.

6-2. Grace Verlinda Myers. Born June 29, l88l, Chillicothe, Mo.; died Jan. 24, l948; buried Prosperne, Mo. Married Charles E. Wilson June 29, l898, Laclede Co., Mo.; born Aug. l, l876, Laclede Co., Mo.; died July 24, l957; buried Prosperne, Mo. Eight children, Daisy, Emma, Homer, Lloyd, Harry, Ruth, Gordon and Helen.

7-l. Daisy Arminta Wilson. Born June l3, l899, Prosperine, Mo.; died April 4, l978. Married Hugh L. McClure. He was born Dec. 23, l897 and died Mar. l, l978, Lebanon, Mo.; buried Lebanon Cemetery. Seven children, Grace, Charles, Betty, Retta, Ella, Hugh and Ruth. She was a housewife and teacher; he had previously married Ada Reed.

8-l. Grace M. McClure. Born Jan. 30, l923, Sleeper, Mo. Married John F. McClure; one child, Karen. 229

9-l. Karen Marie McClure.

8-2. Charles Joseph McClure. Born Oct. 2l, l924, Laclede Co., Mo.. Married Edith Berger; four children, Bobby, William, Jacqueline and Gary.

9-l. Robert Joseph "Bobby" McClure. Married Patricia Cantrel; two •children, Sherry and Deborah.

l0-l. Sherry Elaine McClure.

l0-2. Deborah Ann McClure.

9-2. William Charles McClure.

9-3. Jacqueline Lea McClure.

9-4. Gary Ray McClure.

8-3. Betty June McClure. Born June l5, l926. Married James Edward Beck, Dec. 25, l945. Two children, Jerry and Jeannette.

9-l. Jerry E. Beck. Married Patricia A. Inman; one child, Ashley.

l0-l. Ashley Lyn Beck.

9-2. Jeannette Anne Beck.

8-4. Retta Irene McClure. Born April 22, l928, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Jesse G. Lawson, son of Jesse Ray Lawson and Stella Bruce, Dec. 5, l946. He was born Oct. ll, l925, Lebanon, Laclede Co., Mo. Three children, Michael, Jesse and Jana.

9-l. Michael R. Lawson. Born July 27, l947, Lebanon, Mo. Married Donna Simpson; two children, Erik and Aaron.

l0-l. Erik Ray Lawson.

l0-2. Aaron Edward Lawson.

9-2. Jesse G. Lawson, Jr. Born July 20, l948, Lebanon, Mo. Married Martha Kilgore; one child, Christopher.

l0-l. Christopher Jay Lawson.

9-3. Jana Sue Lawson. Born July 20, l954, Lebanon, Mo. Married •Richard Atchley May 29, l983, Lebanon, Mo.

8-5. Ella Louise McClure. Born Apr. 3, l930, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Billy David Crane. Three children, Shirley, Billy and Barry.

9-l. Shirley L. Crane. 9-2. Billy David Crane, Jr.

9-3. Barry James Crane.

8-6. Hugh L. McClure, Jr. Born June 2, l934, Laclede Co., Mo. Mar ried Kathryn Ruble.

8-7. Ruth H. McClure. Born April l6, l937, Laclede Co., Mo.; died Feb. 2l, l967, Lebanon, Mo.; bur. Lebanon Cem. Married Lloyd H. Hibner. He died Feb. 2l, l967. Three children, Betty, Kyle and Kara. 230

9-l. Betty Jean Hibner. Born Laclede Co., Mo.; was raised by an aunt after her mother died.

9-2. Kyle Hugh Hibner. Born Laclede Co., Mo.

9-3. Kara Kay Hibner. Born Nov. 5, l963, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Robert Roland Apr. 28, l990.

7-2. Homer D. Wilson. Born July l4, l90l, Prosperine, Laclede Co., Mo.; died l969 Lebanon, Mo.; buried Prosperine Cem. Married Grace Watterman. Five children, Vera, Katie, Leo, Nadine and Ralph. She remarried after he died. He was a teacher and milk man.

8-l. Vera E. Wilson. Born Laclede Co., Mo. Married Freeman Atkinson; one child, Patricia.

9-l. Patricia Atkinson. Married a Miller.

8-2. Katie L. Wilson. Born Laclede Co., Mo. Married James E. Winfrey. Three children, Sharon, Deborah and Janet.

9-l. Sharon Kay Winfrey.

9-2. Deborah Marie Winfrey.

9-3. Janet Leigh Winfrey.

8-3. Leo E. Wilson. Born Laclede Co., Mo. Married Phyllis Pitts.

8-4. Nadine A. Wilson. Born Laclede Co., Mo. Married (l) Noble; had two children, Diana and Randy; (2) Raymond McHan; two children, Stephen and Cathy.

9-l. Diana Lea Noble.

9-2. Randy V. Noble.

9-3. Stephen Bryon McHan.

9-4. Cathy Renay McHan.

8-5. Ralph L. Wilson. Born Laclede Co., Mo. Married Sandra Dawson; two children, Carolyn and Steven.

9-l. Carolyn Sue Wilson.

9-2. Steven Craig Wilson.

7-3. Emma Edna Wilson. Born Nov. l5, l903, Prosperine, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Hugh Vernon Beck. Three children, Don, John and Charles. Ran a dry cleaning business in California.

8-l. Donald Ray Beck. Born Laclede Co., Mo.; bur. Lebanon Cem.

8-2. John Hugh Beck. Married Geneca Cleveland. Two children, Jeann and Jeffrey. Moved to California after marriage.

9-l. Jeann Beck. Married Eldon Brad Matson.

231 9-2. Jeffrey Cleveland Beck.

8-3. Charles E. Beck. Married (l) Thelma Habor; one child, Nancy; (2) Nancy Lehman; two children, Charles and John. Moved to Califonria after mar riage.

9-l. Nancy Lee Beck.

9-2. Charles H. Beck.

9-3. John Beck.

7-4. Harry Alvin Wilson. Born Aug. 4, l907, Prosperine, Laclede Co., Mo.; died June 7, l909 at Prosperine. Bur. Prosperine Cemetery.

7-5. Ruth Ople Wilson. Born July 7, l9l0; died July l2, l9l0, Prosper ine, Laclede Co., Mo.; bur. Prosperine Cem.

7-6. Lloyd A. Wilson. Born Dec. ll, l9ll, Laclede Co., Mo. Died before l898 near Dove, Laclede Co., Mo.; bur. Prosperine Cemetery. Married (l) Lois Adams; one child, Charles; (2) Zelma O. Brown. Farmed and worked in a gas station.

8-l. Charles R. Wilson. Married.

7-5. Gordan R. Wilson. Born May l0, l9l5, Prosperine, Mo.; died Sept. 6, l989. Married Vivian Wilson. Worked at Alcoa in Bettendorf, Iowa.

7-6. Helen Wilson. Born Mar. l0, l9l7, Prosperine, Mo. Married Gerald Junion. l990 lived Bettendorf, Iowa. He worked at Alcoa in Bettendorf.

6-3. Clarence Myers. Born Mar. l2, l884, Nortonville, Jerrerson Co., Kas.; died Jan. 29, l963 Riverton, Wyo.; buried Riverton. Married Maude A. Peterson, Apr. l6, l905, Laclede Co., Mo. Two children, Melza and Armenta. He was a farmer and maintenance man.

7-l. Melzia Viola Myers. Born July 4, l906, Laclede Co., Mo.; died July l, l923, Springfield, Ill.; bur. Rio Cem.

7-2. Armenta Mae (Bobby) Myers. Born Mar. l6, l9ll, Knox Co., Ill.; died about l978, Tucson, Ariz. . Married John R. Yoder. He was born May 25 and died Cody, Wyoming. One child, John. He was a master mechanic in the oil fields and worked in Iraq at one time.

8-l. John William Yoder.

6-4. Henry Ernest (Mike) Myers. Born Jan. l, l887, Nortonville, Jefferson Co., Ka. Married Evelyn Matson Mar. 26, l9l4, Monmouth, Ill. She was born Jan. 3, l88l and died in l97l. Three children, Ernestine, Helen and Marguer ite. Was a farmer.

7-l. Lucille Ernestine Myers. Born about l9l6, Knox Co., Ill. Married George Eisenman, Knox Co., Ill. Four children, Alva, Joann, Clara and Karen. Greeley, Colo.

8-l. Alva G. Eisenman.

8-2. Joann L. Eisenman.

8-3. Clara O. Eisenman.

8-4. Karen S. Eisenman. 232

7-2. Helen E. Myers. Born about l9l8, Knox Co., Ill. Married Russell Clayton, Yorksville, Ill. Four children, Michael, James, Carole and Gary. Living (l989 Yorksville, Ill.

8-l. Michael Russell Clayton. Born Knox Co., Ill.

8-2. James Earl Clayton. Born Knox Co., Ill.

8-3. Carole Marguerite Clayton. Born Knox Co., Ill.

8-4. Gary Mathew Clayton. Born Knox Co., Ill.

7-3. Margurite Myers. Born Knox Co., Ill. Married Russell Conrad, Woodhull, Ill. Living, l989, RR#2, Box 24, Woodhull, Ill, 6l490.

6-5. Maybelle Lillian Myers. Born Feb. 26, l890, Nortonville, Jefferson Co., Kas. Died Oct. l7, l978, Moline, Ill.; bur Memorial Park Cem. Married Fred Lee Clifton, son of Isaiah S. Clifton and Martha Jane Gum, Apr. 22, l908, Lebanon, Laclede Co., Mo. He was born July l9, l887, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo. Died May 27, l977, Kansas City, Mo.; buried Mt. Hope Cem. Ten children, Fredia, Earl, Forest, Raldph, Vera, Fred, Mary, Ernest, Ruth and Donald. He was a farmer and laundry truck driver. She was a wife and mother and worked at the John Deere Aircraft Division. His first wife was Barcia Rose.

7-l. Fredia Emogene Clifton. Born Dec. l8, l908, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Philbert Charles VandeVoort Apr. 29, l934, Moline, Ill. He was born Dec. 22, l909, Moline, Ill. and died Nov. 24, l989, East Moline, Ill.; bur. Memorial Park Cemetery. Three children, Robert, Jo Anne and Marianne. She was living, l990, East Moline, Ill.

8-l. Robert Charles VandeVoort. Born May 22, l935, Moline, Ill. Married Sarah Ann Walter, Feb. l4, l959, Moline, Ill. She was born Aug. 3l, l938. Four children, Theresa, Susan, Lisa and Christine. Lived, l989, Moline, Ill. He worked for Baker's Dairy.

9-l. Theresa Marie VandeVoort. Born Sept. 2, l959, Moline, Ill. Married Alan Barthen, son of Raymond and Marleen Barthen. He was born Aug. 3, l952, Chicago, Ill. Two children, Seth and Sean. She was an artist. Lived, l990, Cary, McHenry Co., Ill.

l0-l. Seth Alan Barthen. Born Feb. 24, l987,Cary, Ill.

l0-2. Sean Robert Barthen. Born June 8, l988, Cary, Ill.

9-2. Susan VandeVoort. Born Mar. ll, l962, Moline, Ill. Married James M. Passarelli, June 29, l990, Rockford, Ill. He was a consumer credit counselor at a Credit Union. Lived, l990, 5l04 Geiger Ct., Belding, Mi., 48809.

9-3. Lisa Lynn VandeVoort. Born July 8, l963, Moline, Ill. Was administrative advisor in an ad agency. Lived, l989, Chicago, Ill.

9-4. Christine Ann VandeVoort. Born Aug. 3l, l964, Moline, Ill. Was an artist. Lived, l989, Chicago, Ill.

8-2. Jo Anne Maureen VandeVoort. Born May l3, l939, Moline, Ill.; died May 38, l984, Chicago, Ill.; bur. Memorial Park Cemetery. Married Jacob Emmogene Macaig, July l8, l959, Chicago, Ill. He was born Nov. 2l, Chicago, Ill. Four children, Kevin, Kristopher, Kimberly and Kathy. She was an airline stewardess. He was a teacher. 233

9-l. Kevin Jacob Macaig. Born Jan. l4, l960, Chicago, Ill. A roofer. Living, l989, Bridgeview, Cook Co., Ill.

9-2. Kristopher John Macaig. Born May l8, l962, Chicago, Ill. A paramedic/nurse. Lived , l989, Cook Co., Ill. .

9-3. Kimberly Frances Macaig. Born Sept. l2, l963, Chicago, Ill. Married Chris Schoot Aug. l2, l989. two children, Jennifer and Jessica. She did office jobs for GMAC Trucks, Chicago, Ill. and he did maintenance work. Lived, l989, 80l0 W. 8rth St., Justice, Ill., 60458.

l0-l. Jennifer Schoot.

l0-2. Jessica Sharie Schoot. Born Dec. 24, l987, Chicago, Ill.

9-4. Kathy Jo Macaig. Born Cook Co., Ill. Married Dennis Pope. Two children, Mickey and Denise. Lived, l989, Texas.

l0-l. Mickey Robert Pope. Born Apr. 6, l987, Texas.

l0-2. Denise Ashley Pope. Born June 2, l989, Texas.

8-3. Marian Emmogene Vandevoort. Born May l3, l939, Moline, Ill.

7-2. Earl Clifton. Married Annabelle McClown. Born Oct. 3, l9l0, Sleep er, Laclede Co., Mo.; died Dec. 26, l987, Long Beach, Cal. in the Veteran's Hospital; bur. Sunnyside Memorial Park Cem. Married Annabelle McLain, May l0, l94l, Ft. Gibson, Muskogee Co. Okla. She was born Feb. ll, l9ll. No child ren. He was a medical worker before and after army retirement.

7-3. Forest (Jack) Clifton. Born Oct. l4, l9l2, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Marjorie Aileen (Marge) Gibson, d. of George Washington Gibson and Minnie Arletta Headrick, May 30, l932, Burnsdall, Osage Co., Okla. She was born July 4, l9l4, Walland, Blount Co., Tenn. Two children, Gary and Nile. He worked for People's Natural Gas Co. Lived, l990, Borger, Hutchinson Co., Texas.

8-l. Gary Dean Clifton. Born Feb. 28, l937, Washington Co., Iowa in the Washington Co. Hospital. Married Rachel L. Koester July 5, l959, at Cen tralia Trinity Lutheran Church, Centralia, Iowa. Two children, Gary and Diana. He was an administrative coordinator for a natural gas pipline co. Lived, l990, Borger, Hutchinson Co., Texas.

9-l. Gary Craig Clifton. Born Sept. 20, l96l, Decatur, Ill. Married Cara Loauise Epps Aug. 3, l985, Trinity Lutheran Church, Borger, Tex. Was an assistant manager of Walmart. Lived, l990, Oklahoma City, Okla.

9-2. Diana Lynn Clifton. Born Mar. 3, l967, Decatur, Ill.

8-2. Nile Lee Clifton. Born Apr. 30, l94l, Washiangton Co., Iowa, Washington Co. Hospital. Married Emily S. Fulenwider Nov. 2, l968, Jackson, Mo. One child, Nile. He was a pharmacist at the V.A. Hospital. Lived, l990, 722 E. l8t Street, Ada, Pontotoc Co., Okla.

9-l. Nile Lee Clifton, Jr. Born July 20, l970, Memphis Baptist Hospital, Shelby Co., Tenn.

9-2. Emily Sue Clifton. Born Jan. l8, l973, Greenville, Texas.

7-4. Ralph Dean Clifton. Born Oct. 5, l9l4, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo.; died Jan. l7, l982, Orion, Henry Co., Ill.; bur. Memorial Park Cemetery. 234 Married (l) Rachel Reynaert before l948. Married (2) Bertha LaVerne Dinwiddie at l949 Kirkwood, St. Louis, Mo. She was born June 9, l9l7, Sleeper, Mo.; died Feb. l989, Moline, Ill.; bur. Memorial park Cemetery. Three children, Randi, Kenney and Kathy. Was a farmer and a general foreman at J. I. Case. She was a waitress and cook.

8-l. Randi Lee Clifton. Born May 24, l952, Rock Island, Ill. Married (l) Tom Smith in l968 at Orion, Henry Co., Ill. One child, Michelle. Married (2) James Cornellis July 24, l977, Moline, Ill. Divorced. Married (3) Cha rles Kevin Nov. 22, l98l, Moline, Ill. Divorced. Lived, l989, Moline, Ill. child

9-l. Michelle "Missy" Marie Smith. Born Oct. 3, l968. Married Kevin Charles Johnson, Nov. 22, l98l, Moline, Ill. He was born June 29, l955. Four children, Tony, Timothy, Kara and Kelly.

l0-l. Tony Charles Johnson. Born May 29, l982, Moline, Ill.

l0-2. Timothy Michael Johsnon. Born May 3, l987, Moline, Ill.

l0-3. Kara Lynn Johnson. Born Sept. l8, l989, Moline, Ill.

l0-4. Kelly Marie Johnson. Born Sept. l8, l989, Moline, Ill.

8-2. Kenneth Ralph Clifton. Born May 24, l957, Moline, Ill. Married (l) Charise Morse Feb. 8, l978, Rock Island Ill. Divorced. Married Cheryl Ann DeBaillie June l8, l988, Bettendorf, Iowa. Was farmer and worked at John Deere Harvester. Lived, l990, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co., Ill.

9-l. Andrew Steven Clifton. Born Aug. 29, l978.

8-3. Katherine Ann Clifton. Born May 24, l957, Moline, Ill. Married Stephen Gerard Sayers Sept. 26, l987, Moline, Ill. He was born Aug. l, l960. One child, Gabraielle, She worked in the Loans Dept. at Westen Savings, Chan dler, Ariz. He was a chef and Baker at Albertsons. Lived Chandler, Maricopa Co., Ariz.

9-l. Gabrielle Moorea Sayers. Born June 26, l988, Mesa, Ariz.

7-5. Vera Lois Clifton. Born Sept. 27, l9l6, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo. Married Milton Albert Stannke, Moline, Ill. He was born July l3, l909, Cram ford, New Jersey. Two children, Michael and Pamela. Lived, l989, Moline, Ill. Lived, l989, in Florida.

8-l. Milton Michael Stannke. Born Apr. l8, l946, Moline, Ill. Married Patricia Ann Hensley Feb. 7, l970, Moline, Ill. She was born Apr. l3, l947. Two children, Mathew and Beth. He was a set-up man at John Deere. Lived, ll90, Coal Valley, Rock Island Co., Ill.

9-l. Mathew Michael Stannke. Born Oct. l6, l974, Rock Island, Ill.

9-2. Beth Ann Stannke. Born Mar. l, l977, Rock Island, Ill.

8-2. Pamela Jean Stannke. Born June 23, l949, Long Beach, Calif. Married (l) Steven Strunk, Jan. l8, l969, Moline, Ill. He was born Sept. 8, l947; no children. Married (2) Ron Jacobsma Jan. l6, l98l, Ft. Washington, Prince Georges Co., Md. Divorced. Married (3) Tom Early, before l988. Lived, l989, Upper Marlboro, Prince Georges Co., Md. No children. She was an accountant.

7-6. Fred Lewis Clifton. Born Sept. 6, l9l8, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo.; died Sept. 6, l936, Beloit, Rock Co., Wis.; buried Memorial Park Cemetery. 235 Was in the Civilian Conservation Corps.

7-7. Mary Hazel Clifton. Born May l4, l92l, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo. Married William Lee "Bill" McKenzie, son of Jesse Lee McKenzie and Mary Edith Larimore, Aug. 23, l942, Moline, Ill. He was born Jan. 26, l92l, St. Louis, Mo. One child, Janice. He was in personnel administration. Lived, l990, Moline, Ill.

8-l. Janice Lee McKenzie. Born Feb. ll, l950, Moline, Ill. Was a logistics/acquisition specialist at Army Materiel Command Headquarters. Lived l2748 Dulcinea Place, Woodbridge, Va., 22l92; 703-494-5590..

7-8. Ernest "Ernie" Clifton. Born May 27, l923, Sleeper, Laclede Co. Mo. Married (l) Helen, before l949; married (2) Dorothy E. Cone, Oct. 22, l965, Omaha, Nev. . She was born July 22, l930; died Sept. l9, l989. Two children, Miles and Laurel. Lived, l989, Wilton, Muscatine Co., Iowa. He was retired from the Rock Island Arsenal.

8-l. Miles Kindred Clifton. Born Oct. 5, l964, Moline, Ill.

8-2. Laurel Jeanne Clifton. Born Sept. 23, l949, Moline, Ill. Mar ried Irven Clark; no children. Lived, l989, Kentucky.

7-9. Ruth Wilma Clifton. Born Apr. l8, l925, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo.; died Sept. 2, l963, Baltimore Co., Md.; bur. Rock Island Arsenal Cemetery. Married Grant Duane Stelter l948, son of Leon Stelter, Cook Co., Ill. He wa born Aug.3, l923, Racine, Wis. and died Sept. 2, l963; bur. Rock Island Arsen al Cemetery. One child, Grant. She was a graduate of Swarthmore College and advisor on film and teacher at the University of Maryland and Look Magazine. He was a doctoral, LTC, in the inactive Army reserve and did TB research in Washington, D. C.

8-l. Grant Clifton Stelter. Born Nov. l7, l950, Chicago, Ill.; died Sept. 2, l963, Ft. Meade, Anne Aruandel Co., Md.; bur. Rock Island Arsenal Cemetery.

7-l0. Donald Merle "Don" Clifton. Born April l8, l927, Sleeper, Laclede Co., Mo. Married (l) Phillis; divorced. Married (2) Nancy. Married (3) Ethel "Lollie" Carlson . One child, Donna. Lived, l989, Rock Island, Ill. Was a self-employed carpenter.

8-l. Donna Lee Clifton. Born Dec. 3, l947, Moline, Ill. Married Richard Snell. Was killed in a car accident, l969. One child, Michael. She was a crossing guard and lived, l989, Rock Island, Ill. Perhaps married to Richard Winnans.

9-l. Michael W. Snell. Born Nov. 28, l969, Ill. In the Army and lived, l990, Germany.

8-2. Renee Jean "Penny" Clifton. Born May 20, l955, Moline, Ill. Married Richard Brown, Nov. l974, Dayton, Ohio. One child, Philipp.

9-l. Philipp Brown. Born about l989. Adopted.

5-3. Viola Melton. Born Oct. 6, l862, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Dec. l7, l876, Kirksville, Mo. Died of scarlet fever; all children in the family had it.

5-4. Orlan C. Melton. Born Dec. 25, l864, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Dec. l, l923, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; buried Rio, Ill. Married Fannie Elizabeth Robert son, Feb. l4, l894. She was born Oct. 23, l874; died Apr. 2, l937; buried Rio, Ill. Five children, Lloyd, Faye, Larin, Emma and Lawrence. He was a 236 farmer. 6-l. Lloyd Elsia Melton. Born Oct. 4, l895, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Jan. 29, l969, Grand Junction, Neb.; bur. Ravenna Cem. Married (l) Hilda White, Fulton Co., Ill. She was born Sept. 3, l897 and died Oct. 4, l929. No children. Married (2) Bessie Blanche Matyka Dec. l4, l933, Minden, Kearney Co., Neb. She was born Sept. l6, l904; three children, Dorothy, Lois and Lloyd. He was a farmer, railroad conductor and World War I veteran.

7-l. Dorothy Jean Melton. Born Aug. 20, l934, Ravenna, Buffalo Co., Neb. Married Wm. Henry Zinnel, son of Herbert Zinnel and Ella Hermann, Jan. l0, l954, Ravenna, Neb. Five children, Jeffrey, Daniel, Annette, Bradley and Michael. He was a farmer. Lived, l975, Ravenna, Neb.

8-l. Jeffrey William Zinnel. Born Feb. l6, l958, El Paso, Tex.

8-2. Daniel Lloyd Zinnel. Born Sept. 20, l959, Kearney, Neb.

8-3. Annette Lucille Zinnel. Born Sept. 2l, l963, Kearney, Neb.

8-4. Bradley Jean Zinnel.

8-5. Michael John Zinnel. Born Nov. l9, l970, Kearney,Neb.

7-2. Lois Lucille Melton. Born Apr. l9, l936, Ravenna, Neb. Married Hugh Ellis Bynum 3rd, son of Hugh Ellis Bynum and Leone Ethel Wilkinson. He was born Sept. l2, l940, Jacksonville, Fla. Two children, Angela and Natalie. She was a part-time nurse and he a government statistician. Lived, l975, 634l West Fremont Dr., Littleton, Colo., 80l23.

8-l. Angela Camille Bynum. Born Apr. l, l97l, Lincoln, Neb.

8-2. Natalie Suzanna Bynum. Born Sept. 5, l972, Lincoln, Neb.

7-3. Lloyd Edward Melton. Born May 20, l939, Ravenna, Neb. Married Jeanene Ratchjen. Born Jan. l5, l948. Two children, Charles and Katharine. Farmer and mail carrier. Lived RR #2, Ravenna, Neb.

8-l. Charles Edward Melton. Born Apr. 23, l973, Grand Island, Neb.

8-2. Katherine Diane Melton. Born June 9, l983, Grand Island, Neb.

6-2. Faye Elizabeth Melton. Born Mar. 29, l899, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Married Ralph Raymond (Ray) Fritz, son of Asa E. Fritz and Clara L. Brecken ridge, Mar. 6, l9l8, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. He was born Jan. l4, 1891 at Rio, Ill; died Nov. 20, l957, Galesburg, Ill.; bur. at Rio, Ill. Cemetery. Two children, William and James. She living, l989, Carl Sandberg Nursing home, Galesburg, Ill. He was a farmer.

7-l. Edward William Fritz. Born Apr. 20, l920, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Married Mellie Maxine Rendleman, Aug. 24, l947, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. She was born July l4, l922. Two children, William and Christine. He was an engineer for Burlington Northern RR. They lived 404 South Soangetaga, Galesburg, Ill., 6l40l; 309-343-6995.

8-l. William Randall Fritz. Born Apr. 7, l949, Galesburg, Ill. Married Kathryn Jane Mosher Dec. 30, l972, Galesburg, Ill. Employed Galesburg Glass Co. Lived (l989) ll89 Beecher Ave., Galesburg, Ill., 6l40l; 309-342-30l9.

8-2. Christine Sue Fritz. Born May l, l952, Galesburg, Ill. Teacher, Weston School, Galesburg, Ill. Lived (l975) Galesburg, Ill.

7-2. James Donald "Jimmie" Fritz. Born Oct. l0, l922; died Nov. 27, 237 l922; both Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; bur. Rio Cemetery.

6-3. Larkin Robertson Melton. Born Oct. l, l904, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Married Elizabeth Wedlock Nov. 28, l928, Gebo, Hot Springs Co., Wyo. Born Oct. 7, l906. One child, Lawrence. He was a barber and they lived, l975, Thermopolis, Wyo.

7-l. Lawrence Wayne Melton. Born Feb. 9, l932, Thermopolis, Wyo.; died Oct. 7, l965, Billings, Mont. Was a printer.

6-4. Emma Mae Melton. Born Oct. 22, l907, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Married Howard Elbert Hall Nov. l2, l927, Monmouth, Ill. Born May 23, l902. Three children, Mary, Lorece and Virginia. Lived 468 Lombard St., Galesburg, Ill., 6l40l, 309-342-6039.

7-l. Mary Elizabeth Hall. Born May 9, l928, Rio, Knox Co., Ill. Married Everett Eugene Standley, son of Walter R. Standley and Fern Irene Ennis, Oct. 2, l948, Galesburg, Ill. Born Aug. 22, l924, East Galesburg, Ill. Three child ren, Daniel, Ronald and Susan. He was an electrician at Butler Mfg. Co., Galesburg, Ill. Lived l689 Brown Ave., Galesburg, Ill., 6l40l, 309-342-5728.

8-l. Daniel Eugene Standley. Born Dec. 4, l950, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Ronald Lee Standley. Born Feb. l9, l953, Galesburg, Ill.

8-3. Susan Lynn Standley. Born Mar. 9, l959, Galesburg, Ill.

7-2. Lorece Louise Hall. Born July 29, l93l, Monmouth, Knox Co., Ill. Married Robert Lee Arnett, son of Oscar Arnett and Wilda Helen Brady, Apr. 8, l950, Wataga, Knox Co., Ill. He was born May l8, l930 Princeton, Bureau Co., Ill. Three children, Dennis, Garry and Timothy. Was a driver for Dohn Transfer Trucking. Lived, l975, 5l0 N. Russell Ave. Geneseo, Ill., 6l254, 309-944-3l34.

8-l. Dennis Wayne Arnett. Born Dec. l0, l950, Galesburg, Ill. Married Roxanne Hines Sept. 23, l97l, Geneseo, Ill. She was born Sept. 13, 1953. One child, Jeffrey. He was truck driver. Lived, l975, Geneseo, Ill., 6l254, 309- 944-6626.

9-l. Jeffrey Michael Arnett. Born Mar. l, l973, Geneseo, Ill.

8-2. Gary Wayne Arnett. Born Dec. ll, l954, Galesbuirg, Ill. Married Debbie Stiner Sept. l0, l972, Geneseo, Ill. She was born Oct. 9, l956. One child, Jennifer. Lived (l975) Geneseo, Ill.

9-l. Jennifer Jo Arnett. Born July 22, l973, Geneseo, Ill.

8-3. Timothy Arnett. Born Dec. l2, l966, Galesbur, Ill.

7-3. Virginia Faye Hall. Born July 24, l934, Monmouth, Ill. Married William Thomas Rinehart, son of James Carl Finehart and Blanche Stephens, Mar. 7, l953, Galesburg, Ill. He was born Aug. 30, l930, Elkville, Jackson Co., Ill. Four children, Karen, Elizabeth, Kathleen and William. She worked at Stephenson's Artificial Flowers, Galesburg, Ill. He was a truck dirver for Churchill Truck Lines. Lived l452 Willard St., Galesburg, Ill., 6l4 309-343-2658.

8-l. Karen Sue Rinehart. Born May 27, l954, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Elizabeth Kay Rinehart. Born Apr. 27, l956. Galesburg, Ill.

8-3. Kathleen Rinehart. Born July ll, l959, Galesburg, Ill.

238 8-4. William Carl Rinehart. Born Feb. l7, l96l, Galesburg, Ill.

6-5. Lawrence Orlan Melton. Born Aug. 20, l909, Rio, Ill.; died Feb. ll, l970, Oneida, Knox Co., Ill.; bur. Baptist Cemetery. Married Alma Cordelia Fields Aug. 25, l935, Monmouth, Ill. She was born July 25, l9l7, Henderson, Ill. Three children, William, Patsy and Irene. He worked at Admiral Ap pliance Corp. in Galesburg, Ill.

7-l. William Larry "Billy" Melton. Born Jan. 3l, l937, Galesburg, Ill. Married Maxine Georgetta Biddle, daughter of William Biddle and Irma Boden stadt, June 29, l957, Galesburg, Ill. Born Aug. l6, l937, Hale Twp., Warren Co., Ill. Three children, Larry, Sherri and Pamela. He was a farmer and was Previously employed at Admiral Appliance in Galesburg, Ill. Lived RR#1, Box 7l, North Henderson, Ill., 6l466; 309-464-5247.

8-l. Larry David Melton. Born Sept. 24, l964, Moline, Ill. Married (l) Dana Lyle Mar. 6, l986, Galesburg, Ill. Divorced. Married (2) Gwen Hayes, Nov. 30, l989, Galesburg, Ill. Three children, Elizabeth, Michelle and Sarah. Worked at Midwest Hydroline (hoses), Galesburg, Ill.

9-l. Elizabeth Ashley "Beth" Melton. Born Mar. 6, l986, Galesburg, Ill.

9-2. Michelle Lynn Melton. Born June 9, l987, Galesburg, Ill.

9-3. Sarah Tiffany Melton. Born June l4, l988, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Sherri Beth Melton. Born Nov. 23, l965, Galesburg, Ill. Married Jason Brown. Two children, Joseph and Jared. She was a registered nurse at Cottage Hospital in Galesburg. Lived, l989, Cameron, Warren Co., Ill.

9-l. Joseph Cordie Brown. Born Sept. 2l, l986, Galesburg, Ill. .

9-2. Jared William Brown. Born Feb. 3, l989, Galesburg, Ill. .

8-3. Pamela Jane Melton. Born Sept. ll, l970.

7-2. Patsy Ann Melton. Born Mar. 24, l940, Galesburg, Ill. Married (l) Davis McKean Swan, son of Claron McKean Swan and Elizabeth Martin, Sept. l, l962, Galesburg, Ill. Born June l3, l940, Denver, Colo. Five children, Cynthia, Jeffrey, Michael, Patric and William. Divorced. Married (2) Gerald "Jerry" Murphy. She was a nurse. Lived, l989, Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa. Davis Swan was a doctora in the Navy and then a pediatric specialist.

8-l. Cynthia Marie Swan. Born June l4, l963, Riverton, Wyo.

8-2. Jeffrey McKean Swan. Born Aug. 5, l964, Laramie, Wyoming. Living l989, Iowa City, Iowa. .

8-3. Michael Dale Swan. Born July 2l, l966, St. Louis, Mo. Living, l989, Iowa City, Iowa.

8-4. Patrick David Swan. Born June 6, l968, St. Louis, Mo. Living, l989, Iowa City, Iowa.

8-5. William Swan. Born Feb. l978. Living, l989, Iowa City, Iowa.

7-3. Irene Kathryn "Kay" Melton. Born Mar. 2, l942, Galesburg, Knox Co., Ill. Married William Arthur Erwin, adopted son of Wayne Erwin and Marion Louise Turney, Sept. 24, l96l, Galesburg, Ill. . Born June l2, l942, Gales burg, Ill. Two children, William and John. Lived, l989, Itaska, Du Page Co., Ill. 239

8-l. William David Erwin. Born July l2, l962.

8-2. John Michael Erwin. Born Mar. 20, l964.

5-5. Mary Edna Melton. Born April 30, l867; died Feb. 8, l870; both Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; bur. Baptist Cemetery, next to her Aunt Malissa.

5-6. Elmer "Jack" Melton. Born Sept. l9, l87l, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died Feb. 3, l93l; buried Ellisville, Ill. Married Amanda Elizabeth Loveland July 26, l905 in Knox Co., Ill. She was born Dec. 6, l882, Ellisville, Ill. and died Feb. 3, l93l, Ellisville, Ill.; buried Ellisville, Ill. Six children, Roland, Gertrude, William, Bernard, Elmer and Marvin.

6-l. Roland Melton. Born Aug. 30, l9l0, Ellisville, Ill. Married (l) Bernice Cook, July 3, l929, Monmouth, Ill. She was born June 26, l9ll, London Mills, Ill. Three children, Firman, Glenn and Mary June. Divorced. Married (2) Georgia Despines at Peoria, Ill. She was born Oct. 29, l925, Kickapoo, Ill. One child, Alice.

7-l. Firman Melton. Married Nadene Tucker. Five children, Steven, Kenny, Gregory, Sherry and Michael.

8-l. Steven Melton.

8-2. Kenny Melton.

8-3. Gregory Melton.

8-4. Sherry Melton.

8-5. Michael Melton.

7-2. Glenn Melton. Married Donna Johnson.

7-3. Mary June Melton. Married Robert Ripley. Married Peter L. Koenig.

7-4. Alice Amanda Melton.

6-2. Gertrude Melton. Born Jan. l2, l9l7, Fulton, Mo.; died l9l8; buried Fulton, Mo.

6-3. William Dale Melton. Born June l9l9, Fulton, Mo.; died infancy; buried Fulton, Mo.

6-4. Bernard LeRoy Melton. Born July 28, l9l3, Ellisville, Ill.; died Mar. 4, l943; buried Maquon, Ill. Married Beulah Bernice Shaver Dec. 2l, l9l3, Burlington, Iowa. She was born Jan. 2, l9l6, Mequon, Ill.; one child, Bernard.

7-l. Bernard L. Melton, Jr. Married Judy Rogers.

6-5. Elmer Faye Melton. Born July l3, l9l7, Fulton, Mo. Married (l) Thelma Hallaway, l940, Burlington, Iowa; no children. Divorced. Married (2) Lodema Casey Oct. 5, l946, Davenport, Iowa. She was born in Oklahoma, Feb. l3, l928. Four children, Elmer, Susan, Rachael and George.

7-l. Elmer Riley Melton.

7-2. Susan Elizabeth Melton.

7-3. Rachael Melton. 240

7-4. George Harold Melton.

6-6. Marvin Eugene Melton. Born Aug. 2l, l925, Troy, Ill. Married Edith Elaine Freet July 4, l946, Abington, Ill. She was born July l2, l924, Maquon, Ill. Two children, Shirley and Rocky.

7-l. Shirley Helen Melton.

7-2. Rocky Dean Melton.

5-7. Seth Melton. Born Apr. 24, l873, Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; died May 2l, l928; buried Thermopolis, Wyo. Married Jessie Belle Robertson. Born Jan. 28, l879; died Sept. l920; buried Thermopolis, Wyo. Eight children, Alonzo, Clarke, Arthur, Mary, Helen, Blanche, Maurice and Robert. A farmer.

6-l. Alonzo "Lon" Carl Melton. Born June l, l895. Married Grace Bedsaul Mar. 23, l920, Thermopolis, Wyo. She was born in Kansas Aug. 2l, l893. Two children, Carol and Jean. Was a family historian.

7-l. Carol L. Melton. Married Jack N. Skelton. Three children, Carol, Sherry and Carola.

8-l. Carol Ann Skelton. Married Hilan Jones; three children, Jackie, Seth and Christy.

9-l. Jackie Ray Jones.

9-2. Seth Hilan Jones.

9-3. Christy Jones.

8-2. Sherry Kay Skelton. Married Richard Carroll. Two children, Lonna and Kip.

9-l. Lonna Carroll.

9-2. Kip Carroll.

8-3. Carola Dee Skelton. Married Nick Botner. Two children, Sam and Tal.

9-l. Sam Botner.

9-2. Tal Botner.

7-2. Jean Melton.

6-2. Clarke Elmer Melton. Born Nov. 9, l897; died Jan. 30, l920. Married Ruby Sims in l9l7. Three children, Olivie, Edna and Clark.

7-l. Olivie Belle Melton.

7-2. Edna Mae Melton.

7-3. Clark Elmer Melton.

6-3. Blanche J. Melton. Born Sept. l7, l900, Rio, Ill. Married Henry Pariette Mar. 8, l940, Las Vegas, Nev. He was born Aug. 2, l895, Bern, Swit zerland. No children.

6-4. Maurice E. Melton. Born Oct. 3l, l907, Galesburg, Ill. Died Dec. 241 26, l96l, Reno, Nev. Married Irene Josephine Freuidel Apr. 2, l937, Yuma, Ariz. She was born in l9l7 at Rock Springs, Wyoming.

6-5. Mary Amanda Melton. Born Jan. 29, l9l2, Fulton, Mo. Married (l) Frank Johnson Mar. l2, l928 at Los Angeles, Calif. He was born June 4, l908, Philadelphia, Pa. Two children, Earl and Louise. Divorced in l945. Married (2) Tod E. Stice Oct. 23, l949, Reno, Nev. He was born Oct. l6, l9l4, Ana• heim, Calif.

7-l. Earl W. Johnson. Married Merle Nelson. Three children, Jenifer, Laurie and Bret.

8-l. Jenifer Lee Johnson.

8-2. Laurie Louise Johnson.

8-3. Bret Winfred Johnson.

7-2. Louise I. Johnson. Married Robert D. Ewing. Two children, Denise and Gregory.

8-l. Denise Lynn Ewing.

8-2. Gregory Scott Ewing.

6-6. Arthur Melton. Born June l7, l9l4, Douglas, Wyo.; died Nov. 28, l950, Thermopolis, Wyo.

6-7. Helen M. Melton. Born Mar. l2, l9l7, Fulton, Mo. Married (l) Lester Rigney, Billings, Mont. He was born Oct. 24, l905, Manchester, Iowa; died July l8, l964, Thermopolis, Wyo. Married (2) George McMahon Nov. 23, l949, Great Falls, Mont. He was born Apr. 20, l9l9 in Mississippi. Two children, Robert and Sherry.

7-l. Robert E. Rigney. Married Karen Adolphson. One child.

7-2. Sherry McMahon.

6-8. Robert S. Melton. Born Oct.5, l9l9, Lucern, Wyo. Married Dorris M. Wollard June l6, l940, Glendale, Calif. She was born Oct. 29, l92l, Royalton, Ill. Four children, Laura, Linda, Robert and Les.

7-l. Laura Belle Melton. Married Larry W. Burger. Two children, Leo nard and Lisa.

8-l. Leonard W. Burger.

8-2. Lisa Laurene Burger.

7-2. Linda Lee Melton. Married Wayne H. Roberts. Two children, Robert and Sherrill.

8-l. Robert Wayne Roberts.

8-2. Sherrill Lynn Roberts.

7-3. Robert Lon Melton. Married Alanna K. White.

7-4. Les Earl Melton. Married Vicky Lee Gordan.

5-8. Grace Melton. Born Apr. 2l and died Dec. 30, l876 of scarlet fever.

242 5-9. Charles Webster Melton. Born Sept. l5, l877 Kirksville, Adair Co, Mo.; died Apr. 29, l970 near Rio, Knox Co., Ill.; bur. Ontario Cemetery. Married Grace Coziahr Dec. 2l, l904, Rio, Ill. She was born July 4, l879, Rio, Ill.; died Aug. 20, l966; buried Ontario, Ill. Three children, Hazel, Wilson and Ernest. He was a farmer.

6-l. Hazel Violet Melton. Born and died Dec. 20, l905, Rio, Ill.; bur. Ontario, Ill.

6-2. Wilson Walter Melton. Born Feb. 2l, l909, Rio, Ill. Married (l) LaVonne Robertson May l7, l932, Rio, Ill. She was born Sept. 17,1912, Rio. Ill. and died Aug. 25,1966; buried Baptist Cemetery, Rio, Ill. Four children, Kathryn, John, Barbara and Dale. Married Doria L. Lucan, Nov. 25, 1970, Galesburg, He was a tool and die maker with the Admiral Corp., Galesburg, Ill.

7-l. Kathryn Joan Melton. Born Dec. l6, l932, Galesburg, Ill. Married Maynard Dewitt Adams, son of Stanley Adams and Marie Thulline, Feb. 27, l953, Rio, Ill. He was born Jan. l, l934. Three children, Judith, Kathryn and Richie. She was a bookkeeper at Sampson Implement Co., Galesburg, Ill. He was a superintendent of the Plastic Dept. at Admiral Corp., Galesburg, Ill. Lived, l975, Galesburg, Ill.

8-l. Judith Lynn Adams. Born Jan. l6, l954, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Kathryn Ann Adams. Born June l5, l956, Galesburg, Ill.

8-3. Richie Dale Adams. Born June 29, l956, Galesburg, Ill.

7-2. John Louis Melton. Born May l0, l935 Galesburg, Ill. Married Barbara Eileen Stuart July 29, l956, Galesburg, Ill. She was born May 7, l937, Peoria, Ill. Two children, Kim and Tame. Divorced. He was a supervisor at Gale Products, Galesburg, Ill. and she was a clerk at the Daily Register Mail at Galesburg, Ill.

8-l. Kim Michael Melton. Born Sept. l0, l957, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Tami Lynn Melton. Born Sept. 25, l959, Galesburg, Ill.

7-3. Barbara Ann Melton. Born Jan. 23, l937 Knox Co., Ill. Married (l) Bruce Lewis Stuart, son of Bruce Stuart and Theo Tabb, Aug. 4, l957, Gales burg, Ill. He was born May 9, l935. Two children, James and Julie. Divorced. Married (2) Robert Duane Hoskins, son of Neil Hoskins and Violet Stocker, July l7, l965 Macomb, Ill. He was born Aug. ll, l933, Bishop Hill, Ill. One child, Jill. She was a bookeeper at Oneida Telephone Co., Oneida, Ill. Lived, l990, Galesburg, Ill. and he was a carpenter.

8-l. James Bruce Stuart. Born Oct. l5, l958, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Julia Ann Stuart. Born Dec. 23, l959, Galesburg, Ill.

8-3. Jill Duane Hoskins. Born Jan. 22, l966, Galesburg, Ill.

7-4. Dale Arthur Melton. Born Nov. l8, l945, Galesburg, Ill. Married (l) Jo Ann Pottorf Oct. 8, l965, Rio, Ill. She was born Feb. l9, l947. One child, Shelly. Married (2) Sandra Rae McGraw Pierce, Nov. l0, l968, Oneida, Ill. Two children, Kevin and Robin. He worked at the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Ill.

8-l. Shelly Ann Melton. Born Sept. l6, l963, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Kevin Dale Melton. Born Dec. 9, l970, Galesburg, Ill.

243 8-3. Robin Renee Melton. Born June l7, l973, Galesburg, Ill.

6-3. Ernest Wayne Melton. Born June 3, l9l3, Rio, Ill. Married Mary Parmelia McCone Feb. 2, l932, Galesburg, Ill. She was born Feb. 6, l9l3, Galesburg, Ill. Three children, Beverly, Charles and Jerry. Farmer. Lived, l990, Galesburg, Ill.

7-l. Beverly Jean Melton. Born Mar. l0, l933, Galesburg, Ill. Married (l) Robert Lon Courson June 6, l952, Abingdon, Knox Co., Ill. He was born Sept. 6, l932; two children, Debbie and Mary; Married (2) James Junior Hens ley, son of James Lee Hensley and Arad Brown, June l, l963, Galesburg, Ill. He was born Apr. l3, l929 Prairie City, Ill.; two children, Luanna and LaDon na. Lived, l975, East Brunswick, N. J. Robert Courson worked at the Admiral Corp., Galesburg, Ill.; James Hensley worked as a maintenance man for Wyndmoor Apartments.

8-l. Debbie Jean Courson. Born Jan. l5, l953, Galesburg, Ill. Married Gary Lee Stegall Mar. l8, l972, Abingdon, Knox Co., Ill. He was born Jan l95l. No children. She worked at Admiral Corp., Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Mary Roxanne Courson. Born Apr. l7, l954, Galesburg, Ill. Mar ried Gary Lee Pence July l2, l974, Galesburg, Ill. He was born Apr. 26,1951; no children. She worked at the Jack and Jill Grocery, Knoxville, Ill. They lived, l975, Mobile City, Knox Co., Ill.

8-3. Luanna Lou Hensley. Born July ll, l965, Avon, Fulton Co., Ill.

8-4. LaDonna Jo Hensley. Born June 25, l967, Galesburg, Ill.

7-2. Charles Leroy Melton. Born Sept. 28, l935 Galesburg, Ill. Married Helen Jane Burkhalter Jan. l0, l954, Abingdon, Knox Co., Ill. She was born Dec. l5, l936. Four children, Vickie, Sheryl, Christine and Mark. Divorced. Remarried Helen Jane Burkhalter Dec. l4, l968, Cameron, Knox Co., Ill. He was a farmer.

8-l. Vickie Lynn Melton. Born July 3, l954, Galesburg, Ill. Married Daniel Keith Dickenson, son of Kenneth Max Dickinsen and Patricia Seaman, Oct. 20, l97l, Galesburg, Ill. He was born Mar. 29, l953, Galesburg, Ill. One child, Eric. Divorced. She was a Nurse's Aid, Knox Co. Nursing Home, Knox• ville, Ill. He worked at Admiral Corp., Galesburg, Ill.

9-l. Eric Lee Dickinsen. Born Jan. 7, l972, Galesburg, Ill.

8-2. Sheryl Kay Melton. Born Apr. 30, l956, Galesburg, Ill.

8-3. Christine LeRue Melton. Born Feb. 6, l96l, Galesburg, Ill.

8-4. Mark LeRoy Melton. Born Nov. l9, l962, Galesburg, Ill.

7-3. Jerry Wayne Melton. Born Dec. 4, l944, Galesburg, Ill. Married Patricia A. Dye, July 28, l963, Kahoka, Mo. She was born Nov. l3, l946. Two children, Randy and Michelle. Married (2) Colleen Karen Allen, Honolulu, Hawaii. He was a mechanic with Illinois Power Co. and Melton's Garage. Lived, l989, Rt. 3, Rio, Ill., 309-462-5238.

8-l. Randy Lee Melton. Born and died Feb. l4, l965, Galesburg, Ill.; bur. Abingdon Cem.

8-2. Michelle Renna Melton. Born Feb. l4, l965, Abingdon, Ill.; died July 9, l966, Galesburg, Ill.

244 5-l0. Vinnie Lavinia Melton. Born Oct. 26, l883, Green Castle, Mo.; died June 2l, l972. Married William Wallace Johnson, July 5, l900, Milan, Mo. He was born June l8, l878, Mystic, Mo.; died Jan. l7, l95l, Green Castle, Mo. Twelve children, Frank, Eva, Lucy, Hadley, Hazel, Helen, Andrew, Corean, Victor, Lenna, Harvey and Harper.

6-l. Frank G. Johnson.

7-l. Glen Johnson. Died in infancy.

7-2. Fern Johnson. Married Robert Love.

7-3. Waylan Johnson. Married Dora Clark. Four children, Linda, Larry, Charlotte and Wayne.

8-l. Linda Johnson. Married Lee Kennedy. One child, Kari.

9-l. Kari Lea Kennedy.

8-2. Larry Johnson.

8-3. Charlotte Johnson.

8-4. G. Wayne Johnson.

7-4. Wilma Johnson. Married Richard Newman. One child, Shelly.

8-l. Shelly Newman.

7-5. Elbert Cecil Johnson. Married Jolene Grabosch. Four children, Lonnie, Tonya, Geral and Taryn.

8-l. Lonnie Johnson.

8-2. Tonya Johnson.

8-3. Geral Johnson.

8-4. Taryn Jo Johnson.

7-6. Delbert Cecil Johnson. Married Martha True. Three children, Debra, Brenda and Christopher.

8-l. Debra J. Johnson. Married Jack Edward McClain.

8-2. Brenda Joyce Johnson.

8-3. Christopher Delbert Johnson.

7-7. Verle Imogene Johnson. Married Vernon Rhodes. Two children, Donnie and Kirsty.

8-l. Donnie Rhodes.

8-2. Kristy Rhodes.

7-8. Albert Wayne Johnson. Died infancy.

7-9. Walter C. Johnson. Married (l) Rosette Major. One child, Pamela; (2) Joyce Woods.

8-l. Pamela Johnson. 245

7-l0. Shirley Corean Johnson. Married Robert Ross. One child, Tamera.

8-l. Tamera Ross.

7-ll. Wanda Johnson. Married Basil Roof. One child, Jeffrey.

8-l. Jeffrey Todd Roof.

6-2. Eva Ruth Johnson. Born Feb. l8, l904 at Green City, Mo.; died Dec. l7, l904; buried Green Castle, Mo.

6-3. Lucy Irene Johnson. Born May 25, l906, Green City, Mo.; died July ll, l9l4; buried Green Castle, Mo.

6-4. Hadley Willard Johnson. Born Oct. 4, l908, Green City, Mo. Married Fleda May Jacobs Mar. 25, l929, Milan, Mo. She was born Dec. 4, l9ll at Butte, Mo. Five children, Jolene, William, Edith, John and Gordan.

7-l. Holene Ruth Johnson. Married Kenneth B. Campbell. Two children, Corean and Ceresa.

8-l. Corean Ruth Campbell.

8-2. Ceresa Jolene Campbell.

7-2. William Perry Johnson. Married Carolette M. Haggy. Four children, Trina, Tony, Mike and Lana.

8-l. Trina Elaine Johnson.

8-2. Tony Wayne Johnson.

8-3. Mike Lane Johnson.

8-4. Lana Gay Johnson.

7-3. Edith Ramona Johnson. Married Jerry C. Granling. Two children, Ramona and Jerry.

8-l. Ramona Granling.

8-2. Jerry C. Granling.

7-4. John Clinton Johnson. Died infancy.

7-5. Gordan L. Johnson. Married Barbara E. Sevier. One child, Jeffrey.

8-l. Jeffrey Lee Johnson.

6-5. Hazel Johnson. Born Oct. 30, l9l0, Green City, Mo.; died Aug. 30, l9l4; buried Green Castle, Mo.

6-6. Helen Marie Johnson. Born Mar. l8, l9l3, Green City, Mo. Married (l) Elmer Walker Mar. l8, l933, Milan, Mo. He was born Jan. l, l909, Green City, Mo.; died May 6, l96l; buried Green Castle, Mo. One child, Deloris. (2) Richard Stone, Nov. l962. Born Trenton, Mo., July 26, l9l3.

7-l. Deloris A. Walker. Married Jerald Rinehart. One child, Leanna.

8-l. Leanna Diane Rinehart.

246 6-7. Andrew E. Johnson. Born June 28, l9l5, Green City, Mo. Married Earla Surprise Mar. 30, l940, Bear Creek, Wis. She was born June l4, l92l at Bear Creek, Wis. Four children, Andrew, Hazel, Kathryn and Norman.

7-l. Andrew E. Johnson, Jr. Married Leah Belle Haggy. Two children, Derlin and Andrea.

8-l. Derlin Lee Johnson.

8-2. Andrea Dwan Johnson.

7-2. Hazel May Johnson. Married John J. Lewis. Three children, Eddy, Donnie and Connie.

8-l. Eddy Joe Lewis.

8-2. Donnie Dale Lewis.

8-3. Connie Diane Lewis.

7-3. Kathryn Vinnie Johnson. Married Fred Burress, Jr. Two children, Reggie and Michelle.

8-l. Reggie James Burress.

8-2. Michelle Rene Burress.

7-4. Norman Lee Johnson.

6-8. Corean Ann Johnson. Born Nov. 27, l9l7, Green City, Mo. Married (l) William Jones, Los Angeles, Calif. Killed in World War II. (2) Wesley Merri field, l946, Milwaukee, Wis. He was born l90l, Abilene, Kas. Divorced.

6-9. Victor Will Johnson. Born July 26, l920, Campo, Colo.; died Aug. l937; buried Green Castle, Mo.

6-l0. Leonne Belle Johnson. Born Mar. 2l, l922, Green City, Mo. Married (l) Jeffrey Clubb, l945, Phoenix, Ariz. He was born Mesa, Ariz.; one child, Jerry. Divorced l950. (2) Ernest Hastings, l954, Phoenix, Ariz. He was born in New York.

7-l. Jerry Dean Cluff. Married Karia, last name not known. One child, Karrie.

8-l. Karrie Cluff.

6-ll. Harvey Dick Johnson. Born Dec. l, l925 at Green Castle, Mo.; died May 9, l926; buried Green Castle, Mo.

6-l2. Harper Tom Johnson. Born Dec. l, l925, Green Castle, Mo.; died Mar. l7, l929; buried Green Castle, Mo.

5-ll. Frank Melton. Born Sept. 4, l885, Green Castle, Mo.; died Apr. ll, l945; buried Eldora, Mo. Married Lillie Minnie Payne Aug. 2l, l904, Milan, Mo. Born June l5, l888, Green Castle, Mo.; died Nov. 9, l955; buried Eldora, Mo. Eight children, Gale, Alice, Earl, Charles, Helen, Dorothy, Eva and Walter.

6-l. Gale Basil Melton. Born Oct. 6, l905, Green Castle, Mo. Married Mari Ziebell, Nov. 3, l936, Des Moines, Ia. She was born Sept. l, l906, Hubbard, Iowa. One child, Richard. 247

7-l. Richard Frankie Melton. Married Marilyn K. Arnold. Five children,Dane, Roxann, Richard, Kimberly and Stacy.

8-l. Dane Mark Melton.

8-2. Roxann Justine Melton.

8-3. Richard Tracy Melton.

8-4. Kimberly K. Melton.

8-5. Stacy Marie Melton.

6-2. Alice Evelyn Melton. Born Nov. l8, l907, Green Castle, Mo. Married Lawrence J. Strass Sept. l2, l930, Eldora, Iowa. He was born Oct. 2l, l908, Eldora, Iowa.

6-3. Earl Melton. Born Jan. 2, l909, Green Castle, Mo. Married (l) Rose Mackie Dec. l5, l926, Eldora, Iowa. She was born Sept. l0, l907, Union, Iowa. Two children, Merlin and Marvin. (2) Eula Lee Lovell; no children.

7-l. Merlin J. Melton. Married (l) Marjorie M. Hirst; three children, Betty, Lee and Meda; (2) Margaret A. Tiger; five children, Lawrence, Rose, Earl, Melissa and Penny.

8-l. Betty Jane Melton.

8-2. Lee Charles Melton.

8-3. Meda Marie Melton.

8-4. Lawrence Michael Melton.

8-5. Rose Ann Melton.

8-6. Earl Walter Melton.

8-7. Melissa Gail Melton.

8-8. Penny Kay Melton.

7-2. Marvin E. Melton. Married Marcelene L. Bickel. Five children, Sharen, Deborah, Richard, Eugentia and Teresa.

8-l. Sharen Lynn Melton.

8-2. Deborah Ann Melton.

8-3. Richard Earl Melton.

8-4. Eugentia Rose Melton.

8-5. Teresa Gail Melton.

6-4. Charles Luther Melton. Born Feb. l3, l9ll, Conrad, Iowa. Married Ruby Marie Hensley. Born Sept. ll, l9l5, Stahl, Iowa. Four children, Robert, Joyce, Frankie and Virginia.

7-l. Robert C. Melton. Marrie Lois Ann Gibson. Three children, Patri cia, William and Brenda.

248 8-l. Patricia Ann Melton.

8-2. William Eugene Melton.

8-3. Brenda Lee Melton.

7-2. Joyce Ann Melton. Married John Wesley Wailes. Three children, Jacquelyn, Jay and Janell.

8-l. Jacquelyn Susan Wailes.

8-2. Jay Wesley Wailes.

8-3. Janell Diane Wailes.

7-3. Frankie Richard Melton. Died infancy.

7-4. Virginia Ellen Melton. Married Wendell C. Snook. Two children, Joseph and Robert.

8-l. Joseph Allen Snook.

8-2. Robert Arden Snook.

6-5. Helen Irene Melton. Born Mar. 24, l9l3, Conrad, Iowa; died Aug. l3, l923; buried New Providence, Iowa.

6-6. Dorothy Darlene Melton. Born Oct. l9, l9l6, Rio, Ill. Married (l) Curtis Irwin Hensly Apr. 2l, l934, Grundy Center, Iowa. He was born July 7, l9l4, Stahl, Iowa; died Feb. 2, l964; buried Marshalltown, Ia. Two children, Ronald and Shirley. (2) Carl L. Alexander; no children.

7-l. Ronald Dean Hensley. Married Phyllis J. Kennedy. Seven children, James, Teri, Lesa, Kelly, Kris, Mimi and Lori.

8-l. James Curtis Hensley.

8-2. Teri Sue Hensley.

8-3. Lesa Jo Hensley.

8-4. Kelly Dean Hensley.

8-5. Kris Edwin Hensley.

8-6. Mimi O'Ruth Hensley.

8-7. Lori Dorcus Hensley.

7-2. Shirley Mae Hensley. Married Gail Frank Goodrich. Two children, Kathy and Tammy.

8-l. Kathy Lynn Goodrich.

8-2. Tammy Sue Goodrich.

6-7. Eva Lucille Melton. Born May l5, l9l8, New Providence, Iowa. Mar ried (l) Carroll George Large Mar. l6, l936, Marshalltown, Iowa. He was born Dec. l6, l9ll, Marshalltown, Iowa. Three children, Caroline, Lille and Mary. (2) Albert Rich; no children.

249 7-l. Caroline F. Large. Married Everett C. Blackwood. Three children, Mary, Jean and Brian.

8-l. Mary Lance Blackwood.

8-2. Jean Elaine Blackwood.

8-3. Brian John Blackwood.

7-2. Lille Pearl Large. Died infancy. 7-3. Mary Ann Large. Married William B. Mahedy. Four children, There sa, Michele, William and Julie.

8-l. Theresa Lynn Mahedy.

8-2. Michele Lee Mahedy.

8-3. William Brian Mahedy.

8-4. Julie Ann Mahedy.

6-8. Walter Everett Melton. Born Feb. 2l, l920, New Providence, Iowa. Married (l) Betty Brow Aug. 5, l944, Gross Ile, Mich. She was born July 2l, l9l8 at Gross Ile, Mich. Two children, Leonard and Walter. (2) Laretta E. Cornwell.

7-l. Leonard Claire Melton. Married Kathleen E. Hughes.

7-2. Walter E. Melton II. Married Lan Rae Ternet.

5-ll. Arthameshia Lutz. Born June l4, l880.

250 Descendants of Mary Magdalene Pfrimmer and Frederick Kenoyer

3-7. Mary Magdalene Pfrimmer. Born Pennsylvania July l4, l797; died June 29, l865 Newton Co., Ind.; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery about four miles north of Kentland, Ind. Married Frederick Kenoyer, son of Rev. John and Elizabeth Kenoyer Dec. 5, l8l7 in Harrison Co., Ind. by Abraham Hiestand. He was born Jan. l0, l794 in Adams Co., Pa. and died June 2l, l865 in Newton Co., Ind.; buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Eight children: Jeremiah, Jacob, Silas, Reuben, Susannah, Abiram, Maria and Flora.

Frederick Kenoyer came to Harrison Co., In. from Pennsylvania as a small boy with his parents. He served as a teamster in the War of l8l2. He became a United Brethren minister and an abolitionist. In l827 he joined the Miami Conference of the United Brethren Church at Corydon, Ind. and in l830 became a Charter Member of the Indiana Conference. He was ordained the same year and assigned to the Orange Circuit where he served two years. In l832 he was assigned to the Cole Creek Circuit. In l833 he was not given work but con tinued to live on his farm near Corydon, land that was deeded to him by his brother Jacob and consisted of the south half of section l5, township 3 south, range 4 east, all lying near Pfrimmer's Chapel.

To reach his appointments Frederick Kenoyer traveled 200 miles on horseback, taking him more than two weeks to make the round trip. He carried German Bibles and hymn books with a few personal articles in his saddle bags. The first year he received $l6.l0 in money for his work as pastor but the follow ing year he had so pleased his people that they raised the amount to $68.25. No preacher drew a salary in the early days but accepted the free-will offer ings as people were able to give.

He organized Buck's Chapel, later called Musselman's and Fredonia in Decatur County, Ind. and at least fifteen other organizations in southern Indiana. The names of these churches are not now known. In the spring of l83l Aaron Rawlings bought a tract of land about one mile east of Annapolis, Parke Coun ty, Ind. and erected a pioneer dwelling on this land. He organized a Sunday school in his home but could find no minister to preach. In the spring of l832 he found Rev. Frederick Kenoyer at Veedersburg and made arrangements for him to do the preaching. A class was established in l833 with ten members and in l834 the first frame church in Indiana was erected there. It was still standing in l945. Camp meetings began in l834, the result of crowds too large for accommodations in the church. These were held every year for more than a quarter of a century.

Frederick Kenoyer was transferred to Wabash Conference in l835 and assigned to Pine Creek Circuit, Warren Co., Ind. on the Wabash. The following year the attenders at a camp meeting raised $36 so that he could pay the debts of his family back home and stay and be their preacher for the following year. During that year he moved his family to the Wabash, somewhere near Veeders burg, Ind. In l836 he moved with his family from the Wabash to Jasper Co., Ind. and settled on the north side of the Iroquois River about four miles north of the town of Kentland, near what is now the county farm. Here he entered several hundred acres of government land and built a log house from the timber on his land. He had brought with him a limited supply of flour and sugar and although he had no other food supplies he found it possible to furnish his table well as deer were found in great abundance. The Indians were still camped along the river and deer and buffalo came to the salt licks in front of his house. His young orchard had to be protected from the buffa lo.

Soon after the log house was finished, Reverend Kenoyer in l837 built the first church building in the county, the log U. B. Church on his own land and close to his home. It was 20x30 feet with an eight foot ceiling. The build ing did not have a nail in it nor any iron. The floors and doors were made of 251 puncheon, the latter being hung by wooden hinges. The seats were of split logs with pegs driven into them for legs. The pulpit was very high. The roof was made of clapboards about three feet long. These were sawed in Jacob Kenoyer's sawmill on Spitler's Creek and were held in place by great logs called "weight poles."

When services were held at night each family attending brought a saucer of grease in which was placed a rag wick. This furnished the necessary light. In later years candles molded from tallow were used. The old log church was mother of all the U.B. Churches in the county - Mt. Zion, River Chape, North Timber, Brook and Morocco - as well as churches throughout eastern Illinois. Frederick Kenoyer was in the vanguard among the newly established homes in Iroquois County, Illinois. He organized a U.B. Society at the Jess Eastburn home, one of the earliest settlers in the county, and from this lowly begin ning soon flourished active societies in many homes and school houses thro out that and surrounding territory extending north to Beaver, south to Deca tur, west to Bloomington and east to Remington, Ind. He was active in the ministry until his death in l865.

Soon after the town of Kentland, Indiana was laid out (l860), Frederick Kenoy er organized a U.B. Society and erected a church at the County Seat - the first church building in the new town. The lumber and materials were hauled and a greater part of it contributed by the Kenoyer family. Both he and his son, Jacob A., preached in the new church as well as in the hotel before the church was completed.

Frederick Kenoyer was active in the civil and political life of the county as well; he was elected one of the first commissioners of Jasper County in l837. In that year he was also chosen a delegate to the General Conference of his Church at Germantown, Ohio. He became a charter member of Illinois Confer ence, at Mackanaw Chapel, Lexington, Illinois in l845 and Charter Member of the old Upper Wabash Confernce in l859. In l864 he decided to sell his farm and after an extended visit among his children to give his entire efforts to the church. In the spring of l865 he sold the farm and with his wife went to Kansas to visit their son Abiram and daughter Christina Timmons. Their return trip was by boat on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, for they had planned to visit relatives near New Albany, Indiana. Frederick was taken very sick while on the boat and soon died. Mary, his wife, sent a telegram to their son, Jacob A., apprising him of his father's death. When she returned home with her husband's body she was sick and completely exhausted. She died eight days after her husband.

4-l. Jeremiah Kenoyer. Born Nov. 22, l8l9 Harrison Co., Ind.; died Aug. 3, l906 Albion, Whitman Co., Wash. Married Elizabeth Ann Cuppy of Benton County, Ind., Apr.26, l840, Jasper Co., Ind. She was born Jan. ll, l82l in Ohio and died Oct. l, l905, Albion, Whitman Co., Wash. Both buried at Guy-Albion Ce metery, Albion, Wash. Thirteen children: Firman, Jacob Antrim, Mary Cathe ine, Flora Ann, Clarinda, Eunice Elizabeth, Louise Maria, James Frederick, George Cuppy, Alice Ellen, Lillie May, John Pfrimmer and Lottie Eudalia. Three of their children were ministers; one son-in-law, two grandsons and one granddaughter were ministers.

Jeremiah Kenoyer moved with his parents and family to Jasper County, Ind. l836. He was converted that year and in l839 began to preach. His first preaching was on the Kankakee River in Illinois; he received his first license to exhort in the U. B. Church November l842 in the Iroquois Circuit in Jasper Co. He was sent to Wisconsin Territory where he preached for three years, was ordained and elected Presiding Elder. He stayed there until l852 when he went to Oregon.

Jeremiah Kenoyer and Elizabeth Cuppy were married when he was l9 and she was l6 while he was working for his father on the home farm in Newton Co., Ind. 252 He continued working for his father until he became of age. They were given a small building of one room in which to live; it had been a smoke house and was not too desirable for a home. The two eldest children were born there. Elizabeth and her mother-in-law did not get along too well because Elizabeth had been working in a hatter's shop when she met and married Jeremiah. Be cause she worked for money in a public place she was considered a disgrace. In December l846 Frederick and Mary Kenoyer conveyed 40 acres of land in Jasper Co. to Jeremiah and Elizabeth.

In l853 Jeremiah Kenoyer and family went to Oregon as a co-helper with Rev. T. J. Conner as missionaries. He volunteered to go. They left home in the spring of l853, went to Cincinnati and by boat to Keokuk, Iowa. Reached Council Bluffs May 3, l853. Sixteen more families were waiting there to accompany them. Were 98 persons in the company. Went by prairie schooners drawn by ox-teams. Reached Ft. Laramie on the Platte June l7, l853 and reached their destination Oct. 9, l853, 6 months and l8 days from the start. The first money raised in the U.B. Church for foreign missions in l849 was for the Oregon missions, resulting in this trip.

They arrived in Oregon territory at Foster, Ore. and Jeremiah and his family went to the home of his cousin Rev. Jesse Harritt, a son of his father's sister, Mary Kenoyer Harritt, who lived near Salem. There the family lived in a log cabin on the Harritt farm until spring. He split rails and chopped wood for their living; he preached every week night and twice on Sunday in the homes of the new settlers in the Willamette Valley. In the spring of l854 they took a claim in Yamhill County near the Indian village of Grindround. General Sheridan was stationed there with a company of soldiers to protect the white settlers. Lived there for five years but were troubled so much by the Indians that they sold the farm and moved to Sublimity, Oregon.

Jeremiah Kenoyer established several churches at Oregon City, Forest Grove, Yamhill and Philomath. He was an ardent friend of Christian education, not only for ministers but for the children of all. He founded Sublimity College at Philomath in Marion County, Oregon, taking up subscriptions in cash and material to build it. Then he sent to the Church in the east for a teacher for the school. A man by the name of Wright was sent, the father of Orville and Wilbur Wright, who became a U. B. Bishop. After Jeremiah Kenoyer moved to Washington he founded Western Seminary at Huntsville and Edwards College at Albion. He took up the first subscription to found Whitman College at Walla Walla, Washington which he turned over to Rev. Ellis.

After arrival of the missionary families to Oregon - families of Kenoyer, T. J. Conner, James Edwards and J. J. Gallaher - they divided the new territory into missionary districts, with the Willamette River as the dividing line. Competition developed between Conner and Kenoyer. Conner took the east side, that most thickly settled and Kenoyer the west side. With his sons, Firman and Jacob, Jeremiah organized churches and the school and new settlers started to move there. Conner started agitation to have the school moved to his side and finally Kenoyer agreed. However, he then moved his family to a new local ity.

In l868 the family moved to Washington Territory to Guy, later Albion. A stone church at Albion is dedicated to his memory; it was mostly donated by him. Jeremiah Kenoyer was a doctor. He began to study medicine himself and for many years was recognized as a successful practitioner, especially in treating cancer. He purchased a cancer recipe and improved it. He also made his own prescriptions for cures of a number of diseases and was successful in applying them. His descendants have one of his doctor books.

An obituary of Dr. Kenoyer appears in the Religious Telescope, the publication of the United Brethren Church, Sept. 5, l906.

253 5-l. Firman Kenoyer. Born l84l on his grandfather Kenoyer's farm in Newton Co., Ind.; died l863 when he drowned in the Willamette River in Oregon. Married Nancy Haas. They had one child. When a child of twelve Firman Kenoy er went west with his parents. Here he learned to make furniture and worke in the first furniture factory in the State of Oregon while learning the trade. He was a hunter and trapper and worked for the Hudson Bay Company out of Ft. Vancouver, Wash. Two major events in his life happened while on hunt ing expeditions, one when he was captured by Indians and the other when he drowned.

In the first of these he and a neighbor had been to Canada to the Columbia River headwaters to look for a trading site and were on their way home coming down the river by boat. The boat upset in the Grand Coulee Gorge in the rapids north of where Nenatches, Wash. is now located. Firman had noticed an Indian camp about ten miles back on the further side of the river and he decided to go back there. He called to his companion to follow him and then started swimming to the farther shore. His companion started toward the nearer shore. Firman finally made the far shore after he had drifted down stream for more than a mile, but when he reached the bank and looked back his partner was gone, apparently drowned.

Firman dried his clothes and then started toward the Indian camp. There was snow on the ground and he had lost his shoes; he arrived at the camp exhaust ed. He did not know if they were friendly Indians or not. They were of the Okinogan Tribe. He picked out the largest wigwam as probably belonging to the Chief, walked in and squatted down, Indian fashion, by the fire. He motioned the Chief that he was hungry and found that he could understand some of the language. After much agrument the Chief ordered the squaws to feed the white man. After eating, Firman walked oaver to a large pile of skins, pulled a blanket over him and pretended to sleep. However, he listened to the India talking about him, holding a council to decide whether or not to kill him. Many younger Indians decided that it was the only thing to do, but the Chief decided otherwise, saying that Firman was a brave man to go to sleep among his enemies and if they killed him his ghost would return to haunt them. The Indians kept Firman through the winter and gave him a gun to help them hunt game for food. He was a good shot and the Chief adopted him and wanted him to marry his daughter, but Firman put him off. When spring came Firman told the Chief he should go home and see his father since he would be worrying about him. The Chief finally told him to go and return and bring all his people with him and live with the Indians. When Firman finally did return he found his people had given him up for lost.

At another time Firman and a friend were crossing the Willamette River to hunt deer. Their boat overturned. His companion could not swim. Firman got him to the boat to hold on and then started swimming to the shore for help. The river was high and he never reached the shore. This took place near the mouth of the Sanitan River. The river was searched many times for his body but he was not found for more than a month.

6-l. ______Kenoyer; died in l877.

5-2. Jacob Antrim Kenoyer. Born Sept. 3, l844 on his father's farm in Newton Co., Ind., five miles north of Kentland. Died Jan. 5, l933 in Whitman Co., Wash. Buried Albion, Wash. He was named for his father's brother, Rev. Jacob Antrim Kenoyer. Married Mattie Costin of Walla Walla, Wash. He asked his church later for a divorce and it was granted "for just cause." He then married Sarah Elizabeth Anderson, who had previously married Francis Reed in l867 who had died in l869. She was born in l852, crossed the plains at two months of age and died in l933 in Albion, Wash.; she was buried there. They had one child, Dora. Sarah Anderson Reed also had a child by her previous marriage, Isabelle Reed, born in l869, who grew up in the Kenoyer home.

254 When three years of age Jacob Antrim Kenoyer moved with his parents to a Wisconsin mission field. In l853 they moved to the Willamette Valley of Oregon territory, crossing the plains by wagon train. He started preaching at the age of l6. He was in the Civil War, serving in Company C., First Oregon Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted Dec. 8, l864 and served in coastal defense, stationed at Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Wshington until Oct. 3l, l865. In l868 he moved to Walla Walla, Wash. and in l883 to Whitman Co., Wash. where he took a homestead at Glenwood. Here he farmed for many years. He was ordained a minister in the United Brethren Church by Bishop Edwards in l874 and became a presiding elder, serving in that office for 4 years. He General Conference of l897. He preached at many places as a circuit rider in the U. B. Church "of the old constitution." During the last l8 years of his life he was an invalid, unable to walk.

6-l. Dora Kenoyer. Born in l873; died in l878 of diptheria. Both she and Isabelle Reed died within a few days of each other from the same illness.

5-3. Mary Catherine Kenoyer. Born Feb. 26, l845 in Indiana; died Nov. 4, l906 at home of daughter near Myrtle, Idaho; buried Gifford, Idaho. Married William Marlatt son of ______Marlatt and Elizabeth Scott in l86l in Linn Co., Oreg. He was born l836 and died l9l2 Gifford, Idaho. She migrated to Oregon in l853 with her parents. William Marlatt's father died in l852 while crossing the plains and was buried on the Platte River; his wife was buried at Jefferson, Oregon. Thirteen children: Nancy Jane, Peter Perry, Thomas Lin coln, Ella, William Roswell, John Milton, Florence, Elsie, Esmond Dempster and

6-l. Nancy Jane Marlatt. Born Feb. l7, l862 Independence, Ore.; died Nov. 4, l9l6. Married William Maurice Cattron Jan. 8, l882. He was born Jan. 23, l855 Des Moines, Iowa. Eight children: Clara, T. Marion, Ernest, Walter, May, Delbert, Ruby and Lola. She lived (l945) Caldwell, Idaho.

7-l. Clara E. Cattron. Born Nov. 5, l882 Huntsville, Wash. Married Laverne M. Robinson. He was born Sept. l2, l88l at Ada, Kas. Three children, Earl, Lois and Walter. Lived (l945) Caldwell, Idaho.

8-l. Earl M. Robinson. Born Sept. l2, l904, Asotin, Wash.

8-2. Lois Ida Robinson. Born Jan. 3l, l907, Asotin, Wash. Married Walter A. Skelton dec. l8, l929. He was born March l5, l904. Three children, Lavern, Warren and Ralph.

9-l. C. Lavern Skelton. Born Dec. l3, l930, Payette, Idaho.

9-2. Warren P. Skelton. Born Mar. 30, l932, Caldwell, Idaho.

9-3. Ralph A. Skelton. Born Nov. ll, l933, Caldwell, Idaho.

8-3. Walter H. Robinson. Born Jan. 26, l9l0, Asotin, Wash. Married Lela Johnston Aug. 29, l930. She was born Sept. 7, l9ll, Cascade, Idaho. Three children, Margaret, Oleta May and Orval Dean.

9-l. Margaret Robinson. Born Aug. 7, l93l, Payette, Idaho.

9-2. Oleta May Robinson. Born Mar. 3, l933, Boise, Idaho.

9-3. Orval Dean Robinson. Born Nov. 28, l934; died Jan. l3, l935.

7-2. T. Marion Cattron. Born Feb. 26, l884 Huntsville, Wash.; died Apr. 25, l885.

7-3. Ernest M. Cattron. Born Nov. 5, l885. Married (l) Elsie M. Camp bell Aug. l, l907; she died l908. Married (2) Ruby Campbell Jan. 2l, l9l4. 255 She was born Nov. 6, l898. One child, Glen.

8-l. Glen M. Cattron. Born June 24, l9l7, Lewiston, Idaho.

7-4. Walter M. Cattron. Born July l4, l887, Huntsville, Wash.; died June 27, l9l4. Married Edith M. Van Camp June 4, l9ll. She was born in l896 at Wallula, Wash. Three children, Harold, Etta May and Mable Fay.

8-l. Harold R. Cattron. Born July l4, l9l2 Flora, Ore. Married Elsie Mace Aug. l935. She was born May 27, l9l3.

8-2. Etta May Cattron. Born Dec. 7, l9l3 Flora, Ore.

8-3. Mable Fay Cattron. Born Dec. 24, l9l4 Flora, Ore. Married Roy L. Adams Dec. 6, l935.

7-5. C. May Cattron. Born Sept. 9, l889 Huntsville, Wash. Married Alonzo P. Hulse June l4, l908. He was born July l7, l88l Saline Co., Neb. Five children: Marion, Luella, Mary, Leonard and Ruby.

8-l. Marion S. Hulse. Born Apr. l8, l909 Flora, Ore. Married Geneva M. Coffman Sept. 22, l934.

8-2. Luella May Hulse. Born July 3, l9l2 Flora, Ore. Married Elmer L. Kivett June 2l, l929. Two children, Phyllis and Richard.

9-l. Phyllis M. Kivett. Born Aug. l2, l93l, Medford, Ore.

9-2. Richard H. Kivett. Born June l8, l933, Jacksonville, Ore.

8-3. Mary Katherine Hulse. Born Aug. l2, l9l4 Flora, Ore. Married Clinton W. Rountree Dec. 22, l934. One child, Arnold. He was a logger.

9-l. Arnold W. Roundtree. Born July l8, l935, Applegate, Ore.

8-4. Leonard P. Hulse. Born Jan. 3, l9l6 Flora, Ore.

8-5. Ruby Myra Hulse. Born Sept. 9, l9l8 Flora, Ore. Married Percy J. Beard Jan. 5, l935. One child, Christine. He was a logger.

9-l. Christine E. Beard. Born June 30, l936 Lyons, Ore.

7-6. Delbert M. Cattron. Born Mar. 22, l893 Huntsville, Wash. Married Stella Talbot Nov. 3, l920. Four children, Margaret, Louise, Delbert and Ward.

8-l. Margaret E. Talbot. Born Aug. 5, l92l, Lewiston, Idaho.

8-2. Louise J. Talbot. Born Nov. 7, l922, Lewiston, Idaho.

8-3. Delbert J. Talbot. Born May l, l924, Lewiston, Idaho.

8-4. Ward L. Talbot. Born Sept. 28, l925, Lewiston, Idaho.

7-7. Ruby O. Catton. Born Nov. 27, l894 Huntsville, Wash. Married Walter A. Rogers Nov. l7, l920. He was born in Iowa; was a farmer. Five children: Lola, Alvah, Irene, Wilma and Ernest.

8-l. Lola M. Rogers. Born Oct. l92l, Eagle, Id.; married a Sawyer.

8-2. Alvah M. Rogers. Born July 3l, l924, Eagle, Id.

256 8-3. Irene T. Rogers. Born July 30, l927, Eagle, Id.

8-4. Wilma B. Rogers. Born Dec. 26, l929, Eagle, Id.

8-5. Ernest H. Rogers. Born Nov. 2, l93l, Eagle, Id.

7-8. Lola E. Cattron. Born Sept. l3, l900 Flora, Ore. Married Jacob Anton "Tony" Britt, son of Christopher Britt and Marie Pfifner of Switzerland, Aug. 30, l9l9. He was born May 9, l889, came to America in l9l4, served in the U.S. Army during World War I and later became a naturalized citizen. Six children, Frederick, Mary, Dean, Anthony, Lola and Robert. He was a farmer.

8-l. Frederick Anton Britt. Born Jan. 5, l92l, Kimberly, Idaho. Married Iola June Stearns. She was born Dec. 7, l922 at Twin Falls, Idaho. Three children,Beth, Edward and Christine.

9-l. Beth Maxine Britt. Born Apr. 22, l950, Twin Falls, Id.

9-2. Edward De Alton Britt. Born Dec. 22, l95l Twin Falls, Id.

9-3. Christine Marie Britt. Born Aug. l, l958 Twin Falls, Id.

8-2. Mary Elizabeth Britt. Born May l7, l922, Kimberly, Idaho. Mar ried Vinson Raymond Alford. He was born Apr. 3, l92l, New Orleans, La. Two children, Vinson and Bryon.

9-l. Vinson Anton Alford. Born Aug. 9, l946.

9-2. Bryon Britt Alford. Born Sept. l0, l95l.

8-3. Harold Dean Britt. Born Sept. 30, l924, Kimberly, Idaho. Married Mildred Evelyn Malone. She was born Aug. 2, l927. Two children, Phyllis and Janet.

9-l. Phyllis Evelyn Britt. Born May 25, l956.

9-2. Janet Ann Britt. Born Jan. l9, l958.

8-4. Anthony Emil Britt. Born Mar. 2l, l926, Kimberly, Id.

8-5. Lola Mae Britt. Born Apr. 25, l928, Kimberly, Id. Married Leo nard Asbury Winkle. He was born Aug. 27, l92l, Filer, Id. Six children, Pamela, David, Diana, Leonard, Michael and Theresa.

9-l. Pamela Jean Winkle. Born Sept. 22, l948, Moscow, Id.

9-2. David Ryan Winkle. Born June l2, l950, Weiser, Id.

9-3. Diana Lynn Winkle. Born Sept. l5, l95l, Weiser, Id.

9-4. Leonard Allen Winkle. Born Dec. l7, l952, Rupert, Id.

9-5. Michael Anton Winkle. Born June l0, l954, Rupert, Id.

9-6. Theresa Marie Winkle. Born Apr. 3, l956, Rupert, Id.

8-6. Robert Earl Britt. Born Apr. 5, l930, Kimberly, Id.

6-2. Peter Perry Marlatt. Born Sept. ll, l963, Linn Co., Ore.; died Oct. l898, Albion, Wash. Married Sadie Broyls in l887. Four children, Laura, Roy, Charles and a fourth.

257 7-l. Laura Marlatt. Born Mar. 22, l888; died May 25, l9l2 at Pendleton, Ore. Married (l) a Riley in l905. One child, Leon. Married (2) Archie Wells Bowman Dec. 25, l9ll, Vincent, Oregon. No children.

8-l. Leon Riley. Born Dec. l2, l906. Married and two children, Laura and Patricia.

9-l. Laura Riley. Born May l7, l930.

9-2. Patricia Riley. Born Mar. 27, l937.

7-2. Roy Neal Marlatt. Born Dec. 5, l889. Married a Gullett May 29, l920. Three children, Joyce, Uynona and Donald. Lived Wenatche, Wash.

8-l. Joyce Aangelea Marlatt. Born Nov. 6, l92l; died Feb. l3, l936.

8-2. Uynona Jean Marlatt. Born May 2l, l923.

8-3. Donald Raymond Marlatt. Born July 3, l924.

7-3. Charles E. Marlatt. Born l893. Married Mary A. Relley Aug. 30, l933. He was in the Civil Service. Lived National City, Calif.

7-4. ______Marlatt.

6-3. Thomas Lincoln Marlatt. Born Sept. l, l865, Linn Co., Ore. Married Martha Scroggins. They had no children. Lived, Ritter, Ore.

6-4. Ella Marlatt. Married Jack Hull. He died. She remarried. Lived Ashland, Ore.

6-5. William Roswell Marlatt. Born Mar. 29, l869. Not married. Lived Orifino, Id.

6-6. John Milton Marlatt. Born Jan. 23, l87l, Dayton, Wash.; died Mar. l, l945 Freewater, Ore.; bur. Milton, Ore. Cemetery. Married Ruby Estelle Shaw Jan. 22, l898, Walla Walla, Wash. She was born May 26, l872. Five children, Nellie, Beatrice, Audrey, Rebecca, Maynard and Beryle. He was a United Breth ren minister. Was converted at Albion, Wash. June l894 and received a confer ence license in the Church June l894 from Elder J. A. Kenoyer. Was received into the annual conference June l895 from Elberton, Wash. Was presiding elder four years in his home conference, five years in Utah, one in South Idaho and one in North Idaho. Was ordained in l902 at Gallahers Grove, Umapine, Bishop H. L. Barkley. His first appointment was Waterville Mission, west of Spokane, Wash.; his last was Umapine, his home church from l944 to the time of his death. Was a delegate to the General Conference five times. During this time he attended school two years at Washington Seminary and two years at Edwards College. Was elected statistical secretary of his conference, l899- l908, and recording secretary l908-l940, except for one year. Was a member of the General Conference four sessions.

7-l. Nellie Celesta Marlatt. Born Nov. l6, l898. Married William Franklin Parker July 3, l920, Pendleton, Ore. He was born May 2l, l890. Seven children, Bernardine, John, Mary, Audrey, Wilma and Maynard. She grad. Ellensburg, Wash. Normal School l9l7 and taught school one year. He was a farmer and soldier in World War I.

8-l. Bernardine Fay Parker. Born June 4, l92l Umatilla County, Ore. Married Charles Thomas McKinzie June l939. One child.

8-2. William Marlatt Parker. Born Jan. 3, l923. Married Barbara Louse Newbill Nov. l953. 258

8-3. John Milton Parker. Born Oct. l0, l926; died Dec. l, l926.

8-4. Mary Beatrice Parker. Born Dec. l, l927 Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Carroll LeRoy Romine Dec. l4, l945.

8-5. Wilma Celesta Parker. Born May 24, l930 Umatilla Co, Ore. Married Edwin Dean Burdette Aug. l4, l948. He died Apr. 28, l960.

8-6. Audrey Lynette Parker. Born May 6, l932, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Ashley Dwaine Lee.

8-7. Maynard Cleave Parker. Born Mar. 2l, l934, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Charlene Demae Jackson, Sept. 4, l954.

8-8. Charles Marlatt Parker. Born Sept. 30, l938.

7-2. Beatrice Faye Marlatt. Born Dec. l0, l900, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Ernest Robison Jordan, s. John and Rose Jordan, Dec. 22, l9l9, Walla Walla, Wash. He was born July 2, l893. Five children, Leland, Ernest, Rosa llee, Gilbert and Milton. She took nurses training before marriage. He was a veteran of World War I and later held a position in the Veteran's Hospital, Walla Walla, Wash.

8-l. John Leland Jordan. Born Jan. 8, l92l, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Delpha ______.

8-2. Ernest Robison Jordan. Born Jan. l6, l924, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Alice Harper.

8-3. Rosalee Jordan. Born Mar. 8, l926, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Don Lockhart.

8-4. Gilbert Wallace Jordan. Born Apr.4, l93l, Walla Walla, Wash. Married Diane ______.

8-5. Milton Dale Jordan. Born Nov. 3, l933, Walla Walla, Wash.

7-3. Audrey Rebecca Marlatt. Born Apr. l, l905, Umatilla Co., Ore.; died Feb. 27, l922; a life-long invalid.

7-4. Maynard Lowell Marlatt. Born Oct. l, l905, Umatilla Co., Ore. Married Mildred Edlya Brandon, d. Edley Brandon and Frances Kathryn Schamp, in l930, Walla Walla, Wash. She was born Aug. 27, l9l2. Four children, Lowell, Glenda, Don and Boyd. Grad. high school, attended Oregon State College and entered the ministry. Was admitted to the annual conference at Walla Walla, Wash. Became a farmer and sheep raiser.

8-l. Lowell Wayne Marlatt. Born Oct. l6, l932, Umapine, Ore. Married Betty Delores Walden Aug. 5, l95l, Umapine, Ore. She was born Apr. 23, l933, d. Theodore Roosevelt Walden and Doris Frances Wicks. Two children, Timothy and Debra.

9-l. Timothy Wayne Marlatt. Born Mar. 27, l953, Walla Walla, Wash.

9-2. Debra Frances Marlatt. Born Dec. l0, l954, Walla Walla, Wash.

8-2. Glenda Frances Marlatt. Born Apr. l7, l934; died July 23, l948.

8-3. Don Milton Marlatt. Born Apr. 25, l946, Walla Walla, Wash.

8-4. Boyd Alvin Marlatt. Born Sept. l9, l950, Walla Walla, Wash. 259

7-5. Beryle Avis Marlatt. Born Mar. 7, l9l2. Married Charles Busick McLim, son of Clarence McLim and Gertrude H. Busick, May 24, l938, Vancouver, Wash. He was born Sept. l3, l907. She grad. Eastern Oregon Normal in l933. Both were school teachers.

6-7. Florence Marlatt. Born Dec. 6, l873, Dayton, Wash.; died Mar. 29, l930, Jacksonville, Ore. Married Franklin Andrew Brown June l0, l895, Colfax, Wash. Six children, Lottie, Florence, unnamed girl, Michael, Benjamin and Leslie. Married H. C. Miller Apr. 7, l9l9.

7-l. Lottie Ann Brown. Born May 20, l898 Guy, Wash. Married Archie Wells Bowman Oct. l2, l9l3, Pendleton, Ore. Four children, Ida May, Lorne, David, Franklin and Elmer.

8-l. Ida May Bowman. Born Sept. 5, l9l7, Weiser, Id.

8-2. Lorne David Bowman. Born Jan. 8, l9l9, Weiser, Id.

8-3. Franklin Archie Bowman. Born Dec. l, l92l, Weiser, Id.

8-4. Elmer Elroy Bowman. Born Apr. l0, l928, Jacksonville, Ore.

7-2. Florence Idaho Brown. Born May ll, l897, Florence, Id. Married Benjamin Benjamin. One son, Arthur.

8-l. Arthur Benjamin. Born Feb. l0, l922.

7-3. Girl, unnamed, born and died June l7, l899.

7-4. Michael Brown. Born July l6, l900, Mt. Idaho, Id. Died Oct. 26, l900.

7-5. Benjamin Franklin Brown. Born Feb. l0, l902, Mt. Idaho, Idaho. Married Lillian May Douthitt Aug. 5, l924, Minneapolis, Minn.; died Sept. 23, l934. Three children, Mary Jean, Florence and Benjamin.

8-l. Mary Jean Brown. Born Mar. l4, l925, Minneapolis, Minn. 8-2. Florence Ann Brown. Born June 24, l927, Minneapolis, Minn.

8-3. Benjamin Franklin Brown. Born Mar. 29, l930, Minneapolis, Minn.

7-6. Leslie Howard Brown. Born Nov. 2l, l905, Lewiston, Idaho. Married Verna Saling Aug. l, l925, Weiser, Idaho. Three children, Bobby, Jackie and Gary.

8-l. Bobby Maxine Brown. Born Mar. l3, l925, Jacksonville, Ore.; died Aug. 25, l930.

8-2. Jackie Leo Brown. Born Oct. 26, l93l, Weiser, Id.

8-3. Gary Elmer Brown. Born May l3, l933, Weiser, Id.

6-8. Elsie Marlatt. Born Nov. 6, l879. Married Wilbur Elra Spivy. He was born Mar. l5, l865. Five children, Hattie, Wilborn, Lawrence, Milo and Edna. Lived (l945) Kamiah, Id.

7-l. Hattie Cordelia Spivy. Born Feb. 25, l903. Married Daniel White Jan. 3, l922. Three children, Wilborn Elsie and Arlo. Married John Karlberg Feb. l4, l937.

8-l. Wilborn Glenn White. Born Dec. 20, l923. 260

8-2. Elsie Luella May White. Born July 2, l925.

8-3. Arlo Laverne White. Born Dec. 27, l929.

7-2. Wilborn Leslie Spivy. Born Nov. l6, l904; died Feb. 2, l908.

7-3. Lawrence Allison Spivy. Born Feb. 27, l906.

7-4. Mill Elra Spivy. Born Mar. 25, l9l0.

7-5. Edna Ellen Spivy. Born Aug. 2, l9l6. Married Lavern Story Jan. 3, l933. Three children, Larry, Norman and Wilborn.

8-l. Larry Warren Story. Born June 29, l934.

8-2. Norman Duane Story. Born Dec. l2, l935.

8-3. Wilborn Eugene Story. Born Dec. 2l, l937.

6-9. Esmond Dempster Marlatt. Married; one son; lived White Bird, Idaho.

7-l. ______Marlatt. Lived Moscow, Id.

6-l0 - 6-l3. Four other children.

5-4. Flora Ann Kenoyer. Born Nov. 2, l846, Jasper Co., Ind.; died July 30, l920, Albion, Wash. Married (l) Daniel Edson Tower, son of Hall Tower, a United Brethren minister and Sarah Edson, Feb. l, l863, Douglas Co., Ore. He was born July 25, l835, Indiana; died May l, l879. Nine children, Louisa, Elmer, Mary, Lula, Ulysses, Orilla, Alvin, Orman and Daniel. Married (2) William Riley Bartlett Nov. l887, Vancouver, Wash. He was born Nov. 3, l835; died Dec. l90l; bur. Vancouver, Wash. One son, William. In l892 they moved back to the old homestead at Walla Walla, Wash. They later sold it and moved to Leland, Id. Divorced l900. Married (3) R. M. Campbell, a Civil War Veter an, lst Co., ll8th Ohio Vols., l903, Albion, Wash. They both died there, he in l9l6 and she in l920.

6-l. Louisa Jane Tower. Born and died Oct. 5, l864, Marion Co., Ore.

6-2. Elmer Wayland Tower. Born Sept. 4, l865 Walla Walla, Wash.; died l940; bur. Barstow, Calif. Married. One daughter, Julia.

7-l. Julia May Tower. Lived Phoenix, Ariz in May l923.

6-3. Mary Anora Tower. Born Sept. l5, l867, Walla Walla, Wash. Married Seawright Starry, Oct. 22, l885. He was born Oct. l885 in Pa. Three child ren, Harry, Alice and Sybil. Lived Chewela, Wash.

7-l. Harry Starry. Born July 22, l888, Walla Walla, Wash.

7-2. Allen Starry. Born Oct. 26, l89l. A doctor. Lived 23l9 Douglas St., Sioux City, Iowa.

7-3. Sybil Starry. Born Apr. l8, l893. Married.

6-4. Lula Alice Tower. Born Mar. 30, l869 and died Apr. 7, l870, Walla Walla, Wash.

6-5. Ulysses Hull Tower. Born Feb. ll, l87l and died Sept. 3l, l879, Walla Walla, Wash. 261

6-6. Orilla Tower. Born Nov. 7, l873; died July 28, l873.

6-7. Alvin Jeremiah Tower. Born Dec. l6, l874; died Feb. 9, l888, Cheney, Wash.

6-8. Orman Lester Tower. Born Feb. 26, l877; died Oct. 3l, l879, Walla Walla, Wash.

6-9. Daniel Elson Tower. Born Feb. 2, l879. Married Gladys Pearl Meyers, d. Mahlon Charles and Hattie Meyers, Dec. 26, l904, Walla Walla,Wash. She was born July l3, l882, Ashland, Ohio. Four children, Carl, Harold, Veta and Hattie. Lived l30l Kamiaken, Pullman, Wash.

7-l. Carl Harry Tower. Born Sept. l3, l905, Pullman, Wash. Married Mary B. Walker, Andrews, N. C. One child, John. Lived Rt. #4, Raleigh, N. C.

8-l. John Daniel Tower. Born July 3l, l944.

7-2. Harold Edson Tower. Born May l2, l907, Pullman,Wash. Married Ceclia Kennedy, Colfax, Wash., Nov. 28, l929. She was born June 2l, l908, Portland, Ore. Three children, Louis, Harold and Earl. Lived 204 Ash St., Pullman, Wash.

8-1. Louis Edson Tower. Born July22,l933, Pullman, Wash. Harried Grace Hayden, Nov. 22, l956. She was born July l7, l934. One son, Daniel.

9-l. Daniel Edson Tower. Born June 27, l957, Pullman, Wash.

8-2. Harold Lavont Tower. Born June 27, l937, Pullman, Wash.

8-3. Earl Windell Tower. Born Nov. 30, l943.

7-3. Veta May Tower. Born May 28, l908. Married Daniel H. Jacobsen Dec. 25, l929, Brookings, S. D. Three children, Daniel, Merle and Bettie. She worked at a library, Des Plaines, Ill. and lived 32l Stratford Rd., Des Plaines, Ill.

8-l. Daniel Tower Jacobsen. Born Oct. l932, Brookings, S. D.

8-2. Merlyn Ann Jacobsen. Born Oct. l934, Brookings, S. D. Married a Jacobsen and had two children.

8-3. Betty Jean Jacobsen. Born Oct. l936, Brookings, S. D.

7-4. Hattie Florence Tower. Born Sept. 2l, l9ll, Pullman, Wash. Mar ried Louis D. DeLean, Chehalis, Wash., s. Joseph DeLean and ______Eastman, June 22, l932. Three children, Daryl, Genie and John. Lived 536 Tilden Ave., Teaneck, N. J.

8-l. Daryl Leon DeLean. Born Mar. l935, Brooklyn, N. Y.

8-2. Genie DeLean.

8-3. John DeLean.

6-l0. William Bartlett. Born Jan. l4, l889, Philomath, Ore. Married Annie Kristing Anderson Sept. l3, l908, Glenco, Minn. She was born Oct. 29, l887, St. Paul, Minn. Nine children, Sadie, Alvin, Clifford, Cline, Ernest, infant son, William, Clayton and Emmajean. Libed Albion, Wash.

262 7-l. Sadie Marie Bartlett. Born Oct. 20, l909. Married Walter J. Brooks, s. Charles Brooks, Dec. 23, l934. Three children, Edna, Ruby and Anna. Was registered nurse, Colfax, Wash. hostpital. Lived Pullman, Wash.

8-l. Edna Lucille Brooks. Born Nov. 2, l935, Pullman, Wash.

8-2. Ruby Ellen Brooks. Born Feb. 2, l938, Pullman, Wash.

8-3. Anna Catherine Brooks. Born Feb. 6, l940, Pullman, Wash.

7-2. Alvin Wesley Bartlett. Born June l0, l9l4, Ft. Benton, Mont. Married Lillian Johnson, d. A. T. Johnson of Potlatch, Id., July 27, l937. Three children, Connie, Lillie and Marlene.

8-l. Connie Lorean Bartlett. Born Mar. l6, l938, Potlatch, Id.

8-2. Lillie Louise Bartlett. Born June l2, l940.

8-3. Marlene Lenore Bartlett. Born Oct. 3l, l94l.

7-3. Clifford Riley Bartlett. Born July 30, l9l6. Married Ruth Marga ret Fultz Apr. 25, l94l.

7-4. Cline Raymond Bartlett. Born July 30, l9l6. Married Maxine Prat er, d. Orvil Prater and Mamie Taylor, June 29, l936. Three children, Cline, Lillian and Patricia. He was paratrooper, World War I.

8-l. Cline Robert Bartlett. Born Mar. 7, l938.

8-2. Lillian Irene Bartlett. Born Mar. 5, l940.

8-3. Patricia Bartlett. Born Mar. 9, l94l.

7-5. Ernest Wilbur Bartlett. Born Oct. 30, l92l, Albion, Wash.

7-6. Infant son, born and died, Dec. l, l923, Albion, Wash.

7-7. William Wayne Bartlett. Born Apr. 7, l925, Albion, Wash.

7-8. Clayton Donald Bartlett. Born Feb. l3, l928; died Jan. 23, l930, Albion, Wash.

7-9. Emmajean Emmeretta Bartlett. Born Jan. l7, l930.

5-5. Clarinda Jane Kenoyer. Born Sept. l6, l849 in Wisconsin; died June 9, l934, Ft. Steilacoom, Wash. Married James Birney Hoskins, s. Dillon Hoskins and Rachel Emry, July 24, l864 in Marion Co., Ore. He was born June 29, l842, in Jefferson Co., Iowa; died June 30, l892, Umatilla Co., Ore.; bur. Valley cemetery near Umapine, Ore. He was a farmer. Eleven children, Firmin, infant girl, Emery, Evalyn, Mary, Frank, Ira, Nellie, Martha, Charles and Jesse.

6-l. Firmin Lincoln Hoskins. Born June 8, l867, Scio, Linn. Co., Ore.; died Feb. l8, l935, Myrtle, Id.; bur. Albion, Wash. Married Minnie A. Simoton Dec. l8, l892. She was born Jun ll, l868, Cass Co., Iowa; died Mar. 22, l955, Lewiston, Id. Four children, Beulah, Amelia, Gladys and Grace. He had pre paratory education at Washington Seminary, Huntsville, Wash. and was student at Philomath College in Oregon, l884-85. Taught in public schools of Oregon, Washington and Idaho and began active ministry l888. Received a DD at Central College, Huntington,Ind. l905; his MA in l9l0. Became prinicipal of Washington Seminary. Was ordained a minister in the U. B. Church in l895; was presiding elder seven years and made a bishop l905; in l925 became bishop emeritus. Was president of Central College in Indiana in l9ll and later resigned. Became 263 president of Edwards College, Albion, Wash. and later resigned. Was one of founders of the first normal school in eastern Oregon, at Western, and taught there for several years. Was a Progressive Republican. Author of various pamphlets and composed gospel songs. Was a life-long student of the Bible prophecies and believed that he had made many discoveries. Was an avid reader and gathered an extensive library of books of art and literature. Loved flowers and plants and grew many. In l920 lived at Juliaetta, Idaho and in l928 Myrtle, Id. [See biography in Who's Who, l920 ff.]

7-l. Beulah Elizabeth Hoskins. Born Aug. 27, l894, Pilot Rock, Ore. Married (l) Ira Noval Luce, son of Isaac Luce and Lorinda Petty, Dec. 3l, l9l2, Lewiston, Idaho. He was born Feb. l8, l889 and died Aug. 4, l944. Twelve children, Firmin, Dean, Clara, Isaac, Minnie, LeRoy, Gweene, Mary, Doris, Betty, Charles and Christina. Married (2) Earl Lamping June 9, l945; he died Apr. 7, l946. Married (3) George Larson June l7, l947. He was born Feb. 25, l897.

8-l. Firmin Lincoln Luce. Born Nov. l, l9l3, Ft. Benton, Mont. Married Mabel Bye and Janetta Cole. Three children, Charles, Lillian and Donald.

9-l. Charles Adolph Luce. Born Moscow, Id.

9-2. Lillian Louise Luce. Born Mar. 8, l94l, Moscow, Id.

9-3. Donald LeRoy Luce. Born Huntington, Ore.

8-2. Dean Emory Luce. Born Sept. l8, l9l5, Albion, Wash.

8-3. Clara Elizabeth Luce. Born Apr. 2l, l9l7, Albion, Wash.; died Feb. ll, l956 at Myrtle, Id. Married Dennis (Dee) Kada McKay Apr. 20, l937, Clarkston, Wash. He was born Oct. 5, l909, Myrtle, Idaho. Five children, Robert, Kay, Patricia, Carrol and Dennis.

9-l. Robert Herbert McKay. Born Feb. 4, l937, Kendrick, Id. Mar• ried Maxine Mael Aug. ll, l956. Three children, Kim, Karrie and Karlia.

l0-l. Kim Marie McKay. Born Apr. 4, l959, Seattle, Wash.

l0-2. Karrie McKay. Born Apr. l6, l96l, Spokane, Wash.

l0-3. Karlia McKay. Born Apr. l6, l96l, Spokane, Wash.

9-2. Kay Alene McKay. Born Oct. l8, l938, Nez Perce, Id. Married Harold Stinnette Covey June l, l956, Lapawi, Id. He was born Oct. 3l, l934, Lewiston, Id. Four children, Denise, Herold, Pamela and Patricia.

l0-l. Denise Alene Covey. Born Mar. 7, l957, Seattle, Wash.

l0-2. Herold Raymond Covey. Born Aug. 24, l958, Torrence, Calif.

l0-3. Pamela Jean Covey. Born Oct. l0, l959, Redwood City, Calif.

l0-4. Patricia Ann Covey. Born Dec. 20, l96l, Lewiston, Id.

9-3. Patricia Joan McKay. Born Oct. 22, l939, Myrtle, Id. Married James Robert Moses Mar. 8, l957. He was born Feb. 28, l933, Lewiston, Id. Three children, Terry, Brenda and Becky.

l0-l. Terry Lynn Moses. Born Oct. 4, l957, Lewiston, Id.

l0-2. Brenda Sue Moses. Born Jan. l4, l960, Frankfurt, Ger. 264

l0-3. Becky Joy Moses. Born June 26, l962, Ft. Lewis, Wash.

9-4. Carrol Alice McKay. Born Oct. 25, l943. Married at Clarkston, Wash. One child, Donald.

l0-l. Donald Lesher McKay. Born June 5, l962, Tacoma, Wash.

9-5. Dennis Lee McKay. Born Aug. 24, l944, Clarkston, Wash.

8-4. Isaac Kenoyer Luce. Born May 27, l9l9, Albion, Wash. Married Esther Wright Oct. 3, l938, Port Orchard, Wash. She was born Dec. 5, l9l8, Lapawi, Id. Two children, Viola and Larry.

9-l. Viola Esther Luce. Born May l2, l940, Lewiston, Id. Married Gregory Lowell Yochum. Three children, Gregory, Teresa and Catherine.

l0-l. Gregory Lowell Yochum, Jr. Born July 8, l959, Lewiston, Id.

l0-2. Teresa Irene Yochum. Born Feb. l8, l960, Lewiston, Id.

l0-3. Catherine Annette Yochum. Born Mar. 28, l96l, Moscow, Id.

9-2. Larry Dean Luce. Born Oct. 2l, l942, Orofino, Id.; died Aug. 5, l962, Yakima, Wash.

8-5. Minnie Alyeene Luce. Born Mar. 28, l92l, Albion, Wash. Married Clarence Calvin Wright July l, l94l, Nez Perce, Id. He was born July 4, l920, Elgin, Ore. Two children, Jerry and Connie.

9-l. Jerry Lee Wright. Born Oct. l5, l942, Orofino, Id.

9-2. Connie Jean Wright. Born Apr. 26, l954, Elgin Air Force Base, Fla.

8-6. LeRoy Noval Luce. Born Apr. 30, l923; died May l3, l923, Ju liaetta, Id.

8-7. Gweene Evelyn Luce. Born June 24, l924, Myrtle, Id. Married (l) Ernest Lelidies Marley Aug. 24, l94l, Nez Perce, Id. He was born Feb. l9, l900. Three children, Sarah, Ernest and Sandra. Divorced Jan. l4, l947. Married (2) Max Wayne Mains Mar. l, l948. He was born Oct. l4, l922 Oakes dale, Wash. Two children, Linda and Karen.

9-l. Sarah May Marley. Born Aug. 29, l942; died May 3, l946 Cotton wood, Id.

9-2. Ernest Leroy Marley. Born Nov. 29, l943, Cottonwood, Id.

9-3. Sandra Lee Marley. Born June 5, l945, Cottonwood, Id. Married and had one child, Yancy.

l0-l. Yancy Marley. Born Mar. 20, l962, Coeur d'Alene, Id.

9-4. Linda Gweene Mains. Born Oct. 3, l948, Clarkston, Wash.

9-5. Karen Belle Mains. Born Oct. l3, l949, Clarkston, Wash.

8-8. Mary Pearl Luce. Born July l9, l926, Juliaetta, Id.; died May 8, l949, Twin Falls, Id. Married Charles Malcolm July l0, l944; married Charles Mulkey.

265 8-9. Doris May Luce. Born and died Aug. 27, l928, Southwick, Id.

8-l0. Betty Jean Luce. Born Oct. l3, l929, Elk River, Id. Married Jack Donavan Hicks.

8-ll. Charles Jonathan Luce. Born Dec. 28, l93l, Elk River, Id. Married Jancie Marlene Lincoln Aug. 28, l954, Lewiston, Id. She was born July l2, l936, Lewiston, Id. Two children, Charles and Julene.

9-l. Charles Winston Luce. Born Nov. l2, l955, Spokane, Wash.

9-2. Julene Janice Luce. Born May 26, l957, Clarkston, Wash.

8-l2. Christine Alice Luce. Born Apr. 2, l934, Lewiston, Id. Married (l) Sheldon Knowles, l952, Boise, Id. He was born May l930 at Franklin, N. H. Three children, Pauline, Debra and Stanley. Divorced May l957. Married (2) Mose Van Pelt.

9-l. Pauline Alice Knowles. Born Nov. 8, l953, Escandido, Calif.

9-2. Debra Ann Knowles. Born Mar. 3, l954, California.

9-3. Stanley Norval Knowles. Born Apr. l0, l955, Clarkston, Wash.

7-2. Amelia May Hoskins. Born Jan. 22, l897, Milton, Ore. Married Dean Luce, son of Isaac Knox Luce and Lorinda Petty, June l8, l9l9, Juliaetta, Id. He was born Feb. 22, l898, Four Mile, Wash. Three children, Dean, William and Carol. He was a graduate of West Point Military Academy and was a colonel in the U.S. Army, stationed, Washington, D. C. Lived ll07 W. Jackson, Olympia, Wash.

8-l. Dean Hoskins Luce. Born Jan. 27, l92l, Ft. Ward, Wash. Married Maxine Glendred Beachum Dec. 2l, l944. She was born Oct. 22, l926, Marsh ville, N. C. Three children, Robert, Andrea and Cheryl.

9-l. Robert Dean Luce. Born July 22, l947, Hampton, Va.

9-2. Andrea Kay Luce. Born Feb. 24, l95l, Moscow, Id.

9-3. Cheryl Denice Luce. Born May 22, l959, Hampton, Va.

8-2. William Clinton Luce. Born Jan. l8, l928, Seattle, Wash. Mar ried Betty Hughes Hestand May l8, l95l, Olympia, Wash. She was born Mar. l0, l933, Jones, Okla. Four children, Carolina, Julie, Paul and Megan.

9-l. Caroline Lee Luce. Born July l7, l953, Olympia, Wash.

9-2. Julie Ann Luce. Born May l8, l955, Olympia, Wash.

9-3. Paul Hoskins Luce. Born Mar. ll, l96l, Olympia, Wash.

9-4. Megan Kathleen Luce. Born Apr. 8, l962, Olympia, Wash.

8-3. Carol June Luce. Born June l3, l930, Seattle, Wash. Married (l) Clarence David Finger June l7, l950. He was born Sept. 22, l9l3, Marysville, Tenn. One child, Carol. Divorced Apr. l953. Married (2) Raleigh Howard Hays Oct. 25, l953. He was born Mar. 30, l909 and died Dec. l9, l962, Iola, Kas. Three children, Phyllis, Philip and Marjorie.

9-l. Carol May Finger. Born Dec. l6, l950, Olympia, Wash. Married Richard Alfo Watson. One child, Donald.

266 l0-l. Donald Richard Watson. Born Apr. 30, l958, Olympia, Wash.

9-2. Phyllis Arlene Hays. Born July 8, l954, Olympia, Wash.

9-3. Philip Carl Hays. Born May l8, l955, Olympia, Wash.

9-4. Marjorie Ann Hays. Born June 25, l958, Olympia, Wash.

7-3. Gladys Leona Hoskins. Born May 4, l899, Big Eddy, Id. Married Asa Merritt Calvert, son of George Kenoyer and Louisa Calvert, Aug. 9, l9l7, Twin Falls, Id. He was born Dec. 5, l89l, Fairfield, Wash. Two children, Clema and Milo.

8-l. Clema Calvert. Born May l8, l920, Twin falls, Id. Married (l) Charles B. Starkey Dec. l8, l938. He was born July l5, l9l9, Jacksonville, Ark. Divorced Jan. 9, l952. Married (2) Kenneth Erwin May 3, l957, Lewiston, Id. Divorced l96l.

8-2. Mila Alden Calvert. Born June ll, l922, Juliaetta, Id. Married Marjorie Buttery June l0, l950, Jiuliaetta, Id. She was born Apr. 7, l929, Cragmont, Id.; died July 6, l955, Helena, Mont. Married Barbara Mae Dyer June 3, l956, Coeur d"Alene, Id. Three children, Daniel, Karolyn and Robert.

9-l. Daniel Alden Calvert. Born Feb. 3, l957, Coeur d'Alene, Id.

9-2. Karolyn Melody Calvert. BornMar. 20, l96l, Spokane, Wash.

9-3. Robert Merrit Calvert. Born Aug. 3, l962, Spokane, Wash.

7-4. Grace Evelyn Hoskins. Born Dec. 22, l909, Juliaetta, Id. Married Ortin Wilbur Fix, s. Ira Wilbur Fix and Pearl Elizabeth Dygert, Oct. 26, l933, Dayton, Wash. He was born Jan. 24, l908, Fix Ridge, Juliaetta, Id. Three children, Vernon, Burton and Stanley. She grad. from Lewiston Normal College, Lewiston, Id. and Huntington College, Huntington, Ind. He received a business education at Lewiston, Id., Business College. After some years in business he took up work in the ministry, taking education at Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Id. and Central College, Huntington, Ind. During these school years he also held small pastorates and became well-known as an evangelist. Entered the ministry of the United Brethren Church in December l930. At the request of church members in the California Conference he went west in l936 and ac cepted the presiding eldership of the California Conference. In l943 became pastor of the U. B. Church, Glendale, Calif. Lived l875 Cadillac Drive, Pomona, Calif.

8-l. Vernon Hoskins Fix. Born Feb. l6, l935, Huntington, Ind. Mar ried Jeannette McCarley June l956, Pomona, Calif. Two children, Sharon and Charlene.

9-l. Sharon Marguerite Fix. Born Mar. 27, l959, San Jose, Calif.

9-2. Charlene Grade Fix. Born July l96l, Pomona, Calif.

8-2. Burton Byron Fix. Born Apr. 28, l939, Sacramento, Calif.; died Mar. 24, l950, Pomona, Calif.

8-3. Stanley Newell Fix. Born Nov. 7, l950, Pomona, Calif.

6-2. Infant girl, died young.

6-3. Emery Edward Hoskins. Born Aug. 30, l868; died Oct. l, l905 in Idaho. Married Juella Chapman July l, l89l; four children, Lillie, Jennie, Angus and Lester. Married Sophia Katherine Watts; two children, Nellie and Emery. 267

7-l. Lillie Hoskins. Died young.

7-2. Jennie Hoskins. Died young.

7-3. Angus Allen Hoskins. Married Myrtle Belle Britt and had five children, Wayne, Darrell, Allen, Loretta and John. Lived l7l6 Main, Lewiston, Idaho.

8-l. Wayne Howard Hoskins. Born Aug. l2, l95l, Fossil, Ore. Married Wanda Jane Johnson, d. John Lee Johnson and Florence Mae Stevens, Dec. l4, l94l, Kendrick, Id. She was born May l7, l920, Kendrick, Id. Five children, Howard, Sharon, Gloria, Victor and Wanetta.

9-l. Howard Wayne Hoskins. Born Mar. 4, l943, Juliaetta, Id. Mar ried Ann Lorene Gunnerson Apr. l8, l964. One child, Steven.

l0-l. Steven Howard Hoskins. Born Feb. l6, l969, Redmond, Wash.

9-2. Sharon Rose Hoskins. Born Aug. 29, l944, Juliaetta, Id. Married Rev. William Ray Johnston June l0, l966. He was born Aug. 7, l943, Wray, Colo. One child, William.

l0-l. William Wayne Johnston. Born Nov. l5, l969, Hermiston, Ore.

9-3. Gloria Jane Hoskins. BornJuly 30, l948, Lewiston, Id. Married Andrew R. Cook May 4, l968, Culdesac, Id.

9-4. Victor Coy Lee Hoskins. Born May l8, l95l, Lewiston, Id. Married Nanette Greene Feb. l, l970. One child, Donald Greene, by a previous marriage, born May 24, l967 at Twin Falls, Id. They had one child, Robin.

l0-l. Robin De Ette Hoskins. Born Nov. 2l,1970.

9-5. Wanetta Glee Hoskins. Born Apr. l6, l959, Clarkston, Id.

8-2. Darrell Emery Hoskins. Born Nov. l7, l922, Wheeling Co., Ore. Married Elizabeth Lorene Pea Oct. ll, l942, Lewiston, Id. She was born June 29, l927. Four children, Barbara, Darrell, Michael and Timothy.

9-l. Barbara Carol Hoskins. Born Nov. l0, l944. Married Terrance Allen Finley. Two children, Richard and Scott.

l0-l. Richard Allen Finley. Born Oct. 6, l964.

l0-2. Scott Douglas Finley. Born Apr. 29, l966.

9-2. Darrell Paul Hoskins. Born May 3l, l946, Lewiston, Id. Married Cleatis Elaine Slape Apr. 30, l966, Prineville, Ore. Two children, Daniel and Brant.

l0-l. Daniel Paul Hoskins. Born June l8, l968, Pendleton, Ore.

l0-2. Brant Douglas Hoskins. Born Mar. l6, l970, Pendleton, Ore.

9-3. Michael Allen Hoskins. Born Aug. 25, l949, Prineville, Ore. Married Iva Marie Harnden Dec. 7, l968.

9-4. Timothy Vern Hoskins. Born July 22, l956, Prineville, Ore.

8-3. Allen Walter Hoskins.

268 8-4. Loretta Hoskins.

8-5. John Lorin Hoskins. Born Oct. 3l, l927, Gifford, Id.; died Feb. ll, l962, Portland, Ore. Married Ruth Dudley June l0, l945, Lewiston, Id.

7-4. Lester Hoskins.

7-5. Nellie Katherine Hoskins. Married Dan Fisk.

7-6. Emery Edward Hoskins II. Born Nov. l8, l905; died Sept. 26, l965, Louisville, Ky. Married Elizabeth Hall, Aug. ll, l937. Three children, Emergy, Frank and Ralph. He was superintendent of the Kentucky Children's Home, Louisville, Ky.

8-l. Emery Edward Hoskins III. Born Nov. l8, l939, Oldham Co., Ky. Married Gwynne LaVon Poynter Apr. l0, l960. She was born July l7, l94l in Boyle Co., Ky. Two chldren, Angela and Sheri.

9-l. Angela Gwynne Hoskins. Born Jan. 6, l96l, Louisville, Ky.

9-2. Sheri Lynn Hoskins. Born Dec. l2, l96l, Louisville, Ky.

8-2. Frank Addison Hoskins. Born May 8, l942, Oldham Co., Ky. Mar ried Charlotte Jane Watson May 29, l96l. She was born May 6, l944 in Louis ville, Ky. Three children, Frank, Kevin and Wesley.

9-l. Frank Addison Hoskins, Jr. Born Sept. 2, l964, Louisville, Ky.

9-2. Kevin Roger Hoskins. Born Sept. 26, l967, Louisville, Ky.

9-3. Wesley Charles Hoskins. Born Dec. ll, l970, Louisville, Ky.

8-3. Ralph Gordon Hoskins. Born May l7, l943, Pewee Valley, Oldham Co., Ky. Married Carolyn Lee Brumback Aug. 25, l962. She was born July 27, l943, Louisville, Ky. One child, Sharon.

9-l. Sharon Juliet Hoskins. Born Oct. 24, l969, Bradenton, Fla.

6-4. Evalyn (Eva) May Hoskins. Born June l5, l97l; died Feb. l4, l957, Walla Walla, Wash. Married (l) Harvey E. Young, son of George N. Young and Catherine Carter Oct. 8, l890. One child, Merle. Married (2) Homer McGhee. Born near Albany, Ore.; died Dec. 3l, l950, Walla Walla, Wash.

7-l. Merle Harvey Young. Born Mar. 20, l90l, Walla Walla, Wash. Mar ried Fay Bea White Apr. 9, l927, Vancouver, Wash. She was born Sept. l3, l903, Elgin, Wash. Two children, Harvey and Shirley.

8-l. Harvey Louis Young. Born June 9, l928. Married Anabel Sasser July l, l958, Anchorage, Alaska. She died Mar. l8, l964.

8-2. Shirley Fay Young. Born June l7, l930, Walla Walla, Wash. Married Harold Albert Baccus Aug. 6, l949, Anchorage, Alaska. Four children, Dwaine, Dennis, Shelly and Becky.

9-l. Dwaine Harvey Baccus. Born Dec. 2l, l950, Anchorage, Alaska.

9-2. Dennis Roe Baccus. Born Aug. l, l952, Anchorage, Alaska.

9-3. Shelly Fay Baccus. Born Sept. l0, l956, Anchorage, Aka.

9-4. Becky Jo Baccus. Born May l0, l958, Anchorage, Alaska.

269 6-5. Mary Elizabeth Hoskins. Born May l5, l873, Walla Walla, Wash.; died July 6, l955, Pendleton, Ore.; buried Stanfield, Ore. Married William Hodgen Jan. 26, l89l. He was born Mar. l, l860, Frankfort, Ind.; died Apr. l8, l93l, Freewater, Ore. Three children, Rex, Cecile and Zula.

7-l. Rex Benard Hodgen. Born Sept. 25, l892/3, Freewater, Ore.; died Feb. 8, l970, Pendleton, Ore. Married (l) Sadie Rambo and had four children, Wreatha, Forrest, Violet and Donald. Married (2) Nellie Huntley and had two children, Jeanne and Carol.

8-l. Wreatha Hodgen.

8-2. Forrest Hodgen. Married Clara and had one child, Pattie.

9-l. Pattie Hodgen.

8-3. Violet Hodgen.

8-4. Donald Hodgen.

8-5. Jeanne Hodgen. Married Ernest E. Gallaher, son of Ernest U. and Cora Bellea Gallaher. Four children, David, Michael, Susan and Timothy.

9-l. David Douglas Gallaher.

9-2. Michael Dennis Gallaher.

9-3. Susan Jean Gallaher (twin).

9-4. Timothy Ernie Gallaher (twin).

8-6. Carol Hodgen. Married Lee Wahlstrom and had one child, Jane.

9-l. Jane Marie Wahlstrom.

7-2. Cecil Hodgen. Born Nov. 2l, l886, Freewater, Ore. Married (l) Clifford Gerber and had one child, LaVerne. Married (2) Frank Gulliford and had one child, John.

8-l. LaVerne Tilden Gerber. Married; two daughters.

8-2. John Franklin Guilliford. Died July 2, l958.

7-3. Zula Hodgen. Born Sept. l8, l899, Freewater, Oregon. Married Arthur Gulliford. He was born in l884 and died in l952. Four children, William, Mary Ann, Zula Theresa and Charles.

8-l. William Valentine Gulliford. Born Apr. l0, l924, Freewater, Ore. Married Elizabeth Nadine Stamm July l4, l946. She was born Sept. 2l, l927, Eugene, Ore. Five children, Arlan, Shirley, Donald, Phillip and Nancy.

9-l. Arlan Keith Gulliford. Born Apr. 20, l947, Eugene, Ore. Married Cheryl Brown. One child, Becky.

l0-l. Becky Lynn Gulliford. Born Feb. 23, l970.

9-2. Shirley Ellen Gulliford. Born Jan. l8, l949, Eugene, Ore. Married Donald Propeck. One child, Elizabeth.

l0-l. Elizabeth Anne Propeck. Born June l3, l970, Oceanside, Calif.

270 9-3. Donald LeRoy Gulliford. Born Jan. 27, l95l, Eugene, Ore.

9-4. Phillip Martin Gulliford. Born May l3, l953, Eugene, Ore.

9-5. Nancy Louis Gulliford. Born Mayj l2, l958, Portland, Ore.

8-2. Mary Ann Gulliford. Born Aug. l0, l925, Freewater, Ore. Married Charles E. Huxoll Sept. 29, l946, Colvax, Wash. Three children, Joyce Anne, Samuel Charles and Daniel Arthur.

9-l. Joyce Ann Huxoll. Born July l6, l947, Pendleton, Ore. Married David John Van Schoiack May 3, l967, Stanfield, Ore. Two children, Tammy and David.

l0-l. Tammy Anne Van Schoiack. Born June ll, l968, Ft. Lewis, Wash.

l0-2. David John Van Schoiack, Jr. Born Jan. l2, l970, Pendleton, Ore.

9-2. Samuel Charles Huxoll. Born May 4, l956, Pendleton, Ore.

9-3. Daniel Arthur Huxoll. Born Feb. ll, l958, Pendleton, Ore.

8-3. Zula Theresa Gulliford. Born Jan. 3l, l927, Freewater, Ore. Married Paul Olen McKee in l95l. Two children, Mildred and Ray.

9-l. Mildred Luraxne McKee. Born May l7, l952, Pendleton, Ore.

9-2. Ray Edward McKee. Born Dec. 3l, l954, Pendleton, Ore.

8-4. Charles Cloy Gulliford. Born July l3, l936, Pendleton, Ore. Married Carol Eilene Michael Apr. 3, l954. She was born Sept. l3, l936. Five children, Cathy, Cindy, Charles, Clinton and Christopher.

9-l. Cathy Jo Gulliford. Born Feb. 24, l955, San Diego, Calif.

9-2. Cindy Lu Gulliford. Born Apr. l0, l956 in Calif.

9-3. Charles Michael Gulliford. Born Mar. 25, l959, Pendleton, Ore.

9-4. Clinton Allen Gulliford. Born Apr. 27, l960, Pendleton, Ore.

9-5. Christopher Scott Gulliford. Born Jan. 29, l962, Redding, Calif.

6-6. Frank Milton Hoskins. Born Jan. l7, l975; died Nov. 24, l96l, Day ton, Wash.; buried Waitsburg, Wash. Married Mattie May Smith. She was born June 29, l878 in Iowa and died Feb. l4, l970, Dayton, Wash. Five children, Gldys, Charles, Walter, James and Homer.

7-l. Gldys Elvira Hoskins. Born May l7 and died May l9, l899.

7-2. Charles Ward Hoskins. Born Oct. l8, l900, Waitsburg, Wash. Married Vera Irene Conrad Auig. 3l, l930, Dayton, Wash. She was born Oct. 2l, l899 near the Washington/Oregon state line, daughter of Court Henry Conrad and Margaret Hodgen. One child, Ward.

8-l. Ward Conrad Hoskins. Born Dec. 3l, l937, Dayton, Wash. Married Gretchen Garrison Mar. 2l, l964 at Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif. One child, Benjamin. 271

9-l. Benjamin Garrison Hoskins. Born Jan. l9, l97l, Sausalito, Calif.

7-3. Walter Wayne Hoskins. Died Sept. 3l, l962. Married Lavina Elder and had three children, Wesley, Vera and Blaine. Was a farmer.

8-l. Wesley Wayne Hoskins. Born Mar. l0, l923, Dayton, Wash. Married June Glenn. Four children, Mary, Larry, Jonathan and Alan. Was a doctor and practiced in Watsonville, Calif. until l97l and then in Oregon.

9-l. Mary Elizabeth Hoskins. Born Apr. l6, l950, Oregon City, Ore.

9-2. Larry Wayne Hoskins. Born June l7, l95l, Toole, Utah.

9-3. Jonathan Marshall Hoskins. Born Oct. l7, l953, Watsonville, Calif.

9-4. Alan Lain Hoskins. Born Mar. 3, l959, Watsonville, Calif.

8-2. Vera LaVerna Hoskins. Born Feb. 3, l925, Dayton, Wash. Married William Franklin Smith. Three children, William, Terry and Sherri.

9-l. William Wayne Smith. Born Nov. 2l, l956, Stuttgart, Ger.

9-2. Terry Lee Smith. Born Oct. l6, l957, Stuttgart, Ger.

9-3. Sherri Lynn Smith. Born Feb. 4, l959, Stuttgart, Ger.

8-3. Blaine Lynn Hoskins. Born Mar. 7, l933, Dayton, Wash. Married Nancy Arthur. Four children, Nanette, Matthew, Karen and Lisa. Was a doctor.

9-l. Nanette Lynn Hoskins. Born July l8, l959, Seattle, Wash.

9-2. Matthew Wayne Hoskins. Born Nov. 29, l96l, Seattle, Wash.

9-3. Karen Kristine Hoskins. Born Feb. l9, l963, Portland, Ore.

9-4. Lisa Alaine Hoskins. Born Dec. 23, l966, Portland, Ore.

7-4. James Birney Hoskins. Born Oct. l0, l907; was killed July 20, l9l8 in a hay rake accident.

7-5. Homer Dale Hoskins. Born Feb. 3, l905, Dayton, Wash. Married Lucy C. Cutler June 29, l934, San Diego, Calif. She was born Aug. 30, l906, Alta Loma, Calif., daughter of Lewis Sether Cutler and Julia Johnson. Four child ren: Roberta, Bette, Jennifer and Timothy.

8-l. Roberta Jean Hoskins. Born July l0, l935, Oceanside, Calif. Married Kenneth Collier Sept. l4, l959.

8-2. Bette Jo Hoskins. Born Nov. 24, l936, Oceanside, Calif. Married William M. Whittaker Mar. 29, l958.

8-3. Jennifer Denise Hoskins. Born Aug. l, l944, Oceanside, Calif.

8-4. Timothy Jon Hoskins. Born Jan. 6, l945, Oceanside, Calif.

6-7. Ira Edward Hoskins. Married Nora Adams and had one child, Fay. Lived Clarkston, Wash.

7-l. Fay Hoskins. 272

6-8. Nellie Eunice Hoskins. Born Feb. 20, l878 near Walla Walla, Wash.; died Jan. 26, l93l, Portland, Ore.; buried Rose City Cemetery. Married Cha rles Murray Follis, son of William Murray Follis and Nancy Ellen Griffith, Jan. l, l900, Albion, Wash. He was born Mar. 24, l877, Stayton, Ore. and died Dec. 27, l940, Moscow, Idaho; buried at Pit Cemetery near Fallon, Wash. Three children, Wayne, a boy and Bernadine.

7-l. Wayne Murray Follis. Born June 7, l902 near Palouse, Wash.; died Nov. 24, l903.

7-2. Infant son, born and died Apr. 24, l904.

7-3. Bernadine Doris Follis. Born April 6, l905, Fallon, Wash. Married William Rex Lee, son of Rollie Beecher Lee and Lulu Bell Butterfield, Mar. 2, l929, Vancouver, Wash. He was born Nov. 23, l903. Two children, Norman and Wayne. Lived Portland, Ore. and was a member of the Genealogical Forum of Portland.

8-l. Norman Rex Lee. Born Aug. 3, l932, Portland, Ore. Married Gail Harriett Hanson, daughter of Albert Miller Hanson and Mable Constance Beslow, Nov. ll, l960. She was born Nov. l8, l936, Seattle, Wash. Four children, David, Dennis, Denise and Dale.

9-l. David Lester Lee. Born Feb. 26, l96l, Renton, Wash.

9-2. Dennis William Lee. Born Apr. 29, l962, Renton, Wash.

9-3. Denise Louise Lee. Born July l3, l965, Renton, Wash.

9-4. Dale Norman Lee. Born Dec. l8, l968, Renton, Wash.

8-2. Wayne Bernie Lee. Born Sept. 28, l935, Portland, Ore. Married Gloria Oberg Aug. l9, l956, Forest Grove, Ore. Five children, Richard, San dra, Jeffery, Shari and Suzette.

9-l. Richard Rex Lee. Born Aug. 2l, l957, Renton, Wash.

9-2. Sandra Jane Lee. Born Jan. l5, l959, Monmouth Air Force Base, New Jersey.

9-3. Jeffery Wayne Lee. Born May l3, l96l, Renton, Wash.

9-4. Shari LaVon Lee. Born Dec. 28, l962, Renton, Wash.

9-5. Suzette Bernadine Lee. Born Aug. 6, l965, Renton, Wash.

6-9. Martha Ann Hoskins. Born Sept. l880; died Nov. 2, l880.

6-l0.Charles Fredrick Hoskins. Born Feb. 6, l883; died Oct. l, l943, Toppanish, Wash.; buried Granger, Wash. Married Edna Ellen Meadows Nov. l2, l9l2. She was born March l4, l896 at Staffordville, WV and died Mar. l2, l966, Granger, Wash. Four children, Violet, Evalyn, Opeal and Clarinda. Lived Yakima, Wash.

7-l. Violet Almira Hoskins. Born Aug. 27, l9l3, Joseph, Ore. Married Menzo J. (Pete) LaPierre May l7, l936. He was born Aug. 25, l907. Three children, Paul, Patrick and Margaret.

8-l. Paul Menzo La Pierre. Born May 6, l937. Married Janet Grover Sept. 22, l956. She was born July l3, l937. Two children, Cheri and Paul.

273 9-l. Cheri Lynn LaPierre. Born June 22, l959.

9-2. Paul Mark LaPierre. Born Sept. 25, l960.

8-2. Patrick Charles LaPierre. Born May 4, l939.

8-3. Margaret Jean LaPierre. Born May 20, l95l.

7-2. Evalyn Mary Hoskins. Born Oct. 3, l9l5, Joseph, Ore. Married Donald Everett LaPierre, son of Lyman J. La Pierre and Charlotte Brown. Dec. 2l, l933, Ellensburg, Wash. He was born Dec. l2, l9l2, Belfield, N. D. Six children: Dale, Richard, Duane, Dennis, Renee and Gregory.

8-l. Dale Everett LaPierre. Born Sept. 8, l935, Granger, Wash. Mar ried Darlene Quinliven Aug. 27, l955, Sunnyside, Wash. She was born June 29, l936. Four children, Debra, D'Andra, Daniele and Deon.

9-l. Debra Ann LaPierre. Born Dec. l7, l957, Toppenish, Wash.

9-2. D'Andra Ray LaPierre. Born Nov. 4, l959, Kennewick, Wash.

9-3. Daniele Michaele LaPierre. Born Nov. l8, l960, Kennewick, Wash.

9-4. Deon LaPierre. Born Feb. 6, l968, Kennewick, Wash.

8-2. Richard Louis LaPierre. Born Apr. 24, l937, Granger, Wash. Married Patricia Ruth Nielson Nov. l0, l955, Pendleton, Ore. She was born Jan. l938 in Utah. Five children, Richard, David, Randolph, Daniel and Kim berly.

9-l. Richard Louis LaPierre, Jr. Born Dec. l8, l956, Sunnyside, Wash.

9-2. David Fredrick LaPierre. Born May l, l958, Sunnyside, Wash.

9-3. Randolph Donald LaPierre. Born Dec. 2l, l960, Sunnyside, Wash.

9-4. Daniel Douglas LaPierre. Born Jan. 4, l962, Sunnyside, Wash.

9-5. Kimberly Louise LaPierre. Born Apr. 7, l968.

8-3. Duane Max LaPierre. Born Nov. l2, l938, Granger, Wash. Married Nancy Strait July 4, l957, Pullman, Wash. She was born July l7, l938. Four •children, Devon, Kelly, Darrin and Donald.

9-l. Devon LaDon LaPierre. Born Apr. 27, l959, Toppenish, Wash.

9-2. Kelly Joe LaPierre. Born July l4, l960, Toppenish, Wash.

9-3. Darrin Duane LaPierre. Born Sept. 4, l96l, Kennewick, Wash.

9-4. Donald LaPierre. Born Oct. l9, l967, Kennewick, Wash.

8-4. Dennis Eugene LaPierre. Born Oct. 26, l940, Granger, Wash. Married Shirley Ann Jerome Sept. 20, l958, Sunnyside, Wash. She was born May 28, l939. Three children, Denise, Pentelope and Dennis.

9-l. Denise Ann LaPierre. Born Dec. 3l, l959, Toppenish, Wash.

9-2. Pentelope Marie LaPierre. Born Nov. l5, l96l, Kennewick, Wash.

274 9-3. Dennis Eugene LaPierre, Jr. Born Nov. l0, l968, Kennewick, Wash.

8-5. Renee Yvonne LaPierre. Born Oct. l0, l943, Toppenish, Wash. Married William Malzahn Sept. 30, l960, Sunnyside, Wash. He was born Feb. l, l940. Two children, Vincent and Michelle.

9-l. Vincent Ross Malzahn. Born June 20, l962.

9-2. Michelle Renee Malzahn. Born fEb. l6, l967, Granger, Wash.

8-6. Gregory Daniel LaPierre. Born feb. l0, l950, Toppenish, Wash. Married Patricia Ann Herman Feb. 5, l968. One child, Sheila.

9-l. Sheila Rae LaPierre. Born Feb. l2, l969, Granger, Wash.

7-3. Opal Irene Hoskins. Born Dec. 29, l9l7, Joseph, Ore. Married Willard Johnson Aug. l934, Yakima, Wash. Three children, Beverly, Sandra and Jimmy.

8-l. Beverly Jean Johnson. Born Apr. 2l, l935, Yakima, Wash. Married William Case, Jr. One child, Brian.

9-l. Brian Eugene Case. Born Apr. 24, l962, Salem, Ore.

8-2. Sandra Carol Johnson. Born Apr. 2l, l937, Granger, Wash. Married Carl Parks. Two children, Timothy and Jenny.

9-l. Timothy Michail Parks. Born Apr. 2k, l959, Salem, Ore.

9-2. Jennie Mae Parks. Born July 20, l967, Salem, Ore.

8-3. Jimmy Allen Johnson. Born May 2, l955. Adopted.

7-4. Clarinda Maxine Hoskins. Born Nov. 29, l9l9, Joseph, Ore.; died June 2l, l936, Granger, Wash.

6-ll. Jesse Hoskins. Born June l9, l885 near Walla Walla, Wash.; died Jan. 7, l968; buried Creston, British Columbia, Canada. Married Elizabeth Mary Fletcher Apr. 20, l890. Four children, Jesse, Ernest, James and Elizabeth. Lived Carmongay, Alberta, Canada.

7-l. Jesse Morley Hoskins. Born Mar. 4, l9l4.

7-2. Ernest (Ernie) Victor Hoskins. Born Aug. 2l, l9l5.

7-3. James Edward Hoskins. Born May 4, l9l7, Castor, B. C., Canada. Married Leona Mabbott. Seven children, James, Wayne, Gary, Neil, Elaine, Clarke and Harvey.

8-l. James Dillon Hoskins. Born Nov. l2, l940, British Columbia, Canada. Married Marcia. Two children, Heath and Kelly.

9-l. Heath Hoskins. Born Dec. l967, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

9-2. Kelly Elizabeth Hoskins. Born Dec. l969.

8-2. Wayne Edward Hoskins. Born Nov. 2l, l942; died Oct. l958.

8-3. Gary Lawrence Hoskins. Born Feb. 9, l945. 8-4. Neil Hoskins. Born Aug. 28, l946. Married Pat; one child, Gordon. 275

9-l. Gordon James Hoskins. Born Jan. l968, Stettler, Alberta.

8-5. Elaine Mildred Hoskins. Born Mar. 4, l968. Married Russell Shawers. One child, Robert.

9-l. Robert Russel Shawers. Born Aug. 24, l964, Stettler, Alberta, Canada. 8-6. Clarke Hoskins. Born Oct. 4, l950. Married Marnie; one child, Wayne.

9-l. Wayne Hoskins. Born Apr. 24, l968, Stettler, Alberta, Canada.

8-7. Harvey Hoskins. Born June l9, l95l.

7-4. Elizabeth Marie Hoskins. Born Oct. l0, l9l9. Married Herbert Mabbott. Five children, Dale, Lila, Thelma, June and Maryn.

8-l. Dale Morris Mabbott. Born Feb. 2, l943.

8-2. Lila Josephine Mabbott. Born Sept. 7, l944. Married Donald Kobi. One child, Chrstina.

9-l. Christina Kobi. Born Aug. l5, l968, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

8-3. Thelma Mabbott. Born Nov. ll, l945. Married James Willox and had one child, Stephanie.

9-l. Stephanie Lorae Willox. Born Jan. l5, l970, Dawson Creek, B. C., Canada.

8-4. June Marie Mabbott. Born June 2l, l950.

8-5. Maryn Blaine Mabbott. Born Aug. l5, l965, Castor, Alberta, Canada.

5-6. Eunice Elizabeth Kenoyer. Born June 30, l85l near Milwaukee, Wiscon sin; died in l937, Klamath Falls, Ore.; buried Klamath Falls, Ore. Married Joseph Smith Rhoads, son of James Rhoads and Mary Smith, Aug. 23, l868 near Walla Walla, Wash. in the Blue Creek School House. He was born Feb. 25, l849 at Frankfort, Ind. and died Dec. l0, l924 at Huntsville, Wash. from a fall. Buried at Dayton, Wash. He was a U.B. minister for 56 years. They had eight children, James, Chester, Rosella, Mary, Precious, Newton, Noah and Alice. In their early years they lived in Huntsville, Wash. where they worked with the cancer medicine that had been improved by her father, Jeremiah Kenoyer. They did some experimenting with it and were able to take some of the pain out of the remedy. After his death, Eunice Kenoyer Rhoads lived at times among her children and at other times in Albion near her sisters and brother.

6-l. James Jeremiah Rhoads. Born June 2l, l869; died Mar. 30, l888; drowned in the Palouse River in Washington.

6-2. Chester Benonia Rhoads. Born Aug. l8, l87l; died Jan. l9l0 at Troy, Idaho; bur. Culdesac, Idaho. Married Josephine Helms in l890. Eight child ren: James, Ansel, Gladys, Joseph, cecil, Lester, Angus and Zail. He was killed by a falling tree. His widow later married a Jenkins and lived at Burns, Ore.

7-l. James Rhoads. Died l9ll. After his father's death, he went to work to support the family. Fired a locomotive and to save money slept in the engine. Killed by steam from another locomotive when a train hit the engine 276 on which he was sleeping.

7-2. Ansel Rhoads. Died, dragged by a mule, soon after his brother's death.

7-3. Gladys Rhoads.

7-4. Joseph Andrew Rhoads. Born June 23, l896, Genesee, Idaho. Married Clorinda Morgan, daughter of Alfred K. Morgan and Jenny L. Wonderly, June 8, l92l, Roseburg, Ore. Two children, Betty and Gene. He spent the first l4 years of his life in Idaho and moved to Harney Co., Ore. in l9l4. Drove freight wagons and did buckarooing from l9l4 to l9l7. At age l9, in l9l7, enlisted in the Army. After marriage made his home at Days Creek, Ore., owned a farm and engaged in farming. In winter of l922 moved to Cottage Grove, Ore. where he was in mill work and operated a transfer company for two and a half years. After living in Cottage Grove, Eugene, Jacksonville and Burns until l935 the family returned to Days Creek where their oldest daughter, Betty, graduated from high school. Moved to Ashland, Ore. in l938 where he engaged in buying and selling livestock between eastern and western Oregon. They were active in Grange affairs, being Master Lecturer and Lady Assistant Steward respectively.

8-l. Betty Verla Rhoads. Born June 22, l922 at Days Creek, Ore. Married Warren S. Morgan. One child, Carol. She graduated from high school at Days Creek June l938. Lived l0225 N. Allegheny, Portland, Ore.

9-l. Carol Lynn Morgan. Born l943.

8-2. Gene Maxine Rhoads. Born May 26, l925, Cottage Grove, Ore. Married Jack Smith. One child, Rex. Lived ll9 N. Stevens, Roseburg, Ore.

9-l. Rex Clifford Smith. Born Oct. l945.

7-5. Cecil Rhoads. Married Sylvia Quier. One child, Nina. Lived Brockway, Ore.

8-l. Nina Rhoads. Born l929.

7-6. Lester Rhoads. Married Beulah. One child, Madaline. Livest Burns, Ore.

8-l. Madaline Rhoads. Born l925. Married Frank Burnett.

7-7. Angus Rhoads. Died young.

7-8. Zail Rhoads. Died young.

6-3. Rosella Rhoads. Born Oct. 23, l873; died Aug. l4, l878.

6-4. Mary Adelia Rhoads. Born Oct. 22, l877 in Oregon. Married John William Bruner Jan. l, l895. He was killed in a train-car accident Aug. 22, l932. Eight children: Rosella, Luella, Charlotte, Precious, Pearl, Joseph, Lester and Alice. Married Lonnie B. Rohr Oct. 22, l936. No children. She operated a beauty parlor. They lived 2707 Fairfield St., Eureka, Calif.

7-l. Rosella Elizabetrh Bruner. Born Feb. 23, l896, Cottonwood, Idaho; died Oct. 30, l956 Watsonville, Calif. Married Harry Clarence Huston, s. Millard F. Huston and Sarah Owens, Apr. 3, l9l5 at Dayton, Wash. He was born June 25, l893, Dayton, Wash. and died Sept. 4, l962 at Watsonville, Calif. Four children, Ellen, Pearl, Lee and Jesse. Lived Aromas, Calif.

277 8-l. Ellen Lenora Huston. Born Feb. 2, l9l6, Dayton, Wash. Married Foster Rowe Hutchings Dec. 30, l938 at Watsonville, Calif. He was born Mar. 28, l9l2 at Bard, Calif., son of Moses Seth Hutchings and Rhoda Rowe. Three children, Kenneth, Mishelma and Martha. They farmed about 80 acres of lettuce, brocolli, celery and cauliflower. She was an oil painter. She graduated from Healds Business College, San Jose, Calif. Lived 9 Fremont AVe., Watsonville, Calif.

9-l. Kenneth Foster Hutchings. Born Mar. 27, l94l, Watsonville, Calif. Married Betty Lou Gray July 20, l963, Carson City, Nev. She was born Nov. l6, l942, d. Alfred James Gray and Atha Mildred Gillham. Two children, Julie and Robin.

l0-l. Julie Ann Hutchings. Born July 29, l965, Watsonville, Calif.

l0-2. Robin Lynn Hutchings. Born Sept. l2, l969, Watsonville, Calif. 9-2. Mishelma Lee Hutchings. Born Apr. 4, l943, Watsonville, Calif. Married Ralph Logan Lindley, Jr., son of Ralph Logan Lindley and Mildred Lucille Wilson, July l, l962, Watsonville. He was born Nov. 2l, l939. Three children, Cherie, Ralph and Shawn.

l0-l. Cherie Lee Lindley. Born May 3, l963, San Jose, Calif.

l0-2. Ralph Logan Lindley III. Born June 29, l964, San Jose, Calif.

l0-3. Shawn Bryan Lindley. Born Aug. 3l, l966, San Jose, Calif.

9-3. Martha Rosella Hutchings. Born May 8, l948, Watsonville, Calif. Married Lawrence Vierra Serpa, s. Lawrence Vierra Serpa and Irene Pimentel Jan. 25, l967, Reno, Nev. He was born Apr. l9, l948 at Watsonville, Calif. Two children, Michael and Lorne.

8-2. Pearl Mae Huston. Born July l6, l9l7, Dayton, Wash. Married Thomas Eugene Sheehy, s. Edward Timothy Sheehy and Mary Kelly, June 25, l939, Watsonville, Calif. He was born June 8, l9l3, Watsonville, Calif. Four children, Patrick, Ellen, Mary and Michael.

9-l. Patrick E. Sheey. Born Sept. 24, l940, Watsonville, Calif. Married Pauahi Merrill Judd June l5, l963. She was born in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Three children, Patrick, Julie and Peter.

l0-l. Patrick Edward Sheehy. Born Dec. 6, l964.

l0-2. Julie Pauahi Kelly Sheehy. Born Feb. l4, l967.

l0-3. Peter Hastings Sheehy. Born Dec. 7, l970.

9-2. Ellen Kathleen Sheehy. Born Aug. 30, l942, Watsonville, Calif. Married James G. Ferrasci June 26, l97l.

9-3. Mary Kelly Sheehy. Born Aug. 5, l947, Watsonville, Calif. Married Robert John Putz June l5, l968. He was born at Sheboygan Falls, Wis.

9-4. Michael Clarence Sheehy. Born Jan. 9, l953, Salinas, Calif.

8-3. Lee Charles Huston. Born Feb. l4, l9l9, Dayton, Wash. Married Beryl Lewis, d. William Sheldon Lewis and Sadie Perkins, Dec. 25, l94l. She was born June 24, l92l, Kearney, Neb. Two children, Sherry and Califford.

278 9-l. Sherry Arlene Huston. Born Apr. 30, l944, Monterey, Calif. Married James N. Kerry Apr. l6, l962, Watsonville, Calif. Two children, Lucinda and Christopher.

l0-l. Lucinda Mary Kerr. Born Dec. 4, l962, Watsonville, Calif.

l0-2. Christopher Andrew Kerr. Born Oct. 8, l969, Watsonville, Calif.

9-2. Clifford Lee Huston. Born June 7, l945, Watsonville, Calif. Married Mary Mingus and on Jan. l, l969 Jane Lear at Reno, Nev. Jane Lear had a previous son, Scott Michael.

l0-l. Scott Michael Huston. Born Sept. l, l969, Long Beach, Calif.

8-4. Jessie Rosella Huston. Born Apr. 24, l920, Dayton, Wash. Mar ried (l) Kenneth Nevin Bickford July 6, l943, San Francisco, Calif. He died Nov. 22, l947, San Francisco, Calif. Two children, Virginia and Kevin. Married (2) Ernest Robert Bruntsch, s. Ernest Bruntsch and Ray Krauth, Dec. 7, l952, San Jose, Calif. He was born Oct. 30, l9l7. Four children, Robert, Gary, Marlene and Heidi.

9-l. Virginia Louise Bickford. Born Oct. 8, l944 in San Francisco, Calif. Became a Salesian Sister in Atlantic City, N. J.

9-2. Kevin Jerome Bickford. Born July 7, l946, San Francisco, Calif.

9-3. Robert Russell Bruntsch. Born Oct. l4, l953, San Jose, Calif.

9-4. Gary Alan Bruntsch. Born Mar. l7, l956, San Jose, Calif.

9-5. Marlene Carol Bruntsch. Born Dec. 25, l957, San Jose, Calif.

9-6. Heidi Janette Bruntsch. Born May 29, l960, San Jose, Calif.

7-2. Luella Jane Bruner. Born Feb. 23, l896, Cottonwood, Idaho; died Mar. l9, l896. Two to Rosella Elizabeth Bruner.

7-3. Charlotte Margarette Bruner. Born Aug. 22, l897, Cottonwood, Idaho. Married Hugh L. McGilvra, son of Daniel A. McGilvra and Myrtle I. Fairbanks, Nov. 6, l9l9. He was born Jan. l9, l894. Five children, Daniel, Cecil, Mary, Jane and Donna. He was a farmer and the boys were partners with him. They grazed sheep and he drove a school bus. Were members of the Meth odist Church at Dayton, Wash. Lived at RFD #l, Chewelah, Wash., ll miles up the mountain from Valley, Wash. or l5 miles from Chewelah.

8-l. Daniel Matthew McGilvra. Born Aug. 7, l920, Walla Walla, Wash. Married Cleoria Alvina Bennett Feb. l0, l942. She was born Mar. 6, l925. Three children, Dan, David and Karen.

9-l. Dan Allen McGilvra. Born Aug. 22, l943. Married Eloise Ade line Kaufman Brooker Oct. l967. She was born Feb. 6, l947. One child, Dan.

l0-l. Dan Allen McGilvra. Born Jan.23, l969; died Apr. ll, l969.

9-2. David Russell McGilvra. Born July 27, l946. Married Pamela Marie Chipman Aug. 3, l968. She was born Apr. 29, l948. One child.

l0-l. Infant son, died young.

279 9-3. Karen Alvina McGilvra. Born Dec. 2, l947, at White Salmon, Wash. Married (l) Daniel Glen Hamilton Feb. l9, l965. He was born June ll, l946. One child, Sherry. Divorced Aug. 22, l967. Married (2) Terry Gustav Hunt, son of Lewis Boyd Hunt and Elwanda Dawn Bleich, June 22,1968 at Graham, Wash. He was born Nov. 2l, l946, Crescent City, Calif. One child, Jarred.

l0-l. Shari Lynn Hamilton-Hunt. Born Feb. 2, l966 at Chehalis, Wash. Married James Alan Barker. Three children, Danielle, Nichole and Benja min.

ll-l. Danielle Lynn Barker. Born Oct. 3l, l985 at Tacoma, WA.

ll-2 Nicole Diane Barker. Born June 3, l987 at Tacoma, WA.

ll-3. Benjamin Michael Barker. Born May 20, l990 at Puyallup, WA.

l0-2. Jarred Shawn Patrick Hunt. Born Apr. 23, l969 at Puyallup, Wash. Married Brenda Kay Glasco Apr. 6, l990 at Enumclau, WA. Two children, Brandon and Bradley.

ll-l. Brndon Philip Patrick Hunt. Born Aug. l6, l99l at Enum claw, WA.

ll-2. Bradley Terrell Patrick Hunt. Born Sept. 30, l992 at Enumclaw, WA.

l0-3. Darby Trenton Hunt. Born July l9, l970 at Puyallup, WA. Married Katrina Aliene Akin Aug. 3, l99l at Puyallup, WA. Two children, Heather and Joshua.

ll-l. Heather Lynn Hunt. Born Nov. 23, l992 at Puyallup, WA.

ll-2. Joshua Jonathan Hunt. Born Dec. l2, l994 at Puyallup, WA.

8-2. Cecil Jean McGilvra. Born Sept. l6, l922. Married Charlotte Marie Sissick Nov. 2, l946. She was born June 6, l926. Three children, Constance, Dale and Ceclia.

9-l. Constance Marie McGilvra. Adopted. Born Jan. 3l, l946. Married Dennis Lee Staufenberg. He was born Jan. 24, l946. Two children, David and Mischell.

l0-l. David Drew Staufenberg.

l0-2. Mischell Denise Staufenberg.

9-2. Dale Hugh McGilvra. Born Dec. 20, l948.

9-3. Cecelia Jean McGilvra. Born July l9, l950. Married Donald Ira Dixon Oct. l7, l970. He was born Mar. 30, l952.

8-3. Mary Elizabeth McGilvra. Born Mar. l9, l928. Married Ralph Lansphard Lambeth Dec. 3l, l948. He was born Jan. l3, l927. Three children, Katheryn, Janice and Debra.

9-l. Katheryn Sue Lambeth. Born Feb. 2l, l95l.

9-2. Janice Gail Lambeth. Born Nov. 30, l953.

9-3. Debra Gay Lambeth. Born Mar. 28, l96l.

280 8-4. Jane Lenore McGilvra. Born Sept. 20, l934. Married Harold Leroy Steele, July 28, l95l. He was born Feb. l7, l924. Seven children, Leslie, James, Eugene, Harold, Garay, Randy and Marjorie.

9-l. Leslie Roy Steele. Born Aug. l2, l95l.

9-2. James Leroy Steele. Born Apr. l4, l952.

9-3. Eugene Edward Steele. Born May l8, l954.

9-4. Harold Leroy Steele, Jr. Born Aug. l, l957.

9-5. Garay Linn Steele. Born Mar. 24, l959.

9-6. Randy Lee Steele. Born May ll, l960.

9-7. Marjorie Ann Steele. Born Nov. 23, l96l.

8-5. Donna Rae McGilvra. Born Dec. 7, l939. Married Edward Aultman, Jr. Aug. 30, l958. He was born Dec. 2, l938. Four children, Kent, Tammy, Mark and Michael.

9-l. Kent Edward Aultman. Born June 3, l959.

9-2. Tammy Lynn Aultman. Born Nov. l6, l960.

9-3. Mark Wayne Aultman. Born June l5, l963.

9-4. Michael William Aultman. Born Feb. l5, l965.

7-4. Precious May Bruner. Born Dec. l4, l900, Cottonwood, Idaho. Married Harold Birch Elwood Nov. 8, l922. He was born Jan. l6, l903. One child, Helen. Lived (l97l) Perris, Calif.

8-l. Helen Louise Elwood. Born Oct. 2, l928. Married (l) Carl D. Haven Apr. l7, l948. He was born Sept. 6, l924 and died Mar. 30, l959. Two children, Kathryn and Lyn. Married (2) Kenneth Norberg June l6, l96l. He was born Nov. l8, l934. Two children, John and James. Lived 3246 Perlita Ave., Los Angeles, 26, Calif.

9-l. Kathryn Linn Haven. Born Oct. l6, l952.

9-2. Lyn Marie Haven. Born Dec. l2, l954.

9-3. John Bryan Norberg. Adopted. Born Oct. 8, l963.

9-4. James Allen Norberg. Adopted. Born Apr. l3, l965.

7-5. Pearl Mildred Bronte Bruner. Born Feb. 4, l905, Cottonwood, Idaho. Married Frank Leo Meyer, son of Catherine Meyer, June 5, l926. He was born July 26, l894, Garberville, Calif. Two children, Eugene and Mary. He was an assistant district maintenance engineer for the California Highway Commission, veteran of World War I and member of the Masonic Lodge. Lived ll09 4th St., Eureka, Calif.

8-l. Eugene Leo Meyer. Born July 22, l927, Willits, Calif.; died Nov. 27, l959.

8-2. Mary Louise Meyer. Born Oct. l928, Eureka, Calif. Married (l) Ralph Gilbert and had four children, Jeannie, Patricia, Kenneth and Elaine. Married (2) Guido DaOra. Lived (l97l) Ferndale, Calif. 281

9-l. Jeannie Kay Gilbert. Born Oct. 9, l950. Married Larry Buerer and had one child, Bonnie.

l0-l. Bonnie Jean Buerer. Born July 2l, l970.

9-2. Patricia Lyn Gilbert. Born Nov. l2, l953.

9-3. Kenneth Allen Gilbert. Born Mar. l9, l957; died Mar. l8, l969.

9.4 Elaine Marie Gilbert. Born Mar. 22, l959.

7.6 Joseph Lewis Bruner. Born Aug. 15, 1907, Cottonwood Idaho Married Ida Laurette Chamberlin, daughter of Franklin Ray Chamberlin and Edith Louise Walden. She was born Oct. l, l9l8 at Willipa, Wash. Four children, Harold, Elmer, Raymond and Oretta. Lived in Eureka, Calif., where he operated a beauty salon.

8-l. Harold Dewane Bruner. Born July l7, l93l, Pasco, Wash. Married Irene Ann Williams. She was born May l0, l933. Two children Sally.

9-l. Kathy Ann Bruner. Born Sept. 4, l958.

9-2. Sally Jane Bruner. Born May l5, l964.

8-2. Elmer Gene Bruner. Born Apr. 29, l933, Pasco, Wash. Married Helen Marie Nix. She was born Mar. 8, l933. Three children, Ronald, Keith and Michael.

9-l. Ronald Eugene Bruner. Born May 26, l955.

9-2. Keith Wayne Bruner. Born June 20, l957.

9-3. Michael Dean Bruner. Born Dec. 27, l958.

8-3. Raymond Lewis Bruner. Born Mar. 2, l935, Eureka, Calif. Married Janie Anne Collins. She was born Feb. l6, l938. Three children, Mark, Ran dall and Scott.

9-l. Mark Preston Bruner. Born May 20, l957.

9-2. Randall Lewis Bruner. Born Oct. 5, l96l.

9-3. Scott Raymond Bruner. Born Aug. 30, l964.

8-4. Oretta Joan Bruner. Born Dec. l2, l936, Eureka, Calif. Married Rex Otis Kellogg. He was born June 2, l932. Three children, Laura, Steven and David.

9-l. Laura Ann Kellogg. Born Jan. 26, l958.

9-2. Steven Rex Kellogg. Born June 26, l960.

9-3. David James Kellogg. Born Jan. l5, l965.

7-7. Lester Ray Bruner. Born May l0, l909, Cottonwood, Idaho. Married (l) Margaret Swiggert and had one child, Robert. Married (2) Mary Kane in l942. She was born June l5, l9l2 at Los Gatos, Calif. Two children, Arthur and Lois.

8-l. Robert Bruner. Died 5 days old. 282

8-2. Arthur Ray Bruner. Born Apr. 22, l946, Eureka, Calif.

8-3. Lois Annabell Bruner. Born Jan. l3, l949, Arcata, Calif.

7-8. Alice Joy Bruner. Born Oct. l8, l9l3, Dayton, Wash. Married (l) Jesse Levin Connella, son of Conrad Connella and Lela Capers, Apr. l4, l93l. He was born Oct. 22, l9l0 at Leesville, La. and died Mar. l5, l954. Two child ren, Kenneth and Marion. Married (2) Robert Lindsay June 23, l956. He was born Apr. 6, l908 at Mary, Mont. Lived (l97l) at Harbor City, Calif.

8-l. Kenneth Roger Connella. Born Jan. 30, l932, Glendale, Calif. Married Delphia Ray Allred, d. Ray Lee Allred and Delphia Frances Wright, Nov. l4, l95l. She was born May l9, l933. Three children, Steven, Kent and Cathi. Lived (l97l) Lakewood, Calif.

9-l. Steven Jess Connella. Born Sept. 8, l954, Rio Linda, Calif.

9-2. Kent Ray Connella. Born Nov. l5, l956, Glendale, Calif.

9-3. Cathi Francis Connella. Born Nov. 22, l958, Glendale, Calif.

8-2. Marion May Connella. Born Nov. l7, l936, Glendale, Calif. Married Donald Eugene Oberhauser, s. Aloysius John Oberhauser and Julia Helen Becker, Jan. l6, l954 in Our Lady of Grace Church, Encino, Calif. He was born Apr. 6, l930. Five children, Patricia, Michael, Theresa, John and Thomas. Lived (l97l) at LaPorte, Iowa.

9-l. Patricia Sue Oberhauser. Born Aug. 3l, l956, LaPorte City, Ia.

9-2. Michael Eugene Oberhauser. Born Oct. 2, l957, LaPorte City, Ia.

9-3. Theresa Ann Oberhauser. Born Nov. 9, l958, LaPorte City, Ia.

9-4. John Levin Oberhauser. Born Dec. 7, l959, LaPorte City, Ia.

9-5. Thomas Joseph Oberhauser. Born Aug. 2, l962, LaPorte City Iowa.

6-5. Precious Rhoads. Born June 30, l880, Pilot Rock, Ore.; died June l2, l927, Waitsburg, Wash. Married David Elster Howell, s. John Savern Howell and Delphia Cook of Jefferson, N. Car., Feb. l0, l897, Cottonwood, Iowa. Three children, Lillian, Dwight and Dillard.

7-l. Lillian Ellen Howell. Born Feb. l, l898, Cottonwood, Id. Married Frederick LaBond, s. Peter LaBond and Amelia Adams, Nov. l3, l922. No child ren. She was a writer and he a violinist and teacher.

7-2. Dwight Edward Howell. Born Jan. 2l, l900, Cottonwood, Idaho. Married Mabel Van Slyke, d. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Van Slyke of Pendleton, Ore., Oct. 28, l922. Two children, Dwight and Boyd. He was a veteran of World War II, a bank cashier at Waitsburg and moved to Tacoma, Wash. to become auditor for the Kenworthy Milling Co.

8-l. Dwight Edward Howell. Born Jan. 20, l924, Waitsburg, Ore.

8-2. Boyd Arthur Howell. Born Feb. l0, l929, Waitsburg, Ore.

7-3. Dillard Rhoads Howell. Born Sept. l9, l902, Huntsville, Wash. Married Florence Taylor, d. Mr. and Mrs. William McKindree Taylor, Mar. 20, l926. One child, David. He owned Dill Howell Sporting Goods Store, Tacoma, 283 Wash. and they lived 4ll7 N. 34th St., Tacoma, Wash.

8-l. David Michael McKindree Howell. Born Dec. 2, l934, Tacoma, Wash.

6-6. Newton Castle Rhoads. Born May 29, l883; died Oct. 7, l9l8. Married Georgia Ann Libbey of Sande Fuca, Wash. June 26, l908. Two children, Helen and Mabel. He was superintendent of schools at Sulton, Wash. and was elected first mayor of Darrington, Wash. Completed a BA degree at Philomath College in Oregon and died in a flu epidemic two months later. His widow married John Sullivan, had a son, Thomas Michael, and moved to Island County to be with her relatives.

7-l. Helen May Rhoads. Born Apr. 29, l909. Married Earl LeRoy Zylstra, s. James Zylstra and Mary Edna McCuslin of Cooperville, Wash., Sept. ll, l929. He was born Nov. l2, l9l5. Four children, James, June, Joyce and Jerome. She was a social service worker, a member of the Methodist Church, Rebecca Lodge and Order of the Eastern Star.

8-l. James LeRoy Zylstra. Born June 4, l930.

8-2. June Aunita Zylstra. Born Dec. 7, l93l.

8-3. Joyce Diane Zylstra. Born Mar. 3l, l935.

8-4. Jerome Dryl Zylstra. Born June 29, l938.

7-2. Mabel Clair Rhoads. Born Mar. 26, l9ll. Married Raleigh Randall Sherman of Cooperville, Was., son of William Sherman and Lottie Black, Nov. l6, l93l. He was born Aug. 7, l9l0. Three children, Virginia, William and Rochelle. He was a farmer, specializing in raising hubbard squash and goose berries. Were members of the M.E. Church.

8-l. Virginia Lee Sherman. Born Sept. 25, l932.

8-2. William Randall Sherman. Born May l9, l934.

8-3. Rochelle John Sherman. Born Oct. l0, l936.

6-7. Noah Jefferson Rhoads. Born l885; died l886.

6-8. Alice May Rhoads. Born May ll, l888; died l979. Married (l) Ray J. Hill, s. John Wesley Hill and Ella Maude Sisson, July l9, l905. He was born April l4, l883. Five children, Arvella, Avanella, Agnes, Alberta and Geral dine. He was a carpenter. Married (2) Frank Mapes. Lived 844 Eldorado S., Klamath Falls, Ore.

7-l. Arvella Velda Hill. Born May 28, l906 at The Dalles, Ore. Marri Shelly Alexander Fortier, s. Joseph Fortier and Leona Bussy, Aug. 3, l924. He was born Manton, Calif., Sept. l0, l903. One child, Lavelle.

8-l. Lavelle Velda Fortier. Born July 27, l928, Oakland, Calif. Her husband was employed with Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Emeryville, Calif.; was a Master Mason, F&AM. Lived 3728 Buell St., Oakland, Calif.

7-2. Avanella Ann Hill. Born May 7, l908, Everett, Wash. Married Charles Dickenson of Walla Walla, Wash. Was paint manager at a Chevrolet factory. Lived l756 86th Ave., Oakland, Calif.

7-3. Agnes Elizabeth Hill. Born June 20, l9ll, Everett, Wash. Married Francis M. Henry of Portland, Ore. Two children, Daniel and Delores. Was employed by Shell Oil Co., of The Dalles, Ore. Lived 600 W. l6th St., The Dalles, Ore. 284

8-l. Daniel M. Henry.

8-2. Delores J. Henry.

7-4. Alberta Rhoads Hill. Born Dec. 24, l9l3, Everett, Wash. Married Ross Wilmot Bates at Klamath Falls, Ore. One child, Barclay. Was employed with Aberdeen World, a newspaper at Aberdeen, Wash. Lived Weatherwax, Apt. 3, Aberdeen, Wash.

8-l. Barclay Wilmot Bates. Born l937.

7-5. Geraldine Adell Hill. Born Oct. l9, l92l, Walla Walla, Wash.

5-7. Louisa Maria Kenoyer. Born Mar. 8, l952, Union, Wis.; died Mar. 8, l950, Albion, Wash; bur. Albion cemetery. Married George Calvert, s. George Richard Calvert and Mary Thomas, Nov. l2, l868 at Walla Walla, Wash. He was born Feb. 26, l845, St. John's, New Brunswick and died June l8, l909, Albion,. Wash.; buried Albion. Twelve children: Laura, Samuel, Edgar, Lillie, Ador thy, Thomas, Mary, Charles, George, Asa, Ellen and Minnie.

6-l. Laura Annette Calvert. Born Jan. l, l870, Walla Walla, Wash.; died l945 Kamiah, Idaho. Married Edward Lincoln Gallaher Apr. l7, l887. He was born Dec. 8, l86l and died in l948. Lived at Kamiah, Idaho. Twelve children, Oliver, name unknonw, Mary, Artie, Ada, Myrtle, Effie, Dorothy, Ida, Forest, Charles and Cleta.

7-l. Oliver Crawford Gallaher. Born July 6, l888 Umatilla Co., Ore.; died in l966. Married Edith Agnes Sever, d. Clinton Sever and Myrtle Martin, Oct. 4, l9l4, Albion, Wash. She was born Nov. 3, l895, Wilcox, Wash.; diedin l985. Four children, Lester, Floyd, George and Marjorie.

8-l. Lester Orville Gallaher. Born July l5, l9l5, LaCrosse, Wash.; died l956. Married Claire . She was born in l92l. Enlisted in U.S. Navy Oct. l7, l933. Obtained law degree and became special investigator for the FBI. Lived Detroit, Mich.

9-l. Edward Joseph Gallaher. Born l946. Married Janet Lee Handy. She was born in l946.

l0-l. Deborah Marie Gallaher. Born l965.

ll-l. Zachary Dane Gallaher. Born l987.

l0-2. Gary Edward Gallaher. Born l968.

9-2. Richard Allen Gallaher. Born l948. Married Margaret Jane Bayle. She was born in l948.

l0-l. Jason Patrick Gallaher. Born l970.

l0-2. Leslie Jane Gallaher. Born l976.

9-3. Robert George Gallaher. Born l95l. Married Susan Lee Stevens. Born l946.

l0-l. Jesse Lawrence Gallaher. Born l976.

l0-2. Noel Rose Gallaher. Born l978.

9-4. Gerald Arthur Gallaher. Born l953. Married Cynthia Jean Salzman. She was born in l95l. 285

l0-l. Ian Salzman Gallaher. Born l983.

l0-2. Amelia McFarland Gallaher. Born l988.

8-2. Floyd Clinton Gallaher. Born Aug. 24, l9l6, LaCrosse, Wash. Married (l) Jean Ann Winegardner, Dec. 2l, l938, San Francisco. She was born in l9l9 and died in l979. Married (2) Eva K. Winne. She was born in l920. Was licensed embalmer and was employed in U.S. Civil Service.

9-l. Ann E. Gallaher. Born l94l. Married James Morton Watson.

9-2. William E. Gallaher. Born l944. Married Margueerite Horton.

9-3. Peggy E. Gallaher. Born l952.

8-3. George Arthur Gallaher. Born Mar. 24, l920, Loon Lake, Wash. Married Dorothy Jean Hoobler. She was born in l922.

9-l. Kenneth Lee Gallaher. Born in l946. Married Irene Chang. She was born in l953.

l0-l. Amanda Chang Gallaher. Born l988.

9-2. Donald William Gallaher. Born in l948.

9-3. Bruce Duglas Gallaher. Born in l96l. Married Pamela Sue McCarty. She was born in l96l.

8-4. Marjorie June Gallaher. Born June l, l923, Steptoe, Wash. Married Richard Elven Bourne. He was born in l9l9.

9-l. Lucille Marian Bourne. Born l944; died l978. Married Dale Edward Gottschalk. He was born in l942.

l0-l. Darrell Edward Gottschalk. Born l960. Married Ctherine Lorain Anderson. Born l96l.

ll-l. Russell Ryan Gottschalk. Born l982.

ll-2. Riley Steven Gottschalk. Born l985.

l0-2. Mark Alan Gottschalk. Born l962. Married Peggy Jeanne Lisher. Born l963.

l0-3. Brian Dean Gottschalk. Born l964. Married Donna Goucher. Born l963.

ll-l. Daniella Lucille Gottschalk. Born l986.

ll-2. Brianna Kae Gottschalk. Born l990.

9-2. Lorraine June Bourne. Born l947. Married Billie Frank Frazi er. She was born l947.

l0-l. Bradley Alan Frazier. Born l97l.

l0-2. Jeffrey Todd Frazier. Born l973.

9-3. Glenda Jane Bourne. Born l949. Married Eugene Allan McLain. Born l950.

286 l0-l. Annette Debbie McLain. Born l973.

l0-2. Keith Michael McLain. Born l976.

l0-3. Alisa Jane McLain. Born l978.

9-4. Charlene Sue Bourne. Born l95l. Boyd Barker Bailey. Born l944.

l0-l. Peter Bourne Bailey. Born l983.

l0-2. Andrew Boyd Bailey. Born l983.

7-2. Arthur Leslie Gallaher. Born l890; died l9l2.

7-3. Mary Louisa Gallaher. Born Jan. 30, l892. Married Royden Lesley (Lessly) Hardman Mar. l, l9l2. He was born June 29, l883 and died in l950. Eleven children, Edward, Celia, Owen, Effie, Kedric, Dorcus, Edith, Ruby, Eunice, Ulta and Ada.

8-l. Edward Christopher Hardman. Born Dec. 9, l9l2, Orofino, Idaho; died l986. Married Clara S. Stellman. She was born in l9l8.

9-l. Kenneth Gary Hardman. Born l94l. Married Yizh Shi Hwang.

9-2. Marilou Georgia Hardman. Born l944. Married Harold W. Carick, Jr.

9-3. Virginia Evelyn Hardman. Born l949. Married Robert Allan Tripp.

9-4. Jenny O'Meety Hardman. Born l950. Married Robert Lane Hender son.

9-5. Jo Anne Hardman. Born l955. Married Arthur A. Cope. He was born l933.

8-2. Celia Laura Hardman. Born May 5, l9l4; died l97l. Married Richard Temas Ove, Mar. l6, l934. He was born l9ll. One child, Ralph. Lived Dent, Idaho.

9-l. Ralph Andrew Ove. Born Dec. l5, l934; died l987. Married Judy Cernik.

9-2. Leif Elliot Ove. Born l939. Married Sharron Louise Bean. She was born l953.

l0-l. Leif Elliot Ove, Jr. Born l970.

l0-2. Richard Daniel Ove. Born l972; died l972

l0-3. Sheila Louise Ove. Born l973.

l0-4. Shawna Lee Ove. Born and died l975.

9-3. Laurett Eloise Ove. Born l942. Married Anbrey Lynwood Gary. He was born l927.

l0-l. Beverly Lynn Gary. Born l963; died l97l.

l0-2. Barbara Lee Gary. Born l964; died l97l.

287 l0-3. Rebekah Lynne Gary. Born l973. Married Wayne Lee Zipse.

ll-l. Rachel Louise Zipse. Born l982.

9-4. Sharon LaVerne Ove. Born l944. Married Robert L. Packwood. He was born in l937.

l0-l. Sally Jane Packwood. Born l962; died l97l.

l0-2. Lewis Allen Packwood. Born l968.

l0-3. Mary Elizabeth Packwood. Born l972.

l0-4. Nora Grace Packwood. Born l977.

9-5. Carrie Adel Ove. Born l946; died l947.

9-6. Thora Elaine Ove. Born l949. Married Clinton F. Buck. He was born l950.

l0-l. Clinton Forrest Buck. Born and died l970.

l0-2. Kelly Jermand Buck. Born l973.

l0-3. Eric Craig Buck. Born l975.

9-7. Laurel Annette Ove. Born l95l. Married Leroy D. Tallman. Born l947.

l0-l. Laurie A. Tallman. Born l968; died l978.

l0-2. Linda L. Tallman. Born l970.

l0-3. Leroy W. Tallman. Born l974.

l0-4. Lonny E. Tallman. Born l974.

8-3. Owen Arthur Hardman. Born Feb. 29, l9l6, Klamath Falls, Ore.; died in l954. Married Daisy B. McInnis. She was born in l907.

8-4. Effie Lucille Hardman. Born Mar. 24, l9l9. Married (l) Daniel A. Carr June l, l935. Nine children, Lorraine, Lloyd, Melvin, Wanda, Delbert, Darla, Glen, Arlen and Arlette. Married (2) John J. Smith; they had no child ren.

9-l. Lorraine C. Carr. Born Mar. l6, l937.

9-2. Lloyd Daniel Carr. Born l939.

9-3. Melvin Carr. Born l942.

9-4. Wanda Mae Carr. Born l943.

9-5. Delbert Dean Carr. Born l945.

9-6. Darla Dee Carr. Born l946.

9-7. Glen Dale Carr. Born l948.

9-8. Arlen Carr. Born l949.

9-9. Arletta Marie Carr. Born l950. 288

8-5. Kedrick Ronald Hardman. Born Aug. l9, l920; died Aug. 9, l922.

8-6. Dorcas Lora Hardman. Born Feb. 22, l922, Leavenworth, Chelan Co., Idaho; died l939.

8-7. Edith Agnes Hardman. Born Mar. 8, l923, Orofino, Id.; died l980. Married Raymond Eugene Burton. He was born in l9l2 and died in l975.

9-l. Albert Carl Burton. Born l940. Married Ethel Jean Caryle.

9-2. Betty Ilene Burton-Smith. Born l942. Married Glen Kenneth Shirk. He was born in l94l.

l0-l. Robert Glen Shirk. Born l962.

l0-2. Denise Elaine Shrik. Born l963.

9-3. Lesley Raymoond Burton. Born l944. Married (l) Carolyn Sue Winningham; they had one child, Jonathan. Married (2) Cathey Dianne Everest. She was born in l949.

l0-l. Jonathan Mark Burton. Born l965.

9-4. Ben Ellis Burton. Born in l946.

8-8. Ruby Leona Hardman. Born Dec. 22, l924, Orofino, Id. Mrried Frank Gene Holmes. He was born in l9l3 and died in l988.

9-l. Kenneth Allen Holmes. Married Doris Ann Cummins.

l0-l. Shelly Renea Holmes. Born l972; died l990.

l0-2. Sean Allen Holmes. Born l973.

l0-3. Brian Wayne Holmes. Born l975; died l992.

8-9. Eunice Ila Hardman. Born July 20, l926 at Orofino, Id.. Married (l) Louis Koerling; he died in l949. Married (2) William Clinton Hadlock. He was born in l923. Married (3) Dan Friesen.

9-l. Carol Ann Koerling. Born l945.

9-2. Susan Marie Koerling. Born l948.

9-3. Mary Elizabeth Koerling. Born l949. Married Lawrence Vernon Mann. He was born in l944.

l0-l. Mary Elizabeth Mann. Born l978.

8-l0. Ula May Hardman. Born Aug. 24, l929, Orofino, Id. Married •William Chester Alden. Born l9l8 and died l988.

9-l. Cheryl Ann Alden. Born l956. Married Gary Russel Butz. He was born in l953.

l0-l. Stacey Ann Butz. Born l973.

9-2. John Douglas Alden. Born l948.

9-3. Dawn Marie Alden. Born l959. Married Randy Jay Lichtenberg.

289 9-4. Keith Owen Alden. Born l966.

9-5. Marvin Lee Alden. Born l967.z

8-ll. Ada Lee Hardman. Born Aug. l2, l931, Orofino, Id.; died l946.

7-4. Artie Gallaher. Died, l9 years old.

7-5. Ada Zola Gallaher. Born l894; died Nov. l0, l995 at Orofino, Idado; buried at Kamah, Idaho. Married Omar D. (Homer) Snyder. He was born in l894 and died in l968. Lived Kamiah, Id.

8-l. Lloyd Albert Snyder. Born l92l. Married (l) Patricia Darlnye Mattix. She was born in l927. They had six children: Jack, Harry, Donna, William, Patricia and Margaret. Married (2) Elizabeth Louis Miller. She was born in l932.

9-l. Jack Ray Snyder. Born l947. Married (l) Eunice Anne Pef ferkorn. She was born in l95l. They had three children, Terry, Stacy and Patrick. Married (2) Karen Tangen; they had no children.

10-l. Terry Carl Snyder. Born l970.

10-2. Stacy Lynn Snyder. Born l973.

10-3. Patrick Dean Snyder. Born l988.

9-2. Harry Albert Snyder. Born l949. Married Peggy Ann Roeper. She was born l95l.

10-l. Jason Albert Snyder. Born l97l.

10-2. Charmaine Marie Snyder. Born l973.

10-3. Troy Anthony Snyder. Born l978.

9-3. Donna Faye Snyder. Born l95l. Married Paul Mac Mattoon. He was born in l952.

10-1. Adam Paul Mattoon. Born l972.

10-2. Erie Vincent Mattoon. Born l974.

10-3. Justn Lee Mattoon. Born l977.

10-4. Shawn Michael Mattoon. Born l979.

9-4. William Gene Snyder. Born l953.

9-5. Patricia May Snyder. Born l957. Married Kirk Fenton McNair, Jr. He was born in l955.

9-6. Margaret Kay Snyder. Born l96l. Married Daniel Jess Robert son. He was born in l955.

8-2. Everett Homer Snyder. Born l926. Married (l) Madeleine Mae Holdren. She was born in l950; had one child, Victoria. Married (2) Santos Mara Jauvergui. She was born in l946. They had no childre.

9-l. Jason Steven Eisle. Born l975.

9-2. Anthony James Eisle. Born l977. 290

9-3. Michael Vincent Eisle. Born l979.

9-4. Paul Christian Eisle. Born l98l.

8-3. Lois Arlone Snyder. Born and died l930.

7-6. Myrtle G. Vivian Gallaher. Born Mar. 28, l896, Spokane, Wash.; died l979. Married Charles Cummings Henderson June l0, l922, Lewistown, Id. He was born in l893 and died in l882. She was a nurse. Lived Box l052, Boise, Idaho.

8-l. Donald Allen Henderson. Born l927. Married Delores Jean Edge. She was born in l922.

9-1. Judith Ann Henderson. Born l946. Married George Hoffman.

9-2. Richard Allen Henderson. Born l948. Married Sharri Linn Mullavey. She was born in l95l.

l0-1. Amy Christine Henderson. Born l982.

l0-2. Megan Nicole Henderson. Born l985.

7-7. Effie Lucille Gallaher. Born Feb. 9, l898, Spokane, Wash. Married Clifford Paul Powell, son of Cortez Powell and Sena Kight, Aug. 3l, l9l9, Juliaetta, Id. He was born in l890 and died in l965. Four children, Ella, Neva, Clifford and Carol. Lived Lenore, Id.

8-l. Ella Marjorie Powell. Born Mar. 8, l92l, Leland, Id. A teacher. Married Glen Samuel Stevens. He was born in l903.

9-1. Glenda Fern Stevens. Born l945; died l97l. Married Richard Lionel Carpenter. He was born in l944.

l0-1. Wesley Todd Carpenter. Born l97l. Married Shannon Marie Kalus.

9-2. Linda Louise Stevens. Born l947. Marred (l) Steven Bakke and (2) Clarence Herbert (Tyke) Van Dellen. He was born in l944.

8-2. Neva Ruth Powell. Born Mar. l3, l924, Leland, Id.; died June l8, l928; bur. Sunnyside Cemetery, Lenore, Id.

8-3. Clifford Clinton Powell. Born Dec. l4, l929; died Dec. 20, l929, both in Lenore Idaho; buried Sunnyside Cemetery, Lenore, Id.

8-4. Carol Beth Powell. Born Nov. 27, l932, Clarkston, Wash. Married Thomas Rutherford Glass III. He was born in l932.

9-l. Thomas Robert Glass. Born l958. Married Amy Alison Winder. She was born in l963.

l0-l. Samantha Winder Glass. Born l988.

l0-2. Thomas Rutherford Winder Glass. Born l99l.

7-8. Albert Edward Gallaher. Born l899; died l935. Married Vernice Ruth Geer. She died in l992. One son, Gary.

9-l. Gary Blaine Gallaher. Born l934.

7-9. Dorothy J. Gallaher. Born l902. Married Harry L. Landon. He was 291 born in l890 and died in l970.

7-10. Ida Mae Gallaher. Born l904; died l985. Married (l) Allen H. Ortte. He was born in l90l and died in l976. Married (2) Douglas M. Wood. He was born in l900 and died in l989.

7-11. Charles Wilbur Gallagher. Born in l906; died l97l. Married Myrtle Anna Lien. She was born in l9l2 and died in l985. They had seven children: Donald, Sylvia, Gloria, Laura, Twila, Wanda and Cynthia.

8-l. Donald Lee. Gallaher. Born l940. Married Alice Maxine Harmony She was born in l940. Three children, Connie, Jennifer and David.

9-l. Donnie Rae Gallaher. Born l967.

9-2. Jennifer Lynn Gallaher. Born l969.

9-3. David Allen Gallaher. Born l973.

8-2. Sylvia Marie Gallaher. Born l941. Married Horace (Parky) Parker. Two children, Aaron and Charles.

9-l. Aaron Parker.

9-2. Charles Parker.

8-3. Gloria Ann Gallaher. Born l943. Married Stan Norman.

8-4. Laura Lien Gallaher. Born l946; died l989.

8-5. Twila Kay Gallaher. Born l95l. Married Richard Maddox. One child, Sheila.

9-l. Sheila Deane Maddox. Married Michael Perrigan.

8-6. Wanda Jo Gallaher. Born l952. One child, Jasmine.

9-l. Jasmine Reno-Gallaher.

8-7. Cynthia Jan Gallaher. Born and died l954.

7-12. Forest L. Gallaher. Born l908; died l973. Married (l) Lois Olea Haight. She was born in l9l6. They had two children, Barbara and David. Married (2) Addie Myrtle. They had one child, Ted.

8-l. Barbara Gail Gallaher. Born l936. Married (l) Thomas Edwin Vickers. He was born in l933. They had two children, Marshan and Thomas. Married (2) Frank Stephen Kaldizar. They had one child, Steven.

9-l. Marshal Lynn Vickers. Born l954. Married (l) Malcolmm Olin. They had two children, Jennifer and Kelly. Married (2) Thomas L. Andre.

l0-l. Jennifer Olin. Born l975.

l0-2. Kelly Olin. Born l980.

9-2. Thomas Edwin Vickers. Born l955; died l987.

8-2. David Arnold Gallaher. Born l949. Married Jeanine Marie Wolf. She was born l949.

8-3. Ted A. Gallaher. 292

7-13 boy. Born l9l0.

7-14 Zenna Agnes Gallaher. Born l9ll; died l9l3.

7-l5. Cleta Irene Gallaher. Born l9l3. Married (l) Charles Byron Wilson. He was born in l909. They had two chldren, Janette and Norma. Married (2) Walter Klattenberg. He was born in l90l and died in l990. They had one child, Judy.

8-l. Janette Marlene Wilson. Born l933. Married Von Ray Conn. He was born in l927. They had three children, Douglas, Michael and Karen.

9-l. Douglas Leroy Conn. Born l952. Married Wanita May Hodges. She was born l958. Two children, Brian and Tiffany

l0-l. Brian Lee Conn.

l0-2. Tiffany Ann Conn.

9-2. Michael Deloy Conn. Born l956. Married Rita K. McManemy. One child, Amanda.

l0-l. Amanda Lacey Conn. Born l985.

9-3. Karen Elaine Conn. Born l958. Married Norman Spencer.

8-2. Norma Lee Wilson. Born l936. Married Charles Senard Sproull. He was born l930. Four children, Lance, Kathryn, Linda and Matthew.

9-l. Lance Senard Sproull. Born l958.

9-2. Kathryn Lynn Sproull. Born l960. Married William Leslie Hood III. He was born l950. Two children, Victoria and Elizabeth.

l0-l. Victoria Jean Hood. Born l984.

l0-2. Elizabeth Ann Hood. Born l987.

9-3. Linda Louise Sproull. Born l962. Married Aaron Thomas Everett. He was born l963. One child, Benjamin.

l0-l. Benjamin Everett.

9-4. Matthew Brunell Sproull. Born l963; died l987.

8-3. Judy Ann Klattenberg. Born l947. Married David Gey Adams. Two children, Darci and Duane.

9-l. Darci Irene Adams. Born l967.

9-2. Duane David Adams. Born l969.

6-2. Samuel Cooper Calvert. Born Dec. l6, l87l; died Apr. 23, l885 of diptheria.

6-3. Edgar Burton Calvert. Born Aug. 28, l874; died Apr. l9, l885 of diptheria.

6-4. Adorthy Jane Calvert. Born Jan. l7, l877, Walla Walla, Wash. Died May 29, l97l, Colfax, Wash. Buried Albion, Wash. (l) Married George Faler Oct. 23, l902. He died Nov. l9, l905. Three children, Thomas, Elva and Cha 293 rles. Married (2) James Ferguson Oct.3, l9l0. Two children, Hugh and Clarence. She spent early life at Walla Walla and later moved to Latah. Lived for several years at Harrisburg, Idaho where she was postmistress for three years. Was a member of the U. B. Church. Family moved to Albion in l920.

7-l. Thomas Faler. Born and died Jan. 3, l904.

7-2. Elva Maude Faler. Born Mar. 24, l905. Married Harold Johnston Feb. ll, l927. Four children, Adorthy, Mary, Harold and James. Lived (l97l) Pullman, Wash.

8-l. Adorthy Ann Johnston. Born Jan. 27, l928.

8-2. Mary Lou Johnston. Born Nov. 5, l930.

8-3. Harold Johnston. Born July 3l, l932.

8-4. James Donald Johnston. Born Feb. l2, l937.

7-3. Charles David Faler. Born Aug. l5, l906. Married Sue Grace Ro berts Sept. l926. Five children, Betty, Susette, George, Sharon and William. Lived (l97l) Seattle, Wash.

8-l. Betty Joe Faler. Born Apr. 23, l927.

8-2. Susette Katherine Faler. Born Aug. l929; died infancy.

8-3. George Kenneth Faler. Born Sept. 27, l93l.

8-4. Sharon Faler. Born Mar. l5, l938.

8-5. William Michael Faler.

7-4. Hugh Talbert Ferguson. Born Aug. l5, l9ll. Married l942. Lived (l97l) Seattle, Wash.

7-5. Clarence James Ferguson. Born Feb. l6, l9l3. Lived (l97l) Pull man, Wash.

6-5. Lillie Mae Calvert. Born Apr. 7, l879; died May l, l885 of dipther ia.

6-6. Thomas Calvert. Born and died Jan. 2l, l88l.

6-7. Mary Elizabeth Calvert. Born Jan. l3, l882. Married Peter Lewis Taylor Dec. 26, l904. He was born Feb. 27, l882. Six children, Minnie, Bernard, Wendell, Everett, Wilma and Kenneth. She attended school at Albion; was a housewife; he was educated at Albion and was in business. Lived (l958) 727 Pleasant St., Walla Walla, Wash.

7-l. Minnie Taylor. Born Jan. l8, l906. Married Gustav A. Saager. Three children, Eloise, Helene and Carol. She was a housewife. He was a fruit farmer and was in the army in World War I. Lived (l958) Milton, Ore.

8-l. Eloise Saager. Married Ralph Hutchson. Two children, Steven and Timothy. Lived (l958) Eugene, Ore.

9-l. Stephen Hutchson.

9-2. Timothy Hutchson.

294 8-2. Helen Saager. Married Keither Schaeffer. Lived (l958) Eugene, Ore.

8-3. Carol Jean Saager. Born Aug. 2, l934 at Milton, Ore. Married Jimmie Dowe Stuckey, son of Leonard P. Stuckey and Eunice M. Baugh, Dec. 27, l958 at Milton-Freewater, Ore. He was born Dec. l2, l934 at Sheridan, Ark. They had three children, Michael, David and Steven.

9-l. Michael Dowe Stuckey. Born Sept. ll, l960 at Eugene, Ore. Married Ayca Attaroglu, daughter of Alaeddin Attaroglu and Unal Payraz. Dec. 22, l989 at Ankara, Turkey. She was born Jan. l5, l962 at Samsun, Turkey. One child, Alara. He was a civil engineer and she was an interior designer. He was Protestant and she was Islamic.

l0-l. Alara Amber Stuckey. Born Nov. ll, l995.

9-2. David Allen Stuckey. Born Nov. 28, l962 at Eugene, Ore. Married Nora Mae Shaw, daughter of James Shaw and Norma Patrick. Dec. 29, l990 at Hillsboro, Ore. She was born Aug. l0, l965 at Hillsboro, Ore.

9-3. Steven Lee Stuckey. Born Sept. 30, l965 at Springfield, Ore. Married Rebecca Louise Kaus, daughter of Raytmond Kaus and Trish Niday, Sept. l2, l992 at Beaverton, Ore. She was born June 26, l969 at Silverton, Ore. No children. He worked in communications and she was a medical secretary. They were divorced Nov. 30, l995.

7-2. Bernard Dale Taylor. Born May 26, l908. Married Ella Kelly. Three children, Glenna, Gayle and Ginger. Graduated from high school and went to college; Was a farmer and mechanic and lived Walla Walla, Wash.

8-l. Glenna Taylor. Married Leland Sams. One child, Douglas. Lived LaGrande, Ore.

9-l. Douglas Sams.

8-2. Gayle Taylor.

8-3. Ginger Taylor.

7-3. Everett L. Taylor. Born Apr. 22, l9l3. Married Helen Wolfe. No children. Had a business education; was Major in U.S. Army; was a rated senior pilot and Lt. Col. GSC Reg AForce; was in business. lived Pasco, Wash.

7-4. Wendell Taylor. Born Dec. 9, l9l5; died Jan. 9, l949. Married Myrtle Daniel. Two children, Marian and Esther. Was a U.S. Minister. Lived Tacoma, Wash.

8-l. Marian Taylor.

8-2. Esther Taylor.

7-5. Wilma Taylor. Born Jan. l3, l922. Married Dwight R. Lohn. Two children, Robert and Sari. Lived Missoula, Mont.

8-l. Robert Lohn.

8-2. Sari Lohn.

7-6. Kenneth M. Taylor. Born Nov. ll, l926 at Freewater, Umtilla Co., Ore. Married Alma E. Conway, Mar. l6, l95l at Davenport, Wash. Two children, Suzanne and Mary. He had a non-degree extension course work at Syracuse, New York, attended Arizona State University at Mesa, Arizona Community College and 295 Delaware Technology College. Was in the Air Force from Oct. l945 through July l947. Were members of the Mormon Church. Lived Marietta, New York and in l998 at R2, Box 223B, Laurel, Delaware, l9956.

8-l. Suzanne Taylor. Born Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 23, l952.

8-2. Mary E. Taylor. Born June 20, l960 at Syracuse, N.Y.

6-8. Charles Everett Calvert. Born Aug. 27, l884. Married Bertha Kimball June l9l7. Two children, Richard and Jerry. Was a mechanic; played the piano and pipe organ. Lived 536 4th Ave., Twin Falls, Idaho.

7-l. Richard Charles Calvert. Born Oct. 22, l92l. Married Margaret Dougherty July 6, l94l. Two children, Joanne and Richard. Lived 408 Locust St., Twin Falls, Idaho.

8-l. Joanne Calvert. Born Sept. l3, l942.

8-2. Richard Steven Calvert. Born Jan. 3, l953.

7-2. Jerry Edward Calvert. Born Oct. l5, l922. Married Joyce Middle coat Apr. l8, l950. Two children, Patrick and Michael. Lived l534l San Bruno Dr., LaMirada, Calif.

8-l. Patrick Albert Calvert. Born Apr. 20, l95l.

8-2. Michael Charles Calvert. Born Jan. 2, l953.

6.9 George Frederick Calveert. Born Jan. 12, 1887 Adams Co., Ore.; died l968; bur. Albion, Wash. Married Mabel L. Hoskins, d.Dillon and Janie Ho skins, Oct. 3, l909. Six children, George and Golan and four who died in infancy. Preached in the U.B. Church for 35 years. Was received into the conference in l9l5 and transferred to the Idaho Conference in l9l8; ordained in Idaho and served as Presiding Elder for many years in the Idaho Conference. Was delegate to the General Conference three times.

7-l. George Dillon Calvert. Born July l, l9l9, Juliaetta, Id.; died Aug. l5, l996, Hermiston, Ore.; buried Desert Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Irrigon, Ore. Married Ruth Frisbee. Four children, Ruth, Clemen, George and Richard. Was a minister and lived ll0 East Plaza St., Sacramento, Calif.

8-l. Ruth Mignon Calvert. Born June 20, l94l. Married William Hack ett. Lived l2ll Gladys Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.

8-2. Clemen Sharon Calvert. Born Oct. 3, l944.

8-3. George Laird Calvert. Born Sept. 2l, l945.

8-4. Richard Devan Calvert. Born Dec. l9, l949.

7-2. Golan Chadwick Calvert. Born Sept. 2, l927. Married Evelyn E. Cook. Two children, Terry and Janice. Lived l4th and Adams, Veradail, Spo kane, Wash.

8-l. Terry Golan Calvert. Born May 26, l952.

8-2. Janice Arlene Calvert. Born July 8, l956.

7-3. - 7.6 Four children, died infancy.

6-l0. Asa Merritt Calvert. Born Dec. 5, l89l, Fairfield, Wash.; died Sept. 23, l980. Married Gladys Lena Hoskins, d. Fermin Lincoln Hoskins and 296 Minnie Simonton, Aug. 9, l9l7 at Twin Falls, Idaho. She was born May 4, l899 at Big Eddy, Idaho and died Mar. 8, l984, Lewiston, Nez Perce, Idaho. Two children, Clema and Milo. Was public school teacher and principal of the Juliaetta, Idaho, schools. Was a devoted rock hound and a Christian Education instructor. Lived Juliaetta, Idaho. [For their descendants see family of Clarinda J. Kenoyer, d. Jeremiah D. Kenoyer and Elizabeth Ann Cuppy, p. 363].

7-l. Clema Shirley Calvert. She was born May l8, l920, Twin Falls, Idaho and died Nov. 22, l989, Clarkston, Washington; buried Lewiston, Idaho. Married (l) Charles B. Starkey Dec. l8, l938. He was born July l5, l9l9 at Jacksonvillle, Arkansas. They were divorced Jan. 9, l952. Married (2) Ken neth Erwin May 3, l957 at Lewiston, Idaho. Were divorced l96l. Married (3) Wallace Teed Nov. l0, l966.

6-ll. Ellen Ethel Calvert. Born Apr. 22, l894; died about l944 at Ju liaetta, Id.. Married (l) Rufus Goans Aug. 3l, l9l3. Three children, Ina, Asa and Leon. Married (2) Ernest Coe and (3) Soren Peterson.

7-l. Ina Goans. Married (l) Arthur Kelly. Three children, Lorraine, Dale and an infant. Married (2) Frank Coe and had two children, both died infancy.

8-l. Lorraine Kelly.

8-2. Dale Bryce Kelly.

8-3. Infant son, Kelly, died infancy.

8-4. Infant son, Coe, died infancy.

8-5. Infant son, Coe, died infancy.

7-2. Asa Dale Goa.s Married and had one child.

7-3. Leon Goans.

6-l2. Minnie Mabel Calvert. Born Oct. 27, l896 near Fairfield, Wash.; died Nov. l0, l962 at Wickenburg, Ariz. where she and her husband had gone to spend the winter. Married Walter Finch Feb. 7, l9l5. Four children, Linda, Delbert, Burt and Louisa. Lived Albion, Wash.

7-l. Linda L. Finch. Born Nov. 25, l9l5, Albion, Wash. Married (l) Glen Adams, s. Otto Adams and A. Cameron in l935. Two children, Nina and Robert. Married (2) Paul Edwards in l939. Three children, Paul, Dan and Beverly.

8-l. Nina Maxine Adams. Born Oct. 26, l935. Married Dennis Smith Jan. l2, l957. One child, Jeffri Daniel.

9-l. Jeffri Daniel Smith. Born Oct. ll, l957.

8-2. Robert Glen Adams. Born Sept. 27, l937. Married Auril Crumby in l956.

8-3. Paul Elden Edwards. Born Jan. l6, l94l.

8-4. Dan Walter Edwards. Born Jan. 25, l945.

8-5. Beverly Lynn Edwards. Born Mar. 2, l948.

7-2. Delbert Verne Finch. Born Aug. l, l9l7, Albion, Wash.; died Nov. 297 25, l927. Drowned in the Palouse River at Albion, Wash.

7-3. Burt Marvin Finch. Born June 9, l9l9, Albion, Wash. Married Almagene Waymire, d. Fred and Alona Waymire, June 30, l938. Two children, Billie and Terry. Lived Albion, Wash.

8-l. Billie Lee Finch. Born July 3l, l940.

8-2. Terry Ray Finch. Born Sept. 27, l94l.

7-4. Louisa May Finch. Born Oct. l0 and died Oct. l6, l92l, Albion, Wash.

5-8. James Frederick Kenoyer. Born Feb. l2, l855 in Oregon.; died Nov. l2, l9l6, Albion, Wash.; buried Albion. Married (l) Nettie Atwood Apr. l879. She died Jan. l888 Colfax, Wash. Two children, Joseph and Jennie Maude. Married (2) Eva Luce, d. Isaac Luce and Lorina Petty, Oct. l3, l895, Whitman Co., Wash. She was born Aug. 20, l875 and died in l944; bur. Albion. Eight child ren, Jennie, Jaco, Isaac, Ruth, James, Milton, Lorinda, George and Mark. After death of James Frederick Kenoyer, his widow married William D. Irwin in l920.

James Frederick Kenoyer wanted to obtain an education but was not able to do so. Once he attended school with a friend, Jonathan Hoskins; they travelled by horse a great distance to do so. But he did not continue school. He wanted to become a doctor but his father advised against it because there were too many hardships and sacrifices in being a doctor. With his cousin, Frederick, son of Silas Kenoyer, he built and operated a saw mill where the large mill at Potlatch, Idaho, stood in the late l930's. This was the first saw mill in that part of the country. They also ran cattle on breaks of the Snake River in the years l877-79. He was the first permanent resident of the Palouse •country and was the only one to stay there during the Indian uprising in the l870's. He homesteaded on what was known as Alkali Flat in Whitman County, Wash. and by trading and buying he acquired more than 3300 acres at the time of his death. He was involved, at various times, in many types of businesses, from a chop mill and livery stable to a new saw mill.

James was a tall and slender man, weighing about l75 pounds; his eyes were grey and piercing and his hair heavy and black. He was active in the U. B. Church. Was on the Board of Trustees of Edwards College at Albion, Wash. and was the main supporter of the U. B. Church at Albion. He contributed gen erously to the Walla Walla Conference of the Church. He did a great deal of doctoring, learning from his father; he was good at diagnosis and made and used the cancer medicine of his father, having great success with it. Soon after the death of his father he purchased the entire belongings of his father from the administrator. This accounts for the possession of various papers of Jeremiah Kenoyer belonging to the James Frederick Kenoyer branch of the fami ly.

6-l. Joseph Kenoyer. Born l885 and died l886.

6-2. Jennie Maude Kenoyer. Born Nov. l2, l886, Colfax, Wash.; died Sept. 8, l972 Colfax WA. Married Jesse Miller, s. of a Miller and Sara Benedict, May 26, l904, Albion, Wash. He was born July 7, l883, Plainville, Kas.and died June 22, l965 at Colfax WA. Three children, Gladyce, Doris and Clell. Jesse Miller was a salesman. Lived at S-8ll Meadow St., Colfax, Wash.

7-l. Gladyce Bertie Miller. Born June l5, l905, Albion, Wash.; died Dec. 3l, l977; buried Colfax WA. Married (l) Lewis Bloom Nov. 6, l925. He died Aug. 6, l932. One child, Jackuelyn. Married (2) Robert Vernon McEwan Apr. 8, l934. He died Feb. l3, l980. No children. He was a grain buyer.

298 8-l. Jacquelyn Bloom McEwan. Born Nov. 7, l925, Colfax, Wash. She was adopted by her mother's second husband, Robert McEwan. Married Joe Phil Hen derson, Feb. 22, l947. He was born April 9, l926 at Omak, WA. They had two children, Philip and Jolynn. He was a farm equipment dealer, a Protestant, and in both World War II and the Korean War. Lived at Rt. 3, Box l25, Colrax, WA in l993.

9-l. Philip David Henderson. Born Feb. l8, l948 at Colfax WA. Married Barbra Floch, daughter of Harold Floch and June Bucholl, Oct. 7, l978 at Lewiston, ID. She was born May 28, l952 at Aatone WA. Two children, Destry and Chappell.

l0-l. Destry Henderson. Born Apr. ll, l980 at Colfax WA.

l0-2. Chappell Henderson. Born Apr. 2, l982 at Colfax WA.

9-2. Jolynn Henderson. Born Nov. 4, l95l at Colfax WA. Married Michael Duncan, son of Arthur Duncan and Ann Geremko, Feb. 26, l983 at Coeur d'Alene, ID. He was born July l5, l953 at Spokane WA. Two children, Heather and Holly.

l0-l. Heather Leigh Duncan. Born June l4, l985 at Spokane WA.

l0-2. Holly Jo Duncan. Born Dec. 28, l986 at Spokane WA.

7-2. Doris Lucille Miller. Born Feb. l8, l908, Albion, Wash.; died June 25, l987 at Corona del Mar CA. Married Leland Willard Slack Aug. 24, l927 at Spokane, WA. He was born Mar. 7, l904 at Hoquam WA and died Mar. 30, l984 at Corona delMar, CA. Both were buried at Santa Ana, CA. One child, Mary. He was a druggist.

8-l. Mary Ann Slack. Born June 22, l928, Wallace, Idaho. Married James F. Dickson Aug. 26, l949 at Seattle, WA. He was born May 27, l926 at Santa Ana, CA. Two children, Stephen and Brian. They lived at l4l5 Outrigger Dr. Corona de Mar, A., 92625, tel: 7l4-644-8l75.

9-l. Stephen L. Dickson. Born April 5, l95l at Huntington Park, CA. Married Michele Lefebure June 6, l993 at Santa Ana, CA.

9-2. Brian W. Dickson. Born Sept. l, l954 at San Mateo, CA and died Dec. 3l, l977 at Huntington Beach, CA.

7-3. Clell Raymond Miller. Born June 28, l9l0, Albion, Wash.; died July ll, l9l8, killed in a buzz saw accident, Colfax, Wash.

6-3. Jacob Antrim Kenoyer. Born Aug. l3, l897, Palouse, Wash.; died June 25, l992;l buried in Elwood Cemetery, Colton, Ore. Married Delma Beauton Kennison, d. Charles Delbert Kennison and Mary McClimand, Oct. 8, l929, Twin Falls, Idaho. She was born July 3l, l908 in Colorado and died Mar. l957 at Colton, Ore. where she was buried. Two children, Eva and Lil. Received a quarterly conference license to preach in the U.B. Church in l9l7; received into the annual conference Dayton, Wash. l9l8. Ordained at Umapine, Ore. June 24, l922. Served as Presiding Elder and delegate to the General Conference 3 times. Lived (l968) Clarkston, Wash. and (l97l) Walla Walla, Wash.

7-l. Eva May Kenoyer. Born June l7, l932, Albion, Wash.; died of cancer Apr. 30, l998 at Woodinville WA; buried in Cedar Lawn Memorial Park in Red mond. Married William Charles Martin, s. George J. Martin, Sr. and Alice Martha Daly, Aug. 4, l950, Orchards, Wash. He was born Mar. ll, l928 at Minneapolis, Minn. Three children, Crystal, Scott and Rex. He was a mill wright; was in the U.S. Navy and a member of the Church of the Hazarene. She was an active participant in the annual Kenoyer/Luce pinics begun about l965 299 at the home of Bill and Betty Luce in Olympia and was a leader in continuing the gathering at the Carpenters Union Park near Olympia. She along with Bob & Jeffie Bruntsch, Varley and Elva Gordon and Cliff and Georgie Nupen met at Corvallis and planned the l993 reunion which was the beginning of the Kenoyer Family reunions.

8-l. Crystal Dawn Martin. Born Sept. l2, l955, Longview, Wash. Married Brian G. Linn, son of Irvin Henry Linn and Vivian May Rosen, June 25, l987 at Kirkland, Wash. He was born Oct. l, l958 at Seattle, Wash.

8-2. Scott Allen Martin. Born Apr. 26, l957, Longview, Wash.

8-3. Rex Antrim Martin. Born July 3, l959, Longview, Wash. Married Mary Beth Sharp, daughter of James Sharp and Barbara, Feb. 3, l977 at Everett, Wash. Three children, Jake, Jessica and Joy. Were divorced Nov. l3, l98l. He was a liason engineer and a member of the Church of the Nazarene; was in the army reserve.

9-l. Jake Anthony Martin. Born Dec. ll, l977, Coupeville, Wash.

9-2. Jessica Ann Martin. Born June 8, l979, Coupeville, Wash.

9-3. Joy Annette Martin. Born Jan. 2, l98l, Kirkland, Wash.

7-2. Lily Florence Kenoyer. Born Nov. 26, l933, Albion, Wash. Married Wilbur Fleming Des Jardins, son of John Ellsworth Des Jardins and Evelyn Fleming, Nov. l9, l954, Orchards, Wash. He was born Nov. l4, l93l, Detroit, Mich. Three children, Craig, Vicki and Carol. Wilbur Des Jardins was a teacher.

8-l. Craig Jacob Des Jardins. Born July 4, l956, Vancouver, Wash.

8-2. Vicki Lorraine Des Jardins. Born Aug. ll, l958, Huntington, Ind. Married (l) Donald Neal Shipman, son of Kenneth Shipman, Nov. l6, l984 at Santa Ana, Calif. He was born Aug. 28, l949 at Madera CA. One child, Nicho las. Married (2) Michael Jordan Aug. l, l977, Enumclaw, Wash. He was in the Army.

9-l. Nicholas Aaron Shipman. Born Jan. 2l, l988 at Roseville, Ca.

8-3. Carol Lynn Des Jardins. Born Sept. 7, l963, Longview, Wash. Married Brian Arthur Beam, son of Arthur Beam and Evelyn Cranston, Apr. l9, l988, Seattle, Wash. He was born Sept. l4, l948 at Seattle, Wash. He was a UPS driver.

7-3. June Elizabeth Kenoyer. Born June 29, l947, Vancouver, Wash. Married Glenn Ray Rodman, s. Richard Rodman and Gladys Marie Newson, July l8, l964, at Milton-Freewater, Ore. He was born Dec. 2l, l936, Guyman, Okla. Four children, Janet, Renee, Hanna and Sarah.

8-l. Janet Rae Rodman. Born Aug. 4, l966, Seattle, Wash.

8-2. Renee Elizabeth Rodman. Born Oct. l4, l967, Auburn, Wash. Mar ried Keith Willard Cedarleaf May l4, l988, Portland, Ore. He was bor l3, l946.

8-3. Hannah June Rodman. Born Nov. 6, l97l, Auburn, Wash. Married Mark Shaver. One child, Josiah.

9-l. Josiah James Shaver. Born Nov. 30, l996.

8-4. Sarah Joy Rodman. Born Nov. l6, l972 at Auburn, Wash. 300

6-4. Isaac Luce Kenoyer. Born Sept. 3, l899 at Palouse WA; died Jan. 4, l966 at Sumner WA. married Ida Mae Torgerson Dec. 26, l922. Six children, Jessie, Dorothy, Barbara, Alan, Lorinda and James. He was a logger and camp cook and operated a small lumber mill in Oregon for several years before World War II when he moved to the Puget Sound area to engage in ship building. He acted as steward for his union at the Todd-Pacific Shipyards in Tacoma and the Pacific Car and Foundry Plant at Renton. He was an expert welder and mechan ic. For several years after the War he grew raspberries and other truck crops on extensive acreage in northwest Washington. He was employed by Boeing Aircraft in Seattle until his health forced retirement about l963. Lived (l940) near Freewater, Ore. and in the l950's at Box 295, Sumner, Wash. She lived (l968) Eugene, Ire.

7-l. Jessie Mae Kenoyer. Born Mar. l9, l924. Married Payton Winn, s. George Randolph Winn and Anna Compton, July 6, l943, Sumner, Wash. He was born May 28, l922. Five children, Karen, Douglas, Robin, Christine and Bar bara. Lived San Francisco, Calif. and l966 at Weston, Ore.

8-l. Karen Ann Winn. Born Sept. l0, l944, Pinyallup, Wash. Married Randall D. Pierpont, son of Clifford LeRoy Pierpoint and Helen Frances Drake ley. Mar. l9, l966 at Athena, OR. They had four children, Janet, Wendy, Elizabeth and Nathan. He had a BS in Chemistry from the University of Oregon and she a BA from the University of Oregon and an MS from San Diego State University. He was a pastor and teacher and was affiliated with the Evangeli cal Free Church. They taught school and spent 20 years in the ministry, primarily in rural areas. Lived in Eugene, Weston and Milton-Freewater, Ore; Sepulued, CA; Urbana, Ill; El Cerrito, Graceagle, Pine Valley and Fullerton CA. In Fulleton lived at 2725 Santiago RD #A, 92635.

9-l. Janet Christine Pierpoint. Born June 9, l967 at Eugene, OR. She earned a BA at Liberty University.

9-2. Wendy Ellen Pierpoint. Born Mar. 9, l969 at Pendleton, OR.

9-3. Elizabeth Ann Pierpoint. Born April l7, l972 at Urbana Cham• paign, Ill.

9-4. Nathan Randall Pierpoint. Born Aug. 7, l976 at Portola CA.

8-2. Douglas Randolph Winn. Born May 3, l946.

8-3. Robin Kathleen Winn. Born Oct. 26, l949.

8-4. Christine Winn. Born July 3, l95l.

8-5. Barbara Ellen Winn. Born Mar. l, l958.

7-2. Dorothy Jean Kenoyer. Born June 30, l926. Married Harry Albin Lindbo, s. Andrew Carlson Lindbo and Helga Kosin, Sept. 22, l944, Sumner, Wash. He was born July l, l9l6, Bellfield, N. D. Seven children, Andrew, David, Linda, Viola, Katie, Vickie and Doreen. In l966 lived at Tacoma, Wash.

8-l. Andrew Isaac Lindbo. Born Nov. 7, l945, Tampa, Fla.

8-2. David Edward Lindbo. Born Nov. 6, l946.

8-3. Linda Louise Lindbo. Born July l4, l948.

8-4. Viola Jean Lindbo. Born Sept. l5, l949.

301 8-5. Katie Lindbo. Born Feb. l6, l950.

8-6. Vickie Lindbo. Born Feb. l, l95l.

8-7. Doreen Lindbo. Born Feb. 5, l952.

7-3. Barbara June Kenoyer. Born Aug. l2, l928. Married James McCoy, son of Harley and Irene McCoy. Born Aug. 8, l928. Two children, Kim and Craig. In l966 lived at Edmonds WA.

8-l. Harley Kim McCoy. Born Nov. l7, l952. Married Jennifer Glessner. Born Nov. l2, l955. He was a computer specialist and lived in Seattle WA. and she had an MA degree.

9-l. Cameron Archer McCoy. Born Dec. 28, l982.

9-2. Tamas Alan McCoy. Born May ll, l985.

8-2. Craig McCoy. Born Oct. 7, l954. Lived in Edmonds WA, and went on a church mission for a year.

9-l. Grace Sumner. Daughter of Craig McCoy and Crystal Sumner. Born July l, l982.

8-3. Lorinda C. McCoy. Born July 2l, l958. Married Jason Esposito Oct. 20, l984. He was born Sept. 25, l959 and was from Hawaii. She was an actress and director and was Chair for a year of the Mountaineer Players. He was a chef.

7-4. Allen Luce Kenoyer. Born Mar. 24, l93l. Married Patsy Shelby Nov. l95l. She was born Dec. l3, l935. Four children, Shelby, Leslie, Kerry and Casey. In l966 lived at Bremerton WA.

8-l. Shelby Luce Kenoyer. Born Jan. 20, l953.

8-2. Leslie Ann Kenoyer. Born May 6, l954.

8-3. Kerry Kenoyer. Born July 6, l956.

7-5. Lorinda Louise Kenoyer. Born July 20, l933 at Albion WA. Married William Ridgeway June 9, l950. He was born Nov. 24, l925 at Los Angeles, Calif. Three children, Diane, Dennis and Steven. In l966 lived at Puyallup WA. He was a supervisor at Western Natural Gas for 40 years and she was a general manager.

8-l. Diane Marie Ridgeway. Born June l3, l95l, Puyallup WA. Went to University of Washington and worked for the federal government.

8-2. Dennis Clay Ridgeway. Born July 29, l952 at Puyallup WA. Mar ried Nancy Lou Olson, daughter of Paul W. and Maxine Olson. Two children, Gina and William. Graduated from Central Washington University. Owned a water company.

9-l. Gina Marie Ridgeway. Born July 29, l976 at Tacoma WA.

9-2. William Paul Ridgeway. Born Dec. 27, l977 at Tacoma WA.

8-3. Steven Ray Ridgeway. Born Apr. l3, l954, Puyallup WA. Went to Pacific Lutheran University and was a minister.

7-6. James William Kenoyer. Born Sept. 29, l943. Married Joyce Luella 302 Jeske Sept. l4, l963. One child, Tracy Lynn. Lived l966 at Ellensburg WA.

8-l. Tracy Lynn Kenoyer. Born Feb. l0, l965, Puyallup, Wash.

6-5. Ruth Elizabeth Kenoyer. Born June 25, l90l on a farm near Albion WA; died Jan. 25, l993 at Walla Walla WA "of age related causes," having been in ill health for some time. Married Anton Emerson, son of Jacob Engelbritzen and Eda Bongun, Dec. l5, l9l9 at Escalon, Calif. He was born July l, l897 at Kasson, Dodge Co., Minn.; died l964, Albion, Wash.; bur. Albion. Both his parents were born near Bergen, Norway. Six children, Evelyn, James, Eliza beth, Richard, Donald and Mary. Jacob Engelbritzen changed his name to Emer son, due to the difficulty in spelling. Were members of the U.B. Church and lived Albion, Wash. and later the Albion Community congregation when the two churches merged. She taught a Sunday school class for many years and was active in the Albion Women's Club. Ruth Emerson's family lived in Lacrosse WA until l906 when they returned to Albion; she attended school there, but also went to school for a year at Milton, Ore.; later she attended the United Brethren College at Huntington, Ind. She was postmaster at Albion from Apr. 24, l944 to Oct. l4, l966. "Tony" had worked for Ruth's father in earlier years at Lacrosse. The couple farmed for two seasons between Hay and Riparia, WA, but after a drought they quit and settled in Albion. Obituary of Ruth Emerson in the Guy-Albion Historical Society Newsletter Feb. l993, Vol. XII, No. 2.

7-l. Evelyn Alice. Emerson. Born Jan. 20, l92l, Albion, Wash. Married Charles Ketcherside, s. James Edward Ketcherside and Lena Yenny, of Touchet, Wash., May 29, l938, Albion, Wash. by Rev. J. A. Kenoyer. He was born Feb. 8, l9l5, Touchet, Wash. Three children, Bette, Donna and Pauline. Divorced l967.

8-l. Bette Lou Ketcherside. Born Dec. 29, l938, Colfax, Wash. Mar ried Carroll Wayne Rollins, s. James Carroll Rollins and Darsey Belle Ward June 8, l958 at Waitsburg, Wash. He was born Aug. l7, l938, Washington, D. C. Two children, Terri and Kathy.

9-l. Terri Lynn Rollins. Born July l0, l959, Spokane, Wash.

9-2. Kathy Anne Rollins. Born Mar. 2, l966, Andrews AF Base, Md.

8-2. Donna Lee Ketcherside. Born Oct. 22, l940, Walla Walla, Wash. Married (l) Edwin Mackleit Dec. 20, l958, Waitsburg, Wash. One child, Donald. Divorced l962. Married (2) Eugene Hampel in l966 at Santa Rosa, Calif. One child, Heather.

9-l. Donald Lee Mackleit. Born Aug. l4, l959, Dayton, Wash.

9-2. Heather Michelle Hampel. Born June l2, l970, Everett, Wash.

8-3. Pauline Ray Ketcherside. Born Nov. 6, l942, Walla Walla, Wash. Married Jerome W. Breneman Sept. 4, l960, Waitsburg, Wash. He was born June 24, l938, Randolph, Wash. Four children, Timothy, Cheryl, James and Stephen.

9-l. Timothy Wade Breneman. Born Feb. 27, l96l, Walla Walla, Wash.

9-2. Cheryl Ann Breneman. Born July l3, l962, Seattle, Wash.

9-3. James Daniel Breneman. Born Feb. l6, l964, Seattle, Wash.

9-4. Stephen Anton Breneman. Born Dec. l8, l968, Seattle, Wash.

7-2. James Anton Emerson. Born Oct. 28, l922, Albion, Wash. Married Annabelle Edwards, d. Albert Royal Edwards and Lempi Ilona Aalta Apr. l8, 303 l944, Seattle, Wash. She was born May 24, l924, Juneau, Alaska. Eight child ren, Michael, Patrick, James, Peggy, Kevin, Karen, David and Dawn. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard.

8-l. Michael Anthony Emerson. Born Jan. l7, l946, Seattle, Wash. Married Judith Ellen Akins, d. Charles Akins and Dorothy Brock July 2, l966, Pullman, Wash. She was born Mar. l5, l948. Three children, Christine Michael and Doriann.

9-l. Christine Noelle Emerson. Born June l5, l967, Pullman, Wash.

9-2. Michael Anthony Emerson, Jr. Born Sept. 9, l968, Pullman, Wash. One child, Christine.

l0-l. Christine Noelle Emerson. Grad. Albion Christian School May 23, l986.

9-3. Doriann Michelle Emerson. Born Apr. 29, l970, Pullman, Wash.

8-2. Patrick Allan Emerson. Born Feb. l947, Colfax, Wash. Married Heidi Adele Hubbard, d. Lowell Hubbard and Dawn Murray, Apr. 28, l967, Moscow, Idaho. She was born June 9, l950, Pullman, Wash.

8-3. James Anton Emerson, Jr. Born May 5, l949, Colfax, Wash. Mar ried Kathryn Jean Johnson May l7, l968, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Two children, Kimberly and James.

9-l. Kimberly Marie Emerson. Born Sept. l, l968, Moscow, Id.

9-2. James Jay Emerson. Born Sept. l7, l970, Moscow, Id.

8-4. Peggy Ann Emerson. Born Aug. 6, l953, Pullman, Wash. Married Jeffrey Craig Perkins, son of Edward A. Perkins and Marilyn Loyce Apled. They had two children, Jeffrey and James. He was a carpenter, was in the U.S. Navy; she was a secretary and they were members of the Church of the Nazarene.

9-l. Jeffrey Craig Perkins, Jr. He was born Aug. 29, l975 at Pull man, WA.

9-2. James Edward Perkins. Born Sept. 6, l979 at Pullman, WA.

8-5. Kevin Albert Emerson. Born July 26, l955, Pullman, Wash.

8-6. Daren Alice Emerson. Born July 26, l955, Pullman, Wash.

8-7. David Andrew Emerson. Born June 20, l958, Pullman, Wash.

8-8. Dawn Annette Emerson. Born Sept. l2, l970, Moscow, Id.

7-3. Elizabeth Lorraine Emerson. Born Jan. l2, l926; died Mar. 22, l926, Albion, Wash.; bur. Albion.

7-4. Richard Leroy Emerson. Born May 20, l927, Albion, Wash. Married Bernice Lee Caine, d. James Roy Caine, Sr. and Bertha Catherine Reiger, Aug. 20, l955, Berkeley, Calif. She was born Mar. 2, l927, St. Maries, Idaho. Five children, Catherine, Karen, Connie, Richard and Carol

8-l. Catherine Lee Emerson. Born June 29, l956, Chattanooga, Tenn. Married Richard Michael Egan, son of William Francis Egan and Eleanor Mills. May l0, l979 at Fairfax, VA. He was born Sept. 4, l952 at Alexandria, VA. Three children: Benjamin, David and William. Lived (l990) at l49l2 Ritchie Rd., Centerville, Va, 22020. Phone 703-830-9338. 304

9-l. Benjamin John Egan. Born April 30, l98l at Alexandria, VA.

9-2. David Michael Egan. Born April l7, l984 at Alexandria, VA.

9-3. William Francis Egan II. Born Jan. 3l, l987 at Alexandra, VA.

8-2. Karen Sue Emerson. Born Aug. 27, l957, Washington, D. C. Mar ried Richard Ordos April 28, l984 at Olympia WA. Lived (l990) l4l0 9th Ave., SE, Olympia, WA, 9850l. Phone: 786-ll77.

8-3. Connie Marie Emerson. Born Oct. 22, l958, Sacramento, Calif. Married Frederick Weisdepp, son of William Weisdepp and Ardis Engel. Aug. ll, l984 at Olympia, WA. He was born Feb. 4, l954 at Olympia, WA. They had two children, John and Anne. He was a claim adjuster; they were Catholic. Lived (l990) at l4l4 Legion Way SE, Olympia, WA, 9850l. Phone: 786-9362.

9-l. John Frederik Weisdepp. Born June 20, l983, Olympia, WA.

9-2. Anne Marie Weisdepp. Born July 25, l988, Olympia, WA.

8-4. Richard Anton Emerson. Born Oct. l2, l959, Sacramento, Calif. Married Jeannie Graves June 30, l988 at Rochester, WA. Lived (l990) at l9202 Pecan St., SW, Rochester, WA, 98579. Phone: 206-273-55l9.

8-5. Carol Lynn Emerson. Born Apr. 22, l96l, Camden, N. J. Married Timothy Franklin Neitzelt, son of Harry Neitzelt and Irma Madison, Feb. l8, l983 at Colorado Springs. They had two children, Jacklyn and Danielle. He was in the U.S. Army, retired May l990. He was previously married to Sandra Marie Mulvey and had three children, Angel Marie (born Dec. l0, l969); Tiffany Ann (born April 8, l972); Timothy Franklin, Jr. (born April 8, l972). Lived (l990) at ll05 Irving St., Tumwater, WA, 98502. Phone: 754-4497.

9-l. Jacklyn Lee Neitzelt. Born Ot. l2, l983 at Ft. Carson, CO.

9-2. Danielle Marie Neitzelt. Born Nov. l4, l984 at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.

7-5. Donald LaVerne Emerson. Born Apr. 20, l929, Albion, Wash. Married Frances Irene Peterson, d. Gust Walterman Peterson and Caroline Elenor Wilter mood, Nov. 23, l947, Moscow, Idaho. She was born Aug. 5, l929, Moscow, Id. Three children, Candice, Sherry and Donald.

8-l. Candice Eileen Emerson. Born Nov. 5, l948, Moscow, Idaho. Married Lester Slinkard at Pullman, Wash.

8-2. Sherry Marie Emerson. Born Sept. 8, l949, Moscow, Idaho. Mar ried Forrest LaMotte July ll, l970 at Pullman, Wash. He was born July 30, l948 at Seattle WA. Two children, Kari and Kelly.

9-l. Kari Page LaMotte. Born May 7, l976 at Seattle, WA.

9-2. Kelly Chrrystine LaMotte. Born Mar. 24, l979 at Seattle, WA.

8-3. Donald LaVerne Emerson, Jr. Born Aug. 24, l95l, Moscow, Idaho. Married (l) Diane Jean Larceval. Two children, Shane and Teresa. Married (2) Pong Pun Gowuen. She was born April l5, l950 at Chinway, Thailand. One child, Malynda. He was in the military.

9-l. Shane Elton Emerson. Born Dec. 7, l974 at White Sands, New Mexico.

305 9-2. Teresa Rama Emerson. Born Mar. 23,l l977, Pullman, WA.

9-2. Malynda Dawroony Emerson. Born Mar. l4, l986 at Amarillo, TX.

7-6. Mary Eileen Emerson. Born Apr. l0, l932, Albion, Wash. Married (l) James Sherrill Jorgenson and had four children, George, Joe, Darlene and Cheryl. Divorced. Married (2) Clarence Benjamin Gregory Jan. 3l, l969 at Anchorage, Alaska. He was born Oct. 6, l932 at Cornwall, N. Y.

8-l. George Anton Jorgerson. Born Aug. 4, l95l, Anchorage, Alaska.

8-2. Joe Allen Jorgenson. Born Oct. l8, l952, Anchorage, Alaska.

8-3. Darlene Louise Jorgenson. Born Jan. l3, l955, Anchorage, Alaska.

8-4. Cheryl Lynne Jorgenson. Born Aug. l7, l956, Anchorage, Alaska.

6-6. James Frederick Kenoyer. Born July 4, l903, Albion, Wash.; died Apr. l7, l964, Pasco, Wash.; bur. Albion. Married Dorothy Belle Kulp, d. John Kulp and Mary McPhail Nov. l9, l928, Albion, Wash. She was born May 24, l9l2, Blaine, Wash. and died Oct. 9, l99l at Pasco, Wash.; buried Albion, Wash. Five children, James, John, George, Klayton and Dorothy. Lived at Albion and Pasco, Wash. After the death of James Frederick Kenoyer, Dorothey Kulp mar ried Charles Robert Hooper, Sr. Feb. 24, l967 at Pasco, WA.

7-l. James Frederick Kenoyer III. Born Oct. ll, l929, Albion, Wash.

7-2. John Wesley Kenoyer. Born Mar. 8, l93l, Albion, Wash. Married Edwina Lucille Damron, d. James Edwin Damron and Gladys Lucile Phelps July 6, l957, Pasco, Wash. She was born June l, l938, Detroit, Mich. Four children, Christine, Cindy, Daren and Joy.

8-l. Christine Faith Kenoyer. Botn Oct. l7, l959, Pasco, Wash. Mar ried (l) Nicholas Floyd Wagoner June 27, l98l at White Salmon, WA. He was born Aug. 5, l959, Pasco, WA. Were divorced in l98l. Married (2) Mark Lowell Hodges, son of Joe Ben Hodges and Karen Lou Larson Sept. l8, l982. He was born Feb. l0, l957 at Coos Bay, Ore. He was formerly married to Pamela Sue Martin. Two children, Steven and Benjamin. Were divorced July l992.

9-l. Steven Michael Lowell Hodges. Born June 3, l990 at Richland, Wash.

9-2. Benjamin Hamilton Wesley Hodges. Born Aug. 2l, l99l at Rich land, Wash.

8-2. Cindy Lea Kenoyer. Born June 27, l96l, Pasco, Wash. Married William Dean Kingman, son of Wilkens Kenneth Kingman and Barbara Ann Davis. June 30, l984 at Pasco, WA. He was born Jan. l3, l955 at Tacoma, WA. He was married formerly to Daria "Cindy" Jean Nutley. Were divorced in l990 and after their divorce she took back her maiden name.

8-3. Daren Farell Kenoyer. Born Dec. l, l962, Pasco, Wash. Married l990 at White Salmon, WA. She had two children by a former marriage, Cory Nathaniel Ingram (born June 27 l983 at The Dalles, OR); Keith Everet Ingram (born Apr. l2, l986, The Dalles, OR). Two children, Nolan and Cassandea.

9-l. Nolan Tel Kenoyer. Born Aug. 4, l988 at White Salmon, WA.

9-2. Cassandea Marie Kenoyer. Born July l9, l989 at White Salmon, WA.

8-4. Joy Lynn Kenoyer. Born June 30, l965, White Salmon, Wash. 306 Married Donald Welever, son of Ken and Neta Welever, Aug. l7, l985 at White Salmon, WA. Two children, Kennety and Gregory.

9-l. Kenneth Wesley Welever. Born Aug. 22, l989 at Monroe, WA.

9-2. Gregory Scott Welever. Born Oct. l4, l992 at Monroe, WA.

7-3. George Wayne Kenoyer. Born Nov. 2, l932, Albion, Wash. Married Patricia Elmeta Fast, d. Donald Roy Fast, Sr. and Bernice Elmeta Robbins, Nov. 6, l955, Pasco, Wash. She was born Feb. 7, l935, Pasco, Wash. Two children, Donald and Stanley.

8-l. Donald James Kenoyer. Born Apr. l4, l957, Pasco, Wash. Married Vicky Elaine Ehret Aug. 28, l982, daughter of Con Henry Ehret and Dorothy Louise Swan, at Lancaster, CA. She was born May l3, l955 at Tampa, FL. Two children, Anna and Tara. He was a civil engineer.

9-l. Anna Yvette Kenoyer. Born Nov. l6, l986 at Winston-Salem, NC.

9-2. Tara Monik Kenoyer. Born June l3, l990 at Idaho Falls, ID.

8-2. Stanley Paul Kenoyer. Born June 29, l958, Pasco, Wash. Married Meri Kim Morley, daughter of Robert F. Morley and Nancy J. Nichols, Nov. 29, l980 at Salem, Ore. Two children, Christopher and Jennifer.

9-l. Christopher Ryan Kenoyer. Born Nov. l2, l982 at Mesa, AZ.

9-2. Jennifer Nicole Kenoyer. Born July 24, l985 at Forest Grove, OR.

7-4. Klayton Charles Kenoyer, Sr. Born Feb. l2, l934, Albion, Wash. Married Flora May Fast, d. Donald Roy Fast, Sr. and Bernice Elmeta Robbins, June l3, l954, Pasco, Wash. She was born Dec. 4, l935, Seattle, Wash. Four children, Klayton, Kathleen, Kim and Karen.

8-l. Klayton Charles Kenoyer, Jr. Born Apr. 23, l956, Pasco, Wash. Married Glenda Dale Wolverton, daughter of William John Wolverton and Barbara Frances Bryant, June 20, l982 at Reno, NV. She was born July 24, l959 at Pasco, WA. He was in retail business.

8-2. Kathleen Marie Kenoyer. Born Oct. 26, l957, Pasco, Wash. Mar ried Leslie Eugene Kiing, son of Thurman Eugene King and Sylvia Iriene Brum ley, Jan. l3, l977 at Pasco, WA. Two children, Carmen and Aaron.

9-l. Carmen Ellyse King. Born Aug. l4, l977 at Kennewick, WA.

9-2. Aaron Royce King. Born Jan. 29, l979 at Edmonds, WA.

8-3. Kim Diane Kenoyer. Born Sept. 30, l959, Pasco, Wash. Married Lee Roy Saenz, son of Reynaldo G. Saenz and Mary Helen Quintinilla, Sep. 9, l979 at Kennwick, WA. He was born Mar. 7, l953 at East Chicago, Ill. He was an electrical designer.

8-4. Karen LaVonne Kenoyer. Born June 8, l965, Pasco, WA; died Feb. 25, l996 at Kent, WA; buried in Hillcrest Burial Park, Kent, WA. Married Robert Boetticher Thurber, son of Donald Albert Thurber and Anne Quimby Boet• ticher, Aug. 29, l992 at Kennewick, WA. She was born May l2, l96l at Por• tland, Ore. He was a systems analyst.

7-5. Dorothy Elizabeth (Betty) Kenoyer. Born June 22, l935, Albion, Wash. Married (l) Wade Nelson Hadsall, s. Charles Hadsall, Nov. l9, l952, Pasco, Wash. He was born Aug. l5, l93l in Missouri. One child, Claudia. 307 Married (2) Lyle Hobart Mineer, s. Nelson Hobart and Frances Mineer, Dec. 3l, l955, W. Richland, Wash. He was born July l, l927 at Champaign, Ill. Two children, Lyle and LaWanda. Married (3) Gene Leonard Mastrude, son of Freder ick W. Mastrude and Agnes Lozier, July 30, l965, at Kennewick, Wash. He was born Apr. 2, l929, Joseph, Ore. Two children, Gene and Gwende.

8-l. Claudia May Hadsall. Born Feb. 28, l954, Camp Hanford, Wash. Married Freddie Reed Theroff, son of Lee Philip Theroff and Edna Cordelia Edwards, Sept. 4, l976 at Pasco, WA. He was born Sept. ll, l954 at Connell, WA. Two children, Ryan and Sarah. He was a farmer.

9-l. Ryan Fredrick Theroff. He was born June l6, l98l at Richland, Benton Co. WA.

9-2. Sarah Leeann Theroff. Born Feb. 23, l984 at Richland, WA.

8-2. Lyle Hobert Mineer, Jr. Born Sept. l8, l956, Kennewick, Wash. Married Linda Sue Gibb, daughter of Louis R. Gibb, Sept. 24, l983 at Kennwick, WA. Three children, Amanda, Elizabeth and Lyle.

9-l. Amanda Rose Mineer. Born Nov. l, l984 at Kennewick, WA.

9-2. Elizabeth Ann Mineer. Born July l, l987 at Kennewick, WA.

9-3. Lyle Hobart Mineer III. Born Oct. 23, l989 at Kennewick, WA.

8-3. LaWanda Rae Mineer. Born Aug. 3l, l963. Married Larry Allen McIOnturff June 25, l983 at Prosser, WA.

8-4. Gene Leonard Mastrude, Jr. Born Apr. l5, l966, Pasco, Wash.

8-5. Gwende Lee Mastrude. Born Sept. l5, l967, Pasco, Wash. Married (l) Russell Warren Smith, July l2, l986 at Paradise Valley, AZ and had one child, Alissa. He was a carpenter. Married (2) Randy Eugene Weiher, son of Gene Weiher and Roberta Sinclair, June l9, l993. He was born Nov. l4, l964 at Chehalis, WA. They had one child, Austin.

9-l. Alissa Lynn Smith. Born May 22, l989.

9-2. Austin Gene Weiher. Born June l6, l955 at Kent, WA.

6-7. Milton Wright Kenoyer. Born Nov. l2, l907. Named for Bishop Milton Wright, father of the Wright brothers, inventor of the airplane. Killed in a motorcycle accident in l948. Married Alice Hittle, d. Oliver Isaac Hittle and Emma Henrietta Stephens, Sept. l5, l929. She was born Dec. 28, l905, Pullman, Wash. Five children, Oliver, Patricia, Jerry, George and Emma. Graduated from high school and was student at Washington State College. Worked several years as foreman in a cold storage warehouse and was in the trucking and fruit raising business in Wenatchee, Wash. She lived (l97l) at Monitor, Wash.

7-l. Oliver Wayne Wright Kenoyer. Born Sept. l9, l932 at Wenatchee, Wash. Married Carolyn Rebecca Hahn, d. Joseph Howard Hahn and Mary E. Tudor, Mar. l8, l96l at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. She was born Aug. l6, l939, Seattle, Wash. Four children, Jeff, Phil, Scott and Allen. He retired from A.C. Neil son Co. in l987 and ran the family orchard with his two brothers. He was in the army for four years; was a Methodist. She was a dance teacher.

8-l. Jeffrey Wayne Kenoyer. Born Oct. 20, l96l, Wenatchee, Wash. Taught school, junior high level science and math, and was sports coach.

8-2. Philip Wright Kenoyer. Born Oct. l0, l962, Wenatchee, Wash. Was a captain in the Marines, an aid to the general of base and C.I.O.R. Team 308 member for 3 years.

8-3. Scott Howard Kenoyer. Born Apr. 30, l965, Wenatchee, Wash. Was a high school physical education teaher and tennis and football coach.

8-4. Allen Jerome Kenoyer. Born June 27, l970, Wenatchee, Wash.

7-2. Patricia Alice Kenoyer. Born Jan. l2, l934, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Erik Christian Madsen, s. Hjlmar Victory Madsen and Erna Astrid Hatte son, Apr. l4, l956, Monitor, Wash. She was born Aug. l3, l926, Oak Park, Ill. Four children, Erik, Kristi, Mary Alice and Randy. He was a Baptist minister. Lived in Athena, OR where in later life he was a part-time contract chaplain at the Veteran's Medical Center, Walla Walla, WA.

8-l. Erik Victor Madsen. Born Jan. l, l957, Redlands, Calif. Patri cia Kenoyer adopted him when she married his father. Lived in Seattle.

8-2. Kristi Ann Madsen. Born May 24, l958, Walnut Creek, Calif. Married Norbert Martin Ess from Gestratz, Germany Nov. l9, l988. One child, Karl. Lived in Buchloe, Germany.

9-l. Karl Christian Ess. Born Seattle, WA, Sept. l3, l989.

8-3. Mary Alice Madsen. Born Nov. 2l, l960, Spokane, Wash. Married Joel Goldstein Nov. l989. She was an ordained Baptist minister. Beginning July l990 was pastor of the Methodist Church in Florence, OR.

8-4. Randy Lee Madsen. Born Dec. l, l963, Spokane, Wash. Married Marie Krup May l5, l983. Two children, Erik and Kristin. Were divorced.

9-l. Erik David Madsen. Born Dec. 24, l986 in Seattle, WA.

9-2. Kristin Lee Madsen. Born April l3, l988 in Seattle, WA.

7-3. Jerry Leroy Kenoyer. Born May l9, l935, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Lucielle Dorothy Doneen, d. Winfield Doneen and Dorothy Poitras. She was born May 8, l935, Wenatchee, Wash. Four children, Dwayne, Diane, David and Danny.

8-l. Dwayne Kenoyer. Born June 3, l957, Wenatchee, Wash.

8-2. Diane Kenoyer. Born Feb. 6, l959, Wenatchee, Wash.

8-3. Dan Edward Kenoyer. Born Dec. 8, l960, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Kim Ann Bitterman June l6, l984. She was born Dec. 8, l962. Three children, Daniel, Kevin and Quinn. Lived 220 Chapel St., Cashmere, WA, 933l5. Phone:L 509-782-4283.

9-1. Kyle Daniel Kenoyer. Born Jan. 20, l990 at Wenatchee, WA.

9-2. Kevin Jerry Kenoyer. Born Feb. 22, l993 at Wenatchee, WA.

9-3. Quinn AnnKenoyer. Born June l6, l995 at Wenatchee, WA.

8-4. David J. Kenoyer. Born July 29, l963, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Darla M. Lessard June 27, l992 at Wenatchee, WA. One child, Molly. Lived at 3770 Red Apple Rd., Cashmere, WA, 988l5; tel. 509-782-4330.

9-l. Molly Joy Kenoyer. Born Dec. 8, l994 at Wenatchee, WA.

7-4. George Edward Kenoyer. Born Jan. 28, l944, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Louise Arlene Peterson, d. Rex Peterson and Jessie Foster, Aug. l9, l966 at Cashmere, Wash. She was born Jan. l5, l945, Wenatchee, Wash. Two 309 children, Cami and Darrin.

8-l. Cami Louise Kenoyer. Born Sept. 3, l970, Wenatchee, Wash.

8-2. Darrin E. Kenoyer. Born Mar. 3l, l973, Wenatchee, WA.

7-5. Emma Elaine Kenoyer. Born Oct. 3, l945, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Verdelle Eldon Low, s. Eldon Low and Wanda Groff, Oct. l6, l969, Tacoma, Wash. He was born Feb. 2, l936, Mason City (Grande Coulee),d Wash. No children.

6-8. Lorinda Clare Kenoyer. Born Apr. 30, l9ll, Albion, Wash. Married (l) Paul Waldo Luce, s. Van Buckles Luce and Edith Fulton, Jan. l6, l934. He was born Mar. 23, l908, Palouse, Wash. Two children, Doris and Janice. Married (2) Roy David Warner, s. Manuel Warner and Jessie Huff, July l7, l948, Albion, Wash. He was born July l8, l9ll. No children. In l966 lived at Pullman WA.

7-l. Doris Ruth Luce. Born June 27, l935, Wenatchee, Wash. Married (l) Jerry Alan Love. He was born Mar. 26, l930, Pullman, Wash. Four children, Linda, Terry, Deborah and Michael. Married (2) Ronald Irving Green, s. Loren Green, Dec. l, l962, Monrovia, Calif. One child, Christine.

8-l. Linda Louise Love. Born Jan. 27, l953, Oak Harbor, Wash. Mar ried Michael Blair May 9, l97l, Pullman, Wash. He was born July 2l, l948, Colfax, Wash.

8-2. Terry Alan Love. Born July 23, l954, Oak Harbor, Wash. Married Lisa Helen Swing, daughter of Ron Swing and Moncelo. She was born Dec. l8, l955 at Orange, CA. One child, Amy. He was a cabinet maker and she a dental hygienist.

9-l. Amy Louise Green. Born Oct. 26, l982 at San Dimas, CA.

8-3. Deborah Sue Love. Born Oct. 27, l956, Colfax, Wash.

8-4. Michael Alan Love. Born Mar. ll, l958, Moscow, Idaho.

8-5. Christine Green. Born Oct. l7, l964, Monrovia, Calif.

7-2. Janice Karlene Luce. Born Dec. 29, l938, Wenatchee, Wash. Married Edward Franklin Olson, s. Rudolph Olson and Irene Charboneau, Aug. l9, l956, Pullman, Wash. He was born Oct. 22, l933. Four children, Edward, Steven, David and Kerri.

8-l. Edward Stephen Olson. Born Oct. 2l, l957, Moscow, Idaho. Married Colleen Marie Thome Sept. l, l979 at Nampa, ID.

8-2. Steven Matthew Olson. Born Feb. l2, l960, Moscow, Idaho.

8-3. David Paul Olson. Born Feb. l6, l962, Moscow, Idaho. Married Shannon Jane Abbot Aug. 28, l984 at Coeur d'Alene, ID.

8-4. Kerri Lynn Olson. Born Aug. l, l967, Moscow, Idaho. Married David Thane Weitz Sept. l4, l985 at Colfax, WA.

6-9. George Pfrimmer Kenoyer. Born Jan. l7, l9l4, Albion, Wash.; died Nov. 26, l995 at Tacoma, WA. Married Clara Reitner, d. John Reitner and Mary Fink, Apr. l9, l936, Monitor, Wash. She was born Nov. l2, l9l6, Odessa, Wash. and died Mar. l8, l99l at Puyallup, WA. Both were buried in the Albion Cemetery at Albion, WA. One child, Mary Kay. He was a teacher. Lived (l97l) Steilacoom, Wash.

310 7-l. Mary Key Kenoyer. Born Mar. 3, l945, Tacoma, Wash. Married Jef frey Evans Flint, s. Paul Russell Flint, Jr. and Mary Louise Des Jardin, July 3l, l97l, Tacoma, Wash. He was born Sept. 20, l944, Seattle Wash. and died Oct. 29, l997 of cancer in their home in Tacoma, WA. He had been in the hospital since July and went home where Mary Key cared for him until his death. He was buried in the Albion Cemetery, Nov. 4, l997.

6-l0. Mary Edward Kenoyer. Born June 28, l9l6, Albion, Wash. Married (l) Jean Arch, d. Edward Thomas and Emily Arch, Dec. 5, l943, at Auckland, New •Zealand. She was born March l6, l9l6 in Australia. Three children, Mark, Edward and Milton. Married (2) Norma F., Sept. 20, l965. He was with the U. S. Army overseas. Lived (l958) 2700 Dawson St., Columbus, Ga. and (l97l) Vancouver, Wash.

7-l. Mark Edward Kenoyer. Born Oct. l5, l944, Auckland, New Zealand. Married Margretta Marie Helm, d. Howard Harold Helm and Dorothy Alice Sprague, Sept. l7, l965, Portland, Ore. She was born May 3, l945, Portland, Ore. One child, Steven Mark. He was a minister. Lived at 2ll70 SW Lenore Ct., Aloha, OR, 97006. Phone 503-642-2789.

8-l. Steven Mark Kenoyer. Born Jan. 3l, l97l, Portland, Ore.

8-2. Bradley Jon Kenoyer. Born Dec. 4, l97l, Salem, OR.

8-3. Jeffrey Mathew Kenoyer. Born July 27, l974, Seattle, WA.

7-2. Edward Thomas Arch Kenoyer. Born May 23, l947, Longview, Wash. Married Jean King, d. Quentin James King, Dec. 26, l970, Spokane, Wash. She was born Apr. 5, l949, Grand Coulee, Wash.

7-3. Milton Wright Kenoyer. Born Sept. 2, l95l, Longview, Wash.

5-9. George Cuppy Kenoyer. Born Feb. 28, l857, McMinnville, Yamhill Co., Ore.; died Apr. 7, l945, Modesto, Calif.; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, Calif. Married Nancy Elizabeth Ellis, d. Richard Matthew Ellis and Ann Lyle, Mar. 23, l876, Walla Walla, Wash. She was born Aug. 9, l857, Macon Co., Mo. and died Dec. 2, l944, Modesto, Calif.; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, Calif. Six children, Hettie, Ora, Alfred, Wesley, Cora and Alta.

In Yamhill County he obtained a common school education and then attended Sublimity College in Marion Co. In l868 he moved with his parents to Walla Walla Co., Wash. After he came of age he was in the lumbering business for ten years. Went to Kootenai County, Idaho in early spring of l879 where he took a contract for making ties for the Northern Pacific which was building through the country that year. His camp was at a point one-half mile south of the Westwood store, now Rathdrum, near Spokane. The winter of l879-80 he, his wife and two children, were near Coeur d'Alene Post, cutting cord wood for the soldiers at the post. In the spring they were back in Westwood and they took a contract to haul logs for Mr. Post's mill at Little Falls. Moved back to Washington to Palouse in Whitman Co.

Spent seven years as a U.B. minister and later engaged in farming in Whitman Co. Received a Quarterly Conference license to preach in l878 at Huntsville, Wash. and was received into the Conference in l895. Was ordained in l900 by Bishop H. Barkley and was transferred to the California Conference in l906. At the time of his death he was a member of the Oakdale, Calif., U.B. Church. He was an active member of the Republican Party in Whitman Co. and was a member of the Washington State Legislature, l90l-05 from the 8th Representa tive District. He was actively interested in education and was associated with Edwards College in Albion, Wash. As a young man he broke his leg that healed incorrectly and for the rest of his life he walked with a limp. The family went to California in the early l900's and lived in Los Molinos and 311 Oakdale. He preached in the U. B. Church at Oakdale. In l940 they lived in Stockton in a house built by his grandson, Marvel D. Kenoyer. In March l94l he and his wife celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in Stockton. Later they moved to Oakdale and lived in a house next to their daughter-in-law Lora Lynn Hulbert Kenoyer until their deaths.

6-l. Hettie Jane Kenoyer. Born Jan. 23, l877, Walla Walla, Wash.; died May 27, l938, Chico, Calif.; bur. Oak Hill Cemetery, Red Bluff, Calif. Mar ried Thomas Jerry Hunt, s. Dr. Franklin Hunt and Emily Nester, Apr. 7, l895 near Colfax, Wash. He was born Nov. 26, l874 in Oregon. Five children: Lola, Zelda, Flossie, Ila and Charles.

7-l. Lola May Hunt. Born Jan. 9, l896, Albion, Wash. Married Dana Clair Rogers, s. John Brownell Rogers and Vesta Olivia Clair, Apr. l5, l9l5 at Los Molinas, Calif. He was born June 4, l892 at Erie, Pa. and died Dec. 2l, l963 at Roseville, Calif. Four children, William, John, Evelyn and Betty. He worked on the railroad for many years; she was an accomplished seamstress.

8-l. William Clair Rogers. Born Mar. 28, l9l6, Biggs, Calif. Married Anna Margaret Hansen, d. Henry Hansen and Martina Olesen from Denmark, Mar. l6, l939 at Oakland, Calif. She was born Dec. 24, l9l5 at Ellensburg, Wash. Three children, Sheila, Thomas and Carol. Divorced in l953. He was employed by the U.S. Government, living in l97l in Vietnam. She lived (l97l) in Chico, Calif.

9-l. Sheila Mae Rogers. Born May 9, l940, Lakeview, Wash. Married James Keith Callison, s. Robert Stevenson Callison, Jan. 25, l959, Lodi, Calif. He was born Jan. l, l938, Springfield, Ohio. Three children, James, Janet and Linda. Lived (l97l) Los Angeles, Calif.

l0-l. James Robert Callison. Born Jan. l2, l96l, Springfield, Ohio.

l0-2. Janet Lynn Callison. Born Aug. l5, l962, Lima, Ohio.

l0-3. Linda Sue Callison. Born Aug. l8, l963, Lima, Ohio.

9-2. Thomas Brownell Rogers. Born June 6, l942, Lakeview, Ore. Married Doris Marie Richard, d. Cleo Richard and Yvonne Lambert, Oct. l, l966, Chico, Calif. She was born Apr. 22, l945, Fargo, N. Dakota. Two children, William and Dana. Was employed by the U. S. Forest Service and lived (l97l) in Somesbar, Calif.

l0-l. William Brownell Rogers. Born May 4, l967, Chico, Calif.

l0-2. Dana Richard Rogers. Born May l2, l968, Chico, Calif.

9-3. Carol Jean Rogers. Born Sept. l8, l943, Lakeview, Ore.; died Jan. 20, l947.

8-2. Vesta Lucile Rogers. Born Oct. l5, l9l8, Fairoakes, Calif.; died Jan. l9l9.

8-3. John Brownell Rogers. Born Dec. 22, l9l9, New York City. Mar ried Twila Dobson, d. Fred Dobson and Irma Clark, Nov. 7, l942, Moscow, Idaho. She was born Oct. 8, l920 at Corning, Calif. Three children, George, Gerald and Janice. Lived (l97l) Sacramento, Calif.

9-l. George Brownell Rogers. Born July 25, l945, Corning, Calif.

9-2. Gerald Leroy Rogers. Born Oct. 7, l946, Corning, Calif. Mar ried Sharon Dianne Baker Apr. 3, l97l, San Francisco, Calif. She was born 312 Feb. 3, l95l, San Antonio, Texas.

9-3. Janice Twila Rogers. Born Mar. l3, l954, Sacramento, Calif.

8-4. Evelyn Jane Rogers. Born Sept. 5, l92l, Los Molinos, Calif. Married (l) Dan Nelson Nov. 24, l945, Klamath Falls, Ore. Two children, Donna and Linda. Divorced. Married (2) Frank Kenan Oct. l967. Lived (1971) Citrus Heights, Calif.

9-l. Donna L. Nelson. Born Sept. l2, l946.

9-2. Linda Nelson. Born Mar. 3l, l948.

8-5. Betty June Rogers. Born June l3, l925, Orland, Calif. Married Fields Dwing Flynn, s. John Michael Flynn and Dola Mae Garrett, Apr. 2l, l946, Red Bluff, Calif. He was born Dec. l4, l924, Lakeview, Ore. Two children, Roger and Patricia. He was in the furniture business.

9-l. Roger John Flynn. Born Nov. 7, l949, Renton, Wash. Graduated from South Oregon College, Ashland, Ore., l97l.

9-2. Patricia Joyce Flynn. Born Jan. 28, l952, Lakeview, Ore. Was a student at South Oregon College.

7-2. Zelda Bonnie Hunt. Born Sept. 30, l899, Colfax, Wash.; died Nov. 20, l969, Corning, Calif.; bur. Los Molinos, Calif. Married Claude Hastings Maehler, s. Henry August Maehler and Amy Phoebe Williams, July l3, l9l9, Modesto, Calif. He was born Jan. l6, l90l, Oakland, Calif. Two children, Claude and Zelda.

8-l. Claude Zelman Maehler. Born Dec. 23, l920, Oakland, Calif. Married Alvesta Kettring Myers, d. Alvin Wenger and Estie Nora Kettring, Feb. 2l, l943, Lafayette, Calif. She was born Aug. l, l92l. Three children, Wenda, Loret and Denise. Lived (l97l) Orinda, Calif.

9-l. Wenda Diane Maehler. Born Mar. 3l, l945 Berkeley, Calif. Married D. Neil Friesner June 24, l967, Orinda, Calif.

9-2. Loret Sue Maehler. Born May 25, l946, Berkeley, Calif. Mar ried Gary Fritsch June 29, l968, Orinda, Calif. One child, Timothy.

l0-l. Timothy Allen Fritsch. Born Mar. l6, l970, Livermore, Calif.

9-3. Denise Ann Maehler. Born Aug. 9, l958, Walnut Creek, Calif.

8-2. Zelda Madge Maehler. Born Nov. ll, l922, Santa Cruz, Calif. Married William Corvin Emerson Dill, s. Wesley Dill and Anna Freyling, May 4, l944, Corte Madera, Calif. He was born May l5, l92l at Grand Rapids, Mich. Three children, Terry, Rand and Lonnie. Lived (l97l) San Anselmo, Calif.

9-l. Terry Emerson Dill. Born June 23, l946, San Rafael, Calif. Married Barbara Jo Beeson May 9, l970, San Rafael, Calif.

l0-l. Katrina Elizabeth Dill. Born Jan. l3, l987 at Daley City, Calif.

9-2. Rand Orvin Dill. Born June 20, l949, San Rafael, Calif. Mar ried Ellen Marie Atchison June 30, l973 at San Rafael, Calif. She was born June l5, l95l at Elgin, Ill. Two children, Jaime and Amanda.

313 l0-l. Jaime Ellen Dill. Born Mar. l7, l979 at Larkspur, CA.

l0-2. Amanda Noel Dill. Born May 28, l987, Larkspur, CA.

9-3. Lonnie Jeanne Dill. Born Nov. l7, l954, San Rafael, Calif. Married Dewitt (Damian) Gene Dollahite June l9, l976 at Corte Madera, Calif. He was born Nov. 2, l939 at Yokon, Okla. One child, Michael.

l0-l. Michael Saint-Damian Dollahite. Born May l5, l980, San Francisco, CA.

7-3. Florence Neomi (Flossie) Hunt. Born Apr. l, l906, Garfield, Wash. Married Phillip Elliot Lester Dec. 25, l930 at Los Molinos, Calif. He was born Aug. ll, l906, Minneapolis, Minn. Two children, Caroline and Arletta. Lived (l97l) 438 Roselawn, Modesto, Calif.

8-l. Caroline Jane Lester. Born Jan. 25, l938, Modesto, Calif. Was secretary at Sacramento State College and an accomplished violinist. Lived (l97l) Sacramento, Calif.

8-2. Arletta Maude Lester. Born Mar. ll, l940, Modesto, Calif. Married Dr. Ronald Dinberg Aug. l9, l966, Ceres, Calif. He was born Apr. 2, l938 at Turlock, Calif. He taught Chinese Philosophy and History at the University of Virginia. One child, Elliott. Lived (l97l) Charlottesville, Va.

9-l. Elliott Lester Dinberg. Born Oct. 5, l970, Charlottesville, Va.

7-4. Ila Hunt. Born Sept. l6, l907; died Feb.l, l924; bur. Red Bluff, Calif.

7-5. Charles Franklin Hunt. Born Aug. l5, l9ll, Oakdale, Calif. Mar ried (l) Wanda Hunt. Married (2) Thelma Frances Ricketts, d. Abe Ricketts and Della Mae Hancock, Apr. l2, l946, Reno, Nev. Whe was born Dec. 9, l925, Bakersfield, Calif. Two children, Cheryal and Debra. Lived (l97l) Santa Cruz, Calif.

8-l. Cheryal Jane Hunt. Born Jan. l9, l949, Stockton, Calif. Married Charles Christensen Jan. 26, l968, Santa Cruz, Calif.

8-2. Debra Frances Hunt. Born July 28, l953, Stockton, Calif.

6-2. Ora Deloss Kenoyer. Born Oct. 30, l878 Walla Walla, Wash.; died June 29, l922 Oakdale, Calif.; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, Calif. Married Lora Lynn Hurlbert, d. Vilroy Beaman Hurlbert and Alice Dewey Pitt, May l3, l904, Albion, Wash. She was born Oct. 5, l883 at Sebastapol, Calif. and died May 5, l967, Oakdale, Calif.; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale. Five children, Marvel, Crystal, Cecil, Mazo and Ernest. He worked in the blacksmith shop in Albion, Wash. as a young man and was a farmer in Oakdale at the time of his death. Received an Exhorter's License from the Free Methodist Church in Oakdale Jan. 8, l92l. Lora Hurlbert continued to keep the farm going after Ora Kenoyer's death; was active in church work, teaching Sunday School, play ing the piano and singing in the choir; she also played the violin.

7-l. Marvel Deloss Kenoyer. Born Dec. 29, l904, Albion, Wash.; died Jan. 4, l969, Stockton, Calif. of peneumonia secondary to congestive heart failure (he had medical retirement due to severe heart disease); bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, Calif. Married (l) Sidney Hall Blanchard, d. John Gowen Blanchard and Eliz. Ann Albro, Mar. l2, l929, Pacific Grove, Calif. She was born July 20, l896, Philadelphia, Pa. and died Apr. 8, l967, Aptos, Calif. of sudden M.I.; bur. Oakwood Memorial Cemetery, Santa Cruz, Calif. Four child 314 ren, Ernest, Elizabeth, Frances and William. Married (2) Clara Brown about l948 in Nevada. Married (3) Elizabeth after l948. Married (4) Dorothy Smith, Seattle, Wash., after l960. Lived Stockton, Calif. in his younger days and was very active in politics and civic affairs. Was Commander of the Civil Air Patrol in Stockton in the l940's. Was a postal clerk in the Stockton post office and a partner in a small airport in Stockton. Served in the U.S. Army, l928-9, stationed at Presidio of Monterey, Calif. and Ft. Sheridan, Ill. Was an insurance adjuster with the Great American Indemnity Company, Seattle, Wash. and Oct. l968 moved back to Stockton where he worked in the U.S. Post Office and was co-owner of the West Lane Airport at Stockton. He retired due to severe heart disease. Sidney Blanchard was a graduate of Children's Hospi tal School of Nursing, Philadelphia in l9l9 and was an RN at the San Joaquin General Hospital, Brench Camp., Calif. She had late onset diabetes controlled with diet and medication.

8-l. Ernest Edward Kenoyer. Born Dec. 20, l929, Highwood, Ill.; died July 29, 1991 at Mountain View, Calif. of colon cancer; buried in Golden Gate National Cemetery. Married June Alice Norvall, d. George Norvall and Alice co, Calif. Four children, Robert, Cheryl, John and Roy. He was a postal clerk in Palo Alto, Calif; served in the U.S. Navy, l948-l95l; lived (l970) Santa Clara, Calif. Ernest Kenoyer contracted tuberculosis in Guam while in the U.S. Navy and had a lung removed.

9-l. Robert Ernest Kenoyer. Born June l9, l954, Redwood City, Calif. Married Rebecca June Olsen, April 3, l977 at Menlo Park, CA. She was born May 30, l954 at Boise, Idaho. Two children, Renee and James.

l0-l. Renee June Kenoyer. Born Mar. 9, l979 at Mountain View, Calif.

l0-2. James Kenoyer. Born Mar. l3, l982 at Mountain View, Calif.

9-2. Cheryl June Kenoyer. Born July 5, l957, Redwood City, Calif. Married Michael Timothy Higgins, March 8, l980 at Santa Clara, Calif. Two children, Bryan and Kirsten

l0-l. Bryan Michael Higgins. Born Oct. l3, l985.

l0-2. Kirsten Elise Higgins. Born Aug. l2, l997 at Fresno, Calif.

9-3. John Charles Kenoyer. Born Aug. 9, l958, Redwood City, Calif. Married Cathleen Smith Oct. 26, l985 at Redwood City, Calif. She was born Dec. l8th. Two children, Sean and Christopher.

l0-l. Sean Kenoyer. Born May l5, l986.

l0-2. Christopher John Kenoyer. Born Mar. l9, l994.

9-4. Roy Allen Kenoyer. Born Jan. 5, l965, Redwood City, Calif.

8-2. Son, stillborn.

8-3. Elizabeth Ann Kenoyer. Born Aug. 27, l933 at St. Joseph's Hospi tal, Stockton, Calif. Married (l) Martin Luther Osborn, s. Elmer and Alice Osborn, May 16, l952; Stockton, Calif. He was born Dec. l8, l926. One child, William. Divorced. Married (2) Harry Eugene Davis, Jr., son of Henry Eugene Davis and Margaret Steele, Oct. l2, l955, Stockton, Calif. He was born Mar. Elizabeth Kenoyer was a nurse on the maternity staff of Watsonville, Ca., Hospital. She was educated at Cabrillo College, with an associate degree in nursing June 8, l980. She was active with Girl Scouts, serving as a leader and working with other adults in scouting. Was a family genealogist and a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Harry Davis was in the U.S. 315 Navy during World War II and the Korean War; he worked for the California Division of Highways as a highway engineer and became vice president of west ern operations for the Mobile Drilling Co., Inc. of Indianapolis, Ind. His work involved research and development and sales of drilling equipment. Lived (l97l), P. O. Box 46l, Aptos, Calif., 95003.

9-l. William Richard David Osborn. Born Jan. l7 and died Feb. ll, l953, Stockton; buried Rural Cemetery, Stockton, Calif. He died of a congeni tal anomaly, omphalocele, repaired 3 hours after birth and survived several weeks.

9-2. Scott Eugene Davis. Born Oct. l2, l956, at Dameron Hospital, Stockton, Calif. Married Mary Anne Hughes, daughter of Robert Ellsworth Hughes and Mary Catherine Gross, Jan. 8, l983 at Chico, Calif. She was born July l, l96l at Reno, Nev. They had two children, Bryan and Andrew. Scott Davis received a B.S. in electrical engineering and computer engineering at Chico State University, May l985 and a Masters in Compter Science at Chicago State University May 23, l996. He was a project engineer with the Grass Valley Group, Nevada City, CA. Mary Anne Hughes was educated at Chico State Universi ty with a BS in Marketing. She was marketing manager with Sonic Technology at Grass Valley, CA.

l0-l. Bryan Eugene Davis. Born Oct. l9, l985 at Carlsbad, Calif.

l0-2. Andrew Robert Davis. Born May l, l992 at Grass Valley, Calif.

9-3. Susan Elizabeth Davis. Born Nov. l8, l957 at Dameron Hospital, Stockton, Calif. Married Jay Gerard Manor, son of Edward Simon Manor and Ruth Ann Martell, Oct. 20, l979 at Pensacola, Fla. He was born Oct. l, l958 at Monroe, Mich. They had three children: Kyle, Kelsey and Zachary. Susan Davis received a BA at Oakland University, Rochester, MI, Sept. l7l989 and an Asso ciate Degree in Nursing at Mott Community College, Flint, MI, May 5, l996.

l0-l. Kyle Edward Manor. Born April l7, l982 at Pensacola, Fla.

l0-2. Kelsey Elizabeth Manor. Born Sept. l9, l987 at Royal Oak, Mich.

l0-3. Zachary Gerard Manor. Born Nov. l6, l989 at Flint, Mich.

9-4. Sandra Edith Davis. Born Aug. 8, l959 Porter Hospital, Engle wood, Colo. Married Anthony Jack Pudoff, son of Jack Michael Pudoff and Wanda •Antonio Rinali, Oct. 23, l977 at Danville, Calif. He was born Feb. 20, l955 at Marysville, Calif. They had two children, Stephanie and Anthony. Sandra Davis was educated at Contra Costa College, CA, with a degree in Culinary Arts, May 28, l993.

l0-l. Stephanie Michelle Pudoff. Born June l9, l978 at Vallejo, Calif. Married Joseph Osterhout Aug. 23, l996 in Florida. One child, Taylor.

ll-l. Taylor Elizabeth Osterhout. Born Mar. 3, l997 in Flori da.

l0-2. Anthony Scott Pudoff. Born Oct. 4, l985 at Oakland, Calif.

9-5. Sara Eileen Davis. Born Mar. 5, l962 at Stanford Medical Center, Palo Alto, Calif. Married Mark Steven Tranchina, son of Frederick William Trachina and Billie Rae Golightly, Apr. 28, l990 at Dallas, Tex. He was born Sept. l, l959 at Dallas, Tex. They had two children, Jordan and Emily. Sara Davis received a BA in Human Biology at Stanford University June l6, l985 and a MD at Southwestern Medical School at Dallas, Tex., Jan. 2, 316 l990. She began family practice at St. Paul's Hospital, Dallas, Tex., Jan. l994. Mark Tranchina received a BA at Indiana University in Economics May l982 and becme a chartered financial analyst Sept. l993.

l0-l. Jordan Frederick Trachina. Born Sept. 22, l993 at Dallas, Tex.

l0-2. Emily Grace Trachina. Born Jan. ll, l996 at Dallas, Tex. She was deaf at birth and received a cochlear implant to restore her hearing in Sept. l997.

8-4. Frances Evelyn Kenoyer. Born Mar. 2, l935, St. Josephs Hospit cal, Stockton, CA. Stockton, Calif. Married Ulmer Fields McCleerey, Jr., s. Ulmer Fields McCleerey and Isabella Smith, Oct. l2, l955, Stockton, Calif. He was born Aug. l, l932, Canon City, Colo. Four children, Debra, Michele, Barbara and Darol. He serves in the U. S. Navy and became a correctional officer at Folsom State Prison for 30 years. She graduated from nurses train ing at St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing, San Francisco, Calif., in l955 and worked in hospitals in Stockton and Folsom; became an office nurse in Folsom, Calif.

9-l. Debra Louise McCleerey. Born July l, l956, Stockton, Calif. Married (l) Kenneth Chester Peppers Mar. l6, l976; they had two children, Christie and Kenneth. Married (2) Steven Duane Rhoads after l980.

l0-l. Cristie Michele Peppers. Born Feb. l6, l976.

l0-2. Kenneth Charles Peppers. Born Aug. 26, l978.

9-2. Michele Anne McCleerey. Born Aug. 27, l957, Stockton, Calif. Married Philip Lee Edwards Sept. l, l984 at Colorado Springs, Colo. Two children, Nicholas and Matthew.

l0-l. Nicholas Ulmer Edwards. Born Jan. 5, l988.

l0-2. Matthew Lee Edwards. Born Sept. 8, l993.

9-3. Barbara Jane McCleerey. Born Oct. 4, l960, Stockton, Calif. Married (l) Ronald Duane Cobb June l2, l982 at Folsom, Calif. One child, Brandon. Married (2) Kevin Burns, July 6, l990 at Lake Tahoe, Nev. He was born Jan. l0, l960. They had one child, Zachary.

l0-l. Brandon Tyler Cobb. Born July 6, l983.

l0-2. Zachary Dylan Burns. Born Jan. 9, l992.

9-4. Carol Lynn McCleerey. Born Aug. 2l, l962, Stockton, Cali Married Kenneth Blevins. They had one child, James.

l0-l. James Michael Blevins. Born Aug. l4, l987.

8-5. William Sidney Kenoyer. Born Nov. 25, l936 St. Josephs Hospital, Stockton, Calif. Married (l) Beverly Meador in l955, Stockton, Calif. She was born Dec. 9, l935 at Stockton, Calif. One child, Katherine. Married (2) Alexandria (Sandra) Lee Haynes, d. Orrin Ebbert Haynes and Juanita Magaitha Garrett, Aug. 8, l958, Ceres, Calif. She was born Aug. l9, l939, Stockton, Calif. Two children, Denise and William. He received an AA from Modesto Junior College and was a supervisor for Rawson County in Modesto, Calif. Lived (l97l) Modesto, Calif.

9-l. Katherine Lynn Kenoyer. Born May l7, l956, Seattle, Wash. Married (l) Bruce Michael Canning, son of Ross William Canning and Dorothy, 317 July 27, l974, at Sacramento, Calif. He was born May 30, l952 at Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada. One child, William. Married (2) Mark Parris. One child, Matthew. Married (3) Matthew John Fleming IV. about l985. He was born June 2, l96l. One child, Matthew John Fleming V.

l0-l. William Ross Canning. Born Dec. 23, l974 at Lynn, Mass.

l0-2. Matthew William Parris. Born Jan. 20, l983.

l0-3. Matthew John Fleming V. He was born Nov. 24, l985.

9-2. Denise Garrett Kenoyer. Born July l6, l960, Stockton, Calif. Married Daniel William Wade May l0, l986 at Modesto, Calif. He was born June l6, l964. They had two children, Melissa and Stephanie. Denise Kenoyer received an ADN at Modesto Jr. College (RN) June l3, l98l.

l0-l. Melissa Nicole Wade. Born Jan. 4, l988.

l0-2. Stephanie Michele Wade. Born Aug. 3l, l989.

9-3. William Ernest Kenoyer. Born Dec. 23, l964, Modesto, Calif. Married Joann Marie Rome May 5, l993 at Gavilan Hills, Calif. He received a BA in Biblicl Stdies at Masters College May ll, l99l. She received a BA in Liberal Studies at Masters College May 8, l993.

7-2. Crystal Arletta Kenoyer. Born Apr. 23, l907, Albion, Wash. and died May l2, l975 at Fresno, CA; buried May l5, l975 at Belmont Memorial Park in Fresno. Married John Edward Sherwood, Sr., son of Robert Benjamin Sherwood and Mabel Maude Bates. He was born Jan. 29, l908, Junction City, Kas. and died Mar. l3, l980 at Fresno, CA; buried in Belmont Memorial Park. Three children, Betty, John and Loretta. He was a carpenter and building contrac tor; she belonged to the Nazarene Church. Lived (l97l) Fresno, Calif.

8-l. Betty Jean Sherwood. Born Sept. l4, l926, Modesto, Calif. Married (l) Roy Clayton Rudel, s. Conrad Rudel and Murtie Fly, Nov. l5, l944. He was born Apr. 6, l924 and died Jan. 20, l992 at Fresno, Calif.; buried at Fresno. Two children, Patricia and Pamela. He was in the U.S. Marines, l942- 45 and was a building designer. Married (2) William Paul Williams. He was born Jan. 30, l927 at Fresno, CA. He was educated at Pasadena Nazarene Col lege and Nazarene Theological Seminary. He was a minister and teacher.

9-l. Patricia Ann Rudel. Born June 7, l946, Fresno, Calif. Married Peter Janecka July 5, l974 at Fresno. Were divorced in l984. Patricia Rudel was employed (l97l) by a lumber company in Redwood City, Calif.

9-2. Pamela Ann Rudel. Born Dec. l4, l948, Fresno, Calif. Married Jack L. Blake Oct. 28, l972 at Fresno. One child, Zachery. Majored in social welfare at Fresno State College; spent summer of l97l in Germany.

l0-l. Zachery Blake. Born May l3, l976 at Fresno, CA.

8-2. John Edward Sherwood, Jr. Born Dec. 26, l928, Los Angeles, Calif. Married Jean Mae Leming, d. Earl Ishmael Leming and Sybal Dyer Aug. 27, l949, Porterville, Calif. She was born May ll, l930. Three children, Cathy, Richard and Marcia. He was a Nazarene preacher and became (l97l) a teacher. She was a bank teller. John Sherwood moved with his familly from Los Angeles to Oakdale and settled on a small farm ten miles west of Fresno, CA at the corner of North and Cornelia Avenues; the farm was owned by his grandfather, Robert B. Sherwood. His father, a builder by trade, worked as a farm laborer at a dairy during the Depression at fifteen cents an hour. At tended West Park School in grade school until sixth grade. By this time the War was on and jobs were more plentiful and his father took a job in town; 318 they moved to a rented house on Oleander St. John, Jr. attended Edison Junior High School during the 7th and 8th grades. His father then built a new house on Yale Avenue near Fresno State College football stadium. He completed ninth grade at Hamilton Junior High School and then went to Fresno Technical High School. He enrolled in the California High School Cadet Corps as the first years of military training, and by his senior year reached the rank of First Lieutenant in the Corps and was editor of the school yearbook. He graduated in l946.

John Sherwood, Jr. attended Pasadena (Nazarene) College in Pasadena, CA, worked as a custodian for the college and sang in a travelling quartet to pay for his eduation. He met Jean Leming during his junior year and were married in l949. She worked at Southern California Edison Co. in Los Angeles and he worked in grocery stores part-time while completing his BA degree in l95l. AFter graduation they moved to Kansas City, Mo. to attend Nazarene Theological Seminary. While in seminary he worked in grocery stores, a steel mill and an aircraft plant as a clerk typist. Also served as a minister in a small Meth odist Church in the Arley community north of Kansas City. Finished seminary in l956 and moved to Fairfield, CA where he became minister of a new Nazarene Churh with l8 members who were meeting in a rented building. Over the next five years he built up the congregation, built a church building with volun teer labor, prepared for three services each week and worked at a supermaket four days a week. He was paid $25 a week. And by that time his health broke and he and his wife decided they were in the wrong profession. In l960 one day at the market a friend, superintendent of a school district in a neighbor ing town, came through the checkstand and urged him to apply for a job teac ing school. He did so and was hired for the year l96l-62. For six years he taught at Waggoner School in Winters, Calif. while completing work toward a full teaching residential at Sacramento State College. He then followed his superintendent to Pismo Beach as vice-principal at Shell Beach Elementary School. While teaching there he completed his MA at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in l97l. He was then appointed principal at Oceano Elementary School, a position he held for six years. For Jean's health (the moist climate was not •acceptable) they moved to the desert in southern California when he became principal of Roosvelt Intermediate School, and then assistant superintendent of Personnel Services in the district office of the Desert Sands Unified School District, and lived in the towns of Yucca Valley, Palm Desert and Indio.

On retirement they sold their home, bought a thirty-seven foot fifth-wheel trailer and a one-ton truck and toured the country. In l992 they had a home built near their daughter Cathy in Post Falls, Idaho where they lived in l998. During these years he worked in his yard, volunteered with the Post Falls Historical Society, and did family genealogy. Much of this Kenoyer/Pfrimmer family history is a result of updating by John Sherwood.

Jean Mae Leming was born at the home of her grandparents Dyer in the Coyle Colony area of Porterville, Calif. Her parents lived in one of a group of small houses provided by the workers on the Hills Brothers (of coffee fame) orange ranch, southeast of Porterville. After her mother died in l933 shortly after the dead birth of her third child, Jean and her sister went into town to live with her mother's step-sister and then she lived with her father's par ents until he got married to her stepmother in l933 and moved back to the little house on the Hills Brothers ranch.

Her father worked on ranches until l936 when they moved to Strathmore, CA to live on the George Cole ranch and they lived there until l94l. She started school in the first grade in Orosa until sixth grade when they moved and she attended Vandalia Elementary School and later Bartlett Junior High School until the eighth grade when they moved to Riverdale where her father ran a dairy farm for his brother-in-law. When to Riverdale high school for two years. She finished high school at Porterville High in l948, and then attend 319 ed Pasadena College in Pasadena, CA. In succeeding years she worked at South ern California Edison Co., the Bank of America in Winters, San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande, and as a school secretary and teaching assistant. As a hobby she did many kinds of hand work such as crochet, quilting, Hardanger and cross stitch; she also collected dolls.

9-l. Cathy Joanne Sherwood. Born Aug. 30, l95l, Pasadena, Calif. Married John Steward McBeth Sept. 23, l972 at Arroyo Grande, CA. He was born May l9, l952. Two children, Jacob and Lindsay.

l0-l. Jacob Steward McBeth. Born May l5, l975 at Fairchild, WA.

l0-2. Lindsay Ann McBeth. Born Nov. 2l, l977 at Fairchild AFB, WA.

9-2. Richard Earl Sherwood. Born July 30, l953, Kansas City, Mo. Married Carol Ann Hatfield at Grover City, CA. She was born Feb. l2. One child, Kristin.

l0-l. Kristin Marie Sherwood. Born Sept. 22, l980 at San Luis Obispo, CA.

9-3. Marcia Jean Sherwood. Born Oct. 24, l958, Fairfield, Calif. Married Timothy Scott Ewart Dec. 8, l979 at Palm Springs, CA. He was born Nov. 29, l95l at San Pedro, CA. One child, Jennifer

l0-l. Jennifer Lea Ewart. Born July 28, l984 at Palm Springs, CA.

8-3. Loretta May Sherwood. Born Mar. l4, l93l, Oakdale, Calif. Was (l97l) a teacher and worked for Youth for Christ. Lived 2 years in Brazil and went to Portugal Sept. l97l.

7-3. Cecil Roland Pitt Kenoyer. Born July 4, l909, Albion, Wash.; died Nov. 6, l966, Oakdale, Calif.; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale. Married (l) Marie Heminway. Three children, Mary Cecil and Lora. Married (2) Stella; one child, Linda.

8-l. Mary Ellen Kenoyer. Born Apr. 24, l938, Tulare, Calif. Married Melvin Kissinger. Both were in law enforcement work and she worked for the Calif. Highway Patrol. Lived (l97l) Los Angeles, Calif.

8-2. Cecil Roland Kenoyer. Born May 3, l940, Stockton, Calif. Mar ried (l) Margaret Wine; one child, Susan. Married (2) Kathy. Two children, Philip and Carl. Lived (l97l) Manteca, Calif.

9-l. Susan Lee Kenoyer. Born Aug. 6, l962.

9-2. Philip Kenoyer. Born June l970.

9-3. Carl Kenoyer. Born l97l.

8-3. Lora Lynn Kenoyer. Born Nov. 2l, l94l, Stockton, Calif. Married (l) James Trull, (2) a Tovson and (3) a St. Clair and had one child, Jeffrey. Lived (l97l) Chester, Calif.

9-l. Jeffrey St. Clair. Born Dec. l4, l968.

8-4. Linda Kenoyer.

7-4. Mazo Evelyn Kenoyer. Born June l9, l9l3, Oakdale, Calif. Married Nicholas Schildgen. He died in l964 and was buried in Citizens Cemetery, 320 Oakdale, Calif. Three children, Nicholas, Donald and Alice. Married (2) Glenn Ekstrom. He was born Mar. ll. She lived (l97l) Oakdale, Calif.

8-l. Nicholas Schildgen, Jr. Born Mar. 9, l935; died infancy; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, Calif.

8-2. Donald Schildgen. Born Dec. l0, l936; died infancy, Klamath Falls, Ore.; bur Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale, Calif.

8-3. Alice Schildgen. Born May l939; died infancy, Oakdale, Calif.; bur. Citizens Cemetery, Oakdale.

7-5. Ernest Edward Kenoyer. Born Oct. 2l, l92l, Oakdale, Calif. Mar ried (l) Betty Wilson and had two children, Gloria and Gary. Married (2) Alverta. He had a beautiful singing voice and played with a group named the Sagebrush Seranaders during the l940's. Lived (l97l) Lake Tahoe, Calif.

8-l. Gloria Jean Kenoyer. Born May 25, l94l, Modesto, Calif. Married (l) Glenn Harris, son of Carl Harris and Ione Albers, Oct. 6, l956, Reno, Nev. He was born Sept. 2, l939. One child, Martin. Divorced. Married (2) Roger Haddock. No children. Divorced. Lived (l97l) Manteca, Calif.

9-l. Martin Harris. Born Jan. 6, l958, Modesto, Calif.

8-2. Gary Lee Kenoyer. Born Sept. 7, l946, Modesto, Calif. Married Linda Maxine (Brooks) Cook, d. John H. Brooks and Josephine Anderson Feb. 22, l969, Reno, Nev. She was born July 27, l94l, Paris, Tex.

6-3. Alfred E. Kenoyer. Born Sept. ll, l88l in Idaho and died Mar. 8, l887 in Idaho.

6-4. Wesley R. Kenoyer. Born Feb. 7 and died Sept. 8, l884, Idaho.

6-5. Cora Marie Kenoyer. Born July 22, l890, Elberton, Wash. Married Ralph J. Himes, son of Austin Charles Himes and Louisa May Starr, June l4, l908, Spokane, Wash. He was born Sept. 5, l880, Lafayette Co., Ill. and died Nov. l3, l942, Spokane, Wash. Four children, Ralph, Ruby, Elmer and Mildred. She was executive housekeeper for the Deaconness Hospital, Spokane, Wash. Lived (l940) at 732 W. Fifth, Spokane, Wash. and (l97l) Boise, Idaho.

7-l. Ralph Austin Himes. Born and died June 4, l909, Post Falls, Idaho.

7-2. Ruby Winfred Himes. Born Feb. 22, l9ll, Post Falls, Idaho. Mar ried Dale Forrest Walden, s. Elmer Everett Walden and Verna Edith Smith, Oct. 2, l948, Boise, Idaho. He was born Jan. 25, l9ll, Central Point, Ore. Two children, Edith and Ralph. She was a teacher and active in the Girl Scouts. He was an amateur genealogist, served as president of the Idaho Genealogical Society and was employed by the State of Idaho.

8-l. Edith Marie Walden. Born Oct. l0, l949, Boise, Idaho. Attended University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.

8-2. Ralph Everett Walden. Born Dec. l2, l952, Boise, Idaho.

7-3. Elmer K. Himes. Born Apr. 25, l9l3, Post Falls, Idaho; died May l9, l940.

7-4. Mildred Louise Himes. Born Sept. l6, l9l4, Post Falls, Idaho. Married Rupert Arvid Sanborn, s. Rupert R. Sanborn and Clara LaValley May 28, l939, Post Falls, Id. He was born July 2, l9l4 in Bonner Co. (Sandpoint) Idaho. Three children, Gary, Herbert and Louise. Lived (l97l) Pollock Pines, Calif. 321

8-l. Gary Rupert Sanborn. Born May 28, l940, Walla Walla, Wash.

8-2. Herbert Ralph Sanborn. Born June ll, l942, Walla Walla, Wash. Married Gail Culver Fitchett, d. Albert Ellis Fitchett and Eva Culver, June 25, l966, Pittsboro, N. C. She was born Mar. 23, l944, Pittsboro, N. C.

8-3. Louise Marie Sanborn. Born Aug. l6, l947, Portland, Ore. Mar ried (l) Richard Appleby Parrish, s. Jesse C. Parrish and Elizabeth Appleby, Aug. 26, l967, Richmond, Va. He was born July l4, l946. Divorced Mar. l6, l97l, Sacramento, Calif. Married (2) George Len Taylor, s. Lendel Coleson Taylor and Erma Pauline Vick, Apr. l0, l97l, Sacramento, Calif.

6-6. Alta May Kenoyer. Born Dec. 25, l892. Married Charles H. Tremayne, s. John Tremayne and Susie Moyle. He was born June 2l, l893. Three children, Elizabeth, Alfred and Helen. She owned and operated a garage-service station at 6 mile Station near Marysville, Calif. Lived (l97l) Marysville, Calif.

7-l. Elizabeth (Betty) Tremayne. Born Sept. 29, l9l5, Cedarville, Calif. Married Harold Vaughn, s. Festus Moses Vaughn and Kate Chivers, Dec. 29, l934 at Lomita, Calif. He was born Aug. 2, l909 at Elmire, N. Y. Three children, Patricia, Barbara and William. Lived (l97l) Concord, Calif.

8-l. Patricia Vaughn. Born Feb. l0, l940, Torrance, Calif. Married (l) William Brown, s. Dillard and Florence Brown, Aug. 5, l956, Las Vegas, Nev. He was born in Oklahoma. Four children, Debra, Cynthia, Robin and Timothy. Married (2) Robert Dennis, s. Sam Jackson Dennis and Viola Griffen, June 8,l967, at Yuba City, Calif. He was born Mar. l94l at Port St. Joe, Florida. One child, Kevin.

9-l. Debra Brown. Born June 8, l957, Torrance, Calif.

9-2. Cynthia Brown. Born Dec. l9, l958, Torrance, Calif.

9-3. Robin Brown. Born Mar. 20, l960, Torrance, Calif.

9-4. Timothy Brown. Born Apr. 26, l965, Yuba City, Calif.

9-5. Kevin Dennis. Born Apr. 3, l968, Yuba City, Calif.

8-2. Barbara Vaughn. Born Mar. l8, l946. Married Robert Montgomery, s. Charles and Dovie Montgomery, Sept. 2l, l962, Reno, Neva. He was born Feb. l3, l946, Marysville, Calif. Two children, Robert and Brian.

9-l. Robert Allen Montgomery. Born July 2l, l963, Sacramento, Calif.

9-2. Brian Lee Montgomery. Born Jan. l7, l967, Martinez, Calif.

8-3. William Vaughn. Born Feb. 24, l948. Married Carlene Ruth Harp er, d. Jesse Carl Harper and Ruth Helen Powell, Apr. 5, l970, Reno, Nev. She was born Nov. l8, l950.

7-2. Alfred Wesley Tremayne. Born June 3, l9l7 at Oakdale, Calif. Married Dorothy (Hale) Strong, d. Arthur Friend Hale and Ruby Emily Marlen, June 2, l946 at Marysville, Calif. She was born Feb. 28, l925, Oklahoma City, Okla. Was formerly married to Elsworth Strong and had one son, Donald Strong. Three children, Alfred, Robert and Michael. He was a Baptist minister and she a nurse. Lived (l97l) Tahoe City, Calif.

8-l. Alfred Tremayne II. Born Dec. l7, l948, Marysville, Calif. Married Linda Janette Haymore,d. Ray Samuel Haymore and Cassa Mae Teeple, Feb. 322 l4, l970, Yuba City, Calif. She was born Sept. 26, l95l. One child, David. He served 2 years in the U.S. Army. They were Mormons.

9-l. David Tremayne. Born Oct. 29, l970, Yuba City, Calif.

8-2. Robert Charles Tremayne. Born Oct. l, l950, Marysville, Calif. Married Kathy Ray Jones, d. William Henry Jones and Beverly Jean Cooper, Apr. 20, l968, Concord, Calif. She was born in Oakland, Calif. One child, Bever ly.

9-l. Beverly Ann Tremayne. Born May 2, l97l, Truckee, Calif.

8-3. Michael Tremayne. Born Sept. 2, l952, Yuba City, Calif. Married Virginia Dale Rice, d. Cecil Rice and Mabel Massey, July ll, l970, Oakland, Calif. She was born Feb. 2, l95l, Charleston, Va. One child, Michael. They were Mormons.

9-l. Michael Todd Tremayne. Born May l6, l97l, Yuba City, Calif.

7-3. Helen Tremayne. Born May l0, l9l9. Married (l) Lloyd Hartley; adopted one child, Peggy, and had one child, Howard. Married (2) Fred Stone. No children. Lived (l97l) Yuba City, Calif.

8-l. Howard Hartley. Born Nov. 20, l944.

8-2. Peggy Hartley. Adopted. Born June 3, l950. Married James Engelhardt.

5-l0. Alice Ellen Kenoyer. Born l860; died l863.

5-ll. Lillie May Kenoyer. Born May 4, l862, Sublimity, Ore.; died Aug. 22, l9l6. Married (l) William Arthur Parvin, s. James Parvin and Sarah Sherry. He was born June l6, l958, Honeywell, Mo.; died Mar. l8, l9l0, Spokane, Wash. Three children, Minnie, Rosie and Henry. Married (2) Elwood Harold. No children. She was an artist in oil painting. Lived at Albion, Wash. where she died after years of suffering with cancer of the stomach.

6-l. Minnie Isabella Parvin. Born Oct. 3l, l883, Colfax, Wash.; died Mar. 30, l97l, Santa Cruz, Calif. Married James Payne Harper Jan. l903, Albion, Wash. He was born July l5, l878 in Washington. One child, Thelma. He worked in the Post Office at Pullman, Wash. Later they lived at 2l7 4th Ave., Sant Cruz, Calif. She was very active until shortly before her death when she developed a brain tumor that was malignant.

7-l. Thelma Bethene Harper. Born Jan. 30, l904, Albion, Wash. Married Thomas Russell Anderson, s. of Thomas Anderson and Maria Zachariason, from Norway and Sweden, June l8, l932, Seattle, Wash. He was born Feb. 4, l905 in Seattle. Two children, Mary and Kent. She was a children's librarian at Santa Cruz Public Library for many years. Lived (l97l) Santa Cruz, Calif.

8-l. Kent Harper Anderson. Born Feb. 26, l938, Aberdeen, Wash. Married Marie Adele Schott at Saratoga, Calif. She was born in Amsterdam, Holland. Two children, Thomas and Marisa. He was employed by Pacific Gas and Electric Co., San Francisco, Calif. Lived (l97l) Fairfax, Calif.

9-l. Thomas Russell Anderson. Born Dec. l0, l968, San Francisco, Calif.

9-2. Marisa Adele Anderson. Born Aug. 6, l970, San Francisco, Calif.

8-2. Mary Helen Anderson. Born Feb. 26, l938, Aberdeen, Wash. Mar 323 ried Ray L. Craig Aug.2, l962, Santa Cruz, Calif. He was born Nov. l5, l937, Blackwell, Okla. He was public defender at San Bernardino, Calif. Lived (l97l) San Bernardino, Calif.

6-2. Rosella Parvin. Born Mar. l2, l886. Married Don Ray Downs, s. Don Alphonso Downs and Elizabeth Lavina Dollerhide in l904 at Colfax, Wash. He was born Jan. l5, l879 at Sterling, Neb. and died Jan. l8, l955 at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Two children, Audrey and Blance. Lived l0l Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

7-l. Audrey May Downs. Born May 4, l905, Colfax, Wash. Married Elwin Fred Collier July l5, l925, Wallace, Idaho. He was born Oct. 25, l904, Ritz ville, Wash. They lived (l97l) N2l5 Progress, Veradale, Wash.

7-2. Blanche Lavina Downs. Born July l5, l907 at Pullman, Wash. Mar ried John Clanton Van Buecken, s. John Thomas Van Buecken and Nellie Allenson, July l5, l925, Wallace, Idaho. He was born Aug. 22, l903, Appleton, Wis. One child, Janet. Lived (l97l) 302 Pine St., Sandpoint, Idaho.

8-l. Janet Louise Van Buecken. Born Jan. 2l, l939, Kellogg, Idaho. Married Marvin Clarence Lake, Feb. 22, l958.

6-3. William Henry Parvin. Born Mar. 2, l888, Colfax, Wash. Married Winifred Ira Farnsworth, d. Thomas Mariott Farnsworth and Laura Elida Balay, Oct. l8, l9ll, Colfax, Wash. She was born Mar. l4, l894, Aurora, Ore. Three children, William, Starla and Donald.

7-l. William Lloyd Parvin. Born Apr. ll and died May 30, l9l3, Colfax, Wash.

7-2. Starla Fern Parvin. Born June 2l, l9l4. Married Beverly Willard Thomas June l8, l94l, Reno, Nev. He was born May 24, l908. Two children, Starla and Linda. Lived (l97l) 905 Wiard St., Klamath Falls, Ore.

8-l. Starla Sue Thomas. Born Apr. 20, l946.

8-2. Linda Winifred Thomas. Born Oct. 29, l947.

7-3. Donald R. Parvin. Born Apr. ll, l9l9, Colfax, Wash. Married Mary Ellen Smith Nov. 28, l947, Lake Grace, Ore. She was born June 26, l92l. Two children, Kathryn and Gayle. Lived (l97l) 539 Lakeview Blvd., Lake Grove, Ore.

8-l. Kathryn Louise Parvin. Born Feb. l7, l950.

8-2. Gayle Parvin. Born June 2, l95

5-l2. John Pfrimmer Kenoyer. Born Mar. 9, l865 in Oregon; died Aug. 5, l9l9, Albion, Wash. Married Catherine Hopkins, d. James Reilee Hopkins and Catherine Balen, Oct. 3, l886. She was born Aug. l4, l869 and died Feb. l5, l946, Albion, Wash. Six children, Belle, Ethel, Flora, Beulah, Firman and Edna. He was a U.B. Minister. Was converted in l884 and received into the conference of the Church June ll, l899. Owned and operated a drug store in Albion, Wash. and later owned and farmed land on Alkali Flat near Albion, Wash.

6-l. Belle Kenoyer. Born Aug. 5, l887. Married Robert Miller. Nine children, Myrtle, Helen, Florin, Vera, Thelma, Verna, Olive, Emma and Robert.

7-l. Myrtle Miller. Born Apr. l5, l909. Married (l) Jacob Fox and had three children, James, Gerald and Laverne. Married (2) Dallas Drosty.

324 8-l. James Fox (twin). Born May 28, l924.

8-2. Gerald Fox (twin). Born May 28, l924.

8-3. Laverne Fox. Born Oct. l925.

7-2. Helen Miller. Born July l0, l9ll. Married Hugo O. Renz of Spo kane, Wash. in l928. One child, Ramon. Married Alvin R. Mollendorf Aug. l5, l943, Spokane, Wash.

8-l. Ramon Hugo Renz. Born Oct. 30, l930.

7-3. Florin Miller. Born May l, l9l3. Married Aletha Brancht, d. Jessie and Glen Brancht, Sept. 8, l932. She was born Oct. 22, l9l2. Five children, Marilyn, Vernita, Delbert, Gary and Betty. Lived 230 E. 2nd Ave., Spokane, Wash.

8-l. Marilyn Edith Miller. Born Jan. 3, l934.

8-2. Vernita Mae Miller. Born May 8, l935.

8-3. Delbert Royce Miller. Born Feb. 22, l937.

8-4. Gary Vance Miller. Born July 2, l939.

8-5. Betty Louise Miller. Born May l9, l942.

7-4. Vera Miller. Born l9l5; died l925.

7-5. Thelma Miller. Born June l7, l9l7. Married (l) Jack Hetchem and (2) John Severs.

7-6. Verna Miller. Born May l8, l9l9. Married (l) LaVerne Boehl and (2) Russel Dieterlin.

7-7. Olive Miller. Born Aug. 2, l920; died l933.

7-8. Emma May Miller. Born l922.

7-9. Robert Miller. Born April l926, Colfax, Wash.

6-2. Ethel Kenoyer. Born July l, l889, Colfax, Wash. Married Charles Earl Gordon, s. Elizabeth Preston and Earl Wright Gordon Oct. 20, 1907 La Crosse, Wash. He was born Nov. l5, l888 at Dover, Minn. Ten children: Cha rles, Grace, Elmer, Varley, Dixie, Mabel, June, Patience, Beverly and Shirley. Were members of the Community Christian Church and lived l0l S. Ditman St., Los Angeles, Calif.

7-l. Charles Gordon, Jr. Born Nov. 23 and died Nov. 26, l908, Spokane, Wash. Buried Evergreen Cemetery, Spokane.

7-2. Grace Elizabeth Gordon. Born Oct. 30, l909, LaCrosse, Wash. Married Paul Lee Gibson, s. Hanna West Jackson and Calvin Alexander Gibson, May l6, l936, at Trinity Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born Sept. 26, l904, Bonne Terre, Mo. Two children, Paul Lee and Daryl. He was bookkeeper at Broadway Department Store, Los Angeles, Calif. Were members of Trinity Baptist Church. Lived 94l7 Maie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

8-l. Paul Lee Gibson, Jr. Born Oct. 20, l938, East Los Angeles Hospi tal, Los Angeles, Calif. Married Bonnie Lenore Coles. Four children: Mela nie, Paul, Robin and Careen.

325 9-l. Melanie Elaine Gibson. Born Mar. l7, l961. Married (l) Dean Williams and had two children, Tara and Alex. Married (2) Jerry Condon and had one child, Jerry.

l0-1. Tara Williams. Born Aug. 2l, l981.

l0-2. Alex Williams. Born Aug. l5, l983.

10-3. Gerald Allan Condon, Jr. Born July 25, l990.

9-2. Paul Raymond Gibson. Born Oct. l0, l962. Married Robin Lee McCarthy. She was born Aug. l3, l961. Two children, Kimberlee and Sarah.

10-1. Kimberlee Ann Gibson. Born Dec. 8, l990.

10-2. Sarah Francis Gibson. Born Oct. 10, l997 at Harpers Ferry, WV.

9-3. Robin Suzanne Gibson. Mar. 11, l964. Married (l) Tom Winters and had one child, Amanda. Married (2) David Adam Doyle. He was born Mar. 29, l962. They had three children, Lindsey, Adam and David.

10-1. Amanda Leigh Winters. Born Feb. 5, l985.

10-2. Lindsey Rey Doyle. Born Oct. 11, l990.

10-3. David Adam Doyle. Born Dec. 23, l993.

10-4. Adam Richard Doyle. Born Dec. 23, l993.

9-4. Carreen Elizabeth Gibson. Born Sept. l8, l966. Married Kenneth Gardner Smith. He was born Dec. l2, l963. Two children, Acasha and Mariah.

10-1. Acasha Elizabeth Smith. Born Oct. ll, l993.

10-2. Mariah Loren Smith. Born Dec. 3, l996.

8-2. Daryl Gibson. Married Sharon. One child, James and adopted another, David.

9-l. James Paul Gibson. Born Nov. 2l, l974. Married Jennifer Palle Montemayor. One child, Alex.

l0-l. Alex James Gibson. Born May 9, l997.

9-2. David Gibson.

7-3. Elmer Earl Gordon. Born July 4, l9ll, Spokane, Wash.; died June 30, l9l3; bur. Evergreen Cemetery, Spokane.

7-4. Varley John Gordon. Born Nov. l0, l9l4, LaCrosse, Wash. Married Elva Grace Young, d. Florence Alida Webster and General Dix Young, Nov. l3, l937, at Lorena Baptist Church, Los Angeles, Calif. She was born Mar. 3l, l9l4, Wewela, S. D. He was a mail carrier and a member of the Christian Church. Lived (l97l) 724 S. Ferris St., Los Angeles, Calif.

7-5. Dixie Gladys Gordon. Born Jan. 22, l9l6, LaCrosse, Wash. Married Charles Earl Ballway, s. Della Louise Hilger and Arthur Clarence Ballway, Dec. l0, l935 at Community Christian Church, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born Nov. l8, l9ll, Louisville, Ky. He was a machinist at the Union Pacific Railway in Los Angeles. Two children, Joyce and Sharon. Lived 724 S. Indiana St., Los Angeles, Calif. 326

6-l. Joyce Carolyn Ballway. Born Sept. 29, l936 at Bell Mission

6-2. Sharon Louise Ballway. Born May l, l95l at Montebello, CA. Married Joseph Wayne Walker May 2l, l978 at Whittier, CA. They both were library assistants.

7-6. Mabel Vivian Gordon. Born Dec. 3, l9l7, LaCrosse, Wash. Married Rex Taylor Allen, s. Merle Allen and Mae Taylor, June 25, l938 at Community Christian Church, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born Jan. 3l, l9l2 at Artesia, New Mexico. He was a printer. They lived at 3425 l/2 E. Fifth St., Los Angeles, Calif.

7-7. June Gail Gordon. Born June l2, l920, LaCrosse, Wash. Married Lyle Wesley Overley, s. Adam Wesley Overley and Rose June Yeoman, Mar. 27, l937 at the Community Christian Church, Los Angeles, Calif. He was born May 3, l9l4, Los Angeles, Calif. He was a molder in a brass factory. They had one child, Gail. Were members of the Community Christian Church. Lived 924 S. Gage St., Los Angeles, Calif.

8-l. Gail Phyllis Overley. Born Jan. 22, l938 at East Los Angeles, Calif.

7-8. Patience Idabelle Gordon. Born Oct. 7, l922, Albion, Wash. Mar ried Edward Guignard. Two children, Carol and Dennis. Were members of the Community Christian Church, Los Angeles, Calif.

8-l. Carol Diane Guignard. Born May 8, l94l, Montebello, CA. Married Antonio Soto Andrade July l, l966. He was born July l9, l926. Four children: Rick, Rodney, Debra and Kimberly.

9-l. Rick Perez Andrade. Born Apr. 23, l959 at Montebello, CA. Married Laura Baggiagianio, June l8, l988 at Las Vegas, NV. He studied for the ministry.

9-2. Rodney R. Andrade. Born May l0, l960 at Montebello, CA. Married Cindy Sumner May l0, l984 at Glendora, CA. They lived in Arizona.

9-3. Debra D. Andrade. Born June 29, l965 at Montebello, CA. Married John Watson May 20, l985 at Glendora, CA.

9-4. Kimberly Andrade. Born Apr. 3, l967 at Glendora, CA.

8-2. Dennis Roger Guignard. Born July ll, l942 at Montebello, CA. Two children, Rochelle and Cynthia.

9-l. Rochelle M. Guignard. Born Mar. 2, l968 at San Jose, CA.

9-2. Cynthia Guignard. Born July 4, l974 at San Jose, CA.

8-3. David Lee Guignard. Born July 4, l943 at Montebello, CA. Married Sharyn L. Keena Oct. l3, l969 at Monterey Park, CA. She was born Jan. 3, l949. Three children, Thomas, Todd and Kristy.

9-l. Thomas W. Guignard. Born Nov. 2, l970 at Montebello, CA.

9-2. Todd A. Guignard. Born Sept.3, l973 at Montebello, CA.

9-3. Kristy Guignard. Born Feb. l6, l977 at Montebello, CA.

8-4. Gerald Ray Guignard. Born Aug. l, l944 at Montebello, CA. Mar ried Judith Louise Dows, daughter of Robert Henry Dows, Feb. l5, l975 at 327 Montebello, CA. She was born Oct. l2, l953 at Rochester, NY. Two children, Eric and Jeffrey.

9-l. Eric James Guignard. Born Dec. 20, 975 at Montebellow, CA.

9-2. Jeffrey Brian Guignard. Born Nov. l3, l978 at West Corvina, CA.

8-5. Donna Jean Guighard. Born Sept. 28, l945 at Montebello, CA. Four children: Lorie, Scott, Jerry and Richard. She was an office worker.

9-l. Lorie A. Martin. Born Apr. 9, l964 at Montebello, CA.

9-2. Scott R. Stewart. Born Aug. 4, l970 at Montebello, CA.

9-3. Jerry L. Stewart. Born Apr. l5, l974 at Montebello, CA.

9-4. Richard H. Guignard. Born Jan. 28, l977 at Montebello, CA.

8-6. Richard H. Guignard. Born Jan. 28, l947, Montebello, CA; died Aug. 6, l948; buried Aug. l0, l948 at Rose Hills, Montebello, CA.

8-7. Kenneth E. Guignard. Born Jan. 3, l949 at Montebello, CA. Mar ried Stephanie L. Herzog Apr. 4, l967 at New Orleans, LA. She was born Jan. 26, l965 at New Orleans, LA. Four children: Jaime, Stephanie, Jennifer and Nickolas. He was a roofer and she was a bank manager.

9-l. Jaime R. Guignard. Born Jan. l0, l973 at Montebello, CA.

9-2. Stephanie Guignard. Born Dec. 3l, l973 at Montebello, CA.

9-3. Jennifer Guignard. Born Oct. l8, l978 at New Orleans, LA.

9-4. Nickolas Guignard. Born June l0, l990 at New Orleans, LA.

7-9. Beverly Katheryn Gordon. Born Sept. l6, l925, Los Angeles, Calif.

7-l0. Shirley Ethelyn Gordon. Born Sept. 23, l926, Kasper Kohn Hospi tal, Los Angeles, Calif.

6-3. Flora Alice Kenoyer. Born June l2, l89l. Married Forrest Jennings. He was born about l88l. Six children, Clelland, Emma, Donald, James, Tada and Louis. Lived Moscow, Idaho.

7-l. Clelland Buell Jennings. Born July l9, l9ll at Albion, WA. Married (l) Margaret Logan. She was born bout l92l. They had two children, Lillian and Jack. Divorced l934. Married (2) Geraldine Randle Oct. l4, l945. She was born about l927. Clelland Jennings was a security guard and policeman; he was educated at LaGrande High, LaGrande, Ore.; had peace officers training; was in World War II, Army, l940-l945, ser. #20947981.

8-l. Lillian M. Jennings. Born l93l.

8-2. Elmer Clelland Jennings. Born l933.

7-2. Emma Jennings. Died four years old.

7-3. Donald F. Jennings. Born July 30, l9l7. Married Irene Pollard. One child, James.

8-l. James Jennings.

328 7-4. James Pearle Jennings. Born March l920.

7-5. Vada Aileen Jennings. Born Apr. 8, l923; died July l2, l942. Married Theodore Blacker. One child, Joan.

8-l. Joan Florence Blacker.

7-6. Louis Jennings. Died two weeks old.

6-4. Beulah Kenoyer. Born June l2, l894. Married Royce Townsend. Two children, Norma and Myrtle. She owned and operated the Daisy Beauty Shop at Tacoma, Wash. Lived 38th and Yakima St., Tacoma.

7-l. Norma Carolyn Townsend. Born Mar. l8, l9l3. Married (l) Lawrence Edwards and (2) Jesse Cox.

7-2. Myrtle Townsend. Died two weeks old.

6-5. Firman Barkley Kenoyer. Born Apr. l7, l897, LaCrosse, Wash. Married Ida Beatrice Hughey, d. Rev. Isaac Ryker Hughey and Esther Stevens, June l4, l92l, Colfax, Wash. She was born Nov. 7, l900 at Dayton, WA. and died May April 29 at the Ritzville WA Care Center, Colfax, WA; buried in the Colfax Cemetery. Six children, John, Gerald, Alice, Georgetta, John and Laura. He was a U. B. Minister. Was received in the U. B. Conference June l6, l92l. Trans ferred to Oregon Conference in l924; ordained in Oregon; Presiding Elder and twice delegate to General Conference. Began preaching in l920. Lived l602 N. Morton, Colfax, Wash. Lived (l97l) Sprague, Wash. She moved with her family to Albion when a small child and grad. from Albion High School; she attended Cheney Normal School for two years and obtained a teaching certificate. After marriage she became a minister through correspondence courses. She followed her husband when he was transferred, teaching and taking a small church in the area. Returned to Cheney and obtained a BA degree at age 55 and taught at Mead and Elk before retiring in l965. She was a member of the United Method ist Church and the Washington Educational Association.

7-l. John Ryker Kenoyer. Born Umpaine, Ore. Died 9 months old.

7-2. Gerald Firman Kenoyer. Born Aug. 8, l923, Philomath, Ore.; died Jan. 24, l990, Colfax, WA; buried Moscow, Idaho City Cemetery. Married Mary Anna Dickey, d. Louis Dickey and Cora Louise Deeds Nov. 8, l950, Coeur d'A lene, Idaho. She was born Feb. l2, l930, Sunset, Wash. Three children, Bruce, Glen and Anna. Were divorced. Married (2) Barbara Ann O'Donnell Dec. 3l, l972 at Sprague, WA. She was born June l5, l940 at Colfax, WA. Gerald Kenoyer was in the U.S. Navy in World War II, serving for eight years, beginning in l94l. He was a fireman on the destroyers USS Balch and USS Pringle in the battles of Midway, Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands. After discharge he worked as a fireman for the Milwaukee and Union Pacific Railroad for five years and then was a fireman at Washington State University for l7 years. Lived in Albion and served on the city council for l4 years, several of which he was mayor, during which time a sewer system was developed for Albion and a new city bridge was built. Was a member of the local volunteer fire department. He became a full-time electrical contractor in l972 and they moved to Colfax in l979. He was a member of the United Methodist Churh and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

8-l. Bruce Allen Kenoyer. Born Aug. ll, l95l, Spokane, Wash. Married Sally Satterthwaite July l4, l970, Pullman, Wash. One child, Bruce.

9-l. Bruce Allen Kenoyer, Jr. Born Nov. 28, l970, Pullman, Wash.

8-2. Glen Firman Kenoyer. Born Jan. l, l955, Colfax, WA. Married Debby Rose Kirkpatrick Oct. 24, l973 at Moscow, Idaho. She was born Apr. 6, 329 l956 at Kalispell, MT. Two children, Glen and Aimee.

9-l. Glen James Kenoyer. Born Apr. 30, l974, Moscow, ID.

9-2. Aimee Lamour Kenoyer. Born Feb. 4, l976 at Pullman, WA.

8-3. Anna Marie Kenoyer. Born Sept. 4, l957, Pullman, WA. Married Jerry Donald Harper Jan. l0, l976 at Pullman, WA. He was born Dec. 20, l957 at Pullman, WA. Two children, Shawn and Joel. He was an agricultural en gineer and she was a food service worker.

9-l. Shawn Vincent Harper. Born July 7, l976 at Pullman, WA.

9-2. Joel Donald Harper. Born Aug. l, l977 at Pullman, WA.

7-3. Alice Arwilda Kenoyer. Born June l2, l925, Sifton, Wash. Married John Lee Pershall, s John C. Pershall and Cleo Orpha Warren, Oct. l7, l944, Napa, Calif. He was born Feb. 2l, l923. Four children, Peter, John, Rebecca and Barbara.

8-l. Peter Isaac Pershall. Born Aug. 6, l945, Nampa, Idaho. Married (l) Linda Rae Timmons, Jan. l5, l968, Clarkston, Wash. Three children, Cori na, Monte and Ida. Married (2) Joann Marie Gandy, daughter of Joe Gandy and Billie White, Aug. 28, l982. She was born Feb. l6, l955 at Newport, OR.

9-l. Corina Lynn Pershall. Born Dec. 20, l968, Ft. Lewis, Wash.

9-2. Nadine Marie Pershall. Born Apr. ll, l97l at Tacoma, WA.

9-3. Monte Ray Pershall. Born Nov. 20, l972, Heidelberg, Ger.

9-4. Terry Lynn Zeek. Born May ll, l975, Lebanon, OR.

9-5. Candi Marie Zeek. Born Mar. l0 l977, Lebanon, OR.

9-6. Ida Mae Pershall. Born June 9, l978, Spokane, WA.

8-2. John Firman Pershall. Born Jan. 29, l950, Nampa, Idaho.

8-3. Rebecca Joy Pershall. Born Mar. l9, l954, Moscow, Idaho.

8-4. Barbara Alice Pershall. Born June l3, l958. Adopted by R. N. and Clara Merton.

7-4. Georgetta Marie Kenoyer. Born June 7, l927, Sifton, Wash. Married Orville Clifford Nupen Oct. l9, l95l, s. Clarence Harry Nupen and Lonnie M. Pederson. He was born Aug. 29, l920, Berersford, South Dakota. One child, Barry. She was a registered nurse.

8-l. Barry Dean Nupen. Born Sept. 7, l953, Spokane, Wash. Married Judy. Three children, Kari, Bethany and Ryan.

9-l. Kari Nupen.

9-2. Bethany Nupen.

9-3. Ryan Nupen.

7-5. John Pfrimmer Kenoyer. Born Mar. l7 and died Nov. ll, l932, Sif ton, Wash.

7-6. Laura Vivian Kenoyer. Born July 8, l933, Vancouver, Wash. Married 330 Robert Gene Brown, s. Lester W. Brown and Willis Oleta Gaulman, Nov. 26, l954, Spokane, Wash. He was born Nov. 6, l933, Hillsboro, N. C. Five children, Caroline, David, Raymond, Patricia and Brenda. She was a registered nurse and lived Spokane, Wash.

8-l. Caroline Gene Brown. Born Sept. l4, l955, Fairchild, Wash.

8-2. David Michael Brown. Born Aug. l7, l957, Spokane, Wash.

8-3. Raymond Randall Brown. Born Mar. 9, l96l, Spokane, Wash.

8-4. Patricia Marie Brown. Born June 3, l964, Spokane, Wash. Married Colin Cary. Two children, Michelle and Amber.

9-l. Michelle Cary.

9-2. Amber Joy Cary. Born July l8, l995.

8-5. Brenda Eileen Brown. Born Jan. 27, l97l, Spokane, Wash.

6-6. Edna Elizabeth Kenoyer. Born Sept. l7, l900, LaCrosse, Wash. Mar ried (l) Tracy Watson, Oct. 20, l9l8, Moscow, Idaho. Four children, Lola, Edna, Royce and Gilbert. Married (2) Claude C. Williams, s. Laura Linder and S. S. Williams, June 24, l933, Spokane, Wash. He was born Jan. 29, l900. No children. He was a farmer. Lived at Sprague, Wash. and she later at Spokane.

7-l. Lola Katherine Watson. Born Aug. 3l, l9l9, Onaway, Idaho. Married Howard N. Williams, s. Laura Linder and S. S. Williams June l, l938. He was born Aug. 2l, l9ll; died Apr. l2, l997 Boise, Idaho. One child, Elver. He drove for the Auto Freight Co. Lived 206 E. Pacific St., Spokane, Wash.

8-l. Elver Royce Williams. Born Aug. 3, l948 at Spokane, WA. Married (l) Hui Cha Mun. She was born Oct. 2, l949, Seoul, Korea. Were divorced Dc. l0, l976. Married (2) Ingrid Maria Suchy. She was born Mar. 9, l954 at Schweinfurt, Germany.

7-2. Edna Watson. Born Oct. 9 and died Oct. l0, l92l, Orofino, Idaho.

7-3. Royce Elton Watson. Born Jan. 8, and died Feb. 23, l923, Freewa ter, Ore.

7-4. Gilbert Tracy Watson. Born Dec. 30, l923, Lewiston, Idaho. Mar ried Clara L. July 4, l948. She was born Feb. l8, l930 in North Dakota. Three children, Elizabeth, Daryl and Brent.

8-l. Elizabeth Ann Watson. Born Aug. 27, l950 at Fairbanks, AK. Married John Page. He was born July 28, l949 at Salt Lake City, Utah. One child, Allan.

9-l. Allan Anderson Page. Born Feb. 7, l973 at Seattle, WA.

8-2. Daryl Gilbert Watson. Born Dec. l2, l952, Renton, WA. Married Patti Ridgeway. She was born July l, l957 at Seattle, WA. Two children, Robyn and David.

9-l. Robyn Lindsay Watson. Born July l8, l989 at Boise, ID.

9-2. David Gilbert Watson. Born Sept. 2, l99l, Boise, ID.

8-3. Brent William Watson. Born Oct. l0, l967, Renton, WA.

331 9-l. Abigail-Ellingson Johnson-Watson. Born May l8, l992, Ames, Iowa.

332 The descendants of Susannah Christena Pfrimmer and (1) Eli Wright and (2) James Newbanks

3-8. Susannah Christena Pfrimmer. Born in l800 in Pennsylvania; died Jan. 25, l872 at home of her son, Charles E. Newbanks, New Chicago, Kas. Married Eli Wright Sept. 5, l8l6. He died May l829 (will dated May 2, l829, probated May 22, l829). Both are buried at Pfrimmer's Chapel, Franklin Township, Harrison Co., Ind. Seven children: Catharina, Susannah, John, Samuel, Phoebe, Rachel and Lucinda. Married James Newbanks. He was born in l786 and died Oct. l849 in Indiana (Harrison County Mortality Schedule, l850). They had six children: Eli, William, Susannah, Charles, Emma and Catharine. She is listed in the l830 Census, Harrison County, page. 75; James Newbanks is listed in the l840 Census, Harrison Township, Harrison County, page 5; she is listed in the l850 Census, Harrison County, page 574 without her huisband and without the children, Catharine and Emma. In l868 she was living at Ft. Branch, Gibson Co., Ind. Her body was shipped back to Corydon, Ind. for burial.

4-l. Catharine Wright. Married a McCown. Had at least two children, Eli and Elizabeth. She was in Corydon, Ind. in l87l and was living a Craig, Mo. in February l883.

5-l. Eli J. McCown. Living at Craig, Mo. in l880; mother living with him in l883.

5-2. Elizabeth McCown. Married Lee Holland and had one child; then married James Cook. Living in Corydon, Ind. in l87l.

6-l. Harry Holland.

4-2. Susannah Wright. Living in l880; there is extant correspondence between her and her brother, Samuel J. Wright.

4-3. John G. Wright. Married Rachel. Living Louisville, Ky. in l847.

4-4. Samuel J. Wright. Born July 8, l824 near Corydon, Ind.; died Dec. l884, Corydon, Ind. Buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Married (l) Sarah Ann Slaughter, daughter of Dr. James B. Slaughter, in l846. He was born June l2, l828 and died July 26, l857; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Six children: James, George, Sarah, John, Carrie, Samuel and Jessie. Married (2) Mary Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of George P. R. Wilson, who served several terms in the Indiana legislature in l858. She was born Juiy 6, l832 and died Oct. 30, l90l. Seven children: Charles, Edgar, Oscar, Rosa, Frank, Fanny and Mary.

Samuel J. Wright was brought up on a farm. At the age of l3 he entered the Clerk's office in Harrison County, Ind. under Capt. Heth and remained there until age 2l. He was then elected Auditor of Harrison County for four years. In l850 he engaged in the mercantile business and continued until l866 when he sold out. At the same time, he owned an interest in the Eclipse mills until l873 and ran them. He was a large owner and treasurer of the New Albany, Louisville and Corydon Turnpike Road. In l867 he was re-elected Auditor on the Repuablican ticket. After his term of office he engaged in law practice in an office on the corner of Mill and Market Streets until his death in 1884. He owned a farm a mile north of Corydon.

5-l. James E. Wright. Born l847 Harrison Co., Ind. Married Anna Didelot. Three children, Victor, Sarah and Clara. Lived Corydon l889.

6-l. Victor Wright. Married Vernia Weathers. No children.

333 6-2. Sara Wright. Never married.

6-3. Clara Wright. Called "Babe." Married a Reid who died in the soldier's home at Lafayette, Ind.

5-2. George S. Wright. Born Jan. l6, l849 and died July 28, l849; buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind.

5-3. Sarah Delilah Wright. Born l850. Married David Mitchell Rowland. One child, Mary.

6-l. Mary Rowland. Married Chris Adams. Three children, Sarah, Rowland and Frank.

7-l. Sarah Adams. Married Richard Inwood.

7-2. Rowland Adams.

7-3. Frank Adams. Married Dorothy.

5-4. John T. Wright. Born and died Sept. l0, l852.

5-5. Carrie C. Wright. Born Sept. l0, l853; died Mar. 22, l854.

5-6. Samuel J. Wright. Born May 3, l855; died Nov. 20, l858.

5-7. Jessie F. Wright. Born May 2, l857; died Sept. l9, l857.

5-8. Charles W. Wright. Born l860. Married Addie Clume. Three children, Samuel, Lucille and George.

6-l. Samuel Lee Wright. Married Valera Jones. Two children, Samuel and David. Lived New Albany, Ind.

7-l. Samuel Lee Wright.

7-2. David Jackson Wright.

6-2. Lucille Wright. Married William Dennison. Two children, Dorothy and Mary. Lived New Albany, Ind.

7-l. Dorothy Lee Dennison.

7-2. Mary Elizabeth Dennison.

6-3. George Wright.

5-9. Edgar G. Wright. Died Mar. l5, l9l0. Buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind. Married Maude Bean. No children.

5-l0. Oscar S. Wright. Married Amanda Swain. One child, John.

6-l. John Samuel Wright.

5-ll. Rosa Wright. Married Lewis S. Riely. Three children, Samuel, James and Stoy. After death of Rosa Wright, Lewis Riely married Lena Allen.

6-l. Samuel Lea Riely. Married Hilda. Lived at Leavenworth, Ind.

6-2. James Whitcomb Riely. A doctor, Louisville, Ky.

334 6-3. Stoy Riely. Married Corrine Alexander; lived Tucson, Ariz.

5-l2. Frank R. Wright. Married Carrie Allen. No children; lived Corydon, Ind.

5-l3. Fannie G. Wright. Married Will P. Huff. One child, John Martin.

6-l. John Martin Huff. Married Isma Hurst, daughter of Claude Hurst of Corydon, Ind. She was born in l899 and died Jan. l, l974; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery [Obituary Corydon Democrat, Jan. 9, l974]. Four children, William, Virginia, John and Donald.

7-l. William Preston Huff.

7-2. Virginia Dean Huff. Married a McLaren and died before l974.

7-3. John Martin Huff.

7-4. Donald Latel Huff.

5-l4. Mary Wright. Married Isaac Ebbert. No children. Lived Corydon, Ind. and Nashville, Tenn. Buried in the Lew Riley lot, Cedar Hill Cemetery, Corydon, Ind.

4-5. Phoebe Wright. Married Robert W. Dunn. Two children, Rachel and Robert. Some evidence there were two more children, Samuel and Lillie. Moved to the area around Forest City, Arkansas. In l872 he was in St. Francis County, Ark., in l874 at Askero, Lee County, Ark., in l876 at Park Place, Ark., and in l884 at Forest City, Ark., all indicated by correspondence with Samuel J. Wright.

5-l. Rachel Dunn. Married a Thompson; two children, Robert and Lillie. Living Arkansas l876.

6-l. Robert Thompson.

6-2. Lillie Thompson.

5-2. Robert S. Dunn. Married a Malone. One child, Robert. In l876 was living with his parents at Park Place, Ark.

6-l. Robert Dunn.

5-3. Samuel Dunn.

5-4. Lillie Dunn.

4-6. Rachel Wright. Married William Cook. Four children, James, Lucinda, Mary and Minnie. In l883 lived Kentucky.

5-l. James Cook. Two children, Mary and Minnie.

6-l. Mary Cook.

6-2. Minnie Cook.

5-2. Lucinda Cook. Married a Simmons. Three children, James, Mattie and Mollie.

6-l. James Simmons. 335

6-2. Mattie Simmons.

6-3. Mollie Simmons. Married a Malone.

5-3. Mary D. Cook. Married J. L. Jenkins. Two children, William and Jennie.

6-l. William Jenkins.

6-2. Jennie Jenkins.

5-4. Minnie Cook. Married John Burton. Two children, Edwin and Mary.

6-l. Edwin Burton.

6-2. Mary D. Burton.

4-7. Lucinda E. Wright. Married Dennis Gresham. Three children: Amanda, George and Addie. Lived Evansville, Ind.

5-l. Amanda Gresham. Married Smith Wilfshire. Three children, Edward, Lucinda and Cliff.

6-l. Edward Wilfshire.

6-2. Lucinda Wilfshire. Married Fred Payn.

6-3. Cliff Wilfshire.

5-2. George Gresham. Lived Evansville, Ind. One child, Will. At one time apparently lived at Madison, Ind. In l878 worked for Henry Vahlberg, merchant miller, Great Western Mills, 400 Fulton Ave., Evansville, Ind. In l884 worked for Decker and Co., commission merchants, l20-l22 Water St., Evansville, Ind., and in l884 also for Geo. P. Heilman and Co., Evansville.

6-l. Will Gresham.

5-3. Addie Gresham. Married Nick H. Keith. One child, William Lived 5ll N. 23rd St., Evansville, Ind.

6-l. William Keith.

4-8. Eli P. Newbanks. Born l832. Lived California on the Salmon River in Mitchel County at Salmon Rapids.

4-9. William Newbanks. Born l834.

4-l0. Susannah C. Newbanks. Born l835. Married John Louder. Four children, Lucinda, Wiley, Etta dn William.

5-l. Lucinda Louder. Married Samuel Cross. Two children, Pearl and Etta.

6-l. Pearl Cross.

6-2. Etta Cross.

5-2. Wiley Louder.


5-3. Etta Louder.

5-4. William Louder.

4-ll. Charles Edward Newbanks. Born l842. Married Mary, born in l84l. One child, Addie. Perhaps had another child who died in Kansas in l873. Lived near Ft. Brnch, Gibson County, Indiana in l868. Went to Kansas and in l872 lived at New Chicago, Kas. In l874 at Humbolt and l885 at Beloit, Kas. Was a house and sign painter.

5-l. Addie Newbanks. Lived Evansville l874.

4-l2. Emma Newbanks.

4-l3. Catharine Newbanks. l830

337 The Descendants of John George Pfrimmer, Jr. and Sarah Friedley

3-9. John George Pfrimmer, Jr. Born Aug. 2, l802 Washington Co., Pa. [birth and baptism recorded Aug. 26, l802 on the church register of the Bethlehem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co., Pa.]; died Nov. 26, l856, New Canton, Ill. Married Sarah Friedley Mar. 23, l825 in Harrison Co., Ind. She died Jan. 8, l850 New Canton, Ill. Nine children, Henry, Jo nathan, David, Sarah, Katharine, Samuel, Mary Jane, Columbus and Andrew. Both are buried in the Shearer Cemetery near New Canton, Ill. John George Pfrimmer, Jr. owned a farm just north of that owned by Elizabeth Pfrimmer Winter and sold it and moved to Illinois sometime before l844. The family located north of Quincy in Hancock County and later in l844 moved south to Pike County and settled about seven miles west of New Canton, Ill. His son, Samuel, and the others went with him, but his son, Andrew, stayed in Harrison County and lived with a sister of his mother, Catherine, wife of Michael Manbeck.

4-l. Henry W. Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 5 and died Sept. 2, l826.

4-2. John Jonathan Pfrimmer. Born June 2l, l827; died Jan. 2l, l845; buried in the Shearer Cemetery near New Canton, Ill.

4-3. David Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 28, l829; died May 24, l830; buried Pfrim mer's Chapel near Corydon, Ind. There is a family story that at one time members of the Pfrimmer family in Pike County, Ill. came back to Harrison County, Indiana, on a visit, found the grave of David Pfrimmer and had a stone put up to mark it.

4-4. Sarah Elizabeth Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 3, l83l; died Mar. 3, l884. Mar ried Ira Howard. He was born Apr. 5, l824 and died July 8, l884 in Illinois. Eight children, of whom three were Henry, Elmer and John.

5-l. Henry Howard. Married Mabel Giles. Two children, Golda and Fay.

6-l. Golda Howard. Married a Davis; one child, Haroldeene.

7-l. Haroldeene Davis.

6-2. Fay Howard. Married a Roberts.

5-2. Elmer Ira Howard. Born Born Aug. 9, l870 and died l949, New Canton, Ill. Married Sarah Emma Roberts Dec. l0, l9l6, New Canton, Ill. She was born l878 and died l953. Two children, Elmer and Edna.

6-l. Elmer Ira Howard, Jr. Born June 26, l9l8, New Canton, Ill. Married Eunice Leona Gully June 26, l939. She was born l92l. One child, Edna.

7-l. Edna Kathryn Howard. Born Jan. 28, l942. Married James Lowell Smith. He was born l937.

6-2. Edna Howard. Born about l9l9. Married Robert Easley. One child, Letha.

7-l. Letha Leona Easley.

5-3. John Howard. Married a Bramble.

5-4. - 5-8. Five children, names not known.

4-5. Catherine Pfrimmer. Born Dec. l4, l833; died Oct. l8, l834.

338 4-6. Samuel Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l6, l837 in Harrison Co., Ind.; died July l7, l9ll. Married Mary Catherine Mosier Mar. l5, l868. Two children, George and Charles. Samuel Pfrimmer. served in the Civil War with the 28th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company I. He enlisted Aug. 27, l86l and served for three years; his unit was in action at the and at the siege of Vicksburg.

5-l. George Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l5, l869, New Canton, Ill., near Cincin nati Landing; died Jan. 7, l94l at his home, New Canton, Ill.; buried Shearer Cemetery. Married Mattie Jeffries. She was born June 30, l874 and died Jan. 30, l900 when her son, Wallace, was nine months old. George Pfrimmer never remarried. He lived all his life near New Canton, living with his son at his mother's home until her death in the late l930's. He farmed, first at the home place in Cincinnati township and then on land within the village. After coming to New Canton to live he worked on many farms in the community.

6-l. Wallace Pfrimmer. Born about l899. Raised by his grandparents.

5-2. Charles Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 9, l870 in Pike Co., Ill.; died Apr. l0, l949. Married (l) Emma Jeffries. She was born Dec. 9, l869 and died Oct. 28, l894 in New Canton, Ill. One child, Bessie. Married (2) Chrlotte Lottie Pul liam, daughter of James Pulliam and Sarah Brammel. They had eight children, Samuel, Charles, Georgia, Sarah, Katharine, Charlotte and Nellie.

6-l. Bernice "Bessie" Pfrimmer. Born l893; died in l9l8. Raised by her Pfrimmer grandparents. Married Taylor W. Strubinger of St. Louis, Mo. and she died a short time after her marriage. Taylor Strubinger and a brother were attorneys in St. Louis, Mo.

6-2. Samuel Pfrimmer. Married and lived at Payson, Adams Co., Ill.

6-3. Sarah "Sadie" Pfrimmer. Born Nov. 30, l898; died July 29, l94l at East Moline, Ill.

6-4. Georgia Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 8, l900 and died April l7, l939 in Moline, Ill. Maried George Gibbs Dec. l8, l922.

6-5. Charles Lee "Chad" Pfrimmer, Jr. Born July 28, l902 at New Canton, Pike Co., Ill.; died Nov. 28, l993 at Caldwell, Idaho. Married (l) Mary Lucille Yokum. She was born Dec. 26, l903 in Pike Co., Ill. and died Dec. 27, l927. They had two children: Eugene and Deloris. Married (2) Barbara Ellen Elder. They had one child, Vance. Lived at New Canton, Ill.

7-l. Eugene Lee Pfrimmer. Born July 3l, l925 at New Canton, Ill. Married (l) June Mildred Hopkins in 1944; they were divorced in 1947. She was born June 4, l926 in Chicago, Ill. Two children, Kerry and Candace. They were divorced in l946 and the children were raised by foster parents. Married (2) Glenda Faye NN; they had one child, Katherine. Eugene Pfrimmer retired from the U.S. Army; he served with the Special Forices (Green Beret) in the Vietnam War. Lived (l998) P. O. Box 28, l0l First St. Marsing, ID, 83639.

8-1. Candace Lee Pfrimmer. Born Jan. l7, l945, Chicago, Ill. Married (1) Ali Samim in 1966. He was born in , Iran. They had two children, Yasmin and Zian. Divorced; married (2) John Klemann. Lived (l997) 6l04 Lentz Rd., Quincy, Ill., 6230l; tel.: 217-656-3435.

9-l. Yasmin Rue Samin. Born Nov. 2, 1966. Married (1) Jerry McArthur and had two children, Nicholas Evan and Sarah Elizbeth Lee. Married (2) Steve Evans.

10-1. Nicholas Evan McArthur. Born Sept. 6, 1987.

10-2. Sarah Elizabeth Lee McArthur. Born May 9, 1989. 339

9-2. Gian Samin. Born Dec. 6, 1972. Lived (2001) in Las Vegas, Nev.; not married.

8-2. Kerry Eugene Pfrimmer. Born Feb. 8, l946. Married about 1972; divorced in 2000. No children. In 2001 lived in Atlanta, Ga.

8-3. Katherine L. Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 9, l950.

7-2. Deloris Eleanor Pfrimmer. Born in l927 and died l995. Married Lawrence Smith. One child, Deborah.

8-l. Deborah Ruth Smith. Married David Younggren. They had two daughters, Amy and Sarah. Lived (l998) 9739 East Ida Circle, Englewood, Co., 80lll.

9-l. Amy Younggren.

9-2. Sarah Younggren.

7-3. Ronald Vance Pfrimmer. Born Aug. l5, l937 at Quincy, Ill.; died Mar. l3, l992 at Melbourne, Fla. Married Judith Mae Rost June l9, l960 at Hannibal, Mo. Two children, Charles and Tamara.

8-l. Charles Lee Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 9, l96l at Keokuk, Iowa. Married Harriette Sandra Clark Feb. l9, l982 at Belleville, Ill. Two children, Joseph and Jennifer. Charles Lee Pfrimmer enlisted in the Air Force after high school and served two hitches as a Law Enforcement Specialist and Supervisor in the Air Force Security Police. Was overseas four years in Turkey and Italy and four in the U.S. at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois and Davis-Monthan Air Foce Base in Tucson, Ariz. Charles and Sandra met in the service and they were together in Italy. After his second enlistment he decided to get out of the regular Air Force and moved to Melbourne, Florida where his father had moved in l978. He joined the Brevard County Sheriff's Office in l988 where he was Deputy Sheriff. He also enlisted in the Air Force Reserve and was as signed to the Security Police Squadron at Patrick Air Force Base in Brevard County. He took and finished an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice in l994. Charles became much interested in family history. He and Mary Rosen winkel are the two main genealogists of the family of John George Pfrimmer, Jr. of Pike County, Illinois.

9-l. Joseph Charles Pfrimmer. Born Mar. 30, l992 at Melbourne, Fla.

9-2. Jennifer Lynn Pfrimmer. Born June 5, 1998 at Melbourne, Fla.

8-2. Tamara Lynn Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 2, l96l. Married Robert Gulker April 7, l988. Two children, Robert and Caitlin. She served with the U.S. Air Force and graduated from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill. Lived (l997) 900 Miller Lane, Melbourne, Fla., 32934.

9-l. Robert Calvin Gulker. Born Aug. 5, l99l at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo.

9-2. Caitlin Nicole Gulker. Born Apr. 2, l993 in Melbourne, Fla.

6-6. Nellie Pfrimmer. Born Aug. l5, l904; died Feb. l5, l955.

6-7. Katharina Pfrimmer. Born Sept. 4, l906. Married Harvey Lewton Dec. l7, l923.

6-8. Charlotte Pfrimmer. Born Jan. ll, l9ll at New Canton, Ill.; died 340 April 28, l994 at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Married Kenneth Ward Kendrick. Lived (l997) l205 East 6th St., Okmulgee, Okla., 74447. One child, Nancy.

7-l. Nancy Kendrick. Married a Baylor and lived in Oklahoma.

6-9. Bernice Brammel Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 7, l9l3 and died Oct. l920.

4-7. Mary Jane Pfrimmer. Born Jan. 29, l839, Pike County, Illinois; died June 28, l928, Louisiana, Mo. Married Moses L. Stanley, son of James Stanley, Apr. 23, l885 at Pittsfield, Pike Co., Ill. He was born about l833 at New Canton, Ill. and died Aug. 2, l880 at New Canton. They had six children: Martha, Elizabeth, Lula, Sylvia, Samuel and Clarence. Moses Stanley was in the Civil War.

5-l. Martha Stanley. Born l860 New Canton, Ill.

5-2. Elizabeth Stanley. Born l862 New Canton, Ill.

5-3. Lula Emiline Stanley. Born June 9, l866, New Canton, Ill. Married Raina Murphy.

5-4. Sylvia Jane Stanley. Born Feb. 9, l869; died May l9, l94l. Married Monroe J. Quaite in l885. Eight children: Samuel, Harry, William, Maude, Nonie, Ann, Mary and Dewey.

6-l. Samuel J. Quaite. Died Jan. 26, l9l9 in World War I.

6-2. Harry Quaite. Born Apr. 29, l892 in Missouri; died Mar. 2, l972.

6-3. William H. Quaite. Born Feb. 2l, l888 in Missouri; died l964 in Pike Co., Mo. Married Josephine L. Bradley. They had four children, William, Maynard, Aarol and Robert.

7-l. William H. Quaite, Jr. Born Feb. 2l, l922.

7-2. Maynard E. Quaite. Born Sept. 2, l926; died Nov. l976. Married Millie. One child, Michael.

8-l. Michael Quaite.

7-3. Aarol H. Quaite. Born Dec. 7, l927.

7-4. Robert L. Quaite. Born l933.

6-4. Maude Quaite. Born Apr. l885 in Missouri.

6-5. Nonie E. Quaite. Born Sept. l894 in Missouri. Married Porter Elliott, son of Joel Elliott and Margaret. Five children: James, Willard, Velma, Ruby and Ruth.

7-l. James W. Elliott. Born about l9l3.

7-2. Willard Elliott. Born about l9l4.

7-3. Velma T. Elliott. Born l9l6.

7-4. Ruby C. Elliott. Born l9l9.

7-5. Ruth C. Ellott. Born l9l9.

6-6. Ann Quaite. 341

6-7. Marry (Marcy?) H. Quaite. Born June l896.

6-8. Dewey B. Quaite. Born Aug. l898.

5-5. Samuel Noland Stanley. Born Apr. 3, l87l, New Canton, Ill.; died Nov. 6, l953 Hannibal, Mo. Married Louise Elizabeth Tiller, daughter of George Warren Tiller and Cordelia F. Halley, May 3, l892. She was born Oct. l9, l870 in Macon Co., Mo. and died May 7, l957 in Ralls Co., Mo. They had nine children, Troy, George, Eva, Ralph, Guy, Mary, Myrtle, Samuel and John.

6-l. Troy Everett Stanley. Born Jan. l893; died Dec. 9, l963 in Ralls Co., Mo. Married Fanny Rosenberg.

6-2. George Warren Stanley. Born Sept. 30, l895 in Louisiana, Mo.; died Mar. 30, l975 at Hannibal, Mo. Married Iva Ratliff, daughter of Samuel Tar liff and Sarah Todd, Nov. l9, l9l9 in Hannibal, Mo. They had two children, Kathlyn and Mary.

7-l. Kathlyn Stanley. An adopted child.

7-2. Mary Virginia Standley. Born l920 and died l922, Hannibal, Mo.

6-3. Eva Lee Stanley. Born Jan. 3l, l898 in Pike Co., Ill.; died May 2l, l977, Ironton, Mo. Married Perry Anderson Lowe, Sr., son of Samuel Lowe, Nov. 5, l9l4. He was born in l895 and died in l952. Four children, Helen, Perry, Hildreth and Kathleen.

7-l. Helen Gertrude Lowe. Born July l3, l9l5, Ralls Co., Mo. Married (l) Terry Gemmer, (2) Stanley Spara, (3) Stanley Hamilton and (4) George Allen Hammer June 9, l933 in Hannibal, Mo. One child, George.

8-l. George Samuel Hammer. Born Dec. l0, l934, Ralls Co. Mo. Mar ried Joan Delia Denomme. She was born l932. Six children: George,Evelyn, Mary, Carol, Helen and Michael.

9-l. George Kenneth Hammer. Born Sept. 8, l954.

9-2. Evelyn Marie Hammer. Born Aug. 3, l955.

9-3. Mary Louise Hammer. Born Aug. l, l956.

9-4. Carol Joan Hammer. Born Dec. 25, l959.

9-5. Helen Ann Hammer. Born May l3, l960.

9-6. Michael Lee Hammer. Born Aug. 9, l96l.

8-2. Perry Anderson Lowe, Jr. Born Feb. 8, l9l7, Ralls Co., Mo.; died Apr. 27, l989, Mexico, Mo. Married Lula Mae Ellyson. She was born l9l5. Two children, Perry and Lisa.

9-l. Perry Anderson Lowe III. Born Aug. 27, l943, Hannibal, Mo. Married Ruth Ellen Parsons, daughter of Lewis Parsons and Mary Peters, Jan. 3, l968 in Mexico, Mo. She was born l946. Two children, Patrick and Samuel.

l0-l. Patrick Anderson Lowe. Born Aug. 24, l968.

l0-2. Samuel Edward Lowe. Born Oct. 27, l972.

9-2. Lisa Lowe. Born July 20, l953.

342 8-3. Hildreth Lowe.

8-4. Kathleen Lowe.

6-4. Ralph W. Stanley. Born Mar. 8, l900, Louisiana, Mo.; died June 8, l956, Hannibal, Mo. Married Leona. One child.

6-5. Guy Thomas Stanley. Born Mar. 8, l900, Louisiana, Mo.; died Oct. 29, l965. Married Margaret.

6-6. Mary Etta Stanley. Born Jan.2, l903 Ralls Co., Mo.; died Aug. l6, l963, Bland, Mo. Married James Garret Johnson, son of James Johnson and Martha Northcut, Dec. 2, l903 in Oakwood, Marion Co., Mo. Two children, Ferol and William.

7-l. Ferol Marie Johnson. Born Jan. 29, l92l. Married Kenneth Ku cera.

7-2. William Stanley Johnson. Born June 6, l922, Hannibal, Mo. Married Virginia Esther Evans, daughter of Oscar Evans and Lily Aufderheide, Sept. 4, l944, Hermann, Casconade Co., Mo. Two children, Steven and Deborah.

8-l. Steven Douglas Johnson. Born Jan. 23, l946, Washington, Mo.; married Linda McGowen in New York, N. Y.

8-2. Deborah Kay Johnson. Born June 8, l948, Riverside, Calif. Married James Mooney.

6-7. Myrtle Marie Stanley. Born Aug. 8, l904 New London, Mo. Married (l) Raleigh Wellington "Chub" Dunbar, son of Joseph Dunbar and Jessie Gardner, Sept. 8, l923, Hannibal, Mo. Two children, Mary and Robert. Married (2) Harold Weaver Sept. l7, l979 in Hannibal, Mo.

7-1. Robert Wellington Dunbar. Born Dec. l3, l926, Milwaukee, Wis. Married June Piske, Oct. 7, l950 at Roselle, Ill. She was born l930. Four children, Jenny, Joan, Carey and Robert.

8-l. Jenny Lynn Dunbar. Born l955. Married George Pompe.

8-2. Joan Louise Dunbar. Born l958. Married Richard Dale Kesler. One child, Kaitlyn.

9-l. Kaitlyn Emily Dunbar Kesler. Born l993.

8-3. Carey June Dunbar. Born l959.

8-4. Robert Edwin Dunbar. Born l966.

7-2. Mary Ann Dunbar. Born Dec. l0, l930, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Arvin Christ Rosenwinkel, July 4, l953, Addison, Ill. He was born l9l8. Three children, Linda, Lori and Karen. E-mail address (l997) .

8-l. Linda Lou Rosenwinkel. Born July 28, l954, Elmhurst, Ill. Married Thomas Rees Jones at Quincy, Ill.

8-2. Lori Lee Rosenwinkel. Born May 24, l956, Elmhurst, Ill. Mar ried (l) Douglas McBain in Kansas City, Mo. Married (2) James Chester McKier nan, Jr. son of James McKiernan and Ann Gee, Nov. 2, l985, Kansas City, Mo. He was born in l954. They had one child, Gillian.

343 9-l. Gillian Leigh McKiernan. Born Jan. 20, l990, Denver, Colo.

8-3. Karen Sue Rosenwinkel. Born Nov. 9, l958, Elmhurst, Ill. Married Michael John Maher, son of Cyril Maher and Margaret Hindes, Mar. l0, l995, Chicago, Ill. They had one child, Olivia.

9-l. Olivia Noel Maher. Born Dec. l3, l997.

6-8. Samuel Marvin Stanley. Born Oct. 3l, l906 in Missouri; died Apr. ll, l972, Mequon, Wis. Married Eleanor Rathke June l, l93l, Wauakegan, Ill. Three children, Joan, Georgie and Marvin.

7-l. Joan Esther Stanley. Born Feb. l6, l932, Milwaukee, Wis. Mar ried Adolph Hans Widowit Sept. l9, l953, Milwaukee, Wis.

7-2. Georgie Ann Stanley. Born July l8, l933, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Loren A. Matasek, soon of Harold Matasek and Eleanor, May 30, l953, Milwaukee, Wis. He was born l932. Four children, James, Jo Ann, Thomas and Todd.

8-l. James A. Matasek. Born Nov. l7, l955, Brown Deer, Wis.; died at Brown Deer, Wis.

8-2. Jo Ann Matasek. Born Dec. 3, l957, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Stephen Kircher. Two children, Lori and Richard.

9-l. Lori Matasek.

9-2. Richard Kircher.

8-3. Thomas A. Matasek. Born Aug. l4, l960, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Lori Ann Jacklin. Two children, Jennifer and Tyler.

9-l. Jennifer Matasek. Born June 22, l982.

9-2. Tyler Matasek. Born July 2, l993.

8-4. Todd Stanley Matasek. Born Sept. 26 l960, Brown Deer, Wis.

7-3. Marvin Samuel Stanley. Born July 25, l949, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Cheryl Ann Dickmann, daughter of Anthony Dickmann and Pearl Schroeder, Feb. 29, l984. He was born l956. Two children, Savannah and Payge.

8-l. Savannah Whitney Stanley. Born Oct. ll, l985.

8-2. Payge Aryan Stanley. Born June 2l, l988.

6-9. John Robert Stanley. Born Feb. 9, l9l0 in Missouri. Died Feb. 26, l980, Fon du Lac, Wis. Married Clara Esther Marks, Nov. 6, l93l, Waukegan, Ill. Three children, Virginia, John and Thomas.

7-l. Virginia Mae Stanley. Born Nov. 25, l932, Milwaukee, Wis. Mar ried Frederick Thomas Schultz June l6, l95l at Fond du Lack, Wis. He was born l930. Two children, Cynthia and Jay.

8-l. Cynthia Ann Stanley. Born Mar. 3, l954. Married a Desotelle. One child, Andrea.

9-l. Andrea Clare Desotelle. Born May l5, l975.

8-2. Jay Thomas Stanley. Born Dec. l3, l959.

7-2. John Robert "Jack" Stanley. Born Feb. l, l938, Beloit, Wis. 344 Married Mary Margaret Mengel Aug. 27, l960, Fond du Lack, Wis. She was born l940. Two children, John and Lori.

8-l. John Robert Stanley III. Born Aug. l, l96l, Tucson, Ariz. Married Teresa Lynn Knight Aug. 9, l986 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Four children, Kyle, Kristen, Jamie and Jeffrey.

9-l. Kyle Matthew Stanley. Born Sept. 9, l989.

9-2. Kristen Leigh Stanley. Born Feb. 22, l992.

9-3. Jamie Renee Stanley. Born April 7, l994.

9-4. Jeffrey Alan Stanley. Born April 7, l994.

8-2. Lori Jean Stanley. Born July ll, l963, Tucson, Ariz. Married Steven Craig Randall. One child, Kylee.

9-l. Kylee Joran Randall. Born Aug. 3l, l994.

7-3. Thomas Richard Stanley. Married Mitzi Brandsey July l8, l959. Three children, Craig, Cari and Collette.

8-l. Craig Thomas Stanley. Born Jan. 2l, Janesville, Wis. l963. Married (l) Debbie Jane Earl Dec. l8, l98l. Married (2) Tosha Valinda Bowman Aug. l4, l987, Tulsa, Okla. She was born l967. Three children, David, Drew, and Aubrey.

9-l. David Andrew Stanley. Born Jan. 27, l983.

9-2. Drew Thomas Stanley. Born Jan. 25, l990.

9-3. Aubrey Nicole Stanley. Born Mar. 27, l994.

8-2. Cari Lynn Stanley. Born Oct. 24, l964.

8-3. Collette Stanley. Born July 9, l967.

5-6. Clarence Edward Stanley. Born Feb. 23, l876, New Canton, Ill.; died Dec. 30, l982, Milwaukee, Wis. Married Rhoda C. Turnbaugh, daughter of Jabez Turnbaugh and Louvina. June 27, l896 in Pike Co., Mo. Three children, Moses, William and Harry.

6-l. Moses Stanley II. Born May 28, l897 in Louisiana, Mo.; died Nov. l969 in Kansas. Married Myrtle NN.

6-2. Samuel E. Stanley. Died Oct. l3, l98l in Wisconsin.

6-3. Harry Stanley. Died Oct. l3, l893, Milwaukee Co., Wis.

4-8. Columbus Pfrimmer. Born July 30, l84l; died Oct. 9, l842.

4-9. Andrew Pfrimmer. Born Dec. 6, l846. Married Jane Palmer. Five child ren, of whom four were Fanny, Alice Ella and George.

5-l. Fanny Pfrimmer. Married a Fisher.

5-2. Ella Pfrimmer. She is buried in Quincy, Ill. Married Will (W.S.) Davis. He died about 1911. They had several children, probably about five. It is not known if she remarried. Will died fairly young and Ella had to put all of the children out for adoption in the Woodland Home for Children in Quincy, Ill., which opened in l853. Some of its records were destroyed in a fire but records for 1910-13 which survived 345 contined information about the Davis children. The Davis children were admitted about 1910. The children were put up for adoption in 1911, and hence it is assumed that that is about the time that Will Davis died.

6-l. Alfred Davis. Born in 1902. He was adopted by Mrs. R. P. Turner of Quincy, Ill. , RR #7, May 23, 1911. He was in the Navy and was discharged Aug. 21, 1920; contracted TB while in the Navy. Lived in Denver where he died in 1974. Married and had three children.

6-2. Charles Davis. Was taken and cared for by Miss Allice Biddleston of Taylor, Mo., Apr. 11, 1911. Died in Quincy, Ill. sometime between l963 and l965 and was buried in New Canton, Ill.

6-3. Mary Ida Davis. Born Sept. 15, 1904 in New Canton, Ill. (Birth record #3, File #9-28-1904); died Jan. 8, 1990 in Houston, TX and was buried in Shreveport, LA. He was born in l903 in Winchester, IL and died Sept. 14, 1979; buried in Shreveport, LA. Mary Ida Davis was adopted (not legally) by Charles and Sophie McCormick family of Quincy, Ill., June 30, 1911. Report of the president of the Home that the mother should not be told where the child was. Her name was legally changed to Mary Caroline McCormick in 1926. Married Horace Thomas Schillinger Nov. 11, 1926 in Mt. Sterling, IL.

7-l. Daughter, died at birth.

7-2. Floyd Horace Schillinger. Born Nov. 29, 1931, Quincy, IL. Married (l) Lorese Vine; (2) Betty Boyler; (3) Whiffield Scudder; (4) Juanita. He had no children.

7-3. Charles John Schillinger. Born July 11, 1935 in Quincy, IL. Married (1) Carolyn Rucker. They had three children, Vicki, Karen and Carol. Married (2) Dorothy Cooper; they had one child, Donna, and (3) Dolly. In 2001 he lived in Shreveport, LA.

8-l. Vicki Schillinger.

8-2. Karen Schillinger.

8-3. Carol Schillinger. Married and had three children and two grandchildren.

8-4. Donna Schillinger.

7-4. Shirley Ann Schillinger. Born Jan. 4, 1944 in Quincy, IL. Married Charles Michael Miller of Hannibal, Mo. In 1962. Two children, David and Thomas. She lived (2001) at Kemah, TX and was a purchsing agennt for Penreco-Dickinson, TX.

8-1. David Charles Miller. Born Aug. 9, 1963, Quincy, IL. Married Shelly Irene Odabrosky. One child, Robert. Lived (2001) at Decatur, IL.

9-1. Robert Charles Miller. Born 1989 at Virginia Beach, Va.

8-2. Thomas Franklin Miller. Born Apr. 9, 1968 at Shreveport, LA. Married Stephanie McClelland. One daughter, Kaitlyn. Lived (2001 at Houston, TX.

9-1. Kaitlyn Ann Miller. Born Oct. 12, 1994.

6-4. Martha Davis. Records of the Woodland Home indicates that she was operated on Apr. 6, 1911. Taken by Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Buck of LaPlata, Mo.

6-5. Edward Davis. On June 5, 1911, the president of the Home spoke of wanting to find a home for Edward Davis because he was such a good baby. Taken from the Home July 29, 1913, name of family not known. 346

5-3. Alice Pfrimmer. Born about l868.

5-4. George Pfrimmer. Born about l870.

5-5. Martha.